=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= miranda v3.3a microRNA Target Scanning Algorithm =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= (c) 2003 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York Authors: Anton Enright, Bino John, Chris Sander and Debora Marks (mirnatargets (at) cbio.mskcc.org - reaches all authors) Software written by: Anton Enright Distributed for anyone to use under the GNU Public License (GPL), See the files 'COPYING' and 'LICENSE' for details If you use this software please cite: Enright AJ, John B, Gaul U, Tuschl T, Sander C and Marks DS; (2003) Genome Biology; 5(1):R1. miranda comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; type `miranda --license' for details. Current Settings: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Query Filename: all_mir_human.txt Reference Filename: NC_045512.2.fasta Gap Open Penalty: -9.000000 Gap Extend Penalty: -4.000000 Score Threshold: 140.000000 Energy Threshold: 1.000000 kcal/mol Scaling Parameter: 4.000000 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Read Sequence:hsa-miR-576-3p MIMAT0004796(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-576-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2009 to 2030 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cuAAGGUUAAAAAGGUGUAGAa 5' | |:| | |:||||||| Ref: 5' gaTGCTATGATGTTCACATCTg 3' Energy: -14.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-576-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -14.48 2 21 2009 2030 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:213 to 235 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' cuaaGGUUA-AAAAGGUGUAGAa 5' ||:|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gcagCCGATCATCAGCACATCTa 3' Energy: -14.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-576-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.62 2 19 213 235 18 66.67% 72.22% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-576-3p NC_045512.2 297.00 -29.10 152.00 -14.62 1 22 29903 2009 213 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-140-5p MIMAT0000431(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-140-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24191 to 24212 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gaUGGUAUCCCAUUUUGGUGAc 5' :::| ||||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' ctGTTAGCGGGTACAATCACTt 3' Energy: -19.969999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-140-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -19.97 2 21 24191 24212 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:4229 to 4250 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' gaugguaucccAUUUUGGUGAc 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' acagacaattaTATAACCACTt 3' Energy: -12.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-140-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.00 2 12 4229 4250 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:17866 to 17887 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' gaugguaucccAUUUUGGUGAc 5' | |||||||| Ref: 5' gtcatattcacTCAAACCACTg 3' Energy: -16.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-140-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.68 2 12 17866 17887 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:1265 to 1286 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' gaugguaucCCAUUUUGGUGAc 5' | ||||:||||| Ref: 5' ggcgattttGTTAAAGCCACTt 3' Energy: -12.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-140-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.69 2 14 1265 1286 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10989 to 11010 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' gaUGGUAUCCCAU-UUUGGUGAc 5' |:|| |||||| | |||||| Ref: 5' caATCA-AGGGTACACACCACTg 3' Energy: -25.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-140-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -25.08 2 21 10989 11010 20 80.00% 85.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-140-5p NC_045512.2 724.00 -86.42 148.00 -25.08 2 22 29903 24191 4229 17866 1265 10989 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-522-5p MIMAT0005451(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-522-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14515 to 14536 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (66.67%) Query: 3' gucUUUCGCGAAGGGAGAUCUc 5' || : | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtaAACTTACATAGCTCTAGAc 3' Energy: -10.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-522-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.26 2 20 14515 14536 18 61.11% 66.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26430 to 26452 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gucUUUCG-CGAAGGGAGAUCUc 5' ||| | | |:|:|||||| Ref: 5' taaAAATCTGAATTCTTCTAGAg 3' Energy: -17.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-522-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.82 2 20 26430 26452 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-522-5p NC_045512.2 285.00 -28.08 143.00 -17.82 3 22 29903 14515 26430 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1298-5p MIMAT0005800(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1298-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-133a-3p MIMAT0000427(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-133a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:21763 to 21784 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gucgaccaacuucCCCUGGUUu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tatacatgtctctGGGACCAAt 3' Energy: -13.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-133a-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.98 2 10 21763 21784 8 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-133a-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.98 145.00 -13.98 5 22 29903 21763 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4743-3p MIMAT0022978(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4743-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:29415 to 29434 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gaccUGGUCUUUUCUGUCUUu 5' ||| | |:|||||||| Ref: 5' ccttACC-GCAGAGACAGAAg 3' Energy: -19.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4743-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -19.20 2 18 29415 29434 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:27737 to 27757 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' gaccuggUCUUUUCUGUCUUu 5' | :|||||||||| Ref: 5' cactcaaAAGAAAGACAGAAt 3' Energy: -14.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4743-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -14.87 2 15 27737 27757 13 84.62% 92.31% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4743-3p NC_045512.2 317.00 -34.07 159.00 -19.20 6 21 29903 29415 27737 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-557 MIMAT0003221(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-557 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 168.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:2249 to 2272 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ucUGUUCCG-GGUGGGCACGUUUg 5' |||| : :||||:||||||| Ref: 5' ggACAAATTGTCACCTGTGCAAAg 3' Energy: -27.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-557 NC_045512.2 168.00 -27.08 2 22 2249 2272 21 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:15071 to 15093 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' ucuguuccgGGUGGGCACGUUUg 5' |||:: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaagtatgCCATTAGTGCAAAg 3' Energy: -15.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-557 NC_045512.2 154.00 -15.60 2 15 15071 15093 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24520 to 24540 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucuGUUCCGGGUGGGCACGUUUg 5' ::||||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' agtTGAGGCTGA--AGTGCAAAt 3' Energy: -19.799999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-557 NC_045512.2 149.00 -19.80 2 21 24520 24540 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:14353 to 14376 Align Len (15) (60.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' ucuguuccGGGUG-GGCACGUUUg 5' :|::| ::||||||| Ref: 5' agatgcatTCTGCATTGTGCAAAc 3' Energy: -18.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-557 NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.66 2 16 14353 14376 15 60.00% 93.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:29594 to 29618 Align Len (22) (59.09%) (81.82%) Query: 3' ucUGUUCCGGGUGGG--CACGUUUg 5' |:| |:|:||:| |||||:| Ref: 5' atATATAGTCTACTCTTGTGCAGAa 3' Energy: -19.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-557 NC_045512.2 144.00 -19.68 2 22 29594 29618 22 59.09% 81.82% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:29792 to 29815 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucugUUC-CGGGUGGGCACGUUUg 5' ||| |||| :|||:||| Ref: 5' atggAAGAGCCCTAATGTGTAAAa 3' Energy: -20.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-557 NC_045512.2 142.00 -20.85 2 20 29792 29815 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-557 NC_045512.2 903.00 -121.67 168.00 -27.08 7 23 29903 2249 15071 24520 14353 29594 29792 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548ao-3p MIMAT0021030(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548ao-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11048 to 11070 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' acGUUUUCAUCAG-UGCCAGAAa 5' | |:|||| || |:|||||| Ref: 5' gtCCAGAGTACTCAATGGTCTTt 3' Energy: -19.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ao-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -19.43 2 21 11048 11070 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:10124 to 10145 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' acguuuucaucAGUGCCAGAAa 5' | |||||||| Ref: 5' acaactacactTAACGGTCTTt 3' Energy: -15.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ao-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.23 2 12 10124 10145 10 90.00% 90.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548ao-3p NC_045512.2 302.00 -34.66 155.00 -19.43 8 22 29903 11048 10124 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5088-5p MIMAT0021080(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5088-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1840 to 1862 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ggaggUAGGUUAGGGACUCGGGAc 5' | :|||| |||||:||| Ref: 5' acagaAATCAAT-ACTGAGTCCTc 3' Energy: -21.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5088-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -21.43 2 20 1840 1862 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:29781 to 29805 Align Len (21) (57.14%) (71.43%) Query: 3' ggaGGUAGGU-UAGGGACUCGGGAc 5' |:: |:| || ||||||| Ref: 5' gagCTGCCTATATGGAAGAGCCCTa 3' Energy: -15.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5088-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.95 2 22 29781 29805 21 57.14% 71.43% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5088-5p NC_045512.2 289.00 -37.38 145.00 -21.43 9 24 29903 1840 29781 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4649-5p MIMAT0019711(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4649-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-665 MIMAT0004952(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-665 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:22299 to 22318 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uccccggAGUCGGAGGACCa 5' |: | ||||||| Ref: 5' gaagttaTTTGACTCCTGGt 3' Energy: -16.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-665 NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.29 2 14 22299 22318 12 75.00% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-665 NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.29 145.00 -16.29 11 20 29903 22299 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3622b-3p MIMAT0018006(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3622b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:10942 to 10962 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guccgugcccuCGAGUCCACu 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' tgttagacaatGCTCAGGTGt 3' Energy: -20.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3622b-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -20.17 2 11 10942 10962 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:11485 to 11505 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guccgugcccucGAGUCCACu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tacttctaactaCTCAGGTGt 3' Energy: -16.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3622b-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.14 2 10 11485 11505 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:25890 to 25910 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' guccgugcccUCGAGUCCACu 5' | :||||||| Ref: 5' aattgtcattACTTCAGGTGa 3' Energy: -15.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3622b-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.19 2 12 25890 25910 10 80.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:13959 to 13979 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' guccGUGCCCUCGAGUCCACu 5' :||| | ||:||||| Ref: 5' cgtaTACGCCAACTTAGGTGa 3' Energy: -19.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3622b-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.20 2 18 13959 13979 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:5426 to 5445 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gucCGUGCCCUCGAGUCCACu 5' |:| | ||| |:||||| Ref: 5' acaGTAGGTGAG-TTAGGTGa 3' Energy: -22.549999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3622b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -22.55 2 19 5426 5445 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:27081 to 27100 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' gucCGUGCCCUCGAGUCCAcu 5' ||| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' gtaGCAGGTGA-CTCAGGTtt 3' Energy: -19.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3622b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.03 3 19 27081 27100 16 81.25% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3622b-3p NC_045512.2 859.00 -112.28 150.00 -22.55 12 21 29903 10942 11485 25890 13959 5426 27081 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4493 MIMAT0019028(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4493 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1250-5p MIMAT0005902(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1250-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:24714 to 24734 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uuuccGGUGUAGGUCGUGGca 5' || || :||||||| Ref: 5' ccttcCCTCAGTCAGCACCtc 3' Energy: -18.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1250-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.57 3 17 24714 24734 14 78.57% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1250-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.57 140.00 -18.57 14 21 29903 24714 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3622a-5p MIMAT0018003(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3622a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:8844 to 8867 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gaguggACUCGAG--GGCACGGAc 5' ||:|:|: :||||||| Ref: 5' gagaagTGGGTTTTGTCGTGCCTg 3' Energy: -24.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3622a-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -24.79 2 17 8844 8867 17 64.71% 88.24% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:26194 to 26215 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' gaguggacucGAGGGCACGGAc 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' acgacgactaCTAGCGTGCCTt 3' Energy: -16.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3622a-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.79 2 13 26194 26215 11 81.82% 81.82% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3622a-5p NC_045512.2 295.00 -41.58 151.00 -24.79 15 22 29903 8844 26194 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-381-3p MIMAT0000736(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-381-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8319 to 8341 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uguCUCUCGAA-CGGGAACAUAu 5' | || ||| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' cccGTGACCTTGGTGCTTGTATt 3' Energy: -14.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-381-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -14.56 2 20 8319 8341 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:11803 to 11824 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugucucucgaacgGGAACAUAu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tgttggtggcaaaCCTTGTATc 3' Energy: -13.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-381-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.31 2 10 11803 11824 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:17886 to 17907 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ugUCUCUCGAACGGGAACAUau 5' | | |||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' tgAAACAGCTCACTCTTGTAat 3' Energy: -13.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-381-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.72 3 21 17886 17907 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:7474 to 7495 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugucucucgaacggGAACAUAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgtaattcatcaaCTTGTATg 3' Energy: -9.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-381-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.31 2 9 7474 7495 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:26768 to 26788 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ugucUCUCGAACGGGAACAUau 5' | :||||| :|||||| Ref: 5' cgcaATGGCTTG-TCTTGTAgg 3' Energy: -16.280001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-381-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.28 3 19 26768 26788 16 75.00% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-381-3p NC_045512.2 727.00 -67.18 158.00 -16.28 16 22 29903 8319 11803 17886 7474 26768 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4709-3p MIMAT0019812(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4709-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:24011 to 24033 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cgAUGUCUCGUGGAGGAGAAGUu 5' ||: || |:|| ||:|||| Ref: 5' ttTATTGAAGATCTACTTTTCAa 3' Energy: -15.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4709-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.48 2 22 24011 24033 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:3153 to 3175 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' cgaugucucgugGAGGAGAAGUu 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgccacttctgCTGCTCTTCAa 3' Energy: -16.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4709-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.78 2 12 3153 3175 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14610 to 14632 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgaUGUCUCGUGGAGGAGAAGUu 5' ||: | :|| | ||:|||| Ref: 5' taaACGCACTACGTGCTTTTCAg 3' Energy: -15.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4709-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.20 2 21 14610 14632 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:25868 to 25891 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (80.95%) Query: 3' cgAUG-UCUCGUGGAGGAGAAGUu 5' ||| | ||::: |:|||||| Ref: 5' ctTACAATAGTGTAACTTCTTCAa 3' Energy: -17.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4709-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.75 2 22 25868 25891 21 61.90% 80.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:27483 to 27505 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cgAUGUCUCGUGGAG-GAGAAGuu 5' || | || ||||: |||||| Ref: 5' ttTA-AAAGAACCTTGCTCTTCtg 3' Energy: -15.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4709-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.67 3 22 27483 27505 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9876 to 9898 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' cgaUGUCUCGUGGA-GGAGAAGUu 5' |:||| :||:| |||||:| Ref: 5' ataATAGA-TACTTAGCTCTTTAt 3' Energy: -16.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4709-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.79 2 21 9876 9898 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:12349 to 12369 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cgAUGUCUCGUGGAGGAGAAGUu 5' |:|||| || | ||:|||| Ref: 5' taTGCAGA-CA-ATGCTTTTCAc 3' Energy: -15.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4709-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.80 2 22 12349 12369 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:25998 to 26020 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cgAUGUCUCGUGGAGGAGAAGUu 5' |||| ||: ||:| ||||| Ref: 5' atTACACAGTTACTTCACTTCAg 3' Energy: -20.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4709-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.40 2 22 25998 26020 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:1849 to 1867 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cgAUGUCUCGUGGAGGAGAAGUu 5' ||| ||| |||||||:| Ref: 5' aaTACTGAG----TCCTCTTTAt 3' Energy: -16.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4709-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.93 2 22 1849 1867 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19007 to 19029 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cgaUGUCUCGUGGAGGAGAAGUu 5' ||| | : || :|||||| Ref: 5' cagACAAATTCCCAGTTCTTCAc 3' Energy: -13.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4709-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.27 2 21 19007 19029 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:22309 to 22331 Align Len (15) (60.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' cgaugucUCGUGGAGGAGAAGUu 5' :|:: :||:|||||| Ref: 5' gactcctGGTGATTCTTCTTCAg 3' Energy: -19.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4709-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.22 2 17 22309 22331 15 60.00% 93.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4709-3p NC_045512.2 1569.00 -183.29 149.00 -20.40 17 23 29903 24011 3153 14610 25868 27483 9876 12349 25998 1849 19007 22309 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7159-5p MIMAT0028228(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7159-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3267 to 3286 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ggUAGGAUGUGGGAACAACUu 5' ||:| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' ctATTC-AAACAATTGTTGAg 3' Energy: -17.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7159-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -17.25 2 20 3267 3286 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10594 to 10615 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gguAGGAUGUGG-GAACAACUu 5' |: |: ||| :||||||| Ref: 5' cttTTATGGACCTTTTGTTGAc 3' Energy: -13.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7159-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -13.21 2 19 10594 10615 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17565 to 17586 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ggUAGGAUG-UGGGAACAACUu 5' :||||:| : ||||||| Ref: 5' ttGTCCTGCTGAAATTGTTGAc 3' Energy: -16.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7159-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.79 2 20 17565 17586 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:20511 to 20532 Align Len (17) (58.82%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gguaGGA-UGUGGGAACAACUu 5' |:| |:: ::||||||| Ref: 5' attaCTTGATGATTTTGTTGAa 3' Energy: -15.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7159-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -15.26 2 18 20511 20532 17 58.82% 88.24% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:14428 to 14448 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (84.62%) Query: 3' gguaggaUGUGGGAACAACUu 5' | |: :||||||| Ref: 5' gtgagaaAAATATTTGTTGAt 3' Energy: -8.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7159-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -8.25 2 15 14428 14448 13 69.23% 84.62% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:26086 to 26106 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (70.59%) Query: 3' gguAGGAUGUGGGAACAACUu 5' | | |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' atcTACAATAAAATTGTTGAt 3' Energy: -14.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7159-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.76 2 19 26086 26106 17 64.71% 70.59% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1757 to 1777 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ggUAGGAUGUG-GGAACAACUu 5' ||:| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' gcATTC-AAACAAATTGTTGAa 3' Energy: -16.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7159-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.93 2 20 1757 1777 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8204 to 8224 Align Len (18) (55.56%) (72.22%) Query: 3' ggUAGGAUGUGGGAACAACUu 5' | |: | : : ||||||| Ref: 5' gaAACTAAAGATGTTGTTGAa 3' Energy: -12.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7159-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.26 2 20 8204 8224 18 55.56% 72.22% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:8174 to 8194 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gguaggauguggGAACAACUu 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' gctcggcaagggTTTGTTGAt 3' Energy: -10.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7159-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.40 2 10 8174 8194 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:14851 to 14871 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gguaggaugugggAACAACUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tttgtagttgaagTTGTTGAt 3' Energy: -7.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7159-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.78 2 9 14851 14871 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7159-5p NC_045512.2 1464.00 -132.89 153.00 -17.25 18 21 29903 3267 10594 17565 20511 14428 26086 1757 8204 8174 14851 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6738-5p MIMAT0027377(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6738-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:17116 to 17139 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ggGGA-CACGAGAAGAUGGGGAGc 5' ||| | |||| ||||||:|| Ref: 5' ggCCTAGCTCTCTACTACCCTTCt 3' Energy: -25.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6738-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -25.63 2 22 17116 17139 21 76.19% 80.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6738-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -25.63 156.00 -25.63 19 23 29903 17116 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-374b-3p MIMAT0004956(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-374b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 165.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19204 to 19224 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uuaCUAUUAUGUUGGACGAUUc 5' ||||: |:| |||||||| Ref: 5' gtcGATAG-ATATCCTGCTAAt 3' Energy: -15.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374b-3p NC_045512.2 165.00 -15.94 2 20 19204 19224 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5372 to 5392 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uuaCUAUUAUGUUGGACGAUUc 5' | |::|: || ||||||| Ref: 5' aggGCTGGTG-AAGCTGCTAAc 3' Energy: -12.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374b-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -12.16 2 20 5372 5392 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:28710 to 28732 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' uuacuauuaUGUU-GGACGAUUc 5' :||| |||||||| Ref: 5' ttggcacccGCAATCCTGCTAAc 3' Energy: -14.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374b-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -14.04 2 14 28710 28732 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:8443 to 8467 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uuacuaUUAUG--UUG-GACGAUUc 5' ||||| |:: ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaacaAATACGTAGTGCTGCTAAa 3' Energy: -12.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374b-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -12.71 2 17 8443 8467 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13079 to 13099 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' uuACUAUUAUGUUGGACGAUUc 5' || | :|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTGCT-GTAGATGCTGCTAAa 3' Energy: -9.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374b-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -9.01 2 21 13079 13099 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6059 to 6082 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (90.48%) Query: 3' uuACUAUUAUG--UUGGACGAUUc 5' ||||||||: ||::||||:| Ref: 5' tgTGATAATATCAAATTTGCTGAt 3' Energy: -18.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374b-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -18.08 2 21 6059 6082 21 71.43% 90.48% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24608 to 24631 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' uuaCUAUUA-UGUUG--GACGAUUc 5' || ||| | |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' gcaGA-AATCAGAGCTTCTGCTAAt 3' Energy: -10.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374b-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.50 2 20 24608 24631 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19755 to 19776 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uuacUAUUAUGUUGGACGAUUc 5' | || |: |||||:||| Ref: 5' taaaACAACATTACCTGTTAAt 3' Energy: -11.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374b-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.60 2 19 19755 19776 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24083 to 24103 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (89.47%) Query: 3' uuACUAUUAUGUUGGACGAUUc 5' ||:|:|||: : ||||||: Ref: 5' ctTGGTGATATTG-CTGCTAGa 3' Energy: -17.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374b-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.02 2 21 24083 24103 19 63.16% 89.47% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19843 to 19866 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uuaCUAU-UAUGUUG-GACGAUUc 5' |:|: : ||| : ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgGGTGTGGACATTGCTGCTAAt 3' Energy: -14.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374b-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.28 2 20 19843 19866 20 60.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:3579 to 3601 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uuacuaUUAUGUU-GGACGAUUc 5' :| |||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' taagcgGACACAATCTTGCTAAa 3' Energy: -12.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374b-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.32 2 17 3579 3601 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6710 to 6730 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uuACUAUUAUGUUGGACGAUUc 5' || ||:||||| || |||| Ref: 5' gtTGTTAGTACAA-CTACTAAc 3' Energy: -12.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374b-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.24 2 21 6710 6730 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13711 to 13734 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uuaCUAUUAUGUUG--GACGAUUc 5' ||| :| ||:| :|||||| Ref: 5' aagGATTGTCCAGCTGTTGCTAAa 3' Energy: -11.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374b-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.78 2 20 13711 13734 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11218 to 11239 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' uuACUAUUAUGU-UGGACGAUUc 5' ||:| ||:| :|||||||: Ref: 5' taTGGT-CTATATGCCTGCTAGt 3' Energy: -17.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374b-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.84 2 21 11218 11239 20 65.00% 85.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-374b-3p NC_045512.2 2069.00 -189.52 165.00 -18.08 20 22 29903 19204 5372 28710 8443 13079 6059 24608 19755 24083 19843 3579 6710 13711 11218 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6874-3p MIMAT0027649(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6874-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:521 to 541 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gauCUCAGUCUUGUCGUCUUGAc 5' ||| ::| :||||||||| Ref: 5' gttGAGCTGG--TAGCAGAACTc 3' Energy: -18.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6874-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -18.36 2 21 521 541 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:21609 to 21629 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' gaucucAGUCUUGUCGUCUUGAc 5' |:| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaatcTTACAAC--CAGAACTc 3' Energy: -10.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6874-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -10.65 2 18 21609 21629 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:24600 to 24623 Align Len (22) (77.27%) (81.82%) Query: 3' gaUCUC-A-GUCUUGUCGUCUUGAc 5' |||| | ||||| | ||||:|| Ref: 5' ttAGAGCTGCAGAA-ATCAGAGCTt 3' Energy: -22.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6874-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -22.40 2 22 24600 24623 22 77.27% 81.82% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:12871 to 12892 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' gaucucagucuUGUCGUCUUGAc 5' |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' tggtactatctATA-CAGAACTg 3' Energy: -15.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6874-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.08 2 13 12871 12892 11 81.82% 90.91% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6874-3p NC_045512.2 598.00 -66.49 157.00 -22.40 21 23 29903 521 21609 24600 12871 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-448 MIMAT0001532(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-448 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:12110 to 12131 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uacccuGUAGGAUGUAUACGUu 5' | ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' agttccCTTCCATCATATGCAg 3' Energy: -14.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-448 NC_045512.2 156.00 -14.78 2 17 12110 12131 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11302 to 11324 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uaccCUG-UAGGAUGUAUACGUu 5' ||| :| :||::|||||| Ref: 5' aaaaGACTGTGTTATGTATGCAt 3' Energy: -15.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-448 NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.35 2 19 11302 11324 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:27969 to 27990 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uacccUGUAGGAUGUAUACGUu 5' ||||| ||||||:| Ref: 5' actcaACATCAACCATATGTAg 3' Energy: -16.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-448 NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.52 2 18 27969 27990 16 75.00% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-448 NC_045512.2 446.00 -46.65 156.00 -16.52 22 22 29903 12110 11302 27969 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548s MIMAT0014987(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548s vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 165.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11507 to 11532 Align Len (22) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' uuuUAUUGAC-GU-C-AAAACCGGUa 5' | ||||| || | ||||||||| Ref: 5' gttACAACTGTCATGTTTTTGGCCAg 3' Energy: -19.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548s NC_045512.2 165.00 -19.42 2 21 11507 11532 22 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:6518 to 6541 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' uuUUAUUGACGUC-AAAACCGGUa 5' ||| || | || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaAATTACAGAAGAGGTTGGCCAc 3' Energy: -14.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548s NC_045512.2 156.00 -14.60 2 22 6518 6541 21 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:25192 to 25217 Align Len (23) (56.52%) (78.26%) Query: 3' uuUUAUUGACGUCA---AAACCGGUa 5' |||::| ::|| ||||||:| Ref: 5' aaAATGGCCATGGTACATTTGGCTAg 3' Energy: -14.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548s NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.40 2 22 25192 25217 23 56.52% 78.26% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548s NC_045512.2 461.00 -48.42 165.00 -19.42 23 23 29903 11507 6518 25192 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-515-5p MIMAT0002826(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-515-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:341 to 364 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (70.59%) Query: 3' gucuuuCACGAAAGAAAACCUCUu 5' || | | |||||||| Ref: 5' gtgctcGTACGTGGCTTTGGAGAc 3' Energy: -14.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-515-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.03 2 19 341 364 17 70.59% 70.59% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:1565 to 1588 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gucuuucacgaAAGAAAACCUCUu 5' | :| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaccatacaggTGTTGTTGGAGAa 3' Energy: -18.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-515-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.88 2 14 1565 1588 12 75.00% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:20107 to 20130 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' gucUUUCACGAAAGAAAACCUCUu 5' ::||| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' aatGGAGTCACATTAATTGGAGAa 3' Energy: -14.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-515-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.88 2 22 20107 20130 20 55.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21130 to 21153 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' gucuUUCACGAAAGAAAACCUCUu 5' || ||| || ||||||: Ref: 5' caacAAAAGCTAGCTCTTGGAGGt 3' Energy: -16.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-515-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.06 2 21 21130 21153 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:21333 to 21355 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gucUUUCACGAAAGAAAACCUCUu 5' ||| | | | ||||||||: Ref: 5' tgcAAATTAC-ATATTTTGGAGGa 3' Energy: -13.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-515-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.01 2 22 21333 21355 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:17735 to 17758 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gucuuucacgaaagaaAACCUCUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttacacgtaaccctgcTTGGAGAa 3' Energy: -13.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-515-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.18 2 9 17735 17758 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-515-5p NC_045512.2 867.00 -90.04 150.00 -18.88 24 24 29903 341 1565 20107 21130 21333 17735 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6891-5p MIMAT0027682(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6891-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3940-5p MIMAT0019229(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3940-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:23042 to 23061 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gucucgggcGGGGUUGGGUg 5' ::|||||||| Ref: 5' tcatatggtTTCCAACCCAc 3' Energy: -20.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3940-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -20.11 2 12 23042 23061 10 80.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:29507 to 29527 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gucUCG-GGCGGGGUUGGGUg 5' ||: |:| |:||||:|| Ref: 5' agcAGTGCTGACTCAACTCAg 3' Energy: -20.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3940-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.69 2 18 29507 29527 17 64.71% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3940-5p NC_045512.2 287.00 -40.80 147.00 -20.69 26 20 29903 23042 29507 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-431-3p MIMAT0004757(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-431-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6832-5p MIMAT0027564(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6832-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 172.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:14374 to 14397 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (90.48%) Query: 3' cuGGGAUUG-AAAAGGAGAGAUGa 5' |::|||: |||| :||||||| Ref: 5' aaCTTTAATGTTTTATTCTCTACa 3' Energy: -19.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6832-5p NC_045512.2 172.00 -19.22 2 22 14374 14397 21 71.43% 90.48% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:17109 to 17131 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cugggauugaaaagGAGAGAUGa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tgctattggcctagCTCTCTACt 3' Energy: -19.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6832-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.31 2 10 17109 17131 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:3019 to 3041 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' cugggauugAAAAGGAGAGAUGa 5' || |:||:||||| Ref: 5' acatatgtaTTGTTCTTTCTACc 3' Energy: -12.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6832-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.78 2 15 3019 3041 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:15865 to 15887 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cuGGGAUUGAAAAGGAGAGAUGa 5' :| |:| |||| ||||| || Ref: 5' ccTCATGAATTTTGCTCTCAACa 3' Energy: -14.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6832-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.31 2 22 15865 15887 20 70.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6832-5p NC_045512.2 600.00 -65.62 172.00 -19.31 28 23 29903 14374 17109 3019 15865 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-103a-2-5p MIMAT0009196(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-103a-2-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 171.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:3388 to 3412 Align Len (22) (77.27%) (86.36%) Query: 3' guUCCGUC-GUGACA-UUUCUUCGa 5' | |||| ||:||| :||||||| Ref: 5' aaATGCAGACATTGTGGAAGAAGCt 3' Energy: -24.969999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-103a-2-5p NC_045512.2 171.00 -24.97 2 22 3388 3412 22 77.27% 86.36% Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9776 to 9799 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' guuccGUCGUG-ACAUUUCUUCGa 5' :||:|| | |:||||||| Ref: 5' tccttTAGTACTTTTGAAGAAGCt 3' Energy: -20.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-103a-2-5p NC_045512.2 161.00 -20.12 2 19 9776 9799 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:12131 to 12154 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' guuccgucGUGAC-AUUUCUUCGa 5' :|||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gcttttgcTACTGCTCAAGAAGCt 3' Energy: -16.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-103a-2-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -16.51 2 16 12131 12154 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18253 to 18276 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' guuccGUCGU-GACAUUUCUUCGa 5' :| || | | :||||||| Ref: 5' atgttTATCACCCGCGAAGAAGCt 3' Energy: -13.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-103a-2-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -13.94 2 19 18253 18276 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4628 to 4651 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' guuCCGUCGUGACA-UUUCUUCGa 5' ||| | | | :||||||| Ref: 5' catGGCTTAAATTTGGAAGAAGCt 3' Energy: -17.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-103a-2-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.50 2 21 4628 4651 20 65.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:3062 to 3082 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (89.47%) Query: 3' guUCCGUCGUGACAUUUCUUCga 5' |||:: |:|||:|||||| Ref: 5' gaAGGTG--ATTGTGAAGAAGaa 3' Energy: -21.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-103a-2-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -21.90 3 22 3062 3082 19 68.42% 89.47% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:6397 to 6418 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' guuccGUCGUGACAUUUCUUCGa 5' |||: || |:||||||: Ref: 5' aaaacCAGT-CTCTGAAGAAGTa 3' Energy: -14.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-103a-2-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.16 2 19 6397 6418 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:29025 to 29046 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' guuccgUCGUGACAUUUCUUCGa 5' || :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctgctgAG-GCTTCTAAGAAGCc 3' Energy: -15.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-103a-2-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.07 2 18 29025 29046 16 68.75% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-103a-2-5p NC_045512.2 1215.00 -144.17 171.00 -24.97 29 23 29903 3388 9776 12131 18253 4628 3062 6397 29025 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6877-5p MIMAT0027654(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6877-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3603 to 3625 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cguCGAAGGUGGGA-AGCCGGGa 5' |: |:||: :| ||||||| Ref: 5' actGTCTTCATGTTGTCGGCCCa 3' Energy: -22.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6877-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -22.50 2 20 3603 3625 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:28379 to 28400 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cgucgaagguggGAAGCCGGGa 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' cgatcaaaacaaCGTCGGCCCc 3' Energy: -17.799999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6877-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.80 2 11 28379 28400 9 88.89% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6877-5p NC_045512.2 296.00 -40.30 154.00 -22.50 30 22 29903 3603 28379 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1298-3p MIMAT0026641(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1298-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:15920 to 15940 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' caagucagucAACGGGUCUAc 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtaccttccTTACCCAGATc 3' Energy: -11.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1298-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.90 2 12 15920 15940 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:16997 to 17017 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' caaGUCAGUCAACGGGUCUAc 5' || ||| | |:||||| Ref: 5' caaCACTCAATATCTCAGATg 3' Energy: -15.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1298-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.97 2 19 16997 17017 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:13931 to 13951 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' caagucagucaacGGGUCUAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' attttgtagaaaaCCCAGATa 3' Energy: -12.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1298-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.27 2 9 13931 13951 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1298-3p NC_045512.2 429.00 -40.14 147.00 -15.97 31 21 29903 15920 16997 13931 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3682-5p MIMAT0019222(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3682-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1378 to 1400 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uacUAUUGUGUCCA-UCUUCAUc 5' ||: |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' agcATGTCACAATTCAGAAGTAg 3' Energy: -16.379999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3682-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -16.38 2 20 1378 1400 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2742 to 2765 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uaCUAUUGUGUC-C-AUCUUCAUc 5' |||:|||| | | |||||||: Ref: 5' gtGATGACACTGTGATAGAAGTGc 3' Energy: -22.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3682-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -22.60 2 21 2742 2765 21 76.19% 85.71% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:29633 to 29654 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uacUAUUGUGUCCAUCUUCAUc 5' |||:|||| ||||| ||| Ref: 5' tacATAGCACAAGTAGATGTAg 3' Energy: -21.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3682-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -21.35 2 20 29633 29654 18 83.33% 88.89% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:2848 to 2870 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uacuaUUGUGUCCA--UCUUCAUc 5' ||| | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' agttgAACTC-GGTACAGAAGTAa 3' Energy: -12.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3682-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -12.64 2 18 2848 2870 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:6801 to 6822 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uacuauuguguccAUCUUCAUc 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tgtgtacttttacTAGAAGTAc 3' Energy: -8.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3682-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -8.84 2 10 6801 6822 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12966 to 12987 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uacUAUUGUGUCCAUCUUCAUc 5' | ||| :| ||||:||| Ref: 5' taaACAACCTAAATAGAGGTAt 3' Energy: -9.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3682-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.08 2 20 12966 12987 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:6398 to 6419 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uacuauugugucCAUCUUCAUc 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaccagtctctGAAGAAGTAg 3' Energy: -14.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3682-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.60 2 11 6398 6419 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8834 to 8852 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uacUAUUGUGUCCAUCUUCAUc 5' |||||| || ||||||: Ref: 5' gtcATAACA-AG--AGAAGTGg 3' Energy: -15.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3682-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.82 2 20 8834 8852 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13026 to 13046 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uaCUAUUGUGUCCAUCUUCAUc 5' |:|||::|| ||||||: Ref: 5' ctGGTAATGCA-ACAGAAGTGc 3' Energy: -14.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3682-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.88 2 21 13026 13046 19 63.16% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3682-5p NC_045512.2 1327.00 -136.19 158.00 -22.60 32 22 29903 1378 2742 29633 2848 6801 12966 6398 8834 13026 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3155a MIMAT0015029(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3155a vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:29358 to 29379 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucAAGGGU-GACGUCUCGGAcc 5' |||||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' caTTCCCACCAACAGAGCCTaa 3' Energy: -26.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3155a NC_045512.2 150.00 -26.09 3 20 29358 29379 18 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:26094 to 26114 Align Len (15) (60.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ucaagGGUGACGUCUCGGACc 5' ::::|| ||||||| Ref: 5' taaaaTTGTTGATGAGCCTGa 3' Energy: -16.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3155a NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.82 2 17 26094 26114 15 60.00% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3155a NC_045512.2 298.00 -42.91 150.00 -26.09 33 21 29903 29358 26094 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5089-5p MIMAT0021081(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5089-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:20527 to 20547 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuacgaugagucUUUAGGGUg 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' gttgaaataataAAATCCCAa 3' Energy: -11.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5089-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.40 2 10 20527 20547 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4869 to 4890 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cuACGAUGAG-UCUUUAGGGUg 5' | :||| | || |||||:| Ref: 5' taTATTACACTAGTAATCCTAc 3' Energy: -15.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5089-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.71 2 20 4869 4890 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20584 to 20605 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' cuAC-GAUGAGUCUUUAGGGUg 5' || |||: |||||||::|| Ref: 5' atTGACTATACAGAAATTTCAt 3' Energy: -18.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5089-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.86 2 20 20584 20605 19 73.68% 89.47% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23723 to 23744 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' cuACGAU-GAGUCUUUAGGGUg 5' ||:|| | |||||||:|:| Ref: 5' agTGTTACCACAGAAATTCTAc 3' Energy: -23.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5089-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -23.81 2 20 23723 23744 19 73.68% 89.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5089-5p NC_045512.2 571.00 -69.78 145.00 -23.81 34 21 29903 20527 4869 20584 23723 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-648 MIMAT0003318(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-648 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:14569 to 14587 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' uggucACGGGACGUGUGAa 5' |||: |||||:|| Ref: 5' gacccTGCTATGCACGCTg 3' Energy: -19.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-648 NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.69 2 15 14569 14587 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:5569 to 5587 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uggucacgggaCGUGUGAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tatgtacatggGCACACTt 3' Energy: -12.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-648 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.92 2 9 5569 5587 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:17469 to 17487 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uggucacgggaCGUGUGAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gctaactaaggGCACACTa 3' Energy: -11.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-648 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.62 2 9 17469 17487 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:24810 to 24828 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uggucacgggaCGUGUGAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atgatggaaaaGCACACTt 3' Energy: -11.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-648 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.96 2 9 24810 24828 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-648 NC_045512.2 562.00 -56.19 142.00 -19.69 35 19 29903 14569 5569 17469 24810 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-367-5p MIMAT0004686(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-367-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:28831 to 28852 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ucucaacGUAUAAUCGUUGUCa 5' |:|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctcatcaCGTAGTCGCAACAGt 3' Energy: -16.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-367-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -16.16 2 16 28831 28852 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13022 to 13041 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucUCAACGUAUAAUCGUUGUCa 5' || || :|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' caAGCTG-GTAAT-GCAACAGa 3' Energy: -12.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-367-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -12.10 2 21 13022 13041 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25641 to 25661 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ucuCAACGUAUAAUCGUUGUCa 5' ||||: |:|| |:||||| Ref: 5' gctGTTGT-TGTTTGTAACAGt 3' Energy: -16.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-367-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -16.82 2 20 25641 25661 18 72.22% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-367-5p NC_045512.2 456.00 -45.08 155.00 -16.82 36 22 29903 28831 13022 25641 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6740-5p MIMAT0027381(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6740-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20075 to 20096 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' agaGGAGAGAGGUAGGGUUUGa 5' | ||| | :|||||||| Ref: 5' aacCATCTGTAGGTCCCAAACa 3' Energy: -21.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6740-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -21.40 2 20 20075 20096 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10805 to 10825 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (94.44%) Query: 3' agaGGAGAGAGGUAGGGUUUGa 5' |||||:||:: |:||||| Ref: 5' ggaCCTCTTTCTG-CTCAAACt 3' Energy: -24.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6740-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -24.74 2 20 10805 10825 18 72.22% 94.44% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3608 to 3629 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agAGGAGAGAGGUAGGGUUUGa 5' || | |: :|: ||||||: Ref: 5' ctTCATGTTGTCGGCCCAAATg 3' Energy: -14.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6740-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.88 2 21 3608 3629 19 57.89% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6740-5p NC_045512.2 452.00 -61.02 159.00 -24.74 37 22 29903 20075 10805 3608 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-450a-2-3p MIMAT0031074(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-450a-2-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:29467 to 29488 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uacuuACGUUUUACAGGGGUUa 5' || | :|| ||:|||| Ref: 5' agattTGGATGATTTCTCCAAa 3' Energy: -12.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-450a-2-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.76 2 18 29467 29488 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12837 to 12859 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uacUUA--CGUUUUACAGGGGUUa 5' ||| || |:|| ||||:|| Ref: 5' tgaAATGGGCTAGAT-TCCCTAAg 3' Energy: -13.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-450a-2-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.98 2 20 12837 12859 20 70.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-450a-2-3p NC_045512.2 281.00 -26.74 141.00 -13.98 38 22 29903 29467 12837 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6793-3p MIMAT0027487(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6793-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:16227 to 16247 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' gacgcccGUCC-CCAACCCCu 5' |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' agtcttaCAGGCTGTTGGGGc 3' Energy: -20.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6793-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -20.58 2 14 16227 16247 13 84.62% 84.62% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6793-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -20.58 148.00 -20.58 39 20 29903 16227 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3622a-3p MIMAT0018004(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3622a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20339 to 20360 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ugUCCGUACCCUCCAGUCCACu 5' || ||| | ||:||||| Ref: 5' ttAGTCATAGTCAGTTAGGTGg 3' Energy: -17.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3622a-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.14 2 21 20339 20360 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5422 to 5445 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ugUCCGU-ACCCUC-CAGUCCACu 5' || || | || | ||:||||| Ref: 5' taAGACAGTAGGTGAGTTAGGTGa 3' Energy: -23.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3622a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -23.18 2 21 5422 5445 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:10941 to 10962 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uguccguacccuCCAGUCCACu 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgttagacaatGCTCAGGTGt 3' Energy: -13.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3622a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.30 2 11 10941 10962 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:11484 to 11505 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguccguacccuccAGUCCACu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttacttctaactacTCAGGTGt 3' Energy: -11.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3622a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.24 2 9 11484 11505 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:25889 to 25910 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguccguacccuccAGUCCACu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' caattgtcattactTCAGGTGa 3' Energy: -13.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3622a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.67 2 9 25889 25910 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3622a-3p NC_045512.2 708.00 -78.53 144.00 -23.18 40 22 29903 20339 5422 10941 11484 25889 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-541-5p MIMAT0004919(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-541-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13205 to 13228 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucacccUGGCU-GUCGUCUUAGGAAa 5' |: || || ||||||||| Ref: 5' gccaatATGGATCA--AGAATCCTTt 3' Energy: -18.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-541-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -18.69 2 20 13205 13228 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23795 to 23820 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucacccUGGCUGUCGUC-UUAGGAAa 5' ||:|| |||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' gattcaACTGAATGCAGCAATCTTTt 3' Energy: -18.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-541-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -18.45 2 20 23795 23820 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:22456 to 22480 Align Len (14) (64.29%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ucacccuggcUGUCGUCUUAGGAAa 5' ||: :: ||||||| Ref: 5' aacaaagtgtACGTTGAAATCCTTc 3' Energy: -13.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-541-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.74 2 16 22456 22480 14 64.29% 85.71% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:5526 to 5552 Align Len (24) (70.83%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ucACCCUGGCUGUCGUC--UUAGGAAa 5' || |: | ||||||| || |||| Ref: 5' ctTGTGGACAACAGCAGACAACCCTTa 3' Energy: -24.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-541-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -24.14 2 24 5526 5552 24 70.83% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:11324 to 11348 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucacccuggcugucgucUUAGGAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tcagctgtagtgttactAATCCTTa 3' Energy: -11.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-541-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.16 2 9 11324 11348 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26934 to 26958 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucacccUGGCUGUCGUC-UUAGGAAa 5' |:||: ||| | :|||||| Ref: 5' ctcgtaATCGG-AGCTGTGATCCTTc 3' Energy: -17.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-541-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.15 2 20 26934 26958 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-541-5p NC_045512.2 870.00 -103.33 151.00 -24.14 41 25 29903 13205 23795 22456 5526 11324 26934 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6515-3p MIMAT0025487(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6515-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:27348 to 27367 Align Len (11) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaccccccAUCUACUUCUCu 5' ||||||||||| Ref: 5' ttctcaatTAGATGAAGAGc 3' Energy: -16.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6515-3p NC_045512.2 160.00 -16.01 2 13 27348 27367 11 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:3831 to 3850 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gacccccCAUCUACUUCUCu 5' | | |||||||| Ref: 5' gctttttGGAAATGAAGAGt 3' Energy: -13.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6515-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -13.25 2 14 3831 3850 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:1664 to 1682 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' gaccccccAUCUACUUCUCu 5' || |||||||| Ref: 5' tttaaactTA-ATGAAGAGa 3' Energy: -12.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6515-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.46 2 13 1664 1682 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:254 to 274 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (92.86%) Query: 3' gaccccCCA-UCUACUUCUCu 5' ||| |||||:|||| Ref: 5' ccgaaaGGTAAGATGGAGAGc 3' Energy: -19.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6515-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.33 2 15 254 274 14 85.71% 92.86% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:26540 to 26559 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gaccccccauCUACUUCUCu 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' tactattaccGTTGAAGAGc 3' Energy: -8.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6515-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.39 2 11 26540 26559 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:2146 to 2165 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaccccccaucuACUUCUCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ccttgattggctTGAAGAGa 3' Energy: -13.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6515-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.35 2 9 2146 2165 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6515-3p NC_045512.2 882.00 -82.79 160.00 -19.33 42 20 29903 27348 3831 1664 254 26540 2146 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1276 MIMAT0005930(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1276 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:11455 to 11475 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (94.12%) Query: 3' acAGAGGUGU-CCCGAGAAau 5' |:||||:: |||||||| Ref: 5' caTTTCCATGTGGGCTCTTat 3' Energy: -21.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1276 NC_045512.2 149.00 -21.19 3 19 11455 11475 17 76.47% 94.12% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:9878 to 9897 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (76.92%) Query: 3' acagagGUGUCCCGAGAAAu 5' :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' aatagaTACTTAGCTCTTTa 3' Energy: -12.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1276 NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.17 2 15 9878 9897 13 69.23% 76.92% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9719 to 9737 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' acAGAGGUGUCCCGAGAAAu 5' |:||:|: ||:||||| Ref: 5' caTTTCTAT-TGGTTCTTTa 3' Energy: -17.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1276 NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.04 2 19 9719 9737 17 64.71% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1276 NC_045512.2 431.00 -50.40 149.00 -21.19 43 20 29903 11455 9878 9719 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6499-3p MIMAT0025451(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6499-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8370 to 8395 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' acaccCGUUUU---GU-UUGUGACGa 5' |||||| || ||||:||| Ref: 5' aggtaGCAAAAAGTCACAACATTGCt 3' Energy: -17.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6499-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.32 2 18 8370 8395 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:17450 to 17471 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' acaccCGUUUUGUUUGUGACGa 5' ||| ||: |||:||| Ref: 5' tacctGCACCACGCACATTGCt 3' Energy: -16.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6499-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.39 2 18 17450 17471 16 68.75% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6499-3p NC_045512.2 284.00 -33.71 143.00 -17.32 44 22 29903 8370 17450 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-2276-3p MIMAT0011775(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-2276-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 165.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:24030 to 24051 Align Len (12) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggagcggagACUGUGAACGUCu 5' |||||||||||| Ref: 5' tcaacaaagTGACACTTGCAGa 3' Energy: -23.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2276-3p NC_045512.2 165.00 -23.37 2 14 24030 24051 12 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:25720 to 25741 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' ggagcggAGACUGUGAACGUCu 5' ||| : ||||||| Ref: 5' gctttagTCTACTTCTTGCAGa 3' Energy: -20.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2276-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -20.43 2 16 25720 25741 14 71.43% 78.57% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10033 to 10055 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ggAGCGGAGACUGU-GAACGUCu 5' || |||| | :: :|||||| Ref: 5' taTCACCTCAGCTGTTTTGCAGa 3' Energy: -22.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2276-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -22.14 2 21 10033 10055 20 65.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-2276-3p NC_045512.2 455.00 -65.94 165.00 -23.37 45 22 29903 24030 25720 10033 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3120-3p MIMAT0014982(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3120-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 170.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25625 to 25646 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (94.74%) Query: 3' acGGACAGAUG-UGAACGACAc 5' ::|||:|:| ||||||||| Ref: 5' acTTTGTTTGCAACTTGCTGTt 3' Energy: -23.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3120-3p NC_045512.2 170.00 -23.05 2 20 25625 25646 19 73.68% 94.74% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13065 to 13087 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' acGGACAGAUGUG--AACGACAc 5' :|| |||:::| ||||||| Ref: 5' taTCTTTCTGTGCTTTTGCTGTa 3' Energy: -17.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3120-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -17.53 2 20 13065 13087 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:25264 to 25286 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acgGACAGAU--GUGAACGACAc 5' |||| |: || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgCTGTATGACCAGTTGCTGTa 3' Energy: -16.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3120-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -16.66 2 19 25264 25286 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14691 to 14712 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' acgGACAGAUG-UG-AACGACAc 5' || ||||: || ||||||| Ref: 5' agaCT-TCTATGACTTTGCTGTg 3' Energy: -19.969999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3120-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -19.97 2 19 14691 14712 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:18377 to 18399 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' acggACAGAUG--UGAACGACAc 5' |||: || | ||||||| Ref: 5' caggTGTTAACCTAGTTGCTGTa 3' Energy: -11.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3120-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -11.56 2 18 18377 18399 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13874 to 13897 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' acGGACAG---AUGUGAACGACAc 5' |:|||| |||| |||:||| Ref: 5' taCTTGTCACATACAATTGTTGTg 3' Energy: -22.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3120-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -22.53 2 20 13874 13897 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:25250 to 25271 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' acggacaGAUGUG-AACGACAc 5' :||::| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgacaaTTATGCTTTGCTGTa 3' Energy: -11.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3120-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -11.28 2 15 25250 25271 14 71.43% 92.86% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:23370 to 23392 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' acgGACAGAU--GU-GAACGACAc 5' || |||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ataCT-TCTAACCAGGTTGCTGTt 3' Energy: -13.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3120-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.57 2 19 23370 23392 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:26708 to 26729 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (94.44%) Query: 3' acGGAC-AGAUGUGAACGACac 5' |:|| |:|:::||||||| Ref: 5' agCTTGTTTTGTGCTTGCTGct 3' Energy: -23.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3120-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -23.30 3 20 26708 26729 18 66.67% 94.44% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:25537 to 25557 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acggacagauguGAACGACAc 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ggcgttgcacttCTTGCTGTt 3' Energy: -16.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3120-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.05 2 10 25537 25557 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 16 R:4773 to 4792 Align Len (13) (92.31%) (92.31%) Query: 3' acggacAGAUGUGAACGACac 5' ||| ||||||||| Ref: 5' aaaccaTCT-CACTTGCTGgt 3' Energy: -20.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3120-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.40 3 16 4773 4792 13 92.31% 92.31% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:24621 to 24640 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' acGGACAGAUGUGAACGACac 5' :||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctTCTG-CTAATCTTGCTGct 3' Energy: -17.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3120-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.36 3 20 24621 24640 17 76.47% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3120-3p NC_045512.2 1809.00 -213.26 170.00 -23.30 46 21 29903 25625 13065 25264 14691 18377 13874 25250 23370 26708 25537 4773 24621 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6780b-5p MIMAT0027572(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6780b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4769-5p MIMAT0019922(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4769-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1306-5p MIMAT0022726(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1306-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:3456 to 3477 Align Len (11) (72.73%) (90.91%) Query: 3' accugcaaacGUCCCCUCCACc 5' ::| ||||||| Ref: 5' accttaaacaTGGAGGAGGTGt 3' Energy: -18.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1306-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.07 2 13 3456 3477 11 72.73% 90.91% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1306-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.07 144.00 -18.07 49 22 29903 3456 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-519b-3p MIMAT0002837(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-519b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14623 to 14644 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuGGAGAUUUUCCUACGUGAAa 5' |:|:| |: | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgCTTTTCAGTAGCTGCACTTa 3' Energy: -12.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519b-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -12.83 2 21 14623 14644 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22422 to 22442 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uugGAGAUUUUCCUACGUGAAa 5' || ||:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' atgCTGTAGACTG-TGCACTTg 3' Energy: -13.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519b-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -13.76 2 20 22422 22442 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:15001 to 15022 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' uuggagauuuUCCUACGUGAAa 5' | ||||||||| Ref: 5' tatgaggatcAAGATGCACTTt 3' Energy: -14.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519b-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -14.10 2 13 15001 15022 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24376 to 24398 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uuGGAGAUUUUCCU-ACGUGAAa 5' |:|| | |: | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttCTTCCACAGCAAGTGCACTTg 3' Energy: -11.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519b-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -11.92 2 21 24376 24398 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:886 to 909 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' uuggagAUUUU--CCUACGUGAAa 5' ||||: |||||||| Ref: 5' tgctggTAAAGCTTCATGCACTTt 3' Energy: -14.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519b-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.30 2 17 886 909 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:15541 to 15562 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuggagauuuuccUACGUGAAa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' acggccaatgttaATGCACTTt 3' Energy: -13.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519b-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.32 2 10 15541 15562 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5383 to 5405 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' uuGGAGAUU-UUCCUACGUGAAa 5' |: |||| :||||||| Ref: 5' agCTGCTAACTTTTGTGCACTTa 3' Energy: -13.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519b-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.62 2 21 5383 5405 20 60.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:11150 to 11171 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uuggagaUUUUCCUACGUGAAa 5' | ||| |||||:|| Ref: 5' gtcaaacATAAGCATGCATTTc 3' Energy: -10.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519b-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.32 2 16 11150 11171 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22039 to 22065 Align Len (23) (56.52%) (69.57%) Query: 3' uugGAGAUUUUCCU-----ACGUGAAa 5' :||||: : || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaTTCTAGTGCGAATAATTGCACTTt 3' Energy: -14.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519b-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.50 2 20 22039 22065 23 56.52% 69.57% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24644 to 24665 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uuggAGAUUUUCCUACGUGAAa 5' | | |:|| :||:|||| Ref: 5' aaaaTGTCAGAGTGTGTACTTg 3' Energy: -12.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519b-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.42 2 19 24644 24665 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:25528 to 25549 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uuggagauuuucCUACGUGAAa 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' cttattgttggcGTTGCACTTc 3' Energy: -11.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519b-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.16 2 11 25528 25549 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:6789 to 6810 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uuggaGAUUUUCCUACGUGAAa 5' ||| || :||:|||| Ref: 5' tattgCTACAATTGTGTACTTt 3' Energy: -11.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519b-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.45 2 18 6789 6810 16 68.75% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-519b-3p NC_045512.2 1757.00 -153.70 156.00 -14.50 50 22 29903 14623 22422 15001 24376 886 15541 5383 11150 22039 24644 25528 6789 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-489-3p MIMAT0002805(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-489-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16387 to 16409 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cgACGGCAUAU-ACACUACAGUg 5' |||: | : |||||||||| Ref: 5' aaTGCTCCAGGTTGTGATGTCAc 3' Energy: -24.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-489-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -24.49 2 21 16387 16409 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:5668 to 5690 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cgacGGCAUAU-ACACUACAGUg 5' || | |: | |||||||| Ref: 5' gtcaCCTTTTGTTATGATGTCAg 3' Energy: -14.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-489-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -14.31 2 19 5668 5690 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23328 to 23349 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgACGGCAUAUACACUACAGUg 5' ||:: | | |||:||||| Ref: 5' caTGTTCTTTTGGTGGTGTCAg 3' Energy: -15.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-489-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.45 2 21 23328 23349 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:5431 to 5451 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' cgacggCAUAUACACUACAGUg 5' || || |||||||:| Ref: 5' aggtgaGT-TAGGTGATGTTAg 3' Energy: -15.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-489-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.43 2 17 5431 5451 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8693 to 8715 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgaCGGCAUAUA-CACUACAGUg 5' ||: | || |||:||||| Ref: 5' aagGCTATTGATGGTGGTGTCAc 3' Energy: -24.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-489-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -24.82 2 20 8693 8715 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-489-3p NC_045512.2 740.00 -94.50 159.00 -24.82 51 22 29903 16387 5668 23328 5431 8693 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-23a-3p MIMAT0000078(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-23a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:6442 to 6465 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ccUUUAGGGAC---CGUUACACUa 5' | :|:|:|| |:||||||| Ref: 5' agACGTTCTTGAGTGTAATGTGAa 3' Energy: -17.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-23a-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -17.85 2 20 6442 6465 21 61.90% 80.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12207 to 12225 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ccUUUAGGGACCGUUACACUa 5' ||:||::|| ||||||: Ref: 5' agAAGTCTTTG--AATGTGGc 3' Energy: -18.969999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-23a-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.97 2 20 12207 12225 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:21231 to 21251 Align Len (15) (60.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccuuuAGGGACCGUUACACUa 5' |: :| :||||||| Ref: 5' agcctTTGTTACTAATGTGAa 3' Energy: -11.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-23a-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.59 2 17 21231 21251 15 60.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1217 to 1237 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ccUUUAGGGACCGUUACACUa 5' || ||:| | |:||||| Ref: 5' tcAACTCTCATGAAGTGTGAt 3' Energy: -13.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-23a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.44 2 20 1217 1237 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:18006 to 18029 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ccUUUAGGG---ACCGUUACACUa 5' ||||:|| | | ||||||: Ref: 5' tgAAATTCCACGTAGGAATGTGGc 3' Energy: -17.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-23a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.67 2 20 18006 18029 21 66.67% 76.19% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:15292 to 15309 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ccuuUAGGGACCGUUACACUa 5' ||||: ||||||| Ref: 5' gattATCCT---AAATGTGAt 3' Energy: -14.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-23a-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.20 2 18 15292 15309 16 68.75% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:7895 to 7915 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccuuuagggaccgUUACACUa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gatggtaaatcaaAATGTGAa 3' Energy: -12.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-23a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.27 2 9 7895 7915 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-23a-3p NC_045512.2 1008.00 -105.99 154.00 -18.97 52 21 29903 6442 12207 21231 1217 18006 15292 7895 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6796-5p MIMAT0027492(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6796-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-675-3p MIMAT0006790(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-675-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:795 to 813 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' acUCGCCACUCCCGUAUGUc 5' | ||| | ||||||||| Ref: 5' ttAACGGAG-GGGCATACAc 3' Energy: -22.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-675-3p NC_045512.2 160.00 -22.10 2 19 795 813 17 82.35% 82.35% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:29337 to 29355 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' acucgccACUCCCGUAUGUc 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' agcatatTGA-CGCATACAa 3' Energy: -9.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-675-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.36 2 14 29337 29355 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:16280 to 16299 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' acuCGCCACUCCCGUAUGUc 5' |:|||| ||||||: Ref: 5' gatGTGGTGCTTGCATACGt 3' Energy: -19.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-675-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.01 2 18 16280 16299 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:16209 to 16228 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acucgccacuccCGUAUGUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tatgtacacaccGCATACAg 3' Energy: -11.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-675-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.67 2 9 16209 16228 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:21629 to 21648 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acucgccacuccCGUAUGUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' caattaccccctGCATACAc 3' Energy: -7.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-675-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.21 2 9 21629 21648 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:27093 to 27112 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acucgccacuccCGUAUGUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tcaggttttgctGCATACAg 3' Energy: -14.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-675-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.67 2 9 27093 27112 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:29060 to 29079 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acucgccacuccCGUAUGUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' actgccactaaaGCATACAa 3' Energy: -7.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-675-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.87 2 9 29060 29079 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-675-3p NC_045512.2 1004.00 -91.89 160.00 -22.10 54 20 29903 795 29337 16280 16209 21629 27093 29060 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-2110 MIMAT0010133(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-2110 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1269a MIMAT0005923(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1269a vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11825 to 11847 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ggUCAUC-GUGCCGAGUCAGGUc 5' ||||| ||| |: |||||:| Ref: 5' aaAGTAGCCACTGTACAGTCTAa 3' Energy: -19.799999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1269a NC_045512.2 155.00 -19.80 2 21 11825 11847 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:28571 to 28592 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggucaucgugccGAGUCAGGUc 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' aaaatgaaagatCTCAGTCCAa 3' Energy: -16.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1269a NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.85 2 11 28571 28592 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28491 to 28514 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' ggUCAUCGUGCCGA--GUCAGGUc 5' | || ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' caATTAACACCAATAGCAGTCCAg 3' Energy: -19.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1269a NC_045512.2 147.00 -19.67 2 21 28491 28514 21 66.67% 66.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19371 to 19393 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ggucAUCGUGCCGA--GUCAGGUc 5' || :|| || ||||||| Ref: 5' tttcTATTAC-TCTGACAGTCCAt 3' Energy: -14.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1269a NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.30 2 19 19371 19393 19 68.42% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1269a NC_045512.2 595.00 -70.62 155.00 -19.80 56 22 29903 11825 28571 28491 19371 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-483-3p MIMAT0002173(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-483-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4659a-3p MIMAT0019727(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4659a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2422 to 2444 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gcaACGGUACAGAU-UCUUCUUu 5' ||::| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgTGTTAAATCCAGAGAAGAAa 3' Energy: -13.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4659a-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -13.68 2 20 2422 2444 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4399 to 4418 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gcAACG-GUACAGAUUCUUCUUu 5' |||| |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gcTTGCACATG-C--AGAAGAAa 3' Energy: -17.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4659a-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -17.22 2 21 4399 4418 20 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:3062 to 3083 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gcaaCGGUACAGAUUCUUCUUu 5' |: || : |||||||| Ref: 5' gaagGTGATTGTGAAGAAGAAg 3' Energy: -13.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4659a-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -13.89 2 19 3062 3083 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:3044 to 3065 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' gcaacggUACAGAUUCUUCUUu 5' | | : |||||||| Ref: 5' ccagatgAGGATGAAGAAGAAg 3' Energy: -11.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4659a-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.38 2 16 3044 3065 14 71.43% 78.57% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:3176 to 3197 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gcaacgguacagaUUCUUCUUu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' cctgaagaagagcAAGAAGAAg 3' Energy: -9.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4659a-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.95 2 10 3176 3197 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:29377 to 29398 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gcaacgguacagaUUCUUCUUu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' taaaaaggacaaaAAGAAGAAg 3' Energy: -9.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4659a-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.87 2 10 29377 29398 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:19114 to 19135 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gcaacgguacagauUCUUCUUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aaagcttataaaatAGAAGAAt 3' Energy: -9.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4659a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.22 2 9 19114 19135 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:29416 to 29437 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gcaacgguacagauUCUUCUUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cttaccgcagagacAGAAGAAa 3' Energy: -12.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4659a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.06 2 9 29416 29437 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4659a-3p NC_045512.2 1175.00 -97.27 154.00 -17.22 58 22 29903 2422 4399 3062 3044 3176 29377 19114 29416 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1912-3p MIMAT0007887(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1912-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5178 to 5198 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (77.78%) Query: 3' aagUGUGACGUACGAGACCCAu 5' |: || :| :||||||| Ref: 5' ctgATCCT-AGTTTTCTGGGTa 3' Energy: -16.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1912-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.31 2 20 5178 5198 18 61.11% 77.78% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19828 to 19849 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' aagUGUGACGUACGAGACCCAu 5' |:||| || |:||||| Ref: 5' aaaATACTCAATAATTTGGGTg 3' Energy: -16.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1912-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.74 2 20 19828 19849 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:21756 to 21780 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' aaGUGUG--ACGUAC-GAGACCCau 5' ||::| | |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tcCATGCTATACATGTCTCTGGGac 3' Energy: -22.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1912-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -22.08 3 21 21756 21780 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:19862 to 19881 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' aagUGUGACGUACGAGACCCau 5' |:|||| || |||||| Ref: 5' ctaATACTG--TGATCTGGGac 3' Energy: -18.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1912-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.73 3 20 19862 19881 17 76.47% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1912-3p NC_045512.2 570.00 -73.86 145.00 -22.08 59 22 29903 5178 19828 21756 19862 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-146a-5p MIMAT0000449(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-146a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:15778 to 15799 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' uuggguaccUUAAGUCAAGAGu 5' || ||||||||: Ref: 5' aagaactttAAGTCAGTTCTTt 3' Energy: -13.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-146a-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.76 2 14 15778 15799 12 83.33% 91.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-146a-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.76 141.00 -13.76 60 22 29903 15778 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1289 MIMAT0005879(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1289 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8485 MIMAT0033692(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8485 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:20477 to 20497 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' uauGCACACACACACACACAc 5' | | | |||||||||| Ref: 5' gttCATCTAAGTGTGTGTGTt 3' Energy: -16.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8485 NC_045512.2 158.00 -16.77 2 19 20477 20497 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:11534 to 11554 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uaugcACACACACACACACAc 5' ||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtatTGTTTTTATGTGTGTt 3' Energy: -10.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8485 NC_045512.2 156.00 -10.88 2 17 11534 11554 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15717 to 15736 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uaUGC-ACACACACACACACAc 5' ||| || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgACGATG-CTGT-TGTGTGTt 3' Energy: -16.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8485 NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.00 2 20 15717 15736 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:1477 to 1497 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (64.71%) Query: 3' uauGCACACACACACACACAc 5' | | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgcCTTTGGAGGCTGTGTGTt 3' Energy: -11.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8485 NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.65 2 19 1477 1497 17 64.71% 64.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8485 NC_045512.2 606.00 -55.30 158.00 -16.77 62 21 29903 20477 11534 15717 1477 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-563 MIMAT0003227(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-563 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:24406 to 24423 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' cccUUUGCAUACAGUUGGa 5' |:|:||: ||||||| Ref: 5' tcaAGATGTG-GTCAACCa 3' Energy: -16.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-563 NC_045512.2 154.00 -16.95 2 17 24406 24423 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:7951 to 7969 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cccuuugcAUACAGUUGGa 5' |:|||||||| Ref: 5' tcagcttaTGTGTCAACCt 3' Energy: -16.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-563 NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.64 2 12 7951 7969 10 90.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-563 NC_045512.2 305.00 -33.59 154.00 -16.95 63 19 29903 24406 7951 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-425-3p MIMAT0001343(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-425-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4474-3p MIMAT0019001(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4474-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4665 to 4688 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' aaucGGAG-UAC-UGGUCGGUGUu 5' :||| | | :|||||:||| Ref: 5' gatcTCTCAAAGTGCCAGCTACAg 3' Energy: -22.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4474-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -22.20 2 19 4665 4688 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20099 to 20119 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' aaUCGGAG-UACUGGUCGGUGUu 5' ||:||: |||: ||:|||| Ref: 5' ctAGTCTTAATGG--AGTCACAt 3' Energy: -19.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4474-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.19 2 21 20099 20119 20 65.00% 85.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4474-3p NC_045512.2 280.00 -41.39 140.00 -22.20 65 22 29903 4665 20099 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5002-5p MIMAT0021023(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5002-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:6261 to 6284 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ugaUUCACGGAGUCUUUGGUUUAa 5' ||| | :| ||||||||| Ref: 5' ataAAGCCACGTATAAACCAAATa 3' Energy: -14.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5002-5p NC_045512.2 161.00 -14.32 2 22 6261 6284 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:28502 to 28525 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (81.82%) Query: 3' ugAUUCACGGAGUCU-UUGGUUUAa 5' ||: |:| |||| :||||||| Ref: 5' aaTAGCAGTC-CAGATGACCAAATt 3' Energy: -18.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5002-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -18.51 2 23 28502 28525 22 68.18% 81.82% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:1189 to 1210 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' ugaUUCACGGAGUCUUUGGUUUAa 5' || || | | |||||||| Ref: 5' accAAATGAAT--GCAACCAAATg 3' Energy: -10.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5002-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -10.12 2 22 1189 1210 20 70.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:1177 to 1196 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' ugaUUCACGGAGUCUUUGGUUUAa 5' |: ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' tccAGTTGCGTC----ACCAAATg 3' Energy: -11.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5002-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.60 2 22 1177 1196 20 65.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:22701 to 22722 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugaUUCACGGAGUCUUUGGUUUAa 5' :||||:||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' atgGAGTGTCTC--CTACTAAATt 3' Energy: -19.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5002-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.26 2 22 22701 22722 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:22578 to 22602 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ugaUUCACGGAGU-CUUUGGUUUAa 5' |||| ::| | | ||||:|| Ref: 5' gtgAAGTTTTTAACGCCACCAGATt 3' Energy: -11.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5002-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.95 2 22 22578 22602 21 61.90% 76.19% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5002-5p NC_045512.2 896.00 -85.76 161.00 -19.26 66 24 29903 6261 28502 1189 1177 22701 22578 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3672 MIMAT0018095(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3672 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:19382 to 19404 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uucuacaaaaUGUACUCAGAGUa 5' |::||||||||| Ref: 5' ctgacagtccATGTGAGTCTCAt 3' Energy: -17.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3672 NC_045512.2 157.00 -17.18 2 14 19382 19404 12 83.33% 100.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:14447 to 14470 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' uuCUACAAAAUGUAC-UCAGAGUa 5' |:|||| |: || |||:||| Ref: 5' atGGTGTTCCATTTGTAGTTTCAa 3' Energy: -14.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3672 NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.33 2 22 14447 14470 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:23208 to 23230 Align Len (21) (80.95%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uuCUACAA-AAUGUACUCAGAGUa 5' |:|||| |||| ||||||| | Ref: 5' caGGTGTTCTTAC-TGAGTCTAAc 3' Energy: -21.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3672 NC_045512.2 146.00 -21.81 2 22 23208 23230 21 80.95% 85.71% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26377 to 26399 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uucUACAAAAUGUACUCAGAGUa 5' || || ||:|||||||:: Ref: 5' aatATTGTTAACGTGAGTCTTGt 3' Energy: -17.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3672 NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.90 2 21 26377 26399 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3672 NC_045512.2 591.00 -71.22 157.00 -21.81 67 23 29903 19382 14447 23208 26377 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-let-7a-3p MIMAT0004481(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-let-7a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23757 to 23780 Align Len (21) (80.95%) (80.95%) Query: 3' cuUUCU---GUCAUCUAACAUAUc 5' |||| |||||||||||| | Ref: 5' ccAAGACATCAGTAGATTGTACAa 3' Energy: -18.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7a-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.23 2 20 23757 23780 21 80.95% 80.95% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26644 to 26665 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cuUUC-UGUCAUCUAACAUAUc 5' |:| |:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' acAGGAATAGGTTTTTGTATAt 3' Energy: -9.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7a-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -9.90 2 20 26644 26665 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:25847 to 25867 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuuucugucaucUAACAUAUc 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' attgttacgactATTGTATAc 3' Energy: -6.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7a-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -6.58 2 10 25847 25867 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19281 to 19301 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cuUUCUGUCAUCUAACAUAUc 5' | |:::| || ||||||: Ref: 5' tgATGGTGGCAGTTTGTATGt 3' Energy: -12.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.07 2 20 19281 19301 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9241 to 9260 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cuUUCUGUCAUCUAACAUAUc 5' ||| ::|| | ||||:|| Ref: 5' agAAGCTGGT-GTTTGTGTAt 3' Energy: -10.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7a-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.62 2 20 9241 9260 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:25983 to 26001 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cuUUCUGUCAUCUAACAUAuc 5' ||||| || :|||||| Ref: 5' aaAAGACTGT--GTTGTATta 3' Energy: -13.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.54 3 20 25983 26001 17 76.47% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-let-7a-3p NC_045512.2 861.00 -70.94 146.00 -18.23 68 21 29903 23757 26644 25847 19281 9241 25983 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-190b-3p MIMAT0037332(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-190b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-10527-5p MIMAT0041997(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-10527-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:27714 to 27735 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' cgGCAAGUGGGUUGU-AAACGAAa 5' :|||:| :|||| ||||||| Ref: 5' agTGTTTA--TAACACTTTGCTTc 3' Energy: -15.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10527-5p NC_045512.2 161.00 -15.28 2 22 27714 27735 21 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:27567 to 27587 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cggcaaGUGGGUUGUAAACGAAa 5' |||:|| |||||||| Ref: 5' ctttagCACTCA--ATTTGCTTt 3' Energy: -17.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10527-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -17.15 2 18 27567 27587 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:25657 to 25681 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' cggCAAGUGGGU-U-GUAAACGAaa 5' |||:||:|| | | |||||| Ref: 5' acaGTTTACTCACACCTTTTGCTcg 3' Energy: -17.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10527-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.21 3 21 25657 25681 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11997 to 12023 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (68.18%) Query: 3' cggcAAGUG--GGUUG--UAAACGAAa 5' ||||| |: | ||||||| Ref: 5' tggtTTCACTACTTTCTGTTTTGCTTt 3' Energy: -12.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10527-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.45 2 20 11997 12023 22 63.64% 68.18% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:21551 to 21573 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cggcaaguggGUUGUAAACGAAa 5' |||::||||:|| Ref: 5' actaaacgaaCAATGTTTGTTTt 3' Energy: -14.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10527-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.09 2 14 21551 21573 12 75.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:21821 to 21843 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cggcaaguggguuguAAACGAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aatgatggtgtttatTTTGCTTc 3' Energy: -10.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10527-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.76 2 9 21821 21843 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:24238 to 24261 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cgGCAA-GUGGGUUGUAAACGAaa 5' | || || :| |||||||| Ref: 5' tgCATTACAAATACCATTTGCTat 3' Energy: -12.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10527-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.89 3 22 24238 24261 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:27084 to 27106 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cggCAAGUGGGUUGUAAACGAaa 5' | | ||:||: |||||| Ref: 5' gcaGGTGACTCAGGTTTTGCTgc 3' Energy: -14.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10527-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.55 3 21 27084 27106 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:27161 to 27183 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cggcaaguggguuguAAACGAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cagtgacaatattgcTTTGCTTg 3' Energy: -10.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10527-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.31 2 9 27161 27183 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-10527-5p NC_045512.2 1307.00 -124.69 161.00 -17.21 70 23 29903 27714 27567 25657 11997 21551 21821 24238 27084 27161 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4488 MIMAT0019022(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4488 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3691-5p MIMAT0018120(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3691-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:13533 to 13555 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' caUGGCUCAGAGGUAGUAGGUGa 5' || |:| :|::: ||||:|| Ref: 5' atACAGGGCTTTTGACATCTACa 3' Energy: -16.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3691-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.07 2 22 13533 13555 20 55.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:26070 to 26092 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' cauggcucaGAGGUAGUAGGUGa 5' ||:| |||||:|| Ref: 5' acatgttacCTTCTTCATCTACa 3' Energy: -15.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3691-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.14 2 15 26070 26092 13 76.92% 92.31% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3691-5p NC_045512.2 287.00 -31.21 145.00 -16.07 72 23 29903 13533 26070 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3688-5p MIMAT0019223(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3688-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:13245 to 13265 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (70.59%) Query: 3' uauACCUUUCUGAAACGGUGa 5' || | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtcTGTACTGCCGTTGCCACa 3' Energy: -9.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3688-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -9.92 2 19 13245 13265 17 70.59% 70.59% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7669 to 7689 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uauAC-CUUUCUGAAACGGUGa 5' || ||:|||| |||:||| Ref: 5' agtTGCGAGAGAC-TTGTCACt 3' Energy: -21.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3688-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -21.67 2 19 7669 7689 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:24130 to 24150 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uauaccuuucUGAAACGGUGa 5' ::|||||||| Ref: 5' cggccttactGTTTTGCCACc 3' Energy: -12.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3688-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.66 2 12 24130 24150 10 80.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:5279 to 5299 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uauaccuuucUGAAACGGUGa 5' |: ||||||| Ref: 5' aacaactgttATCTTGCCACt 3' Energy: -11.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3688-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.67 2 12 5279 5299 10 80.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21223 to 21243 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uaUACCUUUCUGAAACGGUGa 5' :|||| || |||||::|| Ref: 5' tgGTGGACAGCCTTTGTTACt 3' Energy: -21.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3688-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -21.03 2 20 21223 21243 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:28759 to 28779 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' uaUACCUUUCUGAAACGGUga 5' | |||| || |||||| Ref: 5' tcAAGGAACAACATTGCCAaa 3' Energy: -14.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3688-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.38 3 20 28759 28779 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:2379 to 2398 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uauacCUUUCUGAAACGGUGa 5' |||| | ||||:||| Ref: 5' taggtGAAACA-TTTGTCACg 3' Energy: -12.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3688-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.67 2 17 2379 2398 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:6617 to 6637 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' uauACCUUUCUGAAACGGUGa 5' | |||| | ||||:|| Ref: 5' ggtTTGAAAACCCTTGCTACt 3' Energy: -11.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3688-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.54 2 19 6617 6637 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:13865 to 13884 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uauacCUUUCUGAAACGGUGa 5' |||| || |||:||| Ref: 5' taaaaGAAATAC-TTGTCACa 3' Energy: -12.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3688-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.18 2 17 13865 13884 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:11182 to 11203 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uauaccuuucuGA-AACGGUGa 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' tttgttaccttCTCTTGCCACt 3' Energy: -12.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3688-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.70 2 11 11182 11203 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:22235 to 22254 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uaUACCUUUCUGAAACGGUga 5' || |: ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ccATTGGTAGA-TTTGCCAat 3' Energy: -14.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3688-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.80 3 20 22235 22254 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:21571 to 21591 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uauaccuuucugaAACGGUGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttttcttgttttaTTGCCACt 3' Energy: -11.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3688-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.98 2 9 21571 21591 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3688-5p NC_045512.2 1721.00 -167.20 150.00 -21.67 73 21 29903 13245 7669 24130 5279 21223 28759 2379 6617 13865 11182 22235 21571 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-532-3p MIMAT0004780(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-532-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4747-5p MIMAT0019882(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4747-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3 to 22 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gaUUCUGGUUCGGAGGAAGGGa 5' |||::: | : ||||||| Ref: 5' taAAGGTTTA--TACCTTCCCa 3' Energy: -16.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4747-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.39 2 21 3 22 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:24700 to 24721 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gauucugguucggAGGAAGGGa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ctatcatcttatgTCCTTCCCt 3' Energy: -20.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4747-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -20.61 2 10 24700 24721 8 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4747-5p NC_045512.2 290.00 -37.00 145.00 -20.61 75 22 29903 3 24700 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6813-3p MIMAT0027527(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6813-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:28386 to 28406 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' gaccccucuCCCCGGUUCCAa 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' aacaacgtcGGCCCCAAGGTt 3' Energy: -13.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6813-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.63 2 13 28386 28406 11 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:3117 to 3137 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaccccucuccccGGUUCCAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ctgaagatgattaCCAAGGTa 3' Energy: -14.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6813-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.28 2 9 3117 3137 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6813-3p NC_045512.2 284.00 -27.91 144.00 -14.28 76 21 29903 28386 3117 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3150b-3p MIMAT0018194(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3150b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23584 to 23607 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ggUUGGAG-CUGCU--AGAGGAGu 5' |: ||| ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tcAGACTCAGACTAATTCTCCTCg 3' Energy: -24.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3150b-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -24.36 2 20 23584 23607 21 71.43% 76.19% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3150b-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -24.36 153.00 -24.36 77 21 29903 23584 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6858-5p MIMAT0027616(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6858-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28741 to 28762 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' caGGGACGGUCGGGGAGGAGUg 5' :| |||:| |:|||||| Ref: 5' aaTCGTGCTACAACTTCCTCAa 3' Energy: -22.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6858-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -22.37 2 21 28741 28762 19 63.16% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6858-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -22.37 144.00 -22.37 78 22 29903 28741 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6768-3p MIMAT0027437(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6768-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:19619 to 19642 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (93.33%) Query: 3' cacgugucCUCUUACACCGGAAAc 5' || ||||||||:||| Ref: 5' agagtttaGAAAATGTGGCTTTTa 3' Energy: -17.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6768-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -17.94 2 17 19619 19642 15 86.67% 93.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6768-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -17.94 156.00 -17.94 79 24 29903 19619 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4797-3p MIMAT0019973(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4797-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:23206 to 23225 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (93.75%) Query: 3' ugucUCACGGUGAAUGACUCu 5' :|||:: ||||||||| Ref: 5' cacaGGTGTT-CTTACTGAGt 3' Energy: -25.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4797-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -25.70 2 18 23206 23225 16 75.00% 93.75% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15411 to 15432 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugUCUCACG-GUGAAUGACUCu 5' || |||| || ||:|||| Ref: 5' tgAGTGTGCTCAAGTATTGAGt 3' Energy: -19.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4797-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -19.62 2 20 15411 15432 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:1838 to 1858 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugucucacggugaAUGACUCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gaacagaaatcaaTACTGAGt 3' Energy: -18.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4797-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.49 2 9 1838 1858 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:16643 to 16663 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugucucacggugaAUGACUCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aaacgctcaaagcTACTGAGg 3' Energy: -14.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4797-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.03 2 9 16643 16663 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4797-3p NC_045512.2 585.00 -77.84 159.00 -25.70 80 21 29903 23206 15411 1838 16643 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4684-5p MIMAT0019769(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4684-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4638-5p MIMAT0019695(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4638-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:200 to 222 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ugAACAGG--UGGCGUCGGCUca 5' | |||| :::|||||||| Ref: 5' ttTCGTCCGTGTTGCAGCCGAtc 3' Energy: -24.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4638-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -24.79 3 20 200 222 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4638-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -24.79 142.00 -24.79 82 21 29903 200 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4300 MIMAT0016853(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4300 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:12101 to 12117 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' cuUCAUCAGGUCGAGGGu 5' || |||::||:|||| Ref: 5' tcAG-AGTTTAGTTCCCt 3' Energy: -19.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4300 NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.61 2 17 12101 12117 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:17111 to 17128 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' cuUCAUCAGGUCGAGGGu 5' | |:| |:|||||:| Ref: 5' ctATTGGCCTAGCTCTCt 3' Energy: -15.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4300 NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.32 2 17 17111 17128 15 66.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4300 NC_045512.2 282.00 -34.93 142.00 -19.61 83 18 29903 12101 17111 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6868-3p MIMAT0027637(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6868-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:10573 to 10592 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gaCGUGUCUGUUGUCUUCCuu 5' |||||||| :|||||| Ref: 5' tgGCACAGAC-TTAGAAGGta 3' Energy: -26.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6868-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -26.37 3 20 10573 10592 17 82.35% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6868-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -26.37 149.00 -26.37 84 21 29903 10573 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-101-5p MIMAT0004513(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-101-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1643 to 1665 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ucGUAGUCGUGAC-ACUAUUGAc 5' ||||| :|:|| ||:|:||| Ref: 5' aaCATCAATATTGTTGGTGACTt 3' Energy: -21.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-101-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -21.51 2 21 1643 1665 20 70.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24919 to 24939 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucGUAGUCGUGACACUAUUGAc 5' |||: |:: | ||:||||| Ref: 5' caCATTTGTG-TCTGGTAACTg 3' Energy: -14.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-101-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.73 2 21 24919 24939 19 63.16% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-101-5p NC_045512.2 285.00 -36.24 143.00 -21.51 85 22 29903 1643 24919 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4650-3p MIMAT0019714(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4650-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:4316 to 4336 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uacaguccggaGUAAGAUGGa 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' agtgccttttaCATTCTACCa 3' Energy: -18.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4650-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -18.63 2 11 4316 4336 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:3022 to 3042 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' uacaguccgGAGUAAGAUGGa 5' :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' tatgtattgTTCTTTCTACCc 3' Energy: -14.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4650-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.60 2 13 3022 3042 11 81.82% 90.91% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:23726 to 23746 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uacaguccggagUAAGAUGGa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' gttaccacagaaATTCTACCa 3' Energy: -13.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4650-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.54 2 10 23726 23746 8 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4650-3p NC_045512.2 443.00 -46.77 150.00 -18.63 86 21 29903 4316 3022 23726 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548bc MIMAT0039765(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548bc vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:11873 to 11893 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' cguuuucAUUAGUGUCAAAAa 5' || || ||||||| Ref: 5' gtagtctTACTCTCAGTTTTg 3' Energy: -9.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bc NC_045512.2 154.00 -9.76 2 15 11873 11893 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5172 to 5192 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgUUUUCAUUAGUGUCAAAAa 5' | || |:||| :|||||| Ref: 5' acACAACTGATCCTAGTTTTc 3' Energy: -11.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bc NC_045512.2 151.00 -11.20 2 20 5172 5192 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:23820 to 23840 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' cguuuucauUAGUGUCAAAAa 5' || :||||||| Ref: 5' tgttgcaatATGGCAGTTTTt 3' Energy: -12.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bc NC_045512.2 148.00 -12.23 2 13 23820 23840 11 81.82% 90.91% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:21680 to 21706 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (65.22%) Query: 3' cguUUUCAUUAGU------GUCAAAAa 5' ||||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gacAAAGTTTTCAGATCCTCAGTTTTa 3' Energy: -11.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bc NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.52 2 19 21680 21706 23 65.22% 65.22% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:3332 to 3350 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cguUUUCAUUAGUGUCAAAAa 5' :||||:| |:|||||| Ref: 5' attGAAGTGA--ATAGTTTTa 3' Energy: -10.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bc NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.60 2 19 3332 3350 17 70.59% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548bc NC_045512.2 741.00 -55.31 154.00 -12.23 87 21 29903 11873 5172 23820 21680 3332 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6771-3p MIMAT0027443(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6771-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:18764 to 18786 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (70.59%) Query: 3' gacgcCCAUCUGU--CCCCAAAc 5' | | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgatGTTCAACAATGGGGTTTt 3' Energy: -12.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6771-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.53 2 17 18764 18786 17 70.59% 70.59% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6771-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.53 143.00 -12.53 88 21 29903 18764 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6748-3p MIMAT0027397(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6748-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1248 MIMAT0005900(27 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1248 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 26 R:1295 to 1324 Align Len (27) (66.67%) (70.37%) Query: 3' aaAUCGUGUCAC-GAAUAUG--UUCUUCCa 5' |:|||| | | || || ||||||| Ref: 5' tgTGGCACTGAGAATTTGACTAAAGAAGGt 3' Energy: -20.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1248 NC_045512.2 159.00 -20.36 2 26 1295 1324 27 66.67% 70.37% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:21427 to 21453 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' aaaucgugucACGAAUAUGUUCUUCCa 5' ||: | || ||||||| Ref: 5' actgctgttaTGTCTTTAAAAGAAGGt 3' Energy: -14.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1248 NC_045512.2 157.00 -14.53 2 18 21427 21453 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 26 R:7047 to 7072 Align Len (24) (62.50%) (79.17%) Query: 3' aaAUCGUGUCACGAAUAUGUUCUUCCa 5' || :::| || ||| | :|||||| Ref: 5' ctTACTGTACTGGTTACA-GAGAAGGc 3' Energy: -17.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1248 NC_045512.2 151.00 -17.39 2 26 7047 7072 24 62.50% 79.17% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 26 R:4120 to 4147 Align Len (26) (61.54%) (80.77%) Query: 3' aaAUCGUGUCAC--GAAUAUGUUCUUCCa 5' |||:: :||| ||:| |||||:|| Ref: 5' taTAGTG-GGTGATGTTGTTCAAGAGGGt 3' Energy: -21.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1248 NC_045512.2 150.00 -21.17 2 26 4120 4147 26 61.54% 80.77% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:3040 to 3067 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (68.18%) Query: 3' aaaucGUGU-CACGAAUAUGUUCUUCCa 5' || | | | |: | ||||||| Ref: 5' ccctcCAGATGAGGATGAAGAAGAAGGt 3' Energy: -18.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1248 NC_045512.2 149.00 -18.57 2 23 3040 3067 22 63.64% 68.18% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:29374 to 29400 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (65.00%) Query: 3' aaaucgUGUCACGAAUAUGUUCUUCCa 5' | || | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gcctaaAAAGGACAAAAAGAAGAAGGc 3' Energy: -15.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1248 NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.13 2 22 29374 29400 20 65.00% 65.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 26 R:4479 to 4507 Align Len (26) (61.54%) (73.08%) Query: 3' aaAUCGUGUCACGA--AUAUGUUCUUCCa 5' || | :|| :| ||||||||:|| Ref: 5' aaTATAAGGGTATTAAAATACAAGAGGGt 3' Energy: -19.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1248 NC_045512.2 148.00 -19.85 2 26 4479 4507 26 61.54% 73.08% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 26 R:4621 to 4651 Align Len (27) (66.67%) (70.37%) Query: 3' aaAUCGUGUCACGAAU----AUGUUCUUCca 5' || |||| ||||| |: |||||| Ref: 5' tgTAACACATGGCTTAAATTTGGAAGAAGct 3' Energy: -17.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1248 NC_045512.2 148.00 -17.69 3 26 4621 4651 27 66.67% 70.37% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:1565 to 1591 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (81.82%) Query: 3' aaaucGUGU-CACGAAUAUGUUCUUCCa 5' :||| ||| ||:| :|||||| Ref: 5' aaccaTACAGGTG-TTGTTGGAGAAGGt 3' Energy: -20.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1248 NC_045512.2 147.00 -20.58 2 23 1565 1591 22 68.18% 81.82% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 25 R:20136 to 20165 Align Len (26) (73.08%) (76.92%) Query: 3' aaaUCGUGUCACG--AAU-AUGUUCUUCCa 5' | |||||| | ||| ||:||||| | Ref: 5' aaaAACACAGTTCAATTATTATAAGAAAGt 3' Energy: -17.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1248 NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.93 2 25 20136 20165 26 73.08% 76.92% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:4 to 26 R:27469 to 27495 Align Len (22) (77.27%) (77.27%) Query: 3' aaAUCGUGUCACGAAUAUGUUCUUcca 5' || ||||| ||| || ||||| Ref: 5' ggTACAACAGTACTTTTAAAAGAAcct 3' Energy: -11.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1248 NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.88 4 26 27469 27495 22 77.27% 77.27% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 25 R:3386 to 3412 Align Len (22) (59.09%) (77.27%) Query: 3' aaaUCGUGUCACGAAUAUGUUCUUCca 5' | ::||| ||:|: |||||| Ref: 5' aaaAATGCAGACATTGTGGAAGAAGct 3' Energy: -16.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1248 NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.11 3 25 3386 3412 22 59.09% 77.27% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:17171 to 17198 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' aaaucgugucACG-AAUAUGUUCUUCCa 5' ||| |||:::|||||| Ref: 5' ccgctgttgaTGCACTATGTGAGAAGGc 3' Energy: -17.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1248 NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.78 2 18 17171 17198 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 25 R:12306 to 12333 Align Len (24) (62.50%) (70.83%) Query: 3' aaaUCGUGUCACGAAU-AUGUUCUUCCa 5' || :|| || | ||||||:|| Ref: 5' aacAGGCTAGATCTGAGGACAAGAGGGc 3' Energy: -20.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1248 NC_045512.2 143.00 -20.27 2 25 12306 12333 24 62.50% 70.83% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:24988 to 25014 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' aaaucgugucacGAAUAUGUUCUUCCa 5' || || ||||:||| Ref: 5' acctgaattagaCTCATTCAAGGAGGa 3' Energy: -14.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1248 NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.32 2 16 24988 25014 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:9774 to 9799 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' aaaucguGUCACGAAUAUGUUCUUCca 5' :||| ||| |: |||||| Ref: 5' tttccttTAGTACTTTTG-AAGAAGct 3' Energy: -12.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1248 NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.07 3 21 9774 9799 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 26 R:14709 to 14736 Align Len (25) (56.00%) (72.00%) Query: 3' aaAUCGUGUCACGAAUAUG-UUCUUCCa 5' |: | || |:|| | : |:||||| Ref: 5' tgTGTCTAAGGGTTTCTTTAAGGAAGGa 3' Energy: -12.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1248 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.36 2 26 14709 14736 25 56.00% 72.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 26 R:28771 to 28798 Align Len (25) (68.00%) (72.00%) Query: 3' aaAUCGUGUCACGAAUAUG-UUCUUCCa 5' |: || | |||| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' atTGCCAAAAGGCTTCTACGCAGAAGGg 3' Energy: -19.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1248 NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.22 2 26 28771 28798 25 68.00% 72.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1248 NC_045512.2 2645.00 -307.21 159.00 -21.17 90 27 29903 1295 21427 7047 4120 3040 29374 4479 4621 1565 20136 27469 3386 17171 12306 24988 9774 14709 28771 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4463 MIMAT0018987(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4463 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:7709 to 7727 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ccGGGGUGG--GGUCAGAg 5' :||:||: ||||||| Ref: 5' aaTCCTACTGACCAGTCTt 3' Energy: -21.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4463 NC_045512.2 150.00 -21.81 2 16 7709 7727 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:6392 to 6408 Align Len (14) (64.29%) (78.57%) Query: 3' ccGGGGUGGGGUCAGAg 5' :|: | ||||||| Ref: 5' gaTCTAAAACCAGTCTc 3' Energy: -19.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4463 NC_045512.2 143.00 -19.53 2 16 6392 6408 14 64.29% 78.57% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4463 NC_045512.2 293.00 -41.34 150.00 -21.81 91 17 29903 7709 6392 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6794-5p MIMAT0027488(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6794-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4763-5p MIMAT0019912(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4763-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6132 MIMAT0024616(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6132 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1306-3p MIMAT0005950(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1306-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:15534 to 15551 Align Len (15) (60.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' guGGUGGUCUCGGUUGCa 5' |:::|| :|||||:| Ref: 5' agCTGTCACGGCCAATGt 3' Energy: -19.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1306-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.64 2 17 15534 15551 15 60.00% 93.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1306-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.64 140.00 -19.64 95 18 29903 15534 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-579-5p MIMAT0026616(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-579-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3917 MIMAT0018191(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3917 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:228 to 249 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ggGUGGA--CGAGUCAGGCUCg 5' ||:|| |:|: |||||:| Ref: 5' caCATCTAGGTTTCGTCCGGGt 3' Energy: -21.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3917 NC_045512.2 141.00 -21.69 2 19 228 249 19 63.16% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3917 NC_045512.2 141.00 -21.69 141.00 -21.69 97 20 29903 228 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4793-3p MIMAT0019966(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4793-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:8920 to 8940 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ucGGUCGGUUGAGUGUCACGUCu 5' |:|| |::|: :||||||| Ref: 5' acCTAG--AGTTTTTAGTGCAGt 3' Energy: -18.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4793-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -18.10 2 22 8920 8940 20 60.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10956 to 10980 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucgguCGGUUGA--GUGUCACGUCu 5' |::| :| || ||||||| Ref: 5' caggtGTTACTTTCCAAAGTGCAGt 3' Energy: -16.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4793-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -16.45 2 19 10956 10980 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:23603 to 23625 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ucGGUCGGUUGAGUGUCACGUCu 5' :|:|| ::| |::||||:|| Ref: 5' ccTCGGCGGGCACGTAGTGTAGc 3' Energy: -24.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4793-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -24.47 2 22 23603 23625 20 55.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:24723 to 24744 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ucGGUCGGUUGAGUGUCACGUCu 5' :||| || ||||::|||:|| Ref: 5' agTCAG-CACCTCATGGTGTAGt 3' Energy: -28.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4793-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -28.69 2 22 24723 24744 20 70.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:13469 to 13490 Align Len (15) (60.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ucggucgGUUGAGUGUCACGUCu 5' |::: :| ||||||| Ref: 5' gggtttgCGGTGTA-AGTGCAGc 3' Energy: -14.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4793-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.40 2 17 13469 13490 15 60.00% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4793-3p NC_045512.2 737.00 -102.11 154.00 -28.69 98 23 29903 8920 10956 23603 24723 13469 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-575 MIMAT0003240(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-575 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:16973 to 16991 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgaggacagguUGACCGAg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atgttagaattACTGGCTt 3' Energy: -13.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-575 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.73 2 9 16973 16991 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-575 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.73 140.00 -13.73 99 19 29903 16973 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-496 MIMAT0002818(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-496 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:1607 to 1628 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (84.62%) Query: 3' cucuaaccGGUACAUUAUGAGu 5' :| || ||||||| Ref: 5' gacaacctTCTTGAAATACTCc 3' Energy: -10.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-496 NC_045512.2 150.00 -10.40 2 15 1607 1628 13 76.92% 84.62% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9493 to 9513 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cucUAACCGGUACAUUAUGAGu 5' | | ||| | |||||||: Ref: 5' tgtAGTTGCC-TTTAATACTTt 3' Energy: -10.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-496 NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.74 2 20 9493 9513 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:15693 to 15715 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cucuAACCGGUAC-AUUAUGAGu 5' || | ||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' acatTTCTCAATGATGATACTCt 3' Energy: -11.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-496 NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.06 2 19 15693 15715 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:19816 to 19837 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cucuaaccgguacaUUAUGAGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gtaccagaggtgaaAATACTCa 3' Energy: -14.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-496 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.39 2 9 19816 19837 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-496 NC_045512.2 572.00 -46.59 150.00 -14.39 100 22 29903 1607 9493 15693 19816 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-320c MIMAT0005793(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-320c vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12114 to 12136 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugGGAG--AGU-UGGGUCGAAAa 5' |:|| ||| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' ccCTTCCATCATATGCAGCTTTt 3' Energy: -18.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-320c NC_045512.2 152.00 -18.64 2 19 12114 12136 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19311 to 19332 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugGGAGAGU-UG-GGUCGAAAa 5' | |: || || |||||||| Ref: 5' tgCATTCCACACACCAGCTTTt 3' Energy: -18.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-320c NC_045512.2 152.00 -18.27 2 19 19311 19332 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12636 to 12658 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ugGGAGAGUUG---GGUCGAAAa 5' |||||:| : ||||||| Ref: 5' ggCCTCTTATTGTAACAGCTTTa 3' Energy: -19.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-320c NC_045512.2 149.00 -19.17 2 19 12636 12658 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:8984 to 9004 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ugGGAGAGUUG-GGUCGAAaa 5' |:|: |||| :|||||| Ref: 5' gaCTTTGCAACATCAGCTTgt 3' Energy: -16.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-320c NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.67 3 19 8984 9004 17 70.59% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-320c NC_045512.2 594.00 -72.75 152.00 -19.17 101 20 29903 12114 19311 12636 8984 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6818-3p MIMAT0027537(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6818-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19641 to 19662 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gacACACUCCUUGUUCUCUGUu 5' ||| : ||:|||:|||| Ref: 5' taaTGTTGTAAATAAGGGACAc 3' Energy: -15.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6818-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.35 2 20 19641 19662 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:13644 to 13665 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacacacuccuuGUUCUCUGUu 5' :|||||||| Ref: 5' ttactttgtagtTAAGAGACAc 3' Energy: -16.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6818-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.24 2 11 13644 13665 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:26251 to 26272 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacacacuccuugUUCUCUGUu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tcattcgtttcggAAGAGACAg 3' Energy: -13.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6818-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.02 2 10 26251 26272 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:23247 to 23268 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacacacuccuuguUCUCUGUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tccaacaatttggcAGAGACAt 3' Energy: -12.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6818-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.18 2 9 23247 23268 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:29410 to 29431 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacacacuccuuguUCUCUGUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tcaagccttaccgcAGAGACAg 3' Energy: -11.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6818-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.31 2 9 29410 29431 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6818-3p NC_045512.2 718.00 -68.10 147.00 -16.24 102 22 29903 19641 13644 26251 23247 29410 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3162-3p MIMAT0019213(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3162-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-661 MIMAT0003324(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-661 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6797-5p MIMAT0027494(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6797-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:24700 to 24724 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' aggacaAGAGUCGGGGAAGGGAGga 5' |||:| :||||||||| Ref: 5' ctatcaTCTTATGTCCTTCCCTCag 3' Energy: -25.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6797-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -25.34 3 20 24700 24724 17 76.47% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6797-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -25.34 151.00 -25.34 105 25 29903 24700 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5705 MIMAT0022499(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5705 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6767-3p MIMAT0027435(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6767-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:867 to 888 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacgccuuucucuUCGUGCACc 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ttaaagaccttctAGCACGTGc 3' Energy: -15.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6767-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.38 2 10 867 888 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18272 to 18293 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' gaCGCCUUUCUCUUCGUGCACc 5' || |||| | |:||||| Ref: 5' aaGCTATAAGACATGTACGTGc 3' Energy: -15.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6767-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.18 2 21 18272 18293 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17226 to 17249 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (66.67%) Query: 3' gaCGCCUU--UCUCUUCGUGCACc 5' |: ||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' taGTAGAATTATACCTGCACGTGc 3' Energy: -13.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6767-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.00 2 21 17226 17249 21 61.90% 66.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6767-3p NC_045512.2 432.00 -43.56 145.00 -15.38 107 22 29903 867 18272 17226 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4722-5p MIMAT0019836(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4722-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:24781 to 24802 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' guUGGACCGUGUCGG-GAGGACGg 5' ||:| |||| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' gaACTT--CACAACTGCTCCTGCc 3' Energy: -25.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4722-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -25.43 2 22 24781 24802 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:28875 to 28897 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (81.25%) Query: 3' guuggaCCGUGUCGGGAGGACGg 5' || : | ::||||||| Ref: 5' gcagtaGGGGAACTTCTCCTGCt 3' Energy: -24.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4722-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -24.65 2 18 28875 28897 16 62.50% 81.25% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24731 to 24753 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (94.74%) Query: 3' guuGGACCGUGUCGGGAGGACGg 5' | |||:::||:|:||:||| Ref: 5' cctCATGGTGTAGTCTTCTTGCa 3' Energy: -26.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4722-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -26.95 2 21 24731 24753 19 63.16% 94.74% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:3146 to 3166 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' guUGGACCGUGUCGGGAGGACGg 5' |::|||::| | ||:|||| Ref: 5' gaATTTGGTGC--CACTTCTGCt 3' Energy: -24.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4722-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -24.32 2 22 3146 3166 20 60.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:17119 to 17142 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' guUGGACCG-UGUCGGGAGGACGg 5' | || | || ||||:|||| Ref: 5' ctAGCTCTCTACTACCCTTCTGCt 3' Energy: -23.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4722-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -23.68 2 22 17119 17142 21 66.67% 71.43% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4722-5p NC_045512.2 732.00 -125.03 157.00 -26.95 108 23 29903 24781 28875 24731 3146 17119 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4477a MIMAT0019004(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4477a vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2809 to 2829 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cuuAGUGUUUACAGGAAUUAUc 5' | |:||| || ||||||: Ref: 5' gatTGATAAA-GTACTTAATGa 3' Energy: -8.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4477a NC_045512.2 145.00 -8.80 2 20 2809 2829 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9487 to 9510 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (80.95%) Query: 3' cuUAGU--GUUUACAGGAAUUAUc 5' :||| :|: || |:|||||| Ref: 5' caGTCATGTAGTTGCCTTTAATAc 3' Energy: -10.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4477a NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.31 2 21 9487 9510 21 61.90% 80.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29831 to 29853 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cuUA-GUGUUUACAGGAAUUAUc 5' || | || :|| ::|||||| Ref: 5' ctATCCCCATGTGATTTTAATAg 3' Energy: -12.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4477a NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.87 2 21 29831 29853 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1588 to 1608 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cuUAGUGUUUACAGGAAUUAUc 5' :|: |:|| || ||||||: Ref: 5' agGTTCCGAAGGT-CTTAATGa 3' Energy: -12.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4477a NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.61 2 21 1588 1608 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21467 to 21488 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cuUAGUGUUUACAGGAAUUAUc 5' ||: :| | |:||||:|| Ref: 5' tgATTTTATCTCTTCTTAGTAa 3' Energy: -5.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4477a NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.90 2 21 21467 21488 19 57.89% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4477a NC_045512.2 713.00 -50.49 145.00 -12.87 109 22 29903 2809 9487 29831 1588 21467 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-424-3p MIMAT0004749(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-424-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:20375 to 20395 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uaucgucgCGGAGUGCAAAAc 5' ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttggactaGCTAAACGTTTTa 3' Energy: -11.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-424-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.41 2 14 20375 20395 12 75.00% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:27081 to 27102 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uaUCGU-CGCGGAGUGCAAAAc 5' |||| |:| |||| ||||| Ref: 5' gtAGCAGGTGACTCAGGTTTTg 3' Energy: -24.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-424-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -24.29 2 20 27081 27102 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:8041 to 8061 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uaucgucgcggaGUGCAAAAc 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' tgcttacgttaaTACGTTTTc 3' Energy: -11.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-424-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.38 2 10 8041 8061 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:23471 to 23491 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uaucGUCGCGGAGUGCAAAAc 5' ||| :|| |:||||| Ref: 5' tctaCAGGTTCTAATGTTTTt 3' Energy: -11.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-424-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.61 2 18 23471 23491 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:29558 to 29578 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uaucgucgcggagUGCAAAAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atgggctatataaACGTTTTc 3' Energy: -8.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-424-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.22 2 9 29558 29578 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-424-3p NC_045512.2 709.00 -66.91 145.00 -24.29 110 21 29903 20375 27081 8041 23471 29558 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-499b-3p MIMAT0019898(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-499b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21519 to 21540 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' acAAUUCUGAACGUCACUACAa 5' ||: |:|| :|||||||| Ref: 5' agTTGTTATTTCTAGTGATGTt 3' Energy: -20.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499b-3p NC_045512.2 164.00 -20.18 2 21 21519 21540 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9835 to 9856 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acAAUUCUGAACGUCACUACAa 5' | ||| : |:|||||||| Ref: 5' tcTAAAGTTGCGTAGTGATGTg 3' Energy: -16.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499b-3p NC_045512.2 160.00 -16.05 2 21 9835 9856 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:15246 to 15267 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' acaauucUGAACGUCACUACAa 5' ::|| :|||||||| Ref: 5' aaaaactGTTTATAGTGATGTa 3' Energy: -13.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499b-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -13.12 2 16 15246 15267 14 71.43% 92.86% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:6143 to 6166 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' acaauuCUGAA--CGUCACUACAa 5' ||||| ::||||||| Ref: 5' ttccctGACTTAAATGGTGATGTg 3' Energy: -13.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499b-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -13.76 2 17 6143 6166 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24922 to 24946 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (72.73%) Query: 3' acAAUUCUGAACGU---CACUACAa 5' ||: | || |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' atTTGTGTCTGGTAACTGTGATGTt 3' Energy: -12.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499b-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -12.65 2 21 24922 24946 22 63.64% 72.73% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:751 to 772 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' acaAUUCUG-AACGUCACUACAa 5' ||| || | ||||||:||| Ref: 5' cacTAA-ACATAGCAGTGGTGTt 3' Energy: -17.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499b-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -17.81 2 20 751 772 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:5429 to 5449 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' acaauuCUGAACGUCACUACAa 5' || || :||||||| Ref: 5' gtaggtGAGTT-AGGTGATGTt 3' Energy: -13.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499b-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.59 2 17 5429 5449 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:5498 to 5520 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' acaaUUCUGAACGU-CACUACAa 5' :|| |||| | |||:||| Ref: 5' aaaaGAGTCTTGAACGTGGTGTg 3' Energy: -15.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499b-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.75 2 19 5498 5520 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:16386 to 16407 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' acaauucugaaCGUCACUACAa 5' |: ||||||| Ref: 5' caatgctccagGTTGTGATGTc 3' Energy: -10.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499b-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.05 2 12 16386 16407 10 80.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:4115 to 4135 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' acaauucugaACGUCACUACAa 5' || :||||||| Ref: 5' ccatatatagTG-GGTGATGTt 3' Energy: -11.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499b-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.92 2 13 4115 4135 11 81.82% 90.91% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17377 to 17397 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' acAAUUCUGAACGUCACUACAa 5' ||| ||:||| |||| ||| Ref: 5' aaTTATGATTTG-AGTGTTGTc 3' Energy: -14.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499b-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.03 2 21 17377 17397 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9306 to 9328 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' acaaUUCU-GAACGUCACUACAa 5' |:|| :|| | |||:||| Ref: 5' taccAGGAGTTTTCTGTGGTGTa 3' Energy: -12.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499b-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.34 2 19 9306 9328 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8689 to 8713 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' acaaUUCUG--AAC-GUCACUACAa 5' |||:| ||| ::|||:||| Ref: 5' atacAAGGCTATTGATGGTGGTGTc 3' Energy: -15.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.44 2 19 8689 8713 20 65.00% 85.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-499b-3p NC_045512.2 1928.00 -186.69 164.00 -20.18 111 22 29903 21519 9835 15246 6143 24922 751 5429 5498 16386 4115 17377 9306 8689 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1277-5p MIMAT0022724(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1277-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:22153 to 22176 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (71.43%) Query: 3' uaUGCAUGUAUAUAUAUAUAUAAa 5' |:| :|| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgATGGTTATTTTAAAATATATTc 3' Energy: -5.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1277-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -5.05 2 23 22153 22176 21 61.90% 71.43% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:4853 to 4875 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' uaUGCAUGUAUAUAUAUAUAUAAa 5' | ||: ||| | :|:|||||| Ref: 5' agAGGTG-ATAAAAGTGTATATTa 3' Energy: -6.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1277-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -6.70 2 23 4853 4875 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:16127 to 16151 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uaugcaUGUAU-AUAUAUAUAUAAa 5' ||||: || | ||:|||| Ref: 5' caggacACATGTTAGACATGTATTc 3' Energy: -10.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1277-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -10.19 2 19 16127 16151 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7239 to 7262 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (68.42%) Query: 3' uaugCAUGUAUAUAUAUAUAUAAa 5' ||: | | : ||||||| Ref: 5' cagaGTGGTTTTTGGCATATATTc 3' Energy: -6.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1277-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -6.79 2 21 7239 7262 19 57.89% 68.42% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:13932 to 13956 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (66.67%) Query: 3' uauGCAU-GUAUAUAUAUAUAUAAa 5' :||| | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tttTGTAGAAAACCCAGATATATTa 3' Energy: -5.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1277-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -5.06 2 22 13932 13956 21 61.90% 66.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:28010 to 28035 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (73.91%) Query: 3' uaUGCAUGU-AUAUAUA-UAUAUAAa 5' || | :| | || || :|||||| Ref: 5' tcACTTCTATTCTAAATGGTATATTa 3' Energy: -3.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1277-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -3.38 2 23 28010 28035 23 65.22% 73.91% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1277-5p NC_045512.2 875.00 -37.17 154.00 -10.19 112 24 29903 22153 4853 16127 7239 13932 28010 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1238-5p MIMAT0022947(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1238-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19957 to 19979 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gugUG-UGACCCCGAGGGUGAGUg 5' || |:| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' gaaACGATTTGTGC-ACCACTCAc 3' Energy: -20.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1238-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -20.64 2 21 19957 19979 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:28425 to 28447 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gugugugacccCGAGGGUGAGUg 5' ||||:|||||| Ref: 5' cttggttcaccGCTCTCACTCAa 3' Energy: -21.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1238-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -21.71 2 13 28425 28447 11 90.91% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:17426 to 17448 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' guGUGUGACCCCGAGGGUGAGUg 5' :|||:||| | ||::|||| Ref: 5' tgTACATTGGCGACCCTGCTCAa 3' Energy: -24.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1238-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -24.33 2 22 17426 17448 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27721 to 27743 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gugUGUGACCCCGAGGGUGAGUg 5' ||||| | :|| |||||| Ref: 5' ataACACTTTGCTTCACACTCAa 3' Energy: -22.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1238-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -22.58 2 21 27721 27743 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1238-5p NC_045512.2 574.00 -89.26 149.00 -24.33 113 23 29903 19957 28425 17426 27721 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4799-5p MIMAT0019976(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4799-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2940 to 2959 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cuGA-CCGUACGACGUAAAUCUa 5' || ||||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' caCTGGGCAT--TG-ATTTAGAt 3' Energy: -16.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4799-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -16.59 2 21 2940 2959 20 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:5471 to 5491 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cugaccGUACGACGUAAAUCUa 5' ||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tttcaaCATGC-CAATTTAGAt 3' Energy: -15.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4799-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.14 2 17 5471 5491 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:20006 to 20026 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cugacCGUACGACGUAAAUCUa 5' |:| || :||||||| Ref: 5' gtcaaGTAGACT-TATTTAGAa 3' Energy: -8.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4799-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -8.77 2 18 20006 20026 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:19457 to 19479 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cugaccGUACGACG-UAAAUCUa 5' || |:||| ||||||: Ref: 5' gtataaCACGTTGCAATTTAGGt 3' Energy: -15.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4799-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.61 2 17 19457 19479 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:29453 to 29476 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cugaccGUACGACG--UAAAUCUa 5' | |||||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' cttcttCCTGCTGCAGATTTGGAt 3' Energy: -16.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4799-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.05 2 17 29453 29476 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:25043 to 25063 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' cugaccgUACGACGUAAAUCUa 5' |||:|| ||||||: Ref: 5' tcaccagATGTTG-ATTTAGGt 3' Energy: -13.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4799-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.89 2 16 25043 25063 14 78.57% 92.86% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4799-5p NC_045512.2 878.00 -86.05 154.00 -16.59 114 22 29903 2940 5471 20006 19457 29453 25043 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3074-5p MIMAT0019208(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3074-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-95-5p MIMAT0026473(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-95-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:23997 to 24018 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uuaaGUUGUCU-GUAAAUAACu 5' ||| ||: ||||||||| Ref: 5' caagCAAGAGGTCATTTATTGa 3' Energy: -18.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-95-5p NC_045512.2 164.00 -18.07 2 18 23997 24018 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:913 to 933 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uuaaGUUG-UCUGUAAAUAACu 5' |||| :||| ||||||| Ref: 5' cgaaCAACTGGAC-TTTATTGa 3' Energy: -17.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-95-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -17.54 2 18 913 933 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4753 to 4773 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uuaAGUUGUCUGU-AAAUAACu 5' | || | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' accTGAAGA-ACATTTTATTGa 3' Energy: -9.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-95-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -9.80 2 19 4753 4773 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:1356 to 1375 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uuaAGUUGUCUGUAAAUAACu 5' |:: :| | |||||||| Ref: 5' ctgTTGTTA-AAATTTATTGt 3' Energy: -6.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-95-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -6.46 2 19 1356 1375 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11597 to 11617 Align Len (18) (55.56%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uuAAGUUGUCUGUAAAUAACu 5' | :||:: :||||||| Ref: 5' tgTATAATGCTAGTTTATTGt 3' Energy: -7.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-95-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -7.23 2 20 11597 11617 18 55.56% 77.78% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23805 to 23825 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uuAAGUUGUCUGUAAAUAACu 5' | ||:|| | |||:||| Ref: 5' aaTGCAGCAATCTTTTGTTGc 3' Energy: -11.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-95-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.92 2 20 23805 23825 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8173 to 8193 Align Len (17) (58.82%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uuaAGUUGUCUGUAAAUAACu 5' ||::|| : :|||:||| Ref: 5' agcTCGGCAAGGGTTTGTTGa 3' Energy: -15.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-95-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.26 2 19 8173 8193 17 58.82% 88.24% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10593 to 10614 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uuAAGUUGUCU-GUAAAUAACu 5' ||: |::|| | |||:||| Ref: 5' acTTTTATGGACCTTTTGTTGa 3' Energy: -10.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-95-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.65 2 20 10593 10614 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:6775 to 6794 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uuaaguugucUGUAAAUAACu 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttatttctttAC-TTTATTGc 3' Energy: -4.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-95-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -4.81 2 12 6775 6794 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:7322 to 7344 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uuAAGUUGUC-UGU-AAAUAAcu 5' ||: :||| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' taTTTTGCAGTACATTTTATTag 3' Energy: -10.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-95-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.25 3 20 7322 7344 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:21654 to 21676 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (89.47%) Query: 3' uuAAGU-UGU-CUGUAAAUAAcu 5' |||| ||: |:::|||||| Ref: 5' ctTTCACACGTGGTGTTTATTac 3' Energy: -9.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-95-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.65 3 20 21654 21676 19 68.42% 89.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:7641 to 7662 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (93.75%) Query: 3' uuaaGUUGUC-UGUAAAUAAcu 5' ::::|| ||||||||| Ref: 5' gtgcTGGTAGTACATTTATTag 3' Energy: -12.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-95-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.01 3 18 7641 7662 16 68.75% 93.75% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:14427 to 14447 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uuaagUUGUCUGUAAAUAACu 5' :| | |:||||:||| Ref: 5' agtgaGAAAAATATTTGTTGa 3' Energy: -10.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-95-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.50 2 17 14427 14447 15 66.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:21567 to 21587 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuaaguugucuguAAAUAACu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgtttttcttgtTTTATTGc 3' Energy: -4.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-95-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -4.79 2 9 21567 21587 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-95-5p NC_045512.2 2038.00 -148.94 164.00 -18.07 116 21 29903 23997 913 4753 1356 11597 23805 8173 10593 6775 7322 21654 7641 14427 21567 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7157-5p MIMAT0028224(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7157-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:14015 to 14039 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' agAGACCACGGU-UAC-UUACGACu 5' | || ||||| : | ||||||| Ref: 5' tcTGTGATGCCATGCGAAATGCTGg 3' Energy: -23.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7157-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -23.08 2 22 14015 14039 22 72.73% 77.27% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:16305 to 16326 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agAGACCACGGUUACUUACGACu 5' ||| ||:: :| ||||||| Ref: 5' atTCTTATGTT-GTAAATGCTGt 3' Energy: -14.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7157-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -14.73 2 22 16305 16326 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:28719 to 28740 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' agagaccACGGUUACUUACGACu 5' |||:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gcaatccTGCTAA-CAATGCTGc 3' Energy: -13.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7157-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -13.52 2 17 28719 28740 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:12049 to 12071 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agagaccACGGUUACUUACGACu 5' ||: || ||||||| Ref: 5' caagcttTGTGAAGAAATGCTGg 3' Energy: -17.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7157-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -17.26 2 17 12049 12071 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:14762 to 14786 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (72.73%) Query: 3' agAGACCACGGUUAC--UUACGACu 5' |:|| | :||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tcTTTGCTCAGGATGGTAATGCTGc 3' Energy: -17.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7157-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -17.14 2 22 14762 14786 22 63.64% 72.73% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:17776 to 17798 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (84.62%) Query: 3' agagaccacGGUUACUUACGACu 5' :|| |||||||| Ref: 5' ccttataatTCACAGAATGCTGt 3' Energy: -13.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7157-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -13.91 2 15 17776 17798 13 76.92% 84.62% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:1339 to 1359 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' agagaccacGGUUACUUACGACu 5' |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttacttaccCCAA--AATGCTGt 3' Energy: -13.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7157-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.52 2 15 1339 1359 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:16838 to 16862 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agagaCCACGGUUAC--UUACGACu 5' |||| | ||| :|||||| Ref: 5' aaaaaGGTGACTATGGTGATGCTGt 3' Energy: -19.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7157-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.14 2 19 16838 16862 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:21172 to 21194 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agagaccacgguuaCUUACGACu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' acagaacattcttgGAATGCTGa 3' Energy: -15.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7157-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.59 2 10 21172 21194 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:16565 to 16589 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' agagacCACGG--UUACUUACGACu 5' ||| | :| ||||||| Ref: 5' caacatGTGACTGGACAAATGCTGg 3' Energy: -17.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7157-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.35 2 18 16565 16589 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:4179 to 4205 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' agaGACCAC---GGUUAC-UUACGAcu 5' |||||| |:| || |||||| Ref: 5' aggCTGGTGGCACTACTGAAATGCTag 3' Energy: -20.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7157-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -20.78 3 21 4179 4205 22 72.73% 77.27% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:14888 to 14912 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agagACCA-CGGU-UACUUACGAcu 5' |||| ||:: || |||||| Ref: 5' acgaTGGTGGCTGTATTAATGCTaa 3' Energy: -16.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7157-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.48 3 20 14888 14912 19 73.68% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7157-5p NC_045512.2 1786.00 -202.50 159.00 -23.08 117 23 29903 14015 16305 28719 12049 14762 17776 1339 16838 21172 16565 4179 14888 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4436a MIMAT0018952(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4436a vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 175.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:27579 to 27599 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uaGGUGAAGACGGACAGGACg 5' :::|||:|||:||||||| Ref: 5' atTTGCTTTTGCTTGTCCTGa 3' Energy: -29.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4436a NC_045512.2 175.00 -29.37 2 20 27579 27599 18 72.22% 100.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:17550 to 17573 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uaggUGA--AGACG-GACAGGACg 5' ||| || || :||||||| Ref: 5' cggaACTTGTCGGCGTTGTCCTGc 3' Energy: -20.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4436a NC_045512.2 151.00 -20.21 2 18 17550 17573 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11391 to 11411 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uagGUGAAGACGGACAGGACg 5' ||||| || ||||:|| Ref: 5' ggaCACTTATGAATGTCTTGa 3' Energy: -20.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4436a NC_045512.2 150.00 -20.11 2 19 11391 11411 17 76.47% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4436a NC_045512.2 476.00 -69.69 175.00 -29.37 118 21 29903 27579 17550 11391 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4634 MIMAT0019691(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4634 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-10394-5p MIMAT0041619(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-10394-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-664b-5p MIMAT0022271(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-664b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:27779 to 27802 Align Len (21) (47.62%) (85.71%) Query: 3' auGGGUUAGUAGAGGGAAUCGGGu 5' :|:| |::| :::||||||: Ref: 5' ctTCTATTTGTGCTTTTTAGCCTt 3' Energy: -13.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-664b-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.84 2 23 27779 27802 21 47.62% 85.71% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:5392 to 5415 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' auggguuaGUAGAGGGAAUCGGGu 5' || :| :|||||||: Ref: 5' cttttgtgCACTTATCTTAGCCTa 3' Energy: -17.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-664b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.70 2 17 5392 5415 15 66.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-664b-5p NC_045512.2 282.00 -31.54 142.00 -17.70 121 24 29903 27779 5392 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4525 MIMAT0019064(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4525 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-486-3p MIMAT0004762(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-486-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-302c-5p MIMAT0000716(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-302c-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15447 to 15468 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' guCGUCCAUGGGGGUACAAUUu 5' ||:| | |: :||||||| Ref: 5' tgGCGGTTCACTATATGTTAAa 3' Energy: -16.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302c-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -16.88 2 21 15447 15468 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15225 to 15248 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (76.19%) Query: 3' guCGUCCAUGGGG--GUACAAUUu 5' |::| |: | | |||||||| Ref: 5' tgGTGGTTGGCACAACATGTTAAa 3' Energy: -16.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302c-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.01 2 21 15225 15248 21 61.90% 76.19% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15533 to 15555 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' guCGUCCAUG-GGGGUACAAUUu 5' || | || || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaGCTGTCACGGCCAATGTTAAt 3' Energy: -13.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302c-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -13.01 2 21 15533 15555 20 70.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:26412 to 26433 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gucguccAUGGGGGUACAAUUu 5' |||:|:|:|||||| Ref: 5' ttacgttTACTCTCGTGTTAAa 3' Energy: -22.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302c-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -22.07 2 16 26412 26433 14 78.57% 100.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:3613 to 3634 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (84.62%) Query: 3' gucguccaUGGGGGUACAAUUu 5' :||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgttgtcgGCCCAAATGTTAAc 3' Energy: -14.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302c-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.60 2 15 3613 3634 13 76.92% 84.62% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:23389 to 23410 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' gucguccAUGGGGGUACAAUUu 5' ||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgttcttTATCAGGATGTTAAc 3' Energy: -8.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302c-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -8.63 2 16 23389 23410 14 71.43% 78.57% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:6229 to 6250 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gucguccauggggGUACAAUUu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' acctattgtttggCATGTTAAc 3' Energy: -8.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302c-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -8.21 2 10 6229 6250 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:18530 to 18551 Align Len (14) (64.29%) (78.57%) Query: 3' gucguccAUGGGGGUACAAUUu 5' |:: | ||||||| Ref: 5' taaagatTGTACAAATGTTAAg 3' Energy: -13.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302c-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.08 2 16 18530 18551 14 64.29% 78.57% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14195 to 14214 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' guCGUCCAUGGGGGUACAAUUu 5' |||| | :| ||||||:| Ref: 5' ctGCAG--AGTCACATGTTGAc 3' Energy: -14.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302c-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.58 2 21 14195 14214 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-302c-5p NC_045512.2 1335.00 -127.07 156.00 -22.07 124 22 29903 15447 15225 15533 26412 3613 23389 6229 18530 14195 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-449a MIMAT0001541(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-449a vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7856 to 7876 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ugGUCGAUUGUUAUGUGACGGu 5' || |||| ::| ||:|||| Ref: 5' aaCA-CTAAAGGTTCATTGCCt 3' Energy: -15.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-449a NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.97 2 21 7856 7876 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29046 to 29066 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ugGUCGAUUGUUAUGUGACGGu 5' |:|| || || ::|||||| Ref: 5' ctCGGC-AAAAACGTACTGCCa 3' Energy: -20.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-449a NC_045512.2 146.00 -20.34 2 21 29046 29066 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:17307 to 17328 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uggucGAUUGUUAUGUGACGGu 5' ||: |||:||:|||| Ref: 5' ttgtaCTGTAAATGCATTGCCt 3' Energy: -18.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-449a NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.53 2 18 17307 17328 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23620 to 23645 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (82.61%) Query: 3' ugGUCGAUU-GUUA--U-GUGACGGu 5' :|||||: |||| | ||:|||| Ref: 5' tgTAGCTAGTCAATCCATCATTGCCt 3' Energy: -21.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-449a NC_045512.2 145.00 -21.57 2 21 23620 23645 23 69.57% 82.61% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3588 to 3609 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uggUCGAUUGUUAUGUGACGGu 5' | || :| | ||||||:| Ref: 5' acaATCTTGCTAAACACTGTCt 3' Energy: -17.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-449a NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.06 2 20 3588 3609 18 66.67% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-449a NC_045512.2 725.00 -93.47 146.00 -21.57 125 22 29903 7856 29046 17307 23620 3588 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5001-5p MIMAT0021021(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5001-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4765 MIMAT0019916(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4765 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:22249 to 22272 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cuugUAUCGAUAGU--UAGUGAgu 5' |||| |||:| |||||| Ref: 5' gccaATAGGTATTAACATCACTag 3' Energy: -13.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4765 NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.82 3 19 22249 22272 18 77.78% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4765 NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.82 145.00 -13.82 127 22 29903 22249 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3619-5p MIMAT0017999(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3619-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29444 to 29466 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cgACG-UGGUCGGACGGACGACu 5' ||: ||: :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' acTGTGACTCTTCTTCCTGCTGc 3' Energy: -23.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3619-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -23.44 2 21 29444 29466 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:17553 to 17576 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (89.47%) Query: 3' cgacGUGGUCG-GAC-GGACGACu 5' :::|:|| :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' aactTGTCGGCGTTGTCCTGCTGa 3' Energy: -26.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3619-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -26.22 2 19 17553 17576 19 63.16% 89.47% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:28710 to 28731 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' cgaCGUGGUCGGACGGACGAcu 5' ||||| || |||||| Ref: 5' ttgGCACCCGCAATCCTGCTaa 3' Energy: -21.799999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3619-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -21.80 3 20 28710 28731 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:4770 to 4791 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cgacgUGGUCGGACGGACGACu 5' |||| |: |:||||| Ref: 5' ttgaaACCATCTCACTTGCTGg 3' Energy: -19.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3619-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.76 2 18 4770 4791 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23409 to 23430 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cgACGUGGUCGGACGGACGACu 5' ||||| : | ||||:|| Ref: 5' acTGCACAGAAGTCCCTGTTGc 3' Energy: -26.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3619-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -26.50 2 21 23409 23430 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:25303 to 25324 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgacguggucggacGGACGACu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgttcttgtggatCCTGCTGc 3' Energy: -16.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3619-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.47 2 9 25303 25324 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3619-5p NC_045512.2 871.00 -134.19 155.00 -26.50 128 22 29903 29444 17553 28710 4770 23409 25303 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7113-5p MIMAT0028123(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7113-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:267 to 286 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (70.59%) Query: 3' gagUGUGUGACAGAGGGACCu 5' | | || | ||||||| Ref: 5' tggAGAGCCT-TGTCCCTGGt 3' Energy: -16.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7113-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.04 2 19 267 286 17 70.59% 70.59% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7113-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.04 144.00 -16.04 129 21 29903 267 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-766-3p MIMAT0003888(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-766-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:25764 to 25788 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (76.19%) Query: 3' cgACUCCGACACC---CCGACCUca 5' ||||||| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' aaTGAGGCTTTGGCTTTGCTGGAaa 3' Energy: -25.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-766-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -25.22 3 21 25764 25788 21 76.19% 76.19% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-766-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -25.22 147.00 -25.22 130 22 29903 25764 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-487b-3p MIMAT0003180(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-487b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1878 to 1902 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (72.73%) Query: 3' uuCACCUACUGG---GACAUGCUAa 5' | || || :| :|||||||| Ref: 5' caGAGGCTGCTCGTGTTGTACGATc 3' Energy: -16.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-487b-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.44 2 21 1878 1902 22 63.64% 72.73% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7477 to 7498 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uucaccUACUGGGACAUGCUAa 5' || | |:||||:||| Ref: 5' taattcATCAACTTGTATGATg 3' Energy: -12.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-487b-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.86 2 17 7477 7498 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:29733 to 29754 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uucaccuacugggaCAUGCUAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cgaggccacgcggaGTACGATc 3' Energy: -14.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-487b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.01 2 9 29733 29754 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-487b-3p NC_045512.2 435.00 -43.31 151.00 -16.44 131 22 29903 1878 7477 29733 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-330-3p MIMAT0000751(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-330-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:18874 to 18899 Align Len (23) (73.91%) (73.91%) Query: 3' agAGA-CGUCCG--GCACACGAAACg 5' ||| || | | || |||||||| Ref: 5' tgTCTAGCTGTCCACGAGTGCTTTGt 3' Energy: -20.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-330-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -20.43 2 22 18874 18899 23 73.91% 73.91% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17579 to 17602 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' agaGAC-GUCCGGCACACGAAACg 5' :|| || :| |||||||| Ref: 5' ttgTTGACACTGTGAGTGCTTTGg 3' Energy: -16.799999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-330-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.80 2 21 17579 17602 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15949 to 15971 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agaGACGUCCGGCACACGAAACg 5' || :||||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' atcCTAGGGGCCGGCTGTTTTGt 3' Energy: -22.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-330-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -22.87 2 21 15949 15971 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28917 to 28937 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' agagACGUCCGGCACACGAAACg 5' ||| ||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgaTGC-TGCTCT-TGCTTTGc 3' Energy: -16.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-330-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.22 2 20 28917 28937 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9365 to 9389 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' agagACGUCCGGCA--CACGAAACg 5' | || |: | |||||||| Ref: 5' ctaaTTCAACCTATTGGTGCTTTGg 3' Energy: -15.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-330-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.02 2 20 9365 9389 20 65.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:20594 to 20616 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' agagacguccggcACACGAAACg 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' cagaaatttcattTATGCTTTGg 3' Energy: -9.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-330-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.13 2 11 20594 20616 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:25245 to 25267 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' agagacguccggcACACGAAACg 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' taatggtgacaatTATGCTTTGc 3' Energy: -11.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-330-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.66 2 11 25245 25267 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:8377 to 8399 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agagacguccggcacACGAAACg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaaagtcacaacatTGCTTTGa 3' Energy: -8.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-330-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.58 2 9 8377 8399 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:27158 to 27180 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agagacguccggcacACGAAACg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tagcagtgacaatatTGCTTTGc 3' Energy: -16.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-330-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.61 2 9 27158 27180 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-330-3p NC_045512.2 1315.00 -137.32 159.00 -22.87 132 23 29903 18874 17579 15949 28917 9365 20594 25245 8377 27158 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4257 MIMAT0016878(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4257 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:10177 to 10194 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' gagucAGGGGUGGAGACc 5' ||: |||||||| Ref: 5' tgtgaTCTGCACCTCTGa 3' Energy: -18.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4257 NC_045512.2 153.00 -18.41 2 14 10177 10194 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:19582 to 19599 Align Len (15) (60.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gaGUCAGGGGUGGAGACc 5' :| |: : ||||||| Ref: 5' gaTACTTATAACCTCTGg 3' Energy: -18.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4257 NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.14 2 17 19582 19599 15 60.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:4909 to 4926 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' gagUCAGGGGUGGAGACc 5' |||: :|||||:|| Ref: 5' tgaAGTTATCACCTTTGa 3' Energy: -17.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4257 NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.06 2 16 4909 4926 14 71.43% 92.86% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4257 NC_045512.2 440.00 -53.61 153.00 -18.41 133 18 29903 10177 19582 4909 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4264 MIMAT0016899(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4264 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:15831 to 15847 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuacugguaCUGACUCa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaatgttgGACTGAGa 3' Energy: -14.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4264 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.08 2 9 15831 15847 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4264 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.08 140.00 -14.08 134 17 29903 15831 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-489-5p MIMAT0026605(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-489-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16398 to 16419 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (89.47%) Query: 3' uuUACCGCAGUGUGUAUGCUGg 5' :|| :|||||| ||::||| Ref: 5' ttGTGATGTCACAGATGTGACt 3' Energy: -24.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-489-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -24.47 2 21 16398 16419 19 68.42% 89.47% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:21037 to 21058 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' uuuaccgCAGUGUGUAUGCUGg 5' || |:|::|||||| Ref: 5' attattaGTGATATGTACGACc 3' Energy: -19.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-489-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -19.12 2 16 21037 21058 14 71.43% 92.86% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17844 to 17863 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuUACCGCAGUGUGUAUGCUGg 5' | ||| ||| | |||:||| Ref: 5' acAGGGC-TCAGA-ATATGACt 3' Energy: -16.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-489-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.91 2 21 17844 17863 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-489-5p NC_045512.2 427.00 -60.50 144.00 -24.47 135 22 29903 16398 21037 17844 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-92b-5p MIMAT0004792(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-92b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6829-3p MIMAT0027559(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6829-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:360 to 379 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gaCUCCGGUGCCUCCUCCGu 5' || ||::||||||||: Ref: 5' gaGACTCCGTGGAGGAGGTc 3' Energy: -27.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6829-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -27.99 2 19 360 379 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:4272 to 4291 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (92.31%) Query: 3' gacuccGGUGCCUCCUCCGu 5' |::: |||||||| Ref: 5' gttacaCTGTAGAGGAGGCa 3' Energy: -20.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6829-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -20.79 2 15 4272 4291 13 69.23% 92.31% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:3457 to 3476 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacuccgGUGCCUCCUCCGu 5' ||:||||||||: Ref: 5' ccttaaaCATGGAGGAGGTg 3' Energy: -24.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6829-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -24.27 2 14 3457 3476 12 83.33% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6829-3p NC_045512.2 445.00 -73.05 150.00 -27.99 137 20 29903 360 4272 3457 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6766-3p MIMAT0027433(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6766-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:3237 to 3258 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' acucccaccCCCUUCUGUUAGu 5' | ||:||||||| Ref: 5' aagacggcaGTGAGGACAATCa 3' Energy: -18.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6766-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -18.91 2 14 3237 3258 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24652 to 24673 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (68.42%) Query: 3' acUCCCACCCCCUUCUGUUAGu 5' || ||| :||||||| Ref: 5' agAGTGTGTACTTGGACAATCa 3' Energy: -19.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6766-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -19.54 2 21 24652 24673 19 63.16% 68.42% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:4804 to 4825 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acucccacccccuUCUGUUAGu 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' ttggtcctattctGGACAATCt 3' Energy: -11.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6766-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.06 2 10 4804 4825 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4911 to 4932 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acucccacccccuuCUGUUAGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aagttatcacctttGACAATCt 3' Energy: -7.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6766-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.83 2 9 4911 4932 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6766-3p NC_045512.2 582.00 -57.34 153.00 -19.54 138 22 29903 3237 24652 4804 4911 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5584-5p MIMAT0022283(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5584-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:1074 to 1095 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' agaucaaGAAGGGUAAAGGGAc 5' :||: :|||||||| Ref: 5' gtccaaaTTTTGTATTTCCCTt 3' Energy: -15.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5584-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -15.21 2 16 1074 1095 14 71.43% 92.86% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6128 to 6149 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (68.42%) Query: 3' agAUCAAGAAGGGUAAAGGGAc 5' || :| | : ||||||| Ref: 5' ctTAAAGTTACATTTTTCCCTg 3' Energy: -16.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5584-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.63 2 21 6128 6149 19 57.89% 68.42% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5584-5p NC_045512.2 299.00 -31.84 155.00 -16.63 139 22 29903 1074 6128 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4710 MIMAT0019815(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4710 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:15264 to 15281 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uugguggacGGGAGUGGg 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tgtagaaaaCCCTCACCt 3' Energy: -18.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4710 NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.60 2 10 15264 15281 8 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4710 NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.60 145.00 -18.60 140 18 29903 15264 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3910 MIMAT0018184(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3910 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:6758 to 6777 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' acagaaccAAAAUACGGAAa 5' || |||||||| Ref: 5' tgtactaaTTATATGCCTTa 3' Energy: -10.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3910 NC_045512.2 152.00 -10.40 2 13 6758 6777 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9427 to 9446 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (70.59%) Query: 3' acAGAACCAAAAUACGGAAa 5' || | || ||||||| Ref: 5' taTCGTAGTAACATGCCTTg 3' Energy: -9.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3910 NC_045512.2 150.00 -9.16 2 19 9427 9446 17 70.59% 70.59% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11076 to 11098 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' acAGAACCAAA---AUACGGAAa 5' |:|| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTTTTTGTATGAAAATGCCTTt 3' Energy: -10.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3910 NC_045512.2 145.00 -10.70 2 19 11076 11098 20 65.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:20297 to 20316 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acagaaccaaaAUACGGAAa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' aattagaaggcTATGCCTTc 3' Energy: -11.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3910 NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.55 2 10 20297 20316 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:21424 to 21443 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' acagaACCAAAAUACGGAAa 5' || | |||||:||| Ref: 5' ggtacTGCTGTTATGTCTTt 3' Energy: -13.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3910 NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.58 2 16 21424 21443 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:25705 to 25725 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' acAGA-ACCAAAAUACGGAAa 5' ||| | |||||||:|| Ref: 5' ttTCTCTATCTTTATGCTTTa 3' Energy: -9.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3910 NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.09 2 19 25705 25725 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:7028 to 7047 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acagaaccaaaaUACGGAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tctaatttaggcATGCCTTc 3' Energy: -9.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3910 NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.75 2 9 7028 7047 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:11760 to 11779 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acagaaccaaaaUACGGAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' agaatagcatagATGCCTTc 3' Energy: -8.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3910 NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.66 2 9 11760 11779 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:20596 to 20615 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' acagAACCAAAAUACGGAAa 5' || |||||||:|| Ref: 5' gaaaTTTCATTTATGCTTTg 3' Energy: -8.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3910 NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.72 2 17 20596 20615 15 73.33% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3910 NC_045512.2 1296.00 -91.61 152.00 -13.58 141 20 29903 6758 9427 11076 20297 21424 25705 7028 11760 20596 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-11400 MIMAT0044657(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-11400 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 14 R:19085 to 19105 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cugugucuCUAUGUGUCGGcu 5' |||:||||||| Ref: 5' agttctatGATGCACAGCCtt 3' Energy: -17.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-11400 NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.70 3 14 19085 19105 11 90.91% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-11400 NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.70 141.00 -17.70 142 21 29903 19085 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-10524-5p MIMAT0041994(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-10524-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:1688 to 1704 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' ugAUACGACCGUAGGAc 5' ||| :|||||||:| Ref: 5' atTATTTTGGCATCTTt 3' Energy: -16.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10524-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.60 2 16 1688 1704 14 78.57% 92.86% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-10524-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.60 147.00 -16.60 143 17 29903 1688 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-302e MIMAT0005931(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-302e vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:8529 to 8546 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' uucGUACCU-UCGUGAAu 5' || || ||||||| Ref: 5' caaCAAAGATAGCACTTa 3' Energy: -12.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302e NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.59 2 15 8529 8546 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:15733 to 15749 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uucguaccuUCGUGAAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtttcaatAGCACTTa 3' Energy: -10.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302e NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.51 2 9 15733 15749 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-302e NC_045512.2 285.00 -23.10 145.00 -12.59 144 17 29903 8529 15733 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-885-5p MIMAT0004947(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-885-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:2039 to 2061 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ucuccGUCCCAUC-ACAUUACCu 5' || ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' actaaCAATCTAGTTGTAATGGc 3' Energy: -13.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-885-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -13.54 2 18 2039 2061 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22985 to 23008 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' ucuCCGUCCCAU--CACAUUACCu 5' ||:|| | |||||||| Ref: 5' gccGGTAGCACACCTTGTAATGGt 3' Energy: -16.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-885-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.08 2 20 22985 23008 20 65.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:20019 to 20040 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucuccgucccaucaCAUUACCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atttagaaatgcccGTAATGGt 3' Energy: -8.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-885-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.83 2 9 20019 20040 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:25230 to 25251 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucuccgucccaucaCAUUACCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gcttgattgccataGTAATGGt 3' Energy: -9.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-885-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.62 2 9 25230 25251 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:26153 to 26174 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucuccgucccaucaCAUUACCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gagttgttaatccaGTAATGGa 3' Energy: -11.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-885-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.13 2 9 26153 26174 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-885-5p NC_045512.2 718.00 -59.20 152.00 -16.08 145 22 29903 2039 22985 20019 25230 26153 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4715-3p MIMAT0019825(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4715-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:19269 to 19292 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' uaACCGA-CGUCAAUUCCACCGUg 5' || || |: || | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctTGCCTGGTTGTGATGGTGGCAg 3' Energy: -21.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4715-3p NC_045512.2 160.00 -21.18 2 22 19269 19292 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:11793 to 11814 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uaACCGACGUCAAUUCCACCGUg 5' | |:|| :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaTTGTTG-GGTGTTGGTGGCAa 3' Energy: -21.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4715-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -21.30 2 22 11793 11814 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:8533 to 8556 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uaaccgaCGUCAAUU-CCACCGUg 5' ||| |||| |||||:| Ref: 5' aaagataGCACTTAAGGGTGGTAa 3' Energy: -17.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4715-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.32 2 17 8533 8556 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19462 to 19484 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uaacCGACGUCAAUUCCACCGUg 5' |:|||| || ||||||:: Ref: 5' acacGTTGCAATTTAGGTGGTGc 3' Energy: -21.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4715-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -21.40 2 20 19462 19484 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4169 to 4191 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uaaccgacgucaauuCCACCGUg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cctactaaaaaggctGGTGGCAc 3' Energy: -20.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4715-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.13 2 9 4169 4191 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4715-3p NC_045512.2 741.00 -101.33 160.00 -21.40 146 23 29903 19269 11793 8533 19462 4169 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1282 MIMAT0005940(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1282 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:29426 to 29447 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uucGUCUUUUU--CCGUUUGcu 5' |||||:|| |||||| Ref: 5' agaCAGAAGAAACAGCAAACtg 3' Energy: -16.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1282 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.41 3 18 29426 29447 17 76.47% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1282 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.41 140.00 -16.41 147 20 29903 29426 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3124-5p MIMAT0014986(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3124-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:18249 to 18270 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cugaaACGGA-AGCGGGCGCUu 5' ||::| || ||||||| Ref: 5' taacaTGTTTATCACCCGCGAa 3' Energy: -22.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3124-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -22.13 2 17 18249 18270 16 75.00% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3124-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -22.13 155.00 -22.13 148 21 29903 18249 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-103a-1-5p MIMAT0037306(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-103a-1-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 171.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:3388 to 3412 Align Len (22) (77.27%) (86.36%) Query: 3' guUCCGUC-GUGACA-UUUCUUCGg 5' | |||| ||:||| :||||||| Ref: 5' aaATGCAGACATTGTGGAAGAAGCt 3' Energy: -24.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-103a-1-5p NC_045512.2 171.00 -24.09 2 22 3388 3412 22 77.27% 86.36% Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9776 to 9799 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' guuccGUCGUG-ACAUUUCUUCGg 5' :||:|| | |:||||||| Ref: 5' tccttTAGTACTTTTGAAGAAGCt 3' Energy: -19.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-103a-1-5p NC_045512.2 161.00 -19.24 2 19 9776 9799 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:12131 to 12154 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' guuccgucGUGAC-AUUUCUUCGg 5' :|||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gcttttgcTACTGCTCAAGAAGCt 3' Energy: -15.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-103a-1-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -15.63 2 16 12131 12154 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18253 to 18276 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' guuccGUCGU-GACAUUUCUUCGg 5' :| || | | :||||||| Ref: 5' atgttTATCACCCGCGAAGAAGCt 3' Energy: -13.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-103a-1-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -13.06 2 19 18253 18276 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4628 to 4651 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' guuCCGUCGUGACA-UUUCUUCGg 5' ||| | | | :||||||| Ref: 5' catGGCTTAAATTTGGAAGAAGCt 3' Energy: -16.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-103a-1-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.62 2 21 4628 4651 20 65.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:3062 to 3082 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (89.47%) Query: 3' guUCCGUCGUGACAUUUCUUCgg 5' |||:: |:|||:|||||| Ref: 5' gaAGGTG--ATTGTGAAGAAGaa 3' Energy: -21.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-103a-1-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -21.90 3 22 3062 3082 19 68.42% 89.47% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:6397 to 6418 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' guuccGUCGUGACAUUUCUUCGg 5' |||: || |:||||||: Ref: 5' aaaacCAGT-CTCTGAAGAAGTa 3' Energy: -15.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-103a-1-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.20 2 19 6397 6418 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:29025 to 29046 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' guuccgUCGUGACAUUUCUUCGg 5' || :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctgctgAG-GCTTCTAAGAAGCc 3' Energy: -18.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-103a-1-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.92 2 18 29025 29046 16 68.75% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-103a-1-5p NC_045512.2 1215.00 -144.66 171.00 -24.09 149 23 29903 3388 9776 12131 18253 4628 3062 6397 29025 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4750-5p MIMAT0019887(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4750-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-191-3p MIMAT0001618(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-191-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6841-3p MIMAT0027585(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6841-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:2750 to 2770 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gacCCCUACGUCUACGUUCCa 5' | ||| | :||||||| Ref: 5' actGTGATAGAAGTGCAAGGt 3' Energy: -19.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6841-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -19.00 2 19 2750 2770 17 70.59% 76.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6841-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -19.00 154.00 -19.00 152 21 29903 2750 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1301-5p MIMAT0026639(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1301-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3928-3p MIMAT0018205(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3928-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3992 to 4013 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' cggCUUCGAGGUUCCAAGGAGg 5' |||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctgGAAGAAACTAAGTTCCTCa 3' Energy: -20.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3928-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -20.20 2 20 3992 4013 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:17527 to 17551 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cggcuUCGAGGU---UCCAAGGAGg 5' || |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' actatAGGTCCAGACATGTTCCTCg 3' Energy: -21.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3928-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -21.50 2 18 17527 17551 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:29198 to 29219 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' cggcuuCGAGGUUCCAAGGAGg 5' |||:||: ||||:|| Ref: 5' cccagcGCTTCAGCGTTCTTCg 3' Energy: -20.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3928-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -20.32 2 17 29198 29219 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:612 to 633 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cggcuucgagGUUCCAAGGAGg 5' ||||||||:|| Ref: 5' tggcttaccgCAAGGTTCTTCt 3' Energy: -21.969999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3928-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -21.97 2 13 612 633 11 90.91% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:28811 to 28834 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cggcUUC-GAG-GUUCCAAGGAGg 5' ||| ||| : ||||||| Ref: 5' agtcAAGCCTCTTCTCGTTCCTCa 3' Energy: -20.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3928-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -20.57 2 19 28811 28834 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19008 to 19028 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cggcUUCGAGGUUCCAAGGAGg 5' || :||| | ||||:|| Ref: 5' agacAAATTCCCA-GTTCTTCa 3' Energy: -13.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3928-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.51 2 19 19008 19028 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3928-3p NC_045512.2 883.00 -118.07 155.00 -21.97 154 22 29903 3992 17527 29198 612 28811 19008 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6799-5p MIMAT0027498(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6799-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-20a-3p MIMAT0004493(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-20a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:3425 to 3447 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gaaauUCACGAGU-AUUACGUCa 5' |||| |:: |||||||| Ref: 5' ccaacAGTGGTTGTTAATGCAGc 3' Energy: -14.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-20a-3p NC_045512.2 160.00 -14.93 2 18 3425 3447 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23786 to 23812 Align Len (24) (66.67%) (79.17%) Query: 3' gaAAU-UCAC-GAGU--A-UUACGUCa 5' ||: :||| :||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' atTTGTGGTGATTCAACTGAATGCAGc 3' Energy: -16.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-20a-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.30 2 21 23786 23812 24 66.67% 79.17% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:3375 to 3396 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gaaauucacGAGUAUUACGUCa 5' :| | ||||||| Ref: 5' atgtatacaTTAAAAATGCAGa 3' Energy: -9.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-20a-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.33 2 14 3375 3396 12 75.00% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8919 to 8940 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gaaauUCACGAGUAUUACGUCa 5' || |:|: ||:||||| Ref: 5' tacctAGAGTTTTTAGTGCAGt 3' Energy: -15.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-20a-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.42 2 18 8919 8940 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:18820 to 18842 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gaAAUUCACG-AGUAUUACGUca 5' | |||| | | :||||||| Ref: 5' tgTCAAGTCCATGGTAATGCAca 3' Energy: -10.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-20a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.48 3 21 18820 18842 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-20a-3p NC_045512.2 741.00 -66.46 160.00 -16.30 156 22 29903 3425 23786 3375 8919 18820 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6787-3p MIMAT0027475(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6787-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1915-3p MIMAT0007892(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1915-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-603 MIMAT0003271(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-603 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17493 to 17515 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (76.19%) Query: 3' cgUUUUCA--UUAACGUCACACAc 5' || | | |||| |||||||| Ref: 5' agAATATTTCAATT-CAGTGTGTa 3' Energy: -12.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-603 NC_045512.2 157.00 -12.93 2 21 17493 17515 21 76.19% 76.19% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19042 to 19062 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cguUUUCAUUAACGUCACACAc 5' |||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' cctAAAGCTATT-AAGTGTGTa 3' Energy: -11.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-603 NC_045512.2 157.00 -11.83 2 20 19042 19062 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:29675 to 29694 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (85.71%) Query: 3' cguuuucAUUAACGUCACACAc 5' |||| |||||||| Ref: 5' caatcttTAAT--CAGTGTGTa 3' Energy: -12.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-603 NC_045512.2 152.00 -12.17 2 16 29675 29694 14 85.71% 85.71% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2401 to 2428 Align Len (24) (62.50%) (70.83%) Query: 3' cguUUUCAUUAACG------UCACACAc 5' |||| :||||: ||||||| Ref: 5' ctcAAAGGGATTGTACAGAAAGTGTGTt 3' Energy: -17.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-603 NC_045512.2 150.00 -17.84 2 20 2401 2428 24 62.50% 70.83% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:21591 to 21610 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' cguuuucAUUAACGUCACACAc 5' ||:| |||||||| Ref: 5' tagtctcTAGT--CAGTGTGTt 3' Energy: -12.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-603 NC_045512.2 148.00 -12.26 2 16 21591 21610 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20472 to 20493 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (72.22%) Query: 3' cguUUUCAUUAACGUCACACAc 5' |:: | || ||||||| Ref: 5' aacAGGTTCATCTAAGTGTGTg 3' Energy: -16.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-603 NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.66 2 20 20472 20493 18 61.11% 72.22% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24643 to 24661 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cgUUUUCAUUAACGUCACACAc 5' ||| || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' taAAATGTCA--G-AGTGTGTa 3' Energy: -10.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-603 NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.85 2 21 24643 24661 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:5745 to 5767 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cguuuUCAUUAA-CGUCACACac 5' :|||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' acactGGTAATTACCAGTGTGgt 3' Energy: -18.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-603 NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.92 3 18 5745 5767 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:27444 to 27465 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cguuuucauuaacgUCACACAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttatcactaccaagAGTGTGTt 3' Energy: -10.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-603 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.20 2 9 27444 27465 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-603 NC_045512.2 1342.00 -123.66 157.00 -18.92 159 22 29903 17493 19042 29675 2401 21591 20472 24643 5745 27444 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-32-5p MIMAT0000090(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-32-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24453 to 24481 Align Len (26) (73.08%) (73.08%) Query: 3' acGUUGAAUC-A--UUA----CACGUUAu 5' |||||||| | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaCAACTTAGCTCCAATTTTGGTGCAATt 3' Energy: -19.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-32-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -19.65 2 21 24453 24481 26 73.08% 73.08% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:20740 to 20763 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' acgUUGA-AUCAUUA-CACGUUau 5' ||:| |:||:|| |||||| Ref: 5' caaAATTATGGTGATAGTGCAAca 3' Energy: -14.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-32-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.12 3 20 20740 20763 19 73.68% 89.47% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:20987 to 21009 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' acguugAAUCAUU-ACACGUUau 5' ||:||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctttgaTTGGTGATTGTGCAAct 3' Energy: -14.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-32-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.25 3 17 20987 21009 15 80.00% 93.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9840 to 9861 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' acguUGAAUCAUUACACGUUAu 5' :| ||||:|||||| || Ref: 5' agttGCGTAGTGATGTGCTATt 3' Energy: -18.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-32-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.07 2 19 9840 9861 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10960 to 10981 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' acguUGAAUCAUUACACGUUAu 5' |||| || |||||:| Ref: 5' tgttACTTTCCAAAGTGCAGTg 3' Energy: -13.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-32-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.85 2 19 10960 10981 17 70.59% 76.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-32-5p NC_045512.2 729.00 -79.94 157.00 -19.65 160 22 29903 24453 20740 20987 9840 10960 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5706 MIMAT0022500(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5706 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:2415 to 2438 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ucgaagUCGUACAA--UAGGUCUu 5' ||::|||| ||||||| Ref: 5' acagaaAGTGTGTTAAATCCAGAg 3' Energy: -19.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5706 NC_045512.2 159.00 -19.00 2 17 2415 2438 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:4040 to 4063 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucgaaGUCG-UACAA-UAGGUCUu 5' ::|| || || ||||||| Ref: 5' attaaTGGCAATCTTCATCCAGAt 3' Energy: -12.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5706 NC_045512.2 151.00 -12.01 2 18 4040 4063 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29090 to 29113 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ucGAAGUCG--UACAAUAGGUCUu 5' :|||:|| | || :|||||| Ref: 5' gcTTTCGGCAGACGTGGTCCAGAa 3' Energy: -23.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5706 NC_045512.2 147.00 -23.40 2 21 29090 29113 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1372 to 1396 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ucgAAGUCGUACA---AUAGGUCUu 5' | |||||||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' ttgTCCAGCATGTCACAATTCAGAa 3' Energy: -20.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5706 NC_045512.2 146.00 -20.77 2 20 1372 1396 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:26846 to 26867 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (76.92%) Query: 3' ucgaagucGUACAAUAGGUCUu 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' catgtggtCATTCAATCCAGAa 3' Energy: -13.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5706 NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.98 2 15 26846 26867 13 76.92% 76.92% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:1161 to 1183 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucgAAGUCGUACA-AUAGGUCuu 5' |||: : ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gaaTTCGATCTGTCTATCCAGtt 3' Energy: -14.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5706 NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.82 3 20 1161 1183 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11035 to 11055 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucGAAGUCGUACAAUAGGUCUu 5' :||:||: | | :|||||| Ref: 5' acTTTTAGT-TTTAGTCCAGAg 3' Energy: -16.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5706 NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.06 2 21 11035 11055 19 63.16% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5706 NC_045512.2 1033.00 -120.04 159.00 -23.40 161 22 29903 2415 4040 29090 1372 26846 1161 11035 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6778-5p MIMAT0027456(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6778-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14387 to 14408 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugGACGGAGGACAGGAGGGUGa 5' :| :|| | || :|||||| Ref: 5' taTTCTCTACAGTGTTCCCACc 3' Energy: -19.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6778-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -19.35 2 21 14387 14408 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21826 to 21847 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uggACGGAGGACAGGAGGGUGa 5' ||::| :| | ||:|||| Ref: 5' tggTGTTTATTTTGCTTCCACt 3' Energy: -17.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6778-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.11 2 20 21826 21847 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:11736 to 11757 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uggacggaggacAGGAGGGUGa 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' attcacagggacTACTCCCACc 3' Energy: -16.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6778-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.67 2 11 11736 11757 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:1696 to 1717 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uggacGGAGGACAGGAGGGUGa 5' |:|::| | ||:|||| Ref: 5' ggcatCTTTTTCTGCTTCCACa 3' Energy: -19.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6778-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.34 2 18 1696 1717 16 62.50% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6778-5p NC_045512.2 570.00 -72.47 144.00 -19.35 162 22 29903 14387 21826 11736 1696 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1301-3p MIMAT0005797(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1301-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:14619 to 14641 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' cuuCAGUGAGGGUCCGUCGACGUu 5' || :|::|| |:||||||| Ref: 5' tacGTGCTTTTCA-GTAGCTGCAc 3' Energy: -19.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1301-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -19.51 2 22 14619 14641 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:27915 to 27939 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (73.91%) Query: 3' cuUCAGUGAGGGU--CCGUCGACGUu 5' | ||| || || |:||||||| Ref: 5' ggAATCA-TCACAACTGTAGCTGCAt 3' Energy: -19.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1301-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -19.45 2 23 27915 27939 23 69.57% 73.91% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:85 to 108 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cuuCAGUGAGGGUCCGUCGACGUu 5' || :|| :|| |:|||||| Ref: 5' tgtGTGGCTGTCACTCGGCTGCAt 3' Energy: -22.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1301-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -22.41 2 22 85 108 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:9780 to 9803 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (81.82%) Query: 3' cuUCAGUGAGGG-UCCGUCGACGUu 5' ||| |||::: | | ||||||: Ref: 5' ttAGT-ACTTTTGAAGAAGCTGCGc 3' Energy: -16.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1301-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.51 2 23 9780 9803 22 63.64% 81.82% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:18977 to 19000 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuucagugaggguccgUCGACGUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aacacatggttgttaaAGCTGCAt 3' Energy: -13.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1301-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.59 2 9 18977 19000 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:24588 to 24611 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuucagugaggguccgUCGACGUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ctcaacaattaattagAGCTGCAg 3' Energy: -15.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1301-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.59 2 9 24588 24611 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1301-3p NC_045512.2 886.00 -107.06 159.00 -22.41 163 24 29903 14619 27915 85 9780 18977 24588 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4777-5p MIMAT0019934(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4777-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:6591 to 6611 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' auauAUAUAGAGAGUAGAUCUu 5' || || |:||||||| Ref: 5' aaccTA-ATGAATTATCTAGAg 3' Energy: -11.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4777-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -11.87 2 19 6591 6611 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:6880 to 6901 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' auauaUAUAGAGAGUAGAUCUu 5' :|| |:|::|||||| Ref: 5' tgtcgGTAAATTTTGTCTAGAg 3' Energy: -12.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4777-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.17 2 18 6880 6901 16 62.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8906 to 8927 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' auAUAUAUAGAGAGUAGAUCUu 5' | |: ||:|||:| ||||| Ref: 5' ttTTTGCATTTCTTACCTAGAg 3' Energy: -15.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4777-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.07 2 21 8906 8927 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4777-5p NC_045512.2 429.00 -39.11 148.00 -15.07 164 22 29903 6591 6880 8906 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3938 MIMAT0018353(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3938 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:22118 to 22137 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' ggcccaaUAGAUGUUCCCUUAa 5' |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttcaaaaATCT--TAGGGAATt 3' Energy: -14.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3938 NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.58 2 16 22118 22137 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6352 to 6373 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggcccaauagauguUCCCUUAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gtcagaggacgcgcAGGGAATg 3' Energy: -12.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3938 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.58 2 9 6352 6373 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3938 NC_045512.2 284.00 -27.16 144.00 -14.58 165 22 29903 22118 6352 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-371b-3p MIMAT0019893(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-371b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21409 to 21430 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cguGAGUUUGACACCCCCGUGAa 5' ||:|||:| ||||:||| Ref: 5' cccCTTAAATT-AAGGGGTACTg 3' Energy: -20.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-371b-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -20.54 2 21 21409 21430 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:4170 to 4193 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (76.19%) Query: 3' cgUGAGUUUGAC-ACCCCCGUGAa 5' ||| ||| | ||| |||||| Ref: 5' ctACTAAAAAGGCTGGTGGCACTa 3' Energy: -19.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-371b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.42 2 22 4170 4193 21 76.19% 76.19% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-371b-3p NC_045512.2 286.00 -39.96 146.00 -20.54 166 23 29903 21409 4170 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7112-3p MIMAT0028122(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7112-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:28902 to 28924 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gauccCGGUUUCCGACACUACGu 5' | ||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tggctGGCAATGGCGGTGATGCt 3' Energy: -21.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7112-3p NC_045512.2 166.00 -21.35 2 19 28902 28924 17 82.35% 82.35% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:14003 to 14025 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' gaucccgguUUCCGACACUACGu 5' || ||||||||| Ref: 5' aaacagtacAATTCTGTGATGCc 3' Energy: -17.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7112-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -17.02 2 15 14003 14025 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:18839 to 18861 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaucccgguuucCGACACUACGu 5' |:|||||||| Ref: 5' cacatgtagctaGTTGTGATGCa 3' Energy: -19.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7112-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -19.96 2 12 18839 18861 10 90.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:16385 to 16407 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gauccCGGUUUCCGACACUACGu 5' ||: |||:|||||||: Ref: 5' gcaatGCTCCAGGTTGTGATGTc 3' Energy: -21.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7112-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -21.12 2 19 16385 16407 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11229 to 11250 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gauccCGGUUUCCGACACUACGu 5' ||:|: | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgcctGCTAGTTG-GGTGATGCg 3' Energy: -18.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7112-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.84 2 19 11229 11250 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:12228 to 12250 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' gaucccgguuuCCGACACUACGu 5' | | ||||||| Ref: 5' aatctgaatttGACCGTGATGCa 3' Energy: -14.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7112-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.26 2 13 12228 12250 11 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:16832 to 16860 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' gaucccggUUUCC---GA---CACUACGu 5' ||||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' cctttgaaAAAGGTGACTATGGTGATGCt 3' Energy: -17.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7112-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.31 2 16 16832 16860 20 70.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:13880 to 13902 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gaucccgGUUUCCGACACUACgu 5' ||| |:||||||| Ref: 5' tcacataCAATTGTTGTGATGat 3' Energy: -17.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7112-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.68 3 17 13880 13902 14 78.57% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7112-3p NC_045512.2 1190.00 -147.54 166.00 -21.35 167 23 29903 28902 14003 18839 16385 11229 12228 16832 13880 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-370-3p MIMAT0000722(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-370-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:8155 to 8176 Align Len (14) (64.29%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugguccAAGGUGGGGUCGUCcg 5' ||::|:::|||||| Ref: 5' atctacTTTTATTTCAGCAGct 3' Energy: -17.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-370-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.66 3 17 8155 8176 14 64.29% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15468 to 15489 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugGUCCAAGGUGGGGUCGUCCg 5' ||||| |||:|| |||| Ref: 5' acCAGGTGGAACCTCATCAGGa 3' Energy: -31.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-370-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -31.04 2 21 15468 15489 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-370-3p NC_045512.2 280.00 -48.70 140.00 -31.04 168 22 29903 8155 15468 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-574-3p MIMAT0003239(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-574-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4751 MIMAT0019888(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4751 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27825 to 27848 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ggaaGAUCGUCGAUGCCCAGGAGa 5' :|| :| || : |||:||| Ref: 5' atgcTTATTATCTTTTGGTTCTCa 3' Energy: -12.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4751 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.52 2 21 27825 27848 19 57.89% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4751 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.52 140.00 -12.52 170 24 29903 27825 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8071 MIMAT0030998(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8071 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-23a-5p MIMAT0004496(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-23a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28152 to 28173 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uuUAGGGUAGGGGUCCUUGGGg 5' | :: ||: |||||||||: Ref: 5' acAATTAATTGCCAGGAACCTa 3' Energy: -22.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-23a-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -22.26 2 21 28152 28173 19 63.16% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-23a-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -22.26 148.00 -22.26 172 22 29903 28152 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-329-5p MIMAT0026555(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-329-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:26384 to 26407 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (85.71%) Query: 3' cuUUGU-CUUUGGGUCUUUUGGAg 5' |||: ||: |::: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttAACGTGAGTCTTGTAAAACCTt 3' Energy: -15.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-329-5p NC_045512.2 160.00 -15.52 2 22 26384 26407 21 61.90% 85.71% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:15254 to 15276 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cuuUGUCUUUGGGUCUUUUGGag 5' |:|| :|: :|||||||| Ref: 5' tttATAGTGATGTAGAAAACCct 3' Energy: -17.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-329-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -17.76 3 21 15254 15276 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:5880 to 5903 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cuuUGUCUU-UGGGUCUUUUGGag 5' ||| || | ||| |||||| Ref: 5' gttACACAACAACCATAAAACCag 3' Energy: -11.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-329-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.94 3 21 5880 5903 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:22105 to 22129 Align Len (22) (59.09%) (81.82%) Query: 3' cuUUGUCU--UUGGGUCUUUUGGAg 5' |||||: ||::: ||||:|| Ref: 5' aaAACAGGGTAATTTCAAAAATCTt 3' Energy: -17.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-329-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.15 2 22 22105 22129 22 59.09% 81.82% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:24383 to 24407 Align Len (22) (59.09%) (86.36%) Query: 3' cuUUG-UC-UUUGGGUCUUUUGGAg 5' |:| || : ||:::||||||:| Ref: 5' acAGCAAGTGCACTTGGAAAACTTc 3' Energy: -18.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-329-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.63 2 22 24383 24407 22 59.09% 86.36% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:5071 to 5093 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cuuugucuuugggUCUUUUGGAg 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgatgttactaaaATAAAACCTc 3' Energy: -11.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-329-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.42 2 11 5071 5093 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:4002 to 4024 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' cuuugucuuuGGGUCUUUUGGAg 5' | ||||||||:| Ref: 5' ctaagttcctCACAGAAAACTTg 3' Energy: -13.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-329-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.09 2 14 4002 4024 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:14210 to 14233 Align Len (21) (57.14%) (80.95%) Query: 3' cuUUGUCUUUGGG-UCUUUUGGAg 5' :||| :||:: | |||:||| Ref: 5' ttGACACTGACTTAACAAAGCCTt 3' Energy: -14.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-329-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.20 2 22 14210 14233 21 57.14% 80.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:27472 to 27496 Align Len (22) (59.09%) (77.27%) Query: 3' cuUUGUCUUUGGG--UCUUUUGGAg 5' ||||| | ::: | |:||||| Ref: 5' acAACAGTACTTTTAAAAGAACCTt 3' Energy: -14.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-329-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.49 2 22 27472 27496 22 59.09% 77.27% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-329-5p NC_045512.2 1305.00 -134.20 160.00 -18.63 173 23 29903 26384 15254 5880 22105 24383 5071 4002 14210 27472 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-372-3p MIMAT0000724(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-372-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15724 to 15749 Align Len (21) (57.14%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ugcgAGUUUACAGCG---UCGUGAAa 5' |:: :|||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' gctgTTGTGTGTTTCAATAGCACTTa 3' Energy: -14.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-372-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.22 2 20 15724 15749 21 57.14% 76.19% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:23081 to 23102 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ugcgaGUUUACAGCGUCGUGAAa 5' ||:| || |:||:|||| Ref: 5' ccataCAGA-GTAGTAGTACTTt 3' Energy: -17.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-372-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.08 2 19 23081 23102 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8527 to 8546 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (70.59%) Query: 3' ugcgaGUUUACAGCGUCGUGAAa 5' |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' aacaaCAAAGAT---AGCACTTa 3' Energy: -12.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-372-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.28 2 19 8527 8546 17 70.59% 70.59% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-372-3p NC_045512.2 432.00 -43.58 146.00 -17.08 174 23 29903 15724 23081 8527 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4479 MIMAT0019011(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4479 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-105-3p MIMAT0004516(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-105-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:16040 to 16060 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' aucGUGUACGAGUUUGUAGGca 5' ||| | || |||||||| Ref: 5' accCACTTACT-AAACATCCta 3' Energy: -13.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-105-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.65 3 20 16040 16060 17 82.35% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-105-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.65 145.00 -13.65 176 22 29903 16040 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4326 MIMAT0016888(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4326 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-let-7b-5p MIMAT0000063(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-let-7b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:9846 to 9867 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uuggugUGUUGGAUGAUGGAGu 5' |:: |||:|||||| Ref: 5' gtagtgATGTGCTATTACCTCt 3' Energy: -15.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.99 2 17 9846 9867 15 66.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-let-7b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.99 140.00 -15.99 178 22 29903 9846 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6751-5p MIMAT0027402(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6751-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:25497 to 25519 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (94.44%) Query: 3' gguCUGUGGUUGGAGUGGGGGuu 5' ||:|| |:||||||:||| Ref: 5' accGATACAAGCCTCACTCCCtt 3' Energy: -33.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6751-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -33.79 3 21 25497 25519 18 77.78% 94.44% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:4985 to 5005 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ggUCUGUGGUUGGAGUGGGGGUu 5' ||||| || :| |||:||| Ref: 5' gtAGACAACA--TTAACCTCCAc 3' Energy: -20.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6751-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -20.09 2 22 4985 5005 20 70.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6751-5p NC_045512.2 294.00 -53.88 148.00 -33.79 179 23 29903 25497 4985 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3192-3p MIMAT0027027(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3192-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:14298 to 14318 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' cucgacUCUCCCGCUAGUCUc 5' | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttttaaATATTGGGATCAGAc 3' Energy: -11.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3192-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.46 2 16 14298 14318 14 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:9224 to 9244 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cucgacucucccgCUAGUCUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ggcacttgtgaaaGATCAGAa 3' Energy: -11.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3192-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.46 2 9 9224 9244 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3192-3p NC_045512.2 283.00 -22.92 143.00 -11.46 180 21 29903 14298 9224 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6856-3p MIMAT0027613(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6856-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25282 to 25304 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gaCCUUUCUAGUG-UCCCGACAu 5' | |: :|| | |||||||| Ref: 5' ctGTAGTTGTCTCAAGGGCTGTt 3' Energy: -21.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6856-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -21.04 2 21 25282 25304 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10083 to 10103 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gaCCUUUCUAGUGUCCCGACAu 5' || || :|:: ||||:||| Ref: 5' ctGGTAAAGTTG-AGGGTTGTa 3' Energy: -22.719999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6856-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -22.72 2 21 10083 10103 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:5360 to 5380 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' gaccUUUCUAGUGUCCCGACau 5' | ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' tattACAGAGCA-AGGGCTGgt 3' Energy: -16.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6856-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.16 3 19 5360 5380 16 81.25% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6856-3p NC_045512.2 433.00 -59.92 151.00 -22.72 181 22 29903 25282 10083 5360 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6807-5p MIMAT0027514(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6807-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10464 to 10487 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ggagAGGUAAGG--UGACCGAGUg 5' |:|||||| | |||:||| Ref: 5' agggTTCATTCCTTAATGGTTCAt 3' Energy: -22.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6807-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -22.26 2 19 10464 10487 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25510 to 25532 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ggaGAGGUAAGG-UGACCGAGUg 5' |||| ||:| : |||||:| Ref: 5' tcaCTCCCTTTCGGATGGCTTAt 3' Energy: -23.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6807-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -23.46 2 20 25510 25532 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24253 to 24274 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ggAGAGGUAAGGUGACCGAGUg 5' |: |:|| | | |||||:| Ref: 5' atTTGCTATGCAAATGGCTTAt 3' Energy: -14.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6807-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.67 2 21 24253 24274 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:598 to 619 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ggagaggUAAGGUGACCGAGUg 5' || ||| |||||:| Ref: 5' gggcgaaATACCAGTGGCTTAc 3' Energy: -19.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6807-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -19.88 2 16 598 619 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:10397 to 10418 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ggagaGGUAAGGUGACCGAGUg 5' :::|| || |||:||| Ref: 5' ttagcTTGTTACAATGGTTCAc 3' Energy: -16.379999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6807-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.38 2 18 10397 10418 16 62.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:26782 to 26803 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggagagguaaggugACCGAGUg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgtaggcttgatgTGGCTCAg 3' Energy: -13.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6807-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.78 2 9 26782 26803 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6807-5p NC_045512.2 863.00 -110.43 149.00 -23.46 182 22 29903 10464 25510 24253 598 10397 26782 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6735-5p MIMAT0027371(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6735-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:22642 to 22666 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agucUAAGGACACGGGAGACGGGAc 5' :|| ||| : :||||:||| Ref: 5' ctgtGTTGCTGATTATTCTGTCCTa 3' Energy: -19.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6735-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.57 2 22 22642 22666 20 60.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:3143 to 3172 Align Len (27) (59.26%) (74.07%) Query: 3' agUCUAAGGACACGG----GA-GACGGGAc 5' :|| |:: ||||| || ||||:|| Ref: 5' ttGGAATTTGGTGCCACTTCTGCTGCTCTt 3' Energy: -20.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6735-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.45 2 24 3143 3172 27 59.26% 74.07% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6735-5p NC_045512.2 286.00 -40.02 145.00 -20.45 183 25 29903 22642 3143 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5680 MIMAT0022468(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5680 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11153 to 11173 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cgUCUAAUCAGGUCGUAAAGAg 5' | || || | |||||||| Ref: 5' aaACATAAG-CATGCATTTCTc 3' Energy: -14.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5680 NC_045512.2 154.00 -14.66 2 21 11153 11173 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8897 to 8919 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cguCUAAU-CAGGUCGUAAAGAg 5' |:| | |:: |||||||| Ref: 5' aatGGTGACTTTTTGCATTTCTt 3' Energy: -11.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5680 NC_045512.2 150.00 -11.34 2 20 8897 8919 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:9705 to 9726 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgucuaaucaggUCGUAAAGAg 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' gtatttccacaaAGCATTTCTa 3' Energy: -12.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5680 NC_045512.2 150.00 -12.57 2 11 9705 9726 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15679 to 15701 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' cgUCUAAUC-AGGUCGUAAAGAg 5' | ||| | : | ||||||| Ref: 5' gcATATTTGCGTAAACATTTCTc 3' Energy: -12.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5680 NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.91 2 21 15679 15701 20 65.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15377 to 15398 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cgUCUAAUCAG-GUCGUAAAGAg 5' || || ||| || |:||||| Ref: 5' gtAGCTT-GTCACACCGTTTCTa 3' Energy: -15.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5680 NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.73 2 21 15377 15398 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28577 to 28605 Align Len (26) (69.23%) (73.08%) Query: 3' cgUCUA-A-UCAGGU-----CGUAAAGAg 5' |||| | |||||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' aaAGATCTCAGTCCAAGATGGTATTTCTa 3' Energy: -18.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5680 NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.20 2 21 28577 28605 26 69.23% 73.08% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:27513 to 27534 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cgUCUAAUCAGGUCGUAAAGag 5' ||: | |:|| |||||| Ref: 5' cgAGGGCAATTCACCATTTCat 3' Energy: -10.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5680 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.58 3 21 27513 27534 18 66.67% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5680 NC_045512.2 1027.00 -95.99 154.00 -18.20 184 22 29903 11153 8897 9705 15679 15377 28577 27513 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-30a-5p MIMAT0000087(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-30a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21974 to 21995 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gaAGGUCAGCUCCUACAAAUGu 5' |||| |: ||:||||||: Ref: 5' gaTCCATTTTTGGGTGTTTATt 3' Energy: -18.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30a-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -18.17 2 21 21974 21995 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4962 to 4981 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gaaGGUCAGCUCCUACAAAUGu 5' |:| |: ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ggaCTA-TTAAGG-TGTTTACa 3' Energy: -14.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30a-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.68 2 20 4962 4981 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26715 to 26736 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (73.68%) Query: 3' gaAGGUCAGCUCCUACAAAUGu 5' | :: |:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTGTGCTTGCTGCTGTTTACa 3' Energy: -11.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30a-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -11.59 2 21 26715 26736 19 57.89% 73.68% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3440 to 3458 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' gaAGGUCAGCUCCUACAAAUGu 5' | ||| | | |||||||| Ref: 5' aaTGCAG-CCA--ATGTTTACc 3' Energy: -9.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30a-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -9.59 2 21 3440 3458 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9338 to 9361 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (71.43%) Query: 3' gaAGGUCA--GCUCCUACAAAUGu 5' |::| | | | |||||||| Ref: 5' aaTTTACTTACTAATATGTTTACa 3' Energy: -10.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30a-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.63 2 21 9338 9361 21 61.90% 71.43% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:10412 to 10433 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaaggucagcucCUACAAAUGu 5' |:||||||| Ref: 5' ggttcaccatctGGTGTTTACc 3' Energy: -14.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30a-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.20 2 11 10412 10433 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:7924 to 7946 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (70.59%) Query: 3' gaaggUCAG-CUCCUACAAAUGu 5' | || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgcaaAATCAGCGTCTGTTTACt 3' Energy: -13.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30a-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.42 2 18 7924 7946 17 70.59% 70.59% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:16849 to 16870 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (73.33%) Query: 3' gaagguCAGCUCCUACAAAUGu 5' | :| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tatggtGATGCTGTTGTTTACc 3' Energy: -7.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30a-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -7.47 2 17 16849 16870 15 66.67% 73.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21654 to 21674 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gaAGGUCAGCUCCUACAAAUGu 5' |:|| || || ||||||: Ref: 5' ctTTCACACGTGG-TGTTTATt 3' Energy: -16.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30a-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.90 2 21 21654 21674 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21816 to 21836 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gaAGGUCAGCUCCUACAAAUGu 5' |::| | || |:||||||: Ref: 5' caTTTAAT-GATGGTGTTTATt 3' Energy: -12.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30a-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.02 2 21 21816 21836 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28128 to 28147 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (68.42%) Query: 3' gaAGGUCAGCUCCUACAAAUGu 5' | ||||: ||||||| Ref: 5' taTACAGTT--TCCTGTTTACc 3' Energy: -10.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30a-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.58 2 21 28128 28147 19 63.16% 68.42% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:11643 to 11664 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaaggucagcuccuACAAAUGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' actttggcctctttTGTTTACt 3' Energy: -8.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.30 2 9 11643 11664 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:19696 to 19717 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaaggucagcuccuACAAAUGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atcattaataacacTGTTTACa 3' Energy: -9.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.30 2 9 19696 19717 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-30a-5p NC_045512.2 1884.00 -156.85 152.00 -18.17 185 22 29903 21974 4962 26715 3440 9338 10412 7924 16849 21654 21816 28128 11643 19696 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1207-5p MIMAT0005871(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1207-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6844 MIMAT0027589(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6844 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:29281 to 29302 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (93.75%) Query: 3' gacacUUAAUUU-UUGUUUCUu 5' ||||::| :||||||| Ref: 5' catcaAATTGGATGACAAAGAt 3' Energy: -11.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6844 NC_045512.2 159.00 -11.58 2 17 29281 29302 16 75.00% 93.75% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8518 to 8538 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gacACUUAAUUUUUGUUUCUu 5' || ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' taaTGTTGTAACAACAAAGAt 3' Energy: -10.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6844 NC_045512.2 158.00 -10.22 2 19 8518 8538 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14676 to 14694 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gaCACUUAAUUUUUGUUUCUu 5' || |||| |||||||| Ref: 5' cgGT-AATT-TTAACAAAGAc 3' Energy: -9.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6844 NC_045512.2 151.00 -9.75 2 20 14676 14694 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:1027 to 1050 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' gacAC-UUAAUUU--UUGUUUCUu 5' || ||||||| ::|||||| Ref: 5' tttTGAAATTAAATTGGCAAAGAa 3' Energy: -11.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6844 NC_045512.2 148.00 -11.99 2 19 1027 1050 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:28637 to 28657 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacacuuaauuuUUGUUUCUu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ccctatggtgctAACAAAGAc 3' Energy: -9.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6844 NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.84 2 10 28637 28657 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:13088 to 13111 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gacacuuaAUUUU---UGUUUCUu 5' ||||: ||||||| Ref: 5' gatgctgcTAAAGCTTACAAAGAt 3' Energy: -9.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6844 NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.76 2 14 13088 13111 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:29137 to 29159 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gacaCUUAAUU--UUUGUUUCUu 5' ||| ||| |:||||:|| Ref: 5' ccagGAACTAATCAGACAAGGAa 3' Energy: -11.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6844 NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.72 2 18 29137 29159 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24863 to 24884 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gacACUUAAU-UUUUGUUUCUu 5' ||: ||: || ||||||: Ref: 5' cacTGGTTTGTAACACAAAGGa 3' Energy: -12.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6844 NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.44 2 19 24863 24884 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:5855 to 5875 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacacuuaauuuuUGUUUCUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' acggatgttttctACAAAGAa 3' Energy: -10.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6844 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.19 2 9 5855 5875 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6844 NC_045512.2 1330.00 -97.49 159.00 -12.44 187 21 29903 29281 8518 14676 1027 28637 13088 29137 24863 5855 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4438 MIMAT0018956(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4438 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:2291 to 2311 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' ugacagAAAAGAUUCGGACAc 5' || |:|||||:||| Ref: 5' cagacaTTCTTTAAGCTTGTa 3' Energy: -11.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4438 NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.86 2 16 2291 2311 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21935 to 21956 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ugACAG-AAAAGAUUCGGACAc 5' |||: || |: |||:|||| Ref: 5' aaTGTTGTTATTAAAGTCTGTg 3' Energy: -16.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4438 NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.10 2 20 21935 21956 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4438 NC_045512.2 293.00 -27.96 147.00 -16.10 188 21 29903 2291 21935 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3189-3p MIMAT0015071(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3189-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28385 to 28405 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gaUGGGGUAGUCUGGGUUCCc 5' || |:||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaACAACGTCGGCCCCAAGGt 3' Energy: -26.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3189-3p NC_045512.2 163.00 -26.32 2 20 28385 28405 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:29105 to 29125 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gauGGGGUAGUCUGGGUUCCc 5' || | || |||||||| Ref: 5' ggtCCAGAACAAACCCAAGGa 3' Energy: -21.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3189-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -21.62 2 19 29105 29125 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:18162 to 18182 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gaugGGGUAGUCUGGGUUCCc 5' ||:: || |||:|||| Ref: 5' cataCCTGGCATACCTAAGGa 3' Energy: -19.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3189-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.70 2 18 18162 18182 16 68.75% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3189-3p NC_045512.2 466.00 -67.64 163.00 -26.32 189 21 29903 28385 29105 18162 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6880-5p MIMAT0027660(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6880-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:4684 to 4705 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (93.33%) Query: 3' cucgacGGGAGAAGGAGGUGGu 5' ::|| ||:||:|||| Ref: 5' tacagtTTCTGTTTCTTCACCt 3' Energy: -20.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6880-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -20.39 2 17 4684 4705 15 66.67% 93.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6880-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -20.39 144.00 -20.39 190 22 29903 4684 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6805-3p MIMAT0027511(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6805-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:17919 to 17941 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gacccccgcccccUCGUCUCGUu 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' taatgttgctattACCAGAGCAa 3' Energy: -12.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6805-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.19 2 11 17919 17941 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:5350 to 5372 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacccccgcccccucGUCUCGUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' acaagatgcttattaCAGAGCAa 3' Energy: -13.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6805-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.18 2 9 5350 5372 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:5973 to 5995 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacccccgcccccucGUCUCGUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' acaattcttatttcaCAGAGCAa 3' Energy: -13.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6805-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.18 2 9 5973 5995 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6805-3p NC_045512.2 422.00 -38.55 142.00 -13.18 191 23 29903 17919 5350 5973 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-302b-5p MIMAT0000714(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-302b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:18974 to 18995 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' cuuUCGUGAAGGUACAAUUUCa 5' | ||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' ttcAACACATGGTTGTTAAAGc 3' Energy: -11.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302b-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -11.61 2 20 18974 18995 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1262 to 1281 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cuUUCGUGAAGGUACAAUUUCa 5' ::||: ||: |||||||| Ref: 5' acGGGCGATTT--TGTTAAAGc 3' Energy: -12.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302b-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -12.17 2 21 1262 1281 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:9803 to 9824 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cuuuCGUGAAGGUACAAUUUca 5' |||| |:: ||||||| Ref: 5' ctgtGCACCTTTTTGTTAAAta 3' Energy: -9.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302b-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -9.90 3 19 9803 9824 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:20048 to 20069 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuuucgugaaggUACAAUUUCa 5' :|||||||| Ref: 5' ttacagaaggtaGTGTTAAAGg 3' Energy: -14.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302b-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.05 2 11 20048 20069 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:26414 to 26435 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' cuuucGUGAAGGUACAAUUUca 5' :||| :|:||||||| Ref: 5' acgttTACTCTCGTGTTAAAaa 3' Energy: -14.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302b-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.23 3 18 26414 26435 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:385 to 408 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (80.95%) Query: 3' cuUUCGUGAAG--GUACAAUUUCa 5' |:|||| || ||| |||||| Ref: 5' agAGGCACGTCAACATCTTAAAGa 3' Energy: -15.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302b-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.41 2 21 385 408 21 76.19% 80.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:8394 to 8415 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cuuucgugaaggUACAAUUUCa 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctttgatatggaACGTTAAAGa 3' Energy: -6.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302b-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -6.10 2 11 8394 8415 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14841 to 14864 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (85.71%) Query: 3' cuUUCGUGA-AGGUA-CAAUUUCa 5' || :||| |:::| |||:||| Ref: 5' acAACTACTATTTGTAGTTGAAGt 3' Energy: -12.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302b-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.96 2 21 14841 14864 21 61.90% 85.71% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:15230 to 15250 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cuuUCGUGAAGGUACAAUUUca 5' :|||| ||||||||| Ref: 5' gttGGCAC-AACATGTTAAAaa 3' Energy: -15.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302b-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.12 3 20 15230 15250 17 76.47% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-302b-5p NC_045512.2 1313.00 -111.55 155.00 -15.41 192 22 29903 18974 1262 9803 20048 26414 385 8394 14841 15230 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-623 MIMAT0003292(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-623 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:8166 to 8187 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' ugGGUUGUCGGGGACGUUCCCua 5' :||:||| |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTCAGCAG-CTCGGCAAGGGtt 3' Energy: -30.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-623 NC_045512.2 151.00 -30.82 3 22 8166 8187 19 73.68% 89.47% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:25597 to 25621 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' uggGUUG-UCG-GGGACGUUCCCua 5' |||| ||| |:|| |||||| Ref: 5' tggCAACTAGCACTCTCCAAGGGtg 3' Energy: -25.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-623 NC_045512.2 150.00 -25.66 3 21 25597 25621 20 80.00% 85.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-623 NC_045512.2 301.00 -56.48 151.00 -30.82 193 23 29903 8166 25597 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-875-3p MIMAT0004923(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-875-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:18423 to 18444 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' guguuggaGUC-ACAAAGGUCc 5' ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' taataataCAGATTTTTCCAGa 3' Energy: -14.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-875-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.08 2 14 18423 18444 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:23037 to 23057 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' guGUUGGAGUCACAAAGGUcc 5' |||:| :| ||||||| Ref: 5' taCAATCATATGGTTTCCAac 3' Energy: -16.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-875-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.51 3 20 23037 23057 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:16464 to 16484 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' guGUUGG-AGUCACAAAGGUcc 5' || || |:||| |||||| Ref: 5' acCACCCATTAGT-TTTCCAtt 3' Energy: -13.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-875-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.71 3 20 16464 16484 18 77.78% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-875-3p NC_045512.2 431.00 -44.30 148.00 -16.51 194 21 29903 18423 23037 16464 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6869-3p MIMAT0027639(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6869-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-657 MIMAT0003335(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-657 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:6095 to 6118 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ggaucucucccACUC-UUGGACGg 5' | || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaactggttaTAAGAAACCTGCt 3' Energy: -15.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-657 NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.94 2 13 6095 6118 12 83.33% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-657 NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.94 143.00 -15.94 196 23 29903 6095 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4689 MIMAT0019778(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4689 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23587 to 23608 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccGGGGGUGGUACAGAGGAGUu 5' |:| ||:| |||||||: Ref: 5' gaCTCAGACTAATTCTCCTCGg 3' Energy: -23.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4689 NC_045512.2 144.00 -23.14 2 21 23587 23608 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:26864 to 26884 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ccgggGGUGGUACAGAGGAGUu 5' |:| ||| |||:|||| Ref: 5' agaaaCTAACAT-TCTTCTCAa 3' Energy: -16.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4689 NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.70 2 18 26864 26884 16 75.00% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4689 NC_045512.2 287.00 -39.84 144.00 -23.14 197 22 29903 23587 26864 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-136-3p MIMAT0004606(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-136-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:13885 to 13906 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' ucugaguaAACUCUGCUACUAc 5' ||| ||:|||||| Ref: 5' tacaattgTTGTGATGATGATt 3' Energy: -16.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-136-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.54 2 15 13885 13906 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3196 to 3215 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucUGAGUAAACUCUGCUACUAc 5' |:| :|| |||:|||||| Ref: 5' agATTGGTT--AGATGATGATa 3' Energy: -18.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-136-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.39 2 21 3196 3215 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14875 to 14896 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucuGAGUAAACUCUGCUACUAc 5' :|:: ||| ||||||:| Ref: 5' tacTTTGATTGTTACGATGGTg 3' Energy: -19.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-136-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -19.66 2 20 14875 14896 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2000 to 2020 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucUGAGUAAACUCUGCUACUAc 5' ||||| |||| :| ||||| Ref: 5' agACTCA-TTGATGCTATGATg 3' Energy: -22.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-136-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -22.15 2 21 2000 2020 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19524 to 19545 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ucUGAGUAAACUCUGCUACUAc 5' |: | | | | |:|||||| Ref: 5' cgATGCTTATAACATGATGATc 3' Energy: -11.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-136-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.39 2 21 19524 19545 19 63.16% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-136-3p NC_045512.2 716.00 -88.13 146.00 -22.15 198 22 29903 13885 3196 14875 2000 19524 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-519a-3p MIMAT0002869(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-519a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22422 to 22442 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugUGAGAUUUUCCUACGUGAAa 5' :|| ||:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' atGCTGTAGACTG-TGCACTTg 3' Energy: -13.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519a-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -13.66 2 21 22422 22442 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:15001 to 15022 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' ugugagauuuUCCUACGUGAAa 5' | ||||||||| Ref: 5' tatgaggatcAAGATGCACTTt 3' Energy: -14.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519a-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -14.10 2 13 15001 15022 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14623 to 14644 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uguGAGAUUUUCCUACGUGAAa 5' :|:| |: | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgcTTTTCAGTAGCTGCACTTa 3' Energy: -11.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519a-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -11.31 2 20 14623 14644 18 61.11% 77.78% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:886 to 909 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ugugagAUUUU--CCUACGUGAAa 5' ||||: |||||||| Ref: 5' tgctggTAAAGCTTCATGCACTTt 3' Energy: -13.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519a-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.86 2 17 886 909 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22039 to 22065 Align Len (24) (58.33%) (70.83%) Query: 3' ugUGAGAUUUUCCU-----ACGUGAAa 5' |:||||: : || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttATTCTAGTGCGAATAATTGCACTTt 3' Energy: -16.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519a-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.29 2 21 22039 22065 24 58.33% 70.83% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24376 to 24398 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' uguGAGAUUUUCCU-ACGUGAAa 5' :|| | |: | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttcTTCCACAGCAAGTGCACTTg 3' Energy: -10.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519a-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -10.48 2 20 24376 24398 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:15541 to 15562 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugugagauuuuccUACGUGAAa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' acggccaatgttaATGCACTTt 3' Energy: -10.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519a-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -10.79 2 10 15541 15562 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24644 to 24665 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugUGAGAUUUUCCUACGUGAAa 5' | | | |:|| :||:|||| Ref: 5' aaAATGTCAGAGTGTGTACTTg 3' Energy: -10.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519a-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -10.63 2 21 24644 24665 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6788 to 6810 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugUGA-GAUUUUCCUACGUGAAa 5' |:| ||| || :||:|||| Ref: 5' ttATTGCTACAATTGTGTACTTt 3' Energy: -12.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.00 2 21 6788 6810 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:11150 to 11171 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ugugagaUUUUCCUACGUGAAa 5' | ||| |||||:|| Ref: 5' gtcaaacATAAGCATGCATTTc 3' Energy: -10.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.78 2 16 11150 11171 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5382 to 5405 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (71.43%) Query: 3' ugUGA-GAUU-UUCCUACGUGAAa 5' :|| |||| :||||||| Ref: 5' aaGCTGCTAACTTTTGTGCACTTa 3' Energy: -12.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.70 2 21 5382 5405 21 61.90% 71.43% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:25528 to 25549 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ugugagauuuucCUACGUGAAa 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' cttattgttggcGTTGCACTTc 3' Energy: -11.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.16 2 11 25528 25549 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:12380 to 12401 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ugUGAGAUUUUCCUACGUGAaa 5' ::| | || |||||||| Ref: 5' aaGTTGGATAATGATGCACTca 3' Energy: -12.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.54 3 21 12380 12401 18 66.67% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-519a-3p NC_045512.2 1896.00 -160.30 154.00 -16.29 199 22 29903 22422 15001 14623 886 22039 24376 15541 24644 6788 11150 5382 25528 12380 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-9718 MIMAT0039310(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-9718 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24713 to 24731 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ugGUGGUGGGUCCAGUCGUu 5' | :| |:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' tcCTTCCCTCA-GTCAGCAc 3' Energy: -21.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9718 NC_045512.2 152.00 -21.05 2 19 24713 24731 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:5194 to 5213 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uggugguggGUCCAGUCGUu 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' gggtaggtaCATGTCAGCAt 3' Energy: -12.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9718 NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.41 2 12 5194 5213 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:5674 to 5693 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ugguggugggUCCAGUCGUu 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttttgttatgATGTCAGCAc 3' Energy: -11.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9718 NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.33 2 11 5674 5693 9 88.89% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-9718 NC_045512.2 441.00 -44.79 152.00 -21.05 200 20 29903 24713 5194 5674 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5003-3p MIMAT0021026(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5003-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2641 to 2661 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ggGGUUGUUGGAUCUUUUCAu 5' :||| :|| |||||||| Ref: 5' aaTCAAAGACACAGAAAAGTa 3' Energy: -17.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5003-3p NC_045512.2 163.00 -17.34 2 20 2641 2661 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4203 to 4225 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gggGUUGUUGGA--UCUUUUCAu 5' |:| |:|:| |||||||| Ref: 5' tagCGAAAGCTTTGAGAAAAGTg 3' Energy: -15.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5003-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -15.36 2 19 4203 4225 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25160 to 25179 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ggGGUUGUUGGAUCUUUUCAu 5' |||| |||:| |:||||| Ref: 5' ctCCAAGAACTT-GGAAAGTa 3' Energy: -22.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5003-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -22.96 2 20 25160 25179 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:5591 to 5612 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (94.12%) Query: 3' ggggUUGUUGGA-UCUUUUCAu 5' |||||::| |||||:|| Ref: 5' tatgAACAATTTAAGAAAGGTg 3' Energy: -17.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5003-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -17.63 2 18 5591 5612 17 76.47% 94.12% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:20711 to 20732 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ggggUUGUUG-GAUCUUUUCAu 5' ||:: : :||||||||| Ref: 5' aaagAATGCTATTAGAAAAGTg 3' Energy: -13.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5003-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -13.05 2 18 20711 20732 17 64.71% 88.24% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:7434 to 7454 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gggguuguuggAUCUUUUCAu 5' |:||||||| Ref: 5' tttattatgtaTGGAAAAGTt 3' Energy: -9.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5003-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -9.27 2 11 7434 7454 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:12254 to 12276 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gggGUUG--UUGGAUCUUUUCau 5' |||| || :|:|||||| Ref: 5' atgCAACGTAAGTTGGAAAAGat 3' Energy: -15.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5003-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.07 3 19 12254 12276 18 72.22% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5003-3p NC_045512.2 1064.00 -110.68 163.00 -22.96 201 21 29903 2641 4203 25160 5591 20711 7434 12254 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-576-5p MIMAT0003241(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-576-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:20285 to 20305 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uuucUGCACCUCUUUAAUCUUa 5' ||| | | ||||||||| Ref: 5' ttgaACG-GTATAAATTAGAAg 3' Energy: -10.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-576-5p NC_045512.2 160.00 -10.47 2 19 20285 20305 17 82.35% 82.35% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:20398 to 20419 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuucugcaccucUUUAAUCUUa 5' :|||||||| Ref: 5' gaatcaccttttGAATTAGAAg 3' Energy: -6.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-576-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -6.02 2 11 20398 20419 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:15192 to 15212 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uuucUGCACCUCUUUAAUCUUa 5' || || || ||||:||| Ref: 5' agctAC-TGTAGTAATTGGAAc 3' Energy: -8.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-576-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -8.40 2 19 15192 15212 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:17272 to 17296 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' uuucUGCACCU--CUU-UAAUCUUa 5' | ||| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttcaAAGTGAATTCAACATTAGAAc 3' Energy: -5.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-576-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -5.61 2 19 17272 17296 20 70.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2546 to 2567 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (66.67%) Query: 3' uuuCUGCACCUCUUUAAUCUUa 5' ||: | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtGATTTACAACCATTAGAAc 3' Energy: -4.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-576-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -4.45 2 20 2546 2567 18 61.11% 66.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20703 to 20728 Align Len (23) (60.87%) (65.22%) Query: 3' uuUCUGCACCUCUU----UAAUCUUa 5' | |:| |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' caAAATGCAAAGAATGCTATTAGAAa 3' Energy: -8.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-576-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -8.12 2 21 20703 20728 23 60.87% 65.22% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:10898 to 10919 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuucugcaccucuuUAAUCUUa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgggtagtgctttATTAGAAg 3' Energy: -9.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-576-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.44 2 9 10898 10919 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-576-5p NC_045512.2 1020.00 -52.51 160.00 -10.47 202 22 29903 20285 20398 15192 17272 2546 20703 10898 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-371a-3p MIMAT0000723(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-371a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 168.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:4170 to 4193 Align Len (21) (80.95%) (90.48%) Query: 3' ugUGAGUUUUCU-ACCGCCGUGAa 5' ||| |||||: |||:|||||| Ref: 5' ctACTAAAAAGGCTGGTGGCACTa 3' Energy: -27.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-371a-3p NC_045512.2 168.00 -27.69 2 22 4170 4193 21 80.95% 90.48% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:1281 to 1304 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ugUGAGU-UUUCUACCGCCGUGAa 5' |||:: :|| | |:|||||| Ref: 5' ccACTTGCGAATTTTGTGGCACTg 3' Energy: -18.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-371a-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.44 2 22 1281 1304 21 61.90% 80.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:9211 to 9230 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' ugUGAGUUUUCUACCGCCGUGAa 5' ||| |:: | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtACTGTAGGCA---CGGCACTt 3' Energy: -18.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-371a-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.65 2 22 9211 9230 20 60.00% 70.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-371a-3p NC_045512.2 453.00 -64.78 168.00 -27.69 203 23 29903 4170 1281 9211 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6762-3p MIMAT0027425(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6762-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:12448 to 12470 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaccucugguucccuUCGUCGGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aatacctcttacaacAGCAGCCa 3' Energy: -15.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6762-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.64 2 9 12448 12470 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6762-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.64 140.00 -15.64 204 23 29903 12448 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-586 MIMAT0003252(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-586 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3355 to 3381 Align Len (24) (62.50%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ccUGGAUUUUUA-----UGUUACGUAu 5' |::||||| | ||||||:|| Ref: 5' ttATTTAAAACTTACTGACAATGTATa 3' Energy: -14.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-586 NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.20 2 21 3355 3381 24 62.50% 75.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17302 to 17324 Align Len (19) (52.63%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccuGGAUUUUUAUG-UUACGUAu 5' ::| : | |:: ||||||| Ref: 5' gtcTTTTGTACTGTAAATGCATt 3' Energy: -9.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-586 NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.77 2 20 17302 17324 19 52.63% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9814 to 9836 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccugGAUUU-UUAUGUUACGUAu 5' :|||| || : ||||:|| Ref: 5' tttgTTAAATAAAGAAATGTATc 3' Energy: -7.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-586 NC_045512.2 141.00 -7.09 2 19 9814 9836 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:29063 to 29085 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (94.12%) Query: 3' ccugGAUUUU-UAUGUUACGUau 5' |||||: ||||||||:| Ref: 5' gccaCTAAAGCATACAATGTAac 3' Energy: -15.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-586 NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.85 3 19 29063 29085 17 82.35% 94.12% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-586 NC_045512.2 567.00 -46.91 143.00 -15.85 205 22 29903 3355 17302 9814 29063 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-621 MIMAT0003290(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-621 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:25673 to 25693 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' uccauucGCGACAACGAUCGg 5' ||:|| ||||:|| Ref: 5' ttttgctCGTTGCTGCTGGCc 3' Energy: -22.280001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-621 NC_045512.2 142.00 -22.28 2 15 25673 25693 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:1530 to 1550 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uccauucgcgacaACGAUCGg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' attgggttccacgTGCTAGCg 3' Energy: -14.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-621 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.29 2 9 1530 1550 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4187 to 4207 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uccauucgcgacaACGAUCGg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ggcactactgaaaTGCTAGCg 3' Energy: -13.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-621 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.50 2 9 4187 4207 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-621 NC_045512.2 422.00 -50.07 142.00 -22.28 206 21 29903 25673 1530 4187 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6791-3p MIMAT0027483(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6791-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:4271 to 4291 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacggccucuggUUCCUCCGu 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' ggttacactgtaGAGGAGGCa 3' Energy: -19.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6791-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.47 2 10 4271 4291 8 87.50% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6791-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.47 141.00 -19.47 207 21 29903 4271 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4436b-3p MIMAT0019941(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4436b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3151 to 3172 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' aaCA-GGUGAAGAAGGACGGGAc 5' || ||||||| | ||||:|| Ref: 5' tgGTGCCACTTC-TGCTGCTCTt 3' Energy: -26.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4436b-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -26.52 2 21 3151 3172 20 80.00% 85.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4436b-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -26.52 153.00 -26.52 208 22 29903 3151 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4664-5p MIMAT0019737(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4664-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:28295 to 28314 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uugaaCGCCUCACCCGUGGGGu 5' ||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' aatcaGCGAAAT--GCACCCCg 3' Energy: -20.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4664-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -20.11 2 18 28295 28314 16 75.00% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4664-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -20.11 146.00 -20.11 209 22 29903 28295 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3150a-5p MIMAT0019206(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3150a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:3269 to 3290 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgacuccucUAGCAGCUCCAAc 5' ||:||:|||||| Ref: 5' attcaaacaATTGTTGAGGTTc 3' Energy: -16.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3150a-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.57 2 14 3269 3290 12 83.33% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3150a-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.57 145.00 -16.57 210 22 29903 3269 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3692-3p MIMAT0018122(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3692-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 165.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4426 to 4448 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ugaagACGUCACAGUCACACCUUg 5' ||| |||| |||||||| Ref: 5' attaaTGC-CTGTCTGTGTGGAAa 3' Energy: -22.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3692-3p NC_045512.2 165.00 -22.42 2 20 4426 4448 18 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:1709 to 1733 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (72.73%) Query: 3' ugAAGACG-UCACAGUCACACCUUg 5' ||| | |||| : ||||||| Ref: 5' gcTTCCACAAGTGCTTTTGTGGAAa 3' Energy: -19.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3692-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -19.65 2 23 1709 1733 22 68.18% 72.73% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3386 to 3407 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ugaagACGUCACAGUCACACCUUg 5' |||| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaaaTGCA--GACATTGTGGAAg 3' Energy: -17.799999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3692-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -17.80 2 20 3386 3407 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:13377 to 13396 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugaAGACGUCACAGUCACACCUUg 5' |||||:|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ccgTCTGCGGT---A-TGTGGAAa 3' Energy: -21.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3692-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -21.17 2 22 13377 13396 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:12533 to 12556 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' ugAAGACGUCACAGUCACACCUUg 5' || |||| || |||||:| Ref: 5' acTTATGCATCAGCATTGTGGGAa 3' Energy: -19.559999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3692-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -19.56 2 23 12533 12556 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:24671 to 24696 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ugaagacgUC-AC-AGUCACACCUUg 5' || || |: ||||||| Ref: 5' tcaaaaagAGTTGATTTTTGTGGAAa 3' Energy: -13.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3692-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.08 2 17 24671 24696 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:6445 to 6467 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ugAAGACGUCACAGUCACACCUUg 5' |||| ||||| | |||| || Ref: 5' cgTTCTTGAGTGT-AATGTGAAAa 3' Energy: -13.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3692-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.99 2 23 6445 6467 21 76.19% 76.19% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3692-3p NC_045512.2 1061.00 -127.67 165.00 -22.42 211 24 29903 4426 1709 3386 13377 12533 24671 6445 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-338-5p MIMAT0004701(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-338-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1638 to 1657 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gugAGUCGUGGUCCUAUAACAa 5' ||| ||:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' aagTCAACATCA--ATATTGTt 3' Energy: -14.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-338-5p NC_045512.2 160.00 -14.60 2 20 1638 1657 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9047 to 9065 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gugaGUCGUGGUCCUAUAACAa 5' |||:||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aagcCAGTACC---ATATTGTt 3' Energy: -18.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-338-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -18.08 2 19 9047 9065 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26364 to 26385 Align Len (19) (52.63%) (78.95%) Query: 3' guGAGUCGUGGUCCUAUAACAa 5' | :| ::|:: ||||||| Ref: 5' tgCGTACTGCTGCAATATTGTt 3' Energy: -11.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-338-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -11.62 2 21 26364 26385 19 52.63% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9400 to 9424 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (86.36%) Query: 3' guGA-GUCGU-GGUC-CUAUAACAa 5' || :||:| |::| |:|||||| Ref: 5' atCTATAGTAGCTGGTGGTATTGTa 3' Energy: -17.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-338-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.23 2 21 9400 9424 22 63.64% 86.36% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:11520 to 11542 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' gugagucgUGGUC-CUAUAACAa 5' :|||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' tgtttttgGCCAGAGGTATTGTt 3' Energy: -17.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-338-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.93 2 15 11520 11542 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:13140 to 13161 Align Len (15) (60.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' gugaguCGUGGUCCUAUAACAa 5' |::::| |||:|||| Ref: 5' ctaattGTGTTAAGATGTTGTg 3' Energy: -11.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-338-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.89 2 17 13140 13161 15 60.00% 93.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24928 to 24949 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' guGAGUCGUGGUCCUAUAACAa 5' || : ||:: |||:|||| Ref: 5' gtCTGGTAACTGTGATGTTGTa 3' Energy: -13.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-338-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.82 2 21 24928 24949 19 57.89% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-338-5p NC_045512.2 1024.00 -105.17 160.00 -18.08 212 22 29903 1638 9047 26364 9400 11520 13140 24928 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4693-3p MIMAT0019785(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4693-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:2773 to 2795 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' uuUAUGACACUUAAGGUGAGAGu 5' | | ||||||| :||||:|: Ref: 5' caAGAGTGTGAATATCACTTTTg 3' Energy: -17.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4693-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.94 2 22 2773 2795 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:25592 to 25614 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (65.00%) Query: 3' uuUAUGACACUUAAGGUGAGAGu 5' | |: | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' agAGATGGCAACTAGCACTCTCc 3' Energy: -11.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4693-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.27 2 22 25592 25614 20 60.00% 65.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:27667 to 27689 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' uuuaugacaCUUAAGGUGAGAGu 5' ||| |::|||||| Ref: 5' gaagttcaaGAACTTTACTCTCc 3' Energy: -13.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4693-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.35 2 15 27667 27689 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:7795 to 7818 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' uuUAUG-ACACUUAAGGUGAGAGu 5' | || | |||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' aaAGACTTATGAAAGACATTCTCt 3' Energy: -14.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4693-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.25 2 22 7795 7818 21 66.67% 71.43% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4693-3p NC_045512.2 572.00 -56.81 145.00 -17.94 213 23 29903 2773 25592 27667 7795 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-543 MIMAT0004954(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-543 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24288 to 24308 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuCUUCACGUGGCGCUUACAAa 5' |:||| :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttGGAGT-TACACAGAATGTTc 3' Energy: -15.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-543 NC_045512.2 154.00 -15.31 2 21 24288 24308 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5842 to 5864 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uucUUCACG-UGGCGCUUACAAa 5' |:|| | |:: ||:||||| Ref: 5' caaAGGTCCTATTACGGATGTTt 3' Energy: -15.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-543 NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.04 2 20 5842 5864 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:27934 to 27955 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' uuCUUCACGUGGCGCUUACAaa 5' | | | |||| |||||| Ref: 5' ctGCATTTCACCAAGAATGTag 3' Energy: -13.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-543 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.56 3 21 27934 27955 18 72.22% 72.22% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-543 NC_045512.2 436.00 -43.91 154.00 -15.31 214 22 29903 24288 5842 27934 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-151b MIMAT0010214(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-151b vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:23591 to 23608 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucugacacucGAGGAGCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cagactaattCTCCTCGg 3' Energy: -20.549999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-151b NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.55 2 9 23591 23608 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-151b NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.55 140.00 -20.55 215 18 29903 23591 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-211-3p MIMAT0022694(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-211-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:265 to 285 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cguggggaaacGACAGGGACg 5' :|||||||| Ref: 5' gatggagagccTTGTCCCTGg 3' Energy: -18.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-211-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.12 2 11 265 285 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:24751 to 24771 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cguggggaaacgACAGGGACg 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' gcatgtgacttaTGTCCCTGc 3' Energy: -22.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-211-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -22.36 2 10 24751 24771 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23407 to 23427 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (66.67%) Query: 3' cgUGGGGAAACGACAGGGACg 5' ||: | | ||||||| Ref: 5' taACTGCACAGAAGTCCCTGt 3' Energy: -21.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-211-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -21.85 2 20 23407 23427 18 61.11% 66.67% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:568 to 588 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' cguggggaAACGACAGGGACg 5' ||| |||||:|| Ref: 5' tgagacacTTGGTGTCCTTGt 3' Energy: -19.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-211-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.57 2 14 568 588 12 83.33% 91.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-211-3p NC_045512.2 575.00 -81.90 146.00 -22.36 216 21 29903 265 24751 23407 568 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7150 MIMAT0028211(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7150 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:24787 to 24804 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' auggaGAGGGGGACGGUc 5' || |:||||||| Ref: 5' cacaaCTGCTCCTGCCAt 3' Energy: -21.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7150 NC_045512.2 153.00 -21.65 2 14 24787 24804 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:11185 to 11202 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' auggaGAGGGGGACGGUc 5' ||:|:|:||||| Ref: 5' gttacCTTCTCTTGCCAc 3' Energy: -19.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7150 NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.96 2 14 11185 11202 12 75.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:28882 to 28899 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' auggaGAGGGGGACGGUc 5' ||:|:|||||:| Ref: 5' gggaaCTTCTCCTGCTAg 3' Energy: -24.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7150 NC_045512.2 141.00 -24.61 2 14 28882 28899 12 75.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:13036 to 13053 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' auggagagggGGACGGUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aacagaagtgCCTGCCAa 3' Energy: -13.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7150 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.34 2 9 13036 13053 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7150 NC_045512.2 575.00 -79.56 153.00 -24.61 217 18 29903 24787 11185 28882 13036 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4445-3p MIMAT0018964(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4445-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:13066 to 13087 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' accuAACA-AAGAAAACGGCAc 5' || | | |||||||:|| Ref: 5' atctTTCTGTGCTTTTGCTGTa 3' Energy: -13.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4445-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.69 2 18 13066 13087 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:10817 to 10837 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' accuaacaaagaaAACGGCAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gctcaaactggaaTTGCCGTt 3' Energy: -10.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4445-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.90 2 9 10817 10837 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4445-3p NC_045512.2 284.00 -24.59 144.00 -13.69 218 21 29903 13066 10817 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-96-5p MIMAT0000095(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-96-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:4204 to 4230 Align Len (24) (62.50%) (70.83%) Query: 3' ucGUUUUU---ACAC-GAUCACGGUUu 5' |:|||: || | |||||||| Ref: 5' agCGAAAGCTTTGAGAAAAGTGCCAAc 3' Energy: -18.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-96-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -18.74 2 22 4204 4230 24 62.50% 70.83% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:12331 to 12352 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (89.47%) Query: 3' ucGUUUUUACACGAUCACGGUuu 5' |||||:| | |||||||:| Ref: 5' ggCAAAAGT-TACTAGTGCTAtg 3' Energy: -20.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-96-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -20.98 3 22 12331 12352 19 78.95% 89.47% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:18434 to 18456 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' ucguuuuuaCACGAUCACGGUUu 5' | |:||||||:|| Ref: 5' atttttccaGAGTTAGTGCTAAa 3' Energy: -16.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-96-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.37 2 15 18434 18456 13 76.92% 92.31% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-96-5p NC_045512.2 432.00 -56.09 147.00 -20.98 219 23 29903 4204 12331 18434 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5579-5p MIMAT0022269(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5579-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:9039 to 9060 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (85.71%) Query: 3' caaucgaAUUC-CUCAUGGUAu 5' |||| |||||||| Ref: 5' cttctggTAAGCCAGTACCATa 3' Energy: -14.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5579-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -14.64 2 15 9039 9060 14 85.71% 85.71% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10874 to 10897 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' caAUCGAAUU--CCU-CAUGGUAu 5' |:|: |:| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaTGGTATGAATGGACGTACCATa 3' Energy: -17.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5579-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -17.16 2 20 10874 10897 21 66.67% 80.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5579-5p NC_045512.2 306.00 -31.80 153.00 -17.16 220 21 29903 9039 10874 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-887-3p MIMAT0004951(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-887-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-593-5p MIMAT0003261(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-593-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:3130 to 3158 Align Len (24) (58.33%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cgacUCGUUACG-GACC---GACCACGGa 5' :|:|| | :||| :||||||| Ref: 5' ccaaGGTAAACCTTTGGAATTTGGTGCCa 3' Energy: -20.559999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-593-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -20.56 2 22 3130 3158 24 58.33% 75.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 24 R:13214 to 13238 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' cgACUCGUUACGGACCGACCACGga 5' | | ||| |:| | |||||| Ref: 5' gaTCAAGAATCCTTTGGTGGTGCat 3' Energy: -17.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-593-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.34 3 24 13214 13238 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:11355 to 11381 Align Len (23) (60.87%) (73.91%) Query: 3' cgaCUCGUUACGGAC--CGACCACGGa 5' || | :||: || | ||||||: Ref: 5' caaGAACTGTGTATGATGATGGTGCTa 3' Energy: -18.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-593-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.73 2 23 11355 11381 23 60.87% 73.91% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19464 to 19486 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgacuCGUUACGGACCGACCACGGa 5' ||||| :| | ||||||: Ref: 5' acgttGCAAT--TTAGGTGGTGCTg 3' Energy: -17.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-593-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.58 2 21 19464 19486 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:15095 to 15121 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (73.91%) Query: 3' cgaCUCG-UUACGG-ACCGACCACGGa 5' |||| : || | |||||||:| Ref: 5' ataGAGCTCGCACCGTAGCTGGTGTCt 3' Energy: -26.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-593-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -26.96 2 23 15095 15121 23 65.22% 73.91% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:20852 to 20875 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (76.19%) Query: 3' cgaCUCGUUACGGACCGACCACGGa 5' |||: || | | :||||||: Ref: 5' tgaGAGTTATACAT-TTTGGTGCTg 3' Energy: -15.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-593-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.45 2 23 20852 20875 21 61.90% 76.19% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-593-5p NC_045512.2 852.00 -116.62 147.00 -26.96 222 25 29903 3130 13214 11355 19464 15095 20852 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3689a-5p MIMAT0018117(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3689a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13764 to 13787 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' aggGU-CCUUGGU-ACUAUAGUGu 5' || || |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgaCATGGTACCACATATATCACg 3' Energy: -19.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3689a-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -19.13 2 20 13764 13787 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2770 to 2791 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' aggGUCCUUGGUAC-UAUAGUGu 5' || ||: ::|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaCAAGAG-TGTGAATATCACt 3' Energy: -11.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3689a-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -11.29 2 20 2770 2791 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16391 to 16410 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (89.47%) Query: 3' agGGUCCUUGGUACUAUAGUGu 5' ||||| :::||||:|||| Ref: 5' ctCCAGG--TTGTGATGTCACa 3' Energy: -26.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3689a-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -26.06 2 21 16391 16410 19 68.42% 89.47% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:14819 to 14841 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agGGUCCUUG-GUACUAUAGUgu 5' ||| ||: ::|||||||| Ref: 5' taCCAACAATGTGTGATATCAga 3' Energy: -14.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3689a-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.54 3 21 14819 14841 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3689a-5p NC_045512.2 597.00 -71.02 153.00 -26.06 223 22 29903 13764 2770 16391 14819 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-618 MIMAT0003287(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-618 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:2165 to 2188 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ugagucUUCCUGUU-CAUCUCAAa 5' ||||| :: |||||||| Ref: 5' aagtttAAGGAAGGTGTAGAGTTt 3' Energy: -20.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-618 NC_045512.2 160.00 -20.18 2 18 2165 2188 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:5307 to 5329 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (91.67%) Query: 3' ugagucuuccUGUUCAUCUCAAa 5' |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' taacactccaACAAATAGAGTTg 3' Energy: -12.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-618 NC_045512.2 157.00 -12.92 2 14 5307 5329 12 91.67% 91.67% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:19981 to 20002 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' ugagucuucCUGUUCAUCUCAAa 5' ||: :|||||||| Ref: 5' gtcttttttGAT-GGTAGAGTTg 3' Energy: -11.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-618 NC_045512.2 148.00 -11.06 2 15 19981 20002 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10545 to 10568 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugaGUCUUCCU-GUUCAUCUCAAa 5' ::||| | ||| |:||||| Ref: 5' ataTGGAATTACCAACTGGAGTTc 3' Energy: -9.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-618 NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.74 2 21 10545 10568 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:26434 to 26455 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (65.00%) Query: 3' ugAGUCUUCCUGUUCAUCUCAAa 5' || ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaTCTGAA-TTCTTCTAGAGTTc 3' Energy: -9.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-618 NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.73 2 22 26434 26455 20 65.00% 65.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19997 to 20019 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ugaguCUUCCUGUUCAUCUCAAa 5' || || |||||||| || Ref: 5' gagttGATGGTCAAGTAGACTTa 3' Energy: -13.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-618 NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.14 2 19 19997 20019 17 82.35% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:8908 to 8930 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugagucuuccuguucAUCUCAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tttgcatttcttaccTAGAGTTt 3' Energy: -7.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-618 NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.60 2 9 8908 8930 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-618 NC_045512.2 1033.00 -84.37 160.00 -20.18 224 23 29903 2165 5307 19981 10545 26434 19997 8908 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6504-3p MIMAT0025465(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6504-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:13392 to 13412 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucUUACCGACA-CGACAUUAc 5' || ||:| | ||||||:| Ref: 5' ggAAAGGTTATGGCTGTAGTt 3' Energy: -16.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6504-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.54 2 19 13392 13412 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:5404 to 5423 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ucuuaccgacACGACAUUAc 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' tatcttagccTACTGTAATa 3' Energy: -7.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6504-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -7.08 2 11 5404 5423 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8259 to 8279 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ucUUACCGACA-CGACAUUAc 5' | |||| | |:|||||| Ref: 5' ttACTGGCGATAGTTGTAATa 3' Energy: -12.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6504-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.28 2 19 8259 8279 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6504-3p NC_045512.2 428.00 -35.90 145.00 -16.54 225 20 29903 13392 5404 8259 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4282 MIMAT0016912(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4282 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:3663 to 3680 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' aggaccUACGUUUAAAAu 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgcttATGAAAATTTTa 3' Energy: -7.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4282 NC_045512.2 152.00 -7.31 2 13 3663 3680 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:1066 to 1085 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' aggaCCUAC--GUUUAAAAu 5' | ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' tgggGAATGTCCAAATTTTg 3' Energy: -10.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4282 NC_045512.2 149.00 -10.44 2 15 1066 1085 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:2305 to 2322 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agGACCUACGUUUAAAAu 5' :|| | :||||||| Ref: 5' gcTTGTAAATAAATTTTt 3' Energy: -8.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4282 NC_045512.2 148.00 -8.13 2 17 2305 2322 15 66.67% 80.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:6877 to 6894 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' aggACCUACGUUUAAAAu 5' || |:||||||| Ref: 5' gagTGTCGGTAAATTTTg 3' Energy: -8.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4282 NC_045512.2 147.00 -8.45 2 16 6877 6894 14 71.43% 78.57% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:23700 to 23717 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aggaccuacGUUUAAAAu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ccatacccaCAAATTTTa 3' Energy: -7.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4282 NC_045512.2 145.00 -7.52 2 10 23700 23717 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:29115 to 29132 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' aggaccUACGUUUAAAAu 5' | | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaacccAAGGAAATTTTg 3' Energy: -6.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4282 NC_045512.2 144.00 -6.57 2 13 29115 29132 11 81.82% 81.82% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4282 NC_045512.2 885.00 -48.42 152.00 -10.44 226 18 29903 3663 1066 2305 6877 23700 29115 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1228-3p MIMAT0005583(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1228-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-106a-3p MIMAT0004517(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-106a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5788 to 5808 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' caUUCUUCACGAAUGUAACGUc 5' ||||| :||::|||||| Ref: 5' taAAGAA-ACTTTGTATTGCAt 3' Energy: -13.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-106a-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.53 2 21 5788 5808 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:8375 to 8396 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' caUUCUUCACGAAUGUAACGuc 5' || |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gcAAAAAGTCACAACATTGCtt 3' Energy: -10.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-106a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.14 3 21 8375 8396 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:25525 to 25546 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' cauucuUCACGAAUGUAACGUc 5' | ||:| :|:||||| Ref: 5' tggcttATTGTTGGCGTTGCAc 3' Energy: -11.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-106a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.37 2 17 25525 25546 15 66.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-106a-3p NC_045512.2 426.00 -35.04 146.00 -13.53 228 22 29903 5788 8375 25525 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-491-5p MIMAT0002807(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-491-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4685-3p MIMAT0019772(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4685-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:28781 to 28801 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (91.67%) Query: 3' gaucgguccCGUCCUUCCCUCu 5' ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' ggcttctacGCA-GAAGGGAGc 3' Energy: -19.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4685-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -19.73 2 14 28781 28801 12 91.67% 91.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:12777 to 12798 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaucggucccguccUUCCCUCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' actacaacacaacaAAGGGAGg 3' Energy: -15.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4685-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.69 2 9 12777 12798 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4685-3p NC_045512.2 291.00 -35.42 151.00 -19.73 230 22 29903 28781 12777 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548al MIMAT0019024(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548al vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:10815 to 10837 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' accauGUUU-UCAGUAACGGCAa 5' |||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' ctgctCAAACTGGAATTGCCGTt 3' Energy: -16.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548al NC_045512.2 152.00 -16.60 2 18 10815 10837 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18378 to 18399 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acCAUGUUUUCAGUAACGGCAa 5' ||:: || | :||||:|| Ref: 5' agGTGTTAACCTAGTTGCTGTa 3' Energy: -14.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548al NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.79 2 21 18378 18399 19 57.89% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548al NC_045512.2 292.00 -31.39 152.00 -16.60 231 22 29903 10815 18378 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6765-3p MIMAT0027431(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6765-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:20664 to 20684 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' gaccCGCCCGGUCGGUCCACu 5' ||| | || ||:|||| Ref: 5' tcaaGCGTGGCAACCGGGTGt 3' Energy: -24.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6765-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -24.78 2 18 20664 20684 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:15456 to 15476 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gacccgcccggUCGGUCCACu 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' actatatgttaAACCAGGTGg 3' Energy: -19.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6765-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.71 2 11 15456 15476 9 88.89% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6765-3p NC_045512.2 287.00 -44.49 145.00 -24.78 232 21 29903 20664 15456 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-511-3p MIMAT0026606(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-511-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:25364 to 25383 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (76.92%) Query: 3' agacagAAAACGAUGUGUAa 5' || :||||||| Ref: 5' gtcaaaTTACATTACACATa 3' Energy: -8.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-511-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.36 2 15 25364 25383 13 69.23% 76.92% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:25988 to 26007 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' agACAGAAAACGAUGUGUaa 5' ||| || | :|||||| Ref: 5' acTGTGTTGTATTACACAgt 3' Energy: -15.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-511-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.40 3 19 25988 26007 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:21751 to 21770 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' agaCAGAAAACGAUGUGUAa 5' ||: |||||:|||| Ref: 5' ttgGTTCCATGCTATACATg 3' Energy: -13.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-511-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.66 2 18 21751 21770 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:19140 to 19159 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' agacAGAAAACGAUGUGUAa 5' |||| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' ctatTCTTATGCCACACATt 3' Energy: -14.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-511-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.48 2 17 19140 19159 15 86.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-511-3p NC_045512.2 565.00 -51.90 142.00 -15.40 233 20 29903 25364 25988 21751 19140 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4286 MIMAT0016916(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4286 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:13110 to 13128 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ccAU-GGUC-CUCACCCCa 5' || |:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' atTATCTAGCTAGTGGGGg 3' Energy: -17.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4286 NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.92 2 16 13110 13128 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:28361 to 28377 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ccaugguCCUCACCCCa 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' ggagaacGCAGTGGGGc 3' Energy: -14.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4286 NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.69 2 11 28361 28377 9 88.89% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4286 NC_045512.2 287.00 -32.61 145.00 -17.92 234 17 29903 13110 28361 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-627-3p MIMAT0026623(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-627-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:13599 to 13618 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ucacuCAGAGUUUCUUUUCu 5' | :|| |||||||| Ref: 5' ttgtcGCTTCCAAGAAAAGg 3' Energy: -11.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-627-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -11.67 2 16 13599 13618 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:17743 to 17762 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucacucaGAGUUUCUUUUCu 5' ||:::||||||| Ref: 5' aaccctgCTTGGAGAAAAGc 3' Energy: -12.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-627-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -12.54 2 14 17743 17762 12 75.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:4206 to 4224 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ucacUCAGAGUUUCUUUUCu 5' || ||: :||||||| Ref: 5' cgaaAG-CTTTGAGAAAAGt 3' Energy: -10.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-627-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -10.84 2 17 4206 4224 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24761 to 24782 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ucACUCAGA-GU-UUCUUUUCu 5' || || || |||||||| Ref: 5' taTGTCCCTGCACAAGAAAAGa 3' Energy: -12.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-627-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -12.38 2 19 24761 24782 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:2641 to 2660 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ucacucagaGUUUCUUUUCu 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' aatcaaagaCACAGAAAAGt 3' Energy: -9.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-627-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -9.33 2 12 2641 2660 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:19393 to 19412 Align Len (16) (87.50%) (93.75%) Query: 3' ucACUCAGAGUUUCUUUUcu 5' ||||||||| :||||| Ref: 5' tgTGAGTCTCATGGAAAAca 3' Energy: -21.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-627-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -21.34 3 19 19393 19412 16 87.50% 93.75% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:2147 to 2168 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucACU--CAGAGUUUCUUUUCu 5' ||| | ||::||||:||| Ref: 5' ctTGATTGGCTTGAAGAGAAGt 3' Energy: -12.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-627-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.98 2 19 2147 2168 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:20711 to 20731 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (70.59%) Query: 3' ucaCUCA-GAGUUUCUUUUCu 5' || | || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaGAATGCTATTAGAAAAGt 3' Energy: -10.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-627-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -10.23 2 18 20711 20731 17 70.59% 70.59% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18955 to 18974 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ucACUCAGAGUUUCUUUUCu 5' || | ||:: |||||:| Ref: 5' aaTGCGGCTTGTAGAAAGGt 3' Energy: -10.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-627-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.96 2 19 18955 18974 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:1122 to 1141 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ucaCUCAGAGUUUCUUUUcu 5' |:||: |||||||| Ref: 5' caaGGGTTGAAAAGAAAAag 3' Energy: -14.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-627-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.09 3 18 1122 1141 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:4001 to 4022 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ucACUCA--GAGUUUCUUUUcu 5' | ||| |||| |||||| Ref: 5' acTAAGTTCCTCACAGAAAAct 3' Energy: -9.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-627-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.45 3 19 4001 4022 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 15 R:5859 to 5879 Align Len (13) (92.31%) (92.31%) Query: 3' ucacucAGA-GUUUCUUUUcu 5' ||| ||||||||| Ref: 5' atgtttTCTACAAAGAAAAca 3' Energy: -10.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-627-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.62 3 15 5859 5879 13 92.31% 92.31% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8828 to 8850 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucAC-UCAGAGU--UUCUUUUCu 5' || |||| :| ||||:||| Ref: 5' gcTGCAGTCATAACAAGAGAAGt 3' Energy: -12.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-627-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.43 2 19 8828 8850 20 70.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-627-3p NC_045512.2 1893.00 -158.86 155.00 -21.34 235 20 29903 13599 17743 4206 24761 2641 19393 2147 20711 18955 1122 4001 5859 8828 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-644a MIMAT0003314(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-644a vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:6526 to 6544 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (84.62%) Query: 3' cgagaUUCUUUCGGUGUGa 5' |:| :||||||| Ref: 5' agaagAGGTTGGCCACACa 3' Energy: -16.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-644a NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.12 2 15 6526 6544 13 69.23% 84.62% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:16099 to 16117 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgagAUUCUUUCGGUGUGa 5' |||||||||:|||: Ref: 5' tacaTAAGAAAGCTACATg 3' Energy: -18.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-644a NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.66 2 16 16099 16117 14 85.71% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:19139 to 19157 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cgagauucuUUCGGUGUGa 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' tctattcttATGCCACACa 3' Energy: -14.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-644a NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.54 2 11 19139 19157 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:29232 to 29250 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' cgagaUUCUUUCGGUGUGa 5' | |:|||:||||| Ref: 5' ttggcATGGAAGTCACACc 3' Energy: -16.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-644a NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.52 2 15 29232 29250 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:6255 to 6273 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' cgaGAUUCUUUCGGUGUGa 5' |||| ||||||||:: Ref: 5' caaCTAATAAAGCCACGTa 3' Energy: -17.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-644a NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.95 2 17 6255 6273 15 80.00% 93.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-644a NC_045512.2 713.00 -83.79 146.00 -18.66 236 19 29903 6526 16099 19139 29232 6255 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-124-5p MIMAT0004591(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-124-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:947 to 968 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' uaguuccaGGCGACACUUGUGc 5' |:|| |||||||: Ref: 5' gtatactgCTGCCGTGAACATg 3' Energy: -21.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-124-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -21.17 2 15 947 968 13 76.92% 92.31% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-124-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -21.17 142.00 -21.17 237 22 29903 947 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6887-3p MIMAT0027675(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6887-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:787 to 807 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (68.75%) Query: 3' gaucCUCCUUUCACCUCCCCu 5' ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gcgtGAGCTTAACGGAGGGGc 3' Energy: -17.719999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6887-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.72 2 18 787 807 16 68.75% 68.75% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6887-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.72 145.00 -17.72 238 21 29903 787 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4449 MIMAT0018968(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4449 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-641 MIMAT0003311(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-641 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:8132 to 8155 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cucCACUGAGAUAGGAUACAGAAa 5' ||| | :|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' aatGTGTCCTTAGACAATGTCTTa 3' Energy: -13.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-641 NC_045512.2 161.00 -13.22 2 22 8132 8155 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:21422 to 21443 Align Len (22) (77.27%) (81.82%) Query: 3' cuCCACUGA-GAUAGGAUACAGAAa 5' ||| ||| ||:| |||||||| Ref: 5' ggGGT-ACTGCTGT--TATGTCTTt 3' Energy: -21.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-641 NC_045512.2 160.00 -21.76 2 23 21422 21443 22 77.27% 81.82% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8208 to 8231 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cuccaCUGAGAUAGGAUACAGAAa 5' ||: :|:|: ||||||| Ref: 5' ctaaaGATGTTGTTGAATGTCTTa 3' Energy: -12.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-641 NC_045512.2 155.00 -12.81 2 20 8208 8231 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:16059 to 16083 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (85.71%) Query: 3' cuccacugagAUAGGA-UACAGAAa 5' ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' taatcaggagTATGCTGATGTCTTt 3' Energy: -13.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-641 NC_045512.2 153.00 -13.47 2 15 16059 16083 14 85.71% 85.71% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:11386 to 11410 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' cucCA-CUGAGAUAGGAUACAGAAa 5' || ||| || : ||||||| Ref: 5' agtGTGGACACTTATGAATGTCTTg 3' Energy: -13.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-641 NC_045512.2 152.00 -13.35 2 22 11386 11410 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16760 to 16782 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cuccACUGAGAUAGGAUACAGAAa 5' | || | | :|||||||| Ref: 5' cactTAAC-CGAAATTATGTCTTt 3' Energy: -12.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-641 NC_045512.2 150.00 -12.82 2 21 16760 16782 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:12702 to 12726 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (68.18%) Query: 3' cuCCAC-UGAGAUAGGAUACAGAAa 5' | || ||| : | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctGTTGCACTACGACAGATGTCTTg 3' Energy: -14.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-641 NC_045512.2 149.00 -14.50 2 23 12702 12726 22 63.64% 68.18% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:5106 to 5128 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' cuCCACUGAGAUAGGAUACAGAAa 5' ||| | | ||::|||||:|| Ref: 5' aaGGTAAAAC-ATTTTATGTTTTa 3' Energy: -14.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-641 NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.39 2 23 5106 5128 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:17284 to 17307 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuccacugagauaggAUACAGAAa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tcaacattagaacagTATGTCTTt 3' Energy: -11.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-641 NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.44 2 10 17284 17307 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:8898 to 8920 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (80.95%) Query: 3' cuCCACUGAGAUAGGAUACAGAAa 5' |||||||:| | | || |||| Ref: 5' atGGTGACTTTTTGC-ATTTCTTa 3' Energy: -16.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-641 NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.41 2 23 8898 8920 21 76.19% 80.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 23 R:11112 to 11133 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cuCCACUGAGAUAGGAUACAGAaa 5' ||| |:| | | |||||||| Ref: 5' tgGGT-ATTAT-TGCTATGTCTgc 3' Energy: -15.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-641 NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.95 3 23 11112 11133 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:23463 to 23491 Align Len (26) (61.54%) (73.08%) Query: 3' cuCCACUGAGAU----AGGA-UACAGAAa 5' | | |:|||| |:|| ||||:|| Ref: 5' gtGTTTATTCTACAGGTTCTAATGTTTTt 3' Energy: -13.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-641 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.75 2 23 23463 23491 26 61.54% 73.08% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-641 NC_045512.2 1799.00 -173.87 161.00 -21.76 240 24 29903 8132 21422 8208 16059 11386 16760 12702 5106 17284 8898 11112 23463 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1285-3p MIMAT0005876(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1285-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1359 to 1380 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucCAGAGUGAAACAACGGGUCu 5' ||: | ||| |||:|||| Ref: 5' ttGTTAAAATTTATTGTCCAGc 3' Energy: -13.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1285-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -13.03 2 21 1359 1380 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14753 to 14773 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uccaGAGUGAAACAACGGGUCu 5' ||: ||| ||||:||| Ref: 5' aacaCTT-CTTCTTTGCTCAGg 3' Energy: -17.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1285-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.70 2 19 14753 14773 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1285-3p NC_045512.2 288.00 -30.73 148.00 -17.70 241 22 29903 1359 14753 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1193 MIMAT0015049(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1193 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10400 to 10424 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (85.71%) Query: 3' cguGCAGUG--GCCAGAUGGUAGGg 5' :||:|| :|||: ||||||: Ref: 5' gctTGTTACAATGGTTCACCATCTg 3' Energy: -23.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1193 NC_045512.2 147.00 -23.19 2 21 10400 10424 21 61.90% 85.71% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4318 to 4340 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cguGCAGUGGCCAGAUGGUAGGg 5' | |: | |||||||||: Ref: 5' tgcCTTTTACATTCTACCATCTa 3' Energy: -18.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1193 NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.04 2 21 4318 4340 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:20058 to 20083 Align Len (23) (56.52%) (78.26%) Query: 3' cgUGCAGUGGCCAGA---UGGUAGGg 5' ::||:| |||:| ||||||: Ref: 5' taGTGTTAAAGGTTTACAACCATCTg 3' Energy: -19.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1193 NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.85 2 22 20058 20083 23 56.52% 78.26% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:26969 to 26990 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cgugcAGUGGCCAGAUGGUAGGg 5' |::|:|| | ||||||: Ref: 5' tcgtaTTGCTGGAC-ACCATCTa 3' Energy: -19.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1193 NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.78 2 19 26969 26990 17 64.71% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1193 NC_045512.2 567.00 -80.86 147.00 -23.19 242 23 29903 10400 4318 20058 26969 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3153 MIMAT0015026(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3153 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21720 to 21743 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uuuACAGGGAU-GAGCGAAAGGGg 5' |||:|:|| ||: ||||:|| Ref: 5' actTGTTCTTACCTTTCTTTTCCa 3' Energy: -20.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3153 NC_045512.2 155.00 -20.08 2 21 21720 21743 20 70.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:18673 to 18694 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uuUACAGGGAUGAGCGAAAGGGg 5' | || || || :|||||:|| Ref: 5' agACGTGCC-ACATGCTTTTCCa 3' Energy: -20.379999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3153 NC_045512.2 147.00 -20.38 2 22 18673 18694 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:29565 to 29587 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uuUACAGGGAUGAGCGAAAGGGg 5' || | | :|||||||:|| Ref: 5' atATAAACGTTTTCGCTTTTCCg 3' Energy: -18.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3153 NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.03 2 22 29565 29587 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:12004 to 12027 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (94.12%) Query: 3' uuuacAGGGAU-GAGCGAAAGGgg 5' |::||: :|:||||||| Ref: 5' actacTTTCTGTTTTGCTTTCCat 3' Energy: -18.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3153 NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.03 3 19 12004 12027 17 64.71% 94.12% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3153 NC_045512.2 588.00 -76.52 155.00 -20.38 243 23 29903 21720 18673 29565 12004 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-30a-3p MIMAT0000088(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-30a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16600 to 16622 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cgaCGUUUGUAGGC-UGACUUUc 5' || |||| |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaGCTAACACCTGTACTGAAAg 3' Energy: -21.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30a-3p NC_045512.2 166.00 -21.24 2 20 16600 16622 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19940 to 19961 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cgacGUUUGUAGGCUGACUUUc 5' |||: | || ||||||| Ref: 5' tagcCAAGAAACCAACTGAAAc 3' Energy: -12.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30a-3p NC_045512.2 162.00 -12.98 2 19 19940 19961 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22955 to 22977 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cgacgUUUGU-AGGCUGACUUUc 5' |:|:| |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' gagagAGATATTTCAACTGAAAt 3' Energy: -10.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30a-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -10.55 2 18 22955 22977 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17870 to 17891 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' cgACGUUUGUAGGCUGACUUUc 5' | || || | ||||||| Ref: 5' taTTCACTCAAACCACTGAAAc 3' Energy: -11.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30a-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -11.97 2 21 17870 17891 19 68.42% 68.42% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4754 to 4776 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' cgACGU-UUGUAGGCUGACUUUc 5' || | |||||:: |:||||| Ref: 5' ccTGAAGAACATTTTATTGAAAc 3' Energy: -15.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30a-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -15.03 2 21 4754 4776 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15826 to 15848 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (89.47%) Query: 3' cgaCG-UUUGUAGGCUGACUUUc 5' || |||::|: ||||||:| Ref: 5' gaaGCAAAATGTTGGACTGAGAc 3' Energy: -16.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30a-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.17 2 20 15826 15848 19 68.42% 89.47% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4178 to 4200 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgaCGUUUGUAG-GCUGACUUUc 5' || :::: | | ||||||| Ref: 5' aagGCTGGTGGCACTACTGAAAt 3' Energy: -15.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30a-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.82 2 20 4178 4200 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11964 to 11985 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cgacGUUUGUAGGCUGACUUUc 5' :||| || | ||||||: Ref: 5' tagcTAAAGATACTACTGAAGc 3' Energy: -14.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30a-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.54 2 19 11964 11985 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:3895 to 3918 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cgacgUUUGUAG--GCUGACUUUc 5' |: |||: : ||||||| Ref: 5' agttaAGCCATTTATAACTGAAAg 3' Energy: -13.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30a-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.70 2 18 3895 3918 18 61.11% 77.78% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1982 to 2003 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' cgACGU-UUGUAGGCUGACUUUc 5' | || |::||:| |||||:| Ref: 5' atTTCACAGTATTC-ACTGAGAc 3' Energy: -13.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30a-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.20 2 21 1982 2003 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:25946 to 25967 Align Len (12) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgacguuugUAGGCUGACUUUc 5' :|: ||||||| Ref: 5' agattggtgGTTATACTGAAAa 3' Energy: -6.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30a-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -6.57 2 14 25946 25967 12 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:23787 to 23808 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgACGUUUGUAGGCUGACUUuc 5' ||::: ||:| |||||| Ref: 5' ttTGTGGTGATTCAACTGAAtg 3' Energy: -12.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.21 3 21 23787 23808 18 61.11% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-30a-3p NC_045512.2 1795.00 -163.98 166.00 -21.24 244 22 29903 16600 19940 22955 17870 4754 15826 4178 11964 3895 1982 25946 23787 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4312 MIMAT0016864(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4312 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:8679 to 8698 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (92.86%) Query: 3' accccUGUCCU-UGUUCCGg 5' |:|||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaatcATAGGATACAAGGCt 3' Energy: -19.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4312 NC_045512.2 157.00 -19.19 2 15 8679 8698 14 85.71% 92.86% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:28985 to 29003 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' accccUGUCCUUGUUCCGg 5' ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' ggccaACAACAACAAGGCc 3' Energy: -18.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4312 NC_045512.2 154.00 -18.99 2 15 28985 29003 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:28469 to 28487 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (91.67%) Query: 3' accccuGUCCUUGUUCCGg 5' |: |:||||||| Ref: 5' ttccctCGAGGACAAGGCg 3' Energy: -16.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4312 NC_045512.2 149.00 -16.25 2 14 28469 28487 12 75.00% 91.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:29538 to 29556 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' accccuguccuUGUUCCGg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atgcagaccacACAAGGCa 3' Energy: -13.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4312 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.54 2 9 29538 29556 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4312 NC_045512.2 600.00 -67.97 157.00 -19.19 245 19 29903 8679 28985 28469 29538 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5006-5p MIMAT0021033(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5006-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8859 to 8880 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' aagGUGGA--GGACGGGACCGUu 5' ::||| ::|| ||||||| Ref: 5' tcgTGCCTGGTTTG-CCTGGCAc 3' Energy: -19.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5006-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -19.52 2 19 8859 8880 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:18153 to 18173 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aagguggaggacgGGACCGUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atgtgttgacataCCTGGCAt 3' Energy: -15.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5006-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.87 2 9 18153 18173 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5006-5p NC_045512.2 287.00 -35.39 147.00 -19.52 246 21 29903 8859 18153 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-525-5p MIMAT0002838(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-525-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3976 to 3997 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ucUUUCACGUAG-GGAGACCUc 5' ||: | || | ||||||| Ref: 5' agAAGTTACAACAACTCTGGAa 3' Energy: -14.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-525-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.91 2 20 3976 3997 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:19581 to 19601 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucuuucacguagGGAGACCUc 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tgatacttataaCCTCTGGAa 3' Energy: -15.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-525-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.24 2 10 19581 19601 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:3129 to 3148 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ucuUUCACGUAGGGAGACCUc 5' ||| |:| |||:|||| Ref: 5' accAAG-GTAAACCTTTGGAa 3' Energy: -16.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-525-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.64 2 19 3129 3148 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-525-5p NC_045512.2 435.00 -46.79 150.00 -16.64 247 21 29903 3976 19581 3129 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6733-3p MIMAT0027368(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6733-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:26044 to 26063 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' gauccUUUAGGUCUGUGACu 5' :|:| ||||||||| Ref: 5' caattGAGTACAGACACTGg 3' Energy: -20.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6733-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -20.19 2 16 26044 26063 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:17571 to 17591 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gaucCUUUAG-GUCUGUGACu 5' |||||: : ||||||| Ref: 5' tgctGAAATTGTTGACACTGt 3' Energy: -15.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6733-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -15.88 2 17 17571 17591 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:3383 to 3402 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (92.86%) Query: 3' gauccUUUAGGUCUGUGACu 5' |||| ||||||:|| Ref: 5' attaaAAATGCAGACATTGt 3' Energy: -17.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6733-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -17.81 2 16 3383 3402 14 85.71% 92.86% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:14200 to 14219 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' gauccUUUAGGUCUGUGACu 5' | || : ||||||| Ref: 5' gagtcACATGTTGACACTGa 3' Energy: -15.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6733-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.42 2 16 14200 14219 14 71.43% 78.57% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:2738 to 2754 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gauCCUUUAGGUCUGUGACu 5' || :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' tttGGTGAT---GACACTGt 3' Energy: -12.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6733-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.99 2 18 2738 2754 16 68.75% 75.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:11379 to 11399 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gaUCCU-UUAGGUCUGUGAcu 5' |||| |:| ::|||||| Ref: 5' ctAGGAGAGTGTGGACACTta 3' Energy: -19.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6733-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.18 3 19 11379 11399 17 70.59% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6733-3p NC_045512.2 894.00 -101.47 159.00 -20.19 248 20 29903 26044 17571 3383 14200 2738 11379 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-203a-5p MIMAT0031890(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-203a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 170.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24876 to 24900 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uugacaaCUUGACAAUUCUUGGUGa 5' |||:| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' cacaaagGAATTTTTATGAACCACa 3' Energy: -16.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-203a-5p NC_045512.2 170.00 -16.25 2 19 24876 24900 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12880 to 12900 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' uugacaaCUUGACAAUUCUUGGUGa 5' |||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctatacaGAACTG----GAACCACc 3' Energy: -18.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-203a-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -18.08 2 19 12880 12900 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:20378 to 20405 Align Len (25) (72.00%) (76.00%) Query: 3' uuGA-CAACUUG-ACAAUU-CUUGGUGa 5' || | | ||| | |||| |||:||| Ref: 5' gaCTAGCTAAACGTTTTAAGGAATCACc 3' Energy: -14.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-203a-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.40 2 24 20378 20405 25 72.00% 76.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:29698 to 29722 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uugacaaCUUGACAAUUCUUGGUGa 5' |:||| ||||:|||| Ref: 5' ttagggaGGACTTGAAAGAGCCACc 3' Energy: -19.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-203a-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -19.58 2 19 29698 29722 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:22217 to 22239 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (81.82%) Query: 3' uuGACAACUUGACAAUUCUUGGUGa 5' :| || ::|| || |||||||: Ref: 5' ggTTTTTCGGCT-TT-AGAACCATt 3' Energy: -13.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-203a-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.64 2 24 22217 22239 22 63.64% 81.82% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:3530 to 3555 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uugacaacUUGACAAUU-CUUGGUGa 5' |:|| ||| |:||||| Ref: 5' gattacatAGCTACTAATGGACCACt 3' Energy: -15.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-203a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.78 2 18 3530 3555 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-203a-5p NC_045512.2 896.00 -97.73 170.00 -19.58 249 25 29903 24876 12880 20378 29698 22217 3530 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4711-3p MIMAT0019817(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4711-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:10334 to 10350 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uaGUUCGGUCUUCUGUGc 5' ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' gcCAATCC-TAAGACACc 3' Energy: -12.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4711-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -12.13 2 17 10334 10350 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:2637 to 2653 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uagUUCGGUCUUCUGUGc 5' || :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' tcgAAATCA-AAGACACa 3' Energy: -11.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4711-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -11.75 2 16 2637 2653 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:18269 to 18286 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' uagUUCGGUCUUCUGUGc 5' ||||:| ||||||: Ref: 5' aagAAGCTATAAGACATg 3' Energy: -18.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4711-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -18.85 2 16 18269 18286 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:4925 to 4941 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uaGUUCGGUCUUCUGUGc 5' ||| :| ||||||| Ref: 5' gaCAA-TCTTAAGACACt 3' Energy: -11.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4711-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.90 2 17 4925 4941 15 73.33% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4711-3p NC_045512.2 592.00 -54.63 150.00 -18.85 250 18 29903 10334 2637 18269 4925 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-20b-5p MIMAT0001413(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-20b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:22043 to 22066 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' gauggACG-UGAUACUCGUGAAAc 5' ||| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' tctagTGCGAATAATTGCACTTTt 3' Energy: -14.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-20b-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -14.02 2 19 22043 22066 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:15000 to 15023 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gauggaCGUGAUACU-CGUGAAAc 5' | |: | || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttatgaGGATCAAGATGCACTTTt 3' Energy: -9.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-20b-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -9.76 2 18 15000 15023 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:15539 to 15563 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (68.18%) Query: 3' gaUGGACGUGAUACU--CGUGAAAc 5' || || |:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tcACGGCCAATGTTAATGCACTTTt 3' Energy: -11.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-20b-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -11.83 2 22 15539 15563 22 63.64% 68.18% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17578 to 17601 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (94.74%) Query: 3' gaugGAC-GUGAUACUCGUGAAAc 5' :|| ||||:||||::|||| Ref: 5' attgTTGACACTGTGAGTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -26.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-20b-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -26.24 2 20 17578 17601 19 73.68% 94.74% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:890 to 910 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gauggaCGUGAUACUCGUGAAAc 5' || : || ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtaaaGCTTCAT--GCACTTTg 3' Energy: -13.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-20b-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.68 2 18 890 910 16 68.75% 75.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:6787 to 6811 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gaugGACG-UGAU-ACUCGUGAAAc 5' :||| || | || |:||||| Ref: 5' tttaTTGCTACAATTGTGTACTTTt 3' Energy: -13.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-20b-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.64 2 20 6787 6811 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:13820 to 13843 Align Len (21) (57.14%) (80.95%) Query: 3' gaUGGACGUGAUACU-CGUGAAAc 5' ::|| ::|| | | |||:||| Ref: 5' tcGTCTATGCTTTAAGGCATTTTg 3' Energy: -16.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-20b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.22 2 22 13820 13843 21 57.14% 80.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:27245 to 27267 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' gauggacGUGAUACUCGUGAAAc 5' :|:|||||| ||||| Ref: 5' tactaatTATTATGAGGACTTTt 3' Energy: -18.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-20b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.92 2 17 27245 27267 15 80.00% 93.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-20b-5p NC_045512.2 1154.00 -124.31 149.00 -26.24 251 23 29903 22043 15000 15539 17578 890 6787 13820 27245 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5699-5p MIMAT0027103(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5699-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16225 to 16248 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gaaCAGGAAG--GAACAACCCCGu 5' |||:| | ||||||||| Ref: 5' acaGTCTTACAGGCTGTTGGGGCt 3' Energy: -22.799999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5699-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -22.80 2 20 16225 16248 20 70.00% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5699-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -22.80 154.00 -22.80 252 22 29903 16225 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1260a MIMAT0005911(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1260a vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5692c MIMAT0022476(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5692c vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:498 to 520 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' caUGUGGA-UGACACUAUAAUAa 5' :||||| |: || ||:|||| Ref: 5' ctGCACCTCATGGTCATGTTATg 3' Energy: -14.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5692c NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.54 2 21 498 520 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26469 to 26489 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' caUGUGGAUGACACUAUAAUAa 5' | || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctAAACGAACT-AAATATTATa 3' Energy: -6.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5692c NC_045512.2 146.00 -6.58 2 21 26469 26489 19 68.42% 68.42% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:6932 to 6955 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cauguggaUGAC-A-CUAUAAUAa 5' |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttttctaaACTGATAAATATTATa 3' Energy: -7.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5692c NC_045512.2 144.00 -7.16 2 15 6932 6955 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:26364 to 26385 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' caugugGAUGACACUAUAAUAa 5' ||:||| |||||:| Ref: 5' tgcgtaCTGCTGCAATATTGTt 3' Energy: -16.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5692c NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.43 2 17 26364 26385 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11100 to 11122 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cauGUGGAUGACA-CUAUAAUAa 5' | ::|:|| | |:|||||| Ref: 5' tacCTTTTGCTATGGGTATTATt 3' Energy: -15.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5692c NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.00 2 20 11100 11122 19 63.16% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5692c NC_045512.2 727.00 -59.71 151.00 -16.43 254 22 29903 498 26469 6932 26364 11100 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3161 MIMAT0015035(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3161 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:23378 to 23401 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uagacCCGGAGACAA-GAAUAGUc 5' ||:: ||||| :|||||| Ref: 5' aaccaGGTTGCTGTTCTTTATCAg 3' Energy: -22.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3161 NC_045512.2 149.00 -22.92 2 19 23378 23401 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:364 to 386 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uagacccggagaCAAGAAUAGUc 5' | |||||||| Ref: 5' ctccgtggaggaGGTCTTATCAg 3' Energy: -16.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3161 NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.86 2 12 364 386 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:20029 to 20051 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uagacccggagACAAGAAUAGUc 5' |||||||||:| Ref: 5' gcccgtaatggTGTTCTTATTAc 3' Energy: -12.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3161 NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.73 2 13 20029 20051 11 90.91% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4550 to 4572 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uagacccggagacaaGAAUAGUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' acaactgtagcgtcaCTTATCAa 3' Energy: -13.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3161 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.38 2 9 4550 4572 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3161 NC_045512.2 580.00 -65.89 149.00 -22.92 255 23 29903 23378 364 20029 4550 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6763-3p MIMAT0027427(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6763-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-92a-1-5p MIMAT0004507(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-92a-1-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2204 to 2228 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ucgUAACG--UUGGCUAGGGUUGGa 5' ||||: ||:: |||:||||| Ref: 5' gaaATTGTTAAATTTATCTCAACCt 3' Energy: -18.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-92a-1-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -18.99 2 21 2204 2228 21 66.67% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-92a-1-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -18.99 151.00 -18.99 257 23 29903 2204 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548h-3p MIMAT0022723(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548h-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:26640 to 26660 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' acGUUUUCAUUAACGCCAAAAAc 5' ||| || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gcCAACAGGAAT--AGGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -13.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548h-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -13.26 2 22 26640 26660 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:6946 to 6967 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (92.86%) Query: 3' acguuuucAUUAACGCCAAAAAc 5' ||||| :||||||| Ref: 5' aaatattaTAATT-TGGTTTTTa 3' Energy: -8.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548h-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -8.81 2 16 6946 6967 14 85.71% 92.86% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:7230 to 7252 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acguuuucauuaaCGCCAAAAAc 5' |:||||||| Ref: 5' gcttagttgcagaGTGGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -16.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548h-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.78 2 11 7230 7252 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:8839 to 8859 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' acGUUUUCAUUAACGCCAAAAac 5' |||:|| || || |||||| Ref: 5' aaCAAGAG-AAGTG-GGTTTTgt 3' Energy: -15.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548h-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.09 3 22 8839 8859 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:21085 to 21107 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' acguuuucAUUAACGCCAAAAAc 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aatgactcTAAAGAGGGTTTTTt 3' Energy: -9.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548h-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.54 2 16 21085 21107 14 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:23942 to 23964 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acGUUUUCAUUAACGCCAAAAac 5' :|||: | | |:|||||| Ref: 5' atTAAAGATTTTGGTGGTTTTaa 3' Energy: -10.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548h-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.49 3 22 23942 23964 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:7257 to 7279 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acguuuucauuaacgCCAAAAAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atattcttttcactaGGTTTTTc 3' Energy: -7.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548h-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.24 2 9 7257 7279 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:13557 to 13577 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' acguUUUCAUUAACGCCAAAAac 5' ||||||: | |||||| Ref: 5' tgatAAAGTAGCT--GGTTTTgc 3' Energy: -13.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548h-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.52 3 20 13557 13577 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:18352 to 18374 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acguuuucauuaacgCCAAAAAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttacctttacagctaGGTTTTTc 3' Energy: -7.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548h-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.24 2 9 18352 18374 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:22202 to 22224 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acguuuucauuaacgCCAAAAAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cgtgatctccctcagGGTTTTTc 3' Energy: -7.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548h-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.41 2 9 22202 22224 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548h-3p NC_045512.2 1450.00 -109.38 158.00 -16.78 258 23 29903 26640 6946 7230 8839 21085 23942 7257 13557 18352 22202 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4297 MIMAT0016846(16 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4297 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4457 MIMAT0018979(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4457 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:10734 to 10754 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' augcggUCAGUUAUGGAACACu 5' | |: | |||||||| Ref: 5' ttaatgACTTTA-ACCTTGTGg 3' Energy: -14.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4457 NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.61 2 17 10734 10754 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:7109 to 7131 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' augcGGUC-AGUUAUGGAACAcu 5' |::| || ||||||||| Ref: 5' tgtaCTGGTTCTATACCTTGTag 3' Energy: -18.799999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4457 NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.80 3 19 7109 7131 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:5606 to 5628 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' augCGGUCAGU-UAUGGAACAcu 5' | :: ||| ||||||||| Ref: 5' aaaGGTGTTCAGATACCTTGTac 3' Energy: -15.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4457 NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.41 3 20 5606 5628 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12706 to 12729 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' auGCGGU-CAGU-UAUGGAACACu 5' | |:| | || ||::|||||| Ref: 5' tgCACTACGACAGATGTCTTGTGc 3' Energy: -19.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4457 NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.08 2 21 12706 12729 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:22982 to 23004 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' augCGGUCAGU-UAUGGAACAcu 5' |||:|| : | ||||||| Ref: 5' cagGCCGGTAGCACACCTTGTaa 3' Energy: -19.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4457 NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.18 3 20 22982 23004 18 72.22% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4457 NC_045512.2 717.00 -87.08 146.00 -19.18 260 22 29903 10734 7109 5606 12706 22982 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3680-3p MIMAT0018107(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3680-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:3497 to 3519 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ggAUGAGGGUCCCAGUACGUUUu 5' |||| || | |||||||: Ref: 5' gcTACTAACAATGCCATGCAAGt 3' Energy: -21.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3680-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -21.49 2 22 3497 3519 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:21320 to 21339 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ggAUGAGGGUCCCAGUACGUUUu 5' || | :|| | |||||||| Ref: 5' gtTA-TGTCATG--CATGCAAAt 3' Energy: -13.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3680-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -13.52 2 22 21320 21339 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24244 to 24267 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' ggaUGAGGGU-CCCAGUACGUUUu 5' | | ||| | :||||||| Ref: 5' acaAATACCATTTGCTATGCAAAt 3' Energy: -12.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3680-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.31 2 21 24244 24267 20 65.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:17039 to 17063 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (69.57%) Query: 3' ggAUGAGGGUCCCA---GUACGUUUu 5' || || | ||| :||||||| Ref: 5' atTA-TCAAAAGGTTGGTATGCAAAa 3' Energy: -15.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3680-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.58 2 22 17039 17063 23 65.22% 69.57% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12335 to 12357 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ggaUGAGGGUCCCAGUACGUUUu 5' ::| |:|| | :|||||:| Ref: 5' aaaGTTACTAGTGCTATGCAGAc 3' Energy: -12.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3680-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.69 2 21 12335 12357 19 57.89% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:10283 to 10305 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggaugagggucccaGUACGUUUu 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' gttattggacattcTATGCAAAa 3' Energy: -12.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3680-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.09 2 10 10283 10305 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:14354 to 14376 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ggAUGAGGGUCCCAGUACGUUUu 5' |:| ::| | |::|||||| Ref: 5' gaTGCATTCTGCATTGTGCAAAc 3' Energy: -11.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3680-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.67 2 22 14354 14376 20 55.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:20692 to 20714 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (65.00%) Query: 3' ggAUGAGGGUCCCAGUACGUUUu 5' || ||:: ||||||| Ref: 5' ccTAATCTTTACAAAATGCAAAg 3' Energy: -15.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3680-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.61 2 22 20692 20714 20 55.00% 65.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:29523 to 29545 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ggaugaGGGUCCCAGUACGUUUu 5' ||:| |||||||:| Ref: 5' ctcaggCCTAAACTCATGCAGAc 3' Energy: -16.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3680-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.73 2 18 29523 29545 16 68.75% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3680-3p NC_045512.2 1298.00 -131.69 149.00 -21.49 261 23 29903 3497 21320 24244 17039 12335 10283 14354 20692 29523 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-2392 MIMAT0019043(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-2392 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:26326 to 26346 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' guggAGAGUGG-GGGUAGGAu 5' |: |||: ||||||| Ref: 5' ctagTTACACTAGCCATCCTt 3' Energy: -17.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2392 NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.82 2 17 26326 26346 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:2130 to 2149 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' guggaGAGUGGGGGUAGGAu 5' |||| |||:|||| Ref: 5' aaaaaCTCAAACCCGTCCTt 3' Energy: -23.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2392 NC_045512.2 143.00 -23.90 2 16 2130 2149 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7153 to 7172 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' guGGAGAGUGGGGGUAGGAu 5' |:|: || ||:||||| Ref: 5' ttCTTTAGACACCTATCCTt 3' Energy: -18.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2392 NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.32 2 19 7153 7172 17 64.71% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-2392 NC_045512.2 432.00 -60.04 147.00 -23.90 262 20 29903 26326 2130 7153 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548t-3p MIMAT0022730(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548t-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:10480 to 10505 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (78.26%) Query: 3' acCACGU-UUUCAUUAACACCAAAAa 5' || || : :|||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgGTTCATGTGGTAGTGTTGGTTTTa 3' Energy: -17.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548t-3p NC_045512.2 162.00 -17.95 2 24 10480 10505 23 65.22% 78.26% Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23939 to 23963 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' accacGUUUUCAUUAACACCAAAAa 5' :|||: | | |||||||| Ref: 5' ccaatTAAAGATTTTGGTGGTTTTa 3' Energy: -11.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548t-3p NC_045512.2 160.00 -11.16 2 21 23939 23963 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:13554 to 13576 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' accACGUUUUCAUUAACACCAAAAa 5' || ||||||: ||||||| Ref: 5' caaTGATAAAGTAG--CTGGTTTTg 3' Energy: -13.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548t-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -13.05 2 23 13554 13576 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:6943 to 6966 Align Len (13) (92.31%) (92.31%) Query: 3' accacguuuucAUUAACACCAAAAa 5' ||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gataaatattaTAATT-TGGTTTTt 3' Energy: -9.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548t-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -9.56 2 15 6943 6966 13 92.31% 92.31% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:11271 to 11297 Align Len (25) (64.00%) (76.00%) Query: 3' acCACGUUUUCAUU-AAC--ACCAAAAa 5' || ::| | ||: ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgGT-TGATACTAGTTTGTCTGGTTTTa 3' Energy: -12.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548t-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -12.32 2 24 11271 11297 25 64.00% 76.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:7226 to 7251 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (71.43%) Query: 3' accaCGUUUUCAU-UAACACCAAAAa 5' || |: |: | |||||||| Ref: 5' tttgGCTTAGTTGCAGAGTGGTTTTt 3' Energy: -14.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548t-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.55 2 22 7226 7251 21 61.90% 71.43% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14927 to 14953 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' accacGUUUUCAUUA-AC-ACCAAAAa 5' | |:| ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' acaacCTAGACAAATCAGCTGGTTTTc 3' Energy: -7.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548t-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -7.57 2 21 14927 14953 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:10040 to 10064 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' accacguuuucauuaaCACCAAAAa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tcagctgttttgcagaGTGGTTTTa 3' Energy: -12.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548t-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.19 2 10 10040 10064 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 23 R:16491 to 16513 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' accACGUUUUCAUUAACACCAAAaa 5' || | |||| || |||||| Ref: 5' taaTGGACAAGT--TTTTGGTTTat 3' Energy: -9.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548t-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.32 3 23 16491 16513 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:27077 to 27102 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (82.61%) Query: 3' acCACGUU-UUCAUUAACACCAAAAa 5' |||:|: |:||:| | |||||| Ref: 5' gcGTGTAGCAGGTGACTCAGGTTTTg 3' Energy: -14.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548t-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.96 2 24 27077 27102 23 65.22% 82.61% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548t-3p NC_045512.2 1512.00 -122.63 162.00 -17.95 263 25 29903 10480 23939 13554 6943 11271 7226 14927 10040 16491 27077 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4784 MIMAT0019948(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4784 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:23584 to 23607 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' agUCAGGGUC--GU--AGAGGAGu 5' || |:||| :| ||||||| Ref: 5' tcAGACTCAGACTAATTCTCCTCg 3' Energy: -24.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4784 NC_045512.2 148.00 -24.93 2 19 23584 23607 21 66.67% 76.19% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:28809 to 28827 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' agUCAGGGUCGUAGAGGAGu 5' ||| | ||| |||:||| Ref: 5' gcAGT-CAAGCCTCTTCTCg 3' Energy: -25.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4784 NC_045512.2 144.00 -25.15 2 19 28809 28827 17 76.47% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4784 NC_045512.2 292.00 -50.08 148.00 -25.15 264 20 29903 23584 28809 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1273c MIMAT0015017(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1273c vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8596 to 8617 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cuguCCCAGAGCAAAACAGCGg 5' | ||: | ||||||:|| Ref: 5' acttGTGTTCCTTTTTGTTGCt 3' Energy: -13.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1273c NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.90 2 19 8596 8617 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:13584 to 13606 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' cugucccaGAGCAA-AACAGCGg 5' || || ||||||| Ref: 5' cctaaaaaCTAATTGTTGTCGCt 3' Energy: -13.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1273c NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.37 2 15 13584 13606 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27687 to 27708 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cuGUCCCAGAGCAAAACAGCGg 5' || |:|| | ||||:|| Ref: 5' tcCAATTTTTCTTATTGTTGCg 3' Energy: -9.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1273c NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.02 2 21 27687 27708 19 63.16% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1273c NC_045512.2 431.00 -36.29 146.00 -13.90 265 22 29903 8596 13584 27687 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-2682-3p MIMAT0013518(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-2682-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:4270 to 4291 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ccuucUGUCGCGACUUCUCCGc 5' ||| :|: ||:||||| Ref: 5' tggttACACTGTAGAGGAGGCa 3' Energy: -19.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2682-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.84 2 18 4270 4291 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:21081 to 21102 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ccUUCUGUCGCGACUUCUCCgc 5' || |:: | || |||||| Ref: 5' agAAAATGACTCTAAAGAGGgt 3' Energy: -13.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2682-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.16 3 21 21081 21102 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:21851 to 21872 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccuucugucgcgacUUCUCCGc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aagtctaacataatAAGAGGCt 3' Energy: -9.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2682-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.40 2 9 21851 21872 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-2682-3p NC_045512.2 425.00 -42.40 145.00 -19.84 266 22 29903 4270 21081 21851 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7112-5p MIMAT0028121(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7112-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5690 MIMAT0022482(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5690 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:13552 to 13571 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ggaUUAUCUCCAUCAUCGACu 5' ||| || |||||||| Ref: 5' tacAAT-GATAAAGTAGCTGg 3' Energy: -16.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5690 NC_045512.2 152.00 -16.74 2 19 13552 13571 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:15091 to 15116 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (72.73%) Query: 3' ggaUUAUCUC---CAU--CAUCGACu 5' ||||||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' aagAATAGAGCTCGCACCGTAGCTGg 3' Energy: -18.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5690 NC_045512.2 152.00 -18.05 2 19 15091 15116 22 72.73% 72.73% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3554 to 3574 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ggAUUAUCUCCAUCAUCGACu 5' ||| : :|||:||||:|| Ref: 5' ctTAAAGTGGGTGGTAGTTGt 3' Energy: -22.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5690 NC_045512.2 151.00 -22.23 2 20 3554 3574 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:9394 to 9414 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggauuaucuccAUCAUCGACu 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' atcagcatctaTAGTAGCTGg 3' Energy: -16.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5690 NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.48 2 11 9394 9414 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:14619 to 14639 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggauuaucuccaUCAUCGACu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tacgtgcttttcAGTAGCTGc 3' Energy: -14.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5690 NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.57 2 10 14619 14639 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9480 to 9501 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ggaUUAUCUCCAU-CAUCGACu 5' |||| || | ||||:|| Ref: 5' gtgAATACAGTCATGTAGTTGc 3' Energy: -11.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5690 NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.74 2 19 9480 9501 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:27917 to 27937 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggauuaucuccauCAUCGACu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aatcatcacaactGTAGCTGc 3' Energy: -12.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5690 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.73 2 9 27917 27937 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5690 NC_045512.2 1031.00 -112.54 152.00 -22.23 268 21 29903 13552 15091 3554 9394 14619 9480 27917 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5011-3p MIMAT0021046(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5011-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:12238 to 12259 Align Len (13) (92.31%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acaauauaUAUGUCGGUACGUg 5' ||:|||||||||| Ref: 5' tgaccgtgATGCAGCCATGCAa 3' Energy: -22.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5011-3p NC_045512.2 166.00 -22.73 2 15 12238 12259 13 92.31% 100.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20614 to 20635 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' acaAUAUAUAUGUCGGUACGUg 5' |:|| | |::||||||:| Ref: 5' tggTGTAAAGATGGCCATGTAg 3' Energy: -15.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5011-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -15.56 2 20 20614 20635 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:3494 to 3517 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acaauAU-AUAUGU--CGGUACGUg 5' || || ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' aaggcTACTA-ACAATGCCATGCAa 3' Energy: -14.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5011-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -14.66 2 18 3494 3517 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:15299 to 15321 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' acaaUAUA-UAUGUCGGUACGug 5' ||:| ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' ctaaATGTGATAGAGCCATGCct 3' Energy: -18.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5011-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -18.71 3 19 15299 15321 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9476 to 9497 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (89.47%) Query: 3' acAAUAUAUAUGUCGGUACGUg 5' | :|: ||||||:||||:| Ref: 5' ttTGGTGAATACAGTCATGTAg 3' Energy: -19.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5011-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -19.50 2 21 9476 9497 19 68.42% 89.47% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12008 to 12031 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (71.43%) Query: 3' acAAUAU-AUAUG-UCGGUACGUg 5' || |: | |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctTTCTGTTTTGCTTTCCATGCAg 3' Energy: -12.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5011-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.71 2 21 12008 12031 21 61.90% 71.43% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24240 to 24265 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (73.91%) Query: 3' acAAUAUAUAU-GU---CGGUACGUg 5' ||| | ||| || ||:||||| Ref: 5' caTTACAAATACCATTTGCTATGCAa 3' Energy: -12.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5011-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.55 2 21 24240 24265 23 69.57% 73.91% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:27948 to 27970 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' acaAUAU-AUAUGUCGGUACGUg 5' |:|| | |||||:||||:| Ref: 5' gaaTGTAGTTTACAGTCATGTAc 3' Energy: -22.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5011-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -22.62 2 20 27948 27970 19 73.68% 89.47% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10282 to 10303 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' acAAUAUAUAUGU-CGGUACGUg 5' |||| |: ||| |:||||| Ref: 5' ggTTAT-TGGACATTCTATGCAa 3' Energy: -15.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5011-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.07 2 21 10282 10303 20 70.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5011-3p NC_045512.2 1326.00 -154.11 166.00 -22.73 269 22 29903 12238 20614 3494 15299 9476 12008 24240 27948 10282 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4431 MIMAT0018947(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4431 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18563 to 18584 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (70.59%) Query: 3' uggaAGAUCAAAAGUCUCAGCg 5' ||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' aaaaTCTCTCTGACAGAGTCGt 3' Energy: -20.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4431 NC_045512.2 150.00 -20.33 2 19 18563 18584 17 70.59% 70.59% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:22504 to 22524 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ugGAAGAUCAAAAGUCUCAGcg 5' |||||| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' aaCTTCTAACTTT-AGAGTCca 3' Energy: -20.559999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4431 NC_045512.2 150.00 -20.56 3 21 22504 22524 18 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:7509 to 7530 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uggaagaucaaaagUCUCAGCg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gtaatagagcaacaAGAGTCGa 3' Energy: -13.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4431 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.58 2 9 7509 7530 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19982 to 20003 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugGAAGAUCAAAAGUCUCAGCg 5' :||:| | | :|||||:| Ref: 5' tcTTTTTTGATGGTAGAGTTGa 3' Energy: -16.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4431 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.58 2 21 19982 20003 19 57.89% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4431 NC_045512.2 580.00 -71.05 150.00 -20.56 270 22 29903 18563 22504 7509 19982 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4418 MIMAT0018930(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4418 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:8819 to 8836 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gacGACUCAGGACGUCAc 5' :||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ccaTTGATTGCTGCAGTc 3' Energy: -15.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4418 NC_045512.2 155.00 -15.02 2 16 8819 8836 14 78.57% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4418 NC_045512.2 155.00 -15.02 155.00 -15.02 271 18 29903 8819 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-891a-5p MIMAT0004902(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-891a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:25665 to 25686 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' agucaccGAGUCCAAGCAACGu 5' ||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctcacacCTTTTGCTCGTTGCt 3' Energy: -13.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-891a-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.34 2 16 25665 25686 14 71.43% 78.57% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-891a-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.34 147.00 -13.34 272 22 29903 25665 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-378f MIMAT0018932(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-378f vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11036 to 11054 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gaAGACCGAGGUUCAGGUCa 5' |:| |:|:: ||||||| Ref: 5' ctTTTAGTTTT-AGTCCAGa 3' Energy: -18.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-378f NC_045512.2 152.00 -18.27 2 19 11036 11054 17 64.71% 88.24% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:28496 to 28515 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaagaccgagguUCAGGUCa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aacaccaatagcAGTCCAGa 3' Energy: -14.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-378f NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.27 2 9 28496 28515 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-378f NC_045512.2 292.00 -32.54 152.00 -18.27 273 20 29903 11036 28496 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-183-3p MIMAT0004560(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-183-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7464 to 7484 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' aaUACCGGGAAGCCAUUAAGUg 5' :| | | |: |||||||| Ref: 5' ttGTAGACGGTT-GTAATTCAt 3' Energy: -11.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-183-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.41 2 21 7464 7484 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:17769 to 17788 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' aauaccgGGAAGCCAUUAAGUg 5' |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tatttcaCCTT--ATAATTCAc 3' Energy: -13.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-183-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.91 2 16 17769 17788 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19336 to 19357 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' aaUACCGGGAAGCCAUUAAGUg 5' | | |:||:| |||||:| Ref: 5' aaAAGTGCTTTTGTTAATTTAa 3' Energy: -10.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-183-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -10.67 2 21 19336 19357 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9351 to 9373 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' aaUACCGG-GAAGCCAUUAAGUg 5' ||| :: | | ||||||| Ref: 5' atATGTTTACACCACTAATTCAa 3' Energy: -8.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-183-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -8.53 2 21 9351 9373 20 60.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23778 to 23801 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' aaUACCGGGAA--GCCAUUAAGUg 5' ||| | || :|||:||||| Ref: 5' caATGTACATTTGTGGTGATTCAa 3' Energy: -16.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-183-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.13 2 21 23778 23801 21 66.67% 76.19% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12984 to 13004 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' aaUACCGGGAAGCCAUUAAGUg 5' ||||: ||| ||||:||:| Ref: 5' gtATGGTACTT-GGTAGTTTAg 3' Energy: -19.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-183-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.59 2 21 12984 13004 19 73.68% 89.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:5081 to 5102 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aauaccgggaagccAUUAAGUg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaataaaacctcaTAATTCAc 3' Energy: -12.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-183-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.02 2 9 5081 5102 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-183-3p NC_045512.2 1002.00 -92.26 146.00 -19.59 274 22 29903 7464 17769 19336 9351 23778 12984 5081 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3119 MIMAT0014981(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3119 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:2452 to 2471 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgguaguuucaAUUUUCGGu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' actcatgcctcTAAAAGCCc 3' Energy: -11.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3119 NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.48 2 10 2452 2471 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:3839 to 3859 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cggUAGUU-UCAAUUUUCGgu 5' || || ||| |||||| Ref: 5' gaaATGAAGAGTGAAAAGCaa 3' Energy: -10.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3119 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.37 3 18 3839 3859 16 81.25% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3119 NC_045512.2 285.00 -21.85 145.00 -11.48 275 20 29903 2452 3839 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4640-3p MIMAT0019700(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4640-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3606-3p MIMAT0022965(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3606-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1035 to 1055 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gaUUCAUCACUUUCUUUAAAa 5' || | | |||||||||| Ref: 5' ttAAATTGGCAAAGAAATTTg 3' Energy: -7.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3606-3p NC_045512.2 163.00 -7.30 2 20 1035 1055 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:29111 to 29131 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gauucaucacUUUCUUUAAAa 5' ||:||||||| Ref: 5' gaacaaacccAAGGAAATTTt 3' Energy: -7.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3606-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -7.69 2 12 29111 29131 10 90.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:17346 to 17366 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gauuCAUCACUUUCUUUAAAa 5' || | :| ||||||| Ref: 5' agttGTCTTTGATGAAATTTc 3' Energy: -5.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3606-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -5.16 2 18 17346 17366 16 68.75% 75.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:20199 to 20220 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' gauucaucaCUU-UCUUUAAAa 5' ||: |||||||| Ref: 5' ctttactcaGAGTAGAAATTTa 3' Energy: -9.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3606-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -9.39 2 13 20199 20220 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:20583 to 20603 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' gauucaucacUUUCUUUAAAa 5' | |||||||| Ref: 5' tattgactatACAGAAATTTc 3' Energy: -5.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3606-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -5.03 2 12 20583 20603 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:27883 to 27903 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gauucaucacuUUCUUUAAAa 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' cctaaacgaacATGAAATTTc 3' Energy: -4.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3606-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -4.85 2 11 27883 27903 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2148 to 2171 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' gaUUCAUC--ACUU-UCUUUAAAa 5' :| |:| |||| ||||:||| Ref: 5' ttGATTGGCTTGAAGAGAAGTTTa 3' Energy: -9.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3606-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.56 2 20 2148 2171 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:20233 to 20255 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gauUCAUCACUUU--CUUUAAaa 5' || ||| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' cccAGGAGTCAAATGGAAATTga 3' Energy: -5.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3606-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -5.64 3 19 20233 20255 18 77.78% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3606-3p NC_045512.2 1181.00 -54.62 163.00 -9.56 277 21 29903 1035 29111 17346 20199 20583 27883 2148 20233 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-106b-5p MIMAT0000680(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-106b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:15541 to 15563 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uagacGUGACAGU--CGUGAAAu 5' || |||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' acggcCAATGTTAATGCACTTTt 3' Energy: -13.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-106b-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -13.49 2 17 15541 15563 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:890 to 910 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uagacgUGACAGU-CGUGAAAu 5' :|| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtaaaGCT-TCATGCACTTTg 3' Energy: -13.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-106b-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -13.84 2 16 890 910 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:22045 to 22066 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' uagACG-UGACAGUCGUGAAAu 5' ||| | | : ||||||| Ref: 5' tagTGCGAATAATTGCACTTTt 3' Energy: -13.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-106b-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.36 2 19 22045 22066 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17580 to 17601 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' uaGAC-GUGACAGUCGUGAAAu 5' :|| |||||| ||::|||| Ref: 5' tgTTGACACTGTGAGTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -21.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-106b-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -21.42 2 20 17580 17601 19 73.68% 89.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:15003 to 15023 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uagacgugacaguCGUGAAAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgaggatcaagatGCACTTTt 3' Energy: -8.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-106b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.72 2 9 15003 15023 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-106b-5p NC_045512.2 730.00 -70.83 155.00 -21.42 278 21 29903 15541 890 22045 17580 15003 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4712-5p MIMAT0019818(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4712-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:17074 to 17097 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cuuuaCUCU-CUGGA-CAUGACCu 5' |:|| |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctccaGGGACCACCTGGTACTGGt 3' Energy: -22.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4712-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -22.41 2 18 17074 17097 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:13159 to 13180 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cuuuacUCUCUGGACAUGACCu 5' | | ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgtacACACACTGGTACTGGt 3' Energy: -15.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4712-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -15.12 2 17 13159 13180 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:7039 to 7060 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuuuacucucugGACAUGACCu 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' catgccttcttaCTGTACTGGt 3' Energy: -17.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4712-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -17.25 2 11 7039 7060 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:7096 to 7117 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuuuacucucugGACAUGACCu 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' tattgcaacctaCTGTACTGGt 3' Energy: -17.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4712-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -17.25 2 11 7096 7117 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7626 to 7648 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cuuUACUCUCU-GGACAUGACCu 5' :||| | | :||||:|||| Ref: 5' attGTGATACATTCTGTGCTGGt 3' Energy: -19.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4712-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -19.83 2 20 7626 7648 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 15 R:16599 to 16620 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (91.67%) Query: 3' cuuuacucUCUGGACAUGACcu 5' | |||||||||| Ref: 5' tttagctaACACCTGTACTGaa 3' Energy: -16.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4712-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.32 3 15 16599 16620 12 91.67% 91.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4712-5p NC_045512.2 895.00 -108.18 155.00 -22.41 279 22 29903 17074 13159 7039 7096 7626 16599 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-379-5p MIMAT0000733(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-379-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:29588 to 29608 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ggAUGCAAGGUAUCAGAUGGu 5' |||| | :|||||||||: Ref: 5' ttTACGATATATAGTCTACTc 3' Energy: -22.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-379-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -22.17 2 20 29588 29608 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28128 to 28148 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ggAUG-CAAGGUAUCAGAUGGu 5' ||| |||:| | ||:|||| Ref: 5' taTACAGTTTCCT-GTTTACCt 3' Energy: -16.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-379-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.05 2 20 28128 28148 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25715 to 25733 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ggAUGCAAGGUAUCAGAUGGu 5' ||:| |: ||||||||: Ref: 5' ttTATG--CTTTAGTCTACTt 3' Energy: -15.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-379-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.41 2 20 25715 25733 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-379-5p NC_045512.2 443.00 -53.63 159.00 -22.17 280 21 29903 29588 28128 25715 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4678 MIMAT0019762(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4678 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 171.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13303 to 13325 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' agUAUUCAGACUUG-UUAUGGAa 5' :||||| || || ||||||| Ref: 5' agGTAAGTATGTACAAATACCTa 3' Energy: -15.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4678 NC_045512.2 171.00 -15.88 2 21 13303 13325 20 80.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:2682 to 2703 Align Len (10) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aguauucagacUUGUUAUGGAa 5' |||||||||| Ref: 5' tgatggtaacaAACAATACCTt 3' Energy: -15.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4678 NC_045512.2 155.00 -15.02 2 12 2682 2703 10 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:6265 to 6288 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' aguaUUCAGACUUG--UUAUGGAa 5' | || | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' agccACGTATAAACCAAATACCTg 3' Energy: -10.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4678 NC_045512.2 153.00 -10.21 2 19 6265 6288 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:12432 to 12455 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' aguauucaGACUUG--UUAUGGAa 5' :||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgttcccTTGAACATAATACCTc 3' Energy: -13.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4678 NC_045512.2 153.00 -13.62 2 15 12432 12455 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:11077 to 11097 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' aguauuCAGACUUGUUAUGGAa 5' || |||| |||:||| Ref: 5' ttttttGTATGAA-AATGCCTt 3' Energy: -11.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4678 NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.71 2 17 11077 11097 15 80.00% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4678 NC_045512.2 774.00 -66.44 171.00 -15.88 281 22 29903 13303 2682 6265 12432 11077 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3126-5p MIMAT0014989(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3126-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:571 to 594 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' acgaaGACCGUAG--ACAGGGAGu 5' :|||::|| |||||||| Ref: 5' gacacTTGGTGTCCTTGTCCCTCa 3' Energy: -25.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3126-5p NC_045512.2 160.00 -25.32 2 18 571 594 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22060 to 22080 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' acGAAGACCGUAGACAGGGAGu 5' |||:| | || ||||:||| Ref: 5' caCTTTT-GAATATGTCTCTCa 3' Energy: -21.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3126-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -21.61 2 21 22060 22080 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:24750 to 24771 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' acGAAGACCGUAGACAGGGAgu 5' | | || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgCATGTGACTTATGTCCCTgc 3' Energy: -17.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3126-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.24 3 21 24750 24771 18 72.22% 72.22% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3126-5p NC_045512.2 450.00 -64.17 160.00 -25.32 282 22 29903 571 22060 24750 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6069 MIMAT0023694(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6069 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1255b-5p MIMAT0005945(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1255b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:28816 to 28838 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuGGUGAA-AGAAACGAGUAGgc 5' || ||| || || |||||| Ref: 5' agCCTCTTCTCGTTCCTCATCac 3' Energy: -16.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1255b-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.43 3 21 28816 28838 19 78.95% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1255b-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.43 147.00 -16.43 284 22 29903 28816 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6715a-3p MIMAT0025841(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6715a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:24852 to 24873 Align Len (16) (87.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gguguCCGUG-CUGACCAAACc 5' ||||| ||||||||| Ref: 5' caaatGGCACACACTGGTTTGt 3' Energy: -21.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6715a-3p NC_045512.2 163.00 -21.86 2 17 24852 24873 16 87.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:8853 to 8873 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' gguguCCGUGCUGACCAAACc 5' | |::| |||||||| Ref: 5' gttttGTCGTGCCTGGTTTGc 3' Energy: -16.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6715a-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -16.59 2 17 8853 8873 15 73.33% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6715a-3p NC_045512.2 319.00 -38.45 163.00 -21.86 285 21 29903 24852 8853 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4276 MIMAT0016904(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4276 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:1985 to 2001 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' cgUGUACUCAGUGACUc 5' ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tcACAGTATTCACTGAg 3' Energy: -19.280001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4276 NC_045512.2 151.00 -19.28 2 16 1985 2001 14 78.57% 78.57% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4276 NC_045512.2 151.00 -19.28 151.00 -19.28 286 17 29903 1985 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6812-3p MIMAT0027525(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6812-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4680-3p MIMAT0019765(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4680-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:1374 to 1395 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' auuGUUG-AGAAUGUUAAGUCu 5' ||:| | | ||||||||| Ref: 5' gtcCAGCATGTCACAATTCAGa 3' Energy: -16.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4680-3p NC_045512.2 161.00 -16.83 2 19 1374 1395 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:17490 to 17510 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' auugUUGAGAAUGUUAAGUCu 5' :| | || |||||||| Ref: 5' accaGAATATTTCAATTCAGt 3' Energy: -12.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4680-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -12.36 2 18 17490 17510 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21356 to 21373 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' auUGUUGAGAAUGUUAAGUCu 5' |||| || |||||||| Ref: 5' atACAAATC---CAATTCAGt 3' Energy: -12.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4680-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -12.63 2 20 21356 21373 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19457 to 19478 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' auUGUUGAG-AAUGUUAAGUCu 5' |:||| | ||:|||||:|| Ref: 5' gtATAACACGTTGCAATTTAGg 3' Energy: -16.719999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4680-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -16.72 2 20 19457 19478 19 73.68% 89.47% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12613 to 12633 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' auUGUUGAGAAUGUUAAGUCu 5' ||||:|| :||||:|| Ref: 5' ggACAATTCACCTAATTTAGc 3' Energy: -14.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4680-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.80 2 20 12613 12633 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:19151 to 19173 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' auUGU-UGAGAAUG-UUAAGUcu 5' ||| |:||| || |||||| Ref: 5' ccACACATTCTGACAAATTCAca 3' Energy: -11.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4680-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.03 3 20 19151 19173 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:17770 to 17789 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (92.86%) Query: 3' auuguUGAGAAUGUUAAGUcu 5' || ||||:|||||| Ref: 5' atttcAC-CTTATAATTCAca 3' Energy: -11.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4680-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.85 3 17 17770 17789 14 85.71% 92.86% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20933 to 20954 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' auUGUUGAGAAU-GUUAAGUCu 5' ||: : |||: |:|||||| Ref: 5' gtACGCTGCTTGTCGATTCAGa 3' Energy: -17.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4680-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.83 2 20 20933 20954 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:23656 to 23676 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' auuguugagaaUGUUAAGUCu 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' acttggtgcagAAAATTCAGt 3' Energy: -10.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4680-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.33 2 11 23656 23676 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:5084 to 5103 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' auUGUUGAGAAUGUUAAGUcu 5' | ||| || |:|||||| Ref: 5' atAAAAC-CTCATAATTCAca 3' Energy: -9.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4680-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.30 3 20 5084 5103 17 76.47% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4680-3p NC_045512.2 1486.00 -133.68 161.00 -17.83 288 21 29903 1374 17490 21356 19457 12613 19151 17770 20933 23656 5084 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-let-7g-5p MIMAT0000414(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-let-7g-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9845 to 9867 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uugaCA-UGUUUGAUGAUGGAGu 5' || |:: :|||:|||||| Ref: 5' cgtaGTGATGTGCTATTACCTCt 3' Energy: -18.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7g-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.98 2 19 9845 9867 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4327 to 4348 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uuGACAUGUUUGAUGAUGGAGu 5' :| ||| | |||:||:||| Ref: 5' caTTCTACCATCTATTATCTCt 3' Energy: -15.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7g-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.36 2 21 4327 4348 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-let-7g-5p NC_045512.2 285.00 -34.34 145.00 -18.98 289 22 29903 9845 4327 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4757-3p MIMAT0019902(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4757-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4731-3p MIMAT0019854(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4731-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16237 to 16254 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucACAACCCCCGGUGAACACAc 5' |||||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gcTGTTGGGG----CTTGTGTt 3' Energy: -22.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4731-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -22.01 2 21 16237 16254 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14540 to 14561 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ucACAACCCCCGGUGAACACAc 5' | | || ::|||||||| Ref: 5' gtTTTAAGGAATTACTTGTGTa 3' Energy: -14.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4731-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -14.95 2 21 14540 14561 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:8583 to 8604 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucacaacccccgGUGAACACAc 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' taattaaagttaCACTTGTGTt 3' Energy: -13.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4731-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -13.64 2 11 8583 8604 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:8986 to 9007 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ucacaacccccGGUGAACACAc 5' | :||||||| Ref: 5' ctttgcaacatCAGCTTGTGTt 3' Energy: -10.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4731-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.88 2 12 8986 9007 10 80.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:3952 to 3973 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucacaacccccggUGAACACAc 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' taagaaaatcaaaGCTTGTGTt 3' Energy: -9.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4731-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.56 2 10 3952 3973 8 87.50% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4731-3p NC_045512.2 745.00 -71.04 159.00 -22.01 291 22 29903 16237 14540 8583 8986 3952 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4645-5p MIMAT0019705(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4645-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8850 to 8869 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ugUUAUAA-AGAACGGACCa 5' ::| || || ||||||| Ref: 5' tgGGTTTTGTCGTGCCTGGt 3' Energy: -16.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4645-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -16.27 2 18 8850 8869 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:19259 to 19278 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ugUUAUAA-AGAACGGACCa 5' || || ||||||||| Ref: 5' ctAACCTTAACTTGCCTGGt 3' Energy: -19.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4645-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -19.65 2 18 19259 19278 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:8860 to 8878 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguuauaaaGAACGGACCa 5' :|||||||| Ref: 5' cgtgcctggTTTGCCTGGc 3' Energy: -15.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4645-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.64 2 11 8860 8878 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:1811 to 1829 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguuauaaagaACGGACCa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gctaaaaaaggTGCCTGGa 3' Energy: -13.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4645-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.04 2 9 1811 1829 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4645-5p NC_045512.2 590.00 -64.60 152.00 -19.65 292 19 29903 8850 19259 8860 1811 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4304 MIMAT0016854(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4304 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:17158 to 17174 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acgggaccuGUACGGCc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gcttgctctCATGCCGc 3' Energy: -18.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4304 NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.31 2 9 17158 17174 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4304 NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.31 140.00 -18.31 293 17 29903 17158 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4511 MIMAT0019048(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4511 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19007 to 19027 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucCCGUUUACGUUGUCAAGAAg 5' | ||||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' caGACAAATTC-CCAGTTCTTc 3' Energy: -17.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4511 NC_045512.2 162.00 -17.36 2 21 19007 19027 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:15776 to 15799 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ucccgUUUACGUU--GUCAAGAAg 5' || | :|| |||||||| Ref: 5' taaagAACTTTAAGTCAGTTCTTt 3' Energy: -10.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4511 NC_045512.2 152.00 -10.93 2 18 15776 15799 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7874 to 7895 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' ucccguUUACGUUGUCAAGAAg 5' ||||: |:||||:|| Ref: 5' cctattAATGTTATAGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -10.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4511 NC_045512.2 148.00 -10.98 2 17 7874 7895 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16486 to 16507 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uccCGUUUACGUUGUCAAGAAg 5' || |||| | ||||:|| Ref: 5' tgtGCTAATGGACAAGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -10.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4511 NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.84 2 20 16486 16507 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23821 to 23841 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uccCGUUUACGUUGUCAAGAAg 5' || ||| :::|||||:|| Ref: 5' gttGC-AATATGGCAGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -12.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4511 NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.58 2 20 23821 23841 18 66.67% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4511 NC_045512.2 754.00 -62.69 162.00 -17.36 294 22 29903 19007 15776 7874 16486 23821 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3658 MIMAT0018078(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3658 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12178 to 12199 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uagAGGUACCACAA-AAGAAUUu 5' |:| || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgaTTC-TGAAGTTGTTCTTAAa 3' Energy: -9.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3658 NC_045512.2 152.00 -9.98 2 20 12178 12199 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:6685 to 6706 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uagagguaccacAAAAGAAUUu 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' ttatgctaagccTTTTCTTAAc 3' Energy: -6.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3658 NC_045512.2 150.00 -6.73 2 11 6685 6706 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:4083 to 4104 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uagagguaccacaAAAGAAUUu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' acattgacatcacTTTCTTAAa 3' Energy: -8.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3658 NC_045512.2 145.00 -8.53 2 10 4083 4104 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:4831 to 4852 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uagagguaccacaAAAGAAUUu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' actaggtatagaaTTTCTTAAg 3' Energy: -11.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3658 NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.23 2 10 4831 4852 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:27895 to 27916 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uagagguaccACAAAAGAAUUu 5' ||||||||||: Ref: 5' tgaaatttctTGTTTTCTTAGg 3' Energy: -15.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3658 NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.51 2 13 27895 27916 11 90.91% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:3640 to 3661 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uagagguaccacaaAAGAAUUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgaagacattcaacTTCTTAAg 3' Energy: -7.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3658 NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.13 2 9 3640 3661 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3658 NC_045512.2 876.00 -59.11 152.00 -15.51 295 22 29903 12178 6685 4083 4831 27895 3640 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-197-5p MIMAT0022691(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-197-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 170.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:3021 to 3043 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggaggGUGACGGGAGAGAUGGGc 5' :|:||::||:||||||| Ref: 5' atatgTATTGTTCTTTCTACCCt 3' Energy: -26.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-197-5p NC_045512.2 170.00 -26.87 2 19 3021 3043 17 70.59% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-197-5p NC_045512.2 170.00 -26.87 170.00 -26.87 296 23 29903 3021 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-34b-3p MIMAT0004676(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-34b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7125 to 7149 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' uacCGUCAC---CUCAAUCACUAAc 5' |:|||| | ||||||:|| Ref: 5' cttGTAGTGTTTGTCTTAGTGGTTt 3' Energy: -15.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-34b-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.55 2 20 7125 7149 21 66.67% 76.19% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-34b-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.55 142.00 -15.55 297 22 29903 7125 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6846-5p MIMAT0027592(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6846-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-580-5p MIMAT0026617(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-580-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17085 to 17108 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' uaGACUCAGACUA--CUUAGUAAu 5' |||: |||:| ||:||||| Ref: 5' acCTGGTACTGGTAAGAGTCATTt 3' Energy: -19.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-580-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -19.02 2 21 17085 17108 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:18846 to 18868 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' uaGACUCAG-ACUAC-UUAGUAau 5' || |||: ||||| |||||| Ref: 5' agCT-AGTTGTGATGCAATCATga 3' Energy: -15.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-580-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.31 3 21 18846 18868 20 80.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5944 to 5964 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uaGACUCAGACUACUUAGUAAu 5' || ||| ||: |||:||| Ref: 5' ccCTAAGT-TGGACAATTATTa 3' Energy: -9.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-580-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.74 2 21 5944 5964 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:7903 to 7924 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uagacUCAGACUACUUAGUAau 5' | | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' atcaaAATGTGAAGAATCATct 3' Energy: -9.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-580-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.59 3 18 7903 7924 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13439 to 13462 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' uagACUCAGACUAC---UUAGUAAu 5' | || |||||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' cagTCAG-CTGATGCACAATCGTTt 3' Energy: -14.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-580-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.12 2 20 13439 13462 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:24887 to 24908 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uagacucagacuacUUAGUAAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttttatgaaccacaAATCATTa 3' Energy: -6.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-580-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.51 2 9 24887 24908 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-580-5p NC_045512.2 854.00 -74.29 147.00 -19.02 299 22 29903 17085 18846 5944 7903 13439 24887 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-519e-5p MIMAT0002828(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-519e-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:337 to 364 Align Len (25) (68.00%) (68.00%) Query: 3' cuUUCACGAG---GGA---AAACCUCUu 5' | |||||| | | |||||||| Ref: 5' cgACGTGCTCGTACGTGGCTTTGGAGAc 3' Energy: -17.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519e-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -17.32 2 21 337 364 25 68.00% 68.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17737 to 17758 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (68.42%) Query: 3' cuUUCACGAGGGAAAACCUCUu 5' | || ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' acACGTAACCCTGCTTGGAGAa 3' Energy: -19.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519e-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -19.24 2 21 17737 17758 19 63.16% 68.42% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20109 to 20130 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cuUUCACGAGGGA-AAACCUCUu 5' :||| | | :| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgGAGT-CACATTAATTGGAGAa 3' Energy: -12.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519e-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.75 2 21 20109 20130 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21132 to 21153 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cuUUCACGAGGGAAAACCUCUu 5' || ||| || ||||||: Ref: 5' acAAAAGCTAGCTCTTGGAGGt 3' Energy: -16.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519e-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.52 2 21 21132 21153 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:1567 to 1588 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' cuuucacgaggGAAAACCUCUu 5' :| ||||||| Ref: 5' ccatacaggtgTTGTTGGAGAa 3' Energy: -17.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519e-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.48 2 12 1567 1588 10 80.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22561 to 22582 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cuuucACGAGGGAAAACCUCUu 5' ||: ||||||||| || Ref: 5' aaactTGTGCCCTTTTGGTGAa 3' Energy: -20.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519e-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.12 2 18 22561 22582 16 81.25% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-519e-5p NC_045512.2 871.00 -103.43 150.00 -20.12 300 22 29903 337 17737 20109 21132 1567 22561 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6715b-3p MIMAT0025843(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6715b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:21780 to 21802 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gguguCCGUG-UCGGCCAAACUc 5' ||:|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ccaatGGTACTAAGAGGTTTGAt 3' Energy: -18.799999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6715b-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -18.80 2 18 21780 21802 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:6603 to 6624 Align Len (15) (60.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ggugucCGUGUCGGCCAAACUc 5' | ::| : ||||||| Ref: 5' tatctaGAGTATTAGGTTTGAa 3' Energy: -13.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6715b-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.72 2 17 6603 6624 15 60.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:24852 to 24874 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gguguCCGUGU-CGGCCAAACuc 5' |||||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' caaatGGCACACACTGGTTTGta 3' Energy: -22.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6715b-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -22.45 3 18 24852 24874 16 81.25% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6715b-3p NC_045512.2 436.00 -54.97 148.00 -22.45 301 22 29903 21780 6603 24852 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-494-5p MIMAT0026607(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-494-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 171.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5526 to 5549 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ucuCUUCUGUUGU-GCCUGUUGGa 5' | :||||||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' cttGTGGACAACAGCAGACAACCc 3' Energy: -22.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-494-5p NC_045512.2 171.00 -22.00 2 21 5526 5549 20 80.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:3236 to 3258 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ucUCUUCUGUUGUGCCUGUUGGa 5' ||| |:||::: ||||||:| Ref: 5' caAGACGGCAGTGAGGACAATCa 3' Energy: -23.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-494-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -23.04 2 22 3236 3258 20 65.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1592 to 1614 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucuCUUCUGUUGUGCCUGUUGGa 5' ||||:: :| ||||||| Ref: 5' tccGAAGGTCTTAATGACAACCt 3' Energy: -19.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-494-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -19.22 2 21 1592 1614 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12065 to 12086 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (94.12%) Query: 3' ucucuUCUGUUGUGCCUGUUGGa 5' :||||||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' atgctGGACAACA-GGGCAACCt 3' Energy: -27.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-494-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -27.30 2 19 12065 12086 17 82.35% 94.12% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:7823 to 7845 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ucucuuCUGUUGUGCCUGUUGGa 5' | :||| : ||||||| Ref: 5' cattttGTTAACTTAGACAACCt 3' Energy: -14.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-494-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -14.74 2 18 7823 7845 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:13112 to 13135 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucucuUCUGUUG-UGCCUGUUGGa 5' || :|:: : |||||||| Ref: 5' tatctAGCTAGTGGGGGACAACCa 3' Energy: -15.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-494-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.69 2 19 13112 13135 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:5023 to 5044 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ucucUUCUGUUGUGCCUGUUGga 5' | ||| |:|:||||||| Ref: 5' gtcaATGAC-ATATGGACAACag 3' Energy: -20.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-494-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -20.41 3 20 5023 5044 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:24650 to 24673 Align Len (21) (57.14%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ucUCUUCUGU-UGUGCCUGUUGGa 5' |||: ::: || :||||||:| Ref: 5' tcAGAGTGTGTACTTGGACAATCa 3' Energy: -19.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-494-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -19.49 2 22 24650 24673 21 57.14% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-494-5p NC_045512.2 1231.00 -161.89 171.00 -27.30 302 23 29903 5526 3236 1592 12065 7823 13112 5023 24650 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-106a-5p MIMAT0000103(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-106a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:15539 to 15563 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (72.73%) Query: 3' gaUGGACGUGAC-AUU-CGUGAAAa 5' || || || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tcACGGCCAATGTTAATGCACTTTt 3' Energy: -13.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-106a-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -13.36 2 22 15539 15563 22 72.73% 72.73% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:13820 to 13843 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gaUGGACGUGACAUU-CGUGAAAa 5' ::|| ::|| ||| |||:||| Ref: 5' tcGTCTATGCTTTAAGGCATTTTg 3' Energy: -13.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-106a-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -13.19 2 22 13820 13843 21 61.90% 85.71% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:888 to 910 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' gauggacgUGACAUUCGUGAAAa 5' :|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctggtaaaGCTTCATGCACTTTg 3' Energy: -10.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-106a-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.72 2 16 888 910 14 71.43% 78.57% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17578 to 17601 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (94.74%) Query: 3' gaugGAC-GUGACAUUCGUGAAAa 5' :|| ||||||:||::|||| Ref: 5' attgTTGACACTGTGAGTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -21.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-106a-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -21.52 2 20 17578 17601 19 73.68% 94.74% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:14858 to 14881 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (93.75%) Query: 3' gauggacGUGAC-AUUCGUGAAAa 5' :::|| ||||:||||| Ref: 5' ttgaagtTGTTGATAAGTACTTTg 3' Energy: -13.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-106a-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.43 2 17 14858 14881 16 68.75% 93.75% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:22043 to 22066 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' gauggACGUGACAUU--CGUGAAAa 5' |||: ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tctagTGCG-AATAATTGCACTTTt 3' Energy: -15.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-106a-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.65 2 19 22043 22066 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:23078 to 23103 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (73.91%) Query: 3' gaUGG-ACGUGACAU--UCGUGAAAa 5' ||| | || ||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' caACCATACAGAGTAGTAGTACTTTc 3' Energy: -12.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-106a-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.67 2 22 23078 23103 23 69.57% 73.91% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:15001 to 15023 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gauggacgugacaUUCGUGAAAa 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' tatgaggatcaagATGCACTTTt 3' Energy: -9.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-106a-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.57 2 11 15001 15023 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:21253 to 21275 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' gaUGGACGU-GACAUUCGUGAAAa 5' ::| || ||| |||||:||| Ref: 5' gcGTCATCATCTG-AAGCATTTTt 3' Energy: -15.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-106a-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.16 2 22 21253 21275 21 66.67% 80.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-106a-5p NC_045512.2 1309.00 -125.27 155.00 -21.52 303 23 29903 15539 13820 888 17578 14858 22043 23078 15001 21253 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-12124 MIMAT0049018(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-12124 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:9695 to 9714 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (93.75%) Query: 3' agGUCGUAGACGUAAAGGag 5' :| |||:||:|||||| Ref: 5' taTATCATTTGTATTTCCac 3' Energy: -17.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12124 NC_045512.2 150.00 -17.75 3 19 9695 9714 16 75.00% 93.75% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:8901 to 8920 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aggucguAGACGUAAAGGAg 5' |:||||||||:| Ref: 5' gtgacttTTTGCATTTCTTa 3' Energy: -14.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12124 NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.11 2 14 8901 8920 12 83.33% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9143 to 9161 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' agGUCGUAGACGUAAAGGAg 5' :| :|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tcTATTAT-TCAATTTCCTa 3' Energy: -11.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12124 NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.55 2 19 9143 9161 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:22528 to 22553 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (69.57%) Query: 3' agGUCGUAG---ACG---UAAAGGAg 5' ||| ||| ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' aaCAGAATCTATTGTTAGATTTCCTa 3' Energy: -12.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12124 NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.82 2 19 22528 22553 23 65.22% 69.57% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-12124 NC_045512.2 583.00 -56.23 150.00 -17.75 304 20 29903 9695 8901 9143 22528 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4714-5p MIMAT0019822(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4714-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12087 to 12108 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' uaGUUGGAUUCCCCAGUCUCAa 5' ||| ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' taCAAGCTATAGCCTCAGAGTt 3' Energy: -17.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4714-5p NC_045512.2 160.00 -17.82 2 21 12087 12108 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:24636 to 24657 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uaguugGAUUCCCCAGUCUCAa 5' |||| |||||||| Ref: 5' ctgctaCTAAAATGTCAGAGTg 3' Energy: -15.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4714-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -15.40 2 17 24636 24657 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4243 to 4265 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uaGUUGGAU-UCCCCAGUCUCAa 5' | ||:|| |||||||:|| Ref: 5' aaCCACTTACCCGGGTCAGGGTt 3' Energy: -23.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4714-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -23.45 2 21 4243 4265 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:19603 to 19624 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (76.92%) Query: 3' uaguuggaUUCCCCAGUCUCAa 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' acttttacAAGACTTCAGAGTt 3' Energy: -11.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4714-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.93 2 15 19603 19624 13 76.92% 76.92% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:22018 to 22039 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' uaguuggauuCCCCAGUCUCAa 5' | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gatggaaagtGAGTTCAGAGTt 3' Energy: -12.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4714-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.99 2 13 22018 22039 11 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20190 to 20212 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (68.42%) Query: 3' uagUUGGAU-UCCCCAGUCUCAa 5' |||:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgaAACTTACTTTACTCAGAGTa 3' Energy: -12.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4714-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.77 2 20 20190 20212 19 63.16% 68.42% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:11887 to 11908 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uaguuggauuccccAGUCUCAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' agttttgcaacaacTCAGAGTa 3' Energy: -12.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4714-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.14 2 9 11887 11908 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4714-5p NC_045512.2 1035.00 -106.50 160.00 -23.45 305 22 29903 12087 24636 4243 19603 22018 20190 11887 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-599 MIMAT0003267(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-599 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:3573 to 3592 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' caaacuAUUUGACUGUGUUg 5' |||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgtttTAAGCGGACACAAt 3' Energy: -14.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-599 NC_045512.2 158.00 -14.71 2 15 3573 3592 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:10633 to 10650 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' caaACUAUUUGACUGUGUUg 5' ||:| || ||||||| Ref: 5' agcTGGT--ACGGACACAAc 3' Energy: -15.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-599 NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.35 2 18 10633 10650 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:15640 to 15659 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' caAACUAUUUGACUGUGUUg 5' | || | ::|||||||: Ref: 5' aaTAGAGATGTTGACACAGa 3' Energy: -15.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-599 NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.15 2 19 15640 15659 17 64.71% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-599 NC_045512.2 450.00 -45.21 158.00 -15.35 306 20 29903 3573 10633 15640 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5697 MIMAT0022490(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5697 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3679 to 3702 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ggaAAUAGUACUUU--GAUGAACu 5' | | || |||: ||||||| Ref: 5' taaTCAGCACGAAGTTCTACTTGc 3' Energy: -13.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5697 NC_045512.2 154.00 -13.51 2 20 3679 3702 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:1315 to 1336 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (84.62%) Query: 3' ggaaauagUACUUUGAUGAACu 5' :|| |||||||| Ref: 5' taaagaagGTGCCACTACTTGt 3' Energy: -12.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5697 NC_045512.2 150.00 -12.99 2 15 1315 1336 13 76.92% 84.62% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14537 to 14558 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ggaaAUAGUACUUUGAUGAACu 5' | |:| |:||:|||||| Ref: 5' ttagTTTTAAGGAATTACTTGt 3' Energy: -14.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5697 NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.11 2 19 14537 14558 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:964 to 985 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ggaAAUAGUACUUUGAUGAACu 5' | | |||||||:|:|||| Ref: 5' acaTGAGCATGAAATTGCTTGg 3' Energy: -21.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5697 NC_045512.2 147.00 -21.50 2 20 964 985 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9574 to 9596 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ggAAAUAGUAC-UUUGAUGAACu 5' |||||: || | :|||||| Ref: 5' tgTTTATTCTGTTATTTACTTGt 3' Energy: -12.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5697 NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.22 2 21 9574 9596 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:24009 to 24030 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ggAAAUAGUACUUUGAUGAAcu 5' |||||:: :| |||||| Ref: 5' caTTTATTGAAGATCTACTTtt 3' Energy: -9.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5697 NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.38 3 21 24009 24030 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:25713 to 25735 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ggAAAUA-GUACUUUGAUGAAcu 5' ||||| | | |: |||||| Ref: 5' tcTTTATGCTTTAGTCTACTTct 3' Energy: -10.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5697 NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.46 3 21 25713 25735 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9937 to 9958 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ggaaAUAGUACUUUGAUGAACu 5' || : |||:||:|||| Ref: 5' tagcTACAGAGAAGCTGCTTGt 3' Energy: -16.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5697 NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.43 2 19 9937 9958 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22289 to 22310 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ggAAAUAGUA-CUUUGAUGAACu 5' |||| ||| |||::||:||| Ref: 5' gcTTTA-CATAGAAGTTATTTGa 3' Energy: -20.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5697 NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.13 2 21 22289 22310 20 75.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:27417 to 27438 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggaaauaguacuuUGAUGAACu 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' actgataacactcGCTACTTGt 3' Energy: -10.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5697 NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.91 2 10 27417 27438 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:23440 to 23461 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggaaauaguacuuuGAUGAACu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' agatcaacttactcCTACTTGg 3' Energy: -11.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5697 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.52 2 9 23440 23461 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5697 NC_045512.2 1599.00 -153.16 154.00 -21.50 307 22 29903 3679 1315 14537 964 9574 24009 25713 9937 22289 27417 23440 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-216b-3p MIMAT0026721(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-216b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:2406 to 2427 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' auCUUAGAGAUGCCCAUUCACACa 5' |:|| | ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' agGGAT-TGTAC-AGAAAGTGTGt 3' Energy: -17.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-216b-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -17.06 2 23 2406 2427 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:20712 to 20735 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (72.73%) Query: 3' auCUUAGAGAU-GCCCAUUCACACa 5' |||| ||| : | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaGAAT-GCTATTAGAAAAGTGTGa 3' Energy: -16.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-216b-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.35 2 23 20712 20735 22 68.18% 72.73% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1215 to 1236 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' aucuUAGAGAUGCCCAUUCACACa 5' | |||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tttcAACTCT-CATG-AAGTGTGa 3' Energy: -15.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-216b-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -15.86 2 21 1215 1236 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:6957 to 6980 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' aucUUAGAGAUGCCCAUUCACAca 5' ::|:|:||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tttGGTTTTTACTATTAAGTGTtt 3' Energy: -13.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-216b-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.17 3 22 6957 6980 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:19038 to 19061 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aucuuagagaugcccAUUCACACa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' taaccctaaagctatTAAGTGTGt 3' Energy: -14.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-216b-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.15 2 10 19038 19061 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:20469 to 20492 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aucuuagagaugcccAUUCACACa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' gcaaacaggttcatcTAAGTGTGt 3' Energy: -14.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-216b-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.50 2 10 20469 20492 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:22678 to 22701 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' aucUUAGAGAUGCCCAUUCACAca 5' | |:|| || ||||||| Ref: 5' atcATTTTCCACTTTTAAGTGTta 3' Energy: -8.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-216b-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -8.61 3 22 22678 22701 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:1504 to 1527 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aucuuagagaugcccaUUCACACa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgttggttgccataacAAGTGTGc 3' Energy: -10.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-216b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.00 2 9 1504 1527 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-216b-3p NC_045512.2 1169.00 -109.70 154.00 -17.06 308 24 29903 2406 20712 1215 6957 19038 20469 22678 1504 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4682 MIMAT0019767(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4682 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 165.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:9977 to 9999 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ucugguCCGAGGUCCUUGAGUCu 5' | ||:||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctcaatGACTTCAGTAACTCAGg 3' Energy: -21.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4682 NC_045512.2 165.00 -21.96 2 18 9977 9999 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11882 to 11905 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucuGGUCCGAG-GUCCUUGAGUCu 5' :||| :|: || ||||||| Ref: 5' ctcTCAGTTTTGCAACAACTCAGa 3' Energy: -18.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4682 NC_045512.2 155.00 -18.18 2 21 11882 11905 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:29505 to 29528 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' ucUGGUC-CGAGGUCCUUGAGUCu 5' | ||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgAGCAGTGCTGACTCAACTCAGg 3' Energy: -21.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4682 NC_045512.2 148.00 -21.13 2 22 29505 29528 21 66.67% 66.67% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21695 to 21719 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ucuGGUCCGAG-GU-CCUUGAGUCu 5' :||| :|: || ||||||| Ref: 5' tccTCAGTTTTACATTCAACTCAGg 3' Energy: -16.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4682 NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.04 2 21 21695 21719 21 61.90% 76.19% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10255 to 10282 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (69.57%) Query: 3' ucugGUCCGA--GGUCC---UUGAGUCu 5' |||||| : | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtaCAGGCTGGTAATGTTCAACTCAGg 3' Energy: -20.799999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4682 NC_045512.2 145.00 -20.80 2 20 10255 10282 23 65.22% 69.57% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:297 to 316 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' ucUG-GUCCGAGGUCCUUGAGUCu 5' || || | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaACACACG-TCC---AACTCAGt 3' Energy: -14.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4682 NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.55 2 22 297 316 21 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:25152 to 25174 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ucUGGUCCGAGGUCCUUGAGUCu 5' |:|: ||||| |||||::| Ref: 5' tcATCGATCTCCAAGAACTTGGa 3' Energy: -22.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4682 NC_045512.2 141.00 -22.62 2 22 25152 25174 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:27074 to 27097 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ucUGGUCCGAGGUCC-UUGAGUCu 5' | |: |: |||| :|||||| Ref: 5' gcAGCGTGTAGCAGGTGACTCAGg 3' Energy: -23.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4682 NC_045512.2 140.00 -23.15 2 22 27074 27097 21 61.90% 76.19% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4682 NC_045512.2 1182.00 -158.43 165.00 -23.15 309 23 29903 9977 11882 29505 21695 10255 297 25152 27074 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3692-5p MIMAT0018121(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3692-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:8151 to 8175 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gucAUAGGUGAGGA-CUGGUCGUCc 5' ||||:|||::| :|||||| Ref: 5' tctTATCTACTTTTATTTCAGCAGc 3' Energy: -22.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3692-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -22.88 2 22 8151 8175 21 66.67% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3692-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -22.88 152.00 -22.88 310 24 29903 8151 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4519 MIMAT0019056(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4519 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:18684 to 18700 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' guCGGGACGCGUGACGAc 5' ||::| | ||||||| Ref: 5' atGCTTTTC-CACTGCTt 3' Energy: -14.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4519 NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.98 2 17 18684 18700 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:14573 to 14590 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' guCGGGACGCGUGACGAc 5' ||: ||| |:||||| Ref: 5' ctGCTATGCACGCTGCTt 3' Energy: -17.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4519 NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.41 2 17 14573 14590 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:26358 to 26375 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gucgggACGCGUGACGAc 5' ||||:|||||| Ref: 5' attgtgTGCGTACTGCTg 3' Energy: -23.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4519 NC_045512.2 144.00 -23.69 2 13 26358 26375 11 90.91% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4519 NC_045512.2 438.00 -56.08 150.00 -23.69 311 18 29903 18684 14573 26358 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6801-5p MIMAT0027502(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6801-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:19367 to 19388 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' aguAAAGGACGACGGAGACUGgu 5' |||:|| :| ||||||| Ref: 5' catTTTTCTATT-ACTCTGACag 3' Energy: -16.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6801-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.90 3 21 19367 19388 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:26891 to 26913 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aguaaaggacgacgGAGACUGGu 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' actccatggcactaTTCTGACCa 3' Energy: -19.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6801-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.49 2 10 26891 26913 8 87.50% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6801-5p NC_045512.2 283.00 -36.39 142.00 -19.49 312 23 29903 19367 26891 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548v MIMAT0015020(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548v vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4541 to 4561 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' accaCGUUUUCAUUGACAUCGa 5' |:|||| ||||||||| Ref: 5' accaGTAAAA-CAACTGTAGCg 3' Energy: -16.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548v NC_045512.2 164.00 -16.71 2 19 4541 4561 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:27914 to 27935 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' accacguuuucaUUGACAUCGa 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' aggaatcatcacAACTGTAGCt 3' Energy: -16.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548v NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.75 2 11 27914 27935 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:17783 to 17802 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' accacGUUUUCAUUGACAUCGa 5' ||:|| | :||||||| Ref: 5' attcaCAGAA-T-GCTGTAGCc 3' Energy: -15.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548v NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.25 2 18 17783 17802 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13388 to 13412 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (81.82%) Query: 3' acCACGUUUUC---AUUGACAUCGa 5' ||| |||:| |::||||||: Ref: 5' atGTGGAAAGGTTATGGCTGTAGTt 3' Energy: -21.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548v NC_045512.2 147.00 -21.05 2 21 13388 13412 22 63.64% 81.82% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:11188 to 11209 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' accacguuuucauUGACAUCGa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' accttctcttgccACTGTAGCt 3' Energy: -13.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548v NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.47 2 10 11188 11209 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8329 to 8351 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' acCACG-UUUUCAUUGACAUCGa 5' |||| : | |:|||||||: Ref: 5' tgGTGCTTGTATTGACTGTAGTg 3' Energy: -21.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548v NC_045512.2 143.00 -21.43 2 21 8329 8351 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:15183 to 15204 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' accacgUUUUCAUUGACAUCGa 5' |::|| |||||||: Ref: 5' cactagAGGAGCTACTGTAGTa 3' Energy: -13.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548v NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.86 2 17 15183 15204 15 66.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:20540 to 20562 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' accacGUUUU-CAUUGACAUCGa 5' |||:| || ||||||: Ref: 5' aatccCAAGATTTATCTGTAGTt 3' Energy: -13.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548v NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.01 2 18 20540 20562 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548v NC_045512.2 1178.00 -131.53 164.00 -21.43 313 22 29903 4541 27914 17783 13388 11188 8329 15183 20540 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3661 MIMAT0018082(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3661 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4791 MIMAT0019963(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4791 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:6011 to 6028 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' aaagucagUAGUAUAGGu 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' ccaaaccaACCATATCCa 3' Energy: -10.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4791 NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.98 2 11 6011 6028 9 88.89% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4791 NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.98 142.00 -10.98 315 18 29903 6011 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4638-3p MIMAT0019696(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4638-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:11924 to 11945 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gcCGGCCGACUCGCCACAGGUCc 5' |: |||| | : |||||||| Ref: 5' ttGTGGGCTCAAT-GTGTCCAGt 3' Energy: -21.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4638-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -21.17 2 22 11924 11945 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:13702 to 13724 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (73.33%) Query: 3' gccggccGACUCGCCACAGGUCc 5' :| || ||||||| Ref: 5' aatttacTTAAGGATTGTCCAGc 3' Energy: -13.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4638-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.90 2 17 13702 13724 15 66.67% 73.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:1358 to 1380 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gccggccgacucgccACAGGUCc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gttgttaaaatttatTGTCCAGc 3' Energy: -13.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4638-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.50 2 9 1358 1380 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4638-3p NC_045512.2 443.00 -48.57 159.00 -21.17 316 23 29903 11924 13702 1358 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-214-5p MIMAT0004564(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-214-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:10599 to 10620 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' cgugucguucACAUCUGUCCGu 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' atggacctttTGTTGACAGGCa 3' Energy: -16.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-214-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -16.96 2 13 10599 10620 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:10686 to 10707 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' cgugucGUUCACAUCUGUCCGu 5' :|| || |||||||: Ref: 5' ctgttaTAAATGGAGACAGGTg 3' Energy: -14.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-214-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.75 2 17 10686 10707 15 73.33% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-214-5p NC_045512.2 296.00 -31.71 152.00 -16.96 317 22 29903 10599 10686 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-513b-3p MIMAT0026749(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-513b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4069 to 4088 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agGAGAGUUUUUCCACUGUAAa 5' ||||:: | |||||||| Ref: 5' caCTCTTGTTA--GTGACATTg 3' Energy: -14.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513b-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -14.60 2 21 4069 4088 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10057 to 10078 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' aggAGAGUUUUUCCACUGUAAa 5' |:|:|:||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' tggTTTTAGAAAAATGGCATTc 3' Energy: -12.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513b-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -12.80 2 20 10057 10078 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23302 to 23324 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' agGAGAGUUUU-UCCACUGUAAa 5' | ||::|:| ||||||| Ref: 5' gaCACTTGAGATTCTTGACATTa 3' Energy: -10.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513b-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.03 2 21 23302 23324 20 60.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:23534 to 23555 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agGAGAGUUUUUCCACUGUAaa 5' ||| :| :|: ||||||| Ref: 5' aaCTCATATGAGTGTGACATac 3' Energy: -17.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513b-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.36 3 21 23534 23555 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24025 to 24046 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agGAGAGUUUUUCCACUGUAAa 5' :|:|||| || |||||| | Ref: 5' acTTTTCAACAAAGTGACACTt 3' Energy: -17.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513b-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.10 2 21 24025 24046 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1219 to 1242 Align Len (21) (80.95%) (85.71%) Query: 3' agGAGAGUUUUUC-CACU-GUAAa 5' |||||| :||| |||| |||| Ref: 5' aaCTCTCATGAAGTGTGATCATTg 3' Energy: -21.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513b-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -21.18 2 21 1219 1242 21 80.95% 85.71% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:11940 to 11960 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' aggagAGUUUUUCCACUGUAAa 5' |:| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tccagTTACACA-ATGACATTc 3' Energy: -9.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513b-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.01 2 18 11940 11960 16 68.75% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4022 to 4043 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aggagaguuuuuccACUGUAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgttactttatatTGACATTa 3' Energy: -8.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.59 2 9 4022 4043 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:9586 to 9607 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aggagaguuuuuccACUGUAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tatttacttgtactTGACATTt 3' Energy: -10.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.07 2 9 9586 9607 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:14040 to 14061 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aggagaguuuuuccACUGUAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tattgttggtgtacTGACATTa 3' Energy: -8.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.59 2 9 14040 14061 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-513b-3p NC_045512.2 1445.00 -129.33 153.00 -21.18 318 22 29903 4069 10057 23302 23534 24025 1219 11940 4022 9586 14040 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6500-3p MIMAT0025455(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6500-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:1505 to 1525 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cguCCAGUAGGGUUGUUCACa 5' |||:: | :|||||||| Ref: 5' gttGGTTGCCATAACAAGTGt 3' Energy: -19.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6500-3p NC_045512.2 162.00 -19.54 2 19 1505 1525 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:1703 to 1722 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' cguccaguAGGGUUGUUCACa 5' |:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttttctgcTTCC-ACAAGTGc 3' Energy: -14.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6500-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.61 2 14 1703 1722 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:24372 to 24393 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cguccAGUAGG-GUUGUUCACa 5' || ||| ||:|||||| Ref: 5' cacttTCTTCCACAGCAAGTGc 3' Energy: -18.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6500-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -18.48 2 17 24372 24393 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:25903 to 25925 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgUCCAGUA--GGGUUGUUCAca 5' |||| || | |||||||| Ref: 5' tcAGGTGATGGCACAACAAGTcc 3' Energy: -19.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6500-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -19.96 3 20 25903 25925 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1556 to 1578 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' cgUCCAGUA-GGGU-UGUUCACa 5' ||||::| ||| |||:||| Ref: 5' atAGGTTGTAACCATACAGGTGt 3' Energy: -21.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6500-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -21.96 2 20 1556 1578 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:18364 to 18383 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cgUCCAGUAGGGUUGUUCACa 5' ||||: |::| |||:||| Ref: 5' ctAGGTT-TTTCTACAGGTGt 3' Energy: -20.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6500-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -20.76 2 20 18364 18383 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:29259 to 29280 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cguCCAGUAGGGU-UGUUCACa 5' |||:: ||:| |||:||| Ref: 5' cgtGGTTGACCTACACAGGTGc 3' Energy: -19.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6500-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.17 2 19 29259 29280 18 66.67% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6500-3p NC_045512.2 1037.00 -134.48 162.00 -21.96 319 21 29903 1505 1703 24372 25903 1556 18364 29259 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1296-5p MIMAT0005794(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1296-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-635 MIMAT0003305(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-635 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:10153 to 10174 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ccUGUAACAAAGUCACGGGUUCa 5' ||:| |||| | ||:||||| Ref: 5' tgACGTAGTTT-ACTGTCCAAGa 3' Energy: -21.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-635 NC_045512.2 155.00 -21.44 2 22 10153 10174 20 75.00% 85.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-635 NC_045512.2 155.00 -21.44 155.00 -21.44 321 23 29903 10153 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6892-5p MIMAT0027684(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6892-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9505 to 9525 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' aggAUGAGAGGCCAGGGAAUg 5' ||||:| | |:||||| Ref: 5' taaTACTTTACTATTCCTTAt 3' Energy: -13.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6892-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.97 2 19 9505 9525 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:1077 to 1097 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aggaugagaggccAGGGAAUg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' caaattttgtattTCCCTTAa 3' Energy: -12.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6892-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.07 2 9 1077 1097 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6892-5p NC_045512.2 286.00 -26.04 146.00 -13.97 322 21 29903 9505 1077 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-328-3p MIMAT0000752(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-328-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12645 to 12666 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (63.16%) Query: 3' ugCCUUCCCGUCUCUCCCGGUc 5' | || || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttGTAACAGCTTTAAGGGCCAa 3' Energy: -15.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-328-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.38 2 21 12645 12666 19 63.16% 63.16% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-328-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.38 144.00 -15.38 323 22 29903 12645 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-372-5p MIMAT0026484(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-372-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:25312 to 25334 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucUUAUCACGAGGUGUAAACUcc 5' :|| |||| || |||||| Ref: 5' tgGATCCTGCTGCAAATTTGAtg 3' Energy: -16.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-372-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -16.82 3 22 25312 25334 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19769 to 19789 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ucuuAUCACGAGGUGUAAACUCc 5' || || : :|||||||| Ref: 5' ctgtTAATG--TAGCATTTGAGc 3' Energy: -11.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-372-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -11.53 2 20 19769 19789 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:4 to 22 R:15509 to 15533 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ucUUAUCACGAGG--UGUAAACucc 5' |||||||:|:: ||||||| Ref: 5' ctAATAGTGTTTTTAACATTTGtca 3' Energy: -18.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-372-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.35 4 22 15509 15533 20 75.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:17369 to 17391 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucuuaucacgaggugUAAACUCc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tggccacaaattatgATTTGAGt 3' Energy: -11.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-372-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.13 2 9 17369 17391 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:19825 to 19848 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ucUUAUCACGAGGUG-UAAACUCc 5' :| | | ||| |: |||||:| Ref: 5' gtGAAAATACTCAATAATTTGGGt 3' Energy: -11.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-372-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.19 2 22 19825 19848 21 61.90% 76.19% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-372-5p NC_045512.2 717.00 -69.02 149.00 -18.35 324 23 29903 25312 19769 15509 17369 19825 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1291 MIMAT0005881(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1291 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:17830 to 17852 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ugACGAC-CAGAAGUCAGUCCCGGu 5' ||:|| || ||| ||||||: Ref: 5' acTGTTGATTCATCA--CAGGGCTc 3' Energy: -24.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1291 NC_045512.2 142.00 -24.71 2 23 17830 17852 22 68.18% 77.27% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1291 NC_045512.2 142.00 -24.71 142.00 -24.71 325 24 29903 17830 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3912-3p MIMAT0018186(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3912-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:12752 to 12772 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguacagguauaaUACGCAAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgcactgatgacaATGCGTTa 3' Energy: -11.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3912-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.04 2 9 12752 12772 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3912-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.04 140.00 -11.04 326 21 29903 12752 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4673 MIMAT0019755(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4673 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8849 to 8869 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' aggUCAGGCCGAGGACGGACCu 5' :||:: | || ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgGGTTTTG-TCGTGCCTGGt 3' Energy: -20.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4673 NC_045512.2 153.00 -20.09 2 20 8849 8869 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:19257 to 19278 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aggucaggccgaGGACGGACCu 5' |:||||||| Ref: 5' atctaaccttaaCTTGCCTGGt 3' Energy: -21.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4673 NC_045512.2 146.00 -21.02 2 11 19257 19278 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:1808 to 1829 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aggucaggccgaggACGGACCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aaagctaaaaaaggTGCCTGGa 3' Energy: -17.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4673 NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.51 2 9 1808 1829 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4673 NC_045512.2 439.00 -58.62 153.00 -21.02 327 22 29903 8849 19257 1808 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-526a-5p MIMAT0002845(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-526a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14515 to 14536 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' gucUUUCACGAAGGGAGAUCUc 5' || | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtaAACTTACATAGCTCTAGAc 3' Energy: -10.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-526a-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.26 2 20 14515 14536 18 66.67% 66.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26431 to 26452 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gucUUUCACGAAGGGAGAUCUc 5' || || |:|:|||||| Ref: 5' aaaAATCTGAATTCTTCTAGAg 3' Energy: -17.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-526a-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.46 2 20 26431 26452 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22212 to 22234 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gucUUUCACGAAG-GGAGAUCUc 5' |::|| :||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' ctcAGGGTTTTTCGGCTTTAGAa 3' Energy: -14.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-526a-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.18 2 20 22212 22234 19 63.16% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-526a-5p NC_045512.2 432.00 -41.90 147.00 -17.46 328 22 29903 14515 26431 22212 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-885-3p MIMAT0004948(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-885-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6994 to 7013 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' auAGGUGAUGUGGGGCGACGGa 5' ||:||| || |||||||: Ref: 5' aaTCTACT-CA-ACCGCTGCTt 3' Energy: -27.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-885-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -27.78 2 21 6994 7013 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:13241 to 13263 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (93.75%) Query: 3' auagguGAUGUGG-GGCGACGGa 5' ||::||: |||:|||| Ref: 5' tgttgtCTGTACTGCCGTTGCCa 3' Energy: -23.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-885-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -23.58 2 17 13241 13263 16 68.75% 93.75% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14570 to 14590 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (88.89%) Query: 3' auaGGUGAUGUGGGGCGACGGa 5' |::|||:: | ||||||: Ref: 5' accCTGCTATG-CACGCTGCTt 3' Energy: -23.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-885-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -23.31 2 20 14570 14590 18 61.11% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-885-3p NC_045512.2 428.00 -74.67 144.00 -27.78 329 22 29903 6994 13241 14570 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-10522-5p MIMAT0041991(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-10522-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22306 to 22327 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ggACUCA-UCCGGUUAAGAAGa 5' ||| | | ::||||||| Ref: 5' ttTGACTCCTGGTGATTCTTCt 3' Energy: -16.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10522-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.52 2 20 22306 22327 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:26428 to 26448 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggacucauccggUUAAGAAGa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' gttaaaaatctgAATTCTTCt 3' Energy: -12.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10522-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.27 2 10 26428 26448 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:5963 to 5983 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ggACUCAUCCGGUUAAGAAga 5' | || | | |||||||| Ref: 5' taTAAGAAAGACAATTCTTat 3' Energy: -11.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10522-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.06 3 20 5963 5983 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21638 to 21658 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ggACUCAUCCGGUUAAGAAGa 5' || || |:|||||||: Ref: 5' ccTGCATACACTAATTCTTTc 3' Energy: -13.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10522-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.94 2 20 21638 21658 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:1438 to 1458 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ggacucauccgGUUAAGAAGa 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' tggcttgaaaaCCATTCTTCg 3' Energy: -14.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10522-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.19 2 11 1438 1458 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:6916 to 6937 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ggAC-UCAUCCGGUUAAGAAGa 5' || ||| |:||||:||| Ref: 5' ttTGAAGTCACCTAATTTTTCt 3' Energy: -14.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10522-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.69 2 20 6916 6937 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7138 to 7159 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ggACUCAUCCGGU-UAAGAAGa 5' | |||:| ::| ||||||: Ref: 5' tcTTAGTGGTTTAGATTCTTTa 3' Energy: -12.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10522-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.68 2 20 7138 7159 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:26861 to 26881 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggacucauccgguUAAGAAGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tccagaaactaacATTCTTCt 3' Energy: -11.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10522-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.11 2 9 26861 26881 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-10522-5p NC_045512.2 1143.00 -106.46 146.00 -16.52 330 21 29903 22306 26428 5963 21638 1438 6916 7138 26861 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6075 MIMAT0023700(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6075 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-495-5p MIMAT0022924(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-495-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:8484 to 8505 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gcUUUUAUUGUACCCGUUGAag 5' ||: |:||||| |||||| Ref: 5' ttAAGTTGACATGTGCAACTac 3' Energy: -16.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-495-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -16.88 3 21 8484 8505 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18015 to 18035 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gcuuUUAUUGUACCCGUUGAAg 5' |: ||::| |||||||| Ref: 5' acgtAGGAATGT-GGCAACTTt 3' Energy: -18.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-495-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -18.03 2 19 18015 18035 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:25586 to 25606 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gcUUUUAUUGUACCCGUUGAag 5' |||| :| || ||||||| Ref: 5' tcAAAAAGAGAT-GGCAACTag 3' Energy: -11.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-495-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.00 3 21 25586 25606 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:19454 to 19476 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gcuuuUAUUGUAC-CCGUUGAAg 5' |||||| | ||||:|| Ref: 5' cgtgtATAACACGTTGCAATTTa 3' Energy: -12.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-495-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.74 2 18 19454 19476 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:25620 to 25641 Align Len (12) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gcuuuuauuGUACCCGUUGAAg 5' ::| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgttcacttTGTTTGCAACTTg 3' Energy: -7.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-495-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -7.08 2 14 25620 25641 12 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:17976 to 17998 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gcuuuUAUUGUAC-CCGUUGAAg 5' ||:||| | ||||:|| Ref: 5' cctttATGACAAGTTGCAATTTa 3' Energy: -10.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-495-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.33 2 18 17976 17998 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-495-5p NC_045512.2 883.00 -76.06 156.00 -18.03 332 22 29903 8484 18015 25586 19454 25620 17976 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4759 MIMAT0019905(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4759 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:6559 to 6581 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' auUAAGGUUGU--AGAUCAGGAu 5' || : :||| |||||||:| Ref: 5' ttATGTAGACAATTCTAGTCTTa 3' Energy: -17.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4759 NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.32 2 20 6559 6581 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:12684 to 12704 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' auuaagguuguaGAUCAGGAu 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' agaataatgagcTTAGTCCTg 3' Energy: -13.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4759 NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.70 2 10 12684 12704 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20085 to 20107 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' auUAAGG-UUG-UAGAUCAGGAu 5' :| || ||| | ||||||:| Ref: 5' agGTCCCAAACAAGCTAGTCTTa 3' Energy: -18.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4759 NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.71 2 20 20085 20107 20 70.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4759 NC_045512.2 424.00 -49.73 142.00 -18.71 333 21 29903 6559 12684 20085 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-141-5p MIMAT0004598(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-141-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10901 to 10922 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (89.47%) Query: 3' agGUUGUGACAUGACCUUCUAc 5' :|:::|| ||:| |||||| Ref: 5' ggTAGTGCTTTATTAGAAGATg 3' Energy: -18.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-141-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.25 2 21 10901 10922 19 63.16% 89.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-141-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.25 140.00 -18.25 334 22 29903 10901 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4484 MIMAT0019018(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4484 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-643 MIMAT0003313(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-643 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:8675 to 8696 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' gauggacucgAUCGUAUGUUCa 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' agtgaaatcaTAGGATACAAGg 3' Energy: -13.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-643 NC_045512.2 152.00 -13.05 2 13 8675 8696 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:13519 to 13540 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gaugGACUCGAUCGUAUGUUCa 5' |||| | |:|||||:| Ref: 5' agtaCTGATGTCGTATACAGGg 3' Energy: -15.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-643 NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.96 2 19 13519 13540 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:4482 to 4503 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gauggacucGAUCGUAUGUUCa 5' :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ataagggtaTTAAAATACAAGa 3' Energy: -11.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-643 NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.00 2 14 4482 4503 12 75.00% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:25486 to 25508 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' gauggacuCGAUCG-UAUGUUCa 5' | || | ||||||| Ref: 5' actgcaacGATACCGATACAAGc 3' Energy: -12.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-643 NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.30 2 15 25486 25508 14 78.57% 78.57% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-643 NC_045512.2 588.00 -52.31 152.00 -15.96 336 22 29903 8675 13519 4482 25486 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4676-3p MIMAT0019759(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4676-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9469 to 9491 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' uuCUCGGUCACCACUU-UGUCAc 5' ||||: ||||||| ||||| Ref: 5' aaGAGCTTTTGGTGAATACAGTc 3' Energy: -25.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4676-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -25.59 2 21 9469 9491 20 80.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13989 to 14010 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' uucUCGGUCACCA-CUUUGUCAc 5' |||: || | ||||||| Ref: 5' ccaAGCT-TTGTTAAAAACAGTa 3' Energy: -9.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4676-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.52 2 20 13989 14010 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:8561 to 8583 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uucucggUCACC-ACUUUGUCAc 5' | ||| ||||:|||| Ref: 5' gttaataATTGGTTGAAGCAGTt 3' Energy: -14.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4676-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.41 2 16 8561 8583 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:5861 to 5882 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uucucggucaccacUUUGUCAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gttttctacaaagaAAACAGTt 3' Energy: -6.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4676-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.99 2 9 5861 5882 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:16789 to 16810 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uucucggucaccacUUUGUCAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tatcgtgtaactaaAAACAGTa 3' Energy: -8.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4676-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.32 2 9 16789 16810 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4676-3p NC_045512.2 710.00 -64.83 144.00 -25.59 337 22 29903 9469 13989 8561 5861 16789 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3169 MIMAT0015044(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3169 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4735-5p MIMAT0019860(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4735-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20283 to 20303 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' auGGCUUCCACAAGUUUAAUCc 5' ::||| | || :||||||| Ref: 5' caTTGAACG-GTATAAATTAGa 3' Energy: -14.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4735-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -14.03 2 21 20283 20303 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:25354 to 25374 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' auGGCUUCCACAAGUUUAAUcc 5' :| |||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' gcTCAAAGGAG-TCAAATTAca 3' Energy: -11.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4735-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.33 3 21 25354 25374 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:12589 to 12610 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (68.75%) Query: 3' auggcUUCCACAAGUUUAAUCc 5' || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgttcAACTTAGTGAAATTAGt 3' Energy: -9.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4735-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.82 2 18 12589 12610 16 68.75% 68.75% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2994 to 3015 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (84.21%) Query: 3' auGGCUUCCACAAGUUUAAUCc 5' :| :: | |||:|||||:| Ref: 5' agTCTGGTGAGTTTAAATTGGc 3' Energy: -14.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4735-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.54 2 21 2994 3015 19 57.89% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:29269 to 29292 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' auggcuUCCAC--AAGUUUAAUCc 5' ||||| |||||||:| Ref: 5' ctacacAGGTGCCATCAAATTGGa 3' Energy: -17.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4735-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.67 2 17 29269 29292 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:29800 to 29820 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' auGGCUUCCACAAGUUUAAUcc 5' || || ||| | |||||| Ref: 5' gcCCTAATGTG-TAAAATTAat 3' Energy: -7.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4735-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -7.10 3 21 29800 29820 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:16340 to 16361 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' auggcuuccacaaGUUUAAUCc 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' tatcaacatcacaTAAATTAGt 3' Energy: -5.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4735-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -5.80 2 10 16340 16361 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:28507 to 28528 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' auggcuUCCACAAGUUUAAUCc 5' || || ||||||:| Ref: 5' cagtccAGATGACCAAATTGGc 3' Energy: -10.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4735-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.59 2 17 28507 28528 15 73.33% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4735-5p NC_045512.2 1159.00 -90.88 158.00 -17.67 339 22 29903 20283 25354 12589 2994 29269 29800 16340 28507 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4756-3p MIMAT0019900(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4756-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:25054 to 25074 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' uauccuUCCGUUGGUAGAGACc 5' |||::| |||||||| Ref: 5' tgatttAGGTGA-CATCTCTGg 3' Energy: -22.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4756-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -22.00 2 17 25054 25074 15 80.00% 93.33% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22714 to 22735 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uauccUUCCGUUGGUAGAGACc 5' || ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' tactaAATTAAATGATCTCTGc 3' Energy: -11.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4756-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -11.51 2 18 22714 22735 16 68.75% 75.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:11463 to 11484 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uauccuuccguUGGUAGAGACc 5' |: ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtgggctcttATAATCTCTGt 3' Energy: -13.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4756-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.72 2 12 11463 11484 10 80.00% 90.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4756-3p NC_045512.2 450.00 -47.23 158.00 -22.00 340 22 29903 25054 22714 11463 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1908-5p MIMAT0007881(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1908-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-2277-3p MIMAT0011777(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-2277-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:12021 to 12041 Align Len (16) (87.50%) (93.75%) Query: 3' cucGGUCCGUCCCGCGACAgu 5' ||| ||||||:||||| Ref: 5' tttCCATGCAGGGTGCTGTag 3' Energy: -29.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2277-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -29.89 3 19 12021 12041 16 87.50% 93.75% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:26981 to 27001 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cucGGUCCGUCCCGCGACAgu 5' ||| :||| |||||| Ref: 5' acaCCATCTAGGACGCTGTga 3' Energy: -22.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2277-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -22.11 3 19 26981 27001 16 75.00% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-2277-3p NC_045512.2 288.00 -52.00 146.00 -29.89 342 21 29903 12021 26981 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3162-5p MIMAT0015036(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3162-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:9140 to 9162 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' gaGGGGUGGGAAGAUGAGGGAUu 5' |:|:|:: ||| |:|:|||| Ref: 5' ggCTCTATTATTCAATTTCCTAa 3' Energy: -20.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3162-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.98 2 22 9140 9162 20 60.00% 90.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3162-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.98 141.00 -20.98 343 23 29903 9140 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-551b-3p MIMAT0003233(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-551b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28656 to 28674 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gaCUUUGGUUCAUACCCAGCg 5' |: |:|| |||||||:| Ref: 5' acGGCATCA--TATGGGTTGc 3' Energy: -20.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-551b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.71 2 20 28656 28674 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-551b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.71 140.00 -20.71 344 21 29903 28656 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5739 MIMAT0023116(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5739 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6893-5p MIMAT0027686(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6893-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:26998 to 27018 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cgagGUGGGAUGUGGACGGAc 5' ||:| : |||||||| Ref: 5' gtgaCATCAAGGACCTGCCTa 3' Energy: -21.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6893-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -21.88 2 18 26998 27018 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19256 to 19276 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgAGGUGGGAUGUGGACGGAc 5' ||:| ||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' taTCTAACCTTAACTTGCCTg 3' Energy: -25.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6893-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -25.20 2 20 19256 19276 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:24783 to 24804 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgAGGUG-GGAUGUGGACGGac 5' |:||| ||:| |||||| Ref: 5' acTTCACAACTGCTCCTGCCat 3' Energy: -26.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6893-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -26.70 3 20 24783 24804 18 72.22% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6893-5p NC_045512.2 446.00 -73.78 153.00 -26.70 346 21 29903 26998 19256 24783 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548ae-3p MIMAT0018954(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548ae-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:23821 to 23841 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (91.67%) Query: 3' acuuucauUAACGUCAAAAAc 5' || ||||||||| Ref: 5' gttgcaatATGGCAGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -14.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ae-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -14.36 2 14 23821 23841 12 91.67% 91.67% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:7873 to 7895 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' acuuUCAUU--AACGUCAAAAAc 5' | ||| || :||||||| Ref: 5' gcctATTAATGTTATAGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -9.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ae-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -9.92 2 18 7873 7895 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26479 to 26499 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' acUUUCAUUAACGUCAAAAAc 5' || | || :||||||| Ref: 5' taAATATTATATTAGTTTTTc 3' Energy: -4.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ae-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -4.51 2 20 26479 26499 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:16485 to 16507 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' acuuucAUUAAC-G-UCAAAAAc 5' |||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgtgcTAATGGACAAGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -9.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ae-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -9.68 2 16 16485 16507 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:22569 to 22589 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' acuuucauuaACGUCAAAAAc 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' gcccttttggTGAAGTTTTTa 3' Energy: -5.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ae-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -5.09 2 12 22569 22589 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:8913 to 8933 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' acuuucAUUAACGUCAAAAAc 5' || | ||||||| Ref: 5' atttctTACCTAGAGTTTTTa 3' Energy: -3.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ae-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -3.52 2 16 8913 8933 14 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:23889 to 23909 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' acuuucauuaaCGUCAAAAAc 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaacacccaaGAAGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -8.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ae-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.14 2 11 23889 23909 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:6948 to 6967 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' acuuucAUUAACGUCAAAAAc 5' ||||| ::|||||| Ref: 5' atattaTAATT-TGGTTTTTa 3' Energy: -3.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ae-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -3.28 2 16 6948 6967 14 78.57% 92.86% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548ae-3p NC_045512.2 1182.00 -58.50 157.00 -14.36 347 21 29903 23821 7873 26479 16485 22569 8913 23889 6948 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6821-3p MIMAT0027543(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6821-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:23991 to 24010 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gacacgccUCGCCUCUCCAGu 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' caaaaccaAGC-AAGAGGTCa 3' Energy: -16.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6821-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.86 2 14 23991 24010 12 83.33% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6821-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.86 143.00 -16.86 348 21 29903 23991 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-378i MIMAT0019074(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-378i vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11034 to 11054 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ggaAGACUGAGGAUCAGGUCa 5' |:| | |::|||||||| Ref: 5' cacTTTTAGTTTTAGTCCAGa 3' Energy: -21.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-378i NC_045512.2 162.00 -21.20 2 19 11034 11054 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:22505 to 22526 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ggAAGACUGAGG-AUCAGGUca 5' |||| |||:: |||||| Ref: 5' acTTCTAACTTTAGAGTCCAac 3' Energy: -19.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-378i NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.86 3 20 22505 22526 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:28495 to 28515 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggaagacugaggaUCAGGUCa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' taacaccaatagcAGTCCAGa 3' Energy: -12.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-378i NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.08 2 9 28495 28515 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-378i NC_045512.2 444.00 -53.14 162.00 -21.20 349 21 29903 11034 22505 28495 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4539 MIMAT0019082(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4539 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12087 to 12112 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (78.26%) Query: 3' cgGGUCGA-GUCGGG---UCAAGUCg 5' | |||| :||||: ||||:|| Ref: 5' taCAAGCTATAGCCTCAGAGTTTAGt 3' Energy: -20.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4539 NC_045512.2 142.00 -20.76 2 21 12087 12112 23 65.22% 78.26% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:22015 to 22036 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgggucgagucgggUCAAGUCg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttggatggaaagtgAGTTCAGa 3' Energy: -11.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4539 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.69 2 9 22015 22036 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4539 NC_045512.2 282.00 -32.45 142.00 -20.76 350 22 29903 12087 22015 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-323b-5p MIMAT0001630(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-323b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:13113 to 13135 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' acGCUUGAGUGGUGCCUGUUGGa 5' | |:|| :: : |||||||| Ref: 5' atCTAGCTAGTGGGGGACAACCa 3' Energy: -18.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-323b-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -18.31 2 22 13113 13135 20 60.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:5528 to 5549 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' acGCUUGAGUGGUGCCUGUUGGa 5' :|:|| || :| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgTGGAC-AACAGCAGACAACCc 3' Energy: -21.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-323b-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -21.01 2 22 5528 5549 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:1592 to 1614 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' acGCUUGAGUGGUGCCUGUUGGa 5' |||| : ::| ||||||| Ref: 5' tcCGAAGGTCTTAATGACAACCt 3' Energy: -18.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-323b-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -18.78 2 22 1592 1614 20 60.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7823 to 7845 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (80.00%) Query: 3' acgcuugAGUGGUGCCUGUUGGa 5' |:| | : ||||||| Ref: 5' cattttgTTAACTTAGACAACCt 3' Energy: -16.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-323b-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.61 2 17 7823 7845 15 66.67% 80.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:4910 to 4932 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' acgcuugAGUGGUGCCUGUUGGa 5' ||||| : |||||:| Ref: 5' gaagttaTCACCTTTGACAATCt 3' Energy: -19.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-323b-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -19.84 2 17 4910 4932 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:24899 to 24921 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' acgcuugAGUGGUGCCUGUUGga 5' |:||:|| |||||| Ref: 5' caaatcaTTACTACAGACAACac 3' Energy: -16.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-323b-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.59 3 17 24899 24921 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:4803 to 4825 Align Len (20) (50.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' acGCUUGAGUGGUGCCUGUUGGa 5' :|: | :|:: :||||||:| Ref: 5' atTGGTCCTATTCTGGACAATCt 3' Energy: -19.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-323b-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.91 2 22 4803 4825 20 50.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:12599 to 12621 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' acGCUUGAGUGGUGCCUGUUGGa 5' :||| |:| :|:||||||:: Ref: 5' agTGAAATTAGTATGGACAATTc 3' Energy: -23.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-323b-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -23.45 2 22 12599 12621 20 60.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:21213 to 21235 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' acgcuuGAGUGGUGCCUGUUGGa 5' | ||: ::|||||:|| Ref: 5' acacttCGCATGGTGGACAGCCt 3' Energy: -22.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-323b-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -22.89 2 18 21213 21235 16 62.50% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-323b-5p NC_045512.2 1324.00 -177.39 157.00 -23.45 351 23 29903 13113 5528 1592 7823 4910 24899 4803 12599 21213 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-375-3p MIMAT0000728(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-375-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28247 to 28268 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agUGCGCUCGGCUUGCUUGUUu 5' |: : | |: ||||||||| Ref: 5' agATTTCATCTAAACGAACAAa 3' Energy: -14.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-375-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -14.82 2 21 28247 28268 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:21543 to 21564 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' agugcgcUCGGCUUGCUUGUUu 5' | |: ||||||||| Ref: 5' tgttaacAACTAAACGAACAAt 3' Energy: -13.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-375-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -13.75 2 16 21543 21564 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:21292 to 21313 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' agugCGCUCGGCUUGCUUGUUu 5' || | || :||||||| Ref: 5' cttgGCAAACCACGCGAACAAa 3' Energy: -15.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-375-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -15.07 2 19 21292 21313 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:899 to 920 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (73.68%) Query: 3' agUGCGCUCGGCUUGCUUGUUu 5' |:|| ::| ||||||| Ref: 5' tcATGCACTTTGTCCGAACAAc 3' Energy: -18.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-375-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -18.15 2 21 899 920 19 57.89% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-375-3p NC_045512.2 613.00 -61.79 156.00 -18.15 352 22 29903 28247 21543 21292 899 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-518a-5p MIMAT0005457(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-518a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:16240 to 16262 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cuuUCCCGAA---GGGAAACGUc 5' :|||||| ::||||||| Ref: 5' gttGGGGCTTGTGTTCTTTGCAa 3' Energy: -20.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-518a-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -20.31 2 18 16240 16262 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:17940 to 17960 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cuUUC--CCGAAGGGAAACGUc 5' ||| ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaAAGTAGGCAT-ACTTTGCAt 3' Energy: -13.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-518a-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.07 2 19 17940 17960 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:24969 to 24988 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuuucccgaaGGGAAACGUc 5' :|||||||| Ref: 5' cagtttatgaTCCTTTGCAa 3' Energy: -12.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-518a-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.95 2 11 24969 24988 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7410 to 7430 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' cuUUCCCGAAG-GGAAACGUc 5' | | | || :||||||| Ref: 5' gaATGTACATCTTCTTTGCAt 3' Energy: -9.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-518a-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.66 2 19 7410 7430 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8895 to 8914 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cuUUCCCGAAGGGAAACGUc 5' || ||: |::|||||| Ref: 5' ctAATGGTGACTTTTTGCAt 3' Energy: -12.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-518a-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.69 2 19 8895 8914 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:2898 to 2917 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuuucccgaaggGAAACGUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ctgtcataaaaaCTTTGCAa 3' Energy: -8.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-518a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.16 2 9 2898 2917 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:8974 to 8993 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuuucccgaaggGAAACGUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' agagtacactgaCTTTGCAa 3' Energy: -11.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-518a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.43 2 9 8974 8993 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-518a-5p NC_045512.2 1016.00 -88.27 156.00 -20.31 353 20 29903 16240 17940 24969 7410 8895 2898 8974 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-608 MIMAT0003276(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-608 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26871 to 26896 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ugccucGACAGGGUUG--UGGUGGGGa 5' || ||:|||| :||||:|| Ref: 5' aacattCT-TCTCAACGTGCCACTCCa 3' Energy: -23.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-608 NC_045512.2 144.00 -23.63 2 20 26871 26896 20 70.00% 85.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-608 NC_045512.2 144.00 -23.63 144.00 -23.63 354 25 29903 26871 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6514-5p MIMAT0025484(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6514-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 165.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:26875 to 26898 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cggucGACUUUCA-GGUGAGGUAu 5' || || || ||||||||| Ref: 5' ttcttCTCAACGTGCCACTCCATg 3' Energy: -20.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6514-5p NC_045512.2 165.00 -20.70 2 19 26875 26898 18 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:28847 to 28872 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' cgGUCGA---CUUUCAGGUGAGGUau 5' |||:| |||| || |||||| Ref: 5' aaCAGTTCAAGAAATTCAACTCCAgg 3' Energy: -17.719999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6514-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -17.72 3 22 28847 28872 22 72.73% 77.27% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6514-5p NC_045512.2 313.00 -38.42 165.00 -20.70 355 23 29903 26875 28847 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3615 MIMAT0017994(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3615 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-770-5p MIMAT0003948(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-770-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:13159 to 13180 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' acCGGGACUGUGCACCAUGACCu 5' |: | |||| ||||||||| Ref: 5' gtGTACACACAC-TGGTACTGGt 3' Energy: -22.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-770-5p NC_045512.2 163.00 -22.39 2 22 13159 13180 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:17074 to 17097 Align Len (16) (87.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' accgggaCU-GUGCACCAUGACCu 5' || ||| ||||||||| Ref: 5' ctccaggGACCACCTGGTACTGGt 3' Energy: -26.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-770-5p NC_045512.2 163.00 -26.88 2 17 17074 17097 16 87.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:7040 to 7060 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' acCGGGACUGUGCACCAUGACCu 5' |||:| :|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' atGCCTTCTTAC-T-GTACTGGt 3' Energy: -20.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-770-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -20.46 2 22 7040 7060 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:13506 to 13527 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acCGGGACUGUGCACCAUGACcu 5' || | |:||| | |||||| Ref: 5' cgGCACAGGCAC-TAGTACTGat 3' Energy: -18.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-770-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.51 3 22 13506 13527 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7093 to 7117 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (68.42%) Query: 3' accggGACUGUGCA--CCAUGACCu 5' :|| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' cactaTTGCAACCTACTGTACTGGt 3' Energy: -15.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-770-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.27 2 19 7093 7117 19 63.16% 68.42% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:16599 to 16620 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' accggGACUGUGCACCAUGACcu 5' || |||| | |||||| Ref: 5' tttagCTAACACCT-GTACTGaa 3' Energy: -13.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-770-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.38 3 19 16599 16620 16 81.25% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-770-5p NC_045512.2 903.00 -116.89 163.00 -26.88 357 23 29903 13159 17074 7040 13506 7093 16599 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3621 MIMAT0018002(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3621 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4508 MIMAT0019045(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4508 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6839-3p MIMAT0027581(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6839-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 167.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13927 to 13948 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gacCUAACUUCUCUUUUGGGUu 5' |||| : |||||||||| Ref: 5' tatGATTTTGTAGAAAACCCAg 3' Energy: -18.719999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6839-3p NC_045512.2 167.00 -18.72 2 20 13927 13948 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:29101 to 29122 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gaccuaacuUCUCUUUUGGGUu 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' acgtggtccAGAACAAACCCAa 3' Energy: -16.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6839-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -16.76 2 14 29101 29122 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:15255 to 15277 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gaccUAACUUC-UCUUUUGGGuu 5' | ||| | ||||||||| Ref: 5' ttatAGTGATGTAGAAAACCCtc 3' Energy: -15.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6839-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.19 3 19 15255 15277 17 82.35% 82.35% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:20212 to 20237 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' gaccUAACUUCUCU----UUUGGGUu 5' ||| | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' agaaATTTACAAGAATTTAAACCCAg 3' Energy: -12.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6839-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.58 2 19 20212 20237 21 66.67% 66.67% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:25786 to 25807 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaccuaacuucucUUUUGGGUu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' aaatgccgttccaAAAACCCAt 3' Energy: -9.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6839-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.76 2 10 25786 25807 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:282 to 304 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gaCCUAACUU-CUCUUUUGGGUu 5' || || || |||||||| || Ref: 5' ctGGTTTCAACGAGAAAACACAc 3' Energy: -15.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6839-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.25 2 21 282 304 20 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:2119 to 2139 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gaccUAACUUCUCUUUUGGGUu 5' :|| | || |||||:|| Ref: 5' cactGTTTATGA-AAAACTCAa 3' Energy: -11.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6839-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.87 2 19 2119 2139 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6839-3p NC_045512.2 1034.00 -100.13 167.00 -18.72 360 22 29903 13927 29101 15255 20212 25786 282 2119 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4698 MIMAT0019793(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4698 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7809 to 7830 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' accccAGAAGGAGAUGUAAAACu 5' ||| :|||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gacatTCTCTCTCT-CATTTTGt 3' Energy: -17.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4698 NC_045512.2 164.00 -17.18 2 19 7809 7830 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13818 to 13844 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' acccCAGA-AGGAGAU---GUAAAACu 5' |||| | ||:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' cctcGTCTATGCTTTAAGGCATTTTGa 3' Energy: -15.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4698 NC_045512.2 157.00 -15.34 2 20 13818 13844 22 72.73% 77.27% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:20848 to 20870 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' accccagaagGAGAUGUAAAACu 5' :| ||||||||| Ref: 5' aatatgagagTTATACATTTTGg 3' Energy: -11.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4698 NC_045512.2 153.00 -11.82 2 14 20848 20870 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:26612 to 26635 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (85.71%) Query: 3' acCCCAGA-AGGAGAUGUAAAACu 5' || |:| ||:|||||| |||| Ref: 5' atGGATTTGTCTTCTACAATTTGc 3' Energy: -18.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4698 NC_045512.2 148.00 -18.79 2 22 26612 26635 21 76.19% 85.71% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:7319 to 7341 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' accccAGAAGGAGAUGUAAAAcu 5' |:|| | |||||||| Ref: 5' agctaTTTTGCAGTACATTTTat 3' Energy: -7.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4698 NC_045512.2 142.00 -7.80 3 19 7319 7341 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:17089 to 17111 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' accccagaaggagauGUAAAACu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtactggtaagagtCATTTTGc 3' Energy: -9.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4698 NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.30 2 9 17089 17111 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:21251 to 21276 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (72.73%) Query: 3' acCCCAGAAGGAGA---UGUAAAAcu 5' | ||| || ||| :|||||| Ref: 5' atGCGTCATCATCTGAAGCATTTTta 3' Energy: -8.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4698 NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.94 3 22 21251 21276 22 68.18% 72.73% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:29308 to 29330 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' accccagaaggagauGUAAAACu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tttcaaagatcaagtCATTTTGc 3' Energy: -7.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4698 NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.52 2 9 29308 29330 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4698 NC_045512.2 1184.00 -96.69 164.00 -18.79 361 23 29903 7809 13818 20848 26612 7319 17089 21251 29308 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4521 MIMAT0019058(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4521 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:18496 to 18517 Align Len (16) (87.50%) (93.75%) Query: 3' gacucGUGUCCUGAAGGAAUCg 5' || |||||||||||:| Ref: 5' atgtaCAAAGGACTTCCTTGGa 3' Energy: -26.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4521 NC_045512.2 161.00 -26.57 2 18 18496 18517 16 87.50% 93.75% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8122 to 8145 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gacuCGUGUCCUG-A-AGGAAUCg 5' ||| || |: | ||||||| Ref: 5' acttGCAAAGAATGTGTCCTTAGa 3' Energy: -16.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4521 NC_045512.2 152.00 -16.44 2 19 8122 8145 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:705 to 728 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gaCUCGUGUCCUGA--AGGAAUcg 5' |||| ::| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' acGAGCTTGGCACTGATCCTTAtg 3' Energy: -17.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4521 NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.87 3 21 705 728 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2174 to 2194 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gacUCGUGUCCUGAAGGAAUCg 5' :|:::| || ||:||||| Ref: 5' gaaGGTGTA-GAGTTTCTTAGa 3' Energy: -14.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4521 NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.97 2 20 2174 2194 18 61.11% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4521 NC_045512.2 597.00 -75.85 161.00 -26.57 362 22 29903 18496 8122 705 2174 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-33a-5p MIMAT0000091(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-33a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:12403 to 12422 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' acguUACGUUGAUGUUACGUg 5' || :| | |||||||| Ref: 5' caacAT-TATCAACAATGCAa 3' Energy: -10.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-33a-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -10.90 2 18 12403 12422 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:6239 to 6257 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' acguUACGUUGAUGUUACGUg 5' |||: | |||||||| Ref: 5' tggcATGTTA--ACAATGCAa 3' Energy: -14.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-33a-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.86 2 18 6239 6257 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:3491 to 3512 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' acGUUACGUUGA-UGUUACGug 5' :|| || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaTAAGGCTACTAACAATGCca 3' Energy: -15.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-33a-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.16 3 20 3491 3512 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:28718 to 28739 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' acGUUACGUUGA-UGUUACGug 5' |||| | :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' cgCAATCCTGCTAACAATGCtg 3' Energy: -15.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-33a-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.25 3 20 28718 28739 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:29066 to 29084 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' acGUUACGUUGAUGUUACGUg 5' :|| ||| |||||||:| Ref: 5' acTAAAGCA--TACAATGTAa 3' Energy: -12.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-33a-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.11 2 20 29066 29084 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 15 R:15876 to 15897 Align Len (13) (92.31%) (92.31%) Query: 3' acguuacGUUG-AUGUUACGug 5' |||| |||||||| Ref: 5' ttgctctCAACATACAATGCta 3' Energy: -16.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-33a-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.13 3 15 15876 15897 13 92.31% 92.31% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:17632 to 17651 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' acGUUACGUUGAUGUUACGug 5' ||| ||:|| |||||| Ref: 5' gaCAAATCAGCT-CAATGCtt 3' Energy: -14.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-33a-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.80 3 20 17632 17651 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:12346 to 12364 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' acGUUACGUUGAUGUUACGug 5' | |||||: ||||||| Ref: 5' tgCTATGCAG--ACAATGCtt 3' Energy: -17.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-33a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.42 3 20 12346 12364 17 76.47% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-33a-5p NC_045512.2 1159.00 -116.63 151.00 -17.42 363 21 29903 12403 6239 3491 28718 29066 15876 17632 12346 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1287-5p MIMAT0005878(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1287-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1162 to 1183 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cuGAGCUUGGUGACUAGGUCGu 5' :|||| |::: ||||||: Ref: 5' aaTTCGATCTGTCTATCCAGTt 3' Energy: -19.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1287-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -19.31 2 21 1162 1183 19 57.89% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:26148 to 26169 Align Len (16) (56.25%) (93.75%) Query: 3' cugagCUUGGUGACUAGGUCGu 5' ||:::::| ||||||: Ref: 5' atccgGAGTTGTTAATCCAGTa 3' Energy: -18.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1287-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.23 2 18 26148 26169 16 56.25% 93.75% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1287-5p NC_045512.2 285.00 -37.54 144.00 -19.31 364 22 29903 1162 26148 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4650-5p MIMAT0019713(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4650-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-154-5p MIMAT0000452(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-154-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19575 to 19596 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gcUUCCGUUGUGCCUAUUGGAu 5' || ::|:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' acAATTTGATACTTATAACCTc 3' Energy: -10.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-154-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -10.82 2 21 19575 19596 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:6363 to 6382 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gcuUCCGUUGUGCCUAUUGGAu 5' ||| | |:||||||:|| Ref: 5' cgcAGGGA--ATGGATAATCTt 3' Energy: -21.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-154-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -21.91 2 20 6363 6382 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18777 to 18798 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gcUUCCGUUGUGCCUAUUGGAu 5' ::||: :|| |:|||||| Ref: 5' atGGGGTTTTACAGGTAACCTa 3' Energy: -21.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-154-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -21.75 2 21 18777 18798 19 57.89% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-154-5p NC_045512.2 444.00 -54.48 156.00 -21.91 366 22 29903 19575 6363 18777 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1912-5p MIMAT0037333(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1912-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11123 to 11145 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' auAUGU-GUCGGGUACGUUACUc 5' ||:: | ||:: |||||||| Ref: 5' gcTATGTCTGCTTTTGCAATGAt 3' Energy: -14.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1912-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -14.78 2 21 11123 11145 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19093 to 19113 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (94.74%) Query: 3' auAUGUGUCGGGUACGUUACUc 5' |:|||||||: ||:|:||| Ref: 5' gaTGCACAGCCT-TGTAGTGAc 3' Energy: -27.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1912-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -27.25 2 21 19093 19113 19 73.68% 94.74% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1912-5p NC_045512.2 305.00 -42.03 159.00 -27.25 367 22 29903 11123 19093 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6857-3p MIMAT0027615(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6857-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:28570 to 28590 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' gacaccCCUCUUCGAGUCAGu 5' | | :| ||||||| Ref: 5' taaaatGAAAGATCTCAGTCc 3' Energy: -12.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6857-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.37 2 16 28570 28590 14 71.43% 78.57% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:24707 to 24727 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacaccccucuucGAGUCAGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cttatgtccttccCTCAGTCa 3' Energy: -13.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6857-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.14 2 9 24707 24727 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6857-3p NC_045512.2 287.00 -25.51 147.00 -13.14 368 21 29903 28570 24707 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-449b-3p MIMAT0009203(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-449b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26780 to 26801 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucACCGUCCCAUCAACACCGAc 5' | |:||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tcTTGTAGGCTTGATGTGGCTc 3' Energy: -17.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-449b-3p NC_045512.2 164.00 -17.74 2 21 26780 26801 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:402 to 423 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucaccgUCCCAUCAACACCGAc 5' | || | |||||||| Ref: 5' ttaaagATGGCACTTGTGGCTt 3' Energy: -17.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-449b-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -17.63 2 17 402 423 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:10736 to 10757 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucaccgucccaucAACACCGAc 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' aatgactttaaccTTGTGGCTa 3' Energy: -10.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-449b-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -10.75 2 10 10736 10757 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:19618 to 19639 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ucaccguccCAUCAACACCGAc 5' | | ||||||| Ref: 5' cagagtttaGAAAATGTGGCTt 3' Energy: -12.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-449b-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.50 2 14 19618 19639 12 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:73 to 94 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucaccgucccaucaACACCGAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aactttaaaatctgTGTGGCTg 3' Energy: -14.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-449b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.77 2 9 73 94 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:12206 to 12227 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucaccgucccaucaACACCGAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aagaagtctttgaaTGTGGCTa 3' Energy: -10.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-449b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.26 2 9 12206 12227 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-449b-3p NC_045512.2 886.00 -83.65 164.00 -17.74 369 22 29903 26780 402 10736 19618 73 12206 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3617-3p MIMAT0022966(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3617-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:22801 to 22823 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' ucUUUCCUGUAUCCCACGACUAc 5' ||| : | || ||||||| Ref: 5' gcAAACTGGAAAGATTGCTGATt 3' Energy: -12.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3617-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -12.48 2 22 22801 22823 20 65.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22633 to 22655 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' ucuuUCCUGUAUCCCACGACUAc 5' || | |: | ||||||| Ref: 5' aatcAGCAACTGTGTTGCTGATt 3' Energy: -13.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3617-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -13.58 2 20 22633 22655 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:21170 to 21196 Align Len (24) (62.50%) (66.67%) Query: 3' ucUUUCCUGU----AUCCCACGACUAc 5' | || ||| |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' taACAGAACATTCTTGGAATGCTGATc 3' Energy: -14.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3617-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.02 2 22 21170 21196 24 62.50% 66.67% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16060 to 16078 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ucuuUCCUGUAUCCCACGACUAc 5' |||| :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' aatcAGGA-GTA---TGCTGATg 3' Energy: -16.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3617-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.88 2 20 16060 16078 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:19717 to 19738 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucUUUCCUGUAUCCCACGACUAc 5' ||| | :: | ||||:|||| Ref: 5' acAAAAGTTG-ATGGTGTTGATg 3' Energy: -17.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3617-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.51 2 22 19717 19738 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:8744 to 8765 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (73.33%) Query: 3' ucuuuccUGUAUCCCACGACUAc 5' ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tttgctaACA-AACATGCTGATt 3' Energy: -8.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3617-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.83 2 17 8744 8765 15 73.33% 73.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6061 to 6083 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucuuuccuguaucccACGACUAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgataatatcaaattTGCTGATg 3' Energy: -12.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3617-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.01 2 9 6061 6083 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7627 to 7649 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucuuuccUGUAUCCCACGACUAc 5' |||| ||||||:| Ref: 5' ttgtgatACATTCTGTGCTGGTa 3' Energy: -14.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3617-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.11 2 17 7627 7649 15 73.33% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3617-3p NC_045512.2 1162.00 -109.42 153.00 -17.51 370 23 29903 22801 22633 21170 16060 19717 8744 6061 7627 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4253 MIMAT0016882(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4253 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-216b-5p MIMAT0004959(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-216b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20317 to 20339 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' agUGUA-AACGGACGUCUCUAAa 5' |||| | |::| ::|||||| Ref: 5' gaACATATCGTTTATGGAGATTt 3' Energy: -16.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-216b-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.67 2 21 20317 20339 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22906 to 22927 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agUGUAAACGGACGUCUCUAAa 5' |:| || ||||:| ||||| Ref: 5' ttATAATTACCTGTATAGATTg 3' Energy: -14.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-216b-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.17 2 21 22906 22927 19 73.68% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-216b-5p NC_045512.2 291.00 -30.84 147.00 -16.67 372 22 29903 20317 22906 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6817-3p MIMAT0027535(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6817-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:14473 to 14491 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acgguaccucAGUCUCUCu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ggataccactTCAGAGAGc 3' Energy: -15.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6817-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.65 2 10 14473 14491 8 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6817-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.65 145.00 -15.65 373 19 29903 14473 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1226-3p MIMAT0005577(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1226-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 167.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:5362 to 5382 Align Len (16) (87.50%) (93.75%) Query: 3' gauccCUUGUGUCCCGACCACu 5' ||:|| |||||||||| Ref: 5' ttacaGAGCA-AGGGCTGGTGa 3' Energy: -29.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1226-3p NC_045512.2 167.00 -29.35 2 18 5362 5382 16 87.50% 93.75% Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:641 to 663 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gauCCCUUGUGUCC-CGACCACu 5' || ||:| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aacGGTAATAAAGGAGCTGGTGg 3' Energy: -23.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1226-3p NC_045512.2 166.00 -23.89 2 20 641 663 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:16572 to 16592 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' gauccCUUGUGUCCCGACCACu 5' |:||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgactGGACA-AATGCTGGTGa 3' Energy: -19.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1226-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -19.90 2 18 16572 16592 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:4167 to 4188 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gaucccuugUGUCCCGACCACu 5' | | |||||||| Ref: 5' tacctactaAAAAGGCTGGTGg 3' Energy: -17.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1226-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -17.83 2 14 4167 4188 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22328 to 22347 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' gaUCCCUUGUGUCCCGACCACu 5' ||| : ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tcAGGTTGGACA--GCTGGTGc 3' Energy: -19.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1226-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -19.15 2 21 22328 22347 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9229 to 9252 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' gaucCCUUGU-GUC-CCGACCACu 5' | || | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgtGAAAGATCAGAAGCTGGTGt 3' Energy: -17.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1226-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -17.39 2 19 9229 9252 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15097 to 15119 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' gaUCCCUUGUGUC-CCGACCACu 5' || :||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' agAGCTCGCACCGTAGCTGGTGt 3' Energy: -16.559999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1226-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.56 2 21 15097 15119 20 65.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:9395 to 9417 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gaucccuuGUGUC-CCGACCACu 5' :|:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' tcagcatcTATAGTAGCTGGTGg 3' Energy: -18.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1226-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.14 2 15 9395 9417 14 71.43% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1226-3p NC_045512.2 1222.00 -162.21 167.00 -29.35 374 22 29903 5362 641 16572 4167 22328 9229 15097 9395 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-127-3p MIMAT0000446(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-127-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5004-3p MIMAT0021028(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5004-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:12542 to 12563 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacuccggguCCUUUUAGGUUc 5' ||:|||||||| Ref: 5' tcagcattgtGGGAAATCCAAc 3' Energy: -16.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5004-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -16.05 2 13 12542 12563 11 90.91% 100.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21349 to 21368 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' gaCUCCGGGUCCUUUUAGGUUc 5' |||| :| |||||||| Ref: 5' tgGAGGAATA--CAAATCCAAt 3' Energy: -15.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5004-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.06 2 21 21349 21368 19 68.42% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5004-3p NC_045512.2 305.00 -31.11 156.00 -16.05 376 22 29903 12542 21349 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-2681-5p MIMAT0013515(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-2681-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8538 to 8559 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucaGAGGACCUCCACCAUUUUg 5' | |:| :|||||||||| Ref: 5' tagCACTTAAGGGTGGTAAAAt 3' Energy: -18.969999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2681-5p NC_045512.2 163.00 -18.97 2 20 8538 8559 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28551 to 28575 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ucaGAGGACCUCCA---CCAUUUUg 5' :|| ||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gaaTTCGTGGTGGTGACGGTAAAAt 3' Energy: -19.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2681-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -19.77 2 20 28551 28575 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:16728 to 16751 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucAGAGGACC--UCCACCAUUUug 5' |:|| ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' tcTTTCATGGGAAGTTGGTAAAcc 3' Energy: -15.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2681-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.84 3 21 16728 16751 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17081 to 17102 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ucaGAGGACCUCCACCAUUUUg 5' | ||||| ||||||:| Ref: 5' gacCACCTGGTACTGGTAAGAg 3' Energy: -19.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2681-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -19.85 2 20 17081 17102 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5097 to 5115 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' ucAGAGGACCUCCACCAUUUUg 5' || | || | ||||||| Ref: 5' atTCACATGAA---GGTAAAAc 3' Energy: -11.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2681-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.82 2 21 5097 5115 19 68.42% 68.42% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:3404 to 3425 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucagaggaccuccaCCAUUUUg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gaagaagctaaaaaGGTAAAAc 3' Energy: -12.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2681-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.47 2 9 3404 3425 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-2681-5p NC_045512.2 899.00 -98.72 163.00 -19.85 377 22 29903 8538 28551 16728 17081 5097 3404 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-23b-3p MIMAT0000418(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-23b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:6440 to 6465 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' caccauUAGGGAC---CGUUACACUa 5' :|:|:|| |:||||||| Ref: 5' aaagacGTTCTTGAGTGTAATGTGAa 3' Energy: -15.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-23b-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -15.95 2 18 6440 6465 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:7896 to 7915 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' caCCAUUAGGGACCGUUACACUa 5' ||||| :| ||||||| Ref: 5' atGGTAAATC---AAAATGTGAa 3' Energy: -16.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-23b-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.03 2 22 7896 7915 20 65.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:15288 to 15309 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' caCCAUUA-GGGACCGUUACACUa 5' || | | :||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttGGGATTATCCT--AAATGTGAt 3' Energy: -17.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-23b-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.76 2 22 15288 15309 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:21229 to 21251 Align Len (15) (60.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' caccauuAGGGACCGUUACACUa 5' |: :| :||||||| Ref: 5' acagcctTTGTTACTAATGTGAa 3' Energy: -11.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-23b-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.84 2 17 21229 21251 15 60.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12205 to 12225 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cacCAUUAGGGACCGUUACACUa 5' | |:||::|| ||||||: Ref: 5' gaaGAAGTCTTTG--AATGTGGc 3' Energy: -14.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-23b-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.90 2 21 12205 12225 19 63.16% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-23b-3p NC_045512.2 727.00 -76.48 152.00 -17.76 378 23 29903 6440 7896 15288 21229 12205 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3613-5p MIMAT0017990(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3613-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 168.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5643 to 5664 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cuUGUUUUUUUUUUCAUGUUGu 5' |||||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' ctACAAAATATCTAGTACAACa 3' Energy: -17.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3613-5p NC_045512.2 168.00 -17.45 2 21 5643 5664 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7518 to 7540 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' cuUGUUUUU-UUUUUCAUGUUGu 5' ||||:|: :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' caACAAGAGTCGAATGTACAACt 3' Energy: -16.549999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3613-5p NC_045512.2 163.00 -16.55 2 21 7518 7540 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6703 to 6724 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cuUGUUUUUUUUUUCAUGUUGu 5' |||||: : |||||||| Ref: 5' taACAAAGTTGTTAGTACAACt 3' Energy: -17.719999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3613-5p NC_045512.2 160.00 -17.72 2 21 6703 6724 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:16799 to 16820 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cuUGUUUUUUUUUUCAUGUUgu 5' | ||| |: ||||||||| Ref: 5' ctAAAAACAGTAAAGTACAAat 3' Energy: -12.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3613-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -12.88 3 21 16799 16820 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:27456 to 27477 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuuguuuuuuUUUUCAUGUUGu 5' |:|:||||||| Ref: 5' agagtgtgttAGAGGTACAACa 3' Energy: -17.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3613-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -17.90 2 13 27456 27477 11 81.82% 100.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10106 to 10129 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (76.19%) Query: 3' cuUGUUUUUU--UUUUCAUGUUGu 5' ||||: || : :||||||| Ref: 5' gtACAAGTAACTTGTGGTACAACt 3' Energy: -12.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3613-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -12.53 2 21 10106 10129 21 61.90% 76.19% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:13994 to 14015 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (92.86%) Query: 3' cuuguuuUUUUUUUCAUGUUGu 5' ||||| |||||||: Ref: 5' ctttgttAAAAACAGTACAATt 3' Energy: -10.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3613-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -10.70 2 16 13994 14015 14 85.71% 92.86% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12508 to 12529 Align Len (19) (52.63%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cuUGUUUUUUUUUUCAUGUUGu 5' |:| : : :| :||||||| Ref: 5' aaATACGTGTGATGGTACAACa 3' Energy: -12.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3613-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -12.45 2 21 12508 12529 19 52.63% 78.95% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16813 to 16834 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' cuUGUUUUUUUUUUCAUGUUGu 5' ||||| |::|:|||||| | Ref: 5' gtACAAATAGGAGAGTACACCt 3' Energy: -15.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3613-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -15.93 2 21 16813 16834 19 73.68% 89.47% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:16860 to 16881 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuuguuuuuuuUUUCAUGUUGu 5' :|:||||||| Ref: 5' tgttgtttaccGAGGTACAACa 3' Energy: -13.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3613-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.09 2 12 16860 16881 10 80.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3613-5p NC_045512.2 1540.00 -147.20 168.00 -17.90 379 22 29903 5643 7518 6703 16799 27456 10106 13994 12508 16813 16860 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3614-5p MIMAT0017992(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3614-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-10394-3p MIMAT0041620(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-10394-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6779-3p MIMAT0027459(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6779-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:13523 to 13543 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucuacccuCCUCUGUCCCGAa 5' | | |||||||| Ref: 5' ctgatgtcGTATACAGGGCTt 3' Energy: -18.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6779-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -18.42 2 14 13523 13543 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:17832 to 17852 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucuacccuccucUGUCCCGAa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tgttgattcatcACAGGGCTc 3' Energy: -13.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6779-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.91 2 10 17832 17852 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:14170 to 14191 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ucuacccuccuCU-GUCCCGAa 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' atattaaccttGACCAGGGCTt 3' Energy: -14.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6779-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.51 2 11 14170 14191 10 90.00% 90.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6779-3p NC_045512.2 435.00 -46.84 149.00 -18.42 382 21 29903 13523 17832 14170 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-718 MIMAT0012735(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-718 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4718 MIMAT0019831(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4718 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:20887 to 20907 Align Len (10) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acgaaccaaaGUCCAUGUCGa 5' |||||||||| Ref: 5' ggagttgcacCAGGTACAGCt 3' Energy: -21.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4718 NC_045512.2 155.00 -21.70 2 12 20887 20907 10 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:27169 to 27190 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' acgAACCAAA-GUCCAUGUCGa 5' ||| ||| | ||||||: Ref: 5' ataTTGCTTTGCTTGTACAGTa 3' Energy: -12.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4718 NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.26 2 19 27169 27190 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4718 NC_045512.2 296.00 -33.96 155.00 -21.70 384 21 29903 20887 27169 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-98-3p MIMAT0022842(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-98-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10085 to 10106 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cccUUUCAUCAUUCAACAUAUc 5' ||||| | ::|||||||: Ref: 5' ggtAAAGTTGAGGGTTGTATGg 3' Energy: -19.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-98-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -19.74 2 20 10085 10106 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26645 to 26665 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ccCUUUCAUCAUUCAACAUAUc 5' |:|| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' caGGAA-TAGGTTTTTGTATAt 3' Energy: -10.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-98-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -10.36 2 21 26645 26665 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19280 to 19301 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccCUUUCAUCAUUCAACAUAUc 5' || :||:| |: ||||||: Ref: 5' gtGATGGTGGCAGTTTGTATGt 3' Energy: -11.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-98-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -11.29 2 21 19280 19301 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6039 to 6061 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ccCUUUCAUCAUUC-AACAUAUc 5' || | | |||| ||||||: Ref: 5' tcGATAATTTTAAGTTTGTATGt 3' Energy: -7.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-98-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -7.22 2 21 6039 6061 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9240 to 9260 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccCUUUCAUCAUUCAACAUAUc 5' |||: |:|| : ||||:|| Ref: 5' caGAAGCTGGT-GTTTGTGTAt 3' Energy: -12.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-98-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.16 2 21 9240 9260 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14541 to 14562 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' cccuUUCAUCAUUCAACAUAUc 5' ||| | | | ||||:|| Ref: 5' ttttAAGGAATTACTTGTGTAt 3' Energy: -6.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-98-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -6.15 2 19 14541 14562 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:25842 to 25867 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (66.67%) Query: 3' cccuUUCAUCAUUC----AACAUAUc 5' || |: || | ||||||| Ref: 5' tactAATTGTTACGACTATTGTATAc 3' Energy: -4.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-98-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -4.22 2 19 25842 25867 21 61.90% 66.67% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:25981 to 26001 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cccUUUCAUCAUUCAACAUAuc 5' |||| | |: ||||||| Ref: 5' gtaAAAG-ACTGTGTTGTATta 3' Energy: -8.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-98-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -8.49 3 20 25981 26001 17 76.47% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-98-3p NC_045512.2 1162.00 -79.63 155.00 -19.74 385 22 29903 10085 26645 19280 6039 9240 14541 25842 25981 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-325 MIMAT0000771(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-325 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:8486 to 8509 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ugUGAAUG-ACCUGUGGAUGAUCc 5' ::| || || :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaGTTGACATGTGCAACTACTAGa 3' Energy: -13.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-325 NC_045512.2 160.00 -13.76 2 22 8486 8509 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:9246 to 9268 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (93.33%) Query: 3' ugugaauGACCUGUGGAUGAUCc 5' :|| ::|:||||||| Ref: 5' ctggtgtTTGTGTATCTACTAGt 3' Energy: -15.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-325 NC_045512.2 156.00 -15.96 2 17 9246 9268 15 66.67% 93.33% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:2554 to 2578 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ugugaaUGA-CCUG-UGGAUGAUCc 5' |:| | || ||||||||| Ref: 5' acaaccATTAGAACAACCTACTAGt 3' Energy: -17.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-325 NC_045512.2 155.00 -17.60 2 18 2554 2578 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:26188 to 26208 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ugUGAAUGACCUGUGGAUGAUCc 5' || || |||: ||||||| Ref: 5' gaACCGAC--GACGACTACTAGc 3' Energy: -15.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-325 NC_045512.2 154.00 -15.75 2 22 26188 26208 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:6707 to 6730 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugUGAAUGA-CCUGUGGAUGAUcc 5' | ||::| | ||| |||||| Ref: 5' aaAGTTGTTAGTACAACTACTAac 3' Energy: -10.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-325 NC_045512.2 144.00 -10.41 3 22 6707 6730 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:18310 to 18333 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (84.62%) Query: 3' ugugaaugacCUGUG-GAUGAUCc 5' | ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' gtcgaggggtGTCATGCTACTAGa 3' Energy: -14.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-325 NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.65 2 14 18310 18333 13 76.92% 84.62% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:6796 to 6817 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugUGAAUGACCUGUGGAUGAUCc 5' | ||: || || ::|||||| Ref: 5' acAATTG-TGTACTTTTACTAGa 3' Energy: -13.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-325 NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.05 2 22 6796 6817 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:14830 to 14852 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ugugaAUGACCUGUGGAUGAUcc 5' ||: |||| |||||| Ref: 5' tgtgaTATCAGACAACTACTAtt 3' Energy: -11.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-325 NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.21 3 19 14830 14852 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:11217 to 11239 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ugugaauGACCUGUGGAUGAUCc 5' || |::|||:|||| Ref: 5' atatggtCTATATGCCTGCTAGt 3' Energy: -15.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-325 NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.44 2 17 11217 11239 15 66.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:15034 to 15057 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ugUGAAUGAC-CUGUGGAUGAUcc 5' || || || |: ||||||| Ref: 5' aaACGTAATGTCATCCCTACTAta 3' Energy: -10.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-325 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.26 3 22 15034 15057 20 70.00% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-325 NC_045512.2 1478.00 -138.09 160.00 -17.60 386 23 29903 8486 9246 2554 26188 6707 18310 6796 14830 11217 15034 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6795-3p MIMAT0027491(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6795-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:27500 to 27520 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gacccCCUUCUUUGCUCCCca 5' |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' cttctGGAACATACGAGGGca 3' Energy: -18.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6795-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.31 3 17 27500 27520 14 85.71% 85.71% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:18299 to 18319 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacccccuucuuuGCUCCCCa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttggcttcgatgtCGAGGGGt 3' Energy: -21.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6795-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -21.26 2 9 18299 18319 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6795-3p NC_045512.2 284.00 -39.57 144.00 -21.26 387 21 29903 27500 18299 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5195-5p MIMAT0021126(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5195-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6501-5p MIMAT0025458(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6501-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:20657 to 20678 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ugguuUCCGUCGGGACCGUUGa 5' || || | ||||||| Ref: 5' aatctAGTCAAGCGTGGCAACc 3' Energy: -16.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6501-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -16.47 2 18 20657 20678 16 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:27111 to 27132 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (84.62%) Query: 3' ugguuuccGUCGGGACCGUUGa 5' ||| :||||||| Ref: 5' agtcgctaCAGGATTGGCAACt 3' Energy: -20.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6501-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -20.52 2 15 27111 27132 13 76.92% 84.62% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18014 to 18033 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ugGUUUCCGUCGGGACCGUUGa 5' |: ||| | : ||||||| Ref: 5' caCGTAGGAA--TGTGGCAACt 3' Energy: -19.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6501-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.94 2 21 18014 18033 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25585 to 25604 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' ugGUUUCCGUCGGGACCGUUGa 5' |||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ctCAAA--AAGAGATGGCAACt 3' Energy: -17.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6501-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.83 2 21 25585 25604 19 68.42% 68.42% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6501-5p NC_045512.2 593.00 -74.76 153.00 -20.52 389 22 29903 20657 27111 18014 25585 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4520-5p MIMAT0019235(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4520-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:6349 to 6368 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (93.75%) Query: 3' aacCUGUCUUUUGUGCGUCc 5' | ||||::||:||||| Ref: 5' gaaGTCAGAGGACGCGCAGg 3' Energy: -28.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4520-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -28.90 2 18 6349 6368 16 75.00% 93.75% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:4405 to 4426 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' aaccUGUCU--UUUGUGCGUcc 5' :|||| ||||||||| Ref: 5' acatGCAGAAGAAACACGCAaa 3' Energy: -17.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4520-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.43 3 17 4405 4426 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:109 to 128 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' aaccuguCUUUUGUGCGUCc 5' | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gcttagtGCACTCACGCAGt 3' Energy: -12.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4520-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.95 2 14 109 128 12 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:29727 to 29746 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' aaccUGUCUUUUGUGCGUCc 5' || ||:: |||||:| Ref: 5' tttcACCGAGGCCACGCGGa 3' Energy: -16.969999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4520-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.97 2 17 29727 29746 15 66.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4520-5p NC_045512.2 577.00 -76.25 153.00 -28.90 390 20 29903 6349 4405 109 29727 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4774-3p MIMAT0019930(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4774-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13168 to 13188 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' aaGACCGUGUACAAUCCGUUa 5' ||||:|| || |||||| Ref: 5' caCTGGTACTGGTCAGGCAAt 3' Energy: -24.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4774-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -24.76 2 20 13168 13188 18 77.78% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4774-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -24.76 143.00 -24.76 391 21 29903 13168 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4323 MIMAT0016875(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4323 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:16231 to 16249 Align Len (14) (92.86%) (92.86%) Query: 3' agacUCCGAC-ACCCCGAc 5' |||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttacAGGCTGTTGGGGCTt 3' Energy: -24.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4323 NC_045512.2 161.00 -24.46 2 15 16231 16249 14 92.86% 92.86% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4323 NC_045512.2 161.00 -24.46 161.00 -24.46 392 18 29903 16231 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4750-3p MIMAT0022979(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4750-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4241 to 4262 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacgcccucccccaCCCAGUCc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ataaccacttacccGGGTCAGg 3' Energy: -17.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4750-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.14 2 9 4241 4262 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4750-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.14 140.00 -17.14 393 22 29903 4241 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4665-5p MIMAT0019739(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4665-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-302a-3p MIMAT0000684(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-302a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8523 to 8546 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' aguggUUUUGUACCU-UCGUGAAu 5' | |||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgtaACAACAAAGATAGCACTTa 3' Energy: -15.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302a-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -15.80 2 19 8523 8546 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:17399 to 17424 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (81.82%) Query: 3' agUGGUUU--UGUAC-CUUCGUGAau 5' :|||:| ||:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' atGCCAGATTACGTGCTAAGCACTat 3' Energy: -19.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -19.78 3 22 17399 17424 22 68.18% 81.82% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:2800 to 2825 Align Len (23) (60.87%) (73.91%) Query: 3' agUGGUUUUGUACC---UUCGUGAAu 5' |: |||: || | |||:|||| Ref: 5' tgATGAAAGGATTGATAAAGTACTTa 3' Energy: -12.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.65 2 22 2800 2825 23 60.87% 73.91% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:15727 to 15749 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agugguuuuguaccuUCGUGAAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gttgtgtgtttcaatAGCACTTa 3' Energy: -12.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.78 2 9 15727 15749 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-302a-3p NC_045512.2 580.00 -61.01 157.00 -19.78 395 23 29903 8523 17399 2800 15727 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6790-3p MIMAT0027481(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6790-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-148b-5p MIMAT0004699(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-148b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 165.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:520 to 541 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' cgGACUC-ACAUAUUGUCUUGAa 5' :|||| || :||:||||||| Ref: 5' ggTTGAGCTG-GTAGCAGAACTc 3' Energy: -22.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-148b-5p NC_045512.2 165.00 -22.45 2 21 520 541 20 75.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18039 to 18060 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cgGACUCACAUAUUGUCUUGAa 5' |||| |:||||||:||| Ref: 5' agCTGAAAATGTAACAGGACTc 3' Energy: -20.719999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-148b-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -20.72 2 21 18039 18060 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12868 to 12892 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (72.73%) Query: 3' cgGAC--UCACAUAU-UGUCUUGAa 5' ||| | | | || |||||||| Ref: 5' aaCTGGTACTATCTATACAGAACTg 3' Energy: -14.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-148b-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -14.90 2 21 12868 12892 22 72.73% 72.73% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:21607 to 21629 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' cggacucacAUAUU-GUCUUGAa 5' || || ||||||| Ref: 5' tgttaatctTACAACCAGAACTc 3' Energy: -8.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-148b-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -8.47 2 14 21607 21629 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 13 R:21159 to 21180 Align Len (10) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cggacucacaUAUUGUCUUGaa 5' |||||||||| Ref: 5' ggctataaagATAACAGAACat 3' Energy: -13.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-148b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.71 3 13 21159 21180 10 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-148b-5p NC_045512.2 763.00 -80.25 165.00 -22.45 397 22 29903 520 18039 12868 21607 21159 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3129-5p MIMAT0014992(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3129-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:23261 to 23283 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uuugguUAGAGA-UGUGAUGACg 5' ||: || ||||||||| Ref: 5' agagacATTGCTGACACTACTGa 3' Energy: -20.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3129-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -20.03 2 17 23261 23283 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25841 to 25863 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uuUGGUUAGAGAUG-UGAUGACg 5' ||:|||: :||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' atACTAATTGTTACGACTATTGt 3' Energy: -18.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3129-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -18.51 2 21 25841 25863 20 70.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3314 to 3336 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' uuUGGUUAG-AGAUGUGAUGACg 5' ||||:|: |: | ||||:|| Ref: 5' acACCAGTTGTTCAGACTATTGa 3' Energy: -17.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3129-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.64 2 21 3314 3336 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:130 to 150 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uuUGGUUAGAGAUGUGAUGACg 5' |::||| ||| |:||||| Ref: 5' taATTAATAACTA-ATTACTGt 3' Energy: -15.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3129-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.49 2 21 130 150 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:4176 to 4197 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuugguuagagaUGUGAUGACg 5' :|||||||| Ref: 5' aaaaggctggtgGCACTACTGa 3' Energy: -17.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3129-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.95 2 11 4176 4197 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:11961 to 11982 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuugguuagagaUGUGAUGACg 5' |:||||||| Ref: 5' tcttagctaaagATACTACTGa 3' Energy: -16.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3129-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.17 2 11 11961 11982 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:2915 to 2936 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uuUGGUUAGAGAUGUGAUGAcg 5' ||||:| |||: |:|||| Ref: 5' caACCAGTATCTGAATTACTta 3' Energy: -17.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3129-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.90 3 21 2915 2936 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7083 to 7101 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuUGGUUAGAGAUGUGAUGACg 5' ||:||| | |||||:|| Ref: 5' ctACTAATGT---CACTATTGc 3' Energy: -17.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3129-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.04 2 21 7083 7101 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3129-5p NC_045512.2 1179.00 -140.73 159.00 -20.03 398 22 29903 23261 25841 3314 130 4176 11961 2915 7083 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3972 MIMAT0019357(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3972 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:28892 to 28911 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' acggGACCUUGCCCCGACCGUc 5' || |||: |||||||| Ref: 5' cctgCTAGAAT--GGCTGGCAa 3' Energy: -21.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3972 NC_045512.2 155.00 -21.03 2 19 28892 28911 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10556 to 10578 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' acggGACCUU-GCCCCGACCGUc 5' |||||: : ||||||| Ref: 5' ccaaCTGGAGTTCATGCTGGCAc 3' Energy: -21.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3972 NC_045512.2 149.00 -21.18 2 19 10556 10578 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10249 to 10269 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' acGGGACCUUGCCCCGACCGUc 5' :|:||| || ||||||:| Ref: 5' ttTCTTGGTAC-AGGCTGGTAa 3' Energy: -23.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3972 NC_045512.2 146.00 -23.02 2 21 10249 10269 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:25821 to 25842 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acgggaccuugcccCGACCGUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' caactattttctttGCTGGCAt 3' Energy: -13.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3972 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.98 2 9 25821 25842 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3972 NC_045512.2 590.00 -79.21 155.00 -23.02 399 22 29903 28892 10556 10249 25821 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4299 MIMAT0016851(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4299 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:25033 to 25050 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' cggAGAGUACAGUGGUCg 5' || :| ||||||| Ref: 5' gaaTCATACATCACCAGa 3' Energy: -14.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4299 NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.63 2 16 25033 25050 14 71.43% 78.57% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4299 NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.63 147.00 -14.63 400 18 29903 25033 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1843 MIMAT0039764(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1843 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:17964 to 17983 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (94.12%) Query: 3' cgGUCUGUCUCUGGAGGUAu 5' | ||:||||||||::|| Ref: 5' gtCTGATAGAGACCTTTATg 3' Energy: -28.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1843 NC_045512.2 146.00 -28.42 2 19 17964 17983 17 76.47% 94.12% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1843 NC_045512.2 146.00 -28.42 146.00 -28.42 401 20 29903 17964 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5197-5p MIMAT0021130(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5197-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:17096 to 17116 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' agUUCUUACUCAAACACGGUAAc 5' ||||:| | ||| |||:||| Ref: 5' gtAAGAGTCA-TTT-TGCTATTg 3' Energy: -15.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5197-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.81 2 22 17096 17116 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:15058 to 15085 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (72.73%) Query: 3' aguucUUACUCA-AA--C--ACGGUAAc 5' ||||| | || | ||||||| Ref: 5' actcaAATGAATCTTAAGTATGCCATTa 3' Energy: -10.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5197-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.91 2 19 15058 15085 22 72.73% 72.73% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8406 to 8428 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' aguucUUACUCAAACACGGUAAc 5' || || || ||:|||| Ref: 5' acgttAAAGATTTCATGTCATTg 3' Energy: -12.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5197-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.25 2 19 8406 8428 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:23226 to 23248 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' agUUCUUACUCAAACACGGUAAc 5' || || ||||| |||| || Ref: 5' ctAACAAAAAGTTTCTGCCTTTc 3' Energy: -9.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5197-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.42 2 22 23226 23248 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:24784 to 24806 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' aguucuuacuCAAACACGGUAAc 5' | | ||||||| Ref: 5' cttcacaactGCTCCTGCCATTt 3' Energy: -7.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5197-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -7.66 2 14 24784 24806 12 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:16919 to 16941 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aguucuuacucaaacACGGUAAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' catcacatacagtaaTGCCATTa 3' Energy: -9.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5197-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.51 2 9 16919 16941 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5197-5p NC_045512.2 860.00 -65.56 149.00 -15.81 402 23 29903 17096 15058 8406 23226 24784 16919 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1343-5p MIMAT0027038(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1343-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3960 MIMAT0019337(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3960 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4303 MIMAT0016856(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4303 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:17840 to 17856 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacaggagUCGAGUCUu 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' catcacagGGCTCAGAa 3' Energy: -14.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4303 NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.13 2 10 17840 17856 8 87.50% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4303 NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.13 141.00 -14.13 405 17 29903 17840 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3132 MIMAT0014997(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3132 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:3019 to 3043 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (76.19%) Query: 3' aggAGACUCGAGGA-AGAGAUGGGu 5' | || :| :| |:||||||| Ref: 5' acaTATGTATTGTTCTTTCTACCCt 3' Energy: -18.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3132 NC_045512.2 152.00 -18.48 2 22 3019 3043 21 61.90% 76.19% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6979 to 7003 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' aggaGACUCGAGGAA-GAGAUGGGu 5' || :|:||:|| |||||:| Ref: 5' ttgcCTAGGTTCTTTAATCTACTCa 3' Energy: -23.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3132 NC_045512.2 147.00 -23.82 2 21 6979 7003 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:11642 to 11666 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (90.91%) Query: 3' agGAGACUCGAGGAAG-AGAUGGGu 5' ||:||: |||:||: |:|||:| Ref: 5' taCTTTGGCCTCTTTTGTTTACTCa 3' Energy: -25.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3132 NC_045512.2 145.00 -25.30 2 23 11642 11666 22 63.64% 90.91% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3132 NC_045512.2 444.00 -67.60 152.00 -25.30 406 24 29903 3019 6979 11642 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-31-5p MIMAT0000089(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-31-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:5277 to 5297 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (92.31%) Query: 3' ucgauacGGUCGUAGAACGGa 5' |:: :|||||||| Ref: 5' ataacaaCTGTTATCTTGCCa 3' Energy: -15.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-31-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.06 2 15 5277 5297 13 69.23% 92.31% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1402 to 1421 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ucGAUACGGUCGUAGAACGGa 5' ||: | || :||||||| Ref: 5' acCTGAG-CATAGTCTTGCCg 3' Energy: -16.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-31-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -16.65 2 20 1402 1421 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:6367 to 6386 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ucgaUACGGUCGUAGAACGGa 5' ||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' gggaATG-GATAATCTTGCCt 3' Energy: -15.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-31-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.52 2 18 6367 6386 16 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11179 to 11201 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ucGAUACGGUCG--UAGAACGGa 5' :| ||::| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtTTTTGTTACCTTCTCTTGCCa 3' Energy: -13.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-31-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.84 2 20 11179 11201 20 60.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24620 to 24638 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucGAUACGGUCGUAGAACGGa 5' :| |||:| |||||||: Ref: 5' gcTTCTGCTA--ATCTTGCTg 3' Energy: -15.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-31-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.33 2 20 24620 24638 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-31-5p NC_045512.2 732.00 -76.40 150.00 -16.65 407 21 29903 5277 1402 6367 11179 24620 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-541-3p MIMAT0004920(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-541-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-518f-3p MIMAT0002842(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-518f-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19327 to 19347 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ggAGAUUUCUCUUCGCGAAAg 5' |:| :| | |||:||||| Ref: 5' gcTTTTGATAAAAGTGCTTTt 3' Energy: -16.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-518f-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.77 2 20 19327 19347 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:10892 to 10912 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ggagAUUUCUCUUCGCGAAAg 5' || |:| ||:||||| Ref: 5' accaTATTGGGTAGTGCTTTa 3' Energy: -16.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-518f-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.40 2 18 10892 10912 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:429 to 448 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ggaGAUUUCUCUUCGCGAAAg 5' :|:|| | |:|||:||| Ref: 5' aagTTGAA-AAAGGCGTTTTg 3' Energy: -10.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-518f-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.97 2 19 429 448 17 64.71% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-518f-3p NC_045512.2 428.00 -44.14 147.00 -16.77 409 21 29903 19327 10892 429 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6825-3p MIMAT0027551(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6825-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-126-5p MIMAT0000444(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-126-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25747 to 25767 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gcGCAUGGUUUUCAUUAUUAc 5' | | :||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaCTTTGTAAGAATAATAATg 3' Energy: -9.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-126-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -9.75 2 20 25747 25767 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8547 to 8570 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gcgCAUGGUUUU--C-AUUAUUAc 5' ||: :|||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' aggGTGGTAAAATTGTTAATAATt 3' Energy: -8.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-126-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -8.96 2 19 8547 8570 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:633 to 653 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gcGCAUGGUUUUCAUUAUUac 5' |||| || :||||||| Ref: 5' ttCGTAAGAACGGTAATAAag 3' Energy: -12.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-126-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.39 3 20 633 653 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:18410 to 18430 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gcgcAUGGUUUUCAUUAUUAc 5' |: :| | ||||||| Ref: 5' atgtTGATACACCTAATAATa 3' Energy: -3.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-126-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -3.99 2 18 18410 18430 16 62.50% 75.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:20761 to 20784 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gcgcAUGGUUUUC---AUUAUUAc 5' |||| |||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' acatTACCTAAAGGCATAATGATg 3' Energy: -13.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-126-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.49 2 18 20761 20784 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:6494 to 6515 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gcgcaUGGUU-UUCAUUAUUAc 5' ||||: || |||||:| Ref: 5' cttaaACCAGCAAATAATAGTt 3' Energy: -8.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-126-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -8.45 2 17 6494 6515 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7353 to 7372 Align Len (18) (55.56%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gcGCAUGGUUUUCAUUAUUAc 5' | || :: :: ||||||| Ref: 5' ggCTTA-TGTGGTTAATAATt 3' Energy: -4.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-126-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -4.13 2 20 7353 7372 18 55.56% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-126-5p NC_045512.2 1027.00 -61.16 155.00 -13.49 411 21 29903 25747 8547 633 18410 20761 6494 7353 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6770-3p MIMAT0027441(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6770-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:15164 to 15185 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gacACUUCUG-UGUCGGCGGUc 5' |||| | |:|||||||| Ref: 5' tatTGAAATCAATAGCCGCCAc 3' Energy: -21.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6770-3p NC_045512.2 161.00 -21.41 2 19 15164 15185 18 77.78% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6770-3p NC_045512.2 161.00 -21.41 161.00 -21.41 412 21 29903 15164 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4420 MIMAT0018933(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4420 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:18105 to 18126 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gaGUCGAUGUCUGUAGUCACug 5' || ||||| || |||||| Ref: 5' ggCACCTACACACCTCAGTGtt 3' Energy: -19.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4420 NC_045512.2 156.00 -19.21 3 21 18105 18126 18 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7646 to 7666 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gaGUCGAUGUCUGUAGUCACUg 5' :|| |||| :||:||||| Ref: 5' ggTAG-TACATTTATTAGTGAt 3' Energy: -18.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4420 NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.46 2 21 7646 7666 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9631 to 9650 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gaGUCGAUGUCUGUAGUCACUg 5' :||| ||| |: ||||||: Ref: 5' ttTAGC-ACATAT-TCAGTGGa 3' Energy: -18.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4420 NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.12 2 21 9631 9650 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:11579 to 11600 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gaGUCGAUGUCUGUAGUCACug 5' ::|: |:| || |||||| Ref: 5' acTGGTAATACACTTCAGTGta 3' Energy: -13.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4420 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.72 3 21 11579 11600 18 61.11% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4420 NC_045512.2 582.00 -69.51 156.00 -19.21 413 22 29903 18105 7646 9631 11579 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1258 MIMAT0005909(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1258 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9142 to 9164 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' aaGGUGCUGGAUU--AGGAUUGa 5' |:|: |:: || ||||||| Ref: 5' ctCTATTATTCAATTTCCTAACa 3' Energy: -11.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1258 NC_045512.2 150.00 -11.48 2 20 9142 9164 20 60.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:10327 to 10346 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' aagGUGCUGGAUUAGGAUUga 5' :|| :|| |||||||| Ref: 5' tgaTACAGCC-AATCCTAAga 3' Energy: -14.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1258 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.82 3 19 10327 10346 16 75.00% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1258 NC_045512.2 290.00 -26.30 150.00 -14.82 414 21 29903 9142 10327 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-488-5p MIMAT0002804(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-488-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3138 MIMAT0015006(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3138 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:18866 to 18889 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' ugagggagAUGGAGUGACAGGUGu 5' |::|| :|||||||| Ref: 5' tgactaggTGTCTAGCTGTCCACg 3' Energy: -23.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3138 NC_045512.2 160.00 -23.57 2 17 18866 18889 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:10150 to 10173 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' ugagggagAUGGAGUGACAGGUgu 5' || :|:|||||||| Ref: 5' tgatgacgTAGTTTACTGTCCAag 3' Energy: -19.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3138 NC_045512.2 144.00 -19.21 3 17 10150 10173 14 78.57% 92.86% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3138 NC_045512.2 304.00 -42.78 160.00 -23.57 416 24 29903 18866 10150 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4662b MIMAT0019736(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4662b vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:162 to 183 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uaaaUCGGUUAACAGGUAGAAa 5' ||: | | |||:||||| Ref: 5' cacgAGTAACTCGTCTATCTTc 3' Energy: -12.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4662b NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.50 2 19 162 183 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:7754 to 7775 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uaaaucgguuaacAGGUAGAAa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' aagaatggttccaTCCATCTTt 3' Energy: -14.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4662b NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.21 2 10 7754 7775 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21964 to 21984 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uaAAUCGGUUAACAGGUAGAAa 5' || | :||| |||||:|| Ref: 5' atTTTG-TAATGATCCATTTTt 3' Energy: -12.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4662b NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.05 2 21 21964 21984 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:25696 to 25717 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uaaaucGGUUAACAGGUAGAAa 5' || || ||:||||| Ref: 5' gaagccCCTTTTCTCTATCTTt 3' Energy: -14.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4662b NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.68 2 17 25696 25717 15 73.33% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4662b NC_045512.2 573.00 -53.44 146.00 -14.68 417 22 29903 162 7754 21964 25696 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6881-3p MIMAT0027663(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6881-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:3874 to 3895 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ucacccuuccuGCUUUCUCCUa 5' | |||||||| Ref: 5' cgctgagattcCTAAAGAGGAa 3' Energy: -10.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6881-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.42 2 12 3874 3895 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:27650 to 27669 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucacccuucCUGCUUUCUCCUa 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgttcatcaGAC--AAGAGGAa 3' Energy: -11.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6881-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.45 2 14 27650 27669 12 83.33% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6881-3p NC_045512.2 289.00 -21.87 147.00 -11.45 418 22 29903 3874 27650 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3142 MIMAT0015011(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3142 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1583 to 1603 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (88.89%) Query: 3' agaCUUCCAAGUCUUUCCGGAa 5' |||||||| | ||||:|| Ref: 5' ggaGAAGGTTCCG-AAGGTCTt 3' Energy: -24.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3142 NC_045512.2 157.00 -24.22 2 20 1583 1603 18 83.33% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3142 NC_045512.2 157.00 -24.22 157.00 -24.22 419 22 29903 1583 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6775-3p MIMAT0027451(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6775-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6864-5p MIMAT0027628(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6864-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24748 to 24773 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccguaUAGACUGA--ACAGGGAAGUu 5' || ||||| ||||||| || Ref: 5' cttgcATGTGACTTATGTCCCTGCAc 3' Energy: -22.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6864-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -22.79 2 20 24748 24773 20 80.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6864-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -22.79 142.00 -22.79 421 24 29903 24748 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6721-5p MIMAT0025852(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6721-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17424 to 17447 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gaggAUGUUAUU-CGGGGACGGGu 5' |||| |:: | ||||||:| Ref: 5' tgtgTACATTGGCGACCCTGCTCa 3' Energy: -22.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6721-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -22.44 2 20 17424 17447 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:23224 to 23246 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' gaGGAUGUUAUUCGGGGACGGGu 5' |: |||| |||:::|||||: Ref: 5' gtCTAACAAAAAGTTTCTGCCTt 3' Energy: -23.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6721-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -23.85 2 22 23224 23246 20 65.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:13032 to 13053 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gagGAUGUUAUUCGGGGACGGgu 5' | |||: |||: |||||| Ref: 5' atgCAACAG-AAGTGCCTGCCaa 3' Energy: -21.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6721-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -21.26 3 21 13032 13053 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:26996 to 27018 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gaggaUGUUAUUCGGGGACGGGu 5' ||| ||| ||||||: Ref: 5' ctgtgACATCAAGGACCTGCCTa 3' Energy: -21.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6721-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -21.52 2 19 26996 27018 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21793 to 21813 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gaggAUGUUAUUCGGGGACGGGu 5' | ::|||| |||||:|| Ref: 5' gaggTTTGATAA--CCCTGTCCt 3' Energy: -17.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6721-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.08 2 20 21793 21813 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6721-5p NC_045512.2 715.00 -106.15 146.00 -23.85 422 23 29903 17424 23224 13032 26996 21793 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6782-3p MIMAT0027465(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6782-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2710 to 2734 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' acgUCCUACCCCUG--UGUUUCCAc 5' ||| | | || |||||||| Ref: 5' caaAGGCGGTGCACCAACAAAGGTt 3' Energy: -16.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6782-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -16.29 2 21 2710 2734 21 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:5827 to 5849 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' acguccuaccCCUGUGUUUCCAc 5' | |:|||||||| Ref: 5' aaagtcctcaGAATACAAAGGTc 3' Energy: -12.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6782-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -12.92 2 14 5827 5849 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:3619 to 3641 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acguccuaccccugUGUUUCCAc 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' cggcccaaatgttaACAAAGGTg 3' Energy: -16.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6782-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.35 2 10 3619 3641 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:24863 to 24885 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' acGUCCUACCCCUGUGUUUCCac 5' | || | | ||||||||| Ref: 5' caCTGGTTTGTAACACAAAGGaa 3' Energy: -17.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6782-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.19 3 22 24863 24885 19 73.68% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6782-3p NC_045512.2 598.00 -62.75 155.00 -17.19 423 23 29903 2710 5827 3619 24863 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7106-5p MIMAT0028109(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7106-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-139-3p MIMAT0004552(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-139-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-554 MIMAT0003217(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-554 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:20366 to 20384 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugaccGACUCAGUCCUGAUCg 5' |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' atctaCTGATT--GGACTAGc 3' Energy: -19.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-554 NC_045512.2 149.00 -19.74 2 17 20366 20384 15 80.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-554 NC_045512.2 149.00 -19.74 149.00 -19.74 426 21 29903 20366 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-491-3p MIMAT0004765(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-491-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17941 to 17963 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' caUCUUCCCU-UAGAACGUAUUc 5' || ||| | | :|||||||| Ref: 5' aaAGTAGGCATACTTTGCATAAt 3' Energy: -12.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-491-3p NC_045512.2 163.00 -12.59 2 21 17941 17963 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:16277 to 16298 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' caUCUUCCCUUAGAACGUAUuc 5' ||| | |: |||||||| Ref: 5' taAGATGTGGTGCTTGCATAcg 3' Energy: -16.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-491-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.46 3 21 16277 16298 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-491-3p NC_045512.2 307.00 -29.05 163.00 -16.46 427 22 29903 17941 16277 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4778-3p MIMAT0019937(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4778-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3164 to 3186 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' aguUGAGACGUU-UCCUUCUUCu 5' :|||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gctGCTCTTCAACCTGAAGAAGa 3' Energy: -18.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4778-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -18.87 2 20 3164 3186 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:3064 to 3084 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' aguugaGACGUUUCCUUCUUCu 5' :||::|| ||||||| Ref: 5' aggtgaTTGTGAA-GAAGAAGa 3' Energy: -14.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4778-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -14.95 2 17 3064 3084 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:29378 to 29399 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' aguugagacgUUUCCUUCUUCu 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaaaggacaAAAAGAAGAAGg 3' Energy: -12.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4778-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -12.78 2 13 29378 29399 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:3042 to 3063 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' aguugagACGUUUCCUUCUUCu 5' || ::| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctccagaTGAGGATGAAGAAGa 3' Energy: -14.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4778-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.51 2 16 3042 3063 14 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12188 to 12212 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' aguUGAG-ACGUUUC--CUUCUUCu 5' ::|| | |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gttGTTCTTAAAAAGTTGAAGAAGt 3' Energy: -14.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4778-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -14.27 2 20 12188 12212 21 66.67% 76.19% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3393 to 3411 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agUUGAGACGUUUCCUUCUUCu 5' :|| :||: |||||||| Ref: 5' caGACATTGT---GGAAGAAGc 3' Energy: -14.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4778-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.92 2 21 3393 3411 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:3179 to 3198 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' aguugagaCGUUUCCUUCUUCu 5' |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gaagaagaGCAA--GAAGAAGa 3' Energy: -13.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4778-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.82 2 15 3179 3198 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:4629 to 4650 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aguugagacguuuCCUUCUUCu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' atggcttaaatttGGAAGAAGc 3' Energy: -14.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4778-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.13 2 10 4629 4650 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3962 to 3981 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agUUGAGACGUUUCCUUCUUCu 5' |:|| ||: : ||||||| Ref: 5' aaAGCT-TGT-GTTGAAGAAGt 3' Energy: -13.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4778-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.37 2 21 3962 3981 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6397 to 6417 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (68.42%) Query: 3' agUUGAGACGUUUCCUUCUUCu 5' ||| | |: ||||||| Ref: 5' aaAAC-CAGTCTCTGAAGAAGt 3' Energy: -13.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4778-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.42 2 21 6397 6417 19 63.16% 68.42% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:9777 to 9798 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aguugagacguuucCUUCUUCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cctttagtacttttGAAGAAGc 3' Energy: -10.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4778-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.83 2 9 9777 9798 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:18254 to 18275 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aguugagacguuucCUUCUUCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtttatcacccgcGAAGAAGc 3' Energy: -10.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4778-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.48 2 9 18254 18275 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4778-3p NC_045512.2 1770.00 -166.35 158.00 -18.87 428 22 29903 3164 3064 29378 3042 12188 3393 3179 4629 3962 6397 9777 18254 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4659a-5p MIMAT0019726(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4659a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 172.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26508 to 26529 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' caAAAGAAGAAUCUGUACCGUc 5' ||| |:|||| ||||||| Ref: 5' acTTTAATTTTAGCCATGGCAg 3' Energy: -20.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4659a-5p NC_045512.2 172.00 -20.74 2 21 26508 26529 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:28434 to 28455 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' caaaAGA-AGAAUCUGUACCGUc 5' ||| || | |||||||| Ref: 5' ccgcTCTCACTCA-ACATGGCAa 3' Energy: -12.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4659a-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -12.57 2 19 28434 28455 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:18586 to 18608 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' caAAAGAAGAAUC-UGUACCGuc 5' | |||| | :| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTGTCTTATGGGCACATGGCtt 3' Energy: -15.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4659a-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.44 3 21 18586 18608 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23813 to 23835 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' caAAAGAAGAAU-CUGUACCGUc 5' | |:|| ||: |:|||||| Ref: 5' aaTCTTTTGTTGCAATATGGCAg 3' Energy: -18.549999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4659a-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.55 2 21 23813 23835 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:5703 to 5724 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' caaaagaaGAAUCUGUACCGUc 5' |||| :|||||:| Ref: 5' agtatgaaCTTAAGCATGGTAc 3' Energy: -13.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4659a-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.71 2 15 5703 5724 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:1240 to 1261 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' caaaagaagaaucuGUACCGUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgtggtgaaacttCATGGCAg 3' Energy: -15.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4659a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.49 2 9 1240 1261 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:26881 to 26902 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' caaaagaagaaucuGUACCGUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tcaacgtgccactcCATGGCAc 3' Energy: -9.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4659a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.83 2 9 26881 26902 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4659a-5p NC_045512.2 1031.00 -106.33 172.00 -20.74 429 22 29903 26508 28434 18586 23813 5703 1240 26881 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6882-3p MIMAT0027665(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6882-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:28788 to 28811 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gaCGUCCGUUCUCCUCUCCGUCGu 5' |||| ::||| ||||||:|| Ref: 5' acGCAGAAGGGAGCAGAGGCGGCa 3' Energy: -33.330002 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6882-3p NC_045512.2 162.00 -33.33 2 23 28788 28811 21 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:10612 to 10636 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (76.19%) Query: 3' gacGUCCG-UUCUCCUCUCCGUCGu 5' ||||| || || | | ||||| Ref: 5' tgaCAGGCAAACAGCACAAGCAGCt 3' Energy: -19.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6882-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.21 2 22 10612 10636 21 76.19% 76.19% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:28854 to 28877 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacguccguucuccucUCCGUCGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' caagaaattcaactccAGGCAGCa 3' Energy: -15.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6882-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.36 2 9 28854 28877 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6882-3p NC_045512.2 442.00 -67.90 162.00 -33.33 430 24 29903 28788 10612 28854 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4261 MIMAT0016890(16 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4261 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:4685 to 4700 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' accCAGGGACAAAGGa 5' ||::|||||||: Ref: 5' acaGTTTCTGTTTCTt 3' Energy: -16.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4261 NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.92 2 14 4685 4700 12 75.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:9764 to 9779 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acccagggACAAAGGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tttaatggTGTTTCCt 3' Energy: -11.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4261 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.58 2 9 9764 9779 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4261 NC_045512.2 281.00 -28.50 141.00 -16.92 431 16 29903 4685 9764 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6754-5p MIMAT0027408(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6754-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-376c-3p MIMAT0000720(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-376c-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:7265 to 7285 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' ugcaccUUAAAGGAGAUACAa 5' |: ||::||||||| Ref: 5' ttcactAGGTTTTTCTATGTa 3' Energy: -12.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376c-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -12.14 2 16 7265 7285 14 71.43% 92.86% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:24296 to 24316 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (92.86%) Query: 3' ugcacCUUAAAGGAGAUACaa 5' |||| |:||||||| Ref: 5' acacaGAATGTTCTCTATGag 3' Energy: -15.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376c-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -15.39 3 17 24296 24316 14 85.71% 92.86% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11530 to 11550 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ugCACCUUAAAGGAGAUACAa 5' | || ||| ::|:||||| Ref: 5' caGAGGTATTGTTTTTATGTg 3' Energy: -11.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376c-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.80 2 20 11530 11550 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:19914 to 19934 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ugcACCUUAAAGGAGAUACaa 5' ||| :||| :|||||| Ref: 5' tatTGGTGTTTGTTCTATGac 3' Energy: -15.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376c-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.12 3 19 19914 19934 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:18650 to 18670 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ugcaccuuAAAGGAGAUACAa 5' | |: ||||||| Ref: 5' agcgcaccTGTTGTCTATGTg 3' Energy: -10.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376c-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -10.53 2 14 18650 18670 12 75.00% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7552 to 7573 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ugcACCUUAAAGG-AGAUACAa 5' | ||| ||| |:||||| Ref: 5' tgtTAGAAGGTCCTTTTATGTc 3' Energy: -13.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376c-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.55 2 19 7552 7573 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-376c-3p NC_045512.2 882.00 -78.53 155.00 -15.39 433 21 29903 7265 24296 11530 19914 18650 7552 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-12114 MIMAT0049008(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-12114 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:4884 to 4903 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cuGGAGUGUG-GAGGUGGAc 5' ||| ||| :||||||| Ref: 5' atCCTACCACATTCCACCTa 3' Energy: -20.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12114 NC_045512.2 156.00 -20.82 2 18 4884 4903 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:5327 to 5345 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuggaguguggAGGUGGAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgaagtttaaTCCACCTg 3' Energy: -17.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12114 NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.65 2 9 5327 5345 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-12114 NC_045512.2 296.00 -38.47 156.00 -20.82 434 19 29903 4884 5327 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6826-3p MIMAT0027553(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6826-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6867-3p MIMAT0027635(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6867-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:2480 to 2500 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaucacccauuUCUCCCUCUc 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' attatcttcttAGAGGGAGAa 3' Energy: -16.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6867-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.11 2 11 2480 2500 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:29761 to 29783 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' gaUCACCCAUUUC--UCCCUCUc 5' |||| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' acAGTGAACAATGCTAGGGAGAg 3' Energy: -18.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6867-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -18.93 2 20 29761 29783 20 70.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:29685 to 29707 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gaUCACCCAUU-U-CUCCCUCUc 5' |||| |||| | ||||||: Ref: 5' tcAGTGTGTAACATTAGGGAGGa 3' Energy: -18.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6867-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.81 2 20 29685 29707 20 75.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6867-3p NC_045512.2 445.00 -53.85 150.00 -18.93 436 21 29903 2480 29761 29685 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-30b-5p MIMAT0000420(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-30b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:4960 to 4981 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' ucgacucacAUCCUACAAAUGu 5' || |:||||||| Ref: 5' gaggactatTAAGGTGTTTACa 3' Energy: -13.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30b-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -13.75 2 14 4960 4981 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3435 to 3458 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' ucgACUCACAUC--CUACAAAUGu 5' | | || || |||||||| Ref: 5' ttgTTAATGCAGCCAATGTTTACc 3' Energy: -8.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30b-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -8.58 2 20 3435 3458 20 70.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:9340 to 9361 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucgacucacAUCCUACAAAUGu 5' || |||||||| Ref: 5' tttacttacTAATATGTTTACa 3' Energy: -9.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30b-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -9.39 2 14 9340 9361 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:10412 to 10433 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucgacucacaucCUACAAAUGu 5' |:||||||| Ref: 5' ggttcaccatctGGTGTTTACc 3' Energy: -10.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30b-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -10.04 2 11 10412 10433 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11679 to 11699 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucGACUCACAUCCUACAAAUGu 5' |||| | | || ||||||: Ref: 5' gaCTGACTCTTGG-TGTTTATg 3' Energy: -12.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30b-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.77 2 21 11679 11699 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:16847 to 16870 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' ucgacUCACAUC--CUACAAAUGu 5' :||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' actatGGTGATGCTGTTGTTTACc 3' Energy: -10.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30b-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -10.17 2 18 16847 16870 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:23493 to 23514 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ucgacuCACAUCCUACAAAUgu 5' ||| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' aaacacGTGCAGGCTGTTTAat 3' Energy: -12.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30b-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.27 3 17 23493 23514 14 85.71% 85.71% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26714 to 26736 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' ucGACUCACAU-CCUACAAAUGu 5' :|| | |: | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTTGTGCTTGCTGCTGTTTACa 3' Energy: -10.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30b-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.28 2 21 26714 26736 20 60.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:21974 to 21995 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ucgacUCACAUCCUACAAAUGu 5' | | | ||:||||||: Ref: 5' gatccATTTTTGGGTGTTTATt 3' Energy: -11.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30b-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.79 2 18 21974 21995 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:7925 to 7946 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucgacucacauccuACAAAUGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gcaaaatcagcgtcTGTTTACt 3' Energy: -6.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.56 2 9 7925 7946 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:11643 to 11664 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucgacucacauccuACAAAUGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' actttggcctctttTGTTTACt 3' Energy: -7.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.96 2 9 11643 11664 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:19696 to 19717 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucgacucacauccuACAAAUGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atcattaataacacTGTTTACa 3' Energy: -7.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.55 2 9 19696 19717 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:28126 to 28147 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucgacucacauccuACAAAUGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' attatacagtttccTGTTTACc 3' Energy: -6.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.39 2 9 28126 28147 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-30b-5p NC_045512.2 1876.00 -127.50 153.00 -13.75 437 22 29903 4960 3435 9340 10412 11679 16847 23493 26714 21974 7925 11643 19696 28126 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5687 MIMAT0022478(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5687 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20374 to 20396 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' uaAACUGG--GAUUUUGCAAGAUu 5' | |||: || |||||||:|| Ref: 5' atTGGACTAGCT-AAACGTTTTAa 3' Energy: -16.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5687 NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.99 2 21 20374 20396 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:980 to 1002 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' uaAACUG-GGAUUUUGCAAGAUu 5' |||:: | ::||||||||: Ref: 5' gcTTGGTACACGGAACGTTCTGa 3' Energy: -18.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5687 NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.39 2 21 980 1002 20 60.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:17643 to 17664 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uaaacUGGGAUUUUGCAAGAUu 5' :|::|||||:|||:|| Ref: 5' tcaatGCTTTAAAATGTTTTAt 3' Energy: -15.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5687 NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.41 2 18 17643 17664 16 68.75% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:28187 to 28208 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uaaacugggauuuuGCAAGAUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtagtgcgttgttCGTTCTAt 3' Energy: -12.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5687 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.38 2 9 28187 28208 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5687 NC_045512.2 569.00 -63.17 145.00 -18.39 438 22 29903 20374 980 17643 28187 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-9-3p MIMAT0000442(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-9-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12640 to 12659 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ugAAAGCCAAUAGAUCGAAAUa 5' || : | || | ||||||| Ref: 5' tcTTATTG-TAAC-AGCTTTAa 3' Energy: -7.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -7.49 2 21 12640 12659 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:22211 to 22232 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ugaaagCCAAUAGAUCGAAAUa 5' |||| |: :|||||| Ref: 5' cctcagGGTTTTTCGGCTTTAg 3' Energy: -11.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.89 2 17 22211 22232 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:27427 to 27447 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (84.62%) Query: 3' ugaaagccAAUAGAUCGAAAUa 5' ||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctcgctacTTGT-GAGCTTTAt 3' Energy: -11.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.04 2 15 27427 27447 13 76.92% 84.62% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:24419 to 24440 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ugaaagccaauaGAUCGAAAUa 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaccaaaatgcaCAAGCTTTAa 3' Energy: -6.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -6.50 2 11 24419 24440 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21686 to 21707 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ugAAAGCCAAUAGAUCGAAAUa 5' |||| | | : ||:|||| Ref: 5' gtTTTCAGATCCTCAGTTTTAc 3' Energy: -7.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.91 2 21 21686 21707 19 63.16% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-9-3p NC_045512.2 714.00 -44.83 144.00 -11.89 439 22 29903 12640 22211 27427 24419 21686 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6858-3p MIMAT0027617(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6858-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:24039 to 24060 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' uccccacuCGUCCCCGACCGAc 5' |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgacacttGCAGATGCTGGCTt 3' Energy: -18.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6858-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -18.91 2 15 24039 24060 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19536 to 19556 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' uccCCACUCGUCCCCGACCGAc 5' | ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' catGATGATC-TCAGCTGGCTt 3' Energy: -12.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6858-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.90 2 20 19536 19556 18 66.67% 66.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:25212 to 25233 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uccccacucgucccCGACCGAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ggctaggttttataGCTGGCTt 3' Energy: -14.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6858-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.47 2 9 25212 25233 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6858-3p NC_045512.2 435.00 -46.28 154.00 -18.91 440 22 29903 24039 19536 25212 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4697-5p MIMAT0019791(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4697-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-2681-3p MIMAT0013516(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-2681-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18814 to 18835 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (89.47%) Query: 3' caCGAAAUGGUUGAGGUACUAu 5' |: ||::||| ||||||:| Ref: 5' ctGTATTGTCAAGTCCATGGTa 3' Energy: -22.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2681-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -22.62 2 21 18814 18835 19 68.42% 89.47% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:18791 to 18814 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' cacgaaAUGGUU-G-AGGUACUAu 5' ||| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtaaccTACAAAGCAACCATGATc 3' Energy: -10.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2681-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -10.63 2 17 18791 18814 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:18192 to 18213 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' cacgaaauGGUUGAGGUACUAu 5' :|| |||:||||| Ref: 5' tagaagacTCATCTCTATGATg 3' Energy: -16.280001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2681-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.28 2 15 18192 18213 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24792 to 24815 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' caCGA-AAUGGUUGA-GGUACUAu 5' ||| |:||| :| :|||||| Ref: 5' ctGCTCCTGCCATTTGTCATGATg 3' Energy: -20.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2681-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -20.04 2 21 24792 24815 21 66.67% 80.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-2681-3p NC_045512.2 586.00 -69.57 156.00 -22.62 442 22 29903 18814 18791 18192 24792 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3684 MIMAT0018112(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3684 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:15747 to 15766 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uuccUGCACAUGAUCCAGAUu 5' :| | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttatGCATCT-CAAGGTCTAg 3' Energy: -12.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3684 NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.21 2 18 15747 15766 16 68.75% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3684 NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.21 143.00 -12.21 443 21 29903 15747 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-634 MIMAT0003304(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-634 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:20857 to 20878 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' cagguuucAACCCCACGACCAa 5' || ||||||||| Ref: 5' gttatacaTTTTGGTGCTGGTt 3' Energy: -18.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-634 NC_045512.2 154.00 -18.91 2 15 20857 20878 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11788 to 11810 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' caGGUUUCA-ACCCCACGACCAa 5' ::||| | | |||||:|||| Ref: 5' caTTAAATTGTTGGGTGTTGGTg 3' Energy: -20.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-634 NC_045512.2 151.00 -20.91 2 21 11788 11810 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:872 to 893 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cagguuucaacccCACGACCAa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' gaccttctagcacGTGCTGGTa 3' Energy: -15.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-634 NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.65 2 10 872 893 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:7628 to 7649 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cagguuucaacccCACGACCAa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tgtgatacattctGTGCTGGTa 3' Energy: -14.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-634 NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.78 2 10 7628 7649 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4772 to 4793 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cagguuucaaccccACGACCAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gaaaccatctcactTGCTGGTt 3' Energy: -14.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-634 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.91 2 9 4772 4793 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:14020 to 14041 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cagguuucaaccccACGACCAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gatgccatgcgaaaTGCTGGTa 3' Energy: -13.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-634 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.53 2 9 14020 14041 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:16570 to 16591 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cagguuucaaccccACGACCAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtgactggacaaaTGCTGGTg 3' Energy: -12.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-634 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.42 2 9 16570 16591 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-634 NC_045512.2 1015.00 -111.11 154.00 -20.91 444 22 29903 20857 11788 872 7628 4772 14020 16570 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-208a-5p MIMAT0026474(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-208a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28610 to 28631 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' caUAUUGGGCCCGGUUUUCGAg 5' | :| |:||||||:||||| Ref: 5' ctAGGAACTGGGCCAGAAGCTg 3' Energy: -27.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-208a-5p NC_045512.2 160.00 -27.02 2 21 28610 28631 19 73.68% 89.47% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17739 to 17764 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (73.91%) Query: 3' caUAUUGGG-C---CCGGUUUUCGAg 5' :|||||| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' acGTAACCCTGCTTGGAGAAAAGCTg 3' Energy: -18.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-208a-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -18.50 2 21 17739 17764 23 69.57% 73.91% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18257 to 18277 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' caUAUUGGGCCCGGUUUUCGAg 5' || ||||| | |:||||| Ref: 5' ttATCACCCGCG-AAGAAGCTa 3' Energy: -18.559999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-208a-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.56 2 21 18257 18277 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:21120 to 21141 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cauauugggcccgGUUUUCGAg 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tgggtttatacaaCAAAAGCTa 3' Energy: -14.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-208a-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.24 2 10 21120 21141 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24105 to 24127 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cauAUUGGGCCCG-GUUUUCGAg 5' | |:::| || ||||||:| Ref: 5' accTCATTTGTGCACAAAAGTTt 3' Energy: -14.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-208a-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.02 2 20 24105 24127 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:1123 to 1144 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cauauugggcccggUUUUCGAg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aagggttgaaaagaAAAAGCTt 3' Energy: -11.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-208a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.49 2 9 1123 1144 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:1793 to 1814 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cauauugggcccggUUUUCGAg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aaagttacaaaaggAAAAGCTa 3' Energy: -8.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-208a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.55 2 9 1793 1814 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:26549 to 26570 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cauauugggcccggUUUUCGAg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cgttgaagagcttaAAAAGCTc 3' Energy: -11.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-208a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.14 2 9 26549 26570 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28764 to 28785 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' caUAUUGGGCCCGGUUUUCGAg 5' | ||| : | | |||:||| Ref: 5' gaACAACATTGCCAAAAGGCTt 3' Energy: -13.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-208a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.35 2 21 28764 28785 19 63.16% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-208a-5p NC_045512.2 1307.00 -136.87 160.00 -27.02 445 22 29903 28610 17739 18257 21120 24105 1123 1793 26549 28764 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-12133 MIMAT0049027(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-12133 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4208 to 4230 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' acaUGAAA-AAUUACCACGGUUc 5' :|||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaGCTTTGAGAAAAGTGCCAAc 3' Energy: -13.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12133 NC_045512.2 150.00 -13.36 2 20 4208 4230 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28630 to 28651 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' acaUGAAAAAUUACCACGGUUc 5' |||| |||||||:|| Ref: 5' tggACTTCCCTATGGTGCTAAc 3' Energy: -16.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12133 NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.87 2 20 28630 28651 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23328 to 23350 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (95.00%) Query: 3' acAUGA-AAAAUUACCACGGUUc 5' |::| ||||::|||||:||: Ref: 5' caTGTTCTTTTGGTGGTGTCAGt 3' Energy: -21.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12133 NC_045512.2 143.00 -21.61 2 21 23328 23350 20 65.00% 95.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16471 to 16494 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' acAUGAAAA-AUUAC-CACGGUUc 5' || |||| | || ||||:|| Ref: 5' atTAGTTTTCCATTGTGTGCTAAt 3' Energy: -9.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12133 NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.00 2 21 16471 16494 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:3137 to 3160 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' acauGAAAAAUU--ACCACGGUuc 5' |||| || |||||||| Ref: 5' aaacCTTTGGAATTTGGTGCCAct 3' Energy: -15.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12133 NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.54 3 19 3137 3160 18 77.78% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-12133 NC_045512.2 723.00 -76.38 150.00 -21.61 446 22 29903 4208 28630 23328 16471 3137 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-567 MIMAT0003231(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-567 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:8642 to 8665 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' caAG-ACAGGACCUUCUUGUAUGa 5' || |||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' gtTCATGTCATGTCTAAACATACt 3' Energy: -18.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-567 NC_045512.2 156.00 -18.08 2 22 8642 8665 21 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27492 to 27514 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' caaGACAGGACCUUCUUGUAUGa 5' :|| :|| :|||||||| Ref: 5' accTTGCTCTTCTGGAACATACg 3' Energy: -17.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-567 NC_045512.2 156.00 -17.53 2 21 27492 27514 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:15349 to 15369 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' caAGACAGGACCUUCUUGUAUGa 5' ||| | || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtTCT-TGCTCGCA-AACATACa 3' Energy: -11.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-567 NC_045512.2 153.00 -11.09 2 22 15349 15369 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:15869 to 15891 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' caagacaggaccuucUUGUAUGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atgaattttgctctcAACATACa 3' Energy: -10.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-567 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.79 2 9 15869 15891 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-567 NC_045512.2 605.00 -57.49 156.00 -18.08 447 23 29903 8642 27492 15349 15869 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3191-3p MIMAT0015075(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3191-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:1170 to 1192 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' gaCAGACCGGUCGAUGCAGGGGu 5' |||| ||||:|:|||| || Ref: 5' ctGTCTATCCAGTTGCGTCACCa 3' Energy: -34.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3191-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -34.16 2 22 1170 1192 20 75.00% 85.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3191-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -34.16 149.00 -34.16 448 23 29903 1170 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4524b-5p MIMAT0022255(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4524b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:14769 to 14789 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cucugUCCGAAUACGACGAUa 5' | | | ||||||||| Ref: 5' tcaggATGGTAATGCTGCTAt 3' Energy: -20.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4524b-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -20.75 2 17 14769 14789 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5372 to 5391 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cuCUGUCCGAAUACGACGAUa 5' |:| || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' agGGCTGG-TGAAGCTGCTAa 3' Energy: -17.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4524b-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -17.94 2 20 5372 5391 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:17909 to 17930 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cucUGUCCGAA-UACGACGAUa 5' |||| :|| |||:||||| Ref: 5' taaACAGATTTAATGTTGCTAt 3' Energy: -19.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4524b-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -19.13 2 19 17909 17930 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8447 to 8466 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cucUGUCCGAAUACGACGAUa 5' |:| | | :|||||||| Ref: 5' caaATACG-TAGTGCTGCTAa 3' Energy: -12.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4524b-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -12.64 2 19 8447 8466 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:2619 to 2639 Align Len (16) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cucUGUCCGAAUACGACGAua 5' ||:||||||||:|||| Ref: 5' ttaACGGGCTTATGTTGCTcg 3' Energy: -26.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4524b-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -26.46 3 19 2619 2639 16 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:13078 to 13098 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cucuguccgaaUACGACGAUa 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' ttttgctgtagATGCTGCTAa 3' Energy: -16.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4524b-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.10 2 11 13078 13098 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:8601 to 8622 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' cucuguccGAAU-ACGACGAUa 5' :||: |||||||| Ref: 5' tgttccttTTTGTTGCTGCTAt 3' Energy: -14.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4524b-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.01 2 14 8601 8622 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19846 to 19865 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cucUGUCCGAAUACGACGAUa 5' :::| | | |||||||| Ref: 5' ggtGTGGACAT-TGCTGCTAa 3' Energy: -14.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4524b-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.73 2 19 19846 19865 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14550 to 14570 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cucUGUCCGAAUACGACGAUa 5' || |: |||||||||: Ref: 5' attACTTGTGTATGCTGCTGa 3' Energy: -17.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4524b-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.04 2 19 14550 14570 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:24082 to 24102 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (76.92%) Query: 3' cucugucCGAAUACGACGAUa 5' | | |||||||| Ref: 5' ccttggtGATATTGCTGCTAg 3' Energy: -14.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4524b-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.15 2 15 24082 24102 13 76.92% 76.92% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:24622 to 24642 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cucuguccgaauACGACGAUa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ttctgctaatctTGCTGCTAc 3' Energy: -12.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4524b-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.59 2 10 24622 24642 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:6634 to 6657 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cucuGU-CCGAAU--ACGACGAUa 5' || ||:||| |||||:|| Ref: 5' tactCATGGTTTAGCTGCTGTTAa 3' Energy: -19.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4524b-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -19.54 2 18 6634 6657 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:4696 to 4716 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' cucuguccGAAUACGACGAUa 5' || ||||||:|| Ref: 5' ttcttcacCTGATGCTGTTAc 3' Energy: -12.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4524b-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.04 2 14 4696 4716 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:28924 to 28943 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' cucugucCGAAUACGACGAUa 5' |||| |||||||: Ref: 5' tgctcttGCTT-TGCTGCTGc 3' Energy: -16.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4524b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.79 2 15 28924 28943 13 84.62% 92.31% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4524b-5p NC_045512.2 2071.00 -233.91 156.00 -26.46 449 21 29903 14769 5372 17909 8447 2619 13078 8601 19846 14550 24082 24622 6634 4696 28924 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6726-5p MIMAT0027353(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6726-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12098 to 12117 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ugGACGUCUGGGGUCGAGGGc 5' || |||| :::||:|||| Ref: 5' gcCT-CAGAGTTTAGTTCCCt 3' Energy: -26.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6726-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -26.69 2 20 12098 12117 18 66.67% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6726-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -26.69 145.00 -26.69 450 21 29903 12098 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6797-3p MIMAT0027495(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6797-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:18308 to 18327 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cacccCUCCCUUCCCAGUACGu 5' ||||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' atgtcGAGGG--GTGTCATGCt 3' Energy: -22.549999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6797-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -22.55 2 18 18308 18327 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:21311 to 21332 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (68.75%) Query: 3' cacccCUCCCUUCCCAGUACGu 5' || || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaataGATGGTTATGTCATGCa 3' Energy: -15.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6797-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.82 2 18 21311 21332 16 68.75% 68.75% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:15424 to 15446 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cacccCUC-CCUUCCCAGUACGu 5' ||| | || |||||||: Ref: 5' gtattGAGTGAAATGGTCATGTg 3' Energy: -15.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6797-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.61 2 18 15424 15446 17 76.47% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6797-3p NC_045512.2 443.00 -53.98 154.00 -22.55 451 22 29903 18308 21311 15424 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-2052 MIMAT0009977(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-2052 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:15792 to 15811 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' uguaauGACAAUAGUUUUGu 5' :| |||||||||| Ref: 5' agttctTTATTATCAAAACa 3' Energy: -11.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2052 NC_045512.2 158.00 -11.87 2 15 15792 15811 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:23975 to 23997 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ugUAAU-GACAA--UAGUUUUGu 5' |||| | | | |||||||| Ref: 5' atATTACCAGATCCATCAAAACc 3' Energy: -10.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2052 NC_045512.2 152.00 -10.14 2 19 23975 23997 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:8951 to 8970 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguaaugacaaUAGUUUUGu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tgttacacaccATCAAAACt 3' Energy: -9.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2052 NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.54 2 10 8951 8970 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14735 to 14756 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugUAAUGACAA--UAGUUUUGu 5' | | ||||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' gaAGTTCTGTTGAATTAAAACa 3' Energy: -12.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2052 NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.60 2 19 14735 14756 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:28370 to 28389 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguaaugacaaUAGUUUUGu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' agtggggcgcgATCAAAACa 3' Energy: -10.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2052 NC_045512.2 145.00 -10.38 2 10 28370 28389 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:3345 to 3366 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uguAAUGA-CAAU-AGUUUUGu 5' ||| | |||| |:||||| Ref: 5' gttTTAGTGGTTATTTAAAACt 3' Energy: -7.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2052 NC_045512.2 143.00 -7.19 2 18 3345 3366 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:18125 to 18144 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' uguaaUGACAAUAGUUUUGu 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgacACTAAATTCAAAACt 3' Energy: -7.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2052 NC_045512.2 143.00 -7.76 2 16 18125 18144 14 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:1350 to 1369 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (94.12%) Query: 3' ugUAAUGACAAUAGUUUUGu 5' | |:|||||:|:||||: Ref: 5' aaAATGCTGTTGTTAAAATt 3' Energy: -15.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2052 NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.95 2 19 1350 1369 17 70.59% 94.12% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:8079 to 8098 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguaaugacaauAGUUUUGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' caatggaaaaacTCAAAACa 3' Energy: -7.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2052 NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.68 2 9 8079 8098 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-2052 NC_045512.2 1313.00 -93.11 158.00 -15.95 452 20 29903 15792 23975 8951 14735 28370 3345 18125 1350 8079 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1914-5p MIMAT0007889(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1914-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:23191 to 23212 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' gucuucacccgGCCCGUGUCCc 5' | |||||||| Ref: 5' caatggtttaaCAGGCACAGGt 3' Energy: -17.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1914-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.94 2 12 23191 23212 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:13494 to 13515 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gucuucacccggcCCGUGUCCc 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tcttacaccgtgcGGCACAGGc 3' Energy: -20.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1914-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -20.23 2 10 13494 13515 8 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1914-5p NC_045512.2 292.00 -38.17 147.00 -20.23 453 22 29903 23191 13494 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-330-5p MIMAT0004693(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-330-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12086 to 12107 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cggaUUCUGUGUCCGGGUCUCu 5' ||| :|:|| |:||||| Ref: 5' ttacAAGCTATAGCCTCAGAGt 3' Energy: -19.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-330-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -19.49 2 19 12086 12107 17 70.59% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-330-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -19.49 150.00 -19.49 454 22 29903 12086 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3197 MIMAT0015082(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3197 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-139-5p MIMAT0000250(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-139-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:22467 to 22488 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ugACCUCUGUGCACGUGACAUCu 5' | || |: | | |||||||| Ref: 5' cgTTGAAAT-CCTTCACTGTAGa 3' Energy: -14.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-139-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -14.89 2 22 22467 22488 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:9197 to 9220 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ugaccuCUGUG-CACGUGACAUCu 5' ||: | | |:||||||| Ref: 5' acttttGATTCTGAGTACTGTAGg 3' Energy: -19.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-139-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -19.49 2 18 9197 9220 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4262 to 4284 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ugaccUCUGUGCACGUGACAUCu 5' | |:: | |||||||| Ref: 5' ggtttAAATGGTTACACTGTAGa 3' Energy: -18.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-139-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -18.36 2 19 4262 4284 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:11185 to 11208 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugaccucuGUGCAC-GUGACAUCu 5' | | || |||||||| Ref: 5' gttaccttCTCTTGCCACTGTAGc 3' Energy: -12.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-139-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -12.99 2 16 11185 11208 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27912 to 27934 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (68.42%) Query: 3' ugaCCUCUGUGCACGUGACAUCu 5' ||| ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaGGAATCATCACAACTGTAGc 3' Energy: -17.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-139-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -17.13 2 21 27912 27934 19 63.16% 68.42% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:15180 to 15203 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ugaccucUGUGCACG-UGACAUCu 5' | | | || ||||||| Ref: 5' cgccactAGAGGAGCTACTGTAGt 3' Energy: -18.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-139-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -18.49 2 17 15180 15203 16 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:8327 to 8350 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (72.73%) Query: 3' ugACCUCUGUGCACG--UGACAUCu 5' ||| | | :|| : ||||||| Ref: 5' ctTGGTG-CTTGTATTGACTGTAGt 3' Energy: -15.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-139-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.86 2 22 8327 8350 22 63.64% 72.73% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:20992 to 21014 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ugACCUCUGUGCACG-UGACAUcu 5' ||| ||: :|||| |||||| Ref: 5' atTGGTGAT-TGTGCAACTGTAca 3' Energy: -22.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-139-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -22.17 3 22 20992 21014 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4538 to 4560 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugaccucugugcacgUGACAUCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tacaccagtaaaacaACTGTAGc 3' Energy: -11.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-139-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.14 2 9 4538 4560 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-139-5p NC_045512.2 1334.00 -150.52 155.00 -22.17 456 23 29903 22467 9197 4262 11185 27912 15180 8327 20992 4538 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-10401-3p MIMAT0041634(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-10401-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6761-5p MIMAT0027422(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6761-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22434 to 22455 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gaCGGUAGCU-CGAGAGAGUCu 5' || |:|| ||||||||| Ref: 5' gtGCACTTGACCCTCTCTCAGa 3' Energy: -24.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6761-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -24.85 2 20 22434 22455 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11863 to 11889 Align Len (24) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gaCG-GUAG-C-UC-GA--GAGAGUCu 5' || |||| | || || ||||||| Ref: 5' gtGCACATCAGTAGTCTTACTCTCAGt 3' Energy: -21.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6761-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -21.69 2 20 11863 11889 24 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:22062 to 22082 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacgguagcucgAGAGAGUCu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' cttttgaatatgTCTCTCAGc 3' Energy: -14.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6761-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.26 2 10 22062 22082 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:4654 to 4675 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gaCGGUA-GCUCGAGAGAGUcu 5' | :|| :||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tcGGTATATGAGATCTCTCAaa 3' Energy: -17.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6761-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.06 3 20 4654 4675 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:26806 to 26825 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gacGGUAGCUCGAGAGAGUCu 5' :|||:| :|||:|||| Ref: 5' actTCATTG-CTTCTTTCAGa 3' Energy: -21.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6761-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -21.94 2 19 26806 26825 17 64.71% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6761-5p NC_045512.2 731.00 -99.80 158.00 -24.85 458 21 29903 22434 11863 22062 4654 26806 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-941 MIMAT0004984(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-941 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4795-5p MIMAT0019968(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4795-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3145 to 3163 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agUUAUAAUAAUCGGUGAAGa 5' ||| ||: | |||||||| Ref: 5' ggAAT-TTGGT-GCCACTTCt 3' Energy: -16.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4795-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -16.08 2 20 3145 3163 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:1266 to 1288 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agUUAUAAUAA--UCGGUGAAga 5' :|| ||:|| |||||||| Ref: 5' gcGATTTTGTTAAAGCCACTTgc 3' Energy: -17.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4795-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.99 3 20 1266 1288 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:4231 to 4252 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' aguuaUAAUA-AUCGGUGAAga 5' ||||| || |||||| Ref: 5' agacaATTATATAACCACTTac 3' Energy: -11.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4795-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.16 3 17 4231 4252 15 86.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26790 to 26811 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agUUAUAAU-AAUCGGUGAAGa 5' :||:| : | |||:||||| Ref: 5' ttGATGTGGCTCAGCTACTTCa 3' Energy: -13.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4795-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.74 2 20 26790 26811 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:14466 to 14485 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' aguuauaauaAUCGGUGAAGa 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttcaactggaTA-CCACTTCa 3' Energy: -11.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4795-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.20 2 12 14466 14485 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:22673 to 22693 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' aguuaUAAUAAUCGGUGAAGa 5' || ||| ||||||: Ref: 5' tccgcATCATTTTCCACTTTt 3' Energy: -10.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4795-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.68 2 17 22673 22693 15 73.33% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4795-5p NC_045512.2 867.00 -80.85 155.00 -17.99 460 21 29903 3145 1266 4231 26790 14466 22673 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-181b-3p MIMAT0022692(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-181b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:29672 to 29692 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' aaCGUAAGUAACAAGUCACuc 5' ||| || || |||||| Ref: 5' taGCAATCTTTAATCAGTGtg 3' Energy: -13.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181b-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.44 3 20 29672 29692 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7645 to 7666 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' aaCGU-AAGUAACAAGUCACUc 5' |:| | |||| |:||||| Ref: 5' tgGTAGTACATTTATTAGTGAt 3' Energy: -11.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181b-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.16 2 20 7645 7666 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21028 to 21048 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' aaCGUA-AGUAACAAGUCACUc 5' | || ||||| |:||||| Ref: 5' tgGGATCTCATT-ATTAGTGAt 3' Energy: -11.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.04 2 20 21028 21048 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-181b-3p NC_045512.2 425.00 -35.64 143.00 -13.44 461 21 29903 29672 7645 21028 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-301a-5p MIMAT0022696(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-301a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 172.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6338 to 6359 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' ucAUCACGUUAUUUCAGUCUCg 5' |: ||:| |:||||||||| Ref: 5' ttTGATGTACTGAAGTCAGAGg 3' Energy: -20.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-301a-5p NC_045512.2 172.00 -20.20 2 21 6338 6359 19 73.68% 89.47% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24632 to 24656 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ucAUCACG-UUAUUU--CAGUCUCg 5' |: ||| | |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctTGCTGCTACTAAAATGTCAGAGt 3' Energy: -13.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-301a-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -13.53 2 21 24632 24656 22 72.73% 77.27% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:22766 to 22788 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' ucAUC-ACGUUAUUUCAGUCUcg 5' ||| |::||:|||||||| Ref: 5' atTAGAGGTGATGAAGTCAGAca 3' Energy: -19.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-301a-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -19.84 3 21 22766 22788 19 73.68% 89.47% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5433 to 5454 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucaUCACGUUAUUUCAGUCUCg 5' ||| ::|:| ||:|||| Ref: 5' gtgAGTTAGGTGATGTTAGAGa 3' Energy: -14.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-301a-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.82 2 20 5433 5454 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:11838 to 11858 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ucaUCACGUUAUUUCAGUCUcg 5' ||| :|| || |||||| Ref: 5' tacAGTCTAA-AATGTCAGAtg 3' Energy: -11.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-301a-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.13 3 20 11838 11858 17 76.47% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-301a-5p NC_045512.2 765.00 -79.52 172.00 -20.20 462 22 29903 6338 24632 22766 5433 11838 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5047 MIMAT0020541(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5047 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 174.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:27919 to 27939 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (94.12%) Query: 3' uggAAUGUUGGCGUCGACGUu 5' | |||||:|:||||||| Ref: 5' tcaTCACAACTGTAGCTGCAt 3' Energy: -25.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5047 NC_045512.2 174.00 -25.47 2 19 27919 27939 17 82.35% 94.12% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:14621 to 14641 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' uggaauguuGGCGUCGACGUu 5' | |:||||||| Ref: 5' cgtgcttttCAGTAGCTGCAc 3' Energy: -16.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5047 NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.94 2 13 14621 14641 11 81.82% 90.91% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:24591 to 24611 Align Len (14) (64.29%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uggaauGUUGGCGUCGACGUu 5' :||:: ||||||| Ref: 5' aacaatTAATTAGAGCTGCAg 3' Energy: -15.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5047 NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.81 2 16 24591 24611 14 64.29% 85.71% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8088 to 8108 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ugGAAUGUUGGCGUCGACGUu 5' || | ||| :||:|||| Ref: 5' aaCTCAAAACACTAGTTGCAa 3' Energy: -15.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5047 NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.87 2 20 8088 8108 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:18980 to 19000 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uggaauguuggcgUCGACGUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' acatggttgttaaAGCTGCAt 3' Energy: -13.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5047 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.66 2 9 18980 19000 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5047 NC_045512.2 752.00 -87.75 174.00 -25.47 463 21 29903 27919 14621 24591 8088 18980 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548ap-3p MIMAT0021038(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548ap-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:6949 to 6966 Align Len (13) (92.31%) (92.31%) Query: 3' uuuucAUUAACACCAAAAa 5' ||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tattaTAATT-TGGTTTTt 3' Energy: -9.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ap-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -9.56 2 15 6949 6966 13 92.31% 92.31% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:10487 to 10505 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uuuUCAUUAACACCAAAAa 5' :|||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtGGTAGTGTTGGTTTTa 3' Energy: -11.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ap-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -11.35 2 17 10487 10505 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:23944 to 23963 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' uuUUC-AUUAACACCAAAAa 5' ||| | | |||||||| Ref: 5' taAAGATTTTGGTGGTTTTa 3' Energy: -11.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ap-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -11.16 2 18 23944 23963 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:13560 to 13576 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uuUUCAUUAACACCAAAAa 5' |||||: ||||||| Ref: 5' taAAGTAG--CTGGTTTTg 3' Energy: -11.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ap-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -11.90 2 18 13560 13576 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:11279 to 11297 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (73.33%) Query: 3' uuuUCAUUAACACCAAAAa 5' ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' actAGTTTGTCTGGTTTTa 3' Energy: -7.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ap-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -7.73 2 17 11279 11297 15 73.33% 73.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:7233 to 7251 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuuucauuaaCACCAAAAa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tagttgcagaGTGGTTTTt 3' Energy: -11.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ap-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.20 2 10 7233 7251 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:10046 to 10064 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuuucauuaaCACCAAAAa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' gttttgcagaGTGGTTTTa 3' Energy: -9.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ap-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.49 2 10 10046 10064 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:14935 to 14953 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuuucauuaacACCAAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gacaaatcagcTGGTTTTc 3' Energy: -6.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ap-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.01 2 9 14935 14953 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548ap-3p NC_045512.2 1192.00 -78.40 156.00 -11.90 464 19 29903 6949 10487 23944 13560 11279 7233 10046 14935 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-571 MIMAT0003236(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-571 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:294 to 314 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' gagugaGUCUACCGGUUGAGu 5' || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' agaaaaCACACGTCCAACTCa 3' Energy: -16.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-571 NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.47 2 16 294 314 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:17808 to 17828 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gaguGAGUCUACCGGUUGAGu 5' :| :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gattTTGGGACTACCAACTCa 3' Energy: -15.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-571 NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.06 2 18 17808 17828 16 62.50% 75.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12650 to 12670 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gagUGAGUCUACCGGUUGAGu 5' :||: | ||||||:|| Ref: 5' acaGCTTTAAGGGCCAATTCt 3' Energy: -18.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-571 NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.74 2 19 12650 12670 17 64.71% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-571 NC_045512.2 438.00 -50.27 151.00 -18.74 465 21 29903 294 17808 12650 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-492 MIMAT0002812(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-492 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:314 to 336 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uucuuaGAACAGGGCGUCCAGGa 5' | |||::: |||||:| Ref: 5' agtttgCCTGTTTTACAGGTTCg 3' Energy: -17.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-492 NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.36 2 18 314 336 16 62.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:23460 to 23482 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uucuuaGAACAGGGCGUCCAGGa 5' :|| |:|: |||||:| Ref: 5' ggcgtgTTTATTCTACAGGTTCt 3' Energy: -16.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-492 NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.44 2 18 23460 23482 16 62.50% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-492 NC_045512.2 282.00 -33.80 141.00 -17.36 466 23 29903 314 23460 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6855-3p MIMAT0027611(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6855-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-340-3p MIMAT0000750(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-340-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2177 to 2200 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' cgAUAUUUCAUUGA--CUCUGCCu 5' |:||:||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ggTGTAGAGTTTCTTAGAGACGGt 3' Energy: -24.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-340-3p NC_045512.2 163.00 -24.12 2 21 2177 2200 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28789 to 28810 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgaUAUUUCAUUGACUCUGCCu 5' | ||:| |:| |||:||| Ref: 5' cgcAGAAGGGAGCAGAGGCGGc 3' Energy: -17.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-340-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.95 2 20 28789 28810 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:17315 to 17336 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cgaUAUUUCAUUGACUCUGCcu 5' ||: | |: |||||||| Ref: 5' taaATGCATTGCCTGAGACGac 3' Energy: -14.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-340-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.06 3 20 17315 17336 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-340-3p NC_045512.2 453.00 -56.13 163.00 -24.12 468 22 29903 2177 28789 17315 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3160-3p MIMAT0015034(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3160-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7937 to 7958 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' accCGAAAGAUCAGAGUCGAGa 5' |:|| ||| ||||||: Ref: 5' tctGTTTACTACAGTCAGCTTa 3' Energy: -12.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3160-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.35 2 20 7937 7958 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:26785 to 26807 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acCCGAAAGAU-CAGAGUCGAga 5' ||||| |: | ||||||| Ref: 5' taGGCTTGATGTGGCTCAGCTac 3' Energy: -20.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3160-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -20.91 3 21 26785 26807 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:17624 to 17645 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acccgaaagaucagAGUCGAGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cacataaagacaaaTCAGCTCa 3' Energy: -10.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3160-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.40 2 9 17624 17645 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3160-3p NC_045512.2 426.00 -43.66 143.00 -20.91 469 22 29903 7937 26785 17624 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4742-5p MIMAT0019872(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4742-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:17311 to 17330 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agACAUUUAUAGGGAAACGGACu 5' |||||||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' acTGTAAATG---CATTGCCTGa 3' Energy: -23.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4742-5p NC_045512.2 161.00 -23.48 2 22 17311 17330 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:27162 to 27184 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' agACAUUUAUAGGGAAACGGACu 5' || |||||: ||||||:|| Ref: 5' agTGACAATATTGCTTTGCTTGt 3' Energy: -19.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4742-5p NC_045512.2 161.00 -19.85 2 22 27162 27184 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:302 to 324 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' agaCAUUUAUAGGGAAACGGACu 5' || | || |||||||| Ref: 5' cacGTCCAACTCAGTTTGCCTGt 3' Energy: -15.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4742-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -15.22 2 21 302 324 19 68.42% 68.42% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:6368 to 6388 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agacAUUUAUAGGGAAACGGACu 5' |::||| :| ||||||| Ref: 5' ggaaTGGATAATC--TTGCCTGc 3' Energy: -14.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4742-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -14.61 2 20 6368 6388 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:19251 to 19277 Align Len (24) (66.67%) (70.83%) Query: 3' agAC-AUUUAUAGGGA---AACGGACu 5' || || || ||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' agTGCTATCTAACCTTAACTTGCCTGg 3' Energy: -17.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4742-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -17.27 2 22 19251 19277 24 66.67% 70.83% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:27572 to 27594 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agacAUUUAUAGGGAAACGGACu 5' | ||| | |:|||||:|| Ref: 5' gcacTCAATTTGCTTTTGCTTGt 3' Energy: -14.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4742-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.54 2 20 27572 27594 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:8855 to 8877 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (76.19%) Query: 3' agACAUUUAUAGG-GAAACGGACu 5' ||| :|: |: |||||||| Ref: 5' ttTGT-CGTGCCTGGTTTGCCTGg 3' Energy: -17.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4742-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.74 2 22 8855 8877 21 61.90% 76.19% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:431 to 453 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agACAUUUAUAGGGAAACGGAcu 5' || ||| : | :||||||| Ref: 5' gtTGAAAAAGGCGTTTTGCCTca 3' Energy: -13.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4742-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.76 3 22 431 453 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11270 to 11292 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agaCAUUUAUAGGGAAACGGACu 5' || :||| : ||||:||| Ref: 5' atgGTTGATACTAGTTTGTCTGg 3' Energy: -14.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4742-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.54 2 21 11270 11292 19 63.16% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4742-5p NC_045512.2 1363.00 -151.01 161.00 -23.48 470 23 29903 17311 27162 302 6368 19251 27572 8855 431 11270 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4446-5p MIMAT0019233(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4446-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:6352 to 6373 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cgGUUCCCUUACCGUCCCUUua 5' ||: ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' gtCAGAGGACGCGCAGGGAAtg 3' Energy: -23.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4446-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -23.01 3 21 6352 6373 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28866 to 28887 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgGUUCCCUUACCGUCCCUUUa 5' | ||| |: |:||||:|| Ref: 5' ctCCAGGCAGCAGTAGGGGAAc 3' Energy: -19.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4446-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -19.95 2 21 28866 28887 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:29762 to 29783 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' cgguucccUUACCGUCCCUUUa 5' |||| :|||||:| Ref: 5' cagtgaacAATGCTAGGGAGAg 3' Energy: -14.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4446-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.44 2 15 29762 29783 13 76.92% 92.31% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4446-5p NC_045512.2 430.00 -57.40 144.00 -23.01 471 22 29903 6352 28866 29762 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-126-3p MIMAT0000445(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-126-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-451a MIMAT0001631(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-451a vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15998 to 16017 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uuGAGUCAUUACCAUUGCCAAa 5' ||:| |:|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' caCTTA-TGATTG-AACGGTTc 3' Energy: -14.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-451a NC_045512.2 156.00 -14.45 2 21 15998 16017 19 73.68% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-451a NC_045512.2 156.00 -14.45 156.00 -14.45 473 22 29903 15998 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548ag MIMAT0018969(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548ag vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8463 to 8484 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgUCUUUGGUGUU-AAUGGAAa 5' | ||| |:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctAAAAAGAATAACTTACCTTt 3' Energy: -11.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ag NC_045512.2 158.00 -11.27 2 20 8463 8484 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18340 to 18359 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cguCUUUGGUGUUAAUGGAAa 5' |: |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gttGGTACCA-ATTTACCTTt 3' Energy: -15.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ag NC_045512.2 156.00 -15.29 2 19 18340 18359 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:3440 to 3461 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cguCUUUGG-UGUUAAUGGAAa 5' | |:|| |:: ||||||| Ref: 5' aatGCAGCCAATGTTTACCTTa 3' Energy: -14.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ag NC_045512.2 153.00 -14.83 2 19 3440 3461 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21715 to 21735 Align Len (18) (55.56%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgUCUUUGGUGUUAAUGGAAa 5' ||:| :::: ||||||| Ref: 5' tcAGGACTTGTTCTTACCTTt 3' Energy: -14.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ag NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.60 2 20 21715 21735 18 55.56% 83.33% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:22899 to 22919 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (94.12%) Query: 3' cgUCUUUGGUGUUAAUGGAaa 5' :| ||::|:|||||||| Ref: 5' gtGGTAATTATAATTACCTgt 3' Energy: -16.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ag NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.34 3 20 22899 22919 17 70.59% 94.12% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5273 to 5294 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cgUCU-UUGGUGUUAAUGGAAa 5' ||| ||| || :|||:||| Ref: 5' gcAGATAACAACTGTTATCTTg 3' Energy: -15.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ag NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.36 2 20 5273 5294 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:26061 to 26082 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' cgucuuuggUGU-UAAUGGAAa 5' ||| :||||||| Ref: 5' tggtgttgaACATGTTACCTTc 3' Energy: -10.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ag NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.37 2 13 26061 26082 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11084 to 11106 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cguCUUUGGUG--UUAAUGGAAa 5' |||| ::| ||||||| Ref: 5' tatGAAAATGCCTTTTTACCTTt 3' Energy: -10.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ag NC_045512.2 145.00 -10.96 2 19 11084 11106 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1676 to 1696 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (94.44%) Query: 3' cgUCUUUGGUGUUAAUGGAAa 5' |||:|:|:| ||||::|| Ref: 5' gaAGAGATCGCCATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -16.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ag NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.70 2 20 1676 1696 18 66.67% 94.44% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:19752 to 19772 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' cgUCUUUGGUGUUAAUGGAaa 5' | ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaATAAAACAACATTACCTgt 3' Energy: -10.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ag NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.77 3 20 19752 19772 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25796 to 25814 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgUCUUUGGUGUUAAUGGAAa 5' | ||||| | |||||:|| Ref: 5' ccAAAAACC-C-ATTACTTTa 3' Energy: -12.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ag NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.64 2 20 25796 25814 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 15 R:20172 to 20192 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (91.67%) Query: 3' cgucuuuGGUGUUAAUGGAaa 5' | |||||||||| Ref: 5' tgttgtcCAACAATTACCTga 3' Energy: -15.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ag NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.40 3 15 20172 20192 12 91.67% 91.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:28130 to 28150 Align Len (13) (61.54%) (84.62%) Query: 3' cgucuuuGGUGUUAAUGGAAa 5' :| :: ||||||| Ref: 5' tacagttTCCTGTTTACCTTt 3' Energy: -16.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ag NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.05 2 15 28130 28150 13 61.54% 84.62% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:1463 to 1483 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' cgucuuugGUGUUAAUGGAAa 5' ||| |||:|||| Ref: 5' ggtggtcgCACTATTGCCTTt 3' Energy: -15.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ag NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.40 2 14 1463 1483 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4013 to 4032 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgUCUUUGGUGUUAAUGGAAa 5' ||||| | : :||||:|| Ref: 5' acAGAAAAC-TTGTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -13.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ag NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.32 2 20 4013 4032 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:11173 to 11193 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgucuuugguguUAAUGGAAa 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' ctgtttgtttttGTTACCTTc 3' Energy: -7.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ag NC_045512.2 141.00 -7.56 2 10 11173 11193 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:2720 to 2740 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' cgucuUUGGUGUUAAUGGAAa 5' ||| | ::||||:|| Ref: 5' gcaccAACAAAGGTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -12.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ag NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.18 2 17 2720 2740 15 66.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548ag NC_045512.2 2487.00 -229.04 158.00 -16.70 474 21 29903 8463 18340 3440 21715 22899 5273 26061 11084 1676 19752 25796 20172 28130 1463 4013 11173 2720 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3194-3p MIMAT0019218(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3194-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8076 MIMAT0031003(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8076 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:4095 to 4121 Align Len (24) (66.67%) (70.83%) Query: 3' guAACAUAGUCUUUU--C-AGGUAUAu 5' || | |||||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctTTCTTAAAGAAAGATGCTCCATATa 3' Energy: -13.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8076 NC_045512.2 152.00 -13.54 2 23 4095 4121 24 66.67% 70.83% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:11207 to 11230 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (76.19%) Query: 3' guAACAUAGUCUUUUCAGGUAUAu 5' || | |:| | :|||:|||| Ref: 5' gcTTATTTTAATATGGTCTATATg 3' Energy: -10.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8076 NC_045512.2 146.00 -10.43 2 23 11207 11230 21 61.90% 76.19% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:19370 to 19396 Align Len (24) (62.50%) (75.00%) Query: 3' guAACAUAGU---CUUUUCAGGUAUAu 5' || |||:| :| |||||||:| Ref: 5' ttTTCTATTACTCTGACAGTCCATGTg 3' Energy: -15.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8076 NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.43 2 23 19370 19396 24 62.50% 75.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:29286 to 29309 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' guAACAUAGUCUUUUCAGGUAUAu 5' ||| || | |||: |||| || Ref: 5' aaTTGGATGACAAAGATCCAAATt 3' Energy: -10.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8076 NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.09 2 23 29286 29309 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 23 R:1081 to 1107 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (69.57%) Query: 3' guAACAUA---GUCUUUUCAGGUAUau 5' |||||| | ||| |||||| Ref: 5' ttTTGTATTTCCCTTAAATTCCATAat 3' Energy: -10.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8076 NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.64 3 23 1081 1107 23 69.57% 69.57% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8076 NC_045512.2 726.00 -60.13 152.00 -15.43 476 24 29903 4095 11207 19370 29286 1081 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7151-5p MIMAT0028212(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7151-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9257 to 9280 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgguuAUGUCCGUC-UCUACCUAg 5' ||| |::| ||||||:| Ref: 5' gtatcTACTAGTGGTAGATGGGTa 3' Energy: -16.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7151-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.41 2 19 9257 9280 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:3289 to 3311 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' cgguuauGUCCGUCUCUACCUag 5' || :||||||||| Ref: 5' tcaacctCAATTAGAGATGGAac 3' Energy: -20.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7151-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.16 3 17 3289 3311 14 78.57% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7151-5p NC_045512.2 281.00 -36.57 141.00 -20.16 477 23 29903 9257 3289 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4709-5p MIMAT0019811(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4709-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:27014 to 27034 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' aaccUCUCGUUCAGUGACAACa 5' | || || ||||||||| Ref: 5' gcctAAAG-AAATCACTGTTGc 3' Energy: -14.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4709-5p NC_045512.2 160.00 -14.24 2 19 27014 27034 17 82.35% 82.35% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3209 to 3231 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' aacCUCUC-GUUCAGUGACAACa 5' || || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gatGATAGTCAACAAACTGTTGg 3' Energy: -12.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4709-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -12.78 2 20 3209 3231 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17813 to 17837 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (72.73%) Query: 3' aaCCU-CUCGUUCAG--UGACAACa 5' ||| | ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' tgGGACTACCAACTCAAACTGTTGa 3' Energy: -14.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4709-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -14.05 2 21 17813 17837 22 72.73% 72.73% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:25627 to 25648 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' aaccucuCGUUCAGUGACAACa 5' |||| |::|||||| Ref: 5' tttgtttGCAACTTGCTGTTGt 3' Energy: -14.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4709-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.55 2 16 25627 25648 14 78.57% 92.86% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4709-5p NC_045512.2 615.00 -55.62 160.00 -14.55 478 22 29903 27014 3209 17813 25627 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-2277-5p MIMAT0017352(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-2277-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6784-5p MIMAT0027468(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6784-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4476 MIMAT0019003(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4476 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:26389 to 26411 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cggaCAGGG-AUUUAGGAAGGAc 5' |||:: |||| |||||:| Ref: 5' gtgaGTCTTGTAAAACCTTCTTt 3' Energy: -15.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4476 NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.53 2 19 26389 26411 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15909 to 15931 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cggACAGGGAUUUA-GGAAGGAc 5' || :: |: :| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgaTGATTATGTGTACCTTCCTt 3' Energy: -11.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4476 NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.67 2 20 15909 15931 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:24698 to 24721 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cgGACAG--GGAUUUAGGAAGGac 5' || || |:|| :||||||| Ref: 5' ggCTATCATCTTATGTCCTTCCct 3' Energy: -18.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4476 NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.64 3 21 24698 24721 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21720 to 21738 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cgGACAGGGAUUUAGGAAGGAc 5' :|||:|:|| ||||:|| Ref: 5' acTTGTTCTTA---CCTTTCTt 3' Energy: -20.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4476 NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.59 2 21 21720 21738 19 63.16% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4476 NC_045512.2 578.00 -66.43 149.00 -20.59 481 22 29903 26389 15909 24698 21720 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3125 MIMAT0014988(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3125 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:26667 to 26686 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' agagaggugUCGAAGGAGAu 5' | :||||||| Ref: 5' attaagttaATTTTCCTCTg 3' Energy: -13.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3125 NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.12 2 12 26667 26686 10 80.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 16 R:28743 to 28762 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' agagaGGUGUCGAAGGAGau 5' |:||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tcgtgCTACAACTTCCTCaa 3' Energy: -18.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3125 NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.22 3 16 28743 28762 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:614 to 634 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agAGAGGUG-UCGAAGGAGAu 5' |: ||:| || |||:||| Ref: 5' gcTTACCGCAAGGTTCTTCTt 3' Energy: -20.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3125 NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.59 2 19 614 634 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4730 to 4748 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' agAGAGGUGUCGAAGGAGAu 5' ||| :|| ||||:||| Ref: 5' taTCT-TACTTCTTCTTCTa 3' Energy: -16.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3125 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.70 2 19 4730 4748 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:13657 to 13675 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' agagagGUGUCGAAGGAGAu 5' |||| |||:|||| Ref: 5' aagagaCACA-CTTTCTCTa 3' Energy: -18.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3125 NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.15 2 15 13657 13675 13 84.62% 92.31% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3125 NC_045512.2 707.00 -86.78 143.00 -20.59 482 20 29903 26667 28743 614 4730 13657 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4498 MIMAT0019033(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4498 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-103a-3p MIMAT0000101(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-103a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 165.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28717 to 28741 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' aguaUCGGGAC-A-UGUUACGACGa 5' | :|||| | |||||||||| Ref: 5' ccgcAATCCTGCTAACAATGCTGCa 3' Energy: -24.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-103a-3p NC_045512.2 165.00 -24.11 2 20 28717 28741 20 80.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:13075 to 13096 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (92.86%) Query: 3' aguaucggGACAUGUUACGACGa 5' ||||| :||||||| Ref: 5' tgcttttgCTGTA-GATGCTGCt 3' Energy: -20.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-103a-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -20.25 2 16 13075 13096 14 85.71% 92.86% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:14547 to 14568 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' aguaucgGGACAUGUUACGACGa 5' |:|||:: ||||||| Ref: 5' ggaattaCTTGTGT-ATGCTGCt 3' Energy: -20.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-103a-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -20.40 2 17 14547 14568 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14762 to 14787 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (72.73%) Query: 3' aguAUCGGGACAU---GUUACGACGa 5' | ||:| | | :|||||||| Ref: 5' tctTTGCTCAGGATGGTAATGCTGCt 3' Energy: -19.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-103a-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -19.53 2 21 14762 14787 22 63.64% 72.73% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:17013 to 17037 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (86.36%) Query: 3' agUA-UCGGGACAU-GUUACGACGa 5' || ||:::| || |||||:||| Ref: 5' agATGAGTTTTCTAGCAATGTTGCa 3' Energy: -16.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-103a-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.36 2 22 17013 17037 22 68.18% 86.36% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:15707 to 15729 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' agUAUCGGGACA-UGUUACGACGa 5' ||| |:|| | ||:||||||: Ref: 5' tgATA-CTCTCTGACGATGCTGTt 3' Energy: -23.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-103a-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -23.89 2 22 15707 15729 21 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28903 to 28927 Align Len (21) (57.14%) (76.19%) Query: 3' aguAUCGGGAC--AUGUUACGACGa 5' |:|| || :::||||||| Ref: 5' ggcTGGCAATGGCGGTGATGCTGCt 3' Energy: -21.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-103a-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -21.32 2 21 28903 28927 21 57.14% 76.19% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:14019 to 14040 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agUAUCGGGACAUGUUACGACga 5' || ||| || : ||||||| Ref: 5' tgAT-GCCATGCGAAATGCTGgt 3' Energy: -15.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-103a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.02 3 22 14019 14040 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:22405 to 22429 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' agUAUC-GGGACAUGU-UACGACGa 5' ||:| || |||| ||||||: Ref: 5' aaATGGAACCATTACAGATGCTGTa 3' Energy: -15.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-103a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.14 2 22 22405 22429 22 68.18% 77.27% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24215 to 24241 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (78.26%) Query: 3' aguAUCGGGA---CAUGU-UACGACGa 5' |:| ||| ||:|| :|||||| Ref: 5' ggtTGGACCTTTGGTGCAGGTGCTGCa 3' Energy: -19.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-103a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.84 2 21 24215 24241 23 65.22% 78.26% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:16306 to 16327 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' aguaucggGACAUGUUACGACGa 5' :|||| |||||||: Ref: 5' ttcttatgTTGTA-AATGCTGTt 3' Energy: -15.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-103a-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.91 2 16 16306 16327 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:16567 to 16590 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' agUAUCGGGACAUG-UUACGACga 5' ||: ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' acATGTGACTGGACAAATGCTGgt 3' Energy: -19.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-103a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.22 3 22 16567 16590 20 70.00% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-103a-3p NC_045512.2 1784.00 -230.99 165.00 -24.11 484 23 29903 28717 13075 14547 14762 17013 15707 28903 14019 22405 24215 16306 16567 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4472 MIMAT0018999(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4472 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:4989 to 5006 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uuUUGUUGUGGGGGGUGg 5' |||| :| ||:|||| Ref: 5' acAACATTAACCTCCACa 3' Energy: -19.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4472 NC_045512.2 144.00 -19.61 2 17 4989 5006 15 73.33% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4472 NC_045512.2 144.00 -19.61 144.00 -19.61 485 18 29903 4989 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-let-7i-3p MIMAT0004585(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-let-7i-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5702 MIMAT0022495(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5702 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 167.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2319 to 2341 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guACCCUAUACA-ACGACUGAGu 5' | || | ||| ||||||||| Ref: 5' ttTTGGCTTTGTGTGCTGACTCt 3' Energy: -22.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5702 NC_045512.2 167.00 -22.04 2 21 2319 2341 20 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16532 to 16554 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' guaCCCUA-UACAACGACUGAGu 5' | ||| ||||| ||||||: Ref: 5' gtaGCGATAATGTTACTGACTTt 3' Energy: -16.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5702 NC_045512.2 154.00 -16.41 2 20 16532 16554 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:29500 to 29521 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guacccuauacaACGACUGAGu 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' atccatgagcagTGCTGACTCa 3' Energy: -20.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5702 NC_045512.2 150.00 -20.65 2 11 29500 29521 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:11665 to 11688 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' guaccCUAU-ACAAC-GACUGAGu 5' | || | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' caaccGCTACTTTAGACTGACTCt 3' Energy: -12.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5702 NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.33 2 18 11665 11688 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14553 to 14574 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' guACCCUAUACAACGACUGAGu 5' | | :|||| ||||||| | Ref: 5' acTTGTGTATGCTGCTGACCCt 3' Energy: -15.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5702 NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.28 2 21 14553 14574 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5702 NC_045512.2 754.00 -86.71 167.00 -22.04 487 22 29903 2319 16532 29500 11665 14553 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-199b-5p MIMAT0000263(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-199b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:26042 to 26064 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' cuugucuaUCAGAUUUGUGACCc 5' ||| |:||||||| Ref: 5' ctcaattgAGTACAGACACTGGt 3' Energy: -17.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-199b-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -17.14 2 16 26042 26064 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:5730 to 5752 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' cuuguCUAUCAGAUUUGUGACCc 5' | |||| : ||||||| Ref: 5' cttgtGCTAGTGAGTACACTGGt 3' Energy: -13.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-199b-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -13.40 2 19 5730 5752 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13148 to 13174 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' cuugUCUAU--CAGAU-U-UGUGACCc 5' ||||: || || | ||||||| Ref: 5' gttaAGATGTTGTGTACACACACTGGt 3' Energy: -15.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-199b-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -15.49 2 20 13148 13174 22 72.73% 77.27% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24849 to 24869 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cuuGUCUAUCAGAUUUGUGACCc 5' || ||:| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tttCAAATGG-C-ACACACTGGt 3' Energy: -13.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-199b-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -13.29 2 21 24849 24869 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:3586 to 3608 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cuUGUCUAUCA-GAUUUGUGACcc 5' ||| || | |||||||||| Ref: 5' acACA-ATCTTGCTAAACACTGtc 3' Energy: -15.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-199b-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.37 3 22 3586 3608 20 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:14289 to 14311 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' cuUGUCUAUCAGAUUUGUGACCc 5' || | || |:||||:|:||| Ref: 5' tgACCGTTATTTTAAATATTGGg 3' Energy: -17.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-199b-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.98 2 22 14289 14311 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:29157 to 29177 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cuUGUCUAUCAGAUUUGUGACCc 5' || ||| | |||||:||| Ref: 5' gaACTGAT--TACAAACATTGGc 3' Energy: -16.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-199b-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.82 2 22 29157 29177 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19016 to 19038 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cuuGUCUAUCAGAUUUGUGACCc 5' ||| | || :|||:||| Ref: 5' tccCAGTTCTTCACGACATTGGt 3' Energy: -12.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-199b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.68 2 21 19016 19038 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:20900 to 20923 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' cuUGUCUAUCAGAUU-UGUGACCc 5' |||| |: |:||| ||| ||| Ref: 5' gtACAGCTGTTTTAAGACAGTGGt 3' Energy: -14.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-199b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.99 2 22 20900 20923 21 71.43% 80.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-199b-5p NC_045512.2 1326.00 -137.16 155.00 -17.98 488 23 29903 26042 5730 13148 24849 3586 14289 29157 19016 20900 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-383-3p MIMAT0026485(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-383-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:29497 to 29517 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' agacuGGU-C-CGUCACGACa 5' ||| | ||||||||| Ref: 5' acaatCCATGAGCAGTGCTGa 3' Energy: -21.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-383-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -21.30 2 15 29497 29517 15 86.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:8445 to 8463 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' agacUGGUCCGUCACGACa 5' | :| |:||||||| Ref: 5' aacaAATACGTAGTGCTGc 3' Energy: -14.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-383-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.59 2 16 8445 8463 14 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:16693 to 16711 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' agACUGGUCCGUCACGACa 5' || |: | ||||||| Ref: 5' acTGTACGTGAAGTGCTGt 3' Energy: -19.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-383-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -19.05 2 18 16693 16711 16 68.75% 75.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22332 to 22350 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' agACUGGUCCGUCACGACa 5' ||: ||| ::|||||| Ref: 5' gtTGGACAGCTGGTGCTGc 3' Energy: -19.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-383-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.57 2 18 22332 22350 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:19469 to 19487 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agacuGGUCCGUCACGACa 5' ::|||::|||||| Ref: 5' gcaatTTAGGTGGTGCTGt 3' Energy: -21.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-383-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -21.00 2 15 19469 19487 13 69.23% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-383-3p NC_045512.2 739.00 -95.51 152.00 -21.30 489 19 29903 29497 8445 16693 22332 19469 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4696 MIMAT0019790(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4696 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13554 to 13578 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (81.82%) Query: 3' ucUACUG--UCAUAGG-CAGAACGu 5' ||||: |||| |: ||:|||| Ref: 5' caATGATAAAGTAGCTGGTTTTGCt 3' Energy: -15.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4696 NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.51 2 21 13554 13578 22 68.18% 81.82% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:1400 to 1420 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' ucuacugUCAUAGGCAGAACGu 5' || || ||||||| Ref: 5' ggacctgAGCAT-AGTCTTGCc 3' Energy: -13.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4696 NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.30 2 16 1400 1420 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8727 to 8749 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ucuacUGUC-AUAGGCAGAACGu 5' |||| || ::||:|||| Ref: 5' catctACAGATACTTGTTTTGCt 3' Energy: -16.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4696 NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.09 2 18 8727 8749 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11999 to 12021 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucuACUG-UCAUAGGCAGAACGu 5' | || | | ||:||:|||| Ref: 5' gttTCACTACTTTCTGTTTTGCt 3' Energy: -12.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4696 NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.82 2 20 11999 12021 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10032 to 10053 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ucUACUGUCAUAGGCAGAACGu 5' || || | |:||:|||| Ref: 5' ctATCACCTCAGCTGTTTTGCa 3' Energy: -15.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4696 NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.62 2 21 10032 10053 19 63.16% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4696 NC_045512.2 717.00 -73.34 146.00 -16.09 490 22 29903 13554 1400 8727 11999 10032 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8062 MIMAT0030989(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8062 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24888 to 24908 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cguUAUUAGGAGUUUAGUGAc 5' ||:| || |||||||:| Ref: 5' tttATGAACCACAAATCATTa 3' Energy: -13.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8062 NC_045512.2 154.00 -13.20 2 19 24888 24908 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:27010 to 27030 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cguuauuaggagUUUAGUGAc 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' acctgcctaaagAAATCACTg 3' Energy: -16.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8062 NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.46 2 10 27010 27030 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:27311 to 27333 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' cgUUAUUAGG-AG-UUUAGUGAc 5' || |||:: || ||:||||| Ref: 5' ttAAAAATTTATCTAAGTCACTa 3' Energy: -10.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8062 NC_045512.2 145.00 -10.78 2 20 27311 27333 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:13122 to 13142 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cguuauuaggaGUUUAGUGAc 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgggggacaaCCAATCACTa 3' Energy: -10.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8062 NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.98 2 11 13122 13142 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18068 to 18088 Align Len (17) (58.82%) (70.59%) Query: 3' cguUAUUAGGAGUUUAGUGAc 5' :||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' attGTAGTAAGGTAATCACTg 3' Energy: -16.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8062 NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.04 2 19 18068 18088 17 58.82% 70.59% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:17866 to 17887 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cguUAUUAG-GAGUUUAGUGAc 5' ||| || |||||| |||| Ref: 5' gtcATATTCACTCAAACCACTg 3' Energy: -17.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8062 NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.53 2 19 17866 17887 18 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:24192 to 24212 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cguuauuaggaguUUAGUGAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgttagcgggtacAATCACTt 3' Energy: -8.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8062 NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.55 2 9 24192 24212 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8062 NC_045512.2 1009.00 -93.54 154.00 -17.53 491 21 29903 24888 27010 27311 13122 18068 17866 24192 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-518e-3p MIMAT0002861(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-518e-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:25551 to 25571 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gugagacuucccUUCGCGAAa 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' tgctgtttttcaGAGCGCTTc 3' Energy: -13.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-518e-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.94 2 10 25551 25571 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:29188 to 29208 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gugagacuucccuUCGCGAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' acaatttgcccccAGCGCTTc 3' Energy: -13.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-518e-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.16 2 9 29188 29208 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-518e-3p NC_045512.2 281.00 -27.10 141.00 -13.94 492 21 29903 25551 29188 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7114-5p MIMAT0028125(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7114-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:24367 to 24387 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (93.33%) Query: 3' uguccGUGGGGUGAGGUGUCu 5' |||::: :||||||| Ref: 5' agactCACTTTCTTCCACAGc 3' Energy: -20.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7114-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -20.67 2 17 24367 24387 15 66.67% 93.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:23283 to 23303 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (84.62%) Query: 3' uguccguGGGGUGAGGUGUCu 5' || :: ||||||| Ref: 5' atgctgtCCGTGATCCACAGa 3' Energy: -21.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7114-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -21.25 2 15 23283 23303 13 69.23% 84.62% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5969 to 5991 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ugUCCGU--GGGGUGAGGUGUCu 5' || || :|::|:|:||||| Ref: 5' aaAGACAATTCTTATTTCACAGa 3' Energy: -20.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7114-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -20.74 2 20 5969 5991 20 60.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:23457 to 23478 Align Len (18) (55.56%) (94.44%) Query: 3' uguCCGUG-GGGUGAGGUGUCu 5' |||:: :::|:||:|||| Ref: 5' cttGGCGTGTTTATTCTACAGg 3' Energy: -22.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7114-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -22.27 2 19 23457 23478 18 55.56% 94.44% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7114-5p NC_045512.2 585.00 -84.93 156.00 -22.27 493 21 29903 24367 23283 5969 23457 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6821-5p MIMAT0027542(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6821-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:17443 to 17465 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggggcggagcucgGUGGUGCGUg 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' gctcaattacctgCACCACGCAc 3' Energy: -25.379999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6821-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -25.38 2 11 17443 17465 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:105 to 127 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gggGCGGAGCUCGGUGGUGCGUg 5' :||:| | || :|||||| Ref: 5' gcaTGCTTAGTGCACTCACGCAg 3' Energy: -21.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6821-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -21.50 2 21 105 127 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17998 to 18020 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ggggCGGAGCUCGGUGGUGCGUg 5' |:||:|| : |||||:| Ref: 5' acaaGTCTTGAAATTCCACGTAg 3' Energy: -23.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6821-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -23.76 2 20 17998 18020 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12236 to 12259 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ggggcGGAGCU-CGGUGGUGCGUg 5' || :|| || :|||:||| Ref: 5' tttgaCCGTGATGCAGCCATGCAa 3' Energy: -22.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6821-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -22.37 2 19 12236 12259 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6821-5p NC_045512.2 578.00 -93.01 150.00 -25.38 494 23 29903 17443 105 17998 12236 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6879-3p MIMAT0027659(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6879-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5580-5p MIMAT0022273(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5580-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8767 to 8787 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugUGUAUACUUUACUCGGUCGu 5' ||| ||| : | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgACACATG-GTTTAGCCAGCg 3' Energy: -22.559999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5580-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -22.56 2 21 8767 8787 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:28606 to 28627 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ugUGUAUACUUUACUCGGUCgu 5' || || ||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' ctACCTAGGAACTGGGCCAGaa 3' Energy: -17.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5580-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.86 3 21 28606 28627 18 77.78% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5580-5p NC_045512.2 298.00 -40.42 158.00 -22.56 496 22 29903 8767 28606 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8079 MIMAT0031006(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8079 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-527 MIMAT0002862(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-527 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:16240 to 16262 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cuuUCCCGAA---GGGAAACGUc 5' :|||||| ::||||||| Ref: 5' gttGGGGCTTGTGTTCTTTGCAa 3' Energy: -20.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-527 NC_045512.2 156.00 -20.31 2 18 16240 16262 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:17940 to 17960 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cuUUC--CCGAAGGGAAACGUc 5' ||| ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaAAGTAGGCAT-ACTTTGCAt 3' Energy: -13.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-527 NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.07 2 19 17940 17960 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:24969 to 24988 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuuucccgaaGGGAAACGUc 5' :|||||||| Ref: 5' cagtttatgaTCCTTTGCAa 3' Energy: -12.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-527 NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.95 2 11 24969 24988 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7410 to 7430 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' cuUUCCCGAAG-GGAAACGUc 5' | | | || :||||||| Ref: 5' gaATGTACATCTTCTTTGCAt 3' Energy: -9.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-527 NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.66 2 19 7410 7430 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8895 to 8914 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cuUUCCCGAAGGGAAACGUc 5' || ||: |::|||||| Ref: 5' ctAATGGTGACTTTTTGCAt 3' Energy: -12.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-527 NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.69 2 19 8895 8914 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:2898 to 2917 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuuucccgaaggGAAACGUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ctgtcataaaaaCTTTGCAa 3' Energy: -8.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-527 NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.16 2 9 2898 2917 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:8974 to 8993 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuuucccgaaggGAAACGUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' agagtacactgaCTTTGCAa 3' Energy: -11.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-527 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.43 2 9 8974 8993 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-527 NC_045512.2 1016.00 -88.27 156.00 -20.31 498 20 29903 16240 17940 24969 7410 8895 2898 8974 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-450a-1-3p MIMAT0022700(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-450a-1-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:29346 to 29367 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uaUGUACGUUUUACAAGGGUua 5' :||| ||||| |||||| Ref: 5' acGCATACAAAACATTCCCAcc 3' Energy: -14.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-450a-1-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -14.08 3 21 29346 29367 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23036 to 23057 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' uaUGUACGUUUUACAAGGGUUa 5' ||| || | |||:|||| Ref: 5' ttACAATCATATGGTTTCCAAc 3' Energy: -12.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-450a-1-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.17 2 21 23036 23057 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:14387 to 14408 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uauguACGUUUUACAAGGGUua 5' | :| |:|||||||| Ref: 5' tattcTCTACAGTGTTCCCAcc 3' Energy: -13.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-450a-1-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.98 3 18 14387 14408 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:27334 to 27355 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' uauguacguUUUACAAGGGUUa 5' |||| |||:||| Ref: 5' actgagaatAAATATTCTCAAt 3' Energy: -9.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-450a-1-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.73 2 14 27334 27355 12 83.33% 91.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-450a-1-3p NC_045512.2 578.00 -49.96 152.00 -14.08 499 22 29903 29346 23036 14387 27334 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4499 MIMAT0019035(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4499 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:11876 to 11892 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' agGGAGGAGAGUCAGAa 5' |:| ||||||||:| Ref: 5' gtCTTACTCTCAGTTTt 3' Energy: -19.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4499 NC_045512.2 147.00 -19.96 2 16 11876 11892 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 16 R:24712 to 24728 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' agGGAGGAGAGUCAGaa 5' |||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtCCTTCCCTCAGTCag 3' Energy: -24.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4499 NC_045512.2 143.00 -24.14 3 16 24712 24728 13 84.62% 92.31% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4499 NC_045512.2 290.00 -44.10 147.00 -24.14 500 17 29903 11876 24712 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4781-5p MIMAT0019942(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4781-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:17426 to 17446 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gguUAUAACCUUAGGGGCGAu 5' | ||||| : |||:||| Ref: 5' tgtACATTGGCGACCCTGCTc 3' Energy: -17.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4781-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.85 2 19 17426 17446 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4781-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.85 146.00 -17.85 501 21 29903 17426 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1321 MIMAT0005952(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1321 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:15914 to 15931 Align Len (15) (60.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' uaGUGUAAGUGGAGGGAc 5' :|::| :||||:||| Ref: 5' atTATGTGTACCTTCCTt 3' Energy: -15.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1321 NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.89 2 17 15914 15931 15 60.00% 93.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1321 NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.89 140.00 -15.89 502 18 29903 15914 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-585-3p MIMAT0003250(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-585-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:9095 to 9115 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' aucGUA-UGUC-UAUGCGGGu 5' :|| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' gctTATGAAAGTTTACGCCCt 3' Energy: -14.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-585-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.73 2 17 9095 9115 17 70.59% 76.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-585-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.73 142.00 -14.73 503 19 29903 9095 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4305 MIMAT0016857(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4305 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:18866 to 18881 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' cuUGACCUCCACAGAUCc 5' ||| |||||||||| Ref: 5' tgACT--AGGTGTCTAGc 3' Energy: -18.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4305 NC_045512.2 157.00 -18.58 2 17 18866 18881 15 86.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6883 to 6900 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuugaccuccACAGAUCc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cggtaaatttTGTCTAGa 3' Energy: -8.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4305 NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.69 2 9 6883 6900 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4305 NC_045512.2 297.00 -27.27 157.00 -18.58 504 18 29903 18866 6883 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-2276-5p MIMAT0026921(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-2276-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-329-3p MIMAT0001629(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-329-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5499 to 5522 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (76.19%) Query: 3' uuUCUC-CAA-UUGGUCCACACAa 5' |||| || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaAGAGTCTTGAACGTGGTGTGTa 3' Energy: -18.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-329-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -18.61 2 21 5499 5522 21 76.19% 76.19% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:231 to 254 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uuucUCCAA--UUGGUCCACACaa 5' ||||| : ||:|||||| Ref: 5' atctAGGTTTCGTCCGGGTGTGac 3' Energy: -23.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-329-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -23.62 3 19 231 254 18 72.22% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-329-3p NC_045512.2 299.00 -42.23 158.00 -23.62 506 22 29903 5499 231 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1915-5p MIMAT0007891(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1915-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:8164 to 8185 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ccgggccCGUCGUUCCGUUCCa 5' ||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tatttcaGCAGCTCGGCAAGGg 3' Energy: -22.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1915-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -22.88 2 16 8164 8185 14 85.71% 85.71% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28437 to 28458 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ccGGGCCCGUCGUUCCGUUCCa 5' |:| || || ||||||| Ref: 5' ctCTCACTCAACATGGCAAGGa 3' Energy: -17.719999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1915-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -17.72 2 21 28437 28458 19 68.42% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1915-5p NC_045512.2 315.00 -40.60 159.00 -22.88 507 22 29903 8164 28437 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-224-5p MIMAT0000281(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-224-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:27544 to 27567 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (76.19%) Query: 3' gauUUGCCUUGGUGAUCACUGAACu 5' ||| | :::| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gatAACAAATTTGC-ACTGACTTGc 3' Energy: -11.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-224-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -11.52 2 23 27544 27567 21 61.90% 76.19% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:3 to 24 R:8885 to 8909 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' gaUUUGCCUUGGUGAUCACUGAAcu 5' | :| |||:| |:||||||| Ref: 5' ttACGCACAACTAATGGTGACTTtt 3' Energy: -17.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-224-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -17.86 3 24 8885 8909 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:2136 to 2160 Align Len (22) (59.09%) (72.73%) Query: 3' gaUUUGCCUUGGUGAUCACUGAACu 5' |||| : || : | ||:|||| Ref: 5' tcAAACCCGTCCTTGATTGGCTTGa 3' Energy: -14.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-224-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.23 2 24 2136 2160 22 59.09% 72.73% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 23 R:10721 to 10745 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gauUUGCCUUGGUGAUCACUGAAcu 5' | | |||: :|| |||||| Ref: 5' tttACCACAACTCTTAATGACTTta 3' Energy: -10.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-224-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.03 3 23 10721 10745 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 23 R:16531 to 16555 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gauUUGCCUUGGUGAUCACUGAAcu 5' |:|| | :::|| |||||| Ref: 5' ggtAGCGATAATGTTACTGACTTta 3' Energy: -12.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-224-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.29 3 23 16531 16555 20 60.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:17364 to 17389 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (72.73%) Query: 3' gauUUGCC-UUGGUGAUCACUGAACu 5' ||:|| || | | |||:||| Ref: 5' ttcAATGGCCACAAATTATGATTTGa 3' Energy: -18.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-224-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.05 2 23 17364 17389 22 63.64% 72.73% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:26757 to 26780 Align Len (22) (59.09%) (77.27%) Query: 3' gaUUUGCCUUGGUGAUCACUGAACu 5' || :| |:|:| | ||:|||| Ref: 5' ggAATTGCTATCGC-AATGGCTTGt 3' Energy: -16.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-224-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.21 2 24 26757 26780 22 59.09% 77.27% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:1643 to 1667 Align Len (14) (64.29%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gauuugccuUGGUGAUCACUGAAcu 5' |::::|:||||||| Ref: 5' aacatcaatATTGTTGGTGACTTta 3' Energy: -14.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-224-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.72 3 17 1643 1667 14 64.29% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-224-5p NC_045512.2 1152.00 -114.91 152.00 -18.05 508 25 29903 27544 8885 2136 10721 16531 17364 26757 1643 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6840-3p MIMAT0027583(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6840-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6072 MIMAT0023697(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6072 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:28068 to 28087 Align Len (16) (87.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gauucCACGUCACACUACUCCu 5' |||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gaattGTGC-GTG-GATGAGGc 3' Energy: -22.379999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6072 NC_045512.2 157.00 -22.38 2 18 28068 28087 16 87.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:3033 to 3054 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gauuccacgucacaCUACUCCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ctttctaccctccaGATGAGGa 3' Energy: -14.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6072 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.48 2 9 3033 3054 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6072 NC_045512.2 297.00 -36.86 157.00 -22.38 510 22 29903 28068 3033 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6079 MIMAT0023704(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6079 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:13589 to 13611 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gucGAUCAACCAGGUUCGAAGGUu 5' ||| || ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaCTAATT-GTTGTCGCTTCCAa 3' Energy: -17.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6079 NC_045512.2 155.00 -17.09 2 22 13589 13611 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:25550 to 25574 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (73.91%) Query: 3' guCGAUCAACCAGGUU--CGAAGGUu 5' ||| ||| || :| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttGCT-GTTTTTCAGAGCGCTTCCAa 3' Energy: -18.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6079 NC_045512.2 155.00 -18.33 2 23 25550 25574 23 69.57% 73.91% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:21824 to 21846 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gucgauCAACCAGGUUCGAAGGUu 5' ||| |:: ||||||| Ref: 5' gatggtGTTTATTT-TGCTTCCAc 3' Energy: -14.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6079 NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.17 2 19 21824 21846 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:1695 to 1716 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (66.67%) Query: 3' guCGAUCAACCAGGUUCGAAGGUu 5' || || ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' tgGCATCTTTTTCT--GCTTCCAc 3' Energy: -11.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6079 NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.42 2 23 1695 1716 21 61.90% 66.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6079 NC_045512.2 597.00 -61.01 155.00 -18.33 511 24 29903 13589 25550 21824 1695 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6511b-5p MIMAT0025847(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6511b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548ax MIMAT0022474(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548ax vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:25884 to 25905 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' accguuUUGGCGUUAAUGAAGa 5' ||::|: |||||||| Ref: 5' ttcttcAATTGTCATTACTTCa 3' Energy: -12.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ax NC_045512.2 160.00 -12.60 2 17 25884 25905 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11470 to 11491 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' accGUUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAGa 5' :| ||:| | :||||||| Ref: 5' tctTATAATCTCTGTTACTTCt 3' Energy: -12.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ax NC_045512.2 159.00 -12.60 2 20 11470 11491 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25994 to 26014 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acCGUUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAGa 5' |:| | | ||:||||||| Ref: 5' ttGTATTA-CACAGTTACTTCa 3' Energy: -15.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ax NC_045512.2 154.00 -15.86 2 21 25994 26014 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4718 to 4741 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (76.19%) Query: 3' acCGUUUUGGCGUU--AAUGAAGa 5' |:| ||: |: | ||||||| Ref: 5' gcGTATAATGGTTATCTTACTTCt 3' Energy: -12.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ax NC_045512.2 151.00 -12.41 2 21 4718 4741 21 61.90% 76.19% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25794 to 25814 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' accGUUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAGa 5' ||||| | | |||||||: Ref: 5' ttcCAAAAAC-CCATTACTTTa 3' Energy: -11.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ax NC_045512.2 149.00 -11.97 2 20 25794 25814 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17754 to 17775 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' acCGUUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAGa 5' | |||:|:|: |||:||| Ref: 5' gaGAAAAGCTGTCTTTATTTCa 3' Energy: -13.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ax NC_045512.2 148.00 -13.34 2 21 17754 17775 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:5892 to 5911 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' accGUUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAga 5' :||||| ||:|||||| Ref: 5' ccaTAAAAC--CAGTTACTTat 3' Energy: -13.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ax NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.43 3 20 5892 5911 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:2916 to 2937 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' accGUUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAga 5' ||: |:| |||||||| Ref: 5' aacCAGTATCTGAATTACTTac 3' Energy: -12.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ax NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.16 3 20 2916 2937 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548ax NC_045512.2 1208.00 -104.37 160.00 -15.86 513 22 29903 25884 11470 25994 4718 25794 17754 5892 2916 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-144-3p MIMAT0000436(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-144-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7957 to 7977 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ucAUGUAG-UAGAUAUGACAu 5' |:::|| | ||||||||| Ref: 5' taTGTGTCAACCTATACTGTt 3' Energy: -17.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-144-3p NC_045512.2 161.00 -17.03 2 19 7957 7977 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:17297 to 17316 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (94.12%) Query: 3' ucAUGUAGUAGAUAUGACAu 5' ||::|| |:|:|||||| Ref: 5' agTATGTCTTTTGTACTGTa 3' Energy: -20.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-144-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -20.36 2 19 17297 17316 17 70.59% 94.12% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:19850 to 19872 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucaUGUAGU-A-GA-UAUGACAu 5' ||||:: | || ||||||| Ref: 5' tggACATTGCTGCTAATACTGTg 3' Energy: -14.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-144-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.03 2 18 19850 19872 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:1638 to 1657 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ucauGUAGUAGAUAUGACAu 5' || |||| |||:||| Ref: 5' aagtCAACATCAATATTGTt 3' Energy: -15.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-144-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -15.21 2 17 1638 1657 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:6854 to 6874 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' ucAUGUAG-UAGAUAUGACAu 5' ||:| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' acTATAGCAAAGAATACTGTt 3' Energy: -8.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-144-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -8.54 2 19 6854 6874 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7728 to 7747 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ucAUGUAGUAGAUAUGACAu 5' ||||||:|: ||| ||| Ref: 5' ctTACATCGTTGATAGTGTt 3' Energy: -15.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-144-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.08 2 19 7728 7747 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:16308 to 16327 Align Len (17) (58.82%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ucAUGUAGUAGAUAUGACAu 5' ||::|::| ||:|||| Ref: 5' ctTATGTTGTAAATGCTGTt 3' Energy: -8.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-144-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.71 2 19 16308 16327 17 58.82% 88.24% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:3753 to 3772 Align Len (12) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucauguaGUAGAUAUGACAu 5' ::| ||||||| Ref: 5' gagtttgTGTAGATACTGTt 3' Energy: -11.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-144-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.54 2 14 3753 3772 12 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4694 to 4714 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ucAUGUAGUAGA-UAUGACAu 5' | | ||| || ||:|||| Ref: 5' gtTTCTTCACCTGATGCTGTt 3' Energy: -10.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-144-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.75 2 19 4694 4714 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:18804 to 18823 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' ucauGUAGUAGAUAUGACAu 5' ||| ||||:||:||| Ref: 5' caacCATGATCTGTATTGTc 3' Energy: -16.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-144-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.88 2 17 18804 18823 15 80.00% 93.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-144-3p NC_045512.2 1464.00 -138.13 161.00 -20.36 514 20 29903 7957 17297 19850 1638 6854 7728 16308 3753 4694 18804 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4700-5p MIMAT0019796(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4700-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21679 to 21702 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ugUGUGACAGGAG--UAGGGGUCu 5' ||| ||::|| ||||:||| Ref: 5' tgACAAAGTTTTCAGATCCTCAGt 3' Energy: -21.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4700-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -21.31 2 21 21679 21702 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23281 to 23303 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ugUGUGACAGG-AGUAGGGGUCu 5' |::|||||| | |||| ||| Ref: 5' tgATGCTGTCCGTGATCCACAGa 3' Energy: -23.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4700-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -23.95 2 21 23281 23303 20 75.00% 85.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4700-5p NC_045512.2 290.00 -45.26 147.00 -23.95 515 22 29903 21679 23281 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4442 MIMAT0018960(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4442 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3945 MIMAT0018361(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3945 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:19132 to 19154 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (89.47%) Query: 3' uaUAGUUGGGAGAGGAUACGGga 5' ||:| :|: :||:|||||| Ref: 5' gaATTATTCTATTCTTATGCCac 3' Energy: -19.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3945 NC_045512.2 149.00 -19.29 3 22 19132 19154 19 63.16% 89.47% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:26621 to 26644 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uauAGUUGGGAGA-GGAUACGGga 5' || || |:| |||||||| Ref: 5' tctTCTACAATTTGCCTATGCCaa 3' Energy: -20.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3945 NC_045512.2 143.00 -20.82 3 21 26621 26644 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24693 to 24716 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uauagUUGGGAG-AGGAUACGGGa 5' ::|: || ||:||||:|| Ref: 5' gaaagGGCTATCATCTTATGTCCt 3' Energy: -19.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3945 NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.46 2 19 24693 24716 18 61.11% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3945 NC_045512.2 433.00 -59.57 149.00 -20.82 517 23 29903 19132 26621 24693 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4713-5p MIMAT0019820(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4713-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:13109 to 13130 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' acccUCGGACCAUCACCCUCUu 5' | |: | |||||||:|| Ref: 5' gattATCTAGCTAGTGGGGGAc 3' Energy: -18.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4713-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.89 2 19 13109 13130 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4713-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.89 146.00 -18.89 518 22 29903 13109 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-520h MIMAT0002867(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-520h vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25610 to 25631 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugAGAUUUCCCUUCGUGAAACa 5' || ||:|| : ||||||| Ref: 5' tcTCCAAGGGTGTTCACTTTGt 3' Energy: -21.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520h NC_045512.2 160.00 -21.29 2 21 25610 25631 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:19648 to 19667 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ugagauUUCCCUUCGUGAAACa 5' |||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtaaatAAGGGA--CACTTTGa 3' Energy: -17.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520h NC_045512.2 157.00 -17.27 2 17 19648 19667 15 86.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:888 to 911 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ugagAUUUC--CCUUCGUGAAACa 5' ||||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' ctggTAAAGCTTCATGCACTTTGt 3' Energy: -15.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520h NC_045512.2 153.00 -15.36 2 19 888 911 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:27711 to 27732 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ugagauuucccuUCGUGAAACa 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' aatagtgtttatAACACTTTGc 3' Energy: -9.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520h NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.32 2 11 27711 27732 9 88.89% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-520h NC_045512.2 612.00 -63.24 160.00 -21.29 519 22 29903 25610 19648 888 27711 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3616-3p MIMAT0017996(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3616-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:15860 to 15884 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cggacGUAGUACUU--UACGGGAGc 5' | ||||||| |||:||| Ref: 5' aaggaCCTCATGAATTTTGCTCTCa 3' Energy: -20.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3616-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -20.08 2 19 15860 15884 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11759 to 11780 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cggacGUAGUACUUUACGGGAGc 5' :| ||| |:|||||:|| Ref: 5' aagaaTAGCAT-AGATGCCTTCa 3' Energy: -16.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3616-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.29 2 19 11759 11780 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:11546 to 11568 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cggACGUAGUACUUUACGGGAgc 5' ||::|:: | | |||||| Ref: 5' atgTGTGTTGAGTATTGCCCTat 3' Energy: -15.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3616-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.86 3 21 11546 11568 18 61.11% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3616-3p NC_045512.2 429.00 -52.23 145.00 -20.08 520 23 29903 15860 11759 11546 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-499a-5p MIMAT0002870(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-499a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16212 to 16234 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (76.19%) Query: 3' uuUGUAGUGACGU---UCAGAAUu 5' ||| ||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtACA-CACCGCATACAGTCTTAc 3' Energy: -14.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499a-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -14.71 2 20 16212 16234 21 76.19% 76.19% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11865 to 11882 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uuUGUAGUGACGUUCAGAAUu 5' |||||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gcACATCAGT---AGTCTTAc 3' Energy: -13.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499a-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -13.25 2 20 11865 11882 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:6562 to 6582 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' uuuguaGUGACGUUCAGAAUu 5' || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtagaCAATTCTAGTCTTAc 3' Energy: -9.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499a-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -9.82 2 16 6562 6582 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11028 to 11048 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uuUGUAGUGACGUUCAGAAUu 5' || ||||| : |||:||| Ref: 5' tgACTTCACTTTTAGTTTTAg 3' Energy: -14.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499a-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.93 2 20 11028 11048 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:20088 to 20108 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uuuguagugaCGUUCAGAAUu 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' tcccaaacaaGCTAGTCTTAa 3' Energy: -12.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499a-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.81 2 12 20088 20108 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16343 to 16366 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' uuUGUAGUG-ACGU--UCAGAAUu 5' ||||||| | | ||||||: Ref: 5' caACATCACATAAATTAGTCTTGt 3' Energy: -17.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499a-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.51 2 20 16343 16366 21 71.43% 76.19% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-499a-5p NC_045512.2 901.00 -83.03 156.00 -17.51 521 21 29903 16212 11865 6562 11028 20088 16343 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-520e-3p MIMAT0002825(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-520e-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8525 to 8546 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gggaGUU-UUUCCUUCGUGAAa 5' ||| |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtaaCAACAAAGATAGCACTTa 3' Energy: -14.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520e-3p NC_045512.2 160.00 -14.60 2 18 8525 8546 17 82.35% 82.35% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:397 to 417 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gggAGUUUUUCCUUCGUGAAa 5' || |||| :|||||| Ref: 5' acaTCTTAAAGATGGCACTTg 3' Energy: -15.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520e-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.67 2 19 397 417 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:15729 to 15749 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gggaguuuuuccuUCGUGAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtgtgtttcaatAGCACTTa 3' Energy: -11.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520e-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.98 2 9 15729 15749 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-520e-3p NC_045512.2 442.00 -42.25 160.00 -15.67 522 21 29903 8525 397 15729 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4311 MIMAT0016863(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4311 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:10515 to 10531 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' gugUGAGUCGAGAGAAAg 5' ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' atgACTGTG-TCTCTTTt 3' Energy: -10.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4311 NC_045512.2 145.00 -10.18 2 16 10515 10531 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:19971 to 19989 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' guGUGAGUCG-AGAGAAAg 5' |||||| : |||:||| Ref: 5' acCACTCACTGTCTTTTTt 3' Energy: -16.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4311 NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.74 2 17 19971 19989 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:21723 to 21740 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' guguGAGUCGAGAGAAAg 5' ||:| ||:||||| Ref: 5' tgttCTTACCTTTCTTTt 3' Energy: -12.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4311 NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.21 2 15 21723 21740 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:3783 to 3800 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' guGUGAGUCGAGAGAAAg 5' :|||:|||| ||||| Ref: 5' tcTACTTAGCTGTCTTTg 3' Energy: -17.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4311 NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.71 2 17 3783 3800 15 80.00% 93.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4311 NC_045512.2 570.00 -56.84 145.00 -17.71 523 18 29903 10515 19971 21723 3783 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4514 MIMAT0019051(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4514 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:6371 to 6388 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aagggGUUAGGACGGACa 5' :||||:|||||| Ref: 5' atggaTAATCTTGCCTGc 3' Energy: -19.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4514 NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.18 2 14 6371 6388 12 83.33% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:19261 to 19277 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' aaGGGGUUAGGACGGACa 5' ||::|| |:|||||| Ref: 5' aaCCTTAA-CTTGCCTGg 3' Energy: -21.280001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4514 NC_045512.2 142.00 -21.28 2 17 19261 19277 15 73.33% 93.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4514 NC_045512.2 287.00 -40.46 145.00 -21.28 524 18 29903 6371 19261 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-374a-3p MIMAT0004688(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-374a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:28260 to 28285 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (76.19%) Query: 3' uuaaUGUU--AUGUU--AGACUAUUc 5' |||| || || |||||||| Ref: 5' acgaACAAACTAAAATGTCTGATAAt 3' Energy: -10.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374a-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -10.58 2 19 28260 28285 21 76.19% 76.19% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20863 to 20886 Align Len (21) (57.14%) (80.95%) Query: 3' uuAAUGUUAUG--UUAGACUAUUc 5' || :::|:| : |||||||| Ref: 5' caTTTTGGTGCTGGTTCTGATAAa 3' Energy: -12.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374a-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -12.02 2 21 20863 20886 21 57.14% 80.95% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26213 to 26235 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' uuAAUGUU-AUGUUAGACUAUUc 5' ||::|| |||| |||||:| Ref: 5' ctTTGTAAGCACAAGCTGATGAg 3' Energy: -16.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374a-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.31 2 21 26213 26235 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3510 to 3532 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uuaAUGUU-AUGUUAGACUAUUc 5' |:||| | ||||||||:| Ref: 5' ccaTGCAAGTTGAATCTGATGAt 3' Energy: -13.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374a-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -13.97 2 20 3510 3532 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:6927 to 6948 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (84.62%) Query: 3' uuaauguuAUGUUAGACUAUUc 5' | :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctaattttTCTAAACTGATAAa 3' Energy: -7.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374a-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -7.18 2 15 6927 6948 13 76.92% 84.62% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13011 to 13033 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uuaAUGU-UAUGUUAGACUAUUc 5' |||: ||||| |||:||| Ref: 5' cagTACGTCTACAAGCTGGTAAt 3' Energy: -14.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374a-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.72 2 20 13011 13033 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:19567 to 19587 Align Len (18) (88.89%) (94.44%) Query: 3' uuAAUGUUAUGUUAGACUAUuc 5' |||||| |||||:||||| Ref: 5' gtTTACAA-ACAATTTGATAct 3' Energy: -15.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374a-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.52 3 21 19567 19587 18 88.89% 94.44% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10069 to 10090 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuAAUGUUAUGUUAGACUAUUc 5' | :|| | | |||||:||| Ref: 5' aaTGGCATTCCCATCTGGTAAa 3' Energy: -10.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374a-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -10.31 2 21 10069 10090 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17953 to 17973 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uuAAUGUUAUGUUAGACUAUUc 5' ||:| ||| :|||||||: Ref: 5' ctTTGC-ATAATGTCTGATAGa 3' Energy: -12.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374a-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.75 2 21 17953 17973 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:10249 to 10270 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (93.75%) Query: 3' uuaauGUUAUGUUAGACUAUUc 5' :::||||: |||:||| Ref: 5' tttctTGGTACAGGCTGGTAAt 3' Energy: -13.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374a-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.25 2 18 10249 10270 16 62.50% 93.75% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:27528 to 27549 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' uuaauguuauGUUAGACUAUUc 5' | | ||||||| Ref: 5' atttcatcctCTAGCTGATAAc 3' Energy: -7.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374a-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -7.16 2 13 27528 27549 11 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21784 to 21805 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uuaAUGUUAUGUUAGACUAUUc 5' ||| | : ::|:|||||| Ref: 5' tggTACTAAGAGGTTTGATAAc 3' Energy: -9.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.52 2 20 21784 21805 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6245 to 6265 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uuAAUGUUAUGUUAGACUAUUc 5' | |||||:||| || |||| Ref: 5' gtTAACAATGCAA-CTAATAAa 3' Energy: -11.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.64 2 21 6245 6265 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26086 to 26109 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' uuaAUGUUAUGUUA--GACUAUUc 5' ||||||| ||| :||||:| Ref: 5' atcTACAATAAAATTGTTGATGAg 3' Energy: -15.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.68 2 20 26086 26109 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9028 to 9049 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uuAAUGU-UAUGUUAGACUAUUc 5' ||| | ||:| ||||:||| Ref: 5' ttTTAAAGATGC-TTCTGGTAAg 3' Energy: -15.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374a-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.62 2 21 9028 9049 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27406 to 27425 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (68.42%) Query: 3' uuAAUGUUAUGUUAGACUAUUc 5' || | :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctTTTCTTGGCA--CTGATAAc 3' Energy: -7.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374a-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -7.10 2 21 27406 27425 19 63.16% 68.42% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:874 to 895 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuAAUGUUAUGUUAGACUAUUc 5' || :|: ||: |||:||| Ref: 5' ccTTCTAGCACGTGCTGGTAAa 3' Energy: -9.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.90 2 21 874 895 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:28964 to 28984 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uuaaUGUUAUGUUAGACUAUUc 5' :||| |: :||||:||| Ref: 5' gagaGCAAAAT-GTCTGGTAAa 3' Energy: -10.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.71 2 19 28964 28984 17 64.71% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-374a-3p NC_045512.2 2630.00 -213.94 156.00 -16.31 525 22 29903 28260 20863 26213 3510 6927 13011 19567 10069 17953 10249 27528 21784 6245 26086 9028 27406 874 28964 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-141-3p MIMAT0000432(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-141-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14382 to 14403 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gguAGAAAUGGUCUGUCACAAu 5' |:| | |: |||||||| Ref: 5' tgtTTTATTCTCTACAGTGTTc 3' Energy: -12.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-141-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -12.69 2 20 14382 14403 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7115 to 7136 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gguAGAAAUGGUCUGUCACAAu 5' ||| |||| ::|||||| Ref: 5' ggtTCTATACCTTGTAGTGTTt 3' Energy: -16.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-141-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.49 2 20 7115 7136 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23332 to 23354 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gguAGAAAUGGU-CUGUCACAAu 5' |:|| :: : | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttcTTTTGGTGGTGTCAGTGTTa 3' Energy: -14.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-141-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.85 2 20 23332 23354 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23709 to 23729 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ggUAGAAAUGGUCUGUCACAAu 5' | :|||||:| :|||||| Ref: 5' caAATTTTACTA-TTAGTGTTa 3' Energy: -16.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-141-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.94 2 21 23709 23729 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18106 to 18127 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (63.16%) Query: 3' ggUAGAAAUGGUCUGUCACAAu 5' | || || ||||||| Ref: 5' gcACCTACACACCTCAGTGTTg 3' Energy: -16.719999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-141-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.72 2 21 18106 18127 19 63.16% 63.16% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:15499 to 15520 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gguaGAA-AUGGUCUGUCACAAu 5' ||| |:|:| |:|||||| Ref: 5' actgCTTATGCTA-ATAGTGTTt 3' Energy: -15.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-141-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.45 2 19 15499 15520 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20042 to 20065 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gguAGAAAUG--GUCUGUCACAAu 5' |: |||| ||::|||||| Ref: 5' ttcTTATTACAGAAGGTAGTGTTa 3' Energy: -18.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-141-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.08 2 20 20042 20065 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7724 to 7748 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' gguAGAA-AUGGU--CUGUCACAAu 5' |||| |:|: ||:|||||| Ref: 5' tctTCTTACATCGTTGATAGTGTTa 3' Energy: -18.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-141-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.32 2 20 7724 7748 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27698 to 27720 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ggUAGAAAUG--GUCUGUCACAAu 5' ||: ||:| || |:|||||| Ref: 5' ttATTGTTGCGGCA-ATAGTGTTt 3' Energy: -12.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-141-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.15 2 21 27698 27720 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6726 to 6747 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ggUAGAAAUGGUCUGUCACAAu 5' | | | :::| ||:||||| Ref: 5' ctAACATAGTTACACGGTGTTt 3' Energy: -15.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-141-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.98 2 21 6726 6747 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6959 to 6980 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ggUAGAAAUGGUCUGUCACAAu 5' :|:|||||:| |||||| Ref: 5' tgGTTTTTACTATTAAGTGTTt 3' Energy: -16.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-141-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.18 2 21 6959 6980 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:10378 to 10399 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gguagaaauggucuGUCACAAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aggacagactttttCAGTGTTa 3' Energy: -13.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-141-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.87 2 9 10378 10399 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-141-3p NC_045512.2 1729.00 -187.72 155.00 -18.32 526 22 29903 14382 7115 23332 23709 18106 15499 20042 7724 27698 6726 6959 10378 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6856-5p MIMAT0027612(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6856-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:22429 to 22452 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ggUGUCGUGGUGACGAGGAGAGAa 5' || |::| :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' agACTGTGCACTTGACCCTCTCTc 3' Energy: -21.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6856-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -21.78 2 23 22429 22452 21 61.90% 76.19% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:1842 to 1866 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ggUGUCGUGGUGAC-GAGGAGAGAa 5' | | || :|||| ||||||:| Ref: 5' agAAATCAATACTGAGTCCTCTTTa 3' Energy: -19.719999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6856-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -19.72 2 23 1842 1866 22 68.18% 77.27% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:9658 to 9681 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' gguGUCGUGGUGA-CGAGGAGAGAa 5' || |||| :| |: |||:||| Ref: 5' gttCA-CACCTTTAGTACCTTTCTg 3' Energy: -17.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6856-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.51 2 22 9658 9681 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6179 to 6202 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ggugUCGUGGUGACGAGGAGAGAa 5' | |||:|| |||||:| Ref: 5' tataAACACTACACACCCTCTTTt 3' Energy: -19.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6856-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.14 2 21 6179 6202 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:21713 to 21738 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (72.73%) Query: 3' gguGUCGUGGUGACGA--GGAGAGAa 5' ||| ||: | || |||:||| Ref: 5' actCAGGACTTGTTCTTACCTTTCTt 3' Energy: -19.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6856-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.13 2 22 21713 21738 22 63.64% 72.73% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6856-5p NC_045512.2 729.00 -97.28 158.00 -21.78 527 24 29903 22429 1842 9658 6179 21713 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-186-5p MIMAT0000456(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-186-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:2281 to 2303 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' ucggguuuuccUCU-UAAGAAAc 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ggagagtgttcAGACATTCTTTa 3' Energy: -10.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-186-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -10.81 2 12 2281 2303 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:27389 to 27410 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (70.59%) Query: 3' ucggGUUUUCCUCUUAAGAAAc 5' || :| | ||||||| Ref: 5' cgaaCATGAAAATTATTCTTTt 3' Energy: -5.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-186-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -5.60 2 19 27389 27410 17 64.71% 70.59% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:5962 to 5983 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ucgggUUUUCCUCUUAAGAAac 5' |:|| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttataAGAAAGACAATTCTTat 3' Energy: -8.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-186-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -8.10 3 18 5962 5983 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:21637 to 21658 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucggguuuuccucUUAAGAAAc 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ccctgcatacactAATTCTTTc 3' Energy: -7.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-186-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -7.96 2 10 21637 21658 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7137 to 7159 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ucGGGUUUUCCUCU-UAAGAAAc 5' |::|: :| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtCTTAGTGGTTTAGATTCTTTa 3' Energy: -10.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-186-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.34 2 21 7137 7159 20 55.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:7244 to 7266 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' ucggguuuUCCUCU-UAAGAAAc 5' :| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tggtttttGGCATATATTCTTTt 3' Energy: -6.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-186-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -6.79 2 15 7244 7266 14 71.43% 78.57% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:26427 to 26448 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucgggUUUUCCUCUUAAGAAac 5' |||| |||||||| Ref: 5' tgttaAAAATCTGAATTCTTct 3' Energy: -9.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-186-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.63 3 18 26427 26448 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:3730 to 3751 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucggguuuuccucuUAAGAAAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgctgaccctatacATTCTTTa 3' Energy: -7.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-186-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.97 2 9 3730 3751 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:21369 to 21390 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucggguuuuccucuUAAGAAAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tcagttgtcttcctATTCTTTa 3' Energy: -5.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-186-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.63 2 9 21369 21390 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-186-5p NC_045512.2 1287.00 -72.83 146.00 -10.81 528 22 29903 2281 27389 5962 21637 7137 7244 26427 3730 21369 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-339-5p MIMAT0000764(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-339-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-486-5p MIMAT0002177(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-486-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:10242 to 10263 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gagccccgucGAGUCAUGUCCu 5' ||::||||||| Ref: 5' atcataatttCTTGGTACAGGc 3' Energy: -16.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-486-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -16.26 2 13 10242 10263 11 81.82% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-486-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -16.26 152.00 -16.26 530 22 29903 10242 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3927-5p MIMAT0022970(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3927-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24523 to 24548 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (69.57%) Query: 3' ugUCCGUCUAUAC-----ACUAUCCg 5' |||| || :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgAGGCTGAAGTGCAAATTGATAGGt 3' Energy: -19.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3927-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -19.46 2 20 24523 24548 23 65.22% 69.57% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 13 R:18656 to 18676 Align Len (10) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguccgucuAUACACUAUCcg 5' |||||||||| Ref: 5' cctgttgtcTATGTGATAGac 3' Energy: -12.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3927-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.58 3 13 18656 18676 10 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3927-5p NC_045512.2 290.00 -32.04 150.00 -19.46 531 21 29903 24523 18656 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7515 MIMAT0029310(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7515 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:12103 to 12120 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cagugguagAAGGGAAGa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' agagtttagTTCCCTTCc 3' Energy: -12.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7515 NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.37 2 10 12103 12120 8 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7515 NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.37 145.00 -12.37 532 18 29903 12103 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548ay-5p MIMAT0025452(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548ay-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 167.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25796 to 25814 Align Len (18) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' ccAAAAACC-C-ATTACTTTa 3' Energy: -16.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ay-5p NC_045512.2 167.00 -16.81 2 20 25796 25814 18 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8376 to 8398 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUGGUGU--UAAUGAAAa 5' ||||::|||| |||:|||| Ref: 5' caAAAAGTCACAACATTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -15.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ay-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -15.19 2 20 8376 8398 20 75.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:2720 to 2740 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' cguuuUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||| | ::||||||| Ref: 5' gcaccAACAAAGGTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -12.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ay-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -12.55 2 17 2720 2740 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1676 to 1696 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (94.44%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |:|:|:|:| ||||:||| Ref: 5' gaAGAGATCGCCATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -14.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ay-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -14.24 2 20 1676 1696 18 66.67% 94.44% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4013 to 4032 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |:||| | : :||||||| Ref: 5' acAGAAAAC-TTGTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -11.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ay-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -11.07 2 20 4013 4032 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7761 to 7781 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cguuuUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' | |||: ||||||| Ref: 5' gttccATCCATCTTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -10.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ay-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -10.38 2 17 7761 7781 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20181 to 20203 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUGG--UGUUAAUGAAAa 5' || ||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' acAATTACCTGAAACTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -11.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ay-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -11.96 2 20 20181 20203 20 70.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:5450 to 5471 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUGGUG-UUAAUGAAaa 5' |:|||| |: |:|||||| Ref: 5' agAGAAACAATGAGTTACTTgt 3' Energy: -10.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ay-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -10.11 3 20 5450 5471 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10948 to 10969 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUGGUGU-UAAUGAAAa 5' || : :|| : :||||||| Ref: 5' acAATGCTCAGGTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -10.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ay-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -10.03 2 20 10948 10969 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23010 to 23033 Align Len (21) (52.38%) (80.95%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUGGUGUU---AAUGAAAa 5' :||:::: :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttGAAGGTTTTAATTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -7.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ay-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -7.76 2 20 23010 23033 21 52.38% 80.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:13631 to 13651 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cguuUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' || : |: ||||||| Ref: 5' atttAATTGATTCTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -4.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ay-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -4.45 2 18 13631 13651 16 62.50% 75.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22274 to 22294 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cguuUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||||: :| ||:|||| Ref: 5' tttcAAACTTTACTTGCTTTa 3' Energy: -8.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ay-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -8.63 2 18 22274 22294 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:5893 to 5911 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cguUUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAaa 5' ||||| ||:|||||| Ref: 5' catAAAAC--CAGTTACTTat 3' Energy: -11.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ay-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.20 3 19 5893 5911 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:4517 to 4538 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cguuuuUGGUGU-UAAUGAAAa 5' :|:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tatggtGCTAGATTTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -7.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ay-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -7.77 2 16 4517 4538 15 66.67% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:11628 to 11648 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cguuuuugguguUAAUGAAAa 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' atttttgtacttGTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -7.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ay-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -7.37 2 10 11628 11648 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 14 R:25994 to 26014 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cguuuuugGUGUUAAUGAAaa 5' ||||:|||||| Ref: 5' ttgtattaCACAGTTACTTca 3' Energy: -14.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ay-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.13 3 14 25994 26014 11 90.91% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6770 to 6790 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cguuuuugguguuAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atgccttatttctTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -5.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ay-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.46 2 9 6770 6790 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548ay-5p NC_045512.2 2526.00 -179.11 167.00 -16.81 533 21 29903 25796 8376 2720 1676 4013 7761 20181 5450 10948 23010 13631 22274 5893 4517 11628 25994 6770 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548j-5p MIMAT0005875(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548j-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25795 to 25814 Align Len (19) (84.21%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ugGUUUCUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |||| ||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' tcCAAAAACC-C-ATTACTTTa 3' Energy: -16.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548j-5p NC_045512.2 164.00 -16.81 2 21 25795 25814 19 84.21% 84.21% Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1675 to 1696 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (94.44%) Query: 3' uggUUUCUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |:|||:||| ||||:||| Ref: 5' tgaAGAGATCGCCATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -18.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548j-5p NC_045512.2 163.00 -18.96 2 20 1675 1696 18 77.78% 94.44% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20180 to 20203 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ugGUUUCUGG-CGUU-AAUGAAAa 5' ||| ||| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaCAATTACCTGAAACTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -11.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548j-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -11.10 2 21 20180 20203 21 76.19% 76.19% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10947 to 10969 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ugGUUUCUGG-CGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||| | :| | :||||||| Ref: 5' gaCAATGCTCAGGTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -8.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548j-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -8.91 2 21 10947 10969 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23009 to 23033 Align Len (22) (54.55%) (81.82%) Query: 3' ugGUUUCUGGCGUU---AAUGAAAa 5' ::|||::: :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtTGAAGGTTTTAATTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -9.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548j-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -9.80 2 21 23009 23033 22 54.55% 81.82% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4012 to 4032 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugGUUUCUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||:| | | : :||||||| Ref: 5' caCAGAAAAC-TTGTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -8.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548j-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -8.37 2 21 4012 4032 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14686 to 14707 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ugGUUUCUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |||||||: | || ||||| Ref: 5' aaCAAAGACTTCTATGACTTTg 3' Energy: -14.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548j-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.34 2 21 14686 14707 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2719 to 2740 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (68.42%) Query: 3' ugGUUUCUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' || || ::||||||| Ref: 5' tgCACCAACAAAGGTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -12.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548j-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.97 2 21 2719 2740 19 57.89% 68.42% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21818 to 21839 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ugGUUUCUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' :|| ||: |:: |||:||| Ref: 5' ttTAATGATGGTGTTTATTTTg 3' Energy: -8.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548j-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -8.06 2 21 21818 21839 19 57.89% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16891 to 16912 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uggUUUCUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' || | : |::||||:||| Ref: 5' ttaAATGTTGGTGATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -6.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548j-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -6.70 2 20 16891 16912 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:7760 to 7781 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (76.92%) Query: 3' ugguuucuGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' || : ||||||| Ref: 5' ggttccatCCATCTTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -9.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548j-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.88 2 15 7760 7781 13 69.23% 76.92% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8375 to 8398 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uggUUUCUGGCGU--UAAUGAAAa 5' ||| ::| || |||:|||| Ref: 5' gcaAAAAGTCACAACATTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -8.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548j-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.85 2 20 8375 8398 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:11627 to 11648 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugguuucuggcguUAAUGAAAa 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' tatttttgtacttGTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -6.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548j-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -6.83 2 10 11627 11648 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:2916 to 2937 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ugGUUUCUGGCGUUAAUGAAaa 5' | |: |:| |||||||| Ref: 5' aaCCAGTATCTGAATTACTTac 3' Energy: -16.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548j-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.73 3 21 2916 2937 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4517 to 4538 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugguuucuggcguuAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tatggtgctagattTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -7.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548j-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.58 2 9 4517 4538 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6769 to 6790 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugguuucuggcguuAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tatgccttatttctTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -6.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548j-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.78 2 9 6769 6790 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:13630 to 13651 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugguuucuggcguuAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aatttaattgattcTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -6.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548j-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.48 2 9 13630 13651 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548j-5p NC_045512.2 2501.00 -179.15 164.00 -18.96 534 22 29903 25795 1675 20180 10947 23009 4012 14686 2719 21818 16891 7760 8375 11627 2916 4517 6769 13630 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3936 MIMAT0018351(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3936 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9849 to 9869 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' acgUAGACGGUAUGUGGGGAAu 5' || |||:|| :|||:||| Ref: 5' gtgATGTGCTAT-TACCTCTTa 3' Energy: -21.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3936 NC_045512.2 149.00 -21.06 2 20 9849 9869 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10788 to 10814 Align Len (24) (66.67%) (75.00%) Query: 3' acGUA-GACGGUAUG----UGGGGAAu 5' ||| :|| ||||| |||:||| Ref: 5' acCATGTTGACATACTAGGACCTCTTt 3' Energy: -17.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3936 NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.18 2 21 10788 10814 24 66.67% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3936 NC_045512.2 291.00 -38.24 149.00 -21.06 535 22 29903 9849 10788 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4320 MIMAT0016871(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4320 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:22521 to 22538 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uccUUCGAUGUCUUAGGg 5' || | ||||||||: Ref: 5' tccAACCAACAGAATCTa 3' Energy: -11.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4320 NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.37 2 16 22521 22538 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:13209 to 13226 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (76.92%) Query: 3' uccuUCGAUGUCUUAGGg 5' :| | ||||||| Ref: 5' atatGGATCAAGAATCCt 3' Energy: -12.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4320 NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.85 2 15 13209 13226 13 69.23% 76.92% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:15936 to 15953 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uccuucgaugUCUUAGGg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' agatccatcaAGAATCCt 3' Energy: -10.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4320 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.59 2 9 15936 15953 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4320 NC_045512.2 425.00 -34.81 143.00 -12.85 536 18 29903 22521 13209 15936 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1273h-5p MIMAT0030415(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1273h-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4782-3p MIMAT0019945(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4782-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:3237 to 3258 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (100.00%) Query: 3' caagaucuaUACUUCUGUUAGu 5' :|||:||||||| Ref: 5' aagacggcaGTGAGGACAATCa 3' Energy: -18.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4782-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -18.95 2 14 3237 3258 12 83.33% 100.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:6552 to 6573 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' caaGAUCUAUACUUCUGUUAGu 5' ||: |||| |||||||: Ref: 5' tggCTGCTTATGTAGACAATTc 3' Energy: -16.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4782-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.01 2 20 6552 6573 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:12339 to 12362 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' caaGAU--CUAUACUUCUGUUAgu 5' ||| | |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaCTAGTGCTATGCAGACAATgc 3' Energy: -17.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4782-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.68 3 20 12339 12362 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24652 to 24673 Align Len (17) (58.82%) (76.47%) Query: 3' caagAUCUAUACUUCUGUUAGu 5' |: :|| :||||||| Ref: 5' agagTGTGTACTTGGACAATCa 3' Energy: -15.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4782-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.47 2 19 24652 24673 17 58.82% 76.47% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:25238 to 25259 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' caagAUCUAUACUUCUGUUAGu 5' ||| |||: ||||||: Ref: 5' gccaTAGTAATGGTGACAATTa 3' Energy: -14.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4782-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.61 2 19 25238 25259 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4031 to 4053 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' caAGAUCUAUACUU-CUGUUAGu 5' | | || || || |:||||| Ref: 5' taTATTGACATTAATGGCAATCt 3' Energy: -7.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4782-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -7.48 2 21 4031 4053 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:4 to 20 R:12309 to 12330 Align Len (16) (87.50%) (93.75%) Query: 3' caaGAUCUAUACUUCUGUUagu 5' |||||| |||:||||| Ref: 5' aggCTAGATCTGAGGACAAgag 3' Energy: -21.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4782-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -21.12 4 20 12309 12330 16 87.50% 93.75% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4807 to 4825 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' caaGAUCUAUACUUCUGUUAGu 5' ||| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' gtcCTA-TTCTG--GACAATCt 3' Energy: -10.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4782-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.00 2 20 4807 4825 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:5957 to 5979 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' caagaucUAUAC-UUCUGUUAGu 5' ||| | ||||||||: Ref: 5' aattattATAAGAAAGACAATTc 3' Energy: -9.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4782-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.52 2 16 5957 5979 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4911 to 4932 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' caagaucuauacuuCUGUUAGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aagttatcacctttGACAATCt 3' Energy: -8.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4782-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.74 2 9 4911 4932 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4782-3p NC_045512.2 1456.00 -139.58 157.00 -21.12 538 22 29903 3237 6552 12339 24652 25238 4031 12309 4807 5957 4911 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6823-3p MIMAT0027547(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6823-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3117-5p MIMAT0019197(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3117-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:6645 to 6665 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uauacUGAGCA-UAUCACAGa 5' :|| | |||||||| Ref: 5' tagctGCTGTTAATAGTGTCc 3' Energy: -12.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3117-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.03 2 16 6645 6665 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7981 to 7999 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (70.59%) Query: 3' uaUACUGAGCAUAUCACAGa 5' || | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' agATCAGGCAT-TAGTGTCt 3' Energy: -13.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3117-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.64 2 19 7981 7999 17 70.59% 70.59% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 16 R:17135 to 17154 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' uauacUGAGCAUAUCACAga 5' :|||| ||||||| Ref: 5' cttctGCTCGCATAGTGTat 3' Energy: -16.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3117-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.33 3 16 17135 17154 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:19403 to 19422 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uauacugagcaUAUCACAGa 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' atggaaaacaaGTAGTGTCa 3' Energy: -11.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3117-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.53 2 10 19403 19422 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10477 to 10499 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' uaUACUGAG--CA-UAUCACAGa 5' |||::|| || :||||||: Ref: 5' taATGGTTCATGTGGTAGTGTTg 3' Energy: -14.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3117-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.81 2 19 10477 10499 20 65.00% 85.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3117-5p NC_045512.2 714.00 -68.34 146.00 -16.33 540 20 29903 6645 7981 17135 19403 10477 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-218-5p MIMAT0000275(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-218-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17607 to 17628 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ugUACCAAUCUAG-UUCGUGUu 5' || | || |: ||||||| Ref: 5' tgATAATAAGCTTAAAGCACAt 3' Energy: -9.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-218-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -9.23 2 20 17607 17628 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23191 to 23210 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ugUACCAAUCUAGUUCGUGUu 5' |||||| | ||:||||| Ref: 5' caATGGTT-TAACAGGCACAg 3' Energy: -20.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-218-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -20.48 2 20 23191 23210 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24808 to 24826 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ugUACCAAUCUAGUUCGUGUu 5' || | |:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' tcAT-GATGGA-AAAGCACAc 3' Energy: -14.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-218-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.83 2 20 24808 24826 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:22163 to 22185 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uguaccaAUCUA--GUUCGUGUu 5' || || :||||||| Ref: 5' tttaaaaTATATTCTAAGCACAc 3' Energy: -8.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-218-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -8.64 2 15 22163 22185 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:26206 to 26226 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguaccaaucuaGUUCGUGUu 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' agcgtgcctttgTAAGCACAa 3' Energy: -16.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-218-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.59 2 10 26206 26226 8 87.50% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-218-5p NC_045512.2 732.00 -69.77 150.00 -20.48 541 21 29903 17607 23191 24808 22163 26206 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-663b MIMAT0005867(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-663b vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1279 MIMAT0005937(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1279 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:13197 to 13214 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' ucuuUCUUC-GUUAUACu 5' :|||| ||||||| Ref: 5' caccGGAAGCCAATATGg 3' Energy: -13.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1279 NC_045512.2 152.00 -13.67 2 14 13197 13214 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:24059 to 24075 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ucuuucUUCGUUAUACu 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttcatcAAACAATATGg 3' Energy: -9.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1279 NC_045512.2 147.00 -9.18 2 12 24059 24075 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:23816 to 23832 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucuuucuuCGUUAUACu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' cttttgttGCAATATGg 3' Energy: -10.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1279 NC_045512.2 145.00 -10.41 2 10 23816 23832 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:3092 to 3108 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucuuucuucGUUAUACu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ccatcaactCAATATGa 3' Energy: -9.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1279 NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.00 2 9 3092 3108 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1279 NC_045512.2 584.00 -42.26 152.00 -13.67 543 17 29903 13197 24059 23816 3092 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4656 MIMAT0019723(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4656 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3603 to 3625 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uguCCGGAGGACGGGAGUCGGGu 5' | |:|| ||:: ||:|||| Ref: 5' actGTCTTCATGTTGTCGGCCCa 3' Energy: -28.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4656 NC_045512.2 148.00 -28.04 2 21 3603 3625 19 63.16% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4656 NC_045512.2 148.00 -28.04 148.00 -28.04 544 23 29903 3603 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-135a-5p MIMAT0000428(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-135a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:4437 to 4459 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' aguguauCCUUAUUUUUCGGUAu 5' |||| |||||||| Ref: 5' tctgtgtGGAAACTAAAGCCATa 3' Energy: -17.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-135a-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -17.30 2 17 4437 4459 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:3885 to 3906 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' agUGUAUCCUUAUUUUUCGGUAu 5' | | ||||| : ||||||| Ref: 5' ctAAAGAGGAA-GTTAAGCCATt 3' Energy: -16.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-135a-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -16.66 2 22 3885 3906 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8680 to 8701 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (89.47%) Query: 3' aguGUAUCCUUAUUUUUCGGUAu 5' |||||| ||| ||:||:|| Ref: 5' aatCATAGG-ATACAAGGCTATt 3' Energy: -18.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-135a-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.58 2 21 8680 8701 19 78.95% 89.47% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:6247 to 6271 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (76.19%) Query: 3' agUGUAUCCUU-AUU-UUUCGGUau 5' ||| | || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' taACAATGCAACTAATAAAGCCAcg 3' Energy: -8.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-135a-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -8.92 3 22 6247 6271 21 76.19% 76.19% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:11434 to 11458 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (84.62%) Query: 3' aguguauccuuAUUU--UUCGGUAu 5' ||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' tggtaatgcttTAGATCAAGCCATt 3' Energy: -8.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-135a-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -8.69 2 13 11434 11458 13 76.92% 84.62% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:12073 to 12097 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (72.73%) Query: 3' agUGUAUCCUU--AUUUUUCGGUAu 5' ||| :| || | | ||||:|| Ref: 5' caACAGGGCAACCTTACAAGCTATa 3' Energy: -10.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-135a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.78 2 22 12073 12097 22 63.64% 72.73% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-135a-5p NC_045512.2 883.00 -80.93 156.00 -18.58 545 23 29903 4437 3885 8680 6247 11434 12073 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3922-5p MIMAT0019227(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3922-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:25675 to 25697 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' acgacacccUGGAGACCGGAACu 5' :|: ||||||||| Ref: 5' ttgctcgttGCTGCTGGCCTTGa 3' Energy: -25.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3922-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -25.58 2 15 25675 25697 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:25761 to 25782 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' acgacACCCUGGAGACCGGAACu 5' || |: ||:||||:||| Ref: 5' aataaTGAGG-CTTTGGCTTTGc 3' Energy: -18.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3922-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.78 2 19 25761 25782 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:2308 to 2330 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acgacacccUGGAGACCGGAACu 5' |::|:||||:||| Ref: 5' tgtaaataaATTTTTGGCTTTGt 3' Energy: -17.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3922-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.08 2 15 2308 2330 13 69.23% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3922-5p NC_045512.2 440.00 -61.44 154.00 -25.58 546 23 29903 25675 25761 2308 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3186-5p MIMAT0015067(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3186-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11754 to 11778 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' uucGGUGC--AUC-UGUCUGCGGAc 5' ||| | ||| |:|||:|||| Ref: 5' cacCCAAGAATAGCATAGATGCCTt 3' Energy: -20.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3186-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -20.70 2 20 11754 11778 21 71.43% 80.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3186-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -20.70 145.00 -20.70 547 22 29903 11754 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6785-5p MIMAT0027470(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6785-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24698 to 24721 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (90.48%) Query: 3' guGGUAGUAG-GUGC-GGGAGGGu 5' |:|||||| :|:| ||:|||| Ref: 5' ggCTATCATCTTATGTCCTTCCCt 3' Energy: -29.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6785-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -29.66 2 21 24698 24721 21 71.43% 90.48% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6785-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -29.66 154.00 -29.66 548 22 29903 24698 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1587 MIMAT0019077(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1587 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-2053 MIMAT0009978(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-2053 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:28477 to 28500 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cauuuaUCUCCAA-AUUAAUUGUg 5' ||: ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' aggacaAGGCGTTCCAATTAACAc 3' Energy: -13.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2053 NC_045512.2 156.00 -13.45 2 18 28477 28500 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:16107 to 16129 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' caUUUAUCUCCAAAUUAAUUGUg 5' |: || | | | |:|||||| Ref: 5' aaAGCTACATGATGAGTTAACAg 3' Energy: -6.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2053 NC_045512.2 145.00 -6.03 2 22 16107 16129 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:17683 to 17705 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cauuuaucuccaaaUUAAUUGUg 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' gatgtttcatctgcAATTAACAg 3' Energy: -6.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2053 NC_045512.2 145.00 -6.09 2 10 17683 17705 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22247 to 22266 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cauuuaUCUCCAAAUUAAUUGUg 5' | |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgccaATAGGT---ATTAACAt 3' Energy: -9.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2053 NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.70 2 18 22247 22266 16 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:117 to 139 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' cauuuaucucCAAAUUAAUUGUg 5' || |||||||:| Ref: 5' cactcacgcaGTATAATTAATAa 3' Energy: -7.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2053 NC_045512.2 141.00 -7.05 2 14 117 139 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:916 to 936 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' caUUUAUCUCCAAAUUAAUUGUg 5' || |:|| ||| |||:||| Ref: 5' acAACTGGA-CTTT-ATTGACAc 3' Energy: -9.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2053 NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.16 2 22 916 936 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21529 to 21551 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cauUUAUCUCCAA-AUUAAUUGUg 5' |:| || ||| | :|||||| Ref: 5' tctAGT-GATGTTCTTGTTAACAa 3' Energy: -7.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2053 NC_045512.2 141.00 -7.87 2 21 21529 21551 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:20811 to 20833 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cauuuaucuccaaauUAAUUGUg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tcaatatttaaacacATTAACAt 3' Energy: -5.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2053 NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.47 2 9 20811 20833 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-2053 NC_045512.2 1154.00 -64.82 156.00 -13.45 550 23 29903 28477 16107 17683 22247 117 916 21529 20811 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-93-5p MIMAT0000093(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-93-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22041 to 22066 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (81.82%) Query: 3' gauGGACGUGCUUGU---CGUGAAAc 5' |: |::||||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' attCTAGTGCGAATAATTGCACTTTt 3' Energy: -17.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-93-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -17.45 2 21 22041 22066 22 63.64% 81.82% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:9210 to 9232 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gaugGACGUGCUUGUCGUGAAac 5' |||:| | ||:|||||| Ref: 5' agtaCTGTAGGCACGGCACTTgt 3' Energy: -21.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-93-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -21.99 3 20 9210 9232 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:27464 to 27485 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (93.75%) Query: 3' gauggaCGUGCUUGUCGUGAAAc 5' |:|| |||||:||||| Ref: 5' ttagagGTAC-AACAGTACTTTt 3' Energy: -18.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-93-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -18.30 2 18 27464 27485 16 81.25% 93.75% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:15000 to 15023 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gauggaCGUGCUUGU-CGUGAAAc 5' | |: || | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttatgaGGATCAAGATGCACTTTt 3' Energy: -10.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-93-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -10.52 2 18 15000 15023 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:15542 to 15563 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gaUGGACGUGCUUGUCGUGAAAc 5' :|| ::: ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' cgGCCAATGTTAAT-GCACTTTt 3' Energy: -12.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-93-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.38 2 22 15542 15563 20 55.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:15728 to 15750 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gauggACGUGCUUGUCGUGAAac 5' ||: : ||:||||||| Ref: 5' ttgtgTGTTTCAATAGCACTTat 3' Energy: -16.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-93-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.09 3 19 15728 15750 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:887 to 910 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' gauggacgugcuuGU-CGUGAAAc 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' gctggtaaagcttCATGCACTTTg 3' Energy: -16.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-93-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.29 2 11 887 910 10 90.00% 90.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-93-5p NC_045512.2 1039.00 -113.02 159.00 -21.99 551 23 29903 22041 9210 27464 15000 15542 15728 887 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-376c-5p MIMAT0022861(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-376c-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6816-5p MIMAT0027532(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6816-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4452 MIMAT0018974(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4452 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2359 to 2381 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uagUGAAUUCCGGUUCUUAAGUu 5' |||||| ||| |||||:| Ref: 5' taaACTTAAAGCCTTGAATTTAg 3' Energy: -18.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4452 NC_045512.2 160.00 -18.88 2 21 2359 2381 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:25118 to 25142 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (81.82%) Query: 3' uaGUGAAUUC--CGGUUCUUAAGUu 5' || | |:| ||||||||||:| Ref: 5' ctCAATGAGGTTGCCAAGAATTTAa 3' Energy: -21.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4452 NC_045512.2 156.00 -21.09 2 22 25118 25142 22 72.73% 81.82% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11719 to 11741 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uagUGAAUUCCGGUUCUUAAGUu 5' ::|||: :| ||||||| Ref: 5' ggaGTTTAGATATATGAATTCAc 3' Energy: -8.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4452 NC_045512.2 152.00 -8.81 2 21 11719 11741 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:17262 to 17287 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' uagugaAUUCCGGUU---CUUAAGUu 5' ||| :||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttttgaTAAATTCAAAGTGAATTCAa 3' Energy: -10.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4452 NC_045512.2 148.00 -10.52 2 18 17262 17287 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:20265 to 20285 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uagugaAUUCCGGUUCUUAAGUu 5' || || | ||||||| Ref: 5' attagcTATGG--ATGAATTCAt 3' Energy: -10.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4452 NC_045512.2 146.00 -10.41 2 18 20265 20285 16 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:23653 to 23675 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' uaGUGAAUUCCGGUUCUUAAGUu 5' |||||:: || :| |||||| Ref: 5' gtCACTTGGTGCAGAAAATTCAg 3' Energy: -19.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4452 NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.41 2 22 23653 23675 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1147 to 1168 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uaguGAAUUCCGGUUCUUAAGUu 5' :||| || : |||||||: Ref: 5' tggcTTTATGGGT-AGAATTCGa 3' Energy: -15.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4452 NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.89 2 20 1147 1168 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4452 NC_045512.2 1048.00 -105.01 160.00 -21.09 554 23 29903 2359 25118 11719 17262 20265 23653 1147 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548k MIMAT0005882(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548k vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:9769 to 9790 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ucguuuuAGGCGUUCAUGAAAa 5' ||| : |||||||| Ref: 5' tggtgttTCCTTTAGTACTTTt 3' Energy: -12.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548k NC_045512.2 155.00 -12.97 2 16 9769 9790 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14857 to 14881 Align Len (22) (59.09%) (86.36%) Query: 3' ucGUUUUA--GGC-GUUCAUGAAAa 5' ::||:| ::| :||||||||| Ref: 5' gtTGAAGTTGTTGATAAGTACTTTg 3' Energy: -12.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548k NC_045512.2 154.00 -12.75 2 21 14857 14881 22 59.09% 86.36% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23084 to 23103 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucGUUUUAGGCGUUCAUGAAAa 5' ||:|:| |: |||||||| Ref: 5' taCAGAGT-AGT-AGTACTTTc 3' Energy: -15.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548k NC_045512.2 152.00 -15.29 2 21 23084 23103 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:1705 to 1726 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (92.86%) Query: 3' ucguuuuAGGCGUUCAUGAAAa 5' ||| |||||:|||| Ref: 5' ttctgctTCCACAAGTGCTTTt 3' Energy: -18.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548k NC_045512.2 151.00 -18.88 2 16 1705 1726 14 85.71% 92.86% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:27464 to 27485 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ucgUUUUAGGCGUUCAUGAAAa 5' :|::| | |||||||| Ref: 5' ttaGAGGTACAACAGTACTTTt 3' Energy: -11.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548k NC_045512.2 151.00 -11.26 2 20 27464 27485 18 61.11% 77.78% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:18877 to 18898 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' ucguuuUAGGCGUUCAUGAAAa 5' :||| |:|||:|||| Ref: 5' ctagctGTCCACGAGTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -21.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548k NC_045512.2 148.00 -21.08 2 17 18877 18898 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:3706 to 3727 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ucguuuUAGGCGUUCAUGAAAa 5' ||| || :|||:||| Ref: 5' attattATCAGCTGGTATTTTt 3' Energy: -11.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548k NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.44 2 17 3706 3727 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9896 to 9917 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucGUUUUAGGCGUUCAUGAAAa 5' :|| | : ||||||:||| Ref: 5' taTAATAAGTACAAGTATTTTa 3' Energy: -10.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548k NC_045512.2 144.00 -10.62 2 21 9896 9917 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6793 to 6811 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucGUUUUAGGCGUUCAUGAAAa 5' :| ||| :|: ||||||| Ref: 5' gcTACAAT-TGT--GTACTTTt 3' Energy: -9.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548k NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.49 2 21 6793 6811 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18612 to 18634 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ucGUUUUAGGCG-UUCAUGAAAa 5' ::| |||: : |||||:||| Ref: 5' gtTGACATCTATGAAGTATTTTg 3' Energy: -9.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548k NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.75 2 21 18612 18634 20 60.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:17580 to 17601 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucguuuuaGGCGUUCAUGAAAa 5' |:|::|||:|||| Ref: 5' tgttgacaCTGTGAGTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -14.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548k NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.46 2 15 17580 17601 13 69.23% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10891 to 10912 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ucGUUUUAGGCGUUCAUGAAAa 5' | | ||: | |||:|||| Ref: 5' taCCATATTGGGTAGTGCTTTa 3' Energy: -10.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548k NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.83 2 21 10891 10912 19 63.16% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548k NC_045512.2 1767.00 -158.82 155.00 -21.08 555 22 29903 9769 14857 23084 1705 27464 18877 3706 9896 6793 18612 17580 10891 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6736-5p MIMAT0027373(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6736-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16027 to 16045 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ugGUGUCUACGGGAGUGGGUc 5' :|:||||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' gcTATAGATG--CTTACCCAc 3' Energy: -24.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6736-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -24.27 2 20 16027 16045 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:28083 to 28105 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (73.68%) Query: 3' uggUGUCUACGG--GAGUGGGUc 5' :| |:| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' gagGCTGGTTCTAAATCACCCAt 3' Energy: -15.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6736-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.41 2 19 28083 28105 19 57.89% 73.68% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:28427 to 28447 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uggugucuaCGGGAGUGGGUc 5' ||:|||||:|| Ref: 5' tggttcaccGCTCTCACTCAa 3' Energy: -20.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6736-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.44 2 13 28427 28447 11 81.82% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6736-5p NC_045512.2 429.00 -60.12 148.00 -24.27 556 21 29903 16027 28083 28427 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-10395-5p MIMAT0041621(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-10395-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:12108 to 12125 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ccaUAACGAGAGGUAGUg 5' :|| | :||||||| Ref: 5' ttaGTTCCCTTCCATCAt 3' Energy: -13.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10395-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -13.61 2 16 12108 12125 14 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:23974 to 23993 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (70.59%) Query: 3' ccAUAACG--AGAGGUAGUg 5' |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaTATTACCAGATCCATCAa 3' Energy: -10.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10395-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.62 2 17 23974 23993 17 70.59% 70.59% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:23624 to 23640 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (73.33%) Query: 3' ccAUAACGAGAGGUAGUg 5' || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gcTAGT-CAATCCATCAt 3' Energy: -12.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10395-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.37 2 17 23624 23640 15 73.33% 73.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:15929 to 15946 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccauaacgagAGGUAGUg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cttacccagaTCCATCAa 3' Energy: -10.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10395-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.55 2 9 15929 15946 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-10395-5p NC_045512.2 576.00 -47.15 151.00 -13.61 557 18 29903 12108 23974 23624 15929 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1236-5p MIMAT0022945(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1236-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9512 to 9533 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' aggGGUAAAGGGGACAGUGAGu 5' |:||| |:: |||||:|| Ref: 5' ttaCTATTCCTTATGTCATTCa 3' Energy: -21.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1236-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -21.85 2 20 9512 9533 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:80 to 101 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agggguaaagggGACAGUGAGu 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' aaatctgtgtggCTGTCACTCg 3' Energy: -20.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1236-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -20.04 2 11 80 101 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:8697 to 8718 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agggguaaaggggACAGUGAGu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ctattgatggtggTGTCACTCg 3' Energy: -15.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1236-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.67 2 10 8697 8718 8 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1236-5p NC_045512.2 446.00 -57.56 151.00 -21.85 558 22 29903 9512 80 8697 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-764 MIMAT0010367(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-764 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:18639 to 18660 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uccUCCUGUUCACUCGUGGACg 5' ||||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' aatAGGACCTGAGCGCACCTGt 3' Energy: -23.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-764 NC_045512.2 163.00 -23.33 2 20 18639 18660 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:10168 to 10192 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uccUCCUGUUCACU---CGUGGAcg 5' | |||| |||| |||||| Ref: 5' tccAAGACATGTGATCTGCACCTct 3' Energy: -18.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-764 NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.51 3 20 10168 10192 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2245 to 2266 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucCUCCUGUUCACUCGUGGACg 5' | |||||| | : |||||| Ref: 5' cgGTGGACAAATTGTCACCTGt 3' Energy: -22.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-764 NC_045512.2 140.00 -22.60 2 21 2245 2266 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-764 NC_045512.2 445.00 -64.44 163.00 -23.33 559 22 29903 18639 10168 2245 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-208b-5p MIMAT0026722(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-208b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17745 to 17764 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uguAUUAAGCUCGUUUUUCGAa 5' |: || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' cccTGCTTGGAG--AAAAGCTg 3' Energy: -8.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-208b-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -8.80 2 20 17745 17764 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:26547 to 26570 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uguauuaagCUCG--UUUUUCGAa 5' |||| |||||||| Ref: 5' accgttgaaGAGCTTAAAAAGCTc 3' Energy: -13.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-208b-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -13.73 2 14 26547 26570 14 85.71% 85.71% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23218 to 23239 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uguAUUAAGCUCGUUUUUCGAa 5' |:| || | |||||||:| Ref: 5' tacTGAGTCTAACAAAAAGTTt 3' Energy: -11.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-208b-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -11.42 2 20 23218 23239 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24105 to 24127 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uguAUUAAGCUCGU-UUUUCGAa 5' | |||:| ||| |||||:| Ref: 5' accTCATTTGTGCACAAAAGTTt 3' Energy: -13.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-208b-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -13.00 2 20 24105 24127 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:1124 to 1144 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' uguauuaagcUCGUUUUUCGAa 5' || |||||||| Ref: 5' agggttgaaaAG-AAAAAGCTt 3' Energy: -9.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-208b-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -9.76 2 13 1124 1144 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4194 to 4214 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uguaUUAAGCUCGUUUUUCGAa 5' ||| | ||| :|||||| Ref: 5' ctgaAATGCTAGC-GAAAGCTt 3' Energy: -11.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-208b-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.49 2 19 4194 4214 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1791 to 1814 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (66.67%) Query: 3' ugUAUUAAGCUCGU--UUUUCGAa 5' | |:|| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttAAAGTTACAAAAGGAAAAGCTa 3' Energy: -7.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-208b-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -7.66 2 21 1791 1814 21 61.90% 66.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4633 to 4652 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uguaUUAAGCUCGUUUUUCGAa 5' ||||:|: ||:||||| Ref: 5' cttaAATTTGG--AAGAAGCTg 3' Energy: -12.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-208b-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.40 2 19 4633 4652 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21122 to 21141 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' uguAUUAAGCUCGUUUUUCGAa 5' | || | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtTTATAC-AAC-AAAAGCTa 3' Energy: -5.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-208b-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -5.87 2 20 21122 21141 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7576 to 7596 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uguAUUAAGCUCGUUUUUCGAa 5' ||| | ||| |||:||| Ref: 5' tgcTAA-TGGAGGTAAAGGCTt 3' Energy: -12.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-208b-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.84 2 20 7576 7596 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3392 to 3413 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ugUAUUAAGCUCGUUUUUCGAa 5' | | |:| | ||:||||| Ref: 5' gcAGACATTGTGGAAGAAGCTa 3' Energy: -12.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-208b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.86 2 21 3392 3413 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28610 to 28631 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugUAUUAAGCUCGUUUUUCGAa 5' | :| :|:|| |:||||| Ref: 5' ctAGGAACTGGGCCAGAAGCTg 3' Energy: -13.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-208b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.32 2 21 28610 28631 19 57.89% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-208b-5p NC_045512.2 1745.00 -133.15 152.00 -13.73 560 22 29903 17745 26547 23218 24105 1124 4194 1791 4633 21122 7576 3392 28610 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6866-3p MIMAT0027633(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6866-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:2391 to 2412 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' gaucuccUGUCUAUUUCCCUAg 5' :|| |||||||| Ref: 5' ttgtcacGCACTCAAAGGGATt 3' Energy: -11.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6866-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.89 2 16 2391 2412 14 71.43% 78.57% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6866-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.89 147.00 -11.89 561 22 29903 2391 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-518f-5p MIMAT0002841(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-518f-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14515 to 14536 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' cucUUUCACGAAGGGAGAUCUc 5' || | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtaAACTTACATAGCTCTAGAc 3' Energy: -10.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-518f-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.26 2 20 14515 14536 18 66.67% 66.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26431 to 26452 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cucUUUCACGAAGGGAGAUCUc 5' || || |:|:|||||| Ref: 5' aaaAATCTGAATTCTTCTAGAg 3' Energy: -17.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-518f-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.46 2 20 26431 26452 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22212 to 22234 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cucUUUCACGAAG-GGAGAUCUc 5' |::|| :||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' ctcAGGGTTTTTCGGCTTTAGAa 3' Energy: -12.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-518f-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.72 2 20 22212 22234 19 63.16% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-518f-5p NC_045512.2 432.00 -40.44 147.00 -17.46 562 22 29903 14515 26431 22212 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4330 MIMAT0016924(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4330 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:12306 to 12323 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' cguUCCGAGACUAGACUCc 5' ||||| |||||||| Ref: 5' aacAGGCT-AGATCTGAGg 3' Energy: -26.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4330 NC_045512.2 158.00 -26.05 2 17 12306 12323 15 86.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:19862 to 19880 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cgUUCCGAGACUAGACUCc 5' || || |||||||:| Ref: 5' ctAATACTGTGATCTGGGa 3' Energy: -18.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4330 NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.78 2 18 19862 19880 16 75.00% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4330 NC_045512.2 303.00 -44.83 158.00 -26.05 563 19 29903 12306 19862 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6511b-3p MIMAT0025848(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6511b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:549 to 572 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' acGUC-CGUCUUCCCCACCACUCc 5' ||| |:| | |||||||| Ref: 5' ttCAGTACGGTCGTAGTGGTGAGa 3' Energy: -21.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6511b-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -21.11 2 22 549 572 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:5363 to 5384 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' acGUCCGUC-UUCCCCACCACUcc 5' ||| || ||||| |||||| Ref: 5' taCAG--AGCAAGGGCTGGTGAag 3' Energy: -26.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6511b-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -26.07 3 22 5363 5384 20 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:2982 to 3005 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (73.33%) Query: 3' acguccguCUUC-CCCACCACUCc 5' || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' acttatttGATGAGTCTGGTGAGt 3' Energy: -12.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6511b-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.09 2 16 2982 3005 15 73.33% 73.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6511b-3p NC_045512.2 439.00 -59.27 152.00 -26.07 564 23 29903 549 5363 2982 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6750-5p MIMAT0027400(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6750-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:12094 to 12118 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (73.91%) Query: 3' ucGUCGAGUGGGUCGA--CAAGGGAc 5' :||| | | ||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' taTAGC-CTCAGAGTTTAGTTCCCTt 3' Energy: -20.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6750-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -20.02 2 23 12094 12118 23 65.22% 73.91% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:24289 to 24312 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ucgUCGAGUGGGUC-GACAAGGGAc 5' || |:|| ||| |||||:|| Ref: 5' tggAG-TTACACAGAATGTTCTCTa 3' Energy: -18.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6750-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.51 2 22 24289 24312 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:12418 to 12441 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucgucgagugggucgACAAGGGAc 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tgcaagagatggttgTGTTCCCTt 3' Energy: -14.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6750-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.03 2 10 12418 12441 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:43 to 68 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ucgUCGAGUGGGUC--GACAAGGGAc 5' | ||| : :|| ||||||:|| Ref: 5' tcgATCTCTTGTAGATCTGTTCTCTa 3' Energy: -18.379999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6750-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.38 2 22 43 68 22 63.64% 77.27% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:8587 to 8609 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ucgUCGA-GUGGGUCGACAAGGGAc 5' ||:| |||::: ||||||:| Ref: 5' taaAGTTACACTTG--TGTTCCTTt 3' Energy: -18.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6750-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.22 2 22 8587 8609 21 61.90% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6750-5p NC_045512.2 727.00 -89.16 151.00 -20.02 565 24 29903 12094 24289 12418 43 8587 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4501 MIMAT0019037(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4501 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14187 to 14209 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' acuAAGUAGGC-UC-CAGUGUAu 5' ||:| |:| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ggcTTTAACTGCAGAGTCACATg 3' Energy: -17.799999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4501 NC_045512.2 156.00 -17.80 2 19 14187 14209 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:20102 to 20120 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' acuAAGUAGGCUCCAGUGUAu 5' || || |: ||||||| Ref: 5' gtcTTAAT--GGAGTCACATt 3' Energy: -14.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4501 NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.25 2 19 20102 20120 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:8223 to 8243 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acuaaguaggcucCAGUGUAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aatgtcttaaattGTCACATc 3' Energy: -8.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4501 NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.27 2 9 8223 8243 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:13866 to 13886 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acuaaguaggcucCAGUGUAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaagaaatacttGTCACATa 3' Energy: -10.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4501 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.35 2 9 13866 13886 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:18076 to 18097 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' acuaAGUAG-GCUCCAGUGUAu 5' | ||| | :|||:|||| Ref: 5' aaggTAATCACTGGGTTACATc 3' Energy: -17.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4501 NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.17 2 18 18076 18097 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4501 NC_045512.2 723.00 -67.84 156.00 -17.80 566 21 29903 14187 20102 8223 13866 18076 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8067 MIMAT0030994(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8067 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21514 to 21534 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cuGAUUCAAAUGUCAAAGAUCc 5' | :|||| :| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaCAGAGTTGTTA-TTTCTAGt 3' Energy: -10.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8067 NC_045512.2 154.00 -10.88 2 21 21514 21534 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17008 to 17028 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cuGAUUCAAAUGUCAAAGAUCc 5' || || | | : ||||||| Ref: 5' atCTCAGATGA-GTTTTCTAGc 3' Energy: -8.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8067 NC_045512.2 150.00 -8.65 2 21 17008 17028 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:11693 to 11716 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cuGAUUCAAAUG--UCAAAGAUcc 5' :|| | |||| |||||||| Ref: 5' gtTTATGATTACTTAGTTTCTAca 3' Energy: -10.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8067 NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.63 3 21 11693 11716 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:8914 to 8935 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' cugauucaaAUGUCAAAGAUCc 5' || |||||:||| Ref: 5' tttcttaccTAGAGTTTTTAGt 3' Energy: -10.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8067 NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.04 2 14 8914 8935 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27780 to 27799 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cuGAUUCAAAUGUCAAAGAUCc 5' ||| |||::: |||:||| Ref: 5' ttCTA--TTTGTGCTTTTTAGc 3' Energy: -7.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8067 NC_045512.2 141.00 -7.00 2 21 27780 27799 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:19678 to 19698 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cugaUUCAAAUGUCAAAGAUcc 5' ||| | ||||||||| Ref: 5' ggtgAAG-TACCAGTTTCTAtc 3' Energy: -13.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8067 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.22 3 19 19678 19698 16 81.25% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8067 NC_045512.2 873.00 -60.42 154.00 -13.22 567 22 29903 21514 17008 11693 8914 27780 19678 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-196a-1-3p MIMAT0037307(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-196a-1-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:10926 to 10946 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agcccaccAAAUUACAACAAc 5' |||:|||||||| Ref: 5' ttacacctTTTGATGTTGTTa 3' Energy: -10.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-196a-1-3p NC_045512.2 161.00 -10.91 2 14 10926 10946 12 91.67% 100.00% Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:4120 to 4139 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' agccCACCAAAUUACAACAAc 5' |||| |:|||||||| Ref: 5' tataGTGG-GTGATGTTGTTc 3' Energy: -17.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-196a-1-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -17.48 2 18 4120 4139 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:21924 to 21944 Align Len (10) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agcccaccaaAUUACAACAAc 5' |||||||||| Ref: 5' ataacgctacTAATGTTGTTa 3' Energy: -10.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-196a-1-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -10.35 2 12 21924 21944 10 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:19629 to 19651 Align Len (17) (88.24%) (88.24%) Query: 3' agccCACC--AAAUUACAACAac 5' |||| ||||||||||| Ref: 5' aaatGTGGCTTTTAATGTTGTaa 3' Energy: -15.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-196a-1-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -15.98 3 18 19629 19651 17 88.24% 88.24% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:16846 to 16867 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' agcccACCA-AAUUACAACAAc 5' |||| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' gactaTGGTGATGCTGTTGTTt 3' Energy: -11.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-196a-1-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -11.94 2 17 16846 16867 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:5911 to 5930 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' agcccACCAAAUUACAACAAc 5' ||| |::||||||| Ref: 5' taaatTGG-ATGGTGTTGTTt 3' Energy: -13.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-196a-1-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -13.06 2 17 5911 5930 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:25630 to 25650 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' agcccaccaAAUUACAACAAc 5' ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' gtttgcaacTTGCTGTTGTTg 3' Energy: -10.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-196a-1-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -10.62 2 13 25630 25650 11 81.82% 90.91% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:28225 to 28245 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' agcccaccaAAUUACAACAAc 5' || :||||||| Ref: 5' atcatgacgTTCGTGTTGTTt 3' Energy: -7.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-196a-1-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -7.94 2 13 28225 28245 11 81.82% 90.91% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:2064 to 2084 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agcccaccaaAUUACAACAAc 5' |::||||||| Ref: 5' acattacaggTGGTGTTGTTc 3' Energy: -14.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-196a-1-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.43 2 12 2064 2084 10 80.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:8202 to 8222 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agcccaccaaaUUACAACAAc 5' :|||||||| Ref: 5' tagaaactaaaGATGTTGTTg 3' Energy: -12.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-196a-1-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.63 2 11 8202 8222 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:1344 to 1364 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' agcccaccaaAUUACAACAAc 5' |: ||||||| Ref: 5' taccccaaaaTGCTGTTGTTa 3' Energy: -7.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-196a-1-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -7.53 2 12 1344 1364 10 80.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:8509 to 8528 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' agccCACCAAAUUACAACAac 5' || | |||||||||| Ref: 5' acaaGTTG-TTAATGTTGTaa 3' Energy: -10.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-196a-1-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.58 3 18 8509 8528 15 86.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:1563 to 1583 Align Len (9) (77.78%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agcccaccaaaUUACAACAAc 5' ::||||||| Ref: 5' gtaaccatacaGGTGTTGTTg 3' Energy: -12.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-196a-1-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.46 2 11 1563 1583 9 77.78% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:25288 to 25308 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agcccaccaaauuACAACAAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgtctcaagggcTGTTGTTc 3' Energy: -8.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-196a-1-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.09 2 9 25288 25308 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-196a-1-3p NC_045512.2 2085.00 -164.00 161.00 -17.48 568 21 29903 10926 4120 21924 19629 16846 5911 25630 28225 2064 8202 1344 8509 1563 25288 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4803 MIMAT0019983(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4803 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:16296 to 16316 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' aguuagguGUGAUAAUACAAu 5' ||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' acgtagacCATTCTTATGTTg 3' Energy: -12.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4803 NC_045512.2 153.00 -12.55 2 14 16296 16316 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:5107 to 5126 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' aguuaggUGUGAUAAUACAAu 5' |||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' aggtaaaACATT-TTATGTTt 3' Energy: -10.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4803 NC_045512.2 152.00 -10.28 2 15 5107 5126 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18396 to 18415 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' aguUAGGUGUGAUAAUACAAu 5' | |:||| :||||||| Ref: 5' tgtACCTACA-GGTTATGTTg 3' Energy: -13.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4803 NC_045512.2 152.00 -13.91 2 19 18396 18415 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:1488 to 1508 Align Len (17) (58.82%) (82.35%) Query: 3' aguUAGGUGUGAUAAUACAAu 5' :| ::: || ||||||| Ref: 5' gctGTGTGTTCTCTTATGTTg 3' Energy: -8.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4803 NC_045512.2 150.00 -8.64 2 19 1488 1508 17 58.82% 82.35% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:2615 to 2635 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' aguUAGGUGUGAUAAUACAAu 5' ||: ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtATTAACGGGCTTATGTTg 3' Energy: -10.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4803 NC_045512.2 150.00 -10.18 2 19 2615 2635 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9638 to 9661 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' aguUAGGU---GUGAUAAUACAAu 5' ||:|| |: :||||||| Ref: 5' catATTCAGTGGATGGTTATGTTc 3' Energy: -9.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4803 NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.02 2 19 9638 9661 20 60.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13129 to 13151 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agUUAGGU-GUGA-UAAUACAAu 5' || | | |||| |||:|||| Ref: 5' acAACCAATCACTAATTGTGTTa 3' Energy: -18.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4803 NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.92 2 20 13129 13151 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9336 to 9358 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' agUUAGGUG--UGAUAAUACAAu 5' |||::|| |||| |||||| Ref: 5' taAATTTACTTACTAATATGTTt 3' Energy: -12.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4803 NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.95 2 20 9336 9358 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:7425 to 7445 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' aguuaGGUGUGAUAAUACAau 5' :||: :|||||||| Ref: 5' ttgcaTCATTTTATTATGTat 3' Energy: -11.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4803 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.58 3 17 7425 7445 14 71.43% 92.86% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8587 to 8605 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agUUAGGUGUGAUAAUACAAu 5' || ::|||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' taAAGTTACAC--TTGTGTTc 3' Energy: -11.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4803 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.30 2 20 8587 8605 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14316 to 14338 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' aguUA-GGUGUG-AUAAUACAAu 5' || |||| | |||:|||| Ref: 5' gacATACCACCCAAATTGTGTTa 3' Energy: -14.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4803 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.98 2 19 14316 14338 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4803 NC_045512.2 1609.00 -134.31 153.00 -18.92 569 21 29903 16296 5107 18396 1488 2615 9638 13129 9336 7425 8587 14316 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-887-5p MIMAT0026720(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-887-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:25555 to 25575 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cucAGAUUGUCCCGAGGGUUc 5' |:| | || |||:|||| Ref: 5' gttTTTCAGAGCGCTTCCAAa 3' Energy: -18.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-887-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.57 2 19 25555 25575 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9961 to 9982 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cucAGAUUG-UCCCGAGGGUUc 5' ||| :| | |||||:||| Ref: 5' tcaTCTCGCAAAGGCTCTCAAt 3' Energy: -17.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-887-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.14 2 19 9961 9982 18 72.22% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-887-5p NC_045512.2 291.00 -35.71 146.00 -18.57 570 21 29903 25555 9961 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6509-3p MIMAT0025475(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6509-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:9630 to 9651 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuuaauccaucaccGUCACCUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttttagcacatattCAGTGGAt 3' Energy: -11.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6509-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.67 2 9 9630 9651 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6509-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.67 140.00 -11.67 571 22 29903 9630 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7107-5p MIMAT0028111(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7107-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:171 to 193 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ggGAAGG-AGGAGGGGUCCGGCu 5' | ||: ||:||: |||||:| Ref: 5' ctCGTCTATCTTCTGCAGGCTGc 3' Energy: -25.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7107-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -25.82 2 21 171 193 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:22967 to 22989 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (91.67%) Query: 3' gggaaggaggAGG-GGUCCGGCu 5' ||: :||||||| Ref: 5' tcaactgaaaTCTATCAGGCCGg 3' Energy: -23.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7107-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -23.39 2 13 22967 22989 12 75.00% 91.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7107-5p NC_045512.2 290.00 -49.21 147.00 -25.82 572 22 29903 171 22967 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4772-3p MIMAT0019927(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4772-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 167.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8006 to 8028 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' agACUAGUCCG-UUUCAACGUCc 5' |||| : || :||||||||| Ref: 5' ggTGATAGTGCGGAAGTTGCAGt 3' Energy: -20.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4772-3p NC_045512.2 167.00 -20.68 2 21 8006 8028 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:7221 to 7242 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' agacuAGUCCGUUUCAACGUCc 5' |: ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' ctgctTTTGGCTTAGTTGCAGa 3' Energy: -20.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4772-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -20.47 2 18 7221 7242 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:3462 to 3483 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' agacuagUCCGUUUCAACGUCc 5' ||| :: ||||||| Ref: 5' aacatggAGGAGGTGTTGCAGg 3' Energy: -20.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4772-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -20.82 2 16 3462 3483 14 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:196 to 217 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (72.22%) Query: 3' agaCUAGUCCGUUUCAACGUCc 5' | |: | | : ||||||| Ref: 5' acgGTTTCGTCCGTGTTGCAGc 3' Energy: -14.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4772-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.96 2 20 196 217 18 61.11% 72.22% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:17018 to 17039 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agacuAGUCCGUUUCAACGUcc 5' || |||| |||||| Ref: 5' agtttTCTAGCAATGTTGCAaa 3' Energy: -11.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4772-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.94 3 18 17018 17039 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:6462 to 6483 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agacuaguccGUUUCAACGUCc 5' |:||||||:|| Ref: 5' tgaaaactacCGAAGTTGTAGg 3' Energy: -19.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4772-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.07 2 13 6462 6483 11 81.82% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4772-3p NC_045512.2 903.00 -107.94 167.00 -20.82 573 22 29903 8006 7221 3462 196 17018 6462 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-614 MIMAT0003282(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-614 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28469 to 28490 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' gguGGACCGUUCUUG-UCCGCAAg 5' ||| |:||:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttcCCT--CGAGGACAAGGCGTTc 3' Energy: -28.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-614 NC_045512.2 160.00 -28.37 2 21 28469 28490 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:23194 to 23216 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ggUGGACCGUUCUUGUCCGCAAg 5' :::| ||:| |||||:||| Ref: 5' tgGTTTAACAGGCACAGGTGTTc 3' Energy: -23.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-614 NC_045512.2 149.00 -23.02 2 22 23194 23216 20 60.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:424 to 446 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gguggacCGUUCUUGUCCGCAAg 5' |: : || ||||||| Ref: 5' agtagaaGTTGAAAAAGGCGTTt 3' Energy: -14.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-614 NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.06 2 17 424 446 15 66.67% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:5594 to 5615 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' gguggaccGUUCUUGUCCGCAAg 5' :||||| |||:||| Ref: 5' gaacaattTAAGAA-AGGTGTTc 3' Energy: -18.799999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-614 NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.80 2 16 5594 5615 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:17700 to 17722 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ggUGGACCGUUCUUGUCCGCAag 5' || | || ||:|||||| Ref: 5' taACAGGCCACAAATAGGCGTgg 3' Energy: -17.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-614 NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.74 3 22 17700 17722 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:14478 to 14500 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (81.82%) Query: 3' ggUGGACCGU-UCUUG-UCCGCAAg 5' ||:| || |||:| |||:||| Ref: 5' ccACTT--CAGAGAGCTAGGTGTTg 3' Energy: -24.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-614 NC_045512.2 140.00 -24.10 2 22 14478 14500 22 68.18% 81.82% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-614 NC_045512.2 879.00 -126.09 160.00 -28.37 574 23 29903 28469 23194 424 5594 17700 14478 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3193 MIMAT0015077(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3193 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18001 to 18022 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ugAGGAGUCUAGGAUGCGUCCu 5' ||:| | ||:| |||:||| Ref: 5' agTCTTGAAATTCCACGTAGGa 3' Energy: -20.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3193 NC_045512.2 152.00 -20.78 2 21 18001 18022 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11700 to 11721 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ugAGGAGUCUAGGAUGCGUCCu 5' | ||:|| |:|||| |||| Ref: 5' atTACTTAGTTTCTACACAGGa 3' Energy: -23.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3193 NC_045512.2 144.00 -23.82 2 21 11700 11721 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8351 to 8373 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugaGGAGUCUAG-GAUGCGUCCu 5' | ||| ||: |:|||||| Ref: 5' gcgCGTCATATTAATGCGCAGGt 3' Energy: -19.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3193 NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.06 2 20 8351 8373 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:18086 to 18107 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ugaggAGUCUAGGAUGCGUCCu 5' |:| ||||||| |||| Ref: 5' ctgggTTACATCCTACACAGGc 3' Energy: -18.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3193 NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.86 2 18 18086 18107 16 81.25% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3193 NC_045512.2 579.00 -82.52 152.00 -23.82 575 22 29903 18001 11700 8351 18086 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4783-3p MIMAT0019947(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4783-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1250-3p MIMAT0026740(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1250-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22011 to 22029 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' acUUACCCGACCUUUUACa 5' |:| || ||||||:|| Ref: 5' aaAGTTGGATGGAAAGTGa 3' Energy: -15.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1250-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.23 2 18 22011 22029 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:18033 to 18050 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' acuuaccCGACCUUUUACa 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tttacaaGCT-GAAAATGt 3' Energy: -11.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1250-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.42 2 13 18033 18050 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:19616 to 19634 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (83.33%) Query: 3' acuuacCCGACCUUUUACa 5' | :| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttcagaGTTTAGAAAATGt 3' Energy: -9.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1250-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.18 2 14 19616 19634 12 75.00% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:11076 to 11094 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acuuacccgacCUUUUACa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tttttttgtatGAAAATGc 3' Energy: -5.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1250-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.75 2 9 11076 11094 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:21071 to 21089 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acuuacccgacCUUUUACa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atgttacaaaaGAAAATGa 3' Energy: -6.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1250-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.10 2 9 21071 21089 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:22392 to 22410 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acuuacccgacCUUUUACa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' taaaatataatGAAAATGg 3' Energy: -5.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1250-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.43 2 9 22392 22410 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1250-3p NC_045512.2 860.00 -53.11 149.00 -15.23 577 19 29903 22011 18033 19616 11076 21071 22392 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-10396a-5p MIMAT0041623(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-10396a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6761-3p MIMAT0027423(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6761-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6734-3p MIMAT0027370(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6734-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-892a MIMAT0004907(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-892a vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20127 to 20147 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' gaUGCGUCUUUCCUGUGUCAc 5' | || | || ||||||| Ref: 5' agAAGCCGTAAAAACACAGTt 3' Energy: -11.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-892a NC_045512.2 155.00 -11.47 2 20 20127 20147 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13353 to 13372 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' gaUGCGUCUUUCCUGUGUCAc 5' || | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttACACTTAAA-AACACAGTc 3' Energy: -11.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-892a NC_045512.2 149.00 -11.85 2 20 13353 13372 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:24953 to 24973 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' gaugcgucuUUCCUGUGUCAc 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' ggaattgtcAACAACACAGTt 3' Energy: -8.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-892a NC_045512.2 144.00 -8.85 2 13 24953 24973 11 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:25988 to 26008 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaugcgucuuuccUGUGUCAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' actgtgttgtattACACAGTt 3' Energy: -14.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-892a NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.80 2 9 25988 26008 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28351 to 28373 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' gaUGCGUCUU---UCCUGUGUCAc 5' || ||||| || ||:|||| Ref: 5' taAC-CAGAATGGAGAACGCAGTg 3' Energy: -22.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-892a NC_045512.2 140.00 -22.14 2 20 28351 28373 21 71.43% 76.19% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-892a NC_045512.2 728.00 -69.11 155.00 -22.14 581 21 29903 20127 13353 24953 25988 28351 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-379-3p MIMAT0004690(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-379-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:18076 to 18097 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (91.67%) Query: 3' ucaaucaccUGGUACAAUGUAu 5' ||:: ||||||| Ref: 5' aaggtaatcACTGGGTTACATc 3' Energy: -10.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-379-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -10.37 2 14 18076 18097 12 75.00% 91.67% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:6120 to 6141 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (70.59%) Query: 3' ucaaUCACCUGGUACAAUGUAu 5' || | : | ||||||| Ref: 5' caagAGAGCTTAAAGTTACATt 3' Energy: -8.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-379-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -8.22 2 19 6120 6141 17 64.71% 70.59% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:6206 to 6227 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucaaucaccugguACAAUGUAu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' aaaggagctaaatTGTTACATa 3' Energy: -15.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-379-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.03 2 10 6206 6227 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:10519 to 10540 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucaaucaccugguACAAUGUAu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ctgtgtctcttttTGTTACATg 3' Energy: -13.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-379-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.34 2 10 10519 10540 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:7731 to 7752 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ucaAUCACCUGGUACAAUGUau 5' | || ||: :||||||| Ref: 5' acaTCGTTGATAGTGTTACAgt 3' Energy: -10.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-379-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.66 3 20 7731 7752 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:7046 to 7066 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucAAUCACCUGGUACAAUGUau 5' ||| || ||:: |||||| Ref: 5' tcTTACTGTACTG-GTTACAga 3' Energy: -6.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-379-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -6.87 3 21 7046 7066 18 72.22% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-379-3p NC_045512.2 870.00 -64.49 149.00 -15.03 582 22 29903 18076 6120 6206 10519 7731 7046 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1304-3p MIMAT0022720(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1304-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:3230 to 3251 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccccaaGCUCCGAUGUCACUCu 5' | || | :||||||| Ref: 5' ggtcaaCAAGACGGCAGTGAGg 3' Energy: -16.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1304-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -16.40 2 17 3230 3251 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:29748 to 29769 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cccCAAGCUCCGAUGUCACUcu 5' | ||||| |||||||| Ref: 5' tacGATCGAGTGTACAGTGAac 3' Energy: -19.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1304-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -19.17 3 20 29748 29769 17 82.35% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1304-3p NC_045512.2 303.00 -35.57 152.00 -19.17 583 22 29903 3230 29748 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4530 MIMAT0019069(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4530 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:25674 to 25692 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' gcgaGGGCAG-GACGACCc 5' |:|||: ||||||| Ref: 5' tttgCTCGTTGCTGCTGGc 3' Energy: -22.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4530 NC_045512.2 153.00 -22.11 2 15 25674 25692 14 78.57% 92.86% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4530 NC_045512.2 153.00 -22.11 153.00 -22.11 584 18 29903 25674 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4707-5p MIMAT0019807(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4707-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6068 MIMAT0023693(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6068 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:27058 to 27078 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' gguggcggCCUCUGAGCGUCc 5' |||| :|||||| Ref: 5' acaaattgGGAGCTTCGCAGc 3' Energy: -20.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6068 NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.43 2 14 27058 27078 12 83.33% 91.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6068 NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.43 141.00 -20.43 586 21 29903 27058 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-24-1-5p MIMAT0000079(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-24-1-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:17926 to 17950 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' ugacuAUAGUCGAG---UCAUCCGu 5' || ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gctatTACCAGAGCAAAAGTAGGCa 3' Energy: -18.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-24-1-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.57 2 18 17926 17950 19 68.42% 68.42% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-24-1-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.57 144.00 -18.57 587 22 29903 17926 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3689e MIMAT0019009(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3689e vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13764 to 13787 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' aggGU-CCUUGGU-ACUAUAGUGu 5' || || |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgaCATGGTACCACATATATCACg 3' Energy: -19.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3689e NC_045512.2 153.00 -19.13 2 20 13764 13787 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2770 to 2791 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' aggGUCCUUGGUAC-UAUAGUGu 5' || ||: ::|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaCAAGAG-TGTGAATATCACt 3' Energy: -11.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3689e NC_045512.2 152.00 -11.29 2 20 2770 2791 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16391 to 16410 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (89.47%) Query: 3' agGGUCCUUGGUACUAUAGUGu 5' ||||| :::||||:|||| Ref: 5' ctCCAGG--TTGTGATGTCACa 3' Energy: -26.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3689e NC_045512.2 149.00 -26.06 2 21 16391 16410 19 68.42% 89.47% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:14819 to 14841 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agGGUCCUUG-GUACUAUAGUgu 5' ||| ||: ::|||||||| Ref: 5' taCCAACAATGTGTGATATCAga 3' Energy: -14.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3689e NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.54 3 21 14819 14841 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3689e NC_045512.2 597.00 -71.02 153.00 -26.06 588 22 29903 13764 2770 16391 14819 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5584-3p MIMAT0022284(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5584-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:24764 to 24786 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uuaaccCGU-UUCCCUUCUUGAu 5' ||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtccctGCACAAGAAAAGAACTt 3' Energy: -12.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5584-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -12.07 2 17 24764 24786 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15764 to 15785 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (72.22%) Query: 3' uuaACCCGUUUCCCUUCUUGAu 5' ||| :|: ||||||| Ref: 5' tagTGGCTAGCATAAAGAACTt 3' Energy: -11.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5584-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.96 2 20 15764 15785 18 61.11% 72.22% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:27660 to 27681 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (70.59%) Query: 3' uuaaCCCGUUUCCCUUCUUGAu 5' | | ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' acaaGAGGAAGTTCAAGAACTt 3' Energy: -13.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5584-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.01 2 19 27660 27681 17 64.71% 70.59% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:11342 to 11363 Align Len (14) (64.29%) (78.57%) Query: 3' uuaacccGUUUCCCUUCUUGAu 5' ::| | ||||||| Ref: 5' atccttaTGACAGCAAGAACTg 3' Energy: -9.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5584-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.84 2 16 11342 11363 14 64.29% 78.57% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:25150 to 25171 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuaacccguuucccUUCUUGAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tctcatcgatctccAAGAACTt 3' Energy: -8.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5584-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.31 2 9 25150 25171 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5584-3p NC_045512.2 731.00 -55.19 155.00 -13.01 589 22 29903 24764 15764 27660 11342 25150 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5010-5p MIMAT0021043(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5010-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:29819 to 29840 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uuAAAACGAGACGGUAGGGGga 5' ||| |: |||:|||||| Ref: 5' atTTTAGTAGTGCTATCCCCat 3' Energy: -21.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5010-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -21.18 3 21 29819 29840 18 72.22% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5010-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -21.18 148.00 -21.18 590 22 29903 29819 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6125 MIMAT0024598(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6125 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:25504 to 25523 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' aggCGGCGAGGCGGAAGGCg 5' ||| | |: ||||:|| Ref: 5' caaGCCTCACTCCCTTTCGg 3' Energy: -19.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6125 NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.34 2 18 25504 25523 16 68.75% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6125 NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.34 141.00 -19.34 591 20 29903 25504 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6835-3p MIMAT0027571(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6835-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:19325 to 19347 Align Len (13) (92.31%) (92.31%) Query: 3' gacccucugUCUUUUCACGAAAa 5' | ||||||||||| Ref: 5' cagcttttgATAAAAGTGCTTTt 3' Energy: -15.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6835-3p NC_045512.2 162.00 -15.50 2 15 19325 19347 13 92.31% 92.31% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:4282 to 4305 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (89.47%) Query: 3' gacCCUCUGUCUUU-UCACGAAaa 5' ||||:|| |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' agaGGAGGCAAAGACAGTGCTTaa 3' Energy: -21.549999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6835-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -21.55 3 21 4282 4305 19 78.95% 89.47% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10890 to 10912 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gacccUCUGUCUUUUCACGAAAa 5' | |: |:: |||||||| Ref: 5' gtaccATATTGGGTAGTGCTTTa 3' Energy: -15.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6835-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -15.54 2 19 10890 10912 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17580 to 17601 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gaccCUCUGUCUUUUCACGAAAa 5' || || | :|||||||| Ref: 5' tgttGACACTG-TGAGTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -14.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6835-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -14.22 2 20 17580 17601 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:1704 to 1726 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' gacccucugucUUUUCACGAAAa 5' | ||||||||| Ref: 5' tttctgcttccACAAGTGCTTTt 3' Energy: -13.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6835-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -13.59 2 13 1704 1726 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:5798 to 5821 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gacccucUGUCUUU-UCACGAAAa 5' :|| |:| :||||||| Ref: 5' ttgtattGCATAGACGGTGCTTTa 3' Energy: -13.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6835-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -13.15 2 17 5798 5821 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:18876 to 18898 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' gacccucugucUUUUCACGAAAa 5' | :|||||||| Ref: 5' tctagctgtccACGAGTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -12.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6835-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -12.98 2 13 18876 18898 11 81.82% 90.91% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23838 to 23863 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (68.18%) Query: 3' gacCCUCUGU--CUUU-UCACGAAAa 5' | | ||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tttGTACACAATTAAACCGTGCTTTa 3' Energy: -8.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6835-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -8.47 2 21 23838 23863 22 68.18% 68.18% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14606 to 14629 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' gacccUCUGUCU-UUUCACGAAAa 5' | ||: | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tagatAAACGCACTACGTGCTTTt 3' Energy: -9.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6835-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.95 2 19 14606 14629 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:9366 to 9388 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (73.33%) Query: 3' gacccucUGUCUUUUCACGAAAa 5' || | :||||||| Ref: 5' taattcaACCTATTGGTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -9.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6835-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.88 2 17 9366 9388 15 66.67% 73.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:13059 to 13081 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacccucugucuuuuCACGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ctgtattatctttctGTGCTTTt 3' Energy: -10.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6835-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.17 2 9 13059 13081 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:27773 to 27795 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacccucugucuuuuCACGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aattgacttctatttGTGCTTTt 3' Energy: -10.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6835-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.77 2 9 27773 27795 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6835-3p NC_045512.2 1790.00 -155.77 162.00 -21.55 592 23 29903 19325 4282 10890 17580 1704 5798 18876 23838 14606 9366 13059 27773 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4424 MIMAT0018939(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4424 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7818 to 7837 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' aucaGGUAAAACUCAAUUGAGa 5' :|||||| |||||||: Ref: 5' tctcTCATTTT--GTTAACTTa 3' Energy: -10.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4424 NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.87 2 19 7818 7837 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:14322 to 14343 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' aucaGGUAAAACUCAAUUGAga 5' ||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ccacCCAAATTGTGTTAACTgt 3' Energy: -13.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4424 NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.69 3 19 14322 14343 16 81.25% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4424 NC_045512.2 293.00 -24.56 147.00 -13.69 593 22 29903 7818 14322 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7703 MIMAT0030018(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7703 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:845 to 867 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ggacccucuuccGGUCUCACGUu 5' |: ||||||| Ref: 5' gatggctaccctCTTGAGTGCAt 3' Energy: -14.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7703 NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.78 2 12 845 867 10 80.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:29740 to 29762 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ggacCCUCUUCCGGUCUCACGUu 5' |||| | | : |||||:| Ref: 5' acgcGGAGTACGATCGAGTGTAc 3' Energy: -17.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7703 NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.05 2 20 29740 29762 18 66.67% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7703 NC_045512.2 286.00 -31.83 143.00 -17.05 594 23 29903 845 29740 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-652-5p MIMAT0022709(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-652-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:25198 to 25222 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' acuUACCGUGGGAGAGGAUCCCAAc 5' ||||:|| :|: ||||| || Ref: 5' gccATGGTACATTTGGCTAGGTTTt 3' Energy: -18.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-652-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.88 2 23 25198 25222 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:7382 to 7409 Align Len (25) (72.00%) (76.00%) Query: 3' acUUACCGUGG-GAGAG--GAUCCCAAc 5' |||||| || |:|| ||| |||| Ref: 5' caAATGGCCCCGATTTCAGCTATGGTTa 3' Energy: -20.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-652-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.89 2 24 7382 7409 25 72.00% 76.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:26769 to 26792 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (81.82%) Query: 3' acUUACCGUGGGAGAGGAUCCCAAc 5' |||||| :: |||: |||| || Ref: 5' gcAATGGC-TTGTCTTGTAGGCTTg 3' Energy: -21.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-652-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -21.82 2 24 26769 26792 22 68.18% 81.82% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-652-5p NC_045512.2 424.00 -61.59 142.00 -21.82 595 25 29903 25198 7382 26769 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3691-3p MIMAT0019224(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3691-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:29454 to 29475 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' cucuccuACUGCGUCUGAACCa 5' || :|||||:|||| Ref: 5' ttcttccTGCTGCAGATTTGGa 3' Energy: -18.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3691-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -18.73 2 16 29454 29475 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15644 to 15665 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cuCUCCUACUGCGUCUGAACCa 5' || | |||| ||||||| | Ref: 5' gaGATGTTGACACAGACTTTGt 3' Energy: -21.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3691-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -21.42 2 21 15644 15665 19 78.95% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3691-3p NC_045512.2 291.00 -40.15 147.00 -21.42 596 22 29903 29454 15644 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4272 MIMAT0016902(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4272 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:3508 to 3525 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (91.67%) Query: 3' uguuaGUGAUCAACUUAc 5' ::| |||||||| Ref: 5' tgccaTGCAAGTTGAATc 3' Energy: -9.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4272 NC_045512.2 149.00 -9.02 2 14 3508 3525 12 75.00% 91.67% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:1762 to 1779 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (73.33%) Query: 3' ugUUAGUGAUCAACUUAc 5' || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' caAACAAATTGTTGAATc 3' Energy: -8.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4272 NC_045512.2 148.00 -8.19 2 17 1762 1779 15 73.33% 73.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:14734 to 14750 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugUUAGUGAUCAACUUAc 5' || : || ||||||| Ref: 5' ggAAGTTCT-GTTGAATt 3' Energy: -8.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4272 NC_045512.2 146.00 -8.29 2 17 14734 14750 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:8562 to 8579 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' ugUUAGUGAUCAACUUac 5' ||| |:|:|||||| Ref: 5' ttAATAATTGGTTGAAgc 3' Energy: -12.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4272 NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.70 3 17 8562 8579 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:8208 to 8226 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ugUUAGUG-AUCAACUUAc 5' || |: | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctAAAGATGTTGTTGAATg 3' Energy: -10.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4272 NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.74 2 17 8208 8226 16 68.75% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4272 NC_045512.2 730.00 -48.94 149.00 -12.70 597 18 29903 3508 1762 14734 8562 8208 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3183 MIMAT0015063(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3183 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:14253 to 14278 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' aggcucGCUGAGG---C-UCUCUCCg 5' :||||:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaataTGACTTCACGGAAGAGAGGt 3' Energy: -21.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3183 NC_045512.2 146.00 -21.40 2 17 14253 14278 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:925 to 946 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' aggcUCGCUGAGGCUCUCUCCg 5' | :||| |: ||||:|| Ref: 5' ctttATTGACACTAAGAGGGGt 3' Energy: -19.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3183 NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.09 2 19 925 946 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4836 to 4858 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (72.22%) Query: 3' aggcUCGCUGAG-GCUCUCUCCg 5' || :|| : ||||||| Ref: 5' gtatAGAATTTCTTAAGAGAGGt 3' Energy: -16.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3183 NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.41 2 19 4836 4858 18 61.11% 72.22% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3183 NC_045512.2 429.00 -56.90 146.00 -21.40 598 22 29903 14253 925 4836 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6863 MIMAT0027627(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6863 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:24494 to 24514 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gugaguUAGGAAGUGGUGCAGAu 5' |||||| :||||||| Ref: 5' aatgatATCCTT--TCACGTCTt 3' Energy: -20.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6863 NC_045512.2 158.00 -20.24 2 18 24494 24514 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:27594 to 27617 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (66.67%) Query: 3' guGAGU-UAGGAAGUGGUGCAGAu 5' || | : | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tcCTGACGGCGTAAAACACGTCTa 3' Energy: -17.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6863 NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.53 2 22 27594 27617 21 61.90% 66.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:21753 to 21774 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guGAGUUAGGAAGUGGUGCAGAu 5' :|| || || :| ||:|||| Ref: 5' ggTTCCATGCTATA-CATGTCTc 3' Energy: -14.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6863 NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.31 2 22 21753 21774 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:18724 to 18749 Align Len (23) (56.52%) (78.26%) Query: 3' guGAGUUAG---GAAGUGGUGCAGAu 5' :|| ||: :|| |::|||||| Ref: 5' caTTCTATTGGATTTGATTACGTCTa 3' Energy: -20.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6863 NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.76 2 22 18724 18749 23 56.52% 78.26% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6863 NC_045512.2 585.00 -72.84 158.00 -20.76 599 23 29903 24494 27594 21753 18724 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3942-3p MIMAT0019230(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3942-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19860 to 19880 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (94.12%) Query: 3' uacAUUAUGACAAUAGACUUu 5' ||||||||| |||||:: Ref: 5' tgcTAATACTGTGATCTGGGa 3' Energy: -21.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3942-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -21.16 2 19 19860 19880 17 82.35% 94.12% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:12214 to 12236 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uacaUUAUGACAA--UAGACUUu 5' |||:: | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tttgAATGTGGCTAAATCTGAAt 3' Energy: -11.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3942-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -11.63 2 18 12214 12236 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21245 to 21268 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' uaCA-UUAUG-A-CAAUAGACUUu 5' || |||:| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' atGTGAATGCGTCATCATCTGAAg 3' Energy: -14.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3942-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.92 2 20 21245 21268 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:2910 to 2930 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (76.92%) Query: 3' uacauuaUGACAAUAGACUUu 5' || |||||||| Ref: 5' ctttgcaACCAGTATCTGAAt 3' Energy: -9.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3942-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -9.57 2 15 2910 2930 13 76.92% 76.92% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8415 to 8435 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uacAUUAUGACAAUAGACUUu 5' | ||:: ||:|||||| Ref: 5' attTCATGTCATTGTCTGAAc 3' Energy: -9.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3942-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.06 2 19 8415 8435 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:15807 to 15829 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uacaUUAUGACA--AUAGACUUu 5' |||::| | |:|||||| Ref: 5' aaacAATGTTTTTATGTCTGAAg 3' Energy: -11.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3942-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.73 2 18 15807 15829 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:26422 to 26442 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uacauuaugacaaUAGACUUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tctcgtgttaaaaATCTGAAt 3' Energy: -8.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3942-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.49 2 9 26422 26442 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3942-3p NC_045512.2 1014.00 -86.56 150.00 -21.16 600 21 29903 19860 12214 21245 2910 8415 15807 26422 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1244 MIMAT0005896(26 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1244 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 167.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:14825 to 14850 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (81.82%) Query: 3' uugGUAGAGUAUGUUUGGUUGAUGAa 5' ::| | |||: |: |||||||| Ref: 5' caaTGTGTGATATCAGACAACTACTa 3' Energy: -15.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1244 NC_045512.2 167.00 -15.34 2 24 14825 14850 22 63.64% 81.82% Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:10629 to 10655 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (86.96%) Query: 3' uugGUAGAGUAUGUUUG-GUUGAUGAa 5' || || :|||::|| ||||||:| Ref: 5' aagCAGCTGGTACGGACACAACTATTa 3' Energy: -24.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1244 NC_045512.2 162.00 -24.09 2 24 10629 10655 23 69.57% 86.96% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:3245 to 3269 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uugguagaGUAUGUUUGGUUGAUGAa 5' || ||:| |||||||| Ref: 5' agtgaggaCAATCAGA-CAACTACTa 3' Energy: -14.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1244 NC_045512.2 156.00 -14.45 2 19 3245 3269 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:11475 to 11499 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uugguAGAGUAUGUUUGGUUGAUGAa 5' ||| ||| |:||||||| Ref: 5' taatcTCTGTTAC-TTCTAACTACTc 3' Energy: -20.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1244 NC_045512.2 155.00 -20.13 2 22 11475 11499 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 25 R:23428 to 23453 Align Len (24) (75.00%) (91.67%) Query: 3' uuGGUAGAGUAUGUUUGGUUG-AUGAa 5' |:|| ||||:||:|:|||| |||| Ref: 5' tgCTAT-TCATGCAGATCAACTTACTc 3' Energy: -26.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1244 NC_045512.2 154.00 -26.42 2 25 23428 23453 24 75.00% 91.67% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 25 R:25802 to 25829 Align Len (25) (64.00%) (84.00%) Query: 3' uuGGUAGAG-UAUGUU-UGGUUGAUGAa 5' ||||: | ||::| :|||||||:| Ref: 5' acCCATTACTTTATGATGCCAACTATTt 3' Energy: -22.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1244 NC_045512.2 154.00 -22.16 2 25 25802 25829 25 64.00% 84.00% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 25 R:8478 to 8507 Align Len (27) (62.96%) (74.07%) Query: 3' uuGGUAGAGU--A-UGUUUG-GUUGAUGAa 5' || |:| | | ||| :: |||||||| Ref: 5' taCCTTTTAAGTTGACATGTGCAACTACTa 3' Energy: -16.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1244 NC_045512.2 153.00 -16.39 2 25 8478 8507 27 62.96% 74.07% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 25 R:6704 to 6728 Align Len (23) (56.52%) (73.91%) Query: 3' uuGGUAGAGUAUGUUUGGUUGAUGAa 5' | | |::| :|: |||||||| Ref: 5' aaCAAAGTTGT-TAGTACAACTACTa 3' Energy: -11.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1244 NC_045512.2 150.00 -11.36 2 25 6704 6728 23 56.52% 73.91% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:6832 to 6857 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uugguagaGUAUGUUUGGUUGAUGAa 5' ||| :| :||:|||||| Ref: 5' aattaaagCATCTATGCCGACTACTa 3' Energy: -20.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1244 NC_045512.2 150.00 -20.52 2 19 6832 6857 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 25 R:123 to 149 Align Len (24) (62.50%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uuGGUAGAGU-AUGUUUGGUUGAUGAa 5' | :| | | || |||:||:|||| Ref: 5' cgCAGTATAATTAATAACTAATTACTg 3' Energy: -14.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1244 NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.09 2 25 123 149 24 62.50% 75.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:5886 to 5909 Align Len (22) (77.27%) (86.36%) Query: 3' uugGUAGAGUAUGUUUGGUUGAUGAa 5' || | |||| ||||||::|||| Ref: 5' caaCAAC-CATA-AAACCAGTTACTt 3' Energy: -21.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1244 NC_045512.2 147.00 -21.61 2 24 5886 5909 22 77.27% 86.36% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 25 R:8416 to 8443 Align Len (24) (66.67%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uuGGUAGAGUA--UGUUUGGUUGAUGaa 5' :||| |||| | :| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTCATGTCATTGTCTGAACAACTACga 3' Energy: -17.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1244 NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.51 3 25 8416 8443 24 66.67% 75.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10846 to 10870 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uugguaGAGUAUGUUUGGUUGAUGAa 5' :|||| :||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' gtgtgcTTCAT-TAAAAGAATTACTg 3' Energy: -12.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1244 NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.55 2 21 10846 10870 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:3519 to 3545 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (77.27%) Query: 3' uuggUAGAGUA-UGUUUGGUUGAUGAa 5' |||| || |: | :|:||||| Ref: 5' ttgaATCTGATGATTACATAGCTACTa 3' Energy: -16.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1244 NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.73 2 23 3519 3545 22 63.64% 77.27% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 25 R:21319 to 21344 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (86.36%) Query: 3' uuGGUAGAGUAUGUUUGGUUGAUGaa 5' ::|| ||||:|| :| ||:||| Ref: 5' ggTTATGTCATGCATGCAAATTACat 3' Energy: -18.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1244 NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.31 3 25 21319 21344 22 63.64% 86.36% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26784 to 26809 Align Len (19) (52.63%) (89.47%) Query: 3' uugguaGAGUAUGUUUGGUUGAUGAa 5' :| ||:::: :||:||||| Ref: 5' gtaggcTTGATGTGGCTCAGCTACTt 3' Energy: -18.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1244 NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.57 2 21 26784 26809 19 52.63% 89.47% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 25 R:7197 to 7226 Align Len (27) (51.85%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uuGGUAGAG----UAUGUUUGGUUGAUGAa 5' :|||||: ||: :| ::||||:|| Ref: 5' ttTCATCTTTTAAATGGGATTTAACTGCTt 3' Energy: -19.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1244 NC_045512.2 143.00 -19.12 2 25 7197 7226 27 51.85% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 25 R:26174 to 26206 Align Len (30) (56.67%) (73.33%) Query: 3' uuGGUAGAGUA-UGUUUG------GUUGAUGAa 5' ||| :|:|| |::||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' aaCCAATTTATGATGAACCGACGACGACTACTa 3' Energy: -21.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1244 NC_045512.2 142.00 -21.37 2 25 26174 26206 30 56.67% 73.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:4 to 25 R:28250 to 28274 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uuGGUAGAGUAUGUUUGGUUGAUgaa 5' :||||| | ||:||| ||||| Ref: 5' ttTCATCT-AAACGAACAAACTAaaa 3' Energy: -18.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1244 NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.46 4 25 28250 28274 21 76.19% 85.71% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:6239 to 6263 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' uugGUAGAGUAUGUUUGGUUGAUGAa 5' ||| |:| |||| |||||| | Ref: 5' tggCATGTTA-ACAATGCAACTAATa 3' Energy: -14.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1244 NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.25 2 24 6239 6263 22 72.73% 77.27% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:12726 to 12752 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uugguagagUAUG-UUUGGUUGAUGAa 5' :||| | || ||||:|| Ref: 5' gtgctgccgGTACTACACAAACTGCTt 3' Energy: -16.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1244 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.03 2 18 12726 12752 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1244 NC_045512.2 3129.00 -379.46 167.00 -26.42 601 26 29903 14825 10629 3245 11475 23428 25802 8478 6704 6832 123 5886 8416 10846 3519 21319 26784 7197 26174 28250 6239 12726 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6812-5p MIMAT0027524(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6812-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:26873 to 26897 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (77.27%) Query: 3' cgACGAGGAGGGGUAGAGUGGGGUa 5' | ||:||| |:| |||:||| Ref: 5' caTTCTTCTCAACGTGCCACTCCAt 3' Energy: -27.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6812-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -27.60 2 24 26873 26897 22 63.64% 77.27% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:24709 to 24736 Align Len (25) (68.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cgACGAGGAGGG-GU-AG-AGUGGGGUa 5' ||: |:|||| || || ||||:|| Ref: 5' taTGTCCTTCCCTCAGTCAGCACCTCAt 3' Energy: -29.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6812-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -29.63 2 24 24709 24736 25 68.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:1328 to 1351 Align Len (22) (59.09%) (77.27%) Query: 3' cgACGAGGAGGGGUAGAGUGGGGUa 5' | ||: | ::| ||:|||||| Ref: 5' acTACTTGTGGTTA-CTTACCCCAa 3' Energy: -21.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6812-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -21.65 2 24 1328 1351 22 59.09% 77.27% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:10004 to 10027 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (81.82%) Query: 3' cgACGAGGAGGGGUAGAGUGGGGUa 5' ||:||:|: ||| | |||| || Ref: 5' gaTGTTCTTTACCAAC-CACCACAa 3' Energy: -20.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6812-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.37 2 24 10004 10027 22 68.18% 81.82% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:17758 to 17781 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (90.48%) Query: 3' cgaCGAGGAGGGGUAGAGUGGGGUa 5' ||| ||:::||:|||||::| Ref: 5' aaaGCT-GTCTTTATTTCACCTTAt 3' Energy: -26.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6812-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -26.53 2 23 17758 17781 21 61.90% 90.48% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6812-5p NC_045512.2 721.00 -125.78 151.00 -29.63 602 25 29903 26873 24709 1328 10004 17758 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-556-3p MIMAT0004793(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-556-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:11567 to 11589 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (91.67%) Query: 3' uuucuacucgAUU-ACCAUUAUa 5' ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' attttcttcaTAACTGGTAATAc 3' Energy: -8.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-556-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -8.13 2 13 11567 11589 12 91.67% 91.67% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:630 to 651 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uuucuacucgaUUACCAUUAUa 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttcttcgtaagAACGGTAATAa 3' Energy: -6.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-556-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -6.53 2 12 630 651 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9465 to 9487 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uuUCUACUCGAUUACCA-UUAUa 5' ||| ||||| |||| |||| Ref: 5' ttAGAAGAGCTTTTGGTGAATAc 3' Energy: -17.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-556-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.87 2 21 9465 9487 20 80.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-556-3p NC_045512.2 438.00 -32.53 151.00 -17.87 603 22 29903 11567 630 9465 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-373-5p MIMAT0000725(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-373-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22937 to 22958 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' ccuUUCGCGGGGGUAAAACUCa 5' || | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tctAATCTCAAACCTTTTGAGa 3' Energy: -11.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-373-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.31 2 20 22937 22958 18 66.67% 66.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:5144 to 5165 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccuuucgcggggguAAAACUCa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ctacgtgttgaggcTTTTGAGt 3' Energy: -11.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-373-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.98 2 9 5144 5165 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-373-5p NC_045512.2 287.00 -23.29 147.00 -11.98 604 22 29903 22937 5144 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548o-5p MIMAT0022738(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548o-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 172.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25795 to 25814 Align Len (19) (89.47%) (89.47%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |||||||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' tcCAAAAACC-C-ATTACTTTa 3' Energy: -16.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548o-5p NC_045512.2 172.00 -16.81 2 21 25795 25814 19 89.47% 89.47% Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1675 to 1696 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (94.44%) Query: 3' ccgUUUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |:|:|:||| ||||:||| Ref: 5' tgaAGAGATCGCCATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -16.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548o-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -16.26 2 20 1675 1696 18 72.22% 94.44% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4012 to 4032 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||:||| | : :||||||| Ref: 5' caCAGAAAAC-TTGTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -11.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548o-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -11.05 2 21 4012 4032 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20180 to 20203 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGG-CGUU-AAUGAAAa 5' ||| ||| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaCAATTACCTGAAACTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -12.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548o-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -12.05 2 21 20180 20203 21 76.19% 76.19% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2719 to 2740 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' || ||| ::||||||| Ref: 5' tgCACCAACAAAGGTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -13.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548o-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -13.42 2 21 2719 2740 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8375 to 8398 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ccgUUUUUGGCGU--UAAUGAAAa 5' ||||::| || |||:|||| Ref: 5' gcaAAAAGTCACAACATTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -12.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548o-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -12.48 2 20 8375 8398 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10947 to 10969 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGG-CGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||| : :| | :||||||| Ref: 5' gaCAATGCTCAGGTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -8.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548o-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -8.73 2 21 10947 10969 20 60.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23009 to 23033 Align Len (22) (50.00%) (81.82%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGCGUU---AAUGAAAa 5' ::||:::: :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtTGAAGGTTTTAATTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -10.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548o-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.13 2 21 23009 23033 22 50.00% 81.82% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:5891 to 5911 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAaa 5' || ||| | ||:|||||| Ref: 5' acCATAAAAC-CAGTTACTTat 3' Energy: -11.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548o-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.38 3 21 5891 5911 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22273 to 22294 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ccguuUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||||: :| ||:|||| Ref: 5' gtttcAAACTTTACTTGCTTTa 3' Energy: -7.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548o-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -7.33 2 18 22273 22294 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7760 to 7781 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (73.33%) Query: 3' ccguuuUUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' | || : ||||||| Ref: 5' ggttccATCCATCTTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -8.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548o-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -8.42 2 17 7760 7781 15 66.67% 73.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14686 to 14707 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||||:||: | || ||||| Ref: 5' aaCAAAGACTTCTATGACTTTg 3' Energy: -11.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548o-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.81 2 21 14686 14707 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:13629 to 13651 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ccguuuUUGGC-GUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||::| : ||||||| Ref: 5' caatttAATTGATTCTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -8.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548o-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -8.30 2 17 13629 13651 16 62.50% 81.25% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16890 to 16912 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGG-CGUUAAUGAAAa 5' :||| ::: |::||||:||| Ref: 5' atTAAATGTTGGTGATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -6.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548o-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -6.27 2 21 16890 16912 20 55.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:2917 to 2937 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAaa 5' ||: | |:| |||||||| Ref: 5' acCAGTATCTG-AATTACTTac 3' Energy: -11.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548o-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.68 3 21 2917 2937 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:11627 to 11648 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccguuuuuggcguUAAUGAAAa 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' tatttttgtacttGTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -6.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548o-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -6.83 2 10 11627 11648 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4517 to 4538 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccguuuuuggcguuAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tatggtgctagattTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -7.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548o-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.58 2 9 4517 4538 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6769 to 6790 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccguuuuuggcguuAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tatgccttatttctTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -5.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548o-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.46 2 9 6769 6790 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21818 to 21839 Align Len (19) (52.63%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' :|| :|: |:: |||:||| Ref: 5' ttTAATGATGGTGTTTATTTTg 3' Energy: -5.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548o-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.17 2 21 21818 21839 19 52.63% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:25884 to 25905 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' ccguuuUUGGCGUUAAUGAAaa 5' ||::|: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttcttcAATTGTCATTACTTca 3' Energy: -9.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548o-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.55 3 17 25884 25905 14 71.43% 92.86% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548o-5p NC_045512.2 2951.00 -200.71 172.00 -16.81 605 22 29903 25795 1675 4012 20180 2719 8375 10947 23009 5891 22273 7760 14686 13629 16890 2917 11627 4517 6769 21818 25884 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-564 MIMAT0003228(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-564 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:27989 to 28006 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cgGACGACUGUGGCACGGa 5' :|| |||| |||||:| Ref: 5' agTTGATGAC-CCGTGTCc 3' Energy: -21.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-564 NC_045512.2 143.00 -21.43 2 18 27989 28006 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 15 R:13490 to 13508 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (91.67%) Query: 3' cggacGACUGUGGCACGga 5' || ||||||||| Ref: 5' cccgtCTTACACCGTGCgg 3' Energy: -21.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-564 NC_045512.2 142.00 -21.87 3 15 13490 13508 12 91.67% 91.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-564 NC_045512.2 285.00 -43.30 143.00 -21.87 606 19 29903 27989 13490 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-367-3p MIMAT0000719(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-367-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:10960 to 10981 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' agugguAACGAUUUCACGUUAa 5' || | ||||||||:| Ref: 5' tgttacTTTCCAAAGTGCAGTg 3' Energy: -14.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-367-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.13 2 17 10960 10981 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24462 to 24481 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' aguGGUAACGAUUUCACGUUAa 5' ||| | :| :||||||| Ref: 5' gctCCAATTTT--GGTGCAATt 3' Energy: -15.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-367-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -15.10 2 20 24462 24481 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 15 R:24519 to 24540 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agugguaaCGAUUUCACGUUaa 5' |||:|||||||| Ref: 5' aagttgagGCTGAAGTGCAAat 3' Energy: -18.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-367-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.09 3 15 24519 24540 12 91.67% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:6441 to 6461 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' agugGUAACGAUUUCACGUUAa 5' |:|| || :||||:||| Ref: 5' aagaCGTT-CTTGAGTGTAATg 3' Energy: -14.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-367-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.01 2 19 6441 6461 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:20742 to 20763 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agUGGUAACGAUUUCACGUUaa 5' |::|| |: | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaATTATGGTGATAGTGCAAca 3' Energy: -11.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-367-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.99 3 21 20742 20763 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:2748 to 2769 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agUGGUAACGAU-UUCACGUUaa 5' ||:: || || |||||||| Ref: 5' acACTG-TGATAGAAGTGCAAgg 3' Energy: -16.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-367-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.26 3 21 2748 2769 19 73.68% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-367-3p NC_045512.2 871.00 -89.58 148.00 -18.09 607 22 29903 10960 24462 24519 6441 20742 2748 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-601 MIMAT0003269(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-601 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:16737 to 16758 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (93.75%) Query: 3' gaggaGGUUGUUAGGAUCUGGu 5' :::::|| |||||||| Ref: 5' ggaagTTGGTAAACCTAGACCa 3' Energy: -19.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-601 NC_045512.2 157.00 -19.96 2 18 16737 16758 16 62.50% 93.75% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:14919 to 14939 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gaGGAGGUUGUUAGGAUCUGgu 5' :| :|||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' caTCGTCAACAA-CCTAGACaa 3' Energy: -22.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-601 NC_045512.2 150.00 -22.53 3 21 14919 14939 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7965 to 7986 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gaGGAGGUUGUUAGGAUCUGGu 5' ||| :| :: | |||||:| Ref: 5' aaCCTATACTGTTACTAGATCa 3' Energy: -17.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-601 NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.90 2 21 7965 7986 19 57.89% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-601 NC_045512.2 447.00 -60.39 157.00 -22.53 608 22 29903 16737 14919 7965 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4327 MIMAT0016889(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4327 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548aq-3p MIMAT0022264(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548aq-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:23820 to 23841 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (91.67%) Query: 3' cguuuucauUAACGUCAAAAAc 5' || ||||||||| Ref: 5' tgttgcaatATGGCAGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -15.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aq-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -15.79 2 14 23820 23841 12 91.67% 91.67% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26478 to 26499 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cgUUUUCAUUAACGUCAAAAAc 5' ||| | || :||||||| Ref: 5' ctAAATATTATATTAGTTTTTc 3' Energy: -4.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aq-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -4.69 2 21 26478 26499 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:7872 to 7895 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cguuuUCAUU--AACGUCAAAAAc 5' | ||| || :||||||| Ref: 5' tgcctATTAATGTTATAGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -10.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aq-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -10.52 2 18 7872 7895 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:16484 to 16507 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cguuuucAUUAAC-G-UCAAAAAc 5' |||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtgtgcTAATGGACAAGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -10.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aq-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -10.56 2 16 16484 16507 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:22568 to 22589 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' cguuuucauuaACGUCAAAAAc 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' tgcccttttggTGAAGTTTTTa 3' Energy: -6.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aq-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -6.16 2 12 22568 22589 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:8912 to 8933 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' cguuuucAUUAACGUCAAAAAc 5' || | ||||||| Ref: 5' catttctTACCTAGAGTTTTTa 3' Energy: -4.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aq-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -4.87 2 16 8912 8933 14 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:23888 to 23909 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cguuuucauuaaCGUCAAAAAc 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaaacacccaaGAAGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -9.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aq-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.37 2 11 23888 23909 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:6947 to 6967 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' cguuuucAUUAACGUCAAAAAc 5' ||||| ::|||||| Ref: 5' aatattaTAATT-TGGTTTTTa 3' Energy: -3.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aq-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -3.92 2 16 6947 6967 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:5172 to 5193 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cgUUUUCAUUAACGUCAAAAac 5' | || |:|| :|||||| Ref: 5' acACAACTGATCCTAGTTTTct 3' Energy: -7.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aq-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.32 3 21 5172 5193 18 66.67% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548aq-3p NC_045512.2 1327.00 -73.20 157.00 -15.79 610 22 29903 23820 26478 7872 16484 22568 8912 23888 6947 5172 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4665-3p MIMAT0019740(26 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4665-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4437 MIMAT0018953(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4437 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5191 MIMAT0021122(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5191 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21363 to 21387 Align Len (22) (77.27%) (81.82%) Query: 3' ucGUGAAGU--A-AGAAGGAUAGGa 5' || |||| | |||||||||:| Ref: 5' tcCAATTCAGTTGTCTTCCTATTCt 3' Energy: -22.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5191 NC_045512.2 154.00 -22.71 2 21 21363 21387 22 77.27% 81.82% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1159 to 1180 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucgUGAAGUAAGAAGGAUAGGa 5' | |||: ||| :|||||| Ref: 5' tagAATTCGATCTGTCTATCCa 3' Energy: -18.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5191 NC_045512.2 151.00 -18.40 2 20 1159 1180 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7151 to 7171 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ucguGAAGUAAGAAGGAUAGGa 5' |||:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gattCTTTAGAC-ACCTATCCt 3' Energy: -17.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5191 NC_045512.2 148.00 -17.07 2 19 7151 7171 17 70.59% 76.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5191 NC_045512.2 453.00 -58.18 154.00 -22.71 613 22 29903 21363 1159 7151 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4738-3p MIMAT0019867(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4738-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:181 to 204 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (85.71%) Query: 3' agGAGGUCCG-CGAG-GUCAAAGu 5' || ||||| |||: |:||||| Ref: 5' ttCTGCAGGCTGCTTACGGTTTCg 3' Energy: -30.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4738-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -30.03 2 21 181 204 21 76.19% 85.71% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4668 to 4693 Align Len (23) (73.91%) (73.91%) Query: 3' agGAG-GUC-CG--CGAGGUCAAAGu 5' ||| || || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctCTCAAAGTGCCAGCTACAGTTTCt 3' Energy: -18.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4738-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -18.37 2 21 4668 4693 23 73.91% 73.91% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:19674 to 19695 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' aggagguccgCGAGGUCAAAGu 5' |: |||||||| Ref: 5' acagggtgaaGTACCAGTTTCt 3' Energy: -20.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4738-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -20.03 2 13 19674 19695 11 81.82% 90.91% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21686 to 21706 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agGAGGUCCGCGAGGUCAAAGu 5' :|:||| : || ||||||: Ref: 5' gtTTTCAGATCCT-CAGTTTTa 3' Energy: -17.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4738-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.59 2 21 21686 21706 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:28118 to 28139 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' aggagguccgcgAGGUCAAAGu 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' tatcggtaattaTACAGTTTCc 3' Energy: -12.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4738-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.16 2 11 28118 28139 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:27621 to 27642 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aggagguccgcgaGGUCAAAGu 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' gttacgtgccagaTCAGTTTCa 3' Energy: -17.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4738-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.82 2 10 27621 27642 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:15134 to 15155 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aggagguccgcgagGUCAAAGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ctatgaccaatagaCAGTTTCa 3' Energy: -15.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4738-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.80 2 9 15134 15155 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4738-3p NC_045512.2 1020.00 -131.80 154.00 -30.03 614 22 29903 181 4668 19674 21686 28118 27621 15134 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-876-3p MIMAT0004925(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-876-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18442 to 18462 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acUUAAUGAAACAUUUGGUGGu 5' |:||| | ||||||||| Ref: 5' agAGTTA-GTGCTAAACCACCg 3' Energy: -22.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-876-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -22.19 2 21 18442 18462 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10002 to 10024 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' acUUA-AUGAAACAUUUGGUGGu 5' :|| | |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctGATGTTCTTTACCAACCACCa 3' Energy: -16.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-876-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -16.98 2 21 10002 10024 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:21284 to 21306 Align Len (19) (84.21%) (84.21%) Query: 3' acUUAAU-GAAACAUUUGGUGgu 5' ||||| ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtAATTATCTTGGCAAACCACgc 3' Energy: -14.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-876-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -14.90 3 21 21284 21306 19 84.21% 84.21% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16452 to 16470 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' acUUAAUGAAACAUUUGGUGGu 5' ||| || ||||||||| Ref: 5' taAATCAC---ATAAACCACCc 3' Energy: -12.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-876-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -12.73 2 21 16452 16470 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6451 to 6473 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' acUUA-AUGAAACAUUUGGUGGu 5' |:| || | || ||||:||| Ref: 5' tgAGTGTAATGTGAAAACTACCg 3' Energy: -16.969999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-876-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.97 2 21 6451 6473 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4761 to 4781 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' acuUAAUGAAACAUUUGGUGGu 5' ||| : ||| ||||||:| Ref: 5' aacATTTTATTG-AAACCATCt 3' Energy: -11.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-876-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.61 2 20 4761 4781 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:24882 to 24901 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' acUUAAUGAAACAUUUGGUGgu 5' |||| ||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' ggAATT--TTTATGAACCACaa 3' Energy: -14.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-876-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.69 3 21 24882 24901 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:12881 to 12901 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' acuuaaugaaACAUUUGGUGGu 5' || :||||||| Ref: 5' tatacagaacTG-GAACCACCt 3' Energy: -14.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-876-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.40 2 13 12881 12901 11 81.82% 90.91% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:28082 to 28103 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' acuuaaugaAACAUUUGGUGGu 5' || ||||:|||| Ref: 5' tgaggctggTTCTAAATCACCc 3' Energy: -13.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-876-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.56 2 14 28082 28103 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6909 to 6928 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (89.47%) Query: 3' acUUAAUGAAACAUUUGGUGGu 5' ||||| |||| ||::|||| Ref: 5' ttAATTA-TTTG-AAGTCACCt 3' Energy: -15.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-876-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.34 2 21 6909 6928 19 78.95% 89.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-876-3p NC_045512.2 1480.00 -153.37 158.00 -22.19 615 22 29903 18442 10002 21284 16452 6451 4761 24882 12881 28082 6909 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6792-3p MIMAT0027485(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6792-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:355 to 376 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (70.59%) Query: 3' uacuCGUCCCCGACACCUCCUc 5' | || | |||||||| Ref: 5' ctttGGAGACTCCGTGGAGGAg 3' Energy: -22.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6792-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -22.30 2 19 355 376 17 70.59% 70.59% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:21335 to 21356 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uacucguccccGACACCUCCUc 5' :| ||||||| Ref: 5' caaattacataTTTTGGAGGAa 3' Energy: -11.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6792-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.14 2 12 21335 21356 10 80.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:3452 to 3473 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uacucguccccgacACCUCCUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gtttaccttaaacaTGGAGGAg 3' Energy: -16.379999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6792-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.38 2 9 3452 3473 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6792-3p NC_045512.2 433.00 -49.82 150.00 -22.30 616 22 29903 355 21335 3452 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3922-3p MIMAT0018197(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3922-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:28970 to 28991 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uuucuCAGUUCAGUUCCGGUcu 5' ||| :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaatGTCTGGTAAAGGCCAac 3' Energy: -16.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3922-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.64 3 18 28970 28991 15 80.00% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3922-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.64 145.00 -16.64 617 22 29903 28970 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-423-5p MIMAT0004748(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-423-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:570 to 594 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuucaGAGCGAGAG--ACGGGGAGu 5' ||:| | || ||:||||| Ref: 5' agacaCTTGGTGTCCTTGTCCCTCa 3' Energy: -24.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-423-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -24.37 2 19 570 594 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-423-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -24.37 141.00 -24.37 618 23 29903 570 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-9901 MIMAT0039321(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-9901 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:17421 to 17441 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ccgcCGCUUGGCGCCGCUGGc 5' |:| || :||||||| Ref: 5' ctatGTGTACATTGGCGACCc 3' Energy: -20.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9901 NC_045512.2 153.00 -20.53 2 18 17421 17441 16 68.75% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-9901 NC_045512.2 153.00 -20.53 153.00 -20.53 619 21 29903 17421 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1272 MIMAT0005925(26 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1272 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21238 to 21263 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' aaagucUUAAAC-GACGGUAGUAGUAg 5' ||| || || |:||||||| Ref: 5' gttactAATGTGAATG-CGTCATCATc 3' Energy: -20.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1272 NC_045512.2 157.00 -20.49 2 21 21238 21263 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 25 R:12099 to 12126 Align Len (25) (76.00%) (84.00%) Query: 3' aaAGUCUUAAA-CGACGGUA-GUAGUAg 5' |||||:||| |:| || | |||||| Ref: 5' ccTCAGAGTTTAGTTCCCTTCCATCATa 3' Energy: -21.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1272 NC_045512.2 151.00 -21.91 2 25 12099 12126 25 76.00% 84.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:3 to 25 R:203 to 228 Align Len (23) (73.91%) (78.26%) Query: 3' aaAGUCUUAAACGACGG-UAGUAGUag 5' || | : |||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' cgTCCGTG-TTGCAGCCGATCATCAgc 3' Energy: -18.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1272 NC_045512.2 149.00 -18.50 3 25 203 228 23 73.91% 78.26% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 24 R:24045 to 24067 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (76.19%) Query: 3' aaaGUCUUAAACGACGGUAGUAGUag 5' |||| ||||| | |||||| Ref: 5' ttgCAGA---TGCTGGCTTCATCAaa 3' Energy: -20.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1272 NC_045512.2 147.00 -20.47 3 24 24045 24067 21 76.19% 76.19% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2322 to 2350 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' aaagucuUAAACGAC---GGUAGUAGUAg 5' :| ||||| |:|||||:|| Ref: 5' tggctttGTGTGCTGACTCTATCATTATt 3' Energy: -17.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1272 NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.36 2 20 2322 2350 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:11894 to 11919 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aaagucuuaaacgacggUAGUAGUAg 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' caacaactcagagtagaATCATCATc 3' Energy: -18.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1272 NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.84 2 10 11894 11919 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 25 R:14787 to 14815 Align Len (26) (69.23%) (84.62%) Query: 3' aaAGUC-UUAA-AC-GACGGUAGUAGUAg 5' |||| :||| || || |:|||:|:|| Ref: 5' taTCAGCGATTATGACTACTATCGTTATa 3' Energy: -19.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1272 NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.06 2 25 14787 14815 26 69.23% 84.62% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 25 R:15865 to 15889 Align Len (24) (75.00%) (79.17%) Query: 3' aaAGU-CUUAAACGACGGUAGUAGUAg 5' ||| |||||| |||: ||| ||| Ref: 5' ccTCATGAATTT--TGCTCTCAACATa 3' Energy: -14.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1272 NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.59 2 25 15865 15889 24 75.00% 79.17% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 25 R:24784 to 24812 Align Len (26) (69.23%) (76.92%) Query: 3' aaAGUCUUAA--ACGACGGU-AGUAGUAg 5' ||| || | | |||||| |::|||| Ref: 5' ctTCACAACTGCTCCTGCCATTTGTCATg 3' Energy: -13.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1272 NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.53 2 25 24784 24812 26 69.23% 76.92% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:14895 to 14925 Align Len (27) (66.67%) (70.37%) Query: 3' aaaGUCUUAA--ACGA-CGGU--AGUAGUAg 5' | | ||| |||| ||| |||||:| Ref: 5' tggCTGTATTAATGCTAACCAAGTCATCGTc 3' Energy: -17.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1272 NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.87 2 24 14895 14925 27 66.67% 70.37% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 25 R:18698 to 18727 Align Len (27) (70.37%) (81.48%) Query: 3' aaAGUCU-U-AA-AC-GACGGUAGUAGUAg 5' ||||| | || || |||::: |||||| Ref: 5' ctTCAGACACTTATGCCTGTTGGCATCATt 3' Energy: -19.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1272 NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.50 2 25 18698 18727 27 70.37% 81.48% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1272 NC_045512.2 1606.00 -202.12 157.00 -21.91 620 26 29903 21238 12099 203 24045 2322 11894 14787 15865 24784 14895 18698 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4434 MIMAT0018950(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4434 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:4727 to 4744 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' aaGAUGAAAUGAAGAGGa 5' :||: ||||||||:| Ref: 5' ggTTATCTTACTTCTTCt 3' Energy: -16.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4434 NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.21 2 17 4727 4744 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:28877 to 28894 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aagaugaaaUGAAGAGGa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' agtaggggaACTTCTCCt 3' Energy: -14.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4434 NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.53 2 10 28877 28894 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:21726 to 21743 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' aaGAUGAAAUGAAGAGGa 5' :||| || |||:||| Ref: 5' tcTTACCTTTCTTTTCCa 3' Energy: -12.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4434 NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.09 2 17 21726 21743 15 73.33% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4434 NC_045512.2 437.00 -42.83 148.00 -16.21 621 18 29903 4727 28877 21726 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-200a-3p MIMAT0000682(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-200a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14383 to 14403 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uguAGCAAUGGUCUGUCACAAu 5' |: || |: |||||||| Ref: 5' gttTTATT-CTCTACAGTGTTc 3' Energy: -10.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-200a-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -10.39 2 20 14383 14403 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27698 to 27720 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ugUAGCAAUG--GUCUGUCACAAu 5' ||:|||:| || |:|||||| Ref: 5' ttATTGTTGCGGCA-ATAGTGTTt 3' Energy: -18.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-200a-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -18.34 2 21 27698 27720 21 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23334 to 23354 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uguAGCAAUGGUCUGUCACAAu 5' |:| |: : | ||||||| Ref: 5' cttTTGGTGGT-GTCAGTGTTa 3' Energy: -12.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-200a-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.25 2 20 23334 23354 18 61.11% 77.78% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6729 to 6747 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugUAGCAAUGGUCUGUCACAAu 5' || ||||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' acATAGTTAC---ACGGTGTTt 3' Energy: -17.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-200a-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.41 2 21 6729 6747 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7115 to 7136 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uguAGCAAUGGUCUGUCACAAu 5' || |||| ::|||||| Ref: 5' ggtTCTATACCTTGTAGTGTTt 3' Energy: -14.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-200a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.05 2 20 7115 7136 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7731 to 7748 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugUAGCAAUGGUCUGUCACAAu 5' |||||| ||:|||||| Ref: 5' acATCGTT----GATAGTGTTa 3' Energy: -22.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-200a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -22.91 2 21 7731 7748 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10477 to 10499 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugUAGCAA-UGGUCUGUCACAAu 5' || ||| |: |::|||||| Ref: 5' taATGGTTCATGTGGTAGTGTTg 3' Energy: -14.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-200a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.72 2 21 10477 10499 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20042 to 20065 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uguAGCAAUG--GUCUGUCACAAu 5' |: |||| ||::|||||| Ref: 5' ttcTTATTACAGAAGGTAGTGTTa 3' Energy: -17.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-200a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.70 2 20 20042 20065 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:18104 to 18127 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uguagcaAUG-GU-CUGUCACAAu 5' ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' aggcaccTACACACCTCAGTGTTg 3' Energy: -14.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-200a-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.47 2 16 18104 18127 16 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1558 to 1580 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ugUAGCAAUGGUCUGU-CACAAu 5' :|:|| |||| ||| ||||| Ref: 5' agGTTGTAACCATACAGGTGTTg 3' Energy: -20.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-200a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.13 2 21 1558 1580 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:10378 to 10399 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguagcaauggucuGUCACAAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aggacagactttttCAGTGTTa 3' Energy: -13.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-200a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.91 2 9 10378 10399 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23710 to 23729 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ugUAGCAAUGGUCUGUCACAAu 5' ||: ||||:| :|||||| Ref: 5' aaATT-TTACTA-TTAGTGTTa 3' Energy: -14.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-200a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.28 2 21 23710 23729 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-200a-3p NC_045512.2 1719.00 -190.56 149.00 -22.91 622 22 29903 14383 27698 23334 6729 7115 7731 10477 20042 18104 1558 10378 23710 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6870-5p MIMAT0027640(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6870-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-509-5p MIMAT0004779(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-509-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8812 to 8836 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (80.95%) Query: 3' acuAAC-GGUGAC--A-GACGUCAu 5' ||| |||:|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' agcTTGCCCATTGATTGCTGCAGTc 3' Energy: -21.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-509-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -21.34 2 19 8812 8836 21 76.19% 80.95% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:15113 to 15133 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' acuaACGGUGACAGACGUCAu 5' ||:| || ||||:||| Ref: 5' ctggTGTCTCTATCTGTAGTa 3' Energy: -20.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-509-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -20.86 2 18 15113 15133 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8332 to 8351 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' acuAACGGUGACAGACGUCAu 5' ||| :|:|| |||:||| Ref: 5' tgcTTG-TATTGACTGTAGTg 3' Energy: -16.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-509-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.88 2 19 8332 8351 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:13369 to 13388 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' acuaACGGUGACAGACGUCAu 5' || :|| ||||||:|| Ref: 5' agtcTG-TACCGTCTGCGGTa 3' Energy: -20.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-509-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -20.23 2 18 13369 13388 16 75.00% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-509-5p NC_045512.2 591.00 -79.31 155.00 -21.34 624 21 29903 8812 15113 8332 13369 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4313 MIMAT0016865(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4313 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-944 MIMAT0004987(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-944 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22038 to 22059 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' gaGUAGGCUACAUG-UUAUUAAa 5' :||:| | ||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTATTCTA-GTGCGAATAATTg 3' Energy: -11.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-944 NC_045512.2 157.00 -11.07 2 21 22038 22059 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:7350 to 7373 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gaguaGGCUACAU--GUUAUUAAa 5' |: ||||: :||||||| Ref: 5' cttggCTTATGTGGTTAATAATTa 3' Energy: -13.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-944 NC_045512.2 152.00 -13.51 2 18 7350 7373 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:8551 to 8571 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' gaguaggcuACAUGUUAUUAAa 5' ||| :||||||| Ref: 5' tggtaaaatTGT-TAATAATTg 3' Energy: -4.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-944 NC_045512.2 147.00 -4.36 2 14 8551 8571 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:19823 to 19844 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (76.92%) Query: 3' gaguaggcUACAUGUUAUUAAa 5' || |||||||| Ref: 5' aggtgaaaATACTCAATAATTt 3' Energy: -8.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-944 NC_045512.2 146.00 -8.31 2 15 19823 19844 13 76.92% 76.92% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9723 to 9744 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gaGUAGGCUACAUGUUAUUAAa 5' :||: | | | :|:||||| Ref: 5' tcTATTGGTTCTTTAGTAATTa 3' Energy: -8.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-944 NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.22 2 21 9723 9744 19 57.89% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-944 NC_045512.2 742.00 -45.47 157.00 -13.51 626 22 29903 22038 7350 8551 19823 9723 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3184-3p MIMAT0022731(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3184-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:7662 to 7684 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' acuccccgucuCUCGCUCUGAAa 5' | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgatgaagttGCGAGAGACTTg 3' Energy: -12.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3184-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.00 2 13 7662 7684 11 81.82% 81.82% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3184-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.00 144.00 -12.00 627 23 29903 7662 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548e-3p MIMAT0005874(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548e-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11869 to 11893 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' acGUUUUC---AUCAGAGUCAAAAa 5' ||: || || |||||||||| Ref: 5' atCAGTAGTCTTACTCTCAGTTTTg 3' Energy: -15.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548e-3p NC_045512.2 163.00 -15.94 2 21 11869 11893 22 72.73% 77.27% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21680 to 21706 Align Len (24) (70.83%) (75.00%) Query: 3' acGUUUUCA---UC-A-GAGUCAAAAa 5' ||||: | || | ||||||||| Ref: 5' gaCAAAGTTTTCAGATCCTCAGTTTTa 3' Energy: -13.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548e-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -13.13 2 21 21680 21706 24 70.83% 75.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5171 to 5192 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acGUUUUCAUCAGAGUCAAAAa 5' || || |: || :|||||| Ref: 5' caCACAACTGATCCTAGTTTTc 3' Energy: -7.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548e-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -7.66 2 21 5171 5192 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:14524 to 14545 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' acguuuucAUCAGAGUCAAAAa 5' ||| ||:|||||| Ref: 5' catagctcTAGACTTAGTTTTa 3' Energy: -10.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548e-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -10.81 2 15 14524 14545 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:23820 to 23840 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (73.33%) Query: 3' acguuuUCAUCAGAGUCAAAAa 5' | || | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgttgcAATA-TGGCAGTTTTt 3' Energy: -11.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548e-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.66 2 17 23820 23840 15 73.33% 73.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26478 to 26498 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' acgUUUUCAUCAGAGUCAAAAa 5' || | || | |:|||||| Ref: 5' ctaAATATTA-TATTAGTTTTt 3' Energy: -7.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548e-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -7.16 2 20 26478 26498 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548e-3p NC_045512.2 893.00 -66.36 163.00 -15.94 628 22 29903 11869 21680 5171 14524 23820 26478 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-29b-1-5p MIMAT0004514(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-29b-1-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 169.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5883 to 5904 Align Len (19) (84.21%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agauUUGGUGGUAUACUUUGGUCg 5' ||| |||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' acacAACAACCATA--AAACCAGt 3' Energy: -18.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-1-5p NC_045512.2 169.00 -18.68 2 21 5883 5904 19 84.21% 84.21% Forward: Score: 169.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:15448 to 15473 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (89.47%) Query: 3' agauuuGGUGGUAUAC--UUUGGUCg 5' :|||:||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ggcggtTCACTATATGTTAAACCAGg 3' Energy: -22.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-1-5p NC_045512.2 169.00 -22.67 2 19 15448 15473 19 78.95% 89.47% Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:6480 to 6504 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (85.71%) Query: 3' agaUUUGGUGGUAU-ACUUUGGUCg 5' :|: ||::||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tagGAGACATTATACTTAAACCAGc 3' Energy: -19.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-1-5p NC_045512.2 164.00 -19.13 2 22 6480 6504 21 66.67% 85.71% Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19794 to 19817 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agauUUGGUGGUAUACUUUGGUCg 5' || |:| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' ggctAAGCGCAACATTAAACCAGt 3' Energy: -20.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-1-5p NC_045512.2 164.00 -20.93 2 21 19794 19817 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:6382 to 6405 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' agauuUGGUGGUAUACUUUGGUCg 5' :| | || | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgcctGCGAAGATCTAAAACCAGt 3' Energy: -11.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-1-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -11.46 2 20 6382 6405 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:6261 to 6282 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (89.47%) Query: 3' agaUUUGGUGGUAUACUUUGGUcg 5' ||:||| |:||| |||||| Ref: 5' ataAAGCCA-CGTAT-AAACCAaa 3' Energy: -17.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-1-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -17.49 3 22 6261 6282 19 78.95% 89.47% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:7910 to 7935 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (78.26%) Query: 3' agAUUUGGUGGUAUAC--UUUGGUCg 5' |:|| |:||| || |||:||| Ref: 5' tgTGAAGAATCATCTGCAAAATCAGc 3' Energy: -18.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-1-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -18.79 2 23 7910 7935 23 65.22% 78.26% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:4756 to 4780 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' agaUUUGGUGGUAU-ACUUUGGUcg 5' |:| ||:: || |||||||| Ref: 5' tgaAGAACATTTTATTGAAACCAtc 3' Energy: -14.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-1-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.47 3 22 4756 4780 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:6069 to 6095 Align Len (23) (56.52%) (78.26%) Query: 3' agaUUUGGUGG-UAU--ACUUUGGUCg 5' || :::|: ||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' tcaAATTTGCTGATGATTTAAACCAGt 3' Energy: -12.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-1-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.17 2 22 6069 6095 23 56.52% 78.26% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:14922 to 14945 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (71.43%) Query: 3' agAUUUGGUGGUAUACUUUGGUCg 5' | ||| ||| : |||:||| Ref: 5' cgTCAACAACCTAGACAAATCAGc 3' Energy: -15.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-1-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.01 2 23 14922 14945 21 61.90% 71.43% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:17617 to 17642 Align Len (24) (70.83%) (75.00%) Query: 3' agAUUUGGUGGUA-UAC--UUUGGUCg 5' |||| || ||| | | |||:||| Ref: 5' ctTAAAGCA-CATAAAGACAAATCAGc 3' Energy: -16.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-1-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.14 2 23 17617 17642 24 70.83% 75.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:6300 to 6321 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (73.33%) Query: 3' agauuuggUGGUAUACUUUGGUCg 5' | || | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtctttggAGCACA--AAACCAGt 3' Energy: -15.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-1-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.65 2 17 6300 6321 15 73.33% 73.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 23 R:16450 to 16469 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agAUUUGGUGGUAUACUUUGGUcg 5' ||||:||| || |||||| Ref: 5' tgTAAATCAC---AT-AAACCAcc 3' Energy: -14.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-1-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.98 3 23 16450 16469 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:21282 to 21305 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agauUUGGUGGUAUACUUUGGUcg 5' ||::|:| |: |||||| Ref: 5' atgtAATTATCTTGGCAAACCAcg 3' Energy: -12.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-1-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.18 3 21 21282 21305 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 23 R:26158 to 26180 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' agAUUUGGUGGUAUACUUUGGUcg 5' ||| ||| :| |||:||||| Ref: 5' gtTAATCCAGTA-ATGGAACCAat 3' Energy: -18.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-1-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.45 3 23 26158 26180 20 75.00% 85.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-29b-1-5p NC_045512.2 2255.00 -248.20 169.00 -22.67 629 24 29903 5883 15448 6480 19794 6382 6261 7910 4756 6069 14922 17617 6300 16450 21282 26158 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548ac MIMAT0018938(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548ac vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:6948 to 6967 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' guuuucAUUAACGGCCAAAAAc 5' ||||| :||||||| Ref: 5' atattaTAATT--TGGTTTTTa 3' Energy: -8.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ac NC_045512.2 153.00 -8.14 2 17 6948 6967 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7227 to 7252 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' guuuucAUUAACG----GCCAAAAAc 5' ||:|||| :||||||| Ref: 5' ttggctTAGTTGCAGAGTGGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -16.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ac NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.89 2 17 7227 7252 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:13559 to 13577 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' guUUUCAUUAACGGCCAAAAac 5' |||||| ||:|||||| Ref: 5' atAAAGTA---GCTGGTTTTgc 3' Energy: -16.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ac NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.17 3 21 13559 13577 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:23943 to 23964 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' guUUUCAUUAACGGCCAAAAac 5' |||| ||| :|||||| Ref: 5' ttAAAGATTTTGGTGGTTTTaa 3' Energy: -13.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ac NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.27 3 21 23943 23964 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26642 to 26660 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' guUUUCAUUAACGGCCAAAAAc 5' | || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' caACAGGAAT---AGGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -11.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ac NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.55 2 21 26642 26660 19 68.42% 68.42% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:18352 to 18374 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' guuuucAUUAACGG-CCAAAAAc 5' | | ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttacctTTACAGCTAGGTTTTTc 3' Energy: -8.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ac NC_045512.2 143.00 -8.93 2 17 18352 18374 16 68.75% 75.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22198 to 22224 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' guuuuCAUUA-ACGG----CCAAAAAc 5' ||:|| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' agtgcGTGATCTCCCTCAGGGTTTTTc 3' Energy: -8.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ac NC_045512.2 143.00 -8.48 2 18 22198 22224 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:21087 to 21107 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (73.33%) Query: 3' guuuucAUUAACGGCCAAAAAc 5' ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgactcTAA-AGAGGGTTTTTt 3' Energy: -8.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ac NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.44 2 17 21087 21107 15 73.33% 73.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:7258 to 7279 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guuuucauuaacggCCAAAAAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tattcttttcactaGGTTTTTc 3' Energy: -6.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ac NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.70 2 9 7258 7279 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:10486 to 10506 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (93.75%) Query: 3' guuuUCAUUAACGGCCAAAAac 5' :|||: ||::|||||| Ref: 5' atgtGGTAG-TGTTGGTTTTaa 3' Energy: -14.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ac NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.71 3 19 10486 10506 16 68.75% 93.75% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548ac NC_045512.2 1444.00 -113.28 153.00 -16.89 630 22 29903 6948 7227 13559 23943 26642 18352 22198 21087 7258 10486 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1265 MIMAT0005918(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1265 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 167.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:18079 to 18100 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uugUUGUGAACUGGUGUAGGAc 5' | |||| |:::||||||| Ref: 5' gtaATCACTGGGTTACATCCTa 3' Energy: -21.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1265 NC_045512.2 167.00 -21.57 2 20 18079 18100 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:16038 to 16060 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uuguuGUGAACUGG--UGUAGGAc 5' ||||| ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaccCACTT-ACTAAACATCCTa 3' Energy: -15.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1265 NC_045512.2 154.00 -15.55 2 18 16038 16060 18 77.78% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1265 NC_045512.2 321.00 -37.12 167.00 -21.57 631 22 29903 18079 16038 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1343-3p MIMAT0019776(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1343-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:20219 to 20240 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgcucucacgcccgGGGUCCUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tacaagaatttaaaCCCAGGAg 3' Energy: -19.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1343-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.82 2 9 20219 20240 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1343-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.82 140.00 -19.82 632 22 29903 20219 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-515-3p MIMAT0002827(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-515-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17181 to 17202 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uuGCGAGGUUUUCUUCCGUGAg 5' | || :: :||||||||:| Ref: 5' tgCACTATGTGAGAAGGCATTa 3' Energy: -20.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-515-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -20.50 2 21 17181 17202 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:395 to 416 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uugcgAGGUUUUCUUCCGUGAg 5' ||: ||||| |||||| Ref: 5' caacaTCTTAAAGATGGCACTt 3' Energy: -18.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-515-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.37 2 18 395 416 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7972 to 7993 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuGCGAGGUUUUCUUCCGUGAg 5' :|:| | |:| |||||:| Ref: 5' acTGTTACTAGATCAGGCATTa 3' Energy: -15.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-515-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.38 2 21 7972 7993 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:13498 to 13519 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uugcgagguuuucuUCCGUGAg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' acaccgtgcggcacAGGCACTa 3' Energy: -15.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-515-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.66 2 9 13498 13519 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-515-3p NC_045512.2 569.00 -69.91 148.00 -20.50 633 22 29903 17181 395 7972 13498 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5694 MIMAT0022487(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5694 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:18796 to 18816 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacucugucagGGUACUAGAc 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' ctacaaagcaaCCATGATCTg 3' Energy: -20.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5694 NC_045512.2 150.00 -20.06 2 11 18796 18816 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:22712 to 22732 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (76.92%) Query: 3' gacucugUCAGGGUACUAGAc 5' | |: ||||||| Ref: 5' cctactaAATTAAATGATCTc 3' Energy: -8.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5694 NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.35 2 15 22712 22732 13 69.23% 76.92% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:19527 to 19547 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacucugucagggUACUAGAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgcttataacatgATGATCTc 3' Energy: -8.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5694 NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.87 2 9 19527 19547 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:24963 to 24982 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gacUCUGUCAGGGUACUAGac 5' | ||||| ::|||||| Ref: 5' acaACACAGT-TTATGATCct 3' Energy: -13.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5694 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.92 3 19 24963 24982 16 75.00% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5694 NC_045512.2 572.00 -51.20 150.00 -20.06 634 21 29903 18796 22712 19527 24963 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3166 MIMAT0015040(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3166 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:11111 to 11134 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' auCCGGUCAU-CCGUAACAGACGc 5' || :| || || ||||||| Ref: 5' atGGGTATTATTGCTATGTCTGCt 3' Energy: -16.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3166 NC_045512.2 152.00 -16.10 2 22 11111 11134 21 66.67% 71.43% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3166 NC_045512.2 152.00 -16.10 152.00 -16.10 635 23 29903 11111 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-137-5p MIMAT0037310(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-137-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20012 to 20034 Align Len (19) (52.63%) (89.47%) Query: 3' uaaUAGGUGGGUUCUUAUGGGCa 5' | ::|:::|: |||:|||| Ref: 5' tagACTTATTTAGAAATGCCCGt 3' Energy: -20.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-137-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -20.26 2 21 20012 20034 19 52.63% 89.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-137-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -20.26 144.00 -20.26 636 23 29903 20012 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-10395-3p MIMAT0041622(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-10395-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5821 to 5844 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' guAGUCUGUCAUG---CUUAUGUa 5' |:| | ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' acTTACAAAGTCCTCAGAATACAa 3' Energy: -9.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10395-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -9.33 2 20 5821 5844 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28676 to 28697 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' guAGUCUGUC-AUGCUUAUGUa 5' | ||: || :||||||| Ref: 5' acTGAGGGAGCCTTGAATACAc 3' Energy: -14.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10395-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.78 2 20 28676 28697 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:21341 to 21361 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' guagucuguCAUGCUUAUGUa 5' | | ||||||| Ref: 5' acatattttGGAGGAATACAa 3' Energy: -9.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10395-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.34 2 13 21341 21361 11 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:9469 to 9489 Align Len (9) (77.78%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guagucugucaUGCUUAUGUa 5' ::||||||| Ref: 5' aagagcttttgGTGAATACAg 3' Energy: -10.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10395-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.01 2 11 9469 9489 9 77.78% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:16813 to 16832 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' guaGUCUGUCAUGCUUAUGUa 5' || |:|| | ||:|||| Ref: 5' gtaCAAATAGGA-GAGTACAc 3' Energy: -13.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10395-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.51 2 19 16813 16832 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-10395-3p NC_045512.2 722.00 -56.97 150.00 -14.78 637 21 29903 5821 28676 21341 9469 16813 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-203b-5p MIMAT0019813(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-203b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14406 to 14427 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' acacUUUACAAAUCCUGGUGAu 5' | | |||| |||||||| Ref: 5' acctACAAGTTTTGGACCACTa 3' Energy: -20.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-203b-5p NC_045512.2 166.00 -20.45 2 19 14406 14427 17 82.35% 82.35% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:3535 to 3556 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acacuuuacaaauCCUGGUGAu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' catagctactaatGGACCACTt 3' Energy: -14.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-203b-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.57 2 10 3535 3556 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:14786 to 14807 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' acacuUUACAAAUCCUGGUGAu 5' |: | ||| |||:||| Ref: 5' ctatcAGCGATTATGACTACTa 3' Energy: -10.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-203b-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.87 2 18 14786 14807 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11731 to 11752 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' acACUUUACAAAUCCUGGUGAu 5' |||| | :||||:||| Ref: 5' taTGAATTCACAGGGACTACTc 3' Energy: -15.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-203b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.03 2 21 11731 11752 19 63.16% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-203b-5p NC_045512.2 592.00 -60.92 166.00 -20.45 638 22 29903 14406 3535 14786 11731 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-410-3p MIMAT0002171(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-410-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:11299 to 11319 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguccgguaGACACAAUAUAa 5' |||||||||:| Ref: 5' gctaaaagaCTGTGTTATGTa 3' Energy: -14.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-410-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.65 2 13 11299 11319 11 90.91% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:25980 to 26000 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguccgguaGACACAAUAUAa 5' |||||||:||| Ref: 5' agtaaaagaCTGTGTTGTATt 3' Energy: -16.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-410-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.13 2 13 25980 26000 11 90.91% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:23338 to 23358 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ugucCGGUAGACACAAUAUaa 5' | ::|| |||||||| Ref: 5' tggtGGTGTCAGTGTTATAac 3' Energy: -11.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-410-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.40 3 18 23338 23358 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21420 to 21440 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ugUCCGGUAGAC-ACAAUAUAa 5' :|| :| ||| ||||||:| Ref: 5' aaGGGGTA-CTGCTGTTATGTc 3' Energy: -15.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-410-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.93 2 20 21420 21440 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-410-3p NC_045512.2 569.00 -58.11 144.00 -16.13 639 21 29903 11299 25980 23338 21420 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4317 MIMAT0016872(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4317 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:28898 to 28914 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' uuUGAGGGACCGUUACa 5' | | ||||||||| Ref: 5' agAATGGCTGGCAATGg 3' Energy: -15.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4317 NC_045512.2 151.00 -15.69 2 16 28898 28914 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:18823 to 18839 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uuUGAGGGACCGUUACa 5' | ||| |||:|||| Ref: 5' caAGTCCATGGTAATGc 3' Energy: -15.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4317 NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.62 2 16 18823 18839 14 78.57% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4317 NC_045512.2 294.00 -31.31 151.00 -15.69 640 17 29903 28898 18823 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3164 MIMAT0015038(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3164 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6903 to 6927 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (81.82%) Query: 3' gcGGUAA---AGGGAAUUUCAGUGu 5' :|||| |: :||:||||||| Ref: 5' ctTCATTTAATTATTTGAAGTCACc 3' Energy: -18.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3164 NC_045512.2 159.00 -18.15 2 21 6903 6927 22 63.64% 81.82% Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:29227 to 29248 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gcgGUAAAGGGAAUUUCAGUGu 5' |||| | | :||||||| Ref: 5' gcgCATTGGCATGGAAGTCACa 3' Energy: -19.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3164 NC_045512.2 159.00 -19.90 2 20 29227 29248 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:27313 to 27332 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gcggUAAAGGGAAUUUCAGUGu 5' |||| :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaaATTTATCT--AAGTCACt 3' Energy: -11.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3164 NC_045512.2 155.00 -11.87 2 19 27313 27332 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8366 to 8387 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' gcgGUAAAGGGAAUUUCAGUGu 5' || | | |||||||| Ref: 5' gcgCAGGTAGCAAAAAGTCACa 3' Energy: -16.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3164 NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.75 2 20 8366 8387 18 66.67% 66.67% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:6118 to 6139 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gcgguaaaggGAAUUUCAGUGu 5' ||||||||:|| Ref: 5' ttcaagagagCTTAAAGTTACa 3' Energy: -15.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3164 NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.85 2 13 6118 6139 11 90.91% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17766 to 17789 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gcGGUAAAG-GGAAU-UUCAGUGu 5' ::||||| ||||| || |||| Ref: 5' ctTTATTTCACCTTATAATTCACa 3' Energy: -17.559999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3164 NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.56 2 21 17766 17789 21 76.19% 85.71% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:1780 to 1801 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gcgguaaagGGAAUUUCAGUGu 5' ::|||||||:|| Ref: 5' ctgtggtaaTTTTAAAGTTACa 3' Energy: -16.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3164 NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.79 2 14 1780 1801 12 75.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8576 to 8596 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gcgGUAAAGGGAAUUUCAGUGu 5' || || |||||||:|| Ref: 5' aagCAGTT-AATTAAAGTTACa 3' Energy: -14.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3164 NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.59 2 20 8576 8596 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3164 NC_045512.2 1188.00 -131.46 159.00 -19.90 641 22 29903 6903 29227 27313 8366 6118 17766 1780 8576 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-365b-3p MIMAT0022834(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-365b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:2930 to 2951 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uauuccuaaaaaucCCCGUAAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttacttacaccactGGGCATTg 3' Energy: -11.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-365b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.66 2 9 2930 2951 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-365b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.66 140.00 -11.66 642 22 29903 2930 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-216a-5p MIMAT0000273(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-216a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3863 to 3884 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' agUGUCAACGGUCGACUCUAAu 5' ||| | : ||||||||| Ref: 5' gaACAAAAGATCGCTGAGATTc 3' Energy: -15.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-216a-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -15.06 2 21 3863 3884 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:23294 to 23315 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (84.62%) Query: 3' agugucaaCGGUCGACUCUAAu 5' | || :||||||| Ref: 5' gatccacaGACACTTGAGATTc 3' Energy: -17.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-216a-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -17.59 2 15 23294 23315 13 76.92% 84.62% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-216a-5p NC_045512.2 306.00 -32.65 156.00 -17.59 643 22 29903 3863 23294 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-514a-5p MIMAT0022702(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-514a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:18425 to 18447 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guacuaacaguGAGAGGUCUCAu 5' :|:|||||||| Ref: 5' ataatacagatTTTTCCAGAGTt 3' Energy: -18.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-514a-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -18.63 2 13 18425 18447 11 81.82% 100.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11035 to 11057 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' guacuAACAGUGAGAGGUCUCAu 5' | ||: : |||||||| Ref: 5' actttTAGTTTTAGTCCAGAGTa 3' Energy: -16.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-514a-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.46 2 19 11035 11057 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:10954 to 10976 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (93.75%) Query: 3' guacuaACAGUGAGAGGUCUCAu 5' |||:|||:|||| ||| Ref: 5' ctcaggTGTTACTTTCCAAAGTg 3' Energy: -24.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-514a-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -24.12 2 18 10954 10976 16 81.25% 93.75% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:20188 to 20212 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (77.27%) Query: 3' guACUAACAGUGAGA--GGUCUCAu 5' ||| |:|||:| :|||||| Ref: 5' ccTGAAACTTACTTTACTCAGAGTa 3' Energy: -17.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-514a-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.86 2 22 20188 20212 22 63.64% 77.27% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:17916 to 17940 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' guACUAACAGUGAGA--GGUCUCau 5' | | |||::|| | |||||| Ref: 5' atTTAATGTTGCTATTACCAGAGca 3' Energy: -16.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-514a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.82 3 22 17916 17940 21 66.67% 76.19% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-514a-5p NC_045512.2 731.00 -93.89 152.00 -24.12 644 23 29903 18425 11035 10954 20188 17916 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3190-5p MIMAT0015073(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3190-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:11514 to 11533 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' accccUGCAUCGACCGGUCu 5' |:|| :||||||| Ref: 5' ctgtcATGTTTTTGGCCAGa 3' Energy: -20.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3190-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -20.64 2 16 11514 11533 14 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:26683 to 26701 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' accCCUGCAUCGACCGGUCu 5' || :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' tctGGCTGT-TATGGCCAGt 3' Energy: -19.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3190-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -19.68 2 18 26683 26701 16 68.75% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3190-5p NC_045512.2 294.00 -40.32 151.00 -20.64 645 20 29903 11514 26683 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6795-5p MIMAT0027490(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6795-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:24695 to 24720 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (82.61%) Query: 3' ugUCGGAGAGUAGG--ACAGGGGGGu 5' :| || |||||: |||||::|| Ref: 5' aaGGGCTATCATCTTATGTCCTTCCc 3' Energy: -25.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6795-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -25.65 2 23 24695 24720 23 65.22% 82.61% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6795-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -25.65 141.00 -25.65 646 24 29903 24695 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-12126 MIMAT0049020(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-12126 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1 to 26 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (77.27%) Query: 3' uucuUUUCCAGA---CCAGGGGUUCAg 5' ||||||:| |:||||:|| Ref: 5' -attAAAGGTTTATACCTTCCCAGGTa 3' Energy: -21.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12126 NC_045512.2 143.00 -21.03 2 21 1 26 22 63.64% 77.27% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:28384 to 28405 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uucUUUUCCAGACCAGGGGUUCag 5' | || ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaACAACGTC-GG-CCCCAAGgt 3' Energy: -19.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12126 NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.31 3 22 28384 28405 19 78.95% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-12126 NC_045512.2 284.00 -40.34 143.00 -21.03 647 24 29903 1 28384 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4467 MIMAT0018994(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4467 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6734-5p MIMAT0027369(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6734-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24700 to 24724 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (90.48%) Query: 3' agaGGUGGAGUA-A-GAGGGGAGUu 5' :||:||:|| | ||:|||||| Ref: 5' ctaTCATCTTATGTCCTTCCCTCAg 3' Energy: -29.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6734-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -29.27 2 21 24700 24724 21 71.43% 90.48% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6734-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -29.27 154.00 -29.27 649 23 29903 24700 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-155-5p MIMAT0000646(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-155-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:5195 to 5216 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uuggggAUAGUGCUAAUCGUAAUu 5' || ||:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtaggTA-CATG-TCAGCATTAa 3' Energy: -13.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-155-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -13.86 2 19 5195 5216 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15315 to 15338 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uuggGGAUAGUGCUAAUCGUAAUu 5' |||| ||:| |||| |||| Ref: 5' catgCCTAACATGCTTAGAATTAt 3' Energy: -16.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-155-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.00 2 21 15315 15338 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:12526 to 12551 Align Len (23) (60.87%) (82.61%) Query: 3' uuGGGGAU-AGUGC-UAAUCGUAAUu 5' | ::|| |:|:| || ||||||: Ref: 5' aaCATTTACTTATGCATCAGCATTGt 3' Energy: -15.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-155-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.24 2 23 12526 12551 23 60.87% 82.61% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7968 to 7994 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' uugggGAUAGUG--CUA-AUCGUAAUu 5' ||:|:|| ||| :|||||| Ref: 5' ctataCTGTTACTAGATCAGGCATTAg 3' Energy: -16.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-155-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.04 2 20 7968 7994 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:19764 to 19786 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uuggGGAUAGUGCUA-AUCGUAAuu 5' |||:|:| || ||||||| Ref: 5' attaCCTGTTA--ATGTAGCATTtg 3' Energy: -17.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-155-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.35 3 21 19764 19786 19 73.68% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-155-5p NC_045512.2 723.00 -78.49 150.00 -17.35 650 24 29903 5195 15315 12526 7968 19764 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548x-3p MIMAT0015081(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548x-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:23822 to 23841 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (91.67%) Query: 3' cuuucauUAACGUCAAAAAu 5' || ||||||||| Ref: 5' ttgcaatATGGCAGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -12.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548x-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -12.25 2 14 23822 23841 12 91.67% 91.67% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:7874 to 7895 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cuuUCAUU--AACGUCAAAAAu 5' | ||| || :||||||| Ref: 5' cctATTAATGTTATAGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -7.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548x-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -7.81 2 18 7874 7895 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:16486 to 16507 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cuuucAUUAAC-G-UCAAAAAu 5' |||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtgcTAATGGACAAGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -7.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548x-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -7.03 2 16 16486 16507 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:26478 to 26499 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cuUUCAU--UAACGUCAAAAAu 5' || || || :||||||| Ref: 5' ctAAATATTATATTAGTTTTTc 3' Energy: -4.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548x-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -4.63 2 19 26478 26499 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:22570 to 22589 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' cuuucauuaACGUCAAAAAu 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' cccttttggTGAAGTTTTTa 3' Energy: -7.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548x-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -7.59 2 12 22570 22589 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:8914 to 8933 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' cuuucAUUAACGUCAAAAAu 5' || | ||||||| Ref: 5' tttctTACCTAGAGTTTTTa 3' Energy: -6.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548x-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -6.02 2 16 8914 8933 14 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:23890 to 23909 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cuuucauuaaCGUCAAAAAu 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaacacccaaGAAGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -6.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548x-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -6.03 2 11 23890 23909 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:6949 to 6967 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' cuuucAUUAACGUCAAAAAu 5' ||||| ::|||||| Ref: 5' tattaTAATT-TGGTTTTTa 3' Energy: -5.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548x-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -5.78 2 16 6949 6967 14 78.57% 92.86% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548x-3p NC_045512.2 1180.00 -57.14 157.00 -12.25 651 20 29903 23822 7874 16486 26478 22570 8914 23890 6949 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1183 MIMAT0005828(27 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1183 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:4662 to 4690 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' acggguGAGAGUGGUA--GUGGAUGUCAc 5' |||||| :| || ||||||| Ref: 5' tgagatCTCTCAAAGTGCCAGCTACAGTt 3' Energy: -22.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1183 NC_045512.2 164.00 -22.91 2 22 4662 4690 22 72.73% 77.27% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:3 to 25 R:8709 to 8737 Align Len (24) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' acgGGUGAGAGUGGUA--GUGGAUGUCac 5' :||||| :: ||| ||:|||||| Ref: 5' gtgTCACTCGTGACATAGCATCTACAGat 3' Energy: -26.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1183 NC_045512.2 155.00 -26.36 3 25 8709 8737 24 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 26 R:14375 to 14400 Align Len (24) (50.00%) (83.33%) Query: 3' acGGGUGAGAGUGGUAGUGGAUGUCAc 5' :::| | |: ::||: :||||||| Ref: 5' acTTTAATGTT-TTATTCTCTACAGTg 3' Energy: -20.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1183 NC_045512.2 155.00 -20.17 2 26 14375 14400 24 50.00% 83.33% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9383 to 9409 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' acgggugaGAGUGGUAGUGGAUGUCAc 5' | :|:|| ||:|||:||| Ref: 5' gctttggaCATATCAGCATCTATAGTa 3' Energy: -19.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1183 NC_045512.2 151.00 -19.74 2 20 9383 9409 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 25 R:23626 to 23651 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (86.96%) Query: 3' acgGGUGAGAGUGGUAGUGGAUGUCAc 5' :|| || ||:|||::|||||| | Ref: 5' tagTCAATC-CATCATTGCCTACACTa 3' Energy: -23.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1183 NC_045512.2 150.00 -23.85 2 25 23626 23651 23 69.57% 86.96% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:7670 to 7695 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' acgggugagaguGGUAGUGGAUGUCAc 5' :::||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gttgcgagagacTTGTCA-CTACAGTt 3' Energy: -15.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1183 NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.35 2 16 7670 7695 14 71.43% 92.86% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:7926 to 7952 Align Len (14) (64.29%) (85.71%) Query: 3' acgggugagaguGGUAGUGGAUGUCAc 5' |::|: ||||||| Ref: 5' caaaatcagcgtCTGTTTACTACAGTc 3' Energy: -18.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1183 NC_045512.2 147.00 -18.81 2 16 7926 7952 14 64.29% 85.71% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 25 R:7083 to 7112 Align Len (26) (65.38%) (76.92%) Query: 3' acgGGUGAGAGUGGUAG---UGGAUGUCAc 5' |:| | ||||:||: |||||| || Ref: 5' ctaCTAATGTCACTATTGCAACCTACTGTa 3' Energy: -22.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1183 NC_045512.2 143.00 -22.26 2 25 7083 7112 26 65.38% 76.92% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 26 R:16907 to 16932 Align Len (24) (62.50%) (83.33%) Query: 3' acGGGUGAGAGUGGUAGUGGAUGUCAc 5' ::::: || | |||||| |||||| Ref: 5' atTTTGTGCTGA-CATCACATACAGTa 3' Energy: -18.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1183 NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.15 2 26 16907 16932 24 62.50% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 25 R:19363 to 19390 Align Len (25) (68.00%) (88.00%) Query: 3' acgGGUGAGAGUGGUAGUG-GA-UGUCAc 5' |||:|:|: |:||:|| || ||||| Ref: 5' ttaCCATTTTT-CTATTACTCTGACAGTc 3' Energy: -24.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1183 NC_045512.2 141.00 -24.73 2 25 19363 19390 25 68.00% 88.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:18383 to 18408 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (93.75%) Query: 3' acgggugagAGUGGUAGUGGAUGUCac 5' |::|::| |||||||| Ref: 5' ttaacctagTTGCTGT-ACCTACAGgt 3' Energy: -21.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1183 NC_045512.2 140.00 -21.15 3 19 18383 18408 16 68.75% 93.75% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1183 NC_045512.2 1638.00 -233.48 164.00 -26.36 652 27 29903 4662 8709 14375 9383 23626 7670 7926 7083 16907 19363 18383 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4694-3p MIMAT0019787(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4694-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14439 to 14461 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uccACAA-UAGGAC-AGGUAAAc 5' |||| || || ||||||| Ref: 5' attTGTTGATGGTGTTCCATTTg 3' Energy: -15.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4694-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -15.89 2 19 14439 14461 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:21962 to 21983 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uccACAAUAGGAC-AGGUAAAc 5' | ||:| || ||||||| Ref: 5' caaTTTTGTAATGATCCATTTt 3' Energy: -10.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4694-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -10.05 2 19 21962 21983 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:27261 to 27281 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (70.59%) Query: 3' uccACAAUAGGACAGGUAAAc 5' | ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gacTTTTAAAGTTTCCATTTg 3' Energy: -12.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4694-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -12.63 2 19 27261 27281 17 70.59% 70.59% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:14939 to 14959 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uccacaauagGACAGGUAAAc 5' :| ||||||| Ref: 5' aatcagctggTTTTCCATTTa 3' Energy: -8.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4694-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -8.56 2 12 14939 14959 10 80.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:29571 to 29591 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ucCACAAUAGGACAGGUAAAc 5' || || |:| |||:||| Ref: 5' acGTTTTCGCTTTTCCGTTTa 3' Energy: -10.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4694-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.26 2 20 29571 29591 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:22741 to 22763 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uccACA-AUAGGAC-AGGUAAAc 5' ||| ||| | | |:||||| Ref: 5' taaTGTCTATGCAGATTCATTTg 3' Energy: -11.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4694-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.31 2 19 22741 22763 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4694-3p NC_045512.2 885.00 -68.70 156.00 -15.89 653 21 29903 14439 21962 27261 14939 29571 22741 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3144-5p MIMAT0015014(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3144-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:27827 to 27848 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (89.47%) Query: 3' gauAU-AUAGAGAAACCAGGGGa 5' || ||||| ||||||:|:| Ref: 5' gctTATTATCT-TTTGGTTCTCa 3' Energy: -19.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3144-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.84 2 20 27827 27848 19 78.95% 89.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3144-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.84 140.00 -19.84 654 22 29903 27827 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-let-7d-3p MIMAT0004484(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-let-7d-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:13515 to 13536 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ucuuuccgucgUCCAGCAUAUc 5' | |||||||| Ref: 5' cactagtactgATGTCGTATAc 3' Energy: -11.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7d-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.25 2 12 13515 13536 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19280 to 19301 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (89.47%) Query: 3' ucUUUCCGUCGUCCAGCAUAUc 5' :| ||::|||| |:||||: Ref: 5' gtGATGGTGGCAGTTTGTATGt 3' Energy: -18.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7d-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.14 2 21 19280 19301 19 63.16% 89.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-let-7d-3p NC_045512.2 287.00 -29.39 147.00 -18.14 655 22 29903 13515 19280 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-11399 MIMAT0044656(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-11399 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:1386 to 1408 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uccaAAGUCGGGGU-CUGGACUu 5' ||||| :| ||||||| Ref: 5' acaaTTCAGAAGTAGGACCTGAg 3' Energy: -21.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-11399 NC_045512.2 153.00 -21.19 2 19 1386 1408 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:18630 to 18651 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uccaaagucggggUCUGGACUu 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' ttttgtgaaaataGGACCTGAg 3' Energy: -15.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-11399 NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.69 2 10 18630 18651 8 87.50% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-11399 NC_045512.2 294.00 -36.88 153.00 -21.19 656 22 29903 1386 18630 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-520g-5p MIMAT0026611(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-520g-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:9762 to 9784 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (93.75%) Query: 3' uuugucUUUCACGAAGGAGAUCu 5' | :|||:|||||:||| Ref: 5' tctttaATGGTGTTTCCTTTAGt 3' Energy: -21.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520g-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -21.11 2 18 9762 9784 16 75.00% 93.75% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:27520 to 27542 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' uuugucuuUCACGAAGGAGAUCu 5' | | | |||||||| Ref: 5' aattcaccATTTCATCCTCTAGc 3' Energy: -13.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520g-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -13.06 2 16 27520 27542 14 78.57% 78.57% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-520g-5p NC_045512.2 304.00 -34.17 153.00 -21.11 657 23 29903 9762 27520 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7854-3p MIMAT0030429(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7854-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:6910 to 6930 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' aagGGUAGACGCCAGUGGAgu 5' ::||:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' taaTTATTTGAAGTCACCTaa 3' Energy: -18.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7854-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.92 3 19 6910 6930 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9948 to 9968 Align Len (17) (58.82%) (88.24%) Query: 3' aagGGUAGACGCCAGUGGAGu 5' |:: :||: ||||:||| Ref: 5' aagCTGCTTGTTGTCATCTCg 3' Energy: -21.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7854-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -21.02 2 19 9948 9968 17 58.82% 88.24% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10022 to 10042 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (64.71%) Query: 3' aagGGUAGACGCCAGUGGAGu 5' | | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ccaCAAACCTCTATCACCTCa 3' Energy: -17.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7854-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.84 2 19 10022 10042 17 64.71% 64.71% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:9847 to 9867 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' aagggUAGACGCCAGUGGAGu 5' || ||| |:||||| Ref: 5' tagtgATGTGCTATTACCTCt 3' Energy: -14.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7854-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.54 2 17 9847 9867 15 73.33% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7854-3p NC_045512.2 566.00 -72.32 142.00 -21.02 658 21 29903 6910 9948 10022 9847 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3652 MIMAT0018072(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3652 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1275 MIMAT0005929(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1275 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-500a-3p MIMAT0002871(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-500a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:24217 to 24239 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' guCUUAGGAA-CGGGUCCACGua 5' |:| |:|| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttGGACCTTTGGTGCAGGTGCtg 3' Energy: -19.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-500a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -19.93 3 21 24217 24239 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-500a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -19.93 143.00 -19.93 661 22 29903 24217 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-498-5p MIMAT0002824(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-498-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:2137 to 2162 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (78.26%) Query: 3' cuUUUUGCGGGG---GACCGAACUUu 5' || ||:||: :||||||||| Ref: 5' caAACCCGTCCTTGATTGGCTTGAAg 3' Energy: -25.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-498-5p NC_045512.2 160.00 -25.12 2 22 2137 2162 23 65.22% 78.26% Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:1426 to 1447 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cuUUUUGCGGGGGACCGAACUUu 5' | ||:| :|||||||||| Ref: 5' ccATAATG-AATCTGGCTTGAAa 3' Energy: -23.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-498-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -23.81 2 22 1426 1447 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:10132 to 10154 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (94.12%) Query: 3' cuuuUUGCGGGGGACCGAACUuu 5' |||| :|::|||||||| Ref: 5' acttAACGGTCTTTGGCTTGAtg 3' Energy: -25.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-498-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -25.76 3 20 10132 10154 17 76.47% 94.12% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17734 to 17756 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cuuUUUGCG-GGGGACCGAACUUu 5' | |||: |||| |||||:| Ref: 5' cttACACGTAACCCT-GCTTGGAg 3' Energy: -21.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-498-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -21.73 2 21 17734 17756 20 70.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-498-5p NC_045512.2 615.00 -96.42 160.00 -25.76 662 23 29903 2137 1426 10132 17734 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-552-3p MIMAT0003215(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-552-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2248 to 2267 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' aaCAGAUUGGUCAGUGGACAa 5' | | ||:: ||||||||| Ref: 5' tgGACAAATT-GTCACCTGTg 3' Energy: -17.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-552-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -17.21 2 20 2248 2267 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:16596 to 16615 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' aacAGAUUGGUCAGUGGACAa 5' |:||:|:| ||||||| Ref: 5' catTTTAGCTA-ACACCTGTa 3' Energy: -16.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-552-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -16.75 2 19 16596 16615 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8622 to 8644 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' aacAGAUUGGUCA--GUGGACAa 5' |||| ::| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tttTCTATTTAATAACACCTGTt 3' Energy: -15.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-552-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -15.09 2 19 8622 8644 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:18643 to 18661 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' aacaGAUUGGUCAGUGGACAa 5' ||:| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' ggacCTGAGCG--CACCTGTt 3' Energy: -17.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-552-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.52 2 18 18643 18661 16 68.75% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-552-3p NC_045512.2 612.00 -66.57 157.00 -17.52 663 21 29903 2248 16596 8622 18643 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-22-3p MIMAT0000077(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-22-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:23815 to 23838 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ugucAAGAA-GUUG-ACCGUCGAa 5' || || |||: ||||||:| Ref: 5' tcttTTGTTGCAATATGGCAGTTt 3' Energy: -16.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-22-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.81 2 19 23815 23838 19 73.68% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-22-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.81 144.00 -16.81 664 22 29903 23815 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-219a-2-3p MIMAT0004675(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-219a-2-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:1368 to 1393 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugucuACAGGUCG----GUGUUAAGa 5' |||||||| |||||||| Ref: 5' tttatTGTCCAGCATGTCACAATTCa 3' Energy: -22.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-219a-2-3p NC_045512.2 164.00 -22.13 2 18 1368 1393 20 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:13997 to 14017 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' ugucuacagGUCGGUGUUAAGa 5' ||| :||||||| Ref: 5' tgttaaaaaCAG-TACAATTCt 3' Energy: -13.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-219a-2-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.99 2 14 13997 14017 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:6557 to 6574 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ugucUACAGGUCGGUGUUAAGa 5' |||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' gcttATGT--AG--ACAATTCt 3' Energy: -10.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-219a-2-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -10.85 2 19 6557 6574 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11008 to 11028 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ugUCUACAGGUCGGUGUUAAGa 5' :| ||| :| :|||||||: Ref: 5' ctGGTTGT-TACTCACAATTTt 3' Energy: -13.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-219a-2-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.58 2 21 11008 11028 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:12603 to 12622 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugucuaCAGGUCGGUGUUAAGa 5' || ::| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaattaGTATGG--ACAATTCa 3' Energy: -9.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-219a-2-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.21 2 17 12603 12622 15 66.67% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:5959 to 5980 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugucuacaggucggUGUUAAGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttattataagaaagACAATTCt 3' Energy: -8.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-219a-2-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.73 2 9 5959 5980 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-219a-2-3p NC_045512.2 878.00 -78.49 164.00 -22.13 665 22 29903 1368 13997 6557 11008 12603 5959 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-411-5p MIMAT0003329(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-411-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 175.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:29588 to 29608 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gcAUGCGAUAUGCCAGAUGAu 5' |||| ||||: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTACGATATATAGTCTACTc 3' Energy: -17.549999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-411-5p NC_045512.2 175.00 -17.55 2 20 29588 29608 18 83.33% 88.89% Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25715 to 25733 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gcAUGCGAUAUGCCAGAUGAu 5' ||:||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTATGCTTTA--GTCTACTt 3' Energy: -15.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-411-5p NC_045512.2 160.00 -15.52 2 20 25715 25733 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:23137 to 23156 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gcaUGCGAUAUGCCAGAUGAu 5' || ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tggAC-CTAAAAAGTCTACTa 3' Energy: -14.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-411-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -14.75 2 19 23137 23156 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3769 to 3789 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' gcAUGCGAUAUGCCAGAUGAu 5' | ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgTTCGCACAAATGTCTACTt 3' Energy: -15.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-411-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.50 2 20 3769 3789 18 66.67% 66.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-411-5p NC_045512.2 634.00 -63.32 175.00 -17.55 666 21 29903 29588 25715 23137 3769 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-570-5p MIMAT0022707(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-570-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8462 to 8484 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cccUUUUUGACGUU-AAUGGAAa 5' ||||| :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gctAAAAAGAATAACTTACCTTt 3' Energy: -10.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-570-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -10.68 2 20 8462 8484 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21714 to 21735 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cccUUUUUGACGUUAAUGGAAa 5' |::| :||: ||||||| Ref: 5' ctcAGGACTTGTTCTTACCTTt 3' Energy: -14.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-570-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -14.41 2 20 21714 21735 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18330 to 18359 Align Len (27) (62.96%) (70.37%) Query: 3' ccCUUUUUGAC-------GUU-AAUGGAAa 5' ||:||:||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' taGAGAAGCTGTTGGTACCAATTTACCTTt 3' Energy: -19.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-570-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -19.93 2 21 18330 18359 27 62.96% 70.37% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11083 to 11106 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cccuUUUUGACG--UUAAUGGAAa 5' :||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtatGAAAATGCCTTTTTACCTTt 3' Energy: -12.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-570-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -12.15 2 19 11083 11106 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25795 to 25814 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cccUUUUUGACGUUAAUGGAAa 5' |||||| | |||||:|| Ref: 5' tccAAAAAC--CCATTACTTTa 3' Energy: -7.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-570-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -7.64 2 20 25795 25814 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:13051 to 13071 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' cccuuuUUGACGUUAAUGGAAa 5' |||||: ||||:||| Ref: 5' caattcAACTGT-ATTATCTTt 3' Energy: -14.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-570-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.34 2 17 13051 13071 15 80.00% 93.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24065 to 24086 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cccuUUUUGACGUUAAUGGAAa 5' || |: |::|||:|||| Ref: 5' aaacAATATGGTGATTGCCTTg 3' Energy: -10.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-570-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -10.01 2 19 24065 24086 17 64.71% 88.24% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:21274 to 21295 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cccuuuuugACGUUAAUGGAAa 5' ||:|||||:||| Ref: 5' ttaattggaTGTAATTATCTTg 3' Energy: -13.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-570-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.27 2 14 21274 21295 12 83.33% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:3436 to 3461 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' cccuUUUUGAC-GUU---AAUGGAAa 5' || :| | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgttAATGCAGCCAATGTTTACCTTa 3' Energy: -10.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-570-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -10.03 2 19 3436 3461 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:22898 to 22919 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' cccuuuUUGACGUUAAUGGAaa 5' ||:| :|||||||| Ref: 5' ggtggtAATTATAATTACCTgt 3' Energy: -14.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-570-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.08 3 17 22898 22919 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:2469 to 2488 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cccuUUUUGACGUUAAUGGAAa 5' |||| | |||||:||| Ref: 5' ccccAAAA--GAAATTATCTTc 3' Energy: -8.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-570-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -8.75 2 19 2469 2488 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:11172 to 11193 Align Len (14) (57.14%) (85.71%) Query: 3' cccuuuuUGACGUUAAUGGAAa 5' ::| : :||||||| Ref: 5' tctgtttGTTTTTGTTACCTTc 3' Energy: -9.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-570-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.91 2 16 11172 11193 14 57.14% 85.71% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:28131 to 28150 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (84.62%) Query: 3' cccuuuuuGACGUUAAUGGAAa 5' |||: ||||||| Ref: 5' acagtttcCTGT--TTACCTTt 3' Energy: -11.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-570-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.03 2 15 28131 28150 13 76.92% 84.62% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9483 to 9505 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cccUUUUUG-ACGUUAAUGGAAa 5' | |: | ||:|:||:|||| Ref: 5' aatACAGTCATGTAGTTGCCTTt 3' Energy: -15.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-570-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.68 2 20 9483 9505 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:26060 to 26082 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' cccuuuuugacGU-UAAUGGAAa 5' || :||||||| Ref: 5' ctggtgttgaaCATGTTACCTTc 3' Energy: -12.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-570-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.65 2 12 26060 26082 11 81.82% 90.91% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:5389 to 5410 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' cccuuuuugACGUUAAUGGAAa 5' |||| |||:||| Ref: 5' taacttttgTGCACTTATCTTa 3' Energy: -9.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-570-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.95 2 14 5389 5410 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4013 to 4032 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cccUUUUUGACGUUAAUGGAAa 5' :|||||| :||||:|| Ref: 5' acaGAAAACT--TGTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -9.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-570-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.94 2 20 4013 4032 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:19752 to 19772 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cccuUUUUGACGUUAAUGGAaa 5' ||||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaatAAAACAAC-ATTACCTgt 3' Energy: -10.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-570-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.28 3 19 19752 19772 16 81.25% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-570-5p NC_045512.2 2619.00 -214.73 158.00 -19.93 667 22 29903 8462 21714 18330 11083 25795 13051 24065 21274 3436 22898 2469 11172 28131 9483 26060 5389 4013 19752 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1288-5p MIMAT0026743(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1288-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:18795 to 18817 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' ccacucaaUGUCAGGACUAGACg 5' :|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' cctacaaaGCAACCATGATCTGt 3' Energy: -14.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1288-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.12 2 16 18795 18817 14 71.43% 78.57% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:2014 to 2036 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ccACU-CAAUGUCAGGACUAGACg 5' ||| ||| || :|||||:|| Ref: 5' taTGATGTT-CACATCTGATTTGg 3' Energy: -17.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1288-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.15 2 22 2014 2036 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:19857 to 19878 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ccacucAAUGUCAGGACUAGACg 5' | |:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgctgcTAATACT-GTGATCTGg 3' Energy: -10.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1288-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.52 2 18 19857 19878 16 68.75% 75.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:26441 to 26464 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ccacucaAUGUC-AGGACUAGAcg 5' || || ||||||||| Ref: 5' attcttcTAGAGTTCCTGATCTtc 3' Energy: -18.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1288-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.17 3 17 26441 26464 15 86.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10155 to 10186 Align Len (27) (62.96%) (62.96%) Query: 3' ccacUC-AAUGUCAGG--------ACUAGACg 5' || |||| |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' acgtAGTTTACTGTCCAAGACATGTGATCTGc 3' Energy: -21.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1288-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -21.70 2 20 10155 10186 27 62.96% 62.96% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1288-5p NC_045512.2 720.00 -81.66 147.00 -21.70 668 23 29903 18795 2014 19857 26441 10155 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6884-3p MIMAT0027669(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6884-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:25892 to 25914 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uccccucugccuuUCCACUACCc 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' ttgtcattacttcAGGTGATGGc 3' Energy: -15.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6884-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.39 2 11 25892 25914 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:13383 to 13405 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ucCCCUCUGCCUUUCCACUACCc 5' || | ::|||||||| |||| Ref: 5' gcGGTATGTGGAAAGGTTATGGc 3' Energy: -21.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6884-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -21.57 2 22 13383 13405 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:12846 to 12868 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' uccccucugccUUUCCACUACCc 5' ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' ctagattccctAAGAGTGATGGa 3' Energy: -15.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6884-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -15.02 2 13 12846 12868 11 81.82% 90.91% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:6149 to 6171 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uccccUCUGCCUUUCCACUACCc 5' | |:|| :| |||:||| Ref: 5' gacttAAATGGTGATGTGGTGGc 3' Energy: -16.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6884-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.73 2 19 6149 6171 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:28542 to 28564 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' uccccUCUGCCUUUCCACUACCc 5' ||||| | |||:||| Ref: 5' ctaccAGACGAATTCGTGGTGGt 3' Energy: -17.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6884-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.29 2 19 28542 28564 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:12501 to 12523 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uccccucugccuuucCACUACCc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' catataaaaatacgtGTGATGGt 3' Energy: -11.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6884-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.45 2 9 12501 12523 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:19265 to 19287 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uccccucugccuuucCACUACCc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaacttgcctggttGTGATGGt 3' Energy: -13.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6884-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.08 2 9 19265 19287 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6884-3p NC_045512.2 1011.00 -110.53 150.00 -21.57 669 23 29903 25892 13383 12846 6149 28542 12501 19265 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-891b MIMAT0004913(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-891b vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7655 to 7675 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' aguUACUGAGUCCAUUCAACGu 5' || | | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tttATTAGTGATG-AAGTTGCg 3' Energy: -16.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-891b NC_045512.2 149.00 -16.84 2 20 7655 7675 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8004 to 8026 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agUUACUG-AGUCCAUUCAACGu 5' ::|||: :: | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttGGTGATAGTGCGGAAGTTGCa 3' Energy: -17.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-891b NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.05 2 21 8004 8026 20 55.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17969 to 17993 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (72.73%) Query: 3' agUUACUG--AGU-CCAUUCAACGu 5' |: ||| |:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' atAGAGACCTTTATGACAAGTTGCa 3' Energy: -13.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-891b NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.39 2 21 17969 17993 22 63.64% 72.73% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9827 to 9846 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' agUUACUGAGUCCAUUCAACGu 5' |||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' gaAATGTATC--TAAAGTTGCg 3' Energy: -13.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-891b NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.00 2 21 9827 9846 19 68.42% 68.42% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12174 to 12193 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agUUACUGAGUCCAUUCAACGu 5' ::|||:|| | ||||||: Ref: 5' atGGTGATTCTG--AAGTTGTt 3' Energy: -15.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-891b NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.98 2 21 12174 12193 19 63.16% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-891b NC_045512.2 728.00 -76.26 149.00 -17.05 670 22 29903 7655 8004 17969 9827 12174 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3606-5p MIMAT0017983(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3606-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:11989 to 12008 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (93.75%) Query: 3' uuaaUUUUAUCGGAAGUGAUu 5' |||||:| :||||||| Ref: 5' tgaaAAAATGG-TTTCACTAc 3' Energy: -13.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3606-5p NC_045512.2 163.00 -13.52 2 18 11989 12008 16 81.25% 93.75% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:12352 to 12372 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uuaaUUUUAUCGGAAGUGAUu 5' | |||: ::||||||| Ref: 5' gcagACAATGCTTTTCACTAt 3' Energy: -11.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3606-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -11.49 2 18 12352 12372 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22467 to 22485 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uuAAUUUUAUCGGAAGUGAUu 5' ||:|||| ||||||||: Ref: 5' cgTTGAAAT--CCTTCACTGt 3' Energy: -17.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3606-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -17.73 2 20 22467 22485 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7252 to 7272 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uuaauUUUAUCGGAAGUGAUu 5' | || ::||||||| Ref: 5' ggcatATATTCTTTTCACTAg 3' Energy: -10.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3606-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -10.82 2 17 7252 7272 15 66.67% 80.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:6951 to 6971 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uuaAUUUUAUCGGAAGUGAUu 5' ||| |:|::||:|||| Ref: 5' ttaTAATTTGGTTTTTACTAt 3' Energy: -12.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3606-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.88 2 19 6951 6971 17 64.71% 88.24% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:15439 to 15460 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uuaauuuUAUCG-GAAGUGAUu 5' :|:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtcatgtGTGGCGGTTCACTAt 3' Energy: -11.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3606-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.08 2 15 15439 15460 14 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:10441 to 10461 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuaauuuuaucgGAAGUGAUu 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' tatgaggcccaaTTTCACTAt 3' Energy: -10.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3606-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.90 2 10 10441 10461 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10836 to 10859 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uuAAUUU-UAU-CG-GAAGUGAUu 5' |||:| ||: |: |||||:|| Ref: 5' ttTTAGATATGTGTGCTTCATTAa 3' Energy: -11.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3606-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.07 2 20 10836 10859 21 66.67% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3606-5p NC_045512.2 1192.00 -99.49 163.00 -17.73 671 21 29903 11989 12352 22467 7252 6951 15439 10441 10836 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3147 MIMAT0015019(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3147 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1247-3p MIMAT0022721(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1247-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5700 MIMAT0022493(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5700 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17303 to 17325 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ggAAGUUAUUA-AAUUACGUAAu 5' ||: :|| | | |||||||| Ref: 5' tcTTTTGTACTGTAAATGCATTg 3' Energy: -11.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5700 NC_045512.2 159.00 -11.54 2 21 17303 17325 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1851 to 1873 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ggaAGUUAUUA-AAUUACGUAAu 5' | |:| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' tacTGAGTCCTCTTTATGCATTt 3' Energy: -8.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5700 NC_045512.2 150.00 -8.08 2 20 1851 1873 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11148 to 11170 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ggaAGUUAUUAAAU-UACGUAAu 5' |||| || : ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgTCAAACATAAGCATGCATTt 3' Energy: -8.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5700 NC_045512.2 150.00 -8.10 2 20 11148 11170 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14342 to 14362 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ggAAGUUAUUAAAUUACGUAAu 5' || :||:| :||||||| Ref: 5' gtTTGGATGA-CAGATGCATTc 3' Energy: -10.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5700 NC_045512.2 150.00 -10.68 2 21 14342 14362 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19298 to 19317 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' ggaAGUUAUUAAAUUACGUAAu 5' | ||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' atgTAAATAA--ACATGCATTc 3' Energy: -6.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5700 NC_045512.2 148.00 -6.64 2 20 19298 19317 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:15734 to 15756 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ggAAGUUAU--UAAAUUACGUAau 5' ||||||| | || |||||| Ref: 5' gtTTCAATAGCACTT-ATGCATct 3' Energy: -14.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5700 NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.45 3 21 15734 15756 20 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13820 to 13841 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ggaAGUUAUUAAAUUACGUAAu 5' || ||: ||||| ||||| Ref: 5' tcgTCTATGCTTTAAGGCATTt 3' Energy: -9.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5700 NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.04 2 20 13820 13841 18 77.78% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5700 NC_045512.2 1045.00 -68.53 159.00 -14.45 674 22 29903 17303 1851 11148 14342 19298 15734 13820 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4653-3p MIMAT0019719(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4653-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24447 to 24467 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agaGGUUCGUUGGGAAUUGAGGu 5' ::|| ||| ||||:|||| Ref: 5' ttgTTAAACAA--CTTAGCTCCa 3' Energy: -17.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4653-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.27 2 21 24447 24467 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5239 to 5263 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' agagGUUC-GUUG-GGAAUUGAGGu 5' |||| :||: :||||||:| Ref: 5' cccaCAAGTTAATGGTTTAACTTCt 3' Energy: -14.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4653-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.90 2 20 5239 5263 20 65.00% 85.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4653-3p NC_045512.2 286.00 -32.17 145.00 -17.27 675 23 29903 24447 5239 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1252-3p MIMAT0026744(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1252-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:24986 to 25007 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' uuuuccUUUAAUUCGAGUAAac 5' :|||||: |||||| Ref: 5' caacctGAATTAGACTCATTca 3' Energy: -10.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1252-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -10.16 3 17 24986 25007 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7804 to 7828 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (63.64%) Query: 3' uuUUCCUUUAA---UUCGAGUAAAc 5' || || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgAAAGACATTCTCTCTCTCATTTt 3' Energy: -6.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1252-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -6.67 2 21 7804 7828 22 63.64% 63.64% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:24093 to 24114 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uuuuccuuuaaUUCGAGUAAAc 5' :| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgctgctagaGACCTCATTTg 3' Energy: -10.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1252-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.83 2 12 24093 24114 10 80.00% 90.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1252-3p NC_045512.2 430.00 -27.66 144.00 -10.83 676 22 29903 24986 7804 24093 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5090 MIMAT0021082(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5090 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:29180 to 29201 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (94.12%) Query: 3' guggGAUGUGGUUAGACGGGGcc 5' :|:|| ||||:|||||| Ref: 5' caaaTTGCA-CAATTTGCCCCca 3' Energy: -24.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5090 NC_045512.2 149.00 -24.50 3 20 29180 29201 17 76.47% 94.12% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5090 NC_045512.2 149.00 -24.50 149.00 -24.50 677 23 29903 29180 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-365a-3p MIMAT0000710(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-365a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:2930 to 2951 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uauuccuaaaaaucCCCGUAAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttacttacaccactGGGCATTg 3' Energy: -11.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-365a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.66 2 9 2930 2951 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-365a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.66 140.00 -11.66 678 22 29903 2930 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7154-3p MIMAT0028219(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7154-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3179 MIMAT0015056(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3179 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24487 to 24508 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ugcAAAUUUAAAGUGGGGAAGa 5' ||||||| :|:||:||| Ref: 5' tgtTTTAAATGATATCCTTTCa 3' Energy: -16.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3179 NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.57 2 20 24487 24508 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:21397 to 21416 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ugcaaAUUUAAAGUGGGGAAga 5' ||||||| |||||| Ref: 5' atgagTAAATTT--CCCCTTaa 3' Energy: -15.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3179 NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.72 3 18 21397 21416 15 86.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:1043 to 1064 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ugcaaaUUUAAAGUGGGGAAGa 5' |||||| || ||||| Ref: 5' gcaaagAAATTTGACACCTTCa 3' Energy: -12.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3179 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.93 2 17 1043 1064 15 86.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3179 NC_045512.2 425.00 -45.22 143.00 -16.57 680 22 29903 24487 21397 1043 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6792-5p MIMAT0027484(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6792-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:6538 to 6562 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (68.18%) Query: 3' agUGGGUCUCGG----GGACGAAUg 5' || |||| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' ccACACAGATCTAATGGCTGCTTAt 3' Energy: -18.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6792-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.41 2 20 6538 6562 22 63.64% 68.18% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:15483 to 15507 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' agugggUCU-CGG-G--GACGAAUg 5' ||| ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' atcaggAGATGCCACAACTGCTTAt 3' Energy: -20.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6792-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -20.15 2 16 15483 15507 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24611 to 24631 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' agUGGGUCUCGGGGACGAAUg 5' | :||||||::||||| | Ref: 5' gaAATCAGAGCTTCTGCTAAt 3' Energy: -24.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6792-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -24.67 2 20 24611 24631 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:177 to 197 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agugggucucgggGACGAAUg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tatcttctgcaggCTGCTTAc 3' Energy: -17.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6792-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.68 2 9 177 197 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:9938 to 9958 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' aguggGUCUCGGGGACGAAUg 5' ||||| ||||||: Ref: 5' agctaCAGAGAAGCTGCTTGt 3' Energy: -19.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6792-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.21 2 17 9938 9958 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22592 to 22615 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agugGGUCU---CGGGGACGAAUg 5' ||||| || :|||:||| Ref: 5' gccaCCAGATTTGCATCTGTTTAt 3' Energy: -20.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6792-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.08 2 18 22592 22615 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6792-5p NC_045512.2 853.00 -120.20 146.00 -24.67 681 21 29903 6538 15483 24611 177 9938 22592 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3152-5p MIMAT0019207(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3152-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4275 to 4293 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gaacACAAUCUUGUCUCCGUUa 5' || |||| :||||||| Ref: 5' acacTG-TAGA--GGAGGCAAa 3' Energy: -14.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3152-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -14.85 2 19 4275 4293 17 76.47% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3152-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -14.85 149.00 -14.85 682 22 29903 4275 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-744-3p MIMAT0004946(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-744-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9175 to 9197 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ucCAACUCCA-AUCACCGUUGUc 5' ||| | | |||||:|||| Ref: 5' agGTTCTGTTAGAGTGGTAACAa 3' Energy: -19.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-744-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -19.96 2 21 9175 9197 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:4 to 21 R:11795 to 11817 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (94.44%) Query: 3' ucCAACUC-CAAUCACCGUUguc 5' ||||:| |||:||||||| Ref: 5' ttGTTGGGTGTTGGTGGCAAacc 3' Energy: -25.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-744-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -25.92 4 21 11795 11817 18 83.33% 94.44% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-744-3p NC_045512.2 286.00 -45.88 143.00 -25.92 683 22 29903 9175 11795 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-138-2-3p MIMAT0004596(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-138-2-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:15619 to 15645 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' uugggAC-CACAG---CA-CUUUAUCg 5' || ||||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctttaTGAGTGTCTCTATAGAAATAGa 3' Energy: -13.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-138-2-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.95 2 18 15619 15645 21 71.43% 71.43% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-138-2-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.95 142.00 -13.95 684 22 29903 15619 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8084 MIMAT0031011(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8084 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:7111 to 7136 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (78.26%) Query: 3' auGACUAAAAAAUG--A-AUCAUAAg 5' |||:|| | ||| | ||||:|| Ref: 5' taCTGGTTCTATACCTTGTAGTGTTt 3' Energy: -15.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8084 NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.74 2 22 7111 7136 23 69.57% 78.26% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:23705 to 23729 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' augacuaaAAAAUG--AAUCAUAAg 5' |||||| |||||:|| Ref: 5' cccacaaaTTTTACTATTAGTGTTa 3' Energy: -10.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8084 NC_045512.2 146.00 -10.90 2 16 23705 23729 16 81.25% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8084 NC_045512.2 293.00 -26.64 147.00 -15.74 685 23 29903 7111 23705 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5707 MIMAT0022501(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5707 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:1747 to 1768 Align Len (17) (88.24%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cggAACAUGUCGUAAGUUUGca 5' || || ||||||||||| Ref: 5' ggaTTATAAAGCATTCAAACaa 3' Energy: -14.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5707 NC_045512.2 159.00 -14.46 3 20 1747 1768 17 88.24% 88.24% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:464 to 484 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cgGA-ACAUGUCGUAAGUUUGCa 5' || |||:: || ||||||| Ref: 5' ccCTATGTGT-TCA-TCAAACGt 3' Energy: -18.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5707 NC_045512.2 147.00 -18.23 2 21 464 484 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:23902 to 23923 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cgGAACAUGUCGUAAGUUUGca 5' :|| |:|| | |||||| Ref: 5' agTTTTTGCACAAGTCAAACaa 3' Energy: -11.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5707 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.38 3 21 23902 23923 18 66.67% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5707 NC_045512.2 446.00 -44.07 159.00 -18.23 686 22 29903 1747 464 23902 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8081 MIMAT0031008(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8081 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:24571 to 24593 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guAAGUCUUUCCGUGCUGAGUUc 5' | |||| | :::||||||| Ref: 5' ttTGCAGACATATGTGACTCAAc 3' Energy: -16.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8081 NC_045512.2 161.00 -16.44 2 22 24571 24593 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29502 to 29523 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' guaAGUCUUUCCGUGCUGAGUUc 5' | || |: || :||||||| Ref: 5' ccaTGAGCAGTGC-TGACTCAAc 3' Energy: -16.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8081 NC_045512.2 154.00 -16.79 2 21 29502 29523 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16403 to 16423 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' guaAGUCUUUCCGUGCUGAGUUc 5' ||| |:| :::||||||| Ref: 5' atgTCACAGA--TGTGACTCAAc 3' Energy: -15.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8081 NC_045512.2 153.00 -15.33 2 21 16403 16423 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16607 to 16629 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' guaaGUCUUUCCGUGCUGAGUUc 5' | | | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' acacCTGTACTGAAAGACTCAAg 3' Energy: -14.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8081 NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.57 2 20 16607 16629 18 66.67% 66.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8081 NC_045512.2 615.00 -63.13 161.00 -16.79 687 23 29903 24571 29502 16403 16607 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-502-3p MIMAT0004775(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-502-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13219 to 13239 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acUUAGGAACGGGUCCACGUAa 5' ||||||| : ||||||| Ref: 5' agAATCCTT-TGGTGGTGCATc 3' Energy: -22.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-502-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -22.33 2 21 13219 13239 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-502-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -22.33 158.00 -22.33 688 22 29903 13219 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3937 MIMAT0018352(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3937 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18443 to 18467 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' gggGGUAACGA--UGUCGGCGGACa 5' ::| |||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' gagTTAGTGCTAAACCACCGCCTGg 3' Energy: -21.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3937 NC_045512.2 155.00 -21.40 2 21 18443 18467 21 66.67% 76.19% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3937 NC_045512.2 155.00 -21.40 155.00 -21.40 689 23 29903 18443 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3064-5p MIMAT0019864(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3064-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:12452 to 12472 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' aacGUGUGGUGUUGUCGGUcu 5' | :|| |||:|||||| Ref: 5' cctCTTACAACAGCAGCCAaa 3' Energy: -18.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3064-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.39 3 19 12452 12472 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:18348 to 18368 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' aacguGUGGUGUUGUCGGUCu 5' :||| : |||||:|| Ref: 5' caattTACCTTTACAGCTAGg 3' Energy: -18.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3064-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.88 2 17 18348 18368 15 66.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3064-5p NC_045512.2 286.00 -37.27 146.00 -18.88 690 21 29903 12452 18348 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-509-3-5p MIMAT0004975(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-509-3-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8817 to 8836 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' guacUAACGGUGCAGACGUCAu 5' |||| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' gcccATTG--ATTGCTGCAGTc 3' Energy: -15.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-509-3-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.44 2 19 8817 8836 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8330 to 8351 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' guACUAACGGUGCAGACGUCAu 5' || |||: :| |||:||| Ref: 5' ggTGCTTGTATTGACTGTAGTg 3' Energy: -16.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-509-3-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.61 2 21 8330 8351 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:13367 to 13388 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' guacuaACGGUGCAGACGUCAu 5' ||: |||||||:|| Ref: 5' acagtcTGTACCGTCTGCGGTa 3' Energy: -24.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-509-3-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -24.00 2 17 13367 13388 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15112 to 15133 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' guACUAACGGUGCAGACGUCAu 5' ||:| |: : ||||:||| Ref: 5' gcTGGTGTCTCTATCTGTAGTa 3' Energy: -18.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-509-3-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.40 2 21 15112 15133 19 57.89% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-509-3-5p NC_045512.2 575.00 -74.45 147.00 -24.00 691 22 29903 8817 8330 13367 15112 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-889-5p MIMAT0026719(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-889-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:12234 to 12256 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cugguaUGAUGC-CUGUCGGUAa 5' || ::| :||||||| Ref: 5' aatttgACCGTGATGCAGCCATg 3' Energy: -20.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-889-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -20.68 2 17 12234 12256 16 62.50% 81.25% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8817 to 8839 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' cuGGUA--UGAUGCCUGUCGGUAa 5' |||| |:|:| | |||:||| Ref: 5' gcCCATTGATTGCTG-CAGTCATa 3' Energy: -15.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-889-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.76 2 21 8817 8839 21 66.67% 80.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-889-5p NC_045512.2 284.00 -36.44 143.00 -20.68 692 22 29903 12234 8817 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6745 MIMAT0027391(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6745 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3918 MIMAT0018192(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3918 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:826 to 846 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (92.86%) Query: 3' ucagagGUAGACGCCGGGACa 5' | ||||:||||||| Ref: 5' taacaaCTTCTGTGGCCCTGa 3' Energy: -26.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3918 NC_045512.2 163.00 -26.69 2 16 826 846 14 85.71% 92.86% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:25675 to 25697 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucaGAGGUA-GACG-CCGGGACa 5' ||| | |||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' ttgCTCGTTGCTGCTGGCCTTGa 3' Energy: -23.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3918 NC_045512.2 140.00 -23.96 2 19 25675 25697 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3918 NC_045512.2 303.00 -50.65 163.00 -26.69 694 21 29903 826 25675 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4755-5p MIMAT0019895(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4755-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:28864 to 28887 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuucGGUCCG-AGAC-UUCCCUUu 5' |||||| | | |:||||| Ref: 5' aactCCAGGCAGCAGTAGGGGAAc 3' Energy: -23.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4755-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -23.15 2 19 28864 28887 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4755-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -23.15 140.00 -23.15 695 22 29903 28864 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3619-3p MIMAT0019219(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3619-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7746 to 7765 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ggUGUCGUCCGUCCUACCAGGg 5' ||||: | || |||||:| Ref: 5' ttACAGT--GAAGAATGGTTCc 3' Energy: -21.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3619-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -21.07 2 21 7746 7765 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3619-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -21.07 141.00 -21.07 696 22 29903 7746 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-500b-5p MIMAT0016925(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-500b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:25439 to 25459 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' ugGGUCCA---UCGUUCCUAa 5' | |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' agCAAGGTGAAATCAAGGATg 3' Energy: -14.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-500b-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.85 2 17 25439 25459 18 72.22% 72.22% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-500b-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.85 147.00 -14.85 697 18 29903 25439 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-192-3p MIMAT0004543(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-192-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:27109 to 27130 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gacacugGAUACCUUAACCGUc 5' ||| |:||||||| Ref: 5' acagtcgCTACAGGATTGGCAa 3' Energy: -14.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-192-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -14.82 2 16 27109 27130 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:1025 to 1046 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gacacuggaUACCUUAACCGUc 5' || |||||||| Ref: 5' ccttttgaaATTAAATTGGCAa 3' Energy: -9.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-192-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -9.74 2 14 1025 1046 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:15215 to 15237 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (93.75%) Query: 3' gacacuGGAUACC-UUAACCGUc 5' :|||||| ::|||||| Ref: 5' gcaaatTCTATGGTGGTTGGCAc 3' Energy: -19.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-192-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -19.82 2 17 15215 15237 16 75.00% 93.75% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24339 to 24360 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (72.22%) Query: 3' gacACUGGAUACCUUAACCGUc 5' | | : :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' aatTTAATAGTGCTATTGGCAa 3' Energy: -10.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-192-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.76 2 20 24339 24360 18 61.11% 72.22% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:29217 to 29238 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gacacuggauacCUUAACCGUc 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' tcggaatgtcgcGCATTGGCAt 3' Energy: -10.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-192-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.40 2 11 29217 29238 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:28695 to 28716 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gacacuggaUACCUUAACCGUc 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' caccaaaagATCACATTGGCAc 3' Energy: -10.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-192-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.16 2 14 28695 28716 12 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:18701 to 18723 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gacacUGGAUAC-CUUAACCGUc 5' ||:|||| :|||||| Ref: 5' cagacACTTATGCCTGTTGGCAt 3' Energy: -15.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-192-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.39 2 18 18701 18723 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-192-3p NC_045512.2 1021.00 -91.09 155.00 -19.82 698 22 29903 27109 1025 15215 24339 29217 28695 18701 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4296 MIMAT0016845(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4296 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-517a-3p MIMAT0002852(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-517a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2705 to 2726 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ugUGAGAUUUCCCUACGUGCUa 5' |||| ||:| |:||||| | Ref: 5' acACTCAAAGGCGGTGCACCAa 3' Energy: -25.379999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-517a-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -25.38 2 21 2705 2726 19 73.68% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-517a-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -25.38 144.00 -25.38 700 22 29903 2705 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-873-5p MIMAT0004953(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-873-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:26439 to 26459 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uccucuGAGUGUUCAAGGACg 5' :|| :|||||||| Ref: 5' gaattcTTCTAGAGTTCCTGa 3' Energy: -16.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-873-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.60 2 16 26439 26459 14 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:14118 to 14138 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uccucugagugUUCAAGGACg 5' :|||||||| Ref: 5' gccaggtagtgGAGTTCCTGt 3' Energy: -17.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-873-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.09 2 11 14118 14138 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:15336 to 15356 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uccUCUGAGUGUUCAAGGACg 5' :| ||||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' tatGGCCTCACTTGTTCTTGc 3' Energy: -21.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-873-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -21.82 2 19 15336 15356 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23220 to 23243 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ucCUCUGAGUG---UUCAAGGACg 5' ||| || || |||||:||| Ref: 5' ctGAGTCTAACAAAAAGTTTCTGc 3' Energy: -19.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-873-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -19.14 2 20 23220 23243 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:4778 to 4798 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' uccucUGAGUGUUCAAGGAcg 5' |||::| :|||||| Ref: 5' atctcACTTGCTGGTTCCTat 3' Energy: -15.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-873-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.01 3 17 4778 4798 14 71.43% 92.86% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-873-5p NC_045512.2 729.00 -89.66 151.00 -21.82 701 21 29903 26439 14118 15336 23220 4778 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1233-5p MIMAT0022943(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1233-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:11736 to 11757 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acggcacgggaccgGAGGGUGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' attcacagggactaCTCCCACc 3' Energy: -19.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1233-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.76 2 9 11736 11757 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1233-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.76 140.00 -19.76 702 22 29903 11736 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1266-3p MIMAT0026742(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1266-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:22607 to 22628 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' agggaguccCGUAUCUUGUCCc 5' || |:||||||| Ref: 5' tctgtttatGCTTGGAACAGGa 3' Energy: -16.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1266-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -16.39 2 14 22607 22628 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12141 to 12165 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' aggGAGUCC--CGUAU-CUUGUCCc 5' |||| | || || ||:|||| Ref: 5' ctgCTCAAGAAGCTTATGAGCAGGc 3' Energy: -16.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1266-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.52 2 20 12141 12165 21 71.43% 76.19% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1266-3p NC_045512.2 294.00 -32.91 153.00 -16.52 703 22 29903 22607 12141 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-2114-5p MIMAT0011156(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-2114-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:11728 to 11749 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuggcgaaguuccuUCCCUGAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atatatgaattcacAGGGACTa 3' Energy: -15.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2114-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.89 2 9 11728 11749 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-2114-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.89 140.00 -15.89 704 22 29903 11728 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-222-5p MIMAT0004569(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-222-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20357 to 20375 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucCUAGAUGUGACCGAUGACUc 5' |:|:||||: ||||||| Ref: 5' gtGGTTTACAT---CTACTGAt 3' Energy: -17.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-222-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -17.26 2 21 20357 20375 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7699 to 7720 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (68.42%) Query: 3' ucCUAGAUGUGACCGAUGACUc 5' || | |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaGACCAATAAATCCTACTGAc 3' Energy: -10.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-222-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -10.05 2 21 7699 7720 19 63.16% 68.42% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11962 to 11983 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' uccUAGAUGUGACCGAUGACUc 5' | ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' cttAGCTAAAGATACTACTGAa 3' Energy: -11.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-222-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.55 2 20 11962 11983 18 66.67% 66.67% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8998 to 9019 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uccuAGAUGUGACCGAUGACUc 5' | |:: :|||||:|||| Ref: 5' agctTGTGTTTTGGCTGCTGAa 3' Energy: -18.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-222-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.16 2 19 8998 9019 17 64.71% 88.24% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:16638 to 16662 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' uccuagaUGUGA---CCGAUGACUc 5' ||:|| |||||||| Ref: 5' agcagaaACGCTCAAAGCTACTGAg 3' Energy: -20.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-222-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -20.86 2 16 16638 16662 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:6157 to 6178 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (93.33%) Query: 3' uccuagAUGUGACCGAUGACUc 5' |::: ||||||:||| Ref: 5' tggtgaTGTGGTGGCTATTGAt 3' Energy: -19.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-222-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -19.95 2 17 6157 6178 15 66.67% 93.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:15549 to 15573 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' uccuagAUGUG---ACCGAUGACUc 5' |:||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgttaaTGCACTTTTATCTACTGAt 3' Energy: -14.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-222-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.24 2 17 15549 15573 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:4175 to 4198 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uccuagaugugACC--GAUGACUc 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaaaggctggTGGCACTACTGAa 3' Energy: -15.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-222-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.12 2 12 4175 4198 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:8684 to 8704 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uccuagAUGUGACCGAUGACUc 5' |||| |||||:||| Ref: 5' ataggaTACA-AGGCTATTGAt 3' Energy: -20.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-222-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -20.54 2 17 8684 8704 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:18902 to 18924 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uccUAGAUGUGACC-GAUGACUc 5' :| | ||||| |||:||| Ref: 5' agcGTGTTGACTGGACTATTGAa 3' Energy: -15.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-222-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.84 2 20 18902 18924 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:23261 to 23284 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uccuagauGUGAC--CGAUGACUc 5' ::||| ||||||| Ref: 5' agagacatTGCTGACACTACTGAt 3' Energy: -14.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-222-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.95 2 15 23261 23284 15 66.67% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-222-5p NC_045512.2 1597.00 -178.52 156.00 -20.86 705 22 29903 20357 7699 11962 8998 16638 6157 15549 4175 8684 18902 23261 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-542-3p MIMAT0003389(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-542-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 175.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15522 to 15543 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (88.89%) Query: 3' aaaGUCAAUAGUUAGACAGUGu 5' || ||:|||| ||||||| Ref: 5' taaCATTTGTCAAGCTGTCACg 3' Energy: -22.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-542-3p NC_045512.2 175.00 -22.91 2 20 15522 15543 18 83.33% 88.89% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2242 to 2263 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' aaAGUCAAUAGUUAGACAGUGu 5' ||:|| : ||| :|||||| Ref: 5' tgTCGGTGGACAAATTGTCACc 3' Energy: -18.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-542-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -18.09 2 21 2242 2263 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:28993 to 29014 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' aaagucaauaGUUAGACAGUGu 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' acaacaaggcCAAACTGTCACt 3' Energy: -13.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-542-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -13.86 2 13 28993 29014 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8934 to 8957 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' aaaGUCAAUAGU--UAGACAGUGu 5' |||||: :| ||||||:|| Ref: 5' gtgCAGTTGGTAACATCTGTTACa 3' Energy: -21.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-542-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -21.77 2 20 8934 8957 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16307 to 16330 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' aaAGU-CAAUAGUUA-GACAGUGu 5' |:| |||:| ||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' tcTTATGTTGTAAATGCTGTTACg 3' Energy: -15.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-542-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.61 2 21 16307 16330 21 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:14652 to 14673 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' aaAGUCAAUAGUUAGACAGUgu 5' |:: || |||| |||||| Ref: 5' tgTTGCTTTTCAAACTGTCAaa 3' Energy: -12.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-542-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -12.76 3 21 14652 14673 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11502 to 11521 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' aaaGUCAAUAGUUAGACAGUGu 5' :||||| ||| ||||||: Ref: 5' gtgTAGTTA-CAA-CTGTCATg 3' Energy: -17.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-542-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.25 2 20 11502 11521 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:78 to 99 Align Len (14) (64.29%) (78.57%) Query: 3' aaagucaAUAGUUAGACAGUGu 5' |:| : ||||||| Ref: 5' taaaatcTGTGTGGCTGTCACt 3' Energy: -13.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-542-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.22 2 16 78 99 14 64.29% 78.57% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2376 to 2398 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' aaAGUCAAUAGU-UAGACAGUGu 5' |:|| |: | ||:|||||| Ref: 5' atTTAGGTGAAACATTTGTCACg 3' Energy: -16.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-542-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.64 2 21 2376 2398 20 65.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-542-3p NC_045512.2 1360.00 -152.11 175.00 -22.91 706 22 29903 15522 2242 28993 8934 16307 14652 11502 78 2376 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4768-5p MIMAT0019920(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4768-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4937 to 4958 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uagguacccuagguCUCUCUUa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' acacttctttctttGAGAGAAg 3' Energy: -11.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4768-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.88 2 9 4937 4958 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4768-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.88 140.00 -11.88 707 22 29903 4937 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-589-5p MIMAT0004799(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-589-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:27827 to 27848 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gagucucgucugcACCAAGAGu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' gcttattatctttTGGTTCTCa 3' Energy: -15.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-589-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.84 2 10 27827 27848 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14935 to 14954 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gaGUCUCGUCUGCACCAAGAGu 5' || | ||| | |||||:|| Ref: 5' gaCAAATCAG-C-TGGTTTTCc 3' Energy: -13.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-589-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.47 2 21 14935 14954 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-589-5p NC_045512.2 285.00 -29.31 145.00 -15.84 708 22 29903 27827 14935 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-12116 MIMAT0049010(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-12116 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-16-1-3p MIMAT0004489(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-16-1-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19850 to 19871 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' agucGUCGUGUCAAUUAUGACc 5' || ::| | |||||||| Ref: 5' tggaCATTGCTGCTAATACTGt 3' Energy: -11.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-16-1-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -11.78 2 19 19850 19871 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:6854 to 6873 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' agucGUCGUGUCAAUUAUGACc 5' :|||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' actaTAGCAAAG--AATACTGt 3' Energy: -13.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-16-1-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -13.95 2 19 6854 6873 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13502 to 13526 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' aguCGUCGUGUC---AAUUAUGACc 5' ||:|||||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' cgtGCGGCACAGGCACTAGTACTGa 3' Energy: -25.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-16-1-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -25.03 2 20 13502 13526 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1837 to 1856 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' agUCGUCGUGUCAAUUAUGACc 5' | ||| | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgAACAG-A-AATCAATACTGa 3' Energy: -10.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-16-1-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -10.11 2 21 1837 1856 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27154 to 27175 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agUCGUCGUGUCAAUUAUGACc 5' ||:|||| | ||||:|| Ref: 5' ccAGTAGCAGTGACAATATTGc 3' Energy: -17.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-16-1-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -17.74 2 21 27154 27175 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:28401 to 28422 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agucgucgugucaAUUAUGACc 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' aaggtttacccaaTAATACTGc 3' Energy: -9.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-16-1-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.11 2 10 28401 28422 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14766 to 14786 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' agucGUCGUGUCAAUUAUGACc 5' ||| |::| ||||:||| Ref: 5' tgctCAGGATGG-TAATGCTGc 3' Energy: -15.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-16-1-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.19 2 19 14766 14786 17 70.59% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-16-1-3p NC_045512.2 1048.00 -102.91 158.00 -25.03 710 22 29903 19850 6854 13502 1837 27154 28401 14766 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-181c-3p MIMAT0004559(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-181c-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19711 to 19732 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' caGGUGAGUUGCCAGCUACCAa 5' ::|| ||| ||:|||||| Ref: 5' gtTTACACAAAAGTTGATGGTg 3' Energy: -21.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181c-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -21.85 2 21 19711 19732 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14872 to 14896 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (80.95%) Query: 3' cagGUG-AGUUGCCA--GCUACCAa 5' :|| |::|: || ||||||| Ref: 5' aagTACTTTGATTGTTACGATGGTg 3' Energy: -15.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181c-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.67 2 20 14872 14896 21 61.90% 80.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-181c-3p NC_045512.2 301.00 -37.52 152.00 -21.85 711 22 29903 19711 14872 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-517b-3p MIMAT0002857(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-517b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2705 to 2726 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ugUGAGAUUUCCCUACGUGCUa 5' |||| ||:| |:||||| | Ref: 5' acACTCAAAGGCGGTGCACCAa 3' Energy: -25.379999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-517b-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -25.38 2 21 2705 2726 19 73.68% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-517b-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -25.38 144.00 -25.38 712 22 29903 2705 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-624-3p MIMAT0004807(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-624-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7108 to 7130 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucCAUUAU--GGUUAUGGAACAc 5' ||| |: :| ||||||||| Ref: 5' ctGTACTGGTTCTATACCTTGTa 3' Energy: -14.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-624-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -14.58 2 20 7108 7130 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5608 to 5627 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucCAUUAUGGUUAUGGAACAc 5' || :| | :||||||||| Ref: 5' agGT-GTTCAGATACCTTGTa 3' Energy: -20.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-624-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -20.02 2 20 5608 5627 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11803 to 11822 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uccAUUAUGGUUAUGGAACAc 5' |::|: ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtTGGTGGCAA-ACCTTGTa 3' Energy: -14.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-624-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -14.67 2 19 11803 11822 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10732 to 10753 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uccAUUA-UGGUUAUGGAACAc 5' |||| ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' tctTAATGACTTTAACCTTGTg 3' Energy: -15.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-624-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -15.21 2 19 10732 10753 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22984 to 23003 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uccaUUAUGGUUAUGGAACAc 5' ::|| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ggccGGTAGC-ACACCTTGTa 3' Energy: -14.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-624-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.36 2 18 22984 23003 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12885 to 12905 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (66.67%) Query: 3' ucCAUUAUGGUUAUGGAACAc 5' | | |: | ||||||| Ref: 5' caGAACTGGAACCACCTTGTa 3' Energy: -11.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-624-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.09 2 20 12885 12905 18 61.11% 66.67% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:5988 to 6010 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uccauuaUGGUUA--UGGAACAc 5' |||||| |:||||| Ref: 5' cagagcaACCAATTGATCTTGTa 3' Energy: -13.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-624-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.31 2 15 5988 6010 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7362 to 7381 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uccAUUAUGGUUAUGGAACAc 5' ||||| : | |:||||| Ref: 5' ggtTAATAATTA-ATCTTGTa 3' Energy: -9.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-624-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.99 2 19 7362 7381 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:20949 to 20970 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uccaUUAUGGUUA-UGGAACAc 5' :|| ::||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' ttcaGATCTTAATGACTTTGTc 3' Energy: -9.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-624-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.10 2 18 20949 20970 17 64.71% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-624-3p NC_045512.2 1335.00 -122.33 158.00 -20.02 713 21 29903 7108 5608 11803 10732 22984 12885 5988 7362 20949 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548o-3p MIMAT0005919(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548o-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13558 to 13577 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cguUUUCAUUGACGUCAAAACc 5' ||||||:|| :|||||| Ref: 5' gatAAAGTAGCT--GGTTTTGc 3' Energy: -16.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548o-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -16.40 2 20 13558 13577 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:11872 to 11894 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cguuuucAUUGA-CGUCAAAACc 5' | ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' agtagtcTTACTCTCAGTTTTGc 3' Energy: -13.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548o-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -13.18 2 16 11872 11894 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:27082 to 27103 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cguuUUCAUUGACGUCAAAACc 5' |:||:||| :|||||| Ref: 5' tagcAGGTGACTCAGGTTTTGc 3' Energy: -16.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548o-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.31 2 19 27082 27103 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:14398 to 14420 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' cguuuucaUUGACG-UCAAAACc 5' | || | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgttcccACCTACAAGTTTTGg 3' Energy: -12.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548o-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.78 2 15 14398 14420 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8840 to 8859 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cgUUUUCAUUGACGUCAAAACc 5' ||:|| || || :|||||| Ref: 5' acAAGAG-AAGTG-GGTTTTGt 3' Energy: -15.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548o-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.48 2 21 8840 8859 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:22047 to 22068 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cguuUUCAUUGACGUCAAAACc 5' :| |||:|||| ||||| Ref: 5' gtgcGAATAATTGCACTTTTGa 3' Energy: -14.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548o-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.95 2 19 22047 22068 17 76.47% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548o-3p NC_045512.2 883.00 -89.10 152.00 -16.40 714 22 29903 13558 11872 27082 14398 8840 22047 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6766-5p MIMAT0027432(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6766-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 168.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11736 to 11759 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gaguUAUUCUAGACGAGGGUGGGc 5' | |:|: || ||||||||| Ref: 5' attcACAGGGACTACTCCCACCCa 3' Energy: -27.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6766-5p NC_045512.2 168.00 -27.41 2 21 11736 11759 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:14387 to 14410 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaguuauucuagACGAGGGUGGGc 5' ||:|||||||: Ref: 5' tattctctacagTGTTCCCACCTa 3' Energy: -21.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6766-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -21.30 2 13 14387 14410 11 81.82% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6766-5p NC_045512.2 308.00 -48.71 168.00 -27.41 715 24 29903 11736 14387 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4777-3p MIMAT0019935(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4777-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:14949 to 14972 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' augucGUAAG--AUCUACUCCAUa 5' ||||: || |||:|||| Ref: 5' ttttcCATTTAATAAATGGGGTAa 3' Energy: -12.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4777-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.29 2 18 14949 14972 18 72.22% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4777-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.29 144.00 -12.29 716 22 29903 14949 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6529-5p MIMAT0048637(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6529-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4651 to 4672 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' guGAGACGCGGAGACUAGAGAg 5' ||| |: : | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgCTCGGTATATGAGATCTCTc 3' Energy: -16.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6529-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -16.87 2 21 4651 4672 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:31 to 52 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (91.67%) Query: 3' gugagacgcGGAGACUAGAGAg 5' |:|: ||||||| Ref: 5' accaaccaaCTTTCGATCTCTt 3' Energy: -14.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6529-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -14.71 2 14 31 52 12 75.00% 91.67% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:22713 to 22734 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gugagacgcggagACUAGAGAg 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ctactaaattaaaTGATCTCTg 3' Energy: -13.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6529-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.70 2 10 22713 22734 8 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6529-5p NC_045512.2 446.00 -45.28 152.00 -16.87 717 22 29903 4651 31 22713 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-181a-2-3p MIMAT0004558(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-181a-2-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9629 to 9650 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ccAUGUCAGU-UGCCAGUCACCa 5' | :|| || |: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTTTAG-CACATATTCAGTGGa 3' Energy: -12.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181a-2-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.39 2 21 9629 9650 20 65.00% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-181a-2-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.39 145.00 -12.39 718 22 29903 9629 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6814-5p MIMAT0027528(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6814-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19775 to 19796 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' acCGUCGUAGAGUGGGAACCCu 5' |:|||||:| | |:||||| Ref: 5' atGTAGCATTTGAGCTTTGGGc 3' Energy: -25.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6814-5p NC_045512.2 160.00 -25.47 2 21 19775 19796 19 73.68% 89.47% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:6651 to 6672 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' accgucguagaguGGGAACCCu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ctgttaatagtgtCCCTTGGGa 3' Energy: -19.969999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6814-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.97 2 10 6651 6672 8 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6814-5p NC_045512.2 305.00 -45.44 160.00 -25.47 719 22 29903 19775 6651 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4732-3p MIMAT0019856(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4732-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:4244 to 4264 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gucuuguccuGUCCAGUCCCg 5' |:|||||||| Ref: 5' accacttaccCGGGTCAGGGt 3' Energy: -21.549999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4732-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -21.55 2 12 4244 4264 10 90.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:13165 to 13186 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' gucuUGUCC-UGUCCAGUCCcg 5' || || || ||||||| Ref: 5' acacACTGGTACTGGTCAGGca 3' Energy: -21.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4732-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -21.35 3 18 13165 13186 16 81.25% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4732-3p NC_045512.2 291.00 -42.90 151.00 -21.55 720 21 29903 4244 13165 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-335-3p MIMAT0004703(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-335-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3655 to 3676 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccAGUCCUCGUUAUUACUUUUu 5' |:| |||:: | ||||||| Ref: 5' tcTTAAGAGTGCTTATGAAAAt 3' Energy: -9.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-335-3p NC_045512.2 164.00 -9.58 2 21 3655 3676 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:22387 to 22408 Align Len (10) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccaguccucguUAUUACUUUUu 5' |||||||||| Ref: 5' tctattaaaatATAATGAAAAt 3' Energy: -7.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-335-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -7.85 2 12 22387 22408 10 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17504 to 17528 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ccAGUC-CUCGUU--AUUACUUUUu 5' |||| | |:|: | ||||||| Ref: 5' atTCAGTGTGTAGACTTATGAAAAc 3' Energy: -11.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-335-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -11.60 2 21 17504 17528 22 68.18% 77.27% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20232 to 20252 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ccaGUCCUCGUUAUUACUUUUu 5' ||||||: | ||||:||| Ref: 5' accCAGGAGTCA-AATGGAAAt 3' Energy: -17.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-335-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -17.08 2 20 20232 20252 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2113 to 2134 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccAGUCCUCGUUAUUACUUUUu 5' |::| | :: | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctTTGGCACTGTTTATGAAAAa 3' Energy: -7.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-335-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -7.90 2 21 2113 2134 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19811 to 19832 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccaGUCCUCGUUAUUACUUUUu 5' ||| | ||: ::|||||| Ref: 5' aacCAGTACCAGAGGTGAAAAt 3' Energy: -10.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-335-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.96 2 20 19811 19832 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:27380 to 27401 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' ccaguccUCGUUAUUACUUUUu 5' | |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgattaAACGAACATGAAAAt 3' Energy: -6.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-335-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -6.39 2 16 27380 27401 14 71.43% 78.57% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:27855 to 27875 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ccaGUCCUCGUUAUUACUUUuu 5' || || | ||||||||| Ref: 5' ctgCAAGATC-ATAATGAAAct 3' Energy: -8.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-335-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -8.91 3 20 27855 27875 17 82.35% 82.35% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6448 to 6468 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccAGUCCUCGUUAUUACUUUUu 5' |:: | |:||| :|||||| Ref: 5' tcTTGAGTGTAAT-GTGAAAAc 3' Energy: -10.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-335-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.16 2 21 6448 6468 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6405 to 6426 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccAGUCCUCGUUAUUACUUUUu 5' || | || |:||:||:||| Ref: 5' tcTCTGAAGAAGTAGTGGAAAa 3' Energy: -13.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-335-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.51 2 21 6405 6426 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:11071 to 11092 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccaguccucguuauUACUUUUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gttcttttttttgtATGAAAAt 3' Energy: -4.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-335-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -4.10 2 9 11071 11092 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14414 to 14435 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccAGUCCUCGUUAUUACUUUUu 5' |: ||| || ||:|||:|| Ref: 5' gtTTTGGACCACTAGTGAGAAa 3' Energy: -14.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-335-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.88 2 21 14414 14435 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-335-3p NC_045512.2 1779.00 -122.92 164.00 -17.08 721 22 29903 3655 22387 17504 20232 2113 19811 27380 27855 6448 6405 11071 14414 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5581-5p MIMAT0022275(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5581-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-27a-5p MIMAT0004501(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-27a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:3884 to 3905 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' acgagUGUUCGUCGAUUCGGga 5' | |:| ||:|||||| Ref: 5' cctaaAGAGGAAGTTAAGCCat 3' Energy: -17.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-27a-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.59 3 18 3884 3905 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20215 to 20236 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' acGAGUGUUCGUCGAUUCGGGa 5' :|:||||| | :||| ||| Ref: 5' aaTTTACAAGAATTTAAACCCa 3' Energy: -16.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-27a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.20 2 21 20215 20236 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-27a-5p NC_045512.2 281.00 -33.79 141.00 -17.59 723 22 29903 3884 20215 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-875-5p MIMAT0004922(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-875-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:12967 to 12988 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' guggacuauUUUGACUCCAUAu 5' |||: ||||||| Ref: 5' aaacaacctAAATAGAGGTATg 3' Energy: -16.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-875-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -16.34 2 14 12967 12988 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:11518 to 11539 Align Len (14) (64.29%) (78.57%) Query: 3' guggacuAUUUUGACUCCAUAu 5' | :: | ||||||| Ref: 5' catgtttTTGGCCAGAGGTATt 3' Energy: -10.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-875-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.44 2 16 11518 11539 14 64.29% 78.57% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:16419 to 16440 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guggacuauuuugaCUCCAUAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tcaactttacttagGAGGTATg 3' Energy: -12.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-875-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.49 2 9 16419 16440 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-875-5p NC_045512.2 436.00 -39.27 153.00 -16.34 724 22 29903 12967 11518 16419 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-942-3p MIMAT0026734(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-942-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:20613 to 20634 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugaagagacaaaGCCGGUACAc 5' :|||||||| Ref: 5' ttggtgtaaagaTGGCCATGTa 3' Energy: -15.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-942-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.43 2 11 20613 20634 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:8634 to 8655 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugaagaGACAAAGCCGGUACAc 5' ||||| |:||||| Ref: 5' taacacCTGTTCATGTCATGTc 3' Energy: -14.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-942-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.17 2 17 8634 8655 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:16317 to 16338 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ugaagaGACAAAGCCGGUACAc 5' ||||| || |||||| Ref: 5' taaatgCTGTTACGACCATGTc 3' Energy: -18.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-942-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.63 2 17 16317 16338 15 86.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-942-3p NC_045512.2 426.00 -48.23 146.00 -18.63 725 22 29903 20613 8634 16317 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4269 MIMAT0016897(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4269 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8847 to 8868 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cgguCCCGACAGA-CACGGACg 5' |||:| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' aagtGGGTTTTGTCGTGCCTGg 3' Energy: -24.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4269 NC_045512.2 156.00 -24.36 2 18 8847 8868 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:1808 to 1828 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cggucccgacagaCACGGACg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aaagctaaaaaagGTGCCTGg 3' Energy: -14.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4269 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.69 2 9 1808 1828 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:13030 to 13050 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cggucccgacagaCACGGACg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' taatgcaacagaaGTGCCTGc 3' Energy: -17.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4269 NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.25 2 9 13030 13050 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4269 NC_045512.2 436.00 -56.30 156.00 -24.36 726 21 29903 8847 1808 13030 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-376a-2-5p MIMAT0022928(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-376a-2-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:4808 to 4828 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' ugguaucuuCCUUUUAGAUGg 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tcctattctGGACAATCTACa 3' Energy: -15.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376a-2-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -15.17 2 13 4808 4828 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:10910 to 10930 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ugguAUCUUCCUUUUAGAUGg 5' |||||| :|||:||| Ref: 5' ttatTAGAAGATGAATTTACa 3' Energy: -14.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376a-2-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -14.13 2 18 10910 10930 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24007 to 24027 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ugGUAUCUUCCUUUUAGAUGg 5' ||| | |||:|||||| Ref: 5' gtCATTTATTGAAGATCTACt 3' Energy: -17.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376a-2-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.29 2 20 24007 24027 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9323 to 9345 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugGUAUCUUC--CUUUUAGAUGg 5' ::|||| | | ||||:||| Ref: 5' ggTGTAGATGCTGTAAATTTACt 3' Energy: -9.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376a-2-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.92 2 20 9323 9345 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:14802 to 14822 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ugguaucuuccUUUUAGAUGg 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctactatcgttATAATCTACc 3' Energy: -13.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376a-2-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.72 2 11 14802 14822 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22481 to 22502 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ugGUAUCUUCCU-UUUAGAUGg 5' ::||||| | :||||||: Ref: 5' acTGTAGAAAAAGGAATCTATc 3' Energy: -17.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376a-2-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.89 2 20 22481 22502 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6981 to 7001 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugguaucuuccuuUUAGAUGg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gcctaggttctttAATCTACt 3' Energy: -14.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376a-2-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.89 2 9 6981 7001 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:20202 to 20222 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ugguaUCUUCCUUUUAGAUGg 5' |||: :||||:||| Ref: 5' tactcAGAGTAGAAATTTACa 3' Energy: -11.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376a-2-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.88 2 17 20202 20222 15 66.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-376a-2-5p NC_045512.2 1154.00 -114.89 152.00 -17.89 727 21 29903 4808 10910 24007 9323 14802 22481 6981 20202 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-650 MIMAT0003320(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-650 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1245a MIMAT0005897(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1245a vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11685 to 11706 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uacAUCCGGAAAU-CUAGUGAa 5' | ||: |||| |||:||| Ref: 5' ctcTTGGTGTTTATGATTACTt 3' Energy: -14.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1245a NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.88 2 19 11685 11706 18 72.22% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1245a NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.88 145.00 -14.88 729 21 29903 11685 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6884-5p MIMAT0027668(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6884-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22067 to 22086 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (89.47%) Query: 3' guUGUAGUGGAAGAGUCGGAGa 5' |:|| ::| |||||||||: Ref: 5' gaATAT-GTC-TCTCAGCCTTt 3' Energy: -22.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6884-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -22.47 2 21 22067 22086 19 68.42% 89.47% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:27518 to 27539 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' guuguAGUGGAAGAGUCGGAGa 5' ||||| |:||| |||| Ref: 5' gcaatTCACCATTTCATCCTCt 3' Energy: -25.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6884-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -25.10 2 18 27518 27539 16 81.25% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6884-5p NC_045512.2 285.00 -47.57 144.00 -25.10 730 22 29903 22067 27518 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1184 MIMAT0005829(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1184 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8814 to 8835 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (94.12%) Query: 3' ccuucGGUAGUUCAGCGACGUCc 5' ||||::| |:||||||| Ref: 5' cttgcCCATTGA-TTGCTGCAGt 3' Energy: -19.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1184 NC_045512.2 164.00 -19.88 2 19 8814 8835 17 76.47% 94.12% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22332 to 22353 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccuUCGGUAGUUCAGCGACGUCc 5' :| || | :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gttGGACAGCTGGT-GCTGCAGc 3' Energy: -18.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1184 NC_045512.2 154.00 -18.92 2 21 22332 22353 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:22408 to 22431 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ccUUCGGUAGU-UCAGCGACGUCc 5' :| ||||:| || :||||:|| Ref: 5' tgGAACCATTACAGATGCTGTAGa 3' Energy: -25.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1184 NC_045512.2 152.00 -25.33 2 22 22408 22431 21 66.67% 85.71% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24588 to 24612 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' ccuUCGGUAGUUCA--GCGACGUCc 5' | | ||:|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctcAACAATTAATTAGAGCTGCAGa 3' Energy: -13.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1184 NC_045512.2 151.00 -13.84 2 21 24588 24612 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12019 to 12042 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ccuucGGUA-GUUCAGCGACGUCc 5' |||| ||:| :||||:|| Ref: 5' gctttCCATGCAGGGTGCTGTAGa 3' Energy: -22.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1184 NC_045512.2 149.00 -22.90 2 19 12019 12042 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:29447 to 29469 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' ccUUCGGUAGUUCAGCGACGUCc 5' :| :| || :||||||| Ref: 5' gtGACTCTTCTTCCTGCTGCAGa 3' Energy: -14.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1184 NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.26 2 22 29447 29469 20 55.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:22777 to 22800 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ccUUCGGU-AGUUCAGCGACGUCc 5' |||:|| ||| ||||| ||| Ref: 5' tgAAGTCAGACAAATCGCTCCAGg 3' Energy: -27.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1184 NC_045512.2 144.00 -27.48 2 22 22777 22800 21 76.19% 80.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:14620 to 14642 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ccuuCGGUAGUUCAGCGACGUcc 5' ||: |: ||| |||||| Ref: 5' acgtGCTTTTCAGTAGCTGCAct 3' Energy: -13.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1184 NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.62 3 20 14620 14642 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:25266 to 25288 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' ccuucgguaGUUCAGCGACGUCc 5' | |||:||||:|| Ref: 5' gctgtatgaCCAGTTGCTGTAGt 3' Energy: -17.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1184 NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.86 2 15 25266 25288 13 76.92% 92.31% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1184 NC_045512.2 1344.00 -174.09 164.00 -27.48 731 23 29903 8814 22332 22408 24588 12019 29447 22777 14620 25266 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4256 MIMAT0016877(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4256 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:22321 to 22338 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' ugGAAGUAGUCCAGUCUa 5' |||| ||||||::|| Ref: 5' ttCTTCTTCAGGTTGGAc 3' Energy: -18.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4256 NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.93 2 17 22321 22338 15 80.00% 93.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4256 NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.93 140.00 -18.93 732 18 29903 22321 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-517-5p MIMAT0002851(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-517-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:6880 to 6902 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucuGUCA-CGAAGGUAGAUCUCc 5' |:|| ||:::||||||| Ref: 5' tgtCGGTAAATTTTGTCTAGAGg 3' Energy: -22.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-517-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -22.42 2 20 6880 6902 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:26432 to 26453 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucugucACGAAGGUAGAUCUCc 5' || |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaatcTGAATTCTTCTAGAGt 3' Energy: -11.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-517-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -11.86 2 17 26432 26453 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:6592 to 6612 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ucuGUCACGAAGGUAGAUCUCc 5' :| || | :|||||||| Ref: 5' accTAATGAAT-TATCTAGAGt 3' Energy: -13.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-517-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -13.65 2 20 6592 6612 18 66.67% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-517-5p NC_045512.2 455.00 -47.93 154.00 -22.42 733 22 29903 6880 26432 6592 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4480 MIMAT0019014(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4480 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 167.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23443 to 23463 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' auUUCAUUGAAGGUGAACCGa 5' || | ||| |:||||||| Ref: 5' tcAACTTACTCCTACTTGGCg 3' Energy: -16.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4480 NC_045512.2 167.00 -16.94 2 20 23443 23463 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:4597 to 4619 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' auuuCAUUG--AAGGUGAACCGa 5' || || | ||||||||| Ref: 5' tcttGTTACAATGCCACTTGGCt 3' Energy: -20.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4480 NC_045512.2 156.00 -20.21 2 18 4597 4619 18 77.78% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4480 NC_045512.2 323.00 -37.15 167.00 -20.21 734 21 29903 23443 4597 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4635 MIMAT0019692(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4635 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:6105 to 6124 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' aacgcccaaGACUGAAGUUCu 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ataagaaacCTG-CTTCAAGa 3' Energy: -14.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4635 NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.37 2 13 6105 6124 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:16162 to 16182 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aacgcccaagacUGAAGUUCu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' actaatgataacACTTCAAGg 3' Energy: -11.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4635 NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.32 2 10 16162 16182 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:24391 to 24411 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aacgcccaagacUGAAGUUCu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tgcacttggaaaACTTCAAGa 3' Energy: -13.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4635 NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.63 2 10 24391 24411 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:22359 to 22377 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' aaCGCCCAAGACUGAAGUUcu 5' |:||||| | |||||| Ref: 5' atGTGGGTTAT--CTTCAAcc 3' Energy: -19.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4635 NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.06 3 20 22359 22377 17 76.47% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4635 NC_045512.2 576.00 -58.38 146.00 -19.06 735 21 29903 6105 16162 24391 22359 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4531 MIMAT0019070(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4531 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:29471 to 29487 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' agUCUUCGGAAGAGGUa 5' :|| | :||||||| Ref: 5' ttGGATGATTTCTCCAa 3' Energy: -12.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4531 NC_045512.2 151.00 -12.93 2 16 29471 29487 14 71.43% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4531 NC_045512.2 151.00 -12.93 151.00 -12.93 736 17 29903 29471 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6892-3p MIMAT0027685(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6892-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4797-5p MIMAT0019972(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4797-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9526 to 9545 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' aaGUCAUUCACCGUGAGACAg 5' || | | | |:||||||| Ref: 5' gtCATTCACT-GTACTCTGTt 3' Energy: -14.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4797-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -14.38 2 20 9526 9545 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4797-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -14.38 153.00 -14.38 738 21 29903 9526 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-18b-5p MIMAT0001412(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-18b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 170.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:9794 to 9814 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' gaUUGACGUGAUCUACGUGGAAu 5' |:||||:|| :|||||||| Ref: 5' gaAGCTGCGCT--GTGCACCTTt 3' Energy: -27.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-18b-5p NC_045512.2 170.00 -27.71 2 22 9794 9814 20 75.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:16930 to 16952 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gaUUGACGUGAUCUACGUGGAau 5' ||: ||:|| :||||||| Ref: 5' gtAATGCCATTAAGTGCACCTac 3' Energy: -17.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-18b-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -17.98 3 22 16930 16952 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:15001 to 15023 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' gauugacguGAUCUACGUGGAAu 5' | ||||||||:|| Ref: 5' tatgaggatCAAGATGCACTTTt 3' Energy: -15.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-18b-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.81 2 15 15001 15023 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:28041 to 28063 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (65.00%) Query: 3' gaUUGACGUGAUCUACGUGGAAu 5' |:|| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ggAGCTAGAAAATCAGCACCTTt 3' Energy: -15.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-18b-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.46 2 22 28041 28063 20 60.00% 65.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:15907 to 15928 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gauugACGUGAUCUACGUGGAAu 5' || |:|| :||:||||| Ref: 5' ggtgaTG-ATTATGTGTACCTTc 3' Energy: -14.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-18b-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.09 2 19 15907 15928 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22043 to 22066 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gauUGACG-UGAUCUACGUGGAAu 5' | ||| | || |||||:|| Ref: 5' tctAGTGCGAATAATTGCACTTTt 3' Energy: -18.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-18b-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.23 2 21 22043 22066 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12881 to 12903 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gauUGACGUGAUCUACGUGGAAu 5' || | |||:|| |||||| Ref: 5' tatACAGAACTGGAACCACCTTg 3' Energy: -17.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-18b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.29 2 21 12881 12903 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-18b-5p NC_045512.2 1037.00 -126.57 170.00 -27.71 739 23 29903 9794 16930 15001 28041 15907 22043 12881 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-18a-5p MIMAT0000072(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-18a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:9794 to 9814 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' gaUAGACGUGAUCUACGUGGAAu 5' | ||||:|| :|||||||| Ref: 5' gaAGCTGCGCT--GTGCACCTTt 3' Energy: -26.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-18a-5p NC_045512.2 166.00 -26.06 2 22 9794 9814 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:15000 to 15023 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' gaUAGACGU-GAUCUACGUGGAAu 5' || | | | ||||||||:|| Ref: 5' ttATGAGGATCAAGATGCACTTTt 3' Energy: -16.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-18a-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.52 2 22 15000 15023 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:16929 to 16952 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gauagAC-GUGAUCUACGUGGAau 5' || ||:|| :||||||| Ref: 5' agtaaTGCCATTAAGTGCACCTac 3' Energy: -17.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-18a-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.52 3 19 16929 16952 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:15907 to 15928 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gauagACGUGAUCUACGUGGAAu 5' || |:|| :||:||||| Ref: 5' ggtgaTG-ATTATGTGTACCTTc 3' Energy: -14.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-18a-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.09 2 19 15907 15928 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:28036 to 28063 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' gauagaCGUGAUC---UA--CGUGGAAu 5' | :|||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' gagtagGAGCTAGAAAATCAGCACCTTt 3' Energy: -16.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-18a-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.66 2 18 28036 28063 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:22043 to 22066 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gauagACG-UGAUCUACGUGGAAu 5' ||| | || |||||:|| Ref: 5' tctagTGCGAATAATTGCACTTTt 3' Energy: -17.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-18a-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.42 2 19 22043 22066 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:1680 to 1704 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (72.73%) Query: 3' gaUAGACGUGAUCUA--CGUGGAAu 5' ||| ||:|| | |||:||| Ref: 5' agATCGCCATTATTTTGGCATCTTt 3' Energy: -14.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-18a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.69 2 22 1680 1704 22 63.64% 72.73% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-18a-5p NC_045512.2 1027.00 -122.96 166.00 -26.06 740 23 29903 9794 15000 16929 15907 28036 22043 1680 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4778-5p MIMAT0019936(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4778-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 165.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26718 to 26741 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ggaGAA-GAAGG-AAAUGUCUUAa 5' ||| || |: |||||||||| Ref: 5' gtgCTTGCTGCTGTTTACAGAATa 3' Energy: -14.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4778-5p NC_045512.2 165.00 -14.87 2 20 26718 26741 20 80.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12666 to 12689 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ggAGAAGAAGG--AAAUGUCUUAa 5' ||| || :| ||||||||| Ref: 5' atTCTGCTGTCAAATTACAGAATa 3' Energy: -15.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4778-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -15.23 2 21 12666 12689 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17773 to 17794 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' ggaGAAGAAGGAAAUGUCUUAa 5' | |: | || ||||||| Ref: 5' tcaCCTTATAATTCACAGAATg 3' Energy: -11.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4778-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -11.55 2 20 17773 17794 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29600 to 29620 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ggAGAAGAAGGAAAUGUCUUAa 5' ||| | ||:| |:|||||| Ref: 5' agTCTAC-TCTTGTGCAGAATg 3' Energy: -14.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4778-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.23 2 21 29600 29620 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12812 to 12836 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ggaGA-AGAAGG--AAAUGUCUUAa 5' || |: ||| |||||||:|| Ref: 5' gcaCTGTTATCCGATTTACAGGATt 3' Energy: -17.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4778-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.13 2 20 12812 12836 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:1937 to 1958 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ggAGAAGAAGGAAAUGUCUUaa 5' | | | | :||||||||| Ref: 5' tcTGTGCGTGTTTTACAGAAgg 3' Energy: -14.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4778-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.09 3 21 1937 1958 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:20035 to 20057 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ggagaAGAAGGA-AAUGUCUUaa 5' | |||:| |||||||| Ref: 5' aatggTGTTCTTATTACAGAAgg 3' Energy: -12.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4778-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.53 3 18 20035 20057 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:12870 to 12891 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ggagAAGAAGGAAAUGUCUUaa 5' | || :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctggTACTATCTATACAGAAct 3' Energy: -12.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4778-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.20 3 19 12870 12891 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:22515 to 22536 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggagaagaaggaaaUGUCUUAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttagagtccaaccaACAGAATc 3' Energy: -9.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4778-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.11 2 9 22515 22536 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:24284 to 24305 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggagaagaaggaaaUGUCUUAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtattggagttacACAGAATg 3' Energy: -6.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4778-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.52 2 9 24284 24305 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:27737 to 27758 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggagaagaaggaaaUGUCUUAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cactcaaaagaaagACAGAATg 3' Energy: -10.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4778-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.06 2 9 27737 27758 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4778-5p NC_045512.2 1620.00 -137.52 165.00 -17.13 741 22 29903 26718 12666 17773 29600 12812 1937 20035 12870 22515 24284 27737 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3943 MIMAT0018359(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3943 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6773-3p MIMAT0027447(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6773-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6507-3p MIMAT0025471(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6507-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:29691 to 29712 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cccUUUUUAUCCUUCCUGAAac 5' || | ||||:||||||| Ref: 5' tgtAACATTAGGGAGGACTTga 3' Energy: -20.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6507-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -20.08 3 20 29691 29712 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:27246 to 27267 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' cccUUUUUAUCCUUCCUGAAAc 5' || || :|||||||| Ref: 5' actAATTATTATGAGGACTTTt 3' Energy: -10.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6507-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -10.15 2 20 27246 27267 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21859 to 21880 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cccUUUUUAUCCUUCCUGAAAc 5' || || ||| |||:||| Ref: 5' catAATAAGAGGCTGGATTTTt 3' Energy: -11.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6507-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.28 2 20 21859 21880 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:22366 to 22387 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cccuuuuuauccuUCCUGAAAc 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ttatcttcaacctAGGACTTTt 3' Energy: -9.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6507-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.70 2 10 22366 22387 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:908 to 929 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cccuuuuuauccuuCCUGAAAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgtccgaacaactGGACTTTa 3' Energy: -8.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6507-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.04 2 9 908 929 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6507-3p NC_045512.2 738.00 -59.25 155.00 -20.08 744 22 29903 29691 27246 21859 22366 908 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-378j MIMAT0024612(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-378j vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:2419 to 2437 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (92.31%) Query: 3' aagacCGAGGUUUAGGUCa 5' |: ::|||||||| Ref: 5' aaagtGTGTTAAATCCAGa 3' Energy: -14.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-378j NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.18 2 15 2419 2437 13 69.23% 92.31% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:26847 to 26866 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' aagACC-GAGGUUUAGGUCa 5' ||| | :: ||||||| Ref: 5' atgTGGTCATTCAATCCAGa 3' Energy: -15.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-378j NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.44 2 17 26847 26866 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:26150 to 26168 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (84.62%) Query: 3' aagacCGAGGUUUAGGUCa 5' |:| : ||||||| Ref: 5' ccggaGTTGTTAATCCAGt 3' Energy: -13.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-378j NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.69 2 15 26150 26168 13 69.23% 84.62% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-378j NC_045512.2 443.00 -43.31 150.00 -15.44 745 19 29903 2419 26847 26150 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7-1-3p MIMAT0004553(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7-1-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:14232 to 14253 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' auaccgucUGACACUAAACAAc 5' | || |||||||| Ref: 5' ttacattaAGTGGGATTTGTTa 3' Energy: -8.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7-1-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -8.56 2 15 14232 14253 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:25381 to 25404 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' auaccGUCUG-ACA-CUAAACAAc 5' |: || | | |||||||| Ref: 5' ataaaCGAACTTATGGATTTGTTt 3' Energy: -11.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7-1-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.62 2 18 25381 25404 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:18571 to 18592 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' auACCGUCUGA-CACUAAACAac 5' || |||| | || |||||| Ref: 5' tcTGACAGAGTCGT-ATTTGTct 3' Energy: -10.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7-1-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.71 3 21 18571 18592 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:12892 to 12914 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' auaccGUCUGACA-CUAAACAAc 5' || :||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' ggaacCACCTTGTAGGTTTGTTa 3' Energy: -11.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7-1-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.36 2 18 12892 12914 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:14425 to 14446 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' auaccgucugacacUAAACAAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ctagtgagaaaaatATTTGTTg 3' Energy: -10.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7-1-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.96 2 9 14425 14446 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:24854 to 24875 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' auACCGUCUGACACUAAACAac 5' ||||| || ||:||||| Ref: 5' aaTGGCACACACTGGTTTGTaa 3' Energy: -17.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7-1-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.78 3 21 24854 24875 18 77.78% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7-1-3p NC_045512.2 862.00 -70.99 154.00 -17.78 746 22 29903 14232 25381 18571 12892 14425 24854 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6839-5p MIMAT0027580(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6839-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 165.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26846 to 26866 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' accCAGCAGAGAAGUUAGGUCu 5' || ||| |||||||||| Ref: 5' catGTGGTC-ATTCAATCCAGa 3' Energy: -23.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6839-5p NC_045512.2 165.00 -23.88 2 20 26846 26866 18 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:2416 to 2437 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' acccagCAGAGAAGUUAGGUCu 5' || | || ||||||| Ref: 5' cagaaaGTGTGTTAAATCCAGa 3' Energy: -14.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6839-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -14.64 2 17 2416 2437 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:26147 to 26168 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (91.67%) Query: 3' acccagcagAGAAGUUAGGUCu 5' |: |:||||||| Ref: 5' catccggagTTGTTAATCCAGt 3' Energy: -18.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6839-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -18.09 2 14 26147 26168 12 75.00% 91.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:17489 to 17510 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acccagcagaGAAGUUAGGUCu 5' :||||||:||| Ref: 5' aaccagaataTTTCAATTCAGt 3' Energy: -14.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6839-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.21 2 13 17489 17510 11 81.82% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6839-5p NC_045512.2 610.00 -70.82 165.00 -23.88 747 22 29903 26846 2416 26147 17489 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6788-3p MIMAT0027477(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6788-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-337-5p MIMAT0004695(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-337-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2569 to 2588 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uuGAGGACAUACUUCGGCAAg 5' || || :||||||:||| Ref: 5' acCTACT-AGTGAAGCTGTTg 3' Energy: -17.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-337-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.94 2 20 2569 2588 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:5551 to 5570 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (92.86%) Query: 3' uugaggACAUACUUCGGCAAg 5' |||| |||||:||| Ref: 5' taagggTGTA-GAAGCTGTTa 3' Energy: -16.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-337-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.70 2 16 5551 5570 14 85.71% 92.86% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:18324 to 18343 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uuGAGGACAUACUUCGGCAAg 5' || || | |||||:||| Ref: 5' tgCTACTAGA-GAAGCTGTTg 3' Energy: -14.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-337-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.09 2 20 18324 18343 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-337-5p NC_045512.2 431.00 -48.73 145.00 -17.94 749 21 29903 2569 5551 18324 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4800-3p MIMAT0019979(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4800-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-374a-5p MIMAT0000727(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-374a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9404 to 9425 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gugaAUAGUCCAACAUAAUAUu 5' || | ||| |||||:|| Ref: 5' atagTAGCTGGTGGTATTGTAg 3' Energy: -13.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374a-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -13.78 2 19 9404 9425 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11416 to 11436 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' guGAAUAGUCCAACAUAAUAUu 5' :|||| | ||| ||||||: Ref: 5' cgTTTATAAAGTT-TATTATGg 3' Energy: -10.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374a-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -10.83 2 21 11416 11436 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6934 to 6956 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (65.00%) Query: 3' guGAAUAGUCCA-ACAUAAUAUu 5' || | | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttCTAAACTGATAAATATTATAa 3' Energy: -4.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374a-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -4.73 2 21 6934 6956 20 65.00% 65.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:16433 to 16454 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gugaAUAGUCCAACAUAAUAUu 5' ||| || | ||||:|| Ref: 5' gaggTATGAGCTATTATTGTAa 3' Energy: -7.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374a-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -7.81 2 19 16433 16454 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:5946 to 5967 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gugaauaguccaacAUAAUAUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ctaagttggacaatTATTATAa 3' Energy: -6.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.26 2 9 5946 5967 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:20138 to 20159 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gugaauaguccaacAUAAUAUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aaacacagttcaatTATTATAa 3' Energy: -8.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.49 2 9 20138 20159 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:26469 to 26490 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gugaauaguccaacAUAAUAUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ctaaacgaactaaaTATTATAt 3' Energy: -2.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -2.86 2 9 26469 26490 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-374a-5p NC_045512.2 1005.00 -54.76 150.00 -13.78 751 22 29903 9404 11416 6934 16433 5946 20138 26469 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6513-3p MIMAT0025483(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6513-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:24027 to 24048 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' gaucccUGUCU-ACUGUGAACu 5' ||| | ||||||||| Ref: 5' ttttcaACAAAGTGACACTTGc 3' Energy: -15.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6513-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -15.69 2 16 24027 24048 15 86.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:398 to 418 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (92.86%) Query: 3' gaucccUGUCUACUGUGAACu 5' | |||||:|||||| Ref: 5' catcttAAAGATGGCACTTGt 3' Energy: -19.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6513-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -19.94 2 16 398 418 14 85.71% 92.86% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:561 to 579 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gaUCCCUGUCUACUGUGAACu 5' || |:: || |||||||| Ref: 5' gtAGTGGT-GA-GACACTTGg 3' Energy: -20.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6513-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -20.51 2 20 561 579 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:23291 to 23310 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' gaucccuGUCUACUGUGAACu 5' || | |||||||| Ref: 5' cgtgatcCACA-GACACTTGa 3' Energy: -14.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6513-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.62 2 15 23291 23310 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:8581 to 8601 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gaucccugUCUACUGUGAACu 5' | :| ||||||| Ref: 5' gttaattaAAGTTACACTTGt 3' Energy: -10.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6513-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -10.23 2 14 8581 8601 12 75.00% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 16 R:15982 to 16004 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' gaucccUGUCUAC--UGUGAAcu 5' ||||||| |||||| Ref: 5' gtaaaaACAGATGGTACACTTat 3' Energy: -14.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6513-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.93 3 16 15982 16004 15 86.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6513-3p NC_045512.2 895.00 -95.92 158.00 -20.51 752 21 29903 24027 398 561 23291 8581 15982 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4524a-5p MIMAT0019062(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4524a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14769 to 14789 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acUCUGUCCAAGUACGACGAUa 5' ||: | | | ||||||||| Ref: 5' tcAGG-ATGGTAATGCTGCTAt 3' Energy: -21.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4524a-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -21.42 2 21 14769 14789 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17908 to 17930 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' acUCUGUCCAAG-UACGACGAUa 5' | |||| ||: |||:||||| Ref: 5' gtAAACAGATTTAATGTTGCTAt 3' Energy: -17.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4524a-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -17.94 2 21 17908 17930 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5371 to 5391 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acUCUGUCCAAGUACGACGAUa 5' :|:| || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaGGGCTGG-TGAAGCTGCTAa 3' Energy: -19.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4524a-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -19.62 2 21 5371 5391 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8446 to 8466 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acUCUGUCCAAGUACGACGAUa 5' | |:| | | :|||||||| Ref: 5' acAAATACG-TAGTGCTGCTAa 3' Energy: -13.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4524a-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -13.43 2 21 8446 8466 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:13077 to 13098 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' acucugucCAAGUACGACGAUa 5' || ||||||||| Ref: 5' cttttgctGTAGATGCTGCTAa 3' Energy: -13.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4524a-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -13.59 2 15 13077 13098 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:24621 to 24642 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' acucuguccaAGUACGACGAUa 5' || |||||||| Ref: 5' cttctgctaaTCTTGCTGCTAc 3' Energy: -12.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4524a-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -12.43 2 13 24621 24642 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19843 to 19865 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' acUCUGUCCAAGU-ACGACGAUa 5' :|::: | || |||||||| Ref: 5' ttGGGTGTGGACATTGCTGCTAa 3' Energy: -18.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4524a-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -18.31 2 21 19843 19865 20 60.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:8601 to 8622 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' acucuguccAAGUACGACGAUa 5' || |||||||| Ref: 5' tgttcctttTTGTTGCTGCTAt 3' Energy: -13.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4524a-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -13.77 2 14 8601 8622 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14549 to 14570 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' acucUGUCCAAGUACGACGAUa 5' || || :||||||||: Ref: 5' aattACTTGTGTATGCTGCTGa 3' Energy: -18.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4524a-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.11 2 19 14549 14570 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:24081 to 24102 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (76.92%) Query: 3' acucugucCAAGUACGACGAUa 5' | | |||||||| Ref: 5' gccttggtGATATTGCTGCTAg 3' Energy: -14.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4524a-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.94 2 15 24081 24102 13 76.92% 76.92% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:23410 to 23433 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acucUGUC--CAAGUACGACGAUa 5' |||| || | ||:||||| Ref: 5' ctgcACAGAAGTCCCTGTTGCTAt 3' Energy: -15.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4524a-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.51 2 19 23410 23433 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:6633 to 6657 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' acucuGU-CCAAGU--ACGACGAUa 5' || ||||:| |||||:|| Ref: 5' ctactCATGGTTTAGCTGCTGTTAa 3' Energy: -19.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4524a-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -19.71 2 18 6633 6657 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10667 to 10689 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' acUCUGUCCAA-GUACGACGAUa 5' || : |||| :| ||||||: Ref: 5' ttAGCTTGGTTGTACGCTGCTGt 3' Energy: -16.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4524a-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.11 2 21 10667 10689 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:18310 to 18332 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' acuCUGUCCA-AGUACGACGAUa 5' || :||| ||||||| ||| Ref: 5' gtcGAGGGGTGTCATGCTACTAg 3' Energy: -19.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4524a-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.18 2 20 18310 18332 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:21417 to 21437 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' acucUGUCCAAGUACGACGAUa 5' | :||| | |||||:|| Ref: 5' attaAGGGGTAC-TGCTGTTAt 3' Energy: -16.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4524a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.75 2 19 21417 21437 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4524a-5p NC_045512.2 2232.00 -250.82 158.00 -21.42 753 22 29903 14769 17908 5371 8446 13077 24621 19843 8601 14549 24081 23410 6633 10667 18310 21417 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-28-3p MIMAT0004502(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-28-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:2032 to 2053 Align Len (13) (92.31%) (92.31%) Query: 3' agguccucGAGUGUUAGAUCAc 5' || |||||||||| Ref: 5' tttggctaCTAACAATCTAGTt 3' Energy: -16.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-28-3p NC_045512.2 162.00 -16.99 2 15 2032 2053 13 92.31% 92.31% Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:20644 to 20665 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agguccucgAGUGUUAGAUCAc 5' |:|||||||||| Ref: 5' tacccaaaaTTACAATCTAGTc 3' Energy: -18.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-28-3p NC_045512.2 161.00 -18.26 2 14 20644 20665 12 91.67% 100.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10406 to 10427 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agGUCCUCGAGUGUUAGAUCAc 5' || :|:|||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' taCAATGGTTCACCATCTGGTg 3' Energy: -23.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-28-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -23.40 2 21 10406 10427 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:5635 to 5659 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' agguccUCGA-GUGU--UAGAUCAc 5' |||| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' taaacaAGCTACAAAATATCTAGTa 3' Energy: -13.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-28-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -13.47 2 17 5635 5659 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:15747 to 15768 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' agguCCUCGAGUGUUAGAUCAc 5' | | |||| ::|||||| Ref: 5' ttatGCATCTCAAGGTCTAGTg 3' Energy: -18.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-28-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.66 2 19 15747 15768 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-28-3p NC_045512.2 771.00 -90.78 162.00 -23.40 754 22 29903 2032 20644 10406 5635 15747 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4640-5p MIMAT0019699(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4640-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:25674 to 25695 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ggGUGGUCGACGAGGGACCGGGu 5' ::|: |:|||| ||||||: Ref: 5' ttTGCTCGTTGCT-GCTGGCCTt 3' Energy: -24.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4640-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -24.14 2 22 25674 25695 20 60.00% 85.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4640-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -24.14 143.00 -24.14 755 23 29903 25674 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3611 MIMAT0017988(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3611 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5969 to 5990 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' auUCU-UAAAGAAAGAAGUGUu 5' ||| | ||||| :|||||| Ref: 5' aaAGACAATTCTTATTTCACAg 3' Energy: -16.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3611 NC_045512.2 154.00 -16.68 2 20 5969 5990 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:27719 to 27739 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' auUCUUAAAGAAAGAAGUGUu 5' | || :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttATAACACTTTGCTTCACAc 3' Energy: -12.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3611 NC_045512.2 151.00 -12.22 2 20 27719 27739 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:4683 to 4705 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' auUCUUAAAG--AAAGAAGUGuu 5' | |:|||| ||||||||| Ref: 5' ctACAGTTTCTGTTTCTTCACct 3' Energy: -14.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3611 NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.47 3 20 4683 4705 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:2999 to 3022 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' auuCUUAAA---GAAAGAAGUGUu 5' ||:||| :| ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtGAGTTTAAATTGGCTTCACAt 3' Energy: -14.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3611 NC_045512.2 149.00 -14.01 2 19 2999 3022 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22276 to 22297 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' auUCUUAAA-GAAAGAAGUGUu 5' | | ||| ||| |||:||| Ref: 5' tcAAACTTTACTTGCTTTACAt 3' Energy: -9.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3611 NC_045512.2 146.00 -9.77 2 20 22276 22297 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:23954 to 23974 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' auuCUUAAAGAAAGAAGUGUu 5' |: ||| ||:|||||| Ref: 5' ggtGGTTTTAATTTTTCACAa 3' Energy: -11.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3611 NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.98 2 19 23954 23974 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:25400 to 25420 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' auucuuaaagaaAGAAGUGUu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tgtttatgagaaTCTTCACAa 3' Energy: -14.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3611 NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.59 2 10 25400 25420 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:23020 to 23041 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' auucuUAAAGAAA-GAAGUGUu 5' :|| |||| |||:||| Ref: 5' taattGTTACTTTCCTTTACAa 3' Energy: -12.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3611 NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.03 2 17 23020 23041 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:11559 to 11579 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' auucuuaAAGAAAGAAGUGUu 5' | :||||||||:| Ref: 5' attgcccTATTTTCTTCATAa 3' Energy: -13.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3611 NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.66 2 15 11559 11579 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:2688 to 2708 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' auucuuaaagaaaGAAGUGUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' taacaaacaatacCTTCACAc 3' Energy: -8.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3611 NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.46 2 9 2688 2708 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:19009 to 19031 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' auucUUAAAG--AAAGAAGUGUu 5' |||| | ||||||||: Ref: 5' gacaAATTCCCAGTTCTTCACGa 3' Energy: -13.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3611 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.75 2 18 19009 19031 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:24771 to 24791 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' auucuuaaagaaaGAAGUGUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cacaagaaaagaaCTTCACAa 3' Energy: -12.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3611 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.47 2 9 24771 24791 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3611 NC_045512.2 1746.00 -154.09 154.00 -16.68 756 21 29903 5969 27719 4683 2999 22276 23954 25400 23020 11559 2688 19009 24771 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8070 MIMAT0030997(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8070 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:5202 to 5223 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' accuCAGUCGGCAGUUAGUGUa 5' |||||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' acatGTCAGCATTAAATCACAc 3' Energy: -18.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8070 NC_045512.2 166.00 -18.46 2 19 5202 5223 17 82.35% 82.35% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16438 to 16461 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (76.19%) Query: 3' acCUCAGU--CGGCAGUUAGUGUa 5' ||| :| ::|| ||||||| Ref: 5' atGAGCTATTATTGTAAATCACAt 3' Energy: -14.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8070 NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.49 2 21 16438 16461 21 61.90% 76.19% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12663 to 12685 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' accUCAGUCGGCAG-UUAGUGUa 5' | || ||:||| |||:||| Ref: 5' ccaATTCTGCTGTCAAATTACAg 3' Energy: -16.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8070 NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.93 2 20 12663 12685 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:24189 to 24212 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' accuCAGUCG-GCA-GUUAGUGua 5' ||:||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' cactGTTAGCGGGTACAATCACtt 3' Energy: -18.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8070 NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.40 3 19 24189 24212 18 77.78% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8070 NC_045512.2 607.00 -68.28 166.00 -18.46 757 22 29903 5202 16438 12663 24189 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-10a-5p MIMAT0000253(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-10a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19657 to 19681 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' guguUUAAGC--CUAGAUGUCCCAu 5' | ||:| |: | ||||||| Ref: 5' ggacACTTTGATGGACAACAGGGTg 3' Energy: -23.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10a-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -23.33 2 20 19657 19681 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15887 to 15910 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' guguUUAAG-CCUAGAUGUCCCAu 5' ||| | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' atacAATGCTAGTTAAACAGGGTg 3' Energy: -16.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10a-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.82 2 20 15887 15910 19 68.42% 68.42% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:12060 to 12082 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gugUUUAAGCCUAGAUGUCCCau 5' |||| | |: | |||||| Ref: 5' aagAAATGCTGGACAACAGGGca 3' Energy: -17.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10a-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.29 3 21 12060 12082 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:11725 to 11747 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gugUUUAAGCCUAGAUGUCCCau 5' | || :| ||: |||||| Ref: 5' tagATATATGAATTCACAGGGac 3' Energy: -13.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.31 3 21 11725 11747 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:22093 to 22115 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guguuuaagccuagaUGUCCCAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ggaccttgaaggaaaACAGGGTa 3' Energy: -16.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.98 2 9 22093 22115 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-10a-5p NC_045512.2 720.00 -87.73 150.00 -23.33 758 23 29903 19657 15887 12060 11725 22093 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-29b-2-5p MIMAT0004515(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-29b-2-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4756 to 4779 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' gaUUC-GGUGGUA-CACUUUGGUc 5' ||| ||:: | |||||||| Ref: 5' tgAAGAACATTTTATTGAAACCAt 3' Energy: -12.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-2-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -12.98 2 21 4756 4779 21 66.67% 76.19% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8664 to 8685 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gaUUCGGUGGUACACUUUGGUc 5' :| :: :|| ||||||:|| Ref: 5' ctGACTTTTCAAGTGAAATCAt 3' Energy: -14.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-2-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.88 2 21 8664 8685 19 57.89% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26159 to 26179 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gaUUCGGUGGUACACUUUGGUc 5' || ||| :| ||:||||| Ref: 5' ttAATCCAGTA-ATGGAACCAa 3' Energy: -15.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-2-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.42 2 21 26159 26179 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:19933 to 19954 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gauucggugguacaCUUUGGUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' actgacatagccaaGAAACCAa 3' Energy: -15.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-2-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.28 2 9 19933 19954 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-29b-2-5p NC_045512.2 576.00 -58.56 150.00 -15.42 759 22 29903 4756 8664 26159 19933 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4727-3p MIMAT0019848(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4727-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23042 to 23064 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' cuUAGA-CGGUCGAAGGGUGAUa 5' || | |:: | ||||||| Ref: 5' tcATATGGTTTCCAACCCACTAa 3' Energy: -15.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4727-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.14 2 21 23042 23064 20 60.00% 70.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4727-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.14 143.00 -15.14 760 22 29903 23042 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-561-3p MIMAT0003225(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-561-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:22265 to 22285 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ugaaGUUCCUAGAAUUUGAAAc 5' | ||| |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' atcaCTAGG-TTTCAAACTTTa 3' Energy: -9.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-561-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -9.68 2 19 22265 22285 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25732 to 25753 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ugaAGUUCCUAGAAUUUGAAAc 5' |:: || : |||||||| Ref: 5' ttcTTGCAGAGTATAAACTTTg 3' Energy: -13.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-561-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -13.27 2 20 25732 25753 18 61.11% 77.78% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14358 to 14380 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' ugAAGUUCCUAGAA--UUUGAAAc 5' ||| | ||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' caTTC-TGCATTGTGCAAACTTTa 3' Energy: -5.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-561-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -5.40 2 21 14358 14380 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:1653 to 1674 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ugaAGUUCCUAGAAUUUGAAac 5' |::: || :|||||||| Ref: 5' ttgTTGGTGACTTTAAACTTaa 3' Energy: -8.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-561-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -8.48 3 20 1653 1674 17 64.71% 88.24% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16614 to 16634 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ugaAGUUCCUAGAAUUUGAAAc 5' | || || || ||:|||| Ref: 5' tacTGAAAGA-CTCAAGCTTTt 3' Energy: -10.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-561-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.08 2 20 16614 16634 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:2893 to 2914 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugaaguuccuagaaUUUGAAAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' agatgctgtcataaAAACTTTg 3' Energy: -8.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-561-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.72 2 9 2893 2914 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:5779 to 5800 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugaaguuccuagaaUUUGAAAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tataacttctaaagAAACTTTg 3' Energy: -12.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-561-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.59 2 9 5779 5800 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-561-3p NC_045512.2 1016.00 -68.22 156.00 -13.27 761 22 29903 22265 25732 14358 1653 16614 2893 5779 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-514b-5p MIMAT0015087(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-514b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:843 to 864 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uaCUAACGGAGGGAGAACUCuu 5' ||| ||: |||||||||| Ref: 5' ctGATGGCTACCCTCTTGAGtg 3' Energy: -26.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-514b-5p NC_045512.2 160.00 -26.82 3 21 843 864 18 83.33% 88.89% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28948 to 28968 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' uaCUAACGGAGGGAGAACUCUu 5' ||||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' caGATTG-AACCAGCTTGAGAg 3' Energy: -23.280001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-514b-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -23.28 2 21 28948 28968 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23292 to 23313 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (63.16%) Query: 3' uaCUAACGGAGGGAGAACUCUu 5' ||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtGATCCACAGACACTTGAGAt 3' Energy: -13.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-514b-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.96 2 21 23292 23313 19 63.16% 63.16% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-514b-5p NC_045512.2 458.00 -64.06 160.00 -26.82 762 22 29903 843 28948 23292 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-638 MIMAT0003308(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-638 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6516-5p MIMAT0030417(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6516-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27841 to 27861 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' acGAGUGUGGACAAUGACGUUu 5' :|| |||:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ggTTCTCACTTG-AACTGCAAg 3' Energy: -24.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6516-5p NC_045512.2 162.00 -24.65 2 21 27841 27861 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25412 to 25433 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' acGAGUGUGGACAAUGACGUUu 5' :||||| :|| ||||:|| Ref: 5' tcTTCACAATTGGAACTGTAAc 3' Energy: -17.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6516-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -17.70 2 21 25412 25433 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25472 to 25493 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acGAGUGUGGACAAUGACGUUu 5' :|::: | | |||||||| Ref: 5' atTTTGTTCGCGCTACTGCAAc 3' Energy: -20.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6516-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -20.23 2 21 25472 25493 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10853 to 10874 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' acgAGUGUGGACAAUGACGUUu 5' |:| | ||||||||| Ref: 5' tcaTTAAAAGAATTACTGCAAa 3' Energy: -12.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6516-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -12.83 2 20 10853 10874 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16602 to 16622 Align Len (19) (84.21%) (84.21%) Query: 3' acGAGUGUGGACAAUGACGUUu 5' || ||||||| ||||| || Ref: 5' agCTAACACCTG-TACTGAAAg 3' Energy: -24.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6516-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -24.22 2 21 16602 16622 19 84.21% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:27919 to 27940 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' acgAGUGUGGACAAUGACGUuu 5' ||||| |||| :||||| Ref: 5' tcaTCACAACTGTAGCTGCAtt 3' Energy: -20.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6516-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -20.46 3 20 27919 27940 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8091 to 8115 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acgagUGUGGACAA---UGACGUUu 5' ||||: ||| ||||||: Ref: 5' tcaaaACACTAGTTGCAACTGCAGa 3' Energy: -17.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6516-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.37 2 18 8091 8115 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6516-5p NC_045512.2 1046.00 -137.46 162.00 -24.65 764 22 29903 27841 25412 25472 10853 16602 27919 8091 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3146 MIMAT0015018(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3146 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25822 to 25843 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gguAAGAAAGAUAGGAUCGUAc 5' | :||||| | ||:|||| Ref: 5' aacTATTTTCTTTGCTGGCATa 3' Energy: -15.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3146 NC_045512.2 151.00 -15.51 2 20 25822 25843 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:15754 to 15777 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gguaagaaAGAUAG--GAUCGUAc 5' |||| : ||||||| Ref: 5' tctcaaggTCTAGTGGCTAGCATa 3' Energy: -11.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3146 NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.96 2 15 15754 15777 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12616 to 12636 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ggUAAGAAAGAUAGGAUCGUAc 5' |||| ||| ::|||||| Ref: 5' caATTC-ACCTAATTTAGCATg 3' Energy: -16.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3146 NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.75 2 21 12616 12636 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3146 NC_045512.2 438.00 -44.22 151.00 -16.75 765 22 29903 25822 15754 12616 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4707-3p MIMAT0019808(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4707-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23594 to 23614 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' ucuUGGAGCCGACCCCGCCCGa 5' | :|| || ||||||| Ref: 5' actAATTCTCCT-CGGCGGGCa 3' Energy: -21.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4707-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -21.01 2 20 23594 23614 18 66.67% 72.22% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4707-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -21.01 145.00 -21.01 766 22 29903 23594 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6860 MIMAT0027622(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6860 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5685 to 5705 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugAGUGGUGUCGGGACGGGUCa 5' ||| ||| |||||:||| Ref: 5' tgTCAGCAC-CACCTGCTCAGt 3' Energy: -27.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6860 NC_045512.2 146.00 -27.17 2 21 5685 5705 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14752 to 14773 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ugaGUGGUGUCGGGACGGGUCa 5' |||: | |::|||:||| Ref: 5' aaaCACTTCTTCTTTGCTCAGg 3' Energy: -20.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6860 NC_045512.2 143.00 -20.57 2 20 14752 14773 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13703 to 13724 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugAGUGGUGUCGGGACGGGUCa 5' |:||: || :||:|||| Ref: 5' atTTACTTAAGGATTGTCCAGc 3' Energy: -20.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6860 NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.48 2 21 13703 13724 19 57.89% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6860 NC_045512.2 429.00 -68.22 146.00 -27.17 767 22 29903 5685 14752 13703 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-10396b-3p MIMAT0041636(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-10396b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4267 MIMAT0016893(16 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4267 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:516 to 531 Align Len (10) (70.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cacggUGGCUCGACCu 5' :::||||||| Ref: 5' ttatgGTTGAGCTGGt 3' Energy: -16.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4267 NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.32 2 12 516 531 10 70.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:646 to 661 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cacgguggCUCGACCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' taataaagGAGCTGGt 3' Energy: -13.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4267 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.49 2 9 646 661 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4267 NC_045512.2 283.00 -29.81 143.00 -16.32 769 16 29903 516 646 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4325 MIMAT0016887(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4325 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:2748 to 2767 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' agUGACUCUG--UUCACGUu 5' |||| ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' acACTGTGATAGAAGTGCAa 3' Energy: -21.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4325 NC_045512.2 155.00 -21.75 2 17 2748 2767 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:24519 to 24538 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' agUGACUCUG--UUCACGUu 5' ::||||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaGTTGAGGCTGAAGTGCAa 3' Energy: -19.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4325 NC_045512.2 155.00 -19.39 2 17 24519 24538 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:24378 to 24395 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agugacucUGUUCACGUu 5' :|||||||| Ref: 5' cttccacaGCAAGTGCAc 3' Energy: -13.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4325 NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.62 2 11 24378 24395 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:13472 to 13489 Align Len (12) (66.67%) (91.67%) Query: 3' agugaCUCUGUUCACGUu 5' |: ::||||||| Ref: 5' tttgcGGTGTAAGTGCAg 3' Energy: -15.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4325 NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.13 2 14 13472 13489 12 66.67% 91.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 16 R:4211 to 4228 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' aguGACUCUGUUCACGuu 5' :||||| |||||| Ref: 5' gctTTGAGAAAAGTGCca 3' Energy: -16.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4325 NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.03 3 16 4211 4228 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:16930 to 16948 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' agUGACUCU-GUUCACGUu 5' | || | :||||||| Ref: 5' gtAATGCCATTAAGTGCAc 3' Energy: -9.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4325 NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.43 2 17 16930 16948 16 68.75% 75.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:11850 to 11868 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (73.33%) Query: 3' aguGACU-CUGUUCACGUu 5' | || | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtCAGATGTAAAGTGCAc 3' Energy: -11.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4325 NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.21 2 16 11850 11868 15 73.33% 73.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:10962 to 10979 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agugacucugUUCACGUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttactttccaAAGTGCAg 3' Energy: -13.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4325 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.66 2 9 10962 10979 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4325 NC_045512.2 1169.00 -120.22 155.00 -21.75 770 18 29903 2748 24519 24378 13472 4211 16930 11850 10962 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-510-5p MIMAT0002882(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-510-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:843 to 864 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (89.47%) Query: 3' caCUAACGGUGAGAGGACUCAu 5' ||| ||:|| |||:||||| Ref: 5' ctGATGGCTACCCTCTTGAGTg 3' Energy: -26.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-510-5p NC_045512.2 164.00 -26.66 2 21 843 864 19 78.95% 89.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:16178 to 16199 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cacuaacggugagaGGACUCAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' caaggtattgggaaCCTGAGTt 3' Energy: -15.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-510-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.09 2 9 16178 16199 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-510-5p NC_045512.2 304.00 -41.75 164.00 -26.66 771 22 29903 843 16178 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5587-3p MIMAT0022290(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5587-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4726-5p MIMAT0019845(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4726-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-490-3p MIMAT0002806(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-490-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16379 to 16400 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' guCGUACCUCAGGAGGUCCAAc 5' |: || | | ||||||||| Ref: 5' atGTTTGCAATGCTCCAGGTTg 3' Energy: -20.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-490-3p NC_045512.2 164.00 -20.67 2 21 16379 16400 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23364 to 23387 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' gucGUACCUCAGGA--GGUCCAAc 5' || | |:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gaaCAAATACTTCTAACCAGGTTg 3' Energy: -17.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-490-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.08 2 20 23364 23387 20 65.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:20881 to 20903 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gucgUACCUCAG-GAGGUCCAac 5' | |||||: | |||||| Ref: 5' gataAAGGAGTTGCACCAGGTac 3' Energy: -19.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-490-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.63 3 19 20881 20903 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:22314 to 22335 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gucguaccucAGGAGGUCCAAc 5' |:||:|||||| Ref: 5' ctggtgattcTTCTTCAGGTTg 3' Energy: -20.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-490-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.75 2 13 22314 22335 11 81.82% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:27210 to 27229 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gucGUACCUCAGGAGGUCCAAc 5' |:| || |:|:|||||| Ref: 5' tctCGTTGA--CTTTCAGGTTa 3' Energy: -15.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-490-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.36 2 20 27210 27229 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-490-3p NC_045512.2 731.00 -93.49 164.00 -20.75 774 22 29903 16379 23364 20881 22314 27210 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-647 MIMAT0003317(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-647 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:3430 to 3450 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' cuuCCUUCACUCACGUCGGUg 5' || || | |||||||| Ref: 5' agtGGTTGTTAATGCAGCCAa 3' Energy: -16.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-647 NC_045512.2 158.00 -16.90 2 19 3430 3450 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:12236 to 12255 Align Len (13) (92.31%) (92.31%) Query: 3' cuuccuuCACUCACGUCGGUg 5' |||| |||||||| Ref: 5' tttgaccGTGA-TGCAGCCAt 3' Energy: -19.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-647 NC_045512.2 156.00 -19.57 2 15 12236 12255 13 92.31% 92.31% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:13473 to 13493 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' cuucCUUCACUCACGUCGGug 5' |: || ||||||||| Ref: 5' ttgcGGTGTAAGTGCAGCCcg 3' Energy: -20.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-647 NC_045512.2 145.00 -20.70 3 18 13473 13493 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:12451 to 12471 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuuccuucacucaCGUCGGUg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' acctcttacaacaGCAGCCAa 3' Energy: -13.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-647 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.08 2 9 12451 12471 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-647 NC_045512.2 599.00 -70.25 158.00 -20.70 775 21 29903 3430 12236 13473 12451 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4726-3p MIMAT0019846(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4726-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-559 MIMAT0003223(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-559 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4516 to 4538 Align Len (19) (84.21%) (84.21%) Query: 3' aaaACCACG-UAU-AAAUGAAAu 5' |||||| | | |||||||| Ref: 5' ttaTGGTGCTAGATTTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -16.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-559 NC_045512.2 164.00 -16.57 2 19 4516 4538 19 84.21% 84.21% Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:7761 to 7781 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (85.71%) Query: 3' aaaaccACGUAUAAAUGAAAu 5' | ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' gttccaTCCATCTTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -9.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-559 NC_045512.2 159.00 -9.92 2 16 7761 7781 14 85.71% 85.71% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11629 to 11648 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' aaAACCACGUAUAAAUGAAAu 5' || || | |: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTTTGTACTTG-TTACTTTg 3' Energy: -8.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-559 NC_045512.2 153.00 -8.20 2 20 11629 11648 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:9328 to 9348 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' aaaACCACGUAUAAAUGAAau 5' || ||:| |||||||| Ref: 5' agaTGCTGTAAATTTACTTac 3' Energy: -10.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-559 NC_045512.2 150.00 -10.33 3 19 9328 9348 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:11686 to 11708 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' aaAACCACGUAUA--AAUGAAau 5' ||||||: ||| |||||| Ref: 5' tcTTGGTGTTTATGATTACTTag 3' Energy: -13.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-559 NC_045512.2 150.00 -13.34 3 20 11686 11708 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:6770 to 6790 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' aaaaccacguAUAAAUGAAAu 5' | |||||||| Ref: 5' atgccttattTCTTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -7.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-559 NC_045512.2 147.00 -7.33 2 12 6770 6790 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10949 to 10969 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' aaaACCACGUAUA-AAUGAAAu 5' || | || :| ||||||| Ref: 5' caaTGCT-CAGGTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -8.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-559 NC_045512.2 147.00 -8.96 2 19 10949 10969 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13631 to 13651 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' aaAACCACGUAUAAAUGAAAu 5' || | || ||||||| Ref: 5' atTTAATTGATTCTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -6.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-559 NC_045512.2 147.00 -6.86 2 20 13631 13651 18 66.67% 66.67% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:12517 to 12538 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' aaaACCACG-UAUAAAUGAAau 5' |||| | | |||||||| Ref: 5' tgaTGGTACAACATTTACTTat 3' Energy: -11.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-559 NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.37 3 19 12517 12538 17 82.35% 82.35% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:20184 to 20203 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' aaaaccACGUAUAAAUGAAAu 5' || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' attaccTG-AAACTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -5.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-559 NC_045512.2 145.00 -5.80 2 16 20184 20203 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:21820 to 21839 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' aaaACCACGUAUAAAUGAAAu 5' || || :|:||||:||| Ref: 5' taaTGATG-GTGTTTATTTTg 3' Energy: -11.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-559 NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.53 2 19 21820 21839 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:23013 to 23033 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' aaaaccacgUAUAAAUGAAAu 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaggttttaATTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -7.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-559 NC_045512.2 144.00 -7.20 2 13 23013 23033 11 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:2720 to 2740 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aaaaccacguauaAAUGAAAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gcaccaacaaaggTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -5.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-559 NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.94 2 9 2720 2740 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4012 to 4032 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aaaaccacguauaAAUGAAAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cacagaaaacttgTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -6.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-559 NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.45 2 9 4012 4032 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:25794 to 25814 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aaaaccacguauaAAUGAAAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttccaaaaacccaTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -6.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-559 NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.23 2 9 25794 25814 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-559 NC_045512.2 2215.00 -136.03 164.00 -16.57 777 21 29903 4516 7761 11629 9328 11686 6770 10949 13631 12517 20184 21820 23013 2720 4012 25794 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-101-3p MIMAT0000099(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-101-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17294 to 17316 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' aaGUCA-AUAG-UGUCAUGACAu 5' |||| |:|| : ||||||| Ref: 5' aaCAGTATGTCTTTTGTACTGTa 3' Energy: -20.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-101-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -20.21 2 20 17294 17316 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:9198 to 9218 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' aagucaauAGUGUCAUGACAu 5' || |||||||| Ref: 5' cttttgatTCTGAGTACTGTa 3' Energy: -13.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-101-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -13.12 2 14 9198 9218 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:2646 to 2666 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' aagucaauagUGUCAUGACAu 5' | |||||||| Ref: 5' aagacacagaAAAGTACTGTg 3' Energy: -15.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-101-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.56 2 12 2646 2666 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:7040 to 7060 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' aagucAAUAGUGUCAUGACau 5' || |:|| |||||| Ref: 5' atgccTTCTTACTGTACTGgt 3' Energy: -10.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-101-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.91 3 17 7040 7060 14 78.57% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-101-3p NC_045512.2 589.00 -59.80 153.00 -20.21 778 21 29903 17294 9198 2646 7040 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4644 MIMAT0019704(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4644 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:21460 to 21482 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' gaagacagagAAAAGAGAGAGGu 5' |||| |||||:| Ref: 5' aatgatatgaTTTTATCTCTTCt 3' Energy: -10.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4644 NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.69 2 14 21460 21482 12 83.33% 91.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4644 NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.69 141.00 -10.69 779 23 29903 21460 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6716-5p MIMAT0025844(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6716-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:29345 to 29365 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' ccGGGAAUG-GGGGUAAGGGu 5' | | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gaCGCATACAAAACATTCCCa 3' Energy: -17.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6716-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.89 2 19 29345 29365 18 66.67% 66.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:10062 to 10081 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccgggaauggggGUAAGGGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttagaaaaatggCATTCCCa 3' Energy: -15.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6716-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.56 2 9 10062 10081 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6716-5p NC_045512.2 281.00 -33.45 141.00 -17.89 780 20 29903 29345 10062 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-301b-5p MIMAT0032026(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-301b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6338 to 6359 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ucAUCACGUUGGAGCAGUCUCg 5' |: ||:| : ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTGATGTACTGAAGTCAGAGg 3' Energy: -15.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-301b-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -15.71 2 21 6338 6359 19 57.89% 73.68% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24632 to 24656 Align Len (22) (59.09%) (72.73%) Query: 3' ucAUCACGUUGG---AGCAGUCUCg 5' |: ||| ||: :||||||| Ref: 5' ctTGCTGCTACTAAAATGTCAGAGt 3' Energy: -16.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-301b-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.87 2 21 24632 24656 22 59.09% 72.73% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-301b-5p NC_045512.2 295.00 -32.58 148.00 -16.87 781 22 29903 6338 24632 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3134 MIMAT0015000(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3134 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23616 to 23639 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uuaUACAUC-AGAAAAUAGGUAGu 5' :||||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtaGTGTAGCTAGTCAATCCATCa 3' Energy: -18.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3134 NC_045512.2 155.00 -18.44 2 21 23616 23639 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:7751 to 7773 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' uuauacaucagAAAAUAGGUAGu 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgaagaatggTTCCATCCATCt 3' Energy: -11.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3134 NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.32 2 13 7751 7773 11 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7461 to 7486 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' uuauACAUCAG--AA-AAUAGGUAGu 5' ||||| | || | ||:|||| Ref: 5' atgtTGTAGACGGTTGTAATTCATCa 3' Energy: -13.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3134 NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.86 2 20 7461 7486 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14135 to 14160 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uuauACAUC--AGAA-AAUAGGUAGu 5' ||||| |||| ||||:|||: Ref: 5' ctgtTGTAGATTCTTATTATTCATTg 3' Energy: -13.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3134 NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.78 2 20 14135 14160 21 76.19% 85.71% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:15923 to 15945 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuauacaucagaaaaUAGGUAGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' accttccttacccagATCCATCa 3' Energy: -11.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3134 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.58 2 9 15923 15945 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:23970 to 23992 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuauacaucagaaaaUAGGUAGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cacaaatattaccagATCCATCa 3' Energy: -11.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3134 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.58 2 9 23970 23992 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3134 NC_045512.2 861.00 -80.56 155.00 -18.44 782 23 29903 23616 7751 7461 14135 15923 23970 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-127-5p MIMAT0004604(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-127-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:880 to 902 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' uaGU-CUCGGGAGACUCGAAGUc 5' || | ||: : ||||||| Ref: 5' agCACGTGCTGGTAAAGCTTCAt 3' Energy: -12.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-127-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.50 2 21 880 902 20 60.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:27426 to 27447 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' uagucucgGGAGACUCGAAGUc 5' |:| |||||||:| Ref: 5' actcgctaCTTGTGAGCTTTAt 3' Energy: -15.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-127-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.95 2 15 27426 27447 13 76.92% 92.31% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-127-5p NC_045512.2 285.00 -28.45 143.00 -15.95 783 22 29903 880 27426 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4663 MIMAT0019735(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4663 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 165.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:26781 to 26805 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (81.82%) Query: 3' ugACGUGC-AGGUACCUCGAGUCGa 5' ||:| | |: ||| :||||||| Ref: 5' ctTGTAGGCTTGATGTGGCTCAGCt 3' Energy: -24.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4663 NC_045512.2 165.00 -24.09 2 23 26781 26805 22 68.18% 81.82% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4663 NC_045512.2 165.00 -24.09 165.00 -24.09 784 24 29903 26781 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-193b-3p MIMAT0002819(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-193b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:26681 to 26702 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ucgccCUGAAACUCCCGGUCAa 5' |:|| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' cctctGGCTGTTATGGCCAGTa 3' Energy: -16.549999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-193b-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -16.55 2 18 26681 26702 16 75.00% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-193b-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -16.55 157.00 -16.55 785 22 29903 26681 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-589-3p MIMAT0003256(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-589-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:19908 to 19931 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agacccuUGGCCGUAAACAAGAcu 5' |::||::|||||||| Ref: 5' atctactATTGGTGTTTGTTCTat 3' Energy: -18.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-589-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -18.24 3 18 19908 19931 15 73.33% 100.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:20478 to 20501 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (91.67%) Query: 3' agacccuuggcCGUAAACAAGACu 5' |::| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttcatctaagtGTGTGTGTTCTGt 3' Energy: -12.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-589-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -12.68 2 14 20478 20501 12 75.00% 91.67% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:15951 to 15971 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' agACCCUUGGCCGUAAACAAGACu 5' | ||::||||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' ccTAGGGGCCGGC---TGTTTTGt 3' Energy: -26.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-589-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -26.62 2 23 15951 15971 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 23 R:12173 to 12197 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' agACC-CUUGGCCGUAAACAAGAcu 5' ||| || :| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaTGGTGATTCTGAAGTTGTTCTta 3' Energy: -14.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-589-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.72 3 23 12173 12197 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8725 to 8748 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' agacccuUGGCCGUAAACAAGACu 5' || | :| |||||:|| Ref: 5' agcatctACAGATACTTGTTTTGc 3' Energy: -9.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-589-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.39 2 18 8725 8748 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8988 to 9011 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' agacccuUGGCCGUAAACAAGACu 5' |:| || | ||||:|| Ref: 5' ttgcaacATCAGCTTGTGTTTTGg 3' Energy: -12.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-589-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.88 2 18 8988 9011 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:11054 to 11077 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' agacccuUGGCCGUAAACAAGAcu 5' | :||: |||||||| Ref: 5' agtactcAATGGTCTTTGTTCTtt 3' Energy: -13.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-589-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.43 3 18 11054 11077 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:24121 to 24146 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' agacccuUGGCCGUAA--ACAAGACu 5' | |||| || ||||:|| Ref: 5' aaagtttAACGGCCTTACTGTTTTGc 3' Energy: -13.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-589-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.63 2 18 24121 24146 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-589-3p NC_045512.2 1152.00 -121.59 149.00 -26.62 786 24 29903 19908 20478 15951 12173 8725 8988 11054 24121 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6861-3p MIMAT0027624(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6861-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-520e-5p MIMAT0037324(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-520e-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22867 to 22888 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' guCUUUGACGAAGGUAGAACUc 5' |:||:| : | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttGGAATTCTAACAATCTTGAt 3' Energy: -12.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520e-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -12.54 2 21 22867 22888 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24495 to 24517 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guCUUUGACGAAG-GUAGAACUc 5' || |: :||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' atGATATCCTTTCACGTCTTGAc 3' Energy: -13.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520e-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.53 2 21 24495 24517 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:27266 to 27291 Align Len (22) (59.09%) (72.73%) Query: 3' gucUUUGACG--AAG--GUAGAACUc 5' ||::| | ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaAAGTTTCCATTTGGAATCTTGAt 3' Energy: -12.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520e-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.97 2 20 27266 27291 22 59.09% 72.73% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-520e-5p NC_045512.2 440.00 -39.04 156.00 -13.53 788 22 29903 22867 24495 27266 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6722-5p MIMAT0025853(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6722-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7853-5p MIMAT0030428(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7853-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1854 to 1875 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cuUCAGUCCUAG-ACGUAAACu 5' |||| |: |||||||| Ref: 5' tgAGTCCTCTTTATGCATTTGc 3' Energy: -14.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7853-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.03 2 20 1854 1875 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19768 to 19787 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cuuCAGUCCUAGA-CGUAAACu 5' ||:| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' cctGTTA--ATGTAGCATTTGa 3' Energy: -11.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7853-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.34 2 19 19768 19787 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18571 to 18590 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cuuCAGUCCUAGACGUAAACu 5' | ||| :|| |:||||| Ref: 5' tctGACAGAGTC-GTATTTGt 3' Energy: -14.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7853-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.23 2 19 18571 18590 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7853-5p NC_045512.2 436.00 -39.60 150.00 -14.23 790 21 29903 1854 19768 18571 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5194 MIMAT0021125(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5194 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-520a-3p MIMAT0002834(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-520a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:8526 to 8546 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugucagGUUUCCCUUCGUGAAa 5' |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' taacaaCAAA-GATAGCACTTa 3' Energy: -15.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520a-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.87 2 17 8526 8546 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12927 to 12949 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ugUCAGG-UUUCCCUUCGUGAAa 5' :|||| |||| ||||:|:|| Ref: 5' aaGGTCCTAAAGTGAAGTATTTa 3' Energy: -20.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520a-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -20.03 2 21 12927 12949 20 75.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9208 to 9231 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ugUCA-GGUUUCCCU-UCGUGAAa 5' ||| |:: ||| | :|||||| Ref: 5' tgAGTACTGTAGGCACGGCACTTg 3' Energy: -14.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.91 2 21 9208 9231 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:15728 to 15749 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugucagguuucccuUCGUGAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgtgtgtttcaatAGCACTTa 3' Energy: -10.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.18 2 9 15728 15749 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-520a-3p NC_045512.2 579.00 -60.99 150.00 -20.03 792 22 29903 8526 12927 9208 15728 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3192-5p MIMAT0015076(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3192-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:2 to 24 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' aaggugacGAUGUUGGAGGGUCu 5' :||:| |:|||||| Ref: 5' ttaaaggtTTATACCTTCCCAGg 3' Energy: -19.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3192-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -19.29 2 16 2 24 14 71.43% 92.86% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:18998 to 19022 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (81.82%) Query: 3' aaGGUGA-CG-AUGUUGGAGGGUCu 5' ::|:| || |||| :|||||| Ref: 5' caTTATTAGCAGACAAATTCCCAGt 3' Energy: -21.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3192-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -21.17 2 22 18998 19022 22 63.64% 81.82% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3192-5p NC_045512.2 286.00 -40.46 143.00 -21.17 793 23 29903 2 18998 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6836-3p MIMAT0027575(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6836-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:4272 to 4292 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gacgccccggcCCCCUCCGUa 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' gttacactgtaGAGGAGGCAa 3' Energy: -17.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6836-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.08 2 11 4272 4292 9 88.89% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6836-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.08 142.00 -17.08 794 21 29903 4272 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-597-3p MIMAT0026619(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-597-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:22614 to 22637 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ugCGAA-CUCGGUGUUCUCUUGGu 5' |||| || | : |||||||:| Ref: 5' atGCTTGGAACAGGAAGAGAATCa 3' Energy: -26.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-597-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -26.29 2 22 22614 22637 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24299 to 24321 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ugcgaACUCGGUGUUCUCUUGGu 5' || |: :| ||||||| Ref: 5' cagaaTGTTCTCTATGAGAACCa 3' Energy: -16.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-597-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.63 2 19 24299 24321 17 64.71% 76.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-597-3p NC_045512.2 302.00 -42.92 152.00 -26.29 795 23 29903 22614 24299 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548x-5p MIMAT0022733(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548x-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:27569 to 27591 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (85.71%) Query: 3' guUUUUGACGUU-AAUGAAAACGu 5' |: ||| ||| ||:||||||| Ref: 5' ttAGCACT-CAATTTGCTTTTGCt 3' Energy: -14.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548x-5p NC_045512.2 166.00 -14.96 2 22 27569 27591 21 76.19% 85.71% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11115 to 11140 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guuuuUGACGUUA---AUGAAAACGu 5' |:||| || |:||||||| Ref: 5' gtattATTGCTATGTCTGCTTTTGCa 3' Energy: -15.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548x-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -15.96 2 19 11115 11140 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:11085 to 11110 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (73.91%) Query: 3' guUUUUGACG--UUAAU-GAAAACGu 5' :||| ||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' atGAAAATGCCTTTTTACCTTTTGCt 3' Energy: -11.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548x-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -11.01 2 22 11085 11110 23 69.57% 73.91% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:7579 to 7601 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' guuuuugaCGUUAAUGAAAACGu 5' |:|| :||||||| Ref: 5' taatggagGTAAAGGCTTTTGCa 3' Energy: -14.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548x-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.89 2 16 7579 7601 14 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:5379 to 5399 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' guUUUUGACGUUAAUGAAAACGu 5' :||:|||| | |||||||: Ref: 5' gtGAAGCTGC--TAACTTTTGTg 3' Energy: -16.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548x-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.03 2 22 5379 5399 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13062 to 13084 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (72.22%) Query: 3' guuuUUGACGUUAAUGAAAACGu 5' | || : |:||||||| Ref: 5' tattATCTTTCTGTGCTTTTGCt 3' Energy: -11.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548x-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.43 2 20 13062 13084 18 61.11% 72.22% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:23803 to 23823 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guUUUUGACGUUAAUGAAAACGu 5' || :| ||||| ||||||: Ref: 5' tgAATGCAGCAAT--CTTTTGTt 3' Energy: -11.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548x-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.84 2 22 23803 23823 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:9183 to 9205 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' guUUUUGACGUUAAUGAAAACgu 5' |:|:: |:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttAGAGTGGTAACAACTTTTGat 3' Energy: -11.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548x-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.98 3 22 9183 9205 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:5657 to 5680 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' guUUUUGACGUUAAU-GAAAACGu 5' | ||| | |:| | ||||||: Ref: 5' gtACAACAGGAGTCACCTTTTGTt 3' Energy: -11.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548x-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.37 2 22 5657 5680 21 66.67% 76.19% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:12120 to 12139 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guuuuugACGUUAAUGAAAACGu 5' |||| :||||||| Ref: 5' catcataTGCA---GCTTTTGCt 3' Energy: -12.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548x-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.11 2 17 12120 12139 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:25654 to 25679 Align Len (23) (60.87%) (65.22%) Query: 3' guUUUUGACGUUAAU---GAAAACGu 5' || | | :| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtAACAGTTTACTCACACCTTTTGCt 3' Energy: -12.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548x-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.50 2 22 25654 25679 23 60.87% 65.22% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:1010 to 1033 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' guuUUUGACGUUAAU-GAAAACgu 5' :||:||||: | |||||| Ref: 5' tatGAATTGCAGACACCTTTTGaa 3' Energy: -14.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548x-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.61 3 21 1010 1033 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:2721 to 2743 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' guuuUUGACGUUAAUGAAAACgu 5' ||| ::||||||||| Ref: 5' caccAACAAAGGTTACTTTTGgt 3' Energy: -12.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548x-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.13 3 20 2721 2743 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:17290 to 17311 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guUUUUGACGUUAAUGAAAACGu 5' |:||| |: || ||||||: Ref: 5' ttAGAACAGT-ATGTCTTTTGTa 3' Energy: -12.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548x-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.66 2 22 17290 17311 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:1707 to 1729 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' guuuuugacGUUAAUGAAAACGu 5' ||| |:||||||: Ref: 5' ctgcttccaCAAGTGCTTTTGTg 3' Energy: -10.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548x-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.76 2 15 1707 1729 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:2772 to 2797 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (81.82%) Query: 3' guUUUUGACG-UUA-A-UGAAAACgu 5' ||:| ||: ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' acAAGAGTGTGAATATCACTTTTGaa 3' Energy: -15.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548x-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.79 3 22 2772 2797 22 72.73% 81.82% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:16618 to 16638 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guUUUUGACGUUAAUGAAAACGu 5' ||:||| ||| :|||||| Ref: 5' gaAAGACT-CAA-GCTTTTTGCa 3' Energy: -16.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548x-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.69 2 22 16618 16638 20 70.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548x-5p NC_045512.2 2503.00 -226.72 166.00 -16.69 796 23 29903 27569 11115 11085 7579 5379 13062 23803 9183 5657 12120 25654 1010 2721 17290 1707 2772 16618 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6888-3p MIMAT0027677(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6888-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:29413 to 29433 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' gaccuuUGUUAGCUCUGUCUa 5' || : |||||||| Ref: 5' agccttACCGCAGAGACAGAa 3' Energy: -13.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6888-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.10 2 16 29413 29433 14 71.43% 78.57% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:27739 to 27756 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gaccUUUGUUAGCUCUGUCUa 5' ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ctcaAAAGAA---AGACAGAa 3' Energy: -9.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6888-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.88 2 18 27739 27756 16 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:10686 to 10706 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' gaccuuugUUAGCUCUGUCUa 5' ||| |||||||: Ref: 5' ctgttataAATGGAGACAGGt 3' Energy: -19.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6888-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.21 2 14 10686 10706 12 83.33% 91.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6888-3p NC_045512.2 433.00 -42.19 147.00 -19.21 797 21 29903 29413 27739 10686 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6793-5p MIMAT0027486(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6793-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:13412 to 13435 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' aguggGGUUG-GGU-CUUGGGUGu 5' :|||| ||: |||||||: Ref: 5' tgtgaTCAACTCCGCGAACCCATg 3' Energy: -23.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6793-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -23.11 2 18 13412 13435 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:23041 to 23062 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agugggguugggucUUGGGUGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atcatatggtttccAACCCACt 3' Energy: -17.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6793-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.49 2 9 23041 23062 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6793-5p NC_045512.2 283.00 -40.60 143.00 -23.11 798 22 29903 13412 23041 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8075 MIMAT0031002(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8075 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:8976 to 9001 Align Len (23) (73.91%) (82.61%) Query: 3' gucUG-GGCUGUAGACG--GUAGUCGu 5' || |:||| |:||| ||||||| Ref: 5' agtACACTGAC-TTTGCAACATCAGCt 3' Energy: -24.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8075 NC_045512.2 161.00 -24.33 2 22 8976 9001 23 73.91% 82.61% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:11304 to 11329 Align Len (23) (60.87%) (78.26%) Query: 3' guCUGG-GCUGUAGACG-GUAGUCGu 5' |||: :| :|| | : ||||||| Ref: 5' aaGACTGTGTTATGTATGCATCAGCt 3' Energy: -18.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8075 NC_045512.2 152.00 -18.93 2 23 11304 11329 23 60.87% 78.26% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:12525 to 12547 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gucugggcUGUAGACGGUAGUCGu 5' || | || ||||||| Ref: 5' caacatttACTTATG-CATCAGCa 3' Energy: -18.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8075 NC_045512.2 150.00 -18.34 2 17 12525 12547 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:205 to 229 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' gucugggcUGUAGAC-GGUAGUCGu 5' :|| | | :||||||| Ref: 5' tccgtgttGCAGCCGATCATCAGCa 3' Energy: -21.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8075 NC_045512.2 147.00 -21.85 2 17 205 229 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:14770 to 14794 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (92.86%) Query: 3' gucugggcugUA-GACGGUAGUCGu 5' || ||||:|||||| Ref: 5' caggatggtaATGCTGCTATCAGCg 3' Energy: -30.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8075 NC_045512.2 145.00 -30.03 2 15 14770 14794 14 85.71% 92.86% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:3694 to 3718 Align Len (21) (57.14%) (80.95%) Query: 3' gucUGGGC-UGUAGACGGUAGUCGu 5' ||::| || :| ::|||||| Ref: 5' tctACTTGCACCATTATTATCAGCt 3' Energy: -17.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8075 NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.47 2 22 3694 3718 21 57.14% 80.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8075 NC_045512.2 895.00 -130.95 161.00 -30.03 799 24 29903 8976 11304 12525 205 14770 3694 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1471 MIMAT0007349(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1471 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5590-3p MIMAT0022300(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5590-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:909 to 931 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' aacGGUAUGU--ACUUGAAAUAa 5' ||: ||| ||:||||||| Ref: 5' tgtCCGAACAACTGGACTTTATt 3' Energy: -17.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5590-3p NC_045512.2 161.00 -17.81 2 19 909 931 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:15606 to 15625 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' aacgGUAUGUACUUGAAAUAa 5' || ||| :||||||| Ref: 5' tttaCA-ACACAGACTTTATg 3' Energy: -8.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5590-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -8.60 2 18 15606 15625 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:27428 to 27448 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' aaCGGUAUGUACUUGAAAUAa 5' ||:| ::|||:|||||| Ref: 5' tcGCTACTTGTGAGCTTTATc 3' Energy: -14.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5590-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.83 2 20 27428 27448 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:12938 to 12958 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (80.00%) Query: 3' aacggUAUGUACUUGAAAUAa 5' :||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgaaGTATTTATACTTTATt 3' Energy: -10.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5590-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -10.24 2 17 12938 12958 15 66.67% 80.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:4013 to 4034 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' aacggUAUGUAC-UUGAAAUAa 5' | || || ||||||| Ref: 5' acagaAAACTTGTTACTTTATa 3' Energy: -6.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5590-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -6.93 2 17 4013 4034 16 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:6772 to 6792 Align Len (17) (58.82%) (76.47%) Query: 3' aacGGUAUGUACUUGAAAUAa 5' ::|| : | ||||||| Ref: 5' gccTTATTTCTTTACTTTATt 3' Energy: -10.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5590-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -10.02 2 19 6772 6792 17 58.82% 76.47% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9590 to 9611 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' aacGGUAUGUACU-UGAAAUAa 5' :::||| ||| |:||||| Ref: 5' tacTTGTACTTGACATTTTATc 3' Energy: -7.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5590-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -7.77 2 19 9590 9611 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14967 to 14986 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (77.78%) Query: 3' aaCGGUAUGUACUUGAAAUAa 5' |: | :| | :||||||| Ref: 5' ggGTAAGGC-TAGACTTTATt 3' Energy: -8.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5590-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -8.39 2 20 14967 14986 18 61.11% 77.78% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:892 to 912 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' aacgguAUGUACUUGAAAUAa 5' | |||| |||||:| Ref: 5' taaagcTTCATGCACTTTGTc 3' Energy: -13.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5590-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.52 2 16 892 912 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:15770 to 15789 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' aacgGUAUGUACUUGAAAUaa 5' |||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' ctagCATA-AAGAACTTTAag 3' Energy: -11.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5590-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.09 3 18 15770 15789 15 86.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25735 to 25755 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' aaCGGUAUGUACUUGAAAUAa 5' || : ::|| ||||||:| Ref: 5' ttGCAGAGTATAAACTTTGTa 3' Energy: -10.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5590-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.83 2 20 25735 25755 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:25797 to 25816 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' aacgguauGUACUUGAAAUAa 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' caaaaaccCAT-TACTTTATg 3' Energy: -7.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5590-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -7.94 2 14 25797 25816 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:61 to 81 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' aacGGUAUGUACUUGAAAUaa 5' |: || | |||||||| Ref: 5' gttCTCTAAACGAACTTTAaa 3' Energy: -8.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5590-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.38 3 19 61 81 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:27665 to 27685 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' aacggUAUGUACUUGAAAUaa 5' :| || |||||||| Ref: 5' aggaaGTTCAAGAACTTTAct 3' Energy: -9.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5590-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.41 3 17 27665 27685 14 78.57% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5590-3p NC_045512.2 2048.00 -145.76 161.00 -17.81 801 21 29903 909 15606 27428 12938 4013 6772 9590 14967 892 15770 25735 25797 61 27665 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-24-3p MIMAT0000080(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-24-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28604 to 28624 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gacAAGGACGACUUGACUCGGu 5' | ||| ||||||:||| Ref: 5' tacTACCT-AGGAACTGGGCCa 3' Energy: -24.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-24-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -24.81 2 20 28604 28624 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:25330 to 25351 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacaaggacgacuuGACUCGGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgatgaagacgactCTGAGCCa 3' Energy: -16.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-24-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.15 2 9 25330 25351 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-24-3p NC_045512.2 281.00 -40.96 141.00 -24.81 802 22 29903 28604 25330 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6825-5p MIMAT0027550(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6825-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:1 to 22 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uacgacugAGGUGUGGAGGGGu 5' |::|:||||:||| Ref: 5' attaaaggTTTATACCTTCCCa 3' Energy: -23.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6825-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -23.16 2 15 1 22 13 69.23% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6825-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -23.16 142.00 -23.16 803 22 29903 1 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3934-5p MIMAT0018349(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3934-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4686 to 4707 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' gaCGGAGUCAAAGGUGUGGACu 5' |::|| |||||: |||||| Ref: 5' caGTTTCTGTTTCTTCACCTGa 3' Energy: -26.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3934-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -26.39 2 21 4686 4707 19 73.68% 89.47% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4734 to 4758 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (71.43%) Query: 3' gacGGAGUCAAAGG---UGUGGACu 5' |:|| |||: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaCTTCTTCTTCTAAAACACCTGa 3' Energy: -20.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3934-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -20.33 2 20 4734 4758 21 61.90% 71.43% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8620 to 8643 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gacGGAGUCAAA--GGUGUGGACu 5' ::|| ||| : ||||||| Ref: 5' tatTTTCTATTTAATAACACCTGt 3' Energy: -15.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3934-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.28 2 20 8620 8643 20 60.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:16590 to 16614 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gacggaGUCAAA--GG-UGUGGACu 5' || ||| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' tgattaCATTTTAGCTAACACCTGt 3' Energy: -16.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3934-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.68 2 17 16590 16614 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:9146 to 9169 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gacgGAGUCAAAGG--UGUGGAcu 5' :||| ||||| |||||| Ref: 5' attaTTCAATTTCCTAACACCTac 3' Energy: -16.719999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3934-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.72 3 19 9146 9169 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2010 to 2031 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gaCGGAGUCAAAGGUGUGGACu 5' ||: :: | |:||||:||| Ref: 5' atGCTATGATGTTCACATCTGa 3' Energy: -20.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3934-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -20.49 2 21 2010 2031 19 57.89% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:25652 to 25675 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gacggaGUCAAA--GGUGUGGAcu 5' |||||| :||||||| Ref: 5' ttgtaaCAGTTTACTCACACCTtt 3' Energy: -21.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3934-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -21.71 3 17 25652 25675 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:18466 to 18487 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gacggAGUCAAAGGUGUGGAcu 5' ||| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' ggagaTCAATTTAAACACCTca 3' Energy: -13.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3934-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.48 3 18 18466 18487 15 80.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3934-5p NC_045512.2 1159.00 -151.08 148.00 -26.39 804 22 29903 4686 4734 8620 16590 9146 2010 25652 18466 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6508-5p MIMAT0025472(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6508-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:21515 to 21534 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ccaCCCAGUACGUAAAGAUCu 5' | ||::| :|||||||| Ref: 5' acaGAGTTGT-TATTTCTAGt 3' Energy: -11.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6508-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -11.30 2 19 21515 21534 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:17007 to 17028 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (84.62%) Query: 3' ccacccagUACGU-AAAGAUCu 5' ||| : ||||||| Ref: 5' tatctcagATGAGTTTTCTAGc 3' Energy: -9.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6508-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.66 2 14 17007 17028 13 76.92% 84.62% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6508-5p NC_045512.2 300.00 -20.96 156.00 -11.30 805 21 29903 21515 17007 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1238-3p MIMAT0005593(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1238-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-598-3p MIMAT0003266(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-598-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:10139 to 10159 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' acugcuACUGUUGCUACUGCAu 5' ||:| :|||||||| Ref: 5' ggtcttTGGC-TTGATGACGTa 3' Energy: -20.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-598-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -20.81 2 17 10139 10159 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:28214 to 28235 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' acugcuaCUGUUGCUACUGCAu 5' || |: ||||||| Ref: 5' ctttttaGAGTATCATGACGTt 3' Energy: -11.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-598-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.08 2 16 28214 28235 14 71.43% 78.57% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-598-3p NC_045512.2 297.00 -31.89 150.00 -20.81 807 22 29903 10139 28214 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6773-5p MIMAT0027446(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6773-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17828 to 17854 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (73.91%) Query: 3' uagGACAAAUGAG----GACCCGGGUu 5' ||||| |:|| | ||||:|| Ref: 5' aaaCTGTTGATTCATCACAGGGCTCAg 3' Energy: -23.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6773-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -23.05 2 21 17828 17854 23 65.22% 73.91% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6773-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -23.05 143.00 -23.05 808 23 29903 17828 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548an MIMAT0019079(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548an vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:1198 to 1218 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' guuuUUGGUGU-UACGGAAAa 5' ||||| | :||||||| Ref: 5' atgcAACCAAATGTGCCTTTc 3' Energy: -16.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548an NC_045512.2 159.00 -16.42 2 17 1198 1218 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:11080 to 11099 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' guuuuUGGUGUUACGGAAAa 5' |: | ||||||||| Ref: 5' tttgtATGAAAATGCCTTTt 3' Energy: -11.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548an NC_045512.2 155.00 -11.86 2 16 11080 11099 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4303 to 4325 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guUUUUGGUGUU---ACGGAAAa 5' |||| :::|| ||||||| Ref: 5' taAAAAGTGTAAAAGTGCCTTTt 3' Energy: -13.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548an NC_045512.2 153.00 -13.58 2 19 4303 4325 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:26198 to 26217 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' guuuuUGGUGUUACGGAAAa 5' ||:| :||||||| Ref: 5' cgactACTAGCGTGCCTTTg 3' Energy: -14.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548an NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.06 2 16 26198 26217 14 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:1464 to 1484 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' guuuuugGUG-UUACGGAAAa 5' ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtggtcgCACTATTGCCTTTg 3' Energy: -14.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548an NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.17 2 14 1464 1484 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:23231 to 23248 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' guUUUUGGUGUUACGGAAAa 5' |||::: | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaAAAGTTTC--TGCCTTTc 3' Energy: -10.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548an NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.77 2 19 23231 23248 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:1707 to 1727 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (92.86%) Query: 3' guuuuuGGUGUU-ACGGAAAa 5' |||||| |||:||| Ref: 5' ctgcttCCACAAGTGCTTTTg 3' Energy: -15.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548an NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.32 2 15 1707 1727 14 85.71% 92.86% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9484 to 9506 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guUUUUGGU--GUU-ACGGAAAa 5' | |::|| :|: ||||||| Ref: 5' atACAGTCATGTAGTTGCCTTTa 3' Energy: -12.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548an NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.35 2 19 9484 9506 20 60.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:12348 to 12367 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guuuuuggUGUUACGGAAAa 5' |||||||:||| Ref: 5' ctatgcagACAATGCTTTTc 3' Energy: -12.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548an NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.66 2 13 12348 12367 11 90.91% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:11760 to 11780 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' guUUUUGGUGU-UACGGAAaa 5' || | ||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' agAATAGCATAGATGCCTTca 3' Energy: -12.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548an NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.33 3 19 11760 11780 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:17289 to 17308 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' guuUUUGGUGUUACGGAAAa 5' |:| || |||:|||| Ref: 5' attAGAACAGTATGTCTTTt 3' Energy: -12.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548an NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.46 2 18 17289 17308 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:18674 to 18692 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' guuuuUGGUGUUACGGAAAa 5' :|||| ||||:||| Ref: 5' gacgtGCCAC-ATGCTTTTc 3' Energy: -16.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548an NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.54 2 16 18674 18692 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:14643 to 14662 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' guuuUUGGUGUUACGGAAAa 5' ||| |:: |||:||| Ref: 5' tactAACAATGTTGCTTTTc 3' Energy: -11.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548an NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.48 2 17 14643 14662 15 66.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548an NC_045512.2 1909.00 -174.00 159.00 -16.54 809 20 29903 1198 11080 4303 26198 1464 23231 1707 9484 12348 11760 17289 18674 14643 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-134-5p MIMAT0000447(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-134-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9472 to 9494 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ggGGAGACCAGUUG-GUCAGUGu 5' |:|:|||| ||: ||||||: Ref: 5' agCTTTTGGTGAATACAGTCATg 3' Energy: -24.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-134-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -24.03 2 21 9472 9494 20 70.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:27605 to 27626 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' ggggagacCAGUUGGUCAGUGu 5' ||| |:||||:|| Ref: 5' taaaacacGTCTATCAGTTACg 3' Energy: -16.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-134-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.95 2 15 27605 27626 13 76.92% 92.31% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-134-5p NC_045512.2 297.00 -40.98 155.00 -24.03 810 22 29903 9472 27605 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7157-3p MIMAT0028225(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7157-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:22975 to 22998 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ugAGA-AGU-AGGUCAUCGUGUcu 5' ||| ||| ||:|||||||| Ref: 5' aaTCTATCAGGCCGGTAGCACAcc 3' Energy: -24.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7157-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -24.31 3 21 22975 22998 20 80.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10562 to 10581 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ugagAAGUAGGUCAUCGUGUCu 5' ||||| | |:|||||| Ref: 5' ggagTTCATGC--TGGCACAGa 3' Energy: -18.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7157-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.46 2 19 10562 10581 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13492 to 13514 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ugAGAA-GUAGGUCAUCGUGUCu 5' |||| || | | :|||||| Ref: 5' cgTCTTACACCGTGCGGCACAGg 3' Energy: -20.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7157-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -20.63 2 21 13492 13514 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19492 to 19515 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugaGAAGUA-GGUCA-UCGUGUCu 5' | |||| |:| | ||:|||| Ref: 5' agaCATCATGCTAATGAGTACAGa 3' Energy: -16.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7157-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.94 2 20 19492 19515 20 70.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7157-3p NC_045512.2 577.00 -80.34 150.00 -24.31 811 22 29903 22975 10562 13492 19492 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4512 MIMAT0019049(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4512 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6733-5p MIMAT0027367(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6733-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:12006 to 12027 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uuGAGACUCAAACAGAAAGGgu 5' ||:| |||| |||||| Ref: 5' taCTTTCTGTTTTGCTTTCCat 3' Energy: -16.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6733-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.32 3 21 12006 12027 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21723 to 21743 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuGAGACUCAAACAGAAAGGGu 5' :||| | || |||||:|| Ref: 5' tgTTCTTACCTT-TCTTTTCCa 3' Energy: -13.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6733-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.41 2 21 21723 21743 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6733-5p NC_045512.2 286.00 -29.73 144.00 -16.32 813 22 29903 12006 21723 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6749-5p MIMAT0027398(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6749-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-182-3p MIMAT0000260(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-182-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:22217 to 22237 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' aucAACCGUUCAGAUCUUGGu 5' || |:: |:||||||| Ref: 5' ggtTTTTCGGCTTTAGAACCa 3' Energy: -16.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-182-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -16.86 2 19 22217 22237 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:17474 to 17493 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' aucaaCCGUUCAGAUCUUGGu 5' ||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' ctaagGGC-ACACTAGAACCa 3' Energy: -20.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-182-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -20.95 2 17 17474 17493 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10791 to 10810 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' auCAACCGUUCAGAUCUUGGu 5' |||| | | ||||:||| Ref: 5' atGTTGAC-ATACTAGGACCt 3' Energy: -17.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-182-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.16 2 20 10791 10810 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-182-3p NC_045512.2 445.00 -54.97 154.00 -20.95 815 21 29903 22217 17474 10791 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-625-3p MIMAT0004808(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-625-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:9388 to 9409 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acucccccuuucaAGAUAUCAg 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ggacatatcagcaTCTATAGTa 3' Energy: -9.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-625-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.26 2 10 9388 9409 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:15208 to 15229 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' acuccccCUUUCAAGAUAUCAg 5' | || ||||||:|| Ref: 5' ggaacaaGCAAATTCTATGGTg 3' Energy: -10.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-625-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.16 2 16 15208 15229 14 78.57% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-625-3p NC_045512.2 288.00 -19.42 145.00 -10.16 816 22 29903 9388 15208 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-616-5p MIMAT0003284(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-616-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:5145 to 5165 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uucaGUGACUUCCCAAAACUCa 5' :::|| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tacgTGTTG-AGGCTTTTGAGt 3' Energy: -16.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-616-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -16.47 2 19 5145 5165 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:22937 to 22958 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (73.33%) Query: 3' uucaguGACUUCCCAAAACUCa 5' || || ||||||| Ref: 5' tctaatCTCAAACCTTTTGAGa 3' Energy: -6.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-616-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -6.25 2 17 22937 22958 15 73.33% 73.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:17796 to 17817 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uucaguGACUUCCCAAAACUCa 5' || || | |||||:| Ref: 5' tgtagcCTCAAAGATTTTGGGa 3' Energy: -7.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-616-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.46 2 17 17796 17817 15 73.33% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-616-5p NC_045512.2 444.00 -30.18 156.00 -16.47 817 22 29903 5145 22937 17796 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-138-5p MIMAT0000430(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-138-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8978 to 9001 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (94.74%) Query: 3' gccgGACU-AAGUGUUGUGGUCGa 5' |||| ||::|||||:|||| Ref: 5' tacaCTGACTTTGCAACATCAGCt 3' Energy: -25.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-138-5p NC_045512.2 162.00 -25.59 2 20 8978 9001 19 78.95% 94.74% Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19306 to 19329 Align Len (21) (80.95%) (80.95%) Query: 3' gccGGAC-UAAGUGU-UGUGGUCGa 5' | || |||| || |||||||| Ref: 5' aaaCATGCATTC-CACACACCAGCt 3' Energy: -21.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-138-5p NC_045512.2 160.00 -21.73 2 21 19306 19329 21 80.95% 80.95% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23102 to 23128 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (82.61%) Query: 3' gccGGACU--AAG-UGU-UGUGGUCGa 5' ::||| ||| ||| :||||||| Ref: 5' tctTTTGAACTTCTACATGCACCAGCa 3' Energy: -19.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-138-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -19.98 2 21 23102 23128 23 69.57% 82.61% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:23343 to 23365 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gcCGGACUAAGUGUUGUGGUCga 5' |:| | |:|:|||||||| Ref: 5' gtGTCAGTGTTATAACACCAGga 3' Energy: -19.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-138-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -19.77 3 22 23343 23365 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2593 to 2614 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gccgGACUAAGUGUUGUGGUCGa 5' :||:|| :: |||||||: Ref: 5' tccaTTGGTTGGT-ACACCAGTt 3' Energy: -20.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-138-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.44 2 20 2593 2614 18 61.11% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9537 to 9556 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gccGGACUAAGUGUUGUGGUCGa 5' :||| || ||||||||: Ref: 5' tacTCTGTTT---AACACCAGTt 3' Energy: -20.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-138-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.31 2 21 9537 9556 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-138-5p NC_045512.2 909.00 -127.82 162.00 -25.59 818 23 29903 8978 19306 23102 23343 2593 9537 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4448 MIMAT0018967(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4448 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:6196 to 6214 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' auGGGGAUCUGGUUCCUCGg 5' |:::|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctCTTTTA-AGAAAGGAGCt 3' Energy: -16.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4448 NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.33 2 19 6196 6214 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:640 to 658 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (84.62%) Query: 3' auggggAUCUGGUUCCUCGg 5' || |: ||||||| Ref: 5' gaacggTA-ATAAAGGAGCt 3' Energy: -11.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4448 NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.79 2 15 640 658 13 76.92% 84.62% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4448 NC_045512.2 292.00 -28.12 148.00 -16.33 819 20 29903 6196 640 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4430 MIMAT0018945(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4430 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3065-3p MIMAT0015378(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3065-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:3711 to 3735 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (90.91%) Query: 3' gaGGUUG-UUAU-AGGACCACGACu 5' :||:| ::|| |::|||||||| Ref: 5' taTCAGCTGGTATTTTTGGTGCTGa 3' Energy: -26.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3065-3p NC_045512.2 163.00 -26.89 2 22 3711 3735 22 63.64% 90.91% Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:20854 to 20876 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' gagguuguUAUAGGACCACGACu 5' | ||::|||||||| Ref: 5' agagttatACATTTTGGTGCTGg 3' Energy: -19.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3065-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -19.99 2 16 20854 20876 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19464 to 19487 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gagguUGUUAUA-GGACCACGACu 5' :|||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' acgttGCAATTTAGGTGGTGCTGt 3' Energy: -18.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3065-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -18.17 2 19 19464 19487 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:22328 to 22350 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gagguuguuauagGACCACGACu 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' tcaggttggacagCTGGTGCTGc 3' Energy: -20.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3065-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -20.69 2 11 22328 22350 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:24218 to 24240 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gagguuguuaUAGGACCACGACu 5' :| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tggacctttgGTGCAGGTGCTGc 3' Energy: -16.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3065-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.65 2 14 24218 24240 12 75.00% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:12018 to 12039 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gagguuGUUAUAGGACCACGACu 5' | ||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgctttCCATG-CAGGGTGCTGt 3' Energy: -20.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3065-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -20.57 2 18 12018 12039 16 68.75% 75.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19715 to 19736 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gagGUUGUUAUAGGACCACGACu 5' ||| |:| | |||||:|| Ref: 5' acaCAAAAGT-TGATGGTGTTGa 3' Energy: -17.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3065-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.88 2 21 19715 19736 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1561 to 1581 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gagGUUGUUAUAGGACCACGACu 5' :||| ||| | ||||:|| Ref: 5' ttgTAACCATA--CAGGTGTTGt 3' Energy: -15.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3065-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.36 2 21 1561 1581 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:23051 to 23073 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' gaGGUUGUUAUAGGACCACGACu 5' ||||| | |||||:|| Ref: 5' ttCCAACCCACTAATGGTGTTGg 3' Energy: -23.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3065-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -23.57 2 22 23051 23073 20 65.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:2059 to 2082 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' gaGGUUGUUAU-AGGACCACGACu 5' || ||| || |||||:|| Ref: 5' ggCCTACATTACAGGTGGTGTTGt 3' Energy: -17.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3065-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.60 2 22 2059 2082 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:9363 to 9387 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' gaGGUU--GUUAUAGGACCACGAcu 5' |:|| ||| | :||||||| Ref: 5' caCTAATTCAACCTATTGGTGCTtt 3' Energy: -17.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3065-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.43 3 22 9363 9387 21 66.67% 76.19% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:26048 to 26069 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gagguUGUUAUAGGACCACGACu 5' |||: | ||||||:|| Ref: 5' tgagtACAG-ACACTGGTGTTGa 3' Energy: -20.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3065-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.77 2 19 26048 26069 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3065-3p NC_045512.2 1757.00 -235.57 163.00 -26.89 821 23 29903 3711 20854 19464 22328 24218 12018 19715 1561 23051 2059 9363 26048 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3117-3p MIMAT0014979(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3117-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25910 to 25928 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gaCCGUGAUAUACUCAGGAUa 5' ||||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' atGGCACAACA--AGTCCTAt 3' Energy: -20.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3117-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -20.66 2 20 25910 25928 18 77.78% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3117-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -20.66 156.00 -20.66 822 21 29903 25910 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6852-3p MIMAT0027605(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6852-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:6344 to 6362 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' gacucCUU--GUCUCCUGu 5' ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' gtactGAAGTCAGAGGACg 3' Energy: -22.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6852-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -22.77 2 13 6344 6362 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:12318 to 12334 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gaCUCCUUGUCUCCUGu 5' ||||| |||||:| Ref: 5' ctGAGGACAAGAGGGCa 3' Energy: -25.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6852-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -25.82 2 16 12318 12334 14 78.57% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6852-3p NC_045512.2 290.00 -48.59 147.00 -25.82 823 17 29903 6344 12318 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6505-5p MIMAT0025466(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6505-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:5967 to 5988 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cgacUCUAUAGGGGAUAAGGUu 5' ||| | ::|:||||:|| Ref: 5' agaaAGACAATTCTTATTTCAc 3' Energy: -11.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6505-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.58 2 19 5967 5988 17 64.71% 88.24% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:26588 to 26609 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgACUCUAUAGGGGAUAAGGuu 5' | | | :|::|||||||| Ref: 5' agTAATAGGTTTCCTATTCCtt 3' Energy: -16.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6505-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.44 3 21 26588 26609 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19206 to 19229 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cgacUCUAUAGG--GGAUAAGGUu 5' |||||||| |: |||||| Ref: 5' cgatAGATATCCTGCTAATTCCAt 3' Energy: -20.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6505-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.67 2 19 19206 19229 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13892 to 13913 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgACUCUAUAGGGGAUAAGGUu 5' || |||: : :||||:|| Ref: 5' gtTGTGATGATGATTATTTCAa 3' Energy: -15.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6505-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.67 2 21 13892 13913 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:17756 to 17776 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cgacUCUAUAGGGGAUAAGGUu 5' || |:| |::||||:|| Ref: 5' gaaaAGCTGT-CTTTATTTCAc 3' Energy: -13.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6505-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.34 2 19 17756 17776 17 64.71% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6505-5p NC_045512.2 711.00 -77.70 146.00 -20.67 824 22 29903 5967 26588 19206 13892 17756 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-365a-5p MIMAT0009199(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-365a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:23405 to 23425 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guGUAGACGGGGGUUUUCAGGGa 5' :| ||| | ||:||||||| Ref: 5' gtTAACTG--CACAGAAGTCCCt 3' Energy: -26.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-365a-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -26.66 2 22 23405 23425 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2450 to 2473 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (89.47%) Query: 3' guguAG-ACGGGGGUUUUCAGGGa 5' || ||||:|:||||| ||| Ref: 5' ctacTCATGCCTCTAAAAGCCCCa 3' Energy: -26.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-365a-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -26.57 2 20 2450 2473 19 78.95% 89.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-365a-5p NC_045512.2 304.00 -53.23 158.00 -26.66 825 23 29903 23405 2450 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6816-3p MIMAT0027533(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6816-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:7550 to 7567 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' gcuuccaCGUCCAGGAAg 5' | |||||||| Ref: 5' ggtgttaGAAGGTCCTTt 3' Energy: -18.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6816-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -18.50 2 12 7550 7567 10 90.00% 90.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6816-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -18.50 147.00 -18.50 826 18 29903 7550 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-380-3p MIMAT0000735(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-380-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:27274 to 27297 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uucUACACC-UGGUA-UAAUGUAu 5' || ||| |:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tccATTTGGAATCTTGATTACATc 3' Energy: -10.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-380-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -10.84 2 20 27274 27297 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:25354 to 25376 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uucuacaCCU-GGUAUAAUGUAu 5' ||| :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gctcaaaGGAGTCAAATTACATt 3' Energy: -12.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-380-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -12.82 2 16 25354 25376 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:21323 to 21345 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uucuacACCUG-GUAUAAUGUAu 5' || |: || ||||||| Ref: 5' atgtcaTGCATGCAAATTACATa 3' Energy: -8.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-380-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -8.96 2 17 21323 21345 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:3514 to 3538 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uucuacACCUGG--UA-UAAUGUAu 5' || |:| || ||||||| Ref: 5' gcaagtTGAATCTGATGATTACATa 3' Energy: -9.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-380-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -9.98 2 17 3514 3538 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16705 to 16729 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (68.18%) Query: 3' uuCUACA-CCUG--GUAUAAUGUAu 5' | ||| ||| : ||||||| Ref: 5' gtGCTGTCTGACAGAGAATTACATc 3' Energy: -8.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-380-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.29 2 21 16705 16729 22 63.64% 68.18% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:6752 to 6772 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uucUACACCUGGUAUAAUGUAu 5' :| || ||:| ||||:|| Ref: 5' cgtGTTTGTACTA-ATTATATg 3' Energy: -8.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-380-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -8.66 2 20 6752 6772 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16580 to 16599 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uucUAC-ACCUGGUAUAAUGUAu 5' ||| ||| :: ||||||| Ref: 5' caaATGCTGG--TG-ATTACATt 3' Energy: -11.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-380-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.22 2 20 16580 16599 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:18727 to 18747 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uucUACACCUGGUAUAAUGUAu 5' || ||||:: |||||:| Ref: 5' tctAT-TGGATTTGATTACGTc 3' Energy: -12.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-380-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.00 2 20 18727 18747 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:2052 to 2073 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uucuacACCUGGUAUAAUGUau 5' ||| |:| |||||| Ref: 5' ttgtaaTGGCCTACATTACAgg 3' Energy: -10.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-380-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.39 3 17 2052 2073 14 78.57% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-380-3p NC_045512.2 1313.00 -93.16 157.00 -12.82 827 22 29903 27274 25354 21323 3514 16705 6752 16580 18727 2052 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-539-3p MIMAT0022705(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-539-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:11068 to 11089 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' uuucuuuAACAGGAACAUACUa 5' || |::|||||||| Ref: 5' tttgttcTTTTTTTTGTATGAa 3' Energy: -12.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-539-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -12.16 2 16 11068 11089 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7473 to 7497 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (76.19%) Query: 3' uuuCUUUAA-CAG--GAACAUACUa 5' | |||| || ||||||||| Ref: 5' gttGTAATTCATCAACTTGTATGAt 3' Energy: -14.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-539-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -14.49 2 20 7473 7497 21 76.19% 76.19% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25249 to 25275 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (69.57%) Query: 3' uuuCU-UUAACAGGA----ACAUACUa 5' || |||| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtGACAATTATGCTTTGCTGTATGAc 3' Energy: -7.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-539-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -7.76 2 20 25249 25275 23 69.57% 69.57% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11351 to 11371 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' uuUCUUUAACAGGA-ACAUACUa 5' || || | || ||||||| Ref: 5' acAGCAA--GAACTGTGTATGAt 3' Energy: -11.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-539-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.15 2 21 11351 11371 20 70.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:14544 to 14565 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uuUCUUUAACAGGAACAUACua 5' ||:|||| :: |||||| Ref: 5' taAGGAATTACTTGTGTATGct 3' Energy: -13.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-539-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.31 3 21 14544 14565 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-539-3p NC_045512.2 753.00 -58.87 159.00 -14.49 828 22 29903 11068 7473 25249 11351 14544 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4487 MIMAT0019021(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4487 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548n MIMAT0005916(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548n vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:1706 to 1727 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (93.33%) Query: 3' uguuuuAGGUGUUAAUGAAAAc 5' ||||||| |:||||| Ref: 5' tctgctTCCACAAGTGCTTTTg 3' Energy: -19.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548n NC_045512.2 156.00 -19.36 2 17 1706 1727 15 86.67% 93.33% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27465 to 27486 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugUUUUAGGUGUUAAUGAAAAc 5' :|::| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' taGAGGTACAACAGTACTTTTa 3' Energy: -11.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548n NC_045512.2 156.00 -11.15 2 21 27465 27486 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:2720 to 2741 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uguuuUAGGUGUUAAUGAAAAc 5' | | | ::|||||||| Ref: 5' gcaccAACAAAGGTTACTTTTg 3' Energy: -15.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548n NC_045512.2 153.00 -15.76 2 18 2720 2741 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:9770 to 9791 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uguuuuAGGUGUUAAUGAAAAc 5' ||| : | ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtgttTCCTTTAGTACTTTTg 3' Energy: -12.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548n NC_045512.2 152.00 -12.08 2 17 9770 9791 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:24009 to 24031 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uguuuUAGGUGUUA-AUGAAAAc 5' ||: | :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' catttATTGAAGATCTACTTTTc 3' Energy: -7.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548n NC_045512.2 152.00 -7.52 2 18 24009 24031 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8143 to 8165 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ugUUUUA-GGUGUUAAUGAAAAc 5' | ||| :| :| ||||||| Ref: 5' agACAATGTCTTATCTACTTTTa 3' Energy: -9.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548n NC_045512.2 151.00 -9.99 2 21 8143 8165 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:6787 to 6812 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uguuuuaGGUGUUA----AUGAAAAc 5' |:||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tttattgCTACAATTGTGTACTTTTa 3' Energy: -11.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548n NC_045512.2 150.00 -11.10 2 16 6787 6812 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:4517 to 4539 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uguuuuaGGUGU-UAAUGAAAAc 5' |:| | |||||||| Ref: 5' tatggtgCTAGATTTTACTTTTa 3' Energy: -7.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548n NC_045512.2 146.00 -7.31 2 16 4517 4539 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:7761 to 7782 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uguuuUAGGUGUUAAUGAAAac 5' |||||: ||||||| Ref: 5' gttccATCCATCTTTACTTTga 3' Energy: -14.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548n NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.37 3 18 7761 7782 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:25796 to 25815 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ugUUUUAGGUGUUAAUGAAAac 5' |||| || | |||||||| Ref: 5' ccAAAAACC-C-ATTACTTTat 3' Energy: -11.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548n NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.96 3 21 25796 25815 18 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7296 to 7318 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (94.44%) Query: 3' uguuUUAG-GUGUUAAUGAAAAc 5' |||| ::|||||::|||| Ref: 5' ctgcAATCATGCAATTGTTTTTc 3' Energy: -10.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548n NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.17 2 19 7296 7318 18 72.22% 94.44% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8723 to 8744 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ugUUUUAGGUGUUAAUGAAAAc 5' |: |||:|||: ||||| | Ref: 5' atAGCATCTACAGATACTTGTt 3' Energy: -15.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548n NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.19 2 21 8723 8744 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548n NC_045512.2 1786.00 -145.96 156.00 -19.36 830 22 29903 1706 27465 2720 9770 24009 8143 6787 4517 7761 25796 7296 8723 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-9851-3p MIMAT0048640(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-9851-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3136 to 3158 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cugUGGCGGUC-ACGACCACGGu 5' ||| :::| :||||||| Ref: 5' taaACCTTTGGAATTTGGTGCCa 3' Energy: -20.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9851-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -20.88 2 20 3136 3158 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:15098 to 15121 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cuguGGCG-GUCA-CGACCACGGu 5' :||| | || |||||||:| Ref: 5' gagcTCGCACCGTAGCTGGTGTCt 3' Energy: -27.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9851-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -27.52 2 19 15098 15121 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:24458 to 24479 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cuGUGGCGGUCACGACCACGgu 5' :| | ||| | :|||||| Ref: 5' ctTAGCTCCAATTTTGGTGCaa 3' Energy: -17.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9851-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.67 3 21 24458 24479 18 66.67% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-9851-3p NC_045512.2 430.00 -66.07 146.00 -27.52 831 22 29903 3136 15098 24458 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-122b-3p MIMAT0019877(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-122b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26046 to 26068 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cacCUCA-CACUGUUACCACAAa 5' |||| |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' attGAGTACAGACACTGGTGTTg 3' Energy: -18.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122b-3p NC_045512.2 162.00 -18.69 2 20 26046 26068 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:7535 to 7556 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' caccucacACUGUUACCACAAa 5' || :||||||||| Ref: 5' acaactatTGTTAATGGTGTTa 3' Energy: -13.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122b-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -13.29 2 15 7535 7556 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9756 to 9776 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' caCCUCACACUGUUACCACAAa 5' | ||| | :||||||||| Ref: 5' gtGTAGTCT-TTAATGGTGTTt 3' Energy: -18.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122b-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -18.89 2 21 9756 9776 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:14434 to 14455 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' caccucACACUGUUACCACAAa 5' | || ::|||||||| Ref: 5' aaaataTTTGTTGATGGTGTTc 3' Energy: -12.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122b-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -12.34 2 17 14434 14455 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:21812 to 21833 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' caccucACACUGUUACCACAAa 5' | | |::|||||||| Ref: 5' ctaccaTTTAATGATGGTGTTt 3' Energy: -12.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122b-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -12.20 2 17 21812 21833 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:752 to 773 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' caccucacACUGUUACCACAAa 5' | :||:||||||| Ref: 5' actaaacaTAGCAGTGGTGTTa 3' Energy: -15.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122b-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -15.01 2 15 752 773 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:22991 to 23012 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' caccucacACUGUUACCACAAa 5' | ::||||||||| Ref: 5' agcacaccTTGTAATGGTGTTg 3' Energy: -12.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122b-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -12.57 2 15 22991 23012 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:20023 to 20044 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' caccucacacUGUUACCACAAa 5' ::||||||||| Ref: 5' agaaatgcccGTAATGGTGTTc 3' Energy: -12.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122b-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -12.77 2 13 20023 20044 11 81.82% 100.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:21649 to 21671 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' caccucACACUGU-UACCACAAa 5' | | ||| :||||||| Ref: 5' taattcTTTCACACGTGGTGTTt 3' Energy: -13.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122b-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -13.18 2 17 21649 21671 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:23051 to 23072 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' caccucacacuGUUACCACAAa 5' :||||||||| Ref: 5' ttccaacccacTAATGGTGTTg 3' Energy: -11.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122b-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -11.88 2 12 23051 23072 10 90.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:20155 to 20176 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' caccUCACACUGUUACCACAAa 5' || | ::|||||||| Ref: 5' tataAGAAAGTTGATGGTGTTg 3' Energy: -11.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122b-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -11.64 2 19 20155 20176 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:2059 to 2081 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' caccucacACUGU-UACCACAAa 5' | ||| :||||||| Ref: 5' ggcctacaTTACAGGTGGTGTTg 3' Energy: -11.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122b-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -11.86 2 15 2059 2081 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11674 to 11696 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' caccUCACACUG-UUACCACAAa 5' || |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctttAGACTGACTCTTGGTGTTt 3' Energy: -15.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122b-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.66 2 19 11674 11696 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:19714 to 19735 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (91.67%) Query: 3' caccucacaCUGUUACCACAAa 5' | ::|||||||| Ref: 5' tacacaaaaGTTGATGGTGTTg 3' Energy: -11.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122b-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -11.64 2 14 19714 19735 12 75.00% 91.67% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:5906 to 5927 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' caccucacacugUUACCACAAa 5' :|||||||| Ref: 5' acttataaattgGATGGTGTTg 3' Energy: -10.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122b-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -10.76 2 11 5906 5927 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:9233 to 9254 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (83.33%) Query: 3' caccucacaCUGUUACCACAAa 5' || : ||||||| Ref: 5' gaaagatcaGAAGCTGGTGTTt 3' Energy: -11.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122b-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.60 2 14 9233 9254 12 75.00% 83.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9558 to 9578 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (70.59%) Query: 3' caccUCACACUGUUACCACAAa 5' | | | || ||||||| Ref: 5' actcATTCTTAC-CTGGTGTTt 3' Energy: -9.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122b-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.26 2 19 9558 9578 17 70.59% 70.59% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:19903 to 19924 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (73.33%) Query: 3' caccucACACUGUUACCACAAa 5' | | :| ||||||| Ref: 5' catataTCTACTATTGGTGTTt 3' Energy: -10.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122b-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -10.55 2 17 19903 19924 15 66.67% 73.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:562 to 584 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' caCCUCACACUGU-UACCACAaa 5' | :||| |||| |||||| Ref: 5' taGTGGTGAGACACTTGGTGTcc 3' Energy: -19.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122b-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -19.17 3 21 562 584 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10408 to 10430 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' caccUCACACUGUU--ACCACAAa 5' :|| | || | ||||||| Ref: 5' caatGGT-TCACCATCTGGTGTTt 3' Energy: -13.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122b-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.53 2 19 10408 10430 19 68.42% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-122b-3p NC_045512.2 3014.00 -266.49 162.00 -19.17 832 22 29903 26046 7535 9756 14434 21812 752 22991 20023 21649 23051 20155 2059 11674 19714 5906 9233 9558 19903 562 10408 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-892b MIMAT0004918(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-892b vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:25333 to 25354 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agaugggucuuucCUCGGUCAc 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tgaagacgactctGAGCCAGTg 3' Energy: -20.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-892b NC_045512.2 145.00 -20.35 2 10 25333 25354 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:9034 to 9055 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agaugggucuuuccUCGGUCAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' agatgcttctggtaAGCCAGTa 3' Energy: -15.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-892b NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.32 2 9 9034 9055 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-892b NC_045512.2 285.00 -35.67 145.00 -20.35 833 22 29903 25333 9034 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6805-5p MIMAT0027510(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6805-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:29181 to 29202 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ugUGAGGUGUUCGGCGGGGGau 5' |:| ||||| ::|||||| Ref: 5' aaATTGCACAATTTGCCCCCag 3' Energy: -25.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6805-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -25.96 3 21 29181 29202 18 72.22% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6805-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -25.96 152.00 -25.96 834 22 29903 29181 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3942-5p MIMAT0018358(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3942-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:27157 to 27177 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uaaaGUCCAUUGUCAUAACGAa 5' || ||:||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtagCA-GTGACAATATTGCTt 3' Energy: -17.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3942-5p NC_045512.2 164.00 -17.87 2 19 27157 27177 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:16672 to 16693 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' uaaaguccAUUGUCAUAACGAa 5' | |::|||||||| Ref: 5' aaactgtcTTATGGTATTGCTa 3' Energy: -10.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3942-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -10.60 2 15 16672 16693 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22632 to 22652 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uaaAGUCCAUUGUCAUAACGAa 5' ||| | ||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' gaaTCA-GCAACTGTGTTGCTg 3' Energy: -16.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3942-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -16.85 2 20 22632 22652 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11102 to 11126 Align Len (22) (59.09%) (72.73%) Query: 3' uaAAGUCCAU---UGUCAUAACGAa 5' ||: | || ::| ||||||| Ref: 5' ccTTTTGCTATGGGTATTATTGCTa 3' Energy: -10.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3942-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.73 2 21 11102 11126 22 59.09% 72.73% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:6775 to 6796 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (76.92%) Query: 3' uaaaguccAUUGUCAUAACGAa 5' | || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttatttctTTACTTTATTGCTa 3' Energy: -10.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3942-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -10.45 2 15 6775 6796 13 76.92% 76.92% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:14638 to 14659 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' uaaaguccAUUGUCAUAACGAa 5' ||||| |:||||| Ref: 5' gcacttacTAACAATGTTGCTt 3' Energy: -12.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3942-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.12 2 15 14638 14659 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:24077 to 24098 Align Len (13) (61.54%) (92.31%) Query: 3' uaaaguccAUUGUCAUAACGAa 5' |:::: ||||||| Ref: 5' gattgcctTGGTGATATTGCTg 3' Energy: -10.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3942-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -10.41 2 15 24077 24098 13 61.54% 92.31% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:26958 to 26979 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uaaaguccauuguCAUAACGAa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' cgtggacatcttcGTATTGCTg 3' Energy: -9.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3942-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.65 2 10 26958 26979 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11522 to 11543 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uaAAGUCCAUUGUCAUAACGAa 5' ||::| |: :||||||:| Ref: 5' ttTTTGGCCAGAGGTATTGTTt 3' Energy: -11.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3942-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.68 2 21 11522 11543 19 57.89% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25517 to 25537 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uaAAGUCCAUUGUCAUAACGAa 5' |||:| |::| |||||:| Ref: 5' ctTTCGGATGGC-TTATTGTTg 3' Energy: -12.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3942-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.29 2 21 25517 25537 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:1460 to 1481 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uaaaguCCAUUGUCAUAACGaa 5' ||| :|| |||||| Ref: 5' aagggtGGTCGCACTATTGCct 3' Energy: -11.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3942-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.64 3 17 1460 1481 14 78.57% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3942-5p NC_045512.2 1623.00 -134.29 164.00 -17.87 835 22 29903 27157 16672 22632 11102 6775 14638 24077 26958 11522 25517 1460 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1245b-5p MIMAT0019950(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1245b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7577 to 7597 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' aaAUUCACUAGAUUUCCGGAu 5' ||| || |||||||:| Ref: 5' gcTAATGGAGGTAAAGGCTTt 3' Energy: -13.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1245b-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.71 2 20 7577 7597 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:15744 to 15765 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' aaauucAC-UAGAUUUCCGGAu 5' || |||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' cacttaTGCATCTCAAGGTCTa 3' Energy: -16.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1245b-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.20 2 16 15744 15765 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:1584 to 1603 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' aaaUUCACUAGAUUUCCGGAu 5' ||| | || :||||:|| Ref: 5' gagAAG-GTTCCGAAGGTCTt 3' Energy: -14.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1245b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.19 2 19 1584 1603 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1245b-5p NC_045512.2 429.00 -44.10 147.00 -16.20 836 21 29903 7577 15744 1584 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-let-7e-3p MIMAT0004485(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-let-7e-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-659-5p MIMAT0022710(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-659-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7545 to 7565 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' aggaACCA-AGUCCCUUCCAGGa 5' |||| |:| |||||||| Ref: 5' ttaaTGGTGTTA--GAAGGTCCt 3' Energy: -21.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-659-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -21.39 2 19 7545 7565 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:1572 to 1594 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' aggaACCA-AGUCCCUUCCAGGa 5' || | |::| ||||||:| Ref: 5' caggTGTTGTTGGAGAAGGTTCc 3' Energy: -18.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-659-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.57 2 19 1572 1594 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:5830 to 5851 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aggaaccaagucccUUCCAGGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gtcctcagaatacaAAGGTCCt 3' Energy: -17.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-659-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.22 2 9 5830 5851 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:12913 to 12934 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aggaaccaagucccUUCCAGGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tacagacacacctaAAGGTCCt 3' Energy: -15.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-659-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.24 2 9 12913 12934 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-659-5p NC_045512.2 575.00 -72.42 154.00 -21.39 838 22 29903 7545 1572 5830 12913 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3191-5p MIMAT0022732(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3191-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2416 to 2440 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (68.18%) Query: 3' acCUUCCAU-C--UGCCGGUCUCUc 5' ||| ||: | | ||||||| Ref: 5' caGAAAGTGTGTTAAATCCAGAGAa 3' Energy: -14.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3191-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.34 2 21 2416 2440 22 63.64% 68.18% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3191-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.34 142.00 -14.34 839 22 29903 2416 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6886-3p MIMAT0027673(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6886-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3180-3p MIMAT0015058(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3180-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-2467-5p MIMAT0019952(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-2467-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 15 R:29357 to 29379 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (91.67%) Query: 3' cucgguuccGAUUGUCUCGGAgu 5' | |||||||||| Ref: 5' acattcccaCCAACAGAGCCTaa 3' Energy: -19.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2467-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.23 3 15 29357 29379 12 91.67% 91.67% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:24603 to 24625 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cuCGGUUCCGAUUGUCUCGGAGu 5' ||:: | | ||||||:|| Ref: 5' gaGCTGCAGAAATCAGAGCTTCt 3' Energy: -20.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2467-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.00 2 22 24603 24625 20 60.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28670 to 28690 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cucgGUUCCGAUUGUCUCGGAGu 5' ||| ||:| :||||||: Ref: 5' gttgCAA--CTGAGGGAGCCTTg 3' Energy: -17.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2467-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.50 2 20 28670 28690 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-2467-5p NC_045512.2 423.00 -56.73 142.00 -20.00 842 23 29903 29357 24603 28670 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5688 MIMAT0022479(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5688 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19907 to 19928 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgACAAAAUGUCCACAAACAAu 5' | | ||: |||||||||| Ref: 5' taTCTACTATTGGTGTTTGTTc 3' Energy: -14.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5688 NC_045512.2 164.00 -14.21 2 21 19907 19928 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8171 to 8192 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' cgaCAAAAUGUCCACAAACAAu 5' | | :|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gcaGCTCGGCAAGGGTTTGTTg 3' Energy: -15.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5688 NC_045512.2 151.00 -15.47 2 20 8171 8192 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:12895 to 12914 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' cgacaaAAUGUCCACAAACAAu 5' ||::|| ||||||| Ref: 5' accaccTTGTAG--GTTTGTTa 3' Energy: -11.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5688 NC_045512.2 149.00 -11.76 2 17 12895 12914 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:6741 to 6762 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cgACAAAAUGUCCACAAACAau 5' ||||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' ggTGTTTAAACCGTGTTTGTac 3' Energy: -12.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5688 NC_045512.2 148.00 -12.39 3 21 6741 6762 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:21552 to 21572 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' cgacaaaaUGUCCACAAACAAu 5' ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' ctaaacgaACA-ATGTTTGTTt 3' Energy: -10.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5688 NC_045512.2 148.00 -10.33 2 15 21552 21572 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:11129 to 11153 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (80.95%) Query: 3' cgAC-AAAAUGU--CCACAAACAau 5' || ||||:|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tcTGCTTTTGCAATGATGTTTGTca 3' Energy: -15.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5688 NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.30 3 21 11129 11153 21 76.19% 80.95% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11162 to 11182 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' cgACAAAAUGUCCACAAACAAu 5' || || | |||||||| Ref: 5' caTGCATTTC-TCTGTTTGTTt 3' Energy: -9.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5688 NC_045512.2 146.00 -9.63 2 21 11162 11182 19 68.42% 68.42% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:10346 to 10367 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgacaaaauguccaCAAACAAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' acacctaagtataaGTTTGTTc 3' Energy: -8.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5688 NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.62 2 9 10346 10367 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5688 NC_045512.2 1192.00 -97.71 164.00 -15.47 843 22 29903 19907 8171 12895 6741 21552 11129 11162 10346 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6872-3p MIMAT0027645(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6872-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:29223 to 29241 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cuGGCGCCGUCCUCCGUACCc 5' :||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgTCGC-GCA-TTGGCATGGa 3' Energy: -22.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6872-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -22.57 2 20 29223 29241 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6872-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -22.57 147.00 -22.57 844 21 29903 29223 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1288-3p MIMAT0005942(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1288-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28492 to 28513 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (68.42%) Query: 3' agAGGUCUAG-UCCCGUCAGGu 5' |: | | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaTTAACACCAATAGCAGTCCa 3' Energy: -17.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1288-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.43 2 20 28492 28513 19 63.16% 68.42% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1288-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.43 142.00 -17.43 845 21 29903 28492 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3679-5p MIMAT0018104(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3679-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14372 to 14394 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agggGAAGGGACGGUAUAGGAGu 5' |||: ||:: |||:||| Ref: 5' caaaCTTTAATGTTTTATTCTCt 3' Energy: -15.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3679-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.00 2 20 14372 14394 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12081 to 12103 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' aggGGAAGGGACGGUAUAGGAGu 5' |||| | ||:||| |||| Ref: 5' caaCCTTACAAGCTATAGCCTCa 3' Energy: -22.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3679-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -22.20 2 21 12081 12103 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3679-5p NC_045512.2 283.00 -37.20 143.00 -22.20 846 23 29903 14372 12081 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6867-5p MIMAT0027634(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6867-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:13149 to 13171 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' agggaagaAGGAGAUGUGUGUGu 5' |: | ||||||||| Ref: 5' ttaagatgTTGTGTACACACACt 3' Energy: -15.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6867-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -15.04 2 16 13149 13171 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:24842 to 24866 Align Len (22) (59.09%) (77.27%) Query: 3' agGGAAGAAGG--AGAUGUGUGUGu 5' |:|| ||:| : :||||||| Ref: 5' gtCTTTGTTTCAAATGGCACACACt 3' Energy: -19.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6867-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -19.77 2 22 24842 24866 22 59.09% 77.27% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:19303 to 19325 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' agggaaGAAGGAGAUGUGUGUGu 5' | | | :| ||||||| Ref: 5' aataaaCATGCATTCCACACACc 3' Energy: -12.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6867-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -12.92 2 18 19303 19325 16 68.75% 75.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:21627 to 21649 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' agggaagaaGGAGAUGUGUGUGu 5' || ||:||:|||| Ref: 5' ctcaattacCCCCTGCATACACt 3' Energy: -19.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6867-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.17 2 15 21627 21649 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19136 to 19159 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agggaAGAAGGAGAU-GUGUGUGu 5' | |||:| |: ||||||: Ref: 5' tattcTATTCTTATGCCACACATt 3' Energy: -17.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6867-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.16 2 19 19136 19159 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9621 to 9643 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (94.74%) Query: 3' aggGAAGAAGGAGAUGUGUGUGu 5' :|||||::|: :||||:|: Ref: 5' atgTTTCTTTTTTAGCACATATt 3' Energy: -18.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6867-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.76 2 21 9621 9643 19 57.89% 94.74% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:23100 to 23124 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (86.36%) Query: 3' agGGAAGA--AGGAGAUGUGUGUGu 5' :|||:| |:||||||::||| Ref: 5' ttTCTTTTGAACTTCTACATGCACc 3' Energy: -22.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6867-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -22.50 2 22 23100 23124 22 63.64% 86.36% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6867-5p NC_045512.2 1019.00 -125.32 155.00 -22.50 847 23 29903 13149 24842 19303 21627 19136 9621 23100 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4494 MIMAT0019029(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4494 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:13354 to 13375 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggagaccagucgGUGUCAGACc 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' tacacttaaaaaCACAGTCTGt 3' Energy: -16.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4494 NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.71 2 11 13354 13375 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2594 to 2617 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ggaGACCAGUCG-GU-GUCAGACc 5' :||||::|: || ||||:|| Ref: 5' ccaTTGGTTGGTACACCAGTTTGt 3' Energy: -22.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4494 NC_045512.2 145.00 -22.22 2 20 2594 2617 20 65.00% 90.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4494 NC_045512.2 295.00 -38.93 150.00 -22.22 848 22 29903 13354 2594 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548c-5p MIMAT0004806(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548c-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 172.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25795 to 25814 Align Len (19) (89.47%) (89.47%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |||||||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' tcCAAAAACC-C-ATTACTTTa 3' Energy: -16.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548c-5p NC_045512.2 172.00 -16.81 2 21 25795 25814 19 89.47% 89.47% Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1675 to 1696 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (94.44%) Query: 3' ccgUUUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |:|:|:||| ||||:||| Ref: 5' tgaAGAGATCGCCATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -16.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548c-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -16.26 2 20 1675 1696 18 72.22% 94.44% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4012 to 4032 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||:||| | : :||||||| Ref: 5' caCAGAAAAC-TTGTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -11.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548c-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -11.05 2 21 4012 4032 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20180 to 20203 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGG-CGUU-AAUGAAAa 5' ||| ||| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaCAATTACCTGAAACTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -12.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548c-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -12.05 2 21 20180 20203 21 76.19% 76.19% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2719 to 2740 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' || ||| ::||||||| Ref: 5' tgCACCAACAAAGGTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -13.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548c-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -13.42 2 21 2719 2740 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8375 to 8398 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ccgUUUUUGGCGU--UAAUGAAAa 5' ||||::| || |||:|||| Ref: 5' gcaAAAAGTCACAACATTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -12.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548c-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -12.48 2 20 8375 8398 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10947 to 10969 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGG-CGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||| : :| | :||||||| Ref: 5' gaCAATGCTCAGGTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -8.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548c-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -8.73 2 21 10947 10969 20 60.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23009 to 23033 Align Len (22) (50.00%) (81.82%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGCGUU---AAUGAAAa 5' ::||:::: :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtTGAAGGTTTTAATTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -10.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548c-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.13 2 21 23009 23033 22 50.00% 81.82% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:5891 to 5911 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAaa 5' || ||| | ||:|||||| Ref: 5' acCATAAAAC-CAGTTACTTat 3' Energy: -11.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548c-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.38 3 21 5891 5911 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22273 to 22294 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ccguuUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||||: :| ||:|||| Ref: 5' gtttcAAACTTTACTTGCTTTa 3' Energy: -7.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548c-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -7.33 2 18 22273 22294 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7760 to 7781 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (73.33%) Query: 3' ccguuuUUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' | || : ||||||| Ref: 5' ggttccATCCATCTTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -8.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548c-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -8.42 2 17 7760 7781 15 66.67% 73.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14686 to 14707 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||||:||: | || ||||| Ref: 5' aaCAAAGACTTCTATGACTTTg 3' Energy: -11.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548c-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.81 2 21 14686 14707 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:13629 to 13651 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ccguuuUUGGC-GUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||::| : ||||||| Ref: 5' caatttAATTGATTCTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -8.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548c-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -8.30 2 17 13629 13651 16 62.50% 81.25% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16890 to 16912 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGG-CGUUAAUGAAAa 5' :||| ::: |::||||:||| Ref: 5' atTAAATGTTGGTGATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -6.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548c-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -6.27 2 21 16890 16912 20 55.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:2917 to 2937 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAaa 5' ||: | |:| |||||||| Ref: 5' acCAGTATCTG-AATTACTTac 3' Energy: -11.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548c-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.68 3 21 2917 2937 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:11627 to 11648 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccguuuuuggcguUAAUGAAAa 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' tatttttgtacttGTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -6.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548c-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -6.83 2 10 11627 11648 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4517 to 4538 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccguuuuuggcguuAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tatggtgctagattTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -7.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548c-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.58 2 9 4517 4538 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6769 to 6790 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccguuuuuggcguuAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tatgccttatttctTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -5.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548c-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.46 2 9 6769 6790 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21818 to 21839 Align Len (19) (52.63%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' :|| :|: |:: |||:||| Ref: 5' ttTAATGATGGTGTTTATTTTg 3' Energy: -5.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548c-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.17 2 21 21818 21839 19 52.63% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:25884 to 25905 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' ccguuuUUGGCGUUAAUGAAaa 5' ||::|: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttcttcAATTGTCATTACTTca 3' Energy: -9.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548c-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.55 3 17 25884 25905 14 71.43% 92.86% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548c-5p NC_045512.2 2951.00 -200.71 172.00 -16.81 849 22 29903 25795 1675 4012 20180 2719 8375 10947 23009 5891 22273 7760 14686 13629 16890 2917 11627 4517 6769 21818 25884 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-128-1-5p MIMAT0026477(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-128-1-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:28380 to 28401 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' agAG-UCUGUCACGAUGCCGGGGc 5' || | ||| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' gaTCAAAACAACGT--CGGCCCCa 3' Energy: -19.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-128-1-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.21 2 22 28380 28401 21 66.67% 71.43% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-128-1-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.21 145.00 -19.21 850 23 29903 28380 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7704 MIMAT0030019(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7704 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-664b-3p MIMAT0022272(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-664b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:20228 to 20249 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' acauccgacCCUCCGUUUACUu 5' |||| ||||||: Ref: 5' ttaaacccaGGAGTCAAATGGa 3' Energy: -15.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-664b-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.87 2 14 20228 20249 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:1177 to 1198 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acauccgacccuccGUUUACUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tccagttgcgtcacCAAATGAa 3' Energy: -11.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-664b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.48 2 9 1177 1198 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2854 to 2875 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' acAUCCGACCCUCCGUUUACUu 5' | ||: || |:|||||| Ref: 5' acTCGGTACAGAAGTAAATGAg 3' Energy: -12.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-664b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.18 2 21 2854 2875 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:15047 to 15068 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acauccgacccuccGUUUACUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tccctactataactCAAATGAa 3' Energy: -8.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-664b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.39 2 9 15047 15068 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-664b-3p NC_045512.2 561.00 -47.92 141.00 -15.87 852 22 29903 20228 1177 2854 15047 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-15b-3p MIMAT0004586(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-15b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:7744 to 7765 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (93.75%) Query: 3' aucucGUCGUUUAUUACUAAGc 5' |||::|| ||||:||| Ref: 5' tgttaCAGTGAAGAATGGTTCc 3' Energy: -13.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15b-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -13.85 2 18 7744 7765 16 75.00% 93.75% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17367 to 17388 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' aucUCGUCGUUUAUUACUAAGc 5' :|| ||||| ||||||: Ref: 5' aatGGCCACAAATTATGATTTg 3' Energy: -16.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15b-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.90 2 20 17367 17388 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12163 to 12184 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' aucuCGUCGUUUAUUACUAAGc 5' |: || |||::|||||| Ref: 5' ggctGTTGCTAATGGTGATTCt 3' Energy: -13.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15b-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -13.85 2 19 12163 12184 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:14973 to 14994 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' aucucgucguuUAUUACUAAGc 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' ggctagactttATTATGATTCa 3' Energy: -9.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15b-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -9.69 2 12 14973 14994 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:9274 to 9295 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' auCUCGUCGUUUAUUACUAAgc 5' |:|:| : || ||||||| Ref: 5' atGGGTACTTAACAATGATTat 3' Energy: -9.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15b-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.05 3 21 9274 9295 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:12460 to 12483 Align Len (19) (84.21%) (89.47%) Query: 3' aucUCGUC-GUUU-AUUACUAAgc 5' ||||| |||| |||||:|| Ref: 5' aacAGCAGCCAAACTAATGGTTgt 3' Energy: -16.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15b-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.41 3 20 12460 12483 19 84.21% 89.47% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:29458 to 29482 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' aucuCGUCGUUUA---UUACUAAGc 5' || |||:|| :||||||: Ref: 5' tcctGCTGCAGATTTGGATGATTTc 3' Energy: -13.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15b-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.29 2 19 29458 29482 20 65.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-15b-3p NC_045512.2 1027.00 -93.04 153.00 -16.90 853 22 29903 7744 17367 12163 14973 9274 12460 29458 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4697-3p MIMAT0019792(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4697-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:8963 to 8987 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (91.67%) Query: 3' ugguuccccgucCUCA-GUGACUGu 5' |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tcaaaacttataGAGTACACTGACt 3' Energy: -17.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4697-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -17.79 2 13 8963 8987 12 91.67% 91.67% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:14197 to 14221 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (66.67%) Query: 3' uggUUCCCCGU-CCUCAGUGACUGu 5' :|| || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gcaGAGTCACATGTTGACACTGACt 3' Energy: -18.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4697-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.29 2 22 14197 14221 21 61.90% 66.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:27541 to 27564 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugguuccccguccucaGUGACUGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gctgataacaaatttgCACTGACt 3' Energy: -12.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4697-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.67 2 9 27541 27564 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4697-3p NC_045512.2 435.00 -48.75 151.00 -18.29 854 24 29903 8963 14197 27541 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4645-3p MIMAT0019706(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4645-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:131 to 152 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uugguccguucUUGAUGACAGa 5' ||:||||||| Ref: 5' aattaataactAATTACTGTCg 3' Energy: -12.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4645-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -12.67 2 12 131 152 10 90.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:6855 to 6875 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uugGUCCGUUCUUGAUGACAGa 5' :|| ||||| ||||||: Ref: 5' ctaTAGCAAAGAA-TACTGTTa 3' Energy: -13.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4645-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.05 2 20 6855 6875 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:15183 to 15202 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uuGGUCCGUUCUUGAUGACAga 5' |:|| |:||:||||||| Ref: 5' caCTAG--AGGAGCTACTGTag 3' Energy: -21.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4645-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -21.78 3 21 15183 15202 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:10149 to 10170 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uugguccguucuuGAUGACAGa 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' ttgatgacgtagtTTACTGTCc 3' Energy: -12.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4645-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.87 2 10 10149 10170 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16692 to 16713 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuGGUCCGUUCUUGAUGACAGa 5' |:: |: ||| |:||||| Ref: 5' taCTGTACGTGAAGTGCTGTCt 3' Energy: -17.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4645-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.32 2 21 16692 16713 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16969 to 16990 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uuGGUCCGUUCUUGAUGACAGa 5' |:| |: ||||:||||| | Ref: 5' caCTATGTTAGAATTACTGGCt 3' Energy: -18.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4645-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.46 2 21 16969 16990 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4645-3p NC_045512.2 862.00 -96.15 151.00 -21.78 855 22 29903 131 6855 15183 10149 16692 16969 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4458 MIMAT0018980(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4458 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:9153 to 9173 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' aaGAAGG--UGUGGAUGGAGa 5' :|||| ||||||||||: Ref: 5' aaTTTCCTAACACCTACCTTg 3' Energy: -23.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4458 NC_045512.2 152.00 -23.37 2 18 9153 9173 18 77.78% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4458 NC_045512.2 152.00 -23.37 152.00 -23.37 856 19 29903 9153 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-181b-5p MIMAT0000257(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-181b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:11385 to 11407 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uggguggCUGUCGUUACUUACAa 5' |||| : |||||||| Ref: 5' gagtgtgGACACTTATGAATGTc 3' Energy: -13.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181b-5p NC_045512.2 160.00 -13.74 2 17 11385 11407 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:20768 to 20790 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' uggguggcUGUCGUUACUUACAa 5' |:| ::|||||||| Ref: 5' ctaaaggcATAATGATGAATGTc 3' Energy: -14.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181b-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -14.16 2 16 20768 20790 14 71.43% 92.86% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:8206 to 8228 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugGGUGGCUGUCGUUACUUACAa 5' |:| ||:: :: ||||||| Ref: 5' aaCTAAAGATGTTGTTGAATGTc 3' Energy: -13.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181b-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -13.65 2 22 8206 8228 20 55.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:15394 to 15418 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (86.36%) Query: 3' ugGGUGGCU-GUCG-UUACUUACAa 5' |:|: || :||| |||||:||| Ref: 5' ttCTATAGATTAGCTAATGAGTGTg 3' Energy: -19.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181b-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -19.24 2 22 15394 15418 22 68.18% 86.36% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9003 to 9023 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uggguGGCUGUCGUUACUUACAa 5' ::|:| || ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgttTTGGCTGC--TGAATGTa 3' Energy: -13.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181b-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.14 2 19 9003 9023 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:12201 to 12223 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (73.33%) Query: 3' uggguggCUGUCGUUACUUACAa 5' || : | ||||||| Ref: 5' agttgaaGAAGTCTTTGAATGTg 3' Energy: -12.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181b-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.02 2 17 12201 12223 15 66.67% 73.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15610 to 15631 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uggGUGGCUGUCGUUACUUACAa 5' ||| ||| : ||||:||| Ref: 5' caaCACAGAC-TTTATGAGTGTc 3' Energy: -16.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181b-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.91 2 21 15610 15631 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:1179 to 1202 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ugggugGCUGUCG-UUACUUACaa 5' || || | |||||||| Ref: 5' cagttgCGTCACCAAATGAATGca 3' Energy: -14.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.61 3 18 1179 1202 16 81.25% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-181b-5p NC_045512.2 1192.00 -117.47 160.00 -19.24 857 23 29903 11385 20768 8206 15394 9003 12201 15610 1179 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-196b-5p MIMAT0001080(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-196b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19750 to 19771 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gggUUGUUGUCCUUUGAUGGAu 5' ||:|| | | |:||||| Ref: 5' gaaAATAAAACAACATTACCTg 3' Energy: -14.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-196b-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.66 2 20 19750 19771 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:28591 to 28612 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggguuguuguccuuUGAUGGAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aagatggtatttctACTACCTa 3' Energy: -13.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-196b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.03 2 9 28591 28612 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-196b-5p NC_045512.2 283.00 -27.69 143.00 -14.66 858 22 29903 19750 28591 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-219b-5p MIMAT0019747(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-219b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19836 to 19858 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gcUCUUAACACCG-ACCUGUAGa 5' | |||| ||: |||||||: Ref: 5' caATAATTTGGGTGTGGACATTg 3' Energy: -15.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-219b-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.06 2 21 19836 19858 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:26947 to 26968 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (70.59%) Query: 3' gcucUUAACACCGACCUGUAGa 5' :|| | |||||||| Ref: 5' ctgtGATCCTTCGTGGACATCt 3' Energy: -15.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-219b-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.38 2 19 26947 26968 17 64.71% 70.59% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-219b-5p NC_045512.2 293.00 -30.44 147.00 -15.38 859 22 29903 19836 26947 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3934-3p MIMAT0022975(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3934-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1389 to 1410 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agGGUCGACACGUUGGACUCGu 5' :||| || :|||||||| Ref: 5' atTCAGAAGTAGGACCTGAGCa 3' Energy: -26.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3934-3p NC_045512.2 160.00 -26.46 2 21 1389 1410 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:18632 to 18653 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agggucgacacgUUGGACUCGu 5' :|||||||| Ref: 5' ttgtgaaaatagGACCTGAGCg 3' Energy: -20.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3934-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -20.42 2 11 18632 18653 9 88.89% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3934-3p NC_045512.2 306.00 -46.88 160.00 -26.46 860 22 29903 1389 18632 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4746-3p MIMAT0019881(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4746-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1266-5p MIMAT0005920(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1266-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:826 to 848 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucgggacAAGAUGUCGGGACUcc 5' ||||:::||||||| Ref: 5' taacaacTTCTGTGGCCCTGAtg 3' Energy: -23.969999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1266-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -23.97 3 17 826 848 14 78.57% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1266-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -23.97 148.00 -23.97 862 23 29903 826 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6791-5p MIMAT0027482(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6791-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22198 to 22219 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agGCGGACGGGUCGGGGUCCCc 5' :|| || :| ||:||||| Ref: 5' agTGCGTGATCTCCCTCAGGGt 3' Energy: -25.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6791-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -25.18 2 21 22198 22219 19 63.16% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6791-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -25.18 144.00 -25.18 863 22 29903 22198 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-409-5p MIMAT0001638(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-409-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18775 to 18797 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uacGUUUCAACGAGCCCAUUGGa 5' ::::||| : | ||||||| Ref: 5' caaTGGGGTTTTACAGGTAACCt 3' Energy: -15.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-409-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -15.76 2 21 18775 18797 19 57.89% 84.21% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24916 to 24939 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uacGUUUCAACG-AGCCCAUUGGa 5' || | |||: || ||||||: Ref: 5' caaCACATTTGTGTCTGGTAACTg 3' Energy: -12.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-409-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.56 2 21 24916 24939 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:14578 to 14600 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' uaCGUUUCAACG-AGCCCAUUGGa 5' || | | ||| || |||||:| Ref: 5' atGC-ACGCTGCTTCTGGTAATCt 3' Energy: -19.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-409-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.01 2 22 14578 14600 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:19021 to 19043 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uacguuucaacgagcCCAUUGGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gttcttcacgacattGGTAACCc 3' Energy: -12.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-409-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.57 2 9 19021 19043 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-409-5p NC_045512.2 585.00 -59.90 156.00 -19.01 864 23 29903 18775 24916 14578 19021 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-508-5p MIMAT0004778(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-508-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10547 to 10567 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' guaCUCACUGCGGGAGACCUCAu 5' || | | || ||||||| Ref: 5' atgGAATTA--CCAACTGGAGTt 3' Energy: -17.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-508-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.29 2 21 10547 10567 19 68.42% 68.42% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:25961 to 25983 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guacucacugcgggAGACCUCAu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ctgaaaaatgggaaTCTGGAGTa 3' Energy: -18.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-508-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.59 2 10 25961 25983 8 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-508-5p NC_045512.2 290.00 -35.88 145.00 -18.59 865 23 29903 10547 25961 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3909 MIMAT0018183(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3909 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6344 to 6362 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ucUGACGUCCGGGAUCUCCUGu 5' |||| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtACTGAAGTC---AGAGGACg 3' Energy: -20.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3909 NC_045512.2 152.00 -20.31 2 21 6344 6362 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:15173 to 15194 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ucUGACGUCCGGGAUCUCCUgu 5' |: || | | |||||||| Ref: 5' caATAGCCGCCACTAGAGGAgc 3' Energy: -21.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3909 NC_045512.2 144.00 -21.18 3 21 15173 15194 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3909 NC_045512.2 296.00 -41.49 152.00 -21.18 866 22 29903 6344 15173 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4504 MIMAT0019040(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4504 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8216 to 8241 Align Len (23) (73.91%) (73.91%) Query: 3' guACAA-GUAGAGA---UAACAGUGu 5' |||| || ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' gtTGTTGAATGTCTTAAATTGTCACa 3' Energy: -17.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4504 NC_045512.2 158.00 -17.76 2 21 8216 8241 23 73.91% 73.91% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:18805 to 18826 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' guacaAGUAGAGAUAACAGUgu 5' | |||| |||||||| Ref: 5' aaccaTGATCTGTATTGTCAag 3' Energy: -18.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4504 NC_045512.2 149.00 -18.33 3 18 18805 18826 15 86.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10518 to 10538 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' guACAAGUAGAGAUAACAGUGu 5' ||| : |||:| ||||:|| Ref: 5' acTGTGTCTCTTT-TTGTTACa 3' Energy: -17.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4504 NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.84 2 21 10518 10538 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:2242 to 2263 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guacaaguagagaUAACAGUGu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tgtcggtggacaaATTGTCACc 3' Energy: -12.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4504 NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.13 2 10 2242 2263 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15371 to 15389 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' guACAAGUAGAGAUAACAGUGu 5' |||| :| | ||||||| Ref: 5' cgTGTT-GTAGC--TTGTCACa 3' Energy: -17.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4504 NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.07 2 21 15371 15389 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23006 to 23030 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (77.27%) Query: 3' guACAAGU---AGAGAUAACAGUGu 5' |||| | |:|: |||||:|| Ref: 5' ggTGTTGAAGGTTTTAATTGTTACt 3' Energy: -13.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4504 NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.44 2 21 23006 23030 22 63.64% 77.27% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25876 to 25899 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' guACA-AGUAG-AGAUAACAGUGu 5' ||| | || || |||||||: Ref: 5' agTGTAACTTCTTCAATTGTCATt 3' Energy: -13.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4504 NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.46 2 21 25876 25899 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:27858 to 27882 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (66.67%) Query: 3' guaCAAGUAGAGAU---AACAGUGu 5' | |||| : | ||||||| Ref: 5' caaGATCATAATGAAACTTGTCACg 3' Energy: -12.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4504 NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.83 2 20 27858 27882 21 61.90% 66.67% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:13862 to 13884 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' guacaaguagagAU-AACAGUGu 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' cattaaaagaaaTACTTGTCACa 3' Energy: -10.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4504 NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.14 2 11 13862 13884 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:2377 to 2398 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guacaaguagagauAACAGUGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tttaggtgaaacatTTGTCACg 3' Energy: -11.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4504 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.42 2 9 2377 2398 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:7668 to 7689 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guacaaguagagauAACAGUGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aagttgcgagagacTTGTCACt 3' Energy: -10.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4504 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.60 2 9 7668 7689 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11172 to 11190 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' guACAAGUAGAGAUAACAGUGu 5' ||||::|:| ||||:|| Ref: 5' tcTGTTTGTTT---TTGTTACc 3' Energy: -9.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4504 NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.92 2 21 11172 11190 19 63.16% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4504 NC_045512.2 1729.00 -164.94 158.00 -18.33 867 22 29903 8216 18805 10518 2242 15371 23006 25876 27858 13862 2377 7668 11172 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6850-5p MIMAT0027600(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6850-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:168 to 188 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gcgGGGCCGGUCGCAAGGCGUg 5' |:|| |:| | |||:||| Ref: 5' taaCTCGTCTATC-TTCTGCAg 3' Energy: -17.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6850-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.53 2 20 168 188 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:22658 to 22679 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gcggggccggucgcAAGGCGUg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tctgtcctatataaTTCCGCAt 3' Energy: -18.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6850-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.47 2 9 22658 22679 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6850-5p NC_045512.2 281.00 -36.00 141.00 -18.47 868 22 29903 168 22658 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3683 MIMAT0018111(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3683 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:29207 to 29229 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' acuaugAUGAAG-GUUACAGCGu 5' | |||| |||||||| Ref: 5' tcagcgTTCTTCGGAATGTCGCg 3' Energy: -18.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3683 NC_045512.2 155.00 -18.46 2 17 29207 29229 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:13512 to 13533 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' acuaUGAUGAAGGUUACAGCGu 5' |||| | |::||||||: Ref: 5' aggcACTAGTACTGATGTCGTa 3' Energy: -20.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3683 NC_045512.2 150.00 -20.99 2 19 13512 13533 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:14637 to 14658 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' acuauGAUGAAGGUUACAGCGu 5' :|||| ||||||:|| Ref: 5' tgcacTTACTAACAATGTTGCt 3' Energy: -17.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3683 NC_045512.2 149.00 -17.87 2 18 14637 14658 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20774 to 20793 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' acUAUGAUGAAGGUUACAGCGu 5' ||| |: | |||||||| Ref: 5' gcATAATGAT--GAATGTCGCa 3' Energy: -15.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3683 NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.58 2 21 20774 20793 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:806 to 826 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' acUAUGAUGAAGGUUACAGCgu 5' |||| ||| | |||||| Ref: 5' gcATAC-ACTCGCTATGTCGat 3' Energy: -15.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3683 NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.03 3 21 806 826 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:17016 to 17037 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' acuauGAUGAAGGUUACAGCGu 5' :| || ||||||:|| Ref: 5' tgagtTTTCTAGCAATGTTGCa 3' Energy: -17.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3683 NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.39 2 18 17016 17037 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19629 to 19650 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (94.74%) Query: 3' acUAUGAUGAAGGUUACAGCGu 5' ||:: :|||::|||||:|: Ref: 5' aaATGTGGCTTTTAATGTTGTa 3' Energy: -18.719999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3683 NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.72 2 21 19629 19650 19 57.89% 94.74% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3683 NC_045512.2 1026.00 -124.04 155.00 -20.99 869 22 29903 29207 13512 14637 20774 806 17016 19629 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-587 MIMAT0003253(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-587 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:7430 to 7450 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (93.75%) Query: 3' cacuGAGUAGUGGAUACCUUu 5' :|:||:|: ||||||| Ref: 5' tcatTTTATTATGTATGGAAa 3' Energy: -16.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-587 NC_045512.2 161.00 -16.85 2 18 7430 7450 16 68.75% 93.75% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:10531 to 10553 Align Len (16) (87.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cacugaGUA-GUGG-AUACCUUu 5' ||| |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgttaCATGCACCATATGGAAt 3' Energy: -18.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-587 NC_045512.2 157.00 -18.12 2 16 10531 10553 16 87.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:20316 to 20336 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (94.12%) Query: 3' cacUGAGUAGUGGAUACCUUu 5' || :|||:::||||||: Ref: 5' cgaACATATCGTTTATGGAGa 3' Energy: -20.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-587 NC_045512.2 150.00 -20.71 2 19 20316 20336 17 64.71% 94.12% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19582 to 19602 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cacUGAGUAGUGGAUACCUUu 5' |||:|| |||| ||||| Ref: 5' gatACTTATAACCTCTGGAAc 3' Energy: -16.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-587 NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.88 2 19 19582 19602 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8387 to 8407 Align Len (17) (58.82%) (70.59%) Query: 3' cacUGAGUAGUGGAUACCUUu 5' |:| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' aacATTGCTTTGATATGGAAc 3' Energy: -10.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-587 NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.36 2 19 8387 8407 17 58.82% 70.59% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:20417 to 20437 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' caCU-GAGUAGUGGAUACCUuu 5' || :|:||: |||||||| Ref: 5' aaGATTTTATT-CCTATGGAca 3' Energy: -16.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-587 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.82 3 20 20417 20437 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:29778 to 29798 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cacugaguaguggAUACCUUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ggagagctgcctaTATGGAAg 3' Energy: -12.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-587 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.86 2 9 29778 29798 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-587 NC_045512.2 1036.00 -112.60 161.00 -20.71 870 21 29903 7430 10531 20316 19582 8387 20417 29778 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4469 MIMAT0018996(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4469 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:2478 to 2499 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aggcucgcuGGGAUCUCCCUCg 5' :|:||||||||| Ref: 5' aaattatctTCTTAGAGGGAGa 3' Energy: -22.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4469 NC_045512.2 157.00 -22.19 2 14 2478 2499 12 83.33% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28665 to 28686 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agGCUCGCUG-GGAUCUCCCUCg 5' :|:|: :| || ||||||| Ref: 5' taTGGGTTGCAACT-GAGGGAGc 3' Energy: -23.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4469 NC_045512.2 145.00 -23.94 2 21 28665 28686 20 60.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4469 NC_045512.2 302.00 -46.13 157.00 -23.94 871 22 29903 2478 28665 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6804-3p MIMAT0027509(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6804-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29258 to 29281 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' gaCACCCACU--CUCCGUCCACGc 5' |||| ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' acGTGGTTGACCTACACAGGTGCc 3' Energy: -20.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6804-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -20.16 2 21 29258 29281 21 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:24217 to 24238 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' gacacccacuCUCCGUCCACGc 5' |: |||||||| Ref: 5' ttggacctttGGTGCAGGTGCt 3' Energy: -17.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6804-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -17.87 2 13 24217 24238 11 81.82% 90.91% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6804-3p NC_045512.2 303.00 -38.03 155.00 -20.16 872 22 29903 29258 24217 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-510-3p MIMAT0026613(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-510-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15721 to 15741 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agGUGAGAAUCUCCAAAGUUa 5' ::|| ||: : ||||||| Ref: 5' gaTGCTGTTGTGTGTTTCAAt 3' Energy: -11.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-510-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -11.53 2 20 15721 15741 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:22260 to 22280 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aggugagaaucUCCAAAGUUa 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' ttaacatcactAGGTTTCAAa 3' Energy: -15.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-510-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.83 2 11 22260 22280 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:23945 to 23965 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' aggugAGAAUCUCCAAAGUUa 5' |:||:| |||||:|| Ref: 5' aaagaTTTTGGTGGTTTTAAt 3' Energy: -14.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-510-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.54 2 17 23945 23965 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:14452 to 14471 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' agguGAGAAUCUCCAAAGUUa 5' | :||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' gttcCATTTGTA-GTTTCAAc 3' Energy: -12.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-510-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.33 2 18 14452 14471 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:5457 to 5477 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (76.92%) Query: 3' aggugagAAUCUCCAAAGUUa 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' caatgagTTACTTGTTTCAAc 3' Energy: -7.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-510-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -7.92 2 15 5457 5477 13 76.92% 76.92% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7004 to 7026 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' agGUGA--GAAUCUCCAAAGUUa 5' |:|| :||||: ||||:|| Ref: 5' acCGCTGCTTTAGGTGTTTTAAt 3' Energy: -20.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-510-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -20.65 2 20 7004 7026 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:272 to 292 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aggugagaaucuCCAAAGUUa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' agccttgtccctGGTTTCAAc 3' Energy: -11.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-510-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.53 2 10 272 292 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:23003 to 23023 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' aggugAGAAUCUCCAAAGUUa 5' | ||: ||||||:|| Ref: 5' aatggTGTTGAAGGTTTTAAt 3' Energy: -11.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-510-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.89 2 17 23003 23023 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:18202 to 18222 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' agGUGAGAAUCUCCAAAGUUa 5' | || | | :|||||:|| Ref: 5' atCTCTATGATGGGTTTTAAa 3' Energy: -11.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-510-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.64 2 20 18202 18222 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:3811 to 3831 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aggugagaaucucCAAAGUUa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ctatgacaaacttGTTTCAAg 3' Energy: -7.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-510-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.93 2 9 3811 3831 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4447 to 4467 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aggugagaaucucCAAAGUUa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aactaaagccataGTTTCAAc 3' Energy: -7.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-510-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.93 2 9 4447 4467 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:24835 to 24855 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aggugagaaucucCAAAGUUa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgaaggtgtctttGTTTCAAa 3' Energy: -7.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-510-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.97 2 9 24835 24855 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-510-3p NC_045512.2 1744.00 -141.69 155.00 -20.65 873 21 29903 15721 22260 23945 14452 5457 7004 272 23003 18202 3811 4447 24835 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-624-5p MIMAT0003293(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-624-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12975 to 12994 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (89.47%) Query: 3' acUUGUGUUCCAUGACCAUGAu 5' ||:| :||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' taAATA-GAGGTA-TGGTACTt 3' Energy: -19.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-624-5p NC_045512.2 164.00 -19.31 2 21 12975 12994 19 78.95% 89.47% Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3100 to 3119 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' acUUGUGUUCCAUGACCAUGAu 5' ||:|::| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tcAATATGA-GTA-TGGTACTg 3' Energy: -16.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-624-5p NC_045512.2 160.00 -16.63 2 21 3100 3119 19 73.68% 89.47% Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:12857 to 12878 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (85.71%) Query: 3' acuugugUUCCAUGACCAUGAu 5' | || ||||||||| Ref: 5' aagagtgATGGAACTGGTACTa 3' Energy: -23.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-624-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -23.88 2 16 12857 12878 14 85.71% 85.71% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:10622 to 10643 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' acUUGUGUUCCAUGACCAUGau 5' |:|||||| :||||||| Ref: 5' acAGCACAAGCAGCTGGTACgg 3' Energy: -22.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-624-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -22.05 3 21 10622 10643 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13160 to 13178 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' acuUGUGUUCCAUGACCAUGAu 5' ||||| ||||||||| Ref: 5' tgtACACA---CACTGGTACTg 3' Energy: -21.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-624-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -21.31 2 20 13160 13178 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9365 to 9386 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' acUUGUGUUCCAUGACCAUGAu 5' ||: ||| ||:||||:|| Ref: 5' ctAATTCAACCTATTGGTGCTt 3' Energy: -14.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-624-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -14.99 2 21 9365 9386 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17070 to 17095 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (68.18%) Query: 3' acuUGUGUUCCAU----GACCAUGAu 5' || | ||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' tacACTCCAGGGACCACCTGGTACTg 3' Energy: -21.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-624-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -21.58 2 20 17070 17095 22 68.18% 68.18% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14023 to 14044 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (88.89%) Query: 3' acuUGUGUUCCAUGACCAUGAu 5' |::|:| |:||||||:| Ref: 5' gccATGCGAAATGCTGGTATTg 3' Energy: -17.379999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-624-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.38 2 20 14023 14044 18 61.11% 88.89% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:18328 to 18349 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' acuUGUGUUCCAUGACCAUGau 5' | | ||| |::|||||| Ref: 5' actAGAGAAGCTGTTGGTACca 3' Energy: -14.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-624-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.07 3 20 18328 18349 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:21866 to 21887 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' acuuguguuccAUGACCAUGAu 5' | :||||||| Ref: 5' agaggctggatTTTTGGTACTa 3' Energy: -16.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-624-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.52 2 12 21866 21887 10 80.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:13753 to 13776 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' acUUGUGUUCCA-UG-ACCAUGau 5' ||:| | ||| || |||||| Ref: 5' agAATAGACGGTGACATGGTACca 3' Energy: -19.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-624-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.93 3 21 13753 13776 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:21770 to 21791 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' acuuguguuccaUGACCAUGAu 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtctctgggaccAATGGTACTa 3' Energy: -16.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-624-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.32 2 11 21770 21791 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7100 to 7121 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acUUGUGUUCCAUGACCAUGAu 5' ||| :| |||||||| || Ref: 5' gcAACCTACTGTACTGGTTCTa 3' Energy: -17.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-624-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.86 2 21 7100 7121 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:10240 to 10261 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' acUUGUGUUCCAUGACCAUGau 5' | ||:|| | :|||||| Ref: 5' taATCATAATTTCTTGGTACag 3' Energy: -12.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-624-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.06 3 21 10240 10261 18 66.67% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-624-5p NC_045512.2 2093.00 -253.89 164.00 -23.88 874 22 29903 12975 3100 12857 10622 13160 9365 17070 14023 18328 21866 13753 21770 7100 10240 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548ap-5p MIMAT0021037(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548ap-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:1678 to 1696 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (93.75%) Query: 3' uuUCUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |||:||| ||||:||| Ref: 5' agAGATCGCCATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -17.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ap-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -17.87 2 18 1678 1696 16 81.25% 93.75% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:20184 to 20203 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uuucuGGCGUU-AAUGAAAa 5' |:| || ||||||| Ref: 5' attacCTGAAACTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -7.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ap-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -7.29 2 15 20184 20203 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:25798 to 25814 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uuUCUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' | ||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' aaAAACC-C-ATTACTTTa 3' Energy: -9.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ap-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -9.54 2 18 25798 25814 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:23012 to 23033 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuUCUGGCGUU---AAUGAAAa 5' ||::: :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gaAGGTTTTAATTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -8.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ap-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -8.83 2 18 23012 23033 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:2722 to 2740 Align Len (14) (64.29%) (78.57%) Query: 3' uuucUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' || ::||||||| Ref: 5' accaACAAAGGTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -9.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ap-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.28 2 16 2722 2740 14 64.29% 78.57% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:7763 to 7781 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (76.92%) Query: 3' uuucuGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' || : ||||||| Ref: 5' tccatCCATCTTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -6.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ap-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -6.54 2 15 7763 7781 13 69.23% 76.92% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:10951 to 10969 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (76.92%) Query: 3' uuucuGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' | | :||||||| Ref: 5' atgctCAGGTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -7.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ap-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -7.12 2 15 10951 10969 13 69.23% 76.92% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:4014 to 4032 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuucuggcguUAAUGAAAa 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' cagaaaacttGTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -7.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ap-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -7.16 2 10 4014 4032 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:11630 to 11648 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuucuggcguUAAUGAAAa 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' ttttgtacttGTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -6.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ap-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -6.83 2 10 11630 11648 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4520 to 4538 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuucuggcguuAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtgctagattTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -7.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ap-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.58 2 9 4520 4538 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6772 to 6790 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuucuggcguuAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gccttatttctTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -5.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ap-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.46 2 9 6772 6790 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:13633 to 13651 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuucuggcguuAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaattgattcTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -6.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ap-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.48 2 9 13633 13651 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548ap-5p NC_045512.2 1728.00 -99.98 157.00 -17.87 875 19 29903 1678 20184 25798 23012 2722 7763 10951 4014 11630 4520 6772 13633 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3151-3p MIMAT0027026(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3151-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:14298 to 14317 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uccacccgacACCCUAGUCc 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' ttttaaatatTGGGATCAGa 3' Energy: -15.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3151-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.18 2 11 14298 14317 9 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3151-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.18 150.00 -15.18 876 20 29903 14298 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-193b-5p MIMAT0004767(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-193b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2451 to 2473 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' aguAGAGCGG-GAGUUUUGGGGc 5' || :||| || |||:|||| Ref: 5' tacTCATGCCTCTAAAAGCCCCa 3' Energy: -22.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-193b-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -22.44 2 20 2451 2473 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:25683 to 25704 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (93.33%) Query: 3' aguagaGCGGGAGUUUUGGGGc 5' :| |||::||:|||| Ref: 5' tgctgcTGGCCTTGAAGCCCCt 3' Energy: -22.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-193b-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -22.42 2 17 25683 25704 15 66.67% 93.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:25786 to 25807 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' agUAGAGCGGGAGUUUUGGGgc 5' || ||::| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaATGCCGTTCCAAAAACCCat 3' Energy: -18.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-193b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.35 3 21 25786 25807 18 66.67% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-193b-5p NC_045512.2 434.00 -63.21 150.00 -22.44 877 22 29903 2451 25683 25786 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1304-5p MIMAT0005892(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1304-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 168.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17786 to 17807 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' guGUAGAGUGACAUCGGAGUUu 5' || ::|||||||||||| Ref: 5' caCAGAATGCTGTAGCCTCAAa 3' Energy: -28.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1304-5p NC_045512.2 168.00 -28.10 2 21 17786 17807 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:435 to 455 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' guguagaGUGACAUCGGAGUUu 5' |::| | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaaaggCGTT-TTGCCTCAAc 3' Energy: -12.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1304-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.52 2 16 435 455 14 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3471 to 3492 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gugUAGAGUGACAUCGGAGUUu 5' :| |::| | |||||:|| Ref: 5' gagGTGTTGCAGGAGCCTTAAa 3' Energy: -13.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1304-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.78 2 20 3471 3492 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11914 to 11936 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' guGUAGA-GUGACAUCGGAGUUu 5' ||||| |:|||:| ||||| Ref: 5' atCATCTAAATTGTGGGCTCAAt 3' Energy: -21.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1304-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -21.99 2 21 11914 11936 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12082 to 12105 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' guGUAGAGU--GACAUCGGAGUUu 5' | |: || || ||||||||: Ref: 5' aaCCTTACAAGCTATAGCCTCAGa 3' Energy: -19.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1304-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -19.75 2 21 12082 12105 21 66.67% 76.19% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:25101 to 25123 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' guguagagUGAC-AUCGGAGUUu 5' |:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaaagaaATTGACCGCCTCAAt 3' Energy: -12.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1304-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.74 2 15 25101 25123 14 71.43% 78.57% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1304-5p NC_045512.2 883.00 -108.88 168.00 -28.10 878 22 29903 17786 435 3471 11914 12082 25101 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6074 MIMAT0023699(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6074 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:18908 to 18928 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ggugGAUCGGA-GACUUAUAg 5' ||:| || :||||||| Ref: 5' ttgaCTGGACTATTGAATATc 3' Energy: -16.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6074 NC_045512.2 155.00 -16.40 2 17 18908 18928 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:22054 to 22073 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gguggaucGGAGACUUAUAg 5' |:|:||||||| Ref: 5' taattgcaCTTTTGAATATg 3' Energy: -11.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6074 NC_045512.2 152.00 -11.50 2 13 22054 22073 11 81.82% 100.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:2769 to 2788 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (73.33%) Query: 3' ggugGAUCGGAGACUUAUAg 5' | || | ||||||| Ref: 5' gttaCAAGAGTGTGAATATc 3' Energy: -14.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6074 NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.39 2 17 2769 2788 15 73.33% 73.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:12204 to 12223 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gguggaUCGGAGACUUAUAg 5' ||:||:|||||:| Ref: 5' tgaagaAGTCTTTGAATGTg 3' Energy: -15.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6074 NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.88 2 15 12204 12223 13 76.92% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:9004 to 9023 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (93.75%) Query: 3' gguGGAUCGGAGACUUAUAg 5' ::|:||: ||||||:| Ref: 5' tgtTTTGGCTGCTGAATGTa 3' Energy: -16.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6074 NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.95 2 18 9004 9023 16 62.50% 93.75% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6074 NC_045512.2 746.00 -75.12 155.00 -16.95 879 20 29903 18908 22054 2769 12204 9004 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7155-3p MIMAT0028221(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7155-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:19781 to 19798 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ccAGACUCCAGAACCCGGu 5' |:|||| | ||||||: Ref: 5' caTTTGAGCT-TTGGGCTa 3' Energy: -20.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7155-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -20.26 2 18 19781 19798 16 75.00% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7155-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -20.26 143.00 -20.26 880 19 29903 19781 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8087 MIMAT0031014(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8087 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:12194 to 12216 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' ggggacaUUAGGUUCUUCAGAAg 5' |:|: |||||||||| Ref: 5' cttaaaaAGTTGAAGAAGTCTTt 3' Energy: -17.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8087 NC_045512.2 164.00 -17.53 2 17 12194 12216 15 80.00% 93.33% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17986 to 18007 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gggGACAUUAGGUUCUUCAGAAg 5' :|| |||:: | ||||||| Ref: 5' aagTTGCAATTT-ACAAGTCTTg 3' Energy: -11.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8087 NC_045512.2 158.00 -11.79 2 21 17986 18007 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:23886 to 23908 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (92.86%) Query: 3' ggggacauUAGGUUCUUCAGAAg 5' | |||||||||:|| Ref: 5' acaaaaacACCCAAGAAGTTTTt 3' Energy: -17.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8087 NC_045512.2 151.00 -17.44 2 16 23886 23908 14 85.71% 92.86% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:23131 to 23154 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ggGGACA-UUAGGUUCUUCAGAag 5' ::||| :| |:|| |||||| Ref: 5' tgTTTGTGGACCTAAAAAGTCTac 3' Energy: -16.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8087 NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.53 3 22 23131 23154 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:22919 to 22941 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (93.33%) Query: 3' ggggacAUUAGGUUCUUCAGAag 5' | :|::|:||||||| Ref: 5' tatagaTTGTTTAGGAAGTCTaa 3' Energy: -15.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8087 NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.43 3 18 22919 22941 15 66.67% 93.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8087 NC_045512.2 758.00 -78.72 164.00 -17.53 881 23 29903 12194 17986 23886 23131 22919 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-550a-5p MIMAT0004800(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-550a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:18085 to 18110 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cccgagAAUGAGGGA---GUCCGUGa 5' |||| :||| ||||||| Ref: 5' actgggTTACATCCTACACAGGCACc 3' Energy: -24.280001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-550a-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -24.28 2 18 18085 18110 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7970 to 7992 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cccGAGAAUGAGGGAGUCCGUGa 5' || ||||| |||||||: Ref: 5' ataCTGTTACTAGATCAGGCATt 3' Energy: -24.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-550a-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -24.52 2 21 7970 7992 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13490 to 13518 Align Len (24) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' cccgAGAAUGAGG------GAGUCCGUGa 5' |||||| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' cccgTCTTACACCGTGCGGCACAGGCACt 3' Energy: -24.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-550a-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -24.61 2 20 13490 13518 24 66.67% 66.67% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9202 to 9224 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cccGAGAAUGAGGGAGUCCGUGa 5' :||| | | |: :|||||| Ref: 5' tgaTTCTGAGTACTGTAGGCACg 3' Energy: -16.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-550a-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.73 2 21 9202 9224 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:18684 to 18708 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (81.82%) Query: 3' ccCGAGAA--UGAGGGAGUCCGUGa 5' |||:|| ||| |:|||| ||| Ref: 5' atGCTTTTCCACTGCTTCAGACACt 3' Energy: -23.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-550a-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -23.44 2 22 18684 18708 22 72.73% 81.82% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:23187 to 23209 Align Len (15) (60.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cccgagaAUGAGGGAGUCCGUGa 5' |: |:: ||||||| Ref: 5' acttcaaTGGTTTAACAGGCACa 3' Energy: -17.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-550a-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.77 2 17 23187 23209 15 60.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-550a-5p NC_045512.2 890.00 -131.35 156.00 -24.61 882 23 29903 18085 7970 13490 9202 18684 23187 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6510-5p MIMAT0025476(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6510-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17729 to 17752 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (76.19%) Query: 3' cuGAGGAGAGAGAG--GGGACGAc 5' :||||: | | : ||||||| Ref: 5' aaTTCCTTACACGTAACCCTGCTt 3' Energy: -21.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6510-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -21.52 2 21 17729 17752 21 61.90% 76.19% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17425 to 17446 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (66.67%) Query: 3' cugAGGAGAGAGAGGGGACGAc 5' | | :| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgTACATTGGCGACCCTGCTc 3' Energy: -14.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6510-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.80 2 20 17425 17446 18 61.11% 66.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:29444 to 29465 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' cugaggaGAGAGAGGGGACGAc 5' ||||: ::|||||| Ref: 5' actgtgaCTCTTCTTCCTGCTg 3' Energy: -27.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6510-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -27.79 2 16 29444 29465 14 71.43% 92.86% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:14557 to 14578 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cugaggagagagagGGGACGAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgtatgctgctgaCCCTGCTa 3' Energy: -16.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6510-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.12 2 9 14557 14578 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6510-5p NC_045512.2 577.00 -80.23 151.00 -27.79 883 22 29903 17729 17425 29444 14557 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1268b MIMAT0018925(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1268b vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3605-5p MIMAT0017981(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3605-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:27517 to 27539 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccgaaggaacgauAGGUAGGAGu 5' |:||||||| Ref: 5' ggcaattcaccatTTCATCCTCt 3' Energy: -16.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3605-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.70 2 11 27517 27539 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26949 to 26971 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ccgaAGGAACGAUAGGUAGGAGu 5' ||||| |: ||||:|| Ref: 5' gtgaTCCTTCGTGGACATCTTCg 3' Energy: -18.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3605-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.98 2 20 26949 26971 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:16039 to 16061 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccgaagGAACGAUAGGUAGGAgu 5' ||| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' tacccaCTTACTAAACATCCTaa 3' Energy: -14.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3605-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.75 3 18 16039 16061 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:26325 to 26347 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' ccgaaggaacGAUAGGUAGGAGu 5' ||| |||||||: Ref: 5' gctagttacaCTAGCCATCCTTa 3' Energy: -18.559999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3605-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.56 2 14 26325 26347 12 83.33% 91.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3605-5p NC_045512.2 571.00 -68.99 146.00 -18.98 885 23 29903 27517 26949 16039 26325 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6129 MIMAT0024613(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6129 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:25500 to 25520 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' auAUGU--GGGUUGAGGGAGu 5' |||| ||: |||||||: Ref: 5' gaTACAAGCCTCACTCCCTTt 3' Energy: -20.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6129 NC_045512.2 144.00 -20.89 2 18 25500 25520 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22198 to 22215 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (81.25%) Query: 3' auAUGUGGGUUGAGGGAGu 5' |:|: : | ||||||| Ref: 5' agTGCG-TGATCTCCCTCa 3' Energy: -19.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6129 NC_045512.2 143.00 -19.61 2 18 22198 22215 16 62.50% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22433 to 22453 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (88.89%) Query: 3' auAUGUGGGUU--GAGGGAGu 5' |:|||:::| |||:||| Ref: 5' tgTGCACTTGACCCTCTCTCa 3' Energy: -21.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6129 NC_045512.2 140.00 -21.90 2 18 22433 22453 18 61.11% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:28458 to 28476 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' auaUGUGGGUUGAGGGAGu 5' || :: ||:|||||| Ref: 5' aagACCTTAAATTCCCTCg 3' Energy: -20.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6129 NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.33 2 17 28458 28476 15 66.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6129 NC_045512.2 567.00 -82.73 144.00 -21.90 886 19 29903 25500 22198 22433 28458 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6857-5p MIMAT0027614(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6857-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:29819 to 29840 Align Len (14) (64.29%) (78.57%) Query: 3' ugaccggACUGGGUUAGGGGUu 5' | :: | ||||||| Ref: 5' attttagTAGTGCTATCCCCAt 3' Energy: -13.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6857-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.70 2 16 29819 29840 14 64.29% 78.57% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6857-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.70 143.00 -13.70 887 22 29903 29819 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-215-3p MIMAT0026476(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-215-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:14333 to 14355 Align Len (15) (60.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' auaaccgGAUUUCUUUACUGUCu 5' ||: ::||||||| Ref: 5' gtgttaaCTGTTTGGATGACAGa 3' Energy: -16.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-215-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.45 2 17 14333 14355 15 60.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:3197 to 3217 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' auAACCGGAUUUCUUUACUGUCu 5' |||| :||:| :||||:|| Ref: 5' gaTTGG-TTAGA-TGATGATAGt 3' Energy: -17.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-215-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.96 2 22 3197 3217 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:29851 to 29873 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (93.33%) Query: 3' auaaccGGAUUUCUUUACUGUcu 5' |:||:: :||||||| Ref: 5' tagcttCTTAGGAGAATGACAaa 3' Energy: -14.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-215-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.41 3 18 29851 29873 15 66.67% 93.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:11333 to 11355 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' auaaccggauuucuuUACUGUCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgttactaatccttATGACAGc 3' Energy: -13.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-215-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.09 2 9 11333 11355 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-215-3p NC_045512.2 566.00 -61.91 144.00 -17.96 888 23 29903 14333 3197 29851 11333 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-10398-5p MIMAT0041627(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-10398-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28668 to 28688 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (72.22%) Query: 3' guCUGCCUCUCUUCCCUCGGu 5' | :| | :|||||||| Ref: 5' ggGTTGCAACTGAGGGAGCCt 3' Energy: -17.719999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10398-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.72 2 20 28668 28688 18 61.11% 72.22% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 13 R:28783 to 28803 Align Len (10) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gucugccucUCUUCCCUCGgu 5' |||||||||| Ref: 5' cttctacgcAGAAGGGAGCag 3' Energy: -22.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10398-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -22.03 3 13 28783 28803 10 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-10398-5p NC_045512.2 287.00 -39.75 147.00 -22.03 889 21 29903 28668 28783 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-30b-3p MIMAT0004589(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-30b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4687-3p MIMAT0019775(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4687-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:444 to 466 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' cgGACGGGG--GAGGUUGUCGGu 5' :||||:| ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTTGCCTCAACTTGAACAGCCc 3' Energy: -24.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4687-3p NC_045512.2 162.00 -24.95 2 20 444 466 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:12447 to 12467 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cggACGGGGGAGGUUGUCGgu 5' | ||:|:| ||||||| Ref: 5' taaTACCTCTTACAACAGCag 3' Energy: -21.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4687-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -21.11 3 19 12447 12467 16 75.00% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4687-3p NC_045512.2 308.00 -46.06 162.00 -24.95 891 21 29903 444 12447 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-519a-2-5p MIMAT0037327(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-519a-2-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4266 to 4286 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cuUUCGCGAAGGGACAUCUCc 5' || |:| | |||||||| Ref: 5' taAATGGTTACACTGTAGAGg 3' Energy: -20.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519a-2-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -20.47 2 20 4266 4286 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17242 to 17260 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cuUUCGCGAAGGGACAUCUCc 5' | |:||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gcACGTGCT--CGTGTAGAGt 3' Energy: -17.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519a-2-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -17.89 2 20 17242 17260 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:22470 to 22490 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cuUUCGCGAAGGGACAUCUcc 5' || : |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgAAATCCTTCACTGTAGAaa 3' Energy: -16.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519a-2-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.60 3 20 22470 22490 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:13070 to 13091 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (93.75%) Query: 3' cuuuCGCGAAGG-GACAUCUcc 5' |:||||:: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttctGTGCTTTTGCTGTAGAtg 3' Energy: -21.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519a-2-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -21.14 3 18 13070 13091 16 75.00% 93.75% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:2166 to 2186 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuuucgcgaagggACAUCUCc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' agtttaaggaaggTGTAGAGt 3' Energy: -11.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519a-2-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.40 2 9 2166 2186 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-519a-2-5p NC_045512.2 742.00 -87.50 159.00 -21.14 892 21 29903 4266 17242 22470 13070 2166 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4794 MIMAT0019967(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4794 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8765 to 8786 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' uguCAGAGCACUCUAUCGGUCu 5' | | | ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' tttGACACATGGTTTAGCCAGc 3' Energy: -14.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4794 NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.62 2 20 8765 8786 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:26679 to 26701 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ugucAGAGC-ACUCUAUCGGUCu 5' ||| | || ||:||||| Ref: 5' ttccTCTGGCTGTTATGGCCAGt 3' Energy: -17.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4794 NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.74 2 19 26679 26701 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23608 to 23629 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugUCAGAGCACUCUAUCGGUCu 5' :| | ||| : :||||:|| Ref: 5' gcGGGCACGTAGTGTAGCTAGt 3' Energy: -19.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4794 NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.86 2 21 23608 23629 19 57.89% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4794 NC_045512.2 432.00 -52.22 151.00 -19.86 893 22 29903 8765 26679 23608 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6727-3p MIMAT0027356(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6727-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-516a-5p MIMAT0004770(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-516a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:4933 to 4955 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuuucacGAAGAAAGGAGCUCUu 5' ||||||||:|:|||| Ref: 5' taagacaCTTCTTTCTTTGAGAg 3' Energy: -25.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-516a-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -25.12 2 17 4933 4955 15 86.67% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:28456 to 28480 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (72.73%) Query: 3' cuUUCACGAA--GAAAGGAGCUCUu 5' ||| ||| || |||||||: Ref: 5' ggAAGACCTTAAATTCCCTCGAGGa 3' Energy: -22.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-516a-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -22.01 2 22 28456 28480 22 68.18% 72.73% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-516a-5p NC_045512.2 292.00 -47.13 148.00 -25.12 895 23 29903 4933 28456 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6806-5p MIMAT0027512(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6806-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:9431 to 9452 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ggacccgGGACGGAGUACGGAUGu 5' | ||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtagtaaCATGCCT--TGCCTACt 3' Energy: -18.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6806-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -18.73 2 18 9431 9452 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:23624 to 23648 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (68.18%) Query: 3' ggACCCGGGACGGAGU-ACGGAUGu 5' | | | | | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gcTAGTCAATCCATCATTGCCTACa 3' Energy: -22.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6806-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -22.68 2 23 23624 23648 22 68.18% 68.18% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:8025 to 8048 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' ggacccgggACGGAGUACGGAUGu 5' ||::| ||||:||| Ref: 5' cagttaaaaTGTTTGATGCTTACg 3' Energy: -18.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6806-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.85 2 16 8025 8048 14 71.43% 92.86% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:16143 to 16164 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ggACCCGGGACGGAGUACGGAUGu 5' || ::||| |:||||:||| Ref: 5' caTGTATTCTG--TTATGCTTACt 3' Energy: -17.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6806-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.33 2 23 16143 16164 21 61.90% 80.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:20676 to 20697 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ggaCCCGGGACGGAGUACGGAUgu 5' |||: :||| :||||||| Ref: 5' accGGGTGTTGC--TATGCCTAat 3' Energy: -27.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6806-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -27.94 3 22 20676 20697 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:15308 to 15333 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ggaCCCGGGACGGA--GUACGGAUgu 5' | ||| ||||| |||||:|| Ref: 5' ataGAGCCATGCCTAACATGCTTAga 3' Energy: -23.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6806-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -23.22 3 22 15308 15333 21 76.19% 80.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:20908 to 20931 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggacccgggacggaguACGGAUGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gttttaagacagtggtTGCCTACg 3' Energy: -14.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6806-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.39 2 9 20908 20931 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6806-5p NC_045512.2 1015.00 -143.14 154.00 -27.94 896 24 29903 9431 23624 8025 16143 20676 15308 20908 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-29b-3p MIMAT0000100(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-29b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 168.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:19463 to 19486 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (90.48%) Query: 3' uuGUGAC-UAAAGUUUACCACGAu 5' |::|| | ||:|::||||||| Ref: 5' caCGTTGCAATTTAGGTGGTGCTg 3' Energy: -25.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-3p NC_045512.2 168.00 -25.22 2 22 19463 19486 21 66.67% 90.48% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11357 to 11381 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' uugUGAC-UAAAGU-UUACCACGAu 5' |||| :| | | :|||||||| Ref: 5' agaACTGTGTATGATGATGGTGCTa 3' Energy: -19.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -19.37 2 21 11357 11381 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:9361 to 9386 Align Len (24) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uuGUGACUAAAGUU---U-ACCACGAu 5' |||| | ||||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' acCACT-AATTCAACCTATTGGTGCTt 3' Energy: -17.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -17.67 2 22 9361 9386 24 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:16263 to 16291 Align Len (26) (69.23%) (69.23%) Query: 3' uuGUGACUAAAGU--UU----ACCACGAu 5' ||| || |||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttCACAGACTTCATTAAGATGTGGTGCTt 3' Energy: -18.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -18.37 2 22 16263 16291 26 69.23% 69.23% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28625 to 28649 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' uugUGACU--AAAGUUUACCACGAu 5' :|||: || | |||||||| Ref: 5' gaaGCTGGACTTCCCTATGGTGCTa 3' Energy: -21.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -21.06 2 21 28625 28649 21 66.67% 76.19% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4504 to 4526 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' uugugACUAAAGUUUACCACGAu 5' ||:|| |||||||| Ref: 5' gggtgTGGTTGATTATGGTGCTa 3' Energy: -19.549999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -19.55 2 19 4504 4526 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3713 to 3734 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uugUGACUAAAGUUUACCACGAu 5' :|||:| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' tcaGCTGGTATT-TTTGGTGCTg 3' Energy: -19.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -19.74 2 21 3713 3734 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7535 to 7556 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uugUGACUAAAGUUUACCACGAu 5' ||| ||| : |||||||:| Ref: 5' acaACT-ATTGTTAATGGTGTTa 3' Energy: -16.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.76 2 21 7535 7556 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22325 to 22349 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uuguGACUAA--AGUUUACCACGAu 5' | |:|| ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' tcttCAGGTTGGACAGCTGGTGCTg 3' Energy: -18.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -18.78 2 20 22325 22349 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:2059 to 2081 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' uugugacUAAAGUUUACCACGAu 5' ||| ||::|||||:| Ref: 5' ggcctacATTACAGGTGGTGTTg 3' Energy: -19.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -19.24 2 17 2059 2081 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:9555 to 9578 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' uuGUGACUAA-AGUUUACCACGAu 5' :||| ||| |:| |||||:| Ref: 5' ttTACTCATTCTTACCTGGTGTTt 3' Energy: -12.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -12.78 2 22 9555 9578 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:23645 to 23666 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuGUGACUAAAGUUUACCACGau 5' |||| || ||| |||||| Ref: 5' taCACT-ATGTCACTTGGTGCag 3' Energy: -18.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -18.07 3 22 23645 23666 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:5903 to 5927 Align Len (22) (59.09%) (81.82%) Query: 3' uuGUGACUA--AAGUUUACCACGAu 5' :||| || |:::||||||:| Ref: 5' gtTACTTATAAATTGGATGGTGTTg 3' Energy: -15.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.60 2 22 5903 5927 22 59.09% 81.82% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:6143 to 6164 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uuGUGACUAAAGUUUACCACGAu 5' | |||| || |||||||| | Ref: 5' ttCCCTGACTT-AAATGGTGATg 3' Energy: -16.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.75 2 22 6143 6164 20 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:21644 to 21671 Align Len (25) (68.00%) (72.00%) Query: 3' uuGUGACU---AAAGUUU--ACCACGAu 5' |||| | ||||| | |||||:| Ref: 5' taCACTAATTCTTTCACACGTGGTGTTt 3' Energy: -17.559999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.56 2 22 21644 21671 25 68.00% 72.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:21810 to 21833 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uugugacUAAAGU-UUACCACGAu 5' |||| | :||||||:| Ref: 5' tcctaccATTTAATGATGGTGTTt 3' Energy: -13.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.36 2 17 21810 21833 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26043 to 26068 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (77.27%) Query: 3' uugUGACUAAAGUUU---ACCACGAu 5' |:||| | ||:| |||||:| Ref: 5' tcaATTGAGTACAGACACTGGTGTTg 3' Energy: -17.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.24 2 21 26043 26068 22 63.64% 77.27% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9754 to 9776 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uugugACUAAAGUUUACCACGAu 5' | :| |: |||||||:| Ref: 5' acgtgTAGTCTTTAATGGTGTTt 3' Energy: -15.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.45 2 19 9754 9776 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:8314 to 8336 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uugugacuaaaguuuACCACGAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gacaccccgtgacctTGGTGCTt 3' Energy: -15.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.30 2 9 8314 8336 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:10406 to 10430 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (72.73%) Query: 3' uuGUGACUAA--AGUUUACCACGAu 5' || ||:|| || |||||:| Ref: 5' taCAATGGTTCACCATCTGGTGTTt 3' Energy: -16.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.62 2 22 10406 10430 22 63.64% 72.73% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:20853 to 20875 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uugugacuaaaguuuACCACGAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gagagttatacatttTGGTGCTg 3' Energy: -14.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.42 2 9 20853 20875 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27771 to 27793 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uugUGACUAAAGUUUACCACGAu 5' |:||| ||| | | ||||| Ref: 5' ttaATTGACTTCTATTTGTGCTt 3' Energy: -12.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.85 2 21 27771 27793 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-29b-3p NC_045512.2 3258.00 -381.76 168.00 -25.22 897 23 29903 19463 11357 9361 16263 28625 4504 3713 7535 22325 2059 9555 23645 5903 6143 21644 21810 26043 9754 8314 10406 20853 27771 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4713-3p MIMAT0019821(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4713-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-12123 MIMAT0049017(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-12123 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9469 to 9487 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' auUUCGAAAACACUUACUUAUu 5' :|||||||| :|||||| Ref: 5' aaGAGCTTTTG---GTGAATAc 3' Energy: -16.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12123 NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.08 2 21 9469 9487 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3827 to 3849 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' auUUCG-AAAACACUUACUUAUu 5' |||| ||||| |||||| | Ref: 5' tcAAGCTTTTTGGAAATGAAGAg 3' Energy: -13.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12123 NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.13 2 21 3827 3849 20 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:15654 to 15675 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' auuUCGAAAACACUUACUUAuu 5' || |||||||||||:| Ref: 5' cacAGACTTTGTGAATGAGTtt 3' Energy: -18.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12123 NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.49 3 20 15654 15675 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:21381 to 21404 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' auuucGAAA-ACACU-UACUUAUu 5' |||| | ||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' ctattCTTTATTTGACATGAGTAa 3' Energy: -11.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12123 NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.06 2 18 21381 21404 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3325 to 3345 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' auUUCGAAAACACUUACUUAUu 5' |: || ||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' tcAGACTATTG-AAGTGAATAg 3' Energy: -11.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12123 NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.36 2 21 3325 3345 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9906 to 9933 Align Len (25) (68.00%) (76.00%) Query: 3' auUUCG-AAAA-CAC----UUACUUAUu 5' |||: |||| ||| ||||:||| Ref: 5' acAAGTATTTTAGTGGAGCAATGGATAc 3' Energy: -10.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12123 NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.85 2 21 9906 9933 25 68.00% 76.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:29603 to 29625 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' auuucGAAAAC-ACUUACUUAuu 5' ||| || |||||||| Ref: 5' ctactCTTGTGCAGAATGAATtc 3' Energy: -11.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12123 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.89 3 18 29603 29625 16 81.25% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-12123 NC_045512.2 1000.00 -92.86 148.00 -18.49 899 22 29903 9469 3827 15654 21381 3325 9906 29603 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4433b-5p MIMAT0030413(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4433b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:21196 to 21216 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguccucacccccACCCUGUa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ctttataagctcaTGGGACAc 3' Energy: -11.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4433b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.13 2 9 21196 21216 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4433b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.13 140.00 -11.13 900 21 29903 21196 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6755-3p MIMAT0027411(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6755-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:25583 to 25604 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' gaucccUUUUUUGUACUGUUGu 5' ||||:| |||:|||| Ref: 5' ccctcaAAAAGAGATGGCAACt 3' Energy: -14.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6755-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -14.77 2 17 25583 25604 15 80.00% 93.33% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:27179 to 27200 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gaucCCUUUUUUGUACUGUUGu 5' | | |: | :||||||| Ref: 5' gcttGTACAGTAAGTGACAACa 3' Energy: -12.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6755-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -12.68 2 19 27179 27200 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13613 to 13633 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gaUCCCUUUUUUGUACUGUUGu 5' | ||| :||: |||||||: Ref: 5' aaAAGGACGAAG-ATGACAATt 3' Energy: -13.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6755-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.64 2 21 13613 13633 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:1592 to 1613 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaucccuuuuuugUACUGUUGu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tccgaaggtcttaATGACAACc 3' Energy: -12.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6755-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.66 2 10 1592 1613 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:18012 to 18033 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (93.75%) Query: 3' gauccCUUUUUUGUACUGUUGu 5' | |::||::||:|||| Ref: 5' tccacGTAGGAATGTGGCAACt 3' Energy: -13.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6755-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.40 2 18 18012 18033 16 62.50% 93.75% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23513 to 23534 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gaUCCCUUUUUUGUACUGUUGu 5' ||||: :|||||| |||| Ref: 5' atAGGGGCTGAACATGTCAACa 3' Energy: -25.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6755-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -25.50 2 21 23513 23534 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:20657 to 20678 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaucccuuuUUUGUACUGUUGu 5' ||:|:||:|||| Ref: 5' aatctagtcAAGCGTGGCAACc 3' Energy: -18.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6755-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.47 2 14 20657 20678 12 75.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8299 to 8320 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gaUCCCUUUUUUGUACUGUUGu 5' | | :||||||||||| | Ref: 5' caAAGTTGAAAACATGACACCc 3' Energy: -14.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6755-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.57 2 21 8299 8320 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:21785 to 21806 Align Len (15) (60.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' gaucccUUUUUUGUACUGUUGu 5' ||:|::: |||:||| Ref: 5' ggtactAAGAGGTTTGATAACc 3' Energy: -10.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6755-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.28 2 17 21785 21806 15 60.00% 93.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24772 to 24793 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gaUCCCUUUUUUGUACUGUUGu 5' | | |||:||| | ||||| Ref: 5' acAAGAAAAGAACTTCACAACt 3' Energy: -10.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6755-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.35 2 21 24772 24793 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6755-3p NC_045512.2 1443.00 -146.32 152.00 -25.50 901 22 29903 25583 27179 13613 1592 18012 23513 20657 8299 21785 24772 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4659b-3p MIMAT0019734(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4659b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2422 to 2444 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucgACGGUACAGAU-UCUUCUUu 5' ||::| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgTGTTAAATCCAGAGAAGAAa 3' Energy: -12.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4659b-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -12.73 2 20 2422 2444 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:3062 to 3083 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ucgaCGGUACAGAUUCUUCUUu 5' |: || : |||||||| Ref: 5' gaagGTGATTGTGAAGAAGAAg 3' Energy: -17.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4659b-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -17.31 2 19 3062 3083 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4399 to 4418 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucGACG-GUACAGAUUCUUCUUu 5' :||| |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gcTTGCACATG-C--AGAAGAAa 3' Energy: -17.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4659b-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -17.04 2 21 4399 4418 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:3044 to 3065 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' ucgacggUACAGAUUCUUCUUu 5' | | : |||||||| Ref: 5' ccagatgAGGATGAAGAAGAAg 3' Energy: -11.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4659b-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.88 2 16 3044 3065 14 71.43% 78.57% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:3176 to 3197 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucgacgguacagaUUCUUCUUu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' cctgaagaagagcAAGAAGAAg 3' Energy: -12.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4659b-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.84 2 10 3176 3197 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:29377 to 29398 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucgacgguacagaUUCUUCUUu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' taaaaaggacaaaAAGAAGAAg 3' Energy: -9.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4659b-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.87 2 10 29377 29398 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3874 to 3896 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ucGACGGUACAGA-UUCUUCUUu 5' ||| || || ||||:||| Ref: 5' cgCTGAGATTCCTAAAGAGGAAg 3' Energy: -17.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4659b-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.21 2 21 3874 3896 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21429 to 21451 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ucGACGGUACAG-AUUCUUCUUu 5' |||::||||| | | ||||| Ref: 5' tgCTGTTATGTCTTTAAAAGAAg 3' Energy: -23.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4659b-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -23.90 2 21 21429 21451 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29418 to 29437 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (68.42%) Query: 3' ucGACGGUACAGAUUCUUCUUu 5' | || : | | ||||||| Ref: 5' taCCGCAGAGAC--AGAAGAAa 3' Energy: -12.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4659b-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.06 2 21 29418 29437 19 63.16% 68.42% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:19114 to 19135 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucgacgguacagauUCUUCUUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aaagcttataaaatAGAAGAAt 3' Energy: -10.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4659b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.91 2 9 19114 19135 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4659b-3p NC_045512.2 1458.00 -145.75 154.00 -23.90 902 22 29903 2422 3062 4399 3044 3176 29377 3874 21429 29418 19114 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8052 MIMAT0030979(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8052 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:21891 to 21912 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgaguacgggagauGUCAGGGc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tagattcgaagaccCAGTCCCt 3' Energy: -16.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8052 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.24 2 9 21891 21912 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8052 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.24 140.00 -16.24 903 22 29903 21891 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6513-5p MIMAT0025482(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6513-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:20526 to 20548 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucuguacaccgcagUUAGGGUUu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tgttgaaataataaAATCCCAAg 3' Energy: -14.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6513-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.30 2 10 20526 20548 8 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6513-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.30 145.00 -14.30 904 23 29903 20526 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6872-5p MIMAT0027644(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6872-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5011-5p MIMAT0021045(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5011-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:25173 to 25194 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cucaCGUAC-CGACAUAUAUau 5' |:||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' gaaaGTATGAGCAGTATATAaa 3' Energy: -13.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5011-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.40 3 18 25173 25194 16 81.25% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5011-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.40 144.00 -13.40 906 21 29903 25173 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-431-5p MIMAT0001625(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-431-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7974 MIMAT0031177(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7974 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:19080 to 19104 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' cccgaguccucucgUA-GUGUCGGa 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' atggaagttctatgATGCACAGCCt 3' Energy: -20.280001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7974 NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.28 2 11 19080 19104 10 90.00% 90.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7974 NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.28 141.00 -20.28 908 24 29903 19080 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6516-3p MIMAT0030418(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6516-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25025 to 25046 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acAAACGUCAUAGUAUGUACUa 5' ||| || ||||||||| | Ref: 5' taTTTTAAGAATCATACATCAc 3' Energy: -10.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6516-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -10.78 2 21 25025 25046 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:16098 to 16119 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' acaaacgUCAUAGUAUGUACUa 5' || | ||||||| Ref: 5' atacataAGAAAGCTACATGAt 3' Energy: -10.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6516-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.90 2 16 16098 16119 14 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16685 to 16704 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' acaAACGUCAUAGUAUGUACUa 5' |||| || ::|||:||| Ref: 5' gtaTTGC--TACTGTACGTGAa 3' Energy: -12.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6516-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.09 2 20 16685 16704 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24569 to 24588 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (89.47%) Query: 3' acAAACGUCAUAGUAUGUACUa 5' ||||||| | ||||::||| Ref: 5' agTTTGCAG-A-CATATGTGAc 3' Energy: -19.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6516-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.26 2 21 24569 24588 19 78.95% 89.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6516-3p NC_045512.2 567.00 -53.03 144.00 -19.26 909 22 29903 25025 16098 16685 24569 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6768-5p MIMAT0027436(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6768-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:2865 to 2887 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' gucccggggcgAAAAGGACACAc 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' aagtaaatgagTTCGCCTGTGTt 3' Energy: -15.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6768-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.27 2 13 2865 2887 11 81.82% 81.82% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6768-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.27 144.00 -15.27 910 23 29903 2865 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548ar-5p MIMAT0022265(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548ar-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25796 to 25814 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUGACGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |||||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' ccAAAAAC--CCATTACTTTa 3' Energy: -11.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ar-5p NC_045512.2 164.00 -11.63 2 20 25796 25814 18 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4014 to 4032 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUGACGUUAAUGAAAa 5' :|||||| :||||||| Ref: 5' caGAAAACT--TGTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -10.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ar-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -10.58 2 20 4014 4032 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:20182 to 20203 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cguuuUUGACGUU-AAUGAAAa 5' | ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' caattACCTGAAACTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -8.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ar-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -8.04 2 17 20182 20203 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1676 to 1696 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUGACGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |:|:|: || ||||:||| Ref: 5' gaAGAGATCGCCATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -9.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ar-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -9.22 2 20 1676 1696 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23010 to 23033 Align Len (21) (57.14%) (80.95%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUGACGUU---AAUGAAAa 5' :||:::| :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttGAAGGTTTTAATTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -7.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ar-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -7.43 2 20 23010 23033 21 57.14% 80.95% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22274 to 22294 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cguuUUUGACGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||||| :| ||:|||| Ref: 5' tttcAAACTTTACTTGCTTTa 3' Energy: -8.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ar-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -8.30 2 18 22274 22294 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:2720 to 2740 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cguuuUUGACGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||| ::||||||| Ref: 5' gcaccAACAAAGGTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -11.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ar-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -11.43 2 17 2720 2740 15 66.67% 80.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:13630 to 13651 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cguuuUUGAC-GUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||:|| : ||||||| Ref: 5' aatttAATTGATTCTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -7.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ar-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -7.89 2 17 13630 13651 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16891 to 16912 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (89.47%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUGA-CGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||| ::| |::||||:||| Ref: 5' ttAAATGTTGGTGATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -5.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ar-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -5.94 2 20 16891 16912 19 63.16% 89.47% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10947 to 10969 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cguUUUUGA--CGUUAAUGAAAa 5' || :|| | :||||||| Ref: 5' gacAATGCTCAGGTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -9.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ar-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.18 2 19 10947 10969 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:25885 to 25905 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' cguuuUUGACGUUAAUGAAaa 5' ||:||: ||||||| Ref: 5' tcttcAATTGTCATTACTTca 3' Energy: -9.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ar-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.99 3 17 25885 25905 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:5893 to 5911 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cguUUUUGACGUUAAUGAAaa 5' ||||| ||:|||||| Ref: 5' catAAAAC--CAGTTACTTat 3' Energy: -10.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ar-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.23 3 19 5893 5911 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14687 to 14707 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUGACGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |||:||| | || ||||| Ref: 5' acAAAGACTTCTATGACTTTg 3' Energy: -12.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ar-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.78 2 20 14687 14707 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8376 to 8398 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUGACGU--UAAUGAAAa 5' ||||:: || |||:|||| Ref: 5' caAAAAGTCACAACATTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -8.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ar-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.01 2 20 8376 8398 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:9326 to 9348 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUGACGUU--AAUGAAaa 5' |:| :|||:|| |||||| Ref: 5' gtAGATGCTGTAAATTTACTTac 3' Energy: -12.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ar-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.63 3 20 9326 9348 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:11195 to 11216 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' cguuuuUGACGUU-AAUGAAAa 5' ||||:|: |||:||| Ref: 5' cttgccACTGTAGCTTATTTTa 3' Energy: -10.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ar-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.71 2 16 11195 11216 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22145 to 22166 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (89.47%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUGAC-GUUAAUGAAAa 5' :|| |:|| :::|||:||| Ref: 5' aaGAATATTGATGGTTATTTTa 3' Energy: -7.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ar-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -7.07 2 20 22145 22166 19 57.89% 89.47% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:28916 to 28936 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cguUUUUGACGUUAAUGAAAa 5' :| :|||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' ggtGATGCTGCTCTTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -11.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ar-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.77 2 19 28916 28936 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:2918 to 2937 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUGACGUUAAUGAAaa 5' |: | ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' ccAGTATCTG-AATTACTTac 3' Energy: -12.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ar-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.33 3 20 2918 2937 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:5452 to 5471 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUGACGUUAAUGAAaa 5' ||| | || |:|||||| Ref: 5' agAAACAATG-AGTTACTTgt 3' Energy: -8.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ar-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -8.87 3 20 5452 5471 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:6771 to 6790 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' cguuuuUGACGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgccttATTTC-TTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -4.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ar-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -4.29 2 16 6771 6790 14 71.43% 78.57% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:11628 to 11648 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cguuuuugacguUAAUGAAAa 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' atttttgtacttGTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -7.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ar-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -7.27 2 10 11628 11648 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4518 to 4538 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cguuuuugacguuAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atggtgctagattTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -7.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ar-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.41 2 9 4518 4538 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:7761 to 7781 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cguuuuugacguuAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gttccatccatctTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -4.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ar-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -4.42 2 9 7761 7781 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548ar-5p NC_045512.2 3495.00 -217.42 164.00 -12.78 911 21 29903 25796 4014 20182 1676 23010 22274 2720 13630 16891 10947 25885 5893 14687 8376 9326 11195 22145 28916 2918 5452 6771 11628 4518 7761 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-200b-3p MIMAT0000318(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-200b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3704 to 3725 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (94.74%) Query: 3' agUAGUAAUGGUCCGUCAUAAu 5' ||:||||:||| ::||||| Ref: 5' ccATTATTATCAGCTGGTATTt 3' Energy: -21.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-200b-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -21.34 2 21 3704 3725 19 73.68% 94.74% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:1977 to 1995 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' aguagUAAUGGUCCGUCAUAAu 5' ||| :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' atggaATT-TCA--CAGTATTc 3' Energy: -7.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-200b-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -7.29 2 18 1977 1995 16 75.00% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-200b-3p NC_045512.2 296.00 -28.63 152.00 -21.34 912 22 29903 3704 1977 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3201 MIMAT0015086(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3201 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6012 to 6028 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uaaaaagaaGUAUAGGg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' caaaccaacCATATCCa 3' Energy: -9.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3201 NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.71 2 9 6012 6028 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3201 NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.71 140.00 -9.71 913 17 29903 6012 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1249-5p MIMAT0032029(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1249-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 23 R:22193 to 22216 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uuGAACCGGGUAGAGGAGGGAGga 5' :|| |: |:| :||||||| Ref: 5' aaTTTAGTGCGTGATCTCCCTCag 3' Energy: -23.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1249-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -23.02 3 23 22193 22216 20 60.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 23 R:573 to 595 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uuGAACCGGGUAGAGGAGGGAGga 5' |||||: : ||: |||||| Ref: 5' caCTTGGTGT-CCTTGTCCCTCat 3' Energy: -24.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1249-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -24.83 3 23 573 595 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:24700 to 24724 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uugaaccGGGUAGAGG-AGGGAGga 5' |::|| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' ctatcatCTTATGTCCTTCCCTCag 3' Energy: -22.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1249-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -22.42 3 18 24700 24724 16 75.00% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1249-5p NC_045512.2 422.00 -70.27 142.00 -24.83 914 24 29903 22193 573 24700 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6499-5p MIMAT0025450(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6499-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1305 MIMAT0005893(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1305 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:416 to 438 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' agagaGGGUAAUC-UCAACUUUu 5' |::| ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' tgtggCTTAGTAGAAGTTGAAAa 3' Energy: -15.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1305 NC_045512.2 160.00 -15.71 2 18 416 438 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8287 to 8310 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' agAGAGGGUA--AUCUCAACUUUu 5' || ||:|| | |||||||| Ref: 5' gcTCACCTATAACAAAGTTGAAAa 3' Energy: -19.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1305 NC_045512.2 159.00 -19.26 2 21 8287 8310 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1115 to 1134 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agAGAGGGUAAUCUCAACUUUu 5' || ||| ||:||||||| Ref: 5' atTCAACCA--AGGGTTGAAAa 3' Energy: -19.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1305 NC_045512.2 157.00 -19.75 2 21 1115 1134 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14842 to 14864 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agaGAGGGUAAUC-UCAACUUUu 5' || |:||| | |||||||: Ref: 5' caaCTACTATTTGTAGTTGAAGt 3' Energy: -14.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1305 NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.93 2 20 14842 14864 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5309 to 5333 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (80.95%) Query: 3' agaGAGG--G-UAAUCUCAACUUUu 5' |||| | | ||||||||||: Ref: 5' acaCTCCAACAAATAGAGTTGAAGt 3' Energy: -21.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1305 NC_045512.2 149.00 -21.39 2 20 5309 5333 21 76.19% 80.95% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:2835 to 2856 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' agAGAGGGUAAUCUCAACUUuu 5' ||| || || ||||||| Ref: 5' gcTCTGCCTATACAGTTGAAct 3' Energy: -18.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1305 NC_045512.2 148.00 -18.21 3 21 2835 2856 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:26536 to 26557 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' agagAGGGUAAUCUCAACUUUu 5' | |:|||| ||||||: Ref: 5' acggTACTATTACCGTTGAAGa 3' Energy: -15.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1305 NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.40 2 19 26536 26557 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:6306 to 6327 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agagaggguaaucUCAACUUUu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ggagcacaaaaccAGTTGAAAc 3' Energy: -7.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1305 NC_045512.2 145.00 -7.62 2 10 6306 6327 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22995 to 23016 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agaGAGGGUAAUCUCAACUUUu 5' ||: :| |:| ||||||: Ref: 5' cacCTTGTAATGGTGTTGAAGg 3' Energy: -15.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1305 NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.06 2 20 22995 23016 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:22453 to 22475 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' agagagggUAAUCU-CAACUUUu 5' | |: | ||||||| Ref: 5' agaaacaaAGTGTACGTTGAAAt 3' Energy: -6.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1305 NC_045512.2 141.00 -6.99 2 15 22453 22475 14 71.43% 78.57% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:20513 to 20534 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agagaggguaaucuCAACUUUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tacttgatgattttGTTGAAAt 3' Energy: -11.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1305 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.35 2 9 20513 20534 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1305 NC_045512.2 1638.00 -165.67 160.00 -21.39 916 22 29903 416 8287 1115 14842 5309 2835 26536 6306 22995 22453 20513 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-937-3p MIMAT0004980(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-937-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-432-3p MIMAT0002815(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-432-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:7751 to 7771 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' ucuguaccuCCUCGGUAGGUc 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgaagaatGGTTCCATCCAt 3' Energy: -16.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-432-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.76 2 13 7751 7771 11 81.82% 81.82% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-432-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.76 144.00 -16.76 918 21 29903 7751 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6870-3p MIMAT0027641(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6870-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28066 to 28086 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' gaCUUUCCUCUACCCCUACUCg 5' ||| | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttGAATTGTG-CGTGGATGAGg 3' Energy: -15.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6870-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.81 2 21 28066 28086 19 68.42% 68.42% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 15 R:3038 to 3059 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (91.67%) Query: 3' gacuuuccUCUACCCCUACUcg 5' ||||| |||||| Ref: 5' taccctccAGATGAGGATGAag 3' Energy: -15.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6870-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.58 3 15 3038 3059 12 91.67% 91.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6870-3p NC_045512.2 288.00 -31.39 146.00 -15.81 919 22 29903 28066 3038 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6510-3p MIMAT0025477(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6510-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3660 MIMAT0018081(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3660 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-550b-3p MIMAT0018445(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-550b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-606 MIMAT0003274(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-606 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:29812 to 29831 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uagaAACUAAAAGUCAUCAaa 5' || ||||| |||||| Ref: 5' aaaaTTAATTTT-AGTAGTgc 3' Energy: -9.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-606 NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.88 3 18 29812 29831 15 86.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:3337 to 3357 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' uagaaacUAAAAGUCAUCAAa 5' | |||:|||:||| Ref: 5' agtgaatAGTTTTAGTGGTTa 3' Energy: -11.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-606 NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.76 2 15 3337 3357 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12982 to 13002 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uagAAACUAAAAGUCAUCAAa 5' | ||:| |::|||||| Ref: 5' aggTATGGTACTTGGTAGTTt 3' Energy: -11.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-606 NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.84 2 19 12982 13002 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:14618 to 14638 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uagaaACUAAAAGUCAUCAAa 5' || |||||||||| | Ref: 5' ctacgTGCTTTTCAGTAGCTg 3' Energy: -13.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-606 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.52 2 17 14618 14638 15 86.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-606 NC_045512.2 567.00 -47.00 143.00 -13.52 923 21 29903 29812 3337 12982 14618 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3180 MIMAT0018178(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3180 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-519e-3p MIMAT0002829(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-519e-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17181 to 17202 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uuGUGAGAUUUUCCUCCGUGAa 5' |||| |: :|| |||||:| Ref: 5' tgCACTATGTGAGAAGGCATTa 3' Energy: -17.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519e-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -17.58 2 21 17181 17202 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:13498 to 13519 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uugugagauuuuccUCCGUGAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' acaccgtgcggcacAGGCACTa 3' Energy: -14.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519e-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.99 2 9 13498 13519 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-519e-3p NC_045512.2 292.00 -32.57 152.00 -17.58 925 22 29903 17181 13498 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-421 MIMAT0003339(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-421 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2566 to 2590 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cgcgGGUUAAUUAC--AGACAACUa 5' || | ||:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' acaaCCTACTAGTGAAGCTGTTGAa 3' Energy: -17.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-421 NC_045512.2 154.00 -17.66 2 20 2566 2590 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:14726 to 14748 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cgcgggUUAAUUACAGACAACUa 5' || || |||||||| Ref: 5' ttaaggAAGGAAGTTCTGTTGAa 3' Energy: -10.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-421 NC_045512.2 153.00 -10.58 2 18 14726 14748 16 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23857 to 23881 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (76.19%) Query: 3' cgcGGGUUAA--UUACAGACAACUa 5' :::|| | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgcTTTAACTGGAATAGCTGTTGAa 3' Energy: -13.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-421 NC_045512.2 151.00 -13.32 2 21 23857 23881 21 61.90% 76.19% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:8172 to 8194 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' cgCGGGUUAAUUACAGACAACUa 5' ||:|:: |: ||:|||||| Ref: 5' caGCTCGGCAAGGGTTTGTTGAt 3' Energy: -21.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-421 NC_045512.2 149.00 -21.01 2 22 8172 8194 20 60.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17817 to 17838 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' cgcgGGUUAAUUACAGACAACUa 5' |||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' actaCCAACTCA-AACTGTTGAt 3' Energy: -14.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-421 NC_045512.2 149.00 -14.45 2 20 17817 17838 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:17156 to 17181 Align Len (23) (60.87%) (73.91%) Query: 3' cgCGGGUUA-AUUAC--AGACAACUa 5' ||::: | | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' caGCTTGCTCTCATGCCGCTGTTGAt 3' Energy: -17.549999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-421 NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.55 2 22 17156 17181 23 60.87% 73.91% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20508 to 20532 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' cgcgGGUUAAUUAC--AGACAACUa 5' ::| ||:||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' tttaTTACTTGATGATTTTGTTGAa 3' Energy: -12.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-421 NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.17 2 20 20508 20532 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18700 to 18721 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cgcggGUUAAUUACAGACAACUa 5' || || ||| ||||||: Ref: 5' tcagaCACTT-ATGCCTGTTGGc 3' Energy: -12.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-421 NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.63 2 19 18700 18721 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:1344 to 1363 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgcGGGUUAAUUACAGACAACua 5' ||||| |||| |||||| Ref: 5' tacCCCAA--AATG-CTGTTGtt 3' Energy: -18.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-421 NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.84 3 21 1344 1363 18 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:14426 to 14448 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' cgcggguuaaUUACAGACAACUa 5' ||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' tagtgagaaaAATATTTGTTGAt 3' Energy: -12.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-421 NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.17 2 14 14426 14448 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14850 to 14871 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cgcggGUUAAUUACAGACAACUa 5' :|:||:| | :|||||| Ref: 5' atttgTAGTTGAAG-TTGTTGAt 3' Energy: -13.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-421 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.87 2 19 14850 14871 17 64.71% 88.24% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:27012 to 27035 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cgCGGG-UUAAUUACAGACAACua 5' |||: || ||| |||||| Ref: 5' ctGCCTAAAGAAATCACTGTTGct 3' Energy: -15.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-421 NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.87 3 22 27012 27035 20 70.00% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-421 NC_045512.2 1757.00 -180.12 154.00 -21.01 926 23 29903 2566 14726 23857 8172 17817 17156 20508 18700 1344 14426 14850 27012 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-378g MIMAT0018937(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-378g vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-151a-5p MIMAT0004697(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-151a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:23589 to 23608 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (70.59%) Query: 3' ugaUCUGACACUCGAGGAGCu 5' ||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctcAGACT-AATTCTCCTCGg 3' Energy: -20.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-151a-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -20.85 2 19 23589 23608 17 70.59% 70.59% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-151a-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -20.85 144.00 -20.85 928 21 29903 23589 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-29a-5p MIMAT0004503(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-29a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 168.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17621 to 17642 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gaCUUGUGGUUUUCUUUAGUCa 5' | |||: ||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaGCACATAAAGACAAATCAGc 3' Energy: -16.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29a-5p NC_045512.2 168.00 -16.00 2 21 17621 17642 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14923 to 14945 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gacUUG-UGGUUUUCUUUAGUCa 5' ||| ||| |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtcAACAACCTAGACAAATCAGc 3' Energy: -13.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29a-5p NC_045512.2 166.00 -13.60 2 20 14923 14945 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24598 to 24619 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gacuUGUGGUUUUCUUUAGUCa 5' | | | : ||||||||| Ref: 5' aattAGAGCTGCAGAAATCAGa 3' Energy: -14.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29a-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -14.73 2 19 24598 24619 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7914 to 7935 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gaCUU-GUGGUUUUCUUUAGUCa 5' ||| ||:| : | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaGAATCATCTGCA-AAATCAGc 3' Energy: -13.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29a-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -13.19 2 21 7914 7935 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:27007 to 27029 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gaCUUG-UGGUUUUCUUUAGUca 5' || | :|| |||||||||| Ref: 5' agGACCTGCCTAAAGAAATCAct 3' Energy: -16.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29a-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.74 3 21 27007 27029 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22619 to 22639 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gaCUUGUGGUUUUCUUUAGUCa 5' ||||| ||:| :|||||| Ref: 5' tgGAACAGGAAGA-GAATCAGc 3' Energy: -18.549999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29a-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -18.55 2 21 22619 22639 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28037 to 28057 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gacUUGUGGUUUUCUUUAGUCa 5' |: | | |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' agtAGGAGCTAGA-AAATCAGc 3' Energy: -11.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29a-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -11.99 2 20 28037 28057 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:2464 to 2485 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (94.12%) Query: 3' gacUUGUGGUUUUCUUUAGUca 5' |:| |||||||||||:| Ref: 5' aaaAGCCCCAAAAGAAATTAtc 3' Energy: -16.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29a-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.16 3 20 2464 2485 17 82.35% 94.12% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28284 to 28301 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' gaCUUGUGGUUUUCUUUAGUCa 5' |:|| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' atGGACCCCA----AAATCAGc 3' Energy: -15.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29a-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.49 2 21 28284 28301 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16341 to 16361 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gacUUGUGGUUUUCUUUAGUCa 5' ||||:| | | ||||:|| Ref: 5' atcAACATC-ACATAAATTAGt 3' Energy: -12.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29a-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.88 2 20 16341 16361 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:12589 to 12610 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' gacuugUGGUUUUCUUUAGUCa 5' ||: |: |||||:|| Ref: 5' tgttcaACTTAGTGAAATTAGt 3' Energy: -12.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.11 2 17 12589 12610 15 66.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22091 to 22112 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (89.47%) Query: 3' gaCUUGUGGUUUUCUUUAGUCa 5' |:|| :::||:|||| ||| Ref: 5' atGGACCTTGAAGGAAAACAGg 3' Energy: -17.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.02 2 21 22091 22112 19 63.16% 89.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-29a-5p NC_045512.2 1810.00 -178.46 168.00 -18.55 929 22 29903 17621 14923 24598 7914 27007 22619 28037 2464 28284 16341 12589 22091 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6891-3p MIMAT0027683(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6891-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28067 to 28087 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (72.22%) Query: 3' cuUUCCUCCCCUUCUACUCCc 5' || : | | :||||||| Ref: 5' tgAATTGTGCGTGGATGAGGc 3' Energy: -13.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6891-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.02 2 20 28067 28087 18 61.11% 72.22% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:3034 to 3054 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuuuccuccccuUCUACUCCc 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tttctaccctccAGATGAGGa 3' Energy: -12.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6891-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.20 2 10 3034 3054 8 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6891-3p NC_045512.2 292.00 -25.22 147.00 -13.02 930 21 29903 28067 3034 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6894-3p MIMAT0027689(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6894-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-521 MIMAT0002854(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-521 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:18508 to 18529 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uguGAGAUUUCCCUUCACGCAa 5' | :|::| | ||||||| Ref: 5' cttCCTTGGAATGTAGTGCGTa 3' Energy: -14.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-521 NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.27 2 20 18508 18529 18 61.11% 77.78% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19038 to 19062 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (72.73%) Query: 3' ugUGAGAUUUC---CCUUCACGCAa 5' || |||||| |||||:|| Ref: 5' taACCCTAAAGCTATTAAGTGTGTa 3' Energy: -16.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-521 NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.03 2 21 19038 19062 22 68.18% 72.73% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2408 to 2428 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugUGAGAUUUCCCUUCACGCAa 5' |:| || | | |||||:|| Ref: 5' ggATTGTACA-GAAAGTGTGTt 3' Energy: -14.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-521 NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.16 2 21 2408 2428 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:28176 to 28197 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ugugagauuuccCUUCACGCAa 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgggtagtcttGTAGTGCGTt 3' Energy: -14.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-521 NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.75 2 11 28176 28197 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22185 to 22205 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' uguGAGAUUUCCCUUCACGCAa 5' || | || ||||||| Ref: 5' cgcCTATTAA-TTTAGTGCGTg 3' Energy: -14.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-521 NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.81 2 20 22185 22205 18 66.67% 66.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-521 NC_045512.2 719.00 -74.02 151.00 -16.03 932 22 29903 18508 19038 2408 28176 22185 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-518c-5p MIMAT0002847(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-518c-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 168.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:2416 to 2439 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (80.95%) Query: 3' guCUUUCACG-AAGGGAGGUCUCu 5' |||||||: || ||||||| Ref: 5' caGAAAGTGTGTTAAATCCAGAGa 3' Energy: -29.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-518c-5p NC_045512.2 168.00 -29.36 2 22 2416 2439 21 76.19% 80.95% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:11034 to 11056 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gucuuucaCGAAGGGAGGUCUCu 5' |:||: ||||||| Ref: 5' cacttttaGTTTTAGTCCAGAGt 3' Energy: -17.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-518c-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -17.51 2 16 11034 11056 14 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:18424 to 18446 Align Len (11) (72.73%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gucuuucacgaAGGGAGGUCUCu 5' |:::||||||| Ref: 5' aataatacagaTTTTTCCAGAGt 3' Energy: -19.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-518c-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -19.07 2 13 18424 18446 11 72.73% 100.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17058 to 17082 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' gucUUUC--ACGAAGGGAGGUCUCu 5' |||| | || | ||||||:| Ref: 5' gcaAAAGTATTCTACACTCCAGGGa 3' Energy: -22.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-518c-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -22.15 2 21 17058 17082 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:3028 to 3050 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gucuuucACGAAGGGAGGUCUcu 5' | || ||||||||| Ref: 5' ttgttctTTCTACCCTCCAGAtg 3' Energy: -21.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-518c-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -21.30 3 17 3028 3050 14 85.71% 85.71% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:25544 to 25566 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (93.33%) Query: 3' gucuuucACGAAGGGAGGUCUCu 5' |||| :::|:||||| Ref: 5' cacttctTGCTGTTTTTCAGAGc 3' Energy: -17.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-518c-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.77 2 17 25544 25566 15 66.67% 93.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26431 to 26453 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gucUUUCACGAAGGGAGGUCUCu 5' || || |:|:||:|||| Ref: 5' aaaAATCTGAATTCTTCTAGAGt 3' Energy: -16.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-518c-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.65 2 21 26431 26453 19 63.16% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-518c-5p NC_045512.2 1046.00 -143.81 168.00 -29.36 933 23 29903 2416 11034 18424 17058 3028 25544 26431 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-646 MIMAT0003316(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-646 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:4637 to 4655 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cgGAGUCUCCGUCGACGAa 5' :|::|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaTTTGGAAGAAGCTGCTc 3' Energy: -14.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-646 NC_045512.2 157.00 -14.70 2 18 4637 4655 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:9938 to 9956 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cgGA-GUCUCCGUCGACGAa 5' || |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' agCTACAGA-GAAGCTGCTt 3' Energy: -23.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-646 NC_045512.2 154.00 -23.57 2 18 9938 9956 17 82.35% 82.35% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:6634 to 6653 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cgGAGU-CUCCGUCGACGAa 5' |||| |: :||||||| Ref: 5' taCTCATGGTTTAGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -19.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-646 NC_045512.2 152.00 -19.41 2 18 6634 6653 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:5372 to 5390 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' cggaGUCUCCGUCGACGAa 5' | |: | ||||||| Ref: 5' agggCTGGTGAAGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -13.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-646 NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.21 2 16 5372 5390 14 71.43% 78.57% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-646 NC_045512.2 610.00 -70.89 157.00 -23.57 934 19 29903 4637 9938 6634 5372 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4788 MIMAT0019958(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4788 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-590-5p MIMAT0003258(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-590-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:17596 to 17619 Align Len (16) (87.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gacgugaAAAUAC--UUAUUCGAg 5' |||||| |||||||| Ref: 5' gctttggTTTATGATAATAAGCTt 3' Energy: -14.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-590-5p NC_045512.2 162.00 -14.31 2 16 17596 17619 16 87.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:29320 to 29341 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gacGUGAAAAUACUUAUUCGag 5' ||:||| ||||||||| Ref: 5' agtCATTTTGCTGAATAAGCat 3' Energy: -16.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-590-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -16.18 3 20 29320 29341 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21186 to 21207 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (72.22%) Query: 3' gacGUGAAAAUACUUAUUCGAg 5' ::|| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gaaTGCTGATCTTTATAAGCTc 3' Energy: -15.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-590-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.38 2 20 21186 21207 18 61.11% 72.22% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9781 to 9800 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gaCGUGAAAAUACUUAUUCGAg 5' |:||||| |||| ||||| Ref: 5' taGTACTTT--TGAAGAAGCTg 3' Energy: -15.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-590-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.06 2 21 9781 9800 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:15655 to 15675 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (94.12%) Query: 3' gacgUGAAAAUACUUAUUCGAg 5' || |||:|||||:||:| Ref: 5' acagAC-TTTGTGAATGAGTTt 3' Energy: -16.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-590-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.89 2 19 15655 15675 17 76.47% 94.12% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-590-5p NC_045512.2 745.00 -77.82 162.00 -16.89 936 22 29903 17596 29320 21186 9781 15655 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4483 MIMAT0019017(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4483 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:14312 to 14328 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' guugUUGUCUGGUGGGg 5' :||| ||||||| Ref: 5' atcaGACATACCACCCa 3' Energy: -18.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4483 NC_045512.2 153.00 -18.35 2 14 14312 14328 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:16454 to 16471 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' guuGU-UGUCUGGUGGGg 5' || |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' aatCACATAAACCACCCa 3' Energy: -15.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4483 NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.97 2 15 16454 16471 14 78.57% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4483 NC_045512.2 302.00 -34.32 153.00 -18.35 937 17 29903 14312 16454 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1281 MIMAT0005939(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1281 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5192 MIMAT0021123(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5192 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:27668 to 27690 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' ugguggacCUU-AGGUGAGAGGa 5' ||| |::||||||| Ref: 5' aagttcaaGAACTTTACTCTCCa 3' Energy: -16.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5192 NC_045512.2 153.00 -16.59 2 15 27668 27690 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:25591 to 25615 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' ugguggACCUUAG---GUGAGAGGa 5' ||| | | |||||||| Ref: 5' aagagaTGGCAACTAGCACTCTCCa 3' Energy: -16.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5192 NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.24 2 17 25591 25615 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:11866 to 11888 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ugGUGGACCUUAG-GUGAGAGga 5' ||:| | |:|| :|||||| Ref: 5' caCATCAGTAGTCTTACTCTCag 3' Energy: -18.549999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5192 NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.55 3 21 11866 11888 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5192 NC_045512.2 443.00 -51.38 153.00 -18.55 939 22 29903 27668 25591 11866 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3657 MIMAT0018077(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3657 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19644 to 19663 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uuAGUGGUUAUUACCCUGUGu 5' |::: ||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgTTGTAAATAA-GGGACACt 3' Energy: -15.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3657 NC_045512.2 161.00 -15.90 2 20 19644 19663 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21196 to 21217 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uuAGUGGUU-AUUACCCUGUGu 5' |:|: |: | ||||||||| Ref: 5' ctTTATAAGCTCATGGGACACt 3' Energy: -15.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3657 NC_045512.2 158.00 -15.82 2 20 21196 21217 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3657 NC_045512.2 319.00 -31.72 161.00 -15.90 940 21 29903 19644 21196 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-148a-3p MIMAT0000243(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-148a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12796 to 12818 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uguuUCAAGACAU-CACGUGACu 5' || |:|||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aggtAGGTTTGTACTTGCACTGt 3' Energy: -17.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-148a-3p NC_045512.2 161.00 -17.66 2 19 12796 12818 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:28178 to 28199 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (94.12%) Query: 3' uguuUCAAGACAUCACGUGACu 5' ||| :||||||||::|| Ref: 5' gggtAGTCTTGTAGTGCGTTGt 3' Energy: -23.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-148a-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -23.94 2 19 28178 28199 17 76.47% 94.12% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14034 to 14056 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uguuUCAAGAC-AUCACGUGACu 5' :|| :|| |:|||:|||| Ref: 5' tgctGGTATTGTTGGTGTACTGa 3' Energy: -20.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-148a-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -20.73 2 19 14034 14056 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:17304 to 17326 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uguuuCAAGACA-UCACGUGACu 5' || |||| | ||||:|| Ref: 5' cttttGTACTGTAAATGCATTGc 3' Energy: -14.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-148a-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.94 2 18 17304 17326 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19081 to 19102 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ugUUUCAAGACAUCACGUGACu 5' :||||||| |: ||||| | Ref: 5' tgGAAGTTCTATGATGCACAGc 3' Energy: -15.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-148a-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.60 2 21 19081 19102 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12742 to 12759 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' ugUUUCAAGACAUCACGUGACu 5' ||| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' acAAACTGCT----TGCACTGa 3' Energy: -17.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-148a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.13 2 21 12742 12759 19 68.42% 68.42% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:14622 to 14644 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uguuucAAGACAUC-ACGUGAcu 5' ||| |||| |||||| Ref: 5' gtgcttTTCAGTAGCTGCACTta 3' Energy: -13.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-148a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.23 3 17 14622 14644 15 86.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:6328 to 6350 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uguUUCAAG-ACAUCACGUGACu 5' || ||| | |: ||:|||| Ref: 5' atcAAATTCGTTTGATGTACTGa 3' Energy: -16.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-148a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.03 2 20 6328 6350 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7039 to 7059 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uguuucAAGACAUCACGUGACu 5' |||| || ||:|||| Ref: 5' catgccTTCT-TACTGTACTGg 3' Energy: -12.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-148a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.53 2 17 7039 7059 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24173 to 24194 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (64.71%) Query: 3' uguuUCAAGACAUCACGUGACu 5' | | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gctcAATACACTTCTGCACTGt 3' Energy: -12.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-148a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.02 2 19 24173 24194 17 64.71% 64.71% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:27541 to 27562 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguuucaagacaucACGUGACu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gctgataacaaattTGCACTGa 3' Energy: -13.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-148a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.56 2 9 27541 27562 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-148a-3p NC_045512.2 1592.00 -177.37 161.00 -23.94 941 22 29903 12796 28178 14034 17304 19081 12742 14622 6328 7039 24173 27541 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4691-5p MIMAT0019781(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4691-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:21332 to 21356 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (72.73%) Query: 3' ggCGUCGA--GUACCGGACCUCCUg 5' ||| | ||| ::||||||| Ref: 5' atGCAAATTACATATTTTGGAGGAa 3' Energy: -20.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4691-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -20.83 2 22 21332 21356 22 63.64% 72.73% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3452 to 3473 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ggcGUCGAGUACCGGACCUCCUg 5' :| ||:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gttTACCTTA-AACATGGAGGAg 3' Energy: -16.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4691-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.84 2 21 3452 3473 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:349 to 376 Align Len (26) (61.54%) (73.08%) Query: 3' ggCGUCGAGUACC-----GG-ACCUCCUg 5' |::|||: ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' acGTGGCTT-TGGAGACTCCGTGGAGGAg 3' Energy: -28.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4691-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -28.04 2 22 349 376 26 61.54% 73.08% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4691-5p NC_045512.2 443.00 -65.71 152.00 -28.04 942 23 29903 21332 3452 349 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3151-5p MIMAT0015024(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3151-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8054 MIMAT0030981(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8054 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:6790 to 6811 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uggguAGGCUAG-ACAUGAAAg 5' | | ||: |||||||| Ref: 5' attgcTACAATTGTGTACTTTt 3' Energy: -11.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8054 NC_045512.2 151.00 -11.68 2 17 6790 6811 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:14861 to 14881 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uggguaGGCUAGACAUGAAAg 5' ::||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aagttgTTGATAAGTACTTTg 3' Energy: -11.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8054 NC_045512.2 151.00 -11.76 2 16 14861 14881 14 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7762 to 7781 Align Len (18) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ugGGUAGGCUAGACAUGAAAg 5' |||||| |||| |||||| Ref: 5' ttCCATCC-ATCTTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -21.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8054 NC_045512.2 149.00 -21.01 2 20 7762 7781 18 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:9770 to 9790 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uggguAGGCUAGACAUGAAAg 5' |:| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtgtTTCCTTTAGTACTTTt 3' Energy: -9.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8054 NC_045512.2 148.00 -9.07 2 17 9770 9790 15 66.67% 80.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:27775 to 27795 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' uggguAGGCUAGACAUGAAAg 5' |:| ||:|||:|||| Ref: 5' ttgacTTCTATTTGTGCTTTt 3' Energy: -14.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8054 NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.61 2 17 27775 27795 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9368 to 9388 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ugGGUAGGCUAGACAUGAAAg 5' :|| || ||: ||:|||| Ref: 5' atTCAACCTATTGGTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -12.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8054 NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.90 2 20 9368 9388 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13062 to 13081 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ugGGUAGGCUAGACAUGAAAg 5' ::|||: |||||:|||| Ref: 5' taTTATCT-TTCTGTGCTTTt 3' Energy: -18.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8054 NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.43 2 20 13062 13081 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23079 to 23103 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (72.73%) Query: 3' ugGGUA-GGCU-A--GACAUGAAAg 5' |||| | || | : ||||||| Ref: 5' aaCCATACAGAGTAGTAGTACTTTc 3' Energy: -16.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8054 NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.49 2 20 23079 23103 22 68.18% 72.73% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:27465 to 27485 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' uggguaggcUAGACAUGAAAg 5' | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tagaggtacAACAGTACTTTt 3' Energy: -7.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8054 NC_045512.2 144.00 -7.63 2 13 27465 27485 11 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:16077 to 16096 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ugGGUAGGCUAGACAUGAAag 5' :| |:| ||:||||||| Ref: 5' tgTCTTTC-ATTTGTACTTac 3' Energy: -14.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8054 NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.13 3 20 16077 16096 17 70.59% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8054 NC_045512.2 1468.00 -137.71 151.00 -21.01 944 21 29903 6790 14861 7762 9770 27775 9368 13062 23079 27465 16077 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4482-3p MIMAT0020958(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4482-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15627 to 15647 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cuCGGGGUGACUCUUUAUCUUu 5' |:|:| | |||||||||: Ref: 5' gtGTCTCTAT-AGAAATAGAGa 3' Energy: -18.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4482-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.09 2 21 15627 15647 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:19110 to 19132 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cucggggUGACU-CUUUAUCUUu 5' :|| | |||||||| Ref: 5' tgacaaaGCTTATAAAATAGAAg 3' Energy: -10.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4482-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -10.59 2 16 19110 19132 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26565 to 26585 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cuCGGGGUGACUCUUUAUCUUu 5' ||:|| :||| |||:||| Ref: 5' aaGCTCC-TTGAACAATGGAAc 3' Energy: -18.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4482-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.31 2 21 26565 26585 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20196 to 20216 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cucGGGGUGACUCUUUAUCUUu 5' |:::||| || |:||||| Ref: 5' ttaCTTTACTCAG-AGTAGAAa 3' Energy: -17.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4482-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.87 2 20 20196 20216 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3290 to 3311 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cucGGGGUGACUCUUUAUCUUu 5' ||:|| | |||:||:||| Ref: 5' caaCCTCAATTAGAGATGGAAc 3' Energy: -18.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4482-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.87 2 20 3290 3311 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25953 to 25974 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (89.47%) Query: 3' cuCGGGGUGACUCUUUAUCUUu 5' |:: :||||| ||||:|:| Ref: 5' tgGTTATACTGAAAAATGGGAa 3' Energy: -17.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4482-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.71 2 21 25953 25974 19 63.16% 89.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4482-3p NC_045512.2 866.00 -101.44 146.00 -18.87 945 22 29903 15627 19110 26565 20196 3290 25953 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-412-5p MIMAT0026557(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-412-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29245 to 29270 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' uaaUGAAAG--GUUG-ACCAGCUGGu 5' || ||| ||| ||||:|||| Ref: 5' cacACCTTCGGGAACGTGGTTGACCt 3' Energy: -19.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-412-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -19.02 2 21 29245 29270 22 72.73% 77.27% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-412-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -19.02 146.00 -19.02 946 23 29903 29245 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6851-3p MIMAT0027603(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6851-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:12645 to 12665 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaccuccccauguUUCCCGGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgtaacagctttAAGGGCCa 3' Energy: -15.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6851-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.33 2 9 12645 12665 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6851-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.33 140.00 -15.33 947 21 29903 12645 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6502-5p MIMAT0025460(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6502-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24587 to 24607 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccAGUUGUUAGAAAGAUCUCGa 5' |||||||| | :|||||| Ref: 5' acTCAACAAT-TAATTAGAGCt 3' Energy: -20.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6502-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -20.17 2 21 24587 24607 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:6592 to 6613 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ccaGUUGUUAGAAAGAUCUCGa 5' :||::| :| |||||||: Ref: 5' accTAATGAATTATCTAGAGTa 3' Energy: -10.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6502-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.41 2 20 6592 6613 18 61.11% 88.89% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:26433 to 26454 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' ccaguugUUAGAAAGAUCUCGa 5' |||: ||||||||: Ref: 5' aaatctgAATTCTTCTAGAGTt 3' Energy: -15.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6502-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.10 2 16 26433 26454 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:6880 to 6903 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ccAGUUG-UUAGAA-AGAUCUCga 5' ||::: |||:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgTCGGTAAATTTTGTCTAGAGgc 3' Energy: -19.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6502-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -19.12 3 21 6880 6903 20 70.00% 90.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6502-5p NC_045512.2 594.00 -64.80 154.00 -20.17 948 22 29903 24587 6592 26433 6880 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-570-3p MIMAT0003235(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-570-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27890 to 27912 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cgUUUCCAUUAACG-ACAAAAGc 5' | | | |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gaACATGAAATTTCTTGTTTTCt 3' Energy: -6.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-570-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -6.95 2 21 27890 27912 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5841 to 5867 Align Len (24) (70.83%) (70.83%) Query: 3' cgUUUCCA--UUAA---CGACAAAAGc 5' |||||| ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' acAAAGGTCCTATTACGGATGTTTTCt 3' Energy: -15.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-570-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -15.31 2 21 5841 5867 24 70.83% 70.83% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:3561 to 3581 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (93.33%) Query: 3' cguuuCCAUUAACGACAAAAgc 5' ||||:||| |||||| Ref: 5' tgggtGGTAGTTG-TGTTTTaa 3' Energy: -15.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-570-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.01 3 18 3561 3581 15 86.67% 93.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:25540 to 25561 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cguuuccauuAACGACAAAAGc 5' ||||||||||: Ref: 5' gttgcacttcTTGCTGTTTTTc 3' Energy: -12.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-570-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.28 2 13 25540 25561 11 90.91% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15503 to 15523 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cguUUCCAUUAACGACAAAAGc 5' | | |||| | ||||||: Ref: 5' cttATGCTAATAG-TGTTTTTa 3' Energy: -4.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-570-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -4.18 2 20 15503 15523 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:20894 to 20914 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cguuUCCAUUAACGACAAAAgc 5' |||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' caccAGGT-ACAGCTGTTTTaa 3' Energy: -14.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-570-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.80 3 19 20894 20914 16 81.25% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-570-3p NC_045512.2 885.00 -68.53 159.00 -15.31 949 22 29903 27890 5841 3561 25540 15503 20894 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-2113 MIMAT0009206(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-2113 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:6296 to 6316 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cacugucucggUUCGUGUUUa 5' :|||||||| Ref: 5' cgttgtctttgGAGCACAAAa 3' Energy: -11.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2113 NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.29 2 11 6296 6316 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:16800 to 16820 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cacUGUCUCGGUUCGUGUUUa 5' | | ||: |||:||||| Ref: 5' taaAAACAGTAAAGTACAAAt 3' Energy: -15.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2113 NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.64 2 19 16800 16820 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3762 to 3781 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (77.78%) Query: 3' caCUGUCUCGGUUCGUGUUUa 5' ||:| |:: ||||||| Ref: 5' taGATACTGTT-CGCACAAAt 3' Energy: -13.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2113 NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.18 2 20 3762 3781 18 61.11% 77.78% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10611 to 10632 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' caCUGUCUCGGU--UCGUGUUUa 5' ||||| || | |||||||: Ref: 5' ttGACAG-GCAAACAGCACAAGc 3' Energy: -21.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2113 NC_045512.2 144.00 -21.02 2 20 10611 10632 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:24103 to 24123 Align Len (13) (61.54%) (84.62%) Query: 3' cacugucUCGGUUCGUGUUUa 5' | ::: ||||||| Ref: 5' agacctcATTTGTGCACAAAa 3' Energy: -10.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2113 NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.42 2 15 24103 24123 13 61.54% 84.62% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:15760 to 15780 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cacuGUCUCGGUUCGUGUUUa 5' :|| | | ||||:||| Ref: 5' ggtcTAGTGGCTAGCATAAAg 3' Energy: -13.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2113 NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.64 2 18 15760 15780 16 68.75% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-2113 NC_045512.2 864.00 -85.19 146.00 -21.02 950 21 29903 6296 16800 3762 10611 24103 15760 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6736-3p MIMAT0027374(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6736-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:639 to 660 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' gacacCCA-UCUCUCCUCGACu 5' ||| | | |||||||| Ref: 5' agaacGGTAATAAAGGAGCTGg 3' Energy: -19.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6736-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -19.69 2 17 639 660 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:26931 to 26950 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' gacaccCAUCUCUCCUCGACu 5' ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gaactcGTA-ATCGGAGCTGt 3' Energy: -13.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6736-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.06 2 16 26931 26950 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:5054 to 5073 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (84.62%) Query: 3' gacacccAUCUCUCCUCGACu 5' |:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' acttattTGGA-TGGAGCTGa 3' Energy: -17.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6736-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.41 2 15 5054 5073 13 76.92% 84.62% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 15 R:28027 to 28048 Align Len (13) (92.31%) (92.31%) Query: 3' gacacccAUCUC-UCCUCGAcu 5' ||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtatatTAGAGTAGGAGCTag 3' Energy: -19.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6736-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.10 3 15 28027 28048 13 92.31% 92.31% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6736-3p NC_045512.2 585.00 -69.26 155.00 -19.69 951 21 29903 639 26931 5054 28027 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4757-5p MIMAT0019901(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4757-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3135a MIMAT0015001(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3135a vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:6968 to 6989 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' gugacgUCAGAGUCGGAUCCGu 5' ||| |: |||||||: Ref: 5' ctattaAGTGTTTGCCTAGGTt 3' Energy: -18.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3135a NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.45 2 17 6968 6989 15 73.33% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3135a NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.45 144.00 -18.45 953 22 29903 6968 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-324-3p MIMAT0000762(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-324-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:2083 to 2102 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ggUCGUCGUGGACCCCGUCACCc 5' ||: | ||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' tcAGTTG-ACTT--CGCAGTGGc 3' Energy: -18.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-324-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.65 2 22 2083 2102 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:28344 to 28375 Align Len (29) (62.07%) (68.97%) Query: 3' ggUCGUCG-UGG----ACC-C---CGUCACCc 5' :||||: ||| ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctGGCAGTAACCAGAATGGAGAACGCAGTGGg 3' Energy: -31.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-324-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -31.37 2 22 28344 28375 29 62.07% 68.97% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:747 to 769 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggucgucguggacccCGUCACCc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ggaacactaaacataGCAGTGGt 3' Energy: -17.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-324-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.63 2 9 747 769 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-324-3p NC_045512.2 425.00 -67.65 144.00 -31.37 954 23 29903 2083 28344 747 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-622 MIMAT0003291(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-622 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:173 to 193 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cgAGGUUGGAGUCGUCUGACa 5' ||:| |:|| ||||:||| Ref: 5' cgTCTATCTTCTGCAGGCTGc 3' Energy: -23.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-622 NC_045512.2 155.00 -23.12 2 20 173 193 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23488 to 23509 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cgAGGUUGGAGU-CGUCUGACa 5' |:||| | |: ||||:||| Ref: 5' ttTTCAAACACGTGCAGGCTGt 3' Energy: -20.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-622 NC_045512.2 146.00 -20.60 2 20 23488 23509 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16222 to 16241 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cgAGGUUGGAGUCGUCUGACa 5' | ||::||:| |||:||| Ref: 5' caTACAGTCTTA-CAGGCTGt 3' Energy: -22.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-622 NC_045512.2 145.00 -22.27 2 20 16222 16241 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26806 to 26829 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (76.19%) Query: 3' cgAGGU--UGGAG-UCGUCUGACa 5' |:|| :|:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' acTTCATTGCTTCTTTCAGACTGt 3' Energy: -23.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-622 NC_045512.2 145.00 -23.57 2 20 26806 26829 21 61.90% 76.19% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:10369 to 10389 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cgAGGUUGGAGUCGUCUGAca 5' |:||||| : |||||| Ref: 5' caTTCAACCAGGACAGACTtt 3' Energy: -17.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-622 NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.30 3 20 10369 10389 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-622 NC_045512.2 734.00 -106.86 155.00 -23.57 955 21 29903 173 23488 16222 26806 10369 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5571-3p MIMAT0022258(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5571-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:29846 to 29864 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gucuccUCGGAGGAUCCUg 5' |||:||:||||| Ref: 5' tttaatAGCTTCTTAGGAg 3' Energy: -18.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5571-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.34 2 14 29846 29864 12 83.33% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:28598 to 28616 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' gucuccucGGAGGAUCCUg 5' |: ||||||| Ref: 5' tatttctaCTACCTAGGAa 3' Energy: -14.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5571-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.19 2 12 28598 28616 10 80.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:22365 to 22383 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gucuccucggaGGAUCCUg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gttatcttcaaCCTAGGAc 3' Energy: -16.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5571-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.15 2 9 22365 22383 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5571-3p NC_045512.2 428.00 -48.68 145.00 -18.34 956 19 29903 29846 28598 22365 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-581 MIMAT0003246(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-581 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:29534 to 29554 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' ugACUAGAUCUCUUGUGUUCu 5' | || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' acTCATGCAGACCACACAAGg 3' Energy: -15.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-581 NC_045512.2 155.00 -15.42 2 20 29534 29554 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:29070 to 29091 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ugacUA-GAUCUCUUGUGUUCu 5' || | | : |||||||| Ref: 5' aagcATACAATGTAACACAAGc 3' Energy: -9.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-581 NC_045512.2 148.00 -9.45 2 18 29070 29091 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:10768 to 10788 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugacuagaucucUUGUGUUCu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ttatgaacctctAACACAAGa 3' Energy: -13.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-581 NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.32 2 10 10768 10788 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:29626 to 29646 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ugacUAGAUCUCUUGUGUUCu 5' | ||| | |:|||||| Ref: 5' tcgtAACTACATAGCACAAGt 3' Energy: -12.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-581 NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.54 2 18 29626 29646 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:148 to 168 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ugACUAGAUCUCUUGUGUUCu 5' | :|: | ||:||||:|| Ref: 5' tgTCGTTGACAGGACACGAGt 3' Energy: -16.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-581 NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.08 2 20 148 168 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8677 to 8696 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ugacUAGAUCUCUUGUGUUCu 5' ||| | ||:|:||||| Ref: 5' tgaaATC-ATAGGATACAAGg 3' Energy: -15.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-581 NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.06 2 18 8677 8696 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:3572 to 3593 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ugACUAGA-UCUCUUGUGUUcu 5' || |:| || |:|||||| Ref: 5' tgTGTTTTAAGCGGACACAAtc 3' Energy: -11.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-581 NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.35 3 20 3572 3593 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3929 to 3948 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ugACUAGAUCUCUUGUGUUCu 5' ||| | |||||| ||||| Ref: 5' gtTGAAC-AGAGAAAACAAGa 3' Energy: -19.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-581 NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.21 2 20 3929 3948 18 83.33% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-581 NC_045512.2 1162.00 -112.43 155.00 -19.21 957 21 29903 29534 29070 10768 29626 148 8677 3572 3929 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7156-3p MIMAT0028223(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7156-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7279 to 7301 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ugguCAAGGGGUUCACCGACGUc 5' || |:: :| |||||||| Ref: 5' ctatGTACTTGGATTGGCTGCAa 3' Energy: -17.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7156-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -17.69 2 20 7279 7301 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14881 to 14903 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ugguCAAGGGGUUCACCGACGUc 5' ||| | :|||||||:| Ref: 5' gattGTTACGATGGTGGCTGTAt 3' Energy: -17.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7156-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.06 2 20 14881 14903 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:86 to 108 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (76.92%) Query: 3' uggucaaggGGUUCACCGACGUc 5' :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgtggctgTCACTCGGCTGCAt 3' Energy: -14.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7156-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.87 2 15 86 108 13 69.23% 76.92% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:1867 to 1889 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ugGUCAAGGGGUUCACCGACGuc 5' || || | : || |||||| Ref: 5' tgCATTTGCATCAGAGGCTGCtc 3' Energy: -15.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7156-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.14 3 22 1867 1889 19 68.42% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7156-3p NC_045512.2 585.00 -64.76 159.00 -17.69 958 23 29903 7279 14881 86 1867 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-520g-3p MIMAT0002858(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-520g-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 165.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:25608 to 25631 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uguGAGAUUUCCCUUCGUGAAACa 5' ||| ||:|| : ||||||| Ref: 5' actCTCCAAGGGTGTTCACTTTGt 3' Energy: -23.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520g-3p NC_045512.2 165.00 -23.74 2 22 25608 25631 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:19646 to 19667 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ugugagauUUCCCUUCGUGAAACa 5' |||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgtaaatAAGGGA--CACTTTGa 3' Energy: -17.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520g-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -17.27 2 17 19646 19667 15 86.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:886 to 911 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ugugagAUUUC--CCUUCGUGAAACa 5' ||||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' tgctggTAAAGCTTCATGCACTTTGt 3' Energy: -15.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520g-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -15.89 2 19 886 911 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:29305 to 29330 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (78.26%) Query: 3' ugUGAGAUUUC-CCUUC-GUGAAACa 5' |:|: |||| ||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' aaATTTCAAAGATCAAGTCATTTTGc 3' Energy: -11.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520g-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.83 2 23 29305 29330 23 65.22% 78.26% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:27709 to 27732 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ugugagauuucccuUCGUGAAACa 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' gcaatagtgtttatAACACTTTGc 3' Energy: -9.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520g-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.55 2 11 27709 27732 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 23 R:22039 to 22067 Align Len (25) (64.00%) (72.00%) Query: 3' ugUGAGAUUUCCCUU-----CGUGAAAca 5' |:||||: | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttATTCTAGTGCGAATAATTGCACTTTtg 3' Energy: -15.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520g-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.91 3 23 22039 22067 25 64.00% 72.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-520g-3p NC_045512.2 902.00 -94.19 165.00 -23.74 959 24 29903 25608 19646 886 29305 27709 22039 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1207-3p MIMAT0005872(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1207-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:13709 to 13727 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cuUUACU-CCCGGUCGACu 5' || || | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttAAGGATTGTCCAGCTGt 3' Energy: -14.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1207-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.96 2 17 13709 13727 16 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:15949 to 15966 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' cuuuACUCCCGGUCGACu 5' | :|||||:|||| Ref: 5' atccTAGGGGCCGGCTGt 3' Energy: -23.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1207-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -23.04 2 15 15949 15966 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:26018 to 26035 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuuuacucccGGUCGACu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cagactattaCCAGCTGt 3' Energy: -14.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1207-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.16 2 9 26018 26035 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1207-3p NC_045512.2 429.00 -52.16 147.00 -23.04 960 18 29903 13709 15949 26018 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-506-3p MIMAT0002878(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-506-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:26197 to 26216 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' agaUGAGUCUUCCCACGGAAu 5' ||| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' acgACT-ACTAGCGTGCCTTt 3' Energy: -17.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-506-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -17.84 2 19 26197 26216 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24827 to 24847 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agAUGAGUCUUCCCACGGAAu 5' | |||: :| ||||:||| Ref: 5' ttTCCTCGTGAAGGTGTCTTt 3' Energy: -19.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-506-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -19.20 2 20 24827 24847 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:1197 to 1217 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' agaugagucUUCCCACGGAAu 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' aatgcaaccAAATGTGCCTTt 3' Energy: -11.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-506-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.15 2 13 1197 1217 11 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:4304 to 4324 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' agaugagucUUCCCACGGAAu 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaaagtgtAAAAGTGCCTTt 3' Energy: -10.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-506-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -10.77 2 13 4304 4324 11 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4133 to 4153 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (94.44%) Query: 3' agAUGAGUCUUCCCACGGAAu 5' |::||| :||||||::|| Ref: 5' gtTGTTCAAGAGGGTGTTTTa 3' Energy: -24.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-506-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -24.83 2 20 4133 4153 18 66.67% 94.44% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:1808 to 1828 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' agaUGAGUCUUCCCACGGAau 5' :|| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaGCTAAAAAAGGTGCCTgg 3' Energy: -13.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-506-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.73 3 19 1808 1828 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5799 to 5821 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agAUGA-GUCU-UCCCACGGAAu 5' ||:| || | | |||||:|| Ref: 5' tgTATTGCATAGACGGTGCTTTa 3' Energy: -19.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-506-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.47 2 20 5799 5821 20 70.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-506-3p NC_045512.2 1013.00 -116.99 152.00 -24.83 961 21 29903 26197 24827 1197 4304 4133 1808 5799 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6811-5p MIMAT0027522(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6811-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6775-5p MIMAT0027450(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6775-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6748-5p MIMAT0027396(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6748-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14392 to 14412 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uuAGGUCAGGAAGGGUGGGUGu 5' | |||| ||||||||:|| Ref: 5' tcTACAGT-GTTCCCACCTACa 3' Energy: -28.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6748-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -28.02 2 21 14392 14412 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9149 to 9170 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' uuAGGUCAGGAAGGGUGGGUGu 5' || | |:| | ||||:|| Ref: 5' atTCAATTTCCTAACACCTACc 3' Energy: -18.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6748-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.10 2 21 9149 9170 19 63.16% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6748-5p NC_045512.2 294.00 -46.12 154.00 -28.02 964 22 29903 14392 9149 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1273h-3p MIMAT0030416(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1273h-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19472 to 19493 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cgGACCCUCCAGCUCAGACGUc 5' :| || ||| |||||:| Ref: 5' atTTAGGTGGTGCTGTCTGTAg 3' Energy: -21.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1273h-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -21.07 2 21 19472 19493 19 63.16% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1273h-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -21.07 140.00 -21.07 965 22 29903 19472 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-31-3p MIMAT0004504(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-31-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-676-5p MIMAT0018203(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-676-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3959 to 3978 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' acGUUCAGGACUCCAACUUCu 5' ||| |:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' atCAAAGCTTG-TGTTGAAGa 3' Energy: -18.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-676-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -18.06 2 20 3959 3978 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:22996 to 23016 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' acguuCAGGACUCCAACUUCu 5' || ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' accttGTAATGGTGTTGAAGg 3' Energy: -16.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-676-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -16.90 2 17 22996 23016 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2572 to 2592 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' acGUUCAGGACUCCAACUUCu 5' | ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' taCTAGTGAAGCTGTTGAAGc 3' Energy: -10.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-676-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.70 2 20 2572 2592 18 66.67% 66.67% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:14844 to 14864 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (84.62%) Query: 3' acguucaGGACUCCAACUUCu 5' ::|| ||||||| Ref: 5' actactaTTTGTAGTTGAAGt 3' Energy: -12.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-676-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.96 2 15 14844 14864 13 69.23% 84.62% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:8559 to 8579 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acguucaggacuCCAACUUCu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ttgttaataattGGTTGAAGc 3' Energy: -11.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-676-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.44 2 10 8559 8579 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5313 to 5333 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (66.67%) Query: 3' acGUUCAGGACUCCAACUUCu 5' ||| | : ||||||| Ref: 5' tcCAACAAATAGAGTTGAAGt 3' Energy: -10.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-676-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.61 2 20 5313 5333 18 61.11% 66.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:12186 to 12209 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' acguuCAGGA---CUCCAACUUCu 5' ||:|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' aagttGTTCTTAAAAAGTTGAAGa 3' Energy: -14.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-676-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.21 2 17 12186 12209 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24505 to 24528 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' acGUUCAGGAC---UCCAACUUCu 5' || |||:|| | |||||:| Ref: 5' ttCACGTCTTGACAAAGTTGAGGc 3' Energy: -18.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-676-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.29 2 20 24505 24528 21 66.67% 76.19% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:26537 to 26557 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (68.75%) Query: 3' acguUCAGGACUCCAACUUCu 5' | | :| ||||||| Ref: 5' cggtACTATTACCGTTGAAGa 3' Energy: -11.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-676-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.88 2 18 26537 26557 16 62.50% 68.75% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-676-5p NC_045512.2 1312.00 -125.05 153.00 -18.29 967 21 29903 3959 22996 2572 14844 8559 5313 12186 24505 26537 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-2115-3p MIMAT0011159(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-2115-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13825 to 13846 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gauCGGAGGUACUUAAGACUAc 5' ||:|: | | |||:|||| Ref: 5' tatGCTTTAAGGCATTTTGATg 3' Energy: -15.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2115-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.08 2 20 13825 13846 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:20861 to 20884 Align Len (19) (52.63%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gaucGGAGGUAC--UUAAGACUAc 5' ::|: :|| ::||||||| Ref: 5' tacaTTTTGGTGCTGGTTCTGATa 3' Energy: -12.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2115-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.14 2 19 20861 20884 19 52.63% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:9986 to 10007 Align Len (9) (77.78%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaucggagguacUUAAGACUAc 5' ::||||||| Ref: 5' ttcagtaactcaGGTTCTGATg 3' Energy: -16.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2115-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.74 2 11 9986 10007 9 77.78% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:26887 to 26912 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gaucgGAGGUACU----UAAGACUac 5' |||||||: ||||||| Ref: 5' tgccaCTCCATGGCACTATTCTGAcc 3' Energy: -20.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2115-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.46 3 18 26887 26912 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-2115-3p NC_045512.2 574.00 -64.42 147.00 -20.46 968 22 29903 13825 20861 9986 26887 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7152-5p MIMAT0028214(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7152-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22611 to 22630 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccAGACCAACCUCCUGUCCUUu 5' | || ||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTATGCTTGGA--ACAGGAAg 3' Energy: -17.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7152-5p NC_045512.2 161.00 -17.93 2 21 22611 22630 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:26630 to 26651 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccagaccaaccuccUGUCCUUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atttgcctatgccaACAGGAAt 3' Energy: -9.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7152-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.92 2 9 26630 26651 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7152-5p NC_045512.2 301.00 -27.85 161.00 -17.93 969 22 29903 22611 26630 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4460 MIMAT0018982(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4460 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2544 to 2564 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (94.74%) Query: 3' uuCCAUUUAAGUGUUGGUGAUa 5' ||| :|||:|||||||:|| Ref: 5' ctGGT-GATTTACAACCATTAg 3' Energy: -22.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4460 NC_045512.2 162.00 -22.16 2 21 2544 2564 19 78.95% 94.74% Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9348 to 9368 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uuccAUUUAAGUGUUGGUGAUa 5' || :||:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctaaTATGTTTAC-ACCACTAa 3' Energy: -14.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4460 NC_045512.2 160.00 -14.34 2 19 9348 9368 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:14407 to 14428 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uuccaUUUAAGUGUUGGUGAUa 5' ||:||: :||||||| Ref: 5' cctacAAGTTTTGGACCACTAg 3' Energy: -13.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4460 NC_045512.2 157.00 -13.53 2 18 14407 14428 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19423 to 19444 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uuccAUUUAAGUGU-UGGUGAUa 5' ||:||| |:: ||||||| Ref: 5' gataTAGATT-ATGTACCACTAa 3' Energy: -13.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4460 NC_045512.2 155.00 -13.49 2 19 19423 19444 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8486 to 8508 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' uuCCAUU-UAAGUGUUGGUGAUa 5' | |:| || ::||||:|||| Ref: 5' aaGTTGACATGTGCAACTACTAg 3' Energy: -13.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4460 NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.56 2 21 8486 8508 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14828 to 14851 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uucCAUUUAAG--UGUUGGUGAUa 5' ||:| || |||||:|||| Ref: 5' tgtGTGATATCAGACAACTACTAt 3' Energy: -15.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4460 NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.23 2 20 14828 14851 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17863 to 17888 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' uucCA-UUUAAGUG---UUGGUGAUa 5' || | |||||| |||||||: Ref: 5' tatGTCATATTCACTCAAACCACTGa 3' Energy: -16.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4460 NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.29 2 20 17863 17888 22 72.73% 77.27% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:6710 to 6729 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uucCAUUUAAGUGUUGGUGAUa 5' || |:| |||||:|||| Ref: 5' gttGTTAGT--ACAACTACTAa 3' Energy: -13.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4460 NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.85 2 20 6710 6729 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3248 to 3270 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uuCCAUUUA-AGUGUUGGUGAUa 5' || ||| |||||:|||| Ref: 5' gaGGACAATCAGACAACTACTAt 3' Energy: -17.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4460 NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.37 2 21 3248 3270 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:4229 to 4251 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' uuccauUUAA-GUGUUGGUGAua 5' |||| :|:||||||| Ref: 5' acagacAATTATATAACCACTta 3' Energy: -13.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4460 NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.71 3 17 4229 4251 15 80.00% 93.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:16742 to 16765 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uuCCAUUU--AAGUGUUGGUGAua 5' |||||| | || |||||| Ref: 5' ttGGTAAACCTAGACCACCACTta 3' Energy: -14.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4460 NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.66 3 21 16742 16765 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:29049 to 29070 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uuccaUUUAAGUGUUGGUGAUa 5' ||| :|| :|||||| Ref: 5' ggcaaAAACGTACTGCCACTAa 3' Energy: -12.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4460 NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.34 2 18 29049 29070 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:2922 to 2945 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uuccAUUUAA-GUGU-UGGUGAUa 5' |:|||| | :| ||||||: Ref: 5' tatcTGAATTACTTACACCACTGg 3' Energy: -13.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4460 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.18 2 19 2922 2945 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10635 to 10656 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uuCCAUUUAAGUGUUGGUGAUa 5' |||| : ||||||:|:|| Ref: 5' ctGGTACGGACACAACTATTAc 3' Energy: -17.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4460 NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.42 2 21 10635 10656 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4460 NC_045512.2 2066.00 -211.13 162.00 -22.16 970 22 29903 2544 9348 14407 19423 8486 14828 17863 6710 3248 4229 16742 29049 2922 10635 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5681a MIMAT0022469(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5681a vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:25501 to 25522 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uucuccauaacgGUGGGAAAGa 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' atacaagcctcaCTCCCTTTCg 3' Energy: -14.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5681a NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.83 2 11 25501 25522 9 88.89% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5681a NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.83 142.00 -14.83 971 22 29903 25501 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3974 MIMAT0019359(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3974 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:15834 to 15856 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cgUAAUUGGAAUGUUACUGGAAa 5' :||:: || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' atGTTGGACTGAGACTGACCTTa 3' Energy: -12.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3974 NC_045512.2 161.00 -12.72 2 22 15834 15856 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8304 to 8330 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' cguaaUUGGAAUGU----UACUGGAAa 5' ||| | ||| :||||||| Ref: 5' ttgaaAACATGACACCCCGTGACCTTg 3' Energy: -15.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3974 NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.59 2 19 8304 8330 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:20946 to 20968 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cgUAAUUGGAAUGUUACUGGAAa 5' ||| | | :||||||:|| Ref: 5' cgATTCAGATCTTAATGACTTTg 3' Energy: -13.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3974 NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.19 2 22 20946 20968 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:1644 to 1667 Align Len (21) (57.14%) (85.71%) Query: 3' cgUAAUUGGAAU-GUUACUGGAAa 5' || ||: ||: :::||||:|| Ref: 5' acATCAATATTGTTGGTGACTTTa 3' Energy: -12.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3974 NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.15 2 22 1644 1667 21 57.14% 85.71% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10724 to 10745 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cguaaUUGGAAUGUUACUGGAAa 5' |||: | :||||||:|| Ref: 5' accacAACTCT-TAATGACTTTa 3' Energy: -12.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3974 NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.40 2 19 10724 10745 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16535 to 16555 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cguaAUUGGAAUGUUACUGGAAa 5' |||: |||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' gcgaTAATGTTAC--TGACTTTa 3' Energy: -14.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3974 NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.16 2 20 16535 16555 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8967 to 8990 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cguAAU-UGGAAUGUUACUGGAAa 5' ||| | |||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' aacTTATAGAGTACACTGACTTTg 3' Energy: -11.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3974 NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.82 2 21 8967 8990 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:20719 to 20740 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' cgUAAUUGGAAUGUUACUGGAAa 5' ||||: | :||||||| Ref: 5' ctATTAG-AAAAGTGTGACCTTc 3' Energy: -13.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3974 NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.79 2 22 20719 20740 20 60.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8887 to 8909 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cguaauUGGAAUGUUACUGGAAa 5' | || |:::||||:|| Ref: 5' acgcacAACTAATGGTGACTTTt 3' Energy: -13.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3974 NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.51 2 18 8887 8909 16 62.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8652 to 8672 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cguaAUUGGAAUGUUACUGGAAa 5' ||| | ||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' tgtcTAAACATAC--TGACTTTt 3' Energy: -10.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3974 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.05 2 20 8652 8672 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14686 to 14707 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cguaaUUGGAAUGUUACUGGAAa 5' |: ||| | |||||:|| Ref: 5' aacaaAGACTT-CTATGACTTTg 3' Energy: -11.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3974 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.54 2 19 14686 14707 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3974 NC_045512.2 1594.00 -140.92 161.00 -15.59 972 23 29903 15834 8304 20946 1644 10724 16535 8967 20719 8887 8652 14686 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6083 MIMAT0023708(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6083 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19320 to 19340 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ggGU-GUCGGAGACUAUAUUc 5' || ||||:|:||||| || Ref: 5' caCACCAGCTTTTGATAAAAg 3' Energy: -21.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6083 NC_045512.2 141.00 -21.33 2 19 19320 19340 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:19411 to 19430 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gggUGUCGGAGACUAUAUUc 5' ::||: || ||||||: Ref: 5' caaGTAGTGTCAGATATAGa 3' Energy: -12.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6083 NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.37 2 18 19411 19430 16 62.50% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6083 NC_045512.2 282.00 -33.70 141.00 -21.33 973 20 29903 19320 19411 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7156-5p MIMAT0028222(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7156-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:28949 to 28971 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' agacugUCGGUCAAACUCUUGUu 5' | |||| ||||||:|| Ref: 5' agattgAACCAGCTTGAGAGCAa 3' Energy: -24.559999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7156-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -24.56 2 18 28949 28971 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12303 to 12327 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' agacUGU-CGGUC-AAACUCUUGUu 5' ||| ||:|| | ||||:||| Ref: 5' ataaACAGGCTAGATCTGAGGACAa 3' Energy: -20.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7156-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -20.91 2 20 12303 12327 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3236 to 3255 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agaCUGUCGGUCAAACUCUUGUu 5' |||:| ||| ||||:||| Ref: 5' caaGACGG-CAG--TGAGGACAa 3' Energy: -22.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7156-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -22.50 2 21 3236 3255 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:28343 to 28369 Align Len (24) (66.67%) (75.00%) Query: 3' agACUGUC---GGUC-AAACUCUUGUu 5' ||:||| |||| | ||||||: Ref: 5' acTGGCAGTAACCAGAATGGAGAACGc 3' Energy: -27.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7156-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -27.34 2 22 28343 28369 24 66.67% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7156-5p NC_045512.2 588.00 -95.31 153.00 -27.34 974 23 29903 28949 12303 3236 28343 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6802-3p MIMAT0027505(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6802-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:18300 to 18322 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gaCGAAUCCAC-UCUCCCCACuu 5' |||| | || |||||||| Ref: 5' tgGCTTCGATGTCGAGGGGTGtc 3' Energy: -23.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6802-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -23.09 3 21 18300 18322 19 78.95% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6802-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -23.09 147.00 -23.09 975 22 29903 18300 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6780a-5p MIMAT0027460(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6780a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12100 to 12122 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' agaggUCGACAGAAGGGAGGGUu 5' ||:| ||||||:||| Ref: 5' ctcagAGTTTAGTTCCCTTCCAt 3' Energy: -22.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6780a-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -22.91 2 19 12100 12122 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:1 to 23 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' agaggUCGACAGAAGGGAGGGUu 5' || | | | ||:||||| Ref: 5' attaaAGGTTTATACCTTCCCAg 3' Energy: -18.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6780a-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.20 2 19 1 23 17 70.59% 76.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6780a-5p NC_045512.2 288.00 -41.11 146.00 -22.91 976 23 29903 12100 1 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-484 MIMAT0002174(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-484 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:26094 to 26114 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' uagcccucccCUGACUCGGACu 5' || |||||||| Ref: 5' taaaattgttGA-TGAGCCTGa 3' Energy: -17.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-484 NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.14 2 13 26094 26114 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:694 to 714 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uagcccUCCCCUGACUCGGACu 5' ||| ||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' tgacttAGGCGAC-GAGCTTGg 3' Energy: -20.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-484 NC_045512.2 142.00 -20.43 2 17 694 714 15 80.00% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-484 NC_045512.2 288.00 -37.57 146.00 -20.43 977 22 29903 26094 694 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6770-5p MIMAT0027440(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6770-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:11172 to 11196 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (84.62%) Query: 3' agugcacguucGAC-ACGGAAGAGu 5' :|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tctgtttgtttTTGTTACCTTCTCt 3' Energy: -14.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6770-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.46 2 14 11172 11196 13 76.92% 84.62% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:6679 to 6702 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' agugcacGUUCGACACGGAAGAGu 5' :| ||| |||||:|| Ref: 5' agctaatTATGCTAAGCCTTTTCt 3' Energy: -14.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6770-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.33 2 18 6679 6702 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7028 to 7050 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agugcACGUUCGACACGGAAGAGu 5' | :|:|| ||||||||: Ref: 5' tctaaTTTAGGC-ATGCCTTCTTa 3' Energy: -18.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6770-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.99 2 20 7028 7050 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6770-5p NC_045512.2 426.00 -47.78 144.00 -18.99 978 24 29903 11172 6679 7028 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-382-3p MIMAT0022697(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-382-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:27741 to 27761 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uucacaacaggcaCUUACUAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' caaaagaaagacaGAATGATt 3' Energy: -8.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-382-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.27 2 9 27741 27761 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-382-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.27 140.00 -8.27 979 21 29903 27741 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4752 MIMAT0019889(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4752 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:23283 to 23302 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ucguGUAGGAACUCUAGGUGUu 5' ::||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' atgcTGTCC--GTGATCCACAg 3' Energy: -19.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4752 NC_045512.2 151.00 -19.78 2 19 23283 23302 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19152 to 19174 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucGUGUAGGA-ACUCUAGGUGUu 5' |||||:|| | ||:|||| Ref: 5' caCACATTCTGACAAATTCACAg 3' Energy: -21.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4752 NC_045512.2 147.00 -21.27 2 21 19152 19174 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:16248 to 16269 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ucguguAGGAACUCUAGGUGUu 5' ||:||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' ttgtgtTCTTTGCAATTCACAg 3' Energy: -14.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4752 NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.90 2 17 16248 16269 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4807 to 4829 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucGUGUAGGAACU-CUAGGUGUu 5' | :||:|| || |||:||| Ref: 5' gtCCTATTCTGGACAATCTACAc 3' Energy: -12.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4752 NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.64 2 21 4807 4829 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:13535 to 13556 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' ucguguaGGAACUCUAGGUGUu 5' ::|||| |||:||| Ref: 5' acagggcTTTTGACATCTACAa 3' Energy: -16.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4752 NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.37 2 16 13535 13556 14 71.43% 92.86% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4752 NC_045512.2 728.00 -84.96 151.00 -21.27 980 22 29903 23283 19152 16248 4807 13535 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4701-5p MIMAT0019798(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4701-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:645 to 667 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uuccccaUCCAC-ACCACCGGUu 5' ||| | ||||||||| Ref: 5' gtaataaAGGAGCTGGTGGCCAt 3' Energy: -22.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4701-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -22.19 2 16 645 667 15 86.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:6154 to 6174 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uuccCCAUCCACACCACCGGUu 5' ||| | |||||||||:| Ref: 5' aaatGGT-GATGTGGTGGCTAt 3' Energy: -24.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4701-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -24.51 2 19 6154 6174 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:15752 to 15773 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uuccccaUCCACACCACCGGUu 5' |||| | |||||:| Ref: 5' catctcaAGGTCTAGTGGCTAg 3' Energy: -17.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4701-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.00 2 16 15752 15773 14 78.57% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4701-5p NC_045512.2 453.00 -63.70 158.00 -24.51 981 22 29903 645 6154 15752 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6848-5p MIMAT0027596(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6848-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6724-5p MIMAT0025856(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6724-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-124-3p MIMAT0000422(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-124-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26194 to 26216 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' aaCCGUAAGUGG-CGCACGGAAu 5' | |: :||: ||||||||| Ref: 5' acGACGACTACTAGCGTGCCTTt 3' Energy: -22.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-124-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -22.93 2 21 26194 26216 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1197 to 1217 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' aacCGUAAGUGGCGCACGGAAu 5' ||| || :||||||| Ref: 5' aatGCAACCA-AATGTGCCTTt 3' Energy: -16.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-124-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.61 2 20 1197 1217 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:14608 to 14629 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' aaccguaaGUGGCGCACGGAAu 5' |||: |||||:|| Ref: 5' gataaacgCACTACGTGCTTTt 3' Energy: -17.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-124-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.75 2 15 14608 14629 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4303 to 4324 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aaccguaaguggcgCACGGAAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' taaaaagtgtaaaaGTGCCTTt 3' Energy: -11.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-124-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.72 2 9 4303 4324 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-124-3p NC_045512.2 582.00 -69.01 155.00 -22.93 984 22 29903 26194 1197 14608 4303 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3923 MIMAT0018198(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3923 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:12326 to 12347 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gggauuaGGUUGUAAUGAUCAa 5' | || :|||||||| Ref: 5' aagagggCAAAAGTTACTAGTg 3' Energy: -11.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3923 NC_045512.2 155.00 -11.22 2 16 12326 12347 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2559 to 2579 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ggGAUUAGGUUGUAAUGAUCAa 5' :||: |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' caTTAGAACAAC-CTACTAGTg 3' Energy: -13.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3923 NC_045512.2 154.00 -13.75 2 21 2559 2579 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9247 to 9269 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gggAUUAGGUUGUA-AUGAUCAa 5' |: |: ::|| ||||||| Ref: 5' tggTGTTTGTGTATCTACTAGTg 3' Energy: -7.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3923 NC_045512.2 146.00 -7.66 2 20 9247 9269 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15879 to 15900 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ggGAUUAGGUUGUAAUGAUCAa 5' || | | ||| |:||||| Ref: 5' ctCTCAACATACAATGCTAGTt 3' Energy: -15.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3923 NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.09 2 21 15879 15900 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2332 to 2354 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ggGAUU-AGGUUGUAAUGAUCAa 5' ||:| ||:| |||||:|:|| Ref: 5' tgCTGACTCTATCATTATTGGTg 3' Energy: -17.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3923 NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.42 2 21 2332 2354 20 70.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7642 to 7664 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ggGAUUAGGUUGU-AAUGAUCAa 5' ||::| ||| |||:|||| Ref: 5' tgCTGGTAGTACATTTATTAGTg 3' Energy: -14.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3923 NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.38 2 21 7642 7664 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:21027 to 21046 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gggaUUAGGUUGUAAUGAUCAa 5' :|||: |||||:|||| Ref: 5' atggGATCT--CATTATTAGTg 3' Energy: -12.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3923 NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.69 2 19 21027 21046 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9363 to 9383 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' ggGAUUAGGUUGUAAUGAUCAa 5' |||||:|||| ||:|:|| Ref: 5' caCTAATTCAAC-CTATTGGTg 3' Energy: -17.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3923 NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.62 2 21 9363 9383 19 73.68% 89.47% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11263 to 11285 Align Len (18) (50.00%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gggaUUAGGUU-GUAAUGAUCAa 5' :|| ::: :: ||||||| Ref: 5' gttgGATATGGTTGATACTAGTt 3' Energy: -9.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3923 NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.30 2 19 11263 11285 18 50.00% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:1957 to 1978 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gggauuAGGUUGUAAUGAUCaa 5' | :|||| |||||| Ref: 5' ggccgcTATAACAATACTAGat 3' Energy: -15.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3923 NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.89 3 17 1957 1978 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:9064 to 9085 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gggAUUA-GGUUGUAAUGAUCaa 5' |:|| ||||:: |||||| Ref: 5' ttaTGATACCAATG-TACTAGaa 3' Energy: -12.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3923 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.88 3 20 9064 9085 18 72.22% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3923 NC_045512.2 1591.00 -147.90 155.00 -17.62 985 22 29903 12326 2559 9247 15879 2332 7642 21027 9363 11263 1957 9064 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4422 MIMAT0018935(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4422 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:20594 to 20615 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' acccaUGAAG-GACUACGAAAa 5' |:||| :| ||||||| Ref: 5' cagaaATTTCATTTATGCTTTg 3' Energy: -9.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4422 NC_045512.2 155.00 -9.95 2 17 20594 20615 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:25704 to 25725 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' acccauGA-AGGACUACGAAAa 5' || ||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttttctCTATCTTTATGCTTTa 3' Energy: -10.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4422 NC_045512.2 154.00 -10.34 2 16 25704 25725 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:11425 to 11446 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' acccAUGA-AGGACUACGAAAa 5' ||:| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' agttTATTATGGTAATGCTTTa 3' Energy: -7.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4422 NC_045512.2 148.00 -7.71 2 18 11425 11446 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:13812 to 13833 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' acccaUGAAGGA-CUACGAAAa 5' || || | ||||||| Ref: 5' ggcagACCTCGTCTATGCTTTa 3' Energy: -10.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4422 NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.23 2 17 13812 13833 16 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:18670 to 18691 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' acccaUG-AAGGACUACGAAAa 5' || | || ||||||| Ref: 5' gatagACGTGCCACATGCTTTt 3' Energy: -11.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4422 NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.30 2 17 18670 18691 16 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:9368 to 9388 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' acccaUGAAGGACUACGAAAa 5' || | :||:|||||| Ref: 5' attcaACCTATTGGTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -13.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4422 NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.04 2 17 9368 9388 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12342 to 12366 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' accCAUGA-AGGAC---UACGAAAa 5' ||:|| | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctaGTGCTATGCAGACAATGCTTTt 3' Energy: -11.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4422 NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.69 2 19 12342 12366 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5844 to 5866 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' acCCAUG--AAGGACUACGAAAa 5' ||| | || | ||||:||| Ref: 5' aaGGTCCTATTACGGATGTTTTc 3' Energy: -11.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4422 NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.82 2 20 5844 5866 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:13061 to 13081 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' acccAU-GAAGGACUACGAAAa 5' || |||:|| :|||||| Ref: 5' gtatTATCTTTCT-GTGCTTTt 3' Energy: -16.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4422 NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.83 2 18 13061 13081 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:25246 to 25266 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' acccaugaaggACUACGAAAa 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' aatggtgacaaTTATGCTTTg 3' Energy: -11.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4422 NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.51 2 11 25246 25266 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:17633 to 17653 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acccaugaaggacUACGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' acaaatcagctcaATGCTTTa 3' Energy: -6.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4422 NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.82 2 9 17633 17653 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4422 NC_045512.2 1605.00 -121.24 155.00 -16.83 986 21 29903 20594 25704 11425 13812 18670 9368 12342 5844 13061 25246 17633 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-96-3p MIMAT0004510(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-96-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:16684 to 16705 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (94.44%) Query: 3' guAUAACCGUGACGUGUACUaa 5' ||||| :||||:||:||| Ref: 5' ggTATTGCTACTGTACGTGAag 3' Energy: -23.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-96-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -23.64 3 21 16684 16705 18 77.78% 94.44% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16099 to 16120 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (66.67%) Query: 3' guaUAACCGUGACGUGUACUAa 5' || | | :||||||| Ref: 5' tacATAAGAAAGCTACATGATg 3' Energy: -11.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-96-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.66 2 20 16099 16120 18 61.11% 66.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3108 to 3128 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' guAUAACCGUGACGUGUACUAa 5' || |||:|||| | ||||| Ref: 5' agTA-TGGTACTGAAGATGATt 3' Energy: -19.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-96-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.49 2 21 3108 3128 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:19521 to 19542 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guauaaccgugacgUGUACUAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tctcgatgcttataACATGATg 3' Energy: -9.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-96-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.66 2 9 19521 19542 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-96-3p NC_045512.2 573.00 -64.45 148.00 -23.64 987 22 29903 16684 16099 3108 19521 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4441 MIMAT0018959(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4441 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:29447 to 29463 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' augUUAGAGGAGGGACa 5' | |||:||:|||| Ref: 5' gtgACTCTTCTTCCTGc 3' Energy: -17.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4441 NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.18 2 15 29447 29463 13 76.92% 92.31% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4441 NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.18 142.00 -17.18 988 17 29903 29447 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4535 MIMAT0019075(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4535 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:17523 to 17539 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cagggucgGUCCAGGUg 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' gaaaactaTAGGTCCAg 3' Energy: -14.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4535 NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.42 2 10 17523 17539 8 87.50% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4535 NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.42 141.00 -14.42 989 17 29903 17523 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6831-3p MIMAT0027563(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6831-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4676-5p MIMAT0019758(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4676-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16968 to 16991 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (76.19%) Query: 3' agUGACAGAG---UGGUGACCGAg 5' ||| | |: |::||||||| Ref: 5' gcACTATGTTAGAATTACTGGCTt 3' Energy: -21.799999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4676-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -21.80 2 20 16968 16991 21 61.90% 76.19% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:10993 to 11014 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' agugaCA-GAGUGGUGACCGAg 5' || | |||||||||:| Ref: 5' caaggGTACACACCACTGGTTg 3' Energy: -21.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4676-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -21.40 2 17 10993 11014 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:25213 to 25233 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (93.33%) Query: 3' agugaCAGAGUGGUGACCGAg 5' ||:|:|: :|||||| Ref: 5' gctagGTTTTATAGCTGGCTt 3' Energy: -18.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4676-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.89 2 17 25213 25233 15 66.67% 93.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16770 to 16790 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agUGACAGAGUGGUGACCGAg 5' |:| | || ::|||||:| Ref: 5' aaATTATGTCTTTACTGGTTa 3' Energy: -17.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4676-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.64 2 20 16770 16790 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24852 to 24871 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' agUGACAGAGUGGUGACCGAg 5' | || | || ||||||:| Ref: 5' caAATGGCACA-CACTGGTTt 3' Energy: -19.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4676-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.12 2 20 24852 24871 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4676-5p NC_045512.2 725.00 -98.85 150.00 -21.80 991 21 29903 16968 10993 25213 16770 24852 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1324 MIMAT0005956(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1324 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16692 to 16715 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cuuuCACGUAUCUUAAGACAGACc 5' || |:|: |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' tactGTACGTGAAGTGCTGTCTGa 3' Energy: -17.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1324 NC_045512.2 164.00 -17.06 2 21 16692 16715 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:19468 to 19491 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cuuUCACGUAUCUUAAGACAGACc 5' | | :| : ::| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgcAATTTAGGTGGTGCTGTCTGt 3' Energy: -16.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1324 NC_045512.2 149.00 -16.66 2 22 19468 19491 20 55.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4416 to 4441 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cuuucaCGUAU-CUUA-AGACAGACc 5' ||| | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaacacGCAAATTAATGCCTGTCTGt 3' Energy: -11.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1324 NC_045512.2 148.00 -11.81 2 19 4416 4441 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:13229 to 13250 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cuuUCACGUAUCUUAAGACAGACc 5' :|||||| | | :|||||| Ref: 5' ggtGGTGCATCG--TGTTGTCTGt 3' Energy: -19.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1324 NC_045512.2 146.00 -19.04 2 22 13229 13250 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:11269 to 11292 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cuuUCACGUAUCUUAAGACAGACc 5' :|| ||| | |:|||||| Ref: 5' tatGGTTGATACTAGTTTGTCTGg 3' Energy: -16.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1324 NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.20 2 22 11269 11292 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:1150 to 1177 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' cuuucACGUAUCUUA----AGACAGAcc 5' || :|||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctttaTGGGTAGAATTCGATCTGTCTat 3' Energy: -18.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1324 NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.21 3 20 1150 1177 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11155 to 11180 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cuuucaCGUAUCUUA--AGACAGACc 5' ||||: | | |||||:|| Ref: 5' acataaGCATGCATTTCTCTGTTTGt 3' Energy: -14.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1324 NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.72 2 19 11155 11180 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1324 NC_045512.2 1035.00 -113.70 164.00 -19.04 992 24 29903 16692 19468 4416 13229 11269 1150 11155 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-320d MIMAT0006764(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-320d vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:19314 to 19332 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' aggaGAGUUGGGUCGAAAa 5' | || |||||||| Ref: 5' attcCACACACCAGCTTTt 3' Energy: -17.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-320d NC_045512.2 151.00 -17.59 2 16 19314 19332 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:12117 to 12136 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' aggagAGU-UGGGUCGAAAa 5' ||| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttccaTCATATGCAGCTTTt 3' Energy: -15.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-320d NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.42 2 15 12117 12136 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:12637 to 12658 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' agGAGAGUUG---GGUCGAAAa 5' ||||:| : ||||||| Ref: 5' gcCTCTTATTGTAACAGCTTTa 3' Energy: -19.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-320d NC_045512.2 144.00 -19.30 2 18 12637 12658 19 63.16% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-320d NC_045512.2 444.00 -52.31 151.00 -19.30 993 19 29903 19314 12117 12637 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-526b-5p MIMAT0002835(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-526b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:12128 to 12151 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ugucuuucACGAAGG-GAGUUCUc 5' |||| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' gcagctttTGCTACTGCTCAAGAa 3' Energy: -18.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-526b-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -18.20 2 16 12128 12151 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:19049 to 19071 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ugucuUUCACGAAGGGAGUUCuc 5' |||||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctattAAGTGTGTACCTCAAGct 3' Energy: -19.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-526b-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -19.57 3 19 19049 19071 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:4121 to 4144 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ugUCUUUCACGA-AGGGAGUUCUc 5' || ::||| | |: :|||||| Ref: 5' atAGTGGGTGATGTTGTTCAAGAg 3' Energy: -22.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-526b-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -22.21 2 22 4121 4144 21 61.90% 80.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:6106 to 6125 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ugUCUUUCACGAAGGGAGUUCUc 5' ||||| | | |:|||||| Ref: 5' taAGAAA---CCTGCTTCAAGAg 3' Energy: -18.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-526b-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.32 2 22 6106 6125 20 70.00% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-526b-5p NC_045512.2 589.00 -78.30 154.00 -22.21 994 23 29903 12128 19049 4121 6106 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3620-5p MIMAT0022967(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3620-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3926 MIMAT0018201(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3926 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11511 to 11531 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (88.89%) Query: 3' agaGACGG-ACGAAAAACCGGu 5' |||:| || ||||||||| Ref: 5' caaCTGTCATG-TTTTTGGCCa 3' Energy: -24.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3926 NC_045512.2 163.00 -24.46 2 19 11511 11531 18 83.33% 88.89% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8994 to 9014 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' agAGACGGACGAAAAACCGGu 5' || ||:||: |||||||: Ref: 5' caTCAGCTTGTGTTTTGGCTg 3' Energy: -17.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3926 NC_045512.2 155.00 -17.64 2 20 8994 9014 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11631 to 11652 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agAGACGGACGA-AAAACCGGu 5' | | |:||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTGTACTTGTTACTTTGGCCt 3' Energy: -16.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3926 NC_045512.2 154.00 -16.87 2 20 11631 11652 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7214 to 7233 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agAGACGGACGAAAAACCGGu 5' |:| |||| |||||||: Ref: 5' gaTTTAACTGC-TTTTGGCTt 3' Energy: -17.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3926 NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.03 2 20 7214 7233 18 72.22% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3926 NC_045512.2 617.00 -76.00 163.00 -24.46 996 21 29903 11511 8994 11631 7214 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-95-3p MIMAT0000094(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-95-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:26533 to 26555 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' acgaGUUAU-UUAUGGGCAACUu 5' |::|| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ccaaCGGTACTATTACCGTTGAa 3' Energy: -16.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-95-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -16.95 2 19 26533 26555 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23858 to 23881 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (85.71%) Query: 3' acGAGUU-A-UUUAUGGGCAACUu 5' :|:|| | :|||| |:||||| Ref: 5' gcTTTAACTGGAATAGCTGTTGAa 3' Energy: -17.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-95-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.02 2 21 23858 23881 21 66.67% 85.71% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:134 to 157 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' acgAGUUAUUUAUG--GGCAACUu 5' | | ||| ||| :|||||| Ref: 5' taaTAACTAATTACTGTCGTTGAc 3' Energy: -9.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-95-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.76 2 20 134 157 20 70.00% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-95-3p NC_045512.2 437.00 -43.73 149.00 -17.02 997 22 29903 26533 23858 134 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4688 MIMAT0019777(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4688 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2443 to 2464 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ggGUCCAGGAGACGACGGGGAu 5' | || |: || ||||:|| Ref: 5' aaCTGGCCTACTCATGCCTCTa 3' Energy: -21.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4688 NC_045512.2 140.00 -21.76 2 21 2443 2464 19 63.16% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4688 NC_045512.2 140.00 -21.76 140.00 -21.76 998 22 29903 2443 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-222-3p MIMAT0000279(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-222-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18828 to 18849 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uggGUCAUCG-GUCUACAUCGa 5' ::||| : || ||||||| Ref: 5' ccaTGGTAATGCACATGTAGCt 3' Energy: -14.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-222-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -14.99 2 19 18828 18849 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26779 to 26800 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ugGGUCAU-CGGUCUACAUCGa 5' |: ||| ||: |||||:|| Ref: 5' gtCTTGTAGGCTTGATGTGGCt 3' Energy: -21.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-222-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -21.59 2 20 26779 26800 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19760 to 19782 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' uggGUCAUCGGU--CUACAUCGa 5' || || |:: ||||||| Ref: 5' caaCATTACCTGTTAATGTAGCa 3' Energy: -12.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-222-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.61 2 19 19760 19782 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17210 to 17230 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ugGGUCAUCGGUCUACAUCGa 5' || ||| :| ||||||: Ref: 5' tgCCTATAGATAAATGTAGTa 3' Energy: -14.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-222-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.21 2 20 17210 17230 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:27972 to 27992 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' uggGUCAUCGGUCUACAUCGa 5' || | ||| ||||||: Ref: 5' caaCATCAACCATATGTAGTt 3' Energy: -14.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-222-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.04 2 19 27972 27992 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:29637 to 29656 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uggGUCAUCGGUCUACAUCGa 5' || || :||||||||: Ref: 5' tagCACAAG-TAGATGTAGTt 3' Energy: -15.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-222-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.93 2 19 29637 29656 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-222-3p NC_045512.2 869.00 -93.37 153.00 -21.59 999 21 29903 18828 26779 19760 17210 27972 29637 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-617 MIMAT0003286(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-617 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16724 to 16744 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' cgGUGGAAGUUUACCCUUCAGa 5' ||:|||: |||||||||: Ref: 5' taCATCTTT-CATGGGAAGTTg 3' Energy: -22.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-617 NC_045512.2 154.00 -22.54 2 21 16724 16744 19 73.68% 89.47% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29226 to 29246 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgGUGGAAGUUUACCCUUCAGa 5' |:| || : || ||||||| Ref: 5' cgCGCATTGGCAT-GGAAGTCa 3' Energy: -16.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-617 NC_045512.2 154.00 -16.00 2 21 29226 29246 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1055 to 1077 Align Len (20) (85.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' cgGUGGAAGUUUACCCUU-CAGa 5' ||||||||| ||||| ||| Ref: 5' gaCACCTTCAATGGGGAATGTCc 3' Energy: -27.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-617 NC_045512.2 148.00 -27.87 2 21 1055 1077 20 85.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:22918 to 22939 Align Len (14) (64.29%) (78.57%) Query: 3' cgguggaAGUUUACCCUUCAGa 5' |:: | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtatagaTTGTTTAGGAAGTCt 3' Energy: -12.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-617 NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.67 2 16 22918 22939 14 64.29% 78.57% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-617 NC_045512.2 599.00 -79.08 154.00 -27.87 1000 22 29903 16724 29226 1055 22918 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6865-3p MIMAT0027631(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6865-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:4129 to 4149 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ccgcCAUCCCUUUCUCCCACa 5' || | ||||||||| Ref: 5' tgatGTTGTTCAAGAGGGTGt 3' Energy: -17.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6865-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -17.41 2 18 4129 4149 16 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:4489 to 4509 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccgccaucccuUUCUCCCACa 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' tattaaaatacAAGAGGGTGt 3' Energy: -17.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6865-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -17.34 2 11 4489 4509 9 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6865-3p NC_045512.2 303.00 -34.75 153.00 -17.41 1001 21 29903 4129 4489 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4285 MIMAT0016913(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4285 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1178-3p MIMAT0005823(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1178-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4796-5p MIMAT0019970(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4796-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19412 to 19432 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cauuUCACUGUCUCAUAUCUGu 5' |||| |||| ||||||: Ref: 5' aagtAGTGTCAGA-TATAGATt 3' Energy: -17.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4796-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -17.19 2 19 19412 19432 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12595 to 12617 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cauuUCACUGU-CUCAUAUCUGu 5' ||||| | |||||:||| Ref: 5' acttAGTGAAATTAGTATGGACa 3' Energy: -20.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4796-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -20.06 2 19 12595 12617 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:17498 to 17519 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' cauuucacuGUCUCAUAUCUGu 5' ||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' atttcaattCAGTGTGTAGACt 3' Energy: -15.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4796-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.42 2 14 17498 17519 12 83.33% 91.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4796-5p NC_045512.2 442.00 -52.67 152.00 -20.06 1004 22 29903 19412 12595 17498 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1297 MIMAT0005886(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1297 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:20504 to 20520 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guggacuUAAUGAACUu 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' ttgatttATTACTTGAt 3' Energy: -10.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1297 NC_045512.2 150.00 -10.90 2 11 20504 20520 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:6905 to 6921 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' gugGACUUAAUGAACUu 5' :| |||||:|||| Ref: 5' tcaTTTAATTATTTGAa 3' Energy: -14.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1297 NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.10 2 15 6905 6921 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 14 R:5456 to 5472 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guggACUUAAUGAACuu 5' |||:||||||| Ref: 5' acaaTGAGTTACTTGtt 3' Energy: -16.379999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1297 NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.38 3 14 5456 5472 11 90.91% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:9587 to 9603 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guggacuuaAUGAACUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atttacttgTACTTGAc 3' Energy: -11.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1297 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.28 2 9 9587 9603 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 13 R:14543 to 14559 Align Len (10) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guggaCUUAAUGAACuu 5' |||||||||| Ref: 5' ttaagGAATTACTTGtg 3' Energy: -13.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1297 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.03 3 13 14543 14559 10 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1297 NC_045512.2 713.00 -65.69 150.00 -16.38 1005 17 29903 20504 6905 5456 9587 14543 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7852-3p MIMAT0030427(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7852-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:12763 to 12784 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uuUACGGAAACUGAUGAUGUau 5' |||| || | :||||||| Ref: 5' caATGCGTTAGCTTACTACAac 3' Energy: -15.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7852-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -15.32 3 21 12763 12784 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29616 to 29638 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uuUACGGAA-ACUGAUGAUGUAu 5' ||| || | :: ||||||| Ref: 5' gaATGAATTCTCGTAACTACATa 3' Energy: -12.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7852-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -12.39 2 21 29616 29638 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:7589 to 7610 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uuUACGGAAACUGAUGAUGUau 5' | ||:|||| |||||| Ref: 5' aaAGGCTTTTGCAAACTACAca 3' Energy: -14.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7852-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.93 3 21 7589 7610 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3517 to 3538 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uuuACGGAAACUGAUGAUGUAu 5' || | |||: |:||||| Ref: 5' agtTGAATCTGATGATTACATa 3' Energy: -11.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7852-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.54 2 20 3517 3538 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:7930 to 7951 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uuuaCGGAAACUGAUGAUGUau 5' || | || :||||||| Ref: 5' atcaGCGTCTGTTTACTACAgt 3' Energy: -13.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7852-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.44 3 19 7930 7951 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23098 to 23120 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uuuACGGAAAC-UGAUGAUGUAu 5' | |:|||| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' actTTCTTTTGAACTTCTACATg 3' Energy: -17.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7852-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.99 2 20 23098 23120 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:4 to 21 R:5152 to 5173 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uuUACGGAAACUGAUGAUGuau 5' | ||:||||| |||||| Ref: 5' tgAGGCTTTTGAGTACTACcac 3' Energy: -19.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7852-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.07 4 21 5152 5173 17 82.35% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7852-3p NC_045512.2 1014.00 -104.68 152.00 -19.07 1006 22 29903 12763 29616 7589 3517 7930 23098 5152 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1208 MIMAT0005873(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1208 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:3415 to 3434 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aggcggacagacUUGUCACu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaggtaaaaccAACAGTGg 3' Energy: -10.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1208 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.92 2 9 3415 3434 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1208 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.92 140.00 -10.92 1007 20 29903 3415 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4522 MIMAT0019060(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4522 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14184 to 14205 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uggCCG-GAUGUCCGUCUCAGu 5' ||| :|| |||||||| Ref: 5' cagGGCTTTAACTGCAGAGTCa 3' Energy: -22.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4522 NC_045512.2 153.00 -22.82 2 19 14184 14205 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:18564 to 18583 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uggccGGAUGUCCGUCUCAGu 5' :|| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaatcTCT-CTGACAGAGTCg 3' Energy: -18.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4522 NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.17 2 17 18564 18583 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:7226 to 7246 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ugGCCGGAUGUCCGUCUCAgu 5' :|||:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTGGCTTAGTTGCAGAGTgg 3' Energy: -21.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4522 NC_045512.2 143.00 -21.50 3 20 7226 7246 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4522 NC_045512.2 442.00 -62.49 153.00 -22.82 1008 21 29903 14184 18564 7226 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-34c-3p MIMAT0004677(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-34c-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7643 to 7667 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (68.18%) Query: 3' ggACCGGCA---CACCAAUCACUAa 5' |||: || | |||||||| Ref: 5' gcTGGTAGTACATTTATTAGTGATg 3' Energy: -15.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-34c-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.55 2 21 7643 7667 22 63.64% 68.18% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:15244 to 15265 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (76.92%) Query: 3' ggaccggcACACCAAUCACUAa 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaaaaacTGTTTATAGTGATg 3' Energy: -11.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-34c-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.28 2 15 15244 15265 13 76.92% 76.92% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:9834 to 9854 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' ggaccggCACACCAAUCACUAa 5' || || ||||||| Ref: 5' atctaaaGT-TGCGTAGTGATg 3' Energy: -10.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-34c-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -10.59 2 16 9834 9854 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:21028 to 21049 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggaccggcacaccAAUCACUAa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tgggatctcattaTTAGTGATa 3' Energy: -10.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-34c-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -10.20 2 10 21028 21049 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:21516 to 21538 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (72.22%) Query: 3' ggacCGGC-ACACCAAUCACUAa 5' |::| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' cagaGTTGTTATTTCTAGTGATg 3' Energy: -11.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-34c-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.11 2 19 21516 21538 18 61.11% 72.22% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:4064 to 4085 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' ggACCGGCACACCAAUCACUaa 5' || | | | |||||||| Ref: 5' tcTGCCACTCTTGTTAGTGAca 3' Energy: -14.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-34c-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.63 3 21 4064 4085 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7992 to 8012 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ggacCGGCACACCAAUCACUAa 5' |:| || |||:||||| Ref: 5' tagtGTC-TGATGTTGGTGATa 3' Energy: -15.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-34c-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.44 2 19 7992 8012 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12160 to 12182 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ggaCCGGCACACCA--AUCACUAa 5' |||:|| || | |:||||| Ref: 5' gcaGGCTGT-TGCTAATGGTGATt 3' Energy: -18.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-34c-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.08 2 20 12160 12182 20 70.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-34c-3p NC_045512.2 1144.00 -106.88 147.00 -18.08 1009 22 29903 7643 15244 9834 21028 21516 4064 7992 12160 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6784-3p MIMAT0027469(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6784-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-767-3p MIMAT0003883(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-767-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:25163 to 25187 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ucUUUGGUACC--CCAUACUCGUCu 5' |:| | ||| |||||||||| Ref: 5' caAGAACTTGGAAAGTATGAGCAGt 3' Energy: -23.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-767-3p NC_045512.2 164.00 -23.77 2 22 25163 25187 22 72.73% 77.27% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:12142 to 12164 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucuuugguaccccAUACUCGUCu 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' tgctcaagaagctTATGAGCAGg 3' Energy: -20.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-767-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -20.39 2 11 12142 12164 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:29490 to 29512 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucuuugguaccccaUACUCGUCu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' aattgcaacaatccATGAGCAGt 3' Energy: -13.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-767-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.35 2 10 29490 29512 8 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-767-3p NC_045512.2 459.00 -57.51 164.00 -23.77 1011 23 29903 25163 12142 29490 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6771-5p MIMAT0027442(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6771-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6875-3p MIMAT0027651(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6875-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3390 to 3410 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' uaCCUCGGUCCCGUCCUUCUUa 5' | || || |: ||||||| Ref: 5' atGCAGACATTGT-GGAAGAAg 3' Energy: -14.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6875-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.26 2 21 3390 3410 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:3980 to 4001 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' uaccucgGUCCCGUCCUUCUUa 5' || | ||||||| Ref: 5' gttacaaCAACTCTGGAAGAAa 3' Energy: -9.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6875-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.75 2 16 3980 4001 14 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4628 to 4649 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uaccucggucccguCCUUCUUa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' catggcttaaatttGGAAGAAg 3' Energy: -13.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6875-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.20 2 9 4628 4649 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22611 to 22633 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uaccuCGGUCC-CGUCCUUCUUa 5' ||: || ||||||||: Ref: 5' tttatGCTTGGAACAGGAAGAGa 3' Energy: -18.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6875-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.45 2 18 22611 22633 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6875-3p NC_045512.2 573.00 -55.66 150.00 -18.45 1013 22 29903 3390 3980 4628 22611 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1253 MIMAT0005904(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1253 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:26863 to 26883 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' acguccGACUAGAAGAAGAGa 5' || | |||||||| Ref: 5' cagaaaCTAACATTCTTCTCa 3' Energy: -12.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1253 NC_045512.2 151.00 -12.42 2 16 26863 26883 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28808 to 28827 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' acGUCCGACUAGAAGAAGAGa 5' ||| | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ggCAGTC-AAGCCTCTTCTCg 3' Energy: -15.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1253 NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.14 2 20 28808 28827 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:7248 to 7268 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' acguCCGACUAGAAGAAGAGa 5' ||| || |||||:|| Ref: 5' ttttGGCATATATTCTTTTCa 3' Energy: -11.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1253 NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.52 2 18 7248 7268 16 75.00% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1253 NC_045512.2 445.00 -39.08 151.00 -15.14 1014 21 29903 26863 28808 7248 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4764-5p MIMAT0019914(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4764-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4879 to 4898 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ucUAUUGAGGAAGGUGUAGGu 5' :||| |||| ||||||:| Ref: 5' taGTAA-TCCTACCACATTCc 3' Energy: -19.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4764-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -19.83 2 20 4879 4898 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24493 to 24514 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (94.74%) Query: 3' ucUAUUG-AGGAAGGUGUAGGu 5' ||:|: |||||:|||:||: Ref: 5' aaATGATATCCTTTCACGTCTt 3' Energy: -22.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4764-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -22.78 2 20 24493 24514 19 68.42% 94.74% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4764-5p NC_045512.2 295.00 -42.61 153.00 -22.78 1015 21 29903 4879 24493 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6789-3p MIMAT0027479(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6789-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-134-3p MIMAT0026481(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-134-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:3995 to 4017 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' aaccacUGAUCCACCGGGUGUCc 5' |||| || |:||||| Ref: 5' gaagaaACTAAGTTCCTCACAGa 3' Energy: -14.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-134-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.59 2 18 3995 4017 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:2492 to 2514 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aaccacugauccaccGGGUGUCc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gagggagaaacacttCCCACAGa 3' Energy: -16.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-134-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.64 2 9 2492 2514 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-134-3p NC_045512.2 285.00 -31.23 145.00 -16.64 1017 23 29903 3995 2492 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-936 MIMAT0004979(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-936 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20355 to 20374 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gaCGCUAAGGAGGGAGAUGACa 5' |:|:|| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' agGTGGTT--TACATCTACTGa 3' Energy: -18.280001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-936 NC_045512.2 153.00 -18.28 2 21 20355 20374 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:15551 to 15572 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (92.31%) Query: 3' gacgcuaaGGAGGGAGAUGACa 5' |:|:: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaatgcaCTTTTATCTACTGa 3' Energy: -14.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-936 NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.86 2 15 15551 15572 13 69.23% 92.31% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:6982 to 7003 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gacgCUAAGGAGGGAGAUGAca 5' |:|||:|: |||||| Ref: 5' cctaGGTTCTTTAATCTACTca 3' Energy: -16.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-936 NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.68 3 19 6982 7003 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:17108 to 17133 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' gaCGCUAA--GGA--GGGAGAUGAca 5' || ||| ||| |:||||||| Ref: 5' ttGCTATTGGCCTAGCTCTCTACTac 3' Energy: -18.799999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-936 NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.80 3 21 17108 17133 22 72.73% 77.27% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-936 NC_045512.2 587.00 -68.62 153.00 -18.80 1018 22 29903 20355 15551 6982 17108 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-921 MIMAT0004971(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-921 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:3 to 24 R:28421 to 28446 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (81.82%) Query: 3' cuUAGGACCAAG-ACAGGGAGUGAuc 5' :||:|||||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' gcGTCTTGGTTCACCGCTCTCACTca 3' Energy: -27.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-921 NC_045512.2 150.00 -27.13 3 24 28421 28446 22 68.18% 81.82% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:27407 to 27434 Align Len (24) (66.67%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cuuAGGACCAAGAC-A--GGGAGUGAUc 5' ||:||| ||| | | |||:||| Ref: 5' tttTCTTGGCACTGATAACACTCGCTAc 3' Energy: -20.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-921 NC_045512.2 144.00 -20.47 2 23 27407 27434 24 66.67% 75.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:16146 to 16166 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' cuUAGGACCAAGACAGGGAGUGAUc 5' ||:|| ||| || ||:|||| Ref: 5' gtATTCT-GTTATG---CTTACTAa 3' Energy: -14.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-921 NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.91 2 24 16146 16166 22 68.18% 77.27% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 24 R:27829 to 27852 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (80.95%) Query: 3' cuUAGGACCAAGACAGGGAGUGAuc 5' ||: | ||:|| ::|||||| Ref: 5' ttATTAT-CTTTTGGTTCTCACTtg 3' Energy: -16.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-921 NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.60 3 24 27829 27852 21 61.90% 80.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-921 NC_045512.2 576.00 -79.11 150.00 -27.13 1019 25 29903 28421 27407 16146 27829 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-193a-3p MIMAT0000459(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-193a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:26681 to 26702 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ugaccCUGAAACAU-CCGGUCAa 5' |:|| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' cctctGGCTGT-TATGGCCAGTa 3' Energy: -19.719999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-193a-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -19.72 2 18 26681 26702 17 76.47% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-193a-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -19.72 150.00 -19.72 1020 22 29903 26681 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1185-5p MIMAT0005798(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1185-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22354 to 22374 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uuguAUGUUUCCCAUAGGAGa 5' ||:: :|| ||||:|| Ref: 5' ttatTATGTGGGTTATCTTCa 3' Energy: -12.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1185-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.53 2 18 22354 22374 16 62.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:24486 to 24506 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uuguAUGUUUCCCAUAGGAGa 5' | :||| | ||||||: Ref: 5' gtgtTTTAAATGATATCCTTt 3' Energy: -9.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1185-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.23 2 18 24486 24506 16 68.75% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1185-5p NC_045512.2 282.00 -21.76 141.00 -12.53 1021 21 29903 22354 24486 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6847-5p MIMAT0027594(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6847-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:26666 to 26687 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cgAGUGUGAGGUGACAGGAGACa 5' |:| | |: |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaTTA-AGTTAATTTTCCTCTGg 3' Energy: -13.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6847-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -13.21 2 22 26666 26687 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24964 to 24986 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cgaGUGUGAGGUGACAGGAGACa 5' |||| |::|: ||||:|| Ref: 5' caaCACAGTTTATGATCCTTTGc 3' Energy: -20.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6847-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -20.96 2 21 24964 24986 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:164 to 186 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cgagugUGAGGUGACAGGAGACa 5' |||| || ||:|||| Ref: 5' cgagtaACTCGTCTATCTTCTGc 3' Energy: -16.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6847-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.33 2 18 164 186 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:9520 to 9544 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (86.36%) Query: 3' cgAGUGUG--AGGUGACAGGAGACa 5' |:|::: |:|||||| ||||| Ref: 5' ccTTATGTCATTCACTGTACTCTGt 3' Energy: -24.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6847-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -24.85 2 22 9520 9544 22 63.64% 86.36% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6847-5p NC_045512.2 588.00 -75.35 155.00 -24.85 1022 23 29903 26666 24964 164 9520 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1199-5p MIMAT0031119(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1199-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:17836 to 17855 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' gacgcgccgGGCCCGAGUCc 5' | |||||||| Ref: 5' gattcatcaCAGGGCTCAGa 3' Energy: -17.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1199-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.10 2 12 17836 17855 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:26781 to 26804 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gacgcgCCGGGC----CCGAGUCc 5' |||::| ||||||| Ref: 5' cttgtaGGCTTGATGTGGCTCAGc 3' Energy: -21.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1199-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -21.66 2 15 26781 26804 17 64.71% 76.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1199-5p NC_045512.2 288.00 -38.76 147.00 -21.66 1023 20 29903 17836 26781 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4655-3p MIMAT0019722(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4655-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:27500 to 27519 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ggGGCCCCUGGACUGCUCCCa 5' :| || || | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctTCTGGAACAT-ACGAGGGc 3' Energy: -22.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4655-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -22.44 2 20 27500 27519 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4655-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -22.44 153.00 -22.44 1024 21 29903 27500 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6833-3p MIMAT0027567(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6833-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:7662 to 7682 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gaCUCCUUCACCUCUCUCUuu 5' || ||||| | |||||| Ref: 5' gtGATGAAGTTGCGAGAGAct 3' Energy: -17.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6833-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -17.18 3 20 7662 7682 17 82.35% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4938 to 4958 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacuccuucaccuCUCUCUUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cacttctttctttGAGAGAAg 3' Energy: -10.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6833-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.18 2 9 4938 4958 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6833-3p NC_045512.2 291.00 -27.36 151.00 -17.18 1025 21 29903 7662 4938 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1277-3p MIMAT0005933(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1277-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5130 to 5150 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uuUUAUGUAUAUAU-AGAUGCAu 5' |||: ||: | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctAATG-ATG-ACACTCTACGTg 3' Energy: -11.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1277-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.59 2 21 5130 5150 20 70.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1277-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.59 147.00 -11.59 1026 22 29903 5130 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4776-3p MIMAT0019933(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4776-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:14759 to 14781 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uacgucACCUGGUCCUACCGUUc 5' | | :||||||||:|| Ref: 5' tcttctTTGCTCAGGATGGTAAt 3' Energy: -18.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4776-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -18.75 2 18 14759 14781 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:25580 to 25603 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' uacgucaccuggUC-CUACCGUUc 5' || |||||||| Ref: 5' taaccctcaaaaAGAGATGGCAAc 3' Energy: -13.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4776-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.25 2 12 25580 25603 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:4029 to 4051 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (68.75%) Query: 3' uacgucACCUGGUCCUACCGUUc 5' | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tttataTTGACATTAATGGCAAt 3' Energy: -11.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4776-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.04 2 18 4029 4051 16 68.75% 68.75% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:28434 to 28456 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uacgucaccuGGUCCUACCGUUc 5' :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ccgctctcacTCAACATGGCAAg 3' Energy: -16.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4776-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.10 2 14 28434 28456 12 75.00% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:1240 to 1262 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uaCGUCACCUGGUCCUACCGUUc 5' |::||| | | ||||||: Ref: 5' ttGTGGTGAAACTTCATGGCAGa 3' Energy: -16.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4776-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.39 2 22 1240 1262 20 60.00% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4776-3p NC_045512.2 726.00 -75.53 149.00 -18.75 1027 23 29903 14759 25580 4029 28434 1240 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1538 MIMAT0007400(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1538 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3116 MIMAT0014978(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3116 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16378 to 16399 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucAGGGAUGAUACAAGGUCCGu 5' | ::|:| ||| ||||||: Ref: 5' taTGTTTGCAATGCTCCAGGTt 3' Energy: -18.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3116 NC_045512.2 148.00 -18.75 2 21 16378 16399 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:28853 to 28874 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucagggaugauacaAGGUCCGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tcaagaaattcaacTCCAGGCa 3' Energy: -15.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3116 NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.30 2 9 28853 28874 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3116 NC_045512.2 288.00 -34.05 148.00 -18.75 1029 22 29903 16378 28853 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-30c-2-3p MIMAT0004550(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-30c-2-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:7803 to 7825 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ucucaUUUGUCGGA-AGAGGGUc 5' |:||| :|| ||||:|| Ref: 5' atgaaAGACATTCTCTCTCTCAt 3' Energy: -15.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30c-2-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.51 2 18 7803 7825 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1892 to 1915 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucuCAU--UUGUCGGAAGAGGGUc 5' ||| | || ::|||||||: Ref: 5' gttGTACGATCAATTTTCTCCCGc 3' Energy: -18.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30c-2-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.22 2 20 1892 1915 20 65.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-30c-2-3p NC_045512.2 286.00 -33.73 144.00 -18.22 1030 22 29903 7803 1892 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-208a-3p MIMAT0000241(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-208a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:13478 to 13499 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uguucgaaaaaCGAGCAGAAUa 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgtaagtgcaGCCCGTCTTAc 3' Energy: -14.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-208a-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.20 2 12 13478 13499 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7120 to 7143 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uguUCGAAAA--ACGAGCAGAAUa 5' | ||| | ||:|:|||||| Ref: 5' tatACCTTGTAGTGTTTGTCTTAg 3' Energy: -15.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-208a-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.70 2 20 7120 7143 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8209 to 8232 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ugUUCGA-AA-AACGAGCAGAAUa 5' ||| | || ||| :|||||| Ref: 5' taAAGATGTTGTTGAATGTCTTAa 3' Energy: -12.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-208a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.24 2 21 8209 8232 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:13778 to 13799 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguucgaaaaacgaGCAGAAUa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atatatcacgtcaaCGTCTTAc 3' Energy: -9.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-208a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.80 2 9 13778 13799 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-208a-3p NC_045512.2 575.00 -51.94 147.00 -15.70 1031 22 29903 13478 7120 8209 13778 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-30e-3p MIMAT0000693(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-30e-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:16600 to 16622 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cgacauUUGUAGGC-UGACUUUc 5' |||| |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttagctAACACCTGTACTGAAAg 3' Energy: -20.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30e-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -20.17 2 17 16600 16622 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:19940 to 19961 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cgacaUUUGUAGGCUGACUUUc 5' ||: | || ||||||| Ref: 5' tagccAAGAAACCAACTGAAAc 3' Energy: -10.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30e-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -10.21 2 18 19940 19961 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22955 to 22977 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cgacaUUUGU-AGGCUGACUUUc 5' |:|:| |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' gagagAGATATTTCAACTGAAAt 3' Energy: -10.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30e-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -10.65 2 18 22955 22977 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4754 to 4776 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' cgACAU-UUGUAGGCUGACUUUc 5' || | |||||:: |:||||| Ref: 5' ccTGAAGAACATTTTATTGAAAc 3' Energy: -14.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30e-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.33 2 21 4754 4776 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11964 to 11985 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cgacAUUUGUAGGCUGACUUUc 5' |||| || | ||||||: Ref: 5' tagcTAAAGATACTACTGAAGc 3' Energy: -13.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30e-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -13.33 2 19 11964 11985 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:15827 to 15848 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (93.75%) Query: 3' cgacaUUUGUAGGCUGACUUUc 5' |||::|: ||||||:| Ref: 5' aagcaAAATGTTGGACTGAGAc 3' Energy: -13.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30e-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -13.75 2 18 15827 15848 16 68.75% 93.75% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:3894 to 3918 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cgacAUUU-GUAG--GCUGACUUUc 5' |||: |||: : ||||||| Ref: 5' aagtTAAGCCATTTATAACTGAAAg 3' Energy: -13.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30e-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -13.76 2 19 3894 3918 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:17870 to 17891 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (76.92%) Query: 3' cgacauuuGUAGGCUGACUUUc 5' || | ||||||| Ref: 5' tattcactCAAACCACTGAAAc 3' Energy: -9.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30e-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -9.90 2 15 17870 17891 13 76.92% 76.92% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4181 to 4200 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cgACAUUUGUAGGCUGACUUUc 5' || ::|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gcTGGTGGCA--CTACTGAAAt 3' Energy: -14.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30e-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.33 2 21 4181 4200 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:23787 to 23808 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgACAUUUGUAGGCUGACUUuc 5' |||:: ||:| |||||| Ref: 5' ttTGTGGTGATTCAACTGAAtg 3' Energy: -15.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30e-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.50 3 21 23787 23808 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25949 to 25967 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cgaCAUUUGUAGGCUGACUUUc 5' ||:: :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgGTGGTTAT---ACTGAAAa 3' Energy: -9.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30e-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.68 2 20 25949 25967 18 61.11% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3102 to 3123 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgACAUUUGUAGGCUGACUUUc 5' | |:|::|| ||||||: Ref: 5' aaTATGAGTATGGTACTGAAGa 3' Energy: -10.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30e-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.57 2 21 3102 3123 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27320 to 27341 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgACAUUUGUAGGCUGACUUUc 5' | |||:: |: |||||:| Ref: 5' taTCTAAGTCACTAACTGAGAa 3' Energy: -9.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30e-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.53 2 21 27320 27341 19 57.89% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-30e-3p NC_045512.2 1928.00 -165.71 159.00 -20.17 1032 22 29903 16600 19940 22955 4754 11964 15827 3894 17870 4181 23787 25949 3102 27320 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-149-5p MIMAT0000450(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-149-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:25329 to 25353 Align Len (23) (73.91%) (78.26%) Query: 3' ccCUCACUUCUGU---GCCUCGGUCu 5' || |||||||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttGA-TGAAGACGACTCTGAGCCAGt 3' Energy: -25.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-149-5p NC_045512.2 162.00 -25.45 2 22 25329 25353 23 73.91% 78.26% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-149-5p NC_045512.2 162.00 -25.45 162.00 -25.45 1033 23 29903 25329 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4646-5p MIMAT0019707(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4646-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:1 to 24 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' agggagUCGAGGA--GAAGGGUCa 5' :|:|: | |||||||| Ref: 5' attaaaGGTTTATACCTTCCCAGg 3' Energy: -16.969999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4646-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.97 2 17 1 24 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18999 to 19022 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (68.42%) Query: 3' agggAGUCG--AGGAGAAGGGUCa 5' |:||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' attaTTAGCAGACAAATTCCCAGt 3' Energy: -18.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4646-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.68 2 19 18999 19022 19 63.16% 68.42% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4646-5p NC_045512.2 288.00 -35.65 147.00 -18.68 1034 22 29903 1 18999 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3198 MIMAT0015083(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3198 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16256 to 16276 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agAGGUAAGGGGUCCUGAGGUg 5' | || |:| || ||||:|| Ref: 5' ttTGCAATTCACA-GACTTCAt 3' Energy: -15.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3198 NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.78 2 21 16256 16276 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19598 to 19620 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agagGU-AAGGGGUCCUGAGGUg 5' || ||:: || ||||:|| Ref: 5' ggaaCACTTTTACAAGACTTCAg 3' Energy: -12.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3198 NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.05 2 19 19598 19620 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3198 NC_045512.2 283.00 -27.83 142.00 -15.78 1035 22 29903 16256 19598 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-9900 MIMAT0039320(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-9900 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:1387 to 1407 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uacgucagagaAUCCUGGACa 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' caattcagaagTAGGACCTGa 3' Energy: -20.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9900 NC_045512.2 150.00 -20.09 2 11 1387 1407 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:18630 to 18650 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uacgucagagaAUCCUGGACa 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' ttttgtgaaaaTAGGACCTGa 3' Energy: -16.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9900 NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.52 2 11 18630 18650 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26993 to 27015 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' uaCGUCAGAGAA--UCCUGGACa 5' || || | | |||||||| Ref: 5' acGCTGTGACATCAAGGACCTGc 3' Energy: -17.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9900 NC_045512.2 150.00 -17.45 2 20 26993 27015 20 70.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:22079 to 22100 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uaCGUCAGAGAAU-CCUGGAca 5' || |:||||| |||||| Ref: 5' caGCCTTTTCTTATGGACCTtg 3' Energy: -20.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9900 NC_045512.2 146.00 -20.99 3 20 22079 22100 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:21704 to 21725 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uacGUCAG-AGAAUCCUGGACa 5' || || || |||||:|| Ref: 5' ttaCATTCAACTCAGGACTTGt 3' Energy: -17.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9900 NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.19 2 19 21704 21725 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-9900 NC_045512.2 737.00 -92.24 150.00 -20.99 1036 21 29903 1387 18630 26993 22079 21704 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-221-3p MIMAT0000278(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-221-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:19759 to 19782 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' cuUUG-GGUCGUCUGUUACAUCGa 5' ||| ::| | | :|||||||| Ref: 5' acAACATTACCTGTTAATGTAGCa 3' Energy: -14.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-221-3p NC_045512.2 160.00 -14.29 2 22 19759 19782 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:18823 to 18849 Align Len (24) (62.50%) (79.17%) Query: 3' cuUUGGGU--CG-UCUGU-UACAUCGa 5' |::||| |: | :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' caAGTCCATGGTAATGCACATGTAGCt 3' Energy: -17.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-221-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -17.85 2 22 18823 18849 24 62.50% 79.17% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:18008 to 18030 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (85.71%) Query: 3' cuUUGGGU-CGUCUGUUACAUCGa 5' | :||| |:||: |||||:|| Ref: 5' aaATTCCACGTAGG-AATGTGGCa 3' Energy: -19.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-221-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -19.78 2 22 18008 18030 21 66.67% 85.71% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:23604 to 23626 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cuuugGGUCGUCUGUUACAUCGa 5' | :||| ::|:|||||| Ref: 5' ctcggCGGGCACGTAGTGTAGCt 3' Energy: -26.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-221-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -26.49 2 19 23604 23626 17 64.71% 88.24% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17208 to 17230 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' cuuUGGGUCGUCUG-UUACAUCGa 5' :||:| :|||: |||||||: Ref: 5' tttGCCTA-TAGATAAATGTAGTa 3' Energy: -17.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-221-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.64 2 21 17208 17230 20 65.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:27936 to 27957 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cuUUGGGUCGUCUGUUACAUCGa 5' | ::|| || | |||||||: Ref: 5' gcATTTCACCA-AGAATGTAGTt 3' Energy: -13.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-221-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.38 2 22 27936 27957 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:19616 to 19638 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' cuuugggucGUCUGUUACAUCGa 5' :||| |||||:|| Ref: 5' ttcagagttTAGAAAATGTGGCt 3' Energy: -18.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-221-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.69 2 15 19616 19638 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:27066 to 27086 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' cuUUGGGUCGUCUGUUACAUCGa 5' |:|:: |||| | :|||||| Ref: 5' ggAGCTTCGCAG-C-GTGTAGCa 3' Energy: -20.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-221-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.09 2 22 27066 27086 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:29064 to 29086 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' cuuugggUCGUCUGUUACAUCGa 5' |||| |||||||| | Ref: 5' ccactaaAGCATACAATGTAACa 3' Energy: -14.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-221-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.32 2 17 29064 29086 15 86.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-221-3p NC_045512.2 1313.00 -162.53 160.00 -26.49 1037 23 29903 19759 18823 18008 23604 17208 27936 19616 27066 29064 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3139 MIMAT0015007(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3139 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:2573 to 2597 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (80.95%) Query: 3' uuGUC-CGUAGACAAC-UCGAGGau 5' :|| | | |||||| |||||| Ref: 5' acTAGTGAAGCTGTTGAAGCTCCat 3' Energy: -22.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3139 NC_045512.2 147.00 -22.03 3 22 2573 2597 21 76.19% 80.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:14118 to 14137 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uuGUCCGUAGACAACUCGAGGAu 5' ||||:| || |||:|||| Ref: 5' gcCAGGTA---GTGGAGTTCCTg 3' Energy: -23.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3139 NC_045512.2 145.00 -23.16 2 22 14118 14137 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:26551 to 26573 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuguccguagacaacUCGAGGAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgaagagcttaaaaAGCTCCTt 3' Energy: -15.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3139 NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.47 2 9 26551 26573 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3139 NC_045512.2 432.00 -60.66 147.00 -23.16 1038 23 29903 2573 14118 26551 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-520f-5p MIMAT0026609(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-520f-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:22498 to 22521 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ucuuucgcGAAGG--GAAAUCUCc 5' ||||: |||||||| Ref: 5' ctatcaaaCTTCTAACTTTAGAGt 3' Energy: -15.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520f-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -15.06 2 15 22498 22521 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:28203 to 28224 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucuuucgcgaaGGGAAAUCUCc 5' |::||||||| Ref: 5' ttctatgaagaCTTTTTAGAGt 3' Energy: -11.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520f-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.72 2 12 28203 28224 10 80.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:1467 to 1488 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' ucuuucgcgAAGGGAAAUCUCc 5' || |||||:||| Ref: 5' gtcgcactaTTGCCTTTGGAGg 3' Energy: -21.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520f-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -21.67 2 14 1467 1488 12 83.33% 91.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-520f-5p NC_045512.2 441.00 -48.45 153.00 -21.67 1039 22 29903 22498 28203 1467 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4999-5p MIMAT0021017(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4999-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:18416 to 18435 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' agUGAUGGACUGUUAUGUCgu 5' || |||| |:||||||| Ref: 5' atAC-ACCTAATAATACAGat 3' Energy: -19.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4999-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -19.54 3 20 18416 18435 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:20579 to 20598 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' agUGAUGGACUGUUAUGUCgu 5' |||| :|||| |||||| Ref: 5' tgACTA-TTGACTATACAGaa 3' Energy: -17.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4999-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -17.67 3 20 20579 20598 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21002 to 21021 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' agUGAUGGACUGUUAUGUCGu 5' :| ||: || ||||||| Ref: 5' gtGCAACTGTAC-ATACAGCt 3' Energy: -15.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4999-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.56 2 20 21002 21021 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:4456 to 4476 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' agugauggacUGUUAUGUCGu 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' catagtttcaACTATACAGCg 3' Energy: -12.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4999-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.31 2 12 4456 4476 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19762 to 19782 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (94.44%) Query: 3' agUGAUGGACUGUUAUGUCGu 5' |:|||||| :|||::||| Ref: 5' acATTACCTGTTAATGTAGCa 3' Energy: -27.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4999-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -27.99 2 20 19762 19782 18 72.22% 94.44% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:10316 to 10336 Align Len (11) (72.73%) (90.91%) Query: 3' agugauggaCUGUUAUGUCGu 5' | ::||||||| Ref: 5' aagcttaagGTTGATACAGCc 3' Energy: -11.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4999-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.53 2 13 10316 10336 11 72.73% 90.91% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3428 to 3448 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agUGAUGGACUGUUAUGUCGu 5' | |: :|| :|||:|||| Ref: 5' acAGTGGTTGTTAATGCAGCc 3' Energy: -19.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4999-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -19.23 2 20 3428 3448 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2830 to 2851 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agUGAUG-GACUGUUAUGUCGu 5' | |:| ||| | ||||||: Ref: 5' gaAGTGCTCTGCCTATACAGTt 3' Energy: -16.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4999-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.07 2 20 2830 2851 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17138 to 17160 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agUGA-UGGACUGU-UAUGUCGu 5' :|| :| | ::: ||||||| Ref: 5' ctGCTCGCATAGTGTATACAGCt 3' Energy: -12.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4999-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.61 2 20 17138 17160 20 55.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4999-5p NC_045512.2 1311.00 -152.51 149.00 -27.99 1040 21 29903 18416 20579 21002 4456 19762 10316 3428 2830 17138 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-20b-3p MIMAT0004752(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-20b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:7928 to 7951 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gaccuUCACGGGU--AUGAUGUCa 5' || |:|:: |||||||| Ref: 5' aaatcAGCGTCTGTTTACTACAGt 3' Energy: -17.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-20b-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -17.11 2 18 7928 7951 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7671 to 7694 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (80.95%) Query: 3' gaCCUUCAC-GGGUA-UGAUGUCa 5' | :|| | |:::| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttGCGAGAGACTTGTCACTACAGt 3' Energy: -17.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-20b-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -17.10 2 21 7671 7694 21 61.90% 80.95% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:20033 to 20054 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (93.75%) Query: 3' gaccuUCACGGGUAUGAUGUCa 5' :|||::| ||:||||| Ref: 5' gtaatGGTGTTCTTATTACAGa 3' Energy: -18.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-20b-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -18.14 2 18 20033 20054 16 68.75% 93.75% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2052 to 2073 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gaCCUUCACGGGUAUGAUGUCa 5' | || |||:| |:||||| Ref: 5' ttGTAATGGCCTACATTACAGg 3' Energy: -17.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-20b-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -17.09 2 21 2052 2073 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:24893 to 24915 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' gaccuucacgGGU-AUGAUGUCa 5' :|| |||||||| Ref: 5' gaaccacaaaTCATTACTACAGa 3' Energy: -13.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-20b-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.37 2 13 24893 24915 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4670 to 4689 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gaccUUCACGGGUAUGAUGUCa 5' ||||| ||| :|||||| Ref: 5' ctcaAAGTG-CCA-GCTACAGt 3' Energy: -22.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-20b-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -22.59 2 19 4670 4689 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 16 R:12723 to 12744 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' gaccuucACGGGUAUGAUGUca 5' |||| :||||||| Ref: 5' cttgtgcTGCCGGTACTACAca 3' Energy: -17.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-20b-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.06 3 16 12723 12744 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:6839 to 6861 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' gaccuucACGGGU-AUGAUGUCa 5' |||| | |||||:|| Ref: 5' gcatctaTGCCGACTACTATAGc 3' Energy: -15.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-20b-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.95 2 16 6839 6861 15 80.00% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-20b-3p NC_045512.2 1177.00 -138.41 152.00 -22.59 1041 22 29903 7928 7671 20033 2052 24893 4670 12723 6839 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5188 MIMAT0021119(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5188 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-652-3p MIMAT0003322(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-652-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8339 to 8360 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (89.47%) Query: 3' guGUUGGGAUCAC-CGCGGUAa 5' ::||: ||||| |||:||| Ref: 5' atTGACTGTAGTGCGCGTCATa 3' Energy: -21.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-652-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -21.70 2 20 8339 8360 19 68.42% 89.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-652-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -21.70 150.00 -21.70 1043 21 29903 8339 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4737 MIMAT0019863(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4737 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9953 to 9971 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' guGACAGUCGUAGGAGCGUa 5' :|||:: || :|||||| Ref: 5' gcTTGTTGTCA-TCTCGCAa 3' Energy: -17.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4737 NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.30 2 19 9953 9971 17 64.71% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4737 NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.30 140.00 -17.30 1044 20 29903 9953 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4734 MIMAT0019859(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4734 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1469 MIMAT0007347(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1469 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:660 to 682 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ccUCGGGCGCGG-GGCGCGGCUc 5' :||| |:: | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtGGCCATAGTTACGGCGCCGAt 3' Energy: -23.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1469 NC_045512.2 147.00 -23.35 2 21 660 682 20 60.00% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1469 NC_045512.2 147.00 -23.35 147.00 -23.35 1046 22 29903 660 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4490 MIMAT0019025(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4490 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:9292 to 9312 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (93.33%) Query: 3' auacggGUUUAGAGAAUGGUCu 5' ||:|||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttattaCAGATCT-TTACCAGg 3' Energy: -20.549999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4490 NC_045512.2 162.00 -20.55 2 17 9292 9312 15 86.67% 93.33% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:26012 to 26032 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' auacGGGUUUAGAGAAUGGUCu 5' ::||:| || ||||||| Ref: 5' tcacTTCAGA-CTATTACCAGc 3' Energy: -15.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4490 NC_045512.2 156.00 -15.54 2 19 26012 26032 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23966 to 23985 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' auACGGGUUUAGAGAAUGGUCu 5' | | |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTTCACAAA--TATTACCAGa 3' Energy: -16.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4490 NC_045512.2 153.00 -16.93 2 21 23966 23985 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:17916 to 17937 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' auacggguuuaGAGAAUGGUCu 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' atttaatgttgCTATTACCAGa 3' Energy: -15.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4490 NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.19 2 12 17916 17937 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:14588 to 14609 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' auacggguUUAGAGAAUGGUCu 5' ||||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' cttctggtAATCTATTACTAGa 3' Energy: -14.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4490 NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.29 2 15 14588 14609 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22817 to 22842 Align Len (23) (56.52%) (73.91%) Query: 3' auACGGGU-UUAGAG---AAUGGUCu 5' || ::| |||: : ||||||| Ref: 5' gcTGATTATAATTATAAATTACCAGa 3' Energy: -11.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4490 NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.41 2 21 22817 22842 23 56.52% 73.91% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:5741 to 5762 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' auacggguuuagagAAUGGUCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gagtacactggtaaTTACCAGt 3' Energy: -11.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4490 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.24 2 9 5741 5762 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7963 to 7983 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' auacGGGUUUAGAGAAUGGUCu 5' ||:| | || ||||:|| Ref: 5' tcaaCCTATA-CTGTTACTAGa 3' Energy: -17.719999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4490 NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.72 2 19 7963 7983 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4490 NC_045512.2 1186.00 -122.87 162.00 -20.55 1047 22 29903 9292 26012 23966 17916 14588 22817 5741 7963 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4260 MIMAT0016881(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4260 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:2455 to 2475 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' accCUGAGG--UACGGGGUUc 5' | |||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' catGCCTCTAAAAGCCCCAAa 3' Energy: -16.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4260 NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.49 2 17 2455 2475 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:28386 to 28403 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' acccUGAGGUACGGGGUUc 5' || :|: ||||||| Ref: 5' aacaACGTCG-GCCCCAAg 3' Energy: -19.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4260 NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.78 2 16 28386 28403 14 71.43% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4260 NC_045512.2 292.00 -36.27 147.00 -19.78 1048 19 29903 2455 28386 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-2115-5p MIMAT0011158(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-2115-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5681b MIMAT0022480(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5681b vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:2681 to 2702 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugaucuuucccaccGUUAUGGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atgatggtaacaaaCAATACCt 3' Energy: -11.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5681b NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.29 2 9 2681 2702 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5681b NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.29 140.00 -11.29 1050 22 29903 2681 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4662a-5p MIMAT0019731(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4662a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 165.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:28509 to 28531 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gauuUCUACCUG-UUAACCGAUu 5' ||||| | ||||||||| Ref: 5' gtccAGATGACCAAATTGGCTAc 3' Energy: -16.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4662a-5p NC_045512.2 165.00 -16.71 2 19 28509 28531 18 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:25195 to 25217 Align Len (16) (87.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gauuucUACC-UGUUAACCGAUu 5' |||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' atggccATGGTACATTTGGCTAg 3' Energy: -19.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4662a-5p NC_045512.2 163.00 -19.32 2 17 25195 25217 16 87.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4600 to 4621 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (70.59%) Query: 3' gauuUCUACCUGUUAACCGAUu 5' | | | || ||||||| Ref: 5' tgttACAATGCCACTTGGCTAt 3' Energy: -11.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4662a-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -11.07 2 19 4600 4621 17 70.59% 70.59% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3186 to 3206 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gauUUCUACCUGUUAACCGAUu 5' |||| || :|||||:|| Ref: 5' agcAAGA-AGAAGATTGGTTAg 3' Energy: -13.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4662a-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.76 2 20 3186 3206 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:2019 to 2040 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gauuucuaccugUUAACCGAUu 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgttcacatctgATTTGGCTAc 3' Energy: -7.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4662a-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -7.99 2 11 2019 2040 9 88.89% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4662a-5p NC_045512.2 765.00 -68.85 165.00 -19.32 1051 22 29903 28509 25195 4600 3186 2019 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-633 MIMAT0003303(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-633 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 165.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:6952 to 6974 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' aaAUAACACCAUCUAUGAUAAUc 5' || | |||| |||||||| Ref: 5' taTAATTTGGTTTTTACTATTAa 3' Energy: -12.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-633 NC_045512.2 165.00 -12.08 2 22 6952 6974 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6567 to 6588 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' aaaUAACACCAUCUAUGAUAAUc 5' ||| | || |||||||| Ref: 5' acaATTCTAGT-CTTACTATTAa 3' Energy: -7.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-633 NC_045512.2 154.00 -7.28 2 21 6567 6588 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:26526 to 26548 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aaauaacaccauCUAUGAUAAUc 5' |:|||||||| Ref: 5' gcagattccaacGGTACTATTAc 3' Energy: -9.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-633 NC_045512.2 151.00 -9.19 2 12 26526 26548 10 90.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:4949 to 4971 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (84.62%) Query: 3' aaauaacacCAUCUAUGAUAAUc 5' ||: : ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgagagaaGTGAGGACTATTAa 3' Energy: -9.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-633 NC_045512.2 146.00 -9.08 2 15 4949 4971 13 69.23% 84.62% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:3753 to 3774 Align Len (17) (88.24%) (94.12%) Query: 3' aaauAACACCAUCUAUGAUAAuc 5' |||| |||||||||:|| Ref: 5' gagtTTGT-GTAGATACTGTTcg 3' Energy: -18.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-633 NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.90 3 20 3753 3774 17 88.24% 94.12% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:23702 to 23724 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aaauaacaccaucuAUGAUAAUc 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' atacccacaaatttTACTATTAg 3' Energy: -9.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-633 NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.60 2 10 23702 23724 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:16308 to 16329 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' aaAUAACACCAUCUAUGAUAAUc 5' || ||| ||| ||:||:||| Ref: 5' ctTA-TGTTGTAAATGCTGTTAc 3' Energy: -12.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-633 NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.14 2 22 16308 16329 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:10629 to 10656 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' aaauaacACCAU--CU---AUGAUAAUc 5' ||||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' aagcagcTGGTACGGACACAACTATTAc 3' Energy: -9.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-633 NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.98 2 17 10629 10656 20 70.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:26006 to 26028 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' aaauaacaccaucUAUGAUAAUc 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' gttacttcacttcAGACTATTAc 3' Energy: -4.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-633 NC_045512.2 142.00 -4.59 2 11 26006 26028 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:16427 to 16449 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' aaauaaCACCAUCUAUGAUAAUc 5' | |||| : :|||||| Ref: 5' acttagGAGGTATGAGCTATTAt 3' Energy: -10.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-633 NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.82 2 18 16427 16449 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:4515 to 4540 Align Len (23) (73.91%) (73.91%) Query: 3' aaAUAACACCAUCU---AUGAUAAUc 5' ||| ||| |||| |||| ||| Ref: 5' atTATGGTGCTAGATTTTACTTTTAc 3' Energy: -10.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-633 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.06 2 22 4515 4540 23 73.91% 73.91% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:9840 to 9863 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' aaauaaCACCA-UCUAUGAUAAUc 5' || || | :|:|||||| Ref: 5' agttgcGTAGTGATGTGCTATTAc 3' Energy: -11.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-633 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.37 2 18 9840 9863 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:10442 to 10464 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aaauaacaccaucuaUGAUAAUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atgaggcccaatttcACTATTAa 3' Energy: -4.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-633 NC_045512.2 140.00 -4.94 2 9 10442 10464 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20566 to 20588 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' aaaUAACACCAUCUAUGAUAAUc 5' :|||| || ||||||: Ref: 5' aagGTTGTCAAAGTGACTATTGa 3' Energy: -9.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-633 NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.80 2 21 20566 20588 19 63.16% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-633 NC_045512.2 2034.00 -139.83 165.00 -18.90 1052 23 29903 6952 6567 26526 4949 3753 23702 16308 10629 26006 16427 4515 9840 10442 20566 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6084 MIMAT0023709(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6084 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4471 MIMAT0018998(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4471 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12094 to 12117 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' aauUUGGAG--AUGAUUCAAGGGu 5' |:|||| ::| ||||||| Ref: 5' tatAGCCTCAGAGTTTAGTTCCCt 3' Energy: -19.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4471 NC_045512.2 154.00 -19.59 2 20 12094 12117 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26436 to 26458 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' aauUUGGAGAUGAU-UCAAGGGu 5' :| :||| ||| ||||||: Ref: 5' tctGAATTCTTCTAGAGTTCCTg 3' Energy: -15.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4471 NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.23 2 20 26436 26458 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27258 to 27277 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (89.47%) Query: 3' aaUUUGGAGAUGAUUCAAGGGu 5' ::||:|:|| |||||:|| Ref: 5' gaGGACTTTTA--AAGTTTCCa 3' Energy: -18.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4471 NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.36 2 21 27258 27277 19 63.16% 89.47% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:3991 to 4012 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aauuuggagaUGAUUCAAGGGu 5' ||||||||||: Ref: 5' tctggaagaaACTAAGTTCCTc 3' Energy: -16.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4471 NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.23 2 13 3991 4012 11 90.91% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4471 NC_045512.2 589.00 -69.41 154.00 -19.59 1054 22 29903 12094 26436 27258 3991 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-212-3p MIMAT0000269(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-212-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:26811 to 26831 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccggcacugaccUCUGACAAu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' attgcttctttcAGACTGTTt 3' Energy: -12.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-212-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.76 2 10 26811 26831 8 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-212-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.76 145.00 -12.76 1055 21 29903 26811 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-585-5p MIMAT0026618(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-585-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:9839 to 9860 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' agaccCGCAUAGACACACGAUc 5' ||||| : ||||||| Ref: 5' aagttGCGTAGTGATGTGCTAt 3' Energy: -17.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-585-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -17.14 2 18 9839 9860 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10421 to 10443 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' agACC-CGCAUAGACACACGAUc 5' ||| |: || | ||||||| Ref: 5' tcTGGTGTTTACCAATGTGCTAt 3' Energy: -16.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-585-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -16.39 2 21 10421 10443 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:16472 to 16493 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agacccgcauaGACACACGAUc 5' :||||||||| Ref: 5' ttagttttccaTTGTGTGCTAa 3' Energy: -14.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-585-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.43 2 12 16472 16493 10 90.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:5716 to 5739 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' agacCCGCAUAGA--CACACGAUc 5' ||: ||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' gcatGGTACATTTACTTGTGCTAg 3' Energy: -16.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-585-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.35 2 19 5716 5739 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:13318 to 13338 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agacccgcaUAGACACACGAUc 5' | || ||||||| Ref: 5' aatacctacAACT-TGTGCTAa 3' Energy: -9.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-585-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.63 2 14 13318 13338 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16897 to 16918 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agACC-CGCAUAGACACACGAUc 5' ||| | |||:| ||||||: Ref: 5' gtTGGTGATTATTT-TGTGCTGa 3' Energy: -16.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-585-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.29 2 21 16897 16918 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:2316 to 2337 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agacccgcauAGACACACGAUc 5' |:||||||||: Ref: 5' aatttttggcTTTGTGTGCTGa 3' Energy: -18.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-585-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.12 2 13 2316 2337 11 81.82% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-585-5p NC_045512.2 1032.00 -108.35 157.00 -18.12 1056 22 29903 9839 10421 16472 5716 13318 16897 2316 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-10396b-5p MIMAT0041635(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-10396b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1224-5p MIMAT0005458(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1224-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:5819 to 5837 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ggUGGAGGGCUCAGGAGUg 5' ||:| | |||||||| Ref: 5' ttACTTACAAAGTCCTCAg 3' Energy: -19.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1224-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -19.18 2 18 5819 5837 16 75.00% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1224-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -19.18 157.00 -19.18 1058 19 29903 5819 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4772-5p MIMAT0019926(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4772-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26441 to 26462 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' ucAGACGUUAAAACGGACUAGu 5' ||| | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' atTCTTCTAGAGTTCCTGATCt 3' Energy: -13.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4772-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -13.21 2 21 26441 26462 19 68.42% 68.42% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4772-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -13.21 152.00 -13.21 1059 22 29903 26441 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6764-3p MIMAT0027429(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6764-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19805 to 19825 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gacAGUUCCUUUCUGGUCUCu 5' |:|| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' acaTTAAACCAGTACCAGAGg 3' Energy: -14.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6764-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.27 2 19 19805 19825 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:17919 to 17939 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacaguuccuuucUGGUCUCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' taatgttgctattACCAGAGc 3' Energy: -12.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6764-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.06 2 9 17919 17939 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6764-3p NC_045512.2 290.00 -26.33 150.00 -14.27 1060 21 29903 19805 17919 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3158-3p MIMAT0015032(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3158-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4427 MIMAT0018942(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4427 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9627 to 9647 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ugAGAAGUC-UGAGAUAAGUCu 5' |:||:|| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ctTTTTTAGCAC-ATATTCAGt 3' Energy: -15.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4427 NC_045512.2 156.00 -15.15 2 20 9627 9647 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:20006 to 20025 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' ugagaaGUCUGAGAUAAGUCu 5' :||||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' gtcaagTAGACT-TATTTAGa 3' Energy: -16.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4427 NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.03 2 16 20006 20025 14 78.57% 92.86% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4427 NC_045512.2 297.00 -31.18 156.00 -16.03 1062 21 29903 9627 20006 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3913-5p MIMAT0018187(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3913-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20075 to 20094 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ucuGUAGUUCUAGUCAGGGUUu 5' |||| :| :||||||| Ref: 5' aacCATC--TGTAGGTCCCAAa 3' Energy: -18.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3913-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -18.07 2 20 20075 20094 18 66.67% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3913-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -18.07 148.00 -18.07 1063 22 29903 20075 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-553 MIMAT0003216(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-553 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:15376 to 15396 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' uuuuguuuUAGAGUGGCAAAa 5' :|| |||||||| Ref: 5' tgtagcttGTCACACCGTTTc 3' Energy: -15.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-553 NC_045512.2 153.00 -15.60 2 14 15376 15396 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4357 to 4380 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' uuUUGUUUUAGAG---UGGCAAAa 5' || ||| |||: ||:|||| Ref: 5' gcAAGAAATTCTTGGAACTGTTTc 3' Energy: -10.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-553 NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.43 2 20 4357 4380 21 66.67% 76.19% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2102 to 2127 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (73.91%) Query: 3' uuUUG-UUUUAGA----GUGGCAAAa 5' ||| || |||| |||:|||| Ref: 5' ctAACTAACATCTTTGGCACTGTTTa 3' Energy: -11.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-553 NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.69 2 20 2102 2127 23 69.57% 73.91% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-553 NC_045512.2 436.00 -37.72 153.00 -15.60 1064 21 29903 15376 4357 2102 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6740-3p MIMAT0027382(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6740-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:3066 to 3086 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gaCAAACCCUCCUCUCUUCUgu 5' | ||| || || |||||| Ref: 5' gtGATTGTGAAGA-AGAAGAgt 3' Energy: -11.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6740-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.03 3 21 3066 3086 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:18179 to 18200 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gacaaacccuccUCUCUUCUGu 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' aggacatgacctATAGAAGACt 3' Energy: -10.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6740-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.94 2 11 18179 18200 9 88.89% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6740-3p NC_045512.2 284.00 -21.97 142.00 -11.03 1065 22 29903 3066 18179 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-568 MIMAT0003232(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-568 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:21113 to 21132 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cacACAUAUGUAAAUAUGUa 5' | |:|: :|||||||| Ref: 5' acaTTTGTGGGTTTATACAa 3' Energy: -10.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-568 NC_045512.2 157.00 -10.71 2 18 21113 21132 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:20845 to 20865 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cacacAUA-UGUAAAUAUGUa 5' ||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tataaTATGAGAGTTATACAt 3' Energy: -8.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-568 NC_045512.2 150.00 -8.94 2 16 20845 20865 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:28113 to 28134 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cacacAUA--UGUAAAUAUGUa 5' ||| ::| ||||||| Ref: 5' atcgaTATCGGTAATTATACAg 3' Energy: -8.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-568 NC_045512.2 146.00 -8.48 2 16 28113 28134 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18523 to 18543 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' caCACAUAUGU-AAAUAUGUa 5' | ||||| | ||:|||| Ref: 5' gtGCGTATAAAGATTGTACAa 3' Energy: -12.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-568 NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.60 2 19 18523 18543 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:12936 to 12954 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' caCACAUAUGUAAAUAUGua 5' ||| | ::|||||||| Ref: 5' aaGTG-AAGTATTTATACtt 3' Energy: -10.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-568 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.28 3 19 12936 12954 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:17221 to 17241 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cacACAU-AUGUAAAUAUGua 5' |||| || | |||||| Ref: 5' aaaTGTAGTAGAATTATACct 3' Energy: -6.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-568 NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.48 3 18 17221 17241 16 81.25% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-568 NC_045512.2 874.00 -57.49 157.00 -12.60 1066 20 29903 21113 20845 28113 18523 12936 17221 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3714 MIMAT0018165(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3714 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:1462 to 1483 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ugucCCCUCGUGACGACGGAAg 5' || ||||| :|||||| Ref: 5' gggtGGTCGCACTATTGCCTTt 3' Energy: -24.969999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3714 NC_045512.2 150.00 -24.97 2 19 1462 1483 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:17748 to 17769 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uguccCCUCGUGACGACGGAAg 5' |||| | ||||:||| Ref: 5' tgcttGGAGAAAAGCTGTCTTt 3' Energy: -18.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3714 NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.83 2 18 17748 17769 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:23226 to 23247 Align Len (11) (72.73%) (90.91%) Query: 3' uguccccucgUGACGACGGAAg 5' ::| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctaacaaaaaGTTTCTGCCTTt 3' Energy: -12.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3714 NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.85 2 13 23226 23247 11 72.73% 90.91% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:939 to 962 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ugUCCCCUC--GUGACGACGGAAg 5' ||||| | :||||||||| | Ref: 5' agAGGGGTGTATACTGCTGCCGTg 3' Energy: -28.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3714 NC_045512.2 143.00 -28.57 2 21 939 962 21 76.19% 80.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3714 NC_045512.2 582.00 -85.22 150.00 -28.57 1067 22 29903 1462 17748 23226 939 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-592 MIMAT0003260(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-592 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8752 to 8774 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ugUAGUA-GCGUAUAACUGUGUu 5' | ||| | || |||||||| Ref: 5' caAACATGCTGATTTTGACACAt 3' Energy: -14.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-592 NC_045512.2 159.00 -14.48 2 21 8752 8774 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:15637 to 15658 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguaguagcgUAUAACUGUGUu 5' ||:|||||||| Ref: 5' agaaatagagATGTTGACACAg 3' Energy: -16.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-592 NC_045512.2 156.00 -16.84 2 13 15637 15658 11 90.91% 100.00% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:29330 to 29351 Align Len (13) (92.31%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguaguagCGUAUAACUGUGUu 5' ||||||||||:|| Ref: 5' ctgaataaGCATATTGACGCAt 3' Energy: -19.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-592 NC_045512.2 154.00 -19.71 2 15 29330 29351 13 92.31% 100.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:14197 to 14218 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' uguagUAGCGUAUAACUGUGuu 5' :|| |||:||||||| Ref: 5' gcagaGTCACATGTTGACACtg 3' Energy: -22.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-592 NC_045512.2 149.00 -22.24 3 18 14197 14218 15 80.00% 93.33% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13842 to 13864 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' ugUAGUAGCG-UAUAACUGUGUu 5' || | |: || ||||||| Ref: 5' tgATGAAGGTAATTGTGACACAt 3' Energy: -10.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-592 NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.48 2 21 13842 13864 20 65.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8231 to 8255 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (81.82%) Query: 3' ugUAGUAGCGUA--UA-ACUGUGUu 5' ||::|| ||| || |||||:| Ref: 5' aaATTGTCACATCAATCTGACATAg 3' Energy: -14.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-592 NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.35 2 21 8231 8255 22 68.18% 81.82% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:10781 to 10802 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguaguagcGUAUAACUGUGUu 5' |||:||||||:| Ref: 5' acacaagacCATGTTGACATAc 3' Energy: -15.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-592 NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.59 2 14 10781 10802 12 83.33% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:18538 to 18559 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uguagUAGCGUAUAACUGUGUu 5' | :|: | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtacaAATGTTAAGTGACACAc 3' Energy: -11.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-592 NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.36 2 18 18538 18559 16 62.50% 75.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18400 to 18421 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uguaGUAGCGUAUAACUGUGUu 5' || :||:||||:||| Ref: 5' cctaCAGGTTATGTTGATACAc 3' Energy: -15.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-592 NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.19 2 19 18400 18421 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:18111 to 18133 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uguaGUAGCGU-AUAACUGUGuu 5' || | || |:||||||| Ref: 5' tacaCACCTCAGTGTTGACACta 3' Energy: -15.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-592 NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.35 3 19 18111 18133 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:9101 to 9122 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguaguagcguauaACUGUGUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gaaagtttacgcccTGACACAc 3' Energy: -12.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-592 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.85 2 9 9101 9122 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:18145 to 18166 Align Len (15) (60.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' uguaguAGCGUAUAACUGUGUu 5' |: ::|:||||||:| Ref: 5' gaaggtTTATGTGTTGACATAc 3' Energy: -11.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-592 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.21 2 17 18145 18166 15 60.00% 93.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-592 NC_045512.2 1764.00 -179.65 159.00 -22.24 1068 22 29903 8752 15637 29330 14197 13842 8231 10781 18538 18400 18111 9101 18145 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6741-5p MIMAT0027383(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6741-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:28699 to 28720 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gugcCGAGGGUGGUCGUGGGUg 5' | || ||:::||||||: Ref: 5' aaaaGATCACATTGGCACCCGc 3' Energy: -22.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6741-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -22.88 2 19 28699 28720 17 64.71% 88.24% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27558 to 27579 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (84.21%) Query: 3' guGCCGAGGGUGGUCGUGGGUg 5' :| ||: | ::|||||:|| Ref: 5' acTGACTTGCTTTAGCACTCAa 3' Energy: -19.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6741-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -19.53 2 21 27558 27579 19 57.89% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:18090 to 18113 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gugccgAGGGUG-GU-CGUGGGUg 5' |||:|| || |||||:| Ref: 5' gttacaTCCTACACAGGCACCTAc 3' Energy: -26.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6741-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -26.09 2 17 18090 18113 17 76.47% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6741-5p NC_045512.2 432.00 -68.50 146.00 -26.09 1069 22 29903 28699 27558 18090 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3189-5p MIMAT0019217(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3189-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-9983-3p MIMAT0041993(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-9983-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:29036 to 29057 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ggucUUUACAAGGUCGUUUUUu 5' |:| | :|:||||||| Ref: 5' tctaAGAAGCCTCGGCAAAAAc 3' Energy: -14.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9983-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -14.00 2 19 29036 29057 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8358 to 8382 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ggucuUUACAAG---GUCGUUUUUu 5' |||| | :|||||||| Ref: 5' atattAATGCGCAGGTAGCAAAAAg 3' Energy: -13.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9983-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -13.38 2 18 8358 8382 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8111 to 8133 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ggUCUUU-ACAAGGUCGUUUUUu 5' ||||: || |: |||||:| Ref: 5' gcAGAAGCTGAACTTGCAAAGAa 3' Energy: -17.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9983-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.02 2 21 8111 8133 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:16625 to 16646 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ggucuuuACAAGGUCGUUUUUu 5' | || |||||:||| Ref: 5' tcaagctTTTTGCAGCAGAAAc 3' Energy: -10.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9983-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.49 2 16 16625 16646 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15143 to 15163 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ggUCUUUACAAGGUCGUUUUUu 5' ||| | |||:|| |||||| Ref: 5' atAGACA-GTTTCATCAAAAAt 3' Energy: -13.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9983-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.12 2 21 15143 15163 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:15968 to 15989 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ggucUUUACAAGGUCGUUUUUu 5' |:||| | : |:||||| Ref: 5' ttgtAGATGATATCGTAAAAAc 3' Energy: -6.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9983-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -6.96 2 19 15968 15989 17 64.71% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-9983-3p NC_045512.2 872.00 -74.97 154.00 -17.02 1071 22 29903 29036 8358 8111 16625 15143 15968 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3616-5p MIMAT0017995(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3616-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16158 to 16180 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' uguAU-AGUACUCACGUGAAGUa 5' || | |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gctTACTAATGATAACACTTCAa 3' Energy: -11.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3616-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -11.66 2 20 16158 16180 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11574 to 11596 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' ugUAUAGUAC-UCACGUGAAGUa 5' ||| | | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tcATAACTGGTAATACACTTCAg 3' Energy: -13.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3616-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -13.00 2 21 11574 11596 20 70.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25999 to 26020 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (68.42%) Query: 3' ugUAUAGUACUCACGUGAAGUa 5' | | :| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttACACAGTTACTTCACTTCAg 3' Energy: -9.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3616-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -9.59 2 21 25999 26020 19 63.16% 68.42% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14462 to 14486 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (72.73%) Query: 3' ugUAUAGU--ACUCA-CGUGAAGUa 5' :| ||| ||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' taGTTTCAACTGGATACCACTTCAg 3' Energy: -10.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3616-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -10.36 2 21 14462 14486 22 63.64% 72.73% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:21201 to 21221 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uguauAGUACUCACGUGAAGUa 5' |||||:| ||||||: Ref: 5' taagcTCATGGG-ACACTTCGc 3' Energy: -18.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3616-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.07 2 18 21201 21221 16 75.00% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3616-5p NC_045512.2 742.00 -62.68 154.00 -18.07 1072 22 29903 16158 11574 25999 14462 21201 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6753-5p MIMAT0027406(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6753-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:270 to 287 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agUCGGGACGAGACGGGACCAc 5' ||||:||: ||||||| Ref: 5' agAGCCTTGT----CCCTGGTt 3' Energy: -24.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6753-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -24.25 2 21 270 287 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6753-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -24.25 151.00 -24.25 1073 22 29903 270 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-520b-5p MIMAT0037325(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-520b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4266 to 4286 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cuUUCGCGAAGGGACAUCUCc 5' || |:| | |||||||| Ref: 5' taAATGGTTACACTGTAGAGg 3' Energy: -20.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520b-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -20.47 2 20 4266 4286 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17242 to 17260 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cuUUCGCGAAGGGACAUCUCc 5' | |:||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gcACGTGCT--CGTGTAGAGt 3' Energy: -17.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520b-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -17.89 2 20 17242 17260 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:22470 to 22490 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cuUUCGCGAAGGGACAUCUcc 5' || : |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgAAATCCTTCACTGTAGAaa 3' Energy: -16.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520b-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.60 3 20 22470 22490 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:13070 to 13091 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (93.75%) Query: 3' cuuuCGCGAAGG-GACAUCUcc 5' |:||||:: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttctGTGCTTTTGCTGTAGAtg 3' Energy: -21.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520b-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -21.14 3 18 13070 13091 16 75.00% 93.75% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:2166 to 2186 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuuucgcgaagggACAUCUCc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' agtttaaggaaggTGTAGAGt 3' Energy: -11.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.40 2 9 2166 2186 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-520b-5p NC_045512.2 742.00 -87.50 159.00 -21.14 1074 21 29903 4266 17242 22470 13070 2166 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-940 MIMAT0004983(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-940 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:26998 to 27018 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ccccucgcccCCGGGACGGAa 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgacatcaaGGACCTGCCTa 3' Energy: -15.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-940 NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.98 2 12 26998 27018 10 90.00% 90.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-940 NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.98 147.00 -15.98 1075 21 29903 26998 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-33b-3p MIMAT0004811(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-33b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13498 to 13519 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cccGACGUGACGGCUCCGUGAc 5' | |::| || ||||||| Ref: 5' acaCCGTGCGGCACAGGCACTa 3' Energy: -17.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-33b-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -17.09 2 20 13498 13519 18 66.67% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-33b-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -17.09 155.00 -17.09 1076 22 29903 13498 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4668-3p MIMAT0019746(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4668-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:13271 to 13293 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gaccuUUUUGUUUUUCCUAAAAg 5' ||| | |||||||||| Ref: 5' catccAAATCCTAAAGGATTTTg 3' Energy: -10.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4668-3p NC_045512.2 166.00 -10.83 2 19 13271 13293 17 82.35% 82.35% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21858 to 21880 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gaccUUUUUGUUUUUCCUAAAAg 5' || || |:: ||||||| Ref: 5' acatAATAAGAGGCTGGATTTTt 3' Energy: -10.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4668-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -10.87 2 20 21858 21880 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21079 to 21106 Align Len (24) (70.83%) (79.17%) Query: 3' gacCUUUU--UG---UUUUUCCUAAAAg 5' ||||| || |||:|||:|||| Ref: 5' aaaGAAAATGACTCTAAAGAGGGTTTTt 3' Energy: -15.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4668-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.56 2 21 21079 21106 24 70.83% 79.17% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8835 to 8858 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gaccUUUUUGUUUUU-CCUAAAAg 5' || || |:||: ||:|||| Ref: 5' tcatAACAAGAGAAGTGGGTTTTg 3' Energy: -10.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4668-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -10.97 2 20 8835 8858 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:24867 to 24889 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' gaccuuuUUGUUUUUCCUAAAAg 5' |||| |||||| ||| Ref: 5' ggtttgtAACACAAAGGAATTTt 3' Energy: -12.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4668-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.06 2 17 24867 24889 15 86.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4668-3p NC_045512.2 757.00 -60.29 166.00 -15.56 1077 23 29903 13271 21858 21079 8835 24867 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-588 MIMAT0003255(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-588 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10740 to 10758 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' caAGAUUGGGUAACACCGGUu 5' |:||||| |||||||:| Ref: 5' acTTTAACC--TTGTGGCTAt 3' Energy: -19.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-588 NC_045512.2 152.00 -19.04 2 20 10740 10758 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:5748 to 5770 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' caagAUUG--GGUAACACCGGUu 5' |||: ||| |||||:|| Ref: 5' ctggTAATTACCAGTGTGGTCAc 3' Energy: -17.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-588 NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.11 2 18 5748 5770 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:647 to 667 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' caagauuggguAACACCGGUu 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' aataaaggagcTGGTGGCCAt 3' Energy: -14.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-588 NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.17 2 11 647 667 9 88.89% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-588 NC_045512.2 438.00 -50.32 152.00 -19.04 1078 21 29903 10740 5748 647 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1251-5p MIMAT0005903(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1251-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:24085 to 24105 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' ucgcggAAACCGUCGAUCUCa 5' | | || ||||||| Ref: 5' tggtgaTATTGCTGCTAGAGa 3' Energy: -17.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1251-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -17.15 2 16 24085 24105 14 78.57% 78.57% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1251-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -17.15 151.00 -17.15 1079 21 29903 24085 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8078 MIMAT0031005(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8078 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:14915 to 14938 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (72.73%) Query: 3' cuCAG-AG-AGUGGCCCGGAUCUGg 5' ||| || ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaGTCATCGTCAAC-AACCTAGACa 3' Energy: -21.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8078 NC_045512.2 149.00 -21.06 2 22 14915 14938 22 72.73% 72.73% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:16735 to 16757 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cucagagaguggcccGGAUCUGg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgggaagttggtaaaCCTAGACc 3' Energy: -19.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8078 NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.20 2 9 16735 16757 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8078 NC_045512.2 289.00 -40.26 149.00 -21.06 1080 23 29903 14915 16735 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5703 MIMAT0022496(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5703 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:28877 to 28894 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uggaagggcUGAAGAGGa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' agtaggggaACTTCTCCt 3' Energy: -14.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5703 NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.23 2 10 28877 28894 8 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5703 NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.23 145.00 -14.23 1081 18 29903 28877 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-146a-3p MIMAT0004608(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-146a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22019 to 22038 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gaCUUCUUGACUUAAAGUCUCc 5' |:| || |||: ||||||| Ref: 5' atGGA-AAGTGAG-TTCAGAGt 3' Energy: -16.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-146a-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -16.35 2 21 22019 22038 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:25545 to 25566 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gacuucuUGACUUAAAGUCUCc 5' :||| |||||||| Ref: 5' acttcttGCTGTTTTTCAGAGc 3' Energy: -16.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-146a-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -16.54 2 16 25545 25566 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:14463 to 14489 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gacuucUUGACUUA-----AAGUCUCc 5' |||||:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' agtttcAACTGGATACCACTTCAGAGa 3' Energy: -15.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-146a-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -15.91 2 17 14463 14489 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:19602 to 19623 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' gacuucuUGACUUAAAGUCUCc 5' || :| ||||||| Ref: 5' cacttttACAAGACTTCAGAGt 3' Energy: -9.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-146a-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -9.10 2 16 19602 19623 14 71.43% 78.57% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-146a-3p NC_045512.2 609.00 -57.90 156.00 -16.54 1082 22 29903 22019 25545 14463 19602 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-449c-5p MIMAT0010251(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-449c-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:23618 to 23646 Align Len (25) (72.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uguCGGCGAUC-GUUA--U-GUGACGGAu 5' |: ||||| |||| | ||:||||| Ref: 5' agtGTAGCTAGTCAATCCATCATTGCCTa 3' Energy: -24.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-449c-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -24.39 2 23 23618 23646 25 72.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:3586 to 3610 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ugucggcGAUCGUUAUGUGACGGAu 5' || || | ||||||:|| Ref: 5' acacaatCTTGCTAAACACTGTCTt 3' Energy: -19.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-449c-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -19.17 2 19 3586 3610 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:17305 to 17329 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ugucggcGAUCGUUAUGUGACGGAu 5' ||: |||:||:||||| Ref: 5' ttttgtaCTGTAAATGCATTGCCTg 3' Energy: -22.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-449c-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -22.76 2 19 17305 17329 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:12728 to 12753 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' uguCGGCGAUCGU-UAUGUGACGGAu 5' |||| || :| | | |||||:| Ref: 5' gctGCCGGTACTACACAAACTGCTTg 3' Energy: -22.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-449c-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -22.01 2 23 12728 12753 22 68.18% 77.27% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29767 to 29790 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ugucgGCGAUCGUUAUGUGACGGAu 5' :||||| :| | :|||||| Ref: 5' aacaaTGCTAGGGAGA-GCTGCCTa 3' Energy: -26.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-449c-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -26.31 2 21 29767 29790 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7853 to 7877 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugucgGCGAUCGUUAUGUGACGGAu 5' | ||| ::| ||:||||| Ref: 5' aataaCACTAAAGGTTCATTGCCTa 3' Energy: -18.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-449c-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.86 2 21 7853 7877 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:27538 to 27565 Align Len (25) (68.00%) (76.00%) Query: 3' ugUCGGCGAUCGUU---AUGUGACGGAu 5' |||:| || ||| |:||||| || Ref: 5' ctAGCTGATAACAAATTTGCACTGACTt 3' Energy: -19.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-449c-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.47 2 24 27538 27565 25 68.00% 76.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 24 R:29041 to 29067 Align Len (24) (66.67%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ugUCGGCGAUCGUUAU---GUGACGGau 5' |||| | :|||| | :|||||| Ref: 5' gaAGCCTC-GGCAAAAACGTACTGCCac 3' Energy: -21.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-449c-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -21.20 3 24 29041 29067 24 66.67% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-449c-5p NC_045512.2 1172.00 -174.17 151.00 -26.31 1083 25 29903 23618 3586 17305 12728 29767 7853 27538 29041 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5087 MIMAT0021079(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5087 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:12 to 34 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' guacggucGUUUCGAUGUUUGGg 5' | |:|: ||||||| Ref: 5' ataccttcCCAGGTAACAAACCa 3' Energy: -15.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5087 NC_045512.2 151.00 -15.10 2 16 12 34 14 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:10011 to 10031 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' guACGGUCGUUUCGAUGUUUGGg 5' | ||| | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTACCAACCA--CCACAAACCt 3' Energy: -12.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5087 NC_045512.2 150.00 -12.19 2 22 10011 10031 20 70.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:14092 to 14116 Align Len (22) (54.55%) (77.27%) Query: 3' guACGGUCGUUUCG--AUGUUUGGg 5' | :|:|::| : |||||||| Ref: 5' gaTTTCGGTGATTTCATACAAACCa 3' Energy: -15.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5087 NC_045512.2 148.00 -15.76 2 22 14092 14116 22 54.55% 77.27% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:12728 to 12749 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guACGGUCGUUUCGAUGUUUGGg 5' ||||:|:| | ||||||: Ref: 5' gcTGCCGGTACTAC-ACAAACTg 3' Energy: -17.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5087 NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.84 2 22 12728 12749 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:6254 to 6280 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (77.27%) Query: 3' guacGGUCGUUUCG----AUGUUUGGg 5' |:| :||||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' gcaaCTAATAAAGCCACGTATAAACCa 3' Energy: -16.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5087 NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.93 2 20 6254 6280 22 63.64% 77.27% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:19556 to 19578 Align Len (18) (55.56%) (88.89%) Query: 3' guaCGGUCGUUUCGAUGUUUGgg 5' ||: |:::: :||||||| Ref: 5' ttaGCTTGTGGGTTTACAAACaa 3' Energy: -14.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5087 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.17 3 21 19556 19578 18 55.56% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:29098 to 29120 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guacggucguuucgaUGUUUGGg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cagacgtggtccagaACAAACCc 3' Energy: -21.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5087 NC_045512.2 140.00 -21.30 2 9 29098 29120 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5087 NC_045512.2 1014.00 -113.29 151.00 -21.30 1084 23 29903 12 10011 14092 12728 6254 19556 29098 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-11181-3p MIMAT0043997(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-11181-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6800-3p MIMAT0027501(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6800-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:4839 to 4859 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (84.62%) Query: 3' ccccgcuACGGUCCUCUCCAc 5' | ::| ||||||| Ref: 5' tagaattTCTTAAGAGAGGTg 3' Energy: -16.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6800-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.86 2 15 4839 4859 13 69.23% 84.62% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:14259 to 14279 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ccccgcuacggUCCUCUCCAc 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgacttcacggAAGAGAGGTt 3' Energy: -13.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6800-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.53 2 11 14259 14279 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:18302 to 18320 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ccccGCUACGGUCCUCUCCAc 5' |||||:| |||:||| Ref: 5' gcttCGATGTC--GAGGGGTg 3' Energy: -25.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6800-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -25.54 2 18 18302 18320 16 75.00% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6800-3p NC_045512.2 430.00 -55.93 146.00 -25.54 1086 21 29903 4839 14259 18302 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3913-3p MIMAT0019225(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3913-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13510 to 13531 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' aaaCCCUGACUAGAACUACAGa 5' || ||| :| ||||||| Ref: 5' acaGGCACTAGTACTGATGTCg 3' Energy: -15.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3913-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -15.92 2 20 13510 13531 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:16061 to 16081 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' aaacCCUGACUAGAACUACAGa 5' ||| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' atcaGGAGT-ATGCTGATGTCt 3' Energy: -15.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3913-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -15.63 2 19 16061 16081 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16387 to 16408 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' aaACCCUGACUAGAACUACAGa 5' || | |:|: ||||||| Ref: 5' aaTGCTCCAGGTTGTGATGTCa 3' Energy: -12.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3913-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -12.24 2 21 16387 16408 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:5668 to 5689 Align Len (14) (64.29%) (85.71%) Query: 3' aaacccuGACUAGAACUACAGa 5' :| :|: ||||||| Ref: 5' gtcacctTTTGTTATGATGTCa 3' Energy: -9.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3913-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -9.44 2 16 5668 5689 14 64.29% 85.71% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:8693 to 8714 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' aaacccUGACUAGAACUACAGa 5' |:|||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' aaggctATTGATGGTGGTGTCa 3' Energy: -18.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3913-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.66 2 17 8693 8714 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:11674 to 11696 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (94.12%) Query: 3' aaaccCUGACU-AGAACUACAGa 5' |||||| |||||:|||: Ref: 5' ctttaGACTGACTCTTGGTGTTt 3' Energy: -24.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3913-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -24.29 2 18 11674 11696 17 82.35% 94.12% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:2000 to 2023 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' aaacccUGACUA-GA-ACUACAGa 5' |:|||| || ||||||: Ref: 5' agactcATTGATGCTATGATGTTc 3' Energy: -13.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3913-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.13 2 17 2000 2023 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5058 to 5078 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' aaACCCUGACUAGAACUACAGa 5' | |||: || | ||||||: Ref: 5' atTTGGATGGAGC-TGATGTTa 3' Energy: -13.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3913-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.73 2 21 5058 5078 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24923 to 24947 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' aaACCCUGACUA--GA-ACUACAGa 5' || | |||:| || ||||||: Ref: 5' ttTGTGTCTGGTAACTGTGATGTTg 3' Energy: -14.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3913-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.52 2 21 24923 24947 22 68.18% 77.27% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3913-3p NC_045512.2 1324.00 -137.56 159.00 -24.29 1087 22 29903 13510 16061 16387 5668 8693 11674 2000 5058 24923 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6814-3p MIMAT0027529(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6814-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1292-3p MIMAT0022948(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1292-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:28364 to 28381 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cuUGCCCUCGGCCCCGCGCu 5' || | || :|||||||| Ref: 5' gaAC-GCAG-TGGGGCGCGa 3' Energy: -29.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1292-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -29.71 2 19 28364 28381 17 76.47% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1292-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -29.71 150.00 -29.71 1089 20 29903 28364 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6735-3p MIMAT0027372(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6735-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:17688 to 17709 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacucccuccucggUGUCCGGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttcatctgcaattaACAGGCCa 3' Energy: -15.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6735-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.52 2 9 17688 17709 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6735-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.52 140.00 -15.52 1090 22 29903 17688 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548av-3p MIMAT0022304(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548av-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:20545 to 20564 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cgUUUUCAUUGACGUCAAAa 5' |:| || |||:||||| Ref: 5' caAGATTTATCTGTAGTTTc 3' Energy: -12.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548av-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.71 2 19 20545 20564 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:19277 to 19296 Align Len (12) (66.67%) (91.67%) Query: 3' cguuuucAUUGACGUCAAAa 5' |::: ||||||| Ref: 5' gttgtgaTGGTGGCAGTTTg 3' Energy: -11.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548av-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.07 2 14 19277 19296 12 66.67% 91.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:23820 to 23839 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' cguuuucauUGACGUCAAAa 5' |: ||||||| Ref: 5' tgttgcaatATGGCAGTTTt 3' Energy: -10.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548av-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.94 2 12 23820 23839 10 80.00% 90.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548av-3p NC_045512.2 434.00 -34.72 146.00 -12.71 1091 20 29903 20545 19277 23820 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5701 MIMAT0022494(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5701 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:27152 to 27172 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uuaGUC-UUG-CACUGUUAUu 5' ||| |:| ||||||||| Ref: 5' ttcCAGTAGCAGTGACAATAt 3' Energy: -17.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5701 NC_045512.2 158.00 -17.62 2 17 27152 27172 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:6051 to 6069 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uuAGUCUUGCACUGUUAUu 5' |: | |:||||:|||| Ref: 5' agTTTGTATGTGATAATAt 3' Energy: -12.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5701 NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.83 2 18 6051 6069 16 68.75% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5701 NC_045512.2 303.00 -30.45 158.00 -17.62 1092 19 29903 27152 6051 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-450b-3p MIMAT0004910(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-450b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:19528 to 19549 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' auaccuacGUUUUACUAGGGUu 5' || :||||||:|| Ref: 5' gcttataaCATGATGATCTCAg 3' Energy: -16.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-450b-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.02 2 15 19528 19549 13 76.92% 92.31% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-450b-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.02 142.00 -16.02 1093 22 29903 19528 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7847-3p MIMAT0030422(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7847-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:1697 to 1717 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cggAGGAGGAGCAGGAGGUGc 5' ||:|::|| |:||||| Ref: 5' gcaTCTTTTTCTGCTTCCACa 3' Energy: -20.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7847-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -20.91 2 19 1697 1717 17 64.71% 88.24% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:4986 to 5006 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (76.92%) Query: 3' cggaggaGGAGCAGGAGGUGc 5' | |: ||||||| Ref: 5' tagacaaCATTAACCTCCACa 3' Energy: -13.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7847-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.69 2 15 4986 5006 13 69.23% 76.92% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7847-3p NC_045512.2 288.00 -34.60 146.00 -20.91 1094 21 29903 1697 4986 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4497 MIMAT0019032(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4497 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3187-5p MIMAT0019216(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3187-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5684 to 5705 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ggaAGUCGGUGUGCGACGGGUCc 5' ||||| ||| ||||:||| Ref: 5' atgTCAGCACCAC-CTGCTCAGt 3' Energy: -26.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3187-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -26.13 2 21 5684 5705 19 78.95% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3187-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -26.13 154.00 -26.13 1096 23 29903 5684 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6820-5p MIMAT0027540(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6820-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:3151 to 3169 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' acuggGGUCGAGACGGCGu 5' ||| :|||||:|| Ref: 5' tggtgCCACTTCTGCTGCt 3' Energy: -23.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6820-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -23.09 2 15 3151 3169 13 76.92% 92.31% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6820-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -23.09 142.00 -23.09 1097 19 29903 3151 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1181 MIMAT0005826(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1181 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:28549 to 28569 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gccgagccCACCGCCGCUGCc 5' ||||:||:|||| Ref: 5' acgaattcGTGGTGGTGACGg 3' Energy: -32.630001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1181 NC_045512.2 145.00 -32.63 2 14 28549 28569 12 83.33% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:688 to 708 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gccgagcccaccgCCGCUGCc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gtcatttgacttaGGCGACGa 3' Energy: -16.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1181 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.60 2 9 688 708 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1181 NC_045512.2 285.00 -49.23 145.00 -32.63 1098 21 29903 28549 688 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3121-3p MIMAT0014983(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3121-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8607 to 8632 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (78.26%) Query: 3' acAGGAAACG--GAU--GAGAUAAAu 5' |:: |||| ||| :||||||| Ref: 5' ttTTTGTTGCTGCTATTTTCTATTTa 3' Energy: -13.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3121-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -13.17 2 21 8607 8632 23 65.22% 78.26% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27766 to 27788 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' acAGGAAACGGAUG-AGAUAAAu 5' || || :: || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTCATTAATTGACTTCTATTTg 3' Energy: -10.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3121-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -10.00 2 21 27766 27788 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9525 to 9547 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' acAGGAAACGG-AUGAGAUAAAu 5' || || |: ||||||:||| Ref: 5' tgTCATTCACTGTACTCTGTTTa 3' Energy: -17.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3121-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.18 2 21 9525 9547 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:8147 to 8169 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' acaggaAACGGAUG-AGAUAAAu 5' || :|||| |:||||| Ref: 5' aatgtcTTATCTACTTTTATTTc 3' Energy: -15.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3121-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.27 2 17 8147 8169 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21371 to 21394 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' acAGGAAACGGAU--GAGAUAAAu 5' |: | | |||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' agTTGTCTTCCTATTCTTTATTTg 3' Energy: -17.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3121-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.25 2 21 21371 21394 21 66.67% 76.19% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:11995 to 12018 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' acaggAAACGGAUG--AGAUAAAu 5' ||| |||| |||:||| Ref: 5' aatggTTTCACTACTTTCTGTTTt 3' Energy: -10.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3121-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.67 2 18 11995 12018 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3121-3p NC_045512.2 878.00 -83.54 154.00 -17.25 1099 22 29903 8607 27766 9525 8147 21371 11995 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8058 MIMAT0030985(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8058 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:18811 to 18831 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' aauacCGUUCUAGUUUCAGGUc 5' |:| :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gatctGTATTGTC-AAGTCCAt 3' Energy: -12.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8058 NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.49 2 18 18811 18831 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:22504 to 22525 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' aauaccGUUCUAGUUUCAGGUc 5' :|| |:|:|||||| Ref: 5' aacttcTAACTTTAGAGTCCAa 3' Energy: -12.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8058 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.32 2 17 22504 22525 15 66.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:27655 to 27675 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' aauaCCGUUCUAGUUUCAGGUc 5' | ||||| :||||:|| Ref: 5' atcaGACAAGA-GGAAGTTCAa 3' Energy: -14.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8058 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.56 2 19 27655 27675 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8058 NC_045512.2 427.00 -39.37 147.00 -14.56 1100 22 29903 18811 22504 27655 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-452-5p MIMAT0001635(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-452-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5858 to 5882 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' aguCAAAGGA-G--ACGUUUGUCAa 5' ||||:|| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gatGTTTTCTACAAAGAAAACAGTt 3' Energy: -14.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-452-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -14.97 2 20 5858 5882 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13990 to 14010 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' agUCAAAGGAGACGUUUGUCAa 5' || ||: | | ||||||| Ref: 5' caAGCTTTGT-TAAAAACAGTa 3' Energy: -12.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-452-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -12.49 2 21 13990 14010 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:16789 to 16810 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' agucaaaggaGACGUUUGUCAa 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' tatcgtgtaaCTAAAAACAGTa 3' Energy: -10.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-452-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -10.49 2 13 16789 16810 11 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27093 to 27114 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agUCAAAGGAGACGUUUGUCAa 5' || ||:: ||||| ||||| Ref: 5' tcAGGTTTTGCTGCATACAGTc 3' Energy: -19.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-452-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -19.62 2 21 27093 27114 19 73.68% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-452-5p NC_045512.2 591.00 -57.57 153.00 -19.62 1101 22 29903 5858 13990 16789 27093 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-10397-5p MIMAT0041625(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-10397-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-642a-5p MIMAT0003312(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-642a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:2477 to 2498 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (75.00%) Query: 3' guucuGUGUAAACCUCUCCCUg 5' :|: || ||||||| Ref: 5' gaaatTATCTTCTTAGAGGGAg 3' Energy: -11.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-642a-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.60 2 18 2477 2498 16 62.50% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-642a-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.60 145.00 -11.60 1103 22 29903 2477 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1204 MIMAT0005868(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1204 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:29722 to 29743 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (91.67%) Query: 3' uauuaccucUGG-UCCGGUGCu 5' ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' cacattttcACCGAGGCCACGc 3' Energy: -20.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1204 NC_045512.2 151.00 -20.34 2 13 29722 29743 12 91.67% 91.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1204 NC_045512.2 151.00 -20.34 151.00 -20.34 1104 21 29903 29722 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-12125 MIMAT0049019(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-12125 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:17173 to 17196 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uaACGAAUAC--GGUCCACUCUcu 5' ||:| ||| |:| |||||| Ref: 5' gcTGTTGATGCACTATGTGAGAag 3' Energy: -15.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12125 NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.80 3 21 17173 17196 20 70.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-12125 NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.80 143.00 -15.80 1105 22 29903 17173 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6753-3p MIMAT0027407(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6753-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:27130 to 27151 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cacggucccGUCUCUGUCUGGu 5' :| | ||||||| Ref: 5' actataaatTAAACACAGACCa 3' Energy: -15.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6753-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.26 2 14 27130 27151 12 75.00% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6753-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.26 145.00 -15.26 1106 22 29903 27130 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3156-5p MIMAT0015030(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3156-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20939 to 20959 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' acaGAGGGUGAAGGUCUAGAAa 5' :| :|: || |||||||| Ref: 5' tgcTTGTCGATT-CAGATCTTa 3' Energy: -17.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3156-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -17.57 2 20 20939 20959 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:9285 to 9306 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' acagagggugAAGGUCUAGAAa 5' || |||||||| Ref: 5' acaatgattaTTACAGATCTTt 3' Energy: -14.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3156-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -14.03 2 13 9285 9306 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:25454 to 25477 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' acagAGGGUGA--AGGUCUAGAAa 5' | |:||| |:|||||:|| Ref: 5' aggaTGCTACTCCTTCAGATTTTg 3' Energy: -16.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3156-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.67 2 19 25454 25477 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:41 to 62 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' acAGAGGGUGAAGGUCUAGAaa 5' || :| ||| :|||||| Ref: 5' ttTCGATCTCTTGTAGATCTgt 3' Energy: -16.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3156-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.21 3 21 41 62 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:23933 to 23954 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' acagagGGUGAAGGUCUAGAAa 5' ||| || ||||:|| Ref: 5' acaccaCCAATTAAAGATTTTg 3' Energy: -12.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3156-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.44 2 17 23933 23954 15 73.33% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3156-5p NC_045512.2 730.00 -76.92 153.00 -17.57 1107 22 29903 20939 9285 25454 41 23933 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-363-5p MIMAT0003385(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-363-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5324 to 5345 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuUAACGUAGCACUAGGUGGGc 5' :||| | : | |||||||: Ref: 5' gaGTTGAAGTTTAATCCACCTg 3' Energy: -20.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-363-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -20.59 2 21 5324 5345 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:28416 to 28437 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uuUAACGUAGCACUAGGUGGgc 5' | |||:|| ||:|:|||| Ref: 5' atACTGCGTCTTGGTTCACCgc 3' Energy: -23.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-363-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -23.67 3 21 28416 28437 18 72.22% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-363-5p NC_045512.2 284.00 -44.26 144.00 -23.67 1108 22 29903 5324 28416 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7851-3p MIMAT0030426(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7851-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9980 to 10001 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (89.47%) Query: 3' agGUUGGAGUCAGAGGGUCCAu 5' ::||:||||| |:||||| Ref: 5' aaTGACTTCAGTAACTCAGGTt 3' Energy: -25.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7851-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -25.24 2 21 9980 10001 19 68.42% 89.47% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:5 to 26 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agguuggagucaGAGGGUCCAu 5' :|||||||| Ref: 5' aaggtttataccTTCCCAGGTa 3' Energy: -20.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7851-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -20.89 2 11 5 26 9 88.89% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7851-3p NC_045512.2 302.00 -46.13 156.00 -25.24 1109 22 29903 9980 5 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3152-3p MIMAT0015025(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3152-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16590 to 16611 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' aaUAACGGGGAUAAGAUUGUGu 5' ||| | ::| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgATTACATTTTAGCTAACACc 3' Energy: -10.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3152-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -10.97 2 21 16590 16611 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9144 to 9166 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' aaUAACGGG-GAUAAGAUUGUGu 5' ||| ::| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctATTATTCAATTTCCTAACACc 3' Energy: -12.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3152-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -12.04 2 21 9144 9166 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5289 to 5313 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (80.95%) Query: 3' aauAACGGGGA--UAA-GAUUGUGu 5' ||||| || ||| :|||||| Ref: 5' atcTTGCCACTGCATTGTTAACACt 3' Energy: -15.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3152-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.65 2 20 5289 5313 21 76.19% 80.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:10764 to 10785 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aauaacggggauaAGAUUGUGu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' acaattatgaaccTCTAACACa 3' Energy: -16.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3152-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.01 2 10 10764 10785 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9531 to 9552 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' aaUAACG-GGGAUAAGAUUGUGu 5' | ||: |:||: |:|||||| Ref: 5' tcACTGTACTCTG-TTTAACACc 3' Energy: -14.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3152-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.24 2 21 9531 9552 20 65.00% 85.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3152-3p NC_045512.2 738.00 -68.91 152.00 -16.01 1110 22 29903 16590 9144 5289 10764 9531 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-607 MIMAT0003275(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-607 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12817 to 12841 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' caAUA-UCUAGA---CCUAAACUUg 5' ||| |||:| ||||||||| Ref: 5' gtTATCCGATTTACAGGATTTGAAa 3' Energy: -15.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-607 NC_045512.2 157.00 -15.77 2 20 12817 12841 22 72.73% 77.27% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7059 to 7081 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' caAUAUCUAGACC--UAAACUUg 5' || ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' gtTACAGAGAAGGCTATTTGAAc 3' Energy: -14.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-607 NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.10 2 20 7059 7081 20 70.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:12222 to 12242 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' caauAUCUAGACCUAAACUug 5' || ||||| |||||| Ref: 5' tggcTAAATCTGAATTTGAcc 3' Energy: -12.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-607 NC_045512.2 149.00 -12.34 3 18 12222 12242 15 86.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:6605 to 6625 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' caAUAUCUAGACCUAAACUUg 5' || || :| |:|||||| Ref: 5' tcTAGAGTATTAGGTTTGAAa 3' Energy: -10.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-607 NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.26 2 20 6605 6625 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6902 to 6922 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' caauaucuagaccUAAACUUg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gcttcatttaattATTTGAAg 3' Energy: -4.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-607 NC_045512.2 140.00 -4.74 2 9 6902 6922 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19735 to 19753 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' caAUAUCUAGACCUAAACUUg 5' |:|||| :| :|||||| Ref: 5' gaTGTAGAATT--GTTTGAAa 3' Energy: -11.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-607 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.46 2 20 19735 19753 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-607 NC_045512.2 879.00 -68.67 157.00 -15.77 1111 21 29903 12817 7059 12222 6605 6902 19735 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6783-5p MIMAT0027466(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6783-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:21393 to 21414 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ggccUAGUCCUGAAAAGGGGAu 5' || || | |||||||| Ref: 5' tgacATGAGTAAATTTCCCCTt 3' Energy: -14.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6783-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -14.38 2 19 21393 21414 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:26663 to 26686 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ggccUAGUCC--UGAAAAGGGGAu 5' ||:| | | ||||||:|| Ref: 5' tataATTAAGTTAATTTTCCTCTg 3' Energy: -13.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6783-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.30 2 19 26663 26686 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:12096 to 12119 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ggccuAGUCCUGAA--AAGGGGAu 5' |||| ::|| |||||:| Ref: 5' tagccTCAGAGTTTAGTTCCCTTc 3' Energy: -16.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6783-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.70 2 18 12096 12119 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6783-5p NC_045512.2 439.00 -44.38 158.00 -16.70 1112 22 29903 21393 26663 12096 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-520c-5p MIMAT0005455(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-520c-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14515 to 14536 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' gucUUUCACGAAGGGAGAUCUc 5' || | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtaAACTTACATAGCTCTAGAc 3' Energy: -10.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520c-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.26 2 20 14515 14536 18 66.67% 66.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26431 to 26452 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gucUUUCACGAAGGGAGAUCUc 5' || || |:|:|||||| Ref: 5' aaaAATCTGAATTCTTCTAGAg 3' Energy: -17.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520c-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.46 2 20 26431 26452 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22212 to 22234 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gucUUUCACGAAG-GGAGAUCUc 5' |::|| :||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' ctcAGGGTTTTTCGGCTTTAGAa 3' Energy: -14.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520c-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.18 2 20 22212 22234 19 63.16% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-520c-5p NC_045512.2 432.00 -41.90 147.00 -17.46 1113 22 29903 14515 26431 22212 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4766-5p MIMAT0019917(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4766-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:26804 to 26825 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (92.86%) Query: 3' uugugguUGACG-AGAAAGUCu 5' |:||| |||||||| Ref: 5' ctacttcATTGCTTCTTTCAGa 3' Energy: -20.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4766-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -20.89 2 15 26804 26825 14 85.71% 92.86% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7301 to 7321 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' uuGUG-GUUGACGAGAAAGUCu 5' ||: |||:|| |:|||||| Ref: 5' atCATGCAATTG-TTTTTCAGc 3' Energy: -17.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4766-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -17.40 2 20 7301 7321 19 73.68% 89.47% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:27203 to 27226 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuguGGUUGA-CGA--GAAAGUCu 5' :|| || |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgttTCATCTCGTTGACTTTCAGg 3' Energy: -17.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4766-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.73 2 18 27203 27226 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14614 to 14633 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uuGUGGUUGACGAGAAAGUCu 5' |||:| ||| :|||||| Ref: 5' cgCACTACGTGC-TTTTCAGt 3' Energy: -17.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4766-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.65 2 20 14614 14633 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10372 to 10395 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uugUGGU--UGAC-GAGAAAGUCu 5' |||| || | ||:|||||| Ref: 5' tcaACCAGGACAGACTTTTTCAGt 3' Energy: -16.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4766-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.37 2 19 10372 10395 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25542 to 25564 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uuGUGGUUGACG--AGAAAGUCu 5' |||: :||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' tgCACTTCTTGCTGTTTTTCAGa 3' Energy: -20.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4766-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -20.73 2 20 25542 25564 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:1200 to 1221 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uugUGGUUGACG-AGAAAGUcu 5' ||||| ||: |||||| Ref: 5' gcaACCAAATGTGCCTTTCAac 3' Energy: -15.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4766-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.18 3 19 1200 1221 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:11023 to 11043 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uuguGGUUGACGAGAAAGUCu 5' :::||| | ||||:|| Ref: 5' aattTTGACTTCACTTTTAGt 3' Energy: -9.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4766-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.81 2 18 11023 11043 16 62.50% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4766-5p NC_045512.2 1165.00 -135.76 157.00 -20.89 1114 21 29903 26804 7301 27203 14614 10372 25542 1200 11023 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-580-3p MIMAT0003245(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-580-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27334 to 27354 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ggAUUACUAAGUAGUAAGAGUu 5' |:| || | | :||||||| Ref: 5' acTGA-GAATAAATATTCTCAa 3' Energy: -14.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-580-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -14.19 2 21 27334 27354 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19130 to 19149 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ggaUUACUAAGUAGUAAGAGUu 5' ||| |||| :|||||:| Ref: 5' aagAATTATTC--TATTCTTAt 3' Energy: -8.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-580-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -8.73 2 20 19130 19149 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:9547 to 9569 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' ggauuacUAAGU-AGUAAGAGUu 5' :||:| |||||||:| Ref: 5' aacaccaGTTTACTCATTCTTAc 3' Energy: -11.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-580-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.31 2 16 9547 9569 15 73.33% 93.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-580-3p NC_045512.2 440.00 -34.23 154.00 -14.19 1115 22 29903 27334 19130 9547 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4716-3p MIMAT0019827(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4716-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6881-5p MIMAT0027662(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6881-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1326 to 1350 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (77.27%) Query: 3' acUGG-GAGGAU--AGGAAUGGGGu 5' ||: ||: |: | |||||||| Ref: 5' ccACTACTTGTGGTTACTTACCCCa 3' Energy: -22.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6881-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -22.61 2 21 1326 1350 22 63.64% 77.27% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 16 R:15917 to 15937 Align Len (13) (92.31%) (92.31%) Query: 3' acugggaGGAUAGGAAUGGGgu 5' ||| ||||||||| Ref: 5' atgtgtaCCT-TCCTTACCCag 3' Energy: -21.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6881-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -21.65 3 16 15917 15937 13 92.31% 92.31% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:21618 to 21639 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acugggaggauaggAAUGGGGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' caaccagaactcaaTTACCCCc 3' Energy: -16.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6881-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.06 2 9 21618 21639 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6881-5p NC_045512.2 431.00 -60.32 150.00 -22.61 1117 22 29903 1326 15917 21618 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-25-5p MIMAT0004498(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-25-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-137-3p MIMAT0000429(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-137-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:17013 to 17033 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gaUGCGCAUAAGAAUUCGUUAUu 5' |:| || |||| ||||||: Ref: 5' agATGAGTTTTCT--AGCAATGt 3' Energy: -13.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-137-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.90 2 22 17013 17033 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:27692 to 27715 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gaugcGCAUAAGAAU-UCGUUAUu 5' | |||| ||: :|||||| Ref: 5' tttttCTTATTGTTGCGGCAATAg 3' Energy: -11.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-137-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.02 2 19 27692 27715 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:9904 to 9929 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (78.26%) Query: 3' gaUGCGCAUAAGA--A-UUCGUUAUu 5' || |||||:| | :||||||: Ref: 5' gtACAAGTATTTTAGTGGAGCAATGg 3' Energy: -17.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-137-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.35 2 22 9904 9929 23 65.22% 78.26% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:16520 to 16541 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gaUGCGCAUAAGAAUUCGUUAUu 5' || :||:|| | |||:||| Ref: 5' atACATGTGTTGGT-AGCGATAa 3' Energy: -16.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-137-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.73 2 22 16520 16541 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:13167 to 13190 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' gaUGCGCAU-AAGAAUUCGUUAUu 5' || ||| | | |:|||||| Ref: 5' acACTGGTACTGGTCAGGCAATAa 3' Energy: -11.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-137-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.18 2 22 13167 13190 21 66.67% 71.43% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-137-3p NC_045512.2 717.00 -70.18 146.00 -17.35 1119 23 29903 17013 27692 9904 16520 13167 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3178 MIMAT0015055(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3178 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548b-3p MIMAT0003254(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:6969 to 6993 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uguuUUCGUUGAC---UCCAAGAAc 5' |||:: :|| |||||||| Ref: 5' tattAAGTGTTTGCCTAGGTTCTTt 3' Energy: -14.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548b-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -14.06 2 19 6969 6993 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9712 to 9736 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' uguUUUCGUUGA-CU--CCAAGAAc 5' |||||| :| | ||||||| Ref: 5' cacAAAGCATTTCTATTGGTTCTTt 3' Energy: -16.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548b-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -16.24 2 20 9712 9736 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:9984 to 10005 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (93.33%) Query: 3' uguuuUCGUUGACUCCAAGAac 5' ||:|||| ||||||| Ref: 5' acttcAGTAACTCAGGTTCTga 3' Energy: -20.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548b-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -20.07 3 18 9984 10005 15 86.67% 93.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:608 to 632 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (72.73%) Query: 3' ugUUUUCG-UUGAC--UCCAAGAAc 5' |: :|| || | |||||||| Ref: 5' ccAGTGGCTTACCGCAAGGTTCTTc 3' Energy: -14.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548b-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.94 2 21 608 632 22 63.64% 72.73% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3419 to 3440 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugUUUUCGUUGACUCCAAGAAc 5' |||| |||| | |||| || Ref: 5' gtAAAACCAACAGTGGTTGTTa 3' Energy: -11.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548b-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.41 2 21 3419 3440 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:18354 to 18374 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' uguuuucGUUGACUCCAAGAAc 5' ||:|| |||||:|| Ref: 5' acctttaCAGCT-AGGTTTTTc 3' Energy: -14.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548b-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.43 2 16 18354 18374 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26641 to 26660 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugUUUUCGUUGACUCCAAGAAc 5' || || ||: |||||:|| Ref: 5' ccAACAGGAAT--AGGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -15.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548b-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.75 2 21 26641 26660 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548b-3p NC_045512.2 1031.00 -106.90 153.00 -20.07 1121 22 29903 6969 9712 9984 608 3419 18354 26641 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-11401 MIMAT0044658(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-11401 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:29087 to 29106 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' gcacugucGGCGUCUGCACu 5' | ||||||||| Ref: 5' caagctttCGGCAGACGTGg 3' Energy: -21.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-11401 NC_045512.2 152.00 -21.21 2 13 29087 29106 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:16399 to 16417 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gcACUGUCGGCGUCUGCACu 5' |||: |:| ||||:||| Ref: 5' tgTGAT-GTCACAGATGTGa 3' Energy: -26.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-11401 NC_045512.2 144.00 -26.75 2 19 16399 16417 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:18661 to 18680 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gcacugucggcGUCUGCACu 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' tgtctatgtgaTAGACGTGc 3' Energy: -17.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-11401 NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.08 2 10 18661 18680 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:9740 to 9759 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gcacugucggcgUCUGCACu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aattacctaaagAGACGTGt 3' Energy: -13.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-11401 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.17 2 9 9740 9759 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-11401 NC_045512.2 577.00 -78.21 152.00 -26.75 1122 20 29903 29087 16399 18661 9740 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4651 MIMAT0019715(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4651 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:11741 to 11760 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' cgggCUGGAGUGGGUGGGgc 5' |||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' caggGACTACTCCCACCCaa 3' Energy: -22.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4651 NC_045512.2 140.00 -22.12 3 17 11741 11760 14 78.57% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4651 NC_045512.2 140.00 -22.12 140.00 -22.12 1123 20 29903 11741 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4798-5p MIMAT0019974(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4798-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:25482 to 25502 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' gguuaaGUGUUUCAUAUGGCUu 5' ::||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' cgctacTGCAACG-ATACCGAt 3' Energy: -12.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4798-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -12.61 2 17 25482 25502 15 73.33% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4798-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -12.61 150.00 -12.61 1124 22 29903 25482 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-148a-5p MIMAT0004549(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-148a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25153 to 25172 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ucAGCCUCACAGAGUCUUGAAa 5' || || | || ||||||| Ref: 5' caTC-GA-TCTCCAAGAACTTg 3' Energy: -12.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-148a-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -12.16 2 21 25153 25172 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:27662 to 27682 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ucagCCUCACAGAGUCUUGAAa 5' ||| ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' aagaGGA-AGTTCAAGAACTTt 3' Energy: -15.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-148a-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -15.55 2 19 27662 27682 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:17537 to 17558 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ucagccuCACAGAGUCUUGAAa 5' || |||:|||||| Ref: 5' cagacatGTTCCTCGGAACTTg 3' Energy: -14.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-148a-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.68 2 16 17537 17558 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:15765 to 15786 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucagccucacagagUCUUGAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' agtggctagcataaAGAACTTt 3' Energy: -12.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-148a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.37 2 9 15765 15786 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:24766 to 24787 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucagccucacagagUCUUGAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ccctgcacaagaaaAGAACTTc 3' Energy: -6.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-148a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.82 2 9 24766 24787 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-148a-5p NC_045512.2 719.00 -61.58 148.00 -15.55 1125 22 29903 25153 27662 17537 15765 24766 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4781-3p MIMAT0019943(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4781-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21841 to 21862 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gaGAUCGCUCCUAAGGUUGUAa 5' | | :||| | ||:||||| Ref: 5' ttCCACTGAGAAGTCTAACATa 3' Energy: -14.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4781-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.03 2 21 21841 21862 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:12545 to 12566 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gagAUCGCUCCUAAGGUUGUaa 5' | |:|:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gcaTTGTGGGAAATCCAACAgg 3' Energy: -15.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4781-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.45 3 20 12545 12566 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:13666 to 13687 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gagaucgcuccuAAGGUUGUAa 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' actttctctaacTACCAACATg 3' Energy: -11.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4781-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.92 2 11 13666 13687 9 88.89% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4781-3p NC_045512.2 433.00 -41.40 148.00 -15.45 1126 22 29903 21841 12545 13666 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4538 MIMAT0019081(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4538 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:13975 to 13996 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agucgggucgaguaGGUUCGAg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtgaacgtgtacgCCAAGCTt 3' Energy: -13.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4538 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.64 2 9 13975 13996 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4538 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.64 140.00 -13.64 1127 22 29903 13975 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6722-3p MIMAT0025854(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6722-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:21622 to 21643 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ggaccGGGUGGGCUGGGGACGu 5' |:|| :: ||||||| Ref: 5' cagaaCTCAATTACCCCCTGCa 3' Energy: -22.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6722-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -22.36 2 18 21622 21643 16 62.50% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6722-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -22.36 149.00 -22.36 1128 22 29903 21622 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4716-5p MIMAT0019826(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4716-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:3448 to 3469 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucuucccccuuccUUUGUACCu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' caatgtttaccttAAACATGGa 3' Energy: -11.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4716-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.63 2 10 3448 3469 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:13194 to 13215 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ucuucccCCUUCCUUUGUACCu 5' ||||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' ttacaccGGAAGCCAATATGGa 3' Energy: -16.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4716-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.89 2 16 13194 13215 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:28432 to 28453 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucuucccccuuccuUUGUACCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' caccgctctcactcAACATGGc 3' Energy: -8.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4716-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.55 2 9 28432 28453 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4716-5p NC_045512.2 428.00 -37.07 145.00 -16.89 1129 22 29903 3448 13194 28432 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3973 MIMAT0019358(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3973 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:14858 to 14882 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (77.27%) Query: 3' gaUUCCGAUUACGA--CAUGAAACa 5' :| |:|: || | |||||||| Ref: 5' ttGAAGTTGTTGATAAGTACTTTGa 3' Energy: -14.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3973 NC_045512.2 156.00 -14.37 2 22 14858 14882 22 63.64% 77.27% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:13631 to 13652 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gauuccGAUUACGACAUGAAACa 5' :|:|| || ||||||| Ref: 5' atttaaTTGATTCT-TACTTTGt 3' Energy: -12.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3973 NC_045512.2 155.00 -12.17 2 18 13631 13652 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:7761 to 7782 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' gauuccgauUACGACAUGAAACa 5' || || ||||||| Ref: 5' gttccatccAT-CTTTACTTTGa 3' Energy: -8.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3973 NC_045512.2 148.00 -8.65 2 15 7761 7782 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:17933 to 17958 Align Len (23) (60.87%) (69.57%) Query: 3' gaUUCCGAUUACGAC---AUGAAACa 5' |: || || |: | ||||||| Ref: 5' ccAGAGCAAAAGTAGGCATACTTTGc 3' Energy: -9.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3973 NC_045512.2 148.00 -9.35 2 22 17933 17958 23 60.87% 69.57% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11620 to 11649 Align Len (26) (61.54%) (65.38%) Query: 3' gauUCCGAUUACGAC-------AUGAAACa 5' |||||| | :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' cttAGGCTATTTTTGTACTTGTTACTTTGg 3' Energy: -19.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3973 NC_045512.2 147.00 -19.17 2 21 11620 11649 26 61.54% 65.38% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:16892 to 16913 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' gaUUCCGAUUACGACAUGAAACa 5' || |:|::|| | ||:|||| Ref: 5' taAATGTTGGTGAT-TATTTTGt 3' Energy: -13.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3973 NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.48 2 22 16892 16913 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:21819 to 21840 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' gaUUCCGAUUACGACAUGAAACa 5' || | |::||:| ||:|||| Ref: 5' ttAATGATGGTGTT-TATTTTGc 3' Energy: -11.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3973 NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.45 2 22 21819 21840 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:28909 to 28937 Align Len (26) (65.38%) (73.08%) Query: 3' gaUUCCG--AUUACGAC----AUGAAACa 5' | ||| |:|||||| |:||||| Ref: 5' caATGGCGGTGATGCTGCTCTTGCTTTGc 3' Energy: -18.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3973 NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.85 2 22 28909 28937 26 65.38% 73.08% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:6788 to 6812 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gauucCGA--UUACGACAUGAAAca 5' ||| ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' ttattGCTACAATTGTGTACTTTta 3' Energy: -12.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3973 NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.82 3 19 6788 6812 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:10948 to 10970 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' gaUUCCGAUUACGACAUGAAAca 5' || ||| | |: |||||| Ref: 5' acAATGCTCAGGTGTTACTTTcc 3' Energy: -7.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3973 NC_045512.2 141.00 -7.40 3 22 10948 10970 19 68.42% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3973 NC_045512.2 1473.00 -127.71 156.00 -19.17 1130 23 29903 14858 13631 7761 17933 11620 16892 21819 28909 6788 10948 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-99b-5p MIMAT0000689(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-99b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:20912 to 20935 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' gcguuccaGCCAA--GAUGCCCAc 5' :|||| |||||||| Ref: 5' taagacagTGGTTGCCTACGGGTa 3' Energy: -23.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-99b-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -23.83 2 15 20912 20935 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28649 to 28672 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' gcGUUCCAGCC-AAG-AUGCCCAc 5' ||| | ||| || ||:|||| Ref: 5' aaCAAAGACGGCATCATATGGGTt 3' Energy: -17.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-99b-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.60 2 21 28649 28672 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:1139 to 1160 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' gcguucCAGCCAAGAUGCCCAc 5' | :|| |:||:|||| Ref: 5' aagcttGATGGCTTTATGGGTa 3' Energy: -17.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-99b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.90 2 17 1139 1160 15 66.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-99b-5p NC_045512.2 435.00 -59.33 153.00 -23.83 1131 22 29903 20912 28649 1139 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548au-5p MIMAT0022291(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548au-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 167.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25796 to 25814 Align Len (18) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' ccAAAAACC-C-ATTACTTTa 3' Energy: -16.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548au-5p NC_045512.2 167.00 -16.81 2 20 25796 25814 18 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1676 to 1696 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (94.44%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |:|:|:||| ||||:||| Ref: 5' gaAGAGATCGCCATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -16.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548au-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -16.26 2 20 1676 1696 18 72.22% 94.44% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4013 to 4032 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |:||| | : :||||||| Ref: 5' acAGAAAAC-TTGTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -11.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548au-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -11.05 2 20 4013 4032 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20181 to 20203 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUGG-CGUU-AAUGAAAa 5' || ||| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' acAATTACCTGAAACTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -12.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548au-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -12.05 2 20 20181 20203 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8376 to 8398 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUGGCGU--UAAUGAAAa 5' ||||::| || |||:|||| Ref: 5' caAAAAGTCACAACATTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -10.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548au-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -10.90 2 20 8376 8398 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:2720 to 2740 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cguuuUUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||| ::||||||| Ref: 5' gcaccAACAAAGGTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -12.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548au-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -12.55 2 17 2720 2740 15 66.67% 80.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23010 to 23033 Align Len (21) (52.38%) (80.95%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUGGCGUU---AAUGAAAa 5' :||:::: :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttGAAGGTTTTAATTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -7.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548au-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -7.49 2 20 23010 23033 21 52.38% 80.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22274 to 22294 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cguuUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||||: :| ||:|||| Ref: 5' tttcAAACTTTACTTGCTTTa 3' Energy: -7.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548au-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -7.33 2 18 22274 22294 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7761 to 7781 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (73.33%) Query: 3' cguuuUUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' | || : ||||||| Ref: 5' gttccATCCATCTTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -6.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548au-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -6.74 2 17 7761 7781 15 66.67% 73.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:5893 to 5911 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cguUUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAaa 5' ||||| ||:|||||| Ref: 5' catAAAAC--CAGTTACTTat 3' Energy: -10.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548au-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.85 3 19 5893 5911 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:13630 to 13651 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cguuuUUGGC-GUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||::| : ||||||| Ref: 5' aatttAATTGATTCTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -7.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548au-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -7.45 2 17 13630 13651 16 62.50% 81.25% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:10949 to 10969 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (76.92%) Query: 3' cguuuuuGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' | | :||||||| Ref: 5' caatgctCAGGTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -7.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548au-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -7.12 2 15 10949 10969 13 69.23% 76.92% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16891 to 16912 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (89.47%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUGG-CGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||| ::: |::||||:||| Ref: 5' ttAAATGTTGGTGATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -6.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548au-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -6.27 2 20 16891 16912 19 57.89% 89.47% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:11628 to 11648 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cguuuuuggcguUAAUGAAAa 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' atttttgtacttGTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -6.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548au-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -6.83 2 10 11628 11648 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4518 to 4538 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cguuuuuggcguuAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atggtgctagattTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -7.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548au-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.58 2 9 4518 4538 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6770 to 6790 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cguuuuuggcguuAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atgccttatttctTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -5.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548au-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.46 2 9 6770 6790 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:25885 to 25905 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' cguuuUUGGCGUUAAUGAAaa 5' ||::|: ||||||| Ref: 5' tcttcAATTGTCATTACTTca 3' Energy: -9.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548au-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.55 3 17 25885 25905 14 71.43% 92.86% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548au-5p NC_045512.2 2496.00 -162.29 167.00 -16.81 1132 21 29903 25796 1676 4013 20181 8376 2720 23010 22274 7761 5893 13630 10949 16891 11628 4518 6770 25885 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-494-3p MIMAT0002816(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-494-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17668 to 17691 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cucCAA-AGGGCACA-UACAAAGu 5' ||| || || | ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtGTTATCACGCATGATGTTTCa 3' Energy: -15.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-494-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -15.30 2 20 17668 17691 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9608 to 9628 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' cuccAAAGGGCACAUACAAAGu 5' || |: || ||||||| Ref: 5' tatcTTACTAATG-ATGTTTCt 3' Energy: -9.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-494-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -9.27 2 19 9608 9628 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15718 to 15739 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cucCAAAGGGCACAUACAAAGu 5' | | |: |||:|||||| Ref: 5' gacGATGCTGTTGTGTGTTTCa 3' Energy: -18.799999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-494-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.80 2 20 15718 15739 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:18239 to 18260 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' cuCCAAAGGGCACAUACAAAgu 5' |||| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' atGGTTACCCTAACATGTTTat 3' Energy: -13.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-494-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.68 3 21 18239 18260 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:27188 to 27209 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuccaaagggcacaUACAAAGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gtaagtgacaacagATGTTTCa 3' Energy: -10.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-494-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.55 2 9 27188 27209 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-494-3p NC_045512.2 724.00 -67.60 153.00 -18.80 1133 22 29903 17668 9608 15718 18239 27188 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-452-3p MIMAT0001636(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-452-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3031 to 3052 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' guGAAUGAAGAAACGUCUACUc 5' ||| || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttCTTTCTACCCTCCAGATGAg 3' Energy: -15.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-452-3p NC_045512.2 160.00 -15.57 2 21 3031 3052 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:15957 to 15978 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (93.75%) Query: 3' gugaaUGAAGAAACGUCUACUc 5' :|| :||||:|||||| Ref: 5' ggccgGCTGTTTTGTAGATGAt 3' Energy: -18.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-452-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -18.09 2 18 15957 15978 16 75.00% 93.75% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22825 to 22846 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' gugAAUGAAGAAACGUCUACUc 5' |||: || ||||||| Ref: 5' taaTTATAAATTACCAGATGAt 3' Energy: -8.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-452-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -8.35 2 20 22825 22846 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24140 to 24166 Align Len (24) (62.50%) (70.83%) Query: 3' guGAAU-GAAGAAAC----GUCUACUc 5' :||: | ||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtTTTGCCACCTTTGCTCACAGATGAa 3' Energy: -14.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-452-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.55 2 21 24140 24166 24 62.50% 70.83% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17000 to 17019 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' guGAAUGA-AGAAACGUCUACUc 5' || | | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' caCTCAATATCT---CAGATGAg 3' Energy: -16.719999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-452-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.72 2 21 17000 17019 20 70.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:20448 to 20469 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' gugaAUGAAGAAACGUCUACuc 5' ||:||| | |||||| Ref: 5' aaacTATTTCATAACAGATGcg 3' Energy: -14.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-452-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.28 3 19 20448 20469 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:28498 to 28519 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gugaaugaagaaACGUCUACUc 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' caccaatagcagTCCAGATGAc 3' Energy: -9.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-452-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.13 2 11 28498 28519 9 88.89% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-452-3p NC_045512.2 1037.00 -96.69 160.00 -18.09 1134 22 29903 3031 15957 22825 24140 17000 20448 28498 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-19b-2-5p MIMAT0004492(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-19b-2-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26383 to 26405 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (89.47%) Query: 3' acuUUACGUUU-GGACGUUUUGa 5' || |::|: |:||:||||| Ref: 5' gttAACGTGAGTCTTGTAAAACc 3' Energy: -12.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-19b-2-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.65 2 20 26383 26405 19 63.16% 89.47% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10856 to 10877 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' acUUUACGUUUGGACGUUUUGa 5' ||| | | ||||||||: Ref: 5' ttAAAAGAATTACTGCAAAATg 3' Energy: -10.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-19b-2-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -10.35 2 21 10856 10877 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7905 to 7932 Align Len (25) (60.00%) (76.00%) Query: 3' acUUUACGUU------UGGACGUUUUGa 5' |||||::| |:||||||||: Ref: 5' caAAATGTGAAGAATCATCTGCAAAATc 3' Energy: -15.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-19b-2-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.64 2 21 7905 7932 25 60.00% 76.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:5480 to 5503 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' acuUUACGUUU--GGACGUUUUga 5' ||| :|:| |:||||||| Ref: 5' gccAATTTAGATTCTTGCAAAAga 3' Energy: -9.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-19b-2-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.91 3 20 5480 5503 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:4531 to 4552 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' acuuuACGUUUGGACGUUUUGa 5' | :| ||| |:||||| Ref: 5' ttactTTTACACCAGTAAAACa 3' Energy: -8.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-19b-2-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -8.58 2 18 4531 4552 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20775 to 20798 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' acuUUAC-GUUUGGA-CGUUUUGa 5' |||| ::||: | ||||||: Ref: 5' catAATGATGAATGTCGCAAAATa 3' Energy: -9.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-19b-2-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.23 2 20 20775 20798 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:17044 to 17065 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' acUUUACGUUUGGACGUUUUga 5' ||| |: ::: ||||||| Ref: 5' caAAAGGTTGGTATGCAAAAgt 3' Energy: -7.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-19b-2-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.90 3 21 17044 17065 18 61.11% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-19b-2-5p NC_045512.2 997.00 -74.26 146.00 -15.64 1135 22 29903 26383 10856 7905 5480 4531 20775 17044 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-221-5p MIMAT0004568(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-221-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28146 to 28168 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuuAGAUG-UAACAUACGGUCCa 5' |:||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' cctTTTACAATTAATTGCCAGGa 3' Energy: -16.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-221-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -16.82 2 20 28146 28168 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-221-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -16.82 158.00 -16.82 1136 22 29903 28146 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4322 MIMAT0016873(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4322 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6780a-3p MIMAT0027461(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6780a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2510 to 2530 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gaUCCUUUCUUUUGUCUCCUc 5' || |: | ||||||||| Ref: 5' acAGAAGTGTTAACAGAGGAa 3' Energy: -17.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6780a-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -17.49 2 20 2510 2530 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:6341 to 6361 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gauCCUUUCUUUUGUCUCCUc 5' | | |||: ||||||| Ref: 5' gatGTACTGAAGTCAGAGGAc 3' Energy: -14.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6780a-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -14.25 2 19 6341 6361 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:28788 to 28808 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gauccUUUCUUUUGUCUCCuc 5' :|||::|:|||||| Ref: 5' acgcaGAAGGGAGCAGAGGcg 3' Energy: -20.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6780a-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -20.94 3 17 28788 28808 14 71.43% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6780a-3p NC_045512.2 457.00 -52.68 159.00 -20.94 1138 21 29903 2510 6341 28788 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4329 MIMAT0016923(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4329 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548at-3p MIMAT0022278(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548at-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23943 to 23963 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ugUUUUCAAUGACGCCAAAAc 5' |||: || : |:|||||| Ref: 5' ttAAAGATTTTGGTGGTTTTa 3' Energy: -11.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548at-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.02 2 20 23943 23963 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:11277 to 11297 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uguuuUCAAUGACGCCAAAAc 5' |||| | :|||||| Ref: 5' atactAGTTTGTCTGGTTTTa 3' Energy: -9.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548at-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.37 2 17 11277 11297 15 73.33% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548at-3p NC_045512.2 287.00 -20.39 147.00 -11.02 1140 21 29903 23943 11277 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4704-3p MIMAT0019804(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4704-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16555 to 16578 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' aucUGUGAUC--UAUACACUGACu 5' :|| | | | ||||||||| Ref: 5' aatGCAATTGCAACATGTGACTGg 3' Energy: -17.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4704-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -17.49 2 20 16555 16578 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:16400 to 16421 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' auCUGUGAUCUAUACACUGAcu 5' ||::: | | |||||||| Ref: 5' gtGATGTCACAGATGTGACTca 3' Energy: -13.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4704-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.93 3 21 16400 16421 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 15 R:24570 to 24591 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (91.67%) Query: 3' aucugugaUCUAUACACUGAcu 5' | |||||||||| Ref: 5' gtttgcagACATATGTGACTca 3' Energy: -15.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4704-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.75 3 15 24570 24591 12 91.67% 91.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4704-3p NC_045512.2 440.00 -47.17 154.00 -17.49 1141 22 29903 16555 16400 24570 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3664-3p MIMAT0019220(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3664-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4648 MIMAT0019710(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4648 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:20074 to 20094 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gagGGUAAACGU-CAGGGUgu 5' |||| ||:| |||||| Ref: 5' caaCCATCTGTAGGTCCCAaa 3' Energy: -21.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4648 NC_045512.2 144.00 -21.02 3 18 20074 20094 16 81.25% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4648 NC_045512.2 144.00 -21.02 144.00 -21.02 1143 20 29903 20074 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-let-7f-2-3p MIMAT0004487(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-let-7f-2-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22902 to 22923 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (68.42%) Query: 3' ccUUUCUGUCAUCUGACAUAUc 5' || |:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtAATTATAATTACCTGTATAg 3' Energy: -10.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7f-2-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -10.91 2 21 22902 22923 19 63.16% 68.42% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11345 to 11368 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccuUUCUGUC-AUC-UGACAUAUc 5' | ||||| || |||||:|| Ref: 5' cttATGACAGCAAGAACTGTGTAt 3' Energy: -16.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7f-2-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.27 2 20 11345 11368 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:29548 to 29570 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' ccuUUCUGUC-AUCUGACAUAUc 5' |||:||| |:|:|| |||| Ref: 5' cacAAGGCAGATGGGCTATATAa 3' Energy: -17.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7f-2-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.27 2 20 29548 29570 19 73.68% 89.47% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:14885 to 14905 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ccuUUCUGUCAUCUGACAUAuc 5' | ||::|| |:|||||| Ref: 5' gttACGATGGT-GGCTGTATta 3' Energy: -14.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7f-2-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.81 3 20 14885 14905 17 70.59% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-let-7f-2-3p NC_045512.2 576.00 -59.26 148.00 -17.27 1144 22 29903 22902 11345 29548 14885 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-551a MIMAT0003214(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-551a vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4749-5p MIMAT0019885(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4749-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7844-5p MIMAT0030419(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7844-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 170.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5166 to 5191 Align Len (23) (78.26%) (82.61%) Query: 3' auGUGGUGUGU---C-AGGAUCAAAa 5' :|||||||| | ||||||||| Ref: 5' acTACCACACAACTGATCCTAGTTTt 3' Energy: -26.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7844-5p NC_045512.2 170.00 -26.18 2 21 5166 5191 23 78.26% 82.61% Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11592 to 11613 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' auGUGGUGUGUCAGGAUCAAAa 5' || :::|:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttCAGTGTATAATGCTAGTTTa 3' Energy: -13.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7844-5p NC_045512.2 160.00 -13.33 2 21 11592 11613 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:15881 to 15902 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' auGUGGUGUGUCAGGAUCAAaa 5' || ||:||| | |||||| Ref: 5' ctCAACATACAATGCTAGTTaa 3' Energy: -15.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7844-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -15.52 3 21 15881 15902 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:11262 to 11287 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' auguggUGUGUCAG----GAUCAAAa 5' |:|::||: ||||||| Ref: 5' ggttggATATGGTTGATACTAGTTTg 3' Energy: -9.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7844-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.98 2 17 11262 11287 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14522 to 14544 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' auGUGGUGUG-UCAGGAUCAAAa 5' ||: :| | || |:|||||| Ref: 5' taCATAGCTCTAGACTTAGTTTt 3' Energy: -14.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7844-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.78 2 21 14522 14544 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11027 to 11046 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' augUGGUGUGUCAGGAUCAAAa 5' ||: ||| |::|||||| Ref: 5' ttgACTTCAC--TTTTAGTTTt 3' Energy: -11.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7844-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.97 2 20 11027 11046 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7844-5p NC_045512.2 908.00 -91.76 170.00 -26.18 1147 22 29903 5166 11592 15881 11262 14522 11027 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3167 MIMAT0015042(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3167 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12539 to 12561 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugUGGUCAUAA-AGACUUUAGGa 5' |:||| ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gcATCAGCATTGTGGGAAATCCa 3' Energy: -19.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3167 NC_045512.2 163.00 -19.76 2 21 12539 12561 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22456 to 22478 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uguggUCAUA-AAGACUUUAGGa 5' |||:| :|||||||| Ref: 5' aacaaAGTGTACGTTGAAATCCt 3' Energy: -21.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3167 NC_045512.2 152.00 -21.49 2 18 22456 22478 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22955 to 22980 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uguggUC-AUAAA---GACUUUAGGa 5' || ||||| ||||||||: Ref: 5' gagagAGATATTTCAACTGAAATCTa 3' Energy: -12.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3167 NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.05 2 18 22955 22980 20 75.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3167 NC_045512.2 458.00 -53.30 163.00 -21.49 1148 22 29903 12539 22456 22955 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1295b-5p MIMAT0022293(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1295b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:5178 to 5198 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uaauccggcgucuAGACCCAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ctgatcctagtttTCTGGGTa 3' Energy: -16.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1295b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.05 2 9 5178 5198 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1295b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.05 140.00 -16.05 1149 21 29903 5178 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-891a-3p MIMAT0026717(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-891a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1310 to 1330 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gagUGUUGUUUGUACACGGUGa 5' || | ||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgACTA-AAGAAGGTGCCACt 3' Energy: -17.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-891a-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -17.88 2 20 1310 1330 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18665 to 18684 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (89.47%) Query: 3' gaGUGUUGUUUGUACACGGUGa 5' ::::|:|:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' taTGTGATAGAC--GTGCCACa 3' Energy: -18.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-891a-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -18.29 2 21 18665 18684 19 57.89% 89.47% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16942 to 16964 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gaGUGUUG-UUUGUACACGGUGa 5' ::|| | | || ||||||| Ref: 5' agTGCACCTACACTAGTGCCACa 3' Energy: -16.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-891a-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.59 2 21 16942 16964 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:3138 to 3160 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gaguguugUUUGUA-CACGGUGa 5' :||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' aacctttgGAATTTGGTGCCACt 3' Energy: -15.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-891a-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.14 2 15 3138 3160 14 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:26872 to 26893 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gaguguuguuugUACACGGUGa 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' acattcttctcaACGTGCCACt 3' Energy: -17.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-891a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.85 2 11 26872 26893 9 88.89% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-891a-3p NC_045512.2 744.00 -85.75 153.00 -18.29 1150 22 29903 1310 18665 16942 3138 26872 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-215-5p MIMAT0000272(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-215-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1292-5p MIMAT0005943(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1292-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:3 to 24 R:25774 to 25799 Align Len (23) (73.91%) (82.61%) Query: 3' guCGCAGACGGCCUU--GGGCAAGGgu 5' || |:|||:|||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgGC-TTTGCTGGAAATGCCGTTCCaa 3' Energy: -32.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1292-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -32.23 3 24 25774 25799 23 73.91% 82.61% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:3 to 23 R:26824 to 26848 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gucGCAGACGGCCUUGGGCAAGGgu 5' :||:||| | || |||||| Ref: 5' gacTGTTTGCGCGTACGCGTTCCat 3' Energy: -26.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1292-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -26.46 3 23 26824 26848 20 70.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1292-5p NC_045512.2 302.00 -58.69 152.00 -32.23 1152 25 29903 25774 26824 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4670-3p MIMAT0019751(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4670-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 165.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:25866 to 25887 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uucgcUGGUACUACAUUGAAGu 5' || || :||||||||| Ref: 5' accttACAATAGTGTAACTTCt 3' Energy: -12.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4670-3p NC_045512.2 165.00 -12.79 2 18 25866 25887 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:5242 to 5263 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' uucgcuggUACUACAUUGAAGu 5' |||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' acaagttaATGGTTTAACTTCt 3' Energy: -13.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4670-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -13.61 2 15 5242 5263 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5767 to 5788 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' uucGCUGGUACUACAUUGAAGu 5' | |: | || ||||||| Ref: 5' tcaCTATAAACATATAACTTCt 3' Energy: -8.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4670-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -8.43 2 20 5767 5788 18 66.67% 72.22% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4670-3p NC_045512.2 474.00 -34.83 165.00 -13.61 1153 22 29903 25866 5242 5767 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-12119 MIMAT0049013(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-12119 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:28315 to 28339 Align Len (22) (54.55%) (81.82%) Query: 3' ggGGUUUAGAUGGCAGGGGAGUCUu 5' ::| :|:|: :| |||||||| Ref: 5' caTTACGTTTGGTGGACCCTCAGAt 3' Energy: -24.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12119 NC_045512.2 159.00 -24.35 2 24 28315 28339 22 54.55% 81.82% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 23 R:10022 to 10045 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gggGUUUAGAUGGCAGGGGAGUCuu 5' |||| || |: || |||||| Ref: 5' ccaCAAACCT-CTATCACCTCAGct 3' Energy: -20.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12119 NC_045512.2 148.00 -20.58 3 23 10022 10045 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12085 to 12106 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' gggguUUAGAUGGCAGGGGAGUCUu 5' || |||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' cttacAAGCTATAG---CCTCAGAg 3' Energy: -18.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12119 NC_045512.2 148.00 -18.84 2 21 12085 12106 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:25999 to 26022 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' gggGUUUAGAUGGCAGGGGAGUCUu 5' || | :|||: || |:||||| Ref: 5' ttaCACAGTTACT-TCACTTCAGAc 3' Energy: -15.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12119 NC_045512.2 148.00 -15.43 2 23 25999 26022 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5815 to 5839 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (72.22%) Query: 3' gggguuUAGAUGGCAGGGGAGUCUu 5' | :||| :||||||| Ref: 5' tgctttACTTACAAAGTCCTCAGAa 3' Energy: -21.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12119 NC_045512.2 147.00 -21.10 2 20 5815 5839 18 61.11% 72.22% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:25449 to 25473 Align Len (22) (54.55%) (81.82%) Query: 3' ggGGUUUAGAUGGCAGGGGAGUCUu 5' :|||: |:|: :||:||||| Ref: 5' aaTCAAGGATGCTACTCCTTCAGAt 3' Energy: -23.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12119 NC_045512.2 147.00 -23.76 2 24 25449 25473 22 54.55% 81.82% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22433 to 22456 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gggguUUAGAUGGCAGGGGAGUCUu 5' | |: ||| | |:|||||| Ref: 5' tgtgcACTTGACCCT-CTCTCAGAa 3' Energy: -19.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12119 NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.31 2 21 22433 22456 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:24702 to 24726 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gggguuuAGAUGGCAGGGGAGUCuu 5' | |::| |:||||||| Ref: 5' atcatctTATGTCCTTCCCTCAGtc 3' Energy: -21.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12119 NC_045512.2 142.00 -21.89 3 19 24702 24726 16 68.75% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-12119 NC_045512.2 1181.00 -165.26 159.00 -24.35 1154 25 29903 28315 10022 12085 25999 5815 25449 22433 24702 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-605-5p MIMAT0003273(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-605-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:7197 to 7219 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uccucuuccguggUACCCUAAAu 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' tttcatcttttaaATGGGATTTa 3' Energy: -15.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-605-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.72 2 11 7197 7219 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:14226 to 14250 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uccucuuccGUGGU--ACCCUAAAu 5' ||::| |||||||| Ref: 5' aaagccttaCATTAAGTGGGATTTg 3' Energy: -15.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-605-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.80 2 15 14226 14250 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:18764 to 18786 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' uccucuuccgUGGUACCCUAAAu 5' || |||||:||| Ref: 5' ttgatgttcaACAATGGGGTTTt 3' Energy: -14.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-605-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.05 2 14 18764 18786 12 83.33% 91.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-605-5p NC_045512.2 440.00 -45.57 150.00 -15.80 1155 23 29903 7197 14226 18764 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6806-3p MIMAT0027513(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6806-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 169.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24606 to 24625 Align Len (19) (84.21%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gaCGUCCUUACAGUCUCGAAGu 5' |||| || |||||||||| Ref: 5' ctGCAGAAA--TCAGAGCTTCt 3' Energy: -25.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6806-3p NC_045512.2 169.00 -25.04 2 21 24606 24625 19 84.21% 84.21% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:2168 to 2190 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gacgUCCUUACA-GUCUCGAAGu 5' ||||| || :||||:||| Ref: 5' tttaAGGAAGGTGTAGAGTTTCt 3' Energy: -19.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6806-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -19.30 2 19 2168 2190 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:27054 to 27074 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gacguccUUACAGUCUCGAAGu 5' ||| | :||||||| Ref: 5' tattacaAAT-TGGGAGCTTCg 3' Energy: -13.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6806-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -13.50 2 16 27054 27074 14 78.57% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6806-3p NC_045512.2 471.00 -57.84 169.00 -25.04 1156 22 29903 24606 2168 27054 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4720-5p MIMAT0019833(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4720-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:24634 to 24654 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' uucaauAUGGUUUAUACGGUCc 5' |||:||| |||:||| Ref: 5' tgctgcTACTAAA-ATGTCAGa 3' Energy: -13.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4720-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.39 2 17 24634 24654 15 80.00% 93.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:15063 to 15084 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' uucaaUAUGGUUUAUACGGUcc 5' || ::||:||||||| Ref: 5' aatgaATCTTAAGTATGCCAtt 3' Energy: -14.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4720-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.13 3 18 15063 15084 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17388 to 17406 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' uuCAAUAUGGUUUAUACGGUCc 5' || |::|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gaGTGTTGTCA---ATGCCAGa 3' Energy: -15.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4720-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.11 2 21 17388 17406 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:4186 to 4206 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' uucaauAUGGUUUAUACGGUCc 5' |||::|| ||||:|| Ref: 5' tggcacTACTGAA-ATGCTAGc 3' Energy: -10.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4720-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.99 2 17 4186 4206 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4663 to 4683 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuCAAUAUGGUUUAUACGGUCc 5' | | | :|||| :|||||| Ref: 5' gaGATCTCTCAAA-GTGCCAGc 3' Energy: -14.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4720-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.44 2 21 4663 4683 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:3493 to 3514 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uucaauAUGGUUUAUACGGUcc 5' |||:|| |||||| Ref: 5' taaggcTACTAACAATGCCAtg 3' Energy: -15.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4720-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.55 3 17 3493 3514 14 78.57% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4720-5p NC_045512.2 859.00 -83.61 146.00 -15.55 1157 22 29903 24634 15063 17388 4186 4663 3493 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6758-3p MIMAT0027417(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6758-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:15651 to 15673 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' gaccUGUCU---CCUCUUACUCa 5' ||||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgacACAGACTTTGTGAATGAGt 3' Energy: -15.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6758-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.15 2 17 15651 15673 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 13 R:29852 to 29871 Align Len (10) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaccugucUCCUCUUACUca 5' |||||||||| Ref: 5' agcttcttAGGAGAATGAca 3' Energy: -15.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6758-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.75 3 13 29852 29871 10 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6758-3p NC_045512.2 287.00 -30.90 147.00 -15.75 1158 20 29903 15651 29852 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5684 MIMAT0022473(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5684 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8911 to 8929 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' gacAACGAGUCCGAUCUCAa 5' || ||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' gcaTTTCTTA-CCTAGAGTt 3' Energy: -12.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5684 NC_045512.2 151.00 -12.76 2 18 8911 8929 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:19235 to 19254 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (76.92%) Query: 3' gacaacGAGUCCGAUCUCAa 5' :| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtagatTTGACACTAGAGTg 3' Energy: -11.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5684 NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.84 2 15 19235 19254 13 69.23% 76.92% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6594 to 6613 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacaacgaguccGAUCUCAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ctaatgaattatCTAGAGTa 3' Energy: -11.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5684 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.29 2 9 6594 6613 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:26435 to 26454 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacaacgaguccGAUCUCAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atctgaattcttCTAGAGTt 3' Energy: -15.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5684 NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.75 2 9 26435 26454 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5684 NC_045512.2 573.00 -51.64 151.00 -15.75 1159 20 29903 8911 19235 6594 26435 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-150-5p MIMAT0000451(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-150-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:27051 to 27070 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gugaccAUGUUCCCAACCCUCu 5' ||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tcttatTACAA--ATTGGGAGc 3' Energy: -14.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-150-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -14.35 2 17 27051 27070 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:342 to 363 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' guGACCAUGUUCCCAACCCUCu 5' || ||||: || || |||| Ref: 5' tgCTCGTACGTGGCTTTGGAGa 3' Energy: -19.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-150-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.12 2 21 342 363 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-150-5p NC_045512.2 289.00 -33.47 149.00 -19.12 1160 22 29903 27051 342 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-361-3p MIMAT0004682(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-361-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6133 MIMAT0024617(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6133 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:25501 to 25520 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' augGGUUGGAG-GAGGGAGu 5' | |:|||| ||||||: Ref: 5' ataCAAGCCTCACTCCCTTt 3' Energy: -24.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6133 NC_045512.2 143.00 -24.37 2 17 25501 25520 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:22197 to 22215 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' auggguuggaGGAGGGAGu 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' tagtgcgtgaTCTCCCTCa 3' Energy: -18.280001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6133 NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.28 2 10 22197 22215 8 87.50% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6133 NC_045512.2 284.00 -42.65 143.00 -24.37 1162 19 29903 25501 22197 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4446-3p MIMAT0018965(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4446-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22067 to 22086 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uggGUACAGUGACGGUCGGGAc 5' :||||| || |||||:| Ref: 5' gaaTATGTCTCT--CAGCCTTt 3' Energy: -18.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4446-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.67 2 20 22067 22086 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:444 to 468 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' uggguacAGU--GAC-GGUCGGGAc 5' ||| :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttttgccTCAACTTGAACAGCCCTa 3' Energy: -17.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4446-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.42 2 16 444 468 17 70.59% 76.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4446-3p NC_045512.2 285.00 -36.09 144.00 -18.67 1163 22 29903 22067 444 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4281 MIMAT0016907(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4281 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:21765 to 21782 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggggggAGGGGCCCUGGg 5' ||:|:|||||| Ref: 5' tacatgTCTCTGGGACCa 3' Energy: -23.549999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4281 NC_045512.2 140.00 -23.55 2 13 21765 21782 11 81.82% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4281 NC_045512.2 140.00 -23.55 140.00 -23.55 1164 18 29903 21765 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-628-5p MIMAT0004809(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-628-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5189 to 5213 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (86.36%) Query: 3' ggAGA-UCAUUUA--UACAGUCGUa 5' ||| :|||::| ||||||||| Ref: 5' ttTCTGGGTAGGTACATGTCAGCAt 3' Energy: -23.969999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-628-5p NC_045512.2 166.00 -23.97 2 21 5189 5213 22 72.73% 86.36% Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5672 to 5693 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ggAGAUCAUUUAUACAGUCGUa 5' |:| || | ||||||||| Ref: 5' ccTTTTGTTATGATGTCAGCAc 3' Energy: -20.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-628-5p NC_045512.2 164.00 -20.52 2 21 5672 5693 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:24710 to 24731 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggagaucauuuauaCAGUCGUa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atgtccttccctcaGTCAGCAc 3' Energy: -12.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-628-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.71 2 9 24710 24731 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-628-5p NC_045512.2 470.00 -57.20 166.00 -23.97 1165 22 29903 5189 5672 24710 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-100-3p MIMAT0004512(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-100-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16612 to 16633 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' guAUGGAUAUCUAUGUUCGAAc 5' |||: | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgTACTGAAAGACTCAAGCTTt 3' Energy: -14.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-100-3p NC_045512.2 164.00 -14.99 2 21 16612 16633 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24417 to 24438 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' guaUGGAUAUCUAUGUUCGAAc 5' ||| | | : |||||||| Ref: 5' tcaACCAAAATGCACAAGCTTt 3' Energy: -12.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-100-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -12.11 2 20 24417 24438 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29073 to 29094 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guAUG-GAUAUCUAUGUUCGAAc 5' ||| |:|| | |||||||| Ref: 5' caTACAATGTA-ACACAAGCTTt 3' Energy: -14.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-100-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -14.41 2 21 29073 29094 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:12031 to 12056 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guaugGAUAUC--UA--UGUUCGAAc 5' ||:||| || |||||||| Ref: 5' gggtgCTGTAGACATAAACAAGCTTt 3' Energy: -17.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-100-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -17.00 2 18 12031 12056 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:6016 to 6040 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' guaUGG-AUA--UCUAUGUUCGAAc 5' ||| ||| | | :||||||| Ref: 5' ccaACCATATCCAAACGCAAGCTTc 3' Energy: -13.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-100-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -13.18 2 20 6016 6040 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13977 to 13997 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' guaUGGAUAUCUAUGUUCGAAc 5' || |:|| : ||||||| Ref: 5' tgaACGTGTACG-CCAAGCTTt 3' Energy: -11.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-100-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -11.14 2 20 13977 13997 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3817 to 3835 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' guaUGGAUAUCUAUGUUCGAAc 5' ||:|:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' caaACTTGT---TTCAAGCTTt 3' Energy: -12.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-100-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.53 2 20 3817 3835 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:5624 to 5646 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' guAUGGAUAUC-UAUGUUCGAac 5' ||| |:|:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgTACGTGTGGTAAACAAGCTac 3' Energy: -17.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-100-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.41 3 21 5624 5646 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17599 to 17620 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (89.47%) Query: 3' guaUGGAUAUCUA-UGUUCGAAc 5' :::||| ||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' ttgGTTTAT-GATAATAAGCTTa 3' Energy: -12.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-100-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.15 2 20 17599 17620 19 68.42% 89.47% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:693 to 713 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' guaUGGAUAUCUAUGUUCGAAc 5' ||:|| :| ||:||||| Ref: 5' ttgACTTA-GGCGACGAGCTTg 3' Energy: -19.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-100-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.24 2 20 693 713 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16486 to 16505 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' guAUGGAUAUCUAUGUUCGAAc 5' |:|: ||:| |||||:|| Ref: 5' tgTGCTAATGG--ACAAGTTTt 3' Energy: -12.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-100-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.30 2 21 16486 16505 19 63.16% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-100-3p NC_045512.2 1657.00 -156.46 164.00 -19.24 1166 22 29903 16612 24417 29073 12031 6016 13977 3817 5624 17599 693 16486 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3133 MIMAT0014998(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3133 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:15777 to 15800 Align Len (16) (87.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uaacccaAAAUUC--UCAAGAAAu 5' |||||| |||||||| Ref: 5' aaagaacTTTAAGTCAGTTCTTTa 3' Energy: -12.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3133 NC_045512.2 162.00 -12.91 2 16 15777 15800 16 87.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9994 to 10014 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uaacCCAAAAUUCUCAAGAAAu 5' |||| |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctcaGGTTCTGA-TGTTCTTTa 3' Energy: -13.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3133 NC_045512.2 156.00 -13.62 2 19 9994 10014 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16240 to 16259 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' uaACCCAAAAUUCUCAAGAAAu 5' |||| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtTGGGGCTT--GTGTTCTTTg 3' Energy: -18.280001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3133 NC_045512.2 153.00 -18.28 2 21 16240 16259 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:9716 to 9737 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uaacccAAAAUUCUCAAGAAAu 5' || || :||||||| Ref: 5' aagcatTTCTATTGGTTCTTTa 3' Energy: -8.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3133 NC_045512.2 152.00 -8.45 2 17 9716 9737 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:6972 to 6994 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' uaaCCCAAAAUUCU-CAAGAAAu 5' | |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' taaGTGTTTGCCTAGGTTCTTTa 3' Energy: -12.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3133 NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.42 2 20 6972 6994 19 68.42% 68.42% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11061 to 11078 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' uaACCCAAAAUUCUCAAGAAAu 5' ||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaTGGTCTTT----GTTCTTTt 3' Energy: -8.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3133 NC_045512.2 143.00 -8.89 2 21 11061 11078 19 68.42% 68.42% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:3016 to 3037 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uaacccaaaauucuCAAGAAAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttcacatatgtattGTTCTTTc 3' Energy: -5.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3133 NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.16 2 9 3016 3037 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:23317 to 23338 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uaacccaaaauucuCAAGAAAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgacattacaccatGTTCTTTt 3' Energy: -5.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3133 NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.94 2 9 23317 23338 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:23376 to 23397 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uaacccaaaauucuCAAGAAAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ctaaccaggttgctGTTCTTTa 3' Energy: -12.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3133 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.50 2 9 23376 23397 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3133 NC_045512.2 1332.00 -98.17 162.00 -18.28 1167 22 29903 15777 9994 16240 9716 6972 11061 3016 23317 23376 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4298 MIMAT0016852(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4298 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:22646 to 22667 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gacgGAGGAGGAGGACAGGGUc 5' || |: |:||||||:| Ref: 5' gttgCTGATTATTCTGTCCTAt 3' Energy: -21.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4298 NC_045512.2 142.00 -21.44 2 19 22646 22667 17 64.71% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4298 NC_045512.2 142.00 -21.44 142.00 -21.44 1168 22 29903 22646 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6777-3p MIMAT0027455(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6777-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:11372 to 11391 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (93.33%) Query: 3' gacCCCCGGUCCUCUCACcu 5' || ||:||||||||| Ref: 5' gatGGTGCTAGGAGAGTGtg 3' Energy: -27.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6777-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -27.41 3 18 11372 11391 15 86.67% 93.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:9173 to 9192 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gacCCCCGGUCCUCUCACCu 5' || |:: ||||||| Ref: 5' gaaGGTTCTGTTAGAGTGGt 3' Energy: -15.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6777-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.81 2 18 9173 9192 16 62.50% 75.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:10041 to 10060 Align Len (14) (64.29%) (78.57%) Query: 3' gacccCCGGUCCUCUCACCu 5' | :: | ||||||| Ref: 5' cagctGTTTTGCAGAGTGGt 3' Energy: -15.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6777-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.45 2 16 10041 10060 14 64.29% 78.57% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:7228 to 7247 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gacccccgguCCUCUCACCu 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' tggcttagttGCAGAGTGGt 3' Energy: -17.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6777-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.03 2 11 7228 7247 9 88.89% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6777-3p NC_045512.2 583.00 -75.70 153.00 -27.41 1169 20 29903 11372 9173 10041 7228 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6759-5p MIMAT0027418(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6759-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:23689 to 23711 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ugucuGAAGACGG-GUGGGUGUu 5' || :|||| :||||||| Ref: 5' taactCTATTGCCATACCCACAa 3' Energy: -24.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6759-5p NC_045512.2 160.00 -24.79 2 18 23689 23711 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:14392 to 14413 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ugucugaAGACGGGUGGGUGUu 5' | | ||||||:||| Ref: 5' tctacagTGTTCCCACCTACAa 3' Energy: -25.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6759-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -25.32 2 16 14392 14413 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:5224 to 5245 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugucugaagacggGUGGGUGUu 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' taaaaagtggaaaTACCCACAa 3' Energy: -18.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6759-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.07 2 10 5224 5245 8 87.50% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6759-5p NC_045512.2 444.00 -68.18 160.00 -25.32 1170 22 29903 23689 14392 5224 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-323a-5p MIMAT0004696(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-323a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:17067 to 17088 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cgcuUGCGCGGUGCCUGGUGGa 5' || | ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' ttctACACTCCAGGGACCACCt 3' Energy: -26.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-323a-5p NC_045512.2 166.00 -26.90 2 19 17067 17088 17 82.35% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:16740 to 16761 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgcuugcgcggugcCUGGUGGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' agttggtaaacctaGACCACCa 3' Energy: -17.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-323a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.19 2 9 16740 16761 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-323a-5p NC_045512.2 306.00 -44.09 166.00 -26.90 1171 22 29903 17067 16740 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-345-5p MIMAT0000772(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-345-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:17082 to 17107 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cucgGGACC-UGAUC---CUCAGUcg 5' ||||| |||:| |||||| Ref: 5' accaCCTGGTACTGGTAAGAGTCAtt 3' Energy: -23.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-345-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -23.03 3 19 17082 17107 20 75.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-345-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -23.03 140.00 -23.03 1172 22 29903 17082 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-877-5p MIMAT0004949(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-877-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:27519 to 27541 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' gggACGCGGUAG---AGGAGAUg 5' | | ||||: ||||||| Ref: 5' caaTTCACCATTTCATCCTCTAg 3' Energy: -15.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-877-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -15.60 2 18 27519 27541 19 68.42% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-877-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -15.60 148.00 -15.60 1173 20 29903 27519 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5008-5p MIMAT0021039(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5008-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14705 to 14725 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (94.74%) Query: 3' ggUGACACGGGGUUCCCGGAGu 5' :||||| :|:|||||::|| Ref: 5' ttGCTGTG-TCTAAGGGTTTCt 3' Energy: -27.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5008-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -27.00 2 21 14705 14725 19 68.42% 94.74% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5008-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -27.00 142.00 -27.00 1174 22 29903 14705 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-27b-5p MIMAT0004588(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-27b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21186 to 21208 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (84.21%) Query: 3' caaGUGGUUAGUCG-AUUCGAGa 5' ::|::||| : ||||||| Ref: 5' gaaTGCTGATCTTTATAAGCTCa 3' Energy: -14.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-27b-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.06 2 20 21186 21208 19 57.89% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-27b-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.06 150.00 -14.06 1175 22 29903 21186 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-301b-3p MIMAT0004958(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-301b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:27539 to 27561 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cgaaACUGUUAUAGUAACGUGAc 5' |||:|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tagcTGATAACAAATTTGCACTg 3' Energy: -17.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-301b-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -17.98 2 20 27539 27561 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22044 to 22064 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cgaaACUGUUAUAGUAACGUGAc 5' || |||| |||||||| Ref: 5' ctagTGCGAATA--ATTGCACTt 3' Energy: -12.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-301b-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -12.37 2 20 22044 22064 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:12736 to 12758 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cgaaacUGUUAUAGUAACGUGAc 5' |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tactacACAAACTGCTTGCACTg 3' Energy: -15.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-301b-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -15.71 2 18 12736 12758 16 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25526 to 25548 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgaAACUGUUAUAGUAACGUGAc 5' || :: |: |:||||||| Ref: 5' ggcTTATTGTTGGCGTTGCACTt 3' Energy: -16.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-301b-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -16.01 2 21 25526 25548 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:12690 to 12712 Align Len (15) (60.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' cgaaacuGUUAUAGUAACGUGAc 5' :|:| ::||||||| Ref: 5' atgagctTAGTCCTGTTGCACTa 3' Energy: -11.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-301b-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -11.80 2 17 12690 12712 15 60.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:11985 to 12007 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cgAAACUGUUAUAGUAACGUGAc 5' ||||| || || :|| |||| Ref: 5' ccTTTGAAAAAATGGTTTCACTa 3' Energy: -12.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-301b-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.33 2 22 11985 12007 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:12795 to 12817 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgaaacuguuAUAGUAACGUGAc 5' |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' gaggtaggttTGTACTTGCACTg 3' Energy: -16.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-301b-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.07 2 14 12795 12817 12 75.00% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:7247 to 7271 Align Len (22) (77.27%) (81.82%) Query: 3' cgAAACUGU-UAU-AGUAACGUGAc 5' ||||:|| ||| || || |||| Ref: 5' ttTTTGGCATATATTCTTTTCACTa 3' Energy: -12.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-301b-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.43 2 22 7247 7271 22 77.27% 81.82% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:11619 to 11639 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cgAAACUGUUAUAGUAACGUGAc 5' || |:| |||: |||:||| Ref: 5' tcTTAGGC--TATTTTTGTACTt 3' Energy: -11.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-301b-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.85 2 22 11619 11639 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:15539 to 15561 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cgaaaCUGUUAUAGUAACGUGAc 5' | ||||:|:| |||||| Ref: 5' tcacgGCCAATGTTAATGCACTt 3' Energy: -15.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-301b-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.94 2 19 15539 15561 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:20876 to 20898 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgAAACUGUUAUAGUAACGUGac 5' | |||:|| : :|||||| Ref: 5' gtTCTGATAAAGGAGTTGCACca 3' Energy: -15.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-301b-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.02 3 22 20876 20898 19 63.16% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-301b-3p NC_045512.2 1626.00 -157.51 159.00 -17.98 1176 23 29903 27539 22044 12736 25526 12690 11985 12795 7247 11619 15539 20876 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5000-3p MIMAT0021020(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5000-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:17552 to 17573 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' agguucaAGUCUUCACAGGACu 5' ||:| : ||||||| Ref: 5' gaacttgTCGGCGTTGTCCTGc 3' Energy: -16.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5000-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.36 2 16 17552 17573 14 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:27578 to 27599 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agguucaagucuucACAGGACu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aatttgcttttgctTGTCCTGa 3' Energy: -12.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5000-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.78 2 9 27578 27599 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5000-3p NC_045512.2 291.00 -29.14 151.00 -16.36 1177 22 29903 17552 27578 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4776-5p MIMAT0019932(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4776-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29089 to 29111 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ucGGGAACGGU-AGGACCAGGUg 5' |::| | || | ||||||| Ref: 5' agCTTTCGGCAGACGTGGTCCAg 3' Energy: -21.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4776-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -21.75 2 21 29089 29111 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:5033 to 5054 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (91.67%) Query: 3' ucgggaacgGUAGGACCAGGUg 5' || ::||||||| Ref: 5' tatggacaaCAGTTTGGTCCAa 3' Energy: -17.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4776-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -17.16 2 14 5033 5054 12 75.00% 91.67% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6625 to 6647 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ucGGGAACGGU-AGGACCAGGUg 5' |||||||:| || ||||::| Ref: 5' aaCCCTTGCTACTCATGGTTTAg 3' Energy: -26.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4776-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -26.75 2 21 6625 6647 20 75.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26451 to 26472 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucGGGAACGGUAGGACCAGGUg 5' ::| || : |:||||||:| Ref: 5' agTTCCTGATCTTCTGGTCTAa 3' Energy: -22.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4776-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -22.96 2 21 26451 26472 19 57.89% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10397 to 10418 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ucggGAACGGUAGGACCAGGUg 5' ||||::| ||||:|| Ref: 5' ttagCTTGTTACAATGGTTCAc 3' Energy: -21.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4776-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -21.53 2 19 10397 10418 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:28414 to 28434 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' ucgggaACGGUAGGACCAGGUg 5' || |:||:||||:|| Ref: 5' taatacTG-CGTCTTGGTTCAc 3' Energy: -23.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4776-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -23.61 2 17 28414 28434 15 73.33% 93.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4776-5p NC_045512.2 875.00 -133.76 151.00 -26.75 1178 22 29903 29089 5033 6625 26451 10397 28414 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1227-3p MIMAT0005580(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1227-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:4171 to 4192 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' gaccccUUUUC--CCACCGUGc 5' |||:| |||||||| Ref: 5' tactaaAAAGGCTGGTGGCACt 3' Energy: -16.280001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1227-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -16.28 2 15 4171 4192 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:1284 to 1303 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (68.75%) Query: 3' gacCCCUUUUCCCACCGUGc 5' | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' cttGCGAATTTTGTGGCACt 3' Energy: -12.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1227-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.32 2 18 1284 1303 16 68.75% 68.75% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1227-3p NC_045512.2 298.00 -28.60 153.00 -16.28 1179 20 29903 4171 1284 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-659-3p MIMAT0003337(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-659-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:24302 to 24323 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (80.00%) Query: 3' accccuGGGAGGGACUUGGUUc 5' |:|| : ||||||| Ref: 5' aatgttCTCTATGAGAACCAAa 3' Energy: -14.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-659-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.90 2 17 24302 24323 15 66.67% 80.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:24879 to 24900 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' accCCUGGGAGGGACUUGGUuc 5' ||| ::|:: ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaGGAATTTTTATGAACCAca 3' Energy: -15.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-659-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.69 3 20 24879 24900 17 64.71% 88.24% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:22438 to 22461 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' acccCUGGGAGGGA--CUUGGUUc 5' |||||||:|| ||| ||| Ref: 5' acttGACCCTCTCTCAGAAACAAa 3' Energy: -20.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-659-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.53 2 19 22438 22461 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:26159 to 26180 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' accccugggagggaCUUGGUUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaatccagtaatgGAACCAAt 3' Energy: -12.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-659-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.60 2 9 26159 26180 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-659-3p NC_045512.2 572.00 -63.72 148.00 -20.53 1180 22 29903 24302 24879 22438 26159 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-92a-2-5p MIMAT0004508(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-92a-2-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15260 to 15281 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (89.47%) Query: 3' caUUACGUUGUUUAGGGGUGGg 5' :|||:|: ||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' gtGATGTAGAAAACCCTCACCt 3' Energy: -24.280001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-92a-2-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -24.28 2 21 15260 15281 19 68.42% 89.47% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:29347 to 29368 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cauUACGUUGUUUAGGGGUGGg 5' || ||| | ||:|||||| Ref: 5' cgcATACAAAACATTCCCACCa 3' Energy: -20.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-92a-2-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -20.78 2 20 29347 29368 18 77.78% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-92a-2-5p NC_045512.2 311.00 -45.06 156.00 -24.28 1181 22 29903 15260 29347 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6813-5p MIMAT0027526(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6813-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:21891 to 21913 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ucUUGGACUUUGGGGUCGGGGAc 5' :|:: |||: |||||:|||| Ref: 5' taGATTCGAAGACCCAGTCCCTa 3' Energy: -28.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6813-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -28.85 2 22 21891 21913 20 65.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:25683 to 25705 Align Len (17) (58.82%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ucuugGACUUUGGGGUCGGGGAc 5' |||: :: ||||||| Ref: 5' tgctgCTGGCCTTGAAGCCCCTt 3' Energy: -21.969999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6813-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -21.97 2 19 25683 25705 17 58.82% 76.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6813-5p NC_045512.2 303.00 -50.82 157.00 -28.85 1182 23 29903 21891 25683 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1256 MIMAT0005907(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1256 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17383 to 17404 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ucGAUCACUCUUCAGUUACGGa 5' :| | | | ||||||||| Ref: 5' gaTTTGAGTGTTGTCAATGCCa 3' Energy: -19.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1256 NC_045512.2 156.00 -19.64 2 21 17383 17404 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12340 to 12364 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ucGAUCAC--U-CUUCAGUUACGGa 5' |||||| | | || ||||||: Ref: 5' taCTAGTGCTATGCAGACAATGCTt 3' Energy: -19.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1256 NC_045512.2 146.00 -19.23 2 21 12340 12364 22 72.73% 77.27% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:3491 to 3512 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucgaucacucuucaGUUACGGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aataaggctactaaCAATGCCa 3' Energy: -11.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1256 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.39 2 9 3491 3512 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4591 to 4612 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucgaucacucuucaGUUACGGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgaaactcttgttaCAATGCCa 3' Energy: -10.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1256 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.45 2 9 4591 4612 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1256 NC_045512.2 582.00 -60.71 156.00 -19.64 1183 22 29903 17383 12340 3491 4591 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-105-5p MIMAT0000102(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-105-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:19764 to 19787 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' ugguguccucagAC-UCGUAAACu 5' || |||||||| Ref: 5' attacctgttaaTGTAGCATTTGa 3' Energy: -17.549999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-105-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.55 2 12 19764 19787 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:1853 to 1875 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ugguguccucAGACUCGUAAACu 5' |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctgagtcctcTTTATGCATTTGc 3' Energy: -12.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-105-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.55 2 14 1853 1875 12 75.00% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-105-5p NC_045512.2 291.00 -30.10 146.00 -17.55 1184 23 29903 19764 1853 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4755-3p MIMAT0019896(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4755-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8858 to 8879 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (64.71%) Query: 3' ugaaAGGGAAGUCUCGGACCGa 5' | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtcgTGCCTGGTTTGCCTGGCa 3' Energy: -19.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4755-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.14 2 19 8858 8879 17 64.71% 64.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4755-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.14 142.00 -19.14 1185 22 29903 8858 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-640 MIMAT0003310(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-640 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:26732 to 26752 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucuccguccaagGACCUAGUa 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' ttacagaataaaTTGGATCAc 3' Energy: -14.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-640 NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.51 2 10 26732 26752 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:13199 to 13219 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucuccguccaaggACCUAGUa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ccggaagccaataTGGATCAa 3' Energy: -13.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-640 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.10 2 9 13199 13219 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-640 NC_045512.2 281.00 -27.61 141.00 -14.51 1186 21 29903 26732 13199 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-199a-3p MIMAT0000232(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-199a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3314 to 3336 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' auUGGUU-ACACGUCUGAUGACa 5' ||||: ||| |||||||:|| Ref: 5' acACCAGTTGTTCAGACTATTGa 3' Energy: -24.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-199a-3p NC_045512.2 163.00 -24.98 2 21 3314 3336 20 80.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:23262 to 23283 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' auugGUUAC-ACGUCUGAUGACa 5' || || || | ||||||| Ref: 5' gagaCATTGCTG-ACACTACTGa 3' Energy: -13.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-199a-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -13.38 2 19 23262 23283 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7525 to 7545 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' auuGGUUACACGUCUGAUGACa 5' | ||||| || ||||:|| Ref: 5' agtCGAATGTACA-ACTATTGt 3' Energy: -16.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-199a-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -16.24 2 20 7525 7545 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:26355 to 26376 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' auugguUACACGUCUGAUGACa 5' :|||||: |||:||| Ref: 5' tcgattGTGTGCGTACTGCTGc 3' Energy: -20.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-199a-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -20.79 2 17 26355 26376 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4179 to 4197 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' auUGGUUACACGUCUGAUGACa 5' :|:::|| || ||||||| Ref: 5' agGCTGGTG-GC--ACTACTGa 3' Energy: -17.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-199a-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.09 2 21 4179 4197 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25841 to 25863 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' auUGGUU-ACACGUCUGAUGACa 5' ||:|| ||| |||||:|| Ref: 5' atACTAATTGTTACGACTATTGt 3' Energy: -17.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-199a-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.44 2 21 25841 25863 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:8488 to 8508 Align Len (14) (92.86%) (92.86%) Query: 3' auugguUACACGUCUGAUGAca 5' ||||||| |||||| Ref: 5' gttgacATGTGCA-ACTACTag 3' Energy: -17.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-199a-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.62 3 17 8488 8508 14 92.86% 92.86% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11964 to 11982 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' auUGGUUACACGUCUGAUGACa 5' :|:|| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' taGCTAAAG---ATACTACTGa 3' Energy: -12.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-199a-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.33 2 21 11964 11982 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7083 to 7101 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' auUGGUUACACGUCUGAUGACa 5' ||:||||| | ||||:|| Ref: 5' ctACTAATGT-C--ACTATTGc 3' Energy: -15.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-199a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.21 2 21 7083 7101 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:937 to 958 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' auugguuaCACGUCUGAUGACa 5' |||:| |||:||| Ref: 5' taagagggGTGTATACTGCTGc 3' Energy: -16.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-199a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.90 2 15 937 958 13 76.92% 92.31% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-199a-3p NC_045512.2 1480.00 -171.98 163.00 -24.98 1187 22 29903 3314 23262 7525 26355 4179 25841 8488 11964 7083 937 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1224-3p MIMAT0005459(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1224-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-12129 MIMAT0049023(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-12129 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 173.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28095 to 28115 Align Len (18) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cagACUGGGUCAAGUCAUGUAg 5' | ||||| |||||||||| Ref: 5' aaaTCACCCA-TTCAGTACATc 3' Energy: -25.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12129 NC_045512.2 173.00 -25.48 2 20 28095 28115 18 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7314 to 7337 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' caGACUGGGUCAA--GUCAUGUAg 5' :| | |:| || |||||||| Ref: 5' ttTTCAGCTATTTTGCAGTACATt 3' Energy: -14.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12129 NC_045512.2 155.00 -14.15 2 21 7314 7337 21 66.67% 76.19% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7637 to 7656 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' caGACUGGGUCAAGUCAUGUAg 5' ||| |::|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttCTGTGCTGGT--AGTACATt 3' Energy: -17.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12129 NC_045512.2 153.00 -17.30 2 21 7637 7656 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:848 to 868 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' caGACUGGGUCAAGUCAUGUAg 5' || |||| || |||:||| Ref: 5' ggCT-ACCCTCTTGAGTGCATt 3' Energy: -19.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12129 NC_045512.2 146.00 -19.30 2 21 848 868 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:26036 to 26057 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' cagacUGGGUCAAGUCAUGUag 5' ||:|| || |||||| Ref: 5' actcaACTCAATTGAGTACAga 3' Energy: -14.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12129 NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.89 3 18 26036 26057 15 80.00% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-12129 NC_045512.2 772.00 -91.12 173.00 -25.48 1189 22 29903 28095 7314 7637 848 26036 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-30d-3p MIMAT0004551(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-30d-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 175.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16600 to 16622 Align Len (20) (85.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' cgUCGUUUGUAGAC-UGACUUUc 5' ||| |||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttAGCTAACACCTGTACTGAAAg 3' Energy: -24.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30d-3p NC_045512.2 175.00 -24.23 2 21 16600 16622 20 85.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22956 to 22977 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' cgUCGUUUGUAGA-CUGACUUUc 5' || |:|:||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' agAG-AGATATTTCAACTGAAAt 3' Energy: -12.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30d-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -12.33 2 21 22956 22977 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15826 to 15848 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' cgUCG-UUUGUAGACUGACUUUc 5' ||| |||::|: ||||||:| Ref: 5' gaAGCAAAATGTTGGACTGAGAc 3' Energy: -17.559999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30d-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -17.56 2 21 15826 15848 20 70.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19939 to 19961 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cgUC-GUUUGUAGACUGACUUUc 5' || |||: | | ||||||| Ref: 5' atAGCCAAGAAACCAACTGAAAc 3' Energy: -11.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30d-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -11.71 2 21 19939 19961 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:4755 to 4776 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (93.75%) Query: 3' cgucgUUUGUAGACUGACUUUc 5' :|||||:| |:||||| Ref: 5' ctgaaGAACATTTTATTGAAAc 3' Energy: -12.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30d-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -12.30 2 18 4755 4776 16 75.00% 93.75% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3898 to 3918 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cgUCGUUUGUAGACUGACUUUc 5' ||| |: | | ||||||| Ref: 5' taAGC-CATTTATAACTGAAAg 3' Energy: -15.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30d-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.20 2 21 3898 3918 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:4181 to 4200 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' cgucguUUGUAGACUGACUUUc 5' ::|| || ||||||| Ref: 5' gctggtGGCA-CT-ACTGAAAt 3' Energy: -10.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30d-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -10.76 2 17 4181 4200 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11963 to 11985 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (80.95%) Query: 3' cgUCG-UUUGUA-GACUGACUUUc 5' ||| ||| || || ||||||: Ref: 5' ttAGCTAAAGATACT-ACTGAAGc 3' Energy: -14.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30d-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.25 2 21 11963 11985 21 76.19% 80.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:17874 to 17891 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' cgucGUUUGUAGACUGACUUUc 5' ||||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' cactCAAAC--C--ACTGAAAc 3' Energy: -9.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30d-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.86 2 19 17874 17891 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15153 to 15172 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgUCGUUUGUAGACUGACUUUc 5' | |||| ||: |:||||| Ref: 5' tcATCAAAAATT--ATTGAAAt 3' Energy: -7.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30d-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -7.45 2 21 15153 15172 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:25946 to 25967 Align Len (12) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgucguuugUAGACUGACUUUc 5' :|: ||||||| Ref: 5' agattggtgGTTATACTGAAAa 3' Energy: -8.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30d-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -8.49 2 14 25946 25967 12 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-30d-3p NC_045512.2 1659.00 -144.14 175.00 -24.23 1190 22 29903 16600 22956 15826 19939 4755 3898 4181 11963 17874 15153 25946 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-32-3p MIMAT0004505(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-32-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:18117 to 18138 Align Len (10) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuuauagugugUGUGAUUUAAc 5' |||||||||| Ref: 5' cctcagtgttgACACTAAATTc 3' Energy: -11.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-32-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -11.29 2 12 18117 18138 10 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11907 to 11926 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uuuaUAGUGUGUGUGAUUUAAc 5' ||||: ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' tagaATCAT-CAT-CTAAATTg 3' Energy: -15.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-32-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -15.53 2 19 11907 11926 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22704 to 22723 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uuUAUAGUGUGUGUGAUUUAAc 5' :|:|| | | :|||||||| Ref: 5' gaGTGTCTC-C-TACTAAATTa 3' Energy: -12.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-32-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -12.59 2 21 22704 22723 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4618 to 4641 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uuUAUAGUGUGUGU--GAUUUAAc 5' ||:| |||||:: :|||||| Ref: 5' ctATGTAACACATGGCTTAAATTt 3' Energy: -10.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-32-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -10.85 2 21 4618 4641 21 66.67% 85.71% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28158 to 28178 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uuuAUAGUGUGUGUGAUUUAAc 5' |: || : || ||||||| Ref: 5' aatTGCCAGGAAC-CTAAATTg 3' Energy: -11.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-32-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -11.16 2 20 28158 28178 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:6199 to 6220 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (72.22%) Query: 3' uuuAUAGUGUGUGUGAUUUAAc 5' || | | : :||||||| Ref: 5' tttTAAGAAAGGAGCTAAATTg 3' Energy: -8.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-32-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -8.91 2 20 6199 6220 18 61.11% 72.22% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:11773 to 11797 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuuauAGUGUG---UGUGAUUUAAc 5' ||| || |||:|||||| Ref: 5' tgcctTCAAACTCAACATTAAATTg 3' Energy: -13.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-32-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.68 2 18 11773 11797 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:12960 to 12981 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uuuaUAGUGUGUGUGAUUUAac 5' ||:| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' aaggATTAAACAACCTAAATag 3' Energy: -8.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-32-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.34 3 19 12960 12981 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:13563 to 13584 Align Len (9) (77.78%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuuauaguguguGUGAUUUAAc 5' ::||||||| Ref: 5' agtagctggtttTGCTAAATTc 3' Energy: -4.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-32-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -4.30 2 11 13563 13584 9 77.78% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16337 to 16359 Align Len (21) (85.71%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uuUAUAGUGUGU-GUG-AUUUAAc 5' |||||| ||| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' tcATATCA-ACATCACATAAATTa 3' Energy: -13.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-32-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.10 2 21 16337 16359 21 85.71% 85.71% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12832 to 12853 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuUAUAGUGUGUGUGAUUUAAc 5' || | | |:: :|||:||| Ref: 5' ggATTTGAAATGGGCTAGATTc 3' Energy: -5.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-32-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.54 2 21 12832 12853 19 57.89% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-32-3p NC_045512.2 1617.00 -115.29 155.00 -15.53 1191 22 29903 18117 11907 22704 4618 28158 6199 11773 12960 13563 16337 12832 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1307-5p MIMAT0022727(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1307-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4500 MIMAT0019036(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4500 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:9851 to 9867 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uucuuUGAUGAUGGAGu 5' :|||:|||||| Ref: 5' gatgtGCTATTACCTCt 3' Energy: -15.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4500 NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.75 2 13 9851 9867 11 81.82% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4500 NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.75 140.00 -15.75 1193 17 29903 9851 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4273 MIMAT0016903(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4273 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-525-3p MIMAT0002839(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-525-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-708-5p MIMAT0004926(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-708-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:14113 to 14137 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (81.82%) Query: 3' ggGU-CGAUCUAACA-UUCGAGGAa 5' || || ||:| || :||:|||| Ref: 5' acCACGCCAGGTAGTGGAGTTCCTg 3' Energy: -22.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-708-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -22.33 2 22 14113 14137 22 68.18% 81.82% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:26550 to 26573 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gggucgaUCUAA-CAUUCGAGGAa 5' || || |||||||| Ref: 5' gttgaagAGCTTAAAAAGCTCCTt 3' Energy: -16.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-708-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.82 2 17 26550 26573 16 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:9874 to 9896 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' gggucgAUCUAACAUUCGAGGAa 5' ||||| | |||||:| Ref: 5' atataaTAGATACTTAGCTCTTt 3' Energy: -14.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-708-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.47 2 18 9874 9896 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:3990 to 4012 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' ggGUCGAUCUAACAUUCGAGGAa 5' | | ||| ||||:|||| Ref: 5' ctCTGGAAGAAACTAAGTTCCTc 3' Energy: -17.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-708-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.78 2 22 3990 4012 20 65.00% 70.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-708-5p NC_045512.2 580.00 -71.40 147.00 -22.33 1196 23 29903 14113 26550 9874 3990 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-488-3p MIMAT0004763(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-488-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:1198 to 1220 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cugGUU-CUUUAU-CGGAAAGUu 5' ||| ||||: |||||||| Ref: 5' atgCAACCAAATGTGCCTTTCAa 3' Energy: -18.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-488-3p NC_045512.2 160.00 -18.50 2 19 1198 1220 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24489 to 24509 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cuGGUUCUUUAUCGGAAAGUu 5' ::|| :||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTTAAATGATATCCTTTCAc 3' Energy: -11.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-488-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -11.25 2 20 24489 24509 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14643 to 14664 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cuGGUUCUU-UAUCGGAAAGUu 5' |:|| || :| ||:||||| Ref: 5' taCTAACAATGTTGCTTTTCAa 3' Energy: -12.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-488-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.90 2 20 14643 14664 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16714 to 16735 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cuGGUUCUUUAU-CGGAAAGUu 5' | :|||| || :|||||| Ref: 5' gaCAGAGAATTACATCTTTCAt 3' Energy: -13.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-488-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.27 2 20 16714 16735 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:12349 to 12369 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cugguUCU-UUAUCGGAAAGUu 5' ||| ||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' tatgcAGACAAT-GCTTTTCAc 3' Energy: -11.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-488-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.66 2 17 12349 12369 16 81.25% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-488-3p NC_045512.2 748.00 -67.58 160.00 -18.50 1197 21 29903 1198 24489 14643 16714 12349 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-2467-3p MIMAT0019953(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-2467-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4466 MIMAT0018993(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4466 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6764-5p MIMAT0027428(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6764-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548y MIMAT0018354(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548y vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2719 to 2740 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGUCACUAAUGAAAa 5' || |||| |:||||||| Ref: 5' tgCACCAACAAAGGTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -16.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548y NC_045512.2 164.00 -16.11 2 21 2719 2740 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4012 to 4032 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGUCACUAAUGAAAa 5' ||:||| | | :||||||| Ref: 5' caCAGAAA-ACTTGTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -11.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548y NC_045512.2 162.00 -11.04 2 21 4012 4032 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25795 to 25814 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGUCACUAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| |||||||| Ref: 5' tcCAAAAAC--CCATTACTTTa 3' Energy: -11.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548y NC_045512.2 161.00 -11.36 2 21 25795 25814 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:5449 to 5471 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ccgUUUUUGUCACU-AAUGAAaa 5' |:||||| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' tagAGAAACAATGAGTTACTTgt 3' Energy: -12.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548y NC_045512.2 154.00 -12.50 3 20 5449 5471 18 83.33% 88.89% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21818 to 21839 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (89.47%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGUCACUAAUGAAAa 5' :|| :|::||| |||:||| Ref: 5' ttTAATGATGGTGTTTATTTTg 3' Energy: -8.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548y NC_045512.2 152.00 -8.82 2 21 21818 21839 19 63.16% 89.47% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10947 to 10969 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ccGUU-UUUGUCACUAAUGAAAa 5' ||| : ||| :||||||| Ref: 5' gaCAATGCTCAGGTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -12.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548y NC_045512.2 151.00 -12.27 2 21 10947 10969 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16891 to 16912 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ccgUUUUUGUCACUAAUGAAAa 5' || : ::|||||||:||| Ref: 5' ttaAATGTTGGTGATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -11.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548y NC_045512.2 151.00 -11.77 2 20 16891 16912 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:5804 to 5826 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGUCAC-UAAUGAAaa 5' || |:||:||| |||||| Ref: 5' tgCATAGACGGTGCTTTACTTac 3' Energy: -17.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548y NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.86 3 21 5804 5826 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:11627 to 11648 Align Len (14) (64.29%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ccguuuuUGUCACUAAUGAAAa 5' ::| | :||||||| Ref: 5' tatttttGTACTTGTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -4.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548y NC_045512.2 147.00 -4.74 2 16 11627 11648 14 64.29% 85.71% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22142 to 22166 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (81.82%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGUCACU---AAUGAAAa 5' :||:||:| ||| |||:||| Ref: 5' ttTAAGAATATTGATGGTTATTTTa 3' Energy: -11.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548y NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.12 2 21 22142 22166 22 63.64% 81.82% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:23012 to 23033 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (84.62%) Query: 3' ccguuuuuGUCACUAAUGAAAa 5' :| | :||||||| Ref: 5' gaaggtttTAATTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -7.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548y NC_045512.2 146.00 -7.65 2 15 23012 23033 13 69.23% 84.62% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27159 to 27179 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGUCACUAAUGAAAa 5' ||: :||| | |||:|||| Ref: 5' agCAGTGACAAT-ATTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -12.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548y NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.75 2 21 27159 27179 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:13630 to 13651 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ccguuUUUGUCACUAAUGAAAa 5' || :: | ||||||| Ref: 5' aatttAATTGATTCTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -4.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548y NC_045512.2 145.00 -4.29 2 18 13630 13651 16 62.50% 75.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20177 to 20203 Align Len (24) (66.67%) (70.83%) Query: 3' ccGUU-UUUGU-CACU---AAUGAAAa 5' ||| || :| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tcCAACAATTACCTGAAACTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -8.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548y NC_045512.2 145.00 -8.73 2 21 20177 20203 24 66.67% 70.83% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1675 to 1696 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccgUUUUUGUCACUAAUGAAAa 5' |:|:|: | ||||:||| Ref: 5' tgaAGAGATCGCCATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -5.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548y NC_045512.2 143.00 -5.93 2 20 1675 1696 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16578 to 16600 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUG-UCACUAAUGAAAa 5' |||| :| :|||||||| || Ref: 5' gaCAAATGCTGGTGATTACATTt 3' Energy: -15.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548y NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.99 2 21 16578 16600 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:4517 to 4538 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (76.92%) Query: 3' ccguuuuuGUCACUAAUGAAAa 5' :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' tatggtgcTAGATTTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -8.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548y NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.29 2 15 4517 4538 13 69.23% 76.92% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:14641 to 14661 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ccguuuUUGUCACUAAUGAAAa 5' |||| || ||:|||| Ref: 5' cttactAACAATG-TTGCTTTt 3' Energy: -9.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548y NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.79 2 17 14641 14661 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27547 to 27571 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ccGUUU--UUGUCACU-AAUGAAAa 5' |||| :|| ||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' aaCAAATTTGCACTGACTTGCTTTa 3' Energy: -11.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548y NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.61 2 21 27547 27571 22 68.18% 77.27% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:1325 to 1346 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGUCACUAAUGAAaa 5' || | : |||:|||||| Ref: 5' gcCACTACTTGTGGTTACTTac 3' Energy: -12.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548y NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.41 3 21 1325 1346 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6769 to 6790 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccguuuuugucacuAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tatgccttatttctTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -3.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548y NC_045512.2 140.00 -3.17 2 9 6769 6790 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:7760 to 7781 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccguuuuugucacuAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ggttccatccatctTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -5.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548y NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.28 2 9 7760 7781 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:25884 to 25905 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ccguuuUUGUCACUAAUGAAaa 5' ||: || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttcttcAATTGTCATTACTTca 3' Energy: -6.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548y NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.76 3 17 25884 25905 14 78.57% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548y NC_045512.2 3390.00 -230.24 164.00 -17.86 1201 22 29903 2719 4012 25795 5449 21818 10947 16891 5804 11627 22142 23012 27159 13630 20177 1675 16578 4517 14641 27547 1325 6769 7760 25884 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3928-5p MIMAT0027037(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3928-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24604 to 24625 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cgucCGCCUUGGAAUCUCGAAGu 5' || ||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' agctGCAGAA-ATCAGAGCTTCt 3' Energy: -17.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3928-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -17.26 2 20 24604 24625 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:27052 to 27074 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' cguccgccUUGGAAUCUCGAAGu 5' || :| :||||||| Ref: 5' cttattacAAATTGGGAGCTTCg 3' Energy: -15.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3928-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -15.46 2 16 27052 27074 14 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:2167 to 2190 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cguccgCCUUGGA-AUCUCGAAGu 5' |||| | |||||:||| Ref: 5' gtttaaGGAAGGTGTAGAGTTTCt 3' Energy: -17.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3928-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.17 2 18 2167 2190 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19771 to 19793 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cguccGCCUUGGAAUCUCGAAGu 5' :| |:| || ||||||: Ref: 5' gttaaTGTAGCATTTGAGCTTTg 3' Energy: -11.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3928-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.07 2 19 19771 19793 17 64.71% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3928-5p NC_045512.2 594.00 -60.96 157.00 -17.26 1202 23 29903 24604 27052 2167 19771 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3914 MIMAT0018188(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3914 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 179.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4776 to 4797 Align Len (18) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ugaAGAGUAAAAGACCAAGGAa 5' ||||| || ||||||||| Ref: 5' ccaTCTCACTTGCTGGTTCCTa 3' Energy: -23.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3914 NC_045512.2 179.00 -23.05 2 20 4776 4797 18 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:9713 to 9736 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ugaagaGUAAA-A-GACCAAGGAa 5' ||||| | :||||||:| Ref: 5' acaaagCATTTCTATTGGTTCTTt 3' Energy: -16.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3914 NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.18 2 17 9713 9736 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:27827 to 27848 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ugAAGAGUAAAAGACCAAGGaa 5' || |:|| ||:||||||: Ref: 5' gcTTATTATCTTTTGGTTCTca 3' Energy: -16.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3914 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.39 3 21 27827 27848 18 72.22% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3914 NC_045512.2 461.00 -55.62 179.00 -23.05 1203 22 29903 4776 9713 27827 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-34a-5p MIMAT0000255(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-34a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3589 to 3609 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ugUUGGUCGAUUCUGUGACGGu 5' | |: ||||| ||||||:| Ref: 5' caATCTTGCTAA-ACACTGTCt 3' Energy: -21.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-34a-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -21.93 2 21 3589 3609 19 73.68% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-34a-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -21.93 150.00 -21.93 1204 22 29903 3589 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-711 MIMAT0012734(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-711 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-335-5p MIMAT0000765(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-335-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:21524 to 21545 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugUAAAAAGCAAUAACGAGAACu 5' |||| | || | ||:||||| Ref: 5' ttATTTCTAGTGA-TGTTCTTGt 3' Energy: -13.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-335-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -13.23 2 22 21524 21545 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:28910 to 28932 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uguaaaaaGCAAUAACGAGAACu 5' :| |: |||||||| Ref: 5' aatggcggTGATGCTGCTCTTGc 3' Energy: -14.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-335-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.99 2 16 28910 28932 14 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13060 to 13083 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uguaAAAAGCAAUA-ACGAGAACu 5' || || || | ||||:||| Ref: 5' tgtaTTATCTTTCTGTGCTTTTGc 3' Energy: -11.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-335-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.29 2 20 13060 13083 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:11115 to 11139 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ugUAA-AAAGCAAUA-ACGAGAACu 5' ||| || | |:| ||||:||| Ref: 5' gtATTATTGCTATGTCTGCTTTTGc 3' Energy: -10.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-335-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.99 2 22 11115 11139 22 68.18% 77.27% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11176 to 11199 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uguaAAAAGCAAU-AACGAGAACu 5' ||||:|||| | |||||| Ref: 5' tttgTTTTTGTTACCTTCTCTTGc 3' Energy: -14.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-335-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.83 2 20 11176 11199 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:21127 to 21149 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uguaaaaagcaauAACGAGAACu 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' atacaacaaaagcTAGCTCTTGg 3' Energy: -12.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-335-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.94 2 11 21127 21149 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:25290 to 25312 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' uguaaaaagCAAUAACGAGAACu 5' | |:|||:||||| Ref: 5' gtctcaaggGCTGTTGTTCTTGt 3' Energy: -13.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-335-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.89 2 15 25290 25312 13 76.92% 92.31% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-335-5p NC_045512.2 1017.00 -92.16 151.00 -14.99 1206 23 29903 21524 28910 13060 11115 11176 21127 25290 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5588-3p MIMAT0022296(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5588-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:14230 to 14249 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (92.86%) Query: 3' cgaccGUAA-UCACCCUGAa 5' |||| |||||||:| Ref: 5' ccttaCATTAAGTGGGATTt 3' Energy: -19.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5588-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.49 2 15 14230 14249 14 85.71% 92.86% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:17803 to 17820 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgaccgUAAUCACCCUGAa 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tcaaagATT-TTGGGACTa 3' Energy: -10.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5588-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.81 2 14 17803 17820 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:19865 to 19883 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgaccguaaucACCCUGAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atactgtgatcTGGGACTa 3' Energy: -14.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5588-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.66 2 9 19865 19883 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5588-3p NC_045512.2 428.00 -44.96 145.00 -19.49 1207 19 29903 14230 17803 19865 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6848-3p MIMAT0027597(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6848-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6769a-5p MIMAT0027438(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6769a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:23690 to 23711 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ucccGAGGA-GGUAUGGGUGga 5' || :| |||||||||| Ref: 5' aactCTATTGCCATACCCACaa 3' Energy: -24.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6769a-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -24.88 3 18 23690 23711 16 81.25% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6769a-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -24.88 144.00 -24.88 1209 21 29903 23690 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5091 MIMAT0021083(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5091 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13363 to 13386 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gucGUGUCAGA-ACAGCAGAGGCa 5' |||||||| | ||||| || Ref: 5' aaaCACAGTCTGTACCGTCTGCGg 3' Energy: -27.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5091 NC_045512.2 143.00 -27.81 2 21 13363 13386 20 80.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5091 NC_045512.2 143.00 -27.81 143.00 -27.81 1210 23 29903 13363 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-99b-3p MIMAT0004678(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-99b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:693 to 713 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gcCUGGGUGUCUGUGCUCGAAc 5' |||::| :| |||||||| Ref: 5' ttGACTTA-GGCGACGAGCTTg 3' Energy: -25.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-99b-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -25.50 2 21 693 713 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:777 to 797 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gcCUGGGUGUCUGUGCUCGAAc 5' || |: || :|::|||||| Ref: 5' gtGAACT-CATGCGTGAGCTTa 3' Energy: -20.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-99b-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -20.04 2 21 777 797 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12675 to 12698 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gccUGGGUGUCU--GUGCUCGAAc 5' | ::||||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' tcaAATTACAGAATAATGAGCTTa 3' Energy: -19.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-99b-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.90 2 20 12675 12698 20 65.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-99b-3p NC_045512.2 442.00 -65.44 158.00 -25.50 1211 22 29903 693 777 12675 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-26a-5p MIMAT0000082(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-26a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20498 to 20520 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucgGAUAG-GACCUAAUGAACUu 5' :|||: | ||||||||| Ref: 5' ctgTTATTGATTTATTACTTGAt 3' Energy: -12.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-26a-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -12.33 2 20 20498 20520 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21378 to 21396 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucGGAUAGGACCUAAUGAACUu 5' |||||:|| |||:|||| Ref: 5' ttCCTATTCT---TTATTTGAc 3' Energy: -16.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-26a-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.51 2 21 21378 21396 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21734 to 21755 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucGGAUAGGACCUAAUGAACUu 5' |:| ||| :|||||||: Ref: 5' ttCTTTTCCAATGTTACTTGGt 3' Energy: -15.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-26a-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.41 2 21 21734 21755 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9582 to 9603 Align Len (18) (55.56%) (72.22%) Query: 3' ucgGAUAGGACCUAAUGAACUu 5' :|||:: ||||||| Ref: 5' ctgTTATTTACTTGTACTTGAc 3' Energy: -10.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-26a-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.52 2 20 9582 9603 18 55.56% 72.22% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-26a-5p NC_045512.2 589.00 -54.77 154.00 -16.51 1212 22 29903 20498 21378 21734 9582 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4793-5p MIMAT0019965(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4793-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:23385 to 23406 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ggaGACGGGACACCUCGUCCUACa 5' |||::|| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgCTGTTCTTT--ATCAGGATGt 3' Energy: -21.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4793-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -21.98 2 22 23385 23406 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:14754 to 14777 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' ggaGACGGGACACCUCGUCCUACa 5' || |:: | | ||||||| Ref: 5' acaCTTCTTCTTTGCTCAGGATGg 3' Energy: -22.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4793-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -22.07 2 22 14754 14777 20 60.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:14493 to 14516 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ggagacgggacaccUCGUCCUACa 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' aggtgttgtacataATCAGGATGt 3' Energy: -17.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4793-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.15 2 11 14493 14516 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:12009 to 12036 Align Len (25) (60.00%) (76.00%) Query: 3' ggAGACGGGAC---ACCU-CGUCCUACa 5' ||||:::|| | | |||||:|| Ref: 5' ttTCTGTTTTGCTTTCCATGCAGGGTGc 3' Energy: -25.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4793-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -25.03 2 23 12009 12036 25 60.00% 76.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4793-5p NC_045512.2 589.00 -86.23 158.00 -25.03 1213 24 29903 23385 14754 14493 12009 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6819-5p MIMAT0027538(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6819-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6747-3p MIMAT0027395(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6747-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:12783 to 12803 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' gaccacGUCUCCUUCCGUCCu 5' || |||:|||:||| Ref: 5' acacaaCAAAGGGAGGTAGGt 3' Energy: -23.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6747-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -23.20 2 16 12783 12803 14 78.57% 92.86% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6747-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -23.20 147.00 -23.20 1215 21 29903 12783 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-190a-5p MIMAT0000458(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-190a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9376 to 9397 Align Len (19) (52.63%) (89.47%) Query: 3' ugGAUUAUAUAGUUUGUAUAGu 5' :|::|: |:::||||||| Ref: 5' taTTGGTGCTTTGGACATATCa 3' Energy: -16.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-190a-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -16.26 2 21 9376 9397 19 52.63% 89.47% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:20305 to 20326 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uggauuauauAGUUUGUAUAGu 5' ||:|||||||| Ref: 5' ggctatgcctTCGAACATATCg 3' Energy: -18.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-190a-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -18.73 2 13 20305 20326 11 90.91% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:5014 to 5037 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uggaUUAUAUAGUU--UGUAUAgu 5' :| ||:|||| |||||| Ref: 5' tgtgGACATGTCAATGACATATgg 3' Energy: -10.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-190a-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.38 3 19 5014 5037 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:13763 to 13785 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uggauUA-UAUAGUUUGUAUAGu 5' || :|| || |:||||| Ref: 5' gtgacATGGTACCACATATATCa 3' Energy: -10.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-190a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.71 2 18 13763 13785 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-190a-5p NC_045512.2 593.00 -56.08 156.00 -18.73 1216 22 29903 9376 20305 5014 13763 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7109-5p MIMAT0028115(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7109-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11739 to 11760 Align Len (19) (84.21%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucGUCCCAGAGGAGGG-GGGUc 5' ||||| || ||||| |||| Ref: 5' caCAGGGACTACTCCCACCCAa 3' Energy: -29.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7109-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -29.90 2 20 11739 11760 19 84.21% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7109-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -29.90 143.00 -29.90 1217 21 29903 11739 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6728-3p MIMAT0027358(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6728-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:28786 to 28806 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' gaccCCUCUCGUCUCGUCUCu 5' | ||| :|||||||| Ref: 5' ctacGCAGAAGGGAGCAGAGg 3' Energy: -19.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6728-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -19.82 2 18 28786 28806 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:27221 to 27241 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gaccCCUCUCGUCUCGUCUCu 5' || | :| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttcaGGTTACTATAGCAGAGa 3' Energy: -15.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6728-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.45 2 18 27221 27241 16 68.75% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6728-3p NC_045512.2 306.00 -35.27 157.00 -19.82 1218 21 29903 28786 27221 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4647 MIMAT0019709(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4647 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13477 to 13498 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' aaggAGUCGUGUCGUGGUAGAAg 5' | ||::|||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' ggtgTAAGTGCAGC-CCGTCTTa 3' Energy: -20.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4647 NC_045512.2 149.00 -20.86 2 20 13477 13498 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:7749 to 7775 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' aaggagUCGUGUC---GU-GGUAGAAg 5' || |::| || ||||||| Ref: 5' cagtgaAGAATGGTTCCATCCATCTTt 3' Energy: -16.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4647 NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.43 2 18 7749 7775 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:10773 to 10796 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (76.19%) Query: 3' aaGGAG-UCGUGUCGUGGUAGAAg 5' |||| | |||| ||||| || Ref: 5' aaCCTCTAACACAAGACCATGTTg 3' Energy: -20.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4647 NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.23 2 22 10773 10796 21 76.19% 76.19% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4647 NC_045512.2 432.00 -57.52 149.00 -20.86 1219 23 29903 13477 7749 10773 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3674 MIMAT0018097(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3674 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:26611 to 26631 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ccggUUAGAAUCCAAGAUGUUa 5' :|| ||: |||||||| Ref: 5' catgGAT-TTGTCTTCTACAAt 3' Energy: -11.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3674 NC_045512.2 152.00 -11.95 2 19 26611 26631 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5854 to 5872 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ccGGUUAGAAUCCAAGAUGUUa 5' | :|| || |||||||| Ref: 5' taCGGATGTT---TTCTACAAa 3' Energy: -9.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3674 NC_045512.2 148.00 -9.73 2 21 5854 5872 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:13536 to 13557 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccgguuAGAAUCCAAGAUGUUa 5' |:||: ||||||| Ref: 5' cagggcTTTTGACATCTACAAt 3' Energy: -13.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3674 NC_045512.2 148.00 -13.99 2 17 13536 13557 15 66.67% 80.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 16 R:11697 to 11718 Align Len (13) (92.31%) (92.31%) Query: 3' ccgguuaGAAUCCAAGAUGUua 5' ||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' atgattaCTTAGTTTCTACAca 3' Energy: -14.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3674 NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.13 3 16 11697 11718 13 92.31% 92.31% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5332 to 5354 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' ccGGUUA-GAAUCCAAGAUGUUa 5' ::||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtTTAATCCACCTGCTCTACAAg 3' Energy: -9.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3674 NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.88 2 21 5332 5354 20 60.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:13005 to 13025 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccgguuagaAUCCAAGAUGUUa 5' || | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctgccacagTACG-TCTACAAg 3' Energy: -11.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3674 NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.94 2 14 13005 13025 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28136 to 28156 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccGGUUAGAAUCCAAGAUGUUa 5' || :| ||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' ttCCTGT-TTACCTTTTACAAt 3' Energy: -11.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3674 NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.85 2 21 28136 28156 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:26075 to 26094 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (73.33%) Query: 3' ccgguuAGAAUCCAAGAUGUUa 5' |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttacctTCTT--CATCTACAAt 3' Energy: -13.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3674 NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.61 2 17 26075 26094 15 73.33% 73.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4962 to 4983 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccgGUUAGAAUCCA-AGAUGUUa 5' | || | |||| |:||||| Ref: 5' ggaCTAT-TAAGGTGTTTACAAc 3' Energy: -10.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3674 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.96 2 20 4962 4983 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:19553 to 19575 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ccgguUAGAAU-CCAAGAUGUUa 5' | |||: || |:||||| Ref: 5' gctttAGCTTGTGGGTTTACAAa 3' Energy: -12.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3674 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.27 2 18 19553 19575 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3674 NC_045512.2 1444.00 -120.31 152.00 -14.13 1220 22 29903 26611 5854 13536 11697 5332 13005 28136 26075 4962 19553 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3165 MIMAT0015039(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3165 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5323 to 5344 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' acUCCAGUGUAACGUAGGUGGa 5' || | | :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' agAGTTGAAGTTTAATCCACCt 3' Energy: -17.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3165 NC_045512.2 156.00 -17.76 2 21 5323 5344 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18403 to 18423 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' acUCCAGUGUAACGUAGGUGGa 5' ||||:|::||| || |||| Ref: 5' acAGGTTATGTTG-ATACACCt 3' Energy: -20.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3165 NC_045512.2 142.00 -20.74 2 21 18403 18423 19 73.68% 89.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3165 NC_045512.2 298.00 -38.50 156.00 -20.74 1221 22 29903 5323 18403 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548c-3p MIMAT0003285(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548c-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:18419 to 18440 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cguuuUCAUUAACUCUAAAAAc 5' | |||| |||||||| Ref: 5' cacctAATAATACAGATTTTTc 3' Energy: -6.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548c-3p NC_045512.2 161.00 -6.60 2 18 18419 18440 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24672 to 24690 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cgUUUUCAUUAACUCUAAAAAc 5' ||||| |:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' caAAAAG-AGTT--GATTTTTg 3' Energy: -12.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548c-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -12.06 2 21 24672 24690 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21861 to 21881 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgUUUUCAUUAACUCUAAAAAc 5' | ||| :: || ||||||| Ref: 5' taATAAGAGGCTG-GATTTTTg 3' Energy: -14.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548c-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -14.27 2 21 21861 21881 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26641 to 26660 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgUUUUCAUUAACUCUAAAAAc 5' || || ||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' ccAACAGGAAT--AGGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -11.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548c-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.80 2 21 26641 26660 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:20506 to 20528 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cguuuUCAUUAACU-CUAAAAac 5' | || |||| |||||| Ref: 5' gatttATTACTTGATGATTTTgt 3' Energy: -5.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548c-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.66 3 18 20506 20528 16 81.25% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548c-3p NC_045512.2 759.00 -50.39 161.00 -14.27 1222 22 29903 18419 24672 21861 26641 20506 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4308 MIMAT0016861(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4308 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:17065 to 17082 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' uucuucUUUGAGGUCCCu 5' | ||||||||| Ref: 5' tattctACACTCCAGGGa 3' Energy: -20.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4308 NC_045512.2 152.00 -20.36 2 13 17065 17082 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:22785 to 22802 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' uucUUCUUUGAGGUCCCu 5' || :|||||||| Ref: 5' gacAAATCGCTCCAGGGc 3' Energy: -17.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4308 NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.61 2 16 22785 22802 14 71.43% 78.57% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4308 NC_045512.2 299.00 -37.97 152.00 -20.36 1223 18 29903 17065 22785 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6731-5p MIMAT0027363(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6731-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3130-3p MIMAT0014994(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3130-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23646 to 23667 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' aaUGGGUCAGAG-GCCACGUCg 5' ||: ||| | :||||||| Ref: 5' acACTATGTCACTTGGTGCAGa 3' Energy: -21.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3130-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -21.46 2 20 23646 23667 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:24214 to 24234 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aaugggucaGAGGCCACGUCg 5' ||::||||||| Ref: 5' tggttggacCTTTGGTGCAGg 3' Energy: -20.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3130-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -20.47 2 13 24214 24234 11 81.82% 100.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23548 to 23568 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (77.78%) Query: 3' aaUGGGUCAGAGGCCACGUCg 5' || :| | ::||||||| Ref: 5' tgACATACCCATTGGTGCAGg 3' Energy: -23.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3130-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -23.88 2 20 23548 23568 18 61.11% 77.78% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20961 to 20981 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' aaUGGGUCAGAGGCCACGUCg 5' ||:: |||||:| ||||| Ref: 5' tgACTTTGTCTCTGATGCAGa 3' Energy: -23.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3130-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -23.22 2 20 20961 20981 18 72.22% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3130-3p NC_045512.2 600.00 -89.03 154.00 -23.88 1225 21 29903 23646 24214 23548 20961 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3666 MIMAT0018088(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3666 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12795 to 12817 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' agCCGU--AGAUGUGAACGUGAc 5' ||:| |:|::||||||||| Ref: 5' gaGGTAGGTTTGTACTTGCACTg 3' Energy: -26.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3666 NC_045512.2 166.00 -26.60 2 20 12795 12817 20 70.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:27542 to 27561 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' agCCGUAGAUGUGAACGUGAc 5' | :| | | |:||||||| Ref: 5' ctGATAAC-AAATTTGCACTg 3' Energy: -15.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3666 NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.03 2 20 27542 27561 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:12737 to 12758 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' agccGUAGAUG-UGAACGUGAc 5' || || :|||||||| Ref: 5' actaCACAAACTGCTTGCACTg 3' Energy: -20.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3666 NC_045512.2 148.00 -20.03 2 18 12737 12758 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:22044 to 22064 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' agccguagaUGUGAACGUGAc 5' |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctagtgcgaATAATTGCACTt 3' Energy: -12.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3666 NC_045512.2 148.00 -12.45 2 13 22044 22064 11 81.82% 90.91% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:25529 to 25548 Align Len (16) (56.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' agccGUAGAUGUGAACGUGAc 5' ::|: :|: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttatTGTTGGCG-TTGCACTt 3' Energy: -17.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3666 NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.23 2 18 25529 25548 16 56.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16073 to 16094 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agCCGUAG-AUGUGAACGUGAc 5' | ::|| | ||:|||:||| Ref: 5' ctGATGTCTTTCATTTGTACTt 3' Energy: -18.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3666 NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.10 2 20 16073 16094 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:12692 to 12712 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' agccguagAUGUGAACGUGAc 5' | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gagcttagTCCTGTTGCACTa 3' Energy: -8.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3666 NC_045512.2 141.00 -8.37 2 14 12692 12712 12 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9582 to 9600 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agCCGUAGAUGUGAACGUGAc 5' | :||:| |||||:||| Ref: 5' ctGTTATTT--ACTTGTACTt 3' Energy: -13.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3666 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.32 2 20 9582 9600 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3666 NC_045512.2 1177.00 -131.13 166.00 -26.60 1226 21 29903 12795 27542 12737 22044 25529 16073 12692 9582 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-122b-5p MIMAT0019876(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-122b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:5203 to 5227 Align Len (16) (87.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' aguuugcgGUAA--UAGUGUGAUUu 5' |||| |||||||||| Ref: 5' catgtcagCATTAAATCACACTAAa 3' Energy: -19.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122b-5p NC_045512.2 162.00 -19.69 2 16 5203 5227 16 87.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:18112 to 18135 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' agUUUGCGGUAAUAG-UGUGAUUu 5' | || :|| |:|: ||||||| Ref: 5' acACACCTCAGTGTTGACACTAAa 3' Energy: -16.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122b-5p NC_045512.2 160.00 -16.33 2 22 18112 18135 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:915 to 940 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' aguUUG--CGGUAAUAG-UGUGAUUu 5' ||| | | ||||: ||||||| Ref: 5' aacAACTGGACTTTATTGACACTAAg 3' Energy: -15.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122b-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -15.61 2 21 915 940 22 72.73% 77.27% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:7844 to 7864 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agUUUGCGGUAAUAGUGUGAUUu 5' :|: ||:| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ctGAGAGCTA--ATAACACTAAa 3' Energy: -12.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122b-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -12.27 2 22 7844 7864 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21630 to 21652 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' aguuUGCGGUAAUAGUGUGAUUu 5' || || | :||||||| Ref: 5' aattACCCCCTGCATACACTAAt 3' Energy: -12.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122b-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -12.06 2 20 21630 21652 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:4860 to 4882 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agUUUGCGGUAAUAGUGUGAUUu 5' ||| |: |||:||||||: Ref: 5' atAAAAGTGTATATTACACTAGt 3' Energy: -16.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122b-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -16.50 2 22 4860 4882 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:13844 to 13868 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (81.82%) Query: 3' agUUUGCGGUAAUA--GUGUGAUUu 5' :|| |: |||:| ||||:||| Ref: 5' atGAAGGTAATTGTGACACATTAAa 3' Energy: -12.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122b-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -12.95 2 22 13844 13868 22 63.64% 81.82% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:735 to 757 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (76.92%) Query: 3' aguuugcggUAAUAGUGUGAUUu 5' | |: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttcaagaaaACTGGAACACTAAa 3' Energy: -13.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122b-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.30 2 15 735 757 13 69.23% 76.92% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-122b-5p NC_045512.2 1224.00 -118.71 162.00 -19.69 1227 23 29903 5203 18112 915 7844 21630 4860 13844 735 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4639-5p MIMAT0019697(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4639-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12615 to 12635 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agUUAGAGUCGGAUGAAUCGUu 5' ||| ||| |: |:|||||| Ref: 5' acAAT-TCACCTAATTTAGCAt 3' Energy: -18.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4639-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -18.60 2 21 12615 12635 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21466 to 21488 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' agUUAGAGUCG-GAUGAAUCGUu 5' :||:|:| | || |||||:| Ref: 5' atGATTTTATCTCTTCTTAGTAa 3' Energy: -13.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4639-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.98 2 21 21466 21488 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 14 R:3773 to 3794 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aguuagaguCGGAUGAAUCGuu 5' |:||||||||| Ref: 5' cgcacaaatGTCTACTTAGCtg 3' Energy: -17.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4639-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.41 3 14 3773 3794 11 90.91% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27216 to 27238 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' agUUAGAGUCGGAUGA-AUCGUu 5' | |:|||| :|||| ||||| Ref: 5' tgACTTTCAGGTTACTATAGCAg 3' Energy: -20.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4639-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.42 2 21 27216 27238 20 75.00% 85.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4639-5p NC_045512.2 578.00 -70.41 150.00 -20.42 1228 22 29903 12615 21466 3773 27216 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1264 MIMAT0005791(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1264 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7783 to 7803 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uugUCCACGAGUUUAUUCUGAAc 5' || || |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' taaAGCTGGTCAA--AAGACTTa 3' Energy: -13.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1264 NC_045512.2 161.00 -13.25 2 21 7783 7803 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:14673 to 14697 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (72.73%) Query: 3' uuGUCCA--CGAGUUUAUUCUGAAc 5' | ||| :|:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' acCCGGTAATTTTAACAAAGACTTc 3' Energy: -10.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1264 NC_045512.2 152.00 -10.24 2 22 14673 14697 22 63.64% 72.73% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:28195 to 28217 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uuguccaCGAGUUUAUUCUGAAc 5' |:|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gttgttcGTTCTATGAAGACTTt 3' Energy: -12.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1264 NC_045512.2 152.00 -12.35 2 17 28195 28217 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:3478 to 3501 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uuGUCCAC-GAGUUUAUUCUGAac 5' |||| | ||:|||||||:|| Ref: 5' tgCAGGAGCCTTAAATAAGGCTac 3' Energy: -22.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1264 NC_045512.2 148.00 -22.50 3 22 3478 3501 20 80.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:19596 to 19618 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' uuguccacGAGUUUAUUCUGAAc 5' ||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctggaacaCTTTTACAAGACTTc 3' Energy: -9.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1264 NC_045512.2 147.00 -9.16 2 16 19596 19618 14 71.43% 78.57% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:14243 to 14265 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uuguccACGAGUUUAUUCUGAAc 5' ||:| ||||| ||||| Ref: 5' gggattTGTTAAAATATGACTTc 3' Energy: -11.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1264 NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.12 2 18 14243 14265 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22363 to 22386 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uuguccACGAGUU-UAUUCUGAAc 5' | :|||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' gggttaTCTTCAACCTAGGACTTt 3' Energy: -13.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1264 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.34 2 18 22363 22386 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1264 NC_045512.2 1041.00 -91.96 161.00 -22.50 1229 23 29903 7783 14673 28195 3478 19596 14243 22363 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-297 MIMAT0004450(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-297 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20999 to 21019 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (88.89%) Query: 3' guACGUGUACGUGUGUAUGUa 5' ||::|| :::||||||| Ref: 5' atTGTGCAACTGTACATACAg 3' Energy: -14.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-297 NC_045512.2 159.00 -14.63 2 20 20999 21019 18 61.11% 88.89% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15352 to 15370 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' guACGUGUACGUGUGUAUGUa 5' ||| | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctTGCTC--GCAAACATACAa 3' Energy: -12.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-297 NC_045512.2 156.00 -12.52 2 20 15352 15370 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:13870 to 13889 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' guacGUGUACGUGUGUAUGUa 5' :|| ||: |||||||| Ref: 5' gaaaTACTTGT-CACATACAa 3' Energy: -14.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-297 NC_045512.2 155.00 -14.66 2 18 13870 13889 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16909 to 16930 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' guACGUGUAC-GU-GUGUAUGUa 5' ||::| || || |||||||| Ref: 5' ttTGTGC-TGACATCACATACAg 3' Energy: -14.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-297 NC_045512.2 155.00 -14.71 2 20 16909 16930 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:29335 to 29355 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' guaCGUGUACGUGUGUAUGUa 5' |||:|| ||:|||||| Ref: 5' taaGCATATTGACGCATACAa 3' Energy: -19.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-297 NC_045512.2 154.00 -19.37 2 19 29335 29355 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15013 to 15034 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' guACGUG-UACGUGUGUAUGUa 5' ||||| | |:||:||||| Ref: 5' gaTGCACTTTTCGCATATACAa 3' Energy: -21.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-297 NC_045512.2 150.00 -21.06 2 20 15013 15034 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15875 to 15892 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' guACGUGUACGUGUGUAUGUa 5' ||| | | || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTGCTC-T-CA-ACATACAa 3' Energy: -9.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-297 NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.50 2 20 15875 15892 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16209 to 16228 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' guACGUGUACGUGUGUAUGUa 5' ||:||| | |:|||||| Ref: 5' taTGTACACAC-CGCATACAg 3' Energy: -19.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-297 NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.00 2 20 16209 16228 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13762 to 13783 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' guACGUGUA-CGU-GUGUAUGUa 5' || |||| |:| ||||||:| Ref: 5' ggTG-ACATGGTACCACATATAt 3' Energy: -17.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-297 NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.64 2 20 13762 13783 20 75.00% 85.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-297 NC_045512.2 1362.00 -143.09 159.00 -21.06 1230 21 29903 20999 15352 13870 16909 29335 15013 15875 16209 13762 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5583-3p MIMAT0022282(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5583-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10880 to 10900 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ggUUUGAUUAUAUGGGUAUAAg 5' :||: :| :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' atGAATGGACGTA-CCATATTg 3' Energy: -8.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5583-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -8.06 2 21 10880 10900 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9045 to 9063 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ggUUUGAUUAUAUGGGUAUAAg 5' ||:| |:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtAAGCCAGTA---CCATATTg 3' Energy: -10.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5583-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -10.82 2 21 9045 9063 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14153 to 14175 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gguuUGAUUA-UAUGGGUAUAAg 5' |:|: | ||:||:||||| Ref: 5' attcATTGTTAATGCCTATATTa 3' Energy: -13.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5583-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.02 2 19 14153 14175 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:4100 to 4122 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ggUUUGAUUAUAUG-GGUAUAag 5' ||| || ||:| |||||| Ref: 5' ttAAAGAAAGATGCTCCATATat 3' Energy: -9.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5583-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.85 3 21 4100 4122 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5583-3p NC_045512.2 594.00 -41.75 154.00 -13.02 1231 22 29903 10880 9045 14153 4100 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3188 MIMAT0015070(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3188 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:6018 to 6041 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ggGGCAUAGGCGUGU-UUCGGAGa 5' || ||||| ||: ||||:|| Ref: 5' aaCCATATCCAAACGCAAGCTTCg 3' Energy: -21.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3188 NC_045512.2 152.00 -21.45 2 22 6018 6041 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25490 to 25512 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (80.95%) Query: 3' gggGCAUA-GGCGUGU-UUCGGAGa 5' || || ||| |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' caaCG-ATACCG-ATACAAGCCTCa 3' Energy: -21.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3188 NC_045512.2 150.00 -21.26 2 21 25490 25512 21 76.19% 80.95% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:28799 to 28822 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (71.43%) Query: 3' ggGGCAUAGGCGU-GUUUCGGAGa 5' | | : | ||| : ||||||| Ref: 5' agCAGAGGCGGCAGTCAAGCCTCt 3' Energy: -18.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3188 NC_045512.2 148.00 -18.95 2 22 28799 28822 21 61.90% 71.43% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:29026 to 29049 Align Len (21) (57.14%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ggGGCAUAGGCG-UGUUUCGGAGa 5' |:| : |: | | :||||||| Ref: 5' tgCTGAGGCTTCTAAGAAGCCTCg 3' Energy: -21.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3188 NC_045512.2 148.00 -21.22 2 22 29026 29049 21 57.14% 76.19% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14212 to 14234 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ggggcAUAGGCGUGUUUCGGAGa 5' |: |: |||||||||: Ref: 5' gacacTGACTTAACAAAGCCTTa 3' Energy: -16.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3188 NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.78 2 19 14212 14234 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:881 to 901 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (89.47%) Query: 3' gggGCAUAGGCGUGUUUCGGAGa 5' |||: |:| ::|||||:|| Ref: 5' gcaCGTG-CTG-GTAAAGCTTCa 3' Energy: -19.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3188 NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.37 2 21 881 901 19 63.16% 89.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3188 NC_045512.2 880.00 -119.03 152.00 -21.45 1232 23 29903 6018 25490 28799 29026 14212 881 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-let-7a-5p MIMAT0000062(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-let-7a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4327 to 4348 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (89.47%) Query: 3' uuGAUAUGUUGGAUGAUGGAGu 5' :| ||| |:|||:||:||| Ref: 5' caTTCTACCATCTATTATCTCt 3' Energy: -18.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7a-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.71 2 21 4327 4348 19 68.42% 89.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:9846 to 9867 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uugauaUGUUGGAUGAUGGAGu 5' |:: |||:|||||| Ref: 5' gtagtgATGTGCTATTACCTCt 3' Energy: -15.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.85 2 17 9846 9867 15 66.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-let-7a-5p NC_045512.2 284.00 -34.56 144.00 -18.71 1233 22 29903 4327 9846 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6080 MIMAT0023705(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6080 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:13503 to 13521 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gcCCUUGCGGGCGUGAUCu 5' | ::| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtGCGGCACAGGCACTAGt 3' Energy: -17.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6080 NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.13 2 18 13503 13521 16 62.50% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6080 NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.13 145.00 -17.13 1234 19 29903 13503 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7-5p MIMAT0000252(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 165.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:21359 to 21382 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uugUUGUUUUAGUGAUCAGAAGGu 5' | | || ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' caaATCCAATTCAGTTGTCTTCCt 3' Energy: -15.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7-5p NC_045512.2 165.00 -15.18 2 22 21359 21382 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:14932 to 14955 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (90.48%) Query: 3' uugUUGUUUUAGU-GAUCAGAAGGu 5' :|| |||||| ||:||:|||| Ref: 5' ctaGAC-AAATCAGCTGGTTTTCCa 3' Energy: -23.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -23.61 2 22 14932 14955 21 76.19% 90.48% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:16460 to 16482 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uugUUGUUUUAGUGAUCAGAAGGu 5' ||| | ||:||||:|||| Ref: 5' ataAAC-CACCCATTAGTTTTCCa 3' Energy: -19.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -19.18 2 22 16460 16482 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:7702 to 7730 Align Len (26) (65.38%) (73.08%) Query: 3' uuGUUGUUU----U-AGUGAUCAGAAGGu 5' |||:||| | | || |||||||: Ref: 5' acCAATAAATCCTACTGACCAGTCTTCTt 3' Energy: -17.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.88 2 23 7702 7730 26 65.38% 73.08% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:29436 to 29461 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (78.26%) Query: 3' uuGUUGUUU--UAGUGAUCAGAAGGu 5' ||:|||| :| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' aaCAGCAAACTGTGACTCTTCTTCCt 3' Energy: -20.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.20 2 23 29436 29461 23 69.57% 78.26% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:3592 to 3613 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uuguUGUUUUAGUGAUCAGAAGgu 5' :| ||| |||| |||||| Ref: 5' tcttGCTAAA-CACT-GTCTTCat 3' Energy: -14.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.62 3 21 3592 3613 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27890 to 27913 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (89.47%) Query: 3' uuguUGUUUUAGUGAUCAGAAGGu 5' |::||||: || ||:|||: Ref: 5' gaacATGAAATTTCTTGTTTTCTt 3' Energy: -12.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.45 2 21 27890 27913 19 63.16% 89.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7-5p NC_045512.2 1035.00 -123.12 165.00 -23.61 1235 24 29903 21359 14932 16460 7702 29436 3592 27890 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3136-5p MIMAT0015003(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3136-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:24709 to 24728 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uuACUGGGAUGGAUAAGUCAGUc 5' || ||:| || ||||||| Ref: 5' taTGTCCTTCCC---TCAGTCAg 3' Energy: -22.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3136-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -22.74 2 22 24709 24728 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13424 to 13445 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' uuaCUGGGAUGGAUAAGUCAGUc 5' || || | : |||||||| Ref: 5' cgcGAACCCA-TGCTTCAGTCAg 3' Energy: -22.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3136-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -22.09 2 21 13424 13445 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:17857 to 17880 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uuACUGGGAUGG-AUAAGUCAGUc 5' ||||: |::| |||||| ||| Ref: 5' taTGACTATGTCATATTCACTCAa 3' Energy: -17.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3136-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.19 2 22 17857 17880 21 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20332 to 20356 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (80.95%) Query: 3' uuaCUGGGAU--GGAUAAGUCAGUc 5' ||:::|| | || |||||:| Ref: 5' ggaGATTTTAGTCATAGTCAGTTAg 3' Energy: -18.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3136-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.29 2 21 20332 20356 21 61.90% 80.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3136-5p NC_045512.2 590.00 -80.31 153.00 -22.74 1236 23 29903 24709 13424 17857 20332 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-499a-3p MIMAT0004772(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-499a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:13881 to 13902 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ucGUGUCUGAACGACACUACaa 5' ||:| | |||:||||||| Ref: 5' caCATACAATTGTTGTGATGat 3' Energy: -20.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499a-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -20.21 3 21 13881 13902 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9833 to 9856 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucguGUCUGAACG-A-CACUACAa 5' :| | |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tatcTAAAGTTGCGTAGTGATGTg 3' Energy: -12.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499a-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -12.73 2 19 9833 9856 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6143 to 6166 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' ucGUGUCUGAA--CGACACUACAa 5' | | ||||| : ||||||| Ref: 5' ttCCCTGACTTAAATGGTGATGTg 3' Energy: -14.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499a-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.68 2 21 6143 6166 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:16386 to 16407 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucgugucugaaCGACACUACAa 5' |:|||||||| Ref: 5' caatgctccagGTTGTGATGTc 3' Energy: -16.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499a-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.87 2 12 16386 16407 10 90.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:21519 to 21540 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ucgugucUGAACGACACUACAa 5' |:|| : ||||||| Ref: 5' agttgttATTTCTAGTGATGTt 3' Energy: -13.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499a-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -13.22 2 16 21519 21540 14 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:24925 to 24946 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucgugucugaacGACACUACAa 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' tgtgtctggtaaCTGTGATGTt 3' Energy: -15.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499a-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.85 2 11 24925 24946 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15247 to 15267 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ucgUGUCUGAACGACACUACAa 5' || | :|| : ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaACTG-TTTATAGTGATGTa 3' Energy: -11.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499a-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -11.74 2 20 15247 15267 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9307 to 9328 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucGUGUCUGAACGACACUACAa 5' || : ::|| |||||:||| Ref: 5' acCAGGAGTTTTCTGTGGTGTa 3' Energy: -19.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499a-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -19.03 2 21 9307 9328 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5426 to 5449 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucgUGUCUGAACGA--CACUACAa 5' ::||:: |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' acaGTAGGTGAGTTAGGTGATGTt 3' Energy: -16.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499a-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.26 2 20 5426 5449 20 55.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4114 to 4135 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ucGUGUCUGAACG-ACACUACAa 5' ||:| | | |: ||||||| Ref: 5' tcCATATA-TAGTGGGTGATGTt 3' Energy: -14.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499a-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.81 2 21 4114 4135 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:18839 to 18861 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucGUGUCU-GAACGACACUACaa 5' ||:: | || |:||||||| Ref: 5' caCATGTAGCTAGTTGTGATGca 3' Energy: -17.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.74 3 21 18839 18861 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:749 to 772 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ucGUG-UCUG-AACGACACUACAa 5' ||| | || | || |||:||| Ref: 5' aaCACTAAACATAGCAGTGGTGTt 3' Energy: -15.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.35 2 21 749 772 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:14002 to 14025 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucgUGUC-UG-AACGACACUACaa 5' |||| || | |||||||| Ref: 5' aaaACAGTACAATTCTGTGATGcc 3' Energy: -18.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499a-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.39 3 20 14002 14025 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:19266 to 19287 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ucguguCUGAACGACACUACaa 5' | || |:||||||| Ref: 5' taacttGCCTGGTTGTGATGgt 3' Energy: -15.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.25 3 17 19266 19287 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23326 to 23347 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucGUGUCUGAACGACACUACAa 5' ||:: ||| : |||:||| Ref: 5' acCATGTTCTTTTGGTGGTGTc 3' Energy: -12.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.64 2 21 23326 23347 19 57.89% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-499a-3p NC_045512.2 2205.00 -234.77 156.00 -20.21 1237 22 29903 13881 9833 6143 16386 21519 24925 15247 9307 5426 4114 18839 749 14002 19266 23326 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-629-3p MIMAT0003298(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-629-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:2482 to 2501 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cgacccGAAUGCAACCCUCUUg 5' |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tatcttCTTA-G-AGGGAGAAa 3' Energy: -13.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-629-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.81 2 17 2482 2501 15 80.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-629-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.81 144.00 -13.81 1238 22 29903 2482 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4771 MIMAT0019925(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4771 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:19430 to 19452 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' auuaACAU--CCAGUUCAGACGa 5' |||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' attaTGTACCACTAAAGTCTGCt 3' Energy: -16.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4771 NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.10 2 18 19430 19452 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21936 to 21956 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' auUAACAUCCAGUUCAGACGa 5' :|||| | |||||||: Ref: 5' atGTTGTTATTAAAGTCTGTg 3' Energy: -14.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4771 NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.18 2 20 21936 21956 18 66.67% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4771 NC_045512.2 291.00 -30.28 148.00 -16.10 1239 21 29903 19430 21936 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-518d-3p MIMAT0002864(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-518d-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10890 to 10912 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgaGGUUU--CCCUUCGCGAAAc 5' ||| | ||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' gtaCCATATTGGGTAGTGCTTTa 3' Energy: -19.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-518d-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.90 2 19 10890 10912 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-518d-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.90 145.00 -19.90 1240 21 29903 10890 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6815-5p MIMAT0027530(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6815-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24129 to 24152 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uuaCUGAG-GAGGCCGCGGUGGAu 5' | ||: || : :||||||| Ref: 5' acgGCCTTACTGTTTTGCCACCTt 3' Energy: -22.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6815-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -22.23 2 21 24129 24152 20 60.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:3140 to 3162 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuacugaggAGGCCGCGGUGGAu 5' |::||:|||||:| Ref: 5' cctttggaaTTTGGTGCCACTTc 3' Energy: -22.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6815-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -22.67 2 15 3140 3162 13 69.23% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6815-5p NC_045512.2 289.00 -44.90 147.00 -22.67 1241 23 29903 24129 3140 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6746-5p MIMAT0027392(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6746-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:1893 to 1915 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gguccGGUGG-AGGAAGAGGGCc 5' | |:| ::|||||||| Ref: 5' ttgtaCGATCAATTTTCTCCCGc 3' Energy: -19.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6746-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -19.86 2 18 1893 1915 17 64.71% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6746-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -19.86 148.00 -19.86 1242 22 29903 1893 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6772-3p MIMAT0027445(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6772-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-130a-5p MIMAT0004593(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-130a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:988 to 1009 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucaUCGUGUUACACUUUUCUCg 5' :| ||: | ||||||||| Ref: 5' cacGGAACGTTCTGAAAAGAGc 3' Energy: -17.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-130a-5p NC_045512.2 163.00 -17.08 2 20 988 1009 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24661 to 24681 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ucAUCGUGUUACACUUUUCUCg 5' | | ||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' acTTGGACAAT-CAAAAAGAGt 3' Energy: -12.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-130a-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -12.28 2 21 24661 24681 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:1616 to 1637 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (73.33%) Query: 3' ucaucgUGUUACACUUUUCUCg 5' |:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' cttgaaATACTCCAAAAAGAGa 3' Energy: -8.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-130a-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -8.02 2 17 1616 1637 15 66.67% 73.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:10970 to 10989 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ucaUCGUGUUACACUUUUCUcg 5' ||::|| ||||||||| Ref: 5' caaAGTGCA--GTGAAAAGAac 3' Energy: -14.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-130a-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.57 3 20 10970 10989 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25344 to 25365 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucaUCGUGUUAC-ACUUUUCUCg 5' ||| ||:|| | |||:||| Ref: 5' ctgAGC-CAGTGCTCAAAGGAGt 3' Energy: -16.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-130a-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.87 2 20 25344 25365 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5485 to 5505 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ucAUCGUGUUACAC-UUUUCUCg 5' ||| |: | || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTAG-ATTCT-TGCAAAAGAGt 3' Energy: -9.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-130a-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.17 2 21 5485 5505 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25573 to 25596 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' ucaUCGUGUU-ACA-CUUUUCUCg 5' | ||:|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaATCATAACCCTCAAAAAGAGa 3' Energy: -9.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-130a-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.97 2 20 25573 25596 20 65.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:19871 to 19892 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucaucguguuacacUUUUCUCg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgatctgggactacAAAAGAGa 3' Energy: -9.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-130a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.43 2 9 19871 19892 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-130a-5p NC_045512.2 1173.00 -97.39 163.00 -17.08 1244 22 29903 988 24661 1616 10970 25344 5485 25573 19871 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-874-3p MIMAT0004911(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-874-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:22783 to 22804 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' agccagggAGCCCGGUCCCGUc 5' ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' cagacaaaTCGCTCCAGGGCAa 3' Energy: -21.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-874-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -21.02 2 15 22783 22804 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:12062 to 12083 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agccagggagcccgGUCCCGUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gaaatgctggacaaCAGGGCAa 3' Energy: -19.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-874-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.58 2 9 12062 12083 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-874-3p NC_045512.2 294.00 -40.60 154.00 -21.02 1245 22 29903 22783 12062 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-331-3p MIMAT0000760(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-331-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-187-3p MIMAT0000262(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-187-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10179 to 10202 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ggccGACGUUGUG--UUCUGUGCu 5' ||||| | | ||||||:| Ref: 5' tgatCTGCACCTCTGAAGACATGc 3' Energy: -17.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-187-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.87 2 19 10179 10202 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:143 to 166 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ggccGACGUUG--UGUUCUGUGCu 5' |||: :: |||:|||||| Ref: 5' attaCTGTCGTTGACAGGACACGa 3' Energy: -24.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-187-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -24.24 2 19 143 166 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10158 to 10179 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ggCCGACGUUGUGUUCUGUGCu 5' | :| | :: |||||||:| Ref: 5' taGTTTACTGTCCAAGACATGt 3' Energy: -18.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-187-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.17 2 21 10158 10179 19 57.89% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-187-3p NC_045512.2 426.00 -60.28 145.00 -24.24 1247 22 29903 10179 143 10158 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3150a-3p MIMAT0015023(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3150a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29466 to 29487 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (89.47%) Query: 3' ggUUGGAGCUCCUAGAGGGGUc 5' :|::| || |||:||:||| Ref: 5' caGATTTGGATGATTTCTCCAa 3' Energy: -19.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3150a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.01 2 21 29466 29487 19 63.16% 89.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3150a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.01 140.00 -19.01 1248 22 29903 29466 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4433b-3p MIMAT0030414(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4433b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:1902 to 1922 Align Len (17) (58.82%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ugcAGGGUGGGGGGUGAGGAc 5' |::: :||| |||||:| Ref: 5' caaTTTTCTCCCGCACTCTTg 3' Energy: -23.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4433b-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -23.79 2 19 1902 1922 17 58.82% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4433b-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -23.79 142.00 -23.79 1249 21 29903 1902 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-924 MIMAT0004974(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-924 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18182 to 18202 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cgUUCUGUA-GUGUUCUGAGa 5' | ||| | :| ||||||| Ref: 5' acATGACCTATAGAAGACTCa 3' Energy: -15.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-924 NC_045512.2 153.00 -15.38 2 19 18182 18202 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18042 to 18061 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cgUUCUGUAGUGUUCUGAGa 5' || |::| |||:||||| Ref: 5' tgAAAATGTAACAGGACTCt 3' Energy: -15.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-924 NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.14 2 19 18042 18061 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:24355 to 24373 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' cguucUGUAGUGUUCUGAGa 5' | ||: |||||||| Ref: 5' tggcaAAATT-CAAGACTCa 3' Energy: -15.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-924 NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.89 2 16 24355 24373 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19598 to 19618 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgUUCUG-UAGUGUUCUGAGa 5' || || |:||||||||: Ref: 5' ggAACACTTTTACAAGACTTc 3' Energy: -13.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-924 NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.69 2 19 19598 19618 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:16604 to 16627 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' cgUUCUGUA-GUG---UUCUGAGa 5' || || | :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctAACACCTGTACTGAAAGACTCa 3' Energy: -10.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-924 NC_045512.2 144.00 -10.14 2 19 16604 16627 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7783 to 7803 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgUUCUG-UAGUGUUCUGAGa 5' ||| : :||| ||||||: Ref: 5' taAAGCTGGTCAAAAGACTTa 3' Energy: -10.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-924 NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.94 2 19 7783 7803 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-924 NC_045512.2 882.00 -81.18 153.00 -15.89 1250 20 29903 18182 18042 24355 19598 16604 7783 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-523-3p MIMAT0002840(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-523-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-577 MIMAT0003242(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-577 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 165.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9592 to 9613 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gucCAUG-GUUAUAAAAUAGAu 5' |||| ::| ||||||||| Ref: 5' cttGTACTTGACATTTTATCTt 3' Energy: -12.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-577 NC_045512.2 165.00 -12.27 2 19 9592 9613 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:27305 to 27325 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' guccaUGGUUAUAAAAUAGAu 5' |::|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tcataATTAAAAATTTATCTa 3' Energy: -8.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-577 NC_045512.2 156.00 -8.15 2 17 27305 27325 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:20538 to 20557 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' guccAUGGUUAUAAAAUAGAu 5' | |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaaTCCCAAGA-TTTATCTg 3' Energy: -11.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-577 NC_045512.2 155.00 -11.57 2 18 20538 20557 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:21458 to 21478 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' guccAUGGUUAUAAAAUAGAu 5' |: :| ||||||||| Ref: 5' tcaaTGATATGATTTTATCTc 3' Energy: -7.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-577 NC_045512.2 153.00 -7.89 2 18 21458 21478 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:15545 to 15568 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' guccAUGGUUAU---AAAAUAGAu 5' |:::|||: |||||||| Ref: 5' ccaaTGTTAATGCACTTTTATCTa 3' Energy: -11.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-577 NC_045512.2 152.00 -11.77 2 18 15545 15568 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:2205 to 2223 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' guccAUGGUUAUAAAAUAGAu 5' |:::|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaatTGTTAA-A-TTTATCTc 3' Energy: -5.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-577 NC_045512.2 145.00 -5.10 2 18 2205 2223 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:6876 to 6898 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (89.47%) Query: 3' gucCAUGGUUA--UAAAAUAGAu 5' ||::|::| |||||:||| Ref: 5' agaGTGTCGGTAAATTTTGTCTa 3' Energy: -17.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-577 NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.64 2 19 6876 6898 19 63.16% 89.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-577 NC_045512.2 1071.00 -74.39 165.00 -17.64 1252 21 29903 9592 27305 20538 21458 15545 2205 6876 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-579-3p MIMAT0003244(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-579-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:1175 to 1198 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' uuAGCGCCAA-AUA-UGGUUUACUu 5' || | ||| :| ||||||||| Ref: 5' taTC-CAGTTGCGTCACCAAATGAa 3' Energy: -20.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-579-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -20.18 2 22 1175 1198 22 72.73% 77.27% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:15044 to 15068 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uuagcgccaaAUAU--GGUUUACUu 5' |||| :||||||| Ref: 5' tcatccctacTATAACTCAAATGAa 3' Energy: -10.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-579-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -10.29 2 14 15044 15068 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:24837 to 24859 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' uuagcgccAAAUAUGGUUUACUu 5' |||:| :||||||: Ref: 5' aaggtgtcTTTGTTTCAAATGGc 3' Energy: -13.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-579-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.10 2 16 24837 24859 14 71.43% 92.86% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:23155 to 23177 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uuagcGCCAAAUAUGGUUUACuu 5' :|||| | | |||||| Ref: 5' taattTGGTTAAAAACAAATGtg 3' Energy: -12.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-579-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.15 3 19 23155 23177 16 75.00% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-579-3p NC_045512.2 586.00 -55.72 153.00 -20.18 1253 23 29903 1175 15044 24837 23155 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-382-5p MIMAT0000737(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-382-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:814 to 835 Align Len (17) (58.82%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gcuuAGGUGGUGCUUGUUGAAg 5' | :::|: |||||||| Ref: 5' tcgcTATGTCGATAACAACTTc 3' Energy: -19.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-382-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -19.63 2 19 814 835 17 58.82% 82.35% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16861 to 16886 Align Len (22) (59.09%) (77.27%) Query: 3' gcuUAGGUGGUGC----UUGUUGAAg 5' :|::|||: | |||||||| Ref: 5' gttGTTTACCGAGGTACAACAACTTa 3' Energy: -16.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-382-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.26 2 20 16861 16886 22 59.09% 77.27% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:13311 to 13332 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gcuuaGGUGGUGCUUGUUGAAg 5' | | :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' atgtaCAAATACCTACAACTTg 3' Energy: -11.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-382-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -11.93 2 18 13311 13332 16 68.75% 75.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5582 to 5603 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (89.47%) Query: 3' gcUUAGGUGGUGCUUGUUGAAg 5' | |:: ::|:||||||:|| Ref: 5' acACTTTCTTATGAACAATTTa 3' Energy: -15.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-382-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -15.28 2 21 5582 5603 19 57.89% 89.47% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:28735 to 28757 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gcuuaGGUGGUGC-UUGUUGAAg 5' | |:|::| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgctgCAATCGTGCTACAACTTc 3' Energy: -17.280001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-382-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -17.28 2 18 28735 28757 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:9180 to 9201 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gcuuagguggugcUUGUUGAAg 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ctgttagagtggtAACAACTTt 3' Energy: -10.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-382-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -10.60 2 10 9180 9201 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:24440 to 24461 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gcuuagguggugcUUGUUGAAg 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' aacacgcttgttaAACAACTTa 3' Energy: -12.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-382-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.88 2 10 24440 24461 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:903 to 923 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gcUUAGGUGGUGCUUGUUGAag 5' | |::::| ||||||||| Ref: 5' gcACTTTGTC-CGAACAACTgg 3' Energy: -16.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-382-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.17 3 21 903 923 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8458 to 8479 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' gcuuaGGUGGUGCUUGUUGAAg 5' |:| | |||:||||| Ref: 5' tgctgCTAAAAAGAATAACTTa 3' Energy: -14.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-382-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.67 2 18 8458 8479 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:5161 to 5181 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gcUUA-GGUGGUGCUUGUUGAag 5' |:| |:||||| |||||| Ref: 5' tgAGTACTACCAC--ACAACTga 3' Energy: -20.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-382-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.79 3 21 5161 5181 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:8877 to 8898 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' gcuuagGUGGUGCUUGUUGAag 5' :|::||| |||||| Ref: 5' gcacgaTATTACGCACAACTaa 3' Energy: -18.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-382-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.12 3 17 8877 8898 14 71.43% 92.86% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26949 to 26970 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (89.47%) Query: 3' gcUUAGGUGGUGCUUGUUGAAg 5' :|||| :|::|:||| ||| Ref: 5' gtGATCCTTCGTGGACATCTTc 3' Energy: -23.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-382-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -23.76 2 21 26949 26970 19 63.16% 89.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-382-5p NC_045512.2 1738.00 -197.37 150.00 -23.76 1254 22 29903 814 16861 13311 5582 28735 9180 24440 903 8458 5161 8877 26949 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4770 MIMAT0019924(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4770 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:9949 to 9968 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ucGAUG--UCACAGUAGAGu 5' ||:| : ||||||||| Ref: 5' agCTGCTTGTTGTCATCTCg 3' Energy: -23.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4770 NC_045512.2 151.00 -23.47 2 17 9949 9968 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:27194 to 27214 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ucGAUGUC-AC--AGUAGAGu 5' | |||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' gaCAACAGATGTTTCATCTCg 3' Energy: -16.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4770 NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.86 2 17 27194 27214 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:18187 to 18207 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ucGAUGUC-AC--AGUAGAGu 5' |||:|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' acCTATAGAAGACTCATCTCt 3' Energy: -15.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4770 NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.07 2 17 18187 18207 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4770 NC_045512.2 447.00 -55.40 151.00 -23.47 1255 18 29903 9949 27194 18187 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8083 MIMAT0031010(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8083 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:25905 to 25927 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucaAC-GUCG-GCAGUUCAGGAc 5' || ::|| | |||||||| Ref: 5' aggTGATGGCACAACAAGTCCTa 3' Energy: -16.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8083 NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.31 2 19 25905 25927 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17987 to 18007 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucAACGUCGGCAGUUCAGGAc 5' ||||| :: ||||||:| Ref: 5' agTTGCAATTTACAAGTCTTg 3' Energy: -23.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8083 NC_045512.2 147.00 -23.77 2 20 17987 18007 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:18812 to 18831 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (93.75%) Query: 3' ucaACGUCGGCAGUUCAGGac 5' ||:| ::||||||||| Ref: 5' atcTGTA-TTGTCAAGTCCat 3' Energy: -19.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8083 NC_045512.2 144.00 -19.89 3 19 18812 18831 16 75.00% 93.75% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:5815 to 5835 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucaacgucggcagUUCAGGAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgctttacttacaAAGTCCTc 3' Energy: -10.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8083 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.09 2 9 5815 5835 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8083 NC_045512.2 579.00 -70.06 148.00 -23.77 1256 21 29903 25905 17987 18812 5815 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-218-1-3p MIMAT0004565(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-218-1-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:26158 to 26179 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' gguaccacgaACUGCCUUGGUa 5' | |:||||||| Ref: 5' gttaatccagTAATGGAACCAa 3' Energy: -15.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-218-1-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -15.00 2 13 26158 26179 11 81.82% 90.91% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:22395 to 22416 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gguaccacgaacUGCCUUGGUa 5' |:||||||| Ref: 5' aatataatgaaaATGGAACCAt 3' Energy: -16.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-218-1-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.90 2 11 22395 22416 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:12878 to 12899 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gguaccacgaacuGCCUUGGUa 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' atctatacagaacTGGAACCAc 3' Energy: -12.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-218-1-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.97 2 10 12878 12899 8 87.50% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-218-1-3p NC_045512.2 435.00 -44.87 148.00 -16.90 1257 22 29903 26158 22395 12878 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6877-3p MIMAT0027655(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6877-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:1866 to 1886 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccuccgguucccGUCUCCGAc 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' atgcatttgcatCAGAGGCTg 3' Energy: -20.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6877-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -20.44 2 10 1866 1886 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:6885 to 6905 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccuccgguucccGUCUCCGAc 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' gtaaattttgtcTAGAGGCTt 3' Energy: -12.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6877-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.07 2 10 6885 6905 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:21853 to 21873 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccuccgguucccgUCUCCGAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gtctaacataataAGAGGCTg 3' Energy: -17.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6877-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.12 2 9 21853 21873 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6877-3p NC_045512.2 426.00 -49.63 145.00 -20.44 1258 21 29903 1866 6885 21853 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3115 MIMAT0014977(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3115 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:13416 to 13436 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ugGUUGA-UCAUUUGGGUAUa 5' ||||| | :|||||||: Ref: 5' atCAACTCCGCGAACCCATGc 3' Energy: -18.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3115 NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.06 2 19 13416 13436 18 72.22% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3115 NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.06 145.00 -18.06 1259 20 29903 13416 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4746-5p MIMAT0019880(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4746-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:21763 to 21783 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agACGUCCAAGAGGACCCUGGcc 5' | || | ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' taTACATG-TCT-CTGGGACCaa 3' Energy: -20.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4746-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.52 3 22 21763 21783 19 78.95% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4746-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.52 141.00 -20.52 1260 23 29903 21763 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5010-3p MIMAT0021044(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5010-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24280 to 24303 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gaccCCUUACCCUC--UGUGUUUu 5' || || |||| |||||:| Ref: 5' taatGGTATTGGAGTTACACAGAa 3' Energy: -17.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5010-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.47 2 19 24280 24303 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12028 to 12049 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gacCCCUUACCCUCUGUGUUUu 5' ||| : | |||||:||| Ref: 5' gcaGGGTGCTGTAGACATAAAc 3' Energy: -14.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5010-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.39 2 20 12028 12049 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:24862 to 24882 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gacccCUUACCCUCUGUGUUUu 5' |: | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' acactGGTTTGTA-ACACAAAg 3' Energy: -14.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5010-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.48 2 18 24862 24882 16 68.75% 75.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:2635 to 2656 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gaccCCUUACCCUCUGUGUUUu 5' | ||| |||||||:| Ref: 5' gctcGAAATCAAAGACACAGAa 3' Energy: -13.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5010-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.25 2 19 2635 2656 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:12726 to 12747 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaccccuuacccucUGUGUUUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgctgccggtactACACAAAc 3' Energy: -9.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5010-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.13 2 9 12726 12747 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:19701 to 19722 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaccccuuacccucUGUGUUUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' taataacactgtttACACAAAa 3' Energy: -8.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5010-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.21 2 9 19701 19722 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5010-3p NC_045512.2 853.00 -76.93 145.00 -17.47 1261 22 29903 24280 12028 24862 2635 12726 19701 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-376a-5p MIMAT0003386(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-376a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:22479 to 22501 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' augaGUAUCUUCCU-CUUAGAUg 5' ::||||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tcacTGTAGAAAAAGGAATCTAt 3' Energy: -16.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376a-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -16.43 2 19 22479 22501 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10907 to 10929 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' auGAGU-AUCUUCCUCUUAGAUg 5' :|:| |||||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' gcTTTATTAGAAGATGAATTTAc 3' Energy: -19.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376a-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -19.12 2 21 10907 10929 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22518 to 22539 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' augAGUAUCUUCCUCUUAGAUg 5' || | | |||||||| Ref: 5' gagTCCAACCAACAGAATCTAt 3' Energy: -9.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376a-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -9.36 2 20 22518 22539 18 66.67% 66.67% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:3507 to 3528 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' augaGUAUCUUCCUCUUAGAUg 5' |||: ||| ||||||: Ref: 5' atgcCATGCAAGTTGAATCTGa 3' Energy: -16.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376a-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.53 2 19 3507 3528 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25959 to 25979 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' auGAGUAUCUUCCUCUUAGAUg 5' || | | || |:||||||: Ref: 5' taCTGA-AAAATGGGAATCTGg 3' Energy: -12.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376a-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.64 2 21 25959 25979 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-376a-5p NC_045512.2 743.00 -74.08 157.00 -19.12 1262 22 29903 22479 10907 22518 3507 25959 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-188-5p MIMAT0000457(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-188-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:2390 to 2412 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gggaGGUG-GU-ACGUUCCCUAc 5' :||| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' tttgTCACGCACTCAAAGGGATt 3' Energy: -15.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-188-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.55 2 18 2390 2412 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12408 to 12428 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gggAGGUGGUACGUUCCCUAc 5' || || ||||||| ||| Ref: 5' ttaTCAACAATGCAAGAGATg 3' Energy: -18.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-188-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.39 2 19 12408 12428 17 82.35% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-188-5p NC_045512.2 289.00 -33.94 147.00 -18.39 1263 21 29903 2390 12408 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7978 MIMAT0031181(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7978 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:23343 to 23364 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (94.12%) Query: 3' acucGUUGCGAUA-UGUGGUCu 5' ||::|:||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgtCAGTGTTATAACACCAGg 3' Energy: -24.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7978 NC_045512.2 164.00 -24.09 2 18 23343 23364 17 76.47% 94.12% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3299 to 3321 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' acUCGUUGCGAU--AUGUGGUCu 5' || :|:| | |||||||| Ref: 5' ttAGAGATGGAACTTACACCAGt 3' Energy: -17.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7978 NC_045512.2 150.00 -17.76 2 20 3299 3321 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:4527 to 4546 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' acucguUGCGAUAUGUGGUCu 5' || :| |||||||| Ref: 5' gattttAC-TTTTACACCAGt 3' Energy: -14.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7978 NC_045512.2 149.00 -14.89 2 16 4527 4546 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:2592 to 2613 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' acucguugCGA-UAUGUGGUCu 5' |:| :|||||||| Ref: 5' ctccattgGTTGGTACACCAGt 3' Energy: -16.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7978 NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.27 2 14 2592 2613 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19309 to 19328 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' acuCGUUGCGAUAUGUGGUCu 5' || |: | | ||||||| Ref: 5' catGC-ATTCCACACACCAGc 3' Energy: -12.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7978 NC_045512.2 148.00 -12.76 2 19 19309 19328 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:9535 to 9555 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (84.62%) Query: 3' acucguuGCGAUAUGUGGUCu 5' :|:| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtactcTGTTTAACACCAGt 3' Energy: -16.280001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7978 NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.28 2 15 9535 9555 13 69.23% 84.62% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:10989 to 11009 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' acUCGUUGCGAUAUGUGGUcu 5' | ||| | || |||||| Ref: 5' caATCAAGGGTACACACCAct 3' Energy: -13.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7978 NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.24 3 20 10989 11009 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:26968 to 26988 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' acuCGUUGCGAUAUGUGGUcu 5' |:| :|||: |||||| Ref: 5' ttcGTATTGCTGGACACCAtc 3' Energy: -16.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7978 NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.25 3 19 26968 26988 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:8083 to 8103 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' acucgUUGCGAUAUGUGGUCu 5' ||| | | ||||:|| Ref: 5' ggaaaAACTCAAAACACTAGt 3' Energy: -12.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7978 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.96 2 17 8083 8103 15 73.33% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7978 NC_045512.2 1330.00 -144.50 164.00 -24.09 1264 21 29903 23343 3299 4527 2592 19309 9535 10989 26968 8083 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4507 MIMAT0019044(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4507 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:23042 to 23061 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gggucgggucGGGUUGGGUc 5' :|||||||| Ref: 5' tcatatggttTCCAACCCAc 3' Energy: -15.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4507 NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.13 2 11 23042 23061 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:26027 to 26046 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ggGUCGGGUCGGGUUGGGUc 5' ||||: |:||||:|| Ref: 5' acCAGCTGTACTCAACTCAa 3' Energy: -22.559999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4507 NC_045512.2 142.00 -22.56 2 19 26027 26046 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:29507 to 29527 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ggGUCG-GGUCGGGUUGGGUc 5' |||: |:: |:||||:|| Ref: 5' agCAGTGCTGACTCAACTCAg 3' Energy: -23.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4507 NC_045512.2 141.00 -23.68 2 19 29507 29527 18 61.11% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:295 to 315 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gggUCGGGU-CGGGUUGGGUc 5' | | || |:|||||:|| Ref: 5' gaaAACACACGTCCAACTCAg 3' Energy: -21.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4507 NC_045512.2 140.00 -21.31 2 18 295 315 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7950 to 7971 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (89.47%) Query: 3' ggGUCGGGU-CG-GGUUGGGUc 5' ||||::| |: :|||||:| Ref: 5' gtCAGCTTATGTGTCAACCTAt 3' Energy: -20.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4507 NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.66 2 19 7950 7971 19 63.16% 89.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4507 NC_045512.2 709.00 -103.34 146.00 -23.68 1265 20 29903 23042 26027 29507 295 7950 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-495-3p MIMAT0002817(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-495-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21551 to 21572 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uucUUCACGUGGUACAAACAAa 5' || | || ||||||||| Ref: 5' actAAACGAACAATGTTTGTTt 3' Energy: -12.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-495-3p NC_045512.2 163.00 -12.50 2 20 21551 21572 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11156 to 11182 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (73.91%) Query: 3' uucUUC--ACGU---GGUACAAACAAa 5' ||| |||| |: |||||||| Ref: 5' catAAGCATGCATTTCTCTGTTTGTTt 3' Energy: -14.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-495-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -14.78 2 20 11156 11182 23 69.57% 73.91% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10349 to 10367 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uucUUCACGUGGUACAAACAAa 5' |||| | :| ||||||| Ref: 5' cctAAGT--A-TAAGTTTGTTc 3' Energy: -8.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-495-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -8.72 2 20 10349 10367 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:19907 to 19928 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uucuucacguggUACAAACAAa 5' :|||||||| Ref: 5' tatctactattgGTGTTTGTTc 3' Energy: -9.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-495-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -9.25 2 11 19907 19928 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:2599 to 2619 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uucuUCACGUGGUACAAACAaa 5' :|| ||||| |||||| Ref: 5' ggttGGTACACCA-GTTTGTat 3' Energy: -15.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-495-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.63 3 19 2599 2619 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8169 to 8192 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (66.67%) Query: 3' uuCUUCACGUGGU--ACAAACAAa 5' | || |: || ||||||| Ref: 5' caGCAGCTCGGCAAGGGTTTGTTg 3' Energy: -11.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-495-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.42 2 21 8169 8192 21 61.90% 66.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:12893 to 12914 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uucuucacgugGUACAAACAAa 5' :| ||||||| Ref: 5' gaaccaccttgTAGGTTTGTTa 3' Energy: -11.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-495-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.41 2 12 12893 12914 10 80.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 14 R:6741 to 6762 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uucuucacgUGGUACAAACAaa 5' |||:||||||| Ref: 5' ggtgtttaaACCGTGTTTGTac 3' Energy: -18.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-495-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.20 3 14 6741 6762 11 90.91% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-495-3p NC_045512.2 1179.00 -101.91 163.00 -18.20 1266 22 29903 21551 11156 10349 19907 2599 8169 12893 6741 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4293 MIMAT0016848(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4293 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4516 MIMAT0019053(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4516 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:29444 to 29460 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgggGCUGGGAAGAGGg 5' :|||:|||||:| Ref: 5' actgTGACTCTTCTTCc 3' Energy: -26.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4516 NC_045512.2 141.00 -26.20 2 14 29444 29460 12 75.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:28878 to 28894 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cggggcuggGAAGAGGg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gtaggggaaCTTCTCCt 3' Energy: -14.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4516 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.96 2 9 28878 28894 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4516 NC_045512.2 281.00 -41.16 141.00 -26.20 1268 17 29903 29444 28878 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4475 MIMAT0019002(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4475 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:6650 to 6669 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' uauUACUUACGAACCAGGGAAc 5' :| ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gctGTTAATAGT--GTCCCTTg 3' Energy: -15.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4475 NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.76 2 20 6650 6669 18 66.67% 72.22% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4475 NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.76 144.00 -15.76 1269 22 29903 6650 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1910-3p MIMAT0026917(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1910-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:4052 to 4071 Align Len (16) (87.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' acAGUAGGACGAAGACGGag 5' |||||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctTCATCCAGATTCTGCCac 3' Energy: -20.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1910-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -20.33 3 19 4052 4071 16 87.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:23227 to 23246 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acaguaggaCGAAGACGGAg 5' |:|||||||| Ref: 5' taacaaaaaGTTTCTGCCTt 3' Energy: -17.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1910-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -17.20 2 12 23227 23246 10 90.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:1695 to 1713 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (93.75%) Query: 3' acaGUAGGACGAAGACGGAg 5' ||||:| :||||||:| Ref: 5' tggCATCTT-TTTCTGCTTc 3' Energy: -22.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1910-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -22.02 2 18 1695 1713 16 75.00% 93.75% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:2826 to 2844 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' acaguaggACGAAGACGGAg 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' atgagaagTGC-TCTGCCTa 3' Energy: -15.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1910-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.49 2 13 2826 2844 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:27574 to 27593 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (94.12%) Query: 3' acAGUAGGACGAAGACGGAg 5' ||| ::|||||:|||:| Ref: 5' acTCAATTTGCTTTTGCTTg 3' Energy: -18.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1910-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.43 2 19 27574 27593 17 70.59% 94.12% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1910-3p NC_045512.2 740.00 -93.47 154.00 -22.02 1270 20 29903 4052 23227 1695 2826 27574 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4681 MIMAT0019766(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4681 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29609 to 29630 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucUAUGUCGGACGUAAGGGCAa 5' :|:||| || ||||:||| Ref: 5' ttGTGCAGAATGAATTCTCGTa 3' Energy: -19.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4681 NC_045512.2 152.00 -19.86 2 21 29609 29630 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4681 NC_045512.2 152.00 -19.86 152.00 -19.86 1271 22 29903 29609 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-152-5p MIMAT0026479(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-152-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:22513 to 22537 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (72.73%) Query: 3' ucAGCCUCACAUAG--UGUCUUGGa 5' |: |||| | | ||||||:| Ref: 5' ctTTAGAGTCCAACCAACAGAATCt 3' Energy: -16.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-152-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.20 2 22 22513 22537 22 63.64% 72.73% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-152-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.20 140.00 -16.20 1272 23 29903 22513 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-409-3p MIMAT0001639(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-409-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12389 to 12410 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uccCCAAGUGGCUCGUUGUAAg 5' | | |||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' aatGATGCACTCAACAACATTa 3' Energy: -11.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-409-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -11.52 2 20 12389 12410 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:28753 to 28774 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uccccaAGUGGCUCGUUGUAAg 5' ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' acttccTCAAGGAACAACATTg 3' Energy: -9.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-409-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -9.98 2 17 28753 28774 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:20745 to 20766 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ucccCAAGUGGCUCGUUGUAAg 5' | | |: | |||||||| Ref: 5' ttatGGTGATAGTGCAACATTa 3' Energy: -13.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-409-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -13.92 2 19 20745 20766 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19791 to 19810 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ucCCCAAGUGGCUCGUUGUAAg 5' ||| | | | |||||||| Ref: 5' ttGGGCTAA--GCGCAACATTa 3' Energy: -14.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-409-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -14.06 2 21 19791 19810 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4971 to 4997 Align Len (24) (70.83%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ucCCCAAGUG--G-C-UC-GUUGUAAg 5' | |||:|| | | || ||||||| Ref: 5' agGTGTTTACAACAGTAGACAACATTa 3' Energy: -17.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-409-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -17.74 2 21 4971 4997 24 70.83% 75.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12510 to 12532 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' ucccCA-AGUGGCUCGUUGUAAg 5' || | |: | ||||||| Ref: 5' atacGTGTGATGGTACAACATTt 3' Energy: -10.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-409-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -10.17 2 19 12510 12532 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:29679 to 29700 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uccccaAGUGGCUCGUUGUAAg 5' ||| :| |:|||||| Ref: 5' ctttaaTCAGTGTGTAACATTa 3' Energy: -14.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-409-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.77 2 17 29679 29700 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:19746 to 19767 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uccccaaguggcUCGUUGUAAg 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtttgaaaataaAACAACATTa 3' Energy: -8.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-409-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.31 2 11 19746 19767 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:8372 to 8393 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uccccaaguggcucGUUGUAAg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gtagcaaaaagtcaCAACATTg 3' Energy: -7.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-409-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.51 2 9 8372 8393 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:11771 to 11792 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uccccaaguggcucGUUGUAAg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gatgccttcaaactCAACATTa 3' Energy: -8.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-409-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.85 2 9 11771 11792 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:17271 to 17292 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uccccaaguggcucGUUGUAAg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' attcaaagtgaattCAACATTa 3' Energy: -11.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-409-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.08 2 9 17271 17292 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-409-3p NC_045512.2 1621.00 -127.91 159.00 -17.74 1273 22 29903 12389 28753 20745 19791 4971 12510 29679 19746 8372 11771 17271 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-204-5p MIMAT0000265(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-204-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12776 to 12797 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' uccGUAUCCUACUGUUUCCCUu 5' :| | | ||||||||| Ref: 5' tacTACAACACAACAAAGGGAg 3' Energy: -15.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-204-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -15.36 2 20 12776 12797 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:2390 to 2411 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uccguauccuacuGUUUCCCUu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tttgtcacgcactCAAAGGGAt 3' Energy: -12.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-204-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.30 2 10 2390 2411 8 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-204-5p NC_045512.2 296.00 -27.66 151.00 -15.36 1274 22 29903 12776 2390 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1249-3p MIMAT0005901(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1249-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4787-3p MIMAT0019957(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4787-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6071 MIMAT0023696(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6071 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:17325 to 17343 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cgGAACCGGCCGUCGUCUu 5' || | || ||||||| Ref: 5' gcCTGAGACGACAGCAGAt 3' Energy: -21.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6071 NC_045512.2 153.00 -21.02 2 18 17325 17343 16 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:519 to 538 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (93.75%) Query: 3' cggAAC-CGGCCGUCGUCUu 5' ||| ||:||:|||||| Ref: 5' tggTTGAGCTGGTAGCAGAa 3' Energy: -26.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6071 NC_045512.2 151.00 -26.09 2 17 519 538 16 81.25% 93.75% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:5526 to 5544 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' cggaACCGGCCGUCGUCUu 5' ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' cttgTGGACAACAGCAGAc 3' Energy: -14.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6071 NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.73 2 16 5526 5544 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:16628 to 16644 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cgGAACCGGCCGUCGUCUu 5' ||| :: |||||||| Ref: 5' agCTT--TTTGCAGCAGAa 3' Energy: -17.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6071 NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.75 2 18 16628 16644 16 68.75% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6071 NC_045512.2 601.00 -79.59 153.00 -26.09 1277 19 29903 17325 519 5526 16628 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3920 MIMAT0018195(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3920 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14490 to 14512 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agucUCUCAAU-UCUAUUAGUCa 5' :| |||: | |||||||| Ref: 5' gctaGGTGTTGTACATAATCAGg 3' Energy: -14.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3920 NC_045512.2 157.00 -14.52 2 19 14490 14512 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20330 to 20353 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' agUCUCUCAAUUC--UAUUAGUCa 5' :|||| || || |||:|||| Ref: 5' atGGAGATTTTAGTCATAGTCAGt 3' Energy: -16.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3920 NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.31 2 21 20330 20353 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:18064 to 18087 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agUCUCUCA--AUUCUAUUAGUca 5' ||| || ||||:|||||| Ref: 5' aaAGATTGTAGTAAGGTAATCAct 3' Energy: -14.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3920 NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.00 3 21 18064 18087 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3658 to 3686 Align Len (26) (65.38%) (65.38%) Query: 3' agUCUCUC-AAUUCU------AUUAGUCa 5' |||| | ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' taAGAGTGCTTATGAAAATTTTAATCAGc 3' Energy: -11.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3920 NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.67 2 21 3658 3686 26 65.38% 65.38% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:29129 to 29152 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' aguCUCUCAAUUCU--AUUAGUCa 5' |:|: |:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' tttGGGGACCAGGAACTAATCAGa 3' Energy: -13.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3920 NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.09 2 20 29129 29152 20 60.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26922 to 26945 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' agUCUCUCAAUU--CUAUUAGUCa 5' ||| ||| || :|||||:| Ref: 5' ctAGAAAGTGAACTCGTAATCGGa 3' Energy: -13.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3920 NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.06 2 21 26922 26945 21 66.67% 76.19% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:14050 to 14071 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agucuCUCAAUUCUAUUAGUca 5' || | ||||||||| Ref: 5' gtactGACATTAGATAATCAag 3' Energy: -10.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3920 NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.97 3 18 14050 14071 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:16045 to 16066 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agucucucaauucuAUUAGUCa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cttactaaacatccTAATCAGg 3' Energy: -6.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3920 NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.13 2 9 16045 16066 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:29668 to 29689 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agucucucaauucuAUUAGUCa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cacatagcaatcttTAATCAGt 3' Energy: -10.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3920 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.21 2 9 29668 29689 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3920 NC_045512.2 1311.00 -109.96 157.00 -16.31 1278 22 29903 14490 20330 18064 3658 29129 26922 14050 16045 29668 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6879-5p MIMAT0027658(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6879-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3151 to 3172 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gagAGGGUGGAAGGGACGGGAc 5' | ||||:| : ||||:|| Ref: 5' tggTGCCACTTCTGCTGCTCTt 3' Energy: -20.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6879-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -20.84 2 20 3151 3172 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6879-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -20.84 147.00 -20.84 1279 22 29903 3151 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548az-3p MIMAT0025457(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548az-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:23820 to 23840 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' cguuuucacUAACGUCAAAAa 5' || |||||||| Ref: 5' tgttgcaatATGGCAGTTTTt 3' Energy: -11.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548az-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -11.97 2 13 23820 23840 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5172 to 5192 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cgUUUUCACUAACGUCAAAAa 5' | || |||| :|||||| Ref: 5' acACAACTGATCCTAGTTTTc 3' Energy: -9.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548az-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -9.99 2 20 5172 5192 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:11873 to 11893 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cguuuucacuaacGUCAAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gtagtcttactctCAGTTTTg 3' Energy: -6.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548az-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.35 2 9 11873 11893 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:21686 to 21706 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cguuuucacuaacGUCAAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gttttcagatcctCAGTTTTa 3' Energy: -7.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548az-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.42 2 9 21686 21706 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548az-3p NC_045512.2 579.00 -35.73 152.00 -11.97 1280 21 29903 23820 5172 11873 21686 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6878-3p MIMAT0027657(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6878-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:23991 to 24011 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' gauccucUUUCUUCUCCGGUc 5' ||: ||||||:|| Ref: 5' caaaaccAAGCAAGAGGTCAt 3' Energy: -14.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6878-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.49 2 15 23991 24011 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:29721 to 29741 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gauccucuuucuuCUCCGGUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ccacattttcaccGAGGCCAc 3' Energy: -11.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6878-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.45 2 9 29721 29741 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6878-3p NC_045512.2 282.00 -25.94 142.00 -14.49 1281 21 29903 23991 29721 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-183-5p MIMAT0000261(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-183-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29814 to 29835 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' ucACUUAAGAUGGUCACGGUAu 5' | ||||:|| :|||||:|| Ref: 5' aaTTAATTTTAGTAGTGCTATc 3' Energy: -17.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-183-5p NC_045512.2 160.00 -17.70 2 21 29814 29835 19 73.68% 89.47% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29263 to 29284 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ucACUUAAGAUGGUCACGGUAu 5' ||| | || :||||||| Ref: 5' gtTGACCTACACAGGTGCCATc 3' Energy: -17.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-183-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -17.43 2 21 29263 29284 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12331 to 12352 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ucacUUAAGAUGGUCACGGUAu 5' || :|||:|||||:|| Ref: 5' ggcaAAAGTTACTAGTGCTATg 3' Energy: -19.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-183-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -19.74 2 19 12331 12352 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24335 to 24355 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ucacUUAAGAUGGUCACGGUAu 5' |||| || :|||||:|| Ref: 5' aaccAATT-TAATAGTGCTATt 3' Energy: -13.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-183-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -13.36 2 19 24335 24355 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10421 to 10444 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ucACUUAAGAUGGU--CACGGUAu 5' ||: |:||||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' tcTGGTGTTTACCAATGTGCTATg 3' Energy: -19.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-183-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -19.59 2 21 10421 10444 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:4660 to 4683 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucACUUAAGAUGG--UCACGGUau 5' |||: ||| :| ||||||| Ref: 5' taTGAGATCTCTCAAAGTGCCAgc 3' Energy: -17.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-183-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.58 3 21 4660 4683 20 70.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-183-5p NC_045512.2 904.00 -105.40 160.00 -19.74 1282 22 29903 29814 29263 12331 24335 10421 4660 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-544a MIMAT0003164(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-544a vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 168.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8096 to 8117 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cuUGAACGAUUUUUACGUCUUa 5' ||| |:|: || ||||||| Ref: 5' acACTAGTTGCAACTGCAGAAg 3' Energy: -14.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-544a NC_045512.2 168.00 -14.18 2 21 8096 8117 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24593 to 24614 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cuUGAACGAUUUUUACGUCUUa 5' |:| :||:|: ||||||| Ref: 5' caATTAATTAGAGCTGCAGAAa 3' Energy: -13.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-544a NC_045512.2 160.00 -13.80 2 21 24593 24614 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:4393 to 4415 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cuugaACG-AUUUUUACGUCUUa 5' ||| |: | |||||||| Ref: 5' agaaaTGCTTGCACATGCAGAAg 3' Energy: -15.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-544a NC_045512.2 156.00 -15.79 2 18 4393 4415 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:3 to 16 R:3377 to 3398 Align Len (13) (92.31%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuugaacGAUUUUUACGUCUua 5' :|||||||||||| Ref: 5' gtatacaTTAAAAATGCAGAca 3' Energy: -14.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-544a NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.93 3 16 3377 3398 13 92.31% 100.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8000 to 8021 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cuugAACGAUUUUUACGUCUUa 5' ||| |:| |:|||:||| Ref: 5' gatgTTGGTGATAGTGCGGAAg 3' Energy: -15.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-544a NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.70 2 19 8000 8021 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8183 to 8207 Align Len (22) (59.09%) (86.36%) Query: 3' cuUGAACGAUU---UUUACGUCUUa 5' ::|||:|:| |:|||:|||| Ref: 5' ggGTTTGTTGATTCAGATGTAGAAa 3' Energy: -19.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-544a NC_045512.2 147.00 -19.24 2 21 8183 8207 22 59.09% 86.36% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:23423 to 23444 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cuugAACGAUUUUUACGUCUua 5' |||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' cctgTTGCTATTCATGCAGAtc 3' Energy: -16.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-544a NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.12 3 19 23423 23444 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23646 to 23669 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (76.19%) Query: 3' cuUGA-ACGAU-UUUUACGUCUUa 5' ||| ||: | ::||||||| Ref: 5' acACTATGTCACTTGGTGCAGAAa 3' Energy: -12.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-544a NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.57 2 21 23646 23669 21 61.90% 76.19% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:12560 to 12581 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cuUGAACGAUUUUUACGUCUua 5' || |:|: |:||||||| Ref: 5' caACAGGTTGTAGATGCAGAta 3' Energy: -17.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-544a NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.29 3 21 12560 12581 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:5543 to 5564 Align Len (14) (64.29%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuugaacGAUUUUUACGUCUUa 5' :|||:::||:|||| Ref: 5' acaacccTTAAGGGTGTAGAAg 3' Energy: -14.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-544a NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.73 2 16 5543 5564 14 64.29% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:15250 to 15271 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cuugAACGAUUUUUACGUCUUa 5' || ||: :|||:|||| Ref: 5' actgTTTATAGTGATGTAGAAa 3' Energy: -11.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-544a NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.47 2 19 15250 15271 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:29598 to 29619 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuugaacgauuuuUACGUCUUa 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' atagtctactcttGTGCAGAAt 3' Energy: -12.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-544a NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.20 2 10 29598 29619 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:14182 to 14203 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cuugaaCGAUUUUUACGUCUUa 5' ||| || ||||||: Ref: 5' accaggGCTTTAACTGCAGAGt 3' Energy: -15.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-544a NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.64 2 17 14182 14203 15 73.33% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-544a NC_045512.2 1934.00 -193.66 168.00 -19.24 1283 22 29903 8096 24593 4393 3377 8000 8183 23423 23646 12560 5543 15250 29598 14182 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-135b-3p MIMAT0004698(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-135b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24752 to 24773 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ggGUACCGAAAAUCGGGAUGUa 5' ::|| ||| |: ||||:|| Ref: 5' caTGTGACTTATGTCCCTGCAc 3' Energy: -16.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-135b-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.79 2 21 24752 24773 19 63.16% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-135b-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.79 148.00 -16.79 1284 22 29903 24752 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7973 MIMAT0031176(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7973 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548ai MIMAT0018989(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548ai vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8462 to 8484 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cccUUUUUGACGUU-AAUGGAAa 5' ||||| :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gctAAAAAGAATAACTTACCTTt 3' Energy: -10.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ai NC_045512.2 158.00 -10.68 2 20 8462 8484 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21714 to 21735 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cccUUUUUGACGUUAAUGGAAa 5' |::| :||: ||||||| Ref: 5' ctcAGGACTTGTTCTTACCTTt 3' Energy: -14.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ai NC_045512.2 155.00 -14.41 2 20 21714 21735 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18330 to 18359 Align Len (27) (62.96%) (70.37%) Query: 3' ccCUUUUUGAC-------GUU-AAUGGAAa 5' ||:||:||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' taGAGAAGCTGTTGGTACCAATTTACCTTt 3' Energy: -19.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ai NC_045512.2 150.00 -19.93 2 21 18330 18359 27 62.96% 70.37% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11083 to 11106 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cccuUUUUGACG--UUAAUGGAAa 5' :||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtatGAAAATGCCTTTTTACCTTt 3' Energy: -12.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ai NC_045512.2 149.00 -12.15 2 19 11083 11106 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25795 to 25814 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cccUUUUUGACGUUAAUGGAAa 5' |||||| | |||||:|| Ref: 5' tccAAAAAC--CCATTACTTTa 3' Energy: -7.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ai NC_045512.2 148.00 -7.64 2 20 25795 25814 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:13051 to 13071 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' cccuuuUUGACGUUAAUGGAAa 5' |||||: ||||:||| Ref: 5' caattcAACTGT-ATTATCTTt 3' Energy: -14.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ai NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.34 2 17 13051 13071 15 80.00% 93.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24065 to 24086 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cccuUUUUGACGUUAAUGGAAa 5' || |: |::|||:|||| Ref: 5' aaacAATATGGTGATTGCCTTg 3' Energy: -10.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ai NC_045512.2 146.00 -10.01 2 19 24065 24086 17 64.71% 88.24% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:21274 to 21295 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cccuuuuugACGUUAAUGGAAa 5' ||:|||||:||| Ref: 5' ttaattggaTGTAATTATCTTg 3' Energy: -13.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ai NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.27 2 14 21274 21295 12 83.33% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:3436 to 3461 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' cccuUUUUGAC-GUU---AAUGGAAa 5' || :| | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgttAATGCAGCCAATGTTTACCTTa 3' Energy: -10.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ai NC_045512.2 144.00 -10.03 2 19 3436 3461 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:22898 to 22919 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' cccuuuUUGACGUUAAUGGAaa 5' ||:| :|||||||| Ref: 5' ggtggtAATTATAATTACCTgt 3' Energy: -14.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ai NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.08 3 17 22898 22919 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:2469 to 2488 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cccuUUUUGACGUUAAUGGAAa 5' |||| | |||||:||| Ref: 5' ccccAAAA--GAAATTATCTTc 3' Energy: -8.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ai NC_045512.2 143.00 -8.75 2 19 2469 2488 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:11172 to 11193 Align Len (14) (57.14%) (85.71%) Query: 3' cccuuuuUGACGUUAAUGGAAa 5' ::| : :||||||| Ref: 5' tctgtttGTTTTTGTTACCTTc 3' Energy: -9.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ai NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.91 2 16 11172 11193 14 57.14% 85.71% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:28131 to 28150 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (84.62%) Query: 3' cccuuuuuGACGUUAAUGGAAa 5' |||: ||||||| Ref: 5' acagtttcCTGT--TTACCTTt 3' Energy: -11.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ai NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.03 2 15 28131 28150 13 76.92% 84.62% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9483 to 9505 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cccUUUUUG-ACGUUAAUGGAAa 5' | |: | ||:|:||:|||| Ref: 5' aatACAGTCATGTAGTTGCCTTt 3' Energy: -15.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ai NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.68 2 20 9483 9505 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:26060 to 26082 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' cccuuuuugacGU-UAAUGGAAa 5' || :||||||| Ref: 5' ctggtgttgaaCATGTTACCTTc 3' Energy: -12.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ai NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.65 2 12 26060 26082 11 81.82% 90.91% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:5389 to 5410 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' cccuuuuugACGUUAAUGGAAa 5' |||| |||:||| Ref: 5' taacttttgTGCACTTATCTTa 3' Energy: -9.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ai NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.95 2 14 5389 5410 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4013 to 4032 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cccUUUUUGACGUUAAUGGAAa 5' :|||||| :||||:|| Ref: 5' acaGAAAACT--TGTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -9.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ai NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.94 2 20 4013 4032 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:19752 to 19772 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cccuUUUUGACGUUAAUGGAaa 5' ||||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaatAAAACAAC-ATTACCTgt 3' Energy: -10.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ai NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.28 3 19 19752 19772 16 81.25% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548ai NC_045512.2 2619.00 -214.73 158.00 -19.93 1286 22 29903 8462 21714 18330 11083 25795 13051 24065 21274 3436 22898 2469 11172 28131 9483 26060 5389 4013 19752 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-501-3p MIMAT0004774(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-501-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13219 to 13239 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucUUAGGAACGGGCCCACGUAa 5' ||||||| : ||||||| Ref: 5' agAATCCTT-TGGTGGTGCATc 3' Energy: -22.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-501-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -22.36 2 21 13219 13239 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-501-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -22.36 158.00 -22.36 1287 22 29903 13219 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4695-5p MIMAT0019788(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4695-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1251-3p MIMAT0026741(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1251-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14211 to 14231 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gaUGUGACCGACUCGUUUCGc 5' |||||| || | |||||| Ref: 5' tgACACTGACTTAACAAAGCc 3' Energy: -16.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1251-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.70 2 20 14211 14231 18 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:879 to 898 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gaUGUGACCGACUCGUUUCGc 5' :||| |||| |:||||| Ref: 5' taGCACGTGCTG-GTAAAGCt 3' Energy: -19.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1251-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.25 2 20 879 898 18 72.22% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1251-3p NC_045512.2 292.00 -35.95 147.00 -19.25 1289 21 29903 14211 879 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548ao-5p MIMAT0021029(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548ao-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:25884 to 25905 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' acguuuUUGGCAUCAAUGAAGa 5' ||::|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttcttcAATTGTCATTACTTCa 3' Energy: -11.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ao-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -11.39 2 17 25884 25905 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17754 to 17775 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' acgUUUUUGGCAUCAAUGAAGa 5' ||||:|:|| |||:||| Ref: 5' gagAAAAGCTGTCTTTATTTCa 3' Energy: -14.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ao-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -14.29 2 20 17754 17775 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11470 to 11491 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' acguUUUUGGCAUCAAUGAAGa 5' | ||:| |||||||| Ref: 5' tcttATAATCTCTGTTACTTCt 3' Energy: -13.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ao-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -13.76 2 19 11470 11491 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4012 to 4032 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' acGUUUUUGGCAUCAAUGAAGa 5' ||:||| | | |||||||: Ref: 5' caCAGAAAAC-TTGTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -12.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ao-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -12.08 2 21 4012 4032 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:25993 to 26014 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acguuuuuggcaUCAAUGAAGa 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' gttgtattacacAGTTACTTCa 3' Energy: -13.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ao-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -13.98 2 11 25993 26014 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:5891 to 5911 Align Len (19) (84.21%) (84.21%) Query: 3' acGU-UUUUGGCAUCAAUGAAga 5' || |||||| |||||||| Ref: 5' acCATAAAACC--AGTTACTTat 3' Energy: -14.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ao-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.36 3 21 5891 5911 19 84.21% 84.21% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25795 to 25814 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' acGUUUUUGGCAUCAAUGAAGa 5' |||||||| | ||||||: Ref: 5' tcCAAAAACC-CA-TTACTTTa 3' Energy: -12.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ao-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -12.62 2 21 25795 25814 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:5449 to 5471 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' acgUUUUUGGCA-UCAAUGAAga 5' |:|||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' tagAGAAACAATGAGTTACTTgt 3' Energy: -14.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ao-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.32 3 20 5449 5471 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:1325 to 1346 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' acGUUUUUGGCAUCAAUGAAga 5' || | ::||:||||||| Ref: 5' gcCACTACTTGTGGTTACTTac 3' Energy: -14.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ao-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.71 3 21 1325 1346 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4718 to 4741 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' acguUUUUGGC-AU-CAAUGAAGa 5' | ||: | || ||||||| Ref: 5' gcgtATAATGGTTATCTTACTTCt 3' Energy: -13.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ao-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.50 2 19 4718 4741 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5966 to 5987 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' acgUUUUUGGCAUCAAUGAAGa 5' |||:|| | |||:||| Ref: 5' aagAAAGACAATTCTTATTTCa 3' Energy: -9.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ao-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.11 2 20 5966 5987 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:21510 to 21531 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' acguUUUUGGCAUCAAUGAAGa 5' || | || ||||:||| Ref: 5' aaacAACAGAGTTGTTATTTCt 3' Energy: -13.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ao-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.66 2 19 21510 21531 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2719 to 2740 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' acGUUUUUGGCAUCAAUGAAGa 5' || ||| :|||||||: Ref: 5' tgCACCAACAAAGGTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -15.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ao-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.50 2 21 2719 2740 19 63.16% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548ao-5p NC_045512.2 1920.00 -173.28 156.00 -15.50 1290 22 29903 25884 17754 11470 4012 25993 5891 25795 5449 1325 4718 5966 21510 2719 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4692 MIMAT0019783(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4692 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:12733 to 12754 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uagacuAUGGGUGUGACGGACu 5' ||| || |||||:|| Ref: 5' cggtacTACACAAACTGCTTGc 3' Energy: -20.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4692 NC_045512.2 148.00 -20.59 2 17 12733 12754 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17310 to 17330 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uaGACUAUGGGUGUGACGGACu 5' ||| || ::||:|||||| Ref: 5' taCTG-TAAATGCATTGCCTGa 3' Energy: -23.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4692 NC_045512.2 146.00 -23.13 2 21 17310 17330 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:14571 to 14592 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uaGACUAUGGGUGUGACGGAcu 5' ||| ||: |||:||||:| Ref: 5' ccCTGCTATGCACGCTGCTTct 3' Energy: -21.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4692 NC_045512.2 140.00 -21.91 3 21 14571 14592 18 72.22% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4692 NC_045512.2 434.00 -65.63 148.00 -23.13 1291 22 29903 12733 17310 14571 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-103b MIMAT0007402(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-103b vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:16191 to 16213 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucGUCGUAACAUGUCCCGAUACu 5' | | :|| ||:: ||||||| Ref: 5' acCTGAGTTTTATGAGGCTATGt 3' Energy: -14.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-103b NC_045512.2 161.00 -14.24 2 22 16191 16213 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:20288 to 20312 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (72.73%) Query: 3' ucGUCGUA--ACAUGUCCCGAUACu 5' |:|:|| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaCGGTATAAATTAGAAGGCTATGc 3' Energy: -18.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-103b NC_045512.2 152.00 -18.82 2 22 20288 20312 22 63.64% 72.73% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4600 to 4623 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' ucgucGUAAC-AUGUCCCGAUACu 5' || || || ||||||| Ref: 5' tgttaCAATGCCACTTGGCTATGt 3' Energy: -16.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-103b NC_045512.2 149.00 -16.03 2 19 4600 4623 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:10742 to 10760 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' ucGUCGUAACAUGUCCCGAUACu 5' :| | |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTAACCTTGT----GGCTATGa 3' Energy: -14.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-103b NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.00 2 22 10742 10760 20 65.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:8678 to 8702 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ucgUCGUAAC--AUGUCCCGAUAcu 5' | ||| | |||| |||||| Ref: 5' gaaATCATAGGATACAAGGCTATtg 3' Energy: -14.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-103b NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.01 3 21 8678 8702 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:13382 to 13404 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ucGUCGUA-ACAUGUCCCGAUACu 5' |:|:|| || | | ||:|||| Ref: 5' tgCGGTATGTGGA-AAGGTTATGg 3' Energy: -21.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-103b NC_045512.2 142.00 -21.15 2 22 13382 13404 21 66.67% 80.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-103b NC_045512.2 891.00 -98.25 161.00 -21.15 1292 23 29903 16191 20288 4600 10742 8678 13382 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3665 MIMAT0018087(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3665 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:5686 to 5701 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (73.33%) Query: 3' gcGGCGGGGCGUGGACGa 5' | || | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtCAGCAC--CACCTGCt 3' Energy: -19.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3665 NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.32 2 17 5686 5701 15 73.33% 73.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:5330 to 5347 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gcggcggggcGUGGACGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aagtttaatcCACCTGCt 3' Energy: -16.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3665 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.85 2 9 5330 5347 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3665 NC_045512.2 281.00 -36.17 141.00 -19.32 1293 18 29903 5686 5330 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-524-3p MIMAT0002850(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-524-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-214-3p MIMAT0000271(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-214-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26706 to 26728 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (94.74%) Query: 3' ugaCGGAC-AGACACGGACGACa 5' ||:|| |:|||||:||||| Ref: 5' ttaGCTTGTTTTGTGCTTGCTGc 3' Energy: -29.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-214-3p NC_045512.2 162.00 -29.02 2 20 26706 26728 19 78.95% 94.74% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29446 to 29466 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ugACGGACAGACACGGACGACa 5' || || | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgTGACTCT-TCTTCCTGCTGc 3' Energy: -15.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-214-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -15.53 2 21 29446 29466 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17555 to 17576 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugACGGAC-AGACACGGACGACa 5' ||:| | :||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctTGTCGGCGTTGT-CCTGCTGa 3' Energy: -23.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-214-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -23.06 2 21 17555 17576 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25304 to 25324 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ugACGGACAGACACGGACGACa 5' | |:||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgTTCTTGT-GGATCCTGCTGc 3' Energy: -18.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-214-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -18.37 2 21 25304 25324 19 68.42% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-214-3p NC_045512.2 619.00 -85.98 162.00 -29.02 1295 22 29903 26706 29446 17555 25304 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1197 MIMAT0005955(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1197 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8122 to 8142 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ucuuCAUCUGGUACACAGGAu 5' | | | ||||||||| Ref: 5' acttGCAAAGAATGTGTCCTt 3' Energy: -15.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1197 NC_045512.2 153.00 -15.97 2 18 8122 8142 16 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:563 to 586 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucuUCA-UCUG-GUA-CACAGGAu 5' :|| |||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' agtGGTGAGACACTTGGTGTCCTt 3' Energy: -19.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1197 NC_045512.2 151.00 -19.62 2 19 563 586 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:1480 to 1500 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (93.75%) Query: 3' ucuuCAUCUGGUACACAGGAu 5' | ||:|::|||||:|| Ref: 5' ctttGGAGGCTGTGTGTTCTc 3' Energy: -18.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1197 NC_045512.2 149.00 -18.66 2 18 1480 1500 16 68.75% 93.75% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:27986 to 28008 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ucuUCAUCUG--GUACACAGGAu 5' ||| ||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtAGTTGATGACCCGTGTCCTa 3' Energy: -20.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1197 NC_045512.2 149.00 -20.62 2 19 27986 28008 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:11922 to 11944 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ucuuCAUCUGG--UACACAGGau 5' ||:|:|: |||||||| Ref: 5' aattGTGGGCTCAATGTGTCCag 3' Energy: -19.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1197 NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.92 3 18 11922 11944 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:16237 to 16257 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ucuucAUCUGGUACACAGGAu 5' |:|: | |||||:|| Ref: 5' gctgtTGGGGCTTGTGTTCTt 3' Energy: -15.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1197 NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.51 2 17 16237 16257 15 66.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1197 NC_045512.2 882.00 -110.30 153.00 -20.62 1296 21 29903 8122 563 1480 27986 11922 16237 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3141 MIMAT0015010(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3141 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6885-3p MIMAT0027671(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6885-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:15814 to 15834 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gauccccucgucCUUCGUUUc 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' gtttttatgtctGAAGCAAAa 3' Energy: -8.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6885-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -8.89 2 10 15814 15834 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:4275 to 4294 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' gauccCCUCGUCCUUCGUUUc 5' | || ||||:||||| Ref: 5' acactGTAG-AGGAGGCAAAg 3' Energy: -20.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6885-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -20.16 2 17 4275 4294 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:15200 to 15220 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gauccccuCGUCCUUCGUUUc 5' | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tagtaattGGAACAAGCAAAt 3' Energy: -7.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6885-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -7.33 2 14 15200 15220 12 75.00% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6885-3p NC_045512.2 428.00 -36.38 145.00 -20.16 1298 21 29903 15814 4275 15200 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-346 MIMAT0000773(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-346 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:29082 to 29103 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ucuccGUCCGUACGCCCGUCUGu 5' || || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' taacaCAAGCTTTC-GGCAGACg 3' Energy: -18.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-346 NC_045512.2 152.00 -18.14 2 19 29082 29103 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24539 to 24564 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (72.73%) Query: 3' ucuCCGUCCG--UA-CGCCCGUCUGu 5' | :|||: || | ||||||| Ref: 5' attGATAGGTTGATCACAGGCAGACt 3' Energy: -18.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-346 NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.35 2 21 24539 24564 22 63.64% 72.73% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:1242 to 1264 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucuccguccguacgcCCGUCUGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gtggtgaaacttcatGGCAGACg 3' Energy: -14.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-346 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.97 2 9 1242 1264 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:13797 to 13819 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucuccguccguacgcCCGUCUGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tactaaatacacaatGGCAGACc 3' Energy: -12.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-346 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.38 2 9 13797 13819 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-346 NC_045512.2 578.00 -63.84 152.00 -18.35 1299 23 29903 29082 24539 1242 13797 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-21-5p MIMAT0000076(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-21-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21185 to 21207 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agUUGUAGUCAG-ACUAUUCGAu 5' ||:: :: || | ||||||| Ref: 5' ggAATGCTGATCTTTATAAGCTc 3' Energy: -10.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-21-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -10.07 2 21 21185 21207 20 60.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:17598 to 17619 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (73.33%) Query: 3' aguuguAGUCAGACUAUUCGAu 5' |:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tttggtTTATGATAATAAGCTt 3' Energy: -7.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-21-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -7.85 2 17 17598 17619 15 66.67% 73.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12676 to 12697 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' agUUGUAGUCAGACUAUUCGAu 5' ||: ||| | ||:|||| Ref: 5' caAATTACAGAATAATGAGCTt 3' Energy: -11.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-21-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.27 2 21 12676 12697 19 63.16% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-21-5p NC_045512.2 435.00 -29.19 151.00 -11.27 1300 22 29903 21185 17598 12676 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-12113 MIMAT0049007(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-12113 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11706 to 11728 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gauuAGGGUGUAU-CUCAAGUCu 5' |:|:||| | |||||:|| Ref: 5' tagtTTCTACACAGGAGTTTAGa 3' Energy: -19.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12113 NC_045512.2 149.00 -19.70 2 19 11706 11728 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:10549 to 10571 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gaUUAG-GGUGUAUCUCAAGUcu 5' |||: ||| |:||||||| Ref: 5' ggAATTACCAACTGGAGTTCAtg 3' Energy: -17.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12113 NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.62 3 21 10549 10571 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:22015 to 22036 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (76.92%) Query: 3' gauuagggUGUAUCUCAAGUCu 5' | | |||||||| Ref: 5' ttggatggAAAGTGAGTTCAGa 3' Energy: -13.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12113 NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.69 2 15 22015 22036 13 76.92% 76.92% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-12113 NC_045512.2 442.00 -51.01 149.00 -19.70 1301 22 29903 11706 10549 22015 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-197-3p MIMAT0000227(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-197-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1228 to 1249 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' cgaCCCACCUCUUCCACCACUu 5' | ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gaaGTGTGATCATTGTGGTGAa 3' Energy: -16.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-197-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.18 2 20 1228 1249 18 66.67% 66.67% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:28546 to 28567 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgacccaccucuuCCACCACUu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' cagacgaattcgtGGTGGTGAc 3' Energy: -15.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-197-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.37 2 10 28546 28567 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:550 to 571 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgacccaccucuucCACCACUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tcagtacggtcgtaGTGGTGAg 3' Energy: -14.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-197-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.64 2 9 550 571 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:23776 to 23797 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgacccaccucuucCACCACUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tacaatgtacatttGTGGTGAt 3' Energy: -10.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-197-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.59 2 9 23776 23797 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-197-3p NC_045512.2 572.00 -56.78 147.00 -16.18 1302 22 29903 1228 28546 550 23776 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5582-3p MIMAT0022280(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5582-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:24553 to 24575 Align Len (18) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ggaUCCGUGUGAA-UUUCAAAau 5' ||||| |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' cacAGGCAGACTTCAAAGTTTgc 3' Energy: -18.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5582-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -18.65 3 20 24553 24575 18 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:14397 to 14419 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ggauccGUGUGAAU-UUCAAAAu 5' | ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' agtgttCCCACCTACAAGTTTTg 3' Energy: -10.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5582-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -10.91 2 17 14397 14419 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:23887 to 23908 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ggauccGUGUGAAUUUCAAAAu 5' ||| | :||||||| Ref: 5' caaaaaCACCCAAGAAGTTTTt 3' Energy: -9.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5582-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -9.06 2 17 23887 23908 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:27256 to 27276 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ggaUCCGUGUGAAUUUCAAAau 5' ||| || :||||||||| Ref: 5' atgAGG-ACTTTTAAAGTTTcc 3' Energy: -13.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5582-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -13.67 3 20 27256 27276 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:21668 to 21691 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ggauccGUGUGA--AUUUCAAAAu 5' :|| || |||||||| Ref: 5' gtttatTACCCTGACAAAGTTTTc 3' Energy: -7.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5582-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -7.91 2 17 21668 21691 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22564 to 22588 Align Len (22) (59.09%) (72.73%) Query: 3' ggAUCCGUGUGA---AUUUCAAAAu 5' |: || | :| |:||||||| Ref: 5' ctTGTGCCCTTTTGGTGAAGTTTTt 3' Energy: -10.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5582-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.11 2 21 22564 22588 22 59.09% 72.73% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:25199 to 25223 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ggauCCGUGUGAAU---UUCAAAAu 5' ||:|||:||: |:||||| Ref: 5' ccatGGTACATTTGGCTAGGTTTTa 3' Energy: -19.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5582-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.67 2 19 25199 25223 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:8911 to 8932 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ggauccGUGUGAAUUUCAAAAu 5' | :|| ||:|||||| Ref: 5' gcatttCTTACCTAGAGTTTTt 3' Energy: -9.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5582-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.67 2 17 8911 8932 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16484 to 16506 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' ggAUCCGUGUGAAU-UUCAAAAu 5' |: || |: | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgTGTGCTAATGGACAAGTTTTt 3' Energy: -7.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5582-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -7.37 2 21 16484 16506 20 60.00% 70.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5582-3p NC_045512.2 1340.00 -107.02 158.00 -19.67 1303 22 29903 24553 14397 23887 27256 21668 22564 25199 8911 16484 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4786-5p MIMAT0019954(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4786-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4485-5p MIMAT0032116(16 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4485-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-205-3p MIMAT0009197(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-205-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:4181 to 4201 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' cuugaAGUGAGGUGACUUUAg 5' | :| |:|||||||| Ref: 5' gctggTGGCACTACTGAAATg 3' Energy: -13.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-205-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -13.15 2 17 4181 4201 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17560 to 17580 Align Len (18) (55.56%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cuUGAAGUGAGGUGACUUUAg 5' :| |::: |::||||||| Ref: 5' cgGCGTTGTCCTGCTGAAATt 3' Energy: -13.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-205-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -13.63 2 20 17560 17580 18 55.56% 88.89% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:22957 to 22978 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' cuugaaGUGAGG-UGACUUUAg 5' :|:|:| |||||||| Ref: 5' gagagaTATTTCAACTGAAATc 3' Energy: -19.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-205-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -19.46 2 16 22957 22978 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:17873 to 17892 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cuUGAAGUGAGGUGACUUUag 5' || ||| ||||||||| Ref: 5' tcAC-TCAAACCACTGAAAca 3' Energy: -18.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-205-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.58 3 20 17873 17892 17 82.35% 82.35% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:6334 to 6354 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cuugAAGUGAGGUGACUUUAg 5' ||:: | :||||||:| Ref: 5' ttcgTTTGATGTACTGAAGTc 3' Energy: -16.379999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-205-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.38 2 18 6334 6354 16 62.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10809 to 10831 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cuuGAAG-UGAG-GUGACUUUAg 5' :||| :||| ||||:||| Ref: 5' ctcTTTCTGCTCAAACTGGAATt 3' Energy: -15.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-205-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.96 2 19 10809 10831 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:20515 to 20535 Align Len (15) (60.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' cuugaAGUGAGGUGACUUUAg 5' | |:|::::|||||| Ref: 5' cttgaTGATTTTGTTGAAATa 3' Energy: -10.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-205-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.73 2 17 20515 20535 15 60.00% 93.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-205-3p NC_045512.2 1031.00 -107.89 156.00 -19.46 1306 21 29903 4181 17560 22957 17873 6334 10809 20515 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-513c-5p MIMAT0005789(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-513c-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28947 to 28968 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uaUUUGCUGUGGAGGAACUCUu 5' |:|: : ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' acAGATTGAACCAGCTTGAGAg 3' Energy: -16.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513c-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -16.82 2 21 28947 28968 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23292 to 23313 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (68.42%) Query: 3' uaUUUGCUGUGGAGGAACUCUu 5' :| | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtGATCCACAGACACTTGAGAt 3' Energy: -14.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513c-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.03 2 21 23292 23313 19 63.16% 68.42% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1601 to 1623 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (89.47%) Query: 3' uauUUGCUG-UGGAGGAACUCUu 5' ||:||| ||||:||||| | Ref: 5' cttAATGACAACCTTCTTGAAAt 3' Energy: -21.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513c-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -21.85 2 20 1601 1623 19 78.95% 89.47% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:842 to 864 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uauUUGCUG-UGGAGGAACUCuu 5' :|:|:| ||| :|||||| Ref: 5' cctGATGGCTACCCTCTTGAGtg 3' Energy: -21.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513c-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -21.68 3 20 842 864 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4930 to 4955 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' uauuUGCUGUG----GAGGAACUCUu 5' | ||||| :||:|||||| Ref: 5' tcttAAGACACTTCTTTCTTTGAGAg 3' Energy: -20.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513c-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.69 2 19 4930 4955 21 66.67% 76.19% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-513c-5p NC_045512.2 733.00 -95.07 156.00 -21.85 1307 22 29903 28947 23292 1601 842 4930 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8066 MIMAT0030993(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8066 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 181.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28693 to 28712 Align Len (18) (94.44%) (94.44%) Query: 3' auGUAGGUUUUCUAGUGUAAc 5' || ||||||||||||||| Ref: 5' taCA-CCAAAAGATCACATTg 3' Energy: -29.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8066 NC_045512.2 181.00 -29.62 2 20 28693 28712 18 94.44% 94.44% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:20099 to 20121 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' augUAG-GUUUUCU-AGUGUAAc 5' :|| :|| :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctaGTCTTAATGGAGTCACATTa 3' Energy: -10.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8066 NC_045512.2 152.00 -10.95 2 19 20099 20121 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:16580 to 16600 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' augUAGGUUUUCUAGUGUAAc 5' || | :: |||:||||| Ref: 5' caaATGCTGGTGATTACATTt 3' Energy: -9.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8066 NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.78 2 19 16580 16600 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:6123 to 6142 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' augUAGGUUUUCUAGUGUAAc 5' | |: |||| |:||||| Ref: 5' gagAGCTTAAAG-TTACATTt 3' Energy: -8.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8066 NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.82 2 19 6123 6142 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8066 NC_045512.2 615.00 -59.17 181.00 -29.62 1308 21 29903 28693 20099 16580 6123 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-145-5p MIMAT0000437(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-145-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 169.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22789 to 22811 Align Len (16) (87.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ucccuaAGGACCCUUUUGACCUg 5' ||| ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' aatcgcTCCAGGGCAAACTGGAa 3' Energy: -21.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-145-5p NC_045512.2 169.00 -21.21 2 18 22789 22811 16 87.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 168.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:728 to 750 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uccCUAAGGACCCUUUUGACCUg 5' ||||:: |||||||||| Ref: 5' gaaGATTTTCAAGAAAACTGGAa 3' Energy: -19.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-145-5p NC_045512.2 168.00 -19.01 2 21 728 750 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10807 to 10829 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ucccuAAGGACCCUUUUGACCUg 5' ||:||| |||||||| Ref: 5' acctcTTTCTGCTCAAACTGGAa 3' Energy: -16.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-145-5p NC_045512.2 162.00 -16.63 2 19 10807 10829 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:902 to 925 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ucccuAAGGACCCUU-UUGACCUg 5' ||: | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgcacTTTGTCCGAACAACTGGAc 3' Energy: -16.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-145-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -16.02 2 19 902 925 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:12873 to 12895 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucccuaaggacccUUUUGACCUg 5' |:||||||| Ref: 5' gtactatctatacAGAACTGGAa 3' Energy: -13.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-145-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.29 2 11 12873 12895 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14453 to 14476 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (68.42%) Query: 3' ucccUAAGGA-CCCUUUUGACCUg 5' |||: | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttccATTTGTAGTTTCAACTGGAt 3' Energy: -11.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-145-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.90 2 20 14453 14476 19 63.16% 68.42% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:10543 to 10565 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucccuaaggacccuuUUGACCUg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ccatatggaattaccAACTGGAg 3' Energy: -13.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-145-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.11 2 9 10543 10565 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:23848 to 23870 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucccuaaggacccuuUUGACCUg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' attaaaccgtgctttAACTGGAa 3' Energy: -14.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-145-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.18 2 9 23848 23870 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-145-5p NC_045512.2 1220.00 -125.35 169.00 -21.21 1309 23 29903 22789 728 10807 902 12873 14453 10543 23848 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5693 MIMAT0022486(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5693 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11814 to 11838 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cucaAGUAAAG--UC-UCGGUGACg 5' |::| || || |||||||| Ref: 5' aaccTTGTATCAAAGTAGCCACTGt 3' Energy: -17.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5693 NC_045512.2 152.00 -17.76 2 19 11814 11838 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11183 to 11205 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' cuCAA-GUAAAGUCUCGGUGACg 5' ||| | || : ||||||| Ref: 5' ttGTTACCTTCTCTTGCCACTGt 3' Energy: -16.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5693 NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.29 2 21 11183 11205 20 65.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:5283 to 5301 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' cucaAGUAAAGUCUCGGUGACg 5' |:|| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' actgTTATCTT---GCCACTGc 3' Energy: -16.559999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5693 NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.56 2 19 5283 5301 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:21572 to 21593 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cucaAGUAAAGUCUCGGUGAcg 5' |::|||:| |||||| Ref: 5' tttcTTGTTTTATTGCCACTag 3' Energy: -13.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5693 NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.50 3 19 21572 21593 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:16640 to 16661 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' cucaaguaaAGUCUCGGUGACg 5' ||| |||:|||| Ref: 5' cagaaacgcTCAAAGCTACTGa 3' Energy: -16.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5693 NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.22 2 14 16640 16661 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:1266 to 1287 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cuCAAGUAAAGUCUCGGUGAcg 5' | |: | |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' gcGATTTTGTTAAAGCCACTtg 3' Energy: -12.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5693 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.15 3 21 1266 1287 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21828 to 21849 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cuCAAGUAAAGUCUCGGUGACg 5' |||:||||:: |||||| Ref: 5' gtGTTTATTTTGCTTCCACTGa 3' Energy: -17.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5693 NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.10 2 21 21828 21849 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5693 NC_045512.2 1004.00 -109.58 152.00 -17.76 1310 22 29903 11814 11183 5283 21572 16640 1266 21828 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4801 MIMAT0019980(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4801 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14537 to 14561 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' acUCGGAA--CC-AAAAGAACACAu 5' ||::|| || || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttAGTTTTAAGGAATTACTTGTGTa 3' Energy: -15.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4801 NC_045512.2 154.00 -15.28 2 21 14537 14561 22 68.18% 77.27% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16234 to 16254 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' acUCGG-AACCAAAAGAACACAu 5' :||: |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' caGGCTGTTGG--GGCTTGTGTt 3' Energy: -18.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4801 NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.63 2 21 16234 16254 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:21561 to 21582 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' acucgGAACCAAAAGAACACAu 5' :||| ||||||||| | Ref: 5' caatgTTTGTTTTTCTTGTTTt 3' Energy: -11.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4801 NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.94 2 18 21561 21582 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:3952 to 3973 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acucggaaccaaaaGAACACAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' taagaaaatcaaagCTTGTGTt 3' Energy: -10.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4801 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.30 2 9 3952 3973 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:8583 to 8604 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acucggaaccaaaaGAACACAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' taattaaagttacaCTTGTGTt 3' Energy: -10.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4801 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.08 2 9 8583 8604 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:8986 to 9007 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acucggaaccaaaaGAACACAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ctttgcaacatcagCTTGTGTt 3' Energy: -11.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4801 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.47 2 9 8986 9007 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:25294 to 25315 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' acUCGGAACCAAAAGAACACau 5' || || | |||||||| Ref: 5' caAGGGCTGTTGTTCTTGTGga 3' Energy: -16.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4801 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.82 3 21 25294 25315 18 72.22% 72.22% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4801 NC_045512.2 999.00 -94.52 154.00 -18.63 1311 22 29903 14537 16234 21561 3952 8583 8986 25294 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4780 MIMAT0019939(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4780 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:25279 to 25300 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cgaucCCUAGUCCGAGUUCCCa 5' | | : | |||||||| Ref: 5' ttgctGTAGTTGTCTCAAGGGc 3' Energy: -18.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4780 NC_045512.2 149.00 -18.07 2 18 25279 25300 16 68.75% 75.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:10980 to 10999 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (73.33%) Query: 3' cgauccCUAGUCCGAGUUCCCa 5' || || ||||||| Ref: 5' tgaaaaGAACA--ATCAAGGGt 3' Energy: -14.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4780 NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.69 2 17 10980 10999 15 73.33% 73.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:12642 to 12663 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cgaucCCUAGUCCGAGUUCCCa 5' | | ||| :|:||||| Ref: 5' ttattGTAACAGCTTTAAGGGc 3' Energy: -15.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4780 NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.92 2 18 12642 12663 16 68.75% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4780 NC_045512.2 431.00 -48.68 149.00 -18.07 1312 22 29903 25279 10980 12642 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3935 MIMAT0018350(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3935 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 174.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9242 to 9265 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' cacCGACCACGA--GCAUAGAUGu 5' |||||||:| :|||||||| Ref: 5' gaaGCTGGTGTTTGTGTATCTACt 3' Energy: -28.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3935 NC_045512.2 174.00 -28.08 2 20 9242 9265 20 80.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15547 to 15570 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cacCGACCAC--GAGCAUAGAUGu 5' |:| || ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' aatGTTAATGCACTTTTATCTACt 3' Energy: -10.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3935 NC_045512.2 150.00 -10.26 2 20 15547 15570 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:8141 to 8161 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' caccgaccACGAGCAUAGAUGu 5' || || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttagacaaTG-TCTTATCTACt 3' Energy: -9.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3935 NC_045512.2 148.00 -9.25 2 15 8141 8161 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19891 to 19914 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (65.00%) Query: 3' cacCGACCACGAG--CAUAGAUGu 5' ||| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' gatGCTCCAGCACATATATCTACt 3' Energy: -11.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3935 NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.03 2 20 19891 19914 20 65.00% 65.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15109 to 15130 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (89.47%) Query: 3' cacCGACCAC-GAGCAUAGAUGu 5' ||||||| ||| |||||:: Ref: 5' gtaGCTGGTGTCTC-TATCTGTa 3' Energy: -25.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3935 NC_045512.2 140.00 -25.71 2 20 15109 15130 19 78.95% 89.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3935 NC_045512.2 754.00 -84.33 174.00 -28.08 1313 22 29903 9242 15547 8141 19891 15109 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-602 MIMAT0003270(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-602 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:27982 to 28005 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (89.47%) Query: 3' cccgGCGUCGACAGC-GGGCACAg 5' :|:||:|| :| ||||||| Ref: 5' cataTGTAGTTGATGACCCGTGTc 3' Energy: -30.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-602 NC_045512.2 162.00 -30.74 2 20 27982 28005 19 68.42% 89.47% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:187 to 212 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (78.26%) Query: 3' ccCGGCG--U-CGACAGCGGGCACAg 5' ||:|| | | | |||:|||||| Ref: 5' agGCTGCTTACGGTTTCGTCCGTGTt 3' Energy: -32.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-602 NC_045512.2 147.00 -32.34 2 22 187 212 23 69.57% 78.26% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:1872 to 1894 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ccCGGCGUCGACAGCGGGCACAg 5' || ||| | :||:||||| Ref: 5' ttGCATCAGAGGCTGCTCGTGTt 3' Energy: -24.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-602 NC_045512.2 145.00 -24.58 2 22 1872 1894 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:760 to 781 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccCGGCGUCGACAGCGGGCACag 5' || |::| |||: |||||| Ref: 5' taGCAGTGG-TGTTACCCGTGaa 3' Energy: -21.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-602 NC_045512.2 143.00 -21.64 3 22 760 781 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-602 NC_045512.2 597.00 -109.30 162.00 -32.34 1314 23 29903 27982 187 1872 760 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-2355-5p MIMAT0016895(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-2355-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8065 MIMAT0030992(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8065 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13624 to 13648 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ucggUUUUAAGUUGAC-AAGGAUGu 5' | ||||:||:|| |||:||| Ref: 5' gatgACAATTTAATTGATTCTTACt 3' Energy: -16.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8065 NC_045512.2 159.00 -16.00 2 21 13624 13648 20 75.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:21360 to 21385 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' ucgguuUUAAGUUGAC--AAGGAUGu 5' ||||||::|| ||||||: Ref: 5' aaatccAATTCAGTTGTCTTCCTATt 3' Energy: -20.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8065 NC_045512.2 153.00 -20.64 2 19 21360 21385 19 73.68% 89.47% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:21706 to 21732 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucgguuUUAAGU--UG-ACAAGGAUGu 5' || ||| || |||||:||| Ref: 5' acattcAACTCAGGACTTGTTCTTACc 3' Energy: -15.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8065 NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.38 2 19 21706 21732 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 23 R:9142 to 9163 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucGGUUUUAAGUUGACAAGGAUgu 5' |:| ||||||: |||||| Ref: 5' ctCTATTATTCAAT--TTCCTAac 3' Energy: -16.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8065 NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.34 3 23 9142 9163 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23198 to 23221 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucgguUUUAAGUUGACAAGGAUGu 5' |:: ||: |||||:||| Ref: 5' ttaacAGGCACAGGTGTTCTTACt 3' Energy: -18.549999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8065 NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.55 2 20 23198 23221 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27016 to 27038 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucggUUUUAAGUUGACAAGGAUGu 5' |:|| || |||||| |||| Ref: 5' ctaaAGAAATC-ACTGTTGCTACa 3' Energy: -19.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8065 NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.61 2 21 27016 27038 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 23 R:20542 to 20568 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (82.61%) Query: 3' ucGGUUUUAAGUUGA---CAAGGAUgu 5' ||||:|||:| || |||:||| Ref: 5' tcCCAAGATTTATCTGTAGTTTCTAag 3' Energy: -18.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8065 NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.95 3 23 20542 20568 23 69.57% 82.61% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:29438 to 29464 Align Len (23) (60.87%) (73.91%) Query: 3' ucgGUUUUAAGUUG---ACAAGGAUGu 5' |||| | ::|| | |||||:| Ref: 5' cagCAAACTGTGACTCTTCTTCCTGCt 3' Energy: -13.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8065 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.34 2 22 29438 29464 23 60.87% 73.91% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8065 NC_045512.2 1165.00 -138.81 159.00 -20.64 1316 24 29903 13624 21360 21706 9142 23198 27016 20542 29438 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4252 MIMAT0016886(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4252 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:2082 to 2103 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' accaCGACUGA---GUCACCGg 5' |:||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttcaGTTGACTTCGCAGTGGCt 3' Energy: -22.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4252 NC_045512.2 154.00 -22.91 2 16 2082 2103 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:599 to 616 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' accacgacUGAGUCACCGg 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' ggcgaaatAC-CAGTGGCt 3' Energy: -16.719999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4252 NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.72 2 12 599 616 10 90.00% 90.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4252 NC_045512.2 295.00 -39.63 154.00 -22.91 1317 19 29903 2082 599 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4768-3p MIMAT0019921(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4768-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:35 to 54 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' uaagaGAGACCUAGAGGACc 5' ||:| ||||||:|| Ref: 5' accaaCTTTCGATCTCTTGt 3' Energy: -17.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4768-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.64 2 16 35 54 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:28877 to 28896 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uaagagagaccuAGAGGACc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' agtaggggaactTCTCCTGc 3' Energy: -14.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4768-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.08 2 9 28877 28896 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4768-3p NC_045512.2 287.00 -31.72 147.00 -17.64 1318 20 29903 35 28877 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-552-5p MIMAT0026615(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-552-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14263 to 14283 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gguUGUCCGUUUUCCAAUUUg 5' ||:| :|:|||||||| Ref: 5' ttcACGGAAGAGAGGTTAAAa 3' Energy: -17.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-552-5p NC_045512.2 162.00 -17.77 2 19 14263 14283 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23143 to 23168 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (65.22%) Query: 3' ggUUGUCCGUU--UU---CCAAUUUg 5' || || | | || ||||||| Ref: 5' taAAAAGTCTACTAATTTGGTTAAAa 3' Energy: -8.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-552-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -8.16 2 20 23143 23168 23 65.22% 65.22% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-552-5p NC_045512.2 303.00 -25.93 162.00 -17.77 1319 21 29903 14263 23143 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-668-5p MIMAT0026636(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-668-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5582-5p MIMAT0022279(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5582-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1512 to 1530 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgaUAUUGAAAUUCACACGGAu 5' ||||| |||||||||| Ref: 5' gccATAAC---AAGTGTGCCTa 3' Energy: -22.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5582-5p NC_045512.2 163.00 -22.05 2 20 1512 1530 18 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14696 to 14716 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' cgAUAUUGAAAUUCACACGGAu 5' |||:||||| : ||||:|| Ref: 5' tcTATGACTTT-GCTGTGTCTa 3' Energy: -24.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5582-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -24.49 2 21 14696 14716 19 73.68% 89.47% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1197 to 1216 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cgAUAUUGAAAUUCACACGGAu 5' |: ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaTGCAAC--CAAATGTGCCTt 3' Energy: -11.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5582-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -11.24 2 21 1197 1216 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10505 to 10527 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cgaUAU-UGAAAUUCACACGGAu 5' ||| |:| |:| ||||:|| Ref: 5' aacATAGATTATGACTGTGTCTc 3' Energy: -12.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5582-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.39 2 20 10505 10527 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:27772 to 27794 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgauAUUGAA-AUUCACACGGAu 5' |:|||| || |||||:| Ref: 5' taatTGACTTCTATTTGTGCTTt 3' Energy: -12.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5582-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.46 2 19 27772 27794 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26703 to 26724 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cgAUAUUGAAAUUCACACGGAu 5' | ||:||| |||||:| Ref: 5' acTTTAGCTTGTTTTGTGCTTg 3' Energy: -18.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5582-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.05 2 21 26703 26724 19 63.16% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5582-5p NC_045512.2 897.00 -100.68 163.00 -24.49 1321 22 29903 1512 14696 1197 10505 27772 26703 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6124 MIMAT0024597(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6124 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 165.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:21723 to 21743 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (94.44%) Query: 3' agGAGGG-GGAAGGAAAAGGg 5' :||:: ||||:||||||| Ref: 5' tgTTCTTACCTTTCTTTTCCa 3' Energy: -23.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6124 NC_045512.2 165.00 -23.59 2 19 21723 21743 18 72.22% 94.44% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:18675 to 18694 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' aggAGGGGGAAGGAAAAGGg 5' | || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' acgTGCCACATGCTTTTCCa 3' Energy: -14.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6124 NC_045512.2 153.00 -14.97 2 18 18675 18694 16 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:29567 to 29587 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' aggagGGGGAAG-GAAAAGGg 5' | ::||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ataaaCGTTTTCGCTTTTCCg 3' Energy: -15.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6124 NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.15 2 16 29567 29587 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22071 to 22090 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' aggAGGGGGAAGGAAAAGGg 5' ||:|:| |||||||: Ref: 5' atgTCTCTCAGCCTTTTCTt 3' Energy: -20.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6124 NC_045512.2 145.00 -20.36 2 18 22071 22090 16 68.75% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6124 NC_045512.2 613.00 -74.07 165.00 -23.59 1322 20 29903 21723 18675 29567 22071 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4453 MIMAT0018975(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4453 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:13978 to 13996 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uugGCGAUGUCUGGUUCGAg 5' || |::| :||||||| Ref: 5' gaaCG-TGTACGCCAAGCTt 3' Energy: -18.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4453 NC_045512.2 151.00 -18.09 2 18 13978 13996 16 68.75% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4453 NC_045512.2 151.00 -18.09 151.00 -18.09 1323 20 29903 13978 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3689b-3p MIMAT0018181(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3689b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-10401-5p MIMAT0041633(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-10401-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-433-3p MIMAT0001627(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-433-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:18848 to 18869 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (76.92%) Query: 3' uguggcucCUCGGGUAGUACUa 5' || | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctagttgtGATGCAATCATGAc 3' Energy: -12.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-433-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.87 2 15 18848 18869 13 76.92% 76.92% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:28211 to 28232 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uguggcuccUCGGGUAGUACUa 5' || :||||||| Ref: 5' agactttttAGAGTATCATGAc 3' Energy: -11.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-433-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.68 2 14 28211 28232 12 75.00% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-433-3p NC_045512.2 291.00 -24.55 146.00 -12.87 1326 22 29903 18848 28211 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-187-5p MIMAT0004561(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-187-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:15361 to 15382 Align Len (10) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgggcccaggaCACAACAUCGg 5' |||||||||| Ref: 5' aaacatacaacGTGTTGTAGCt 3' Energy: -17.379999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-187-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -17.38 2 12 15361 15382 10 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:2872 to 2893 Align Len (13) (92.31%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgggcccaGGACACAACAUCGg 5' ||||||||||:|| Ref: 5' tgagttcgCCTGTGTTGTGGCa 3' Energy: -29.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-187-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -29.62 2 15 2872 2893 13 92.31% 100.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9408 to 9427 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' cggGCCCAGGACACAACAUCGg 5' | ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' tagCTGGT--GGTATTGTAGCt 3' Energy: -16.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-187-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.77 2 20 9408 9427 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:15952 to 15975 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cgggCCCAG--GACACAACAUCgg 5' ||| | |||| |||||| Ref: 5' ctagGGGCCGGCTGTTTTGTAGat 3' Energy: -21.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-187-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -21.50 3 19 15952 15975 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:26768 to 26789 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' cgggccCAGGACACAACAUCgg 5' | |:||| |||||| Ref: 5' cgcaatGGCTTGTCTTGTAGgc 3' Energy: -17.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-187-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.74 3 17 26768 26789 14 78.57% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-187-5p NC_045512.2 738.00 -103.01 155.00 -29.62 1327 22 29903 15361 2872 9408 15952 26768 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-613 MIMAT0003281(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-613 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:29347 to 29364 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ccGUUUCUUCCUUGUAAGGa 5' || | || |||||||| Ref: 5' cgCATACAA--AACATTCCc 3' Energy: -10.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-613 NC_045512.2 151.00 -10.93 2 19 29347 29364 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:3632 to 3652 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ccGUUUCUUCCU-UGUAAGga 5' |||||: | | |||||| Ref: 5' aaCAAAGGTGAAGACATTCaa 3' Energy: -14.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-613 NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.57 3 19 3632 3652 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4880 to 4899 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccguuucuuccuUGUAAGGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' agtaatcctaccACATTCCa 3' Energy: -10.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-613 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.03 2 9 4880 4899 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:21164 to 21184 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ccgUUUCUU-CCUUGUAAGGa 5' |:| || ||||||||: Ref: 5' taaAGATAACAGAACATTCTt 3' Energy: -15.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-613 NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.42 2 18 21164 21184 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:26861 to 26879 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ccGUUUCUUCCUUGUAAGGa 5' ||:| || |||||||: Ref: 5' tcCAGA-AACTAACATTCTt 3' Energy: -10.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-613 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.97 2 19 26861 26879 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-613 NC_045512.2 712.00 -61.92 151.00 -15.42 1328 20 29903 29347 3632 4880 21164 26861 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1293 MIMAT0005883(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1293 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16449 to 16471 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' cgUGUUUAGAG-GUCUGGUGGGu 5' ::||||| | :| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttGTAAATCACATAAACCACCCa 3' Energy: -21.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1293 NC_045512.2 163.00 -21.34 2 21 16449 16471 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14306 to 14328 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cgugUUUAG-AGGUCUGGUGGGu 5' ::||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' attgGGATCAGACATACCACCCa 3' Energy: -20.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1293 NC_045512.2 149.00 -20.71 2 19 14306 14328 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:23918 to 23942 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' cgUGUUUAGAGG---UCUGGUGGgu 5' ||||||:| | | |||||| Ref: 5' aaACAAATTTACAAAACACCACCaa 3' Energy: -17.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1293 NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.95 3 21 23918 23942 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12882 to 12902 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgUGUUUAGAGGUCUGGUGGGu 5' |||:| || | ||||||: Ref: 5' atACAGAACTGGA-ACCACCTt 3' Energy: -19.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1293 NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.86 2 21 12882 12902 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17066 to 17089 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cguGUUUAGAGGU--CUGGUGGGu 5' | | ||||| |||||||: Ref: 5' attCTACACTCCAGGGACCACCTg 3' Energy: -22.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1293 NC_045512.2 142.00 -22.62 2 20 17066 17089 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:16743 to 16762 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgUGUUUAGAGGUCUGGUGGgu 5' ::||| || |||||||| Ref: 5' tgGTAAACCT--AGACCACCac 3' Energy: -21.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1293 NC_045512.2 141.00 -21.22 3 21 16743 16762 18 72.22% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1293 NC_045512.2 880.00 -123.70 163.00 -22.62 1329 22 29903 16449 14306 23918 12882 17066 16743 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6830-5p MIMAT0027560(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6830-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18495 to 18516 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' cuACAGGUCGGAGGAAGGAACc 5' ||| || |||||||| Ref: 5' taTGTACAAAGGACTTCCTTGg 3' Energy: -21.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6830-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -21.06 2 21 18495 18516 19 68.42% 68.42% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27790 to 27817 Align Len (25) (56.00%) (72.00%) Query: 3' cuACAGGUCGGAGG------AAGGAACc 5' | |::|||||:: ||||||| Ref: 5' gcTTTTTAGCCTTTCTGCTATTCCTTGt 3' Energy: -17.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6830-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.92 2 21 27790 27817 25 56.00% 72.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:4932 to 4952 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' cuacagGUCGGAGGAAGGAACc 5' || |:||:|||:||| Ref: 5' ttaagaCA-CTTCTTTCTTTGa 3' Energy: -16.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6830-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.39 2 17 4932 4952 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25816 to 25836 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cuACAGGUCGGAGGAAGGAACc 5' || ||| |: ::|||:||| Ref: 5' gaTG-CCAACTATTTTCTTTGc 3' Energy: -16.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6830-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.96 2 21 25816 25836 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:14747 to 14768 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuacaggucgGAGGAAGGAACc 5' ||:||||:||| Ref: 5' aattaaaacaCTTCTTCTTTGc 3' Energy: -14.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6830-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.84 2 13 14747 14768 11 81.82% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6830-5p NC_045512.2 723.00 -87.17 152.00 -21.06 1330 22 29903 18495 27790 4932 25816 14747 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4749-3p MIMAT0019886(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4749-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:787 to 808 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' gaCACCCCCGU--CCUCCCCGc 5' ||| | :| |||||||| Ref: 5' gcGTGAGCTTAACGGAGGGGCa 3' Energy: -20.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4749-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -20.29 2 19 787 808 19 68.42% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4749-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -20.29 149.00 -20.29 1331 20 29903 787 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1225-3p MIMAT0005573(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1225-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4643 MIMAT0019703(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4643 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 165.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:15427 to 15448 Align Len (12) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aaucguaaaUACCAGUACACAg 5' |||||||||||| Ref: 5' ttgagtgaaATGGTCATGTGTg 3' Energy: -20.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4643 NC_045512.2 165.00 -20.22 2 14 15427 15448 12 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:10470 to 10492 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' aaucGUAAAUACC-AGUACACag 5' | || |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' cattCCTTAATGGTTCATGTGgt 3' Energy: -14.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4643 NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.97 3 19 10470 10492 17 82.35% 82.35% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:15902 to 15923 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' aaucguaAAUACCAGUACACAg 5' | ||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' aacagggTGATGATTATGTGTa 3' Energy: -13.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4643 NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.06 2 16 15902 15923 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11532 to 11552 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' aaUCGUAAAUACCAGUACACAg 5' :|:| ||:| |:|||||| Ref: 5' gaGGTA-TTGTTTTTATGTGTg 3' Energy: -12.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4643 NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.04 2 21 11532 11552 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10830 to 10850 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' aaucGUAAAUACCAGUACACAg 5' |:||| | | :|||||| Ref: 5' ttgcCGTTT-TAGATATGTGTg 3' Energy: -10.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4643 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.47 2 19 10830 10850 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:16509 to 16530 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aaucguaaauaccaGUACACAg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tttatataaaaataCATGTGTt 3' Energy: -10.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4643 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.62 2 9 16509 16530 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4643 NC_045512.2 875.00 -81.38 165.00 -20.22 1333 22 29903 15427 10470 15902 11532 10830 16509 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6850-3p MIMAT0027601(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6850-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-302d-3p MIMAT0000718(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-302d-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:8523 to 8546 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ugugaguUUGUACCU-UCGUGAAu 5' |||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgtaacAACAAAGATAGCACTTa 3' Energy: -15.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302d-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -15.73 2 17 8523 8546 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:398 to 417 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uguGAGUUUGUACCUUCGUGAAu 5' ||:||| || :|||||| Ref: 5' catCTTAAAGAT---GGCACTTg 3' Energy: -17.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302d-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.49 2 21 398 417 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:15727 to 15749 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugugaguuuguaccuUCGUGAAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gttgtgtgtttcaatAGCACTTa 3' Energy: -11.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302d-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.99 2 9 15727 15749 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:21251 to 21274 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ugUGAGUUUGUA-CCUUCGUGAAu 5' :| : | ||| ||||||:|| Ref: 5' atGCGTCATCATCTGAAGCATTTt 3' Energy: -15.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302d-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.83 2 22 21251 21274 21 61.90% 76.19% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-302d-3p NC_045512.2 575.00 -61.04 155.00 -17.49 1335 23 29903 8523 398 15727 21251 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-210-3p MIMAT0000267(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-210-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:17446 to 17467 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' agucggcGACAGU-GUGCGUGUc 5' ||| || |||||||| Ref: 5' caattacCTG-CACCACGCACAt 3' Energy: -18.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-210-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -18.41 2 16 17446 17467 15 86.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8874 to 8894 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' agUCG-GCGACAGUGUGCGUGUc 5' :|| || | | :||||||| Ref: 5' ctGGCACGATAT--TACGCACAa 3' Energy: -17.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-210-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.16 2 21 8874 8894 20 65.00% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-210-3p NC_045512.2 296.00 -35.57 152.00 -18.41 1336 22 29903 17446 8874 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6762-5p MIMAT0027424(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6762-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7370 to 7393 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uguguccGACGAG-GUACCGGGGc 5' :||: | |||||||| Ref: 5' attaatcTTGTACAAATGGCCCCg 3' Energy: -22.799999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6762-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -22.80 2 17 7370 7393 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:15321 to 15345 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ugUGUCCGA--CGAGGUACCGGGGc 5' ||| ||| | ::||||||:| Ref: 5' taACATGCTTAGAATTATGGCCTCa 3' Energy: -20.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6762-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -20.33 2 22 15321 15345 22 63.64% 77.27% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6762-5p NC_045512.2 291.00 -43.13 147.00 -22.80 1337 23 29903 7370 15321 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3177-3p MIMAT0015054(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3177-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4687-5p MIMAT0019774(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4687-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-2682-5p MIMAT0013517(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-2682-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7855 to 7877 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cugcaGACUUGUCAGUGACGGAc 5' || || : |||:||||| Ref: 5' taacaCTAAAGGTTCATTGCCTa 3' Energy: -15.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2682-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.19 2 19 7855 7877 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19962 to 19985 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cugcAGAC-UUGUCAGUGACGGAc 5' | || | || ||||||:|| Ref: 5' gattTGTGCACCACTCACTGTCTt 3' Energy: -16.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2682-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.06 2 20 19962 19985 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:17306 to 17329 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' cuGCA-GACUUGUCAGUGACGGAc 5' :|| ||| | | ||:||||| Ref: 5' ttTGTACTGTAAATGCATTGCCTg 3' Energy: -22.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2682-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -22.54 2 22 17306 17329 21 66.67% 76.19% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-2682-5p NC_045512.2 436.00 -53.79 146.00 -22.54 1340 23 29903 7855 19962 17306 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-520f-3p MIMAT0002830(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-520f-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:17402 to 17423 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uugggagauuuuccUUCGUGAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ccagattacgtgctAAGCACTa 3' Energy: -9.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520f-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.69 2 9 17402 17423 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-520f-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.69 140.00 -9.69 1341 22 29903 17402 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-656-5p MIMAT0026627(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-656-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:18777 to 18797 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acuugUGGAGUGUCCGUUGGa 5' :::|:|||||:|||| Ref: 5' atgggGTTTTACAGGTAACCt 3' Energy: -25.280001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-656-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -25.28 2 17 18777 18797 15 66.67% 100.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:12067 to 12086 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' acuugUGGAGUGUCCGUUGGa 5' || || :||||||| Ref: 5' gctggACAACA-GGGCAACCt 3' Energy: -22.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-656-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -22.17 2 17 12067 12086 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:19023 to 19043 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' acuuGUGGAGUGUCCGUUGGa 5' ||| ||: ||:|||| Ref: 5' tcttCACGACATTGGTAACCc 3' Energy: -18.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-656-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.63 2 18 19023 19043 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:20659 to 20679 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acuuguggaguguCCGUUGGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tctagtcaagcgtGGCAACCg 3' Energy: -15.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-656-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.38 2 9 20659 20679 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-656-5p NC_045512.2 575.00 -81.46 148.00 -25.28 1342 21 29903 18777 12067 19023 20659 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5197-3p MIMAT0021131(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5197-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:21461 to 21483 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uaagcUACUGAGUCAGAGAAGAa 5' ||||:|: |||||||| Ref: 5' atgatATGATTTTATCTCTTCTt 3' Energy: -19.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5197-3p NC_045512.2 166.00 -19.79 2 19 21461 21483 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10510 to 10532 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uaagcUACUGAGUCAGAGAAGAa 5' |||||| |||||||:| Ref: 5' agattATGACTGTGTCTCTTTTt 3' Energy: -21.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5197-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -21.00 2 19 10510 10532 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:29436 to 29458 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' uaagcuacUGAGUCAGAGAAGAa 5' ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' aacagcaaACTGTGACTCTTCTt 3' Energy: -15.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5197-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -15.47 2 16 29436 29458 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:28803 to 28826 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uaagcuacUGAG-UCAGAGAAGAa 5' | || || ||||||| Ref: 5' gaggcggcAGTCAAGCCTCTTCTc 3' Energy: -16.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5197-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.26 2 16 28803 28826 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:22068 to 22090 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' uaagcuacuGAGUCAGAGAAGAa 5' ||||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' aatatgtctCTCAGCCTTTTCTt 3' Energy: -18.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5197-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.99 2 15 22068 22090 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:6682 to 6703 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uaagcUACUGAGUCAGAGAAGAa 5' ||| || || ||:|||| Ref: 5' taattATG-CTAAGCCTTTTCTt 3' Energy: -12.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5197-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.40 2 19 6682 6703 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:27483 to 27505 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (64.71%) Query: 3' uaagcUACUGAGUCAGAGAAGAa 5' | || | ||||||| Ref: 5' tttaaAAGAACCTTGCTCTTCTg 3' Energy: -11.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5197-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.15 2 19 27483 27505 17 64.71% 64.71% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:11636 to 11658 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uaAGCUACUGAGUCAGAGAAGAa 5' |:| | :|::| |||||:| Ref: 5' acTTGTTACTTTGGCCTCTTTTg 3' Energy: -9.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5197-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.74 2 22 11636 11658 20 55.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:24361 to 24383 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uaAGCUACUGAGUCAGAGAAGaa 5' |: | |||||| |:||||| Ref: 5' aaTTCAAGACTCACTTTCTTCca 3' Energy: -19.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5197-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.00 3 22 24361 24383 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:25713 to 25736 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uaAGCUACUGAGUCAGA-GAAGAa 5' |: ||| :|:||||| ||||| Ref: 5' tcTTTATGCTTTAGTCTACTTCTt 3' Energy: -19.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5197-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.20 2 22 25713 25736 21 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:27389 to 27413 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uaagcUAC--UGAGUCAGAGAAGAa 5' ||| | |:| |||:|||| Ref: 5' cgaacATGAAAATTATTCTTTTCTt 3' Energy: -14.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5197-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.54 2 19 27389 27413 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5197-3p NC_045512.2 1621.00 -177.54 166.00 -21.00 1343 23 29903 21461 10510 29436 28803 22068 6682 27483 11636 24361 25713 27389 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-487a-3p MIMAT0002178(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-487a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7477 to 7498 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uugaccUACAGGGACAUACUAa 5' || |:|||||||| Ref: 5' taattcATCAACTTGTATGATg 3' Energy: -12.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-487a-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -12.85 2 17 7477 7498 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14072 to 14095 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' uuGACCUA-CAGGGA-CAUACUAa 5' || || || || ||||||| Ref: 5' atCTCAATGGTAACTGGTATGATt 3' Energy: -14.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-487a-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.10 2 21 14072 14095 21 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:11351 to 11372 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' uugaccuacaGGGACAUACUAa 5' |: |||||||| Ref: 5' acagcaagaaCTGTGTATGATg 3' Energy: -12.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-487a-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -12.32 2 13 11351 11372 11 81.82% 90.91% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:13912 to 13933 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (73.33%) Query: 3' uugaccUACAGGGACAUACUAa 5' | | |: ||||||| Ref: 5' aataaaAAGGACTGGTATGATt 3' Energy: -12.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-487a-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.10 2 17 13912 13933 15 66.67% 73.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-487a-3p NC_045512.2 594.00 -51.37 152.00 -14.10 1344 22 29903 7477 14072 11351 13912 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-30d-5p MIMAT0000245(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-30d-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21974 to 21995 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gaAGGUCAGCCCCUACAAAUGu 5' |||| |: ||:||||||: Ref: 5' gaTCCATTTTTGGGTGTTTATt 3' Energy: -18.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30d-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -18.35 2 21 21974 21995 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10415 to 10433 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gaaGGUCAGCCCCUACAAAUGu 5' ||| || || ||||||| Ref: 5' tcaCCA-TCTGG--TGTTTACc 3' Energy: -14.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30d-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.18 2 20 10415 10433 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26715 to 26736 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (73.68%) Query: 3' gaAGGUCAGCCCCUACAAAUGu 5' | :: |:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTGTGCTTGCTGCTGTTTACa 3' Energy: -11.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30d-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -11.44 2 21 26715 26736 19 57.89% 73.68% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:4960 to 4981 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaaggucagcccCUACAAAUGu 5' |:||||||| Ref: 5' gaggactattaaGGTGTTTACa 3' Energy: -14.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30d-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.37 2 11 4960 4981 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:3437 to 3458 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaaggucagccccUACAAAUGu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' gttaatgcagccaATGTTTACc 3' Energy: -9.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30d-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.59 2 10 3437 3458 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:9340 to 9361 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaaggucagccccUACAAAUGu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tttacttactaatATGTTTACa 3' Energy: -11.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30d-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.39 2 10 9340 9361 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:7924 to 7946 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (70.59%) Query: 3' gaaggUCAG-CCCCUACAAAUGu 5' | || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgcaaAATCAGCGTCTGTTTACt 3' Energy: -12.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30d-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.70 2 18 7924 7946 17 70.59% 70.59% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:16849 to 16870 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (73.33%) Query: 3' gaagguCAGCCCCUACAAAUGu 5' | :| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tatggtGATGCTGTTGTTTACc 3' Energy: -8.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30d-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -8.48 2 17 16849 16870 15 66.67% 73.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21654 to 21674 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gaAGGUCAGCCCCUACAAAUGu 5' |:|| || || ||||||: Ref: 5' ctTTCACACGTGG-TGTTTATt 3' Energy: -16.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30d-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.13 2 21 21654 21674 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23451 to 23471 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gaaGGUCAGCCCCUACAAAUGu 5' |:| |:|| | ||||||: Ref: 5' ctcCTACTTGGCG-TGTTTATt 3' Energy: -12.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30d-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.70 2 20 23451 23471 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28128 to 28147 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (68.42%) Query: 3' gaAGGUCAGCCCCUACAAAUGu 5' | ||||: ||||||| Ref: 5' taTACAGTT--TCCTGTTTACc 3' Energy: -10.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30d-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.58 2 21 28128 28147 19 63.16% 68.42% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:11643 to 11664 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaaggucagccccuACAAAUGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' actttggcctctttTGTTTACt 3' Energy: -8.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30d-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.31 2 9 11643 11664 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:19696 to 19717 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaaggucagccccuACAAAUGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atcattaataacacTGTTTACa 3' Energy: -8.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30d-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.96 2 9 19696 19717 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-30d-5p NC_045512.2 1878.00 -157.18 152.00 -18.35 1345 22 29903 21974 10415 26715 4960 3437 9340 7924 16849 21654 23451 28128 11643 19696 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548av-5p MIMAT0022303(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548av-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:9773 to 9790 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uuuAGGCGUUCAUGAAAa 5' ||| : |||||||| Ref: 5' gttTCCTTTAGTACTTTt 3' Energy: -12.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548av-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -12.52 2 16 9773 9790 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:14864 to 14881 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uuUAGGCGUUCAUGAAAa 5' :|: :||||||||| Ref: 5' ttGTTGATAAGTACTTTg 3' Energy: -11.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548av-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -11.78 2 17 14864 14881 15 66.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:1709 to 1726 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (92.86%) Query: 3' uuuAGGCGUUCAUGAAAa 5' ||| |||||:|||| Ref: 5' gctTCCACAAGTGCTTTt 3' Energy: -17.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548av-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -17.63 2 16 1709 1726 14 85.71% 92.86% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:18881 to 18898 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' uuUAGGCGUUCAUGAAAa 5' :||| |:|||:|||| Ref: 5' ctGTCCACGAGTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -17.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548av-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -17.79 2 17 18881 18898 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:23086 to 23103 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuuaggcguUCAUGAAAa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' cagagtagtAGTACTTTc 3' Energy: -9.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548av-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.60 2 10 23086 23103 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:27468 to 27485 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuuaggcguUCAUGAAAa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' aggtacaacAGTACTTTt 3' Energy: -9.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548av-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.81 2 10 27468 27485 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:3710 to 3727 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uuUAGGCGUUCAUGAAAa 5' ||| || :|||:||| Ref: 5' ttATCAGCTGGTATTTTt 3' Energy: -10.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548av-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -10.94 2 17 3710 3727 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:17584 to 17601 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuuaGGCGUUCAUGAAAa 5' |:|::|||:|||| Ref: 5' gacaCTGTGAGTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -14.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548av-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.46 2 15 17584 17601 13 69.23% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6794 to 6811 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuuaggcguuCAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ctacaattgtGTACTTTt 3' Energy: -8.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548av-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.65 2 9 6794 6811 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548av-5p NC_045512.2 1322.00 -113.18 155.00 -17.79 1346 18 29903 9773 14864 1709 18881 23086 27468 3710 17584 6794 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6827-3p MIMAT0027555(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6827-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:2180 to 2200 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaccccuugucuUCUCUGCCa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' gtagagtttcttAGAGACGGt 3' Energy: -18.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6827-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.26 2 10 2180 2200 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:12410 to 12430 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' gaccccUUGUCUUCUCUGCCa 5' ||:: ||||||:|| Ref: 5' atcaacAATGCAAGAGATGGt 3' Energy: -16.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6827-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.39 2 16 12410 12430 14 71.43% 92.86% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6827-3p NC_045512.2 288.00 -34.65 145.00 -18.26 1347 21 29903 2180 12410 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-518d-5p MIMAT0005456(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-518d-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14515 to 14536 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' gucUUUCACGAAGGGAGAUCUc 5' || | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtaAACTTACATAGCTCTAGAc 3' Energy: -10.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-518d-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.26 2 20 14515 14536 18 66.67% 66.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26431 to 26452 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gucUUUCACGAAGGGAGAUCUc 5' || || |:|:|||||| Ref: 5' aaaAATCTGAATTCTTCTAGAg 3' Energy: -17.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-518d-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.46 2 20 26431 26452 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22212 to 22234 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gucUUUCACGAAG-GGAGAUCUc 5' |::|| :||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' ctcAGGGTTTTTCGGCTTTAGAa 3' Energy: -14.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-518d-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.18 2 20 22212 22234 19 63.16% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-518d-5p NC_045512.2 432.00 -41.90 147.00 -17.46 1348 22 29903 14515 26431 22212 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-637 MIMAT0003307(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-637 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:29177 to 29203 Align Len (24) (62.50%) (66.67%) Query: 3' ugCGUCUCGGGCUUU---CGGGGGUCa 5' ||| | : | || |||||||| Ref: 5' ccGCAAATTGCACAATTTGCCCCCAGc 3' Energy: -25.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-637 NC_045512.2 149.00 -25.92 2 23 29177 29203 24 62.50% 66.67% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:22194 to 22217 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ugcGUCUCGGGCUUUCGGGGGUCa 5' :|| || :|| |||:||| Ref: 5' attTAGTGCGTGATCTCCCTCAGg 3' Energy: -22.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-637 NC_045512.2 141.00 -22.58 2 22 22194 22217 20 60.00% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-637 NC_045512.2 290.00 -48.50 149.00 -25.92 1349 24 29903 29177 22194 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4740-5p MIMAT0019869(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4740-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:28569 to 28591 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ggacggGCUCUC-CUAGUCAGGa 5' :|| || ||||||| Ref: 5' gtaaaaTGAAAGATCTCAGTCCa 3' Energy: -14.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4740-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.24 2 17 28569 28591 16 68.75% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4740-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.24 143.00 -14.24 1350 22 29903 28569 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7108-5p MIMAT0028113(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7108-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:6523 to 6543 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggugggcggaCGGCCGGUGUg 5' |::||||||| Ref: 5' tacagaagagGTTGGCCACAc 3' Energy: -23.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7108-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -23.23 2 12 6523 6543 10 80.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17689 to 17712 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ggUGGGCG--GA-CGGCCGGUGUg 5' |:|:|| :| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tcATCTGCAATTAACAGGCCACAa 3' Energy: -25.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7108-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -25.59 2 20 17689 17712 21 61.90% 76.19% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:17357 to 17377 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggugggcggacgGCCGGUGUg 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' atgaaatttcaaTGGCCACAa 3' Energy: -15.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7108-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.93 2 10 17357 17377 8 87.50% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7108-5p NC_045512.2 433.00 -64.75 147.00 -25.59 1351 21 29903 6523 17689 17357 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6887-5p MIMAT0027674(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6887-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3690 MIMAT0018119(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3690 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:227 to 249 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gaaacAGAUGCGACCCAGGUCCa 5' |||| |:| ||||:|| Ref: 5' gcacaTCTAGGTTTCGTCCGGGt 3' Energy: -22.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3690 NC_045512.2 146.00 -22.14 2 19 227 249 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3690 NC_045512.2 146.00 -22.14 146.00 -22.14 1353 23 29903 227 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-34b-5p MIMAT0000685(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-34b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:3589 to 3610 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (80.95%) Query: 3' guUAG-UCGAUUACUGUGACGGAu 5' ||| ||||| ||||||:|| Ref: 5' caATCTTGCTAA--ACACTGTCTt 3' Energy: -23.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-34b-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -23.32 2 22 3589 3610 21 76.19% 80.95% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:15481 to 15506 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (78.26%) Query: 3' guUAGUCGAUUAC--UG-UGACGGAu 5' ||||| :||| || |||||:| Ref: 5' tcATCAGGAGATGCCACAACTGCTTa 3' Energy: -19.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-34b-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -19.20 2 22 15481 15506 23 69.57% 78.26% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:19694 to 19715 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' guUAGUCGAUUACUGUGACGGAu 5' |||| :|||| ||||||::| Ref: 5' ctATCA-TTAATAACACTGTTTa 3' Energy: -19.719999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-34b-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -19.72 2 22 19694 19715 20 75.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17308 to 17329 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' guuaGUCGAUUACUGUGACGGAu 5' | |: |||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' tgtaCTGTAAATG-CATTGCCTg 3' Energy: -18.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-34b-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.84 2 20 17308 17329 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:7854 to 7877 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' guUAGUCGAUUACU--GUGACGGAu 5' | || |||| |: ||:||||| Ref: 5' atAACA-CTAAAGGTTCATTGCCTa 3' Energy: -18.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-34b-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.61 2 22 7854 7877 22 68.18% 77.27% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:14200 to 14222 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guUAGUCGAUUACUGUGACGGAu 5' :||| |: |||||||| || Ref: 5' gaGTCACATGTTGACACTGACTt 3' Energy: -19.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-34b-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.46 2 22 14200 14222 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:29767 to 29790 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' guuaguCGAUUACU-GUGACGGAu 5' ||||: || :|||||| Ref: 5' aacaatGCTAGGGAGAGCTGCCTa 3' Energy: -23.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-34b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -23.08 2 18 29767 29790 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-34b-5p NC_045512.2 1011.00 -142.23 149.00 -23.32 1354 23 29903 3589 15481 19694 17308 7854 14200 29767 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6786-3p MIMAT0027473(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6786-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-518a-3p MIMAT0002863(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-518a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10889 to 10912 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' agGUCGUUU--CCCUUCGCGAAAg 5' :| || | ||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' cgTACCATATTGGGTAGTGCTTTa 3' Energy: -21.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-518a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -21.82 2 21 10889 10912 21 66.67% 76.19% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-518a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -21.82 143.00 -21.82 1356 22 29903 10889 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-645 MIMAT0003315(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-645 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3975 MIMAT0019360(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3975 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:17785 to 17805 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' cacuUCAUCACGUAAUCGGAGu 5' || | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tcacAG-AATGCTGTAGCCTCa 3' Energy: -16.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3975 NC_045512.2 152.00 -16.34 2 19 17785 17805 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:12082 to 12103 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' cacuucaucaCGUAAUCGGAGu 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaccttacaaGCTATAGCCTCa 3' Energy: -14.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3975 NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.95 2 13 12082 12103 11 81.82% 81.82% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3975 NC_045512.2 296.00 -31.29 152.00 -16.34 1358 22 29903 17785 12082 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-17-5p MIMAT0000070(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-17-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:15539 to 15563 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (72.73%) Query: 3' gaUGGACGUGAC-AUU-CGUGAAAc 5' || || || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tcACGGCCAATGTTAATGCACTTTt 3' Energy: -11.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-17-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -11.73 2 22 15539 15563 22 72.73% 72.73% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:13820 to 13843 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gaUGGACGUGACAUU-CGUGAAAc 5' ::|| ::|| ||| |||:||| Ref: 5' tcGTCTATGCTTTAAGGCATTTTg 3' Energy: -17.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-17-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -17.43 2 22 13820 13843 21 61.90% 85.71% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:888 to 910 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' gauggacgUGACAUUCGUGAAAc 5' :|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctggtaaaGCTTCATGCACTTTg 3' Energy: -14.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-17-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.96 2 16 888 910 14 71.43% 78.57% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17578 to 17601 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (94.74%) Query: 3' gaugGAC-GUGACAUUCGUGAAAc 5' :|| ||||||:||::|||| Ref: 5' attgTTGACACTGTGAGTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -25.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-17-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -25.76 2 20 17578 17601 19 73.68% 94.74% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:14858 to 14881 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (93.75%) Query: 3' gauggacGUGAC-AUUCGUGAAAc 5' :::|| ||||:||||| Ref: 5' ttgaagtTGTTGATAAGTACTTTg 3' Energy: -17.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-17-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.67 2 17 14858 14881 16 68.75% 93.75% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:22043 to 22066 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' gauggACGUGACAUU--CGUGAAAc 5' |||: ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tctagTGCG-AATAATTGCACTTTt 3' Energy: -14.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-17-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.02 2 19 22043 22066 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:23078 to 23103 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (73.91%) Query: 3' gaUGG-ACGUGACAU--UCGUGAAAc 5' ||| | || ||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' caACCATACAGAGTAGTAGTACTTTc 3' Energy: -12.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-17-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.29 2 22 23078 23103 23 69.57% 73.91% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:15001 to 15023 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gauggacgugacaUUCGUGAAAc 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' tatgaggatcaagATGCACTTTt 3' Energy: -7.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-17-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -7.94 2 11 15001 15023 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:21253 to 21275 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' gaUGGACGU-GACAUUCGUGAAAc 5' ::| || ||| |||||:||| Ref: 5' gcGTCATCATCTG-AAGCATTTTt 3' Energy: -13.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-17-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.53 2 22 21253 21275 21 66.67% 80.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-17-5p NC_045512.2 1309.00 -135.33 155.00 -25.76 1359 23 29903 15539 13820 888 17578 14858 22043 23078 15001 21253 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4524b-3p MIMAT0022256(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4524b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4420 to 4440 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' auCGUCGUACUU--GGACAGAg 5' ||| || || ||||||| Ref: 5' acGCA-AATTAATGCCTGTCTg 3' Energy: -13.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4524b-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.48 2 19 4420 4440 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:1156 to 1176 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' auCGUCGU-ACUUGGACAGAg 5' |:|| | | :|:|||||| Ref: 5' ggGTAGAATTCGATCTGTCTa 3' Energy: -17.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4524b-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.07 2 19 1156 1176 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4524b-3p NC_045512.2 288.00 -30.55 147.00 -17.07 1360 20 29903 4420 1156 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6895-3p MIMAT0027691(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6895-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:7660 to 7682 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gauuccggUUC-CCGCUCUCUGu 5' ||| ||||||||| Ref: 5' tagtgatgAAGTTGCGAGAGACt 3' Energy: -18.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6895-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -18.99 2 15 7660 7682 14 85.71% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6895-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -18.99 153.00 -18.99 1361 22 29903 7660 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6873-5p MIMAT0027646(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6873-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4674 MIMAT0019756(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4674 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3200-5p MIMAT0017392(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3200-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28321 to 28340 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ugGAACACGCGGAAGAGUCUAa 5' :| ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' gtTTGGTGGACC--CTCAGATt 3' Energy: -17.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3200-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -17.05 2 21 28321 28340 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:16996 to 17017 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uggaacacgcggaAGAGUCUAa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ccaacactcaataTCTCAGATg 3' Energy: -10.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3200-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -10.65 2 10 16996 17017 8 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3200-5p NC_045512.2 294.00 -27.70 149.00 -17.05 1364 22 29903 28321 16996 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-2909 MIMAT0013863(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-2909 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3467 to 3492 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (78.26%) Query: 3' ggUUCUCUACAAC-----CGGGAUUg 5' |:|||:||||| |||:||| Ref: 5' ggAGGAGGTGTTGCAGGAGCCTTAAa 3' Energy: -23.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2909 NC_045512.2 146.00 -23.17 2 20 3467 3492 23 65.22% 78.26% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:29787 to 29807 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gguucucuacaacCGGGAUUg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cctatatggaagaGCCCTAAt 3' Energy: -13.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2909 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.72 2 9 29787 29807 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-2909 NC_045512.2 286.00 -36.89 146.00 -23.17 1365 21 29903 3467 29787 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4730 MIMAT0019852(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4730 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3681-5p MIMAT0018108(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3681-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8141 to 8162 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgUGUCUCACGUAGUAGGUGAu 5' | | | ||: |:|||:||| Ref: 5' ttAGACAATGTCTTATCTACTt 3' Energy: -13.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3681-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.72 2 21 8141 8162 19 63.16% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3681-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.72 144.00 -13.72 1367 22 29903 8141 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6876-5p MIMAT0027652(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6876-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29441 to 29462 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' acUUGACGGACAGAGGAAGGAc 5' |||||: |||:|||||| Ref: 5' caAACTGTGACTCTTCTTCCTg 3' Energy: -25.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6876-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -25.53 2 21 29441 29462 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15911 to 15931 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acUUGACGGACAGAGGAAGGAc 5' :|:| : ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' atGATTATGTGT-ACCTTCCTt 3' Energy: -15.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6876-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.50 2 21 15911 15931 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21717 to 21738 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acUUGACGGACAGAGGAAGGAc 5' :||| :| |: ||||:|| Ref: 5' agGACTTGTTCTTACCTTTCTt 3' Energy: -14.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6876-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.92 2 21 21717 21738 19 57.89% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6876-5p NC_045512.2 446.00 -55.95 156.00 -25.53 1368 22 29903 29441 15911 21717 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-302b-3p MIMAT0000715(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-302b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8522 to 8546 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gaugAUU-UUGUACCU-UCGUGAAu 5' ||| |||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' gttgTAACAACAAAGATAGCACTTa 3' Energy: -14.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302b-3p NC_045512.2 161.00 -14.27 2 20 8522 8546 20 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:2800 to 2825 Align Len (23) (60.87%) (73.91%) Query: 3' gaUGAUUUUGUACC---UUCGUGAAu 5' |: |||: || | |||:|||| Ref: 5' tgATGAAAGGATTGATAAAGTACTTa 3' Energy: -11.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.23 2 22 2800 2825 23 60.87% 73.91% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:15727 to 15749 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaugauuuuguaccuUCGUGAAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gttgtgtgtttcaatAGCACTTa 3' Energy: -10.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.67 2 9 15727 15749 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-302b-3p NC_045512.2 441.00 -36.17 161.00 -14.27 1369 23 29903 8522 2800 15727 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-92b-3p MIMAT0003218(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-92b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:24460 to 24481 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccuccggcccugcUCACGUUAu 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' tagctccaattttGGTGCAATt 3' Energy: -12.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-92b-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.10 2 10 24460 24481 8 87.50% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-92b-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.10 141.00 -12.10 1370 22 29903 24460 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3140-5p MIMAT0019204(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3140-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:8180 to 8200 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uuUCGAAAACCAUUAAGUCca 5' || |||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' caAGGGTTTGTTGATTCAGat 3' Energy: -13.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3140-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.48 3 20 8180 8200 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7016 to 7039 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uuuCGAAA--AC-CAUUAAGUCCa 5' |:||| || |||||:||| Ref: 5' ggtGTTTTAATGTCTAATTTAGGc 3' Energy: -10.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3140-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.45 2 19 7016 7039 20 70.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3140-5p NC_045512.2 287.00 -23.93 147.00 -13.48 1371 21 29903 8180 7016 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3680-5p MIMAT0018106(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3680-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5720 to 5745 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (78.26%) Query: 3' acGUGUUA--GGACAC--UCACUCAg 5' :||| | |:|||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ggTACATTTACTTGTGCTAGTGAGTa 3' Energy: -23.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3680-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -23.46 2 21 5720 5745 23 69.57% 78.26% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5418 to 5439 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' acgUGUUAGGACACUCACUCAg 5' |:|| | || :|||||| Ref: 5' gtaATAAGACAGTAGGTGAGTt 3' Energy: -14.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3680-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.53 2 20 5418 5439 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15652 to 15674 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' acGUGU-UAGGACACUCACUCAg 5' |||| | ::||||| ||||| Ref: 5' gaCACAGACTTTGTGAATGAGTt 3' Energy: -22.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3680-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -22.47 2 21 15652 15674 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22007 to 22032 Align Len (23) (60.87%) (69.57%) Query: 3' acGUGUUAGGAC-AC---UCACUCAg 5' || || :: | || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaCAAAAGTTGGATGGAAAGTGAGTt 3' Energy: -13.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3680-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.15 2 21 22007 22032 23 60.87% 69.57% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3680-5p NC_045512.2 586.00 -73.61 158.00 -23.46 1372 22 29903 5720 5418 15652 22007 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8069 MIMAT0030996(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8069 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:20060 to 20082 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugCGGCUGGCGGGGGUUGGUAGg 5' |:: | |::: |||||||| Ref: 5' gtGTTAAAGGTTTACAACCATCt 3' Energy: -17.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8069 NC_045512.2 153.00 -17.03 2 22 20060 20082 20 55.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4759 to 4781 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugcggcuggcgggggUUGGUAGg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' agaacattttattgaAACCATCt 3' Energy: -12.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8069 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.20 2 9 4759 4781 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8069 NC_045512.2 293.00 -29.23 153.00 -17.03 1373 23 29903 20060 4759 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-526a-3p MIMAT0037326(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-526a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19326 to 19347 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agGAGAUUUUCCUUCGCGAAAg 5' ||:| :| |||:||||| Ref: 5' agCTTTTGATAAAAGTGCTTTt 3' Energy: -17.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-526a-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.00 2 21 19326 19347 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:10891 to 10912 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' aggagAUUUUCCUUCGCGAAAg 5' || :|| ||:||||| Ref: 5' taccaTATTGGGTAGTGCTTTa 3' Energy: -17.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-526a-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.29 2 18 10891 10912 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:428 to 448 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' aggaGAUUUUCCUUCGCGAAAg 5' :|:||| |:|||:||| Ref: 5' gaagTTGAAA-AAGGCGTTTTg 3' Energy: -12.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-526a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.15 2 19 428 448 17 64.71% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-526a-3p NC_045512.2 425.00 -46.44 144.00 -17.29 1374 22 29903 19326 10891 428 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6506-3p MIMAT0025469(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6506-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3187-3p MIMAT0015069(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3187-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:496 to 514 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (93.75%) Query: 3' ggcGCGUCGGGGUACCGGUu 5' :||| ||:|||||:|| Ref: 5' aacTGCA-CCTCATGGTCAt 3' Energy: -24.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3187-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -24.19 2 18 496 514 16 75.00% 93.75% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:17356 to 17375 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (84.62%) Query: 3' ggcgcgUCGGGGUACCGGUu 5' | ::| ||||||| Ref: 5' gatgaaATTTCAATGGCCAc 3' Energy: -14.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3187-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.85 2 15 17356 17375 13 69.23% 84.62% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:26680 to 26700 Align Len (15) (60.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' ggcgcGUCGG-GGUACCGGUu 5' ::||: ::||||||| Ref: 5' tcctcTGGCTGTTATGGCCAg 3' Energy: -20.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3187-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -20.25 2 16 26680 26700 15 60.00% 93.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:833 to 853 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (94.12%) Query: 3' ggcGCGUCGGGG-UACCGGUu 5' :|::||||: |||||:| Ref: 5' ttcTGTGGCCCTGATGGCTAc 3' Energy: -23.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3187-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -23.33 2 18 833 853 17 64.71% 94.12% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:20612 to 20631 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggcgcgucggggUACCGGUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tttggtgtaaagATGGCCAt 3' Energy: -14.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3187-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.96 2 9 20612 20631 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:25183 to 25202 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggcgcgucggggUACCGGUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gcagtatataaaATGGCCAt 3' Energy: -16.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3187-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.48 2 9 25183 25202 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3187-3p NC_045512.2 863.00 -114.06 147.00 -24.19 1376 20 29903 496 17356 26680 833 20612 25183 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-758-5p MIMAT0022929(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-758-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:27963 to 27985 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cacACGAGAG-ACCAGUUGGUAg 5' ||: ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' tcaTGTACTCAACATCAACCATa 3' Energy: -16.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-758-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.06 2 20 27963 27985 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23062 to 23085 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' cacACGAGAGACCA---GUUGGUAg 5' || | | |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' taaTGGTGT-TGGTTACCAACCATa 3' Energy: -16.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-758-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.78 2 20 23062 23085 21 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20058 to 20081 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (66.67%) Query: 3' caCACGAGAGACCA--GUUGGUAg 5' |||:| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' taGTGTTAAAGGTTTACAACCATc 3' Energy: -20.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-758-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -20.71 2 21 20058 20081 21 61.90% 66.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 15 R:24404 to 24425 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (91.67%) Query: 3' cacacgagAGACCAGUUGGUag 5' | |||||||||| Ref: 5' cttcaagaTGTGGTCAACCAaa 3' Energy: -17.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-758-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.65 3 15 24404 24425 12 91.67% 91.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:2541 to 2562 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cacacgagagaccaGUUGGUAg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aaactggtgatttaCAACCATt 3' Energy: -16.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-758-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.51 2 9 2541 2562 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:5875 to 5896 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cacacgagagaccaGUUGGUAg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aaacagttacacaaCAACCATa 3' Energy: -10.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-758-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.29 2 9 5875 5896 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6003 to 6024 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cacacgagagaccaGUUGGUAg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atcttgtaccaaacCAACCATa 3' Energy: -9.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-758-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.78 2 9 6003 6024 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:18790 to 18811 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cacacgagagaccaGUUGGUAg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtaacctacaaagCAACCATg 3' Energy: -10.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-758-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.45 2 9 18790 18811 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-758-5p NC_045512.2 1143.00 -118.23 150.00 -20.71 1377 22 29903 27963 23062 20058 24404 2541 5875 6003 18790 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5089-3p MIMAT0022984(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5089-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:27142 to 27163 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (91.67%) Query: 3' agucacccuaAAGGCUCAUCGUa 5' |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' acacagaccaTTCC-AGTAGCAg 3' Energy: -17.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5089-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -17.18 2 14 27142 27163 12 91.67% 91.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5089-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -17.18 151.00 -17.18 1378 23 29903 27142 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3977 MIMAT0019362(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3977 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8557 to 8581 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' auucCAAUUAAUG--CUACUUCGUg 5' |||||| |: | ||||||| Ref: 5' aattGTTAATAATTGGTTGAAGCAg 3' Energy: -15.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3977 NC_045512.2 162.00 -15.60 2 20 8557 8581 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:15810 to 15832 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' auUCCAAUUAAUGC-UACUUCGUg 5' | ||| |||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' caATGTT-TTTATGTCTGAAGCAa 3' Energy: -14.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3977 NC_045512.2 154.00 -14.51 2 22 15810 15832 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:25421 to 25443 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' auuccaauUAAUGCUACUUCGUg 5' :| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttggaactGTAACTTTGAAGCAa 3' Energy: -11.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3977 NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.28 2 16 25421 25443 14 71.43% 78.57% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:18608 to 18630 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' auucCAAUUAAUGCUACUUCGUg 5' |||:| | ||||||:| Ref: 5' ttgaGTTGACATCTATGAAGTAt 3' Energy: -12.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3977 NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.91 2 20 18608 18630 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:21250 to 21271 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' auuccaAUUAAUGCUACUUCGUg 5' | || |: ||||||| Ref: 5' aatgcgTCATCAT-CTGAAGCAt 3' Energy: -11.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3977 NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.27 2 18 21250 21271 16 68.75% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3977 NC_045512.2 749.00 -65.57 162.00 -15.60 1379 23 29903 8557 15810 25421 18608 21250 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5682 MIMAT0022470(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5682 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12018 to 12039 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ugGAAUAGG-ACGUUCCACGAUg 5' ||| ||| ||||:||||||: Ref: 5' tgCTT-TCCATGCAGGGTGCTGt 3' Energy: -27.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5682 NC_045512.2 157.00 -27.78 2 21 12018 12039 20 80.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11362 to 11382 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' uggaAUAGGACGUUCCACGAUg 5' ||| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtgTATGATG-ATGGTGCTAg 3' Energy: -14.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5682 NC_045512.2 152.00 -14.23 2 19 11362 11382 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:28629 to 28650 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uggaauAGGACGUUCCACGAUg 5' |:| :| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctggacTTCCCTATGGTGCTAa 3' Energy: -16.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5682 NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.13 2 17 28629 28650 15 66.67% 80.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:18366 to 18386 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uggAAUAGGACGUUCCACGAUg 5' || |:|| | |||||:|| Ref: 5' aggTTTTTCTAC-AGGTGTTAa 3' Energy: -14.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5682 NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.23 2 20 18366 18386 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:4506 to 4527 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uggaauaggacGUUCCACGAUg 5' :| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgtggttgatTATGGTGCTAg 3' Energy: -12.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5682 NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.86 2 12 4506 4527 10 80.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:17653 to 17675 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uggaAUAGGACGUU-CCACGAUg 5' |:|::| :|| ||||:|| Ref: 5' aaaaTGTTTTATAAGGGTGTTAt 3' Energy: -15.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5682 NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.44 2 19 17653 17675 18 61.11% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24221 to 24240 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugGAAUAGGACGUUCCACGAUg 5' ||| | ||| |||||||: Ref: 5' acCTT-TGGTGC-AGGTGCTGc 3' Energy: -24.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5682 NC_045512.2 140.00 -24.47 2 21 24221 24240 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5682 NC_045512.2 1026.00 -125.14 157.00 -27.78 1380 22 29903 12018 11362 28629 18366 4506 17653 24221 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-377-5p MIMAT0004689(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-377-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3275 to 3297 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' cuUAAGUGGUUCC-CGUUGGAGa 5' | |:::::||| ||||||| Ref: 5' acAATTGTTGAGGTTCAACCTCa 3' Energy: -16.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-377-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -16.94 2 21 3275 3297 20 60.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:12066 to 12088 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cuuaagUGGU-UCCCGUUGGAGa 5' || | ||||||||||: Ref: 5' tgctggACAACAGGGCAACCTTa 3' Energy: -20.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-377-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -20.51 2 17 12066 12088 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23171 to 23192 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cuUAAGUGGUUCCCGUUGGAGa 5' || :::||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' aaATGTGTCAATTTCAACTTCa 3' Energy: -11.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-377-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.61 2 21 23171 23192 19 57.89% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-377-5p NC_045512.2 442.00 -49.06 155.00 -20.51 1381 22 29903 3275 12066 23171 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4695-3p MIMAT0019789(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4695-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4642 to 4669 Align Len (25) (64.00%) (64.00%) Query: 3' cuUCCUCCGUC--GCC----ACUCUAGu 5' | || || | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ggAAGAAGCTGCTCGGTATATGAGATCt 3' Energy: -19.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4695-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.18 2 21 4642 4669 25 64.00% 64.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4695-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.18 142.00 -19.18 1382 22 29903 4642 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-562 MIMAT0003226(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-562 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:26791 to 26810 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cgUUUACCAUGUCGAUGAAa 5' | :||| ||||||||| Ref: 5' tgATGTGGCTCAGCTACTTc 3' Energy: -18.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-562 NC_045512.2 162.00 -18.78 2 19 26791 26810 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:16678 to 16697 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (92.86%) Query: 3' cguuUACCAUGUCGAUGAaa 5' ||||||: |||||| Ref: 5' tcttATGGTATTGCTACTgt 3' Energy: -18.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-562 NC_045512.2 148.00 -18.14 3 17 16678 16697 14 85.71% 92.86% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:11658 to 11677 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' cguuuaccaUGUCGAUGAAa 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' gtttactcaACCGCTACTTt 3' Energy: -10.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-562 NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.61 2 12 11658 11677 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:27414 to 27437 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' cguUUACCA-UGU---CGAUGAAa 5' | || | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ggcACTGATAACACTCGCTACTTg 3' Energy: -10.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-562 NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.19 2 18 27414 27437 20 70.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:20926 to 20944 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' cguuuaCCAUGUCGAUGAAa 5' ||||| |||:||| Ref: 5' cctacgGGTAC-GCTGCTTg 3' Energy: -17.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-562 NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.32 2 15 20926 20944 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:25994 to 26013 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cguuUACCAUGUCGAUGAAa 5' || ||||:||||| Ref: 5' ttgtATTACACAGTTACTTc 3' Energy: -12.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-562 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.22 2 17 25994 26013 15 73.33% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-562 NC_045512.2 880.00 -87.26 162.00 -18.78 1383 20 29903 26791 16678 11658 27414 20926 25994 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4328 MIMAT0016926(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4328 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:2533 to 2547 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uuAGGACCCUUUUGACc 5' ||:| |||||||| Ref: 5' tgTCTT--GAAAACTGg 3' Energy: -16.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4328 NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.00 2 16 2533 2547 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:732 to 748 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuaggaccCUUUUGACc 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' attttcaaGAAAACTGg 3' Energy: -13.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4328 NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.66 2 10 732 748 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:1721 to 1737 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' uuAGGACCCUUUUGACc 5' |::|| |:|||||| Ref: 5' gcTTTTGTGGAAACTGt 3' Energy: -11.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4328 NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.65 2 16 1721 1737 14 71.43% 92.86% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:15238 to 15254 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuaggacccUUUUGACc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aacatgttaAAAACTGt 3' Energy: -5.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4328 NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.87 2 9 15238 15254 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:18130 to 18146 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuaggacccUUUUGACc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' actaaattcAAAACTGa 3' Energy: -7.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4328 NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.05 2 9 18130 18146 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4328 NC_045512.2 716.00 -54.23 148.00 -16.00 1384 17 29903 2533 732 1721 15238 18130 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-202-3p MIMAT0002811(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-202-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12435 to 12456 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' aaGGGUAC--GGGAUAUGGAGa 5' ||| || | : ||||||| Ref: 5' ttCCCTTGAACATAATACCTCt 3' Energy: -19.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-202-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -19.84 2 19 12435 12456 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:7109 to 7128 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aaggguaCGGGAUAUGGAGa 5' |::||||||||: Ref: 5' tgtactgGTTCTATACCTTg 3' Energy: -16.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-202-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.42 2 14 7109 7128 12 75.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-202-3p NC_045512.2 290.00 -36.26 149.00 -19.84 1385 20 29903 12435 7109 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5196-3p MIMAT0021129(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5196-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:3037 to 3057 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacccucccUCUGCUCCUACu 5' |||:||||||| Ref: 5' ctaccctccAGATGAGGATGa 3' Energy: -20.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5196-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -20.69 2 13 3037 3057 11 90.91% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5196-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -20.69 156.00 -20.69 1386 21 29903 3037 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4314 MIMAT0016868(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4314 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3681-3p MIMAT0018109(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3681-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2738 to 2756 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucAUCACCUACUUCGUGACACa 5' |:|| ||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTGGT-GATGA--CACTGTGa 3' Energy: -19.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3681-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -19.05 2 21 2738 2756 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17574 to 17593 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' ucaUCACCUACUUCGUGACACa 5' | | | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgaAATTGTTGA--CACTGTGa 3' Energy: -11.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3681-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -11.95 2 20 17574 17593 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12534 to 12553 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucAUCACCUACUUCGUGACACa 5' || || || ||||:|||| Ref: 5' ctTA-TGCAT-CAGCATTGTGg 3' Energy: -13.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3681-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.02 2 21 12534 12553 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3681-3p NC_045512.2 447.00 -44.02 159.00 -19.05 1388 22 29903 2738 17574 12534 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-2114-3p MIMAT0011157(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-2114-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:3272 to 3291 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' uucagggAACGAACUCCGAGc 5' ||| ||||||:|| Ref: 5' caaacaaTTG-TTGAGGTTCa 3' Energy: -17.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2114-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.48 2 15 3272 3291 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:29018 to 29037 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uucAGGGAACGAACUCCGAGc 5' ||: ||| |||||||: Ref: 5' aaaTCTGCTGC-TGAGGCTTc 3' Energy: -18.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2114-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.59 2 19 29018 29037 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-2114-3p NC_045512.2 280.00 -36.07 140.00 -18.59 1389 21 29903 3272 29018 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5692a MIMAT0022484(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5692a vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16888 to 16911 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ugUGGGUGAC-ACCA-UAAUAAAc 5' |:: | || |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaATTAAATGTTGGTGATTATTTt 3' Energy: -9.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5692a NC_045512.2 158.00 -9.59 2 21 16888 16911 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13886 to 13911 Align Len (23) (56.52%) (73.91%) Query: 3' ugUGGGUGACACCA----UAAUAAAc 5' | ::::|||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' acAATTGTTGTGATGATGATTATTTc 3' Energy: -11.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5692a NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.10 2 21 13886 13911 23 56.52% 73.91% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21509 to 21530 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ugUGGGUGACACCAUAAUAAAc 5' | | || | | |:|||||| Ref: 5' aaAACAACAGAGTTGTTATTTc 3' Energy: -10.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5692a NC_045512.2 144.00 -10.25 2 21 21509 21530 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:11523 to 11544 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uguggguGACACCAUAAUAAAc 5' | | ||||||:||| Ref: 5' ttttggcCAGAGGTATTGTTTt 3' Energy: -12.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5692a NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.88 2 16 11523 11544 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:11102 to 11124 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uguGGGUGACA-CCAUAAUAAac 5' ::::|| | ||||||||| Ref: 5' cctTTTGCTATGGGTATTATTgc 3' Energy: -14.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5692a NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.10 3 20 11102 11124 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:1674 to 1695 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugugggugacaccaUAAUAAAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atgaagagatcgccATTATTTt 3' Energy: -6.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5692a NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.80 2 9 1674 1695 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6898 to 6919 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugugggugacaccaUAAUAAAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' agaggcttcatttaATTATTTg 3' Energy: -8.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5692a NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.93 2 9 6898 6919 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5692a NC_045512.2 1014.00 -73.65 158.00 -14.10 1390 22 29903 16888 13886 21509 11523 11102 1674 6898 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-615-5p MIMAT0004804(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-615-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28275 to 28293 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cuAGGCUCGUGGCCCCUGGGGg 5' ||:|| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' tgTCTGATAAT---GGACCCCa 3' Energy: -21.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-615-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -21.73 2 21 28275 28293 19 63.16% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-615-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -21.73 144.00 -21.73 1391 22 29903 28275 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3677-3p MIMAT0018101(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3677-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18869 to 18891 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccggCACCGGUC-UCGGGUGCUc 5' ||| |:|| |:|||||| Ref: 5' ctagGTGTCTAGCTGTCCACGAg 3' Energy: -26.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3677-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -26.91 2 19 18869 18891 18 72.22% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3677-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -26.91 145.00 -26.91 1392 22 29903 18869 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-138-1-3p MIMAT0004607(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-138-1-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:1380 to 1401 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' ccgggaccacAACACUUCAUCg 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' catgtcacaaTTCAGAAGTAGg 3' Energy: -9.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-138-1-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.64 2 13 1380 1401 11 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:10745 to 10766 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ccGGGACCACAACACUUCAUcg 5' ||:|| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaCCTTGTGGCTATGAAGTAca 3' Energy: -17.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-138-1-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.84 3 21 10745 10766 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:6397 to 6420 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ccgggacCACA-AC-ACUUCAUCg 5' || | || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaaccaGTCTCTGAAGAAGTAGt 3' Energy: -14.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-138-1-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.36 2 16 6397 6420 16 75.00% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-138-1-3p NC_045512.2 429.00 -41.84 144.00 -17.84 1393 22 29903 1380 10745 6397 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4641 MIMAT0019701(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4641 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5554 to 5582 Align Len (24) (66.67%) (75.00%) Query: 3' acucCGUUUUC----AUAC-CGUACCCGu 5' |:|:||| |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gggtGTAGAAGCTGTTATGTACATGGGCa 3' Energy: -25.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4641 NC_045512.2 154.00 -25.93 2 21 5554 5582 24 66.67% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4641 NC_045512.2 154.00 -25.93 154.00 -25.93 1394 24 29903 5554 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-370-5p MIMAT0026483(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-370-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20718 to 20739 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cauUGACGUCUCUGCACUGGAc 5' |:| | | ::||||||| Ref: 5' gctATTAGAAAAGTGTGACCTt 3' Energy: -15.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-370-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -15.45 2 20 20718 20739 18 61.11% 77.78% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10161 to 10185 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' cauUGACG---UCUCUGCACUGGAc 5' ||||: ||| |:||||:|| Ref: 5' tttACTGTCCAAGACATGTGATCTg 3' Energy: -23.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-370-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -23.70 2 20 10161 10185 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:8308 to 8329 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cauugacgucucuGCACUGGAc 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' aaacatgacacccCGTGACCTt 3' Energy: -17.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-370-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.13 2 10 8308 8329 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19855 to 19877 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cauUGACGUCUCUG-CACUGGAc 5' :|||| | || ||||:|| Ref: 5' attGCTGCTAATACTGTGATCTg 3' Energy: -21.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-370-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -21.08 2 20 19855 19877 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22191 to 22210 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' caUUGACGUCUCUGCACUGGAc 5' ||:| :|| | |||||:|| Ref: 5' ttAATT-TAGTG-CGTGATCTc 3' Energy: -15.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-370-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.98 2 21 22191 22210 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-370-5p NC_045512.2 724.00 -93.34 151.00 -23.70 1395 22 29903 20718 10161 8308 19855 22191 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4732-5p MIMAT0019855(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4732-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5330 to 5352 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ucgAAGGACGAGGGACGAGAUGu 5' ||: | |||||||||| Ref: 5' aagTTTAATCCACCTGCTCTACa 3' Energy: -26.559999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4732-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -26.56 2 21 5330 5352 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:22719 to 22741 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' ucgaaggACGAGGGACGAGAUGu 5' || ||:|||||:||| Ref: 5' aattaaaTGATCTCTGCTTTACt 3' Energy: -19.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4732-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -19.58 2 17 22719 22741 15 80.00% 93.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:22272 to 22296 Align Len (22) (59.09%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ucGAAGGACGAG--GGACGAGAUGu 5' :||| ||: |:||||:||| Ref: 5' ggTTTCAAACTTTACTTGCTTTACa 3' Energy: -22.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4732-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -22.23 2 22 22272 22296 22 59.09% 77.27% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4732-5p NC_045512.2 448.00 -68.37 156.00 -26.56 1396 23 29903 5330 22719 22272 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6760-3p MIMAT0027421(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6760-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4281 to 4301 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' gaCCCCUCUUCCCCUGUCACa 5' | ||||: ||||||| Ref: 5' taGAGGAGGCAAAGACAGTGc 3' Energy: -22.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6760-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -22.25 2 20 4281 4301 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:20902 to 20922 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaccccucuucccCUGUCACa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' acagctgttttaaGACAGTGg 3' Energy: -11.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6760-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.96 2 9 20902 20922 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6760-3p NC_045512.2 291.00 -34.21 151.00 -22.25 1397 21 29903 4281 20902 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7162-5p MIMAT0028234(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7162-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:14723 to 14740 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' gucGACUCUUUCCUUCGu 5' :| ||:|||||||: Ref: 5' tctTTAAGGAAGGAAGTt 3' Energy: -15.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7162-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.51 2 16 14723 14740 14 71.43% 92.86% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:2516 to 2533 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' guCGACUCUUUCCUUCGu 5' |:| | |:||||||: Ref: 5' gtGTTAACAGAGGAAGTt 3' Energy: -11.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7162-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.27 2 17 2516 2533 15 66.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7162-5p NC_045512.2 283.00 -26.78 143.00 -15.51 1398 18 29903 14723 2516 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8060 MIMAT0030987(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8060 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 173.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:3591 to 3615 Align Len (22) (77.27%) (81.82%) Query: 3' caGGAGGAUGGGUGAC-GAAGUACc 5' |:| ||| ||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' atCTTGCTAAACACTGTCTTCATGt 3' Energy: -26.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8060 NC_045512.2 173.00 -26.63 2 23 3591 3615 22 77.27% 81.82% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:25794 to 25817 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' caggaggaUGGGUGACGAAGUACc 5' |||||:| |||:||| Ref: 5' ttccaaaaACCCATTACTTTATGa 3' Energy: -21.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8060 NC_045512.2 152.00 -21.43 2 17 25794 25817 15 80.00% 93.33% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:882 to 904 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (71.43%) Query: 3' caGGAGGAUGGGUGACGAAGUACc 5' | | ||: :| |||||||| Ref: 5' caCGTGCTG-GTAAAGCTTCATGc 3' Energy: -16.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8060 NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.02 2 23 882 904 21 61.90% 71.43% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9438 to 9461 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (94.44%) Query: 3' caggaGGAUGGGUGACGAAGUACc 5' |:|:||:||| :||:||| Ref: 5' catgcCTTGCCTACTATTTTATGa 3' Energy: -21.969999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8060 NC_045512.2 143.00 -21.97 2 20 9438 9461 18 66.67% 94.44% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:25700 to 25721 Align Len (21) (57.14%) (85.71%) Query: 3' caGGAGGAUGGGUGACGAAGUACc 5' |||::| :|:|: |||:||| Ref: 5' ccCCTTTTCTCTAT--CTTTATGc 3' Energy: -16.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8060 NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.43 2 23 25700 25721 21 57.14% 85.71% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 23 R:16254 to 16278 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (80.95%) Query: 3' caGGAGGAUGGGUGAC-GAAGUAcc 5' ::| | |::||| | |||||| Ref: 5' tcTTTGCAATTCACAGACTTCATta 3' Energy: -14.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8060 NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.02 3 23 16254 16278 21 61.90% 80.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:1235 to 1258 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' caggaggaugggugacGAAGUACc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gatcattgtggtgaaaCTTCATGg 3' Energy: -17.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8060 NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.63 2 9 1235 1258 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8060 NC_045512.2 1040.00 -134.13 173.00 -26.63 1399 24 29903 3591 25794 882 9438 25700 16254 1235 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1237-5p MIMAT0022946(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1237-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4421 MIMAT0018934(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4421 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26251 to 26274 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' aucGAGGAAAG--GUGUCUGUCCa 5' :|| |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tcaTTCGTTTCGGAAGAGACAGGt 3' Energy: -20.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4421 NC_045512.2 154.00 -20.74 2 20 26251 26274 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10683 to 10706 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (71.43%) Query: 3' auCGAGGAAAGGUG--UCUGUCCa 5' ||| :| | |: ||||||| Ref: 5' ctGCTGTTATAAATGGAGACAGGt 3' Energy: -16.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4421 NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.88 2 21 10683 10706 21 61.90% 71.43% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:29410 to 29433 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' aucgaGGAAAGGUG--UCUGUCca 5' |||| ||:| |||||| Ref: 5' tcaagCCTTACCGCAGAGACAGaa 3' Energy: -19.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4421 NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.64 3 18 29410 29433 17 76.47% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4421 NC_045512.2 441.00 -57.26 154.00 -20.74 1401 22 29903 26251 10683 29410 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3195 MIMAT0015079(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3195 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-193a-5p MIMAT0004614(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-193a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6376 to 6397 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agUAGAGCGGGCGUUUCUGGGu 5' ||||:|||:||:||||:|: Ref: 5' taATCTTGCCTGCGAAGATCTa 3' Energy: -34.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-193a-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -34.43 2 21 6376 6397 19 73.68% 100.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21886 to 21906 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' aguAGAGCGGGCGUUUCUGGGu 5' |:| | :: |:||||||| Ref: 5' tacTTTAGATT-CGAAGACCCa 3' Energy: -18.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-193a-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -18.01 2 20 21886 21906 18 61.11% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-193a-5p NC_045512.2 305.00 -52.44 156.00 -34.43 1403 22 29903 6376 21886 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4486 MIMAT0019020(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4486 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4534 MIMAT0019073(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4534 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:25699 to 25715 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucuGGGGAGGAGGUAGg 5' ||::|:|||:||| Ref: 5' gccCCTTTTCTCTATCt 3' Energy: -21.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4534 NC_045512.2 142.00 -21.78 2 15 25699 25715 13 69.23% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:26073 to 26089 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucuggGGAGGAGGUAGg 5' |||:||:|||| Ref: 5' tgttaCCTTCTTCATCt 3' Energy: -19.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4534 NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.11 2 13 26073 26089 11 81.82% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4534 NC_045512.2 282.00 -40.89 142.00 -21.78 1405 17 29903 25699 26073 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-2278 MIMAT0011778(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-2278 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28910 to 28930 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (94.44%) Query: 3' gguCCGUUGUGUGUGACGAGAg 5' |||:::: |::||||||| Ref: 5' aatGGCGGTG-ATGCTGCTCTt 3' Energy: -21.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2278 NC_045512.2 157.00 -21.88 2 20 28910 28930 18 61.11% 94.44% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:5330 to 5350 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gguccGUUGUGUGUGACGAGAg 5' :||: ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aagttTAATCCAC-CTGCTCTa 3' Energy: -17.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2278 NC_045512.2 155.00 -17.69 2 18 5330 5350 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:3151 to 3172 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ggucCGUUGUGUGUGACGAGAg 5' || || : ::||||||| Ref: 5' tggtGCCACTTCTGCTGCTCTt 3' Energy: -20.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2278 NC_045512.2 154.00 -20.12 2 19 3151 3172 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:1870 to 1891 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ggucCGUUGUGUGUGACGAGag 5' ||| || | :|||||| Ref: 5' atttGCATCAGAGGCTGCTCgt 3' Energy: -17.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2278 NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.12 3 19 1870 1891 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:5683 to 5704 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gguCCGUUGUGUGU-GACGAGag 5' | ||:||| || |||||| Ref: 5' gatGTCAGCAC-CACCTGCTCag 3' Energy: -19.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2278 NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.75 3 20 5683 5704 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17146 to 17167 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ggUCCGUUGUGUGUGACGAGAg 5' || |:||| :|||||| Ref: 5' atAGTGTATACAGCTTGCTCTc 3' Energy: -21.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2278 NC_045512.2 140.00 -21.46 2 21 17146 17167 19 63.16% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-2278 NC_045512.2 888.00 -118.02 157.00 -21.88 1406 22 29903 28910 5330 3151 1870 5683 17146 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-892c-5p MIMAT0025857(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-892c-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9665 to 9685 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (94.12%) Query: 3' acuGACCGUGGAAAGACUUAu 5' :| |:|||||||||:|| Ref: 5' cctTTAGTACCTTTCTGGATa 3' Energy: -23.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-892c-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -23.09 2 19 9665 9685 17 76.47% 94.12% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:2909 to 2931 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' acuGACCGUGG--AAAGACUUAu 5' :|| ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' actTTGCAACCAGTATCTGAATt 3' Energy: -12.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-892c-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -12.34 2 19 2909 2931 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:12218 to 12237 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' acugACCGUGGAAAGACUUAu 5' |||| : ||||||| Ref: 5' aatgTGGC-TAAATCTGAATt 3' Energy: -13.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-892c-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.52 2 18 12218 12237 16 68.75% 75.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:26423 to 26443 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (68.75%) Query: 3' acugACCGUGGAAAGACUUAu 5' || :| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctcgTGTTAAAAATCTGAATt 3' Energy: -8.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-892c-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -8.15 2 18 26423 26443 16 62.50% 68.75% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:20395 to 20414 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' acugaccGUGGAAAGACUUAu 5' |||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' aaggaatCACC-TTTTGAATt 3' Energy: -14.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-892c-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.56 2 15 20395 20414 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22053 to 22071 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' acUGACCGUGGAAAGACUUAu 5' | | |||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' atAATTGCAC--TTTTGAATa 3' Energy: -13.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-892c-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.59 2 20 22053 22071 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-892c-5p NC_045512.2 871.00 -85.25 158.00 -23.09 1407 21 29903 9665 2909 12218 26423 20395 22053 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1179 MIMAT0005824(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1179 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:20700 to 20721 Align Len (15) (93.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' gguuggUUAC-UUUCUUACGAa 5' |||| |||||||||| Ref: 5' ttacaaAATGCAAAGAATGCTa 3' Energy: -16.280001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1179 NC_045512.2 166.00 -16.28 2 16 20700 20721 15 93.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:17777 to 17797 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gguUGGUUACUUUCUUACGAa 5' |: | | | |||||||| Ref: 5' cttATAATTCACAGAATGCTg 3' Energy: -10.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1179 NC_045512.2 154.00 -10.00 2 19 17777 17797 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21173 to 21193 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (72.22%) Query: 3' ggUUGGUUACUUUCUUACGAa 5' :| || | :||||||| Ref: 5' caGAACATTCTTGGAATGCTg 3' Energy: -10.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1179 NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.22 2 20 21173 21193 18 61.11% 72.22% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1179 NC_045512.2 467.00 -36.50 166.00 -16.28 1408 21 29903 20700 17777 21173 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6834-3p MIMAT0027569(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6834-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-380-5p MIMAT0000734(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-380-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:24402 to 24423 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgcguacaagAUACCAGUUGGu 5' |:||||||||| Ref: 5' aacttcaagaTGTGGTCAACCa 3' Energy: -21.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-380-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -21.06 2 13 24402 24423 11 90.91% 100.00% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7949 to 7969 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cgcGUACAAGAUACCAGUUGGu 5' || || |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' agtCAGCTTATGT-GTCAACCt 3' Energy: -16.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-380-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -16.73 2 20 7949 7969 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-380-5p NC_045512.2 309.00 -37.79 156.00 -21.06 1410 22 29903 24402 7949 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6759-3p MIMAT0027419(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6759-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20051 to 20072 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gaCUCCCCUCUCCGUUUCCAGu 5' || || || | :||||||: Ref: 5' caGAAGGTAGTGTTAAAGGTTt 3' Energy: -14.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6759-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.86 2 21 20051 20072 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:5829 to 5850 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacuccccucuccGUUUCCAGu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' agtcctcagaataCAAAGGTCc 3' Energy: -12.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6759-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.30 2 10 5829 5850 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:12912 to 12933 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (76.92%) Query: 3' gacuccccUCUCCGUUUCCAGu 5' | | :||||||| Ref: 5' ttacagacACACCTAAAGGTCc 3' Energy: -9.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6759-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.05 2 15 12912 12933 13 69.23% 76.92% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6759-3p NC_045512.2 435.00 -36.21 148.00 -14.86 1411 22 29903 20051 5829 12912 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-19b-1-5p MIMAT0004491(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-19b-1-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:7908 to 7932 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' cgAC-CUACGU-UUGGACGUUUUGa 5' || || | | |:||||||||: Ref: 5' aaTGTGAAGAATCATCTGCAAAATc 3' Energy: -14.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-19b-1-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.16 2 22 7908 7932 22 68.18% 77.27% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:4530 to 4552 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cgaccuACGUUUGGACGUUUUGa 5' | :| ||| |:||||| Ref: 5' tttactTTTACACCAGTAAAACa 3' Energy: -8.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-19b-1-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -8.58 2 18 4530 4552 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20777 to 20798 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgacCUACGUUUGGACGUUUUGa 5' |||| | ::| ||||||: Ref: 5' taatGATGAATGTC-GCAAAATa 3' Energy: -11.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-19b-1-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.43 2 20 20777 20798 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:26382 to 26405 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cgaccUACGUUU-GGACGUUUUGa 5' | |::|: |:||:||||| Ref: 5' tgttaACGTGAGTCTTGTAAAACc 3' Energy: -12.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-19b-1-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.70 2 19 26382 26405 18 61.11% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3581 to 3603 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgaCCUACGUUUGGACGUUUUGa 5' ||| ||| |:||| |||| Ref: 5' agcGGACACAATCTTGCTAAACa 3' Energy: -16.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-19b-1-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.43 2 21 3581 3603 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-19b-1-5p NC_045512.2 706.00 -63.30 143.00 -16.43 1412 23 29903 7908 4530 20777 26382 3581 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-500a-5p MIMAT0004773(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-500a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:13268 to 13291 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' agAGUGGGUCCAUCG-UUCCUAAu 5' |||:||| | : ||||||| Ref: 5' gaTCATCCAAATCCTAAAGGATTt 3' Energy: -18.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-500a-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -18.29 2 22 13268 13291 21 66.67% 76.19% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:2792 to 2813 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' agAGUGGGUCCAUCGUUCCUAAu 5' | | |: | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTGAACTTGAT-GAAAGGATTg 3' Energy: -10.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-500a-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.91 2 22 2792 2813 20 65.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:8166 to 8188 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' agAGUGGGUCCA-UCGUUCCUAAu 5' ||| ||| | :||||||:|| Ref: 5' ttTCA-GCAGCTCGGCAAGGGTTt 3' Energy: -19.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-500a-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -19.31 2 22 8166 8188 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12947 to 12967 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (73.68%) Query: 3' agaGUGGGUCCAUCGUUCCUAAu 5' :||:: || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaTACTTTATTA--AAGGATTa 3' Energy: -12.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-500a-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.20 2 21 12947 12967 19 57.89% 73.68% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:13696 to 13718 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agaguggguccaucGUUCCUAAu 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' atttataatttactTAAGGATTg 3' Energy: -12.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-500a-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.59 2 10 13696 13718 8 87.50% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-500a-5p NC_045512.2 731.00 -73.30 156.00 -19.31 1413 23 29903 13268 2792 8166 12947 13696 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-744-5p MIMAT0004945(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-744-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-26a-2-3p MIMAT0004681(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-26a-2-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15076 to 15099 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cuuUGUUCAUUA-G-UUCUUAUCc 5' :| | ||:| | |||||||| Ref: 5' tatGCCATTAGTGCAAAGAATAGa 3' Energy: -11.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-26a-2-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -11.64 2 20 15076 15099 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:11746 to 11767 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuuuguucauuaGUUCUUAUCc 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' actactcccaccCAAGAATAGc 3' Energy: -10.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-26a-2-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -10.53 2 11 11746 11767 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:13739 to 13760 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (91.67%) Query: 3' cuuuguucaUUAGUUCUUAUCc 5' |:|: ||||||| Ref: 5' acttctttaAGTTTAGAATAGa 3' Energy: -9.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-26a-2-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -9.97 2 14 13739 13760 12 75.00% 91.67% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19062 to 19084 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cuuuGUUC-AUUAGUUCUUAUCc 5' |||| |:|| |||||:| Ref: 5' acctCAAGCTGATGTAGAATGGa 3' Energy: -14.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-26a-2-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.36 2 19 19062 19084 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:22132 to 22153 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cuUUGUUCAUUAGUUCUUAUcc 5' ||: ||: |:||||||| Ref: 5' ggAATTTGTGTTTAAGAATAtt 3' Energy: -12.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-26a-2-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.99 3 21 22132 22153 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:28343 to 28363 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' cuuuguUCAUUAGUUCUUAUCc 5' ||||| | |||||:| Ref: 5' actggcAGTAA-CCAGAATGGa 3' Energy: -12.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-26a-2-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.57 2 17 28343 28363 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:27324 to 27345 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cuUUGUUCAUUAGUUCUUAUcc 5' |:: | ||| ::|||||| Ref: 5' taAGTCACTAACTGAGAATAaa 3' Energy: -6.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-26a-2-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.70 3 21 27324 27345 18 61.11% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-26a-2-3p NC_045512.2 1023.00 -78.76 153.00 -14.36 1415 22 29903 15076 11746 13739 19062 22132 28343 27324 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3605-3p MIMAT0017982(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3605-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-34a-3p MIMAT0004557(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-34a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8745 to 8766 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ucCCGUCAUAUGAACGACUAAc 5' | :| | || |||||||| Ref: 5' ttGCTAACAAACATGCTGATTt 3' Energy: -10.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-34a-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -10.64 2 21 8745 8766 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22635 to 22656 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uccCG-UCAUAUGAACGACUAAc 5' || | |:|: ||||||||| Ref: 5' tcaGCAACTGTG-TTGCTGATTa 3' Energy: -14.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-34a-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -14.38 2 20 22635 22656 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:22803 to 22824 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ucccGUCAUAUGAACGACUAAc 5' ::| | : ||||||||| Ref: 5' aaacTGGAAAGATTGCTGATTa 3' Energy: -13.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-34a-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -13.12 2 19 22803 22824 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:4773 to 4794 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucccgucauaUGAACGACUAAc 5' ||||||||:|| Ref: 5' aaaccatctcACTTGCTGGTTc 3' Energy: -14.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-34a-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.70 2 13 4773 4794 11 90.91% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8176 to 8196 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucCCGUCAUAUGAACGACUAAc 5' |||| : ::|||:||||| Ref: 5' tcGGCA-AGGGTTTGTTGATTc 3' Energy: -16.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-34a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.29 2 21 8176 8196 19 63.16% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-34a-3p NC_045512.2 752.00 -69.13 156.00 -16.29 1417 22 29903 8745 22635 22803 4773 8176 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4677-3p MIMAT0019761(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4677-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:24143 to 24162 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ucaucaaGAAACCAGAGUGUCu 5' ||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgccacCTTTG--CTCACAGa 3' Energy: -17.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4677-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -17.45 2 16 24143 24162 14 85.71% 85.71% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:29650 to 29673 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucAUCAA--GAAACCAGAGUGUcu 5' ||||| |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgTAGTTAACTTTAATCTCACAta 3' Energy: -17.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4677-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -17.33 3 21 29650 29673 20 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:16248 to 16270 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucauCAAGAAAC-CAGAGUGUCu 5' |||||||| :|||||| Ref: 5' ttgtGTTCTTTGCAATTCACAGa 3' Energy: -22.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4677-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -22.70 2 19 16248 16270 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11723 to 11744 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ucAUCAAGAAACCAGAGUGUCu 5' ||| | | || :|||||| Ref: 5' ttTAGATATATGAATTCACAGg 3' Energy: -12.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4677-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.41 2 21 11723 11744 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:3995 to 4017 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (73.33%) Query: 3' ucaucaaGAAACCA-GAGUGUCu 5' || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gaagaaaCTAAGTTCCTCACAGa 3' Energy: -16.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4677-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.60 2 16 3995 4017 15 73.33% 73.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5972 to 5991 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ucaUCAAGAAACCAGAGUGUCu 5' | ||||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' gacAATTCTT--ATTTCACAGa 3' Energy: -15.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4677-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.35 2 20 5972 5991 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4677-3p NC_045512.2 878.00 -101.84 152.00 -22.70 1418 22 29903 24143 29650 16248 11723 3995 5972 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-758-3p MIMAT0003879(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-758-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1369 to 1390 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' ccaAUCACCUGGUCCAGUGUUu 5' | || | || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaTTGTCCAGCATGTCACAAt 3' Energy: -14.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-758-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -14.52 2 20 1369 1390 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8367 to 8389 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' ccaaUCA-CCUGGUCCAGUGUUu 5' :|| | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' cgcaGGTAGCAAAAAGTCACAAc 3' Energy: -11.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-758-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.60 2 19 8367 8389 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:2757 to 2776 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ccaaUCACCUGGUCCAGUGUUu 5' |||| | ||||:|||| Ref: 5' tagaAGTG--CAAGGTTACAAg 3' Energy: -18.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-758-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.33 2 19 2757 2776 17 76.47% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-758-3p NC_045512.2 443.00 -44.45 155.00 -18.33 1419 22 29903 1369 8367 2757 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3122 MIMAT0014984(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3122 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20073 to 20094 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uucUGGCAGGAGAACAGGGUUg 5' ||| ||: : ||||||| Ref: 5' acaACCATCTGTAGGTCCCAAa 3' Energy: -18.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3122 NC_045512.2 155.00 -18.79 2 20 20073 20094 18 66.67% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3122 NC_045512.2 155.00 -18.79 155.00 -18.79 1420 22 29903 20073 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6732-5p MIMAT0027365(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6732-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:21619 to 21641 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ccGGUC---GGACGGUGGGGGAu 5' |||| :| ::||||||| Ref: 5' aaCCAGAACTCAATTACCCCCTg 3' Energy: -25.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6732-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -25.96 2 19 21619 21641 20 60.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:25502 to 25519 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ccGGUCGGACGGUGGGGGAu 5' | ||||| |||:|||| Ref: 5' taCAAGCCT--CACTCCCTt 3' Energy: -22.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6732-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -22.37 2 19 25502 25519 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:840 to 859 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ccGGUCGGACGGUGGGGGAu 5' || | : ||:||||:|| Ref: 5' gcCCTGATGGCTACCCTCTt 3' Energy: -22.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6732-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -22.49 2 19 840 859 17 64.71% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6732-5p NC_045512.2 430.00 -70.82 145.00 -25.96 1421 20 29903 21619 25502 840 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4274 MIMAT0016906(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4274 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-598-5p MIMAT0026620(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-598-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:26730 to 26755 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (73.91%) Query: 3' cgAGUGUGGUA---GCCCUAGUGGCg 5' |:||| || : ||||||||| Ref: 5' gtTTACAGAATAAATTGGATCACCGg 3' Energy: -24.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-598-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -24.70 2 22 26730 26755 23 65.22% 73.91% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-598-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -24.70 156.00 -24.70 1423 23 29903 26730 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4465 MIMAT0018992(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4465 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:20500 to 20520 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' agggGACCAGUCUGAUGAACUc 5' :|| |: |:||||||| Ref: 5' gttaTTGATT-TATTACTTGAt 3' Energy: -9.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4465 NC_045512.2 148.00 -9.72 2 19 20500 20520 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:7059 to 7080 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aggggaccagUCUGAUGAACUc 5' ||:|||:|||| Ref: 5' gttacagagaAGGCTATTTGAa 3' Energy: -13.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4465 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.45 2 13 7059 7080 11 81.82% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:9582 to 9603 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aggggaccagucugAUGAACUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ctgttatttacttgTACTTGAc 3' Energy: -9.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4465 NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.68 2 9 9582 9603 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4465 NC_045512.2 428.00 -32.85 148.00 -13.45 1424 22 29903 20500 7059 9582 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548ar-3p MIMAT0022266(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548ar-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:23821 to 23840 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' cguuuUUAUUGACGUCAAAAu 5' ||| |: |||||||| Ref: 5' gttgcAAT-ATGGCAGTTTTt 3' Energy: -11.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ar-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -11.38 2 17 23821 23840 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:11872 to 11893 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' cguuuuuAUUGA-CGUCAAAAu 5' | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' agtagtcTTACTCTCAGTTTTg 3' Energy: -12.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ar-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.35 2 15 11872 11893 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:21688 to 21706 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cguuUUUAUUGACGUCAAAAu 5' |:|| || ||||||| Ref: 5' tttcAGAT-CCT-CAGTTTTa 3' Energy: -10.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ar-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -10.78 2 18 21688 21706 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22047 to 22067 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (93.75%) Query: 3' cguuUUUAUUGACGUCAAAAu 5' :|||||:|||| |||| Ref: 5' gtgcGAATAATTGCACTTTTg 3' Energy: -14.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ar-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.80 2 18 22047 22067 16 81.25% 93.75% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26478 to 26498 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUAUUGACGUCAAAAu 5' ||| || |: :|||||| Ref: 5' ctAAATATTATATTAGTTTTt 3' Energy: -5.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ar-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -5.60 2 20 26478 26498 18 66.67% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548ar-3p NC_045512.2 732.00 -54.91 154.00 -14.80 1425 21 29903 23821 11872 21688 22047 26478 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4690-3p MIMAT0019780(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4690-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28653 to 28674 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' guCU-CCGGAGUCGACCCGACg 5' || ||| ||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' aaGACGGCATCATATGGGTTGc 3' Energy: -25.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4690-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -25.21 2 20 28653 28674 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4690-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -25.21 146.00 -25.21 1426 21 29903 28653 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-202-5p MIMAT0002810(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-202-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8669 to 8690 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' guuucUUCAUAUACGUAUCCUu 5' ||||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttttcAAGTGAAATCATAGGAt 3' Energy: -12.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-202-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -12.99 2 18 8669 8690 16 75.00% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-202-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -12.99 157.00 -12.99 1427 22 29903 8669 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-378d MIMAT0018926(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-378d vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11035 to 11054 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' aaAGACUGAGGUUCAGGUCa 5' |:| | |:: ||||||| Ref: 5' acTTTTAGTTTTAGTCCAGa 3' Energy: -14.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-378d NC_045512.2 154.00 -14.36 2 19 11035 11054 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:22506 to 22526 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' aaAGACUGAGGU-UCAGGUca 5' ||| |||::| |||||| Ref: 5' ctTCTAACTTTAGAGTCCAac 3' Energy: -16.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-378d NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.29 3 19 22506 22526 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:18811 to 18832 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' aaAGAC-UGA-GGUUCAGGUca 5' |||| |:| :|||||||| Ref: 5' gaTCTGTATTGTCAAGTCCAtg 3' Energy: -19.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-378d NC_045512.2 144.00 -19.95 3 19 18811 18832 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:17521 to 17540 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' aaagacUGAGGUUCAGGUCa 5' ||| :|:|||||| Ref: 5' atgaaaACTATAGGTCCAGa 3' Energy: -16.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-378d NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.93 2 15 17521 17540 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:28496 to 28515 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aaagacugagguUCAGGUCa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aacaccaatagcAGTCCAGa 3' Energy: -14.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-378d NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.46 2 9 28496 28515 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-378d NC_045512.2 725.00 -81.99 154.00 -19.95 1428 20 29903 11035 22506 18811 17521 28496 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6765-5p MIMAT0027430(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6765-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:25098 to 25122 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugugugggaggaccggGGCGGAGUg 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ttcaaaaagaaattgaCCGCCTCAa 3' Energy: -20.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6765-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -20.26 2 10 25098 25122 8 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6765-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -20.26 145.00 -20.26 1429 25 29903 25098 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6511a-5p MIMAT0025478(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6511a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:23224 to 23246 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggacagucggggUGAAGACGGAc 5' ::|||||||| Ref: 5' gtctaacaaaaaGTTTCTGCCTt 3' Energy: -15.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6511a-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.93 2 12 23224 23246 10 80.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:1690 to 1713 Align Len (21) (57.14%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ggACAGUCG-GGGUGAAGACGGAc 5' | |::|| :|: :||||||:| Ref: 5' taTTTTGGCATCTTTTTCTGCTTc 3' Energy: -15.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6511a-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.36 2 22 1690 1713 21 57.14% 85.71% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2823 to 2844 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (72.22%) Query: 3' ggacAGUCGGGGUGAAGACGGAc 5' | || ::| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaaTGAGAAGTGC-TCTGCCTa 3' Energy: -12.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6511a-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.59 2 20 2823 2844 18 61.11% 72.22% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:11114 to 11136 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ggACAGUCGGGGUGAAGACGGAc 5' | |:| : |:|: |||||:| Ref: 5' ggTATTATTGCTATGTCTGCTTt 3' Energy: -12.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6511a-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.12 2 22 11114 11136 20 55.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:4675 to 4698 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ggACAGUCGGGGU-GAAGACGGAc 5' || ||||: || :|||||::| Ref: 5' agTGCCAGCTACAGTTTCTGTTTc 3' Energy: -18.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6511a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.79 2 22 4675 4698 21 66.67% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6511a-5p NC_045512.2 713.00 -74.79 147.00 -18.79 1430 23 29903 23224 1690 2823 11114 4675 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1267 MIMAT0005921(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1267 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:24016 to 24037 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' acccCUA-AUGUGAAGUUGUcc 5' ||| ||| :||||||| Ref: 5' tgaaGATCTACTTTTCAACAaa 3' Energy: -11.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1267 NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.79 3 18 24016 24037 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:8155 to 8175 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' accccuAAUGUGAAGUUGUCc 5' || :|:||||:||| Ref: 5' atctacTTTTATTTCAGCAGc 3' Energy: -12.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1267 NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.56 2 16 8155 8175 14 71.43% 92.86% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1267 NC_045512.2 287.00 -24.35 144.00 -12.56 1431 21 29903 24016 8155 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4668-5p MIMAT0019745(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4668-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:6126 to 6148 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (76.92%) Query: 3' cuguuuaggAAAAAAAAAAGGGa 5' || |||||||| Ref: 5' agcttaaagTTACATTTTTCCCt 3' Energy: -11.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4668-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.69 2 15 6126 6148 13 76.92% 76.92% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4668-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.69 146.00 -11.69 1432 23 29903 6126 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6730-3p MIMAT0027362(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6730-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:23328 to 23350 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (91.67%) Query: 3' acucccgucuACC-CCACAGUCc 5' ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' catgttctttTGGTGGTGTCAGt 3' Energy: -18.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6730-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -18.69 2 13 23328 23350 12 91.67% 91.67% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:8692 to 8716 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (80.95%) Query: 3' acUCCCGU--CUACC-CCACAGUcc 5' ||| :| ||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' caAGGCTATTGATGGTGGTGTCAct 3' Energy: -24.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6730-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -24.35 3 21 8692 8716 21 76.19% 80.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:19403 to 19424 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' acucccgUCUACCCCACAGUCc 5' | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' atggaaaACAAGTAGTGTCAGa 3' Energy: -10.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6730-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.95 2 16 19403 19424 14 71.43% 71.43% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6730-3p NC_045512.2 440.00 -53.99 151.00 -24.35 1433 22 29903 23328 8692 19403 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4671-5p MIMAT0019752(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4671-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:29196 to 29221 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ucuaaUCGCG-UGUC---AGAAGCCa 5' ||||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' cccccAGCGCTTCAGCGTTCTTCGGa 3' Energy: -23.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4671-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -23.10 2 18 29196 29221 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:26953 to 26973 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ucuAAUCGCGUGUCAGAAGCca 5' || |:| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' tccTTCGTGGACA-TCTTCGta 3' Energy: -14.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4671-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.50 3 20 26953 26973 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:10127 to 10148 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucuaaucgcgUGUCAGAAGCCa 5' ||:|||||:|| Ref: 5' actacacttaACGGTCTTTGGc 3' Energy: -17.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4671-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.77 2 13 10127 10148 11 81.82% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4671-5p NC_045512.2 432.00 -55.37 151.00 -23.10 1434 22 29903 29196 26953 10127 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-920 MIMAT0004970(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-920 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:26554 to 26573 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' augaCGAAGGUGUCGAGGGg 5' |||| | ||||||: Ref: 5' aagaGCTTAAAAAGCTCCTt 3' Energy: -17.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-920 NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.49 2 17 26554 26573 15 73.33% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-920 NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.49 140.00 -17.49 1435 20 29903 26554 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6826-5p MIMAT0027552(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6826-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27682 to 27704 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uccAGGGUGGAGAAAGGAUAACu 5' ||:| |:||||:||||| Ref: 5' tacTCTCCAATTTTTCTTATTGt 3' Energy: -18.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6826-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -18.42 2 21 27682 27704 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9354 to 9381 Align Len (24) (66.67%) (70.83%) Query: 3' uccAGGGUGGAGA--AA---GGAUAACu 5' |: |||| || || ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtTTACACCACTAATTCAACCTATTGg 3' Energy: -17.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6826-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -17.90 2 21 9354 9381 24 66.67% 70.83% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:21899 to 21921 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ucCAGGGUGGAGAAAGGAUAACu 5' | |||| : | | |:||||| Ref: 5' aaGACCCAGTCCCTACTTATTGt 3' Energy: -16.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6826-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.79 2 22 21899 21921 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9707 to 9730 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uccAGG-GUGGAGAAAGGAUAACu 5' ||| || | ||:|||||| Ref: 5' attTCCACAAAGCATTTCTATTGg 3' Energy: -19.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6826-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -19.41 2 21 9707 9730 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:1512 to 1534 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uccaggguggagaAAGGAUAACu 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' gccataacaagtgTGCCTATTGg 3' Energy: -15.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6826-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.74 2 11 1512 1534 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6215 to 6237 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uccaggguggagaaaGGAUAACu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aaattgttacataaaCCTATTGt 3' Energy: -13.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6826-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.33 2 9 6215 6237 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6826-5p NC_045512.2 872.00 -101.59 152.00 -19.41 1436 23 29903 27682 9354 21899 9707 1512 6215 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5092 MIMAT0021084(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5092 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:28062 to 28083 Align Len (17) (58.82%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cuacGGUUCGAGUCGCACCUAa 5' :::| :| |||||||| Ref: 5' ttaaTTGAATTGTGCGTGGATg 3' Energy: -13.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5092 NC_045512.2 150.00 -13.38 2 19 28062 28083 17 58.82% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5092 NC_045512.2 150.00 -13.38 150.00 -13.38 1437 22 29903 28062 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-135a-3p MIMAT0004595(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-135a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:707 to 728 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gcgGUGCCGAGGUUAGGGAUAu 5' | :||| |::||||:||| Ref: 5' gagCTTGGCACTGATCCTTATg 3' Energy: -22.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-135a-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -22.98 2 20 707 728 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11329 to 11350 Align Len (17) (58.82%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gcggUGCCGAGGUUAGGGAUAu 5' ::| : |:|||||:||| Ref: 5' tgtaGTGTTACTAATCCTTATg 3' Energy: -17.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-135a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.87 2 19 11329 11350 17 58.82% 88.24% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:28621 to 28643 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (73.33%) Query: 3' gcggugcCGAGGU-UAGGGAUAu 5' ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gccagaaGCTGGACTTCCCTATg 3' Energy: -19.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-135a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.14 2 16 28621 28643 15 73.33% 73.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15105 to 15126 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gcGGUGCCGAGGUUAGGGAUAu 5' ||:: ||| :||:|||| Ref: 5' caCCGTAGCTGGTGTCTCTATc 3' Energy: -18.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-135a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.08 2 21 15105 15126 19 57.89% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-135a-3p NC_045512.2 575.00 -78.07 151.00 -22.98 1438 22 29903 707 11329 28621 15105 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-516a-3p MIMAT0006778(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-516a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548b-5p MIMAT0004798(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 170.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25794 to 25814 Align Len (19) (84.21%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccGGUUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |||||| | | |||||||| Ref: 5' ttCCAAAAAC-CCATTACTTTa 3' Energy: -16.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548b-5p NC_045512.2 170.00 -16.06 2 21 25794 25814 19 84.21% 84.21% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:2719 to 2740 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ccgguuUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||| | ::||||||| Ref: 5' tgcaccAACAAAGGTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -13.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548b-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -13.21 2 17 2719 2740 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8375 to 8398 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' ccggUUUUGGUGU--UAAUGAAAa 5' |||::|||| |||:|||| Ref: 5' gcaaAAAGTCACAACATTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -14.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548b-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -14.22 2 19 8375 8398 19 73.68% 89.47% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20176 to 20203 Align Len (25) (68.00%) (76.00%) Query: 3' ccGGUU-UUGGUG----UU-AAUGAAAa 5' |||| ||::|| || ||||||| Ref: 5' gtCCAACAATTACCTGAAACTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -11.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548b-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -11.18 2 21 20176 20203 25 68.00% 76.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7760 to 7781 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccgguuUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' | |||: ||||||| Ref: 5' ggttccATCCATCTTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -14.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548b-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -14.85 2 17 7760 7781 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4011 to 4032 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ccgGUUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||:|| : :||||||| Ref: 5' tcaCAGAAAACTTGTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -11.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548b-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -11.03 2 20 4011 4032 18 61.11% 77.78% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:1675 to 1696 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (94.12%) Query: 3' ccggUUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' :|:|:|:| ||||:||| Ref: 5' tgaaGAGATCGCCATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -13.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548b-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -13.51 2 19 1675 1696 17 64.71% 94.12% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10946 to 10969 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccgGUUUUG-GUGU-UAAUGAAAa 5' ||| :| || : :||||||| Ref: 5' agaCAATGCTCAGGTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -9.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548b-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -9.67 2 20 10946 10969 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:2916 to 2937 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccGGUUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAaa 5' |||: |:| |||||||| Ref: 5' aaCCAGTATCTGAATTACTTac 3' Energy: -14.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548b-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.96 3 21 2916 2937 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:5890 to 5911 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccGGU-UUUGGUGUUAAUGAAaa 5' ||| ||| | ||:|||||| Ref: 5' aaCCATAAAAC-CAGTTACTTat 3' Energy: -14.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548b-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.16 3 21 5890 5911 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:13630 to 13651 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ccgguUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' || : |: ||||||| Ref: 5' aatttAATTGATTCTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -4.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548b-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -4.51 2 18 13630 13651 16 62.50% 75.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22273 to 22294 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ccgguUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||||: :| ||:|||| Ref: 5' gtttcAAACTTTACTTGCTTTa 3' Energy: -8.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548b-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -8.08 2 18 22273 22294 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:23009 to 23033 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccggUUUUGGUGUU---AAUGAAAa 5' ||:::: :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gttgAAGGTTTTAATTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -10.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548b-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -10.21 2 19 23009 23033 20 55.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:4516 to 4538 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccgguuuUGGUGU-UAAUGAAAa 5' :|:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttatggtGCTAGATTTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -9.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548b-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.42 2 16 4516 4538 15 66.67% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:5449 to 5471 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ccggUUUUGGUG-UUAAUGAAaa 5' :|||| |: |:|||||| Ref: 5' tagaGAAACAATGAGTTACTTgt 3' Energy: -9.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548b-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.01 3 19 5449 5471 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:11627 to 11648 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccgguuuugguguUAAUGAAAa 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' tatttttgtacttGTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -7.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548b-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -7.37 2 10 11627 11648 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 14 R:25993 to 26014 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccgguuuugGUGUUAAUGAAaa 5' ||||:|||||| Ref: 5' gttgtattaCACAGTTACTTca 3' Energy: -14.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548b-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.13 3 14 25993 26014 11 90.91% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6769 to 6790 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccgguuuugguguuAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tatgccttatttctTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -8.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.42 2 9 6769 6790 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:11470 to 11491 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccGGUUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAaa 5' ::| ||:| | :|||||| Ref: 5' tcTTATAATCTCTGTTACTTct 3' Energy: -8.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.41 3 21 11470 11491 18 61.11% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548b-5p NC_045512.2 2807.00 -212.41 170.00 -16.06 1440 22 29903 25794 2719 8375 20176 7760 4011 1675 10946 2916 5890 13630 22273 23009 4516 5449 11627 25993 6769 11470 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4513 MIMAT0019050(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4513 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-518e-5p MIMAT0005450(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-518e-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14515 to 14536 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (66.67%) Query: 3' gucUUUCGCGAAGGGAGAUCUc 5' || : | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtaAACTTACATAGCTCTAGAc 3' Energy: -10.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-518e-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.26 2 20 14515 14536 18 61.11% 66.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26430 to 26452 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gucUUUCG-CGAAGGGAGAUCUc 5' ||| | | |:|:|||||| Ref: 5' taaAAATCTGAATTCTTCTAGAg 3' Energy: -17.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-518e-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.82 2 20 26430 26452 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-518e-5p NC_045512.2 285.00 -28.08 143.00 -17.82 1442 22 29903 14515 26430 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-205-5p MIMAT0000266(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-205-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:13830 to 13851 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gucugaggccaccUUACUUCCu 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' tttaaggcattttGATGAAGGt 3' Energy: -13.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-205-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.18 2 10 13830 13851 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:3038 to 3061 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gucuGAGG-CCAC-CUUACUUCcu 5' |||| | || |:|||||| Ref: 5' taccCTCCAGATGAGGATGAAGaa 3' Energy: -17.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-205-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.75 3 19 3038 3061 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:5089 to 5110 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gucugaggccaccuUACUUCCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' acctcataattcacATGAAGGt 3' Energy: -11.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-205-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.65 2 9 5089 5110 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-205-5p NC_045512.2 421.00 -42.58 141.00 -17.75 1443 22 29903 13830 3038 5089 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-593-3p MIMAT0004802(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-593-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:29410 to 29430 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ucUUUGGGGU--CGUCUCUGu 5' ||:||::| |||||||| Ref: 5' tcAAGCCTTACCGCAGAGACa 3' Energy: -22.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-593-3p NC_045512.2 160.00 -22.94 2 18 29410 29430 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:23249 to 23267 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ucUUUGGGGUCGUCUCUGu 5' | | ::::|||||||| Ref: 5' caACAATTTGGCAGAGACa 3' Energy: -18.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-593-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -18.51 2 18 23249 23267 16 62.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:27225 to 27243 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' ucuuUGGGGUCGUCUCUGu 5' ||: :||||||||: Ref: 5' ggttACTATAGCAGAGATa 3' Energy: -21.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-593-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -21.03 2 16 27225 27243 14 71.43% 92.86% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:373 to 391 Align Len (16) (56.25%) (93.75%) Query: 3' ucUUUGGGGUCGUCUCUGu 5' |:::|::| |||||:| Ref: 5' ggAGGTCTTATCAGAGGCa 3' Energy: -23.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-593-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -23.26 2 18 373 391 16 56.25% 93.75% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-593-3p NC_045512.2 597.00 -85.74 160.00 -23.26 1444 19 29903 29410 23249 27225 373 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6836-5p MIMAT0027574(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6836-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6515-5p MIMAT0025486(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6515-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3027 to 3047 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (89.47%) Query: 3' cuAC-AGAAGGUGUGGGAGGUu 5' || ||||:| :|||||||| Ref: 5' atTGTTCTTTC-TACCCTCCAg 3' Energy: -25.559999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6515-5p NC_045512.2 164.00 -25.56 2 20 3027 3047 19 78.95% 89.47% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25595 to 25616 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cuACAGAAGGU-GUGGGAGGUu 5' || | |:| |||:||||| Ref: 5' gaTGGCAACTAGCACTCTCCAa 3' Energy: -23.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6515-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -23.00 2 20 25595 25616 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6515-5p NC_045512.2 306.00 -48.56 164.00 -25.56 1446 21 29903 3027 25595 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-653-5p MIMAT0003328(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-653-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:5459 to 5479 Align Len (11) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gucaucucuAACAAAGUUGUg 5' ||||||||||| Ref: 5' atgagttacTTGTTTCAACAt 3' Energy: -16.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-653-5p NC_045512.2 160.00 -16.69 2 13 5459 5479 11 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:18963 to 18981 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' guCAUCUCUAACAAAGUUGUg 5' ||||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttGTAGAAA--GGTTCAACAc 3' Energy: -15.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-653-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -15.27 2 20 18963 18981 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10489 to 10509 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' guCAUCUCUAACAAAGUUGUg 5' |||| | | ||||:|||| Ref: 5' tgGTAGTGTTGGTTTTAACAt 3' Energy: -16.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-653-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -16.66 2 20 10489 10509 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:18755 to 18777 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' gucaucuCUAAC-A-AAGUUGUg 5' ||||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' cgtttatGATTGATGTTCAACAa 3' Energy: -12.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-653-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -12.95 2 15 18755 18777 15 86.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24013 to 24036 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gucAUCUCUA-A--CAAAGUUGUg 5' |: |||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' tatTGAAGATCTACTTTTCAACAa 3' Energy: -9.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-653-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -9.60 2 19 24013 24036 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:13895 to 13916 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gucauCU-CUAACAAAGUUGUg 5' || |||| ||||||:| Ref: 5' gtgatGATGATTATTTCAATAa 3' Energy: -10.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-653-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.72 2 17 13895 13916 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:22954 to 22973 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' gucaUCUCUAACAAAGUUGug 5' ||||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgagAGAGA-TATTTCAACtg 3' Energy: -14.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-653-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.85 3 18 22954 22973 15 86.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:17269 to 17290 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (73.33%) Query: 3' gucaucUCUAAC-AAAGUUGUg 5' | | || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaattcAAAGTGAATTCAACAt 3' Energy: -8.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-653-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.74 2 16 17269 17290 15 73.33% 73.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:4449 to 4469 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gucaUCUCUAACAAAGUUGug 5' || || |||||||| Ref: 5' ctaaAGCCATAGTTTCAACta 3' Energy: -9.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-653-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.62 3 18 4449 4469 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15725 to 15743 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' guCAUCUCUAACAAAGUUGUg 5' || | | ||||||||:| Ref: 5' ctGTTGTG--TGTTTCAATAg 3' Energy: -10.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-653-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.33 2 20 15725 15743 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-653-5p NC_045512.2 1484.00 -125.43 160.00 -16.69 1447 21 29903 5459 18963 10489 18755 24013 13895 22954 17269 4449 15725 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6503-5p MIMAT0025462(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6503-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:29525 to 29547 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agaccccuaaacuUACGUCUGGa 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' caggcctaaactcATGCAGACCa 3' Energy: -15.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6503-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.75 2 11 29525 29547 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:13797 to 13820 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' agaccccuaaacUUA-CGUCUGGa 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tactaaatacacAATGGCAGACCt 3' Energy: -14.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6503-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.84 2 12 13797 13820 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:1002 to 1025 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' agacCCCUAAACUU-ACGUCUGga 5' | | | |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaaGAGCTATGAATTGCAGACac 3' Energy: -14.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6503-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.87 3 20 1002 1025 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:23423 to 23445 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' agACCCCUAAACUUACGUCUGGa 5' || | | | |||||||:| Ref: 5' ccTGTTGCTATTCATGCAGATCa 3' Energy: -14.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6503-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.70 2 22 23423 23445 20 65.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:16282 to 16305 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' agACCCCUAAACU-UACGUCUGGa 5' ||| | || | | |:||||| Ref: 5' tgTGGTGCTTGCATACGTAGACCa 3' Energy: -12.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6503-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.80 2 22 16282 16305 21 66.67% 71.43% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6503-5p NC_045512.2 719.00 -72.96 150.00 -15.75 1448 23 29903 29525 13797 1002 23423 16282 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6504-5p MIMAT0025464(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6504-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:12451 to 12472 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' gacguAAUGUCGU-GUCGGUcu 5' ||||| || |||||| Ref: 5' acctcTTACAACAGCAGCCAaa 3' Energy: -15.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6504-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.22 3 17 12451 12472 15 86.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6504-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.22 143.00 -15.22 1449 21 29903 12451 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-627-5p MIMAT0003296(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-627-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:16607 to 16628 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' aggaGAAAAGAAUCUCUGAGUg 5' || | || | ||||||| Ref: 5' acacCTGTACTGAAAGACTCAa 3' Energy: -15.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-627-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -15.98 2 19 16607 16628 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:1986 to 2007 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' aggagAAAAGAAUCUCUGAGUg 5' | ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' cacagTATTCACTGAGACTCAt 3' Energy: -15.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-627-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -15.41 2 18 1986 2007 16 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:18180 to 18203 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (85.71%) Query: 3' aggagaaaaGA-AUC-UCUGAGUg 5' || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ggacatgacCTATAGAAGACTCAt 3' Energy: -15.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-627-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.74 2 14 18180 18203 14 85.71% 85.71% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:24353 to 24374 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' aggagaaaagAAUCUCUGAGUg 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' attggcaaaaTTCAAGACTCAc 3' Energy: -13.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-627-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.24 2 13 24353 24374 11 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:23571 to 23593 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' aggagaaaagAAU-CUCUGAGUg 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tatgcgctagTTATCAGACTCAg 3' Energy: -10.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-627-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.04 2 13 23571 23593 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:24983 to 25004 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aggagaaaagaaucUCUGAGUg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgcaacctgaattAGACTCAt 3' Energy: -12.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-627-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.13 2 9 24983 25004 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-627-5p NC_045512.2 885.00 -82.54 158.00 -15.98 1450 22 29903 16607 1986 18180 24353 23571 24983 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3618 MIMAT0017998(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3618 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17499 to 17519 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgAGAAAAGUAAUUACAUCUGu 5' || |||| | :||||||| Ref: 5' ttTCAATTCAGT-GTGTAGACt 3' Energy: -15.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3618 NC_045512.2 158.00 -15.68 2 21 17499 17519 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7452 to 7472 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cgAGAAAAGUAAUUACAUCUGu 5' | | | || |: ||||||| Ref: 5' gtTATGTGCA-TGTTGTAGACg 3' Energy: -15.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3618 NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.10 2 21 7452 7472 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9311 to 9332 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cgagAAAAGUAAUUACAUCUGu 5' ||||| |::||||||: Ref: 5' ggagTTTTCTGTGGTGTAGATg 3' Energy: -14.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3618 NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.09 2 19 9311 9332 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22411 to 22433 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cgaGAAAAGU-AAUUACAUCUGu 5' | || || |: ||||||| Ref: 5' aacCATTACAGATGCTGTAGACt 3' Energy: -10.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3618 NC_045512.2 150.00 -10.14 2 20 22411 22433 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:15250 to 15271 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgAGAAAAGUAAUUACAUCUgu 5' | ||| :| |:||||||| Ref: 5' acTGTTTATAGTGATGTAGAaa 3' Energy: -14.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3618 NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.95 3 21 15250 15271 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:6548 to 6569 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' cgagaaaaguaAUUACAUCUGu 5' | |||||||| Ref: 5' ctaatggctgcTTATGTAGACa 3' Energy: -15.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3618 NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.45 2 12 6548 6569 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12017 to 12044 Align Len (24) (62.50%) (66.67%) Query: 3' cgaGAAAAGUA------AUUACAUCUGu 5' |||| ||| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgCTTTCCATGCAGGGTGCTGTAGACa 3' Energy: -17.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3618 NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.00 2 20 12017 12044 24 62.50% 66.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:8184 to 8207 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cgAGAAAAGUAA--UUACAUCUgu 5' |:| || ||| :||||||| Ref: 5' ggTTTGTTGATTCAGATGTAGAaa 3' Energy: -11.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3618 NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.90 3 21 8184 8207 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9201 to 9222 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' cgagAAAAGUAAUUACAUCUGu 5' || | | || |||||:| Ref: 5' ttgaTTCTGAGTACTGTAGGCa 3' Energy: -13.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3618 NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.78 2 19 9201 9222 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:19219 to 19241 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cgagaAAAGUAAU-UACAUCUGu 5' || ||||: ||||||: Ref: 5' gctaaTTCCATTGTTTGTAGATt 3' Energy: -14.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3618 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.66 2 18 19219 19241 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:19475 to 19496 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgagaaaaguaauuACAUCUGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' taggtggtgctgtcTGTAGACa 3' Energy: -11.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3618 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.16 2 9 19475 19496 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3618 NC_045512.2 1614.00 -153.91 158.00 -17.00 1451 22 29903 17499 7452 9311 22411 15250 6548 12017 8184 9201 19219 19475 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5186 MIMAT0021116(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5186 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22866 to 22886 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uggaCUAAAGAUGGUUAGAGa 5' || ||||| ||||||: Ref: 5' cttgGAATTCTAACAATCTTg 3' Energy: -15.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5186 NC_045512.2 153.00 -15.10 2 18 22866 22886 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:2026 to 2051 Align Len (22) (77.27%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ugGACUAAA--GAUG---GUUAGAga 5' ||||||| |||| |||||| Ref: 5' atCTGATTTGGCTACTAACAATCTag 3' Energy: -18.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5186 NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.88 3 20 2026 2051 22 77.27% 77.27% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:25141 to 25163 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uggAC-UAAAGA-UGGUUAGAGa 5' || || ||| |:|:||||| Ref: 5' aaaTGAATCTCTCATCGATCTCc 3' Energy: -15.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5186 NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.28 2 19 25141 25163 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23800 to 23819 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ugGACUAAAGAUGGUUAGAGa 5' |||| | | | ||||||: Ref: 5' aaCTGAATGC-AGCAATCTTt 3' Energy: -14.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5186 NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.22 2 20 23800 23819 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5186 NC_045512.2 583.00 -63.48 153.00 -18.88 1452 21 29903 22866 2026 25141 23800 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-513a-3p MIMAT0004777(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-513a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:20200 to 20220 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ggAAGAGUCUUUCCACUUUAAAu 5' | ||||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTACTCAG--AGTAGAAATTTa 3' Energy: -17.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513a-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -17.36 2 22 20200 20220 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:27881 to 27903 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ggaagagUCUUUCCACUUUAAAu 5' | :|| |||||||| Ref: 5' cgcctaaACGAACATGAAATTTc 3' Energy: -9.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513a-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -9.87 2 17 27881 27903 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:2185 to 2211 Align Len (23) (73.91%) (82.61%) Query: 3' ggAAGAGUCUUU-CCA---CUUUAAau 5' ||||:|||:| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' gtTTCTTAGAGACGGTTGGGAAATTgt 3' Energy: -19.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513a-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -19.37 3 22 2185 2211 23 73.91% 82.61% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:17344 to 17366 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ggaagagucuuuCCACUUUAAAu 5' | |||||||| Ref: 5' atagttgtctttGATGAAATTTc 3' Energy: -7.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513a-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -7.63 2 12 17344 17366 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:5314 to 5336 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ggaagagUCUUUCCACUUUAAAu 5' | |:|| ||||:||| Ref: 5' ccaacaaATAGAGTTGAAGTTTa 3' Energy: -12.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513a-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.27 2 17 5314 5336 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:1035 to 1055 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ggaagAGUCUUUCCACUUUAAAu 5' |::| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaaaTTGGCAA--AGAAATTTg 3' Energy: -10.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.21 2 19 1035 1055 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:29111 to 29131 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ggaagagucuUUCCACUUUAAAu 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gaacaaacccAAG--GAAATTTt 3' Energy: -8.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.97 2 14 29111 29131 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:4363 to 4390 Align Len (25) (60.00%) (72.00%) Query: 3' ggAAGAGUCUUUCC-----ACUUUAAAu 5' ||||::||| | ||:||||| Ref: 5' aaTTCTTGGAACTGTTTCTTGGAATTTg 3' Energy: -13.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.36 2 22 4363 4390 25 60.00% 72.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:20581 to 20603 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggaagagucuuuccaCUUUAAAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' actattgactatacaGAAATTTc 3' Energy: -8.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.02 2 9 20581 20603 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-513a-3p NC_045512.2 1317.00 -107.06 158.00 -19.37 1453 23 29903 20200 27881 2185 17344 5314 1035 29111 4363 20581 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-10392-3p MIMAT0041616(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-10392-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:15939 to 15962 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccacgccucggcuccgCCCCGGCc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tccatcaagaatcctaGGGGCCGg 3' Energy: -23.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10392-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -23.99 2 9 15939 15962 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-10392-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -23.99 140.00 -23.99 1454 24 29903 15939 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-210-5p MIMAT0026475(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-210-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5196-5p MIMAT0021128(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5196-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:24700 to 24721 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ggguugGGAGCAGGGGAAGGGa 5' :||: | :||||||| Ref: 5' ctatcaTCTTATGTCCTTCCCt 3' Energy: -22.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5196-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -22.96 2 17 24700 24721 15 66.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:12101 to 12122 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gggUUGGGAGCAGGGGAAGGga 5' :| ::| ||:||||||| Ref: 5' tcaGAGTTTAGTTCCCTTCCat 3' Energy: -24.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5196-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -24.43 3 20 12101 12122 17 64.71% 88.24% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11175 to 11196 Align Len (17) (52.94%) (94.12%) Query: 3' ggguUGGGAGCAGGGGAAGGGa 5' ::::|:||: |||||:| Ref: 5' gtttGTTTTTGTTACCTTCTCt 3' Energy: -19.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5196-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.58 2 19 11175 11196 17 52.94% 94.12% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2 to 22 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (72.22%) Query: 3' gggUUGGGAGCAGGGGAAGGGa 5' || :|: | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaAAGGTTTAT-ACCTTCCCa 3' Energy: -14.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5196-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.86 2 20 2 22 18 61.11% 72.22% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5196-5p NC_045512.2 578.00 -81.83 152.00 -24.43 1456 22 29903 24700 12101 11175 2 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4708-3p MIMAT0019810(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4708-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27159 to 27181 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uaGUCUCU-CUACGGCGGAACGa 5' ||| || || ::||:|||| Ref: 5' agCAGTGACAATATTGCTTTGCt 3' Energy: -19.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4708-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -19.94 2 21 27159 27181 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:9427 to 9448 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uagucucucuacgGCGGAACGa 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' tatcgtagtaacaTGCCTTGCc 3' Energy: -18.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4708-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.84 2 10 9427 9448 8 87.50% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4708-3p NC_045512.2 284.00 -38.78 143.00 -19.94 1457 22 29903 27159 9427 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6078 MIMAT0023703(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6078 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:687 to 705 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' gguGUCGAUCGAGUCCGCc 5' || :|: ||:||||| Ref: 5' agtCATTTGACTTAGGCGa 3' Energy: -16.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6078 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.54 2 17 687 705 15 66.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6078 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.54 140.00 -16.54 1458 19 29903 687 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3173-5p MIMAT0019214(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3173-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:6350 to 6371 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' uuuccUCUUUUGUCCGUCCCgu 5' |||::||: |||||| Ref: 5' aagtcAGAGGACGCGCAGGGaa 3' Energy: -23.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3173-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -23.00 3 18 6350 6371 15 73.33% 93.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3173-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -23.00 145.00 -23.00 1459 22 29903 6350 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4748 MIMAT0019884(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4748 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10013 to 10032 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ucGUUUAGGAGGGGUUUGGAg 5' | || || || ||||||| Ref: 5' taCCAA-CCACCACAAACCTc 3' Energy: -19.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4748 NC_045512.2 157.00 -19.25 2 20 10013 10032 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:22931 to 22952 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ucgUUUAGG-AGGGGUUUGGAg 5' ||:||: :|:||||||| Ref: 5' aggAAGTCTAATCTCAAACCTt 3' Energy: -21.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4748 NC_045512.2 157.00 -21.68 2 19 22931 22952 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:6212 to 6233 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucGUUUAG-GAGGGGUUUGGAg 5' :||||: :| | :|||||| Ref: 5' gcTAAATTGTTACATAAACCTa 3' Energy: -12.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4748 NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.41 2 20 6212 6233 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:11799 to 11819 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucguuuaggagggGUUUGGAg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgggtgttggtggCAAACCTt 3' Energy: -10.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4748 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.16 2 9 11799 11819 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4748 NC_045512.2 596.00 -63.50 157.00 -21.68 1460 21 29903 10013 22931 6212 11799 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4302 MIMAT0016855(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4302 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:24851 to 24868 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gagcgACUCGGUGUGACc 5' ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' tcaaaTGGCACACACTGg 3' Energy: -19.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4302 NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.19 2 14 24851 24868 12 75.00% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:13153 to 13173 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gaGCGACUCG---GUGUGACc 5' :|:|| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' gaTGTTGTGTACACACACTGg 3' Energy: -21.280001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4302 NC_045512.2 143.00 -21.28 2 17 13153 13173 18 61.11% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4302 NC_045512.2 288.00 -40.47 145.00 -21.28 1461 18 29903 24851 13153 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4735-3p MIMAT0019861(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4735-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:28043 to 28063 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' uacagaUUAAACUCGUGGAAa 5' || | |||||||| Ref: 5' agctagAAAATCAGCACCTTt 3' Energy: -15.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4735-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -15.65 2 16 28043 28063 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:9794 to 9814 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uacaGAUUAAACUCGUGGAAa 5' ||: || ||||||| Ref: 5' gaagCTGCGCTGTGCACCTTt 3' Energy: -15.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4735-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.89 2 18 9794 9814 16 68.75% 75.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:1684 to 1704 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uacagAUUAAACUCGUGGAAa 5' | |||| :|||:||| Ref: 5' cgccaTTATTTTGGCATCTTt 3' Energy: -13.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4735-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.65 2 17 1684 1704 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:15907 to 15928 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uacagAUUAA-ACUCGUGGAAa 5' |:||| || |:||||| Ref: 5' ggtgaTGATTATGTGTACCTTc 3' Energy: -13.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4735-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.90 2 17 15907 15928 16 75.00% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4735-3p NC_045512.2 587.00 -59.09 151.00 -15.89 1462 21 29903 28043 9794 1684 15907 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-223-3p MIMAT0000280(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-223-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5921 to 5945 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' accCCAUAAAC-UG--UUUGACUGu 5' | |:|||| || |||:|||| Ref: 5' ggtGTTGTTTGTACAGAAATTGACc 3' Energy: -15.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-223-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.50 2 20 5921 5945 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:15830 to 15853 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' accccAUAAACUG--UUUGACUGu 5' |:|| ||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' caaaaTGTTGGACTGAGACTGACc 3' Energy: -13.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-223-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.43 2 18 15830 15853 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19915 to 19939 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' accCCAUAAAC--UGU-UUGACUGu 5' |||:|||| :| :|||||| Ref: 5' attGGTGTTTGTTCTATGACTGACa 3' Energy: -21.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-223-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -21.33 2 20 19915 19939 21 66.67% 80.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-223-3p NC_045512.2 430.00 -50.26 145.00 -21.33 1463 22 29903 5921 15830 19915 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-142-5p MIMAT0000433(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-142-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12939 to 12958 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ucaUCACGAAAGAUGAAAUAc 5' ||| ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' tgaAGT-ATTTATACTTTATt 3' Energy: -9.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-142-5p NC_045512.2 160.00 -9.80 2 19 12939 12958 17 82.35% 82.35% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:4014 to 4034 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' ucaucacGAAAGAUGAAAUAc 5' ||| :|||||||| Ref: 5' cagaaaaCTTGTTACTTTATa 3' Energy: -10.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-142-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -10.53 2 15 4014 4034 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:6774 to 6792 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ucAUCACGAAAGAUGAAAUAc 5' || | ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' ctTATTTCTT--TACTTTATt 3' Energy: -7.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-142-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -7.64 2 20 6774 6792 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:9440 to 9460 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ucaucACGAAAGAUGAAAUAc 5' ||| | |||:||||| Ref: 5' tgcctTGCCTACTATTTTATg 3' Energy: -13.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-142-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -13.10 2 17 9440 9460 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:13633 to 13653 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ucaUCACGAAAGAUGAAAUAc 5' | || || :||||||:| Ref: 5' ttaATTGATTCTTACTTTGTa 3' Energy: -7.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-142-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -7.88 2 19 13633 13653 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:25796 to 25816 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucaucacgaaaGAUGAAAUAc 5' :|||||||| Ref: 5' ccaaaaacccaTTACTTTATg 3' Energy: -11.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-142-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.52 2 11 25796 25816 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:9493 to 9516 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucAUC-ACGAAAG--AUGAAAUac 5' ||| ||| ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' tgTAGTTGCCTTTAATACTTTAct 3' Energy: -12.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-142-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.13 3 20 9493 9516 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:911 to 931 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucaucacgaaagaUGAAAUAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tccgaacaactggACTTTATt 3' Energy: -8.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-142-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.90 2 9 911 931 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:14966 to 14986 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucaucacgaaagaUGAAAUAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ggggtaaggctagACTTTATt 3' Energy: -12.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-142-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.00 2 9 14966 14986 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:15605 to 15625 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucaucacgaaagaUGAAAUAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atttacaacacagACTTTATg 3' Energy: -8.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-142-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.79 2 9 15605 15625 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:25613 to 25632 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ucaUCACGAAAGAUGAAAUAc 5' || |: ||| |||||:| Ref: 5' ccaAGGGTGTTC-ACTTTGTt 3' Energy: -10.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-142-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.36 2 19 25613 25632 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-142-5p NC_045512.2 1615.00 -112.65 160.00 -13.10 1464 21 29903 12939 4014 6774 9440 13633 25796 9493 911 14966 15605 25613 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6803-3p MIMAT0027507(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6803-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6511a-3p MIMAT0025479(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6511a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:551 to 572 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cguccGUCUUCCCUACCACUCc 5' |:| | :||||||| Ref: 5' cagtaCGGTCGTAGTGGTGAGa 3' Energy: -17.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6511a-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.77 2 18 551 572 16 62.50% 75.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:5362 to 5384 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' cguccgUC-UUCCCUACCACUcc 5' || ||||| |||||| Ref: 5' ttacagAGCAAGGGCTGGTGAag 3' Energy: -26.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6511a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -26.07 3 17 5362 5384 15 86.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:2983 to 3005 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (73.33%) Query: 3' cguccguCUUC-CCUACCACUCc 5' || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' cttatttGATGAGTCTGGTGAGt 3' Energy: -10.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6511a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.86 2 16 2983 3005 15 73.33% 73.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:8885 to 8906 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' cgUCCGUCUUCCCUACCACUcc 5' | ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttACGCACAACTAATGGTGAct 3' Energy: -10.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6511a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.04 3 21 8885 8906 18 72.22% 72.22% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6511a-3p NC_045512.2 570.00 -64.74 145.00 -26.07 1466 22 29903 551 5362 2983 8885 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-507 MIMAT0002879(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-507 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14356 to 14376 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' aaGUGAGGUUUUCCACGUUUu 5' ||:||:: | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgCATTCTGCATTGTGCAAAc 3' Energy: -15.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-507 NC_045512.2 159.00 -15.98 2 20 14356 14376 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15074 to 15093 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' aaGUGAGGUUUUCCACGUUUu 5' :|: ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' agTATGCCATTA-GTGCAAAg 3' Energy: -14.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-507 NC_045512.2 149.00 -14.38 2 20 15074 15093 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4297 to 4316 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' aaGUGAGGUUUUCCACGUUUu 5' ::|| :|||| |||:||| Ref: 5' agTGCT-TAAAAAGTGTAAAa 3' Energy: -11.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-507 NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.40 2 20 4297 4316 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:24521 to 24540 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (84.62%) Query: 3' aagugagGUUUUCCACGUUUu 5' | :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gttgaggCTGAA-GTGCAAAt 3' Energy: -8.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-507 NC_045512.2 144.00 -8.53 2 15 24521 24540 13 76.92% 84.62% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5217 to 5237 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' aaGUGAGGUUUUCCACGUUUu 5' ||| |:|||| ||| ||| Ref: 5' atCACACTAAAAAGTGGAAAt 3' Energy: -14.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-507 NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.63 2 20 5217 5237 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:2252 to 2272 Align Len (17) (58.82%) (70.59%) Query: 3' aagUGAGGUUUUCCACGUUUu 5' |:| : | ||||||| Ref: 5' caaATTGTCACCTGTGCAAAg 3' Energy: -12.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-507 NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.59 2 19 2252 2272 17 58.82% 70.59% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2747 to 2769 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' aaGUGAGGUUUUC--CACGUUUu 5' |||| ::| || ||||||: Ref: 5' gaCACTGTGATAGAAGTGCAAGg 3' Energy: -17.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-507 NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.75 2 20 2747 2769 20 65.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-507 NC_045512.2 1024.00 -95.26 159.00 -17.75 1467 21 29903 14356 15074 4297 24521 5217 2252 2747 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5583-5p MIMAT0022281(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5583-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26478 to 26496 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gucUUAUACCCAUAUAAUCAAa 5' ||||| |||||||||| Ref: 5' ctaAATAT---TATATTAGTTt 3' Energy: -10.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5583-5p NC_045512.2 163.00 -10.76 2 20 26478 26496 18 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11264 to 11286 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' guCUUAUACCCA-UAUAAUCAAa 5' |:|||||| | ||| ||||| Ref: 5' ttGGATATGGTTGATACTAGTTt 3' Energy: -16.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5583-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.10 2 21 11264 11286 20 80.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:16457 to 16478 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gucuuauacccauaUAAUCAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cacataaaccacccATTAGTTt 3' Energy: -5.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5583-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.60 2 9 16457 16478 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5583-5p NC_045512.2 450.00 -32.46 163.00 -16.10 1468 22 29903 26478 11264 16457 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3171 MIMAT0015046(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3171 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:25023 to 25045 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (76.19%) Query: 3' cuAUAUAUGUCUAAGGUAUGUAGa 5' ||| | ||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' aaTATTTTAAGAAT-CATACATCa 3' Energy: -15.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3171 NC_045512.2 164.00 -15.03 2 23 25023 25045 21 76.19% 76.19% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:28092 to 28116 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' cuAUAUA-UGUCUAAGGUAUGUAGa 5' || || || |||| :|||||| Ref: 5' tcTAAATCACCCATTCAGTACATCg 3' Energy: -11.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3171 NC_045512.2 153.00 -11.80 2 23 28092 28116 22 72.73% 77.27% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:20843 to 20867 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (82.61%) Query: 3' cuAUA-UAUG-UCUAAGGUAUGUAGa 5' ||| |||: ||| | :||||||: Ref: 5' ccTATAATATGAGAGT-TATACATTt 3' Energy: -13.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3171 NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.46 2 23 20843 20867 23 69.57% 82.61% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3724 to 3747 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cuauaUAUGUCUAAGGUAUGUAGa 5' :|:| || |:||||||: Ref: 5' ttttgGTGCTGACCCTATACATTc 3' Energy: -13.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3171 NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.34 2 20 3724 3747 18 61.11% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3171 NC_045512.2 606.00 -53.63 164.00 -15.03 1469 24 29903 25023 28092 20843 3724 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3908 MIMAT0018182(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3908 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26798 to 26817 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uuuGUCAGAUGGAUGUAACGAg 5' ||| ||||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' gctCAG-CTACTT-CATTGCTt 3' Energy: -20.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3908 NC_045512.2 163.00 -20.98 2 20 26798 26817 18 83.33% 88.89% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8377 to 8396 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuUGUCAGAUGGAUGUAACGAg 5' | |||| | | |||||||| Ref: 5' aaAAAGTC-A-CAACATTGCTt 3' Energy: -17.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3908 NC_045512.2 156.00 -17.32 2 21 8377 8396 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:17451 to 17472 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' uuugucaGAUGGAUGUAACGAg 5' | || |||||||| Ref: 5' acctgcaCCACGCACATTGCTa 3' Energy: -12.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3908 NC_045512.2 151.00 -12.52 2 16 17451 17472 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23249 to 23273 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (72.73%) Query: 3' uuUGUCAGAUGG---AUGUAACGAg 5' ||| |:|: | |||||||| Ref: 5' caACAATTTGGCAGAGACATTGCTg 3' Energy: -15.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3908 NC_045512.2 151.00 -15.21 2 21 23249 23273 22 63.64% 72.73% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:19840 to 19861 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (84.62%) Query: 3' uuugucagAUGGAUGUAACGAg 5' |:: |||||||| Ref: 5' aatttgggTGTGGACATTGCTg 3' Energy: -12.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3908 NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.69 2 15 19840 19861 13 69.23% 84.62% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16672 to 16693 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuUGUCAGAUGGAUGUAACGAg 5' || |||| : ::|||||| Ref: 5' aaACTGTCTTATGGTATTGCTa 3' Energy: -16.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3908 NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.50 2 21 16672 16693 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:6776 to 6796 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' uuugucAGAUGGAUGUAACGAg 5' |:|||:| :|||||| Ref: 5' tatttcTTTACTT-TATTGCTa 3' Energy: -12.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3908 NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.28 2 17 6776 6796 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:23623 to 23645 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uuuGUCAGAUGGAU-GUAACGag 5' :|||| |:| | |||||| Ref: 5' agcTAGTCAATCCATCATTGCct 3' Energy: -15.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3908 NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.35 3 20 23623 23645 18 72.22% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3908 NC_045512.2 1195.00 -122.85 163.00 -20.98 1470 22 29903 26798 8377 17451 23249 19840 16672 6776 23623 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4761-5p MIMAT0019908(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4761-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 169.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22979 to 23002 Align Len (21) (80.95%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ccAGUCCG--UA-CGUGUGGAACa 5' |||||| :| |||||||||| Ref: 5' taTCAGGCCGGTAGCACACCTTGt 3' Energy: -29.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4761-5p NC_045512.2 169.00 -29.43 2 20 22979 23002 21 80.95% 85.71% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12882 to 12904 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' ccaGUCCGUACGU--GUGGAACa 5' ||| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' ataCAGAACTGGAACCACCTTGt 3' Energy: -15.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4761-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.95 2 19 12882 12904 19 68.42% 68.42% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:16817 to 16837 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ccaGUCCGUACGUGUGGAAca 5' :||| : |:||||||| Ref: 5' aaaTAGGAGAGTACACCTTtg 3' Energy: -19.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4761-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.74 3 19 16817 16837 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:25611 to 25631 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ccaGUCCGUACGUGUGGAACa 5' || | :||: |||:||| Ref: 5' ctcCAAGGGTGTTCACTTTGt 3' Energy: -17.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4761-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.47 2 19 25611 25631 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:5604 to 5626 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccagUCCGUACG--UGUGGAACa 5' |||::| | |:|||||| Ref: 5' agaaAGGTGTTCAGATACCTTGt 3' Energy: -16.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4761-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.74 2 18 5604 5626 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4761-5p NC_045512.2 738.00 -99.33 169.00 -29.43 1471 21 29903 22979 12882 16817 25611 5604 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8053 MIMAT0030980(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8053 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:15564 to 15589 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (78.26%) Query: 3' acGGUAACU--CAAGGUUUUAGCGGu 5' |:| ||| || ||||||:||| Ref: 5' atCTACTGATGGTAACAAAATTGCCg 3' Energy: -20.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8053 NC_045512.2 153.00 -20.58 2 23 15564 15589 23 69.57% 78.26% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8053 NC_045512.2 153.00 -20.58 153.00 -20.58 1472 24 29903 15564 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-186-3p MIMAT0004612(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-186-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19775 to 19796 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ggguUUUUUAAGUGGAAACCCg 5' |: | || | ||||||| Ref: 5' atgtAGCATTTGAGCTTTGGGc 3' Energy: -15.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-186-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -15.50 2 19 19775 19796 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:21967 to 21988 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ggguUUUUUAAGUGGAAACCCg 5' || :|| ||::|||||| Ref: 5' ttgtAATGATCCATTTTTGGGt 3' Energy: -16.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-186-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.39 2 19 21967 21988 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:3127 to 3148 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ggguuUUUUAAGUGGAAACCcg 5' ||::| |||||||| Ref: 5' ttaccAAGGTAAACCTTTGGaa 3' Energy: -19.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-186-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.69 3 18 3127 3148 15 73.33% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-186-3p NC_045512.2 445.00 -51.58 154.00 -19.69 1473 22 29903 19775 21967 3127 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3689d MIMAT0019008(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3689d vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:29234 to 29254 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gcucACACUCUAGUGUGGAGGg 5' || || :||||||||:| Ref: 5' ggcaTG-GAAGTCACACCTTCg 3' Energy: -20.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3689d NC_045512.2 148.00 -20.51 2 19 29234 29254 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2489 to 2509 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gcUCACACUCUAGUGUGGAGGg 5' || | |||| ||||:||| Ref: 5' ttAGAGGGAGA-AACACTTCCc 3' Energy: -25.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3689d NC_045512.2 146.00 -25.82 2 21 2489 2509 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:10171 to 10193 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gcucacACUCUAG-UGUGGAGGg 5' || |||| :||||||: Ref: 5' aagacaTGTGATCTGCACCTCTg 3' Energy: -18.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3689d NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.68 2 17 10171 10193 16 75.00% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3689d NC_045512.2 437.00 -65.01 148.00 -25.82 1474 22 29903 29234 2489 10171 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6769b-3p MIMAT0027621(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6769b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:14259 to 14278 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' gauacccacCCUGUCUCUCCc 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgacttcacGGA-AGAGAGGt 3' Energy: -14.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6769b-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.40 2 13 14259 14278 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4838 to 4858 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gauacccacccugUCUCUCCc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atagaatttcttaAGAGAGGt 3' Energy: -11.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6769b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.21 2 9 4838 4858 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6769b-3p NC_045512.2 286.00 -25.61 146.00 -14.40 1475 21 29903 14259 4838 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-12115 MIMAT0049009(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-12115 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:2578 to 2599 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ggcUCGACGGAGGGUCGAGGUGAu 5' ||||| |: |||||||:| Ref: 5' tgaAGCTG--TTGAAGCTCCATTg 3' Energy: -26.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12115 NC_045512.2 146.00 -26.79 2 22 2578 2599 20 70.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-12115 NC_045512.2 146.00 -26.79 146.00 -26.79 1476 24 29903 2578 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7106-3p MIMAT0028110(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7106-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28665 to 28687 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' gacCCUGUCCCUAAGUCCCUCGa 5' ||:: | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tatGGGTTGCAACTGAGGGAGCc 3' Energy: -20.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7106-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -20.00 2 21 28665 28687 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:28780 to 28802 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacccugucccuaagUCCCUCGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aggcttctacgcagaAGGGAGCa 3' Energy: -15.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7106-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.15 2 9 28780 28802 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7106-3p NC_045512.2 292.00 -35.15 152.00 -20.00 1477 23 29903 28665 28780 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-10a-3p MIMAT0004555(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-10a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:1274 to 1295 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' auaagggGAUCUAUGCUUAAAc 5' | | |:||||||| Ref: 5' gttaaagCCACTTGCGAATTTt 3' Energy: -11.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10a-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.28 2 16 1274 1295 14 71.43% 78.57% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:12218 to 12239 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' auaagggGAUCUAUGCUUAAAc 5' ||| || :|||||| Ref: 5' aatgtggCTAAATCTGAATTTg 3' Energy: -11.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.91 2 16 12218 12239 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10906 to 10928 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' auaAGGGGAUC-UAUGCUUAAAc 5' |:: :||| | |:|||||| Ref: 5' tgcTTTATTAGAAGATGAATTTa 3' Energy: -11.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.21 2 20 10906 10928 19 63.16% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-10a-3p NC_045512.2 432.00 -34.40 147.00 -11.91 1478 22 29903 1274 12218 10906 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6815-3p MIMAT0027531(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6815-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:20114 to 20134 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacccacacguUCUCUUCGGu 5' :|||||||| Ref: 5' tcacattaattGGAGAAGCCg 3' Energy: -16.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6815-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.34 2 11 20114 20134 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:29028 to 29047 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' gaCCCACACGUUCUCUUCGGu 5' | | | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctGAGGCTTCTA-AGAAGCCt 3' Energy: -14.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6815-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.26 2 20 29028 29047 18 66.67% 66.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:18314 to 18340 Align Len (24) (70.83%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gaCCCAC---ACG-U--UCUCUUCGGu 5' ||||| ||| | ||||||||: Ref: 5' agGGGTGTCATGCTACTAGAGAAGCTg 3' Energy: -24.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6815-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -24.61 2 20 18314 18340 24 70.83% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6815-3p NC_045512.2 427.00 -55.21 146.00 -24.61 1479 21 29903 20114 29028 18314 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1-3p MIMAT0000416(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4313 to 4333 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uaUGUAUGAAGAAAUGUAAGGu 5' | :|:| | |||||||||: Ref: 5' aaAAGTGCCT-TTTACATTCTa 3' Energy: -14.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.69 2 21 4313 4333 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4877 to 4899 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' uaugUAUGAAGA-AAUGUAAGGu 5' :|| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' actaGTAATCCTACCACATTCCa 3' Energy: -11.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.28 2 19 4877 4899 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15677 to 15700 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' uaUGUAUGAA-G-AAAUGUAAGGu 5' :||||:|| | | |||||:| Ref: 5' acGCATATTTGCGTAAACATTTCt 3' Energy: -12.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.70 2 21 15677 15700 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29344 to 29364 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (68.42%) Query: 3' uaUGUAUGAAGAAAUGUAAGGu 5' ||: | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgACGCA-TACAAAACATTCCc 3' Energy: -12.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.79 2 21 29344 29364 19 63.16% 68.42% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1-3p NC_045512.2 575.00 -51.46 146.00 -14.69 1480 22 29903 4313 4877 15677 29344 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6088 MIMAT0023713(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6088 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:9948 to 9968 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gcgGGGGGGCGA-AGUAGAGa 5' |: |::|:| ||||||| Ref: 5' aagCTGCTTGTTGTCATCTCg 3' Energy: -18.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6088 NC_045512.2 152.00 -18.53 2 18 9948 9968 17 64.71% 88.24% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:27195 to 27214 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gcggggggGCGAAGUAGAGa 5' :|:|||||||| Ref: 5' acaacagaTGTTTCATCTCg 3' Energy: -18.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6088 NC_045512.2 152.00 -18.91 2 13 27195 27214 11 81.82% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:18188 to 18207 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gcgggggggcgaAGUAGAGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cctatagaagacTCATCTCt 3' Energy: -13.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6088 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.94 2 9 18188 18207 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6088 NC_045512.2 444.00 -51.38 152.00 -18.91 1481 20 29903 9948 27195 18188 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-200a-5p MIMAT0001620(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-200a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:247 to 268 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (73.33%) Query: 3' aggucgUGACAGGCCAUUCUAc 5' || | |||||||| Ref: 5' ggtgtgACCGAAAGGTAAGATg 3' Energy: -16.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-200a-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.31 2 17 247 268 15 73.33% 73.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-200a-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.31 148.00 -16.31 1482 22 29903 247 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3202 MIMAT0015089(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3202 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12100 to 12121 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uaaUUUCGAGAAGAGGGAAGGu 5' |:||:|: :|||||||| Ref: 5' ctcAGAGTTTAGTTCCCTTCCa 3' Energy: -25.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3202 NC_045512.2 163.00 -25.24 2 20 12100 12121 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17118 to 17140 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uaAUUUCGAGAAGA-GGGAAGGu 5' ||: |||| || ||||||: Ref: 5' ccTAGCTCTCTACTACCCTTCTg 3' Energy: -20.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3202 NC_045512.2 147.00 -20.14 2 21 17118 17140 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25500 to 25522 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uaAU-UUCGAGAAGAGGGAAGGu 5' || |||| : |||||||:| Ref: 5' gaTACAAGCCTCACTCCCTTTCg 3' Energy: -22.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3202 NC_045512.2 147.00 -22.32 2 21 25500 25522 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23230 to 23250 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uaaUUUCGAGAAGA-GGGAAGGu 5' |||| :|||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' caaAAAG--TTTCTGCCTTTCCa 3' Energy: -19.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3202 NC_045512.2 143.00 -19.85 2 20 23230 23250 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29566 to 29587 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uaAUUUCGAGAAGAGGGAAGGu 5' |||| |:||| |::|||| Ref: 5' taTAAACGTTTTCGCTTTTCCg 3' Energy: -15.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3202 NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.46 2 21 29566 29587 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3202 NC_045512.2 740.00 -103.01 163.00 -25.24 1483 22 29903 12100 17118 25500 23230 29566 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6833-5p MIMAT0027566(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6833-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1698 to 1718 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (94.74%) Query: 3' aaAGAGGAGGGUAGAAGGUGUg 5' |||::|:|:: |||||||| Ref: 5' caTCTTTTTCTG-CTTCCACAa 3' Energy: -22.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6833-5p NC_045512.2 166.00 -22.36 2 21 1698 1718 19 68.42% 94.74% Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:24364 to 24386 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' aaagagGAG-GGUAGAAGGUGUg 5' ||| |: ||||||||| Ref: 5' tcaagaCTCACTTTCTTCCACAg 3' Energy: -20.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6833-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -20.33 2 17 24364 24386 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23098 to 23119 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (89.47%) Query: 3' aaAGAGGAGGGUAGAAGGUGUg 5' |:||:|:: | ||||:||| Ref: 5' acTTTCTTTTGAACTTCTACAt 3' Energy: -17.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6833-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -17.93 2 21 23098 23119 19 63.16% 89.47% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9695 to 9716 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' aaAGAG-GAGGGUAGAAGGUGUg 5' | || :|: :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' taTATCATTTGTAT-TTCCACAa 3' Energy: -13.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6833-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -13.13 2 21 9695 9716 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:4881 to 4902 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' aaagAGGAGGGUAGAAGGUGug 5' |||| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' gtaaTCCTACCACATTCCACct 3' Energy: -19.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6833-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -19.82 3 19 4881 4902 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:22669 to 22691 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' aaaGAGGAG-GGUAGAAGGUGug 5' :||| | :|||:|||||| Ref: 5' taaTTCCGCATCATTTTCCACtt 3' Energy: -22.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6833-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -22.53 3 20 22669 22691 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1086 to 1106 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' aaAGAGGAGGGUAGAAGGUGUg 5' |:||| |::| |||||:| Ref: 5' taTTTCC-CTTAAATTCCATAa 3' Energy: -18.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6833-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.12 2 21 1086 1106 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:19299 to 19322 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' aaagaggaggGUA-G-AAGGUGUg 5' ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtaaataaaCATGCATTCCACAc 3' Energy: -15.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6833-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.21 2 13 19299 19322 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:23953 to 23974 Align Len (15) (60.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' aaagagGAGGGUAGAAGGUGUg 5' :|:: ||:||:|||| Ref: 5' tggtggTTTTAATTTTTCACAa 3' Energy: -11.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6833-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.96 2 17 23953 23974 15 60.00% 93.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6833-5p NC_045512.2 1342.00 -161.39 166.00 -22.53 1484 22 29903 1698 24364 23098 9695 4881 22669 1086 19299 23953 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-943 MIMAT0004986(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-943 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28795 to 28816 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gaCCUCCU-GCCGUUGUCAGUc 5' |||| | |||::|||||| Ref: 5' agGGAGCAGAGGCGGCAGTCAa 3' Energy: -26.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-943 NC_045512.2 150.00 -26.16 2 20 28795 28816 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:9473 to 9493 Align Len (14) (64.29%) (78.57%) Query: 3' gaccucCUGCCGUUGUCAGUc 5' |::| ||||||| Ref: 5' gcttttGGTGAATACAGTCAt 3' Energy: -13.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-943 NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.10 2 16 9473 9493 14 64.29% 78.57% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:27946 to 27966 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (66.67%) Query: 3' gaCCUCCUGCCGUUGUCAGUc 5' | | | | : ||||||| Ref: 5' aaGAATGTAGTTTACAGTCAt 3' Energy: -10.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-943 NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.28 2 20 27946 27966 18 61.11% 66.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:7934 to 7954 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gaccuccugccGUUGUCAGUc 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' gcgtctgtttaCTACAGTCAg 3' Energy: -15.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-943 NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.41 2 11 7934 7954 9 88.89% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-943 NC_045512.2 578.00 -64.95 150.00 -26.16 1485 21 29903 28795 9473 27946 7934 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6883-5p MIMAT0027666(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6883-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6890-3p MIMAT0027681(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6890-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:3230 to 3249 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacaccccguauCCGUCACc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtcaacaagacGGCAGTGa 3' Energy: -12.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6890-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.45 2 9 3230 3249 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:10477 to 10497 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gacACCCCGUAU-CCGUCACc 5' ||| |||: ||:|||| Ref: 5' taaTGGTTCATGTGGTAGTGt 3' Energy: -17.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6890-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.31 2 18 10477 10497 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:28899 to 28920 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gacACC--CCGUAUCCGUCACc 5' ||| |||| |||:||| Ref: 5' gaaTGGCTGGCAATGGCGGTGa 3' Energy: -20.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6890-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.40 2 18 28899 28920 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6890-3p NC_045512.2 420.00 -50.16 140.00 -20.40 1487 20 29903 3230 10477 28899 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-let-7b-3p MIMAT0004482(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-let-7b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19280 to 19301 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccCUUCCGUCAUCCAACAUAUc 5' || ||::| || ||||||: Ref: 5' gtGATGGTGGCAGTTTGTATGt 3' Energy: -16.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7b-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -16.66 2 21 19280 19301 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:26642 to 26665 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cccuUCCGUCAUCC---AACAUAUc 5' ||| | |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' caacAGG-AATAGGTTTTTGTATAt 3' Energy: -12.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7b-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -12.90 2 19 26642 26665 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10085 to 10106 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cccUUCCGUCAUCCAACAUAUc 5' || |: | :||||||||: Ref: 5' ggtAAAGTTGAGGGTTGTATGg 3' Energy: -17.799999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7b-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.80 2 20 10085 10106 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9240 to 9260 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccCUUCCGUCAUCCAACAUAUc 5' |||| ::|| | ||||:|| Ref: 5' caGAAGCTGGT-GTTTGTGTAt 3' Energy: -12.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7b-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.27 2 21 9240 9260 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14542 to 14562 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cccUUCCGUCAUCCAACAUAUc 5' |||| | || ||||:|| Ref: 5' tttAAGGAATTA-CTTGTGTAt 3' Energy: -8.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7b-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -8.30 2 20 14542 14562 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:25846 to 25867 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cccuuccgucauccAACAUAUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aattgttacgactaTTGTATAc 3' Energy: -4.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -4.59 2 9 25846 25867 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-let-7b-3p NC_045512.2 877.00 -72.52 152.00 -17.80 1488 22 29903 19280 26642 10085 9240 14542 25846 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3149 MIMAT0015022(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3149 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:13867 to 13890 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' uaUGUGUGUGUAUAG-GUAUGUUu 5' | | |:|| |:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaAGAAATACTTGTCACATACAAt 3' Energy: -14.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3149 NC_045512.2 164.00 -14.66 2 22 13867 13890 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:29332 to 29356 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (77.27%) Query: 3' uaUGUGUGUGUA--UAGGUAUGUUu 5' |:| :||:|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gaATAAGCATATTGACGCATACAAa 3' Energy: -14.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3149 NC_045512.2 156.00 -14.60 2 22 29332 29356 22 63.64% 77.27% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15351 to 15371 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uauGUGUGUGUAUAGGUAUGUUu 5' ::| |:|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tctTGCTCGCAAA--CATACAAc 3' Energy: -12.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3149 NC_045512.2 149.00 -12.02 2 21 15351 15371 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:29058 to 29080 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (65.00%) Query: 3' uaUGUGUGUGUAUAGGUAUGUUu 5' || ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtACTGCCACTAAAGCATACAAt 3' Energy: -13.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3149 NC_045512.2 149.00 -13.15 2 22 29058 29080 20 65.00% 65.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:1552 to 1575 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uaUGUGUGU-GUAUAGGUAUGUUu 5' |||:| : ::|| |||||||: Ref: 5' taACATAGGTTGTAACCATACAGg 3' Energy: -16.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3149 NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.59 2 22 1552 1575 21 61.90% 85.71% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:14092 to 14113 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' uaugugugugUAUAGGUAUGUUu 5' || |:||||||| Ref: 5' gatttcggtgAT-TTCATACAAa 3' Energy: -11.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3149 NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.05 2 14 14092 14113 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:21111 to 21133 Align Len (20) (50.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uaUGUGUGUGUAUAGGUAUGUUu 5' |||: :::: :|::|||||| Ref: 5' ttACATTTGTGGGTTTATACAAc 3' Energy: -12.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3149 NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.16 2 22 21111 21133 20 50.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16206 to 16229 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' uauGUGUGUGUAUAG-GUAUGUUu 5' :|:::||| | | ||||||: Ref: 5' ggcTATGTACACACCGCATACAGt 3' Energy: -18.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3149 NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.94 2 21 16206 16229 20 60.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:12483 to 12508 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (78.26%) Query: 3' uaUGU-GUGUG-UAUAG-GUAUGUUu 5' |:| || || ||| | ||||:|| Ref: 5' tcATACCAGACTATAACACATATAAa 3' Energy: -15.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3149 NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.07 2 22 12483 12508 23 69.57% 78.26% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3496 to 3518 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uauGUGUGUGUAUA-GGUAUGUUu 5' :|| ||| || ||||:||| Ref: 5' ggcTACTAACA-ATGCCATGCAAg 3' Energy: -15.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3149 NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.77 2 21 3496 3518 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:26116 to 26138 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' uaUGUGUGUGUAUAGGUAUGUUu 5' |||::: || ||:|| |||| Ref: 5' gaACATGTCCAAATTCACACAAt 3' Energy: -11.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3149 NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.54 2 22 26116 26138 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:5763 to 5784 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uauguGUGUGUAUAGGUAUGUUu 5' ||| :||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' gtggtCAC-TATAAACATATAAc 3' Energy: -10.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3149 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.30 2 19 5763 5784 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:15010 to 15035 Align Len (23) (60.87%) (73.91%) Query: 3' uaUGUGUGUGUAUAG---GUAUGUUu 5' | |::||| | || :|||||| Ref: 5' caAGATGCACTTTTCGCATATACAAa 3' Energy: -16.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3149 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.30 2 22 15010 15035 23 60.87% 73.91% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:15871 to 15893 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uauguguguguauagGUAUGUUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gaattttgctctcaaCATACAAt 3' Energy: -8.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3149 NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.40 2 9 15871 15893 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20998 to 21020 Align Len (19) (52.63%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uauGUGUGUGUAUAGGUAUGUUu 5' ::::|| |:| ||||||: Ref: 5' gatTGTGCAACTGTACATACAGc 3' Energy: -11.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3149 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.27 2 21 20998 21020 19 52.63% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3149 NC_045512.2 2185.00 -201.82 164.00 -18.94 1489 23 29903 13867 29332 15351 29058 1552 14092 21111 16206 12483 3496 26116 5763 15010 15871 20998 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6878-5p MIMAT0027656(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6878-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:1893 to 1914 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gaagucgaAGAUCGAAAGAGGGa 5' || | :|||||||| Ref: 5' ttgtacgaTC-AATTTTCTCCCg 3' Energy: -14.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6878-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -14.06 2 16 1893 1914 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:23582 to 23606 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (72.73%) Query: 3' gaAGUCGAAGAUCGA--AAGAGGGa 5' |||| || : || ||||||: Ref: 5' taTCAGACTCAGACTAATTCTCCTc 3' Energy: -16.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6878-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.69 2 22 23582 23606 22 63.64% 72.73% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6878-5p NC_045512.2 289.00 -30.75 149.00 -16.69 1490 23 29903 1893 23582 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-146b-3p MIMAT0004766(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-146b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11723 to 11746 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ugGUCU-UG-ACUCAGGUGUCCCg 5' :||| |: ||| |:||||||| Ref: 5' ttTAGATATATGAATTCACAGGGa 3' Energy: -23.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-146b-3p NC_045512.2 162.00 -23.62 2 21 11723 11746 21 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:17827 to 17850 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uggucuUGACUCAG--GUGUCCCg 5' ::||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' caaactGTTGATTCATCACAGGGc 3' Energy: -21.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-146b-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -21.51 2 17 17827 17850 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13516 to 13541 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (78.26%) Query: 3' ugGUCUUGACU-CAG---GUGUCCCg 5' :|| ||||| ||| :|||||| Ref: 5' acTAGTACTGATGTCGTATACAGGGc 3' Energy: -30.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-146b-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -30.27 2 21 13516 13541 23 69.57% 78.26% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-146b-3p NC_045512.2 459.00 -75.40 162.00 -30.27 1491 22 29903 11723 17827 13516 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-10399-3p MIMAT0041630(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-10399-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4731-5p MIMAT0019853(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4731-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29183 to 29204 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' guGUGAGUACACCGGGGGUCGu 5' ::| || | ||||||||| Ref: 5' atTGCACAATTTGCCCCCAGCg 3' Energy: -26.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4731-5p NC_045512.2 160.00 -26.68 2 21 29183 29204 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4731-5p NC_045512.2 160.00 -26.68 160.00 -26.68 1493 22 29903 29183 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-let-7g-3p MIMAT0004584(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-let-7g-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:11820 to 11842 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cguuccgUCACCG--GACAUGUc 5' ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' gtatcaaAGTAGCCACTGTACAg 3' Energy: -20.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7g-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -20.41 2 15 11820 11842 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23827 to 23846 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgUUCCGUCACCGGACAUGUc 5' | |||||| ::|||||| Ref: 5' atATGGCAGT-TTTTGTACAc 3' Energy: -17.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7g-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.96 2 20 23827 23846 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22419 to 22439 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cgUUCCGUCACCGGACAUGUc 5' :| || || | ||||:|| Ref: 5' caGATGCTGTAGACTGTGCAc 3' Energy: -12.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7g-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.26 2 20 22419 22439 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:23760 to 23780 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' cguuccGUCACCGGACAUGUc 5' |||| | :|||||| Ref: 5' agacatCAGTAGATTGTACAa 3' Energy: -13.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7g-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.66 2 16 23760 23780 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:20991 to 21015 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cguuCCG-UCAC-CG--GACAUGUc 5' ||: | || || ||||||| Ref: 5' gattGGTGATTGTGCAACTGTACAt 3' Energy: -13.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7g-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.71 2 18 20991 21015 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5917 to 5936 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgUUCCGUCACCGGACAUGUc 5' | ||: || |::|||||| Ref: 5' ggATGGT-GTTGTTTGTACAg 3' Energy: -19.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7g-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.60 2 20 5917 5936 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-let-7g-3p NC_045512.2 863.00 -97.60 149.00 -20.41 1494 21 29903 11820 23827 22419 23760 20991 5917 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5590-5p MIMAT0022299(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5590-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11420 to 11439 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (94.44%) Query: 3' uuAUUUCAGAUACAUACCGUu 5' ||||||:||| |||||:| Ref: 5' taTAAAGTTTAT-TATGGTAa 3' Energy: -20.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5590-5p NC_045512.2 161.00 -20.09 2 20 11420 11439 18 83.33% 94.44% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10085 to 10109 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' uuAUUUCAGAU----ACAUACCGUu 5' ||||||: | |||||||:| Ref: 5' ggTAAAGTTGAGGGTTGTATGGTAc 3' Energy: -17.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5590-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.22 2 20 10085 10109 22 68.18% 77.27% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12973 to 12992 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uuAUUUCAGAUACAUACCGUu 5' |||| | | ||||||:| Ref: 5' ccTAAA-TAGAGGTATGGTAc 3' Energy: -12.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5590-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.90 2 20 12973 12992 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16669 to 16688 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uuAUUUCAGAUACAUACCGUu 5' |||| | | | |||||:| Ref: 5' ttTAAACTGTCT-TATGGTAt 3' Energy: -10.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5590-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.42 2 20 16669 16688 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:23815 to 23835 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuauuucagauacAUACCGUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tcttttgttgcaaTATGGCAg 3' Energy: -11.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5590-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.36 2 9 23815 23835 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5590-5p NC_045512.2 729.00 -71.99 161.00 -20.09 1495 21 29903 11420 10085 12973 16669 23815 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-551b-5p MIMAT0004794(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-551b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2930 to 2956 Align Len (23) (73.91%) (78.26%) Query: 3' ccaGAGUG-GGUG---CG-AACUAAAg 5' ||:|| |||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaCTTACACCACTGGGCATTGATTTa 3' Energy: -19.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-551b-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -19.69 2 20 2930 2956 23 73.91% 78.26% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:25039 to 25060 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccagAGUGG-GUGCGAACUAAAg 5' ||||| |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' tacaTCACCAGATG-TTGATTTa 3' Energy: -16.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-551b-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -16.77 2 19 25039 25060 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:2134 to 2155 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccAGAGUGGGUGCGAACUAAag 5' || ||||:: ||||||| Ref: 5' acTCAAACCCGTCCTTGATTgg 3' Energy: -19.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-551b-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -19.54 3 21 2134 2155 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20490 to 20511 Align Len (19) (52.63%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ccAGAGUGGGUGCGAACUAAAg 5' | | :|::: ||||||| Ref: 5' tgTGTGTTCTGTTATTGATTTa 3' Energy: -9.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-551b-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.22 2 21 20490 20511 19 52.63% 73.68% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24667 to 24688 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (64.71%) Query: 3' ccagAGUGGGUGCGAACUAAAg 5' ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' acaaTCAAAAAGAGTTGATTTt 3' Energy: -9.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-551b-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.42 2 19 24667 24688 17 64.71% 64.71% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:20238 to 20259 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccagagugggugcgAACUAAAg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gagtcaaatggaaaTTGATTTc 3' Energy: -12.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-551b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.42 2 9 20238 20259 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-551b-5p NC_045512.2 885.00 -87.06 156.00 -19.69 1496 22 29903 2930 25039 2134 20490 24667 20238 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-302a-5p MIMAT0000683(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-302a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22126 to 22148 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ucguUCAUGUAGGUGCAAAUUCa 5' || : ||::::||||||| Ref: 5' tcttAGGGAATTTGTGTTTAAGa 3' Energy: -15.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302a-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -15.48 2 20 22126 22148 18 61.11% 88.89% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:2152 to 2174 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ucguucauguaggUGCAAAUUCa 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttggcttgaagagAAGTTTAAGg 3' Energy: -7.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302a-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -7.63 2 11 2152 2174 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:5316 to 5339 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ucGUUCAUGU-AGGUGCAAAUUca 5' ||| || | |: | |||||| Ref: 5' aaCAAATAGAGTTGAAGTTTAAtc 3' Energy: -5.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.28 3 22 5316 5339 20 70.00% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-302a-5p NC_045512.2 441.00 -28.39 159.00 -15.48 1497 23 29903 22126 2152 5316 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-769-5p MIMAT0003886(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-769-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:221 to 242 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ucgAGUCUUGGGUCUCCAGAGu 5' |||| || : ||||:|| Ref: 5' tcaTCAGCACATCTAGGTTTCg 3' Energy: -17.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-769-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.94 2 20 221 242 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:1583 to 1604 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ucgagUCUUGGGUCUCCAGAGu 5' ||: :||: ||||||: Ref: 5' ggagaAGGTTCCGAAGGTCTTa 3' Energy: -23.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-769-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -23.39 2 18 1583 1604 16 62.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:26576 to 26601 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ucgaGUCUUGGGUC----UCCAGAGu 5' ::|||||:|| ||||:|| Ref: 5' acaaTGGAACCTAGTAATAGGTTTCc 3' Energy: -20.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-769-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.64 2 19 26576 26601 21 61.90% 80.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:4 to 21 R:5831 to 5852 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ucGAGUCUUGGGUCUCCAGagu 5' |||||||: || ||||| Ref: 5' tcCTCAGAATACAAAGGTCcta 3' Energy: -21.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-769-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -21.84 4 21 5831 5852 17 82.35% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-769-5p NC_045512.2 565.00 -83.81 143.00 -23.39 1498 22 29903 221 1583 26576 5831 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3186-3p MIMAT0015068(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3186-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-19a-3p MIMAT0000073(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-19a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:27538 to 27560 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agucaaaacgUAUCUAAACGUGu 5' | | |||||||| Ref: 5' ctagctgataACAAATTTGCACt 3' Energy: -9.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-19a-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -9.28 2 14 27538 27560 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:15669 to 15691 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' agUCAAAACGUAUCUAAACGUGu 5' |||||| |: | ||||||:: Ref: 5' tgAGTTTTACGCATATTTGCGTa 3' Energy: -15.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-19a-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.85 2 22 15669 15691 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:1854 to 1878 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (77.27%) Query: 3' agUCA--AAACGUAUCUAAACGUGu 5' ||| | | :||: |||||||: Ref: 5' tgAGTCCTCTTTATGCATTTGCATc 3' Energy: -10.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-19a-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -10.12 2 22 1854 1878 22 63.64% 77.27% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:22580 to 22608 Align Len (26) (69.23%) (73.08%) Query: 3' agUCAAAA----C-GU-AUCUAAACGUGu 5' |||||| | || |||||||||: Ref: 5' gaAGTTTTTAACGCCACCAGATTTGCATc 3' Energy: -14.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-19a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.87 2 22 22580 22608 26 69.23% 73.08% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:12788 to 12810 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agucaaaacgUAUCUAAACGUGu 5' :|||:||||:|| Ref: 5' acaaagggagGTAGGTTTGTACt 3' Energy: -14.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-19a-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.97 2 14 12788 12810 12 75.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:23891 to 23913 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agucaaaacguaucuAAACGUGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aacacccaagaagttTTTGCACa 3' Energy: -10.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-19a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.83 2 9 23891 23913 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-19a-3p NC_045512.2 861.00 -75.92 149.00 -15.85 1500 23 29903 27538 15669 1854 22580 12788 23891 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-381-5p MIMAT0022862(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-381-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13801 to 13824 Align Len (21) (80.95%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uaUAUGU-UUCCCGU-UGGAGCGa 5' ||||| || |||| ||||||: Ref: 5' aaATACACAATGGCAGACCTCGTc 3' Energy: -21.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-381-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -21.40 2 21 13801 13824 21 80.95% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-381-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -21.40 158.00 -21.40 1501 22 29903 13801 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6741-3p MIMAT0027384(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6741-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:256 to 277 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gaUCCCACUCCCUCUCUCGGcu 5' | ||| || :||||||| Ref: 5' gaAAGGTAAGATGGAGAGCCtt 3' Energy: -18.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6741-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.51 3 21 256 277 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6741-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.51 144.00 -18.51 1502 22 29903 256 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7155-5p MIMAT0028220(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7155-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6845-5p MIMAT0027590(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6845-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:7373 to 7393 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cgAGAGACGAG---ACCGGGGc 5' ||| ||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaTCT-TGTACAAATGGCCCCg 3' Energy: -22.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6845-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -22.47 2 18 7373 7393 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:11636 to 11654 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cgAGAGACGAGACCGGGGc 5' |: :| ||:|||||:| Ref: 5' acTTGTTACTTTGGCCTCt 3' Energy: -19.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6845-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.35 2 18 11636 11654 16 62.50% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6845-5p NC_045512.2 283.00 -41.82 142.00 -22.47 1504 19 29903 7373 11636 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-544b MIMAT0015004(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-544b vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22193 to 22218 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' aaucuUUACGUGUU----GGAGUCCa 5' |:|||:::| ||||||| Ref: 5' aatttAGTGCGTGATCTCCCTCAGGg 3' Energy: -20.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-544b NC_045512.2 148.00 -20.54 2 18 22193 22218 20 60.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:25886 to 25908 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' aaucUUUAC-GUGUUGGAGUCCa 5' || || ||: ||:||||| Ref: 5' cttcAATTGTCATTACTTCAGGt 3' Energy: -16.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-544b NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.65 2 19 25886 25908 18 72.22% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-544b NC_045512.2 293.00 -37.19 148.00 -20.54 1505 22 29903 22193 25886 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4505 MIMAT0019041(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4505 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8073 MIMAT0031000(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8073 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:28147 to 28168 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugcugcgagggacGACGGUCCa 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' cttttacaattaaTTGCCAGGa 3' Energy: -14.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8073 NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.62 2 10 28147 28168 8 87.50% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8073 NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.62 141.00 -14.62 1507 22 29903 28147 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4633-3p MIMAT0019690(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4633-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17102 to 17127 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (78.26%) Query: 3' acGU-AUACG--GACC-GAUCGAGGa 5' || | ||| :||| |||||||: Ref: 5' gtCATTTTGCTATTGGCCTAGCTCTc 3' Energy: -21.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4633-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -21.03 2 21 17102 17127 23 69.57% 78.26% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:24446 to 24467 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acguauacggaccGAUCGAGGa 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' cttgttaaacaacTTAGCTCCa 3' Energy: -12.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4633-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.30 2 10 24446 24467 8 87.50% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4633-3p NC_045512.2 282.00 -33.33 141.00 -21.03 1508 22 29903 17102 24446 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4694-5p MIMAT0019786(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4694-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8299 to 8320 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgUUUACCUAUCCUAUUGUGGa 5' ||:| || | ||:||||| Ref: 5' caAAGTTGAAAACATGACACCc 3' Energy: -11.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4694-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -11.59 2 21 8299 8320 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:8620 to 8641 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (76.92%) Query: 3' cguuuaccUAUCCUAUUGUGGa 5' || |||||||| Ref: 5' tattttctATTTAATAACACCt 3' Energy: -11.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4694-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.83 2 15 8620 8641 13 76.92% 76.92% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:23341 to 23362 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (84.62%) Query: 3' cguuuaccUAUCCUAUUGUGGa 5' :|: |||||||| Ref: 5' tggtgtcaGTGTTATAACACCa 3' Energy: -11.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4694-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.51 2 15 23341 23362 13 69.23% 84.62% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:16592 to 16612 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cguuuaccuAUCCUAUUGUGGa 5' || | ||||||| Ref: 5' attacatttTA-GCTAACACCt 3' Energy: -11.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4694-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.92 2 14 16592 16612 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5265 to 5285 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cgUUUACCUAUCCUAUUGUGGa 5' ||||||: | ||||||| | Ref: 5' ttAAATGGGCA-GATAACAACt 3' Energy: -17.799999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4694-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.80 2 21 5265 5285 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:9146 to 9167 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cguuuaccuauccuAUUGUGGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' attattcaatttccTAACACCt 3' Energy: -9.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4694-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.73 2 9 9146 9167 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:9532 to 9553 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cguuuaccuauccuAUUGUGGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cactgtactctgttTAACACCa 3' Energy: -7.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4694-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.52 2 9 9532 9553 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:28481 to 28502 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cguuuaccuauccuAUUGUGGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' caaggcgttccaatTAACACCa 3' Energy: -10.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4694-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.02 2 9 28481 28502 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4694-5p NC_045512.2 1145.00 -91.92 148.00 -17.80 1509 22 29903 8299 8620 23341 16592 5265 9146 9532 28481 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3677-5p MIMAT0019221(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3677-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7848-3p MIMAT0030423(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7848-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:10082 to 10101 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' acACCAUUCGUCUGGCUCCCAuc 5' |||||| || ::|||||| Ref: 5' tcTGGTAA--AG-TTGAGGGTtg 3' Energy: -19.799999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7848-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.80 3 22 10082 10101 19 73.68% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7848-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.80 140.00 -19.80 1511 23 29903 10082 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4491 MIMAT0019026(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4491 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-668-3p MIMAT0003881(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-668-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-938 MIMAT0004981(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-938 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:12643 to 12664 Align Len (13) (92.31%) (92.31%) Query: 3' ugacccaaGUGGAAAUUCCCGu 5' || |||||||||| Ref: 5' tattgtaaCAGCTTTAAGGGCc 3' Energy: -20.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-938 NC_045512.2 162.00 -20.40 2 15 12643 12664 13 92.31% 92.31% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:10448 to 10469 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' ugacccAAGUGGAAAUUCCCGu 5' |||||: |||||||: Ref: 5' cccaatTTCACTATTAAGGGTt 3' Energy: -17.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-938 NC_045512.2 152.00 -17.24 2 17 10448 10469 15 80.00% 93.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:5537 to 5558 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' ugacccaagUGGAAAUUCCCGu 5' ||| |||||||: Ref: 5' cagcagacaACCCTTAAGGGTg 3' Energy: -14.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-938 NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.21 2 14 5537 5558 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:17461 to 17482 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugacccaaguggaaAUUCCCGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cgcacattgctaacTAAGGGCa 3' Energy: -14.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-938 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.26 2 9 17461 17482 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-938 NC_045512.2 595.00 -66.11 162.00 -20.40 1514 22 29903 12643 10448 5537 17461 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3074-3p MIMAT0015027(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3074-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19054 to 19077 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' gcCACGGAU-GA-CUCGACUAUAg 5' |||: || || |||||||:| Ref: 5' aaGTGTGTACCTCAAGCTGATGTa 3' Energy: -19.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3074-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -19.84 2 21 19054 19077 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:5056 to 5077 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' gccacggaUGACUCGACUAUAg 5' |: ||||||||:| Ref: 5' ttatttggATGGAGCTGATGTt 3' Energy: -16.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3074-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.95 2 15 5056 5077 13 76.92% 92.31% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3074-3p NC_045512.2 288.00 -36.79 146.00 -19.84 1515 22 29903 19054 5056 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6716-3p MIMAT0025845(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6716-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-342-3p MIMAT0000753(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-342-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-584-5p MIMAT0003249(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-584-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:6004 to 6025 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gaguCAGGGUCCGUUUGGUAUu 5' || ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tcttGTACCAAACCAACCATAt 3' Energy: -14.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-584-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -14.65 2 19 6004 6025 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5876 to 5897 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' gaGUCAGGGUCCGUUUGGUAUu 5' ||||: || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaCAGTTACACAACAACCATAa 3' Energy: -16.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-584-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -16.24 2 21 5876 5897 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17512 to 17533 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gaGUCAGGGUCCGUUUGGUAUu 5' :|| |::| | ||||:||| Ref: 5' tgTAGACTTATGAAAACTATAg 3' Energy: -12.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-584-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -12.19 2 21 17512 17533 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23063 to 23086 Align Len (21) (52.38%) (80.95%) Query: 3' gaGUCAGGGUCCGU--UUGGUAUu 5' ::|| :::| :| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaTGGTGTTGGTTACCAACCATAc 3' Energy: -11.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-584-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.52 2 21 23063 23086 21 52.38% 80.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:1549 to 1572 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gagucaGGGUCCG--UUUGGUAUu 5' | :|||: ||||||| Ref: 5' cgctaaCATAGGTTGTAACCATAc 3' Energy: -14.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-584-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.66 2 17 1549 1572 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27962 to 27986 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (73.91%) Query: 3' gaGU-CA-GGGUCCGU--UUGGUAUu 5' || || |:|| || ||||||| Ref: 5' gtCATGTACTCA-ACATCAACCATAt 3' Energy: -14.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-584-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.54 2 21 27962 27986 23 69.57% 73.91% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8666 to 8687 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' gagucAGGGUCCGUUUGGUAUu 5' |:| || |||:|||| Ref: 5' gacttTTCAAGTGAAATCATAg 3' Energy: -11.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-584-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.71 2 18 8666 8687 16 68.75% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-584-5p NC_045512.2 1036.00 -95.51 158.00 -16.24 1518 22 29903 6004 5876 17512 23063 1549 27962 8666 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5587-5p MIMAT0022289(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5587-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:240 to 257 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' ucaGGGCCUCCACUGGUa 5' :||||: ||||||: Ref: 5' tcgTCCGGGTGTGACCGa 3' Energy: -25.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5587-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -25.33 2 16 240 257 14 71.43% 92.86% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5587-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -25.33 143.00 -25.33 1519 18 29903 240 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-298 MIMAT0004901(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-298 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:162 to 187 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' accCUCUUGGAG-GGA-CGAAGACGa 5' ||| | ||| :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' cacGAGTAACTCGTCTATCTTCTGCa 3' Energy: -23.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-298 NC_045512.2 159.00 -23.49 2 22 162 187 22 72.73% 77.27% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:24606 to 24628 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' acCCUCUUGGAGGGACGAAGACGa 5' | |||| || |||||||| Ref: 5' ctGCAGAA-ATCAGAGCTTCTGCt 3' Energy: -23.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-298 NC_045512.2 156.00 -23.50 2 23 24606 24628 21 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:27485 to 27507 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (88.89%) Query: 3' acccUCUUGGAGGGACGAAGACga 5' |||||||: || |||||| Ref: 5' taaaAGAACCTTGCT-CTTCTGga 3' Energy: -23.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-298 NC_045512.2 154.00 -23.82 3 21 27485 27507 18 83.33% 88.89% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3141 to 3166 Align Len (21) (57.14%) (76.19%) Query: 3' acccUCUUGGA--GGGACGAAGACGa 5' :|||::| : | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctttGGAATTTGGTGCCACTTCTGCt 3' Energy: -21.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-298 NC_045512.2 147.00 -21.31 2 21 3141 3166 21 57.14% 76.19% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:13060 to 13084 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' acccucUUGGAGGG-ACGAAGACGa 5' | |:|:|: |||||:||| Ref: 5' tgtattATCTTTCTGTGCTTTTGCt 3' Energy: -20.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-298 NC_045512.2 145.00 -20.49 2 19 13060 13084 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:17121 to 17142 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' acccucuugGAGGGACGAAGACGa 5' || || ||||||| Ref: 5' agctctctaCTACC--CTTCTGCt 3' Energy: -20.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-298 NC_045512.2 144.00 -20.03 2 16 17121 17142 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27567 to 27591 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' acccUCUUG-GAGGGACGAAGACGa 5' || || | ::|||||:||| Ref: 5' ctttAGCACTCAATTTGCTTTTGCt 3' Energy: -20.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-298 NC_045512.2 143.00 -20.50 2 21 27567 27591 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:11117 to 11140 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' acccucuuggAGGGACGAAGACGa 5' | :||||||:||| Ref: 5' attattgctaTGTCTGCTTTTGCa 3' Energy: -18.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-298 NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.04 2 15 11117 11140 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24776 to 24802 Align Len (22) (77.27%) (81.82%) Query: 3' acccUCUUGGAG-G--GACGAAGACGa 5' |||||:|| | ||||| |||| Ref: 5' gaaaAGAACTTCACAACTGCTCCTGCc 3' Energy: -25.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-298 NC_045512.2 142.00 -25.58 2 21 24776 24802 22 77.27% 81.82% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:15485 to 15510 Align Len (23) (73.91%) (78.26%) Query: 3' acCCUCU-UGGAG-GGACGAAGACGa 5' ||||| :|| | |||||| ||| Ref: 5' caGGAGATGCCACAACTGCTTATGCt 3' Energy: -25.559999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-298 NC_045512.2 140.00 -25.56 2 23 15485 15510 23 73.91% 78.26% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:24167 to 24190 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acccucuuggagggacGAAGACGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atgattgctcaatacaCTTCTGCa 3' Energy: -18.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-298 NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.75 2 9 24167 24190 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-298 NC_045512.2 1612.00 -241.07 159.00 -25.58 1520 24 29903 162 24606 27485 3141 13060 17121 27567 11117 24776 15485 24167 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8055 MIMAT0030982(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8055 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25339 to 25361 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' aggcAGACGAGUACACGAGUUUc 5' |||| | ||||||||| Ref: 5' cgacTCTGAGCCAGTGCTCAAAg 3' Energy: -23.969999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8055 NC_045512.2 163.00 -23.97 2 20 25339 25361 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:2619 to 2642 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (93.75%) Query: 3' aggcagaCGAGUAC-ACGAGUUUc 5' |||:||| |||||:|| Ref: 5' ttaacggGCTTATGTTGCTCGAAa 3' Energy: -23.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8055 NC_045512.2 151.00 -23.66 2 17 2619 2642 16 81.25% 93.75% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:10801 to 10824 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' aggcagacGAG-UACACGAGUUUc 5' ||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' actaggacCTCTTTCTGCTCAAAc 3' Energy: -14.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8055 NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.87 2 16 10801 10824 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:1909 to 1935 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' aggcagacGAGUAC----ACGAGUUUc 5' ||| || |||||||| Ref: 5' ctcccgcaCTCTTGAAACTGCTCAAAa 3' Energy: -16.379999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8055 NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.38 2 16 1909 1935 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:16632 to 16654 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (64.71%) Query: 3' aggcaGACGAGUACACGAGUUUc 5' | || | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttttgCAGCAGAAACGCTCAAAg 3' Energy: -16.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8055 NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.74 2 19 16632 16654 17 64.71% 64.71% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:12130 to 12150 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agGCAGACGAGUACACGAGUUUc 5' | |:|||| | |||||||: Ref: 5' agCTTTTGCT-A-CTGCTCAAGa 3' Energy: -17.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8055 NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.47 2 22 12130 12150 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:15402 to 15425 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' aggcaGACGAGU-ACACGAGUUUc 5' || | | |||||||||: Ref: 5' attagCTAATGAGTGTGCTCAAGt 3' Energy: -18.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8055 NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.61 2 19 15402 15425 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:476 to 498 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' aggcagaCGAGUACACGAGUUUc 5' |:||: |||||:|| Ref: 5' atcaaacGTTCGGATGCTCGAAc 3' Energy: -17.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8055 NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.02 2 17 476 498 15 66.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8055 NC_045512.2 1174.00 -148.72 163.00 -23.97 1521 23 29903 25339 2619 10801 1909 16632 12130 15402 476 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3612 MIMAT0017989(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3612 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9023 to 9044 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (94.44%) Query: 3' aggUAAAGAGUUCUACGGAGGa 5' ||||:| |||||||:||: Ref: 5' acaATTTTTAAAGATGCTTCTg 3' Energy: -18.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3612 NC_045512.2 151.00 -18.71 2 20 9023 9044 18 77.78% 94.44% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:11758 to 11780 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' agguaaagaGU-UCUACGGAGGa 5' || ||||||||:| Ref: 5' caagaatagCATAGATGCCTTCa 3' Energy: -17.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3612 NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.17 2 14 11758 11780 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22058 to 22079 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agGUAAAGAGUUCUACGGAGGa 5' || ||:| || |||:|||: Ref: 5' tgCACTTTTGAATATGTCTCTc 3' Energy: -14.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3612 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.25 2 21 22058 22079 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3612 NC_045512.2 431.00 -50.13 151.00 -18.71 1522 22 29903 9023 11758 22058 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-542-5p MIMAT0003340(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-542-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-19b-3p MIMAT0000074(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-19b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:1854 to 1878 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' agUCA--AAACGUACCUAAACGUGu 5' ||| | | :||| |||||||: Ref: 5' tgAGTCCTCTTTATGCATTTGCATc 3' Energy: -11.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-19b-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -11.55 2 22 1854 1878 22 68.18% 77.27% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:27538 to 27560 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agucaaaacguaccUAAACGUGu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ctagctgataacaaATTTGCACt 3' Energy: -9.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-19b-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.28 2 10 27538 27560 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:23891 to 23913 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' agucaaaacgUACCUAAACGUGu 5' | | ||||||| Ref: 5' aacacccaagAAGTTTTTGCACa 3' Energy: -10.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-19b-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.07 2 14 23891 23913 12 75.00% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-19b-3p NC_045512.2 434.00 -30.90 148.00 -11.55 1524 23 29903 1854 27538 23891 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1231 MIMAT0005586(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1231 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:17524 to 17543 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' cgUCGACAGGCGGGUCUGUg 5' | || | |:||||||| Ref: 5' aaAACTATAGGTCCAGACAt 3' Energy: -17.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1231 NC_045512.2 154.00 -17.94 2 19 17524 17543 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:27645 to 27663 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cgUCGACAGGCGGGUCUGUg 5' | ||||:| :|||||| Ref: 5' taAACTGTTC-ATCAGACAa 3' Energy: -19.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1231 NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.94 2 19 27645 27663 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1231 NC_045512.2 294.00 -37.88 154.00 -19.94 1525 20 29903 17524 27645 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4255 MIMAT0016885(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4255 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:19589 to 19606 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (85.71%) Query: 3' aggUAGAGA-CUUGUGAc 5' | |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ataACCTCTGGAACACTt 3' Energy: -15.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4255 NC_045512.2 153.00 -15.06 2 15 19589 19606 14 85.71% 85.71% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:738 to 755 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' agguagaGA-CUUGUGAc 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' aagaaaaCTGGAACACTa 3' Energy: -10.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4255 NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.26 2 11 738 755 10 90.00% 90.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4255 NC_045512.2 294.00 -25.32 153.00 -15.06 1526 17 29903 19589 738 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-10396a-3p MIMAT0041624(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-10396a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-675-5p MIMAT0004284(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-675-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-199a-5p MIMAT0000231(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-199a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:5730 to 5752 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' cuuguCCAUCAGACUUGUGACCc 5' | |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' cttgtGCTAGTGAGTACACTGGt 3' Energy: -14.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-199a-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -14.05 2 19 5730 5752 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:13150 to 13174 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (68.18%) Query: 3' cuUGUCCAUCAGA-CU-UGUGACCc 5' | | || || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' taAGATGTTGTGTACACACACTGGt 3' Energy: -12.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-199a-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.82 2 22 13150 13174 22 68.18% 68.18% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:26042 to 26064 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' cuuguccaUCAGACUUGUGACCc 5' ||| :||||||| Ref: 5' ctcaattgAGTACAGACACTGGt 3' Energy: -14.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-199a-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.69 2 16 26042 26064 14 71.43% 78.57% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19016 to 19038 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cuuGUCCAUCAGACUUGUGACCc 5' ||| | || :|||:||| Ref: 5' tccCAGTTCTTCACGACATTGGt 3' Energy: -11.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-199a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.87 2 21 19016 19038 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:24847 to 24869 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuuguccaucagacuUGUGACCc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtttcaaatggcacACACTGGt 3' Energy: -12.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-199a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.21 2 9 24847 24869 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-199a-5p NC_045512.2 732.00 -65.64 158.00 -14.69 1529 23 29903 5730 13150 26042 19016 24847 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-513b-5p MIMAT0005788(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-513b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:27417 to 27441 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' uauUUACUGUG---GAGGAACACUu 5' :|| |||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' actGATAACACTCGCTACTTGTGAg 3' Energy: -16.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513b-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -16.94 2 20 27417 27441 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:9213 to 9235 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uauuuaCUGUGGAG-GAACACUu 5' |:||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' actgtaGGCACGGCACTTGTGAa 3' Energy: -19.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513b-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -19.59 2 17 9213 9235 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:2218 to 2239 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' uauuuacUGUGGAGGAACACUu 5' || : | ||||||| Ref: 5' tatctcaACCTGTGCTTGTGAa 3' Energy: -15.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513b-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.24 2 16 2218 2239 14 71.43% 78.57% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1319 to 1339 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uaUUUACUGUGGAGGAACACUu 5' |::|| || || ||||||: Ref: 5' gaAGGTGCCA-CTACTTGTGGt 3' Energy: -18.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513b-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.15 2 21 1319 1339 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10733 to 10755 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uauUUACUGUGG-AGGAACACUu 5' |||||| :: |||||||: Ref: 5' cttAATGACTTTAACCTTGTGGc 3' Energy: -18.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513b-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.49 2 20 10733 10755 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:15646 to 15668 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uauuuACUGUG-GAGGAACACUu 5' |||||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' gatgtTGACACAGACTTTGTGAa 3' Energy: -21.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513b-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -21.49 2 18 15646 15668 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:5714 to 5737 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uauuUAC--UGUGGAGGAACACuu 5' ||| |||::| |||||| Ref: 5' aagcATGGTACATTTACTTGTGct 3' Energy: -15.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513b-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.26 3 19 5714 5737 18 72.22% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-513b-5p NC_045512.2 1033.00 -125.16 158.00 -21.49 1530 22 29903 27417 9213 2218 1319 10733 15646 5714 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4455 MIMAT0018977(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4455 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:6180 to 6197 Align Len (15) (93.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' uuUUUGUG-UGUGUGGGa 5' |||||| |||||||| Ref: 5' atAAACACTACACACCCt 3' Energy: -23.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4455 NC_045512.2 166.00 -23.93 2 16 6180 6197 15 93.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:12910 to 12926 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' uuuuUGUGUGUGUGGGa 5' ||| |||||||: Ref: 5' tgttACAGACACACCTa 3' Energy: -15.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4455 NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.87 2 14 12910 12926 12 83.33% 91.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4455 NC_045512.2 307.00 -39.80 166.00 -23.93 1531 17 29903 6180 12910 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3682-3p MIMAT0018110(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3682-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:13049 to 13069 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' gauggAGGUGGACAUAGUAGu 5' |:|| ||||||:||| Ref: 5' gccaaTTCAACTGTATTATCt 3' Energy: -17.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3682-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -17.73 2 17 13049 13069 15 80.00% 93.33% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3695 to 3715 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gaUGGAGGUGGACAUAGUAGu 5' ||:| |||| |||:||| Ref: 5' ctACTTGCACCATTATTATCa 3' Energy: -22.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3682-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -22.23 2 20 3695 3715 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4324 to 4346 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' gaUG-GAGGUGG-ACAUAGUAGu 5' || :||:||| | |||:||| Ref: 5' ttACATTCTACCATCTATTATCt 3' Energy: -16.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3682-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.70 2 20 4324 4346 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:24688 to 24708 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gauggagguggacAUAGUAGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgtggaaagggcTATCATCt 3' Energy: -7.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3682-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.66 2 9 24688 24708 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3682-3p NC_045512.2 588.00 -64.32 152.00 -22.23 1532 21 29903 13049 3695 4324 24688 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-9500 MIMAT0035542(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-9500 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:6131 to 6149 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' cacCAGUGGUAGAAGGGAa 5' ||:|| |:|||||| Ref: 5' aaaGTTACATTTTTCCCTg 3' Energy: -16.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9500 NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.68 2 17 6131 6149 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:24704 to 24722 Align Len (14) (64.29%) (78.57%) Query: 3' caccAGUGGUAGAAGGGAa 5' |:|: ||||||| Ref: 5' catcTTATGTCCTTCCCTc 3' Energy: -12.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9500 NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.22 2 16 24704 24722 14 64.29% 78.57% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:28623 to 28641 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' caccagugguaGAAGGGAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cagaagctggaCTTCCCTa 3' Energy: -12.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9500 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.49 2 9 28623 28641 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-9500 NC_045512.2 427.00 -41.39 144.00 -16.68 1533 19 29903 6131 24704 28623 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6828-5p MIMAT0027556(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6828-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 167.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21823 to 21845 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ggUGUCCCAAG-AGAACGAAGGa 5' |::| |||: |:|||||||| Ref: 5' tgATGGTGTTTATTTTGCTTCCa 3' Energy: -18.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6828-5p NC_045512.2 167.00 -18.51 2 21 21823 21845 20 70.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:1694 to 1715 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' ggugucccAAGAGAACGAAGGa 5' ||:|: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttggcatcTTTTTCTGCTTCCa 3' Energy: -15.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6828-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -15.11 2 15 1694 1715 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:26293 to 26314 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggugucccAAGAGAACGAAGGa 5' ||:||||||||:| Ref: 5' gtacttctTTTTCTTGCTTTCg 3' Energy: -18.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6828-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -18.37 2 15 26293 26314 13 84.62% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6828-5p NC_045512.2 471.00 -51.99 167.00 -18.51 1534 22 29903 21823 1694 26293 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6718-5p MIMAT0025849(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6718-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14408 to 14427 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agUAUUCGGGAGACUGGUGAu 5' | ||| ::|: ||||||| Ref: 5' ctACAAG-TTTTGGACCACTa 3' Energy: -19.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6718-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -19.11 2 20 14408 14427 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3534 to 3556 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' agUAUUCGGGA--GACUGGUGAu 5' |||: : || : ||||||| Ref: 5' acATAGCTACTAATGGACCACTt 3' Energy: -20.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6718-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -20.63 2 20 3534 3556 20 60.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7704 to 7725 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agUAUUCGGGA-GACUGGUGAu 5' |||| :||| ||||||| | Ref: 5' caATAAATCCTACTGACCAGTc 3' Energy: -20.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6718-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -20.40 2 20 7704 7725 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14786 to 14807 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agUAUUCG-GGAGACUGGUGAu 5' || ||| :| ||||:||| Ref: 5' ctATCAGCGATTATGACTACTa 3' Energy: -16.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6718-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.60 2 20 14786 14807 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6718-5p NC_045512.2 583.00 -76.74 153.00 -20.63 1535 21 29903 14408 3534 7704 14786 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-939-3p MIMAT0022939(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-939-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548ad-5p MIMAT0032114(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548ad-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:25797 to 25814 Align Len (17) (88.24%) (88.24%) Query: 3' guUUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |||||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' caAAAACC-C-ATTACTTTa 3' Energy: -15.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ad-5p NC_045512.2 162.00 -15.67 2 19 25797 25814 17 88.24% 88.24% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:2721 to 2740 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' guuuUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||| | ::||||||| Ref: 5' caccAACAAAGGTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -12.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ad-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -12.33 2 17 2721 2740 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8377 to 8398 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' guUUUUGGUGU--UAAUGAAAa 5' |||::|||| |||:|||| Ref: 5' aaAAAGTCACAACATTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -15.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ad-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -15.19 2 19 8377 8398 19 73.68% 89.47% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7762 to 7781 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guuuUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' | |||: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttccATCCATCTTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -10.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ad-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -10.38 2 17 7762 7781 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4015 to 4032 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' guUUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||||| : :||||||| Ref: 5' agAAAAC--TTGTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -10.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ad-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -10.31 2 19 4015 4032 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:1677 to 1696 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (94.12%) Query: 3' guUUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' :|:|:|:| ||||:||| Ref: 5' aaGAGATCGCCATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -14.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ad-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.24 2 19 1677 1696 17 64.71% 94.12% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:20183 to 20203 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' guuuUUGGUGUU-AAUGAAAa 5' | |:: || ||||||| Ref: 5' aattACCTGAAACTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -7.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ad-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -7.40 2 17 20183 20203 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:13632 to 13651 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (75.00%) Query: 3' guuUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' || : |: ||||||| Ref: 5' tttAATTGATTCTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -4.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ad-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -4.45 2 18 13632 13651 16 62.50% 75.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22275 to 22294 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' guuUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||||: :| ||:|||| Ref: 5' ttcAAACTTTACTTGCTTTa 3' Energy: -8.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ad-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -8.36 2 18 22275 22294 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:23011 to 23033 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guUUUUGGUGUU---AAUGAAAa 5' ||:::: :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgAAGGTTTTAATTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -7.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ad-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -7.76 2 19 23011 23033 20 55.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10948 to 10969 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' guUUUUG-GUGU-UAAUGAAAa 5' || :| || : :||||||| Ref: 5' acAATGCTCAGGTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -9.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ad-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.76 2 19 10948 10969 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:5894 to 5911 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' guUUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAaa 5' ||||| ||:|||||| Ref: 5' atAAAAC--CAGTTACTTat 3' Energy: -11.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ad-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.20 3 19 5894 5911 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:4518 to 4538 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guuuuUGGUGU-UAAUGAAAa 5' :|:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' atggtGCTAGATTTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -7.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ad-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -7.77 2 16 4518 4538 15 66.67% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:5451 to 5471 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' guUUUUGGUG-UUAAUGAAaa 5' :|||| |: |:|||||| Ref: 5' gaGAAACAATGAGTTACTTgt 3' Energy: -10.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ad-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.11 3 19 5451 5471 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:11629 to 11648 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guuuuugguguUAAUGAAAa 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' tttttgtacttGTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -7.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ad-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -7.37 2 10 11629 11648 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 14 R:25995 to 26014 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guuuuugGUGUUAAUGAAaa 5' ||||:|||||| Ref: 5' tgtattaCACAGTTACTTca 3' Energy: -14.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ad-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.13 3 14 25995 26014 11 90.91% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6771 to 6790 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guuuuugguguuAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgccttatttctTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -5.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ad-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.46 2 9 6771 6790 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548ad-5p NC_045512.2 2498.00 -171.89 162.00 -15.67 1537 20 29903 25797 2721 8377 7762 4015 1677 20183 13632 22275 23011 10948 5894 4518 5451 11629 25995 6771 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-339-3p MIMAT0004702(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-339-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-630 MIMAT0003299(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-630 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6850 to 6871 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ugGAAGGGACCAUGUCUUAUGa 5' || |: | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gaCTACTATAGCAAAGAATACt 3' Energy: -11.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-630 NC_045512.2 156.00 -11.49 2 21 6850 6871 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5820 to 5843 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' ugGAAGGGACCA--UGUCUUAUGa 5' ||| | || |||||||| Ref: 5' taCTTACAAAGTCCTCAGAATACa 3' Energy: -14.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-630 NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.26 2 21 5820 5843 21 66.67% 66.67% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12432 to 12453 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uggAAGGGACCAUGUCUUAUGa 5' |||||| | ||| ||||| Ref: 5' gtgTTCCCTTGAACATAATACc 3' Energy: -16.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-630 NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.14 2 20 12432 12453 18 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:13738 to 13760 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ugGAAGGGA-CCAUGUCUUAUga 5' ||||::| || :|||||| Ref: 5' gaCTTCTTTAAGTTTAGAATAga 3' Energy: -14.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-630 NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.37 3 21 13738 13760 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:26719 to 26743 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ugGAAGG--GAC-CAUGUCUUAUga 5' ||| | ||| ||||||||| Ref: 5' tgCTTGCTGCTGTTTACAGAATAaa 3' Energy: -16.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-630 NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.32 3 21 26719 26743 21 76.19% 76.19% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:11038 to 11059 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uggaaGGGACCAUGUCUUAUGa 5' :::| || ||||:||| Ref: 5' tttagTTTTAGTCCAGAGTACt 3' Energy: -14.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-630 NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.61 2 18 11038 11059 16 62.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:29601 to 29622 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ugGAAGGGACCAUGUCUUAUga 5' || |:|| ||:||||||: Ref: 5' gtCTACTCTTGTGCAGAATGaa 3' Energy: -20.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-630 NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.99 3 21 29601 29622 18 72.22% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-630 NC_045512.2 1016.00 -108.18 156.00 -20.99 1539 22 29903 6850 5820 12432 13738 26719 11038 29601 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4739 MIMAT0019868(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4739 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1246 MIMAT0005898(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1246 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:29488 to 29506 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ggacGAGGUUUUUAGGUAa 5' :| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' acaaTTGCAACAATCCATg 3' Energy: -11.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1246 NC_045512.2 155.00 -11.16 2 16 29488 29506 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:19376 to 19394 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ggACGAGGUUUUUAGGUAa 5' | |||::| |:||||| Ref: 5' atTACTCTGACAGTCCATg 3' Energy: -14.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1246 NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.23 2 18 19376 19394 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:25790 to 25808 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (93.33%) Query: 3' ggaCGAGGUUUUUAGGUAa 5' |:|||||||| |||| Ref: 5' gccGTTCCAAAAACCCATt 3' Energy: -22.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1246 NC_045512.2 144.00 -22.58 2 17 25790 25808 15 86.67% 93.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:14584 to 14603 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ggACG-AGGUUUUUAGGUAa 5' ||| ||::: ||||:|| Ref: 5' gcTGCTTCTGGTAATCTATt 3' Energy: -18.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1246 NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.69 2 18 14584 14603 17 64.71% 88.24% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:23620 to 23638 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggacgagguuuUUAGGUAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtagctagtcAATCCATc 3' Energy: -10.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1246 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.95 2 9 23620 23638 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1246 NC_045512.2 724.00 -77.61 155.00 -22.58 1541 19 29903 29488 19376 25790 14584 23620 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-600 MIMAT0003268(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-600 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:17296 to 17319 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' cuCGUUCCGAGAACA-GACAUUca 5' |:| | ||:|||| |||||| Ref: 5' caGTATGTCTTTTGTACTGTAAat 3' Energy: -16.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-600 NC_045512.2 152.00 -16.76 3 22 17296 17319 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:619 to 641 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' cuCGUUCCGAGAACAGACAUUCa 5' ||||||:|||| |: ||||| Ref: 5' ccGCAAGGTTCTTCTTCGTAAGa 3' Energy: -23.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-600 NC_045512.2 145.00 -23.33 2 22 619 641 20 80.00% 90.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-600 NC_045512.2 297.00 -40.09 152.00 -23.33 1542 23 29903 17296 619 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3135b MIMAT0018985(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3135b vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:19881 to 19902 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guggugacgugaGCGAGGUCGg 5' :|||||||| Ref: 5' ctacaaaagagaTGCTCCAGCa 3' Energy: -19.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3135b NC_045512.2 146.00 -19.09 2 11 19881 19902 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:27554 to 27574 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (94.44%) Query: 3' gugGUGACGUGAGCGAGGUCGg 5' ||||| |||:|||::||| Ref: 5' ttgCACTG-ACTTGCTTTAGCa 3' Energy: -28.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3135b NC_045512.2 145.00 -28.14 2 20 27554 27574 18 77.78% 94.44% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27524 to 27543 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' guGGUGACGUGAGCGAGGUCGg 5' |||:| || || |||:||| Ref: 5' caCCATTTCA-TC-CTCTAGCt 3' Energy: -24.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3135b NC_045512.2 144.00 -24.07 2 21 27524 27543 19 73.68% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3135b NC_045512.2 435.00 -71.30 146.00 -28.14 1543 22 29903 19881 27554 27524 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-129-1-3p MIMAT0004548(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-129-1-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 174.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24681 to 24702 Align Len (17) (88.24%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uaugAAAAACCCCAUUCCCGAa 5' |||||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgaTTTTTGTGGAAAGGGCTa 3' Energy: -19.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-129-1-3p NC_045512.2 174.00 -19.20 2 19 24681 24702 17 88.24% 88.24% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5355 to 5378 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' uaUGAAAAA--CCCCAUUCCCGAa 5' :||| || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' atGCTTATTACAGAGCAAGGGCTg 3' Energy: -13.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-129-1-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -13.15 2 21 5355 5378 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:25281 to 25302 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' uaugaaaAACCCCAUUCCCGAa 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gctgtagTTGTCTCAAGGGCTg 3' Energy: -13.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-129-1-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.33 2 16 25281 25302 14 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14700 to 14723 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' uaUGAAA-AAC-CCCAUUCCCGAa 5' ||||| || | ||||||:| Ref: 5' tgACTTTGCTGTGTCTAAGGGTTt 3' Energy: -15.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-129-1-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.93 2 21 14700 14723 21 71.43% 76.19% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-129-1-3p NC_045512.2 610.00 -61.61 174.00 -19.20 1544 22 29903 24681 5355 25281 14700 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4268 MIMAT0016896(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4268 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:15175 to 15195 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guguaggacucucCUCCUCGg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atagccgccactaGAGGAGCt 3' Energy: -16.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4268 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.03 2 9 15175 15195 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4268 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.03 140.00 -16.03 1545 21 29903 15175 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-876-5p MIMAT0004924(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-876-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:29003 to 29024 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (92.86%) Query: 3' accacuaAGUGUUUCUUUAGGu 5' |||| ||||||||: Ref: 5' caaactgTCACTAAGAAATCTg 3' Energy: -14.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-876-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.12 2 16 29003 29024 14 85.71% 92.86% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22457 to 22478 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (81.25%) Query: 3' accacUAAGUGUUUCUUUAGGu 5' :| :||: ||||||| Ref: 5' acaaaGTGTACGTTGAAATCCt 3' Energy: -15.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-876-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.91 2 18 22457 22478 16 62.50% 81.25% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23722 to 23742 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acCACUAAGUGUUUCUUUAGGu 5' ||| || || ||||||:| Ref: 5' taGTG-TTACCACAGAAATTCt 3' Energy: -12.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-876-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.64 2 21 23722 23742 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23403 to 23424 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acCACUAAGUGUUUCUUUAGGu 5' || | ::|| ||||:||| Ref: 5' atGTTAACTGCACAGAAGTCCc 3' Energy: -12.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-876-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.78 2 21 23403 23424 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:12540 to 12561 Align Len (9) (77.78%) (100.00%) Query: 3' accacuaaguguUUCUUUAGGu 5' ::||||||| Ref: 5' catcagcattgtGGGAAATCCa 3' Energy: -14.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-876-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.67 2 11 12540 12561 9 77.78% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:1034 to 1055 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (93.75%) Query: 3' accacUAAGUGUUUCUUUAGGu 5' ||| :|||||||||:: Ref: 5' attaaATTGGCAAAGAAATTTg 3' Energy: -13.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-876-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.64 2 18 1034 1055 16 75.00% 93.75% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:8662 to 8685 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' accACU-AAGUGUUU-CUUUAGgu 5' ||| ||: |||: |||||| Ref: 5' tacTGACTTTTCAAGTGAAATCat 3' Energy: -9.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-876-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.90 3 20 8662 8685 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:25092 to 25113 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (93.33%) Query: 3' accacUAAGUGUUUCUUUAGgu 5' ||||| ||||||||: Ref: 5' taaacATTCAAAAAGAAATTga 3' Energy: -12.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-876-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.11 3 18 25092 25113 15 86.67% 93.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:17989 to 18014 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' accacUAAGUGUUU----CUUUAGGu 5' |||:||||: |||||:| Ref: 5' ttgcaATTTACAAGTCTTGAAATTCc 3' Energy: -12.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-876-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.98 2 18 17989 18014 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:27007 to 27028 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' accacuAAGUGUUUCUUUAGgu 5' | | :||||||||| Ref: 5' aggaccTGCCTAAAGAAATCac 3' Energy: -14.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-876-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.38 3 17 27007 27028 14 78.57% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-876-5p NC_045512.2 1435.00 -133.13 151.00 -15.91 1546 22 29903 29003 22457 23722 23403 12540 1034 8662 25092 17989 27007 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3145-5p MIMAT0019205(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3145-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24273 to 24295 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' acUCAAAACUCACA-AACCUCAa 5' || ||| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' atAGGTTTAATGGTATTGGAGTt 3' Energy: -13.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3145-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -13.82 2 21 24273 24295 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22686 to 22708 Align Len (20) (85.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' acUCAAAACUCACAA-ACCUCAa 5' | |||| |||||| |||||| Ref: 5' ccACTTTTAAGTGTTATGGAGTg 3' Energy: -16.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3145-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.48 2 21 22686 22708 20 85.00% 85.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3145-5p NC_045512.2 307.00 -30.30 159.00 -16.48 1547 22 29903 24273 22686 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-12122 MIMAT0049016(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-12122 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:29428 to 29452 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' cucagagaagGCCGGUAGACACUGu 5' | || | ||||||| Ref: 5' acagaagaaaCAGCAAACTGTGACt 3' Energy: -13.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12122 NC_045512.2 151.00 -13.56 2 16 29428 29452 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26979 to 27003 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cucagaGAAGG-CCGGUAGACACUGu 5' | ||: || |: ||||||| Ref: 5' ggacacCATCTAGGACG-CTGTGACa 3' Energy: -19.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12122 NC_045512.2 148.00 -19.18 2 20 26979 27003 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:2730 to 2758 Align Len (26) (57.69%) (76.92%) Query: 3' cuCAGAGAAGGCCGGUA----GACACUGu 5' ||: |||::||: || ||||||: Ref: 5' agGTTACTTTTGGTGATGACACTGTGATa 3' Energy: -24.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12122 NC_045512.2 146.00 -24.33 2 24 2730 2758 26 57.69% 76.92% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:24920 to 24944 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (81.82%) Query: 3' cucAGAGA-AGGCCGGUAGACACUGu 5' |:| | ||:|| :| ||||||: Ref: 5' acaTTTGTGTCTGG-TAACTGTGATg 3' Energy: -18.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12122 NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.61 2 23 24920 24944 22 63.64% 81.82% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 24 R:1717 to 1741 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' cuCA-GAGAAGGCCGGUAGACACUgu 5' || ||:|| :|| | |||||| Ref: 5' aaGTGCTTTTGTGG-AAACTGTGAaa 3' Energy: -22.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12122 NC_045512.2 140.00 -22.43 3 24 1717 1741 22 68.18% 77.27% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-12122 NC_045512.2 728.00 -98.11 151.00 -24.33 1548 25 29903 29428 26979 2730 24920 1717 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3085-3p MIMAT0048636(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3085-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-582-5p MIMAT0003247(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-582-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 168.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:20988 to 21013 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (82.61%) Query: 3' ucAUUGACC---AACUUGUUGACAUu 5' |:|:||| ||| :|||||||| Ref: 5' ttTGATTGGTGATTGTGCAACTGTAc 3' Energy: -19.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-582-5p NC_045512.2 168.00 -19.83 2 22 20988 21013 23 69.57% 82.61% Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:4536 to 4559 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ucAU-UGACCAACUUGUUGACAUu 5' || || || |||||||||| Ref: 5' ttTACACCAGTAAAACAACTGTAg 3' Energy: -15.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-582-5p NC_045512.2 164.00 -15.87 2 22 4536 4559 21 76.19% 76.19% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13038 to 13064 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (69.57%) Query: 3' ucaUUGACCAAC--UU--GUUGACAUu 5' || || || || |||||||| Ref: 5' cagAAGTGCCTGCCAATTCAACTGTAt 3' Energy: -17.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-582-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -17.99 2 21 13038 13064 23 69.57% 69.57% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:27911 to 27933 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucauugaccaacuUGUUGACAUu 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' cttaggaatcatcACAACTGTAg 3' Energy: -13.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-582-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -13.78 2 11 27911 27933 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:25412 to 25432 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (84.62%) Query: 3' ucauugaccAACUUGUUGACAUu 5' |||: ||||||| Ref: 5' tcttcacaaTTGG--AACTGTAa 3' Energy: -13.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-582-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.17 2 15 25412 25432 13 76.92% 84.62% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:15235 to 15256 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ucaUUGACCAACUUGUUGACAuu 5' ||| ||| || |||||| Ref: 5' cacAACATGTT-AAAAACTGTtt 3' Energy: -8.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-582-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.94 3 21 15235 15256 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8326 to 8349 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ucauugACCAAC-UUGUUGACAUu 5' || ||| | ::|||||| Ref: 5' ccttggTGCTTGTATTGACTGTAg 3' Energy: -13.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-582-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.38 2 18 8326 8349 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22625 to 22647 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ucaUUGACCAACUUGUUGACAUu 5' || | | |:|||||||: Ref: 5' aggAAGAGAATCAGCAACTGTGt 3' Energy: -13.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-582-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.38 2 21 22625 22647 19 63.16% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-582-5p NC_045512.2 1197.00 -116.34 168.00 -19.83 1550 23 29903 20988 4536 13038 27911 25412 15235 8326 22625 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1470 MIMAT0007348(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1470 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:785 to 806 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (68.42%) Query: 3' gcCCCACGUG-CCCGCCUCCCg 5' | ||| :| ||||||| Ref: 5' atGCGTGAGCTTAACGGAGGGg 3' Energy: -21.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1470 NC_045512.2 142.00 -21.77 2 20 785 806 19 63.16% 68.42% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1470 NC_045512.2 142.00 -21.77 142.00 -21.77 1551 21 29903 785 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4291 MIMAT0016922(16 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4291 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:17563 to 17577 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' ucGACAAGGACGACUu 5' :|| ||||||||| Ref: 5' cgTTG-TCCTGCTGAa 3' Energy: -21.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4291 NC_045512.2 152.00 -21.43 2 15 17563 17577 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:14555 to 14571 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' ucgACA-AGGACGACUu 5' ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgTGTATGCTGCTGAc 3' Energy: -12.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4291 NC_045512.2 148.00 -12.42 2 14 14555 14571 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:9001 to 9019 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucgACAAG---GACGACUu 5' ||||: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgTGTTTTGGCTGCTGAa 3' Energy: -14.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4291 NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.47 2 14 9001 9019 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:29017 to 29032 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ucgacaAGGACGACUu 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' gaaatcTGCTGCTGAg 3' Energy: -14.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4291 NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.70 2 11 29017 29032 9 88.89% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4291 NC_045512.2 586.00 -63.02 152.00 -21.43 1552 16 29903 17563 14555 9001 29017 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-766-5p MIMAT0022714(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-766-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:24814 to 24835 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' uuCUGGUCGUGGUUAAGGAGga 5' || ||||| |||||| Ref: 5' tgGAAAAGCACACTTTCCTCgt 3' Energy: -20.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-766-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.45 3 21 24814 24835 18 72.22% 72.22% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-766-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.45 140.00 -20.45 1553 22 29903 24814 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548ae-5p MIMAT0032115(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548ae-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:25797 to 25814 Align Len (17) (88.24%) (88.24%) Query: 3' guUUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |||||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' caAAAACC-C-ATTACTTTa 3' Energy: -15.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ae-5p NC_045512.2 162.00 -15.67 2 19 25797 25814 17 88.24% 88.24% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:2721 to 2740 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' guuuUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||| | ::||||||| Ref: 5' caccAACAAAGGTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -12.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ae-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -12.33 2 17 2721 2740 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8377 to 8398 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' guUUUUGGUGU--UAAUGAAAa 5' |||::|||| |||:|||| Ref: 5' aaAAAGTCACAACATTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -15.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ae-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -15.19 2 19 8377 8398 19 73.68% 89.47% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7762 to 7781 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guuuUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' | |||: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttccATCCATCTTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -10.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ae-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -10.38 2 17 7762 7781 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4015 to 4032 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' guUUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||||| : :||||||| Ref: 5' agAAAAC--TTGTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -10.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ae-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -10.31 2 19 4015 4032 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:1677 to 1696 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (94.12%) Query: 3' guUUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' :|:|:|:| ||||:||| Ref: 5' aaGAGATCGCCATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -14.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ae-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.24 2 19 1677 1696 17 64.71% 94.12% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:20183 to 20203 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' guuuUUGGUGUU-AAUGAAAa 5' | |:: || ||||||| Ref: 5' aattACCTGAAACTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -7.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ae-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -7.40 2 17 20183 20203 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:13632 to 13651 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (75.00%) Query: 3' guuUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' || : |: ||||||| Ref: 5' tttAATTGATTCTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -4.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ae-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -4.45 2 18 13632 13651 16 62.50% 75.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22275 to 22294 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' guuUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||||: :| ||:|||| Ref: 5' ttcAAACTTTACTTGCTTTa 3' Energy: -8.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ae-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -8.36 2 18 22275 22294 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:23011 to 23033 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guUUUUGGUGUU---AAUGAAAa 5' ||:::: :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgAAGGTTTTAATTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -7.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ae-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -7.76 2 19 23011 23033 20 55.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10948 to 10969 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' guUUUUG-GUGU-UAAUGAAAa 5' || :| || : :||||||| Ref: 5' acAATGCTCAGGTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -9.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ae-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.76 2 19 10948 10969 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:5894 to 5911 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' guUUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAaa 5' ||||| ||:|||||| Ref: 5' atAAAAC--CAGTTACTTat 3' Energy: -11.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ae-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.20 3 19 5894 5911 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:4518 to 4538 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guuuuUGGUGU-UAAUGAAAa 5' :|:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' atggtGCTAGATTTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -7.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ae-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -7.77 2 16 4518 4538 15 66.67% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:5451 to 5471 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' guUUUUGGUG-UUAAUGAAaa 5' :|||| |: |:|||||| Ref: 5' gaGAAACAATGAGTTACTTgt 3' Energy: -10.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ae-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.11 3 19 5451 5471 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:11629 to 11648 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guuuuugguguUAAUGAAAa 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' tttttgtacttGTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -7.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ae-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -7.37 2 10 11629 11648 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 14 R:25995 to 26014 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guuuuugGUGUUAAUGAAaa 5' ||||:|||||| Ref: 5' tgtattaCACAGTTACTTca 3' Energy: -14.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ae-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.13 3 14 25995 26014 11 90.91% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6771 to 6790 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guuuuugguguuAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgccttatttctTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -5.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ae-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.46 2 9 6771 6790 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548ae-5p NC_045512.2 2498.00 -171.89 162.00 -15.67 1554 20 29903 25797 2721 8377 7762 4015 1677 20183 13632 22275 23011 10948 5894 4518 5451 11629 25995 6771 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1271-3p MIMAT0022712(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1271-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:23188 to 23209 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' acggaccguguAUCGUCCGUGa 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' cttcaatggttTAACAGGCACa 3' Energy: -16.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1271-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.52 2 12 23188 23209 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:13167 to 13188 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' acgGACCGUGUAUC-GUCCGUga 5' ||||:|| |:| |||||| Ref: 5' acaCTGGTAC-TGGTCAGGCAat 3' Energy: -25.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1271-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -25.34 3 20 13167 13188 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:13497 to 13518 Align Len (15) (60.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' acggacCGUGUAUCGUCCGUGa 5' |::|: ||||||| Ref: 5' tacaccGTGCGGCACAGGCACt 3' Energy: -20.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1271-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -20.93 2 17 13497 13518 15 60.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:18083 to 18110 Align Len (24) (66.67%) (70.83%) Query: 3' acgGACC--GUGU---AU-CGUCCGUGa 5' |||| :||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' tcaCTGGGTTACATCCTACACAGGCACc 3' Energy: -21.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1271-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -21.61 2 20 18083 18110 24 66.67% 70.83% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7970 to 7992 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acgGACCGUG-UAUCGUCCGUGa 5' ||| :|| | | ||||||: Ref: 5' ataCTGTTACTAGATCAGGCATt 3' Energy: -20.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1271-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -20.62 2 20 7970 7992 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1271-3p NC_045512.2 721.00 -105.02 147.00 -25.34 1555 22 29903 23188 13167 13497 18083 7970 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-200c-3p MIMAT0000617(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-200c-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:3703 to 3725 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' agGUAGUAAUGGGCCGUCAUAAu 5' |||:||||:| | ::||||| Ref: 5' acCATTATTATCAGCTGGTATTt 3' Energy: -22.799999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-200c-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -22.80 2 22 3703 3725 20 70.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:1973 to 1995 Align Len (13) (61.54%) (84.62%) Query: 3' agguaguaaUGGGCCGUCAUAAu 5' |::: ||||||| Ref: 5' ctagatggaATTTCACAGTATTc 3' Energy: -8.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-200c-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.82 2 15 1973 1995 13 61.54% 84.62% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14382 to 14403 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agguAGUAAUGGGCCGUCAUAAu 5' |:||| |:| ||||:|| Ref: 5' tgttTTATT-CTCTACAGTGTTc 3' Energy: -10.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-200c-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.95 2 20 14382 14403 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:5686 to 5709 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' agGUAGUAAUGGGC-CGUCAUAau 5' || || |||:| |||||| Ref: 5' gtCAGCACCACCTGCTCAGTATga 3' Energy: -16.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-200c-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.98 3 22 5686 5709 20 70.00% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-200c-3p NC_045512.2 572.00 -59.55 149.00 -22.80 1556 23 29903 3703 1973 14382 5686 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4721 MIMAT0019835(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4721 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6810-5p MIMAT0027520(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6810-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:3591 to 3613 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cgGUACGACUAGGGACAGGGGUa 5' | |||| | | |||||::|| Ref: 5' atCTTGCTAAACACTGTCTTCAt 3' Energy: -20.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6810-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.45 2 22 3591 3613 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:263 to 285 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cggUACGACUAGGGACAGGGGUa 5' ||| || ||:||||||:: Ref: 5' aagATGGAGAGCCTTGTCCCTGg 3' Energy: -21.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6810-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -21.29 2 21 263 285 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6810-5p NC_045512.2 281.00 -41.74 141.00 -21.29 1558 23 29903 3591 263 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6853-5p MIMAT0027606(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6853-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:14099 to 14120 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (80.95%) Query: 3' gaCUGAAGUACCUGUAGGGUGCGa 5' ||:||||| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' gtGATTTCAT--ACAAACCACGCc 3' Energy: -25.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6853-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -25.33 2 23 14099 14120 21 76.19% 80.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6853-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -25.33 143.00 -25.33 1559 24 29903 14099 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4744 MIMAT0019875(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4744 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:7139 to 7161 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (81.82%) Query: 3' guAUCGCUUCAGAUC--AGAAAUCu 5' |||:| ||:||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctTAGTG--GTTTAGATTCTTTAGa 3' Energy: -18.549999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4744 NC_045512.2 161.00 -18.55 2 22 7139 7161 22 72.73% 81.82% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:9747 to 9769 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' guaUCGCUUCAGAUCAGAAAUcu 5' || || || ||||||||| Ref: 5' taaAGAGACGTGTAGTCTTTAat 3' Energy: -15.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4744 NC_045512.2 156.00 -15.54 3 21 9747 9769 18 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16007 to 16028 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' guaUCGCUUCAGAUCAGAAAUCu 5' | || : || |||||||| Ref: 5' ttgAACG-GTTCGTGTCTTTAGc 3' Energy: -15.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4744 NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.17 2 21 16007 16028 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:9614 to 9636 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guAUCGCUUCAGAUCAGAAAUCu 5' || :|| ||:| |:||||| Ref: 5' acTAATGATGTTTCTTTTTTAGc 3' Energy: -10.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4744 NC_045512.2 149.00 -10.52 2 22 9614 9636 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:20682 to 20704 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' guAUCGCUUCAGAUCAGAAAUcu 5' | || | | ||| |||||| Ref: 5' tgTTGCTATGCCTAATCTTTAca 3' Energy: -6.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4744 NC_045512.2 145.00 -6.15 3 22 20682 20704 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9714 to 9739 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (69.57%) Query: 3' guaUCGCUUCAGAU---C-AGAAAUCu 5' ||| | |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' caaAGC-ATTTCTATTGGTTCTTTAGt 3' Energy: -12.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4744 NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.07 2 21 9714 9739 23 69.57% 69.57% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:16763 to 16785 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' guaUCGCUUCAGAUCAGAAAUcu 5' | |||| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaACCGAAATTATGTCTTTAct 3' Energy: -10.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4744 NC_045512.2 144.00 -10.87 3 21 16763 16785 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:6285 to 6308 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (76.19%) Query: 3' guAUCGCUUCAG-AUCAGAAAUCu 5' |:|:| | | | ||||||:| Ref: 5' ccTGGTGTATACGTTGTCTTTGGa 3' Energy: -15.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4744 NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.69 2 22 6285 6308 21 61.90% 76.19% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:7157 to 7179 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guaucgcuucagaucAGAAAUCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttagacacctatcctTCTTTAGa 3' Energy: -9.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4744 NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.33 2 9 7157 7179 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:15780 to 15802 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' guaucgcUUCAGAUCAGAAAUcu 5' ||||| : |||||| Ref: 5' gaactttAAGTCAGTTCTTTAtt 3' Energy: -10.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4744 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.05 3 17 15780 15802 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:23375 to 23399 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' guAUCGCUUCA--GAUCAGAAAUcu 5' || | |:|| ||: |||||| Ref: 5' tcTAACCAGGTTGCTGTTCTTTAtc 3' Energy: -7.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4744 NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.66 3 22 23375 23399 21 66.67% 76.19% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4744 NC_045512.2 1609.00 -131.60 161.00 -18.55 1560 23 29903 7139 9747 16007 9614 20682 9714 16763 6285 7157 15780 23375 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3670 MIMAT0018093(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3670 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:22010 to 22034 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (76.19%) Query: 3' aucUCUUCCUGUC-GACACUCGAGa 5' || |||::| |||||:|| Ref: 5' aaaAGTTGGATGGAAAGTGAGTTCa 3' Energy: -20.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3670 NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.02 2 22 22010 22034 21 61.90% 76.19% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:27422 to 27445 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' aucucuucCUGUCGACACUCGAGa 5' | :| :||||||||: Ref: 5' taacactcGCTACTTGTGAGCTTt 3' Energy: -15.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3670 NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.41 2 17 27422 27445 15 66.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3670 NC_045512.2 280.00 -35.43 140.00 -20.02 1561 24 29903 22010 27422 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3925-3p MIMAT0019228(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3925-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10545 to 10566 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' guUCUCUUGAU-UUUGACCUCa 5' | :|||:|| |||||||| Ref: 5' atATGGAATTACCAACTGGAGt 3' Energy: -19.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3925-3p NC_045512.2 162.00 -19.14 2 20 10545 10566 19 73.68% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3925-3p NC_045512.2 162.00 -19.14 162.00 -19.14 1562 21 29903 10545 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-17-3p MIMAT0000071(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-17-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 172.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14180 to 14201 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gaUGUUCACGGAAGUGACGUCa 5' || || ||:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgACCAGGGCTTTAACTGCAGa 3' Energy: -21.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-17-3p NC_045512.2 172.00 -21.77 2 21 14180 14201 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:22468 to 22488 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gaugUUCACGGAAGUGACGUCa 5' || | |||||||||:|| Ref: 5' gttgAAAT-CCTTCACTGTAGa 3' Energy: -21.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-17-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -21.87 2 19 22468 22488 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4263 to 4284 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gauGUUCACGGAAGUGACGUCa 5' :|| || :| |||||:|| Ref: 5' gttTAAATGGTTACACTGTAGa 3' Energy: -15.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-17-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.41 2 20 4263 4284 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8096 to 8115 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' gaUGUUCACGGAAGUGACGUCa 5' || ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' acACTAGTTGC--AACTGCAGa 3' Energy: -17.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-17-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.04 2 21 8096 8115 19 68.42% 68.42% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25999 to 26021 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gaUGU-UCACGGAAGUGACGUCa 5' ||| ||| ||||||| ||| Ref: 5' ttACACAGTTACTTCACTTCAGa 3' Energy: -20.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-17-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -20.48 2 21 25999 26021 20 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:13068 to 13089 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gauguuCACGGAAGUGACGUCa 5' ||||:||::|||:|| Ref: 5' ctttctGTGCTTTTGCTGTAGa 3' Energy: -20.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-17-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.08 2 17 13068 13089 15 73.33% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-17-3p NC_045512.2 899.00 -116.65 172.00 -21.87 1563 22 29903 14180 22468 4263 8096 25999 13068 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4652-3p MIMAT0019717(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4652-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:1825 to 1846 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (85.71%) Query: 3' acuccccUACCCAAUUGUCUUg 5' || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctggaatATTGGTGAACAGAAa 3' Energy: -13.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4652-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -13.58 2 16 1825 1846 14 85.71% 85.71% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:16111 to 16132 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (93.33%) Query: 3' acucccCUACCCAAUUGUCUUg 5' |||| ||||||||:| Ref: 5' ctacatGATGAGTTAACAGGAc 3' Energy: -20.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4652-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -20.61 2 17 16111 16132 15 86.67% 93.33% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:2507 to 2528 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' acucccCUACCCAAUUGUCUUg 5' || | |||||||||: Ref: 5' cccacaGAAGTGTTAACAGAGg 3' Energy: -13.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4652-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -13.18 2 17 2507 2528 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:21157 to 21178 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' acuccccuaccCAAUUGUCUUg 5' | |||||||| Ref: 5' gtggctataaaGATAACAGAAc 3' Energy: -11.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4652-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.97 2 12 21157 21178 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:13022 to 13043 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acuccccuacccaaUUGUCUUg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' caagctggtaatgcAACAGAAg 3' Energy: -9.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4652-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.14 2 9 13022 13043 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:22514 to 22535 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acuccccuacccaaUUGUCUUg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tttagagtccaaccAACAGAAt 3' Energy: -9.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4652-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.22 2 9 22514 22535 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4652-3p NC_045512.2 890.00 -77.70 159.00 -20.61 1564 22 29903 1825 16111 2507 21157 13022 22514 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5585-5p MIMAT0022285(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5585-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:26281 to 26300 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gagagcUCAUCGACCAUGAAGu 5' | |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' atagttAATAGC--GTACTTCt 3' Energy: -11.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5585-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -11.41 2 17 26281 26300 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:23083 to 23103 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gagagCUCAUCGACCAUGAAGu 5' |||||| | ||||||: Ref: 5' atacaGAGTAG-TAGTACTTTc 3' Energy: -16.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5585-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.82 2 18 23083 23103 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28581 to 28604 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' gaGAGCUCA---UCGACCAUGAAGu 5' ||| ||| || |||||:||| Ref: 5' atCTC-AGTCCAAGATGGTATTTCt 3' Energy: -19.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5585-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.69 2 21 28581 28604 22 72.73% 77.27% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:9262 to 9285 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gaGAGC-UCAUCGA-CCAUGAAgu 5' || | :|||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' taCTAGTGGTAGATGGGTACTTaa 3' Energy: -20.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5585-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -20.92 3 21 9262 9285 20 75.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5585-5p NC_045512.2 583.00 -68.84 149.00 -20.92 1565 22 29903 26281 23083 28581 9262 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-196b-3p MIMAT0009201(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-196b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13710 to 13730 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cuUCCGUCACAGCACGACAGCu 5' ||| | |||| |||||:| Ref: 5' taAGG-ATTGTCCAGCTGTTGc 3' Energy: -19.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-196b-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -19.62 2 21 13710 13730 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:16692 to 16714 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cuucCGU-CACAGCACGACAGcu 5' |:| ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' tactGTACGTGAAGTGCTGTCtg 3' Energy: -20.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-196b-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.73 3 19 16692 16714 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:18866 to 18887 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' cuuccgUCACAGCACGACAGcu 5' :||||| |||||| Ref: 5' tgactaGGTGTCTAGCTGTCca 3' Energy: -16.280001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-196b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.28 3 17 18866 18887 14 78.57% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-196b-3p NC_045512.2 427.00 -56.63 146.00 -20.73 1566 22 29903 13710 16692 18866 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-10523-5p MIMAT0041992(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-10523-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:1221 to 1244 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' agGAGUCCAGAAGAGUAGUAACAg 5' |||| | | | |||||||| Ref: 5' ctCTCATGAAGTGTGATCATTGTg 3' Energy: -15.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10523-5p NC_045512.2 162.00 -15.35 2 23 1221 1244 21 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:8407 to 8430 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (80.95%) Query: 3' agGAGUCCAGAAGAGUAGUAACAg 5' :| | | :||| ::||||||| Ref: 5' cgTTAAAGATTTCATGTCATTGTc 3' Energy: -16.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10523-5p NC_045512.2 162.00 -16.01 2 23 8407 8430 21 61.90% 80.95% Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:14138 to 14162 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' aggaguccAGAAGAGU-AGUAACAg 5' |||| |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgtagatTCTTATTATTCATTGTt 3' Energy: -13.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10523-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -13.64 2 17 14138 14162 16 81.25% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-10523-5p NC_045512.2 483.00 -45.00 162.00 -16.01 1567 24 29903 1221 8407 14138 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-196a-3p MIMAT0004562(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-196a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9941 to 9963 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gaGUC-CGUCAAAGAACAACGGc 5' ||| | || | |||||||:| Ref: 5' taCAGAGAAGCTGCTTGTTGTCa 3' Energy: -18.559999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-196a-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -18.56 2 21 9941 9963 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:23807 to 23827 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gaGUCCGUCAAAGAACAACGgc 5' || ||| | |:||||||| Ref: 5' tgCA-GCAATCTTTTGTTGCaa 3' Energy: -15.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-196a-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.23 3 21 23807 23827 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:8597 to 8618 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaguccgucaAAGAACAACGGc 5' ||:|||||||: Ref: 5' cttgtgttccTTTTTGTTGCTg 3' Energy: -18.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-196a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.30 2 13 8597 8618 11 81.82% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-196a-3p NC_045512.2 437.00 -52.09 151.00 -18.56 1568 22 29903 9941 23807 8597 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3200-3p MIMAT0015085(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3200-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:2750 to 2771 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' gucuggacUCAUCGCGUUCCAc 5' || ||:||||||| Ref: 5' actgtgatAGAAGTGCAAGGTt 3' Energy: -19.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3200-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -19.77 2 15 2750 2771 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:604 to 628 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' gucUGGACUC---AUCGCGUUCCAc 5' ||| | | || |||||||| Ref: 5' aatACCAGTGGCTTACCGCAAGGTt 3' Energy: -18.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3200-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -18.98 2 20 604 628 21 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:25426 to 25447 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gucuggacucaucgCGUUCCAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' actgtaactttgaaGCAAGGTg 3' Energy: -17.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3200-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.39 2 9 25426 25447 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3200-3p NC_045512.2 452.00 -56.14 158.00 -19.77 1569 22 29903 2750 604 25426 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-320e MIMAT0015072(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-320e vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:28947 to 28964 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (91.67%) Query: 3' ggaagAGUUGGGUCGAAa 5' |::| ||||||| Ref: 5' acagaTTGAACCAGCTTg 3' Energy: -12.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-320e NC_045512.2 149.00 -12.26 2 14 28947 28964 12 75.00% 91.67% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:19314 to 19331 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (73.33%) Query: 3' ggAAGAGUUGGGUCGAAa 5' | | || ||||||| Ref: 5' atTCCACACACCAGCTTt 3' Energy: -16.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-320e NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.00 2 17 19314 19331 15 73.33% 73.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:8985 to 9003 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ggAAGAGUUG-GGUCGAAa 5' ||: |||| :|||||| Ref: 5' acTTTGCAACATCAGCTTg 3' Energy: -16.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-320e NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.58 2 17 8985 9003 16 75.00% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-320e NC_045512.2 440.00 -44.84 149.00 -16.58 1570 18 29903 28947 19314 8985 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4433a-5p MIMAT0020956(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4433a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4804-3p MIMAT0019985(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4804-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18885 to 18905 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' aaaGCUCCCGUUCCAAUUCGu 5' |||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ccaCGAGTGCTTTGTTAAGCg 3' Energy: -19.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4804-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -19.99 2 19 18885 18905 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:3884 to 3903 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' aaagcUCCCGUUCCAAUUCGu 5' || | || ||||||| Ref: 5' cctaaAGAGGAA-GTTAAGCc 3' Energy: -12.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4804-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -12.20 2 17 3884 3903 15 80.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4804-3p NC_045512.2 308.00 -32.19 158.00 -19.99 1572 21 29903 18885 3884 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548ba MIMAT0031175(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548ba vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8465 to 8484 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucgUUUUUAGUGUCAAUGGAAa 5' ||:||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaAAGAATAAC--TTACCTTt 3' Energy: -11.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ba NC_045512.2 160.00 -11.06 2 20 8465 8484 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21714 to 21735 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucGUUUUUAGUGUCAAUGGAAa 5' ||::| |::: ||||||| Ref: 5' ctCAGGACTTGTTCTTACCTTt 3' Energy: -11.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ba NC_045512.2 156.00 -11.78 2 21 21714 21735 19 57.89% 84.21% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11084 to 11106 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucGUUUUUA-GUGUCAAUGGAAa 5' ::||||| | : ||||||| Ref: 5' taTGAAAATGCCTTTTTACCTTt 3' Energy: -9.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ba NC_045512.2 155.00 -9.19 2 21 11084 11106 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:26060 to 26082 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (91.67%) Query: 3' ucguuuuuagUGU-CAAUGGAAa 5' ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' ctggtgttgaACATGTTACCTTc 3' Energy: -13.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ba NC_045512.2 151.00 -13.04 2 13 26060 26082 12 91.67% 91.67% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25795 to 25814 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucGUUUUUAGUGUCAAUGGAAa 5' |||||| | || ||||:|| Ref: 5' tcCAAAAA-CCCA-TTACTTTa 3' Energy: -9.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ba NC_045512.2 148.00 -9.49 2 21 25795 25814 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5272 to 5294 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucGUUU-UUAGUGUCAAUGGAAa 5' ||:| || || ||||:||| Ref: 5' ggCAGATAACAACTGTTATCTTg 3' Energy: -15.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ba NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.26 2 21 5272 5294 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:11172 to 11193 Align Len (14) (64.29%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ucguuuuUAGUGUCAAUGGAAa 5' :|: : |||||||| Ref: 5' tctgtttGTTTTTGTTACCTTc 3' Energy: -9.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ba NC_045512.2 147.00 -9.42 2 16 11172 11193 14 64.29% 85.71% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28128 to 28150 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ucGUUUUUAGUGUC-AAUGGAAa 5' :| |: |: | | ||||||| Ref: 5' taTACAGTTTCCTGTTTACCTTt 3' Energy: -12.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ba NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.68 2 21 28128 28150 20 60.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4012 to 4032 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucGUUUUUAGUGUCAAUGGAAa 5' ||:||| | : |||||:|| Ref: 5' caCAGAAAAC-TTGTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -12.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ba NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.35 2 21 4012 4032 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9482 to 9505 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucguUUUUAGU--GUCAAUGGAAa 5' | |:||| :||||:|||| Ref: 5' gaatACAGTCATGTAGTTGCCTTt 3' Energy: -17.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ba NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.20 2 19 9482 9505 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:18339 to 18359 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' ucguuuuUAGUGUCAAUGGAAa 5' | || | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgttggtACCA-ATTTACCTTt 3' Energy: -9.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ba NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.29 2 16 18339 18359 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:3440 to 3461 Align Len (11) (72.73%) (90.91%) Query: 3' ucguuuuuagUGUCAAUGGAAa 5' |:: ||||||| Ref: 5' aatgcagccaATGTTTACCTTa 3' Energy: -9.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ba NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.92 2 13 3440 3461 11 72.73% 90.91% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:22898 to 22919 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' ucguuuUUAGUGUCAAUGGAaa 5' |||:|:| |||||| Ref: 5' ggtggtAATTATAATTACCTgt 3' Energy: -12.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ba NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.01 3 17 22898 22919 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:4715 to 4736 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' ucguuuuUAGUGUCAAUGGAAa 5' || |::||||:||| Ref: 5' acagcgtATAATGGTTATCTTa 3' Energy: -13.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ba NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.53 2 16 4715 4736 14 71.43% 92.86% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10947 to 10969 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucGUUUUUAGUGU-CAAUGGAAa 5' ||| : ||| : |||||:|| Ref: 5' gaCAATGCTCAGGTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -11.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ba NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.48 2 21 10947 10969 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2719 to 2740 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ucGUUUUUAGUGUCAAUGGAAa 5' || || | :|||||:|| Ref: 5' tgCACCAACAAAGGTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -11.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ba NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.06 2 21 2719 2740 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:19752 to 19772 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ucguUUUUAGUGUCAAUGGAaa 5' |||| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' aaatAAAACAACA-TTACCTgt 3' Energy: -9.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ba NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.99 3 19 19752 19772 16 81.25% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548ba NC_045512.2 2501.00 -198.75 160.00 -17.20 1573 22 29903 8465 21714 11084 26060 25795 5272 11172 28128 4012 9482 18339 3440 22898 4715 10947 2719 19752 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3689a-3p MIMAT0018118(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3689a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548d-3p MIMAT0003323(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548d-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26641 to 26660 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgUUUUCUUUGACACCAAAAAc 5' || ||:||: ||||||| Ref: 5' ccAACAGGAAT--AGGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -15.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548d-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -15.90 2 21 26641 26660 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6946 to 6967 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' cgUUUUCUUUGACACCAAAAAc 5' | | | | | |||||||| Ref: 5' aaATATTATAATTTGGTTTTTa 3' Energy: -7.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548d-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -7.58 2 21 6946 6967 19 68.42% 68.42% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:7231 to 7252 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cguuuucuuugaCACCAAAAAc 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' cttagttgcagaGTGGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -15.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548d-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.87 2 11 7231 7252 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:23942 to 23964 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cguUUUCUUUGA-CACCAAAAac 5' ||||| :| |||||||| Ref: 5' attAAAGATTTTGGTGGTTTTaa 3' Energy: -14.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548d-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.08 3 20 23942 23964 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:19621 to 19642 Align Len (16) (87.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cguuuUCUUUGACACCAAAAAc 5' ||||| ||||| |||| Ref: 5' agtttAGAAAATGTGGCTTTTa 3' Energy: -12.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548d-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.46 2 18 19621 19642 16 87.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:21087 to 21107 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' cguuuucUUUGACACCAAAAAc 5' ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgactctAAAGAG-GGTTTTTt 3' Energy: -9.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548d-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.12 2 16 21087 21107 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3419 to 3440 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgUUUUCUUUGACACCAAAAAc 5' |||| ||| |||||| || Ref: 5' gtAAAACCAACAGTGGTTGTTa 3' Energy: -11.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548d-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.55 2 21 3419 3440 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:8840 to 8859 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cgUUUUCUUUGACACCAAAAac 5' ||:||||: || |||||| Ref: 5' acAAGAGAAG-TG-GGTTTTgt 3' Energy: -18.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548d-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.50 3 21 8840 8859 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:18354 to 18374 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (84.62%) Query: 3' cguuuucuUUGACACCAAAAAc 5' |:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' acctttacAGCT-AGGTTTTTc 3' Energy: -7.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548d-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -7.12 2 15 18354 18374 13 76.92% 84.62% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:7259 to 7279 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cguuuucuuUGACACCAAAAAc 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' attcttttcACT-AGGTTTTTc 3' Energy: -6.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548d-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -6.82 2 14 7259 7279 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:13334 to 13356 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cguUUUCUUUGACA-CCAAAAac 5' || || |||| |||||| Ref: 5' gctAATGACCCTGTGGGTTTTac 3' Energy: -11.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548d-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.41 3 20 13334 13356 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:13558 to 13577 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cguUUUCUUUGACACCAAAAac 5' |||| |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' gatAAAGTAGC--TGGTTTTgc 3' Energy: -12.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548d-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.76 3 20 13558 13577 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:22203 to 22224 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cguuuucuuugacaCCAAAAAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgatctccctcagGGTTTTTc 3' Energy: -6.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548d-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.99 2 9 22203 22224 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548d-3p NC_045512.2 1888.00 -150.16 153.00 -18.50 1575 22 29903 26641 6946 7231 23942 19621 21087 3419 8840 18354 7259 13334 13558 22203 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-10393-3p MIMAT0041618(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-10393-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:26892 to 26913 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (70.59%) Query: 3' aacuUCUCAAGUUUAGACUGGu 5' | :| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctccATGGCACTATTCTGACCa 3' Energy: -13.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10393-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.88 2 19 26892 26913 17 64.71% 70.59% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14270 to 14294 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (77.27%) Query: 3' aaCUUCUCAAGUUU---AGACUGGu 5' ||: :||| ||| |:||||| Ref: 5' aaGAGAGGTTAAAACTCTTTGACCg 3' Energy: -17.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10393-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.39 2 21 14270 14294 22 63.64% 77.27% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:12222 to 12243 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' aacuucUCAAGUUUAGACUGGu 5' | | ::|||:||||| Ref: 5' tggctaAATCTGAATTTGACCg 3' Energy: -15.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10393-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.41 2 17 12222 12243 15 66.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-10393-3p NC_045512.2 429.00 -46.68 146.00 -17.39 1576 22 29903 26892 14270 12222 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8080 MIMAT0031007(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8080 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:564 to 587 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (93.75%) Query: 3' ucggcaaCUGUG-GUCACAGGAAg 5' ||||| ::|||||||| Ref: 5' gtggtgaGACACTTGGTGTCCTTg 3' Energy: -21.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8080 NC_045512.2 163.00 -21.17 2 17 564 587 16 81.25% 93.75% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:16236 to 16258 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ucGGCAACUGUGGUCACAGGAAg 5' |:||||: :|: ||||:||| Ref: 5' ggCTGTTGGGGCTTGTGTTCTTt 3' Energy: -28.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8080 NC_045512.2 157.00 -28.08 2 22 16236 16258 20 65.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:27986 to 28009 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ucggCAACUG-UGGUCACAGGAag 5' |||||: ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtaGTTGATGACCCGTGTCCTat 3' Energy: -26.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8080 NC_045512.2 154.00 -26.23 3 20 27986 28009 18 83.33% 88.89% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8119 to 8143 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ucggcAAC-UGUGGU-CACAGGAAg 5' ||| | | | |||||||| Ref: 5' tgaacTTGCAAAGAATGTGTCCTTa 3' Energy: -14.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8080 NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.38 2 19 8119 8143 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:23197 to 23219 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' ucggcaaCUGUGGUCACAGGAAg 5' |:||| :||||:||| Ref: 5' tttaacaGGCACAGGTGTTCTTa 3' Energy: -20.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8080 NC_045512.2 148.00 -20.54 2 17 23197 23219 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23317 to 23337 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucgGCAACUGUGGUCACAGGAAg 5' | || |||||| |||:||| Ref: 5' tgaCATT-ACACCA-TGTTCTTt 3' Energy: -17.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8080 NC_045512.2 148.00 -17.37 2 21 23317 23337 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:24697 to 24718 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ucggcaACUGUGGUCACAGGAAg 5' | |: ::| ||||||| Ref: 5' gggctaTCATCTTA-TGTCCTTc 3' Energy: -18.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8080 NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.98 2 18 24697 24718 16 62.50% 81.25% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:21793 to 21815 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ucggcAACUGUGGUCACAGGAag 5' ||||:| | |||||| Ref: 5' gaggtTTGATAACCCTGTCCTac 3' Energy: -17.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8080 NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.68 3 19 21793 21815 16 75.00% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8080 NC_045512.2 1203.00 -164.43 163.00 -28.08 1577 23 29903 564 16236 27986 8119 23197 23317 24697 21793 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4316 MIMAT0016867(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4316 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:25498 to 25514 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' guggucGAUCGGAGUGg 5' | |||||||| Ref: 5' ccgataCAAGCCTCACt 3' Energy: -16.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4316 NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.82 2 12 25498 25514 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:15331 to 15347 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guggucgAUCGGAGUGg 5' |:||||||| Ref: 5' agaattaTGGCCTCACt 3' Energy: -15.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4316 NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.90 2 11 15331 15347 9 88.89% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4316 NC_045512.2 293.00 -32.72 147.00 -16.82 1578 17 29903 25498 15331 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-10400-3p MIMAT0041632(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-10400-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548az-5p MIMAT0025456(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548az-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15002 to 15024 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUGGUGUUA-GUGAAAAc 5' :|::|:|| :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' atGAGGATCAAGATGCACTTTTc 3' Energy: -13.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548az-5p NC_045512.2 163.00 -13.19 2 21 15002 15024 20 65.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2772 to 2795 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (85.71%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUG-GUGU-UAGUGAAAAc 5' ||:|:: :: | ||||||||| Ref: 5' acAAGAGTGTGAATATCACTTTTg 3' Energy: -17.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548az-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -17.90 2 21 2772 2795 21 61.90% 85.71% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19586 to 19609 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cguUUUUGGUG--UUAGUGAAAAc 5' | |||| | :| ||||||| Ref: 5' cttATAACCTCTGGAACACTTTTa 3' Energy: -9.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548az-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -9.58 2 20 19586 19609 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:15542 to 15564 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cguuuUUGGUGUUA-GUGAAAAc 5' ||: :||| ||||||| Ref: 5' cggccAATGTTAATGCACTTTTa 3' Energy: -10.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548az-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -10.75 2 18 15542 15564 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19353 to 19374 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cguUUUUGGUGUUAGUGAAAAc 5' ||||| |: | ||:|||| Ref: 5' tttAAAACAATTACCATTTTTc 3' Energy: -9.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548az-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -9.93 2 20 19353 19374 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11018 to 11041 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cguUUUUGGUGUU--AGUGAAAAc 5' | ||:: ::| |||||||| Ref: 5' ctcACAATTTTGACTTCACTTTTa 3' Energy: -11.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548az-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -11.18 2 20 11018 11041 20 60.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:22044 to 22067 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' cguuuuuggUGUUA--GUGAAAAc 5' |:||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctagtgcgaATAATTGCACTTTTg 3' Energy: -14.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548az-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.33 2 14 22044 22067 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:22672 to 22694 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cguuuuUGGUGUUA-GUGAAAAc 5' |:||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttccgcATCATTTTCCACTTTTa 3' Energy: -12.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548az-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.28 2 17 22672 22694 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:24357 to 24379 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUGGUGUU-AGUGAAAac 5' |||| :|| :| ||||||| Ref: 5' gcAAAATTCAAGACTCACTTTct 3' Energy: -14.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548az-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.14 3 21 24357 24379 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:2720 to 2741 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cguuuUUGGUGUUAGUGAAAAc 5' ||| | ::|:|||||| Ref: 5' gcaccAACAAAGGTTACTTTTg 3' Energy: -16.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548az-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.27 2 18 2720 2741 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:890 to 911 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cguUUUUGGUGUUAGUGAAAac 5' |||:|: || |||||| Ref: 5' ggtAAAGCTTCATGCACTTTgt 3' Energy: -12.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548az-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.90 3 20 890 911 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27466 to 27486 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUGGUGUUAGUGAAAAc 5' |:: || |||: :|||||| Ref: 5' agAGGTACAACAG-TACTTTTa 3' Energy: -11.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548az-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.93 2 21 27466 27486 19 63.16% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548az-5p NC_045512.2 1796.00 -154.38 163.00 -17.90 1580 22 29903 15002 2772 19586 15542 19353 11018 22044 22672 24357 2720 890 27466 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4690-5p MIMAT0019779(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4690-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:306 to 326 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (89.47%) Query: 3' aaGUCGGGUCGGAGCGGACGAg 5' || |:||| :|:|||||:| Ref: 5' tcCAACTCAG-TTTGCCTGTTt 3' Energy: -23.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4690-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -23.61 2 21 306 326 19 68.42% 89.47% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11218 to 11237 Align Len (19) (52.63%) (84.21%) Query: 3' aaGUCGGGUCGGAGCGGACGAg 5' ::|:|:| : :||||||| Ref: 5' taTGGTCTA--TATGCCTGCTa 3' Energy: -18.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4690-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.86 2 21 11218 11237 19 52.63% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4690-5p NC_045512.2 295.00 -42.47 150.00 -23.61 1581 22 29903 306 11218 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4717-5p MIMAT0019829(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4717-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3678-3p MIMAT0018103(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3678-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:2896 to 2917 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ggccaGGCAUGUUUGAGACGUc 5' :| || |||||:|||| Ref: 5' tgctgTCATAAAAACTTTGCAa 3' Energy: -16.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3678-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -16.58 2 18 2896 2917 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:8970 to 8993 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ggccaggCAUGU--UUGAGACGUc 5' ||||| :|||:|||| Ref: 5' ttatagaGTACACTGACTTTGCAa 3' Energy: -15.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3678-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.09 2 16 8970 8993 16 75.00% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3678-3p NC_045512.2 291.00 -31.67 149.00 -16.58 1583 22 29903 2896 8970 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3194-5p MIMAT0015078(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3194-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:28888 to 28910 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gucGGGAGGACC--ACCGACCGg 5' :||| || | |||||||| Ref: 5' ttcTCCTGCTAGAATGGCTGGCa 3' Energy: -27.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3194-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -27.17 2 19 28888 28910 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:15215 to 15236 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (93.75%) Query: 3' gucggGAGG-ACCACCGACCGg 5' :||: ||||||:|||| Ref: 5' gcaaaTTCTATGGTGGTTGGCa 3' Energy: -27.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3194-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -27.27 2 17 15215 15236 16 75.00% 93.75% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:10245 to 10268 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gucgGGAGGACCA---CCGACCGg 5' ::||:|||| ||||||: Ref: 5' ataaTTTCTTGGTACAGGCTGGTa 3' Energy: -23.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3194-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -23.95 2 18 10245 10268 19 63.16% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3194-5p NC_045512.2 444.00 -78.39 157.00 -27.27 1584 21 29903 28888 15215 10245 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-605-3p MIMAT0026621(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-605-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11758 to 11780 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agaUUUAGAGUAUC-ACGGAAGa 5' :||| ||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' caaGAATAGCATAGATGCCTTCa 3' Energy: -19.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-605-3p NC_045512.2 166.00 -19.99 2 20 11758 11780 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4304 to 4325 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agaUUUAGAGUAUCACGGAAGa 5' ||:| | | ||||||||: Ref: 5' aaaAAGTGTAAAAGTGCCTTTt 3' Energy: -16.559999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-605-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.56 2 20 4304 4325 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20293 to 20317 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (72.73%) Query: 3' agAUUUAGAGUAUC---ACGGAAGa 5' |||||: | :| ||||||| Ref: 5' taTAAATTAGAAGGCTATGCCTTCg 3' Energy: -14.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-605-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.16 2 21 20293 20317 22 63.64% 72.73% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7027 to 7048 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' agauUUAGAGUAUCACGGAAGa 5' |||:| : ||||||| Ref: 5' gtctAATTTAGGCATGCCTTCt 3' Energy: -16.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-605-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.61 2 19 7027 7048 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9483 to 9506 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (85.71%) Query: 3' agAU-UUAGAGUAUC-ACGGAAGa 5' || |:|| ::||| ||||||: Ref: 5' aaTACAGTCATGTAGTTGCCTTTa 3' Energy: -14.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-605-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.73 2 21 9483 9506 21 66.67% 85.71% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:1462 to 1484 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agauUUAGAGU-AUCACGGAAGa 5' ::|| || || ||||||: Ref: 5' gggtGGTCGCACTATTGCCTTTg 3' Energy: -11.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-605-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.31 2 19 1462 1484 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21357 to 21381 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' agaUUUAGAGUA--UC-ACGGAAGa 5' ||||| || || ||:|||| Ref: 5' tacAAATCCAATTCAGTTGTCTTCc 3' Energy: -13.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-605-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.11 2 20 21357 21381 21 71.43% 76.19% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-605-3p NC_045512.2 1046.00 -106.47 166.00 -19.99 1585 22 29903 11758 4304 20293 7027 9483 1462 21357 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4706 MIMAT0019806(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4706 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4725-3p MIMAT0019844(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4725-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4432 MIMAT0018948(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4432 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:5487 to 5509 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uccguAGAACG---UCUCAGAAa 5' |||||| |||||||| Ref: 5' tagatTCTTGCAAAAGAGTCTTg 3' Energy: -17.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4432 NC_045512.2 158.00 -17.85 2 16 5487 5509 17 82.35% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8909 to 8932 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ucCGU--AGAACG--UCUCAGAAa 5' ||| |||| | |||||:|| Ref: 5' ttGCATTTCTTACCTAGAGTTTTt 3' Energy: -14.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4432 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.45 2 19 8909 8932 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:26379 to 26398 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uccguagaacguCUCAGAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tattgttaacgtGAGTCTTg 3' Energy: -10.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4432 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.07 2 9 26379 26398 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4432 NC_045512.2 438.00 -42.37 158.00 -17.85 1588 20 29903 5487 8909 26379 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7849-3p MIMAT0030424(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7849-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7292 to 7314 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucCGGGUUCUAGU-UGUUAACAg 5' | |:: |||| :||||||| Ref: 5' ttGGCTGCAATCATGCAATTGTt 3' Energy: -17.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7849-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -17.17 2 21 7292 7314 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:3260 to 3283 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uccgGGUUCUAG--UUGUUAACAg 5' |:| ||: ||||||||| Ref: 5' acaaCTACTATTCAAACAATTGTt 3' Energy: -12.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7849-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -12.80 2 19 3260 3283 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25875 to 25896 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ucCGGGUUCUAGUUGUUAACAg 5' |: :|| || ||||||| Ref: 5' taGTGTAACTTCTTCAATTGTc 3' Energy: -14.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7849-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -14.83 2 21 25875 25896 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:6783 to 6804 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uccggguucuaGUUGUUAACAg 5' | |||||||| Ref: 5' ttactttattgCTACAATTGTg 3' Energy: -9.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7849-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -9.47 2 12 6783 6804 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:13872 to 13894 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' uccggguucuaGU-UGUUAACAg 5' || |||||||| Ref: 5' aatacttgtcaCATACAATTGTt 3' Energy: -11.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7849-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.11 2 12 13872 13894 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:13129 to 13148 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uccgGGUUCUAGUUGUUAACAg 5' ||| |||| :|||||| Ref: 5' acaaCCA--ATCACTAATTGTg 3' Energy: -12.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7849-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.45 2 19 13129 13148 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:5981 to 6004 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uccGGGU-UCUAGUU-GUUAACag 5' ::|| ||| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' tatTTCACAGAGCAACCAATTGat 3' Energy: -12.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7849-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.14 3 20 5981 6004 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:9674 to 9694 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uccGGGUUCUAGUUGUUAACag 5' ::| :||| |||||||| Ref: 5' cctTTCTGGAT-AACAATTGct 3' Energy: -12.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7849-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.47 3 20 9674 9694 17 70.59% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7849-3p NC_045512.2 1178.00 -102.44 155.00 -17.17 1589 22 29903 7292 3260 25875 6783 13872 13129 5981 9674 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-503-3p MIMAT0022925(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-503-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:2683 to 2703 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ggACCGUCGCCUUUGUUAUGGGg 5' |||:| | ||||||||||: Ref: 5' gaTGGTAAC--AAACAATACCTt 3' Energy: -18.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-503-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -18.94 2 22 2683 2703 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:5223 to 5242 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ggaccgUCGCCUUUGUUAUGGGg 5' ||:||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctaaaaAGTGGA---AATACCCa 3' Energy: -18.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-503-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -18.42 2 18 5223 5242 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19815 to 19837 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ggaccGUCGCCUUUGUUAUGGGg 5' ||| || :| |||||:| Ref: 5' agtacCAGAGGTGAAAATACTCa 3' Energy: -15.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-503-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.17 2 19 19815 19837 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-503-3p NC_045512.2 449.00 -52.53 154.00 -18.94 1590 23 29903 2683 5223 19815 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6731-3p MIMAT0027364(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6731-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:23854 to 23874 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaccccucucaccCCUUAUCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ccgtgctttaactGGAATAGc 3' Energy: -8.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6731-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.32 2 9 23854 23874 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:26634 to 26654 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaccccucucaccCCUUAUCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gcctatgccaacaGGAATAGg 3' Energy: -10.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6731-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.68 2 9 26634 26654 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6731-3p NC_045512.2 280.00 -19.00 140.00 -10.68 1591 21 29903 23854 26634 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1307-3p MIMAT0005951(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1307-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:29727 to 29748 Align Len (17) (88.24%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gugcUGGCUGCGGUGCGGCUCa 5' ||||| ||||||| ||| Ref: 5' tttcACCGAGGCCACGCGGAGt 3' Energy: -33.560001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1307-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -33.56 2 19 29727 29748 17 88.24% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1307-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -33.56 150.00 -33.56 1592 22 29903 29727 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6859-3p MIMAT0027619(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6859-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-376a-3p MIMAT0000729(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-376a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19914 to 19934 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ugcACCUAAAAGGAGAUACUa 5' ||| ||| :||||||| Ref: 5' tatTGGTGTTTGTTCTATGAc 3' Energy: -14.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376a-3p NC_045512.2 162.00 -14.71 2 19 19914 19934 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28189 to 28211 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ugCACCUAA-AAG-GAGAUACUa 5' ||| :|| ||| :||||||| Ref: 5' taGTGCGTTGTTCGTTCTATGAa 3' Energy: -14.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376a-3p NC_045512.2 161.00 -14.71 2 20 28189 28211 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:24296 to 24316 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ugcacCUAAAAGGAGAUACUa 5' || | |:|||||||| Ref: 5' acacaGAATGTTCTCTATGAg 3' Energy: -14.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376a-3p NC_045512.2 160.00 -14.08 2 17 24296 24316 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18606 to 18626 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ugcACCUAAAAGGAGAUACUa 5' || :|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' cttTGAGTTGACATCTATGAa 3' Energy: -8.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376a-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -8.86 2 19 18606 18626 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:18192 to 18212 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugcacCUAAAAGGAGAUACUa 5' || | :|||||||| Ref: 5' tagaaGACTCATCTCTATGAt 3' Energy: -13.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376a-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -13.87 2 17 18192 18212 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:3797 to 3817 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugcaccuaaaaGGAGAUACUa 5' :|||||||| Ref: 5' tttgataaaaaTCTCTATGAc 3' Energy: -12.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376a-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.02 2 11 3797 3817 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:14683 to 14703 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugcaccuaaaaGGAGAUACUa 5' |:||||||| Ref: 5' tttaacaaagaCTTCTATGAc 3' Energy: -11.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376a-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.77 2 11 14683 14703 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:25391 to 25409 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ugcACCUAAAAGGAGAUACUa 5' ||||||| |:||||| Ref: 5' ttaTGGATTT--GTTTATGAg 3' Energy: -13.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.80 2 19 25391 25409 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19078 to 19095 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (70.59%) Query: 3' ugcACCUAAAAGGAGAUACUa 5' |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gaaTGGAAGT---TCTATGAt 3' Energy: -13.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.98 2 19 19078 19095 17 70.59% 70.59% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:23737 to 23757 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugcaccuaaaaggAGAUACUa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aattctaccagtgTCTATGAc 3' Energy: -8.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.08 2 9 23737 23757 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-376a-3p NC_045512.2 1506.00 -125.88 162.00 -14.71 1594 21 29903 19914 28189 24296 18606 18192 3797 14683 25391 19078 23737 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5000-5p MIMAT0021019(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5000-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2779 to 2800 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugAGUCCUUGUGAAGACUUGAc 5' | | | |||||:|||||| Ref: 5' tgTGAATATCACTTTTGAACTt 3' Energy: -16.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5000-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -16.47 2 21 2779 2800 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7060 to 7083 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ugaGUC-CUUGUGA-AGACUUGAc 5' ||| ||| :|| |:|||||| Ref: 5' ttaCAGAGAAGGCTATTTGAACTc 3' Energy: -18.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5000-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -18.85 2 20 7060 7083 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20392 to 20415 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ugAGUCCUU-GU-GAAGACUUGAc 5' | ||||| || |||:||||:| Ref: 5' ttTAAGGAATCACCTTTTGAATTa 3' Energy: -17.719999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5000-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.72 2 21 20392 20415 21 76.19% 85.71% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:8104 to 8125 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugaguccuugugaaGACUUGAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgcaactgcagaagCTGAACTt 3' Energy: -12.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5000-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.63 2 9 8104 8125 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5000-5p NC_045512.2 583.00 -65.67 152.00 -18.85 1595 22 29903 2779 7060 20392 8104 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3065-5p MIMAT0015066(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3065-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:20509 to 20531 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' aggucguAGUCACUAAAACAACu 5' |:: ||||||||||| Ref: 5' ttattacTTGATGATTTTGTTGa 3' Energy: -16.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3065-5p NC_045512.2 164.00 -16.34 2 17 20509 20531 15 80.00% 93.33% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23804 to 23825 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' agguCGUAGUCACUAAAACAACu 5' ||| || | |||||||| Ref: 5' gaatGCAGCAAT-CTTTTGTTGc 3' Energy: -14.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3065-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -14.04 2 20 23804 23825 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:8167 to 8193 Align Len (24) (66.67%) (75.00%) Query: 3' agGUCGU--AGUC--ACUAAAACAACu 5' ||||| ||:| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttCAGCAGCTCGGCAAGGGTTTGTTGa 3' Energy: -21.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3065-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -21.32 2 22 8167 8193 24 66.67% 75.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:10590 to 10614 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' aggucguAGUCACU--AAAACAACu 5' |:| || |||||||| Ref: 5' gtaacttTTATGGACCTTTTGTTGa 3' Energy: -11.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3065-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.00 2 17 10590 10614 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:11051 to 11075 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' aggUCGU-AGUCACUA-AAACAAcu 5' ||:| ||| ||:| |||||| Ref: 5' cagAGTACTCAATGGTCTTTGTTct 3' Energy: -11.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3065-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.75 3 21 11051 11075 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:8594 to 8616 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aggucguagucacuAAAACAACu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' acacttgtgttcctTTTTGTTGc 3' Energy: -11.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3065-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.04 2 10 8594 8616 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:14424 to 14447 Align Len (21) (57.14%) (71.43%) Query: 3' agGUCGUAGUCACUA-AAACAACu 5' :||:: | || ||||||| Ref: 5' acTAGTGAGAAAAATATTTGTTGa 3' Energy: -13.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3065-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.27 2 22 14424 14447 21 57.14% 71.43% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:1257 to 1278 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agGUCGUAGUCACUAAAACAAcu 5' ||| | :| ||||||||| Ref: 5' ggCAG-ACGGGCGATTTTGTTaa 3' Energy: -15.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3065-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.29 3 22 1257 1278 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 15 R:19330 to 19352 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (91.67%) Query: 3' aggucguagUCACUAAAACAAcu 5' |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tttgataaaAGTGCTTTTGTTaa 3' Energy: -9.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3065-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.95 3 15 19330 19352 12 91.67% 91.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:5658 to 5682 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' agGUCGUAGUCACU--AAAACAAcu 5' || || ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' taCAACAGGAGTCACCTTTTGTTat 3' Energy: -9.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3065-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.97 3 22 5658 5682 21 71.43% 71.43% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3065-5p NC_045512.2 1483.00 -133.97 164.00 -21.32 1596 23 29903 20509 23804 8167 10590 11051 8594 14424 1257 19330 5658 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6822-3p MIMAT0027545(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6822-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:15293 to 15316 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (73.33%) Query: 3' acgucccuUUCGGUCAAUCUCGGa 5' || : | ||||||| Ref: 5' attatcctAAATGTGATAGAGCCa 3' Energy: -11.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6822-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.99 2 17 15293 15316 15 66.67% 73.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6822-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.99 144.00 -11.99 1597 24 29903 15293 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8086 MIMAT0031013(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8086 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20363 to 20385 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugGUAUA-GUCAGGUCUGAUCGu 5' ||| | | | :::||||||| Ref: 5' taCATCTACTGATTGGACTAGCt 3' Energy: -14.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8086 NC_045512.2 155.00 -14.18 2 21 20363 20385 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15750 to 15775 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (78.26%) Query: 3' ugGUAUAGU--CAGGU--CUGAUCGu 5' ||| ||| |||:| |:||||| Ref: 5' tgCATCTCAAGGTCTAGTGGCTAGCa 3' Energy: -21.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8086 NC_045512.2 146.00 -21.05 2 21 15750 15775 23 69.57% 78.26% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8086 NC_045512.2 301.00 -35.23 155.00 -21.05 1598 22 29903 20363 15750 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-217-3p MIMAT0037308(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-217-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:29144 to 29165 Align Len (10) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccguuacguaaUCCUUGACUAc 5' |||||||||| Ref: 5' ctaatcagacaAGGAACTGATt 3' Energy: -16.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-217-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -16.45 2 12 29144 29165 10 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6926 to 6946 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ccGUUACGUAAUCCUUGACUAc 5' :||| : || ||||||| Ref: 5' ccTAAT-TTTTCTAAACTGATa 3' Energy: -6.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-217-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -6.34 2 21 6926 6946 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13429 to 13451 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ccGUUACGUAAUC-CUUGACUAc 5' | |||| | || |:||||| Ref: 5' acCCATGCTTCAGTCAGCTGATg 3' Energy: -14.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-217-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.95 2 21 13429 13451 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:5162 to 5183 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccguuacguaauccUUGACUAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gagtactaccacacAACTGATc 3' Energy: -6.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-217-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.04 2 9 5162 5183 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:18930 to 18951 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ccGUUACGUAAUCCUUGACUac 5' :||| :| | ||||||| Ref: 5' taTAATTGGTGATGAACTGAag 3' Energy: -10.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-217-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.59 3 21 18930 18951 18 66.67% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-217-3p NC_045512.2 724.00 -54.37 155.00 -16.45 1599 22 29903 29144 6926 13429 5162 18930 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-125b-2-3p MIMAT0004603(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-125b-2-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22548 to 22570 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' caGGGUUCUCG-GACUGAACACu 5' ||:|| | : | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttCCTAATATTACAAACTTGTGc 3' Energy: -14.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-125b-2-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.35 2 21 22548 22570 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14540 to 14560 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' caGGGUUCUCGGACUGAACACu 5' :::||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtTTTAAG-GAATTACTTGTGt 3' Energy: -19.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-125b-2-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -19.12 2 21 14540 14560 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:399 to 420 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' caGGGUUCUCGGAC-UGAACACu 5' |::|| || : | ||||||| Ref: 5' atCTTAA-AGATGGCACTTGTGg 3' Energy: -17.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-125b-2-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -17.00 2 21 399 420 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8583 to 8603 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cagGGUUCUCGGACUGAACACu 5' ::|| ||:: ||||||| Ref: 5' taaTTAA-AGTTACACTTGTGt 3' Energy: -12.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-125b-2-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -12.35 2 20 8583 8603 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24095 to 24117 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' caggGUUCUC-GGACUGAACACu 5' | |||| ||| |:||||| Ref: 5' gctgCTAGAGACCTCATTTGTGc 3' Energy: -18.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-125b-2-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -18.39 2 19 24095 24117 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:1316 to 1338 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' cagggUUCUCGG-ACUGAACACu 5' |:| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaagaAGGTGCCACTACTTGTGg 3' Energy: -17.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-125b-2-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -17.96 2 18 1316 1338 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:13312 to 13335 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' caggGUUCUCGGA--CUGAACACu 5' ||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtaCAAATACCTACAACTTGTGc 3' Energy: -13.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-125b-2-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.84 2 19 13312 13335 19 68.42% 68.42% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5715 to 5736 Align Len (19) (52.63%) (73.68%) Query: 3' caGGGUUCUCGGACUGAACACu 5' | ::: | :| ||||||| Ref: 5' agCATGGTACATTTACTTGTGc 3' Energy: -10.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-125b-2-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -10.90 2 21 5715 5736 19 52.63% 73.68% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:9212 to 9234 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' caggguUCUCGGAC-UGAACACu 5' ||: | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tactgtAGGCACGGCACTTGTGa 3' Energy: -16.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-125b-2-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.24 2 17 9212 9234 16 68.75% 75.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:10101 to 10122 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' caggguucucggACUGAACACu 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtatggtacaagTAACTTGTGg 3' Energy: -15.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-125b-2-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.12 2 11 10101 10122 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:27418 to 27440 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (72.22%) Query: 3' caggGUUCUCGG-ACUGAACACu 5' :|| | :| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctgaTAACACTCGCTACTTGTGa 3' Energy: -14.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-125b-2-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.98 2 19 27418 27440 18 61.11% 72.22% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:5511 to 5532 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' caggguucucggacUGAACACu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' acgtggtgtgtaaaACTTGTGg 3' Energy: -13.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-125b-2-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.76 2 9 5511 5532 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:15331 to 15352 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' caggguUCUCGGACUGAACAcu 5' | :|||| |||||| Ref: 5' agaattATGGCCTCACTTGTtc 3' Energy: -13.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-125b-2-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.27 3 17 15331 15352 14 78.57% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-125b-2-3p NC_045512.2 1891.00 -197.28 151.00 -19.12 1600 22 29903 22548 14540 399 8583 24095 1316 13312 5715 9212 10101 27418 5511 15331 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548am-5p MIMAT0022740(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548am-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 172.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25795 to 25814 Align Len (19) (89.47%) (89.47%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |||||||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' tcCAAAAACC-C-ATTACTTTa 3' Energy: -16.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548am-5p NC_045512.2 172.00 -16.81 2 21 25795 25814 19 89.47% 89.47% Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1675 to 1696 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (94.44%) Query: 3' ccgUUUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |:|:|:||| ||||:||| Ref: 5' tgaAGAGATCGCCATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -16.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548am-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -16.26 2 20 1675 1696 18 72.22% 94.44% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4012 to 4032 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||:||| | : :||||||| Ref: 5' caCAGAAAAC-TTGTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -11.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548am-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -11.05 2 21 4012 4032 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20180 to 20203 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGG-CGUU-AAUGAAAa 5' ||| ||| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaCAATTACCTGAAACTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -12.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548am-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -12.05 2 21 20180 20203 21 76.19% 76.19% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2719 to 2740 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' || ||| ::||||||| Ref: 5' tgCACCAACAAAGGTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -13.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548am-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -13.42 2 21 2719 2740 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8375 to 8398 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ccgUUUUUGGCGU--UAAUGAAAa 5' ||||::| || |||:|||| Ref: 5' gcaAAAAGTCACAACATTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -12.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548am-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -12.48 2 20 8375 8398 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10947 to 10969 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGG-CGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||| : :| | :||||||| Ref: 5' gaCAATGCTCAGGTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -8.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548am-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -8.73 2 21 10947 10969 20 60.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23009 to 23033 Align Len (22) (50.00%) (81.82%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGCGUU---AAUGAAAa 5' ::||:::: :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtTGAAGGTTTTAATTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -10.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548am-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.13 2 21 23009 23033 22 50.00% 81.82% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:5891 to 5911 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAaa 5' || ||| | ||:|||||| Ref: 5' acCATAAAAC-CAGTTACTTat 3' Energy: -11.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548am-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.38 3 21 5891 5911 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22273 to 22294 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ccguuUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||||: :| ||:|||| Ref: 5' gtttcAAACTTTACTTGCTTTa 3' Energy: -7.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548am-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -7.33 2 18 22273 22294 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7760 to 7781 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (73.33%) Query: 3' ccguuuUUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' | || : ||||||| Ref: 5' ggttccATCCATCTTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -8.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548am-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -8.42 2 17 7760 7781 15 66.67% 73.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14686 to 14707 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||||:||: | || ||||| Ref: 5' aaCAAAGACTTCTATGACTTTg 3' Energy: -11.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548am-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.81 2 21 14686 14707 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:13629 to 13651 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ccguuuUUGGC-GUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||::| : ||||||| Ref: 5' caatttAATTGATTCTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -8.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548am-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -8.30 2 17 13629 13651 16 62.50% 81.25% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16890 to 16912 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGG-CGUUAAUGAAAa 5' :||| ::: |::||||:||| Ref: 5' atTAAATGTTGGTGATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -6.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548am-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -6.27 2 21 16890 16912 20 55.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:2917 to 2937 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAaa 5' ||: | |:| |||||||| Ref: 5' acCAGTATCTG-AATTACTTac 3' Energy: -11.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548am-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.68 3 21 2917 2937 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:11627 to 11648 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccguuuuuggcguUAAUGAAAa 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' tatttttgtacttGTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -6.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548am-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -6.83 2 10 11627 11648 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4517 to 4538 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccguuuuuggcguuAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tatggtgctagattTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -7.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548am-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.58 2 9 4517 4538 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6769 to 6790 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccguuuuuggcguuAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tatgccttatttctTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -5.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548am-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.46 2 9 6769 6790 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21818 to 21839 Align Len (19) (52.63%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' :|| :|: |:: |||:||| Ref: 5' ttTAATGATGGTGTTTATTTTg 3' Energy: -5.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548am-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.17 2 21 21818 21839 19 52.63% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:25884 to 25905 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' ccguuuUUGGCGUUAAUGAAaa 5' ||::|: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttcttcAATTGTCATTACTTca 3' Energy: -9.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548am-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.55 3 17 25884 25905 14 71.43% 92.86% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548am-5p NC_045512.2 2951.00 -200.71 172.00 -16.81 1601 22 29903 25795 1675 4012 20180 2719 8375 10947 23009 5891 22273 7760 14686 13629 16890 2917 11627 4517 6769 21818 25884 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-323b-3p MIMAT0015050(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-323b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24272 to 24292 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uucUCCAGCUGGCACAUAACCc 5' ||||: | :| ||||||| Ref: 5' tatAGGTTTAATG-GTATTGGa 3' Energy: -16.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-323b-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -16.54 2 20 24272 24292 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:16168 to 16189 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uucuccagcuggcaCAUAACCc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gataacacttcaagGTATTGGg 3' Energy: -14.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-323b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.07 2 9 16168 16189 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-323b-3p NC_045512.2 297.00 -30.61 157.00 -16.54 1602 22 29903 24272 16168 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4489 MIMAT0019023(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4489 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7373 to 7393 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gcAGGACGUAGUGAUCGGGGu 5' ||:||:| | |:||||| Ref: 5' aaTCTTGTACAAATGGCCCCg 3' Energy: -23.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4489 NC_045512.2 147.00 -23.42 2 20 7373 7393 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4489 NC_045512.2 147.00 -23.42 147.00 -23.42 1603 21 29903 7373 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6862-3p MIMAT0027626(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6862-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:11225 to 11248 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ucuccCGGUCUCUCGACCCACUcc 5' ||| | ||:||||||| Ref: 5' tatatGCCTGCTAGTTGGGTGAtg 3' Energy: -24.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6862-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -24.59 3 20 11225 11248 17 76.47% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6862-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -24.59 147.00 -24.59 1604 24 29903 11225 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-194-3p MIMAT0004671(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-194-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6772-5p MIMAT0027444(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6772-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:13484 to 13504 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ggaGUCGAGGUCGGAUGUGGgu 5' |||| ||: |:|||||| Ref: 5' gtgCAGC-CCGTCTTACACCgt 3' Energy: -24.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6772-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -24.67 3 20 13484 13504 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:16977 to 16998 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggagucgaGGUCGGAUGUGGGu 5' |::||:||:|||| Ref: 5' tagaattaCTGGCTTATACCCa 3' Energy: -23.379999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6772-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -23.38 2 15 16977 16998 13 69.23% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18078 to 18099 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ggAGUCGAGGUCGGAUGUGGGu 5' | | | |::| :||||:|| Ref: 5' ggTAATCACTGGGTTACATCCt 3' Energy: -17.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6772-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.58 2 21 18078 18099 19 57.89% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6772-5p NC_045512.2 427.00 -65.63 145.00 -24.67 1606 22 29903 13484 16977 18078 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-223-5p MIMAT0004570(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-223-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:13788 to 13809 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uugaGUCGAACAGUUUAUGUGc 5' |: ||| :|||||||| Ref: 5' tcaaCGTCTTACTAAATACACa 3' Energy: -13.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-223-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -13.79 2 19 13788 13809 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:24163 to 24184 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uugaguCGAACAGUUUAUGUGc 5' | ||| : ||||||| Ref: 5' tgaaatGATTGCTCAATACACt 3' Energy: -8.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-223-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -8.68 2 17 24163 24184 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11573 to 11592 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' uuGAGUCGAACAGUUUAUGUGc 5' | :| || || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttCATAACTGGT--AATACACt 3' Energy: -8.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-223-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -8.57 2 21 11573 11592 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:28677 to 28698 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uugagucgaacAGUUUAUGUGc 5' |::||||||| Ref: 5' ctgagggagccTTGAATACACc 3' Energy: -9.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-223-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -9.73 2 12 28677 28698 10 80.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5728 to 5749 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' uuGAGU-CGAACAGUUUAUGUGc 5' ||:: ||| || :|:||||| Ref: 5' taCTTGTGCTAGT-GAGTACACt 3' Energy: -13.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-223-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.44 2 21 5728 5749 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8962 to 8983 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uugagUCGAACAGUUUAUGUGc 5' | ||| | :|:||||| Ref: 5' atcaaAACTTATAGAGTACACt 3' Energy: -9.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-223-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.86 2 18 8962 8983 16 68.75% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-223-5p NC_045512.2 888.00 -64.07 158.00 -13.79 1607 22 29903 13788 24163 11573 28677 5728 8962 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-520b-3p MIMAT0002843(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-520b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:8526 to 8546 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' gggagauUUUCCUUCGUGAAa 5' |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' taacaacAAAGATAGCACTTa 3' Energy: -11.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520b-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -11.96 2 15 8526 8546 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:397 to 417 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gggAGAUUUUCCUUCGUGAAa 5' ||| |||| :|||||| Ref: 5' acaTCTTAAAGATGGCACTTg 3' Energy: -15.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520b-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.60 2 19 397 417 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:12929 to 12949 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (93.75%) Query: 3' gggaGAUUUUCCUUCGUGAAa 5' |||||: ||||:|:|| Ref: 5' ggtcCTAAAGTGAAGTATTTa 3' Energy: -16.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520b-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.68 2 18 12929 12949 16 75.00% 93.75% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:15729 to 15749 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gggagauuuuccuUCGUGAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtgtgtttcaatAGCACTTa 3' Energy: -10.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.36 2 9 15729 15749 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-520b-3p NC_045512.2 585.00 -54.60 154.00 -16.68 1608 21 29903 8526 397 12929 15729 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-569 MIMAT0003234(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-569 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:16260 to 16281 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ugaAAG-GUCCUAAGUAAUUga 5' ||| ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' caaTTCACAGACTTCATTAAga 3' Energy: -12.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-569 NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.22 3 19 16260 16281 17 82.35% 82.35% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20813 to 20832 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (72.22%) Query: 3' ugAAAGGUCCUAAGUAAUUGa 5' | |::| | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaTATTTA-AACACATTAACa 3' Energy: -6.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-569 NC_045512.2 141.00 -6.49 2 20 20813 20832 18 61.11% 72.22% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:2604 to 2624 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugaaaGGUCCUAAGUAAUUGa 5' |||| | :|||||| Ref: 5' gtacaCCAGTTTGTATTAACg 3' Energy: -12.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-569 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.83 2 17 2604 2624 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4980 to 5000 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugaaagguccuaaGUAAUUGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' caacagtagacaaCATTAACc 3' Energy: -8.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-569 NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.86 2 9 4980 5000 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-569 NC_045512.2 566.00 -40.40 145.00 -12.83 1609 21 29903 16260 20813 2604 4980 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4680-5p MIMAT0019764(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4680-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:26433 to 26456 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ugUAGA-UUCUGACGUUCUCAAGa 5' |||| || || | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaATCTGAATTCTTCTAGAGTTCc 3' Energy: -16.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4680-5p NC_045512.2 164.00 -16.30 2 22 26433 26456 21 76.19% 76.19% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:19605 to 19626 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uguagaUUCUGACGUUCUCAAGa 5' |||||| | ||||||: Ref: 5' ttttacAAGACTTC-AGAGTTTa 3' Energy: -14.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4680-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.37 2 18 19605 19626 16 81.25% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4680-5p NC_045512.2 311.00 -30.67 164.00 -16.30 1610 23 29903 26433 19605 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1914-3p MIMAT0007890(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1914-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4740-3p MIMAT0019870(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4740-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-518b MIMAT0002844(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-518b vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:10891 to 10912 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uggagAUUUCCCCUCGCGAAAc 5' || ||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' taccaTATTGGGTAGTGCTTTa 3' Energy: -19.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-518b NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.02 2 18 10891 10912 16 75.00% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-518b NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.02 145.00 -19.02 1613 22 29903 10891 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-504-3p MIMAT0026612(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-504-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1901 to 1921 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cuUUGGGACGGGACGUGAGGg 5' ||:::| :|| ||||||: Ref: 5' tcAATTTTCTCCCGCACTCTt 3' Energy: -20.379999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-504-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -20.38 2 20 1901 1921 18 61.11% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-504-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -20.38 147.00 -20.38 1614 21 29903 1901 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-149-3p MIMAT0004609(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-149-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24701 to 24721 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cguGUCGGGGGCAGGGAGGGa 5' || |:: :||||:|||| Ref: 5' tatCATCTTATGTCCTTCCCt 3' Energy: -23.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-149-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -23.98 2 19 24701 24721 17 64.71% 88.24% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:22431 to 22451 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' cguguCGGGGGCAGGGAGGGa 5' || |::| |||||:| Ref: 5' actgtGCACTTGACCCTCTCt 3' Energy: -21.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-149-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -21.20 2 17 22431 22451 15 66.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-149-3p NC_045512.2 286.00 -45.18 146.00 -23.98 1615 21 29903 24701 22431 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-26b-5p MIMAT0000083(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-26b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20496 to 20520 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (81.82%) Query: 3' ugGAUAG-GACU---UAAUGAACUu 5' ||:|: :||| ||||||||| Ref: 5' ttCTGTTATTGATTTATTACTTGAt 3' Energy: -16.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-26b-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -16.21 2 20 20496 20520 22 68.18% 81.82% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:9575 to 9597 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ugGAUAGGAC--UUAAUGAACuu 5' :|||:||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtTTATTCTGTTATTTACTTGta 3' Energy: -17.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-26b-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.83 3 20 9575 9597 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:6901 to 6921 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ugGAUAG-GACUUAAUGAACUu 5' || || :| |||||:|||| Ref: 5' ggCT-TCATTTAATTATTTGAa 3' Energy: -12.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-26b-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.50 2 20 6901 6921 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21379 to 21396 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ugGAUAGGACUUAAUGAACUu 5' ||||:|| |||:|||| Ref: 5' tcCTATTCT---TTATTTGAc 3' Energy: -16.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-26b-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.24 2 20 21379 21396 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 14 R:5452 to 5472 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uggauaggACUUAAUGAACuu 5' |||:||||||| Ref: 5' agaaacaaTGAGTTACTTGtt 3' Energy: -14.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-26b-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.37 3 14 5452 5472 11 90.91% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 13 R:14539 to 14559 Align Len (10) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uggauaggaCUUAAUGAACuu 5' |||||||||| Ref: 5' agttttaagGAATTACTTGtg 3' Energy: -13.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-26b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.03 3 13 14539 14559 10 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-26b-5p NC_045512.2 871.00 -90.18 157.00 -17.83 1616 21 29903 20496 9575 6901 21379 5452 14539 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4758-5p MIMAT0019903(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4758-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:28426 to 28447 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' guCGGGGUGGCCGAGGGUGAGUg 5' | ::|||| ||||:|||||| Ref: 5' ttGGTTCACC-GCTCTCACTCAa 3' Energy: -31.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4758-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -31.63 2 22 28426 28447 20 75.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19956 to 19979 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gucggGGUGGCCGAG-GGUGAGUg 5' | |:: |: | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgaaaCGATTTGTGCACCACTCAc 3' Energy: -21.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4758-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -21.04 2 19 19956 19979 18 61.11% 77.78% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11000 to 11022 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (89.47%) Query: 3' gucGGGGUGGCCGAGGGUGAGUg 5' | ||||:||:| ::||||| Ref: 5' acaCACCACTGGTTGTTACTCAc 3' Energy: -32.240002 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4758-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -32.24 2 21 11000 11022 19 68.42% 89.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4758-5p NC_045512.2 448.00 -84.91 159.00 -32.24 1617 23 29903 28426 19956 11000 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5708 MIMAT0022502(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5708 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:22780 to 22798 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ccAGUCCGUGUCAGCGAGua 5' |||| || | |||||| Ref: 5' agTCAGACA-AATCGCTCca 3' Energy: -18.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5708 NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.79 3 19 22780 22798 16 81.25% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5708 NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.79 140.00 -18.79 1618 20 29903 22780 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-573 MIMAT0003238(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-573 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25999 to 26020 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gacuaGUCAAUGUGUAGUGAAGUc 5' ||||| || |||||||| Ref: 5' ttacaCAGTT--ACTTCACTTCAg 3' Energy: -26.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-573 NC_045512.2 164.00 -26.12 2 20 25999 26020 18 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14463 to 14486 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gacuAGUCAAUGUGUAGUGAAGUc 5' ||| |: |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' agttTCAACTGGATACCACTTCAg 3' Energy: -18.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-573 NC_045512.2 160.00 -18.29 2 21 14463 14486 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:16156 to 16180 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (77.27%) Query: 3' gaCUAGUCAAUG-UGUAGUGAAGUc 5' | |:| | |: |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' atGCTTACTAATGATAACACTTCAa 3' Energy: -9.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-573 NC_045512.2 157.00 -9.80 2 23 16156 16180 22 63.64% 77.27% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25884 to 25906 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' gacuAGUCAAUGUGUAGUGAAGUc 5' ||| ||:: |||:|||||| Ref: 5' ttctTCAATTGT-CATTACTTCAg 3' Energy: -19.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-573 NC_045512.2 154.00 -19.66 2 21 25884 25906 19 73.68% 89.47% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:24193 to 24215 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gacUAGUCAAUGUGUAGUGAAGuc 5' | |:| |||| |||||||| Ref: 5' gttAGCGGGTACA-ATCACTTCtg 3' Energy: -19.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-573 NC_045512.2 151.00 -19.68 3 22 24193 24215 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:11573 to 11596 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' gacUAGUCAAUGUGUA-GUGAAGUc 5' || | | ::| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttcATAACTGGTA-ATACACTTCAg 3' Energy: -19.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-573 NC_045512.2 150.00 -19.09 2 22 11573 11596 21 66.67% 76.19% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:14243 to 14267 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (81.82%) Query: 3' gaCUAGUCAA-UGUGUAGUGAAGUc 5' |||: ||| | |:|| |||||| Ref: 5' ggGATTTGTTAAAATATGACTTCAc 3' Energy: -16.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-573 NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.03 2 23 14243 14267 22 72.73% 81.82% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:19597 to 19620 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' gaCUAGUCAAUGUGUAGUGAAGUc 5' || || || :||| |||||| Ref: 5' tgGAACACTTTTACAAGACTTCAg 3' Energy: -16.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-573 NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.95 2 23 19597 19620 21 71.43% 76.19% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-573 NC_045512.2 1223.00 -145.62 164.00 -26.12 1619 24 29903 25999 14463 16156 25884 24193 11573 14243 19597 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-670-3p MIMAT0026640(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-670-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:14989 to 15010 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' agGACUUACUU-AUACUCCUuu 5' :| |||||: |||||||| Ref: 5' gaTTCAATGAGTTATGAGGAtc 3' Energy: -16.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-670-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.91 3 20 14989 15010 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:27245 to 27264 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' agGACUUACUUAUACUCCUuu 5' || ||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' taCT-AATTATTATGAGGAct 3' Energy: -11.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-670-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.56 3 20 27245 27264 17 82.35% 82.35% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:4947 to 4966 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' agGACUUACUUAUACUCCUuu 5' :|||: ||| :|||||| Ref: 5' ctTTGAGAGAA-GTGAGGAct 3' Energy: -16.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-670-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.45 3 20 4947 4966 17 70.59% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-670-3p NC_045512.2 436.00 -44.92 150.00 -16.91 1620 21 29903 14989 27245 4947 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1236-3p MIMAT0005591(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1236-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29776 to 29801 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (69.57%) Query: 3' gaCCUCUC--UG--UUCCCCUUCUCc 5' |||||| :| | ||||||| Ref: 5' agGGAGAGCTGCCTATATGGAAGAGc 3' Energy: -19.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1236-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -19.82 2 21 29776 29801 23 65.22% 69.57% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:22612 to 22633 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' gaccucucugUUCCCCUUCUCc 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttatgcttggAACAGGAAGAGa 3' Energy: -15.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1236-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.53 2 13 22612 22633 11 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:14254 to 14275 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaccucucuguuccCCUUCUCc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aaatatgacttcacGGAAGAGa 3' Energy: -12.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1236-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.58 2 9 14254 14275 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:26248 to 26269 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaccucucuguuccCCUUCUCc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tactcattcgtttcGGAAGAGa 3' Energy: -10.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1236-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.76 2 9 26248 26269 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1236-3p NC_045512.2 570.00 -58.69 146.00 -19.82 1621 22 29903 29776 22612 14254 26248 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3912-5p MIMAT0027036(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3912-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:12598 to 12618 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugauuggguAUUAUACCUGUa 5' ||:|||||||| Ref: 5' tagtgaaatTAGTATGGACAa 3' Energy: -14.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3912-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -14.64 2 13 12598 12618 11 90.91% 100.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:5019 to 5041 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ugauUGGGUAU--UAUACCUGUa 5' ::| ||: ||||||||| Ref: 5' acatGTCAATGACATATGGACAa 3' Energy: -13.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3912-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -13.13 2 18 5019 5041 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5254 to 5276 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugAUUG--GGUAUUAUACCUGUa 5' |||| |:|| | ||||:|| Ref: 5' ttTAACTTCTATTAAATGGGCAg 3' Energy: -14.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3912-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.17 2 20 5254 5276 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:20418 to 20438 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugauuggguauuAUACCUGUa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' agattttattccTATGGACAg 3' Energy: -12.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3912-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.95 2 10 20418 20438 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19655 to 19674 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ugaUUGGGUAUUAUACCUGUa 5' :|| | | : ||||||| Ref: 5' aggGACACTTTG-ATGGACAa 3' Energy: -11.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3912-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.08 2 19 19655 19674 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:5002 to 5022 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ugauUGGGUAUUAUACCUGUa 5' || || : |:|||||| Ref: 5' ccacACGCAAGTTGTGGACAt 3' Energy: -15.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3912-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.63 2 18 5002 5022 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:16479 to 16500 Align Len (14) (64.29%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ugauuggGUAUUA-UACCUGUa 5' ::|: | ||||||| Ref: 5' tccattgTGTGCTAATGGACAa 3' Energy: -12.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3912-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.23 2 15 16479 16500 14 64.29% 85.71% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19837 to 19856 Align Len (18) (55.56%) (94.44%) Query: 3' ugAUUGGGUAUUAUACCUGUa 5' |||:::: ::|:|||||| Ref: 5' aaTAATTTG-GGTGTGGACAt 3' Energy: -16.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3912-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.14 2 20 19837 19856 18 55.56% 94.44% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3912-5p NC_045512.2 1166.00 -109.97 156.00 -16.14 1622 21 29903 12598 5019 5254 20418 19655 5002 16479 19837 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-12130 MIMAT0049024(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-12130 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:5532 to 5550 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (73.33%) Query: 3' cguUUUUUCCAUGUUGGGc 5' || |: ||||||| Ref: 5' gacAACAGCAGACAACCCt 3' Energy: -12.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12130 NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.05 2 17 5532 5550 15 66.67% 73.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-12130 NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.05 144.00 -12.05 1623 19 29903 5532 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3686 MIMAT0018114(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3686 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7044 to 7067 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' aguaAAUGA-AAGA-GAAUGUCUa 5' ||||| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' cttcTTACTGTACTGGTTACAGAg 3' Energy: -11.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3686 NC_045512.2 156.00 -11.37 2 19 7044 7067 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20033 to 20055 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agUAAAUGAAAGAG-AAUGUCUa 5' | | :: ||||: ||||||| Ref: 5' gtAATGGTGTTCTTATTACAGAa 3' Energy: -11.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3686 NC_045512.2 155.00 -11.19 2 21 20033 20055 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12664 to 12687 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' agUAA-AUGAAAG-AGAAUGUCUa 5' ||| |:|| || ||||||| Ref: 5' caATTCTGCTGTCAAATTACAGAa 3' Energy: -11.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3686 NC_045512.2 154.00 -11.35 2 21 12664 12687 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:26718 to 26739 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' aguaAAUGAAAGAGAAUGUCUa 5' ||:|| : :||||||| Ref: 5' gtgcTTGCTGCTGTTTACAGAa 3' Energy: -14.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3686 NC_045512.2 154.00 -14.12 2 19 26718 26739 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1936 to 1956 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' aguAAAUGAAAGAGAAUGUCUa 5' | |:| | |:||||||| Ref: 5' ttcTGTGC-GTGTTTTACAGAa 3' Energy: -10.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3686 NC_045512.2 149.00 -10.59 2 20 1936 1956 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12899 to 12919 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' aguAAAUGAAAGAGAAUGUCUa 5' | || || | ||||||| Ref: 5' cctTGTAGGTT-TGTTACAGAc 3' Energy: -9.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3686 NC_045512.2 149.00 -9.22 2 20 12899 12919 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9279 to 9302 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' aguAAAUG--AAAGAGAAUGUCUa 5' || || | :| ||||||| Ref: 5' tacTTAACAATGATTATTACAGAt 3' Energy: -9.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3686 NC_045512.2 146.00 -9.15 2 20 9279 9302 20 65.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25719 to 25742 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' aguAAAU--GAAAGAGAAUGUCUa 5' |||| || :||||:|||| Ref: 5' tgcTTTAGTCTACTTCTTGCAGAg 3' Energy: -14.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3686 NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.36 2 20 25719 25742 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:5347 to 5369 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (84.62%) Query: 3' aguaaaugaAAGAG-AAUGUCUa 5' | ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' tctacaagaTGCTTATTACAGAg 3' Energy: -11.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3686 NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.02 2 14 5347 5369 13 76.92% 84.62% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:313 to 333 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agUAAAUGAAAGAGAAUGUCUa 5' :|||:| | |:||||||: Ref: 5' caGTTTGC-CTGTTTTACAGGt 3' Energy: -14.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3686 NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.33 2 21 313 333 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22279 to 22299 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' aguAAAUGAAAGAGAAUGUCUa 5' ||||||| || ||||| | Ref: 5' aacTTTACTTGCT-TTACATAg 3' Energy: -11.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3686 NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.66 2 20 22279 22299 18 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6508 to 6529 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aguaaaugaaagagAAUGUCUa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' taatagtttaaaaaTTACAGAa 3' Energy: -8.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3686 NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.35 2 9 6508 6529 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:22402 to 22423 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aguaaaugaaagagAAUGUCUa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgaaaatggaaccaTTACAGAt 3' Energy: -9.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3686 NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.63 2 9 22402 22423 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3686 NC_045512.2 1916.00 -146.34 156.00 -14.36 1624 22 29903 7044 20033 12664 26718 1936 12899 9279 25719 5347 313 22279 6508 22402 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4783-5p MIMAT0019946(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4783-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-660-3p MIMAT0022711(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-660-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:5650 to 5670 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' auUAGGUACGUG-UGUCCUCca 5' |||:| |:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' atATCTA-GTACAACAGGAGtc 3' Energy: -20.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-660-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -20.39 3 20 5650 5670 18 77.78% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-660-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -20.39 144.00 -20.39 1626 21 29903 5650 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3655 MIMAT0018075(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3655 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15577 to 15595 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucGUUGUGGCGUCGCUGUUCg 5' ||| |::|| |||:||| Ref: 5' aaCAAAATTGC--CGATAAGt 3' Energy: -16.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3655 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.83 2 20 15577 15595 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3655 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.83 140.00 -16.83 1627 21 29903 15577 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4720-3p MIMAT0019834(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4720-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5697 to 5718 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uaUGAACCAUG-UUGAAUUCGu 5' :|| |||: ||||||||| Ref: 5' ctGCTCAGTATGAACTTAAGCa 3' Energy: -18.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4720-3p NC_045512.2 162.00 -18.61 2 20 5697 5718 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10302 to 10320 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uaUGAACCAUGUUGAAUUCGu 5' | || ||:: |||||||| Ref: 5' aaAATT-GTGT-ACTTAAGCt 3' Energy: -11.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4720-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -11.26 2 20 10302 10320 18 72.22% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4720-3p NC_045512.2 313.00 -29.87 162.00 -18.61 1628 21 29903 5697 10302 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1202 MIMAT0005865(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1202 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28888 to 28911 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gaGGGGGUGA-C--GUCGACCGUg 5' |:||::|| | ::||||||| Ref: 5' ttCTCCTGCTAGAATGGCTGGCAa 3' Energy: -26.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1202 NC_045512.2 153.00 -26.18 2 20 28888 28911 21 61.90% 85.71% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:10557 to 10578 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' gagggggUGACGU-CGACCGUg 5' | | || ||||||| Ref: 5' caactggAGTTCATGCTGGCAc 3' Energy: -19.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1202 NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.42 2 15 10557 10578 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:25674 to 25694 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' gaggGGGUGACGUCGACCGug 5' |:|::||| |||||| Ref: 5' tttgCTCGTTGCTGCTGGCct 3' Energy: -25.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1202 NC_045512.2 145.00 -25.86 3 18 25674 25694 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3702 to 3723 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gaGGGGGUGA-CGUCGACCGUg 5' || ::|:| |||||||:| Ref: 5' caCCATTATTATCAGCTGGTAt 3' Energy: -23.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1202 NC_045512.2 142.00 -23.01 2 20 3702 3723 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:10620 to 10641 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' gaggggGUG-ACGUCGACCGUg 5' ||| ||||||||:| Ref: 5' aaacagCACAAGCAGCTGGTAc 3' Energy: -25.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1202 NC_045512.2 142.00 -25.57 2 16 10620 10641 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:15217 to 15237 Align Len (17) (52.94%) (94.12%) Query: 3' gagGGGGUGACGUCGACCGUg 5' ::|:|: |::|:||||| Ref: 5' aaaTTCTATGGTGGTTGGCAc 3' Energy: -22.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1202 NC_045512.2 142.00 -22.10 2 19 15217 15237 17 52.94% 94.12% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:25822 to 25842 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gagggggugacguCGACCGUg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aactattttctttGCTGGCAt 3' Energy: -16.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1202 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.87 2 9 25822 25842 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1202 NC_045512.2 1009.00 -159.01 153.00 -26.18 1629 21 29903 28888 10557 25674 3702 10620 15217 25822 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3160-5p MIMAT0019212(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3160-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:16091 to 16112 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccucucgacUCUGAUCUUUCGg 5' | |: ||||||| Ref: 5' acttacaatACATAAGAAAGCt 3' Energy: -9.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3160-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.18 2 14 16091 16112 12 75.00% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12312 to 12334 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ccUCUCGACU-CUGAUCUUUCGg 5' ||| |||| ||| |||::|| Ref: 5' ctAGATCTGAGGACAAGAGGGCa 3' Energy: -21.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3160-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -21.64 2 21 12312 12334 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20287 to 20308 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccUCUCGACUCUGAUCUUUCGg 5' | :|: | |:|||||:|| Ref: 5' gaACGGTATAAATTAGAAGGCt 3' Energy: -12.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3160-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.39 2 21 20287 20308 19 57.89% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3160-5p NC_045512.2 428.00 -43.21 145.00 -21.64 1630 22 29903 16091 12312 20287 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-765 MIMAT0003945(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-765 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4727 to 4747 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (94.44%) Query: 3' guAGUGGAAGGAAGAGGAGGu 5' |:|:||| |||||:||:| Ref: 5' ggTTATCTTACTTCTTCTTCt 3' Energy: -22.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-765 NC_045512.2 147.00 -22.41 2 20 4727 4747 18 72.22% 94.44% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-765 NC_045512.2 147.00 -22.41 147.00 -22.41 1631 21 29903 4727 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-12135 MIMAT0049031(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-12135 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:3126 to 3145 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' aaAUG--UUUGUUUGGAAAu 5' ||| |:::|||||||| Ref: 5' atTACCAAGGTAAACCTTTg 3' Energy: -14.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12135 NC_045512.2 155.00 -14.95 2 17 3126 3145 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:22937 to 22954 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aaauguuuGUUUGGAAAu 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' tctaatctCAAACCTTTt 3' Energy: -11.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12135 NC_045512.2 150.00 -11.17 2 11 22937 22954 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:3911 to 3928 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' aaAUGUUUGUUUGGAAau 5' |: ||::||||||| Ref: 5' acTGAAAGTAAACCTTca 3' Energy: -10.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12135 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.33 3 17 3911 3928 14 71.43% 92.86% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-12135 NC_045512.2 445.00 -36.45 155.00 -14.95 1632 18 29903 3126 22937 3911 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-628-3p MIMAT0003297(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-628-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 165.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:6796 to 6817 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (94.44%) Query: 3' agcUGACG-GUGAGAAUGAUCu 5' |:||: :|||:||||||| Ref: 5' acaATTGTGTACTTTTACTAGa 3' Energy: -21.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-628-3p NC_045512.2 165.00 -21.84 2 19 6796 6817 18 72.22% 94.44% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7963 to 7983 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' agcUGACGGUGAGAAUGAUCu 5' || :||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tcaACCTATACTGTTACTAGa 3' Energy: -17.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-628-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -17.19 2 19 7963 7983 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:4061 to 4081 Align Len (16) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agcuGACGGUGAGAAUGAUCu 5' |||||||||||::||| Ref: 5' gattCTGCCACTCTTGTTAGt 3' Energy: -28.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-628-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -28.51 2 18 4061 4081 16 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:14587 to 14609 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' agcuGACGGU--GAGAAUGAUCu 5' ||| :| || ||||||| Ref: 5' gcttCTGGTAATCTATTACTAGa 3' Energy: -16.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-628-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -16.61 2 18 14587 14609 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:26310 to 26330 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' agcugACGGUGAGAAUGAUCu 5' || :|:||||:|||| Ref: 5' tttcgTGGTATTCTTGCTAGt 3' Energy: -21.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-628-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -21.34 2 17 26310 26330 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12326 to 12346 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' agCUGACGGUGAGAAUGAUCu 5' || || | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaGAGGGCAAAAGTTACTAGt 3' Energy: -12.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-628-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.42 2 20 12326 12346 18 66.67% 66.67% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:21226 to 21246 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' agCUGACGGUGAGAAUGAUcu 5' ||| ||| :| |||||| Ref: 5' tgGACAGCCTTTGTTACTAat 3' Energy: -14.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-628-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.66 3 20 21226 21246 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:16147 to 16167 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' agcuGACGGUGAGAAUGAUcu 5' |||::|: ||||||| Ref: 5' tattCTGTTATGCTTACTAat 3' Energy: -15.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-628-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.21 3 18 16147 16167 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:6566 to 6586 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' agcUGACGGUGAGAAUGAUcu 5' | | |:| |||||||| Ref: 5' gacAATTCTAGTCTTACTAtt 3' Energy: -12.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-628-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.85 3 19 6566 6586 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:15838 to 15861 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' agCUGACGGUGA---GAAUGAUcu 5' ||||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgGACTGAGACTGACCTTACTAaa 3' Energy: -17.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-628-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.46 3 20 15838 15861 20 75.00% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-628-3p NC_045512.2 1495.00 -178.09 165.00 -28.51 1633 21 29903 6796 7963 4061 14587 26310 12326 21226 16147 6566 15838 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-532-5p MIMAT0002888(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-532-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:13818 to 13840 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (94.12%) Query: 3' ugccaGGAUGUG-AGUUCCGUAc 5' :|||::| |:||||||| Ref: 5' cctcgTCTATGCTTTAAGGCATt 3' Energy: -18.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-532-5p NC_045512.2 160.00 -18.36 2 18 13818 13840 17 70.59% 94.12% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:527 to 550 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ugCCA-GGAUGUGAG-UUCCGUAc 5' ||| | : |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctGGTAGCAGAACTCGAAGGCATt 3' Energy: -19.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-532-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -19.70 2 21 527 550 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:20758 to 20778 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ugccagGAUGUGAGUUCCGUAc 5' :||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' gcaacaTTAC-CTAAAGGCATa 3' Energy: -14.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-532-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -14.09 2 17 20758 20778 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:16164 to 16186 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (92.86%) Query: 3' ugccaggaUGUG-AGUUCCGUAc 5' |||| ||||||:|| Ref: 5' taatgataACACTTCAAGGTATt 3' Energy: -16.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-532-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.89 2 15 16164 16186 14 85.71% 92.86% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:17179 to 17201 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ugccagGAUGUG-AGUUCCGUAc 5' |||::: ||||||| Ref: 5' gatgcaCTATGTGAGAAGGCATt 3' Energy: -13.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-532-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.43 2 17 17179 17201 16 62.50% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-532-5p NC_045512.2 756.00 -82.47 160.00 -19.70 1634 22 29903 13818 527 20758 16164 17179 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3131 MIMAT0014996(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3131 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-296-5p MIMAT0000690(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-296-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-378a-5p MIMAT0000731(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-378a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6769a-3p MIMAT0027439(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6769a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:23502 to 23522 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gaccucucgucUCUCCCCGAg 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' caggctgtttaATAGGGGCTg 3' Energy: -14.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6769a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.66 2 11 23502 23522 9 88.89% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6769a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.66 142.00 -14.66 1638 21 29903 23502 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6802-5p MIMAT0027504(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6802-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14392 to 14411 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cgAAGUUCGGGGGGUGGAUc 5' | ||: ::|||||||| Ref: 5' tcTACAGTGTTCCCACCTAc 3' Energy: -21.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6802-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -21.29 2 19 14392 14411 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:4885 to 4904 Align Len (11) (72.73%) (90.91%) Query: 3' cgaaguucGGGGGGUGGAUc 5' | ::||||||| Ref: 5' tcctaccaCATTCCACCTAg 3' Energy: -19.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6802-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -19.86 2 13 4885 4904 11 72.73% 90.91% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:16747 to 16766 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cgaaGUUCGGGGGGUGGAUc 5' | || || ||||:|| Ref: 5' aaacCTAGACCACCACTTAa 3' Energy: -13.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6802-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.05 2 17 16747 16766 15 73.33% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6802-5p NC_045512.2 438.00 -54.20 154.00 -21.29 1639 20 29903 14392 4885 16747 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1911-5p MIMAT0007885(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1911-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12974 to 12995 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gggUUGUCUGUACCGCCAUGAGu 5' ||:||| :| :||||||: Ref: 5' ctaAATAGAGGT-ATGGTACTTg 3' Energy: -17.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1911-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.40 2 21 12974 12995 19 63.16% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1911-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.40 142.00 -17.40 1640 23 29903 12974 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6128 MIMAT0024611(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6128 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7383 to 7401 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' aaaACUGAGGUUAAGGUCa 5' ||:| ||:|||:||| Ref: 5' aaaTGGCCCCGATTTCAGc 3' Energy: -19.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6128 NC_045512.2 148.00 -19.26 2 17 7383 7401 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:27140 to 27158 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' aaaacugagGUUAAGGUCa 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaacacagaCCATTCCAGt 3' Energy: -14.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6128 NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.46 2 11 27140 27158 9 88.89% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6128 NC_045512.2 290.00 -33.72 148.00 -19.26 1641 19 29903 7383 27140 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-20a-5p MIMAT0000075(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-20a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:15542 to 15563 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gaUGGACGUGAUAUUCGUGAAAu 5' :|| :::|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' cgGCCAATGTTA-ATGCACTTTt 3' Energy: -12.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-20a-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -12.66 2 22 15542 15563 20 60.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:22043 to 22066 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gauggACGUGAUAUU--CGUGAAAu 5' |||: |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tctagTGCG-AATAATTGCACTTTt 3' Energy: -15.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-20a-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -15.10 2 19 22043 22066 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:13820 to 13843 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gaUGGACGUGAUAUU-CGUGAAAu 5' ::|| ::|| ||| |||:||| Ref: 5' tcGTCTATGCTTTAAGGCATTTTg 3' Energy: -16.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-20a-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.02 2 22 13820 13843 21 61.90% 85.71% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:888 to 910 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' gauggacgUGAUAUUCGUGAAAu 5' :|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctggtaaaGCTTCATGCACTTTg 3' Energy: -13.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-20a-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.55 2 16 888 910 14 71.43% 78.57% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:14860 to 14881 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' gaUGGACGUGAUAUUCGUGAAAu 5' | :||: : |||||:||||| Ref: 5' gaAGTTGT-TGATAAGTACTTTg 3' Energy: -17.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-20a-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.50 2 22 14860 14881 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:15001 to 15023 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (76.92%) Query: 3' gauggacguGAUAUUCGUGAAAu 5' | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tatgaggatCAAGATGCACTTTt 3' Energy: -8.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-20a-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -8.73 2 15 15001 15023 13 76.92% 76.92% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17578 to 17601 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (94.74%) Query: 3' gaugGAC-GUGAUAUUCGUGAAAu 5' :|| ||||:|:||::|||| Ref: 5' attgTTGACACTGTGAGTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -21.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-20a-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -21.66 2 20 17578 17601 19 68.42% 94.74% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-20a-5p NC_045512.2 1032.00 -105.22 151.00 -21.66 1642 23 29903 15542 22043 13820 888 14860 15001 17578 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5586-5p MIMAT0022287(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5586-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 172.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21856 to 21877 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cgUAUAUCAUUGUUCGACCUAu 5' | ||| ||| |:||||||| Ref: 5' taACATAATAAGAGGCTGGATt 3' Energy: -19.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5586-5p NC_045512.2 172.00 -19.13 2 21 21856 21877 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11248 to 11270 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' cgUAUAUCAUUGU-UCGACCUAu 5' :||| |:||| :|:||||| Ref: 5' gcGTATTATGACATGGTTGGATa 3' Energy: -23.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5586-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -23.17 2 21 11248 11270 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12367 to 12389 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cguAUAU-CAUUGUUCGACCUAu 5' |||: ||: |||:||||| Ref: 5' cacTATGCTTAGAAAGTTGGATa 3' Energy: -16.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5586-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.04 2 20 12367 12389 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12297 to 12318 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cgUAUAUCAUUGUUCGACCUAu 5' ||:|| ||||:||| ||| Ref: 5' aaATGTATAAACAGGCTAGATc 3' Energy: -13.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5586-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.98 2 21 12297 12318 19 73.68% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5586-5p NC_045512.2 609.00 -72.32 172.00 -23.17 1643 22 29903 21856 11248 12367 12297 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4790-5p MIMAT0019961(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4790-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:22012 to 22030 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' uuguACUUACCAUUUCGCUa 5' ||:|||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' aagtTGGATGG-AAAGTGAg 3' Energy: -16.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4790-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.76 2 17 22012 22030 15 80.00% 93.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4790-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.76 146.00 -16.76 1644 20 29903 22012 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-188-3p MIMAT0004613(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-188-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:12535 to 12556 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' acguuugGGACGU-ACACCCUc 5' :| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttatgcaTCAGCATTGTGGGAa 3' Energy: -18.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-188-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -18.73 2 15 12535 12556 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:11448 to 11470 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' acGUUUGG--GACGUACACCCuc 5' |||:|| :| |||||||| Ref: 5' atCAAGCCATTTCCATGTGGGct 3' Energy: -22.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-188-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -22.77 3 20 11448 11470 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 16 R:583 to 602 Align Len (13) (92.31%) (92.31%) Query: 3' acguuuGGGACGUACACCCuc 5' |||| |||||||| Ref: 5' ccttgtCCCT-CATGTGGGcg 3' Energy: -23.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-188-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -23.54 3 16 583 602 13 92.31% 92.31% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-188-3p NC_045512.2 436.00 -65.04 149.00 -23.54 1645 21 29903 12535 11448 583 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-21-3p MIMAT0004494(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-21-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10410 to 10430 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ugUCGGGUAGCUGACCACAAc 5' :|::|| | |||||||| Ref: 5' atGGTTCACCATCTGGTGTTt 3' Energy: -18.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-21-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -18.48 2 20 10410 10430 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26048 to 26068 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ugUCGGGUAGCUGACCACAAc 5' ||: || ||||||||| Ref: 5' tgAGTACAGACACTGGTGTTg 3' Energy: -21.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-21-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -21.27 2 20 26048 26068 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23053 to 23072 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ugUCGGGUAGCUGACCACAAc 5' | |||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ccAACCCA-CTAATGGTGTTg 3' Energy: -21.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-21-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -21.25 2 20 23053 23072 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9234 to 9254 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ugUCGGGUAGCUGACCACAAc 5' || :|| :|||||||| Ref: 5' aaAGATCAGAAGCTGGTGTTt 3' Energy: -16.969999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-21-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -16.97 2 20 9234 9254 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:20026 to 20044 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uguCGGGUAGCUGACCACAAc 5' ||||:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' aatGCCCGT--AATGGTGTTc 3' Energy: -20.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-21-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -20.29 2 19 20026 20044 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:5907 to 5927 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' ugucgggUAGCUGACCACAAc 5' ||:|: ||||||| Ref: 5' cttataaATTGGATGGTGTTg 3' Energy: -18.379999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-21-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -18.38 2 15 5907 5927 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22989 to 23012 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ugUCGGGU--AGC-UGACCACAAc 5' ||| || |:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtAGCACACCTTGTAATGGTGTTg 3' Energy: -21.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-21-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -21.45 2 20 22989 23012 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7534 to 7556 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ugucgGGUAGC--UGACCACAAc 5' |:||:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tacaaCTATTGTTAATGGTGTTa 3' Energy: -17.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-21-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -17.18 2 17 7534 7556 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11676 to 11696 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ugUCGGGUAGCUGACCACAAc 5' || |:: | :||||||| Ref: 5' ttAGACTGACTCTTGGTGTTt 3' Energy: -13.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-21-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -13.08 2 20 11676 11696 18 61.11% 77.78% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:14436 to 14455 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (93.75%) Query: 3' ugucGGGUAGCUGACCACAAc 5' ::::|:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' aataTTTGTTGA-TGGTGTTc 3' Energy: -14.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-21-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.31 2 18 14436 14455 16 62.50% 93.75% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:19905 to 19924 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ugucGGGUAGCUGACCACAAc 5' :|:| | |:||||||| Ref: 5' tataTCTA-CTATTGGTGTTt 3' Energy: -14.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-21-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.20 2 18 19905 19924 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:752 to 773 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugucggGUAGC-UGACCACAAc 5' ||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' actaaaCATAGCAGTGGTGTTa 3' Energy: -11.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-21-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -11.60 2 16 752 773 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20157 to 20176 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ugUCGGGUAGCUGACCACAAc 5' || :|:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' taAGAAAGTTGA-TGGTGTTg 3' Energy: -19.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-21-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -19.90 2 20 20157 20176 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9758 to 9776 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ugUCGGGUAGCUGACCACAAc 5' ||:| |: | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtAGTC--TTTAATGGTGTTt 3' Energy: -15.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-21-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -15.26 2 20 9758 9776 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:19716 to 19735 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' ugucgggUAGCUGACCACAAc 5' :|:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' cacaaaaGTTGA-TGGTGTTg 3' Energy: -18.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-21-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -18.83 2 15 19716 19735 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:9555 to 9578 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugucGGGUA--GCU-GACCACAAc 5' |:||| : | |||||||| Ref: 5' tttaCTCATTCTTACCTGGTGTTt 3' Energy: -17.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-21-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.04 2 18 9555 9578 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:21814 to 21833 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ugucGGGUAGCUGACCACAAc 5' :::| :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' accaTTTAATGA-TGGTGTTt 3' Energy: -15.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-21-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.45 2 18 21814 21833 16 62.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2057 to 2081 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (72.73%) Query: 3' ugUCGG--GUA--GCUGACCACAAc 5' :||| ||| | : ||||||| Ref: 5' atGGCCTACATTACAGGTGGTGTTg 3' Energy: -19.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-21-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.26 2 20 2057 2081 22 63.64% 72.73% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21649 to 21671 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ugUCGGGUAG-CUG-ACCACAAc 5' | :|: || || ||||||| Ref: 5' taATTCTTTCACACGTGGTGTTt 3' Energy: -11.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-21-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.92 2 20 21649 21671 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:8692 to 8714 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ugUCGGGUAGCUG--ACCACAac 5' || |:||:||: |||||| Ref: 5' caAGGCTATTGATGGTGGTGTca 3' Energy: -19.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-21-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.47 3 20 8692 8714 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-21-3p NC_045512.2 3017.00 -345.59 159.00 -21.45 1646 21 29903 10410 26048 23053 9234 20026 5907 22989 7534 11676 14436 19905 752 20157 9758 19716 9555 21814 2057 21649 8692 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4654 MIMAT0019720(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4654 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4880 to 4901 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ggucUACGGAGGUCUAGGGUGu 5' || |: ||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' agtaATCCTACCACATTCCACc 3' Energy: -18.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4654 NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.03 2 19 4880 4901 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17996 to 18017 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ggUCUACGGAGGUCUAGGGUGu 5' | | |:||: | ||:|||| Ref: 5' ttACAAGTCTTGAAATTCCACg 3' Energy: -17.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4654 NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.66 2 21 17996 18017 19 63.16% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4654 NC_045512.2 290.00 -35.69 146.00 -18.03 1647 22 29903 4880 17996 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6859-5p MIMAT0027618(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6859-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26664 to 26686 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' acagGACUCGGGUACAAGGAGAg 5' :| ||:: || ||||||| Ref: 5' ataaTTAAGTTAATTTTCCTCTg 3' Energy: -12.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6859-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -12.08 2 20 26664 26686 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25690 to 25712 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' acaGGAC-UCGGGUACAAGGAGAg 5' |:|| ||||| | ||:|||| Ref: 5' ggcCTTGAAGCCCCT-TTTCTCTa 3' Energy: -21.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6859-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -21.62 2 21 25690 25712 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:17533 to 17552 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acAGGACUCGGGUACAAGGAGag 5' ||| || |||||||||| Ref: 5' ggTCCAGA---CATGTTCCTCgg 3' Energy: -24.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6859-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -24.66 3 22 17533 17552 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:8588 to 8610 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acaggacucGGGUACAAGGAGAg 5' |:::|||||||:| Ref: 5' aaagttacaCTTGTGTTCCTTTt 3' Energy: -18.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6859-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.24 2 15 8588 8610 13 69.23% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6859-5p NC_045512.2 595.00 -76.60 159.00 -24.66 1648 23 29903 26664 25690 17533 8588 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-550b-2-5p MIMAT0022737(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-550b-2-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:23189 to 23210 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (81.25%) Query: 3' acagaAUGAGGGAGUCCGUGUa 5' |: |:: |||||||| Ref: 5' ttcaaTGGTTTAACAGGCACAg 3' Energy: -16.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-550b-2-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -16.21 2 18 23189 23210 16 62.50% 81.25% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9204 to 9225 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acAGAAUGAGGGAGUCCGUGUa 5' ||| | | |: :||||||: Ref: 5' atTCTGAGTACTGTAGGCACGg 3' Energy: -16.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-550b-2-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.60 2 21 9204 9225 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13492 to 13513 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acAGAAUGAGGGAGUCCGUGUa 5' |||||| || | |||||| Ref: 5' cgTCTTACACCGTGCGGCACAg 3' Energy: -23.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-550b-2-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -23.08 2 21 13492 13513 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:18087 to 18111 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acagAAUGAGGGA---GUCCGUGua 5' |||| :||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgggTTACATCCTACACAGGCACct 3' Energy: -20.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-550b-2-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.74 3 19 18087 18111 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5564 to 5585 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acAGAAUGAGGGAGUCCGUGUa 5' | |||: : | ::|||||| Ref: 5' gcTGTTATGTACATGGGCACAc 3' Energy: -12.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-550b-2-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.51 2 21 5564 5585 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16858 to 16879 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acAGAAUGAGGGAGUCCGUGUa 5' | ||::|: | |||:||| Ref: 5' gcTGTTGTTTACCGAGGTACAa 3' Energy: -14.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-550b-2-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.43 2 21 16858 16879 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18582 to 18603 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acAGAAUGAGGGAGUCCGUGUa 5' | || ||:: ::|||||| Ref: 5' cgTATTTGTCTTATGGGCACAt 3' Energy: -18.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-550b-2-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.22 2 21 18582 18603 19 57.89% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-550b-2-5p NC_045512.2 998.00 -121.79 149.00 -23.08 1649 22 29903 23189 9204 13492 18087 5564 16858 18582 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6782-5p MIMAT0027464(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6782-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4527 MIMAT0019066(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4527 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:29527 to 29547 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ugucAGUAGAGAAACGUCUGGu 5' | | ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' ggccTAAACTC-ATGCAGACCa 3' Energy: -19.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4527 NC_045512.2 152.00 -19.67 2 19 29527 29547 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:13799 to 13820 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ugucaguagagaAACGUCUGGu 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctaaatacacaaTGGCAGACCt 3' Energy: -12.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4527 NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.97 2 11 13799 13820 9 88.89% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4527 NC_045512.2 294.00 -32.64 152.00 -19.67 1651 22 29903 29527 13799 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-2117 MIMAT0011162(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-2117 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:22612 to 22636 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' gacAGGAACC--GU--UUCUCUUGu 5' | ||||| || |||||||: Ref: 5' ttaTGCTTGGAACAGGAAGAGAATc 3' Energy: -16.280001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2117 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.28 2 19 22612 22636 21 71.43% 76.19% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-2117 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.28 140.00 -16.28 1652 21 29903 22612 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-2355-3p MIMAT0017950(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-2355-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:3235 to 3256 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uagagguUUGUCGUUCCUGUUa 5' ::|||::||||||| Ref: 5' acaagacGGCAGTGAGGACAAt 3' Energy: -20.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2355-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -20.89 2 16 3235 3256 14 71.43% 100.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29362 to 29389 Align Len (25) (68.00%) (68.00%) Query: 3' uaGAGGUU-UGUCG-----UUCCUGUUa 5' | |||| | ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' ccCACCAACAGAGCCTAAAAAGGACAAa 3' Energy: -18.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2355-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -18.57 2 21 29362 29389 25 68.00% 68.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12308 to 12328 Align Len (17) (58.82%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uagaGGUUUGUCGUUCCUGUUa 5' |:|:|: ::||||||| Ref: 5' caggCTAGAT-CTGAGGACAAg 3' Energy: -14.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2355-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.50 2 19 12308 12328 17 58.82% 88.24% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28461 to 28484 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (71.43%) Query: 3' uaGAGGUU--UGUCGUUCCUGUUa 5' ||: || | |:||||||| Ref: 5' acCTTAAATTCCCTCGAGGACAAg 3' Energy: -16.799999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2355-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.80 2 21 28461 28484 21 61.90% 71.43% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13604 to 13623 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uaGAGGUUUGUCGUUCCUGUUa 5' :|||||: | ||||||:| Ref: 5' gcTTCCAAGAA--AAGGACGAa 3' Energy: -19.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2355-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.79 2 21 13604 13623 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13111 to 13133 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (89.47%) Query: 3' uagAGGUUUGUCG-UUCCUGUUa 5' ||:|: :||: ::|||||| Ref: 5' ttaTCTAGCTAGTGGGGGACAAc 3' Energy: -16.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2355-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.98 2 20 13111 13133 19 57.89% 89.47% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27499 to 27522 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uaGAGG-UUUGU-CGUUCCUGUUa 5' :||: :|||| |:|||:||| Ref: 5' tcTTCTGGAACATACGAGGGCAAt 3' Energy: -20.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2355-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -20.98 2 21 27499 27522 21 61.90% 85.71% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12064 to 12084 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uagaGGUUUGUCGUUCCUGUUa 5' |:::||| | |||:||| Ref: 5' aatgCTGGACAAC-AGGGCAAc 3' Energy: -14.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2355-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.96 2 19 12064 12084 17 64.71% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-2355-3p NC_045512.2 1173.00 -143.47 159.00 -20.98 1653 22 29903 3235 29362 12308 28461 13604 13111 27499 12064 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-148b-3p MIMAT0000759(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-148b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19081 to 19102 Align Len (19) (84.21%) (89.47%) Query: 3' ugUUUCAAGACACUACGUGACu 5' :||||||| |||||||| | Ref: 5' tgGAAGTTCTATGATGCACAGc 3' Energy: -21.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-148b-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -21.79 2 21 19081 19102 19 84.21% 89.47% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:6328 to 6350 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uguUUCAAG-ACACUACGUGACu 5' || ||| | |||||:|||| Ref: 5' atcAAATTCGTTTGATGTACTGa 3' Energy: -21.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-148b-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -21.43 2 20 6328 6350 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12796 to 12818 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uguuUCAAGACA-CUACGUGACu 5' || |:||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aggtAGGTTTGTACTTGCACTGt 3' Energy: -16.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-148b-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -16.73 2 19 12796 12818 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14034 to 14056 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uguuUCAAGAC-ACUACGUGACu 5' :|| :|| ||:||:|||| Ref: 5' tgctGGTATTGTTGGTGTACTGa 3' Energy: -21.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-148b-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -21.09 2 19 14034 14056 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:17304 to 17326 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uguuuCAAGACA-CUACGUGACu 5' || |||| |||||:|| Ref: 5' cttttGTACTGTAAATGCATTGc 3' Energy: -15.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-148b-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.05 2 18 17304 17326 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:12377 to 12401 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ugUUUCAA---GACACUACGUGAcu 5' |||||| : ||||||||| Ref: 5' agAAAGTTGGATAATGATGCACTca 3' Energy: -15.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-148b-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.94 3 21 12377 12401 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12742 to 12759 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' ugUUUCAAGACACUACGUGACu 5' ||| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' acAAACTGCT----TGCACTGa 3' Energy: -17.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-148b-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.81 2 21 12742 12759 19 68.42% 68.42% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24173 to 24194 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (64.71%) Query: 3' uguuUCAAGACACUACGUGACu 5' | | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gctcAATACACTTCTGCACTGt 3' Energy: -11.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-148b-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.80 2 19 24173 24194 17 64.71% 64.71% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 15 R:17166 to 17188 Align Len (13) (92.31%) (92.31%) Query: 3' uguuucaaGAC-ACUACGUGAcu 5' ||| ||||||||| Ref: 5' tcatgccgCTGTTGATGCACTat 3' Energy: -18.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-148b-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.30 3 15 17166 17188 13 92.31% 92.31% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:27541 to 27562 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguuucaagacacuACGUGACu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gctgataacaaattTGCACTGa 3' Energy: -13.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-148b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.73 2 9 27541 27562 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-148b-3p NC_045512.2 1461.00 -173.67 156.00 -21.79 1654 22 29903 19081 6328 12796 14034 17304 12377 12742 24173 17166 27541 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6864-3p MIMAT0027629(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6864-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:19384 to 19404 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacuucccucucUUCAGAGUg 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' gacagtccatgtGAGTCTCAt 3' Energy: -11.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6864-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.28 2 10 19384 19404 8 87.50% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6864-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.28 141.00 -11.28 1655 21 29903 19384 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-590-3p MIMAT0004801(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-590-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:29798 to 29818 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' ugaucGAAUAUGUAUUUUAAu 5' || ||:::||||||| Ref: 5' gagccCTAATGTGTAAAATTa 3' Energy: -10.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-590-3p NC_045512.2 160.00 -10.61 2 17 29798 29818 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:26080 to 26101 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ugaucGAAUAUG-UAUUUUAAu 5' | | ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' ttcttCATCTACAATAAAATTg 3' Energy: -7.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-590-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -7.66 2 17 26080 26101 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:12571 to 12590 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ugauCGAAUAUGUAUUUUAAu 5' || ||| :||||||| Ref: 5' agatGCAGATA-GTAAAATTg 3' Energy: -7.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-590-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -7.51 2 18 12571 12590 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1145 to 1166 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (89.47%) Query: 3' ugAUCG-AAUAUGUAUUUUAAu 5' |:|| ||||: :||:|||| Ref: 5' gaTGGCTTTATGGGTAGAATTc 3' Energy: -13.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-590-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -13.30 2 20 1145 1166 19 68.42% 89.47% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:1351 to 1370 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ugauCGAAUAUGUAUUUUAAu 5' ||| |:: ||||||| Ref: 5' aaatGCTGTTGT-TAAAATTt 3' Energy: -5.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-590-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -5.24 2 18 1351 1370 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:2301 to 2321 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ugaUCGAAUAUGUAUUUUAAu 5' |||||:|| ||||| || Ref: 5' ttaAGCTTGTAAATAAATTTt 3' Energy: -10.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-590-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -10.80 2 19 2301 2321 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:960 to 980 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ugaUCGAAUAUGUAUUUUAAu 5' | | |: :|||:||||| Ref: 5' gtgAACATGAGCATGAAATTg 3' Energy: -9.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-590-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.33 2 19 960 980 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:8541 to 8561 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugaucgaauaugUAUUUUAAu 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' cacttaagggtgGTAAAATTg 3' Energy: -7.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-590-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -7.03 2 10 8541 8561 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:11409 to 11429 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ugaucGAAUAUGUAUUUUAAu 5' || :| :|||||:|| Ref: 5' tgacaCTCGTTTATAAAGTTt 3' Energy: -7.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-590-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.50 2 17 11409 11429 15 66.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:25179 to 25198 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ugaUCGAAUAUGUAUUUUAau 5' ||| :||:||||||| Ref: 5' atgAGC-AGTATATAAAATgg 3' Energy: -9.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-590-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.31 3 19 25179 25198 16 75.00% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-590-3p NC_045512.2 1472.00 -88.29 160.00 -13.30 1656 21 29903 29798 26080 12571 1145 1351 2301 960 8541 11409 25179 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-100-5p MIMAT0000098(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-100-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:20914 to 20935 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (70.59%) Query: 3' guguUCAAGCCUAGAUGCCCAa 5' ||| : |||||||| Ref: 5' agacAGTGGTTGCCTACGGGTa 3' Energy: -20.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-100-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -20.31 2 19 20914 20935 17 64.71% 70.59% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28649 to 28672 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' guGUUCAAGCC-UAG-AUGCCCAa 5' ||| ||| ||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' aaCAAAGACGGCATCATATGGGTt 3' Energy: -22.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-100-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -22.44 2 21 28649 28672 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1136 to 1160 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' gugUUC-AA--GCCUAGAUGCCCAa 5' ||| || :|| |:||:|||| Ref: 5' aaaAAGCTTGATGGCTTTATGGGTa 3' Energy: -16.559999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-100-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.56 2 20 1136 1160 21 66.67% 80.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-100-5p NC_045512.2 429.00 -59.31 146.00 -22.44 1657 22 29903 20914 28649 1136 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548u MIMAT0015013(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548u vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:9744 to 9767 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' gcGUUUUCAUU-AACGUCAGAAAc 5' | |||| :| ||:||||||| Ref: 5' acCTAAAGAGACGTGTAGTCTTTa 3' Energy: -15.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548u NC_045512.2 164.00 -15.72 2 22 9744 9767 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12195 to 12217 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gcgUUUUCAUUAACGUCAGAAAc 5' |||||| : | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaAAAAGTTGAAGAAGTCTTTg 3' Energy: -16.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548u NC_045512.2 164.00 -16.81 2 21 12195 12217 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:23819 to 23841 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' gcguuuucauUAACGUCAGAAAc 5' || |||||:||| Ref: 5' ttgttgcaatATGGCAGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -17.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548u NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.69 2 14 23819 23841 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:26477 to 26499 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gcGUUUUCAUUAACGUCAGAAAc 5' :||| | || :|||:||| Ref: 5' acTAAATATTATATTAGTTTTTc 3' Energy: -5.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548u NC_045512.2 141.00 -5.93 2 22 26477 26499 20 60.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:11048 to 11071 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (76.19%) Query: 3' gcGUUUUCAUUA-ACGUCAGAAAc 5' | |:|||| | ::|||||| Ref: 5' gtCCAGAGTACTCAATGGTCTTTg 3' Energy: -13.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548u NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.95 2 22 11048 11071 21 61.90% 76.19% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548u NC_045512.2 750.00 -70.10 164.00 -17.69 1658 23 29903 9744 12195 23819 26477 11048 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5589-5p MIMAT0022297(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5589-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6837-3p MIMAT0027577(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6837-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 169.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:7735 to 7757 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (93.75%) Query: 3' gacgucGUCUCAGUGUCACUUCc 5' :|| ||:||||||||| Ref: 5' cgttgaTAGTGTTACAGTGAAGa 3' Energy: -24.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6837-3p NC_045512.2 169.00 -24.16 2 18 7735 7757 16 81.25% 93.75% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:12920 to 12944 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gacgucgUCUCAG--UGUCACUUCc 5' | :||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' acacctaAAGGTCCTAAAGTGAAGt 3' Energy: -13.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6837-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.52 2 17 12920 12944 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2559 to 2583 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' gacGUCGUCUCAG-UG-UCACUUCc 5' :|| | | | || ||||||| Ref: 5' catTAGAACAACCTACTAGTGAAGc 3' Energy: -12.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6837-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.65 2 21 2559 2583 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:28795 to 28818 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (80.95%) Query: 3' gaCGUCGUCUCAG-UGUCACUUCc 5' | ||||||| | :|||| ||| Ref: 5' agGGAGCAGAGGCGGCAGTCAAGc 3' Energy: -22.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6837-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -22.17 2 22 28795 28818 21 76.19% 80.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:29747 to 29770 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gacGUCGUCUCA-GUGUCACUUcc 5' |: : |||| :|||||||| Ref: 5' gtaCGATCGAGTGTACAGTGAAca 3' Energy: -17.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6837-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.14 3 21 29747 29770 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3230 to 3252 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gacGUCGUCUCAG-UGUCACUUCc 5' || || || | :||||||:| Ref: 5' ggtCAACA-AGACGGCAGTGAGGa 3' Energy: -16.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6837-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.10 2 21 3230 3252 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5364 to 5385 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gacgUCGUCUCAGUGUCACUUCc 5' |||| :| | ::|||||| Ref: 5' acagAGCAAGGGC-TGGTGAAGc 3' Energy: -16.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6837-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.04 2 20 5364 5385 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6837-3p NC_045512.2 1031.00 -121.78 169.00 -24.16 1660 23 29903 7735 12920 2559 28795 29747 3230 5364 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6774-5p MIMAT0027448(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6774-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:12125 to 12150 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (82.61%) Query: 3' guAUGUCCCAGG-GAGGACGGGUUCa 5' |:||| |:: || ||||:|||| Ref: 5' taTGCAGCTTTTGCTACTGCTCAAGa 3' Energy: -24.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6774-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -24.02 2 24 12125 12150 23 65.22% 82.61% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:11737 to 11762 Align Len (22) (77.27%) (81.82%) Query: 3' guaUGUCCCAGG-GAGGACGGGUUCa 5' |||||| |: |||| |||||| Ref: 5' ttcACAGGGACTACTCCCACCCAAGa 3' Energy: -30.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6774-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -30.12 2 23 11737 11762 22 77.27% 81.82% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6774-5p NC_045512.2 303.00 -54.14 154.00 -30.12 1661 25 29903 12125 11737 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4263 MIMAT0016898(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4263 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:15318 to 15335 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ccGGUUCCGUGAAUCUUa 5' |:|| ::||||||| Ref: 5' gcCTAACATGCTTAGAAt 3' Energy: -11.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4263 NC_045512.2 152.00 -11.88 2 17 15318 15335 15 66.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:24384 to 24402 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (93.33%) Query: 3' ccgGUUC-CGUGAAUCUUa 5' |||| ||||||:||| Ref: 5' cagCAAGTGCACTTGGAAa 3' Energy: -19.559999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4263 NC_045512.2 150.00 -19.56 2 16 24384 24402 15 86.67% 93.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:10572 to 10589 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccgguuccgUGAAUCUUa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ctggcacagACTTAGAAg 3' Energy: -14.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4263 NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.07 2 10 10572 10589 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:12364 to 12381 Align Len (15) (60.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccGGUUCCGUGAAUCUUa 5' :|| ::||||||| Ref: 5' ttTCACTATGCTTAGAAa 3' Energy: -8.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4263 NC_045512.2 144.00 -8.25 2 17 12364 12381 15 60.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:25160 to 25176 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ccGGUUCCGUGAAUCUUa 5' |||| | ||||:||| Ref: 5' ctCCAA-GAACTTGGAAa 3' Energy: -15.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4263 NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.86 2 17 25160 25176 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:20249 to 20266 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccgguuccguGAAUCUUa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aaattgatttCTTAGAAt 3' Energy: -9.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4263 NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.21 2 9 20249 20266 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4263 NC_045512.2 873.00 -78.83 152.00 -19.56 1662 18 29903 15318 24384 10572 12364 25160 20249 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8074 MIMAT0031001(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8074 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1497 to 1518 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cucauGUACGGUCAGAGCGGUAUc 5' :|||:::| |:|||||| Ref: 5' tctctTATGTTGG--TTGCCATAa 3' Energy: -15.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8074 NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.61 2 20 1497 1518 18 61.11% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8074 NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.61 140.00 -15.61 1663 24 29903 1497 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-320a-3p MIMAT0000510(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-320a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12112 to 12136 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' agcGGGAG--AGU-UGGGUCGAAAa 5' ||:|| ||| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttcCCTTCCATCATATGCAGCTTTt 3' Energy: -20.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-320a-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -20.15 2 20 12112 12136 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19310 to 19332 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (80.95%) Query: 3' agCGGGAGAGU-UG-GGUCGAAAa 5' || :|| || || |||||||| Ref: 5' atGCATTC-CACACACCAGCTTTt 3' Energy: -22.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-320a-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -22.32 2 21 19310 19332 21 76.19% 80.95% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12634 to 12658 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (72.73%) Query: 3' agCGGGAGAGUUG---GGUCGAAAa 5' | |||||:| : ||||||| Ref: 5' atGGCCTCTTATTGTAACAGCTTTa 3' Energy: -21.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-320a-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -21.90 2 21 12634 12658 22 63.64% 72.73% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:8982 to 9004 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agCGGGAGAGUUG-GGUCGAAaa 5' | |:|: |||| :|||||| Ref: 5' ctGACTTTGCAACATCAGCTTgt 3' Energy: -17.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-320a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.25 3 21 8982 9004 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-320a-3p NC_045512.2 607.00 -81.62 157.00 -22.32 1664 22 29903 12112 19310 12634 8982 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6808-3p MIMAT0027517(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6808-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:1453 to 1473 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' gacguCCUUGCCACCAGUGUg 5' | || |||||||:|| Ref: 5' tcttcGTAAGGGTGGTCGCAc 3' Energy: -25.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6808-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -25.09 2 17 1453 1473 15 80.00% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6808-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -25.09 148.00 -25.09 1665 21 29903 1453 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4666a-5p MIMAT0019741(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4666a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:16128 to 16149 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccgUAUGU-UAGACUGUACAUa 5' | ||| :|: |||||||| Ref: 5' aggACACATGTTAGACATGTAt 3' Energy: -16.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4666a-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -16.81 2 19 16128 16149 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18269 to 18289 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ccgUAUGUUAGACUGUACAUa 5' | :| || |||||||| Ref: 5' aagAAGCTATAAGACATGTAc 3' Energy: -12.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4666a-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -12.86 2 19 18269 18289 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:18827 to 18847 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccGUA-UGUUAGACUGUACAUa 5' ||| ::||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tcCATGGTAAT-GCACATGTAg 3' Energy: -11.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4666a-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -11.42 2 20 18827 18847 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8479 to 8499 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccGUAUGUUAGACUGUACAUa 5' | | :|| :||||||||: Ref: 5' acCTTTTAAGTTGACATGTGc 3' Energy: -13.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4666a-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.82 2 20 8479 8499 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19437 to 19460 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ccGU-AUGUUAGAC--UGUACAUa 5' || || |:|||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' acCACTAAAGTCTGCTACGTGTAt 3' Energy: -15.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4666a-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.76 2 20 19437 19460 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:16553 to 16574 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccgUAUGUUAGAC--UGUACAUa 5' ||:|||| || ||||||: Ref: 5' ttaATGCAAT-TGCAACATGTGa 3' Energy: -15.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4666a-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.11 2 19 16553 16574 19 73.68% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4666a-5p NC_045512.2 894.00 -85.78 157.00 -16.81 1666 21 29903 16128 18269 18827 8479 19437 16553 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6743-3p MIMAT0027388(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6743-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-511-5p MIMAT0002808(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-511-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4275 to 4298 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (80.95%) Query: 3' acUGACGUCUCGU---UUUCUGUg 5' ||||:|||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' acACTGTAGAGGAGGCAAAGACAg 3' Energy: -21.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-511-5p NC_045512.2 166.00 -21.51 2 20 4275 4298 21 76.19% 80.95% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17614 to 17636 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' acUGACGUCUCGU---UUUCUGUg 5' :|| :| |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaGCT-TAAAGCACATAAAGACAa 3' Energy: -12.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-511-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -12.04 2 20 17614 17636 21 66.67% 76.19% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:27736 to 27754 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' acUGACGUCUCGUUUUCUGUg 5' ||| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' acACTCAAAAG--AAAGACAg 3' Energy: -10.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-511-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -10.10 2 20 27736 27754 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:7685 to 7705 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' acUGACGUCUCGUUUUCUGug 5' ||| ||| :||||||| Ref: 5' tcACTACAGTTTAAAAGACca 3' Energy: -16.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-511-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.65 3 20 7685 7705 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:25971 to 25991 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' acUGACGUCUCGUUUUCUGug 5' | | ::|||:||||||| Ref: 5' ggAATCTGGAGTAAAAGACtg 3' Energy: -16.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-511-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.99 3 20 25971 25991 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2633 to 2652 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (77.78%) Query: 3' acUGACGUCUCGUUUUCUGUg 5' :|| |: | : ||||||| Ref: 5' ttGCT-CGAAATCAAAGACAc 3' Energy: -13.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-511-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.20 2 20 2633 2652 18 61.11% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5959 to 5976 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' acUGACGUCUCGUUUUCUGUg 5' |:| :| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttATTATA-AG--AAAGACAa 3' Energy: -8.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-511-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.07 2 20 5959 5976 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:7793 to 7813 Align Len (9) (77.78%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acugacgucucGUUUUCUGUg 5' ::||||||| Ref: 5' caaaagacttaTGAAAGACAt 3' Energy: -11.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-511-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.47 2 11 7793 7813 9 77.78% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10180 to 10200 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' acuGACGUCUCGUUUUCUGUg 5' ||||| | :|||||| Ref: 5' gatCTGCACCTCTGAAGACAt 3' Energy: -15.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-511-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.53 2 19 10180 10200 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13644 to 13665 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' acUGACGUCUC-GUUUUCUGUg 5' ||| :: || :||:||||| Ref: 5' ttACTTTGTAGTTAAGAGACAc 3' Energy: -19.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-511-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.68 2 20 13644 13665 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18164 to 18185 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' acuGA-CGUCUCGUUUUCUGUg 5' || ||| | | ||:|||| Ref: 5' tacCTGGCATACCTAAGGACAt 3' Energy: -11.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-511-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.15 2 19 18164 18185 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:7782 to 7802 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' acugaCGUCUCGUUUUCUGug 5' || |: |||||||| Ref: 5' ataaaGCTGGTCAAAAGACtt 3' Energy: -14.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-511-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.10 3 17 7782 7802 14 78.57% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-511-5p NC_045512.2 1750.00 -170.49 166.00 -21.51 1668 21 29903 4275 17614 27736 7685 25971 2633 5959 7793 10180 13644 18164 7782 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4632-5p MIMAT0022977(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4632-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:3152 to 3172 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' agGCGGUGUGGGUGCGACGGGAg 5' :||||| :| :|||||:|| Ref: 5' ggTGCCACTTC--TGCTGCTCTt 3' Energy: -28.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4632-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -28.02 2 22 3152 3172 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5329 to 5350 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' aggCGGUGUGGGUGCGACGGGAg 5' |:: |:|||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' gaaGTTTAATCCAC-CTGCTCTa 3' Energy: -22.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4632-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -22.30 2 21 5329 5350 19 63.16% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4632-5p NC_045512.2 288.00 -50.32 146.00 -28.02 1669 23 29903 3152 5329 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-301a-3p MIMAT0000688(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-301a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:12690 to 12712 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' cgaaacuGUUAUGAUAACGUGAc 5' :|:| ||:||||||| Ref: 5' atgagctTAGTCCTGTTGCACTa 3' Energy: -17.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-301a-3p NC_045512.2 160.00 -17.62 2 17 12690 12712 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:27539 to 27561 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cgaaACUGUUAUGAUAACGUGAc 5' |||:|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tagcTGATAACAAATTTGCACTg 3' Energy: -17.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-301a-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -17.98 2 20 27539 27561 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:12736 to 12758 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cgaaacUGUUAUGAU-AACGUGAc 5' |||| |||: ||||||| Ref: 5' tactacACAA-ACTGCTTGCACTg 3' Energy: -19.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-301a-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -19.94 2 18 12736 12758 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22044 to 22064 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cgaaACUGUUAUGAUAACGUGAc 5' || |||| |||||||| Ref: 5' ctagTGCGAATA--ATTGCACTt 3' Energy: -14.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-301a-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -14.38 2 20 22044 22064 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25526 to 25548 Align Len (19) (52.63%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cgaAACUGUUAUGAUAACGUGAc 5' || :: |: :||||||| Ref: 5' ggcTTATTGTTGGCGTTGCACTt 3' Energy: -13.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-301a-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.72 2 21 25526 25548 19 52.63% 73.68% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:12797 to 12817 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (84.62%) Query: 3' cgaaacuguUAUGAUAACGUGAc 5' :||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtaggtttGTAC--TTGCACTg 3' Energy: -15.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-301a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.80 2 15 12797 12817 13 76.92% 84.62% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:17288 to 17314 Align Len (24) (66.67%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cgAAAC-UGUUAU---GAUAACGUGAc 5' || | |||:|| || |||:||| Ref: 5' caTTAGAACAGTATGTCTTTTGTACTg 3' Energy: -16.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-301a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.91 2 22 17288 17314 24 66.67% 75.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:11619 to 11639 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cgAAACUGUUAUGAUAACGUGAc 5' || |:| ||:| |||:||| Ref: 5' tcTTAGGC--TATTTTTGTACTt 3' Energy: -12.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-301a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.64 2 22 11619 11639 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:15539 to 15561 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cgaaaCUGUUAUGAUAACGUGAc 5' | ||||::|| |||||| Ref: 5' tcacgGCCAATGTTAATGCACTt 3' Energy: -15.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-301a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.35 2 19 15539 15561 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:11985 to 12007 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cgAAACUGUUAUGAUAACGUGAc 5' ||||| || |: :|| |||| Ref: 5' ccTTTGAAAAAATGGTTTCACTa 3' Energy: -11.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-301a-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.87 2 22 11985 12007 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:20876 to 20898 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgAAACUGUUAUGAUAACGUGac 5' | |||:|| : :|||||| Ref: 5' gtTCTGATAAAGGAGTTGCACca 3' Energy: -13.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-301a-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.41 3 22 20876 20898 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12350 to 12371 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cgaaaCUGUUAUGAUAACGUGAc 5' ||||||:|| || |||| Ref: 5' atgcaGACAATGCT-TTTCACTa 3' Energy: -16.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-301a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.22 2 19 12350 12371 17 82.35% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-301a-3p NC_045512.2 1769.00 -185.84 160.00 -19.94 1670 23 29903 12690 27539 12736 22044 25526 12797 17288 11619 15539 11985 20876 12350 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1200 MIMAT0005863(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1200 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:14754 to 14775 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' cuccgagucuuACCGAGUCCUc 5' | |||||||| Ref: 5' acacttcttctTTGCTCAGGAt 3' Energy: -14.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1200 NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.10 2 12 14754 14775 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21699 to 21721 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' cuCCGAGUCUUA-CCGAGUCCUc 5' | :|:| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' caGTTTTACATTCAACTCAGGAc 3' Energy: -11.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1200 NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.81 2 21 21699 21721 20 60.00% 70.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1200 NC_045512.2 290.00 -25.91 147.00 -14.10 1671 22 29903 14754 21699 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3199 MIMAT0015084(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3199 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:21886 to 21912 Align Len (24) (66.67%) (70.83%) Query: 3' uuGAAA--GAGGAUUC--CGUCAGGGa 5' |||| |:| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' taCTTTAGATTCGAAGACCCAGTCCCt 3' Energy: -22.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3199 NC_045512.2 151.00 -22.69 2 22 21886 21912 24 66.67% 70.83% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3199 NC_045512.2 151.00 -22.69 151.00 -22.69 1672 23 29903 21886 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-152-3p MIMAT0000438(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-152-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12797 to 12818 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gguUCAAGACA-GUACGUGACu 5' || |:||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtAGGTTTGTACTTGCACTGt 3' Energy: -19.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-152-3p NC_045512.2 161.00 -19.75 2 19 12797 12818 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:12740 to 12759 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' gguucaaGACAGUACGUGACu 5' ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' acacaaaCTG-CTTGCACTGa 3' Energy: -17.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-152-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -17.53 2 15 12740 12759 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19082 to 19102 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ggUUCAAGACAGUACGUGACu 5' ||||||| | |||||| | Ref: 5' ggAAGTTCTATGATGCACAGc 3' Energy: -16.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-152-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.86 2 20 19082 19102 18 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:6329 to 6350 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ggUUCAAG-ACAGUACGUGACu 5' || ||| | | |||:|||| Ref: 5' tcAAATTCGTTTGATGTACTGa 3' Energy: -17.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-152-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.63 2 20 6329 6350 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24174 to 24194 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (70.59%) Query: 3' gguUCAAGACAGUACGUGACu 5' | | | |: ||||||| Ref: 5' ctcAATACACTTCTGCACTGt 3' Energy: -14.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-152-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.06 2 19 24174 24194 17 64.71% 70.59% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:17305 to 17326 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gguuCAAGACA-GUACGUGACu 5' || |||| |||||:|| Ref: 5' ttttGTACTGTAAATGCATTGc 3' Energy: -15.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-152-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.66 2 18 17305 17326 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:13236 to 13255 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gguuCAAGACAGUACGUGACu 5' || :|||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' catcGTGTTGTC-TGTACTGc 3' Energy: -18.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-152-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.54 2 18 13236 13255 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14035 to 14056 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gguUCAAGACAG-UACGUGACu 5' :|| :|||: :||:|||| Ref: 5' gctGGTATTGTTGGTGTACTGa 3' Energy: -17.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-152-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.54 2 19 14035 14056 18 61.11% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:9517 to 9537 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' gguucAAGACAGUACGUGACu 5' || |||||| ||||| Ref: 5' attccTTATGTCATTCACTGt 3' Energy: -17.799999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-152-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.80 2 17 9517 9537 15 86.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:27542 to 27562 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gguucaagacaguACGUGACu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ctgataacaaattTGCACTGa 3' Energy: -12.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-152-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.49 2 9 27542 27562 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-152-3p NC_045512.2 1456.00 -167.86 161.00 -19.75 1673 21 29903 12797 12740 19082 6329 24174 17305 13236 14035 9517 27542 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-361-5p MIMAT0000703(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-361-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:20864 to 20885 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' cauggggACCUCUAAGACUAUu 5' || |:|||||||| Ref: 5' attttggTGCTGGTTCTGATAa 3' Energy: -21.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-361-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -21.19 2 16 20864 20885 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:17949 to 17972 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' caugGGGACCU-CUA-AGACUAUu 5' |::|| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' cataCTTTGCATAATGTCTGATAg 3' Energy: -14.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-361-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.05 2 19 17949 17972 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17246 to 17270 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (77.27%) Query: 3' caUGGGGACCUCU---AAGACUAUu 5' :|:| || ||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' gtGCTCGTGTAGAGTGTTTTGATAa 3' Energy: -21.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-361-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -21.36 2 21 17246 17270 22 63.64% 77.27% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:28262 to 28284 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cauggggaccUCUA-AGACUAUu 5' | || ||||||| Ref: 5' gaacaaactaAAATGTCTGATAa 3' Energy: -11.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-361-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.56 2 13 28262 28284 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9165 to 9186 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' caugGGGACCUCUAAGACUAUu 5' ||:|| ||:||||| || Ref: 5' cctaCCTTGAAGGTTCTGTTAg 3' Energy: -20.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-361-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -20.91 2 19 9165 9186 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:9987 to 10008 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cauggggaccUCUAAGACUAUu 5' ||:|||||||: Ref: 5' tcagtaactcAGGTTCTGATGt 3' Energy: -18.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-361-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.37 2 13 9987 10008 11 81.82% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-361-5p NC_045512.2 871.00 -107.44 155.00 -21.36 1674 22 29903 20864 17949 17246 28262 9165 9987 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1199-3p MIMAT0031120(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1199-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6751-3p MIMAT0027403(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6751-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:17836 to 17855 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gaccucucUCUCUCCGAGUCa 5' | || ||||||| Ref: 5' gattcatcACAG-GGCTCAGa 3' Energy: -13.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6751-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.89 2 14 17836 17855 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:26783 to 26804 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gaccucucuCU-CUCCGAGUCa 5' || | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtaggcttGATGTGGCTCAGc 3' Energy: -17.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6751-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.08 2 13 26783 26804 12 83.33% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6751-3p NC_045512.2 286.00 -30.97 143.00 -17.08 1676 21 29903 17836 26783 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6757-3p MIMAT0027415(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6757-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:5743 to 5765 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' accccuAUCGUU-CCGGUCACAa 5' |:|:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtacacTGGTAATTACCAGTGTg 3' Energy: -15.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6757-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.00 2 17 5743 5765 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:23332 to 23353 Align Len (15) (60.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' accccuAUCGUUCCGGUCACAa 5' |:|::: |:|||||| Ref: 5' ttctttTGGTGGTGTCAGTGTt 3' Energy: -16.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6757-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.81 2 17 23332 23353 15 60.00% 93.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:23730 to 23751 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' accccuaucguuccGGUCACAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ccacagaaattctaCCAGTGTc 3' Energy: -12.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6757-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.00 2 9 23730 23751 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6757-3p NC_045512.2 427.00 -43.81 147.00 -16.81 1677 22 29903 5743 23332 23730 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6871-5p MIMAT0027642(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6871-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-656-3p MIMAT0003332(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-656-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:6049 to 6070 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucUCCAACUGACA-UAUUAUAa 5' || ||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' taAGTTTGTATGTGATAATATc 3' Energy: -8.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-656-3p NC_045512.2 162.00 -8.44 2 20 6049 6070 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20833 to 20853 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' ucUCCAACUGACAUAUUAUAa 5' || | || |||||||| Ref: 5' ttAGCTGTACCCTATAATATg 3' Energy: -6.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-656-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -6.36 2 20 20833 20853 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:28400 to 28420 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ucUCCAACUGACAUAUUAUaa 5' ||||| || |||||| Ref: 5' caAGGTTTACCCAATAATAct 3' Energy: -8.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-656-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -8.57 3 20 28400 28420 17 76.47% 76.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-656-3p NC_045512.2 460.00 -23.37 162.00 -8.57 1679 21 29903 6049 20833 28400 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4728-5p MIMAT0019849(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4728-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:3025 to 3047 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' acgAACGACGGAGAGGGGAGGgu 5' |||:| ::||| |||||| Ref: 5' gtaTTGTTCTTTCTACCCTCCag 3' Energy: -23.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4728-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -23.54 3 21 3025 3047 18 72.22% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4728-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -23.54 152.00 -23.54 1680 23 29903 3025 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-23c MIMAT0018000(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-23c vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6444 to 6465 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ccCAUUAGUGACCGUUACACUa 5' || |:: |:||||||| Ref: 5' acGTTCTTGAGTGTAATGTGAa 3' Energy: -10.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-23c NC_045512.2 148.00 -10.89 2 21 6444 6465 19 57.89% 73.68% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15288 to 15309 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ccCAUUAGUGACCGUUACACUa 5' | :||:|: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttGGGATTATCCTAAATGTGAt 3' Energy: -17.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-23c NC_045512.2 148.00 -17.06 2 21 15288 15309 19 57.89% 73.68% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:21230 to 21251 Align Len (15) (60.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' cccauuAGUGACCGUUACACUa 5' |:::| :||||||| Ref: 5' cagcctTTGTTACTAATGTGAa 3' Energy: -10.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-23c NC_045512.2 148.00 -10.57 2 17 21230 21251 15 60.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7894 to 7915 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (72.22%) Query: 3' cccAUUAGUGACCGUUACACUa 5' |::| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgaTGGTAAATCAAAATGTGAa 3' Energy: -14.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-23c NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.66 2 20 7894 7915 18 61.11% 72.22% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:14811 to 14833 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cccAUUAG-UGACCGUUACACua 5' ||||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaTAATCTACCAACAATGTGtg 3' Energy: -13.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-23c NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.64 3 20 14811 14833 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17573 to 17594 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccCAUUAGUGACCGUUACACUa 5' | |||:::|| || ||||| Ref: 5' ctGAAATTGTTGACACTGTGAg 3' Energy: -13.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-23c NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.03 2 21 17573 17594 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-23c NC_045512.2 873.00 -79.85 148.00 -17.06 1681 22 29903 6444 15288 21230 7894 14811 17573 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4717-3p MIMAT0019830(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4717-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11446 to 11467 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uccGGUGUCGGU--GGGUACACa 5' :|| ||||| :||||||| Ref: 5' agaTCA-AGCCATTTCCATGTGg 3' Energy: -23.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4717-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -23.10 2 19 11446 11467 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26830 to 26852 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucCG-GUGU-CGGUGGGUACACa 5' || |::| || :||||||| Ref: 5' ttGCGCGTACGCGTTCCATGTGg 3' Energy: -19.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4717-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -19.57 2 20 26830 26852 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:19376 to 19397 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' uccgGUGUCGGU-GGGUACACa 5' | | | || :||||||| Ref: 5' attaCTCTGACAGTCCATGTGa 3' Energy: -16.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4717-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.99 2 18 19376 19397 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:29822 to 29844 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uccgguguCGGU--GGGUACACa 5' ||:| |||||||| Ref: 5' ttagtagtGCTATCCCCATGTGa 3' Energy: -19.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4717-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -19.76 2 14 29822 29844 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:579 to 599 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucCGGUGUCGGUGGGUACACa 5' |:| : |:| |:|||||| Ref: 5' gtGTCCTTGTCCCTCATGTGg 3' Energy: -18.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4717-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.09 2 20 579 599 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:455 to 473 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uccggUGUCGGUGGGUACACa 5' ||||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' cttgaACAGC--CCTATGTGt 3' Energy: -19.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4717-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.86 2 17 455 473 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7942 to 7963 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (94.44%) Query: 3' uccGGUGUCGGU-GGGUACACa 5' |:||||:|| |::||||| Ref: 5' ttaCTACAGTCAGCTTATGTGt 3' Energy: -26.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4717-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -26.81 2 19 7942 7963 18 72.22% 94.44% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4717-3p NC_045512.2 1025.00 -144.18 155.00 -26.81 1682 21 29903 11446 26830 19376 29822 579 455 7942 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-517c-3p MIMAT0002866(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-517c-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2705 to 2726 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ugUGAGAUUUUCCUACGUGCUa 5' |||| ||:: |:||||| | Ref: 5' acACTCAAAGGCGGTGCACCAa 3' Energy: -22.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-517c-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -22.44 2 21 2705 2726 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-517c-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -22.44 140.00 -22.44 1683 22 29903 2705 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-520c-3p MIMAT0002846(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-520c-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:8525 to 8546 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' ugggagauUUUCCUUCGUGAAa 5' |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtaacaacAAAGATAGCACTTa 3' Energy: -11.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520c-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -11.96 2 15 8525 8546 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:396 to 417 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugGGAGAUUUUCCUUCGUGAAa 5' | ||| |||| :|||||| Ref: 5' aaCATCTTAAAGATGGCACTTg 3' Energy: -16.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520c-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -16.41 2 21 396 417 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:12928 to 12949 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (93.75%) Query: 3' ugggaGAUUUUCCUUCGUGAAa 5' |||||: ||||:|:|| Ref: 5' aggtcCTAAAGTGAAGTATTTa 3' Energy: -16.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520c-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.75 2 18 12928 12949 16 75.00% 93.75% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:15728 to 15749 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugggagauuuuccuUCGUGAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgtgtgtttcaatAGCACTTa 3' Energy: -10.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520c-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.46 2 9 15728 15749 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-520c-3p NC_045512.2 587.00 -55.58 154.00 -16.75 1684 22 29903 8525 396 12928 15728 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6854-5p MIMAT0027608(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6854-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16176 to 16200 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agucgUCA-AGAGUUUGGACUCGAa 5' :|| |: :||||||||:| Ref: 5' ttcaaGGTATTGGGAACCTGAGTTt 3' Energy: -19.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6854-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.00 2 20 16176 16200 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:1388 to 1411 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' agucGUCAAGAGUUUGGACUCGaa 5' ||| | ::|||||||| Ref: 5' aattCAGAAGTAGGACCTGAGCat 3' Energy: -22.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6854-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -22.00 3 21 1388 1411 18 66.67% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6854-5p NC_045512.2 282.00 -41.00 142.00 -22.00 1685 24 29903 16176 1388 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6849-3p MIMAT0027599(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6849-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:10246 to 10267 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' gaccuccACCUGUGUCCGACCa 5' | |::||||||||| Ref: 5' taatttcTTGGTACAGGCTGGt 3' Energy: -23.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6849-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -23.95 2 16 10246 10267 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:28071 to 28091 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' gaccucCACCUGUGUCCGACCa 5' |||||:: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgtgcGTGGATG-AGGCTGGt 3' Energy: -24.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6849-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -24.11 2 17 28071 28091 15 80.00% 93.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:4165 to 4186 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' gaccuccaccUGUGUCCGACCa 5' | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tatacctactAAAAAGGCTGGt 3' Energy: -14.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6849-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.72 2 13 4165 4186 11 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:21854 to 21875 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gaccuccaccugUGUCCGACCa 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' tctaacataataAGAGGCTGGa 3' Energy: -13.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6849-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.78 2 11 21854 21875 9 88.89% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6849-3p NC_045512.2 603.00 -76.56 159.00 -24.11 1686 22 29903 10246 28071 4165 21854 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4310 MIMAT0016862(16 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4310 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:17784 to 17798 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (91.67%) Query: 3' cccUGUACUUACGACg 5' ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' ttcACA-GAATGCTGt 3' Energy: -14.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4310 NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.51 2 14 17784 17798 12 91.67% 91.67% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:16576 to 16589 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' ccCUGUACUUACGACg 5' |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgGACA--AATGCTGg 3' Energy: -15.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4310 NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.61 2 15 16576 16589 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:14771 to 14786 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (84.62%) Query: 3' ccCUGUACUUACGACg 5' ||:: ||||||| Ref: 5' agGATGGTAATGCTGc 3' Energy: -16.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4310 NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.18 2 15 14771 14786 13 69.23% 84.62% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:16311 to 16326 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (84.62%) Query: 3' ccCUGUACUUACGACg 5' | ::| ||||||| Ref: 5' atGTTGTAAATGCTGt 3' Energy: -9.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4310 NC_045512.2 146.00 -9.03 2 15 16311 16326 13 69.23% 84.62% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:14021 to 14039 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ccCUGUAC---UUACGACg 5' | |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' atGCCATGCGAAATGCTGg 3' Energy: -11.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4310 NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.48 2 15 14021 14039 16 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:21179 to 21194 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cccuguaCUUACGACg 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' attcttgGAATGCTGa 3' Energy: -12.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4310 NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.81 2 10 21179 21194 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:28725 to 28740 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (76.92%) Query: 3' ccCUGUACUUACGACg 5' | :| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctGCTAACAATGCTGc 3' Energy: -10.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4310 NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.79 2 15 28725 28740 13 69.23% 76.92% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:1344 to 1359 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cccuguacUUACGACg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' taccccaaAATGCTGt 3' Energy: -9.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4310 NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.03 2 9 1344 1359 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:12056 to 12071 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cccuguacUUACGACg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtgaagaAATGCTGg 3' Energy: -8.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4310 NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.58 2 9 12056 12071 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4310 NC_045512.2 1302.00 -108.02 151.00 -16.18 1687 16 29903 17784 16576 14771 16311 14021 21179 28725 1344 12056 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5591-5p MIMAT0022301(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5591-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12097 to 12117 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (94.12%) Query: 3' uauGGGUAUCGAAUCGAGGGu 5' |:|| ||:||||:|||| Ref: 5' agcCTCAGAGTTTAGTTCCCt 3' Energy: -24.559999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5591-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -24.56 2 19 12097 12117 17 76.47% 94.12% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:17107 to 17128 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uaugGGU-AUCGAAUCGAGGGu 5' |:| |:|| ||||||:| Ref: 5' tttgCTATTGGCCTAGCTCTCt 3' Energy: -18.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5591-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.30 2 18 17107 17128 17 70.59% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5591-5p NC_045512.2 302.00 -42.86 158.00 -24.56 1688 21 29903 12097 17107 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-509-3p MIMAT0002881(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-509-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5981 to 6002 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gauGGGUGUCUGCAUGGUUAGu 5' ::|||||| ||||||: Ref: 5' tatTTCACAGAGCAACCAATTg 3' Energy: -17.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-509-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.43 2 20 5981 6002 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:8064 to 8084 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gaUGGGUGUCUGCAUGGUUAgu 5' ||:: :| |||||||||| Ref: 5' caACTTTTA-ACGTACCAATgg 3' Energy: -17.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-509-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.92 3 21 8064 8084 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:13119 to 13139 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (84.62%) Query: 3' gaugggugUCUGCAUGGUUAGu 5' :||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctagtgggGGAC-AACCAATCa 3' Energy: -19.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-509-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -19.18 2 15 13119 13139 13 76.92% 84.62% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11324 to 11345 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gaUGGGUGUCUGCAUGGUUAGu 5' | |:::|| |||:|||| Ref: 5' tcAGCTGTAGTGTTACTAATCc 3' Energy: -14.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-509-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.05 2 21 11324 11345 19 57.89% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-509-3p NC_045512.2 577.00 -68.58 147.00 -19.18 1689 22 29903 5981 8064 13119 11324 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4277 MIMAT0016908(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4277 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12871 to 12893 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' caCAUGACACG-A-GUCUUGACg 5' ||||| | : | |||||||| Ref: 5' tgGTACTATCTATACAGAACTGg 3' Energy: -17.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4277 NC_045512.2 157.00 -17.87 2 20 12871 12893 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:11344 to 11364 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cacaugacacgagUCUUGACg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ccttatgacagcaAGAACTGt 3' Energy: -11.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4277 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.67 2 9 11344 11364 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4277 NC_045512.2 297.00 -29.54 157.00 -17.87 1690 21 29903 12871 11344 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4722-3p MIMAT0019837(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4722-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6729-5p MIMAT0027359(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6729-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4496 MIMAT0019031(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4496 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4679 to 4701 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gggaGA-GUCGAAGUCAAAGGAg 5' || |||:||| |||||:| Ref: 5' ccagCTACAGTTTCTGTTTCTTc 3' Energy: -26.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4496 NC_045512.2 153.00 -26.63 2 19 4679 4701 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:28120 to 28141 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' gggagagucgAAGUCAAAGGAg 5' | ||||||||| Ref: 5' tcggtaattaTACAGTTTCCTg 3' Energy: -14.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4496 NC_045512.2 152.00 -14.80 2 13 28120 28141 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17006 to 17026 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gggAGAGUCGAAGUCAAAGGAg 5' |||||| | |||||:|| Ref: 5' ataTCTCAG-ATGAGTTTTCTa 3' Energy: -19.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4496 NC_045512.2 149.00 -19.27 2 20 17006 17026 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:26581 to 26603 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gggaGAGUCG-AAGUCAAAGGAg 5' | :||: | :||||||| Ref: 5' ggaaCCTAGTAATAGGTTTCCTa 3' Energy: -15.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4496 NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.45 2 19 26581 26603 18 61.11% 77.78% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9759 to 9780 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (66.67%) Query: 3' gggAGAGUCGAAGUCAAAGGAg 5' |||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' tagTCTTTAATGGTGTTTCCTt 3' Energy: -13.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4496 NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.46 2 20 9759 9780 18 61.11% 66.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4496 NC_045512.2 742.00 -89.61 153.00 -26.63 1693 22 29903 4679 28120 17006 26581 9759 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4764-3p MIMAT0019915(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4764-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20871 to 20894 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gguACCCACAC--UUUCCUCAAUu 5' ||| | || |||||||||: Ref: 5' tgcTGGTTCTGATAAAGGAGTTGc 3' Energy: -16.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4764-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.25 2 20 20871 20894 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:24998 to 25019 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gguacccacacUUUCCUCAAUu 5' ::|||||||| Ref: 5' gactcattcaaGGAGGAGTTAg 3' Energy: -14.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4764-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.02 2 12 24998 25019 10 80.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:24276 to 24297 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' gguacccACACUUUCCUCAAUu 5' || | ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtttaaTGGTATTGGAGTTAc 3' Energy: -11.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4764-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.24 2 16 24276 24297 14 71.43% 71.43% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4764-3p NC_045512.2 440.00 -41.51 150.00 -16.25 1694 22 29903 20871 24998 24276 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4782-5p MIMAT0019944(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4782-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26846 to 26867 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' aacUAACAG-AAGUAUAGGUCUu 5' :| ||| |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' catGTGGTCATTCA-ATCCAGAa 3' Energy: -20.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4782-5p NC_045512.2 160.00 -20.02 2 20 26846 26867 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2418 to 2438 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' aacUAACAGAAGUAUAGGUCUu 5' | ||| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' gaaAGTGTGTT-AAATCCAGAg 3' Energy: -15.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4782-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -15.14 2 20 2418 2438 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:4044 to 4063 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (85.71%) Query: 3' aacuaacAGAAGUAUAGGUCUu 5' ||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' atggcaaTCTTC--ATCCAGAt 3' Energy: -16.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4782-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -16.83 2 16 4044 4063 14 85.71% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4782-5p NC_045512.2 469.00 -51.99 160.00 -20.02 1695 22 29903 26846 2418 4044 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1323 MIMAT0005795(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1323 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:11873 to 11894 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucuuuuacgGGGAGUCAAAACu 5' |:|||||||||| Ref: 5' gtagtcttaCTCTCAGTTTTGc 3' Energy: -18.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1323 NC_045512.2 161.00 -18.90 2 14 11873 11894 12 91.67% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:14396 to 14420 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ucuuuuACGG-GGA-G-UCAAAACu 5' | || ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' cagtgtTCCCACCTACAAGTTTTGg 3' Energy: -17.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1323 NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.44 2 17 14396 14420 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:16460 to 16481 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ucUUUUACGGGGAGUCAAAAcu 5' ||| ||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' atAAACCACCCATTAGTTTTcc 3' Energy: -12.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1323 NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.09 3 21 16460 16481 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 16 R:21686 to 21707 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' ucuuuuaCGGGGAGUCAAAAcu 5' | :|||||||||| Ref: 5' gttttcaGATCCTCAGTTTTac 3' Energy: -15.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1323 NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.55 3 16 21686 21707 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:5173 to 5193 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ucuUUUACGGGGAGUCAAAAcu 5' || || :||| |||||| Ref: 5' cacAACTGATCCT-AGTTTTct 3' Energy: -8.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1323 NC_045512.2 141.00 -8.87 3 20 5173 5193 17 76.47% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1323 NC_045512.2 734.00 -72.85 161.00 -18.90 1696 22 29903 11873 14396 16460 21686 5173 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-708-3p MIMAT0004927(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-708-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:2033 to 2054 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gaucuucGAGUGUCAGAUCAAc 5' || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttggctaCTAACAATCTAGTTg 3' Energy: -18.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-708-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -18.48 2 16 2033 2054 14 85.71% 85.71% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12093 to 12114 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gaUCUUCGAGUGUCAGAUCAAc 5' | |: |||| |||:||||| Ref: 5' ctATAGCCTCAGAGTTTAGTTc 3' Energy: -18.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-708-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -18.76 2 21 12093 12114 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:15748 to 15769 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gauCUUCGAGUGUCAGAUCAac 5' | | |||| :||||||| Ref: 5' tatGCATCTCAAGGTCTAGTgg 3' Energy: -17.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-708-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.41 3 20 15748 15769 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:20645 to 20666 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' gaucUUCGAGUGUCAGAUCAac 5' || |:||| |||||| Ref: 5' acccAAAATTACAATCTAGTca 3' Energy: -11.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-708-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.16 3 19 20645 20666 16 75.00% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-708-3p NC_045512.2 604.00 -65.81 159.00 -18.76 1697 22 29903 2033 12093 15748 20645 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-let-7i-5p MIMAT0000415(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-let-7i-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9845 to 9867 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uuGUCG-UGUUUGAUGAUGGAGu 5' :||: |:: :|||:|||||| Ref: 5' cgTAGTGATGTGCTATTACCTCt 3' Energy: -19.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7i-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -19.58 2 21 9845 9867 20 60.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:3681 to 3702 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uuGUCGUGUUUGAUGAUGGAgu 5' ||||||:|| | ||||:| Ref: 5' atCAGCACGAAGTTCTACTTgc 3' Energy: -22.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7i-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -22.08 3 21 3681 3702 18 77.78% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-let-7i-5p NC_045512.2 291.00 -41.66 147.00 -22.08 1698 22 29903 9845 3681 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-384 MIMAT0001075(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-384 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:29763 to 29781 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' auACUUGUUAAAGAUCCUUa 5' ||||||| | |||||:| Ref: 5' agTGAACAA-TGCTAGGGAg 3' Energy: -20.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-384 NC_045512.2 152.00 -20.15 2 19 29763 29781 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:22915 to 22936 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' auACUUGU-UAA-AGAUCCUUa 5' || |:| ||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' ccTGTATAGATTGTTTAGGAAg 3' Energy: -9.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-384 NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.80 2 19 22915 22936 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:26976 to 26995 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' auACUUGUUAAAGAUCCUua 5' ||:||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gcTGGACACCATCTAGGAcg 3' Energy: -14.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-384 NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.86 3 19 26976 26995 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:28598 to 28617 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (76.92%) Query: 3' auacuuGUUAAAGAUCCUUa 5' :| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tatttcTACTACCTAGGAAc 3' Energy: -8.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-384 NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.63 2 15 28598 28617 13 69.23% 76.92% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:4368 to 4387 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' auaCUUGUUAAAGAUCCUUa 5' |||| :||||| |||| Ref: 5' ttgGAACTGTTTCTTGGAAt 3' Energy: -16.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-384 NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.45 2 18 4368 4387 16 81.25% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-384 NC_045512.2 721.00 -69.89 152.00 -20.15 1699 20 29903 29763 22915 26976 28598 4368 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4292 MIMAT0016919(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4292 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4699-3p MIMAT0019795(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4699-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:21384 to 21407 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ccucuucuAAC-GU-CUCAUUUAa 5' ||| || |||||||| Ref: 5' ttctttatTTGACATGAGTAAATt 3' Energy: -11.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4699-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -11.02 2 15 21384 21407 15 86.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:2851 to 2873 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' ccucuucuaACGUC-UCAUUUAa 5' | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgaactcggTACAGAAGTAAATg 3' Energy: -9.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4699-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -9.57 2 14 2851 2873 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:27173 to 27194 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ccucuuCUAACGUCUCAUUUAa 5' | |||:| |||||:| Ref: 5' tgctttGCTTGTACAGTAAGTg 3' Energy: -8.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4699-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -8.61 2 17 27173 27194 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3325 to 3344 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccUCUUCUAACGUCUCAUUUAa 5' ||| |||| | |||:||| Ref: 5' tcAGACTATTG-A-AGTGAATa 3' Energy: -9.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4699-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.28 2 21 3325 3344 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:6871 to 6891 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ccucUUCUAACGUCUCAUUUAa 5' |||| ||: :|||||| Ref: 5' tgttAAGAGTGT-CGGTAAATt 3' Energy: -9.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4699-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.84 2 19 6871 6891 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:12566 to 12588 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccuCUUCUAACGUC--UCAUUUaa 5' | ||| ||||| |||||| Ref: 5' gttGTAGA-TGCAGATAGTAAAat 3' Energy: -12.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4699-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.09 3 20 12566 12588 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17263 to 17284 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccuCU-UCUAACGUCUCAUUUAa 5' || | ||| || |||:||| Ref: 5' tttGATAAATT-CAAAGTGAATt 3' Energy: -7.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4699-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.55 2 20 17263 17284 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:25966 to 25987 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccUCUUCUAACGUCUCAUUUaa 5' | ::|| | ::||||||| Ref: 5' aaATGGGAATCTGGAGTAAAag 3' Energy: -9.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4699-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.48 3 21 25966 25987 18 61.11% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4699-3p NC_045512.2 1144.00 -77.44 152.00 -12.09 1701 22 29903 21384 2851 27173 3325 6871 12566 17263 25966 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1252-5p MIMAT0005944(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1252-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:12099 to 12120 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (93.75%) Query: 3' auuuaCUUAAGUUAAAGGAAGa 5' ||:||:|:|| ||||| Ref: 5' cctcaGAGTTTAGTTCCCTTCc 3' Energy: -17.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1252-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.48 2 18 12099 12120 16 75.00% 93.75% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:23015 to 23038 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' auuuACUUA--AGUUAAAGGAAGa 5' | ||| |:| |||||||: Ref: 5' ggttTTAATTGTTACTTTCCTTTa 3' Energy: -7.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1252-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -7.05 2 19 23015 23038 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1252-5p NC_045512.2 282.00 -24.53 141.00 -17.48 1702 22 29903 12099 23015 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-500b-3p MIMAT0027032(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-500b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:21971 to 21990 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gucUUAGGAACGGACCCACg 5' :|||| | ::|||||| Ref: 5' aatGATCCATTTTTGGGTGt 3' Energy: -18.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-500b-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.29 2 18 21971 21990 16 68.75% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-500b-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.29 145.00 -18.29 1703 20 29903 21971 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4802-5p MIMAT0019981(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4802-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4509 MIMAT0019046(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4509 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:9763 to 9784 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' uuuuggaagAUAUAGGAAAUCa 5' |:| |||||||| Ref: 5' ctttaatggTGTTTCCTTTAGt 3' Energy: -13.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4509 NC_045512.2 153.00 -13.16 2 14 9763 9784 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9715 to 9739 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (86.36%) Query: 3' uuUUG-GAAGAUA--UAGGAAAUCa 5' |:| :|||||| :|:|||||| Ref: 5' aaAGCATTTCTATTGGTTCTTTAGt 3' Energy: -18.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4509 NC_045512.2 150.00 -18.62 2 21 9715 9739 22 68.18% 86.36% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7140 to 7161 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uuUUGGAAGAUAUAGGAAAUCa 5' |:: |:|| ||:|||||| Ref: 5' ttAGTGGTTTAGATTCTTTAGa 3' Energy: -11.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4509 NC_045512.2 148.00 -11.32 2 21 7140 7161 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9653 to 9672 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uuuUGGAAGAUAUAGGAAAUCa 5' |: ||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gttATGTTC-ACA-CCTTTAGt 3' Energy: -12.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4509 NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.12 2 20 9653 9672 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4509 NC_045512.2 598.00 -55.22 153.00 -18.62 1705 22 29903 9763 9715 7140 9653 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6090 MIMAT0023715(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6090 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-654-3p MIMAT0004814(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-654-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19475 to 19498 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uuCCACUAC--CAGUCGUCUGUAu 5' ||||:|| ||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' taGGTGGTGCTGTCTGTAGACATc 3' Energy: -27.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-654-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -27.69 2 21 19475 19498 21 76.19% 85.71% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24561 to 24582 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' uuccACUACCAGUCGUCUGUAu 5' | | ||: |||||||| Ref: 5' gactTCAAAGTTTGCAGACATa 3' Energy: -15.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-654-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -15.71 2 19 24561 24582 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2279 to 2298 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' uuCCACUACCAGUCGUCUGUAu 5' || || ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' aaGGAGAGTGTT--CAGACATt 3' Energy: -16.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-654-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -16.07 2 21 2279 2298 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:14300 to 14321 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (73.33%) Query: 3' uuccacUACCAGUCGUCUGUAu 5' || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaaatATTGGGATCAGACATa 3' Energy: -14.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-654-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.33 2 17 14300 14321 15 73.33% 73.33% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:17524 to 17544 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uuccacUA-CCAGUCGUCUGUAu 5' || |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaactATAGGTC--CAGACATg 3' Energy: -16.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-654-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.85 2 17 17524 17544 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:3379 to 3400 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuccacuaccaguCGUCUGUAu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' atacattaaaaatGCAGACATt 3' Energy: -11.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-654-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.67 2 10 3379 3400 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:18992 to 19014 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuCCAC-UACCAGUCGUCUGUau 5' | || || |:|||||||| Ref: 5' aaGCTGCATTATTAGCAGACAaa 3' Energy: -15.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-654-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.82 3 21 18992 19014 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:17325 to 17346 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' uuccacuacCAGUCGUCUGUAu 5' | |||||||:|| Ref: 5' gcctgagacGACAGCAGATATa 3' Energy: -17.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-654-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.96 2 14 17325 17346 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12023 to 12046 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuccAC-UACCA-GUCGUCUGUAu 5' || | ||| | |:|||||| Ref: 5' tccaTGCAGGGTGCTGTAGACATa 3' Energy: -18.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-654-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.65 2 19 12023 12046 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:22770 to 22790 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuCCACUACCAGUC-GUCUGUau 5' ||||||| || |||||| Ref: 5' gaGGTGATG--AAGTCAGACAaa 3' Energy: -23.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-654-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -23.14 3 21 22770 22790 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:29084 to 29105 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuccacuaccAGUCGUCUGUAu 5' ||:||||||:| Ref: 5' acacaagcttTCGGCAGACGTg 3' Energy: -18.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-654-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.84 2 13 29084 29105 11 81.82% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-654-3p NC_045512.2 1607.00 -196.73 159.00 -27.69 1707 22 29903 19475 24561 2279 14300 17524 3379 18992 17325 12023 22770 29084 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4679 MIMAT0019763(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4679 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17825 to 17848 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ucGUUUCUUAG--AGAUAGUGUCu 5' |||| :|: |: ||||||| Ref: 5' ctCAAACTGTTGATTCATCACAGg 3' Energy: -14.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4679 NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.61 2 21 17825 17848 21 61.90% 76.19% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24534 to 24558 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (72.73%) Query: 3' ucGUUU--CU-UAGAGAUAGUGUCu 5' |||| || | |: ||||||| Ref: 5' tgCAAATTGATAGGTTGATCACAGg 3' Energy: -14.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4679 NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.79 2 21 24534 24558 22 68.18% 72.73% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9280 to 9301 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ucguUUCUUAGAGAUAGUGUCu 5' || ||| :|||:|||| Ref: 5' acttAACAATGATTATTACAGa 3' Energy: -13.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4679 NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.44 2 19 9280 9301 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:5348 to 5368 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ucguUUCUUAGAGAUAGUGUCu 5' |||| || |||:|||| Ref: 5' ctacAAGATGCT-TATTACAGa 3' Energy: -14.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4679 NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.76 2 19 5348 5368 17 76.47% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4679 NC_045512.2 591.00 -57.60 151.00 -14.79 1708 22 29903 17825 24534 9280 5348 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-429 MIMAT0001536(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-429 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:1974 to 1995 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (84.62%) Query: 3' ugccaaaaUGGUCUGUCAUAAu 5' |:: |||||||| Ref: 5' tagatggaATTTCACAGTATTc 3' Energy: -12.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-429 NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.35 2 15 1974 1995 13 69.23% 84.62% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14380 to 14403 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugcCAAAAU--GGUCUGUCAUAAu 5' |||||| |: |||||:|| Ref: 5' aatGTTTTATTCTCTACAGTGTTc 3' Energy: -12.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-429 NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.74 2 20 14380 14403 20 70.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-429 NC_045512.2 292.00 -25.09 146.00 -12.74 1709 22 29903 1974 14380 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-584-3p MIMAT0022708(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-584-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:4356 to 4377 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucggaccaaccGGACCUUGACu 5' |:|||||||| Ref: 5' agcaagaaattCTTGGAACTGt 3' Energy: -18.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-584-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -18.91 2 12 4356 4377 10 90.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:25409 to 25430 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucggaccaaccgGACCUUGACu 5' :|||||||| Ref: 5' gaatcttcacaaTTGGAACTGt 3' Energy: -16.280001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-584-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.28 2 11 25409 25430 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:28598 to 28620 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' ucggaccaaccGGA-CCUUGACu 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tatttctactaCCTAGGAACTGg 3' Energy: -18.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-584-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.15 2 12 28598 28620 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:12852 to 12873 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucggaccaaccggACCUUGACu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tccctaagagtgaTGGAACTGg 3' Energy: -18.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-584-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.00 2 10 12852 12873 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5053 to 5073 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucGGACCAACCGGACCUUGACu 5' |:| |||| ||||:||| Ref: 5' aaCTTATTTGG-ATGGAGCTGa 3' Energy: -22.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-584-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -22.83 2 21 5053 5073 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:29142 to 29163 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ucggaccaaCCGGACCUUGACu 5' | | ||||||| Ref: 5' aactaatcaGACAAGGAACTGa 3' Energy: -16.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-584-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.66 2 14 29142 29163 12 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10812 to 10833 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ucGGACCAACCGGACCUUGACu 5' :||| | ||||||:|| Ref: 5' ttTCTGCTCAAACTGGAATTGc 3' Energy: -18.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-584-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.26 2 21 10812 10833 19 63.16% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-584-3p NC_045512.2 1011.00 -129.09 151.00 -22.83 1710 22 29903 4356 25409 28598 12852 5053 29142 10812 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-508-3p MIMAT0002880(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-508-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:20642 to 20661 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' agAUGAGGUUUUCCGAUGUUAGu 5' ||| |||||| :||||||| Ref: 5' ttTAC-CCAAAA--TTACAATCt 3' Energy: -17.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-508-3p NC_045512.2 164.00 -17.95 2 22 20642 20661 20 80.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24187 to 24209 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agaUGAGGUUUUCCGAUGUUAGu 5' ||| : |: || ||||||| Ref: 5' tgcACTGTTAGCGGGTACAATCa 3' Energy: -17.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-508-3p NC_045512.2 160.00 -17.60 2 21 24187 24209 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:7282 to 7304 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' agAUGAGGUUUUCCGAUGUUAGu 5' ||||: :| ||||:||||| Ref: 5' tgTACTTGGATTGGCTGCAATCa 3' Energy: -24.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-508-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -24.86 2 22 7282 7304 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:28721 to 28745 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (81.82%) Query: 3' agAUGA-GGUU-UUCCGAUGUUAGu 5' | || |:|| || |||:||||| Ref: 5' aaTCCTGCTAACAATGCTGCAATCg 3' Energy: -21.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-508-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -21.07 2 22 28721 28745 22 72.73% 81.82% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:29057 to 29082 Align Len (22) (77.27%) (77.27%) Query: 3' agAUGA-GGU--UUUCCGAUGUUAgu 5' |||| ||| |||| |||||| Ref: 5' cgTACTGCCACTAAAGCATACAATgt 3' Energy: -13.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-508-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.36 3 22 29057 29082 22 77.27% 77.27% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:6782 to 6802 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agAUGAGGUUUUCCGAUGUUAGu 5' ||||:: | ||||||||: Ref: 5' ttTACTTT--ATTGCTACAATTg 3' Energy: -16.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-508-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.60 2 22 6782 6802 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:23022 to 23044 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agaugagguuuuccGAUGUUAGu 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' attgttactttcctTTACAATCa 3' Energy: -14.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-508-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.58 2 10 23022 23044 8 87.50% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-508-3p NC_045512.2 1062.00 -126.02 164.00 -24.86 1711 23 29903 20642 24187 7282 28721 29057 6782 23022 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4655-5p MIMAT0019721(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4655-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6808-5p MIMAT0027516(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6808-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:19253 to 19276 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' guaccAGGGUGGAG--GGACGGAc 5' ||: ||||: |:||||| Ref: 5' tgctaTCTAACCTTAACTTGCCTg 3' Energy: -22.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6808-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -22.53 2 18 19253 19276 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:26997 to 27018 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guaccaggguggagGGACGGAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtgacatcaaggaCCTGCCTa 3' Energy: -18.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6808-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.07 2 9 26997 27018 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6808-5p NC_045512.2 280.00 -40.60 140.00 -22.53 1713 22 29903 19253 26997 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4762-5p MIMAT0019910(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4762-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:29453 to 29474 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uccGAA-GACUAGUUCUAAACc 5' ||| ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' cttCTTCCTGCTGCAGATTTGg 3' Energy: -17.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4762-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -17.08 2 19 29453 29474 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:19223 to 19244 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uccgaaGACUAGU-UCUAAACc 5' :|| |:: ||||||| Ref: 5' attccaTTGTTTGTAGATTTGa 3' Energy: -8.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4762-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -8.55 2 16 19223 19244 15 66.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22581 to 22605 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (72.73%) Query: 3' ucCGAAGACU--AGU--UCUAAACc 5' |:||:| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaGTTTTTAACGCCACCAGATTTGc 3' Energy: -8.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4762-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -8.45 2 20 22581 22605 22 63.64% 72.73% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:22232 to 22250 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uccgaaGACUAGUUCUAAACc 5' :||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' gaaccaTTGGT--AGATTTGc 3' Energy: -9.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4762-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.94 2 16 22232 22250 14 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:717 to 737 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ucCGAAGACUAGUUCUAAAcc 5' | | || || ||||||| Ref: 5' ctGATCCTTATGAAGATTTtc 3' Energy: -9.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4762-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.67 3 20 717 737 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12815 to 12839 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ucCGA-AGACUA---GUUCUAAACc 5' |:| || ||| ||:|||||| Ref: 5' ctGTTATCCGATTTACAGGATTTGa 3' Energy: -11.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4762-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.84 2 20 12815 12839 22 68.18% 77.27% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:20402 to 20425 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uccGAAGAC-UAG--UUCUAAAcc 5' |||:|| ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' cacCTTTTGAATTAGAAGATTTta 3' Energy: -10.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4762-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.19 3 19 20402 20425 19 73.68% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4762-5p NC_045512.2 1016.00 -75.72 157.00 -17.08 1714 21 29903 29453 19223 22581 22232 717 12815 20402 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6837-5p MIMAT0027576(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6837-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-200b-5p MIMAT0004571(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-200b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:244 to 268 Align Len (21) (57.14%) (71.43%) Query: 3' aggUUACGACGGGU---CAUUCUAc 5' ::||: || | ||||||| Ref: 5' ccgGGTGTGACCGAAAGGTAAGATg 3' Energy: -19.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-200b-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.82 2 20 244 268 21 57.14% 71.43% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-200b-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.82 142.00 -19.82 1716 22 29903 244 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6801-3p MIMAT0027503(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6801-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:28866 to 28885 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ccGGUCACUCACCGUCCCCa 5' |||| || |:||||| Ref: 5' ctCCAGGCAGCAGTAGGGGa 3' Energy: -22.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6801-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -22.41 2 19 28866 28885 17 70.59% 76.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6801-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -22.41 142.00 -22.41 1717 20 29903 28866 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548d-5p MIMAT0004812(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548d-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 172.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25795 to 25814 Align Len (19) (89.47%) (89.47%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |||||||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' tcCAAAAACC-C-ATTACTTTa 3' Energy: -16.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548d-5p NC_045512.2 172.00 -16.81 2 21 25795 25814 19 89.47% 89.47% Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2719 to 2740 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' || ||| | ::||||||| Ref: 5' tgCACCAACAAAGGTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -13.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548d-5p NC_045512.2 160.00 -13.42 2 21 2719 2740 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4012 to 4032 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||:||| | : :||||||| Ref: 5' caCAGAAAAC-TTGTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -11.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548d-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -11.07 2 21 4012 4032 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8375 to 8398 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ccgUUUUUGGUGU--UAAUGAAAa 5' ||||::|||| |||:|||| Ref: 5' gcaAAAAGTCACAACATTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -16.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548d-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -16.77 2 20 8375 8398 20 75.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1675 to 1696 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (94.44%) Query: 3' ccgUUUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |:|:|:|:| ||||:||| Ref: 5' tgaAGAGATCGCCATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -14.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548d-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -14.24 2 20 1675 1696 18 66.67% 94.44% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20180 to 20203 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGG--UGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||| ||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaCAATTACCTGAAACTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -11.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548d-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -11.96 2 21 20180 20203 21 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7760 to 7781 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccguuuUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' | |||: ||||||| Ref: 5' ggttccATCCATCTTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -12.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548d-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -12.55 2 17 7760 7781 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10947 to 10969 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGUGU-UAAUGAAAa 5' ||| : :|| : :||||||| Ref: 5' gaCAATGCTCAGGTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -10.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548d-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -10.03 2 21 10947 10969 20 60.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23009 to 23033 Align Len (22) (50.00%) (81.82%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGUGUU---AAUGAAAa 5' ::||:::: :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtTGAAGGTTTTAATTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -8.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548d-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -8.04 2 21 23009 23033 22 50.00% 81.82% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:5449 to 5471 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ccgUUUUUGGUG-UUAAUGAAaa 5' |:|||| |: |:|||||| Ref: 5' tagAGAAACAATGAGTTACTTgt 3' Energy: -10.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548d-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -10.11 3 20 5449 5471 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:5891 to 5911 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAaa 5' || ||| | ||:|||||| Ref: 5' acCATAAAAC-CAGTTACTTat 3' Energy: -11.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548d-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.73 3 21 5891 5911 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:13630 to 13651 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ccguuUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' || : |: ||||||| Ref: 5' aatttAATTGATTCTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -4.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548d-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -4.51 2 18 13630 13651 16 62.50% 75.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22273 to 22294 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ccguuUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||||: :| ||:|||| Ref: 5' gtttcAAACTTTACTTGCTTTa 3' Energy: -8.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548d-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -8.63 2 18 22273 22294 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14686 to 14707 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||||:||: | || ||||| Ref: 5' aaCAAAGACTTCTATGACTTTg 3' Energy: -11.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548d-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.82 2 21 14686 14707 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16457 to 16479 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGU-GUUAAUGAAAa 5' || |||||| | |||| ||| Ref: 5' caCATAAACCACCCATTAGTTTt 3' Energy: -14.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548d-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.67 2 21 16457 16479 20 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:4516 to 4538 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccguuuuUGGUGU-UAAUGAAAa 5' :|:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttatggtGCTAGATTTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -8.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548d-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.57 2 16 4516 4538 15 66.67% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27159 to 27179 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||: :|| |: |||:|||| Ref: 5' agCAGTGACAAT-ATTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -12.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548d-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.29 2 21 27159 27179 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:11627 to 11648 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccguuuuugguguUAAUGAAAa 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' tatttttgtacttGTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -7.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548d-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -7.37 2 10 11627 11648 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 14 R:25993 to 26014 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccguuuuugGUGUUAAUGAAaa 5' ||||:|||||| Ref: 5' gttgtattaCACAGTTACTTca 3' Energy: -14.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548d-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.22 3 14 25993 26014 11 90.91% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:2916 to 2937 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGUGUUAAUGAAaa 5' | |: |:| |||||||| Ref: 5' aaCCAGTATCTGAATTACTTac 3' Energy: -9.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548d-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.63 3 21 2916 2937 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6769 to 6790 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccguuuuugguguuAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tatgccttatttctTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -5.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548d-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.46 2 9 6769 6790 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548d-5p NC_045512.2 3123.00 -233.90 172.00 -16.81 1718 22 29903 25795 2719 4012 8375 1675 20180 7760 10947 23009 5449 5891 13630 22273 14686 16457 4516 27159 11627 25993 2916 6769 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3157-3p MIMAT0019210(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3157-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3059-5p MIMAT0048633(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3059-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:28863 to 28887 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ugUGGGAUACCCCGUC-UCUCCUUu 5' ||:| | | |||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' caACTCCAGGCAGCAGTAGGGGAAc 3' Energy: -20.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3059-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -20.04 2 23 28863 28887 22 68.18% 77.27% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:27648 to 27670 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ugugggaUACCCCGUCUCUCCUUu 5' || | || ||||||| Ref: 5' actgttcATCAGACA-AGAGGAAg 3' Energy: -19.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3059-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -19.89 2 18 27648 27670 16 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:3873 to 3896 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ugugggauaccccGUCUCUCCUUu 5' :| ||||||| Ref: 5' tcgctgagattccTAAAGAGGAAg 3' Energy: -16.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3059-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.11 2 12 3873 3896 10 80.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:2508 to 2531 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ugugggauaccccgUCUCUCCUUu 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' ccacagaagtgttaACAGAGGAAg 3' Energy: -16.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3059-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.99 2 11 2508 2531 9 88.89% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3059-5p NC_045512.2 581.00 -73.03 149.00 -20.04 1720 24 29903 28863 27648 3873 2508 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-324-5p MIMAT0000761(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-324-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-26a-1-3p MIMAT0004499(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-26a-1-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15076 to 15099 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' gcACGUUCAU--UGGUUCUUAUCc 5' ||| | || :| |||||||| Ref: 5' taTGCCATTAGTGCAAAGAATAGa 3' Energy: -13.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-26a-1-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -13.83 2 21 15076 15099 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:11746 to 11767 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (91.67%) Query: 3' gcacguucaUUGGUUCUUAUCc 5' | |||||||||| Ref: 5' actactcccACCCAAGAATAGc 3' Energy: -13.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-26a-1-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -13.82 2 14 11746 11767 12 91.67% 91.67% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28343 to 28363 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gcACGUUCAUUGGUUCUUAUCc 5' || ||||||| |||||:| Ref: 5' acTGGCAGTAACC-AGAATGGa 3' Energy: -21.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-26a-1-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -21.62 2 21 28343 28363 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11890 to 11910 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gcACGUUCAUUGGUUCUUAUCc 5' ||||| |||: |||:||| Ref: 5' ttTGCAA-CAACTCAGAGTAGa 3' Energy: -14.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-26a-1-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.60 2 21 11890 11910 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:27324 to 27345 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gcaCGUUCAUUGGUUCUUAUcc 5' |: | ||||::|||||| Ref: 5' taaGTCACTAACTGAGAATAaa 3' Energy: -10.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-26a-1-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.94 3 20 27324 27345 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:13739 to 13760 Align Len (12) (66.67%) (91.67%) Query: 3' gcacguucaUUGGUUCUUAUCc 5' |::: ||||||| Ref: 5' acttctttaAGTTTAGAATAGa 3' Energy: -10.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-26a-1-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -10.09 2 14 13739 13760 12 66.67% 91.67% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19062 to 19084 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gcacGUUC-AUUGGUUCUUAUCc 5' |||| |:|: |||||:| Ref: 5' acctCAAGCTGATGTAGAATGGa 3' Energy: -14.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-26a-1-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.32 2 19 19062 19084 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:27933 to 27954 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gcACGUUCAUUGGUUCUUAUcc 5' |||| | |||||||||: Ref: 5' gcTGCATTTCACCAAGAATGta 3' Energy: -17.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-26a-1-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.11 3 21 27933 27954 18 77.78% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-26a-1-3p NC_045512.2 1193.00 -116.33 159.00 -21.62 1722 22 29903 15076 11746 28343 11890 27324 13739 19062 27933 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4280 MIMAT0016911(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4280 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10116 to 10135 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cgAGACGAGUCUUGAUGUGAg 5' | || | | ||||||||| Ref: 5' ctTGTGGT-ACAACTACACTt 3' Energy: -15.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4280 NC_045512.2 157.00 -15.79 2 20 10116 10135 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14622 to 14643 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cgaGACGAGUC-UUGAUGUGAg 5' || :|||| |:||:|||| Ref: 5' gtgCTTTTCAGTAGCTGCACTt 3' Energy: -21.799999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4280 NC_045512.2 149.00 -21.80 2 19 14622 14643 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:12726 to 12745 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cgaGACGAGUCUUGAUGUGag 5' |||| |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgCTGC-CGGTACTACACaa 3' Energy: -20.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4280 NC_045512.2 144.00 -20.67 3 19 12726 12745 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:16936 to 16956 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cgagacgagucUUGAUGUGAg 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' ccattaagtgcACCTACACTa 3' Energy: -11.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4280 NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.49 2 11 16936 16956 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17053 to 17076 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' cgAGACG-AGUCUU--GAUGUGAg 5' | ||| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' ggTATGCAAAAGTATTCTACACTc 3' Energy: -17.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4280 NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.01 2 20 17053 17076 21 66.67% 66.67% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:23630 to 23651 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' cgagacgAGU-CUUGAUGUGAg 5' ||| : ||||||| Ref: 5' caatccaTCATTGCCTACACTa 3' Energy: -11.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4280 NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.49 2 15 23630 23651 14 71.43% 78.57% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4280 NC_045512.2 874.00 -98.25 157.00 -21.80 1723 21 29903 10116 14622 12726 16936 17053 23630 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3713 MIMAT0018164(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3713 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14460 to 14479 Align Len (17) (58.82%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ugGUAGGGGUUUGCCUAUGg 5' :| :::||| :|||||| Ref: 5' tgTAGTTTCAACTGGATACc 3' Energy: -19.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3713 NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.58 2 19 14460 14479 17 58.82% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3713 NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.58 142.00 -19.58 1724 20 29903 14460 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6743-5p MIMAT0027387(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6743-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:569 to 593 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (81.82%) Query: 3' ccCGGUGG---GCAGGGACGGGGAa 5' | |||: :||||:||:|||| Ref: 5' gaGACACTTGGTGTCCTTGTCCCTc 3' Energy: -28.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6743-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -28.41 2 21 569 593 22 63.64% 81.82% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6743-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -28.41 147.00 -28.41 1725 22 29903 569 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6855-5p MIMAT0027610(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6855-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:28271 to 28294 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (86.36%) Query: 3' cgUUACAGACGUGGGGUUUGGGGUu 5' |||||||| |: :::|||||| Ref: 5' aaAATGTCTG-ATAATGGACCCCAa 3' Energy: -27.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6855-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -27.24 2 24 28271 28294 22 68.18% 86.36% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:27284 to 27308 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' cguuACAGACGUGGGGUUUGGGGUu 5' || :| ||:| :|||||:|| Ref: 5' atctTGATTACATCATAAACCTCAt 3' Energy: -17.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6855-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -17.49 2 22 27284 27308 20 65.00% 85.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6855-5p NC_045512.2 310.00 -44.73 157.00 -27.24 1726 25 29903 28271 27284 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1294 MIMAT0005884(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1294 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12070 to 12090 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (89.47%) Query: 3' ucUGUUGUUACGGUUGGAGUGu 5' ||||||: | ||||||:|| Ref: 5' ggACAACAG-GGCAACCTTACa 3' Energy: -28.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1294 NC_045512.2 158.00 -28.91 2 21 12070 12090 19 78.95% 89.47% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25493 to 25514 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucUGUUGUUACGGUUGGAGUGu 5' |:| |:|| | |:|||||| Ref: 5' cgATACCGATACAAGCCTCACt 3' Energy: -18.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1294 NC_045512.2 152.00 -18.71 2 21 25493 25514 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:11016 to 11037 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (93.75%) Query: 3' ucuguUGUUACGGUUGGAGUGu 5' ||||| :::||:|||| Ref: 5' tactcACAATTTTGACTTCACt 3' Energy: -14.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1294 NC_045512.2 149.00 -14.68 2 18 11016 11037 16 68.75% 93.75% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25851 to 25873 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucUGUUG-UUACGGUUGGAGUGu 5' ||:|| | ||: ||||:|| Ref: 5' ttACGACTATTGTATACCTTACa 3' Energy: -19.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1294 NC_045512.2 143.00 -19.00 2 21 25851 25873 20 65.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1294 NC_045512.2 602.00 -81.30 158.00 -28.91 1727 22 29903 12070 25493 11016 25851 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5696 MIMAT0022489(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5696 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:22707 to 22729 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ccguAGUCUGA-UGAAUUUACUc 5' || ||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' tgtcTCCTACTAAATTAAATGAt 3' Energy: -10.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5696 NC_045512.2 157.00 -10.21 2 19 22707 22729 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24478 to 24499 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ccguAGUCUGAUGAAUUUACUc 5' ||| :: :|||||||| Ref: 5' aattTCAAGTGTTTTAAATGAt 3' Energy: -7.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5696 NC_045512.2 154.00 -7.55 2 19 24478 24499 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4573 to 4594 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccGU-AGUCUGAUGAAUUUACUc 5' || |:| || |: ||||||| Ref: 5' caCACTTA-ACGATCTAAATGAa 3' Energy: -6.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5696 NC_045512.2 153.00 -6.32 2 21 4573 4594 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:25128 to 25147 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ccguagUCUGAUGAAUUUACUc 5' ||| |:|||||||| Ref: 5' ttgccaAGA--ATTTAAATGAa 3' Energy: -10.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5696 NC_045512.2 153.00 -10.23 2 17 25128 25147 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15652 to 15672 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccGUAGUCUGAUGAAUUUACUc 5' || |||||| : |:||||| Ref: 5' gaCA-CAGACTTTGTGAATGAg 3' Energy: -21.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5696 NC_045512.2 150.00 -21.88 2 21 15652 15672 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:3190 to 3211 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' ccguagUCUGAUGAAUUUACUc 5' |||:|: |||:|||| Ref: 5' agaagaAGATTGGTTAGATGAt 3' Energy: -14.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5696 NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.96 2 17 3190 3211 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:2852 to 2875 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ccguAGUC-UG-AUGAAUUUACUc 5' ||:| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' gaacTCGGTACAGAAGTAAATGAg 3' Energy: -18.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5696 NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.33 2 19 2852 2875 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4254 to 4273 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ccgUAGUCUGAUGAAUUUACUc 5' :||||: ::|||||||: Ref: 5' cggGTCAGG--GTTTAAATGGt 3' Energy: -15.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5696 NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.67 2 20 4254 4273 18 61.11% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:6138 to 6160 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' ccguagucuGA-UGAAUUUACUc 5' || |||||||||: Ref: 5' catttttccCTGACTTAAATGGt 3' Energy: -11.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5696 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.25 2 14 6138 6160 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7193 to 7214 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccGUAGUCUGAUGAAUUUACUc 5' |||: |: :|||||||: Ref: 5' acCATTTCATCTTTTAAATGGg 3' Energy: -13.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5696 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.81 2 21 7193 7214 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:16878 to 16899 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' ccGUAGUCUGAUGAAUUUACuc 5' || | || | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaCAACTTACAAATTAAATGtt 3' Energy: -8.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5696 NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.14 3 21 16878 16899 18 72.22% 72.22% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5696 NC_045512.2 1619.00 -138.35 157.00 -21.88 1728 22 29903 22707 24478 4573 25128 15652 3190 2852 4254 6138 7193 16878 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7158-5p MIMAT0028226(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7158-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:3070 to 3093 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ccgACGUCCUGGUCUCUAACUCGg 5' || || | |||| |||||| Ref: 5' ttgTGAAGAAGAAGAGTTTGAGCc 3' Energy: -20.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7158-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.20 2 22 3070 3093 20 75.00% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7158-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.20 141.00 -20.20 1729 24 29903 3070 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3157-5p MIMAT0015031(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3157-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12263 to 12283 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ucUGACGUGAUCGGACCGACUu 5' ::|| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaGTTGGAAAAG-ATGGCTGAt 3' Energy: -16.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3157-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.46 2 21 12263 12283 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28887 to 28909 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucuGACG-UGAUCGGACCGACUu 5' || | :|||| ||||||: Ref: 5' cttCTCCTGCTAGAATGGCTGGc 3' Energy: -20.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3157-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -20.10 2 20 28887 28909 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:7278 to 7300 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ucugACGUG-AUCGGACCGACuu 5' ||:|| |:| :|||||| Ref: 5' tctaTGTACTTGGATTGGCTGca 3' Energy: -19.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3157-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.61 3 19 7278 7300 17 70.59% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3157-5p NC_045512.2 429.00 -56.17 146.00 -20.10 1730 22 29903 12263 28887 7278 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548aa MIMAT0018447(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548aa vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:10480 to 10505 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (78.26%) Query: 3' acCACGU-UUUCAUUAACACCAAAAa 5' || || : :|||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgGTTCATGTGGTAGTGTTGGTTTTa 3' Energy: -17.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aa NC_045512.2 162.00 -17.95 2 24 10480 10505 23 65.22% 78.26% Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23939 to 23963 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' accacGUUUUCAUUAACACCAAAAa 5' :|||: | | |||||||| Ref: 5' ccaatTAAAGATTTTGGTGGTTTTa 3' Energy: -11.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aa NC_045512.2 160.00 -11.16 2 21 23939 23963 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:13554 to 13576 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' accACGUUUUCAUUAACACCAAAAa 5' || ||||||: ||||||| Ref: 5' caaTGATAAAGTAG--CTGGTTTTg 3' Energy: -13.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aa NC_045512.2 159.00 -13.05 2 23 13554 13576 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:6943 to 6966 Align Len (13) (92.31%) (92.31%) Query: 3' accacguuuucAUUAACACCAAAAa 5' ||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gataaatattaTAATT-TGGTTTTt 3' Energy: -9.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aa NC_045512.2 156.00 -9.56 2 15 6943 6966 13 92.31% 92.31% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:11271 to 11297 Align Len (25) (64.00%) (76.00%) Query: 3' acCACGUUUUCAUU-AAC--ACCAAAAa 5' || ::| | ||: ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgGT-TGATACTAGTTTGTCTGGTTTTa 3' Energy: -12.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aa NC_045512.2 151.00 -12.32 2 24 11271 11297 25 64.00% 76.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:7226 to 7251 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (71.43%) Query: 3' accaCGUUUUCAU-UAACACCAAAAa 5' || |: |: | |||||||| Ref: 5' tttgGCTTAGTTGCAGAGTGGTTTTt 3' Energy: -14.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aa NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.55 2 22 7226 7251 21 61.90% 71.43% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14927 to 14953 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' accacGUUUUCAUUA-AC-ACCAAAAa 5' | |:| ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' acaacCTAGACAAATCAGCTGGTTTTc 3' Energy: -7.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aa NC_045512.2 146.00 -7.57 2 21 14927 14953 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:10040 to 10064 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' accacguuuucauuaaCACCAAAAa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tcagctgttttgcagaGTGGTTTTa 3' Energy: -12.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aa NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.19 2 10 10040 10064 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 23 R:16491 to 16513 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' accACGUUUUCAUUAACACCAAAaa 5' || | |||| || |||||| Ref: 5' taaTGGACAAGT--TTTTGGTTTat 3' Energy: -9.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aa NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.32 3 23 16491 16513 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:27077 to 27102 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (82.61%) Query: 3' acCACGUU-UUCAUUAACACCAAAAa 5' |||:|: |:||:| | |||||| Ref: 5' gcGTGTAGCAGGTGACTCAGGTTTTg 3' Energy: -14.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aa NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.96 2 24 27077 27102 23 65.22% 82.61% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548aa NC_045512.2 1512.00 -122.63 162.00 -17.95 1731 25 29903 10480 23939 13554 6943 11271 7226 14927 10040 16491 27077 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-154-3p MIMAT0000453(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-154-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:11351 to 11372 Align Len (13) (92.31%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuauccagUUGGCACAUACUAa 5' |||:||||||||| Ref: 5' acagcaagAACTGTGTATGATg 3' Energy: -18.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-154-3p NC_045512.2 166.00 -18.25 2 15 11351 11372 13 92.31% 100.00% Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7478 to 7498 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (93.33%) Query: 3' uuauccAGUUGGCACAUACUAa 5' |||||: |||||||| Ref: 5' aattcaTCAACT-TGTATGATg 3' Energy: -15.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-154-3p NC_045512.2 162.00 -15.72 2 17 7478 7498 15 86.67% 93.33% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14076 to 14095 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uuauCCAGUUGGCACAUACUAa 5' ||| |||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' caatGGT-AACTG-GTATGATt 3' Energy: -18.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-154-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -18.76 2 19 14076 14095 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:13913 to 13933 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' uuauccagUUGGCACAUACUAa 5' :||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' ataaaaagGACTG-GTATGATt 3' Energy: -16.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-154-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.41 2 15 13913 13933 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:14815 to 14836 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uuauccaGUUGGCACAUACUAa 5' |||| |||:|||| Ref: 5' aatctacCAACAATGTGTGATa 3' Energy: -14.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-154-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.64 2 16 14815 14836 14 78.57% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-154-3p NC_045512.2 777.00 -83.78 166.00 -18.76 1732 22 29903 11351 7478 14076 13913 14815 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-122-3p MIMAT0004590(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-122-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9755 to 9775 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' auAAAUCACACUAUUACCGCAa 5' | |||| | ||||||:|| Ref: 5' cgTGTAGTCT-TTAATGGTGTt 3' Energy: -15.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.71 2 21 9755 9775 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7536 to 7555 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' auaaAUCACACUAUUACCGCAa 5' || ||| ||||||:|| Ref: 5' caacTATTGT--TAATGGTGTt 3' Energy: -12.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.99 2 19 7536 7555 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14434 to 14454 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' auaaAUCACACUAUUACCGCAa 5' || | || |:||||:|| Ref: 5' aaaaTA-TTTGTTGATGGTGTt 3' Energy: -13.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.24 2 19 14434 14454 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-122-3p NC_045512.2 429.00 -41.94 146.00 -15.71 1733 22 29903 9755 7536 14434 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1270 MIMAT0005924(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1270 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:25141 to 25165 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ugUGUCGAGAAGGUA--UAGAGGUc 5' |:: ||| :||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaATGAATCTCTCATCGATCTCCAa 3' Energy: -16.379999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1270 NC_045512.2 156.00 -16.38 2 22 25141 25165 22 63.64% 77.27% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:9692 to 9714 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (93.33%) Query: 3' ugugucgAGAAGGUAUAGAGGUc 5' || |:::|||:|||| Ref: 5' gcttataTCATTTGTATTTCCAc 3' Energy: -11.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1270 NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.53 2 17 9692 9714 15 66.67% 93.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1270 NC_045512.2 300.00 -27.91 156.00 -16.38 1734 23 29903 25141 9692 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-769-3p MIMAT0003887(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-769-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20071 to 20093 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uugGUUCUGGGGCCUCUAGGGUc 5' ||| :|:| ||:||||| Ref: 5' ttaCAACCATCTGTAGGTCCCAa 3' Energy: -22.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-769-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -22.17 2 21 20071 20093 19 63.16% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-769-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -22.17 144.00 -22.17 1735 23 29903 20071 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3168 MIMAT0015043(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3168 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:19731 to 19746 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' caGACUGACAUCUUGAg 5' :||| |||||||:| Ref: 5' tgTTGA-TGTAGAATTg 3' Energy: -13.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3168 NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.23 2 16 19731 19746 14 78.57% 92.86% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3168 NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.23 141.00 -13.23 1736 17 29903 19731 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-143-3p MIMAT0000435(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-143-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 169.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:27193 to 27214 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cucGAUGUC-ACGAAGUAGAGu 5' | |||| ||:|||||||| Ref: 5' tgaCAACAGATGTTTCATCTCg 3' Energy: -24.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-143-3p NC_045512.2 169.00 -24.16 2 19 27193 27214 18 83.33% 88.89% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9948 to 9968 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cuCGAUGUCACGA-AGUAGAGu 5' |||:| ||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaGCTGC-TTGTTGTCATCTCg 3' Energy: -22.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-143-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -22.50 2 20 9948 9968 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18186 to 18207 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cucGAUGUC-ACGAAGUAGAGu 5' |||:|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gacCTATAGAAGACTCATCTCt 3' Energy: -16.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-143-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -16.90 2 19 18186 18207 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:17677 to 17696 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cuCGAUGUCACGAAGUAGAgu 5' || |:: ||:||||||| Ref: 5' acGC-ATGATGTTTCATCTgc 3' Energy: -15.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-143-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.75 3 20 17677 17696 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:26072 to 26091 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cuCGAUGUCACGAAGUAGAgu 5' |:||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' atGTTAC-CTTCTTCATCTac 3' Energy: -15.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-143-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.25 3 20 26072 26091 17 76.47% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-143-3p NC_045512.2 760.00 -94.56 169.00 -24.16 1737 21 29903 27193 9948 18186 17677 26072 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6874-5p MIMAT0027648(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6874-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2575 to 2597 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cggAC-UAGACCAAGGUCGAGGUa 5' || | || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tagTGAAGCT-GTTGAAGCTCCAt 3' Energy: -20.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6874-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -20.09 2 21 2575 2597 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:24446 to 24468 Align Len (9) (77.78%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cggacuagaccaaGGUCGAGGUa 5' ::||||||| Ref: 5' cttgttaaacaacTTAGCTCCAa 3' Energy: -15.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6874-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.38 2 11 24446 24468 9 77.78% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6874-5p NC_045512.2 295.00 -35.47 153.00 -20.09 1738 23 29903 2575 24446 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-516b-3p MIMAT0002860(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-516b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-10b-5p MIMAT0000254(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-10b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15887 to 15910 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' guguUUAAG-CCAAGAUGUCCCAu 5' ||| | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' atacAATGCTAGTTAAACAGGGTg 3' Energy: -20.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10b-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -20.34 2 20 15887 15910 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19657 to 19681 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' guguUUAAGC--CAAGAUGUCCCAu 5' | ||:| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ggacACTTTGATGGACAACAGGGTg 3' Energy: -20.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10b-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -20.60 2 20 19657 19681 20 65.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:12060 to 12082 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' gugUUUAAGCCAAGAUGUCCCau 5' |||| | | | |||||| Ref: 5' aagAAATGCTGGACAACAGGGca 3' Energy: -14.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.56 3 21 12060 12082 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:22093 to 22115 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guguuuaagccaagaUGUCCCAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ggaccttgaaggaaaACAGGGTa 3' Energy: -17.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.16 2 9 22093 22115 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-10b-5p NC_045512.2 580.00 -72.66 154.00 -20.60 1740 23 29903 15887 19657 12060 22093 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4677-5p MIMAT0019760(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4677-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 167.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26099 to 26121 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' acCGACU-UUCUGGUUUCUUGUu 5' |:||| :|| |::||||||| Ref: 5' ttGTTGATGAGCCTGAAGAACAt 3' Energy: -17.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4677-5p NC_045512.2 167.00 -17.95 2 21 26099 26121 20 70.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4743 to 4765 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' accGACUUUCUGG-UUUCUUGUu 5' || ||| ||| :||||||| Ref: 5' cttCTAAAACACCTGAAGAACAt 3' Energy: -14.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4677-5p NC_045512.2 166.00 -14.63 2 20 4743 4765 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:18164 to 18185 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' accGACUUUCUGGUUUCUUGUu 5' |||: | ||| |||:||| Ref: 5' tacCTGGCATACCTAAGGACAt 3' Energy: -16.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4677-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.04 2 20 18164 18185 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:10970 to 10991 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (76.92%) Query: 3' accgacuuUCUGGUUUCUUGUu 5' || |||||||| Ref: 5' caaagtgcAGTGAAAAGAACAa 3' Energy: -11.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4677-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.48 2 15 10970 10991 13 76.92% 76.92% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23349 to 23369 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acCGACUUUCUGGUUUCUUGUu 5' |:| || ||| |:||||| Ref: 5' gtGTTATAACACC-AGGAACAa 3' Energy: -13.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4677-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.88 2 21 23349 23369 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4677-5p NC_045512.2 772.00 -73.98 167.00 -17.95 1741 22 29903 26099 4743 18164 10970 23349 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7705 MIMAT0030020(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7705 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:26929 to 26951 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' guCUUGACUGUAAGACUCGAUAa 5' ||||| ::| || |||||:| Ref: 5' gtGAACTCGTAATCGGAGCTGTg 3' Energy: -16.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7705 NC_045512.2 157.00 -16.12 2 22 26929 26951 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16423 to 16447 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gucuUGA--CUGUAAGACUCGAUAa 5' ||| |: : | |||||||| Ref: 5' ctttACTTAGGAGGTATGAGCTATt 3' Energy: -14.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7705 NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.14 2 20 16423 16447 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:985 to 1013 Align Len (24) (66.67%) (70.83%) Query: 3' gucuUGAC-UGUAAGA-----CUCGAUAa 5' || | ||:|||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtacACGGAACGTTCTGAAAAGAGCTATg 3' Energy: -18.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7705 NC_045512.2 149.00 -18.77 2 20 985 1013 24 66.67% 70.83% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7705 NC_045512.2 456.00 -49.03 157.00 -18.77 1742 23 29903 26929 16423 985 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6847-3p MIMAT0027595(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6847-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:29490 to 29510 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' cuucuccUGUCUGUGUACUCGg 5' ||| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' aattgcaACA-ATCCATGAGCa 3' Energy: -14.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6847-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -14.46 2 16 29490 29510 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:951 to 972 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cuucucCUGUCUGUGUACUCGg 5' | |: : |||||||| Ref: 5' actgctGCCGTGAACATGAGCa 3' Energy: -13.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6847-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -13.84 2 17 951 972 15 66.67% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5561 to 5582 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cuUCUCCUGUCUGUGUACUCGg 5' || | :| ::|||||:|| Ref: 5' gaAGCTGTTATGTACATGGGCa 3' Energy: -17.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6847-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.75 2 21 5561 5582 19 57.89% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6847-3p NC_045512.2 437.00 -46.05 149.00 -17.75 1743 22 29903 29490 951 5561 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6755-5p MIMAT0027410(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6755-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:3024 to 3044 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uugcAACAGUCACAGAUGGGAu 5' ||||: | |||||||| Ref: 5' tgtaTTGTT-CTTTCTACCCTc 3' Energy: -15.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6755-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -15.26 2 19 3024 3044 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:836 to 857 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uugcaacagucACAGAUGGGAu 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtggccctgaTGGCTACCCTc 3' Energy: -14.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6755-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.21 2 12 836 857 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:18229 to 18250 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uugcaaCAGUCACAGAUGGGAu 5' ||:| || :|||||| Ref: 5' tatcaaGTTAATGGTTACCCTa 3' Energy: -17.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6755-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.11 2 17 18229 18250 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:17116 to 17137 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uugcaacagucacaGAUGGGAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ggcctagctctctaCTACCCTt 3' Energy: -12.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6755-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.82 2 9 17116 17137 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6755-5p NC_045512.2 587.00 -59.40 156.00 -17.11 1744 22 29903 3024 836 18229 17116 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-512-3p MIMAT0002823(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-512-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8524 to 8545 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cuggaGUCGAUACUGUCGUGAa 5' || | | ||:|||||| Ref: 5' tgtaaCAACAAAGATAGCACTt 3' Energy: -14.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-512-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.87 2 18 8524 8545 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:5671 to 5695 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' cuGGAGUCGAUACU---GUCGUGaa 5' |:|: |:||||| |||||| Ref: 5' acCTTTTGTTATGATGTCAGCACca 3' Energy: -21.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-512-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -21.21 3 21 5671 5695 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12527 to 12550 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' cugGAGUCGAUAC-U-GUCGUGAa 5' :|:| :|||| | |||||:| Ref: 5' acaTTTACTTATGCATCAGCATTg 3' Energy: -14.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-512-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.75 2 20 12527 12550 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:27462 to 27483 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cuggagUCGAUACUGUCGUGAa 5' || || ||||:||| Ref: 5' tgttagAGGTACAACAGTACTt 3' Energy: -14.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-512-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.21 2 17 27462 27483 15 73.33% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-512-3p NC_045512.2 569.00 -65.04 145.00 -21.21 1745 22 29903 8524 5671 12527 27462 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-153-3p MIMAT0000439(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-153-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22735 to 22754 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cuAGUGAAAACACUGAUACGUu 5' |:||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctTTACTAATGT--CTATGCAg 3' Energy: -14.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-153-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -14.79 2 21 22735 22754 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12337 to 12355 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cuAGUGAAAACACUGAUACGUu 5' |:|| | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' agTTAC--TAGTG-CTATGCAg 3' Energy: -18.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-153-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -18.10 2 21 12337 12355 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:7560 to 7580 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cuAGUGAAAACACUGAUACGuu 5' || ||||| || |||||| Ref: 5' ggTC-CTTTTATGTCTATGCta 3' Energy: -17.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-153-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -17.06 3 21 7560 7580 18 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16192 to 16215 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' cuAGUGAAAACACU--GAUACGUu 5' | | |||| ||| |||||:| Ref: 5' ccTGAGTTTTATGAGGCTATGTAc 3' Energy: -12.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-153-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.78 2 21 16192 16215 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24246 to 24265 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cuaGUGAAAACACUGAUACGUu 5' :|| || || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaTACCATT-TG-CTATGCAa 3' Energy: -13.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-153-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.02 2 20 24246 24265 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:14562 to 14583 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuagugaaaacacUGAUACGUu 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' tgctgctgaccctGCTATGCAc 3' Energy: -10.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-153-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.74 2 10 14562 14583 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:10282 to 10303 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuagugaaaacacuGAUACGUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ggttattggacattCTATGCAa 3' Energy: -15.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-153-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.81 2 9 10282 10303 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:22417 to 22439 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' cuagugaaaACA-CUGAUACGUu 5' ||| ||||:|||| Ref: 5' tacagatgcTGTAGACTGTGCAc 3' Energy: -16.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-153-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.30 2 14 22417 22439 13 84.62% 92.31% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-153-3p NC_045512.2 1173.00 -118.60 157.00 -18.10 1746 22 29903 22735 12337 7560 16192 24246 14562 10282 22417 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4454 MIMAT0018976(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4454 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8064 MIMAT0030991(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8064 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:15401 to 15420 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' caggcgagcgAGUCACACGa 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' gattagctaaTGAGTGTGCt 3' Energy: -17.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8064 NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.59 2 11 15401 15420 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:1509 to 1528 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' caggcgagcgagUCACACGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gttgccataacaAGTGTGCc 3' Energy: -14.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8064 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.17 2 9 1509 1528 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:21592 to 21610 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' caGGCGAGCGAGUCACACGa 5' :| || | ||||||||: Ref: 5' agTCTCTAG-TCAGTGTGTt 3' Energy: -20.719999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8064 NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.72 2 19 21592 21610 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8064 NC_045512.2 422.00 -52.48 142.00 -20.72 1748 20 29903 15401 1509 21592 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7110-3p MIMAT0028118(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7110-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:22941 to 22962 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacgucccuucaccCUCUCUCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atctcaaaccttttGAGAGAGa 3' Energy: -13.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7110-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.08 2 9 22941 22962 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7110-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.08 140.00 -13.08 1749 22 29903 22941 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-423-3p MIMAT0001340(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-423-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-331-5p MIMAT0004700(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-331-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:4152 to 4173 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' ccuaggGACCCUGGUAUGGAUc 5' ||| |:::||||||| Ref: 5' taactgCTGTGGTTATACCTAc 3' Energy: -18.549999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-331-5p NC_045512.2 160.00 -18.55 2 17 4152 4173 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18161 to 18179 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccUAGGGACCCUGGUAUGGAUc 5' || ||||| |||||||| Ref: 5' acATACCTGG---CATACCTAa 3' Energy: -19.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-331-5p NC_045512.2 160.00 -19.76 2 21 18161 18179 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:7107 to 7128 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ccuaggGACCCUGGUAUGGAuc 5' |||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' actgtaCTGGTTCTATACCTtg 3' Energy: -19.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-331-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.75 3 17 7107 7128 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:13305 to 13326 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccuagggacccuggUAUGGAUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gtaagtatgtacaaATACCTAc 3' Energy: -10.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-331-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.94 2 9 13305 13326 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18383 to 18404 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccUAGGGACCCUGGUAUGGAUc 5' | ||: | :|::|||||| Ref: 5' ttAACCTAGTTGCTGTACCTAc 3' Energy: -14.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-331-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.16 2 21 18383 18404 19 57.89% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-331-5p NC_045512.2 740.00 -83.16 160.00 -19.76 1751 22 29903 4152 18161 7107 13305 18383 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-190a-3p MIMAT0026482(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-190a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4104 to 4124 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' uccUUAUACAAACUAUAUAUc 5' || ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' agaAAGATGCTCCATATATAg 3' Energy: -10.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-190a-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -10.46 2 19 4104 4124 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26646 to 26667 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucCUUAUAC-AAACUAUAUAUc 5' ||||| | ||| :|||||| Ref: 5' agGAATAGGTTTTTGTATATAa 3' Energy: -13.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-190a-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -13.35 2 20 26646 26667 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:29579 to 29601 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uccuuauaCAAA--CUAUAUAUc 5' |||| |||||||| Ref: 5' gcttttccGTTTACGATATATAg 3' Energy: -11.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-190a-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -11.17 2 14 29579 29601 14 85.71% 85.71% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:21034 to 21054 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' uccUUAUACAAACUAUAUAUc 5' | ||| ||||||:|| Ref: 5' ctcATTATTAGTGATATGTAc 3' Energy: -7.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-190a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -7.33 2 19 21034 21054 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:11714 to 11735 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' uccuuauaCAAA-CUAUAUAUc 5' |||| |||||||: Ref: 5' acacaggaGTTTAGATATATGa 3' Energy: -12.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-190a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.27 2 14 11714 11735 13 84.62% 92.31% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-190a-3p NC_045512.2 746.00 -54.58 158.00 -13.35 1752 21 29903 4104 26646 29579 21034 11714 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-610 MIMAT0003278(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-610 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9874 to 9894 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' aggGUCGUGUGUAAAUCGAGu 5' :| :| |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' ataTAATAGATACTTAGCTCt 3' Energy: -12.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-610 NC_045512.2 154.00 -12.96 2 19 9874 9894 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:24447 to 24466 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' agggucgUGUGUAAAUCGAGu 5' ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgttaaACA-ACTTAGCTCc 3' Energy: -10.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-610 NC_045512.2 148.00 -10.18 2 15 24447 24466 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26695 to 26713 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' agGGUCGUGUGUAAAUCGAGu 5' ||||:| || |||||||: Ref: 5' ggCCAGTA-AC-TTTAGCTTg 3' Energy: -18.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-610 NC_045512.2 147.00 -18.07 2 20 26695 26713 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19544 to 19563 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agGGUCGUGUGUAAAUCGAGu 5' :|||| :| |||||||: Ref: 5' tcTCAGCTGGC-TTTAGCTTg 3' Energy: -18.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-610 NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.69 2 20 19544 19563 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-610 NC_045512.2 590.00 -59.90 154.00 -18.69 1753 21 29903 9874 24447 26695 19544 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-198 MIMAT0000228(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-198 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9371 to 9392 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cuUGGAUAGAGGGGAGACCUGg 5' ||||||: : ||:||||| Ref: 5' caACCTATTGGTGCTTTGGACa 3' Energy: -24.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-198 NC_045512.2 152.00 -24.81 2 21 9371 9392 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4801 to 4821 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cuUGGAUAGAGGGGAGACCUGg 5' |:: :|| |: :||||||| Ref: 5' agATTGGTC-CTATTCTGGACa 3' Energy: -19.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-198 NC_045512.2 150.00 -19.71 2 21 4801 4821 19 57.89% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9664 to 9685 Align Len (18) (55.56%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cuuGGAUAGAGGGGAGACCUGg 5' ::|| : ||::||||||: Ref: 5' accTTTAGTACCTTTCTGGATa 3' Energy: -21.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-198 NC_045512.2 143.00 -21.46 2 20 9664 9685 18 55.56% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-198 NC_045512.2 445.00 -65.98 152.00 -24.81 1754 22 29903 9371 4801 9664 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4536-5p MIMAT0019078(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4536-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5155 to 5174 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uaGCACGUAUAUAGAUGGUGu 5' | | :: :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ggCTTTTGAGTA-CTACCACa 3' Energy: -14.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4536-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.25 2 20 5155 5174 18 61.11% 77.78% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:4874 to 4894 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uagcacgUAUAUA-GAUGGUGu 5' :|| || ||||||| Ref: 5' tacactaGTA-ATCCTACCACa 3' Energy: -13.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4536-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.05 2 15 4874 4894 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:14807 to 14825 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uaGCACGUAUAUAGAUGGUgu 5' ||| :||| |||||||| Ref: 5' atCGT-TATA-ATCTACCAac 3' Energy: -18.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4536-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.87 3 20 14807 14825 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:19897 to 19917 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uagcacGUAUAUAGAUGGUGu 5' |||||||||||:|: Ref: 5' ccagcaCATATATCTACTATt 3' Energy: -19.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4536-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -19.10 2 16 19897 19917 14 85.71% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:28591 to 28610 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uagcACGUAUAUAGAUGGUGu 5' || :||| |||||:|| Ref: 5' aagaTG-GTATTTCTACTACc 3' Energy: -13.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4536-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.89 2 18 28591 28610 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4053 to 4072 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uaGCACGUAUAUAGAUGGUGu 5' | | || || |||:|||| Ref: 5' ttCATCCAGAT-TCTGCCACt 3' Energy: -13.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4536-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.02 2 20 4053 4072 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4536-5p NC_045512.2 858.00 -92.18 145.00 -19.10 1755 21 29903 5155 4874 14807 19897 28591 4053 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4760-5p MIMAT0019906(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4760-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:3508 to 3529 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' gauugAAGUACAAGUUAGAUUu 5' | || ||| |||||:| Ref: 5' tgccaTGCAAGTTGAATCTGAt 3' Energy: -11.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4760-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.25 2 18 3508 3529 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26417 to 26441 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' gauUGA-AGUACAA--GUUAGAUUu 5' ||| ||:|||| |||||:| Ref: 5' tttACTCTCGTGTTAAAAATCTGAa 3' Energy: -18.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4760-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.48 2 20 26417 26441 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:5584 to 5605 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' gauugaAGUACAAGUUAGAUUu 5' |:||| ||||:||| Ref: 5' actttcTTATGAACAATTTAAg 3' Energy: -14.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4760-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.58 2 17 5584 5605 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19339 to 19358 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gauUGAAGUACAAGUUAGAUUu 5' :|||: |||| |||:||| Ref: 5' agtGCTTT-TGTT-AATTTAAa 3' Energy: -10.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4760-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.40 2 20 19339 19358 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:11826 to 11848 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' gauugaaGU-ACAAGUUAGAUUu 5' || ||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' aagtagcCACTGTACAGTCTAAa 3' Energy: -15.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4760-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.32 2 16 11826 11848 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8230 to 8251 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gaUUGA-AGUACAAGUUAGAUUu 5' ||:| ||| |||||||:| Ref: 5' taAATTGTCA-CATCAATCTGAc 3' Energy: -11.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4760-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.17 2 21 8230 8251 20 70.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4760-5p NC_045512.2 860.00 -81.20 145.00 -18.48 1756 22 29903 3508 26417 5584 19339 11826 8230 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3924 MIMAT0018199(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3924 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16085 to 16105 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucAUCGUCAGUGUAUAUGUAUa 5' | |:| |:||| ||||||| Ref: 5' atTTGTACTTACA-ATACATAa 3' Energy: -10.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3924 NC_045512.2 162.00 -10.82 2 21 16085 16105 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:5759 to 5781 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ucauCGUCAGUG-UAUAUGUAUa 5' |::||||| ||| ||||| Ref: 5' cagtGTGGTCACTATAAACATAt 3' Energy: -19.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3924 NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.05 2 19 5759 5781 18 77.78% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3924 NC_045512.2 303.00 -29.87 162.00 -19.05 1757 22 29903 16085 5759 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5692b MIMAT0022497(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5692b vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:500 to 520 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ugUGGA-UGACACUAUAAUAa 5' |||| |: || ||:|||| Ref: 5' gcACCTCATGGTCATGTTATg 3' Energy: -13.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5692b NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.49 2 19 500 520 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:6934 to 6955 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uguggaUGAC-A-CUAUAAUAa 5' |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttctaaACTGATAAATATTATa 3' Energy: -7.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5692b NC_045512.2 144.00 -7.16 2 15 6934 6955 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:26366 to 26385 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ugugGAUGACACUAUAAUAa 5' ||:||| |||||:| Ref: 5' cgtaCTGCTGCAATATTGTt 3' Energy: -14.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5692b NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.35 2 17 26366 26385 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:26471 to 26489 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (70.59%) Query: 3' ugUGGAUGACACUAUAAUAa 5' || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaACGAACT-AAATATTATa 3' Energy: -6.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5692b NC_045512.2 144.00 -6.28 2 19 26471 26489 17 70.59% 70.59% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:11102 to 11122 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uguGGAUGACA-CUAUAAUAa 5' ::|:|| | |:|||||| Ref: 5' cctTTTGCTATGGGTATTATt 3' Energy: -12.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5692b NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.16 2 18 11102 11122 17 64.71% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5692b NC_045512.2 717.00 -53.44 145.00 -14.35 1758 20 29903 500 6934 26366 26471 11102 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6742-5p MIMAT0027385(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6742-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18082 to 18102 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' uuGUCGACCCAGGGUGGGGUGa 5' || ||||||: ||:||:|| Ref: 5' atCA-CTGGGTTACATCCTACa 3' Energy: -26.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6742-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -26.03 2 21 18082 18102 19 73.68% 89.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23041 to 23062 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuGUCGACCCAGGGUGGGGUGa 5' || ||| |:||| ||||| Ref: 5' atCATATGGTTTCCAACCCACt 3' Energy: -23.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6742-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -23.24 2 21 23041 23062 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6742-5p NC_045512.2 282.00 -49.27 142.00 -26.03 1759 22 29903 18082 23041 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-612 MIMAT0003280(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-612 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:5680 to 5705 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' uucCUCGAGUCUUCG-GGACGGGUCg 5' || |||| | | |||||:||| Ref: 5' tatGATGTCAGCACCACCTGCTCAGt 3' Energy: -23.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-612 NC_045512.2 153.00 -23.27 2 23 5680 5705 22 72.73% 77.27% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-612 NC_045512.2 153.00 -23.27 153.00 -23.27 1760 25 29903 5680 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-935 MIMAT0004978(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-935 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:14066 to 14088 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' cgccaucgccuUCGCCAUUGACc 5' | :|||||||| Ref: 5' atcaagatctcAATGGTAACTGg 3' Energy: -18.559999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-935 NC_045512.2 148.00 -18.56 2 13 14066 14088 11 81.82% 90.91% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:24918 to 24940 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgccaucgccuucGCCAUUGACc 5' :|||||||| Ref: 5' acacatttgtgtcTGGTAACTGt 3' Energy: -16.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-935 NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.03 2 11 24918 24940 9 88.89% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-935 NC_045512.2 294.00 -34.59 148.00 -18.56 1761 23 29903 14066 24918 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8089 MIMAT0031016(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8089 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6774-3p MIMAT0027449(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6774-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:147 to 166 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gaCACCUGUUCUCCCUGUGCu 5' || | ::| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctGTCGTTGACA-GGACACGa 3' Energy: -20.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6774-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -20.35 2 20 147 166 18 66.67% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6774-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -20.35 149.00 -20.35 1763 21 29903 147 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4503 MIMAT0019039(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4503 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:6542 to 6563 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' auUUAAGAUAAAGGACGAAUuu 5' |: |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' acAGATCTAATGGCTGCTTAtg 3' Energy: -11.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4503 NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.83 3 21 6542 6563 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:10185 to 10207 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (70.59%) Query: 3' auuuaAGA-UAAAGGACGAAUUu 5' ||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gcaccTCTGAAGACATGCTTAAc 3' Energy: -8.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4503 NC_045512.2 144.00 -8.58 2 18 10185 10207 17 70.59% 70.59% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:19512 to 19534 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' auUUAAGAUAAAG-GACGAAUuu 5' :||| ||| || |||||| Ref: 5' caGATTGTATCTCGATGCTTAta 3' Energy: -11.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4503 NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.75 3 21 19512 19534 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9526 to 9549 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' auuUAA--GAUAAAGGACGAAUUu 5' ||| ||:| :|||:|||| Ref: 5' gtcATTCACTGTACTCTGTTTAAc 3' Energy: -12.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4503 NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.95 2 20 9526 9549 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4285 to 4306 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' auuuaagauaaaggACGAAUUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ggaggcaaagacagTGCTTAAa 3' Energy: -7.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4503 NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.98 2 9 4285 4306 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12356 to 12379 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' auUUAAGAUAAAG-G--ACGAAUUu 5' ||| || |||| | ||||||: Ref: 5' acAATGCT-TTTCACTATGCTTAGa 3' Energy: -12.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4503 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.22 2 21 12356 12379 22 72.73% 77.27% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:16145 to 16164 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' auuUAAGAUAAAGGACGAAUuu 5' |||||:|| |||||| Ref: 5' tgtATTCTGTT--ATGCTTAct 3' Energy: -12.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4503 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.39 3 20 16145 16164 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:4 to 21 R:26293 to 26314 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' auUUAAGAUAAAGGACGAAuuu 5' | |||| ||||:||||| Ref: 5' gtACTTCTTTTTCTTGCTTtcg 3' Energy: -14.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4503 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.89 4 21 26293 26314 17 82.35% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4503 NC_045512.2 1133.00 -92.59 144.00 -14.89 1764 22 29903 6542 10185 19512 9526 4285 12356 16145 26293 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-762 MIMAT0010313(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-762 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-150-3p MIMAT0004610(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-150-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:5993 to 6014 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacaggggguccGGACAUGGUc 5' |:||||||| Ref: 5' caaccaattgatCTTGTACCAa 3' Energy: -15.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-150-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.86 2 11 5993 6014 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:19419 to 19441 Align Len (14) (64.29%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gacaggggGUCCGG-ACAUGGUc 5' :|| :: ||||||| Ref: 5' gtcagataTAGATTATGTACCAc 3' Energy: -14.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-150-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.99 2 15 19419 19441 14 64.29% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-150-3p NC_045512.2 287.00 -30.85 146.00 -15.86 1766 22 29903 5993 19419 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4999-3p MIMAT0021018(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4999-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:14110 to 14129 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' ugacauaaCAGUCCAUCACu 5' | ||||||||| Ref: 5' caaaccacGCCAGGTAGTGg 3' Energy: -17.559999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4999-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -17.56 2 13 14110 14129 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:10889 to 10908 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (91.67%) Query: 3' ugacauaACAGUCCAUCACu 5' | |::||||||| Ref: 5' cgtaccaTATTGGGTAGTGc 3' Energy: -13.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4999-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -13.69 2 14 10889 10908 12 75.00% 91.67% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:20044 to 20063 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugacauaacagUCCAUCACu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' cttattacagaAGGTAGTGt 3' Energy: -13.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4999-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.48 2 10 20044 20063 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10478 to 10497 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (64.71%) Query: 3' ugACAUAACAGUCCAUCACu 5' || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaTGGTTCATGTGGTAGTGt 3' Energy: -13.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4999-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.20 2 19 10478 10497 17 64.71% 64.71% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19466 to 19484 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ugACAUAACAGUCCAUCACu 5' || | | |:||||:||| Ref: 5' gtTGCAAT-TTAGGTGGTGc 3' Energy: -14.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4999-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.95 2 19 19466 19484 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4999-3p NC_045512.2 728.00 -72.88 152.00 -17.56 1767 20 29903 14110 10889 20044 10478 19466 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548aq-5p MIMAT0022263(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548aq-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 169.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25795 to 25814 Align Len (19) (84.21%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGUCGUUAAUGAAAg 5' ||||||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' tcCAAAAAC--CCATTACTTTa 3' Energy: -12.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aq-5p NC_045512.2 169.00 -12.60 2 21 25795 25814 19 84.21% 84.21% Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2719 to 2740 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGUCGUUAAUGAAAg 5' || |||| ::||||||| Ref: 5' tgCACCAACAAAGGTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -14.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aq-5p NC_045512.2 160.00 -14.89 2 21 2719 2740 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4012 to 4032 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGUCGUUAAUGAAAg 5' ||:||| | : :||||||| Ref: 5' caCAGAAA-ACTTGTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -11.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aq-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -11.81 2 21 4012 4032 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1675 to 1696 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ccgUUUUUGUCGUUAAUGAAAg 5' |:|:|: || ||||:||| Ref: 5' tgaAGAGATCGCCATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -9.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aq-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -9.15 2 20 1675 1696 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10947 to 10969 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ccGUU-UUUGUCGUUAAUGAAAg 5' ||| : ||| :||||||| Ref: 5' gaCAATGCTCAGGTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -15.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aq-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -15.90 2 21 10947 10969 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20180 to 20203 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' ccGUU-UUUGUCGUU-AAUGAAAg 5' ||| | | | || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaCAATTACCTGAAACTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -8.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aq-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -8.10 2 21 20180 20203 21 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:5449 to 5471 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ccgUUUUUGUCG-UUAAUGAAag 5' |:||||| : |:|||||| Ref: 5' tagAGAAACAATGAGTTACTTgt 3' Energy: -11.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aq-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.10 3 20 5449 5471 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:5891 to 5911 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGUCGUUAAUGAAag 5' || ||| | ||:|||||| Ref: 5' acCATAAA-ACCAGTTACTTat 3' Energy: -10.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aq-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -10.76 3 21 5891 5911 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8374 to 8398 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUU--GUCGU-UAAUGAAAg 5' |||||| || | |||:|||| Ref: 5' agCAAAAAGTCACAACATTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -11.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aq-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.61 2 21 8374 8398 22 72.73% 77.27% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21818 to 21839 Align Len (19) (52.63%) (89.47%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGUCGUUAAUGAAAg 5' :|| :|::|:: |||:||| Ref: 5' ttTAATGATGGTGTTTATTTTg 3' Energy: -5.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aq-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -5.47 2 21 21818 21839 19 52.63% 89.47% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:11627 to 11648 Align Len (14) (57.14%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ccguuuuUGUCGUUAAUGAAAg 5' ::| : :||||||| Ref: 5' tatttttGTACTTGTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -5.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aq-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -5.08 2 16 11627 11648 14 57.14% 85.71% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16891 to 16912 Align Len (18) (55.56%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ccgUUUUUGUCGUUAAUGAAAg 5' || : ::|::||||:||| Ref: 5' ttaAATGTTGGTGATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -5.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aq-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -5.94 2 20 16891 16912 18 55.56% 88.89% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23009 to 23033 Align Len (22) (50.00%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGUCGUU---AAUGAAAg 5' ::||::: :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtTGAAGGTTTTAATTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -11.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aq-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.97 2 21 23009 23033 22 50.00% 77.27% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:4517 to 4538 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (76.92%) Query: 3' ccguuuuuGUCGUUAAUGAAAg 5' :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' tatggtgcTAGATTTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -9.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aq-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.05 2 15 4517 4538 13 69.23% 76.92% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27159 to 27179 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGUCGUUAAUGAAAg 5' ||: :||| : |||:|||| Ref: 5' agCAGTGACAAT-ATTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -13.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aq-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.21 2 21 27159 27179 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:13630 to 13651 Align Len (16) (56.25%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ccguuUUUGUCGUUAAUGAAAg 5' || :: : ||||||| Ref: 5' aatttAATTGATTCTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -3.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aq-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -3.10 2 18 13630 13651 16 56.25% 75.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22273 to 22294 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ccguuUUUGUCGUUAAUGAAAg 5' |||| :| ||:|||| Ref: 5' gtttcAAACTTTACTTGCTTTa 3' Energy: -7.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aq-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -7.26 2 18 22273 22294 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6769 to 6790 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccguuuuugucguuAAUGAAAg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tatgccttatttctTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -3.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aq-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -3.99 2 9 6769 6790 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:7760 to 7781 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccguuuuugucguuAAUGAAAg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ggttccatccatctTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -5.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aq-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.21 2 9 7760 7781 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14686 to 14707 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGUCGUUAAUGAAAg 5' ||||:|| | || ||||| Ref: 5' aaCAAAGACTTCTATGACTTTg 3' Energy: -11.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aq-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.07 2 21 14686 14707 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548aq-5p NC_045512.2 2936.00 -187.27 169.00 -15.90 1768 22 29903 25795 2719 4012 1675 10947 20180 5449 5891 8374 21818 11627 16891 23009 4517 27159 13630 22273 6769 7760 14686 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6883-3p MIMAT0027667(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6883-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-497-3p MIMAT0004768(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-497-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7229 to 7250 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (93.33%) Query: 3' agauugUGGUGUCACACCAAAc 5' ::::||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ggcttaGTTGCAGAGTGGTTTt 3' Energy: -17.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-497-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -17.13 2 17 7229 7250 15 66.67% 93.33% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:10042 to 10063 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' agauuguGGUGUCACACCAAAc 5' :::||| ||||||| Ref: 5' agctgttTTGCAGAGTGGTTTt 3' Energy: -16.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-497-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -16.69 2 16 10042 10063 14 71.43% 92.86% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:10692 to 10712 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (91.67%) Query: 3' agauuguggUGUCACACCAAAc 5' |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' taaatggagACAG-GTGGTTTc 3' Energy: -14.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-497-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.24 2 14 10692 10712 12 91.67% 91.67% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20338 to 20364 Align Len (24) (62.50%) (75.00%) Query: 3' agAUU-GUGGU-GUCA---CACCAAAc 5' ||: ||: : |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTAGTCATAGTCAGTTAGGTGGTTTa 3' Energy: -15.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-497-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.06 2 21 20338 20364 24 62.50% 75.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:1322 to 1342 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agAUUGUGGUGUCACACCAAac 5' |: |||:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ggTGCCACTAC-TTGTGGTTac 3' Energy: -17.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-497-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.25 3 21 1322 1342 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:3418 to 3438 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' agAUUGUGGUGUCACACCAAac 5' ||| |||| | |||||| Ref: 5' ggTAAAACCA-ACAGTGGTTgt 3' Energy: -15.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-497-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.62 3 21 3418 3438 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:4494 to 4515 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' agauUGUGGUGUCACACCAAac 5' ||| | :|||||||| Ref: 5' aaatACAAGAGGGTGTGGTTga 3' Energy: -18.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-497-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.59 3 19 4494 4515 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23942 to 23962 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (73.68%) Query: 3' agAUUGUGGUGUCACACCAAAc 5' ||| : : : | ||||||| Ref: 5' atTAAAGATTTTG-GTGGTTTt 3' Energy: -9.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-497-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.80 2 21 23942 23962 19 57.89% 73.68% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:25936 to 25959 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agAUUG-UGGUGUCA-CACCAAac 5' |:|| |||| | | |||||| Ref: 5' caTGACTACCAGATTGGTGGTTat 3' Energy: -17.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-497-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.13 3 21 25936 25959 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:7129 to 7150 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agauuguggugucaCACCAAAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tagtgtttgtcttaGTGGTTTa 3' Energy: -9.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-497-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.54 2 9 7129 7150 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-497-3p NC_045512.2 1457.00 -151.05 156.00 -18.59 1770 22 29903 7229 10042 10692 20338 1322 3418 4494 23942 25936 7129 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3689c MIMAT0019007(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3689c vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548bb-3p MIMAT0035704(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548bb-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6945 to 6967 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cgUUUUCAU-UGAUACCAAAAAc 5' || | || | | |||||||| Ref: 5' taAATATTATAATTTGGTTTTTa 3' Energy: -9.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bb-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -9.08 2 21 6945 6967 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26641 to 26660 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgUUUUCAUUGAUACCAAAAAc 5' || || || || ||||||| Ref: 5' ccAACAGGAA-TA-GGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -13.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bb-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -13.31 2 21 26641 26660 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:7259 to 7279 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (85.71%) Query: 3' cguuuucAUUGAUACCAAAAAc 5' | |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' attctttTCACTA-GGTTTTTc 3' Energy: -9.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bb-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -9.20 2 16 7259 7279 14 85.71% 85.71% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:18354 to 18374 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' cguuuucaUUGAUACCAAAAAc 5' |:||| ||||||| Ref: 5' acctttacAGCTA-GGTTTTTc 3' Energy: -10.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bb-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -10.06 2 15 18354 18374 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:21086 to 21107 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' cguuuucAUUGAUACCAAAAAc 5' ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' atgactcTAAAGAGGGTTTTTt 3' Energy: -7.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bb-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -7.99 2 16 21086 21107 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:7229 to 7252 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cguuuUCAUUG--AUACCAAAAAc 5' ||| :| :|||||||| Ref: 5' ggcttAGTTGCAGAGTGGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -16.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bb-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.14 2 18 7229 7252 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:13558 to 13577 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cguUUUCAUUGAUACCAAAAac 5' ||||||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' gatAAAGTAGC--TGGTTTTgc 3' Energy: -15.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bb-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -15.85 3 20 13558 13577 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:27082 to 27103 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cguuUUCAUUGAUACCAAAAac 5' |:||:||| |||||| Ref: 5' tagcAGGTGACTCAGGTTTTgc 3' Energy: -16.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bb-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.05 3 19 27082 27103 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:22202 to 22224 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cguuuucauuGA-UACCAAAAAc 5' || | ||||||| Ref: 5' cgtgatctccCTCAGGGTTTTTc 3' Energy: -6.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bb-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -6.05 2 13 22202 22224 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3419 to 3440 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgUUUUCAUUGAUACCAAAAAc 5' |||| ||| :||||| || Ref: 5' gtAAAACCAACAGTGGTTGTTa 3' Energy: -10.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bb-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.11 2 21 3419 3440 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548bb-3p NC_045512.2 1496.00 -113.84 159.00 -16.14 1772 22 29903 6945 26641 7259 18354 21086 7229 13558 27082 22202 3419 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8082 MIMAT0031009(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8082 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23971 to 23992 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gucUCAUAAGGGUCGAGGUAGu 5' | |||| |||| |||||| Ref: 5' acaAATATTACCAGATCCATCa 3' Energy: -20.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8082 NC_045512.2 147.00 -20.50 2 20 23971 23992 18 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:26068 to 26089 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' gucucAUAAGGGUCGAGGUAGu 5' |:|| || ||:|||| Ref: 5' gaacaTGTTACCTTCTTCATCt 3' Energy: -13.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8082 NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.68 2 18 26068 26089 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12102 to 12124 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' guCUCA---UAAGGGUCGAGGUAGu 5' |||| :||||| :|||||| Ref: 5' caGAGTTTAGTTCCC--TTCCATCa 3' Energy: -27.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8082 NC_045512.2 140.00 -27.32 2 21 12102 12124 22 68.18% 77.27% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8082 NC_045512.2 428.00 -61.50 147.00 -27.32 1773 22 29903 23971 26068 12102 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6818-5p MIMAT0027536(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6818-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:106 to 127 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cuACGAGAGACAUGAGUGUGUu 5' ||||: || ||||||:|| Ref: 5' caTGCTTAGTGCACTCACGCAg 3' Energy: -24.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6818-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -24.03 2 21 106 127 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:26116 to 26137 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cuacgAGAGACAUGAGUGUGUu 5' | || |:||||||| Ref: 5' gaacaTGTCCAAATTCACACAa 3' Energy: -14.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6818-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -14.67 2 18 26116 26137 16 68.75% 75.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14089 to 14112 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (80.95%) Query: 3' cuACGAGAGACAU--GAGUGUGUu 5' || |:|| ||: :|||:||| Ref: 5' taTGATTTCGGTGATTTCATACAa 3' Energy: -16.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6818-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.85 2 21 14089 14112 21 61.90% 80.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6818-5p NC_045512.2 448.00 -55.55 156.00 -24.03 1774 22 29903 106 26116 14089 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6506-5p MIMAT0025468(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6506-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4315 MIMAT0016866(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4315 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-676-3p MIMAT0018204(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-676-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4920 to 4940 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (94.44%) Query: 3' uuGAGUUGUUGGAAUCCUGUc 5' :|::||||:|||| |||| Ref: 5' ccTTTGACAATCTTAAGACAc 3' Energy: -15.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-676-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.66 2 20 4920 4940 18 72.22% 94.44% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21194 to 21216 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uuGAGUUGUUGGA--AUCCUGUc 5' ||: |:|| || |:||||| Ref: 5' atCTTTATAAGCTCATGGGACAc 3' Energy: -14.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-676-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.18 2 20 21194 21216 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26975 to 26996 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuGAGUUGUUGGA-AUCCUGUc 5' || :||| | | ||||||: Ref: 5' tgCTGGACACCATCTAGGACGc 3' Energy: -17.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-676-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.84 2 20 26975 26996 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:22366 to 22385 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uugAGUUGUUGGAAUCCUGuc 5' || ||||| |||||| Ref: 5' ttaTCTTCAACC-TAGGACtt 3' Energy: -17.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-676-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.96 3 19 22366 22385 16 81.25% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-676-3p NC_045512.2 571.00 -65.64 147.00 -17.96 1777 21 29903 4920 21194 26975 22366 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6508-3p MIMAT0025473(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6508-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7375 to 7392 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' ucAAGAUCUUUACGUACCGGGu 5' || || || ||||||| Ref: 5' tcTTGTACAA----ATGGCCCc 3' Energy: -13.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6508-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.87 2 21 7375 7392 19 68.42% 68.42% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6508-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.87 143.00 -13.87 1778 22 29903 7375 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3181 MIMAT0015061(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3181 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3927-3p MIMAT0018202(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3927-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24008 to 24029 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (94.44%) Query: 3' uacGGAUAGUUUAUAGAUGGAc 5' ::|||::|| ||||||:| Ref: 5' tcaTTTATTGAAGATCTACTTt 3' Energy: -12.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3927-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -12.51 2 20 24008 24029 18 66.67% 94.44% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:3769 to 3790 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uacggauaGUUUAUAGAUGGAc 5' |||||:|||||:| Ref: 5' tgttcgcaCAAATGTCTACTTa 3' Energy: -16.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3927-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.24 2 15 3769 3790 13 84.62% 100.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23222 to 23246 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' uaCGGAUAGUUU---AUAGAUGGAc 5' |:||| |||| | |||:||| Ref: 5' gaGTCTAACAAAAAGTTTCTGCCTt 3' Energy: -16.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3927-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.81 2 21 23222 23246 22 68.18% 77.27% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:4317 to 4337 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uaCGGAUAGUUUAUAGAUGGac 5' |||| |:| || |||||| Ref: 5' gtGCCTTTTACAT-TCTACCat 3' Energy: -16.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3927-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.54 3 21 4317 4337 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:6964 to 6985 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uacgGAUAGUUUAUAGAUGGAc 5' ||||:||:|:|:|:||| Ref: 5' tttaCTATTAAGTGTTTGCCTa 3' Energy: -21.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3927-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -21.20 2 19 6964 6985 17 70.59% 100.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19045 to 19066 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (94.12%) Query: 3' uacgGAUAGUUUAUAGAUGGAc 5' ||||:||:|:| ||||| Ref: 5' aaagCTATTAAGTGTGTACCTc 3' Energy: -19.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3927-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -19.98 2 19 19045 19066 17 76.47% 94.12% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:3439 to 3460 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uacggaUAGUUUAUAGAUGGAc 5' | | |||:|:||||| Ref: 5' taatgcAGCCAATGTTTACCTt 3' Energy: -16.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3927-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.39 2 17 3439 3460 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22494 to 22515 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uacGGAUAGUUUAUAGAUGGAc 5' :|||||||| |||| || Ref: 5' gaaTCTATCAAACTTCTAACTt 3' Energy: -17.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3927-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.31 2 20 22494 22515 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:14801 to 14824 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uacgGAUAGU-UUA-UAGAUGGac 5' |||||: || ||||||| Ref: 5' actaCTATCGTTATAATCTACCaa 3' Energy: -16.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3927-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.99 3 19 14801 14824 18 77.78% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3927-3p NC_045512.2 1317.00 -153.97 155.00 -21.20 1780 22 29903 24008 3769 23222 4317 6964 19045 3439 22494 14801 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5193 MIMAT0021124(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5193 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:356 to 378 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ugACC-CUACUCCAUCUCCUCCu 5' ||| || ||:||||||| Ref: 5' ttTGGAGACTCCGTGGAGGAGGt 3' Energy: -24.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5193 NC_045512.2 155.00 -24.88 2 21 356 378 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:4269 to 4290 Align Len (10) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugacccuacucCAUCUCCUCCu 5' |||||||||| Ref: 5' atggttacactGTAGAGGAGGc 3' Energy: -21.969999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5193 NC_045512.2 155.00 -21.97 2 12 4269 4290 10 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:3454 to 3475 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugacccuacuccAUCUCCUCCu 5' |:||||||| Ref: 5' ttaccttaaacaTGGAGGAGGt 3' Energy: -16.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5193 NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.49 2 11 3454 3475 9 88.89% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5193 NC_045512.2 456.00 -63.34 155.00 -24.88 1781 22 29903 356 4269 3454 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7843-5p MIMAT0030411(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7843-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6781-3p MIMAT0027463(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6781-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:21851 to 21872 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gacuccggcaccUUUUCUCCGu 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' aagtctaacataATAAGAGGCt 3' Energy: -11.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6781-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.09 2 11 21851 21872 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:12312 to 12333 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gacuccGGCACCUUUUCUCCgu 5' |:| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' ctagatCTGAGGACAAGAGGgc 3' Energy: -19.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6781-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.82 3 17 12312 12333 14 78.57% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6781-3p NC_045512.2 282.00 -30.91 142.00 -19.82 1783 22 29903 21851 12312 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-376b-3p MIMAT0002172(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-376b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24295 to 24316 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuGUACCUAAAAGGAGAUACUa 5' || || | |:|||||||| Ref: 5' taCACAGAATGTTCTCTATGAg 3' Energy: -16.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376b-3p NC_045512.2 164.00 -16.23 2 21 24295 24316 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19912 to 19934 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' uuGUACCUA-AAAGGAGAUACUa 5' :|| |:| ||| :||||||| Ref: 5' acTATTGGTGTTTGTTCTATGAc 3' Energy: -15.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376b-3p NC_045512.2 163.00 -15.03 2 21 19912 19934 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28188 to 28211 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' uugUACCUAA-AAG-GAGAUACUa 5' :|| :|| ||| :||||||| Ref: 5' gtaGTGCGTTGTTCGTTCTATGAa 3' Energy: -12.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376b-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -12.73 2 20 28188 28211 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18605 to 18626 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' uuguACCUAAAAGGAGAUACUa 5' || :|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gcttTGAGTTGACATCTATGAa 3' Energy: -9.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376b-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -9.04 2 19 18605 18626 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:18191 to 18212 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uuguacCUAAAAGGAGAUACUa 5' || | :|||||||| Ref: 5' atagaaGACTCATCTCTATGAt 3' Energy: -13.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376b-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -13.87 2 17 18191 18212 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25390 to 25409 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uuGUACCUAAAAGGAGAUACUa 5' :|||||||| |:||||| Ref: 5' ctTATGGATTT--GTTTATGAg 3' Energy: -16.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376b-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -16.07 2 21 25390 25409 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19077 to 19095 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' uugUACCUAAAAGGAGAUACUa 5' ||||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' agaATGGAAGT---TCTATGAt 3' Energy: -15.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376b-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.46 2 20 19077 19095 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:3796 to 3817 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuguaccuaaaaGGAGAUACUa 5' :|||||||| Ref: 5' ctttgataaaaaTCTCTATGAc 3' Energy: -12.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376b-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.02 2 11 3796 3817 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:14682 to 14703 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuguaccuaaaaGGAGAUACUa 5' |:||||||| Ref: 5' ttttaacaaagaCTTCTATGAc 3' Energy: -12.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376b-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.32 2 11 14682 14703 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:23736 to 23757 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuguaccuaaaaggAGAUACUa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aaattctaccagtgTCTATGAc 3' Energy: -8.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-376b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.08 2 9 23736 23757 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-376b-3p NC_045512.2 1518.00 -130.85 164.00 -16.23 1784 22 29903 24295 19912 28188 18605 18191 25390 19077 3796 14682 23736 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4259 MIMAT0016880(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4259 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:28325 to 28346 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (94.12%) Query: 3' aggaCUGGGGAUCUGGGUUGAc 5' |||||: |||::||||| Ref: 5' ggtgGACCCTCAGATTCAACTg 3' Energy: -30.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4259 NC_045512.2 146.00 -30.53 2 19 28325 28346 17 76.47% 94.12% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26022 to 26044 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' aggACUGG-GGAUCUGGGUUGAc 5' | ||| ||: ||:||||| Ref: 5' ctaTTACCAGCTGTACTCAACTc 3' Energy: -16.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4259 NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.62 2 20 26022 26044 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:16983 to 17002 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agGACUGGGGAUCUGGGUUGac 5' |||: |:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' taCTGG--CTTATACCCAACac 3' Energy: -19.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4259 NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.95 3 21 16983 17002 18 72.22% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4259 NC_045512.2 429.00 -67.10 146.00 -30.53 1785 22 29903 28325 26022 16983 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-371a-5p MIMAT0004687(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-371a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:3073 to 3092 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ucacgggggUGUCAAACUCa 5' | |||||||| Ref: 5' tgaagaagaAGAGTTTGAGc 3' Energy: -11.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-371a-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.19 2 12 3073 3092 10 90.00% 90.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-371a-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.19 147.00 -11.19 1786 20 29903 3073 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-651-5p MIMAT0003321(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-651-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 167.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15282 to 15303 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (94.44%) Query: 3' guuUUCAGUUCGAAUAGGAUUu 5' ::||:::| ||||||||| Ref: 5' tatGGGTTGGGATTATCCTAAa 3' Energy: -18.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-651-5p NC_045512.2 167.00 -18.50 2 20 15282 15303 18 66.67% 94.44% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10320 to 10345 Align Len (23) (60.87%) (73.91%) Query: 3' guUUUCAGU----UCGAAUAGGAUUu 5' ||:||:: ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttAAGGTTGATACAGCCAATCCTAAg 3' Energy: -14.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-651-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.59 2 21 10320 10345 23 60.87% 73.91% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13264 to 13285 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' guuUUCAGUUCGAAUAGGAUUu 5' |: ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' catAGATCATCCAAATCCTAAa 3' Energy: -11.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-651-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -11.53 2 20 13264 13285 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15054 to 15075 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' guuUUCAGUUCGAAUAGGAUUu 5' || |||| : |||:||| Ref: 5' tatAACTCAAATGAATCTTAAg 3' Energy: -8.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-651-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -8.19 2 20 15054 15075 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:18230 to 18252 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' guuUUCAGUU-CGAAUAGGAUUu 5' ||||:|| | ||| ||||| Ref: 5' atcAAGTTAATGGTTACCCTAAc 3' Energy: -12.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-651-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.81 2 20 18230 18252 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:22872 to 22894 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' guuuucaGUUCGAA-UAGGAUUu 5' ||| ||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' attctaaCAATCTTGATTCTAAg 3' Energy: -11.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-651-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.30 2 16 22872 22894 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:16041 to 16062 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guuuucaguucgaaUAGGAUUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cccacttactaaacATCCTAAt 3' Energy: -7.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-651-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.09 2 9 16041 16062 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-651-5p NC_045512.2 1036.00 -84.01 167.00 -18.50 1787 22 29903 15282 10320 13264 15054 18230 22872 16041 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548e-5p MIMAT0026736(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548e-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:1706 to 1727 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' cguuuuuGGCGCUAACGAAAAc 5' || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tctgcttCCACAAGTGCTTTTg 3' Energy: -13.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548e-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -13.03 2 16 1706 1727 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:14642 to 14662 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cguuuUUGGCGCUAACGAAAAc 5' ||| :| |||||||| Ref: 5' ttactAACAATG-TTGCTTTTc 3' Energy: -10.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548e-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -10.94 2 18 14642 14662 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14607 to 14630 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUG-GCGCU-AACGAAAAc 5' | |||| | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' agATAAACGCACTACGTGCTTTTc 3' Energy: -11.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548e-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -11.06 2 21 14607 14630 21 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18669 to 18692 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUG-GCGCU-AACGAAAAc 5' | |:|| :|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgATAGACGTGCCACATGCTTTTc 3' Energy: -10.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548e-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -10.48 2 21 18669 18692 21 66.67% 76.19% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:27568 to 27589 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cguUUUUGGCGCU-AACGAAAAc 5' |: ||: | | |||||||| Ref: 5' tttAGCACT-CAATTTGCTTTTg 3' Energy: -11.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548e-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -11.82 2 20 27568 27589 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:11114 to 11138 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cguuuuUGGCGCUA---ACGAAAAc 5' |::|| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtattATTGCTATGTCTGCTTTTg 3' Energy: -15.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548e-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.21 2 17 11114 11138 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:17581 to 17602 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cguUUUUGGCGCUAACGAAAac 5' :| ||:|:|| |||||| Ref: 5' gttGACACTGTGAGTGCTTTgg 3' Energy: -16.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548e-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.33 3 20 17581 17602 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12346 to 12367 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (70.59%) Query: 3' cguuUUUGGCGCUAACGAAAAc 5' | :| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgctATGCAGACAATGCTTTTc 3' Energy: -9.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548e-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -9.17 2 19 12346 12367 17 64.71% 70.59% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7296 to 7318 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cguuUUUG-GCGCUAACGAAAAc 5' || | :|| ||||:|||| Ref: 5' ctgcAATCATGCAATTGTTTTTc 3' Energy: -13.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548e-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.89 2 19 7296 7318 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21554 to 21575 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUGGCGCUAACGAAAAc 5' | :||| :| |||:|||| Ref: 5' aaACGAACAATGTTTGTTTTTc 3' Energy: -12.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548e-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.54 2 21 21554 21575 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:27772 to 27796 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cguuuUUGGCGCUA---ACGAAAAc 5' :||: | || ||||||| Ref: 5' taattGACTTCTATTTGTGCTTTTt 3' Energy: -7.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548e-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -7.39 2 18 27772 27796 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:8376 to 8399 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cgUUUUUGGCG--CUAACGAAAac 5' ||||::| | |||||||| Ref: 5' caAAAAGTCACAACATTGCTTTga 3' Energy: -12.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548e-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.48 3 21 8376 8399 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:7208 to 7229 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cguuuuuggcgcUAACGAAAAc 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaatgggatttaACTGCTTTTg 3' Energy: -13.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548e-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.02 2 11 7208 7229 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:19327 to 19348 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cguuuuuggcgcUAACGAAAAc 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' gcttttgataaaAGTGCTTTTg 3' Energy: -11.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548e-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.33 2 11 19327 19348 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11507 to 11527 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cguUUUUGGCGCUAACGAAAAc 5' | |||:|: | ||:|||| Ref: 5' gttACAACTGTCA-TGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -12.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548e-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.86 2 20 11507 11527 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:13061 to 13082 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cguuuuuggcgcuaACGAAAAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gtattatctttctgTGCTTTTg 3' Energy: -11.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548e-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.00 2 9 13061 13082 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548e-5p NC_045512.2 2331.00 -192.55 151.00 -16.33 1788 22 29903 1706 14642 14607 18669 27568 11114 17581 12346 7296 21554 27772 8376 7208 19327 11507 13061 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-10397-3p MIMAT0041626(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-10397-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:18794 to 18818 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' agGGUCAUUCGCUGCU-CUAGAUAc 5' |:| |||| || | |||||:| Ref: 5' acCTACAAAGCAACCATGATCTGTa 3' Energy: -17.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10397-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -17.00 2 23 18794 18818 22 68.18% 77.27% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-10397-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -17.00 149.00 -17.00 1789 24 29903 18794 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-422a MIMAT0001339(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-422a vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11034 to 11054 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cgGAAGACUGGGAUUCAGGUCa 5' |||:| | ::| ||||||| Ref: 5' caCTTTT-AGTTTTAGTCCAGa 3' Energy: -18.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-422a NC_045512.2 158.00 -18.94 2 21 11034 11054 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:22504 to 22526 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (89.47%) Query: 3' cgGAAGACUGGGAU-UCAGGUca 5' ||||| ||::|| |||||| Ref: 5' aaCTTCTAACTTTAGAGTCCAac 3' Energy: -20.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-422a NC_045512.2 155.00 -20.66 3 21 22504 22526 19 78.95% 89.47% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17516 to 17540 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' cgGAAGAC---UGGGAUUCAGGUCa 5' ||| || ||: ||:|||||| Ref: 5' gaCTTATGAAAACTATAGGTCCAGa 3' Energy: -20.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-422a NC_045512.2 147.00 -20.29 2 21 17516 17540 22 68.18% 77.27% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28491 to 28515 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' cggAAGACUGG-GAU--UCAGGUCa 5' || ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' caaTTAACACCAATAGCAGTCCAGa 3' Energy: -13.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-422a NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.78 2 20 28491 28515 21 66.67% 66.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-422a NC_045512.2 601.00 -73.67 158.00 -20.66 1790 22 29903 11034 22504 17516 28491 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4642 MIMAT0019702(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4642 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25802 to 25823 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucGGUGGUCCCCUGCUACGGUa 5' |||::| |:||||||| Ref: 5' acCCATTACTTTATGATGCCAa 3' Energy: -19.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4642 NC_045512.2 156.00 -19.93 2 21 25802 25823 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15479 to 15497 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucGGUGGUCCCCUGCUACGGUa 5' :||:|| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ccTCATCA--GGA-GATGCCAc 3' Energy: -23.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4642 NC_045512.2 155.00 -23.52 2 21 15479 15497 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16388 to 16409 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucgGUGGUCCCCUGCUACGGUa 5' | ||||| ::||||:|| Ref: 5' atgCTCCAGGTTGTGATGTCAc 3' Energy: -23.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4642 NC_045512.2 147.00 -23.30 2 20 16388 16409 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14006 to 14027 Align Len (18) (55.56%) (72.22%) Query: 3' ucgGUGGUCCCCUGCUACGGUa 5' :|| | ::||||||| Ref: 5' cagTACAATTCTGTGATGCCAt 3' Energy: -15.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4642 NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.86 2 20 14006 14027 18 55.56% 72.22% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4642 NC_045512.2 601.00 -82.61 156.00 -23.52 1791 22 29903 25802 15479 16388 14006 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4724-3p MIMAT0019842(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4724-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:10573 to 10593 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ugaucGACUUGGUCUUCCAUg 5' | || ::|||||||| Ref: 5' tggcaCAGACTTAGAAGGTAa 3' Energy: -17.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4724-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -17.11 2 17 10573 10593 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:20039 to 20060 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ugaucGACUUG-GUCUUCCAUg 5' || | : ||||||||| Ref: 5' gtgttCTTATTACAGAAGGTAg 3' Energy: -14.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4724-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.74 2 17 20039 20060 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:3049 to 3069 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ugaUCGACUUGGUCUUCCAUg 5' :| |||| |||||||: Ref: 5' tgaGGATGAAGAAGAAGGTGa 3' Energy: -17.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4724-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.93 2 19 3049 3069 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5093 to 5112 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' ugAUCGACUUGGUCUUCCAUg 5' || :| || ||||||| Ref: 5' caTAATT-CACATGAAGGTAa 3' Energy: -11.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4724-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.48 2 20 5093 5112 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:529 to 549 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ugAUCGACUUGGUCUUCCAUg 5' |||| ||||: ||||| | Ref: 5' ggTAGCAGAACTCGAAGGCAt 3' Energy: -17.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4724-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.22 2 20 529 549 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 16 R:9070 to 9090 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' ugaucgACUUGGUCUUCCAug 5' || ||:||||||| Ref: 5' taccaaTGTACTAGAAGGTtc 3' Energy: -16.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4724-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.54 3 16 9070 9090 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:13833 to 13853 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugaucgacuugguCUUCCAUg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aaggcattttgatGAAGGTAa 3' Energy: -12.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4724-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.03 2 9 13833 13853 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4724-3p NC_045512.2 1024.00 -107.05 156.00 -17.93 1792 21 29903 10573 20039 3049 5093 529 9070 13833 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7160-3p MIMAT0028231(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7160-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6744-5p MIMAT0027389(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6744-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:12806 to 12824 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' uccGGAGGUGACAGUAGGu 5' |:| ||||||:|||| Ref: 5' gtaCTTGCACTGTTATCCg 3' Energy: -25.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6744-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -25.19 2 17 12806 12824 15 80.00% 93.33% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:15032 to 15050 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' uccggagGUGACAGUAGGu 5' :| |||||||| Ref: 5' caaaacgTAATGTCATCCc 3' Energy: -13.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6744-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -13.59 2 13 15032 15050 11 81.82% 90.91% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6744-5p NC_045512.2 300.00 -38.78 152.00 -25.19 1794 19 29903 12806 15032 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4524a-3p MIMAT0019063(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4524a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:4419 to 4441 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uauCGUCGUAUU-CGGACAGAgu 5' ||| ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' cacGCAAATTAATGCCTGTCTgt 3' Energy: -16.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4524a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.47 3 20 4419 4441 18 77.78% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4524a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.47 142.00 -16.47 1795 22 29903 4419 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-873-3p MIMAT0022717(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-873-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28118 to 28139 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' agGGCCCUUGAGUA-GUCAGAGg 5' :||| || |:|| ||||:|| Ref: 5' taTCGGTAA-TTATACAGTTTCc 3' Energy: -22.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-873-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -22.63 2 21 28118 28139 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:6386 to 6409 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (70.59%) Query: 3' agggccCUUGA--GUAGUCAGAGg 5' || || | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgcgaaGATCTAAAACCAGTCTCt 3' Energy: -15.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-873-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.68 2 17 6386 6409 17 70.59% 70.59% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-873-3p NC_045512.2 288.00 -38.31 145.00 -22.63 1796 22 29903 28118 6386 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-362-3p MIMAT0004683(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-362-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5500 to 5522 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' acUUAGGAACUUAU-CCACACAa 5' :| :|||||| : ||||||| Ref: 5' aaGAGTCTTGAACGTGGTGTGTa 3' Energy: -22.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-362-3p NC_045512.2 163.00 -22.01 2 21 5500 5522 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29674 to 29694 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' acUUAGGAACUUAUCCACACAa 5' ||||:|| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' gcAATCTTT-AATCAGTGTGTa 3' Energy: -13.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-362-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.61 2 21 29674 29694 19 78.95% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-362-3p NC_045512.2 305.00 -35.62 163.00 -22.01 1797 22 29903 5500 29674 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4758-3p MIMAT0019904(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4758-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28358 to 28378 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cucCCACCAGUCGUCCACCCCGu 5' || | | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aatGGAGAAC-GCA-GTGGGGCg 3' Energy: -23.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4758-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -23.07 2 21 28358 28378 19 73.68% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4758-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -23.07 148.00 -23.07 1798 23 29903 28358 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1263 MIMAT0005915(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1263 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:13756 to 13777 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ugagucaUACGGUCCCAUGGUa 5' :|| || ||||||| Ref: 5' atagacgGTGACATGGTACCAc 3' Energy: -19.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1263 NC_045512.2 155.00 -19.25 2 16 13756 13777 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18329 to 18350 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ugagUCAUACGGU-CCCAUGGUa 5' || | ||:: ||||||| Ref: 5' ctagAG-AAGCTGTTGGTACCAa 3' Energy: -12.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1263 NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.90 2 19 18329 18350 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26524 to 26545 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugaGUCAUACGG-UCCCAUGGUa 5' ||| || || | |||||:| Ref: 5' tggCAG-ATTCCAACGGTACTAt 3' Energy: -17.799999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1263 NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.80 2 20 26524 26545 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1263 NC_045512.2 438.00 -49.95 155.00 -19.25 1799 22 29903 13756 18329 26524 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6512-3p MIMAT0025481(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6512-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 167.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21854 to 21876 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ggAUGGUAAUCUUC-CCGACCUu 5' || ||| | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tcTAACATAATAAGAGGCTGGAt 3' Energy: -20.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6512-3p NC_045512.2 167.00 -20.30 2 21 21854 21876 20 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:28889 to 28910 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ggAUGGUAAUCUUCCCGACCuu 5' | |:: ||||| |||||| Ref: 5' tcTCCTGCTAGAATGGCTGGca 3' Energy: -22.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6512-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -22.77 3 21 28889 28910 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:4165 to 4187 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ggAUGG-UAAUCUUCCCGACCuu 5' |||| | || || |||||| Ref: 5' taTACCTACTAAAAAGGCTGGtg 3' Energy: -21.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6512-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -21.00 3 21 4165 4187 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11245 to 11269 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (81.82%) Query: 3' ggAUG-GUAAU-CU-UCCCGACCUu 5' |:| :|||| || | ||:|||| Ref: 5' gaTGCGTATTATGACATGGTTGGAt 3' Energy: -15.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6512-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.95 2 21 11245 11269 22 68.18% 81.82% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6512-3p NC_045512.2 603.00 -80.02 167.00 -22.77 1800 22 29903 21854 28889 4165 11245 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-670-5p MIMAT0010357(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-670-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1257 MIMAT0005908(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1257 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:9515 to 9535 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccagucuuggGUAGUAAGUGa 5' ::|||||||| Ref: 5' ctattccttaTGTCATTCACt 3' Energy: -14.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1257 NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.84 2 12 9515 9535 10 80.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1257 NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.84 147.00 -14.84 1802 21 29903 9515 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3911 MIMAT0018185(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3911 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4807 to 4830 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (80.95%) Query: 3' acGGAGGAGGUC--CUAGGUGUGu 5' ||| :||::| |||:|||| Ref: 5' gtCCTATTCTGGACAATCTACACa 3' Energy: -22.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3911 NC_045512.2 143.00 -22.98 2 21 4807 4830 21 61.90% 80.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 16 R:23282 to 23303 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' acggaggAGGUCCUAGGUGUgu 5' |||: |||||||| Ref: 5' gatgctgTCCGTGATCCACAga 3' Energy: -24.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3911 NC_045512.2 143.00 -24.35 3 16 23282 23303 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:1698 to 1719 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' acGGAGGAGGUCCUAGGUGUgu 5' :||::|:| | |||||| Ref: 5' caTCTTTTTCTGCTTCCACAag 3' Energy: -18.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3911 NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.82 3 21 1698 1719 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4987 to 5008 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acggaggagguccuAGGUGUGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' agacaacattaaccTCCACACg 3' Energy: -16.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3911 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.16 2 9 4987 5008 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:19302 to 19323 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acggaggagguccuAGGUGUGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aaataaacatgcatTCCACACa 3' Energy: -17.379999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3911 NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.38 2 9 19302 19323 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3911 NC_045512.2 706.00 -99.69 143.00 -24.35 1803 22 29903 4807 23282 1698 4987 19302 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4429 MIMAT0018944(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4429 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12636 to 12658 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gcGGAGAGU--CG-GGUCGAAAa 5' |||||:| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' ggCCTCTTATTGTAACAGCTTTa 3' Energy: -20.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4429 NC_045512.2 152.00 -20.71 2 19 12636 12658 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:19313 to 19332 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' gcggaGAGUCGGGUCGAAAa 5' | || |||||||| Ref: 5' cattcCACACACCAGCTTTt 3' Energy: -16.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4429 NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.01 2 16 19313 19332 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12114 to 12136 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gcGGAG--AGU-CGGGUCGAAAa 5' |:|| ||| : ||||||| Ref: 5' ccCTTCCATCATATGCAGCTTTt 3' Energy: -14.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4429 NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.32 2 19 12114 12136 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:21684 to 21706 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gcgGAGAGUC---GGGUCGAAAa 5' :|:|||| |:|||:||| Ref: 5' aagTTTTCAGATCCTCAGTTTTa 3' Energy: -16.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4429 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.87 2 18 21684 21706 19 63.16% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4429 NC_045512.2 587.00 -67.91 152.00 -20.71 1804 20 29903 12636 19313 12114 21684 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6073 MIMAT0023698(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6073 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:27414 to 27435 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' caucGACUAU--UGAGUGAUGg 5' |||||| ||||:|||| Ref: 5' ggcaCTGATAACACTCGCTACt 3' Energy: -22.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6073 NC_045512.2 151.00 -22.32 2 17 27414 27435 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:27438 to 27454 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' caUCGACUAUUGAGUGAUGg 5' |||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgAGCT--TTA-TCACTACc 3' Energy: -17.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6073 NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.10 2 19 27438 27454 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:11989 to 12009 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (92.31%) Query: 3' caucgacUAUU-GAGUGAUGg 5' ||:: :||||||| Ref: 5' tgaaaaaATGGTTTCACTACt 3' Energy: -13.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6073 NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.82 2 14 11989 12009 13 69.23% 92.31% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:12764 to 12782 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cauCGACUAUUGAGUGAUGg 5' || | ||:||:||||| Ref: 5' aatGC-GTTAGCTTACTACa 3' Energy: -16.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6073 NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.22 2 18 12764 12782 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:27099 to 27120 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cauCGAC-UAU-UGAGUGAUGg 5' |||| ||| | ||:|||| Ref: 5' tttGCTGCATACAGTCGCTACa 3' Energy: -16.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6073 NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.30 2 18 27099 27120 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:7673 to 7692 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' caucgacuauugAGUGAUGg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gcgagagacttgTCACTACa 3' Energy: -11.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6073 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.53 2 9 7673 7692 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6073 NC_045512.2 866.00 -97.29 151.00 -22.32 1805 20 29903 27414 27438 11989 12764 27099 7673 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4711-5p MIMAT0019816(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4711-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4689 to 4711 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gaguACAGAAGACCGGACUACGu 5' |||:| :| |||||||| Ref: 5' tttcTGTTTCTTCACCTGATGCt 3' Energy: -20.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4711-5p NC_045512.2 163.00 -20.51 2 20 4689 4711 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:13430 to 13453 Align Len (22) (77.27%) (77.27%) Query: 3' gaGUACAGAAGACCG--GACUACGu 5' |||| |||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ccCATG-CTTCAGTCAGCTGATGCa 3' Energy: -20.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4711-5p NC_045512.2 162.00 -20.30 2 22 13430 13453 22 77.27% 77.27% Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20957 to 20979 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gagUACAGAAGACCG-GACUACGu 5' ||| ||| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaATGACTT-TGTCTCTGATGCa 3' Energy: -19.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4711-5p NC_045512.2 161.00 -19.22 2 21 20957 20979 20 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:26774 to 26797 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gaGUACAGAAGA-CCGGACUACGu 5' | |||||| | |||:|||||: Ref: 5' ggCTTGTCTTGTAGGCTTGATGTg 3' Energy: -24.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4711-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -24.22 2 22 26774 26797 21 76.19% 85.71% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:827 to 850 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gaGUACAGAAGACC-GGACUACgu 5' || |: | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaCAACTTCTGTGGCCCTGATGgc 3' Energy: -20.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4711-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.44 3 22 827 850 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:10135 to 10156 Align Len (16) (87.50%) (93.75%) Query: 3' gaguaCAGAAGACCGGACUACgu 5' ||||| ||||:||||| Ref: 5' taacgGTCTT-TGGCTTGATGac 3' Energy: -24.549999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4711-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -24.55 3 19 10135 10156 16 87.50% 93.75% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15809 to 15831 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gagUACAGAAGACCGGACUACGu 5' ||||:||: |:|||| || Ref: 5' acaATGTTTTTATGTCTGAAGCa 3' Energy: -19.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4711-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.67 2 21 15809 15831 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:23265 to 23287 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaguacagaagaccgGACUACGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' acattgctgacactaCTGATGCt 3' Energy: -14.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4711-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.85 2 9 23265 23287 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4711-5p NC_045512.2 1194.00 -163.76 163.00 -24.55 1806 23 29903 4689 13430 20957 26774 827 10135 15809 23265 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3646 MIMAT0018065(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3646 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16069 to 16089 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' accCGACCCGAGUAAAGUAAAa 5' |||| || |||||||| Ref: 5' tatGCTGATGTC-TTTCATTTg 3' Energy: -11.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3646 NC_045512.2 157.00 -11.75 2 20 16069 16089 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:20587 to 20608 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acccgacccgagUAAAGUAAAa 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' gactatacagaaATTTCATTTa 3' Energy: -6.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3646 NC_045512.2 150.00 -6.84 2 11 20587 20608 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22743 to 22763 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' acCCGACCCGAGUAAAGUAAAa 5' | || || | ||||||| Ref: 5' atGTCTATGCAGA-TTCATTTg 3' Energy: -6.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3646 NC_045512.2 146.00 -6.67 2 21 22743 22763 19 68.42% 68.42% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:26795 to 26815 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' acCCGACCCGAGUAAAGUAAaa 5' |||| ||| | |||||| Ref: 5' gtGGCTCAGCT-ACTTCATTgc 3' Energy: -13.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3646 NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.38 3 21 26795 26815 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6890 to 6911 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acccgacccgaguaAAGUAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttttgtctagaggcTTCATTTa 3' Energy: -10.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3646 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.37 2 9 6890 6911 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3646 NC_045512.2 735.00 -49.01 157.00 -13.38 1807 22 29903 16069 20587 22743 26795 6890 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4667-5p MIMAT0019743(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4667-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:21681 to 21702 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ccaagaGGAAGACGAGGGGUCa 5' ::||| | |||:||| Ref: 5' acaaagTTTTCAGATCCTCAGt 3' Energy: -18.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4667-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.36 2 17 21681 21702 15 66.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4667-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.36 140.00 -18.36 1808 22 29903 21681 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6085 MIMAT0023710(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6085 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:25684 to 25705 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' acACGAGGGGG---UCGGGGAa 5' |||| ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' gcTGCTGGCCTTGAAGCCCCTt 3' Energy: -22.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6085 NC_045512.2 148.00 -22.23 2 18 25684 25705 19 68.42% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6085 NC_045512.2 148.00 -22.23 148.00 -22.23 1809 19 29903 25684 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-146b-5p MIMAT0002809(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-146b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:15777 to 15799 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' gucggauaccUUAAGUCAAGAGu 5' || ||||||||: Ref: 5' aaagaactttAAGTCAGTTCTTt 3' Energy: -12.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-146b-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.94 2 14 15777 15799 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:14722 to 14744 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gucGGAUACCUUAAGUCAAGAgu 5' ::|| |||| |||||| Ref: 5' ttcTTTAAGGAAGGAAGTTCTgt 3' Energy: -13.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-146b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.48 3 21 14722 14744 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:27825 to 27848 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (76.19%) Query: 3' guCGGAU-ACCUUAAGUCAAGAGu 5' ||:|| | ||::|||||| Ref: 5' atGCTTATTATCTTTTGGTTCTCa 3' Energy: -17.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-146b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.27 2 22 27825 27848 21 61.90% 76.19% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-146b-5p NC_045512.2 421.00 -43.69 141.00 -17.27 1810 23 29903 15777 14722 27825 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6730-5p MIMAT0027361(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6730-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:9658 to 9680 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agACUGUUGGGGAGGUGGAAAGa 5' | ||| |::: :||||||| Ref: 5' gtTCACACCTTTAGTACCTTTCt 3' Energy: -20.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6730-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -20.81 2 22 9658 9680 20 60.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:11084 to 11108 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (86.36%) Query: 3' agACUGUU--GGGGAGGUGGAAAGa 5' ||| || ||::|::||||||: Ref: 5' taTGAAAATGCCTTTTTACCTTTTg 3' Energy: -20.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6730-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -20.29 2 22 11084 11108 22 63.64% 86.36% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:21713 to 21737 Align Len (22) (59.09%) (77.27%) Query: 3' agACUGUUGGGGAGG--UGGAAAGa 5' | | :||:: |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' acTCAGGACTTGTTCTTACCTTTCt 3' Energy: -19.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6730-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -19.19 2 22 21713 21737 22 59.09% 77.27% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:25653 to 25677 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (86.36%) Query: 3' agACUGUUGGG-GAG-GUGGAAAGa 5' | |||:::: ||| |||||||: Ref: 5' tgTAACAGTTTACTCACACCTTTTg 3' Energy: -19.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6730-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -19.90 2 22 25653 25677 22 63.64% 86.36% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:16711 to 16734 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' agACUGU-UGGGGAGGUGGAAAGa 5' ||||| | :| ||:||||| Ref: 5' tcTGACAGAGAATTACATCTTTCa 3' Energy: -22.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6730-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -22.04 2 22 16711 16734 21 66.67% 76.19% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23227 to 23249 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agacUGUUGGGGAGGUGGAAAGa 5' | || ::||::|||||| Ref: 5' taacAAAAAGTTTCTGCCTTTCc 3' Energy: -16.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6730-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.74 2 20 23227 23249 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:13051 to 13073 Align Len (17) (58.82%) (88.24%) Query: 3' agacuGUUGGGGAGGUGGAAAGa 5' ||||: : ::|:||||| Ref: 5' caattCAACTGTATTATCTTTCt 3' Energy: -17.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6730-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.52 2 19 13051 13073 17 58.82% 88.24% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:23 to 45 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' agACUGUUGGGGAGGUGGAAAGa 5' | |||| || ||| ||||| Ref: 5' ggTAACAAACCAACCAACTTTCg 3' Energy: -16.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6730-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.18 2 22 23 45 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:24133 to 24155 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agACUGUUGGGGAGGUGGAAAga 5' | || ::::: |||||||| Ref: 5' ccTTACTGTTTTGCCACCTTTgc 3' Energy: -16.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6730-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.15 3 22 24133 24155 19 57.89% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6730-5p NC_045512.2 1319.00 -168.82 157.00 -22.04 1811 23 29903 9658 11084 21713 25653 16711 23227 13051 23 24133 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-378a-3p MIMAT0000732(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-378a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11034 to 11054 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cgGAAGACUGAGGUUCAGGUCa 5' |||:| | |:: ||||||| Ref: 5' caCTTTT-AGTTTTAGTCCAGa 3' Energy: -19.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-378a-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -19.08 2 21 11034 11054 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:22504 to 22526 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (89.47%) Query: 3' cgGAAGACUGAGGU-UCAGGUca 5' ||||| |||::| |||||| Ref: 5' aaCTTCTAACTTTAGAGTCCAac 3' Energy: -21.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-378a-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -21.01 3 21 22504 22526 19 78.95% 89.47% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17516 to 17540 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' cgGAAGAC---UGAGGUUCAGGUCa 5' ||| || ||| :|:|||||| Ref: 5' gaCTTATGAAAACTATAGGTCCAGa 3' Energy: -19.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-378a-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -19.27 2 21 17516 17540 22 68.18% 77.27% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:18809 to 18832 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cggaAGAC-UGA-GGUUCAGGUca 5' |||| |:| :|||||||| Ref: 5' atgaTCTGTATTGTCAAGTCCAtg 3' Energy: -19.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-378a-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -19.95 3 19 18809 18832 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:28494 to 28515 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cggaagacugagguUCAGGUCa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaacaccaatagcAGTCCAGa 3' Energy: -14.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-378a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.81 2 9 28494 28515 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-378a-3p NC_045512.2 744.00 -94.12 158.00 -21.01 1812 22 29903 11034 22504 17516 18809 28494 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3650 MIMAT0018070(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3650 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:12907 to 12925 Align Len (13) (92.31%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccugaGAUGUCUGUGUGGa 5' :|||||||||||| Ref: 5' gtttgTTACAGACACACCt 3' Energy: -25.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3650 NC_045512.2 166.00 -25.37 2 15 12907 12925 13 92.31% 100.00% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:16203 to 16221 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' ccugaGAUGUCUGUGUGGa 5' |||:: ||||||| Ref: 5' tgaggCTATGTACACACCg 3' Energy: -17.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3650 NC_045512.2 154.00 -17.68 2 15 16203 16221 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:10988 to 11007 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ccUGAGAUGUC-UGUGUGGa 5' | || | :| ||||||| Ref: 5' acAATCAAGGGTACACACCa 3' Energy: -12.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3650 NC_045512.2 148.00 -12.60 2 18 10988 11007 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8944 to 8962 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ccUG-AGAUGUCUGUGUGGa 5' || |||:: ||||||| Ref: 5' taACATCTGT-TACACACCa 3' Energy: -15.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3650 NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.09 2 18 8944 8962 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22171 to 22189 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ccUGAGAUGUCUGUGUGGa 5' |:|||| : ||||:|| Ref: 5' atATTCTAAGCACACGCCt 3' Energy: -19.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3650 NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.40 2 18 22171 22189 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:18101 to 18119 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' ccugagaUGUCUGUGUGGa 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' cacaggcACCTACACACCt 3' Energy: -15.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3650 NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.90 2 13 18101 18119 11 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:6177 to 6196 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccugagaUGU-CUGUGUGGa 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' attataaACACTACACACCc 3' Energy: -12.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3650 NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.81 2 13 6177 6196 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:13651 to 13669 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ccUGAGAUGUCUGUGUGGa 5' | |: | ||||||||: Ref: 5' gtAGTTAAGAGACACACTt 3' Energy: -15.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3650 NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.75 2 18 13651 13669 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:19308 to 19326 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccugagaugucUGUGUGGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' acatgcattccACACACCa 3' Energy: -12.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3650 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.09 2 9 19308 19326 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3650 NC_045512.2 1327.00 -146.69 166.00 -25.37 1813 19 29903 12907 16203 10988 8944 22171 18101 6177 13651 19308 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4798-3p MIMAT0019975(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4798-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26372 to 26395 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' ugAAGCCAUAUGAA--GCACUCAa 5' | | ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' gcTGCAATATTGTTAACGTGAGTc 3' Energy: -13.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4798-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.37 2 21 26372 26395 21 66.67% 66.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4798-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.37 147.00 -13.37 1814 22 29903 26372 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4789-5p MIMAT0019959(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4789-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:6275 to 6296 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' guauGUGUAUAGUCCACAUAUg 5' || ||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' aaacCAAATACCTGGTGTATAc 3' Energy: -16.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4789-5p NC_045512.2 166.00 -16.44 2 19 6275 6296 17 82.35% 82.35% Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11583 to 11603 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' guaUGUGUAUAGUCCACAUAUg 5' |:||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtaATACACTTCA-GTGTATAa 3' Energy: -18.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4789-5p NC_045512.2 161.00 -18.24 2 20 11583 11603 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:930 to 952 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' guaUGUG-UAUAGUCCACAUAUg 5' |||| | : :|||||||| Ref: 5' ttgACACTAAGAGGGGTGTATAc 3' Energy: -19.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4789-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -19.08 2 20 930 952 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24638 to 24662 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (81.82%) Query: 3' guAUG--UGUAUAGUC-CACAUAUg 5' ||| | ||:|||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' gcTACTAAAATGTCAGAGTGTGTAc 3' Energy: -22.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4789-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -22.93 2 21 24638 24662 22 72.73% 81.82% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17137 to 17156 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' guAUGUGUAUAGUCCACAUAUg 5' |:| |: || | ||||||| Ref: 5' tcTGCTCGCAT-A-GTGTATAc 3' Energy: -15.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4789-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -15.64 2 21 17137 17156 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19042 to 19063 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' guAUGUGUAUAGUCCACAUAUg 5' || | |||:| ||||:|| Ref: 5' ccTAAAGCTATTAAGTGTGTAc 3' Energy: -13.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4789-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -13.79 2 21 19042 19063 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19441 to 19462 Align Len (18) (55.56%) (77.78%) Query: 3' guaUGUGUAUAGUCCACAUAUg 5' | :: |: :| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctaAAGTCTGCTACGTGTATAa 3' Energy: -7.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4789-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -7.45 2 20 19441 19462 18 55.56% 77.78% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:4853 to 4873 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' guaugugUAUAGUCCACAUAUg 5' ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' agaggtgATA-AAAGTGTATAt 3' Energy: -8.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4789-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -8.22 2 16 4853 4873 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19166 to 19185 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' guAUGUGUAUAGUCCACAUAUg 5' | |||| || |||||||: Ref: 5' aaTTCACAGAT--GGTGTATGc 3' Energy: -18.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4789-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.61 2 21 19166 19185 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4789-5p NC_045512.2 1364.00 -140.40 166.00 -22.93 1815 22 29903 6275 11583 930 24638 17137 19042 19441 4853 19166 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4686 MIMAT0019773(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4686 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:17322 to 17344 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uuGUGGUCUUUCGGGUCGUCUAu 5' ::|| ||:| |||||||| Ref: 5' atTGCCTGAGACGACAGCAGATa 3' Energy: -22.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4686 NC_045512.2 161.00 -22.23 2 22 17322 17344 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29628 to 29651 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uugUGGUCUUUCG-GGUCGUCUAu 5' ||:| | ||| | ||:|||| Ref: 5' gtaACTACATAGCACAAGTAGATg 3' Energy: -16.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4686 NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.67 2 21 29628 29651 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23753 to 23774 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uugUGGUCUUUCGGGUCGUCUAu 5' |||| |:| :|||:|||| Ref: 5' atgACCA-AGACATCAGTAGATt 3' Energy: -18.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4686 NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.65 2 21 23753 23774 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4686 NC_045512.2 454.00 -57.55 161.00 -22.23 1816 23 29903 17322 29628 23753 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-133b MIMAT0000770(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-133b vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:21763 to 21784 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aucgaccaacuucCCCUGGUUu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tatacatgtctctGGGACCAAt 3' Energy: -13.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-133b NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.98 2 10 21763 21784 8 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-133b NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.98 145.00 -13.98 1817 22 29903 21763 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-12128 MIMAT0049022(26 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-12128 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:20950 to 20976 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (85.71%) Query: 3' agaggAGAAGUAC-GCGGUAGGGACUu 5' |||| ||| | :::||:|||| Ref: 5' tcagaTCTTAATGACTTTGTCTCTGAt 3' Energy: -17.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12128 NC_045512.2 152.00 -17.02 2 22 20950 20976 21 66.67% 85.71% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:3 to 25 R:24742 to 24772 Align Len (27) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' agAGGAGAA-GUACGCGG----UAGGGACuu 5' ||:|||| ||||:| | :|||||| Ref: 5' agTCTTCTTGCATGTGACTTATGTCCCTGca 3' Energy: -28.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12128 NC_045512.2 150.00 -28.73 3 25 24742 24772 27 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6122 to 6151 Align Len (23) (60.87%) (65.22%) Query: 3' agaggaGAAGUACGCGGU----AGGGACUu 5' ||| | |: || ||||||| Ref: 5' agagagCTTAAAGTTACATTTTTCCCTGAc 3' Energy: -13.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12128 NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.86 2 21 6122 6151 23 60.87% 65.22% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:15693 to 15720 Align Len (24) (58.33%) (79.17%) Query: 3' agaGGAGAAGUAC-GCGGU-AGGGACUu 5' ::||| ||| :| :| ||:|||| Ref: 5' acaTTTCTCAATGATGATACTCTCTGAc 3' Energy: -18.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12128 NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.66 2 24 15693 15720 24 58.33% 79.17% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:2128 to 2152 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' agaggagaAGUACGCGGUAGGGACUu 5' ||| | ||:|||:||| Ref: 5' tgaaaaacTCAAAC-CCGTCCTTGAt 3' Energy: -19.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12128 NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.06 2 19 2128 2152 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 25 R:24701 to 24724 Align Len (23) (73.91%) (78.26%) Query: 3' agAGGAGAAGUACGCGGUAGGGACUu 5' || |||| |||: || ||||| | Ref: 5' taTCATCTT-ATGT-CCTTCCCTCAg 3' Energy: -18.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12128 NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.35 2 25 24701 24724 23 73.91% 78.26% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-12128 NC_045512.2 866.00 -115.68 152.00 -28.73 1818 26 29903 20950 24742 6122 15693 2128 24701 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3663-5p MIMAT0018084(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3663-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:16288 to 16307 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' ggcuCGUGGUGCGUCUGGUcg 5' ||| :|||:|||||| Ref: 5' gcttGCA-TACGTAGACCAtt 3' Energy: -21.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3663-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -21.51 3 18 16288 16307 15 80.00% 93.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 15 R:29529 to 29549 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggcucguGGUGCGUCUGGUcg 5' :||:|||||||| Ref: 5' cctaaacTCATGCAGACCAca 3' Energy: -23.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3663-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -23.51 3 15 29529 29549 12 83.33% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3663-5p NC_045512.2 285.00 -45.02 143.00 -23.51 1819 21 29903 16288 29529 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548ah-3p MIMAT0020957(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548ah-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:23820 to 23841 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' cguuuucauUGACGUCAAAAAc 5' |: ||||||||| Ref: 5' tgttgcaatATGGCAGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -15.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ah-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -15.79 2 14 23820 23841 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26478 to 26499 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cgUUUUCAUUGACGUCAAAAAc 5' ||| | |: :||||||| Ref: 5' ctAAATATTATATTAGTTTTTc 3' Energy: -5.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ah-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -5.26 2 21 26478 26499 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:8912 to 8933 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' cguuuucAUUGACGUCAAAAAc 5' || || ||||||| Ref: 5' catttctTACCTAGAGTTTTTa 3' Energy: -5.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ah-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -5.44 2 16 8912 8933 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:7872 to 7895 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cguuuUCAUU--GACGUCAAAAAc 5' | ||| :| :||||||| Ref: 5' tgcctATTAATGTTATAGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -10.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ah-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -10.10 2 18 7872 7895 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:22568 to 22589 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' cguuuucauugACGUCAAAAAc 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' tgcccttttggTGAAGTTTTTa 3' Energy: -6.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ah-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -6.73 2 12 22568 22589 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23886 to 23909 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' cgUUUUCAUUG--ACGUCAAAAAc 5' |||| | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' acAAAAACACCCAAGAAGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -10.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ah-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.98 2 21 23886 23909 21 66.67% 66.67% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:16484 to 16507 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cguuuucAUUGAC-G-UCAAAAAc 5' |||: | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtgtgcTAATGGACAAGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -11.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ah-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.13 2 16 16484 16507 16 75.00% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548ah-3p NC_045512.2 1043.00 -65.43 153.00 -15.79 1820 22 29903 23820 26478 8912 7872 22568 23886 16484 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-410-5p MIMAT0026558(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-410-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:5528 to 5549 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' gcuugaGUAGU-GUCUGUUGGa 5' || || ||||||||| Ref: 5' tgtggaCAACAGCAGACAACCc 3' Energy: -21.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-410-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -21.83 2 16 5528 5549 15 86.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7825 to 7845 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' gcuugAGUAGUGUCUGUUGGa 5' |:| | :|||||||| Ref: 5' ttttgTTAACTTAGACAACCt 3' Energy: -16.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-410-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -16.34 2 17 7825 7845 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13115 to 13135 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gcUUGAGUAGUGUCUGUUGGa 5' |:|| :| : :||||||| Ref: 5' ctAGCTAGTGGGGGACAACCa 3' Energy: -16.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-410-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -16.42 2 20 13115 13135 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1595 to 1614 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gcUUGAGUAGUGUCUGUUGGa 5' |: || |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' gaAGGTC-TTAATGACAACCt 3' Energy: -15.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-410-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.13 2 20 1595 1614 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:24898 to 24921 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gcUUGAGUA---GUGUCUGUUGga 5' || |||| :||||||||| Ref: 5' acAAATCATTACTACAGACAACac 3' Energy: -17.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-410-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.86 3 20 24898 24921 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4909 to 4932 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' gcUUGAGUAGUG---UCUGUUGGa 5' || |:||||| |||||:| Ref: 5' tgAAGTTATCACCTTTGACAATCt 3' Energy: -22.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-410-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -22.91 2 20 4909 4932 21 66.67% 76.19% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:21215 to 21235 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gcuuGAGUAGUGUCUGUUGGa 5' | ||| :::||||:|| Ref: 5' acttCGCATGGTGGACAGCCt 3' Energy: -19.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-410-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.53 2 18 21215 21235 16 62.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:14827 to 14847 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gcuugAGUAGUGUCUGUUGGa 5' | || ||||||||: Ref: 5' atgtgTGATATCAGACAACTa 3' Energy: -12.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-410-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.18 2 17 14827 14847 15 73.33% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-410-5p NC_045512.2 1187.00 -142.20 158.00 -22.91 1821 21 29903 5528 7825 13115 1595 24898 4909 21215 14827 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4728-3p MIMAT0019850(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4728-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:5191 to 5214 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' gacCCCGUCCUCCCUCCAGUCGUAc 5' |||:||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' tctGGGTAGG-TACATGTCAGCATt 3' Energy: -26.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4728-3p NC_045512.2 160.00 -26.83 2 23 5191 5214 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:9378 to 9402 Align Len (22) (59.09%) (63.64%) Query: 3' gaCCCCGUCCUCCCUCCAGUCGUAc 5' || || :| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttGGTGCTTTGGACATATCAGCATc 3' Energy: -17.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4728-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.08 2 24 9378 9402 22 59.09% 63.64% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 24 R:22618 to 22642 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' gaCCCCGUCCUCCCUCCAGUCGUac 5' || ||||| | : |||||| Ref: 5' ttGGAACAGGAAGAGAATCAGCAac 3' Energy: -23.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4728-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -23.05 3 24 22618 22642 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:12525 to 12549 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaccccguccucccuccAGUCGUAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' caacatttacttatgcaTCAGCATt 3' Energy: -10.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4728-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.42 2 9 12525 12549 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4728-3p NC_045512.2 590.00 -77.38 160.00 -26.83 1822 25 29903 5191 9378 22618 12525 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-15b-5p MIMAT0000417(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-15b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8444 to 8465 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' acauUUGGUACUACACGACGAu 5' || :| | |||||||| Ref: 5' aaacAAATACGTAGTGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -16.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15b-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -16.70 2 19 8444 8465 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:16842 to 16864 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (94.44%) Query: 3' acauUUGGUACUAC-ACGACGAu 5' :||:|||:|| |||||:| Ref: 5' aggtGACTATGGTGATGCTGTTg 3' Energy: -25.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15b-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -25.82 2 19 16842 16864 18 72.22% 94.44% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:28906 to 28928 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' acauUUGGUACUAC-ACGACGAu 5' ||: : |:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' tggcAATGGCGGTGATGCTGCTc 3' Energy: -15.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15b-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -15.74 2 19 28906 28928 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:28921 to 28942 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' acauuuGGUACUACACGACGAu 5' :| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgctgcTCTTGCTTTGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -12.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15b-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -12.48 2 17 28921 28942 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:29007 to 29030 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' acauuUGGUAC--UACACGACGAu 5' ||:| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' ctgtcACTAAGAAATCTGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -14.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15b-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -14.95 2 18 29007 29030 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14549 to 14569 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acAUUUGGUACUACACGACGAu 5' | | :::|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaTTACTTGTG-TATGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -14.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15b-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.08 2 21 14549 14569 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:14766 to 14788 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' acauuuggUACUA-CACGACGAu 5' |||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgctcaggATGGTAATGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -17.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15b-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -17.13 2 15 14766 14788 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:24079 to 24101 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' acauuuggUACUA-CACGACGAu 5' :|||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgccttgGTGATATTGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -20.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15b-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -20.14 2 15 24079 24101 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:8599 to 8621 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' acauuuGGUACUAC-ACGACGAu 5' || | || ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtgttCCTTTTTGTTGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -20.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15b-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -20.42 2 17 8599 8621 16 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:26710 to 26730 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' acauuuGGUACUACACGACGAu 5' :::|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' cttgttTTGTGCT-TGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -14.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15b-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.01 2 17 26710 26730 15 66.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:3150 to 3170 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' acauuUGGUACUACACGACGAu 5' :||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttggtGCCA-CTTCTGCTGCTc 3' Energy: -13.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15b-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.98 2 18 3150 3170 16 68.75% 75.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:13077 to 13097 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (81.25%) Query: 3' acauuUGGUACUACACGACGAu 5' :|::| | ||||||| Ref: 5' cttttGCTGT-AGATGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -13.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15b-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.78 2 18 13077 13097 16 62.50% 81.25% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22629 to 22652 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' acaUUUGGUACU--ACACGACGAu 5' :||:|| | ||||:|||| Ref: 5' agaGAATCAGCAACTGTGTTGCTg 3' Energy: -19.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15b-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.01 2 20 22629 22652 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:23374 to 23393 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' acauUUGGUACUACACGACGAu 5' ||||| |:| |||||:| Ref: 5' ttctAACCA-GGT-TGCTGTTc 3' Energy: -16.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15b-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.39 2 19 23374 23393 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:19844 to 19864 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' acauuugguacUACACGACGAu 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' tgggtgtggacAT-TGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -17.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15b-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.71 2 12 19844 19864 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21412 to 21433 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' acAUUUGGUACUACACGACGAu 5' ||||::| |: || ||||| Ref: 5' ctTAAATTAAGGGGTACTGCTg 3' Energy: -15.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.26 2 21 21412 21433 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:24620 to 24641 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acauuugguacuacACGACGAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gcttctgctaatctTGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -12.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.72 2 9 24620 24641 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:25669 to 25690 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acauuugguacuacACGACGAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' caccttttgctcgtTGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -14.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.78 2 9 25669 25690 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:27087 to 27108 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' acAUUUGGUACUACACGACGau 5' |:| :|| | | |||||| Ref: 5' ggTGACTCAGGTTTTGCTGCat 3' Energy: -15.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.65 3 21 27087 27108 18 66.67% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-15b-5p NC_045512.2 2776.00 -310.75 154.00 -25.82 1823 22 29903 8444 16842 28906 28921 29007 14549 14766 24079 8599 26710 3150 13077 22629 23374 19844 21412 24620 25669 27087 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-572 MIMAT0003237(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-572 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548q MIMAT0011163(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548q vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12524 to 12546 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ggcgGU-AAUGAAAACGUGGUCg 5' || |||||| ||||:||| Ref: 5' acaaCATTTACTTATGCATCAGc 3' Energy: -23.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548q NC_045512.2 157.00 -23.91 2 19 12524 12546 18 83.33% 88.89% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:20879 to 20900 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggcgguaaugaaAACGUGGUCg 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' ctgataaaggagTTGCACCAGg 3' Energy: -17.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548q NC_045512.2 150.00 -17.82 2 11 20879 20900 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:4525 to 4546 Align Len (15) (93.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' ggcgguAAUGAAAACGUGGUCg 5' |||||||| |||||| Ref: 5' tagattTTACTTTTACACCAGt 3' Energy: -19.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548q NC_045512.2 148.00 -19.39 2 17 4525 4546 15 93.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:1860 to 1881 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' ggcgguaAUGAAAACGUGGUCg 5' |:| ||||||:||| Ref: 5' ctctttaTGCATTTGCATCAGa 3' Energy: -17.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548q NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.37 2 16 1860 1881 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11307 to 11328 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ggcgGUAAUGAAAACGUGGUCg 5' ::|||: | ||||:||| Ref: 5' actgTGTTATGTATGCATCAGc 3' Energy: -19.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548q NC_045512.2 146.00 -19.79 2 19 11307 11328 17 64.71% 88.24% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:23106 to 23127 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggcgguaaugaaaACGUGGUCg 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ttgaacttctacaTGCACCAGc 3' Energy: -19.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548q NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.76 2 10 23106 23127 8 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548q NC_045512.2 893.00 -118.04 157.00 -23.91 1825 22 29903 12524 20879 4525 1860 11307 23106 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4659b-5p MIMAT0019733(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4659b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:26511 to 26529 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (92.86%) Query: 3' aagaAGAAUCUGUACCGUu 5' |:|||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaaTTTTAGCCATGGCAg 3' Energy: -18.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4659b-5p NC_045512.2 163.00 -18.33 2 16 26511 26529 14 85.71% 92.86% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:28438 to 28455 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' aagaaGAAUCUGUACCGUu 5' || | |||||||| Ref: 5' tctcaCTCA-ACATGGCAa 3' Energy: -14.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4659b-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.57 2 15 28438 28455 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:5706 to 5724 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' aagaaGAAUCUGUACCGUu 5' |||| :|||||:| Ref: 5' atgaaCTTAAGCATGGTAc 3' Energy: -13.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4659b-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.62 2 15 5706 5724 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:1243 to 1261 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aagaagaaucuGUACCGUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tggtgaaacttCATGGCAg 3' Energy: -13.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4659b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.15 2 9 1243 1261 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:26884 to 26902 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aagaagaaucuGUACCGUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' acgtgccactcCATGGCAc 3' Energy: -9.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4659b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.74 2 9 26884 26902 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4659b-5p NC_045512.2 733.00 -69.41 163.00 -18.33 1826 19 29903 26511 28438 5706 1243 26884 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4664-3p MIMAT0019738(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4664-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:13184 to 13205 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' cugccccgaguGUCUGGCCUUc 5' :| ||||||| Ref: 5' gcaataacagtTACACCGGAAg 3' Energy: -18.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4664-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.79 2 12 13184 13205 10 80.00% 90.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4664-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.79 143.00 -18.79 1827 22 29903 13184 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4478 MIMAT0019006(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4478 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:22069 to 22085 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaggagucGAGUCGGAg 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' atatgtctCTCAGCCTt 3' Energy: -15.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4478 NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.88 2 10 22069 22085 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:5399 to 5415 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' gagGAGUCGAGUCGGAg 5' ||:| ||:||||| Ref: 5' gcaCTTATCTTAGCCTa 3' Energy: -16.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4478 NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.79 2 15 5399 5415 13 76.92% 92.31% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4478 NC_045512.2 287.00 -32.67 145.00 -16.79 1828 17 29903 22069 5399 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4485-3p MIMAT0019019(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4485-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4307 MIMAT0016860(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4307 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:5097 to 5118 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ccuuUGUCCUU---UUUUGUAa 5' ||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' attcACATGAAGGTAAAACATt 3' Energy: -9.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4307 NC_045512.2 150.00 -9.88 2 16 5097 5118 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8296 to 8314 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ccUUUGUCCUUUUUUGUAa 5' | | || :||||||| Ref: 5' taACAAAGTTGAAAACATg 3' Energy: -6.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4307 NC_045512.2 149.00 -6.49 2 18 8296 8314 16 68.75% 75.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:23877 to 23896 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ccUUUGUCCU-UUUUUGUaa 5' :|||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttGAACAAGACAAAAACAcc 3' Energy: -7.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4307 NC_045512.2 144.00 -7.80 3 18 23877 23896 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:3930 to 3947 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' ccUUUGUCCUUUUUUGUaa 5' :|||| ||:|||||| Ref: 5' ttGAACA-GAGAAAACAag 3' Energy: -11.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4307 NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.77 3 18 3930 3947 15 80.00% 93.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:29344 to 29361 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ccUUUGUCCUUUUUUGUAa 5' | :|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgACGCA-TACAAAACATt 3' Energy: -6.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4307 NC_045512.2 143.00 -6.76 2 18 29344 29361 16 68.75% 75.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:3631 to 3649 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ccUUUGUCCUUUUUUGUAa 5' | | ||| :||:|||| Ref: 5' taACAAAGGTGAAGACATt 3' Energy: -11.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4307 NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.28 2 18 3631 3649 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:4747 to 4766 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ccUUUGU-CCUUUUUUGUAa 5' ||||| :||:||||| Ref: 5' taAAACACCTGAAGAACATt 3' Energy: -10.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4307 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.39 2 18 4747 4766 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:5634 to 5654 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ccUUUGUCC--UUUUUUGUAa 5' ||||| | | ||||:|| Ref: 5' gtAAACAAGCTACAAAATATc 3' Energy: -4.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4307 NC_045512.2 140.00 -4.21 2 18 5634 5654 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4307 NC_045512.2 1150.00 -68.58 150.00 -11.77 1830 19 29903 5097 8296 23877 3930 29344 3631 4747 5634 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3648 MIMAT0018068(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3648 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21143 to 21162 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ggGAGCCGCUAGGGGCGCCGa 5' ||:|| |:| :|||:||| Ref: 5' ctCTTGGAGGT-TCCGTGGCt 3' Energy: -30.969999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3648 NC_045512.2 145.00 -30.97 2 20 21143 21162 18 66.67% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3648 NC_045512.2 145.00 -30.97 145.00 -30.97 1831 21 29903 21143 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6081 MIMAT0023706(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6081 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:24776 to 24799 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccgcggaaccggccgUGACGAGGa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' gaaaagaacttcacaACTGCTCCt 3' Energy: -19.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6081 NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.77 2 10 24776 24799 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:17426 to 17448 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ccgcGGAACCGGCCGUGACGAGga 5' | |||| || | |||||| Ref: 5' tgtaCATTGG-CGACCCTGCTCaa 3' Energy: -19.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6081 NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.53 3 21 17426 17448 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:28905 to 28930 Align Len (22) (59.09%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ccgCGGAACCG--GCCGUGACGAGGa 5' || |||| :| ::||||||: Ref: 5' ctgGCAATGGCGGTGATGCTGCTCTt 3' Energy: -25.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6081 NC_045512.2 140.00 -25.42 2 22 28905 28930 22 59.09% 77.27% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6081 NC_045512.2 427.00 -64.72 145.00 -25.42 1832 24 29903 24776 17426 28905 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-10399-5p MIMAT0041629(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-10399-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5404 to 5423 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' agAGACUCUGUUAGACAUUAa 5' ||| || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' taTCTTAGCCTA-CTGTAATa 3' Energy: -10.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10399-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -10.15 2 20 5404 5423 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:14001 to 14023 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' agagacUC-UGUU-AGACAUUAa 5' || |||| |||||:|| Ref: 5' aaaaacAGTACAATTCTGTGATg 3' Energy: -12.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10399-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.03 2 16 14001 14023 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21949 to 21974 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (73.91%) Query: 3' agAGACUCU----GUU-AGACAUUAa 5' |||| || ||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' agTCTGTGAATTTCAATTTTGTAATg 3' Energy: -13.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10399-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.62 2 20 21949 21974 23 69.57% 73.91% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22746 to 22768 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agAGAC-UCU-GUUAGACAUUAa 5' | || ||| : ||:|||||| Ref: 5' tcTATGCAGATTCATTTGTAATt 3' Energy: -14.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10399-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.83 2 20 22746 22768 20 70.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-10399-5p NC_045512.2 580.00 -50.63 157.00 -14.83 1833 21 29903 5404 14001 21949 22746 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-937-5p MIMAT0022938(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-937-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:29503 to 29522 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (84.62%) Query: 3' ggucggGGUGGGACUGAGUg 5' | :: |||||||| Ref: 5' catgagCAGTGCTGACTCAa 3' Energy: -18.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-937-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.04 2 15 29503 29522 13 69.23% 84.62% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:16402 to 16422 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gguCGGGGU-GGGACUGAGUg 5' |:| || : ||||||| Ref: 5' gatGTCACAGATGTGACTCAa 3' Energy: -14.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-937-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.62 2 18 16402 16422 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24574 to 24592 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ggUCGGGGUGGGACUGAGUg 5' || | :| : ||||||| Ref: 5' gcAGACATA-TGTGACTCAa 3' Energy: -17.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-937-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.67 2 19 24574 24592 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:6136 to 6155 Align Len (15) (60.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' ggucGGGGUGGGACUGAGUg 5' :::: ||||||||:| Ref: 5' tacaTTTTTCCCTGACTTAa 3' Energy: -20.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-937-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.69 2 17 6136 6155 15 60.00% 93.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:27077 to 27096 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggucggggugggACUGAGUg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gcgtgtagcaggTGACTCAg 3' Energy: -12.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-937-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.75 2 9 27077 27096 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-937-5p NC_045512.2 714.00 -83.77 146.00 -20.69 1834 20 29903 29503 16402 24574 6136 27077 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-181d-3p MIMAT0026608(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-181d-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22300 to 22320 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (88.89%) Query: 3' caCUGUAAGUAGGGGGCCACc 5' | :|||:: |:||:|||| Ref: 5' aaGTTATTTGACTCCTGGTGa 3' Energy: -20.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181d-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -20.02 2 20 22300 22320 18 61.11% 88.89% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:9557 to 9576 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cacuGUAAGUAGGGGGCCACc 5' ||||| |: ||:|||| Ref: 5' tactCATTC-TTACCTGGTGt 3' Energy: -18.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181d-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.74 2 18 9557 9576 16 75.00% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-181d-3p NC_045512.2 290.00 -38.76 147.00 -20.02 1835 21 29903 22300 9557 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-128-3p MIMAT0000424(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-128-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:17572 to 17593 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uuuCUCUGGCCA-AGUGACACu 5' || |::| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gctGAAATTGTTGACACTGTGa 3' Energy: -15.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-128-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.57 2 19 17572 17593 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:2736 to 2756 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuucucuggccaaGUGACACu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cttttggtgatgaCACTGTGa 3' Energy: -17.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-128-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.79 2 9 2736 2756 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-128-3p NC_045512.2 289.00 -33.36 149.00 -17.79 1836 21 29903 17572 2736 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6829-5p MIMAT0027558(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6829-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8158 to 8178 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (94.44%) Query: 3' acGGGGA-AGAGUCGUCGGGu 5' |:::| |:||||||||:| Ref: 5' taCTTTTATTTCAGCAGCTCg 3' Energy: -25.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6829-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -25.82 2 19 8158 8178 18 66.67% 94.44% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:12450 to 12471 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' acGGGGAA-G-AGUCGUCGGgu 5' ||:||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' taCCTCTTACAACAGCAGCCaa 3' Energy: -25.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6829-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -25.82 3 19 12450 12471 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:13474 to 13493 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acggggaagaguCGUCGGGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgcggtgtaagtGCAGCCCg 3' Energy: -17.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6829-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.14 2 9 13474 13493 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6829-5p NC_045512.2 429.00 -68.78 149.00 -25.82 1837 20 29903 8158 12450 13474 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7856-5p MIMAT0030431(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7856-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1079 to 1099 Align Len (18) (55.56%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cuAGGGAGUCACAGGAAUUUu 5' |::: :| | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaTTTTGTATTTCCCTTAAAt 3' Energy: -7.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7856-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -7.02 2 20 1079 1099 18 55.56% 77.78% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3473 to 3493 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (72.22%) Query: 3' cuAGGGAGUCACAGGAAUUUu 5' | :: ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ggTGTTGCAGGAGCCTTAAAt 3' Energy: -14.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7856-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.28 2 20 3473 3493 18 61.11% 72.22% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12179 to 12200 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cuAGGGAGUC-ACAGGAAUUUu 5' |:|: || |||:|||||| Ref: 5' gaTTCTGAAGTTGTTCTTAAAa 3' Energy: -20.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7856-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -20.30 2 20 12179 12200 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:3441 to 3464 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cuagggaGUCACA---GGAAUUUu 5' || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' atgcagcCAATGTTTACCTTAAAc 3' Energy: -9.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7856-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.04 2 15 3441 3464 16 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:8126 to 8146 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuagggaguCACAGGAAUUUu 5' |||||||||:| Ref: 5' gcaaagaatGTGTCCTTAGAc 3' Energy: -14.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7856-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.54 2 13 8126 8146 11 90.91% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:21428 to 21447 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cuaGGGAGUCACAGGAAUUUu 5' |: |:| ||||:||||| Ref: 5' ctgCTGTTA-TGTCTTTAAAa 3' Energy: -14.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7856-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.74 2 19 21428 21447 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:1650 to 1670 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' cuagggAGUCACAGGAAUUUu 5' |::||| |:||||| Ref: 5' atattgTTGGTGACTTTAAAc 3' Energy: -9.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7856-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.20 2 16 1650 1670 14 71.43% 92.86% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22083 to 22103 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cuAGGGAGUCACAGGAAUUUu 5' |::||:| | ||||:|| Ref: 5' ctTTTCTTATGGACCTTGAAg 3' Energy: -14.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7856-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.09 2 20 22083 22103 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:17637 to 17656 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' cuaggGAGUCACAGGAAUUUu 5' |||| || |:||||| Ref: 5' atcagCTCAATG-CTTTAAAa 3' Energy: -13.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7856-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.45 2 17 17637 17656 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:28449 to 28469 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cuagggagucaCAGGAAUUUu 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' atggcaaggaaGACCTTAAAt 3' Energy: -7.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7856-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -7.37 2 11 28449 28469 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:21398 to 21418 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuagggagucacaGGAAUUUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgagtaaatttccCCTTAAAt 3' Energy: -6.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7856-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.84 2 9 21398 21418 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7856-5p NC_045512.2 1583.00 -130.87 147.00 -20.30 1838 21 29903 1079 3473 12179 3441 8126 21428 1650 22083 17637 28449 21398 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4756-5p MIMAT0019899(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4756-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:22191 to 22214 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ucgucucUCACUCGC-GGAGGGAc 5' |||| |:| :|||||| Ref: 5' ttaatttAGTGCGTGATCTCCCTc 3' Energy: -20.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4756-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -20.29 2 17 22191 22214 16 75.00% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4756-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -20.29 143.00 -20.29 1839 23 29903 22191 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3175 MIMAT0015052(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3175 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22193 to 22214 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ugcAGUGACGCAAGAGAGGGGc 5' |:| ||||| ||||||: Ref: 5' aatTTAGTGCGTGATCTCCCTc 3' Energy: -24.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3175 NC_045512.2 151.00 -24.21 2 20 22193 22214 18 72.22% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3175 NC_045512.2 151.00 -24.21 151.00 -24.21 1840 22 29903 22193 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3158-5p MIMAT0019211(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3158-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:170 to 189 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cuucCCGAAGGAGAGACGUCc 5' | || :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' actcGTCTATCT-TCTGCAGg 3' Energy: -19.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3158-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -19.79 2 18 170 189 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:15111 to 15132 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cuucCCGAAG-GAGAGACGUCc 5' ||: || || ||||:|| Ref: 5' agctGGTGTCTCTATCTGTAGt 3' Energy: -16.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3158-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.49 2 18 15111 15132 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3158-5p NC_045512.2 291.00 -36.28 151.00 -19.79 1841 21 29903 170 15111 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4632-3p MIMAT0019688(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4632-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1237-3p MIMAT0005592(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1237-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:28778 to 28798 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacccccugccuCGUCUUCCu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' aaaggcttctacGCAGAAGGg 3' Energy: -16.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1237-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.47 2 10 28778 28798 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:1939 to 1959 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacccccugccucGUCUUCCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtgcgtgttttaCAGAAGGc 3' Energy: -12.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1237-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.55 2 9 1939 1959 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:20038 to 20058 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacccccugccucGUCUUCCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtgttcttattaCAGAAGGt 3' Energy: -12.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1237-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.49 2 9 20038 20058 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1237-3p NC_045512.2 425.00 -41.51 145.00 -16.47 1843 21 29903 28778 1939 20038 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4517 MIMAT0019054(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4517 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8339 to 8363 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gagucGACACUCA-AAGUAGUAUAAa 5' |||| ||| |:||||||| Ref: 5' attgaCTGT-AGTGCGCGTCATATTa 3' Energy: -19.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4517 NC_045512.2 157.00 -19.33 2 21 8339 8363 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:17850 to 17874 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (73.91%) Query: 3' gaGUC-GACACUCAAAGUAGUAUAAa 5' ||| | ||| | | :||||||| Ref: 5' ctCAGAATATGACTAT-GTCATATTc 3' Energy: -14.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4517 NC_045512.2 156.00 -14.17 2 24 17850 17874 23 69.57% 73.91% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:11497 to 11524 Align Len (26) (69.23%) (73.08%) Query: 3' gaGUCGACACUCAAAGU----AGUAUAAa 5' ||| ||| |||| || ||||:|| Ref: 5' ctCAGGTGT-AGTTACAACTGTCATGTTt 3' Energy: -21.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4517 NC_045512.2 148.00 -21.35 2 24 11497 11524 26 69.23% 73.08% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:1484 to 1508 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gagUCGACACUCAAAGUAGUAUAAa 5' :|||||| ||| : |:||:|| Ref: 5' ggaGGCTGTGTGTTCTCTTATGTTg 3' Energy: -18.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4517 NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.16 2 23 1484 1508 21 66.67% 85.71% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:15661 to 15686 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gagucgacACUCAAAGU-AGUAUAAa 5' |||||||:| |||||| Ref: 5' tttgtgaaTGAGTTTTACGCATATTt 3' Energy: -16.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4517 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.60 2 18 15661 15686 17 82.35% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4517 NC_045512.2 747.00 -89.61 157.00 -21.35 1844 25 29903 8339 17850 11497 1484 15661 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-155-3p MIMAT0004658(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-155-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:6464 to 6485 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (76.92%) Query: 3' acaauuacGAUUAUACAUCCUc 5' | || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaactacCGAAGTTGTAGGAg 3' Energy: -14.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-155-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.06 2 15 6464 6485 13 76.92% 76.92% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:9199 to 9222 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' acAAUUACGA-UUAU-ACAUCCuc 5' ||:|| || |:|| |||||| Ref: 5' ttTTGATTCTGAGTACTGTAGGca 3' Energy: -12.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-155-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.55 3 21 9199 9222 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21036 to 21057 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acAAUUACGAUUAUACAUCCUc 5' ||| | |:||||||| || Ref: 5' caTTATTAGTGATATGTACGAc 3' Energy: -9.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-155-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.61 2 21 21036 21057 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-155-3p NC_045512.2 432.00 -36.22 146.00 -14.06 1845 22 29903 6464 9199 21036 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3128 MIMAT0014991(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3128 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:28145 to 28167 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' uacucucaaaaAAUGAACGGUCu 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' accttttacaaTTAATTGCCAGg 3' Energy: -13.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3128 NC_045512.2 152.00 -13.32 2 13 28145 28167 11 90.91% 90.91% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3128 NC_045512.2 152.00 -13.32 152.00 -13.32 1846 23 29903 28145 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1268a MIMAT0005922(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1268a vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4661-3p MIMAT0019730(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4661-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25296 to 25320 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (86.36%) Query: 3' acCUGAU--CGAG-ACACCUAGGAc 5' |:||: |:|| |||||||||| Ref: 5' agGGCTGTTGTTCTTGTGGATCCTg 3' Energy: -35.439999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4661-3p NC_045512.2 166.00 -35.44 2 21 25296 25320 22 72.73% 86.36% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4661-3p NC_045512.2 166.00 -35.44 166.00 -35.44 1848 22 29903 25296 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7152-3p MIMAT0028215(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7152-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:29122 to 29141 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (84.62%) Query: 3' cggaggACAGGUCCUGGUCu 5' | |: :||||||| Ref: 5' aggaaaTTTTGGGGACCAGg 3' Energy: -18.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7152-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.39 2 15 29122 29141 13 69.23% 84.62% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7152-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.39 146.00 -18.39 1849 20 29903 29122 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6828-3p MIMAT0027557(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6828-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:28786 to 28805 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' gaccCUUGUUCUCUCGUCUa 5' | | |||:||||||| Ref: 5' ctacGCAGAAGGGAGCAGAg 3' Energy: -17.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6828-3p NC_045512.2 160.00 -17.53 2 17 28786 28805 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:11890 to 11911 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gacCCUUGUU--CUCUCGUCUa 5' | ||||| ||||:||| Ref: 5' tttGCAACAACTCAGAGTAGAa 3' Energy: -13.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6828-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.30 2 18 11890 11911 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6828-3p NC_045512.2 300.00 -30.83 160.00 -17.53 1850 20 29903 28786 11890 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8056 MIMAT0030983(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8056 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:4809 to 4828 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uacguAGGUCUGUUAGGUGc 5' ||::|||||||:|| Ref: 5' cctatTCTGGACAATCTACa 3' Energy: -18.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8056 NC_045512.2 151.00 -18.92 2 16 4809 4828 14 78.57% 100.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:23619 to 23638 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uaCGUAGGUCUGUUAGGUGc 5' |:| |:|| |||||||: Ref: 5' gtGTAGCTAGTCAATCCATc 3' Energy: -19.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8056 NC_045512.2 150.00 -19.03 2 19 23619 23638 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:19153 to 19173 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uacGUAGGUCUG-UUAGGUGc 5' |||:| ||| |||:||| Ref: 5' acaCATTCTGACAAATTCACa 3' Energy: -17.969999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8056 NC_045512.2 148.00 -17.97 2 18 19153 19173 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:12605 to 12624 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (93.33%) Query: 3' uacgUAGGUCUGUUAGGUGc 5' :| ::||||||:||| Ref: 5' attaGTATGGACAATTCACc 3' Energy: -15.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8056 NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.77 2 17 12605 12624 15 66.67% 93.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:5324 to 5343 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uacguaggucuGUUAGGUGc 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' gagttgaagttTAATCCACc 3' Energy: -11.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8056 NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.19 2 10 5324 5343 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:27506 to 27527 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uacGUAGG--UCUGUUAGGUGc 5' ||| | :|:||||:||| Ref: 5' gaaCATACGAGGGCAATTCACc 3' Energy: -16.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8056 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.52 2 18 27506 27527 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8056 NC_045512.2 874.00 -99.40 151.00 -19.03 1851 20 29903 4809 23619 19153 12605 5324 27506 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4444 MIMAT0018962(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4444 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:527 to 544 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gcggagaaggUUGAGCUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ctggtagcagAACTCGAa 3' Energy: -9.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4444 NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.20 2 9 527 544 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4444 NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.20 140.00 -9.20 1852 18 29903 527 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6838-5p MIMAT0027578(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6838-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 168.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19843 to 19864 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucCUCAGAACGGUGACGACGAa 5' |:|| | | ||:||||||| Ref: 5' ttGGGTGTGGACATTGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -21.799999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6838-5p NC_045512.2 168.00 -21.80 2 21 19843 19864 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:25668 to 25690 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (94.12%) Query: 3' uccucAGAACG-GUGACGACGAa 5' |:|||| |::||||||| Ref: 5' acaccTTTTGCTCGTTGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -21.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6838-5p NC_045512.2 164.00 -21.43 2 18 25668 25690 17 76.47% 94.12% Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:28922 to 28945 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uccucAGAACG--GUGACGACGAa 5' |||||| ::|||||||| Ref: 5' gctgcTCTTGCTTTGCTGCTGCTt 3' Energy: -23.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6838-5p NC_045512.2 164.00 -23.61 2 18 28922 28945 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:26709 to 26730 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uccuCAGAACGGUGACGACGAa 5' ||:|||: :||||||| Ref: 5' gcttGTTTTGTGCTTGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -19.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6838-5p NC_045512.2 162.00 -19.02 2 19 26709 26730 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3144 to 3170 Align Len (24) (70.83%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ucCUCAGA--ACGGU---GACGACGAa 5' || |:| ||||| |||||||| Ref: 5' tgGAATTTGGTGCCACTTCTGCTGCTc 3' Energy: -22.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6838-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -22.86 2 21 3144 3170 24 70.83% 75.00% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:8600 to 8621 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (93.33%) Query: 3' uccucaGAACGGUGACGACGAa 5' ||| ::::||||||| Ref: 5' gtgttcCTTTTTGTTGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -16.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6838-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -16.17 2 17 8600 8621 15 66.67% 93.33% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:24080 to 24101 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' uccucagaACGGUGACGACGAa 5' || :|:||||||| Ref: 5' tgccttggTGATATTGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -18.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6838-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -18.35 2 15 24080 24101 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24616 to 24641 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (78.26%) Query: 3' ucCUC-AGAACGGU---GACGACGAa 5' ||| |: |||:| :||||||| Ref: 5' caGAGCTTCTGCTAATCTTGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -19.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6838-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -19.29 2 21 24616 24641 23 65.22% 78.26% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:13073 to 13097 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uccucAGAACGGUG---ACGACGAa 5' |:||||::: ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtgcTTTTGCTGTAGATGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -15.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6838-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -15.77 2 18 13073 13097 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:14548 to 14569 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uccucaGAACGGUGACGACGAa 5' ||||: ||||||| Ref: 5' gaattaCTTGTGTATGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -17.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6838-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -17.12 2 17 14548 14569 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:14767 to 14788 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (84.62%) Query: 3' uccucagaACGGUGACGACGAa 5' || :| ||||||| Ref: 5' gctcaggaTGGTAATGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -16.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6838-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.52 2 15 14767 14788 13 76.92% 84.62% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:29447 to 29468 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucCUCAGAACGGUGACGACGaa 5' || |||| :: ||||||| Ref: 5' gtGACTCTTCTTCCTGCTGCag 3' Energy: -16.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6838-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.32 3 21 29447 29468 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13709 to 13732 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uccUCAGAAC-GGU-GACGACGAa 5' || ||| ||| |||:|||| Ref: 5' ttaAGGATTGTCCAGCTGTTGCTa 3' Energy: -21.280001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6838-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -21.28 2 20 13709 13732 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:29009 to 29030 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uccucagaacgguGACGACGAa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' gtcactaagaaatCTGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -13.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6838-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.55 2 10 29009 29030 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:8444 to 8465 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uccucagaacgGUGACGACGAa 5' :| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaacaaatacgTAGTGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -12.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6838-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.00 2 12 8444 8465 10 80.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:25625 to 25647 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uccucaGAACGGUG-ACGACGAa 5' :|||| || |||||:| Ref: 5' actttgTTTGCAACTTGCTGTTg 3' Energy: -15.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6838-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.48 2 17 25625 25647 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:10669 to 10691 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' uccucagAACG-GUGACGACGAa 5' |||: |:||||||:| Ref: 5' agcttggTTGTACGCTGCTGTTa 3' Energy: -19.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6838-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.10 2 16 10669 10691 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15708 to 15730 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uccUCAGA-ACGGUGACGACGAa 5' | ||| || |: |||||:| Ref: 5' gatACTCTCTGACGATGCTGTTg 3' Energy: -12.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6838-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.61 2 20 15708 15730 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:26355 to 26378 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucCUCAGA-ACG-GUGACGACGaa 5' || | | ||| :|||||||| Ref: 5' tcGATTGTGTGCGTACTGCTGCaa 3' Energy: -17.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6838-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.76 3 21 26355 26378 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:16307 to 16328 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uccucAGAACGGUGACGACGAa 5' | |||: | |||||:| Ref: 5' tcttaTGTTGTAAATGCTGTTa 3' Energy: -12.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6838-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.14 2 18 16307 16328 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:28907 to 28928 Align Len (12) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uccucagaaCGGUGACGACGAa 5' | :: ||||||| Ref: 5' ggcaatggcGGTGATGCTGCTc 3' Energy: -14.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6838-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.10 2 14 28907 28928 12 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:27015 to 27036 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uccucagaacGGUGACGACGAa 5' :|||||:|||| Ref: 5' cctaaagaaaTCACTGTTGCTa 3' Energy: -17.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6838-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.39 2 13 27015 27036 11 81.82% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6838-5p NC_045512.2 3306.00 -383.67 168.00 -23.61 1853 22 29903 19843 25668 28922 26709 3144 8600 24080 24616 13073 14548 14767 29447 13709 29009 8444 25625 10669 15708 26355 16307 28907 27015 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6757-5p MIMAT0027414(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6757-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:15031 to 15052 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' aguaggaccggAGGGUAGGGAu 5' | :||||||| Ref: 5' acaaaacgtaaTGTCATCCCTa 3' Energy: -18.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6757-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.23 2 12 15031 15052 10 80.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:2440 to 2462 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' aguagGACCGGA-GGGUAGGGAu 5' ||||||| |:||| ||| Ref: 5' agaaaCTGGCCTACTCATGCCTc 3' Energy: -26.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6757-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -26.82 2 18 2440 2462 17 82.35% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6757-5p NC_045512.2 283.00 -45.05 143.00 -26.82 1854 22 29903 15031 2440 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-501-5p MIMAT0002872(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-501-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13268 to 13290 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' agAGUGGGUCCCUG-UUUCCUAa 5' |||:||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gaTCATCCAAATCCTAAAGGATt 3' Energy: -19.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-501-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -19.86 2 21 13268 13290 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:18488 to 18509 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' agaGUGGGUCCCUGUUUCCUaa 5' |||::| | |||||||| Ref: 5' tacCACTTATGTACAAAGGAct 3' Energy: -17.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-501-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -17.58 3 20 18488 18509 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:2790 to 2812 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' agaguggguccCUG-UUUCCUAa 5' ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' cttttgaacttGATGAAAGGATt 3' Energy: -11.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-501-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.04 2 12 2790 2812 11 81.82% 90.91% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:2257 to 2276 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agAGUGGGUCCCUGUUUCCUaa 5' |||||: | :||||||| Ref: 5' tgTCACCT--GTGCAAAGGAaa 3' Energy: -17.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-501-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.75 3 21 2257 2276 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:12945 to 12966 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agagugggucccuGUUUCCUAa 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' atttatactttatTAAAGGATt 3' Energy: -12.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-501-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.93 2 10 12945 12966 8 87.50% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-501-5p NC_045512.2 730.00 -79.16 155.00 -19.86 1855 22 29903 13268 18488 2790 2257 12945 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-342-5p MIMAT0004694(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-342-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28293 to 28314 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agUUAGUGUCUAU-CGUGGGGa 5' ||||| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaAATCAGCGAAATGCACCCCg 3' Energy: -19.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-342-5p NC_045512.2 162.00 -19.99 2 20 28293 28314 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:28701 to 28720 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' agUUAGUGUCUAUCGUGGGga 5' :|||||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' aaGATCACA-TTGGCACCCgc 3' Energy: -22.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-342-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -22.61 3 20 28701 28720 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:24715 to 24735 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' aguuaGUGUCUAUCGUGGGGa 5' | ||| ||||||:| Ref: 5' cttccCTCAGTCAGCACCTCa 3' Energy: -18.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-342-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.10 2 17 24715 24735 15 73.33% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-342-5p NC_045512.2 447.00 -60.70 162.00 -22.61 1856 21 29903 28293 28701 24715 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6758-5p MIMAT0027416(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6758-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22431 to 22452 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uguaGUGUAGGAAGGGGAGAGAu 5' ::|| |:| |||||||| Ref: 5' actgTGCA-CTTGACCCTCTCTc 3' Energy: -20.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6758-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -20.15 2 20 22431 22452 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9657 to 9681 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' uguAGUGUAGGAA--GGGGAGAGAu 5' ||||| |:|| : |||:||| Ref: 5' tgtTCACACCTTTAGTACCTTTCTg 3' Energy: -23.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6758-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -23.62 2 21 9657 9681 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:7801 to 7823 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ugUAGUGUAGGAAGGGGAGAGAu 5' || | | | |:|:|||||| Ref: 5' ttATGAAAGACATTCTCTCTCTc 3' Energy: -17.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6758-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.99 2 22 7801 7823 20 65.00% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6758-5p NC_045512.2 445.00 -61.76 153.00 -23.62 1857 23 29903 22431 9657 7801 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1229-3p MIMAT0005584(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1229-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 165.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:551 to 573 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gaCACCCUCCCGUCACCACUCUc 5' || |: |:|||||||||| Ref: 5' caGTACGGTCGTAGTGGTGAGAc 3' Energy: -23.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1229-3p NC_045512.2 165.00 -23.26 2 22 551 573 20 70.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1229-3p NC_045512.2 165.00 -23.26 165.00 -23.26 1858 23 29903 551 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-642a-3p MIMAT0020924(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-642a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:23159 to 23180 Align Len (10) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccaagggagagGUUUACACAGa 5' |||||||||| Ref: 5' ttggttaaaaaCAAATGTGTCa 3' Energy: -18.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-642a-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -18.14 2 12 23159 23180 10 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:11921 to 11942 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' ccaagggagaGGUUUACACAGa 5' |: |||||||| Ref: 5' aaattgtgggCTCAATGTGTCc 3' Energy: -13.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-642a-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -13.67 2 13 11921 11942 11 81.82% 90.91% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:8117 to 8140 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ccaaggGAGAGGU--UUACACAGa 5' ||: | | |||||||| Ref: 5' gctgaaCTTGCAAAGAATGTGTCc 3' Energy: -13.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-642a-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.46 2 17 8117 8140 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7944 to 7965 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (63.16%) Query: 3' ccAAGGGAGAGGUUUACACAGa 5' | | || | ||||||| Ref: 5' acTACAGTCAGCTTATGTGTCa 3' Energy: -12.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-642a-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.83 2 21 7944 7965 19 63.16% 63.16% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-642a-3p NC_045512.2 594.00 -58.10 155.00 -18.14 1859 22 29903 23159 11921 8117 7944 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1284 MIMAT0005941(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1284 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10086 to 10107 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' cuUUUCGG-UCCCAGACAUAUCu 5' ||||:: ||||| |||||:| Ref: 5' gtAAAGTTGAGGGT-TGTATGGt 3' Energy: -20.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1284 NC_045512.2 153.00 -20.90 2 21 10086 10107 20 75.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:22903 to 22924 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuuuucggucccaGACAUAUCu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' taattataattacCTGTATAGa 3' Energy: -12.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1284 NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.42 2 10 22903 22924 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:3744 to 3765 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' cuuuucggUCCCAGACAUAUCu 5' || ||:|||:||| Ref: 5' attctttaAGAGTTTGTGTAGa 3' Energy: -16.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1284 NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.07 2 15 3744 3765 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:9240 to 9261 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (94.44%) Query: 3' cuUUUCGGUCCCAGACAUAUcu 5' :||||::| ||:|||:|| Ref: 5' caGAAGCTGGTGTTTGTGTAtc 3' Energy: -19.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1284 NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.37 3 21 9240 9261 18 66.67% 94.44% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1284 NC_045512.2 580.00 -68.76 153.00 -20.90 1860 22 29903 10086 22903 3744 9240 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1229-5p MIMAT0022942(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1229-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:28390 to 28413 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' gcgAGAGGGGGUUUGGGAUGGGUg 5' || ||||||: ::|||||| Ref: 5' acgTCGGCCCCAAGGTTTACCCAa 3' Energy: -33.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1229-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -33.36 2 22 28390 28413 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:16020 to 16045 Align Len (23) (56.52%) (82.61%) Query: 3' gcGAGA-GGGGGUUUG-GGAUGGGUg 5' ||:| |: :|:|: |:|||||| Ref: 5' gtCTTTAGCTATAGATGCTTACCCAc 3' Energy: -23.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1229-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -23.16 2 23 16020 16045 23 56.52% 82.61% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1229-5p NC_045512.2 297.00 -56.52 157.00 -33.36 1861 24 29903 28390 16020 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3185 MIMAT0015065(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3185 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:29438 to 29460 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ggCGUCUGGCUGGCGGAAGAAGa 5' ||| ||:| :||||||| Ref: 5' caGCAAACTGTGACTCTTCTTCc 3' Energy: -19.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3185 NC_045512.2 157.00 -19.03 2 22 29438 29460 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:612 to 636 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (72.73%) Query: 3' ggCGUCUGGC-UGGC-GGAAGAAGa 5' || |||| | | :||||||| Ref: 5' tgGCTTACCGCAAGGTTCTTCTTCg 3' Energy: -19.799999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3185 NC_045512.2 151.00 -19.80 2 22 612 636 22 68.18% 72.73% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:26064 to 26086 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ggcgucUGGCUGGCGGAAGAAGa 5' || ::: |||||||| Ref: 5' tgttgaACATGTTACCTTCTTCa 3' Energy: -15.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3185 NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.23 2 18 26064 26086 16 62.50% 81.25% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:7709 to 7732 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (93.75%) Query: 3' ggcgucUGGCUGG-CGGAAGAAga 5' ||:|||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' aatcctACTGACCAGTCTTCTTac 3' Energy: -23.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3185 NC_045512.2 148.00 -23.98 3 18 7709 7732 16 81.25% 93.75% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:4726 to 4747 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ggcgucuGGCUGGCGGAAGAAGa 5' |: ||: :||||||| Ref: 5' tggttatCTTACT-TCTTCTTCt 3' Energy: -14.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3185 NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.79 2 17 4726 4747 15 66.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10370 to 10393 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ggcGUCUGG--CUGGCGGAAGAAGa 5' || ||| ||| | |||:||| Ref: 5' attCA-ACCAGGACAGACTTTTTCa 3' Energy: -13.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3185 NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.64 2 21 10370 10393 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:22308 to 22330 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggcgucuggcuggcGGAAGAAGa 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' tgactcctggtgatTCTTCTTCa 3' Energy: -14.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3185 NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.18 2 10 22308 22330 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7405 to 7427 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ggcGUCUGGCUGGCGGAAGAAGa 5' :||| :| | :||||||: Ref: 5' ggtTAGAATGTACATCTTCTTTg 3' Energy: -14.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3185 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.00 2 21 7405 7427 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:14742 to 14764 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggcgucuggcuggcgGAAGAAGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgttgaattaaaacaCTTCTTCt 3' Energy: -14.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3185 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.72 2 9 14742 14764 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:25868 to 25890 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggcgucuggcuggcgGAAGAAGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cttacaatagtgtaaCTTCTTCa 3' Energy: -14.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3185 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.03 2 9 25868 25890 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3185 NC_045512.2 1453.00 -163.40 157.00 -23.98 1862 23 29903 29438 612 26064 7709 4726 10370 22308 7405 14742 25868 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4270 MIMAT0016900(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4270 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-556-5p MIMAT0003220(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-556-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7939 to 7960 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gaguAUAAUGUUACUCGAGUAg 5' || ||||:| ||||:|| Ref: 5' tgttTACTACAGTCAGCTTATg 3' Energy: -12.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-556-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -12.91 2 19 7939 7960 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:21189 to 21210 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gaguaUAAUGUUACUCGAGUAg 5' || : || ||||||| Ref: 5' tgctgATCTTTATAAGCTCATg 3' Energy: -12.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-556-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -12.20 2 18 21189 21210 16 68.75% 75.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:10547 to 10571 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gaguaUAAU-GUU-A-CUCGAGUAg 5' |||| ||| | |||:|||| Ref: 5' atggaATTACCAACTGGAGTTCATg 3' Energy: -12.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-556-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.98 2 18 10547 10571 19 78.95% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-556-5p NC_045512.2 445.00 -38.09 154.00 -12.98 1864 22 29903 7939 21189 10547 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4705 MIMAT0019805(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4705 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15212 to 15234 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ugUCGUUAAUGGU-UCACUAACu 5' ||||| | |:| :|||:||| Ref: 5' caAGCAAATTCTATGGTGGTTGg 3' Energy: -18.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4705 NC_045512.2 151.00 -18.87 2 21 15212 15234 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24060 to 24082 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ugUCGUUAAUGGU-UCACUAACu 5' | ||| | :| :||||||| Ref: 5' tcATCAAACAATATGGTGATTGc 3' Energy: -12.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4705 NC_045512.2 151.00 -12.03 2 21 24060 24082 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:3052 to 3073 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ugucgUUAAUGGUUCACUAACu 5' || | |:||||||| Ref: 5' ggatgAAGAAGAAGGTGATTGt 3' Energy: -11.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4705 NC_045512.2 149.00 -11.51 2 18 3052 3073 16 68.75% 75.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:20980 to 21003 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugucGUU--AAUGGUUCACUAACu 5' ||| ||: : :||||||| Ref: 5' gattCAACTTTGATTGGTGATTGt 3' Energy: -11.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4705 NC_045512.2 149.00 -11.92 2 19 20980 21003 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:12161 to 12184 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ugUCGUUAAUGGUU--CACUAAcu 5' :|| :||:|:|| |||||| Ref: 5' caGGCTGTTGCTAATGGTGATTct 3' Energy: -13.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4705 NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.30 3 21 12161 12184 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:29827 to 29848 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' uguCGUUAAUGGUUCACUAAcu 5' || || ||| |||||| Ref: 5' agtGCTATCCCCATGTGATTtt 3' Energy: -10.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4705 NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.33 3 20 29827 29848 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3416 to 3438 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ugUCGUUAAUGGU--UCACUAACu 5' :|:|| |||| ||||:||| Ref: 5' aaGGTAA-AACCAACAGTGGTTGt 3' Energy: -17.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4705 NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.23 2 21 3416 3438 21 66.67% 80.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4705 NC_045512.2 1027.00 -95.19 151.00 -18.87 1865 22 29903 15212 24060 3052 20980 12161 29827 3416 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-519a-5p MIMAT0005452(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-519a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14515 to 14536 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (66.67%) Query: 3' gucUUUCGCGAAGGGAGAUCUc 5' || : | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtaAACTTACATAGCTCTAGAc 3' Energy: -10.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519a-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.26 2 20 14515 14536 18 61.11% 66.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26430 to 26452 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gucUUUCG-CGAAGGGAGAUCUc 5' ||| | | |:|:|||||| Ref: 5' taaAAATCTGAATTCTTCTAGAg 3' Energy: -17.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519a-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.82 2 20 26430 26452 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-519a-5p NC_045512.2 285.00 -28.08 143.00 -17.82 1866 22 29903 14515 26430 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5094 MIMAT0021086(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5094 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:1981 to 2002 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uccAAGUUCCGUAAGUGACUaa 5' |||| |:||||||||| Ref: 5' aatTTCACAGTATTCACTGAga 3' Energy: -18.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5094 NC_045512.2 155.00 -18.18 3 20 1981 2002 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24847 to 24870 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uccAAGUU--CCGUAAGUGACUAa 5' ||||| |||| |||||:| Ref: 5' tgtTTCAAATGGCACACACTGGTt 3' Energy: -19.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5094 NC_045512.2 150.00 -19.08 2 20 24847 24870 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:12740 to 12761 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uccaaguucCGUAAGUGACUAa 5' || | ||||||| Ref: 5' acacaaactGCTTGCACTGATg 3' Energy: -12.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5094 NC_045512.2 149.00 -12.74 2 14 12740 12761 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:701 to 722 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uccaaGUUCCGUAAGUGACUAa 5' |:|| : ||||||| Ref: 5' ggcgaCGAGCTTGGCACTGATc 3' Energy: -14.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5094 NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.81 2 18 701 722 16 62.50% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20358 to 20376 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucCAAGUUCCGUAAGUGACUAa 5' |||:| ||| :|||||| Ref: 5' tgGTTTA---CATCTACTGATt 3' Energy: -16.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5094 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.69 2 21 20358 20376 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:27402 to 27423 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uccaaguuccguaaGUGACUAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tattcttttcttggCACTGATa 3' Energy: -11.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5094 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.50 2 9 27402 27423 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5094 NC_045512.2 879.00 -93.00 155.00 -19.08 1867 22 29903 1981 24847 12740 701 20358 27402 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-145-3p MIMAT0004601(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-145-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:27900 to 27921 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ucuuguCAUAAAGGUCCUUAGg 5' || || ::||||||| Ref: 5' tttcttGTTTTCTTAGGAATCa 3' Energy: -14.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-145-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -14.06 2 17 27900 27921 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:20382 to 20403 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' ucuugucaUAAAGGUCCUUAGg 5' :|||: ||||||| Ref: 5' agctaaacGTTTTAAGGAATCa 3' Energy: -13.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-145-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -13.10 2 15 20382 20403 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22478 to 22499 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' ucuUGUCAUAAAGGUCCUUAGg 5' || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttcACTGTAGAAAAAGGAATCt 3' Energy: -14.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-145-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.89 2 20 22478 22499 18 66.67% 66.67% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20217 to 20243 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (73.91%) Query: 3' ucuUG-UCAUAAA----GGUCCUUAGg 5' || || |||| ||||||:|| Ref: 5' tttACAAGAATTTAAACCCAGGAGTCa 3' Energy: -19.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-145-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.99 2 20 20217 20243 23 69.57% 73.91% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14532 to 14553 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucUUGUCAUAAAGGUCCUUAGg 5' :|| :|||: ||||||: Ref: 5' taGACTTAGTTTTAAGGAATTa 3' Energy: -12.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-145-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.46 2 21 14532 14553 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:21338 to 21359 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucuUGUCAUAAAG-GUCCUUAgg 5' ||| |||||: |||||| Ref: 5' attACA-TATTTTGGAGGAATac 3' Energy: -10.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-145-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.46 3 20 21338 21359 18 77.78% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-145-3p NC_045512.2 878.00 -84.96 156.00 -19.99 1868 22 29903 27900 20382 22478 20217 14532 21338 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-759 MIMAT0010497(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-759 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25612 to 25631 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' caGUUUUAACAAACGUGAGACg 5' |||:: |||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' tcCAAGGGTGTT--CACTTTGt 3' Energy: -16.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-759 NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.16 2 21 25612 25631 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:890 to 911 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' caGUUUUAACAAACGUGAGACg 5' :|||: | ||||||:|| Ref: 5' ggTAAAGCTTCATGCACTTTGt 3' Energy: -15.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-759 NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.28 2 21 890 911 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:7620 to 7642 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' caguuUUAACA-AACGUGAGACg 5' |||||| | ||:|||| Ref: 5' gtgttAATTGTGATACATTCTGt 3' Energy: -15.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-759 NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.22 2 18 7620 7642 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17572 to 17593 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' caGUUUUAACAAACGUGAGACg 5' ::|||||||| |||| || Ref: 5' gcTGAAATTGTTGACACTGTGa 3' Energy: -17.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-759 NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.46 2 21 17572 17593 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27708 to 27732 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (72.73%) Query: 3' caGUUUUAACAAA---CGUGAGACg 5' ||| | ||||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' ggCAATAGTGTTTATAACACTTTGc 3' Energy: -17.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-759 NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.42 2 21 27708 27732 22 68.18% 72.73% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:9523 to 9544 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' caguuuUAACAAACGUGAGACg 5' ||| ||:|||||| Ref: 5' tatgtcATTCACTGTACTCTGt 3' Energy: -16.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-759 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.74 2 17 9523 9544 15 73.33% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-759 NC_045512.2 860.00 -98.28 145.00 -17.46 1869 22 29903 25612 890 7620 17572 27708 9523 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-375-5p MIMAT0037313(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-375-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-2116-5p MIMAT0011160(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-2116-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:625 to 644 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ucuGGAGGAUACGAUUCUUGg 5' :||:|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtTCTTCT-TCGTAAGAACg 3' Energy: -14.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2116-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -14.79 2 19 625 644 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:28599 to 28618 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ucuGGAGGAUACGAUUCUUGg 5' :|| ||| |||:|||| Ref: 5' attTCTACTA-CCTAGGAACt 3' Energy: -14.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2116-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.81 2 19 28599 28618 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-2116-5p NC_045512.2 292.00 -29.60 152.00 -14.81 1871 21 29903 625 28599 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4741 MIMAT0019871(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4741 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:444 to 467 Align Len (21) (57.14%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ucGGCUGGGGAG-GCCUGUCGGGc 5' ::| |:| | :| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTTGCCTCAACTTGAACAGCCCt 3' Energy: -20.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4741 NC_045512.2 148.00 -20.41 2 22 444 467 21 57.14% 76.19% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:19371 to 19392 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ucGGCUGGGGAGGCCUGUCGGGc 5' :| |:: |||: |||||:|| Ref: 5' ttTCTATTACTCT-GACAGTCCa 3' Energy: -19.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4741 NC_045512.2 143.00 -19.49 2 22 19371 19392 20 60.00% 85.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4741 NC_045512.2 291.00 -39.90 148.00 -20.41 1872 23 29903 444 19371 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6789-5p MIMAT0027478(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6789-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548t-5p MIMAT0015009(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548t-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15003 to 15024 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' guUUUUGGUGCUA-GUGAAAAc 5' |::|:|| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgAGGATCAAGATGCACTTTTc 3' Energy: -15.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548t-5p NC_045512.2 166.00 -15.41 2 20 15003 15024 19 73.68% 89.47% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19587 to 19609 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' guUUUUGGUG--CUAGUGAAAAc 5' | |||| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttATAACCTCTGGAACACTTTTa 3' Energy: -11.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548t-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -11.95 2 20 19587 19609 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2772 to 2795 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (80.95%) Query: 3' guUUUUGGUGC---UAGUGAAAAc 5' ||:| :::| ||||||||| Ref: 5' acAAGAGTGTGAATATCACTTTTg 3' Energy: -18.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548t-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -18.09 2 20 2772 2795 21 61.90% 80.95% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11019 to 11041 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guUUUUGGUGCU--AGUGAAAAc 5' | ||:: :|| |||||||| Ref: 5' tcACAATTTTGACTTCACTTTTa 3' Energy: -10.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548t-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -10.76 2 20 11019 11041 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19354 to 19374 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' guUUUUGGUGCUAGUGAAAAc 5' ||||| |: | ||:|||| Ref: 5' ttAAAACAATTACCATTTTTc 3' Energy: -8.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548t-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -8.96 2 20 19354 19374 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:2721 to 2741 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' guuuUUGGUGCUAGUGAAAAc 5' ||| | |:|:|||||| Ref: 5' caccAACAAAGGTTACTTTTg 3' Energy: -18.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548t-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -18.26 2 18 2721 2741 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:22673 to 22694 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' guuuuUGGUGCUA-GUGAAAAc 5' |:||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' tccgcATCATTTTCCACTTTTa 3' Energy: -12.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548t-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.28 2 17 22673 22694 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:24358 to 24379 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' guUUUUGGUGCU-AGUGAAAac 5' ||| :|| || ||||||| Ref: 5' caAAATTCAAGACTCACTTTct 3' Energy: -13.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548t-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.30 3 20 24358 24379 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:15543 to 15564 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' guuuUUGGUGCUA-GUGAAAAc 5' ||: : || ||||||| Ref: 5' ggccAATGTTAATGCACTTTTa 3' Energy: -10.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548t-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -10.40 2 18 15543 15564 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:22048 to 22067 Align Len (17) (58.82%) (82.35%) Query: 3' guuUUUGGUGCUAGUGAAAAc 5' :||: |: : ||||||| Ref: 5' tgcGAATAATTG-CACTTTTg 3' Energy: -12.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548t-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.33 2 19 22048 22067 17 58.82% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548t-5p NC_045512.2 1513.00 -131.74 166.00 -18.26 1874 21 29903 15003 19587 2772 11019 19354 2721 22673 24358 15543 22048 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-29c-3p MIMAT0000681(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-29c-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:19465 to 19486 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' auuggcUAAAGUUUACCACGAu 5' | ||:|::||||||| Ref: 5' cgttgcAATTTAGGTGGTGCTg 3' Energy: -20.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29c-3p NC_045512.2 160.00 -20.12 2 17 19465 19486 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11358 to 11381 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' auUGGC-UAAAGU-UUACCACGAu 5' ||:| :| | | :|||||||| Ref: 5' gaACTGTGTATGATGATGGTGCTa 3' Energy: -19.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29c-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -19.86 2 21 11358 11381 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:28627 to 28649 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' auuggCU-AAAGUUUACCACGAu 5' || || | |||||||| Ref: 5' agctgGACTTCCCTATGGTGCTa 3' Energy: -21.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29c-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -21.18 2 18 28627 28649 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4505 to 4526 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' auugGCUAAAGUUUACCACGAu 5' :|:|| |||||||| Ref: 5' ggtgTGGTTGATTATGGTGCTa 3' Energy: -21.549999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29c-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -21.55 2 19 4505 4526 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16264 to 16291 Align Len (25) (68.00%) (68.00%) Query: 3' auUGGCUAAAGU--UU----ACCACGAu 5' || || |||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' tcACAGACTTCATTAAGATGTGGTGCTt 3' Energy: -15.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29c-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.22 2 21 16264 16291 25 68.00% 68.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22326 to 22349 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' auuGGCUAA--AGUUUACCACGAu 5' | |:|| ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' cttCAGGTTGGACAGCTGGTGCTg 3' Energy: -20.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29c-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -20.31 2 20 22326 22349 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21812 to 21833 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' auUGGCUAAAGU-UUACCACGAu 5' ||| |||| | :||||||:| Ref: 5' ctACC-ATTTAATGATGGTGTTt 3' Energy: -17.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29c-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -17.24 2 21 21812 21833 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:2060 to 2081 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' auuggcUAAAGUUUACCACGAu 5' ||| ||::|||||:| Ref: 5' gcctacATTACAGGTGGTGTTg 3' Energy: -19.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29c-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -19.41 2 17 2060 2081 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7535 to 7556 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' auUGGCUAAAGUUUACCACGAu 5' | | ||| : |||||||:| Ref: 5' acAACTATTGTTAATGGTGTTa 3' Energy: -16.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29c-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.73 2 21 7535 7556 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9361 to 9386 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' auugGCUAAAGUU---U-ACCACGAu 5' | | ||||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' accaCTAATTCAACCTATTGGTGCTt 3' Energy: -14.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29c-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.81 2 19 9361 9386 21 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3714 to 3734 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' auUGGCUAAAGUUUACCACGAu 5' :|:|:| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' caGCTGGTATT-TTTGGTGCTg 3' Energy: -20.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29c-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -20.12 2 21 3714 3734 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9556 to 9578 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' auUGGCUAA-AGUUUACCACGAu 5' ||: ||| |:| |||||:| Ref: 5' ttACTCATTCTTACCTGGTGTTt 3' Energy: -10.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29c-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.89 2 21 9556 9578 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:8315 to 8336 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' auuggcuaaaguuuACCACGAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' acaccccgtgacctTGGTGCTt 3' Energy: -15.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29c-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.88 2 9 8315 8336 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:9755 to 9776 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' auuggcUAAAGUUUACCACGAu 5' :| |: |||||||:| Ref: 5' cgtgtaGTCTTTAATGGTGTTt 3' Energy: -14.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29c-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.36 2 17 9755 9776 15 66.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:20854 to 20875 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' auuggcuaaaguuuACCACGAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' agagttatacatttTGGTGCTg 3' Energy: -14.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29c-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.42 2 9 20854 20875 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-29c-3p NC_045512.2 2218.00 -262.10 160.00 -21.55 1875 22 29903 19465 11358 28627 4505 16264 22326 21812 2060 7535 9361 3714 9556 8315 9755 20854 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-483-5p MIMAT0004761(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-483-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:13476 to 13497 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gagggaagaAAGGAGGGCAGAa 5' | | ||||||| Ref: 5' cggtgtaagTGCAGCCCGTCTt 3' Energy: -17.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-483-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.60 2 14 13476 13497 12 75.00% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-483-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.60 141.00 -17.60 1876 22 29903 13476 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-let-7f-5p MIMAT0000067(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-let-7f-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4327 to 4348 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' uuGAUAUGUUAGAUGAUGGAGu 5' :| ||| |||||:||:||| Ref: 5' caTTCTACCATCTATTATCTCt 3' Energy: -18.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7f-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -18.98 2 21 4327 4348 19 73.68% 89.47% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25712 to 25735 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (80.95%) Query: 3' uuGAUAUGUUAGAU--GAUGGAGu 5' || ||:: |:|| ||||:|| Ref: 5' atCTTTATGCTTTAGTCTACTTCt 3' Energy: -13.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7f-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.39 2 21 25712 25735 21 61.90% 80.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:9846 to 9867 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uugauaUGUUAGAUGAUGGAGu 5' |:: |||:|||||| Ref: 5' gtagtgATGTGCTATTACCTCt 3' Energy: -16.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7f-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.29 2 17 9846 9867 15 66.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 13 R:28592 to 28613 Align Len (10) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uugauauguuAGAUGAUGGAgu 5' |||||||||| Ref: 5' agatggtattTCTACTACCTag 3' Energy: -17.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7f-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.21 3 13 28592 28613 10 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-let-7f-5p NC_045512.2 571.00 -65.87 148.00 -18.98 1877 22 29903 4327 25712 9846 28592 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1539 MIMAT0007401(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1539 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:6348 to 6369 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cccgUAGAC-CCUGCGCGUCCu 5' :|| | ||||||||||| Ref: 5' tgaaGTCAGAGGACGCGCAGGg 3' Energy: -29.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1539 NC_045512.2 164.00 -29.16 2 18 6348 6369 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8354 to 8373 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' cccGUAGACCCUGCGCGUCCu 5' ||| | |:||||||| Ref: 5' cgtCATAT-TAATGCGCAGGt 3' Energy: -19.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1539 NC_045512.2 148.00 -19.66 2 19 8354 8373 17 70.59% 76.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1539 NC_045512.2 312.00 -48.82 164.00 -29.16 1878 21 29903 6348 8354 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6842-5p MIMAT0027586(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6842-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4745-5p MIMAT0019878(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4745-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7111-5p MIMAT0028119(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7111-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3675-3p MIMAT0018099(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3675-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:2177 to 2198 Align Len (14) (92.86%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aaccccCUCAAGGAAUCUCUac 5' |||||:|||||||| Ref: 5' ggtgtaGAGTTTCTTAGAGAcg 3' Energy: -22.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3675-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -22.92 3 17 2177 2198 14 92.86% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:3286 to 3307 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aacccccucaaggAAUCUCUAc 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ggttcaacctcaaTTAGAGATg 3' Energy: -15.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3675-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.56 2 10 3286 3307 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:27451 to 27472 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' aaccccCUCAAGGAAUCUCUAc 5' |||| : ||||||:| Ref: 5' taccaaGAGTGTGTTAGAGGTa 3' Energy: -14.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3675-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.54 2 17 27451 27472 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:15628 to 15649 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aacccccucaaggaAUCUCUAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtctctatagaaaTAGAGATg 3' Energy: -12.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3675-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.93 2 9 15628 15649 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3675-3p NC_045512.2 585.00 -65.95 156.00 -22.92 1882 22 29903 2177 3286 27451 15628 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-let-7d-5p MIMAT0000065(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-let-7d-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9848 to 9867 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uugaUACGUUGGAUGAUGGAGa 5' |||:: |||:|||||| Ref: 5' agtgATGTG--CTATTACCTCt 3' Energy: -18.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7d-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.79 2 19 9848 9867 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:26789 to 26811 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uugaUACGUUG-GAUGAUGGAGa 5' |||:::| | :||||:|| Ref: 5' cttgATGTGGCTCAGCTACTTCa 3' Energy: -14.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7d-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.71 2 19 26789 26811 18 61.11% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-let-7d-5p NC_045512.2 284.00 -33.50 143.00 -18.79 1883 22 29903 9848 26789 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-10526-3p MIMAT0041996(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-10526-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:25688 to 25707 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' gagguGGAGUCGGGGGAAAa 5' |:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctggcCTTGAAGCCCCTTTt 3' Energy: -21.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10526-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -21.57 2 16 25688 25707 14 71.43% 78.57% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:25503 to 25521 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' gaggUGGAGUCGGGGGAAAa 5' :||||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' acaaGCCTCA-CTCCCTTTc 3' Energy: -21.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10526-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -21.52 2 17 25503 25521 15 80.00% 93.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:1847 to 1866 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' gaggugGAGUCGGGGGAAAa 5' || ||:||:|||| Ref: 5' tcaataCTGAGTCCTCTTTa 3' Energy: -19.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10526-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.37 2 15 1847 1866 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:6182 to 6202 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gagGUGGAGU-CGGGGGAAAa 5' |||: || |||:|||| Ref: 5' aaaCACTACACACCCTCTTTt 3' Energy: -19.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10526-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.48 2 18 6182 6202 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11639 to 11657 Align Len (17) (58.82%) (94.12%) Query: 3' gaGGUGGAGUCGGGGGAAAa 5' ::||:|::| ||:|||| Ref: 5' tgTTACTTTGG-CCTCTTTt 3' Energy: -21.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10526-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -21.07 2 19 11639 11657 17 58.82% 94.12% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-10526-3p NC_045512.2 715.00 -103.01 147.00 -21.57 1884 20 29903 25688 25503 1847 6182 11639 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-12118 MIMAT0049012(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-12118 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-30e-5p MIMAT0000692(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-30e-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4962 to 4981 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gaaGGUCAGUUCCUACAAAUGu 5' |:| |:|||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ggaCTA-TTAAGG-TGTTTACa 3' Energy: -18.799999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30e-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -18.80 2 20 4962 4981 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3440 to 3458 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' gaAGGUCAGUUCCUACAAAUGu 5' | ||| || |||||||| Ref: 5' aaTGCAGCCA---ATGTTTACc 3' Energy: -11.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30e-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -11.44 2 21 3440 3458 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21974 to 21995 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gaAGGUCAGUUCCUACAAAUGu 5' |||| |: ||:||||||: Ref: 5' gaTCCATTTTTGGGTGTTTATt 3' Energy: -18.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30e-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -18.96 2 21 21974 21995 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9338 to 9361 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (76.19%) Query: 3' gaAGGUCAGU--UCCUACAAAUGu 5' |::| |:| | |||||||| Ref: 5' aaTTTACTTACTAATATGTTTACa 3' Energy: -10.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30e-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -10.63 2 21 9338 9361 21 61.90% 76.19% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:7924 to 7946 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gaaggUCAGUU-CCUACAAAUGu 5' | |||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgcaaAATCAGCGTCTGTTTACt 3' Energy: -11.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30e-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -11.70 2 18 7924 7946 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16847 to 16870 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (71.43%) Query: 3' gaAGGUCAGUUC--CUACAAAUGu 5' | ::|| | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' acTATGGTGATGCTGTTGTTTACc 3' Energy: -7.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30e-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -7.20 2 21 16847 16870 21 61.90% 71.43% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:10412 to 10433 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaaggucaguucCUACAAAUGu 5' |:||||||| Ref: 5' ggttcaccatctGGTGTTTACc 3' Energy: -14.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30e-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.91 2 11 10412 10433 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26715 to 26736 Align Len (19) (52.63%) (73.68%) Query: 3' gaAGGUCAGUUCCUACAAAUGu 5' | :: |:: | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTGTGCTTGCTGCTGTTTACa 3' Energy: -9.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30e-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.75 2 21 26715 26736 19 52.63% 73.68% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:19696 to 19717 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (76.92%) Query: 3' gaaggucaGUUCCUACAAAUGu 5' :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' atcattaaTAACACTGTTTACa 3' Energy: -9.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30e-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.30 2 15 19696 19717 13 69.23% 76.92% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21812 to 21836 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' gaaGGUCAGUUCCU---ACAAAUGu 5' ||| |:|| || ||||||: Ref: 5' ctaCCATTTAATGATGGTGTTTATt 3' Energy: -13.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30e-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.36 2 20 21812 21836 21 66.67% 76.19% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:6728 to 6750 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gaagGUCAGU-UCCUACAAAUgu 5' :|||:| | |:|||||| Ref: 5' aacaTAGTTACACGGTGTTTAaa 3' Energy: -13.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30e-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.04 3 19 6728 6750 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28128 to 28147 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (68.42%) Query: 3' gaAGGUCAGUUCCUACAAAUGu 5' | ||||: ||||||| Ref: 5' taTACAGTT--TCCTGTTTACc 3' Energy: -11.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30e-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.28 2 21 28128 28147 19 63.16% 68.42% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5846 to 5867 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gaAGGUCAGUUCCUACAAAUGu 5' ||| |:| |||||||| | Ref: 5' ggTCCTATTACGGATGTTTTCt 3' Energy: -15.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30e-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.20 2 21 5846 5867 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:11643 to 11664 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaaggucaguuccuACAAAUGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' actttggcctctttTGTTTACt 3' Energy: -8.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30e-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.43 2 9 11643 11664 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-30e-5p NC_045512.2 2045.00 -174.00 159.00 -18.96 1886 22 29903 4962 3440 21974 9338 7924 16847 10412 26715 19696 21812 6728 28128 5846 11643 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-555 MIMAT0003219(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-555 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:1331 to 1349 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uaguCUCCAAGUCGAAUGGGa 5' | |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' acttGTGGTT-A-CTTACCCc 3' Energy: -16.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-555 NC_045512.2 149.00 -16.01 2 18 1331 1349 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:16024 to 16044 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uagucuccaaguCGAAUGGGa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ttagctatagatGCTTACCCa 3' Energy: -14.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-555 NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.45 2 10 16024 16044 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:15918 to 15936 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uagucuccAAGUCGAAUGGGa 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtgtaccTTC--CTTACCCa 3' Energy: -10.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-555 NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.33 2 14 15918 15936 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:4236 to 4255 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uagucuccaaGUCGAAUGGGa 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' attatataacCA-CTTACCCg 3' Energy: -11.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-555 NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.52 2 12 4236 4255 10 90.00% 90.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-555 NC_045512.2 577.00 -52.31 149.00 -16.01 1887 21 29903 1331 16024 15918 4236 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1271-5p MIMAT0005796(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1271-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:4206 to 4230 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' acucaCGAA---CGAUCCACGGUUc 5' |||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' cgaaaGCTTTGAGAAAAGTGCCAAc 3' Energy: -12.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1271-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.99 2 18 4206 4230 19 68.42% 68.42% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1271-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.99 144.00 -12.99 1888 22 29903 4206 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-18a-3p MIMAT0002891(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-18a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1255b-2-3p MIMAT0022725(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1255b-2-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10688 to 10710 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' accUACUCGUUUCU-UUCACCAa 5' || | :::||| |:||||| Ref: 5' gttATAAATGGAGACAGGTGGTt 3' Energy: -13.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1255b-2-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.92 2 20 10688 10710 19 63.16% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1255b-2-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.92 142.00 -13.92 1890 22 29903 10688 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-378b MIMAT0014999(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-378b vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:11036 to 11054 Align Len (11) (72.73%) (90.91%) Query: 3' aagacggAGGUUCAGGUCa 5' |:: ||||||| Ref: 5' cttttagTTTTAGTCCAGa 3' Energy: -13.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-378b NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.70 2 13 11036 11054 11 72.73% 90.91% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:28497 to 28515 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aagacggagguUCAGGUCa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' acaccaatagcAGTCCAGa 3' Energy: -14.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-378b NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.27 2 9 28497 28515 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-378b NC_045512.2 284.00 -27.97 144.00 -14.27 1891 19 29903 11036 28497 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7161-5p MIMAT0028232(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7161-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:17984 to 18008 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' uggUCAACG-GAGAUG-UCAGAAau 5' |||||| |:||| |||||| Ref: 5' acaAGTTGCAATTTACAAGTCTTga 3' Energy: -18.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7161-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -18.87 3 21 17984 18008 20 80.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:9745 to 9767 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uggucaacggagAUGUCAGAAAu 5' |::||||||| Ref: 5' cctaaagagacgTGTAGTCTTTa 3' Energy: -12.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7161-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.30 2 12 9745 9767 10 80.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:11049 to 11071 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ugGUCAACGGAGAUGUCAGAAAu 5' ||| ||| |::|||||| Ref: 5' tcCAGAGTACTCAATGGTCTTTg 3' Energy: -21.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7161-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -21.01 2 22 11049 11071 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:21368 to 21390 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ugGUCAACGGAGAUGUCAGAAAu 5' ||||||:||: :| ||||| Ref: 5' ttCAGTTGTCTTCCTATTCTTTa 3' Energy: -21.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7161-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -21.21 2 22 21368 21390 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:10123 to 10146 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ugGUCAACG-GAGAUGUCAGAAAu 5' || | | ||: ||:|||||| Ref: 5' taCAACTACACTTAACGGTCTTTg 3' Energy: -16.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7161-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.83 2 22 10123 10146 21 66.67% 76.19% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:8910 to 8933 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ugGUCAACGGA--GAUGUCAGAAAu 5' || || |:| ||| |||:||| Ref: 5' tgCA-TTTCTTACCTAGAGTTTTTa 3' Energy: -12.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7161-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.11 2 22 8910 8933 22 68.18% 77.27% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23817 to 23841 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugguCAACG-GAGA-UGUCAGAAAu 5' ||||| | | :||||:||| Ref: 5' ttttGTTGCAATATGGCAGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -16.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7161-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.71 2 20 23817 23841 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:12195 to 12217 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uggucaacggagaugUCAGAAAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaaaaagttgaagaAGTCTTTg 3' Energy: -14.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7161-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.90 2 9 12195 12217 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7161-5p NC_045512.2 1154.00 -133.94 150.00 -21.21 1892 23 29903 17984 9745 11049 21368 10123 8910 23817 12195 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3915 MIMAT0018189(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3915 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28812 to 28835 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uuaUUCUG-GUAGA-AAAGGAGUu 5' ||| | | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtcAAGCCTCTTCTCGTTCCTCAt 3' Energy: -16.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3915 NC_045512.2 153.00 -16.32 2 20 28812 28835 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11556 to 11577 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuAUUCUGGUAGAAAAGGAGUu 5' || :|| | |||||:||| Ref: 5' agTATTGCCCTATTTTCTTCAt 3' Energy: -13.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3915 NC_045512.2 148.00 -13.58 2 21 11556 11577 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3993 to 4014 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' uuaUUCUGGUAGAAAAGGAGUu 5' |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tggAAGAAACTAAGTTCCTCAc 3' Energy: -12.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3915 NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.78 2 20 3993 4014 18 66.67% 66.67% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9503 to 9525 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uuAUUCUGGUA-GAAAAGGAGUu 5' ||| ||: | || |||||:| Ref: 5' ttTAATACTTTACTATTCCTTAt 3' Energy: -9.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3915 NC_045512.2 147.00 -9.59 2 21 9503 9525 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:28741 to 28762 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuauucugguagaaAAGGAGUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aatcgtgctacaacTTCCTCAa 3' Energy: -14.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3915 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.13 2 9 28741 28762 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3915 NC_045512.2 735.00 -66.40 153.00 -16.32 1893 22 29903 28812 11556 3993 9503 28741 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5007-3p MIMAT0021036(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5007-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11716 to 11736 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uaaUCUCAAACCAAGUAUACUa 5' :|||||| | :|||||| Ref: 5' acaGGAGTTTAG-ATATATGAa 3' Energy: -12.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5007-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.55 2 20 11716 11736 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:23524 to 23545 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uaaucucaaaccaAGUAUACUa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' acatgtcaacaacTCATATGAg 3' Energy: -7.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5007-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -7.91 2 10 23524 23545 8 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5007-3p NC_045512.2 290.00 -20.46 145.00 -12.55 1894 22 29903 11716 23524 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4462 MIMAT0018986(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4462 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:191 to 213 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' aaGGGUUCGGUGGGAGGCACAGu 5' |::| | : :| |||||||: Ref: 5' tgCTTACGGTTTCGTCCGTGTTg 3' Energy: -19.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4462 NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.49 2 22 191 213 20 55.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:27984 to 28006 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aaggguucggugggaGGCACAGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tatgtagttgatgacCCGTGTCc 3' Energy: -14.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4462 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.78 2 9 27984 28006 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4462 NC_045512.2 281.00 -34.27 141.00 -19.49 1895 23 29903 191 27984 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6820-3p MIMAT0027541(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6820-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:29230 to 29248 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gacACCGUCCCCUCUUCAGUGu 5' ||||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' catTGGCATG---GAAGTCACa 3' Energy: -20.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6820-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -20.69 2 20 29230 29248 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8367 to 8387 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gacaCCGUCCCCUCUUCAGUGu 5' ||:| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' cgcaGGTA-GCAAAAAGTCACa 3' Energy: -18.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6820-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -18.12 2 19 8367 8387 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:6906 to 6927 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacaccguccccuCUUCAGUGu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' catttaattatttGAAGTCACc 3' Energy: -11.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6820-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.11 2 10 6906 6927 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:12322 to 12343 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gacaccgUCCCCUCUUCAGUGu 5' |||| | ||||:|| Ref: 5' ggacaagAGGGCAAAAGTTACt 3' Energy: -15.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6820-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.86 2 16 12322 12343 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:27311 to 27332 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacaccguccccucUUCAGUGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaaaaatttatctAAGTCACt 3' Energy: -8.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6820-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.68 2 9 27311 27332 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6820-3p NC_045512.2 731.00 -74.46 155.00 -20.69 1896 22 29903 29230 8367 6906 12322 27311 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-369-5p MIMAT0001621(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-369-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24535 to 24554 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cgcUUAUAUUGUGCCAGCUAGa 5' ||| |:|:| |||:|||| Ref: 5' gcaAAT-TGATA-GGTTGATCa 3' Energy: -15.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-369-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.22 2 20 24535 24554 18 72.22% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-369-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.22 143.00 -15.22 1897 22 29903 24535 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4537 MIMAT0019080(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4537 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5704 MIMAT0022498(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5704 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2046 to 2065 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cguAUUACCCUACUACCGGAUu 5' ||:| | | |||||||| Ref: 5' atcTAGTTG--TAATGGCCTAc 3' Energy: -11.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5704 NC_045512.2 152.00 -11.62 2 20 2046 2065 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17103 to 17122 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' cgUAUUACCCUACUACCGGAUu 5' || || || ||||||| Ref: 5' tcATTTTGCTAT--TGGCCTAg 3' Energy: -16.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5704 NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.12 2 21 17103 17122 19 68.42% 68.42% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:403 to 425 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cgUAUUACCCU-ACUACCGGAUu 5' | :|||| | | :||||:|| Ref: 5' taAAGATGGCACTTGTGGCTTAg 3' Energy: -16.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5704 NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.18 2 21 403 425 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2429 to 2453 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (63.64%) Query: 3' cgUAUUACCCUACU---ACCGGAUu 5' || | || || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaATCCAGAGAAGAAACTGGCCTAc 3' Energy: -10.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5704 NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.65 2 21 2429 2453 22 63.64% 63.64% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5704 NC_045512.2 583.00 -54.57 152.00 -16.18 1899 22 29903 2046 17103 403 2429 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4450 MIMAT0018971(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4450 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4321 MIMAT0016874(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4321 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:11654 to 11674 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' gcgucccgccAGGUGGCGAUu 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttttgtttacTCAACCGCTAc 3' Energy: -12.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4321 NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.24 2 12 11654 11674 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 15 R:28420 to 28440 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gcgucccGCCAGGUGGCGAuu 5' :|||:||||||| Ref: 5' tgcgtctTGGTTCACCGCTct 3' Energy: -26.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4321 NC_045512.2 142.00 -26.87 3 15 28420 28440 12 83.33% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4321 NC_045512.2 289.00 -39.11 147.00 -26.87 1901 21 29903 11654 28420 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4799-3p MIMAT0019977(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4799-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17383 to 17406 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (80.95%) Query: 3' auAUAUUUACGUCG--UACGGUCa 5' | |:|:||: |: ||||||| Ref: 5' gaTTTGAGTGTTGTCAATGCCAGa 3' Energy: -17.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4799-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -17.25 2 21 17383 17406 21 61.90% 80.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29756 to 29778 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' auAUAU-UUACGUCGUACGGUCa 5' |:|| |:|| | ||||:|| Ref: 5' agTGTACAGTGAACAATGCTAGg 3' Energy: -15.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4799-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.37 2 21 29756 29778 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11589 to 11610 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' auauAUUUACGUCGUACGGUCa 5' | |:||:| ||||:|| Ref: 5' cactTCAGTGTATAATGCTAGt 3' Energy: -15.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4799-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.48 2 19 11589 11610 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:15061 to 15084 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' auaUAUUUACG--UCGUACGGUca 5' ||:||| : ||:|||||| Ref: 5' caaATGAATCTTAAGTATGCCAtt 3' Energy: -15.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4799-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.39 3 20 15061 15084 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27614 to 27633 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' auAUAUUUACGUCGUACGGUCa 5' ||| |:| :| |:|||||| Ref: 5' tcTATCAGT-TA-CGTGCCAGa 3' Energy: -16.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4799-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.32 2 21 27614 27633 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4799-3p NC_045512.2 722.00 -79.81 155.00 -17.25 1902 22 29903 17383 29756 11589 15061 27614 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4745-3p MIMAT0019879(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4745-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4725-5p MIMAT0019843(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4725-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6862-5p MIMAT0027625(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6862-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7024 to 7046 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uuuCAGA-GAGGGUCGUACGGGc 5' |||| |:: :|||||||: Ref: 5' aatGTCTAATTTAGGCATGCCTt 3' Energy: -19.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6862-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.35 2 20 7024 7046 19 63.16% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6862-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.35 142.00 -19.35 1905 22 29903 7024 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-654-5p MIMAT0003330(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-654-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-9851-5p MIMAT0048639(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-9851-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4663 to 4684 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ucacAGUGGUUGUGACGGUCGc 5' || |: | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gagaTCTCTCAAAGTGCCAGCt 3' Energy: -14.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9851-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -14.95 2 19 4663 4684 17 70.59% 76.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-9851-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -14.95 154.00 -14.95 1907 22 29903 4663 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-99a-3p MIMAT0004511(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-99a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:693 to 713 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' guCUGGGUAUCUUCGCUCGAAc 5' |||::| :| : ||||||| Ref: 5' ttGACTTA-GGCGACGAGCTTg 3' Energy: -20.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-99a-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -20.47 2 21 693 713 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:778 to 797 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gucUGGGUAUCUUCGCUCGAAc 5' ||:||| : |:|||||| Ref: 5' tgaACTCAT--GCGTGAGCTTa 3' Energy: -18.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-99a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.17 2 20 778 797 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-99a-3p NC_045512.2 294.00 -38.64 154.00 -20.47 1908 22 29903 693 778 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-626 MIMAT0003295(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-626 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:20903 to 20921 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uuCUGUAAAAGUCUGUCGa 5' | ::|||| ||||||: Ref: 5' caGCTGTTTTAAGACAGTg 3' Energy: -12.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-626 NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.80 2 18 20903 20921 16 68.75% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-626 NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.80 145.00 -12.80 1909 19 29903 20903 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-10398-3p MIMAT0041628(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-10398-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:5177 to 5197 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (94.12%) Query: 3' gacCGAGGGUCGAGAGGCCCg 5' | |||:||:|:||:||| Ref: 5' actGATCCTAGTTTTCTGGGt 3' Energy: -31.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10398-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -31.59 2 19 5177 5197 17 70.59% 94.12% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-10398-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -31.59 142.00 -31.59 1910 21 29903 5177 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-130b-5p MIMAT0004680(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-130b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:22796 to 22816 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' caUCACGUUGUCCCUUUCUca 5' || |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ccAGGGCAAACTGGAAAGAtt 3' Energy: -13.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-130b-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.52 3 20 22796 22816 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:29698 to 29718 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' caucacguuguccCUUUCUCa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttagggaggacttGAAAGAGc 3' Energy: -12.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-130b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.23 2 9 29698 29718 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-130b-5p NC_045512.2 283.00 -25.75 143.00 -13.52 1911 21 29903 22796 29698 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-487a-5p MIMAT0026559(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-487a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4226 to 4248 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (65.00%) Query: 3' gcUUGUGUCGU-CCCUAUUGGUg 5' |||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ccAACAGACAATTATATAACCAc 3' Energy: -14.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-487a-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.75 2 21 4226 4248 20 65.00% 65.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28500 to 28522 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gcUUGU-GUCGUCCCUAUUGGUg 5' ||:| |||: |||:|||| Ref: 5' ccAATAGCAGTCCAGATGACCAa 3' Energy: -19.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-487a-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -19.98 2 21 28500 28522 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1551 to 1570 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gcUUGUGUCGUCCCUAUUGGUg 5' ||||:|| | :|||||| Ref: 5' ctAACATAG--GTTGTAACCAt 3' Energy: -15.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-487a-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.14 2 21 1551 1570 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-487a-5p NC_045512.2 427.00 -49.87 143.00 -19.98 1912 22 29903 4226 28500 1551 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6799-3p MIMAT0027499(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6799-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:12013 to 12035 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacaccccuguGGUACGUCCCGu 5' ||||||||||: Ref: 5' tgttttgctttCCATGCAGGGTg 3' Energy: -21.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6799-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -21.54 2 13 12013 12035 11 90.91% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6799-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -21.54 144.00 -21.54 1913 23 29903 12013 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3064-3p MIMAT0019865(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3064-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:2870 to 2894 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (77.27%) Query: 3' acAUUCCA-C-AACGUCACACCGUu 5' |:|| | | ||:: ||||||| Ref: 5' aaTGAGTTCGCCTGTGTTGTGGCAg 3' Energy: -16.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3064-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.15 2 22 2870 2894 22 63.64% 77.27% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:18009 to 18031 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' acauuccaCAACGUCACACCGUu 5' || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' aattccacGTAGGAATGTGGCAa 3' Energy: -14.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3064-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.77 2 16 18009 18031 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:5614 to 5637 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' acauuccacAACGU-CACACCGUu 5' |||:| ||||||:| Ref: 5' tcagataccTTGTACGTGTGGTAa 3' Energy: -17.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3064-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.32 2 15 5614 5637 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:1280 to 1302 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acauuccacaacgucACACCGUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gccacttgcgaatttTGTGGCAc 3' Energy: -12.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3064-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.94 2 9 1280 1302 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:23813 to 23835 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' acauuccACAACGUCACACCGUu 5' ||||||| | ||||| Ref: 5' aatctttTGTTGCAATATGGCAg 3' Energy: -17.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3064-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.09 2 17 23813 23835 15 86.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3064-3p NC_045512.2 723.00 -78.27 151.00 -17.32 1914 23 29903 2870 18009 5614 1280 23813 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6726-3p MIMAT0027354(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6726-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548au-3p MIMAT0022292(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548au-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:28145 to 28165 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' gaccACGUUUUCAUUGACGGu 5' | :| || |||:|||| Ref: 5' acctTTTACAATTAATTGCCa 3' Energy: -13.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548au-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.33 2 18 28145 28165 16 68.75% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548au-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.33 141.00 -13.33 1916 21 29903 28145 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-939-5p MIMAT0004982(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-939-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:12096 to 12118 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (95.00%) Query: 3' gugGGGGUCUCGGAGUCGAGGGGu 5' ||:||||| :|:||:||||: Ref: 5' tagCCTCAGAG-TTTAGTTCCCTt 3' Energy: -32.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-939-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -32.50 2 22 12096 12118 20 70.00% 95.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-939-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -32.50 147.00 -32.50 1917 24 29903 12096 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-485-5p MIMAT0002175(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-485-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:21216 to 21237 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cuuaaGUAGUGCCGGUCGGAGa 5' ||| ::|| ||||||: Ref: 5' cttcgCATGGTGGACAGCCTTt 3' Energy: -22.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-485-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -22.61 2 18 21216 21237 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19084 to 19106 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cuUAAG-UAGUGCCGGUCGGAGa 5' :||| || |:| ||||||: Ref: 5' aaGTTCTATGATGCACAGCCTTg 3' Energy: -18.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-485-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.18 2 21 19084 19106 20 65.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-485-5p NC_045512.2 288.00 -40.79 145.00 -22.61 1918 22 29903 21216 19084 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-9985 MIMAT0039763(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-9985 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:24925 to 24943 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uauCGAAUCGGUGACACUu 5' |: |:|: ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtGTCTGGTAACTGTGAt 3' Energy: -12.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9985 NC_045512.2 152.00 -12.56 2 17 24925 24943 15 66.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:17576 to 17594 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uaucgaAUCGGUGACACUu 5' | | |||||||| Ref: 5' aaattgTTGACACTGTGAg 3' Energy: -15.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9985 NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.76 2 14 17576 17594 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:2739 to 2757 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uaucgaauCGGUGACACUu 5' | |||||||| Ref: 5' ttggtgatGACACTGTGAt 3' Energy: -15.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9985 NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.06 2 12 2739 2757 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:1722 to 1740 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uaucgaAUCGGUGACACUu 5' |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' cttttgTGGAAACTGTGAa 3' Energy: -14.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9985 NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.72 2 14 1722 1740 12 75.00% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:19858 to 19874 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uauCGAAUCGGUGACACUu 5' ||| | :||||||| Ref: 5' gctGCTAA--TACTGTGAt 3' Energy: -14.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9985 NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.00 2 17 19858 19874 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:29432 to 29451 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uaucgaaUCG-GUGACACUu 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aagaaacAGCAAACTGTGAc 3' Energy: -12.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9985 NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.53 2 13 29432 29451 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:26984 to 27002 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uaUCGAAUCGGUGACACUu 5' | || :| |:|||||| Ref: 5' ccATCTAGGACGCTGTGAc 3' Energy: -14.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9985 NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.15 2 18 26984 27002 16 68.75% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-9985 NC_045512.2 1022.00 -98.78 152.00 -15.76 1919 19 29903 24925 17576 2739 1722 19858 29432 26984 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4251 MIMAT0016883(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4251 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7158-3p MIMAT0028227(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7158-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10144 to 10165 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' acCCGGGUUAGAG-AUCAAGUc 5' |||:::|| | |||||:| Ref: 5' ttGGCTTGATGACGTAGTTTAc 3' Energy: -13.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7158-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.74 2 20 10144 10165 19 63.16% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7158-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.74 142.00 -13.74 1921 21 29903 10144 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4506 MIMAT0019042(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4506 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:16455 to 16474 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' aacgGAGUCUGGUGGGUAAa 5' | :| |||||||||| Ref: 5' atcaCATAAACCACCCATTa 3' Energy: -17.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4506 NC_045512.2 160.00 -17.65 2 17 16455 16474 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:28088 to 28107 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' aaCGGAGUCUGGUGGGUAAa 5' |:: :| |:|||||||| Ref: 5' tgGTTCTAAATCACCCATTc 3' Energy: -19.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4506 NC_045512.2 158.00 -19.40 2 19 28088 28107 17 64.71% 88.24% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:23541 to 23561 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' aacggaguCUG-GUGGGUAAa 5' ||| :||||||| Ref: 5' atgagtgtGACATACCCATTg 3' Energy: -15.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4506 NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.03 2 13 23541 23561 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:25788 to 25809 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' aaCGG--AGUCUGGUGGGUAAa 5' ||| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' atGCCGTTCCAAAAACCCATTa 3' Energy: -15.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4506 NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.89 2 19 25788 25809 19 68.42% 68.42% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4506 NC_045512.2 610.00 -67.97 160.00 -19.40 1922 20 29903 16455 28088 23541 25788 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6880-3p MIMAT0027661(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6880-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3050 to 3069 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gaCCCCCUCCUCUCUUCCGCc 5' || || || ||||||:| Ref: 5' gaGGATGAAGA-AGAAGGTGa 3' Energy: -17.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6880-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.45 2 20 3050 3069 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6880-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.45 141.00 -17.45 1923 21 29903 3050 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-144-5p MIMAT0004600(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-144-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15962 to 15982 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gaAUGUCAUAUACUACUAUAGg 5' |:: |:|| ||||||||| Ref: 5' gcTGTTTTGTA-GATGATATCg 3' Energy: -14.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-144-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -14.49 2 21 15962 15982 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14821 to 14839 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gaaUGUCAUAUACUACUAUAGg 5' ||| ||:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ccaACA--ATGTG-TGATATCa 3' Energy: -14.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-144-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -14.11 2 20 14821 14839 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:24480 to 24503 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gaaugUCAUAUA--CUACUAUAGg 5' |||:| | |||||||| Ref: 5' tttcaAGTGTTTTAAATGATATCc 3' Energy: -16.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-144-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -16.33 2 18 24480 24503 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:16059 to 16081 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gaauGUCAU-AUACUACUAUAGg 5' ||| | |||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' taatCAGGAGTATGCTGATGTCt 3' Energy: -16.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-144-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -16.95 2 19 16059 16081 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:6050 to 6071 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (93.33%) Query: 3' gaauguCAUAUACUACUAUAGg 5' ||||:|||| ||||| Ref: 5' aagtttGTATGTGATAATATCa 3' Energy: -15.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-144-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.62 2 17 6050 6071 15 86.67% 93.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9401 to 9422 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (89.47%) Query: 3' gaAUGUCAUAUACUACUAUAGg 5' ||:|||| ||:||:|||: Ref: 5' tcTATAGTAGCTGGTGGTATTg 3' Energy: -17.559999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-144-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.56 2 21 9401 9422 19 68.42% 89.47% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5668 to 5689 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gaaUGUCAUAUACUACUAUAGg 5' || | |:| |||||:|| Ref: 5' gtcACCTTTTGTTATGATGTCa 3' Energy: -10.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-144-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.29 2 20 5668 5689 18 66.67% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-144-5p NC_045512.2 1044.00 -105.35 158.00 -17.56 1924 22 29903 15962 14821 24480 16059 6050 9401 5668 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-122-5p MIMAT0000421(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-122-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5294 to 5316 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' guuUGUGGUAACAG-UGUGAGGu 5' || ||||||: ||||||| Ref: 5' gccACTGCATTGTTAACACTCCa 3' Energy: -23.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122-5p NC_045512.2 166.00 -23.77 2 20 5294 5316 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17058 to 17078 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' guUUGUGGUAACAGUGUGAGGu 5' || | :||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gcAAAAGTATTCT-ACACTCCa 3' Energy: -19.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -19.12 2 21 17058 17078 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:27721 to 27743 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' guUUGUGGUAAC--AGUGUGAGgu 5' |||||: ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' atAACACT-TTGCTTCACACTCaa 3' Energy: -20.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -20.60 3 21 27721 27743 20 80.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1608 to 1629 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' guUUGUGGUAACAGUGUGAGGu 5' ||| :: ||| |:||||| Ref: 5' acAACCTTCTTGAAATACTCCa 3' Energy: -18.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.34 2 21 1608 1629 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:2691 to 2712 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' guUUGUGGUAACAGUGUGAGgu 5' |||| :| |||||||| Ref: 5' caAACAATACCTTCACACTCaa 3' Energy: -19.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -19.63 3 21 2691 2712 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:16157 to 16179 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' guuuGUGGUAAC-AGUGUGAGGu 5' :||:| || | |||||:| Ref: 5' tgctTACTAATGATAACACTTCa 3' Energy: -16.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-122-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.50 2 19 16157 16179 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-122-5p NC_045512.2 902.00 -117.96 166.00 -23.77 1925 22 29903 5294 17058 27721 1608 2691 16157 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-206 MIMAT0000462(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-206 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29344 to 29364 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ggUGUGUGAAGGAAUGUAAGGu 5' ||:|| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgACGCA-TACAAAACATTCCc 3' Energy: -17.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-206 NC_045512.2 150.00 -17.08 2 21 29344 29364 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4873 to 4899 Align Len (24) (70.83%) (70.83%) Query: 3' ggUGUG-UGA--AGGA--AUGUAAGGu 5' |||| | | |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttACACTAGTAATCCTACCACATTCCa 3' Energy: -21.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-206 NC_045512.2 149.00 -21.13 2 21 4873 4899 24 70.83% 70.83% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15677 to 15700 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ggUGUGUGAAGGAA--UGUAAGGu 5' :||:|:|| | | |||||:| Ref: 5' acGCATATTTGCGTAAACATTTCt 3' Energy: -19.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-206 NC_045512.2 143.00 -19.11 2 21 15677 15700 21 61.90% 80.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-206 NC_045512.2 442.00 -57.32 150.00 -21.13 1926 22 29903 29344 4873 15677 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548f-5p MIMAT0026739(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548f-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11119 to 11140 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uuuuUGACACUAAUGAAAACGu 5' :|| || |:||||||| Ref: 5' tattGCTATGTCTGCTTTTGCa 3' Energy: -16.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548f-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -16.08 2 19 11119 11140 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11086 to 11110 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (72.73%) Query: 3' uuUUUGAC--ACUAAU-GAAAACGu 5' ||| || | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgAAAATGCCTTTTTACCTTTTGCt 3' Energy: -9.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548f-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -9.44 2 21 11086 11110 22 72.73% 72.73% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:27570 to 27591 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' uuuuUGACACUAAUGAAAACGu 5' ||| ||:||||||| Ref: 5' tagcACTCAATTTGCTTTTGCt 3' Energy: -12.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548f-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -12.39 2 19 27570 27591 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13063 to 13084 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' uuuUUGACACUAAUGAAAACGu 5' | || | |:||||||| Ref: 5' attATCTTTCTGTGCTTTTGCt 3' Energy: -13.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548f-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -13.56 2 20 13063 13084 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:2722 to 2743 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uuuUUGACACUAAUGAAAACgu 5' ||| |:||||||||| Ref: 5' accAACAAAGGTTACTTTTGgt 3' Energy: -13.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548f-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.25 3 20 2722 2743 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:7580 to 7601 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' uuuuugaCACUAAUGAAAACGu 5' || | :||||||| Ref: 5' aatggagGTAAAGGCTTTTGCa 3' Energy: -12.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548f-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.20 2 16 7580 7601 14 71.43% 78.57% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:2773 to 2797 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' uuUUUGACAC---UAAUGAAAACgu 5' |:| |||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' caAGAGTGTGAATATCACTTTTGaa 3' Energy: -14.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548f-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.68 3 21 2773 2797 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17291 to 17311 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuUUUGACACUAAUGAAAACGu 5' :||| || || ||||||: Ref: 5' taGAACAGT-ATGTCTTTTGTa 3' Energy: -11.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548f-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.20 2 21 17291 17311 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5380 to 5399 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuUUUGACACUAAUGAAAACGu 5' ||:| || | |||||||: Ref: 5' tgAAGC--TGCTAACTTTTGTg 3' Energy: -12.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548f-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.56 2 21 5380 5399 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8890 to 8913 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uuuUUGA-CACUAAU-GAAAACGu 5' |||| ||:| | :|||||| Ref: 5' cacAACTAATGGTGACTTTTTGCa 3' Energy: -13.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548f-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.59 2 20 8890 8913 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:12118 to 12139 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuuuugacacuaaUGAAAACGu 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' tccatcatatgcaGCTTTTGCt 3' Energy: -8.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548f-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -8.23 2 10 12118 12139 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:25658 to 25679 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuuuugacacuaauGAAAACGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cagtttactcacacCTTTTGCt 3' Energy: -7.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548f-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.19 2 9 25658 25679 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548f-5p NC_045512.2 1759.00 -144.37 158.00 -16.08 1927 22 29903 11119 11086 27570 13063 2722 7580 2773 17291 5380 8890 12118 25658 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-136-5p MIMAT0000448(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-136-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:7566 to 7587 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agGUAGUAGUUUUGUUUACCUCa 5' :|| :|| | :| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTAT-GTCTATGCTAATGGAGg 3' Energy: -13.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-136-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -13.29 2 22 7566 7587 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27356 to 27379 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' aggUAGUAGUU-UUGUUUACCUCa 5' || | |: ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tagATGAAGAGCAACCAATGGAGa 3' Energy: -12.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-136-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -12.84 2 21 27356 27379 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:2945 to 2968 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (90.48%) Query: 3' agGUAG-UAGUUUUGUUUACCUCa 5' |||: ||: |:|::|:||||| Ref: 5' ggCATTGATTTAGATGAGTGGAGt 3' Energy: -18.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-136-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -18.13 2 22 2945 2968 21 61.90% 90.48% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:10679 to 10701 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agguaguaguuuUGUUUACCUCa 5' |:|||||||| Ref: 5' tacgctgctgttATAAATGGAGa 3' Energy: -16.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-136-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.43 2 12 10679 10701 10 90.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:28343 to 28365 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' agguaGUAGUUUUGUUUACCUCa 5' || :|| :||||||| Ref: 5' actggCAGTAACCAGAATGGAGa 3' Energy: -15.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-136-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.24 2 19 28343 28365 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14949 to 14970 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' agguaGUAGUUUUGUUUACCUCa 5' |||: ||:||||||:| Ref: 5' ttttcCATT-TAATAAATGGGGt 3' Energy: -20.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-136-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -20.18 2 19 14949 14970 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12776 to 12798 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' agguaGUAGUUUUGUUUACCUCa 5' || || |||||| |||| Ref: 5' tactaCAACACAACAAAGGGAGg 3' Energy: -16.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-136-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.41 2 19 12776 12798 17 82.35% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:20092 to 20114 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agguaguaguuuuguUUACCUCa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aaacaagctagtcttAATGGAGt 3' Energy: -12.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-136-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.75 2 9 20092 20114 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-136-5p NC_045512.2 1189.00 -125.27 155.00 -20.18 1928 23 29903 7566 27356 2945 10679 28343 14949 12776 20092 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4715-5p MIMAT0019824(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4715-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25807 to 25826 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ggUGGAAUUGACGUCGGUUGAa 5' ||:||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttACTTTA--TGATGCCAACTa 3' Energy: -16.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4715-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -16.35 2 21 25807 25826 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:2087 to 2108 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ggugGAAUUGACGUCGGUUGAa 5' ||| :| |::||:|||| Ref: 5' ttgaCTTCGCAGTGGCTAACTa 3' Energy: -13.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4715-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.56 2 19 2087 2108 17 64.71% 88.24% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13949 to 13973 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ggUGGAAU-UG-ACGU-CGGUUGAa 5' |: ||| :| | :| ||||||| Ref: 5' atATATTACGCGTATACGCCAACTt 3' Energy: -14.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4715-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.48 2 21 13949 13973 22 63.64% 77.27% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4715-5p NC_045512.2 448.00 -44.39 157.00 -16.35 1929 22 29903 25807 2087 13949 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6810-3p MIMAT0027521(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6810-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:28785 to 28807 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gacccCUUGUUCCCUCGUCCCCu 5' | | |||||||||| || Ref: 5' tctacGCAGAAGGGAGCAGAGGc 3' Energy: -22.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6810-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -22.30 2 19 28785 28807 17 82.35% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6810-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -22.30 142.00 -22.30 1930 23 29903 28785 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8072 MIMAT0030999(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8072 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4295 MIMAT0016844(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4295 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:22048 to 22064 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uucCUUUUGUAACGUGAc 5' ||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' tgcGAATA-ATTGCACTt 3' Energy: -11.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4295 NC_045512.2 153.00 -11.03 2 16 22048 22064 14 85.71% 85.71% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:27541 to 27561 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' uucCUUUUGU---AACGUGAc 5' || |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gctGATAACAAATTTGCACTg 3' Energy: -15.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4295 NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.00 2 16 27541 27561 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:25531 to 25548 Align Len (11) (72.73%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuccuuUUGUAACGUGAc 5' ::|:||||||| Ref: 5' attgttGGCGTTGCACTt 3' Energy: -14.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4295 NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.47 2 13 25531 25548 11 72.73% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:12740 to 12758 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uuccUUUUGU-AACGUGAc 5' ||| :: ||||||| Ref: 5' acacAAACTGCTTGCACTg 3' Energy: -13.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4295 NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.81 2 15 12740 12758 14 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:12695 to 12712 Align Len (9) (77.78%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuccuuuuGUAACGUGAc 5' ::||||||| Ref: 5' cttagtccTGTTGCACTa 3' Energy: -8.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4295 NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.66 2 11 12695 12712 9 77.78% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:12801 to 12817 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uuccuuuUGUAACGUGAc 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtttgtAC-TTGCACTg 3' Energy: -14.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4295 NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.29 2 12 12801 12817 10 90.00% 90.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4295 NC_045512.2 879.00 -77.26 153.00 -15.00 1932 18 29903 22048 27541 25531 12740 12695 12801 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5195-3p MIMAT0021127(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5195-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12874 to 12895 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucGGGGGA-GUCUCUUGACCUa 5' |: :|| :| ||||||||| Ref: 5' taCTATCTATACAGAACTGGAa 3' Energy: -17.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5195-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -17.90 2 20 12874 12895 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:729 to 750 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ucggGGGAG-UCUCUUGACCUa 5' :::|| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aagaTTTTCAAGAAAACTGGAa 3' Energy: -18.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5195-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -18.06 2 18 729 750 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22789 to 22811 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucGGGGGAGUCUC--UUGACCUa 5' :| |: |||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaTCGCTCCAGGGCAAACTGGAa 3' Energy: -21.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5195-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -21.26 2 20 22789 22811 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:904 to 925 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucGGGGGAGUC-UCUUGACCUa 5' |::: || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' caCTTTGTCCGAACAACTGGAc 3' Energy: -15.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5195-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.25 2 20 904 925 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10812 to 10829 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ucGGGGGAGUCUCUUGACCUa 5' :|: |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTCTGCTCA---AACTGGAa 3' Energy: -16.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5195-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.51 2 20 10812 10829 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:28327 to 28349 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ucggGGGAGUCU--CUUGACCua 5' |||||||| |||||| Ref: 5' tggaCCCTCAGATTCAACTGGca 3' Energy: -24.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5195-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -24.24 3 18 28327 28349 17 82.35% 82.35% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14452 to 14476 Align Len (22) (54.55%) (72.73%) Query: 3' ucGGGGGAGUCUC----UUGACCUa 5' :|| :|:: || ||||||| Ref: 5' gtTCCATTTGTAGTTTCAACTGGAt 3' Energy: -18.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5195-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.08 2 20 14452 14476 22 54.55% 72.73% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:10545 to 10565 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucgggggagucucUUGACCUa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atatggaattaccAACTGGAg 3' Energy: -11.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5195-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.75 2 9 10545 10565 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:23850 to 23870 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucgggggagucucUUGACCUa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' taaaccgtgctttAACTGGAa 3' Energy: -13.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5195-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.23 2 9 23850 23870 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5195-3p NC_045512.2 1331.00 -156.28 158.00 -24.24 1933 21 29903 12874 729 22789 904 10812 28327 14452 10545 23850 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-12131 MIMAT0049025(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-12131 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:29471 to 29488 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' acCCUCAUGUGGAGAGGUUu 5' ||| |: |::||||||| Ref: 5' ttGGA-TG-ATTTCTCCAAa 3' Energy: -16.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12131 NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.65 2 19 29471 29488 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:25598 to 25617 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' acccUCAU-GUGGAGAGGUUu 5' | || || |||||||| Ref: 5' ggcaACTAGCA-CTCTCCAAg 3' Energy: -16.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12131 NC_045512.2 149.00 -16.39 2 17 25598 25617 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:27674 to 27692 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' acCCUCAUGUGGAGAGGUUu 5' | | | :| |||||||| Ref: 5' aaGAACTTTA-CTCTCCAAt 3' Energy: -14.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12131 NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.73 2 19 27674 27692 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:25145 to 25166 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (84.62%) Query: 3' acccucauGUGG--AGAGGUUu 5' ||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' gaatctctCATCGATCTCCAAg 3' Energy: -14.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12131 NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.38 2 13 25145 25166 13 76.92% 84.62% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:25872 to 25892 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (93.75%) Query: 3' acccUCAUG-UGGAGAGGUUu 5' |||:: ||:|||:||| Ref: 5' caatAGTGTAACTTCTTCAAt 3' Energy: -15.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12131 NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.70 2 17 25872 25892 16 68.75% 93.75% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-12131 NC_045512.2 733.00 -77.85 150.00 -16.65 1934 20 29903 29471 25598 27674 25145 25872 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3689f MIMAT0019010(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3689f vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13764 to 13787 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' aggGU-CCUUCGUG-CUAUAGUGu 5' || || | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgaCATGGTACCACATATATCACg 3' Energy: -16.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3689f NC_045512.2 153.00 -16.09 2 20 13764 13787 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2770 to 2791 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' aggGUCCUUCGUGC-UAUAGUGu 5' || | ||:::| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaCAAG-AGTGTGAATATCACt 3' Energy: -14.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3689f NC_045512.2 152.00 -14.86 2 20 2770 2791 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:8868 to 8889 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aggguccuUCGUGCUAUAGUGu 5' :|||||||||:|| Ref: 5' gtttgcctGGCACGATATTACg 3' Energy: -24.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3689f NC_045512.2 150.00 -24.11 2 15 8868 8889 13 84.62% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:14819 to 14841 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agGGUCCUU-CGUGCUAUAGUgu 5' ||| || |:::||||||| Ref: 5' taCCAACAATGTGTGATATCAga 3' Energy: -17.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3689f NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.74 3 21 14819 14841 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16391 to 16410 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agGGUCCUUCGUGCUAUAGUGu 5' ||||| :::|||:|||| Ref: 5' ctCCAGG--TTGTGATGTCACa 3' Energy: -26.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3689f NC_045512.2 141.00 -26.44 2 21 16391 16410 19 63.16% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3689f NC_045512.2 739.00 -99.24 153.00 -26.44 1935 22 29903 13764 2770 8868 14819 16391 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1972 MIMAT0009447(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1972 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:17099 to 17122 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' acUCGGUGACACG--GACCGGAcu 5' ||:||:| ||| :|||||| Ref: 5' agAGTCATTTTGCTATTGGCCTag 3' Energy: -27.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1972 NC_045512.2 147.00 -27.01 3 21 17099 17122 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:10131 to 10152 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' acucggUGACACGGACCGGACu 5' || || ::||||:|| Ref: 5' cacttaACGGTCTTTGGCTTGa 3' Energy: -17.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1972 NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.83 2 17 10131 10152 15 66.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1972 NC_045512.2 287.00 -44.84 147.00 -27.01 1936 22 29903 17099 10131 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-340-5p MIMAT0004692(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-340-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:4014 to 4035 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' uuagucaGAGUAACGAAAUAUu 5' ||::|| ||||||| Ref: 5' cagaaaaCTTGTTACTTTATAt 3' Energy: -9.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-340-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -9.18 2 16 4014 4035 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:9879 to 9900 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' uuagucaGAGUAACGAAAUAUu 5' ||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' atagataCTTAGCTCTTTATAa 3' Energy: -11.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-340-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.08 2 16 9879 9900 14 71.43% 78.57% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:1136 to 1157 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uuagUCAGAGUAACGAAAUAUu 5' || :| || |||||||: Ref: 5' aaaaAGCTTGATGGCTTTATGg 3' Energy: -11.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-340-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.70 2 19 1136 1157 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17636 to 17656 Align Len (19) (84.21%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uuAGUCAGAGUAACGAAAUAUu 5' |||| |||| ||||||| | Ref: 5' aaTCAG-CTCAATGCTTTAAAa 3' Energy: -19.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-340-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -19.27 2 21 17636 17656 19 84.21% 84.21% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:21184 to 21203 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' uuagucaGAGUAACGAAAUAUu 5' || || ||||||| Ref: 5' tggaatgCTGAT--CTTTATAa 3' Energy: -8.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-340-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -8.13 2 16 21184 21203 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:25796 to 25817 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uuagucaGAGUAACGAAAUAUu 5' | |||| ||||||: Ref: 5' ccaaaaaCCCATTACTTTATGa 3' Energy: -10.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-340-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.33 2 16 25796 25817 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:6773 to 6793 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uuAGUCAGAGUAACGAAAUAuu 5' |:| |:|| || |||||| Ref: 5' ccTTA-TTTCTTTACTTTATtg 3' Energy: -6.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-340-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -6.76 3 21 6773 6793 18 72.22% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-340-5p NC_045512.2 1027.00 -76.45 159.00 -19.27 1937 22 29903 4014 9879 1136 17636 21184 25796 6773 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3120-5p MIMAT0019198(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3120-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4279 to 4299 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' acAUGUCGUCCGUGUCUGUCc 5' || || ||||| |||||| Ref: 5' tgTAGAGGAGGCAAAGACAGt 3' Energy: -25.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3120-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -25.78 2 20 4279 4299 18 83.33% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3120-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -25.78 147.00 -25.78 1938 21 29903 4279 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-485-3p MIMAT0002176(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-485-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:11350 to 11371 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (92.86%) Query: 3' ucucuccUCUCGGCACAUACUg 5' ||| |:|||||||| Ref: 5' gacagcaAGAACTGTGTATGAt 3' Energy: -19.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-485-3p NC_045512.2 163.00 -19.04 2 16 11350 11371 14 85.71% 92.86% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:7476 to 7497 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ucucuccucucgGCACAUACUg 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtaattcatcaaCTTGTATGAt 3' Energy: -9.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-485-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.51 2 11 7476 7497 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:11068 to 11089 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucucuccucucggcACAUACUg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tttgttctttttttTGTATGAa 3' Energy: -7.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-485-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.16 2 9 11068 11089 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:25254 to 25275 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucucuccucucggcACAUACUg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' caattatgctttgcTGTATGAc 3' Energy: -12.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-485-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.12 2 9 25254 25275 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-485-3p NC_045512.2 585.00 -47.83 163.00 -19.04 1939 22 29903 11350 7476 11068 25254 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-632 MIMAT0003302(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-632 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:24563 to 24581 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' agGGUGUCCUUCGUCUGUg 5' :|| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ctTCAAAGTTTGCAGACAt 3' Energy: -15.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-632 NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.75 2 18 24563 24581 16 68.75% 75.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:18993 to 19013 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' agGGUGUCCU--UCGUCUGUg 5' |::|| | |||||||| Ref: 5' agCTGCATTATTAGCAGACAa 3' Energy: -16.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-632 NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.15 2 18 18993 19013 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:1005 to 1025 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' aggguGUCCUU--CGUCUGUg 5' :| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' agagcTATGAATTGCAGACAc 3' Energy: -16.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-632 NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.64 2 15 1005 1025 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:5528 to 5546 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aggguguccuUCGUCUGUg 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tgtggacaacAGCAGACAa 3' Energy: -14.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-632 NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.45 2 10 5528 5546 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:3381 to 3399 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' aggguguccUUCGUCUGUg 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' acattaaaaATGCAGACAt 3' Energy: -13.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-632 NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.15 2 11 3381 3399 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:12341 to 12359 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' aggguguccUUCGUCUGUg 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' actagtgctATGCAGACAa 3' Energy: -12.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-632 NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.08 2 11 12341 12359 9 88.89% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-632 NC_045512.2 871.00 -88.22 149.00 -16.64 1940 19 29903 24563 18993 1005 5528 3381 12341 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-25-3p MIMAT0000081(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-25-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:24460 to 24481 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (75.00%) Query: 3' agucuGGCUCUGUUCACGUUAc 5' || | : :||||||| Ref: 5' tagctCCAATTTTGGTGCAATt 3' Energy: -11.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-25-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.52 2 18 24460 24481 16 62.50% 75.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:2746 to 2769 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agUCUGGCUCUG--UUCACGUUac 5' | ||:| ||: |||||||| Ref: 5' tgACACTGTGATAGAAGTGCAAgg 3' Energy: -16.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-25-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.70 3 21 2746 2769 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:24517 to 24540 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' agUCUGGCUCUG--UUCACGUUac 5' | :::|||:| |||||||| Ref: 5' caAAGTTGAGGCTGAAGTGCAAat 3' Energy: -18.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-25-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.44 3 21 24517 24540 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:29263 to 29284 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' aguCUGGCUCUGUUCACGUUAc 5' |||| | |||:|||| || Ref: 5' gttGACCTACACAGGTGCCATc 3' Energy: -15.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-25-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.86 2 20 29263 29284 18 77.78% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-25-3p NC_045512.2 574.00 -62.52 145.00 -18.44 1941 22 29903 24460 2746 24517 29263 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4684-3p MIMAT0019770(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4684-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8973 to 8995 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ugcagAGGUGGCUG-AACGUUGu 5' | |||:||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tagagTACACTGACTTTGCAACa 3' Energy: -24.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4684-3p NC_045512.2 164.00 -24.59 2 18 8973 8995 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:29478 to 29499 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ugcAGAGGUGGCUGAACGUUGu 5' |||||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' attTCTCCAAACAATTGCAACa 3' Energy: -20.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4684-3p NC_045512.2 163.00 -20.84 2 20 29478 29499 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25617 to 25639 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ugCAGAGGUG-GCUGAACGUUGu 5' || |:||| : ::||||||| Ref: 5' ggGTGTTCACTTTGTTTGCAACt 3' Energy: -18.799999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4684-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -18.80 2 21 25617 25639 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16547 to 16569 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugCAGAGGUGGC-UGAACGUUGu 5' | ||::| :| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctGACTTTAATGCAATTGCAACa 3' Energy: -16.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4684-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -16.53 2 21 16547 16569 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11878 to 11898 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ugcaGAGGUGGCUGAACGUUGu 5' |||: | | :||||||| Ref: 5' cttaCTCT-CAGTTTTGCAACa 3' Energy: -17.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4684-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -17.46 2 19 11878 11898 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28656 to 28678 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugCAGAGGUG-GCUGAACGUUGu 5' | | :||: :|: ||||||| Ref: 5' acGGCATCATATGGGTTGCAACt 3' Energy: -19.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4684-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -19.82 2 21 28656 28678 20 60.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:8090 to 8110 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ugcagagGUGGCUGAACGUUGu 5' |||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctcaaaaCACT-AGTTGCAACt 3' Energy: -13.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4684-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -13.59 2 16 8090 8110 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:197 to 218 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugCAGAGGUGGCUGAACGUUGu 5' ||:|| ||| |||||:| Ref: 5' cgGTTTCGTCCGTGTTGCAGCc 3' Energy: -19.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4684-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -19.99 2 21 197 218 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24969 to 24990 Align Len (19) (52.63%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugCAGAGGUGGCUGAACGUUGu 5' ||:| :: : :||||||| Ref: 5' caGTTTATGATCCTTTGCAACc 3' Energy: -12.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4684-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -12.75 2 21 24969 24990 19 52.63% 78.95% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:24856 to 24877 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugcagagGUGGCUGAACGUUGu 5' |||:|::|||:||| Ref: 5' tggcacaCACTGGTTTGTAACa 3' Energy: -22.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4684-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -22.27 2 16 24856 24877 14 71.43% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2898 to 2919 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (68.42%) Query: 3' ugCAGAGGUGGCUGAACGUUGu 5' ||| : | :||||||| Ref: 5' ctGTCATAAAAACTTTGCAACc 3' Energy: -12.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4684-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.33 2 21 2898 2919 19 57.89% 68.42% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7079 to 7105 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (73.91%) Query: 3' ugcAGA-GGUGGC--UG--AACGUUGu 5' ||| |:| :| || ||||||| Ref: 5' aacTCTACTAATGTCACTATTGCAACc 3' Energy: -15.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4684-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.77 2 20 7079 7105 23 65.22% 73.91% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16620 to 16641 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ugCAGAGGUGGCUGAACGUUGu 5' | ||| | | :|||||:| Ref: 5' aaGACTCAAGCTTTTTGCAGCa 3' Energy: -16.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4684-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.51 2 21 16620 16641 19 63.16% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4684-3p NC_045512.2 1964.00 -231.25 164.00 -24.59 1942 22 29903 8973 29478 25617 16547 11878 28656 8090 197 24969 24856 2898 7079 16620 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6728-5p MIMAT0027357(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6728-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:4876 to 4900 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ggggagaccAGGAUG--GUAGGGUu 5' |||||| |||:||| Ref: 5' cactagtaaTCCTACCACATTCCAc 3' Energy: -18.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6728-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.61 2 15 4876 4900 15 80.00% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6728-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.61 141.00 -18.61 1943 23 29903 4876 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-147b-5p MIMAT0037331(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-147b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9758 to 9779 Align Len (17) (58.82%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ucaaACACGUCUUUACAAAGGu 5' | | :| ::||||||| Ref: 5' gtagTCTTTAATGGTGTTTCCt 3' Energy: -11.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-147b-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.61 2 19 9758 9779 17 58.82% 76.47% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4362 to 4382 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucaAACACGUCUUUACAAAGGu 5' || | ::||| ||||||: Ref: 5' aaaTTCT-TGGAACTGTTTCTt 3' Energy: -9.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-147b-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.18 2 20 4362 4382 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-147b-5p NC_045512.2 287.00 -20.79 146.00 -11.61 1944 22 29903 9758 4362 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4289 MIMAT0016920(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4289 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:17948 to 17965 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (93.75%) Query: 3' acUAUCGGGACGUGUUACg 5' ||| |::||||:|||| Ref: 5' gcATA-CTTTGCATAATGt 3' Energy: -17.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4289 NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.23 2 18 17948 17965 16 75.00% 93.75% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:11935 to 11955 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (77.78%) Query: 3' acUAUCGG--GACGUGUUACg 5' :|: || :| ||||||| Ref: 5' atGTGTCCAGTTACACAATGa 3' Energy: -13.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4289 NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.89 2 18 11935 11955 18 61.11% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:13795 to 13813 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' acuaucgggACGUGUUACg 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' cttactaaaTACACAATGg 3' Energy: -9.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4289 NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.60 2 11 13795 13813 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:10395 to 10413 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' acuAUCGGGACGUGUUACg 5' ||||:: :|||||| Ref: 5' tgtTAGCTTGTTACAATGg 3' Energy: -14.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4289 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.18 2 17 10395 10413 15 66.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4289 NC_045512.2 573.00 -54.90 147.00 -17.23 1945 19 29903 17948 11935 13795 10395 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3688-3p MIMAT0018116(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3688-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27260 to 27279 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ucUCACCGUUUCAGAAAGGUAu 5' | | :|||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ggACTTTTAAAG--TTTCCATt 3' Energy: -10.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3688-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -10.78 2 21 27260 27279 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:11442 to 11464 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' ucucaccguUUCAG-AAAGGUAu 5' ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctttagatcAAGCCATTTCCATg 3' Energy: -12.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3688-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -12.66 2 14 11442 11464 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:16464 to 16484 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' ucucaccguuUCAGAAAGGUAu 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' accacccattAGT-TTTCCATt 3' Energy: -10.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3688-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -10.00 2 13 16464 16484 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:12007 to 12028 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucucaccguuucaGAAAGGUAu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' actttctgttttgCTTTCCATg 3' Energy: -12.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3688-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.70 2 10 12007 12028 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:7262 to 7283 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' ucucaccGUUUCAGAAAGGUAu 5' | |:||:||||:|| Ref: 5' cttttcaCTAGGTTTTTCTATg 3' Energy: -14.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3688-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.13 2 16 7262 7283 14 71.43% 92.86% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:9707 to 9728 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ucucaccGUUUCAGAAAGGUAu 5' ||||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' atttccaCAAAGCATTTCTATt 3' Energy: -12.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3688-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.24 2 16 9707 9728 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:14936 to 14957 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ucucaccguuuCAGAAAGGUAu 5' | :||||||| Ref: 5' acaaatcagctGGTTTTCCATt 3' Energy: -11.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3688-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.02 2 12 14936 14957 10 80.00% 90.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3688-3p NC_045512.2 1017.00 -83.53 149.00 -14.13 1946 22 29903 27260 11442 16464 12007 7262 9707 14936 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6851-5p MIMAT0027602(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6851-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:3142 to 3164 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' cgACCGGGGAUCAUGGUGGAGGa 5' ||| ::|:||:||||:||: Ref: 5' ttTGGAATTTGGTGCCACTTCTg 3' Energy: -28.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6851-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -28.21 2 22 3142 3164 20 60.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:24713 to 24736 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cgaccGGGGAUCA-UGGUGGAGga 5' |||: ||| | |||||| Ref: 5' tccttCCCTCAGTCAGCACCTCat 3' Energy: -22.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6851-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -22.34 3 19 24713 24736 17 76.47% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6851-5p NC_045512.2 282.00 -50.55 141.00 -28.21 1947 23 29903 3142 24713 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-455-3p MIMAT0004784(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-455-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18282 to 18302 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cacAUAUACGGGUACCUGACg 5' |:|| |: ||||||:|| Ref: 5' acaTGTACGTGCATGGATTGg 3' Energy: -18.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-455-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -18.61 2 19 18282 18302 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7275 to 7295 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cacAUAUACGGGUACCUGACg 5' | ||||: | ||||:|| Ref: 5' tttTCTATGTACTTGGATTGg 3' Energy: -13.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-455-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.68 2 19 7275 7295 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:15828 to 15845 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cacaUAUACGGGUACCUGACg 5' | |||: ||||||| Ref: 5' agcaAAATGT---TGGACTGa 3' Energy: -13.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-455-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.51 2 18 15828 15845 16 68.75% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-455-3p NC_045512.2 437.00 -45.80 150.00 -18.61 1948 21 29903 18282 7275 15828 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-425-5p MIMAT0003393(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-425-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:18303 to 18325 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aguugcccucacuagCACAGUAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cttcgatgtcgagggGTGTCATg 3' Energy: -18.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-425-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.27 2 9 18303 18325 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23334 to 23356 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' aguuGCCCUCACUAG-CACAGUAa 5' :|| :||| || ||||:|| Ref: 5' ctttTGGTGGTG-TCAGTGTTATa 3' Energy: -16.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-425-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.89 2 20 23334 23356 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-425-5p NC_045512.2 280.00 -35.16 140.00 -18.27 1949 23 29903 18303 23334 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-181c-5p MIMAT0000258(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-181c-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:8207 to 8228 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugaguggcugucCAACUUACAa 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' actaaagatgttGTTGAATGTc 3' Energy: -13.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181c-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -13.71 2 11 8207 8228 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:11385 to 11407 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugaguggCUGUCCA-ACUUACAa 5' |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gagtgtgGACACTTATGAATGTc 3' Energy: -11.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181c-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -11.53 2 16 11385 11407 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:12202 to 12223 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugaguggcuguccAACUUACAa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' gttgaagaagtctTTGAATGTg 3' Energy: -11.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181c-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.15 2 10 12202 12223 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:20769 to 20790 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' ugaguggcugUCCAACUUACAa 5' | | ||||||| Ref: 5' taaaggcataATGATGAATGTc 3' Energy: -9.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181c-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.43 2 13 20769 20790 11 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:9003 to 9023 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ugaguGGCUGUCCAACUUACAa 5' ::|:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgttTTGGC-TGCTGAATGTa 3' Energy: -11.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181c-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.06 2 18 9003 9023 16 62.50% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-181c-5p NC_045512.2 732.00 -56.88 150.00 -13.71 1950 22 29903 8207 11385 12202 20769 9003 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6717-5p MIMAT0025846(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6717-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5685 MIMAT0022475(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5685 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7626 to 7647 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ggGCACUAUUGACGACCCGACa 5' :|||||| | ||| |||| Ref: 5' atTGTGATACATTCTGTGCTGg 3' Energy: -19.969999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5685 NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.97 2 21 7626 7647 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5685 NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.97 140.00 -19.97 1952 22 29903 7626 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3668 MIMAT0018091(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3668 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23102 to 23120 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uaAAACUAGUUAGAGAUGUAa 5' ||| | || :||||||| Ref: 5' tcTTT--TGAACTTCTACATg 3' Energy: -10.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3668 NC_045512.2 152.00 -10.83 2 20 23102 23120 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:5130 to 5150 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uaaaACUAGUUAGAGAUGUAa 5' |||| | ||||||:| Ref: 5' ctaaTGATGACACTCTACGTg 3' Energy: -13.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3668 NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.90 2 18 5130 5150 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:11698 to 11718 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uaaAACUAGUUAGAGAUGUaa 5' || |:|:|:|||||| Ref: 5' tgaTTACTTAGTTTCTACAca 3' Energy: -12.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3668 NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.64 3 19 11698 11718 16 68.75% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3668 NC_045512.2 439.00 -37.37 152.00 -13.90 1953 21 29903 23102 5130 11698 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-338-3p MIMAT0000763(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-338-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24031 to 24058 Align Len (25) (72.00%) (76.00%) Query: 3' guUGUUUUA--GUGA----CUACGACCu 5' |||||:| |||| |||||||| Ref: 5' caACAAAGTGACACTTGCAGATGCTGGc 3' Energy: -25.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-338-3p NC_045512.2 162.00 -25.43 2 21 24031 24058 25 72.00% 76.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10553 to 10576 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (71.43%) Query: 3' guUGUUUUA--GUGACUACGACCu 5' || || | ::| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttACCAACTGGAGTTCATGCTGGc 3' Energy: -16.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-338-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.18 2 21 10553 10576 21 61.90% 71.43% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:23269 to 23290 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' guuGUUUUAGUGACUACGACcu 5' ::| | :|||||||||| Ref: 5' tgcTGACACTACTGATGCTGtc 3' Energy: -18.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-338-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -18.84 3 20 23269 23290 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7987 to 8008 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' guuguuUUAGUGACUACGACCu 5' |:| ||||||:||| Ref: 5' ggcattAGTGTCTGATGTTGGt 3' Energy: -19.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-338-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -19.49 2 17 7987 8008 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8689 to 8710 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (89.47%) Query: 3' guUGUUUUAGUGACUACGACCu 5' ||||:: :|:||||| ||| Ref: 5' atACAAGGCTATTGATGGTGGt 3' Energy: -23.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-338-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -23.85 2 21 8689 8710 19 68.42% 89.47% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:16569 to 16590 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' guuguuuuagUGACUACGACCu 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' atgtgactggACAAATGCTGGt 3' Energy: -15.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-338-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.95 2 13 16569 16590 11 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:28906 to 28927 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' guUGUUUUAGUGACUACGACcu 5' :||| : |: |||||||| Ref: 5' tgGCAATGGCGGTGATGCTGct 3' Energy: -19.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-338-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -19.15 3 21 28906 28927 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12046 to 12072 Align Len (24) (58.33%) (66.67%) Query: 3' guUGUUUUAGUGAC-----UACGACCu 5' ||||: |: || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaACAAGCTTTGTGAAGAAATGCTGGa 3' Energy: -16.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-338-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.90 2 21 12046 12072 24 58.33% 66.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 16 R:22408 to 22429 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' guuguuuUAGUGACUACGACcu 5' ||:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' tggaaccATTACAGATGCTGta 3' Energy: -14.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-338-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.12 3 16 22408 22429 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 15 R:4692 to 4714 Align Len (13) (92.31%) (92.31%) Query: 3' guuguuuuAGU-GACUACGACcu 5' ||| ||||||||| Ref: 5' ctgtttctTCACCTGATGCTGtt 3' Energy: -16.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-338-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.23 3 15 4692 4714 13 92.31% 92.31% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:14019 to 14040 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guuguuuuagugacUACGACCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgatgccatgcgaaATGCTGGt 3' Energy: -13.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-338-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.41 2 9 14019 14040 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:17777 to 17799 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' guuguUUUAGUGAC-UACGACcu 5' || |||| | |||||| Ref: 5' cttatAATTCACAGAATGCTGta 3' Energy: -12.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-338-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.15 3 18 17777 17799 16 81.25% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-338-3p NC_045512.2 1739.00 -211.70 162.00 -25.43 1954 22 29903 24031 10553 23269 7987 8689 16569 28906 12046 22408 4692 14019 17777 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-499b-5p MIMAT0019897(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-499b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19430 to 19451 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (77.78%) Query: 3' acuUGUAGUGUCG-UUCAGACa 5' |::| || : ||||||| Ref: 5' attATGTACCACTAAAGTCTGc 3' Energy: -13.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499b-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.63 2 19 19430 19451 18 61.11% 77.78% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21933 to 21955 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' acUUGUAGU-GUCG-UUCAGACa 5' ||::|:: :| : ||||||| Ref: 5' ctAATGTTGTTATTAAAGTCTGt 3' Energy: -13.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-499b-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.68 2 20 21933 21955 20 55.00% 85.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-499b-5p NC_045512.2 290.00 -27.31 145.00 -13.68 1955 21 29903 19430 21933 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-211-5p MIMAT0000268(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-211-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:12776 to 12797 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uccgcuuccuacUGUUUCCCUu 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' tactacaacacaACAAAGGGAg 3' Energy: -15.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-211-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.36 2 11 12776 12797 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:2390 to 2411 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uccgcuuccuacuGUUUCCCUu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tttgtcacgcactCAAAGGGAt 3' Energy: -13.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-211-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.22 2 10 2390 2411 8 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-211-5p NC_045512.2 295.00 -28.58 150.00 -15.36 1956 22 29903 12776 2390 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-153-5p MIMAT0026480(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-153-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:390 to 411 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (93.75%) Query: 3' ucgacGUUGUAGUGUUUUUACu 5' ||||||| :|||:||| Ref: 5' cacgtCAACATCTTAAAGATGg 3' Energy: -19.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-153-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -19.42 2 18 390 411 16 81.25% 93.75% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3373 to 3393 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucgACGU-UGUAGUGUUUUUACu 5' ||:| |||| :||||||| Ref: 5' caaTGTATACAT--TAAAAATGc 3' Energy: -10.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-153-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -10.64 2 20 3373 3393 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11977 to 11999 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucGACGUU-GUAGUGUUUUUACu 5' ||| |: | |:: ||||||| Ref: 5' taCTGAAGCCTTTGAAAAAATGg 3' Energy: -12.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-153-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -12.08 2 21 11977 11999 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10052 to 10073 Align Len (17) (58.82%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ucgaCGUUGUAGUGUUUUUACu 5' |:::: |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' cagaGTGGTTTTAGAAAAATGg 3' Energy: -10.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-153-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -10.65 2 19 10052 10073 17 58.82% 88.24% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27932 to 27953 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ucGACGUUGUAGU-GUUUUUACu 5' |||| |: ||| |||:|||| Ref: 5' agCTGC-ATTTCACCAAGAATGt 3' Energy: -22.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-153-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -22.17 2 21 27932 27953 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:22389 to 22410 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' ucgacgUUGUAGUGUUUUUACu 5' ||:|| |::|||||| Ref: 5' tattaaAATATAATGAAAATGg 3' Energy: -9.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-153-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -9.40 2 17 22389 22410 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2760 to 2781 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (94.44%) Query: 3' ucgACGUUGUAGUGUUUUUACu 5' ||||| :|:||||:|:|| Ref: 5' aagTGCAAGGTTACAAGAGTGt 3' Energy: -22.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-153-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -22.60 2 20 2760 2781 18 72.22% 94.44% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:25951 to 25971 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ucgaCGUUGUAGUGUUUUUACu 5' |: |:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtgGTTATA-CTGAAAAATGg 3' Energy: -8.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-153-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -8.09 2 19 25951 25971 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:12491 to 12513 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucGACGUUGU-AGUGUUUUUAcu 5' || :|||| :|:|||||| Ref: 5' gaCTATAACACATATAAAAATac 3' Energy: -10.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-153-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.69 3 21 12491 12513 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20698 to 20719 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucGACGUUGUA-GUGUUUUUACu 5' :| ||| || || ||:|||| Ref: 5' ctTTACAAAATGCA-AAGAATGc 3' Energy: -7.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-153-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -7.78 2 21 20698 20719 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:21053 to 21074 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucgacguuguaguGUUUUUACu 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' acgaccctaagacTAAAAATGt 3' Energy: -10.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-153-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.07 2 10 21053 21074 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4299 to 4320 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucGACGUUGUAGUGUUUUUACu 5' || || | :::||||:|| Ref: 5' tgCTTAAAAAGTGTAAAAGTGc 3' Energy: -9.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-153-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.75 2 21 4299 4320 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:12398 to 12420 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ucgacGUUGUAGU-GUUUUUACu 5' ||||||:| ||| |||| Ref: 5' ctcaaCAACATTATCAACAATGc 3' Energy: -14.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-153-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.38 2 18 12398 12420 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:15143 to 15165 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ucgacGUUGUAGU-GUUUUUAcu 5' ||:: ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' atagaCAGTTTCATCAAAAATta 3' Energy: -9.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-153-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.34 3 18 15143 15165 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19613 to 19634 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucGACGUUGUAGUGUUUUUACu 5' || ||: :|: :|||||| Ref: 5' gaCTTCAGAGTTTAGAAAATGt 3' Energy: -9.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-153-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.52 2 21 19613 19634 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20714 to 20733 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucgACGUUGUAGUGUUUUUACu 5' ||| :||:| ||||:|| Ref: 5' gaaTGC--TATTAGAAAAGTGt 3' Energy: -12.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-153-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.09 2 20 20714 20733 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-153-5p NC_045512.2 2334.00 -198.67 157.00 -22.60 1957 22 29903 390 3373 11977 10052 27932 22389 2760 25951 12491 20698 21053 4299 12398 15143 19613 20714 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4703-3p MIMAT0019802(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4703-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 167.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14828 to 14849 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cacCGUUAUGUUAUGUUGAUGu 5' |::|||: | |||||||| Ref: 5' tgtGTGATATCAGACAACTACt 3' Energy: -14.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4703-3p NC_045512.2 167.00 -14.88 2 20 14828 14849 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10109 to 10132 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' cacCGUU--AUGUUAUGUUGAUGu 5' |:|| |::::||||||||| Ref: 5' caaGTAACTTGTGGTACAACTACa 3' Energy: -18.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4703-3p NC_045512.2 162.00 -18.89 2 20 10109 10132 20 65.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3249 to 3268 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' caCCGUUAUGUUAUGUUGAUGu 5' | |||| ||: |||||||| Ref: 5' agGACAAT-CAG-ACAACTACt 3' Energy: -18.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4703-3p NC_045512.2 160.00 -18.01 2 21 3249 3268 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:6706 to 6727 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (100.00%) Query: 3' caccguuauGUUAUGUUGAUGu 5' :|:||||||||| Ref: 5' caaagttgtTAGTACAACTACt 3' Energy: -15.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4703-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -15.83 2 14 6706 6727 12 83.33% 100.00% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:8484 to 8506 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' caccguuaUGU-UAUGUUGAUGu 5' ||| :|:||||||| Ref: 5' ttaagttgACATGTGCAACTACt 3' Energy: -15.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4703-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -15.17 2 15 8484 8506 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:9920 to 9940 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (94.12%) Query: 3' cacCGUUAUGUUAUGUUGAUgu 5' |||||: :||||||||| Ref: 5' ggaGCAATG-GATACAACTAgc 3' Energy: -18.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4703-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -18.47 3 20 9920 9940 17 82.35% 94.12% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19346 to 19367 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' caCCGUUAUGUUAUGUUGAUGu 5' | :||| :|| ||||:||| Ref: 5' ttGTTAATTTAAAACAATTACc 3' Energy: -11.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4703-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -11.30 2 21 19346 19367 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8420 to 8442 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' caCCGUUAU-GUUAUGUUGAUGu 5' | || |: | : |||||||| Ref: 5' atGTCATTGTCTGAACAACTACg 3' Energy: -13.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4703-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -13.14 2 21 8420 8442 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:6238 to 6262 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (85.71%) Query: 3' caCCGU-UA--UGUUAUGUUGAUgu 5' |||| :| |||||:|||||| Ref: 5' ttGGCATGTTAACAATGCAACTAat 3' Energy: -21.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4703-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -21.45 3 21 6238 6262 21 76.19% 85.71% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10751 to 10772 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (89.47%) Query: 3' caCCGUUAUGUUAUGUUGAUGu 5' ||| ||: |:|||||:||: Ref: 5' gtGGCTATGAAGTACAATTATg 3' Energy: -20.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4703-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -20.12 2 21 10751 10772 19 68.42% 89.47% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10632 to 10654 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' caCCGUUAUG-UUAUGUUGAUGu 5' | :::||| :| |||||||: Ref: 5' caGCTGGTACGGACACAACTATt 3' Energy: -16.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4703-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.65 2 21 10632 10654 20 60.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:4816 to 4836 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' caCCGUUAUGUUAUGUUGAUgu 5' | |||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgGACAAT-CTACACAACTAgg 3' Energy: -13.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4703-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.23 3 21 4816 4836 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24231 to 24252 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' caCCGUUAUGUUAUGUUGAUGu 5' ||:: |:|| ||||| ||| Ref: 5' caGGTGCTGCATTACAAATACc 3' Energy: -13.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4703-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.36 2 21 24231 24252 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4703-3p NC_045512.2 1974.00 -210.50 167.00 -21.45 1958 22 29903 14828 10109 3249 6706 8484 9920 19346 8420 6238 10751 10632 4816 24231 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-767-5p MIMAT0003882(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-767-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4503 to 4525 Align Len (19) (52.63%) (89.47%) Query: 3' guaCGAGUCUGUUGGUACCACGu 5' |: ::| ::|::||||||| Ref: 5' aggGTGTGGTTGATTATGGTGCt 3' Energy: -18.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-767-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -18.20 2 21 4503 4525 19 52.63% 89.47% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28625 to 28648 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' guaCGAGUCUGUUGG--UACCACGu 5' ||| :||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' gaaGCT-GGACTTCCCTATGGTGCt 3' Energy: -22.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-767-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -22.26 2 21 28625 28648 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:11358 to 11380 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (92.31%) Query: 3' guacgagucUGUUGGUACCACGu 5' |::|: ||||||| Ref: 5' gaactgtgtATGATGATGGTGCt 3' Energy: -14.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-767-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.56 2 15 11358 11380 13 69.23% 92.31% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24716 to 24742 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' guacGAGUCUGUUG----GUACCACGu 5' ||||| ||:| |||||||: Ref: 5' ttccCTCAGTCAGCACCTCATGGTGTa 3' Energy: -25.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-767-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -25.21 2 20 24716 24742 22 68.18% 77.27% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:16835 to 16857 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guacgagUCUGUUGGUACCACgu 5' ||:::||:|||||| Ref: 5' ttgaaaaAGGTGACTATGGTGat 3' Energy: -21.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-767-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -21.32 3 17 16835 16857 14 71.43% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:24058 to 24079 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' guacgAGUCUGUUGGUACCACgu 5' ||| |||| :|||||| Ref: 5' cttcaTCAAACAA-TATGGTGat 3' Energy: -16.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-767-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.34 3 19 24058 24079 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:8882 to 8905 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' guacgaGUCUGUUGG-UACCACgu 5' |: |||||: |||||| Ref: 5' atattaCGCACAACTAATGGTGac 3' Energy: -18.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-767-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.59 3 18 8882 8905 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:14764 to 14787 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (85.71%) Query: 3' guACGAGU-CUGUUGGUACCACGu 5' |||||| ||:::: ||| ||| Ref: 5' ttTGCTCAGGATGGTAATGCTGCt 3' Energy: -18.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-767-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.10 2 22 14764 14787 21 66.67% 85.71% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:19708 to 19734 Align Len (24) (58.33%) (75.00%) Query: 3' guACGAGUCUGUU----GGUACCACGu 5' ||:|:| |||| : ||||||: Ref: 5' acTGTTTACACAAAAGTTGATGGTGTt 3' Energy: -16.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-767-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.77 2 22 19708 19734 24 58.33% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-767-5p NC_045512.2 1313.00 -171.35 156.00 -25.21 1959 23 29903 4503 28625 11358 24716 16835 24058 8882 14764 19708 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-101-2-5p MIMAT0037312(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-101-2-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-219a-5p MIMAT0000276(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-219a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24651 to 24673 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ucUUAACGCA--AACCUGUUAGu 5' :| ||:|| |||||||||| Ref: 5' caGAGTGTGTACTTGGACAATCa 3' Energy: -25.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-219a-5p NC_045512.2 166.00 -25.21 2 20 24651 24673 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:4805 to 4825 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' ucuuaacgcAAACCUGUUAGu 5' | ||||||||| Ref: 5' tggtcctatTCTGGACAATCt 3' Energy: -12.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-219a-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -12.83 2 13 4805 4825 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4913 to 4932 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ucuUAACGCAAACCUGUUAGu 5' || | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gttATCACCTTT-GACAATCt 3' Energy: -8.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-219a-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -8.86 2 19 4913 4932 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:3237 to 3258 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucuuaaCG-CAAACCUGUUAGu 5' || || |||||||| Ref: 5' aagacgGCAGTGAGGACAATCa 3' Energy: -20.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-219a-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -20.57 2 16 3237 3258 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12602 to 12621 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucUUAACGCAAACCUGUUAGu 5' |||| || ||||||||: Ref: 5' gaAATT-AGTATGGACAATTc 3' Energy: -13.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-219a-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -13.13 2 20 12602 12621 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5936 to 5961 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (73.91%) Query: 3' ucUUAAC--GCA---AACCUGUUAGu 5' ||||| | | |||||||||: Ref: 5' gaAATTGACCCTAAGTTGGACAATTa 3' Energy: -16.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-219a-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.81 2 20 5936 5961 23 69.57% 73.91% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-219a-5p NC_045512.2 910.00 -97.41 166.00 -25.21 1961 21 29903 24651 4805 4913 3237 12602 5936 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-219a-1-3p MIMAT0004567(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-219a-1-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:29505 to 29526 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' gcccugCAGGUCUGAGUUGAGa 5' || | |||||||||| Ref: 5' tgagcaGTGCTGACTCAACTCa 3' Energy: -20.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-219a-1-3p NC_045512.2 164.00 -20.76 2 17 29505 29526 15 86.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:28326 to 28347 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gcCCUGCAGGUCUGAGUUGAga 5' |||| :||||:|||||| Ref: 5' gtGGACCCTCAGATTCAACTgg 3' Energy: -24.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-219a-1-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -24.57 3 21 28326 28347 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:21696 to 21717 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' gcccugcAGGUCUGAGUUGAGa 5' |::| |:||||||| Ref: 5' cctcagtTTTACATTCAACTCa 3' Energy: -12.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-219a-1-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -12.95 2 16 21696 21717 14 71.43% 92.86% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:26024 to 26045 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' gcccugcaGGUCUGAGUUGAGa 5' |:: ||||||||| Ref: 5' attaccagCTGTACTCAACTCa 3' Energy: -19.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-219a-1-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -19.35 2 15 26024 26045 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10259 to 10280 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gcCCUGCAGGUCUGAGUUGAGa 5' || :| : | ::||||||| Ref: 5' caGGCTGGTAATGTTCAACTCa 3' Energy: -15.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-219a-1-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -15.66 2 21 10259 10280 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:437 to 458 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gccCUGCAGGUCUGAGUUGAGa 5' |:|||:: | |||||||: Ref: 5' aaaGGCGTTTTGCCTCAACTTg 3' Energy: -19.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-219a-1-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -19.22 2 20 437 458 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:28844 to 28869 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' gcccUG-CAGG-UC--UGAGUUGAGa 5' || ||:| || |:||||||| Ref: 5' cgcaACAGTTCAAGAAATTCAACTCc 3' Energy: -19.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-219a-1-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -19.02 2 19 28844 28869 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3080 to 3102 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' gccCUGCAGGUCUG-AGUUGAGa 5' || |: || | ||||||| Ref: 5' gaaGAGTTTGAGCCATCAACTCa 3' Energy: -13.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-219a-1-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -13.18 2 20 3080 3102 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20971 to 20990 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gccCUGCAGGUCUGAGUUGAGa 5' ||:| ||||:||||||: Ref: 5' tctGATG--CAGATTCAACTTt 3' Energy: -21.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-219a-1-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -21.65 2 20 20971 20990 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:13404 to 13424 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gcccugCAGGUCUGAGUUGAGa 5' ||: || ||||||| Ref: 5' gctgtaGTTGTGA-TCAACTCc 3' Energy: -11.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-219a-1-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.57 2 17 13404 13424 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:1204 to 1224 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gcccUGCAGGUCUGAGUUGAGa 5' |:|| | :||||||| Ref: 5' ccaaATGTGC-CTTTCAACTCt 3' Energy: -18.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-219a-1-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.53 2 19 1204 1224 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16408 to 16426 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gccCUGCAGGUCUGAGUUGAGa 5' ||:|| |||||||||: Ref: 5' acaGATGT---GACTCAACTTt 3' Energy: -20.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-219a-1-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -20.82 2 20 16408 16426 18 72.22% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-219a-1-3p NC_045512.2 1814.00 -217.28 164.00 -24.57 1962 22 29903 29505 28326 21696 26024 10259 437 28844 3080 20971 13404 1204 16408 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4436b-5p MIMAT0019940(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4436b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:5214 to 5235 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' ccgucccGUCCGUCUUCACCUg 5' || | ||||||| Ref: 5' taaatcaCACTAAAAAGTGGAa 3' Energy: -10.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4436b-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.32 2 16 5214 5235 14 71.43% 71.43% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4436b-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.32 143.00 -10.32 1963 22 29903 5214 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3121-5p MIMAT0019199(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3121-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:1029 to 1050 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gaaUUUAUCUUAUCCGUUUCcu 5' |||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgAAATTAAATTGGCAAAGaa 3' Energy: -12.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3121-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -12.27 3 20 1029 1050 17 82.35% 82.35% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:4275 to 4296 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' gaauuUAUCUUAUCCGUUUCcu 5' :||||: |||||||| Ref: 5' acactGTAGAGGAGGCAAAGac 3' Energy: -18.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3121-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -18.00 3 18 4275 4296 15 80.00% 93.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2250 to 2274 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' gaaUUUAUC--U-UAUCCGUUUCCu 5' |||| | | |: ||||||| Ref: 5' gacAAATTGTCACCTGTGCAAAGGa 3' Energy: -13.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3121-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.04 2 20 2250 2274 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28785 to 28807 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gaAUUUAUCUUAUC-CGUUUCCu 5' || : |||| :| |||:||| Ref: 5' tcTACGCAGAAGGGAGCAGAGGc 3' Energy: -14.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3121-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.90 2 21 28785 28807 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:9954 to 9975 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaauuuaucuuaucCGUUUCCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cttgttgtcatctcGCAAAGGc 3' Energy: -10.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3121-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.64 2 9 9954 9975 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3121-5p NC_045512.2 728.00 -68.85 151.00 -18.00 1964 22 29903 1029 4275 2250 28785 9954 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5572 MIMAT0022260(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5572 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:1333 to 1352 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ucguCUGGGGACGUGGGGUUg 5' |::: || :||||||| Ref: 5' ttgtGGTTACT-TACCCCAAa 3' Energy: -16.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5572 NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.52 2 18 1333 1352 16 62.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:28275 to 28295 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ucgucuggggACGUGGGGUUg 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtctgataaTGGACCCCAAa 3' Energy: -19.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5572 NC_045512.2 147.00 -19.36 2 12 28275 28295 10 90.00% 90.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5572 NC_045512.2 294.00 -35.88 147.00 -19.36 1965 21 29903 1333 28275 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4523 MIMAT0019061(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4523 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-140-3p MIMAT0004597(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-140-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:1767 to 1787 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ggcACCAAGAUGGGACACCAu 5' | ||| |:|||||||| Ref: 5' aaaTTGTTGAATCCTGTGGTa 3' Energy: -21.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-140-3p NC_045512.2 162.00 -21.25 2 19 1767 1787 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4144 to 4165 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ggCACCAAGAUGG-GACACCAu 5' ||| ||: ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' ggGTGTTTTAACTGCTGTGGTt 3' Energy: -18.559999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-140-3p NC_045512.2 162.00 -18.56 2 20 4144 4165 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:9306 to 9326 Align Len (11) (72.73%) (90.91%) Query: 3' ggcaccaagAUGGGACACCAu 5' | ::||||||| Ref: 5' taccaggagTTTTCTGTGGTg 3' Energy: -20.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-140-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -20.82 2 13 9306 9326 11 72.73% 90.91% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:13330 to 13351 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ggCACCAAGA-UGGGACACCau 5' ||| | | ||||||||| Ref: 5' ttGTGCTAATGACCCTGTGGgt 3' Energy: -22.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-140-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -22.92 3 20 13330 13351 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1321 to 1340 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ggCACCAAGAUGGGACACCAu 5' ||| ||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' agGTGCCACTA-CTTGTGGTt 3' Energy: -18.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-140-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.58 2 20 1321 1340 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10101 to 10124 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ggcACCAAG---AUGGGACACCAu 5' |||| | || |:|||||| Ref: 5' gtaTGGTACAAGTAACTTGTGGTa 3' Energy: -17.799999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-140-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.80 2 19 10101 10124 20 70.00% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-140-3p NC_045512.2 892.00 -119.93 162.00 -22.92 1967 21 29903 1767 4144 9306 13330 1321 10101 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3659 MIMAT0018080(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3659 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:16985 to 17005 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' acggGAGCAUCUGUUGUGAGu 5' ||: || |||||||| Ref: 5' ctggCTTATACCCAACACTCa 3' Energy: -17.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3659 NC_045512.2 157.00 -17.05 2 18 16985 17005 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:27408 to 27430 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' acGGGAGCAU--CUGUUGUGAGu 5' :|:| | | ||:||||||| Ref: 5' ttTCTTGGCACTGATAACACTCg 3' Energy: -22.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3659 NC_045512.2 154.00 -22.88 2 20 27408 27430 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:5295 to 5315 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' acgGGAGCAUCUGUUGUGAGu 5' |: | | | :||||||| Ref: 5' ccaCTGCATTGTTAACACTCc 3' Energy: -14.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3659 NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.60 2 19 5295 5315 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:1609 to 1628 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' acgGGAGCAUCUGUUGUGAGu 5' |||: | || ||:|||| Ref: 5' caaCCTTCTTGA-AATACTCc 3' Energy: -15.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3659 NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.13 2 19 1609 1628 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:5126 to 5145 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' acgGGAGCAUCUGUUGUGAGu 5' ||| | ||::|||||| Ref: 5' ttaCCTAAT-GATGACACTCt 3' Energy: -17.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3659 NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.06 2 19 5126 5145 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3659 NC_045512.2 741.00 -86.72 157.00 -22.88 1968 21 29903 16985 27408 5295 1609 5126 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3679-3p MIMAT0018105(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3679-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4526 MIMAT0019065(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4526 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:12658 to 12679 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (94.12%) Query: 3' ucgCCGGUCGGGACGACAGUcg 5' ||||| ::||||||||| Ref: 5' aagGGCCAATTCTGCTGTCAaa 3' Energy: -31.280001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4526 NC_045512.2 159.00 -31.28 3 20 12658 12679 17 82.35% 94.12% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4526 NC_045512.2 159.00 -31.28 159.00 -31.28 1970 22 29903 12658 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7850-5p MIMAT0030425(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7850-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26106 to 26129 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' ggUCGG---UGUGAUACAGGUUUg 5' |||| | | ||||||||| Ref: 5' tgAGCCTGAAGAACATGTCCAAAt 3' Energy: -19.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7850-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -19.65 2 20 26106 26129 21 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:1061 to 1081 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggucggugugaUACAGGUUUg 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' ttcaatggggaATGTCCAAAt 3' Energy: -13.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7850-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -13.54 2 11 1061 1081 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:897 to 917 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' ggucgGUGUGAUACAGGUUUg 5' ::|||| |||||:|| Ref: 5' cttcaTGCACTTTGTCCGAAc 3' Energy: -20.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7850-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -20.79 2 17 897 917 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11828 to 11849 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ggUCGGUGUGAU-ACAGGUUUg 5' |||||| || |||:||| Ref: 5' gtAGCCACTGTACAGTCTAAAa 3' Energy: -18.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7850-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.60 2 20 11828 11849 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8640 to 8660 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (93.75%) Query: 3' ggucGGUGUGAUACAGGUUUg 5' :||::: |||||:||| Ref: 5' ctgtTCATGTCATGTCTAAAc 3' Energy: -16.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7850-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.43 2 18 8640 8660 16 62.50% 93.75% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:6731 to 6751 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (94.44%) Query: 3' ggUCGGUGUGAUACAGGUUUg 5' ||::|||| :|||::||| Ref: 5' atAGTTACACGGTGTTTAAAc 3' Energy: -23.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7850-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -23.52 2 20 6731 6751 18 66.67% 94.44% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7850-5p NC_045512.2 886.00 -112.53 154.00 -23.52 1971 21 29903 26106 1061 897 11828 8640 6731 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6134 MIMAT0024618(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6134 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:4323 to 4341 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agAUGUAGGAUGGUGGAgu 5' |||||:||||||:|| Ref: 5' ttTACATTCTACCATCTat 3' Energy: -24.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6134 NC_045512.2 145.00 -24.94 3 18 4323 4341 15 86.67% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:24134 to 24153 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (94.12%) Query: 3' agAUG-UAGGAUGGUGGAGu 5' ||| :|::|:||||||: Ref: 5' ctTACTGTTTTGCCACCTTt 3' Energy: -21.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6134 NC_045512.2 144.00 -21.07 2 18 24134 24153 17 64.71% 94.12% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:10025 to 10042 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' agaUGUAGGAUGGUGGAGu 5' || | |||:|||||| Ref: 5' caaACCT-CTATCACCTCa 3' Energy: -20.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6134 NC_045512.2 142.00 -20.26 2 17 10025 10042 15 80.00% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6134 NC_045512.2 431.00 -66.27 145.00 -24.94 1972 19 29903 4323 24134 10025 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-625-5p MIMAT0003294(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-625-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1895 to 1914 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccUGAUAUCUUGAAAGGGGGa 5' || || ||:||||:||| Ref: 5' gtACGAT-CAATTTTCTCCCg 3' Energy: -14.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-625-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.36 2 20 1895 1914 18 72.22% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-625-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.36 145.00 -14.36 1973 21 29903 1895 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-369-3p MIMAT0000721(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-369-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:13050 to 13068 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uuucuAGUUGGUACAUAAUAa 5' ||||| |||||||| Ref: 5' ccaatTCAAC--TGTATTATc 3' Energy: -10.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-369-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -10.04 2 17 13050 13068 15 86.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:11100 to 11122 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uuucuAGUUGGUA--CAUAAUAa 5' |: :|:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' tacctTTTGCTATGGGTATTATt 3' Energy: -7.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-369-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -7.79 2 17 11100 11122 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11235 to 11257 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uuUCUAGUUGGUA--CAUAAUAa 5' || | ::: || ||||||| Ref: 5' ctAGTTGGGTGATGCGTATTATg 3' Energy: -6.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-369-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -6.21 2 20 11235 11257 20 60.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:3012 to 3032 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uuucuAGUUGGUACAUAAUAa 5' ||| :|||||||:| Ref: 5' tggctTCACATATGTATTGTt 3' Energy: -11.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-369-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.79 2 17 3012 3032 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:4325 to 4345 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uuucuAGUUGGUACAUAAUAa 5' || ||||| |||||| Ref: 5' tacatTCTACCATCTATTATc 3' Energy: -9.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-369-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.89 2 17 4325 4345 15 86.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-369-3p NC_045512.2 734.00 -45.72 157.00 -11.79 1974 21 29903 13050 11100 11235 3012 4325 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1287-3p MIMAT0026738(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1287-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7391 to 7412 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uagUGACGUAGACACCGAUCUc 5' |:| || || |||:|||| Ref: 5' ccgATTTCAGCTATGGTTAGAa 3' Energy: -13.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1287-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -13.68 2 20 7391 7412 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12826 to 12851 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (73.91%) Query: 3' uaGUGACGUAGAC---A-CCGAUCUc 5' :|| | ||:|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTACAGGATTTGAAATGGGCTAGAt 3' Energy: -16.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1287-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.76 2 21 12826 12851 23 65.22% 73.91% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25198 to 25219 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uaGUGACGUAGACACCGAUCUc 5' ||: |:| | |||||||: Ref: 5' gcCATGGTACATTTGGCTAGGt 3' Energy: -14.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1287-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.83 2 21 25198 25219 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12295 to 12317 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (68.42%) Query: 3' uagUGACGUA-GACACCGAUCUc 5' | ||:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ccaAATGTATAAACAGGCTAGAt 3' Energy: -14.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1287-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.01 2 20 12295 12317 19 63.16% 68.42% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:14959 to 14980 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uagugacguagacaCCGAUCUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aataaatggggtaaGGCTAGAc 3' Energy: -11.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1287-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.05 2 9 14959 14980 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1287-3p NC_045512.2 727.00 -70.33 151.00 -16.76 1975 22 29903 7391 12826 25198 12295 14959 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-132-3p MIMAT0000426(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-132-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:22416 to 22437 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gcUGGUACCGACAUCUGACAau 5' || : |||||||||||| Ref: 5' ttACAGATGCTGTAGACTGTgc 3' Energy: -22.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-132-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -22.44 3 21 22416 22437 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26806 to 26831 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (72.73%) Query: 3' gcuGGUACC---GACA-UCUGACAAu 5' :||| | || | |||||||| Ref: 5' actTCATTGCTTCTTTCAGACTGTTt 3' Energy: -15.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-132-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.26 2 20 26806 26831 22 68.18% 72.73% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7456 to 7476 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gcugGUACCGACAUCUGACAAu 5' ||| |:||||||| ||| Ref: 5' tgtgCAT-GTTGTAGACGGTTg 3' Energy: -19.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-132-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.88 2 19 7456 7476 17 82.35% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-132-3p NC_045512.2 441.00 -57.58 152.00 -22.44 1976 22 29903 22416 26806 7456 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6882-5p MIMAT0027664(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6882-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:21705 to 21726 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gacgAAGUCGAGGACUGAACAu 5' |||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tacaTTCAACTCAGGACTTGTt 3' Energy: -21.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6882-5p NC_045512.2 166.00 -21.22 2 19 21705 21726 17 82.35% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:7665 to 7686 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacgaagucgaggaCUGAACAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atgaagttgcgagaGACTTGTc 3' Energy: -13.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6882-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.44 2 9 7665 7686 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6882-5p NC_045512.2 306.00 -34.66 166.00 -21.22 1977 22 29903 21705 7665 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1537-5p MIMAT0026765(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1537-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4698 to 4720 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucuuUUGACU--GAUUAAUGUCGa 5' | |||| || :||||||| Ref: 5' cttcACCTGATGCT-GTTACAGCg 3' Energy: -16.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1537-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.12 2 19 4698 4720 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:7045 to 7067 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (93.75%) Query: 3' ucuuuUGAC-UGAUUAAUGUCga 5' |||| |||::|||||| Ref: 5' ttcttACTGTACTGGTTACAGag 3' Energy: -20.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1537-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -20.10 3 18 7045 7067 16 81.25% 93.75% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18345 to 18365 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ucuuUUGACUGAUUAAUGUCGa 5' ||:| || ||||||| Ref: 5' taccAATTTAC-CTTTACAGCt 3' Energy: -11.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1537-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -11.92 2 19 18345 18365 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:9282 to 9302 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucUUUUGACUGAUUAAUGUCga 5' || | |||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttAACAATGATT-ATTACAGat 3' Energy: -12.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1537-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.57 3 21 9282 9302 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:12666 to 12687 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ucuuuUGACUGAUUAAUGUCga 5' :||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' attctGCTGTCAAATTACAGaa 3' Energy: -13.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1537-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.40 3 18 12666 12687 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2538 to 2559 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucUUUUGACUGAUUAAUGUCGa 5' |||||||:: | ||||| | Ref: 5' tgAAAACTGGTGATTTACAACc 3' Energy: -15.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1537-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.62 2 21 2538 2559 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:22402 to 22423 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ucUUUUGACUGAUUAAUGUCga 5' ||||: || ||||||| Ref: 5' tgAAAATGGAACCATTACAGat 3' Energy: -13.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1537-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.34 3 21 22402 22423 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16618 to 16641 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ucUUUUGACU--GAUUAAUGUCGa 5' ||:||| | || ||:|||| Ref: 5' gaAAGACTCAAGCTTTTTGCAGCa 3' Energy: -14.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1537-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.79 2 21 16618 16641 21 66.67% 76.19% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:2052 to 2074 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ucuuUUGACUGAU-UAAUGUCga 5' ||: | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgtAATGGCCTACATTACAGgt 3' Energy: -13.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1537-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.71 3 19 2052 2074 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:5349 to 5369 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ucuUUUGACUGAUUAAUGUCga 5' ||: || || ||||||| Ref: 5' tacAAGATG-CTTATTACAGag 3' Energy: -10.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1537-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.88 3 20 5349 5369 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:6508 to 6529 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ucUUUUGACUGAUUAAUGUCga 5' | |::| | |||||||| Ref: 5' taATAGTTTAAAAATTACAGaa 3' Energy: -8.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1537-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.68 3 21 6508 6529 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22845 to 22867 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ucuuuUGACUGAU-UAAUGUCGa 5' || |:||: :|||:||| Ref: 5' attttACAGGCTGCGTTATAGCt 3' Energy: -15.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1537-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.44 2 18 22845 22867 17 64.71% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1537-5p NC_045512.2 1731.00 -166.57 151.00 -20.10 1978 22 29903 4698 7045 18345 9282 12666 2538 22402 16618 2052 5349 6508 22845 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5002-3p MIMAT0021024(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5002-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28794 to 28815 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' uuCACCAGUCACU-CCGUCAGu 5' | | ||| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' aaGGGAGCAGAGGCGGCAGTCa 3' Energy: -24.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5002-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -24.10 2 20 28794 28815 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:15434 to 15455 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uucACCAGU-CACUCCGUCAGu 5' |||||| ||| |||:||: Ref: 5' aaaTGGTCATGTGTGGCGGTTc 3' Energy: -25.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5002-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -25.42 2 19 15434 15455 18 77.78% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5002-3p NC_045512.2 291.00 -49.52 150.00 -25.42 1979 21 29903 28794 15434 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-639 MIMAT0003309(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-639 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6756-5p MIMAT0027412(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6756-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:11737 to 11759 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (91.67%) Query: 3' ucgggguggaGGUCGGGGUGGGa 5' |:| :||||||| Ref: 5' ttcacagggaCTACTCCCACCCa 3' Energy: -23.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6756-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -23.10 2 14 11737 11759 12 75.00% 91.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6756-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -23.10 149.00 -23.10 1981 23 29903 11737 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1908-3p MIMAT0026916(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1908-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6811-3p MIMAT0027523(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6811-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:24540 to 24560 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gacgucCCUGUUCGUGUCCGa 5' || ::| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgataGGTTGATCACAGGCa 3' Energy: -16.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6811-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.96 2 16 24540 24560 14 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:13496 to 13516 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacgucccuguUCGUGUCCGa 5' :|||||||| Ref: 5' ttacaccgtgcGGCACAGGCa 3' Energy: -16.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6811-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.94 2 11 13496 13516 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:23193 to 23213 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacgucccUGUUCGUGUCCGa 5' |||:|||||||: Ref: 5' atggtttaACAGGCACAGGTg 3' Energy: -20.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6811-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -20.06 2 14 23193 23213 12 83.33% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:18088 to 18108 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacgucccuguucGUGUCCGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gggttacatcctaCACAGGCa 3' Energy: -16.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6811-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.00 2 9 18088 18108 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6811-3p NC_045512.2 582.00 -69.96 151.00 -20.06 1983 21 29903 24540 13496 23193 18088 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6514-3p MIMAT0025485(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6514-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:23188 to 23208 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gaccUCACCUUCUUGUCCGUc 5' | ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' cttcAATGGTTTAACAGGCAc 3' Energy: -15.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6514-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -15.58 2 18 23188 23208 16 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:13498 to 13517 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gaccuCACCUUCUUGUCCGUc 5' || | :| ||||||| Ref: 5' acaccGT-GCGGCACAGGCAc 3' Energy: -13.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6514-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.31 2 17 13498 13517 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24539 to 24561 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' gacCUCACCUUCU--UGUCCGUc 5' || || || ||||||| Ref: 5' attGATAGGTTGATCACAGGCAg 3' Energy: -18.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6514-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.13 2 19 24539 24561 19 68.42% 68.42% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:26255 to 26276 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (92.86%) Query: 3' gaccucaCCUUCU-UGUCCGUc 5' |||||| |||||:| Ref: 5' tcgtttcGGAAGAGACAGGTAc 3' Energy: -17.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6514-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.87 2 15 26255 26276 14 85.71% 92.86% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:10601 to 10621 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaccucaccuucUUGUCCGUc 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' ggaccttttgttGACAGGCAa 3' Energy: -11.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6514-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.77 2 10 10601 10621 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:18089 to 18109 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaccucaccuucuUGUCCGUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ggttacatcctacACAGGCAc 3' Energy: -10.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6514-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.47 2 9 18089 18109 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6514-3p NC_045512.2 870.00 -87.13 153.00 -18.13 1984 21 29903 23188 13498 24539 26255 10601 18089 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6738-3p MIMAT0027378(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6738-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548h-5p MIMAT0005928(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548h-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 172.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25795 to 25814 Align Len (19) (89.47%) (89.47%) Query: 3' cuGUUUUUGGCGCUAAUGAAAa 5' |||||||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' tcCAAAAACC-C-ATTACTTTa 3' Energy: -16.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548h-5p NC_045512.2 172.00 -16.54 2 21 25795 25814 19 89.47% 89.47% Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4012 to 4032 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cuGUUUUUGGCGCUAAUGAAAa 5' ||:||| | :| ||||||| Ref: 5' caCAGAAAACTTG-TTACTTTa 3' Energy: -11.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548h-5p NC_045512.2 162.00 -11.58 2 21 4012 4032 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1675 to 1696 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (94.44%) Query: 3' cugUUUUUGGCGCUAAUGAAAa 5' |:|:|:||| ||||:||| Ref: 5' tgaAGAGATCGCCATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -16.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548h-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -16.26 2 20 1675 1696 18 72.22% 94.44% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2719 to 2740 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cuGUUUUUGGCGCUAAUGAAAa 5' || ||| |:||||||| Ref: 5' tgCACCAACAAAGGTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -14.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548h-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -14.03 2 21 2719 2740 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20180 to 20203 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' cuGUUUUUGG-CGCU-AAUGAAAa 5' ||| ||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaCAATTACCTGAAACTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -13.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548h-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -13.46 2 21 20180 20203 21 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10947 to 10969 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cuGUUUUUGG-CGCUAAUGAAAa 5' ||| : :| | :||||||| Ref: 5' gaCAATGCTCAGGTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -12.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548h-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.20 2 21 10947 10969 20 60.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16890 to 16912 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' cuGUUUUUGG-CGCUAAUGAAAa 5' :||| ::: |:|||||:||| Ref: 5' atTAAATGTTGGTGATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -11.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548h-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.44 2 21 16890 16912 20 60.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7760 to 7781 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (73.33%) Query: 3' cuguuuUUGGCGCUAAUGAAAa 5' | || : ||||||| Ref: 5' ggttccATCCATCTTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -6.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548h-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -6.25 2 17 7760 7781 15 66.67% 73.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14686 to 14707 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cuGUUUUUGGCGCUAAUGAAAa 5' ||||:||: | || ||||| Ref: 5' aaCAAAGACTTCTATGACTTTg 3' Energy: -12.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548h-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.03 2 21 14686 14707 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21818 to 21839 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cuGUUUUUGGCGCUAAUGAAAa 5' :|| :|: |:| |||:||| Ref: 5' ttTAATGATGGTGTTTATTTTg 3' Energy: -7.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548h-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -7.86 2 21 21818 21839 19 57.89% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:13629 to 13651 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cuguuuUUGGC-GCUAAUGAAAa 5' ||::| : ||||||| Ref: 5' caatttAATTGATTCTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -8.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548h-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -8.03 2 17 13629 13651 16 62.50% 81.25% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:5449 to 5471 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cugUUUUUGGCGCU-AAUGAAaa 5' |:|||| :|| |||||| Ref: 5' tagAGAAACAATGAGTTACTTgt 3' Energy: -12.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548h-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.32 3 20 5449 5471 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8375 to 8398 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cugUUUUUGGCG--CUAAUGAAAa 5' ||||::| | |||:|||| Ref: 5' gcaAAAAGTCACAACATTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -9.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548h-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.78 2 20 8375 8398 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22144 to 22166 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (89.47%) Query: 3' cugUUUUUGGC-GCUAAUGAAAa 5' :|| |::| :|:|||:||| Ref: 5' taaGAATATTGATGGTTATTTTa 3' Energy: -10.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548h-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.92 2 20 22144 22166 19 57.89% 89.47% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:11627 to 11648 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuguuuuuggcgcUAAUGAAAa 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' tatttttgtacttGTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -6.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548h-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -6.07 2 10 11627 11648 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:23012 to 23033 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuguuuuuggcgcUAAUGAAAa 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' gaaggttttaattGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -7.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548h-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -7.36 2 10 23012 23033 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:1325 to 1346 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cuGUUUUUGGCGCUAAUGAAaa 5' || | ::|:|:|||||| Ref: 5' gcCACTACTTGTGGTTACTTac 3' Energy: -13.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548h-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.46 3 21 1325 1346 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4517 to 4538 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuguuuuuggcgcuAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tatggtgctagattTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -7.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548h-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.13 2 9 4517 4538 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6769 to 6790 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuguuuuuggcgcuAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tatgccttatttctTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -4.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548h-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -4.34 2 9 6769 6790 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:25884 to 25905 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' cuguuuUUGGCGCUAAUGAAaa 5' ||::|: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttcttcAATTGTCATTACTTca 3' Energy: -9.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548h-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.55 3 17 25884 25905 14 71.43% 92.86% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548h-5p NC_045512.2 2936.00 -210.61 172.00 -16.54 1986 22 29903 25795 4012 1675 2719 20180 10947 16890 7760 14686 21818 13629 5449 8375 22144 11627 23012 1325 4517 6769 25884 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-595 MIMAT0003263(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-595 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5568 to 5588 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucUGUGUGGUGCCGUGUGAAg 5' |:::|| ||||||||| Ref: 5' ttATGTACATGGGCACACTTt 3' Energy: -19.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-595 NC_045512.2 159.00 -19.59 2 20 5568 5588 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4562 to 4580 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ucUGUGUGGUGCCGUGUGAAg 5' || :|:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' tcACTTATCA--ACACACTTa 3' Energy: -14.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-595 NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.61 2 20 4562 4580 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:18540 to 18562 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucUGUGUGGU--GCCGUGUGAAg 5' | |::::| :| ||||||| Ref: 5' acAAATGTTAAGTGACACACTTa 3' Energy: -12.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-595 NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.43 2 20 18540 18562 20 55.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15984 to 16003 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucUGUGUGGUGCCGUGUGAAg 5' | ||| |:||:|||||| Ref: 5' aaAAACA-GATGGTACACTTa 3' Energy: -17.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-595 NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.94 2 20 15984 16003 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:24809 to 24829 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucuguguggugcCGUGUGAAg 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' catgatggaaaaGCACACTTt 3' Energy: -15.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-595 NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.73 2 10 24809 24829 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:13650 to 13670 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ucuguguggugCCGUGUGAAg 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtagttaagaGACACACTTt 3' Energy: -12.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-595 NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.60 2 11 13650 13670 9 88.89% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-595 NC_045512.2 885.00 -92.90 159.00 -19.59 1987 21 29903 5568 4562 18540 15984 24809 13650 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-662 MIMAT0003325(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-662 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-130a-3p MIMAT0000425(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-130a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25525 to 25548 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (90.48%) Query: 3' uaCGGG-AA-AAUUGUAACGUGAc 5' ||:: || ||::|:||||||| Ref: 5' tgGCTTATTGTTGGCGTTGCACTt 3' Energy: -19.969999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-130a-3p NC_045512.2 162.00 -19.97 2 21 25525 25548 21 66.67% 90.48% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:27537 to 27561 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' uacggGAAAAUUGU---AACGUGAc 5' || ||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tctagCTGATAACAAATTTGCACTg 3' Energy: -17.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-130a-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -17.92 2 18 27537 27561 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:12797 to 12817 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uacgggAAAAUUGUAACGUGAc 5' ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtaggTTTGTAC-TTGCACTg 3' Energy: -15.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-130a-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.89 2 17 12797 12817 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:22042 to 22064 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' uacgggaaaaUUG-UAACGUGAc 5' ||: |||||||| Ref: 5' ttctagtgcgAATAATTGCACTt 3' Energy: -11.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-130a-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.57 2 13 22042 22064 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12691 to 12712 Align Len (17) (58.82%) (76.47%) Query: 3' uacgGGAAAAUUGUAACGUGAc 5' |:| | ::||||||| Ref: 5' tgagCTTAGTCCTGTTGCACTa 3' Energy: -14.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-130a-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.77 2 19 12691 12712 17 58.82% 76.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:12737 to 12758 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uacgggaaaauuguAACGUGAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' actacacaaactgcTTGCACTg 3' Energy: -13.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-130a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.80 2 9 12737 12758 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-130a-3p NC_045512.2 897.00 -93.92 162.00 -19.97 1989 22 29903 25525 27537 12797 22042 12691 12737 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4736 MIMAT0019862(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4736 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:27000 to 27017 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gucgGGUCUAUUGGACGGa 5' :|| | :||||||| Ref: 5' gacaTCA-AGGACCTGCCt 3' Energy: -18.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4736 NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.27 2 16 27000 27017 14 71.43% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4736 NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.27 145.00 -18.27 1990 19 29903 27000 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5088-3p MIMAT0027041(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5088-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28778 to 28799 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acUCC-CGGGUCCUUCUUCCCu 5' ||| :|:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaAGGCTTCTACGCAGAAGGGa 3' Energy: -20.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5088-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -20.48 2 20 28778 28799 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5088-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -20.48 154.00 -20.48 1991 21 29903 28778 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5004-5p MIMAT0021027(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5004-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:27579 to 27599 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' agcACUUAAACGGGACAGGAgu 5' || |||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' attTGCTTTTG-CTTGTCCTga 3' Energy: -16.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5004-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.45 3 20 27579 27599 17 76.47% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5004-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.45 141.00 -16.45 1992 22 29903 27579 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-142-3p MIMAT0000434(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-142-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:6170 to 6191 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agGUAUUUCAUCCUUUGUGAUGu 5' :|| :| || ||||||||| Ref: 5' gcTATTGATTA-TAAACACTACa 3' Energy: -15.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-142-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -15.57 2 22 6170 6191 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:23258 to 23281 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (71.43%) Query: 3' agGUAUUU-CAUCCUUUGUGAUGu 5' || |:| | | :||||||| Ref: 5' ggCAGAGACATTGCTGACACTACt 3' Energy: -13.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-142-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -13.80 2 22 23258 23281 21 61.90% 71.43% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4173 to 4195 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' aggUAUUUCAUCCUUUGUGAUGu 5' | ||:| || ::|||||| Ref: 5' ctaAAAAGGCTGGTGGCACTACt 3' Energy: -17.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-142-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.27 2 21 4173 4195 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1311 to 1333 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agguAUUUCAUCCUUUGUGAUGu 5' ||||| ||| : |||||| Ref: 5' tgacTAAAGAAGGTGCCACTACt 3' Energy: -17.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-142-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.17 2 20 1311 1333 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:20744 to 20768 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (81.82%) Query: 3' agGUAUUUC-AUC-CUUUGUGAUGu 5' :||:: | ||| | ||||:||| Ref: 5' atTATGGTGATAGTGCAACATTACc 3' Energy: -14.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-142-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.10 2 22 20744 20768 22 63.64% 81.82% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2959 to 2984 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (81.82%) Query: 3' aggUAUUUCAU-CC--UUUGUGAUGu 5' :|::|||| || | |:||||| Ref: 5' tgaGTGGAGTATGGCTACATACTACt 3' Energy: -16.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-142-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.43 2 21 2959 2984 22 63.64% 81.82% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:2486 to 2508 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agGUAUUUCAUCCUUUGUGAUGu 5' | ||:|| : |||||||| | Ref: 5' ttCTTAGAGGGAGAAACACTTCc 3' Energy: -16.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-142-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.47 2 22 2486 2508 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19746 to 19769 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' agguaUUUCAUCCU-UUGUGAUGu 5' ||| || | ||||:||| Ref: 5' gtttgAAAATAAAACAACATTACc 3' Energy: -8.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-142-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -8.21 2 19 19746 19769 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-142-3p NC_045512.2 1161.00 -119.02 159.00 -17.27 1993 23 29903 6170 23258 4173 1311 20744 2959 2486 19746 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4474-5p MIMAT0019234(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4474-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:19865 to 19884 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' acacAGACUAGUACUCUGAUu 5' | ||||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' atacTGTGATC-TGGGACTAc 3' Energy: -16.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4474-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.69 2 18 19865 19884 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:16188 to 16211 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' acacaGACU---AGUACUCUGAUu 5' |||| |:|||||:||| Ref: 5' ggaacCTGAGTTTTATGAGGCTAt 3' Energy: -17.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4474-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.81 2 17 16188 16211 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:17801 to 17821 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' acacagaCUAGUACUCUGAUu 5' |||: ||:||||| Ref: 5' cctcaaaGATTTTGGGACTAc 3' Energy: -13.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4474-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.19 2 15 17801 17821 13 76.92% 92.31% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4474-5p NC_045512.2 432.00 -47.69 147.00 -17.81 1994 21 29903 19865 16188 17801 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-520d-5p MIMAT0002855(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-520d-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:26201 to 26220 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' cuuuccCGAAGGGAAACAUc 5' || | |||||||| Ref: 5' ctactaGCGTGCCTTTGTAa 3' Energy: -12.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520d-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -12.13 2 15 26201 26220 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:13633 to 13654 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cuUUCCCGAAGG--GAAACAUc 5' || | |||: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttAATTGATTCTTACTTTGTAg 3' Energy: -13.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520d-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -13.67 2 19 13633 13654 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:25613 to 25633 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cuUUCCCG-AAGGGAAACAuc 5' |||||: ||| |||||| Ref: 5' ccAAGGGTGTTCACTTTGTtt 3' Energy: -17.549999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520d-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -17.55 3 19 25613 25633 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:11067 to 11086 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuuucccGAAGGGAAACAUc 5' |||:::|||||| Ref: 5' ctttgttCTTTTTTTTGTAt 3' Energy: -10.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520d-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.85 2 14 11067 11086 12 75.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:5784 to 5803 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuuucccgaaggGAAACAUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cttctaaagaaaCTTTGTAt 3' Energy: -7.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520d-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.30 2 9 5784 5803 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:25737 to 25756 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuuucccgaaggGAAACAUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gcagagtataaaCTTTGTAa 3' Energy: -12.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520d-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.42 2 9 25737 25756 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-520d-5p NC_045512.2 873.00 -73.92 154.00 -17.55 1995 20 29903 26201 13633 25613 11067 5784 25737 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1205 MIMAT0005869(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1205 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24032 to 24051 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gaGUUUCGUUUGGGACGUCu 5' |||||::| |:||||| Ref: 5' aaCAAAGTGACACTTGCAGa 3' Energy: -19.719999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1205 NC_045512.2 150.00 -19.72 2 19 24032 24051 17 70.59% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1205 NC_045512.2 150.00 -19.72 150.00 -19.72 1996 20 29903 24032 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1537-3p MIMAT0007399(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1537-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:179 to 203 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uguuGACAU-UGAU--CUGCCAAAa 5' ||| | :||: ||||||| Ref: 5' tcttCTGCAGGCTGCTTACGGTTTc 3' Energy: -14.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1537-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.57 2 19 179 203 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8760 to 8780 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ugUUGACAUUGAUCUGCCAAAa 5' :|:| |:|| | |:||||| Ref: 5' ctGATTTTGAC-ACATGGTTTa 3' Energy: -9.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1537-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.58 2 21 8760 8780 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:15997 to 16018 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ugUUGACAUUGAUCUGCCAAaa 5' | :| |:|:|: |||||| Ref: 5' acACTTATGATTGAACGGTTcg 3' Energy: -14.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1537-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.32 3 21 15997 16018 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28117 to 28138 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugUUGACAUUGAUCUGCCAAAa 5' | | ||||:|| || |||| Ref: 5' atATCGGTAATTATACAGTTTc 3' Energy: -9.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1537-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.44 2 21 28117 28138 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1537-3p NC_045512.2 566.00 -47.91 144.00 -14.57 1997 22 29903 179 8760 15997 28117 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-9898 MIMAT0039318(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-9898 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:13290 to 13311 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' accccauccccUGUCCAUUCAu 5' | |||||||| Ref: 5' tttgtgacttaAAAGGTAAGTa 3' Energy: -13.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9898 NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.50 2 12 13290 13311 10 90.00% 90.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-9898 NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.50 147.00 -13.50 1998 22 29903 13290 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5187-5p MIMAT0021117(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5187-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27517 to 27538 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agGUGAAGUUAGGGAGUAGGGu 5' || |||| ::||||||: Ref: 5' ggCAATTCACCATTTCATCCTc 3' Energy: -19.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5187-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -19.05 2 21 27517 27538 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10454 to 10476 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agGUGA-AGUUAGGGAGUAGGGu 5' |||| |:|| :||||:|| Ref: 5' ttCACTATTAAGGGTTCATTCCt 3' Energy: -18.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5187-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.00 2 21 10454 10476 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15033 to 15051 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' aggUGAAGUUAGGGAGUAGGGu 5' || | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaACGT-AAT--GTCATCCCt 3' Energy: -14.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5187-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.71 2 20 15033 15051 18 72.22% 72.22% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5187-5p NC_045512.2 429.00 -51.76 144.00 -19.05 1999 22 29903 27517 10454 15033 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4428 MIMAT0018943(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4428 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24730 to 24751 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgaGGUACAAGGGCAGAGGAAc 5' :|||| | : ||||:||| Ref: 5' accTCATGGTGTAGTCTTCTTg 3' Energy: -22.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4428 NC_045512.2 147.00 -22.58 2 20 24730 24751 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4428 NC_045512.2 147.00 -22.58 147.00 -22.58 2000 22 29903 24730 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4646-3p MIMAT0019708(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4646-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:13113 to 13133 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' gacccuuccCUCUCCCUGUUa 5' | |:||||||| Ref: 5' atctagctaGTGGGGGACAAc 3' Energy: -16.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4646-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.14 2 13 13113 13133 11 81.82% 90.91% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4646-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.14 148.00 -16.14 2001 21 29903 13113 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3529-5p MIMAT0019828(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3529-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:28127 to 28148 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uuguUGUUUAGGGUCAGAUGGa 5' |||: |:|| ||:|||| Ref: 5' ttatACAGTTTCCTGTTTACCt 3' Energy: -20.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3529-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -20.84 2 19 28127 28148 17 70.59% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3529-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -20.84 150.00 -20.84 2002 22 29903 28127 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6809-3p MIMAT0027519(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6809-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:22617 to 22635 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gacCCUUCCUCUCUUCUCUUc 5' |||| || |||||||| Ref: 5' cttGGAA-CAG-GAAGAGAAt 3' Energy: -15.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6809-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -15.00 2 19 22617 22635 17 82.35% 82.35% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:17710 to 17731 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' gacccUUC-CUCUCUUCUCUUc 5' |:| | |: ||||||| Ref: 5' caaatAGGCGTGGTAAGAGAAt 3' Energy: -11.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6809-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.13 2 17 17710 17731 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:2147 to 2167 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (76.92%) Query: 3' gacccuuCCUCUCUUCUCUUc 5' || |||||||| Ref: 5' cttgattGGCTTGAAGAGAAg 3' Energy: -17.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6809-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.20 2 15 2147 2167 13 76.92% 76.92% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:1619 to 1639 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gacccuuccucUCUUCUCUUc 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' gaaatactccaAAAAGAGAAa 3' Energy: -6.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6809-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -6.29 2 11 1619 1639 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:8829 to 8849 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gacccuuccucUCUUCUCUUc 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctgcagtcataACAAGAGAAg 3' Energy: -11.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6809-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.81 2 11 8829 8849 9 88.89% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6809-3p NC_045512.2 731.00 -61.43 154.00 -17.20 2003 21 29903 22617 17710 2147 1619 8829 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1-5p MIMAT0031892(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13292 to 13314 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uacCCGUAUAUUUC-UUCAUACa 5' | | || ||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtGACTTAAAAGGTAAGTATGt 3' Energy: -11.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -11.60 2 20 13292 13314 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:15056 to 15080 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' uacccGUAUAUUU---CUUCAUACa 5' || ||:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' taactCAAATGAATCTTAAGTATGc 3' Energy: -9.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -9.08 2 18 15056 15080 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2405 to 2427 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uaCCCGUAUAUUUC-UUCAUACa 5' ||| |:|| || ||||:|| Ref: 5' aaGGGATTGTACAGAAAGTGTGt 3' Energy: -18.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -18.50 2 21 2405 2427 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:12968 to 12989 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uacccGUAUAUUUCUUCAUACa 5' | || | |||:||||| Ref: 5' aacaaCCTAAATAGAGGTATGg 3' Energy: -11.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.18 2 18 12968 12989 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:12927 to 12948 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uaCCCGUAUAUUUCUUCAUAca 5' || | || |: ||||||| Ref: 5' aaGGTCCTAAAGTGAAGTATtt 3' Energy: -8.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -8.66 3 21 12927 12948 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:25162 to 25182 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' uaccCGUAUAUUUCUUCAUACa 5' | | |::| ||||||| Ref: 5' ccaaGAACTTGGA-AAGTATGa 3' Energy: -9.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.57 2 19 25162 25182 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:15578 to 15599 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uacccguauauUUCUUCAUACa 5' :| ||||||| Ref: 5' acaaaattgccGATAAGTATGt 3' Energy: -8.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -8.06 2 12 15578 15599 10 80.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20715 to 20735 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uacCCGUAUAUUUCUUCAUACa 5' | :|| ||:| ||||:|| Ref: 5' aatGCTAT-TAGAAAAGTGTGa 3' Energy: -10.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.62 2 20 20715 20735 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:2950 to 2972 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uacccGUAUAUUU-CUUCAUACa 5' :| ||:|: |:|||||| Ref: 5' tgattTAGATGAGTGGAGTATGg 3' Energy: -12.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.18 2 18 2950 2972 17 64.71% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1-5p NC_045512.2 1310.00 -99.45 158.00 -18.50 2004 22 29903 13292 15056 2405 12968 12927 25162 15578 20715 2950 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-27a-3p MIMAT0000084(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-27a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17573 to 17594 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgCCUUGA-AUCGGUGACACUu 5' | ||:| | | |||||||| Ref: 5' ctGAAATTGTTGACACTGTGAg 3' Energy: -17.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-27a-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -17.20 2 20 17573 17594 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24923 to 24943 Align Len (17) (58.82%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cgcCUUGAAUCGGUGACACUu 5' | :: |:|: ||||||| Ref: 5' tttGTGTCTGGTAACTGTGAt 3' Energy: -14.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-27a-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.04 2 19 24923 24943 17 58.82% 82.35% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:2737 to 2757 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' cgccuugaauCGGUGACACUu 5' | |||||||| Ref: 5' ttttggtgatGACACTGTGAt 3' Energy: -16.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-27a-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.02 2 12 2737 2757 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:29432 to 29451 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cgCCUUGAAUCG-GUGACACUu 5' | ||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaGAAAC--AGCAAACTGTGAc 3' Energy: -13.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-27a-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.57 2 20 29432 29451 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:1720 to 1740 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgccuugaAUCGGUGACACUu 5' |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgcttttgTGGAAACTGTGAa 3' Energy: -16.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-27a-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.63 2 14 1720 1740 12 75.00% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7612 to 7633 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cgCCUUGA-AUCGGUGACACUu 5' ||||:| |: : |:||||| Ref: 5' ttGGAATTGTGTTAATTGTGAt 3' Energy: -17.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-27a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.51 2 20 7612 7633 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:19854 to 19874 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgccuugaaucgGUGACACUu 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' cattgctgctaaTACTGTGAt 3' Energy: -13.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-27a-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.37 2 10 19854 19874 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:26982 to 27002 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cgccUUGAAUCGGUGACACUu 5' | || :| |:|||||| Ref: 5' caccATCTAGGACGCTGTGAc 3' Energy: -13.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-27a-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.88 2 18 26982 27002 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:22629 to 22648 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cgcCUUGAAUCGGUGACACuu 5' ||| | ||| |||||| Ref: 5' agaGAA-TCAGCAACTGTGtt 3' Energy: -14.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-27a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.36 3 19 22629 22648 16 81.25% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-27a-3p NC_045512.2 1311.00 -136.58 158.00 -17.51 2005 21 29903 17573 24923 2737 29432 1720 7612 19854 26982 22629 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-671-5p MIMAT0003880(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-671-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1285-5p MIMAT0022719(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1285-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5007-5p MIMAT0021035(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5007-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4045 to 4067 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uuUGGUA-UAGUCGGUCUGAGAu 5' :| || ||| |||||:||| Ref: 5' tgGCAATCTTCATCCAGATTCTg 3' Energy: -21.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5007-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -21.21 2 21 4045 4067 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9958 to 9979 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuUGGUAUAGUCGGUCUGAGAu 5' ::||| ||: ||:|||| Ref: 5' ttGTCATCTCGCAAAGGCTCTc 3' Energy: -16.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5007-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.02 2 21 9958 9979 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:15642 to 15664 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uuuggUAUAGUCG-GUCUGAGAu 5' ||:|:: | ||||||:| Ref: 5' tagagATGTTGACACAGACTTTg 3' Energy: -16.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5007-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.78 2 18 15642 15664 17 64.71% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5007-5p NC_045512.2 427.00 -54.01 147.00 -21.21 2008 22 29903 4045 9958 15642 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3919 MIMAT0018193(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3919 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16240 to 16260 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ugACUCAGGAAACAAGAGACg 5' ||:| |:| ||||||:|| Ref: 5' gtTGGGGCTTGTGTTCTTTGc 3' Energy: -23.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3919 NC_045512.2 155.00 -23.06 2 20 16240 16260 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5177 to 5195 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ugACUCAGGAAACAAGAGACg 5' ||| ||| | |||:|||| Ref: 5' acTGA-TCC-TAGTTTTCTGg 3' Energy: -20.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3919 NC_045512.2 143.00 -20.73 2 20 5177 5195 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:1482 to 1503 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ugaCUCAGG-AAACAAGAGAcg 5' ||| |: | |||||||| Ref: 5' ttgGAGGCTGTGTGTTCTCTta 3' Energy: -16.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3919 NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.81 3 19 1482 1503 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:11156 to 11176 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugacucaggaaacAAGAGACg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cataagcatgcatTTCTCTGt 3' Energy: -9.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3919 NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.28 2 9 11156 11176 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3919 NC_045512.2 579.00 -69.88 155.00 -23.06 2009 21 29903 16240 5177 1482 11156 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8059 MIMAT0030986(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8059 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:26437 to 26458 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cggaaAAGUAGAUGUCAAGGGg 5' ||| |||| ||||||: Ref: 5' ctgaaTTCTTCTAGAGTTCCTg 3' Energy: -16.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8059 NC_045512.2 153.00 -16.94 2 18 26437 26458 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:12096 to 12117 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' cggaaaaguagAUGUCAAGGGg 5' | :||||||| Ref: 5' tagcctcagagTTTAGTTCCCt 3' Energy: -19.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8059 NC_045512.2 143.00 -19.73 2 12 12096 12117 10 80.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:28118 to 28140 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cggaaaAGUAG-AUGUCAAGGGg 5' | ||: |||||||:|| Ref: 5' tatcggTAATTATACAGTTTCCt 3' Energy: -16.719999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8059 NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.72 2 17 28118 28140 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:20545 to 20566 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cggaaAAGUAGAUGUCAAGGGg 5' ||:||||::||||:|: Ref: 5' caagaTTTATCTGTAGTTTCTa 3' Energy: -18.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8059 NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.43 2 18 20545 20566 16 68.75% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8059 NC_045512.2 580.00 -71.82 153.00 -19.73 2010 22 29903 26437 12096 28118 20545 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-539-5p MIMAT0003163(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-539-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11153 to 11174 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ugUGUGGUUCCUAU-UAAAGAGg 5' ||| :||| ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' aaACA-TAAGCATGCATTTCTCt 3' Energy: -13.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-539-5p NC_045512.2 161.00 -13.78 2 21 11153 11174 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:29464 to 29485 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugugugguuCCUAUUAAAGAGg 5' ||||:||||||| Ref: 5' tgcagatttGGATGATTTCTCc 3' Energy: -24.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-539-5p NC_045512.2 161.00 -24.20 2 14 29464 29485 12 91.67% 100.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:10234 to 10255 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uguguGGUUCCUAUUAAAGAGg 5' |:|| |||||||||: Ref: 5' taagtCTAATCATAATTTCTTg 3' Energy: -10.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-539-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -10.52 2 18 10234 10255 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4826 to 4850 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (81.82%) Query: 3' ugUG-UGGUUCCUA--UUAAAGAGg 5' || ||:|:| || |||||||: Ref: 5' acACAACTAGGTATAGAATTTCTTa 3' Energy: -16.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-539-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.19 2 21 4826 4850 22 68.18% 81.82% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15679 to 15702 Align Len (21) (57.14%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ugUGU-GGUUCCUAU-UAAAGAGg 5' |:| ::: | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gcATATTTGCGTAAACATTTCTCa 3' Energy: -11.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-539-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.33 2 21 15679 15702 21 57.14% 76.19% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18416 to 18441 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (73.91%) Query: 3' ugUGUGG-UUCCUAU---UAAAGAGg 5' ||||| || ||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' atACACCTAATAATACAGATTTTTCc 3' Energy: -16.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-539-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.16 2 21 18416 18441 23 69.57% 73.91% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:25913 to 25934 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' ugUGUGGUUCCUAUUAAAGAgg 5' ||| |||| |||||| Ref: 5' gcACAACAAGTCCTATTTCTga 3' Energy: -14.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-539-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.19 3 21 25913 25934 18 72.22% 72.22% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-539-5p NC_045512.2 1041.00 -106.37 161.00 -24.20 2011 22 29903 11153 29464 10234 4826 15679 18416 25913 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3124-3p MIMAT0019200(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3124-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-33b-5p MIMAT0003301(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-33b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:12404 to 12422 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cguUACGUUGUCGUUACGUg 5' || :| || ||||||| Ref: 5' aacAT-TATCAACAATGCAa 3' Energy: -11.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-33b-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -11.02 2 18 12404 12422 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:6240 to 6257 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cguUACGUUGUCGUUACGUg 5' |||: :| ||||||| Ref: 5' ggcATGT--TAACAATGCAa 3' Energy: -12.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-33b-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.54 2 18 6240 6257 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18822 to 18841 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cgUUACGUUGUCGUUACGUg 5' || | |::|:|||||| Ref: 5' tcAAGTCCATGGTAATGCAc 3' Energy: -16.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-33b-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.15 2 19 18822 18841 17 64.71% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-33b-5p NC_045512.2 439.00 -39.71 151.00 -16.15 2013 20 29903 12404 6240 18822 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7108-3p MIMAT0028114(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7108-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4275 MIMAT0016905(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4275 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:13843 to 13857 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' uuuCUUCACCAUUAACc 5' ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' gatGAA--GGTAATTGt 3' Energy: -9.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4275 NC_045512.2 147.00 -9.44 2 15 13843 13857 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:15193 to 15209 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uuucuuCACCAUUAACc 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' gctactGTAGTAATTGg 3' Energy: -10.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4275 NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.98 2 12 15193 15209 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:3056 to 3073 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uuUCUUC-ACCAUUAACc 5' ||||| |||:|||| Ref: 5' gaAGAAGAAGGTGATTGt 3' Energy: -15.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4275 NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.85 2 16 3056 3073 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:3557 to 3574 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' uuUC-UUCACCAUUAACc 5' || ::||||||:||| Ref: 5' aaAGTGGGTGGTAGTTGt 3' Energy: -17.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4275 NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.84 2 16 3557 3574 15 73.33% 93.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4275 NC_045512.2 578.00 -54.11 147.00 -17.84 2015 17 29903 13843 15193 3056 3557 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3916 MIMAT0018190(26 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3916 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:26661 to 26686 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (82.61%) Query: 3' gacUCUUGG-UCGGUAAAGAAGGAGAa 5' | ||:: ||::| || ||||||| Ref: 5' tatATAATTAAGTTAATT-TTCCTCTg 3' Energy: -14.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3916 NC_045512.2 160.00 -14.62 2 24 26661 26686 23 65.22% 82.61% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 25 R:27515 to 27540 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (82.61%) Query: 3' gaCUCUUGGUCGGUAAAGAAGGAGAa 5' |: ||:: ||||||| |||||| Ref: 5' agGGCAATTCACCATTTCATCCTCTa 3' Energy: -24.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3916 NC_045512.2 152.00 -24.46 2 25 27515 27540 23 69.57% 82.61% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:4722 to 4748 Align Len (23) (56.52%) (82.61%) Query: 3' gacUCUUGGUCG-GUAAAGAAGGAGAa 5' | ::::| | :| ||||||:||| Ref: 5' ataATGGTTATCTTACTTCTTCTTCTa 3' Energy: -16.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3916 NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.68 2 24 4722 4748 23 56.52% 82.61% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 24 R:17529 to 17552 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' gacUCUUGGUCGGUAAAGAAGGAGaa 5' ||: |||| || | |||||| Ref: 5' tatAGGTCCAGACA--TGTTCCTCgg 3' Energy: -20.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3916 NC_045512.2 144.00 -20.08 3 24 17529 17552 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 25 R:4923 to 4951 Align Len (26) (65.38%) (76.92%) Query: 3' gaCUCUUGG---UCGGUAAAGAAGGAGAa 5' || ||:| || || |||||:||:| Ref: 5' ttGACAATCTTAAGACACTTCTTTCTTTg 3' Energy: -16.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3916 NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.82 2 25 4923 4951 26 65.38% 76.92% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:28736 to 28762 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gacucUUGGU-CGGUAAAGAAGGAGaa 5' ||:|: ||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' gctgcAATCGTGCTACAACTTCCTCaa 3' Energy: -22.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3916 NC_045512.2 140.00 -22.22 3 22 28736 28762 20 65.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3916 NC_045512.2 885.00 -114.88 160.00 -24.46 2016 26 29903 26661 27515 4722 17529 4923 28736 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6744-3p MIMAT0027390(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6744-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6756-3p MIMAT0027413(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6756-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3170 MIMAT0015045(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3170 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28273 to 28294 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugACAGACAGAGUCUUGGGGUc 5' |||||| : |:|||||| Ref: 5' aaTGTCTGATAATGGACCCCAa 3' Energy: -23.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3170 NC_045512.2 148.00 -23.51 2 21 28273 28294 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23342 to 23363 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugACAGACAGAGUCUUGGGGUc 5' |||| || |:| ||| ||| Ref: 5' ggTGTCAGTGTTATAACACCAg 3' Energy: -17.549999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3170 NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.55 2 21 23342 23363 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3170 NC_045512.2 288.00 -41.06 148.00 -23.51 2019 22 29903 28273 23342 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3649 MIMAT0018069(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3649 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:20072 to 20092 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gaaucuGU-GA-GUCCAGGGa 5' || || :||||||| Ref: 5' tacaacCATCTGTAGGTCCCa 3' Energy: -16.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3649 NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.01 2 14 20072 20092 14 78.57% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3649 NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.01 143.00 -16.01 2020 19 29903 20072 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4754 MIMAT0019894(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4754 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15584 to 15605 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugaGGCGAUUGGGUCCAGGCGUa 5' ||| ||| :| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgCCGATAA-GTATGTCCGCAa 3' Energy: -20.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4754 NC_045512.2 158.00 -20.25 2 21 15584 15605 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:16364 to 16388 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (86.36%) Query: 3' ugAGGCGAUUGGG--UCCAGGCGUa 5' ||:|:|||:|| | ||::||| Ref: 5' tgTCTGTTAATCCGTATGTTTGCAa 3' Energy: -25.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4754 NC_045512.2 140.00 -25.03 2 22 16364 16388 22 63.64% 86.36% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4754 NC_045512.2 298.00 -45.28 158.00 -25.03 2021 23 29903 15584 16364 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5586-3p MIMAT0022288(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5586-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17884 to 17902 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' gaAAUUGGUCGAACAGUGAGAc 5' | || |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' acTGAAACAGC---TCACTCTt 3' Energy: -16.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5586-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -16.27 2 21 17884 17902 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9543 to 9567 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (81.82%) Query: 3' gaAAU--UGGUCGAA-CAGUGAGAc 5' ||| |||||:|| |||:||| Ref: 5' gtTTAACACCAGTTTACTCATTCTt 3' Energy: -17.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5586-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -17.99 2 21 9543 9567 22 72.73% 81.82% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:23666 to 23687 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gaaaUUGGUCGAACAGUGAGAc 5' | :|||:| |:||||| Ref: 5' gaaaATTCAGTTGCTTACTCTa 3' Energy: -13.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5586-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.92 2 19 23666 23687 17 64.71% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5586-3p NC_045512.2 444.00 -48.18 152.00 -17.99 2022 22 29903 17884 9543 23666 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-490-5p MIMAT0004764(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-490-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:29486 to 29507 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' uggGUGGACCU--CUAGGUACc 5' || :|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaCAATTGCAACAATCCATGa 3' Energy: -11.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-490-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.33 2 18 29486 29507 18 66.67% 72.22% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-490-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.33 144.00 -11.33 2023 20 29903 29486 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-34c-5p MIMAT0000686(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-34c-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13234 to 13257 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' cguUAGU-CGAUUGAUGUGACGGa 5' |||: |:|: ||::|||||| Ref: 5' tgcATCGTGTTGTCTGTACTGCCg 3' Energy: -24.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-34c-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -24.04 2 21 13234 13257 20 65.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:3588 to 3609 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (80.95%) Query: 3' cgUUAG-UCGAUUGAUGUGACGGa 5' |||| ||||| ||||||:| Ref: 5' acAATCTTGCTAA--ACACTGTCt 3' Energy: -25.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-34c-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -25.15 2 22 3588 3609 21 76.19% 80.95% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28755 to 28777 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cguuAGUCGAUUGAUGUGACGGa 5' ||| ||| |||:|||| Ref: 5' ttccTCAAGGAACAACATTGCCa 3' Energy: -15.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-34c-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.38 2 20 28755 28777 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:17306 to 17328 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' cguuagucgAUUGAUGUGACGGa 5' ||| |:||:|||| Ref: 5' tttgtactgTAAATGCATTGCCt 3' Energy: -17.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-34c-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.91 2 15 17306 17328 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26796 to 26817 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cguuAGUCGAUUGAUGUGACGGa 5' |||||| ||| ||:|||: Ref: 5' tggcTCAGCT-ACTTCATTGCTt 3' Energy: -22.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-34c-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -22.51 2 20 26796 26817 18 77.78% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-34c-5p NC_045512.2 730.00 -104.99 151.00 -25.15 2024 23 29903 13234 3588 28755 17306 26796 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-522-3p MIMAT0002868(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-522-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7179 to 7200 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' ugUGAGAUUUCCCUUGGUAAAa 5' ||| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaACTATACAAATTACCATTTc 3' Energy: -9.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-522-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -9.04 2 21 7179 7200 19 68.42% 68.42% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19349 to 19372 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' ugUGAGAUUUCCCU--UGGUAAAa 5' | |:|||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttAATTTAAAACAATTACCATTTt 3' Energy: -9.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-522-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -9.63 2 21 19349 19372 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11439 to 11460 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ugUGAGAUUUCCCUUGGUAAAa 5' :||:||:| |:|||||| Ref: 5' atGCTTTAGATCAAGCCATTTc 3' Energy: -13.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-522-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -13.85 2 21 11439 11460 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:22398 to 22419 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ugUGAGAUUUCCCUUGGUAAaa 5' | | ||| ||||||||| Ref: 5' atAATGAAAATGGAACCATTac 3' Energy: -13.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-522-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -13.12 3 21 22398 22419 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25807 to 25830 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ugUGAGAU--UUCCCUUGGUAAAa 5' |||:|| | | |||:|||| Ref: 5' ttACTTTATGATGCCAACTATTTt 3' Energy: -11.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-522-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.63 2 21 25807 25830 21 66.67% 76.19% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:21800 to 21821 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugugagauuucccuUGGUAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gataaccctgtcctACCATTTa 3' Energy: -9.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-522-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.35 2 9 21800 21821 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:24236 to 24257 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugugagauuucccuUGGUAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gctgcattacaaatACCATTTg 3' Energy: -9.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-522-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.97 2 9 24236 24257 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:27511 to 27532 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugugagauuucccuUGGUAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tacgagggcaattcACCATTTc 3' Energy: -11.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-522-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.53 2 9 27511 27532 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-522-3p NC_045512.2 1162.00 -88.12 152.00 -13.85 2025 22 29903 7179 19349 11439 22398 25807 21800 24236 27511 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4306 MIMAT0016858(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4306 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3689b-5p MIMAT0018180(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3689b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13764 to 13787 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' aggGU-CCUUGGU-ACUAUAGUGu 5' || || |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgaCATGGTACCACATATATCACg 3' Energy: -19.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3689b-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -19.13 2 20 13764 13787 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2770 to 2791 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' aggGUCCUUGGUAC-UAUAGUGu 5' || ||: ::|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaCAAGAG-TGTGAATATCACt 3' Energy: -11.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3689b-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -11.29 2 20 2770 2791 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16391 to 16410 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (89.47%) Query: 3' agGGUCCUUGGUACUAUAGUGu 5' ||||| :::||||:|||| Ref: 5' ctCCAGG--TTGTGATGTCACa 3' Energy: -26.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3689b-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -26.06 2 21 16391 16410 19 68.42% 89.47% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:14819 to 14841 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agGGUCCUUG-GUACUAUAGUgu 5' ||| ||: ::|||||||| Ref: 5' taCCAACAATGTGTGATATCAga 3' Energy: -14.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3689b-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.54 3 21 14819 14841 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3689b-5p NC_045512.2 597.00 -71.02 153.00 -26.06 2027 22 29903 13764 2770 16391 14819 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4515 MIMAT0019052(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4515 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:21890 to 21911 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cccgacggcccucaGGUCAGGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttagattcgaagacCCAGTCCc 3' Energy: -16.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4515 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.67 2 9 21890 21911 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4515 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.67 140.00 -16.67 2028 22 29903 21890 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-373-3p MIMAT0000726(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-373-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8523 to 8546 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ugugggGUUUUAGCU-UCGUGAAg 5' ||| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgtaaCAACAAAGATAGCACTTa 3' Energy: -15.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-373-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -15.90 2 18 8523 8546 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:21251 to 21274 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ugUGGGGUUUUAG-CUUCGUGAAg 5' :| :|| ||| ||||||:|| Ref: 5' atGCGTCATCATCTGAAGCATTTt 3' Energy: -19.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-373-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -19.68 2 22 21251 21274 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:23080 to 23102 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ugugggGUUUUAGCUUCGUGAAg 5' ||:|:| | ||:|||| Ref: 5' accataCAGAGTAGTAGTACTTt 3' Energy: -18.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-373-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.20 2 18 23080 23102 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:12928 to 12949 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (95.00%) Query: 3' ugUGGGGUUUUAGCUUCGUGAAg 5' ::||:|||:| ||||:|:|| Ref: 5' agGTCCTAAAGT-GAAGTATTTa 3' Energy: -20.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-373-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -20.58 2 22 12928 12949 20 65.00% 95.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:15726 to 15749 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ugugggguuuuAGCU-UCGUGAAg 5' || | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgttgtgtgttTCAATAGCACTTa 3' Energy: -13.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-373-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.62 2 13 15726 15749 12 83.33% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-373-3p NC_045512.2 731.00 -87.98 152.00 -20.58 2029 23 29903 8523 21251 23080 12928 15726 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-365b-5p MIMAT0022833(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-365b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23406 to 23425 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ugUCGACGGGGACUUUCAGGGa 5' | |||| | :||||||| Ref: 5' ttAACTGCAC--AGAAGTCCCt 3' Energy: -20.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-365b-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -20.52 2 21 23406 23425 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21135 to 21157 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (95.00%) Query: 3' ugUCGA-CGGGGACUUUCAGGGa 5' |||| ||:|:||:|:||:|| Ref: 5' aaAGCTAGCTCTTGGAGGTTCCg 3' Energy: -29.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-365b-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -29.33 2 21 21135 21157 20 70.00% 95.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:2452 to 2473 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ugucgACGGGGACUUUCAGGGa 5' ||||:|| |||| ||| Ref: 5' actcaTGCCTCTAAAAGCCCCa 3' Energy: -21.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-365b-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -21.01 2 18 2452 2473 16 81.25% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-365b-5p NC_045512.2 437.00 -70.86 149.00 -29.33 2030 22 29903 23406 21135 2452 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4802-3p MIMAT0019982(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4802-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:191 to 212 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cgaACUUCCAAAGGUAGGUACAu 5' | | ||||| |:|||:||| Ref: 5' tgcTTACGGTTT-CGTCCGTGTt 3' Energy: -23.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4802-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -23.62 2 21 191 212 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:26828 to 26851 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (71.43%) Query: 3' cgAACUUCCAAAGGU-AGGUACAu 5' ||| : || |: ||||||| Ref: 5' gtTTGCGCGTACGCGTTCCATGTg 3' Energy: -16.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4802-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.87 2 22 26828 26851 21 61.90% 71.43% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7752 to 7774 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgaaCUUCCAAAGGUAGGUACAu 5' ||| | |||||||||| | Ref: 5' tgaaGAATGGTTCCATCCATCTt 3' Energy: -20.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4802-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -20.02 2 20 7752 7774 18 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:19374 to 19396 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' cgaacuuccaaaGGUAGGUACAu 5' | :||||||| Ref: 5' ctattactctgaCAGTCCATGTg 3' Energy: -13.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4802-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.05 2 12 19374 19396 10 80.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:7265 to 7285 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cgaacuUCCAAAGGUAGGUACAu 5' ||||||: ||:|||| Ref: 5' ttcactAGGTTTT--TCTATGTa 3' Energy: -16.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4802-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.04 2 18 7265 7285 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:11442 to 11466 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgaacuuccaaaGGU--AGGUACAu 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctttagatcaagCCATTTCCATGTg 3' Energy: -15.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4802-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.16 2 12 11442 11466 12 83.33% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4802-3p NC_045512.2 872.00 -104.76 150.00 -23.62 2031 23 29903 191 26828 7752 19374 7265 11442 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548aj-3p MIMAT0018990(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548aj-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:23821 to 23841 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (91.67%) Query: 3' auuuucauUAACGUCAAAAAu 5' || ||||||||| Ref: 5' gttgcaatATGGCAGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -12.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aj-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -12.25 2 14 23821 23841 12 91.67% 91.67% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:7873 to 7895 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' auuuUCAUU--AACGUCAAAAAu 5' | ||| || :||||||| Ref: 5' gcctATTAATGTTATAGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -7.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aj-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -7.81 2 18 7873 7895 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26479 to 26499 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' auUUUCAUUAACGUCAAAAAu 5' || | || :||||||| Ref: 5' taAATATTATATTAGTTTTTc 3' Energy: -4.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aj-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -4.63 2 20 26479 26499 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:16485 to 16507 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' auuuucAUUAAC-G-UCAAAAAu 5' |||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgtgcTAATGGACAAGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -7.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aj-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -7.10 2 16 16485 16507 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:22569 to 22589 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' auuuucauuaACGUCAAAAAu 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' gcccttttggTGAAGTTTTTa 3' Energy: -7.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aj-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -7.59 2 12 22569 22589 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:8913 to 8933 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' auuuucAUUAACGUCAAAAAu 5' || | ||||||| Ref: 5' atttctTACCTAGAGTTTTTa 3' Energy: -6.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aj-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -6.02 2 16 8913 8933 14 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:23889 to 23909 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' auuuucauuaaCGUCAAAAAu 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaacacccaaGAAGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -6.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aj-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -6.50 2 11 23889 23909 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:6948 to 6967 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' auuuucAUUAACGUCAAAAAu 5' ||||| ::|||||| Ref: 5' atattaTAATT-TGGTTTTTa 3' Energy: -5.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aj-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -5.78 2 16 6948 6967 14 78.57% 92.86% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548aj-3p NC_045512.2 1182.00 -57.68 157.00 -12.25 2032 21 29903 23821 7873 26479 16485 22569 8913 23889 6948 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6876-3p MIMAT0027653(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6876-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4277 to 4300 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gacucUUCCUUUUGUGUCUGUCGa 5' |: |:|::|| ||||||: Ref: 5' actgtAGAGGAGGCAAAGACAGTg 3' Energy: -24.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6876-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -24.03 2 20 4277 4300 18 61.11% 88.89% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8518 to 8542 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gacucuuCCUU-UUGUGUCUGUCGa 5' | || |||| |||:||| Ref: 5' taatgttGTAACAACAAAGATAGCa 3' Energy: -11.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6876-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.98 2 18 8518 8542 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:28789 to 28811 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' gacUCUUCCUUUUGUGUCUGUCGa 5' |||||| :|:|| ||:|:|| Ref: 5' cgcAGAAGG-GAGCAGAGGCGGCa 3' Energy: -25.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6876-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -25.48 2 22 28789 28811 20 70.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:28638 to 28661 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' gacucuuccuuUUGUGUCUGUCGa 5' |||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' cctatggtgctAACAAAGACGGCa 3' Energy: -15.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6876-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.57 2 14 28638 28661 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:28853 to 28877 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' gacUCUUCCUUUUG-UGUCUGUCGa 5' |||| ||| |||:|||| Ref: 5' tcaAGAAATTCAACTCCAGGCAGCa 3' Energy: -16.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6876-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.66 2 22 28853 28877 21 66.67% 71.43% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6876-3p NC_045512.2 715.00 -93.72 147.00 -25.48 2033 24 29903 4277 8518 28789 28638 28853 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-185-5p MIMAT0000455(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-185-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3127-5p MIMAT0014990(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3127-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:826 to 847 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (93.33%) Query: 3' gaaggguAAGGUGUUCGGGACUa 5' |||::: :||||||| Ref: 5' taacaacTTCTGT-GGCCCTGAt 3' Energy: -18.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3127-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -18.92 2 17 826 847 15 66.67% 93.33% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25675 to 25698 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' gaaGGGUAA-GGUGUUCGGGACUa 5' |:|:|| |::| :|||:||| Ref: 5' ttgCTCGTTGCTGCTGGCCTTGAa 3' Energy: -21.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3127-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -21.62 2 21 25675 25698 20 60.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:9098 to 9118 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' gaagggUAAGGUGUUCGGGACUa 5' | |::|| ||||||| Ref: 5' tatgaaAGTTTAC--GCCCTGAc 3' Energy: -14.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3127-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.21 2 18 9098 9118 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:17987 to 18009 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' gaAGGGUAAGGUGUUCGGGACUa 5' |: || |::|||||:|:||| Ref: 5' agTTGCAATTTACAAGTCTTGAa 3' Energy: -20.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3127-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -20.26 2 22 17987 18009 20 65.00% 90.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3127-5p NC_045512.2 588.00 -75.01 150.00 -21.62 2035 23 29903 826 25675 9098 17987 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6503-3p MIMAT0025463(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6503-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3180-5p MIMAT0015057(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3180-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:19578 to 19602 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' gcugcaccccgccUCGCAGACCUUc 5' | | ||||||| Ref: 5' atttgatacttatAACCTCTGGAAc 3' Energy: -10.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3180-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -10.21 2 13 19578 19602 11 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:27485 to 27509 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gcugcaccccgccucGCAGACCUUc 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' taaaagaaccttgctCTTCTGGAAc 3' Energy: -10.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3180-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.21 2 11 27485 27509 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:3974 to 3998 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gcugcaccccgccucgcAGACCUUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gaagaagttacaacaacTCTGGAAg 3' Energy: -14.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3180-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.88 2 9 3974 3998 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3180-5p NC_045512.2 426.00 -35.30 144.00 -14.88 2037 25 29903 19578 27485 3974 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5698 MIMAT0022491(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5698 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4477b MIMAT0019005(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4477b vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:23200 to 23221 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (94.44%) Query: 3' uaGUUAGUGUUUACAGGAAUua 5' ||: ||||::|||:|||| Ref: 5' aaCAGGCACAGGTGTTCTTAct 3' Energy: -21.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4477b NC_045512.2 144.00 -21.77 3 21 23200 23221 18 72.22% 94.44% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10456 to 10480 Align Len (22) (54.55%) (72.73%) Query: 3' uaGUUAGUGUUUA---CAGGAAUUa 5' | ||:| :::| ||||||| Ref: 5' caCTATTAAGGGTTCATTCCTTAAt 3' Energy: -12.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4477b NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.19 2 21 10456 10480 22 54.55% 72.73% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12176 to 12199 Align Len (21) (57.14%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uaGUUAGUGUUU--ACAGGAAUUa 5' ::||: ::|| |||:||||| Ref: 5' ggTGATTCTGAAGTTGTTCTTAAa 3' Energy: -9.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4477b NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.37 2 21 12176 12199 21 57.14% 85.71% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2129 to 2152 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uagUUAGUGUUU--ACAGGAAUUa 5' || | |||| ||||||:| Ref: 5' gaaAAACTCAAACCCGTCCTTGAt 3' Energy: -13.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4477b NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.81 2 20 2129 2152 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8125 to 8145 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uaGUUAGUGUUUACAGGAAUUa 5' ||| | | :||||||||: Ref: 5' tgCAAAGA-ATGTGTCCTTAGa 3' Energy: -14.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4477b NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.51 2 21 8125 8145 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13729 to 13749 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uaGUUAGUGUUUACAGGAAUUa 5' :|| ||::| | ||:|||| Ref: 5' gcTAAACATGACT-TCTTTAAg 3' Energy: -5.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4477b NC_045512.2 142.00 -5.37 2 21 13729 13749 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:26555 to 26576 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uaguuAGUGUUUACAGGAAUUa 5' |:| ||| |||||:| Ref: 5' agagcTTAAAAAGCTCCTTGAa 3' Energy: -9.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4477b NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.74 2 18 26555 26576 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4831 to 4852 Align Len (19) (52.63%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uaGUUAGUGUUUACAGGAAUUa 5' :|: :|:|:| |:||||| Ref: 5' acTAGGTATAGAATTTCTTAAg 3' Energy: -8.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4477b NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.06 2 21 4831 4852 19 52.63% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4477b NC_045512.2 1137.00 -94.82 144.00 -21.77 2039 22 29903 23200 10456 12176 2129 8125 13729 26555 4831 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-888-5p MIMAT0004916(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-888-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5148 to 5166 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' acUGACUGUCGAAAAACUCAu 5' ::||| :|| |||||||| Ref: 5' gtGTTGA-GGC-TTTTGAGTa 3' Energy: -16.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-888-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -16.77 2 20 5148 5166 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:18596 to 18614 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' acugacUGUCGAAAAACUCAu 5' |::|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gggcacATGGC--TTTGAGTt 3' Energy: -13.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-888-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.03 2 16 18596 18614 14 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21969 to 21989 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' acUGACUGUCGAAAAACUCAu 5' | |||: ||||||:|| Ref: 5' gtAATGATCCATTTTTGGGTg 3' Energy: -13.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-888-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.60 2 20 21969 21989 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:17372 to 17392 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acugacugucgaaAAACUCAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ccacaaattatgaTTTGAGTg 3' Energy: -8.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-888-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.50 2 9 17372 17392 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-888-5p NC_045512.2 582.00 -51.90 155.00 -16.77 2040 21 29903 5148 18596 21969 17372 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548ah-5p MIMAT0018972(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548ah-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4080 to 4099 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' guUUGUGACGUUAGUGAAAa 5' :|||:|| |||||||| Ref: 5' gtGACATTGACATCACTTTc 3' Energy: -16.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ah-5p NC_045512.2 166.00 -16.77 2 19 4080 4099 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11021 to 11040 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' guUUGUGACGUUAGUGAAAa 5' ||: :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' acAATTTTGACTTCACTTTt 3' Energy: -13.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ah-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -13.74 2 19 11021 11040 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:2772 to 2794 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' guUUGUGACGU---UAGUGAAAa 5' || | ||:: |||||||| Ref: 5' acAAGAGTGTGAATATCACTTTt 3' Energy: -14.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ah-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -14.48 2 19 2772 2794 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24357 to 24378 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' guUUGUGACGUU---AGUGAAAa 5' || |:| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gcAAAATT-CAAGACTCACTTTc 3' Energy: -10.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ah-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.20 2 19 24357 24378 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:25611 to 25630 Align Len (11) (72.73%) (90.91%) Query: 3' guuugugaCGUUAGUGAAAa 5' |:: ||||||| Ref: 5' ctccaaggGTGTTCACTTTg 3' Energy: -9.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ah-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.63 2 13 25611 25630 11 72.73% 90.91% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:4547 to 4569 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' guUUG-UGACGU--UAGUGAAaa 5' ||| ||||:| :|||||| Ref: 5' aaAACAACTGTAGCGTCACTTat 3' Energy: -16.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ah-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.34 3 19 4547 4569 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:22668 to 22686 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' guUUGUGACGUUAGUGAAAa 5' ||: | || ||||:||| Ref: 5' atAATTCCGC-ATCATTTTc 3' Energy: -7.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ah-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.72 2 19 22668 22686 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548ah-5p NC_045512.2 1036.00 -88.88 166.00 -16.77 2041 20 29903 4080 11021 2772 24357 25611 4547 22668 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7-2-3p MIMAT0004554(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7-2-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:14233 to 14253 Align Len (16) (87.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' aauccAUCUGACCCUAAACAAc 5' || | ||||||||||| Ref: 5' tacatTA-AGTGGGATTTGTTa 3' Energy: -15.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7-2-3p NC_045512.2 163.00 -15.61 2 18 14233 14253 16 87.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:25383 to 25404 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aauccaucugacCCUAAACAAc 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' aaacgaacttatGGATTTGTTt 3' Energy: -11.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7-2-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -11.15 2 11 25383 25404 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8171 to 8192 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' aaUCCAUCUGACCCUAAACAAc 5' || | |:| ||:|||||| Ref: 5' gcAGCTCGGCAAGGGTTTGTTg 3' Energy: -17.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7-2-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -17.26 2 21 8171 8192 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14425 to 14446 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (63.16%) Query: 3' aaUCCAUCUGACCCUAAACAAc 5' || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctAGTGAGAAAAATATTTGTTg 3' Energy: -12.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7-2-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.18 2 21 14425 14446 19 63.16% 63.16% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:19907 to 19928 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' aauccaucUGACCCUAAACAAc 5' |:||| :|||||| Ref: 5' tatctactATTGGTGTTTGTTc 3' Energy: -10.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7-2-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.55 2 15 19907 19928 13 76.92% 92.31% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7-2-3p NC_045512.2 747.00 -66.75 163.00 -17.26 2042 22 29903 14233 25383 8171 14425 19907 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4520-2-3p MIMAT0020300(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4520-2-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 169.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10150 to 10173 Align Len (20) (85.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' uggAC-GCA-CAAAAGACAGGUUu 5' || ||| |||| |||||||| Ref: 5' tgaTGACGTAGTTTACTGTCCAAg 3' Energy: -22.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4520-2-3p NC_045512.2 169.00 -22.84 2 20 10150 10173 20 85.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7011 to 7033 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uggacgCACAAAA-GACAGGUUu 5' ||||||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' ctttagGTGTTTTAATGTCTAAt 3' Energy: -14.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4520-2-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.55 2 17 7011 7033 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:20162 to 20182 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' uggacgcACAAAAGACAGGUUu 5' || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' aagttgaTGGTGT-TGTCCAAc 3' Energy: -15.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4520-2-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.33 2 16 20162 20182 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4122 to 4142 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uggACGCACAAAAGACAGGUUu 5' || ||| | | |||:||| Ref: 5' tagTGGGTGATGT-TGTTCAAg 3' Energy: -16.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4520-2-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.47 2 20 4122 4142 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:895 to 916 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ugGACGCACAAAAGACAGGUUu 5' || | || |:|||||:| Ref: 5' agCTTCATGCACTTTGTCCGAa 3' Energy: -14.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4520-2-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.86 2 21 895 916 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:1059 to 1080 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uggacgcacaaaagACAGGUUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ccttcaatggggaaTGTCCAAa 3' Energy: -14.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4520-2-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.26 2 9 1059 1080 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:26107 to 26128 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uggacgcacaaaagACAGGUUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gagcctgaagaacaTGTCCAAa 3' Energy: -18.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4520-2-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.45 2 9 26107 26128 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4520-2-3p NC_045512.2 1022.00 -116.76 169.00 -22.84 2043 22 29903 10150 7011 20162 4122 895 1059 26107 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3123 MIMAT0014985(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3123 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:7802 to 7819 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cuAAUUUGU-UAAGAGAc 5' | ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' taTGAAAGACATTCTCTc 3' Energy: -10.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3123 NC_045512.2 150.00 -10.12 2 16 7802 7819 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:11943 to 11964 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' cuAAUUUGU-----UAAGAGAc 5' ||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' agTTACACAATGACATTCTCTt 3' Energy: -8.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3123 NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.21 2 16 11943 11964 19 68.42% 68.42% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:14379 to 14395 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuaauuuguUAAGAGAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' taatgttttATTCTCTa 3' Energy: -6.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3123 NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.50 2 9 14379 14395 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3123 NC_045512.2 432.00 -24.83 150.00 -10.12 2044 17 29903 7802 11943 14379 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4693-5p MIMAT0019784(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4693-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:1969 to 1993 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (89.47%) Query: 3' acacuGUC-ACUUU-AAGUGUCAUa 5' :|| ||:|| ||||||||| Ref: 5' aatacTAGATGGAATTTCACAGTAt 3' Energy: -19.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4693-5p NC_045512.2 164.00 -19.25 2 19 1969 1993 19 78.95% 89.47% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:12992 to 13016 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (77.27%) Query: 3' acACUGUCACUUUAA--GUGUCAUa 5' ||::||| |: | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctTGGTAGTTTAGCTGCCACAGTAc 3' Energy: -15.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4693-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -15.43 2 22 12992 13016 22 63.64% 77.27% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:13351 to 13373 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' acACUGUCACUUUAAGUGUCAua 5' | ||| | ||| |||||| Ref: 5' ttTTACACTTAAAAACACAGTct 3' Energy: -8.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4693-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -8.02 3 22 13351 13373 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:24281 to 24304 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (85.71%) Query: 3' acACUGUCACUUUAA-GUGUCAUa 5' ||::| ||:|:|| ||||| | Ref: 5' aaTGGTATTGGAGTTACACAGAAt 3' Energy: -17.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4693-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.51 2 22 24281 24304 21 66.67% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4693-5p NC_045512.2 605.00 -60.21 164.00 -19.25 2045 23 29903 1969 12992 13351 24281 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6077 MIMAT0023702(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6077 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:28805 to 28826 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cuuCCGGCAUGUC-GAGAAGGg 5' ||| || || ||||||: Ref: 5' ggcGGCAGTCAAGCCTCTTCTc 3' Energy: -19.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6077 NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.33 2 19 28805 28826 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6077 NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.33 141.00 -19.33 2046 21 29903 28805 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6807-3p MIMAT0027515(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6807-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:27935 to 27957 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gacccgguUCGUCCUUACGUCAc 5' | || |||||:||| Ref: 5' tgcatttcACCAAGAATGTAGTt 3' Energy: -14.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6807-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.50 2 16 27935 27957 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:29635 to 29656 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gaccCG-GUUCGUCCUUACGUCAc 5' || ||||:|| |||:||| Ref: 5' cataGCACAAGTAG--ATGTAGTt 3' Energy: -18.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6807-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.11 2 20 29635 29656 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:18503 to 18525 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gaCCCGGUUCGUCCUUACGUCAc 5' || |: : ||||||:||| Ref: 5' aaGGACTTCCTTGGAATGTAGTg 3' Energy: -22.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6807-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -22.03 2 22 18503 18525 20 60.00% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6807-3p NC_045512.2 427.00 -54.64 143.00 -22.03 2047 23 29903 27935 29635 18503 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4283 MIMAT0016914(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4283 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-549a-3p MIMAT0003333(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-549a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26141 to 26161 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (94.44%) Query: 3' ucUCGAGUAGGUAUCAACAGu 5' :|:||||||: ||||||: Ref: 5' acGGTTCATCCGGAGTTGTTa 3' Energy: -25.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-549a-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -25.61 2 20 26141 26161 18 72.22% 94.44% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17335 to 17353 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ucUCGAGUAGGUAUCAACAGu 5' ||| || ||||||||| Ref: 5' acAGCAGAT--ATAGTTGTCt 3' Energy: -16.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-549a-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -16.73 2 20 17335 17353 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:25273 to 25293 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucucgaguaGGUAUCAACAGu 5' |::|||||||| Ref: 5' gaccagttgCTGTAGTTGTCt 3' Energy: -15.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-549a-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -15.78 2 13 25273 25293 11 81.82% 100.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:21355 to 21378 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ucucgagUAGGU--A-UCAACAGu 5' ||||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' aatacaaATCCAATTCAGTTGTCt 3' Energy: -14.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-549a-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.98 2 15 21355 21378 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12464 to 12485 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucUCGAGUAGG-UAUCAACAGu 5' ||| | |: ||:|||||| Ref: 5' gcAGCCAAACTAATGGTTGTCa 3' Energy: -16.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-549a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.58 2 20 12464 12485 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:13394 to 13416 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucUCGAGUA--GGUAUCAACAgu 5' || |:|| |::||||||| Ref: 5' aaAGGTTATGGCTGTAGTTGTga 3' Energy: -14.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-549a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.84 3 20 13394 13416 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:2517 to 2537 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucucgaguagguaUCAACAGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgttaacagaggaAGTTGTCt 3' Energy: -10.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-549a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.29 2 9 2517 2537 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20557 to 20575 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucUCGAGUAGGUAUCAACAGu 5' ||:| ||:| :|||||| Ref: 5' gtAGTT--TCTAAGGTTGTCa 3' Energy: -15.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-549a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.33 2 20 20557 20575 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-549a-3p NC_045512.2 1179.00 -130.14 159.00 -25.61 2049 21 29903 26141 17335 25273 21355 12464 13394 2517 20557 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-12121 MIMAT0049015(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-12121 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2873 to 2894 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (89.47%) Query: 3' ucCGGGCGUGCG-AGCACCGUc 5' |::||| :|: |:|||||| Ref: 5' gaGTTCGCCTGTGTTGTGGCAg 3' Energy: -28.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12121 NC_045512.2 146.00 -28.87 2 20 2873 2894 19 63.16% 89.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:20656 to 20676 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uccgggcgugcgaGCACCGUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' caatctagtcaagCGTGGCAa 3' Energy: -14.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12121 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.55 2 9 20656 20676 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-12121 NC_045512.2 286.00 -43.42 146.00 -28.87 2050 21 29903 2873 20656 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-922 MIMAT0004972(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-922 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3147 to 3168 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cugcAUCAGGAUAAGAGACGACg 5' |:|| | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' aattTGGTGCCACT-TCTGCTGc 3' Energy: -18.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-922 NC_045512.2 153.00 -18.86 2 20 3147 3168 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12655 to 12675 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' cugcaUCAGGAUAAGAGACGACg 5' :| || || ||||||| Ref: 5' tttaaGGGCCAAT--TCTGCTGt 3' Energy: -16.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-922 NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.18 2 19 12655 12675 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14688 to 14711 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cugcaUCAGGAUA-AGAGACGACg 5' | |:|||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' caaagACTTCTATGACTTTGCTGt 3' Energy: -19.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-922 NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.12 2 19 14688 14711 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:25248 to 25270 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' cugcaucagGAUAAGAGACGACg 5' :||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' tggtgacaaTTATGCTTTGCTGt 3' Energy: -17.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-922 NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.82 2 15 25248 25270 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28917 to 28940 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cugcAUCAGGAUAA-GAGACGACg 5' |: | || || ||:||||| Ref: 5' gtgaTGCTGCTCTTGCTTTGCTGc 3' Energy: -23.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-922 NC_045512.2 142.00 -23.48 2 20 28917 28940 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:25817 to 25839 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' cugcaucaggAUAAGAGACGACg 5' | ||||:||||| Ref: 5' atgccaactaTTTTCTTTGCTGg 3' Energy: -16.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-922 NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.27 2 14 25817 25839 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:29006 to 29028 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cugcaucaggauaagAGACGACg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' actgtcactaagaaaTCTGCTGc 3' Energy: -19.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-922 NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.07 2 9 29006 29028 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-922 NC_045512.2 1010.00 -130.80 153.00 -23.48 2051 23 29903 3147 12655 14688 25248 28917 25817 29006 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6890-5p MIMAT0027680(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6890-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:20827 to 20848 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ggaUG-AGACGGGAUGGGGUAc 5' || |: ||: |||||:|| Ref: 5' ttaACATTAGCTGTACCCTATa 3' Energy: -15.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6890-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.91 2 19 20827 20848 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6890-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.91 141.00 -15.91 2052 21 29903 20827 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4284 MIMAT0016915(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4284 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4789-3p MIMAT0019960(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4789-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7941 to 7964 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (80.95%) Query: 3' auAU-AUGU-GGACG-AUACACAc 5' || |||| :| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTACTACAGTCAGCTTATGTGTc 3' Energy: -12.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4789-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -12.21 2 20 7941 7964 21 76.19% 80.95% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:455 to 474 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' auAUAUGUGGACGAUACACAc 5' |: ||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' ctTGAACAGC-CCTATGTGTt 3' Energy: -13.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4789-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -13.42 2 20 455 474 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11532 to 11552 Align Len (17) (58.82%) (82.35%) Query: 3' auaUAUGUGGACGAUACACAc 5' :||: :| :||||||| Ref: 5' gagGTATTGTTTTTATGTGTg 3' Energy: -14.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4789-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.68 2 19 11532 11552 17 58.82% 82.35% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:17409 to 17429 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' auauauguggacGAUACACAc 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' acgtgctaagcaCTATGTGTa 3' Energy: -11.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4789-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.10 2 10 17409 17429 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:10830 to 10850 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' auauauguggaCGAUACACAc 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgccgttttaGATATGTGTg 3' Energy: -14.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4789-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.00 2 11 10830 10850 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:15902 to 15923 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' auauauguggAC-GAUACACAc 5' || :||||||| Ref: 5' aacagggtgaTGATTATGTGTa 3' Energy: -9.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4789-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.05 2 12 15902 15923 11 81.82% 90.91% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:13371 to 13394 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' auAUAU-GUGGACG--AUACACac 5' |:|| |::|||| |||||| Ref: 5' tcTGTACCGTCTGCGGTATGTGga 3' Energy: -18.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4789-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.10 3 20 13371 13394 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:18139 to 18159 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' auauauguggacGAUACACAc 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' aaaactgaaggtTTATGTGTt 3' Energy: -10.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4789-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.20 2 10 18139 18159 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:9112 to 9132 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' auauaUGUGGACGAUACACac 5' |||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' ccctgACACACGTTATGTGct 3' Energy: -16.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4789-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.83 3 17 9112 9132 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:15716 to 15736 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' auauaugugGACGAUACACAc 5' |||:|:||||| Ref: 5' ctgacgatgCTGTTGTGTGTt 3' Energy: -17.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4789-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.92 2 13 15716 15736 11 81.82% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4789-3p NC_045512.2 1450.00 -137.51 156.00 -18.10 2054 21 29903 7941 455 11532 17409 10830 15902 13371 18139 9112 15716 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7702 MIMAT0030017(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7702 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:2988 to 3010 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (94.12%) Query: 3' aguccCUCAGACCG-UCAGAUUc 5' ||||||||: |||:||| Ref: 5' ttgatGAGTCTGGTGAGTTTAAa 3' Energy: -21.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7702 NC_045512.2 156.00 -21.66 2 18 2988 3010 17 82.35% 94.12% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22920 to 22942 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' agUCCCUCAGA-CCGUCAGAUUc 5' || ||:| || ||||||| Ref: 5' atAGATTGTTTAGGAAGTCTAAt 3' Energy: -15.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7702 NC_045512.2 155.00 -15.27 2 21 22920 22942 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23207 to 23230 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' agUCCCUCAGACCG--UCAGAUUc 5' ||| : ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' acAGGTGTTCTTACTGAGTCTAAc 3' Energy: -15.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7702 NC_045512.2 151.00 -15.62 2 21 23207 23230 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:11826 to 11848 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' agucccucaGAC-CGUCAGAUUc 5' ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' aagtagccaCTGTACAGTCTAAa 3' Energy: -13.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7702 NC_045512.2 148.00 -13.88 2 14 11826 11848 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:21837 to 21859 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' agucccucaGAC-CGUCAGAUUc 5' ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgcttccaCTGAGAAGTCTAAc 3' Energy: -11.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7702 NC_045512.2 148.00 -11.92 2 14 21837 21859 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:10222 to 10243 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (76.92%) Query: 3' agucccucAGACCGUCAGAUUc 5' |: | ||||||| Ref: 5' tttactcaTTCGTAAGTCTAAt 3' Energy: -8.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7702 NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.23 2 15 10222 10243 13 69.23% 76.92% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7702 NC_045512.2 900.00 -86.58 156.00 -21.66 2055 22 29903 2988 22920 23207 11826 21837 10222 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-513a-5p MIMAT0002877(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-513a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6787-5p MIMAT0027474(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6787-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3667-5p MIMAT0018089(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3667-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18199 to 18220 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (89.47%) Query: 3' ugGAAGAGGAGUUACCCAGAAa 5' | ||||: ::||||||:|| Ref: 5' ctCATCTCTATGATGGGTTTTa 3' Energy: -19.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3667-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -19.94 2 21 18199 18220 19 68.42% 89.47% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:18765 to 18787 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uggAAGAGGAGUUA-CCCAGAAa 5' | :|| |||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' tgaTGTTCAACAATGGGGTTTTa 3' Energy: -17.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3667-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.63 2 20 18765 18787 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:22203 to 22223 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uggaAGA-GGAGUUACCCAGAAa 5' ||| ||||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' gtgaTCTCCCTCA--GGGTTTTt 3' Energy: -20.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3667-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -20.61 2 19 22203 22223 18 77.78% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3667-5p NC_045512.2 440.00 -58.18 156.00 -20.61 2058 22 29903 18199 18765 22203 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-450a-5p MIMAT0001545(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-450a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20774 to 20796 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uaUAAUCCU-UGUGUAGCGUUUu 5' || | || : |::||||||| Ref: 5' gcATAATGATGAATGTCGCAAAa 3' Energy: -12.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-450a-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -12.40 2 21 20774 20796 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9952 to 9973 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uauAAUCCUUGUGUAGCGUUUu 5' ||: : ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' tgcTTGTTGTCATCTCGCAAAg 3' Energy: -13.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-450a-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -13.28 2 20 9952 9973 18 61.11% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:15343 to 15364 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uauaauccuuguguAGCGUUUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tcacttgttcttgcTCGCAAAc 3' Energy: -7.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-450a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.60 2 9 15343 15364 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:15967 to 15987 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uauaAUCCUUGUGUAGCGUUUu 5' || || |:||||:||| Ref: 5' tttgTA-GATGATATCGTAAAa 3' Energy: -13.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-450a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.09 2 19 15967 15987 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-450a-5p NC_045512.2 586.00 -46.37 155.00 -13.28 2059 22 29903 20774 9952 15343 15967 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3118 MIMAT0014980(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3118 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9471 to 9494 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucuuAAAAGUA-UUACGUCAGUGu 5' |||| :| ||| ||||||: Ref: 5' gagcTTTTGGTGAATACAGTCATg 3' Energy: -12.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3118 NC_045512.2 150.00 -12.90 2 20 9471 9494 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:27094 to 27117 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ucUUAAAAGUAU-UACGUCAGUGu 5' ::|||| |: || |||||:| Ref: 5' caGGTTTTGCTGCATACAGTCGCt 3' Energy: -14.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3118 NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.58 2 22 27094 27117 21 61.90% 80.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8816 to 8839 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ucuuaaAAGU-AUUACGUCAGUGu 5' || | |: ||||||||: Ref: 5' tgcccaTTGATTGCTGCAGTCATa 3' Energy: -15.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3118 NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.39 2 18 8816 8839 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:20096 to 20118 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ucuuaaaAGUAUUACGUCAGUGu 5' || ||||| |||||| Ref: 5' aagctagTCTTAATGGAGTCACa 3' Energy: -18.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3118 NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.53 2 17 20096 20118 15 86.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3118 NC_045512.2 574.00 -61.40 150.00 -18.53 2060 23 29903 9471 27094 8816 20096 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6076 MIMAT0023701(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6076 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16140 to 16160 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ggUGGAGAGGAGACAGUACGa 5' || | | :|||||:|||| Ref: 5' agACATGTATTCTGTTATGCt 3' Energy: -21.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6076 NC_045512.2 151.00 -21.29 2 20 16140 16160 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:21312 to 21332 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' gguggagagGAGACAGUACGa 5' :| |||||||| Ref: 5' aatagatggTTATGTCATGCa 3' Energy: -11.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6076 NC_045512.2 148.00 -11.40 2 13 21312 21332 11 81.82% 90.91% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8636 to 8655 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ggUGGAGAGGAGACAGUACGa 5' |||| |:| |||||||: Ref: 5' acACCTGTTC-ATGTCATGTc 3' Energy: -23.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6076 NC_045512.2 145.00 -23.18 2 20 8636 8655 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:18307 to 18327 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gguggagaggagACAGUACGa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' gatgtcgaggggTGTCATGCt 3' Energy: -15.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6076 NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.09 2 10 18307 18327 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:24794 to 24814 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' gguGGAGAGGAGACAGUACga 5' ||| | |:||||||| Ref: 5' gctCCTGCCATTTGTCATGat 3' Energy: -20.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6076 NC_045512.2 142.00 -20.93 3 19 24794 24814 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:495 to 517 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ggUGGAGAGGAG-A-CAGUACGa 5' ||: | |||| | ||||||: Ref: 5' gaACTGCACCTCATGGTCATGTt 3' Energy: -21.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6076 NC_045512.2 141.00 -21.04 2 20 495 517 20 70.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6076 NC_045512.2 872.00 -112.93 151.00 -23.18 2061 21 29903 16140 21312 8636 18307 24794 495 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1290 MIMAT0005880(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1290 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:15932 to 15953 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agGGACUAG---GUUUUUAGGu 5' || |||| |||:||||| Ref: 5' acCCAGATCCATCAAGAATCCt 3' Energy: -21.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1290 NC_045512.2 144.00 -21.96 2 18 15932 15953 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:23655 to 23674 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' agGGACUAGGU-UUUUAGGu 5' |:||:| || |||||:| Ref: 5' caCTTGGTGCAGAAAATTCa 3' Energy: -16.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1290 NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.86 2 18 23655 23674 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:13208 to 13226 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' agggACUAGGUUUUUAGGu 5' ||: :|||:||||| Ref: 5' aataTGGATCAAGAATCCt 3' Energy: -15.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1290 NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.30 2 16 13208 13226 14 71.43% 92.86% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:20525 to 20545 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' aggGACUAGGU--UUUUAGGu 5' :||| :| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgTTGAAATAATAAAATCCc 3' Energy: -8.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1290 NC_045512.2 143.00 -8.59 2 17 20525 20545 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:6412 to 6430 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agggacuaggUUUUUAGGu 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' agaagtagtgGAAAATCCt 3' Energy: -7.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1290 NC_045512.2 141.00 -7.66 2 10 6412 6430 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:22111 to 22129 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agggacuAGGUUUUUAGGu 5' |:||||||||: Ref: 5' gggtaatTTCAAAAATCTt 3' Energy: -9.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1290 NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.99 2 13 22111 22129 11 81.82% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1290 NC_045512.2 855.00 -80.36 144.00 -21.96 2062 19 29903 15932 23655 13208 20525 6412 22111 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3163 MIMAT0015037(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3163 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7418 to 7439 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' caGAAUGACGGGAGUAAAAUAu 5' ||| :| | ||||||||| Ref: 5' atCTTCTTTGCATCATTTTATt 3' Energy: -16.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3163 NC_045512.2 164.00 -16.05 2 21 7418 7439 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9586 to 9611 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (78.26%) Query: 3' caGAAUG-ACGGGA---GUAAAAUAu 5' :|||| ||: || |||||||| Ref: 5' taTTTACTTGTACTTGACATTTTATc 3' Energy: -11.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3163 NC_045512.2 158.00 -11.88 2 21 9586 9611 23 69.57% 78.26% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:9438 to 9460 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cagaauGACGGGAG-UAAAAUAu 5' :||||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' catgccTTGCCTACTATTTTATg 3' Energy: -13.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3163 NC_045512.2 155.00 -13.27 2 17 9438 9460 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7319 to 7342 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' caGA-AUGACGGGA-GUAAAAUAu 5' || | :||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' agCTATTTTGCAGTACATTTTATt 3' Energy: -12.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3163 NC_045512.2 154.00 -12.45 2 21 7319 7342 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21564 to 21585 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (94.74%) Query: 3' caGAAUGACGGGAGUAAAAUAu 5' :||::| ::||::|||||| Ref: 5' tgTTTGTTTTTCTTGTTTTATt 3' Energy: -12.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3163 NC_045512.2 152.00 -12.18 2 21 21564 21585 19 57.89% 94.74% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21455 to 21476 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' cagAAUGACGGGAGUAAAAUAu 5' | | || : | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaTCAATGATATGATTTTATc 3' Energy: -4.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3163 NC_045512.2 151.00 -4.75 2 20 21455 21476 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7810 to 7831 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cagAAUGACGGGAGUAAAAUAu 5' || : |:||||||||:| Ref: 5' acaTTCTCTCTCTCATTTTGTt 3' Energy: -16.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3163 NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.12 2 20 7810 7831 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:4750 to 4771 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cagaaugacgggaGUAAAAUAu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' aacacctgaagaaCATTTTATt 3' Energy: -9.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3163 NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.12 2 10 4750 4771 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:5102 to 5123 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cagaaugacgggaGUAAAAUAu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' catgaaggtaaaaCATTTTATg 3' Energy: -8.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3163 NC_045512.2 145.00 -8.04 2 10 5102 5123 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:25457 to 25479 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cagaAUGACGGGAG--UAAAAUAu 5' |||| ||:|| |||||:| Ref: 5' atgcTACT-CCTTCAGATTTTGTt 3' Energy: -14.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3163 NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.13 2 19 25457 25479 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:1066 to 1087 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cagaaUGACGGGAGUAAAAUAu 5' | ||:|| |||||:| Ref: 5' tggggAATGTCCAAATTTTGTa 3' Energy: -13.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3163 NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.41 2 18 1066 1087 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:13917 to 13938 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cagaaUGACGGGAGUAAAAUAu 5' |||| : | |||||:| Ref: 5' aaaggACTGGTATGATTTTGTa 3' Energy: -11.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3163 NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.32 2 18 13917 13938 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:11196 to 11218 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cagaaUGACG-GGAGUAAAAUau 5' ||||: ||:|||||| Ref: 5' ttgccACTGTAGCTTATTTTAat 3' Energy: -12.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3163 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.58 3 18 11196 11218 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11554 to 11574 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cagaAUGACGGGAGUAAAAUAu 5' ||:|||||| ||||| | Ref: 5' tgagTATTGCCCT-ATTTTCTt 3' Energy: -15.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3163 NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.00 2 19 11554 11574 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:20406 to 20427 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cagaaugacgggagUAAAAUAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttttgaattagaagATTTTATt 3' Energy: -3.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3163 NC_045512.2 140.00 -3.95 2 9 20406 20427 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3163 NC_045512.2 2216.00 -174.25 164.00 -16.12 2063 22 29903 7418 9586 9438 7319 21564 21455 7810 4750 5102 25457 1066 13917 11196 11554 20406 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7154-5p MIMAT0028218(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7154-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:26165 to 26187 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gguucgAUCUGGGUCAAGUACUu 5' |:|| ||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' cagtaaTGGAACCAATTTATGAt 3' Energy: -14.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7154-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -14.44 2 18 26165 26187 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18742 to 18764 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gguucGAUCUGGGUCAAGUACUu 5' ||| | :| |||:|||| Ref: 5' tacgtCTATAATCCGTTTATGAt 3' Energy: -16.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7154-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.06 2 19 18742 18764 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:24957 to 24979 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' gguucgaucUGGGUCAAGUACUu 5' || |||||:|||| Ref: 5' ttgtcaacaACACAGTTTATGAt 3' Energy: -14.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7154-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.72 2 15 24957 24979 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:2109 to 2131 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gguucGAUCUGGGUCAAGUACUu 5' :| |:| | |||:|||| Ref: 5' acatcTTTGGCACTGTTTATGAa 3' Energy: -15.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7154-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.30 2 19 2109 2131 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:25386 to 25409 Align Len (21) (57.14%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ggUUCGAU-CUGGGUCAAGUACUu 5' || :|| |: :: |||:|||| Ref: 5' cgAACTTATGGATTTGTTTATGAg 3' Energy: -16.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7154-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.40 2 22 25386 25409 21 57.14% 80.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7154-5p NC_045512.2 723.00 -76.92 149.00 -16.40 2064 23 29903 26165 18742 24957 2109 25386 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-663a MIMAT0003326(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-663a vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6824-5p MIMAT0027548(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6824-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-9-5p MIMAT0000441(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-9-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:28501 to 28525 Align Len (21) (80.95%) (85.71%) Query: 3' agUAU-GUC-GAUCUAUUGGUUUcu 5' ||| ||| | ||||:|||||| Ref: 5' caATAGCAGTCCAGATGACCAAAtt 3' Energy: -18.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -18.18 3 22 28501 28525 21 80.95% 85.71% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:2628 to 2649 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' agUAUGUCGAUCUAUUGGUUUCu 5' ||:: ||| || ||:||||| Ref: 5' ttATGTTGCTCGA-AATCAAAGa 3' Energy: -16.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.35 2 22 2628 2649 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:1174 to 1196 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agUAUGUCGAUCUAUUGGUUUcu 5' || |||:|: :| |||||| Ref: 5' ctATCCAGTTGCGTCACCAAAtg 3' Energy: -14.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -14.90 3 22 1174 1196 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:19422 to 19447 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (82.61%) Query: 3' agUAUGUC-GAUCUAU--UGGUUUCu 5' |||:|| :|| :|| ||:|||| Ref: 5' agATATAGATTATGTACCACTAAAGt 3' Energy: -12.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.32 2 22 19422 19447 23 65.22% 82.61% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:8191 to 8214 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' agUAUGUC--GAUCUAUUGGUUUCu 5' || ||| |||| |||:|||| Ref: 5' tgATTCAGATGTAGA-AACTAAAGa 3' Energy: -16.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.64 2 22 8191 8214 22 72.73% 77.27% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:3944 to 3966 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agUAUGUCGAUCUAUUGGUUUCu 5' | |:: : ||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' caAGATGATAAGAAAATCAAAGc 3' Energy: -10.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -10.77 2 22 3944 3966 20 60.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7843 to 7866 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' aguaUGUCGAUCUAU--UGGUUUCu 5' | ||||| ||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' cctgAGAGCTA-ATAACACTAAAGg 3' Energy: -13.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.78 2 20 7843 7866 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3115 to 3136 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' aguAUGUCGAUCUAUUGGUUUCu 5' |: || | ||| |||||:| Ref: 5' tacTGAAGAT-GATTACCAAGGt 3' Energy: -14.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.51 2 21 3115 3136 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:6259 to 6284 Align Len (22) (77.27%) (77.27%) Query: 3' agUAUGUCGAU-C-UA-UUGGUUUcu 5' ||| ||| | | || ||||||| Ref: 5' taATAAAGCCACGTATAAACCAAAta 3' Energy: -9.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.31 3 22 6259 6284 22 77.27% 77.27% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:17919 to 17939 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agUAUGUCGAUCUAUUGGUUUCu 5' ||:: ||| || ||||:|| Ref: 5' taATGTTGCT--ATTACCAGAGc 3' Energy: -13.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.84 2 22 17919 17939 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:1104 to 1127 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' agUAUGUC-GAUCUAUUGGUUUCu 5' || || ||| ||||||:| Ref: 5' taATCAAGACTATTCAACCAAGGg 3' Energy: -13.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.57 2 22 1104 1127 21 66.67% 71.43% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-9-5p NC_045512.2 1603.00 -154.17 155.00 -18.18 2067 23 29903 28501 2628 1174 19422 8191 3944 7843 3115 6259 17919 1104 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548f-3p MIMAT0005895(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548f-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:23822 to 23840 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' uuuucauUAAUGUCAAAAa 5' || :||||||| Ref: 5' ttgcaatATGGCAGTTTTt 3' Energy: -8.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548f-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -8.22 2 13 23822 23840 11 81.82% 90.91% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:11875 to 11893 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (76.92%) Query: 3' uuuucAUUAAUGUCAAAAa 5' || | ||||||| Ref: 5' agtctTACTCTCAGTTTTg 3' Energy: -5.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548f-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -5.90 2 15 11875 11893 13 76.92% 76.92% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7874 to 7894 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uuuUCAUU--AAUGUCAAAAa 5' | ||| |||:|||||| Ref: 5' cctATTAATGTTATAGTTTTt 3' Energy: -10.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548f-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.04 2 17 7874 7894 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:28119 to 28139 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uuuUCAUUA--AUGUCAAAaa 5' :||||| |||||||| Ref: 5' atcGGTAATTATACAGTTTcc 3' Energy: -11.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548f-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.21 3 17 28119 28139 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:3334 to 3350 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uuUUCAUUAAUGUCAAAAa 5' ||||:| |:|||||| Ref: 5' tgAAGTGA--ATAGTTTTa 3' Energy: -10.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548f-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.18 2 18 3334 3350 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:5174 to 5192 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uuUUCAUUAAUGUCAAAAa 5' || |:|| :|||||| Ref: 5' acAACTGATCCTAGTTTTc 3' Energy: -5.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548f-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -5.42 2 18 5174 5192 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:21688 to 21706 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuuucauuaauGUCAAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tttcagatcctCAGTTTTa 3' Energy: -5.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548f-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.87 2 9 21688 21706 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548f-3p NC_045512.2 1003.00 -56.84 148.00 -11.21 2068 19 29903 23822 11875 7874 28119 3334 5174 21688 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-378c MIMAT0016847(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-378c vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:11031 to 11054 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' gguGAGAAGACUGAGGUUCAGGUCa 5' | |||:| | |:: ||||||| Ref: 5' cttCACTTTT-AGTTTTAGTCCAGa 3' Energy: -21.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-378c NC_045512.2 160.00 -21.77 2 23 11031 11054 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:22501 to 22526 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (89.47%) Query: 3' ggugaGAAGACUGAGGU-UCAGGUca 5' ||||| |||::| |||||| Ref: 5' tcaaaCTTCTAACTTTAGAGTCCAac 3' Energy: -22.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-378c NC_045512.2 155.00 -22.62 3 21 22501 22526 19 78.95% 89.47% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17513 to 17540 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ggugaGAAGAC---UGAGGUUCAGGUCa 5' ||| || ||| :|:|||||| Ref: 5' gtagaCTTATGAAAACTATAGGTCCAGa 3' Energy: -19.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-378c NC_045512.2 147.00 -19.40 2 21 17513 17540 22 68.18% 77.27% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 24 R:19366 to 19394 Align Len (25) (64.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ggUGAGAAG--ACUGAGGU--UCAGGUca 5' |:|:||| | ||||:: |||||| Ref: 5' ccATTTTTCTATTACTCTGACAGTCCAtg 3' Energy: -26.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-378c NC_045512.2 145.00 -26.01 3 24 19366 19394 25 64.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:18806 to 18832 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ggugagaAGAC-UGA-GGUUCAGGUca 5' |||| |:| :|||||||| Ref: 5' accatgaTCTGTATTGTCAAGTCCAtg 3' Energy: -26.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-378c NC_045512.2 144.00 -26.00 3 19 18806 18832 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:19601 to 19628 Align Len (25) (68.00%) (84.00%) Query: 3' ggUGAGAA-G-ACUGAGGU-UCAGGUCa 5' |||:|| | ||||:|| |||::|| Ref: 5' acACTTTTACAAGACTTCAGAGTTTAGa 3' Energy: -25.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-378c NC_045512.2 140.00 -25.98 2 24 19601 19628 25 68.00% 84.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:28491 to 28515 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggugagaagacugagguUCAGGUCa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' caattaacaccaatagcAGTCCAGa 3' Energy: -14.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-378c NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.94 2 9 28491 28515 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-378c NC_045512.2 1031.00 -156.72 160.00 -26.01 2069 25 29903 11031 22501 17513 19366 18806 19601 28491 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-216a-3p MIMAT0022844(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-216a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2733 to 2756 Align Len (21) (57.14%) (80.95%) Query: 3' uaUUAGGGUCUCUG--GUGACACu 5' | |::::| ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttACTTTTGGTGATGACACTGTGa 3' Energy: -16.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-216a-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.04 2 21 2733 2756 21 57.14% 80.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17575 to 17593 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' uaUUAGGGUCUCUGGUGACACu 5' |||: : || ||||||| Ref: 5' gaAATTGTTGA---CACTGTGa 3' Energy: -15.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-216a-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.09 2 21 17575 17593 19 63.16% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-216a-3p NC_045512.2 295.00 -31.13 151.00 -16.04 2070 22 29903 2733 17575 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6831-5p MIMAT0027562(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6831-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:4315 to 4337 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (94.12%) Query: 3' cuggaGGAGGAGUGUGAGAUGGau 5' ||| :|:|||:|||||| Ref: 5' aagtgCCT-TTTACATTCTACCat 3' Energy: -23.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6831-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -23.00 3 20 4315 4337 17 76.47% 94.12% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4881 to 4903 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cuggAGGAGGAGUGUGAGAUGGAu 5' |||| | ||||:|| |||| Ref: 5' gtaaTCCTAC-CACATTCCACCTa 3' Energy: -23.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6831-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -23.63 2 21 4881 4903 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:5109 to 5132 Align Len (17) (52.94%) (94.12%) Query: 3' cuggagGAGGAGUGUGAGAUGGAu 5' | ::|:|:::|:||||| Ref: 5' gtaaaaCATTTTATGTTTTACCTa 3' Energy: -17.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6831-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.68 2 19 5109 5132 17 52.94% 94.12% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:14801 to 14824 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' cuggaggAGGAGUGUGAGAUGGau 5' || |:|:| |||||| Ref: 5' actactaTCGTTATAATCTACCaa 3' Energy: -16.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6831-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.22 3 18 14801 14824 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:25712 to 25734 Align Len (21) (57.14%) (80.95%) Query: 3' cuGGAGGAGGAGUGUGAGAUGGAu 5' |:|: | ||: :| |||||:| Ref: 5' atCTTTATGCTT-TAGTCTACTTc 3' Energy: -14.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6831-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.66 2 23 25712 25734 21 57.14% 80.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6831-5p NC_045512.2 714.00 -95.19 149.00 -23.63 2071 24 29903 4315 4881 5109 14801 25712 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-892c-3p MIMAT0025858(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-892c-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:5860 to 5882 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agguGAG-UCUUUCCUUUGUCAc 5' :|| | |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgttTTCTACAAAGAAAACAGTt 3' Energy: -12.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-892c-3p NC_045512.2 161.00 -12.81 2 19 5860 5882 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:17872 to 17895 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' agGUGAGUCU--UUCCUUUGUCac 5' |||||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttCACTCAAACCACTGAAACAGct 3' Energy: -17.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-892c-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.26 3 21 17872 17895 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:22092 to 22113 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' aggUGAGUCUUUCCUUUGUCac 5' || : |||:| |||||| Ref: 5' tggACCTTGAAGGAAAACAGgg 3' Energy: -14.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-892c-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.96 3 20 22092 22113 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4274 to 4300 Align Len (24) (66.67%) (79.17%) Query: 3' agGUGA-GUCU-UUCC---UUUGUCAc 5' |||| :||| :||| |:||||| Ref: 5' taCACTGTAGAGGAGGCAAAGACAGTg 3' Energy: -23.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-892c-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -23.86 2 21 4274 4300 24 66.67% 79.17% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13990 to 14010 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (72.22%) Query: 3' aggUGAGUCUUUCCUUUGUCAc 5' :||: | | ||||||| Ref: 5' caaGCTTTGTTA-AAAACAGTa 3' Energy: -7.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-892c-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -7.32 2 20 13990 14010 18 61.11% 72.22% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:16789 to 16810 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aggugagucuuuccUUUGUCAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tatcgtgtaactaaAAACAGTa 3' Energy: -7.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-892c-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.60 2 9 16789 16810 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:17896 to 17917 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' agGUGAGUCUUUCCUUUGUCac 5' | ||:: || | |||||| Ref: 5' caCTCTTGTAATGTAAACAGat 3' Energy: -11.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-892c-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.40 3 21 17896 17917 18 66.67% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-892c-3p NC_045512.2 1009.00 -95.21 161.00 -23.86 2072 22 29903 5860 17872 22092 4274 13990 16789 17896 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-125a-5p MIMAT0000443(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-125a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:10256 to 10284 Align Len (26) (65.38%) (69.23%) Query: 3' agUGUCCAAU--UUCCCA---GAGUCCCu 5' ||||| |: || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtACAGGCTGGTAATGTTCAACTCAGGGt 3' Energy: -25.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-125a-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -25.36 2 23 10256 10284 26 65.38% 69.23% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:22196 to 22219 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aguguccaauuucccaGAGUCCCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttagtgcgtgatctccCTCAGGGt 3' Energy: -15.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-125a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.51 2 9 22196 22219 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-125a-5p NC_045512.2 292.00 -40.87 152.00 -25.36 2073 24 29903 10256 22196 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-378e MIMAT0018927(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-378e vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:11036 to 11054 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (81.25%) Query: 3' agGACUGAGGUUCAGGUCa 5' :| | |:: ||||||| Ref: 5' ctTTTAGTTTTAGTCCAGa 3' Energy: -13.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-378e NC_045512.2 149.00 -13.87 2 18 11036 11054 16 62.50% 81.25% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:17522 to 17540 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' aggacUGAGGUUCAGGUCa 5' ||| :|:|||||| Ref: 5' tgaaaACTATAGGTCCAGa 3' Energy: -16.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-378e NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.93 2 15 17522 17540 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:22507 to 22526 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' agGACUGAGGU-UCAGGUca 5' || |||::| |||||| Ref: 5' ttCTAACTTTAGAGTCCAac 3' Energy: -15.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-378e NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.59 3 18 22507 22526 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:28497 to 28515 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aggacugagguUCAGGUCa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' acaccaatagcAGTCCAGa 3' Energy: -14.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-378e NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.27 2 9 28497 28515 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-378e NC_045512.2 571.00 -60.66 149.00 -16.93 2074 19 29903 11036 17522 22507 28497 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3617-5p MIMAT0017997(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3617-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:21422 to 21443 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' ggguagaACGUUGAUACAGAAa 5' ||| ::|||||||| Ref: 5' ggggtacTGCTGTTATGTCTTt 3' Energy: -15.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3617-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -15.43 2 16 21422 21443 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:16761 to 16782 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' ggguagaaCGUUGAUACAGAAa 5' | ||:|||||||| Ref: 5' acttaaccGAAATTATGTCTTt 3' Energy: -16.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3617-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -16.31 2 15 16761 16782 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8134 to 8155 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ggGUAGAACGUUGAUACAGAAa 5' ::|| | :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgTGTCCTTAGACAATGTCTTa 3' Energy: -11.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3617-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -11.20 2 21 8134 8155 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17283 to 17307 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (72.73%) Query: 3' ggGUAG-AACGUUG--AUACAGAAa 5' || | || ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' ttCAACATTAGAACAGTATGTCTTt 3' Energy: -13.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3617-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -13.77 2 21 17283 17307 22 72.73% 72.73% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8211 to 8231 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gggUAGAACGUUGAUACAGAAa 5' || |||: : ||||||| Ref: 5' aagATGTTGTTG-AATGTCTTa 3' Energy: -10.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3617-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -10.40 2 20 8211 8231 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11392 to 11410 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ggGUAGAACGUUGAUACAGAAa 5' || ||| ::| ||||||| Ref: 5' gaCA-CTTATGA--ATGTCTTg 3' Energy: -9.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3617-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -9.75 2 21 11392 11410 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:12704 to 12726 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ggguagaACGUUG-AUACAGAAa 5' | |:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gttgcacTACGACAGATGTCTTg 3' Energy: -13.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3617-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.23 2 16 12704 12726 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14363 to 14388 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (78.26%) Query: 3' ggGUAGAACG-UUGA---UACAGAAa 5' |||: ||| |||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' tgCATTGTGCAAACTTTAATGTTTTa 3' Energy: -13.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3617-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.75 2 21 14363 14388 23 69.57% 78.26% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:16060 to 16083 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ggguagaaCGU-UGA-UACAGAAa 5' |:| :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' aatcaggaGTATGCTGATGTCTTt 3' Energy: -13.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3617-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.75 2 15 16060 16083 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3588 to 3611 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gggUAGAACG--UUGAUACAGAAa 5' ||||||| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' acaATCTTGCTAAACACTGTCTTc 3' Energy: -16.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3617-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.22 2 20 3588 3611 20 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:22058 to 22078 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ggGUAGAACGUUGAUACAGAaa 5' || ||| ::| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgCA-CTTTTGAATATGTCTct 3' Energy: -13.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3617-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.14 3 21 22058 22078 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10647 to 10669 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ggguAGAACGUUGA-UACAGAAa 5' | || ||::| ||||:|| Ref: 5' caacTATTACAGTTAATGTTTTa 3' Energy: -10.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3617-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.75 2 19 10647 10669 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3617-5p NC_045512.2 1784.00 -157.70 159.00 -16.31 2075 22 29903 21422 16761 8134 17283 8211 11392 12704 14363 16060 3588 22058 10647 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3662 MIMAT0018083(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3662 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:22663 to 22686 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' guagucAGUGAUGAGUAGUAAAAg 5' | |:| | ||||||||| Ref: 5' cctataTAATTCCGCATCATTTTc 3' Energy: -14.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3662 NC_045512.2 162.00 -14.75 2 19 22663 22686 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:7808 to 7829 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guaGUCAGUGAUGAGUAGUAAAAg 5' || || || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' agaCATTCTCT-CTC-TCATTTTg 3' Energy: -13.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3662 NC_045512.2 161.00 -13.71 2 22 7808 7829 20 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:7414 to 7437 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' guaGUCAGUGAUGAGUAGUAAAAg 5' || : || : ||||||||| Ref: 5' gtaCATCTTCTTTGCATCATTTTa 3' Energy: -16.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3662 NC_045512.2 157.00 -16.04 2 22 7414 7437 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:13440 to 13464 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (81.82%) Query: 3' guAGUCAGUGAUGAG-UAGUAAAAg 5' |||| :: |:| | |||:|||| Ref: 5' agTCAGCTGATGCACAATCGTTTTt 3' Energy: -15.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3662 NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.07 2 23 13440 13464 22 63.64% 81.82% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:29304 to 29329 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' guagucAGUGAUGAGU--AGUAAAAg 5' ||| : ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' caaattTCAAAGATCAAGTCATTTTg 3' Energy: -9.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3662 NC_045512.2 149.00 -9.18 2 19 29304 29329 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:17084 to 17110 Align Len (23) (60.87%) (69.57%) Query: 3' guaGUCAGUGAUGAGU---AGUAAAAg 5' | | :|||: | | ||||||| Ref: 5' cacCTGGTACTGGTAAGAGTCATTTTg 3' Energy: -11.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3662 NC_045512.2 148.00 -11.58 2 22 17084 17110 23 60.87% 69.57% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:16889 to 16912 Align Len (21) (52.38%) (80.95%) Query: 3' guAGUCAGUGAUGAGUAGUAAAAg 5' |:| :::|: | ||:||||| Ref: 5' aaTTAAATGTTGGTGATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -9.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3662 NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.46 2 23 16889 16912 21 52.38% 80.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:20503 to 20527 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (81.82%) Query: 3' guAGUCAGUGAUGAG-UAGUAAAAg 5' | | |:|:||||: || ||||| Ref: 5' atTGATTTATTACTTGATGATTTTg 3' Energy: -9.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3662 NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.91 2 23 20503 20527 22 68.18% 81.82% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14279 to 14302 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' guagUCAGUGAUGAGUAGUAAAAg 5' | || :|: |:|:||||| Ref: 5' taaaACTCTTTGACCGTTATTTTa 3' Energy: -9.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3662 NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.05 2 21 14279 14302 19 57.89% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3662 NC_045512.2 1349.00 -108.75 162.00 -16.04 2076 24 29903 22663 7808 7414 13440 29304 17084 16889 20503 14279 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-604 MIMAT0003272(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-604 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4278 MIMAT0016910(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4278 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3140-3p MIMAT0015008(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3140-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:28683 to 28705 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ugauGGACUUAAG-GGUUUUCga 5' |:||||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gagcCTTGAATACACCAAAAGat 3' Energy: -18.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3140-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -18.06 3 19 28683 28705 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2696 to 2717 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugAUGGACUUAAGGGUUUUCGa 5' ||||| | |:||||:|| Ref: 5' aaTACCTTCACACTCAAAGGCg 3' Energy: -16.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3140-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.89 2 21 2696 2717 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28605 to 28630 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (73.91%) Query: 3' ugAUGGA--CUUAA--GGGUUUUCGa 5' ||||| ||| | |||:|||| Ref: 5' acTACCTAGGAACTGGGCCAGAAGCt 3' Energy: -23.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3140-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -23.24 2 21 28605 28630 23 69.57% 73.91% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16948 to 16970 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ugAUG-GACUUAAGG-GUUUUCGa 5' ||| || |:| || |||:||| Ref: 5' ccTACACT-AGTGCCACAAGAGCa 3' Energy: -17.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3140-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.76 2 21 16948 16970 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:21119 to 21140 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugauggacuuaaggGUUUUCGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgggtttatacaaCAAAAGCt 3' Energy: -14.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3140-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.11 2 9 21119 21140 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3140-3p NC_045512.2 719.00 -90.06 149.00 -23.24 2079 22 29903 28683 2696 28605 16948 21119 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-181b-2-3p MIMAT0031893(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-181b-2-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:7647 to 7666 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' acgUAAGUAACUAGUCACUc 5' :| |||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' gtaGTACATTTATTAGTGAt 3' Energy: -12.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181b-2-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -12.41 2 18 7647 7666 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:21029 to 21048 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' acgUA-AGUAACUAGUCACUc 5' || ||||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' gggATCTCATT-ATTAGTGAt 3' Energy: -13.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181b-2-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.42 2 18 21029 21048 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:29673 to 29692 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' acGUAAGUAACUAGUCACuc 5' || || || ||||||| Ref: 5' agCAATCTTTAATCAGTGtg 3' Energy: -15.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181b-2-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.40 3 19 29673 29692 16 81.25% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-181b-2-3p NC_045512.2 441.00 -41.23 149.00 -15.40 2080 20 29903 7647 21029 29673 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4540 MIMAT0019083(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4540 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:4948 to 4968 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' auuuggaugUCCGUCCUGAUu 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' tttgagagaAGTGAGGACTAt 3' Energy: -11.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4540 NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.71 2 13 4948 4968 11 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:29692 to 29711 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' auUUGGAUGUCCGUCCUGAuu 5' ||| | :||| |||||| Ref: 5' gtAACAT-TAGGGAGGACTtg 3' Energy: -19.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4540 NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.40 3 20 29692 29711 17 76.47% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4540 NC_045512.2 285.00 -31.11 144.00 -19.40 2081 21 29903 4948 29692 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6130 MIMAT0024614(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6130 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:25500 to 25520 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' guAUGUUAG--GUGAGGGAGu 5' ||||| | ||||||||: Ref: 5' gaTACAAGCCTCACTCCCTTt 3' Energy: -23.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6130 NC_045512.2 148.00 -23.53 2 18 25500 25520 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:22197 to 22215 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guauguuagguGAGGGAGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tagtgcgtgatCTCCCTCa 3' Energy: -19.969999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6130 NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.97 2 9 22197 22215 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6130 NC_045512.2 288.00 -43.50 148.00 -23.53 2082 19 29903 25500 22197 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3907 MIMAT0018179(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3907 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-493-3p MIMAT0003161(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-493-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:857 to 879 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ggAC-CGUGUGUCAUCUGGAAGu 5' || |::||: |||||||| Ref: 5' ctTGAGTGCATTAAAGACCTTCt 3' Energy: -20.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-493-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -20.49 2 21 857 879 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:20719 to 20741 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ggaccgugUGUCAU-CUGGAAGu 5' | |||: ||||||| Ref: 5' ctattagaAAAGTGTGACCTTCa 3' Energy: -16.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-493-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -16.52 2 15 20719 20741 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:8311 to 8331 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ggACCGUGUGUCAUCUGGAAgu 5' || ||| | || |||||| Ref: 5' caTGACACCCCGT-GACCTTgg 3' Energy: -14.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-493-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.33 3 21 8311 8331 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17961 to 17981 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ggACCGUGUGUCAUCUGGAAGu 5' || | |:|| |||||||: Ref: 5' aaTGTCTGATAG-AGACCTTTa 3' Energy: -19.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-493-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.23 2 21 17961 17981 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:28448 to 28467 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ggACCGUGUGUCAUCUGGAAgu 5' ||||| | :| ||||||| Ref: 5' caTGGCA-A-GGAAGACCTTaa 3' Energy: -19.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-493-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.58 3 21 28448 28467 18 77.78% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-493-3p NC_045512.2 728.00 -90.15 155.00 -20.49 2084 22 29903 857 20719 8311 17961 28448 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4456 MIMAT0018978(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4456 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:22584 to 22600 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uuuuccUUCGGUGGUCc 5' | |||||||| Ref: 5' tttttaACGCCACCAGa 3' Energy: -14.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4456 NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.73 2 12 22584 22600 10 90.00% 90.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4456 NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.73 147.00 -14.73 2085 17 29903 22584 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5009-3p MIMAT0021042(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5009-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7018 to 7039 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' aaAACCUGAAAGUCUAAAUCCu 5' || | | || ||||||| Ref: 5' tgTTTTAATGTCTAATTTAGGc 3' Energy: -8.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5009-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -8.33 2 21 7018 7039 19 68.42% 68.42% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:25044 to 25063 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' aaaacCUGAAAGUCUAAAUCCu 5' ||: || |||||||| Ref: 5' caccaGATGTT--GATTTAGGt 3' Energy: -12.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5009-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -12.08 2 18 25044 25063 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:19458 to 19479 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' aaaaccUG-AAAGUCUAAAUCCu 5' || || || ||||||| Ref: 5' tataacACGTTGCA-ATTTAGGt 3' Energy: -8.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5009-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -8.66 2 17 19458 19479 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:2363 to 2383 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' aaaaccUGAAAGUCUAAAUCCu 5' :| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' cttaaaGCCTTGA-ATTTAGGt 3' Energy: -8.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5009-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -8.59 2 17 2363 2383 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:2940 to 2959 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' aaaACCUGAAAGUCUAAAUCcu 5' |||:| || ||||||| Ref: 5' cacTGGGCATT--GATTTAGat 3' Energy: -11.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5009-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.63 3 20 2940 2959 17 76.47% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5009-3p NC_045512.2 737.00 -49.29 152.00 -12.08 2086 22 29903 7018 25044 19458 2363 2940 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-99a-5p MIMAT0000097(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-99a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20912 to 20935 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gugUUCUAGCCUA--GAUGCCCAa 5' :| | :|| | |||||||| Ref: 5' taaGACAGTGGTTGCCTACGGGTa 3' Energy: -22.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-99a-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -22.47 2 20 20912 20935 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28650 to 28672 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' gugUUCUAGCC-UAG-AUGCCCAa 5' |||| ||| ||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' acaAAGA-CGGCATCATATGGGTt 3' Energy: -24.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-99a-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -24.52 2 20 28650 28672 20 80.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:1140 to 1160 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' guguuCUAGCCUAGAUGCCCAa 5' ||| || |:||:|||| Ref: 5' agcttGAT-GGCTTTATGGGTa 3' Energy: -18.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-99a-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.47 2 18 1140 1160 16 75.00% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-99a-5p NC_045512.2 440.00 -65.46 150.00 -24.52 2087 22 29903 20912 28650 1140 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-196a-5p MIMAT0000226(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-196a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:6452 to 6474 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (94.12%) Query: 3' ggguUGUUGUAC-UUUGAUGGau 5' ::||::|| |||||||| Ref: 5' gagtGTAATGTGAAAACTACCga 3' Energy: -14.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-196a-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.32 3 19 6452 6474 17 70.59% 94.12% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9845 to 9866 Align Len (19) (52.63%) (89.47%) Query: 3' ggGUUGUUGUACUUUGAUGGAu 5' :|:::|::|| |:||||| Ref: 5' cgTAGTGATGTGCTATTACCTc 3' Energy: -15.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-196a-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.24 2 21 9845 9866 19 52.63% 89.47% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1314 to 1335 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gggUUGUUGUACUUUGAUGGAu 5' || || :|| |||||:| Ref: 5' ctaAAGAAGGTGCCACTACTTg 3' Energy: -13.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-196a-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.72 2 20 1314 1335 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19750 to 19771 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gggUUGUUGUACUUUGAUGGAu 5' ||:|| | | |:||||| Ref: 5' gaaAATAAAACAACATTACCTg 3' Energy: -14.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-196a-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.66 2 20 19750 19771 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24063 to 24085 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (94.74%) Query: 3' gggUUGUUGUACU-UUGAUGGAu 5' |||||:|||: :|:|:||| Ref: 5' tcaAACAATATGGTGATTGCCTt 3' Energy: -20.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-196a-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -20.96 2 20 24063 24085 19 68.42% 94.74% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28590 to 28612 Align Len (19) (52.63%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gggUUGUUGU-ACUUUGAUGGAu 5' :|::::| | ||||||| Ref: 5' caaGATGGTATTTCTACTACCTa 3' Energy: -16.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-196a-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.01 2 20 28590 28612 19 52.63% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-196a-5p NC_045512.2 859.00 -94.91 145.00 -20.96 2088 22 29903 6452 9845 1314 19750 24063 28590 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4743-5p MIMAT0019874(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4743-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4723-3p MIMAT0019839(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4723-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4837 to 4858 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aaaccccuccucggUCUCUCCc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tatagaatttcttaAGAGAGGt 3' Energy: -11.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4723-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.21 2 9 4837 4858 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:14257 to 14278 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aaaccccuccucggUCUCUCCc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tatgacttcacggaAGAGAGGt 3' Energy: -12.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4723-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.87 2 9 14257 14278 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4723-3p NC_045512.2 280.00 -24.08 140.00 -12.87 2090 22 29903 4837 14257 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6763-5p MIMAT0027426(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6763-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:25599 to 25616 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' gaggGGUCGGUGAGGGGUc 5' |:|| |||||:||| Ref: 5' gcaaCTAG-CACTCTCCAa 3' Energy: -20.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6763-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.17 2 16 25599 25616 14 78.57% 92.86% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6763-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.17 141.00 -20.17 2091 19 29903 25599 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6809-5p MIMAT0027518(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6809-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9426 to 9449 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' acUAGGAGAA--GAAAGGAACGGu 5' ||| | | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctATCGTAGTAACATGCCTTGCCt 3' Energy: -13.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6809-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.85 2 21 9426 9449 21 66.67% 66.67% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24700 to 24721 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acUAGGAGAAGAAAGGAACGGu 5' ||| |||| | ||||| || Ref: 5' ctATCATCTTATGTCCTTCCCt 3' Energy: -14.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6809-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.93 2 21 24700 24721 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11178 to 11201 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' acuAGGAGAA--GAAAGGAACGGu 5' |::| || ||| :|||||| Ref: 5' tgtTTTTGTTACCTTCTCTTGCCa 3' Energy: -16.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6809-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.67 2 20 11178 11201 20 65.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6809-5p NC_045512.2 433.00 -45.45 147.00 -16.67 2092 22 29903 9426 24700 11178 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-890 MIMAT0004912(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-890 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24468 to 24488 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' guuGACUACGGAAAGGUUCAu 5' :||:||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' attTTGGTGCAATTTCAAGTg 3' Energy: -20.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-890 NC_045512.2 150.00 -20.98 2 19 24468 24488 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8661 to 8678 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' guUGACUACGGAAAGGUUCAu 5' ||||| ||||:||||| Ref: 5' atACTGA---CTTTTCAAGTg 3' Energy: -18.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-890 NC_045512.2 147.00 -18.57 2 20 8661 8678 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:13593 to 13614 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' guUGACUACGG-AAAGGUUCau 5' |:|| ||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' taATTGTTGTCGCTTCCAAGaa 3' Energy: -18.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-890 NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.31 3 20 13593 13614 18 72.22% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-890 NC_045512.2 439.00 -57.86 150.00 -20.98 2093 21 29903 24468 8661 13593 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4667-3p MIMAT0019744(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4667-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1247-5p MIMAT0005899(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1247-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6512-5p MIMAT0025480(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6512-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23049 to 23069 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agAAGGUCGAGAAGAUUACCAu 5' ||||| | | |||||||| Ref: 5' gtTTCCAAC-CCACTAATGGTg 3' Energy: -20.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6512-5p NC_045512.2 162.00 -20.34 2 21 23049 23069 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12157 to 12179 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agaaGGUCGAGAA-GAUUACCAu 5' | :||| || |||||||| Ref: 5' tgagCAGGCTGTTGCTAATGGTg 3' Energy: -19.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6512-5p NC_045512.2 161.00 -19.93 2 19 12157 12179 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7531 to 7553 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agaAGGUCGAGAA-GAUUACCAu 5' | || || || :||||||| Ref: 5' atgTACAACTATTGTTAATGGTg 3' Energy: -14.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6512-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -14.07 2 20 7531 7553 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9754 to 9773 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agaAGGUCGAGAAGAUUACCAu 5' | :|| |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' acgTGTAG-TCTT-TAATGGTg 3' Energy: -15.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6512-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -15.80 2 20 9754 9773 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8883 to 8903 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' agAAGGUCGAGAAGAUUACCAu 5' || | || | |||||||| Ref: 5' taTTAC-GCACAACTAATGGTg 3' Energy: -14.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6512-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -14.83 2 21 8883 8903 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4711 to 4730 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' agAAGGUCGAGAAGAUUACCAu 5' || ||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgTTACAG--CGTATAATGGTt 3' Energy: -14.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6512-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -14.99 2 21 4711 4730 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:12460 to 12481 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' agaagGUCGAGAAGAUUACCAu 5' |||| |||||||| Ref: 5' aacagCAGCCAAACTAATGGTt 3' Energy: -17.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6512-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -17.19 2 18 12460 12481 16 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22988 to 23009 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' agaagGUCGAGAAGAUUACCAu 5' || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtagCACACCTTGTAATGGTg 3' Energy: -16.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6512-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -16.79 2 18 22988 23009 16 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10465 to 10484 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agaAGGUCGAGAAGAUUACCAu 5' |:|| :|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gggTTCA-TTCCT-TAATGGTt 3' Energy: -13.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6512-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -13.39 2 20 10465 10484 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19975 to 19996 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (94.12%) Query: 3' agaaGGUCGAGAAGAUUACCAu 5' |:: ||:||:|:||||| Ref: 5' ctcaCTGTCTTTTTTGATGGTa 3' Energy: -19.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6512-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -19.60 2 19 19975 19996 17 64.71% 94.12% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:24266 to 24287 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agaaggucgagaAGAUUACCAu 5' |:||||||| Ref: 5' atggcttataggTTTAATGGTa 3' Energy: -16.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6512-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.29 2 11 24266 24287 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15558 to 15577 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agAAGGUCGAGAAGAUUACCAu 5' ||::| ||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' acTTTTA--TCTACTGATGGTa 3' Energy: -19.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6512-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.71 2 21 15558 15577 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2668 to 2689 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' agAAGGUCGAGAAGAUUACCAu 5' || || || | |:||||| Ref: 5' ccTTGCACCTAATATGATGGTa 3' Energy: -16.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6512-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.73 2 21 2668 2689 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9251 to 9272 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agAAGGUCGAGAAGAUUACCAu 5' || :: ||| |||:|||| Ref: 5' gtTTGTGTATCTACTAGTGGTa 3' Energy: -16.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6512-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.91 2 21 9251 9272 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:16476 to 16498 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agAAGGUCG-AGAAGAUUACCau 5' ||||| : | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTTCCATTGTGTGCTAATGGac 3' Energy: -17.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6512-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.00 3 21 16476 16498 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:25231 to 25252 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' agaagguCGAGAAGAUUACCAu 5' || | ||||||| Ref: 5' cttgattGCCATAGTAATGGTg 3' Energy: -10.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6512-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.77 2 16 25231 25252 14 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:5234 to 5255 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agaaggucgagaaGAUUACCAu 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' aaatacccacaagTTAATGGTt 3' Energy: -11.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6512-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.99 2 10 5234 5255 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7882 to 7901 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agAAGGUCGAGAAGAUUACCAu 5' || :|| :||:|:||||| Ref: 5' tgTTATAG--TTTTTGATGGTa 3' Energy: -14.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6512-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.70 2 21 7882 7901 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:18223 to 18244 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agaaggucgagaaGAUUACCAu 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' atgaattatcaagTTAATGGTt 3' Energy: -9.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6512-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.76 2 10 18223 18244 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:23323 to 23345 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (94.44%) Query: 3' agaaGGU-CGAGAAGAUUACCAu 5' ||| |:||||:|::|||| Ref: 5' tacaCCATGTTCTTTTGGTGGTg 3' Energy: -26.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6512-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -26.07 2 19 23323 23345 18 72.22% 94.44% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:3530 to 3551 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' agAAGGUCGAGAAGAUUACCau 5' || || || ||||||| Ref: 5' gaTTACATAGCTACTAATGGac 3' Energy: -15.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6512-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.70 3 21 3530 3551 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:7565 to 7586 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' agAAGGUCGAGAAGAUUACCau 5' || :: || | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTTATGTCTATGCTAATGGag 3' Energy: -12.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6512-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.31 3 21 7565 7586 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:20020 to 20041 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agaaggucgagaagAUUACCAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tttagaaatgcccgTAATGGTg 3' Energy: -10.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6512-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.46 2 9 20020 20041 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6512-5p NC_045512.2 3399.00 -365.33 162.00 -26.07 2096 22 29903 23049 12157 7531 9754 8883 4711 12460 22988 10465 19975 24266 15558 2668 9251 16476 25231 5234 7882 18223 23323 3530 7565 20020 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3613-3p MIMAT0017991(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3613-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 165.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:11060 to 11084 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' cuUCCCA-ACCCGAAAAAAAAAACa 5' | ||| | |:| ||||||||| Ref: 5' caATGGTCTTTGTTCTTTTTTTTGt 3' Energy: -11.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3613-3p NC_045512.2 165.00 -11.47 2 23 11060 11084 22 72.73% 77.27% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:19968 to 19991 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cuucccaacccGAAAAAAAAAACa 5' || | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgcaccactcaCTGTCTTTTTTGa 3' Energy: -5.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3613-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -5.73 2 14 19968 19991 12 83.33% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3613-3p NC_045512.2 314.00 -17.20 165.00 -11.47 2097 24 29903 11060 19968 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548a-5p MIMAT0004803(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4014 to 4032 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccaUUUUGAGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' cagAAAACTTG---TTACTTTa 3' Energy: -11.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548a-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -11.85 2 20 4014 4032 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1675 to 1696 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ccaUUUUGAGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |:|: |||| ||||:||| Ref: 5' tgaAGAGATCGCCATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -13.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548a-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -13.13 2 20 1675 1696 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25796 to 25814 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ccaUUUUGAGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' ccaAAAAC---CCATTACTTTa 3' Energy: -9.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548a-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -9.22 2 20 25796 25814 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10947 to 10969 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccaUUUUGAG-CGUUAAUGAAAa 5' || :||| | :||||||| Ref: 5' gacAATGCTCAGGTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -10.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548a-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -10.09 2 20 10947 10969 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16890 to 16912 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ccAUUU-UGAGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |||| ::| |::||||:||| Ref: 5' atTAAATGTTGGTGATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -7.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548a-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -7.36 2 21 16890 16912 20 65.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:20181 to 20203 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ccauuuUGAGCGUU-AAUGAAAa 5' || :| || ||||||| Ref: 5' acaattACCTGAAACTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -6.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548a-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -6.29 2 17 20181 20203 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23009 to 23033 Align Len (22) (59.09%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ccAUUUUGAGCGUU---AAUGAAAa 5' |:||: |: :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtTGAAGGTTTTAATTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -8.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548a-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -8.92 2 21 23009 23033 22 59.09% 77.27% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8375 to 8398 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccaUUUUGAGCGU--UAAUGAAAa 5' |||| || || |||:|||| Ref: 5' gcaAAAAGTCACAACATTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -9.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548a-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -9.88 2 20 8375 8398 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4517 to 4538 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ccAUUUUGAGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |:: :|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' taTGGTGCTAGATTTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -10.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548a-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -10.20 2 21 4517 4538 19 57.89% 73.68% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14277 to 14302 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (78.26%) Query: 3' ccAUUUUGAG---C-GUUAAUGAAAa 5' |||||||| | | :|||:||| Ref: 5' gtTAAAACTCTTTGACCGTTATTTTa 3' Energy: -9.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548a-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -9.10 2 21 14277 14302 23 69.57% 78.26% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22274 to 22294 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccAUUUUGAGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' | |||||: :| ||:|||| Ref: 5' ttTCAAACTT-TACTTGCTTTa 3' Energy: -7.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548a-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -7.69 2 21 22274 22294 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:13630 to 13651 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ccauuUUGAGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||:| : ||||||| Ref: 5' aatttAATTGATTCTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -5.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548a-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -5.50 2 18 13630 13651 16 62.50% 75.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:1325 to 1346 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccauuuUGAGCGUUAAUGAAaa 5' |||:|:::|||||| Ref: 5' gccactACTTGTGGTTACTTac 3' Energy: -13.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548a-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.67 3 17 1325 1346 14 71.43% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:5893 to 5911 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccAUUUUGAGCGUUAAUGAAaa 5' |||||| ||:|||||| Ref: 5' caTAAAAC---CAGTTACTTat 3' Energy: -11.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548a-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.34 3 21 5893 5911 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:11630 to 11648 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccauuuUGAGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttttgtACTTG---TTACTTTg 3' Energy: -8.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548a-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -8.42 2 17 11630 11648 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10724 to 10745 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccaUUUUGAGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' | ||||| :||| ||||| Ref: 5' accACAACTCTTAATGACTTTa 3' Energy: -10.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548a-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.81 2 20 10724 10745 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:2719 to 2740 Align Len (9) (77.78%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccauuuugagcgUUAAUGAAAa 5' ::||||||| Ref: 5' tgcaccaacaaaGGTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -8.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548a-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.32 2 11 2719 2740 9 77.78% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27568 to 27588 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccAUUUUGAGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||: |||| | ||:|||| Ref: 5' ttTAGCACTC-AATTTGCTTTt 3' Energy: -10.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548a-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.17 2 21 27568 27588 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6769 to 6790 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccauuuugagcguuAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tatgccttatttctTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -3.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -3.98 2 9 6769 6790 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:7760 to 7781 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccauuuugagcguuAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ggttccatccatctTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -9.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.01 2 9 7760 7781 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21818 to 21839 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccAUUUUGAGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||| : | |:: |||:||| Ref: 5' ttTAATGATGGTGTTTATTTTg 3' Energy: -4.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -4.71 2 21 21818 21839 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:27546 to 27571 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ccauUUUGAGCGU---U-AAUGAAAa 5' |||:|:||| | ||:|||| Ref: 5' taacAAATTTGCACTGACTTGCTTTa 3' Energy: -11.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.03 2 19 27546 27571 21 66.67% 80.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548a-5p NC_045512.2 3230.00 -200.69 159.00 -13.67 2098 22 29903 4014 1675 25796 10947 16890 20181 23009 8375 4517 14277 22274 13630 1325 5893 11630 10724 2719 27568 6769 7760 21818 27546 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1180-5p MIMAT0026735(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1180-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-526b-3p MIMAT0002836(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-526b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:15002 to 15023 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cggagauuuUCCUUCGUGAAAg 5' | || ||||||| Ref: 5' atgaggatcAAGATGCACTTTt 3' Energy: -12.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-526b-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -12.36 2 14 15002 15023 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:397 to 418 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cggAGAUUUUCCUUCGUGAAag 5' ||| |||| :|||||| Ref: 5' acaTCTTAAAGATGGCACTTgt 3' Energy: -15.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-526b-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.41 3 20 397 418 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22040 to 22066 Align Len (24) (58.33%) (70.83%) Query: 3' cgGAGAUUUUCCUU-----CGUGAAAg 5' :||||: : ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' taTTCTAGTGCGAATAATTGCACTTTt 3' Energy: -14.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-526b-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.37 2 21 22040 22066 24 58.33% 70.83% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:15541 to 15563 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' cggaGAUUUUCCUU-CGUGAAAg 5' | || : || ||||||| Ref: 5' acggCCAATGTTAATGCACTTTt 3' Energy: -12.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-526b-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.89 2 19 15541 15563 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:887 to 910 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' cggagAUUUU--CCUUCGUGAAAg 5' ||||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' gctggTAAAGCTTCATGCACTTTg 3' Energy: -11.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-526b-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.46 2 18 887 910 18 66.67% 72.22% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-526b-3p NC_045512.2 732.00 -66.49 149.00 -15.41 2100 22 29903 15002 397 22040 15541 887 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4669 MIMAT0019749(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4669 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26964 to 26985 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ggAGGAGGUGAAGGGCCUGUGu 5' ||:|| || |:|||||| Ref: 5' caTCTTCGTATTGCTGGACACc 3' Energy: -22.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4669 NC_045512.2 148.00 -22.96 2 21 26964 26985 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:3567 to 3590 Align Len (19) (52.63%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ggagGAGGUGAAG--GGCCUGUGu 5' :| :::||: ||||||| Ref: 5' gtagTTGTGTTTTAAGCGGACACa 3' Energy: -18.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4669 NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.89 2 19 3567 3590 19 52.63% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:10627 to 10648 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggaggaggugaaggGCCUGUGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' acaagcagctggtaCGGACACa 3' Energy: -18.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4669 NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.66 2 9 10627 10648 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4669 NC_045512.2 429.00 -60.51 148.00 -22.96 2101 22 29903 26964 3567 10627 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-497-5p MIMAT0002820(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-497-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:28907 to 28928 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uguUUGGUGUCAC-ACGACGAc 5' ||: :|:||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ggcAATGGCGGTGATGCTGCTc 3' Energy: -21.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-497-5p NC_045512.2 161.00 -21.43 2 19 28907 28928 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8445 to 8465 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uguUUGGUGUCACACGACGAc 5' || :||: |||||||| Ref: 5' aacAAATACGTAGTGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -20.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-497-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -20.68 2 19 8445 8465 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14546 to 14569 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ugUUUGGUG-UCAC--ACGACGAc 5' :||::|| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' agGAATTACTTGTGTATGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -22.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-497-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -22.18 2 20 14546 14569 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:3151 to 3170 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uguuUGGUGUCACACGACGAc 5' :|||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tggtGCCAC-TTCTGCTGCTc 3' Energy: -16.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-497-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.86 2 18 3151 3170 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:16843 to 16864 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (94.44%) Query: 3' uguUUGGUGUCAC-ACGACGAc 5' :||:|::||| |||||:| Ref: 5' ggtGACTATGGTGATGCTGTTg 3' Energy: -23.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-497-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -23.61 2 19 16843 16864 18 66.67% 94.44% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:13078 to 13097 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uguuUGGUGUCACACGACGAc 5' :|:::|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttttGCTGTAG-ATGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -15.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-497-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.07 2 18 13078 13097 16 62.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:14767 to 14788 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uguuuggUGUCA-CACGACGAc 5' |::|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gctcaggATGGTAATGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -13.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-497-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.49 2 15 14767 14788 14 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22630 to 22652 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ugUUUGGU-G-UCACACGACGAc 5' :||:|| | | ||||:|||| Ref: 5' gaGAATCAGCAACTGTGTTGCTg 3' Energy: -21.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-497-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -21.81 2 20 22630 22652 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:24077 to 24101 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uguuUGGUGUCAC----ACGACGAc 5' :|| ::||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gattGCCTTGGTGATATTGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -16.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-497-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.51 2 18 24077 24101 20 60.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:28922 to 28942 Align Len (15) (60.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uguuuGGUGUCACACGACGAc 5' :| :: | ||||||| Ref: 5' gctgcTCTTGCTTTGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -15.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-497-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.21 2 17 28922 28942 15 60.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:29010 to 29030 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' uguuuggugUCACACGACGAc 5' | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tcactaagaAATCTGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -15.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-497-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.70 2 13 29010 29030 11 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:8600 to 8621 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uguuuGGUGUCAC-ACGACGAc 5' || : || ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgttCCTTTTTGTTGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -12.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-497-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.87 2 17 8600 8621 16 68.75% 75.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:19846 to 19864 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' uguuuggUGUCACACGACGAc 5' ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtgtggACA-T-TGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -14.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-497-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.24 2 15 19846 19864 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:20669 to 20689 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uguUUGGUGUCACACGACGAc 5' ::| || | |||:|||| Ref: 5' cgtGGCAACCGGGTGTTGCTa 3' Energy: -16.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-497-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.92 2 19 20669 20689 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:23375 to 23393 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uguUUGGUGUCACACGACGAc 5' ||||| :|| |||||:| Ref: 5' tctAACCA-GGT-TGCTGTTc 3' Energy: -15.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-497-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.72 2 19 23375 23393 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:26708 to 26730 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uguuugguguCAC--ACGACGAc 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' agcttgttttGTGCTTGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -16.549999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-497-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.55 2 12 26708 26730 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:25671 to 25690 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uguuugguguCACACGACGAc 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' ccttttgctcGT-TGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -15.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-497-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.39 2 12 25671 25690 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:24621 to 24641 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguuuggugucacACGACGAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cttctgctaatctTGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -11.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-497-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.16 2 9 24621 24641 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-497-5p NC_045512.2 2633.00 -305.40 161.00 -23.61 2102 21 29903 28907 8445 14546 3151 16843 13078 14767 22630 24077 28922 29010 8600 19846 20669 23375 26708 25671 24621 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4426 MIMAT0018941(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4426 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:7759 to 7775 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uuucAUGCAGGUAGAAg 5' | | |||||||| Ref: 5' tggtTCCATCCATCTTt 3' Energy: -12.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4426 NC_045512.2 149.00 -12.24 2 14 7759 7775 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:164 to 183 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uuUCAU---GCAGGUAGAAg 5' |||| ||||:||||| Ref: 5' cgAGTAACTCGTCTATCTTc 3' Energy: -20.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4426 NC_045512.2 142.00 -20.19 2 16 164 183 17 76.47% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4426 NC_045512.2 291.00 -32.43 149.00 -20.19 2103 17 29903 7759 164 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3976 MIMAT0019361(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3976 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:21369 to 21392 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ugUAAUUAGAAGGACGAGAGAUAu 5' | | :||||||| :|||:||| Ref: 5' tcAGTTGTCTTCCTATTCTTTATt 3' Energy: -23.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3976 NC_045512.2 162.00 -23.05 2 23 21369 21392 21 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:25691 to 25714 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uguAAUUAGAAGGACGAGAGAUAu 5' ||:| ||| :||||||| Ref: 5' gccTTGAAGCCCCTTTTCTCTATc 3' Energy: -13.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3976 NC_045512.2 157.00 -13.96 2 22 25691 25714 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:24291 to 24314 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (71.43%) Query: 3' ugUAAUUAGAAGGACGAGAGAUAu 5' :||| | ||:||||||| Ref: 5' gaGTTACACAGAATGTTCTCTATg 3' Energy: -15.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3976 NC_045512.2 154.00 -15.43 2 23 24291 24314 21 61.90% 71.43% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:14375 to 14397 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uguAAUUAGAAGGACGAGAGAUau 5' ||||| || :| :|||||| Ref: 5' actTTAATGTT-TTATTCTCTAca 3' Energy: -12.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3976 NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.03 3 22 14375 14397 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:23376 to 23399 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' uguaauuagAAGGACGAGAGAUAu 5' || |||:|||:||| Ref: 5' ctaaccaggTTGCTGTTCTTTATc 3' Energy: -14.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3976 NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.67 2 16 23376 23399 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15611 to 15637 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (71.43%) Query: 3' uguaaUUAGAAGGAC---GAGAGAUAu 5' |: |||: || ||||||| Ref: 5' aacacAGACTTTATGAGTGTCTCTATa 3' Energy: -13.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3976 NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.66 2 20 15611 15637 21 61.90% 71.43% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:1844 to 1868 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (72.73%) Query: 3' ugUAAUUA-GAAGGACGAGAGAUAu 5' || ||| || | ||||:||| Ref: 5' aaATCAATACTGAGTCCTCTTTATg 3' Energy: -14.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3976 NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.47 2 23 1844 1868 22 68.18% 72.73% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:18187 to 18210 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' uguaauuagaagGACGAGAGAUAu 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' acctatagaagaCTCATCTCTATg 3' Energy: -12.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3976 NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.51 2 13 18187 18210 11 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:9872 to 9899 Align Len (25) (68.00%) (76.00%) Query: 3' ugUA-AUUA--GAAGGA-CGAGAGAUAu 5' || |||| | |:| |||||:||| Ref: 5' caATATAATAGATACTTAGCTCTTTATa 3' Energy: -15.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3976 NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.40 2 23 9872 9899 25 68.00% 76.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:17105 to 17131 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' uguAAUUAGAA--GGA-CGAGAGAUau 5' ||: | || ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' attTTGCTATTGGCCTAGCTCTCTAct 3' Energy: -18.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3976 NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.05 3 22 17105 17131 22 72.73% 77.27% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:8607 to 8630 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uguAAUUAGAAGGACGAGAGAUAu 5' ||: | | || :|:||||| Ref: 5' tttTTGTTGCTGCTATTTTCTATt 3' Energy: -12.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3976 NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.84 2 22 8607 8630 20 60.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:15104 to 15126 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uguaauuagaaggACGAGAGAUAu 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' gcaccgtagctggTG-TCTCTATc 3' Energy: -13.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3976 NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.90 2 12 15104 15126 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:3792 to 3815 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguaauuagaaggacgAGAGAUAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ctgtctttgataaaaaTCTCTATg 3' Energy: -12.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3976 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.35 2 9 3792 3815 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11154 to 11177 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' uguaAUUAGAAGGACGAGAGAUAu 5' ||| | | | :|||||:| Ref: 5' aacaTAAGCATGCATTTCTCTGTt 3' Energy: -12.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3976 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.29 2 21 11154 11177 19 63.16% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3976 NC_045512.2 2050.00 -204.61 162.00 -23.05 2104 24 29903 21369 25691 24291 14375 23376 15611 1844 18187 9872 17105 8607 15104 3792 11154 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3196 MIMAT0015080(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3196 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6840-5p MIMAT0027582(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6840-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6889-5p MIMAT0027678(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6889-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-642b-3p MIMAT0018444(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-642b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:23159 to 23180 Align Len (10) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cccagggagagGUUUACACAGa 5' |||||||||| Ref: 5' ttggttaaaaaCAAATGTGTCa 3' Energy: -18.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-642b-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -18.54 2 12 23159 23180 10 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:11921 to 11942 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' cccagggagaGGUUUACACAGa 5' |: |||||||| Ref: 5' aaattgtgggCTCAATGTGTCc 3' Energy: -15.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-642b-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -15.26 2 13 11921 11942 11 81.82% 90.91% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:8117 to 8140 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' cccaggGAGAGGU--UUACACAGa 5' ||: | | |||||||| Ref: 5' gctgaaCTTGCAAAGAATGTGTCc 3' Energy: -13.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-642b-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.46 2 17 8117 8140 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:7944 to 7965 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' cccagggAGAGGUUUACACAGa 5' || | ||||||| Ref: 5' actacagTCAGCTTATGTGTCa 3' Energy: -13.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-642b-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.46 2 16 7944 7965 14 71.43% 71.43% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-642b-3p NC_045512.2 593.00 -60.72 155.00 -18.54 2108 22 29903 23159 11921 8117 7944 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-363-3p MIMAT0000707(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-363-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:20987 to 21009 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' auguCUACCUA-UGGCACGUUaa 5' ||| |:| |::|||||| Ref: 5' ctttGATTGGTGATTGTGCAAct 3' Energy: -14.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-363-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.54 3 19 20987 21009 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:24460 to 24481 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' augucuaccuauggCACGUUAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tagctccaattttgGTGCAATt 3' Energy: -9.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-363-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.33 2 9 24460 24481 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-363-3p NC_045512.2 281.00 -23.87 141.00 -14.54 2109 22 29903 20987 24460 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3620-3p MIMAT0018001(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3620-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:12015 to 12036 Align Len (10) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacccacgcccUACGUCCCACu 5' |||||||||| Ref: 5' ttttgctttccATGCAGGGTGc 3' Energy: -19.549999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3620-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -19.55 2 12 12015 12036 10 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:19660 to 19682 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (70.59%) Query: 3' gacccACGCCCU-ACGUCCCACu 5' || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' cacttTGATGGACAACAGGGTGa 3' Energy: -20.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3620-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -20.48 2 18 19660 19682 17 70.59% 70.59% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:15890 to 15911 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacccacgcccuacGUCCCACu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' caatgctagttaaaCAGGGTGa 3' Energy: -16.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3620-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.86 2 9 15890 15911 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3620-3p NC_045512.2 439.00 -56.89 155.00 -20.48 2110 22 29903 12015 19660 15890 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4265 MIMAT0016891(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4265 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6869-5p MIMAT0027638(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6869-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11480 to 11501 Align Len (19) (52.63%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgGCGGCGCGCGGUGAUGAGUg 5' :|:: | : : |||||||| Ref: 5' tcTGTTACTTCTAACTACTCAg 3' Energy: -15.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6869-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -15.76 2 21 11480 11501 19 52.63% 78.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:6619 to 6640 Align Len (12) (66.67%) (91.67%) Query: 3' cggcggcgcGCGGUGAUGAGUg 5' | :::||||||| Ref: 5' tttgaaaacCCTTGCTACTCAt 3' Energy: -13.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6869-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.82 2 14 6619 6640 12 66.67% 91.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12125 to 12148 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (80.95%) Query: 3' cgGCGGCG--CGCGGUGAUGAGUg 5' :|| || :||:|||:|||| Ref: 5' taTGCAGCTTTTGCTACTGCTCAa 3' Energy: -24.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6869-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -24.05 2 21 12125 12148 21 61.90% 80.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27993 to 28013 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cgGCGGCGCGCGGUGAUGAGUg 5' :| | ||:|:| |||:||| Ref: 5' gaTGACCCGTGTC-CTATTCAc 3' Energy: -26.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6869-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -26.40 2 21 27993 28013 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:2436 to 2457 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cggcggcgcgcgguGAUGAGUg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gagaagaaactggcCTACTCAt 3' Energy: -14.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6869-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.67 2 9 2436 2457 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6983 to 7004 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cggcggcgcgcgguGAUGAGUg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ctaggttctttaatCTACTCAa 3' Energy: -12.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6869-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.70 2 9 6983 7004 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11001 to 11022 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgGCGGCGCGCGGUGAUGAGUg 5' | || | |::::|||||| Ref: 5' caCACCACTGGTTGTTACTCAc 3' Energy: -21.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6869-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -21.03 2 21 11001 11022 19 57.89% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6869-5p NC_045512.2 998.00 -128.43 148.00 -26.40 2112 22 29903 11480 6619 12125 27993 2436 6983 11001 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-320a-5p MIMAT0037311(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-320a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7049 to 7072 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccuuCUUGGCC-CU-UCUCUUCCg 5' | ||:|| | |||||||| Ref: 5' tactGTACTGGTTACAGAGAAGGc 3' Energy: -22.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-320a-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -22.40 2 19 7049 7072 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1570 to 1591 Align Len (18) (55.56%) (72.22%) Query: 3' ccuUCUUGGCCCUUCUCUUCCg 5' ||: : | :||||||| Ref: 5' tacAGGTGTTGTTGGAGAAGGt 3' Energy: -16.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-320a-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.10 2 20 1570 1591 18 55.56% 72.22% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17178 to 17198 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (68.42%) Query: 3' ccUUCUUGGCCCUUCUCUUCCg 5' | | ||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgATGCACTATG-TGAGAAGGc 3' Energy: -16.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-320a-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.35 2 21 17178 17198 19 63.16% 68.42% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-320a-5p NC_045512.2 437.00 -54.85 152.00 -22.40 2113 22 29903 7049 1570 17178 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3154 MIMAT0015028(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3154 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 175.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17119 to 17140 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (88.89%) Query: 3' agaCGAGGGUUGAGGGGAAGAc 5' ||||:| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctaGCTCTCTACTACCCTTCTg 3' Energy: -30.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3154 NC_045512.2 175.00 -30.09 2 20 17119 17140 18 83.33% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25687 to 25708 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agACGAGGGUUGAGGGGAAGAc 5' || |:::| ||||||:| Ref: 5' gcTGGCCTTGAAGCCCCTTTTc 3' Energy: -21.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3154 NC_045512.2 140.00 -21.16 2 21 25687 25708 19 57.89% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3154 NC_045512.2 315.00 -51.25 175.00 -30.09 2114 22 29903 17119 25687 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4685-5p MIMAT0019771(26 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4685-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6853-3p MIMAT0027607(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6853-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25128 to 25149 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' gaCGCGUCCCAAGGUUACUUGu 5' || || ||: ||||||: Ref: 5' ttGCCAAGAATTTAAATGAATc 3' Energy: -9.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6853-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.27 2 21 25128 25149 19 63.16% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6853-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.27 140.00 -9.27 2116 22 29903 25128 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4520-3p MIMAT0019057(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4520-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10149 to 10172 Align Len (19) (84.21%) (84.21%) Query: 3' aaggAC-GCA-CAAAAGACAGGUu 5' || ||| |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgaTGACGTAGTTTACTGTCCAa 3' Energy: -21.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4520-3p NC_045512.2 164.00 -21.67 2 19 10149 10172 19 84.21% 84.21% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:18866 to 18888 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' aagGACGCACA-AAAGACAGGUu 5' || |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgaCTAGGTGTCTAGCTGTCCAc 3' Energy: -17.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4520-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -17.76 2 20 18866 18888 19 73.68% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4520-3p NC_045512.2 318.00 -39.43 164.00 -21.67 2117 22 29903 10149 18866 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3978 MIMAT0019363(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3978 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:12005 to 12027 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ugUGGGACCUACGUACGAAAGGUg 5' ||::| :| : ||||||||| Ref: 5' ctACTTTCTGT-TTTGCTTTCCAt 3' Energy: -19.969999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3978 NC_045512.2 156.00 -19.97 2 23 12005 12027 21 61.90% 80.95% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:10951 to 10972 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ugUGGGACCUACGUACGAAAGGUg 5' :|:| || ||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' atGCTCAGG-TGT-TACTTTCCAa 3' Energy: -17.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3978 NC_045512.2 154.00 -17.46 2 23 10951 10972 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:7245 to 7269 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uguGGGACC-UACGUACGAAAGGUg 5' :::||| || :|| ||||:|| Ref: 5' ggtTTTTGGCATATATTCTTTTCAc 3' Energy: -17.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3978 NC_045512.2 148.00 -17.35 2 22 7245 7269 21 61.90% 85.71% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:12345 to 12369 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ugUGGGACCUACG-UACGAAAGGUg 5' :|: || | | |||||||:|| Ref: 5' gtGCTATGCAGACAATGCTTTTCAc 3' Energy: -17.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3978 NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.81 2 23 12345 12369 22 63.64% 77.27% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:14609 to 14632 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' ugugggaccuACGUACGAAAGGUg 5' | |:||||||:|| Ref: 5' ataaacgcacTACGTGCTTTTCAg 3' Energy: -18.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3978 NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.34 2 15 14609 14632 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:23227 to 23251 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugugggaccUACGUAC-GAAAGGUg 5' :| : || ||||||| Ref: 5' taacaaaaaGTTTCTGCCTTTCCAa 3' Energy: -11.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3978 NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.35 2 16 23227 23251 15 66.67% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:14642 to 14664 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' ugugggaccUACGUACGAAAGGUg 5' |||: ||||||:|| Ref: 5' ttactaacaATGT-TGCTTTTCAa 3' Energy: -16.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3978 NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.39 2 16 14642 14664 14 78.57% 92.86% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3978 NC_045512.2 1028.00 -118.67 156.00 -19.97 2118 24 29903 12005 10951 7245 12345 14609 23227 14642 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-493-5p MIMAT0002813(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-493-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5557 to 5577 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (89.47%) Query: 3' uuACUUUCGGAUGGUACAUGUu 5' | :||| ||:::||||||| Ref: 5' tgTAGAAG-CTGTTATGTACAt 3' Energy: -17.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-493-5p NC_045512.2 162.00 -17.02 2 21 5557 5577 19 68.42% 89.47% Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13297 to 13318 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuACUUUCGGAUGGUACAUGUu 5' | |||| : | :||||||| Ref: 5' ctTAAAAGGTAAGTATGTACAa 3' Energy: -14.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-493-5p NC_045512.2 160.00 -14.56 2 21 13297 13318 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:23766 to 23787 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uuacUUUCGGAUGGUACAUGUu 5' |:| : ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' cagtAGATTGTACAATGTACAt 3' Energy: -10.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-493-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -10.41 2 19 23766 23787 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7519 to 7538 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uuacUUUCGGAUGGUACAUGUu 5' |:||:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' aacaAGAGTCGA--ATGTACAa 3' Energy: -16.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-493-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.06 2 19 7519 7538 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:7398 to 7419 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uuacuUUCGGAUGGUACAUGUu 5' | | :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' cagctATGGTTAGAATGTACAt 3' Energy: -10.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-493-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -10.91 2 18 7398 7419 16 68.75% 75.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:16196 to 16217 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuacuuucggaUGGUACAUGUu 5' :|:||||||| Ref: 5' agttttatgagGCTATGTACAc 3' Energy: -13.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-493-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.75 2 12 16196 16217 10 80.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:9003 to 9026 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uuacuuuCGGAUGG--UACAUGUu 5' | ||:|: ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgttttGGCTGCTGAATGTACAa 3' Energy: -15.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-493-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.57 2 16 9003 9026 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:18482 to 18503 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (84.62%) Query: 3' uuacuuucGGAUGGUACAUGUu 5' || ::||||||| Ref: 5' acctcataCCACTTATGTACAa 3' Energy: -14.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-493-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.63 2 15 18482 18503 13 69.23% 84.62% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:17411 to 17432 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uuacuUUCG-GAUGGUACAUGUu 5' |||| ||| ::|||||| Ref: 5' gtgctAAGCACTA-TGTGTACAt 3' Energy: -13.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-493-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.75 2 18 17411 17432 17 76.47% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-493-5p NC_045512.2 1361.00 -126.66 162.00 -17.02 2119 22 29903 5557 13297 23766 7519 7398 16196 9003 18482 17411 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5683 MIMAT0022472(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5683 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 165.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:22589 to 22612 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cuuCAGUCUCUUAGACGUAGACAu 5' | || :||:||||||||| Ref: 5' aacGCCACCAGATTTGCATCTGTt 3' Energy: -19.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5683 NC_045512.2 165.00 -19.77 2 22 22589 22612 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:22623 to 22646 Align Len (21) (80.95%) (80.95%) Query: 3' cuUCAGUCUCUUAGACGUAGACAu 5' || |||||||| ||| |||| Ref: 5' acAGGAAGAGAATCAGCAACTGTg 3' Energy: -24.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5683 NC_045512.2 154.00 -24.66 2 23 22623 22646 21 80.95% 80.95% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7918 to 7942 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cuucAGUC-UCUUAGACGUAGACAu 5' || | | |||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' atcaTCTGCAAAATCAGCGTCTGTt 3' Energy: -15.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5683 NC_045512.2 151.00 -15.77 2 21 7918 7942 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:8931 to 8954 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (72.73%) Query: 3' cuUCA-GUCUCUUAGACGUAGACAu 5' ||| ||| ::| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttAGTGCAGTTGGT-AACATCTGTt 3' Energy: -16.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5683 NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.88 2 23 8931 8954 22 63.64% 72.73% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:23768 to 23792 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (77.27%) Query: 3' cuUC-AGUCUCUUAGACGUAGACAu 5' || |:: | ||| | |||:||| Ref: 5' gtAGATTGTACAATGTACATTTGTg 3' Energy: -11.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5683 NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.48 2 23 23768 23792 22 63.64% 77.27% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:20059 to 20085 Align Len (23) (56.52%) (69.57%) Query: 3' cuuCAGUCUCUUAG---ACGUAGACAu 5' ||:| ||: |: ||||||| Ref: 5' agtGTTAAAGGTTTACAACCATCTGTa 3' Energy: -14.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5683 NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.40 2 22 20059 20085 23 56.52% 69.57% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:16711 to 16733 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cuuCAGUCUCUUAGACGUAGACAu 5' | |||||||| | ||||| | Ref: 5' tctGACAGAGAAT-TACATCTTTc 3' Energy: -17.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5683 NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.15 2 22 16711 16733 20 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:24095 to 24116 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cuuCAGUCUCUUAGACGUAGACAu 5' | :|||| | || |||:||| Ref: 5' gctGCTAGAG-ACCT-CATTTGTg 3' Energy: -16.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5683 NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.40 2 22 24095 24116 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:15107 to 15130 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' cuucagucUCUUAGACGUAGACAu 5' :| :||| :|||||| Ref: 5' ccgtagctGGTGTCTCTATCTGTa 3' Energy: -16.549999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5683 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.55 2 17 15107 15130 15 66.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5683 NC_045512.2 1330.00 -153.06 165.00 -24.66 2120 24 29903 22589 22623 7918 8931 23768 20059 16711 24095 15107 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-629-5p MIMAT0004810(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-629-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:3123 to 3143 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ucaaGAGGGUUGCAUUUGGGu 5' :| |||| |||||||: Ref: 5' atgaTTACCAAGGTAAACCTt 3' Energy: -17.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-629-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -17.84 2 18 3123 3143 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:20216 to 20236 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' ucaagagggUUGCAUUUGGGu 5' ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' atttacaagAATTTAAACCCa 3' Energy: -11.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-629-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -11.88 2 13 20216 20236 11 81.82% 90.91% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-629-5p NC_045512.2 297.00 -29.72 149.00 -17.84 2121 21 29903 3123 20216 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4675 MIMAT0019757(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4675 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:442 to 467 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (73.91%) Query: 3' ggACGAC-CAGUU-AG--UGUCGGGg 5' | :|| |||| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' cgTTTTGCCTCAACTTGAACAGCCCt 3' Energy: -19.379999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4675 NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.38 2 21 442 467 23 65.22% 73.91% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13472 to 13493 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ggACGACCA-GUUAGUGUCGGGg 5' ||| ||| :|| ::|||||| Ref: 5' ttTGC-GGTGTAAGTGCAGCCCg 3' Energy: -22.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4675 NC_045512.2 145.00 -22.67 2 21 13472 13493 20 70.00% 85.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4675 NC_045512.2 290.00 -42.05 145.00 -22.67 2122 22 29903 442 13472 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6776-3p MIMAT0027453(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6776-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:10691 to 10711 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gaccccUCUCUGUCACCACCAAc 5' :|||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ataaatGGAGACA--GGTGGTTt 3' Energy: -19.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6776-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -19.43 2 18 10691 10711 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:23939 to 23961 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' gaccccUCUCUGUCACCACCAAc 5' | |||: |||||||| Ref: 5' ccaattAAAGATTTTGGTGGTTt 3' Energy: -16.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6776-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -16.29 2 18 23939 23961 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:20339 to 20363 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gaccccUCUCUGUCA--CCACCAAc 5' | || |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttagtcATAGTCAGTTAGGTGGTTt 3' Energy: -15.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6776-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -15.45 2 18 20339 20363 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:25936 to 25958 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gaccccucucUGUCACCACCAAc 5' | | |||||||| Ref: 5' catgactaccAGATTGGTGGTTa 3' Energy: -13.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6776-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -13.99 2 14 25936 25958 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15211 to 15233 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' gaccCCUCUCUGUCACCACCAAc 5' | | | | |||||||| Ref: 5' acaaGCAAATTCTATGGTGGTTg 3' Energy: -16.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6776-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.63 2 20 15211 15233 18 66.67% 66.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6776-3p NC_045512.2 767.00 -81.79 158.00 -19.43 2123 23 29903 10691 23939 20339 25936 15211 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4423-5p MIMAT0019232(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4423-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12063 to 12085 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' cgUAC-CCUUGUUUUUCCGUUGa 5' ||| |:|||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' aaATGCTGGACAACAGGGCAACc 3' Energy: -20.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4423-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -20.23 2 21 12063 12085 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18775 to 18796 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgUACCCUUGUUUUUCCGUUGa 5' |||||: : | |||:||| Ref: 5' caATGGGGTTTTACAGGTAACc 3' Energy: -18.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4423-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.52 2 21 18775 18796 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:12316 to 12337 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (94.12%) Query: 3' cguACCCUUGUUUUUCCGUUga 5' || |:||||:|:||||| Ref: 5' atcTGAGGACAAGAGGGCAAaa 3' Energy: -21.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4423-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -21.24 3 20 12316 12337 17 76.47% 94.12% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:10574 to 10595 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' cguaccCUUGUUUUUCCGUUGa 5' || : |:||||:||| Ref: 5' ggcacaGACTTAGAAGGTAACt 3' Energy: -16.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4423-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.52 2 17 10574 10595 15 66.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4423-5p NC_045512.2 582.00 -76.51 155.00 -21.24 2124 22 29903 12063 18775 12316 10574 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5009-5p MIMAT0021041(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5009-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18803 to 18831 Align Len (24) (66.67%) (70.83%) Query: 3' uaggGGU-UUAGACUU----UUUCAGGUu 5' ||| :||||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gcaaCCATGATCTGTATTGTCAAGTCCAt 3' Energy: -19.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5009-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -19.68 2 21 18803 18831 24 66.67% 70.83% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:27652 to 27675 Align Len (21) (57.14%) (80.95%) Query: 3' uaGGGGUUUAGACUUUUUCAGGUu 5' | :||:| ||::||||:|| Ref: 5' ttCATCAGACAAGAGGAAGTTCAa 3' Energy: -18.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5009-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.88 2 23 27652 27675 21 57.14% 80.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23132 to 23154 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uagggGUUUAGACUUUUUCAGGUu 5' :::| || ||||||||:| Ref: 5' gtttgTGGACCT-AAAAAGTCTAc 3' Energy: -11.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5009-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.26 2 20 23132 23154 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:1623 to 1645 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' uaGGGGUUUAGACUUUUUCAGGUu 5' |:||||| ||:|||||| | Ref: 5' taCTCCAAA-AAGAGAAAGTCAAc 3' Energy: -20.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5009-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.93 2 23 1623 1645 21 71.43% 80.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5009-5p NC_045512.2 581.00 -70.75 150.00 -20.93 2125 24 29903 18803 27652 23132 1623 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6780b-3p MIMAT0027573(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6780b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-655-3p MIMAT0003331(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-655-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:2598 to 2622 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' uuucuCCAAUUGGU---ACAUAAUa 5' ||| |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tggttGGTACACCAGTTTGTATTAa 3' Energy: -12.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-655-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -12.77 2 18 2598 2622 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:16131 to 16152 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uuUCUCCAAUUGGUACAUAAua 5' | | ||||: |||||||| Ref: 5' acACATGTTAGACATGTATTct 3' Energy: -12.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-655-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -12.12 3 21 16131 16152 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14887 to 14906 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uuuCUCCAAUUGGUACAUAAUa 5' || | |::| ||||||| Ref: 5' tacGATGGTGGC--TGTATTAa 3' Energy: -8.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-655-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -8.49 2 20 14887 14906 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:13047 to 13067 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' uuucuccAAUUGGUACAUAAUa 5' || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctgccaaTTCAAC-TGTATTAt 3' Energy: -8.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-655-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -8.03 2 16 13047 13067 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:3009 to 3031 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uuucUCCAAUUG-GUACAUAAUa 5' :| || || :|||||||: Ref: 5' aattGGCTTCACATATGTATTGt 3' Energy: -11.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-655-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.17 2 19 3009 3031 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:25981 to 26002 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuucuccaauugguACAUAAUa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gtaaaagactgtgtTGTATTAc 3' Energy: -8.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-655-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.50 2 9 25981 26002 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-655-3p NC_045512.2 878.00 -61.08 152.00 -12.77 2127 22 29903 2598 16131 14887 13047 3009 25981 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-181d-5p MIMAT0002821(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-181d-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:20768 to 20790 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uggguggcUGUUGUUACUUACAa 5' |:||::|||||||| Ref: 5' ctaaaggcATAATGATGAATGTc 3' Energy: -14.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181d-5p NC_045512.2 163.00 -14.83 2 16 20768 20790 14 78.57% 100.00% Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:11385 to 11407 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uggguggCUGUUGUUACUUACAa 5' |||| : |||||||| Ref: 5' gagtgtgGACACTTATGAATGTc 3' Energy: -13.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181d-5p NC_045512.2 160.00 -13.65 2 17 11385 11407 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:8206 to 8228 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugGGUGGCUGUUGUUACUUACAa 5' |:| ||:: :: ||||||| Ref: 5' aaCTAAAGATGTTGTTGAATGTc 3' Energy: -13.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181d-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -13.01 2 22 8206 8228 20 55.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:15394 to 15418 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (86.36%) Query: 3' ugGGUGGCU-GUUG-UUACUUACAa 5' |:|: || :|:| |||||:||| Ref: 5' ttCTATAGATTAGCTAATGAGTGTg 3' Energy: -17.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181d-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.08 2 22 15394 15418 22 63.64% 86.36% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:12201 to 12223 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (73.33%) Query: 3' uggguggCUGUUGUUACUUACAa 5' || : | ||||||| Ref: 5' agttgaaGAAGTCTTTGAATGTg 3' Energy: -9.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181d-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.86 2 17 12201 12223 15 66.67% 73.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9003 to 9023 Align Len (17) (58.82%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uggguGGCUGUUGUUACUUACAa 5' ::|:| :| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgttTTGGCTGC--TGAATGTa 3' Energy: -10.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181d-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.30 2 19 9003 9023 17 58.82% 82.35% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15610 to 15631 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uggGUGGCUGUUGUUACUUACAa 5' ||| ||| : ||||:||| Ref: 5' caaCACAGAC-TTTATGAGTGTc 3' Energy: -16.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181d-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.91 2 21 15610 15631 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23524 to 23549 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (81.82%) Query: 3' uggGUGGCUGUU--GU-UACUUACAa 5' :::| |||| || ||||:||| Ref: 5' acaTGTCAACAACTCATATGAGTGTg 3' Energy: -17.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181d-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.08 2 21 23524 23549 22 63.64% 81.82% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1054 to 1076 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uggGUGGCUGUUGUUACUUACAa 5' |||| |||::: |||||| Ref: 5' tgaCACCTTCAATGGGGAATGTc 3' Energy: -18.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181d-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.73 2 21 1054 1076 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:1179 to 1202 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ugggugGCUGUUG-UUACUUACaa 5' || || | |||||||| Ref: 5' cagttgCGTCACCAAATGAATGca 3' Energy: -14.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181d-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.61 3 18 1179 1202 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:17370 to 17394 Align Len (22) (59.09%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ugGGUGGCUGUUGUU--ACUUACAa 5' |||| |: |::| |||:||| Ref: 5' ggCCACAAATTATGATTTGAGTGTt 3' Energy: -15.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181d-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.74 2 22 17370 17394 22 59.09% 77.27% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-181d-5p NC_045512.2 1614.00 -161.80 163.00 -18.73 2128 23 29903 20768 11385 8206 15394 12201 9003 15610 23524 1054 1179 17370 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4443 MIMAT0018961(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4443 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:2449 to 2465 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuuUGGGUGCGGAGGUu 5' ||:||:|||||:| Ref: 5' cctACTCATGCCTCTAa 3' Energy: -23.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4443 NC_045512.2 146.00 -23.19 2 15 2449 2465 13 76.92% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4443 NC_045512.2 146.00 -23.19 146.00 -23.19 2129 17 29903 2449 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4528 MIMAT0019067(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4528 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:22384 to 22404 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' caggucUAGUAUGUAUAUUACu 5' ||:| | |||||||| Ref: 5' ttttctATTA-AAATATAATGa 3' Energy: -9.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4528 NC_045512.2 154.00 -9.67 2 17 22384 22404 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11586 to 11606 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cagGUCUAGUAUGUAUAUUACu 5' || ||| :::||||||| Ref: 5' ataCACTTCA-GTGTATAATGc 3' Energy: -10.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4528 NC_045512.2 153.00 -10.37 2 20 11586 11606 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:4706 to 4728 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' caggucUAGUAU-GUAUAUUACu 5' :|:| | |:||||||| Ref: 5' gatgctGTTACAGCGTATAATGg 3' Energy: -13.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4528 NC_045512.2 151.00 -13.60 2 17 4706 4728 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17888 to 17909 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cagGUCUAGUAUGUAUAUUACu 5' ||| ||| | |:||||| Ref: 5' aaaCAGCTCACTCTTGTAATGt 3' Energy: -13.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4528 NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.42 2 20 17888 17909 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18192 to 18214 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' caggUCU-AGUAUGUAUAUUACu 5' ||| |||| : |||:||| Ref: 5' tagaAGACTCATCTCTATGATGg 3' Energy: -11.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4528 NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.98 2 19 18192 18214 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11353 to 11373 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' caGGUCUAGUAUGUAUAUUACu 5' | ||| | |:::|||:||| Ref: 5' agCAAGAAC-TGTGTATGATGa 3' Energy: -13.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4528 NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.25 2 21 11353 11373 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4104 to 4127 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' caggUCUAGUA--UGUAUAUUACu 5' |||| | |:|||||:|| Ref: 5' agaaAGATGCTCCATATATAGTGg 3' Energy: -13.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4528 NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.73 2 19 4104 4127 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4528 NC_045512.2 1033.00 -86.02 154.00 -13.73 2130 22 29903 22384 11586 4706 17888 18192 11353 4104 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-2116-3p MIMAT0011161(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-2116-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-12117 MIMAT0049011(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-12117 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14441 to 14461 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (94.44%) Query: 3' agUGACUA-CACGAGGUGAAg 5' ::|||| |||:||||:|| Ref: 5' ttGTTGATGGTGTTCCATTTg 3' Energy: -21.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12117 NC_045512.2 153.00 -21.27 2 19 14441 14461 18 72.22% 94.44% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:22673 to 22692 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' agugacuacACGAGGUGAAg 5' | :||||||| Ref: 5' tccgcatcaTTTTCCACTTt 3' Energy: -13.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12117 NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.38 2 12 22673 22692 10 80.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:16070 to 16089 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (94.12%) Query: 3' agUGACUACACGAGGUGAAg 5' :||||||| :|:||:|| Ref: 5' atGCTGATGTCTTTCATTTg 3' Energy: -18.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12117 NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.34 2 19 16070 16089 17 70.59% 94.12% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:16406 to 16426 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agUGACUACAC-GAGGUGAAg 5' || |||||| ||| |||| Ref: 5' tcACAGATGTGACTCAACTTt 3' Energy: -20.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12117 NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.44 2 19 16406 16426 18 83.33% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-12117 NC_045512.2 579.00 -73.43 153.00 -21.27 2132 20 29903 14441 22673 16070 16406 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6895-5p MIMAT0027690(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6895-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25674 to 25696 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gaAUGAGACACG--GACCGGGAc 5' |:||| ||| ||||||:| Ref: 5' ttTGCTCGTTGCTGCTGGCCTTg 3' Energy: -27.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6895-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -27.04 2 20 25674 25696 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:828 to 845 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gaaUGAGACACGGACCGGGAc 5' ||| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' acaACT-TCTG--TGGCCCTg 3' Energy: -21.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6895-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -21.74 2 19 828 845 17 76.47% 76.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6895-5p NC_045512.2 291.00 -48.78 146.00 -27.04 2133 21 29903 25674 828 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-22-5p MIMAT0004495(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-22-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:3961 to 3981 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (94.44%) Query: 3' auUUCGAACGGUGACUUCUUga 5' ||||||| :::||||||| Ref: 5' caAAGCTTG-TGTTGAAGAAgt 3' Energy: -20.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-22-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -20.59 3 21 3961 3981 18 77.78% 94.44% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:4742 to 4764 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (91.67%) Query: 3' auuucgaacgGU-GACUUCUUGa 5' || ||||||||| Ref: 5' tcttctaaaaCACCTGAAGAACa 3' Energy: -14.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-22-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.77 2 13 4742 4764 12 91.67% 91.67% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:26099 to 26120 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' auuucgaACGGUGACUUCUUGa 5' || ||||||||| Ref: 5' ttgttgaTGAGCCTGAAGAACa 3' Energy: -13.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-22-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -13.92 2 16 26099 26120 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:26539 to 26560 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' auuucgAACGGUGACUUCUUGa 5' || ||::||||||:| Ref: 5' gtactaTTACCGTTGAAGAGCt 3' Energy: -20.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-22-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -20.70 2 17 26539 26560 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:6396 to 6417 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' auUUCGAACGGUGACUUCUUga 5' || | |:| |||||||| Ref: 5' taAAACCAGTCTCTGAAGAAgt 3' Energy: -15.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-22-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.12 3 21 6396 6417 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7739 to 7760 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' auuUCGAACGGUGACUUCUUGa 5' ||: | || |||||||: Ref: 5' gatAGTGTTACAGTGAAGAATg 3' Energy: -13.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-22-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.75 2 20 7739 7760 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28519 to 28543 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (77.27%) Query: 3' auUUCGAACGGUGA---CUUCUUGa 5' || :| ||:||| |||||:| Ref: 5' ccAAATTGGCTACTACCGAAGAGCt 3' Energy: -18.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-22-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.09 2 21 28519 28543 22 63.64% 77.27% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:4395 to 4419 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (76.19%) Query: 3' auUUCGAACG-GU--GACUUCUUga 5' | |||||| || | |||||| Ref: 5' aaATGCTTGCACATGCAGAAGAAac 3' Energy: -17.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-22-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.58 3 21 4395 4419 21 76.19% 76.19% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-22-5p NC_045512.2 1176.00 -134.52 154.00 -20.70 2134 22 29903 3961 4742 26099 26539 6396 7739 28519 4395 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3190-3p MIMAT0022839(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3190-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:1691 to 1717 Align Len (24) (66.67%) (75.00%) Query: 3' agAGACCG--GCAGAUG--GAAGGUGu 5' |:|||| | |:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' atTTTGGCATCTTTTTCTGCTTCCACa 3' Energy: -24.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3190-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -24.58 2 22 1691 1717 24 66.67% 75.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21825 to 21847 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (77.78%) Query: 3' agagACCGGCAGAUGGAAGGUGu 5' || :: |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' atggTGTTTATTTTGCTTCCACt 3' Energy: -19.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3190-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -19.45 2 20 21825 21847 18 61.11% 77.78% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24363 to 24385 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' agagaCCGGCAGAUGGAAGGUGu 5' | |: || :||||||| Ref: 5' ttcaaGACTCACTTTCTTCCACa 3' Energy: -17.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3190-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -17.14 2 19 24363 24385 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:165 to 187 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agagaccGGCAGAUGGAAGGUGu 5' :||||||:||||::| Ref: 5' gagtaacTCGTCTATCTTCTGCa 3' Energy: -24.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3190-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -24.26 2 17 165 187 15 73.33% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12990 to 13012 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agaGACCGGCAGAUGGAAGGUGu 5' :|||: ||:|| || |||| Ref: 5' tacTTGGTAGTTTAGCTGCCACa 3' Energy: -22.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3190-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -22.37 2 21 12990 13012 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:28132 to 28154 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agagaccGGCAGAUGGAAGGUGu 5' |:||:||||||::|| Ref: 5' cagtttcCTGTTTACCTTTTACa 3' Energy: -24.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3190-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -24.05 2 17 28132 28154 15 73.33% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3190-3p NC_045512.2 876.00 -131.85 155.00 -24.58 2135 23 29903 1691 21825 24363 165 12990 28132 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548m MIMAT0005917(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548m vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8464 to 8485 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' guUUUUGGUGUU-UAUGGAAAc 5' |||| |:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' taAAAAGAATAACTTACCTTTt 3' Energy: -11.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548m NC_045512.2 158.00 -11.05 2 20 8464 8485 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9659 to 9679 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' guuUUUGGUGUUUAUGGAAAc 5' | ||| : |:||||||| Ref: 5' ttcACACCTTTAGTACCTTTc 3' Energy: -13.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548m NC_045512.2 158.00 -13.36 2 19 9659 9679 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:18341 to 18360 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guuuuUGGUGUUUAUGGAAAc 5' |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttggtACCA-ATTTACCTTTa 3' Energy: -12.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548m NC_045512.2 150.00 -12.06 2 17 18341 18360 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:1198 to 1218 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' guuuUUGGUGUUUAUGGAAAc 5' ||||| | :|:||||| Ref: 5' atgcAACCAAATGTGCCTTTc 3' Energy: -14.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548m NC_045512.2 149.00 -14.39 2 18 1198 1218 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4304 to 4325 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (89.47%) Query: 3' guUUUUG-GUGUUUAUGGAAAc 5' |||:: :| ||:|:||||| Ref: 5' aaAAAGTGTAAAAGTGCCTTTt 3' Energy: -11.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548m NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.47 2 20 4304 4325 19 63.16% 89.47% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11086 to 11107 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' guUUUUG-GUGUUUAUGGAAAc 5' ||||: | : ||||||| Ref: 5' tgAAAATGCCTTTTTACCTTTt 3' Energy: -10.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548m NC_045512.2 146.00 -10.31 2 20 11086 11107 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21715 to 21736 Align Len (19) (52.63%) (78.95%) Query: 3' guUUUUG-GUGUUUAUGGAAAc 5' |::|| ::: ||||||| Ref: 5' tcAGGACTTGTTCTTACCTTTc 3' Energy: -9.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548m NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.95 2 20 21715 21736 19 52.63% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:27464 to 27486 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' guUUUUGGUGU--UUAUGGAAAc 5' |:|: :||| |:|||:||| Ref: 5' ttAGAGGTACAACAGTACTTTTa 3' Energy: -12.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548m NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.38 2 20 27464 27486 20 60.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:2685 to 2705 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guuuUUGGUGUUUAUGGAAac 5' ||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' tggtAACAAACAATACCTTca 3' Energy: -9.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548m NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.84 3 18 2685 2705 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:24236 to 24256 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' guuuuUGGUGUUUAUGGAAAc 5' |::||||||||| || Ref: 5' gctgcATTACAAATACCATTt 3' Energy: -15.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548m NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.96 2 17 24236 24256 15 80.00% 93.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:28131 to 28151 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guuuuugguguuuAUGGAAAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' acagtttcctgttTACCTTTt 3' Energy: -12.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548m NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.10 2 9 28131 28151 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548m NC_045512.2 1612.00 -132.87 158.00 -15.96 2136 21 29903 8464 9659 18341 1198 4304 11086 21715 27464 2685 24236 28131 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-18b-3p MIMAT0004751(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-18b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-28-5p MIMAT0000085(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-28-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9875 to 9896 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gaGUUAUCUGACACUCGAGGAa 5' :||||||: | |||||:| Ref: 5' taTAATAGATACTTAGCTCTTt 3' Energy: -17.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-28-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -17.44 2 21 9875 9896 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26551 to 26573 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (68.42%) Query: 3' gagUUAUCUGA-CACUCGAGGAa 5' || || :| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgAAGAGCTTAAAAAGCTCCTt 3' Energy: -14.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-28-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.27 2 20 26551 26573 19 63.16% 68.42% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-28-5p NC_045512.2 294.00 -31.71 152.00 -17.44 2138 22 29903 9875 26551 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6070 MIMAT0023695(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6070 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-323a-3p MIMAT0000755(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-323a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17890 to 17910 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ucUCCAGCUGGCACAUUACAc 5' || || :| |||||||| Ref: 5' acAGCTCACTCTTGTAATGTa 3' Energy: -10.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-323a-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -10.80 2 20 17890 17910 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:6445 to 6463 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ucuccAGCUGGCACAUUACAc 5' |:|| ||||||||| Ref: 5' cgttcTTGA--GTGTAATGTg 3' Energy: -16.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-323a-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -16.07 2 17 6445 6463 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10252 to 10273 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucuCCA-G-CUGGCACAUUACAc 5' ||| | |:|:| ||||||| Ref: 5' cttGGTACAGGCTG-GTAATGTt 3' Energy: -18.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-323a-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -18.31 2 19 10252 10273 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:7115 to 7135 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' ucuccagcUGGCACAUUACAc 5' ||| ||||:||| Ref: 5' ggttctatACCTTGTAGTGTt 3' Energy: -14.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-323a-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.19 2 14 7115 7135 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:15025 to 15045 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucuccagcuggcaCAUUACAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gcatatacaaaacGTAATGTc 3' Energy: -6.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-323a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.30 2 9 15025 15045 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-323a-3p NC_045512.2 743.00 -65.67 159.00 -18.31 2140 21 29903 17890 6445 10252 7115 15025 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8068 MIMAT0030995(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8068 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3204 to 3226 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugUUGCUAGGAAU-GUUGUUUGu 5' :|:||| | : |||||||| Ref: 5' taGATGATGATAGTCAACAAACt 3' Energy: -14.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8068 NC_045512.2 155.00 -14.73 2 21 3204 3226 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3801 to 3822 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ugUUGCUAGGAAUGUUGUUUGu 5' || |||: ||::|||||| Ref: 5' atAAAAATCTCTATGACAAACt 3' Energy: -13.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8068 NC_045512.2 152.00 -13.41 2 21 3801 3822 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:29100 to 29119 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uguUGCUAGGAAUGUUGUUUGu 5' ::|:||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gacGTGGTCC--AGAACAAACc 3' Energy: -15.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8068 NC_045512.2 152.00 -15.63 2 20 29100 29119 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:28248 to 28270 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uguugcUAGGAAUG-UUGUUUGu 5' |||: || ||||||| Ref: 5' gatttcATCTAAACGAACAAACt 3' Energy: -10.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8068 NC_045512.2 151.00 -10.25 2 17 28248 28270 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2676 to 2696 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugUUGCUAGGAAUGUUGUUUGu 5' ||: || | ::||||||| Ref: 5' ctAAT-ATGATGGTAACAAACa 3' Energy: -13.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8068 NC_045512.2 150.00 -13.70 2 21 2676 2696 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8735 to 8757 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uguUGCUAGGAAUG-UUGUUUGu 5' || ::||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' gatACTTGTTTTGCTAACAAACa 3' Energy: -13.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8068 NC_045512.2 150.00 -13.95 2 20 8735 8757 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:12 to 33 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (84.62%) Query: 3' uguugcuaGGAAUGUUGUUUGu 5' || ::||||||| Ref: 5' ataccttcCCAGGTAACAAACc 3' Energy: -12.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8068 NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.33 2 15 12 33 13 69.23% 84.62% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:21117 to 21138 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' uguugCUAGGAAUGUUGUUUgu 5' |:|:: ||||||||| Ref: 5' ttgtgGGTTTATACAACAAAag 3' Energy: -13.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8068 NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.54 3 18 21117 21138 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:8282 to 8304 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uguUGCUAG-GAAUGUUGUUUgu 5' |:| || | ||:|||||| Ref: 5' tatATGCTCACCTATAACAAAgt 3' Energy: -10.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8068 NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.69 3 20 8282 8304 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:8517 to 8537 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ugUUGCUAGGAAUGUUGUUUgu 5' ||:| |: | |||||||| Ref: 5' ttAATG-TTGTAACAACAAAga 3' Energy: -12.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8068 NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.17 3 21 8517 8537 18 72.22% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8068 NC_045512.2 1485.00 -130.40 155.00 -15.63 2141 22 29903 3204 3801 29100 28248 2676 8735 12 21117 8282 8517 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3173-3p MIMAT0015048(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3173-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6861-5p MIMAT0027623(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6861-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15918 to 15938 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ggACCUCGGGGUGGAUGGGUCa 5' || | ||:: |:||||||| Ref: 5' tgTGTA-CCTTCCTTACCCAGa 3' Energy: -21.280001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6861-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -21.28 2 21 15918 15938 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:4236 to 4257 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggaccucggGGUGGAUGGGUCa 5' ||||:|||||:| Ref: 5' attatataaCCACTTACCCGGg 3' Energy: -23.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6861-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -23.68 2 14 4236 4257 12 83.33% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:5684 to 5705 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (93.75%) Query: 3' ggaccUCGGGGUGGAUGGGUCa 5' ||| ||||||:|:||| Ref: 5' atgtcAGCACCACCTGCTCAGt 3' Energy: -28.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6861-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -28.42 2 18 5684 5705 16 81.25% 93.75% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:11481 to 11502 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ggaccUCGGGGUGGAUGGGUCa 5' | ::|:| ||||:||| Ref: 5' ctgttACTTCTAACTACTCAGg 3' Energy: -18.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6861-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.69 2 18 11481 11502 16 62.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28593 to 28614 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ggACC-UCGGGGUGGAUGGGUCa 5' ||| | ::|:| |||||:|| Ref: 5' gaTGGTATTTCTA-CTACCTAGg 3' Energy: -20.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6861-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.43 2 21 28593 28614 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:1161 to 1182 Align Len (15) (60.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' ggaccuCGGGGUGGAUGGGUCa 5' | :|:::|||:|||| Ref: 5' gaattcGATCTGTCTATCCAGt 3' Energy: -20.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6861-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.73 2 17 1161 1182 15 60.00% 93.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6861-5p NC_045512.2 870.00 -133.23 158.00 -28.42 2143 22 29903 15918 4236 5684 11481 28593 1161 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6767-5p MIMAT0027434(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6767-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13365 to 13386 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agaGGUACACAGGGACAGACGCu 5' | :| ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' acaCAGTCTGTACC-GTCTGCGg 3' Energy: -22.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6767-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -22.10 2 21 13365 13386 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4421 to 4443 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' agaggUACACAGGGACAGACGCu 5' || | ||||||||:| Ref: 5' cgcaaATTAATGCCTGTCTGTGt 3' Energy: -20.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6767-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -20.17 2 19 4421 4443 17 70.59% 76.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6767-5p NC_045512.2 300.00 -42.27 158.00 -22.10 2144 23 29903 13365 4421 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8061 MIMAT0030988(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8061 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:6981 to 7001 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uuGUUAUAGGAGAUUAGAUuc 5' | | :|:||:||||||| Ref: 5' gcCTAGGTTCTTTAATCTAct 3' Energy: -13.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8061 NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.24 3 20 6981 7001 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:14801 to 14822 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uuGUUAUAG-GAGAUUAGAUuc 5' :| |||| :| ||||||| Ref: 5' acTACTATCGTTATAATCTAcc 3' Energy: -7.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8061 NC_045512.2 142.00 -7.98 3 20 14801 14822 18 72.22% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8061 NC_045512.2 289.00 -21.22 147.00 -13.24 2145 21 29903 6981 14801 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-519c-3p MIMAT0002832(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-519c-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14623 to 14644 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uaGGAGAUUUUUCUACGUGAAa 5' |:|:| |: || ||||||| Ref: 5' tgCTTTTCAGTAGCTGCACTTa 3' Energy: -14.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519c-3p NC_045512.2 164.00 -14.71 2 21 14623 14644 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:15001 to 15022 Align Len (11) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uaggagauuuUUCUACGUGAAa 5' ||||||||||| Ref: 5' tatgaggatcAAGATGCACTTt 3' Energy: -16.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519c-3p NC_045512.2 160.00 -16.50 2 13 15001 15022 11 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24376 to 24398 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uaGGAGAU-UUUUCUACGUGAAa 5' |:|| | |: | :||||||| Ref: 5' ttCTTCCACAGCAAGTGCACTTg 3' Energy: -14.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519c-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -14.06 2 21 24376 24398 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22422 to 22442 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uagGAGAUUUUUCUACGUGAAa 5' || ||:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' atgCTGTAGACTG-TGCACTTg 3' Energy: -13.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519c-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -13.58 2 20 22422 22442 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:886 to 909 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' uaggagAUUUU--UCUACGUGAAa 5' ||||: |||||||| Ref: 5' tgctggTAAAGCTTCATGCACTTt 3' Energy: -15.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519c-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.03 2 17 886 909 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:22044 to 22065 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' uaggagaUUUUUCUACGUGAAa 5' :|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctagtgcGAATAATTGCACTTt 3' Energy: -10.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519c-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.65 2 16 22044 22065 14 71.43% 78.57% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:15541 to 15562 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uaggagauuuuucUACGUGAAa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' acggccaatgttaATGCACTTt 3' Energy: -13.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519c-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.12 2 10 15541 15562 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5383 to 5405 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' uaGGAGAUU-UUUCUACGUGAAa 5' |: |||| :||||||| Ref: 5' agCTGCTAACTTTTGTGCACTTa 3' Energy: -13.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519c-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.16 2 21 5383 5405 20 60.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:25528 to 25549 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uaggagauuuuuCUACGUGAAa 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' cttattgttggcGTTGCACTTc 3' Energy: -8.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519c-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.79 2 11 25528 25549 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:6789 to 6810 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uaggaGAUUUUUCUACGUGAAa 5' ||| || :||:|||| Ref: 5' tattgCTACAATTGTGTACTTt 3' Energy: -12.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519c-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.03 2 18 6789 6810 16 68.75% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-519c-3p NC_045512.2 1497.00 -131.63 164.00 -16.50 2146 22 29903 14623 15001 24376 22422 886 22044 15541 5383 25528 6789 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6785-3p MIMAT0027471(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6785-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-129-5p MIMAT0000242(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-129-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8362 to 8382 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgUUCGGGUCUGGCGUUUUUc 5' | || |||:: ||||||| Ref: 5' taATGCGCAGGTAGCAAAAAg 3' Energy: -19.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-129-5p NC_045512.2 163.00 -19.89 2 20 8362 8382 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:29040 to 29057 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cgUUCGGGUCUGGCGUUUUUc 5' |||||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' agAAGCCT---CGGCAAAAAc 3' Energy: -13.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-129-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -13.49 2 20 29040 29057 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8113 to 8133 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgUUCGGGUCUGGCGUUUUUc 5' ||||: | ::|||||:| Ref: 5' agAAGCTGAACTTGCAAAGAa 3' Energy: -13.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-129-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.92 2 20 8113 8133 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12319 to 12339 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cgUUCGGGUCUGGCGUUUUUc 5' |:| | ||| ||||||: Ref: 5' tgAGGACAAGAGGGCAAAAGt 3' Energy: -11.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-129-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.29 2 20 12319 12339 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:15969 to 15989 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cguUCGGGUCUGGCGUUUUUc 5' || : | |:||:||||| Ref: 5' tgtAGATGATATCGTAAAAAc 3' Energy: -9.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-129-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.52 2 19 15969 15989 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11339 to 11361 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cgUUCGG-GU-CUGGCGUUUUUc 5' || || :| ||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' ctAATCCTTATGACAGCAAGAAc 3' Energy: -12.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-129-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.41 2 20 11339 11361 20 70.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-129-5p NC_045512.2 883.00 -80.52 163.00 -19.89 2148 21 29903 8362 29040 8113 12319 15969 11339 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1295b-3p MIMAT0022294(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1295b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:7339 to 7360 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' aacgggucUAGGCACCGGAUAa 5' ||:| ||||:||| Ref: 5' tattagtaATTCTTGGCTTATg 3' Energy: -14.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1295b-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.39 2 15 7339 7360 13 76.92% 92.31% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1295b-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.39 142.00 -14.39 2149 22 29903 7339 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-9903 MIMAT0039323(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-9903 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4733-5p MIMAT0019857(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4733-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:14293 to 14314 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' guggcccAGAUCGUAACCCUAa 5' |: | :|||||||| Ref: 5' cgttattTTAAATATTGGGATc 3' Energy: -12.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4733-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -12.15 2 16 14293 14314 14 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:15273 to 15295 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' guggcccaGAU-CGUAACCCUAa 5' :|| | :||||||| Ref: 5' ccctcaccTTATGGGTTGGGATt 3' Energy: -19.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4733-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.77 2 15 15273 15295 14 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:6653 to 6674 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' guggcccagaucGUAACCCUAa 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' gttaatagtgtcCCTTGGGATa 3' Energy: -10.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4733-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.73 2 11 6653 6674 9 88.89% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4733-5p NC_045512.2 438.00 -42.65 151.00 -19.77 2151 22 29903 14293 15273 6653 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7159-3p MIMAT0028229(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7159-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 165.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8240 to 8258 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gaAGGUUGAUUGUAUCUUu 5' || | ||:|||||||| Ref: 5' caTCAATCTGACATAGAAg 3' Energy: -19.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7159-3p NC_045512.2 165.00 -19.37 2 18 8240 8258 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:22284 to 22302 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' gaagguuGAUUGUAUCUUu 5' :| |||||||| Ref: 5' tacttgcTTTACATAGAAg 3' Energy: -13.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7159-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -13.78 2 13 22284 22302 11 81.82% 90.91% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:4825 to 4844 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' gaagGUUGAU-UGUAUCUUu 5' |||||| ::|||||| Ref: 5' tacaCAACTAGGTATAGAAt 3' Energy: -14.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7159-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.10 2 16 4825 4844 15 80.00% 93.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7159-3p NC_045512.2 459.00 -47.25 165.00 -19.37 2152 19 29903 8240 22284 4825 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3136-3p MIMAT0019203(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3136-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-658 MIMAT0003336(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-658 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-182-5p MIMAT0000259(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-182-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:3 to 23 R:13242 to 13265 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ucACACUCAAGAUGGUAACGGUuu 5' ||| || ||:||:|||||| Ref: 5' gtTGTCTGTACTGCCGTTGCCAca 3' Energy: -23.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-182-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -23.82 3 23 13242 13265 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:20554 to 20577 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ucACACUCAAGAUGGUAACGGUUu 5' ||| : ||||| :|||:||| Ref: 5' tcTGTAGTTTCTAAGGTTGTCAAa 3' Energy: -17.719999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-182-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -17.72 2 23 20554 20577 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:28756 to 28779 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' ucacacucaagaUGGUAACGGUUu 5' | ||||||||| Ref: 5' tcctcaaggaacAACATTGCCAAa 3' Energy: -17.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-182-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -17.24 2 13 28756 28779 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:15512 to 15535 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ucaCACUCAAGAUGGU-AACGGUUu 5' ||| ||:|| || |||:||| Ref: 5' ataGTG-TTTTTAACATTTGTCAAg 3' Energy: -16.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-182-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.12 2 22 15512 15535 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:24314 to 24337 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucacacucaagauggUAACGGUUu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' gagaaccaaaaattgATTGCCAAc 3' Energy: -11.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-182-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.34 2 10 24314 24337 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:17378 to 17400 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ucACACUCAAGAUGGUAACGGUUu 5' | ||| ||: | ::|||:||| Ref: 5' atTATGA-TTTGAGTGTTGTCAAt 3' Energy: -10.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-182-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -10.52 2 23 17378 17400 21 61.90% 80.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:24936 to 24964 Align Len (26) (65.38%) (73.08%) Query: 3' ucACACU-CAAGAUGG----UAACGGUUu 5' ||||| ||| || : ||||:||| Ref: 5' acTGTGATGTTGTAATAGGAATTGTCAAc 3' Energy: -15.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-182-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.91 2 23 24936 24964 26 65.38% 73.08% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:22231 to 22254 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (64.71%) Query: 3' ucacacUCAAGAUGGUAACGGUUu 5' | | || ||||||| Ref: 5' agaaccATTGGTAGATTTGCCAAt 3' Energy: -11.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-182-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.98 2 19 22231 22254 17 64.71% 64.71% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:25110 to 25135 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ucacacucaAGAUGGU--AACGGUUu 5' || |: | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgaccgccTCAATGAGGTTGCCAAg 3' Energy: -16.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-182-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.12 2 16 25110 25135 16 68.75% 75.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 23 R:25876 to 25899 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucACACUCAAGAUGGUAACGGUuu 5' ||| | |||| | ||||:|| Ref: 5' agTGTAACTTCTTCAATTGTCAtt 3' Energy: -15.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-182-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.96 3 23 25876 25899 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:13711 to 13734 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ucacacuCAAGAUGGUAACGGUUu 5' || | :|::||||:|| Ref: 5' aaggattGTCCAGCTGTTGCTAAa 3' Energy: -12.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-182-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.80 2 18 13711 13734 16 62.50% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-182-5p NC_045512.2 1610.00 -169.53 158.00 -23.82 2155 24 29903 13242 20554 28756 15512 24314 17378 24936 22231 25110 25876 13711 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548ak MIMAT0019013(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548ak vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 167.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25796 to 25814 Align Len (18) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' agUUUUUGGCGUCAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ccAAAAACC-CA-TTACTTTa 3' Energy: -16.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ak NC_045512.2 167.00 -16.77 2 20 25796 25814 18 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4013 to 4032 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agUUUUUGGCGUCAAUGAAAa 5' |:||| | : |||||||| Ref: 5' acAGAAAAC-TTGTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -12.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ak NC_045512.2 157.00 -12.90 2 20 4013 4032 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:2720 to 2740 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' aguuuUUGGCGUCAAUGAAAa 5' ||| :|||||||| Ref: 5' gcaccAACAAAGGTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -14.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ak NC_045512.2 152.00 -14.06 2 17 2720 2740 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1676 to 1696 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' agUUUUUGGCGUCAAUGAAAa 5' |:|:|:||| |||:||| Ref: 5' gaAGAGATCGCCATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -15.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ak NC_045512.2 151.00 -15.27 2 20 1676 1696 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:5893 to 5911 Align Len (16) (87.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' aguUUUUGGCGUCAAUGAAaa 5' ||||| ||||||||| Ref: 5' catAAAAC--CAGTTACTTat 3' Energy: -13.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ak NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.07 3 19 5893 5911 16 87.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:10949 to 10969 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (76.92%) Query: 3' aguuuuuGGCGUCAAUGAAAa 5' | | |||||||| Ref: 5' caatgctCAGGTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -9.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ak NC_045512.2 146.00 -9.01 2 15 10949 10969 13 76.92% 76.92% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23010 to 23033 Align Len (21) (52.38%) (80.95%) Query: 3' agUUUUUGGCGU---CAAUGAAAa 5' :||:::: :| |||||||| Ref: 5' ttGAAGGTTTTAATTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -8.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ak NC_045512.2 146.00 -8.95 2 20 23010 23033 21 52.38% 80.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:11628 to 11648 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aguuuuuggcguCAAUGAAAa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' atttttgtacttGTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -8.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ak NC_045512.2 145.00 -8.48 2 10 11628 11648 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20181 to 20203 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' agUUUUUGG-C-GUCAAUGAAAa 5' || ||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' acAATTACCTGAAACTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -12.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ak NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.09 2 20 20181 20203 20 70.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22274 to 22294 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' aguuUUUGGCGUCAAUGAAAa 5' ||||: :| ||:|||| Ref: 5' tttcAAACTTTACTTGCTTTa 3' Energy: -7.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ak NC_045512.2 145.00 -7.33 2 18 22274 22294 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7761 to 7781 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (73.33%) Query: 3' aguuuUUGGCGUCAAUGAAAa 5' | || : ||||||| Ref: 5' gttccATCCATCTTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -5.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ak NC_045512.2 144.00 -5.57 2 17 7761 7781 15 66.67% 73.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:13630 to 13651 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (81.25%) Query: 3' aguuuUUGGC-GUCAAUGAAAa 5' ||::| : ||||||| Ref: 5' aatttAATTGATTCTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -7.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ak NC_045512.2 143.00 -7.53 2 17 13630 13651 16 62.50% 81.25% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:5450 to 5471 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agUUUUUGGCG-UCAAUGAAaa 5' |:|||| : |||||||| Ref: 5' agAGAAACAATGAGTTACTTgt 3' Energy: -12.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ak NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.34 3 20 5450 5471 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8376 to 8398 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agUUUUUGGCGU--CAAUGAAAa 5' ||||::| || ||:|||| Ref: 5' caAAAAGTCACAACATTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -9.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ak NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.45 2 20 8376 8398 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:11195 to 11216 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' aguuuuUGGCGUC-AAUGAAAa 5' ||:|:|| |||:||| Ref: 5' cttgccACTGTAGCTTATTTTa 3' Energy: -12.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ak NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.28 2 16 11195 11216 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:11471 to 11491 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' aguUUUUGGCGUCAAUGAAaa 5' | ||:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' cttATAATCTCTGTTACTTct 3' Energy: -10.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ak NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.18 3 19 11471 11491 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22145 to 22166 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (89.47%) Query: 3' agUUUUUGGC-GUCAAUGAAAa 5' :|| |::| ::||||:||| Ref: 5' aaGAATATTGATGGTTATTTTa 3' Energy: -8.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ak NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.46 2 20 22145 22166 19 57.89% 89.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4518 to 4538 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aguuuuuggcgucAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atggtgctagattTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -8.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ak NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.59 2 9 4518 4538 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6770 to 6790 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aguuuuuggcgucAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atgccttatttctTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -4.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ak NC_045512.2 140.00 -4.11 2 9 6770 6790 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548ak NC_045512.2 2778.00 -196.44 167.00 -16.77 2156 21 29903 25796 4013 2720 1676 5893 10949 23010 11628 20181 22274 7761 13630 5450 8376 11195 11471 22145 4518 6770 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5588-5p MIMAT0022295(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5588-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17386 to 17406 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uuUUCAGGGUGAUUACGGUCa 5' :||| :::: |||||||| Ref: 5' ttGAGTGTTGTCAATGCCAGa 3' Energy: -16.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5588-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -16.79 2 20 17386 17406 18 61.11% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5588-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -16.79 159.00 -16.79 2157 21 29903 17386 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3143 MIMAT0015012(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3143 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:21726 to 21750 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' gcuuucuucgcGAAAUGUUACAAUa 5' :||| |||||||| Ref: 5' tcttacctttcTTTTCCAATGTTAc 3' Energy: -10.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3143 NC_045512.2 158.00 -10.51 2 15 21726 21750 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:7860 to 7887 Align Len (25) (60.00%) (72.00%) Query: 3' gcUUUCU---UCGCGAAAUGUUACAAUa 5' ||||: | :|| | :||||||| Ref: 5' ctAAAGGTTCATTGCCTATTAATGTTAt 3' Energy: -13.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3143 NC_045512.2 154.00 -13.42 2 24 7860 7887 25 60.00% 72.00% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:10375 to 10400 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (81.82%) Query: 3' gcuUUCU-UCGCGAAAUGUUACAAUa 5' |:|| || :||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' accAGGACAGACTTTTTCAGTGTTAg 3' Energy: -15.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3143 NC_045512.2 153.00 -15.06 2 23 10375 10400 22 68.18% 81.82% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:18529 to 18550 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (73.91%) Query: 3' gcUUUCUUCGCGAAAUG-UUACAAUa 5' ||||| :| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' atAAAGA----TTGTACAAATGTTAa 3' Energy: -9.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3143 NC_045512.2 153.00 -9.26 2 24 18529 18550 23 69.57% 73.91% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:17011 to 17036 Align Len (23) (60.87%) (82.61%) Query: 3' gcUUUCUUCGCGAAAU-GUUACAAUa 5' |:| :||: :| || |||||||: Ref: 5' tcAGATGAGTTTTCTAGCAATGTTGc 3' Energy: -13.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3143 NC_045512.2 150.00 -13.21 2 24 17011 17036 23 60.87% 82.61% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:17638 to 17662 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gcuuucuUCGCGAAAUGUUACAAua 5' | :|||||| |||||| Ref: 5' tcagctcAATGCTTTAAAATGTTtt 3' Energy: -13.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3143 NC_045512.2 150.00 -13.06 3 19 17638 17662 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:16527 to 16547 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gcuuUCUUCGCGAAAUGUUACAAUa 5' :| |||| |:||||||| Ref: 5' tgttGGTAGCG----ATAATGTTAc 3' Energy: -14.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3143 NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.14 2 22 16527 16547 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:19625 to 19649 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (82.61%) Query: 3' gcUUUCUUCG-CGAAAUGUUACAAUa 5' :|| | |: ||||| :||||||: Ref: 5' taGAAAATGTGGCTTT-TAATGTTGt 3' Energy: -15.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3143 NC_045512.2 148.00 -15.47 2 24 19625 19649 23 65.22% 82.61% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:15530 to 15554 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gcuuucuucgcgaaauGUUACAAUa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' gtcaagctgtcacggcCAATGTTAa 3' Energy: -10.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3143 NC_045512.2 145.00 -10.07 2 10 15530 15554 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:21053 to 21077 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' gcuuucuucgcgaAAUGUUACAAUa 5' | | ||||||| Ref: 5' acgaccctaagacTAAAAATGTTAc 3' Energy: -10.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3143 NC_045512.2 144.00 -10.97 2 13 21053 21077 11 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:8013 to 8039 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' gcuuUCUUC-GCG-AAAUGUUACAAua 5' :|||| :|| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' gtgcGGAAGTTGCAGTTAAAATGTTtg 3' Energy: -17.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3143 NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.32 3 22 8013 8039 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:14630 to 14657 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (73.91%) Query: 3' gcuuUCUUCGCGAA--A-UGUUACAAUa 5' || || ||| | ||||||||: Ref: 5' cagtAGCTGCACTTACTAACAATGTTGc 3' Energy: -13.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3143 NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.77 2 22 14630 14657 23 69.57% 73.91% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:5427 to 5451 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gcuuUCUUCGCGAAAUGUUACAAUa 5' ||: | |:| :::|||||| Ref: 5' cagtAGGTGAGTTAGGTGATGTTAg 3' Energy: -11.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3143 NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.31 2 22 5427 5451 20 55.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24478 to 24501 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gcuuucUUCGCGAAAUGUUACAAUa 5' |||:|:|||| |||| || Ref: 5' aatttcAAGTGTTTTA-AATGATAt 3' Energy: -12.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3143 NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.67 2 20 24478 24501 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:3609 to 3633 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gcuuucuucgcgaaaugUUACAAUa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttcatgttgtcggcccaAATGTTAa 3' Energy: -7.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3143 NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.03 2 9 3609 3633 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7726 to 7749 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gcuuucuUCGCGAAAUGUUACAAUa 5' | || || |:|:||||| Ref: 5' ttcttacATCG-TTGATAGTGTTAc 3' Energy: -11.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3143 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.93 2 19 7726 7749 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:21920 to 21942 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' gcuUUCUUCGCGAAAUG-UUACAAUa 5' || || ||| ||| ||||||: Ref: 5' gttAATAA-CGC--TACTAATGTTGt 3' Energy: -14.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3143 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.62 2 23 21920 21942 22 72.73% 77.27% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:22678 to 22702 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gcuuucuucGCGAAAUGUUACAAUa 5' | |||| |:||||| Ref: 5' atcattttcCACTTTTAAGTGTTAt 3' Energy: -10.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3143 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.57 2 17 22678 22702 15 73.33% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3143 NC_045512.2 2631.00 -224.39 158.00 -17.32 2158 25 29903 21726 7860 10375 18529 17011 17638 16527 19625 15530 21053 8013 14630 5427 24478 3609 7726 21920 22678 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6529-3p MIMAT0048638(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6529-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23190 to 23211 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' aaUUUCUUCAUUUUCCGUGUCc 5' || |: ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' tcAATGGTTTAACAGGCACAGg 3' Energy: -19.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6529-3p NC_045512.2 164.00 -19.96 2 21 23190 23211 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20882 to 20906 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' aaUUUCUUCA---UUUUCCGUGUCc 5' ||||:||| | |||:|||| Ref: 5' atAAAGGAGTTGCACCAGGTACAGc 3' Energy: -21.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6529-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -21.27 2 21 20882 20906 22 68.18% 77.27% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10558 to 10581 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (73.68%) Query: 3' aauuUCUUCAUUUU--CCGUGUCc 5' :||: | | : ||||||| Ref: 5' aactGGAGTTCATGCTGGCACAGa 3' Energy: -16.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6529-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.19 2 19 10558 10581 19 57.89% 73.68% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:13493 to 13514 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aauuucuucauuuuCCGUGUCc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gtcttacaccgtgcGGCACAGg 3' Energy: -16.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6529-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.62 2 9 13493 13514 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6529-3p NC_045512.2 592.00 -74.04 164.00 -21.27 2159 22 29903 23190 20882 10558 13493 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-504-5p MIMAT0002875(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-504-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10265 to 10286 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cuAUCUCACGUCUGGUCCCAGa 5' || || || :||||||: Ref: 5' ggTAATGTTCAACTCAGGGTTa 3' Energy: -17.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-504-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.12 2 21 10265 10286 19 63.16% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-504-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.12 140.00 -17.12 2160 22 29903 10265 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-411-3p MIMAT0004813(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-411-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:18076 to 18097 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' ccaaucaccUGGCACAAUGUAu 5' ||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaggtaatcACTGGGTTACATc 3' Energy: -13.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-411-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -13.51 2 14 18076 18097 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:7731 to 7752 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ccaAUCACCUGGCACAAUGUau 5' | || ||: |||||||| Ref: 5' acaTCGTTGATAGTGTTACAgt 3' Energy: -12.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-411-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.40 3 20 7731 7752 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:7046 to 7066 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccAAUCACCUGGCACAAUGUau 5' ||| || ||:| |||||| Ref: 5' tcTTACTGTACTG-GTTACAga 3' Energy: -11.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-411-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.89 3 21 7046 7066 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:6206 to 6227 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccaaucaccuggcACAAUGUAu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' aaaggagctaaatTGTTACATa 3' Energy: -13.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-411-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.62 2 10 6206 6227 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:10519 to 10540 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccaaucaccuggcACAAUGUAu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ctgtgtctcttttTGTTACATg 3' Energy: -11.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-411-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.93 2 10 10519 10540 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6120 to 6141 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccaaucaccuggcaCAAUGUAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' caagagagcttaaaGTTACATt 3' Energy: -9.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-411-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.82 2 9 6120 6141 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14438 to 14459 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccAAUCACCUGGCACAAUGUAu 5' || || ||: ||||| ||| Ref: 5' taTTTGTTGATGGTGTTCCATt 3' Energy: -12.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-411-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.02 2 21 14438 14459 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-411-3p NC_045512.2 1016.00 -85.19 153.00 -13.62 2161 22 29903 18076 7731 7046 6206 10519 6120 14438 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4439 MIMAT0018957(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4439 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:13425 to 13445 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uacggaGGUUCCAUAGUCAGUg 5' ||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gcgaacCCATGCT-TCAGTCAg 3' Energy: -13.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4439 NC_045512.2 150.00 -13.82 2 17 13425 13445 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:24707 to 24728 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uacggagguuccauAGUCAGUg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cttatgtccttcccTCAGTCAg 3' Energy: -16.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4439 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.15 2 9 24707 24728 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4439 NC_045512.2 290.00 -29.97 150.00 -16.15 2162 22 29903 13425 24707 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7111-3p MIMAT0028120(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7111-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 15 R:14258 to 14279 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (91.67%) Query: 3' gacccuccUCCCUUCUCUCCua 5' | |||||||||| Ref: 5' atgacttcACGGAAGAGAGGtt 3' Energy: -19.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7111-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.12 3 15 14258 14279 12 91.67% 91.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7111-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.12 142.00 -19.12 2163 22 29903 14258 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6727-5p MIMAT0027355(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6727-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:7373 to 7395 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gcgagggucggcggaCGGGGCUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aatcttgtacaaatgGCCCCGAt 3' Energy: -18.280001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6727-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.28 2 9 7373 7395 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6727-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.28 140.00 -18.28 2164 23 29903 7373 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-514a-3p MIMAT0002883(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-514a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2503 to 2523 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (88.89%) Query: 3' agAUGAGUGUCUUCACAGUUa 5' | | |||||||||||:|| Ref: 5' acTTCCCACAGAAGTGTTAAc 3' Energy: -23.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-514a-3p NC_045512.2 163.00 -23.36 2 20 2503 2523 18 83.33% 88.89% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23162 to 23182 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' agAUGAGUGUCUUCACAGUUa 5' || ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtTAAAAACAAATGTGTCAAt 3' Energy: -14.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-514a-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -14.12 2 20 23162 23182 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20795 to 20815 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' agAUGAGUGUCUUCACAGUUa 5' ||: | || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaTATACTCAACTGTGTCAAt 3' Energy: -18.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-514a-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -18.32 2 20 20795 20815 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7946 to 7967 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' agaUGAGU-GUCUUCACAGUUa 5' | ||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tacAGTCAGCTTATGTGTCAAc 3' Energy: -11.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-514a-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -11.81 2 19 7946 7967 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:8696 to 8716 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' agAUGAGUGUCUUCACAGUua 5' ||:| |::| :|||||| Ref: 5' gcTATTGATGGTGGTGTCAct 3' Energy: -17.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-514a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.41 3 20 8696 8716 17 64.71% 88.24% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20047 to 20067 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' agAUGAGUGUCUUCACAGUUa 5' ||| | :| |||||:|| Ref: 5' atTACAGAAGGTAGTGTTAAa 3' Energy: -15.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-514a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.10 2 20 20047 20067 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:2407 to 2431 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' agaUGA-GUGUCUU---CACAGUUa 5' |:| :|||||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' gggATTGTACAGAAAGTGTGTTAAa 3' Energy: -13.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-514a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.66 2 19 2407 2431 21 66.67% 80.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-514a-3p NC_045512.2 1044.00 -113.78 163.00 -23.36 2165 21 29903 2503 23162 20795 7946 8696 20047 2407 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4672 MIMAT0019754(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4672 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:11348 to 11368 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' acggagacaggUCGACACAUu 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' atgacagcaagAACTGTGTAt 3' Energy: -10.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4672 NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.53 2 11 11348 11368 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1477 to 1496 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' acGGAGACAGGUCGACACAUu 5' |||:|| :|||||||: Ref: 5' tgCCTTTG-GAGGCTGTGTGt 3' Energy: -27.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4672 NC_045512.2 141.00 -27.19 2 20 1477 1496 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4672 NC_045512.2 283.00 -37.72 142.00 -27.19 2166 21 29903 11348 1477 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4714-3p MIMAT0019823(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4714-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15270 to 15291 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' guUGAGACUGGUGGAUCCAACc 5' || || ||| : |:||||| Ref: 5' aaACCCTCACCTTATGGGTTGg 3' Energy: -21.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4714-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -21.79 2 21 15270 15291 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:1543 to 1564 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' guugagacuggUGGAUCCAACc 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' tgctagcgctaACATAGGTTGt 3' Energy: -14.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4714-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.02 2 12 1543 1564 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:220 to 241 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' guugAGACUGGUGGAUCCAAcc 5' || | ||:||||||| Ref: 5' atcaTCAGCACATCTAGGTTtc 3' Energy: -16.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4714-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.63 3 19 220 241 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:7257 to 7277 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' guUGAGACUGGUGGAUCCAAcc 5' |:||| :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' atATTCTTTTCA-CTAGGTTtt 3' Energy: -16.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4714-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.92 3 21 7257 7277 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:6970 to 6991 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' guugagACUGGUGGAUCCAAcc 5' || :::|||||||| Ref: 5' attaagTGTTTGCCTAGGTTct 3' Energy: -14.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4714-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.41 3 17 6970 6991 14 71.43% 92.86% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:24530 to 24551 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guugagacugguggAUCCAACc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gaagtgcaaattgaTAGGTTGa 3' Energy: -12.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4714-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.39 2 9 24530 24551 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4714-3p NC_045512.2 859.00 -96.16 148.00 -21.79 2167 22 29903 15270 1543 220 7257 6970 24530 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4753-3p MIMAT0019891(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4753-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25577 to 25597 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugUGUUCCGAUUUCUUUCUCUu 5' |:|| || || ||||||| Ref: 5' tcATAACCCTCAA-AAAGAGAt 3' Energy: -11.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4753-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -11.26 2 21 25577 25597 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19873 to 19893 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uguGUUCCGAUUUCUUUCUCUu 5' :::| ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' atcTGGGACTACA-AAAGAGAt 3' Energy: -11.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4753-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -11.41 2 20 19873 19893 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:1617 to 1638 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (70.59%) Query: 3' ugugUUCCGAUUUCUUUCUCUu 5' || || | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgaAATACTCCAAAAAGAGAa 3' Energy: -9.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4753-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -9.38 2 19 1617 1638 17 70.59% 70.59% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:9734 to 9755 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (76.92%) Query: 3' uguguuccGAUUUCUUUCUCUu 5' :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' tttagtaaTTACCTAAAGAGAc 3' Energy: -7.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4753-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -7.79 2 15 9734 9755 13 69.23% 76.92% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2265 to 2286 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ugUGUUCCGAUUUCUUUCUCUu 5' :||| | || ||:|||| Ref: 5' gtGCAAAGGAAATTAAGGAGAg 3' Energy: -14.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4753-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.77 2 21 2265 2286 19 63.16% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4753-3p NC_045512.2 743.00 -54.61 158.00 -14.77 2168 22 29903 25577 19873 1617 9734 2265 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1825 MIMAT0006765(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1825 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3925-5p MIMAT0018200(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3925-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24291 to 24312 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (68.42%) Query: 3' ucCGAGGUGAAAGUCAAGAGAa 5' |:| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gaGTTACACAGAATGTTCTCTa 3' Energy: -13.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3925-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -13.83 2 21 24291 24312 19 63.16% 68.42% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:47 to 68 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uccgaggugaaAGUCAAGAGAa 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' tctcttgtagaTCTGTTCTCTa 3' Energy: -14.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3925-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.45 2 12 47 68 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:1481 to 1502 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' uccgaggUGAAAGUCAAGAGAa 5' :|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tttggagGCTGTGTGTTCTCTt 3' Energy: -16.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3925-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.33 2 16 1481 1502 14 71.43% 78.57% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9716 to 9737 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucCGAGGUGAAAGUCAAGAGAa 5' || :: || |::|||||:| Ref: 5' aaGCATTTCTATTGGTTCTTTa 3' Energy: -11.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3925-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.74 2 21 9716 9737 19 57.89% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 15 R:27828 to 27849 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uccgagguGAAAGUCAAGAGaa 5' ||||::|||||| Ref: 5' cttattatCTTTTGGTTCTCac 3' Energy: -13.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3925-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.80 3 15 27828 27849 12 83.33% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15780 to 15800 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uccGAGGUGAAAGUCAAGAGAa 5' ||::| ||||||||:| Ref: 5' gaaCTTTA-AGTCAGTTCTTTa 3' Energy: -18.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3925-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.31 2 20 15780 15800 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3925-5p NC_045512.2 869.00 -88.46 148.00 -18.31 2170 22 29903 24291 47 1481 9716 27828 15780 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-132-5p MIMAT0004594(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-132-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:6253 to 6273 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucaUUG-UUAGCUUUCGGUGCca 5' ||| ||| ||||||||| Ref: 5' tgcAACTAAT--AAAGCCACGta 3' Energy: -14.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-132-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.63 3 20 6253 6273 18 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15520 to 15545 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (78.26%) Query: 3' ucAUUGUUAGC--UUU--CGGUGCCa 5' ||||| |:| ||: |:||||| Ref: 5' ttTAACATTTGTCAAGCTGTCACGGc 3' Energy: -17.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-132-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.08 2 21 15520 15545 23 65.22% 78.26% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-132-5p NC_045512.2 285.00 -31.71 143.00 -17.08 2171 22 29903 6253 15520 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6509-5p MIMAT0025474(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6509-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:20750 to 20772 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' caagGUGACG--GUGAUGGAUUa 5' :| ||| ||:||||||| Ref: 5' gtgaTAGTGCAACATTACCTAAa 3' Energy: -17.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6509-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -17.76 2 18 20750 20772 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9730 to 9750 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' caAGGUGACGGUGAUGGAUUa 5' ||: : |: |:||||||| Ref: 5' gtTCTTTAGTAATTACCTAAa 3' Energy: -14.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6509-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -14.31 2 20 9730 9750 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:18161 to 18180 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (85.71%) Query: 3' caagguGACGGUGAUGGAUUa 5' ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' acatacCTGGCA-TACCTAAg 3' Energy: -14.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6509-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -14.82 2 16 18161 18180 14 85.71% 85.71% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:28594 to 28614 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (93.75%) Query: 3' caagGUGACGGUGAUGGAUUa 5' :|:| |:||||||||: Ref: 5' atggTATTTCTACTACCTAGg 3' Energy: -19.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6509-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -19.07 2 18 28594 28614 16 68.75% 93.75% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5116 to 5134 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (88.89%) Query: 3' caAGGUGACGGUGAUGGAUUa 5' |::| ||:: :||||||| Ref: 5' atTTTA-TGTT-TTACCTAAt 3' Energy: -13.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6509-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.67 2 20 5116 5134 18 61.11% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6509-5p NC_045512.2 760.00 -79.63 156.00 -19.07 2172 21 29903 20750 9730 18161 28594 5116 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4699-5p MIMAT0019794(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4699-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4035 to 4056 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccUUG-AAUGAGACGUUAGAAGa 5' :|| ||| | ||||||||| Ref: 5' ttGACATTAAT-GGCAATCTTCa 3' Energy: -13.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4699-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -13.95 2 21 4035 4056 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25394 to 25417 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ccUUGAAUGAG-AC-GUUAGAAGa 5' :|:||::|: || ||||||| Ref: 5' tgGATTTGTTTATGAGAATCTTCa 3' Energy: -15.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4699-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -15.90 2 21 25394 25417 21 61.90% 85.71% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23798 to 23820 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccUUGAAUGA-GACGUUAGAAGa 5' |||| | | | ||||||||: Ref: 5' tcAACTGAATGCAGCAATCTTTt 3' Energy: -14.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4699-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.30 2 21 23798 23820 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27675 to 27697 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ccUUG-AAUGAGACGUUAGAAGa 5' ||| ||||||| ||||:||: Ref: 5' agAACTTTACTCTCCAATTTTTc 3' Energy: -20.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4699-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -20.11 2 21 27675 27697 20 80.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29662 to 29683 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccUUGAAUGAGACGUUAGAAGa 5' | || || : ||||||||: Ref: 5' taATCTCACATAGCAATCTTTa 3' Energy: -10.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4699-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -10.54 2 21 29662 29683 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7708 to 7729 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ccUUGAAUGAGACGUUAGAAGa 5' | | |||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' aaATCCTACTGACCAGTCTTCt 3' Energy: -14.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4699-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.88 2 21 7708 7729 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:20679 to 20702 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccuugAAUGAGACG--UUAGAAGa 5' ||:|| ||| ||||||: Ref: 5' gggtgTTGCTATGCCTAATCTTTa 3' Energy: -13.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4699-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.38 2 18 20679 20702 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24728 to 24749 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccUUGAAUGAGACGUUAGAAGa 5' | || |: ||:|:||||| Ref: 5' gcACCTCATGGTGTAGTCTTCt 3' Energy: -16.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4699-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.24 2 21 24728 24749 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:27268 to 27290 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccUUGAAUG-AGACGUUAGAAga 5' |::|| | |:|| |||||| Ref: 5' aaAGTTTCCATTTGGAATCTTga 3' Energy: -10.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4699-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.15 3 21 27268 27290 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4699-5p NC_045512.2 1336.00 -129.45 157.00 -20.11 2173 22 29903 4035 25394 23798 27675 29662 7708 20679 24728 27268 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5787 MIMAT0023252(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5787 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1909-3p MIMAT0007883(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1909-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:2653 to 2674 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gccacUCGUGGGCCGGGGACGc 5' ||:||: ||||:||| Ref: 5' agaaaAGTACTGTGCCCTTGCa 3' Energy: -22.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1909-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -22.26 2 18 2653 2674 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:21622 to 21643 Align Len (14) (64.29%) (78.57%) Query: 3' gccacucGUGGGCCGGGGACGc 5' || :: ||||||| Ref: 5' cagaactCAATTACCCCCTGCa 3' Energy: -18.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1909-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.53 2 16 21622 21643 14 64.29% 78.57% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1909-3p NC_045512.2 288.00 -40.79 145.00 -22.26 2175 22 29903 2653 21622 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-147b-3p MIMAT0004928(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-147b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:15009 to 15030 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ucgUCUUCGU-AAAGGCGUGUg 5' ||| ||| |||:||||:| Ref: 5' tcaAGATGCACTTTTCGCATAt 3' Energy: -19.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-147b-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.29 2 19 15009 15030 18 77.78% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-147b-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.29 141.00 -19.29 2176 21 29903 15009 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-30c-5p MIMAT0000244(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-30c-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:4957 to 4981 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' cgACU-CUCA-CAUCCUACAAAUGu 5' ||| || | || |:||||||| Ref: 5' agTGAGGACTATTAAGGTGTTTACa 3' Energy: -17.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30c-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -17.70 2 22 4957 4981 22 72.73% 77.27% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:3434 to 3458 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (68.18%) Query: 3' cgACUCUCACAUC--CUACAAAUGu 5' || | || || |||||||| Ref: 5' gtTGTTAATGCAGCCAATGTTTACc 3' Energy: -11.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30c-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -11.00 2 22 3434 3458 22 68.18% 68.18% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:9339 to 9361 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgacucucacAUCCUACAAAUGu 5' || |||||||| Ref: 5' atttacttacTAATATGTTTACa 3' Energy: -9.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30c-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -9.39 2 14 9339 9361 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:10411 to 10433 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgacucucacaucCUACAAAUGu 5' |:||||||| Ref: 5' tggttcaccatctGGTGTTTACc 3' Energy: -11.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30c-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.52 2 11 10411 10433 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16846 to 16870 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' cgacUCUCACAUC--CUACAAAUGu 5' | :||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gactATGGTGATGCTGTTGTTTACc 3' Energy: -10.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30c-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -10.65 2 20 16846 16870 20 65.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:23492 to 23514 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (85.71%) Query: 3' cgacucuCACAUCCUACAAAUgu 5' ||| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' caaacacGTGCAGGCTGTTTAat 3' Energy: -12.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30c-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.27 3 17 23492 23514 14 85.71% 85.71% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:26715 to 26736 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (65.00%) Query: 3' cgACUCUCACAUCCUACAAAUGu 5' || | || | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTGTGCTTG-CTGCTGTTTACa 3' Energy: -10.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30c-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.10 2 22 26715 26736 20 65.00% 65.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:21973 to 21995 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cgacucUCACAUCCUACAAAUGu 5' | | | ||:||||||: Ref: 5' tgatccATTTTTGGGTGTTTATt 3' Energy: -11.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30c-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.83 2 18 21973 21995 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:28125 to 28147 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (60.00%) Query: 3' cgACUCUCACAUCCUACAAAUGu 5' | | | || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaTTATACAGTTTCCTGTTTACc 3' Energy: -6.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30c-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -6.39 2 22 28125 28147 20 60.00% 60.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:7924 to 7946 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgacucucacauccuACAAAUGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgcaaaatcagcgtcTGTTTACt 3' Energy: -6.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30c-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.56 2 9 7924 7946 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:11642 to 11664 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgacucucacauccuACAAAUGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tactttggcctctttTGTTTACt 3' Energy: -8.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30c-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.23 2 9 11642 11664 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:19695 to 19717 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgacucucacauccuACAAAUGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tatcattaataacacTGTTTACa 3' Energy: -7.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30c-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.55 2 9 19695 19717 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-30c-5p NC_045512.2 1741.00 -123.19 159.00 -17.70 2177 23 29903 4957 3434 9339 10411 16846 23492 26715 21973 28125 7924 11642 19695 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-455-5p MIMAT0003150(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-455-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18583 to 18604 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gcUACAUCAG-GUUUCCGUGUAu 5' || | ||| :| :||||||| Ref: 5' gtAT-TTGTCTTATGGGCACATg 3' Energy: -17.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-455-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -17.47 2 21 18583 18604 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:23189 to 23211 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (93.75%) Query: 3' gcuacAUCAGGUU-UCCGUGUau 5' |:||::|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttcaaTGGTTTAACAGGCACAgg 3' Energy: -17.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-455-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.52 3 18 23189 23211 16 75.00% 93.75% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:373 to 395 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gcUACAUCA-GGUUUCCGUGUAu 5' | || | :||:||||||:| Ref: 5' ggAGGTCTTATCAGAGGCACGTc 3' Energy: -19.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-455-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -19.84 2 21 373 395 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:24842 to 24864 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gcuACAUCAGGUUU-CCGUGUau 5' | |: |:|||| |||||| Ref: 5' gtcTTTGTTTCAAATGGCACAca 3' Energy: -14.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-455-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.84 3 20 24842 24864 18 72.22% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-455-5p NC_045512.2 582.00 -69.67 153.00 -19.84 2178 22 29903 18583 23189 373 24842 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4761-3p MIMAT0019909(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4761-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:2652 to 2671 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ccugUUUCACGCGUACGGGAg 5' ||||| | ::|||||| Ref: 5' cagaAAAGTAC-TGTGCCCTt 3' Energy: -15.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4761-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.26 2 18 2652 2671 16 75.00% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4761-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.26 143.00 -15.26 2179 21 29903 2652 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4760-3p MIMAT0019907(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4760-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11721 to 11739 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccAAAUCUAACUUGUACUUAAa 5' ||||||| |:||||||| Ref: 5' agTTTAGAT---ATATGAATTc 3' Energy: -15.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4760-3p NC_045512.2 164.00 -15.97 2 21 11721 11739 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10907 to 10927 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccAAAUCUAACUUGUACUUAAa 5' |||| | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gcTTTA-TTAGAAGATGAATTt 3' Energy: -10.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4760-3p NC_045512.2 162.00 -10.72 2 21 10907 10927 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:18209 to 18230 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ccaAAUCUAACUUGUACUUAAa 5' | :| || || ||||||| Ref: 5' tgaTGGGTTTTAAAATGAATTa 3' Energy: -9.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4760-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -9.08 2 20 18209 18230 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:996 to 1018 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ccAAAUCUAACUUG-UACUUAAa 5' | |: | ||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtTCTGAAAAGAGCTATGAATTg 3' Energy: -10.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4760-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -10.18 2 21 996 1018 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20263 to 20283 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccaAAUCUA-ACUUGUACUUAAa 5' |||| | ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' gaaTTAGCTATGG--ATGAATTc 3' Energy: -7.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4760-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -7.81 2 20 20263 20283 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:17264 to 17285 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ccaaAUCUAACUUGUACUUAAa 5' || ||| || :|||||| Ref: 5' ttgaTAAATTCAAAGTGAATTc 3' Energy: -4.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4760-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -4.81 2 19 17264 17285 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:15855 to 15876 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccaaaucuaacuuGUACUUAAa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tactaaaggacctCATGAATTt 3' Energy: -10.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4760-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -10.80 2 10 15855 15876 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6583 to 6604 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (63.16%) Query: 3' ccAAAUCUAACUUGUACUUAAa 5' || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' taTTAAGAAACCTAATGAATTa 3' Energy: -6.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4760-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -6.65 2 21 6583 6604 19 63.16% 63.16% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:29603 to 29625 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (84.62%) Query: 3' ccaaaucuaAC-UUGUACUUAAa 5' || |: ||||||| Ref: 5' ctactcttgTGCAGAATGAATTc 3' Energy: -6.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4760-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -6.39 2 14 29603 29625 13 76.92% 84.62% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22012 to 22033 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ccaAAUCUAACUUGUACUUAAa 5' ||:||| ||| :|||:|| Ref: 5' aagTTGGATGGAAAGTGAGTTc 3' Energy: -12.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4760-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.99 2 20 22012 22033 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5445 to 5466 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccaAAUCUAACUUG-UACUUAAa 5' ||||| ||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' atgTTAGA-GAAACAATGAGTTa 3' Energy: -11.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4760-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.56 2 20 5445 5466 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4760-3p NC_045512.2 1653.00 -106.96 164.00 -15.97 2180 22 29903 11721 10907 18209 996 20263 17264 15855 6583 29603 22012 5445 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5585-3p MIMAT0022286(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5585-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23413 to 23437 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (72.73%) Query: 3' ugGACAUCAGGG---UCGAUAAGUc 5' | | |||||| |||||||| Ref: 5' caCAGAAGTCCCTGTTGCTATTCAt 3' Energy: -20.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5585-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -20.78 2 21 23413 23437 22 72.73% 72.73% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:1099 to 1120 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uggacAUCAGGGUCGAUAAGUc 5' || || : ||||||| Ref: 5' ttccaTAATCAAGACTATTCAa 3' Energy: -9.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5585-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -9.80 2 18 1099 1120 16 68.75% 75.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14136 to 14158 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ugGACAUC-AGGGUCGAUAAGUc 5' :||||| |:|: :|||||| Ref: 5' tgTTGTAGATTCTTATTATTCAt 3' Energy: -16.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5585-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.40 2 21 14136 14158 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27989 to 28013 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (72.73%) Query: 3' ugGACAUCAGGGU-C--GAUAAGUc 5' :|| | |||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' agTTGATGACCCGTGTCCTATTCAc 3' Energy: -13.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5585-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.99 2 21 27989 28013 22 63.64% 72.73% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:3254 to 3274 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' uggacaucagGGUCGAUAAGUc 5' |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' aatcagacaaCTA-CTATTCAa 3' Energy: -8.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5585-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.93 2 13 3254 3274 11 81.82% 90.91% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5585-3p NC_045512.2 743.00 -69.90 159.00 -20.78 2181 22 29903 23413 1099 14136 27989 3254 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6893-3p MIMAT0027687(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6893-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6889-3p MIMAT0027679(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6889-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:10559 to 10581 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' gacCCUUCA-UCC--CCGUGUCu 5' |||: | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' actGGAGTTCATGCTGGCACAGa 3' Energy: -22.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6889-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -22.02 2 18 10559 10581 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:13496 to 13514 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gacccuuCAUCCCCGUGUCu 5' || | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttacaccGT-GCGGCACAGg 3' Energy: -14.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6889-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.23 2 14 13496 13514 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:23192 to 23211 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacccuucauccCCGUGUCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aatggtttaacaGGCACAGg 3' Energy: -16.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6889-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.45 2 9 23192 23211 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6889-3p NC_045512.2 426.00 -52.70 143.00 -22.02 2183 20 29903 10559 13496 23192 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1911-3p MIMAT0007886(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1911-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:28963 to 28982 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ccUCUGGUGUUACGGACCAc 5' ||| || ||||:||||| Ref: 5' tgAGAGCAAAATGTCTGGTa 3' Energy: -23.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1911-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -23.16 2 19 28963 28982 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:19258 to 19279 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ccucUGGUGUU--ACGGACCAc 5' ||| :|| |||||||| Ref: 5' tctaACCTTAACTTGCCTGGTt 3' Energy: -17.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1911-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -17.29 2 17 19258 19279 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:8851 to 8870 Align Len (14) (57.14%) (92.86%) Query: 3' ccucuGGUGUUACGGACCAc 5' :::: :|||||||| Ref: 5' gggttTTGTCGTGCCTGGTt 3' Energy: -17.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1911-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.78 2 16 8851 8870 14 57.14% 92.86% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24911 to 24935 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ccUCUG--GUGU---UACGGACCAc 5' |||| |||| :||:||||| Ref: 5' acAGACAACACATTTGTGTCTGGTa 3' Energy: -19.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1911-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.47 2 19 24911 24935 22 68.18% 77.27% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1911-3p NC_045512.2 600.00 -77.70 158.00 -23.16 2184 20 29903 28963 19258 8851 24911 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-195-3p MIMAT0004615(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-195-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 172.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27154 to 27175 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccUCGUCGUGUCGGUUAUAACc 5' ||:|||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' ccAGTAGCAGTGACAATATTGc 3' Energy: -17.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-195-3p NC_045512.2 172.00 -17.60 2 21 27154 27175 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26362 to 26384 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccuCGUCGUGUCG--GUUAUAACc 5' || |:|| || |||||||| Ref: 5' tgtGC-GTACTGCTGCAATATTGt 3' Energy: -15.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-195-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -15.24 2 20 26362 26384 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:1636 to 1656 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' ccucgucgUGUCGGUUAUAACc 5' ||| :|||||||| Ref: 5' gaaagtcaACA-TCAATATTGt 3' Energy: -12.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-195-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -12.31 2 15 1636 1656 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1817 to 1836 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ccUCGUCGUGUCGGUUAUAACc 5' || || ::| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaAGGTGCCTGG--AATATTGg 3' Energy: -13.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-195-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.39 2 21 1817 1836 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14289 to 14310 Align Len (19) (52.63%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ccUCGUCGUGUCGGUUAUAACc 5' | |: :|: : ||||||| Ref: 5' tgACCGTTATTTTAAATATTGg 3' Energy: -12.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-195-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.33 2 21 14289 14310 19 52.63% 73.68% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:15532 to 15554 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (89.47%) Query: 3' ccUCGUC-GUGUCGGUUAUAAcc 5' ||| | |||:||||||:|| Ref: 5' caAGCTGTCACGGCCAATGTTaa 3' Energy: -22.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-195-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -22.58 3 21 15532 15554 19 78.95% 89.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21921 to 21942 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccUCGUCGUGUCGGUUAUAACc 5' | :| |:| |:|||:||| Ref: 5' ttAATAACGCTACTAATGTTGt 3' Energy: -13.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-195-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.16 2 21 21921 21942 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:22134 to 22155 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccucgucgugucggUUAUAACc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aatttgtgtttaagAATATTGa 3' Energy: -4.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-195-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -4.30 2 9 22134 22155 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-195-3p NC_045512.2 1192.00 -110.91 172.00 -22.58 2185 22 29903 27154 26362 1636 1817 14289 15532 21921 22134 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1303 MIMAT0005891(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1303 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13656 to 13677 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucUCGUUCUGGGGCAGAGAUUu 5' || :| || |: ||||||| Ref: 5' taAGAGACACACTTTCTCTAAc 3' Energy: -14.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1303 NC_045512.2 160.00 -14.29 2 21 13656 13677 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:49 to 70 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ucucguUCUGGGGCAGAGAUUu 5' |||:|: ||||||| Ref: 5' tcttgtAGATCTGTTCTCTAAa 3' Energy: -16.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1303 NC_045512.2 156.00 -16.31 2 17 49 70 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:20955 to 20976 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (93.75%) Query: 3' ucucgUUCUGGGGCAGAGAUUu 5' | |||:::||||||:| Ref: 5' tcttaATGACTTTGTCTCTGAt 3' Energy: -21.280001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1303 NC_045512.2 149.00 -21.28 2 18 20955 20976 16 68.75% 93.75% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6391 to 6412 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ucUCGUUCUGGGGCAGAGAUUu 5' | | | | || ||||||:| Ref: 5' agATCTAAAACCAGTCTCTGAa 3' Energy: -18.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1303 NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.05 2 21 6391 6412 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4330 to 4351 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucucguucuggggcAGAGAUUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tctaccatctattaTCTCTAAt 3' Energy: -8.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1303 NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.78 2 9 4330 4351 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:18191 to 18210 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucUCGUUCUGGGGCAGAGAUuu 5' || |||| |:| |||||| Ref: 5' atAG-AAGA-CTCATCTCTAtg 3' Energy: -17.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1303 NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.88 3 21 18191 18210 18 77.78% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1303 NC_045512.2 889.00 -96.59 160.00 -21.28 2186 22 29903 13656 49 20955 6391 4330 18191 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-10392-5p MIMAT0041615(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-10392-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5589-3p MIMAT0022298(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5589-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 165.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8478 to 8500 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' acccucGAUCCAACGGUACACGu 5' :|| |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' taccttTTAAGTTGACATGTGCa 3' Energy: -18.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5589-3p NC_045512.2 165.00 -18.04 2 18 8478 8500 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15426 to 15448 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' accCUCGAUCCAACGGUACACGu 5' |||: | | |:||||||: Ref: 5' attGAGTGAAATGGTCATGTGTg 3' Energy: -16.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5589-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.81 2 21 15426 15448 19 63.16% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5589-3p NC_045512.2 309.00 -34.85 165.00 -18.04 2188 23 29903 8478 15426 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4649-3p MIMAT0019712(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4649-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:12084 to 12105 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' accccucUCCGU-CCGGAGUCu 5' || :| ||||||| Ref: 5' ccttacaAGCTATAGCCTCAGa 3' Energy: -15.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4649-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.54 2 15 12084 12105 14 71.43% 78.57% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4649-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.54 141.00 -15.54 2189 21 29903 12084 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548aj-5p MIMAT0022739(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548aj-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:27569 to 27591 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (85.71%) Query: 3' guUUUUGACGUU-AAUGAAAACGu 5' |: ||| ||| ||:||||||| Ref: 5' ttAGCACT-CAATTTGCTTTTGCt 3' Energy: -14.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aj-5p NC_045512.2 166.00 -14.96 2 22 27569 27591 21 76.19% 85.71% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11115 to 11140 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guuuuUGACGUUA---AUGAAAACGu 5' |:||| || |:||||||| Ref: 5' gtattATTGCTATGTCTGCTTTTGCa 3' Energy: -15.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aj-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -15.96 2 19 11115 11140 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:11085 to 11110 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (73.91%) Query: 3' guUUUUGACG--UUAAU-GAAAACGu 5' :||| ||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' atGAAAATGCCTTTTTACCTTTTGCt 3' Energy: -11.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aj-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -11.01 2 22 11085 11110 23 69.57% 73.91% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:7579 to 7601 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' guuuuugaCGUUAAUGAAAACGu 5' |:|| :||||||| Ref: 5' taatggagGTAAAGGCTTTTGCa 3' Energy: -14.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aj-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.89 2 16 7579 7601 14 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:5379 to 5399 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' guUUUUGACGUUAAUGAAAACGu 5' :||:|||| | |||||||: Ref: 5' gtGAAGCTGC--TAACTTTTGTg 3' Energy: -16.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aj-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.03 2 22 5379 5399 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13062 to 13084 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (72.22%) Query: 3' guuuUUGACGUUAAUGAAAACGu 5' | || : |:||||||| Ref: 5' tattATCTTTCTGTGCTTTTGCt 3' Energy: -11.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aj-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.43 2 20 13062 13084 18 61.11% 72.22% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:23803 to 23823 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guUUUUGACGUUAAUGAAAACGu 5' || :| ||||| ||||||: Ref: 5' tgAATGCAGCAAT--CTTTTGTt 3' Energy: -11.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aj-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.84 2 22 23803 23823 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:9183 to 9205 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' guUUUUGACGUUAAUGAAAACgu 5' |:|:: |:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttAGAGTGGTAACAACTTTTGat 3' Energy: -11.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aj-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.98 3 22 9183 9205 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:5657 to 5680 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' guUUUUGACGUUAAU-GAAAACGu 5' | ||| | |:| | ||||||: Ref: 5' gtACAACAGGAGTCACCTTTTGTt 3' Energy: -11.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aj-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.37 2 22 5657 5680 21 66.67% 76.19% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:12120 to 12139 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guuuuugACGUUAAUGAAAACGu 5' |||| :||||||| Ref: 5' catcataTGCA---GCTTTTGCt 3' Energy: -12.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aj-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.11 2 17 12120 12139 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:25654 to 25679 Align Len (23) (60.87%) (65.22%) Query: 3' guUUUUGACGUUAAU---GAAAACGu 5' || | | :| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtAACAGTTTACTCACACCTTTTGCt 3' Energy: -12.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aj-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.50 2 22 25654 25679 23 60.87% 65.22% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:1010 to 1033 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' guuUUUGACGUUAAU-GAAAACgu 5' :||:||||: | |||||| Ref: 5' tatGAATTGCAGACACCTTTTGaa 3' Energy: -14.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aj-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.61 3 21 1010 1033 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:2721 to 2743 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' guuuUUGACGUUAAUGAAAACgu 5' ||| ::||||||||| Ref: 5' caccAACAAAGGTTACTTTTGgt 3' Energy: -12.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aj-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.13 3 20 2721 2743 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:17290 to 17311 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guUUUUGACGUUAAUGAAAACGu 5' |:||| |: || ||||||: Ref: 5' ttAGAACAGT-ATGTCTTTTGTa 3' Energy: -12.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aj-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.66 2 22 17290 17311 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:1707 to 1729 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' guuuuugacGUUAAUGAAAACGu 5' ||| |:||||||: Ref: 5' ctgcttccaCAAGTGCTTTTGTg 3' Energy: -10.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aj-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.76 2 15 1707 1729 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:2772 to 2797 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (81.82%) Query: 3' guUUUUGACG-UUA-A-UGAAAACgu 5' ||:| ||: ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' acAAGAGTGTGAATATCACTTTTGaa 3' Energy: -15.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aj-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.79 3 22 2772 2797 22 72.73% 81.82% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:16618 to 16638 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guUUUUGACGUUAAUGAAAACGu 5' ||:||| ||| :|||||| Ref: 5' gaAAGACT-CAA-GCTTTTTGCa 3' Energy: -16.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aj-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.69 2 22 16618 16638 20 70.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548aj-5p NC_045512.2 2503.00 -226.72 166.00 -16.69 2190 23 29903 27569 11115 11085 7579 5379 13062 23803 9183 5657 12120 25654 1010 2721 17290 1707 2772 16618 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4747-3p MIMAT0019883(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4747-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7161-3p MIMAT0028233(28 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7161-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 172.000000 Q:2 to 27 R:28559 to 28585 Align Len (25) (72.00%) (76.00%) Query: 3' ggACCUCUGACGGUCUCAGUUUCUAGAu 5' ||| ||| | :| | | |||||||| Ref: 5' ggTGGTGAC-GGTAAAATGAAAGATCTc 3' Energy: -18.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7161-3p NC_045512.2 172.00 -18.65 2 27 28559 28585 25 72.00% 76.00% Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:17784 to 17813 Align Len (24) (70.83%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ggaccUCUGACGGUCUC--AGUUUCUAGAu 5' ||| |||:: || ||||||||:| Ref: 5' ttcacAGAATGCTGTAGCCTCAAAGATTTt 3' Energy: -21.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7161-3p NC_045512.2 162.00 -21.13 2 24 17784 17813 24 70.83% 83.33% Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 27 R:6370 to 6397 Align Len (26) (65.38%) (73.08%) Query: 3' ggACCUCUGACGGUCUCA-GUUUCUAGAu 5' |||| | | |: | | |:||||||| Ref: 5' aaTGGATAAT-CTTGCCTGCGAAGATCTa 3' Energy: -24.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7161-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -24.67 2 27 6370 6397 26 65.38% 73.08% Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 27 R:14044 to 14076 Align Len (30) (66.67%) (70.00%) Query: 3' ggACCUC-UGACGGU-CUCAGU---UUCUAGAu 5' ||| | |||| || || :| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtTGGTGTACTGACATTAGATAATCAAGATCTc 3' Energy: -21.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7161-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -21.88 2 27 14044 14076 30 66.67% 70.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:23998 to 24025 Align Len (23) (60.87%) (73.91%) Query: 3' ggaccUCUGACGGU-CUCAGUUUCUAGAu 5' ||| |:|| |::||||||| Ref: 5' aagcaAGA-GGTCATTTATTGAAGATCTa 3' Energy: -18.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7161-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -18.18 2 24 23998 24025 23 60.87% 73.91% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 25 R:4642 to 4670 Align Len (24) (62.50%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ggacCUCUGACG-GUCUCAGUUUCUAGAu 5' || :|||| |:| | :|||||| Ref: 5' ggaaGAAGCTGCTCGGTATATGAGATCTc 3' Energy: -20.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7161-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -20.58 2 25 4642 4670 24 62.50% 75.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 27 R:8394 to 8419 Align Len (25) (60.00%) (72.00%) Query: 3' ggACCUCUGACGGUCUCAGUUUCUAGAu 5' | || |: | | ||:||||||:| Ref: 5' ctTTGATATGG--AACGTTAAAGATTTc 3' Energy: -16.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7161-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.27 2 27 8394 8419 25 60.00% 72.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:23928 to 23953 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ggaccUCUGACGGUCUCAGUUUCUAGAu 5' | || ||| | |:||||||:| Ref: 5' acaaaACACCACCA-A-TTAAAGATTTt 3' Energy: -14.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7161-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.87 2 24 23928 23953 22 68.18% 77.27% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 24 R:29294 to 29320 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ggaccUCUGACGGUCU-CAGUUUCUAGau 5' |||: ||| | ||||||||| Ref: 5' gacaaAGAT--CCAAATTTCAAAGATCaa 3' Energy: -16.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7161-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.60 3 24 29294 29320 22 72.73% 77.27% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 27 R:356 to 381 Align Len (25) (68.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ggACCUCUGACGGUCUCAGUUUCUAGAu 5' |||||||| || | | ::||:||| Ref: 5' ttTGGAGACT-CC-GTGGAGGAGGTCTt 3' Energy: -30.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7161-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -30.70 2 27 356 381 25 68.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 27 R:9215 to 9242 Align Len (24) (62.50%) (66.67%) Query: 3' ggACCUCUGACGGUCUCAGUUUCUAGau 5' | |: || || || ||||||| Ref: 5' tgTAGGCACGGCACTTGTGAAAGATCag 3' Energy: -16.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7161-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.82 3 27 9215 9242 24 62.50% 66.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 27 R:13084 to 13114 Align Len (27) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ggACCUCUGACGGUCUC--A-GUUUCUAGau 5' | || :||||:| || | |||||||: Ref: 5' tgTAGATGCTGCTAAAGCTTACAAAGATTat 3' Energy: -17.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7161-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.49 3 27 13084 13114 27 66.67% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7161-3p NC_045512.2 1800.00 -237.84 172.00 -30.70 2192 28 29903 28559 17784 6370 14044 23998 4642 8394 23928 29294 356 9215 13084 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1295a MIMAT0005885(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1295a vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-376b-5p MIMAT0022923(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-376b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4637 MIMAT0019694(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4637 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:18427 to 18451 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' agugaaCUUAGACG---UCAAUCAu 5' || |:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' aatacaGATTTTTCCAGAGTTAGTg 3' Energy: -9.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4637 NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.89 2 17 18427 18451 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8926 to 8945 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' aguGAACUUAGACGUCAAUCAu 5' :|| |: |||||||:|| Ref: 5' agtTTTTAG--TGCAGTTGGTa 3' Energy: -15.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4637 NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.88 2 20 8926 8945 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4637 NC_045512.2 283.00 -25.77 143.00 -15.88 2195 22 29903 18427 8926 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6800-5p MIMAT0027500(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6800-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:6911 to 6930 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ggcggGGACUGACAGUGGAUg 5' ::||| |||||||| Ref: 5' aattaTTTGA-AGTCACCTAa 3' Energy: -18.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6800-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -18.05 2 17 6911 6930 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:27627 to 27647 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (76.92%) Query: 3' ggcggggACUGACAGUGGAUg 5' | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgccagaTCAGTTTCACCTAa 3' Energy: -15.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6800-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.62 2 15 27627 27647 13 76.92% 76.92% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:8275 to 8296 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (73.33%) Query: 3' ggcgggGACUGAC-AGUGGAUg 5' || || ||||||| Ref: 5' taataaCTATATGCTCACCTAt 3' Energy: -13.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6800-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.76 2 16 8275 8296 15 73.33% 73.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:2246 to 2266 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggcggggacUGACAGUGGAUg 5' |:||||||||: Ref: 5' ggtggacaaATTGTCACCTGt 3' Energy: -18.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6800-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.96 2 13 2246 2266 11 81.82% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:12607 to 12627 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggcggggacugacAGUGGAUg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tagtatggacaatTCACCTAa 3' Energy: -13.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6800-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.33 2 9 12607 12627 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6800-5p NC_045512.2 718.00 -79.72 150.00 -18.96 2196 21 29903 6911 27627 8275 2246 12607 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-506-5p MIMAT0022701(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-506-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:9664 to 9685 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aauucAUUGUGGAAGGACUUAu 5' ||::|||||:|||:|| Ref: 5' accttTAGTACCTTTCTGGATa 3' Energy: -22.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-506-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -22.44 2 18 9664 9685 16 75.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:24971 to 24996 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' aauucAUUGUGGAA----GGACUUAu 5' |:|: |:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtttaTGATCCTTTGCAACCTGAATt 3' Energy: -13.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-506-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.45 2 18 24971 24996 20 60.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:20174 to 20195 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' aauucaUUGUGGAAGGACUUau 5' |||| :| |||||| Ref: 5' ttgtccAACAATTACCTGAAac 3' Energy: -10.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-506-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.80 3 17 20174 20195 14 78.57% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-506-5p NC_045512.2 429.00 -46.69 145.00 -22.44 2197 22 29903 9664 24971 20174 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1182 MIMAT0005827(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1182 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-653-3p MIMAT0026625(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-653-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2559 to 2581 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' auAACUUUGUUUGA-GGUCACUu 5' || :||||| || |:||||| Ref: 5' caTTAGAACAACCTACTAGTGAa 3' Energy: -17.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-653-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -17.71 2 21 2559 2581 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:594 to 615 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' auaACUUUGUUUGAGGUCACUu 5' ||:: |||: ||||||: Ref: 5' atgTGGGCGAAATACCAGTGGc 3' Energy: -16.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-653-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.99 2 20 594 615 18 61.11% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-653-3p NC_045512.2 298.00 -34.70 155.00 -17.71 2199 22 29903 2559 594 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6871-3p MIMAT0027643(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6871-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:12017 to 12038 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacacccucgGUGUCCCACGAc 5' ::||||||||| Ref: 5' ttgctttccaTGCAGGGTGCTg 3' Energy: -24.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6871-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -24.65 2 13 12017 12038 11 81.82% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:20665 to 20686 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' gacacCCUCGGUGUCCCACGAc 5' | :|| || |||||:| Ref: 5' caagcGTGGCAACCGGGTGTTg 3' Energy: -22.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6871-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -22.08 2 18 20665 20686 16 68.75% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6871-3p NC_045512.2 293.00 -46.73 152.00 -24.65 2200 22 29903 12017 20665 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-299-5p MIMAT0002890(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-299-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:16728 to 16752 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uacauacACCCU---GCCAUUUGGu 5' ||||| :|||||||| Ref: 5' tctttcaTGGGAAGTTGGTAAACCt 3' Energy: -21.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-299-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -21.15 2 16 16728 16752 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:3121 to 3142 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uacauacacccUGCCAUUUGGu 5' | |||||||| Ref: 5' agatgattaccAAGGTAAACCt 3' Energy: -12.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-299-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.50 2 12 3121 3142 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3904 to 3925 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' uacAUACACCCUGCCAUUUGGu 5' ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' attTATAACTGAAAGTAAACCt 3' Energy: -9.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-299-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -9.42 2 20 3904 3925 18 66.67% 66.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7885 to 7906 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uacaUACACCCUGCCAUUUGGu 5' :| | ||:||||||:| Ref: 5' tataGTTTTTGATGGTAAATCa 3' Energy: -17.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-299-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.11 2 19 7885 7906 17 64.71% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-299-5p NC_045512.2 590.00 -60.18 154.00 -21.15 2201 22 29903 16728 3121 3904 7885 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6803-5p MIMAT0027506(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6803-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548p MIMAT0005934(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 170.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27085 to 27105 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (89.47%) Query: 3' uuUCAUUGACGUCAAAAACGAu 5' :||:||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' caGGTGACT-CAGGTTTTGCTg 3' Energy: -22.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548p NC_045512.2 170.00 -22.30 2 21 27085 27105 19 78.95% 89.47% Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:12119 to 12140 Align Len (13) (92.31%) (92.31%) Query: 3' uuucauugACGUCAAAAACGAu 5' ||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ccatcataTGCAGCTTTTGCTa 3' Energy: -16.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548p NC_045512.2 162.00 -16.70 2 15 12119 12140 13 92.31% 92.31% Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13561 to 13579 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uuUCAUUGACGUCAAAAACGAu 5' ||||:||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaAGTAGCTG--G-TTTTGCTa 3' Energy: -20.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548p NC_045512.2 159.00 -20.44 2 21 13561 13579 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12002 to 12022 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' uuUCAUUGACGUCAAAAACGAu 5' | || :| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tcACTACTTTCTG-TTTTGCTt 3' Energy: -8.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548p NC_045512.2 150.00 -8.21 2 21 12002 12022 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25657 to 25680 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' uuUC-AUUGA-CGUCAAAAACGAu 5' || | ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' acAGTTTACTCACACCTTTTGCTc 3' Energy: -10.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548p NC_045512.2 150.00 -10.02 2 21 25657 25680 21 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:13065 to 13085 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uuucauuGACGUCAAAAACGAu 5' |||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' tatctttCTGT-GCTTTTGCTg 3' Energy: -12.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548p NC_045512.2 149.00 -12.78 2 16 13065 13085 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17093 to 17113 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uuUCAUUGAC-GUCAAAAACGAu 5' :|||| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' ctGGTAAGAGTCA--TTTTGCTa 3' Energy: -10.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548p NC_045512.2 148.00 -10.61 2 21 17093 17113 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21819 to 21842 Align Len (21) (57.14%) (76.19%) Query: 3' uuUCAUUGACGUCA--AAAACGAu 5' | |:|: |:: | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttAATGATGGTGTTTATTTTGCTt 3' Energy: -7.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548p NC_045512.2 147.00 -7.69 2 21 21819 21842 21 57.14% 76.19% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15859 to 15881 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' uuUCAUUGACGU-C-AAAAACGAu 5' || | || || | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaAGGACCT-CATGAATTTTGCTc 3' Energy: -8.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548p NC_045512.2 144.00 -8.39 2 21 15859 15881 21 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:29309 to 29332 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' uuucaUUGACGUCA--AAAACGAu 5' |: | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttcaaAGATCAAGTCATTTTGCTg 3' Energy: -9.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548p NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.72 2 18 29309 29332 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:11090 to 11111 Align Len (14) (64.29%) (78.57%) Query: 3' uuucauuGACGUCAAAAACGAu 5' :| :| ||||||| Ref: 5' aatgcctTTTTACCTTTTGCTa 3' Energy: -6.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548p NC_045512.2 143.00 -6.95 2 16 11090 11111 14 64.29% 78.57% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:25459 to 25480 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uuucauuGACGUCAAAAACGAu 5' || ||| |||||:| Ref: 5' gctactcCTTCAGATTTTGTTc 3' Energy: -9.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548p NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.01 2 16 25459 25480 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8723 to 8750 Align Len (25) (64.00%) (64.00%) Query: 3' uuUCAUUGACGUC-----A-AAAACGAu 5' || | || ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' atAGCATCTACAGATACTTGTTTTGCTa 3' Energy: -11.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.32 2 21 8723 8750 25 64.00% 64.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:27571 to 27592 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uuucauugacguCAAAAACGAu 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' agcactcaatttGCTTTTGCTt 3' Energy: -8.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548p NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.31 2 11 27571 27592 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20509 to 20530 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' uuUCAUUGACGUCAAAAACGAu 5' | || :|| | |||||:| Ref: 5' ttATTACTTGATGATTTTGTTg 3' Energy: -7.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.20 2 21 20509 20530 19 63.16% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548p NC_045512.2 2233.00 -169.65 170.00 -22.30 2203 22 29903 27085 12119 13561 12002 25657 13065 17093 21819 15859 29309 11090 25459 8723 27571 20509 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4470 MIMAT0018997(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4470 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8854 to 8875 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' agAGCCG-AAGGUGCAAACGGu 5' |:| | | || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTTGTCGTGCCTGGTTTGCCt 3' Energy: -16.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4470 NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.03 2 20 8854 8875 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:6964 to 6984 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (84.62%) Query: 3' agagccgAAGGUGCAAACGGu 5' || ::||||||| Ref: 5' tttactaTTAAGTGTTTGCCt 3' Energy: -14.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4470 NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.34 2 15 6964 6984 13 69.23% 84.62% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:303 to 322 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' agagccgaaGGUGCAAACGGu 5' :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' acgtccaacTCA-GTTTGCCt 3' Energy: -16.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4470 NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.30 2 13 303 322 11 81.82% 90.91% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:24557 to 24577 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agagCCGAAGGUGCAAACGgu 5' | |||| | |||||| Ref: 5' ggcaGACTTCAAAGTTTGCag 3' Energy: -13.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4470 NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.91 3 18 24557 24577 15 80.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4470 NC_045512.2 579.00 -60.58 150.00 -16.30 2204 21 29903 8854 6964 303 24557 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6788-5p MIMAT0027476(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6788-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:1895 to 1915 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' agaagUGGUGAGAAGAGGGUc 5' |:|| |:|||||||: Ref: 5' gtacgATCAATTTTCTCCCGc 3' Energy: -19.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6788-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -19.09 2 17 1895 1915 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24361 to 24384 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' agAAGUGGUGAG---AAGAGGGUc 5' |||| |||| ||||:||| Ref: 5' aaTTCAAGACTCACTTTCTTCCAc 3' Energy: -18.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6788-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.00 2 20 24361 24384 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:7804 to 7825 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' agaagugGUGAGA-AGAGGGUc 5' ||:||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' tgaaagaCATTCTCTCTCTCAt 3' Energy: -16.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6788-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.60 2 15 7804 7825 14 78.57% 92.86% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6788-5p NC_045512.2 435.00 -53.69 148.00 -19.09 2205 21 29903 1895 24361 7804 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1203 MIMAT0005866(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1203 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3137 MIMAT0015005(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3137 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:4668 to 4689 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ugGGGUAACGAGGGUCCGAUGUCu 5' |:|| | | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctCTCAAAG-TGCCA-GCTACAGt 3' Energy: -21.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3137 NC_045512.2 154.00 -21.40 2 23 4668 4689 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:27097 to 27122 Align Len (23) (56.52%) (78.26%) Query: 3' ugGGGUAACGAGGGUC--CGAUGUCu 5' :::: ||| : ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtTTTGCTGCATACAGTCGCTACAGg 3' Energy: -20.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3137 NC_045512.2 153.00 -20.66 2 23 27097 27122 23 56.52% 78.26% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:9921 to 9946 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (63.64%) Query: 3' uggGGUAACGAGG--GUCCGAUGUCu 5' | || | | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gagCAATGGATACAACTAGCTACAGa 3' Energy: -15.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3137 NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.81 2 22 9921 9946 22 63.64% 63.64% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7728 to 7752 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugggGUAACGAGGGUC-CGAUGUCu 5' ||| |:| :|| |:||||| Ref: 5' cttaCATCGTTGATAGTGTTACAGt 3' Energy: -21.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3137 NC_045512.2 143.00 -21.78 2 21 7728 7752 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:7042 to 7066 Align Len (22) (59.09%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ugGGGUAACGA-GGGUCCGAUGUCu 5' |:: || || : | ||:||||| Ref: 5' gcCTTCTTACTGTACTGGTTACAGa 3' Energy: -20.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3137 NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.95 2 23 7042 7066 22 59.09% 77.27% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:8816 to 8835 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ugGGGUAACGAGGGUCCGAUGUCu 5' ||||||| |: |||:||| Ref: 5' tgCCCATTGATT----GCTGCAGt 3' Energy: -22.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3137 NC_045512.2 141.00 -22.45 2 23 8816 8835 21 66.67% 76.19% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:29187 to 29211 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ugggguAACGAGGGUC-CGAUGUCu 5' |||| ||||| ||| ||| Ref: 5' cacaatTTGCCCCCAGCGCTTCAGc 3' Energy: -23.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3137 NC_045512.2 141.00 -23.39 2 19 29187 29211 18 83.33% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3137 NC_045512.2 1017.00 -146.44 154.00 -23.39 2207 24 29903 4668 27097 9921 7728 7042 8816 29187 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-615-3p MIMAT0003283(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-615-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1185-2-3p MIMAT0022713(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1185-2-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:22902 to 22923 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uacucucagagggGGACAUAUa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' gtaattataattaCCTGTATAg 3' Energy: -12.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1185-2-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.59 2 10 22902 22923 8 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1185-2-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.59 145.00 -12.59 2209 22 29903 22902 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5691 MIMAT0022483(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5691 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5974 to 5995 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' cgaAAGAGCCUCGAGUCUCGUu 5' ||||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' caaTTCTTATTTCACAGAGCAa 3' Energy: -15.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5691 NC_045512.2 151.00 -15.17 2 20 5974 5995 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:5351 to 5372 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgaaagagccucgaGUCUCGUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' caagatgcttattaCAGAGCAa 3' Energy: -14.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5691 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.86 2 9 5351 5372 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:17920 to 17941 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgaaagagccucgaGUCUCGUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aatgttgctattacCAGAGCAa 3' Energy: -15.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5691 NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.25 2 9 17920 17941 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5691 NC_045512.2 431.00 -45.28 151.00 -15.25 2210 22 29903 5974 5351 17920 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6776-5p MIMAT0027452(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6776-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:4887 to 4905 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uugGGGGUGACGUGGGUCu 5' || ||:| ||||:|| Ref: 5' ctaCCACATTCCACCTAGa 3' Energy: -21.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6776-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -21.57 2 17 4887 4905 15 73.33% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6776-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -21.57 144.00 -21.57 2211 19 29903 4887 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-524-5p MIMAT0002849(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-524-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:13631 to 13654 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cucuUUCACGAAGG--GAAACAUc 5' || || |||: ||||||| Ref: 5' atttAATTGATTCTTACTTTGTAg 3' Energy: -13.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-524-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -13.67 2 19 13631 13654 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:26199 to 26220 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' cucuuucaCGAAGGGAAACAUc 5' || | |||||||| Ref: 5' gactactaGCGTGCCTTTGTAa 3' Energy: -12.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-524-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -12.46 2 15 26199 26220 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:11065 to 11086 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' cucuuuCACGAAGGGAAACAUc 5' || |||:::|||||| Ref: 5' gtctttGTTCTTTTTTTTGTAt 3' Energy: -11.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-524-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -11.23 2 17 11065 11086 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:25613 to 25633 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cucUUUCACGAAGGGAAACAuc 5' |::||| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' ccaAGGGTG-TTCACTTTGTtt 3' Energy: -14.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-524-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.68 3 20 25613 25633 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25736 to 25756 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' cucUUUCACGAAGGGAAACAUc 5' |:||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgcAGAGT-ATAAACTTTGTAa 3' Energy: -11.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-524-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.22 2 20 25736 25756 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14444 to 14464 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cuCUUUCACGAAGGGAAACAUc 5' || :||| |||| |||||| Ref: 5' ttGATGGTG-TTCCATTTGTAg 3' Energy: -18.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-524-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.71 2 21 14444 14464 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17291 to 17312 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cuCUU-UCACGAAGGGAAACAUc 5' ||| ||| | :|:|||||| Ref: 5' taGAACAGT-ATGTCTTTTGTAc 3' Energy: -13.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-524-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.06 2 21 17291 17312 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5379 to 5400 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cuCUUUCACGAAGGGAAACAUc 5' |||: |||| |:|||||: Ref: 5' gtGAAGCTGCTAACTTTTGTGc 3' Energy: -16.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-524-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.39 2 21 5379 5400 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:5782 to 5803 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cucuuucacgaaggGAAACAUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aacttctaaagaaaCTTTGTAt 3' Energy: -9.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-524-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.16 2 9 5782 5803 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-524-5p NC_045512.2 1312.00 -120.58 157.00 -18.71 2212 22 29903 13631 26199 11065 25613 25736 14444 17291 5379 5782 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548ad-3p MIMAT0018946(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548ad-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28225 to 28247 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' acGU-UUUCAGUAACAGCAAAAg 5' || :| ||: |||:||||| Ref: 5' atCATGACGTTCGTGTTGTTTTa 3' Energy: -11.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ad-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.83 2 21 28225 28247 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13444 to 13464 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (68.42%) Query: 3' acGUUUUCAGUAACAGCAAAAg 5' | :| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' agCTGATG-CACAATCGTTTTt 3' Energy: -9.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ad-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.43 2 21 13444 13464 19 63.16% 68.42% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548ad-3p NC_045512.2 285.00 -21.26 143.00 -11.83 2213 22 29903 28225 13444 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3685 MIMAT0018113(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3685 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:18003 to 18024 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucagaaguccauccCAUCCUUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tcttgaaattccacGTAGGAAt 3' Energy: -9.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3685 NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.36 2 9 18003 18024 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3685 NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.36 140.00 -9.36 2214 22 29903 18003 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7977 MIMAT0031180(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7977 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4787-5p MIMAT0019956(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4787-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-519d-3p MIMAT0002853(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-519d-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:887 to 910 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' gugagAUUUC--CCUCCGUGAAAc 5' ||||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gctggTAAAGCTTCATGCACTTTg 3' Energy: -14.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519d-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.33 2 18 887 910 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:15002 to 15023 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' gugagauuuccCUCCGUGAAAc 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' atgaggatcaaGATGCACTTTt 3' Energy: -10.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519d-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.33 2 12 15002 15023 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:397 to 418 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gugAGAUUUCCCUCCGUGAAac 5' ||| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' acaTCTTAAAGATGGCACTTgt 3' Energy: -19.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519d-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -19.36 3 20 397 418 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22040 to 22066 Align Len (24) (58.33%) (66.67%) Query: 3' guGAGAUUUCCCU-----CCGUGAAAc 5' :||||: | || ||||||| Ref: 5' taTTCTAGTGCGAATAATTGCACTTTt 3' Energy: -13.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519d-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.11 2 21 22040 22066 24 58.33% 66.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:15542 to 15563 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gugagauuucccUCCGUGAAAc 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' cggccaatgttaATGCACTTTt 3' Energy: -7.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519d-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -7.88 2 11 15542 15563 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:9210 to 9232 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gugaGAUUUCCCU-CCGUGAAac 5' ||: ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' agtaCTGTAGGCACGGCACTTgt 3' Energy: -17.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519d-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.63 3 19 9210 9232 17 76.47% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-519d-3p NC_045512.2 864.00 -82.64 148.00 -19.36 2217 22 29903 887 15002 397 22040 15542 9210 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-449c-3p MIMAT0013771(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-449c-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 167.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:25588 to 25609 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugUCUCUCCUCACGUUGAUCGUu 5' | ||| || |||||||||| Ref: 5' aaAAAGA-GATGGCAACTAGCAc 3' Energy: -21.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-449c-3p NC_045512.2 167.00 -21.82 2 22 25588 25609 20 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:9920 to 9942 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ugUCUCUCCUCACGUUGAUCGuu 5' || | |: | |||||||| Ref: 5' ggAGCAATGGATACAACTAGCta 3' Energy: -17.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-449c-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.30 3 22 9920 9942 19 68.42% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-449c-3p NC_045512.2 308.00 -39.12 167.00 -21.82 2218 23 29903 25588 9920 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5581-3p MIMAT0022276(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5581-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29219 to 29242 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' ccUUGAAGAUCCU--CCGUACCUu 5' ||: || | | |||||||| Ref: 5' ggAATGTCGCGCATTGGCATGGAa 3' Energy: -21.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5581-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -21.29 2 21 29219 29242 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18279 to 18299 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ccUUGAAGAUCCUCCGUACCUu 5' :|| | || | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaGACATGTACG-TGCATGGAt 3' Energy: -10.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5581-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -10.68 2 21 18279 18299 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:7428 to 7449 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ccuugAAGAUCCUCCGUACCUu 5' ||:|| | |:||||| Ref: 5' catcaTTTTATTATGTATGGAa 3' Energy: -11.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5581-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.26 2 18 7428 7449 16 68.75% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5581-3p NC_045512.2 442.00 -43.23 151.00 -21.29 2219 22 29903 29219 18279 7428 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-10b-3p MIMAT0004556(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-10b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3506 to 3528 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uaAGGGGAUCUU-AGCUUAGACa 5' | || |: || |:||||||| Ref: 5' aaTGCCATGCAAGTTGAATCTGa 3' Energy: -17.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10b-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -17.39 2 21 3506 3528 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:1420 to 1440 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uaagggGAUCUUAGCUUAGACa 5' | | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' cgaataCCATAAT-GAATCTGg 3' Energy: -12.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10b-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -12.33 2 17 1420 1440 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25957 to 25979 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' uaAGGGGAUCUUA-GCUUAGACa 5' | |: | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' taTACTGAAAAATGGGAATCTGg 3' Energy: -9.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10b-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -9.82 2 21 25957 25979 20 65.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:12219 to 12240 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uaagggGAUCUUAG-CUUAGACa 5' ||| |||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' atgtggCTA-AATCTGAATTTGa 3' Energy: -12.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10b-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.65 2 17 12219 12240 16 81.25% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-10b-3p NC_045512.2 597.00 -52.19 159.00 -17.39 2220 22 29903 3506 1420 25957 12219 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-454-5p MIMAT0003884(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-454-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:24530 to 24549 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgUCUCUGUUAUAACUAUCCca 5' || | ||| ||||||||| Ref: 5' gaAGTG-CAA-ATTGATAGGtt 3' Energy: -14.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-454-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.35 3 21 24530 24549 18 83.33% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-454-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.35 144.00 -14.35 2221 22 29903 24530 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-10400-5p MIMAT0041631(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-10400-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548ay-3p MIMAT0025453(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548ay-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10483 to 10505 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' acGUUC-UCAUUAGCGCCAAAAc 5' || | :|||:| :|||||| Ref: 5' ttCATGTGGTAGTGTTGGTTTTa 3' Energy: -12.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ay-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.57 2 21 10483 10505 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14930 to 14953 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' acGUUCUCAUUAG-C-GCCAAAAc 5' | ||| |||| | :|||||| Ref: 5' acCTAGACAAATCAGCTGGTTTTc 3' Energy: -12.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ay-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.21 2 21 14930 14953 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23943 to 23963 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' acgUUCUCAUUAGCGCCAAAAc 5' |||| | | |:|||||| Ref: 5' ttaAAGA-TTTTGGTGGTTTTa 3' Energy: -11.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ay-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.55 2 20 23943 23963 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548ay-3p NC_045512.2 426.00 -36.33 143.00 -12.57 2223 22 29903 10483 14930 23943 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5579-3p MIMAT0022270(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5579-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11286 to 11303 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cuAGACCAUGAGGAAUUCGAUu 5' |||||| :|||||||| Ref: 5' tgTCTGGT----TTTAAGCTAa 3' Energy: -19.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5579-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -19.99 2 21 11286 11303 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11608 to 11629 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (89.47%) Query: 3' cuAGACCAUGAGGAAUUCGAUu 5' |:| |::|:||||:|||| Ref: 5' agTTTATTGTTTCTTAGGCTAt 3' Energy: -16.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5579-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -16.54 2 21 11608 11629 19 63.16% 89.47% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:2288 to 2309 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cuAGACCAUGAGGAAUUCGAuu 5' || | |:||:||||||| Ref: 5' gtTCAGACATTCTTTAAGCTtg 3' Energy: -14.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5579-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.31 3 21 2288 2309 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19031 to 19052 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cuaGACCAUGAGGAAUUCGAUu 5' :||||| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' acaTTGGTAACCCTAAAGCTAt 3' Energy: -20.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5579-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -20.13 2 20 19031 19052 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26654 to 26676 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cuAGACCAUG-AGGAAUUCGAUu 5' |:| |||: | |||||:|| Ref: 5' gtTTTTGTATATAATTAAGTTAa 3' Energy: -9.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5579-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.64 2 21 26654 26676 20 65.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5579-3p NC_045512.2 741.00 -80.61 155.00 -20.13 2224 22 29903 11286 11608 2288 19031 26654 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4451 MIMAT0018973(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4451 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5100 MIMAT0022259(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5100 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:12302 to 12322 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucuccguggCGACCCUAGACUu 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tataaacagGCT-AGATCTGAg 3' Energy: -15.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5100 NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.00 2 14 12302 12322 12 83.33% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5100 NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.00 143.00 -15.00 2226 22 29903 12302 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-337-3p MIMAT0000754(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-337-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:28651 to 28672 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cuUCUUUCCGUAGUAUAUCCuc 5' | :| ||||||||||:|| Ref: 5' caAAGACGGCATCATATGGGtt 3' Energy: -24.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-337-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -24.71 3 21 28651 28672 18 77.78% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-337-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -24.71 144.00 -24.71 2227 22 29903 28651 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-92a-3p MIMAT0000092(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-92a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:24460 to 24481 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguccggcccuguUCACGUUAu 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' tagctccaattttGGTGCAATt 3' Energy: -12.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-92a-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.01 2 10 24460 24481 8 87.50% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-92a-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.01 141.00 -12.01 2228 22 29903 24460 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6852-5p MIMAT0027604(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6852-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16378 to 16398 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' guACAGGAGUCUUGGGGUCCc 5' |||:: || :|:||||| Ref: 5' taTGTTTGCAATGCTCCAGGt 3' Energy: -21.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6852-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -21.15 2 20 16378 16398 18 61.11% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6852-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -21.15 143.00 -21.15 2229 21 29903 16378 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4763-3p MIMAT0019913(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4763-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24781 to 24803 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gggcGGGUCGUGGUCGGGGACGGa 5' ::|| || | ||:|||||| Ref: 5' gaacTTCA-CAACTGCTCCTGCCa 3' Energy: -22.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4763-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -22.29 2 21 24781 24803 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9426 to 9449 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gggcGGGUCGUGGUCGGGGACGGa 5' | :||:| || ||:|||| Ref: 5' ctatCGTAGTAACATGCCTTGCCt 3' Energy: -22.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4763-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -22.65 2 21 9426 9449 19 63.16% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4763-3p NC_045512.2 290.00 -44.94 146.00 -22.65 2230 24 29903 24781 9426 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-302f MIMAT0005932(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-302f vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548i MIMAT0005935(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548i vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25795 to 25814 Align Len (19) (84.21%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUAGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||||| || | |||||||| Ref: 5' tcCAAAAACC-C-ATTACTTTa 3' Energy: -12.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548i NC_045512.2 164.00 -12.43 2 21 25795 25814 19 84.21% 84.21% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20180 to 20203 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ccGUU-UUAGGCGUU-AAUGAAAa 5' ||| | |:| || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaCAATTACCTGAAACTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -8.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548i NC_045512.2 154.00 -8.86 2 21 20180 20203 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7760 to 7781 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccguuuUAGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |||| : ||||||| Ref: 5' ggttccATCCATCTTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -11.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548i NC_045512.2 152.00 -11.13 2 17 7760 7781 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1675 to 1696 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ccgUUUUAGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |:|: :||| ||||:||| Ref: 5' tgaAGAGATCGCCATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -12.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548i NC_045512.2 151.00 -12.82 2 20 1675 1696 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10947 to 10969 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ccGUU-UUAGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||| : || | :||||||| Ref: 5' gaCAATGCTCAGGTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -8.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548i NC_045512.2 151.00 -8.83 2 21 10947 10969 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:2917 to 2937 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUAGGCGUUAAUGAAaa 5' ||: |||:| |||||||| Ref: 5' acCAGTATCTG-AATTACTTac 3' Energy: -14.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548i NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.74 3 21 2917 2937 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4012 to 4032 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUAGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||:|| | : :||||||| Ref: 5' caCAGAAAAC-TTGTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -9.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548i NC_045512.2 150.00 -9.57 2 21 4012 4032 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16891 to 16912 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ccgUUUUAGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' || :|: |::||||:||| Ref: 5' ttaAATGTTGGTGATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -8.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548i NC_045512.2 147.00 -8.01 2 20 16891 16912 18 61.11% 88.89% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8375 to 8398 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccgUUUUAGGCGU--UAAUGAAAa 5' |||| :| || |||:|||| Ref: 5' gcaAAAAGTCACAACATTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -11.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548i NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.83 2 20 8375 8398 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23010 to 23033 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccgUUUUAGGCGU--UAAUGAAAa 5' ||::|:: | :||||||| Ref: 5' ttgAAGGTTTTAATTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -7.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548i NC_045512.2 146.00 -7.55 2 20 23010 23033 20 55.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:13630 to 13651 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ccguuUUAGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |||: : ||||||| Ref: 5' aatttAATTGATTCTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -5.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548i NC_045512.2 145.00 -5.56 2 18 13630 13651 16 62.50% 75.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2719 to 2740 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (68.42%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUAGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' || | | ::||||||| Ref: 5' tgCACCAACAAAGGTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -9.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548i NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.80 2 21 2719 2740 19 57.89% 68.42% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11624 to 11648 Align Len (22) (54.55%) (72.73%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUAGGCGU---UAAUGAAAa 5' | | |::|:| :||||||| Ref: 5' ggCTATTTTTGTACTTGTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -12.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548i NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.36 2 21 11624 11648 22 54.55% 72.73% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4517 to 4538 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccguuuuaggcguuAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tatggtgctagattTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -7.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548i NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.58 2 9 4517 4538 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6769 to 6790 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccguuuuaggcguuAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tatgccttatttctTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -5.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548i NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.69 2 9 6769 6790 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:7295 to 7317 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (94.12%) Query: 3' ccguuUUAG-GCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |||| :||||||::||| Ref: 5' gctgcAATCATGCAATTGTTTTt 3' Energy: -16.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548i NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.79 2 18 7295 7317 17 76.47% 94.12% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:27546 to 27571 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ccguUUUAGGCGU---U-AAUGAAAa 5' ||||::||| | ||:|||| Ref: 5' taacAAATTTGCACTGACTTGCTTTa 3' Energy: -11.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548i NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.20 2 19 27546 27571 21 66.67% 80.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548i NC_045512.2 2503.00 -174.75 164.00 -16.79 2232 22 29903 25795 20180 7760 1675 10947 2917 4012 16891 8375 23010 13630 2719 11624 4517 6769 7295 27546 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-660-5p MIMAT0003338(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-660-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4110 to 4130 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' guUGAGGCUAUACGUUACCCAu 5' :|||| |||| :|:||||| Ref: 5' atGCTCC-ATATATAGTGGGTg 3' Energy: -23.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-660-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -23.85 2 21 4110 4130 19 73.68% 89.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18196 to 18217 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' guUGAGGCUAUACGUUACCCAu 5' |||| | | ::|||||| Ref: 5' agACTCATCTCTATGATGGGTt 3' Energy: -15.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-660-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.74 2 21 18196 18217 19 63.16% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-660-5p NC_045512.2 294.00 -39.59 154.00 -23.85 2233 22 29903 4110 18196 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6089 MIMAT0023714(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6089 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-520a-5p MIMAT0002833(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-520a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3976 to 3997 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ucUUUCAUGAAG-GGAGACCUc 5' ||: ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' agAAGTTACAACAACTCTGGAa 3' Energy: -17.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520a-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -17.25 2 20 3976 3997 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:19578 to 19601 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ucuuucAUGAA---GGGAGACCUc 5' ||||| |||||||| Ref: 5' atttgaTACTTATAACCTCTGGAa 3' Energy: -19.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520a-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -19.61 2 16 19578 19601 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:26667 to 26689 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ucuUUCA--UGAAGGGAGACCuc 5' |||| |:||:||||||| Ref: 5' attAAGTTAATTTTCCTCTGGct 3' Energy: -21.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520a-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -21.25 3 19 26667 26689 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:27485 to 27508 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ucUUUCAU-GAA--GGGAGACCUc 5' |||| | ||| :|:|||||| Ref: 5' taAAAGAACCTTGCTCTTCTGGAa 3' Energy: -15.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520a-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.80 2 20 27485 27508 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:9666 to 9684 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ucuuUCAUGAAGGGAGACCUc 5' ||||| |::|||||| Ref: 5' ctttAGTAC--CTTTCTGGAt 3' Energy: -16.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520a-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.94 2 18 9666 9684 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:342 to 362 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucuuuCAUGAAGGGAGACCUc 5' |||| | ||:|||| Ref: 5' tgctcGTACGTGGCTTTGGAg 3' Energy: -17.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.23 2 17 342 362 15 73.33% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-520a-5p NC_045512.2 876.00 -108.08 150.00 -21.25 2235 21 29903 3976 19578 26667 27485 9666 342 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4533 MIMAT0019072(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4533 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:24699 to 24720 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ucgcaggccguUGGAGGAAGGu 5' |: ||||||| Ref: 5' gctatcatcttATGTCCTTCCc 3' Energy: -13.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4533 NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.30 2 12 24699 24720 10 80.00% 90.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4533 NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.30 143.00 -13.30 2236 22 29903 24699 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-12136 MIMAT0049032(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-12136 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:8894 to 8911 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccggaggUACUGAAAAAg 5' :||||||||| Ref: 5' actaatgGTGACTTTTTg 3' Energy: -10.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12136 NC_045512.2 151.00 -10.54 2 12 8894 8911 10 90.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:28200 to 28220 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ccgGAGGUA---CUGAAAAAg 5' :||:|| |||||||| Ref: 5' tcgTTCTATGAAGACTTTTTa 3' Energy: -11.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12136 NC_045512.2 150.00 -11.89 2 16 28200 28220 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:10376 to 10392 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' ccggagGUACUGAAAAAg 5' || |||||||| Ref: 5' ccaggaCA-GACTTTTTc 3' Energy: -14.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12136 NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.78 2 13 10376 10392 11 90.91% 90.91% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-12136 NC_045512.2 447.00 -37.21 151.00 -14.78 2237 18 29903 8894 28200 10376 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7153-5p MIMAT0028216(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7153-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:15776 to 15799 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ggauggUGUAA-ACAGUCAAGAGu 5' || || |||||||||: Ref: 5' taaagaACTTTAAGTCAGTTCTTt 3' Energy: -15.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7153-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.11 2 18 15776 15799 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:27828 to 27848 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ggAUGGUGUAAACAGUCAAGAGu 5' ||::|: || |::|||||| Ref: 5' ctTATTATCTT--TTGGTTCTCa 3' Energy: -15.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7153-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.42 2 22 27828 27848 20 60.00% 85.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7153-5p NC_045512.2 286.00 -30.53 144.00 -15.42 2238 23 29903 15776 27828 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-151a-3p MIMAT0000757(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-151a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11821 to 11847 Align Len (24) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' ggAG-UUCCUCG-----AAGUCAGAUc 5' || ||| ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' taTCAAAGTAGCCACTGTACAGTCTAa 3' Energy: -12.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-151a-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.63 2 20 11821 11847 24 66.67% 66.67% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:25711 to 25731 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggaguuccuCGAAGUCAGAUc 5' ||||:|||||| Ref: 5' tatctttatGCTTTAGTCTAc 3' Energy: -17.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-151a-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.88 2 13 25711 25731 11 90.91% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-151a-3p NC_045512.2 289.00 -30.51 145.00 -17.88 2239 21 29903 11821 25711 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3941 MIMAT0018357(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3941 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:29673 to 29695 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' auacUAGGAGUCA-ACACACAUu 5' |||:|:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' agcaATCTTTAATCAGTGTGTAa 3' Energy: -15.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3941 NC_045512.2 157.00 -15.49 2 19 29673 29695 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:5500 to 5523 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' auacUAGGAGU--CAACACACAUu 5' :||:| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' aagaGTCTTGAACGTGGTGTGTAa 3' Energy: -14.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3941 NC_045512.2 153.00 -14.71 2 19 5500 5523 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:17492 to 17516 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' auacUA-GGAGUCAA--CACACAUu 5' || ::||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' cagaATATTTCAATTCAGTGTGTAg 3' Energy: -13.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3941 NC_045512.2 152.00 -13.16 2 19 17492 17516 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:24642 to 24662 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' auacuaggAGUCAACACACAUu 5' |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctaaaatgTCAG-AGTGTGTAc 3' Energy: -12.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3941 NC_045512.2 148.00 -12.99 2 15 24642 24662 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:15718 to 15737 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' auaCUAGGAGUCAACACACAuu 5' ||| || ||||||||| Ref: 5' gacGATGCT--GTTGTGTGTtt 3' Energy: -17.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3941 NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.11 3 20 15718 15737 17 82.35% 82.35% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:20477 to 20498 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' auACUAGGAGUCA-ACACACAuu 5' | || || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtTCAT-CTAAGTGTGTGTGTtc 3' Energy: -15.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3941 NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.08 3 21 20477 20498 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:19042 to 19063 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' auacuaggagucaaCACACAUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cctaaagctattaaGTGTGTAc 3' Energy: -9.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3941 NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.49 2 9 19042 19063 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3941 NC_045512.2 1035.00 -98.03 157.00 -17.11 2240 22 29903 29673 5500 17492 24642 15718 20477 19042 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3155b MIMAT0019012(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3155b vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:26097 to 26114 Align Len (15) (60.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' agGGUGACGUCUCGGACc 5' ::::|| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaTTGTTGATGAGCCTGa 3' Energy: -16.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3155b NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.82 2 17 26097 26114 15 60.00% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3155b NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.82 148.00 -16.82 2241 18 29903 26097 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-135a-2-3p MIMAT0037309(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-135a-2-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24752 to 24773 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (89.47%) Query: 3' aaGUACCGAAGGUAGGGAUGUa 5' ::|| ||| ::|||||:|| Ref: 5' caTGTGACTTATGTCCCTGCAc 3' Energy: -20.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-135a-2-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -20.78 2 21 24752 24773 19 63.16% 89.47% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26589 to 26613 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (85.71%) Query: 3' aagUA-CCGAAGG-U-AGGGAUGUa 5' || ||:|||| | |||:|||| Ref: 5' gtaATAGGTTTCCTATTCCTTACAt 3' Energy: -24.379999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-135a-2-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -24.38 2 20 26589 26613 21 76.19% 85.71% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18082 to 18103 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' aaGU-ACCGAAGGUAGGGAUGUa 5' || ||| || || :|||||| Ref: 5' atCACTGGGTTACA-TCCTACAc 3' Energy: -18.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-135a-2-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.51 2 21 18082 18103 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14378 to 14398 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' aagUACCGAAGGUAGGGAUGUa 5' || |:||: ||:||||| Ref: 5' ttaAT-GTTTTATTCTCTACAg 3' Energy: -13.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-135a-2-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.56 2 20 14378 14398 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-135a-2-3p NC_045512.2 586.00 -77.23 152.00 -24.38 2242 22 29903 24752 26589 18082 14378 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-200c-5p MIMAT0004657(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-200c-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1178-5p MIMAT0022940(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1178-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:14560 to 14575 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' guACGAGUCGACUGGGAc 5' |||| ||||||||| Ref: 5' taTGCT--GCTGACCCTg 3' Energy: -27.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1178-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -27.10 2 17 14560 14575 15 86.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:22431 to 22448 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' guACGAGUCGACUGGGAc 5' ||: || :||||||| Ref: 5' acTGTGCACTTGACCCTc 3' Energy: -16.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1178-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -16.49 2 17 22431 22448 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:3723 to 3740 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guacgaguCGACUGGGAc 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' tttttggtGCTGACCCTa 3' Energy: -16.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1178-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.50 2 11 3723 3740 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:13331 to 13346 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guACGAGUCGACUGGGAc 5' |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgTGCTAA--TGACCCTg 3' Energy: -22.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1178-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -22.22 2 17 13331 13346 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:5928 to 5948 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' guACGAGUC---GACUGGGAc 5' ||: ||| :||||||| Ref: 5' ttTGTACAGAAATTGACCCTa 3' Energy: -16.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1178-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.05 2 17 5928 5948 18 66.67% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1178-5p NC_045512.2 759.00 -98.36 157.00 -27.10 2244 18 29903 14560 22431 3723 13331 5928 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-26b-3p MIMAT0004500(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-26b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:17279 to 17299 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucgguucauuaccUCUUGUCc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgaattcaacattAGAACAGt 3' Energy: -9.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-26b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.57 2 9 17279 17299 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-26b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.57 140.00 -9.57 2245 21 29903 17279 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8077 MIMAT0031004(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8077 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:29508 to 29529 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ccUCAGUCUUGGGGUGAGUCgg 5' ||| :||:| |||||| Ref: 5' gcAGTGCTGACTCAACTCAGgc 3' Energy: -18.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8077 NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.22 3 21 29508 29529 18 66.67% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8077 NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.22 140.00 -18.22 2246 22 29903 29508 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1468-5p MIMAT0006789(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1468-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6715b-5p MIMAT0025842(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6715b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:8848 to 8868 Align Len (10) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acgguuugguCAGCACGGACa 5' |||||||||| Ref: 5' agtgggttttGTCGTGCCTGg 3' Energy: -22.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6715b-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -22.46 2 12 8848 8868 10 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1810 to 1828 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' acGGUUUGGUCAGCACGGACa 5' |:||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' agCTAAAAAAG--GTGCCTGg 3' Energy: -20.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6715b-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -20.41 2 20 1810 1828 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:13030 to 13050 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' acgguuUGGUCAGCACGGACa 5' | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' taatgcAACAGAAGTGCCTGc 3' Energy: -20.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6715b-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -20.45 2 16 13030 13050 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24913 to 24933 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' acgGUUUGGUCAGCACGGACa 5' ||| || |:|||:||| Ref: 5' agaCAACACATTTGTGTCTGg 3' Energy: -16.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6715b-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.74 2 19 24913 24933 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:1511 to 1531 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' acGGU-UUGGUCAGCACGGAca 5' ||| ||| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' tgCCATAACAAGT-GTGCCTat 3' Energy: -20.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6715b-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -20.98 3 20 1511 1531 18 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:1197 to 1217 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' acgguUUGGUCAGCACGGAca 5' ||||| :|||||| Ref: 5' aatgcAACCAAATGTGCCTtt 3' Energy: -19.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6715b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.49 3 17 1197 1217 14 78.57% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6715b-5p NC_045512.2 888.00 -120.53 155.00 -22.46 2248 21 29903 8848 1810 13030 24913 1511 1197 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-523-5p MIMAT0005449(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-523-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14515 to 14536 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (66.67%) Query: 3' gucUUUCGCGAAGGGAGAUCUc 5' || : | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtaAACTTACATAGCTCTAGAc 3' Energy: -10.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-523-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.26 2 20 14515 14536 18 61.11% 66.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26430 to 26452 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gucUUUCG-CGAAGGGAGAUCUc 5' ||| | | |:|:|||||| Ref: 5' taaAAATCTGAATTCTTCTAGAg 3' Energy: -17.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-523-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.82 2 20 26430 26452 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-523-5p NC_045512.2 285.00 -28.08 143.00 -17.82 2249 22 29903 14515 26430 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6794-3p MIMAT0027489(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6794-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:3833 to 3853 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucccuCCCUGAC-UCUCACUc 5' || | || ||||||| Ref: 5' tttttGGAAATGAAGAGTGAa 3' Energy: -13.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6794-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -13.32 2 16 3833 3853 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:12846 to 12865 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ucccucccuGACUCUCACUc 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' ctagattccCTAAGAGTGAt 3' Energy: -10.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6794-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.23 2 12 12846 12865 10 90.00% 90.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6794-3p NC_045512.2 297.00 -23.55 150.00 -13.32 2250 20 29903 3833 12846 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4796-3p MIMAT0019971(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4796-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:22672 to 22693 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cacagaUAUGAGACGGUGAAAu 5' || |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttccgcATCATTTTCCACTTTt 3' Energy: -11.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4796-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -11.52 2 17 22672 22693 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4054 to 4075 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cacAGAUAUGAGACGGUGAAAu 5' || | |:||||||||| | Ref: 5' tcaTCCAGATTCTGCCACTCTt 3' Energy: -18.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4796-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.91 2 20 4054 4075 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11628 to 11648 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (94.44%) Query: 3' cacAGAUAUGAGACGGUGAAAu 5' |:|:|||| ||::||||| Ref: 5' attTTTGTACT-TGTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -17.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4796-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.77 2 20 11628 11648 18 72.22% 94.44% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:23640 to 23661 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' caCAGAUAUGAGACGGUGAAau 5' | ||| ||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' ttGCCTACACTATGTCACTTgg 3' Energy: -15.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4796-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.88 3 21 23640 23661 18 77.78% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4796-3p NC_045512.2 576.00 -64.08 152.00 -18.91 2251 22 29903 22672 4054 11628 23640 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4262 MIMAT0016894(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4262 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:12205 to 12223 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gucCAUCAG--ACUUACAg 5' | |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gaaGAAGTCTTTGAATGTg 3' Energy: -10.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4262 NC_045512.2 149.00 -10.79 2 15 12205 12223 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:8213 to 8228 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' gucCAUCAGACUUACAg 5' || || ||||||| Ref: 5' gatGTTGT-TGAATGTc 3' Energy: -12.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4262 NC_045512.2 148.00 -12.92 2 15 8213 8228 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:9007 to 9023 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guccaucaGACUUACAg 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tttggctgCTGAATGTa 3' Energy: -12.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4262 NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.86 2 10 9007 9023 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:11391 to 11407 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' guccaucAGACUUACAg 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' ggacactTATGAATGTc 3' Energy: -10.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4262 NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.72 2 11 11391 11407 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:20774 to 20790 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guccaucagACUUACAg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gcataatgaTGAATGTc 3' Energy: -10.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4262 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.86 2 9 20774 20790 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4262 NC_045512.2 724.00 -58.15 149.00 -12.92 2252 17 29903 12205 8213 9007 11391 20774 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-582-3p MIMAT0004797(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-582-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2594 to 2615 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccaAGUCAACAAGUUGGUCAAu 5' |::|||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ccaTTGGTTGGTACACCAGTTt 3' Energy: -16.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-582-3p NC_045512.2 163.00 -16.09 2 20 2594 2615 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25260 to 25281 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccaAGUCAACAAGUUGGUCAAu 5' |: | ||| ::||||||| Ref: 5' tgcTTTGCTGTATGACCAGTTg 3' Energy: -14.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-582-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -14.68 2 20 25260 25281 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6074 to 6097 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' ccAAGUCAAC--AAGUUGGUCAAu 5' | | | || || |||||||| Ref: 5' ttTGCTGATGATTTAAACCAGTTa 3' Energy: -13.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-582-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -13.75 2 21 6074 6097 21 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9533 to 9557 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ccAAGUCA-ACAAGU--UGGUCAAu 5' | :| | ||||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' acTGTACTCTGTTTAACACCAGTTt 3' Energy: -13.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-582-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -13.75 2 21 9533 9557 22 68.18% 77.27% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:5885 to 5906 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccaagucaacaagUUGGUCAAu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' acaacaaccataaAACCAGTTa 3' Energy: -13.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-582-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.20 2 10 5885 5906 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:6302 to 6323 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccaagucaacaagUUGGUCAAu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ctttggagcacaaAACCAGTTg 3' Energy: -13.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-582-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.79 2 10 6302 6323 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:3302 to 3323 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' ccaagucaacAAGUUGGUCAAu 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' gagatggaacTTACACCAGTTg 3' Energy: -12.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-582-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.04 2 13 3302 3323 11 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:19672 to 19693 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (68.75%) Query: 3' ccaagUCAACAAGUUGGUCAAu 5' :| || ||||||| Ref: 5' caacaGGGTGAAGTACCAGTTt 3' Energy: -15.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-582-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.81 2 18 19672 19693 16 62.50% 68.75% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:27615 to 27640 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ccaAGUCAA--CAAG--UUGGUCAAu 5' |||||| || | :|:||||| Ref: 5' ctaTCAGTTACGTGCCAGATCAGTTt 3' Energy: -15.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-582-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.67 2 20 27615 27640 22 68.18% 77.27% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-582-3p NC_045512.2 1347.00 -128.78 163.00 -16.09 2253 22 29903 2594 25260 6074 9533 5885 6302 3302 19672 27615 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4433a-3p MIMAT0018949(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4433a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:1903 to 1923 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uacAGGGUGGGGGUGAGGACa 5' |::| ||| |||||:|| Ref: 5' aatTTTCTCCCGCACTCTTGa 3' Energy: -23.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4433a-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -23.25 2 19 1903 1923 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:24781 to 24801 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uacaGGGUGGGGGUGAGGACa 5' ::||| |::|||||| Ref: 5' gaacTTCACAACTGCTCCTGc 3' Energy: -21.549999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4433a-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -21.55 2 18 24781 24801 16 62.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:22297 to 22317 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uacagggugggggUGAGGACa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tagaagttatttgACTCCTGg 3' Energy: -15.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4433a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.62 2 9 22297 22317 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4433a-3p NC_045512.2 431.00 -60.42 150.00 -23.25 2254 21 29903 1903 24781 22297 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-106b-3p MIMAT0004672(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-106b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6854-3p MIMAT0027609(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6854-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:16629 to 16649 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gacGAGUUCUCCUCUUUGCGu 5' :|: : || |||||||| Ref: 5' gctTTTTGCAGCAGAAACGCt 3' Energy: -15.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6854-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -15.97 2 19 16629 16649 17 64.71% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6854-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -15.97 154.00 -15.97 2256 21 29903 16629 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5571-5p MIMAT0022257(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5571-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:17712 to 17733 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' cccUCCG-AGGAAACUCUUAAc 5' |||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' aatAGGCGTGGTAAGAGAATTc 3' Energy: -11.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5571-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -11.64 2 19 17712 17733 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1294 to 1311 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' ccCUCCGAGGAAACUCUUAAc 5' | ||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' ttGTGGCAC---TGAGAATTt 3' Energy: -10.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5571-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.60 2 20 1294 1311 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:16705 to 16725 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cccuccgaggaaaCUCUUAAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgctgtctgacaGAGAATTa 3' Energy: -10.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5571-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.25 2 9 16705 16725 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5571-5p NC_045512.2 436.00 -32.49 149.00 -11.64 2257 21 29903 17712 1294 16705 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3148 MIMAT0015021(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3148 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18421 to 18442 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' uucgUGUGUGGUCAAAAAAGGu 5' |:| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' cctaATAATACAGATTTTTCCa 3' Energy: -14.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3148 NC_045512.2 154.00 -14.49 2 19 18421 18442 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6125 to 6147 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uuCGUGUGU-GGUCAAAAAAGGu 5' || :| | ::| ||||||| Ref: 5' gaGCTTAAAGTTACATTTTTCCc 3' Energy: -9.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3148 NC_045512.2 147.00 -9.24 2 21 6125 6147 20 60.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:7260 to 7281 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' uucguguGUGGUCAAAAAAGGu 5' |||:|| ||||||: Ref: 5' ttcttttCACTAGGTTTTTCTa 3' Energy: -15.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3148 NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.51 2 16 7260 7281 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:18356 to 18376 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uucGUGUGUGGUCAAAAAAGGu 5' :||| :|:|| ||||||: Ref: 5' cttTACA-GCTAGGTTTTTCTa 3' Energy: -15.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3148 NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.00 2 20 18356 18376 18 66.67% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3148 NC_045512.2 593.00 -54.24 154.00 -15.51 2258 22 29903 18421 6125 7260 18356 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-433-5p MIMAT0026554(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-433-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1269b MIMAT0019059(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1269b vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:28571 to 28592 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggucaucguaccGAGUCAGGUc 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' aaaatgaaagatCTCAGTCCAa 3' Energy: -16.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1269b NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.47 2 11 28571 28592 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11825 to 11847 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ggUCAUC-GUACCGAGUCAGGUc 5' ||||| || |: |||||:| Ref: 5' aaAGTAGCCACTGTACAGTCTAa 3' Energy: -17.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1269b NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.29 2 21 11825 11847 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19374 to 19393 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (68.42%) Query: 3' ggUCAUCGUACCGAGUCAGGUc 5' | || : || ||||||| Ref: 5' ctATTACTCTG--ACAGTCCAt 3' Energy: -13.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1269b NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.92 2 21 19374 19393 19 63.16% 68.42% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:28493 to 28514 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggucaucguaccgaGUCAGGUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' attaacaccaatagCAGTCCAg 3' Energy: -19.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1269b NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.67 2 9 28493 28514 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1269b NC_045512.2 578.00 -67.35 150.00 -19.67 2260 22 29903 28571 11825 19374 28493 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4762-3p MIMAT0019911(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4762-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16047 to 16068 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' guGGUGUUUAGAACUAGUCUUc 5' |:| | ||| | |||||:| Ref: 5' taCTAAACATCCTAATCAGGAg 3' Energy: -16.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4762-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.20 2 21 16047 16068 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:9224 to 9245 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gugguguuuagaaCUAGUCUUc 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ggcacttgtgaaaGATCAGAAg 3' Energy: -17.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4762-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.88 2 10 9224 9245 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23383 to 23404 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (84.21%) Query: 3' guGGUGUUUAGAACUAGUCUUc 5' :::| : |||| |||||:| Ref: 5' ggTTGCTGTTCTTTATCAGGAt 3' Energy: -12.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4762-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.16 2 21 23383 23404 19 57.89% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:369 to 389 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' guggugUUUAGAACUAGUCUUc 5' |::|||| ||||||: Ref: 5' tggaggAGGTCTT-ATCAGAGg 3' Energy: -18.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4762-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.17 2 17 369 389 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1862 to 1883 Align Len (19) (52.63%) (84.21%) Query: 3' guGGUGUUUAGAACUAGUCUUc 5' ::|:: ||:| ||||||: Ref: 5' ctTTATGCATTTGCATCAGAGg 3' Energy: -14.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4762-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.38 2 21 1862 1883 19 52.63% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:14296 to 14319 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gugguGUUUAGAA--CUAGUCUuc 5' :|||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' tatttTAAATATTGGGATCAGAca 3' Energy: -11.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4762-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.84 3 18 14296 14319 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:20397 to 20419 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gugguGUUUAGAAC-UAGUCUUc 5' || |:||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' ggaatCACCTTTTGAATTAGAAg 3' Energy: -17.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4762-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.98 2 18 20397 20419 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:27641 to 27662 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' guGGUGUUUAGAACUAGUCUuc 5' || || | || |||||| Ref: 5' caCCTAAACTGTTCATCAGAca 3' Energy: -12.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4762-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.62 3 21 27641 27662 18 72.22% 72.22% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4762-3p NC_045512.2 1139.00 -121.23 148.00 -18.17 2261 22 29903 16047 9224 23383 369 1862 14296 20397 27641 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-942-5p MIMAT0004985(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-942-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:8828 to 8850 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' guguacCGGUUUUG-UCUCUUCu 5' |:|| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gctgcaGTCATAACAAGAGAAGt 3' Energy: -17.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-942-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -17.61 2 17 8828 8850 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2419 to 2442 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' gugUAC-CGGUUU-UGUCUCUUCu 5' :|| |::||| |||||||| Ref: 5' aaaGTGTGTTAAATCCAGAGAAGa 3' Energy: -21.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-942-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -21.20 2 20 2419 2442 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:2149 to 2168 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' guguACCGGUUUUGUCUCUUCu 5' ||||: :| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgatTGGCTTGA--AGAGAAGt 3' Energy: -16.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-942-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.64 2 19 2149 2168 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:7050 to 7071 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guguaccgguuuUGUCUCUUCu 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' actgtactggttACAGAGAAGg 3' Energy: -22.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-942-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -22.36 2 11 7050 7071 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:9930 to 9951 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guguaccgguuuUGUCUCUUCu 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' atacaactagctACAGAGAAGc 3' Energy: -18.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-942-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -18.81 2 11 9930 9951 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18320 to 18338 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' guGUACCGGUUUUGUCUCUUCu 5' ||| ||: | :||||||| Ref: 5' gtCAT-GCT--ACTAGAGAAGc 3' Energy: -16.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-942-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.11 2 21 18320 18338 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4266 to 4289 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' gugUACCGGUUU--UGUCUCUUCu 5' ||||::| | ::||||:|| Ref: 5' taaATGGTTACACTGTAGAGGAGg 3' Energy: -19.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-942-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.95 2 20 4266 4289 20 60.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15172 to 15194 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gugUACCGGUUUUG-UCUCUUCu 5' || |||: || ||||:|| Ref: 5' tcaATAGCCGCCACTAGAGGAGc 3' Energy: -17.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-942-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.66 2 20 15172 15194 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 16 R:1620 to 1640 Align Len (13) (92.31%) (92.31%) Query: 3' guguaccGGUUUUGUCUCUUcu 5' |||||| |||||| Ref: 5' aaatactCCAAAA-AGAGAAag 3' Energy: -14.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-942-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.51 3 16 1620 1640 13 92.31% 92.31% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4938 to 4959 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guguaccgguuuugUCUCUUCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cacttctttctttgAGAGAAGt 3' Energy: -11.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-942-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.22 2 9 4938 4959 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-942-5p NC_045512.2 1479.00 -176.07 159.00 -22.36 2262 22 29903 8828 2419 2149 7050 9930 18320 4266 15172 1620 4938 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4324 MIMAT0016876(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4324 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-129-2-3p MIMAT0004605(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-129-2-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 176.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24681 to 24702 Align Len (19) (84.21%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uaCGAAAAACCCCAUUCCCGAa 5' | |||||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttGATTTTTGTGGAAAGGGCTa 3' Energy: -19.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-129-2-3p NC_045512.2 176.00 -19.61 2 21 24681 24702 19 84.21% 84.21% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5355 to 5378 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' uaCGAAAAA--CCCCAUUCCCGAa 5' |||| || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' atGCTTATTACAGAGCAAGGGCTg 3' Energy: -15.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-129-2-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -15.08 2 21 5355 5378 21 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25279 to 25302 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' uaCGAAA--AACCCCAUUCCCGAa 5' ||| | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttGCTGTAGTTGTCTCAAGGGCTg 3' Energy: -16.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-129-2-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.22 2 21 25279 25302 21 66.67% 66.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-129-2-3p NC_045512.2 478.00 -50.91 176.00 -19.61 2264 22 29903 24681 5355 25279 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6739-3p MIMAT0027380(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6739-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:29094 to 29117 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' gaCCCUCU-UUCU--GUCUUGUUa 5' || ||| : |: |||||||| Ref: 5' tcGGCAGACGTGGTCCAGAACAAa 3' Energy: -14.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6739-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -14.52 2 20 29094 29117 21 66.67% 76.19% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10973 to 10992 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gacCCUCUUUCUGUCUUGUUa 5' | || :| | ||||||| Ref: 5' agtGCAGTGA-AAAGAACAAt 3' Energy: -9.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6739-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -9.63 2 19 10973 10992 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:27740 to 27760 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacccUCUUUCUGUCUUGUUa 5' ||||||||||||::| Ref: 5' tcaaaAGAAAGACAGAATGAt 3' Energy: -19.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6739-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -19.73 2 17 27740 27760 15 86.67% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:2549 to 2570 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gacccUCUUUCU-GUCUUGUUa 5' | || | :||||||| Ref: 5' gatttACAACCATTAGAACAAc 3' Energy: -7.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6739-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -7.20 2 17 2549 2570 16 68.75% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6739-3p NC_045512.2 588.00 -51.08 149.00 -19.73 2265 21 29903 29094 10973 27740 2549 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3177-5p MIMAT0019215(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3177-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:23824 to 23847 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ucgcggACCGU-GCACACAUGUGu 5' ||||| : | ||||||| Ref: 5' gcaataTGGCAGTTTTTGTACACa 3' Energy: -20.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3177-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -20.01 2 18 23824 23847 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:13144 to 13167 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' ucgcggaccgUGC-ACACAUGUGu 5' |:| ||||||||| Ref: 5' ttgtgttaagATGTTGTGTACACa 3' Energy: -21.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3177-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -21.92 2 14 13144 13167 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:17410 to 17433 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ucGCGGACCGUG-CACACAUGUGu 5' :||: |||| ||||||||: Ref: 5' cgTGCTAAGCACTATGTGTACATt 3' Energy: -23.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3177-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -23.45 2 22 17410 17433 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:16197 to 16218 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ucgcggACCGUGCACACAUGUGu 5' || :| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gttttaTGAGGC-TATGTACACa 3' Energy: -15.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3177-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.30 2 18 16197 16218 16 68.75% 75.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19950 to 19973 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ucgcgGACCGUGC-ACACAUGUGu 5' ||| ||| | |||:||| Ref: 5' accaaCTGAAACGATTTGTGCACc 3' Energy: -17.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3177-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.33 2 19 19950 19973 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:13297 to 13319 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ucgcggaCCGUGCACACAUGUgu 5' ||:| || |||||| Ref: 5' cttaaaaGGTAAGTATGTACAaa 3' Energy: -13.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3177-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.54 3 17 13297 13319 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:17136 to 17157 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ucgcgGACCGUGCACACAUGUGu 5' || |||: |||||:|| Ref: 5' ttctgCTCGCAT-AGTGTATACa 3' Energy: -18.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3177-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.68 2 19 17136 17157 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3177-5p NC_045512.2 1020.00 -130.23 156.00 -23.45 2266 23 29903 23824 13144 17410 16197 19950 13297 17136 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4492 MIMAT0019027(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4492 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4779 MIMAT0019938(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4779 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17120 to 17140 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gaCGA-AAAUGAUAAGGGAGGAu 5' ||| | ||||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' taGCTCTCTACTA--CCCTTCTg 3' Energy: -19.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4779 NC_045512.2 144.00 -19.41 2 21 17120 17140 20 75.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4779 NC_045512.2 144.00 -19.41 144.00 -19.41 2268 22 29903 17120 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3126-3p MIMAT0015377(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3126-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17387 to 17408 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agaCACACUGCCUACGGUCUAc 5' |||| :: ||||||||| Ref: 5' tgaGTGTTGTCAATGCCAGATt 3' Energy: -17.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3126-3p NC_045512.2 163.00 -17.87 2 20 17387 17408 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:27616 to 27635 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' agacaCACUGCCUACGGUCUAc 5' || ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' tatcaGTTACG--TGCCAGATc 3' Energy: -16.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3126-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -16.33 2 18 27616 27635 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4505 to 4530 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (78.26%) Query: 3' agACAC--ACUG--CCUACGGUCUAc 5' |||| |||: |:|||:|||| Ref: 5' ggTGTGGTTGATTATGGTGCTAGATt 3' Energy: -21.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3126-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -21.48 2 21 4505 4530 23 65.22% 78.26% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3126-3p NC_045512.2 459.00 -55.68 163.00 -21.48 2269 22 29903 17387 27616 4505 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6760-5p MIMAT0027420(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6760-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:1892 to 1915 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' agACGUG-AAGGUGGAAGAGGGac 5' ||:|| || |::||||||| Ref: 5' gtTGTACGATCAATTTTCTCCCgc 3' Energy: -25.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6760-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -25.84 3 22 1892 1915 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:21361 to 21383 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agACGUGAAGGUGGAAGAGGGAc 5' | || ||| ::: |||:||| Ref: 5' aaTCCAATTCAGTTGTCTTCCTa 3' Energy: -13.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6760-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.82 2 22 21361 21383 20 60.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:29439 to 29462 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agacgUGAAGGUG-GAAGAGGGAc 5' ||| : || |||||:||| Ref: 5' agcaaACTGTGACTCTTCTTCCTg 3' Energy: -23.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6760-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -23.11 2 19 29439 29462 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:22192 to 22214 Align Len (14) (64.29%) (78.57%) Query: 3' agacgugaAGGUGGAAGAGGGAc 5' | |:: ||||||| Ref: 5' taatttagTGCGTGATCTCCCTc 3' Energy: -13.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6760-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.74 2 16 22192 22214 14 64.29% 78.57% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:6128 to 6149 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' agacgUGAAGGUGGAAGAGGGAc 5' | || || :||:||||| Ref: 5' cttaaAGTTACA-TTTTTCCCTg 3' Energy: -18.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6760-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.29 2 19 6128 6149 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6760-5p NC_045512.2 721.00 -94.80 148.00 -25.84 2270 23 29903 1892 21361 29439 22192 6128 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5001-3p MIMAT0021022(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5001-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:24542 to 24563 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uuccugGACCUGUCUCCGUCUu 5' :|| || ||||||| Ref: 5' gataggTTGATCACAGGCAGAc 3' Energy: -17.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5001-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -17.83 2 17 24542 24563 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:29540 to 29559 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uucCUGGACCUGUCUCCGUCUu 5' |||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gcaGACC-ACACA-AGGCAGAt 3' Energy: -19.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5001-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -19.36 2 20 29540 29559 18 77.78% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5001-3p NC_045512.2 303.00 -37.19 152.00 -19.36 2271 22 29903 24542 29540 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3145-3p MIMAT0015016(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3145-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:5629 to 5655 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' guuaagGUUUGU--GA-GUUUUAUAGa 5' :||||| || ||||||||| Ref: 5' gtgtggTAAACAAGCTACAAAATATCt 3' Energy: -16.379999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3145-3p NC_045512.2 164.00 -16.38 2 19 5629 5655 20 80.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26464 to 26487 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' guuaAGGUUUGUGAGUUUUAUAGa 5' ||:||||: | ||||||: Ref: 5' ctggTCTAAACGAACTAAATATTa 3' Energy: -12.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3145-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -12.08 2 21 26464 26487 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:23956 to 23980 Align Len (22) (59.09%) (86.36%) Query: 3' guUAAGGUUUGUGAGU-UUUAUAGa 5' :||::|| : :||| ||||||: Ref: 5' tgGTTTTAATTTTTCACAAATATTa 3' Energy: -9.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3145-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -9.54 2 23 23956 23980 22 59.09% 86.36% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:6930 to 6953 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' guuAAGGUUUGUGAGU-UUUAUAGa 5' ||:| || ||| | ||||||: Ref: 5' attTTTCTAA-ACTGATAAATATTa 3' Energy: -9.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3145-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -9.21 2 22 6930 6953 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11830 to 11854 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' guuaaGGUUUGUGAG-UUUUAUAGa 5' |:: ||| || |||||:|| Ref: 5' agccaCTGTACAGTCTAAAATGTCa 3' Energy: -14.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3145-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.71 2 20 11830 11854 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:28255 to 28279 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' guuaagGUUUGUGAG-UUUUAUAGa 5' |:|||| | |||||:|| Ref: 5' tctaaaCGAACAAACTAAAATGTCt 3' Energy: -16.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3145-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.98 2 19 28255 28279 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:17188 to 17210 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (93.75%) Query: 3' guuaaggUUUGUGAGUUUUAUAGa 5' |::|| |:|||||||: Ref: 5' tgtgagaAGGCA-TTAAAATATTt 3' Energy: -11.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3145-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.11 2 18 17188 17210 16 68.75% 93.75% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:24630 to 24652 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guuAAGGUUUGUGAGUUUUAUAGa 5' || | : :||| |||||:|| Ref: 5' atcTTGCTGCTACT-AAAATGTCa 3' Energy: -10.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3145-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.00 2 22 24630 24652 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 23 R:20777 to 20801 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (80.95%) Query: 3' guUAAGGUUUGU-GAGUUUUAUAga 5' || ::||:: | |||||||| Ref: 5' taATGATGAATGTCGCAAAATATac 3' Energy: -8.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3145-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -8.09 3 23 20777 20801 21 61.90% 80.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:2767 to 2789 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (76.19%) Query: 3' guUAAGGUUUGUGAGUUUUAUAGa 5' :|| |||: | | :|||||| Ref: 5' agGTTACAAG-AGTGTGAATATCa 3' Energy: -8.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3145-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.08 2 23 2767 2789 21 61.90% 76.19% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3145-3p NC_045512.2 1469.00 -116.18 164.00 -16.98 2272 24 29903 5629 26464 23956 6930 11830 28255 17188 24630 20777 2767 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7109-3p MIMAT0028116(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7109-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:29016 to 29037 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (76.92%) Query: 3' gaccuuccCGUCCUCUCCGAAc 5' || | ||||||| Ref: 5' agaaatctGCTGCTGAGGCTTc 3' Energy: -13.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7109-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.60 2 15 29016 29037 13 76.92% 76.92% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:6885 to 6906 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaccuucccguccUCUCCGAAc 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' gtaaattttgtctAGAGGCTTc 3' Energy: -12.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7109-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.99 2 10 6885 6906 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25751 to 25774 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (66.67%) Query: 3' gaCCUUCCCGUCCU--CUCCGAAc 5' | ||| :| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttGTAAGAATAATAATGAGGCTTt 3' Energy: -11.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7109-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.70 2 21 25751 25774 21 61.90% 66.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:5139 to 5160 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaccuucccguccuCUCCGAAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' acactctacgtgttGAGGCTTt 3' Energy: -12.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7109-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.66 2 9 5139 5160 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7109-3p NC_045512.2 574.00 -50.95 146.00 -13.60 2273 22 29903 29016 6885 25751 5139 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4670-5p MIMAT0019750(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4670-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-98-5p MIMAT0000096(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-98-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26789 to 26811 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uuGUUAUGUUGAAU-GAUGGAGu 5' ::||::::|| | ||||:|| Ref: 5' ctTGATGTGGCTCAGCTACTTCa 3' Energy: -16.799999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-98-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.80 2 21 26789 26811 20 55.00% 90.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-98-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.80 143.00 -16.80 2275 22 29903 26789 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6827-5p MIMAT0027554(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6827-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:834 to 855 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cguguCUGGGAGUACCGAGGGu 5' |:|||| |||||| || Ref: 5' tctgtGGCCCTGATGGCTACCc 3' Energy: -30.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6827-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -30.10 2 18 834 855 16 81.25% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6827-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -30.10 141.00 -30.10 2276 22 29903 834 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-29a-3p MIMAT0000086(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-29a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:19465 to 19486 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' auuggcUAAAGUCUACCACGAu 5' | ||:||:||||||| Ref: 5' cgttgcAATTTAGGTGGTGCTg 3' Energy: -22.719999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29a-3p NC_045512.2 164.00 -22.72 2 17 19465 19486 15 80.00% 93.33% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11358 to 11381 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' auUGGC-UAAAGU-CUACCACGAu 5' ||:| :| | | ||||||||| Ref: 5' gaACTGTGTATGATGATGGTGCTa 3' Energy: -22.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29a-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -22.23 2 21 11358 11381 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22326 to 22349 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' auuGGCUAA--AGUCUACCACGAu 5' | |:|| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' cttCAGGTTGGACAGCTGGTGCTg 3' Energy: -21.969999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29a-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -21.97 2 20 22326 22349 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21812 to 21833 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' auUGGCUAAAGU-CUACCACGAu 5' ||| |||| | |||||||:| Ref: 5' ctACC-ATTTAATGATGGTGTTt 3' Energy: -19.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29a-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -19.61 2 21 21812 21833 20 80.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:2060 to 2081 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' auuggcUAAAGUCUACCACGAu 5' ||| |||:|||||:| Ref: 5' gcctacATTACAGGTGGTGTTg 3' Energy: -22.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29a-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -22.01 2 17 2060 2081 15 80.00% 93.33% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:28627 to 28649 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' auuggCU-AAAGUCUACCACGAu 5' || || | |||||||| Ref: 5' agctgGACTTCCCTATGGTGCTa 3' Energy: -20.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29a-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -20.51 2 18 28627 28649 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16268 to 16291 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' auUGGCUAAAGUCU--ACCACGAu 5' ||: || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' agACTTCATTAAGATGTGGTGCTt 3' Energy: -14.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29a-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.41 2 21 16268 16291 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4505 to 4526 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' auugGCUAAAGUCUACCACGAu 5' :|:|| |||||||| Ref: 5' ggtgTGGTTGATTATGGTGCTa 3' Energy: -21.549999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29a-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -21.55 2 19 4505 4526 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3714 to 3734 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' auUGGCUAAAGUCUACCACGAu 5' :|:|:| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' caGCTGGTATT-TTTGGTGCTg 3' Energy: -20.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29a-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -20.12 2 21 3714 3734 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5904 to 5927 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (80.95%) Query: 3' auUGGCUA--AAGUCUACCACGAu 5' ||: || |::|||||||:| Ref: 5' ttACTTATAAATTGGATGGTGTTg 3' Energy: -16.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.59 2 21 5904 5927 21 61.90% 80.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9556 to 9578 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' auUGGCUAA-AGUCUACCACGAu 5' ||: ||| |:| |||||:| Ref: 5' ttACTCATTCTTACCTGGTGTTt 3' Energy: -10.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.98 2 21 9556 9578 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:14433 to 14455 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' auuggcUAAA-GUCUACCACGAu 5' |||| : |||||||:| Ref: 5' aaaaatATTTGTTGATGGTGTTc 3' Energy: -13.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.16 2 17 14433 14455 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26044 to 26068 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (77.27%) Query: 3' auUGGCUAAAGUCU---ACCACGAu 5' |::|| | |||| |||||:| Ref: 5' caATTGAGTACAGACACTGGTGTTg 3' Energy: -20.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -20.24 2 21 26044 26068 22 63.64% 77.27% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9362 to 9386 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (68.18%) Query: 3' auUGGCUAA--AGUCU-ACCACGAu 5' ||: ||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ccACTAATTCAACCTATTGGTGCTt 3' Energy: -12.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.98 2 21 9362 9386 22 63.64% 68.18% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7535 to 7556 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' auUGGCUAA-AGUCUACCACGAu 5' | | ||| |:| ||||||:| Ref: 5' acAACTATTGTTA-ATGGTGTTa 3' Energy: -14.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29a-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.80 2 21 7535 7556 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:8315 to 8336 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' auuggcuaaagucuACCACGAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' acaccccgtgacctTGGTGCTt 3' Energy: -15.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.88 2 9 8315 8336 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:20854 to 20875 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' auuggcuaaagucuACCACGAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' agagttatacatttTGGTGCTg 3' Energy: -13.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-29a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.82 2 9 20854 20875 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-29a-3p NC_045512.2 2515.00 -303.58 164.00 -22.72 2277 22 29903 19465 11358 22326 21812 2060 28627 16268 4505 3714 5904 9556 14433 26044 9362 7535 8315 20854 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7113-3p MIMAT0028124(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7113-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:6351 to 6372 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gacGUCUCUCCGCCCGUCCCUcc 5' ||||| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' agtCAGAG-GACGCGCAGGGAat 3' Energy: -25.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7113-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -25.66 3 21 6351 6372 18 83.33% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7113-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -25.66 150.00 -25.66 2278 23 29903 6351 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-362-5p MIMAT0000705(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-362-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:25433 to 25459 Align Len (24) (58.33%) (70.83%) Query: 3' ugAGUGUGGAUCCA---AGGUUCCUAa 5' |:: | | |||| :||||||| Ref: 5' ctTTGAAGCAAGGTGAAATCAAGGATg 3' Energy: -16.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-362-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -16.54 2 23 25433 25459 24 58.33% 70.83% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:25595 to 25621 Align Len (24) (66.67%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ugAGUGUGGAUC--CA-AGGUUCCUAa 5' | :|| |||| | |||||||:| Ref: 5' gaTGGCAACTAGCACTCTCCAAGGGTg 3' Energy: -19.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-362-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -19.45 2 23 25595 25621 24 66.67% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-362-5p NC_045512.2 293.00 -35.99 149.00 -19.45 2279 24 29903 25433 25595 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1286 MIMAT0005877(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1286 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:17554 to 17574 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucccgAGUAGAACCAGGACGu 5' ||: | | ||||||| Ref: 5' acttgTCGGCGTTGTCCTGCt 3' Energy: -16.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1286 NC_045512.2 152.00 -16.42 2 17 17554 17574 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:12686 to 12706 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucccgAGUAGAACCAGGACGu 5' | | ||| ||||||: Ref: 5' aataaTGAGCTTAGTCCTGTt 3' Energy: -14.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1286 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.14 2 17 12686 12706 15 73.33% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1286 NC_045512.2 292.00 -30.56 152.00 -16.42 2280 21 29903 17554 12686 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-549a-5p MIMAT0037328(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-549a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:26090 to 26111 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gucacUGUUGAUACCUACUCGa 5' | ||:|:| ||||||| Ref: 5' acaatAAAATTGTTGATGAGCc 3' Energy: -15.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-549a-5p NC_045512.2 161.00 -15.72 2 18 26090 26111 16 75.00% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-549a-5p NC_045512.2 161.00 -15.72 161.00 -15.72 2281 22 29903 26090 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-505-3p MIMAT0002876(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-505-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15636 to 15655 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucCUUUGGUCGUUCACAACUGc 5' |||| :|| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' taGAAA-TAG-AGATGTTGACa 3' Energy: -14.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-505-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -14.20 2 21 15636 15655 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:18111 to 18130 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uccUUUGGUCGUUCACAACUGc 5' | ||| : ||||||||| Ref: 5' tacACACC--TCAGTGTTGACa 3' Energy: -15.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-505-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -15.88 2 20 18111 18130 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:17566 to 17587 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' uccuuugGUCGUUCACAACUGc 5' | | || ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtcctgCTGAAATTGTTGACa 3' Energy: -12.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-505-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -12.15 2 16 17566 17587 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18143 to 18163 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucCUUUGGUCGUUCACAACUGc 5' |||: : :| |||||||| Ref: 5' ctGAAGGT-TTATGTGTTGACa 3' Energy: -14.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-505-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.12 2 21 18143 18163 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10778 to 10799 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' uccUUUGGUC-GUUCACAACUGc 5' | || || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctaACACAAGACCA-TGTTGACa 3' Energy: -13.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-505-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -13.54 2 20 10778 10799 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:18894 to 18913 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' uccuuuggUCGUUCACAACUGc 5' ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' ctttgttaAGC--GTGTTGACt 3' Energy: -12.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-505-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.33 2 15 18894 18913 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25037 to 25058 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uccUUUGGUCGUUCACAACUGc 5' | |:|| ||: ||||||: Ref: 5' catACATCACCAGATGTTGATt 3' Energy: -14.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-505-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.08 2 20 25037 25058 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14197 to 14215 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uccUUUGGUCGUUCACAACUGc 5' :|::|| || ||||||| Ref: 5' gcaGAGTCA-CA--TGTTGACa 3' Energy: -12.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-505-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.12 2 20 14197 14215 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:3954 to 3977 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uccUUUGG--UCGUUCACAACUgc 5' |||:| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' agaAAATCAAAGCTTGTGTTGAag 3' Energy: -16.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-505-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.94 3 20 3954 3977 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:10595 to 10616 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uccuuuggucguucACAACUGc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttttatggacctttTGTTGACa 3' Energy: -11.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-505-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.40 2 9 10595 10616 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-505-3p NC_045512.2 1479.00 -136.76 156.00 -16.94 2282 22 29903 15636 18111 17566 18143 10778 18894 25037 14197 3954 10595 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3675-5p MIMAT0018098(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3675-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:2576 to 2598 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' cuuuagaGAUGUCUUCGGGGUAu 5' ||:: |||||:|||| Ref: 5' agtgaagCTGTTGAAGCTCCATt 3' Energy: -19.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3675-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -19.94 2 17 2576 2598 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:2453 to 2475 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cuuUAGAGAUGUCUUCGGGGUau 5' || || :| |||||||| Ref: 5' ctcATGCCTCTAAAAGCCCCAaa 3' Energy: -20.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3675-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -20.52 3 21 2453 2475 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:6886 to 6909 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (90.48%) Query: 3' cuUUAGAG-AUGUCUUCGGGGUAu 5' |||:|: | :|||:||::||| Ref: 5' taAATTTTGTCTAGAGGCTTCATt 3' Energy: -19.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3675-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.93 2 22 6886 6909 21 61.90% 90.48% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3675-5p NC_045512.2 432.00 -60.39 148.00 -20.52 2283 23 29903 2576 2453 6886 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7855-5p MIMAT0030430(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7855-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-15a-5p MIMAT0000068(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-15a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8445 to 8465 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' guGUUUGGUAAUACACGACGAu 5' ||||: || |||||||| Ref: 5' aaCAAATACGTA-GTGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -21.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15a-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -21.71 2 21 8445 8465 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14545 to 14569 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gugUUUGGU-AAUAC--ACGACGAu 5' :||::| ||:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' aagGAATTACTTGTGTATGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -18.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15a-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -18.26 2 20 14545 14569 21 66.67% 85.71% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:8599 to 8621 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' guguuuGGUAAUAC-ACGACGAu 5' || || || ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtgttCCTTTTTGTTGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -16.379999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15a-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -16.38 2 17 8599 8621 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:3150 to 3170 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' guguuUGGUAAUACACGACGAu 5' :||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttggtGCCACT-TCTGCTGCTc 3' Energy: -13.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15a-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -13.16 2 18 3150 3170 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:26707 to 26730 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' guguuugguAAUAC--ACGACGAu 5' ||:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' tagcttgttTTGTGCTTGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -16.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15a-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.32 2 14 26707 26730 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:28920 to 28942 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' guguuUGGUAAU-ACACGACGAu 5' :|: ||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' atgctGCTCTTGCTTTGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -13.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15a-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -13.08 2 18 28920 28942 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:24621 to 24641 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' guguuUGGUAAUACACGACGAu 5' :|:| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' cttctGCTAATCT-TGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -13.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15a-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.18 2 18 24621 24641 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:29009 to 29030 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' guguuugguaaUACACGACGAu 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' gtcactaagaaATCTGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -15.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15a-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.74 2 12 29009 29030 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14768 to 14788 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' guGUUUGGUAAUACACGACGAu 5' ||:: :: || ||||||| Ref: 5' ctCAGGATGGTA-ATGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -15.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15a-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.71 2 21 14768 14788 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:24081 to 24101 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' guguuugguaAUACACGACGAu 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gccttggtgaTAT-TGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -15.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15a-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.81 2 13 24081 24101 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:16842 to 16864 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' guguUUGGUAAUAC-ACGACGAu 5' :||:|| :|| |||||:| Ref: 5' aggtGACTATGGTGATGCTGTTg 3' Energy: -17.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15a-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.66 2 19 16842 16864 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25665 to 25690 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (69.57%) Query: 3' guGUUUGGUAA--UA-C-ACGACGAu 5' || ||| || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctCACACCTTTTGCTCGTTGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -16.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15a-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.69 2 21 25665 25690 23 69.57% 69.57% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:28906 to 28928 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (77.78%) Query: 3' guguUUGGUAAUAC-ACGACGAu 5' ||: : :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' tggcAATGGCGGTGATGCTGCTc 3' Energy: -14.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15a-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.77 2 19 28906 28928 18 61.11% 77.78% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:13076 to 13097 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' guguuugguaAUACACGACGAu 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' gcttttgctgTAGATGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -13.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15a-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.55 2 13 13076 13097 11 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22629 to 22652 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gugUUUGGUAAU--ACACGACGAu 5' :||:|| | ||||:|||| Ref: 5' agaGAATCAGCAACTGTGTTGCTg 3' Energy: -18.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15a-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.88 2 20 22629 22652 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:19844 to 19864 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' guguuugguaaUACACGACGAu 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' tgggtgtggacAT-TGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -13.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15a-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.76 2 12 19844 19864 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:8813 to 8834 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' guguuuGGUAAUACACGACGau 5' |||||: |||||| Ref: 5' gcttgcCCATTGATTGCTGCag 3' Energy: -15.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.02 3 17 8813 8834 14 78.57% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-15a-5p NC_045512.2 2505.00 -269.68 158.00 -21.71 2285 22 29903 8445 14545 8599 3150 26707 28920 24621 29009 14768 24081 16842 25665 28906 13076 22629 19844 8813 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548as-5p MIMAT0022267(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548as-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25795 to 25814 Align Len (19) (84.21%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUGGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||||| || | |||||||| Ref: 5' tcCAAAAACC-C-ATTACTTTa 3' Energy: -14.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548as-5p NC_045512.2 164.00 -14.23 2 21 25795 25814 19 84.21% 84.21% Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20180 to 20203 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ccGUU-UUGGGCGUU-AAUGAAAa 5' ||| |||:| || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaCAATTACCTGAAACTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -14.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548as-5p NC_045512.2 162.00 -14.62 2 21 20180 20203 21 76.19% 80.95% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4014 to 4032 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccgUUUUGGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |||||::| ||||||| Ref: 5' cagAAAACTTG---TTACTTTa 3' Energy: -10.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548as-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -10.92 2 20 4014 4032 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10947 to 10969 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUGGG-CGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||| :|:| | :||||||| Ref: 5' gaCAATGCTCAGGTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -12.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548as-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -12.70 2 21 10947 10969 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1675 to 1696 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ccgUUUUGGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |:|: :||| ||||:||| Ref: 5' tgaAGAGATCGCCATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -12.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548as-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -12.82 2 20 1675 1696 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7760 to 7781 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccguuuUGGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |:|| : ||||||| Ref: 5' ggttccATCCATCTTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -10.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548as-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -10.86 2 17 7760 7781 15 66.67% 80.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:2716 to 2740 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' ccguuuUGGGCGUU---AAUGAAAa 5' ||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' cggtgcACCAACAAAGGTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -12.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548as-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.58 2 17 2716 2740 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:2917 to 2937 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUGGGCGUUAAUGAAaa 5' ||: |:|:| |||||||| Ref: 5' acCAGTATCTG-AATTACTTac 3' Energy: -14.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548as-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.47 3 21 2917 2937 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8375 to 8398 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccgUUUUGGGCGU--UAAUGAAAa 5' |||| :| || |||:|||| Ref: 5' gcaAAAAGTCACAACATTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -12.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548as-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.08 2 20 8375 8398 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:1325 to 1346 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUGGGCGUUAAUGAAaa 5' || ||::|:::|||||| Ref: 5' gcCACTACTTGTGGTTACTTac 3' Energy: -14.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548as-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.50 3 21 1325 1346 18 61.11% 88.89% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10724 to 10745 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUGGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' || |||:| :||| ||||| Ref: 5' acCACAACTCTTAATGACTTTa 3' Energy: -11.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548as-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.56 2 21 10724 10745 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16891 to 16912 Align Len (18) (55.56%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ccgUUUUGGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' || ::: |::||||:||| Ref: 5' ttaAATGTTGGTGATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -6.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548as-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -6.94 2 20 16891 16912 18 55.56% 88.89% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23009 to 23033 Align Len (22) (50.00%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUGGGCGUU---AAUGAAAa 5' ::||: :: :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtTGAAGGTTTTAATTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -8.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548as-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -8.06 2 21 23009 23033 22 50.00% 77.27% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:11627 to 11648 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccguuuugggcguUAAUGAAAa 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' tatttttgtacttGTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -7.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548as-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -7.62 2 10 11627 11648 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:13630 to 13651 Align Len (16) (56.25%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ccguuUUGGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||:: : ||||||| Ref: 5' aatttAATTGATTCTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -5.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548as-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -5.68 2 18 13630 13651 16 56.25% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4517 to 4538 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccguuuugggcguuAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tatggtgctagattTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -8.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548as-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.46 2 9 4517 4538 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:5893 to 5911 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUGGGCGUUAAUGAAaa 5' :||||| ||:|||||| Ref: 5' caTAAAAC---CAGTTACTTat 3' Energy: -12.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548as-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.28 3 21 5893 5911 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6769 to 6790 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccguuuugggcguuAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tatgccttatttctTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -5.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548as-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.85 2 9 6769 6790 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:22274 to 22294 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ccguUUUGGGCGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||||:: :| ||:|||| Ref: 5' tttcAAACTT-TACTTGCTTTa 3' Energy: -6.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548as-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.96 2 19 22274 22294 17 64.71% 88.24% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:27566 to 27588 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ccguuUUGGGCGUU-AAUGAAAa 5' |:| | ||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' gctttAGCACTCAATTTGCTTTt 3' Energy: -10.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548as-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.09 2 18 27566 27588 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548as-5p NC_045512.2 2930.00 -213.28 164.00 -14.62 2286 22 29903 25795 20180 4014 10947 1675 7760 2716 2917 8375 1325 10724 16891 23009 11627 13630 4517 5893 6769 22274 27566 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-642b-5p MIMAT0022736(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-642b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-550a-3-5p MIMAT0020925(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-550a-3-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:18088 to 18110 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gagAAUGAGGGA---GUCCGUGa 5' |||| :||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gggTTACATCCTACACAGGCACc 3' Energy: -20.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-550a-3-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -20.25 2 18 18088 18110 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:7973 to 7992 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' gagAAUGAGGGAGUCCGUGa 5' ||||| |||||||: Ref: 5' ctgTTACTAGATCAGGCATt 3' Energy: -22.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-550a-3-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -22.39 2 18 7973 7992 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:13493 to 13518 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (65.22%) Query: 3' gaGAAUGAGG------GAGUCCGUGa 5' ||||| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtCTTACACCGTGCGGCACAGGCACt 3' Energy: -24.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-550a-3-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -24.61 2 19 13493 13518 23 65.22% 65.22% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:23190 to 23209 Align Len (15) (60.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gagaAUGAGGGAGUCCGUGa 5' |: |:: ||||||| Ref: 5' tcaaTGGTTTAACAGGCACa 3' Energy: -14.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-550a-3-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.22 2 17 23190 23209 15 60.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-550a-3-5p NC_045512.2 590.00 -81.47 156.00 -24.61 2288 20 29903 18088 7973 13493 23190 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-619-3p MIMAT0003288(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-619-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:11925 to 11947 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ugACCCGUGUUUGUACAGGUCCAg 5' ||||| | ||::||||||| | Ref: 5' tgTGGGCTC-AATGTGTCCAGTTa 3' Energy: -24.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-619-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -24.23 2 23 11925 11947 21 76.19% 85.71% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:16375 to 16399 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' ugacccguguuugUAC-AGGUCCAg 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ccgtatgtttgcaATGCTCCAGGTt 3' Energy: -16.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-619-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.11 2 12 16375 16399 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:216 to 239 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ugacccGUGUUUGUACAGGUCCAg 5' ||: |:|| ||:|||| Ref: 5' gccgatCATCAGCACATCTAGGTt 3' Energy: -15.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-619-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.71 2 19 216 239 17 64.71% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-619-3p NC_045512.2 436.00 -56.05 148.00 -24.23 2289 24 29903 11925 16375 216 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3622b-5p MIMAT0018005(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3622b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:2441 to 2461 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' agUGGACUGGA-GGGUACGGa 5' | |||:||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' gaAACTGGCCTACTCATGCCt 3' Energy: -29.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3622b-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -29.02 2 19 2441 2461 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:17156 to 17173 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' agUGGACUGGAGGGUACGGa 5' :|:|| |||:|||||| Ref: 5' caGCTTG--CTCTCATGCCg 3' Energy: -21.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3622b-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -21.29 2 19 17156 17173 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:15301 to 15321 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (72.22%) Query: 3' agUGGACUG-GAGGGUACGGa 5' |: |||: ||||||| Ref: 5' aaATGTGATAGAGCCATGCCt 3' Energy: -19.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3622b-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.03 2 19 15301 15321 18 61.11% 72.22% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3622b-5p NC_045512.2 437.00 -69.34 153.00 -29.02 2290 20 29903 2441 17156 15301 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6777-5p MIMAT0027454(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6777-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-302d-5p MIMAT0004685(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-302d-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1260 to 1281 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cgUUCACGGAGGUACAAUUUCa 5' | | || :: |||||||| Ref: 5' agACGGGCGATTTTGTTAAAGc 3' Energy: -13.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302d-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -13.30 2 21 1260 1281 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:20048 to 20069 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cguucacggaggUACAAUUUCa 5' :|||||||| Ref: 5' ttacagaaggtaGTGTTAAAGg 3' Energy: -11.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302d-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.94 2 11 20048 20069 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:18974 to 18995 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cguucacggagguACAAUUUCa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ttcaacacatggtTGTTAAAGc 3' Energy: -8.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302d-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -8.38 2 10 18974 18995 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:8394 to 8415 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cguucacggaggUACAAUUUCa 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctttgatatggaACGTTAAAGa 3' Energy: -6.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302d-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -6.18 2 11 8394 8415 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:15448 to 15470 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cguUCACG-GAGGUACAAUUUca 5' :|| | || :|||||||| Ref: 5' ggcGGTTCACTATATGTTAAAcc 3' Energy: -12.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302d-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.76 3 20 15448 15470 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:9801 to 9824 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cguuCAC--GGAGGUACAAUUUca 5' ||| |||:: ||||||| Ref: 5' cgctGTGCACCTTTTTGTTAAAta 3' Energy: -12.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302d-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.81 3 19 9801 9824 18 72.22% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-302d-5p NC_045512.2 868.00 -65.37 152.00 -13.30 2292 22 29903 1260 20048 18974 8394 15448 9801 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-147a MIMAT0000251(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-147a vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19306 to 19324 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cgUCUUCGUAAAGGUGUGUg 5' | | ||| ||||||||| Ref: 5' aaACATGCA-TTCCACACAc 3' Energy: -21.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-147a NC_045512.2 160.00 -21.40 2 19 19306 19324 17 82.35% 82.35% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:6524 to 6545 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgUCUUCGUAAA--GGUGUGUg 5' ||||| : || ||||||| Ref: 5' acAGAAGAGGTTGGCCACACAg 3' Energy: -23.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-147a NC_045512.2 157.00 -23.14 2 19 6524 6545 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:5158 to 5177 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' cgucUUCGUAAAGGUGUGUg 5' :||:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttttGAGTACTACCACACAa 3' Energy: -14.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-147a NC_045512.2 156.00 -14.67 2 17 5158 5177 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:19139 to 19158 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cgucuucguaAAGGUGUGUg 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' tctattcttaTGCCACACAt 3' Energy: -13.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-147a NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.17 2 11 19139 19158 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:29534 to 29552 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (73.33%) Query: 3' cgucUUCGUAAAGGUGUGUg 5' | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' actcATGCA-GACCACACAa 3' Energy: -16.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-147a NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.04 2 17 29534 29552 15 73.33% 73.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:11700 to 11719 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgucuucgUAAAGGUGUGUg 5' :||||:||||| Ref: 5' attacttaGTTTCTACACAg 3' Energy: -13.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-147a NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.25 2 13 11700 11719 11 81.82% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-147a NC_045512.2 897.00 -101.67 160.00 -23.14 2293 20 29903 19306 6524 5158 19139 29534 11700 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-10525-3p MIMAT0041995(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-10525-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:493 to 513 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (92.86%) Query: 3' uaguccACGUGUAGUAUCAGu 5' ||||| ||||:||| Ref: 5' tcgaacTGCACCTCATGGTCa 3' Energy: -21.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10525-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -21.26 2 16 493 513 14 85.71% 92.86% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1396 to 1416 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' uaGUCCACGUGUAGUAUCAGu 5' :||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' agTAGGACCTGAGCATAGTCt 3' Energy: -14.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10525-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.65 2 20 1396 1416 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:20331 to 20351 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' uagUCCACGUGUAGUAUCAGu 5' || | : :|||||||| Ref: 5' tggAGATTTTAGTCATAGTCa 3' Energy: -15.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10525-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.16 2 19 20331 20351 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11858 to 11879 Align Len (18) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uagUCCACGUGUAGU-AUCAGu 5' | |||||||||| ||||| Ref: 5' gtaAAGTGCACATCAGTAGTCt 3' Energy: -23.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10525-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -23.45 2 19 11858 11879 18 88.89% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-10525-3p NC_045512.2 598.00 -74.52 151.00 -23.45 2294 21 29903 493 1396 20331 11858 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-432-5p MIMAT0002814(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-432-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:25144 to 25167 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (71.43%) Query: 3' ggUGGGUUACUGGAU-GAGGUUCu 5' | :| | |:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgAATCTCTCATCGATCTCCAAGa 3' Energy: -20.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-432-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -20.25 2 22 25144 25167 21 61.90% 71.43% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16159 to 16182 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ggugGGUUACUG-GAUGAGGUUCu 5' |:|||||: |||:|||| Ref: 5' cttaCTAATGATAACACTTCAAGg 3' Energy: -22.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-432-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -22.04 2 20 16159 16182 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:25595 to 25618 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gguggGUU-ACUG-GAUGAGGUUCu 5' ||| | :| || ||||||| Ref: 5' gatggCAACTAGCACT-CTCCAAGg 3' Energy: -18.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-432-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.65 2 19 25595 25618 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:6102 to 6124 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gguggguuacUGGAUGAGGUUCu 5' ||||:||:|||| Ref: 5' gttataagaaACCTGCTTCAAGa 3' Energy: -22.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-432-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -22.00 2 14 6102 6124 12 83.33% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:23668 to 23690 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (94.74%) Query: 3' ggUGGGUUACUGGAUGAGGUUcu 5' |::||:| :|:|||||:|| Ref: 5' aaATTCAGTTGCTTACTCTAAta 3' Energy: -19.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-432-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.23 3 22 23668 23690 19 63.16% 94.74% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:1610 to 1632 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gguGGGUUACUGGAUGAGGUUcu 5' |:: ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' aacCTTCTTGAAATACTCCAAaa 3' Energy: -19.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-432-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.45 3 21 1610 1632 18 66.67% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-432-5p NC_045512.2 866.00 -121.62 148.00 -22.04 2295 23 29903 25144 16159 25595 6102 23668 1610 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-204-3p MIMAT0022693(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-204-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:4 to 24 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ugcagGGAAACGGAAGGGUCg 5' ::| | ||||||||| Ref: 5' aaaggTTTATACCTTCCCAGg 3' Energy: -19.799999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-204-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -19.80 2 17 4 24 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:19002 to 19022 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugcagggaaacggAAGGGUCg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' attagcagacaaaTTCCCAGt 3' Energy: -12.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-204-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.87 2 9 19002 19022 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-204-3p NC_045512.2 296.00 -32.67 156.00 -19.80 2296 21 29903 4 19002 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3663-3p MIMAT0018085(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3663-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:3713 to 3735 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cgcgGGCCGGACACACCACGAgu 5' |:||: | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tcagCTGGTATTTTTGGTGCTga 3' Energy: -20.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3663-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -20.01 3 20 3713 3735 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3663-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -20.01 143.00 -20.01 2297 23 29903 3713 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5093 MIMAT0021085(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5093 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11440 to 11462 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cgaGGAUC-GGUCGGAGUAAAGGa 5' ::||| :|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgcTTTAGATCAAGC-CATTTCCa 3' Energy: -16.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5093 NC_045512.2 149.00 -16.87 2 21 11440 11462 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:29710 to 29731 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cgaggaUCGGUCGGAGUAAAGGa 5' ||||| || |||||:| Ref: 5' tgaaagAGCCA-CCACATTTTCa 3' Energy: -17.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5093 NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.33 2 18 29710 29731 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22665 to 22687 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cgaggaUCGGUCGGAGUAAAGGa 5' | :| || ||||||:| Ref: 5' tatataATTCCGCATCATTTTCc 3' Energy: -13.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5093 NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.14 2 18 22665 22687 16 68.75% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5093 NC_045512.2 437.00 -47.34 149.00 -17.33 2298 23 29903 11440 29710 22665 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1913 MIMAT0007888(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1913 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4529-5p MIMAT0019236(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4529-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20609 to 20630 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' aaGUAACCUGACGACUACCGGa 5' | |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgCTTTGGTGTAAAGATGGCCa 3' Energy: -16.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4529-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -16.99 2 21 20609 20630 19 68.42% 68.42% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19988 to 20009 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' aagUAACCUGACGACUACCGGa 5' || | | |:||||||:| Ref: 5' ttgATGGTAGAGTTGATGGTCa 3' Energy: -18.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4529-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.66 2 20 19988 20009 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:647 to 666 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' aaguaaCCUGACGACUACCGGa 5' ||| ||||:||||| Ref: 5' aataaaGGA--GCTGGTGGCCa 3' Energy: -22.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4529-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -22.36 2 17 647 666 15 80.00% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4529-5p NC_045512.2 436.00 -58.01 152.00 -22.36 2300 22 29903 20609 19988 647 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4666b MIMAT0022485(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4666b vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:4392 to 4412 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ccCUUAAUGUUAGACUGUACGUu 5' ||| |:| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' gaGAAATGC--TTGCACATGCAg 3' Energy: -14.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4666b NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.84 2 22 4392 4412 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:23101 to 23123 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' cccuuAAUGUUAGACUGUACGUu 5' ||: | |: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttcttTTGAACTTCTACATGCAc 3' Energy: -11.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4666b NC_045512.2 150.00 -11.02 2 19 23101 23123 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:19293 to 19315 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cccuuaAUGUUAGACUGUACGUu 5' |::|| : ||||||| Ref: 5' tttgtaTGTAAATAAACATGCAt 3' Energy: -9.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4666b NC_045512.2 149.00 -9.32 2 18 19293 19315 16 62.50% 81.25% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:10521 to 10543 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' cccuuaauguuAGACUGUACGUu 5' | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgtctcttttTGTTACATGCAc 3' Energy: -9.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4666b NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.95 2 13 10521 10543 11 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:18266 to 18289 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' ccCUUAAU-GUUAGACUGUACGUu 5' ||| | | || ||||||:| Ref: 5' gcGAAGAAGCTATAAGACATGTAc 3' Energy: -11.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4666b NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.13 2 22 18266 18289 21 66.67% 71.43% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4666b NC_045512.2 733.00 -56.26 150.00 -14.84 2301 23 29903 4392 23101 19293 10521 18266 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6886-5p MIMAT0027672(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6886-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:6371 to 6391 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' ucgggAGUAGAGUGGACGCcc 5' | ||||::|||||| Ref: 5' atggaTAATCTTGCCTGCGaa 3' Energy: -17.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6886-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.54 3 17 6371 6391 14 78.57% 92.86% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6886-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.54 144.00 -17.54 2302 21 29903 6371 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4309 MIMAT0016859(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4309 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3184-5p MIMAT0015064(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3184-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25683 to 25706 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuuuCGAGCCAGACUCCGGGGAGu 5' ||| | :||| ||||||: Ref: 5' tgctGCTGGCCTTGAAGCCCCTTt 3' Energy: -22.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3184-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -22.83 2 21 25683 25706 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3184-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -22.83 148.00 -22.83 2304 24 29903 25683 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4633-5p MIMAT0019689(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4633-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:17933 to 17953 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' cucCUCG-AUCGGUCCGUAUa 5' |||| | :||||||| Ref: 5' ccaGAGCAAAAGTAGGCATAc 3' Energy: -15.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4633-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -15.82 2 18 17933 17953 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:20762 to 20779 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (73.33%) Query: 3' cuccUCGAUCGGUCCGUAUa 5' | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' cattACCTA--AAGGCATAa 3' Energy: -10.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4633-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.52 2 17 20762 20779 15 73.33% 73.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4633-5p NC_045512.2 289.00 -26.34 148.00 -15.82 2305 20 29903 17933 20762 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4290 MIMAT0016921(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4290 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-345-3p MIMAT0022698(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-345-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3176 MIMAT0015053(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3176 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6824-3p MIMAT0027549(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6824-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:18313 to 18335 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gaCCCCACCGUUC--UGGUCUCu 5' |||||| || | ||:|||| Ref: 5' gaGGGGTGTCATGCTACTAGAGa 3' Energy: -25.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6824-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -25.96 2 20 18313 18335 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:17919 to 17939 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gaccCCACCGUUCUGGUCUCu 5' | || :| ||||||| Ref: 5' taatGTTGCTATTACCAGAGc 3' Energy: -13.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6824-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -13.24 2 18 17919 17939 16 68.75% 75.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:19805 to 19825 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' gaccccaccGUUCUGGUCUCu 5' ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' acattaaacCAGTACCAGAGg 3' Energy: -16.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6824-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.21 2 13 19805 19825 11 81.82% 90.91% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6824-3p NC_045512.2 447.00 -55.41 150.00 -25.96 2309 21 29903 18313 17919 19805 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-9986 MIMAT0039766(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-9986 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:12071 to 12090 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' cguccGUACUGUUGGAGUGu 5' || |:||||||:|| Ref: 5' gacaaCAGGGCAACCTTACa 3' Energy: -22.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9986 NC_045512.2 147.00 -22.01 2 16 12071 12090 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:15328 to 15347 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' cgucCGUACUGUUGGAGUGu 5' | || |:::|||||| Ref: 5' cttaGAATTATGGCCTCACt 3' Energy: -13.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9986 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.57 2 17 15328 15347 15 66.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-9986 NC_045512.2 287.00 -35.58 147.00 -22.01 2310 20 29903 12071 15328 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-502-5p MIMAT0002873(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-502-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 165.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:28438 to 28459 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' aucGUGGG-UCUAUCGUUCCUa 5' |||:| | ||:||||||| Ref: 5' tctCACTCAACATGGCAAGGAa 3' Energy: -22.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-502-5p NC_045512.2 165.00 -22.60 2 19 28438 28459 18 77.78% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-502-5p NC_045512.2 165.00 -22.60 165.00 -22.60 2311 21 29903 28438 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1180-3p MIMAT0005825(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1180-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4464 MIMAT0018988(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4464 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:22930 to 22952 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' auaacgUAGA-UAG-GUUUGGAa 5' :||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' taggaaGTCTAATCTCAAACCTt 3' Energy: -16.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4464 NC_045512.2 153.00 -16.21 2 16 22930 22952 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14360 to 14379 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' auaACGUAGAUAGGUUUGGAa 5' ||||| |:| |||||:| Ref: 5' ttcTGCAT-TGTGCAAACTTt 3' Energy: -15.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4464 NC_045512.2 148.00 -15.43 2 19 14360 14379 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:10011 to 10032 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' auaacGUAGAUAG-GUUUGGAa 5' || | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tttacCAACCACCACAAACCTc 3' Energy: -9.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4464 NC_045512.2 147.00 -9.21 2 17 10011 10032 16 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22490 to 22509 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' auaaCGUAGAUAGGUUUGGAa 5' | |||||| |||||:| Ref: 5' aaagGAATCTAT-CAAACTTc 3' Energy: -12.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4464 NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.82 2 18 22490 22509 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:11798 to 11819 Align Len (17) (58.82%) (82.35%) Query: 3' auaaCGUAGAUA-GGUUUGGAa 5' |::|: :| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttggGTGTTGGTGGCAAACCTt 3' Energy: -11.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4464 NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.90 2 18 11798 11819 17 58.82% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4464 NC_045512.2 739.00 -65.57 153.00 -16.21 2313 21 29903 22930 14360 10011 22490 11798 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5187-3p MIMAT0021118(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5187-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8179 to 8199 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (70.59%) Query: 3' gacUCCUUUUCUCCUAAGUCa 5' |||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' gcaAGGGTTTGTTGATTCAGa 3' Energy: -15.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5187-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.48 2 19 8179 8199 17 64.71% 70.59% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:20934 to 20954 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacuccuuuucucCUAAGUCa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tacgctgcttgtcGATTCAGa 3' Energy: -10.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5187-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.95 2 9 20934 20954 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5187-3p NC_045512.2 286.00 -26.43 146.00 -15.48 2314 21 29903 8179 20934 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3944-5p MIMAT0019231(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3944-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:12690 to 12711 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' agagCCAA-CCGGACGACGUGu 5' | || | ||||:||||| Ref: 5' atgaGCTTAGTCCTGTTGCACt 3' Energy: -19.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3944-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -19.91 2 18 12690 12711 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:25529 to 25547 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' agagcCAACCGGACGACGUGu 5' |||||| |:||||| Ref: 5' ttattGTTGGC--GTTGCACt 3' Energy: -17.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3944-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.99 2 17 25529 25547 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:14622 to 14642 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agagccaaccggaCGACGUGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgcttttcagtaGCTGCACt 3' Energy: -13.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3944-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.22 2 9 14622 14642 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3944-5p NC_045512.2 425.00 -51.12 144.00 -19.91 2315 21 29903 12690 25529 14622 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-664a-3p MIMAT0005949(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-664a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:18205 to 18229 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (72.73%) Query: 3' acAUCCGACCCCUA--UUUACUUAu 5' || | |||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' tcTATGATGGGTTTTAAAATGAATt 3' Energy: -12.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-664a-3p NC_045512.2 160.00 -12.03 2 22 18205 18229 22 72.73% 72.73% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:29602 to 29624 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' acAUCCGACCCCUAUUUACUUAu 5' || || | | :||||||| Ref: 5' tcTACTCTTGTGCAGAATGAATt 3' Energy: -5.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-664a-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -5.87 2 22 29602 29624 20 65.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:25127 to 25149 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acauccgaccccuAUUUACUUAu 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' gttgccaagaattTAAATGAATc 3' Energy: -7.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-664a-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -7.23 2 11 25127 25149 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:1409 to 1437 Align Len (26) (65.38%) (65.38%) Query: 3' acAUCCGACC--CCUAU----UUACUUAu 5' ||| || | | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' caTAGTCTTGCCGAATACCATAATGAATc 3' Energy: -5.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-664a-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -5.39 2 22 1409 1437 26 65.38% 65.38% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:1178 to 1200 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acauccgaccccuaUUUACUUAu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ccagttgcgtcaccAAATGAATg 3' Energy: -10.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-664a-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -10.36 2 10 1178 1200 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:15048 to 15070 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acauccgaccccuaUUUACUUAu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ccctactataactcAAATGAATc 3' Energy: -5.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-664a-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -5.08 2 10 15048 15070 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6581 to 6603 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acauccgaccccuauUUACUUAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' actattaagaaacctAATGAATt 3' Energy: -4.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-664a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -4.84 2 9 6581 6603 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:20259 to 20282 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (76.19%) Query: 3' acAUC-CGACCCCUAUUUACUUAu 5' ||| :| | ||::|||||| Ref: 5' ctTAGAATTAGCTATGGATGAATt 3' Energy: -11.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-664a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.78 2 22 20259 20282 21 61.90% 76.19% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-664a-3p NC_045512.2 1180.00 -62.58 160.00 -12.03 2316 23 29903 18205 29602 25127 1409 1178 15048 6581 20259 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548at-5p MIMAT0022277(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548at-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5377 to 5396 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ucgGUUUUGGCGUUAUUGAAAa 5' ::||:|:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' tggTGAAGCTGC--TAACTTTt 3' Energy: -14.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548at-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -14.14 2 20 5377 5396 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10723 to 10745 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ucGGUUUUG-GCGUUAUUGAAAa 5' ||| ||| | :|||:||||| Ref: 5' taCCACAACTCTTAATGACTTTa 3' Energy: -15.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548at-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -15.78 2 21 10723 10745 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25413 to 25437 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ucGGUUUUGGCGUU---AUUGAAAa 5' :|| ||::| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ctTCACAATTGGAACTGTAACTTTg 3' Energy: -10.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548at-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -10.42 2 21 25413 25437 22 63.64% 77.27% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14686 to 14707 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucGGUUUUGGCGUUAUUGAAAa 5' | ||:||: | ||:||||| Ref: 5' aaCAAAGACTTCTATGACTTTg 3' Energy: -10.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548at-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -10.96 2 21 14686 14707 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:26687 to 26708 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucgguuuuggcGUUAUUGAAAa 5' ||:||||||| Ref: 5' gctgttatggcCAGTAACTTTa 3' Energy: -12.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548at-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -12.25 2 12 26687 26708 10 90.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22498 to 22517 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ucgguUUUGGCGUUAUUGAAAa 5' ||||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctatcAAACTTC--TAACTTTa 3' Energy: -6.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548at-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -6.82 2 18 22498 22517 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:6029 to 6050 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (93.75%) Query: 3' ucgguUUUGGCGUUAUUGAAAa 5' ||:|: |:||||:||| Ref: 5' aacgcAAGCTTCGATAATTTTa 3' Energy: -12.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548at-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -12.27 2 18 6029 6050 16 68.75% 93.75% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:20947 to 20968 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (93.75%) Query: 3' ucgguUUUGGCGUUAUUGAAAa 5' |:|:| :|||:||||| Ref: 5' gattcAGATCTTAATGACTTTg 3' Energy: -12.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548at-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -12.90 2 18 20947 20968 16 68.75% 93.75% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:29639 to 29663 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ucgGUU--UUGGCGUU-AUUGAAAa 5' ||| |: :|:|: ||||||| Ref: 5' gcaCAAGTAGATGTAGTTAACTTTa 3' Energy: -13.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548at-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -13.41 2 20 29639 29663 21 61.90% 80.95% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:14666 to 14686 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (93.75%) Query: 3' ucgguUUUGGCGUUAUUGAAAa 5' ||||| |::|||:||| Ref: 5' ctgtcAAACC-CGGTAATTTTa 3' Energy: -16.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548at-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.78 2 18 14666 14686 16 75.00% 93.75% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10575 to 10598 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ucgGUUUUGGCGUU--AUUGAAAa 5' ||:| :: || ||||||| Ref: 5' gcaCAGACTTAGAAGGTAACTTTt 3' Energy: -11.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548at-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.38 2 20 10575 10598 20 60.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1645 to 1667 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ucGGUUUUGGC-GUUAUUGAAAa 5' :||| |::| :::|:||||| Ref: 5' caTCAATATTGTTGGTGACTTTa 3' Energy: -12.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548at-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.01 2 21 1645 1667 20 55.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1771 to 1793 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ucGGUUUUGG-CGUUAUUGAAAa 5' :::|| || |:::|||:||| Ref: 5' tgTTGAATCCTGTGGTAATTTTa 3' Energy: -10.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548at-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.89 2 21 1771 1793 20 55.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:8461 to 8480 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucGGUUUUGGCGUUAUUGAAaa 5' |:|||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' tgCTAAAA-AG-AATAACTTac 3' Energy: -11.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548at-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.92 3 21 8461 8480 18 77.78% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548at-5p NC_045512.2 2085.00 -171.93 156.00 -16.78 2317 22 29903 5377 10723 25413 14686 26687 22498 6029 20947 29639 14666 10575 1645 1771 8461 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-591 MIMAT0003259(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-591 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:494 to 513 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ugUUACUCUUGGGUACCAGa 5' || : | |:||||||| Ref: 5' cgAACTGCACCTCATGGTCa 3' Energy: -15.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-591 NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.44 2 19 494 513 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:24721 to 24741 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ugUUACUCUUGG-GUACCAga 5' |:| || ||| |||||| Ref: 5' tcAGTCAGCACCTCATGGTgt 3' Energy: -18.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-591 NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.94 3 19 24721 24741 17 76.47% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-591 NC_045512.2 291.00 -34.38 150.00 -18.94 2318 20 29903 494 24721 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-143-5p MIMAT0004599(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-143-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:482 to 504 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uggucUCUACG-UCGUGACGUGg 5' :||||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' cgttcGGATGCTCGAACTGCACc 3' Energy: -23.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-143-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -23.11 2 18 482 504 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23397 to 23416 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugGUCUCUACGUCGUGACGUGg 5' ||| ||||: ||||||| Ref: 5' atCAG-GATGT-TAACTGCACa 3' Energy: -24.559999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-143-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -24.56 2 21 23397 23416 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-143-5p NC_045512.2 308.00 -47.67 156.00 -24.56 2319 22 29903 482 23397 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-383-5p MIMAT0000738(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-383-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24199 to 24219 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (94.44%) Query: 3' ucgGUGUUAGUGGAAGACUAGa 5' :||||||| ||||||:|: Ref: 5' gggTACAATCA-CTTCTGGTTg 3' Energy: -23.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-383-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -23.68 2 20 24199 24219 18 77.78% 94.44% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:26449 to 26470 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' ucgguguuAGUGGAAGACUAGa 5' | |:||||||:|| Ref: 5' agagttccTGATCTTCTGGTCt 3' Energy: -18.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-383-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.95 2 15 26449 26470 13 76.92% 92.31% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-383-5p NC_045512.2 287.00 -42.63 145.00 -23.68 2320 22 29903 24199 26449 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4753-5p MIMAT0019890(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4753-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25673 to 25696 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gacAAGAG-AAGGA-AACCGGAAc 5' | ||| || || ||||||| Ref: 5' tttTGCTCGTTGCTGCTGGCCTTg 3' Energy: -21.799999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4753-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -21.80 2 20 25673 25696 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:11632 to 11654 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gaCAAGAG-AAGGAAACCGGAac 5' || ||: || ||||||||| Ref: 5' ttGTACTTGTTACTTTGGCCTct 3' Energy: -20.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4753-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -20.61 3 21 11632 11654 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:17100 to 17122 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gaCAAGAGAAGGA-AACCGGAac 5' || |:|| || ||||||| Ref: 5' gaGTCATTTTGCTATTGGCCTag 3' Energy: -17.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4753-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.59 3 21 17100 17122 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4753-5p NC_045512.2 447.00 -60.00 153.00 -21.80 2321 22 29903 25673 11632 17100 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6885-5p MIMAT0027670(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6885-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-503-5p MIMAT0002874(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-503-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:14568 to 14590 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gacgucuUGACAAGGGCGACGAu 5' :|| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgaccctGCTATGCACGCTGCTt 3' Energy: -18.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-503-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -18.62 2 17 14568 14590 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:6989 to 7013 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' gacgucUUGACAAG--GGCGACGAu 5' | || || |||||||| Ref: 5' tctttaATCTACTCAACCGCTGCTt 3' Energy: -18.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-503-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -18.24 2 18 6989 7013 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10665 to 10688 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gacGUCUUGACAA-GGGCGACGAu 5' :|| : ||| : ||||||| Ref: 5' tttTAGCTTGGTTGTACGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -22.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-503-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -22.34 2 21 10665 10688 20 60.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25664 to 25687 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gacGUCUUGACAA-GGGCGACGAu 5' || | || || |:||:|||| Ref: 5' actCACACCTTTTGCTCGTTGCTg 3' Energy: -18.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-503-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -18.29 2 21 25664 25687 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:26708 to 26730 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' gacgucuuGACAAGGGCGACGAu 5' :||| |::|||||| Ref: 5' agcttgttTTGTGCTTGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -22.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-503-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -22.86 2 16 26708 26730 14 71.43% 92.86% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14767 to 14788 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gacGUCUUGACAAGGGCGACGAu 5' |||:| || | :|||||| Ref: 5' gctCAGGA-TGGTAATGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -23.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-503-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -23.08 2 21 14767 14788 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:20922 to 20943 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (73.33%) Query: 3' gacgucuUGACAAGGGCGACGAu 5' || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gttgcctACGGGT-ACGCTGCTt 3' Energy: -18.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-503-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.74 2 17 20922 20943 15 73.33% 73.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:24619 to 24641 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' gacgucuUGACAAGGGCGACGAu 5' :|| ||::|||||| Ref: 5' agcttctGCTAATCTTGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -21.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-503-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -21.22 2 17 24619 24641 15 66.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-503-5p NC_045512.2 1161.00 -163.39 152.00 -23.08 2323 23 29903 14568 6989 10665 25664 26708 14767 20922 24619 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6875-5p MIMAT0027650(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6875-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:575 to 594 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' agaggACAGGACCCAGGGAGu 5' |||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' cttggTGTCCT-TGTCCCTCa 3' Energy: -25.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6875-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -25.04 2 17 575 594 15 86.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:28815 to 28834 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' agaGGACAGGACCCAGGGAGu 5' ||| |:|| ||:|||| Ref: 5' aagCCTCTTCT-CGTTCCTCa 3' Energy: -20.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6875-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.24 2 19 28815 28834 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6875-5p NC_045512.2 298.00 -45.28 158.00 -25.04 2324 21 29903 575 28815 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1234-3p MIMAT0005589(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1234-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:22968 to 22989 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' caccccacccaccAGUCCGGCu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' caactgaaatctaTCAGGCCGg 3' Energy: -18.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1234-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.18 2 10 22968 22989 8 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1234-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.18 145.00 -18.18 2325 22 29903 22968 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-19a-5p MIMAT0004490(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-19a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24344 to 24364 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' acAUCACGUUGAUACGUUUUGa 5' |||||| |:|: ||||||: Ref: 5' aaTAGTGCTATTG-GCAAAATt 3' Energy: -18.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-19a-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -18.26 2 21 24344 24364 19 73.68% 89.47% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10283 to 10307 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' acAUCAC--GU-UGAUACGUUUUGa 5' || || || ||||||||||: Ref: 5' gtTATTGGACATTCTATGCAAAATt 3' Energy: -15.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-19a-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.89 2 21 10283 10307 22 72.73% 77.27% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:10855 to 10877 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' acaucacgUUGAU-ACGUUUUGa 5' ||:|| |||||||: Ref: 5' attaaaagAATTACTGCAAAATg 3' Energy: -9.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-19a-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.09 2 15 10855 10877 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:26385 to 26405 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' acauCACGUUGAUACGUUUUGa 5' ||| : || ||:||||| Ref: 5' taacGTGAGTCT-TGTAAAACc 3' Energy: -11.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-19a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.62 2 19 26385 26405 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-19a-5p NC_045512.2 581.00 -54.86 154.00 -18.26 2326 22 29903 24344 10283 10855 26385 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6779-5p MIMAT0027458(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6779-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12101 to 12122 Align Len (18) (55.56%) (94.44%) Query: 3' cggUUUGGGUC-GGGGAGGGUc 5' :|::::|| :||||:||| Ref: 5' tcaGAGTTTAGTTCCCTTCCAt 3' Energy: -22.280001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6779-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -22.28 2 19 12101 12122 18 55.56% 94.44% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6779-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -22.28 141.00 -22.28 2327 21 29903 12101 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1233-3p MIMAT0005588(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1233-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:17834 to 17853 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacgcccuccUGUCCCGAGu 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' ttgattcatcACAGGGCTCa 3' Energy: -20.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1233-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -20.65 2 11 17834 17853 9 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1233-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -20.65 150.00 -20.65 2328 20 29903 17834 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6769b-5p MIMAT0027620(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6769b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9150 to 9171 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cgugaAGAGGAGGGGUGGGUGGu 5' |:|||| ||||:||| Ref: 5' ttcaaTTTCCT-AACACCTACCt 3' Energy: -24.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6769b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -24.45 2 19 9150 9171 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6769b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -24.45 140.00 -24.45 2329 23 29903 9150 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-133a-5p MIMAT0026478(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-133a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:26012 to 26033 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uaaaccaagguAAAAUGGUCGa 5' | |||||||| Ref: 5' tcacttcagacTATTACCAGCt 3' Energy: -14.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-133a-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.90 2 12 26012 26033 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3696 to 3718 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uaaACCAAGGUAA-AAUGGUCGa 5' | | ||||| |||:|||| Ref: 5' tacTTGCACCATTATTATCAGCt 3' Energy: -18.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-133a-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.37 2 20 3696 3718 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-133a-5p NC_045512.2 293.00 -33.27 147.00 -18.37 2330 22 29903 26012 3696 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-2861 MIMAT0013802(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-2861 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6501-3p MIMAT0025459(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6501-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2819 to 2841 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (72.22%) Query: 3' ugacAAUGGCGUCCGACGAGACc 5' ||| :| : ||||||| Ref: 5' gtacTTAATGAGAAGTGCTCTGc 3' Energy: -13.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6501-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.19 2 20 2819 2841 18 61.11% 72.22% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6501-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.19 147.00 -13.19 2332 23 29903 2819 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1260b MIMAT0015041(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1260b vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:555 to 573 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uaCCACCGUCACCACCCUa 5' ||| |:||||||| || Ref: 5' acGGTCGTAGTGGTGAGAc 3' Energy: -20.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1260b NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.44 2 18 555 573 16 81.25% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1260b NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.44 141.00 -20.44 2333 19 29903 555 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4536-3p MIMAT0020959(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4536-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:14565 to 14585 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uacaccaucuauAUACGUGCu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tgctgaccctgcTATGCACGc 3' Energy: -11.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4536-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.04 2 10 14565 14585 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:21036 to 21056 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uacaccAUCUAUAUACGUGCu 5' ||| |||||:||| Ref: 5' cattatTAGTGATATGTACGa 3' Energy: -15.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4536-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.24 2 16 21036 21056 14 78.57% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4536-3p NC_045512.2 288.00 -26.28 145.00 -15.24 2334 21 29903 14565 21036 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-185-3p MIMAT0004611(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-185-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28380 to 28401 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cuGGUCUCCUUUCGGUCGGGGa 5' :|| | || |:|:||||| Ref: 5' gaTCAAAACAACGTCGGCCCCa 3' Energy: -21.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-185-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -21.10 2 21 28380 28401 19 63.16% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-185-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -21.10 144.00 -21.10 2335 22 29903 28380 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4529-3p MIMAT0019068(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4529-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:28495 to 28515 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' ugcccGGUAGUCGUCAGGUUa 5' ||| :|||||||||: Ref: 5' taacaCCAATAGCAGTCCAGa 3' Energy: -24.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4529-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -24.60 2 17 28495 28515 15 80.00% 93.33% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:22507 to 22526 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ugcccgGUAGUCGUCAGGUUa 5' | |:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttctaaCTTTAG-AGTCCAAc 3' Energy: -13.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4529-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -13.33 2 16 22507 22526 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:28574 to 28593 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' ugcccggUAGUCGUCAGGUUa 5' ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' atgaaagATC-TCAGTCCAAg 3' Energy: -14.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4529-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.12 2 15 28574 28593 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:5033 to 5055 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugcCCGGUAGUC--GUCAGGUUa 5' || || ||| ::|||||| Ref: 5' tatGGACAACAGTTTGGTCCAAc 3' Energy: -17.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4529-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.74 2 19 5033 5055 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4529-3p NC_045512.2 590.00 -69.79 152.00 -24.60 2336 21 29903 28495 22507 28574 5033 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1243 MIMAT0005894(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1243 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:26148 to 26169 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gugaggaUAUUAACUAGGUCAa 5' :| :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' atccggaGTTGTTAATCCAGTa 3' Energy: -17.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1243 NC_045512.2 151.00 -17.08 2 16 26148 26169 14 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1161 to 1183 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' gugAGGAUA-UUAACUAGGUCAa 5' |:| || :| ||||||| Ref: 5' gaaTTCGATCTGTCTATCCAGTt 3' Energy: -14.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1243 NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.93 2 20 1161 1183 19 63.16% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1243 NC_045512.2 297.00 -32.01 151.00 -17.08 2337 22 29903 26148 1161 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4738-5p MIMAT0019866(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4738-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-761 MIMAT0010364(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-761 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 168.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17555 to 17576 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (89.47%) Query: 3' acACAGUCAAAGUGGGACGACg 5' ||||:| |:::||||||| Ref: 5' ctTGTCGGCGTTGTCCTGCTGa 3' Energy: -26.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-761 NC_045512.2 168.00 -26.42 2 21 17555 17576 19 68.42% 89.47% Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29444 to 29466 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' acACAGUCA-AAGUGGGACGACg 5' ||| | | ||| :||||||| Ref: 5' acTGTGACTCTTCTTCCTGCTGc 3' Energy: -22.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-761 NC_045512.2 163.00 -22.67 2 21 29444 29466 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25302 to 25324 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' acACAGUCA-AAGUGGGACGACg 5' |||: | | |:||||||| Ref: 5' gtTGTTCTTGTGGATCCTGCTGc 3' Energy: -20.969999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-761 NC_045512.2 151.00 -20.97 2 21 25302 25324 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:25623 to 25645 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' acacAGUCAAA-GUGGGACGACg 5' |: |||| || |:||||| Ref: 5' tcacTTTGTTTGCAACTTGCTGt 3' Energy: -14.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-761 NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.70 2 19 25623 25645 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:5683 to 5703 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' acACAGUCAAAGUGGGACGAcg 5' |||||| || |||||| Ref: 5' gaTGTCAGCACCA-CCTGCTca 3' Energy: -21.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-761 NC_045512.2 142.00 -21.21 3 21 5683 5703 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12687 to 12708 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' acacAGUCAAAGUGGGACGACg 5' | || || ::||||:|| Ref: 5' ataaTGAGCTTAGTCCTGTTGc 3' Energy: -16.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-761 NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.64 2 19 12687 12708 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25531 to 25556 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (78.26%) Query: 3' acACAGU--CAAAGUG--GGACGACg 5' |||:: ||| ||| |:||||| Ref: 5' atTGTTGGCGTTGCACTTCTTGCTGt 3' Energy: -16.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-761 NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.79 2 21 25531 25556 23 65.22% 78.26% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:3146 to 3168 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' acacAGUCAAAGUG-GGACGACg 5' |::|| ||| :|||||| Ref: 5' gaatTTGGTGCCACTTCTGCTGc 3' Energy: -19.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-761 NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.98 2 19 3146 3168 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-761 NC_045512.2 1194.00 -159.38 168.00 -26.42 2339 22 29903 17555 29444 25302 25623 5683 12687 25531 3146 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5190 MIMAT0021121(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5190 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:27314 to 27334 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' accgAGGUCGAGUCAGUGAcc 5' |::| || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaaTTTATCTAAGTCACTaa 3' Energy: -11.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5190 NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.75 3 18 27314 27334 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:5753 to 5773 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' accgaGGUCGAGUCAGUGAcc 5' ||||: ::|||||| Ref: 5' aattaCCAGTGTGGTCACTat 3' Energy: -18.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5190 NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.66 3 17 5753 5773 14 71.43% 92.86% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5190 NC_045512.2 281.00 -30.41 141.00 -18.66 2340 21 29903 27314 5753 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6835-5p MIMAT0027570(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6835-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:3024 to 3045 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaagucgguGAAAGAUGGGGGa 5' ||||||||||:| Ref: 5' tgtattgttCTTTCTACCCTCc 3' Energy: -21.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6835-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -21.23 2 14 3024 3045 12 91.67% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21619 to 21640 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' gaaGUCGGUGA-AAGAUGGGGGa 5' ||| ||| :||||||| Ref: 5' aacCAG-AACTCAATTACCCCCt 3' Energy: -23.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6835-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -23.31 2 20 21619 21640 19 68.42% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6835-5p NC_045512.2 293.00 -44.54 149.00 -23.31 2341 22 29903 3024 21619 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4712-3p MIMAT0019819(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4712-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:17148 to 17170 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uaugucAUGUCCA--GAGAGUAa 5' ||||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' agtgtaTACAGCTTGCTCTCATg 3' Energy: -17.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4712-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -17.15 2 16 17148 17170 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:25136 to 25156 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (84.62%) Query: 3' uaugucaUGUCCAGAGAGUAa 5' |:: |||||||| Ref: 5' aatttaaATGAATCTCTCATc 3' Energy: -10.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4712-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -10.84 2 15 25136 25156 13 69.23% 84.62% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:7806 to 7826 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uaugucauguccAGAGAGUAa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' aaagacattctcTCTCTCATt 3' Energy: -13.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4712-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.21 2 10 7806 7826 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:1208 to 1228 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uaugucauguccaGAGAGUAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atgtgcctttcaaCTCTCATg 3' Energy: -10.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4712-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.29 2 9 1208 1228 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:22062 to 22082 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uauguCAUGUCCAGAGAGUaa 5' | |:| |||||||| Ref: 5' cttttGAATATGTCTCTCAgc 3' Energy: -13.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4712-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.40 3 17 22062 22082 14 78.57% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4712-3p NC_045512.2 725.00 -64.89 154.00 -17.15 2342 21 29903 17148 25136 7806 1208 22062 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6750-3p MIMAT0027401(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6750-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:5419 to 5440 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' gacccUC-GUCUCCCACUCAAg 5' || ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' taataAGACAGTAGGTGAGTTa 3' Energy: -18.719999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6750-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -18.72 2 17 5419 5440 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:22014 to 22033 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gacCCUCGUCUCCCACUCAAg 5' ||| ::|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gttGGA-TGGAAAGTGAGTTc 3' Energy: -18.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6750-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -18.18 2 19 22014 22033 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:2987 to 3007 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacccucgucucCCACUCAAg 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tttgatgagtctGGTGAGTTt 3' Energy: -16.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6750-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.17 2 10 2987 3007 8 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6750-3p NC_045512.2 452.00 -53.07 155.00 -18.72 2343 21 29903 5419 22014 2987 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6778-3p MIMAT0027457(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6778-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:29688 to 29708 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gaCACCUUACAGUCCCUCCgu 5' ||| || |:||||||| Ref: 5' gtGTGTAACATTAGGGAGGac 3' Energy: -21.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6778-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -21.47 3 20 29688 29708 17 76.47% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6778-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -21.47 147.00 -21.47 2344 21 29903 29688 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4481 MIMAT0019015(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4481 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:2440 to 2456 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuggUGGUCGGGUGAGg 5' ||::|||:|||| Ref: 5' agaaACTGGCCTACTCa 3' Energy: -20.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4481 NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.57 2 14 2440 2456 12 75.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:17885 to 17901 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' uuggUGGUCGGGUGAGg 5' | ||||:||||| Ref: 5' ctgaAACAGCTCACTCt 3' Energy: -19.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4481 NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.44 2 14 17885 17901 12 83.33% 91.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4481 NC_045512.2 282.00 -40.01 141.00 -20.57 2345 17 29903 2440 17885 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-10393-5p MIMAT0041617(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-10393-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 168.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:17712 to 17734 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (81.82%) Query: 3' acAACUACAACCUAUUCUCUUAAGa 5' | |: || |:||||||||||| Ref: 5' aaTAGGCGT--GGTAAGAGAATTCc 3' Energy: -20.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10393-5p NC_045512.2 168.00 -20.04 2 24 17712 17734 22 72.73% 81.82% Forward: Score: 165.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:1141 to 1167 Align Len (24) (70.83%) (79.17%) Query: 3' acAACUA-CAACCUAUUC-UCUUAAGa 5' ||||| | | ||::| ||||||| Ref: 5' gcTTGATGGCTTTATGGGTAGAATTCg 3' Energy: -17.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10393-5p NC_045512.2 165.00 -17.11 2 24 1141 1167 24 70.83% 79.17% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 24 R:19722 to 19747 Align Len (23) (73.91%) (78.26%) Query: 3' acAACUACAAC--CUAUUCUCUUAAga 5' |||||| || ||| : |||||| Ref: 5' agTTGATGGTGTTGAT-GTAGAATTgt 3' Energy: -17.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10393-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -17.90 3 24 19722 19747 23 73.91% 78.26% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 23 R:16703 to 16726 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' acaACUACAACCUAUUCUCUUAAga 5' || ||| || |||||||| Ref: 5' aagTGCTGTCTGA-CAGAGAATTac 3' Energy: -13.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10393-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.00 3 23 16703 16726 20 75.00% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-10393-5p NC_045512.2 625.00 -68.05 168.00 -20.04 2346 25 29903 17712 1141 19722 16703 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-449b-5p MIMAT0003327(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-449b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7856 to 7876 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cgGUCGAUUGUUAUGUGACGGa 5' || |||| ::| ||:|||| Ref: 5' aaCA-CTAAAGGTTCATTGCCt 3' Energy: -17.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-449b-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.84 2 21 7856 7876 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29046 to 29066 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cgGUCGAUUGUUAUGUGACGGa 5' |:|| || || ::|||||| Ref: 5' ctCGGC-AAAAACGTACTGCCa 3' Energy: -17.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-449b-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.88 2 21 29046 29066 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:17307 to 17328 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cggucGAUUGUUAUGUGACGGa 5' ||: |||:||:|||| Ref: 5' ttgtaCTGTAAATGCATTGCCt 3' Energy: -20.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-449b-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -20.40 2 18 17307 17328 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23620 to 23645 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (82.61%) Query: 3' cgGUCGAUU-GUUA--U-GUGACGGa 5' :|||||: |||| | ||:|||| Ref: 5' tgTAGCTAGTCAATCCATCATTGCCt 3' Energy: -23.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-449b-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -23.44 2 21 23620 23645 23 69.57% 82.61% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3588 to 3609 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cggUCGAUUGUUAUGUGACGGa 5' | || :| | ||||||:| Ref: 5' acaATCTTGCTAAACACTGTCt 3' Energy: -18.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-449b-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.39 2 20 3588 3609 18 66.67% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-449b-5p NC_045512.2 725.00 -97.95 146.00 -23.44 2347 22 29903 7856 29046 17307 23620 3588 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4636 MIMAT0019693(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4636 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:148 to 169 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gauuuccgaaaCUUGUGCUCAa 5' |:|||||||| Ref: 5' tgtcgttgacaGGACACGAGTa 3' Energy: -16.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4636 NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.68 2 12 148 169 10 90.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:18872 to 18893 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' gauuuccgaaACUUGUGCUCAa 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtgtctagcTGTCCACGAGTg 3' Energy: -13.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4636 NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.97 2 13 18872 18893 11 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:21383 to 21403 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' gauuuccgAAACUUGUGCUCAa 5' |||| |||:|||| Ref: 5' attctttaTTTG-ACATGAGTa 3' Energy: -13.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4636 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.72 2 15 21383 21403 13 84.62% 92.31% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4636 NC_045512.2 435.00 -44.37 151.00 -16.68 2348 22 29903 148 18872 21383 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6719-3p MIMAT0025850(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6719-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:5671 to 5691 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' guccucuUAGUGACUACAGUCu 5' :|:| ||||||||| Ref: 5' accttttGTTA-TGATGTCAGc 3' Energy: -14.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6719-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -14.76 2 16 5671 5691 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5430 to 5452 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' guCCUCUUAGU-GACUACAGUCu 5' || ||:|:| ||||||:|| Ref: 5' taGGTGAGTTAGGTGATGTTAGa 3' Energy: -24.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6719-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -24.48 2 21 5430 5452 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5192 to 5211 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' guCCUCUUAGUGACUACAGUCu 5' ||: |: :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctGGGTAGGTAC--ATGTCAGc 3' Energy: -14.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6719-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -14.58 2 21 5192 5211 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11835 to 11856 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (68.42%) Query: 3' guCCUCUUAGUGACUACAGUCu 5' | | |:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctGTACAGTCTAAAATGTCAGa 3' Energy: -13.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6719-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -13.81 2 21 11835 11856 19 63.16% 68.42% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19403 to 19424 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' guCCUCUUAGUGACUACAGUCu 5' ||| || | | :|||||| Ref: 5' atGGAAAACAAGTAGTGTCAGa 3' Energy: -14.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6719-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.73 2 21 19403 19424 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:16961 to 16980 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' guccUCUUAGUGACUACAGUCu 5' |||: |||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' cacaAGAG-CACT-ATGTTAGa 3' Energy: -18.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6719-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.19 2 19 16961 16980 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:24633 to 24654 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guccucuuagugacUACAGUCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgctgctactaaaATGTCAGa 3' Energy: -13.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6719-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.40 2 9 24633 24654 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6719-3p NC_045512.2 1027.00 -113.95 153.00 -24.48 2349 22 29903 5671 5430 5192 11835 19403 16961 24633 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4652-5p MIMAT0019716(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4652-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21892 to 21913 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' aucAAGAUAAUUGGUCAGGGGa 5' ||| | | ||||||||: Ref: 5' agaTTCGAAGACCCAGTCCCTa 3' Energy: -18.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4652-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -18.47 2 20 21892 21913 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7708 to 7729 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' aucAAGAUAAUUGGUCAGGGGa 5' | ||| |:|||||||::| Ref: 5' aaaTCCTACTGACCAGTCTTCt 3' Energy: -22.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4652-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -22.90 2 20 7708 7729 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21576 to 21599 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (90.48%) Query: 3' auCAAGAUAAU--UGGUCAGGGGa 5' |||:||||: ||:||||:|: Ref: 5' ttGTTTTATTGCCACTAGTCTCTa 3' Energy: -19.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4652-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -19.82 2 21 21576 21599 21 66.67% 90.48% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4652-5p NC_045512.2 433.00 -61.19 147.00 -22.90 2350 22 29903 21892 7708 21576 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4318 MIMAT0016869(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4318 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:12999 to 13015 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucguacaugGGUGUCAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gtttagctgCCACAGTa 3' Energy: -12.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4318 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.92 2 9 12999 13015 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4318 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.92 140.00 -12.92 2351 17 29903 12999 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7153-3p MIMAT0028217(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7153-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:25189 to 25206 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ccAUUUGGCAGGUACCAc 5' |||| :| ||||||| Ref: 5' taTAAAATGGCCATGGTa 3' Energy: -14.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7153-3p NC_045512.2 160.00 -14.02 2 17 25189 25206 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:18818 to 18835 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccauuuggCAGGUACCAc 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' attgtcaaGTCCATGGTa 3' Energy: -15.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7153-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.43 2 11 18818 18835 9 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7153-3p NC_045512.2 310.00 -29.45 160.00 -15.43 2352 18 29903 25189 18818 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1262 MIMAT0005914(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1262 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28084 to 28105 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' uagGAAGAUGUUUAAGUGGGUa 5' || | | || ||||||| Ref: 5' aggCTGGTTCTAAATCACCCAt 3' Energy: -17.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1262 NC_045512.2 155.00 -17.20 2 20 28084 28105 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16020 to 16045 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (82.61%) Query: 3' uaGGAA--GAUGUUUA--AGUGGGUa 5' |:|| |||:|:|| |:||||| Ref: 5' gtCTTTAGCTATAGATGCTTACCCAc 3' Energy: -19.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1262 NC_045512.2 146.00 -19.26 2 21 16020 16045 23 65.22% 82.61% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17859 to 17880 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uagGAAGAUGUUUAAGUGGGUa 5' || : || ||||||:|| Ref: 5' tgaCTATGTCATATTCACTCAa 3' Energy: -13.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1262 NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.69 2 20 17859 17880 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20626 to 20650 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (72.73%) Query: 3' uaGGAAGAUGUUU---AAGUGGGUa 5' || | || ||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' ggCCATGTAGAAACATTTTACCCAa 3' Energy: -13.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1262 NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.81 2 21 20626 20650 22 68.18% 72.73% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:6909 to 6930 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uaggAAGAUGUUUAAGUGGGUa 5' || | ::|| |||||:| Ref: 5' ttaaTTATTTGAAGTCACCTAa 3' Energy: -10.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1262 NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.13 2 19 6909 6930 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:8275 to 8296 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uaggaaGAUGUUUAAGUGGGUa 5' |||:| : |||||:| Ref: 5' taataaCTATATGCTCACCTAt 3' Energy: -15.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1262 NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.90 2 17 8275 8296 15 66.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:12605 to 12627 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uaggaAGAUGU-UUAAGUGGGUa 5' | |: | ||||||||:| Ref: 5' attagTATGGACAATTCACCTAa 3' Energy: -13.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1262 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.18 2 18 12605 12627 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1262 NC_045512.2 1009.00 -103.17 155.00 -19.26 2353 22 29903 28084 16020 17859 20626 6909 8275 12605 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4795-3p MIMAT0019969(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4795-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:18410 to 18431 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uaggucuucaccGAUUAUUAUa 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' atgttgatacacCTAATAATAc 3' Energy: -8.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4795-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -8.00 2 11 18410 18431 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:6492 to 6513 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (73.33%) Query: 3' uaggucUUCACCGAUUAUUAUa 5' || || ||||||| Ref: 5' tacttaAACCAGCAAATAATAg 3' Energy: -8.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4795-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -8.43 2 17 6492 6513 15 73.33% 73.33% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:7352 to 7373 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (92.86%) Query: 3' uaggucUUCACCGAUUAUUAua 5' | ||||:||||||| Ref: 5' tggcttATGTGGTTAATAATta 3' Energy: -15.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4795-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -15.41 3 17 7352 7373 14 85.71% 92.86% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28398 to 28419 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (68.42%) Query: 3' uaGGUCUUCACCGAUUAUUAUa 5' | ||: | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ccCAAGGTTTACCCAATAATAc 3' Energy: -6.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4795-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -6.99 2 21 28398 28419 19 63.16% 68.42% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:20516 to 20539 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' uagguCUUCACCGA--UUAUUAUa 5' || | |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgatGATTTTGTTGAAATAATAa 3' Energy: -5.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4795-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -5.25 2 18 20516 20539 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:8550 to 8571 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uaggucUUCACCGAUUAUUAua 5' || | |:||||||| Ref: 5' gtggtaAAATTGTTAATAATtg 3' Energy: -6.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4795-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.97 3 17 8550 8571 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:25744 to 25765 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uaggucuucaccgaUUAUUAUa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ataaactttgtaagAATAATAa 3' Energy: -5.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4795-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.26 2 9 25744 25765 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4795-3p NC_045512.2 1018.00 -56.31 150.00 -15.41 2354 22 29903 18410 6492 7352 28398 20516 8550 25744 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-374b-5p MIMAT0004955(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-374b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9404 to 9425 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gugaAUCGUCCAACAUAAUAUa 5' |||| ||| |||||:|| Ref: 5' atagTAGCTGGTGGTATTGTAg 3' Energy: -16.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374b-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -16.98 2 19 9404 9425 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:16426 to 16451 Align Len (22) (77.27%) (77.27%) Query: 3' guGAAUCGUCCA-AC---AUAAUAua 5' ||||| |||| || |||||| Ref: 5' taCTTAGGAGGTATGAGCTATTATtg 3' Energy: -17.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374b-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.54 3 21 16426 16451 22 77.27% 77.27% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5944 to 5967 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (66.67%) Query: 3' guGAAUCGUCC--AACAUAAUAUa 5' || ||: || ||||||| Ref: 5' ccCTAAGTTGGACAATTATTATAa 3' Energy: -6.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374b-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -6.84 2 21 5944 5967 21 61.90% 66.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6934 to 6956 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (65.00%) Query: 3' guGAAUCGUCCA-ACAUAAUAUa 5' || | | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttCTAAACTGATAAATATTATAa 3' Energy: -2.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374b-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -2.68 2 21 6934 6956 20 65.00% 65.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7421 to 7443 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' guGAAUCGU-CCAACAUAAUAUa 5' ||| ||| || ||||||: Ref: 5' ttCTTTGCATCATTTTATTATGt 3' Energy: -8.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374b-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -8.71 2 21 7421 7443 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11416 to 11436 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' guGAAUCGUCCAACAUAAUAUa 5' :||| | ||| ||||||: Ref: 5' cgTTTATAAAGTT-TATTATGg 3' Energy: -7.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374b-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -7.02 2 21 11416 11436 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12626 to 12650 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' guGAAUCGU-CC--AACAUAAUAUa 5' :|||||| || | ||||:|| Ref: 5' aaTTTAGCATGGCCTCTTATTGTAa 3' Energy: -14.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374b-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.01 2 21 12626 12650 22 68.18% 77.27% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23334 to 23357 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (85.71%) Query: 3' guGAAUCGUC-CA-ACAUAAUAUa 5' :||:|::| || ||:||||| Ref: 5' ctTTTGGTGGTGTCAGTGTTATAa 3' Energy: -13.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374b-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.67 2 21 23334 23357 21 61.90% 85.71% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:20138 to 20159 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gugaaucguccaacAUAAUAUa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aaacacagttcaatTATTATAa 3' Energy: -5.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.89 2 9 20138 20159 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:26469 to 26490 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gugaaucguccaacAUAAUAUa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ctaaacgaactaaaTATTATAt 3' Energy: -4.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -4.33 2 9 26469 26490 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-374b-5p NC_045512.2 1439.00 -97.67 158.00 -17.54 2355 22 29903 9404 16426 5944 6934 7421 11416 12626 23334 20138 26469 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-29c-5p MIMAT0004673(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-29c-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-30c-1-3p MIMAT0004674(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-30c-1-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22431 to 22454 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ccuCAUUUG--UUGGGAGAGGGUc 5' ||: || :||||||||:|| Ref: 5' actGTGCACTTGACCCTCTCTCAg 3' Energy: -27.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30c-1-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -27.03 2 20 22431 22454 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1892 to 1915 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ccuCAU--UUGUUGGGAGAGGGUc 5' ||| | |||:::||||||: Ref: 5' gttGTACGATCAATTTTCTCCCGc 3' Energy: -20.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30c-1-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -20.23 2 20 1892 1915 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:7803 to 7825 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ccucaUUUGU-UGGGAGAGGGUc 5' |:||| |:|||||:|| Ref: 5' atgaaAGACATTCTCTCTCTCAt 3' Energy: -19.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30c-1-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -19.78 2 18 7803 7825 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:24362 to 24384 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ccucaUUUG-UUGGGAGAGGGUc 5' |:|| ||::|||:||| Ref: 5' attcaAGACTCACTTTCTTCCAc 3' Energy: -17.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-30c-1-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.32 2 18 24362 24384 17 64.71% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-30c-1-3p NC_045512.2 580.00 -84.36 150.00 -27.03 2357 22 29903 22431 1892 7803 24362 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-616-3p MIMAT0004805(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-616-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9964 to 9986 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gacGAGUUUGGGAG-GUUACUGa 5' | |||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tctCGCAAAGGCTCTCAATGACt 3' Energy: -22.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-616-3p NC_045512.2 162.00 -22.64 2 20 9964 9986 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5010 to 5032 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' gaCGA-GUUUGGGAGGUUACUGa 5' |:| :::|| : :||||||| Ref: 5' aaGTTGTGGACATGTCAATGACa 3' Energy: -14.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-616-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.99 2 21 5010 5032 20 55.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11936 to 11957 Align Len (17) (58.82%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gacgAGUUUGGGAGGUUACUGa 5' || |::: ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtgTCCAGTTACACAATGACa 3' Energy: -13.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-616-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.28 2 19 11936 11957 17 58.82% 76.47% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15685 to 15708 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gaCGAGUUUG-GGAG-GUUACUGa 5' || :|||| ::|| ||||||: Ref: 5' ttGCGTAAACATTTCTCAATGATg 3' Energy: -18.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-616-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.08 2 21 15685 15708 21 66.67% 85.71% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:10721 to 10742 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gacgaGU-UUGGGAGGUUACUGa 5' || |||:|| :|||||| Ref: 5' tttacCACAACTCT-TAATGACt 3' Energy: -16.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-616-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.70 2 18 10721 10742 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20946 to 20965 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gacGAGUUUGGGAGGUUACUGa 5' :|||:|:| ::|||||| Ref: 5' cgaTTCAGATC--TTAATGACt 3' Energy: -18.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-616-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.59 2 20 20946 20965 18 61.11% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-616-3p NC_045512.2 887.00 -104.28 162.00 -22.64 2358 22 29903 9964 5010 11936 15685 10721 20946 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548w MIMAT0015060(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548w vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 172.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25794 to 25814 Align Len (19) (89.47%) (89.47%) Query: 3' uccGUUUUUGGCGUCAAUGAAAa 5' |||||||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttcCAAAAACC-CA-TTACTTTa 3' Energy: -16.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548w NC_045512.2 172.00 -16.81 2 21 25794 25814 19 89.47% 89.47% Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4011 to 4032 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uccGUUUUUGGCGUCAAUGAAAa 5' ||:||| | : |||||||| Ref: 5' tcaCAGAAAAC-TTGTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -12.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548w NC_045512.2 162.00 -12.94 2 21 4011 4032 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:2718 to 2740 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ucCGUUUUUGGCGUCAAUGAAAa 5' ||| ||| :|||||||| Ref: 5' gtGCACCAACAAAGGTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -15.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548w NC_045512.2 161.00 -15.43 2 22 2718 2740 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:1674 to 1696 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ucCGUUUUUGGCGUCAAUGAAAa 5' | |:|:|:||| |||:||| Ref: 5' atGAAGAGATCGCCATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -15.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548w NC_045512.2 153.00 -15.27 2 22 1674 1696 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10946 to 10969 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uccGUUUUUGG-CGUCAAUGAAAa 5' ||| : :| | |||||||| Ref: 5' agaCAATGCTCAGGTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -10.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548w NC_045512.2 151.00 -10.52 2 21 10946 10969 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:5890 to 5911 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uccGUUUUUGGCGUCAAUGAAaa 5' || ||| | ||||||||| Ref: 5' aacCATAAAAC-CAGTTACTTat 3' Energy: -13.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548w NC_045512.2 150.00 -13.60 3 21 5890 5911 18 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20179 to 20203 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' uccGUUUUUGG-C-GUCAAUGAAAa 5' ||| ||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' caaCAATTACCTGAAACTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -12.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548w NC_045512.2 150.00 -12.13 2 21 20179 20203 21 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:8373 to 8398 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (78.26%) Query: 3' ucCGUUUUU-GGCGU--CAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| :| || ||:|||| Ref: 5' taGCAAAAAGTCACAACATTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -12.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548w NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.27 2 22 8373 8398 23 69.57% 78.26% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23008 to 23033 Align Len (22) (50.00%) (81.82%) Query: 3' uccGUUUUUGGCGU---CAAUGAAAa 5' ::||:::: :| |||||||| Ref: 5' tgtTGAAGGTTTTAATTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -11.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548w NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.90 2 21 23008 23033 22 50.00% 81.82% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:11626 to 11648 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uccguuuuuggcguCAAUGAAAa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ctatttttgtacttGTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -8.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548w NC_045512.2 145.00 -8.48 2 10 11626 11648 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22272 to 22294 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uccguuUUUGGCGUCAAUGAAAa 5' ||||: :| ||:|||| Ref: 5' ggtttcAAACTTTACTTGCTTTa 3' Energy: -9.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548w NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.47 2 18 22272 22294 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:23661 to 23683 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' ucCGUUUUUGGCGUCAAUGAAaa 5' |||:||| : |||||:||| Ref: 5' gtGCAGAAAATTCAGTTGCTTac 3' Energy: -17.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548w NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.76 3 22 23661 23683 19 73.68% 89.47% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7759 to 7781 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (73.33%) Query: 3' uccguuuUUGGCGUCAAUGAAAa 5' | || : ||||||| Ref: 5' tggttccATCCATCTTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -8.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548w NC_045512.2 144.00 -8.52 2 17 7759 7781 15 66.67% 73.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:13628 to 13651 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uccguuuUUGGC-GUCAAUGAAAa 5' ||::| : ||||||| Ref: 5' acaatttAATTGATTCTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -10.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548w NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.24 2 17 13628 13651 16 62.50% 81.25% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:5448 to 5471 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uccgUUUUUGGCG-UCAAUGAAaa 5' |:|||| : |||||||| Ref: 5' ttagAGAAACAATGAGTTACTTgt 3' Energy: -12.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548w NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.34 3 20 5448 5471 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:11193 to 11216 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' uccguuuuUGGCGUC-AAUGAAAa 5' ||:|:|| |||:||| Ref: 5' ctcttgccACTGTAGCTTATTTTa 3' Energy: -12.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548w NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.28 2 16 11193 11216 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:11469 to 11491 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uccguUUUUGGCGUCAAUGAAaa 5' | ||:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctcttATAATCTCTGTTACTTct 3' Energy: -10.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548w NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.18 3 19 11469 11491 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22143 to 22166 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (89.47%) Query: 3' uccgUUUUUGGC-GUCAAUGAAAa 5' :|| |::| ::||||:||| Ref: 5' ttaaGAATATTGATGGTTATTTTa 3' Energy: -8.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548w NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.56 2 20 22143 22166 19 57.89% 89.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:1324 to 1346 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uccGUUUUUGGCGUCAAUGAAaa 5' || | ::|::||||||| Ref: 5' tgcCACTACTTGTGGTTACTTac 3' Energy: -11.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548w NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.83 3 21 1324 1346 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4516 to 4538 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uccguuuuuggcgucAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttatggtgctagattTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -8.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548w NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.59 2 9 4516 4538 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:5803 to 5826 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucCGUUUUUGGCGU-CAAUGAAaa 5' ||| |:|| |:: |||||| Ref: 5' ttGCATAGACGGTGCTTTACTTac 3' Energy: -11.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548w NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.11 3 22 5803 5826 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6768 to 6790 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uccguuuuuggcgucAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atatgccttatttctTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -4.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548w NC_045512.2 140.00 -4.70 2 9 6768 6790 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21817 to 21839 Align Len (19) (52.63%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uccGUUUUUGGCGUCAAUGAAAa 5' :|| :|: |:: |||:||| Ref: 5' attTAATGATGGTGTTTATTTTg 3' Energy: -5.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548w NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.17 2 21 21817 21839 19 52.63% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548w NC_045512.2 3383.00 -260.10 172.00 -17.76 2359 23 29903 25794 4011 2718 1674 10946 5890 20179 8373 23008 11626 22272 23661 7759 13628 5448 11193 11469 22143 1324 4516 5803 6768 21817 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-12127 MIMAT0049021(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-12127 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 165.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10755 to 10780 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' auugggaCCUGGUAAU-CUUGGAGAu 5' | || |||| |||||||| Ref: 5' ctatgaaGTACAATTATGAACCTCTa 3' Energy: -17.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12127 NC_045512.2 165.00 -17.61 2 19 10755 10780 18 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19574 to 19598 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' auuggGACCUGGUAAUCUUGGAGAu 5' :| ||: ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aacaaTTTGATACTTATAACCTCTg 3' Energy: -15.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12127 NC_045512.2 160.00 -15.13 2 21 19574 19598 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:10786 to 10813 Align Len (25) (72.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' auUGGGAC--CUG-GUAAUCUUGGAGAu 5' ||| || ||| :| |||:|||||| Ref: 5' agACCATGTTGACATACTAGGACCTCTt 3' Energy: -23.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12127 NC_045512.2 157.00 -23.42 2 24 10786 10813 25 72.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11459 to 11483 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' auugggACCUGGUAAUCUUGGAGAu 5' |||:|: ||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' tccatgTGGGCTCTTATAATCTCTg 3' Energy: -21.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12127 NC_045512.2 155.00 -21.77 2 20 11459 11483 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:10009 to 10034 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' auugggaccUGGUAAU-CUUGGAGAu 5' |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tctttaccaACCACCACAAACCTCTa 3' Energy: -19.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12127 NC_045512.2 147.00 -19.45 2 17 10009 10034 16 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:25864 to 25888 Align Len (22) (59.09%) (77.27%) Query: 3' auUGGGACCUGGUAAUCUUGGAGAu 5' |||:| | :| |: |||:||| Ref: 5' atACCTTACAATAGTGTAACTTCTt 3' Energy: -14.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12127 NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.14 2 24 25864 25888 22 59.09% 77.27% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 24 R:15459 to 15484 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (77.27%) Query: 3' auUGGGACCUGGU-AAUCUUGGAGau 5' |: :| |||| |:||||||| Ref: 5' atATGTTAAACCAGGTGGAACCTCat 3' Energy: -19.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12127 NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.84 3 24 15459 15484 22 63.64% 77.27% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:12434 to 12457 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (76.19%) Query: 3' auuGGGACCUGGUAAUCUUGGAGAu 5' |||| || || || |||||| Ref: 5' gttCCCTTGAACA-TAATACCTCTt 3' Energy: -20.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12127 NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.05 2 23 12434 12457 21 76.19% 76.19% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:28864 to 28892 Align Len (25) (64.00%) (72.00%) Query: 3' auuGGGACC-UGGUAAU---CUUGGAGAu 5' :|| || | || || ||||:||| Ref: 5' aacTCCAGGCAGCAGTAGGGGAACTTCTc 3' Energy: -18.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12127 NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.03 2 23 28864 28892 25 64.00% 72.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-12127 NC_045512.2 1353.00 -169.44 165.00 -23.42 2360 25 29903 10755 19574 10786 11459 10009 25864 15459 12434 28864 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-561-5p MIMAT0022706(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-561-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12196 to 12219 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ccgUUUCAAAUUCU--AGGAACUa 5' |||||| |||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' taaAAAGTTGAAGAAGTCTTTGAa 3' Energy: -14.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-561-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -14.63 2 20 12196 12219 20 80.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26552 to 26576 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ccgUUUCAAA---UUCUAGGAACUa 5' |:|| || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgaAGAGCTTAAAAAGCTCCTTGAa 3' Energy: -12.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-561-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -12.53 2 20 26552 26576 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23298 to 23320 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ccGUUU-CAAAUUCUAGGAACUa 5' ||:| ||:||||:||||| Ref: 5' caCAGACACTTGAGATTCTTGAc 3' Energy: -18.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-561-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -18.42 2 21 23298 23320 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14270 to 14292 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccgUUUCAAAUUCU-AGGAACUa 5' |:|| |||| | ||:|||| Ref: 5' aagAGAGGTTAAAACTCTTTGAc 3' Energy: -10.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-561-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -10.67 2 20 14270 14292 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2129 to 2152 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' ccgUUUCAAAUU--CUAGGAACUa 5' ||| | || :||||||| Ref: 5' gaaAAACTCAAACCCGTCCTTGAt 3' Energy: -11.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-561-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.81 2 20 2129 2152 20 65.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:4 to 21 R:24965 to 24986 Align Len (17) (88.24%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ccGUUUCAAAUUCUAGGAAcua 5' || |||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaCACAGTTTATGATCCTTtgc 3' Energy: -17.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-561-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.08 4 21 24965 24986 17 88.24% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-561-5p NC_045512.2 907.00 -85.14 158.00 -18.42 2361 22 29903 12196 26552 23298 14270 2129 24965 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4445-5p MIMAT0018963(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4445-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10973 to 10994 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (89.47%) Query: 3' acGUGCCGUUUUCUUUGUUAGa 5' ::| |::||| :||||||| Ref: 5' agTGCAGTGAAAAGAACAATCa 3' Energy: -15.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4445-5p NC_045512.2 164.00 -15.48 2 21 10973 10994 19 63.16% 89.47% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3237 to 3258 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' acgUGCCGUUUUCUUUGUUAGa 5' ||||||: : ::|||||| Ref: 5' aagACGGCAGTGAGGACAATCa 3' Energy: -20.559999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4445-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -20.56 2 20 3237 3258 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:29482 to 29503 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' acgugccGUUUUCUUUGUUAGa 5' ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctccaaaCAATTGCAACAATCc 3' Energy: -10.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4445-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -10.23 2 16 29482 29503 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:13677 to 13699 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' acgugccGU-UUUCUUUGUUAGa 5' || :||||||||||: Ref: 5' ctaccaaCATGAAGAAACAATTt 3' Energy: -16.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4445-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.30 2 16 13677 13699 15 80.00% 93.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:5441 to 5462 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' acgugcCGUUUUCUUUGUUAga 5' |: |:||||||||| Ref: 5' ggtgatGTTAGAGAAACAATga 3' Energy: -13.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4445-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.34 3 17 5441 5462 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22864 to 22884 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (68.42%) Query: 3' acGUGCCGUUUUCUUUGUUAGa 5' | :|| || ||||||| Ref: 5' agCTTGG-AATTCTAACAATCt 3' Energy: -15.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4445-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.36 2 21 22864 22884 19 63.16% 68.42% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:2028 to 2049 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acgugccguuuucuUUGUUAGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ctgatttggctactAACAATCt 3' Energy: -15.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4445-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.11 2 9 2028 2049 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4445-5p NC_045512.2 1038.00 -106.38 164.00 -20.56 2362 22 29903 10973 3237 29482 13677 5441 22864 2028 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4786-3p MIMAT0019955(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4786-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:24040 to 24062 Align Len (14) (92.86%) (92.86%) Query: 3' cgggucugGUCU-CGACCGAAGu 5' |||| ||||||||| Ref: 5' gacacttgCAGATGCTGGCTTCa 3' Energy: -25.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4786-3p NC_045512.2 161.00 -25.31 2 15 24040 24062 14 92.86% 92.86% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:19537 to 19558 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cggguCUGGUCUCGACCGAAGu 5' ||:| |||||||||: Ref: 5' atgatGATCTCAGCTGGCTTTa 3' Energy: -23.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4786-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -23.22 2 18 19537 19558 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:2999 to 3019 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cgggUCUGGUCUCGACCGAAGu 5' || ::| | :||||||| Ref: 5' ggtgAGTTTA-AATTGGCTTCa 3' Energy: -15.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4786-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -15.85 2 19 2999 3019 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:18286 to 18307 Align Len (18) (55.56%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cggGUCUGGUCUCGACCGAAGu 5' |: :| |: :||||||| Ref: 5' gtaCGTGCATGGATTGGCTTCg 3' Energy: -19.370001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4786-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -19.37 2 20 18286 18307 18 55.56% 77.78% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:25212 to 25235 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' cgGGUCU--GGUCUCGACCGAAgu 5' |:||: ::| ||||||||| Ref: 5' ggCTAGGTTTTATAGCTGGCTTga 3' Energy: -23.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4786-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -23.54 3 21 25212 25235 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28615 to 28638 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (90.48%) Query: 3' cgGGUCUGGUC-UCGACC-GAAGu 5' |::|:|||| |||||| |||| Ref: 5' aaCTGGGCCAGAAGCTGGACTTCc 3' Energy: -30.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4786-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -30.96 2 21 28615 28638 21 76.19% 90.48% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:1424 to 1445 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cgGGUCUGGUCUCGACCGAAgu 5' ||| | :: | ||||||| Ref: 5' taCCATAATGAATCTGGCTTga 3' Energy: -15.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4786-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.11 3 21 1424 1445 18 66.67% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4786-3p NC_045512.2 1031.00 -153.36 161.00 -30.96 2363 22 29903 24040 19537 2999 18286 25212 28615 1424 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-23b-5p MIMAT0004587(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-23b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28153 to 28173 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' uuUAGUCGUACGGUCCUUGGGu 5' ||:| : |||||||||||: Ref: 5' caATTAAT-TGCCAGGAACCTa 3' Energy: -26.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-23b-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -26.58 2 21 28153 28173 19 73.68% 89.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-23b-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -26.58 154.00 -26.58 2364 22 29903 28153 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-802 MIMAT0004185(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-802 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5058 to 5081 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uguuCCUACUUAGA-AACAAUGAc 5' |||||:| || ||||||| Ref: 5' atttGGATGGAGCTGATGTTACTa 3' Energy: -17.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-802 NC_045512.2 166.00 -17.98 2 20 5058 5081 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:11468 to 11489 Align Len (16) (87.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uguuccUACUUAGAAACAAUGAc 5' || ||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gctcttAT-AATCTCTGTTACTt 3' Energy: -11.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-802 NC_045512.2 163.00 -11.72 2 18 11468 11489 16 87.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21223 to 21244 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uguuCCUACUUAGAAACAAUGAc 5' ||| |: |||||||||| Ref: 5' tggtGGA-CAGCCTTTGTTACTa 3' Energy: -16.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-802 NC_045512.2 161.00 -16.54 2 20 21223 21244 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:21865 to 21887 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ugUUCCUACUUAGAAACAAUGAc 5' :||| ||:||:|||| |||| Ref: 5' aaGAGGCTGGATTTTTGGTACTa 3' Energy: -18.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-802 NC_045512.2 153.00 -18.78 2 22 21865 21887 20 75.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:23007 to 23031 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uguucCUACUUAGA--AACAAUGAc 5' || |: |:| |||||||| Ref: 5' gtgttGAAGGTTTTAATTGTTACTt 3' Energy: -11.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-802 NC_045512.2 153.00 -11.21 2 19 23007 23031 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:4008 to 4030 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' uguuccuaCUUAGAAACAAUGAc 5' ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' tcctcacaGAAAACTTGTTACTt 3' Energy: -8.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-802 NC_045512.2 151.00 -8.88 2 16 4008 4030 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:4584 to 4607 Align Len (16) (87.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uguuccUACUUAGA-AACAAUGac 5' ||||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' atctaaATGAAACTCTTGTTACaa 3' Energy: -11.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-802 NC_045512.2 148.00 -11.45 3 18 4584 4607 16 87.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:20483 to 20506 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ugUUCCUACUUAGAA-ACAAUGAc 5' ||| :|| :| || |||||:| Ref: 5' ctAAGTGTGTGTGTTCTGTTATTg 3' Energy: -14.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-802 NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.32 2 22 20483 20506 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:7956 to 7981 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (69.57%) Query: 3' ugUUCCUACUUAGA-A--ACAAUGAc 5' | | :| || || | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttATGTGTCAACCTATACTGTTACTa 3' Energy: -6.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-802 NC_045512.2 147.00 -6.26 2 22 7956 7981 23 65.22% 69.57% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:10998 to 11020 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (76.92%) Query: 3' uguuccuacUUAGAAACAAUGAc 5' | | |||||||| Ref: 5' gtacacaccACTGGTTGTTACTc 3' Energy: -8.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-802 NC_045512.2 146.00 -8.27 2 15 10998 11020 13 76.92% 76.92% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:11624 to 11646 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguuccuacuuagaAACAAUGAc 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ggctatttttgtacTTGTTACTt 3' Energy: -7.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-802 NC_045512.2 145.00 -7.91 2 10 11624 11646 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:11317 to 11341 Align Len (22) (59.09%) (68.18%) Query: 3' ugUUCCUACUUAGAA--ACAAUGAc 5' | | || |: : | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtATGCATCAGCTGTAGTGTTACTa 3' Energy: -8.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-802 NC_045512.2 144.00 -8.29 2 22 11317 11341 22 59.09% 68.18% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:27016 to 27036 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ugUUCCUACUUAGAAACAAUGAc 5' || || |||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' ctAAAGA--AATCACTGTTGCTa 3' Energy: -9.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-802 NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.21 2 22 27016 27036 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:6201 to 6226 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (72.73%) Query: 3' ugUUCCUACUUAGA---AACAAUGac 5' ||| | |:| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttAAGAAAGGAGCTAAATTGTTACat 3' Energy: -12.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-802 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.11 3 22 6201 6226 22 68.18% 72.73% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:8596 to 8618 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguuccuacuuAGAAACAAUGAc 5' |:||||||:|| Ref: 5' acttgtgttccTTTTTGTTGCTg 3' Energy: -15.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-802 NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.03 2 13 8596 8618 11 81.82% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:10945 to 10967 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguuccuacuuagaaACAAUGAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tagacaatgctcaggTGTTACTt 3' Energy: -8.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-802 NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.68 2 9 10945 10967 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:16527 to 16549 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguuccuacuuagaaACAAUGAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgttggtagcgataaTGTTACTg 3' Energy: -12.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-802 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.72 2 9 16527 16549 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:21730 to 21752 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguuccuacuuagaaACAAUGAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' acctttcttttccaaTGTTACTt 3' Energy: -6.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-802 NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.44 2 9 21730 21752 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:22628 to 22652 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (72.73%) Query: 3' ugUUCCUA--CUUAGAAACAAUGAc 5' :|| || | | || ||||:|| Ref: 5' aaGAGAATCAGCAACTGTGTTGCTg 3' Energy: -14.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-802 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.84 2 22 22628 22652 22 63.64% 72.73% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-802 NC_045512.2 2807.00 -220.64 166.00 -18.78 2365 23 29903 5058 11468 21223 21865 23007 4008 4584 20483 7956 10998 11624 11317 27016 6201 8596 10945 16527 21730 22628 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-125b-5p MIMAT0000423(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-125b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10260 to 10284 Align Len (22) (59.09%) (68.18%) Query: 3' agUGUUCAAUCCCA---GAGUCCCu 5' :| :|| | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' agGCTGGTAATGTTCAACTCAGGGt 3' Energy: -17.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-125b-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.34 2 21 10260 10284 22 59.09% 68.18% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:22198 to 22219 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aguguucaaucccaGAGUCCCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' agtgcgtgatctccCTCAGGGt 3' Energy: -14.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-125b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.50 2 9 22198 22219 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-125b-5p NC_045512.2 283.00 -31.84 143.00 -17.34 2366 22 29903 10260 22198 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-596 MIMAT0003264(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-596 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12144 to 12167 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' ggGCUCCUCG---GCCCGUCCGAa 5' | || ||| :| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctCAAGAAGCTTATGAGCAGGCTg 3' Energy: -18.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-596 NC_045512.2 150.00 -18.95 2 20 12144 12167 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:23488 to 23508 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' gggcuccucgGCCCGUCCGAa 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttttcaaacaCGTGCAGGCTg 3' Energy: -17.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-596 NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.50 2 12 23488 23508 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:172 to 192 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gggcuccucggccCGUCCGAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tcgtctatcttctGCAGGCTg 3' Energy: -17.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-596 NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.50 2 9 172 192 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-596 NC_045512.2 437.00 -53.95 150.00 -18.95 2367 21 29903 12144 23488 172 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6804-5p MIMAT0027508(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6804-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:6179 to 6199 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gcaguggacgacUGUGGGAGu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tataaacactacACACCCTCt 3' Energy: -17.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6804-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.86 2 10 6179 6199 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:837 to 858 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gcaguGGACGACU-GUGGGAGu 5' |||| ||: :|||||| Ref: 5' gtggcCCTGATGGCTACCCTCt 3' Energy: -24.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6804-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -24.41 2 17 837 858 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:1044 to 1064 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gcaguggacGACUGUGGGAGu 5' :|||||||:|| Ref: 5' caaagaaatTTGACACCTTCa 3' Energy: -19.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6804-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.65 2 13 1044 1064 11 81.82% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6804-5p NC_045512.2 428.00 -61.92 145.00 -24.41 2368 21 29903 6179 837 1044 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3651 MIMAT0018071(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3651 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:29543 to 29567 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' aguacaUGGU-CGCUGGCCCGAUAc 5' || | || : :||||||| Ref: 5' gaccacACAAGGCAGATGGGCTATa 3' Energy: -17.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3651 NC_045512.2 149.00 -17.90 2 19 29543 29567 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:24681 to 24704 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' aguacauggucgCUGGCCCGAUAc 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgatttttgtgGAAAGGGCTATc 3' Energy: -15.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3651 NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.89 2 13 24681 24704 11 81.82% 81.82% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3651 NC_045512.2 293.00 -33.79 149.00 -17.90 2369 24 29903 29543 24681 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-545-5p MIMAT0004785(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-545-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10145 to 10168 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (89.47%) Query: 3' aguaGAUUAUU-UGU-AAAUGACu 5' :|:||:| ::| ||||||| Ref: 5' tggcTTGATGACGTAGTTTACTGt 3' Energy: -11.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-545-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -11.93 2 19 10145 10168 19 63.16% 89.47% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4751 to 4773 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' agUAGAUUAUUUGU-AAAUGACu 5' | ||:| :|||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' acACCTGAAGAACATTTTATTGa 3' Energy: -16.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-545-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.50 2 21 4751 4773 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:12515 to 12537 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (93.75%) Query: 3' aguagAUUAU-UUGUAAAUGAcu 5' |::|| |||||||||| Ref: 5' tgtgaTGGTACAACATTTACTta 3' Energy: -11.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-545-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -11.94 3 18 12515 12537 16 81.25% 93.75% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:16766 to 16787 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (80.00%) Query: 3' aguagaUUAUUUGUAAAUGACu 5' | || :: ||||||| Ref: 5' accgaaATTATGTCTTTACTGg 3' Energy: -8.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-545-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -8.49 2 17 16766 16787 15 66.67% 80.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:10208 to 10229 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' aguagAUUAUUUGUAAAUGAcu 5' | ||:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' cctaaTTATGAAGATTTACTca 3' Energy: -9.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-545-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.42 3 18 10208 10229 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:129 to 150 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agUAGAUUAUUUGUAAAUGACu 5' | :|||||| :| |||||| Ref: 5' atAATTAATAACTAATTACTGt 3' Energy: -11.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-545-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.95 2 21 129 150 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:1355 to 1375 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' aguaGAUUAUUUGUAAAUGACu 5' :|: |||| |||||:|| Ref: 5' gctgTTGTTAAA-ATTTATTGt 3' Energy: -9.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-545-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.59 2 19 1355 1375 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:6059 to 6081 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' aguagAUUAU-UUGUAAAUGACu 5' ||||| | ||||:||| Ref: 5' tgtgaTAATATCAAATTTGCTGa 3' Energy: -12.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-545-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.60 2 18 6059 6081 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11596 to 11617 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agUAGAUUAUUUGUAAAUGACu 5' :| ||||: :||||:|| Ref: 5' gtGTATAATGCTAGTTTATTGt 3' Energy: -9.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-545-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.42 2 21 11596 11617 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23997 to 24018 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agUAGAUUAUUUGUAAAUGACu 5' | | |: :: ||||||:|| Ref: 5' caAGCAAGAGGTCATTTATTGa 3' Energy: -11.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-545-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.89 2 21 23997 24018 19 57.89% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-545-5p NC_045512.2 1456.00 -113.73 152.00 -16.50 2370 22 29903 10145 4751 12515 16766 10208 129 1355 6059 11596 23997 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-371b-5p MIMAT0019892(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-371b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5145 to 5165 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uuuCACGGCGGUAGAAAACUCa 5' |||::| : |||||||| Ref: 5' tacGTGTTG-AGGCTTTTGAGt 3' Energy: -20.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-371b-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -20.06 2 20 5145 5165 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:1013 to 1034 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uuUCACGGCGGUAGAAAACUca 5' | ||| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' gaATTGCAGACACCTTTTGAaa 3' Energy: -11.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-371b-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -11.09 3 21 1013 1034 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:22937 to 22958 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uuucacggcggUAGAAAACUCa 5' | |||||||| Ref: 5' tctaatctcaaACCTTTTGAGa 3' Energy: -10.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-371b-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.92 2 12 22937 22958 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:9185 to 9206 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uuUCACGGCGGUAGAAAACUca 5' |||| : || ||||||| Ref: 5' agAGTGGTAACAACTTTTGAtt 3' Energy: -14.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-371b-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.79 3 21 9185 9206 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:23090 to 23111 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uuUCACGGCGGUAGAAAACUca 5' ||| : |: |||||||| Ref: 5' gtAGTAGTACTTTCTTTTGAac 3' Energy: -10.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-371b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.84 3 21 23090 23111 18 66.67% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-371b-5p NC_045512.2 732.00 -67.70 153.00 -20.06 2371 22 29903 5145 1013 22937 9185 23090 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4773 MIMAT0019928(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4773 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23374 to 23395 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cgGAAAGAUACGAGGACAAGAc 5' || | | |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttCTAACCAGGTTGCTGTTCTt 3' Energy: -14.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4773 NC_045512.2 156.00 -14.96 2 21 23374 23395 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:46 to 66 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cgGA-AAGAUACGAGGACAAGAc 5' || || || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' atCTCTTGTA-GAT-CTGTTCTc 3' Energy: -13.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4773 NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.15 2 21 46 66 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:11054 to 11076 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cggaaAGAUACGAG-GACAAGAc 5' || ||| || :|||||| Ref: 5' agtacTCAATGGTCTTTGTTCTt 3' Energy: -12.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4773 NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.77 2 18 11054 11076 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11997 to 12019 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cggAAAGAUACG-AGGACAAGAc 5' |||| | | |:|||||:| Ref: 5' tggTTTCACTACTTTCTGTTTTg 3' Energy: -17.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4773 NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.76 2 20 11997 12019 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4773 NC_045512.2 589.00 -58.64 156.00 -17.76 2372 22 29903 23374 46 11054 11997 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4468 MIMAT0018995(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4468 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:10804 to 10821 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' uagaGUAGGAAGACGAGa 5' | ||:|||||||| Ref: 5' aggaCCTCTTTCTGCTCa 3' Energy: -17.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4468 NC_045512.2 158.00 -17.25 2 15 10804 10821 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:17127 to 17144 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' uagaGUAGGAAGACGAGa 5' :| |||||||||| Ref: 5' ctacTACCCTTCTGCTCg 3' Energy: -20.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4468 NC_045512.2 158.00 -20.14 2 15 17127 17144 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:25663 to 25681 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uaGAGU-AGGAAGACGAGa 5' |||| ||||:||||| Ref: 5' taCTCACACCTTTTGCTCg 3' Energy: -21.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4468 NC_045512.2 147.00 -21.23 2 17 25663 25681 16 81.25% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4468 NC_045512.2 463.00 -58.62 158.00 -21.23 2373 18 29903 10804 17127 25663 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-519d-5p MIMAT0026610(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-519d-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:1464 to 1488 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (91.67%) Query: 3' uugucuuucgcgAAGGGAAACCUCc 5' || ||||||||| Ref: 5' gtggtcgcactaTTGCCTTTGGAGg 3' Energy: -24.379999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519d-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -24.38 2 14 1464 1488 12 91.67% 91.67% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:6287 to 6310 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uuguCUUUCGCGAAGGGAAACCUCc 5' | | || || :|||||||| Ref: 5' tggtGTATACG-TTGTCTTTGGAGc 3' Energy: -19.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519d-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -19.47 2 22 6287 6310 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:339 to 363 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uugucuuuCGCGAAGGGAAACCUCc 5' |: | | |||||||| Ref: 5' acgtgctcGTACGTGGCTTTGGAGa 3' Energy: -18.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519d-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -18.52 2 18 339 363 16 68.75% 75.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21331 to 21354 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' uugucUUUCGCGAAGGGAAACCUCc 5' ||| : | | :||||||| Ref: 5' catgcAAATTACAT-ATTTTGGAGg 3' Energy: -15.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519d-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.91 2 21 21331 21354 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:27263 to 27285 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uugucUUUCGCGAAGGGAAACCUcc 5' ||| |:|||| |||||| Ref: 5' cttttAAA--GTTTCCATTTGGAat 3' Energy: -14.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519d-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.31 3 21 27263 27285 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 24 R:19170 to 19197 Align Len (24) (62.50%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uuGUCUUUCGCGAAGGG---AAACCUcc 5' |||| :|:|: | || |||||| Ref: 5' caCAGATGGTGTATGCCTATTTTGGAat 3' Energy: -19.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519d-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.88 3 24 19170 19197 24 62.50% 75.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:26485 to 26509 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uugucuuUCGCGAAGGGAAACCUcc 5' ||: :|||: |||||| Ref: 5' ttatattAGTTTTTCTGTTTGGAac 3' Energy: -13.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519d-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.78 3 19 26485 26509 16 68.75% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-519d-5p NC_045512.2 1036.00 -126.25 157.00 -24.38 2374 25 29903 1464 6287 339 21331 27263 19170 26485 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4653-5p MIMAT0019718(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4653-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:20192 to 20211 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ccacAAUUCGGAACGAGUCUCu 5' ||| |:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaacTTA--CTTTACTCAGAGt 3' Energy: -16.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4653-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -16.00 2 19 20192 20211 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:12084 to 12107 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ccacaaUUCGG-AAC-GAGUCUCu 5' ||||: | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ccttacAAGCTATAGCCTCAGAGt 3' Energy: -15.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4653-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.21 2 17 12084 12107 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:22436 to 22457 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ccacAAUUCGGAACGAGUCUcu 5' ||:| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' gcacTTGACCCTCTCTCAGAaa 3' Energy: -12.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4653-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.65 3 19 22436 22457 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2177 to 2196 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccACAAUUCGGAACGAGUCUCu 5' ||| :|| || ||:|||| Ref: 5' ggTGTAGAG--TTTCTTAGAGa 3' Energy: -22.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4653-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -22.44 2 21 2177 2196 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:11886 to 11907 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccacaauucggaacGAGUCUCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cagttttgcaacaaCTCAGAGt 3' Energy: -17.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4653-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.20 2 9 11886 11907 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4653-5p NC_045512.2 728.00 -83.50 155.00 -22.44 2375 22 29903 20192 12084 22436 2177 11886 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-302c-3p MIMAT0000717(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-302c-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:8523 to 8546 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ggugacuUUGUACCU-UCGUGAAu 5' |||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgtaacAACAAAGATAGCACTTa 3' Energy: -14.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302c-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -14.39 2 17 8523 8546 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:15727 to 15749 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggugacuuuguaccuUCGUGAAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gttgtgtgtttcaatAGCACTTa 3' Energy: -13.720000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-302c-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.72 2 9 15727 15749 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-302c-3p NC_045512.2 295.00 -28.11 155.00 -14.39 2376 23 29903 8523 15727 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-516b-5p MIMAT0002859(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-516b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3027 to 3049 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uuuCACGAAGAAU-GGAGGUCUa 5' || |||: || |||||||| Ref: 5' attGTTCTTTCTACCCTCCAGAt 3' Energy: -20.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-516b-5p NC_045512.2 166.00 -20.25 2 20 3027 3049 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:25454 to 25473 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uuucACGAAGAAUGGAGGUCUa 5' |||| || |||:|||| Ref: 5' aggaTGCTACT--CCTTCAGAt 3' Energy: -19.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-516b-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -19.83 2 19 25454 25473 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:26001 to 26022 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uuucaCGAAGAAUGGAGGUCUa 5' |:| ||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' acacaGTTACTTCACTTCAGAc 3' Energy: -13.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-516b-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.66 2 18 26001 26022 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18681 to 18705 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uuucACGAAGA-AUG--GAGGUCUa 5' |||||:| || ||:|||| Ref: 5' cacaTGCTTTTCCACTGCTTCAGAc 3' Energy: -15.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-516b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.07 2 19 18681 18705 20 70.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-516b-5p NC_045512.2 590.00 -68.81 166.00 -20.25 2377 22 29903 3027 25454 26001 18681 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-671-3p MIMAT0004819(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-671-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1261 MIMAT0005913(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1261 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8142 to 8160 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uuCGGUUUCGGAAUAGGUa 5' | ||| |:||||||:| Ref: 5' taGACAATGTCTTATCTAc 3' Energy: -14.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1261 NC_045512.2 149.00 -14.77 2 18 8142 8160 16 75.00% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1261 NC_045512.2 149.00 -14.77 149.00 -14.77 2379 19 29903 8142 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-545-3p MIMAT0003165(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-545-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:25249 to 25270 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgugUGUUAUUUAC-AAACGACu 5' ||||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtgACAAT-TATGCTTTGCTGt 3' Energy: -15.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-545-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -15.62 2 19 25249 25270 18 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:6059 to 6081 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cgugUGUUAU-UUACAAACGACu 5' |:|||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtgATAATATCAAATTTGCTGa 3' Energy: -13.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-545-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -13.17 2 19 6059 6081 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:29313 to 29333 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cguguGUUAUUUACAAACGACu 5' ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' aagatCAAGTCAT-TTTGCTGa 3' Energy: -11.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-545-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.15 2 18 29313 29333 16 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8172 to 8193 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cgUGUGUUAUUUACAAACGACu 5' :| |:: ||: |||||:|| Ref: 5' caGCTCGGCAAGGGTTTGTTGa 3' Energy: -17.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-545-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.78 2 21 8172 8193 19 57.89% 84.21% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:14426 to 14447 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' cgugugUUAUUUACAAACGACu 5' :| |||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' tagtgaGAAAAATATTTGTTGa 3' Energy: -9.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-545-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.83 2 17 14426 14447 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:25758 to 25785 Align Len (23) (60.87%) (73.91%) Query: 3' cgugUGUUAUUU----AC--AAACGACu 5' |:|||:|: || ||||||| Ref: 5' aataATAATGAGGCTTTGGCTTTGCTGg 3' Energy: -14.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-545-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.48 2 19 25758 25785 23 60.87% 73.91% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:25819 to 25839 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (70.59%) Query: 3' cgugUGUUAUUUACAAACGACu 5' || || | ||||||| Ref: 5' gccaACTAT-TTTCTTTGCTGg 3' Energy: -10.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-545-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -10.77 2 19 25819 25839 17 70.59% 70.59% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:27085 to 27106 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (73.33%) Query: 3' cgugugUUAUUUACAAACGACu 5' | | |: ||||||| Ref: 5' caggtgACTCAGGTTTTGCTGc 3' Energy: -10.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-545-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -10.40 2 17 27085 27106 15 66.67% 73.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:14690 to 14711 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (76.92%) Query: 3' cguguguuAUUUACAAACGACu 5' || : ||||||| Ref: 5' aagacttcTATGACTTTGCTGt 3' Energy: -9.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-545-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.88 2 15 14690 14711 13 69.23% 76.92% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:15862 to 15882 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgUGUGUUAUUUACAAACGAcu 5' || : ||:||| |||||| Ref: 5' ggACCTCATGAAT-TTTGCTct 3' Energy: -8.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-545-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.08 3 21 15862 15882 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:28918 to 28940 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' cguguguuauuuAC-AAACGACu 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' tgatgctgctctTGCTTTGCTGc 3' Energy: -8.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-545-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -8.80 2 11 28918 28940 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:13065 to 13086 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cguguguuauuuacAAACGACu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tatctttctgtgctTTTGCTGt 3' Energy: -8.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-545-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.55 2 9 13065 13086 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23804 to 23825 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgUGUGUUAUUUACAAACGACu 5' |::||: || ||||:|| Ref: 5' gaATGCAGCAATCTTTTGTTGc 3' Energy: -12.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-545-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.20 2 21 23804 23825 19 57.89% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-545-3p NC_045512.2 1884.00 -150.71 159.00 -17.78 2380 22 29903 25249 6059 29313 8172 14426 25758 25819 27085 14690 15862 28918 13065 23804 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-184 MIMAT0000454(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-184 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7107-3p MIMAT0028112(27 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7107-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:15635 to 15662 Align Len (23) (73.91%) (82.61%) Query: 3' ccggUUUUUCUCUCUUACU-UGUCUGGu 5' ||| ||||| : ||| ||||||: Ref: 5' atagAAATAGAGATGTTGACACAGACTt 3' Energy: -22.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7107-3p NC_045512.2 162.00 -22.52 2 24 15635 15662 23 73.91% 82.61% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:13795 to 13820 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccgguuUUUCUCUCUUACUUGUCUGGu 5' ||| | | |||| :|||||| Ref: 5' cttactAAATACACAATG-GCAGACCt 3' Energy: -16.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7107-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.62 2 22 13795 13820 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 25 R:27125 to 27151 Align Len (23) (60.87%) (60.87%) Query: 3' ccgGUUUUUCUCUCUUACUUGUCUGGu 5' ||| | | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tggCAACTATAAATTAAACACAGACCa 3' Energy: -14.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7107-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.65 2 25 27125 27151 23 60.87% 60.87% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 25 R:15827 to 15854 Align Len (24) (70.83%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ccgGUUUUUCUCUCUUACU-UGUCUGGu 5' ||||| | :|| ||| || |||| Ref: 5' aagCAAAATGTTGGACTGAGACTGACCt 3' Energy: -16.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7107-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.79 2 25 15827 15854 24 70.83% 75.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 25 R:4203 to 4236 Align Len (29) (65.52%) (72.41%) Query: 3' ccgGUUUUU----CUCUCUU-AC--UUGUCUGgu 5' |:|||: |||| || || ||||||| Ref: 5' tagCGAAAGCTTTGAGAAAAGTGCCAACAGACaa 3' Energy: -20.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7107-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.14 3 25 4203 4236 29 65.52% 72.41% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:17683 to 17709 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' ccgguuuuucucucUUACUUGUCUGGu 5' ||| |||||:|| Ref: 5' gatgtttcatctgcAATTAACAGGCCa 3' Energy: -14.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7107-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.66 2 14 17683 17709 12 83.33% 91.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7107-3p NC_045512.2 886.00 -105.38 162.00 -22.52 2382 27 29903 15635 13795 27125 15827 4203 17683 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7151-3p MIMAT0028213(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7151-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:18948 to 18968 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' acUCGGGUAAGGUCGGACAUc 5' || ::| | |:||:|||| Ref: 5' gaAGATTAATGCGGCTTGTAg 3' Energy: -18.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7151-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.95 2 20 18948 18968 18 61.11% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7151-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.95 143.00 -18.95 2383 21 29903 18948 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-93-3p MIMAT0004509(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-93-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8154 to 8175 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' gcccuUCACGAUCGAGUCGUCa 5' | | :|| :||||||| Ref: 5' tatctACTTTTATTTCAGCAGc 3' Energy: -12.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-93-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -12.99 2 18 8154 8175 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11857 to 11877 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gcccUUCACGAUCGAGUCGUCa 5' |||||| | ||||:|| Ref: 5' tgtaAAGTGC-ACATCAGTAGt 3' Energy: -19.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-93-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -19.47 2 19 11857 11877 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14616 to 14636 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gcccUUCACGAUCGAGUCGUCa 5' | ||||| :||||:|| Ref: 5' cactACGTGCT-TTTCAGTAGc 3' Energy: -17.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-93-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.45 2 19 14616 14636 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-93-3p NC_045512.2 437.00 -49.91 153.00 -19.47 2384 22 29903 8154 11857 14616 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-128-2-5p MIMAT0031095(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-128-2-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:28379 to 28401 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agagcaugucacaUAGCCGGGGg 5' :|||||||| Ref: 5' cgatcaaaacaacGTCGGCCCCa 3' Energy: -21.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-128-2-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -21.23 2 11 28379 28401 9 88.89% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-128-2-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -21.23 146.00 -21.23 2385 23 29903 28379 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-135b-5p MIMAT0000758(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-135b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:3885 to 3906 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' agUGUAUCCUUACUUUUCGGUAu 5' | | ||||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctAAAGAGGAA-GTTAAGCCATt 3' Energy: -17.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-135b-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -17.71 2 22 3885 3906 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:4437 to 4459 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' aguguauCCUUACUUUUCGGUAu 5' |||| |||||||| Ref: 5' tctgtgtGGAAACTAAAGCCATa 3' Energy: -17.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-135b-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -17.30 2 17 4437 4459 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20112 to 20136 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' aguGUAUCCUUA--CUUUUCGGUAu 5' || | ||| ||:|||||:| Ref: 5' agtCACATTAATTGGAGAAGCCGTa 3' Energy: -24.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-135b-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -24.26 2 21 20112 20136 21 66.67% 76.19% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11429 to 11458 Align Len (26) (57.69%) (69.23%) Query: 3' aguGUAUCCUUAC-----UU--UUCGGUAu 5' :||:| |||| :| ||||||| Ref: 5' tatTATGGTAATGCTTTAGATCAAGCCATt 3' Energy: -12.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-135b-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.37 2 21 11429 11458 26 57.69% 69.23% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:12073 to 12097 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (72.73%) Query: 3' agUGUAUCCUU--ACUUUUCGGUAu 5' ||| :| || | | ||||:|| Ref: 5' caACAGGGCAACCTTACAAGCTATa 3' Energy: -11.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-135b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.13 2 22 12073 12097 22 63.64% 72.73% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-135b-5p NC_045512.2 740.00 -82.77 159.00 -24.26 2386 23 29903 3885 4437 20112 11429 12073 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-11181-5p MIMAT0043996(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-11181-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:3188 to 3208 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cgcCCUCCUCCAACCAGUCUg 5' | || || |||||:||| Ref: 5' caaGAAGAAGATTGGTTAGAt 3' Energy: -15.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-11181-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.64 2 19 3188 3208 17 76.47% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-11181-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.64 150.00 -15.64 2387 21 29903 3188 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548j-3p MIMAT0026737(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548j-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:23821 to 23841 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cguuuUCAUUACGUCAAAAAc 5' | || ||||||||| Ref: 5' gttgcAATATGGCAGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -16.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548j-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -16.36 2 17 23821 23841 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:22569 to 22589 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' cguuuucAUUACGUCAAAAAc 5' |::|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gccctttTGGTGAAGTTTTTa 3' Energy: -7.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548j-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -7.61 2 15 22569 22589 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26479 to 26499 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgUUUUCAU-UACGUCAAAAAc 5' || | || || :||||||| Ref: 5' taAATATTATAT-TAGTTTTTc 3' Energy: -4.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548j-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -4.51 2 20 26479 26499 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7872 to 7895 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cguuuUCAUUAC---GUCAAAAAc 5' | ||||| :||||||| Ref: 5' tgcctATTAATGTTATAGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -12.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548j-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -12.08 2 17 7872 7895 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:16484 to 16507 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cguuuucAUUAC--G-UCAAAAAc 5' ||||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtgtgcTAATGGACAAGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -10.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548j-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -10.97 2 15 16484 16507 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23889 to 23909 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' cgUUUUCAUUACGUCAAAAAc 5' || | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaAACACCCAAGAAGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -9.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548j-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -9.00 2 20 23889 23909 18 66.67% 66.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:6947 to 6967 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' cguuuucAUUACGUCAAAAAc 5' |||| ::|||||| Ref: 5' aatattaTAATTTGGTTTTTa 3' Energy: -5.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548j-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -5.41 2 15 6947 6967 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26641 to 26660 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cgUUUUCAUUACGUCAAAAAc 5' || || ||| :|||||| Ref: 5' ccAACAGGAAT-AGGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -10.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548j-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.79 2 20 26641 26660 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:8913 to 8933 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cguuuucauuacgUCAAAAAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atttcttacctagAGTTTTTa 3' Energy: -3.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548j-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -3.52 2 9 8913 8933 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548j-3p NC_045512.2 1331.00 -80.25 156.00 -16.36 2388 21 29903 23821 22569 26479 7872 16484 23889 6947 26641 8913 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-195-5p MIMAT0000461(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-195-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:8600 to 8621 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (92.86%) Query: 3' cgguuauAAAGAC-ACGACGAu 5' |||:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgttccTTTTTGTTGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -17.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-195-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -17.95 2 15 8600 8621 14 85.71% 92.86% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:28922 to 28942 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cgguuAUAAAGACACGACGAu 5' | || || ||||||| Ref: 5' gctgcTCTTGCTTTGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -14.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-195-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -14.58 2 17 28922 28942 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14547 to 14569 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cggUUAUAAAGAC--ACGACGAu 5' | || || || ||||||| Ref: 5' ggaATTACTTGTGTATGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -12.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-195-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -12.60 2 19 14547 14569 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8446 to 8465 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' cggUUAUAAAGACACGACGAu 5' |||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' acaAATACGT-AGTGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -16.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-195-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -16.00 2 19 8446 8465 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:26707 to 26730 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgguuAUAAAG-AC--ACGACGAu 5' |:|||: || ||||||| Ref: 5' tagctTGTTTTGTGCTTGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -18.379999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-195-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -18.38 2 17 26707 26730 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28907 to 28928 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cgGUUAUAAAGAC-ACGACGAu 5' ||||: || ||||||| Ref: 5' ggCAATGGCGGTGATGCTGCTc 3' Energy: -16.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-195-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.54 2 20 28907 28928 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14768 to 14788 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (72.22%) Query: 3' cgGUUAUAAAGACACGACGAu 5' ||: || : ||||||| Ref: 5' ctCAGGATGGTAATGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -15.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-195-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.08 2 20 14768 14788 18 61.11% 72.22% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:24622 to 24641 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' cgguuauaaAGACACGACGAu 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttctgctaaTCT-TGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -16.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-195-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.79 2 13 24622 24641 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:25668 to 25690 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' cgguuAUAAAGA-C-ACGACGAu 5' | || || | ||||||| Ref: 5' acaccTTTTGCTCGTTGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -15.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-195-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.54 2 17 25668 25690 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:3152 to 3170 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' cgguuaUAAAGACACGACGAu 5' | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtgccACTTC--TGCTGCTc 3' Energy: -14.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-195-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.67 2 16 3152 3170 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:29012 to 29030 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' cgGUUAUAAAGACACGACGAu 5' :|| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' acTAAGAAATC--TGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -15.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-195-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.42 2 20 29012 29030 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:13073 to 13097 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' cgguuAUAAAGAC----ACGACGAu 5' | || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtgcTTTTGCTGTAGATGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -14.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-195-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.87 2 17 13073 13097 19 68.42% 68.42% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:12713 to 12734 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cgguUAUAAAG-ACACGACGau 5' | || || |||||||| Ref: 5' cgacAGATGTCTTGTGCTGCcg 3' Energy: -16.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-195-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.89 3 18 12713 12734 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:19844 to 19864 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgguuauaaagacACGACGAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgggtgtggacatTGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -13.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-195-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.65 2 9 19844 19864 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:24081 to 24101 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgguuauaaagacACGACGAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gccttggtgatatTGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -15.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-195-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.58 2 9 24081 24101 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-195-5p NC_045512.2 2208.00 -234.54 157.00 -18.38 2389 21 29903 8600 28922 14547 8446 26707 28907 14768 24622 25668 3152 29012 13073 12713 19844 24081 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-651-3p MIMAT0026624(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-651-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23016 to 23037 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' gaAAAUCCUAUGUGAAAGGAAa 5' |||| :||||||||| Ref: 5' gtTTTAATTGTTACTTTCCTTt 3' Energy: -15.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-651-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -15.70 2 21 23016 23037 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9762 to 9781 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' gaAAAUCCUAUGUGAAAGGAAa 5' |||| ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' tcTTTA--ATGGTGTTTCCTTt 3' Energy: -11.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-651-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -11.62 2 21 9762 9781 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4929 to 4951 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gaaAAUCCUAUG-UGAAAGGAAa 5' ||| || || |||||:|| Ref: 5' atcTTAAGACACTTCTTTCTTTg 3' Energy: -10.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-651-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -10.11 2 20 4929 4951 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25809 to 25834 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (78.26%) Query: 3' gaAAAUCCUAUG--UG--AAAGGAAa 5' |||| |||:| || |||:||| Ref: 5' acTTTATGATGCCAACTATTTTCTTt 3' Energy: -12.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-651-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.41 2 21 25809 25834 23 69.57% 78.26% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:23087 to 23107 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' gaaaAUCCUAUGUGAAAGGAAa 5' ||| | ::||||||:|| Ref: 5' agagTAGTA-GTACTTTCTTTt 3' Energy: -12.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-651-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.37 2 19 23087 23107 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:28121 to 28142 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gaaAAUCCUAUGUGAAAGGAaa 5' | | ||||| |||||| Ref: 5' cggTAATTATACAGTTTCCTgt 3' Energy: -12.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-651-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.37 3 20 28121 28142 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:6682 to 6704 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gaaAAUCCUAUGU-GAAAGGAAa 5' ||| | || : ||||:||| Ref: 5' taaTTATGCTAAGCCTTTTCTTa 3' Energy: -7.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-651-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -7.45 2 20 6682 6704 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:26665 to 26685 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gaaAAUCCUAUGUGAAAGGAaa 5' ||| | || |:|||||| Ref: 5' taaTTAAGTTA-ATTTTCCTct 3' Energy: -8.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-651-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -8.11 3 20 26665 26685 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:9141 to 9162 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' gaAAAUCCUAUGUGAAAGGAaa 5' | || || || |||||| Ref: 5' gcTCTATTATTCAATTTCCTaa 3' Energy: -6.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-651-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.50 3 21 9141 9162 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 13 R:24813 to 24834 Align Len (10) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaaaauccuaUGUGAAAGGAaa 5' |||||||||| Ref: 5' atggaaaagcACACTTTCCTcg 3' Energy: -15.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-651-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.73 3 13 24813 24834 10 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-651-3p NC_045512.2 1447.00 -112.37 156.00 -15.73 2390 22 29903 23016 9762 4929 25809 23087 28121 6682 26665 9141 24813 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-125a-3p MIMAT0004602(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-125a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4686 to 4707 Align Len (18) (55.56%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ccgAGGGUUCUUGGAGUGGACa 5' |::| : |:||||||| Ref: 5' cagTTTCTGTTTCTTCACCTGa 3' Energy: -20.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-125a-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -20.70 2 20 4686 4707 18 55.56% 77.78% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:2246 to 2266 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccgaggGUUCUUGGAGUGGACa 5' ||| | : ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtggaCAA-ATTGTCACCTGt 3' Energy: -18.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-125a-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.34 2 17 2246 2266 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:19751 to 19772 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ccgagggUUCUUGGAGUGGACa 5' || ||| |:||||| Ref: 5' aaaataaAACAACATTACCTGt 3' Energy: -14.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-125a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.91 2 16 19751 19772 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24094 to 24115 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (89.47%) Query: 3' ccGAGGGUUCUUGGAGUGGACa 5' || |:|: :||||||::|| Ref: 5' tgCTGCTAGAGACCTCATTTGt 3' Energy: -27.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-125a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -27.13 2 21 24094 24115 19 63.16% 89.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-125a-3p NC_045512.2 576.00 -81.08 147.00 -27.13 2391 22 29903 4686 2246 19751 24094 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-328-5p MIMAT0026486(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-328-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8057 MIMAT0030984(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8057 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:14186 to 14206 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (93.75%) Query: 3' agguAGAAUGAUGUCUCGGUg 5' |:| |||:|||||:|| Ref: 5' gggcTTTAACTGCAGAGTCAc 3' Energy: -24.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8057 NC_045512.2 153.00 -24.10 2 18 14186 14206 16 75.00% 93.75% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:15297 to 15317 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (92.31%) Query: 3' agguagaAUGAUGUCUCGGUg 5' |:: |:||||||| Ref: 5' tcctaaaTGTGATAGAGCCAt 3' Energy: -18.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8057 NC_045512.2 150.00 -18.15 2 15 15297 15317 13 69.23% 92.31% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:5352 to 5373 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (88.89%) Query: 3' aggUA-GAAUGAUGUCUCGGUg 5' || ||||:|||||||| | Ref: 5' aagATGCTTATTACAGAGCAAg 3' Energy: -21.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8057 NC_045512.2 145.00 -21.63 2 19 5352 5373 18 83.33% 88.89% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:29703 to 29721 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agguaGAAUGAUGUCUCGGUg 5' |||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' gaggaCTTG--AAAGAGCCAc 3' Energy: -19.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8057 NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.48 2 17 29703 29721 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12450 to 12471 Align Len (19) (84.21%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agGUAGAAUGAUGUC-UCGGUg 5' | |||||| |||| ||||| Ref: 5' taCCTCTTACAACAGCAGCCAa 3' Energy: -25.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8057 NC_045512.2 143.00 -25.13 2 20 12450 12471 19 84.21% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8057 NC_045512.2 736.00 -108.49 153.00 -25.13 2393 21 29903 14186 15297 5352 29703 12450 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6798-5p MIMAT0027496(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6798-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21621 to 21642 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gggUUCGAGCGGGUAGGGGGACc 5' :| ||| ::| ||||||| Ref: 5' ccaGAACTCAATTA-CCCCCTGc 3' Energy: -24.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6798-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -24.12 2 21 21621 21642 19 63.16% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6798-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -24.12 150.00 -24.12 2394 23 29903 21621 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-let-7a-2-3p MIMAT0010195(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-let-7a-2-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14485 to 14505 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (89.47%) Query: 3' ccUUUCGAUCCUCCGACAUGUc 5' |:||||||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' agAGAGCTAGG-TGTTGTACAt 3' Energy: -27.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7a-2-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -27.29 2 21 14485 14505 19 78.95% 89.47% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11823 to 11842 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ccUUUCGAUCCUCCGACAUGUc 5' |||| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' tcAAAG-TA-GCCACTGTACAg 3' Energy: -16.719999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7a-2-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.72 2 21 11823 11842 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22419 to 22439 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccUUUCGAUCCUCCGACAUGUc 5' :| ||| | || ||||:|| Ref: 5' caGATGCT-GTAGACTGTGCAc 3' Energy: -14.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7a-2-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.21 2 21 22419 22439 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:20994 to 21015 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccuuucgauccuccGACAUGUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tggtgattgtgcaaCTGTACAt 3' Energy: -9.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7a-2-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.61 2 9 20994 21015 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-let-7a-2-3p NC_045512.2 588.00 -67.83 158.00 -27.29 2395 22 29903 14485 11823 22419 20994 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4258 MIMAT0016879(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4258 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6819-3p MIMAT0027539(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6819-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:1866 to 1886 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaccccaccccuGUCUCCGAa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' atgcatttgcatCAGAGGCTg 3' Energy: -15.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6819-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.93 2 10 1866 1886 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:6885 to 6905 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaccccaccccuGUCUCCGAa 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' gtaaattttgtcTAGAGGCTt 3' Energy: -13.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6819-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.19 2 10 6885 6905 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:21853 to 21873 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaccccaccccugUCUCCGAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gtctaacataataAGAGGCTg 3' Energy: -11.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6819-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.00 2 9 21853 21873 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6819-3p NC_045512.2 426.00 -40.12 145.00 -15.93 2397 21 29903 1866 6885 21853 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-224-3p MIMAT0009198(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-224-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:27505 to 27532 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' acaucaGUGAUCCC-----GUGGUAAAa 5' :|| |||| |||||||| Ref: 5' ggaacaTACGAGGGCAATTCACCATTTc 3' Energy: -17.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-224-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -17.60 2 18 27505 27532 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:21799 to 21821 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (75.00%) Query: 3' acaucaGUGAUCCCGUGGUAAAa 5' | ||: :||||||| Ref: 5' tgataaCCCTGTCCTACCATTTa 3' Energy: -10.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-224-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -10.10 2 18 21799 21821 16 62.50% 75.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:24234 to 24257 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' acaucaGUGAU-CCCGUGGUAAAa 5' ||:|| :||||||| Ref: 5' gtgctgCATTACAAATACCATTTg 3' Energy: -12.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-224-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.96 2 18 24234 24257 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:7178 to 7200 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acaucagugaucccGUGGUAAAa 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' gaaactatacaaatTACCATTTc 3' Energy: -8.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-224-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -8.82 2 10 7178 7200 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:19350 to 19372 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acaucagugaucccGUGGUAAAa 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' taatttaaaacaatTACCATTTt 3' Energy: -9.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-224-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.10 2 10 19350 19372 8 87.50% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-224-3p NC_045512.2 719.00 -58.58 148.00 -17.60 2398 23 29903 27505 21799 24234 7178 19350 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-520d-3p MIMAT0002856(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-520d-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 165.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8526 to 8546 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uggGUGGUUUCUCUUCGUGAAa 5' || |||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' taaCAACAAAGA-TAGCACTTa 3' Energy: -17.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520d-3p NC_045512.2 165.00 -17.70 2 20 8526 8546 18 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23079 to 23102 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ugGGUG-GUUUC-UCUUCGUGAAa 5' |||: ||:|| || ||:|||| Ref: 5' aaCCATACAGAGTAGTAGTACTTt 3' Energy: -22.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520d-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -22.18 2 21 23079 23102 21 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:395 to 417 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uggGUGGUUUCUCU-UCGUGAAa 5' ||:| | ||| :|||||| Ref: 5' caaCATCTTAAAGATGGCACTTg 3' Energy: -15.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520d-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.82 2 20 395 417 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:12928 to 12949 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (93.75%) Query: 3' uggguGGUUUCUCUUCGUGAAa 5' |:|||| ||||:|:|| Ref: 5' aggtcCTAAAGTGAAGTATTTa 3' Energy: -17.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520d-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.92 2 18 12928 12949 16 75.00% 93.75% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:15728 to 15749 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugggugguuucucuUCGUGAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgtgtgtttcaatAGCACTTa 3' Energy: -9.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-520d-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.47 2 9 15728 15749 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-520d-3p NC_045512.2 738.00 -83.09 165.00 -22.18 2399 22 29903 8526 23079 395 12928 15728 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6752-5p MIMAT0027404(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6752-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:6178 to 6199 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' cgggggaccGAGGUGUGGGGGg 5' || |||||||:| Ref: 5' ttataaacaCTACACACCCTCt 3' Energy: -23.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6752-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -23.08 2 14 6178 6199 12 83.33% 91.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6752-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -23.08 141.00 -23.08 2400 22 29903 6178 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4447 MIMAT0018966(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4447 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-450b-5p MIMAT0004909(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-450b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17020 to 17040 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' auAAGUCCUUGUAUAACGUUUu 5' ||| | | ||:||||||| Ref: 5' ttTTCTAGCA-ATGTTGCAAAt 3' Energy: -11.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-450b-5p NC_045512.2 158.00 -11.55 2 21 17020 17040 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8108 to 8131 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' auAAGUCCUUG--UAUAACGUUUu 5' | ||| |:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' acTGCAGAAGCTGAACTTGCAAAg 3' Energy: -12.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-450b-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -12.80 2 21 8108 8131 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5483 to 5501 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' auAAGUCCUUGUAUAACGUUUu 5' ||:|| |: | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaTTTAG--AT-TCTTGCAAAa 3' Energy: -10.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-450b-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.10 2 21 5483 5501 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:7580 to 7604 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' auaagUCCUUGU---AUAACGUUUu 5' ||| | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' aatggAGGTAAAGGCTTTTGCAAAc 3' Energy: -9.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-450b-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.00 2 18 7580 7604 19 68.42% 68.42% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:17976 to 17996 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' auAAGUCCUUGUAUAACGUUuu 5' ||:| | ||| :|||||| Ref: 5' ccTTTATG-ACAAGTTGCAAtt 3' Energy: -8.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-450b-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.73 3 21 17976 17996 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:16433 to 16456 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' auaaGUCCUUG-U-AUAACGUUUu 5' :| ||:| | |||||:||| Ref: 5' gaggTATGAGCTATTATTGTAAAt 3' Energy: -10.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-450b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.44 2 19 16433 16456 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-450b-5p NC_045512.2 882.00 -62.62 158.00 -12.80 2402 22 29903 17020 8108 5483 7580 17976 16433 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3182 MIMAT0015062(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3182 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:6515 to 6531 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' cugaUGUGAUGUCUUCg 5' | |:|||||||| Ref: 5' ttaaAAATTACAGAAGa 3' Energy: -14.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3182 NC_045512.2 153.00 -14.12 2 14 6515 6531 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:20042 to 20057 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' cuGAUGUGAUGUCUUCg 5' || :|:|||||||| Ref: 5' ttCT-TATTACAGAAGg 3' Energy: -15.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3182 NC_045512.2 153.00 -15.17 2 16 20042 20057 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:1942 to 1958 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (92.31%) Query: 3' cugAUGUGAUGUCUUCg 5' |:: :|||||||| Ref: 5' gcgTGTTTTACAGAAGg 3' Energy: -12.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3182 NC_045512.2 150.00 -12.16 2 15 1942 1958 13 69.23% 92.31% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:2853 to 2868 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' cuGAUGUGAUGUCUUCg 5' || |: |||||||| Ref: 5' aaCT-CGGTACAGAAGt 3' Energy: -17.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3182 NC_045512.2 149.00 -17.65 2 16 2853 2868 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:13028 to 13044 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (91.67%) Query: 3' cugaUGUGAUGUCUUCg 5' |::| ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtaATGCAACAGAAGt 3' Energy: -11.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3182 NC_045512.2 149.00 -11.80 2 14 13028 13044 12 75.00% 91.67% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:2502 to 2517 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' cuGAUGUGAUGUCUUCg 5' || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' caCTTC-CCACAGAAGt 3' Energy: -12.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3182 NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.19 2 16 2502 2517 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:23404 to 23421 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cuGAUGUGA--UGUCUUCg 5' :|| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgTTA-ACTGCACAGAAGt 3' Energy: -14.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3182 NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.24 2 16 23404 23421 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:4399 to 4416 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' cuGAUGUG-AUGUCUUCg 5' :|:||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' gcTTGCACATGCAGAAGa 3' Energy: -18.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3182 NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.07 2 16 4399 4416 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:8101 to 8118 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' cuGAUG-UGAUGUCUUCg 5' :|:| |||:|||||| Ref: 5' agTTGCAACTGCAGAAGc 3' Energy: -20.969999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3182 NC_045512.2 142.00 -20.97 2 16 8101 8118 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:29419 to 29435 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cugaugugaUGUCUUCg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' accgcagagACAGAAGa 3' Energy: -11.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3182 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.85 2 9 29419 29435 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3182 NC_045512.2 1467.00 -148.22 153.00 -20.97 2403 17 29903 6515 20042 1942 2853 13028 2502 23404 4399 8101 29419 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4704-5p MIMAT0019803(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4704-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9554 to 9577 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' uuAGUGAGU--GUACGGAUCACAg 5' |:||||| | | |||:|||| Ref: 5' gtTTACTCATTCTTACCTGGTGTt 3' Energy: -21.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4704-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -21.40 2 21 9554 9577 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:5721 to 5743 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uuaGUGAGUGUACG-GAUCACag 5' ||:|:|| ||: |||||| Ref: 5' gtaCATTTACTTGTGCTAGTGag 3' Energy: -19.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4704-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -19.53 3 20 5721 5743 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6272 to 6293 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' uuAGUGAGUGUACGGAUCACAg 5' | | || || |||:|||| Ref: 5' taTAAACCAAATACCTGGTGTa 3' Energy: -15.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4704-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.00 2 21 6272 6293 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:15749 to 15770 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uuaGU-GAGUGUACGGAUCACag 5' || |||| | |:|||||| Ref: 5' atgCATCTCA-AGGTCTAGTGgc 3' Energy: -20.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4704-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.18 3 20 15749 15770 18 77.78% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4704-5p NC_045512.2 581.00 -76.11 151.00 -21.40 2404 22 29903 9554 5721 6272 15749 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6894-5p MIMAT0027688(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6894-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:27517 to 27540 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (88.89%) Query: 3' agaccGGGUCGAGAGGUAGGAGGa 5' ::|| | :|:|||||||: Ref: 5' ggcaaTTCACCATTTCATCCTCTa 3' Energy: -19.969999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6894-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -19.97 2 20 27517 27540 18 61.11% 88.89% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 23 R:21677 to 21701 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' agACCGGGUCGAGAG-GUAGGAGga 5' || | ||:|:|| |||||| Ref: 5' ccTGACAAAGTTTTCAGATCCTCag 3' Energy: -24.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6894-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -24.19 3 23 21677 21701 21 66.67% 76.19% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6894-5p NC_045512.2 288.00 -44.16 147.00 -24.19 2405 24 29903 27517 21677 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6747-5p MIMAT0027394(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6747-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5294 to 5316 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acaaGACGGAGAAAGGUGUGGGGa 5' |||| | | |: ||||:|| Ref: 5' gccaCTGCAT-TGTTAACACTCCa 3' Energy: -18.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6747-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.00 2 21 5294 5316 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:8299 to 8322 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acaagacggagaaaggUGUGGGGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' caaagttgaaaacatgACACCCCg 3' Energy: -15.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6747-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.16 2 9 8299 8322 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:17055 to 17078 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acaagacggagaAAGGUGUGGGGa 5' |||:||||:|| Ref: 5' tatgcaaaagtaTTCTACACTCCa 3' Energy: -18.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6747-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.23 2 13 17055 17078 11 81.82% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6747-5p NC_045512.2 422.00 -51.39 142.00 -18.23 2406 24 29903 5294 8299 17055 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4271 MIMAT0016901(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4271 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4683 MIMAT0019768(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4683 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:22190 to 22212 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uagcccgcUCGUGACCUAGAGGu 5' ||::| ||||||| Ref: 5' attaatttAGTGCGTGATCTCCc 3' Energy: -14.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4683 NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.38 2 16 22190 22212 14 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:25143 to 25164 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uagcccgcucGUGACCUAGAGGu 5' || | ||||||| Ref: 5' atgaatctctCA-TCGATCTCCa 3' Energy: -14.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4683 NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.36 2 14 25143 25164 12 83.33% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4683 NC_045512.2 294.00 -28.74 151.00 -14.38 2408 23 29903 22190 25143 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4790-3p MIMAT0019962(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4790-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16288 to 16309 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' acACUGUA-GCGAAAUGGUAAGu 5' | :||| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' gcTTGCATACG-TAGACCATTCt 3' Energy: -15.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4790-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.34 2 21 16288 16309 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1430 to 1455 Align Len (24) (70.83%) (70.83%) Query: 3' acACUGUAG--CGAA---AUGGUAAGu 5' ||| ||| |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aaTGA-ATCTGGCTTGAAAACCATTCt 3' Energy: -15.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4790-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -15.07 2 21 1430 1455 24 70.83% 70.83% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:9500 to 9521 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' acacuGUAGCGAAAUGGUAAGu 5' :| : ||||||:|||| Ref: 5' gccttTAATACTTTACTATTCc 3' Energy: -13.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4790-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.17 2 18 9500 9521 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21797 to 21821 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' acACUGUAGCGA-A--AUGGUAAGu 5' |||:| | || | |||||||: Ref: 5' ttTGATAACCCTGTCCTACCATTTa 3' Energy: -14.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4790-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.48 2 21 21797 21821 22 68.18% 77.27% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:27134 to 27155 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acacuguagcgaaaUGGUAAGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' taaattaaacacagACCATTCc 3' Energy: -8.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4790-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.61 2 9 27134 27155 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4790-3p NC_045512.2 724.00 -66.67 149.00 -15.34 2409 22 29903 16288 1430 9500 21797 27134 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6737-5p MIMAT0027375(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6737-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18100 to 18122 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gagGUCC-CGGCUG-GUGGGGUu 5' |||| || || ||||:|| Ref: 5' acaCAGGCACCTACACACCTCAg 3' Energy: -24.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6737-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -24.07 2 19 18100 18122 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6737-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -24.07 140.00 -24.07 2410 21 29903 18100 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4691-3p MIMAT0019782(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4691-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:70 to 95 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (73.91%) Query: 3' uaCGUGAGA-GUCAG--GCACCGACc 5' | |||:| | || :||||||| Ref: 5' acGAACTTTAAAATCTGTGTGGCTGt 3' Energy: -17.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4691-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -17.40 2 22 70 95 23 65.22% 73.91% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14878 to 14901 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uacgUGAGAGU-CAGGCACCGACc 5' |:| |:| | : ||||||| Ref: 5' tttgATTGTTACGATGGTGGCTGt 3' Energy: -15.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4691-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.30 2 20 14878 14901 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:15749 to 15773 Align Len (22) (77.27%) (81.82%) Query: 3' uaCGUGAGAGU--CAGG-CACCGAcc 5' ||| ||||| |||: |||||| Ref: 5' atGCA-TCTCAAGGTCTAGTGGCTag 3' Energy: -27.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4691-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -27.61 3 22 15749 15773 22 77.27% 81.82% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20904 to 20926 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uacGUGAGAGUCAGGCACCGACc 5' :::|:| || | ||||:|| Ref: 5' agcTGTTTTAAGACAGTGGTTGc 3' Energy: -15.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4691-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.85 2 21 20904 20926 19 57.89% 84.21% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:21140 to 21164 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' uaCGUGAGAGUC--AGGCACCGAcc 5' || ||: || ||||||||| Ref: 5' taGCTCTTGGAGGTTCCGTGGCTat 3' Energy: -24.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4691-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -24.50 3 22 21140 21164 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29244 to 29267 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uacGUGAGAG-UCAGGCACCGACc 5' ||| :|| :| |||||:|| Ref: 5' tcaCACCTTCGGGAACGTGGTTGa 3' Energy: -27.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4691-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -27.19 2 21 29244 29267 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:337 to 358 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uacGUGAGAGUCAGGCACCGAcc 5' |:: ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' cgaCGTGCTC-GTACGTGGCTtt 3' Energy: -20.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4691-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -20.94 3 21 337 358 18 72.22% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4691-3p NC_045512.2 1019.00 -148.79 151.00 -27.61 2411 23 29903 70 14878 15749 20904 21140 29244 337 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6082 MIMAT0023707(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6082 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1228-5p MIMAT0005582(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1228-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3654 MIMAT0018074(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3654 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:11928 to 11946 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' aagGAGUCGAACAGGUCAg 5' |||| : |||||||| Ref: 5' gggCTCAATGTGTCCAGTt 3' Energy: -20.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3654 NC_045512.2 160.00 -20.30 2 17 11928 11946 15 80.00% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3654 NC_045512.2 160.00 -20.30 160.00 -20.30 2414 19 29903 11928 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7114-3p MIMAT0028126(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7114-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-299-3p MIMAT0000687(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-299-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29649 to 29673 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (77.27%) Query: 3' uuCGCCAAAUGG---UAGGGUGUAu 5' |: ||| ||: |||:||||| Ref: 5' atGTAGTTAACTTTAATCTCACATa 3' Energy: -15.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-299-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.52 2 21 29649 29673 22 63.64% 77.27% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 16 R:23690 to 23712 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (92.86%) Query: 3' uucgccaAAUGGUA-GGGUGUau 5' ||:|||| |||||| Ref: 5' aactctaTTGCCATACCCACAaa 3' Energy: -18.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-299-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.81 3 16 23690 23712 14 85.71% 92.86% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-299-3p NC_045512.2 285.00 -34.33 143.00 -18.81 2416 22 29903 29649 23690 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-636 MIMAT0003306(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-636 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4254 MIMAT0016884(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4254 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16376 to 16398 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cucUAC-CACCUCAUCGAGGUCCg 5' ||| || | | |||||||| Ref: 5' cgtATGTTTGCAAT-GCTCCAGGt 3' Energy: -17.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4254 NC_045512.2 153.00 -17.70 2 21 16376 16398 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:22779 to 22801 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cucuaccaccUCAUCGAGGUCCg 5' | | |||||||| Ref: 5' aagtcagacaAATCGCTCCAGGg 3' Energy: -15.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4254 NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.75 2 14 22779 22801 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:28851 to 28873 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cucuaccaccucaUCGAGGUCCg 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' gttcaagaaattcAACTCCAGGc 3' Energy: -17.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4254 NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.41 2 11 28851 28873 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:20879 to 20901 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cuCUACCACCUCAUCGAGGUCCg 5' ||| ||||| || ||||| Ref: 5' ctGATAAAGGAGTTGCACCAGGt 3' Energy: -22.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4254 NC_045512.2 141.00 -22.19 2 22 20879 20901 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:17059 to 17081 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cucuaccaccucaucGAGGUCCg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' caaaagtattctacaCTCCAGGg 3' Energy: -14.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4254 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.61 2 9 17059 17081 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4254 NC_045512.2 725.00 -87.66 153.00 -22.19 2418 23 29903 16376 22779 28851 20879 17059 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-578 MIMAT0003243(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-578 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:24759 to 24779 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguuaggaucuCGUGUUCUUc 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' cttatgtccctGCACAAGAAa 3' Energy: -15.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-578 NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.98 2 11 24759 24779 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:7506 to 7527 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (92.86%) Query: 3' uguuaggAUCUCG-UGUUCUUc 5' |||||| ||||||: Ref: 5' aacgtaaTAGAGCAACAAGAGt 3' Energy: -19.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-578 NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.51 2 15 7506 7527 14 85.71% 92.86% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11339 to 11361 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugUUAGG-AU-CUCGUGUUCUUc 5' ||||| || || :|||||| Ref: 5' ctAATCCTTATGACAGCAAGAAc 3' Energy: -15.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-578 NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.62 2 20 11339 11361 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2759 to 2779 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ugUUAGGAUCUCGUGUUCUUc 5' |:| | ||: :||||||: Ref: 5' gaAGTGCAAGGTTACAAGAGt 3' Energy: -14.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-578 NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.02 2 20 2759 2779 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:16948 to 16969 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uguuagGAUCUC-GUGUUCUUc 5' |||| | |||||||: Ref: 5' cctacaCTAGTGCCACAAGAGc 3' Energy: -16.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-578 NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.25 2 16 16948 16969 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12312 to 12331 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ugUUAGGAUCUCGUGUUCUUc 5' |: :|| ||| ||||||: Ref: 5' ctAGATCT-GAGGACAAGAGg 3' Energy: -20.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-578 NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.54 2 20 12312 12331 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:20207 to 20227 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguuaggaucucGUGUUCUUc 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' agagtagaaattTACAAGAAt 3' Energy: -9.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-578 NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.50 2 10 20207 20227 8 87.50% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-578 NC_045512.2 1007.00 -111.42 150.00 -20.54 2419 21 29903 24759 7506 11339 2759 16948 12312 20207 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3150b-5p MIMAT0019226(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3150b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6834-5p MIMAT0027568(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6834-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:575 to 595 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' gguguuUAGGGUCAGGGAGUg 5' :|||: |||||||| Ref: 5' cttggtGTCCTTGTCCCTCAt 3' Energy: -22.719999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6834-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -22.72 2 16 575 595 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19008 to 19029 Align Len (19) (84.21%) (94.74%) Query: 3' ggUGUUU-AGGGUCAGGGAGUg 5' ||||| |||||||:|:||| Ref: 5' agACAAATTCCCAGTTCTTCAc 3' Energy: -30.559999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6834-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -30.56 2 20 19008 19029 19 84.21% 94.74% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3994 to 4014 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ggUGUUUAGGGUCAGGGAGUg 5' | :|| |: |||:||||| Ref: 5' ggAAGAAACTAAGTTCCTCAc 3' Energy: -19.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6834-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -19.19 2 20 3994 4014 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:24704 to 24724 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' gguguuUAGGGUCAGGGAGUg 5' || :| ||||||| Ref: 5' catcttATGTCCTTCCCTCAg 3' Energy: -17.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6834-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.60 2 16 24704 24724 14 71.43% 78.57% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25451 to 25471 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ggUGUUUAGGGUCAGGGAGUg 5' | ::|| |:| |||:||| Ref: 5' tcAAGGATGCTACTCCTTCAg 3' Energy: -16.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6834-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.27 2 20 25451 25471 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:22196 to 22216 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gguguuuagggucAGGGAGUg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttagtgcgtgatcTCCCTCAg 3' Energy: -13.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6834-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.45 2 9 22196 22216 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6834-5p NC_045512.2 890.00 -119.79 159.00 -30.56 2421 21 29903 575 19008 3994 24704 25451 22196 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3174 MIMAT0015051(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3174 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:23431 to 23453 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ccGAG-ACGUAGAGAUUGAGUGAu 5' :|| |||| || ||||:||| Ref: 5' taTTCATGCAGATC-AACTTACTc 3' Energy: -18.549999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3174 NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.55 2 22 23431 23453 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:24353 to 24376 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccgagacgUAGAGAU-UGAGUGAu 5' | :|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' attggcaaAATTCAAGACTCACTt 3' Energy: -14.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3174 NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.14 2 16 24353 24376 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19961 to 19981 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccgAGACGUAGAGAUUGAGUGAu 5' |:||:: | | ||||||| Ref: 5' cgaTTTGTG-CAC-CACTCACTg 3' Energy: -15.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3174 NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.19 2 21 19961 19981 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9329 to 9350 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccgaGACGUAGAGAUUGAGUGAu 5' |||:| |:| |||:||| Ref: 5' gatgCTGTAAATTT-ACTTACTa 3' Energy: -16.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3174 NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.96 2 20 9329 9350 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:3349 to 3371 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ccgagacGUAGAGAUUGAGUGAu 5' :||:| ||||:||| Ref: 5' tagtggtTATTTAAAACTTACTg 3' Energy: -14.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3174 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.41 2 17 3349 3371 15 66.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3174 NC_045512.2 717.00 -79.25 146.00 -18.55 2422 23 29903 23431 24353 19961 9329 3349 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6739-5p MIMAT0027379(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6739-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21719 to 21743 Align Len (22) (77.27%) (86.36%) Query: 3' auGAACAAGAA---AGAGAAAGGGu 5' ||||||||| |:|||||:|| Ref: 5' gaCTTGTTCTTACCTTTCTTTTCCa 3' Energy: -27.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6739-5p NC_045512.2 163.00 -27.32 2 21 21719 21743 22 77.27% 86.36% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:12006 to 12027 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' auGAACAAGAAAGAGAAAGGgu 5' ||| | |||: |||||| Ref: 5' taCTTTCTGTTTTGCTTTCCat 3' Energy: -14.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6739-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.61 3 21 12006 12027 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:29566 to 29587 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' augaacaaGAAAGAGAAAGGGu 5' :|||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' tataaacgTTTTCGCTTTTCCg 3' Energy: -15.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6739-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.44 2 15 29566 29587 13 76.92% 92.31% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6739-5p NC_045512.2 449.00 -57.37 163.00 -27.32 2423 22 29903 21719 12006 29566 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1206 MIMAT0005870(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1206 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23104 to 23124 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cgAAUUUGUAGAUGUACUUGu 5' ||:||| |||||||| || Ref: 5' ttTTGAACTTCTACATGCACc 3' Energy: -17.719999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1206 NC_045512.2 151.00 -17.72 2 20 23104 23124 18 83.33% 88.89% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:958 to 978 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cgaAUUUGUAGAUGUACUUgu 5' |:||||| :|||||| Ref: 5' ccgTGAACATGAGCATGAAat 3' Energy: -14.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1206 NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.16 3 19 958 978 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:13671 to 13691 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cgaAUUUGUAGAUGUACUUgu 5' ||| :| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctcTAACTACCAACATGAAga 3' Energy: -9.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1206 NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.91 3 19 13671 13691 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:24877 to 24897 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cgaaUUUGUAGAUGUACUUGu 5' |:: ||:| :|||||| Ref: 5' acaaAGGAATTTTTATGAACc 3' Energy: -9.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1206 NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.83 2 18 24877 24897 16 62.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:27382 to 27400 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cgAAUUUGUAGAUGUACUUgu 5' ||||||: ||||||| Ref: 5' gaTTAAACG--AACATGAAaa 3' Energy: -13.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1206 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.16 3 20 27382 27400 17 76.47% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1206 NC_045512.2 720.00 -64.78 151.00 -17.72 2424 21 29903 23104 958 13671 24877 27382 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-934 MIMAT0004977(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-934 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 168.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4970 to 4991 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ggUCACAGAGGUCAUCAUCUGu 5' :||||:| || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaGGTGTTTACAACAGTAGACa 3' Energy: -21.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-934 NC_045512.2 168.00 -21.71 2 21 4970 4991 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19994 to 20017 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ggUCACAGAGGUCA--UCAUCUGu 5' || ||: ::|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtAGAGTTGATGGTCAAGTAGACt 3' Energy: -15.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-934 NC_045512.2 151.00 -15.26 2 21 19994 20017 21 61.90% 76.19% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9254 to 9276 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' gguCACAGA-GGUCAUCAUCUGu 5' || ||| |:|||:|||||: Ref: 5' tgtGTATCTACTAGTGGTAGATg 3' Energy: -20.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-934 NC_045512.2 142.00 -20.82 2 20 9254 9276 19 73.68% 89.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-934 NC_045512.2 461.00 -57.79 168.00 -21.71 2425 22 29903 4970 19994 9254 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6823-5p MIMAT0027546(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6823-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:17727 to 17750 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucgUUGGGGAUG---GUUGGGACu 5' | :||:||| :||||||| Ref: 5' agaATTCCTTACACGTAACCCTGc 3' Energy: -22.719999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6823-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -22.72 2 19 17727 17750 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:21790 to 21810 Align Len (13) (61.54%) (92.31%) Query: 3' ucguuggGGAUGGUUGGGACu 5' ::|: :||||||| Ref: 5' taagaggTTTGATAACCCTGt 3' Energy: -16.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6823-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.81 2 15 21790 21810 13 61.54% 92.31% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:14162 to 14182 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (93.75%) Query: 3' ucguUGGGGAUGGUUGGGACu 5' :||: ||::||||:|| Ref: 5' taatGCCTATATTAACCTTGa 3' Energy: -20.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6823-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -20.64 2 18 14162 14182 16 62.50% 93.75% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13324 to 13347 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ucGUUGGG---GAUGGUUGGGACu 5' ||||:: ||| ::|||||| Ref: 5' taCAACTTGTGCTAATGACCCTGt 3' Energy: -23.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6823-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -23.04 2 20 13324 13347 21 61.90% 80.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:14556 to 14576 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucguugggGAUGGUUGGGACu 5' ||:|::|||||| Ref: 5' tgtgtatgCTGCTGACCCTGc 3' Energy: -19.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6823-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.61 2 14 14556 14576 12 75.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6823-5p NC_045512.2 727.00 -102.82 153.00 -23.04 2426 21 29903 17727 21790 14162 13324 14556 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3939 MIMAT0018355(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3939 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:26817 to 26838 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuguaggacacCAGACGCGCAu 5' ||:||||||| Ref: 5' tctttcagactGTTTGCGCGTa 3' Energy: -22.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3939 NC_045512.2 151.00 -22.44 2 12 26817 26838 10 90.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:8338 to 8357 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cuguagGACACCAGACGCGCAu 5' |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tattgaCTGTAG--TGCGCGTc 3' Energy: -16.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3939 NC_045512.2 149.00 -16.50 2 17 8338 8357 15 80.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3939 NC_045512.2 300.00 -38.94 151.00 -22.44 2427 22 29903 26817 8338 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548am-3p MIMAT0019076(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548am-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:23820 to 23841 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' uguuuucauUGACGUCAAAAAc 5' |: ||||||||| Ref: 5' tgttgcaatATGGCAGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -14.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548am-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -14.40 2 14 23820 23841 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26478 to 26499 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ugUUUUCAUUGACGUCAAAAAc 5' ||| | |: :||||||| Ref: 5' ctAAATATTATATTAGTTTTTc 3' Energy: -4.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548am-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -4.53 2 21 26478 26499 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:8912 to 8933 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' uguuuucAUUGACGUCAAAAAc 5' || || ||||||| Ref: 5' catttctTACCTAGAGTTTTTa 3' Energy: -4.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548am-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -4.87 2 16 8912 8933 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:7872 to 7895 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uguuuUCAUU--GACGUCAAAAAc 5' | ||| :| :||||||| Ref: 5' tgcctATTAATGTTATAGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -9.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548am-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -9.58 2 18 7872 7895 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:22568 to 22589 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uguuuucauugACGUCAAAAAc 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' tgcccttttggTGAAGTTTTTa 3' Energy: -6.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548am-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -6.00 2 12 22568 22589 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23886 to 23909 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' ugUUUUCAUUG--ACGUCAAAAAc 5' |||| | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' acAAAAACACCCAAGAAGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -10.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548am-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.71 2 21 23886 23909 21 66.67% 66.67% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:16484 to 16507 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uguuuucAUUGAC-G-UCAAAAAc 5' |||: | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtgtgcTAATGGACAAGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -10.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548am-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -10.40 2 16 16484 16507 16 75.00% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548am-3p NC_045512.2 1043.00 -60.49 153.00 -14.40 2428 22 29903 23820 26478 8912 7872 22568 23886 16484 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-424-5p MIMAT0001341(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-424-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8444 to 8465 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' aaguUUUGUACUUAACGACGAc 5' |||:| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaacAAATACGTAGTGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -16.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-424-5p NC_045512.2 162.00 -16.04 2 19 8444 8465 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:24079 to 24101 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (92.86%) Query: 3' aaguuuugUACU-UAACGACGAc 5' :||| ||||||||| Ref: 5' ttgccttgGTGATATTGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -15.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-424-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -15.29 2 15 24079 24101 14 85.71% 92.86% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14768 to 14788 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' aaGUUUUGUACUUAACGACGAc 5' ||::|:: | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctCAGGATG-GTAATGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -15.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-424-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -15.67 2 21 14768 14788 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19841 to 19864 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (89.47%) Query: 3' aaguUUUGUACU--UAACGACGAc 5' :::::||: ||||||||| Ref: 5' atttGGGTGTGGACATTGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -17.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-424-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -17.42 2 19 19841 19864 19 57.89% 89.47% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:14547 to 14569 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' aaguuuUGUACUUA-ACGACGAc 5' || || :| ||||||| Ref: 5' ggaattACTTGTGTATGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -15.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-424-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -15.51 2 17 14547 14569 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:28921 to 28942 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' aaguuuuGUACUUAACGACGAc 5' | || |||||||| Ref: 5' tgctgctCTTGCTTTGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -16.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-424-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.52 2 16 28921 28942 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28907 to 28928 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' aaGUU-UUG-UACUUAACGACGAc 5' ||| ::| :||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ggCAATGGCGGTGA--TGCTGCTc 3' Energy: -15.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-424-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.91 2 21 28907 28928 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:29007 to 29030 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' aaguuUUGUAC-UUA-ACGACGAc 5' | :| | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctgtcACTAAGAAATCTGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -15.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-424-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.02 2 18 29007 29030 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:8600 to 8621 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aaguuuuguacuUAACGACGAc 5' :|||||||| Ref: 5' gtgttcctttttGTTGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -12.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-424-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.47 2 11 8600 8621 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:25669 to 25690 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aaguuuuguacuUAACGACGAc 5' :|||||||| Ref: 5' caccttttgctcGTTGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -15.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-424-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.94 2 11 25669 25690 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:24620 to 24641 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aaguuuuguacuuAACGACGAc 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' gcttctgctaatcTTGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -10.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-424-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -10.53 2 10 24620 24641 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:26709 to 26730 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aaguuuuguacuuAACGACGAc 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' gcttgttttgtgcTTGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -15.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-424-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.77 2 10 26709 26730 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:13075 to 13097 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (84.62%) Query: 3' aaguuuuguAC-UUAACGACGAc 5' || |: ||||||| Ref: 5' tgcttttgcTGTAGATGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -10.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-424-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -10.91 2 14 13075 13097 13 76.92% 84.62% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 16 R:8813 to 8834 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' aaguuuuGUACUUAACGACGac 5' ||| :|||||||| Ref: 5' gcttgccCATTGATTGCTGCag 3' Energy: -13.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-424-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.98 3 16 8813 8834 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:3149 to 3170 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aaguuuuguacuuaACGACGAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tttggtgccacttcTGCTGCTc 3' Energy: -11.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-424-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.40 2 9 3149 3170 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-424-5p NC_045512.2 2231.00 -218.38 162.00 -17.42 2429 22 29903 8444 24079 14768 19841 14547 28921 28907 29007 8600 25669 24620 26709 13075 8813 3149 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6868-5p MIMAT0027636(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6868-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24078 to 24103 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (78.26%) Query: 3' cgACGAAGUCAC---AA-GACGGUCa 5' ||| |::||| || ||||:|| Ref: 5' atTGCCTTGGTGATATTGCTGCTAGa 3' Energy: -19.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6868-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.32 2 21 24078 24103 23 65.22% 78.26% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6868-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.32 142.00 -19.32 2430 22 29903 24078 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6502-3p MIMAT0025461(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6502-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11983 to 12003 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uauGAGAUCUUUCUACCAGAu 5' ||:|: ||| |||||:| Ref: 5' agcCTTTGAAAAAATGGTTTc 3' Energy: -12.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6502-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -12.05 2 19 11983 12003 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:11206 to 11226 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uaugagaucuUUCUACCAGAu 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' agcttattttAATATGGTCTa 3' Energy: -13.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6502-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.37 2 12 11206 11226 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8760 to 8780 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uaugAGAUCUUUCUACCAGAu 5' |:| || | |||||:| Ref: 5' ctgaTTTTGACACATGGTTTa 3' Energy: -11.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6502-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -11.56 2 18 8760 8780 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11045 to 11069 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (68.18%) Query: 3' uaUGAGAUCUU-U---CUACCAGAu 5' | || |||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttAGTCCAGAGTACTCAATGGTCTt 3' Energy: -13.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6502-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.90 2 20 11045 11069 22 63.64% 68.18% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:23031 to 23053 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uauGAGAUCUU--UCUACCAGAu 5' ||:|| || | |||||:| Ref: 5' ttcCTTTACAATCATATGGTTTc 3' Energy: -8.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6502-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -8.81 2 19 23031 23053 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6502-3p NC_045512.2 720.00 -59.69 150.00 -13.90 2431 21 29903 11983 11206 8760 11045 23031 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-194-5p MIMAT0000460(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-194-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:16309 to 16330 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agguguACCUCAACGACAAUGu 5' || | ||||||||| Ref: 5' ttatgtTGTAAATGCTGTTACg 3' Energy: -17.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-194-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -17.79 2 17 16309 16330 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4699 to 4717 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agGUGUACCUCAACGACAAUGu 5' ||| | || ||||||||| Ref: 5' ttCACCT-GA--TGCTGTTACa 3' Energy: -19.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-194-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -19.20 2 21 4699 4717 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:6634 to 6658 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (76.19%) Query: 3' agGUGUACC---UCAACGACAAUgu 5' | ||||| || |||||||| Ref: 5' taCTCATGGTTTAGCTGCTGTTAat 3' Energy: -19.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-194-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -19.63 3 21 6634 6658 21 76.19% 76.19% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23411 to 23431 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agGUGUACCUCAACGACAAUGu 5' |||| | ||| |||||:| Ref: 5' tgCACA-GAAGTCCCTGTTGCt 3' Energy: -16.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-194-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.68 2 21 23411 23431 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:5059 to 5080 Align Len (16) (87.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' aggugUACCUCAACGACAAUGu 5' |||||| || |||||| Ref: 5' tttggATGGAGCTGATGTTACt 3' Energy: -18.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-194-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -18.32 2 18 5059 5080 16 87.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:21415 to 21438 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agguGUACCUCA--ACGACAAUGu 5' :| ||:|| ||||||||: Ref: 5' aaatTAAGGGGTACTGCTGTTATg 3' Energy: -17.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-194-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.75 2 19 21415 21438 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11467 to 11488 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (63.16%) Query: 3' agGUGUACCUCAACGACAAUGu 5' | | | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ggCTCTTATAATCTCTGTTACt 3' Energy: -10.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-194-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -10.74 2 21 11467 11488 19 63.16% 63.16% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8935 to 8957 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (65.00%) Query: 3' agGUGUACC-UCAACGACAAUGu 5' || ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgCAGTTGGTAACATCTGTTACa 3' Energy: -15.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-194-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.68 2 21 8935 8957 20 65.00% 65.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16139 to 16158 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' aggUGUACCUCAACGACAAUGu 5' ||||| | || ||||||: Ref: 5' tagACATGTA-TT-CTGTTATg 3' Energy: -11.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-194-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.05 2 20 16139 16158 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:7959 to 7980 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' agguguaccucaACGACAAUGu 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtgtcaacctaTACTGTTACt 3' Energy: -11.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-194-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.26 2 11 7959 7980 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:5551 to 5572 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' aggugUACCUCAACGACAAUGu 5' :|| || |||||||: Ref: 5' taaggGTGTAGAAGCTGTTATg 3' Energy: -13.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-194-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.45 2 18 5551 5572 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:14121 to 14142 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (93.75%) Query: 3' aggugUACCUCAACGACAAUGu 5' :||||||| |||||:: Ref: 5' aggtaGTGGAGTTCCTGTTGTa 3' Energy: -21.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-194-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -21.26 2 18 14121 14142 16 75.00% 93.75% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4585 to 4606 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' agGUGUACCUCAACGACAAUGu 5' :| ||| | | :|||||| Ref: 5' tcTAAATGAAACTCTTGTTACa 3' Energy: -12.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-194-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.42 2 21 4585 4606 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9076 to 9097 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' agGUGUACCUCAACGACAAUGu 5' :|| | || | |||||:| Ref: 5' tgTACTAGAAGGTTCTGTTGCt 3' Energy: -12.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-194-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.44 2 21 9076 9097 19 63.16% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-194-5p NC_045512.2 2028.00 -217.67 156.00 -21.26 2432 22 29903 16309 4699 6634 23411 5059 21415 11467 8935 16139 7959 5551 14121 4585 9076 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3667-3p MIMAT0018090(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3667-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:3877 to 3898 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uuUCUGGGUACCUCUCCUUCca 5' |||::| | |||||||| Ref: 5' tgAGATTCCTAAAGAGGAAGtt 3' Energy: -18.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3667-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -18.87 3 21 3877 3898 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2159 to 2179 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (68.42%) Query: 3' uuUCUGGGUACCUCUCCUUCCa 5' ||| :| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gaAGAGAAGTTTA-AGGAAGGt 3' Energy: -15.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3667-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.65 2 21 2159 2179 19 63.16% 68.42% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14716 to 14736 Align Len (19) (52.63%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuUCUGGGUACCUCUCCUUCCa 5' :|:::: | | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaGGGTTTCTTTA-AGGAAGGa 3' Energy: -15.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3667-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.17 2 21 14716 14736 19 52.63% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3667-3p NC_045512.2 432.00 -49.69 148.00 -18.87 2433 22 29903 3877 2159 14716 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1322 MIMAT0005953(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1322 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:28648 to 28666 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gucGUAGUCGUCGUAGUAg 5' || : |:||||||| Ref: 5' taaCAAAGACGGCATCATa 3' Energy: -15.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1322 NC_045512.2 148.00 -15.03 2 17 28648 28666 15 66.67% 80.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7414 to 7434 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (70.59%) Query: 3' gucGUAGUCG--UCGUAGUAg 5' |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtaCATCTTCTTTGCATCATt 3' Energy: -15.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1322 NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.03 2 17 7414 7434 17 70.59% 70.59% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:18710 to 18727 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (81.25%) Query: 3' guCGUAGUCGUCGUAGUAg 5' || | : ::||||||| Ref: 5' atGCCT-GTTGGCATCATt 3' Energy: -9.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1322 NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.84 2 18 18710 18727 16 62.50% 81.25% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:22664 to 22683 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gucGUAGU-CGUCGUAGUAg 5' :|| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctaTATAATTCCGCATCATt 3' Energy: -9.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1322 NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.09 2 17 22664 22683 16 68.75% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1322 NC_045512.2 577.00 -48.99 148.00 -15.03 2434 19 29903 28648 7414 18710 22664 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6842-3p MIMAT0027587(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6842-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5189-3p MIMAT0027088(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5189-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:15216 to 15236 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' agacccGAGACUGCCAACCGu 5' || ||::||||||| Ref: 5' caaattCTATGGTGGTTGGCa 3' Energy: -22.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5189-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -22.78 2 16 15216 15236 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:6520 to 6539 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' agacccgagaCUGCCAACCGu 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' aattacagaaGA-GGTTGGCc 3' Energy: -13.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5189-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.28 2 12 6520 6539 10 90.00% 90.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5189-3p NC_045512.2 300.00 -36.06 159.00 -22.78 2436 21 29903 15216 6520 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4742-3p MIMAT0019873(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4742-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:9468 to 9490 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' gacguccguuuCCUCUUAUGUCu 5' || |||||||| Ref: 5' gaagagcttttGGTGAATACAGt 3' Energy: -17.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4742-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -17.62 2 13 9468 9490 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10313 to 10335 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gacgUCCGUUUCCUCUUAUGUCu 5' || : |||| :|||||| Ref: 5' cttaAGCTTAAGGTTGATACAGc 3' Energy: -14.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4742-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.79 2 20 10313 10335 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:18412 to 18434 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gacguccguuuccUCUUAUGUCu 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' gttgatacacctaATAATACAGa 3' Energy: -10.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4742-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.12 2 11 18412 18434 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:20422 to 20444 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gacguccGUUUCCUCUUAUGUCu 5' | | ||| |:||||| Ref: 5' tttattcCTATGGACAGTACAGt 3' Energy: -12.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4742-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.29 2 17 20422 20444 15 73.33% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4742-3p NC_045512.2 577.00 -54.82 152.00 -17.62 2437 23 29903 9468 10313 18412 20422 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-190b-5p MIMAT0004929(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-190b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:20305 to 20326 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guuggguuauAGUUUGUAUAGu 5' ||:|||||||| Ref: 5' ggctatgcctTCGAACATATCg 3' Energy: -18.379999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-190b-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -18.38 2 13 20305 20326 11 90.91% 100.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:9376 to 9397 Align Len (11) (72.73%) (100.00%) Query: 3' guuggguuauAGUUUGUAUAGu 5' |:::||||||| Ref: 5' tattggtgctTTGGACATATCa 3' Energy: -11.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-190b-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -11.33 2 13 9376 9397 11 72.73% 100.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13764 to 13785 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' guUGGGUUAUAGUUUGUAUAGu 5' || :::|| || |:||||| Ref: 5' tgACATGGTACCACATATATCa 3' Energy: -13.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-190b-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -13.49 2 21 13764 13785 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:5763 to 5783 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' guugGGUUAUAGUUUGUAUAgu 5' :|| ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' gtggTCACTAT-AAACATATaa 3' Energy: -9.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-190b-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.66 3 19 5763 5783 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:12485 to 12507 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' guUGGGUU-AUAGUUUGUAUAgu 5' ||| :| ||| | |||||| Ref: 5' atACCAGACTATAACACATATaa 3' Energy: -9.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-190b-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.84 3 21 12485 12507 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21752 to 21773 Align Len (19) (52.63%) (84.21%) Query: 3' guUGGGUUAUAGUUUGUAUAGu 5' :::| ||: :| ||||:|| Ref: 5' tgGTTCCATGCTATACATGTCt 3' Energy: -12.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-190b-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.90 2 21 21752 21773 19 52.63% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-190b-5p NC_045512.2 879.00 -75.60 156.00 -18.38 2438 22 29903 20305 9376 13764 5763 12485 21752 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4495 MIMAT0019030(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4495 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4311 to 4330 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ucgUUUUUCGGACAAAUGUAa 5' |||: |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtaAAAGTGCCT-TTTACATt 3' Energy: -16.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4495 NC_045512.2 164.00 -16.87 2 19 4311 4330 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20348 to 20368 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ucGUUUUUCGGACAAAUGUAa 5' ||: || : |||||||| Ref: 5' gtCAGTTAGGTGGTTTACATc 3' Energy: -13.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4495 NC_045512.2 155.00 -13.57 2 20 20348 20368 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:19699 to 19719 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ucGUUUUUCGGACAAAUGUaa 5' :|| || ||||||||| Ref: 5' atTAATAACACTGTTTACAca 3' Energy: -11.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4495 NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.26 3 20 19699 19719 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:22277 to 22298 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' ucguuuuucGGAC-AAAUGUAa 5' |:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' caaactttaCTTGCTTTACATa 3' Energy: -9.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4495 NC_045512.2 147.00 -9.90 2 13 22277 22298 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21689 to 21710 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ucGUUUUUCGGAC-AAAUGUAa 5' ||:| :| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttCAGATCCTCAGTTTTACATt 3' Energy: -10.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4495 NC_045512.2 146.00 -10.53 2 20 21689 21710 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:27943 to 27963 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ucGUUUUUCGGACAAAUGUaa 5' |||:|| : ||||||| Ref: 5' acCAAGAATGTAGTTTACAgt 3' Energy: -11.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4495 NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.27 3 20 27943 27963 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4012 to 4036 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ucGUUUUUCGGAC----AAAUGUAa 5' ||:||| |:|| ||||:|| Ref: 5' caCAGAAAACTTGTTACTTTATATt 3' Energy: -13.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4495 NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.15 2 20 4012 4036 22 63.64% 77.27% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11085 to 11105 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ucgUUUUUCGGACAAAUGUAa 5' |||| |||| ||||| | Ref: 5' atgAAAATGCCTTTTTACCTt 3' Energy: -10.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4495 NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.20 2 19 11085 11105 17 82.35% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:26396 to 26418 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ucguUUUUCG--GACAAAUGUAa 5' |||| | || |||||:| Ref: 5' ttgtAAAACCTTCTTTTTACGTt 3' Energy: -11.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4495 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.83 2 18 26396 26418 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4495 NC_045512.2 1326.00 -108.58 164.00 -16.87 2439 21 29903 4311 20348 19699 22277 21689 27943 4012 11085 26396 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548bb-5p MIMAT0035703(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548bb-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4012 to 4032 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGUAUCAAUGAAAa 5' ||:||| | | |||||||| Ref: 5' caCAGAAAAC-TTGTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -12.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bb-5p NC_045512.2 166.00 -12.96 2 21 4012 4032 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2719 to 2740 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGUAUCAAUGAAAa 5' || ||| | :|||||||| Ref: 5' tgCACCAACAAAGGTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -14.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bb-5p NC_045512.2 164.00 -14.33 2 21 2719 2740 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25795 to 25814 Align Len (19) (84.21%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGUAUCAAUGAAAa 5' |||||||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tcCAAAAACC-CA-TTACTTTa 3' Energy: -13.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bb-5p NC_045512.2 164.00 -13.53 2 21 25795 25814 19 84.21% 84.21% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7760 to 7781 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccguuuUUGGUAUCAAUGAAAa 5' | |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ggttccATCCATCTTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -11.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bb-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -11.98 2 17 7760 7781 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10947 to 10969 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGUAU-CAAUGAAAa 5' ||| : :|| : |||||||| Ref: 5' gaCAATGCTCAGGTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -12.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bb-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -12.88 2 21 10947 10969 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20180 to 20203 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGG--UAUCAAUGAAAa 5' ||| ||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaCAATTACCTGAAACTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -10.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bb-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -10.95 2 21 20180 20203 21 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:5449 to 5471 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ccgUUUUUGGUA-UCAAUGAAaa 5' |:|||| || |||||||| Ref: 5' tagAGAAACAATGAGTTACTTgt 3' Energy: -13.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bb-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -13.31 3 20 5449 5471 18 83.33% 88.89% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:23012 to 23033 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' ccguuuuuggUAUCAAUGAAAa 5' || |||||||| Ref: 5' gaaggttttaATTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -9.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bb-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -9.69 2 13 23012 23033 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:13630 to 13651 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ccguuUUUGGUAUCAAUGAAAa 5' || : || ||||||| Ref: 5' aatttAATTGATTCTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -4.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bb-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -4.63 2 18 13630 13651 16 68.75% 75.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22273 to 22294 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ccguuUUUGGUAUCAAUGAAAa 5' ||||: || ||:|||| Ref: 5' gtttcAAACTTTACTTGCTTTa 3' Energy: -7.050000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bb-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -7.05 2 18 22273 22294 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:5891 to 5911 Align Len (19) (84.21%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccGU-UUUUGGUAUCAAUGAAaa 5' || |||||| |||||||| Ref: 5' acCATAAAACC--AGTTACTTat 3' Energy: -13.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bb-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -13.60 3 21 5891 5911 19 84.21% 84.21% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:11627 to 11648 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ccguuuuugguAUCAAUGAAAa 5' | |||||||| Ref: 5' tatttttgtacTTGTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -8.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bb-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -8.24 2 12 11627 11648 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22145 to 22166 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccgUUUUUGGUAUCAAUGAAAa 5' || | : ||:||||:||| Ref: 5' aagAATATTGATGGTTATTTTa 3' Energy: -9.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bb-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -9.96 2 20 22145 22166 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27159 to 27179 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGUAUCAAUGAAAa 5' ||: :|| ||| ||:|||| Ref: 5' agCAGTGACAATA-TTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -11.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bb-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.56 2 21 27159 27179 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:4516 to 4538 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccguuuuUGGUAU-CAAUGAAAa 5' :|:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttatggtGCTAGATTTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -8.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bb-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.06 2 16 4516 4538 15 66.67% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8375 to 8398 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccgUUUUUGGUAU--CAAUGAAAa 5' ||||::|| | ||:|||| Ref: 5' gcaAAAAGTCACAACATTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -10.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bb-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.10 2 20 8375 8398 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:11194 to 11216 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' ccguuuuUGGUAUC-AAUGAAAa 5' ||::||| |||:||| Ref: 5' tcttgccACTGTAGCTTATTTTa 3' Energy: -8.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bb-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.61 2 16 11194 11216 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:14641 to 14661 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ccguuuUUGGUAUCAAUGAAAa 5' ||| || |||:|||| Ref: 5' cttactAACAAT-GTTGCTTTt 3' Energy: -9.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bb-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.77 2 17 14641 14661 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:1325 to 1346 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGUAUCAAUGAAaa 5' || | :::|:||||||| Ref: 5' gcCACTACTTGTGGTTACTTac 3' Energy: -9.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bb-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.96 3 21 1325 1346 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6769 to 6790 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccguuuuugguaucAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tatgccttatttctTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -4.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bb-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -4.63 2 9 6769 6790 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21818 to 21839 Align Len (19) (52.63%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccGUUUUUGGUAUCAAUGAAAa 5' :|| :|: :|: |||:||| Ref: 5' ttTAATGATGGTGTTTATTTTg 3' Energy: -5.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548bb-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.88 2 21 21818 21839 19 52.63% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548bb-5p NC_045512.2 3140.00 -211.68 166.00 -14.33 2440 22 29903 4012 2719 25795 7760 10947 20180 5449 23012 13630 22273 5891 11627 22145 27159 4516 8375 11194 14641 1325 6769 21818 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4518 MIMAT0019055(26 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4518 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 25 R:5926 to 5951 Align Len (23) (60.87%) (78.26%) Query: 3' agAGUCGUGUCAAUAGUAGGGACUCg 5' |: |:|||| ||:: |||| || Ref: 5' tgTTTGTACAGAAATTGACCCTAAGt 3' Energy: -19.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4518 NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.14 2 25 5926 5951 23 60.87% 78.26% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 23 R:6122 to 6152 Align Len (25) (68.00%) (72.00%) Query: 3' agagUCG--UGUCAAU---AGUAGGGACUcg 5' ||| | ||||| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' agagAGCTTAAAGTTACATTTTTCCCTGAct 3' Energy: -18.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4518 NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.94 3 23 6122 6152 25 68.00% 72.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 25 R:22194 to 22217 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (82.61%) Query: 3' agAGUCGUGUCAAUAGUAGGGACUCg 5' |:||::| || ||| ||||| || Ref: 5' atTTAGTGC-GTGATC-TCCCTCAGg 3' Energy: -20.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4518 NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.63 2 25 22194 22217 23 69.57% 82.61% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4518 NC_045512.2 420.00 -58.71 140.00 -20.63 2441 26 29903 5926 6122 22194 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-609 MIMAT0003277(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-609 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:23879 to 23898 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ucUCUACUCUCUUUGUGGGa 5' | | || | |||||||| Ref: 5' gaACAAGACAAAAACACCCa 3' Energy: -12.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-609 NC_045512.2 158.00 -12.57 2 19 23879 23898 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:2489 to 2507 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (94.12%) Query: 3' ucUCUACUCUCUUUGUGGGa 5' ||| |:|||||||||:: Ref: 5' ttAGA-GGGAGAAACACTTc 3' Energy: -20.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-609 NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.92 2 19 2489 2507 17 76.47% 94.12% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-609 NC_045512.2 298.00 -33.49 158.00 -20.92 2442 20 29903 23879 2489 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3609 MIMAT0017986(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3609 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 165.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:4074 to 4099 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (82.61%) Query: 3' guCGGUCAUAAUGA--GUAGUGAAAc 5' |::|||: |:| ||||||||| Ref: 5' ttGTTAGTGACATTGACATCACTTTc 3' Energy: -17.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3609 NC_045512.2 165.00 -17.78 2 23 4074 4099 23 65.22% 82.61% Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2772 to 2794 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gucggUCAUAAUGAGUAGUGAAAc 5' |||:| | | |||||||| Ref: 5' acaagAGTGTGAAT-ATCACTTTt 3' Energy: -14.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3609 NC_045512.2 161.00 -14.52 2 20 2772 2794 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:11623 to 11648 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (82.61%) Query: 3' guCGGUCAUA--AUGAGUAGUGAAAc 5' ||:| | | ||||::|:||||| Ref: 5' agGCTATTTTTGTACTTGTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -19.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3609 NC_045512.2 153.00 -19.05 2 23 11623 11648 23 65.22% 82.61% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11018 to 11040 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gucgGUCAUAA-UGAGUAGUGAAAc 5' || | || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctcaCAATTTTGACT--TCACTTTt 3' Energy: -8.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3609 NC_045512.2 152.00 -8.66 2 21 11018 11040 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23010 to 23033 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gucggUCAUAAUGAGUAGUGAAAc 5' :|| ||| |::|:||||| Ref: 5' ttgaaGGTTTTAATTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -8.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3609 NC_045512.2 151.00 -8.44 2 20 23010 23033 18 66.67% 88.89% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:22663 to 22686 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' gucggucaUAAUGAGUAGUGAAAc 5' ||| | |||||:||| Ref: 5' cctatataATTCCGCATCATTTTc 3' Energy: -10.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3609 NC_045512.2 148.00 -10.36 2 17 22663 22686 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4010 to 4032 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gucgGUCAUAAUGAGUAGUGAAAc 5' ||| | |||::|:||||| Ref: 5' ctcaCAG-AAAACTTGTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -12.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3609 NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.81 2 21 4010 4032 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:24354 to 24378 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (63.64%) Query: 3' guCGGUCAUAA-UGAGUAGUGAAAc 5' | || ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttGGCAAAATTCAAGACTCACTTTc 3' Energy: -9.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3609 NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.32 2 23 24354 24378 22 63.64% 63.64% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11870 to 11892 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' gucgGUCAUAAUGAGUAGUGAAAc 5' :||| |||||| ||| ||| Ref: 5' tcagTAGTCTTACTC-TCAGTTTt 3' Energy: -19.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3609 NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.10 2 21 11870 11892 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:25793 to 25814 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gucGGUCAUAAUGAGUAGUGAAAc 5' ||| | || |||:||||| Ref: 5' gttCCA--AAAACCCATTACTTTa 3' Energy: -12.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3609 NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.07 2 22 25793 25814 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:1644 to 1667 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' gucGGUCAUAAUGAGUAGUGAAAc 5' :|| ||||::| :| ||||| Ref: 5' acaTCAATATTGTTGGTGACTTTa 3' Energy: -14.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3609 NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.29 2 22 1644 1667 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:6770 to 6790 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' guCGGUCAUAAUGAGUAGUGAAAc 5' ||| |||| || |:||||| Ref: 5' atGCC-TTATT--TCTTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -9.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3609 NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.62 2 23 6770 6790 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:7807 to 7829 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' guCGGUCAUAAUGAGUAGUGAAAc 5' | || | | ||| |||:||| Ref: 5' aaGACATTCTCTCTC-TCATTTTg 3' Energy: -14.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3609 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.46 2 23 7807 7829 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:13628 to 13651 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' gucggucaUAAUGAGUAGUGAAAc 5' |||: |: |:||||| Ref: 5' acaatttaATTGATTCTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -14.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3609 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.31 2 17 13628 13651 15 66.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:15326 to 15350 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gucGGUCAUAAUG-AGUAGUGAAac 5' ::|| ||||: | |||||| Ref: 5' tgcTTAGAATTATGGCCTCACTTgt 3' Energy: -12.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3609 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.51 3 22 15326 15350 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:25607 to 25630 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gucggucauaaugaguAGUGAAAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cactctccaagggtgtTCACTTTg 3' Energy: -15.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3609 NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.24 2 9 25607 25630 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3609 NC_045512.2 2347.00 -212.54 165.00 -19.10 2443 24 29903 4074 2772 11623 11018 23010 22663 4010 24354 11870 25793 1644 6770 7807 13628 15326 25607 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3944-3p MIMAT0018360(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3944-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548aw MIMAT0022471(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548aw vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:8894 to 8914 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (93.33%) Query: 3' uuggcACUACUG-AAAACGUg 5' ||:|||| ||||||| Ref: 5' actaaTGGTGACTTTTTGCAt 3' Energy: -18.549999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aw NC_045512.2 162.00 -18.55 2 16 8894 8914 15 86.67% 93.33% Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7583 to 7602 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uuggCACUACUGAAAACGUg 5' || | |:|||||||| Ref: 5' ggagGTAAAGGCTTTTGCAa 3' Energy: -13.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aw NC_045512.2 160.00 -13.88 2 17 7583 7602 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11122 to 11141 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' uuGGCACUACUGAAAACGUg 5' |: || :|||||||| Ref: 5' tgCTATGTCTGCTTTTGCAa 3' Energy: -13.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aw NC_045512.2 150.00 -13.24 2 19 11122 11141 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:23894 to 23912 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' uuGGCACUACUGAAAACGUg 5' || || | :||||||| Ref: 5' acCCAAGAAG-TTTTTGCAc 3' Energy: -12.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aw NC_045512.2 148.00 -12.53 2 19 23894 23912 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:16620 to 16639 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' uuggcACUACUGAAAACGUg 5' | | | :||||||| Ref: 5' aagacTCAAGCTTTTTGCAg 3' Energy: -7.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aw NC_045512.2 147.00 -7.55 2 16 16620 16639 14 71.43% 78.57% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:11877 to 11896 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' uuggcacuACUGAAAACGUg 5' | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tcttactcTCAGTTTTGCAa 3' Energy: -6.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aw NC_045512.2 144.00 -6.35 2 13 11877 11896 11 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:17294 to 17312 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uuGGCACUACUGAAAACGUg 5' | || ||| ||||||:| Ref: 5' aaCAGT-ATGTCTTTTGTAc 3' Energy: -14.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aw NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.96 2 19 17294 17312 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:15862 to 15881 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uugGCACUACUGAAAACGug 5' | | |||| |||||| Ref: 5' ggaCCTCATGAATTTTGCtc 3' Energy: -12.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aw NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.66 3 18 15862 15881 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:7312 to 7331 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuggcacuacugAAAACGUg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gtttttcagctaTTTTGCAg 3' Energy: -5.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aw NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.78 2 9 7312 7331 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:10035 to 10054 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuggcacuacugAAAACGUg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tcacctcagctgTTTTGCAg 3' Energy: -8.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aw NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.28 2 9 10035 10054 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:13921 to 13939 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uuGGCACUACUGAAAACGUg 5' |:| |||| |||||:| Ref: 5' gaCTGGTATGA-TTTTGTAg 3' Energy: -13.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548aw NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.13 2 19 13921 13939 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548aw NC_045512.2 1616.00 -126.91 162.00 -18.55 2445 20 29903 8894 7583 11122 23894 16620 11877 17294 15862 7312 10035 13921 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7110-5p MIMAT0028117(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7110-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7975 MIMAT0031178(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7975 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:10792 to 10808 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' accACGGCACUGAUCCUa 5' || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtTGACAT-ACTAGGAc 3' Energy: -12.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7975 NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.64 2 16 10792 10808 14 78.57% 78.57% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7975 NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.64 145.00 -12.64 2447 18 29903 10792 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548a-3p MIMAT0003251(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:23818 to 23840 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cguuuuCAUUA-ACGGUCAAAAc 5' | ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' tttgttGCAATATGGCAGTTTTt 3' Energy: -9.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548a-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -9.51 2 17 23818 23840 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:11872 to 11893 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' cguuuucAUUAACGGUCAAAAc 5' | | | :||||||| Ref: 5' agtagtcTTACTCTCAGTTTTg 3' Energy: -13.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548a-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.83 2 16 11872 11893 14 71.43% 78.57% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:21685 to 21706 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (84.62%) Query: 3' cguuuucaUUAACGGUCAAAAc 5' :|| :||||||| Ref: 5' agttttcaGATCCTCAGTTTTa 3' Energy: -7.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548a-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -7.34 2 15 21685 21706 13 69.23% 84.62% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5172 to 5192 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cgUUUUCAUUAACGGUCAAAAc 5' | || |:| | |:|||||| Ref: 5' acACAACTGA-TCCTAGTTTTc 3' Energy: -8.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.39 2 21 5172 5192 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:19673 to 19695 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cguUUUCA-UUAACGGUCAAAac 5' |::|| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' aacAGGGTGAAGTACCAGTTTct 3' Energy: -13.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.34 3 20 19673 19695 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:28117 to 28139 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cguuuUCAUUAACG-GUCAAAac 5' :|||||| : |||||| Ref: 5' atatcGGTAATTATACAGTTTcc 3' Energy: -11.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.37 3 18 28117 28139 16 75.00% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548a-3p NC_045512.2 872.00 -63.78 155.00 -13.83 2448 22 29903 23818 11872 21685 5172 19673 28117 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6126 MIMAT0024599(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6126 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:11764 to 11781 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agaggcggccCGGAAGUg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tagcatagatGCCTTCAa 3' Energy: -11.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6126 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.22 2 9 11764 11781 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6126 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.22 140.00 -11.22 2449 18 29903 11764 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4440 MIMAT0018958(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4440 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1255a MIMAT0005906(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1255a vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:27574 to 27597 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uuAGAUGAAAG-AAACGAGUAGGa 5' || |:|| | ||||||::||| Ref: 5' acTCAATTTGCTTTTGCTTGTCCt 3' Energy: -19.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1255a NC_045512.2 144.00 -19.73 2 22 27574 27597 21 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:28816 to 28838 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uuaGAUGAAAGAAACGAGUAGga 5' || :| || || |||||| Ref: 5' agcCTCTTCTCGTTCCTCATCac 3' Energy: -11.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1255a NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.67 3 21 28816 28838 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11648 to 11670 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuaGAUGAAAGAAACGAGUAGGa 5' || :||| ||| |||| || Ref: 5' ggcCTCTTTTGTTTACTCAACCg 3' Energy: -11.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1255a NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.94 2 21 11648 11670 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1255a NC_045512.2 428.00 -43.34 144.00 -19.73 2451 23 29903 27574 28816 11648 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-378h MIMAT0018984(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-378h vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28490 to 28515 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (69.57%) Query: 3' ggUAGACUGUGGU-----UCAGGUCa 5' | :| |||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ccAATTAACACCAATAGCAGTCCAGa 3' Energy: -23.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-378h NC_045512.2 150.00 -23.29 2 20 28490 28515 23 65.22% 69.57% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11034 to 11054 Align Len (17) (58.82%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gguAGACUGUGGUUCAGGUCa 5' |:| | :: ||||||| Ref: 5' cacTTTTAGTTTTAGTCCAGa 3' Energy: -13.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-378h NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.92 2 19 11034 11054 17 58.82% 76.47% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:18810 to 18832 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' ggUAGAC-U-GUGGUUCAGGUca 5' ||||| | :::|||||||| Ref: 5' tgATCTGTATTGTCAAGTCCAtg 3' Energy: -22.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-378h NC_045512.2 145.00 -22.52 3 20 18810 18832 19 73.68% 89.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-378h NC_045512.2 441.00 -59.73 150.00 -23.29 2452 21 29903 28490 11034 18810 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7976 MIMAT0031179(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7976 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3059-3p MIMAT0048634(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3059-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 165.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8907 to 8928 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gguugGAAGAGAAGGGAUCUCc 5' | |:|||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttttgCATTTCTTACCTAGAGt 3' Energy: -17.559999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3059-3p NC_045512.2 165.00 -17.56 2 18 8907 8928 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:2475 to 2495 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' gguuggAAGAGAAGGGAUCUCc 5' || |||| |:||||| Ref: 5' aagaaaTTATCTT-CTTAGAGg 3' Energy: -16.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3059-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.96 2 17 2475 2495 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26432 to 26453 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ggUUGGAAGAGAAGGGAUCUCc 5' ||:|| :| ::|||||| Ref: 5' aaAATCTGAATTCTTCTAGAGt 3' Energy: -16.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3059-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.21 2 21 26432 26453 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28458 to 28479 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ggUUGGAAGAGAAGGGAUCUCc 5' :||||| |||||| ||| Ref: 5' aaGACCTTAAATTCCCTCGAGg 3' Energy: -26.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3059-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -26.11 2 21 28458 28479 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3059-3p NC_045512.2 587.00 -76.84 165.00 -26.11 2454 22 29903 8907 2475 26432 28458 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1468-3p MIMAT0026638(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1468-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:21820 to 21841 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aaaagguaaACGAAUAAAACGa 5' ||:||||||||| Ref: 5' taatgatggTGTTTATTTTGCt 3' Energy: -15.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1468-3p NC_045512.2 161.00 -15.27 2 14 21820 21841 12 91.67% 100.00% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7308 to 7330 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' aaAAGGUAAA--CGAAUAAAACGa 5' || : ||| || |||||||| Ref: 5' aaTTGTTTTTCAGC-TATTTTGCa 3' Energy: -12.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1468-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -12.37 2 21 7308 7330 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:1277 to 1298 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' aaaaGGUAAACGAAUAAAACGa 5' ||| |||| ||||||: Ref: 5' aaagCCACTTGCGAATTTTGTg 3' Energy: -14.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1468-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.48 2 19 1277 1298 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8728 to 8749 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' aaaAGGUAAACGAAUAAAACGa 5' | || | |||:|||||| Ref: 5' atcTACAGATACTTGTTTTGCt 3' Energy: -14.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1468-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.54 2 20 8728 8749 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20508 to 20529 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' aaAAGGUAAACGAAUAAAACGa 5' | ::| ||| | ||||||: Ref: 5' ttTATTACTTGATGATTTTGTt 3' Energy: -9.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1468-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.07 2 21 20508 20529 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7811 to 7831 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' aaAAGGUAAACGAAUAAAACGa 5' |||: | | || ||||||: Ref: 5' caTTCTCTCT-CTCATTTTGTt 3' Energy: -7.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1468-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -7.78 2 21 7811 7831 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:17091 to 17112 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' aaaagguaaacgAAUAAAACGa 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' tactggtaagagTCATTTTGCt 3' Energy: -7.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1468-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -7.13 2 11 17091 17112 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:29310 to 29331 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' aaaagguaaacgAAUAAAACGa 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' tcaaagatcaagTCATTTTGCt 3' Energy: -7.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1468-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -7.02 2 11 29310 29331 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:16893 to 16914 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' aaaagguaaACGAAUAAAACGa 5' || ||||||||: Ref: 5' aaatgttggTGATTATTTTGTg 3' Energy: -6.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1468-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -6.79 2 14 16893 16914 12 83.33% 91.67% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:19174 to 19195 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' aaaagGUAAACGAAUAAAACga 5' ::| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gatggTGTATGCCTATTTTGga 3' Energy: -8.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1468-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -8.00 3 18 19174 19195 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12001 to 12021 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' aaaaGGUAAACGAAUAAAACGa 5' |:| || | |:|||||| Ref: 5' ttcaCTACTTTC-TGTTTTGCt 3' Energy: -10.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1468-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.54 2 19 12001 12021 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:13557 to 13578 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' aaaaggUAAACGAAUAAAACGa 5' | | ||| :|||||| Ref: 5' tgataaAGTAGCTGGTTTTGCt 3' Energy: -11.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1468-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.73 2 17 13557 13578 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:15859 to 15880 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aaaagguaaacgaaUAAAACGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaggacctcatgaATTTTGCt 3' Energy: -11.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1468-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.08 2 9 15859 15880 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:21331 to 21352 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' aaAAGGUAAACGAAUAAAACga 5' | | | || | ||||||| Ref: 5' caTGCAAATTACATATTTTGga 3' Energy: -4.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1468-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -4.59 3 21 21331 21352 18 72.22% 72.22% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1468-3p NC_045512.2 2023.00 -140.39 161.00 -15.27 2455 22 29903 21820 7308 1277 8728 20508 7811 17091 29310 16893 19174 12001 13557 15859 21331 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4719 MIMAT0019832(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4719 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 168.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23772 to 23793 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ggACGUAUAAUAUCUAAACACu 5' ||:| | |:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' atTGTACAATGTACATTTGTGg 3' Energy: -14.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4719 NC_045512.2 168.00 -14.59 2 21 23772 23793 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22120 to 22142 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ggacgUAUAAUAUC-UAAACACu 5' || ||| :| ||||||| Ref: 5' caaaaATCTTAGGGAATTTGTGt 3' Energy: -7.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4719 NC_045512.2 156.00 -7.98 2 18 22120 22142 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24908 to 24929 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' ggACGUAUAAUAUCUAAACACu 5' | || | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' acTACAGACAACACATTTGTGt 3' Energy: -9.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4719 NC_045512.2 152.00 -9.40 2 21 24908 24929 19 68.42% 68.42% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19948 to 19970 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (72.22%) Query: 3' ggacGUAUAAUAU-CUAAACACu 5' || | | | |||||||| Ref: 5' aaacCAACTGAAACGATTTGTGc 3' Energy: -11.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4719 NC_045512.2 149.00 -11.37 2 19 19948 19970 18 72.22% 72.22% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:21101 to 21122 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ggacguauaauAUCUAAACACu 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' gttttttcactTACATTTGTGg 3' Energy: -7.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4719 NC_045512.2 147.00 -7.64 2 12 21101 21122 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 15 R:25383 to 25404 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggacguauAAUAUCUAAACAcu 5' ||||:||||||| Ref: 5' aaacgaacTTATGGATTTGTtt 3' Energy: -12.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4719 NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.67 3 15 25383 25404 12 91.67% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27765 to 27791 Align Len (24) (62.50%) (66.67%) Query: 3' ggACGUA--UAAU---AUCUAAACACu 5' | ||| |||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctTTCATTAATTGACTTCTATTTGTGc 3' Energy: -7.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4719 NC_045512.2 142.00 -7.23 2 21 27765 27791 24 62.50% 66.67% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24092 to 24117 Align Len (24) (62.50%) (66.67%) Query: 3' ggACGUAUAAUAUC-----UAAACACu 5' ||| |: || || ||||||| Ref: 5' atTGC-TGCTAGAGACCTCATTTGTGc 3' Energy: -12.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4719 NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.02 2 21 24092 24117 24 62.50% 66.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4719 NC_045512.2 1201.00 -82.90 168.00 -14.59 2456 22 29903 23772 22120 24908 19948 21101 25383 27765 24092 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4727-5p MIMAT0019847(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4727-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1237 to 1263 Align Len (24) (66.67%) (70.83%) Query: 3' ggUGACAC--CUUCG----ACCGUCUa 5' |:|||| ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tcATTGTGGTGAAACTTCATGGCAGAc 3' Energy: -23.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4727-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -23.27 2 20 1237 1263 24 66.67% 70.83% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:23244 to 23264 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' ggugacaccUUCGACCGUCUa 5' || :||||||| Ref: 5' ctttccaacAATTTGGCAGAg 3' Energy: -14.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4727-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.32 2 13 23244 23264 11 81.82% 90.91% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:2878 to 2896 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gguGACACCUUCGACCGUCUa 5' ||||| : ||||||| Ref: 5' cgcCTGTGTTG--TGGCAGAt 3' Energy: -20.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4727-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -20.59 2 19 2878 2896 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:26509 to 26531 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ggugacaccuUCG--ACCGUCUa 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctttaattttAGCCATGGCAGAt 3' Energy: -15.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4727-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.28 2 12 26509 26531 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:13798 to 13818 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggugacaccuucgACCGUCUa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' actaaatacacaaTGGCAGAc 3' Energy: -12.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4727-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.52 2 9 13798 13818 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4727-5p NC_045512.2 726.00 -85.98 149.00 -23.27 2457 21 29903 1237 23244 2878 26509 13798 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-620 MIMAT0003289(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-620 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:25145 to 25165 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uaaAGAUA-UAGAUAGAGGUa 5' ||| | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gaaTCTCTCATCGATCTCCAa 3' Energy: -13.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-620 NC_045512.2 160.00 -13.52 2 18 25145 25165 17 82.35% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4327 to 4350 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' uaAAGAU-AUAG---AUAGAGGUa 5' ||||| ||| ||||||:| Ref: 5' caTTCTACCATCTATTATCTCTAa 3' Energy: -13.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-620 NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.22 2 19 4327 4350 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9692 to 9714 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uaAAGAUA-UAG--AUAGAGGUa 5' || ||| ||: |||:|||| Ref: 5' gcTTATATCATTTGTATTTCCAc 3' Energy: -12.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-620 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.07 2 19 9692 9714 20 70.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-620 NC_045512.2 440.00 -38.81 160.00 -13.52 2458 20 29903 25145 4327 9692 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-451b MIMAT0019840(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-451b vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 175.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28913 to 28934 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uuaCCAUUACCAAGAGAACGAu 5' |||:||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' ggcGGTGATGCTGCTCTTGCTt 3' Energy: -23.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-451b NC_045512.2 175.00 -23.31 2 20 28913 28934 18 83.33% 88.89% Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:26307 to 26328 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uuaccAUUACCAAGAGAACGAu 5' | :|||| :||||||| Ref: 5' tgcttTCGTGGTATTCTTGCTa 3' Energy: -19.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-451b NC_045512.2 161.00 -19.32 2 18 26307 26328 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:26289 to 26311 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uuacCAU-UACCAAGAGAACGAu 5' ||| | ||:||||||| Ref: 5' tagcGTACTTCTTTTTCTTGCTt 3' Energy: -12.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-451b NC_045512.2 153.00 -12.68 2 19 26289 26311 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17092 to 17113 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuACCAUUACCAAGAGAACGAu 5' |||||| || |:||||| Ref: 5' acTGGTAAGAGTCATTTTGCTa 3' Energy: -18.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-451b NC_045512.2 152.00 -18.15 2 21 17092 17113 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21821 to 21842 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uuACCAUUACCAAGAGAACGAu 5' || |::|| || |:||||| Ref: 5' aaTGATGGTGTTTATTTTGCTt 3' Energy: -15.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-451b NC_045512.2 152.00 -15.64 2 21 21821 21842 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25534 to 25555 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' uuACCAUUACCAAGAGAACGAu 5' ||| : || :||||||| Ref: 5' gtTGGCGTTGCACTTCTTGCTg 3' Energy: -15.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-451b NC_045512.2 152.00 -15.33 2 21 25534 25555 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24617 to 24638 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' uuaCCAUUACCAAGAGAACGAu 5' | | || | ||||||| Ref: 5' agaGCTTCTGCTAATCTTGCTg 3' Energy: -12.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-451b NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.53 2 20 24617 24638 18 66.67% 66.67% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:4718 to 4739 Align Len (16) (87.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uuaccAUUACCAAGAGAACGAu 5' |||||||| |||| || Ref: 5' gcgtaTAATGGTTATCTTACTt 3' Energy: -14.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-451b NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.24 2 18 4718 4739 16 87.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:21526 to 21547 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uuaccAUUACCAAGAGAACGAu 5' ||:|| | :|||||:| Ref: 5' atttcTAGTGATGTTCTTGTTa 3' Energy: -15.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-451b NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.48 2 18 21526 21547 16 68.75% 87.50% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:15337 to 15358 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uuaccauuaccAAGAGAACGAu 5' | :||||||| Ref: 5' atggcctcactTGTTCTTGCTc 3' Energy: -13.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-451b NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.51 2 12 15337 15358 10 80.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:6364 to 6386 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uuaCCAUUACC-AAGAGAACGau 5' || ||||| | |||||| Ref: 5' gcaGGGAATGGATAATCTTGCct 3' Energy: -16.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-451b NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.93 3 20 6364 6386 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:21560 to 21581 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' uuaccauuACCAAGAGAACGAu 5' || ||:|||||:| Ref: 5' acaatgttTGTTTTTCTTGTTt 3' Energy: -12.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-451b NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.96 2 15 21560 21581 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:24734 to 24754 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uuACCAUUACCAAGAGAACGau 5' |||| :| || :|||||| Ref: 5' caTGGT-GTAGTCTTCTTGCat 3' Energy: -17.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-451b NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.76 3 21 24734 24754 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:3578 to 3599 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuaccauuaccaagAGAACGAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaagcggacacaaTCTTGCTa 3' Energy: -12.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-451b NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.28 2 9 3578 3599 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:4583 to 4604 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uuaccaUUACCAAGAGAACGAu 5' |||| ||||||:| Ref: 5' gatctaAATGAAACTCTTGTTa 3' Energy: -14.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-451b NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.34 2 17 4583 4604 15 73.33% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-451b NC_045512.2 2231.00 -234.46 175.00 -23.31 2459 22 29903 28913 26307 26289 17092 21821 25534 24617 4718 21526 15337 6364 21560 24734 3578 4583 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6832-3p MIMAT0027565(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6832-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:424 to 443 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gaccCUUUCUCUUUUUCCca 5' |||: |||||||| Ref: 5' agtaGAAGTTGAAAAAGGcg 3' Energy: -14.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6832-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.25 3 17 424 443 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:3400 to 3421 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gacCCUUUCUC--UUUUUCCca 5' ||||: || ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtGGAAGAAGCTAAAAAGGta 3' Energy: -13.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6832-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.43 3 18 3400 3421 17 76.47% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6832-3p NC_045512.2 280.00 -27.68 140.00 -14.25 2460 20 29903 424 3400 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4660 MIMAT0019728(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4660 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:24588 to 24610 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' gagguaaaAGGUGGUCUCGACGu 5' |: |::|||||||| Ref: 5' ctcaacaaTTAATTAGAGCTGCa 3' Energy: -22.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4660 NC_045512.2 155.00 -22.41 2 16 24588 24610 14 71.43% 92.86% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:29766 to 29788 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gagguaaaagguggUCUCGACGu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' gaacaatgctagggAGAGCTGCc 3' Energy: -14.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4660 NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.94 2 10 29766 29788 8 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4660 NC_045512.2 300.00 -37.35 155.00 -22.41 2461 23 29903 24588 29766 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-619-5p MIMAT0026622(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-619-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19527 to 19550 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ccGAGUA-CGGAC-AUUAGGGUCg 5' ||:|| | || |:|||:||| Ref: 5' tgCTTATAACATGATGATCTCAGc 3' Energy: -22.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-619-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -22.35 2 21 19527 19550 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12471 to 12492 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccGAGUACGGACAUUAGGGUCg 5' || ||| :||| || |||| Ref: 5' aaCTAATGGTTGTCATACCAGa 3' Energy: -17.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-619-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.49 2 21 12471 12492 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-619-5p NC_045512.2 282.00 -39.84 142.00 -22.35 2462 22 29903 19527 12471 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6838-3p MIMAT0027579(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6838-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18041 to 18060 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (70.59%) Query: 3' gaCGUUGUCUUCGUCCUGAa 5' | || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctGAAAATGTAACAGGACTc 3' Energy: -13.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6838-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -13.96 2 19 18041 18060 17 70.59% 70.59% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:21704 to 21723 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (68.75%) Query: 3' gacGUUGUCUUCGUCCUGAa 5' || : | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaCATTCAACTCAGGACTt 3' Energy: -15.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6838-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.76 2 18 21704 21723 16 62.50% 68.75% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6838-3p NC_045512.2 291.00 -29.72 150.00 -15.76 2463 20 29903 18041 21704 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6127 MIMAT0024610(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6127 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:22197 to 22215 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggaggguggguGAGGGAGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tagtgcgtgatCTCCCTCa 3' Energy: -17.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6127 NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.35 2 9 22197 22215 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:25502 to 25520 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggaggguGGGUGAGGGAGu 5' |:||||||||: Ref: 5' tacaagcCTCACTCCCTTt 3' Energy: -23.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6127 NC_045512.2 140.00 -23.06 2 13 25502 25520 11 81.82% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6127 NC_045512.2 280.00 -40.41 140.00 -23.06 2464 19 29903 22197 25502 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-597-5p MIMAT0003265(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-597-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24023 to 24045 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' ugUCACCAGUAG-CUCACUGUGu 5' | | ||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' ctACTTTTCAACAAAGTGACACt 3' Energy: -12.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-597-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -12.68 2 21 24023 24045 20 70.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:13844 to 13863 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ugucaCCAGUAGCUCACUGUGu 5' ||| ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' atgaaGGTAATT--GTGACACa 3' Energy: -16.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-597-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.89 2 18 13844 13863 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:18537 to 18558 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (92.31%) Query: 3' ugucaccaGUAGCUCACUGUGu 5' ::|: |||||||| Ref: 5' tgtacaaaTGTTAAGTGACACa 3' Energy: -16.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-597-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.82 2 15 18537 18558 13 69.23% 92.31% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-597-5p NC_045512.2 451.00 -46.39 151.00 -16.89 2465 22 29903 24023 13844 18537 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-550a-3p MIMAT0003257(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-550a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3144-3p MIMAT0015015(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3144-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4819 to 4841 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' auUUCUCUGGCUUG-UCCAUAUa 5' || || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' acAATCTACACAACTAGGTATAg 3' Energy: -10.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3144-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -10.80 2 21 4819 4841 20 70.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:23551 to 23573 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (93.33%) Query: 3' auuucucUGGCU-UGUCCAUAUa 5' |::|: :|||||||| Ref: 5' catacccATTGGTGCAGGTATAt 3' Energy: -16.379999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3144-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.38 2 16 23551 23573 15 66.67% 93.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3144-3p NC_045512.2 301.00 -27.18 151.00 -16.38 2467 22 29903 4819 23551 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-let-7e-5p MIMAT0000066(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-let-7e-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3127-3p MIMAT0019201(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3127-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:28775 to 28800 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ggucgUCCGGA----CGUCUUCCCcu 5' ||||:| ||||||||| Ref: 5' ccaaaAGGCTTCTACGCAGAAGGGag 3' Energy: -29.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3127-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -29.84 3 18 28775 28800 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3127-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -29.84 140.00 -29.84 2469 22 29903 28775 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4510 MIMAT0019047(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4510 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25449 to 25470 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uuGGUAUGUAGGAUGAGGGAGu 5' :|| : || |||||||:|| Ref: 5' aaTCAAGGATGCTACTCCTTCa 3' Energy: -25.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4510 NC_045512.2 152.00 -25.18 2 21 25449 25470 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25497 to 25520 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (80.95%) Query: 3' uuGGUAUG-UAGGA-UGAGGGAGu 5' | |||| | ||| |||||||: Ref: 5' acCGATACAAGCCTCACTCCCTTt 3' Energy: -26.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4510 NC_045512.2 150.00 -26.24 2 21 25497 25520 21 76.19% 80.95% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7804 to 7824 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uuggUAUGUAGGAUGAGGGAGu 5' | ||||:|| |||:||| Ref: 5' tgaaAGACATTCT-CTCTCTCa 3' Energy: -22.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4510 NC_045512.2 148.00 -22.27 2 19 7804 7824 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:22195 to 22215 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uuggUAUGUAGGAUGAGGGAGu 5' :|:|:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tttaGTGCGTGAT-CTCCCTCa 3' Energy: -20.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4510 NC_045512.2 148.00 -20.92 2 19 22195 22215 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28741 to 28761 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uuGGUAUGUAGGAUGAGGGAGu 5' :|:|:| | | |||:|||| Ref: 5' aaTCGTGC-TACAACTTCCTCa 3' Energy: -23.559999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4510 NC_045512.2 142.00 -23.56 2 21 28741 28761 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24704 to 24723 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uuGGUAUGUAGGAUGAGGGAGu 5' :| ||::||| :|||||| Ref: 5' caTCTTATGTCC--TTCCCTCa 3' Energy: -21.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4510 NC_045512.2 141.00 -21.61 2 21 24704 24723 19 63.16% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4510 NC_045512.2 881.00 -139.78 152.00 -26.24 2470 22 29903 25449 25497 7804 22195 28741 24704 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4301 MIMAT0016850(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4301 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:13108 to 13127 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' aguguucacUUCAUCACCCu 5' |: ||||||| Ref: 5' agattatctAGCTAGTGGGg 3' Energy: -14.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4301 NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.20 2 12 13108 13127 10 80.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4110 to 4129 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aguguucacuucAUCACCCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atgctccatataTAGTGGGt 3' Energy: -12.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4301 NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.45 2 9 4110 4129 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 13 R:6405 to 6424 Align Len (10) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aguguucaCUUCAUCACCcu 5' |||||||||| Ref: 5' tctctgaaGAAGTAGTGGaa 3' Energy: -16.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4301 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.73 3 13 6405 6424 10 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4301 NC_045512.2 423.00 -43.38 143.00 -16.73 2471 20 29903 13108 4110 6405 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4708-5p MIMAT0019809(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4708-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:15738 to 15758 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (68.75%) Query: 3' uuccUCGUUCCGCCGUAGAGa 5' |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' caatAGCACTTATGCATCTCa 3' Energy: -13.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4708-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.29 2 18 15738 15758 16 68.75% 68.75% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19504 to 19525 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uucCUCGU-UCCGCCGUAGAGa 5' |||:| || : |:||||| Ref: 5' aatGAGTACAGATTGTATCTCg 3' Energy: -13.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4708-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.84 2 19 19504 19525 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4708-5p NC_045512.2 286.00 -27.13 145.00 -13.84 2472 21 29903 15738 19504 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8088 MIMAT0031015(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8088 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:16854 to 16874 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (73.33%) Query: 3' augggGAAAGGUCAUGGCUCc 5' || |: ||||||| Ref: 5' tgatgCTGTTGTTTACCGAGg 3' Energy: -18.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8088 NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.20 2 17 16854 16874 15 66.67% 73.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8088 NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.20 144.00 -18.20 2473 21 29903 16854 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1227-5p MIMAT0022941(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1227-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:28387 to 28402 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ggUGGCGGACCGGGGUg 5' | ||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' acAACGTC-GGCCCCAa 3' Energy: -24.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1227-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -24.95 2 16 28387 28402 14 78.57% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1227-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -24.95 149.00 -24.95 2474 17 29903 28387 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5189-5p MIMAT0021120(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5189-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14749 to 14773 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ggacagGU-AGGCGGACACGGGUCu 5' || |:| :|| |||:||| Ref: 5' ttaaaaCACTTCTTCTTTGCTCAGg 3' Energy: -18.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5189-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.30 2 19 14749 14773 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5189-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.30 141.00 -18.30 2475 24 29903 14749 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-let-7f-1-3p MIMAT0004486(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-let-7f-1-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:26642 to 26665 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cccuUCCGUUAUCU---AACAUAUc 5' ||| |||||: ||||||| Ref: 5' caacAGG-AATAGGTTTTTGTATAt 3' Energy: -13.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7f-1-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -13.08 2 19 26642 26665 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19280 to 19301 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccCUUCCGUUAUCUAACAUAUc 5' || ||::: || ||||||: Ref: 5' gtGATGGTGGCAGTTTGTATGt 3' Energy: -14.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7f-1-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -14.44 2 21 19280 19301 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:25846 to 25867 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cccuuccguuaucUAACAUAUc 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' aattgttacgactATTGTATAc 3' Energy: -7.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7f-1-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -7.24 2 10 25846 25867 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9240 to 9260 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ccCUUCCGUUAUCUAACAUAUc 5' |||| :::| | ||||:|| Ref: 5' caGAAGCTGGT-GTTTGTGTAt 3' Energy: -11.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7f-1-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.14 2 21 9240 9260 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10086 to 10106 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cccUUCCGUUAUCUAACAUAUc 5' ||| ::| :|:||||||: Ref: 5' gtaAAGTTGA-GGGTTGTATGg 3' Energy: -14.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7f-1-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.83 2 20 10086 10106 18 61.11% 88.89% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14542 to 14562 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cccUUCCGUUAUCUAACAUAUc 5' |||| ||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' tttAAGG-AATTACTTGTGTAt 3' Energy: -9.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7f-1-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.29 2 20 14542 14562 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23759 to 23780 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccCUUCCGUUAUCUAACAUAUc 5' || ||:||||||||| | Ref: 5' aaGACATCAGTAGATTGTACAa 3' Energy: -15.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7f-1-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.11 2 21 23759 23780 19 73.68% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-let-7f-1-3p NC_045512.2 1012.00 -85.13 155.00 -15.11 2476 22 29903 26642 19280 25846 9240 10086 14542 23759 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8063 MIMAT0030990(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8063 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25457 to 25478 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuCGGGGCUGAGGACUAAAACu 5' ||: | ||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' atGCTACTCCTTCAGATTTTGt 3' Energy: -16.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8063 NC_045512.2 160.00 -16.25 2 21 25457 25478 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:8747 to 8769 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uucggggcUG-AGGACUAAAACu 5' || | ||||||||| Ref: 5' gctaacaaACATGCTGATTTTGa 3' Energy: -16.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8063 NC_045512.2 153.00 -16.04 2 15 8747 8769 14 85.71% 85.71% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23934 to 23955 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' uucGGGGCUGAGGACUAAAACu 5' | || |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' cacCACCAATTAAAGATTTTGg 3' Energy: -15.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8063 NC_045512.2 151.00 -15.48 2 20 23934 23955 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:13914 to 13937 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uucggggCUGA--GGACUAAAACu 5' |||| : |||||||| Ref: 5' taaaaagGACTGGTATGATTTTGt 3' Energy: -15.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8063 NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.98 2 16 13914 13937 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:13269 to 13294 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' uucgGGGCUGAGGA----CUAAAACu 5' :|| | |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' atcaTCCAAATCCTAAAGGATTTTGt 3' Energy: -15.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8063 NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.13 2 19 13269 13294 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:20506 to 20528 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uucggggcUGAG-GACUAAAACu 5' |||: |||||||| Ref: 5' gatttattACTTGATGATTTTGt 3' Energy: -12.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8063 NC_045512.2 149.00 -12.39 2 15 20506 20528 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:1254 to 1275 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (68.75%) Query: 3' uucggGGCUGAGGACUAAAACu 5' | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' catggCAGACGGGCGATTTTGt 3' Energy: -13.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8063 NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.12 2 18 1254 1275 16 68.75% 68.75% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:17793 to 17815 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (73.33%) Query: 3' uucggggCUGAG-GACUAAAACu 5' | ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgctgtaGCCTCAAAGATTTTGg 3' Energy: -15.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8063 NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.20 2 16 17793 17815 15 73.33% 73.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8063 NC_045512.2 1199.00 -119.59 160.00 -16.25 2477 22 29903 25457 8747 23934 13914 13269 20506 1254 17793 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-760 MIMAT0004957(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-760 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:29360 to 29377 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' agGGGUGUCUGGGUCUCGGc 5' ||||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttCCCACCAA--CAGAGCCt 3' Energy: -22.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-760 NC_045512.2 151.00 -22.74 2 19 29360 29377 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:24603 to 24623 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' aggGGUGUC-UGGGUCUCGGc 5' |::||| | :||||||: Ref: 5' gagCTGCAGAAATCAGAGCTt 3' Energy: -19.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-760 NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.93 2 18 24603 24623 17 64.71% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-760 NC_045512.2 291.00 -42.67 151.00 -22.74 2478 20 29903 29360 24603 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-583 MIMAT0003248(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-583 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:11635 to 11657 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cauuACCCUGGAA--GGAGAAAc 5' || ||:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' tactTGTTACTTTGGCCTCTTTt 3' Energy: -11.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-583 NC_045512.2 152.00 -11.32 2 18 11635 11657 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:1846 to 1866 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cauuacccuggaAGGAGAAAc 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' atcaatactgagTCCTCTTTa 3' Energy: -11.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-583 NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.71 2 10 1846 1866 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6182 to 6202 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cauuacccuggaaGGAGAAAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aaacactacacacCCTCTTTt 3' Energy: -8.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-583 NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.48 2 9 6182 6202 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:10795 to 10815 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cauuacccuggaaGGAGAAAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgacatactaggaCCTCTTTc 3' Energy: -14.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-583 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.89 2 9 10795 10815 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:14746 to 14767 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' cauuacccUG-GAAGGAGAAAc 5' || ||||:||||| Ref: 5' gaattaaaACACTTCTTCTTTg 3' Energy: -16.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-583 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.98 2 14 14746 14767 13 84.62% 92.31% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-583 NC_045512.2 717.00 -63.38 152.00 -16.98 2479 21 29903 11635 1846 6182 10795 14746 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-let-7c-3p MIMAT0026472(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-let-7c-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 170.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14485 to 14505 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (89.47%) Query: 3' ccUUUCGAUCUUCCAACAUGUc 5' |:|||||| : |||||||| Ref: 5' agAGAGCTAG-GTGTTGTACAt 3' Energy: -25.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7c-3p NC_045512.2 170.00 -25.47 2 21 14485 14505 19 78.95% 89.47% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23758 to 23780 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ccUUUCGA-UCUUCCAACAUGUc 5' |:| | || || ||||||| Ref: 5' caAGACATCAGTAGATTGTACAa 3' Energy: -9.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7c-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -9.73 2 21 23758 23780 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18520 to 18543 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ccUUUCG-AU-CUUCCAACAUGUc 5' |: || || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtAGTGCGTATAAAGATTGTACAa 3' Energy: -9.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7c-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -9.11 2 21 18520 18543 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:2395 to 2418 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ccuuucGAUCUUCC--AACAUGUc 5' || |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' cacgcaCTCAAAGGGATTGTACAg 3' Energy: -17.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7c-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -17.22 2 17 2395 2418 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10086 to 10106 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (94.74%) Query: 3' ccUUUCGAUCUUCCAACAUGUc 5' ||||:| ||:|||||||:: Ref: 5' gtAAAGTT-GAGGGTTGTATGg 3' Energy: -23.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7c-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -23.29 2 21 10086 10106 19 73.68% 94.74% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23823 to 23846 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' ccuUUCGAUCUUC--CAACAUGUc 5' || |:| || ||||||| Ref: 5' tgcAATATGGCAGTTTTTGTACAc 3' Energy: -9.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7c-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -9.06 2 20 23823 23846 20 65.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:7363 to 7384 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' ccuuucgaucUUCCAACAUGUc 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' gttaataattAATCTTGTACAa 3' Energy: -5.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7c-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -5.56 2 13 7363 7384 11 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:5915 to 5936 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ccuuucgaucuuCCAACAUGUc 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttggatggtgttGTTTGTACAg 3' Energy: -15.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7c-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.48 2 11 5915 5936 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:12788 to 12811 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccUUUCGAUCU-UCC-AACAUGuc 5' |||| ||: ||| |||||| Ref: 5' acAAAGGGAGGTAGGTTTGTACtt 3' Energy: -17.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7c-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.03 3 21 12788 12811 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:27167 to 27188 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ccuuucgaucuuCCAACAUGUc 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' caatattgctttGCTTGTACAg 3' Energy: -13.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7c-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.18 2 11 27167 27188 9 88.89% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-let-7c-3p NC_045512.2 1492.00 -145.13 170.00 -25.47 2480 22 29903 14485 23758 18520 2395 10086 23823 7363 5915 12788 27167 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-611 MIMAT0003279(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-611 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:567 to 588 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cagUCUGGGGCUCCCCAGGAGCg 5' |||| |: || |||||:| Ref: 5' gtgAGACACT-TGGTGTCCTTGt 3' Energy: -24.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-611 NC_045512.2 142.00 -24.30 2 21 567 588 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-611 NC_045512.2 142.00 -24.30 142.00 -24.30 2481 23 29903 567 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-203b-3p MIMAT0019814(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-203b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25643 to 25665 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' agguCACCAAGAAUUGUCAAGUu 5' || |||: ||||||||:| Ref: 5' tgttGTTGTTTGTAACAGTTTAc 3' Energy: -13.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-203b-3p NC_045512.2 159.00 -13.29 2 20 25643 25665 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:28834 to 28856 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (76.19%) Query: 3' agGU-CACCAAGAAUUGUCAAGUu 5' || || | || ||||||||| Ref: 5' atCACGTAG-TCGCAACAGTTCAa 3' Energy: -18.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-203b-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -18.58 2 22 28834 28856 21 76.19% 76.19% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:20128 to 20150 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aggucaccaagaauUGUCAAGUu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' gaagccgtaaaaacACAGTTCAa 3' Energy: -14.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-203b-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.26 2 10 20128 20150 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12982 to 13004 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (94.12%) Query: 3' aggucACCAAGAAUUGUCAAGUu 5' |||| |||:::||||:| Ref: 5' aggtaTGGTACTTGGTAGTTTAg 3' Energy: -19.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-203b-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.96 2 19 12982 13004 17 70.59% 94.12% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-203b-3p NC_045512.2 604.00 -66.09 159.00 -19.96 2482 23 29903 25643 28834 20128 12982 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1296-3p MIMAT0026637(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1296-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15327 to 15348 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccAAUCCCAGCUUCGGGGUGAg 5' |||| |: :|||:|||| Ref: 5' gcTTAGAATTATGGCCTCACTt 3' Energy: -16.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1296-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.96 2 21 15327 15348 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:25494 to 25515 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ccaaucCCAGCUUCGGGGUGAg 5' | | |||||:|||| Ref: 5' gataccGATACAAGCCTCACTc 3' Energy: -20.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1296-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.53 2 17 25494 25515 15 73.33% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1296-3p NC_045512.2 284.00 -37.49 144.00 -20.53 2483 22 29903 15327 25494 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4724-5p MIMAT0019841(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4724-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:2066 to 2088 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gcuucgagugaggACCAAGUCAa 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' attacaggtggtgTTGTTCAGTt 3' Energy: -12.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4724-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.88 2 11 2066 2088 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:3306 to 3330 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' gcUUCGAGUGAGG--ACCAAGUCaa 5' :| ||:|| || | |||||| Ref: 5' tgGAACTTACACCAGTTGTTCAGac 3' Energy: -17.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4724-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.52 3 22 3306 3330 21 66.67% 76.19% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:21134 to 21159 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (78.26%) Query: 3' gcUUCGAGUGAGGA---CCAAGUCAa 5' ||||| :|||:| ||||| || Ref: 5' aaAAGCTAGCTCTTGGAGGTTCCGTg 3' Energy: -20.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4724-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.96 2 22 21134 21159 23 69.57% 78.26% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4724-5p NC_045512.2 422.00 -51.36 142.00 -20.96 2484 23 29903 2066 3306 21134 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4703-5p MIMAT0019801(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4703-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 173.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:6774 to 6796 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugAUAUAAACAUGACAUAACGAu 5' ||| | | |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctTATTTCTTTACTTTATTGCTa 3' Energy: -13.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4703-5p NC_045512.2 173.00 -13.29 2 22 6774 6796 20 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16672 to 16693 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ugauAUAAACAUGACAUAACGAu 5' |:| | ||: |||||||| Ref: 5' aaacTGTCT-TATGGTATTGCTa 3' Energy: -14.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4703-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -14.51 2 20 16672 16693 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11106 to 11126 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ugauAUAAACAUGACAUAACGAu 5' ||| |||: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgcTATGGGTAT--TATTGCTa 3' Energy: -16.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4703-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -16.94 2 20 11106 11126 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:11543 to 11565 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugAUAUAAACAUGACAUAACGau 5' |||:| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTATGTGTGTTGAGTATTGCcc 3' Energy: -14.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4703-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -14.25 3 22 11543 11565 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:11597 to 11619 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ugAUAUAAACAUGACAUAACGAu 5' |||| | || | |||||:| Ref: 5' tgTATAATGCTAGTTTATTGTTt 3' Energy: -7.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4703-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -7.64 2 22 11597 11619 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:26958 to 26979 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' ugAUAUAAACAUGACAUAACGAu 5' |: | | | | |||||||| Ref: 5' cgTGGACATCTTC-GTATTGCTg 3' Energy: -11.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4703-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.21 2 22 26958 26979 20 65.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27154 to 27177 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' ugaUAUAAACA-UGACAUAACGAu 5' :|| || || ||||||| Ref: 5' ccaGTAGCAGTGACAATATTGCTt 3' Energy: -9.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4703-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -9.31 2 21 27154 27177 20 65.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24072 to 24098 Align Len (23) (60.87%) (73.91%) Query: 3' ugaUAUAAAC---AUGAC-AUAACGAu 5' :|: ||| |: || ||||||| Ref: 5' atgGTGATTGCCTTGGTGATATTGCTg 3' Energy: -12.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4703-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.13 2 21 24072 24098 23 60.87% 73.91% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:22630 to 22652 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugauauaaacaUGACAUAACGAu 5' |||||:||||| Ref: 5' gagaatcagcaACTGTGTTGCTg 3' Energy: -17.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4703-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.89 2 13 22630 22652 11 90.91% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:20486 to 20509 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ugAUAUAAACAUGAC-AUAACGAu 5' |:|:| ||| ||| ||||| | Ref: 5' agTGTGTGTGTTCTGTTATTGATt 3' Energy: -13.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4703-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.49 2 22 20486 20509 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:21566 to 21589 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugAUAUAAA-CAUGACAUAACGau 5' |:| ||| |::| |||||| Ref: 5' ttTGTTTTTCTTGTTTTATTGCca 3' Energy: -6.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4703-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.76 3 22 21566 21589 20 65.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4703-5p NC_045512.2 1644.00 -137.42 173.00 -17.89 2485 23 29903 6774 16672 11106 11543 11597 26958 27154 24072 22630 20486 21566 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4700-3p MIMAT0019797(26 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4700-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12680 to 12706 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gugaccccACUCCUC-AGUCAGGACAc 5' | | ||| |:|||||||| Ref: 5' ttacagaaTAATGAGCTTAGTCCTGTt 3' Energy: -20.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4700-3p NC_045512.2 161.00 -20.75 2 19 12680 12706 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14719 to 14745 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gugaccccACUCC-UCAGUCAGGACAc 5' | ||| || |||:|||| Ref: 5' ggtttcttTAAGGAAGGAAGTTCTGTt 3' Energy: -18.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4700-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.31 2 19 14719 14745 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4700-3p NC_045512.2 302.00 -39.06 161.00 -20.75 2486 26 29903 12680 14719 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4287 MIMAT0016917(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4287 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:28783 to 28801 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' uuucACGGGAGUUCCCUCu 5' | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' cttcTACGCAGAAGGGAGc 3' Energy: -13.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4287 NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.57 2 16 28783 28801 14 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:12780 to 12798 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuucacgggagUUCCCUCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' acaacacaacaAAGGGAGg 3' Energy: -14.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4287 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.29 2 9 12780 12798 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4287 NC_045512.2 283.00 -27.86 143.00 -14.29 2487 19 29903 28783 12780 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6843-3p MIMAT0027588(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6843-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3929 MIMAT0018206(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3929 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7936 to 7958 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (89.47%) Query: 3' ucacCAGAUGAGUGU-AGUCGGAg 5' ||:|||| ||| |||||:| Ref: 5' gtctGTTTACT-ACAGTCAGCTTa 3' Energy: -20.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3929 NC_045512.2 152.00 -20.01 2 20 7936 7958 19 78.95% 89.47% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:5393 to 5415 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucACCAGAUGAGUGUAGUCGGAg 5' | || |||:|: |:||||| Ref: 5' ttTTGTGCACTTATCTTAGCCTa 3' Energy: -16.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3929 NC_045512.2 149.00 -16.78 2 22 5393 5415 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:22063 to 22085 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' ucACCAGAUG-AGUGUAGUCGGAg 5' | | ||: || | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTTGAATATGTCTC-TCAGCCTt 3' Energy: -13.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3929 NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.97 2 22 22063 22085 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8982 to 9003 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ucaccAGAUGAGUGUAGUCGGAg 5' |:|:| ||||||||:| Ref: 5' ctgacTTTGC-AACATCAGCTTg 3' Energy: -16.309999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3929 NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.31 2 19 8982 9003 17 70.59% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3929 NC_045512.2 591.00 -67.07 152.00 -20.01 2489 23 29903 7936 5393 22063 8982 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-631 MIMAT0003300(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-631 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7846-3p MIMAT0030421(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7846-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3921 MIMAT0018196(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3921 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:20189 to 20211 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uguuccGUAUACCAUGAGUCUCu 5' | || ||||||||| Ref: 5' ctgaaaCTTACTTTACTCAGAGt 3' Energy: -14.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3921 NC_045512.2 153.00 -14.15 2 18 20189 20211 16 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:2173 to 2196 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ugUUCCGUAU-ACCAUGAGUCUCu 5' ||||::|| | | ||:|||| Ref: 5' ggAAGGTGTAGAGTTTCTTAGAGa 3' Energy: -20.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3921 NC_045512.2 148.00 -20.70 2 22 2173 2196 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12087 to 12107 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' uguUCCGUAUACCAUGAGUCUCu 5' | || ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tacAAGC-TATAG-CCTCAGAGt 3' Energy: -19.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3921 NC_045512.2 148.00 -19.53 2 21 12087 12107 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:11885 to 11907 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguuccguauaccaUGAGUCUCu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tcagttttgcaacaACTCAGAGt 3' Energy: -14.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3921 NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.66 2 10 11885 11907 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:21774 to 21796 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugUUCCGUAUACCAUGAGUCUCu 5' ::| | |||||||| |||| Ref: 5' ctGGGACCAATGGTACTAAGAGg 3' Energy: -22.280001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3921 NC_045512.2 141.00 -22.28 2 22 21774 21796 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10261 to 10284 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uguuCCGUAUACCA--UGAGUCUCu 5' ||:| ||| | ||||||:| Ref: 5' ggctGGTA-ATGTTCAACTCAGGGt 3' Energy: -17.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3921 NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.43 2 20 10261 10284 20 70.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3921 NC_045512.2 875.00 -108.75 153.00 -22.28 2492 23 29903 20189 2173 12087 11885 21774 10261 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6737-3p MIMAT0027376(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6737-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-125b-1-3p MIMAT0004592(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-125b-1-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:25566 to 25587 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucGAGGGUUCUCGGAUUGGGca 5' ||:|||| | | |||||| Ref: 5' cgCTTCCAAAATCATAACCCtc 3' Energy: -20.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-125b-1-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -20.00 3 21 25566 25587 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:10187 to 10211 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ucGAGGGUUCU---CGGAUUGGGca 5' |||: |||| ||:|||||| Ref: 5' acCTCTGAAGACATGCTTAACCCta 3' Energy: -22.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-125b-1-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -22.39 3 21 10187 10211 21 71.43% 80.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-125b-1-3p NC_045512.2 299.00 -42.39 152.00 -22.39 2494 22 29903 25566 10187 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4774-5p MIMAT0019929(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4774-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12470 to 12492 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' aaUAAUGGAUGAU-GUAUGGUCu 5' | || : ::|: |||||||| Ref: 5' aaACTAATGGTTGTCATACCAGa 3' Energy: -16.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4774-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.71 2 21 12470 12492 20 60.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:591 to 612 Align Len (17) (58.82%) (76.47%) Query: 3' aauaAUGGAUGAUGUAUGGUCu 5' |:: :| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctcaTGTGGGCGAAATACCAGt 3' Energy: -12.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4774-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.19 2 19 591 612 17 58.82% 76.47% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:10783 to 10806 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' aauaaUGG-AUGA-UGUAUGGUCu 5' ||| |::| ||||||:|| Ref: 5' acaagACCATGTTGACATACTAGg 3' Energy: -18.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4774-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.58 2 18 10783 10806 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9378 to 9399 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' aauaAUGGAUGAUGUAUGGUCu 5' |:|:| |||||:||| Ref: 5' ttggTGCTTTGGACATATCAGc 3' Energy: -16.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4774-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.54 2 19 9378 9399 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:14461 to 14482 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' aaUAAUGGAUGAUGUAUGGUcu 5' | | :| |||: |||||| Ref: 5' gtAGTTTCAACTGGATACCAct 3' Energy: -13.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4774-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.34 3 21 14461 14482 18 66.67% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4774-5p NC_045512.2 722.00 -77.36 151.00 -18.58 2495 22 29903 12470 591 10783 9378 14461 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4435 MIMAT0018951(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4435 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6798-3p MIMAT0027497(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6798-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4266 MIMAT0016892(16 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4266 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:12630 to 12645 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' ccgGUUCCGGAGGAUc 5' || ||||||:|| Ref: 5' tagCATGGCCTCTTAt 3' Energy: -16.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4266 NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.63 2 14 12630 12645 12 83.33% 91.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4266 NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.63 141.00 -16.63 2498 16 29903 12630 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1910-5p MIMAT0007884(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1910-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:13906 to 13926 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uccgccguccgUGUCCUGACc 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' tatttcaataaAAAGGACTGg 3' Energy: -16.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1910-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.34 2 11 13906 13926 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:27107 to 27127 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uccGCCGUCCGUGUCCUGACc 5' | |: | :||||||:|| Ref: 5' ataCAGTCGCTACAGGATTGg 3' Energy: -23.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1910-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -23.40 2 19 27107 27127 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13503 to 13526 Align Len (21) (80.95%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ucCGCC--GUCCGUG-UCCUGACc 5' |||| ||||||| || |||| Ref: 5' gtGCGGCACAGGCACTAGTACTGa 3' Energy: -26.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1910-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -26.07 2 20 13503 13526 21 80.95% 80.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1910-5p NC_045512.2 425.00 -65.81 142.00 -26.07 2499 21 29903 13906 27107 13503 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4769-3p MIMAT0019923(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4769-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19272 to 19293 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' caucCCCUCCCUCCUACCGUCu 5' || | || |:|||||| Ref: 5' gcctGGTTGTGATGGTGGCAGt 3' Energy: -18.469999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4769-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.47 2 19 19272 19293 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:23815 to 23836 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cauccccucCCUCCUACCGUCu 5' | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tcttttgttGCAATATGGCAGt 3' Energy: -10.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4769-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.98 2 14 23815 23836 12 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:1241 to 1262 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cauccccucccuccUACCGUCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtggtgaaacttcATGGCAGa 3' Energy: -15.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4769-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.47 2 9 1241 1262 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:13796 to 13817 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cauccccucccuccUACCGUCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttactaaatacacaATGGCAGa 3' Energy: -12.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4769-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.75 2 9 13796 13817 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:26509 to 26530 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cauccccucccuccUACCGUCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ctttaattttagccATGGCAGa 3' Energy: -12.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4769-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.36 2 9 26509 26530 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4769-3p NC_045512.2 703.00 -70.03 142.00 -18.47 2500 22 29903 19272 23815 1241 13796 26509 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548ab MIMAT0018928(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548ab vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25795 to 25814 Align Len (19) (84.21%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucGUUUUAGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||||| || | |||||||| Ref: 5' tcCAAAAACC-C-ATTACTTTa 3' Energy: -12.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ab NC_045512.2 164.00 -12.43 2 21 25795 25814 19 84.21% 84.21% Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7760 to 7781 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ucguuuUAGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |||||: ||||||| Ref: 5' ggttccATCCATCTTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -13.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ab NC_045512.2 160.00 -13.27 2 17 7760 7781 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8375 to 8398 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ucgUUUUAGGUGU--UAAUGAAAa 5' |||| :|||| |||:|||| Ref: 5' gcaAAAAGTCACAACATTGCTTTg 3' Energy: -16.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ab NC_045512.2 154.00 -16.03 2 20 8375 8398 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:13630 to 13651 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ucguuUUAGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |||: |: ||||||| Ref: 5' aatttAATTGATTCTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -7.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ab NC_045512.2 153.00 -7.16 2 18 13630 13651 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2719 to 2740 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ucGUUUUAGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' || | | | ::||||||| Ref: 5' tgCACCAACAAAGGTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -11.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ab NC_045512.2 152.00 -11.94 2 21 2719 2740 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:10947 to 10969 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucGUUUUAGGUGU-UAAUGAAAa 5' ||| : :|| : :||||||| Ref: 5' gaCAATGCTCAGGTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -10.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ab NC_045512.2 151.00 -10.03 2 21 10947 10969 20 60.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4012 to 4032 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucGUUUUAGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||:|| | : :||||||| Ref: 5' caCAGAAAAC-TTGTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -10.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ab NC_045512.2 150.00 -10.30 2 21 4012 4032 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20180 to 20203 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ucGUU-UUAGGUGUU-AAUGAAAa 5' ||| | |:: || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaCAATTACCTGAAACTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -8.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ab NC_045512.2 150.00 -8.66 2 21 20180 20203 21 66.67% 76.19% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:23010 to 23033 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ucgUUUUAGG--UGUUAAUGAAAa 5' ||::|:: |: :||||||| Ref: 5' ttgAAGGTTTTAATTGTTACTTTc 3' Energy: -8.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ab NC_045512.2 150.00 -8.25 2 20 23010 23033 20 55.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:1675 to 1696 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ucgUUUUAGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |:|: :|:| ||||:||| Ref: 5' tgaAGAGATCGCCATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -10.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ab NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.80 2 20 1675 1696 18 61.11% 88.89% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22145 to 22166 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ucgUUUUAGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' || ||: |:::|||:||| Ref: 5' aagAATATTGATGGTTATTTTa 3' Energy: -7.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ab NC_045512.2 147.00 -7.93 2 20 22145 22166 18 61.11% 88.89% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:2917 to 2937 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ucGUUUUAGGUGUUAAUGAAaa 5' ||: |||:: |||||||| Ref: 5' acCAGTATCTG-AATTACTTac 3' Energy: -9.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ab NC_045512.2 146.00 -9.45 3 21 2917 2937 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:13690 to 13712 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ucgUUUUAGGUGUU-AAUGAAaa 5' | |||::|:|| |||||| Ref: 5' gaaACAATTTATAATTTACTTaa 3' Energy: -9.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ab NC_045512.2 146.00 -9.30 3 20 13690 13712 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22275 to 22294 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucGUUUUAGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' |||| |::|| ||:|||| Ref: 5' ttCAAACTTTAC--TTGCTTTa 3' Energy: -9.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ab NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.36 2 21 22275 22294 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:25993 to 26014 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ucguuUUAGGUGUUAAUGAAaa 5' | | ||||:|||||| Ref: 5' gttgtATTACACAGTTACTTca 3' Energy: -14.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ab NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.13 3 18 25993 26014 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16891 to 16912 Align Len (18) (55.56%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ucgUUUUAGGUGUUAAUGAAAa 5' || :|: :::||||:||| Ref: 5' ttaAATGTTGGTGATTATTTTg 3' Energy: -6.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ab NC_045512.2 143.00 -6.76 2 20 16891 16912 18 55.56% 88.89% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24356 to 24378 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ucGUUUUAGGUGUU-AAUGAAAa 5' ||||||:|| :| | ||||| Ref: 5' ggCAAAATTCAAGACTCACTTTc 3' Energy: -14.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ab NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.57 2 21 24356 24378 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4515 to 4538 Align Len (21) (57.14%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ucGUUUUA-GGUGU-UAAUGAAAa 5' :| ::| |:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' atTATGGTGCTAGATTTTACTTTt 3' Energy: -8.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ab NC_045512.2 142.00 -8.00 2 21 4515 4538 21 57.14% 76.19% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:11626 to 11648 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucguuuuAGGUG-UUAAUGAAAa 5' | :|| :||||||| Ref: 5' ctattttTGTACTTGTTACTTTg 3' Energy: -7.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ab NC_045512.2 142.00 -7.37 2 16 11626 11648 15 66.67% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27547 to 27571 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ucGUUUUAG-GUG--UUAAUGAAAa 5' |||| |: ||| | ||:|||| Ref: 5' aaCAAATTTGCACTGACTTGCTTTa 3' Energy: -9.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ab NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.96 2 21 27547 27571 22 68.18% 77.27% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6769 to 6790 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucguuuuagguguuAAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tatgccttatttctTTACTTTa 3' Energy: -5.690000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ab NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.69 2 9 6769 6790 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:11687 to 11708 Align Len (14) (64.29%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucguuuUAGGUGUUAAUGAAaa 5' :|::|::||||||| Ref: 5' cttggtGTTTATGATTACTTag 3' Energy: -8.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548ab NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.89 3 17 11687 11708 14 64.29% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548ab NC_045512.2 3252.00 -220.28 164.00 -16.03 2501 22 29903 25795 7760 8375 13630 2719 10947 4012 20180 23010 1675 22145 2917 13690 22275 25993 16891 24356 4515 11626 27547 6769 11687 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-181a-3p MIMAT0000270(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-181a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19712 to 19731 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccAUGUUAGUUGCCAGCUACCa 5' |||| ||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' ttTACA--CAAAAGTTGATGGt 3' Energy: -17.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181a-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.71 2 21 19712 19731 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20153 to 20172 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ccAUGUUAGUUGCCAGCUACCa 5' ||:|| || ||:||||| Ref: 5' atTATAAGAAA--GTTGATGGt 3' Energy: -15.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181a-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.10 2 21 20153 20172 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-181a-3p NC_045512.2 286.00 -32.81 145.00 -17.71 2502 22 29903 19712 20153 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-664a-5p MIMAT0005948(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-664a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:11511 to 11533 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' uagGUUAGUAAAAGGGAUCGGUCa 5' | :|||| || ::|:||||| Ref: 5' caaCTGTCATGTT-TTTGGCCAGa 3' Energy: -18.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-664a-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -18.79 2 22 11511 11533 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8763 to 8786 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uagguuaGUAAAAGGGAUCGGUCa 5' || | ::||||||| Ref: 5' attttgaCACATGGTTTAGCCAGc 3' Energy: -15.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-664a-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.86 2 18 8763 8786 16 62.50% 75.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:13102 to 13123 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uagGUUAGUAAAAGGGAUCGGUCa 5' ||| ||| | |||||:|| Ref: 5' ttaCAAAGATTAT--CTAGCTAGt 3' Energy: -17.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-664a-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.58 2 22 13102 13123 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:21582 to 21605 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uagguuaguaaaAGGGAUCGGUCa 5' ||:||||:||| Ref: 5' tattgccactagTCTCTAGTCAGt 3' Energy: -22.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-664a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -22.70 2 13 21582 21605 11 81.82% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-664a-5p NC_045512.2 574.00 -74.93 147.00 -22.70 2503 24 29903 11511 8763 13102 21582 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-12132 MIMAT0049026(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-12132 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16916 to 16935 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' guaGUAUUAAGAGUGUCAUUAu 5' ||| | | :|||||||| Ref: 5' tgaCATCA--CATACAGTAATg 3' Energy: -16.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12132 NC_045512.2 152.00 -16.10 2 20 16916 16935 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25228 to 25249 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' guaGUAUUAAGAGUGUCAUUAu 5' | |:||| ||:|||||| Ref: 5' tggCTTGATTGCCATAGTAATg 3' Energy: -14.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12132 NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.83 2 20 25228 25249 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26148 to 26172 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (76.19%) Query: 3' guaGUAUUAAGAGU---GUCAUUAu 5' |: |:|| |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' atcCGGAGTTGTTAATCCAGTAATg 3' Energy: -12.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12132 NC_045512.2 150.00 -12.20 2 20 26148 26172 21 61.90% 76.19% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:9723 to 9743 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (93.75%) Query: 3' guaguAUUAAGAGUGUCAUUAu 5' |::||||: :|||||| Ref: 5' tctatTGGTTCTT-TAGTAATt 3' Energy: -12.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12132 NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.36 2 18 9723 9743 16 68.75% 93.75% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7327 to 7349 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' guagUAU-UAAGAGUGUCAUUAu 5' :|| |||:| :|||||| Ref: 5' tgcaGTACATTTTATTAGTAATt 3' Energy: -9.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12132 NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.02 2 19 7327 7349 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-12132 NC_045512.2 737.00 -64.51 152.00 -16.10 2504 22 29903 16916 25228 26148 9723 7327 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-466 MIMAT0015002(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-466 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:15904 to 15924 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uaCACACAACGCACAUACACAUa 5' | ||| || | |||||||| Ref: 5' caGGGTGATG-AT-TATGTGTAc 3' Energy: -13.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-466 NC_045512.2 153.00 -13.22 2 22 15904 15924 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11531 to 11553 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uacaCACAACGCACAUACACAUa 5' || |||: | |||||||: Ref: 5' agagGTATTGTTTTTATGTGTGt 3' Energy: -13.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-466 NC_045512.2 151.00 -13.62 2 20 11531 11553 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:5500 to 5523 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' uaCACACAAC--GCACAUACACAUa 5' | || ||| |||| :|||||| Ref: 5' aaGAGTCTTGAACGTG-GTGTGTAa 3' Energy: -16.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-466 NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.13 2 22 5500 5523 22 72.73% 77.27% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17407 to 17430 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' uacaCACAACGC-ACAUACACAUa 5' ||| | | |||||||| Ref: 5' ttacGTGCTAAGCACTATGTGTAc 3' Energy: -12.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-466 NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.91 2 20 17407 17430 19 68.42% 68.42% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:29791 to 29813 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uacacacaacgcacaUACACAUa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tatggaagagccctaATGTGTAa 3' Energy: -8.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-466 NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.58 2 9 29791 29813 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-466 NC_045512.2 736.00 -64.46 153.00 -16.13 2505 23 29903 15904 11531 5500 17407 29791 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4279 MIMAT0016909(16 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4279 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:16651 to 16667 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' cuUCGG-CCCUCCUCUc 5' |||: ||||||| Ref: 5' aaAGCTACTGAGGAGAc 3' Energy: -15.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4279 NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.09 2 15 16651 16667 14 71.43% 78.57% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4279 NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.09 141.00 -15.09 2506 16 29903 16651 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-9899 MIMAT0039319(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-9899 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4425 MIMAT0018940(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4425 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-219b-3p MIMAT0019748(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-219b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27503 to 27525 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ugaCUAACAGGUUUGCGUUAAGa 5' || | |:|: ||||||| Ref: 5' ctgGAACATACGAGGGCAATTCa 3' Energy: -16.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-219b-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -16.69 2 21 27503 27525 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16243 to 16266 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ugaCUAACA-GGUUUGCGUUAAGa 5' | |||| :: :||||||| Ref: 5' gggGCTTGTGTTCTTTGCAATTCa 3' Energy: -16.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-219b-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.85 2 21 16243 16266 20 60.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:17680 to 17702 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugACUAACAGGUUUGCGUUAAga 5' |||| |:|| :|||||| Ref: 5' caTGATGTTTCATCTGCAATTaa 3' Energy: -14.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-219b-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.38 3 22 17680 17702 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:7287 to 7313 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' ugaCUAAC--AGGUU--UGCGUUAAga 5' ||||| | ||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' ttgGATTGGCTGCAATCATGCAATTgt 3' Energy: -14.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-219b-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.71 3 21 7287 7313 22 72.73% 77.27% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-219b-3p NC_045512.2 586.00 -62.63 152.00 -16.85 2509 23 29903 27503 16243 17680 7287 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-16-2-3p MIMAT0004518(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-16-2-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:27153 to 27175 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' auuUCGUCGU-GUCAUUAUAACc 5' ||:|||| :: ||||||| Ref: 5' tccAGTAGCAGTGACAATATTGc 3' Energy: -14.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-16-2-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -14.84 2 20 27153 27175 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1816 to 1836 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' auUUCGUCGUGUCAUUAUAACc 5' ||| || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaAAGGTGC-CTGGAATATTGg 3' Energy: -17.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-16-2-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -17.04 2 21 1816 1836 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:26363 to 26384 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' auuuCGUCGUGUCAUUAUAACc 5' |:| ::| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgcGTACTGCTGCAATATTGt 3' Energy: -9.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-16-2-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -9.29 2 19 26363 26384 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1636 to 1656 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' auUUC-GUCGUGUCAUUAUAACc 5' ||| || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gaAAGTCA--ACATCAATATTGt 3' Energy: -10.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-16-2-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -10.49 2 21 1636 1656 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14288 to 14310 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' auUUCGUCGUGUCA-UUAUAACc 5' :| |: :|: | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttGACCGTTATTTTAAATATTGg 3' Energy: -9.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-16-2-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.90 2 21 14288 14310 20 55.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:22134 to 22155 Align Len (14) (64.29%) (78.57%) Query: 3' auuucguCGUGUCAUUAUAACc 5' |: :| ||||||| Ref: 5' aatttgtGTTTAAGAATATTGa 3' Energy: -5.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-16-2-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -5.78 2 16 22134 22155 14 64.29% 78.57% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12571 to 12591 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' auUUCGUCGUGUCAUUAUAACc 5' | |||| |:||||| |||| Ref: 5' agATGCAG-ATAGTAAAATTGt 3' Energy: -14.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-16-2-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.87 2 21 12571 12591 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24075 to 24096 Align Len (19) (52.63%) (84.21%) Query: 3' auUUCGUCGUGUCAUUAUAACc 5' :| :: | ::||:|||||| Ref: 5' gtGATTGCCTTGGTGATATTGc 3' Energy: -9.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-16-2-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.32 2 21 24075 24096 19 52.63% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-16-2-3p NC_045512.2 1186.00 -91.53 158.00 -17.04 2510 22 29903 27153 1816 26363 1636 14288 22134 12571 24075 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7843-3p MIMAT0030412(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7843-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:24041 to 24063 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' gcauucCGUCU-CUUCCGAAGUa 5' ||||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' acacttGCAGATGCTGGCTTCAt 3' Energy: -20.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7843-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -20.03 2 17 24041 24063 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:6887 to 6908 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gcauuccgucucUUCCGAAGUa 5' :|||||||| Ref: 5' aaattttgtctaGAGGCTTCAt 3' Energy: -14.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7843-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.63 2 11 6887 6908 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:2999 to 3020 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (68.42%) Query: 3' gcAUUCCGUCUCUUCCGAAGUa 5' |:|| : | ||||||| Ref: 5' ggTGAGTTTAAATTGGCTTCAc 3' Energy: -15.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7843-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.32 2 21 2999 3020 19 57.89% 68.42% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7843-3p NC_045512.2 445.00 -49.98 155.00 -20.03 2511 22 29903 24041 6887 2999 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1225-5p MIMAT0005572(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1225-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:18384 to 18404 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gggGGGUGACCCGGCAUGGGUg 5' ||:| | ||:|||||:| Ref: 5' taaCCTAGT-TGCTGTACCTAc 3' Energy: -24.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1225-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -24.91 2 20 18384 18404 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1225-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -24.91 141.00 -24.91 2512 22 29903 18384 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4288 MIMAT0016918(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4288 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:24565 to 24581 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ccUUUGAGUCGUCUGUu 5' ||| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' tcAAAGTTTGCAGACAt 3' Energy: -13.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4288 NC_045512.2 155.00 -13.22 2 16 24565 24581 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:18997 to 19013 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccuuugAGUCGUCUGUu 5' |:|||||||| Ref: 5' gcattaTTAGCAGACAa 3' Energy: -16.219999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4288 NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.22 2 12 18997 19013 10 90.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:5530 to 5546 Align Len (9) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccuuugaGUCGUCUGUu 5' ||||||||| Ref: 5' tggacaaCAGCAGACAa 3' Energy: -19.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4288 NC_045512.2 150.00 -19.14 2 11 5530 5546 9 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 16 R:29530 to 29547 Align Len (14) (92.86%) (92.86%) Query: 3' ccUUUGAGU-CGUCUGuu 5' ||||||| |||||| Ref: 5' ctAAACTCATGCAGACca 3' Energy: -17.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4288 NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.48 3 16 29530 29547 14 92.86% 92.86% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:12343 to 12359 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ccuuUGAGUCGUCUGUu 5' :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' tagtGCTATGCAGACAa 3' Energy: -13.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4288 NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.73 2 14 12343 12359 12 75.00% 83.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:1011 to 1025 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ccUUUGAGUCGUCUGUu 5' :||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' atGAATT--GCAGACAc 3' Energy: -9.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4288 NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.86 2 16 1011 1025 14 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:3385 to 3399 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' ccUUUGAGUCGUCUGUu 5' ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' taAAAAT--GCAGACAt 3' Energy: -9.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4288 NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.96 2 16 3385 3399 14 78.57% 78.57% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4288 NC_045512.2 1035.00 -99.61 155.00 -19.14 2513 17 29903 24565 18997 5530 29530 12343 1011 3385 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-181a-5p MIMAT0000256(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-181a-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:8206 to 8228 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' ugaguggCUGUCGCAACUUACAa 5' ||:: :||||||||| Ref: 5' aactaaaGATGTTGTTGAATGTc 3' Energy: -18.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181a-5p NC_045512.2 160.00 -18.87 2 17 8206 8228 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:12201 to 12223 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ugAGUGGCUGUCGCAACUUACAa 5' |:: || : | |||||||| Ref: 5' agTTGAAGAAGTCTTTGAATGTg 3' Energy: -12.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181a-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -12.57 2 22 12201 12223 20 60.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:11385 to 11407 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugaguggCUGUCGCAACUUACAa 5' |||| : ||||||| Ref: 5' gagtgtgGACACTTATGAATGTc 3' Energy: -13.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181a-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -13.09 2 17 11385 11407 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:20768 to 20790 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ugaguggcUGUCGCAACUUACAa 5' |:| :| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctaaaggcATAATGATGAATGTc 3' Energy: -12.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181a-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -12.26 2 16 20768 20790 14 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9003 to 9023 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ugaguGGCUGUCGCAACUUACAa 5' ::|:| || ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgttTTGGCTGC--TGAATGTa 3' Energy: -13.140000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181a-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.14 2 19 9003 9023 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:6436 to 6458 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ugaguggCUGUCGCAACUUACAa 5' |||: : ||||:||| Ref: 5' acagaaaGACGTTCTTGAGTGTa 3' Energy: -13.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-181a-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.71 2 17 6436 6458 15 66.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-181a-5p NC_045512.2 903.00 -83.64 160.00 -18.87 2514 23 29903 8206 12201 11385 20768 9003 6436 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4662a-3p MIMAT0019732(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4662a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:162 to 183 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uaaaUCGGUUAACAGAUAGAAa 5' ||: | | ||||||||| Ref: 5' cacgAGTAACTCGTCTATCTTc 3' Energy: -13.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4662a-3p NC_045512.2 162.00 -13.19 2 19 162 183 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:25696 to 25717 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uaaaucGGUUAACAGAUAGAAa 5' || || |||||||| Ref: 5' gaagccCCTTTTCTCTATCTTt 3' Energy: -15.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4662a-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -15.37 2 17 25696 25717 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:15107 to 15129 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uaaAUCGGUUA-ACAGAUAGAaa 5' ||||:::| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ccgTAGCTGGTGTCTCTATCTgt 3' Energy: -14.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4662a-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.76 3 20 15107 15129 18 72.22% 88.89% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:13049 to 13071 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uaaaUCGGUUAACA-GAUAGAAa 5' | :||| ||| :|||||| Ref: 5' gccaATTCAACTGTATTATCTTt 3' Energy: -13.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4662a-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.63 2 19 13049 13071 18 72.22% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4662a-3p NC_045512.2 609.00 -56.95 162.00 -15.37 2515 22 29903 162 25696 15107 13049 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4766-3p MIMAT0019918(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4766-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26747 to 26767 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' aaGGUUUUCUCGUUAACGAUa 5' :|| :| | |||||||| Ref: 5' gaTCACCGGTGGAATTGCTAt 3' Energy: -16.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4766-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -16.20 2 20 26747 26767 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:6202 to 6224 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' aaggUUUUCUCG--UUAACGAUa 5' |||:|||| |||||:|| Ref: 5' taagAAAGGAGCTAAATTGTTAc 3' Energy: -14.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4766-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -14.51 2 18 6202 6224 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11107 to 11127 Align Len (18) (55.56%) (77.78%) Query: 3' aaGGUUUUCUCGUUAACGAUa 5' |:| ::| : ||||||| Ref: 5' tgCTATGGGTATTATTGCTAt 3' Energy: -14.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4766-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.18 2 20 11107 11127 18 55.56% 77.78% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:17452 to 17473 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' aagguuuucuCGU-UAACGAUa 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' cctgcaccacGCACATTGCTAa 3' Energy: -11.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4766-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.54 2 12 17452 17473 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22524 to 22545 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' aaGGUUUUC-UCGUUAACGAUa 5' |||| || | | ||||:|| Ref: 5' aaCCAACAGAATCTATTGTTAg 3' Energy: -12.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4766-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.86 2 20 22524 22545 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6777 to 6797 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aagguuuucucguUAACGAUa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atttctttactttATTGCTAc 3' Energy: -7.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4766-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.24 2 9 6777 6797 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:16674 to 16694 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aagguuuucucguUAACGAUa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' actgtcttatggtATTGCTAc 3' Energy: -7.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4766-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.61 2 9 16674 16694 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4766-3p NC_045512.2 1026.00 -84.14 155.00 -16.20 2516 21 29903 26747 6202 11107 17452 22524 6777 16674 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1245b-3p MIMAT0019951(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1245b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:7904 to 7926 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' auauccggaaaUC-UAGUAGACu 5' || |||||||| Ref: 5' tcaaaatgtgaAGAATCATCTGc 3' Energy: -12.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1245b-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.02 2 12 7904 7926 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:21245 to 21266 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' auauccggaaaucUAGUAGACu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' atgtgaatgcgtcATCATCTGa 3' Energy: -14.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1245b-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.29 2 10 21245 21266 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17674 to 17696 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (68.42%) Query: 3' auaUCCGGA-AAUCUAGUAGACu 5' | || | |: ||||||| Ref: 5' atcACGCATGATGTTTCATCTGc 3' Energy: -10.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1245b-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.09 2 20 17674 17696 19 63.16% 68.42% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:9685 to 9706 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (91.67%) Query: 3' auauccggaAAUCUAGUAGACu 5' ||| |||||:|| Ref: 5' aacaattgcTTATATCATTTGt 3' Energy: -10.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1245b-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.61 2 14 9685 9706 12 83.33% 91.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1245b-3p NC_045512.2 574.00 -47.01 146.00 -14.29 2517 22 29903 7904 21245 17674 9685 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6749-3p MIMAT0027399(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6749-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:29688 to 29708 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacccgguccgucCCCUCCUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgtgtaacattaGGGAGGAc 3' Energy: -13.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6749-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.68 2 9 29688 29708 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6749-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.68 140.00 -13.68 2518 21 29903 29688 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1827 MIMAT0006767(18 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1827 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5695 MIMAT0022488(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5695 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6289 to 6310 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gaCAGAUCUAAGAAGAACCUCa 5' || || :|| | :|||||| Ref: 5' gtGTATACGTTGTCTTTGGAGc 3' Energy: -13.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5695 NC_045512.2 148.00 -13.54 2 21 6289 6310 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:21131 to 21152 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (73.33%) Query: 3' gacagaUCUAAGAAGAACCUCa 5' || | |||||||| Ref: 5' aacaaaAGCTAGCTCTTGGAGg 3' Energy: -16.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5695 NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.49 2 17 21131 21152 15 73.33% 73.33% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:17736 to 17757 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' gacagaucuaaGAAGAACCUCa 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' tacacgtaaccCTGCTTGGAGa 3' Energy: -12.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5695 NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.56 2 12 17736 17757 10 90.00% 90.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5695 NC_045512.2 443.00 -42.59 148.00 -16.49 2520 22 29903 6289 21131 17736 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1299 MIMAT0005887(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1299 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18422 to 18445 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agggAGUGUGUCU--UAAGGUCUu 5' | |:||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctaaTAATACAGATTTTTCCAGAg 3' Energy: -20.719999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1299 NC_045512.2 157.00 -20.72 2 19 18422 18445 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:27136 to 27159 Align Len (16) (87.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' agggagUGUGUCU--UAAGGUCuu 5' ||||||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aattaaACACAGACCATTCCAGta 3' Energy: -20.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1299 NC_045512.2 147.00 -20.10 3 17 27136 27159 16 87.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21675 to 21695 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agGGAGUGUGUCUUAAGGUCUu 5' ||| ||| || ||:|||| Ref: 5' acCCTGACAAAG-TTTTCAGAt 3' Energy: -21.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1299 NC_045512.2 146.00 -21.92 2 21 21675 21695 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:6813 to 6833 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' agggagUGUGUCUUAAGGUCUu 5' ::||| |||||:||| Ref: 5' ctagaaGTACA-AATTCTAGAa 3' Energy: -14.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1299 NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.10 2 17 6813 6833 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25544 to 25565 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agGGAGUGUGUCUUAAGGUCUu 5' |:|| ::| | ||:|||| Ref: 5' caCTTCTTGCTGTTTTTCAGAg 3' Energy: -16.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1299 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.86 2 21 25544 25565 19 57.89% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1299 NC_045512.2 732.00 -93.70 157.00 -21.92 2521 22 29903 18422 27136 21675 6813 25544 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-374c-3p MIMAT0022735(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-374c-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25199 to 25220 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (89.47%) Query: 3' uaUAUUAUGUUGGACGAUUCAc 5' ||::|||| :: ||||:|| Ref: 5' ccATGGTACATTTGGCTAGGTt 3' Energy: -16.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374c-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -16.15 2 21 25199 25220 19 63.16% 89.47% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18533 to 18553 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uaUAUUAUGUUGGACGAUUCAc 5' || :||||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' agATTGTACAA-ATGTTAAGTg 3' Energy: -18.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374c-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -18.09 2 21 18533 18553 19 73.68% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-374c-3p NC_045512.2 302.00 -34.24 152.00 -18.09 2522 22 29903 25199 18533 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4701-3p MIMAT0019799(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4701-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:13258 to 13277 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ugUGGUGUGGGUAGUGGGUa 5' :|||||: ||||:||| Ref: 5' ttGCCACATAGATCATCCAa 3' Energy: -22.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4701-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -22.85 2 19 13258 13277 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18248 to 18267 Align Len (17) (58.82%) (94.12%) Query: 3' ugUGGUGUGGGUAGUGGGUa 5' | ||:::::|||||||: Ref: 5' ctAACATGTTTATCACCCGc 3' Energy: -22.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4701-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -22.86 2 19 18248 18267 17 58.82% 94.12% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:28086 to 28105 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguggugugggUAGUGGGUa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' gctggttctaaATCACCCAt 3' Energy: -15.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4701-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.54 2 10 28086 28105 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8278 to 8296 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ugUGGUGUGGGUAGUGGGUa 5' ||:|:|: | |||||:| Ref: 5' taACTATATGC-TCACCTAt 3' Energy: -19.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4701-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.50 2 19 8278 8296 17 64.71% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4701-3p NC_045512.2 581.00 -80.75 150.00 -22.86 2523 20 29903 13258 18248 28086 8278 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7162-3p MIMAT0028235(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7162-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:10026 to 10044 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' cgacGACAAGGUGGAGUCu 5' || | :|||||||| Ref: 5' aaacCTCTATCACCTCAGc 3' Energy: -16.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7162-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -16.91 2 16 10026 10044 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:18105 to 18123 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgacgacaagGUGGAGUCu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' ggcacctacaCACCTCAGt 3' Energy: -16.740000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7162-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.74 2 10 18105 18123 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:3281 to 3299 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cgACGACAAGGUGGAGUcu 5' || |||| |||||| Ref: 5' gtTGAGGTTCAACCTCAat 3' Energy: -18.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7162-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.93 3 18 3281 3299 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:26003 to 26021 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' cgaCGACAAGGUGGAGUCu 5' |:| |:|||:|||| Ref: 5' acaGTTACTTCACTTCAGa 3' Energy: -18.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7162-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.48 2 17 26003 26021 15 66.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7162-3p NC_045512.2 581.00 -71.06 155.00 -18.93 2524 19 29903 10026 18105 3281 26003 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6131 MIMAT0024615(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6131 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7708 to 7725 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' gugAGGGUAGACUGGUCGg 5' |||:| ||||||||: Ref: 5' aaaTCCTA-CTGACCAGTc 3' Energy: -25.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6131 NC_045512.2 146.00 -25.93 2 17 7708 7725 15 80.00% 93.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:25262 to 25280 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' guGAGGGUAGACUGGUCGg 5' :| |::| |||||||: Ref: 5' ctTTGCTGTATGACCAGTt 3' Energy: -15.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6131 NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.61 2 18 25262 25280 16 62.50% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6131 NC_045512.2 287.00 -41.54 146.00 -25.93 2525 19 29903 7708 25262 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6845-3p MIMAT0027591(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6845-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:16808 to 16828 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gacccCGUGUCCCUCCUCUCc 5' |:||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtaaaGTACAAATAGGAGAGt 3' Energy: -16.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6845-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -16.67 2 17 16808 16828 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:2262 to 2287 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (63.64%) Query: 3' gacCCCGUGUCC-----CUCCUCUCc 5' | ||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' cctGTGCAAAGGAAATTAAGGAGAGt 3' Energy: -19.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6845-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.11 2 19 2262 2287 22 63.64% 63.64% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:11366 to 11388 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gaccccgUGUCCC--UCCUCUCc 5' |::| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tatgatgATGGTGCTAGGAGAGt 3' Energy: -14.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6845-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.98 2 15 11366 11388 15 66.67% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6845-3p NC_045512.2 434.00 -50.76 152.00 -19.11 2526 21 29903 16808 2262 11366 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-320b MIMAT0005792(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-320b vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12112 to 12136 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' aacGGGAG--AGU-UGGGUCGAAAa 5' ||:|| ||| |: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttcCCTTCCATCATATGCAGCTTTt 3' Energy: -20.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-320b NC_045512.2 157.00 -20.15 2 20 12112 12136 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19310 to 19332 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (80.95%) Query: 3' aaCGGGAGAGU-UG-GGUCGAAAa 5' || :|| || || |||||||| Ref: 5' atGCATTC-CACACACCAGCTTTt 3' Energy: -21.959999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-320b NC_045512.2 156.00 -21.96 2 21 19310 19332 21 76.19% 80.95% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12634 to 12658 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (72.73%) Query: 3' aaCGGGAGAGUUG---GGUCGAAAa 5' | |||||:| : ||||||| Ref: 5' atGGCCTCTTATTGTAACAGCTTTa 3' Energy: -21.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-320b NC_045512.2 151.00 -21.54 2 21 12634 12658 22 63.64% 72.73% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:8982 to 9004 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' aaCGGGAGAGUUG-GGUCGAAaa 5' | |:|: |||| :|||||| Ref: 5' ctGACTTTGCAACATCAGCTTgt 3' Energy: -16.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-320b NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.89 3 21 8982 9004 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-320b NC_045512.2 607.00 -80.54 157.00 -21.96 2527 22 29903 12112 19310 12634 8982 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-505-5p MIMAT0004776(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-505-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:21738 to 21759 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (94.12%) Query: 3' uguaGUUAUGAAGGACCGAGGg 5' ||||::| |:|||:||| Ref: 5' tttcCAATGTTACTTGGTTCCa 3' Energy: -22.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-505-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -22.14 2 19 21738 21759 17 70.59% 94.12% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:4775 to 4796 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' uguaguuaUGAAGGACCGAGGg 5' |||| ||||:||| Ref: 5' accatctcACTTGCTGGTTCCt 3' Energy: -25.559999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-505-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -25.56 2 15 4775 4796 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:7338 to 7359 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (94.44%) Query: 3' ugUAGUUAUGAAGGACCGAGgg 5' ||:|:|| |||:|||||: Ref: 5' ttATTAGTAATTCTTGGCTTat 3' Energy: -20.110001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-505-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -20.11 3 21 7338 7359 18 72.22% 94.44% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-505-5p NC_045512.2 444.00 -67.81 154.00 -25.56 2528 22 29903 21738 4775 7338 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4729 MIMAT0019851(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4729 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 171.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17205 to 17226 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' aucGAAGGGUUGUCUAUUUACu 5' :|| || |:||||||||| Ref: 5' ataTTTGCCTATAGATAAATGt 3' Energy: -18.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4729 NC_045512.2 171.00 -18.79 2 20 17205 17226 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14946 to 14967 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' auCGAAGGGUUGUCUAUUUACu 5' |:||:||| : ||||||| Ref: 5' tgGTTTTCCATTTAATAAATGg 3' Energy: -18.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4729 NC_045512.2 164.00 -18.60 2 21 14946 14967 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:6930 to 6951 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' aucGAAGGGUUGUCUAUUUAcu 5' :|||: ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' attTTTCTAAACTGATAAATat 3' Energy: -11.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4729 NC_045512.2 151.00 -11.38 3 20 6930 6951 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:21009 to 21030 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (84.62%) Query: 3' aucgaaggGUUGUCUAUUUACu 5' ||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtacataCAGCTAATAAATGg 3' Energy: -12.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4729 NC_045512.2 150.00 -12.41 2 15 21009 21030 13 76.92% 84.62% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1179 to 1201 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' auCGAAG-GGUUGUCUAUUUACu 5' |:| | :|| || ||:|||| Ref: 5' caGTTGCGTCACCAAATGAATGc 3' Energy: -11.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4729 NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.97 2 21 1179 1201 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:21299 to 21320 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' aucgaagGGUUGUCUAUUUACu 5' | |||| |||:||| Ref: 5' aaccacgCGAACAAATAGATGg 3' Energy: -12.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4729 NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.86 2 16 21299 21320 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10675 to 10698 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (68.42%) Query: 3' aucgAAGGGUUGUC--UAUUUACu 5' | | | :| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gttgTACGCTGCTGTTATAAATGg 3' Energy: -7.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4729 NC_045512.2 141.00 -7.52 2 19 10675 10698 19 63.16% 68.42% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4729 NC_045512.2 1063.00 -93.53 171.00 -18.79 2529 22 29903 17205 14946 6930 21009 1179 21299 10675 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6781-5p MIMAT0027462(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6781-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3085-5p MIMAT0048635(25 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3085-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:28694 to 28718 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' ugaggaccgggAGUCUUACCGUGGa 5' ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' acaccaaaagaTCACATTGGCACCc 3' Energy: -17.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3085-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -17.99 2 15 28694 28718 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 24 R:24841 to 24863 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ugAGGACCGGGAGUCUUACCGUGga 5' ||:| | ::||| |||||||| Ref: 5' tgTCTTTG-TTTCA-AATGGCACac 3' Energy: -18.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3085-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -18.91 3 24 24841 24863 21 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:10556 to 10580 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ugagGACCGGGAGUCUUACCGUGga 5' |||| :||| : |||||| Ref: 5' ccaaCTGGAGTTCATGCTGGCACag 3' Energy: -22.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3085-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -22.75 3 22 10556 10580 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:392 to 416 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ugaggaccGGGAGUCUUACCGUGGa 5' :|:| | :|||||||: Ref: 5' cgtcaacaTCTTAAAGATGGCACTt 3' Energy: -18.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3085-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.70 2 18 392 416 16 62.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1678 to 1702 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ugaggACCGGGAGUCUUACCGUGGa 5' | ||| |:| |||||:| Ref: 5' agagaTCGCCATTATTTTGGCATCt 3' Energy: -16.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3085-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.90 2 21 1678 1702 19 63.16% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3085-5p NC_045512.2 727.00 -95.25 154.00 -22.75 2531 25 29903 28694 24841 10556 392 1678 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6822-5p MIMAT0027544(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6822-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12096 to 12118 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uuCGGGGUU---GACCAAGGGAc 5' |||:||: :| ||||||| Ref: 5' taGCCTCAGAGTTTAGTTCCCTt 3' Energy: -23.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6822-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -23.15 2 19 12096 12118 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:12421 to 12441 Align Len (14) (64.29%) (92.86%) Query: 3' uucgggGUUGAC-CAAGGGAc 5' ::::|| ||||||| Ref: 5' aagagaTGGTTGTGTTCCCTt 3' Energy: -17.559999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6822-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.56 2 15 12421 12441 14 64.29% 92.86% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6822-5p NC_045512.2 298.00 -40.71 153.00 -23.15 2532 20 29903 12096 12421 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-192-5p MIMAT0000222(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-192-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3664-5p MIMAT0018086(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3664-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21498 to 21522 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (68.18%) Query: 3' ugAGUACUCACUU---CUGUCUCAa 5' | || || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' taTAATTAGAGAAAACAACAGAGTt 3' Energy: -13.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3664-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -13.47 2 21 21498 21522 22 68.18% 68.18% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22094 to 22115 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ugaGUACUCACUUCUGUCUCAa 5' | ||| ||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' gacCTTGAAGGAAAACAGGGTa 3' Energy: -15.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3664-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -15.99 2 20 22094 22115 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:18561 to 18582 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugaguacucacuuCUGUCUCAa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' taaaaatctctctGACAGAGTc 3' Energy: -13.550000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3664-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.55 2 10 18561 18582 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:23071 to 23092 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' ugaguacucacuUCUGUCUCAa 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' tggttaccaaccATACAGAGTa 3' Energy: -12.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3664-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.37 2 11 23071 23092 9 88.89% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3664-5p NC_045512.2 585.00 -55.38 151.00 -15.99 2534 22 29903 21498 22094 18561 23071 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548l MIMAT0005889(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548l vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17937 to 17957 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cuGUUUUGGGCGUUUAUGAAAa 5' ||||| : | : ||||||| Ref: 5' agCAAAAGTAG-GCATACTTTg 3' Energy: -10.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548l NC_045512.2 154.00 -10.08 2 21 17937 17957 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:9493 to 9514 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (84.62%) Query: 3' cuguuuugGGCGUUUAUGAAAa 5' || : |||||||| Ref: 5' tgtagttgCCTTTAATACTTTa 3' Energy: -9.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548l NC_045512.2 150.00 -9.81 2 15 9493 9514 13 76.92% 84.62% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13812 to 13833 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cuGUUUUGGGCGUUUAUGAAAa 5' ||:| |:||: ||:|||| Ref: 5' ggCAGACCTCGTCTATGCTTTa 3' Energy: -18.549999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548l NC_045512.2 148.00 -18.55 2 21 13812 13833 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:17631 to 17653 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cuguUUUGGGCG-UUUAUGAAAa 5' |||:| || |||:|||| Ref: 5' agacAAATCAGCTCAATGCTTTa 3' Energy: -14.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548l NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.66 2 19 17631 17653 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:8722 to 8743 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cuGUUUUGGGCGUUUAUGAAaa 5' :|: |:|: ||:|||||| Ref: 5' caTAGCATCTACAGATACTTgt 3' Energy: -14.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548l NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.21 3 21 8722 8743 18 61.11% 88.89% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:23353 to 23377 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (76.19%) Query: 3' cuGUUUUGGGC---GUUUAUGAAaa 5' :|| ||| | ||||||||| Ref: 5' taTAACACCAGGAACAAATACTTct 3' Energy: -13.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548l NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.12 3 21 23353 23377 21 71.43% 76.19% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18669 to 18691 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cuguUUUGGGC-GUUUAUGAAAa 5' |:|| :| || ||:|||| Ref: 5' tgatAGACGTGCCACATGCTTTt 3' Energy: -14.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548l NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.71 2 19 18669 18691 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:12935 to 12956 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cuguuuugggcguuUAUGAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aaagtgaagtatttATACTTTa 3' Energy: -6.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548l NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.56 2 9 12935 12956 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548l NC_045512.2 1165.00 -101.70 154.00 -18.55 2535 22 29903 17937 9493 13812 17631 8722 23353 18669 12935 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-9902 MIMAT0039322(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-9902 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:5175 to 5196 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' cgaccgUAUGGUCUAAAGACCc 5' || |:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' caactgATCCTAGTTTTCTGGg 3' Energy: -21.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9902 NC_045512.2 160.00 -21.46 2 17 5175 5196 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:9662 to 9683 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' cgaccguAUGGUCUAAAGACCc 5' || :| ||||||| Ref: 5' acaccttTAGTACCTTTCTGGa 3' Energy: -14.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9902 NC_045512.2 147.00 -14.01 2 16 9662 9683 14 71.43% 78.57% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:21862 to 21883 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (93.33%) Query: 3' cgaccgUAUGGUCUAAAGACCc 5' | :|::|||||:||| Ref: 5' aataagAGGCTGGATTTTTGGt 3' Energy: -15.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-9902 NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.73 2 17 21862 21883 15 66.67% 93.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-9902 NC_045512.2 451.00 -51.20 160.00 -21.46 2536 22 29903 5175 9662 21862 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6830-3p MIMAT0027561(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6830-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:5953 to 5975 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' gacguucccucUCUUCUUUCUGu 5' | ||||||||| Ref: 5' ggacaattattATAAGAAAGACa 3' Energy: -14.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6830-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -14.22 2 13 5953 5975 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7790 to 7812 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' gacGUUCCCUCUCUUCUUUCUGu 5' ||| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtCAAAAGACTTATGAAAGACa 3' Energy: -13.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6830-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -13.10 2 21 7790 7812 19 68.42% 68.42% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:27731 to 27753 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' gacguucccucUCUUCUUUCUGu 5' | ||||||||| Ref: 5' gcttcacactcAAAAGAAAGACa 3' Energy: -13.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6830-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -13.95 2 13 27731 27753 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:6424 to 6446 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacguucccucucuUCUUUCUGu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' aaatcctaccatacAGAAAGACg 3' Energy: -11.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6830-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.80 2 10 6424 6446 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:22794 to 22816 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gacGUUCCCUCUCUUCUUUCUGu 5' ||:|| | | :||||||: Ref: 5' ctcCAGGGCAAACTGGAAAGATt 3' Energy: -15.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6830-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.12 2 21 22794 22816 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:28561 to 28583 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gaCGUUCCCUCUCUUCUUUCUGu 5' |::| || | | ||||||: Ref: 5' tgGTGACGGTAAAATGAAAGATc 3' Energy: -9.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6830-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.25 2 22 28561 28583 20 60.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:16603 to 16625 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacguucccucucuuCUUUCUGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gctaacacctgtactGAAAGACt 3' Energy: -10.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6830-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.33 2 9 16603 16625 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6830-3p NC_045512.2 1026.00 -87.77 152.00 -15.12 2537 23 29903 5953 7790 27731 6424 22794 28561 16603 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1283 MIMAT0005799(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1283 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13632 to 13655 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ucuUUCGCGA--AAGGAAACAUCu 5' || :| | || |||||||| Ref: 5' tttAATTGATTCTTACTTTGTAGt 3' Energy: -12.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1283 NC_045512.2 154.00 -12.40 2 20 13632 13655 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14445 to 14465 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucUUUCGCGAAAGGAAACAUCu 5' | :|:| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgATGGTG-TTCCATTTGTAGt 3' Energy: -16.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1283 NC_045512.2 154.00 -16.30 2 21 14445 14465 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24673 to 24694 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucUUUCGCGAAAGGAAACAUCu 5' |||| |:| ::|||||:| Ref: 5' aaAAAGAGTTGATTTTTGTGGa 3' Energy: -16.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1283 NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.73 2 21 24673 24694 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:11066 to 11087 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' ucuuuCGCGAAAGGAAACAUcu 5' |: ||||::|||||| Ref: 5' tctttGTTCTTTTTTTTGTAtg 3' Energy: -12.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1283 NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.68 3 18 11066 11087 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19219 to 19239 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (72.22%) Query: 3' ucuUUCGCGAAAGGAAACAUCu 5' || : | || ||||||| Ref: 5' gctAATTCCATT-GTTTGTAGa 3' Energy: -12.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1283 NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.50 2 20 19219 19239 18 66.67% 72.22% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14837 to 14858 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (68.42%) Query: 3' ucUUUCGCGAAAGGAAACAUCu 5' |:| || : ||||||| Ref: 5' tcAGACAACTACTATTTGTAGt 3' Energy: -9.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1283 NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.57 2 21 14837 14858 19 57.89% 68.42% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15953 to 15974 Align Len (19) (52.63%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ucUUUCGCGAAAGGAAACAUCu 5' :::|| | :||||||| Ref: 5' taGGGGCCGGCTGTTTTGTAGa 3' Energy: -17.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1283 NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.86 2 21 15953 15974 19 52.63% 73.68% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:13919 to 13940 Align Len (14) (64.29%) (78.57%) Query: 3' ucuuucgCGAAAGGAAACAUCu 5' |: | :||||||| Ref: 5' aggactgGTATGATTTTGTAGa 3' Energy: -12.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1283 NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.58 2 16 13919 13940 14 64.29% 78.57% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 15 R:16072 to 16093 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (91.67%) Query: 3' ucuuucgcGAAAGGAAACAUcu 5' ||||| |||||| Ref: 5' gctgatgtCTTTCATTTGTAct 3' Energy: -9.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1283 NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.85 3 15 16072 16093 12 91.67% 91.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:21102 to 21123 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucuuucGCGAAAGGAAACAUCu 5' | ||| | |||||:| Ref: 5' ttttttCACTTACATTTGTGGg 3' Energy: -10.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1283 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.85 2 17 21102 21123 15 73.33% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1283 NC_045512.2 1459.00 -131.32 154.00 -17.86 2538 22 29903 13632 14445 24673 11066 19219 14837 15953 13919 16072 21102 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6729-3p MIMAT0027360(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6729-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5006-3p MIMAT0021034(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5006-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5689 MIMAT0022481(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5689 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14543 to 14565 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agaUCC-UGAUGUCCACAUACGa 5' ||| |:||| |||||||| Ref: 5' ttaAGGAATTACTTGTGTATGCt 3' Energy: -24.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5689 NC_045512.2 166.00 -24.43 2 20 14543 14565 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:19165 to 19186 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agauccUGAUGUCCACAUACGa 5' || : ||||||||| Ref: 5' aaattcACAGATGGTGTATGCc 3' Energy: -15.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5689 NC_045512.2 152.00 -15.29 2 17 19165 19186 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11301 to 11323 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agaUCCUGAUGU-CCACAUACGa 5' | ||||::: ||||||| Ref: 5' taaAAGACTGTGTTATGTATGCa 3' Energy: -14.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5689 NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.81 2 20 11301 11323 19 63.16% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5689 NC_045512.2 468.00 -54.53 166.00 -24.43 2541 22 29903 14543 19165 11301 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-130b-3p MIMAT0000691(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-130b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25525 to 25548 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uaCGGG-AA-AGUAGUAACGUGAc 5' ||:: || |:: |:||||||| Ref: 5' tgGCTTATTGTTGGCGTTGCACTt 3' Energy: -15.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-130b-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -15.97 2 21 25525 25548 21 61.90% 85.71% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:22043 to 22064 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' uacgggaaagUAGUAACGUGAc 5' || |||||||| Ref: 5' tctagtgcgaATAATTGCACTt 3' Energy: -11.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-130b-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -11.57 2 13 22043 22064 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:12796 to 12817 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' uacgggaAAGUAGUAACGUGAc 5' ||::| ||||||| Ref: 5' aggtaggTTTGTACTTGCACTg 3' Energy: -14.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-130b-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.21 2 16 12796 12817 14 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12692 to 12712 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uaCGGGAAAGUAGUAACGUGAc 5' ||:: || | :||||||| Ref: 5' gaGCTTAGTCCT-GTTGCACTa 3' Energy: -14.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-130b-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -14.77 2 21 12692 12712 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:16075 to 16094 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uacgGGAAAGUAGUAACGUGAc 5' :||||||| |||:||| Ref: 5' gatgTCTTTCAT--TTGTACTt 3' Energy: -16.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-130b-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.78 2 19 16075 16094 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:27540 to 27561 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uacgggaaaGUAGUAACGUGAc 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' agctgataaCAAATTTGCACTg 3' Energy: -14.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-130b-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.51 2 14 27540 27561 12 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:12737 to 12758 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uacgggaaaguaguAACGUGAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' actacacaaactgcTTGCACTg 3' Energy: -13.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-130b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.22 2 9 12737 12758 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-130b-3p NC_045512.2 1035.00 -101.03 154.00 -16.78 2542 22 29903 25525 22043 12796 12692 16075 27540 12737 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-412-3p MIMAT0002170(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-412-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19660 to 19685 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ugccGAUCACCUG--GU-CCACUUCa 5' :|: ||||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' cactTTGATGGACAACAGGGTGAAGt 3' Energy: -23.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-412-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -23.26 2 20 19660 19685 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:5364 to 5385 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' ugccgaucaCCUGGUCCACUUCa 5' ||:|: ||||||| Ref: 5' acagagcaaGGGCT-GGTGAAGc 3' Energy: -19.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-412-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -19.33 2 15 5364 5385 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:3622 to 3645 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ugccgauCACCUG-GUCCACUUCa 5' || || |||||||| Ref: 5' cccaaatGTTAACAAAGGTGAAGa 3' Energy: -13.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-412-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.51 2 17 3622 3645 16 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:22560 to 22584 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' ugccGAUCACCUG--GUCCACUUCa 5' || ||| | : ||||||| Ref: 5' caaaCTTGTGCCCTTTTGGTGAAGt 3' Energy: -19.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-412-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -19.52 2 20 22560 22584 20 65.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4892 to 4914 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugccgaucaccugguCCACUUCa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' acattccacctagatGGTGAAGt 3' Energy: -14.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-412-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.96 2 9 4892 4914 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-412-3p NC_045512.2 738.00 -90.58 157.00 -23.26 2543 23 29903 19660 5364 3622 22560 4892 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-let-7c-5p MIMAT0000064(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-let-7c-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:4327 to 4348 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (93.75%) Query: 3' uugguAUGUUGGAUGAUGGAGu 5' ||| |:|||:||:||| Ref: 5' cattcTACCATCTATTATCTCt 3' Energy: -18.540001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7c-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.54 2 18 4327 4348 16 75.00% 93.75% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:9846 to 9867 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uugguaUGUUGGAUGAUGGAGu 5' |:: |||:|||||| Ref: 5' gtagtgATGTGCTATTACCTCt 3' Energy: -16.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-let-7c-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.30 2 17 9846 9867 15 66.67% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-let-7c-5p NC_045512.2 281.00 -34.84 141.00 -18.54 2544 22 29903 4327 9846 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548z MIMAT0018446(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548z vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:26640 to 26660 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' acGUUUUCAUUAACGCCAAAAAc 5' ||| || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gcCAACAGGAAT--AGGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -13.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548z NC_045512.2 158.00 -13.26 2 22 26640 26660 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:6946 to 6967 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (92.86%) Query: 3' acguuuucAUUAACGCCAAAAAc 5' ||||| :||||||| Ref: 5' aaatattaTAATT-TGGTTTTTa 3' Energy: -8.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548z NC_045512.2 157.00 -8.81 2 16 6946 6967 14 85.71% 92.86% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:7230 to 7252 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acguuuucauuaaCGCCAAAAAc 5' |:||||||| Ref: 5' gcttagttgcagaGTGGTTTTTg 3' Energy: -16.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548z NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.78 2 11 7230 7252 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:8839 to 8859 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' acGUUUUCAUUAACGCCAAAAac 5' |||:|| || || |||||| Ref: 5' aaCAAGAG-AAGTG-GGTTTTgt 3' Energy: -15.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548z NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.09 3 22 8839 8859 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:21085 to 21107 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' acguuuucAUUAACGCCAAAAAc 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aatgactcTAAAGAGGGTTTTTt 3' Energy: -9.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548z NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.54 2 16 21085 21107 14 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:23942 to 23964 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acGUUUUCAUUAACGCCAAAAac 5' :|||: | | |:|||||| Ref: 5' atTAAAGATTTTGGTGGTTTTaa 3' Energy: -10.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548z NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.49 3 22 23942 23964 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:7257 to 7279 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acguuuucauuaacgCCAAAAAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atattcttttcactaGGTTTTTc 3' Energy: -7.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548z NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.24 2 9 7257 7279 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:13557 to 13577 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' acguUUUCAUUAACGCCAAAAac 5' ||||||: | |||||| Ref: 5' tgatAAAGTAGCT--GGTTTTgc 3' Energy: -13.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548z NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.52 3 20 13557 13577 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:18352 to 18374 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acguuuucauuaacgCCAAAAAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttacctttacagctaGGTTTTTc 3' Energy: -7.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548z NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.24 2 9 18352 18374 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:22202 to 22224 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acguuuucauuaacgCCAAAAAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cgtgatctccctcagGGTTTTTc 3' Energy: -7.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548z NC_045512.2 140.00 -7.41 2 9 22202 22224 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548z NC_045512.2 1450.00 -109.38 158.00 -16.78 2545 23 29903 26640 6946 7230 8839 21085 23942 7257 13557 18352 22202 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-203a-3p MIMAT0000264(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-203a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9589 to 9610 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gaUCACCAGGAUUUGUAAAGUg 5' | | || || :||||||:| Ref: 5' ttACTTGTACTTGACATTTTAt 3' Energy: -11.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-203a-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -11.09 2 21 9589 9610 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27513 to 27534 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (68.42%) Query: 3' gaUCACCAGGAUUUGUAAAGUg 5' || | :| | ||||||| Ref: 5' cgAGGGCAATTCACCATTTCAt 3' Energy: -10.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-203a-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -10.77 2 21 27513 27534 19 63.16% 68.42% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:7181 to 7202 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' gaucaccaggAUUUGUAAAGUg 5' | | ||||||| Ref: 5' actatacaaaTTACCATTTCAt 3' Energy: -9.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-203a-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -9.57 2 13 7181 7202 11 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13892 to 13913 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gauCACCAGGAUUUGUAAAGUg 5' ||| | |:| :|||||| Ref: 5' gttGTGATGATGATTATTTCAa 3' Energy: -9.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-203a-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.41 2 20 13892 13913 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 15 R:15680 to 15701 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (91.67%) Query: 3' gaucaccaGGAUUUGUAAAGug 5' | |||||||||| Ref: 5' catatttgCGTAAACATTTCtc 3' Energy: -12.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-203a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -12.88 3 15 15680 15701 12 91.67% 91.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:17483 to 17504 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' gaucaccaGGAUUUGUAAAGUg 5' || :||:|||||| Ref: 5' cactagaaCCAGAATATTTCAa 3' Energy: -16.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-203a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.13 2 15 17483 17504 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:27923 to 27944 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaucaccaggauuUGUAAAGUg 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' cacaactgtagctGCATTTCAc 3' Energy: -12.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-203a-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.51 2 10 27923 27944 8 87.50% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-203a-3p NC_045512.2 1008.00 -82.36 148.00 -16.13 2546 22 29903 9589 27513 7181 13892 15680 17483 27923 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-377-3p MIMAT0000730(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-377-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:2314 to 2335 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ugUUUUCAACGGAAACACACua 5' || ||| ||||||||| Ref: 5' taAATTTTTGGCTTTGTGTGct 3' Energy: -16.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-377-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -16.70 3 21 2314 2335 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:15715 to 15736 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' uguUUUCAACGGAAACACACua 5' :| | |||: ||||||| Ref: 5' tctGACGATGCTGTTGTGTGtt 3' Energy: -15.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-377-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.15 3 20 15715 15736 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:16470 to 16491 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uguuUUCAACGGAAACACACua 5' |: || || ||||||| Ref: 5' cattAGTTTTCCATTGTGTGct 3' Energy: -15.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-377-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.27 3 19 16470 16491 16 75.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4421 to 4446 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' uguUUUCA--ACGGA-A-ACACACUa 5' ||| | ||||| | ||||||: Ref: 5' cgcAAATTAATGCCTGTCTGTGTGGa 3' Energy: -20.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-377-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.04 2 20 4421 4446 22 72.73% 77.27% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:14814 to 14835 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguuuucaacggaaACACACUa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' taatctaccaacaaTGTGTGAt 3' Energy: -11.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-377-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.65 2 9 14814 14835 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-377-3p NC_045512.2 713.00 -78.81 148.00 -20.04 2547 22 29903 2314 15715 16470 4421 14814 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6783-3p MIMAT0027467(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6783-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20218 to 20240 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' gaUG-UCUCCUCUUCGGGUCCUu 5' || ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttACAAGAATTTAAACCCAGGAg 3' Energy: -19.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6783-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -19.19 2 21 20218 20240 20 70.00% 70.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6783-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -19.19 151.00 -19.19 2548 22 29903 20218 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-498-3p MIMAT0037323(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-498-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:9367 to 9387 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cgAAGUUCGAGACCUCCACGAAa 5' ||||| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaTTCAACCTAT--TGGTGCTTt 3' Energy: -17.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-498-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -17.09 2 22 9367 9387 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16273 to 16292 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cgaAGUUCGAGACCUCCACGAAa 5' |:||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tcaTTAAGAT---GTGGTGCTTg 3' Energy: -15.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-498-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -15.78 2 21 16273 16292 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6998 to 7023 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' cgaAGUU--CGA-GACCUCCACGAAa 5' |||| ||| || |||||:|| Ref: 5' tacTCAACCGCTGCTTTAGGTGTTTt 3' Energy: -18.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-498-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -18.40 2 21 6998 7023 22 72.73% 77.27% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:5798 to 5820 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (73.33%) Query: 3' cgaaguuCGAGACCUCCACGAAa 5' || : | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgtattGCATAGACGGTGCTTt 3' Energy: -13.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-498-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.29 2 17 5798 5820 15 66.67% 73.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:24215 to 24240 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' cgAAGUUCGAGACC---UCCACGAaa 5' || :| ||:||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ggTTGGACCTTTGGTGCAGGTGCTgc 3' Energy: -19.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-498-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -19.36 3 22 24215 24240 22 68.18% 77.27% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:3646 to 3669 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (80.95%) Query: 3' cgAAGUUCGAGACCUC-CACGAAa 5' ||||| :||| || |||||| Ref: 5' caTTCAACTTCTTAAGAGTGCTTa 3' Energy: -17.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-498-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.64 2 22 3646 3669 21 76.19% 80.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:8315 to 8337 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgaaguucgagaccuCCACGAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' acaccccgtgaccttGGTGCTTg 3' Energy: -12.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-498-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.03 2 9 8315 8337 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-498-3p NC_045512.2 1021.00 -113.59 158.00 -19.36 2549 23 29903 9367 16273 6998 5798 24215 3646 8315 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4319 MIMAT0016870(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4319 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 14 R:14759 to 14775 Align Len (11) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' caccGAAACGAGUCCcu 5' ||||||||||| Ref: 5' tcttCTTTGCTCAGGat 3' Energy: -19.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4319 NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.35 3 14 14759 14775 11 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:10268 to 10284 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (76.92%) Query: 3' cacCGAAACGAGUCCCu 5' |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' aatGTTCAACTCAGGGt 3' Energy: -14.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4319 NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.98 2 15 10268 10284 13 69.23% 76.92% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:22203 to 22219 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' caccgaaacGAGUCCCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgatctccCTCAGGGt 3' Energy: -15.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4319 NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.33 2 9 22203 22219 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4319 NC_045512.2 427.00 -49.66 145.00 -19.35 2550 17 29903 14759 10268 22203 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6841-5p MIMAT0027584(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6841-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20827 to 20846 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (68.42%) Query: 3' ugUUGAACGAGACUCAUGGGAu 5' ||| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttAACATTAGCT--GTACCCTa 3' Energy: -16.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6841-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.41 2 21 20827 20846 19 68.42% 68.42% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6841-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.41 145.00 -16.41 2551 22 29903 20827 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-374c-5p MIMAT0018443(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-374c-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:2601 to 2622 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ucgugaaUCGUCCAACAUAAUa 5' | ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' ttggtacACCAGTTTGTATTAa 3' Energy: -13.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374c-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -13.42 2 16 2601 2622 14 85.71% 85.71% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:25981 to 26002 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ucgugaaUCGUCCAACAUAAUa 5' | :: ||||||||| Ref: 5' gtaaaagACTGTGTTGTATTAc 3' Energy: -10.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374c-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -10.32 2 16 25981 26002 14 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:14886 to 14906 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ucgugaAUCGUCCAACAUAAUa 5' |:|: || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttacgaTGGT-GGCTGTATTAa 3' Energy: -12.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374c-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -12.84 2 17 14886 14906 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7484 to 7504 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ucgUGAAUCGUCCAACAUAAUa 5' |||| |:| | |||:||| Ref: 5' tcaACTT-GTATGATGTGTTAc 3' Energy: -9.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374c-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -9.98 2 20 7484 7504 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:8323 to 8343 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ucguGAAUCGUCCAACAUAAUa 5' |||:|: | |||||||: Ref: 5' tgacCTTGGT-GCTTGTATTGa 3' Energy: -13.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374c-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.65 2 19 8323 8343 17 70.59% 88.24% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7607 to 7626 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucGUGAAUCGUCCAACAUAAUa 5' || ||:| | ||||:||| Ref: 5' caCAATTGGAA--TTGTGTTAa 3' Energy: -9.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374c-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -9.97 2 21 7607 7626 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:13046 to 13067 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucgugaaucguccaACAUAAUa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cctgccaattcaacTGTATTAt 3' Energy: -6.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-374c-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.36 2 9 13046 13067 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-374c-5p NC_045512.2 1030.00 -76.54 159.00 -13.65 2552 22 29903 2601 25981 14886 7484 8323 7607 13046 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-199b-3p MIMAT0004563(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-199b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3314 to 3336 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' auUGGUU-ACACGUCUGAUGACa 5' ||||: ||| |||||||:|| Ref: 5' acACCAGTTGTTCAGACTATTGa 3' Energy: -24.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-199b-3p NC_045512.2 163.00 -24.98 2 21 3314 3336 20 80.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:23262 to 23283 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' auugGUUAC-ACGUCUGAUGACa 5' || || || | ||||||| Ref: 5' gagaCATTGCTG-ACACTACTGa 3' Energy: -13.380000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-199b-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -13.38 2 19 23262 23283 18 77.78% 77.78% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7525 to 7545 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' auuGGUUACACGUCUGAUGACa 5' | ||||| || ||||:|| Ref: 5' agtCGAATGTACA-ACTATTGt 3' Energy: -16.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-199b-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -16.24 2 20 7525 7545 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:26355 to 26376 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' auugguUACACGUCUGAUGACa 5' :|||||: |||:||| Ref: 5' tcgattGTGTGCGTACTGCTGc 3' Energy: -20.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-199b-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -20.79 2 17 26355 26376 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4179 to 4197 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' auUGGUUACACGUCUGAUGACa 5' :|:::|| || ||||||| Ref: 5' agGCTGGTG-GC--ACTACTGa 3' Energy: -17.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-199b-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.09 2 21 4179 4197 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25841 to 25863 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' auUGGUU-ACACGUCUGAUGACa 5' ||:|| ||| |||||:|| Ref: 5' atACTAATTGTTACGACTATTGt 3' Energy: -17.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-199b-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.44 2 21 25841 25863 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:8488 to 8508 Align Len (14) (92.86%) (92.86%) Query: 3' auugguUACACGUCUGAUGAca 5' ||||||| |||||| Ref: 5' gttgacATGTGCA-ACTACTag 3' Energy: -17.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-199b-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.62 3 17 8488 8508 14 92.86% 92.86% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:11964 to 11982 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' auUGGUUACACGUCUGAUGACa 5' :|:|| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' taGCTAAAG---ATACTACTGa 3' Energy: -12.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-199b-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.33 2 21 11964 11982 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7083 to 7101 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' auUGGUUACACGUCUGAUGACa 5' ||:||||| | ||||:|| Ref: 5' ctACTAATGT-C--ACTATTGc 3' Energy: -15.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-199b-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.21 2 21 7083 7101 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:937 to 958 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' auugguuaCACGUCUGAUGACa 5' |||:| |||:||| Ref: 5' taagagggGTGTATACTGCTGc 3' Energy: -16.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-199b-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -16.90 2 15 937 958 13 76.92% 92.31% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-199b-3p NC_045512.2 1480.00 -171.98 163.00 -24.98 2553 22 29903 3314 23262 7525 26355 4179 25841 8488 11964 7083 937 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-12120 MIMAT0049014(26 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-12120 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 25 R:8580 to 8609 Align Len (27) (51.85%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cgAGAUGGUUCCG----GGGCGCAAGGAAu 5' |: |::|| |: |::|:||||||| Ref: 5' agTTAATTAAAGTTACACTTGTGTTCCTTt 3' Energy: -21.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12120 NC_045512.2 155.00 -21.35 2 25 8580 8609 27 51.85% 77.78% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 25 R:23373 to 23397 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (82.61%) Query: 3' cgAGAUGGUUCCGGGGCGCAAGGAAu 5' |||| | |||:: | :||||:|| Ref: 5' ctTCTAACCAGGTTGC-TGTTCTTTa 3' Energy: -24.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12120 NC_045512.2 154.00 -24.67 2 25 23373 23397 23 65.22% 82.61% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:16235 to 16259 Align Len (22) (54.55%) (95.45%) Query: 3' cgaGAUGGUUCCGGGGCGCAAGGAAu 5' ||:::::|| |::|:||||:|| Ref: 5' aggCTGTTGGGG-CTTGTGTTCTTTg 3' Energy: -28.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12120 NC_045512.2 153.00 -28.49 2 24 16235 16259 22 54.55% 95.45% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:9988 to 10014 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (90.48%) Query: 3' cgagaUGGUUCCGGGGC-GCAAGGAAu 5' ||: |||::|:| :||||:|| Ref: 5' cagtaACTCAGGTTCTGATGTTCTTTa 3' Energy: -24.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12120 NC_045512.2 152.00 -24.92 2 22 9988 10014 21 61.90% 90.48% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:11052 to 11078 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (81.82%) Query: 3' cgagAUG-GUUCCGGGGCGCAAGGAAu 5' ||| ||| | :|: :||||:|| Ref: 5' agagTACTCAATGGTCTTTGTTCTTTt 3' Energy: -20.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12120 NC_045512.2 149.00 -20.67 2 23 11052 11078 22 63.64% 81.82% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 24 R:28807 to 28834 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (78.26%) Query: 3' cgaGAUGGUUCCGGG--GCGCAAGGAau 5' | ::|||| |:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' cggCAGTCAAGCCTCTTCTCGTTCCTca 3' Energy: -22.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12120 NC_045512.2 146.00 -22.26 3 24 28807 28834 23 65.22% 78.26% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 25 R:2167 to 2192 Align Len (23) (56.52%) (73.91%) Query: 3' cgAGAUGGUUCCGGGGCGCAAGGAAu 5' |: | ||||: : | |||:||| Ref: 5' gtTTAAGGAAGGTGTAGAGTTTCTTa 3' Energy: -16.969999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12120 NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.97 2 25 2167 2192 23 56.52% 73.91% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 25 R:14702 to 14727 Align Len (23) (52.17%) (78.26%) Query: 3' cgAGAUGGUUCCGGGGCGCAAGGAAu 5' |:|:|:: | |: | |||:||| Ref: 5' acTTTGCTGTGTCTAAGGGTTTCTTt 3' Energy: -19.799999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12120 NC_045512.2 144.00 -19.80 2 25 14702 14727 23 52.17% 78.26% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 24 R:6965 to 6994 Align Len (26) (53.85%) (76.92%) Query: 3' cgaGAUGGUUCCGGGGCG----CAAGGAAu 5' |||::||| :::|| ||||:|| Ref: 5' ttaCTATTAAGTGTTTGCCTAGGTTCTTTa 3' Energy: -22.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-12120 NC_045512.2 142.00 -22.52 2 24 6965 6994 26 53.85% 76.92% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-12120 NC_045512.2 1339.00 -201.65 155.00 -28.49 2554 26 29903 8580 23373 16235 9988 11052 28807 2167 14702 6965 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6165 MIMAT0024782(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6165 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:29448 to 29465 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' gagGGGAGUGGAGGACGAc 5' |:||: |:||||||| Ref: 5' tgaCTCTT-CTTCCTGCTg 3' Energy: -25.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6165 NC_045512.2 154.00 -25.44 2 17 29448 29465 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:28713 to 28730 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gagGGGAGUGGAGGACGAc 5' ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' gcaCCCGCA-ATCCTGCTa 3' Energy: -19.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6165 NC_045512.2 150.00 -19.84 2 17 28713 28730 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:28880 to 28898 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' gaggggaGUGGAGGACGAc 5' | :|||||||| Ref: 5' aggggaaCTTCTCCTGCTa 3' Energy: -15.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6165 NC_045512.2 148.00 -15.91 2 13 28880 28898 11 81.82% 90.91% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:19204 to 19222 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' gaggggagUGGAGGACGAc 5' |: ||||||| Ref: 5' gtcgatagATATCCTGCTa 3' Energy: -11.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6165 NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.98 2 12 19204 19222 10 80.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:17125 to 17143 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' gaGGGGAGUGGAGGACGAc 5' |: || |||:||||| Ref: 5' ctCTACTACCCTTCTGCTc 3' Energy: -20.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6165 NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.29 2 18 17125 17143 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:25305 to 25323 Align Len (16) (50.00%) (81.25%) Query: 3' gaGGGGAGUGGAGGACGAc 5' :|:: :: ||||||| Ref: 5' gtTCTTGTGGATCCTGCTg 3' Energy: -20.320000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6165 NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.32 2 18 25305 25323 16 50.00% 81.25% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:25537 to 25555 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gaGGGGAGUGGAGGACGAc 5' | :: |||:||:|||| Ref: 5' ggCGTTGCACTTCTTGCTg 3' Energy: -22.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6165 NC_045512.2 141.00 -22.41 2 18 25537 25555 16 62.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:17557 to 17575 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaggggaguggAGGACGAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtcggcgttgTCCTGCTg 3' Energy: -19.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6165 NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.69 2 9 17557 17575 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6165 NC_045512.2 1158.00 -155.88 154.00 -25.44 2555 19 29903 29448 28713 28880 19204 17125 25305 25537 17557 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-454-3p MIMAT0003885(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-454-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:27540 to 27561 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugGGAUAUUCGUUAUAACGUGAu 5' |: |||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' agCTGATAA-CAAATTTGCACTg 3' Energy: -14.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-454-3p NC_045512.2 163.00 -14.94 2 22 27540 27561 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:22041 to 22064 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (81.82%) Query: 3' ugGGAUAUUCG-UUA-UAACGUGAu 5' :||| : || ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' atTCTA-GTGCGAATAATTGCACTt 3' Energy: -18.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-454-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -18.61 2 22 22041 22064 22 72.73% 81.82% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:25526 to 25548 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ugGGAUAUUCGUUAUAACGUGAu 5' |:||| : ::: :||||||| Ref: 5' ggCTTATTGTTGGCGTTGCACTt 3' Energy: -15.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-454-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -15.85 2 22 25526 25548 20 55.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:12690 to 12712 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ugggauAUUCGUUAUAACGUGAu 5' | ||: |:||||||| Ref: 5' atgagcTTAGTCCTGTTGCACTa 3' Energy: -16.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-454-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -16.57 2 18 12690 12712 16 68.75% 81.25% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12793 to 12817 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ugggaUAUUC-GUUAU-AACGUGAu 5' :||:| : :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gggagGTAGGTTTGTACTTGCACTg 3' Energy: -15.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-454-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -15.08 2 19 12793 12817 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12735 to 12758 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' uggGAUAUUCGUUAU-AACGUGAu 5' ||| | | |: ||||||| Ref: 5' gtaCTACACAAACTGCTTGCACTg 3' Energy: -10.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-454-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.91 2 21 12735 12758 20 65.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:11617 to 11639 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ugGGAUAUUCG-UUAUAACGUGAu 5' :|| ||:|| | | |||:||| Ref: 5' ttTCT-TAGGCTATTTTTGTACTt 3' Energy: -14.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-454-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.22 2 22 11617 11639 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:4385 to 4408 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ugGGAUAUUCGUUAU-AACGUGau 5' ::|: :|| |||: |||||| Ref: 5' aaTTTGCGAGAAATGCTTGCACat 3' Energy: -12.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-454-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.17 3 22 4385 4408 20 60.00% 85.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-454-3p NC_045512.2 1207.00 -118.35 163.00 -18.61 2556 23 29903 27540 22041 25526 12690 12793 12735 11617 4385 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4639-3p MIMAT0019698(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4639-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:2272 to 2289 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cgUUUCGUUCCACUCUCACu 5' ||| :||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ggAAATTAAG--GAGAGTGt 3' Energy: -14.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4639-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -14.96 2 19 2272 2289 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:11373 to 11390 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' cguuuCGUUCCACUCUCACu 5' || || ||||||| Ref: 5' atggtGCTAG--GAGAGTGt 3' Energy: -13.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4639-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.39 2 16 11373 11390 14 78.57% 78.57% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4639-3p NC_045512.2 299.00 -28.35 155.00 -14.96 2557 20 29903 2272 11373 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1278 MIMAT0005936(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1278 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:1973 to 1995 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' uaUCUACUAU-ACGUGUCAUGAu 5' |||||: | | |||||||:| Ref: 5' ctAGATGGAATTTCACAGTATTc 3' Energy: -19.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1278 NC_045512.2 155.00 -19.19 2 21 1973 1995 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27464 to 27483 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uaUCUACUAUACGUGUCAUGAu 5' ||| |:|| |||||||| Ref: 5' ttAGA-GGTA-CAACAGTACTt 3' Energy: -17.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1278 NC_045512.2 152.00 -17.98 2 21 27464 27483 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 15 R:20422 to 20443 Align Len (12) (91.67%) (91.67%) Query: 3' uaucuacuAUACGUGUCAUGau 5' |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tttattccTATGGACAGTACag 3' Energy: -13.700000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1278 NC_045512.2 142.00 -13.70 3 15 20422 20443 12 91.67% 91.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1278 NC_045512.2 449.00 -50.87 155.00 -19.19 2558 22 29903 1973 27464 20422 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6865-5p MIMAT0027630(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6865-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24130 to 24152 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' acuucAGGGAGGAGACGGUGGAu 5' |: || :|:|||||||| Ref: 5' cggccTTACTGTTTTGCCACCTt 3' Energy: -23.559999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6865-5p NC_045512.2 162.00 -23.56 2 19 24130 24152 17 70.59% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6865-5p NC_045512.2 162.00 -23.56 162.00 -23.56 2559 23 29903 24130 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5699-3p MIMAT0022492(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5699-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26252 to 26274 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cgAGGUUGUUCCUU-UCUGUCCu 5' |:|: : |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' caTTCGTTTCGGAAGAGACAGGt 3' Energy: -20.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5699-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -20.19 2 21 26252 26274 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:10685 to 10706 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' cgagguUGUUCCUUUCUGUCCu 5' |:|| ::||||||| Ref: 5' gctgttATAAATGGAGACAGGt 3' Energy: -18.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5699-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -18.92 2 17 10685 10706 15 66.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:27737 to 27756 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cgaGGUUGUUCCUUUCUGUCcu 5' :||| || ||||||||| Ref: 5' cacTCAA-AA-GAAAGACAGaa 3' Energy: -16.990000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5699-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.99 3 20 27737 27756 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:12782 to 12803 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (94.12%) Query: 3' cgagGUUGUUCCUUUCUGUCCu 5' |||||| |::||::||| Ref: 5' aacaCAACAAAGGGAGGTAGGt 3' Energy: -22.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5699-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -22.24 2 19 12782 12803 17 70.59% 94.12% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:4279 to 4300 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' cgaggUUGUUCCUUUCUGUCcu 5' |: |:| |||||||| Ref: 5' tgtagAGGAGGCAAAGACAGtg 3' Energy: -17.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5699-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -17.78 3 18 4279 4300 15 73.33% 86.67% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5699-3p NC_045512.2 733.00 -96.12 155.00 -22.24 2560 22 29903 26252 10685 27737 12782 4279 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6746-3p MIMAT0027393(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6746-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15434 to 15455 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gacACCUCUGUCCGCCGCCGAc 5' ||| |:: |:|||||:| Ref: 5' aaaTGGTCATGTGTGGCGGTTc 3' Energy: -22.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6746-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -22.15 2 20 15434 15455 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:6154 to 6173 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' gacACCUCUGUCCGCCGCCGAc 5' ||| ||: |:||:|||| Ref: 5' aaaTGGTGAT--GTGGTGGCTa 3' Energy: -21.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6746-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -21.50 2 20 6154 6173 18 66.67% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6746-3p NC_045512.2 283.00 -43.65 143.00 -22.15 2561 22 29903 15434 6154 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6720-3p MIMAT0025851(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6720-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24218 to 24238 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' agaUGGUCAAGGACGUCCGCGc 5' ||| || ||||||:|| Ref: 5' tggACC-TTTGGTGCAGGTGCt 3' Energy: -18.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6720-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.87 2 20 24218 24238 18 72.22% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6720-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.87 141.00 -18.87 2562 22 29903 24218 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-874-5p MIMAT0026718(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-874-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6505-3p MIMAT0025467(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6505-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:12194 to 12214 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (78.57%) Query: 3' gaaaccUUCUCCAUCUUCAGu 5' ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' cttaaaAAGTTGAAGAAGTCt 3' Energy: -11.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6505-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -11.81 2 16 12194 12214 14 78.57% 78.57% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:21836 to 21856 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaaaccuucuccaUCUUCAGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tttgcttccactgAGAAGTCt 3' Energy: -9.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6505-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.86 2 9 21836 21856 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:23403 to 23423 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaaaccuucuccaUCUUCAGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atgttaactgcacAGAAGTCc 3' Energy: -8.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6505-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.25 2 9 23403 23423 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6505-3p NC_045512.2 431.00 -29.92 151.00 -11.81 2564 21 29903 12194 21836 23403 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6849-5p MIMAT0027598(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6849-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:8140 to 8162 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' agGUGUGUGAGGGGAUAGGUGAg 5' :| ||| | :|:||||:||| Ref: 5' ctTAGACAATGTCTTATCTACTt 3' Energy: -20.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6849-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -20.01 2 22 8140 8162 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:15549 to 15571 Align Len (17) (58.82%) (94.12%) Query: 3' aggugUGUGAGGGGAUAGGUGAg 5' |::| |:::||||:||| Ref: 5' tgttaATGCACTTTTATCTACTg 3' Energy: -15.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6849-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.39 2 19 15549 15571 17 58.82% 94.12% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27994 to 28015 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' aggUGUGUGAGGGGAUAGGUGAg 5' || |: | :|||||:|||| Ref: 5' atgACCCG-TGTCCTATTCACTt 3' Energy: -21.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6849-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -21.68 2 21 27994 28015 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:6980 to 7002 Align Len (20) (50.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' agGUGUGUGAGGGGAUAGGUGAg 5' | :| ::||::: |||:||| Ref: 5' tgCCTAGGTTCTTTAATCTACTc 3' Energy: -21.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6849-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -21.14 2 22 6980 7002 20 50.00% 85.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6849-5p NC_045512.2 586.00 -78.22 153.00 -21.68 2565 23 29903 8140 15549 27994 6980 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1973 MIMAT0009448(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1973 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4473 MIMAT0019000(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4473 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16952 to 16974 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' auGAACAUUG-CCUCUCGUGAUc 5' || ||: | ||||||||| Ref: 5' caCTAGTGCCACAAGAGCACTAt 3' Energy: -16.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4473 NC_045512.2 155.00 -16.85 2 21 16952 16974 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:17403 to 17424 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' augaacauugccucUCGUGAUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cagattacgtgctaAGCACTAt 3' Energy: -11.030000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4473 NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.03 2 9 17403 17424 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4473 NC_045512.2 295.00 -27.88 155.00 -16.85 2567 22 29903 16952 17403 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6786-5p MIMAT0027472(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6786-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-888-3p MIMAT0004917(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-888-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:23330 to 23351 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (82.35%) Query: 3' aaguGGGUUUCUCCACAGUCAg 5' |:: :| ||||||||| Ref: 5' tgttCTTTTGGTGGTGTCAGTg 3' Energy: -19.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-888-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -19.45 2 19 23330 23351 17 64.71% 82.35% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:6697 to 6719 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (83.33%) Query: 3' aaguGGGUU-UCUCCACAGUCAg 5' |::|| | || |||:||| Ref: 5' ttttCTTAACAAAGTTGTTAGTa 3' Energy: -13.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-888-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.80 2 19 6697 6719 18 66.67% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6866 to 6887 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' aaGUGG-GUUUCUCCACAGUCAg 5' :||: : |||| |||||:|| Ref: 5' aaTACTGTTAAGA-GTGTCGGTa 3' Energy: -19.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-888-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.04 2 21 6866 6887 20 65.00% 85.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-888-3p NC_045512.2 436.00 -52.29 154.00 -19.45 2569 22 29903 23330 6697 6866 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3129-3p MIMAT0019202(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3129-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3184 to 3205 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cgUCGUCACAUC-UCUAAUCAAa 5' |||| | || |||||:||| Ref: 5' agAGCA-AGAAGAAGATTGGTTa 3' Energy: -13.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3129-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.73 2 21 3184 3205 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:26475 to 26496 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' cgucgucacaucUCUAAUCAAa 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' gaactaaatattATATTAGTTt 3' Energy: -5.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3129-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -5.43 2 11 26475 26496 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:16457 to 16478 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgucgucacaucucUAAUCAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cacataaaccacccATTAGTTt 3' Energy: -5.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3129-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.30 2 9 16457 16478 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3129-3p NC_045512.2 427.00 -24.46 145.00 -13.73 2570 22 29903 3184 26475 16457 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6866-5p MIMAT0027632(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6866-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:2443 to 2465 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucuuagaGAUAAGGUCGGAGAUu 5' ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' aactggcCTACTCATGCCTCTAa 3' Energy: -17.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6866-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -17.46 2 17 2443 2465 15 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:29017 to 29040 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ucUUAGA-GAUAAGGUCGGAGAUu 5' ||||| ||: | :||:|||| Ref: 5' gaAATCTGCTGCTGAGGCTTCTAa 3' Energy: -18.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6866-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -18.48 2 22 29017 29040 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:27519 to 27541 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucUUAGAGAUAAGGUCGGAGAUu 5' | || | |||:|| |||||| Ref: 5' caATTCACCATTTCATCCTCTAg 3' Energy: -16.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6866-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.68 2 22 27519 27541 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:11634 to 11656 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucUUAGAGAUAAGGUCGGAGAuu 5' | |: :|| |:::|||||| Ref: 5' gtACTTGTTACTTTGGCCTCTtt 3' Energy: -13.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6866-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.48 3 22 11634 11656 19 57.89% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:15614 to 15636 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ucUUAGAGAUAAGGUCGGAGAUu 5' |: ||:||| |:||||| Ref: 5' acAGACTTTATGAGTGTCTCTAt 3' Energy: -15.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6866-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.89 2 22 15614 15636 20 60.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:21574 to 21600 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ucuuaGAGAUAA----GGUCGGAGAUu 5' :|:|||| |:||:||||| Ref: 5' tcttgTTTTATTGCCACTAGTCTCTAg 3' Energy: -18.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6866-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.81 2 19 21574 21600 21 61.90% 80.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6866-5p NC_045512.2 872.00 -100.80 156.00 -18.81 2571 23 29903 2443 29017 27519 11634 15614 21574 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6888-5p MIMAT0027676(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6888-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:22696 to 22715 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uagacggaCUCGUAGAGGAa 5' |||::|||||| Ref: 5' gtgttatgGAGTGTCTCCTa 3' Energy: -17.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6888-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.43 2 13 22696 22715 11 81.82% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6888-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.43 140.00 -17.43 2572 20 29903 22696 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-107 MIMAT0000104(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-107 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 165.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28717 to 28741 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' acuaUCGGGAC-A-UGUUACGACGa 5' | :|||| | |||||||||| Ref: 5' ccgcAATCCTGCTAACAATGCTGCa 3' Energy: -23.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-107 NC_045512.2 165.00 -23.13 2 20 28717 28741 20 80.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:13075 to 13096 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (92.86%) Query: 3' acuaucggGACAUGUUACGACGa 5' ||||| :||||||| Ref: 5' tgcttttgCTGTA-GATGCTGCt 3' Energy: -20.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-107 NC_045512.2 157.00 -20.25 2 16 13075 13096 14 85.71% 92.86% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:14547 to 14568 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' acuaucgGGACAUGUUACGACGa 5' |:|||:: ||||||| Ref: 5' ggaattaCTTGTGT-ATGCTGCt 3' Energy: -21.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-107 NC_045512.2 154.00 -21.14 2 17 14547 14568 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14762 to 14787 Align Len (22) (63.64%) (72.73%) Query: 3' acuAUCGGGACAU---GUUACGACGa 5' | ||:| | | :|||||||| Ref: 5' tctTTGCTCAGGATGGTAATGCTGCt 3' Energy: -18.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-107 NC_045512.2 151.00 -18.86 2 21 14762 14787 22 63.64% 72.73% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:17013 to 17037 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (86.36%) Query: 3' acUA-UCGGGACAU-GUUACGACGa 5' || ||:::| || |||||:||| Ref: 5' agATGAGTTTTCTAGCAATGTTGCa 3' Energy: -18.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-107 NC_045512.2 151.00 -18.73 2 22 17013 17037 22 68.18% 86.36% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:15707 to 15729 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' acUAUCGGGACA-UGUUACGACGa 5' ||| |:|| | ||:||||||: Ref: 5' tgATA-CTCTCTGACGATGCTGTt 3' Energy: -26.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-107 NC_045512.2 150.00 -26.83 2 22 15707 15729 21 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28903 to 28927 Align Len (21) (57.14%) (76.19%) Query: 3' acuAUCGGGAC--AUGUUACGACGa 5' |:|| || :::||||||| Ref: 5' ggcTGGCAATGGCGGTGATGCTGCt 3' Energy: -21.209999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-107 NC_045512.2 147.00 -21.21 2 21 28903 28927 21 57.14% 76.19% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:14019 to 14040 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' acUAUCGGGACAUGUUACGACga 5' || ||| || : ||||||| Ref: 5' tgAT-GCCATGCGAAATGCTGgt 3' Energy: -18.549999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-107 NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.55 3 22 14019 14040 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:22405 to 22429 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' acUAUC-GGGACAUGU-UACGACGa 5' ||:| || |||| ||||||: Ref: 5' aaATGGAACCATTACAGATGCTGTa 3' Energy: -14.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-107 NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.94 2 22 22405 22429 22 68.18% 77.27% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24215 to 24241 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (78.26%) Query: 3' acuAUCGGGA---CAUGU-UACGACGa 5' |:| ||| ||:|| :|||||| Ref: 5' ggtTGGACCTTTGGTGCAGGTGCTGCa 3' Energy: -20.670000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-107 NC_045512.2 142.00 -20.67 2 21 24215 24241 23 65.22% 78.26% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:16306 to 16327 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' acuaucggGACAUGUUACGACGa 5' :|||| |||||||: Ref: 5' ttcttatgTTGTA-AATGCTGTt 3' Energy: -15.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-107 NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.91 2 16 16306 16327 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:16567 to 16590 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' acUAUCGGGACAUG-UUACGACga 5' ||: ||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' acATGTGACTGGACAAATGCTGgt 3' Energy: -14.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-107 NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.91 3 22 16567 16590 20 70.00% 75.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-107 NC_045512.2 1784.00 -235.13 165.00 -26.83 2573 23 29903 28717 13075 14547 14762 17013 15707 28903 14019 22405 24215 16306 16567 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5003-5p MIMAT0021025(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5003-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15710 to 15733 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agauGGGAC-GUUCCAACAACACu 5' |:||| |:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tactCTCTGACGATGCTGTTGTGt 3' Energy: -21.049999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5003-5p NC_045512.2 162.00 -21.05 2 20 15710 15733 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13140 to 13162 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agaUGGGACGUUCCAACAACACu 5' |:: ||: | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctaATTGTGTTAAGATGTTGTGt 3' Energy: -14.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5003-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -14.45 2 21 13140 13162 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:13878 to 13898 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' agaugGGACGUUCCAACAACACu 5' | | ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' tgtcaCATACAA--TTGTTGTGa 3' Energy: -13.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5003-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -13.29 2 19 13878 13898 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:1342 to 1364 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' agAUGGGACGUUCCAACAACAcu 5' ||||| || | |||||| Ref: 5' ctTACCCCAAAATGCTGTTGTta 3' Energy: -13.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5003-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -13.88 3 22 1342 1364 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:26776 to 26798 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' agAUGGGACGUUCCAACAACACu 5' |::|:||:|:| ||| |||| Ref: 5' ctTGTCTTGTAGGCTTGATGTGg 3' Energy: -22.530001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5003-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -22.53 2 22 26776 26798 20 65.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:2061 to 2084 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agAUGGGACGUUC-CAACAACAcu 5' ||| :| ||:| | |||||| Ref: 5' ccTACATTACAGGTGGTGTTGTtc 3' Energy: -15.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5003-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.83 3 22 2061 2084 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:2869 to 2891 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agaugggacguuccaACAACACu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aaatgagttcgcctgTGTTGTGg 3' Energy: -15.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5003-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.54 2 9 2869 2891 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5003-5p NC_045512.2 1043.00 -116.57 162.00 -22.53 2574 23 29903 15710 13140 13878 1342 26776 2061 2869 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4804-5p MIMAT0019984(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4804-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10153 to 10172 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' aacGAAUUGGAAUGGCAGGUu 5' | ||: :||||:||||| Ref: 5' tgaCGTAG-TTTACTGTCCAa 3' Energy: -18.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4804-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.79 2 19 10153 10172 17 70.59% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4804-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.79 144.00 -18.79 2575 21 29903 10153 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-300 MIMAT0004903(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-300 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:8320 to 8341 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (84.62%) Query: 3' ucucucucAGACGGGAACAUAu 5' |: |: ||||||| Ref: 5' ccgtgaccTTGGTGCTTGTATt 3' Energy: -10.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-300 NC_045512.2 146.00 -10.59 2 15 8320 8341 13 69.23% 84.62% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11803 to 11824 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (70.59%) Query: 3' ucucUCUCAGACGGGAACAUAu 5' :| | | |||||||| Ref: 5' tgttGGTGGCAAACCTTGTATc 3' Energy: -11.000000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-300 NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.00 2 19 11803 11824 17 64.71% 70.59% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:7474 to 7495 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucucucucagacggGAACAUAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttgtaattcatcaaCTTGTATg 3' Energy: -9.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-300 NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.31 2 9 7474 7495 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-300 NC_045512.2 432.00 -30.90 146.00 -11.00 2576 22 29903 8320 11803 7474 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6507-5p MIMAT0025470(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6507-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:21367 to 21389 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uguuUCA--GGGAGGAUAAGAAg 5' ||| :|:|||||||||| Ref: 5' attcAGTTGTCTTCCTATTCTTt 3' Energy: -22.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6507-5p NC_045512.2 164.00 -22.90 2 18 21367 21389 18 77.78% 88.89% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19128 to 19148 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ugUUUCAGGGAGGAUAAGAAg 5' ||: :: |:|||||||| Ref: 5' agAAGAATTATTCTATTCTTa 3' Energy: -13.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6507-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -13.16 2 20 19128 19148 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:26305 to 26325 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' uguuucAGGGAGGAUAAGAAg 5' |:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' cttgctTTCGTGGTATTCTTg 3' Energy: -8.590000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6507-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -8.59 2 16 26305 26325 14 71.43% 78.57% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:4797 to 4818 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ugUUUC-AGGGAGGAUAAGAag 5' |||| |: ||||||||| Ref: 5' atAAAGATTGGTCCTATTCTgg 3' Energy: -16.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6507-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.12 3 20 4797 4818 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:28004 to 28024 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' uguuUCAGGGAGGAUAAGAag 5' | || ||:||||||| Ref: 5' tcctATTCACTTCTATTCTaa 3' Energy: -14.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6507-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.13 3 18 28004 28024 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15335 to 15355 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' ugUUUCAGGGAGGAUAAGAAg 5' | :| |:| |:|:||||| Ref: 5' ttATGGCCTCACTTGTTCTTg 3' Energy: -12.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6507-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.84 2 20 15335 15355 18 61.11% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:27389 to 27409 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguuucagggagGAUAAGAAg 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' cgaacatgaaaaTTATTCTTt 3' Energy: -7.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6507-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -7.95 2 10 27389 27409 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:7245 to 7265 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguuucagggaggAUAAGAAg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ggtttttggcataTATTCTTt 3' Energy: -8.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6507-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.57 2 9 7245 7265 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:21902 to 21923 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uguuUCAGGGA-GGAUAAGAAg 5' ||||||| |:|||| || Ref: 5' acccAGTCCCTACTTATTGTTa 3' Energy: -20.129999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6507-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -20.13 2 18 21902 21923 17 82.35% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6507-5p NC_045512.2 1321.00 -124.39 164.00 -22.90 2577 21 29903 21367 19128 26305 4797 28004 15335 27389 7245 21902 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3678-5p MIMAT0018102(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3678-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:10087 to 10107 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gugUCGUCU-CAAACAUGCCu 5' ||: || | |||||:|| Ref: 5' taaAGTTGAGGGTTGTATGGt 3' Energy: -17.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3678-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.93 2 18 10087 10107 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3678-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.93 140.00 -17.93 2578 20 29903 10087 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6873-3p MIMAT0027647(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6873-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:22941 to 22963 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacucucucuuucugUCUCUCUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atctcaaaccttttgAGAGAGAt 3' Energy: -14.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6873-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.31 2 9 22941 22963 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6873-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.31 140.00 -14.31 2579 23 29903 22941 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4733-3p MIMAT0019858(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4733-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9556 to 9576 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uagGGUUACGAUCUGGACCACc 5' |: || || |||||||| Ref: 5' ttaCTCATTCT-TACCTGGTGt 3' Energy: -19.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4733-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -19.77 2 20 9556 9576 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:6271 to 6292 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uaggguuacgaUCUGGACCACc 5' | |||||||| Ref: 5' gtataaaccaaATACCTGGTGt 3' Energy: -17.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4733-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.26 2 12 6271 6292 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:22299 to 22320 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (73.33%) Query: 3' uaggguUACGAUCUGGACCACc 5' || : | ||||||| Ref: 5' gaagttATTTGACTCCTGGTGa 3' Energy: -13.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4733-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.42 2 17 22299 22320 15 66.67% 73.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4733-3p NC_045512.2 444.00 -50.45 153.00 -19.77 2580 22 29903 9556 6271 22299 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3156-3p MIMAT0019209(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3156-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:14227 to 14247 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucuuucuagaccUUCACCCUc 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' aagccttacattAAGTGGGAt 3' Energy: -11.810000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3156-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.81 2 10 14227 14247 8 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3156-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.81 145.00 -11.81 2581 21 29903 14227 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4775 MIMAT0019931(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4775 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:27383 to 27404 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ucACUGGCUUUGU-UUUUUAAUu 5' | | || |||| :||||||| Ref: 5' atTAAACG-AACATGAAAATTAt 3' Energy: -9.780000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4775 NC_045512.2 157.00 -9.78 2 21 27383 27404 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15143 to 15166 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' ucaCUGGCUUUGU--UUUUUAAUu 5' ||| | || |||||||| Ref: 5' ataGACAGTTTCATCAAAAATTAt 3' Energy: -7.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4775 NC_045512.2 150.00 -7.10 2 20 15143 15166 20 70.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:29797 to 29819 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucaCUGGCUU-UGUUUUUUAAUu 5' | || || ::: ||||||| Ref: 5' agaGCCCTAATGTGTAAAATTAa 3' Energy: -7.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4775 NC_045512.2 150.00 -7.26 2 20 29797 29819 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:6504 to 6525 Align Len (13) (69.23%) (84.62%) Query: 3' ucacuggcUUUGUUUUUUAAUu 5' |: : |||||||| Ref: 5' caaataatAGTTTAAAAATTAc 3' Energy: -2.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4775 NC_045512.2 146.00 -2.30 2 15 6504 6525 13 69.23% 84.62% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16707 to 16726 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucACUGGCUUUGUUUUUUAAUu 5' || |:| |||:|:||||| Ref: 5' gcTGTCTG--ACAGAGAATTAc 3' Energy: -12.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4775 NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.92 2 21 16707 16726 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:20635 to 20656 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' ucacuggcuuUGUUUUUUAAUu 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' gaaacattttACCCAAAATTAc 3' Energy: -3.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4775 NC_045512.2 144.00 -3.96 2 13 20635 20656 11 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:24307 to 24329 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ucacugGCU-UUGUUUUUUAAUu 5' :|| ||| |||||||: Ref: 5' tctctaTGAGAACCAAAAATTGa 3' Energy: -9.450000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4775 NC_045512.2 143.00 -9.45 2 17 24307 24329 16 75.00% 87.50% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15568 to 15587 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucACUGGCUUUGUUUUUUAAUu 5' |||: | ||| ||||||: Ref: 5' acTGATGGTAAC--AAAATTGc 3' Energy: -8.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4775 NC_045512.2 141.00 -8.40 2 21 15568 15587 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:18937 to 18956 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' ucACUGGCUUUGUUUUUUAAUu 5' |||: :||| :||:|||| Ref: 5' ggTGAT--GAACTGAAGATTAa 3' Energy: -13.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4775 NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.22 2 21 18937 18956 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:19116 to 19138 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' ucacuggcUUUGU-UUUUUAAUu 5' |||:| ||:||||| Ref: 5' agcttataAAATAGAAGAATTAt 3' Energy: -5.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4775 NC_045512.2 141.00 -5.17 2 15 19116 19138 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:2464 to 2484 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ucacUGGCUUUGUUUUUUAAUu 5' :|| || ||:|||||| Ref: 5' aaaaGCCCCAA-AAGAAATTAt 3' Energy: -6.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4775 NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.76 2 19 2464 2484 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:20727 to 20748 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ucacuggcuuuguuUUUUAAUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' aaagtgtgaccttcAAAATTAt 3' Energy: -10.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4775 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.97 2 9 20727 20748 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4775 NC_045512.2 1738.00 -97.29 157.00 -13.22 2582 22 29903 27383 15143 29797 6504 16707 20635 24307 15568 18937 19116 2464 20727 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4671-3p MIMAT0019753(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4671-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:17168 to 17188 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ucUGGUUUCUGAUACGUGAUu 5' :||: | : |||||||| Ref: 5' atGCCGCTGTTGATGCACTAt 3' Energy: -16.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4671-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -16.19 2 20 17168 17188 18 61.11% 77.78% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:22422 to 22442 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (94.12%) Query: 3' ucUGGUUUCUGAUACGUGAuu 5' :|:: |||||:|||||| Ref: 5' atGCTGTAGACTGTGCACTtg 3' Energy: -22.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4671-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -22.04 3 20 22422 22442 17 70.59% 94.12% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:12692 to 12713 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' ucUGGUUUCUGAU-ACGUGAUu 5' :|: |: ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' gaGCTTAGTCCTGTTGCACTAc 3' Energy: -14.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4671-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.30 2 20 12692 12713 19 57.89% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:15542 to 15562 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' ucUGGUUUCUGAUACGUGAuu 5' :|||| | : ||||||| Ref: 5' cgGCCAATGTTAATGCACTtt 3' Energy: -17.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4671-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.01 3 20 15542 15562 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:888 to 909 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' ucugGUUUCUGA-UACGUGAuu 5' :|||| :| ||||||| Ref: 5' ctggTAAAGCTTCATGCACTtt 3' Energy: -13.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4671-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.41 3 18 888 909 16 75.00% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4671-3p NC_045512.2 731.00 -82.95 151.00 -22.04 2583 21 29903 17168 22422 12692 15542 888 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4658 MIMAT0019725(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4658 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:27721 to 27743 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uaagGAGGUCCUAGGUGUGAGUg 5' | |: | |:|||||||| Ref: 5' ataaCACTTTGCTTCACACTCAa 3' Energy: -17.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4658 NC_045512.2 155.00 -17.88 2 20 27721 27743 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13340 to 13362 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (89.47%) Query: 3' uaaGGAGGUCCUAGGUGUGAGUg 5' ||| ::|| |::|||||:| Ref: 5' gacCCTGTGGGTTTTACACTTAa 3' Energy: -20.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4658 NC_045512.2 152.00 -20.88 2 21 13340 13362 19 63.16% 89.47% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:2690 to 2712 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uaaggagguccuAGGUGUGAGUg 5' |:|||||||| Ref: 5' acaaacaataccTTCACACTCAa 3' Energy: -17.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4658 NC_045512.2 151.00 -17.02 2 12 2690 2712 10 90.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:21693 to 21713 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' uaAGGAGGUCCUAGGUGUGAGUg 5' |||| || | |::|||:||| Ref: 5' gaTCCT-CA-GTTTTACATTCAa 3' Energy: -20.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4658 NC_045512.2 145.00 -20.94 2 22 21693 21713 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:16983 to 17006 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uaaggagguccUAGG-UGUGAGUg 5' | || ||||||| Ref: 5' tactggcttatACCCAACACTCAa 3' Energy: -15.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4658 NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.68 2 13 16983 17006 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:16630 to 16652 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uaAGGAGGUCCUAGGUGUGAGUg 5' |::| ||| | ||:|||| Ref: 5' ctTTTTGCAGCAGAAACGCTCAa 3' Energy: -16.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4658 NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.91 2 22 16630 16652 20 60.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:25079 to 25102 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (76.19%) Query: 3' uaAGGAGGUC-CUAGGUGUGAGUg 5' | ||:||| :| |||:||| Ref: 5' aaTGCTTCAGTTGTAAACATTCAa 3' Energy: -18.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4658 NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.15 2 22 25079 25102 21 61.90% 76.19% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4658 NC_045512.2 1027.00 -127.46 155.00 -20.94 2584 23 29903 27721 13340 2690 21693 16983 16630 25079 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7845-5p MIMAT0030420(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7845-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:573 to 593 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggugcugggAGGGACAGGGAa 5' |||:||||||| Ref: 5' cacttggtgTCCTTGTCCCTc 3' Energy: -22.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7845-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -22.78 2 13 573 593 11 90.91% 100.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:264 to 284 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggugcugggaGGGACAGGGAa 5' ||:||||||| Ref: 5' agatggagagCCTTGTCCCTg 3' Energy: -23.850000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7845-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -23.85 2 12 264 284 10 90.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24751 to 24770 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (72.22%) Query: 3' ggUGCUGGGAGGGACAGGGAa 5' |:| || : ||||||| Ref: 5' gcATGTGACT-TATGTCCCTg 3' Energy: -20.910000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7845-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.91 2 20 24751 24770 18 61.11% 72.22% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:6648 to 6668 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ggugcugggagggACAGGGAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ctgctgttaatagTGTCCCTt 3' Energy: -13.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7845-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.34 2 9 6648 6668 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7845-5p NC_045512.2 588.00 -80.88 156.00 -23.85 2585 21 29903 573 264 24751 6648 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-933 MIMAT0004976(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-933 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24098 to 24120 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cccUCUCCAGAG-GGACGCGUGu 5' |||| ||| ::||:|||| Ref: 5' gctAGAGACCTCATTTGTGCACa 3' Energy: -23.379999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-933 NC_045512.2 146.00 -23.38 2 20 24098 24120 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9790 to 9811 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cccUCUCCAGAGGGACGCGUGu 5' ||| | : | |||:|||| Ref: 5' tgaAGAAGCTGCGCTGTGCACc 3' Energy: -18.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-933 NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.49 2 20 9790 9811 18 66.67% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-933 NC_045512.2 289.00 -41.87 146.00 -23.38 2586 22 29903 24098 9790 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-518c-3p MIMAT0002848(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-518c-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:19325 to 19347 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ugUGAGAUUUCUCUUCGCGAAAc 5' :||:| :| | |||:||||| Ref: 5' caGCTTTTGATAAAAGTGCTTTt 3' Energy: -12.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-518c-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -12.90 2 22 19325 19347 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:10890 to 10912 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' ugUGAGAUUUCUCUUCGCGAAAc 5' || || |:| ||:||||| Ref: 5' gtACCATATTGGGTAGTGCTTTa 3' Energy: -15.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-518c-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.96 2 22 10890 10912 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:427 to 448 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' ugugaGAUUUCUCUUCGCGAAAc 5' :|:|| | |:|||:||| Ref: 5' agaagTTGAA-AAAGGCGTTTTg 3' Energy: -15.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-518c-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.01 2 19 427 448 17 64.71% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-518c-3p NC_045512.2 438.00 -43.87 153.00 -15.96 2587 23 29903 19325 10890 427 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3940-3p MIMAT0018356(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3940-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4666a-3p MIMAT0019742(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4666a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:19501 to 19522 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uuuaUGUACA-GUCUAACAUAc 5' |:: || |||||||||| Ref: 5' gctaATGAGTACAGATTGTATc 3' Energy: -14.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4666a-3p NC_045512.2 160.00 -14.39 2 18 19501 19522 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:25842 to 25866 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' uuuAUGUACAGU-C---UAACAUAc 5' || |||:| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tacTAATTGTTACGACTATTGTATa 3' Energy: -7.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4666a-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -7.12 2 19 25842 25866 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:23758 to 23779 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuUAUGUA--CAGUCUAACAUac 5' | |||| || |||||||| Ref: 5' caAGACATCAGT-AGATTGTAca 3' Energy: -13.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4666a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.36 3 20 23758 23779 19 78.95% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4666a-3p NC_045512.2 444.00 -34.87 160.00 -14.39 2589 21 29903 19501 25842 23758 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-218-2-3p MIMAT0004566(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-218-2-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:22220 to 22239 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' gcgccaCGAACUGUCUUGGUAc 5' |||| :|||||||| Ref: 5' ttttcgGCTT--TAGAACCATt 3' Energy: -17.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-218-2-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -17.09 2 17 22220 22239 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:22396 to 22417 Align Len (10) (80.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gcgccacgaacUGUCUUGGUAc 5' |::||||||| Ref: 5' atataatgaaaATGGAACCATt 3' Energy: -10.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-218-2-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -10.51 2 12 22396 22417 10 80.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:28936 to 28961 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' gcGCCACGAACUGU----CUUGGUac 5' :| ||||||||| |||||| Ref: 5' gcTGCTGCTTGACAGATTGAACCAgc 3' Energy: -23.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-218-2-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -23.90 3 21 28936 28961 22 72.73% 77.27% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:15297 to 15318 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gcgccacgaACUGUCUUGGUAc 5' |||:|||:|||| Ref: 5' tcctaaatgTGATAGAGCCATg 3' Energy: -21.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-218-2-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -21.64 2 14 15297 15318 12 83.33% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-218-2-3p NC_045512.2 592.00 -73.14 153.00 -23.90 2590 22 29903 22220 22396 28936 15297 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6742-3p MIMAT0027386(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6742-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:20220 to 20239 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaucuccccugUUGGGUCCa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' acaagaatttaAACCCAGGa 3' Energy: -16.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6742-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.94 2 10 20220 20239 8 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6742-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.94 145.00 -16.94 2591 20 29903 20220 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-513c-3p MIMAT0022728(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-513c-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:20200 to 20220 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' agAAGAGUCUUUCCACUUUAAAu 5' | ||||| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttTACTCAG--AGTAGAAATTTa 3' Energy: -17.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513c-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -17.36 2 22 20200 20220 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:27881 to 27903 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' agaagagUCUUUCCACUUUAAAu 5' | :|| |||||||| Ref: 5' cgcctaaACGAACATGAAATTTc 3' Energy: -6.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513c-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -6.27 2 17 27881 27903 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:2185 to 2211 Align Len (23) (73.91%) (82.61%) Query: 3' agAAGAGUCUUU-CCA---CUUUAAau 5' ||||:|||:| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' gtTTCTTAGAGACGGTTGGGAAATTgt 3' Energy: -19.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513c-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -19.25 3 22 2185 2211 23 73.91% 82.61% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:17344 to 17366 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' agaagagucuuuCCACUUUAAAu 5' | |||||||| Ref: 5' atagttgtctttGATGAAATTTc 3' Energy: -7.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513c-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -7.16 2 12 17344 17366 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:5314 to 5336 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' agaagagUCUUUCCACUUUAAAu 5' | |:|| ||||:||| Ref: 5' ccaacaaATAGAGTTGAAGTTTa 3' Energy: -12.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513c-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.27 2 17 5314 5336 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:1035 to 1055 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' agaagAGUCUUUCCACUUUAAAu 5' |::| || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaaaTTGGCAA--AGAAATTTg 3' Energy: -6.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513c-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -6.47 2 19 1035 1055 17 64.71% 76.47% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:29111 to 29131 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agaagagucuUUCCACUUUAAAu 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gaacaaacccAAG--GAAATTTt 3' Energy: -5.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513c-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -5.23 2 14 29111 29131 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:4363 to 4390 Align Len (25) (60.00%) (72.00%) Query: 3' agAAGAGUCUUUCC-----ACUUUAAAu 5' ||||::||| | ||:||||| Ref: 5' aaTTCTTGGAACTGTTTCTTGGAATTTg 3' Energy: -13.360000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513c-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -13.36 2 22 4363 4390 25 60.00% 72.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:20581 to 20603 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agaagagucuuuccaCUUUAAAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' actattgactatacaGAAATTTc 3' Energy: -4.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-513c-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -4.63 2 9 20581 20603 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-513c-3p NC_045512.2 1317.00 -92.00 158.00 -19.25 2592 23 29903 20200 27881 2185 17344 5314 1035 29111 4363 20581 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-212-5p MIMAT0022695(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-212-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-519b-5p MIMAT0005454(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-519b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14515 to 14536 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (66.67%) Query: 3' gucUUUCGCGAAGGGAGAUCUc 5' || : | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtaAACTTACATAGCTCTAGAc 3' Energy: -10.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519b-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.26 2 20 14515 14536 18 61.11% 66.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26430 to 26452 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gucUUUCG-CGAAGGGAGAUCUc 5' ||| | | |:|:|||||| Ref: 5' taaAAATCTGAATTCTTCTAGAg 3' Energy: -17.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519b-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.82 2 20 26430 26452 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-519b-5p NC_045512.2 285.00 -28.08 143.00 -17.82 2594 22 29903 14515 26430 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6796-3p MIMAT0027493(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6796-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:6111 to 6131 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacgccccucccCUCUCGAAg 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' aacctgcttcaaGAGAGCTTa 3' Energy: -15.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6796-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.52 2 10 6111 6131 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:9457 to 9477 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gacgccccuccCCUCUCGAAg 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' tatgaggtttaGAAGAGCTTt 3' Energy: -14.090000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6796-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.09 2 11 9457 9477 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:26542 to 26562 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (88.89%) Query: 3' gacgccccuccCCUCUCGAAg 5' | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctattaccgttGAAGAGCTTa 3' Energy: -9.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6796-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -9.82 2 11 26542 26562 9 88.89% 88.89% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:24604 to 24624 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacgccccuccccUCUCGAAg 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' agctgcagaaatcAGAGCTTc 3' Energy: -17.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6796-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.78 2 9 24604 24624 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6796-3p NC_045512.2 569.00 -57.21 145.00 -17.78 2595 21 29903 6111 9457 26542 24604 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-2054 MIMAT0009979(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-2054 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:4855 to 4878 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uuauUUAAUUU-AAAUAUAAUGUc 5' :|| ||| | ||||||||| Ref: 5' aggtGATAAAAGTGTATATTACAc 3' Energy: -10.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2054 NC_045512.2 166.00 -10.46 2 20 4855 4878 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:5786 to 5808 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' uuAUUUAAUUUAAAUAUAAUGUc 5' |||| || |||:||||:|| Ref: 5' tcTAAAGAAACTTTGTATTGCAt 3' Energy: -8.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2054 NC_045512.2 161.00 -8.82 2 22 5786 5808 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:22536 to 22562 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' uuauuUAAUUUAAA----UAUAAUGUc 5' :|||:|||| |||||||| Ref: 5' ctattGTTAGATTTCCTAATATTACAa 3' Energy: -10.120000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2054 NC_045512.2 161.00 -10.12 2 19 22536 22562 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:4585 to 4607 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uuAUUUAAUUUAAAUAUAAUGUc 5' ||||| ||| | |:||||| Ref: 5' tcTAAATGAAACTCTTGTTACAa 3' Energy: -5.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2054 NC_045512.2 157.00 -5.88 2 22 4585 4607 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20031 to 20053 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' uuauUUAAUUUAAAUAUAAUGUc 5' ||| : :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ccgtAATGGTGTTCTTATTACAg 3' Energy: -10.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2054 NC_045512.2 155.00 -10.35 2 20 20031 20053 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:25980 to 26004 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (77.27%) Query: 3' uuAUUUAAU-UUA-AAUAUAAUGUc 5' |||| | :| ||:||||||| Ref: 5' agTAAAAGACTGTGTTGTATTACAc 3' Energy: -9.040000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2054 NC_045512.2 155.00 -9.04 2 22 25980 26004 22 68.18% 77.27% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:9276 to 9300 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uuauUUAAUU-UAAAU-AUAAUGUc 5' | |||| | | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gggtACTTAACAATGATTATTACAg 3' Energy: -9.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2054 NC_045512.2 153.00 -9.61 2 20 9276 9300 20 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:26468 to 26490 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uuAUUUAAUUUAAAUAUAAUGUc 5' |||| || | ||||||:| Ref: 5' tcTAAACGAACTAAATATTATAt 3' Energy: -3.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2054 NC_045512.2 149.00 -3.64 2 22 26468 26490 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:5345 to 5367 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (78.57%) Query: 3' uuauuuaaUUUAAAUAUAAUGUc 5' |:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gctctacaAGATGCTTATTACAg 3' Energy: -11.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2054 NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.27 2 16 5345 5367 14 71.43% 78.57% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:6935 to 6956 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uuAUUUAAUUUAAAUAUAAUGUc 5' |||| | :|| ||||||:| Ref: 5' tcTAAACT-GATAAATATTATAa 3' Energy: -3.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2054 NC_045512.2 147.00 -3.89 2 22 6935 6956 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:17911 to 17935 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' uuaUUUAAUUUA-AAU-AUAAUGuc 5' |:||| ||| ||: |||||| Ref: 5' aacAGATTTAATGTTGCTATTACca 3' Energy: -6.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2054 NC_045512.2 146.00 -6.46 3 21 17911 17935 20 75.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:5945 to 5967 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uuAUUUAAUUUAAAUAUAAUGUc 5' |||:||::| |||||:| Ref: 5' ccTAAGTTGGACAATTATTATAa 3' Energy: -7.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2054 NC_045512.2 145.00 -7.76 2 22 5945 5967 20 60.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:27039 to 27061 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' uuauuuaauuuAAAUAUAAUGUc 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' tcacgaacgctTTCTTATTACAa 3' Energy: -3.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2054 NC_045512.2 144.00 -3.51 2 13 27039 27061 11 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7483 to 7506 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uuaUUUAAUUUA-AAUAUAAUGUc 5' || ||: || |:|:||||| Ref: 5' atcAACTTGTATGATGTGTTACAa 3' Energy: -6.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2054 NC_045512.2 143.00 -6.97 2 21 7483 7506 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21059 to 21079 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uuaUUUAAUUUAAAUAUAAUGUc 5' |:| |||| ||:||||| Ref: 5' ctaAGACTAAA--AATGTTACAa 3' Energy: -5.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2054 NC_045512.2 141.00 -5.94 2 21 21059 21079 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:10636 to 10658 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuauuuaauuuaaauAUAAUGUc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tggtacggacacaacTATTACAg 3' Energy: -8.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2054 NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.07 2 9 10636 10658 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:22829 to 22853 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (77.27%) Query: 3' uuAUUUAAU--UUAAAUAUAAUGUc 5' ||||||| |: | || ||||| Ref: 5' taTAAATTACCAGATGATTTTACAg 3' Energy: -10.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-2054 NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.68 2 22 22829 22853 22 72.73% 77.27% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-2054 NC_045512.2 2550.00 -132.47 166.00 -11.27 2596 23 29903 4855 5786 22536 4585 20031 25980 9276 26468 5345 6935 17911 5945 27039 7483 21059 10636 22829 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-889-3p MIMAT0004921(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-889-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8867 to 8888 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' uguuACCAACAG-GCUAUAAUu 5' || || | |||||||| Ref: 5' ggttTGCCTGGCACGATATTAc 3' Energy: -10.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-889-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -10.48 2 18 8867 8888 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:27227 to 27247 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguuaccaacaggCUAUAAUu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' ttactatagcagaGATATTAc 3' Energy: -5.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-889-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -5.29 2 9 27227 27247 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-889-3p NC_045512.2 292.00 -15.77 152.00 -10.48 2597 21 29903 8867 27227 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6732-3p MIMAT0027366(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6732-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:4244 to 4266 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' gacccucccucUCCUGUCCCAAu 5' :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' accacttacccGGGTCAGGGTTt 3' Energy: -15.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6732-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -15.60 2 13 4244 4266 11 81.82% 90.91% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:10264 to 10286 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacccucccucuccuGUCCCAAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tggtaatgttcaactCAGGGTTa 3' Energy: -14.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6732-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.86 2 9 10264 10286 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:22199 to 22221 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacccucccucuccuGUCCCAAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgcgtgatctccctCAGGGTTt 3' Energy: -11.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6732-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.60 2 9 22199 22221 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6732-3p NC_045512.2 428.00 -42.06 148.00 -15.60 2598 23 29903 4244 10264 22199 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-15a-3p MIMAT0004488(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-15a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:15322 to 15344 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' acuccgucGUGUU-AUACCGGAc 5' :| || |||||||| Ref: 5' aacatgctTAGAATTATGGCCTc 3' Energy: -15.290000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15a-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -15.29 2 15 15322 15344 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:12620 to 12641 Align Len (16) (56.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' acuccGUCGUGUUAUACCGGAc 5' :| : :|: ||||||| Ref: 5' tcaccTAATTTAGCATGGCCTc 3' Energy: -12.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15a-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.83 2 18 12620 12641 16 56.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:11205 to 11226 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' acuccGUCGUGUUAUACCGGAc 5' :| : :|||||||:|| Ref: 5' tagctTATTTTAATATGGTCTa 3' Energy: -15.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15a-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.84 2 18 11205 11226 16 62.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:25179 to 25202 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' acucCGUC--GUGUUAUACCGGac 5' |||| :|:|| |||||| Ref: 5' atgaGCAGTATATAAAATGGCCat 3' Energy: -22.200001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15a-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -22.20 3 19 25179 25202 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:2043 to 2064 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acuccgucguguuaUACCGGAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' acaatctagttgtaATGGCCTa 3' Energy: -12.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-15a-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.21 2 9 2043 2064 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-15a-3p NC_045512.2 716.00 -78.37 149.00 -22.20 2599 22 29903 15322 12620 11205 25179 2043 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6790-5p MIMAT0027480(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6790-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:2690 to 2712 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuggggcgguuuAGGUGUGAGUg 5' |:|||||||| Ref: 5' acaaacaataccTTCACACTCAa 3' Energy: -18.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6790-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -18.64 2 12 2690 2712 10 90.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:27721 to 27743 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuggggcgguuuAGGUGUGAGUg 5' |:|||||||| Ref: 5' ataacactttgcTTCACACTCAa 3' Energy: -22.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6790-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -22.81 2 12 27721 27743 10 90.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16982 to 17006 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' uugGGGCG-GUUUAGG-UGUGAGUg 5' |: || :| | || ||||||| Ref: 5' ttaCTGGCTTATACCCAACACTCAa 3' Energy: -17.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6790-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -17.84 2 21 16982 17006 21 66.67% 76.19% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:13340 to 13362 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' uuGGGGCGGUUUAGGUGUGAGUg 5' |||:|: :: |::|||||:| Ref: 5' gaCCCTGTGGGTTTTACACTTAa 3' Energy: -25.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6790-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -25.44 2 22 13340 13362 20 55.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20785 to 20805 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uuggGGCGGUUUAGGUGUGAGUg 5' :||| |||| |:||||| Ref: 5' aatgTCGCAAAAT--ATACTCAa 3' Energy: -18.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6790-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -18.12 2 20 20785 20805 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:21691 to 21713 Align Len (18) (55.56%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uuggGGCGGUUUAGGUGUGAGUg 5' :| :||: |::|||:||| Ref: 5' cagaTCCTCAGTTTTACATTCAa 3' Energy: -19.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6790-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -19.63 2 20 21691 21713 18 55.56% 88.89% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:18540 to 18563 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (88.89%) Query: 3' uugggGCGGUUUA-GGUGUGAGUg 5' :|::||:| ||||||:| Ref: 5' acaaaTGTTAAGTGACACACTTAa 3' Energy: -20.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6790-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.07 2 19 18540 18563 18 61.11% 88.89% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6790-5p NC_045512.2 1029.00 -142.55 151.00 -25.44 2600 23 29903 2690 27721 16982 13340 20785 21691 18540 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3614-3p MIMAT0017993(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3614-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:20286 to 20309 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' uuUUGUGGU-UCUAGACUUCCGAu 5' |||: :| | ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' tgAACGGTATAAATTAGAAGGCTa 3' Energy: -18.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3614-3p NC_045512.2 160.00 -18.26 2 22 20286 20309 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:29382 to 29402 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uuUUGUGGUUCUAGACUUCCGAu 5' :||| |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' agGACAAAAAGA--AGAAGGCTg 3' Energy: -20.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3614-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -20.69 2 22 29382 29402 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:9066 to 9090 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (86.36%) Query: 3' uuUUGUGGUUCUA-GA-CUUCCGAu 5' :|:||||| :| || |||||:| Ref: 5' atGATACCAATGTACTAGAAGGTTc 3' Energy: -18.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3614-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -18.82 2 22 9066 9090 22 68.18% 86.36% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:9159 to 9180 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uuUUGUGGUUCUAGACUUCCGAu 5' |||||| | | ||||||:| Ref: 5' ctAACACCTACCT-TGAAGGTTc 3' Energy: -19.809999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3614-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -19.81 2 22 9159 9180 20 75.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:18131 to 18152 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' uuUUGUGGUUCUAGACUUCCGAu 5' || :||| | |||||||:| Ref: 5' ctAAATTCAA-AACTGAAGGTTt 3' Energy: -16.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3614-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -16.17 2 22 18131 18152 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:7052 to 7074 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uuuugugguucuagaCUUCCGAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtactggttacagaGAAGGCTa 3' Energy: -15.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3614-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.84 2 9 7052 7074 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3614-3p NC_045512.2 903.00 -109.59 160.00 -20.69 2601 23 29903 20286 29382 9066 9159 18131 7052 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-574-5p MIMAT0004795(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-574-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:2688 to 2711 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' ugUGUGAG-UGUGUGUGUGUGAGu 5' ||| | |:|| : ||||||| Ref: 5' taACAAACAATACCTTCACACTCa 3' Energy: -19.719999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-574-5p NC_045512.2 156.00 -19.72 2 22 2688 2711 21 66.67% 76.19% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:27722 to 27742 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ugUGUGAGUGUGUGUGUGUGAGu 5' |||||: ::| : ||||||| Ref: 5' taACACTT-TGC-TTCACACTCa 3' Energy: -20.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-574-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -20.10 2 22 27722 27742 20 65.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:19140 to 19161 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' ugUGUGAGUGUGUGUGUGUGAGu 5' |: ||:|::| ||||||:|| Ref: 5' ctATTCTTATGC-CACACATTCt 3' Energy: -19.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-574-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -19.77 2 22 19140 19161 20 65.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4560 to 4580 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (89.47%) Query: 3' uguGUGAGUGUGUGUGUGUGAGu 5' ||||:|: || |||||||: Ref: 5' cgtCACTTAT-CA-ACACACTTa 3' Energy: -21.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-574-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -21.90 2 21 4560 4580 19 73.68% 89.47% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:13151 to 13173 Align Len (15) (66.67%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ugugugAGUGUGUGUGUGUGAgu 5' |:::::||||||||| Ref: 5' aagatgTTGTGTACACACACTgg 3' Energy: -19.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-574-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -19.08 3 18 13151 13173 15 66.67% 100.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5566 to 5588 Align Len (19) (52.63%) (89.47%) Query: 3' uguGUGAGUGUGUGUGUGUGAGu 5' :|: :|||:: :||||||: Ref: 5' tgtTATGTACATGGGCACACTTt 3' Energy: -16.780001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-574-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.78 2 21 5566 5588 19 52.63% 89.47% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:2385 to 2404 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' ugUGUGAGUGUGUGUGUGUGAGu 5' |||:|::: |||:||||| Ref: 5' aaACATTTGT---CACGCACTCa 3' Energy: -21.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-574-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -21.27 2 22 2385 2404 20 60.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:24845 to 24868 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (88.24%) Query: 3' uguguGAGUGUG-UGUGUGUGAgu 5' :||| |: :|||||||| Ref: 5' tttgtTTCAAATGGCACACACTgg 3' Energy: -16.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-574-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.65 3 19 24845 24868 17 70.59% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-574-5p NC_045512.2 1179.00 -155.27 156.00 -21.90 2602 23 29903 2688 27722 19140 4560 13151 5566 2385 24845 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-33a-3p MIMAT0004506(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-33a-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 167.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20621 to 20643 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' caCUA-CGUGACACCUUUGUAAc 5' ||| || ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' aaGATGGCCATGTAGAAACATTt 3' Energy: -15.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-33a-3p NC_045512.2 167.00 -15.30 2 21 20621 20643 20 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:16649 to 16671 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cacUACG-UGACACCUUUGUAAc 5' | || |||| |||:||||| Ref: 5' tcaAAGCTACTGAGGAGACATTt 3' Energy: -19.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-33a-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -19.10 2 20 16649 16671 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25080 to 25100 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' caCUACGUGACACCUUUGUAAc 5' | | || | || ||||||| Ref: 5' atGCTTCAGT-TGTAAACATTc 3' Energy: -8.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-33a-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -8.06 2 21 25080 25100 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:15677 to 15698 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (84.62%) Query: 3' cacuacguGACACCUUUGUAAc 5' :|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' acgcatatTTGCGTAAACATTt 3' Energy: -9.510000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-33a-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -9.51 2 15 15677 15698 13 76.92% 84.62% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:29152 to 29175 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' cacUACGUGAC--ACCUUUGUAAc 5' | | |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' acaAGGAACTGATTACAAACATTg 3' Energy: -12.800000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-33a-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -12.80 2 20 29152 29175 20 70.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:2369 to 2392 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cacuACGUGA--CACCUUUGUAAc 5' || |:| | |||||||| Ref: 5' gcctTGAATTTAGGTGAAACATTt 3' Energy: -10.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-33a-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -10.07 2 19 2369 2392 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5094 to 5119 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (72.73%) Query: 3' cacUACGUG-AC-ACC--UUUGUAAc 5' || ||| || || ||||||| Ref: 5' ataATTCACATGAAGGTAAAACATTt 3' Energy: -9.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-33a-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -9.20 2 20 5094 5119 22 72.73% 72.73% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29555 to 29576 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' caCUACGUGACACCUUUGUAAc 5' |||| :|| | ||||:|| Ref: 5' caGATGGGCTATATAAACGTTt 3' Energy: -12.730000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-33a-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -12.73 2 21 29555 29576 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14359 to 14380 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cacuACGUGACACCUUUGUAAc 5' ||||:|||| |||| || Ref: 5' attcTGCATTGTGCAAACTTTa 3' Energy: -14.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-33a-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.95 2 19 14359 14380 17 82.35% 88.24% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:6469 to 6491 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' cacuacgUGACA-CCUUUGUAAc 5' ::||| |||:||||| Ref: 5' taccgaaGTTGTAGGAGACATTa 3' Energy: -14.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-33a-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.47 2 16 6469 6491 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29343 to 29362 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (68.42%) Query: 3' caCUACGUGACACCUUUGUAAc 5' || |||: ||||||| Ref: 5' ttGACGCAT--ACAAAACATTc 3' Energy: -8.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-33a-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -8.48 2 21 29343 29362 19 63.16% 68.42% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-33a-3p NC_045512.2 1649.00 -134.67 167.00 -19.10 2603 22 29903 20621 16649 25080 15677 29152 2369 5094 29555 14359 6469 29343 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1909-5p MIMAT0007882(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1909-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:9212 to 9231 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (93.75%) Query: 3' guccCGUCCGUGGCCGUGAGu 5' |:||||| |||||||: Ref: 5' tactGTAGGCA-CGGCACTTg 3' Energy: -25.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1909-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -25.52 2 18 9212 9231 16 81.25% 93.75% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:13501 to 13520 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' guCCCGUCCGUGGCCGUGAgu 5' | || ||||| |||||| Ref: 5' ccGTGC-GGCACAGGCACTag 3' Energy: -21.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1909-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -21.89 3 20 13501 13520 17 82.35% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1909-5p NC_045512.2 296.00 -47.41 151.00 -25.52 2604 21 29903 9212 13501 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548g-3p MIMAT0005912(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548g-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 163.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28115 to 28138 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' caUGUUUUCAUUA--AUGUCAAAa 5' |:| :||||| |||||||| Ref: 5' cgATATCGGTAATTATACAGTTTc 3' Energy: -13.160000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548g-3p NC_045512.2 163.00 -13.16 2 21 28115 28138 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 156.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:4668 to 4692 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cauguUUUCA---UUAAUGUCAAAa 5' ||||| |: |||||||| Ref: 5' ctctcAAAGTGCCAGCTACAGTTTc 3' Energy: -11.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548g-3p NC_045512.2 156.00 -11.26 2 18 4668 4692 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:7676 to 7697 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' cauguuuuCAUUAAUGUCAAAa 5' || | |||||||| Ref: 5' agagacttGTCACTACAGTTTa 3' Energy: -7.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548g-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -7.90 2 15 7676 7697 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5028 to 5048 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (73.68%) Query: 3' caUGUUUUCAUUAAUGUCAAAa 5' ||| | | :| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgACATATG-GACAACAGTTTg 3' Energy: -7.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548g-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -7.98 2 21 5028 5048 19 68.42% 73.68% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:10642 to 10662 Align Len (18) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' caUGUUUUCAUUAAUGUCAAaa 5' ||| || | ||||||||| Ref: 5' ggACACAACT-ATTACAGTTaa 3' Energy: -10.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548g-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -10.33 3 21 10642 10662 18 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15132 to 15154 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cauGUUUUCAUUA-AUGUCAAAa 5' :| :| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tacTATGACCAATAGACAGTTTc 3' Energy: -7.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548g-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -7.96 2 20 15132 15154 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:25643 to 25664 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cauguuuucAUUAAUGUCAAAa 5' | :| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgttgttgtTTGTAACAGTTTa 3' Energy: -6.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548g-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -6.47 2 14 25643 25664 12 75.00% 83.33% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:182 to 203 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cauguUUUCAUUAAUGUCAAAa 5' |:: |: ||||:|||| Ref: 5' tctgcAGGCTGCTTACGGTTTc 3' Energy: -12.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548g-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.11 2 18 182 203 16 62.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:3330 to 3349 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' caUGUUUUCAUUAAUGUCAAAa 5' |: :||||:| |:||||| Ref: 5' ctATTGAAGTGA--ATAGTTTt 3' Energy: -10.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548g-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -10.93 2 21 3330 3349 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:13176 to 13197 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' cauguuUUCAUUAAUGUCAAaa 5' |:| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' ctggtcAGGCAATAACAGTTac 3' Energy: -8.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548g-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -8.54 3 17 13176 13197 14 78.57% 85.71% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:24954 to 24975 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cauguuuucauuaaUGUCAAAa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gaattgtcaacaacACAGTTTa 3' Energy: -6.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548g-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -6.34 2 9 24954 24975 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548g-3p NC_045512.2 1626.00 -102.98 163.00 -13.16 2605 22 29903 28115 4668 7676 5028 10642 15132 25643 182 3330 13176 24954 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1226-5p MIMAT0005576(26 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1226-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 25 R:11751 to 11781 Align Len (28) (64.29%) (67.86%) Query: 3' ggGGUAGG-UC----CGGACGUACGGGAGUg 5' ||| || || || | |||||:||| Ref: 5' tcCCACCCAAGAATAGCATAGATGCCTTCAa 3' Energy: -26.190001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1226-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -26.19 2 25 11751 11781 28 64.29% 67.86% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1226-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -26.19 142.00 -26.19 2606 26 29903 11751 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5580-3p MIMAT0022274(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5580-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:3008 to 3027 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cacGACCGAGUGAAGUAUACAc 5' :|||||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' aaaTTGGCTT-C-ACATATGTa 3' Energy: -15.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5580-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -15.77 2 20 3008 3027 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:15447 to 15465 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (84.21%) Query: 3' caCGACCGAGUGAAGUAUACAc 5' || ||:|||| :|||||| Ref: 5' tgGC-GGTTCAC--TATATGTt 3' Energy: -19.709999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5580-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -19.71 2 21 15447 15465 19 73.68% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:24564 to 24586 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cacgacCGAGUG-AAGUAUACAc 5' |:|::| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttcaaaGTTTGCAGACATATGTg 3' Energy: -14.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5580-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.75 2 17 24564 24586 16 62.50% 81.25% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:12109 to 12130 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' caCGACCGAGUGAAGUAUACac 5' |:| ||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' taGTTCCCTTCCATCATATGca 3' Energy: -10.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5580-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.87 3 21 12109 12130 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:27968 to 27989 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cacgaccgagugaaGUAUACAc 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tactcaacatcaacCATATGTa 3' Energy: -10.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5580-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.21 2 9 27968 27989 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5580-3p NC_045512.2 717.00 -71.31 151.00 -19.71 2607 22 29903 3008 15447 24564 12109 27968 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4657 MIMAT0019724(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4657 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:23100 to 23120 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' uacGGAGUCUGGUGAAGGUGUAa 5' |:|: || |||||:|||| Ref: 5' tttCTTTTGA--ACTTCTACATg 3' Energy: -15.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4657 NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.01 2 21 23100 23120 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11444 to 11466 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (94.12%) Query: 3' uacggAGUCUGGUGAAGGUGUAa 5' ||| :|||:|||||::| Ref: 5' ttagaTCAAGCCATTTCCATGTg 3' Energy: -18.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4657 NC_045512.2 142.00 -18.94 2 19 11444 11466 17 70.59% 94.12% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:1697 to 1719 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uacGGAGUCUGGUGAAGGUGUaa 5' :||: |::|||||||| Ref: 5' gcaTCTTTTTCTGCTTCCACAag 3' Energy: -18.860001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4657 NC_045512.2 140.00 -18.86 3 21 1697 1719 18 61.11% 83.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4657 NC_045512.2 427.00 -52.81 145.00 -18.94 2608 23 29903 23100 11444 1697 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3610 MIMAT0017987(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3610 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:12808 to 12828 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gccGCG-GAGGAAAGGCUAAg 5' :|| || :| ||||||| Ref: 5' actTGCACTGTTATCCGATTt 3' Energy: -17.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3610 NC_045512.2 152.00 -17.48 2 18 12808 12828 17 70.59% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3610 NC_045512.2 152.00 -17.48 152.00 -17.48 2609 20 29903 12808 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4767 MIMAT0019919(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4767 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-296-3p MIMAT0004679(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-296-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:5530 to 5551 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (81.82%) Query: 3' ccucucggagGUGGGUUGGGAg 5' || ||||||| Ref: 5' tggacaacagCAGACAACCCTt 3' Energy: -16.969999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-296-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -16.97 2 13 5530 5551 11 81.82% 81.82% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:17728 to 17749 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' ccucucGGAGGUGGGUUGGGAg 5' |:| ||| :|||||| Ref: 5' gaattcCTTACACGTAACCCTg 3' Energy: -21.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-296-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -21.29 2 17 17728 17749 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:25562 to 25587 Align Len (23) (65.22%) (73.91%) Query: 3' ccUCUCGGAGGU----GGGUUGGGAg 5' || ||:|||| | :|||||| Ref: 5' agAGCGCTTCCAAAATCATAACCCTc 3' Energy: -29.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-296-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -29.79 2 21 25562 25587 23 65.22% 73.91% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-296-3p NC_045512.2 431.00 -68.05 144.00 -29.79 2611 22 29903 5530 17728 25562 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-655-5p MIMAT0026626(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-655-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 164.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:19576 to 19597 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cuUGUAUUGUGCCUAUUGGAGa 5' |: |:|:|| |||||||| Ref: 5' caATTTGATACTTATAACCTCt 3' Energy: -17.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-655-5p NC_045512.2 164.00 -17.94 2 21 19576 19597 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4980 to 5003 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' cuUGU-AU-UGUGCCUAUUGGAGa 5' ||| || ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' caACAGTAGACAACATTAACCTCc 3' Energy: -15.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-655-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -15.11 2 21 4980 5003 21 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:17785 to 17805 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cuUGUAUUGUGCCUAUUGGAGa 5' ||| ||::| | ||:|||| Ref: 5' tcACAGAATGCTG-TAGCCTCa 3' Energy: -13.280000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-655-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -13.28 2 21 17785 17805 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:5768 to 5788 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cuuGUAUUGUGCCUAUUGGAGa 5' :|||| || |||||:|| Ref: 5' cacTATAA-ACATATAACTTCt 3' Energy: -12.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-655-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.52 2 20 5768 5788 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12081 to 12103 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' cuUGUAUUGUGC-CUAUUGGAGa 5' || | ||| | |||:|||| Ref: 5' caACCTTACAAGCTATAGCCTCa 3' Energy: -12.580000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-655-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.58 2 21 12081 12103 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19528 to 19548 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (94.44%) Query: 3' cuuGUAUUGUGCCUAUUGGAGa 5' :||||||: |||:|:||| Ref: 5' gctTATAACAT-GATGATCTCa 3' Energy: -19.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-655-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -19.17 2 20 19528 19548 18 72.22% 94.44% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-655-5p NC_045512.2 889.00 -90.60 164.00 -19.17 2612 22 29903 19576 4980 17785 5768 12081 19528 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7160-5p MIMAT0028230(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7160-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:10025 to 10045 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (70.59%) Query: 3' ccgUGUCGGGCCUGGAGUCGu 5' || |: |||||||| Ref: 5' caaACCTCTATCACCTCAGCt 3' Energy: -16.120001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7160-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.12 2 19 10025 10045 17 64.71% 70.59% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:7382 to 7402 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (94.12%) Query: 3' ccgUGUCGGGCCUGGAGUCGu 5' |::|||| ||::||||| Ref: 5' caaATGGCCCCGATTTCAGCt 3' Energy: -23.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7160-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -23.26 2 19 7382 7402 17 70.59% 94.12% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7160-5p NC_045512.2 288.00 -39.38 146.00 -23.26 2613 21 29903 10025 7382 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6720-5p MIMAT0027345(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6720-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:21853 to 21876 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (84.62%) Query: 3' gcgccgcggaUGGUC-CCGACCUu 5' |: || ||||||| Ref: 5' gtctaacataATAAGAGGCTGGAt 3' Energy: -17.559999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6720-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.56 2 14 21853 21876 13 76.92% 84.62% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6720-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -17.56 144.00 -17.56 2614 23 29903 21853 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4423-3p MIMAT0018936(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4423-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8847 to 8868 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' aaCAACGAAAA-ACCACGGAUa 5' || | |||| | ||||||: Ref: 5' aaGTGGGTTTTGTCGTGCCTGg 3' Energy: -16.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4423-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -16.43 2 20 8847 8868 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:1511 to 1531 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' aacaacgaaaaacCACGGAUa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tgccataacaagtGTGCCTAt 3' Energy: -12.300000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4423-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -12.30 2 9 1511 1531 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4423-3p NC_045512.2 286.00 -28.73 146.00 -16.43 2615 21 29903 8847 1511 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-877-3p MIMAT0004950(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-877-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:6514 to 6534 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacccuccucccUCUUCUCCu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' tttaaaaattacAGAAGAGGt 3' Energy: -12.860000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-877-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -12.86 2 10 6514 6534 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:28787 to 28807 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gacCCUCCUCCCUCUUCUCCu 5' | || |||||| ||||| Ref: 5' tacGCAGAAGGGAGCAGAGGc 3' Energy: -21.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-877-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -21.36 2 19 28787 28807 17 82.35% 82.35% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-877-3p NC_045512.2 287.00 -34.22 145.00 -21.36 2616 21 29903 6514 28787 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-519c-5p MIMAT0002831(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-519c-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14515 to 14536 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (66.67%) Query: 3' gucUUUCGCGAAGGGAGAUCUc 5' || : | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtaAACTTACATAGCTCTAGAc 3' Energy: -10.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519c-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -10.26 2 20 14515 14536 18 61.11% 66.67% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:26430 to 26452 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gucUUUCG-CGAAGGGAGAUCUc 5' ||| | | |:|:|||||| Ref: 5' taaAAATCTGAATTCTTCTAGAg 3' Energy: -17.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-519c-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.82 2 20 26430 26452 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-519c-5p NC_045512.2 285.00 -28.08 143.00 -17.82 2617 22 29903 14515 26430 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6752-3p MIMAT0027405(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6752-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5008-3p MIMAT0021040(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5008-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 17 R:6295 to 6315 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' cgcucCGGGACCCUCGUGUcc 5' |:|:| |||||||| Ref: 5' acgttGTCTTTGGAGCACAaa 3' Energy: -23.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5008-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -23.84 3 17 6295 6315 14 78.57% 92.86% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:1396 to 1414 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cgcUCCGGGACCCUCGUGUCc 5' ||| ||| |||||:|| Ref: 5' agtAGGACCT--GAGCATAGt 3' Energy: -19.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5008-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -19.23 2 19 1396 1414 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:10561 to 10581 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cgCUCCGGGACCCUCGUGUCc 5' ||| :| || :|||||| Ref: 5' tgGAGTTCATGCTGGCACAGa 3' Energy: -17.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5008-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.40 2 20 10561 10581 18 66.67% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5008-3p NC_045512.2 430.00 -60.47 144.00 -23.84 2619 21 29903 6295 1396 10561 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-27b-3p MIMAT0000419(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-27b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:17572 to 17594 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' cguCUUGAAU--CGGUGACACUu 5' ||| ||: | |||||||| Ref: 5' gctGAAATTGTTGACACTGTGAg 3' Energy: -18.270000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-27b-3p NC_045512.2 157.00 -18.27 2 19 17572 17594 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:24923 to 24943 Align Len (17) (58.82%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cguCUUGAAUCGGUGACACUu 5' | :: |:|: ||||||| Ref: 5' tttGTGTCTGGTAACTGTGAt 3' Energy: -12.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-27b-3p NC_045512.2 150.00 -12.11 2 19 24923 24943 17 58.82% 82.35% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:29431 to 29451 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' cgUCUUGAAUCG-GUGACACUu 5' |||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' gaAGAA-ACAGCAAACTGTGAc 3' Energy: -15.330000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-27b-3p NC_045512.2 148.00 -15.33 2 20 29431 29451 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:2737 to 2757 Align Len (10) (90.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' cgucuugaauCGGUGACACUu 5' | |||||||| Ref: 5' ttttggtgatGACACTGTGAt 3' Energy: -13.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-27b-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.92 2 12 2737 2757 10 90.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:1720 to 1740 Align Len (12) (75.00%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cgucuugaAUCGGUGACACUu 5' |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgcttttgTGGAAACTGTGAa 3' Energy: -15.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-27b-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.66 2 14 1720 1740 12 75.00% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:22629 to 22648 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' cgUCUUGAAUCGGUGACACuu 5' |||| | ||| |||||| Ref: 5' agAGAA-TCAGCAACTGTGtt 3' Energy: -15.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-27b-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.94 3 20 22629 22648 17 82.35% 82.35% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:19854 to 19874 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cgucuugaaucgGUGACACUu 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' cattgctgctaaTACTGTGAt 3' Energy: -14.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-27b-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -14.21 2 10 19854 19874 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:26982 to 27002 Align Len (16) (68.75%) (81.25%) Query: 3' cgucUUGAAUCGGUGACACUu 5' | || :| |:|||||| Ref: 5' caccATCTAGGACGCTGTGAc 3' Energy: -13.880000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-27b-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.88 2 18 26982 27002 16 68.75% 81.25% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-27b-3p NC_045512.2 1174.00 -119.32 157.00 -18.27 2620 21 29903 17572 24923 29431 2737 1720 22629 19854 26982 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-208b-3p MIMAT0004960(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-208b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7119 to 7143 Align Len (22) (77.27%) (81.82%) Query: 3' ugUUUGGAA-A--ACAAGCAGAAUa 5' | ||||| | ||||:|||||| Ref: 5' ctATACCTTGTAGTGTTTGTCTTAg 3' Energy: -20.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-208b-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -20.68 2 21 7119 7143 22 77.27% 81.82% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8210 to 8232 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ugUUUGGAA-AACAAGCAGAAUa 5' |:|: || ||| :|||||| Ref: 5' aaAGATGTTGTTGAATGTCTTAa 3' Energy: -11.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-208b-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -11.06 2 21 8210 8232 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:13478 to 13499 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguuuggaaaacaaGCAGAAUa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' gtgtaagtgcagccCGTCTTAc 3' Energy: -10.440000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-208b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.44 2 9 13478 13499 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:13778 to 13799 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguuuggaaaacaaGCAGAAUa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' atatatcacgtcaaCGTCTTAc 3' Energy: -10.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-208b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -10.24 2 9 13778 13799 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16662 to 16683 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ugUUUGGAAAACAAGCAGAAUa 5' |:|| ||| :|||||| Ref: 5' ggAGACATTTAAACTGTCTTAt 3' Energy: -11.620000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-208b-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.62 2 21 16662 16683 19 63.16% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-208b-3p NC_045512.2 717.00 -64.04 154.00 -20.68 2621 22 29903 7119 8210 13478 13778 16662 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-487b-5p MIMAT0026614(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-487b-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:4226 to 4248 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (71.43%) Query: 3' gcUUGUCCUGU--CCCUAUUGGUg 5' |||| |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' ccAACA-GACAATTATATAACCAc 3' Energy: -17.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-487b-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -17.17 2 21 4226 4248 21 71.43% 71.43% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:28503 to 28522 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gcUUGUCCUGUCCCUAUUGGUg 5' |:||| || |||:|||| Ref: 5' atAGCAGTCCA--GATGACCAa 3' Energy: -15.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-487b-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.97 2 21 28503 28522 19 68.42% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-487b-5p NC_045512.2 290.00 -33.14 149.00 -17.17 2622 22 29903 4226 28503 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-649 MIMAT0003319(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-649 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:20460 to 20480 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (86.67%) Query: 3' cugagaACUUGUUGUGUCCAAa 5' || :||| ||||||| Ref: 5' aacagaTGCGCAA-ACAGGTTc 3' Energy: -12.630000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-649 NC_045512.2 154.00 -12.63 2 17 20460 20480 15 80.00% 86.67% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:29259 to 29280 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (86.67%) Query: 3' cugagAACUUGUUGUGUCCAaa 5' |||| | |||||||| Ref: 5' cgtggTTGACCTACACAGGTgc 3' Energy: -16.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-649 NC_045512.2 149.00 -16.10 3 18 29259 29280 15 86.67% 86.67% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:12546 to 12569 Align Len (21) (61.90%) (71.43%) Query: 3' cuGAGAACUUGUUG--UGUCCAAa 5' :| | |:| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' caTTGTGGGAAATCCAACAGGTTg 3' Energy: -11.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-649 NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.98 2 21 12546 12569 21 61.90% 71.43% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:18390 to 18410 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cugagaACUUGUUGUGUCCAAa 5' || || :||||||| Ref: 5' agttgcTGTAC-CTACAGGTTa 3' Energy: -12.460000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-649 NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.46 2 17 18390 18410 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:1541 to 1563 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cugaGAACUUG-UUGUGUCCAAa 5' || | :| ||||:||||| Ref: 5' cgtgCTAGCGCTAACATAGGTTg 3' Energy: -14.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-649 NC_045512.2 145.00 -14.92 2 19 1541 1563 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:1556 to 1578 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cugagAAC-UUGUUGUGUCCAaa 5' ||| ||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' ataggTTGTAACCATACAGGTgt 3' Energy: -14.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-649 NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.68 3 18 1556 1578 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:23192 to 23214 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' cugagAACUUGU-UGUGUCCAaa 5' || |||| :||||||| Ref: 5' aatggTTTAACAGGCACAGGTgt 3' Energy: -15.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-649 NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.49 3 18 23192 23214 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:24954 to 24975 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (83.33%) Query: 3' cugAGAACUUGUUGUGUCCAAa 5' |: | |||||||||| || Ref: 5' gaaTTGTCAACAACACAGTTTa 3' Energy: -15.950000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-649 NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.95 2 20 24954 24975 18 77.78% 83.33% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:9981 to 10002 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (88.24%) Query: 3' cugaGAACUUGUUGUGUCCAAa 5' ||| |::||| |||||| Ref: 5' atgaCTTCAGTAACTCAGGTTc 3' Energy: -17.549999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-649 NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.55 2 19 9981 10002 17 76.47% 88.24% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:314 to 335 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cugagaacuuguuGUGUCCAAa 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' agtttgcctgtttTACAGGTTc 3' Energy: -12.540000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-649 NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.54 2 10 314 335 8 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:23460 to 23481 Align Len (8) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' cugagaacuuguuGUGUCCAAa 5' :||||||| Ref: 5' ggcgtgtttattcTACAGGTTc 3' Energy: -13.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-649 NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.71 2 10 23460 23481 8 87.50% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-649 NC_045512.2 1596.00 -158.01 154.00 -17.55 2623 22 29903 20460 29259 12546 18390 1541 1556 23192 24954 9981 314 23460 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-326 MIMAT0000756(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-326 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-8085 MIMAT0031012(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-8085 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:7805 to 7824 Align Len (15) (80.00%) (93.33%) Query: 3' cggagUGUCAGGAGAGAGGGu 5' ||| |:|||||||:| Ref: 5' gaaagACA-TTCTCTCTCTCa 3' Energy: -22.170000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-8085 NC_045512.2 146.00 -22.17 2 17 7805 7824 15 80.00% 93.33% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-8085 NC_045512.2 146.00 -22.17 146.00 -22.17 2625 21 29903 7805 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-24-2-5p MIMAT0004497(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-24-2-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:17929 to 17950 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gacacaaagucgagUCAUCCGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' attaccagagcaaaAGTAGGCa 3' Energy: -16.620001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-24-2-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.62 2 9 17929 17950 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-24-2-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.62 140.00 -16.62 2626 22 29903 17929 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548g-5p MIMAT0022722(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548g-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 166.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:27569 to 27591 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (85.71%) Query: 3' guUUUUGACGUU-AAUGAAAACGu 5' |: ||| ||| ||:||||||| Ref: 5' ttAGCACT-CAATTTGCTTTTGCt 3' Energy: -14.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548g-5p NC_045512.2 166.00 -14.96 2 22 27569 27591 21 76.19% 85.71% Forward: Score: 157.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:11115 to 11140 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guuuuUGACGUUA---AUGAAAACGu 5' |:||| || |:||||||| Ref: 5' gtattATTGCTATGTCTGCTTTTGCa 3' Energy: -15.960000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548g-5p NC_045512.2 157.00 -15.96 2 19 11115 11140 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:11085 to 11110 Align Len (23) (69.57%) (73.91%) Query: 3' guUUUUGACG--UUAAU-GAAAACGu 5' :||| ||| ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' atGAAAATGCCTTTTTACCTTTTGCt 3' Energy: -11.010000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548g-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -11.01 2 22 11085 11110 23 69.57% 73.91% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:7579 to 7601 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' guuuuugaCGUUAAUGAAAACGu 5' |:|| :||||||| Ref: 5' taatggagGTAAAGGCTTTTGCa 3' Energy: -14.890000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548g-5p NC_045512.2 151.00 -14.89 2 16 7579 7601 14 71.43% 85.71% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:5379 to 5399 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' guUUUUGACGUUAAUGAAAACGu 5' :||:|||| | |||||||: Ref: 5' gtGAAGCTGC--TAACTTTTGTg 3' Energy: -16.030001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548g-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.03 2 22 5379 5399 20 70.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13062 to 13084 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (72.22%) Query: 3' guuuUUGACGUUAAUGAAAACGu 5' | || : |:||||||| Ref: 5' tattATCTTTCTGTGCTTTTGCt 3' Energy: -11.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548g-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -11.43 2 20 13062 13084 18 61.11% 72.22% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:23803 to 23823 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guUUUUGACGUUAAUGAAAACGu 5' || :| ||||| ||||||: Ref: 5' tgAATGCAGCAAT--CTTTTGTt 3' Energy: -11.840000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548g-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -11.84 2 22 23803 23823 20 70.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:9183 to 9205 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (84.21%) Query: 3' guUUUUGACGUUAAUGAAAACgu 5' |:|:: |:|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ttAGAGTGGTAACAACTTTTGat 3' Energy: -11.980000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548g-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.98 3 22 9183 9205 19 63.16% 84.21% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:5657 to 5680 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' guUUUUGACGUUAAU-GAAAACGu 5' | ||| | |:| | ||||||: Ref: 5' gtACAACAGGAGTCACCTTTTGTt 3' Energy: -11.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548g-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -11.37 2 22 5657 5680 21 66.67% 76.19% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:12120 to 12139 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guuuuugACGUUAAUGAAAACGu 5' |||| :||||||| Ref: 5' catcataTGCA---GCTTTTGCt 3' Energy: -12.110000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548g-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.11 2 17 12120 12139 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:25654 to 25679 Align Len (23) (60.87%) (65.22%) Query: 3' guUUUUGACGUUAAU---GAAAACGu 5' || | | :| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' gtAACAGTTTACTCACACCTTTTGCt 3' Energy: -12.500000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548g-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -12.50 2 22 25654 25679 23 60.87% 65.22% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:1010 to 1033 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' guuUUUGACGUUAAU-GAAAACgu 5' :||:||||: | |||||| Ref: 5' tatGAATTGCAGACACCTTTTGaa 3' Energy: -14.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548g-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -14.61 3 21 1010 1033 19 68.42% 84.21% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:2721 to 2743 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (82.35%) Query: 3' guuuUUGACGUUAAUGAAAACgu 5' ||| ::||||||||| Ref: 5' caccAACAAAGGTTACTTTTGgt 3' Energy: -12.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548g-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.13 3 20 2721 2743 17 70.59% 82.35% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:17290 to 17311 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guUUUUGACGUUAAUGAAAACGu 5' |:||| |: || ||||||: Ref: 5' ttAGAACAGT-ATGTCTTTTGTa 3' Energy: -12.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548g-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -12.66 2 22 17290 17311 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:1707 to 1729 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (92.31%) Query: 3' guuuuugacGUUAAUGAAAACGu 5' ||| |:||||||: Ref: 5' ctgcttccaCAAGTGCTTTTGTg 3' Energy: -10.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548g-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -10.76 2 15 1707 1729 13 76.92% 92.31% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:2772 to 2797 Align Len (22) (72.73%) (81.82%) Query: 3' guUUUUGACG-UUA-A-UGAAAACgu 5' ||:| ||: ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' acAAGAGTGTGAATATCACTTTTGaa 3' Energy: -15.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548g-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.79 3 22 2772 2797 22 72.73% 81.82% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:16618 to 16638 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' guUUUUGACGUUAAUGAAAACGu 5' ||:||| ||| :|||||| Ref: 5' gaAAGACT-CAA-GCTTTTTGCa 3' Energy: -16.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548g-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -16.69 2 22 16618 16638 20 70.00% 80.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548g-5p NC_045512.2 2503.00 -226.72 166.00 -16.69 2627 23 29903 27569 11115 11085 7579 5379 13062 23803 9183 5657 12120 25654 1010 2721 17290 1707 2772 16618 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1185-1-3p MIMAT0022838(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1185-1-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:22902 to 22923 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uauucucagagggGGACAUAUa 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' gtaattataattaCCTGTATAg 3' Energy: -11.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1185-1-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.31 2 10 22902 22923 8 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1185-1-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -11.31 145.00 -11.31 2628 22 29903 22902 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4800-5p MIMAT0019978(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4800-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6086 MIMAT0023711(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6086 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:3163 to 3180 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gaGACGGGAAGGGUUGGAgg 5' ||||:||| |||||| Ref: 5' tgCTGCTCTT--CAACCTga 3' Energy: -20.610001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6086 NC_045512.2 143.00 -20.61 3 19 3163 3180 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:3278 to 3297 Align Len (9) (77.78%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gagacgggaaGGGUUGGAGg 5' ::||||||| Ref: 5' attgttgaggTTCAACCTCa 3' Energy: -17.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6086 NC_045512.2 142.00 -17.70 2 11 3278 3297 9 77.78% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:23173 to 23192 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gagACGGGAAGGGUUGGAGg 5' ||:| |::||||:|| Ref: 5' atgTGTCAATTTCAACTTCa 3' Energy: -18.629999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6086 NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.63 2 18 23173 23192 16 62.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 18 R:24973 to 24993 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (87.50%) Query: 3' gagAC-GGGAAGGGUUGGAgg 5' || :||||: |||||| Ref: 5' ttaTGATCCTTTGCAACCTga 3' Energy: -17.719999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6086 NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.72 3 18 24973 24993 16 75.00% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6086 NC_045512.2 566.00 -74.66 143.00 -20.61 2630 20 29903 3163 3278 23173 24973 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6846-3p MIMAT0027593(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6846-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-10226 MIMAT0041128(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-10226 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8755 to 8776 Align Len (18) (55.56%) (83.33%) Query: 3' caaAGGGUCGGGUCUGUGUACc 5' | |:: ::: |||||||| Ref: 5' acaTGCTGATTTTGACACATGg 3' Energy: -19.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10226 NC_045512.2 151.00 -19.08 2 20 8755 8776 18 55.56% 83.33% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:18965 to 18985 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' caaagggUCGGGUCUGUGUACc 5' :|::|| ||||||| Ref: 5' gtagaaaGGTTCA-ACACATGg 3' Energy: -19.280001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10226 NC_045512.2 149.00 -19.28 2 16 18965 18985 14 71.43% 92.86% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:16117 to 16138 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' caaagggucgGGUCUGUGUACc 5' | :|||||||| Ref: 5' gatgagttaaCAGGACACATGt 3' Energy: -15.610000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10226 NC_045512.2 148.00 -15.61 2 13 16117 16138 11 81.82% 90.91% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24562 to 24585 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' caAAGGGUCGG--GUCUGUGUACc 5' ||| ||:: ||||||:||| Ref: 5' acTTCAAAGTTTGCAGACATATGt 3' Energy: -19.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10226 NC_045512.2 147.00 -19.40 2 21 24562 24585 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:4609 to 4632 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' caaaGGGUCGGGUC--UGUGUACc 5' |:::||: | ||||||| Ref: 5' gccaCTTGGCTATGTAACACATGg 3' Energy: -20.690001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-10226 NC_045512.2 145.00 -20.69 2 19 4609 4632 19 57.89% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-10226 NC_045512.2 740.00 -94.06 151.00 -20.69 2632 22 29903 8755 18965 16117 24562 4609 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3529-3p MIMAT0022741(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3529-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:20508 to 20532 Align Len (17) (88.24%) (88.24%) Query: 3' accuucUGAUC-ACUAAAACAACaa 5' ||| | ||||||||||| Ref: 5' tttattACTTGATGATTTTGTTGaa 3' Energy: -15.190000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3529-3p NC_045512.2 153.00 -15.19 3 19 20508 20532 17 88.24% 88.24% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:3 to 23 R:8202 to 8224 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' acCUUCUGAUCACUAAAACAACaa 5' ||| |||| ||| |||||| Ref: 5' taGAA-ACTAAAGATGTTGTTGaa 3' Energy: -13.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3529-3p NC_045512.2 152.00 -13.26 3 23 8202 8224 20 80.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:25631 to 25652 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' accuucUGAUCACUAAAACAACAa 5' ||| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' tttgcaACT--TGCTGTTGTTGTt 3' Energy: -9.680000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3529-3p NC_045512.2 151.00 -9.68 2 19 25631 25652 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:16841 to 16866 Align Len (23) (73.91%) (78.26%) Query: 3' acCUUCUGAU--CACUAAAACAACAa 5' |: ||||| ||||| |||||| Ref: 5' aaGGTGACTATGGTGATGCTGTTGTt 3' Energy: -23.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3529-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -23.25 2 23 16841 16866 23 73.91% 78.26% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:21523 to 21546 Align Len (16) (87.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' accuucuGAUCACUAAAACAACAa 5' |||||||| || |||| Ref: 5' gttatttCTAGTGATGTTCTTGTt 3' Energy: -15.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3529-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.31 2 18 21523 21546 16 87.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:8839 to 8863 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (80.95%) Query: 3' accUUCUGAUCA-CUAAAACAACAa 5' |||| ||| |:|||||| || Ref: 5' aacAAGAGAAGTGGGTTTTGTCGTg 3' Energy: -14.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3529-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.37 2 22 8839 8863 21 76.19% 80.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9940 to 9962 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' accuUCUGAUC-ACUAAAACAACAa 5' ||| || || ||||||| Ref: 5' ctacAGAGAAGCTG--CTTGTTGTc 3' Energy: -10.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3529-3p NC_045512.2 144.00 -10.66 2 21 9940 9962 20 70.00% 70.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:13869 to 13897 Align Len (25) (64.00%) (64.00%) Query: 3' accUUCUGAUCA--CUA---AAACAACAa 5' || ||| || || ||||||| Ref: 5' agaAATACTTGTCACATACAATTGTTGTg 3' Energy: -6.790000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3529-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -6.79 2 22 13869 13897 25 64.00% 64.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:4 to 23 R:1256 to 1279 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (84.21%) Query: 3' acCUUCUGAUCACUAAAACAAcaa 5' | |||| :| ||||||||| Ref: 5' tgGCAGACGGGCGATTTTGTTaaa 3' Energy: -19.139999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3529-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -19.14 4 23 1256 1279 19 78.95% 84.21% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 22 R:13585 to 13603 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (70.00%) Query: 3' accUUCUGAUCACUAAAACAACAa 5' || |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' ctaAAAACTA---A--TTGTTGTc 3' Energy: -6.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3529-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -6.64 2 22 13585 13603 20 70.00% 70.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3529-3p NC_045512.2 1461.00 -134.29 153.00 -23.25 2633 24 29903 20508 8202 25631 16841 21523 8839 9940 13869 1256 13585 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4661-5p MIMAT0019729(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4661-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 159.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9394 to 9416 Align Len (20) (75.00%) (90.00%) Query: 3' caGUCCUAGGUGUC-UCGAUCAa 5' ||| |||:|:|| ||||:|| Ref: 5' atCAGCATCTATAGTAGCTGGTg 3' Energy: -25.070000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4661-5p NC_045512.2 159.00 -25.07 2 21 9394 9416 20 75.00% 90.00% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:20082 to 20104 Align Len (20) (70.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' caGUCCUAGGUGU-CUCGAUCAa 5' :||| ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' tgTAGGTCCCAAACAAGCTAGTc 3' Energy: -19.889999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4661-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -19.89 2 21 20082 20104 20 70.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:18830 to 18853 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' caguccUAGGUGU-C-UCGAUCAa 5' || |||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' atggtaATGCACATGTAGCTAGTt 3' Energy: -17.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4661-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -17.66 2 17 18830 18853 17 82.35% 82.35% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13104 to 13124 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' cagUCCUAGGUGUCUCGAUCAa 5' | ||| :|: ||||||| Ref: 5' acaAAGAT-TATCTAGCTAGTg 3' Energy: -11.340000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4661-5p NC_045512.2 149.00 -11.34 2 20 13104 13124 18 66.67% 77.78% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:13009 to 13031 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' caGUCCU--AGGUGUCUCGAUCAa 5' ||| | ||:||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' caCAGTACGTCTACA-AGCTGGTa 3' Energy: -20.080000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4661-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -20.08 2 21 13009 13031 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:23606 to 23630 Align Len (20) (60.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' caguCCUAGGUGUC---UCGAUCAa 5' ||: |::|| ||||||| Ref: 5' cggcGGGCACGTAGTGTAGCTAGTc 3' Energy: -20.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4661-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -20.77 2 19 23606 23630 20 60.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 16 R:14475 to 14496 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' caguccuAGGUGUCUCGAUCaa 5' |:|| |||||||| Ref: 5' ataccacTTCAGAGAGCTAGgt 3' Energy: -17.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4661-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -17.66 3 16 14475 14496 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:18430 to 18451 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (92.86%) Query: 3' caguccuAGGUGUCUCGAUCAa 5' |:: |||||:|||| Ref: 5' acagattTTTCCAGAGTTAGTg 3' Energy: -20.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4661-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -20.43 2 16 18430 18451 14 71.43% 92.86% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:641 to 662 Align Len (19) (57.89%) (78.95%) Query: 3' caGUCCUAGGUGUCUCGAUCAa 5' |:| | : | :|||||:|| Ref: 5' aaCGGTAATAAAGGAGCTGGTg 3' Energy: -15.750000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4661-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.75 2 21 641 662 19 57.89% 78.95% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4661-5p NC_045512.2 1333.00 -168.65 159.00 -25.07 2634 22 29903 9394 20082 18830 13104 13009 23606 14475 18430 641 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-548as-3p MIMAT0022268(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-548as-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 158.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:8836 to 8858 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (78.95%) Query: 3' uguUUG-UAUUAACACCCAAAAu 5' ||| | |: ||||||||| Ref: 5' catAACAAGAGAAGTGGGTTTTg 3' Energy: -17.700001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548as-3p NC_045512.2 158.00 -17.70 2 20 8836 8858 19 73.68% 78.95% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:13334 to 13355 Align Len (10) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguuuguauuaACACCCAAAAu 5' |||||||||| Ref: 5' gctaatgacccTGTGGGTTTTa 3' Energy: -16.389999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548as-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -16.39 2 12 13334 13355 10 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:18199 to 18220 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' uguuuguauUAACACCCAAAAu 5' || |||||||| Ref: 5' ctcatctctATGATGGGTTTTa 3' Energy: -12.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548as-3p NC_045512.2 149.00 -12.97 2 14 18199 18220 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:18767 to 18787 Align Len (16) (75.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' uguuuGUAUUAACACCCAAAAu 5' || | || ||||||| Ref: 5' atgttCAACAATG-GGGTTTTa 3' Energy: -12.560000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548as-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -12.56 2 18 18767 18787 16 75.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:3 to 19 R:21109 to 21128 Align Len (16) (87.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' uguuUGUAUUAACACCCAAAau 5' |||| |||||||||| Ref: 5' acttACAT--TTGTGGGTTTat 3' Energy: -17.879999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548as-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.88 3 19 21109 21128 16 87.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:21086 to 21106 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' ugUUUGUAUUAACACCCAAAAu 5' :| : ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' atGACTCTAA-AGAGGGTTTTt 3' Energy: -9.370000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548as-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -9.37 2 21 21086 21106 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 16 R:19550 to 19572 Align Len (14) (85.71%) (92.86%) Query: 3' uguuuguAUU-AACACCCAAAau 5' ||: |||||||||| Ref: 5' ctggcttTAGCTTGTGGGTTTac 3' Energy: -14.470000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548as-3p NC_045512.2 142.00 -14.47 3 16 19550 19572 14 85.71% 92.86% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11783 to 11807 Align Len (21) (80.95%) (80.95%) Query: 3' uguUUGUA--UUAAC-ACCCAAAAu 5' ||||| ||||| ||||| || Ref: 5' ctcAACATTAAATTGTTGGGTGTTg 3' Energy: -15.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548as-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -15.48 2 20 11783 11807 21 80.95% 80.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:22202 to 22223 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' uguuuguauuaacaCCCAAAAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cgtgatctccctcaGGGTTTTt 3' Energy: -9.430000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-548as-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -9.43 2 9 22202 22223 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-548as-3p NC_045512.2 1325.00 -126.25 158.00 -17.88 2635 22 29903 8836 13334 18199 18767 21109 21086 19550 11783 22202 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6817-5p MIMAT0027534(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6817-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 165.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:26506 to 26530 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (81.82%) Query: 3' ggUGAGGUUCGAA-GGAUACCGUCu 5' |||::|| :|| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gaACTTTAATTTTAGCCATGGCAGa 3' Energy: -22.100000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6817-5p NC_045512.2 165.00 -22.10 2 23 26506 26530 22 68.18% 81.82% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:1241 to 1262 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' ggugaggUUCGAAGGAUACCGUCu 5' || |||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tgtggtgAAACTTC--ATGGCAGa 3' Energy: -17.870001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6817-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -17.87 2 18 1241 1262 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:13794 to 13817 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (72.22%) Query: 3' ggugaGGUUCGAAGGAUACCGUCu 5' |:|| : | ||||||| Ref: 5' tcttaCTAAATACACAATGGCAGa 3' Energy: -17.290001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6817-5p NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.29 2 20 13794 13817 18 61.11% 72.22% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:23812 to 23836 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (80.00%) Query: 3' ggugagguuCGAAG-GAUACCGUCu 5' |:| | |||||||| Ref: 5' caatcttttGTTGCAATATGGCAGt 3' Energy: -17.299999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6817-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -17.30 2 16 23812 23836 15 73.33% 80.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:27216 to 27239 Align Len (21) (71.43%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ggUGAGGUUCGAAGGAUACCGUCu 5' |||:: || || |||| |||| Ref: 5' tgACTTTCAGGTTACTATAGCAGa 3' Energy: -20.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6817-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -20.66 2 23 27216 27239 21 71.43% 80.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:19972 to 19998 Align Len (24) (62.50%) (79.17%) Query: 3' ggUGAG-GUUCGAAGGA--UACCGUCu 5' |||| | : |||::| ||||:|| Ref: 5' ccACTCACTGTCTTTTTTGATGGTAGa 3' Energy: -25.400000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6817-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -25.40 2 23 19972 19998 24 62.50% 79.17% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:24839 to 24862 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (77.78%) Query: 3' ggugAGGUUCGAAGGAUACCGUcu 5' ||: |:||| |||||| Ref: 5' ggtgTCTTTGTTTCAAATGGCAca 3' Energy: -17.410000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6817-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -17.41 3 21 24839 24862 18 66.67% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6817-5p NC_045512.2 1042.00 -138.03 165.00 -25.40 2636 24 29903 26506 1241 13794 23812 27216 19972 24839 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6500-5p MIMAT0025454(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6500-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:24039 to 24062 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (80.95%) Query: 3' ccUGUGGACCUCACCUAUCGAGGa 5' ||||:|| || | |:|||:| Ref: 5' tgACACTTGCAGATGCTGGCTTCa 3' Energy: -22.180000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6500-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -22.18 2 23 24039 24062 21 66.67% 80.95% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:24444 to 24467 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' ccuguggaccucaccuAUCGAGGa 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cgcttgttaaacaactTAGCTCCa 3' Energy: -15.390000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6500-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.39 2 9 24444 24467 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6500-5p NC_045512.2 282.00 -37.57 142.00 -22.18 2637 24 29903 24039 24444 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-6754-3p MIMAT0027409(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-6754-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 171.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5363 to 5385 Align Len (20) (80.00%) (85.00%) Query: 3' acGUC-CGUCUCCGUCCACUUCu 5' ||| ||| :||| ||||||| Ref: 5' taCAGAGCAAGGGCTGGTGAAGc 3' Energy: -29.459999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6754-3p NC_045512.2 171.00 -29.46 2 21 5363 5385 20 80.00% 85.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 10 R:3624 to 3645 Align Len (8) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acguccgucuccgUCCACUUCu 5' |||||||| Ref: 5' caaatgttaacaaAGGTGAAGa 3' Energy: -15.150000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6754-3p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.15 2 10 3624 3645 8 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:19664 to 19685 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (66.67%) Query: 3' acgUCCGUCUCCGUCCACUUCu 5' | | | | :||||||| Ref: 5' ttgATGGACAACAGGGTGAAGt 3' Energy: -15.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6754-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -15.31 2 20 19664 19685 18 61.11% 66.67% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:4893 to 4914 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acguccgucuccguCCACUUCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' cattccacctagatGGTGAAGt 3' Energy: -14.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6754-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -14.49 2 9 4893 4914 7 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:22563 to 22584 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acguccgucuccguCCACUUCu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' acttgtgcccttttGGTGAAGt 3' Energy: -11.420000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-6754-3p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.42 2 9 22563 22584 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-6754-3p NC_045512.2 739.00 -85.83 171.00 -29.46 2638 22 29903 5363 3624 19664 4893 22563 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-5591-3p MIMAT0022302(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-5591-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:11098 to 11118 Align Len (10) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acccucgauuCGAUACCCAUa 5' |||||||||| Ref: 5' tttaccttttGCTATGGGTAt 3' Energy: -19.360001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5591-3p NC_045512.2 155.00 -19.36 2 12 11098 11118 10 100.00% 100.00% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 11 R:1141 to 1161 Align Len (9) (88.89%) (100.00%) Query: 3' acccucgauucGAUACCCAUa 5' :|||||||| Ref: 5' gcttgatggctTTATGGGTAg 3' Energy: -15.200000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5591-3p NC_045512.2 146.00 -15.20 2 11 1141 1161 9 88.89% 100.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:9258 to 9281 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' acccucGAUU-CGA--UACCCAUa 5' |||: | | ||||||| Ref: 5' tatctaCTAGTGGTAGATGGGTAc 3' Energy: -12.310000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-5591-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -12.31 2 16 9258 9281 17 70.59% 76.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-5591-3p NC_045512.2 442.00 -46.87 155.00 -19.36 2639 21 29903 11098 1141 9258 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-16-5p MIMAT0000069(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-16-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 162.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:8445 to 8465 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gcGGUUAUAAAUGCACGACGAu 5' | |||| || |||||||| Ref: 5' aaCAAATACGTA-GTGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -17.450001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-16-5p NC_045512.2 162.00 -17.45 2 21 8445 8465 19 78.95% 78.95% Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:26708 to 26730 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gcGGUUAUAA-AUGCACGACGAu 5' |: :| || |:| ||||||| Ref: 5' agCTTGTTTTGTGCTTGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -17.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-16-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -17.64 2 21 26708 26730 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:14546 to 14569 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gcggUUAUAAAUGC--ACGACGAu 5' | || ||::| ||||||| Ref: 5' aggaATTACTTGTGTATGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -13.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-16-5p NC_045512.2 153.00 -13.83 2 19 14546 14569 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:28925 to 28945 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (92.31%) Query: 3' gcgguuauAAAUGCACGACGAu 5' |||:| ||||||| Ref: 5' gctcttgcTTTGC-TGCTGCTt 3' Energy: -16.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-16-5p NC_045512.2 152.00 -16.04 2 15 28925 28945 13 84.62% 92.31% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:8601 to 8621 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (86.67%) Query: 3' gcgguuAUAAAUGCACGACGAu 5' | |||:: ||||||| Ref: 5' tgttccTTTTTGT-TGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -16.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-16-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -16.04 2 17 8601 8621 15 73.33% 86.67% Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:28906 to 28928 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gcgGUUAUAAAUGC-ACGACGAu 5' ||||: ::| ||||||| Ref: 5' tggCAATGGCGGTGATGCTGCTc 3' Energy: -19.639999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-16-5p NC_045512.2 150.00 -19.64 2 20 28906 28928 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:13076 to 13097 Align Len (13) (76.92%) (76.92%) Query: 3' gcgguuauAAAUGCACGACGAu 5' | || ||||||| Ref: 5' gcttttgcTGTAGATGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -14.210000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-16-5p NC_045512.2 146.00 -14.21 2 15 13076 13097 13 76.92% 76.92% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:14767 to 14788 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (75.00%) Query: 3' gcGGUUAUA-AAUGCACGACGAu 5' :||: || || ||||||| Ref: 5' gcTCAGGATGGTA-ATGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -15.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-16-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.82 2 21 14767 14788 20 65.00% 75.00% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:19842 to 19864 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (77.78%) Query: 3' gcggUUAUAAAUG-CACGACGAu 5' ::|:| || ||||||| Ref: 5' tttgGGTGTGGACATTGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -15.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-16-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.97 2 19 19842 19864 18 61.11% 77.78% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:24622 to 24641 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' gcGGUUAUAAAUGCACGACGAu 5' |:: || | | ||||||| Ref: 5' ttCTGCTAAT--CTTGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -16.760000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-16-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -16.76 2 21 24622 24641 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:25666 to 25690 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (71.43%) Query: 3' gcgGUUAUAAAU--GC-ACGACGAu 5' || |||: || ||||||| Ref: 5' tcaCACCTTTTGCTCGTTGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -17.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-16-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -17.82 2 20 25666 25690 21 66.67% 71.43% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:29011 to 29030 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' gcGGUUAUAAAUGCACGACGAu 5' |:|| | |: ||||||| Ref: 5' caCTAAGA--AATCTGCTGCTg 3' Energy: -15.220000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-16-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -15.22 2 21 29011 29030 19 63.16% 73.68% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:6635 to 6656 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (78.95%) Query: 3' gcGGUUAUAAAUGCACGACGAu 5' :|| :|||| |||||:| Ref: 5' acTCATGGTTTAGCTGCTGTTa 3' Energy: -13.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-16-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -13.87 2 21 6635 6656 19 63.16% 78.95% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:16306 to 16328 Align Len (20) (65.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' gcGGUUAUAA-AUGCACGACGAu 5' |: ||:|| || |||||:| Ref: 5' ttCTTATGTTGTAAATGCTGTTa 3' Energy: -13.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-16-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -13.52 2 21 16306 16328 20 65.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:2 to 13 R:24081 to 24101 Align Len (11) (81.82%) (90.91%) Query: 3' gcgguuauaaAUGCACGACGAu 5' ||: ||||||| Ref: 5' gccttggtgaTAT-TGCTGCTa 3' Energy: -15.770000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-16-5p NC_045512.2 142.00 -15.77 2 13 24081 24101 11 81.82% 90.91% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:3149 to 3170 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gcgguuauaaaugcACGACGAu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' tttggtgccacttcTGCTGCTc 3' Energy: -15.640000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-16-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -15.64 2 9 3149 3170 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-16-5p NC_045512.2 2362.00 -255.24 162.00 -19.64 2640 22 29903 8445 26708 14546 28925 8601 28906 13076 14767 19842 24622 25666 29011 6635 16306 24081 3149 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3159 MIMAT0015033(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3159 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 167.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:4868 to 4889 Align Len (14) (92.86%) (92.86%) Query: 3' caccggcUGUGAACAUUAGGAu 5' ||||| |||||||| Ref: 5' gtatattACACTAGTAATCCTa 3' Energy: -19.490000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3159 NC_045512.2 167.00 -19.49 2 16 4868 4889 14 92.86% 92.86% Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:11324 to 11347 Align Len (20) (55.00%) (80.00%) Query: 3' cacCGGC--UGUGAACAUUAGGAu 5' ||:| ::::| ||||||| Ref: 5' tcaGCTGTAGTGTTACTAATCCTt 3' Energy: -12.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3159 NC_045512.2 146.00 -12.92 2 20 11324 11347 20 55.00% 80.00% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:19024 to 19045 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (87.50%) Query: 3' caccgGCUGUGAACAUUAGGAu 5' |||||:| |||| ||| Ref: 5' cttcaCGACATTGGTAACCCTa 3' Energy: -20.240000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3159 NC_045512.2 141.00 -20.24 2 18 19024 19045 16 81.25% 87.50% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:26937 to 26957 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' caccGGCUGUGAACAUUAGGAu 5' :||: :| |||:||||| Ref: 5' gtaaTCGGAGC-TGTGATCCTt 3' Energy: -19.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3159 NC_045512.2 140.00 -19.26 2 19 26937 26957 17 64.71% 88.24% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3159 NC_045512.2 594.00 -71.91 167.00 -20.24 2641 22 29903 4868 11324 19024 26937 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1302 MIMAT0005890(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1302 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-558 MIMAT0003222(19 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-558 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 161.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:8160 to 8178 Align Len (16) (81.25%) (81.25%) Query: 3' uaAAACCAUGUCGUCGAGu 5' ||| | ||||||||| Ref: 5' ctTTTATTTCAGCAGCTCg 3' Energy: -18.900000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-558 NC_045512.2 161.00 -18.90 2 18 8160 8178 16 81.25% 81.25% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:22338 to 22356 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (92.86%) Query: 3' uaaaACCAUGUCGUCGAGu 5' ||||:| ||||||: Ref: 5' cagcTGGTGCTGCAGCTTa 3' Energy: -21.920000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-558 NC_045512.2 147.00 -21.92 2 16 22338 22356 14 78.57% 92.86% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-558 NC_045512.2 308.00 -40.82 161.00 -21.92 2643 19 29903 8160 22338 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-217-5p MIMAT0000274(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-217-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:8919 to 8941 Align Len (15) (73.33%) (93.33%) Query: 3' agguuagUCAAGGACUACGUCAu 5' ||||::| :|||||| Ref: 5' tacctagAGTTTTTAGTGCAGTt 3' Energy: -18.830000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-217-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -18.83 2 17 8919 8941 15 73.33% 93.33% Forward: Score: 148.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:20960 to 20982 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (83.33%) Query: 3' aggUUAGUCAAGGACUACGUCau 5' | |: || :||||||||| Ref: 5' atgACTTTGTCTCTGATGCAGat 3' Energy: -18.440001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-217-5p NC_045512.2 148.00 -18.44 3 21 20960 20982 18 72.22% 83.33% Forward: Score: 145.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:12558 to 12580 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (78.95%) Query: 3' agGUUAGUCAAGGACUACGUCau 5' ||| :||| : ||||||| Ref: 5' tcCAACAGGTTGTAGATGCAGat 3' Energy: -20.790001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-217-5p NC_045512.2 145.00 -20.79 3 22 12558 12580 19 68.42% 78.95% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:12231 to 12253 Align Len (18) (72.22%) (77.78%) Query: 3' aggUUAGUCAAGGACUACGUCau 5' |||: | | |||||||| Ref: 5' ctgAATTTGACCGTGATGCAGcc 3' Energy: -15.870000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-217-5p NC_045512.2 144.00 -15.87 3 21 12231 12253 18 72.22% 77.78% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:3427 to 3448 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' agGUUAGUCAAGGACUACGUCau 5' ||:| :||| :| |||||| Ref: 5' aaCAGT-GGTTGTTAATGCAGcc 3' Energy: -16.799999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-217-5p NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.80 3 22 3427 3448 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-217-5p NC_045512.2 728.00 -90.73 148.00 -20.79 2644 23 29903 8919 20960 12558 12231 3427 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-514b-3p MIMAT0015088(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-514b-3p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2500 to 2523 Align Len (21) (76.19%) (80.95%) Query: 3' agGUGA---GUGUCUCCACAGUUa 5' |||| |||||| ||||:|| Ref: 5' aaCACTTCCCACAGAAGTGTTAAc 3' Energy: -20.930000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-514b-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -20.93 2 20 2500 2523 21 76.19% 80.95% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:7946 to 7967 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' agGUGAGU-GUCUCCACAGUUa 5' || ||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' taCAGTCAGCTTATGTGTCAAc 3' Energy: -13.530000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-514b-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -13.53 2 20 7946 7967 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 15 R:23162 to 23182 Align Len (13) (84.62%) (84.62%) Query: 3' aggugagUGUCUCCACAGUUa 5' ||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' gttaaaaACAAATGTGTCAAt 3' Energy: -12.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-514b-3p NC_045512.2 154.00 -12.94 2 15 23162 23182 13 84.62% 84.62% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:20795 to 20815 Align Len (18) (61.11%) (72.22%) Query: 3' agGUGAGUGUCUCCACAGUUa 5' :|: | || ||||||| Ref: 5' aaTATACTCAACTGTGTCAAt 3' Energy: -17.940001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-514b-3p NC_045512.2 147.00 -17.94 2 20 20795 20815 18 61.11% 72.22% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:3 to 20 R:8696 to 8716 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (88.24%) Query: 3' agGUGAGUGUCUCCACAGUua 5' :|:| |::| ||||||| Ref: 5' gcTATTGATGGTGGTGTCAct 3' Energy: -19.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-514b-3p NC_045512.2 143.00 -19.95 3 20 8696 8716 17 64.71% 88.24% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:18367 to 18387 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' agguGAGUGUCUCCACAGUUa 5' :|: :| ||||||:|| Ref: 5' ggttTTTCTACAGGTGTTAAc 3' Energy: -13.130000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-514b-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -13.13 2 18 18367 18387 16 62.50% 87.50% Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:23330 to 23350 Align Len (16) (62.50%) (87.50%) Query: 3' agguGAGUGUCUCCACAGUUa 5' ||: ::| |||||||: Ref: 5' tgttCTTTTGGTGGTGTCAGt 3' Energy: -18.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-514b-3p NC_045512.2 141.00 -18.06 2 18 23330 23350 16 62.50% 87.50% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-514b-3p NC_045512.2 1034.00 -116.48 154.00 -20.93 2645 21 29903 2500 7946 23162 20795 8696 18367 23330 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4723-5p MIMAT0019838(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4723-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 141.000000 Q:2 to 23 R:24698 to 24722 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (81.82%) Query: 3' acGAGAAUAGAGUAC-CGAGGGGGu 5' || | ||||:||| ||:|||: Ref: 5' ggCTATCATCTTATGTCCTTCCCTc 3' Energy: -26.020000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4723-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -26.02 2 23 24698 24722 22 68.18% 81.82% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4723-5p NC_045512.2 141.00 -26.02 141.00 -26.02 2646 24 29903 24698 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4785 MIMAT0019949(21 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4785 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:2320 to 2341 Align Len (19) (68.42%) (84.21%) Query: 3' cgACCGCCGCA-GCGGCUGAGa 5' |||| :|| :||:||||| Ref: 5' ttTGGCTTTGTGTGCTGACTCt 3' Energy: -26.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4785 NC_045512.2 146.00 -26.60 2 20 2320 2341 19 68.42% 84.21% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4785 NC_045512.2 146.00 -26.60 146.00 -26.60 2647 21 29903 2320 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-3671 MIMAT0018094(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-3671 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 168.000000 Q:2 to 17 R:21375 to 21396 Align Len (15) (86.67%) (93.33%) Query: 3' acgucuGAUCAGGAAUAAACUa 5' ||| ||:|||||||| Ref: 5' gtcttcCTATTCTTTATTTGAc 3' Energy: -13.260000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3671 NC_045512.2 168.00 -13.26 2 17 21375 21396 15 86.67% 93.33% Forward: Score: 160.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:2970 to 2992 Align Len (17) (82.35%) (82.35%) Query: 3' acgucUG-AUCAGGAAUAAACUa 5' || || | ||||||||| Ref: 5' tggctACATACTACTTATTTGAt 3' Energy: -14.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3671 NC_045512.2 160.00 -14.57 2 18 2970 2992 17 82.35% 82.35% Forward: Score: 153.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:7061 to 7080 Align Len (19) (73.68%) (73.68%) Query: 3' acGUCUGAUCAGGAAUAAACUa 5' |||| || | ||||||| Ref: 5' taCAGAGAAGGC--TATTTGAa 3' Energy: -12.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3671 NC_045512.2 153.00 -12.66 2 21 7061 7080 19 73.68% 73.68% Forward: Score: 152.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:22289 to 22311 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (76.47%) Query: 3' acgucUG-AUCAGGAAUAAACUa 5' || ||| |||||||| Ref: 5' gctttACATAGAAGTTATTTGAc 3' Energy: -8.660000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3671 NC_045512.2 152.00 -8.66 2 18 22289 22311 17 76.47% 76.47% Forward: Score: 151.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:5040 to 5064 Align Len (22) (68.18%) (81.82%) Query: 3' acGUCUGAUCAG---GAAUAAACUa 5' ||| :|:||| ||||||||: Ref: 5' aaCAGTTTGGTCCAACTTATTTGGa 3' Energy: -20.230000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3671 NC_045512.2 151.00 -20.23 2 21 5040 5064 22 68.18% 81.82% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:6897 to 6921 Align Len (21) (66.67%) (76.19%) Query: 3' acgUCUGA--UCAG-GAAUAAACUa 5' ||:|| | |: |||||||| Ref: 5' tagAGGCTTCATTTAATTATTTGAa 3' Energy: -10.970000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3671 NC_045512.2 149.00 -10.97 2 20 6897 6921 21 66.67% 76.19% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:14969 to 14991 Align Len (19) (78.95%) (89.47%) Query: 3' acgUCUGAUCAGGAAUAA-ACUa 5' ||:|||| |:||||| ||| Ref: 5' gtaAGGCTAGACTTTATTATGAt 3' Energy: -18.480000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3671 NC_045512.2 143.00 -18.48 2 20 14969 14991 19 78.95% 89.47% Forward: Score: 142.000000 Q:3 to 21 R:14836 to 14856 Align Len (18) (77.78%) (77.78%) Query: 3' acGUCUGAUCAGGAAUAAACua 5' ||||| | | | |||||| Ref: 5' atCAGACAACTAC-TATTTGta 3' Energy: -11.940000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-3671 NC_045512.2 142.00 -11.94 3 21 14836 14856 18 77.78% 77.78% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-3671 NC_045512.2 1218.00 -110.77 168.00 -20.23 2648 22 29903 21375 2970 7061 22289 5040 6897 14969 14836 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-7706 MIMAT0030021(24 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-7706 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 146.000000 Q:2 to 12 R:25548 to 25572 Align Len (11) (90.91%) (90.91%) Query: 3' agagccgucucguGUC-CGCGAAGu 5' ||| ||||||| Ref: 5' tcttgctgtttttCAGAGCGCTTCc 3' Energy: -20.650000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7706 NC_045512.2 146.00 -20.65 2 12 25548 25572 11 90.91% 90.91% Forward: Score: 143.000000 Q:2 to 14 R:29187 to 29209 Align Len (12) (83.33%) (83.33%) Query: 3' agagccgucucGUGUCCGCGAAGu 5' | || ||||||| Ref: 5' cacaatttgccCCCA-GCGCTTCa 3' Energy: -16.520000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7706 NC_045512.2 143.00 -16.52 2 14 29187 29209 12 83.33% 83.33% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 9 R:26334 to 26357 Align Len (7) (100.00%) (100.00%) Query: 3' agagccgucucgugucCGCGAAGu 5' ||||||| Ref: 5' actagccatccttactGCGCTTCg 3' Energy: -16.950001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-7706 NC_045512.2 140.00 -16.95 2 9 26334 26357 7 100.00% 100.00% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-7706 NC_045512.2 429.00 -54.12 146.00 -20.65 2649 24 29903 25548 29187 26334 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4502 MIMAT0019038(22 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4502 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 165.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:3696 to 3717 Align Len (16) (87.50%) (100.00%) Query: 3' gaaguCGUGGUAGUAGUAGUCg 5' |||||||:||:||||| Ref: 5' tacttGCACCATTATTATCAGc 3' Energy: -29.820000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4502 NC_045512.2 165.00 -29.82 2 18 3696 3717 16 87.50% 100.00% Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 18 R:208 to 228 Align Len (17) (76.47%) (82.35%) Query: 3' gaaguCGU-GGUAGUAGUAGUCg 5' ||| ||: |||||||| Ref: 5' gtgttGCAGCCG--ATCATCAGc 3' Energy: -20.059999 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4502 NC_045512.2 149.00 -20.06 2 18 208 228 17 76.47% 82.35% Forward: Score: 147.000000 Q:2 to 20 R:15467 to 15488 Align Len (18) (66.67%) (66.67%) Query: 3' gaaGUCGUGGUAGUAGUAGUCg 5' ||| | | ||||||| Ref: 5' aacCAGGTGGAACCTCATCAGg 3' Energy: -13.710000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4502 NC_045512.2 147.00 -13.71 2 20 15467 15488 18 66.67% 66.67% Forward: Score: 144.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:27641 to 27660 Align Len (14) (71.43%) (85.71%) Query: 3' gaagucgUGGUAGUAGUAGUCg 5' ||::| ||||||| Ref: 5' cacctaaACTGT--TCATCAGa 3' Energy: -14.350000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4502 NC_045512.2 144.00 -14.35 2 16 27641 27660 14 71.43% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4502 NC_045512.2 605.00 -77.94 165.00 -29.82 2650 22 29903 3696 208 15467 27641 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-4294 MIMAT0016849(17 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-4294 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 149.000000 Q:2 to 16 R:353 to 368 Align Len (14) (78.57%) (85.71%) Query: 3' ggGACGACAUCUGAGGg 5' || :|| ||||||| Ref: 5' ggCT-TTGGAGACTCCg 3' Energy: -16.570000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-4294 NC_045512.2 149.00 -16.57 2 16 353 368 14 78.57% 85.71% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-4294 NC_045512.2 149.00 -16.57 149.00 -16.57 2651 17 29903 353 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-512-5p MIMAT0002822(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-512-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Score for this Scan: No Hits Found above Threshold Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-1976 MIMAT0009451(20 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-1976 vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 150.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:3467 to 3486 Align Len (17) (64.71%) (76.47%) Query: 3' ugUCGUUCCUCCCGUCCUCc 5' || |:| : ||||||| Ref: 5' ggAGGAGGTGTTGCAGGAGc 3' Energy: -23.040001 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-1976 NC_045512.2 150.00 -23.04 2 19 3467 3486 17 64.71% 76.47% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-1976 NC_045512.2 150.00 -23.04 150.00 -23.04 2653 20 29903 3467 Complete Read Sequence:hsa-miR-191-5p MIMAT0000440(23 nt) Read Sequence:NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome(29903 nt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing Scan: hsa-miR-191-5p vs NC_045512.2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward: Score: 155.000000 Q:3 to 22 R:21136 to 21160 Align Len (21) (80.95%) (85.71%) Query: 3' guCGA-CGAAAACC-CUAAGGCAac 5' ||| ||| |||| |:|||||| Ref: 5' aaGCTAGCTCTTGGAGGTTCCGTgg 3' Energy: -28.600000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-191-5p NC_045512.2 155.00 -28.60 3 22 21136 21160 21 80.95% 85.71% Forward: Score: 154.000000 Q:2 to 19 R:29568 to 29590 Align Len (17) (70.59%) (76.47%) Query: 3' gucgaCGAAAACCCUAAGGCAAc 5' |:||| | ||||||| Ref: 5' taaacGTTTTCGCTTTTCCGTTt 3' Energy: -12.060000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-191-5p NC_045512.2 154.00 -12.06 2 19 29568 29590 17 70.59% 76.47% Forward: Score: 140.000000 Q:2 to 21 R:9163 to 9185 Align Len (19) (63.16%) (73.68%) Query: 3' gucGACGAAAACCCUAAGGCAAc 5' || | || |:|||:||| Ref: 5' cacCTACCTTGAAGGTTCTGTTa 3' Energy: -11.250000 kCal/Mol Scores for this hit: >hsa-miR-191-5p NC_045512.2 140.00 -11.25 2 21 9163 9185 19 63.16% 73.68% Score for this Scan: Seq1,Seq2,Tot Score,Tot Energy,Max Score,Max Energy,Strand,Len1,Len2,Positions >>hsa-miR-191-5p NC_045512.2 449.00 -51.91 155.00 -28.60 2654 23 29903 21136 29568 9163 Complete Scan Complete