(* Content-type: application/vnd.wolfram.mathematica *) (*** Wolfram Notebook File ***) (* http://www.wolfram.com/nb *) (* CreatedBy='Mathematica 12.0' *) (*CacheID: 234*) (* Internal cache information: NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookDataPosition[ 158, 7] NotebookDataLength[ 98486, 2408] NotebookOptionsPosition[ 90043, 2262] NotebookOutlinePosition[ 90377, 2277] CellTagsIndexPosition[ 90334, 2274] WindowFrame->Normal*) (* Beginning of Notebook Content *) Notebook[{ Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Root finding for extended cases", "Title", CellChangeTimes->{{3.840821809052051*^9, 3.840821823137115*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"aacbf99d-72df-4e0d-afa9-\ 5a046eaf59dd"], Cell["\<\ Emily C. Voldal, Fan Xia, Avi Kenny, Patrick J. Heagerty, and James P. Hughes\ \ \>", "Subtitle", CellChangeTimes->{{3.840821833398074*^9, 3.8408218718088408`*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"865509ed-e829-4da2-8a6b-\ b1ee258dfd92"], Cell["\<\ This document demonstrates how to find closed-form roots for misspecified \ parameters in cases not covered by the primary manuscript \ \[OpenCurlyQuote]Model misspecification in stepped wedge trials: Random \ effects for time or treatment\[CloseCurlyQuote]. Perhaps most importantly, \ this document covers the case where the true data distribution is a \ \[OpenCurlyQuote]full model\[CloseCurlyQuote] with random intercepts, random \ time effects, and random treatment effects. See supplemental R files for a \ demonstration of how to calculate validity and efficiency after finding these \ roots. For updates and any corrections, see \ https://github.com/voldal/SWT_model_misspecification\ \>", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.840821960516418*^9, 3.840822174775587*^9}, { 3.840823794463234*^9, 3.840823796450247*^9}, {3.848191617912385*^9, 3.848191632784161*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"58321f11-18c1-42ef-a49e-\ 0959bb14df77"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Defining true model", "Section", CellChangeTimes->{{3.840822253995838*^9, 3.840822287098371*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"3632c21d-87e5-4081-b84f-\ e17aa7c4f929"], Cell["\<\ To demonstrate, we\[CloseCurlyQuote]ll be using a classic two-sequence design \ with the same fixed effects used in the primary manuscript and a full random \ effects model. These inputs can be modified for other designs and models.\ \>", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.840823250148732*^9, 3.840823347481979*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"e1256848-e1ac-4fa7-96ee-\ cfe6d1e4e27f"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"globalJ", " ", "=", " ", "3", " ", RowBox[{"(*", RowBox[{ "Total", " ", "number", " ", "of", " ", "time", " ", "points", " ", "in", " ", "the", " ", "design"}], "*)"}]}]], "Input", CellChangeTimes->{{3.840822351174137*^9, 3.840822370285068*^9}, { 3.840825381338582*^9, 3.840825400917186*^9}}, CellLabel->"In[24]:=",ExpressionUUID->"e94b5028-78ab-463d-a6f2-c2d0d26dffa5"], Cell[BoxData["3"], "Output", CellChangeTimes->{3.840825402187921*^9, 3.841418536988682*^9}, CellLabel->"Out[24]=",ExpressionUUID->"6705c4ac-4176-47d2-8526-47fc0c2f1d16"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"globalK", " ", "=", " ", "2", " ", RowBox[{"(*", RowBox[{ "Number", " ", "of", " ", "observations", " ", "per", " ", "cluster", " ", "per", " ", "period"}], "*)"}]}]], "Input", CellChangeTimes->{{3.840822384337199*^9, 3.840822399746531*^9}}, CellLabel->"In[25]:=",ExpressionUUID->"7b1e7800-589e-45f3-a10e-ef3608ca3b2b"], Cell[BoxData["2"], "Output", CellChangeTimes->{3.840825405093918*^9, 3.841418539754799*^9}, CellLabel->"Out[25]=",ExpressionUUID->"beac4473-d065-4fc9-bab4-222ca341ae86"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"globalI", " ", "=", " ", "2", " ", RowBox[{"(*", RowBox[{"Total", " ", "number", " ", "of", " ", "sequences"}], "*)"}]}]], "Input", CellChangeTimes->{{3.84082242818865*^9, 3.840822429856175*^9}, { 3.840822519470194*^9, 3.840822523214089*^9}}, CellLabel->"In[26]:=",ExpressionUUID->"373b4162-0817-4ed8-8d9a-b463c8481589"], Cell[BoxData["2"], "Output", CellChangeTimes->{3.840825408189418*^9, 3.8410791815054197`*^9, 3.841418542394868*^9}, CellLabel->"Out[26]=",ExpressionUUID->"8df7c247-660c-4966-ab6a-18ce6f884d1d"] }, Open ]], Cell["\<\ To specify the true distribution of the data, I\[CloseCurlyQuote]m using a \ matrix, ordered by sequence (rows) and then time (columns). Here, \[Mu]T is \ the intercept, \[Beta]T is the slope for the linear time trend, and \[Theta]T \ is the effect of treatment. The random effects are denoted by u for \ intercept, v for treatment, and w for time, indexed by sequence and time as \ appropriate. As in the main manuscript, this setup collapses clusters within \ sequences; however, users may expand this model to list each cluster \ individually if desired (e.g. modifying to include some cluster-specific \ fixed effects or varying cluster sizes).\ \>", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.8408226928750963`*^9, 3.8408227956746693`*^9}, { 3.8408228294576406`*^9, 3.8408228298704233`*^9}, {3.840822879861547*^9, 3.8408230828833437`*^9}, {3.840823133742105*^9, 3.8408231419437513`*^9}, 3.840823327546749*^9, {3.840825448119492*^9, 3.84082544870479*^9}, { 3.8408254810108967`*^9, 3.8408254861991167`*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"18c364b0-ba7e-476f-9a86-\ 908ced61ae83"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"globalTrueMeans", " ", "=", " ", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[Mu]T", "+", "u1T", "+", "w11T"}], ",", RowBox[{ "\[Mu]T", "+", "\[Beta]T", "+", "\[Theta]T", "+", "u1T", "+", "v1T", "+", "w12T"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Mu]T", "+", RowBox[{"2", "*", "\[Beta]T"}], "+", "\[Theta]T", "+", "u1T", "+", "v1T", "+", "w13T"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[Mu]T", "+", "u2T", "+", "w21T"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Mu]T", "+", "\[Beta]T", "+", "u2T", "+", "w22T"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Mu]T", "+", RowBox[{"2", "*", "\[Beta]T"}], "+", "\[Theta]T", "+", "u2T", "+", "v2T", "+", "w23T"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}], " ", RowBox[{"(*", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Sequence", " ", "1", " ", "Time", " ", "1"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"Sequence", " ", "1", " ", "Time", " ", "2"}], ",", "..."}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Sequence", " ", "2", " ", "Time", " ", "1"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"Sequence", " ", "2", " ", "Time", " ", "2"}], ",", "..."}], "}"}]}], "}"}], "*)"}]}]], "Input", CellChangeTimes->{{3.840822614699719*^9, 3.840822637123999*^9}, { 3.840823165982827*^9, 3.840823211809905*^9}, 3.8408254915344543`*^9, { 3.842120721303821*^9, 3.842120763679101*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"a2d64d12-78b3-4c89-a387-\ 7d157539b7e5"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"u1T", "+", "w11T", "+", "\[Mu]T"}], ",", RowBox[{ "u1T", "+", "v1T", "+", "w12T", "+", "\[Beta]T", "+", "\[Theta]T", "+", "\[Mu]T"}], ",", RowBox[{"u1T", "+", "v1T", "+", "w13T", "+", RowBox[{"2", " ", "\[Beta]T"}], "+", "\[Theta]T", "+", "\[Mu]T"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"u2T", "+", "w21T", "+", "\[Mu]T"}], ",", RowBox[{"u2T", "+", "w22T", "+", "\[Beta]T", "+", "\[Mu]T"}], ",", RowBox[{"u2T", "+", "v2T", "+", "w23T", "+", RowBox[{"2", " ", "\[Beta]T"}], "+", "\[Theta]T", "+", "\[Mu]T"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}]], "Output", CellChangeTimes->{3.840825413645249*^9, 3.841079188600987*^9, 3.841418556239194*^9}, CellLabel->"Out[27]=",ExpressionUUID->"08181603-b7ec-46c9-b4be-ad18112408e8"] }, Open ]], Cell["\<\ Now, we specify the distribution of the random effects in the model above for \ each cluster, where \[Tau]T is the true standard deviation of the random \ intercepts and \[Gamma]T is the true standard deviation of the random time \ effect. In this example, we continue to assume that all random effects are \ independent but this assumption may be relaxed by specifying a joint \ distribution.\ \>", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.8408234201313677`*^9, 3.84082346557413*^9}, { 3.8408235052032747`*^9, 3.8408235097127447`*^9}, {3.842120083436027*^9, 3.842120131630042*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"7e3ad16b-dc70-4f68-9207-\ 71f074793174"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"globalTrueDist", " ", "=", " ", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"u1T", " ", "\[Distributed]", " ", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Tau]T"}], "]"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"v1T", " ", "\[Distributed]", " ", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Eta]T"}], "]"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"w11T", " ", "\[Distributed]", " ", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Gamma]T"}], "]"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"w12T", " ", "\[Distributed]", " ", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Gamma]T"}], "]"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"w13T", " ", "\[Distributed]", " ", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Gamma]T"}], "]"}]}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"u2T", " ", "\[Distributed]", " ", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Tau]T"}], "]"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"v2T", " ", "\[Distributed]", " ", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Eta]T"}], "]"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"w21T", " ", "\[Distributed]", " ", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Gamma]T"}], "]"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"w22T", " ", "\[Distributed]", " ", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Gamma]T"}], "]"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"w23T", " ", "\[Distributed]", " ", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Gamma]T"}], "]"}]}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}], RowBox[{"(*", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"Sequence", " ", "1"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"Sequence", " ", "2"}], "}"}]}], "}"}], "*)"}]}]], "Input", CellChangeTimes->{{3.840823582958544*^9, 3.840823649575837*^9}, { 3.8421217230424633`*^9, 3.842121746883286*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"c037cb12-e3bf-4a7f-b6ef-\ 8e5038f5f2f1"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"u1T", "\[Distributed]", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Tau]T"}], "]"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"v1T", "\[Distributed]", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Eta]T"}], "]"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"w11T", "\[Distributed]", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Gamma]T"}], "]"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"w12T", "\[Distributed]", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Gamma]T"}], "]"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"w13T", "\[Distributed]", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Gamma]T"}], "]"}]}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"u2T", "\[Distributed]", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Tau]T"}], "]"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"v2T", "\[Distributed]", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Eta]T"}], "]"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"w21T", "\[Distributed]", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Gamma]T"}], "]"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"w22T", "\[Distributed]", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Gamma]T"}], "]"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"w23T", "\[Distributed]", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Gamma]T"}], "]"}]}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}]], "Output", CellChangeTimes->{3.840825518664852*^9, 3.841079191823285*^9, 3.8414185591256847`*^9}, CellLabel->"Out[28]=",ExpressionUUID->"4fdd298f-8300-4255-8647-37bfc34f33c6"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Defining misspecified model", "Section", CellChangeTimes->{{3.840823717916765*^9, 3.840823722176259*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"6375191c-bc5f-4326-bb9e-\ ec5d58b2aae3"], Cell["\<\ Using the same style as above, now we will define the model that will be used \ to fit the data. In this example, we are fitting a random time model.\ \>", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.840823764769887*^9, 3.840823824015767*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"de245a2c-2998-4c52-9aa0-\ 45e1a6c58ab5"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"globalMisspecMeans", " ", "=", " ", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[Mu]", "+", "u1", "+", "w11"}], ",", RowBox[{ "\[Mu]", "+", "\[Beta]", "+", "\[Theta]", "+", "u1", "+", "w12"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Mu]", "+", RowBox[{"2", "*", "\[Beta]"}], "+", "\[Theta]", "+", "u1", "+", "w13"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[Mu]", "+", "u2", "+", "w21"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Mu]", "+", "\[Beta]", "+", "u2", "+", "w22"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Mu]", "+", RowBox[{"2", "*", "\[Beta]"}], "+", "\[Theta]", "+", "u2", "+", "w23"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}]}]], "Input", CellLabel->"In[14]:=",ExpressionUUID->"eda2c88b-a706-4cb6-8515-33b88a1321b0"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"u1", "+", "w11", "+", "\[Mu]"}], ",", RowBox[{ "u1", "+", "w12", "+", "\[Beta]", "+", "\[Theta]", "+", "\[Mu]"}], ",", RowBox[{"u1", "+", "w13", "+", RowBox[{"2", " ", "\[Beta]"}], "+", "\[Theta]", "+", "\[Mu]"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"u2", "+", "w21", "+", "\[Mu]"}], ",", RowBox[{"u2", "+", "w22", "+", "\[Beta]", "+", "\[Mu]"}], ",", RowBox[{"u2", "+", "w23", "+", RowBox[{"2", " ", "\[Beta]"}], "+", "\[Theta]", "+", "\[Mu]"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}]], "Output", CellChangeTimes->{3.84082553000352*^9, 3.8412454196437397`*^9}, CellLabel->"Out[14]=",ExpressionUUID->"60b74d4e-b9a2-49f0-975d-7dfb499cd318"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"globalMisspecDist", " ", "=", " ", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"u1", " ", "\[Distributed]", " ", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Tau]"}], "]"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"w11", " ", "\[Distributed]", " ", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Gamma]"}], "]"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"w12", " ", "\[Distributed]", " ", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Gamma]"}], "]"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"w13", " ", "\[Distributed]", " ", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Gamma]"}], "]"}]}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"u2", " ", "\[Distributed]", " ", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Tau]"}], "]"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"w21", " ", "\[Distributed]", " ", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Gamma]"}], "]"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"w22", " ", "\[Distributed]", " ", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Gamma]"}], "]"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"w23", " ", "\[Distributed]", " ", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Gamma]"}], "]"}]}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}]}]], "Input",\ CellLabel->"In[9]:=",ExpressionUUID->"fd5f4c4c-2b63-4b70-86a5-a42f27c14c1d"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"u1", "\[Distributed]", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Tau]"}], "]"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"w11", "\[Distributed]", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Gamma]"}], "]"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"w12", "\[Distributed]", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Gamma]"}], "]"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"w13", "\[Distributed]", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Gamma]"}], "]"}]}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"u2", "\[Distributed]", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Tau]"}], "]"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"w21", "\[Distributed]", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Gamma]"}], "]"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"w22", "\[Distributed]", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Gamma]"}], "]"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"w23", "\[Distributed]", RowBox[{"NormalDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"0", ",", "\[Gamma]"}], "]"}]}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}]], "Output", CellChangeTimes->{3.840825534601996*^9}, CellLabel->"Out[9]=",ExpressionUUID->"e1f5cff3-d314-4387-b2d0-9996dd0c5a4a"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Functions", "Section", CellChangeTimes->{{3.840823927144677*^9, 3.840823928333613*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"7e327074-a70f-4451-baf1-\ 26df076deb70"], Cell["\<\ If new parameters are being added to the true or misspecified models above, \ these functions will need to be modified.\ \>", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.84082394118865*^9, 3.8408239667756844`*^9}, { 3.840824030701129*^9, 3.840824056424493*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"85e3e2cc-01d2-4d4a-8d23-\ 2000e2c573ad"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Function: replicate each element in a list", "Subsubsection", CellChangeTimes->{{3.8408241024653063`*^9, 3.840824111050565*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"ed7f56ca-f494-49e0-8098-\ 3dc8f57c6dfa"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"myReplicate", "[", RowBox[{"list_", ",", "n_"}], "]"}], " ", ":=", " ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Sequence", " ", "@@", " ", RowBox[{"ConstantArray", "[", RowBox[{"#", ",", "n"}], "]"}]}], "&"}], "/@", "list"}]}]], "Input", CellLabel->"In[12]:=",ExpressionUUID->"b641b2ed-6751-4369-97e5-47b4e2c3af36"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Function: check for valid roots", "Subsubsection", CellChangeTimes->{{3.840824142771934*^9, 3.840824150344482*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"e9b31185-84b1-4180-8d3f-\ 15587f28f355"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"checkThis", "[", "myList_", "]"}], " ", ":=", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"Module", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "firstCheck", ",", "secondCheck", ",", "thirdCheck", ",", "fourthCheck", ",", "fifthCheck", ",", "sixthCheck"}], "}"}], ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"firstCheck", "=", RowBox[{"Element", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"myList", "[", RowBox[{"[", "1", "]"}], "]"}], "[", RowBox[{"[", "2", "]"}], "]"}], ",", "Reals"}], "]"}]}], ";", RowBox[{"(*", "Intercept", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"secondCheck", "=", RowBox[{"Element", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"myList", "[", RowBox[{"[", "2", "]"}], "]"}], "[", RowBox[{"[", "2", "]"}], "]"}], ",", "Reals"}], "]"}]}], ";", RowBox[{"(*", RowBox[{"Treatment", " ", "effect"}], "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"thirdCheck", "=", RowBox[{"Element", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"myList", "[", RowBox[{"[", "3", "]"}], "]"}], "[", RowBox[{"[", "2", "]"}], "]"}], ",", "Reals"}], "]"}]}], ";", RowBox[{"(*", RowBox[{"Time", " ", "slope"}], "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"fourthCheck", " ", "=", " ", RowBox[{"NonNegative", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"myList", "[", RowBox[{"[", "4", "]"}], "]"}], "[", RowBox[{"[", "2", "]"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], ";", RowBox[{"(*", RowBox[{"Residual", " ", "variance"}], "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"fifthCheck", " ", "=", " ", RowBox[{"NonNegative", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"myList", "[", RowBox[{"[", "5", "]"}], "]"}], "[", RowBox[{"[", "2", "]"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], ";", RowBox[{"(*", RowBox[{ "Random", " ", "time", " ", "or", " ", "treatment", " ", "variance"}], "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"sixthCheck", " ", "=", " ", RowBox[{"NonNegative", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"myList", "[", RowBox[{"[", "6", "]"}], "]"}], "[", RowBox[{"[", "2", "]"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], ";", RowBox[{"(*", RowBox[{"Random", " ", "intercept", " ", "variance"}], "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"AllTrue", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "firstCheck", ",", "secondCheck", ",", "thirdCheck", ",", "fourthCheck", ",", "fifthCheck", ",", "sixthCheck"}], "}"}], ",", "TrueQ"}], "]"}]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", "]"}]}]], "Input", CellChangeTimes->{{3.840824222166424*^9, 3.840824334952321*^9}}, CellLabel->"In[10]:=",ExpressionUUID->"1360f179-03b8-4aa2-a876-db7903ffad9a"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["\<\ Function: get elements of system of equations for one cluster when fitting \ random time\ \>", "Subsubsection", CellChangeTimes->{{3.840824538938079*^9, 3.8408245817897453`*^9}, { 3.840824799574009*^9, 3.840824801971938*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"da38c6e8-d4f9-43fa-a5fb-\ 714127c79ae6"], Cell["\<\ This function returns a vector of six elements, which are the relevant \ portions of the system of equations for a specific cluster. Inputs come from \ the findRoots function, where the misspecified model has random intercepts \ and random time effects.\ \>", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.8408246085795317`*^9, 3.840824634938583*^9}, { 3.8408246657369013`*^9, 3.840824679176992*^9}, {3.840824820297985*^9, 3.840824841610018*^9}, {3.8408251129457283`*^9, 3.8408251205476007`*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"96b75e57-9017-4f95-8802-\ 2a1991dba9fa"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"oneClusterFittedTime", "[", RowBox[{ "myK_", ",", "myJ_", ",", "myMisspecMeans_", ",", "myMisspecDist_", ",", "myTrueMeans_", ",", "myTrueDist_"}], "]"}], ":=", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"Module", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "myMatrixY", ",", "myConditionalLikelihood", ",", "myMarginalLikelihood", ",", "myPartialMu", ",", "myPartialTheta", ",", "myPartialBeta", ",", "myPartialSigma", ",", "myPartialGamma", ",", "myPartialTau", ",", "myEPartialMu", ",", "myEPartialTheta", ",", "myEPartialBeta", ",", "myEPartialSigma", ",", "myEPartialGamma", ",", "myEPartialTau"}], "}"}], ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"(*", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Make", " ", "names", " ", "of", " ", RowBox[{"y", "'"}], RowBox[{"s", ":", " ", RowBox[{"for", " ", "each", " ", "time", " ", "point", " ", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{"1", ",", "...", ",", "J"}], ")"}]}]}]}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"need", " ", "K", " ", "unique", " ", RowBox[{"y", "'"}], RowBox[{"s", ".", " ", "Arrange"}], " ", "in", " ", "a", " ", "matrix", " ", "so", " ", "rows", " ", "can", " ", "be", " ", "pulled", " ", "by", " ", "time", " ", "index", " ", RowBox[{"later", "."}]}]}], "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"myMatrixY", " ", "=", " ", RowBox[{"Table", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"StringJoin", "[", RowBox[{"\"\\"", ",", RowBox[{"TextString", "[", "j", "]"}], ",", "\"\\"", ",", RowBox[{"TextString", "[", "k", "]"}]}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"j", ",", "myJ"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"k", ",", "myK"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], ";", RowBox[{"(*", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ "Each", " 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solutions to the system of equations that pass some \ basic screening. Inputs are the true and misspecified models as described \ above, where the misspecified model has random intercepts and random time \ effects.\ \>", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{ 3.8408250013327847`*^9, {3.840825055099473*^9, 3.840825067171076*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"e4c63bd3-f0c4-43ae-9a35-\ 7ec70b0f438a"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"findRootsFittedTime", "[", RowBox[{ "myK_", ",", "myJ_", ",", "myI_", ",", "myMisspecMeansList_", ",", "myMisspecDistList_", ",", "myTrueMeansList_", ",", "myTrueDistList_"}], "]"}], ":=", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"Module", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "allclusterresults", ",", "systemsolutions", ",", "systemsolutionsplugin", ",", "systemsolutionspluginlist"}], "}"}], ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"allclusterresults", " ", "=", " ", RowBox[{"Table", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"oneClusterFittedTime", "[", RowBox[{"myK", ",", "myJ", ",", RowBox[{"myMisspecMeansList", "[", RowBox[{"[", "i", "]"}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"myMisspecDistList", "[", RowBox[{"[", "i", "]"}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"myTrueMeansList", "[", RowBox[{"[", "i", "]"}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"myTrueDistList", "[", RowBox[{"[", "i", "]"}], "]"}]}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"i", ",", "myI"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"systemsolutions", " ", "=", " ", RowBox[{"Solve", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Simplify", "[", RowBox[{"Total", "[", RowBox[{"allclusterresults", "[", RowBox[{"[", RowBox[{"All", ",", "1"}], "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], "\[Equal]", "0"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Simplify", "[", RowBox[{"Total", "[", RowBox[{"allclusterresults", "[", RowBox[{"[", RowBox[{"All", ",", "2"}], "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], "\[Equal]", "0"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Simplify", "[", RowBox[{"Total", "[", RowBox[{"allclusterresults", "[", RowBox[{"[", RowBox[{"All", ",", "3"}], "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], "\[Equal]", "0"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Simplify", "[", RowBox[{"Total", "[", RowBox[{"allclusterresults", "[", RowBox[{"[", RowBox[{"All", ",", "4"}], "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], "\[Equal]", "0"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Simplify", "[", RowBox[{"Total", "[", RowBox[{"allclusterresults", "[", RowBox[{"[", RowBox[{"All", ",", "5"}], "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], "\[Equal]", "0"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Simplify", "[", RowBox[{"Total", "[", RowBox[{"allclusterresults", "[", RowBox[{"[", RowBox[{"All", ",", "6"}], "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], "\[Equal]", "0"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "\[Mu]", ",", "\[Theta]", ",", "\[Beta]", ",", "\[Sigma]", ",", "\[Gamma]", ",", "\[Tau]"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"systemsolutionsplugin", " ", "=", " ", RowBox[{"systemsolutions", "/.", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[Mu]T", " ", "\[Rule]", " ", "0"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"\[Theta]T", " ", "\[Rule]", " ", "0"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"\[Beta]T", " ", "\[Rule]", " ", "0"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Sigma]T", " ", "->", " ", "1"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"\[Eta]T", " ", "->", " ", "1"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"\[Tau]T", " ", "->", " ", "1"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"\[Gamma]T", " ", "\[Rule]", " ", "1"}]}], "}"}]}]}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"systemsolutionspluginlist", " ", "=", " ", RowBox[{"systemsolutionsplugin", "/.", "\[VeryThinSpace]", RowBox[{"Rule", "\[Rule]", "List"}]}]}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"Do", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"If", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"checkThis", "[", RowBox[{"systemsolutionspluginlist", "[", RowBox[{"[", "i", "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Print", "[", RowBox[{"systemsolutions", "[", RowBox[{"[", "i", "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], ","}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"i", ",", RowBox[{"Length", "[", "systemsolutions", "]"}]}], "}"}]}], "]"}], "}"}]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", "]"}]}]], "Input", CellChangeTimes->{{3.840825168515167*^9, 3.840825176775832*^9}, { 3.8408262693759737`*^9, 3.840826279246573*^9}, {3.840842432219318*^9, 3.840842439896648*^9}}, CellLabel->"In[23]:=",ExpressionUUID->"6d95393f-0b82-4ded-99d0-163f381e079f"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["\<\ Function: get elements of system of equations for one cluster when fitting \ random treatment\ \>", "Subsubsection", CellChangeTimes->{{3.8408449289347353`*^9, 3.840844932270236*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"b7687df2-a93f-42b8-bed3-\ eb367e86bcbb"], Cell["\<\ This function returns a vector of six elements, which are the relevant \ portions of the system of equations for a specific cluster. Inputs come from \ the findRoots function, where the misspecified model has random intercepts \ and random treatment effects.\ \>", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.840844959160556*^9, 3.840844970121847*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"508b2b02-58ad-4a85-b9cc-\ b807b90626fd"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"oneClusterFittedTreatment", "[", RowBox[{ "myK_", ",", "myJ_", ",", "myMisspecMeans_", ",", "myMisspecDist_", ",", "myTrueMeans_", ",", "myTrueDist_"}], "]"}], ":=", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"Module", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "myMatrixY", ",", "myConditionalLikelihood", ",", "myMarginalLikelihood", ",", "myPartialMu", ",", "myPartialTheta", ",", "myPartialBeta", ",", "myPartialSigma", ",", "myPartialEta", ",", "myPartialTau", ",", "myEPartialMu", ",", "myEPartialTheta", ",", "myEPartialBeta", ",", "myEPartialSigma", ",", "myEPartialEta", ",", "myEPartialTau"}], "}"}], ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"(*", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Make", " ", "names", " ", "of", " ", RowBox[{"y", 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Inputs are the true and misspecified models as described \ above, where the misspecified model has random intercepts and random \ treatment effects.\ \>", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.840845002463428*^9, 3.84084501538203*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"fc82acc5-3d9a-4e6f-a607-\ 3c3f747c3cd1"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"findRootsFittedTreatment", "[", RowBox[{ "myK_", ",", "myJ_", ",", "myI_", ",", "myMisspecMeansList_", ",", "myMisspecDistList_", ",", "myTrueMeansList_", ",", "myTrueDistList_"}], "]"}], ":=", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"Module", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "allclusterresults", ",", "systemsolutions", ",", "systemsolutionsplugin", ",", "systemsolutionspluginlist"}], "}"}], ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"allclusterresults", " ", "=", " ", RowBox[{"Table", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"oneClusterFittedTreatment", "[", RowBox[{"myK", ",", "myJ", ",", RowBox[{"myMisspecMeansList", "[", RowBox[{"[", "i", "]"}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"myMisspecDistList", "[", RowBox[{"[", "i", "]"}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"myTrueMeansList", "[", RowBox[{"[", "i", "]"}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"myTrueDistList", "[", RowBox[{"[", "i", "]"}], "]"}]}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"i", ",", "myI"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"systemsolutions", " ", "=", " ", RowBox[{"Solve", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Simplify", "[", RowBox[{"Total", "[", RowBox[{"allclusterresults", "[", RowBox[{"[", RowBox[{"All", ",", "1"}], "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], "\[Equal]", "0"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Simplify", "[", RowBox[{"Total", "[", RowBox[{"allclusterresults", "[", RowBox[{"[", RowBox[{"All", ",", "2"}], "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], "\[Equal]", "0"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Simplify", "[", RowBox[{"Total", "[", RowBox[{"allclusterresults", "[", RowBox[{"[", RowBox[{"All", ",", "3"}], "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], "\[Equal]", "0"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Simplify", "[", RowBox[{"Total", "[", RowBox[{"allclusterresults", "[", RowBox[{"[", RowBox[{"All", ",", "4"}], "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], "\[Equal]", "0"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Simplify", "[", RowBox[{"Total", "[", RowBox[{"allclusterresults", "[", RowBox[{"[", RowBox[{"All", ",", "5"}], "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], "\[Equal]", "0"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Simplify", "[", RowBox[{"Total", "[", RowBox[{"allclusterresults", "[", RowBox[{"[", RowBox[{"All", ",", "6"}], "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], "\[Equal]", "0"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "\[Mu]", ",", "\[Theta]", ",", "\[Beta]", ",", "\[Sigma]", ",", "\[Eta]", ",", "\[Tau]"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"systemsolutionsplugin", " ", "=", " ", RowBox[{"systemsolutions", "/.", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[Mu]T", " ", "\[Rule]", " ", "0"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"\[Theta]T", " ", "\[Rule]", " ", "0"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"\[Beta]T", " ", "\[Rule]", " ", "0"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Sigma]T", " ", "->", " ", "1"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"\[Gamma]T", " ", "->", " ", "1"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"\[Tau]T", " ", "->", " ", "1"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"\[Eta]T", " ", "->", " ", "1"}]}], "}"}]}]}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"systemsolutionspluginlist", " ", "=", " ", RowBox[{"systemsolutionsplugin", "/.", "\[VeryThinSpace]", RowBox[{"Rule", "\[Rule]", "List"}]}]}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"Do", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"If", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"checkThis", "[", RowBox[{"systemsolutionspluginlist", "[", RowBox[{"[", "i", "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Print", "[", RowBox[{"systemsolutions", "[", RowBox[{"[", "i", "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], ","}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"i", ",", RowBox[{"Length", "[", "systemsolutions", "]"}]}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", "]"}]}]], "Input", CellChangeTimes->{{3.840845188340249*^9, 3.8408452274371643`*^9}}, CellLabel->"In[10]:=",ExpressionUUID->"3f3512a5-0e92-47b3-95fc-e8ead62fa59a"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Examples", "Section", CellChangeTimes->{{3.8408252468376007`*^9, 3.840825247816001*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"f24c430e-4bee-4a7c-a392-\ a29e250e1233"], Cell["\<\ Using the design set up above, here are the roots. Note that this can be a \ little time-consuming to run, especially for designs with many time points or \ sequences. These roots are very similar in form to the roots identified for \ the simpler time-fitted random treatment case in the main manuscript. As we \ might have expected, the only difference in Root 1 compared to the main \ manuscript is that the fitted random time effect now involves the true time \ effect. Note that plugging in 0 for the true random treatment variance \ provides results for a correctly specified random time model.\ \>", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.840825262833357*^9, 3.840825271271844*^9}, { 3.840845513788659*^9, 3.84084553334105*^9}, {3.842118838297406*^9, 3.842118885271969*^9}, {3.84211892247444*^9, 3.842119004758285*^9}, { 3.842119065547765*^9, 3.8421190916081467`*^9}, {3.8421191532362137`*^9, 3.842119238445292*^9}, {3.842119278379776*^9, 3.842119316342202*^9}, { 3.8421193867367887`*^9, 3.842119406257098*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"f31de37a-d304-4c3f-a0ed-\ d23cdf0d528b"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"findRootsFittedTime", "[", RowBox[{ "globalK", ",", "globalJ", ",", "globalI", ",", "globalMisspecMeans", ",", "globalMisspecDist", ",", "globalTrueMeans", ",", "globalTrueDist"}], "]"}]], "Input", CellChangeTimes->{{3.840825274138455*^9, 3.8408252762844667`*^9}}, CellLabel->"In[24]:=",ExpressionUUID->"28e19c34-f0e4-409d-8f3e-67a9dfcf6fce"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[Mu]", "\[Rule]", "\[Mu]T"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Theta]", "\[Rule]", "\[Theta]T"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Beta]", "\[Rule]", "\[Beta]T"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Sigma]", "\[Rule]", "\[Sigma]T"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Gamma]", "\[Rule]", FractionBox[ SqrtBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"3", " ", SuperscriptBox["\[Gamma]T", "2"]}], "+", SuperscriptBox["\[Eta]T", "2"]}]], SqrtBox["3"]]}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Tau]", "\[Rule]", FractionBox[ SqrtBox[ RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["\[Eta]T", "2"], "+", RowBox[{"6", " ", SuperscriptBox["\[Tau]T", "2"]}]}]], SqrtBox["6"]]}]}], "}"}]], "Print", CellChangeTimes->{3.8408435639294977`*^9}, CellLabel-> "During evaluation of \ In[24]:=",ExpressionUUID->"6491e409-cb69-434b-9278-f3ac0271cce8"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[Mu]", "\[Rule]", "\[Mu]T"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Theta]", "\[Rule]", "\[Theta]T"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Beta]", "\[Rule]", "\[Beta]T"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Sigma]", "\[Rule]", "\[Sigma]T"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Gamma]", "\[Rule]", FractionBox[ SqrtBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"2", " ", SuperscriptBox["\[Gamma]T", "2"]}], "+", SuperscriptBox["\[Eta]T", "2"], "+", RowBox[{"2", " ", SuperscriptBox["\[Tau]T", "2"]}]}]], SqrtBox["2"]]}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Tau]", "\[Rule]", "0"}]}], "}"}]], "Print", CellChangeTimes->{3.840843563934083*^9}, CellLabel-> "During evaluation of \ In[24]:=",ExpressionUUID->"443e70e4-1682-4c1e-85a6-7e9036549fbd"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[Mu]", "\[Rule]", "\[Mu]T"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Theta]", "\[Rule]", "\[Theta]T"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Beta]", "\[Rule]", "\[Beta]T"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Sigma]", "\[Rule]", FractionBox[ SqrtBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"12", " ", SuperscriptBox["\[Gamma]T", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["\[Eta]T", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"15", " ", SuperscriptBox["\[Sigma]T", "2"]}]}]], SqrtBox["15"]]}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Gamma]", "\[Rule]", "0"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Tau]", "\[Rule]", FractionBox[ SqrtBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6", " ", SuperscriptBox["\[Gamma]T", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"7", " ", SuperscriptBox["\[Eta]T", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"30", " ", SuperscriptBox["\[Tau]T", "2"]}]}]], SqrtBox["30"]]}]}], "}"}]], "Print", CellChangeTimes->{3.8408435639399357`*^9}, CellLabel-> "During evaluation of \ In[24]:=",ExpressionUUID->"34d5d274-2ccc-47df-8c21-d516e3befec8"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[Mu]", "\[Rule]", "\[Mu]T"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Theta]", "\[Rule]", "\[Theta]T"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Beta]", "\[Rule]", "\[Beta]T"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Sigma]", "\[Rule]", FractionBox[ SqrtBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"2", " ", SuperscriptBox["\[Gamma]T", "2"]}], "+", SuperscriptBox["\[Eta]T", "2"], "+", RowBox[{"2", " ", SuperscriptBox["\[Sigma]T", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"2", " ", SuperscriptBox["\[Tau]T", "2"]}]}]], SqrtBox["2"]]}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Gamma]", "\[Rule]", "0"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Tau]", "\[Rule]", "0"}]}], "}"}]], "Print", CellChangeTimes->{3.840843563944392*^9}, CellLabel-> "During evaluation of \ In[24]:=",ExpressionUUID->"2062ef6f-97ff-4ca7-b6f3-544c957c2fb2"] }, Open ]], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", "Null", "}"}]], "Output", CellChangeTimes->{3.840843563948447*^9}, CellLabel->"Out[24]=",ExpressionUUID->"b0daa33a-1e26-44e8-8a91-b88c54479b41"] }, Open ]], Cell["\<\ In theory, you can do the same thing when the misspecified model has a random \ treatment effect instead of time (see example below, for a SWT with only two \ time points where the second sequence remains in control); however, this is \ much more difficult computationally than the fitted time case. It may be \ more feasible to find numeric solutions, using the same system of equations. \ \>", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.8408252846286573`*^9, 3.840825308682012*^9}, { 3.841420598904724*^9, 3.841420682824143*^9}, {3.841421022746323*^9, 3.841421059930835*^9}, {3.842118645454672*^9, 3.842118649349145*^9}, { 3.84211867963826*^9, 3.842118727615179*^9}, 3.842118780903203*^9},ExpressionUUID->"d47d6b3e-2475-45b5-a5d0-\ 53ff5e158dd5"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"globalJ", " ", "=", " ", "2"}]], "Input", CellChangeTimes->{{3.840929811049201*^9, 3.84092981661025*^9}}, CellLabel->"In[1]:=",ExpressionUUID->"10507af6-f3c2-4859-bbe8-3ea92df8f0dc"], Cell[BoxData["2"], "Output", CellChangeTimes->{3.8409298284924183`*^9, 3.841079145869013*^9, 3.841245645764028*^9, 3.841421194433416*^9, 3.8421203670697327`*^9}, CellLabel->"Out[1]=",ExpressionUUID->"d5f86ef8-489a-4ca0-826e-fc795684d699"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"globalK", " ", "=", " ", "5"}]], "Input", 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"globalJ", ",", "globalI", ",", "globalMisspecMeans", ",", "globalMisspecDist", ",", "globalTrueMeans", ",", "globalTrueDist"}], "]"}], "*)"}], RowBox[{"(*", RowBox[{ "Commented", " ", "out", " ", "because", " ", "it", " ", "takes", " ", "so", " ", "long", " ", "to", " ", "run"}], "*)"}]}]], "Input", CellChangeTimes->{{3.84084543461278*^9, 3.840845436329302*^9}, { 3.842118512261237*^9, 3.842118527779402*^9}}, CellLabel->"In[9]:=",ExpressionUUID->"7d2e9508-4467-4cf1-98bc-69eadac73685"], Cell[BoxData[""], "Input", CellChangeTimes->{{3.840826346709618*^9, 3.84082634785142*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"319f9bfe-3996-4821-a6e6-\ e851402135a2"], Cell["\<\ Here is an example of how you might try to solve the problem above using \ numeric solutions, for a particular set of true parameter settings (all fixed \ effects are 0, all standard deviations are 1). \ \>", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.841427462199782*^9, 3.841427546415409*^9}, { 3.841430258172319*^9, 3.841430260465376*^9}, 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Root 2, Root 3, and Root \ 4. \ \>", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.841427555073413*^9, 3.841427634948304*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"53ab85ec-9274-4696-b74e-\ 13869344713b"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData["systemsolutions"], "Input", CellChangeTimes->{{3.841422539289526*^9, 3.841422541100841*^9}}, CellLabel->"In[15]:=",ExpressionUUID->"ebfdc02b-14ad-4920-8d0d-7bf9d0e737a6"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[Theta]", "\[Rule]", "0"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Mu]", "\[Rule]", "0"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Beta]", "\[Rule]", "0"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Eta]", "\[Rule]", "1.63835604381825`"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Tau]", "\[Rule]", "0"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Sigma]", "\[Rule]", RowBox[{"-", "1.6059101370939326`"}]}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[Theta]", "\[Rule]", "0"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Mu]", "\[Rule]", "0"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Beta]", "\[Rule]", "0"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Eta]", "\[Rule]", RowBox[{"-", "1.6383560438182498`"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Tau]", "\[Rule]", "0"}], 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",", RowBox[{"\[Beta]", "\[Rule]", "0"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Eta]", "\[Rule]", "0"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Tau]", "\[Rule]", "0"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Sigma]", "\[Rule]", "1.8027756377319948`"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}]], "Output", CellChangeTimes->{3.841422542913075*^9, 3.841424185105941*^9, 3.842124513259646*^9}, CellLabel->"Out[15]=",ExpressionUUID->"84faeb2e-5839-40d7-b74a-def717c9e58d"] }, Open ]], Cell["\<\ Below, we find another set of solutions for a different set of true \ parameters, but we set the true random time standard deviation to 0 so that \ the model is correctly fitted. With these numeric solutions the number of \ roots returned varies with different settings, but seems to usually include \ Root 1. For example, running this design with a smaller K produces all four \ roots. This may be a result of the algorithm used to find numeric solutions, \ and perhaps using a different algorithm or better settings would resolve this \ inconsistency.\ \>", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.841427711712859*^9, 3.8414277601239557`*^9}, { 3.842119488948069*^9, 3.8421195272111397`*^9}, {3.842120261612302*^9, 3.842120265038846*^9}, {3.842128508314906*^9, 3.842128614960854*^9}, { 3.8421286566396437`*^9, 3.842128658888865*^9}, {3.8421287010638943`*^9, 3.842128763317553*^9}, {3.842128796544509*^9, 3.842128877854631*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"ada655f9-6983-4afe-87c9-\ 9ede12e4b741"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"systemsolutionsCorrectModel", " ", "=", " ", RowBox[{"NSolve", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Simplify", "[", RowBox[{"Total", "[", RowBox[{"allclusterresults", "[", RowBox[{"[", RowBox[{"All", ",", "1"}], "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], "\[Equal]", "0"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Simplify", "[", RowBox[{"Total", "[", RowBox[{"allclusterresults", 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",", RowBox[{"\[Beta]", "\[Rule]", "2.`"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Eta]", "\[Rule]", RowBox[{"-", "0.10000000000002413`"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Tau]", "\[Rule]", RowBox[{"-", "0.49999999999999584`"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Sigma]", "\[Rule]", RowBox[{"-", "1.0000000000000004`"}]}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[Theta]", "\[Rule]", "0.4999999999999985`"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Mu]", "\[Rule]", "0.9999999999999999`"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Beta]", "\[Rule]", "2.000000000000001`"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Eta]", "\[Rule]", RowBox[{"-", "0.10000000000002991`"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Tau]", "\[Rule]", "0.499999999999996`"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Sigma]", "\[Rule]", RowBox[{"-", "0.9999999999999999`"}]}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[Theta]", "\[Rule]", "0.49999999999999906`"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Mu]", "\[Rule]", "0.9999999999999998`"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Beta]", "\[Rule]", "2.000000000000001`"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Eta]", "\[Rule]", "0.10000000000002614`"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Tau]", "\[Rule]", 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3.842128380378643*^9}, CellLabel->"Out[17]=",ExpressionUUID->"a53d9b47-3c93-46f9-b1e4-0ff7c954416f"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, WindowSize->{1362, 694}, WindowMargins->{{Automatic, -4}, {8, Automatic}}, FrontEndVersion->"12.0 for Linux x86 (64-bit) (April 8, 2019)", StyleDefinitions->"Default.nb" ] (* End of Notebook Content *) (* Internal cache information *) (*CellTagsOutline CellTagsIndex->{} *) (*CellTagsIndex CellTagsIndex->{} *) (*NotebookFileOutline Notebook[{ Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[580, 22, 174, 3, 99, "Title",ExpressionUUID->"aacbf99d-72df-4e0d-afa9-5a046eaf59dd"], Cell[757, 27, 235, 6, 54, "Subtitle",ExpressionUUID->"865509ed-e829-4da2-8a6b-b1ee258dfd92"], Cell[995, 35, 938, 16, 108, "Text",ExpressionUUID->"58321f11-18c1-42ef-a49e-0959bb14df77"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1958, 55, 164, 3, 68, "Section",ExpressionUUID->"3632c21d-87e5-4081-b84f-e17aa7c4f929"], Cell[2125, 60, 383, 7, 60, "Text",ExpressionUUID->"e1256848-e1ac-4fa7-96ee-cfe6d1e4e27f"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2533, 71, 413, 8, 31, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"e94b5028-78ab-463d-a6f2-c2d0d26dffa5"], Cell[2949, 81, 171, 2, 35, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"6705c4ac-4176-47d2-8526-47fc0c2f1d16"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[3157, 88, 360, 7, 31, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"7b1e7800-589e-45f3-a10e-ef3608ca3b2b"], Cell[3520, 97, 171, 2, 35, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"beac4473-d065-4fc9-bab4-222ca341ae86"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[3728, 104, 359, 7, 31, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"373b4162-0817-4ed8-8d9a-b463c8481589"], Cell[4090, 113, 198, 3, 35, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"8df7c247-660c-4966-ab6a-18ce6f884d1d"] }, Open ]], Cell[4303, 119, 1085, 17, 108, "Text",ExpressionUUID->"18c364b0-ba7e-476f-9a86-908ced61ae83"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[5413, 140, 1490, 37, 78, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"a2d64d12-78b3-4c89-a387-7d157539b7e5"], Cell[6906, 179, 870, 21, 35, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"08181603-b7ec-46c9-b4be-ad18112408e8"] }, Open ]], Cell[7791, 203, 644, 11, 60, "Text",ExpressionUUID->"7e3ad16b-dc70-4f68-9207-71f074793174"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8460, 218, 2045, 48, 101, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c037cb12-e3bf-4a7f-b6ef-8e5038f5f2f1"], Cell[10508, 268, 1659, 39, 82, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"4fdd298f-8300-4255-8647-37bfc34f33c6"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[12216, 313, 172, 3, 68, "Section",ExpressionUUID->"6375191c-bc5f-4326-bb9e-ec5d58b2aae3"], Cell[12391, 318, 300, 6, 36, "Text",ExpressionUUID->"de245a2c-2998-4c52-9aa0-45e1a6c58ab5"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[12716, 328, 789, 20, 31, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"eda2c88b-a706-4cb6-8515-33b88a1321b0"], Cell[13508, 350, 777, 19, 35, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"60b74d4e-b9a2-49f0-975d-7dfb499cd318"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[14322, 374, 1442, 33, 55, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"fd5f4c4c-2b63-4b70-86a5-a42f27c14c1d"], Cell[15767, 409, 1325, 32, 59, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"e1f5cff3-d314-4387-b2d0-9996dd0c5a4a"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[17141, 447, 154, 3, 68, "Section",ExpressionUUID->"7e327074-a70f-4451-baf1-26df076deb70"], Cell[17298, 452, 319, 7, 36, "Text",ExpressionUUID->"85e3e2cc-01d2-4d4a-8d23-2000e2c573ad"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[17642, 463, 195, 3, 46, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"ed7f56ca-f494-49e0-8098-3dc8f57c6dfa"], Cell[17840, 468, 365, 9, 31, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"b641b2ed-6751-4369-97e5-47b4e2c3af36"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[18242, 482, 182, 3, 46, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"e9b31185-84b1-4180-8d3f-15587f28f355"], Cell[18427, 487, 2852, 73, 239, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"1360f179-03b8-4aa2-a876-db7903ffad9a"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[21316, 565, 298, 7, 46, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"da38c6e8-d4f9-43fa-a5fb-714127c79ae6"], Cell[21617, 574, 556, 10, 60, "Text",ExpressionUUID->"96b75e57-9017-4f95-8802-2a1991dba9fa"], Cell[22176, 586, 10493, 239, 952, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"ccc6429d-c684-44b0-994a-c7f7b2625fd0"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[32706, 830, 235, 5, 46, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"3327ccc8-20b1-454a-89af-0f8d73077a9b"], Cell[32944, 837, 415, 9, 60, "Text",ExpressionUUID->"e4c63bd3-f0c4-43ae-9a35-7ec70b0f438a"], Cell[33362, 848, 4837, 116, 262, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"6d95393f-0b82-4ded-99d0-163f381e079f"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[38236, 969, 254, 6, 46, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"b7687df2-a93f-42b8-bed3-eb367e86bcbb"], Cell[38493, 977, 409, 8, 60, "Text",ExpressionUUID->"508b2b02-58ad-4a85-b9cc-b807b90626fd"], Cell[38905, 987, 10463, 239, 952, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"8258f428-4af7-44dd-96e2-4f5385ed368d"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[49405, 1231, 240, 6, 46, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"1b881987-9a6d-40f3-8c91-a6ca9b37ba8e"], Cell[49648, 1239, 391, 8, 60, "Text",ExpressionUUID->"fc82acc5-3d9a-4e6f-a607-3c3f747c3cd1"], Cell[50042, 1249, 4703, 113, 262, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"3f3512a5-0e92-47b3-95fc-e8ead62fa59a"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[54794, 1368, 155, 3, 68, "Section",ExpressionUUID->"f24c430e-4bee-4a7c-a392-a29e250e1233"], Cell[54952, 1373, 1094, 17, 108, "Text",ExpressionUUID->"f31de37a-d304-4c3f-a0ed-d23cdf0d528b"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[56071, 1394, 380, 7, 31, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"28e19c34-f0e4-409d-8f3e-67a9dfcf6fce"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[56476, 1405, 865, 26, 57, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"6491e409-cb69-434b-9278-f3ac0271cce8"], Cell[57344, 1433, 758, 21, 57, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"443e70e4-1682-4c1e-85a6-7e9036549fbd"], Cell[58105, 1456, 1072, 32, 57, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"34d5d274-2ccc-47df-8c21-d516e3befec8"], Cell[59180, 1490, 826, 23, 57, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"2062ef6f-97ff-4ca7-b6f3-544c957c2fb2"] }, Open ]], Cell[60021, 1516, 174, 3, 35, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"b0daa33a-1e26-44e8-8a91-b88c54479b41"] }, Open ]], Cell[60210, 1522, 761, 12, 84, "Text",ExpressionUUID->"d47d6b3e-2475-45b5-a5d0-53ff5e158dd5"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[60996, 1538, 208, 3, 31, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"10507af6-f3c2-4859-bbe8-3ea92df8f0dc"], Cell[61207, 1543, 243, 3, 35, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"d5f86ef8-489a-4ca0-826e-fc795684d699"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[61487, 1551, 259, 4, 31, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"1f0864b1-1b2c-4f53-b0da-e556af26397e"], Cell[61749, 1557, 218, 3, 35, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"ccec83b7-56de-47d2-9f79-3000f2444af5"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[62004, 1565, 143, 2, 31, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"70eca650-5705-4b78-9622-e88ff10316ce"], Cell[62150, 1569, 219, 3, 35, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"f6bd313b-4068-43ba-8aa3-b96baffb885c"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[62406, 1577, 644, 16, 31, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"4008afa3-4907-4559-96e1-ed50e0dc7dd7"], Cell[63053, 1595, 601, 16, 35, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"9d5a1528-bf3a-4c4a-b4b0-df4587e7cf96"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[63691, 1616, 1370, 31, 78, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"0dd0b910-f3f7-4b72-bbe9-af210e994936"], Cell[65064, 1649, 1248, 30, 59, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"0ead273d-a1d9-4415-8c48-ae7c9f095e82"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[66349, 1684, 650, 17, 31, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"b9b43512-bb6c-4bb1-b363-d62f537292c5"], Cell[67002, 1703, 605, 17, 35, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"0dfe20ff-ff26-4e0d-9ca7-abc4f636cf27"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[67644, 1725, 819, 18, 31, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"e0599a54-a623-4f6e-b42d-64ccf9293cfe"], Cell[68466, 1745, 745, 18, 35, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"47eda995-984e-43fc-a426-45acebd1facd"] }, Open ]], Cell[69226, 1766, 638, 14, 55, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"7d2e9508-4467-4cf1-98bc-69eadac73685"], Cell[69867, 1782, 151, 3, 31, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"319f9bfe-3996-4821-a6e6-e851402135a2"], Cell[70021, 1787, 449, 8, 60, "Text",ExpressionUUID->"485e2afb-c7a9-4121-b369-d6990a4af068"], Cell[70473, 1797, 799, 18, 78, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"83abdf15-bebf-42f8-845c-a2069a40a664"], Cell[71275, 1817, 2576, 66, 124, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"7d692563-6490-4525-a4b3-9e9d0b020b12"], Cell[73854, 1885, 383, 8, 60, "Text",ExpressionUUID->"53ab85ec-9274-4696-b74e-13869344713b"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[74262, 1897, 186, 2, 31, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"ebfdc02b-14ad-4920-8d0d-7bf9d0e737a6"], Cell[74451, 1901, 6892, 162, 197, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"84faeb2e-5839-40d7-b74a-def717c9e58d"] }, Open ]], Cell[81358, 2066, 1001, 16, 84, "Text",ExpressionUUID->"ada655f9-6983-4afe-87c9-9ede12e4b741"], Cell[82362, 2084, 2617, 66, 124, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"28f77d97-a399-45ab-9813-567744019da5"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[85004, 2154, 200, 2, 31, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"9d74bad5-11c6-4195-bcb4-eb78a830f5df"], Cell[85207, 2158, 4796, 99, 105, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"a53d9b47-3c93-46f9-b1e4-0ff7c954416f"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] } ] *)