function estimated_mean_NN_random_simulation_3D_cellshape(area_dir, points, resolution, cell_size_diameter, trial_number, out_dir) % This script is improved version of the script used for nearest neighborhood analysis in % DIIFCO paper in Nature Biomedical Engineering (Tanaka et al., 2020). % This script considers the size of the simulated cell and all random cells % has distance each other to reflect more real biological situation. % All cell volume is designed to be inside of the sample shape. %% Save data % data_ind_dists: Nearest neighborhood analysis of real segmented point analysis (points) % ind_dists_All: Nearest neighborhood analysis of simulated data from area_dir % emNN_mean: Mean values of nearest neighborhood distance in each simulation % emNN_random_std: Standard deviation of nearest neighborhood distance from each simulation % emNN_random_mean: Mean value of nearest neighborhood distance of all simulation % points_space_record: All xyz coordinate of simulated points % record_dists_all: Selection history of simulated points by criteria of overlap and outside of area %% Contact % Shigeaki Kanatani, Staff Scientist, Karolinska Institutet % %% Parameters % -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % The 'area_dir' is the folder path for binary area data, which has isotropic resolution. % The 'points is xyz coordinate' (3 columns) of centroids of cells in real space (um). % The resolution parameter should be isotropic and one value. In this paper, 5um isotropic / voxel was used. example, '5' % The 'cell_size_diameter' is the sphere diameter (maicro-meter) where random cells are not located at in the simulation; In this paper, '50' is used. % The 'trial_number' is how many time you want to simulate. '1000' is used. % The 'out_dir' is the folder path to save output data. %% START % load area_image area_image = ImageSeries_openBinary(area_dir); % get area_rem point number indM = find(area_image == 1); area_point_number = length(indM); % get the number of segmentated number points = points(:,1:3); % points should be the csv file of 3 columns, but just in case point_number = length(points); sz=size(area_image); %Image_size=[y,x,z]; %pixel value % preallocation for recording (everything is zero or empty) emNN_mean = zeros(trial_number,1); points_space_record = cell(trial_number,1); record_dists_all = cell(trial_number,1); ind_dists_All = zeros(point_number,2, trial_number); % generate perimeter (Area - 1 voxel erosion) se = strel('sphere', 1); % this make a structure element of sphere of diameter 3. area_image_rem = imerode(area_image, se); % this remove one voxel from the original sample shape area_image_peri = area_image - area_image_rem; % this process leave voxel of perimeter and remove inside. indM_peri = find(area_image_peri == 1); % this find the position of shape in the single indexing area_peri_point_number = length(indM_peri); [y_peri, x_peri, z_peri] = ind2sub(sz, indM_peri); % convert peri_points into x, y, z coordinate points_space_peri = [resolution * x_peri resolution * y_peri resolution * z_peri]; % Get points in real space ptCloud_peri = pointCloud(points_space_peri); % convert perimeter points into pointCloud tic poolobj = gcp('nocreate'); delete(poolobj); no_of_workers = 12; parpool ('local',no_of_workers); parfor t=1:trial_number % Preallocation ind_dists = zeros(point_number, 2); record_dists = []; points_space_re = []; points_space = []; point_logical = false(point_number,1); % Precondition points_needs = point_number - sum(point_logical(:)) ; % this should be the same value with point_number while points_needs > 0 % until point all suffice the condition % Getting random points from space random_points = datasample(indM, points_needs); % Get random points from segmented area [y, x, z] = ind2sub(sz, random_points); % convert random_points into x, y, z points_space_re = [resolution * x resolution * y resolution * z]; % Get points in real space points_space = cat(1, points_space(point_logical,:), points_space_re); % replace bad points to new random points ptCloud = pointCloud(points_space); % conversion all points to pointcloud point_logical = false(point_number,1); % preallocation % remove points which area is overlapping or outside of the space for o=1:point_number % Calculate the distance to second nearest point in the random points [indices_seg,dists_seg] = findNearestNeighbors(ptCloud, ptCloud.Location(o,:), 2); % Calculate the distance to nearest point of peri-meter point of surface [indices_peri,dists_peri] = findNearestNeighbors(ptCloud_peri, ptCloud.Location(o,:), 1); % if two point are closer than 50um, or a point is close more than 25um(half of cell size), remove it if dists_seg(2) < cell_size_diameter || dists_peri < cell_size_diameter/2 point_logical(o) = 0; %if it is overlapped or very close to surface, value will be 0 else point_logical(o) = 1; %Otherwiese, it is 1(True) end ind_dists(o,1) = double(dists_seg(2)); % For recording ind_dists(o,2) = double(dists_peri); end points_needs = point_number - sum(point_logical(:)); % Calculate how many points need to be reobtained. record_dists = cat(2, record_dists, ind_dists, point_logical); % For recording. Order is cell-cell distance, cell-surface distance and flag(0 is not ok) end %% Calcurate nearest neighbor distance for p=1:point_number ptCloud = pointCloud(points_space); % Calculate distance to second nearest point because first point is itself. [indices, dists] = findNearestNeighbors(ptCloud, ptCloud.Location(p,:),2); ind_dists(p,:) = [double(dists(2)), double(indices(2))]; % Take info about second points %disp(['Processing point=' num2str(p)]); end record_dists_all{t} = record_dists; %for recording points_space_record{t} = points_space; %for recodring emNN_mean(t) = mean(ind_dists(:,1)); %for recording ind_dists_All(:,:,t) = ind_dists; %for recording disp(['Simulation trial=' num2str(t) ' done.']); end %% Calculation of the mean NN value of actual data data_ind_dists = zeros(point_number,2); y = points(:,1); x = points(:,2); z = points(:,3); data_points_space = [x y z]; % the points already um scale in real space parfor p=1:point_number ptCloud_seg = pointCloud(data_points_space); [indices, dists] = findNearestNeighbors(ptCloud_seg, ptCloud_seg.Location(p,:),2); data_ind_dists(p,:) = [double(indices(2)), double(dists(2))]; disp(['Processing point=' num2str(p)]); end data_mean = mean(data_ind_dists(:,2)); %% Calculation of NN index emNN_random_mean = mean(emNN_mean); emNN_random_std = std(emNN_mean, 1); %enNN_random_stE = emNN_random_std / sqrt(point_number); [h,p,ci,zval] = ztest(data_ind_dists(:,1), emNN_random_mean, emNN_random_std); NN_index = data_mean/ emNN_random_mean; save ([out_dir '\' 'data_ind_dists.mat'],'data_ind_dists'); NNA_summary = cat(2, data_mean, emNN_random_mean, emNN_random_std, ... point_number, trial_number, NN_index, ... h, p, ci(1), ci(2), zval); Header ={'Data_Mean_distance', 'Simulation_Mean_distance', 'Simulation_Standard_deviation', ... 'Point_number', 'Trial_number', 'NN_index', ... 'Hypothesis', 'p-value', 'Confidence interval1', 'Confidence interval2','z-value'}; csvwrite_with_headers([out_dir '\' 'NNA_summary.csv'], NNA_summary,Header); save([out_dir '\' 'NNA_summary.mat'],'NNA_summary'); save ([out_dir '\' 'ind_dists_All.mat'],'ind_dists_All'); save ([out_dir '\' 'emNN_mean.mat'],'emNN_mean'); save ([out_dir '\' 'emNN_random_mean.mat'],'emNN_random_mean'); save ([out_dir '\' 'emNN_random_std.mat'],'emNN_random_std'); save ([out_dir '\' 'points_space_record.mat'],'points_space_record'); save ([out_dir '\' 'record_dists_all.mat'],'record_dists_all'); mkdir ([out_dir '\' 'simulation_csv']); for s=1:trial_number simulation_save = points_space_record{s}; writematrix(simulation_save, [out_dir '\simulation_csv\simulation_csv_' num2str(s,'%.4d') '.csv']); end poolobj = gcp('nocreate'); delete(poolobj); toc end