Ox Console version 8.02 (Linux_64) (C) J.A. Doornik, 1994-2018 This version may be used for academic research and teaching only OX PROGRAM: application-1.ox OX VERSION: 802 DISTRIBUTION: Unit Gamma FILE THAT CONTAINS THE DATA: data_application-1.mat SAMPLE SIZE: 44 TOTAL NUMBER OF COVARIATES: 7 Convergence status, unrestricted: Strong convergence Convergence status, restricted: Strong convergence Number of parameters in the submodel for mu (p): 4 Number of parameters in the submodel for phi (q): 3 Number of restrictions (l): 2 Null hypothesis H0: (delta_2 = ... = delta_3) = 0 Parameter estimates (beta, delta): beta_1 beta_2 beta_3 beta_4 estimate 1.062 -0.663 0.474 -0.476 standard error 0.150 0.150 0.086 0.086 delta_1 delta_2 delta_3 estimate 1.603 2.030 0.625 standard error 0.204 0.241 0.241 Test statistics: w w* w** statistic 47.9205 41.9234 42.1110 p-value 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Pseudo-R^2: R2 R2c R2LR R2LRc 0.6066 0.5429 0.8559 0.8209 Model selection criteria: AIC BIC AICc -124.0121 -111.5228 -120.9010 DATE: 26-08-2019 TIME: 22:00:33 EXECUTION TIME: 0.02