TITLE: Model 1 DATA: File is CPDLCommunityEmpMPLUS.csv; VARIABLE: NAMES ID wknd totalhrs interaction dom_o affil_o dom affil intPA intNA gender age intTotal totalemp; MISSING = all (9999); USEOBSERVATIONS ARE interaction == 1 AND intTotal GE 10; USEVAR = wknd gender age affil_o affil intPA totalemp time_c; CLUSTER = ID; WITHIN = wknd time_c; BETWEEN = gender age; DEFINE: time_c = totalhrs - 120; ANALYSIS:TYPE = TWOLEVEL RANDOM; ESTIMATOR = BAYES; MODEL: %WITHIN% totalemp_affil_o | totalemp ON affil_o; affil_affil_o | affil ON affil_o ; intPA_affil_o | intPA ON affil_o; totalemp_intPA | totalemp ON intPA; affil_intPA | affil ON intPA; affil_totalemp | affil ON totalemp; affil_o affil intPA totalemp ON wknd time_c; %BETWEEN% totalemp_affil_o affil_affil_o intPA_affil_o totalemp_intPA affil_intPA affil_totalemp; intPA WITH totalemp; affil_o affil ON intPA totalemp; affil_o affil intPA totalemp ON gender age; OUTPUT: TECH1 TECH8 TECH4 SAMPSTAT STDYX CINTERVAL;