Animalia Orthoptera Gryllidae SultanaRiffatSanamSurriyaKumarSantoshRSheik Mohammad ShamsudeenSoomroFakhraA review of Gryllidae (Grylloidea) with the description of one new species and four new distribution records from the Sindh Province, PakistanZookeys15122021107813310.3897/zookeys.1078.69850AE991E31-383D-5ED6-AF5B-D13C1662BB5FTeleogryllus (Brachyteleogryllus) occipitalis(Serville, 1838)Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, Table 1Material examined.

Pakistan, Sindh Prov. • 1♀; Riffat; 5 Sep. 2019; Mithi 24.7436°N, 69.8061°E.


Medium to large size. Body pale brown (Fig. 1J). Head brown to dark with horizontal band at posterior margin. Ocelli dark brown (broken off while capturing photos). Pronotum dark brown, enlarged in front, its surface is rather strongly punctuated with numerous testaceous rufous spots (Fig. 4J). Female elytra extending to the apex of abdomen; elytral veins oblique, regularly spaced. Wings well developed with geometrical designs (Fig. 9D). Legs of the same colour as body; posterior femora moderately swollen, striated on external face; posterior tibiae armed with seven spines on each margin (Fig. 6I). Abdomen pale brown, yellowish beneath. Ovipositor long, slender (Fig. 1J).

Female: LH 2.1 (mm), LP 3.85 (mm), LT 08 (mm), LF 9 (mm), TBL 20 (mm).


Teleogryllus is commonly known as black field cricket. Species of this genus are reported as a serious pasture pest in Australia and the warmer northern regions of New Zealand (Banfield and Cottier 1948; Reynolds and Langton 1973; Mill 1978). They reported that each year black field crickets cause considerable losses in pasture production over the dry summer period when stock feed is short. The resulting bare areas in the pasture are then opened to weed invasion because the black field crickets consume only pasture seed.

During the present study we captured only a single female from Loliumperenne grasses, which is considered as perennial ryegrass pasture, the main feed for dairy cows in temperate regions. This study suggests that preference of crickets for perennial ryegrass may lead high risk of damage to cultivated areas of Pakistan.

Global distribution.

Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Philippines, Vietnam, Australia, Celebes, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, China, Burma, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Pakistan (Cigliano et al. 2020).


Until now 52 species of Teleogryllus were recorded by Cigliano et al. (2020). Gorochov (1985) reviewed the Teleogryllus species from Asia and established two subgenera. He moved T.occipitalis (Serville, 1838), T.emma (Ohmachi & Matsuura, 1951T.infernalis (Saussure, 1877), T.commodus (Walker, 1869), and T.oceanicus (Le Guillou, 1841) into the subgenus Brachyteleogryllus with T.occipitalis as the type species, and he moved T.mitratus and T.derelictus into the subgenus Macroteleogryllus with the first as type species. Gorochov (1988) established another subgenus, Afroteleogryllus, with T.clarus as its type species from Africa, and added a further two new species in 1990. Otte (2006) downgraded genus Cryncoides as a subgenus under Teleogryllus. The remaining species are still in the pool of the subgenus Teleogryllus without having been studied again. In China, these crickets are often confused, and different species names have been used, until Ma et al. (2015) distinguished them by their genitalia. However, these changes are mainly based on morphological studies without molecular evidence.


A male and female dorsal and lateral view of Gryllidae species. Subfamily Gryllinae: 1, 2 Achetadomesticus ♂♀, 3 A.hispanicus ♂, 4, 5 Gryllus (Gryllus) bimaculatus ♀♂, 6 G. (Gryllus) campestris ♀, 7 G.septentrionalis ♀, 8 GryllodessigillatusB male and female dorsal and lateral view of Gryllidae species. Subfamily Gryllinae: 9 Gryllodessupplicans ♀, 10 Teleogryllus (Brachyteleogryllus) occipitalis ♀, 11,12 T. (Brachyteleogryllus) commodus ♂♀, 13 Modicogryllussindhensis sp. nov. ♀, 14 SvercuspalmetorumC male and female dorsal and lateral view of Gryllidae species. Subfamily Gryllinae: 15 Miogryllusitaquiensis ♀, 16 Callogryllussaeedi ♀, 17 C.ovilongus ♀, 18 C.bilineatus ♀, 19 Lepidogryllussiamensis ♀, Subfamily Oecanthinae: 20 Oecanthusfultoni ♀. Abbreviations: D, dorsal, L, lateral. Scale bars: 2 mm.

Male and female head dorsal view of Gryllidae species. Subfamily Gryllinae: 1, 2 Achetadomesticus ♂♀, 3 A.hispanicus ♂, 4, 5 Gryllus (Gryllus) bimaculatus ♂♀, 6 G. (Gryllus) campestris ♀, 7 G.septentrionalis ♀, 8-Gryllodessigillatus ♂, 9 Gryllodessupplicans ♀, 10 T. (Brachyteleogryllus) commodus ♂. Abbreviations: D, dorsal, L, lateral. Scale bars: 2 mm.

Male and female head dorsal view of Gryllidae species, subfamily Gryllinae: 11 T. (Brachyteleogryllus) commodus ♀, 12 Modicogryllussindhensis sp. nov. ♀,13 Svercuspalmetorum ♀, 14 Miogryllusitaquiensis ♀, 15 Callogryllussaeedi ♀, 16 C.ovilongus ♀, 17 C.bilineatus ♀, 18 Lepidogryllussiamensis ♀. Subfamily Oecanthinae: 19 Oecanthusfultoni ♀. Abbreviations: D, dorsal, L, lateral. Scale bars: 2 mm.

Male and female pronotum dorsal view of Gryllidae species, subfamily Gryllinae: 1, 2 Achetadomesticus ♂♀, 3 A.hispanicus ♂, 4, 5 Gryllus (Gryllus) bimaculatus ♂♀, 6 G. (Gryllus) campestris ♀, 7 G.septentrionalis ♀, 8 Gryllodessigillatus ♂, 9 Gryllodessupplicans ♀, 10 Teleogryllus (Brachyteleogryllus) occipitalis ♀. Abbreviations: D, dorsal, L, lateral. Scale bars: 2 mm.

Male and female pronotum dorsal view of Gryllidae species, subfamily Gryllinae: 11, 12 T. (Brachyteleogryllus) commodus ♂♀, 13 Modicogryllussindhensis sp. nov. ♀,14 Svercuspalmetorum ♀, 15 Miogryllusitaquiensis ♀, 16 Callogryllussaeedi ♀, 17 C.ovilongus ♀,18 C.bilineatus ♀, 19 Lepidogryllussiamensis ♀, Subfamily Oecanthinae: 20 Oecanthusfultoni ♀. Abbreviations: D, dorsal, L, lateral. Scale bars: 2 mm.

Femur and Tibia dorsal view of Gryllidae species, subfamily Gryllinae: 1, 2 Achetadomesticus ♂♀, 3 A.hispanicus ♂, 4, 5 Gryllus (Gryllus) bimaculatus ♂♀, 6 G.septentrionalis ♀, 7 Gryllodessigillatus ♂, 8 Gryllodessupplicans ♀, 9 Teleogryllus (Brachyteleogryllus) occipitalis ♀, 10, 11 T. (Brachyteleogryllus) commodus ♂♀, 12 Modicogryllussindhensis sp. nov. ♀. Abbreviations: D, dorsal, L, lateral. Scale bars: 2 mm.

Femur and tibia dorsal view of Gryllidae species, subfamily Gryllinae: 13 Svercuspalmetorum ♀, 14 Miogryllusitaquiensis ♀, 15 Callogryllussaeedi ♀, 16 C.bilineatus ♀, 17 Lepidogryllussiamensis ♀, Subfamily Oecanthinae: 18 Oecanthusfultoni ♀. Abbreviations: D, dorsal, L, lateral. Scale bars: 2 mm.

Male and female tegmen dorsal view of Gryllidae species, subfamily Gryllinae: 1, 2 Achetadomesticus ♂♀, 3 A.hispanicus ♂, 4, 5 Gryllus (Gryllus) bimaculatus ♂♀, 6 G. (Gryllus) campestris ♀. Abbreviations: D, dorsal, L, lateral. Scale bars: 2 mm.

Male and female tegmen dorsal view of Gryllidae species, subfamily Gryllinae: 7 G.septentrionalis ♀, 8 Gryllodessigillatus ♂, 9 GryllodesSupplicans ♀, 10 Teleogryllus (Brachyteleogryllus) occipitalis ♀, 11, 12 T. (Brachyteleogryllus) commodus ♂♀, 13 Modicogryllussindhensis sp. nov. ♀. Abbreviations: D, dorsal, L, lateral. Scale bars: 2 mm.

Male and female tegmen dorsal view of Gryllidae species, subfamily Gryllinae: 14 Svercuspalmetorum ♀, 15 Miogryllusitaquiensis ♀, 16 Callogryllussaeedi ♀, 17 C.ovilongus ♀,18 C.bilineatus ♀, 19 Lepidogryllussiamensis ♀, Subfamily Oecanthinae: 20 Oecanthusfultoni ♀. Abbreviations: D, dorsal, L, lateral. Scale bars: 2 mm.

A map of Pakistan B map of Sindh province C areas within Sindh province. Maps reproduced by ArcGIS 10.5.

Distribution of Gryllidae species in different areas of Sindh, with numbers collected at each locality.

SpeciesMithiNaushahro ferozeChachroUmerkotNaraNagarkarkarTharparkarSangharIslamkot
Achetadomesticus 102803162136051109
Achetahispanicus 01
Gryllus (Gryllus) bimaculatus 090207120222170415
G (Gryllus) campestris 083303192311
Gryllusseptentrionalis 01
Gryllodessigillatus 020918241305
Gryllodessupplicans 0102
Callogryllussaeedi 05
Callogryllusovilongus 04
Callogryllusbilineatus 02
Modicogryllussindhensis 01
Teleogryllus (Brachyteleogryllus) occipitalis 01
T.(Brachyteleogryllus) commodus 02
Lepidogryllussiamensis 01
Svercuspalmetorum 02
Miogryllusitaquiensis 01
Oecanthusfultoni 01
BanfieldGLCottierW (1948) Success of poison baits in eradicating crickets.New Zealand Journal of Agricultural77: 569571. (1973) Black beetle and crickets in Northland. Proceedings of the 26th New Zealand weed and pest control conference, 182–183. (1978) Crickets cause as much damage as drought. The Journal of the Department of Agriculture of Victoria 76: e268.CiglianoMMBraunHEadesDCOtteD (2020) Orthoptera species file online, version 5.0/5.0. [November 23, 2020]GorochovAV (1985) On the Orthoptera subfamily of Gryllinae (Orthoptera, Gryllidae) from eastern Indochina. In: MedvedevLN (Ed.) Insects of Vietnam.Nauka, Moscow, 917.GorochovAV (1988) New and little known tropical Grylloidea (Orthoptera). Trudy Zoologicheskogo instituta Rossiĭskoĭ akademii nauk.SSSR178: 331.OtteD (2006) Eighty-Four New Cricket Species (Orthoptera: Grylloidea) from La Selva, Costa Rica. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 132(3/4): 299–418.[299:ENCSOG]2.0.CO;2MaLBGorochovAVZhangYL (2015) A new species of the genus Duolandrevus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae: Landrevinae) from China.Zootaxa3963(3): 443449.