Table S1: Vaccine cohort description,,,, ,,,, ,All,Not vaccinated,Vaccinated,Missing data , N=6105 , N=2552 , N=3553 , Age >60 years,4113 (67.4%),1183 (46.4%),2930 (82.5%),0 Gender:, , , ,0 Female,3709 (60.8%),1538 (60.3%),2171 (61.1%), Male,2396 (39.2%),1014 (39.7%),1382 (38.9%), History of COVID-19 infection,153 (2.51%) , 84 (3.29%) , 69 (1.94%) ,0 Country birth:, , , ,32 Canada,5466 (90.0%),2269 (89.4%),3197 (90.4%), Other,607 (10.00%),269 (10.6%) ,338 (9.56%) , Current living region:, , , ,0 Montreal,1831 (30.0%),487 (19.1%) ,1344 (37.8%), Other,4274 (70.0%),2065 (80.9%),2209 (62.2%), Highest level of education:, , , ,100 0 - Less than high school/High school,752 (12.5%) ,304 (12.1%) ,448 (12.8%) , 1 - College,1677 (27.9%),771 (30.7%) ,906 (26.0%) , 2 - Graduate studies/University,3576 (59.6%),1439 (57.2%),2137 (61.2%), Essential worker,563 (9.26%) ,323 (12.7%) ,240 (6.78%) ,25 Dwelling:, , , ,2 Apartment or condominium,1564 (25.6%),564 (22.1%) ,1000 (28.2%), Other, 19 (0.31%) , 8 (0.31%) , 11 (0.31%) , House,4468 (73.2%),1977 (77.5%),2491 (70.1%), Retirement home, 52 (0.85%) , 2 (0.08%) , 50 (1.41%) , Annual household income before the pandemic:, , , ,609 " 1 - <$50,000",1163 (21.2%),413 (17.8%) ,750 (23.6%) , " 2 - $50,000-$100,000",2228 (40.5%),878 (37.8%) ,1350 (42.5%), " 3 - >$100,000",2105 (38.3%),1031 (44.4%),1074 (33.8%), Monthly household income changed because of the COVID-19 pandemic:, , , ,114 1 - Substantially decreased-Somewhat decreased,975 (16.3%) ,489 (19.4%) ,486 (14.0%) , 0 - No change-Somewhat increased-Substantially increased,5016 (83.7%),2030 (80.6%),2986 (86.0%), Savings changed because of the COVID-19 pandemic:, , , ,105 1 - Substantially decreased-Somewhat decreased,828 (13.8%) ,400 (15.9%) ,428 (12.3%) , 0 - No change-Somewhat increased-Substantially increased,5172 (86.2%),2116 (84.1%),3056 (87.7%), Impact of COVID-19 on the ability to meet financial obligations or essential needs:, , , ,104 0 - No impact-Minor impact,5578 (93.0%),2304 (91.5%),3274 (94.0%), 1 - Moderate impact-Major impact,423 (7.05%) ,215 (8.54%) ,208 (5.97%) , Ethnicity: White,5557 (93.0%),2320 (92.4%),3237 (93.4%),129 Ethnicity: Black, 29 (0.49%) , 18 (0.72%) , 11 (0.32%) ,129 Ethnicity: Latin Hispanic, 46 (0.77%) , 28 (1.12%) , 18 (0.52%) ,129 Ethnicity: Arab, 55 (0.92%) , 29 (1.15%) , 26 (0.75%) ,129 Full time/self-employed,2174 (35.9%),1325 (52.2%),849 (24.2%) ,51 Part-time/self-employed,654 (10.8%) ,260 (10.2%) ,394 (11.2%) ,51 Looking after home and/or family,400 (6.61%) ,147 (5.79%) ,253 (7.20%) ,51 Unable to work because of sickness or disability,124 (2.05%) , 68 (2.68%) , 56 (1.59%) ,51 Unemployed, 92 (1.52%) , 56 (2.20%) , 36 (1.02%) ,51 Retired,3349 (55.3%),947 (37.3%) ,2402 (68.4%),51 Pre-existing medical conditions,4395 (72.0%),1707 (66.9%),2688 (75.7%),0 Current mental and emotional health:, , , ,80 0 – Poor,109 (1.81%) , 54 (2.14%) , 55 (1.57%) , 1 – Fair,609 (10.1%) ,287 (11.4%) ,322 (9.20%) , 2 – good,1354 (22.5%),586 (23.2%) ,768 (21.9%) , 3 – Very good,2458 (40.8%),1027 (40.7%),1431 (40.9%), 4 – Excellent,1495 (24.8%),570 (22.6%) ,925 (26.4%) , Current mental and emotional health compared to before the pandemic:, , , ,84 0 – worse,1129 (18.8%),520 (20.6%) ,609 (17.4%) , 1 - about the same-better,4892 (81.2%),2003 (79.4%),2889 (82.6%),