,MR No.,Hist_report 2,FN16000008,"CLINICAL DETAILS: Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast wide excision of the previous lumpectomy.B) Left axillary dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received single skin covered soft tissue bits measuring 7.5x5.5x3.5cm.Skin flap measures 6x3cm.Surface shows scar measuring 3.5cm.Cut surface shows greywhite ill defined lesion with fibrosis measuring 2x2x1.5cm, located at the following distance from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 0.8cm.Inferior margin -- 1.0cm.Medial margin -- 0.8cm.Lateral margin -- 0.8cm.Deep margin -- 1cm.Superficial -- 0.9cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 10x6x2cm.Largest lymph node measuring 4x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Left breast wide excision of the previous lumpectomy:Multiple sections reveal normal breast parenchyma with foci of foreignbody giant cell reaction. No residual tumor seen.The superior, medial, inferior, lateral and deep margins are free of tumor.B) 9 left axillary lymph nodes isolated are negative for malignancy (0/9).IMPRESSION:A) Left breast wide excision of the previous lumpectomy:No residual tumor seen.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Left axillary dissection:9 left axillary lymph nodes isolated are negative for malignancy (0/9)." 3,FN16000054,"H16-5197SPECIMEN :Left breast, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.3 to 1.8cm.Entire tissue processed.Microscopy :Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumour cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Left breast, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4,FN16000080,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy of Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1 cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core biopsy :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 5,FN16000122,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma breast - Post Chemo and Post Lumpectomy.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.B) Left axilla scar tissue.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Received in á á á á áá :á Formalin.Procedureáá á á á á áá : Modified Radical Mastectomy.Lateralityá á á á á á á áá : Left breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateralááá á á áá : 16 cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deepááá : 3.5 cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferiorá á á : 12 cm.Skin ellipseáááá á á á áá : 10 x 5.5 cm.Nippleááááááááááááááááááááá : Retracted.Tumour locationáááááá : Retroareolar regionTumor seize á á á á á á : An ill defined greywhite fibrotic area measuring 1.8 x 1 x 1 cm.Margins of tumorááááá : Ill defined.Deep margin á á á á á á : 1.5 cm.Adjacent breastáááááááá : Fibrofatty tissue.Total number of nodes : 10 nodes.Size of largest node : 1.5 x 1 x 1 cm. Cut surface show fatty infiltration seen.Representative sections are submitted.B) Received single skin covered fibrofatty tissue measuring 2.3x1.2x1.1cm. Skin surface shows a scar measuring 1.4cm in length.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from tumor shows residual tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular or perineural invasion is not identified.IMPRESSION :A) Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy(Post Chemo and Post Lumpectomy) :RESIDUAL INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2.áá - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1).áá - Tumor is located in the retroareolar region.áá - Tumor measures 1.8 cm in greatest dimension.áá - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.áá - Perineural invasion is not identified.áá - Nipple and Areola are free of tumor.áá - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Lymph nodes :Eleven lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy (0/11).B) Left axilla scar tissue :Negative for malignancy.Pathological stage : ypT1cN0" 7,FN1700015,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -12.5cm Superficial - Deep -3.5cm Superior - Inferior -12cm Skin ellipse : 11.5x5cm Nipple : ulcerated, retractedScar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : SingleTumour Size : 3.6x3x2cm Location of tumor : central quadrantMargins of tumor : well circumscribed with cystic space showing papillary areas Deep margin : 0.5cm Muscle : Present measures 5x3.5cmAdjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : 9x7x1.5cmTotal number of nodes : 13 lymph node Size of largest node : 2x1.5x1cmIMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed: -Maximum dimension of tumor is 3.6cm with invasive ductal carcinoma measures 0.3cm, Grade II. Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation: 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 2 Tumor measures 3.6cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ few ducts are showing intraductal papillary carcinoma in situ, measures 0.6cm Lymphovascular invasion presentPerineural invasion presentPosterior resection margin muscle bundle - free of tumorTumor is extending to skin of nipple and areola - epidermis is free from tumor.Lymph nodes: 4 lymph nodes, show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 13 nodes. Summary : Right MRM,Invasive papillary carcinoma,grade II.Focal areas of papillary ductal carcinoma in situ present.Nodal metastases 4 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 13 nodes Perinodal spread is present.Pathological stage : pT2N1" 8,FN1700017,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in Right Breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right Breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring a lesion arranged as cords, nests and tubules. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus with moderate atypia and scanty cytoplasm. Stroma shows fibrosis, hyalinisation and focal desmoplasiaIMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score 7/9Tubule formation :3Nuclear pleomorphism :2Mitotic figures :2 _________ 7/9 _________" 9,FN1703934,CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast Multiple liver space occupying lesion - ? Metastasis.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Liver lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multipleá grey white to grey browná linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged as clusters and tubules. The neoplastic cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Lymphovascular emboli seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Liver lesion:Invasive carcinoma suggestive of metastasis in a known case of carcinoma breast. 10,FN1704890,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast retroareolar mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple fragments of breast parenchyma having a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords, nests, trabecular and in tubules. The cells round to oval hyperchromatic to vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Areas of fibrosis noted. IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1). " 11,FN1707208,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass.Carcinoma breast / ? lobular carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white to grey yellow linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in cords and occasional nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Suggestive of invasive carcinoma with lobular features, grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 12,FN1707532,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters and islands. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationá á á á : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________" 13,FN1713378,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 greywhite linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged in tubules clusters floating in lakes of mucin. The neoplastic cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma with Mucinous areas, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score 6/9, grade 2.Tubule formationá á á á á : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------------" 14,FN1715063,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear tissue cores harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged as nests, sheets and focal glands. The individual tumor cells show increased nucleo cytoplasm ratio, nuclear hyperchromasia, pleomorphism and scant amount of vacuolated cytoplasm. The surrounding shows is composed fibricollagenous and adipose tissue and shows infiltration by lymphocytes, plasma cells few eosinophils and neutrophils.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive dictal carcinoma grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubular formationáááááááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááááá -- 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááááááá -- 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------" 15,FN1717819,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast - postlesion in left breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left BreastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue with an invasive neoplasm in nests and cords. The cells show moderate eosinophilic neoplasm pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and occasional cells shows nucleoli. stroma is demoplastic and myxoid with lymphocyte infiltrate IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma, NST, grade 3Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------ 8/9 -----" 16,FN1719118,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show multiple linear cores with tumor cells arranged in sheets and nests.The tumor cells have increased nuclear cytoplasmic ratio,round nuclei and scant to moderate amount of cytoplasm. Perivascular arrangement of tumor cells is seen .Frequent mitotic figures are discerned.Extensive necrosis is noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, NOS, nuclear grade 2" 17,FN1802496,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lung mass with cyst and cleft - Carcinoma breast - ? MalignantSPECIMEN:Right Breast Core BiopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual tumor cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 18,FN1802638,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests . Individual cells have hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6 (3+2+1)." 19,FN1803315,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast post NACT.SPECIMEN:A) Left mastectomyB) Axilla node.GROSS FINDINGS:A)Received in : Formalin Procedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :23.5cm Superficial to Deep :9.5cm Superior to Inferior :19cmSkin ellipse :23.5x9cm shows ulceropolypoidal lesion measures 9.5x8x5.5cm Nipple :Normal, another nodule present at nipple measure 0.5cm in dimension.Scar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : SingleTumor Size : 8x7x6cm Location of tumor : All quadrant Margins of tumor : Infiltrative Deep margin : 2.8cmMuscle : Present measures 8x4x2.5cmAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Lymph nodes : 14Size of largest node : 2.5x2cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 10x6x5cm Largest lymph nodes measures 3x2x1.5cm.IMPRESSION:Left breast left modified radical mastectomy Post NACT.Invasive Ductal Carcinoma with large areas of necrosis. Another nodule at nipple areola shows invasive ductal carcinoma tumor is infiltrating the epidermis with ulceration.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 9/9, Grade IIITubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 3Tumor measures 9.5x8x5.5 in greatest dimension id located in the all quadrant of tumor.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identifiedLymphovascular invasion presentPerineural invasion presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : A nodule present at nipple and areola shows invasive ductal carcinomaLymph nodes - 8 lymph nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 14 nodes. 8/14.SUMMARY:Left Post NACT modified Radical Mastectomy Residual viable tumor presentInvasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II.Nodal metastasis 8 nodes show metastatic deposit of out of 14 nodes.8/14" 20,FN1804690,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.7 to 1 cm, entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections of linear cores of breast parenchyma is infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in tubules and cords. The lesional cells have round to irregular hyperchromatic nucleus, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Ductal carcinoma in situ component is seen.Foci of calcification seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 1.Modified Bloom Richardson score : 5/9Tubule formation : 1Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic activity : 2" 21,FN1805388,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right chest wall lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.4-0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibroadipose tissue infiltrated by a lesion arranged in sheets, nests. The cells have moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Mitosis noted. Stromal desmoplasia noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right chest wall lesion:Invasive Carcinoma, suggestive of recurrence in a known case of carcinoma breast." 22,FN1806700,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma both breast. SPECIMEN :A) Right Modified Radical Mastectomy. B) Level 3 nodes. C) Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.D) Level 3 nodes. GROSS FINDINGS : A) Right Modified Radical Mastectomy :Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Right Modified Radical Mastectomy post lumpectomy. Laterality : Right breast. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 16 cm. Superficial to Deep : 5 cm. Superior to Inferior :18 cm.Skin ellipse :14.5x9cm.Nipple : Unremarkable.Scar/Surgical defect : Linear scar seen at 6 '0' clock measures 4cm. Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 1.5x1x1cm. Cut surface shows circumscribed, grey white to grey yellow granular areas. No solid tumor present. Location of tumor : 6 '0' clock position (corresponding scar)Margins of tumor : Well defined. Deep margin : 2.5 cm. Muscle : Present. 3x2x0.5cm. Axillary breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 7x6x2cm. Total number of nodes : Level - 1-II, 24 nodes. Size of largest node : 1.5 x1.2x1cm. Cut surface fatty infiltrate. B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2.5x2cm. C) Left Modified Radical Mastectomy :Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Left Modified Radical Mastectomy post lumpectomy. Laterality : Left breast. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 15cm. Superficial to Deep : 5 cm. Superior to Inferior :19 cm.Skin ellipse :18x13cm.Nipple : Unremarkable.Scar/Surgical defect : Absent. Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 2x1.5x1.5cm. (Grey white & tiny cystic areas) Location of tumor : Central quadrant. Margins of tumor : ill defined. Deep margin : 3.5 cm. Muscle : Absent. Axillary breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 7x6x2cm. Size largest node : Level - 1-II, 24 nodes. Size of largest node : 1.5x1x1cm. Cut surface - grey brown. D) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x2x1cm. Resected 6 nodes. IMPRESSION:A) Right Modified Radical Mastectomy, post NACT:Tumor bed : No residual viable tumor present areas of fibrosis, necrosis, inflammatory cellular infiltration consisting of lymphocytes histiocytes and granulation tissue present. Histological type : No residual viable tumor present. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: isolated twenty four lymph nodes are free of tumor(0/24).B) Level III nodes, laterality not specified:Isolated six lymph nodes are free of tumor.C) Left Modified Radical Mastectomy, post NACT. Tumor bed : Residual viable tumor present in the central quadrant. The surrounding breast parenchyma shows fibrosis, necrosis and lymphoplasmacytic infiltration in the retro areolar region. Fibrocytic disease with duct ectasia is present. Histological type : Residual viable tumor present - invasive ductal carcinoma. Tumor measures maximum dimension : 2x1.5cm. Invasive component measures : 2cm. Ductal carcinoma in situ is not identified. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ................. 7/9 .................Lymphovascular invasion present. Perineural invasion not identified. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: Isolated fifteen lymph nodes are free of tumor(0/15).D) Level III nodes, laterality not specified:Isolated five lymph nodes are free of tumor(0/5)" 23,FN1812840,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Lump left breast. SPECIMEN :Lumpectomy (Wide local excision). GROSS FINDINGS :Received single globular measures 4x4x3cm. Skin measures 2x1cm. Cutsurface grey white to grey brown areas of tumor measures 1x0.5cm. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section studied show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and sheets and cords. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with ares of hemorrhage and necrosis. IMPRESSION : Left breast, wide local excision. Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 2.Modified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3 Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ............ 7/9 .............Tumor measures 1cm in greatest dimension.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not seen. Ductal carcinoma in situ solid pattern noted. measures 0.3cm. All margins of resection (Superior, inferior, medial, lateral and deep) are free of tumor. " 24,FN1813611,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast, post NACT.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy(Post NACT).GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Left Modified Radical Mastectomy, Post NACT.Laterality : Left.Total dimensions : Medial to lateral -- 21 cm Superficial to Deep -- 4 cm. Superior to Inferior -- 12 cm.Skin ellipse : 12 x 9 cm. Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Absent.Tumor : Single.Tumor Size : 2 x 1.5 x 1 cm. Location of tumor : Retroareolar fibrotic lesion, central quadrant. Margins of tumor : Illdefined. Deep margin : 2cm.Muscle : 2cm.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 11 x 6 x 2 cmSize of largest node : 2 x 1.5 x 1 cm.Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast parenchyma showing residual tumor cells arranged in cords and nests. The cells have round nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Lymphovascular or Perineural invasion is not identified. Treatment related changes are seen.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy(Post NACT) :RESIDUAL INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1). - Tumor is located in the retroareolar region. - Tumor measures 2 cm in greatest dimensions. - Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is seen of cribriform and solid pattern with intermediate nuclear grade. - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. - Perineural invasion is not identified. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes:Ten lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy (0/10).Pathological stage: ypT1cN0" 25,FN1815927,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump. SPECIMEN:Left breast lump biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in nests and tubules. The neoplastic cells show increased N:C ratio, moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with few showing prominent nucleoli. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST. Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 26,FN1816775,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in tubular pattern and in cords .The lining neoplastic cells show moderate cytoplasm moderatelyá pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump. :Invasive carcinoma,NST. Grade - IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 27,FN1901311,"CLINICAL HISTORY :History of lumpectomy.Left axillary lymph node.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left axillary lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragment cores measures 1.3 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of lymphoid tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in glandular pattern, trabeculae and nests. The lesional cells are round to polygonal with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus. Few showing prominent nucleoli and intranuclear inclusion. Occasional mitotic figures seen. Interspersed are sheets of lymphoid population.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left axillary lymph node:Metastatic deposits of invasive carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast." 28,FN1911480,">right breast lump biopsy >invasive carcinoma, nst, grade 2 >modified bloom richardson score is 69. >tubule formation -- 3 >nuclear pleomorphism -- 2 >mitotic figures -- 1 > ----------- > 69 > -----------" 29,MR160000025,"CLINICAL DETAILS PROVIDED: Small right breast lump ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple greywhite to greybright linear cores measuring 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as tubules and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Lymphovascular emboli seen.Foci of calcification.IMPRESSION: Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score : 6/9, grade 2.Tubular formation á á á áá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism:: 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá :á 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------------ááááááááááááááááááááááá " 30,MR160000035,"CLINICAL DETAILS PROVIDED: Case of lump in left breast ? Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey-white, grey-brown, grey-yellow linear core each measuring 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Extensive DCIS component is seen.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core biopsy:INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6 (3+2+1).- Extensive areas of Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ of Solid and Cribriform pattern with Intermediate grade are seen." 31,MR160000071,"SPECIMEN:Lump left breast.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received single skin covered soft tissue bit measuring 0.8x0.5x0.5cm.Entire tissue is processed.B) Received 3 greywhite linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :A) Section shows large, atypical cells spread throughout the epidermis. Individual cells have round to oval nuclei with moderate to abundant clear to light staining cytoplasm. Occasional intracytoplasmic melanin is also seen.B) Section shows three cores of tissue infiltrated by a lesion with cells arranged in nests and cords. Individual cells are moderate to markedly pleomorphic, atypical hyperchromatic nucleus few with prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of pale to granular eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:A) Nipple and Areola complex, Biopsy :Features are suggestive of Paget's disease.B) Left breast, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)" 32,MR160000085,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN :Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 3 greywhite linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION :Infiltrating ductal carcinoma ,left breastModified BR score is 6/9, grade 2.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 __________ 6/9 ________" 33,MR160000090,"CLINICAL DETAILS PROVIDED: Case of lump in left breast ? Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey-white linear core measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 34,MR160000101,"CLINICAL DETAILS : Case of mass in left breast.SPECIMEN: Left breast, Core biopsy.Received multiple grey-white to grey-brown cores measuring 0.4 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION: Left breast, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 35,MR160000120,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN :Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as tubules and islands neoplasm arranged. The meoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclear conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm lymphovascular emboli seen.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2.Tubules formationáááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________" 36,MR160000124,"H16-2524SPECIMEN :Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 greywhite linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Linear cores of breast parenchyma showing cellular lesion arranged nests and sheets. The cells have illepular hyperchromatic nuclei inconspicuous nucleolus and moderate amount of cytoplasm. No lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade IITubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 _______ 7/9 ________" 37,MR160000127,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of lump in left breast.SPECIMEN :Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 greywhite linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters and sheets. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is elastotic.IMPRESSION :Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________" 38,MR160000140,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS : Left breast lump -?Carcinoma.SPECIMEN : Trucut biopsy of left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS : Received 3 greywhite linear cores measuring 4.5 to 1.8 cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS : Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests.Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.Few large bizarre forms are seen.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 3. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8(3+3+2)." 39,MR160000142,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS : Carcinoma left breast(Post 3NACT).SPECIMEN :Left breast and axilla.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Time of receipt at lab : 12:50pm,21-04-16.Time to formalin Procedure :Mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial ?lateral:22cm Superficial ?Deep:4.5cm Superior-Inferior:17cm.Skin ellipse :17x10cm.Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : : Single.Tumour bed shows : Grey white areas measuring 3 x 2 x 1.5 cm.Distance to nearest separate tumor foci (when multiple )Location of tumor : Lower inner quadrant. Margins of tumor : Illdefined. Deep margin : 2cm.Muscle : Present. Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty. Total number of nodes : 17 (Specify if Sentinel nodes sent )Size of largest node : 2.5x2x1cm.Cut surface is greywhite.Axillary tail : 6x5x2.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows no residual tumour. treatment related changes are seen including extensive areas of sclerosis, fibrosis with compressed benign ductal elements , focal areas of chronic inflammatory infiltration consisting of lymphocytes and plasma cells. Areas of calcification present. IMPRESSION:Left Breast and axilla, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy (Post NACT) :No Residual tumor seen.- Treatment related changes are present.- Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.- Perineural invasion is not identified.- Posterior resected margin is free of tumor.Lymph nodes :One out of Fifteen lymph nodes shows metastatic tumour deposit(1/15). - Size of the tumour focus measures 0.3 cm in greatest dimension. - No Extranodal Extension is seen.Pathological stage : ypT0N1a" 40,MR160000145,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump -? carcinoma.SPECIMEN :Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 3 greywhite linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as tubules and cords. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic to vesicular nuclei with conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm .Probable lymphovascular emboli seen.IMPRESSION :Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2.Tubules formationáááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________" 41,MR160000147,"CLINICAL DETAILS PROVIDED:Known case of paget's disease, right breast with underlying lump.SPECIMEN:A) Lumpectomy with nipple and areola complex.B) Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measuring 9x8x2.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 4.5x3.5cm.Nipple and areola show ulcerated lesion and excision measuring 1.5x1cm. Cut surface shows greywhite ill defined firm to hard tumor mass measuring 3x2.5x2.2cm.Distance from superficial ulceration measuring 3.5cm.Nearest ink margin 0.2cm away.B) Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy:Received iná :á Formalin.Time of receipt at lab : 1:55pm.Procedureááá : Mastectomy with axillary clearance.Lateralityáá : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateraláááá : 20cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deep : 5.5cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferioráá : 17cm.Skin ellipseááááá :á 16.5x9cm.Nippleááááááááááááá : Nipple and areola- Excised along with frozen specimen.Scar/ Surgical defect : 6x2.5cm present in the region of nipple and areola.Lumpectomy bed measuring 10x8.5x3.5cm.Location of tumor : central and Upper quadrant.Margins of tumor : Fibrofatty.Deep margin : 3.5cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 18 nodes.Size of largest node : 3x2x1cm. Cut surface shows greywhite firm areas.Axillary tail : 8x5x3cm.An ill defined fibrotic greywhite area present adjacent to lumpectomy bed in the upper quadrant measuring 2x1.5x1.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Lumpectomy with nipple and areola complex(frozen specimen)Tumor mass measuring 3x2.5x2.2cm with Invasive ductal carcinoma.Tubular formation " 42,MR160000153,"SPECIMEN:Left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1.5 to 1.8cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters of islands. The neoplastic cell exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have vesicular nuclei, conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Occasional large bizzare cells are noted.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Left breast biopsyMBR score is (7/9),Grade 2.Tubule formation:3Nuclear pleomorphism:2Mitotic activity:2" 43,MR160000160,"SPECIMEN:Biopsy from supraclavicular lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 tiny grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.2 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Needle core biopsy from left supraclavicular lymph node reveals pleomorphic cells arranged in clusters. The cells show vesicular nucleus prominent nucleoli and eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Metastatic carcinoma.Kindly look for primary in aerodigestive tract ,breast, lung." 44,MR160000165,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN :Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 5 greywhite linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Linear cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests, tubules and islands consisting of ovoid cells demonstrating moderate atypia and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Intervening areas show desmoplastic stroma.IMPRESSION :Biopsy from left breast lesion :Invasive ductal carcinomaModified BR score is 6/9, grade 2.Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 45,MR160000183,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Lump right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Right MRM.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 19cm. Superficial to deep : 5cm. Superior to inferior: 17cm.Skin ellipse : 13.5x9.5cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar : Longitudinal in 6 '0' clock position measures 3cm.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : Residual tumor present measuring 1.5x1x1cm.Location of tumor : 6 '0' clock position, periareolar.Margins of tumor : ill defined.Deep margin : 2.5cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 17 nodes.Size of largest node : 1.8x1.5x1cm. Cut surface shows greyblack.Axillary tail : 9x6x2cm.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed : Extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ present, solid, cribriform papillary and comedonecrosis. Focal areas show small focus of invasive ductal carcinoma.Surrounding parenchyma shows fibrosis, necrosis and inflammatory cells.Tumor measures 1.5x1cm in greatest dimension and is located in the 6 '0' clock periareolar quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Extensive areas of DCIS.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is not present.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 17 lymph nodes, No metastatic deposits of tumor out of 17 nodes.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy, Post lumpectomy:Residual tumor present with Extensive areas of DCIS with comedonecrosis. Focal areas of invasive ductal carcinoma is seen.Lymph nodes: 17 lymph nodes, No metastatic deposits of tumor out of 17 nodes." 46,MR160000197,"SPECIMEN :Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 3 greywhite to greybrown linear core measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumour cells in nests and diffuse sheets. Individual tumour cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2á- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 47,MR160000215,"SPECIMEN :Left breast lump - Trucut biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 3 grey white linear core measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows cores of tissue showing infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets and cords. Individual cells are mild to moderately pleomorphic, hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate amount of granular eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Left breast lump, Trucut biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 48,MR160000225,"SPECIMEN :Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 3 grey-white linear core measuring 1 to 1.3 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumour cells in cords and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Carcinoma with Lobular features, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 49,MR160000229,"SR-16-2529SPECIMEN :Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 3 grey-white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring cellular lesion arranged as nests and sheets. The cells have hyperchromatic nuclei inconspicuous nucleolus and moderate amount of cytoplasm. No lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade IITubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 _______ 7/9 ________" 50,MR160000246,"SPECIMEN :Right breast mass, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 5 greywhite linear core measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in sheets containing ovoid cells with moderate amount of exhibiting cytoplasm, hyperchromatic to vesicular nucleus, few exhibiting prominent nucleoli. Atypical mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia, areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. Karyorrhectic debris is seen IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NOS, High grade (9/9) (3+3+3)." 52,MR160000285,"CLINICAL DETAILS :Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN :Left Breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received in : Formalin.Time of receipt at lab : 3:30pm.Procedure : Mastectomy MRM.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 17cm. Superficial - deep : 3cm. Superior-inferior : 21cm.Skin ellipse : 15 x 8 cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single, Grey-white areaTumor size : 1.8 x 1.8 x 1.6 cm.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 2 cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 8 nodes.Size of largest node : 3 x 2 x 1 cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Axillary tail : 9 x 8 x 3 cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows tumor cells in diffuse in sheets and nests. Individual cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular invasion or perineural invasion is not identified.IMPRESSION :Left Breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 3. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8(3+2+3). - Tumour is unifocal and is located in the Upper Outer Quadrant. - Tumor measures 1.8 cm in greatest dimension. - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. - Perineural invasion is not identified. - Ductal carcinoma-in-situ component is not identified. - Nipple and Areola is free of tumor. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor and is 2 cm away from the tumor.Lymph nodes :Eight lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy(0/8).Pathological stage : pT1cN0" 53,MR160000289,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma of left breast.SPECIMEN: Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received ináááááááááááááááááááááááá : Formalin.Procedureááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Mastectomy á Lateralityáááááááááá ááá á ááá ááááááá : Left MRM.Total dimensionsáá á ááá ááááááá : Medial to lateral:19cm áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep:3cm. ááá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior:17cm. Skin ellipseáá ááá á ááá áááááááááááá : 12.5x7.5cm. áá á Nipple áá ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect áá áááááá : Not seen.Tumor :ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Single.Tumour Size ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááá : 3x2.8x2cm.Location of tumorááááááááááááá á á : Upper inner quadrant. Margins of tumor áá á ááá áááááá :á Infiltrative. á áá áááá Deep margin áá ááá áááááááááááááá :á 2cm.Muscle áá ááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Present. Adjacent Breastáá á ááá áááááááá : Fibrofatty. á á ááá Total number of nodes áá ááá :á 18 Size of largest node áá á ááá á : 1.5x1x0.5cm.cut surface--Fatty infiltration.Axillary tailáááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 10x7x2cm.Another cystic area located adjacent to tumor.Cut surfaceá yielded clear fluid.IMPRESSION:Left Breast,Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. Modified BR score is 6/9Tubular formation:3Nuclear pleomorphism:2Mitotic figures:1Tumor measures 3cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the upper inner quadrant. High grade Focal Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ present, solid and comedonecrosis type.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion areá not identifiedPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is normal.Lymph nodes: Eighteen lymph nodes,metastases zero (0/18)." 54,MR160000301,"H16- 2522SPECIMEN :Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 3 greywhite linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Linear cores of breast parenchyma showing cellular lesion arranged as sheets. The cells have irrepular hyperchromatic nuclei inconspicuous nucleolus and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Foci of ductal carcinoma in situ seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade IITubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 _______ 7/9 ________Focus of dutal carcinoma in situ seen (solid type)." 55,MR160000305,"SR 16- 2530SPECIMEN :Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 2 skin and covered soft tissue bit measuring 1.5x1x0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section show breast parenchyma with the overlying skin which is ulcerated because of cellular lesion. The lesion is arranged nests and sheets. The cells have pleomorphic vesicular nuclear prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. No lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion seen. Areas of necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified BR score is 8/9, grade IIITubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 _______ 8/9 ________Areas of necrosis seen." 56,MR160000350,"SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores from breast parenchyma shows tumor arranged in tubules, nest. Show moderate to abundant amount of cytoplasm with hyperchromatic nuclei depicting moderate degree of nuclear pleomorphism. Areas of hemorrhage seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma,Modified BR score is 6/9 grade 2Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 __________ 6/9 ___________" 57,MR160000362,"CLINICAL DETAILS : Carcinoma of left breast.SPECIMEN: A) Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.B) Level III lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy:Received in : Formalin. Procedure : Mastectomy MRM. Laterality : Left breast. Total dimensions : Medial -lateral : 16cm. Superficial -Deep : 5cm. Superior-Inferior : 15cm.Skin ellipse : 12.5x7cm. Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : : Single.Tumour Size : 3x2.5x1cm.Location of tumor : Central quadrant. Margins of tumor : Ill defined. Deep margin : 2.5cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Total number of nodes : 13 Nodes.Size of largest node : 2x1.5x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Axillary tail : 8x5x3cm.Grossed by : Dr. Nidhi.B) Level III lymph nodes:Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 1x1x0.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Multiple sections reveal breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged sheets, cords and targetoid configuration around ducts. The lesional cells are round to ovoid with vesicular nuclei exhibiting moderate to marked atypia and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. There is extensive perineural invasion.Intervening areas show desmoplastic stroma.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Deep margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola are unremarkable.13 left axillary lymph nodes isolated are negative for malignancy (0/13).IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy:Invasive Carcinoma with lobular features.Modified BR score 7 (3+2+2). Tumor measures 3cm in greatest dimensionand is located in the central quadrant. Focal Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ, comedo pattern and lobular carcinoma-in-situ.Perineural invasion identified.Lymphovascular invasion not identifiedPosterior resection margin is free of tumor Nipple and areola are free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 13 lymph nodes, negative for malignancy (0/13). " 58,MR160000390,"SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy .GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey browná linear coreá measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissueá processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2á- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 59,MR160000395,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of carcinoma left breast. Post BCS, CT,RT. Lower defined lesion underlying the scar.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lesion underneath the scar.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey whit4e linear cores measures 0.5-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrofatty tissue with extensive areas of hyalinisation and histiocytes. No evidence of malignancy noted.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lesion underneath the scar:Shows treatment related changes. No evidence of invasive malignancy seen." 60,MR160000407,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Known case of carcinoma, right breast (Post lumpectomy on 31/3/16).SPECIMEN: Sentinel lymph node biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 3x3x2cm.The biggest lymph node measuring 1.5x1x1cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Dissected 8 nodes.IMPRESSION:8 Nodes show reactive hyperplasia- No deposits of tumor (0/8)." 61,MR160000427,"SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as nests, cords and tubules. Individual cells are round to oval with hyperchromatic nucleus, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows areas of fibrosis.Ductal carcinoma in situ present.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). - Ductal carcinoma in situ, solid type with intermediate nuclear grade is present." 62,MR160000436,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of lump is right breast ?carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey whiteá to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 0.5cm. Entire tissueá processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as cords and nests. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Lymphovascular emboli seenIMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, gradeá : 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________" 63,MR160000438,"Clinical details:Right breast lump ? carcinomaSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissueá processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear core of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as cords and nests. The neoplastic cells are round to polygonal have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Foci of high grade ductal carcinoma in situ with comedo necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR 7/9, grade 2Tubule formation á á á á á á : 3Nuclear pleomorphism á á : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______High grade ductal carcinoma in situ (comedo pattern) present." 66,MR160000531,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Hetrogenous irregular mass lesion in lateral aspect of right breast - likely malignancy.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters, cords and tubules. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm probable. Lymphovascular emboli seen. Areas of necrosis seen.áIMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________ááááááááá " 67,MR160000532,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN : Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.2 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Linear core of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as cords and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is fibrous.IMPRESSION :Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________" 68,MR160000549,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast -Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score : 6/9, grade 2.Tubule formation á á á áá :á 3Nuclear pleomorphism :á 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá :á 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------------Areas of necrosis seen." 69,MR160000557,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast 6 months.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 16cm. Superficial - deep : 3cm. Superior-inferior : 9cm.Skin ellipse : 10.5x4.5cm.Nipple : Discolouration and distorted nipple.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 2.2x2x1.5cm.Location of tumor : Retroareolar.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin (muscle) : 0.8cm.Muscle : Present.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 20 nodes.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration. Axillary tail : 8x5x2.5cm.IMPRESSION :Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified BR score is 6 (2+2+2).Tumor measures 2.2cm in greatest dimension and is located in the retroareolar central quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ not present.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are present.Posterior resectionmargin is freee of tumor.Nipple and areola : Tumor is infiltrating into the epidermis of the nipple and areola.Lymph nodes: 2 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 20 nodes (2/20).SUMMARY: Right MRM- Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Tumor is infiltrating into the epidermis and nipple and areola.Posterior resected margin is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 2 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 20 nodes (2/20)." 70,MR160000598,"H16-2657SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear core measuring 1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma show cellular lesion arranged as nests and sheets. The cells have irregular hyper chromatic nuclei inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion not identified.IMPRESSION;Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 __________ 7/9 ____________" 71,MR160000605,"SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2á- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 72,MR160000609,"H16-5792SPECIMEN:A) Wide local excision.B) Revised deep margin.C) Revised deep margin.D) Left mastectomy specimen.E) Left axillary clearance.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Wide local excision:Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 7.5x7x3.5cm.Overlying skin ellipse measuring 5x1cm.Scar seen measuring 3cm in length.Tumor is present measuring 2x1.5cm.Solid other areas sectioning shows fibrotic areas noted measuring 3.5x3x2.2cm.Distance of margin from tumor area, located at the following distance from respective margins:-Superior magin -- 1cm.Inferior margin -- <0.4cm.Medial margin -- 2.5cm.Lateral margin -- 3cm.Deep margin -- 0.3cm.B) Revised deep margin:Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3.5x2x1cm. C) Revised inferior margin:Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 5.5x5x1cm.D) Left mastectomy specimen:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 20cm. Superficial - deep :4cm. Superior-inferior : 15cm.Skin ellipse : 11x9cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : 6x4cm.Lumprectomy bed shows focal solid areas are present measuring 1.5x1cm.Location of tumor : Outer quadrant.Deep margin : 0.9cm from tumor mass.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.E) Left axillary clearance:Axillary tail measuring 8x7x5cm.Largest lymph node measuring 2x2x1.8cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.IMPRESSION:A) Wide local excision:Tumor bed : The section shows clumps, groups of oval to pleomorphic polyhederal cells with hyperchromatic nucleus.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Residual tumor present measuring 2x1.5cm.Tubular formation <10% : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------------------ 7/9 -------------------Modified BR score is 7/9, Nuclear grade II.Lymphovascular invasion : Present.Perineural invasion is present.Superior margin : Free of tumor.Inferior margin : Involved by the tumor.Medial margin : Free of tumor.Lateral margin : Free of tumor.Deep margin : Involved by the tumor.B) Revised deep margin- Fibrofatty tissue : Free of tumor.C) Revised deep margin: Involved by the tumor.D) Left mastectomy specimen:Tumor bed : Focal areas. Residual tumor present with features of invasive ductal carcinoma. Areas of fibrosis, necrosis, haemorrhage are present.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures 1.5x1cm in greatest dimension and is located in the outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Plenty of tumor emboli.Perineural invasion : Present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 4 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of viable invasive ductal carcinoma out of 15 nodes. Perinodal spread present.SUMMARY:Left mastectomy specimen:Focal areas of viable tumor present, grade II.Lymph nodes: 4 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of viable invasive ductal carcinoma out of 15 nodes. Perinodal spread present." 73,MR160000629,"H16-2661SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear core measuring 0.4 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast tissue showing a cellular lesion arranged in cords and nests with individual cells exhibiting moderate to marked pleomorphism, irregular round to oval hyper chromatic nuclei inconspicuous nucleoli, few with intranucleará inclusious and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows fibrosis and inflammatory infiltrates consisting mainly of lymphocytes. Lots of crush artifact seen.IMPRESSION :Invasive poorly differentiated carcinoma, with nuclear grade II.No lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion seen.Suggest IHC to rule out Lobular carcinoma " 74,MR160000634,"H16-2659SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.3 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with cellular lesion arranged as nests. The cells have hyper chromatic nuclei inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Focus of solid pattern of ductal carcinoma in situ noted. No lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 __________ 6/9 ____________Ductal carcinoma in situ - solid pattern seen.No lymphovascular invasion seen." 75,MR160000650,"SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast tissue harboring a lesion arranged in nests, cords and vague tubular pattern. The cells are ovoid with moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and few with prominent nucleoli. Atypical mitotic figures are discerned. Extensive in situ component is seen .Stroma shows desmoplasia and mild inflammatory infiltrates with areas of hemorrhage.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lesion Invasive Carcinoma, Grade 2 (2+2+2).Extensive in situ component seen." 76,MR160000671,"H16-6881SPECIMEN :Right Breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : Formalin.Procedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá :á Modified radical Mastectomy.Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá :ááá Right Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medial to lateralá -2.2cmáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áá Superficialá to Deep - 4cm á ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferiorá - 13cmSkin ellipseááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááá á :á 14x10cmNippleá /areolaáááááááááááááááááááááá :á Unremarkable.Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááááááá : Not seenTumorá firm, fibrotic grey whiteá : SingleVague lump á ááá ááá ááááááááááá á áá : 2.5 x 1.8 x 1 cmá Location of tumorááá ááá áááááá á á :áá Central upperá quadrant.Margins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á áá :á ill defined. ááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá áá á á á á áá : 2 cmMuscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááá á ááá á :á Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá á á á á áááá :á Fibrofatty tissue áááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá á á á :9x5x2.5cm.Total number of lymph nodesáá : 23 lymph nodes.Size of largest nodeááááááááááá :1.8x1x0.6cmRepresentative sections are submitted.Microscopic Findings:Section shows residual tumour cells in glandular pattern, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular and Perineural invasion is not seen. Treatment related changes are seen including fibrosis, sclerosis, lymphocytes and congested capillaries.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy(Post NACT) :RESIDUAL INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 1.Definite response to treatment is seen.á - Modified Boom Richardson score isá 5(2+2+1).á - Tumour is unifocal and is located in the central upper quadrant. á - Tumor measures 2.5 cm in greatest dimension.á - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.á - Perineural invasion is not identified.á - Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ of cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen.á - Nipple and Areola are free of tumor.á - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor and is 2.0 cm away from the tumour.Lymph nodes : Twenty three lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy(0/23).SUMMARY :Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Post NACT statusResidual invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade I.Lymph nodes: 23 lymph nodes, Metastasis:0 (0/23)." 77,MR160000675,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear core 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters cells cords and tubules. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and vacuolated cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________________" 78,MR160000705,"SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lesion, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.8 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lesion, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 79,MR160000713,"SPECIMEN:Left Breast mass, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grywhit linear cores measuring 0.5 to 15 cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section sows linear cores of breast parenchyma, harboring a lesion arranged in sheets cords and nests. Individual tumour cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Stroma shows desmoplasia, areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. Atypical mitotic figures are discerned.IMPRESSION:Left Breast mass, Biopsy.Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)" 80,MR160000718,"SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic pleomorphic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Brisk mitotic activity is seen.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 3- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8(3+2+3)." 81,MR160000723,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure : Modified radical mastectomy post NACT Laterality : left Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -16cm Superficial - Deep - 4.5cm Superior - Inferior - 14cmSkin ellipse : 14x10cm Nipple and areola : unremarkable Scar/ Surgical defect : seen measures 1x0.5cm in outer quadrantTumor : Single Tumour Size : 4.5x4x3.3cm Location of tumor : upper inner quadrant Margins of tumor : illdefined Deep margin : 0.6cm Muscle : Present measures 3x2cm Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 6x5x3cmTotal number of nodes : 19 nodesSize of largest node : 2.0x2x1cm, cut surface shows grey white to grey yellow. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- Residual viable tumor presentInvasive ductal carcinoma with focal areas of fibrosis and necrosis present, Grade III. Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 3Tumor measures 4.5x4cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper inner quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is indeterminate.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 19 lymph nodes, no deposits of tumor out of 19 nodes. SUMMARY:Left post chemotherapy MRM, Residual viable tumor present.Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade III.Nodal metastases 19nodes show no deposits of tumor." 82,MR160000729,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breastSpecimen: Modified radical mastectomyReceived 13 blocks labelled as 180/16.IMPRESSION :Sub optimally processed tissue Infiltrating ductal carcinoma(laterality not mentioned)Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 __________ 6/9 ____________No lymphovascular emboli seen.Nipple areola : free of tumorFor tumor size kindly refer to Original pathology reportComment on lymph nodes cannot be made on the sub optimally processed tissue -8 lymph nodes isolated however owing to poor morophology involvement cannot be commented upon.Could we please have the specimen for further evaluation and to perform ER/PR ." 83,MR160000750,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right Breast, post NACT.SPECIMEN:A) Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.B) Level III lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -16cm Superficial - Deep - 3cm Superior - Inferior - 13cmSkin ellipse : 9x7cm Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : AbsentTumor : Single Tumour Size : Tumor A - measures 2x1.2x1cm- fibrotic area, another surface shows fibrous mass. Location of tumor : upper outer quadrantMargins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 0.5cm Muscle : Present measures 3x2.5cm Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 3.5x3x2cmTotal number of nodes : 9 lymph nodesSize of largest node : 1.5x1x1cm,cut surface show grey white appearance.B) Level III lymph nodes : 2 nodes, show no deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed;-Shows fibrotic,myxomatous inflammatory cellular infiltrate consisting of lymphocytes,histiocytes occasional giant cells and degenerated tumor cells.No evidence of viable tumor present.Adjacent area in the retroareola shows fibroadenoma. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: level I,II - 2 lymph nodes, shows fibrotic areas with no viable tumor cells out of 9 nodes.B) Level III lymph nodes : 2 nodes,show no deposits of tumor.SUMMARY:Right MRM - post NACT, Tumor bed:- fibrosis,myxomatous areas, necrosis and degenerated cells.No viable residual tumor present.Nodal metastases 2 nodes shows fibrotic areas - no viable tumor cells out of 9 nodes." 84,MR160000758,"SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple tiny grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.2 to 0.8 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and occasional tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 85,MR160000768,"CLINICAL DETAILS : Carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN:A) Right modified radical mastectomy specimen.B) Level III right axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received ináááááááááááááááááááááááá : Formalin. Procedureáááááááááááááááááááááá :ááá modified radical mastectomy specimen.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Lateralityáááááááááá ááá á ááá ááááááá : Right á Total dimensionsáá á ááá ááááááá : Medial -lateral : 22cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial -Deep : 7cm. áá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-Inferior : 19cm.Skin ellipseáá ááá á ááá áááááááááááá : 15x9cm. á Nipple áá ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá :Normal áScar/ Surgical defect áá áááááá : Not seen.Tumor :ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Single.Tumour Size ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááá : 5x5x4cm.Location of tumorááááááááááááááá :á Central quadrant.á Margins of tumor áá á ááá áááááá : Infiltrativeá á áá áááá Deep margin áá ááá áááááááááááááá : 1.5cm.Adjacent Breastáá á ááá áááááááá : Fibrofatty. á á ááá Size of largest node áá á ááá á : 2.5x2x1cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.Axillary tailáááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 5x5x3cm.B) Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 2x2x2cm.Isolated 8 lymph nodes.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast, Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. Modified BR score 7 (Tubule formation =3á Nuclear pleomorphism =2 mitoses= 2). Tumor measures 5cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the central quadrant. Focal Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ, comedo pattern with high nuclear grade is seen.áLymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion areá seen.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor Nipple and areola are unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 18 lymph nodes, 11 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor. No perinodal spread seen.B) Level III right axillary lymph nodes:8 Level III right axillary lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor. No perinodal spread seen." 86,MR160000790,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN: Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:BREASTReceived in : Formalin Procedure : Mastectomy MRM. Laterality : Left.Total dimensions : Medial - lateral:20cm. Superficial - Deep:3cm. Superior-Inferior:18cm.Skin ellipse : 11x7cm. Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : : Single.Tumour Size : 2x1.5x1cm. Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant. Margins of tumor : Ill defined. Deep margin : 0.8cmMuscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty Total number of nodes : Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.5cm,Cut surface is greywhite.Axillary tail : 5x4x3cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple sections from breast parenchyma show a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests,cords and tubules.Cells are having pleomorphic round to oval vesicular nuclei,Prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm.Mitotic figures discerned.Stroma shows lymphocytic infiltration.Lympovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion not identified.Ductal caricnoma in situ not seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation: 02Nuclear pleomorphism:02Mitotic activity:02.Tumor measures 2cm in greatest dimension.Deep margin is 0.8cm away and free of tumor.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not identifiedDuctal carcinoma in situ not identified.Nipple and areola show no significant histopathological change.Eleven lymph nodes identified,show reactive hyperplasia,free from tumor(0/11)." 87,MR160000818,"SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores each measuring 1cm in . Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplastic lesion arranged as nests, cords, tubules and sheets. Individual cells are oval to round with hyper chromatic nuclei few with prominent nucleoli and moderate to abundant cytoplasm. Ductal carcinoma in situ not present. Lymphovascular invasion not identified.IMPRESSION:Biopsy of left breast lesion :Invasive ductal carcinoma , Grade 3Modified BR score is 8(2+3+3).Ductal carcinoma in situ not seen.Lymphovascular invasion not identified." 88,MR160000856,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in right breast/ Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 greywhite linear core measuring 1x1.2cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parechyma harboring a lesion arranged as cords, tubules, nests and sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic, moderately pleomorphic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows focal desmoplasia and dense lymphocytic infiltrate. Lymphovascular invasion identified. Perineural invasion is seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.MBR score is 6 (2+2+2). Lymphovascular invasion identified. Perineural invasion is seen.DCIS (Solid and cribriform type) present." 89,MR160000890,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast - post lumpectomy - post NACT.SPECIMEN:Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT Total dimensions : Medial ?lateral - 18cm Superficial ?Deep - 3cm Superior-Inferior - 2cmSkin ellipse : 1x7cmNipple : Hypopigmentation seen in areola. Scar seen measuring 2.5cm, inferior to nipple areola.Scar/ Surgical defect : 2.5cm Tumor : Multiple Tumour Size : 2.x1x1cm,fibrotic area is present,located outer to the nipple. Location of tumor : Retroareolar Margins of tumor : IlldefinedDeep margin : 1cm Muscle : Present measuring 6.5cm.Adjacent Breast : Lower inner quadrant, ? fibroadenoma noted measuring 1x0.6x0.6cm. Axillary tail : 10x7x3cm.Total number of nodes : 16lymph nodesSize of largest node : 2x1.2x0.8cm.cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: No residual viable tumor is present, shows necrosis and fibrotic areas and focal inflammatory cells. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 15 lymph nodes, No deposits of tumor . SUMMARY:Right - post lumpectomy - post NACT MRM,No residual viable tumor present,shows necrosis and fibrosis.Nodal metastases 15 nodes - No deposits of tumor." 90,MR160000897,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast mass, carcinoma breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with a neoplastic lesion arranged as sheets, cords and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nucleus with inconspicuous nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis is seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass: Invasive ductal carcinoma. Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score:7/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear anaplasia: 2Mitotic figures: 2Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis is seen." 92,MR160000933,"SPECIMEN : Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 greywhite linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1.02. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 93,MR160000935,"SPECIMEN:Trucut biopsy of right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.52.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords.Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma,Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 94,MR160000937,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Irregulará lesion in leftá breast with nipple retraction- neoplastic.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.áIMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 95,MR160000938,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN :Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 2 greywhite linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in tubules, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Left breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1)." 96,MR160000939,"CLINICAL DETAILS: Carcinoma right breast/ HPE: IDC, Grade II.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast lump, wide excision.B) Revised deep margin of the lump.C) Axillary clearance.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received skin covered soft tissue bits measuring 5.5x4.5x2.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 4.5x2cm. Surface is unremarkable, cut surface shows ill defined greywhite firm area measuring 3x1.5x1.5cm, located at the following distance from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 0.8cm.Inferior margináá -- 0.8cm.Medial marginááá -- 1cm.Lateral margináá -- 1cm.Deep margináááá -- " 97,MR160000940,"SPECIMEN:Trucut biopsy of left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5 cm.IMPRESSION :Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6 (3+2+1).- Ductal Carcinoma in situ of solid and cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen." 98,MR160000949,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Bilateral breast cancer.SPECIMENA) Left breast.B) Left Breast.á GROSS FINDINGSA) Received skin covered soft tissue bit measuring 1.4x0.7x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.B) Received 6 linear cores measuring between 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGSA) Section show skin exhibiting ulceration and incorporating an underlying neoplasm arranged as islands and sheets. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei conspicuous, nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.B) Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as cords and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclear conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION :A) Invasive carcinoma, biopsy from right breastModified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formation ááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______B) Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formation ááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______" 99,MR160000966,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump? carcinomaSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters cords and tubules. The neoplastic cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm . Lymphovascular emboli seen. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.áIMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 5/9, grade 1Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 100,MR160000972,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Irregular mass in the left breast-NeoplasticSPECIMEN :Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS :Received four grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by diffuse sheets, cords and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION :Left Breast, Core Biopsy : Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)" 101,MR160001027,"SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyper chromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 102,MR160001039,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Multiple irregular lesion in right breast - carcinoma.SPECIMEN : A)Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section shows linear cores of breast tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as nested andá vague acinar pattern. Individual cells are oval to round with hyperchromatic pleomorphic nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Atypical mitosis noted. Stroma shows desmoplasia, lymphocytic infiltrate and myxoid change.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________Lymphovascular invasion not seen.Perineural invasion not seenDuctal carcinoma in situ not present." 103,MR160001042,CLINICAL DETAILS: Left nipple discharge.SPECIMEN :Microdochectomy left breast.GROSS FINDINGS :Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 7.5x5.5x0.5cmCut surface shows ill defined grey white areas and occasional ducts largest measuring 0.2cm diameter. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section reveal breast parenchyma exhibiting ducts with papillary proliferation of ovoid to cuboidal cells harboring vesicular nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. The ducts are lined by bilayered epithelial cells with absence in focal areas showing solid pattern with presence of mitotic figures. Few ducts contain foamy macrophages.Adjacent breast parenchyma shows features of sclerosing adenosis and fibrocystic change. Stroma shows prominent areas of hyalinization.Distance of duct from closest inked margin is 0.2cm.IMPRESSION :Microdochectomy left breast :Focus of invasive papillary carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ with intra ductal papilloma Tumour size : Invasive papillary carcinoma measuring 0.3cm in the greatest dimension. Ductal carcinoma in situ and intra ductal papilloma measuring 0.9cmClosest resected margin : 0.2cm. 105,MR160001054,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Large mass lesion --right breast - neoplastic.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multipleá grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits altogetherá measuring 0.5x0.5x0.5cm.Entire tissue processed.áIMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 106,MR160001064,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Multifocal irregular lesion in left breast - neoplastic.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey whiteá linear core measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.áIMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________Areas of necrosis seen." 107,MR160001085,"H16-2941SPECIMEN:Right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 greywhite liner core measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Etire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows 3 cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests, cords, trabeculaeand vague tubules . Individual cells have round to oval large pleomorphic vesicular nucleus, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount nucleus, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows dense desmoplasia occasional mitotic noted.IMPRESSION:Right breast biopsy.Invasive ductal carcinoma - Grade 1MBR score 5/9 (2+2+1)No lymphovascular invasion /perineural invasion seen." 108,MR160001104,"H16-2904SPECIMEN :Left breast, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white linear cores soft tissue bits measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as tubules, cords and nests of oval to round cells with hyper chromatic, pleomorphic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION :Left breast, core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 109,MR160001109,"H16-2903SPECIMEN :Right breast mass, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white linear soft tissue bits measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as tubules nests and cords. Individual cells have hyper chromatic moderately pleomorphic nuclei, few with prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows fibrosis and lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2á- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 110,MR160001121,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Time of receipt at lab : 2:15pm.Procedure : Mastectomy MRM.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 19cm. Superficial - deep : 2.5cm. Superior-inferior : 15cm.Skin ellipse : 11.5X4.5cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar : 6.5cm. Tumor : Single.Tumor size : Grossly no tumor identified, irregular, illdefined fibrotic greywhite area present in central quadrant around lumpectomy bed altogether measuring 1.5x0.8x2.5cm.Location of tumor : Central quadrant.Margins of tumor : Infiltrative.Deep margin : 0.7cm.Muscle : Present.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 16 nodes.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.8cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Axillary tail : 8x6x3cm.Lumpectomy cavity measuring 2x2x1cm.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed : Fibrosis, necrosis, inflammatory cells, foreign body giant cells and granulation tissue. No evidence of residual tumor present.- Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.- Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 16 lymph nodes- No deposits of tumor.SUMMARY: Right MRM- Tumor bed shows no residual viable tumor present.Nodal metastases : 16 lymph nodes- No deposits of tumor." 111,MR160001124,"SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right axillary lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear core measuring 1.5 to 1.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue demonstrating sheets and lobular pproliferation of large round monotonous population of neoplastic cells with vesicular nuclei, prominent eosinophilic nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm traversed by foci vascularized fibrocollagenous septa. There is brisk mitotic activity with focal aggregates of lymphocytes and plasma cells.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right axillary lymph node :Poorly differentiated malignancy.? Metastatic medullary carcinoma breast.? Metastatic apoceine carcinoma.? Metastatic dysgerminoma.Suggest IHC." 112,MR160001163,"SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear core measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as sheets and vague tubular pattern. Individual tumor cells are ovoid to columnar with hyper chromatic, Mild pleomorphic nuclei, few with prominent nucleoli and abundant amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Few cells with foamy cytoplasm noted. Mitotic figures discerned. Stroma shows fibrosis and lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma with apocrine features Biopsy from left breast lesion.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 __________ 7/9 ____________" 113,MR160001169,"H16-2922SPECIMEN :Left breast, lump biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white linear core measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows tumor cells in nests and diffuse sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 114,MR160001176,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as sheets and islands. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.áIMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 115,MR160001183,"SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1.5 to 1.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with a neoplastic lesion arranged in nest and sheets. The tumor cells have hyper chromatic pleomorphic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Atypical mitoses noted.áIMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 8/9, grade 3Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________Lymphovascular invasion not identified." 116,MR160001200,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as nests and islands. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The nucleus are relatively eccentrically placed. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.áIMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma with lobular features , Biopsy from right breast mass.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 117,MR160001212,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass with nipple dischange.Carcinoma breast / ? papillary mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey whiteá linear core measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________Foci of high grade ductal carcinoma in situ seen." 118,MR160001224,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast solid cystic lesion - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN :Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS :Received multiple tiny grey white linear cores measuring 0.2 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Linear cores of neoplasm arranged in papillary pattern bearing fibrovascular cores. These cores are lined by cubocolumnar epithelium exhibiting nuclear stratification and mild hyperchromasia and moderate cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Papillary neoplasm, Biopsy from left breast." 119,MR160001234,"SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.5 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as sheets, tubules with acinar and cribriform pattern. The cells are oval to round with hyper chromatic, pleomorphic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Atypical mitotic figures discerned. Large areas of necrosis present.áIMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast limp.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 120,MR160001243,"CLINICAL FINDINGS:Carcinoma Right Breast (post lumpectomy) ( post NACT) SPECIMEN:Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : MRM, Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -16cm Superficial - Deep - 3cm Superior - Inferior -10cmSkin ellipse : 14x7cm (lateral to scar nodule noted measuring 0.6x0.5cm) Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : 5cm lateral to nipple.Tumor : Single Tumour Size : 2x1.8x1.2cm Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant Margins of tumor : infiltrative Deep margin : 0.2cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 5x4x2cmTotal number of nodes : 11 Nodes.Size of largest node : 2.5x1.8x1.2cm,cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.Tumor bed :- Viable tumor present.Invasive ductal carcinoma with areas of fibrosis,necrosis present.At the lumpectomy scar inflammatory cells and foreign body giant cells are seen.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 2x1.8cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 11 lymph nodes, No metastatic deposits of tumor. SUMMARY:Right breast - post lumpectomy - post NACT, Residual viable tumor - Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II.Nodal metastases - No metastatic deposits of tumor seen." 121,MR160001246,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as cords,á tubules and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyper chromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Lymphovascular emboli seen. áIMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________Lymphovascular emboli seen.No ductal carcinoma in situ seen." 122,MR160001256,"CLINICAL DETAILS : Has lump in the breast since 7 months.SPECIMEN:A) Wide local excision- Post lumpectomy.B) Revised inferior margin.C) Revised deep margin.D) Axillary lymph nodes (I,II,III).GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 9.5x5x3cm.Skin ellipse measures 6x2cm. Hypopigmentation seen on the skin.Cut surface shows ill defined greyyellow areas measuring 1x1x0.5cm with surrounding fibrotic area.Distance of larger lesion from margins:-Superior margin -- 3cm.Inferior margin -- 1.5cm.Medial margin -- 1.5cm.Lateral margin -- 5cm.Deep margin -- 2.5cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 8x1.5x0.8cm. One surface is inked. Entire tissue processed.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 8x1.5x0.8cm. One surface is inked.Entire tissue processed.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 8.5x8x3.5cm.Largest lymph node measuring 2x1.5x0.8cm. Cut surface shows greywhite to greybrown.Dissected 19 nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Wide local excision - Post lumpectomy:Lumpectomy bed: Small focus tumor breast measuring 1x1x0.5cm with surrounding fibrotic areas are present.Tumor show focus of invasive ductal carcinoma with two ducts are present showing ductal carcinoma-in-situ.Lymphovascular invasion: Not present.Resected margins:-Superior margin -- Free of tumor.Inferior margin -- Involved by the tumor.Medial margin -- Free of tumor.Lateral margin -- Free of tumor.Deep margin -- Shows atypical ductal hyperplasia and ductal carcinoma-in-situ.IMPRESSION:Wide local excision with revised inferior and deep margin and Axillary lymph nodes.A) Wide local excision- Post lumpectomy:Residual tumor present measuring 1x1x0.5cm with Invasive ductal carcinoma with Ductal carcinoma-in-situ.Lymphovascular invasion not present.Resected margins:-Superior margin -- Free of tumor.Inferior margin -- Involved by the tumor.Medial margin -- Free of tumor.Lateral margin -- Free of tumor.Deep margin -- Shows atypical ductal hyperplasia and ductal carcinoma-in-situ.Revised inferior margin -- Free of tumor.Revised deep margin -- Free of tumor.Axillary lymph nodes : 19 nodes- No deposits of tumor.B) Revised inferior margin: Normal ducts and fibrofatty tissue- Free of tumor.C) Revised deep margin: Fibrofatty tissue- Free of tumor.D) Axillary lymph nodes (I,II,III):19 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.Axillary lymph nodes:19 Nodes- No deposits of tumor." 123,MR160001269,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast irregular lesion - ? malignancy.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:IInfiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 124,MR160001293,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Follow up caseá of carcinoma breast Multiple liver lesions ? metastasisáSPECIMEN:Biopsy from liver carcinoma breast.GROSS FINDINGS: Resceived 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 0.9cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of liver parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in tubules and cords. The cells are ovoid with moderate amount of cytoplasm hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Atypical mitotic figures are discerned .Stroma shows desmoplasia with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis.IMPRESSION:áMetastatic carcinoma,in a known case of carcinoma breast, biopsy from liver" 125,MR160001311,"H16-3376SPECIMEN :Left suprclaviculará lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 2 lymph nodes largest measuring 1.5x1x0.6cm.Cut surfaceáá - grey white Smaller one measuring 1x1x0.3cm.Cut surface - grey white. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section show lymph nodes with complete effacement of architecture by sheets and islands of cells with moderate to abundant cytoplasm, round to oval nuclei, vesicular chromatin and prominent nucleoli. Brisk mitotic activity and areas of necrosis discerned. At places vague acinar formation is noted.IMPRESSION:Metastatic carcinoma, probably adenocarcinoma.Please look for primary in breast, lung and GIT Report on IHC to follow." 126,MR160001322,"SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear core measuring 1.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Atypical mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia, mild inflammatory infiltrates and areas of comedonecrosis.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 128,MR160001338,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Largr irregular Left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.4 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are ovoid with moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Atypical mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with mild inflammatory infiltrate.Focus of high grade ductal carcinoma (comedo pattern) seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 8/9, grade 3Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 __________ 8/9 ____________Focus suggestive of high grade comedo ductal carcinoma in situ seen. " 129,MR160001348,"SPECIMEN :Right breast lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in cords and sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Atypical mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia areas of hemorrhage and necrosis.IMPRESSION :Right Breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 130,MR160001353,"CLINICAL HISTORY :USG guided biopsy from left breast lesion - carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 131,MR160001369,"SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 133,MR160001400,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump ?CarcinomaSPECIMEN: Left breast biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite liner cores measuring 0.5 to 1 cm. Entire tissue is processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9,Grade -2 Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism- 2Mitotic figures - 2 ____ 7/9 ____" 134,MR160001403,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lunp - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters cords and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. No lymphovascular emboli seen. No ductal carcinoma in situ seen.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 135,MR160001414,"SPECIMEN : Right breast mass, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 greywhite liner cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue is processed.IMPRESSION :Right breast mass, Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 136,MR160001415,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lunp - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear coresá measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as cords, islands. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 138,MR160001436,"SPECIMEN : Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Receiving grey white liner core measuring 1 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue is processed.IMPRESSION :Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 139,MR160001438,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 140,MR160001444,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Large right breast fungating mass .SPECIMEN: Right BreastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 greywhite linear cores measuring 1á to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue is processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive Ductal carcinoma, right breast Grade 2Tubule formation á á á á á -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____Ductal carcinoma in situ( solid pattern) seen.Lymphovascular invasioná noted." 141,MR160001449,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast post mastectomy status.Carcinoma left breast post lumpectomy.SPECIMEN:Left completion mastectomy with left axillary lymph node dissectionGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Completion Mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -14cm Superficial - Deep -2cm Superior - Inferior -11cmSkin ellipse : 13x3.5cm Nipple and areola : absentScar/ Surgical defect : longitudinal scar measures 6cm, below the scarTumor : absent (completion mastectomy) Tumour below the scar : shows fibrotic areas and fibrofatty tissue is seen, no tumor present Location of tumor : No tumor is present.Margins : fibrofatty Deep margin : free of tumor Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 5x4x2cm.Total number of nodes : 9 lymph nodes Size of largest node : 1.2x1x0.7cm, cut surface shows grey black.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: No residual viable tumor present shows only fibrotic area and fibrofatty tissue, atrophic ducts. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. Nipple and areola is not presentLymph nodes: 9 lymph nodes, show no metastatic deposits of tumor. SUMMARY:Left MRM post mastectomy, No residual viable tumor.Nodal metastases 9 nodes - no deposits of tumor." 142,MR160001483,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass right breast - carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged as tubules floating in a mucinous background. The cells are ovoid with moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm hyperchromatic nucleus and inconspicuous nucleoli. Atypical mitotic figures are discemed .Extracellular mucinous pools are noted. Stroma shows desmoplasia and mild inflammatory infiltrates.áIMPRESSION:Invasiveá muciuous carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 144,MR160001489,"SPECIMEN :Right Breast, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Dutcal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)" 145,MR160001494,"SPECIMEN :Right breast, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 5 linear cores grey white to grey yellow measuring 0.4 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section studied shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells arranged in diffuse sheets. Individual cells have moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei. Mitotic figures are discerned.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 146,MR160001495,"SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells arranged in sheets. Individual cells have moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm and hyperchromatic pleomorphic nuclei. Mitotic figures are discerned.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 147,MR160001501,"H16-3369SPECIMEN :Left breast lumpectomy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received lumpecotmy specimen measuring 4.5x4x2cm.On serial slicing shows cystic and solid area, cyst measuring 3.5x2.5x2.5cm.Solid area measuring 1.5x1.5x0.7cmDistance from margins :Superior -- 0.5cmInferior -- 0.3cmMedial -- 0.5cmLateral -- 0.5cmDeep -- 0.5cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Multiple sections reveal a capsulated neoplastic lesion consisting of arborizing papillary fronds lined by cuboidal to ovoid cells harboring vesicular nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Intervening areas show a rich fibrovascular network. Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not identified.The superior, inferior, medial, lateral and deep margins are free of tumor.IMPRESSION:Left breast lumpectomy:Encysted papillary carcinomaTumor size : 3.5x2.5x2.5cmResected margins : Free of tumor." 148,MR160001502,"SPECIMEN :Left breast lump, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.9 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section studied shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells arranged in diffuse sheets. Individual cells have moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm and hyperchromatic pleomorphic nuclei. Mitotic figures are discerned.IMPRESSION :Left breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 149,MR160001506,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass right breast - carcinomaSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in sheets, tubules and cords.The cells are ovoid with moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and inconspicuous nucleoli.Atypical mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia and mild inflammatory infiltrate.Areas of hemorrhage seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 150,MR160001507,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.9 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are ovoid with moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and conspicuous nucleoli in few. Stroma shows desmoplasia and inflammatory infiltrate. Atypical mitotic figures are discerned. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________Lymphovascular emboli seen." 151,MR160001509,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass. FNAC:infiltrating ductal carcinomaSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue with a lesion arranged in cords,á nests and sheets. Individualá cells areá moderately pleomorphic with hyperchromatic nuclei. inconspicious nucleoli moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma is fibrous with inflammatory infiltrate and bland stromal cells.áIMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 153,MR160001534,"H16-3466SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right beast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple tiny grey white linear core measuring 0.2 to 0.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in papillary pattern, tubules and sheets. Cells show round to oval hyperchromatic to vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Stroma shows lymphocytic infiltration and hemorrhage . Ductal carcinoma in situ seen with micropapillary pattern.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma with papillary features Nuclear grade II.Ductal carcinoma in situ seen.Lymphovascular invasion not seen.Perineural invasion not seen." 154,MR160001562,"CLINICAL HISTORY :USG guided biopsy from left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters and islands. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis seen. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 156,MR160001594,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast,post NACTSPECIMEN;Left modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial - lateral -20cm Superficial - Deep -5cm Superior - Inferior - 17cm Skin ellipse : 14x8cm Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : grey white firm tumor mass present with fibrotic areasTumour Size : 3.5x1.5x1cm Location of tumor : lower inner quadrantMargins of tumor : illdefined Deep margin : 2cm Muscle : Present measures 5.5x4.5cm Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : 7x5.5x2cmTotal number of nodes : 18 lymph nodes Size of largest node : 2x1.1x0.6cm, cut surface shows grey white to grey brownIMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed :- Residual viable tumor present, surrounding areas of fibrosis,necrosis,lymphocytic infiltration Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II. Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation: 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 3.5X1.5X1cm in greatest dimension and is located in the lower inner quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is presentPerineural invasion is presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 3 lymph nodes, show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 18 nodes. SUMMARY:Left MRM NACT, Residual viable tumor present measuring 3.5x1.5x1cmInvasive ductal carcinoma,Grade II. Nodal metastases 3 nodes show metastatic deposits of viable tumor out of 18nodes.Perinodal spread is present." 157,MR160001598,"SPECIMEN :Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 158,MR160001599,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion - carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters cords and cords. The cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma shows lymphocytic inflammatory cell infiltrate.áIMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 159,MR160001628,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lesion - ? carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged asáá cords nests and strands.á The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 160,MR160001630,"SPECIMEN :Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.8 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION :Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 162,MR160001636,"SPECIMEN : Left breast lump, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.8 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Linear cores of breast parenchyma demonstrating islands, nests, bands of ovoid neoplastic cells exhibiting moderate atypia and eosinophilic cytoplasm, interrupted by prominent areas of necrosis. Mitotic figures are discerned.IMPRESSION :Left breast lump, Core biopsy :Features suggestive of Ductal carcinoma in situ of solid and comedo pattern with in situ intermediate nuclear grade.Areas suspicious of invasion are seen.Suggest Excision of the lump for further confirmation of the invasion component." 163,MR160001637,"H16-3356SPECIMEN :Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.9 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows cores of breast tisue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy ;Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 164,MR160001647,CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy fromá right cervical node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey whitelinear cores measures 0.3 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue with an infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets having round to ovalá moderate pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Large areas of necrosis noted. Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right cervical node:Suggestive of Metastatic deposits iná a known case of carcinoma breast. 165,MR160001685,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion with likely chest wall infiltration.Outside FNAC - Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of fibrous tissue incorporating a neoplasm arranged as islands and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 166,MR160001696,"H16-3235SPECIMEN :Left Breast Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 5 grey white linear core measuring 0.5 to 0.9 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION :Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 167,MR160001737,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma incorporating aá neoplasm arranged as islands and nests. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have variably pleomorphic vesicular nuclei with conspicuous nucleoli and abundant foamy cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is fibrous.áIMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 8/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 3Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 168,MR160001742,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion - FNAC - duct cell carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged predominantly in trabecular pattern. There cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is fibrous.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 169,MR160001743,"H16-3234SPECIMEN :Right Breast, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 6 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Right Breast, Core biopsy : Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 170,MR160001768,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN : Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.5 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section studied shows linear cores of breast tissue harboring a lesion arranged in diffuse sheets. Individual cells have abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm and pleomorphic nuclei. Mitotic activity discerned. Stroma is fibrous with bland stromal cells and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION : Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). - Ductal carcinoma in situ of cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen." 171,MR160001773,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Lumpectomy left breast.SPECIMEN: A) Wide local excision.B) Revised lateral margin.C) Sentinel lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3.5x5x3.5cm skin ellipse 2.5x1cm.Cut surface shows Illdefined greywhite area measuring 1.3x0.7x1cm.Located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin--1.8cm.Inferior margin--1.3cm.Medial margin--2.5cm.Lateral margin--0.7cm.Deep margin--1.5cm.Distance of ill defined greywhite area from skin is 1cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 5x1x0.5cm.One surface inked.Entire tissue is processed.C) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue measuring 3x2x1cm.Isolated 2 lymph nodes,One measuring 1.5x1x0.5cm.Cut surface is unremarkable.Another measuring 1x1x0.5cm.Cut surface is fatty infiltration.Dissected 4 lymph nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Wide local excision: Breast conservative surgery.Tumor bed:Tumor is composed pleomorphic cuboidal cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and eosinophilic cytoplasm.Invasive Ductal Carcinoma-Tubular pattern.Grade: Tubular formation =60% --2 Nuclear pleomorphism=5/10--2 Mitotic figures= 5/10--1MBR score is 5/9Nuclear grade I.Ductal carcinoma in situ: Not present.Lymphovascular invasion: Not present.Resected margins:Superior margin--Free of tumor.Inferior margin--Free of tumor.Medial margin--Free of tumor.Lateral margin--Free of tumor.Deep margin--Free of tumor.B) Revised Lateral margin:Shows fibrofatty tissue--Free of tumor.C) Sentinel lymph nodes:4 nodes-No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:Wide local excision with Lateral Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.Maximum Dimension of the tumor 1.3x1x0.7cm. Grade I.Ductal carcinoma in situ: Not present.Lymphovascular invasion:Not present.All resected margins are free of tumor.Additional lateral margins:Free of tumor.Sentinel lymphnodes= 4 nodes.No deposits of tumor." 172,MR160001789,"H16-3256SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords and tubules. Cells show round ,hyperchromatic to vesicular nuclei. Ductal carcinoma in situ seen.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 __________ 6/9 ____________Ductal carcinoma in situ identified.Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion not identified." 173,MR160001799,"H16-3253SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.9 to 1.1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in tubules, cords and in diffuse sheets. cells show pleomorphic hyperchromatic to vesicular nuclei, few with prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Ductal carcinoma in situ not seen. Lymphovascular invasion, perineural invasion not identified.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 __________ 7/9 ____________Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion not identified." 174,MR160001808,"H16-3364SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear core measuring 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in differentiated, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 175,MR160001834,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of carcinoma breast - completed treatment and on tamoxifen since one year,SPECIMEN:Total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingoopherectomy specimenGROSS FINDINGS: Uterus dimensions : Midline fundal-serosa to ectocervix : 10cmMaximum intercornual : 6cmMaximum anterior to posterior : 3cmCervix Dimensions :3.5x2cm, elongated. Cut section shows cyst measuring 1x1x0.5cmVaginal cuff : AbsentRight Ovary : Present 2.5x1x1cmLeft Ovary : Present 2.5x2x1cm Right Fallopian tube : Present,4cm Left Fallopian tube : Present, 3.5cm Right parametrium : 3.5x2x1cmLeft parametrium : 3x2x1cmEndometrium description : Dilated cavity shows a polyp confined to endometrial canal measures 3x3x2.5cmEndometrial thickness :0.3cm Myometrium depth :3cmInvolvement of myometrium by tumor : No myometrial invasion seen grosslyMyometrial appearnance : No adenomyosis Leiomyoma : Yes, single intramural measures 1x1x1cm Lower uterine segment : UnremarkableMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the endometrium shows a polypoidal lesion with dilated cystic spaces lined by cuboidal to flattened epithelium and a loose fibrous stroma with congested vessels. Myometrium shows adenomyosis.Cervix shows nabothian cyst.Bilateral ovaries are unremarkable Bilateral tubes show hydrosalpinx. IMPRESSION:Total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingoopherectomy specimenBenign endometrial polypNo evidence of malignancy in the material submitted." 176,MR160001851,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right breast lesion, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.9 to 1.1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue showing breast parenchyma with lesion arranged in tubules, cords. Individual cells are moderately pleomorphic with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma is fibrous with bland stromal cells and lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Right breast lesion, biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IIModified BR score is 6/9Tubule formation = 3Nuclear pleomorphism=2Mitoses =1" 178,MR160001893,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion - ? carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measuring1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as linear cords and indian file pattern. The tumor cells have hyperchromatic, pleomorphic round to oval nuclei with scanty cytoplasm.Lymphovascular invasion present.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma suggestive of ductal origin, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 __________ 7/9 ____________Lymphovascular invasion present." 179,MR160001902,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN: Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received ináá ááá ááá ááá áá á á : Formalin.Procedureáá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á:á Mastectomy áLateralityáá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá :á Leftá áTotal dimensionsáá ááá ááá áá :á Medial to lateral--19cmááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep--3.5cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior--13cmSkin ellipseáá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá : 14x6cm.ááá áNippleáá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá á á á á :á Normal Scar/ Surgical defectáá ááá : Not seen.Tumour Size á á á á á á á á áá :á 3.5x3x2cm. Location of tumoráá ááá ááá á : Upper outer quadrant.á áMargins of tumoráá ááá ááá áá : Ill defined.áááááááá áDeep margináá ááá ááá ááá ááá á: 0.8cmMuscleáá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á áá : Present,4x3cmAdjacent Breastáá ááá ááá áááá : Fibrofatty.ááááááá áAxillary tailáá ááá ááá ááá áá á á á : 6x5x2cm.Size of largest nodeáá ááá á : 1.5x1x0.8cm.Cut surface is grey white.IMPRESSION:Histopathologic Examination: Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 3.5 cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is seen(solid type).Lymphovascular invasion is seen.Perineural invasion is not seen.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes:á 21 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 1 , (1/21). No perinodal spread seen.Summary: Left MRM, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.Nodal metastases (1/21).No perinodal spread seen." 180,MR160001919,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast irregular lesion - outside FNAC possibility of carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as cords and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism ,hyperchromasia and have moderate cytoplasm. Crush artefact seen. Focus of high grade comedo ductal carcinoma in situ noted.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubuleá formationáááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá ; 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________Focus of high grade DCIS discerned." 181,MR160001925,"H16-3284SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1x1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting a neoplastic lesion arranged in tubules, nests and sheets consisting of ovoid cells demonstrating moderate nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Intervening areas show fibrocollagenous stroma.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lesion:Invasive carcinomaModified BR score is 6/9, grade II.Tubule formationáááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphism :2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________" 182,MR160001954,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast-Had lumpectomy 2 months ago elsewhere.SPECIMEN:A) Wide local excision- Frozen specimen.B) Revised deep margin.C) Revised inferior margin.D) Left Axillary lymph node dissection (Level I,II).GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 5.5x3.8x3cm, greywhite nodule measuring 0.3x0.3x0.2cm.Skin ellipse with scar measures 4.2x1.6cm.Linear scar measuring 4cm. Irregular greywhite area ? fibrosis measuring 1.5x1x1cm, located at the following distance from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 1.2cm.Inferior margin -- 0.5cm.Medial margin -- 1.5cm.Lateral margin -- 1.8cm.Deep margin -- 0.6cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 2.5x1.5x1cm. Entire tissue processed.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3.5x2.5x1cm. Entire tissue processed.D) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue altogether measuring 7x5.5x2cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows greywhite, necrotic area.Dissected 12 nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Wide local excision- Frozen specimen:Tumor site : Previous scar site residual tumor present, shows Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade :-Tubular formation 40% : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures 6/10 : 2 ----------------- 6/9 ------------------MBR score is 6/9, Nuclear grade II.Lymphovascular invasion : Indeterminate.DCIS : Not present.Surrounding tumor - Fibrosis, necrosis and inflammatory cells are present.Resected margins:-Superior margin : Free of tumor.Inferior margin : Few ducts are showing atypical hyperplasia.Medial margin : Free of tumor.Lateral margin : Free of tumor.Deep margin : Ducts show atypical hyperplasia.B) Revised deep margin : The section shows muscle bundle- Free of tumor.C) Revised inferior margin: Fibrofatty tissue- Free of tumor.D) Left Axillary lymph node dissection (Level I,II):2 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 12 nodes.IMPRESSION:Wide local excision with Revised deep margin and skin nodule area with-Invasive ductal carcinoma.Maximum dimension is 1.5x1cm.Nuclear grade II.DCIS : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Indeterminate.Resected margins:-Superior margin : Free of tumor.Inferior margin : Few ducts are showing atypical hyperplasia.Medial margin : Free of tumor.Lateral margin : Free of tumor.Deep margin : Ducts show atypical hyperplasia.Revised inferior margin : Free of tumor.Revised deep margin : Free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 2 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 12 nodes." 183,MR160001990,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion - carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.4 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores ofá tissue showing breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in tubules and sheets. Individual cells are moderately pleomorphic with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei inconspicous nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma is fibrous with bland stromal cells. Areas of necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Invasion ductal carcinoma.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade II.Tubule formation á á á á á á á :3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá :2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________" 184,MR160001996,"H16-3354SPECIMEN :Right Breast , Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear soft tissue bits measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 185,MR160002017,"H16-3349SPECIMEN :Right breast mass, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear soft tissue bits measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 186,MR160002019,CLINICAL DETAILS:Lump left breast. SPECIMEN:Left breast lumpectomy. GROSS FINDINGS:Left lumpectomy wide excision. :Received lumpectomy measures 7x4.5x3cm. Cut surface grey white fibrotic area measures 2.5x2x2cm. Distance from margins. Superior - 1.5 cm. Inferior - 2cm. .Medial - 0.4 cm. Lateral - 1.3cm. Deep margin - 0.6cm. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Lumpectomy wide breast. Fibroadenoma. No evidence of malignancy All resected margins are free from tumor. SummaryLumpectomy left breast. The section from lumpectomy shows ducts are compressed and lined with simple layer flattened cuboidal epithelial cells with myoepithelial cells. Stroma shows dense collagenisation and fibrous tissue with myxometous areas and focal areas of calcification.There is no evidence of ductal carcinoma in situ or invasive carcinoma. Resected margin Superior Inferior Medial Lateral Deep linked margin - All margins are free of the lesion. 187,MR160002027,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinomaSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.6 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as tubules, cords and nests of ovoid to columnar cells with hyperchromatic, pleomorphic nuclei and moderate to abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Adjacent breast shows desmoplasia. Ductal carcinoma in situ not present. Lymphovascular invasion not identified. Perineural invasion seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast lump.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures (7-8/10hpf) : 2 __________ 7/9 ____________Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion seen." 188,MR160002033,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.8 to 1.1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as cords and tubules and nests. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Probable lymphovascular emboli seen.áIMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 189,MR160002038,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.9 to 1.1cm. Entire tissue processsed.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá ; 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________" 190,MR160002044,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Complex cystic lesion right breast - ? Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.4 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma showing a few benign ductsá admixed with haemorrhagic focus. An occasional dilated duct seen.IMPRESSION:Benign breast disease, Biopsy from right breast.No evidence of malignancy in the cores submitted." 191,MR160002080,"H16-3423SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear core measuring 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumour cells in cords and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 192,MR160002083,"H16-3387SPECIMEN :Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.5 to 1.1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS : Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 194,MR160002103,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinomaSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.6 to 0.8 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as tubules, cords and sheets. Individual tumor cells are round to oval with hyperchromatic nuclei, few with prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Ductal carcinoma in situ present. Adjacent breast shows apocrine metaplasia.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast lump.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures (7-8/10hpf) : 2 __________ 6/9 ____________Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Ductal carcinoma in situ seen." 195,MR160002109,H16-3396SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear core measuring 1 to .2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast tissue composed of tubules and cords of ductal cells showing features of adenosis and myoepithelial hyperplasia. Few ducts are dilated with seration. There are few foci where the cells are singly ---- in ? Indian file pattern composed by dence fibrosis stroma. The adjacent stroma shows lymphomonocytic infiltrates and fibrosis.IMPRESSION:Atypical cells are seen against a background of fibroadenosis- left breast.The possibility of lobular carcinoma to be ruled out.Suggest IHC. 196,MR160002111,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast - ? carcinomaSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.9 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords and tubules comprising of round to oval cells with hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ present. Lymphovascular invasion identified. Perineural invasion not present.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma suggestive of ductal origin., Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 5/9, grade 1Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures (11-12/10hpf) : 1 __________ 5/9 ____________Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ (Solid, cribriform and papillary) noted.Lymphovascular invasion present." 197,MR160002112,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of predominantly necrotic tisue incorporating small volume of neoplasm arranged as islands and sheets. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphic have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 198,MR160002113,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinomaSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in tubules and nests. The cells have hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleoli, few with prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Lymphovascular invasion present. Ductal carcinoma in situ not seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures (11-12/10hpf) : 2 __________ 6/9 ____________Lymphovascular invasion present." 199,MR160002118,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast hard lumps -? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in tubules and cords. Individual cells are pleomorphic with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma is fibrous with bland stromal cells and extensive lymphocytic infiltrate. Areas of hyalinisation and hemorrhage seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 8/9, grade 3Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 200,MR160002120,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast - ? carcinomaSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measuring 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as diffuse sheets.The tumor cells have round to oval hyperchromatic, pleomorphic nuclei, few with prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm.Stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrate. Adjacent breast shows areas of fibrosis. Ductal carcinoma in situ not present. Lymphovascular incasion not identified. Perineural invasion seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 8/9, grade 3Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures (11-12/10hpf) : 3 __________ 8/9 ____________Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion seen." 201,MR160002131,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 202,MR160002141,"H16-3381SPECIMENBiopsy from right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 5 tiny grey white linear cores measuring 0.3 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Linear cores of tissue exhibiting a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets consisting of ovoid cells with hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate to giant amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Atypical mitotic figures are discerned. There are prominent areas of necrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lesion :Poorly differentiated malignancy favoring invasive carcinoma.Modified BR score is 8/9, grade IIITubule formationáá á á á á á á á : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááá : 3áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______________" 203,MR160002142,"H16-3550SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.5 to 1.1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as tubules and nests. The tumor cells have hyperchromatic, pleomorphic round to oval nuclei with prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of hemorrhage seen. Lymphovascular invasion not identified. Ductal carcinoma in situ not present.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Ductal carcinoma in situ present." 204,MR160002147,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measuring 0.7 to 1.1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show cores of breast paranchyma harboring a lesion arranged in diffuse sheets and cords displaying round to oval hyperchromatic to vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and ill distinct cytoplasmic borders. Peri neural invasion identified.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 __________ 7/9 ____________Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion identified.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified." 205,MR160002173,"H16-3437SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1 to 1.1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumour cells in nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 206,MR160002201,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Atypical mitotic figures are discemed. Stroma shows desmoplasia with mild inflammatory infiltrate. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma , Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 209,MR160002211,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.4 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show liner cores of breast paranchyma, monomorphic cells with round to ovoid nuclei arranged as focal micropapillae and cribriform pattern with mild atypia. The surrounding stroma is desmoplastic with areas of necrosis. No invasion seen.IMPRESSION:Atypical ductal hyperplasia with associated ? ductal carcinoma in situ." 210,MR160002213,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear core measuring 0.6 to 0.9cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as cords and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is fibrous.áIMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma with lobular features, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 211,MR160002231,"H16-3462SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.7 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests and tubules. The cells are ovoid with moderate amount of cytoplasm, vesicular nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Atypical mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows extensive desmoplasia with mild inflammatory infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage seen. Lymphovascular invasion is seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast mass.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 212,MR160002232,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.6 to 0.7cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of haphazardly arranged elongted ducts lined by cubiocolumnar cells. Mild nuclear atypia seen. The intervening stroma is mildly sclerotic.IMPRESSION:Suggestive of microglandular adenosis, left breast." 213,MR160002233,"H16-3471SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parchyma with foci of neoplastic lesion arranged in tubules and cords. Cells show round to oval dark nuclei moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm infiltrating the stroma. Large areas of desmoplasia seen.IMPRESSION: Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 5/9, grade 1Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 1Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 2/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________Ductal carcinoma in situ not seen.Lymphovascular invasion not seen.Perineural invasion not seen." 214,MR160002237,"H16-3525SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with epithelial cells arranged in lobulaes displaying round to oval dark nuclei, moderate to abundant eosinophilic granular cytoplasm. Stroma shows mild lymphocytic infiltration and hemorrhage. Pools of extracellular mucin is seen in the background.IMPRESSION:Mucinous carcinoma - variant of ductal carcinoma.Nuclear grade II.No lymphovascular invasion seen." 215,MR160002248,"H16-3485SPECIMEN:Right breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nest lying in pools of mucin. Individual cells have moderate amount of ytoplasm, mild pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Mitotic figures are discerned.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Carcinoma with Mucinous features.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)" 216,MR160002250,"H16-3529SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.5 to 1.1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in diffuse sheets consisting of cells with pleomorphic round to polyhedral irregular nuclei, prominent nucleoli, moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Areas of necrosis and hemorrhage noted.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 8/9, grade 3Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 __________ 8/9 ____________Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis seen." 217,MR160002254,"H16-3470SPECIMEN:Right breast lesion, Biopsy GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are moderately pleomorphic having eosinophilic cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Atypical mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with inflammatory infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast lesion, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 3á- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8(3+2+2)." 218,MR160002256,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma showing foci of calcification and high grade ductal carcinoma in situ . Also included are normal benign ducts. IMPRESSION:High grade ductal carcinoma in situ,(comedo and solid pattern), Biopsy from right breast." 219,MR160002258,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Small 2x2cm right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.4 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters and nests. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Crush artifacts seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast lump.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 220,MR160002259,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma rightá breast.Lumpectomy done outside.SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received ináááááááááááááááááá :á Formalin.Procedureááá á á á á á á á áá : Mastectomy post Lumpectomy.Lateralityáááááááááááááááááááááá : Right.Total dimensions : Medial-lateralááááááááááááááá : 18cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deepáááááááá :4.4cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá áSuperior-inferiorááááááááá :16cm.Skin ellipseáááááááááááááááááá : 10x7cm.Nippleáááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defectááá : Scar measuring 3.5cm Tumor sizeááááááááááááááááááá :á grey white fibrotic area measuring 1.3x1x1cm seen in lower inner quadrant.Deep margináááááááááááááááá : 1.5cm.Muscleááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Absent.Adjacent breastááááááááááá : Fibrofatty.Size of largest nodeááááá : 2.5x2x1cm. Cut surface is grey white.Axillary tailáááááááááááááááááááá : 7x5x2.5cm.IMPRESSION:Right modified radical mastectomy :-Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade 2.-Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formationááááááá = 2Nuclear pleomorphism = 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááá á = 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á _______áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á ááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áá ________-Tumor measures 1.3m in greatest dimension.-Ductal carcinoma In-situ is not seen.-Lymphovascular invasion is seen.-Perineural invasion is not seen.-Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.-Nipple and areola is free of tumor.-Lymph nodes : 18/21 lymph nodes,Metastasis : 18.-Perinodal spread seen. SUMMARY:Right modified radical mastectomySmall volume of Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade 2.Nodal metastases 18/21. Perinodal spread seen.á" 221,MR160002261,"H16-3487SPECIMEN:Left breast, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measuring 0.4 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nest, tubules and cords. Individual cells have moderate amount of cytoplasm and pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Mitotic figures are discerned.IMPRESSION :Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 1- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1)." 222,MR160002269,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left modified radical mastectomy.B) Left level III axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:Received ináá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á : Formalin.Procedureáá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááá : Mastectomy áLateralityáá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááá :á Left MRM.Total dimensionsáá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááá :á Medial ?lateral:19cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá ááá áá Superficial ?Deep:4cm.ááá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá ááá áá Superior-Inferior: 14cm.Skin ellipseáá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á :á 14x10cm. áNippleáá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á á á :á Normal Scar/ Surgical defectáá ááá ááá ááá ááá : Not seen.Tumoráá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á á áá : Single.Tumour Sizeá á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á : 4x2.2x2cm.ááááááááá áLocation of tumoráá ááá ááá ááá ááá áááá : Upper outer quadrant. áMargins of tumoráá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááá :áá Ill defined.áááááááá áDeep margináá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á áá : 2cm.Muscleáá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á áá : Absent.Adjacent Breastáá ááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááá :á 17 Fibrofatty.áááááá áAxillary tailáá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á á á áá : 8x6x2cm.Total number of nodesáá ááá ááá ááá á :17.Size of largest nodeáá ááá ááá ááá ááá á : 2x1x0.5cm.Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Histopathologic Examination: Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3.Nuclear pleomorphism: 2.Mitotic figures:2Tumor measures 4cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: One lymph node show metastatic deposits tumor out of 17 nodes. Pathological stage :á pT2N1.Summary: Left MRM,Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II.Nodal metastases one node shows metastatic deposit tumor out of 17 nodes.Perinodal spread not present." 224,MR160002299,"H16-3741SPECIMEN: Mass in Right breast - Carcinoma breast. GROSS FINDINGS: Received three grey white linear core measuring 0.7 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as tubules and sheets. Individual tumor cells have hyperchromatic, pleomorphic round to oval nuclei with moderate cytoplasm. Adjacent breast shows fibrosis.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(2+2+2)." 225,MR160002300,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring a lesion arranged in sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Atypical mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 226,MR160002312,"H16-3520SPECIMEN :Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS ;Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 227,MR160002316,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Atypical mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast mass.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 228,MR160002356,"H16-3555SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear core measuring 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as tubules and cords. The tumor cells have round to oval hyperchromatic, pleomorphic nuclei with moderate to abundant cytoplasm. Atypical mitotic figures discerned. Few cells show intranuclear inclusious. Ductal carcinoma in situ not present. Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Adjacent breast shows fibroadenosis.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 2 __________ 7/9 ____________Ductal carcinoma in situ not present.Lymphovascular invasion not identified." 229,MR160002357,"SR16-1650SITE:Mastectomy specimen (Laterality not specified).GROSS FINDINGS:Received 1 specimen and 2 slides and 4 blocks labelled as 558/16.Received in : Formalin- Aleady grossed breast specimen in multiple bits altogether measuring 16x14x10cm.Skin ellipse : 15x12cm.Nipple : Unremarkable.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 4x4x3.5cm.Distance from overlying skin is 0.5cm.Location of tumor : Upper quadrant.Margins of tumor : Solid, cystic, solid area measuring 3.5x3.5x3cm. Cystic area measuring 2x1cm. No papillary excrescences noted grossly.Deep margin : 1cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Axillary tail : Not identified.IMPRESSION:Mastectomy specimen (Laterality not specified):Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IIModified BR score is 6/9.Tumor measures 4cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ is present.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not present.Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: Nil" 230,MR160002377,"H16-3523SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.9 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in diffuse sheets and as cords. Cells show round to oval vesicular nuclei, inconspicous to prominent nucleoli, moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Peritumoral lymphocytic infiltration seen. Focal mucin pools are seen.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast lump.Mucinous component seen.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 __________ 6/9 ____________Ductal carcinoma in situ not seen.Lymphovascular invasion seen.Perineural invasion not seen." 231,MR160002383,"H16-3574SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.4 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma comprising of pleomorphic cells confined to the ducts. The cells have hyperchromatic nuclei, condensed chromatin and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures discerned. Stroma shows intense desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:High grade ductal carcinoma in situ (solid pattern ), Biopsy from left breast:The possibility of an adjacent focus of invasion cannotá be ruled out." 232,MR160002391,"H16-3552SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measuring 0.6 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tiny tissue fragments harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as nests of round to oval cells with hyperchromatic, mild pleomorphic nuclei and moderate to scanty eosinophilic cytoplasm. The cell clusters are lying in pools of extracellular mucin.Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Ductal carcinoma in situ not present.IMPRESSION: Biopsy from right breast(scant tissue).Mucinous carcinomaModified BR score is 4/5, grade 1Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 1Mitotic figures : 1 __________ 4/5 ____________Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Ductal carcinoma in situ not present." 233,MR160002405,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Larger left breast lumps -? phyllodes? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as islands sheets and in clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphismá have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. A few of the cells have clear cytoplasm. Foci suggestive of ductal carcinoma in situ noted.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast." 234,MR160002412,"H16-3587SPECIMEN:Biopsy from liver lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measuring 0.6 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of hepatic parenchyma exhibiting nests, islands vague tubular configuration of ovoid neoplastic cells demonstrating moderate to marked atypia and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Intervening areas show desmoplastic stroma. There are foci of necrosis. Adjacent liver parenchyma show features of steatosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from liver lesion :Metastatic carcinoma? from breastSuggest IHC." 235,MR160002426,"H16-3706SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.7 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual tumor cells have hyperchromatic nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic activity is seen. IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.á- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 236,MR160002457,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of left carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:A) Wide excision - lumpectomy.B) Revised superior margins.C) Re-revisedá superior margins.D) Left axillary dissection lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 10x7x3cm, overlying skin measures 6x2cm.Irregular grey white fibrotic areas seen measures 2x1x0.8cm. Located at the following distances from the respective margins:-Superior marginááááááááá - 2cmInferior marginááááááááááá - 1.8cmMedial margináááááááááááá - 1.1cmLateral marginááááááááááá - 1.5cmDeep marginááááááááááááá - 0.9cmB) Received single fibrofatty tissue with one surface inked measures 5x1.5x0.6cm.C) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x0.5cm with one surface inked.D) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 8x7.2x2cm, largest lymph node measures 1.6x1.4x0.7cm.16 lymph nodes isolated.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Tumor bed:- shows fibrotic,necrotic, inflammatory cells,foreign body giant cells and ducts show epithelial hyperplasia, atypical hyperplasia and intraductal papillomatosis. There is no evidence of malignancy.Resected margin - Superior margin - shows atypical ductal hyperplasia.Inferior margin - free of tumor.Medial margin - free of tumor.Deep margináá - free of tumor.B) Revised superior margin - two ducts are present showing ductal carcinoma in situ - solid type - low grade.No evidence of invasive carcinoma.C) Re-revised superior margin-The section shows dilated ducts with epithelial hyperplasia - free from the tumor.D) Left axillary lymph nodes : 1 node shows metastatic deposits of viable tumor - invasive ductal carcinoma out of 16 nodes.IMPRESSION:Wide excision with revised superior margin and axillary nodes.A) Wide excision - lumpectomy :Atypical hyperplasia.Epithelial hyperplasia with fibrosis,necrosis and foreign body giant cells.No evidence of invasive carcinoma.Resected margins - Inferior,medial,lateral and deep margin - free of tumor.B) Revised superior margins :show 2 ducts with ductal carcinoma in situ.C) Re-revised superior margins : free from the tumor.D) Left axillary dissection lymph nodes :1 node shows metastatic deposits of viable tumor.Invasive ductal carcinoma - out of 16 nodes.Perinodal spread is not present.á" 237,MR160002466,"H16-3708SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 238,MR160002469,H16-3616SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.5 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue exhibiting proliferation of ovoid neoplastic cells arranged as tubules and cords demonstrating moderate atypia and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Intervening areas show prominent fibrocollagenous stroma and foci of necrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion :Invasive carcinoma grade IIModified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ___________ 6/9 _________ 239,MR160002484,"H16-3605SPECIMEN :Right breast, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 5 grey white linear core measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows linear cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 240,MR160002494,"H16-3612SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measuring 0.6 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue with few areas of necrosis and ductal carcinoma in situ. No evidence of invasive malignancy is seen.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Shows Ductal Carcinoma In Situ of solid and cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade.No evidence of invasive malignancy is seen.Suggest repeat biopsy or excision of the lump for further confirmation on invasive component." 242,MR160002497,"H16-3608SPECIMEN :Left breast, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores soft tissue bits measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows linear cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in tubular pattern and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION ;Left breast, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 1- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1)." 243,MR160002499,"CLINICAL DETAILS: Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.B) Level III lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received in : Formalin.Time of receipt at lab : 3:30pm.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 22cm. Superficial - deep : 4cm. Superior-inferior : 14.5cm.Skin ellipse : 14x9.5cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumor : Single.Tumor size : Cut surface shows cystic, greywhite to greybrown areas measuring 4.5x4x2cm.Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : ill defined.Deep margin : <=0.1cm.Muscle : Present measuring 3.5x2x2cm.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 17 nodes.Size of largest node :1.5x1x0.7cm. Cut surface shows greywhite to greybrown.Axillary tail : 8x5x2cm.B) Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 1.5x1x0.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as lobules and cystic papillary pattern. The cells are cuboidal to low columnar with vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Few cells are arranged as dyscohesive clusters and singly scattered.Extensive DCIS (Solid, cribriform and papillary type) present.Lymphovascular invasion / Perineural invasion not identified.Adjacent breast shows fibroadenosis.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Deep resected margin is free of tumor.18 out of 18 lymph nodes (0/18) show reactive hyperplasia with sinus histiocytosis.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Invasive papillary carcinoma, grade 2.Tumor measures 4.3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the lower outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ (Solid, cribriform and papillary type) present.Lymphovascular invasion : Indeterminate.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Adjacent breast shows fibroadenosis.Lymph nodes: Eighteen lymph nodes, metastasis : None (0/18)." 244,MR160002532,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma incorporating solid ductal carcinoma in situ. Also noted is comedo ductal carcinoma in situ focus. No invasive component is evident in the cores submitted.IMPRESSION:High grade ductal carcinoma in situ( Solid, comedo, cribriform pattern), Biopsy from left breast.An adjacent invasive focus cannot be excluded." 245,MR160002540,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Hypoechoic lesion in left breast - ? carcinoma breast ? fibrosis.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clustersá and tubules. The neoplastic cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is fibrous.áIMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 4/9, grade 1Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 1Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 4/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 246,MR160002565,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma left breast-Post NACT.SPECIMEN:Left MRM.GROSS FINDINGS:Received ináá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á : Formalin/Fresh áProcedureáá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á : MR Mastectomy.Lateralityáá ááá ááá ááá ááá á áá á áá :á Left. áTotal dimensionsáá ááá ááá ááá á :á Medial to lateral--18cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á Superficial to Deep--5.5cm.ááá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á Superior to Inferior-- 1cm.Skin ellipseáá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á:á 16.5x10cm.áá áNipple/areolaáá ááá ááá ááá ááá á :á Unremarkable.Scar/ Surgical defectáá ááá á : Not seen.Tumoráá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá á áá : Single.Tumour Sizeááááááááááááááááááááá : 3.5x1.5x1.5cm.ááááááááááá Location of tumoráá ááá ááááá :á Upper inner quadrant. Margins of tumoráá ááá ááá áá :á ill defined.ááááááááá áDeep margináá ááá ááá ááá áááá : 1.5cm.Muscleáá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á ááá : Present measuring 2x2cm. Adjacent Breastáá ááá ááá ááá :á Fibrofatty tissue.áááááá áAxillary tailáá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá : 7x4x3cm.Total number of nodesááá : 18.Size of largest nodeáá áááá : 1.5x1x1cm,cut surface : Greywhite.IMPRESSION:Left breast,Left Modified Radical Mastectomy, Grade III.Tumor bed:Invasive ductal carcinoma-viable tumor present with areas of fibrosis,necrosis and lymphocytic infiltration is present.Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 3.Tumor measures 3.5cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the upper inner quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasioná is present.Posterior resection margin isá free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 16 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor.Perinodal spread present.Summary: Left MRM-Post NACT, Invasive ductal carcinoma-viable tumor present, Grade III.Nodal metastases 16 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 18 nodes.Perinodal spread present. " 247,MR160002577,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters and islands. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate to abundant cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is fibrous.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 248,MR160002611,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump -? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.4 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters and cords. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is fibrous.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 250,MR160002627,"H16- 3699SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.8 to 1.1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion aranged in diffuse sheets, cords and tubules displaying cells with oval to elongated pleomorphic dark nuclei with irregular nuclear membra- moderate clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Stroma shows inflammatory infiltrate and necrosis.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 8/9, grade 2Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 2 __________ 8/9 ____________Areas of necrosis seen.Ductal carcinoma in situ not seen.Lymphovascular invasion not seen.Perineural invasion not seen." 251,MR160002643,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1.1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters cords and sheets. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is fibrous.áIMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 252,MR160002662,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Time of receipt at lab : 1:30pm.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : left breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 17.5cm. Superficial - deep : 2.5cm. Superior-inferior : 16cm.Skin ellipse : 11.5X6cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : 4cm. Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 2.5x2x1.5cm.Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrant.Margins of tumor : illdefined.Deep margin : 0.8cm.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 14 nodes.Size of largest node : 2x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows grey white.Axillary tail : 6x5x2cm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IIViable tumor is present.Focal areas of necrosis and fibrosis are present.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 3 Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures 2.5x2cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Upper innerQuadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Present - Solid and cribriform pattern.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not present.- Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.- Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 14 lymph nodes. No deposits of tumor.SUMMARY:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IIViable tumor is present.Lymph nodes: 14 lymph nodes. No deposits of tumor." 253,MR160002675,"H16-3673SPECIMEN:Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.8 to 1.1cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 254,MR160002687,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1.3 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma , biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________" 255,MR160002688,"H16-3663SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.5 to 0.6cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and diffuse sheets. Individual tumor cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 256,MR160002703,"H16-3707SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual tumor cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 257,MR160002706,"H16-3680SPECIMEN:Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.6 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 258,MR160002720,H16-3705SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.6 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows few cores of fibrofatty tissue with diffuse infiltration of atypical cells with dark round to oval nuclei and ill defined cytoplasmic borders. Areas of hemorrhage noted.IMPRESSION:Scanty tissue.Suggestive of invasive carcinoma left breast.-Nuclear grade II.please correlate clinically 259,MR160002721,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey browná linear core measuring 1.2 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters, tubules and islands. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 260,MR160002731,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Duct ectasia in left breastá ?papilloma ? ductal carcinoma in situ.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.3 to 0.4cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma showing occasional benign ducts. The intervening stroma is fibrous.IMPRESSION:Benign breast tissue, biopsy from left breast.No ductal carcinoma in situ.No evidence of malignancy" 261,MR160002739,CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in left breast-Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple greywhite linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma with diffuse sheets of round to oval cells with hyperchromatic nuclei moderate nuclear pleomorphism and abundant intensely eosinophilic cytoplasm.Occasional mitotic figures is seen.There is intense desmoplasia of the stroma with moderately dense lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Poorly differentiated carcinoma.? Ductal 262,MR160002757,"SR16-1757SITE: Left breast with axillary nodes.Received 19 slides labelled as 1039 A-C/16,á 1040 A-P/16.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section A : Nipple and areola - Unremarkable.Tumor present below nipple and areola- Invasive ductal carcinoma.Section B : Undersurface resected margin shows fibrofatty tissue with tumor mucinous carcinoma.Section C,D,E,F: The section from the tumor shows predominantly mucinous carcinoma with invasive ductal carcinoma- Mixed pattern.Tubular formation 40%á :á 2Nuclear pleomorphism :á 2Mitotic figuresá 6/10ááááá :á 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------------MBR score : 6/9, Nuclear grade II.Ductal carcinoma-situ present- Solid, cribriform pattern.Lymphovascular invasion : Tumor emboli present.Perineural invasion : Not present.Section G: Shows muscle bundle uninvolved by the tumor.Lymph nodes from I to P:8 Nodes are seen. 7 Nodes show metastatic deposits of predominantly mucinous carcinoma with focal areas of invasive ductal carcinoma. Perinodal spread present.IMPRESSION:Left breast with axillary nodes:Predominanlt Mucinous carcinoma with Areas of invasive ductal cell carcinoma.Nuclear grade II.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ present- Solid and cribriform pattern.Lymphovascular invasion- Plenty of tumor emboli present.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Posterior resected margin : One section shows fibrofatty tissue and another section shows muscle budnle- Free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 6 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 7 nodes. Perinodal spread present.NOTE: Section from the lateral margin are not present and not labelled to comment on the involvement." 263,MR160002765,"CLINICAL DETAILS :Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy:Received in : Formalin. Procedure :Mastectomy MRM. Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial -lateral : 16cm. Superficial -Deep : 4cm. Superior-Inferior : 20cm.Skin ellipse : 11x5cm. Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumour Size : 3x3x2.5cm. Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrant. Margins of tumor : Ill defined. Deep margin : 0.6cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Axillary tail : 8x6x2cm. Total number of nodes : 16 nodes. (Specify if Sentinel nodes sent )Size of largest node : 2x1x1cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive ductal carcinoma with Medullary carcinoma features, Grade III.Modified BR score is 9/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 3Mitotic figures : 3Tumor measures 3x3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Upper inner quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 16 lymph nodes- No metastatic deposits of tumor (0/16).Pathological stage : pT2N0.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive ductal carcinoma with Medullary carcinoma features, Grade III.Lymph nodes: 16 lymph nodes- No metastatic deposits of tumor (0/16)." 264,MR160002771,"H16-3698SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in diffuse sheets, cords and tubules displaying round to oval nuclei with irregular nuclear membrane, few with prominent nucleoli moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Stroma shows lymphocytic infiltration. IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 __________ 6/9 ____________Ductal carcinoma in situ not seen.Lymphovascular invasion not seen.Perineural invasion not seen." 265,MR160002783,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters ,cords and tubules. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. probable lymphovascular emboli seen. No ductal carcinoma in situ noted.áIMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 266,MR160002786,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.6 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as cords, tubules and nests. Individual tumor cells have hyperchromatic, pleomorphic round to oval nuclei with moderate cytoplasm. Areas of hemorrhage seen. Stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 267,MR160002787,"CLINICAL DETAILS: Known case of Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.B) Level III lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received in á á á á á á á áá :á Formalin.Time of receipt at lab á á áá : 6.55pm.Procedure á á á á á á á á á áá áá : Mastectomy Lateralityáááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Left breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateralááááááááááááááááááá : 19cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deepááááááááááááá : 2.5cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferiorááááááááááááááá : 15.5cm.Skin ellipseááááááááááááááááááááááá :á 14X7cm.Nippleááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defectáááááááá : 7.5cm, below nipple and areolaTumor sizeáááááááááááááááááááááááá : Grossly no obvious tumor seen, grey white area ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá measuring 2.5x1.5x1.5cm in the lumpectomy bed.Location of tumoráááááááááááááá : Below nipple and areola Lower quadrant.Deep marginááááááááááááááááááááá : 2cm.Muscleáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Absent.Adjacent breastááááááááááááááááá : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodesáááááá : 10 nodes.Size of largest nodeáááááááááá : 2.5x2x1.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infitration.Axillary tailááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 10x6x2cm.B) Received fibro fatty tissue measuring 3x2x1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy: post lumpectomy.No residual viable tumor present.Lumpectomy bed shows fibrosis, necrosis,foreign body giant cells and granulationtissue.- Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.- Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 10 lymph nodes - No metastatic deposits of tumor.SUMMARY:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy: post lumpectomy.No residual viable tumor present.Lumpectomy bed shows fibrosis, necrosis,foreign body giant cells and granulationtissue.Lymph nodes: 10 lymph nodes - No metastatic deposits of tumor." 268,MR160002803,"H16-3805SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as tubules nests and cords. The tumor cells have round to oval hyperchromatic, pleomorphic nuclei with moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows hyalinisation and fibrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2Modified BR score is 6/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures(8-9/10hpf) : 2 _____________ 6/9 _____________" 269,MR160002804,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in right breast-Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS: Received 3 grey white liner cores measuring 0.7 to 1.3 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS: Linear cores of breast parenchyma incorporating a neoplasm arranged as tubules. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclear and moderate cytoplasm. Lymphovasicular emboli seen.IMPRESSION: Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy form right breast.Modified BR score is 5/9, grade 2Tubular formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 _______________ 5/9 _______________" 270,MR160002825,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters and tubules. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei and conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Probable lymphovascular emboli seen.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 __________ 6/9 ____________" 271,MR160002835,"CLINICAL DETAILS: Right breast nipple disease.SPECIMEN:Cone excision, Right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 7.5x6.5x1.3cm.On sectioning slicing shows dilated duct with adjacent fibro cyst measuring 3x1x0.3cm, located at the following distance from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 3.5cm.Inferior margin -- 2.7cm.Medial margin -- 3.5cm.Lateral margin -- 2cm.Deep margin -- 0.3cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple sections studied from the cystic lesion shows dilated ducts, most of them lined with single layer of cuboidal epithelial cells and few ducts show in focal area stratification of cells with atypical nucleus and intraductal papillary ? encysted papillary carcinoma or focal area of invasive papillary carcinoma.Superior resected margin - Fibrofatty tissue- Free of tumor.Inferior resected margin - Fibrofatty tissue- Free of tumor.Medial resected margin - Fibrofatty tissue- Free of tumor.Lateral resected margin- Fibrofatty tissue- Free of tumor.Deep resected margin - Fibrofatty tissue- Free of tumor.IMPRESSION:Cone excision, right breast:? Encysted Papillary Carcinoma, focal areas of invasive papillary carcinoma.Advised IHC markers." 272,MR160002844,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma SPECIMEN :Left breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as sheets, tubules and nests. Individual tumor cells have hyperchromatic, pleomorphic nuclei with moderate cytoplasm. Ductal carcinoma in situ, solid type with comedonecrosis present.IMPRESSION :Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 273,MR160002848,"H16-3770SPECIMEN : Mass in right breast- carcinoma breast.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 3 grey white linear core measuring 0.5 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Linear cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting a neoplastic lesion arranged as cords and vague glandular configuration consisting of ovoid cells demonstrating moderate atypia and eosinophilic cytoplasm.Intervening areas shows desmoplastic stroma.IMPRESSION :Right breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma with Lobular features, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)" 274,MR160002853,"CLINICAL DETAILS: Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Fresh.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 17cm. Superficial - deep : 5cm. Superior-inferior : 15cm.Skin ellipse : 14.5x6.5cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 2.5x2x1.4cm.Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrant.Deep margin : 0.7cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.Axillary tail : 4x3x1cm.Located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior--6cm.Inferior--7.5Medial--2.5cmLateral--9cm.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade IIModified BR score is 6/9.Tumor measures 2.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper inner quadrant. Invasive ductal carcinoma, measuring 1.5cm.Extensive areas of Ductal carcinoma-in-situ- Solid, cribriform and comedonecrosis- Maximum dimension of DCIS is 1.0 cm.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: One lymph nodes show metastatic tumor out of 3 nodes. Perinodal spread present.Size of the largest node is 1.5x1cm.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma with extensive areas of ductal carcinoma-in-situ,Grade 2Lymph nodes: One lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposits out of 3 nodes. Perinodal spread present." 276,MR160002891,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Gynecomastia of Left Breast- ? Glandular tissue ?? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN : Biopsy from Left retroareolar breast tissue.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS : Section shows cores of breast tissue showing proliferation of ducts lined by cuboidal epithelium with periductal stromal fibrosis and mild lymphocytic infiltrate. No atypia is seen. IMPRESSION :Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Features are suggestive of Gynecomastia." 277,MR160002940,CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left completion mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 7.5x5.5x2cm.Largest lymph node measuring 3x2x1.2cm.Cut surface shows greywhite (tumor deposit).Isolated 15 lymph nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:One node shows metastatic deposits of invasive carcinoma out of 15 nodes.Perinodal spread not present.IMPRESSION:Axillary nodes:One node show metastatic deposits of invasive ductal carcinoma out of 15 nodes.Perinodal spread not present.(1/15)Size of the largest node is 3x2x1.2cm. 278,MR160002942,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump-? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple greywhite linear cores measuring 1 to 1.3cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as nests,cords and tubules of moderately pleomorphic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm Few cells show prominent nucleoli.There are atypical mitosesá .Stroma shows periductal lymphoid aggregates and desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy of right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade 2.MBR score is 7/9.Tubule formationááááááá :3Nuclear pleomorphism:2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá :2" 279,MR160002944,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass with axillary lymph node - carcinoma.SPECIMEN :Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section from the linear cores show breast paranchyma harboring a lesion with cells arranged in nests tubules and trabecular pattern. Cells have moderate to scanty cytoplasm with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei. Ductal carcinoma in situ component is seen.IMPRESSION :Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 _____________ 6/9 ____________Ductal carcinoma in situ present." 280,MR160002954,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left Breast lump- ? CarcinomaSPECIMEN: Biopsy from Left Breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white linear core measuring 0.6 to 1.1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS: Section shows linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets. Individual cells are moderately pleomorphic with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma is fibrous with bland stromal cells. Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION: Left breast lump, Core biopsyInvasive ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7 (3+2+2)" 281,MR160002962,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass Right breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from Right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS: Received 2 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1.1 to 1.2cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and cords.Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy : Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 282,MR160002980,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Bloody discharge right nipple.SPECIMEN:Microdochectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 5.5x4.5x1.3cm. Serial slicing shows multiple dilated ducts ranging in diameter from 0.4 to 0.8cm, distance from closest ink margin is 0.1cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple sections reveal breast parenchyma with dilated exhibiting a neoplastic proliferation of round to ovoid cells in papillary configuration demonstrating mild to moderate atypia and pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. No lymphovascular invasion or Perineural invasion seen.IMPRESSION:Microdochectomy:Tumor type : Papillary ductal carcinoma-in-situ.Tumor size : 0.5cm in the greatest dimension.Lymphovascular invasion and Perineural invasion : Not identified.Distance from the closest resected margin : 0.3cm." 283,MR160002992,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump-?Carcinoma.SPECIMEN: A) Biopsy from left breast lump.B) Biopsy from liver lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.B) Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.7 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Linear cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets,nests and tubular configuration lined by cuboidal to ovoid cells demonstrating moderate nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm.Mitotic figures are discerned.Intervening areas show fibrocollagenous stroma.B) Linear cores of liver parenchyma exhibiting a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests and islands consisting of ovoid to cuboidal cells demonstrating moderate atypia and eosinophilic cytoplasm amidst prominent areas of necrosis.IMPRESSION:A) Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma,Grade II.Tubule formation --2Nuclear pleomorphism --2Mitotic figures --2. --------MBR score is 6/9 ---------B) Biopsy from liver lesion :Metastatic carcinoma most likely from breast.Suggest IHC." 284,MR160003012,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump- ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as nests and sheets. The tumor cells have round to oval hyperchromatic,pleomorphic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Ductal carcinoma in situ (solid type) present.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 __________ 6/9 ____________Ductal carcinoma in situ (solid type) present." 285,MR160003025,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received iná :á Formalin.Time of receipt at lab : 4:50pm.Procedureááá : Mastectomy.Lateralityáá : Left breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateraláááá : 22cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deep : 4cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferioráá : 18cm.Skin ellipseááááá :á 15x11cm.Nippleááááááááááááá : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumorá :á Single.Tumor size : 3.6x2x1.6cm.Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 1cm.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 18 nodes.Size of largest node : 1x0.5x0.3cm. Cut surface shows greywhite to greybrown.Axillary tail : 10x6x2cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Invasive carcinoma, grade II with clear cell change and neuroendocrine differentiation.Suggest IHC.Tumor measures 3.6cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper inner quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ, comedo pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not present.Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 18 lymph nodes, Metastasis : Nil (0/18).Advised- PAS (A slide). IHC markers (C slide)." 286,MR160003029,"H16-3878SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as nests and singly dispersed cells. The tumor cells are large, pleomorphic with hyperchromatic nuclei, few with prominent nucleoli and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Ductal carcinoma in situ (solid type) present. Perineural invasion identified. Areas of necrosis present.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast; Invasive Ductal carcinoma.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 __________ 7/9 ____________Ductal carcinoma in situ (solid type) along with necrosis.Perineural invasion identified." 287,MR160003068,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measuring 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as nests, cords and tubules. The tumor cells have round to oval hyperchromatic, pleomorphic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Atypical mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________Ductal carcinoma in situ (solid type) present." 288,MR160003069,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left Axilla sentinel lymph nodes.B) Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 3 bits of fibrofatty tissue altogether measuring 4.5x2x1cm.Largest lymph node measuring 2x1.5x0.5cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.B) Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy MRM.Laterality : Left.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 16cm. Superficial - deep : 5cm. Superior-inferior : 14cm.Skin ellipse : 12x7cm.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 5.5x4x3.5cm. Cut surface shows granular areas.Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Infiltrative.Deep margin : 1.5cm.Muscle : Present. 3.5x3x0.5cm.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 8 nodes.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.8cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.Axillary tail : 5.5x5x3cm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified BR score is 9/9. Grade III.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 3Tumor measures 5.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the lower outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Plenty of tumor emboli.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable. Tumor is extending upto skin, epidermis is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 8 lymph nodes- Metastatic deposits of tumor out of 21 nodes (8/21).Sentinel nodes show 3 nodes out of 3 nodes.Total No. of nodes : 11 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 24 nodes. Perinodal spread seen.Size of the biggest node is 2x1.5cm.SUMMARY:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade III.Total Lymph nodes: 11 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 24 nodes. Perinodal spread present.Size of the biggest node is 2x1.5cm." 289,MR160003075,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast Lump- ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as solid sheets and nests. The tumor cells have round to oval hyperchromatic, pleomorphic nuclei with moderate to abundant cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 __________ 7/9 ____________" 290,MR160003118,"CLINICAL DETAILS :Lump right breast 1 month.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Time of receipt at lab : 1:10pm.Procedure : Mastectomy MRM.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :- Medial-lateral : 19cm. Superficial - deep : 5cm. Superior-inferior : 18cm.Skin ellipse : 17.5x8.5cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 2.5 x 2.3 x 2.8 cm.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Infiltrative.Deep margin : 1.2cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 13 nodes.Size of largest node : Largest matted lymph node measuring 2.5x1.5x1.8cm. Cut surface shows greywhite, necrotic.Axillary tail : 7.5x5x3cm.Representative sections are submitted.IMPRESSION :Right Breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 3 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8(3+3+2). - Tumor is unifocal and is located in the upper outer quadrant. - Tumor measures 2.8 cm in greatest dimension. - Lymphovascular invasion is identified. - Perineural invasion is indeterminate. - Ductal carcinoma-in-situ of comedo, cribriform and solid pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen. - Nipple and Areola are free of tumor. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor and is 1.2 cm away from the tumor.Lymph nodes : Eleven out of Fourteen lymph nodes, shows metastatic tumour deposits with Extranodal Extension(11/14). - Size of the largest tumour deposit measures 2.5 cm in greatest dimension.SUMMARY :Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 3.Lymph nodes: Fourteen lymph nodes, Metastasis : Eleven (11/14).Pathological stage : pT2N3a" 291,MR160003122,"H16-4021SPECIMEN :Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1.2 to 1.5cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION :Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 1- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1)." 292,MR160003135,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received iná :á Formalin.Time of receipt at lab : 3:00pm.Procedureááá : Mastectomy.Lateralityáá : Left breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateraláááá : 20cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deep : 3cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferioráá : 22cm.Skin ellipseááááá :á 14x7cm.Nippleááááááááááááá : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumorá :á Single.Tumor size : 4x3.5x2.5cm.Location of tumor : Central quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 1.2cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 13 nodes.Size of largest node : 2x1x0.7cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.Axillary tail : 7x4x1.5cm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IIModified BR score is 7/9.Tumor measures 4cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Central quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ present with solid and cribriform pattern.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: One lymph node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 13 nodes. Perinodal spread present.Size of the largest node is 2x1cm.Pathological stage : pT2N1.SUMMARY:\Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Lymph nodes: One lymph node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 13 nodes. Perinodal spread present." 293,MR160003136,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of Ductal carcinoma In situ bilateral breasts- post op 1month.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting focal areas of demonstrating aggregates of lymphocytic infiltrate, macrophages and giant cells.There are areas of fibrosis.Hyalinisation noted focally. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lesion : Foreign body granulomata.No evidence of malignancy. in the material submitted." 294,MR160003152,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast - post lumpectomy and chemoSPECIMEN:Right breast and axillary lymph nodes level 1,2,3GROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : FormalinProcedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá :á Mastectomyá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá áá Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá :áá Right Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medial - lateral -17cmáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficialá - Deep - 3.5cm áá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior - Inferiorá - 18cmSkin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá :áá 15x6cm á Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá :á Absent Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : 5.5cm.Tumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : no solid tumor identifiedTumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá :á tumor bed under the scar present in upper inner quadrant, cut surface shows grey white fibrotic, altogether measures 3.5x3x1.5cm. ááááááááá áááááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá á á á á áá :á 1cmMuscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááá : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá ááááááááá : fibrofattyá áááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááá : 6x4.5x2.5cm.Total number of nodesááááááá : 15 lymph nodes Size of largest nodeááááááááááá : 4.5x3.5x1.5cm, cut surface shows grey white, necroticIMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- Fibrotic,necrotic, inflammatory cellular infiltration atrophic ducts. Some ducts show fibrocystic change and adenosis. There is no evidence of residual viable tumor present. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 3 lymph nodes, Metastatic deposits of tumor out ofá 15 nodes.Perinodal spread is present.SUMMARY:Right post lumpectomy MRM, no residual tumor present shows fibrosis and necrosisNodal metastases 3 nodes show metastatic deposits of viable tumor - invasive ductal carcinoma out ofá 15 nodesPerinodal spread is present." 295,MR160003163,"H16-4178SPECIMEN:Left breast, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in sheets and tubules. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Atypical mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with inflammatory infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis seen. Perineural invasion seen.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ______________ 6/9 ____________Perineural invasion seen.Area of necrosis present." 296,MR160003199,"H16-3951SPECIMEN :Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with a lesion in diffuse sheets consisting of cells with round to oval vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli, moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Stroma shows inflammatory infiltrates.IMPRESSION :Biopsy from right breast :Poorly differentiated carcinoma,favouring IDC(nuclear grade 3).Ductal carcinoma in situ not seen.Lymphovascular invasion not seen.Perineural invasion not seen." 297,MR160003200,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast - Post lumpectomy/ Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.SPECIMEN:Right breast, right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy MRM.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 20cm. Superficial - deep : 6cm. Superior-inferior : 20cm.Skin ellipse : 11.3x8cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar : Above nipple in the areola measuring 3cm.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : Grossly only fibrosis seen.Deep margin from fibrotic area : 2.5cm.Muscle : Absent. Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 16 nodes.Size of the largest node : 3x1.5x0.8cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Axillary tail : 6x5x3cm.IMPRESSION:Right breast, right modified radical mastectomy :Tumor bed- Post lumpectomy.Residual few ducts show ductal carcinoma-in-situ- Solid type (Low grade).No evidence of invasive ductal carcinoma.Tumor area shows fibrosis inflammatory cells and foreignbody giant cells.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable. Lymph nodes: 16 lymph nodes- No Metastatic deposits of tumor (0/16).SUMMARY:Right breast, right modified radical mastectomy :Tumor bed- Post lumpectomy.Small focus of residual tumor with few ducts shows ductal carcinoma-in-situ- Solid type (Low grade).No evidence of invasive carcinoma.Lymph nodes: 16 lymph nodes- No Metastatic deposits of tumor (0/16)." 298,MR160003218,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with extensive areas of sclerosis, occasional areas of nests and tubules lined by cells have scanty cytoplasm with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with inconspicuous nucleoli.IMPRESSION:Suspicious for malignancy, Right breast lump.Suggest excision biopsy for evaluation." 299,MR160003219,"H16-3973SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast post operative scar nodule.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear core measuring 0.8 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue exhibiting a neoplastic lesion arranged as infiltrating tubules cords, nests, sheet consisting of ovoid cells demonstrating moderate atypia and eosinophilic cytoplasm. The neoplastic cells are noted to infiltrate into muscle bundle fibres. Intervening areas show desmoplastic stroma.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast post operative scar nodules:Invasive carcinomaá ,Grade 3( 8\9)Tubule Formation - 3Nuclear gradeááááá -3Mitosisáááááááááááááááá -2" 300,MR160003223,"SR16-1953SITE:A) Modified Radical Mastectomy- Laterality not mentioned.B) Received 15 slides and 16 blocks labelled as 5729/16, 5729/ L,M,G,I,N,C,K,H,E,A,F,O,B,D,J. GROSS FINDINGS:A) Modified Radical Mastectomy- Site not mentioned:Received iná :á Formalin, Already grossed.Procedureááá : Mastectomy.Lateralityáá : Not mentioned.Total dimensions : Medial-lateraláááá : 16cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deep : 3cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferioráá : 4cm.Skin ellipseááááá :á 11x3cm.Nippleááááááááááááá : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumorá :á Single.Tumor size : Irregular greywhite to greybrown of necrosis measuring 2x1.5x1.5cm.Location of tumor : Can't be assessed.Margins of tumor : Specimen already cut.Deep margin : 2.5cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 4 nodes.Size of largest node : 3.5x2.5x1.5cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.Axillary tail : Not attached. Separately received in same container multiple bits of fibrofatty tissue altogether measuring 7x6x2cm.B) Received 15 slides and 16 blocks labelled as 5729/16, 5729, L,M,G,I,N,C,K,H,E,A,F,O,B,D,J.IMPRESSION:A) Modified Radical Mastectomy- Side not mentioned:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tumor measures 2cm in greatest dimension. Site of tumor not identified as the specimen already grossed.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Present.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes:á One node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 4 nodes in regrossed specimen.Pathological stage : pT1N1.Summary:Modified Radical Mastectomy- Site not mentioned:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.One node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 4 nodes. Perinodal spread not present.B) Slides and blocks reveiw:Section A shows- Nipple and areola - Unremarkable.Section B-C: Invasive ductal carcinoma.Tubular formationá " 301,MR160003229,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting a neoplastic lesion arranged as tubules and nests consisting cuboidal to ovoid cells demonstrating moderate atypia and pale eosinophilic cytoplasm in a desmoplastic stroma. Few papillae lined by cells with clear cytoplasm are noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast :? Ductal ? Papillary Invasive carcinoma.Modified BR score is 5/9, grade 1Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 __________ 5/9 ____________" 302,MR160003232,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Known case of carcinoma right breast - post modified radical mastectomy.Right chest lesion - ? Recurrence.SPECIMEN:Chest wall, Recurrence, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white lineal core measures 0.5 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows lesion arranged in nests and cords. Individual tumor cell are round to oval with eosinophilic cytoplasm. Nuclei are pleomorphic with inconspicuous nucleoli. Stroma showing fibrosis and lymphocytic infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Chest wall, Recurrence, Biopsy :Suggestive of Recurrent carcinomatic deposits in known and treated case of carcinoma right breast." 303,MR160003233,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? malignant.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the linear cores shows breast parenchyma harboring tumor cells arranged in tubules small islands and sheets .Cells have moderate cytoplasm with round to oval pleomorphic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Atypical mitotic figures are discerned.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 304,MR160003243,"H16-3999SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.á- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 305,MR160003247,"H16-4085SPECIMENá :Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white linear core measuring 0.8 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 3á- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 8(3+2+3)." 306,MR160003253,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma left breast. SPECIMEN :Scar nodule, Excision biopsy(Post MRM and CT - Left breast). GROSS FINDINGS :Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measures 3.8 x 1.5 x 1.4 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows tumor cells in sheets, nests and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION : Scar nodule, Excision biopsy(Post MRM and CT - Left breast) :Suggestive of recurrence of invasive ductal carcinoma. " 307,MR160003295,"H16-3997SPECIMEN :Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.á- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 309,MR160003311,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Breast from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measuring 0.2 to .5cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue exhibiting a neoplastic lesion arranged in broad bands and islands consisting of ovoid cellswith moderate atypia,eosinophilic cytoplasm and brisk mitotic activity.There are prominent areas of necrosis,fibrosis and mixed inflammatory infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump : Suggestive of Ductal carcinoma In situ with suspicious foci of invasion.Suggest repeat biopsy or excision of the lump for further confirmation." 310,MR160003352,"H16-4023SPECIMEN :Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION :Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 311,MR160003362,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in cords, tubules. Individual cells are pleomorphic with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma is fibrous with bland stromal cells and inflammatory infiltrate.áIMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 312,MR160003364,"H16-4518SPECIMEN :Left breast lesion, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring cellular lesion arranged in sheets, cords. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Nuclear pleomoprhism, irregular discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with inflammatory infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis seen.IMPRESSION :Left breast lesion, Biopsy :Recurrent invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 3Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 _____________ 8/9 _____________" 313,MR160003383,"CLINICAL DETAILS :Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.B) Apical nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy:Received in : Formalin. Procedure : Mastectomy MRM. Laterality : Right. Total dimensions : Medial ?lateral : 17cm. Superficial ?Deep : 5cm. Superior-Inferior : 14cm.Skin ellipse : 17x8cm. Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumour Size : 2.5x2.4x2cm. Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant. Margins of tumor : Ill defined. Deep margin : 0.5cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Axillary tail : 9x8x4cm. Total number of nodes : 19 nodes.Size of largest node : 3x2x1.5cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.B) Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 1.3x1x0.5cm.Resected 3 nodes, biggest measuring 0.8x0.5cm.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures 2.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is present with comedonecrosis.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 3 lymph nodes, Metastatic deposits of tumor out of 19 nodes (0/19). Perinodal spread present.Size of the largest node is 3x2cm.Pathological stage : pT2N1.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II.Lymph nodes: 3 lymph nodes, Metastatic deposits of tumor out of 19 nodes (0/19). Perinodal spread present." 314,MR160003403,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN :Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.5 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords tubules. Individual cells have pleomorphic hyperchromatic round to oval nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma is fibrous with gland stromal cells.IMPRESSION :Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 5/9, grade 1Tubule formationáááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________" 316,MR160003415,"H16-4067SPECIMEN :Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.5 to 1cm.Entire itssue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests, cords and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 1- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1)." 317,MR160003416,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right MRM.B) Level III lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received ináá ááá ááá ááá ááá á: Formalin.Procedureáá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá á á : MR Mastectomy post NACT Lateralityáá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá á á á : Right.á áTotal dimensionsáá ááá ááá áááá :á Medialá to lateral--17cm. áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep--5.5cm.ááá ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior--17cm.Skin ellipseáá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á: 14x9cm.áááá áNipple/areolaáá ááá ááá ááá ááá á : Unremarkable.Scar/ Surgical defectáá ááá á : Not seen.Tumoráá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá á á á : Single.Tumour Sizeáá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá : 5x5x3cm.áááááááá áLocation of tumoráá ááá ááá ááá :á Upper outer quadrant. Margins of tumoráá ááá ááá áááá : ill defined.ááááááá áDeep margináá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá : 1cm.Muscleáá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á áá áá : Absent Adjacent Breastáá ááá ááá ááá á : Fibrofatty tissue.ááááááá áAxillary tailáá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá : 7x6x9cm.Total number of nodesáá ááá : 16 nodes.Size of largest nodeáá ááá ááá : 2.2x2x1cm.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy, Grade III.Tumor bed:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma-Viable residual tumor present,focal areas of fibrosis and necrotic is seen.Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formationáááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá : 3Tumor measures 5x5 cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola isá unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 5 lymph nodes, show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 16 nodes.Perinodal spread present.Size of the largest node is 2.2x2cm.Summary: Right MRM,Invasive Ductal Carcinoma-Viable residual tumor present, Grade III.Nodal metastases 5 nodes,show metastatic deposits of viable residual tumor present.Perinodal spread present out of 16 nodes." 319,MR160003429,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast(post CT).SPECIMEN:Right Modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : FormalinProcedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : Modified radical Mastectomy post NACT Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá :ááá Right Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medial - lateral -22cmááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - Deepá - 8cm á ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior - Inferiorá -20cm Skin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá :á 16x9cm áá Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá : wrinkling of the skin seenScar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : Not seenTumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : SingleTumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá :á 1.5x1x1cm. ááááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá :á inner outer quadrantá Margins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á : ill defined ááááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá áááááááááá : 3cm Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á á á á : Present Adjacent Breastááá ááá ááááááááá : fibrofatty tissue áááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááá : 10x9x5cmTotal number of nodesááááááá : 14 nodesSize of largest nodeááááááááááá : 1.5x1cm, cut surface shows grey brown appearance.IMPRESSION:Right breast,Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Residual viable tumor present.Invasive ductal carcinoma with areas of fibrosis and necrosis, Gradeá II. Modified BR score is 6/9Tubule formation: 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 1.5cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the inner outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present.áLymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes:á 15 lymph nodes, show no deposits of tumor. SUMMARY:Right post NACT MRM, viable residual tumorInvasive ductal carcinoma,Grade II.Nodal metastases 15nodes - no deposits of tumor." 320,MR160003431,"H16-4055SPECIMEN :Right Breast Lump, Biopsy :GROSS FINDINGS :Received 2 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION :Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 322,MR160003518,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged predominantly as cords and trabeculae and occasional tubules. The neoplastic cells exhibit nulcear hyperchromasia moderate nuclear pleomorphism and have moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma , Biopsy from left breast.?Poorly differentiated ductal ?LobularModified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 __________ 6/9 ____________No ductal carcinoma in situ component noted.No lymphovascular emboli seen." 323,MR160003535,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right retroareolar lump/ FNAC- Papillary neoplasm.SPECIMEN:Excisional biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Fresh tissue received : Yes.Number of specimen : 1Laterality : RightProcedure : Excisional biopsy.Specimen orientation :-Superior margin -- 2cm.Inferior margin -- 1.5cm.Medial margin -- 0.6cm.Lateral margin -- 1cm.Deep margin -- 0.6cm.Skin : Absent.Nipple : Absent.Lesions : Present.Number of macroscopically visible lesions : 1Lesion description : Location : Greywhite, soft, friable.Lesion dimensions : 1x1x0.9cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple sections from the lesion show few ducts are seen showing stratification of cells and papillary like projection with vascular lined with epithelial cells. The cells show pleomorphic nucleus with vesicular nucleus. The ducts are lined with outer myoepithelial cells. There is no evidence of invasive carcinoma seen.Surrounding breast parenchyma showing fibrocystic change.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.Perineural invasion : Not present.All resected margins are free of tumor.Excisional biopsy:Papillary ductal carcinoma-in-situ.Tumor measuring 1x1x0.9cm.No evidence of invasive carcinoma.All resected margins are free of tumor.Suggest IHC." 324,MR160003550,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left lumpectomy specimen.B) Revised inferior margin.C) Axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Left lumpectomy specimen:Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 5x5x3cm. Cut surface shows fibrotic and necrotic areas measuring 1.3x1x1cm. No solid tumor seen.Skin ellipse measures 6x2.5cm.Lumpectomy scar measuring 2.5cm in length, located at the following distance from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 1.3cm.Inferior margináá -- 1.5cm.Medial marginá á --á 3cm.Lateral marginá á -- 1.3cm.Deep marginááá á --á 0.7cm.B) Revised inferior margin:Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3x2x0.8cm.C) Axillary lymph nodes:Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 6x5x3cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1.3x1x0.9cm. Cut surface shows greybrown to greywhite.IMPRESSION:Left lumpectomy:Tumor bed: The section shows areas of fibrosis, necrosis, lymphocytes and giant cells with few ducts showing atypical hyperplasia. There is no evidence of residual ductal carcinoma or invasive carcinoma.Resected margins:-Superior margin -- Free of tumor.Inferior margináá --á Free of tumor.Medial marginá á --á Free of tumor.Lateral marginá á -- Free of tumor.Deep marginááá á --á Free of tumor.Revised inferior margin shows fibrofatty tissue- free of tumor.Axillary lymph nodes: 12 Nodes- No deposits of tumor." 325,MR160003579,"H16-4123SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.7 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Fragmented linear cores of tissue exhibiting nests, islands, glands and tubules lined by cuboidal to ovoid cells with centrally to eccentrically placed nuclei. Extensive areas of pale eosinophilic material are seen.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma with mucinous features, Grade I.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1)." 327,MR160003620,"H16-4142SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear core measuring 1 to 1.3cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests, cords and tubules. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Atypical mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.Modified BR score 6/9.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ___________ 6/9 ____________Comedonecrosis seen." 328,MR160003627,"H16-4144SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1.2 to 1.3cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests and sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of pale eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and inconspicuous nucleoli. The stroma shows desmoplasia and inflammatory infiltrates. Atypical mitotic figures are discerned.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2Modified BR score 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ________ 7/9 _________" 329,MR160003638,"H16-4671SPECIMEN :Left cervical lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received single lymph node measuring 1.3x0.8x0.4cm.Cut surface - unremarkable 1 lymph node.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the lymph node submitted shows, node replaced by neoplastic cells seen as nests, aggregates and tubules. The cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism with vesicular chromatin and prominent nucleoli. Cytoplasm is moderate in amount. Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Metastatic Adenocarcinoma.Look for primary in lung,GI tract and breast." 330,MR160003642,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right breast mass biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows 4 cores of breast tissue harboring a lesion arranged in cords and nests with individual cells showing mild to moderate pleomorphism, with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, few with prominent nucleoli and moderate to scanty eosinophilic cytoplasm with irregular borders. Stroma shows hyalinization.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, biopsy.Invasive ductal carcinoma, MBR Score 6/9Tubule formation - 3 Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 1 _______ 6/9 _______" 332,MR160003660,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast(Post NACT).SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -23cm Superficial - Deep - 4cm Superior - Inferior -15cmSkin ellipse : 15x9cm Nipple and areola : unremarkable Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : 1) relatively well circumscribed, grey white, fibrotic and calcified lesion measures 1.5x1x1cm, located in inner quadrant. 2) ? tumor showing firm fibrotic areas located in inner upper quadrant. Margins of tumor : 1) well circumscribed 2) illdefined Deep margin : 1) 2.5cm 2) 1.5cmMuscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 5x5x3cmTotal number of nodes : 18 lymph nodesSize of largest node : 1x0.5x0.5cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple sections from the breast parenchyma shows a residual tumor in nests and tubules. The tumor cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Treatment related changes seen including foamy histiocytes, lymphocytic infiltration, calcification, hyalinisation and elastosis seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy(Post NACT) :RESIDUAL INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 1.Definite response to therapy is seen. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1). - Tumour is located in the Upper Inner Quadrant. - Multiple tumor foci are identified, largest measuring 0.5 cm in greatest dimension. - Lymphovascular invasion not identified. - Perineural invasion is not identified. - Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present. - Nipple and Areola are unremarkable. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Lymph nodes : Sixteen lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy(0/16).SUMMARY:Right MRM, post NACT, Residual invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade I.Nodal metastases 0/16." 333,MR160003674,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Left breast - carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as tubules and islands and papillary pattern. The lining epithelial cells are cubiocolumnar have hyperchromatic nuclei moderate cytoplasm. Foci of high grade ductal carcinoma in situ (solid and cribriform type) noted.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 334,MR160003684,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breast, now left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy of left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass : Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma, grade 2.MBR Score is 7/9Tubule formationáááááááá áá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2 Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá áá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á áá á á 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á _______" 335,MR160003686,"H16-4180SPECIMEN:Left breast lesion, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.7 to 0.8cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show multiple tissue fragments of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. The are surounded by myoepithelial lining few glands show eosinophilic secretions. Stroma shows desmoplasia with inflammatory infiltrates.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lesion, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ______________ 6/9 ____________Ductal carcinoma in situ with solid and comedonecrosis pattern." 336,MR160003697,"H16-4175SPECIMEN:Right breast lesion, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.9 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show multiple tissue fragments of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Atypical mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lesion, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 3Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ______________ 8/9 ____________Areas of necrosis seen." 337,MR160003709,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass right breast - carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters, tubules and islands is noted. The neoplastic cells have hyperchromatic to vesicular nuclei, conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 338,MR160003711,"H16-4173SPECIMEN:Right breast lesion, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma one case is harboring a lesion arranged in sheets, cords and nests. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Atypical mitotic figures are discerned. Adjacent cores shows desmoplasia and inflammatory cells.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lesion, Biopsy :Suggestive of invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade- 2Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ______________ 6/9 ____________Please correlate clinically." 339,MR160003718,"SR16-2005SITE: Modified Radical mastectomy , laterality not mentioned.Received 16 blocks labelled as 411/16A to P.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Sections show breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in tubulus, cords, nests and sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Atypical mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia, inflammatory infiltrates, areas of hemorrhage necrosis, fibrodenosis is seen in chondrois metaplasia is adjacent breast.IMPRESSION :MRM, laterality not mentioned :Invasive high grade ductal carcinoma, Grade III with medullary like area.Modified BR score is 8/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 3 ______________ 8/9 ____________Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis seen.Lymphovascular invasion is not seen.Perineural invasion is not seen.All margins of resection (anterior, superior, inferior, medial and lateral ) are free of tumor.Nipple and areola are unremarkable.LYMPHNODES :Isolated eighteen lymphnodes are free of tumor(0/18).They show reactive hyperplasia." 340,MR160003747,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast post lumpectomy post NACT.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received ináááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Formalin.Lateralityááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá :á Right MRM Total dimensionsááááááááááááááááá : Medial -- lateral : 17cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial -- Deep : 3cm.á ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-- Inferiorá : 11cm.Skin ellipseáááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 12x6cm.áá Nippleáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá :Normal, show erosin.Scar/ Surgical defectááááááááááá : 4.5cm above nipple areola.Tumour Sizeáááááááááááááááááááááááá : Grossly no tumor seen, only fibrotic area seen.áááá Deep margin from fibrotic area : 2cm.Axillary tailááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 9x5x2cm.Total number of nodesáááááááááááá : 11 Nodes.Size of largest nodeáááááááááááááááá : 1.5x1.5x1cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy:Tumor bed shows fibrosis, necrosis, foreignbody giant cells and granulation tissue. No evidence of residual viable tumor present.Posterior resection margin is Free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes : 11 lymph nodes- No metastatic deposits of tumor.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy- Post lumpectomy- Post NACT:No residual viable tumor present.Lymph nodes : 11 lymph nodes- No metastatic deposits of tumor." 341,MR160003767,"CLINICAL DETAILS: Lump right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Lumpectomy- Frozen specimen.B) Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Lumpectomy- Frozen specimen:Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 4.5x4x2.5cm. Cut surface shows an ill defined greywhite lesion measuring 1.7x1.5x1.5cm.Distance from nearest inked margin is 0.5cm.B) Right Modified Radical Mastectomy:Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : Formalin.Time of receipt at labááá ááá ááá : 1:10pm.Procedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : Mastectomy MRM.Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : Right. Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medial to lateral : 22cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep : 6cm. áá ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior : 16cm.Skin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá : 12x9cm. áá Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá :Normal Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : 5cm in length.Lumprectomy bed measuring 5x4.5cm seen in lower inner quadrant. No residual tumor seen.ááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá :á Lower inner quadrant.Margins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á :á Fibrofatty. ááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá á á á á áá : Lumprectomy bed greywhite lesion 1.5cm.Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á á á á : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá á á áá áá : Fibrofatty. ááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá á á á á á á á : 6x6x3cm.Total number of nodesááááááá : 17 nodes. Size of largest nodeááááááááááá : 1x0.5x0.3cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:A) Lumpectomy (Frozen specimen):Tumor bed : Invasive ductal carcinoma.Maximum dimension of tumor 1.7x1.5x1.5cm.Tubular formationá 60%áá :á 2Nuclear pleomorphismá á á á :á 2Mitotic figuresááááá 8/10ááá :á 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------------MBR score is 6/9, Nuclear grade II.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.Perineural invasion : Not present.B) Right Modified Radical Mastectomy:No residual tumor.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 17 lymph nodes, No metastatic deposits of tumor (0/17).Summary : Right Modified Radical Mastectomy;No residual tumor.Lymph nodes: 17 lymph nodes, No metastatic deposits of tumor (0/17)." 342,MR160003774,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left Modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified radical Mastectomy, post lumpectomy. Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial - lateral - 18.6cm Superficial - Deep - 3.8cm Superior - Inferior -17cm Skin ellipse : 14x8.5cm Nipple and areola : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : measures 6cm situated in upper quadrantLumpectomy bed : shows illdefined fibrotic areas Tumour Size : fibrotic area measures 4.5x4x3cm with solid residual tumor present measures 2x1.5x1cm. Location of tumor : upper central quadrantMargins of tumor : illdefined Deep margin : 2cmMuscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 7x5.5x2.5cm.Total number of nodes : 15 nodesSize of largest node : 1.2x1x1cm, cut surface shows grey white appearanceIMPRESSION:Left breast post lumpectomy, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- Residual tumor present.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Surrounding areas shows giant cells,fibrosis and lymphocytic infiltration(post lumpectomy areas).Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 3Tumor measures 2x1.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper central quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not presentLymphovascular invasion plenty of emboli present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 10 lymph nodes, show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 15 nodes. Perinodal spread is present.SUMMARY:Left breast post lumpectomy MRM, Residual tumor present.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Surrounding areas shows giant cells,fibrosis and lymphocytic infiltration(post lumpectomy areas).Nodal metastases 10 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 15 nodes.(10/15)Perinodal spread is present." 343,MR160003789,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Poorly differentiated malignancy with extensive inflammatory exudate.? Invasive carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 8/9, grade 3Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 344,MR160003792,"H16-4250SPECIMEN:Left breast lump. Trucut biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 1.0 to 1.1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring a lesion arranged in cords,trabeculae and nests. Individual cells are markedly pleomorphic with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei few with prominent nucleoli and moderateá amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Atypical mitotic figures discerned. Stroma shows hyalinsation and areas of hemorrhage.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Turcut biopsy :Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, grade III.Comedonecrosis seen.Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formationááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááá : 3Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________" 345,MR160003794,"H16-4389SPECIMEN:Left breast lesion, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and occasional tubules. Individual cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left breast lesion, Biopsy :Invasive Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 346,MR160003815,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right breast mass, Trucut biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring a lesion arranged in cords and nests.Individual cells are markedly pleomorphic with atypical pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei,few with prominent nucleoli .Scanty to moderate amount of eosinophilic/ clear cytoplasm. Stroma shows fibrosis and focal areas of necrosis.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Trucut biopsy.Invasive ductal carcinoma.MBR Score, grade IITubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 3Mitotic figures(activity) - 2 ________ 7/9 _________" 347,MR160003816,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.áGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as tubules, cords and nests. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic,pleomorphic nuclei, few with prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Ductal carcinoma In-situ with comedonecrosis present. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II.MBR Score is 7/9Tubule formationáááááááááááááá - 2Nuclear pleomorphismáááá - 3Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá -á 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________Ductal carcinoma In-situ comedonecrosis present." 348,MR160003821,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right breast, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion in cords and tubules.Cells show moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli.Mitotic figures discerned.Stroma shows mild inflammatory infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Right breast, core biopsy : Infiltrating ductal carcinoma.MBR Score (6/9) - grade IITubule formationáááááááá - 2Nuclear pleomorphismá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá - 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------" 349,MR160003828,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right Breast (post excision biopsy).SPECIMEN:Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Mediall ?lateral - 16cm Superficial ?Deep - 4cm Superior-Inferior - 13cmSkin ellipse : 12x7.5cm Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : 3cm,linear scar superior to nipple. beneath the scar irregular grey white with multiple foci of necrosisTumor : SingleTumour Size : 2.0x1.5x1.5cm with necrosis and fibrosis seen. Location of tumor : (Superior) Upper and central quadrant. Margins of tumor : Illdefined. Deep margin : 0.5cm. Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty Axillary tail : 8x5x3cm.Total number of nodes : 25 nodes.Size of largest node : 2.5x1.5x1.2cm,Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed :- Residual tumor present- Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II.Areas of necrosis,fibrosis and inflammatory cells and foreign body giant cells are present. Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 2x1.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 25 lymph nodes, Metastasis:No deposits of tumor(0/25) . SUMMARY:Right -post Lumpectomy MRM,residual tumor is present,Focus of invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade IINodal metastases 25 Nodes - no deposits of tumor." 350,MR160003830,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma breast with brain metastasis.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.4 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as cords and trabeculae. The neoplastic cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and scant cytoplasm. Crush artifact seen. Foci of carcinoma in situ (LCIS) noted.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.? Invasive lobular carcinoma.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 352,MR160003847,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? neoplastic.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.4 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma incorporating tumor arranged as islands and nests. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is fibrous.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationáááááááááááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 353,MR160003854,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion with ulceration - carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplastic lesion arranged as diffuse sheets, cords. The cells have hyperchromatic, pleomorphic nuclei with moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Lymphovascular invasion identified.á IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationáááááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________Lymphovascular emboli seen." 354,MR160003866,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with diffuse sheets of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic round to oval nucleus with prominent nucleoli, moderate atypia and moderate to abundant cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________Areas of necrosis seen." 355,MR160003875,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump ? carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as diffuse sheets of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic round to oval nuclei with moderate atypia and moderate cytoplasm. Few cells show prominent nucleoli and vacuolated cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationáááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááááááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 357,MR160003895,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump? Phyllodes? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.9 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as diffuse sheets. The cells are pleomorphic with hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate atypia and moderate cytoplasm. Atypical mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast lumpModified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________Areas of necrosis seen." 358,MR160003902,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Irregular lesion left breast with multiple fibroadenoma- ? Carcinoma breast (2'0 clock position).SPECIMEN :Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by sheets, cords and nests of pleomorphic cells with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate atypia. Atypical mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION :Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationááááááááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 360,MR160003934,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma with lobular features, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 361,MR160003957,"CLINICAL HISTORY:? MUO Left neck.SPECIMEN:Left cervical lymph node biopsy (level V)GROSS FINDINGS:Received single lymph node measuring 2x1.7x1cm.Cut surface is unremarkable.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section reveals lymph node infiltrated by cellular sheets of round to ovoid neoplastic cells with vesicular nuclei,prominent nucleoli and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm.Mitotic figures are discerned.There are interspersed vascular channels and aggregates of lymphocytes.IMPRESSION:Left cervical lymph node biopsy (level V) :Metastatic carcinoma? Adenocarcinoma Please look for primary in lung/breast/GIT.Suggest IHC." 362,MR160003964,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters and tubules and cords. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.Probable lymphovascular emboli seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 363,MR160003994,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Sentinel nodes.B) Wide local excisionC) Axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 4.5x2.5x1cm,largest lymph node measuring 1.8x1x0.8cm.Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Dissected one node.B) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 6.5x5.5x4cm,skin ellipse measuring 4.5x0.7cm.Cut surface shows grey white lesion measuring 3.2x2.0x1.7cm.Superior marginá -1.2cmInferior margin - 1cmMedial margin - 3cmLateral margin - 2cmDeep margin - 0.8cmC) Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 7x5x3cm.Largest lymph node measuring 2x1x1cm,cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Total 13 lymph nodes isolated.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sentinel nodes:-One node - No metastatic deposits of tumor(0/1).B) Wide local excision :Tumor bed:- The section from the tumor shows clumps, groups of pleomorphic cells with pleomorphic vesicular nucleus with scanty cytoplasm.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade - Tubular formation 10% :á 3Nuclear pleomorphism á á á á á á á :á 3Mitotic figures 12/10 áááááááááááááá á :á 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________Nuclear grade -II Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Ductal carcinoma insitu is not seen.Resected margins :-Superior margin - free of tumor.Inferior margináá - free of tumor.Medial margináá - free of tumor.Lateral margináá - free of tumor.Deep margináááá - free of tumor.C) Axillary lymph nodes :One lymph node show metastatic deposits of tumor out ofá 13 nodes(1/13)Perinodal spread is present.IMPRESSION:A) Sentinel nodes:-One node - no deposits of tumor.B) Wide local excision :Invasive ductal carcinoma.Nuclear grade - IIILymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Ductal carcinoma insitu is not seen.All resected margins are free of tumor.C) Axillary lymph nodes :One node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 13nodes(1/13). " 364,MR160003995,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast - Post opSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right pleural noduleGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores harboring a lesion arranged in nests, cords and vague glandular pattern. The individual neoplastic cells show increase N/C ratio, mildly pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with inconspicuous nucleoli and scant to moderate amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm, Mitotic activity is discerned (2-3/hpf) . Intervening stroma is composed of fibrocollagenous connective tissue. Extensive necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right pleural nodule:Poorly differentiated carcinoma ? Metastatic from breast.Suggest IHC." 367,MR160004024,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores altogether measuring 0.4x0.4x0.2cm.Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma showing areas of necrosis and inflammatory cell infiltrate with predominance of lymphocytes, plasma cells and histiocytes. A few multinucleated giant cells are seen. Cholesterol clefts and haemosiderin laden macrophages seen.IMPRESSION:Necrotising granulomatous inflammation, Biopsy from right breast.No evidence of malignancy in the cores submitted.Kindly correlate with clinical and imageological findings and suggest repeat biopsy if deemed necessary." 368,MR160004032,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast- Post lumpectomy & Post NACT.SPECIMEN :Right Breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy(Post Lumpectomy and Post NACT).GROSS FINDINGS :Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : FormalinProcedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : Modified Radical Mastectomy.Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá :á Right Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medial to lateralá -16cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deepá - 15cm. á ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior -6.5cm.Skin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá : 11 x 7cm. ááá Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá :Normal - unremarkable.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Scar á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá : seen above nipple areola measuring 4 cm.Tumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá :á No obvious tumor is seen. ááá Adjacent Breastááá ááá á á á á áá :á Fibrofatty. áááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá :7 x 4 x 2 cm.Size of largest nodeááááááááááá : 1.5 x 1 x 0.5 cm - Cut surface - grey brown.Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows small focus of ductal carcinoma in situ along with ducts showing adenosis, fibrocystic change and apocrine change. Treatment related changes are seen. No evidence of invasive carcinoma is seen.IMPRESSION :Right Breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy (Post Lumpectomy and Post NACT) :Shows focus of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ of cribriform and comedo pattern with intermediate nuclear grade.á- Size of the ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.6 cm in greatest dimension.á- No evidence of invasive carcinoma is seen.á- Treatment related changes are seen.á- Lymphovascular or perineural invasion is not identified.á- Nipple and Areola are free of tumor.á- Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Lymph nodes:Nineteen lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy (0/19).Pathological stage : ypTis(DCIS) N0" 369,MR160004035,"H16-4365SPECIMEN:Left breast lump biopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measuring 0.2 to 0.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple tissue fragments of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Atypical mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with inflammatory infiltrates.Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, FNAC :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 3.Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ________ 8/9 _________Lymphovascular invasion not seen.Ductal carcinoma in situ not seen.Areas of necrosis seen." 370,MR160004041,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of Sarcomatoid carcinoma of left breast.Complaining of Right breast lesions.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear core measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests,islands,cords consisting of ovoid to round cells demonstrating moderate atypia and eosinophilic cytoplasm.Mitotic figures are discerned.Intervening areas show desmoplasic stroma and myxoid change.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lesion :Invasive carcinoma, grade IIMBR Score is 6/9Tubular formation = 2Nuclear pleomorphism = 2Mitotic figures = 2 ______ 6/9 ______" 371,MR160004052,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Patient underwent left mastectomy elsewhere.SPECIMEN:A)Left completion mastectomy. B) Skin excision.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Left completion mastectomy with ALND along with underlying pectoralis major.Laterality : Left. Total dimensions : Medial -lateral - 20cm Superficial -Deep - 4cm Superior-Inferior - 16cmSkin ellipse : 15x4.5cm,longitudinal scar is present measuring 12cm. Nipple : Absent Scar/ Surgical defect :scar is present.Tumor : Multiple grey white areas noted fibrotic,focal and necrosis.Tumour Size : 2.5x1.5x1.5cm Location of tumor : outer quadrant Margins of tumor : illdefined Deep margin : 0.5cm Muscle : Muscle, measuring 5x3cm. Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : 5x4x2cmTotal number of nodes : 17lymph nodesSize of largest node : 2.5x2x1cm.B) Received skin flap measuring 7.5x3cm;surface shows multiple nodules.Largest measuring 1x0.8cm.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast,left Modified Radical Mastectomy(Post Mastectomy):Tumor bed :- Few ducts in focal areas show viable ductal Carcinoma insitu (lowgrade)- No evidence of invasive carcinoma. Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is muscle bundles free of tumor.Nipple and areola is not present.Lymph nodes: 17 lymph nodes, No deposits of tumor. B) Skin excision:The epidermis of the skin show mild acanthosis and subepithelial tissue consists of dense fibrotic areas,there is no evidence of invasive carcinoma.SUMMARY:Left completion mastectomy MRM, focal areas few ducts with ductal carcinoma insitu - (low grade).Most of the areas show fibrotic and myxomatous areas and degenerated tumor cells.There is no evidence of invasive carcinoma.Nodal metastases 17 nodes- no deposits of tumor." 372,MR160004076,CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Breast.SITE:Left modified radical mastectomy.Received 16 paraffin blocks labelled as 1983/16.IMPRESSION:Sections from the tumor show invasive ductal carcinoma.Tubule formationáááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá - 3Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá - 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______MBR Score-áááááááááááááááááááá 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________Lymphovascular invasion is present.Ductal carcinoma insitu is not present.Base / under-surface resected margins are free of tumor.Nipple and areola are free of tumor.Axillary lymph nodes - 19 nodes show no deposit of tumor.Nodes show Nonceaseating granulomas - kindly rule out tuberculosis. 373,MR160004089,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Lump from Left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast lumpectomy.B) Lump in retroareolar region.C) Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A)Fresh tissue received : YesNumber of specimens received : 1 Laterality : Left Procedure : LumpectomySpecimen orientation : Not orientated Specimen size : 4.5x3.5x3.3cm Skin : Present Skin dimensions : 2.5x.0.5cm Skin abnormalities : Absent Nipple : Absent Lesion(s) : PresentNumber of macroscopically visible lesions : 1 Lesion dimensions : 1.4x1.3x1.5cmDistance of lesion to nearest margin - 0.2cmB) Received single soft tissue bits measuring 2x1.5x0.8cm.Cut surface show grey white lesion 1.8x1.5x0.7cm.Distance from closest ink margin is 0.1cm.C)Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial ?lateral - 17cm Superficial ?Deep - 15cm Superior-Inferior - 4.5cmSkin ellipse : 14x10.5cm.Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Located 4cm above in upper inner quadrant and medial to not applicable.Tumour Size : Lumpectomy cavity measuring 5.5x4.5x4cm, grey white areas about 1cm. Location of tumor : upper inner quadrant. Margins of tumor : --- Deep margin of lumpectomy defect : 1cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty Axillary tail : 7x6x3cm.Size of largest node : 2.2x1.8x1.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A)&B) Sections show breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests and sheets.The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm,hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few.Atypical mitotic figures are discerned.Stroma shows desmoplasia with inflammatory infiltrates.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast lumpectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade IIMBR Score (2+2+2 = 6/9)-Tumor measures 1.5cm in greatest dimension.-Skin is free of tumor.B) Lump in retroareolar region :Invasive ductal carcinoma.grade II.(MBR score 2+2+2)Ductal cacinoma insitu solid and with comedonecrosis seen.Tumor measures 1.8cm in greatest dimension.C) Left Modified Radical Mastectomy :Residual Invasive ductal carcinoma,grade II.Residual Tumor measures 1.0cm in greatest dimension.Tumor is located in upper inner quadrant.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior margin of resection is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Ductal carcinoma in situ - cribriform pattern is seen.Isolated one out of twenty lymph nodes show tumor deposits(1/20).No perinodal spread is noted. " 374,MR160004104,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast post NACT.SPECIMEN:Right Modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified radical Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -15cm Superficial - Deep - 5.5cm Superior - Inferior -15cmSkin ellipse : 11x9cm Nipple and areola : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : No obvious tumor seen only grey white, fibrotic areas seen.Tumour Size : A small grey white nodule seen in central quadrant ? fibrosis measures 1x1x0.8cm. Location of tumor : in all quadrantsMargins of tumor : illdefined Deep margin :1cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 6x5x2cm.Total number of nodes : 15nodesSize of largest node : 1.4x1x1cm, cut surface shows grey brown appearanceIMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- The mass shows diffuse fibrosis and dense sclerosis.No evidence of viable tumor.Lesion measures dense fibrosis measures 1x0.8cm in greatest dimension. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 15 lymph nodes, show no deposits of tumor.SUMMARY:Right MRM, fibrotic area - no residual viable tumor.Nodal metastases 15 nodes show no deposits of tumor." 375,MR160004112,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Right breast mass-?Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplasm arranged as cords and trabeculae.The neoplastic cells are hyperchromatin and have moderate cytoplasm.The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma with lobular features,Biopsy from right breast.MBR score is 6/9,Grade 2Tubule formation:3Nuclear pleomorphism:2Mitotic figures:1" 376,MR160004115,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma right thyroid.SPECIMEN:A) Hemithyroidectomy with tracheal resection.B) Left hemithyroidectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lobe of thyroid with adherent tracheal ring measuring 5.5x3.2x3cm.Lobe of thyroid measuring 4x3.2x3cm attached muscle measuring 3x1.5x0.7cm.Tracheal ring measuring 2x2x1.5cm.Cut surface of specimen shows ill defined greywhite tumor with areas of hemorrhage with gritty sensation measuring 3.5x3.3x3cm,tumor breaching trachea,isthmus is unremarkable.Tumor is reaching upto the inked margins.Also received in same container tracheal ring measuring 2x1.2x0.3cm.B) Received lobe of thyroid measuring 2.7x2x0.8cm.Cut surface is unremarkable.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section shows thyroid incorporating a neoplasm arranged as nodules composed by microfollicles which are separated by thick fibrous septae.Angiolymphatic invasion seen.Extrathyroidal extension noted.Tumor infiltrates trachea and reaches the inked margin.Section from adjacent muscle is unremarkable.Section from separately submitted semicircular ring of trachea is free of tumor.B) Sections from left lobe of thyroid shows nodules of colloid filled follicles of varying sizes lined by flattened to cuboidal epithelium.IMPRESSION:A) Papillary carcinoma thyroid,follicular variant,right breast.Tumor size: 3.5x3.3x3cm.Angiolymphatic invasion seen.Extrathyroidal extension noted.Tumor infiltrates trachea.Adjacent muscle is free of tumor.Separately received semicircular tracheal ring segment is free of tumor.B) Left lobe of thyroid: Free of tumor." 377,MR160004116,"H16-4396SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests, cords and diffuse sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.á- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 378,MR160004119,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - ? Malignant.SPECIMEN:Biopsy right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters and tubules.Probable lymphovascular emboli seen.The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma,Biopsy right breast ,Grade I.MBR Score is 5/9Tubular formationááááááááá = 2 Nuclear pleomorphism = 2 Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá = 1 áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______" 379,MR160004126,"H16-4690SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.5 to 1.0cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2á- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 380,MR160004130,"H16-4426SPECIMEN:Left breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to1.3cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.á- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 381,MR160004140,"SR16-2101SITE : Left Mastectomy spA) Received 9 blocks, 5 slides B) Received already grossed mastectomy specimen in bits altogether measuring 16x8x7cm.On examination shows grey white lesion measuring 2.5x2x1.5cmDeep margin cannot be assessed.Adjacent breastá shows fibrofatty tissue.Part of Nipple and areola appear normal.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Sections show breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in lobules and sheets.The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromati nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Atypical mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia and inflammatory infiltrates.IMPRESSION :Left MRM, left breast :Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, grade 2Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation á á á á á á á á á :á 3Nuclear pleomorphism á á á áá : 2Mitotic figures á á á á á á á á á á á :á 2á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá ____________á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá 7/9á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá _________Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Nipple areola is unremarkable.Adjacent parenchyma show fibroadenosis.Received 9 blocks and 5 slides labelled as 14 of 14 nodes show reactive hyperplasia. Free of tumor (0/14). " 382,MR160004142,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2á- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 383,MR160004157,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.0cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________" 384,MR160004158,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - ?Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring cellular lesion arranged as nests and sheets. The cells have irregular hyperchromatic nuclei conspicuous nucleolus and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned .Lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate noted.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________Foci suggestive of high grade comedoductal carcinoma in situ noted." 386,MR160004165,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - ? recurrent phyllodes?? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1.0 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Fibroepithelial lesion favoring benign phyllodes tumor, Biopsy from left breast." 387,MR160004180,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Not provided.SITE :Biopsy from left breast.Received 2 slides and 2 blocks labelled as 553/16A,B.One specimen Received already grossed specimen of single fibrofatty tissue measuring 8x6.5x2.5cm, Cut surface show cystic areas with areas of necrosis measuring 3.8x3x0.5cm.Distance from closest inked margin - 0.2cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows breast tissue infiltrated by neoplasm arranged as islands and nests. Tumor appears to arise within a dilated cyst/duct and is infiltrating the adjacent stroma. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have vesicular nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Foci of solid and cribriform ductal carcinoma in situ noted. Probable lymphovascular emboli seen. Closest inked margin is 0.2cm away from tumor.IMPRESSION :Invasive carcinoma, left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationááááááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 388,MR160004183,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.9 to 1.3cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________" 389,MR160004186,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast Lump - ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Trucut biopsy of Left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with an infiltrative lesion arranged in tubules,cords, and nests separated by fibrous septae.Cells display round to oval vesicular nuclei,few with prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm.Mitotic figures are discerned.Myxoid background is noted.Ductal carcinoma in-situ seen.Stroma shows mild lymphocytic infiltration and hemorrhage.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma - Grade II.MBR Score is 6/9.Tubular formation = 2Nuclear pleomorphism = 2Mitotic figures = 2 _______ 6/9 ________Foci of Ductal carcinoma insitu noted.Lymphovascular invasion not seen.Perineural invasion not seen." 390,MR160004188,"H16-4456SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and diffuse sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2á- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 391,MR160004191,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests, cords and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2á- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 392,MR160004215,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy Left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters and tubules.The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism,have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm.The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy left breast, Grade II.MBR Score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááá = 3Nuclear pleomorphismá = 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá = 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á ________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áá ________á " 394,MR160004224,"H16-4464SPECIMEN:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measuring 0.8 to 1.0cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2á- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 395,MR160004229,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Lump in the left breastCarcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : FormalinProcedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : Modified radical mastectomy post NACT Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá :áá Leftá Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medial - lateral á - 16.5cmáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - Deepá -á 5cmá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior - Inferioráá - 16cmSkin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá :ááá 13x8.5cmá Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá : Normal áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá áá Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : Not seenTumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : SingleTumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá : 2.2x2x2cm. áááááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá : upper outer quadrantá á Margins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á :áá infiltrative áááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá áá á á á á : 1.8cm Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá ááááááááá : fibrofattyá áááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá : 6x5x2.5cm.Total number of nodesáááááááá : 13lymph nodes Size of largest nodeááááááááááá : 2.5x1.5x0.5cm, cut surface is unremarkableIMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: áTumor bed:- Residual viable tumor present.Invasive ductal carcinoma with areas of fibrosis and necrosis present, Grade II.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation:á 2Nuclear pleomorphism:á 2 Mitotic figures:á 2Tumor measures 2.2x2cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not presentáLymphovascular invasion is not presentPerineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 13 lymph nodes, no metastatic deposits of tumor.á SUMMARY:Leftá MRM post NACT, Residual viable tumor present measuring 2.2cm with invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade II. " 396,MR160004255,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right Breast.SPECIMEN:A) Sentinel lymph nodes.B) Wide local excision.C) Revised superior and inferior marginD) Axillary dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3x3x1cm.Sentinel lymph node measuring 0.8x0.7x0.6cm,Cut surface shows grey white.One node present measuring 0.8x0.7x0.6cm.B) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 6.5x4.5x3.3cm.Skin ellipse measuring 3.5x1cm,on serial section.Tumor measuring 2.2x1.8x1.8cm.Superior margin - 1.2cmMedial margin - 1.2cmInferior margin - 1cmLateral margin - 2.5cmDeep margin - 0.3cmC) Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 6x3x1.5cm.One surface is noted.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 7x5x3.5cm.largest lymph node measuring 2x1x1cm.Cut surface shows fatty infiltrate.Total =18 lymph nodes isolated.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sentinel lymph nodes :One node - No metastatic deposits of tumor.B) Wide local excision :Tumor bed - Tumor consists of pleomorphic polygonal cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and eosinophilic cytoplasm.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade:- Tubular formation = 30% : 2Nuclear pleomorphism 6/10 : 2mitotic figures : 2 ________MBR score 6/9 __________Nuclear grade - IIDuctal carcinoma insitu is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not present.Resected margins:-Superior margin - free of tumor.Medial margin - free of tumor.Inferior margin - free of tumor.Lateral margin - free of tumor.Deep margin - show 0.3cm -free of tumor.C) Revised superior and inferior margin:Shows fibrofatty tissue - free of tumor.D) Axillary dissection:10 Nodes show no deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:Tumor bed:--Invasive ductal carcinoma.-Nuclear grade - II.-Maximum dimension of tumor 2.2x1.8x1.8cm.-Lymphovascular invasion is not present.-Perineural invasion is not present.-Ductal carcinoma insitu is not present.-All resected margins are free of tumor.Sentinel lymph nodes :-One node - no metastatic deposits of tumor out of 1 node.Axillary nodes- 10nodes - no metastatic deposits of tumor." 397,MR160004256,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplastic lesion arranged as clusters , nests and occasionalá tubules. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, vesicular nuclei with moderate amount of cytoplasm. Interveningá stroma shows desmoplastic response composed of lymphocytes and fibroblasts.áIMPRESSION:Biopsy from leftá breast lump:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 398,MR160004261,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Left Breast.SPECIMEN:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial ?lateral - 17cm Superficial ?Deep - 4cm Superior-Inferior - 13cmSkin ellipse : 12x6cm Nipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect : 5cm,linear scar lateral to nipple-areola.Tumor : Irregular,yellowish necrotic areas in the lower outer quadrant.Tumour Size : 1.3x1x0.8cmLocation of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : infiltrative Deep margin : 2cmAdjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : 6x5x1.8cm.Total number of nodes : 10Size of largest node : 2x1x1cm,cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed :- Shows fibrosis,necrosis,foreign body giant cells and granulation tissue- no evidence of residual tumor. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 11 lymph nodes, Metastasis: No deposits of tumor.SUMMARY:Left -post Lumpectomy MRM,Lumpectomy bed - no residual tumor is present.Nodal metastases 11 nodes - no deposits of tumor." 399,MR160004277,"H16-4524SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear core measuring 0.9 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests, cords and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.á- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 400,MR160004288,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of right carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast lumpectomy.B) Axillary lymph node dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 9.5x9x3cm. On cut surface shows fibrotic, necrotic area measures 2x1x0.9cm. Located at the following distances from the respective margins :-Superior margináá - 1cmInferior margin á á - 2.5cmMedial margin á áá - 1cmLateral margin á áá - 2cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 7x5x3cm. Largest lymph node measures 0.9x0.5x0.4cm. Cut surface shows grey brown appearance. Total 12 lymph nodes identified.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Right breast lumpectomy:Tumorá - shows fibrotic, necrotic, collection of inflammation cells with foreign body giant cells. There is no evidence of residual viable tumor present.Resected margin - Superior marginá -á free of tumorInferior marginá - free of tumorMedial marginá - free of tumorLateral marginá - free of tumorB) Axillary lymph node dissection:12 nodes - no deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast lumpectomy:Breast lumpectomy - post lumpectomy and post NACT.No residual viable tumorFibroti, necrotic and granulation tissue.All resected margins are free of tumorB) Axillary lymph node dissection:12 nodes - no deposits of tumor." 401,MR160004299,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Lump left breast.SITE:Left Breast.Received 2 slides labelled as 4983/16.Received 19 slides labelled as 5052/16, A1-A3,B-C,D1-D4,E1-E5,F2-F3,G1-G2,H.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy with level II lymph nodes ,level III lymph nodes and posterior margin.Tumor bed:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Tubular formation = 3Nuclear pleomorphism = 2Mitotic figures = 3 ______ MBR score - 8/9 ______Nuclear grade - IIISurrounding the tumor cells dense lymphocytic infiltration is present.Ductal carcinoma Insitu is not seen.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not present.Lymph nodes: 22 lymph nodes - No deposits of tumor.Posterior resected margins shows muscle bundles - free of tumor.Pathological stage: pT2N0.IMPRESSION:Lump breast - cytology.Two smears show suboptimal stained smear shows hypercellularity consists of clump,groups and isolatedcore pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Left breast lump :Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade III.Tumor stage:pT2N0.Lymph nodes: 22 nodes-No deposits of tumor." 403,MR160004319,"H16-4531SPECIMEN :Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white linear core altogether measuring 0.5 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 404,MR160004326,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump- ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as cords and tubules. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma shows chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate.áIMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 405,MR160004336,"H16-4504SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear core measuring 1 to 0.5cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1).- Perineural invasion is identified.- Lymphovascular invasion is not identified." 406,MR160004339,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN :Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as islands and nests. the neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is scant.IMPRESSION :Invasive carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 8/9, Grade 3Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 __________ 8/9 _________" 407,MR160004342,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Case of right breast lump.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast 6 'o' clock lumpectomy.B) Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.C) Right axilla- Level III tissue.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Right breast 6 'o' clock lumpectomy:Fresh tissue received:YesNumber of specimens received: 1Laterality:RightProcedure: Lumpectomy.Specimen size:3x3x1.8cm.Skin: Absent.Skin abnormalities: Absent.Nipple:Absent.Lesion(s): PresentNumber of macroscopically visible lesions:1Lesion dimensions: 1.8x1.5x1.5cm.Distance of lesion to nearest margin : 0.2cm.B) Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy MRM.Laterality : Right.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 20cm. Superficial - deep : 3cm. Superior-inferior : 15cm.Skin ellipse : 12x8cm.Surgical defect seen below nipple areola in the central quadrant measuring 3cm in length.Tumor : Grossly no obvious tumor seen. Lumpectomy defect seen in the central quadrant measuring 4x4x3cm.Deep margin (from lumpectomy defect) : 0.7cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 8 nodes.Size of largest node : 1x0.8x0.4cm. Axillary tail : 5x4x2.5cm.C) Right axilla- Level III tissue:Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 4x3x1cm. 2 Nodes isolated.IMPRESSION:Lumpectomy breast-Tumor bed- Tumor is composed of pleomorphic cuboidal cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm.Tubular formation >10% : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures 8/10 : 2 --------------- 7/9 ---------------MBR score : 7/9, Nuclear grade : IIDCIS : Present, low grade.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion : Not present.Closest margin is 0.2cm from the tumor.Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed : Lumpectomy sent for frozen.Lumpectomy cavity- fatty tissue with haemorrhagic areas. No evidence of residual tumor.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable. Lymph nodes (Level I,II): 13 lymph nodes- No deposits of tumor (0/13). Level III nodes : 2 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Lymph nodes (Level I,II): 13 lymph nodes- No deposits of tumor (0/13). Level III nodes : 2 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.Pathological grade : pT1N0." 408,MR160004344,CLINICAL HISTORY:Complaint of Lump Right Breast.SPECIMEN:A) Sentinel nodes.B) Lump - Right breast.C) Axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 4x3.5x1.5cm.Two nodes dissected each measuring 1.5x1cm.B) Received lumpectomy specimen with skin ellipse 4.5x4x3cm.skin ellipse measuring 2.5x0.8cm.On serially slicing found a grey white tumor measuring 2.8x1.5x1.2cmSuperior margin - 1.3cmInferior margin - 1.8cm.Medial margin - 1cmLateral margin - 1cmDeep margin - 1.8cm.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 7x5x2cm.Largest lymph node measuring 2x1.2x1cm.Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Isolated 11 nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sentinel nodes (Frozen specimen) : Two nodes - No metastatic deposits of tumor.B) Lump - Right breast:Tumor bed:- Composed of pleomorphic oval to residual cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm.-Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade - Tubule formation - 30% : 2Nuclear pleomorphism 8/10 : 2Mitotic figures : 2 _________MBR Score is 6/9 _________Nuclear grade - II.Ductal carcinoma in situ is present.Lymphovascular invasion is not presentPerineural invasion is present.All resected margins are free of tumor.C) Axillary lymph nodes :11 nodes show no deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:Lumpectomy- Wide local excision.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Maximum dimension of tumor 2.8x1.5cm.Nuclear grade -II.Ductal carcinoma insitu is present with camedonecrosis.Lymphovascular invasion is not present with comedonecrosis.Perineural invasion is present.All resected margins are free of tumor.Lymph nodes:-11 Nodes show no deposits of tumor. 409,MR160004354,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass lesion - ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a small focus of lesion arranged in sheets containing ovoid cells having moderate amount of cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nucleus. Stroma shows extensive areas of sclerosis with inflammatory infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis is seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Biopsy :Small focus of invasive ductal carcinoma, nuclear grade 2.please correlate clinically." 410,MR160004358,"H16-4528SPECIMEN:Left Breast lesion, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lesion, Biopsy :Shows ductal carcinoma in situ with foci suspicious of invasive malignancy.Suggest repeat biopsy or excision of the lump for further confirmation." 411,MR160004363,"H16-4526SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.9 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in tubules, nests and sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few atypical mitotic figures are discerned. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis seen. Stroma shows desmoplasia with inflammatory infiltrates.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 3.Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 _________ 8/9 _________Areas of comedonecrosis seen." 412,MR160004425,CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of carcinoma left breast.Right breast lump - suspicious for malignancy.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of fibrous and hemorrhagic tissue harboring a few ducts with hyperchromatic nuclei. The lumen of ducts is filled by small to medium uniform polygonal cells.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Small focus of intermediate grade ductal carcinoma in situ.No focus of invasion seen in the cores submitted. 413,MR160004434,"H16-4558SPECIMEN:Right axillary tail mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits measuring 0.9 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged tubules and cords. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few . Atypical mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with inflammatory infiltrates.IMPRESSION:Right axillary tail mass :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 1Modified BR score is 5/9.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ________ 5/9 ____________" 414,MR160004446,"H16-4555SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 415,MR160004448,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear core measuring 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of neoplastic tissue composed of tumor arranged as sheets and islands. The neoplastic cells are polygonal have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm Large areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 8/9, grade 3Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 416,MR160004463,"H16-4613SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.9 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrofatty tissue harboring a cellular lesion arranged in lobules and nests separated by fibrovascular septae. Cells display oval to round vesicular nuclei with moderate nuclear pleomorphism, few show prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Areas of hemorrhage noted.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast lump.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 __________ 7/9 ____________Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perienrual invasion not identified.Ductal carcinoma in situ not seen." 417,MR160004477,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy MRM.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 19cm. Superficial - deep : 5cm. Superior-inferior : 21cm.Skin ellipse : 13x8.5x5cm. Nipple : Normal.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 3.5x2.5x2cm.Location of tumor : Upper inner and central quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 0.3cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 16 nodes.Size of largest node : 3x1x1cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Axillary tail : 6x5.5x3cm.IMPRESSION:Right breast, right modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed : Maximum dimension of tumor 3.5cm.Invasive ductal carcinoma measuring 2cm.Extensive areas of ductal carcinoma-in-situ present with solid, cribriform and comedonecrosis measuring 1.5cm.Tumor measures 3.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper inner and central quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ is present.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable. Lymph nodes: 16 lymph nodes- No Metastatic deposits of tumor (0/16).SUMMARY:Right breast, right modified radical mastectomy :Tumor bed : Maximum dimension of tumor 3.5cm.Invasive ductal carcinoma measuring 2cm.Extensive areas of ductal carcinoma-in-situ present with solid, cribriform and comedonecrosis measuring 1.5cm.Lymph nodes: 16 lymph nodes- No Metastatic deposits of tumor (0/16)." 418,MR160004500,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump- ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters and islands. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Lymphovascular emboli seen. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 419,MR160004510,"H16-4665SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of parenchyma with an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, cords and trabeculae. Individual cells are large with pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows fibrosis and areas of myxoid change along with focal inflammatory cells.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 1 __________ 6/9 ____________" 421,MR160004542,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right Breast.SPECIMEN:A) Lumpectomy - Wide local excision.B) Skin with Breast tissue.C) Revised inferior margin.D) Axillary lymphnodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen with ellipse of skin measuring 8x6x3.5cm.On serial slicing of specimen,found a grey white tumor measuring 2.7x1.5x1.5cm.Superior margin ááá - 2.5cm.Inferior marginááááááá - 2.5cm.Lateral marginááááááá - 3cm.Medial margináááááááá - 1cm.Deep margináááááááááá - 1.5cm.One intramammary lymph node.B) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 7x5x3.0cm.skin ellipse measuring 3.5x1cm.C) Received fibrofattty tissue measuring 7x3x1.8cm.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 7x6x3cm.Largest lymph node measuring 2.5x1.2x1.8cm.Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Note: Only few lymph nodes isolated on completely giving axillary tail for resection.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Lumpectomy - Wide local excision :Tumor bed:-Tumor is composed of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus with eosinophilic cytoplasm.In focal areas lymphocytic collection of cells are present.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Tumor grade:-Tubule formationáááááááá - á " 422,MR160004553,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Lump in left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.3cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplasm arranged in cords and occasional tubules. The neoplastic cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma with lobular features, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, Grade 2Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ____________ 6/9 ____________" 423,MR160004559,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Carcinoma breast - Few lesions in segment VII/VIII of liver.SPECIMEN:Biopsy fromá liver.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 -1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of liver parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in small nests cords and clusters Cells exhibit nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromasia and scanty cytoplasm. Areas of fibrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from liver:Metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast." 424,MR160004592,"H16-4647SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS: Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring a lesion arranged in nests, cords and trabeculae. Individual cells are large with pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus, inconspicuous nucleoli and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, Stroma shows fibrosis. IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast mass.Nuclear grade 2" 425,MR160004595,"H16-4654SPECIMEN :Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cell have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2á- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 426,MR160004598,"H16-4656SPECIMEN :Left breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows 4 cores of breast tissue harboring a lesion arranged in nests, cords and trabeculae. Neoplastic cells are pleomorphic with hyperchromatic with irregular nuclear borders, few showing prominent nucleoli.Cytoplasm is moderate in amount . Mitotic figures discerned.Adjacent stroma shows desmoplastic changes and fibrosis.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast lump, Biopsy.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 __________ 7/9 ____________" 427,MR160004600,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Complaint of Left Carcinoma Breast, lumpectomy done previously.SPECIMEN:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : MRM post lumpectomy.Laterality : Left.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 17cm. Superficial - deep : 4.5cm. Superior-inferior : 14cm.Skin ellipse : 13x8cm.Scar/ Surgical defect : 3cm,scar noted above the nipple & areola.Tumor : No obvious tumor identified,however area under scar shows fibrotic areas measuring 2.8x1.8x1.5cmLocation of tumor : Superior quadrant.Margins of tumor : Fibrotic.Deep margin : 2cmMuscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 17 nodes.Size of largest node : 1.5x0.8x0.5cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.Axillary tail : 7x5x2cm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- Fibrotic,necrosis,inflammatory cells, foreign body giant cells and granulation tissue.No evidence of residual tumor. Tumor measures fibrotic area measuring 2.8cm in greatest dimension and is located in the superior quadrant. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 17 lymph nodes, No metastatic deposits of tumor. SUMMARY:Left post lumpectomy MRM, Lumpectomy bed :- Necrotic,fibrotic and inflammatory cells.No viable residual tumor.Nodal metastases 17 nodes -No metastatic deposits of tumor." 429,MR160004615,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump-? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Trucut biopsy of right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring cellular lesion arranged as nests.The cells have hyperchromatic nucleus,inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm.Mitotic figures are discerned. the intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade II.Tubule formation :2Nuclear pleomorphism:2Mitotic figures :3 ---------MBR score is 7/9 ----------" 431,MR160004635,"H16-4645SPECIMEN:Right breast lump,á trucut biopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.9 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests and sheets. The cells are round to ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Atypical mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with inflammatory infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, trucut biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 3Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formationááááááááááááááááááááá :á 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________" 432,MR160004641,"H16-4661SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 linear cores grey white to grey brown measuring 0.7 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2á - Modified Bloom Richardson score isá 6(3+2+1)." 433,MR160004643,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Large left breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump, GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.9 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Smear show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in tubules, nests and sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, and hyperchromatic nucleus. Atypical mitotic figures are discerned. areas of hemorrhage and necrosis seen. Stroma shows desmoplasia with inflammatory infiltrates.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast lump, Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 __________ 7/9 ____________" 434,MR160004652,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma left breast(Post Lumpectomy)SPECIMEN:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á á : Formalin.Procedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá áá :á Mastectomyá - Post lumpectomyLateralityááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá áá áá : Leftá Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á á á á : Medial to lateral: 19cmáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá ááá Superficial to Deep:5cm ááá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá ááá Superior to Inferior:13cm. Skin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá : 12x6cm. áá Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : Present measuring 4.5cm superolateral to nipple and areola.Tumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : Single.Tumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá :á 2.5x1.5x1.5cm. ááááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá : Upper outer quadrant. á Margins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á :á ill defined. áááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá áá á á á á : 1cmMuscleááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á á á á : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá á á á á á : Fibrofatty tissue. ááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá á á á á á áá á : 6x4x2.5cm.Total number of nodesááááááá :á 20Size of largest nodeááááááááááá : 2.5x2x1.3cm.Cut surface:Greywhite area.IMPRESSION:Left breast,Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive Dutcal Carcinoma, Grade III.Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 3Tumor measures 2.5cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 20 lymph nodes, Metastasis:1 (1/20).Largest tumor focus in greatest dimension measures 1.9cm.No perinodal spread seen." 435,MR160004659,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast- Post lumpectomy.SPECIMEN:Left breast, left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy post lumpectomy.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 18cm. Superficial - deep : 3cm. Superior-inferior : 13cm.Skin ellipse : 12x6cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : 1.5cm below nipple and areola.Lesion : Single.Necrotic areas : 2.8x2x1.5cm, No solid tumor present.Location of tumor : Inferior quadrant.Deep margin : 0.2cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 11 nodes.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.8cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Axillary tail : 7x5x1.8cm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Lumpectomy bed : Fibrosis, necrosis and inflammatory cells, foreign body giant cells. No evidence of residual tumor seen.Fibrotic and Necrotic lesion 2.8cm in greatest dimension and is located in the inferior quadrant.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 11 lymph nodes- No deposits of tumor.SUMMARY:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy-No residual tumor present shows areas of fibrosis and necrosis.Lymph nodes: 11 lymph nodes- No deposits of tumor." 436,MR160004668,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast post op, post chemo, post RT.SPECIMEN:Bilateral oophorectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received bilateral oophorectomy specimenSmaller one :- Ovary measures 3x2.5x1.2cm. Fallopian tube measures 4cm in length.Attached fimbrial end identified, paratubal cyst seen.Cut surface shows corpus hemorrhagica seen, measures 1x1cm. Rest of the ovary is unremarkable.Larger one :- Received a collapsed , already cut opened cystic mass with attached fallopian tube and fimbrial end. Cystic mass measures 10x7x2cm. Fallopian tube measures 3.5cm, cut surface shows multiloculated cyst, inner wallis smooth with no solid area or papillary projections, no normal ovarian tissue not seen.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:One side ovary:-Multiple section show corpus luteal cyst and hemorrhagic cyst with ovarian stroma shows spindle cells with thickened blood vessels. No evidence of malignancy. Fimbrial cyst is present lined with flattened epithelium with normal tube.Other side ovary:-Multiple sections show cystic spaces lined with flattened cuboidal epithelium with fibrocollagenouswall. At one end fimbrial cyst is present. No evidence of malignancy.IMPRESSION:One side ovary:-Corpus luteal cyst and hemorrhagic cyst.Other side ovary:- Benign cyst." 437,MR160004669,"H16-4669SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, trucut biopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.9 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Stroma shows desmoplasia with inflammatory infiltrates.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism ; 2Mitotic figures : 2 ________ 6/9 __________" 438,MR160004671,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin fixed.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Right. Total dimensions : Medial -lateral: 23cm. Superficial -Deep:4.5cm. Superior-Inferior:16cm. Skin ellipse : 12.5x6.5cm. Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumour Size : 2.3x1.5x1.5cm. Location of tumor : Upper outer. Margins of tumor : Ill defined. Deep margin : 1.5cm.Muscle : Present;3x1.8cm.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 7x6x2.5cm.Total number of nodes : 13 Size of largest node : 2x1.5x0.8cm.cut surface:Tumor deposit.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple sections from breast parenchyma show a neoplastic lesion arranged in tubules,cords and diffuse sheets.Tumor cells are pleomorphic with vesicular nuclei,prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm.Multinucleated tumor giant cells seen.Mitotic figures discerned.Areas of myxoid change noted.Stroma shows desmoplasia.Lymphovascular and perineural invasions are noted.IMPRESSION:Right breast,Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive Dutcal Carcinoma Grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 3Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 2.3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not seen.Lymphovascular invasion is identified.Perineural invasion is identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 13 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 3(3/13) . Largest deposit measuring 1.1cm in greatest dimension.Perinodal spread not seen.Summary : Right MRM, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma,Grade II. Nodal metastases present(3/13). Resected margins are free of tumor" 439,MR160004672,"H16-4663SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests, cords and trabeculae. Individual cells are large with oval to round vesicular nuclei, few shoeing prominent nucleoli, Cytoplasm is moderate in amount. Mitotic figures discerned. Adjacent stroma shows hyalinization and inflammatory infiltrates.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 __________ 6/9 ____________" 440,MR160004677,"H16-4686SPECIMEN :Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white linear core measuring 0.7 to 1.0cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 441,MR160004687,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite to greybrown soft tissue bits measuring 2x1x0.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple fragments, few are lined by denuded, necrotic epithelium and few by squamous epithelium harboring cellular lesion arranged as nests and sheets. The cells have vesicular nucleus, prominent eosinophilic nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Dermal infiltrates are seen. Epidermis is free of tumor.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade III.Tubular formation á á áá :áá 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá :á 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------------Dermal infiltrates are seen." 442,MR160004698,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right BreastSPECIMEN:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy with level I & II lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:Received iná :á Formalin.Procedureááá : Left MRM with level I & II lymph nodes.Lateralityáá : Left.Total dimensions : Medial-lateraláááá : 23cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deep :5cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferioráá : 19cm.Skin ellipseááááá :á 18x10cm.Nippleááááááááááááá : Normal.Surgical scar : Sub areolar scar measuring 3cm,another scar towards axilla 3 'o' clock position.Tumor size and location : Two tumors are present.1st tumor at 3'0'clock position below the scar measuring 2x2cm.Another tumor- 2nd tumor present below retroareolar region measuring 2x1cm.Margins of tumor : illdefined.Deep margin : 1.5cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 16 nodes.Size of largest node : 2x1.5x1cm. Cut surface shows grey white.Axillary tail : 9x6x2cm.IMPRESSION:Left breast,Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- Two tumor present.one tumor at 3o' clock position with invasive ductal carcinoma carcinoma with ductal carcinoma insitu.Another tumor in the retro areolar region with invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II. Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formationáááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figuresáááááá áá ááá : 2Tumor measures 3o' clock 2x2cm, retro areolar tumor- 1x1cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the 1st tumor atá 3 'o'clock position & 2nd tumor at retro areolar region. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ 3 'o'clock tumor shows ductal carcinoma in situ with cribriform and comedonecrosis.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 2 lymph nodes, show meatstatic deposiys of tumor out of 16 nodes(0/16) . Perinodal spread present.SUMMARY:Left MRM, Two tumor masses present; one at 3 'o' clock position measures 2x2cm with invasive ductal carcinoma with ductal carcinoma insitu.Another tumor with retro areolar region measures 1x1cm with invasive ductal carcinoma.Nodal metastases 2 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 16 nodes.Perinodal spread present.Size of the biggest node is 2x1cm." 443,MR160004703,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in right breast-? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple greywhite linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring cellular lesion arranged as nests and tubules.The cells exhibit moderate degree of nuclear pleomorphism.Mitotic figures are discerned.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade II.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 -----------MBR score 6/9 ------------" 444,MR160004744,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2m.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________Lymphovascular emboli seen." 445,MR160004757,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast- carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets and tubules. Individual cells are pleomorphic with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows bland stromal cells. Lymphovascular emboli seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast, core biopsy.Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 446,MR160004768,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump- ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of cellular lesion arranged as nests cords and sheets. The cells have irregular hyperchromatic nucleus inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Few cells have clear cytoplasm. Areas of calcification noted. Mitotic figures are discerned.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________Foci of calcification seen." 447,MR160004779,"H16-4763SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast .GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1 to1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with an infiltrating neoplastic lesion arranged as tubules and nests. Tumor cells show round to ovalá vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilicá cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis noted. IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 8/9, grade 3Tubule formationáááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá : 3áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------------Ductal carcinoma in situ not seen.Perineural invasion not seen.Lymphovascular invasion not seen. ááááááááááá ááááááááááááááá ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá " 448,MR160004795,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - ? phyllodes? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.9 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of cellular lesion arranged as nests and sheets. The cells have vesicular to hyperchromatic nuclei few showing prominent nucleous and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Nuclear pleomorphism is noted. Mitotic figures are discerned. Areas of necrosis identified.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 449,MR160004805,"SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with an infiltrating lesion arranged as tubules and cords. Tumor cells are round to oval with hyperchromatic nuclei. Areas of hyalinisation noted IMPRESSION: Left breast. Infiltrating ductal carcinoma.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade IITubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 __________ 6/9 ____________Perineural invasion not seen.Lymphovascular invasion not seen." 450,MR160004808,"H16-4757SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Ductal carcinoma in situ component is seen.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1).- Ductal carcinoma in situ of solid pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen." 452,MR160004838,"H16-4800SPECIMEN :Right breast mass, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 6 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.9 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section show breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests, cords and trabeculae. Individual cells are pleomorphism with hyperchromatic oval nuclei with irregular border inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned 3-4/10hpf. Adjacent stroma shows myxoid change and desmoplasia.IMPRESSION :Right breast mass, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 453,MR160004860,"CLINICAL HISTORY:History of excision of left axillary mass.Metastatic squamous cell carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast lump - Wide local excision.B) Left Axillary lymph node dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 6x4.8x1.8cm. Skin ellipse absent.cut surface shows grey white lesion measuring 1.5x1x0.3cm.located at the following distances from the respective margins;-Superior margin - 1cmInferior margin - 2cmMedial margin - 2cmLateral margin - 1.5cmB) Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measuring 9x5x2cm.Skin ellipse measuring 6x1.2cm.Largest lymph node measuring 3x2x1cm with necrotic and fibrotic areas. Isolated 13 nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Left breast lump - Wide local excision :Tumor bed:- The section shows clumps,groups of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and eosinophilic cytoplasm.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade - tubule formation<10% - 3Nuclear pleomorphism 8/10 - 2 Mitotic figures - 3 _______ 8/9 ________Nuclear grade - III.Ductal Carcinoma in situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is indeterminate.Perineural invasion is present.Resected margins -Superior margin - free of tumor.Inferior margin - free of tumor.Medial margin - free of tumor.Lateral margin - free of tumor.Deep margin - free of tumor.B) Left Axillary lymph node dissection :13 nodes show -no metastatic deposits of tumor.One mass shows fibrotic area with inflammatory cellular infiltration with giant cells.Surface epithelium show hyperplasia and epithelium dysplasia - no malignancy.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast lump - Wide local excision :Invasive ductal carcinoma.Nuclear grade - III.Maximum dimension of tumor is 1.5x1x0.8cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is indeterminate.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Left Axillary lymph node dissection :13 nodes - no deposits of tumor seen. One mass show below the skin shows fibrosis,necrosis, inflammatory cells and giant cells." 454,MR160004866,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.9 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters and tubules. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm.The intervening stroma is fibrous.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________Lymphovascular emboli seen." 455,MR160004893,"H16-4803SPECIMEN :Right breast mass, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1 to 1.3cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section show breast tissue harboring a lesion arranged in nests, cords and trabeculae. Individual cells are large with pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with irregular nuclear borders inconspicious nucleoli and scanty to moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows myxoid change desmoplasia and inflammatory cell infiltrates.IMPRESSION :Right breast mass, biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 456,MR160004901,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in Left breast - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring cellular lesion arranged as nests and sheets. The cells have vesicular to hyperchromatic nucleus conspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Areas of necrosis identified. IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________Foci of necrosis seen." 457,MR160004902,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown liner core measuring 0.9 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrates by a neoplasm arrangedá as clusters and tubules. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is fibrous.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________Lymphovascular emboli seen." 458,MR160004916,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right Breast.SPECIMEN:A) Sentinel Lymph nodes.B) Wide local excision -Lumpectomy.C) Axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 5x2x0.5cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1x0.5x0.4cm.Cut surface shows fatty infiltrate.Isolated 7 nodes.B) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 6x4.8x2.0cm.Skin ellipse measuring 3.5x0.8cm.Cut surface shows a grey white, well circumscribed lesion measuring 2.4x1.5x1.3cm.Located at the following distances from the respective margins:- Superior marginááá - 1.5cmInferior margináááááá - 1.7cmMedial marginááááááá - 1.2cmLateral margináááááá - 2cmDeep margináááááááá - 1cm.C)Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 10x7.5x1.5cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1x.8x0.2cm.Dissected 9 nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sentinel Lymph nodes : 7nodes - No deposits of tumor.B) Wide local excision -Lumpectomy :Tumor - Tumor is composed of pleomorphic cells withá hyperchromatic nucleus with eosinophilic cytoplasm.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade- Tubule formation á á áá " 459,MR160004925,"H16-4831SPECIMEN:Left breast biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring cellular lesion arranged as tubules and nests. The cells have vesicular to hyperchromatic nucleus few showing eosinophilic nucleoli and moderate to abundant amount of clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IIá- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 461,MR160004972,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.9 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests, cords and trabeculae. Individual cells are large with pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleiá with irregular border and inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Intranuclear inclusion are noted. Brisk mitotic activity noted. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Areas of necrosis seen.áIMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast lump.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 462,MR160004976,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Biopsy :Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified BR score 6/9.Tubule formationáááááááá á :3Nuclear pleomorphismá :2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá :1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______" 463,MR160004997,"H16-4869SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.9 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma shows tumor cells arranged in nests and tubules cells have moderate amount of cytoplasm with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei Stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade I.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 _________ 5/9 ___________" 464,MR160005002,"H16-4898SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.9 to 1.3cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring cellular lesion arranged as nests and sheets. The cells have vesicular to hyperchromatic nucleus inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm. Foci of necrosis identified. Brisk mitotic activity noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 465,MR160005008,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Case of right carcinoma breast lumpectomy done outside.SPECIMEN:Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Post Mastectomy-Post lumpectomy.Laterality : Right. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral--21cm. Superficial to Deep--5cm. Superior to Inferior--18cm.Skin ellipse : 17x9cm. Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : 7cm,lateral to nipple areola.Lesion : Irregular fibrotic Tumour Size : 2.5x1.5x1.5cm,with focal solid area,measuring 1.2x1cm. Location of irregular fibrotic and necrotic areas : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined. Deep margin : 1.5cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Axillary tail : 10x5x2.5cm.Total number of nodes : 17 nodes.Size of largest node : 1.8x1.6x1.5cm.Cut surface : Shows tumor deposits.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.Tumor bed: Focal areas of residual tumor present measuring 1.2x1cm- Invasive ductal carcinoma with secondary fibrotic and necrotic inflammatory and foreign body giant cells.Modified BR score is 7/2.Grade II.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2.Mitotic figures: 2.Tumor measures 1.2x1cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper and outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is not seen.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 6 lymph nodes,show foci of metastatic deposits of viable invasive ductal carcinoma of tumor out of 17 nodes.SUMMARY:Right MRM: Focus of residual viable tumor- Invasive ductal carcinoma measuring 1.2x1cm.6 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 17 nodes." 466,MR160005010,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parnchyma harboring a lesion with cells arranged in nests, tubules and trabeculae cells have moderate amount of clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm with centrally placed hyperchromatic nuclei .Extracellular mucin pool is noted. Stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma with focal mucinous areas.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade II.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures :1 __________ 6/9 _________" 467,MR160005011,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of left carcinoma breast(multicentric) post - 2 weeks.SPECIMEN:Left Modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified radical Mastectomy Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial - lateral -18cm Superficial - Deep - 2.6cm Superior - Inferior - 14cmSkin ellipse : 12.2x9.8cm Nipple and areola : unremarkable Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor Size : Tumor at 12 o' clock measures 3.2x1.8cm, cut surface shows grey white appearance. Distance to deep margin 0.2 cm ; separate nodule 4.5 cm from main tumor measures 2.2x1.2 cm : adjacent area shows fibrosisLocation of tumor : upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : illdefined Deep margin : 0.2cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Distance set nodule : 6.6x4.9x1.5cmTotal number of nodes : 18 lymph nodesSize of largest node : 2.2x2x1.9cm, cut surface shows grey white appearanceIMPRESSION:Right breast, right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation: 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 3.2cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant.Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is present. Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor, howeveris located 0.2cmNipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 18 lymph nodes, Metastases: 2 (2/18) . Perinodal spread is present.SUMMARY:Left MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma with duct carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis,Grade 2.Nodal metastases 2/18(2/18) Fibroadenoma ,-second nodule " 469,MR160005037,"H16-4890SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring1.2 to 1.3cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma with foci of lesion arranged as cords, nests and tubules. The cells have hyperchromatic nucleus, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 470,MR160005057,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as tubules, clusters and cords. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorpism hyperchromasia and have moderate cytoplasm. Lymphovascular emboli seen.áIMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________Lymphovascular emboli seen." 471,MR160005113,"H16-4934SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 yellow linear core measuring 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells arranged in sheets, nests and trabeculae. Some cells are seen arranged around the blood vessels. Cells are pleomorphic with moderate amount of clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei. Backgeound shows extensive areas of necrosis.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, grade 3Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formationááááááááá :áá 3Nuclear pleomorphism :á 3Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá :á 2áááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á á _________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á á ááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________Large areas of necrosis seen." 472,MR160005127,"CLINICAL DETAILS: Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Lumpectomy- Wide local excision- Post CT & RT.B) Excision of breast tissue surrounding the scar.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 5.8x4.7x1.3cm.Cut surface shows no gross obvious tumor lesion greywhite fibrotic area seen measuring 1.3x1x0.5cm, located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 1cm.Inferior margin -- 1.2cm.Medial margin -- 1.5cm.Lateral margin -- 2cm.Deep margin -- 0.9cm.B) Received 2 pieces of fibrofatty tissue altogether measuring 4x2.8x1cm. Cut surface shows greywhite fibrotic area measuring 1x0.5x0.3cm. Distance from closest margin is 0.2cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Lumpectomy- Wide local excision- Post CT & RT:Tumor bed- Extensive fibrotic, necrotic, focal areas inflammatory cellular infiltration consisting of lymphocytes. There is no evidence of residual viable tumor present.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Excision of breast tissue surrounding the scar:Scar shows fibrofatty tissue, fibrosis and normal ducts. No residual viable tumor seen.IMPRESSION:Wide excision-Tumor bed - Fibrotic and necrotic areas- No viable tumor present.Resected margins are free of tumor.Surrounding breast parenchyma shows fibrofatty tissue and normal ducts." 473,MR160005131,"H16-4938SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 linear core measuring 0.8 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast paranchyma harboring a lesion with cells arranged in tubules, nests and trabeculae. Cells have moderate to scanty cytoplasm with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei. Stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ________ 6/9 _________" 475,MR160005158,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Limp in right breastCarcinoma right breast post 4 cycles NACTSPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : FormalinProcedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : Modified radical Mastectomyá ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá ááá Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá :ááá Right Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medialá - lateralá -18cm áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - Deepáá -4.5cm á áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior - Inferiorááá -17.5cmSkin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá :áá 15x9.5cm á Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá : Normal áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá ááá Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá áááá : Not seenTumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá :á illdefined grey white fibrotic area measures 1x1x1cm present in central quadrantLocation of tumorááá ááá ááááá áá :ááá central quadrantMargins of tumorááá ááá áá á á áá : fibrotic áááááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá á á á á á á : 3.5cmMuscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááá : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá á á á á áá : fibrofattyá áááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááá : 6x4x2.5cmTotal number of nodesááááááááá : 16 lymph nodes Size of largest nodeááááááááááá : 2.8x1x1cm ,Cut surface shows fatty infiltrationIMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- No residual viable tumor present shows fibrotic,necrotic, lymphocytic infiltration and foreign body giant cells are present. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes:á 16 lymph nodes, show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 16 nodes. SUMMARY:Rightá MRM, no residual viable tumor. Nodal metastases 16 nodes - no deposits of tumor .AMENDED AS ON 15/11/2016:Lymph nodes : 16 lymph nodes show no metastatic deposits of tumor." 476,MR160005161,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received iná :á Formalin.Procedureááá : Mastectomy.Lateralityáá : Left breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateraláááá : 20cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deep : 5cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferioráá : 15cm.Skin ellipseááááá :á 14x8cm.Nippleááááááááááááá : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumorá :á Single.Tumor size : 3.8x2.2x2cm.Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrant.Margins of tumor : ill defined.Deep margin : 2.5cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 20 nodes.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x1cm. Cut surface shows tumor deposits.Axillary tail : 7x5x3cm.IMPESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.MBR score is 6/9.Tumor measures 3.8cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper inner quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ is seen (solid), high grade.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 20 lymph nodes: Metastasis: 3 (3/20). No perinodal spread seen.SUMMARY:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Lymph nodes: 20 lymph nodes: Metastasis: 3 (3/20). No perinodal spread seen." 477,MR160005173,"H16-4941SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear core measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring lesion with cells arranged in nest, tubules and trabeculae cells have moderate amount of eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 __________ 6/9 ____________" 478,MR160005198,CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Left Breast.SPECIMEN:A) Lumpectomyá : Wide local excision.B) Left Axillary Sentinel lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy with skin ellipse measuring 6x6x3cm.skin ellipse measuring 4x2cm.scar measuring 2cm.On serially slicing the specimen found the tumor measuring 3.5x2.8x2cm.Located at the following distances from the respective margins:-Superior margin á - 1cmInferior margin á áá - 1.8cmMedial margin á á á - 1.5cmLateral margin á áá - 1cmDeep margin á á á á - 0.2cmB)Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3.5x3.5x1cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1.8x0.8x0.5cm.Cut surface is unremarkable. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Lumpectomyá : Wide local excision :Tumor bed:- Tumor is composed of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and eosinophilic cytoplasm.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade:Tubule formation 479,MR160005208,"CLINICAL HISTORY Mass in right breast- Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Right breast, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey whiteá linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets. Individual cells are moderately pleomorphic with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Right breast, core biopsy.Invasive carcinoma.Modified BR score is 8/9, grade 3Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 481,MR160005236,"CLINICAL DAIGNOSIS: Known case of carcinoma right breast(Post lumpectomy with Post NACT).SPECIMEN:A) Wide Lumpectomy Excision.B) Revised margins.C) Axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 5x7.5x3cm,Skin ellipse measuring 6x1.5cm,cut surface : Grossly no tumor seen.Irregular greywhite fibrotic area seen measures 2x2.5x1cm.located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin--1.5cm,Lateral margin--2.5cm.Inferior margin--2cm.Medial margin--2.5cm,Deep margin--0.5cm.B) Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 3x2x1cm with one surface inked.C) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue altogether measuring 10.5x6.5x2.3cm,isolated 9 lymph nodes.Largest lymph node measuring 2.5x1x1cm,cut surface: Fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Tumor bed:Fibrotic,necrotic,lymphocytic infiltration,diffuse sclerosis,atrophic ducts.No residual viable tumor present.Resected margin:Superior margin-epithelial hyperplasia--Free of tumor.Lateral margin--Free of tumor.Inferior margin--Free of tumor.Medial margin--Free of tumor.Deep margin--Free of tumor.B) Revised margin:Shows dense sclerosis,normal ducts--Free of tumor.C) Axillary lymph nodes:9 nodes-No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Lumpectomy - wide excision:Tumor bed:Diffuse sclerosis and fibrosis-No residual viable tumor.All resected margins : Free of tumor.B) Revised margin:Free of tumor.C) Axillary lymph nodes:9 Nodes-No deposits of tumor." 482,MR160005258,"H16-5118SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.3cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 483,MR160005276,SR16-2382SPECIMEN:Right breast mass.Received 5 slides and 5 blocks labelled as 3747/16.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Invasive ductal carcinomaTubular formation á á á á á 484,MR160005303,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - ? carcinomaSPECIMEN : Left Breast lump, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS : Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells is nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade 3- Modified Bloom Richardson score 8(3+3+2)." 485,MR160005314,CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right Breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right Breast Conservative Surgery - wide local excision.B) Lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 7x5.5x3cm.Cut surface shows grey white lesion measuring 3x2.8x1cmLocated at the following distances from the respective margins :-Superior marginááááááááá -- 1cmInferior marginááááááááááá -- 3cmMedial margináááááááááááá -- 0.8cmLateral marginááááááááááá -- 0.6cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 9x5x1cm.Largest lymph nodes measuring 1x0.8x0.6cm.Cut surface shows grey white.15 lymph nodes isolated.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Tumor bed:- shows clumps and groups of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade : Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism á áá - 2Mitotic figures á á á á á á á á á - 2á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá _________á á á á á á áá MBR score á á áá 6/9á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á __________ Ductal carcinoma insitu is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not present.Resected marginsá :-Superior marginá - free of tumor.Inferior marginááá - free of tumor.Medial margináááá - free of tumor.Lateral marginááá - free of tumor.Deepá margin á áá - free of tumor.Lymph nodes:15 nodes -No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Right Breast Conservative Surgery - wide local excision :Invasive ductal carcinoma.Maximum dimension of tumor is 3x2.8cm.Nuclear grade IIDuctal carcinoma insitu is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Lymph nodes : 15 nodes - No deposits of tumor(0/15)Pathological stage :-pT2N0. 486,MR160005326,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast post NACTSPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure : Modified radical Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -17cm Superficial - Deep - 6.5cm Superior - Inferior - 16cm Skin ellipse : 13x10cm Nipple and areola :unremarkableScar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : No obvious tumor seen, areas of fibrosis is seen in all quadrants. Tumour Size : Small solid foci measures 1cm. Location of tumor : 9 and 10 o 'clock position (outer quadrant)Margins of tumor : illdefined Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 6x5x2.5cmTotal number of nodes : 16 nodesSize of largest node : 2x1.5x1cm, cut surface shows grey white appearanceIMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:-Small focus of invasive ductal carcinoma.Maximum dimension measures 1cm.Most of the tumor shows fibrosis,necrosis, lymphocytic cellular infiltrate.Tumor measures 1cm in greatest dimension and is located in the 9 and 10o 'clock position. Ductal carcinoma in situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is indeterminate.Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 2 lymph nodes, show small foci of viable tumor invasive ductal carcinoma out of 16 nodes. Perinodal spread is not presentSUMMARY:Right MRM, small foci of viable tumor invasive ductal carcinoma measuring less than 1cm in maximum dimension.Nodal metastases 2 nodes shows small foci of viable tumor cells and invasive ductal carcinoma out of 16 nodes. Perinodal spread is not present" 487,MR160005335,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score isááááá 6/9, grade 2Tubules formationáááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááááá ; 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________" 488,MR160005336,"H16-5225SPECIMEN:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.6 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 489,MR160005344,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Left breast post lumpectomy.SPECIMEN:Left MRM.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy post lumpectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -16cm Superficial - Deep - 4cm Superior - Inferior - 12.5cmSkin ellipse : 9.7x5.5cm Scar/ Surgical defect : measuring 3.2cm in length,above nipple outer quadrantTumor : No obvious tumor seen. Tumour Size : grey white fibrosis seen. Location of tumor : fibrosis below scar area Deep margin : from the lumpectomy bed - 1.8cmAdjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : 5.8x5.1x1.1cm.Size of largest node : 1.8x1x0.9cmIMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed :- fibrotic,necrotic areas with inflammatory cells consisting of foamy histiocytes and lymphocytes.Ducts show adenosis and epithelial hyperplasia.No evidence of residual viable tumor. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes:16 lymph nodes, no metastatic deposits of tumor(0/16). SUMMARY:Left -post lumpectomy MRM, Lumpectomy bed:- fibrotic,necrotic areas, no evidence of viable residual tumor.Lymph nodes:16 lymph nodes, no metastatic deposits of tumor(0/16). " 490,MR160005359,"CLINICAL DETALS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Wide local excision of left breast lumpB) Axillary lymph node dissection (Level 1,2).GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen with ellipse of skin measuring 8x6x3cm. Skin ellipse measures 4x1.8cm.On serial slicing the specimen greywhite tumorá measuring 1.8x1.5x1.5cm, located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 1.8cm.Inferior margin á -- 1.5cm.Medial margin á -- 2cm.Lateral margin á -- 3cm.Deep margin á á -- 0.5cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 7x5x3.5cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1.2x1x0.8cm. Cut surface sows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:A) Invasive ductal carcinoma, left breast.Modified BR score : 7/9, grade II.Tubule formation á á á á á :3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures á á á á á á á : 2á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá -------------------á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá 7/9á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá -------------------Tumor size á :1.8x1.5x1.5cmNo lymphovascular invasion seen.No perineural invasion seen.Overlying Skin : Free of tumor.Deep margin : Free of tumor.Superior, inferior, medial and lateral margins are free of tumor.B) 13 Left axillary lymph nodes (Level 1 & 2) isolated are negative for malignancy. á" 491,MR160005361,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores each measuring 0.8 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as islands, nests, clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibiting moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei and conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Lymphovascular emboli seen. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is7/9, grade 2Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________" 492,MR160005363,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast post NACTSPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : FormalinProcedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : Mastectomy post NACT Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : left áá Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medial - lateralá -- 26cmáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - Deep -- 5cm ááá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior - Inferior -- 21cmSkin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá : 17x14cm áááá Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : Not seenLocation of tumorááá ááá áááá á á :á central inner quadrant, grey white ill defined area measures 2.5x2x1.8cmMargins of tumorááá ááá áá á á áá : illdefined áááááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá ááááááááááá : 1.5cm Muscle á á á á á áá áá ááá ááá ááá ááá : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá áááááááááá : fibrofatty tissue áááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá : 7x5x2cmSize of largest nodeááááááááááá : 1x0.8x0.6cm, cut surface shows grey white ? involvedáIMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: áTumor bed:-Residual viable tumor present measures 2.5x2cm with invasive ductal carcinoma , Grade III. Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 3Tumor measuresá 2.5x2cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the retroareolar region and central quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not presentáLymphovascular invasion presentPerineural invasion presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 10 lymph nodes, show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 17 nodes. Summary : Leftá MRM, Residual viable tumor present measures 2.5x2cm with invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade IIILymph nodesá 10 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out ofá 17 nodesááááááááááááááá " 493,MR160005368,"H16-5051SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.3 cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 494,MR160005375,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Complaint of Left Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left Breast Lumpectomy.B) Left MRM.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received unoriented lumpectomy specimen measuring 6x5x3cm.cut surface shows grey white areas measuring 2.2x1.8x1.5cm.Another mass present measuring 1x0.8x0.5cm situated 1.5cm from tumor and 0.8cm from inked margin.closest margin measuring 0.3cm.Two tumor masses present - mesenteric.B) Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy MRM Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral -18cm Superficial to Deep - 17cm Superior to Inferior - 7cmSkin ellipse : 13x11.5cm Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : present,single measuring 6x0.5cm.Tumor : lumpectomy bed- no tumor seenLumpectomy bed : 7x7x4.5cm Location of lumpectomy bed : Upper inner quadrant Deep margin : 0.6cm from lumpectomy bedMuscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty Axillary tail : 11x8cmSize of largest node : 3.5x2x1.5cm,cut surface shows grey white appearance.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS: A) Left Breast Lumpectomy :Tumor bed shows two tumor masses are present.One tumor is measuring 2.2x1.8x1.5cm.Another tumor mass is present measuring 1x0.8x0.5cm.The distance between the two is 1.5cm.Two tumors show clumps,groups and sheets of pleomorphic polygonal cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm.Two tumors with Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade - Tubule formation<10% - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 3 ________MBR Score - 8/9 _________Nuclear grade - III.Ductal carcinoma in situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.B) Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- shows surrounding the lumpectomy area few ducts are showing epithelial hyperplasia and atypical hyperplasia.There is no evidence of residual tumor.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 4 nodes show metastatic deposits out of 16nodes.(4/16) Perinodal spread is present.IMPRESSION:A) Left Breast Lumpectomy :Two tumors present- one tumor measures 2.2cm, second tumor measures 1x0.8cm.The distance between the tumor is 1.5cm.Invasive ductal carcinoma, nuclear grade - III.Ductal carcinoma in situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.B) Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Lumpectomy bed:- No residual tumor is present.Underlying resected margin are free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes:- 4 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 16nodes.SUMMARY:Left -post Lumpectomy MRM, no residual tumor present.Nodal metastases 4 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 16 nodes(4/16)." 495,MR160005422,"H16-5182SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring cellular lesion arranged as tubules, nests and cords. The cells have irregular hyperchromatic nucleus few have conspicuous nucleolus and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Brisk mitotic activity noted.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : á 2Nuclear pleomorphismááááá :á 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá :áá 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 496,MR160005423,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Left Breast - post lumpectomy.SPECIMEN:Left MRM.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Left Modified Radical Mastectomy, post lumpectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial - lateral - 13.5cm Superficial - Deep - 3cm Superior - Inferior - 12cmSkin ellipse : 11x4.8cm Nipple : areola shows a small nodule at 11 o'clock position measures 0.8x0.6cm(Neurofibroma).Scar/ Surgical defect : grossly no post lumpectomy scar noted.Tumor : Retroareolar area Tumour Size : measures 2.5x2x2cm,shows diffuse grey white appearance Margins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 0.9cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : 5.5x3.2x1cmTotal number of nodes : 17 lymph nodesSize of largest node : 2.1x1.6x1.2cm IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- Residual tumor present.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Surrounding tumor areas of fibrosis,necrosis and inflammatory cells are present. Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 3Tumor measures 2.5x2.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the retroareola region quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is present - solid and papillary.Lymphovascular invasion present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable, skin show nodules with spindle cells (Neurofibroma).Lymph nodes: 5 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 16 nodes(5/16). SUMMARY:Left MRM psot - lumpectomy, Invasive ductal carcinoma Residual tumor present,Grade III.Nodal metastases 5 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 16nodes.Perinodal spread present." 497,MR160005431,"H16-5061SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 498,MR160005440,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump- ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple tiny linear fragments altogether measuring 0.4x0.3x0.2cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of a neoplasm arranged as islands and sheets. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from Left breast.Modified BR score is 8/9,Grade 3 Tubule formation :3 Nuclear pleomorphism :3Mitotic figures :2 _________ 8/9 ___________" 499,MR160005460,"H16-5089SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.6 to 1cm.Entire tissue processedIMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 500,MR160005461,"H16-5095SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear core measuring 0.6 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 501,MR160005466,"CLINICAL DETAILS: Right breast/ FNAC- Ductal carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Wide local excision.B) Sentinel lymph node.C) Right axillary lymph node (Level I, II).D) Revised medial margin.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Wide local excision:Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 4.5x4x2.5cm.skin ellipse measuring 2.5x0.6cm.cuts surface shows grey white lesion measuring 1.5x1.2x0.8cm.Located at the following distances from the respective margins:-Superior margin - 1.3cmInferior margin - 0.8cmMedial margin - 0.1cmLateral margin - 1.8cm.Deep margin - 1.0cm.B) Sentinel lymph node :Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 1.5x1.5x1cm.Isolated 1 lymph node measuring 0.8x0.7x0.7cm.cut surface shows grey white area.C) Right axillary lymph node (Level I, II): Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 10x6.5x3.5cm.largest lymph node measuring 1x0.5x0.4cm.cut surface shows grey white to grey brown.Isolated 17nodes.D) Revised medial margin :Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3x4x0.8cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Wide local excision:Tumor bed:- Tumor shows clumps,groups and sheets of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus with eosinophilic cytoplasm.Invasive ductal carcinoma.grade- Tubule formation <10% - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures 8/10 - 2 _________MBR Score- 7/9 __________Nuclear grade II.Ductal carcinoma in situ shows few ducts with ductal carcinoma in situ - low grade.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not present.Resected margins : Superior margin - free of tumor.Inferior margin - free of tumor.Medial margin - close to tumor 0.1cmLateral margin - free of tumor.Deep margin - free of tumor.B) Sentinel lymph nodes : 2 nodes - No deposits of tumor.C) Right axillary lymph nodes level I-II : 17 Nodes - no deposits of tumor.D) Revised medial margin : shows fibrofatty tissue, no tumor is present.IMPRESSION:A) Wide local excision:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Maximum dimension of tumor 1.5x1.2cm.Nuclear grade - II.Ductal carcinoma in situ shows occasional ducts (low grade).Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not present.Resected margins - Superior ,Inferior ,Lateral and Deep margins - free of tumor.B) Sentinel lymph nodes : 2 nodes - No deposits of tumor.C) Right axillary lymph nodes level I-II : 17 Nodes - no deposits of tumor.D) Revised medial margin : free of tumor.Pathological stage : pT1N0." 502,MR160005516,"H16-5133SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.4cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Mitotic activity is seen.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 503,MR160005520,"H16-5120SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 505,MR160005526,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ?Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.4cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationáááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________" 506,MR160005528,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters and tubules. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Intervening stroma is desmoplasticIMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________Lymphovascular emboli seen." 507,MR160005546,"H16-5612SPECIMEN:Right breast, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 509,MR160005580,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as cords and tubules. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, nuclear hyperchromasia and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationáááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________" 511,MR160005586,"H16-5154SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received two grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 512,MR160005615,"H16-5219SPECIMEN :Chest wall lesion, Biopsy (Known case of carcinoma right breast- Post OP).GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Chest wall lesion, Biopsy(Known case of carcinoma right breast post OP) :Suggestive of Recurrence of carcinoma in known and treated case of carcinoma breast." 515,MR160005642,"H16-5190SPECIMEN :Left breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION :Left breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 516,MR160005644,"H16-5192SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1 to 2.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma with cellular lesion arranged as nests. The cells have hyperchromatic nucleus inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Areas of comedonecrosis and hemorrhage noted.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 __________ 7/9 ____________comedonecrosis seen." 517,MR160005649,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:A) Wide Local Excision.B) Right MRM.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 5x4x3cm,skin ellipse measuring 2x0.8cm. On serial sectioning 2 greywhite nodular lesion larger measures 2x1.5x1.3cm,smaller measures 1.5x0.8x0.7cm.located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin --1.3cmInferior margináá --1.5cmMedial margináá --0.2cmLateral marginá --0.8cmDeep marginááá --0.6cmB) Received ináá ááá ááá ááá ááá á: Formalin.Procedureáá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá á á : MR Mastectomy.Lateralityáá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á áá á :á Right. áTotal dimensionsáá ááá ááá áááá :á Medialá to lateral -- 20cm. áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep -- 4.2cm.ááá ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior -- 17cm. Skin ellipseáá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á : 11x7.5cm.áááá áNipple & Areolaáá ááá ááá ááá áá : Unremarkable.Scar/ Surgical defectáá ááá áá : 4cm in length located inferior to N/A.Lumpectomy bedáá ááá ááá áááá : Single.Sizeáá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á á áá á :á 6.5x6x4cm,lumpectomy bed shows a small greywhite nodule measuring 0.7x0.6x0.5cm.ááááááááá áDistance to nearest separate tumor foci (when multiple ):Location of lumpectomy bed: Retroareolar.á áDeep margináá ááá ááá ááá ááá á áá : Distance of greywhite nodule from deep margin -0.5cm. Muscleáá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : Absent.Adjacent Breastáá ááá ááá ááá ááá á: Fibrofatty tissue.ááááááá áAxillary tailáá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á á á : 9x8x3cm.Total number of nodesáá ááá áá :á 17lymph nodesSize of largest nodeáá ááá ááá áá : 2x1.5x1cm,cut surface:greywhite.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Wide local excision breast lump:Tumor bed:The section shows clumps,groups of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and eosinophilic cytoplasm.In focal areas mucin is present.Invasive Ductal Carcinoma with focal mucinous areas present.Tubular formation: (3)Nuclear pleomorphism: (2)Mitotic figures: 8/10 (2)MBR score is 7/9.Nuclear Grade : II.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.Perineural invasion : Not present.Resected margin:Superior margin --Free of tumor.Inferior margináá --Free of tumor.Medial margináá -- Involved by tumor.Lateral margináá --Free of tumor.Deep margináááá --Involved by tumor.IMPRESSION:Right breast-Post lumpectomy, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:Small focus of residual tumor present measuring 0.7x0.6x0.5cm-Invasive Ductal Carcinoma with mucinous areas.Modified BR score is 7/9,Grade II.Tubule formation: 3.Nuclear pleomorphism: 2.Mitotic figures: 2.Tumor measures 0.7x0.6 cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the Retro-areolar quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.All other resected margins including medial margins are free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 12 nodes show non caseating granulomas with epithelioid cells and Langhan's giant cells.Possibly tubercular lymph nodes - kindly confirm.No deposits of tumor seen.Summary:Right MRM, Wide excsion with mastectomy-Invasive ductal carcinoma with mucinous areas, Grade II.Nodal metastases 12 nodes show granulomas with giant cells and epitheloid cells. Poorly tubercular lymphadectomy - Confirm" 518,MR160005669,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast (Post lumpectomy and Post Chemo).SPECIMEN :A) Left Breast, Left Breast Conservative Surgery.B) Left Axillary lymph node dissection.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 10.5 x 7.5 x 3.6 cm. Skin ellipse measuring 9.5 x 1.5 cm shows a linear scar measuring 8 cm.On serial section, there is seen a illdefined fibrocystic area measuring 5 x 2 x 1.8 cm.Distance from margins :Superior : 1.8cm.Inferior : 0.5cm.Medial : 0.2cm.Lateral : 2cm.Deep : 0.5cm.Representative sections are submitted.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 8 x 7 x 3.5 cm. Largest lymph node measuring 2.4 x 2 x 1.2 cm. Cut surface grey brown with fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows no residual tumor. Treatment related changes are seen including lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate, foamy macrophages, pigment laden macrophages, extensive areas of hyalinisation and fibrosis. IMPRESSION :A) Left Breast, Left Breast Conservative Surgery(Post Lumpectomy and Post Chemo) :No residual tumor seen.Complete response to treatment is seen. - Therapy related changes noted. - All margins of resection are free of tumour.B) Left Axillary lymph node dissection :Isolated fourteen lymph nodes, all are free of tumor (0/14).Pathological Stage : ypT0N0" 519,MR160005677,"H16-5216SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue shows tumor arranged in cords, trabeculae and glands. the tumor cells have moderate cytoplasm with hyperchromatic nuclei. Cells showing moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Mitotic figures 1/10Hpf.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified BR score is (5/9).Nuclear Grade - I Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 __________ 5/9 ____________" 520,MR160005682,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left beast lump - ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left breast biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.3cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma with cellular lesion arranged as nests sheets and cords. The cells have irregular hyperchromatic nucleus inconspicuous nucleolus and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, left breast biopsy.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade II.Tubule formationáááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 521,MR160005694,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Thick walled cystic lesion in Left Breast - ? Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left Breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1.2cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue harboring a lesion arranged in cords and sheets. Individual cells are pleomorphic with hyperchromatic nuclei of varying sizes with irregular borders, few with prominent nucleoli and moderate to abundant cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Keratin pearls formation noted. Stroma shows hyalinisation and lymphocytic infiltrates.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma with squamous differentiation, Grade 3.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 8 (3+3+2)." 522,MR160005731,"H16-5214SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.6 to 1.5cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 523,MR160005733,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1.3 to 1.8cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged as cords and tubules. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2.Tubule formationáááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá :1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 524,MR160005745,"H16-5220SPECIMEN :Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in sheets and nests, lying in pools of mucin. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Mucinous Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 525,MR160005746,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy of Left Breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7cm to 1.3cm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core biopsy :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6 (3+2+1)." 526,MR160005748,"H16-5231SPECIMEN :Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.4cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION :Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 527,MR160005781,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Left Breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left MRM with level I & II lymph nodes.B) level III axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Left MRM Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -15cm Superficial - Deep -3.5cm Superior - Inferior -15cmSkin ellipse : 13.5x8cm Nipple : Unremarkable. Scar/ Surgical defect : NoTumor Size : 4.5x4x3cm Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrant at 4 o'clock Deep margin : 1.8cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : 9x5x1.5cmSize of largest node : 2x1x0.8cm.cut surface sows grey white appearance.Dissected nodes - 17nodesB) level III axillary lymph nodes :Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 4x2x1.8cm,isolated 6 lymph nodes.largest lymph nodes measuring 1.5x1x0.8cm.cut surface shows grey white appearance.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive ductal Carcinoma, Grade III. Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 3Tumor measures 4.5x4cm in greatest dimension and is located in the lower outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not present.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Level I,II Lymph nodes : 6nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 17nodes.Level III lymph nodes : 5 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 6 nodes.Perinodal spread is present.Size of the biggest node is 2x2xcm. SUMMARY:Left MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade III.Nodal metastases level I,II -6 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 17nodes (0/17).Level -III - 5 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 6 nodes (5/6)." 528,MR160005787,"H16-5283SPECIMEN:Left breast, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.6cm.Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma with cellular lesion arranged as nests and sheets. The cells have hyperchromatic nucleus few showing nucleolus and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Areas of necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 529,MR160005802,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Complaint of lump in left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left Breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.3 cmIMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core biopsy : INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6 (3+2+1)." 530,MR160005805,"H16-5293SPECIMEN :Left breast, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1.4 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring cellular lesion arranged as nests and sheets with extensive lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. The cells have irregular hyperchromatic nucleus, few showing nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Left breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 531,MR160005824,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right Breast, Lumpectomy.B) Right axillary clearance.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 8 x 6.2 x 4.5 cm.Skin ellipse measuring 6cm.One serial sectioning a greywhite lesion measuring 3 x 3 x 2.5 cm seen.Located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin--1cm.Inferior margin--1.8cm.Medial margin--1.5cm.Lateral margin--2cm.Deep margin--1.5cm.Representative sections are submitted.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 10 x 5 x 4.3 cm,largest lymph node measuring 2 x 1.5 x 1.2 cm, cut surface shows tumor deposits. Total isolated twenty four lymph nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Multiple sections from breast parenchyma show a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords, tubules, nests and in diffuse sheets.Tumor cells display vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Peritumoral lymphocytic infiltration seen. Lymphovascular and Perineural invasion are identified.Ductal carcinoma in situ is seen.IMPRESSION :Right breast, Lumpectomy :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 3.á - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8(3+2+3)á - Tumor measures 3 cm in greatest dimension. á - Lymphovascular invasioná is identified.á - Perineural invasion is identified.á - Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ of solid and comedo pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen.á - All margins of resection are free of tumor.Lymph nodes : Three out of Twenty four lymph nodes show metastatic tumour deposits with Extranodal extension(3/24).á - Size of the largest tumor deposit measures 2 cm in greatest dimension.Pathological Stage : pT2N1aSummary: Right Lumpectomy with right axillary clearance, Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 3.Nodal metastases present(3/24)." 532,MR160005825,CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma left breast ( Post BCS status)SPECIMEN:Left Breast lesion BiopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 linear cores measures 0.3-3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibro adipose tissue harboring invasive neoplasm in cords sheets and nests composed of cells withá moderate cytoplasm hyperchromaticá nuclei with moderate pleomorphism in a desmoplastic stroma.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lesion Biopsy:Invasive Carcinoma -suggestive of recurrence 533,MR160005828,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from C4 body.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white soft tissue bits altogether measures 2.5x2x0.5 cm, 2grms. entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows fragments of fibrocollagenous tissue, admixed with bony fragments and cartilagenous tissue.No evidence of metastatic deposits.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from C4 body :Shows mature bony fragments and cartilagenous tissue.No evidence of malignancy in the sections studied." 534,MR160005829,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma right breast-Post lumpectomy.SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Right Mastectomy-Post lumpectomy.Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial to lateral-- 18cm. Superficial to Deep-- 2.5cm. Superior to Inferior-- 16cm.Skin ellipse : 14.5x7cm. Nipple : Normal.Surgical defect : 2.5cm is seen in upper outer quadrant in skin ellipse.Lumpectomy bed : Grey white fibrotic areas seen measures 5x3.5x3cm,and well circumscribed grey white solid tumor is seen near axillary tail measuring 2x1x1cm. Deep margin : 2cm.Muscle : Present,1x1cm.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 5.5x4x2cm.Total number of nodes : 21.Size of largest node : 1.2x1x1cm.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Grade II.Tumor bed:Residual viable tumor present-Invasive ductal carcinoma surronuding tumor areas of fibrosis,necrosis and inflammatory cells are present consisting of lymphocytes,plasma cells and histiocytes.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation:3.Nuclear pleomorphism: 2.Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 2x1 cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is present with cribriform,papillary and occasional ducts with comedonecrosis.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 21 lymph nodes,No metastatic deposits of tumor. Summary: Right MRM-Post lumpectomy, Residual viable tumor is present-Invasive ductal carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ, Grade II.Nodal metastases 21 nodes-No deposits of tumor." 535,MR160005832,"H16-5280SPECIMEN :Right breast, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring .2 to .3cm.Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring cellular lesion arranged as nests and sheets. The cells have vesicular nucleolus, few showing conspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned.IMPRESSION :Right breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 536,MR160005846,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right breast, CoreBiopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1.1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring cellular lesion arranged as nests and sheets. The cells have irregular hyperchromatic nucleus, few showing nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 537,MR160005857,"H16-5374SPECIMEN:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.á- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 538,MR160005893,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.3 to 1c.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arrnanged as sheets, islands and tubules. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderateá cytoplasm. Areas ofá necrosis seen including foci of high grade comedo ductal carcinoma in situ .IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 8/9, grade 3.Tubule formationááá á á á áá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá ; 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________Foci of high grade comedo ductal carcinoma in situ seen." 539,MR160005908,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma comprising of neoplasm arranged as clusters, sheets and occasional tubules. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism and have moderate to abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figure are discerned.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, left breast, biopsy.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationáááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________" 541,MR160005924,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 5.5x4x3.5cm,cut surface shows greywhite lesion measuring 1.8x1x1.3cm,located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin--0.5cmInferior margin--0.9cm.Medial margin--1cm.Lateral margin--0.6cm.Superficial margin--1.1cm.Deep margin--0.9cm.B) Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 4x2.5x0.7cm.C) Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 3.5x2.8x1cm.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 6.5x5x4.2cm.Largest lymph node measuring 2.8x1.5x0.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Multiple section show breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests and diffuse sheets.Cells display vesicular nuclei,prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm.Mitotic figures discerned.Stroma shows desmoplasia.Adjacent breast shows DCIS with comedonecrosis and adenosis.-Lymphovascular invasion is identified.-Perineural invasion is not identified.-Superior,inferior,medial and superficial margins are free of tumor.-Deep and lateral margins are involved by the tumor .B) Revised deep margin is free of tumor.C) Revised lateral margin is free of tumor.D) Fifteen lymph nodes isolated free of tumor,show reactive hyperplasia(0/15).IMPRESSION:A) Left breast,breast conservative surgery:Invasive ductal carcinoma,grade II.MBR score 7/9 Tubule formation -3 Nuclear pleomorphism -2 mitotic activity -2Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis seen.Perineural invasion is not seen.Lymphovascular invasion is seen.Tumor measuring 1.8cm in greatest dimension.Superior,inferior,medial and superficial margins are free of tumor.B) Revised deep margin is free of tumor.C) Revised lateral margin shows fibroadenosis.D) Fifteen lymph nodes isolated free of tumor,show reactive hyperplasia(0/15)." 542,MR160005931,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Left Breast.SPECIMEN:Left MRM.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy,MRM Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -28cm Superficial - Deep - 4cm Superior - Inferior - 22cmSkin ellipse : 15.5x8cm,infected wound seen measuring 6x3cm lateral and above nipple Nipple : Appears slightly retractedScar/ Surgical defect : Infected wound presentTumor : No obvious tumor seen.Tumour Size : shows grey white areas below infected wound,necrotic areas. Location of tumor : upper lateral quadrant Deep margin : 1cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 5x4x2.5cm.Total number of nodes : 14 lymph nodesSize of largest node : 2.2x1x1cm.cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed :- Multiple section show marked inflammatory cellular infiltration consisting of pleomorphic,lymphocytes,histiocytes and plasma cells.Areas of necrosis with abscess formation and foreign body giant cells seen.No evidence of residual tumor present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is ulcerated and infiltrated.Lymph nodes: 14 lymph nodes, no deposits of tumor(0/14). SUMMARY:Left MRM, post excision shows marked inflammatory cells with abscess formation - no residual viable tumor.Nodal metastases 14 nodes, no deposits of tumor.." 543,MR160005934,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 544,MR160005938,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from the linear cores show tumor cells arranged in nests,trabecular and sheets.Cells have scanty to moderate cytoplasm with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei.Stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 __________ 6/9 ___________" 545,MR160005951,"H16-5338SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 546,MR160005969,"H16-5360SPECIMEN:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.4cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 547,MR160005983,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite to greybrown linear core measuring 1.2 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2.Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá á : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 548,MR160005999,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in Left Breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left Breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.9 to 1.1 cm. Entire tissue is submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast mass, Core Biopsy : INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6 (3+2+1)." 549,MR160006003,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in Right Breast - Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right Breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue is submitted.IMPRESSION:Right Breast mass, Core Biopsy :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 550,MR160006014,CLINICAL HISTORY:Left Breast lump.SITE:Mastectomy specimen.Received 16 slides and 16 blocks labelled as 666/16.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows tumor from the slides B666/16 and further section cut from the blocks given show suboptimal fixation with tumor shows autolysed with pyknotic nucleus and shrinkage of cells and degenerated cells.Morphology and clarity of the cellsá are suboptimal to diagnose as carcinoma. Sections of nipple and areola is unremarkable.lymph nodes:- 2 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor(the morphology of the tumor cells can be identified with lymph nodes) out of 8 nodes.Perinodal spread is present.IMPRESSION:Tumor sections shows suboptimally fixed autolysed and degenerated cells.No opinion possibleá on primary tumor.lymph nodes:- 2 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 8 nodes.Perinodal spread is present. 551,MR160006028,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 1.2á to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as tubules and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclear conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. The interveningá stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 552,MR160006065,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Breast left, post lumpectomy.SPECIMEN:A) Left modified radical mastectomy.B) Left axilla level I nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received in : Formalin Procedure : Modified radical mastectomy Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial - lateral -12cm Superficial - Deep - 3cm Superior - Inferior - 12cmSkin ellipse : 11x7cm Nipple & areola : Unremarkable Scar : measures 4cm in length above nipple areolalumpectomy bed : No obvious tumor seen Size : 4x3.5x2cm, shows fibrotic and necrotic areas. Location of lumpectomy bed : beneath scar area Deep margin : 1cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 4.5x4.5x1.5cm.Size of largest node : 1.2x1.8cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1.5x1cm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Lumpectomy bed :- fibrotic, necrotic, foreign body giant cells, inflammatory cells present. There is no evidence of residual viable tumor. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 13 lymph nodes, no deposits of tumor.SUMMARY:Left MRM - post lumpectomy, lumpectomy bed:- fibrotic and necrotic areas, inflammatory cells and foreign body giant cells present. No evidence of residual tumor.Nodal metastases 13 nodes show no deposits of tumor." 553,MR160006074,"H16-5397SPECIMEN:Left breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.9 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 1- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1).- Ductal Carcinoma in situ of comedo and cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen." 554,MR160006082,"H16-5401SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.1cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 555,MR160006090,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in Left Breast - ? galactocele.? Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left Breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white soft tissue bits measuring 0.4x0.3x0.1cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma showing occasional ducts lined by bilayered epithelial cells.Stroma shows fibrosis and infiltration by chronic inflammatory cells.Areas of necrosis see.IMPRESSION:Left Breast mass, Biopsy :Necrotic lesion.No definite opinion is possible.Suggest repeat biopsy." 556,MR160006095,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 0.2 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters cords and islands. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm Lymphovascular emboli seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 557,MR160006121,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast / carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arrangedá in tubular pattern and cords . The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm.The intervening stroma is desmoplastic. Focus suggestive of solid Ductal carcinoma in situ noted.áIMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá áá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 558,MR160006158,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Multiple skeletal secondary deposits.Left Breast mass - ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left Breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits measuring 0.7 to 0.8cm.Entire tissue is processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring cellular lesion arranged as tubules, nests and cords.The cells have hyperchromatic nucleus inconspicuous nucleolus and moderate amount of cytoplasm.Mitotic figures are discerned. IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade - I.Tubule formation á á á á á áá - 2Nuclear pleomorphismáááá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá - 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________" 560,MR160006175,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in Left Breast - Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left Breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.3cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores with tumor cells arranged in nests and sheets.Cells are pleomorphic nuclei.Stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltration.Extensive areas of necrosis present.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lesion Biopsy : Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score - 7 (3+2+2).Areas of necrosis is seen." 562,MR160006187,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Complaint o Right carcinoma Breast,lumpectomy done outside.SPECIMEN:Right MRM.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial - lateral -18cm Superficial - Deep - 3cm Superior - Inferior - 18cmSkin ellipse : 11x6cm Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : measures 5cm in lengthTumor : No obvious tumor seen(lumpectomy bed)consists of cystic areas and fibrotic areas measures 4.5x3x2cm Location of tumor : Center line quadrant Deep margin : 0.5cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 7x5x2.5cm.Total number of nodes : 15 lymph nodesSize of largest node : 2x1.2x1cm, cut surface shows grey brown to grey whiteIMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- No residual viable tumor present.Areas of fibrosis,necrosis,inflammatory cells,foreign body giant cells and granulation tissue present. Fibrotic area measuring 4.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central quadrant. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 15 lymph nodes, show no deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:Right MRM post lumpectomyLumpectomy bed:- No residual tumor present. Fibrosis,necrosis,inflammatory cells and foreign body giant cells and granulation tissue present.Nodal metastases 15 nodes show no deposits of tumor." 563,MR160006199,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in Left Breast - Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left Breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear core measuring 1.2 to 1.4cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the linear cores show breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion with cells arranged in nests,trabecular and sheets.Cells are pleomorphic with round to oval hyperchromatic infiltration.Extensive area of necrosis present.IMPRESSION:Left Breast mass, biopsy : Invasive ductal carcinoma,grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6 (2+3+1).Extensive areas of necrosis present." 564,MR160006205,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of lump in left breast - carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 grey white linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.4cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring a lesion arranged in tubules,cords and nests. Individual cells have round o oval hyperchromatic nuclei inconspicuous nucleoli and scanty cytoplasm. Mild nuclear pleomorphism seen. Mitotic figures discerned. Stroma shows fibrosis and hyalinisation.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, grade 2Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formationáááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________" 565,MR160006216,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right Breast - post Chemotherapy.SITE:Biopsy from Right Breast Mass.Received 13 slides labelled as 623/16.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple sections studied show the presence of breast parenchyma harboring cellular lesion arranged as tubules,nests and sheets.The cells have pleomorphic vesicular to hyperchromatic nucleus, few showing nucelolus and moderate amount of cytoplasm.Mitiotic activity is brisk.Extensive areas of necrosis identified.Foci of ductal carcinoma in situ high grade with comedonecrosis seen.Foamy macrophages are noted.Lymphovascular invasion is seen.Perineural invasion is not identified.Deep margin is free of tumor.8 out of 23 lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposits(0/23).IMPRESSION:Residual invasive ductal carcinoma (post chemotherapy)Grade - III.MBR score :- Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 3Mitotic figures - 3 _______ 8/9 ________Lymphovascular invasion is seen.Perineural invasion is not identified.Deep margin is free of tumor.Large areas of necrosis and ductal carcinoma in situ - high grade noted.8 out of 23 lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposits with perinodal extension (8/23)." 566,MR160006226,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple linear cores from breast shows tumor arranged in trabeculae and as glands. The cells have moderate cytoplasm and round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei. Mitotic figures are seen <5 / 10 hpf. Focal myxoid areas seenIMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 __________ 6/9 ____________" 567,MR160006237,"H16-5475SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Also seen are tumour cells lying in extracellular pools of mucin.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma with Mucinous Features, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 568,MR160006238,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Small 1x1cm lesion in left breast (12 '0' clock)/ ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 0.4 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear trucut cores with sheets and poorly cohesive clusters of cells with pleomorphic,hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate to abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, NOS, Grade 2, biopsy from left breast lesion.Tubule formationá á á á á :á 3Nuclear pleomorphism :á 3Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá :á 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------------" 569,MR160006240,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump/ ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 0.8 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section linear cores of breast parenchyma with extensive areas of DCIS consisting of solid and comedo necrosis type. A foci suspicious of invasion noted. Stroma show desmoplasia and lymphoid aggregated and stromal cells congested hyalinised blood vessels noted.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core biopsy:Ductal carcinoma in situ of cribriform and comedo pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen with suspicious foci of invasion." 570,MR160006261,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Solid cystic lesion in Left Breast - ? carcinoma ? phylloides tumor.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left Breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits altogether measuring 0.7x0.6x0.3cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear trucut cores showing a papillary lesion with fibrovascular cores lined by pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nuclei and inconspicuous nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned.IMPRESSION:Papillary neoplasm, Nuclear grade II.Suggest Wide local excision." 571,MR160006282,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast / ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN :Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1 cm. Entire tissue is submitted.IMPRESSION :Right Breast Mass, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6 (3+2+1)." 572,MR160006302,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump/ ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN :Left breast lump, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Left breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 3.á - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8 (3+2+3)." 573,MR160006311,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN :Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION :Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9, grade 2.Tubule formationáááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______________" 574,MR160006342,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measuring 0.4 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Known case of carcinoma breast.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified Bloom Richardson score 7/9,á grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááááááááááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá :2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------" 575,MR160006349,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinomaSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear coresá measuring 0.6 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá áá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________Focus of high grade comedo ductal carcinoma in situ noted." 576,MR160006370,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast lump, wide local excision.B) Right axillary lymph nodes, lymph node dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 5x5.5x2.5cm. Cut surface shows grey white lesion measures 2x2x1.2cm. Overlying skin ellipse measures 3x2cm. Located at the following distances from the respective margins:- Superior margin -- 1.1cmInferior margin -- 2cmLateral margin -- 1.3cmMedial margin -- 1cmDeep margin -- 0.5cmB) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 12x6x2cm. Largest lymph node measures 1.4x1.4x0.4cm. 16 lymph nodes isolated.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Histopathologically examined section shows breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests, cords and trabeculae. Individual cells have moderately pleomorphic nuclei, hyperchromatic with inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm with irregular borders. Mitotic figures discerned. Stroma shows fibrosis and hyalinisation and lymphocytic infiltrate. Areas of necrosis seen. Ductal carcinoma insitu with comedonecrosis seen.IMPRESSION: A) Right breast lump, wide local excision :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2.Tubule formation - 2nuclear pleomorphism -2mitotic activity -3MBR score - 7/9.-All margins of resection are free of tumor.-Ductal carcinoma in situ is present with comedonecrosis.-Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.-Perineural invasion is not identified.-Adjacent breast shows fibrosis.B) Right axillary lymph nodes, lymph node dissection : 16 Lymph nodes isolated, all are free of tumor(0/16). They show reactive hyperplasia. " 577,MR160006373,"H16-5535SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Left breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 578,MR160006382,"H16-5533SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1.1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION :Right breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1))." 579,MR160006391,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma Left breast.SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral--19cm Superficial to Deep--6cm Superior to Inferior--25cm.Skin ellipse : 19x10cm. Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Below the skin nodular area with necrosis present.Tumor : Single.Tumour Size : 5.5x4.5x4.5cm with areas of necrosis and fibrosis. Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant. Margins of tumor : Infiltrative. Deep margin : 1.8cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Axillary tail : Received separately in the same container measuring 14x8x5cm.Size of largest node : 5.5x4.5x2.5cm,cut surface : grey white,necrotic matted lymph nodes.IMPRESSION: Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy, Grade III.Tumor bed:Residual viable tumor is present with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma,maximum dimension of tumor is 5.5cm.50% of viable tumor present.Rest of the tumor shows necrosis,fibrosis,inflammatory cellular infiltration and degenerated cells.Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formation:3.Nuclear pleomorphism: 2.Mitotic figures: 3.Tumor measures 5.5x4.5cm(50% viable tumor present) in greatest dimension and is located in the upper and outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not present.Lymphovascular invasion present.Perineural invasion present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Adjacent to nipple and areolar - skin shows nodular area with necrosis and inflammatory cells.Lymph nodes: 3 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of viable tumor out of 20 nodes.Perinodal spread present.Summary:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy-NACT, Residual viable tumor present-Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade III.Nodal metastases - 3 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 20 nodes .Perinodal spread is present.Ammendment as on 15/12/2016Justification:-Laterality of specimen identified in requisition form advertently as left breastLaterality to be changed as right breast." 580,MR160006392,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in Right Breast - Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right Breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1cm.Entire tissue is processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast mass, Core Biopsy :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA,GRADE 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 581,MR160006397,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in Left Breast - Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left Breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 linear fragments ranging from 0.4 to 0.5cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows hyperplastic ductules seen in papillary pattern, lined by tall columnar epithelial cells with fibrovascular core.No definite evidence of invasive malignancy is seen.IMPRESSION:Left Breast mass, Biopsy : Suggestive of Papillary lesion.Suggest Excision of the lump for further confirmation." 582,MR160006420,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast ?carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue favoring a neoplasm arranged in nests and clusters.The cells have moderately pleomorphic dark nucleus with irregular nuclear membrane and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis seen. Stroma shows fibrosis and hyalinisation along with lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, left breast, biopsy.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2.Tubule formation á á á á á áá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism á á : 2Mitotic figures á á á á á á á áá : 1á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá ____________á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á 6/9á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á ááá ________ " 583,MR160006437,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump/ ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as islands, tubules and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have vesicular nuclei, conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Lymphovascular emboli seen. Small focus of necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast lump.Modified BR score : 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formation á á á á : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------------Lymphovascular emboli seen." 584,MR160006479,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Small spiculated lesion in left breast (12'o clock) .SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 7 grey white to grey brown linear coresá measuring0.5 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring a lesion arranged in clusters nests and singly scattered. Cells have mildly pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus with irregular borders inconspicuousá nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows fibrosis and hyalinisation. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma.Modified BR score is 5/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 585,MR160006506,"H16-5583SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.5cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 587,MR160006527,CLINICAL HISTORY:Complaint of Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast lumpectomy.B) Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 3.5x1.5x1.5cm. Cut surface shows grey white area measures 2.5x1.2x1.2cm. Distance from inked margin - 0.1cmB)Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medial - lateral á - 13cmááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - Deepá - 3cm á ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior - Inferior á -13cm Skin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá :á 12x7cm áá Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá : unremarkable.Scar á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á : measures 3.5cm in length in the outer quadrant Tumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá :á lumpectomy bed shows fibrotic and firm areas áááááááááá Deep marginááá áá á á á áá ááá ááá : is 1cm from the lumpectomy bed Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááá : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá áááááááááá : fibrofatty tissue áááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá : 5x4x3cmSize of largest nodeááááááááááá : 1.3x1x0.8cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sections from tumor show breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters and tubules. The neoplastic cells have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Areas with mucin pools with tumor clusters floating in them are seen.Areas of solid and cribriform intermediate to high grade ductal carcinoma in situ and lobular cancerisation seen.B) Lumpectomy bed harbors small volume of ductal carcinoma in situ. No residual invasive component seen. Nipple and areolaá - free of tumor.Deep margináááááááá - free of tumor17 axillary lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast lumpectomyInvasive ductal carcinoma with mucinous featuresTumor size : 2.5x1.2x1.2cmGrade II (7/9)Tubule formationááááááááá á - 3áNuclear pleomorphism á - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________Foci of ductal carcinoma in situ(intermediate to high grade seen)B) Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Lumpectomy bedá shows small volume of ductal carcinoma in situ.Nipple and areola : free of tumor.Deep margin : free of tumor.17 right axillary lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor. 589,MR160006548,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received five greywhite to greyyellow linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The studied section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged in tubules, cords and in sheets exhibiting moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Intervening stroma shows elastosis. Mitoses are discerned.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR scoreá :á 6/9, grade 2.Tubule formationá á á á áá : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------------" 590,MR160006615,"H16-5641SPECIMEN:Right breast, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 591,MR160006618,"CLINICAL HISTORY: Bilateral two breast lesion. Bilateral axillary lymph nodes.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 Grey white to Grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section sows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as diffuse sheets and dispersed pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic round to oval nucleus, moderate nuclear atypia and moderate cytoplasm. Atypical mitotic figures seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lesion:Invasive ductal carcinoma. Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score - 6/9.Tubule formation - 3 Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures (4-5/10hpf) - 1 ________ 6/9 ________" 593,MR160006646,"H16-5688SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 594,MR160006647,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma right breast(multifocal).SPECIMEN:Right MRM.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : MR Mastectomy.Laterality : Right. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral--23cm. Superficial to Deep--0.5cm. Superior to Inferior--22cm. Skin ellipse : 18x11cm,shows black mole measuring 0.7x0.7x0.1cm. Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : 2 tumors.Tumour Size : 1) 3.5x3.5x3cm, 2) 2x1.5x1cm. Distance to nearest separate tumor foci (when multiple ): 1.5cm.Location of tumor : Retroareolar,central quadrant. Margins of tumor : ill defined. Deep margin : 1) 1cm, 2) 0.2cm.Muscle : Present, under 2nd tumor.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Axillary tail : 4x3x2cm.Total number of nodes : 17.Size of largest node : 2x1.2x1cm.cut surface : greywhite.IMPRESSION: Right breast,Right Modified Radical Mastectomy, Grade II.Tumor bed:Multicentric tumor 2 tumors present with invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified BR score is 7/9 (2 tumors)Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2.Tumor measures 1) 3.5x3.8cm,2) 2x1.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the 1) Retro-areolar 2) central quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin : Free of tumor second tumor is 0.2cm from tumor a thin strip of muscle bundle is present, free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 17 lymph nodes, No metastatic deposits of tumor.Summary: Right MRM, multifocal tumor-2 tumors present with invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II.Nodal metastases 17 nodes-No deposits of tumor." 597,MR160006669,"H16-6175SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.4cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests and cores comprising of cells with moderately pleomorphic dark nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows fibrosis and hyalinization.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 598,MR160006671,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white to grey brown liner cores measuring 0.6 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged in cords. The lesional cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 599,MR160006684,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of Left carcinoma breast post lumpectomy.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast wide local excision.B) Left axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 12x7x4cm.Overlying skin measures 10x3cm ad necrotic cut surface shows fibrotic grey white areas measures 3.3x3x2.5cm.Located at the following distances from the respective margins :-Superior margináááááááá - 3cmInferior margináááááááááá - 2cmMedial marginááááááááááá - 1.5cmLateral margináááááááááá - 2.5cmDeep marginááááááááááááá - 1.2cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 7x5x3cm. Largest lymph node measures 2.8x2x1.8cm. Cut surface shows grey white appearance.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section shows proliferating glands lined by cuboidal epithelium with bland nuclear features. Few ducts are dilated and filled with inspissated eosinophilic secretions.Post operative changes seen comprising of inflammatory cells consisting of lymphocytes, plasma cells, histiocytes and multinucleate foreign body giant cells seen.Foamy macrophages noted.Stroma shows fibrosis with bland stromal cells and inflammatory cells.Few hyalinised and dilated blood vessels seen.Areas of hemorrhage noted.B) Section show lymph nodes with few reactive follicles, sheets of histiocytes and dilated congested blood vessels.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast wide local excision :-Fibroadenosis.-No residual tumor seen.-Adjacent tissue shows post operative changes like foreign boidy granulomata and fibrosis.-All margins of resection are free of tumor.-Overlying skin is free of tumor.B) Left axillary lymph nodes :17 lymph nodes, isolated show no tumor deposits (0/17).They show reactive hyperplasia." 600,MR160006695,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Wide local excision.B) Axillary lymph node dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 11x8x5.5cm, cut surface shows grey white nodular mass measures 3.8x3x3.3cm.Small nodule measures 0.7x0.4x0.3cm, present near the inferior margin (which is 1cm from the inferior margin) and is located 4cm from the larger nodule.Superior margin - 0.9cmInferior margin - 3.5cmMedial margin - 2cmLateral margin - 3.5cmDeep margin - 1cmSuperficial margin- 1.5cmB) Axillary lymph node dissection :Received fibrofatty tissue measures 6x3x2cm, largest lymph node measures 1.5x1xcm, cut surface shows grey white to grey brown.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Tumor - consisting of biphasic pattern consisting of ducts lined with cuboidal epithelial cells and lining epithelium shows stratification of cells with outer myoepithelium. The stroma shows spindle to oval cells. Occasional mitotic figures are present less than 3/10 HPF. No pleomorphism or hyperchromasia of cells - phylloides tumor.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Resected margins - superior margin - free of tumorInferior margin - free of tumor.Medial margin - free of tumor.Lateral margin - free of tumor.Deep margin - free of tumor.Smaller nodule present at the inferior margin shows fibroadenoma.B) Axillary lymph node dissection : 16 nodes show no deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Wide local excision :Breast mass - with phylloides tumor - BenignAll resected margins are free of tumor.Small nodular mass present with - fibroadenoma.B) Axillary lymph node dissection:16 nodes - no deposits of tumor." 601,MR160006696,"H16-5694SPECIMEN:Left breast, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1cm.Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in cords, nests and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 1.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1)." 602,MR160006706,"SR16-2693SITE :Breast lump, (? Left), Excision.Received 8 slides labelled as B1402 AB, CD, E F H I J K.Received 11 blocks labelled as A, B, C, D, E, F, I, J, K.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section from breast shows tumor cells in cords, nests and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Breast Lump (? left), Excision :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1).- Adjacent breast tissue shows features of fibroadenoma.Cervix :Chronic cervicitis.Endometrium :Proliferative endometrium.Appendix :Shows features of lymphoid hyperplasia.Negative for malignancy.Comment : Sections from Ovaries and Fallopian tubes were not provided." 603,MR160006716,"H16-5691SPECIMEN:Left breast, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows hyperplastic ductules in fused and cribriform pattern lined by cells with pleomorphic, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. No evidence of invasive malignancy is seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy :Suggestive of Ductal carcinoma in situ of cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade.No definite evidence of invasive malignancy is seen.Suggest excision of the lump for further confirmation.Kindly correlate with clinical findings." 605,MR160006752,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring from 0.5 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue showing neoplastic cells floating in lakes of mucin. Also seen are neoplastic cells arranged in ductal pattern exhibiting moderate nuclear pleomorphism harboring vesicular nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Occasional atypical mitosis noted.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma with mucinous component, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR core is 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________" 606,MR160006766,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Complaint of Left carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left sentinel lymph node biopsy.B) Wide local excision of the lumpectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4x2x0.5cm.2 lymph nodes isolated. Large lymph node isolated measures 1.2x1x0.8cm.Cut surface shows grey yellow to grey white.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 6x7x3cm.Cut surface shows grey white lesion measures 2x1.3x1.2cm.Overlying skin ellipse measures 3.5x2cm. Located at the following distances from the respective margins:-Superior margin - 2.5cmInferior margin - 2cmMedial margin - 0.6cmLateral margin - 3.5cmDeep margin - 1cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Left sentinel lymph node :2 Nodes show reactive hyperplasia, no deposits of tumor present.B) Wide local excision of the lumpectomy :Tumor - Tumor is composed of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm.Tubule formation - <10% - 3Nuclear pleomorphism-8/10 - 2Mitotic figures - 2 ___________MBR score 7/9 ____________Nuclear grade - IILymphovascular invasion is not present.Ductal carcinoma insitu is not present.Resected margins - Superior margin - free of tumor.Medial margin - free of tumor.Inferior margin - free of tumor.Lateral margin - free of tumor.Deep margin - free of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Left sentinel lymph node :2 Nodes show no deposits of tumor.B) Wide local excision of the lumpectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma.Maximum dimension of tumor - 3.5x2cm, nuclear grade II.Ductal carcinoma in situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.All resected margins are free of tumor." 607,MR160006785,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS:áCase of left breast lump.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast lumpectomy.B) Revised inferior margin.C) Sentinelá nodes.D) Left MRM.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 6.5x4.5x1.8cm.Skin ellipse measuring 3x1.5cm.Serial section show a grey white lesion measuring 2.5x1.5x1cm and is located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin--2cm.Inferior margin--0.3cm.Medial margin--1.5cm,Lateral margin--1.5cm.Deep margin--1.5cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 6x1.8x0.8cm.C) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue measuring 7x2x2cm,sentinel lymph node measuring 1.5x1x1cm.D) Received ináá ááá ááá á á á á á á á á á á á áá áááá : Formalin.Procedureáá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á á á á á á á áá áá : MR Mastectomy.Lateralityáá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á á á á á á á á á ááá : Left.á áTotal dimensionsáá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á á á á á á á :á Medialá to lateral--17cm. ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá Superficial to Deep--6cm.ááá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá Superior to Inferior--16cm. Skin ellipseáá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á á á á á á á á áá :á 15x10cm.áá áNippleáá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá :á Unremarkable.Scar/ Surgical defectáá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á á á á : 7cm in lengthá above nipple and areola.Lumpectomy bed measuring 6.8x5x4cm.Lumpectomy cavity shows fibrofatty tissue with focal hemorrhage cells.Location of tumor áá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á á á á ááá : No residual tumor seen.Margins of tumoráá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á á á á á ááá :á Fibrofatty.ááááááá áDeep margináá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á á á á á á áá áááá : 2cm.Muscleáá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá : Absent Adjacent Breastáá ááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á á á á á :á Fibrofatty tissue.áááá áAxillary tailáá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á á á á á á á : 5x4x2cm.Total number of nodesáá ááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á :á 15 nodes.Size of largest nodeáá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á á áá á : 1.5x1x1cm,cut surface : fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:A) Breast lumpectomy:Tumor bed:- Theá section from the lesion shows pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and eosinophilic cytoplasm.Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.Tubular formation : 3Mitotic figures : 2Anaplasia : 2MBR score is 7/9.Nuclear grade : II.Ductal carcinoma in situ : Present,solid and cribriform.Lymphovascular invasion : Not seen.Perineural invasion : Not present.Resected margin : Superior--free of tumor.Inferior margin-- Atypical ductal hyperplasia.Medial margin-- shows adenosis - Free of tumor.Lateral margin --á free of tumor.Deep margin-- Free of tumor.B) Revised inferior margin:The section from resected margin shows ductal carcinoma in situ(solid type).C) Sentinel nodes:4 nodes show reactive hyperplasia,no deposits of tumor.D) Left breast,Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:Shows ducts surrounding lumpectomy cavity shows atypical hyperplasia,epithelial hyperplasia and Adenosis.No residual invasive carcinoma present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 15 lymph nodes, No metastatic deposits of tumor.Summary:áLeft MRM, No residual tumor present.Nodal metastases 15 nodes,No deposits of tumor." 608,MR160006796,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma right breast Post-NACT.SPECIMEN:A) Wide excision of right breast lump.B) Revised medial margin.C) Axillary lymph nodes.D) Completion mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Lumpectomy breast conservative surgery:Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 5.5x5.5x2.5cm.Cut surface : An irregular greywhite lesion measuring 1.4x0.8x1.3cm.located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin--1.5cm.Inferior margin--0.5cm.Medial margin--0.3cm.Lateral margin--2.5cm.Deep margin--1.3cm.B) Revised medial margin:Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 7x2.5x2cm,One surface inked blue.Cut surface : An ill defined greywhite lesion measuring 3.5x1.5x1cm.Distance from inked surface is < 0.1cm.C) Axillary lymph nodes dissection:Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 6x5x2.5cm,largest lymph node measuring 2.3x1.8x1cm,cut surface : fatty infiltration.Total isolated 10 lymph nodes.D) Received in : Formalin/Fresh Procedure : Completion Mastectomy.Laterality : Right. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral--17cm Superficial to Deep--4cm Superior to Inferior--19cmSkin ellipse : 14x6.5cm. Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : 3.5x1.5cm located 4cm lateral to nipple.Tumor : Lumpectomy cavity measuring 6x6x3.5cm,Tumour Size : No residual solid tumor present. Location of lumpectomy cavity: Upper outer quadrant. Margins of tumor : Fibrofatty. Deep margin : 0.8cmMuscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : Not present.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Wide excision of right breast lump:Tumor:The sections show residual viable tumor.Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.Surrounding the tumor areas of fibrosis,necrosis,focal areas of calcification and cystically dilated glands.Grade:Tubular formation : 3Mitotic figures: 2Anaplasia : 2MBR score is 7/9.Nuclear grade:IIDuctal carcinoma in situ : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion: Present.Perineural invasion : Not present.Resected margins:Superior margin--Free of tumor.Inferior margin--Free of tumor.Medial margin--Involved by tumor.Lateral margin--Free of tumor.Deep margin--Free of tumor.B) Revised medial margin:Shows invasive ductal carcinoma-Involved by the tumor.C) Axillary lymph nodes:3 nodes show foci of metastatic deposits of viable invasive ductal carcinoma out of 10 nodes.D) Completion Mastectomy:Lumpectomy cavity shows fibrofatty tissue with cystically dilated ducts,focal haemorrhagic areas are present.No evidence of residual tumor.Resected margin:All resected margins are free of tumor.Undersurface resected margin -- Free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.IMPRESSION:Breast conservative surgery:Residual viable tumor present.Invasive Ductal Carcinoma-measuring 1.4x1.3x0.8cm.Nuclear grade : II.Ductal carcinoma in situ : Not present.Residual margin-superior,inferior,lateral and deep margins : Free of tumor.Medial margin : Invaded by tumor.Revised medial margin : Invaded by tumor.Mastectomy lumpectomy bed:No residual tumor present.All resected margins : Free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable." 609,MR160006805,"H16-5843SPECIMEN: Right breast lesionGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 Grey white to Grey brown linear cores measures 0.7 to1 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with a neoplasm arranged in cords and trabeculae cells display vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lesion:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 _______ 6/9 _______ " 610,MR160006808,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring a lesion arranged in nests, cords and trabeculae . Neoplastic cells have mild to moderately pleomorphic nucleus with scanty toá moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy fromá left breast lump:Invasive Ductal carcinoma. Grade 2.Modified Blood Richardson Score 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááááá - á 3 áááá Nuclear pleomorphismáááá -áá 2 áááááá Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá - á 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______" 611,MR160006861,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast,post NACTSPECIMEN:Left breast with axillary lymph nodes level 1,2,3 GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy post NACT Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -23cm Superficial - Deep - 7cm Superior - Inferior - 19cm Skin ellipse : 14x11cm. Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : SingleTumour Size : 2.5x1.5x1.5cm. Location of tumor : upper inner quadrantMargins of tumor : illdefined Deep margin : 2.5cm. Muscle : Present measures 8x6cm Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : 6x4.5x2.5cm.Total number of nodes : 15 lymph nodes Size of largest node : 2x2x1cm, cut surface shows fatty infiltration- A small grey white nodule is located 2.5cm lateral to the tumor, nodule measures 1x1x1cm.cut surface shows grey white, whorled appearance.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed: - Residual viable tumorInvasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II.Surrounding tumor necrosis and degenerated cells present. Adjacent grey white nodule shows fibroadenoma. Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 2 Tumor measures 2.5x1.5x1.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper inner quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not presentLymphovascular invasion is presentPerineural invasion is presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumor. Nipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 1 lymph node, shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 15 nodes. Perinodal spread is not presentSUMMARY:Left MRM NACT, Residual viable tumor Invasive ductal carcinoma ,Grade II.Nodal metastases 1 node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 15 nodes.Perinodal spread is not present. " 612,MR160006863,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - ? CarcinomaSPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 Grey white to Grey brown linear cores measuring 0.3 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 613,MR160006870,"H16-5776SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.á- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 614,MR160006874,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Its defined to mass in right breast .SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 Grey white to Grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The studied section show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring neoplastic lesion. The neoplasm arranged in tubulesá and in chords with moderate pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Intervening stroma shows elastosis. Mitosis are discernedIMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Infiltrate ductal carcinoma.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9, Grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá - 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________" 615,MR160006875,"H16-5752SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 616,MR160006884,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion. The neoplasm is arranged in tubules, clusters with pleomorphc hyperchromatic nuclei with eosinophilic cytoplasm. The intervening stroma shows chronic inflammatory infiltrate comprising of plasma cells .Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score : 7/9,á grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááá :á 3Nuclear pleomorphism áá :á 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá á :á 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------------------" 617,MR160006885,"H16-5780SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.á- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 618,MR160006911,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - p/o suspicious lesion.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragment linear core measures 0.5 to 1.0 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and diffuse sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 621,MR160007006,"H16-5841SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 Grey white to Grey brown linear cores measures 0.6 to 1.4 cm . Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged in cords, nests in sheets and in cribriform pattern cells show round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Areas of myxoid change and calcification noted..IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Infiltrating Ductal carcinoma, Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 3 ______ 7/9 _______Ductal carcinoma in situ( Low grade ) noted." 622,MR160007010,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left MRM.(with level I, II and axillary lymph nodes)B) Left Axillary level III lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:Procedure : modified radical Mastectomy - post lumpectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial - lateral - 17cm Superficial - Deep - 5cm Superior - Inferior - 17cmSkin ellipse : 13x6cm Nipple and areola : unremarkableScar/ Surgical defect : measures 5cm in length in outer quadrantTumor : grey white, cystic, necrotic and fibrotic. fibrotic cavity measures 3.5x3x1.8cm.Location of tumor : central, upper outer quadrant below scar area. Margins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 0.4cm Muscle : PresentAdjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 7x6x2cmTotal number of nodes : 16 lymph nodesSize of largest node : 2x1.5x1cm, cut surface shows grey white appearance.IMPRESSION:Left breast, left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Lumpectomy bed:- fibrotic,necrotic, granulation tissue with foreign body giant cells and lymphocytic infiltration. No evidence of residual tumor. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 12 lymph nodes, show metastatic deposits of tumor invasive ductal carcinoma out of 16nodes.Perinodal spread is present.Size of the biggest node is 2x1.5cm.Level III lymph nodes:-2 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 2nodes.Perinodal spread is present.SUMMARY:Left post lumpectomy MRM, lumpectomy bed:- fibrotic,necrotic, granulation tissue with foreign body giant cells and lymphocytic infiltration. No evidence of residual tumor.Nodal metastases 12 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor invasive ductal carcinoma out of 16 nodes.Perinodal spread is present.Level III nodes : 2 Nodes show metastatic deposits of invasive ductal carcinoma out of 2 nodes." 623,MR160007015,"H16-5845SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords and tubules.Cells show hyperchromatic to vesicular nuclei few with prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Areas of myxoid change noted.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma - biopsy from right breast lump.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade II.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ___________ 6/9 __________" 624,MR160007027,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breast- lump excision done 1 year back.Now presented with recurrent lesion in right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to Grey brown soft tissue bits altogether measures 1 to1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests, cords trabeculae and sheets. Neoplastic cells are round to oval with hyperchromatic nuclei exhibiting moderate amount of pleomorphic nuclear exhibiting moderate amount of pleomorphism, few with prominent nucleoli and scanty to moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump;Invasive Ductal carcinoma, grade IIMBR score is 7/9Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 ____ 7/9 _____" 625,MR160007033,"CLINICAL HISTORY :á Left breast mass - Carcinoma..SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 Gery white to Grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplastic lesion arranged in tubules nests and cords. Cells exhibit mild to moderate nuclear pleomorphism, prominent nucleoli and scanty to moderate amount of cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Stroma shows myxoid change and hyalinisation.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump;Invasive Ductal carcinoma, grade IMBR score is 6/9Tubule formationáááááááááá - 2Nuclear pleomorphismá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá - 2áááááá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____ááááááááá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____" 626,MR160007034,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear core measuresá 0.6 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of cellular lesion arranged as nests and tubules. The cells have irregular hyperchromatic nucleus, inconspicuous and moderate amount of cytoplasm.Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Ductal carcinoma in situ not seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma.-Right breast lump Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 627,MR160007041,"H16-5833SPECIMEN:Left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring cellular lesion arranged as cords and nests. The cells have hyperchromatic nucleus inconspicuous and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formationáááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 628,MR160007043,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white to Grey brown linear cores measures 0.7 To 1cm . Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores from breast shows tumor arranged in cords, trabecular and as tubules showing cells with moderate to abundant amount of cytoplasm and having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate nuclear pleomorphism is noted. Lymphovascular invasion is seen. Mitotic figures are discerned (6/10HPF).IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal ductal carcinoma.Nuclear Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9.Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 ________ 6/9 ________" 629,MR160007051,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Case of right carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right MRM.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : MR Mastectomy.Laterality : Right. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral--19cm. Superficial to Deep--5cm. Superior to Inferior--13cm. Skin ellipse : 16x11cm. Nipple/Areola : shows ulceration,firm to herd in consistency.Paget?s disease.Scar/ Surgical defect : Absent.Tumor : multiple,2 greywhite present.Grey area : A) 2.3x2x1.3cm B) 3.5x2.5x1.5cm. Location of tumor : A) Lower outer quadrant. B) Upper outer quadrant-fibrotic DCIS like area.Margins of tumor : ill defined. Deep margin : A) 0.9cm. B) 2cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 7x5x3cm.Total number of nodes : 15.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x1cm,cut surface: greybrown.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma with extensive ductal carcinoma in situ with Paget's disease,Grade 2.Tumors:1) Located in lower outer quadrant-Invasive tumor measuring 1.0x1x0.3cm DCIS measuring 1.3x1x1cm.2) Located in upper outer quadrant-Invasive tumor measuring 0.6x0.5x0.5cm,DCIS measuring 2.9x2x1cm.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 3.Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is present.Lymphovascular invasion indeterminate.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is paget's disease.Lymph nodes: 19 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0 (0/19).Summary:Right MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma with extensive DCIS with Paget's disease,Grade 2.Nodal metastasis : 19 Nodes- No metastatic deposits of tumor." 630,MR160007064,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast..GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple Grey white Grey brown linear cores measures 0.3 to 0.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores from the breast tissue shows features of ductal carcinoma in situ showing solid, cribriform and comedonecrosis pattern. Intervening stroma is fibrocollagenous focal aggregates of lymphocytes are seen. Foci of calcification noted.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core biopsy :Shows Ductal carcinoma in situ of solid, cribriform and comedonecrosis pattern with intermediate nuclear grade.No definite evidence of Invasion is seen." 631,MR160007066,CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS: Received multiple grey white to Grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 To 1cm . Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple linear cores from breast tissue shows lesion arranged tubules papillar trabeculae in cords. The cells have abundant cytoplasm slightly hyperchromatic nuclei and showing mild nuclear pleomorphism.Many tubules are also showing secretory changes.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Suggestive of papillary lesion .The possibilities considered are 1. Myoepithelial neoplasm 2. Papillary neoplasm 632,MR160007075,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Lump in left breast-Retroareolar region.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast lump wide local excision.B) Right breast lump wide local excision.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 5.5x4x2.5cm,cut surface shows greywhite ill defined lesion measuring 2.3x2x1.2cm.Distance from margins:-Superior margin--1.8cm.Inferior margin--1.5cm.Medial margin--0.3cm.Lateral margin--1cm.Deep margin--<0.1cm.B) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 5.5x5x2.3cm,greywhite lesion measuring 0.9x0.5x0.4cm.Distance from margins:-Superior margin--0.9cm.Inferior margin--3.5cm.Medial margin--1cm.Lateral margin--1.3cm.Deep margin--<0.2cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sections reveal breast parenchyma demonstrating a papillary proliferation of cuboidal to columnar cells with vesicular nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm.Mitotic figures are discerned.There are foci of apocrine metaplasia surrounding ducts show features of sclerosing adenosis,microglandular and epithelial hyperplasia.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Sections exhibit breast parenchyma with ducts demonstrating proliferation of cuboidal to columnar cells in papillary configuration harboring vesicular nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm.All resected margins are free of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast lump wide local excision:Papillary neoplasm suspicious of invasive papillary carcinoma.Needs IHC.All resected margins are free of tumor.Tumor size: 2.3cm in the greatest dimension.Lymphovascular and perineural invasion are not identified.B) Right breast lump wide local excision:Papillary neoplasm.Needs IHC.All resected margins are free of tumor." 633,MR160007097,CLINICAL HISTORY : Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast mass .GROSS FINDINGS: Received 5 grey white to Grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 To 1cm . Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores from breast shows neoplastic lesion in few foci composed of atypical cells with abundant cytoplasm pleomorphic nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Comedonecrosis is seen. Also stroma is showing dense desmoplastic reaction and scanty inflammatory infiltrate..IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass:Suggestive Invasive ductal ductal carcinoma.Nuclear Grade -3.Comedonecrosis seen. 634,MR160007154,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Trucut biopsy of left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.3 to 1 cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Core biopsy : INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 635,MR160007167,"H16-5936SPECIMEN:Left breast, biopsy .GROSS FINDINGS:Received six grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores shows tumor arranged in cords, trabuculae and tubular pattern. The cell have moderate to abundant amount of cytoplasm with hyperchromatic nuclei. Focal necrotic areas are seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7 (3+2+2)." 636,MR160007168,"H16-5925SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5x1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets, nests and tubules. Individual cells display hyperchromatic, pleomorphic nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 637,MR160007174,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left chest wall lesion - ? Deposit. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left chest wall lesion. GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear core measures 0.3 to 0.4cm. Entire tissue processes. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of fibrous tissue harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and cords. The cells are oval, have marked pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. mitotic activity 3-4/10hpf. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Left chest wall lesion, Biopsy :Recurrent high grade carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma left breast. " 638,MR160007176,"H16-5914SPECIMEN:Right breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received three grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 0.8cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor arranged in cords, trabeculae and in tubular pattern. The cells are having moderate amount of cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei. Adjacent stroma is showing fibrocollagenous tissue.IMPRESSION:Right breast, biopsy :Suggestive of Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 1Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1)." 640,MR160007217,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN:A) Mastectomy with right level 1 and 2 lymph nodesB) Level 3 lymph nodesGROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : FormalinProcedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá :á Mastectomyá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá ááá Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá :á Right á Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medial - lateral - 17cm áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - Deep -3.2cmáááá ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior - Inferiorá -13cmSkin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá :áááá 14x7cm Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá : Normal áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá áá Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : skin surface shows nodular mass measures 2.5x1.5cm and below the tumor, present 1cm lateral to nippleTumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : SingleTumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá :á 3x2.7x3cm. ááááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá : central outer quadrant á Margins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á :á infiltrative ááááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá áááááááááá : 3.5cm Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : Present , 3.5x2cm. Adjacent Breastááá ááá á á á á á :ááá fibrofatty áááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá á á á á á á á : 7x6x3cmTotal number of nodesááááááá :á 25 lymph nodes Size of largest nodeááááááááááá : 2x1x1cm, cut surface shows grey white to grey brown.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: áTumor bed:- Residual viable tumor present - invasive ductal CarcinomaDuctal carcinoma in situ is present with comedonecrosis, Grade II. Areas of fibrosis and necrosis are seen with lymphocytic infiltration.Surrounding ducts show fibrocytic disease.Modified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measuresá 3x3cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the central outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ present with comedonecrosisáLymphovascular invasion is not presentPerineural invasion is presentPosterior resection margin is free from tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 25 lymph nodes, show no deposits of tumor present.SUMMARY:Right post NACT MRM, Residual viable tumor - invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade II.Nodal metastases 25 nodes - no deposits of tumor." 641,MR160007221,"H16-5969SPECIMEN:Right breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.4cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores from breast shows tumor arranged in cords and trabeculae. The cells have moderate to abundant cytoplasm with hyperchromatic nuclei. Moderate amount of pleomorphism is seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast, biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 642,MR160007235,"H16-5998SPECIMEN: Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 Grey white to Grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores shows tumor arranged in cords and trabeculae. Individual cells have abundant cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei. Focus of necrosis is seen.IMPRESSION: Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ducal Carcinoma, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 643,MR160007236,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma breast left,Post lumpectomy.SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin/Fresh Procedure : MR Mastectomy-Post lumpectomy.Laterality : Left. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral--12cm. Superficial to Deep--3cm. Superior to Inferior--13cm. Skin ellipse : 9x7cm. Nipple/Areola : Unremarkable.Scar : scar in upper central quadrant.Tumor : Greywhite nodule.Tumour Size : 1.5x1x1cm. Location of tumor : Upper central quadrant. Minimum margin clearance from all tumor deposits (when multiple)Specify which margin from which tumor Eg Nodule 1,nodule 2 etc)Margins of tumor : ill defined. Deep margin : 1cm.Muscle : Present/Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 5x4x2cm.Total number of nodes : 23 (Specify if Sentinel nodes sent )Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.8cm,cut surface:greybrown.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show breast parenchyma with a lesion arranged in sheets.Individual cells have round to oval vesicular nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.Lymphoid aggregatesand proliferating blood vessels seen.Stroma is fibrous with stromal cells.Mitotic figures discerned.Perineural invasion not identified,lymphovascular invasion is not identified.'IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy,Residual tumor status-Post lumpectomy.Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Residual tumor measures 1.5 cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper central quadrant. Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 23 lymph nodes isolated show no metastasis (0/23),show reactive hyperplasia.Summary: Left MRM,Invasive Ductal Carcinoma-Residual tumor status-Post lumpectomy, Grade II.Nodal metastases 0/23." 644,MR160007245,"H16-5967SPECIMEN:Right breast, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.4cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores from breast tissue shows lesion arranged in glands vague trabeculae and cribriform pattern. cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and mild to moderate cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right breast, core biopsy :Features highly suspicious of ductal carcinoma in a background of ductal adenosis.Suggest further confirmation on excision specimen (lump). " 645,MR160007252,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey whit to grey brown linear cores measures 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged in nests and in diffuse sheets.. Cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Areas of necrosis and hemorrhage noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score 6(3+2+1)" 646,MR160007263,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy. Laterality : Right. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral--18cm. Superficial to Deep--4cm. Superior to Inferior--17cm.Skin ellipse : 12 x 6.5 cm. Nipple : NormalScar/ Surgical defect : Seen, measuring 2.5 cmTumor : Single.Tumour Size : 4.6 x 4.5 x 2.5 cm Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant. Minimum margin clearance from all tumor deposits (when multiple)Specify which margin from which tumor Eg Nodule 1,nodule 2 etc)Margins of tumor : ill defined. Deep margin : 0.8cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 4 x 3 x 2 cm.Total number of nodes : 17 nodes.Size of largest node : 2 x 1.2 x 1 cm,cut surface ; greywhite.Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast tissue showing an infiltrating lesion arranged vague tubules, sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells show hyperchromatic nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Extensive areas of solid and cribriform ductal carcinoma in situ seen. Mitotic figures discerned. Areas of necrosis seen. Stroma shows extensive sclerosis and fibrocollagenous tissue. Lymphovascular and Perineural invasion are identified.IMPRESSION :Right Breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy : INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2). - Tumour is unifocal and is located in the upper outer quadrant. - Tumor measures 4.6 cm in greatest dimension and - Lymphovascular invasion is identified. - Perineural invasion is identified. - Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ of solid and cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade. - Nipple and Areola are free of tumor. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor and is 0.8 cm in greatest dimension.Lymph nodes :Ten out of seventeen lymph nodes show metastatic tumour deposit with Extranodal Extension(10/17). - Largest tumor deposit measures 1.5 cm in greatest dimension.Pathological Stage : pT2N3aSummary: Right MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.Nodal metastases Ten out of seventeen lymph nodes shows metastatic deposits of invasive carcinoma." 647,MR160007282,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump for evaluationá - ?? Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear coresá measures 1.2x1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show breast parenchyma wi3th focal adenosis, epitheliosis, columnar cell change stroma shows marked neutrophilic infiltrate, histiocytes and thin walledá blood vessels.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump:Benign breast diseaseá with acute inflammation" 649,MR160007313,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Complaint of Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left MRM.GROSS FINDINGS:Procedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : Modified Radical Mastectomyááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá :á Leftá Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medial - lateraláááá -15cmáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - Deepá - 5cmá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior - Inferiorá - 14cmSkin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá :á 12x7xcm áá Nipple and areolaáááááááááááááááá : area below to not applicableScar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : 4cmTumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : Single Tumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá : grey white, necrotic and fibrotic area, solid tumor present.ááááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá á á áááá :á central lower quadrant scar area. Margins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á :ááá illdefined ááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá áááááááááá : 0.5cm Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááá : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá áá á á áá : fibrofatty tissue áááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááá : 7x6x2cmSize of largest nodeááááááááááá : 2x1.4x1cm, cut surface shows grey white fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- necrotic, fibrotic area, inflammatory cells consisting of lymphocytes, histiocytes with foreign body giant cells. There is no evidence of residual viable tumor. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 2 lymph nodes, show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 11 nodes. SUMMARY:Left - post lumpectomyá MRM, No residual viable tumor present.Nodal metastases 2 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 11 nodes.Perinodal spread is present." 650,MR160007320,"H16-6000SPECIMEN : Left Breast, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS : Received 3 Grey white to Grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.4 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Linear cores shows tumor arranged in cords nests and trabeculae showing cells with hyperchromatic nuclei and abundant cytoplasm.IMPRESSION : Left Breast, Biopsy :Invasive Ducal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score 7(3+2+2)" 651,MR160007370,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN :Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :19cm. Superficial to Deep : 4.5cm. Superior to Inferior :15cm.Skin ellipse : 17x10cm. Nipple / areola : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : SingleTumour Size : 3.7 x 3.2 x 3 cm. Location of tumor : Retroareolar in central quadrant.Margins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 2.9Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue . Axillary tail : 8 x 5 x 3 cm.Total number of nodes : 23Size of largest node : 1.4x1x1cm.Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows tumor arranged in nest, clusters and glands. Individual cells have moderate amount of cytoplasm with vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. Perineural invasion is not identified.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy : INVASIVE CARCINOMA WITH NEUROENDOCRINE DIFFERENTIATION. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1). - Tumour is unifocal and is located in the central quadrant. - Tumor measures 3.7 cm in greatest dimension. - Lymphovascular invasion is identified. - Perineural invasion is not identified. - Ductal Carcinoma-In-Stu is identified of solid pattern with intermediate nuclear grade. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and Areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: One out of twenty seven lymph nodes shows metastatic tumor deposits with Extranodal Extension(1/27).- Tumor focus measuring 1.4 cm in greatest dimension.Summary : Right breast, Modified Radical Mastectomy : Invasive Carcinoma with Neuroendocrine Differentiation.Lymph nodes: One out of twenty seven lymph nodes shows metastatic tumor deposits with Extranodal Extension(1/27).Pathologist stage : pT2N1a" 652,MR160007373,"H16-6173SPECIMEN:Right chest wall, Biopsy(Post op Case of Mass in right breast).GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1cm.Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue infiltrated by a lesion arranged in nests and cords comprising of round to oval cells with centrally placed hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures 2-4/10hpf.IMPRESSION :Right chest wall, Biopsy(Post op Case of Mass in right breast) :Suggestive of Recurrence of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma." 654,MR160007378,"H16-5991SPECIMEN:Left breast, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores showing hyperplastic ductules with solid and cribriform pattern.Individual cells show mild to moderate hyperchromasia and have moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core biopsy :Suggestive of Atypical ductal hyperplasia.Ductal carcinoma in situ cannot be ruled out.Suggest IHC for further confirmation." 655,MR160007380,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast mass, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma showing few areas infiltrated by atypical cells arranged in tubules and nests lying in pools of mucin. Individual cells have mild to moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows few dilated ducts and adenosis admixed with foci of calcification.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, biopsy :Invasive Carcinoma with mucinous features, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 656,MR160007406,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast- Post OPRight axillary mass - ? metastaticSPECIMEN:Biopsy of right axillary massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis are seenIMPRESSION:Right axillary mass, Biopsy (Post OP -Carcinoma breast) :Positive for malignancy.Suggestive of Metastatic carcinoma in known and treated case of carcinoma right breast." 657,MR160007412,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - carcinoma.SPECIMEN :Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION :Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationáááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______________" 658,MR160007420,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as islands and cords. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Probable lymphovascular emboli seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9, grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 659,MR160007429,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial - lateral - 12cm Superficial - Deep - 2cm Superior - Inferior - 10cmSkin ellipse : 8.3x2.7cm Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : SingleTumour Size : 1.8x1.2x1cm. Location of tumor : central quadrant - retroareolar region Margins of tumor : illdefined Deep margin : 1cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : 10x6.5x1.5cmTotal number of nodes : 13 lymph nodes Size of largest node : 2x1.5x1cm, cut surface shows fatty infiltrationDistance from tumor from nipple and areola - 0.3cm IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Residual viable tumor present - invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II. Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 2 Tumor measures 1.8x1.2cm in greatest dimension and is located in the retroareolar - central quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not presentLymphovascular invasion indeterminatePerineural invasion is not seen.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is Tumor is present below nipple and areola, epidermis is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 1 intra mammary lymph node shows metastatic deposits of viable tumor out of 13 nodes. Perinodal spread is not present.SUMMARY:Right MRM, Residual viable tumor present - invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IINodal metastases - one intra mammary lymph node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 13nodes. Perinodal spread not present." 661,MR160007443,"H16-6034SPECIMEN:Right breast mass, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits measuring 0.8 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast paranchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged in tubular pattern and in diffuse sheets. Cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 663,MR160007456,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as sheets and cords. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Mitoses are discerned. Areas of necrosis seen. Crush artifacts seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationáááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________" 664,MR160007474,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Breast conservative surgery.B) Left intra mammary lymph node.C) Revised inferior margin.D) Axillary lymph node (Level II).E) Level III nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 10.5x7x4.8cm.Skin ellips measures 6.5x3cm.Serial sectioning show greywhite lesion measuring 3x2.4x2cm, located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 1.6cm.Inferior margin -- 1.5cm.Medial margin -- 2cm.Lateral margin -- 3cm.Deep margin -- 0.8cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 0.8x0.5x0.2cm. One node dissected.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 4.2x1.2x0.5cm with one surface inked.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 10x6x2cm. Largest lymph node measuring 3x2.8x1.5cm. E) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue altogether measuring 3x3x1cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Breast conservative surgery:Tumor- Tumor is composed of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus with eosinophilic cytoplasm. Tumor shows plenty of mitotic figures. Surrounding spindle cell stroma is scanty consists of pleomorphic cells and focal areas, mitotic figures and Occasional giant cells are seen.Invasive ductal carcinoma with stroma showing pleomorphic cells with giant cells.Metaplastic carcinoma.Tubular formation <10% : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ------------------- 8/9 -------------------MBR score : 8/9, Nuclear grade II.DCIS : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.Perineural invasion : Present.Resected margins:-Superior margin -- Free of tumor.Inferior margin -- Shows atypical ductal hyperplasia.Medial margin -- Free of tumor.Lateral margin -- Free of tumor.Deep margin -- Free of tumor.B) Left intra mammary lymph node:One node shows no deposits of tumor.C) Revised inferior margin:Fibrofatty tissue- Free from the tumor.D) Axillary lymph node (Level II):15 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.E) Level III nodes:3 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:Breast conservative surgery:Invasive ductal carcinoma with stroma showing mitotic figures and giant cells.Metaplastic carcinoma.Maximum dimension of tumor measuring 3x2.4x2cm.Nuclear grade III.DCIS : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.Resected margin : Superior, medial, lateral and deep margins are free of tumor.Revised inferior margin : Free of tumor.Intra mammary lymph node : One node- No deposits of tumor.Level I, II lymph nodes : 15 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.Level III lymph nodes : 3 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.NOTE:Advised IHC markers.Suggestive of Biphasic pattern with Invasive ductal carcinoma with Metaplastic carcinoma." 665,MR160007478,"H16-6294SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring to 1.4 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 667,MR160007528,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of lump in left breast/ ? Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as glands and cords. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have hyperchromatic to vesicular nuclei, conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Focus of high grade solid / comedo DCIS noted.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score : 6/9, grade 2.Tubule formationáááááááááá :á 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá :á 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá :á 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------------" 668,MR160007529,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring cellular lesion arranged as nests. The cells have hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Extensive areas of elastosis noted.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma - grade 2.Tubule formation - 03Nuclear pleomorphism - 02Mitotic figures - 01 ----------MBR score 6/9" 669,MR160007534,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Complaint of Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast lumpectomy.B) Left MRM.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 6.5x6x3.5cm, cut surface shows grey white ill defined tumor measures 2.3x1.5x1.5cm and adjacent area shows fibrosis measures 1.5x1.3x1.3cm,skin ellipse measures 4x2.5cm.B) Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy post lumpectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial - lateral - 16cm Superficial - Deep - 4cm Superior - Inferior -15cmSkin ellipse : 8x4cm Nipple and areola : Normal Scar : 6cm above nipple.Lumpectomy bed shows a grey white residual tumor present measures 2x1.5x1.5cm.Tumor : Single Tumour Size : 7x6.5x4cm Location of tumor : central quadrant Margins of tumor : illdefined Deep margin : 2cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 5x5x2cmTotal number of nodes : 22 lymph nodesSize of largest node : 1x1x0.8cm, cut surface shows grey white appearance.IMPRESSION:Left breast, left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- shows extensive areas of ductal Carcinoma in situ present with solid, cribriform and comedonecrosis, with small focus of invasive ductal carcinoma is present. Tumor measures 2x1.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is present.Lymphovascular invasion is not seen.Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 18 lymph nodes,show no metastatic deposits of tumor.SUMMARY:Left lumpectomy sent for frozen specimen MRMExtensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ with small focus of invasive ductal carcinoma.Nodal metastases 18 nodes show no deposits of tumor." 670,MR160007539,"H16-6096SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received three grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of cellular lesion arranged nests and sheets. Cells have irregular hyperchromatic nucleus few showing conspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Brisk mitotic activity noted. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 3.Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formationááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________" 671,MR160007543,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast - post surgery Left chest wall lesion - ? deposit.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left chest wall lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue exhibiting a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets,nests consisting of round to oval cells demonstrating moderate to marked nuclear pleomorphism, eosinophilic cytoplasm in a desmoplastic stroma. There are foci of necrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left chest wall lesion :High grade malignancy - The features are suggestive of metastatic deposits in a known case of carcinoma breast.Suggest IHC." 672,MR160007560,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 0.8cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion arranged in nests, sheets and cords exhibiting moderate to marked nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromasia, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm.Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast, biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________" 673,MR160007573,H16-6148SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to .2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrofatty tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged in tubules glands and cribriform pattern interspersed with pools of extracellular mucin. Tumour cells show round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass :Mucinous carcinoma -nuclear grade I. 674,MR160007585,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received iná :á Formalin.Procedureááá : Modified Radical MastectomyLateralityáá : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateralááááááá : 19cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deepá : 6cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá áSuperior-inferioráá : 17cm.Skin ellipseááááááááááá :á 17x9cm.Nipple and areolaá : unremarkable.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumorá : SingleTumor size : 6x4.5x3cmLocation of tumor : retroareolar. lower inner and outer quadrantMargins of tumor : ill definedDeep margin : 2cm Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissueTotal number of nodes : 19 nodes.Size of largest node : 2.5x1.3x1.2cm. Cut surface is grey white.Axillary tail :6x6x3cm.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy:Tumor bed:- Invasive ductal carcinoma is present with extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ - solid and cribriform pattern with focal areas of microinvasion upto 0.5cm.Modified BR score is 5/9Tubule formationáááááááááá - 2Nuclear pleomorphismá - 2Mitotic figures : 1Tumor measures 6x4.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the retroareolará - lower. inner quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ - extensive areas of ductal carcinoma present with solid and cribriform pattern with focal areas of microinvasion measures 0.5cm.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph node : 19 nodes, show no deposits of tumor out of 19nodes.SUMMARY:Right MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma with extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ with focal areas of microinvasion upto 0.5cm.Lymph nodes- 19nodes - no deposits of tumor." 675,MR160007612,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast/ Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrofatty tissue with a neoplasm arranged in tubules and in sheets. Cells display moderate nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.MBR score : 6/9.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ----------------- 6/9 ----------------" 676,MR160007621,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast/ Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 greywhite linear cores measuring 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows scanty tissue composed of cores of fibrofatty tissue with focal areas showing a neoplasm arranged in tubules. Cells displaying hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. foci of DCIS seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass:Suggestive of Invasive ductal carcinoma, nuclear grade II." 678,MR160007634,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple tiny greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 0.3 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrofatty tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in diffuse sheets. Cells are pleomorphic moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Areas of comedonecrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade III.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 2 ----------------- 8/9 ----------------Areas of comedonecrosis seen." 679,MR160007638,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast / Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 0.3 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged in diffuse sheets and cords. Cells display moderate nuclear pleomorphism, vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia and haemorrhage.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified BR score : 7/9.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ---------------- 7/9 -----------------" 680,MR160007641,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast / Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN :Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS :Received greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION :Right breast, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 681,MR160007654,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.4cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy right breast.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formationáááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 682,MR160007668,"H16-6169SPECIMEN:Right breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion arranged in cords, nests and sheets comprising of cells with moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate to scanty cytoplasm. Adjacent areas shows fibrosis and desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Right breast, biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.á- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 683,MR160007699,"H16-6172SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring in lesion arranged in nests and chord with cells having moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discernedIMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 684,MR160007720,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Enlargedleft supraclavicular nodes-? lymphoma,??metastatic.SITE:Biopsy from left supraclavicular node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 0.2 to 1.4cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of fibrous tissue with interspersed lymphocytes and invasive acinar structures lined by dysplastic oval cells with hyperchromatic nuclei,moderate nuclear pleomorphism.The cells contain moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm.Few discrete ? signet ring cells are seen.Few ducts show luminal necrosis.IMPRESSION:Metastatic deposits favour adenocarcinoma.Please look for primary in GIT,breast,pancreaticobiliary tree." 685,MR160007785,H16-6236SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged in glandular pattern and in diffuse sheets interspersed with pools of mucin cells show round to oval dark nuclei with mild nuclear atypia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass :Mucinous carcinoma. 686,MR160007786,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breastRight axillary node with thickened cortex SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right axillary nodeGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of lymphoid tissue infiltrated by a cellular neoplastic lesion consisting of round to oval cells with pleomorphic vesicular nuclei, eosinophilic cytoplasm and brisk mitotic activity.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right axillary nodeThe features favor metastatic deposits in a known case of carcinoma breastSuggest IHC." 687,MR160007806,"H16-6305SPECIMEN:Right breast mass, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 0.6 to 0.8cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests clusters and cribriform pattern comprising of cells with hyperchromatic nuclei exhibiting mild pleomorphism, prominent nucleoli and scanty to moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Core biopsy :Invasive carcinoma with cribriform pattern, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 689,MR160007811,"H16-6230SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 0.8cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Core biopsy ;Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.á- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 690,MR160007812,H16-6233SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7á to 1.0cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrofatty tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in diffuse sheets.Cells display hyperchromatic to vesicular nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass :Invasive ductal carcinoma - grade II.Modified BR score isáááááááá : 7/9.Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________ Areas of necrosis seen. 691,MR160007889,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.7 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as trabeculae, clusters and sheets. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationáááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 692,MR160007918,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast lump - core biopsy.B) Sentinel lymph node biopsy.C) Right Total mastectomy with level I axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm in length.B) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x2x2cm, isolated 1 lymph node measures 2x2x1cm, cut surface shows fatty infiltration.C)Received in : Formalin Procedure : Right total Mastectomy Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial - lateral - 19cm Superficial - Deep - 4.5cm Superior - Inferior - 18cmSkin ellipse : 15x7cm Nipple - unremarkable : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : AbsentTumor : Single Tumour Size : 2x2x1.8cm Location of tumor : upper inner quadrant Margins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 2.5cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 3x2x1cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Right breast lump - core biopsy:The section shows clumps, groups and sheets of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 _________MBR score 7/9 __________Nuclear grade - II.Lymphovascular invasion is indeterminate.Perineural invasion is present.B) Sentinel lymph node biopsy:1 lymph node shows reactive hyperplasia - No metastatic deposits of tumor.C) Right Total mastectomy with level I axillary lymph nodes:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive ductal Carcinoma, Grade II. Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 2x2cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper inner quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 1 sentinel lymph node - no deposits of tumor2 nodes mastectomy - no deposits of tumor (0/3). Pathological stage : pT1N0.SUMMARY:Right MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade II.Nodal metastases - 1 sentinel lymph node - no deposits of tumor2 nodes mastectomy - no deposits of tumor (0/3). " 694,MR160007920,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast / Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as tubules, islands and cords. The neoplastic cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is fibrotic. Focus of solid DCIS noted.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast.Modified BR scoreá :á 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationááááááá á á :á 3Nuclear pleomorphism á :á 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá :á 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------------áááááááááááááááá " 696,MR160007946,"H16-6720SPECIMEN :Right breast lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged in nests, sheets and cords comprising of atypical cells with pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Areas of necrosis seen and hemorrhage seen along with stromal fibrosis.IMPRESSION :Right breast lump, biopsy :Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 697,MR160007950,"H16-6292SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.6 to 0.8cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.á- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 698,MR160007963,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:A) Wide excision specimen.B) Right MRM.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen with overlying skin ellipse measures 4.5x4x2cm. Cut surface shows grey white, ill circumscribed lesion measures 1.3x1x1cm. Distance from inked margin - 0.2cmB)Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá :á Rightá Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medial - lateralááá -17cmáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áá Superficial - Deep - 3cm áá ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior - Inferiorá -15cmSkin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá : 14x10cm ááá Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá : Normal áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá áá Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá :4.5x4.2cmTumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá :á Absent, lumpectomy bed present measures 4.5x4.1cm, and shows fibrofatty tissue with focal solid areas. áááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá : Upper inner quadrantáááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá áá á á á á : Fibrofatty tissueMuscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááá : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá ááááááááá : 0.5cm áááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá : 4x3x1cmTotal number of nodesááááááá : 17 nodesSize of largest nodeááááááááááá : 1.1x1x1cm, cut surface shows grey white appearance.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- small focal areas shows residual ductal carcinoma in situ with solid and cribriform pattern.No residual invasive carcinoma seen. Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 1.3x1cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the upper inner quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is present with solid and cribriform pattern.áLymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 17 lymph nodes, show no deposits of tumor (0/17) . Pathological stage : pT1N0.SUMMARY:Rightá MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade II.Nodal metastases 17 lymph nodes - no deposits of tumor." 699,MR160007967,"H16-6400SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 700,MR160007987,"H16-6342SPECIMEN:Left breast, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 2cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast, core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.á- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 701,MR160007991,"H16-6340SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.á- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 703,MR160008037,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Lump left breast 2 months- Lumpectomy done out side.SPECIMEN:Left breast, left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Left MRM, Post lumpectomy status.Laterality : Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 19cm. Superficial to Deep : 3.5cm. Superior to Inferior : 16cm.Skin ellipse : 14x8cm. Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : 5.5cm, inner quadrant superior to nipple/ areola.Lumpectomy bed : Greywhite fibrotic areas, necrosis measuring 4x3x1.5cm with focal solid tumor area is present measuring 1.5x1cm. Deep margin : 0.8cm from lumpectomy bed.Muscle : Present measuring 4x3cm.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Axillary tail : 7x5x2cm.Total number of nodes : 24 nodes.Size of largest node : 2.9x2x1cm. Cut surface shows greybrown.IMPRESSION:Left breast, left modified radical mastectomy: Tumor bed: Residual tumor present with invasive ductal carcinoma with ductal carcinoma-in-situ (Solid low grade).Surrounding area shows lumpectomy changes including fibrosis, necrosis, lymphocytic infiltration and granulation.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade IITubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures 1.5x1cm in greatest dimension and is located in the inner quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is present.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is not seen.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: One lymph node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 24 nodes (1/24).SUMMARY:Left breast, left modified radical mastectomy: Tumor bed: Residual tumor present with invasive ductal carcinoma grade II with ductal carcinoma-in-situ (Solid low grade).Lymph nodes: One lymph node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 24 nodes (1/24)." 704,MR160008039,"H16-6685SPECIMEN:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.4 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Shows Ductal carcinoma in situ of solid and cribriform pattern.No evidence of invasion is seen.Suggest Excision of the lump for further confirmation." 705,MR160008056,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right axillary nodes - ? metastatic.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right axillary nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue exhibiting cellular sheets and cords of round to ovoid neoplastic cells harboring pleomorphic vesicular nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. There are interspersed vascular channels and residual lymphoid tissue.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right axillary lymph nodes: Metastatic deposits of adenocarcinoma.? from breast.Suggest IHC. 706,MR160008058,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as sheets. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis seen.áIMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 8/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________Areas of necrosis seen." 707,MR160008138,"H16-6403SPECIMEN :Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION :Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 708,MR160008163,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Mass in right breast / Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 greywhite linear cores measuring 0.4 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section sows tumor arranged in cord and trabecular pattern. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma showing lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION :Right breast, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 709,MR160008168,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Left breast lung- ? Carcinoma.SITE: Trucut biopsy from left breast lump.Received multiple greywhite to greyblack linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1.2 cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in cords, nests and sheets.Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 710,MR160008179,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Mass in left breast / Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast with tumor arranged in glands, nest and cords. The cells have moderate amount of cytoplasm with hyperchromatic nuclei.IMPRESSION :Left breast, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 711,MR160008192,"CLINICAL DETAILS :Mass in right breast/ Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN :Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 3 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 1.2to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows tumor arranged in trabecular and cords. Individual cells moderate cytoplasm with hyperchromatic nuclei. Foci of lymphocyte infiltrate is seen.IMPRESSION :Right breast, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7 (3+2+2)." 712,MR160008196,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.9 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade II.Tubule formationáááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________" 714,MR160008201,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Mass in right breast/ Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 greywhite linear cores measuring 1 to 1.4 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast mass, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6 (3+2+1)." 715,MR160008240,"H16-6519SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 7 grey white to grey brown liner cores measuring 0.3 to 0.8cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 716,MR160008247,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 grey white linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.5cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters, islands, cords and tubules. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei, conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is fibrous.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________" 717,MR160008255,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Mass in right breast / Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 718,MR160008257,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.B) Right level III axillary nodes.C) Right interpectoral tissueGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received in : Formalin Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial to lateral -20cm Superficial to Deep - 7cm Superior to Inferior -19cmSkin ellipse : 14.5x10cm Nipple and areola : unremarkableScar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : Single, grey white, infiltrative. Tumour Size : 5.0x3x2.5cm Location of tumor : outer quadrant Margins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 1.5cm Muscle : Present measures 4x2x1cm Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 7x6x3cmTotal number of nodes : 23 lymph nodesSize of largest node : 3.5x3x1.5cm, cut surface shows grey white appearanceB) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x1.5x1cm, 2 nodes dissected.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4x3x1.8cm, 1 node dissected.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive ductal Carcinoma with medullary carcinoma features.Surrounding tumor cells dense lymphocytic infiltration is present, Grade III. Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 3Tumor measures 5x3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 2 lymph nodes, show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 23 nodes. Pathological stage : pT2N1.SUMMARY:Right MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma with medullary carcinoma features,Grade III.Nodal metastases 2 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 23 nodes." 719,MR160008259,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 grey white tiny linear cores measuring 0.3 to 0.4cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters, tubules and islands. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is fibrotic.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 720,MR160008262,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received six grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as cords tubules and clusters.The neoplastic cells have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is fibrous.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______" 722,MR160008277,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Patient presented with ulcerated growth over left breast 3months.áSPECIMEN:Biopsy from ulcer over left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 grey white soft tissue bits large measuring 1.4x1x0.9cm.Smaller measuring 0.8x0.8x0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows skin with underlying neoplasm arranged as clusters and trabeculae. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Mitoses are discerned. The intervening stroma is scant.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from ulcer over left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______" 723,MR160008282,"H16-6621SPECIMEN:Left breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion arranged in nests, cords and trabeculae comprising of atypical cells with pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and scanty eosinophilic cytoplasm with irregular border. Mitotic figures discerned. 5/10hpf. Areas of hyalinisation seen along with lymphoplasmacytic aggregates.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 724,MR160008288,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right axillary node - metastatic.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right axillary node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.3cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of lymphoid tissue infiltrated by dyscohesive nest, cords, islands of polygonal to oval cells harboring pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm amidst a desmoplastic stroma. Mitosis are seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right axillary node :Metastatic carcinoma.? From breast.Suggest IHC." 725,MR160008290,"H16-6476SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received three grey white linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 726,MR160008291,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Lump left breast 3 months.SPECIMEN :Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : Formalin.Procedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : Modified Radical Mastectomy.Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá :áá Left Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medial to lateraláááá : 17cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep : 3cm. áá ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferiorá :14cm.Skin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá :áá 13x7cm. á Nipple / areala á á á á á á á á á áá : Unremarkable. Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : Not seen.Tumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : Single.Tumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá : 2.8x1.6x1.3cm. áááááááááá Distance to nearest separate tumor foci (when multiple ):Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá :ááá Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á :á illdefined. ááááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá áááááááááá : 0.5Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááá : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá ááááááááá :á Fibrofatty tissue. áááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá : 5x5x2cmTotal number of nodesááááááá :áá 17Size of largest nodeááááááááááá :2.8x2x1.5cm.Cut surface - grey white.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows tumor cells i nests, diffuse sheets and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular invasion is identified. Perineural invasion is indeterminate.IMPRESSION :Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy : INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade2.á - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1).á - Tumor is unifocal and is located in the upper outer quadrantá - Tumor measures 2.8 cm in greatest dimension.á - Lymphovascular invasion is identified.á - Perineural invasion is indeterminate.á - Nipple and Areola are free of tumor.á - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.áLymph nodes :Eleven out of Fifteen lymph nodes show metastatic tumour deposits with Extranodal Extension(11/15).áá - Size of the largest tumor deposit measures 1.5 cm in greatest dimension.Pathological stage : pT2N3aSummary :Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive Ductal Carcinoma,Grade 2.Lymph nodes:15 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 11 (11/15).ááááááááááááá " 727,MR160008304,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores from breast shows tumor arranged in cords, sheets and focally tubules. The cells have moderate amounts of eosinophilic cytoplasm with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei. There is moderate pleomorphism. Focal lymphocytic infiltrate is noted.IMPRESSION:Right breast, biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade I.MBR Score - 6 (3+2+1).Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 1" 728,MR160008309,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received three grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as islands and nests. The neoplastic cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm.Areas of necrosis seen. IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______" 729,MR160008322,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Complaint ofá Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right Modified Radical Mastectomy specimenB) Right revised base(muscle).GROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : Formalin.Procedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : MRM.Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : Right. á Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medial to lateralá : 12.8cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deepá : 10.9cm.á ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior : 2cm.Skin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá : 10x6.4cm. á Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá : Unremarkable.Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : Not seen.Tumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : Central lower quadrantTumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá : 2.5x2x1.5cm, grey white appearanceá Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá : Central lower quadrant.Margins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á : fibrofatty tumorDeep marginááá ááá ááá á á á áá á : 0.1cm.Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : Not seen.Adjacent Breastááá ááá ááááááááá :á Fibrofatty tissue. ááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá áá á á á á áá : 3.8x3x1.5cmTotal number of nodesááááááá : 12 Nodes. Size of largest nodeááááááááááá : 1.2x1x1cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4x3.1x0.8cm. One surface is inked.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formationáááááá áá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figuresááááááá á ááá : 2Tumor measures 2.5x2cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the central lower quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Revised deep margin shows muscle bundle - free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 12 lymph nodes show no metastatic deposits of tumor (0/12).B) Revised base:shows muscle bundles - free of tumor.Pathological stage : pT2N0.SUMMARY:Right Modified Radical Mastectomy, Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II.Nodal metastases : 12 lymph nodes show no deposits of tumor." 730,MR160008332,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue showing focus of usual ductal hyperplasia and multiple foci harboring lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory cell infiltrate.IMPRESSION:No definite evidence of malignancy in the cores submitted.Kindly correlate with clinical and mammography findings and suggest repeat if deemed necessary. 731,MR160008355,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Complaint of left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial - lateral -16cm Superficial - Deep - 4cm Superior - Inferior -15cmSkin ellipse : 13x7.5cm Nipple and areola : unremarkable, skin above nipple and areola shows linear scar measures 2cmTumor : Single Tumour Size : measures 5x3x1.8cm Location of tumor : Beneath the scar in central upper quadrant extending to lower central quadrant(4-5 o'clock) Margins of tumor : ill defined Medial margin : 0.5cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 7x6x3cmTotal number of nodes : 13nodesSize of largest node : 1.5x1x1cm.Cut surface shows grey white appearance.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive Carcinoma, Grade II. Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central upper quadrant extending to lower central quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is present.Lymphovascular invasion is identified.Perineural invasion is identifiedPosterior resection margin is free of tumor, however ductal carcinoma in situ present measures 0.5cm from deep margin.Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes : 10 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 13 nodes.Perinodal spread is present.SUMMARY:Left MRM, Invasive ductal carcinom,Grade II.Nodal metastases 10 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits out of 13nodes." 732,MR160008360,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as islands and nests. The neoplastic cells have moderate cytoplasm and exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism mitosis are discerned. The intervening stroma is fibrotic.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________" 733,MR160008378,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lumpá SPECIMEN :Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters and tubules. The lesional cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Lymphovascular emboli seen.The intervening stroma is fibrous.IMPRESSION :Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________" 734,MR160008379,"H16-6724SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as tubules, nests and cords. The cells have hyperchromatic round to oval nuclei, moderate to marked pleomorphism and moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis present. Lymphovascular invasion not identified. Foci of ?keratenous material seen amidst the tumor.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast :Invasive carcinoma, grade 2.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 2 ___________ 7/9 __________Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis present.Lymphovascular invasion not identified." 735,MR160008383,"H16-6528SPECIMEN:Left breast, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.5 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate around the tumor cells is seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 736,MR160008407,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Mass in left breast - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring cellular lesion arranged as cords and sheets. The cells have irregular hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Brisk mitotic activity noted.IMPRESSION:Features are consistent with High grade carcinoma.? lobular Suggest IHC." 737,MR160008409,H16-6565SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.4cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fragments of breast tissue showing nests of dysplastic cells showing moderate pleomorphism hyperchromatic nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Few cells show vacuolated cytoplasm. Few bizarre giant cells are seen. Against a chondromyxoid stroma admixed with inflammatory cells. IMPRESSION:High grade malignancy.Suggestive of metaplastic carcinoma with chondroid differentiation - left breast. 739,MR160008428,"H16-6530SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests, cords and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 740,MR160008431,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Complaint of left carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:A) Breast lumpectomy - wide excision.B) Revised superior margin.C) Revised deep margin.D) Axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 7x6x3cm.Overlying skin ellipse measures 5x2.5cm with scar measures 3.8cm. Cut surface shows grey white tumor measures 1.2x0.8x0.6cm. Located at the following distances from the respective margins:-Superior margin - 3cmInferior margin - 1.5cmMedial margin - 1.5cmLateral margin - 4cmDeep margin - 0.7cmB) Revised superior margin:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 6x4x3cm. On surface is inked.C) Revised deep margin:Received fibrofatty tissue with muscle bundles measures 3.5x2.5x1cm. One surface is inked.D) Axillary lymph nodes:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 6x4x3cm. Largest lymph node measures 1.2x0.8x0.7cm. Cut surface shows grey yellow to grey white. Dissected 16nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Breast lumpectomy - wide excision:Tumor bed:- The section shows residual viable tumor present consisting of diffuse sheets of tumor arranged in isolated pattern. The cells consisting of pleomorphic nucleus with hyperchromatic nucleus, In focal areas, some ducts are showing ductal carcinoma in situ - low grade. Invasive ductal carcinoma with lobular features.Grade- MBR Score -Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 __________ 6/9 __________Nuclear grade - IILymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not present.Resected margins:- Superior margin - shows ductal carcinoma in situInferior margin - free of tumorMedial margin - free of tumor.Lateral margin - free of tumorDeep margin - Involved by tumor.B) Revised superior margin:shows fibrofatty tissue with ducts epithelial hyperplasia - free of tumor.C) Revised deep margin:shows muscle bundles - free of tumor.D) Axillary lymph nodes:16 nodes - no deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Breast lumpectomy - wide excision:Residual tumor present measures 1.2x0.8x0.6cm. Invasive ductal carcinoma with lobular features with ductal carcinoma in situ present ( low grade).Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not present.Resected margins - Inferior,medial,lateral margins are free of tumor.B) Revised superior margin: free of tumor.C) Revised deep margin: muscle bundle - free of tumor.D) Axillary lymph nodes: 16 nodes - no deposits of tumor." 741,MR160008435,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Small retroareolar left breast lesion - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN :Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 6 linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring occasional invasive cell clusters exhibiting moderate nuclear pleomorphism hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Foci of solid high grade ductal carcinoma in situ seen.IMPRESSION :Small volume of invasive carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Foci of high grade solid ductal carcinoma in situ seen." 742,MR160008436,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN :Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Linear cores of breast tissue with a neoplasm arranged as islands and sheets. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Lymphovascular emboli seen. The intervening stroma is fibrotic.IMPRESSION :Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________" 744,MR160008489,"H16-6691SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 745,MR160008495,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN :Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Linear cores of breast tissue harboring neoplasm arranged as tubules, cords and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is scant.IMPRESSION :Invasive carcinoma with lobular features, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score isááá 6/9, grade 2.Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá :1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________" 747,MR160008554,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.4 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism hyperchromasia and have moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is fibrotic. Lymphovascular emboli seen.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________" 748,MR160008559,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1.4cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasia arranged as islands and nests. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic to vesicular nuclei prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. The stroma is fibrotic.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 749,MR160008561,"H16-6652SPECIMEN:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in tubules, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 1.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1)." 750,MR160008566,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 0.9 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as tubules, nests and cords of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic pleomorphic nuclei, few with prominent nucleoli and abundant amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Lymphovascular invasion not identified.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified BR score is 6/9,.Tubule formationáááááááááá :á 2Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________" 751,MR160008574,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as islands, nests and sheets and cords. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have hyperchromatic to vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Infiltrated ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationáááááááááááááááááááááá :3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 752,MR160008590,CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests and acinar configuration consisting of oval to polygonal cells harboring hyperchromatic nuclei with marked nuclear pleomorphism and abundant pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. Few bizarre giant cells and multinucleated cells are noted. Intervening areas show fibrocollagenous stroma with mixed inflammatory infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lesion:High grade carcinoma? Primary in breast? Metastatic from elsewhereSuggest IHC.Please correlate with clinical and radiologic findings. 753,MR160008623,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as tubules and cords of cells with round to oval hyperchromatic, pleomorphic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Intervening stroma hows mild lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 _____________ 7/9 ______________" 754,MR160008624,"H16-6650SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received three grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.5cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 755,MR160008637,"H16-6939SPECIMEN:Right breast, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast tissue harboring a cellular lesion composed of cells arranged in cords and sheets. Cells are pleomorphic with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Adjacent breast parenchyma shows dilated ducts with inspicattexd secretions. Mitosis are discerned.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures :1 __________ 7/9 __________" 756,MR160008671,"H16-6681SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1.1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 757,MR160008694,"H16-6875SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 759,MR160008732,"H16-6718SPECIMEN:Left breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumors cells arranged in diffuse sheets, nests, cords and trabeculae comprising of round to oval pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate to abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 760,MR160008741,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as islands, nests and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Foci of comedo ductal carcinoma in situ seen.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ______________ 7/9 _____________" 761,MR160008746,"H16-6724SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as tubules, nests and cords. The cells have hyperchromatic,á pleomorphic nuclei with moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Intervening stroma shows areas of fibrosis and inflammatory infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formationááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphism :2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________Ductal carcinoma in situ not present.Lymphovascular invasion not identified." 763,MR160008769,"H16-6756SPECIMEN:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 764,MR160008797,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast - post lumpectomy.SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified radical Mastectomy, post lumpectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -18cm Superficial - Deep - 5cm Superior - Inferior - 18cmSkin ellipse : 17x10cm Nipple and areola : unremarkableScar/ Surgical defect : linear measures 4cm seen in lower quadrant below nipple and areola.Tumor : Single involving slices from 5 to 9 o'clock Location of tumor : 5 to 9 o ├ºlock position each slice shows grey white necrotic lesion measures 6x1.5x1.5cm Margins of tumor : illdefined Deep margin : 0.5cmMuscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 5x4x2cmTotal number of nodes : 16 lymph nodesSize of largest node : 2.5x2x1.5cm, cut surface shows grey brown appearanceIMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis with focal suspicious areas of invasion.Tumor measures 6cm in greatest dimension. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is present.Lymphovascular invasion is not identifiedPerineural invasion is not identifiedPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 14 lymph nodes, Metastasis: Nil (0/14) . SUMMARY:Left MRM, Residual extensive ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis with focal suspicious areas of invasion - status post lumpectomyNodal metastases Nil Suggest IHC." 765,MR160008798,"H16-6754SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of cellular lesion arranged tubules and nested pattern with intervening areas of necrosis. The lesional cells have dark vesicular nucleus few showing conspicuous nucleolus and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Ductal carcinoma in situ, lymphovascular invasion is not identified. Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Papillary neoplasm - right breast.No invasive component is made not in the material submitted." 766,MR160008807,"H16-6771SPECIMEN:Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of parenchyma harboring cellular lesion arranged as nests cords sheets and dictular pattern. The cells have irregular hyperchromatic nucleus inconspicuous nucleolus and moderate amount of cytoplasm brisk infiltrate seen. Ductal carcinoma in situ component is identified (Comedo and papillary).IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified BR score is 8/9, grade 3.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 __________ 8/9 ___________Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis seen." 767,MR160008833,"H16-6797SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring cellular lesion arranged as nests, sheets and ducutlar proliferation. The cells have irregular hyperchromatic nucleus, inconspicuous nucleolus and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Nuclear pleomorphism is prominent. Ductal carcinoma in situ in the form of cribriform pattern is noted.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 1 _______ 7/9 ________Ductal carcinoma in situ with cribriform pattern seen." 768,MR160008835,"H16-6803SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of cellular lesion arranged as nests, tubules and sheets. The cells have irregular hyerchromatic nucleus inconspicuous and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 1.Modified BR score is 5/9.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 _________ 5/9 ___________" 769,MR160008840,"H16-6799SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of cellular lesion arranged as nests, cords and sheets. The cells have irregular hyperchromatic nucleus inconspicuous nucleolus and scanty to moderate cytoplasm. lots of crush artifacts noted.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 __________ 6/9 ___________" 770,MR160008844,"H16-6822SPECIMEN:Right breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 0.8 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores from breast tissue shows extensive pools of mucin with floating tumor cells arranged in glandular and cribriform pattern. The tumor cells are having moderate to abundant cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei.IMPRESSION:Right breast, biopsy :Suggestive of Mucinous Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(2+2+2). " 771,MR160008856,"H16-6801SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring cellular lesion arranged as tubular, nests and cribriform pattern. The cells have hyperchromatic nucleus inconspicuous nucleolus and scanty to moderate cytoplasm. Tubular spaces show inspisatted eosinophilic material. Mitotic figures are discerned.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 1.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 __________ 5/9 ____________" 772,MR160008857,"H16-6805SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear core measuring 1 to 1.5cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion arranged in cords nests and trabeculae. Individual cells are mild to moderately pleomorphic with round t oval hyperchromatic nuclei inconspicuous cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned (6/10hpf). Stroma shows extensive hyalinisation.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 773,MR160008860,"H16-6864SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 greywhite linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast tissue with lesion arranged in sheets. Cells have pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicious nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma is fibrous with bland stromal cells and dense lymphocytic infiltrate. DCIS of comedonecrosis type and solid type is identified.IMPRESSION:Breast, core biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.MBR score is 6 (3+2+1).DCIS with comedonecrosis and solid type are identified." 774,MR160008863,"H16-6826SPECIMEN:Right breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor arranged in glands, trabeculae and in cords. Individual cells have moderate amount of cytoplasm with hyperchromatic nuclei. Stroma showing lymphocytic infiltrate. Ductal carcinoma in situ is seen with cribriform pattern.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 1.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1)." 775,MR160008865,"H16-6824SPECIMEN:Right breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor arranged in glands cords and in nests. The tumor cells have moderate to abundant cytoplasm with vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Intervening stroma showing lymphocytic infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Right breast, biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 776,MR160008873,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in left breast - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5á fragments ofá grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.3 to 0.5 cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy left breast:Grade 2(7/9)Tubule formationááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá - 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------" 777,MR160008878,"H16-6830SPECIMEN:A) Right breast, biopsy.B) Left breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.4cm.Entire tissue processed.B) Received 6 tiny grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.3 to 0.5cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section from right breast shows tumor cells arranged in nest and cords. Individual tumour cells have abundant amount of cytoplasm with hyperchromatic nuclei. Adjacent stroma showing lymphocytes infiltrate and areas of necrosis.B) Section from left breast shows breast parenchyma showing focal adenosis. Adjacent stroma shows fibrocollagenous tissue. No definite evidence of malignancy is seen.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast, biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2).B) Left breast, biopsy :Suggestive of proliferative breast disease with ductal adenosis." 778,MR160008890,"H16-6828SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as sheets, cords and tubules. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic, pleomorphic nuclei with moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Areas of fibrosis noted. Ductal carcinoma in situ not present.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 __________ 6/9 ___________" 779,MR160008891,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 0.8cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as sheets, nests and tubulkes. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy left breast.Modified BR score isáá 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________" 780,MR160008893,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Mass in right breast / Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6 (3+2+1)." 782,MR160008916,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as cords and trabeculae. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have relatively eccentrically placed nuclei and moderate cytoplasm.á The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating carcinoma with lobular features, biopsy right breast.Modified BR score isáá 6/9, grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________" 783,MR160008923,"H16-6866SPECIMEN:Right breast mass, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.5cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast paranchyma with infiltrating lesion arranged in cords, sheets. Individual cells have pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma is fibrous with epithelioid cells and scattered lymphocytes. Crush artifacts seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Core biopsy :Invasive carcinoma of Poorly differentiated origin, nuclear grade IIAdjacent breast showing granulomatous mastitis." 784,MR160008928,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Ulcerative mass in right breast- carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords, nests, clusters. Cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows fibrosis, hyalinisation and areas of necrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lesion:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified BR score 6/9.Tubule formationááá á á áá :2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá :2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______" 785,MR160008933,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Mass in right breast/ Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 greywhite to grey brown cores measuring 0.6 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Core Biopsy :Suggestive of Invasive carcinoma with Lobular features, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richarson score is 6 (3+2+1)." 786,MR160008938,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Mass in left breast/ carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 greywhite to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6 (3+2+1)." 787,MR160008964,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast lump/ ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite to grey brown cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, core biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.- Modified BR score is 6 (3+2+1)." 788,MR160008968,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast(previous lumpectomy margins status unknown)SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified radical Mastectomy( post lumpectomy ) Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial - lateral - 12.5cm Superficial - Deep - 3cm Superior - Inferior - 12cmSkin ellipse : 12x6cm Nipple and areola : unremarkableSurgical defect : measures 4.5cm in length in outer quadrantTumor : Single, grey white to grey brown lesionTumour Size : 3x2.2x1.5cm Location of tumor : deep to surgical scar , 3 o'clock position grey white areas Margins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 0.5cm Muscle : Present measures 2x2cm.Adjacent Breast : fibrosis seen Axillary tail : 7x6x2cm.Total number of nodes : 15 nodesSize of largest node : 3.5x1.4x1cm, cut surface shows grey white appearance.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections reveal breast parenchyma demonstrating multiple foci of foreign body giant cell reaction, collection of macrophages, plasma cells, lymphocytes, and areas of fibrosis. Adjacent breast parenchyma shows features of adenosis and apocrine change.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: No residual tumor status post lumpectomy. in a diagnosed case of Carcinoma breast No DCIS seen Lymphovascular invasion is not identifiedPerineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 15 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 1(1/15) . SUMMARY: Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: no residual tumor status post lumpectomy.Nodal metastases One of 15 lymph nodes shows metastatic tumor deposits.(1/15)No perinodal spread is seen.." 789,MR160008969,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump/ ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 greywhite to greyyellow linear cores measuring 0.6 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring cellular lesion arranged as nests and sheets. The cells have irregular hyperchromatic nucleus, inconspicious nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Nuclear pleomorphism is marked. Brisk mitotic activity noted.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 3.Tubule formation á á á áá :á 3Nuclear pleomorphism :áá 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá :áá 3áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------------DCIS component is not seen." 790,MR160008976,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissueá infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as islands and sheets. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei, conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy left breast.Modified BR score isáá 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________ " 791,MR160009003,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of carcinoma L.B Post MRM (2years).SPECIMEN:Liver biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white fragmented measures 0.2 to 0.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fibrocollagenous stroma shows an infiltration lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Atypical mitosis noted. Adjacent lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates noted.IMPRESSION:Liver biopsy:Metastatic carcinoma in known case of carcinoma breast." 792,MR160009008,"CLINICAL HISTORY:? Carcinoma breast right.SPECIMEN:A) Wide excision- lumpectomyB) Sentinel lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 8x9x2.5cm. cut surface shows well circumscribed grey white tumor measures 1.8x1.5x1.5cm. Located at the following distances from the respective margins:-Superior marginá - 3cmInferior marginááá - 4.5cmMedial margináááá - 2.5cmLateral margináá - 4.5cmDeep margináááá - 1cmB) Sentinel lymph nodes:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2.5x1.5cm. Largest lymph node measures 1x0.8x0.6cm. Dissected 4 nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Wide excision- lumpectomy:Tumor bed:-Tumor is composed of clumps, groups of pleomorphic nucleus and hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm.Invasive ductal carcinomaGrade:-Tubule formationááááááááá - 2Nuclear pleomorphismá - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________Nuclear gradeá - II.Ductal carcinoma in situ present (low grade) with solid type.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not present.Resected margins:-Medial marginá á á - free of tumorSuperior marginá - free of tumorInferior marginááá - free of tumorDeep margináááááá - free of tumorB) Sentinel lymph nodes:4nodes - no deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Wide excision- lumpectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Maximum dimension of the tumor is 1.8x1.5x1.5cmNuclear grade - II.Ductal carcinoma in situ is present low grade with solid type.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not present.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Sentinel lymph nodes:4 nodes show no deposits of tumor.Pathological stage: pT1N0." 793,MR160009026,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast post CT.SPECIMEN:A) Wide local excision of left breast lump.B) Revised inferior marginC) Left axillary dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 5.2x4x3.5cm. Skin ellipse measures 2.5x0.5cm. Cut surface shows illdefined grey white mucinous tumor measures 1.3x2.2x1.5cm. Located at the following distances from the respective margins:-Superior margin - 0.8cmInferior margin - 0.9cmMedial margin - 1.2cmLateral margin - 1.5cmDeep margin - 0.7cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4.4x3x1.5cm. One surface is inked.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 7x5x3cm. Largest lymph node measures 1.5x1x1cm. Cut surface shows grey white appearance.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Wide local excision of left breast lump:Tumor bed:-Pools of mucin and tumor cells are present in the clumps and groups with pools of mucin.Mucinous carcinomaTubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 1 __________MBR score - 5/9 ___________Ductal carcinoma in situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not present.Resected margins - Superior margin - free of tumorInferior margin - shows epithelial hyperplasiaMedial margin - free of tumorLateral margin -- free of tumorDeep margin -- free of tumorB) Revised inferior margin: shows fibrofatty tissue - free of tumor.C) Left axillary dissection:15 nodes - no deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Wide local excision of left breast lump:Lumpectomy with axillary clearance.Residual viable tumor presentMucinous carcinomaMaximum dimension of residual tumor is 1.3x2.2x1.5cmNuclear grade - IDuctal carcinoma in situ is not presentLymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not presentResected margins -Superior,Medial, Lateral and Deep margins -- free of tumor.B) Revised inferior margin:free of tumor.C) Left axillary dissection:15nodes - no deposits of tumor." 794,MR160009028,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in cords, nests and trabeculae showing round to oval cells with pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm .Stroma shows fibrosis and areas of necrosis.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma , grade 2.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formationááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________" 795,MR160009040,"H16-6905SPECIMEN:Left breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores with tumor arranged in glands, nests and trabeculae. The cells have abundant cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei. Necrosis is seen with stroma showing lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(2+2+2)." 796,MR160009052,CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left supraclaviculará node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey whiteá linear cores measures 0.4 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fragments of fibrocollagenous tissue infiltratied by neoplastic cells arranged in sheets and abortiveá tubules with focal areas of necrosis. The tumor cells round to irregular hyperchromatic nucleus moderate vacuolated cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left supraclavicular node:Metastatic carcinomatous depositá in a known case of carcinoma breast. 797,MR160009054,"H16-6909SPECIMEN:Right breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores shows tumor arranged in sheets, glands and trabeculae. Individual cells have moderate to abundant cytoplasm with hyperchromatic nuclei. Areas of necrosis and lymphocytic infiltrate is seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 798,MR160009069,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as sheets and islands. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have hyperchromatic to vesicular nuclei, conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Foci of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationáááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________Foci of necrosis seen." 799,MR160009083,"H16-6937SPECIMEN:Left breast, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast tissue harboring a cellular lesion composed of cells arranged in sheets and cords. Cells are pleomorphic with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows hyalinization with scattered bland stromal cells and lymphocytes. Mitoses is discerned.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core biopsy :Invasive carcinoma nuclear grade2." 800,MR160009085,"H16-6916SPECIMEN:Left breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores shows tumor arranged in glands and cords. Individual cells have moderate cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei. Adjacent stroma shows focal lymphocytic infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 1.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is (2+2+1)." 801,MR160009097,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.4cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________Areas of necrosis seen." 802,MR160009101,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast-post NACTSPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS;Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : Formalin Procedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : Mastectomy post NACT Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : Rightá á Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medialá - lateralááá - 25cmááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficialá - Deep - 4cm áá ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior - Inferiorá - 18cm Skin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá :á 17x10cm áá Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá :Normaláááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá ááá Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : Not seenTumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : Single Tumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá : 2.5x2x1.5cm áááááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá :á lower quadrant á Margins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á : ill definedá áááááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá áááááááááá : 3cm Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááá : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá ááááááááá : fibrofattyá áááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá á á á á á á á : 7x6x1cm.Total number of nodesááááááá : 16 lymph nodesá Size of largest nodeááááááááááá :1.5x1x0.5cm ,cut surface shows fatty infiltrationMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from tumor show breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged as islands, diffuse sheets and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Lymphovascular emboli seen. Areas of necrosis seen.Lymphocytic infiltration forming aggregates is noted. Sections from deep margin is free of tumorSections from nipple and areola is free of tumorIMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Tumour Size : 2.5x2x1.5cm áá Lymphovascular invasion seenPerineural invasion not seenPosterior resection margin is free of tumor Nipple and areola is free of tumorLymph nodes: 16 lymph nodes,(0/16) . SUMMARY:Rightá MRM, Invasive carcinoma,Grade 2Nodal metastases 0/16." 803,MR160009111,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue is processed,MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue exhibiting cellular proliferation of large round to oval cells with eccentrically placed hyperchromatic nuclei and abundant pale eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm and brisk mitotic activity.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion:Suggestive of Invasive lobular carcinoma, (signet ring cell type)Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic activity - 3 __________Score - 8/9 __________Nuclear grade -- IIIPlease rule out a remote possibility of this being metastatic from stomach.Suggest IHC." 804,MR160009114,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of left carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Modified Radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : FormalinProcedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : Modified Radical Mastectomyá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá á Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá :á Leftá Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medial - lateral á -20cm áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - Deep - 4cm áá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior - Inferioráá -16cmSkin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá :á 13x9.5cm áá Nipple and areolaáááááááááááááááá : shows surface ulcerationScar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : Not seenTumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : Single Tumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá :á 3x2.5x2cm ááááááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá :á central quadrant above nipple and areolaMargins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á :áá illdefined áááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá áááááááááá : 2cm Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááá : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá á á á á á : fibrofatty tissue áááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááá : 6x5x2cmTotal number of nodesááááááá : 20 nodesSize of largest nodeááááááááááá : 2x1x1cm, cut surface shows grey whiteMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple sections from the breast parenchyma show a neoplastic lesion infiltrating the stroma. Cellsexhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Ductal carcinoma in situ is noted of cribriform and solid type. Lymphovascular invasion not identified. Perineural invasion is not identified. Areas of fibrosis show ducts with cystic dilatation, adenosis and apocrine change seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: áInvasive ductal Carcinoma, Grade II. Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation: 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 3x2.5cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the central quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is present with cribriform and solid type.áLymphovascular invasion is identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes:á 1á lymph node, shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 26 nodes.(1/26)Pathological stage : pT2N1.SUMMARY:Left MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma,Gradeá II.áNodal metastases 1 lymph node shows deposits of tumor out of 26 nodes.Perinodal spread is not present." 805,MR160009115,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of lump in left breastSuggestive of carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma demonstrating neoplastic lesion arranged in nests, sheets and tubules. Tumor cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism with hyperchromatic nuclei and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 806,MR160009139,"CLINICAL DETAILS:C/o lump in right breast/ ? Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 0.4 to 0.6 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrofatty tissue with a neoplastic lesion in diffuse sheets. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows lymphocytic infiltration.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.á - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 807,MR160009158,"CLINICAL DETAILS:C/o lump in left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 greywhite linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with a lesion arranged in cords, tubules and diffuse sheets. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism with high N:C ratio vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Areas of fibrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 808,MR160009171,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________Foci of comedo and solid high grade ductal carcinoma in situ noted." 809,MR160009181,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast mass, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm.Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue focally infiltrated by a lesion arranged in cords with pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with irregular border, inconspicuous nucleoli and scanty cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows fibrosis and hyalinisation along with extensive areas of necrosis. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Biopsy :Small volume of invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified BR score isá 6/9.Tubule formationááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________Areas of necrosis seen." 811,MR160009198,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of right carcinoma breast(post lumpectomy)SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified radical Mastectomy Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial - lateral - 16cm Superficial - Deep -3cm Superior - Inferior -15cmSkin ellipse : 10.5x7cm. Nipple and areola : unremarkableScar/ Surgical defect : present below nipple and areolaTumour Size -Lumpectomy bed : measures 3x2.8x1.5cm, mostly shows fibrotic and focal solid areas are present measures 1x0.8cm. Location of tumor : lower outer quadrantMargins of tumor : illdefined Deep margin : 0.5cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 7x6x1.5cm.Total number of nodes : 16 lymph nodes Size of largest node : 1.5x1x1cm, cut surface shows grey whiteIMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- Residual tumor is present, mostly ductal carcinoma in situ with cribriform and solid with small focus of invasive ductal carcinoma is seen.Surrounding area shows fibrosis, necrosis, inflammatory cells, foreign body of giant cells and granulation tissue. Tumor measures 1x0.8cm in greatest dimension and is located in the lower outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is presentLymphovascular invasion is not seenPerineural invasion is not seen.Posterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 16 lymph nodes, no metastatic deposits of tumor (0/16).SUMMARY:Right MRM post lumpectomy, Residual tumor presentDuctal carcinoma in situ present mostly and small focus of invasive ductal carcinoma present.Nodal metastases 16 nodes - no metastatic deposits of tumor." 812,MR160009202,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left lung mass.Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left lung lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey black linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Fragmented linear cores of necrotic tissue demonstrating few tiny, small scattered islands of round to oval neoplastic cells with hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left lung lesion : Known case of carcinoma breast.Tiny foci of pleomorphic tumor cells? SecondaryIHC may be attempted." 813,MR160009204,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Solid cystic left breast mass- ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.4 to 0.8cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged along fibrovascular cores in papillary pattern and as islands. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Lymphvascular emboli seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma favoring invasive ductal carcinoma with papillary pattern, biopsy fromá left breast.Modified BR score 5/9, grade 1.Tubule formationáááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááá : 1Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááá :1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________" 814,MR160009217,"H16-6977SPECIMEN:Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received three grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1.0 to 1.5cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 816,MR160009227,"H16-6983SPECIMEN:Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received three grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.5cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Mass, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 817,MR160009244,"H16-7002SPECIMEN:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.4cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 818,MR160009246,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.8cm.Entire tissue is processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy right breast.Modified BR score is 4/9, Grade - 1Tubule formation á á á áá : 1Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 4/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------" 819,MR160009251,"H16-6981SPECIMEN :Left Breast Mass, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received four grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual tumor cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Left Breast Mass, Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 820,MR160009252,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Lump in right breast - ? carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN :Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1.5 cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Linear cores of tissue from breast parenchyma shows a neoplastic lesion arranged in tubules, nests and cords. The individual cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism with hyperchromatic nuclei and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows elastosis and necrosis.IMPRESSION :Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score Is 6(3+2+1)." 821,MR160009276,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Breast conservative surgery- Wide excision.B) Left axillary clearance.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 10x7x2cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.B) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 8.5x6x3.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 5.7x1.3cm.Cut surface shows a greywhite to greybrown lesion measuring 2.5x1.2x1cm, located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 1.5cm.Inferior margináá --á 1.5cm.Medial marginááá --á 3cm.Lateral margináá --á 1.7cm.Deep margináááá --á 0.7cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Breast conservative surgery- Wide excision:Tumor is composed of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and eosinophilic cytoplasm.Invasive ductal carcinoma with DCIS.Maximum dimension of the tumor is 2.5cm.Invasive ductal carcinoma measuring 1.5cm.DCIS- Maximum dimension is 1.0cm.MBR score is 6/9, Nuclear grade II.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.Perineural invasion : Not present.Resected margins:-Superior marginá : Free of tumor.Inferior marginááá : Free of tumor.Medial marginááááá : Free of tumor.Lateral margináááá : Free of tumor.Deep margináááááá : Free of tumor.Axillary lymph nodes: 12 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:Breast conservative surgery- Wide excision:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Maximum dimension of tumor :á 2.5cm.Invasive ductal carcinoma : 1.5cm.DCIS : 1cm.Invasive ductal carcinoma, nuclear grade II.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.All resected margins are free of tumor.Axillary lymph nodes: 12 Nodes- No deposits of tumor." 822,MR160009303,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Complaintá of lump in right breast .Suggestive of carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Receivedá 2 grey white linear cores measuring 0.7 to 0.9 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in cords, nests, trabeculae comprising of pleomorphic cells with normal to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicious nucleoli and modearte amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows hyalineration and fibrosis .Focus with Ductal carcinoma in situ with solid andá cribriform pattern are seen.Foci of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, biopsy.Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modifies BR scoreá 3+2+2 = 7/9Tubule formationáááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááá - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------Ductal carcinoma in situ with should and cribriform pattern seen." 824,MR160009331,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Consisting of lump in right breast mammogram and USG - suggestive of carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy From Right Breast Mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1 c.mEntire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma demonstrating a neoplastic lesion arranged in tubules, cords and in sheets. Tumor cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism with hyperchromatic nuclei and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richarandson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 825,MR160009335,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Complaint of lump in right breast - ? carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measuring 0.5 to 0.7 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast tissue infiltared by a lesion arranged in tubules, nests, cords, trabeculae and sheets .Cells have round to oval moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate to abundant cytoplasm. Few show prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures discerned. Adjacent stroma shows fibrosis and hyalinisation.IMPRESSION:Right breast, trucut biopsy.Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified BR score ( 6/9).Tubule formationáááááááááááá - 2Nuclear pleomorphismáááá - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------" 826,MR160009337,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of right carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right modified radical mastectomyB) Left breast 9 o' clock lump.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified radical Mastectomy - post lumpectomy Laterality : right Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -14cm Superficial - Deep -4.5cm Superior - Inferior -7cmSkin ellipse : 11x7cm Nipple and areola : retracted and ulceratedScar/ Surgical defect : 4cm in upper areola and outer quadrantTumor : grey white area, firm, necrotic, cystic Tumour Size : measures 4.5x4x1.5cm,no solid areas are present. Location of tumor : central,inner, outer quadrantMargins of tumor : illdefined Deep margin : 0.3cm Muscle : Present, measures 5x4cm Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 5x4x3cm.Total number of nodes : 20 nodes Size of largest node : 1.2x1x0.8cm, cut surface shows grey brown.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- fibrosis,necrosis,inflammatory cells, foreign body giant cells and granulation tissue(post lumpectomy status).No evidence of viable tumor. Mass measures fibrotic and necrotic area 4.5x4cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central, inner and outer quadrant. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. Nipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 20 lymph nodes, no metastatic deposits of tumor. SUMMARY:Right MRM post lumpectomy, lumpectomy bed:- fibrotic,necrosis, inflammatory cells and foreign body, giant cells, giant cells and granulation tissue. Nodal metastases 20 lymph nodes - no deposits of tumor." 827,MR160009345,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of right breast lump Mammogram and USG : Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:USG guided trucut needle biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 greyyellow linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue is processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of breast parenchyma demonstrating a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests, sheets and tubules,. Individual cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism with hyperchromatic nuclei and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows desmoplasia, fibrosis and hyalinisation.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 828,MR160009346,"CLINICAL HISTORY:A),B) Case of lumps in both breasts.Mammogram - ? carcinoma both breasts.SPECIMEN:A) Biopsy from right breast mass.B) Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.7 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue is processed.B) Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma showing invasive sheets, nests of dysplastic ductal cells showing moderate pleomorphism, hyper chromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. At few foci the cells are arranged in India-file pattern showing pseudo-tracking. The stroma is desmoplastic. Mitotic activity is discernable.B) Section showing linear cores of breast tissue composed of neoplastic lesion consisting of invasive nests and sheets of dysplastic cells showing moderate pleomorphism and hyperchromatic nuclei. Few foci showing mucin pools. The intervening stroma shows desmoplasia and few cystically dilated glands.IMPRESSION:A) Invasive ductal carcinoma with lobular differentiation (Invasive carcinoma NOS) with grade II.MBR score - 6/9Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 __________ 6/9 __________B) Invasive carcinoma NOS - grade I.(Invasive ductal carcinoma with mucinous areas)MBR Score - 5/9Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 1 __________ 5/9 ___________" 829,MR160009356,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Receive 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.4 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDING:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a lesion arranged in sheets comprising of atypical cells with round to oval pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei,inconspicious nucleoli ans scanty amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm with irregular borders. Mitotic figures discerned. Areas of necrosis seen. Stroma shows fibrosis and hyalinisation.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Biopsy:Invasive ducal carcinoma, Grade 3 MBR score (3+2+3) - 8/9.Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 3 ---------- 8 ---------" 830,MR160009358,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass..GROSS FINDINGS:Receivedá 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplasm arranged as cords and trabeculae. The neoplastic cells have hyperchromatic nuclei eccentrically placed and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is elastotic.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma with lobular features biopsy right breast.Grade 1 (5/9) Tubule formationáá á á á áá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá - 1Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá - 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------- 831,MR160009359,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma Left breast.SPECIMEN :Left Breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Modified Radical MastectomyLaterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral : 22cm. Superficial to Deep : 3cm. Superior to Inferior :20cm.Skin ellipse : 17 x 9.5 cm. Nipple & Areola : Unremarkable. Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : SingleTumour Size : 3 x 2.5 x 2 cm. Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant Margins of tumor : illdefined. Deep margin : 0.4cm.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail :7 x 6 x 2 cm.Size of largest node :1.8 x 1.5 x 1 cm. Cut surface - grey white.Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests, cords, trabeculae and sheets . Individual tumour cells have round to oval pleomorphic vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis seen. Stroma shows extensive hyalinisation and fibrosis. Lymphovascular invasion is identified. Perineural invasion is not identified.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy : INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2). - Tumour is unifocal and is located in the upper outer quadrant. - Tumor measures 3 cm in greatest dimension. - Lymphovascular invasion is identified. - Perineural invasion is not identified. - Ductal Carcinoma-In-Stu of solid and cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor and is 0.4 cm away from the tumour. - Nipple and Areola are free of tumor.Lymph nodes: Two out of seventeen lymph nodes show metastatic tumour deposits(2/17). - Size of the larger tumour deposit measures 0.6 cm in greatest dimension. - No Extranodal Extension is seen.Pathological Stage : pT2N1aSummary : Left MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade 2.Nodal metastases Two out of seventeen lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor (2/17)." 832,MR160009364,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets and nests consisting of round to oval cells demonstrating moderate nuclear pleomorphism and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm amidst a desmoplastic stroma with scattered lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion:Invasive carcinoma, grade II.Tubule formationáááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismá - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 833,MR160009372,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Mass, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 0.7 to 0.8cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in tubules, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast mass, Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 1.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1)." 834,MR160009380,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breastRight supraclavicular lymph node - metastaticSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right supraclavicular Lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from cores of lymph node shows metastatic tumor deposits of cells in diffuse sheets, nests and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right supraclavicular lymph node(In a Known case of carcinoma right breast) :Suggestive of Metastatic Invasive Ductal Carcinoma in known case of Carcinoma Breast." 835,MR160009384,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Lump left breast 3 months.SPECIMEN :Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : FormalinProcedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá :á Modified radical Mastectomyá Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá :ááá LeftTotal dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medial to lateralá : 16cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á Superficial to Deepá :3cm. á áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á Superior to Inferior : 15cm.Skin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá :ááá 13x8cm.á Nipple / areolaá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá :Unremarkable.Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : Not seen.Tumor áááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá : Single Tumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá :á 1.8x1.5x1.5cm. ááááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá :ááá Upper inner quadrant (9 'o clock).Margins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á : illdefined. áááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá ááá : 1cm.Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááá :Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá ááá : Fibrofatty tissue, densely fibrotic. ááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá ááá :5x4x2cm.Total number of nodesááááááá : 19Size of largest nodeááááááááááá : 1.5x1x0.8cm. Cut surface grey white.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, left breast.Modified BR score isá 8/9, grade 3.Tubular formationáááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá ; 3áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________________Tumor sizeááááá : 1.8x1.5x1.5cm.Lymphovascular invasion seen.Deep margins : Free of tumor.Foci of high grade solid and comedo ductal carcinoma in situ seen.19 left axillary lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor." 836,MR160009385,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in Left breast - Carcinoma BreastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from Left Breast MassGROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue demonstrating sheets and fascicles of spindle cells with plump ovoid nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Foci of cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Mitotic figures are discerned. There are interspersed vascular channels. No necrosis is identified.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left Breast Mass:Spindle Cell NeoplasmSuggestive of Phyllodes Tumor, Borderline.Suggest further confirmation on excision specimen." 837,MR160009387,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Mass in right breast - carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Right Breast Mass,Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 0.9 cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score 6(3+2+1)." 838,MR160009392,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast mass/ Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 greywhite to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests, cords, trabeculae and sheets comprising of atypical cells with round to oval moderately pleomorphic vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate to scanty cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Ductal carcinoma-in-situ is identified, solid and papillary pattern . Stroma shows hyalination and fibrosis.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, trucut biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified BR score : 6/9 Tubule formationáááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 839,MR160009412,"H16-7075SPECIMEN:Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1.8 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 840,MR160009417,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Time of receipt at lab : 2:20pm.Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT.Laterality : Right MRM Total dimensions : Medial -- lateral : 9cm. Superficial -- Deep : 2.5cm. Superior-- Inferior : 6cm.Skin ellipse : 8.5X5cm. Nipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect : 3.5cm, above the nipple areola measuring 1.5x1cm.Tumour Size : No tumor present greywhite fibrotic area present at 12 '0' clock.Deep margin : 0.5cm.Muscle : Present.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty.Axillary tail : 4x2.2x2cm. Total number of nodes : 16 nodes.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy:Tumor bed : At 12 '0' clock position, fibrotic and necrotic areas and lymphocytic and histiocytes present. There is no evidence of residual tumor.Posterior resection margin is Free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes : 16 lymph nodes- No metastatic deposits of tumor.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy:No residual viable tumor present at 12'0' clock position shows fibrosis.Lymph nodes : 16 lymph nodes- No metastatic deposits of tumor." 841,MR160009441,"H16-7117SPECIMEN:Left breast mass- core Bopsy.GROSS FINDINGS: Received 5 Grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast tissue harboring a cellular lesion arranged in tubules and sheets. Cells are pleomorphic with moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nuclei and inconspicuous nucleoli. Mitotic activity is discerned. Stroma shows inflammatory infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass- Core biopsy:Features suggestive of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 3Mitotic figures - 2 ______ 7/9 ______" 844,MR160009488,H16-7107SPECIMEN: Right breast mass- Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS: Received 2 Grey white soft tissue bits measures 0.7 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows breast parenchyma with few ducts showing proliferation of cells in cribriform pattern. Few ducts are showing apocrine change. Comedo necrosis is shown in some of the ducts. Adjacent areas of necrosis show small clusters of cells with moderate nuclear atypia IMPRESSION:Right breast mass- Core biopsy:Ductal Carcinoma In situ with small focus suspicion of invasion. 845,MR160009492,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Massá in Right breast - ? Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy fromá Right Breast.GROSS FINDINGS:áReceived 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrating by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ducal Carcinoma, Grade 2á - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 846,MR160009519,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump ? Carcinoma/ Left axillary nodes.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.4 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion comprising of atypical cells with markedly pleomorphic large round to oval vesicular to hyperchromatic nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of pale granular eosinophilic cytoplasm with irregular borders. Mitotic figures discerned. Ductal carcinoma-in-situ noted with comedonecrosis. Adjacent stroma shows fibrosis and inflammatory infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 847,MR160009522,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma left breast, post OP MRM with lymphodema left upper limb with ? angiosarcoma.SPECIMEN:Incisional biopsy from nodule on left fore arm.GROSS FINDINGS:Received one nodular grey white mass measures 0.9x0.8x0.7cm, cut surface shows grey whiteto grey brown. Distance from nearest ink margin is 0.2cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section showing stratified squamous epithelium with subepithelium showing a lesion arranged inlobules. In lobules, vessels varying size lined by elongated cells with scant cytoplasm and prominentnucleoli is seen. Surrounding subepithelial stroma showing granulation tissue and inflammatory infiltrate composed of lymphocytes, macrophages and plasma cells.IMPRESSION:Incisional biopsy from nodule on left fore arm:Suggestive of vascular lesion ? epitheloid angiosarcoma.Suggest IHC for further confirmation." 848,MR160009544,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of left breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:Left Modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial - lateral - 17cm Superficial - Deep - 3cm Superior - Inferior - 13cm Skin ellipse : 11x7cm Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : noted in the upper retroareola Tumor : grossly firm fibrotic area noted underlying scar in the retroareolar measures 3x1.5x1.5cm with focal solid area measures 0.5x0.3cm Deep margin : 1cmAdjacent Breast : fibrosis Axillary tail : 9x5x1cmIMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor - small focus of residual tumor present measures 0.5x0.3cm with ductalcarcinoma in situ(solid type) small focus of invasive ductal carcinoma. Tumor measures 0.5x0.3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the retroareolar region Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ present - low gradeLymphovascular invasion not presentPerineural invasion not presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 11 lymph nodes, no metastatic deposits of tumor. Summary : Left MRM post NACT, small focus of residual viable tumor present measures 0.5x0.3cmDuctal carcinoma in situ and focus of invasive carcinomaNodal metastases 11 nodes - no deposits of tumor" 849,MR160009554,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in right breast - Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1 cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from right breast mass shows cells arranged in clusters. The cells are small show round nucleus, small nucleoli and scanty cytoplasm. Areas of extracellular mucin noted. Necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma ( with extracellular mucinous component) Grade 6/9 grade II.Tubular formation -3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 1 ---------- 6/9 ----------" 850,MR160009574,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Multiple liver space occupying lesion - metastasesSPECIMEN:Biopsy from liver lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue demonstrating proliferation of round cells in sheets, cords and trabecular configuration harboring hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of pale staining cytoplasm. Adjacent areas show sparsely cellular fibrovascular stroma.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from liver lesion:Poorly differentiated malignancy.? Metastatic carcinoma from breast.? Metastatic neuroendocrine tumor.Suggest IHC." 851,MR160009577,"H16-7241SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.7 to 1.4cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as cords, sheets and tubules. The tumor cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate atypia and scanty cytoplasm. Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified. Stroma shows fibrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified BR score isááá : 7/9.Tubule formationáááááááááá :á 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________" 852,MR160009578,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast- Post NACT.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast with level 1,2 lymph nodes.B) Apical nodes (level 3).GROSS FINDINGS:A) Right breast with level 1,2 lymph nodes:Received in : Formalin.Time of receipt at lab : 12:55pm.Laterality : Right MRM Total dimensions : Medial -- lateral : 19cm. Superficial -- Deep : 3.5cm. Superior--Inferior : 19cm.Skin ellipse : 13x8cm. Nipple : NormalScar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumour Size : 3 greywhite areas present. 1) 1.2x1x0.8cm, firm greywhite 2) 0.8x0.5x0.5cm, 3) 0.8x0.5x0.5cm.Location of tumor : 1) Lower outer quadrant, 2) Lower outer quadrant, 3) 0.8x0.5x0.5cm.Margins of tumor : Ill defined. Deep margin : 1.5cm.Muscle : Present.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Total number of nodes : 14 nodes.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.Distance between 2 greywhite area measuring 3.5cm.B) Apical nodes (level 3):Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 2x1x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right breast with level 1,2 lymph nodes:Tumor bed: Three nodular masses are present.One greywhite firm mass shows fibroadenoma.The other two masses- One shows fibrotic areas with necrosis and inflammatory cells.One viable tumor mass is present measuring 0.8x0.5cm with invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade II.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures : 2Viable tumor mass measuring 0.8x0.5cm and 2 '0' clock position.Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is Free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes:Level I, II : 13 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.Level III : 3 nodes- No deposits of tumor.SUMMARY:Right breast with level 1,2 lymph nodes:Residual tumor is present, grade II.Invasive ductal carcinoma measuring 0.8x0.5cm at 2 '0' clock position.Lymph nodes:Level I, II : 13 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.Level III : 3 nodes- No deposits of tumor." 854,MR160009591,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast mass ?Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite linear core measuring 1.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in sheets, nests, cords and trabeculae comprising of atypical cells with pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with irregular borders, inconspicuous nucleoli and scanty to moderate amount of eosinophillic cytoplasm. Stroma shows fibrosis and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formationáááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______________" 855,MR160009611,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left Breast Mass.? Carcinoma BreastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS: Received from 5 grey white to grey brown liner core measuring 1.2 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores breast parenchyma showing normal ductal cells with liner epithelial and outer myoepithelial cells. Stroma shows abundant inflammatory cells consisting of lymphocytes, neutrophils, plasma cells admixed with epithelial cells and histiocytes. Stroma shows hyalinization and fibrosis.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Biopsy :Features are suggestive of Chronic non specific mastitis.No evidence for malignancy." 856,MR160009612,CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of right breast ? Paget'sSPECIMEN:Right Breast nipple excisionGROSS FINDINGS:Received nipple and areola with attached fibrofatty tissue total measures 4x3.2x2cm. Nipple is hypopigmented and shows grey brown areas and ulceration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The epidermis of the nipple and areola is replaced by oval to polyhedral cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and vacuolated cytoplasm. In the subepithelium breast parenchyma shows ductal carcinoma in situ -solid type - low grade. In all focal area small clumps of invasive ductal carcinoma is present consisting of 3-4 pleomorphic cells surrounding with lymphocytes. Resected inked margins are 0.5cmá away from the tumor.IMPRESSION:Right nipple excision :Paget's disease parenchyma shows ductal carcinoma in situ -solid type and small focus of invasive ductal carcinoma is present.Resectedá inked margins are 0.5cm away from the tumor. 857,MR160009615,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of left breast lump.SPECIMEN :A) Left breast lumpectomy.B) Left axillary lymph node dissection specimen.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 6.5x6x2.5cm. Skin ellipse measuring 3.5x1.3cm.Cut surface - grey white mass measuring 1.8x1.7x1.2cm.Distance from margins :Superiorááááááááááá : 1.5cm.Inferiorááááááááááááá : 2cm.Medialááááááááááááá : 1.3cm.Lateralááááááááááááá : 1.5cm.Deepáááááááááááááááá : 0.8cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 11x7x3cm. Largest lymph node measuring 1.5x1x1cm. Cut surface fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :A) Sections from tumor show breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as islands and nests. The neoplastic cells have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli, exhibiting nuclear pleomorphism and have moderate cytoplasm. No perineural invasion seen. No lymphovascular emboli seen. Foci of high grade ductal carcinoma in situ (solid pattern)noted.B)18 Lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor.IMPRESSION :A) Invasive ductal carcinoma, left breast.Tumor sizeáááááááááá : 1.8x1.7x1.2cm.Foci of ductal carcinoma in situ (high grade ) seen.No lymphovascular invasion seen.No perineural invasion seen.All resected margins including deep are free of tumor.B) 18 Left axillary lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor." 858,MR160009639,"H16-7245SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right axillary lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of lymphoid tissue harboring a lesion arranged as nests, islands comprising of ovoid cells with hyperchromatic. Pleomorphic nuclei few with prominent nucleoli and moderate to scanty cytoplasm. Few cells show intercellular bridging and vacuolated cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from axillary lymph node :Metastatic carcinoma.Please look for primary in breast, lung." 859,MR160009652,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast - post lumpectomy.SPECIMEN :Right Breast, right modified radical mastectomy, Post lumpectomy.GROSS FINDINGS :Procedure : Modified radical Mastectomy, Post lumpectomy. Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral : 16cm. Superficial to Deep : 6cm. Superior to Inferior : 15cm.Skin ellipse : 12x9cm. Nipple / areala - Unremarkable :Normal Surgical defect above N/A measuring 4cm in length .Tumor - Grey white to grey yellow illdefined lesion with fibrotic areas.Tumour Size : 2.8x2x2cm. Location of tumor : Central (retroscar area ).Margins of tumor : illdefined. Deep margin : 0.5Muscle : Present - Measuring 4x3cm.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : 6x5x2.5cm.Largest lymph node measuring 2x1.8x1.2cm. Cut surface - grey white.Total lymph nodes -14.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Multiple sections from the lesion shows breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating ill defined lesion arranged in indian file and targetoid patter. The cells are ovoid having moderate to scanty amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows extensive areas of desmoplasia with chronic inflammatory infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis noted. Lymphovascular emboli noted.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right MRM, post lumpectomyResidual invasive lobular carcinoma, Grade 2. status post lumpectomy.Modified BR score (3+2+2=7/9)Tumor measures 2-8 cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central quadrant.Lobular carcinoma in situ - seenLymphovascular invasion identified.Perineural invasion indeterminatePosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple /areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: Isolated 14 lymph nodes, one shows metastatic tumor deposit (2/14)Largest tumor foci measures 0.4cm.Extra Nodal Extension is not seen.Summary: Right MRM, Residual lobular carcinoma, post lumpectomy Grade II.Lymph nodes: Isolated 14 lymph nodes, one shows metastatic tumor deposit (2/14)" 860,MR160009656,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast lump ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 7 greywhite to grey brown linear core measuring 0.3 to 0.8c m. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests and sheets, lying in pools of mucin. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Core biopsy :Mucinous carcinoma, Grade 2.á - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 861,MR160009657,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - Carcinoma BreastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows arranged in nests, cords and sheets. Individual cells have moderate cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei. Necrotic areas are seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6 (3+2+1)" 863,MR160009679,"H16-7233SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.8 to 0.9cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma showing ductal proliferation of cells with mild to moderate pleomorphism, hyperchromatic nuclei, few with prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Comedonecrosis identified. Suspicious foci of invasion noted. Few ducts show hyperplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump :Extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ seen with suspicious focus of invasion.Suggest IHC." 864,MR160009683,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass.Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue is processed,MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of cellular lesion arranged as sheets. The cells have vesicular to hyperchromatic nucleus, few showing prominent nucleus and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Multinucleated tumor giant cells are seen. Mitotic figures are discerned including atypical forms.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade III.Tubule formationáááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá - 3Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá - 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________" 865,MR160009687,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast post chemotherapySPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Procedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : Mastectomy post NACT Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : Left á Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medialá - lateral á - 16cm áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficialá - Deep - 4cm áá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior - Inferioráá - 16cmSkin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá :á 12x8.5cm áá Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá :Normal áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá á Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : Not seenTumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : Single Tumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá : 2.8x2.5x2cm. ááááááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá :áá central outer (9 o' ├ºlock) Margins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á :áá illdefined áááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá áááááááááá : 0.8cm Muscleááá ááá á á á á á á á á ááá ááá : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá ááááááááá : fibrofatty áááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááá : 6x5x2.5cmTotal number of nodesááááááá : 13 nodes Size of largest nodeááááááááááá : 1.2x2.2x0.8cm, cut surface shows fatty infiltrationáIMPRESSION:Left breast,á Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: áTumor bed:-Residual viable tumor present measures 2.8cm with invasive ductal carcinomaIn between the tumor lymphocytic infiltration is present, Grade II. Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 2 Tumor measures 2.8cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the central and outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not presentáLymphovascular invasion not presentPerineural invasion is presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 13 lymph nodes, no metastatic deposits of tumor. Summary : Leftá MRM, Residual viable tumor present measures 2.8cmInvasive ductal carcinoma,Grade IILymph nodesá -13 nodes - no deposits of tumor." 866,MR160009739,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast post NACTSPECIMEN;Left modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial - lateral - 17cm Superficial - Deep - 4cm Superior - Inferior - 12cmSkin ellipse : 12x10cm, with hyperpigment measures 1.8x1.2cm lateral to nipple and areola Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : grossly no tumor seenTumour Size : firm area noted in upper outer quadrant measures 0.8x0.8x0.5cm. Margins of tumor : irregular Deep margin : 1cm Muscle : Present measures 3x2cm Axillary tail : 8x4x2cmIMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- Dense fibrosis with atrophic glands , surrounding ducts show fibrocystic change and adenosis. Fibrotic area is located in the upper and outer quadrantPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 16 lymph nodes, no metastatic deposits of tumor. Summary : Left MRM NACT, dense fibrotic areas, no residual viable tumorNodal metastases 16 nodes - no deposits of tumor" 867,MR160009760,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass/ Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 7 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor arranged in nest, sheets and cords. The cells are round to oval with moderate to abundant cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei. Adjacent stroma showing lymphocytic infiltrate. Areas of hemorrhage seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 868,MR160009786,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump/ ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores from breast shows proliferating tubules and ducts lined by columnar cells with moderate cytoplasm and round to oval nuclei. Few ducts are cystically dilated showing secretory changes. Adjacent stroma showing lymphocytic infiltrate. No evidence of malignancy seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy :Features are suggestive of Proliferative breast disease with adenosis.No evidence of malignancy in the section studied." 869,MR160009822,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesionGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue exhibiting a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets, nests and vague tubular configuration demonstrating moderate nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm amidst desmoplastic stroma and dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Atypical mitotic figures are discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IITubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 3 __________MBR score- 7/9 ___________" 870,MR160009823,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - ? cancerSPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.3 cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma with an infiltrating neoplastic lesion arranged in tubules, corde and nests. The cells are ovoid cells having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows dismoplasia with inflammatory infiltrates. Ductal carcinoma in situ is noted. Area of hemorrhage and necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2MBR score (2+2+3=7/9)Tubular formation -2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitosis - 3 ---------- 7 -----------Ductal carcinoma in situ - cribriform and solid pattern noted." 871,MR160009852,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged in nests, cords and lobules. Cells exhibit moderate to marked nuclear pleomorphism, high N/C ratio, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows dense lymphoplasmocytic infiltrate.áIMPRESSION:Right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma - Grade IIModified BR score - (7/9)Tubular formationáááááááááááááá - 2Nuclear pleomorphismááááááá - 3Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------" 872,MR160009857,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of left breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:A) Wide excision - breast conservative surgery-post NACTB) Left axillary clearanceGROSS FINDINGS:A)Received lumpectomy specimen measures 5.5x4x3cm, skin ellipse measures 3x1.2cm,cut surface shows grey white lesion measures 1.5x1x0.8cm. Located at the following distances from respective margins:Superior margin -á 1cmInferior marginá - 1.5cmMedial marginá - 1.5cmLateral marginá - 0.8cmDeep marginááá - 1cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5x4x2cm, largest lymph node measures 1.5x1x0.5cm, cut surface shows grey whiteMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Lumpectomy - wide excision - breast conservative surgery:Residual viable tumor present measures 1.5x1cmInvasive ductal carcinoma measures 1cm with Tubule formationááááááá áá - 2Nuclear pleomorphismá - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________Surrounding the tumor areas of fibrosis and lymphocytic infiltrationDuctal carcinoma in situ is measuring 0.5cm.(low grade -I)Lymphovascular invasion not presentPerineural invasion not present Resected margin:-Superior margináááááá - free of tumorInferior margináááááááá - free of tumorMedialá marginááááááá - free of tumorLateral margináááááááá - shows lymphoid tissueNo evidence of carcinoma - free from tumorDeep marginááááááááá - free of tumorB) Left axillary clearance:-12 nodes - no deposits of tumorIMPRESSION;Breast conservative surgery - wide local excision:-Residual viable tumor present measures 1.5cmInvasive ductal carcinoma 1.0cm Nuclear grade-IIDuctal carcinoma in situ - 0.5cmAll resected margins - free from tumorLymph nodes - 12 nodes- no deposits of tumor" 873,MR160009863,"H16-7316SPECIMEN:Right breast mass, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating neoplastic lesion arranged in tubules, cords and sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with inflammatory infiltrates. Form of ductal carcinoma in situ seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 3.Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 __________ 8/9 ___________Focus of ductal carcinoma in situ seen." 874,MR160009864,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right axillary and supraclavicular lymphnode.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right axillary node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 0.9 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from right axillary lymphnode shows sheets and cluster of neoplastic cells showing round vesicular nucleus with conspicuous nucleoli and eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Metastatic carcinomaPlease look for primary in breast, lung." 875,MR160009867,CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from subcutaneous nodule on back.GROSS FINDINGS:Received single globular fibrofatty tissue measures 2.4x2.2x1cm. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section demonstrates a fibrofatty tissue infiltrated by neoplastic glands and nests consisting of cuboidal to oval cells exhibiting moderate to marked nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm amidst a desmoplastic stroma.IMPRESSION:Excision biopsy of subcutaneous nodule on back :Metastatic carcinomatous deposits in a known case of carcinoma breast.Tumor reaches till the inked resected marginsNo lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion identified.á 876,MR160009872,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - CarcinomaSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.8 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores show tumor arranged in sheets, cords and nests. The cells have moderate to abundant cytoplasm with vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Adjacent stroma shows mild lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 3. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 8 (3+3+2) " 877,MR160009875,"H16-7350SPECIMEN:Right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.1 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores show tumor arranged in cords and trabecular pattern. The cells have moderate cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei. Adjacent stroma show lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 878,MR160009891,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Multiple irregular hypoeloic lesion in right breast - ? CarcinomaSPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measured 1 to 1.1 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores shows a neoplastic lesion arranged in nest and cords having round to oval cells with moderate cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei. There is moderate nuclear pleomorphism .Adjacent stroma is myxoid.IMPRESSION:Right breast, biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade 2, Modified BR score 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá - 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----" 879,MR160009895,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor arranged in cords, trabecular, cribriform and lobular pattern having round to polygonal cells with moderate cytoplasm and having hyperchromatic nuclei. Focal lymphocytic infiltrate seen.IMPRESSION :Left breast, Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 880,MR160009911,"H16-7376SPECIMEN:Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 881,MR160009918,"H16-7375SPECIMEN:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.3 to 0.6cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 882,MR160009931,"H16-7380SPECIMEN:Left breast, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores shows tumor arranged in sheets and cords. The cells have moderate amount of cytoplasm with hyperchromatic nuclei. Adjacent stroma show few areas of calcification.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core biopsy :Invasive carcinoma with lobular features, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1).Suggest IHC for further confirmation." 883,MR160009936,"H16-7378SPECIMEN:Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cods. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 884,MR160009944,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to .2cm.Entire tissue processedIMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______" 885,MR160009983,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinomaSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as islands and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm.á The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast:Gradeá - 7/9Tubule formationááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá - 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9 ááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 886,MR160010015,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : FormalinProcedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : Modified radical Mastectomyáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá áá Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá :áá Left Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medial - lateral á - 17cm áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - Deep -á 4cmá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior - Inferior - 13cmSkin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá :ááá 11x6cmá Nippleáá and areolaáááááááááááááá : unremarkableScar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : Not seenTumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : SingleTumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá : 3x2.5x2cm. áááááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá á á áááá :áá inner quadrant Margins of tumorááá ááá áá á áá á :áá illdefined áááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá ááááááááááá : 1.2cm Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááá : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá áá á á á á : fibrofatty tissue áááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá : 5x3x2cm.Total number of nodesááááááá : 13 lymph nodes Size of largest nodeááááááááááá : 1.5x1x1cm, cut surface shows grey white IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: áInvasive ductal carcinoma, Gradeá II. Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 3x2.5cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the inner quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ low grade - solid typeáLymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 13 lymph nodes, no metastatic deposits of tumor. áSUMMARY:Leftá MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma ,Grade II. ááááááááááááááááá Nodal metastases 13 nodes - no deposits of tumor. Pathological stage : pT2N0." 887,MR160010021,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast post NACTSPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : FormalinProcedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá :á Mastectomy áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá áá Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá :áá Rightá Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medialá - lateralá -- 18cmááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficialá - Deepá -- 6cm á ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior - Inferiorááá -- 15cmSkin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá :á 14x7.5cm áá Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá :Normal, skin retraction seen corresponding to the tumor ááá ááá Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : Not seenTumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : Single Tumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá :á 2.2x1.5x1.2cm ááááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá :á upper outer quadrantá Margins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á : infiltrative ááááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá áááááááááá :á 1.5cmMuscleááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á á áá á : Present, measures 2.5x2cmAdjacent Breastááá ááá áááááááááá : fibrofatty tissue áááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : 5x5x4cmTotal number of nodesááááááá : 10 lymph nodesSize of largest nodeááááááááááá : 1x0.8x0.8cm, cut surface shows fatty infiltrationáIMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: áTumor bed;-Residual viable tumor present measures 2.2x1.5x2cm with invasive ductal carcinomaSurrounding the tumor areas of fibrosis, necrosis, lymphocytic infiltrate and atrophicducts present, Grade II. Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 1 Tumor measures 2.2cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not presentáLymphovascular invasion not presentPerineural invasion not presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableTumor is present below the skin - Epidermisá is free from tumor Lymph nodes:á 10 lymph nodes, no metastatic deposits of tumorSummary :Rightá MRM, Residual viable tumor present - invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade IILymph nodes - 10 nodesá - no deposits of tumor." 888,MR160010044,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma anorectumPresented with breast lump Hypoechoic irregular solid lesion in 12 o'clock position of left breast.Another thick walled cystic lesion in 1-2 o'clock position of left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy of left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue infiltrated by nests,cords,islands of round to oval neoplastic cells demonstrating moderate nuclear pleomorphism, eosinophilic cytoplasm amidst a desmoplastic stroma. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion:Invasive carcinoma suggestive of primary iná breast.Suggest IHC." 889,MR160010045,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast mass ? carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.4cmEntire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores from breast shows neoplastic lesion arranged in cords and nests consisting of round to oval cells with abundant cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei. There is nuclei to moderate nuclear pleomorphism. The intervening stroma is dismoplastic.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinomaGrade 2, Modified BR score 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááááá -3Nuclear pleomorphismáááá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá - 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----" 890,MR160010048,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - ? carcinomaSPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.5 to 0.7 cmEntire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores shows a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets and cords. The cells are round to oval withá moderate amount of cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei. There is moderate amount of nuclear pleomorphism. Adjacent stroma showing area of necrosis.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinomaGrade 2, Modified BR score 6/9Tubule formationáááááááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááá - 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------" 892,MR160010056,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Large left breast lump - ? carcinomaSPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1 cmEntire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue exhibiting a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords and sheets consisting of round to oval cells demonstrating moderate nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm amidst a desmoplastic stroma.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive carcinoma with lobular featuresGrade 2, Modified BR score 7/9Tubule formationáááááááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------Crush artefact seen" 893,MR160010060,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - ? carcinomaSPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measurimg 0.7 to 1 cmEntire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast shows a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords and files. The cells are round to oval with scant to moderate amount of cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei with mild nuclear pleomorphism. Adjacent stroma showing desmoplastic changes.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive carcinoma with lobular featuresGrade 2, Modified BR score 6/9Tubule formationáááááááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááá - 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------" 894,MR160010072,"CLINICAL DETAILS:C/o left ? carcinoma breast (post lumpectomy).SPECIMEN:A) Left sentinel lymph node.B) Left breast, lumpectomy-wide excision.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Left sentinel lymph node:Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3.5x3.4x2cm.Largest lymph node measuring 2x1.5x0.5cm. Cut surface shows grey brown with fatty infiltration. 2 Nodes identified. Entire tissue processed.B) Left breast, lumpectomy-wide excision:Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 8.5x7x3.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 6.5x2.5cm.Attached bone measures 5.5x3.5cm.Skin shows surgical scar measuring 4cm. Cut surface shows cystic mass yield clear firm, located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 2cm.Inferior margin -- 1.5cm.Medial margin -- 2cm.Lateral margin -- 1.5cm.Deep margin (Can't be accessed), Bone.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Left sentinel lymph node:2 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.B) Left breast, lumpectomy-wide excision:Tumor bed shows nodular mass with fibrotic, necrotic areas and inflammatory cells consisting of lymphocytes, foamy histiocytes and foreign body giant and granulation tissue. Foci of degenerated cells are seen with reactive changes and granular and vacuolated cytoplasm. There is no evidence of residual viable tumor cells seen.Resected margins:-Superior margin -- Free of tumor.Inferior margin -- Free of tumor.Medial margin -- Free of tumor.Lateral margin -- Free of tumor.Deep margin -- Shows bone- free of tumor. Section from bone to follow.IMPRESSION:Post lumpectomy-wide excision:Tumor bed shows fibrotic, necrotic and foreign body giant cell. No evidence residual tumor present.Resected margins- Superior, inferior, medial and lateral- Free of tumor.Deep margin - Bone- free of tumor.Sentinel lymph nodes: Two nodes- No deposits of tumor.Note: Section from bone to follow." 895,MR160010076,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast massCarcinoma breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast lesionGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1.2 cmEntire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue infiltrated by nests, sheet and vague tubular configuration of oval to round neoplastic cells with vesicular nuclei, moderate nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm. There is brisk mitotic activity.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lesion:Invasive carcinoma Grade II Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 3 ------ MBR score 7/9 -------" 896,MR160010078,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Solid cystic mass in left breast - ? carcinomaSPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 7 fragmented linear cores measuring 0.2 to 0.4 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fragments of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in papillary and tubular pattern few showing fibrovascular cores. Individual cells are columnar with nuclear stratification, vesicular nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltration.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core Biopsy :Suggestive of Papillary Lesion.Suggest excision of the lump for further confirmation." 897,MR160010083,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:A) Lumpectomy - wide local excisionB) Axillary lymph nodesGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 6.5x8x4.5cm, skin ellipse measures 3.2x2.5cm. Cut surface shows grey white circumscribed lesion measures 2.3x1.8x2.1cm. Located at the following distances from the respective margins:- Superior margin - 2cmInferior margináááá - 2.3cmMedial margináá - 1cmLateral margináá - 1cmDeep margináá - 2cmB)Received fibrofatty tissue measures 10x7x4cm.largest lymph node measures 2.5x1x1cm, cut surface shows fatty infiltrationMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Lumpectomy - wide local excision:Tumor is composed of pleomorphic oval to cuboidal cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. Invasive ductal carcinomaGrade - Tubule formation - " 898,MR160010086,"H16-7668SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast cone excision.GROSS FINDINGS:Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 6x5x3cm shows dilated duct measuring 1cm.Adjacent area shows diffuse grey white, ? Papillary areas measuring 2.5x2x1.5cm.Distance of dilated duct from inked margin - 0.1cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections demonstrate duct proliferation with focal cystic dilatation, papillomatosis and lobular proliferation of cells.There are few solid aggregates of epithelial cells demonstrating vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli However no significant atypia is seen.Intervening stroma show giant cell reaction and areas of hemorrhage.The closest inked margins is 0.6cm from the solid aggregate of cells. ? atypicalIMPRESSION:Usual ductal hyperplasia with papillomatosis and adenosis. Few solid aggregate of ductal cells.The closest inked margins is 0.6cm from the solid aggregate of cells. ? atypicalSuggest IHC to rule out ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)" 899,MR160010122,CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Sentinel lymph node from axillaB) Wide excision of left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 6x3x1cm. Largest lymph node measure 1x1x0.8cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration. Dissected 5 lymph nodes.B) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 5x4x2.8cm. Cut surface shows grey white lesion measures 1.5x1x0.8cm. Located at the following distance from the respective margins:-Superior margináááááááááá - 1.2cmInferior margináááááááááááá - 1.4cmMedial marginááááááááááááá - 0.5cmLateral margináááááááááááá - 3cmDeep marginááááááááááááááá - 0.9cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sentinel lymph node from axilla:5 lymph nodesá - no deposits of tumor.B) Wide excision of left breast lump:Multiple sections from the mass show ducts are compressed with slit like spaces lined with flattened cuboidal epithelial cells with outer myoepithelial cells. The stroma is compact and cellular. There is no atypical hyperplasia or no malignancy. All resected margins shows fibrofatty tissue.IMPRESSION:A) Sentinel lymph node from axilla:5 nodes - no deposits of tumor.B) Wide excision of left breast lump:fibroadenoma.No evidence of malignancy. 900,MR160010174,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - ? CarcinomaSITE:Biopsy from right breast lumpReceived 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.9 to 1.5 cmEntire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:H & E stained section from linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in ductal pattern tubules nests, sheets. Cells have moderate amount of cytoplasm, irregular hyperchromatic nuclei with suspicious form showing invasion. Comedo pattern of ductal carcinoma in situ is also seen. Calcification is also seen. Mitotic figures of 5-6/10 HPF are seen.IMPRESSION:Core biopsy - right breast lump:Extensive Ductal carcinoma in situ with a suspicious focus of invasive carcinoma and comedonecrosis.Suggest repeat biopsy to confirm invasion." 901,MR160010175,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - ? CarcinomaSITE:Biopsy from left breastReceived 3 grey white linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1 cmEntire tissueá processed.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy left breatGrade 1 (4/9) - Modified BR scoreTubule formationááááááá - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 1Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá - 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 4/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------" 902,MR160010185,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lumpSPECIMEN: Biopsy from breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from multiple biopsy bits shows breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests, sheets and acini floating in extensive pools of amphophilic mucin. cells show moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nuclei with minimal pleomorphism, regular nuclear borders. Connective tissue bodies are seen surrounding the tumor cells.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Mucinous carcinoma - Nuclear grade I." 903,MR160010205,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - ? carcinomaSPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from multiple biopsy bits shows breast parechyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords, tubules and papillary pattern. Cells have scant to moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and few cells show prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures of 4-5/10 HPF. Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Core biopsy - right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, Grade 2 (3+3+1), Modified BR score = 7/9Tubule formation -3Nuclear pleomorphism - 3Mitotic figures - 1 ------ 7/9 --------Areas of necrosis seen." 904,MR160010213,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breast - post operative stomachRight breast nodule adjacent to scar - ? recurrenceSPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast nodule.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5 cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumour cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right breast nodule, Core biopsy (Post OP case of carcinoma right breast) :Suggestive of Recurrence of Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 905,MR160010233,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Birads IV lesion in right breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 0.8 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear trucut cores of breast parenchyma showing dilated ducts with ductal carcinoma in situ - solid and cribriform type. Foci of invasion noted with cells arranged as tubules, cords and nests. Cells display moderate pleomorphism, hyperchromatic nuclei and inconspicuous nucleoli. Stroma shows desmoplastic response.IMPRESSION:Invasive Ductal carcinoma, NOS grade IITubular formationáááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorohismáá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá - 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9 ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------Ductal carcinoma in situ - Solid and Cribriform type identified." 906,MR160010237,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Case of lump in right breast - ? Carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 907,MR160010239,CLINICAL HISTORY : Solid cystic mass in left breast - carcinoma breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented linear cores measuring 0.2 to 0.3 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Fragmented linear cores of tissue exhibiting proliferation of cuboidal to columnar cells in vague papillary and cribriform configuration demonstrating moderate atypia. Mitotic figures are discerned. There are foci of necrosis. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion:? Papillary neoplasm? Ductal carcinoma in situ. 910,MR160010265,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Case of lump in left breast - ? carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from Left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear trucut cores infiltrated by sheets, cords, clusters and occasional tubules of pleomorphic cells with round to oval nuclei, dispersed chromatin and inconspicuous nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Foci of necrosis noted.Perineural invasion seen however Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. Stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Left breast:Invasive Ductal carcinoma, NOS grade II Tubular formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 ---------- 7/9 ----------" 911,MR160010266,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Case of lump in left breast - ? carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.3 to 0.6 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple tiny fragmented linear cores of tissue demonstrating papillary like and glandular proliferation of cuboidal cells harboring vesicular nuclei and ,moderate amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm.á Intervening areas show vascularized fibrocollageous stroma and aggregates of foamy macrophages. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion:? Papillary neoplasm" 912,MR160010280,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Case of lump in right breast - ? Carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion arranged predominantly in cribriform pattern, nests and cords. Individual cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and abundant clear to vacuolated cytoplasm. Pools of extracellular mucin noted. Areas of hemorrhage seen along with areas of fibrosis.IMPRESSION:Right breast biopsy, Biopsy:Invasive Carcinoma, Grade 2.Possibilities are ? Cribriform Differentiation. ?? Adenoid cystic carcinoma.Suggest IHC for further confirmation." 913,MR160010282,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast SPECIMEN:A) Right breast lump, wide local excisionB) Left breast lump, breast conservative surgeryC) Lymph node, left axillary lymph node dissectionGROSS FINDINGS:B) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 7x6.5x2.5cm. Cut surface shows a lesion measures 2.5x2.5x2cm.Located at the following distances from the respective margins:-Superior margin - 1.5cmInferior margin - 2cmMedial margin - 2cmLateral margin - 1cmDeep margin - 0.8cmA) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 6x4x1.5cm. Serial sectioning shows tiny illdefined grey white areas each measures 0.5x0.5cm. Closest distance from inked margin is 0.1cmC) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 6x5x3cm. Largest lymph node measures 3.3x2.5x2cm.Cut surface shows cystic, necrotic,grey white appearance.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:B) Section shows breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets and tubules. Individual cells have round to oval pleomorphic vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Solid stroma shows desmoplama, hyalinisation with inflammatory cells consisting of neutrophils and lymphocytes. Solid ductal carcinoma in situ component is identified. Perineural invasion is identified.A) Section shows dilated ducts with a lesion arranged in papillary fronds with fibrovascular core. Individual cells have round to oval bland nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Adjacent breast show ductal hyperplasia and inflammatory cells consisting of lymphocytes.IMPRESSION:B) Left breast lump, breast conservative surgery:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.MBR score is (3+2+1) - 6Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 1Perineural invasion is identifiedLymphovascular invasion is indeterminateResected margins are free of tumorC) Lymph node, left axillary lymph node dissection:3 out of 7 lymph nodes isolated show metastatic deposits measuring ,1.4cm in the greatest dimension.(3/7)A) Right breast lump, wide local excision:Papillary lesion with foci of ? adneosis.Closest ink margin is free of tumor. Background shows ductal hyperplasia amidst the fibrotic stroma. Report on IHC to follow.Case Discussed with colleagues" 914,MR160010284,CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:A) Left axillary sentinel nodes.B) Left breast lump -wide excision GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 2 fibrofatty tissue measures 5x4x2cm. Largest lymph nodes measures 1.4x1x0.8cm. Cut surface shows grey whiteB) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 7x6x2cm. Skin ellipse measures 1x0.8cm. Cut surface shows grey white lesion measures 1.5x1x1cm. Superior margin - 1.6cmInferior margin - 1.5cmMedial margin - 1.4cmLateral margin - 1.8cmDeep margin - 0.3cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Left axillary sentinel nodes:5 lymph nodes - show no deposits of tumorB) Left breast lump -wide excision:Tumor :- composed of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm Grade - Tubule formation - <10% - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 1Mitotic figures - 2 ___________ 6/9 ____________Ductal carcinoma in situ is not presentLymphovascular invasion is not presentPerineural invasion is not presentResected margin - Superior margin - free of tumorInferior margin - free of tumorMedial margin - free of tumorLateral margin - free of tumorIMPRESSION:A) Left axillary sentinel nodes:5 nodes - no deposits of tumorB) Left breast lump -wide excision :Invasive ductal carcinoma Nuclear grade - IIMaximum dimension of tumor is 1.5x1x1cm.Lymphovascular invasion is not presentDuctal carcinoma in situ is not presentAll resected margins are free of tumorPathological stage - pT1N0 915,MR160010285,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in left breast - Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:á Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 0.8 cm.Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged as sheets, islands and in ductular pattern.The neoplastic cells have hyperchromatic to vesicular nuclei, conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Large foci of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, left breast:Grade 2 (7/9)Tubular formationááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá - 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------" 916,MR160010306,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Case of lump in left breast - ? carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast mass lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 tiny grey white tissue fragments altogether measuring 0.4x0.3x0.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show very tiny tissue fragments predominantly comprised of blood clot, fibrin and occasional clusters of epithelial cells.IMPRESSION:Tissue inadequate for opinion.Suggest Repeat biopsy." 918,MR160010315,"H16-7632SPECIMEN:Core biopsy from right breast nodule.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1 to 1.5cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma arranged in solid sheets, nests and tubules. Cells have moderate to abundant amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Mitotic figures are discerned. The intervening stroma shows desmoplasia and sparse mononuclear infiltrates. IMPRESSION:Core biopsy from right breast nodule :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 _______ 7/9 ______" 919,MR160010333,CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast mass - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.3 to 0.8 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from right breast shows mildly pleomorphic cells arranged in clusters and cords. The cells show hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty eosinophilic cytoplasm. Signet ring cell morphology noted. Stroma shows hyalinisation.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma with lobular features Grade I.MBR 3+1+1á = 5/9Tubular formationááááááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááá -1Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááá - 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------- 920,MR160010342,"H16-7626SPECIMEN:Core biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measuring 0.8 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in tubules, cords and nests. Cells have moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic pleomorphic nuclei shows desmoplasia and hyalinization. Mitotic figures are discerned.IMPRESSION:Core biopsy from left breast lump :Suggestive of Invasiveá ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified BR score 6/9Tubular formationááááááááááá :3Nuclear pleomorphismáááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 921,MR160010354,"CLINICAL HISTORY: Mass in right breast - carcinoma breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a cellular lesion arranged in solid sheets, cords and trabecular. Cells have scant to moderate cytoplasm hyperchromatic pleomorphic nuclei. Mitotic figures are discerned.IMPRESSION:Core biopsy - Right breast mass:Invasive carcinoma, probably of ductal origin with nuclear grade II." 924,MR160010435,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast T2 N0.SPECIMEN :a) Sentinel lymph node.B) Wide local excision -left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue altogether measuring 3x3x1.5cm. Cut surface largest lymph node measuring 1.8x1x1cm. Cut surface fatty infiltration.B) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 8x7x4cm. Cut surface shows grey white lesion measuring 1.8x1.7x1.5cm. Skin ellipse 1.8x0.5cm.Distance from margins :Superiorááááááááá : 2cm.Inferioráááááááááá : 1.5cm.Medialááááááááááá :2cm.Lateraláááááááááá : 2cm.Deepáááááááááááá : 0.2cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :A) Section show lymph nodes displaying reactive follicular hyperplasia. No atypical cells seen. Isolated four lymph nodes, negative for malignancy (0/4).B) Multiple section from the breast parenchyma showá a neoplastic infiltrative lesion arranged in cords, tubules and in diffuse sheets. Cells exhibit moderate to marked nuclear pleomorphism, high N/C ratio, vesicular nuclei, inconspicuous to prominent nucleoli. Few with dispersed stripped chromatin and moderate to abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Peritumoral lymphocytic infiltration seen. Areas of necrosis seen. Ductal carcinoma in situá seen with comedonecrosis. Lymphovascular invasion seen.IMPRESSION :A) Sentinel lymph node :Four lymph nodes isolated,á all are showing reactive hyperplasia.and negative for malignancy (0/4).B) Left breast lumpectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma .Modified BR score is 8/9, grade III.Tubule formationáááááááááá á á : áá 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááá :ááá 3Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá á : áá 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________Tumor measures 1.8cm in greatest dimension.Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedo necrosis seen.Lymphovascular invasion identified.Perineural invasion not identified.All margins of resection are free of tumor." 925,MR160010437,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1 c.m.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy right breast:Grade 2 (7/9)Tubular formationááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------" 926,MR160010463,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Mass in left breast/ Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring cellular lesion arranged as nests and sheets. The cells have dark hyperchromatic nucleus, inconspicious nucleolus and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Areas of extracellular mucin pools noted. Areas of necrosis seen. Calcification noted.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma with pools of extra-cellular mucin, grade 2.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 --------------- 6/9 ---------------" 928,MR160010487,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as sheets and islands. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is scant.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive Carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 --------" 929,MR160010497,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:A) Wide local excisionB) Sentinel lymph nodesC) Revised medial marginGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 4.8x4.5x2cm, On serial cut surface shows grey white tumor measures 2x1.8x1.2cm.Located at the following distances from the respective margins:-Superior margin - 0.8cmInferior margin - 1cmMedial margin - 0.3cmLateral margin - 2.5cmOpposite to skin - 0.5cmSkin - 0.1mGrossly skin not identifiedB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2.8x1.8cm, 2 lymph nodes shows dye each measures 0.7x0.6x0.5cm(isolated 6 lymph nodes).C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1x1cm. with one surface inked.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Wide local excision:Tumor bed:- Tumor is composed of pleomorphic to oval cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm.Invasive dcutal carcinoma.Grade - Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 ____________MBR score- 7/9 _____________Ductal carcinoma in situ is not presentLymphovascular invasion is not presentPerineural invasion is not present.Resected margins :-Superior margin - free from tumorInferior margin - free of tumorMedial margin - shows epithelial hyperplasia and atypical hyperplasia - free of tumorLateral margin - free of tumorDeep margin - free of tumor B) Sentinel lymph nodes:6 nodes - no deposits of tumorC) Revised medial margin:free of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Wide local excision:Invasive ductal carcinomaMaximum dimension of the tumor is 2x1.8x1.2cm.Nuclear grade - IIDuctal carcinoma in situ is not presentLymphovascular invasion is not present Perineural invasion is not present.Resected margins :- Superior, inferior,lateral and deep margin - free of tumorB) Sentinel lymph nodes:6 nodes - no deposits of tumorC) Revised medial margin:free of tumor.Pathological stage;-pT1N0." 930,MR160010508,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in right breast - Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)" 931,MR160010509,"H16-7634SPECIMEN:Core biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Stained shows linear cores of breast paraenchyma harboring a cellular lesion arranged in cords, tubules and solid sheets. Cells have moderate amount of eosinopilic cytoplasm, pleomorphism hyperchromatic nuclei. Mitotic figures are discerned.IMPRESSION:Core biopsy from left breast lump :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified BR score 6/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 __________ 6/9 ____________" 932,MR160010520,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Lump in right breast since 1 monthCarcinoma right with ? endometrial hyperplasiaSPECIMEN:A) Endometrial scrappingsB) Right breast and axillary specimenGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple grey brown tissue bits altogether measures 1.5x1x0.3cm. Entire tissue is processedB) Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á : FormalinProcedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : Modified radical Mastectomyáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá áá Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : Rightá Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medial - lateral á -22cm áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á áá Superficial - Deepá -4cm á ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á áá áá Superior - Inferiorááá -19cmSkin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá : 19x13cm á Nippleá and areolaááááááááááááááá : unremarkableScar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : Not seenTumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : Single Tumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá : 6x4.5x2.5cm. áááááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá :á Retroareolar extending to upper outer quadrantMargins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á :á illdefined áááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá áááááá á áá : 2.8cmMuscleááá ááá ááá ááá áá á á á á ááááá : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá ááááá áá á : fibrofatty tissue áááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá áááááá á á ááá : 4x4x2cm.Total number of nodesááááááá : 29 lymph nodes Size of largest nodeááááááááááá : 1.3x1x1cm. cut surface shows grey white appearanceIMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Small foci of invasive ductal carcinoma(1cm) with extensive ductal carcinoma insitu, Grade II. Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation: á á á áá á 2Nuclear pleomorphism:á 2Mitotic figures: á á á á á á áá 2Invasive tumor measures 1cm in greatest dimension Rest is Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ (DCIS)Lymphovascular invasion is indeterminatePerineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 29 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 5(5/29) . Perinodal spread is presentSUMMARY:Rightá MRM,á Small foci of invasive ductal carcinoma(1cm) with extensive ductal carcinoma insitu, Grade IINodal metastases -5 lymph nodesáá show metastatic deposits out of 29 lymph nodes(5/29).Perinodal spread is present." 933,MR160010544,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast lumpectomy.B) Right axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Breast wide excision:Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 7x6x4cm.Skin ellipse measuring 5x2cm,show a linear scar.Cut surface shows a circumscribed grey rown lesion measuring 1.8x1.5x2.5cm with cystic spaces-No solid tumor seen.located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin--1.5cm.Inferior margin--1.5cm.Medial margin--1cm.Lateral margin--2.5cm.Deep margin--1.2cm.B) Right Axillary clearance:Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 7x6x2.5cm.Largest lymph node measuring 3x2.5x0.8cm.cut surface : fatty infiltration.Isolated : 17 nodes.MICRSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Lumpectomy bed:The section shows dense granular eosinophilic tissue surrounded with inflammation cells,lymphocytes,histiocytes, foreign body granulation tissue.There is no evidence of residual tumor present.All resected margins are free of tumor.Superior margin--Free of tumor.Inferior margin--Free of tumor.Medial margin--Free of tumor.Lateral margin--Free of tumor.Deep margin--Free of tumor.B) Right axillary lymph nodes:17 nodes-No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:Breast conservative surgery:Wide excision-Post lumpectomy.No residual tumor present.All resected margins are free of tumor.Lymph nodes:17 nodes- No deposits of tumor." 934,MR160010558,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast lumpectomy- Wide local excision.B) Left axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 5x3.8x0.8cm.Skin ellipse measures 4x1.5cm, cut surface shows a greywhite area measuring 1x1x0.8cm, located at the following distance from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 0.8cm.Inferior margin -- 2cm.Medial margin -- 1cm.Lateral margin -- 1cm.Deep margin -- 0.5cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 6.5x3.5x1.5cm.Largest lymph node measuring 3x2.5x1cm. Cut surface shows greywhite tumor deposit.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Left breast lumpectomy- Wide local excision:Tumor : Residual viable tumor present measuring 1x1x0.8cm with Mucinous carcinoma.Tubular formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 --------------- 6/9 ----------------Nuclear grade II.DCIS : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Present.Perineural invasion : Present.Resected margins:-Superior margin -- Free of tumor.Inferior margin -- Free of tumor.Medial margin -- Free of tumor.Lateral margin -- Free of tumor.Deep margin -- Free of tumor.B) Left axillary lymph nodes:17 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 17 nodes.Largest node measuring 3x2.5x1cm.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast lumpectomy- Wide local excision:Mucinous carcinoma.Nuclear grade II.DCIS : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Present.Perineural invasion : Present.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Left axillary lymph nodes:17 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 17 nodes (17/17)." 935,MR160010564,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in right breast - Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1 c.mEntire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy right breast:Grade 2 (7/2)Tubular formationááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------" 936,MR160010581,"CLINICAL HISTORY: Case of lump in right breast - ? carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast lesionGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 0.8cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a cellular lesion arranged in solid sheets, cords and trabecular. Cells have scant cytoplasm, hyperchromatic pleomorphic nuclei. Mitotic figures are discerned. Intervening stroma shows desmoplasia and spane mononuclear infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Core biopsy - Right breast mass:Invasive ductal carcinoma, nuclear grade 2." 937,MR160010583,CLINICAL HISTORY: Complex cyst in left breast - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received six grey white linear cores measuring 0.5 to 0.7 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Fragmented linear cores of tissue exhibiting closely packed acini and ducts. Lined by cuboidal cells. Foci of cells demonstrate vascular nuclei and mild atypia. Apocrine change is noted. There is a rich intervening vascular network.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion:Feature are suggestive of Proliferative breast lesion showing florid adenosis with focus of atypical ductal hyperplasia.No definite evidence of malignancy is seen.Suggest excision of the lesion for further confirmation. 938,MR160010587,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Previous operated carcinoma right breast - 11yrs back.Now locally recurrent skin nodules + chest wallSPECIMEN:Biopsy from skin nodule - right chest wallGROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 skin covered soft tissue bits larger measuring 1.5x1.3x0.9 cm.Smaller measuring 0.8x0.7x0.5 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows skin with underlying dermis harboring a neoplasm arranged as clusters and cords. The neoplastic cells have uniform round nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Probable lymphovascular emboli seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, biopsy skin nodule - right chest wall." 939,MR160010632,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:A) Left modified radical mastectomyB) Lymphatic tissue along internal mammary vesselsGROSS FINDINGS:A) Procedure : Diagnostic open biopsy Wide local excision Mastectomy Re excision Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -21cm Superficial - Deep -3.5cm Superior - Inferior - 16cmSkin ellipse : 12x8cm Nipple : mild excorationScar/ Surgical defect : grey white firm area noted in the upper inner quadrant measures 1.8x1.5x1.2cmTumor : SingleTumour Size : 1.8x1.5x1.2cm Location of tumor : upper inner quadrantMargins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 2cm Muscle : Present measures 2x1cm Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 7x5x1cmLargest lymph node measures 1.5x1x0.5cm, cut surface shows fatty infiltrationB) Received single soft tissue bits measures 0.4x0.3x0.1cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS;Section reveals breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests and glandular configuration demonstrating nuclear pleomorphism and pale eosinophilic cytoplasm amidst desmoplastic stroma. Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not identifiedIMPRESSION:Left modified radical mastectomy : Residual invasive carcinoma status post NACTTubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 1 _________ 5/9 __________Grade -IITumor site : Upper inner quadrantTumor size : measures 1.8cm in the greatest dimensionLymphovascular and perineural invasion : Not identifiedDeep margin : free of tumorNipple and areola : paget's disease - A part epithelium is replaced by pleomorphic cells with intactbasement membrane4 lymph nodes isolated are negative for malignancy(0/4)B) Lymphatic tissue along internal mammary vessels1 lymph node is negative for malignancy(0/1)" 940,MR160010639,"CLINICAL HISTORY: Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from Right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and diffuse sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 941,MR160010641,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Lump left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Sentinel lymph node biopsy.B) Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Sentinel lymph node biopsy.Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 2.5x2x1cm,Grossly no lymph node structure identified.B) Left modified radical mastectomy.Received in : Formalin.Time of receipt at lab : Time to formalin :Procedure : MR Mastectomy.Laterality : Left. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral--19cm. Superficial to Deep--5cm. Superior to Inferior--17cm. Skin ellipse : 12x6.5cm. Nipple : Retracted.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumour Size : 3x2.5x1.8cm. Location of tumor : Central. Margins of tumor : ill defined. Deep margin : 2cm. Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 6x5x3cm.Total number of nodes : 15 nodes.Size of largest node : 2x2x1cm,cut surface : fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:A) Sentinel lymph nodes:Shows fibrofatty and fibrocollagenous tissue.No lymph node structure seen.B) Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade II.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation: 2.Nuclear pleomorphism: 2.Mitotic figures: 2.Tumor measures 3x2.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ present-solid type-low grade.Lymphovascular invasion not present.Perineural invasion not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 15 nodes,no metastatic deposits of tumor.Summary: Left MRM, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade II.Nodal metastases 15nodes-No deposits of tumor.Pathological stage : pT2N0." 942,MR160010644,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN:Right breast Right modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure : Complete Mastectomy Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial - lateral - 18cm Superficial - Deep - 3cm Superior - Inferior - 12cmSkin ellipse : 12x4cm. Nipple : Absent Scar/ Surgical defect : 10cmLumpectomy bed measures 5x2x2cm.Tumour Size : lumpectomy cavity - no solid tumor present Margins of tumor : fibrofatty Deep margin : 0.6cm Muscle : Present measures 2x2x2cm Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : 5x3x2cmSize of largest node : 1.3x1x1cm.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- No residual tumor present. Surrounding lumpectomy bed shows fibrosis, necrosis, foamy histiocytes and lymphocytic infiltration.Posterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 10 lymph nodes, no metastatic deposits of tumor. Summary : Right post lumpectomy MRM, No residual tumor present Lymph nodes - 10 nodes - no metastatic deposits of tumor" 943,MR160010659,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Mass in left breast - ? carcinoma breast? PhyllodesSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue with few hyperplastic ductules lined by cuboidal epithelial cells. Stroma is fibrocollagenous. No atypia is seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Core Biopsy:Feature suggestive of proliferative breast disease ? Fibroadenoma.Suggest excision of the lump for further confirmation" 944,MR160010660,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : FormalinProcedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá :á Mastectomy post NACT Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá :á Leftá Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medial - lateral áá - 15cm ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - Deep - 5.5cm áá ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior - Inferiorá - 19cmSkin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá :á 13.5x8.5cm áá Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá :Normal áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áá Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : Not seenTumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá :á illdefined ,grey white area, fibrotic area - no solid area or tumor is present measures áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6.5x2x4.5cmááááááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá :áá central quadrant Margins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á :áá illdefined, grey white area áááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá áááááááááá : 1.5cm Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááá : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá ááááááááá : fibrofatty tissue áááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááá : 5x4.5x2cmSize of largest nodeááááááááááá : 1.2x1x0.5cm, cut surface shows grey whiteIMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: áNo residual viable tumor present.Dense areas of fibrosis with atrophic ducts and focal collection of lymphocytes are seen.Posterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes:á 6 lymph nodes, show fibrotic areas, calcified areasNo viable tumor deposits seen out of 9 nodes.Summary : Left MRM post NACT, No viable residual viable tumor present.Nodal metastases 6 nodes show fibrotic and calcified areas No viable tumor deposits seen" 946,MR160010680,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Lump right breast.SPECIMEN :A) Right breast.B) Sentinel lymph node.C) Revised deep margin.D) Revised superior margin.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 11x9x4cm. Cut surface showsá grey white area measuring 2.5x2.5x2.2cm. Another grey white area measuring 1.2x1x1cm. Distance from deep - 1.5cm.Distance from margins :Superioráááááááááá : 25cm.Inferioráááááááááááá : 3cm.Medialááááááááááá : 6cm.Lateralááááááááááá : 1cm.Deepááááááááááááá ; 0.1cm.B) Received lfibrofatty tissue measuring 4.8x4.5x1.5cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1.5xx0.8cm. Cut surface fatty infiltrates. Entire tissue processed.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 5x4x1.5cm with one surface inked. P/E.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 4xx0.8cm with one surface inked. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :A) Section from tumor shows breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as tubules,cords and clusters. The neoplastic cells have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is fibrous. Lymphovascular emboli not seen. Superior, inferior, medial, lateral and deep margins are free of tumor.Overlying skinááá : Free of tumor.B) 3 lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor.C) Section shows fibrofatty and fibromuscular tissue which is free of tumor.D) Section shows fibrofatty tissue with no significant pathology.4 lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor.IMPRESSION :A) Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, right breast.Modified BR score isá 7/9.Tubular formationáááá ; 3.Nuclear pleomorphism : 2.Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá ; 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________Tumor sizeáááááááááá : 2.5x2.5x2.2cm.Perineural invasion seen.No lymphovascular emboli seen. All resected margins are free of tumor.Overlying skin : Free of tumor.B) 3 sentinel lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor.C) Revised deep margin : Free of tumor.D) Revised superior margin free of tumor 4 lymph nodes isolated are free of tumorá " 947,MR160010698,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:A) Left breast lumpectomyB)Left axillary clearanceGROSS FINDINGS:A) Left breast lumpectomy:Received lumpectomy specimen - wide excision measures 6.5x4.5x3cm, skin ellipse measures 5x2cm.On serialsectioning a grey white area measures 1.5x1.5x1cm. Located at the following distances from the respective margins;Superior margin - 1.5cmInferior margin - 1cmMedial margin - 0.5cmLateral margin - 3cmDeep margin - 1cm B)Left axillary clearance:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 8x5x3cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS;A) Left breast lumpectomy -Wide excisionTumor bed:- Focus of residual viable present measures 1x0.8cm with features of mucinous carcinoma surrounding tumor mucin is present, areas of fibrosisGrade - Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 1Mitotic figures - 1 ________ 4/9 _________Nuclear grade - IDuctal carcinoma in situ not presentLymphovascular invasion is indeterminatePerineural invasion not presentResected margin :-Superior margin - free of tumorInferior margin - free of tumorLateral margin - free of tumorMedial margin - free of tumorDeep margin - free of tumorB)Left axillary clearance:3 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 15nodesPerinodal spread presentIMPRESSION:A) Left breast lumpectomy:Focus of residual viable tumor present measures 1x0.8cmMucinous carcinoma with mucinous areas and fibrosisNuclear grade -IDuctal carcinoma in situ not presentAll resected margins are free of tumorB)Left axillary clearance:3 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 15 nodesPerineural invasion is present" 948,MR160010708,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:A) Lumpectomy - wide local excisionB) Further lumpectomy specimen - wide excisionC) Revised lateral marginD) Revised superior marginE) Left axillary lymph nodesGROSS FINDINGS:A) Lumpectomy - wide local excisionReceived lumpectomy specimen measures 6.5x6x1.5cm, skin ellipse measures 3x0.5cm, cut surface - no solid lesion noted.Located at the following distances from the respective margins:-Superior margin - 1.2cmInferior margin - 2.2cmMedial margin - 2cmLateral margin - 1.8cmDeep margin - 0.5cmB) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 4.5x5x2cm.On cut opening , a grey white lesion noted measures 1.5x0.8x0.6cm. Located at the following distances from the respective margins :-Superior margin - 0.5cmLateral margin - 2cmMedial margin - 2.5cmLateral margin - 2cmDeep margin - 1cmC) Revised lateral margin:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3.2x2x0.8cm, one surface inked blue.D) Revised superior margin:Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 3.5x2x1cm with one surface inked.E) Left axillary lymph nodes:Received multiple fibrofatty tissue measures 9x6x2.5cm, largest lymph nodes measures 1x1x0.5cm, cut surface shows grey brown.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Lumpectomy - wide local excision:No residual viable tumor present dense hyalinisation sparse mononuclear cellular infiltration seen.Resected margins and skin- unremarkable - free of tumor.B) Further lumpectomy specimen - wide excision:Small focus of tumor present measuring 1.5x0.6x0.8cm with invasive ductal carcinomaNuclear grade - Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 _________Nuclear grade 7/9 __________Ductal carcinoma in situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Resected margins - Superior margin - free of tumorInferior margin - free of tumorMedial margin - free of tumorLateral margin - shows epithelial hyperplasia- free of tumor.Deep margin - free of tumorC) Revised lateral margin:Free of tumorD) Revised superior margin:free of tumorE) Left axillary lymph nodes :16 nodes - no deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Lumpectomy - wide local excision:No residual tumor present.All resected margins/skin unremarkable.B) Further lumpectomy specimen - wide excision:Viable residual tumor presentInvasive ductal carcinomaMaximum dimension of tumor is 1.5x0.8cmNuclear grade - IIDuctal carcinoma in situ is not presentLymphovascular invasion is not presentResected margins - superior, inferior ,lateral, medial and deep margins - free of tumorC) Revised lateral margin:free of tumorD) Revised superior margin:free of tumorE) Left axillary lymph nodes:16 nodes - no deposits of tumor." 950,MR160010755,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma RT breast post incision biopsySPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified radical mastectomy Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -19cm Superficial - Deep -5cm Superior - Inferior -17cm. Skin ellipse : 12.5x8cm. Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : A semilunar scar measures 4.5cm is seen above the nipple and areola complex located 0.8cm away.Tumor : grossly no tumor identifiedTumour Size : An illdefined grey white area measure 1.5x1x1cm is located in the upper central quadrant corresponding to the scar above. Deep margin : 1.4cmMuscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : 8x5x2.5cmTotal number of nodes : 25 lymph nodes Size of largest node : 2.5x1.5x1cm, cut surface shows grey whiteIMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- shows fibrotic areas with inflammatory cells consisting of lymphocytes, histiocytes and plasma cells, plenty of giant cells and granulation tissue. No residual viable tumor present. Posterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 8 lymph nodes, show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 25nodes. SUMMARY:Right MRM post incisional, No residual tumor seen, fibrotic and granulation tissue present, Nodal metastases 8 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 25nodes." 951,MR160010757,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Case of lump in right breastUSG - Suggestive of carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy form right breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.4 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests and cords comprising of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic angulated nuclei and scanty to moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows extensive fibrosis and hyalinisation.IMPRESSION:Right breast Mass, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score 6(3+2+1)." 952,MR160010798,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in left breast - Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1 cm.Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords and sheets. Individual cells have pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicous nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show hyalinisation with scattered inflammatory cells.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, core biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II.Modified BR score (3+2+1) 6Tubular formationááááááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááá - 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------" 953,MR160010801,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in right breast - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy form right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion arranged in nests and cords comprising of pleomorphic cells with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and scanty cytoplasm. Stroma shows fibrosis and areas of hemorrhage.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified BR score 2+2+2 - 6/9Tubule formationáááááááááááá -2Nuclear pleomorphismáááá - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá - 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------" 954,MR160010811,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Mass in left breast - carcinoma breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 956,MR160010849,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 1 grey white linear cores measuring 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááá : 2.Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______________" 957,MR160010864,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2.Tubular formationááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________" 958,MR160010870,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left Breast - post NACT. SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Lateralityááááááááááááááááááááááááá :á leftáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Medial to lateral--24 cmáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá :Superficial to Deep--4cmáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá :Superior to inferior--19 cmSkin ellipseáááááááááááááááááááááá :14.5x9.5cmNippleáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá :NormalScar/surgical defectááááááááá :Not seen.Tumoráááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá :multipleTumor sizeááááááááááááááááááááááá :Tumorá (1)á measuring 2.5x1.cm.tumor (2) measuring 1.8x1.5x1.5cm.Tumor (3) measuringáá 1x1x0.5cmLocation of tumoráááááááááááá : tumor (1) -Lower outer quadrant, tumor (2 )- Upper inner quadrant, Tumor (3)Upper inner quadrnatMargins of tumorááááááááááááá :ill definedDeep marginá from áááááááááá :Tumor 1 -2cm,tumor 2 - 2cm,tumor 3- 1cmMuscleáááááááááááááááááááááááááááá :PresentAdjacent breastáááááááááááááá :FibrofattyAxillary tail á á á á á á á á á á á :Present measuring 6x5x2cm.Size of largest node á á áá :2x1x0.4cm, cut surface - grey white to grey brown.Distance between tumor One and tumor 2 is 4.5cm. Distance between tumor One and tumor 2 is 1cm , between tumor One and tumor 2 is 3cmá MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from tumor show breastá parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged as tubules, cords and in cribriformá pattern. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoliá and moderate cytoplasm.á Lymphovascular emboli seen. The intervening stromaá is desmoplastic. Foci ofá highá grade solid comedonecrosis and cribriform ductal carcinoma in situ seen.Deep marginááááá -á free of tumorNippleááááááááááááááá -á free of tumor3 out of 17 lymph nodes isolated show metastatic deposits of tumor.Perinodal spread is seen.Greatest tumor dimension 1cmIMPRESSION:Left breast left modified radical mastectomyMulticentric invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2Modified Radical bloom richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá - 2Tumor in lower outer quadrant measures 2.5x2x1cmTumor in outer inner quadrant measures 1.8x1.5x1.5cmTumor in upper inner quadrant measures 1x1x0.5cmDuctal carcinoma in situ comedonecrosis and cribriform patternLymphovascular invasion seenPerineural invasion is not seenPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is free of tumorLymph nodesá 17 lymph nodes, metastasis : 3(3/17).Greatest tumor dimension 1cmPerinodal spread is seen" 959,MR160010884,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received ináá ááá ááá ááá áá á á : Formalin.Time of receipt at labáá áááá : áTime to formalináá ááá ááá áááá :Procedureáá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á: MR Mastectomy.Lateralityáá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá á á : Right áTotal dimensionsáá ááá ááá ááá :á Medialá to lateral--18cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep--6cm.áá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior--19cm. Skin ellipseáá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á: 13x8cm.ááá áNippleáá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á :á NormalScar/ Surgical defectáá áááá : Not seen.Tumoráá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá á áá : Single.Tumour Sizeáá ááá ááá ááá ááá á : 3x2x2.5cm.ááááááááá Location of tumoráá ááá ááá á : Upper inner quadrant.Margins of tumoráá ááá ááá áá :á Infiltrative.ááááááááá áDeep margináá ááá ááá ááá áááá : 2.5cm.Muscleáá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá áá : Absent Adjacent Breastáá ááá ááá ááá : Fibrofatty.ááááááá áAxillary tailáá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á: 7.5x6.5x3cm.Size of largest nodeáá ááá á : 2.5x1.5x1cm,cut surface : Greywhite,Necrotic.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3.Nuclear pleomorphism: 2.Mitotic figures: 2.Tumor measures 3x2.5x2 cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the upper inner quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ present-with comedonecrosis(High grade).Lymphovascular invasion present.Perineural invasioná present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola isá unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 2 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 14 nodes.Perinodal spread present.Pathological stage :á pT2N1.Summary: Right MRM, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade II.Nodal metastases 2 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 14 nodes.Perinodal spread present." 960,MR160010911,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN:A) Sentinel lymph node biopsy from right axillaB) Right modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 5.5x3x1.5cm. 2 sentinel lymph nodes identifiedLarger lymph node measures 1.3x1x0.8cm, cut surface shows grey whiteOther lymph node measures 1.1x0.8x0.7cm, cut surface shows grey whiteB) Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : FormalinProcedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : Modified radical Mastectomyáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá ááá Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá :ááá RightTotal dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medial - lateraláá -19cmáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - Deep -4cm áá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áá ááá Superior - Inferior -14cm Skin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá :ááá 13.5x8cm.á Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá : Normal áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá áá Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : Not seenTumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : Single Tumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá :áá 3.5x2x2.5cm. áááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá :ááá upper inner quadrantMargins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á :ááá infiltrative ááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá áááááááááá : 1cm Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááá : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá áá á á áá : fibrofattyáá áááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááá : 6x5x3cm.Total number of nodesááááááá : 13 lymphá nodesSize of largest nodeááááááááááá : 1x0.8x0.5cm, cut surface shows grey white Lymph nodes:- sentinel node - 4 nodes isolatedIMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II. Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 3.5x2.5x2cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the upper inner quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present. áLymphovascular invasion is presentPerineural invasion is presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: sentinel nodes - 1 node show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 4nodesModified radical mastectomy - axillary node - 13nodes - no deposits of tumorPerinodal spread is not presentáPathological stage : pT2N1.SUMMARY:Rightá MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma ,Gradeá II.áNodal metastases -sentinel nodes - 1 node show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 4nodesModified radical mastectomy - axillary node - 13nodes - no deposits of tumorTotal lymph nodes - One node shows metastatic deposit of tumor out of 17 nodes." 961,MR160010913,"CLINICAL HISTORY: Case of lump in right breast - ? Carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.4 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 962,MR160010918,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast multiple nodular in both lungs -? metastasisSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right lung.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show lung parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and sheets. The cells are round to ovoid having moderate amount of pale eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm, hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus with prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with lymphomononuclear infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis are seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right lung:Metastatic deposits in a known case of carcinoma breast." 963,MR160010937,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of lump in left breastá ? carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue is processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breastGrade 2 -MBR score is 6/9 Tubule formationááááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá - 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________" 964,MR160010947,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Case of lump in right breast - ? Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores altogether measuring 0.5 to 1 cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy right breast.Grade 2 (6/9).Tubular formationááááááááá - 2Nuclear pleomorphismáá - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------" 965,MR160010957,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Lumpectomy 1 year back in left breast, Now left breast lump - Periareolar 7'0 clock position - ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast lesionGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple tiny grey whiten tiny grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.3 to 0.5 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Fragmented linear cores of tissue demonstrating papillary proliferation of cuboidal to oval cells harboring vesicular nuclei exhibiting moderate atypia and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. There are foci of necrosis, hemorrhage and mixed inflammatory infiltrate. No definite evidence of invasive malignancy is seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion:Suggestive of Ductal carcinoma in situ of papillary pattern with intermediate nuclear grade.Suggest excision of the lump for further confirmation of the invasive component." 966,MR160010960,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Case of lump left breast - ? Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section linear cores of tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets and cord infiltrating stroma. Individual cells have round to oval pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show hyalinisation.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, core biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, Nuclear grade II." 967,MR160010965,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Case of lump in left breast - Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1 cm.Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma displaying glandular proliferation, few dilated glands, lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate and large areas of calcification. Foci of cells show nuclear atypia infiltrating the stroma.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, core biopsy:Suggestive of Invasive carcinoma with background adenosis.Suggest IHC for confirmation" 969,MR160010975,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.7 to cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with an infiltrative lesion arranged in vague glandular and papillary pattern. Cells exhibit round to oval vesicular nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump:Invasive carcinomaMBR score 7 (3+2+2)" 970,MR160010994,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of carcinoma breastBilateral ovarian masses.SPECIMEN:A) Peritonealá biopsyB) Peritoneal deposit on uterovesical fold and surface of uterusC) Ascites for cytologyGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple grey white soft tissue bits measures 1.5x1x0.5cm. Surface show necrosis. Entire tissue is processed.B) Received multiple grey white soft tissue bits altogether measures 1x0.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A)&B) Section demonstrates papillary proliferation of cuboidal to low columnar cells exhibiting areas of stratification and moderate atypia amidst necroinflammatory infiltrate. Atypical mitotic figures and brisk mitotic activity are discerned. There is a rich vascular channels.IMPRESSION:A) Peritonealá biopsy & B) Peritoneal deposit on uterovesical fold and surface of uterus :Deposits of papillary serous carcinoma suggestive of high grade tumorTesting for hereditary cancer panel (BRCA,BRCA2) is suggested" 971,MR160010995,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast post NACTSPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastecomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial - lateral - 15cm Superficial - Deep - 5.5cm Superior - Inferior - 15cmSkin ellipse : 12x7.5cm. Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : Single Tumour Size : 3x2.2x2.0cm. with necrotic and fibrotic areas - solid tumor measures 2x1.5cm. Location of tumor : upper quadrant Margins of tumor : illdefined Deep margin : 1.2cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 7.5x5x3cmTotal number of nodes : 16 nodes Size of largest node : 2x1.4x1cm, cut surface shows fatty infiltrationIMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- Residual viable tumor present measuring 2x1.5cmCells show pleomorphism with occasional giant cells. Areas of necrosis and fibrosis is present surrounding the tumor.Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade III. Modified BR score is 8/9Tubule formation: 3 (12/10hpf)Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 3Tumor measures 2 cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ present measures 0.5cmLymphovascular invasion not presentPerineural invasion not presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 16 lymph nodes, no metastatic deposits of tumor. Summary : Right MRM, Residual viable tumor,Grade IIILymph nodes - 16 nodes - no deposits of tumor" 972,MR160010998,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump/ ? Carcinoma/ FNAC - Invasive lobular carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 greywhite linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 973,MR160011006,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in right breast - Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed,MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in tubules and cord with cells having round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show hyalinisation. Adjacent parenchyma show adenosis,IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, core biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II.Modified BR score (3+2+1) - 6Tubular formationááááááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááá - 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6ááááá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 974,MR160011007,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of lump in left breast - ? carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in tubules, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Left Breast , Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade 1. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1)." 975,MR160011036,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast - post treatmentSPECIMEN:Biopsy from Lung nodule.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.8 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS: section shows linear cores of lung parenchyma with a lesion arranged in glandular pattern and nests. Glands show inspissated eosinophilic secretions . The cells have moderately pleomorphic round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Few nests of cells have abundant amount of vacuolated cytoplasm. Interspersed inflammatory infiltrate seen.IMPRESSION:Lung nodule, biopsy.Adenocarcinoma.? Secondary? PrimarySuggest IHC" 976,MR160011043,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -17.5cm Superficial - Deep -6cm Superior - Inferior - 1.5cmSkin ellipse : 14x10cm. Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : SingleTumour Size : 2.5x2x2.2cm. Location of tumor : central upper quadrant Margins of tumor : infiltrative Deep margin : 2cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : 6x4x2.5cmTotal number of nodes : 18 lymph nodes Size of largest node : 2x1.5x0.5cm, cut surface shows grey whiteIMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive ductal carcinoma with papillary features, Grade II. Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation: 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 2.5cm in greatest dimension. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not seenLymphovascular invasion is identifiedPerineural invasion is not identifiedPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 20 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 3 (3/20) . SUMMARY:Right MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade II.Nodal metastases 3 out of 20 lymph nodes show tumor deposit(3/20).Largest measures 1cm in greatest dimensionPerinodal spread is seen" 977,MR160011050,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast mass - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy form breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.3 cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy breast Grade 2(7/9)Tubule formationáááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismá - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá - 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------" 978,MR160011066,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Mass in right breast/ Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear core measuring 0.3 to 1.2cm Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as cords and clusters. The neoplastic cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is elastotic. Crush artefact noted.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma with lobular features, biopsy from right breast." 979,MR160011068,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.7 to 1 cm. Entire tissue is processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Mass, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 1. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1)." 980,MR160011093,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Lump left breastSPECIMEN:A) Lumpectomy left breast.B) Sentinel lymph nodesC) Left mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 8x4.5x2.4cm, with one surface inked.Cut section shows tumor is measuring 2x2x1.5cm, with DCISB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5x1.5x0.6cm, isolated 5 lymphnodes4 lymph nodes inkedC) Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -17cm Superficial - Deep - 5cm Superior - Inferior -17cmSkin ellipse : 11x8cm Nipple : Normal Tumor : No residual tumorSurgical defect : 6cm seen in upper outer quadrant(1 o' position) located 2cm above and lateral to nipple and areola Location of tumor : lumpectomy cavity upper and outer quadrant - no solid area seen.Margins of tumor : fibrofatty Deep margin : 5cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : absentMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Lumpectomy:Multiple sections from the tumor shows focal areas of invasive ductal carcinoma. Extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ - solid type- low gradeMaximum dimension of tumor is 2x2cm.Invasive ductal carcinomaMaximum dimension of invasive ductal carcinoma is 0.8cmMaximum dimension of ductal carcinoma in situ is 1.2cm.Lymphovascular invasion is not presentPerineural invasion is present.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Tubule formation : 2Mitotic figures : 1Nuclear pleomorphism : 1 _________ MBR score 4/9 _________Grade - II.Tumor is extending upto the marginB) Sentinel lymph nodes : 5 nodes - no deposits of tumorIMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Lumpectomy bed:- shows fibrofatty tissue and focal hemorrhagic areas. No evidence of residual tumor.Posterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkable" 981,MR160011096,H16-7936SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right axillary lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue exhibiting cellular sheets of large round to oval neoplastic cells harboring vesicular nuclei and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. The lesional cells demonstrate moderate nuclear pleomorphism and notable mitotic activity. Lymphocytic aggregates are seen at the periphery.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right axillary lymph node:Metastatic carcinoma ? from breastPlease correlate with clinical and radiologic findings Suggest IHC 982,MR160011116,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Mass in right breast/ Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite linear core measuring 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 983,MR160011122,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Ill defined mass in left breast / ? Post OP / ? Neoplastic.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score : 6/9, grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááá :áá 2Nuclear pleomorphism :ááá 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá :ááá 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------------Foci of solid Ductal carcinoma in situ (High grade) noted. Crush artifact seen." 984,MR160011180,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump ( 6'o clock) - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.3 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma with a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords and sheets. Individual cells have pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stromal show hyalinisation and desmoplasia. Adjacent breast show ductal hyperplasia, crush artifacts noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast, biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, nuclear grade 2." 988,MR160011272,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:A) Left breast , Left breast conservative surgeryB) Revised lateral margin.C) Revised base. D) Left axillary dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 5 x 3.5 x 2.5 cm. Skin ellipse measures 3.5 x 0.7 cm, cut surface shows a grey white lesion measures 1.7 x 1 x 1 cm. Located at the following distances from the respective margins:-Superior margin - 1.5 cmInferior margin - 1.7 cmMedial margin - 2 cmLateral margin - 1 cmDeep margin - 0.2 cmRepresentative sections are submitted.B) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 4.5x2x1cm with one surface inked.C) Received single fibrofatty tissue with one surface inked measures 2x1x0.5cmD) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 5.5x5x2.5cm. Largest lymph node measures 2x1x1cm. cut surface shows fatty infiltrationMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from tumor shows cells in nests, cords and diffuse sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular invasion or perineural invasion is not seen.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast lump, Left Breast Conservative Surgery :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2. - Tumor measures 1.7 cm in greatest dimension - Lymphovascular invasion is not seen - Perineural invasion is not seen. - Ductal carcinoma in situ of solid and cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen. - All margins of resection are free of tumorB) Revised lateral margin :Negative for malignancyC) Revised base :Negative for malignancyD) Left axillary dissection :Nine lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy(0/9).Pathological stage : pT1cN0" 989,MR160011294,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received three grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 - 1 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:H & E stained section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets, nests and tubules. Cells have moderate amount of cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia and necrosis.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 990,MR160011307,"CLINICAL HISTORY: Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 - 1.4 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged as tubules and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomophism, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy left breast.Grade 2(6/9).Tubular formationááááááááá - 2Nuclear pleomorphismáá - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------" 991,MR160011316,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:A) Left breast, Left Breast Conservative Surgery(Post chemotherapy)B) Revised deep marginC) Left axillary lymph node dissectionGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 7 x 6 x 5 cm, skin ellipse measures 4.5 x 1.2 cm, scarpresent measures 4.5 cm. On serially slicing the specimen, shows a grey white lesion measures 3.2 x 2.5 x 1 cm. Located at the following distances from the respective margins:Superior margin - 1.5cmInferior margin - 1.5cmMedial margin - 1cmLateral margin - 2cmDeep margin - 0.3cmRepresentative sections are submitted.B) Received fibromuscular tissue measures 6 x 1 x 0.5 cm. Entire tissue is processedC) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 8 x 6 x 2.5 cm, largest lymph node measures 2 x 1 x 0.5 cm, cut surface shows fatty infiltrationMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows residual tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular invasion or perineural invasion is not identified. Areas of necrosisare seen. Treatment related changes are seen.IMPRESSION :A) Left breast, Left Breast Conservative Surgery(Post chemotherapy) :RESIDUAL INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA , GRADE 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). - Tumor measures 3.2 cm in the greatest dimension - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified - Perineural invasion is not identified - Ductal carcinoma in situ component is not seen - All margins of resection with overlying skin are free of tumorB) Revised deep margin :Negative for malignancyC) Left axillary lymph node dissection :Eighteen lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy(0/18)Pathological stage : ypT2N0 " 992,MR160011321,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in right breast - carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measuring 0.6 - 1cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy right breastGrade 2 (6/9).Tubular formationáááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá - 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------Lymphovascular emboli seen." 993,MR160011322,"CLINICAL HISTORY: Left breast lump - ? carcinomaSITE: Biopsy from left breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 - 1.5 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets and cords. Individual cells have pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show fibrosis with stromal cells. Areas of necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast, biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma. Grade II.Modified score (3+2+1) 6Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 1 ---------- 6 ----------" 994,MR160011369,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast lump/ ? Carcinoma / ?? Phyllodes tumor.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received tiny multiple grey white linear cores measuring 0.3 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show tiny fragments of breast parenchyma with areas of solid DCIS, necrosis, foci of calcification and collections of mononuclear inflammatory cells.IMPRESSION:DCIS (high grade)with foci of necrosis and calcification, biopsy from right breast lump." 995,MR160011389,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN :Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 21cm. Superficial to Deep : 4cm. Superior to Inferior : 16cm.Skin ellipse : 14 x 7 cm. Nipple :Normal Scar / skin shows a depressed area 2.5 cm, medial to nipple (corresponding to tumor).Tumor : Single.Tumour Size : 2 x 1.5 x 1.5c m. Location of tumor : Upper Inner Quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill-defined Deep margin : 1.3cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Axillary tail :6.5 x 4 x 1.5 cm.Total number of nodes : 12 Size of largest node : 2.4 x 1.2 x 1 cm. Cut surface grey brown.Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets,nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular and perineural invasion are identified.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1). - Tumour is unifocal and is located in the Upper Inner Quadrant. - Tumor measures 2 cm in greatest dimension. - Lymphovascular invasion is identified. - Perineural invasion is identified. - Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not seen. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and Areola is are free of tumor.Lymph nodes:Nine out of Eighteen lymph nodes shows metastatic tumour deposits with Extranodal Extension(9/18). - Size of the largest tumor deposit measures 1.3 cm in greatest dimension.Pathological stage : pT1cN2a" 996,MR160011399,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right lung lesion - carcinomaSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right lung lesionGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey to grey brown cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue infiltrated by compact nests,islands of polygonal to oval neoplastic cells exhibiting moderate nuclear pleomorphism, eosinophilic cytoplasm and notable mitotic activity. Prominent areas of necrosis are noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right lung lesion;Poorly differentiated carcinoma ? squamous cell carcinomaHowever a remote possibility of metastatic from breast may please be ruled outSuggest IHCPlease correlate with clinical findings" 997,MR160011425,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast Post Breast Conservative Surgery + RT with right axillary nodal recurrence. SPECIMEN :Excised right axillary nodal mass. GROSS FINDINGS :Received single fibrofatty tissue 4.5x3x2.5cm. Cutsurface shows tumor.Mass measures 2x1.2x1.0cm. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Multiple section studied shows large nodal mass showing clumps, groups and sheets of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus with eosinophilic cytoplasm. In focal areas ductular formation is present. Plenty of mitotic figures are present. Focal areas of necrosis is seen. Surrounding the tumor,á normal ductal epithelium is present, showing cystic dilatation of ducts. No lymphnode structure is present or lymphnoid cells seen. IMPRESSION : Excised right axillary mass:-Invasive ductal carcinoma, Axillary mass ? Recurrence.-The size of the mass measuring 2x1.2x1cm. " 998,MR160011436,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial - lateral - 24cm Superficial - Deep - 7cm Superior - Inferior - 22cmSkin ellipse : 20x16.5cm Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : SingleTumour Size : 3x2.5x1.5cm Location of tumor : upper outer quadrantMargins of tumor : illdefinedDeep margin : 5cmMuscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 7x7x2.5cmSize of largest node : 1.5x1.5x1cm, cut surface is grey whiteIMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- Residual viable tumor presentInvasive ductal carcinomaAreas of fibrosis, necrosis and lymphocytic infiltration is present, Grade II. Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 2 Tumor measures 4cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not presentLymphovascular invasion presentPerineural invasion presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 3 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 14 nodes.Summary : Right post NACT MRM, Residual viable tumor presentInvasive ductal carcinoma ,Grade IILymph nodes - 3 nodes - show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 14 nodes" 999,MR160011437,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting focal ductal proliferation of round to oval cells demonstrating moderate nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Adjacent areas show ducts and stroma with focal lymphocytic infiltrate.No definite invasion is seen in the material submitted IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS),high gradePlease correlate with clinical findings " 1000,MR160011440,"CLINICAL HISTORY;Lump in the right breastSPECIMEN:A) LumpectomyB) Right modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 6.5x5x2cm, skin ellipse measures 5x2cm. Surface is unremarkable. cut section shows illdefined grey white firm lesion measures 2.3x1.5x1cm. Distance from nearest inked surface - 0.5cm. Tumor submitted entirelyB) Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -22cm Superficial - Deep - 5cm Superior - Inferior -16.5cm Skin ellipse : 14x7.5cm. Scar/ Surgical defect : 6cm, located lateral and adjacent to nipple and areola complex.Lumpectomy bed : 7x5x3cm, grossly no tumor identified Deep margin : from lumpectomy bed - 2cmAdjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : 9x7x3cm.Largest lymph node measures 2.5x2x1cm, cut surface shows fatty infiltrationMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Lumpectomy:Tumor bed:- Tumor is composed of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm.Grade - Tubule formation -3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures -2 ___________ 7/9 ____________Nuclear grade - II.Ductal carcinoma in situ is present with comedonecrosis.Lymphovascular invasion is presentPerineural invasion is presentTumor is extending upto the resected marginsB) Right modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed:- Lumpectomy done - shows fibrofatty tissue focal areas of hemorrhageNo residual tumor presentSurrounding breast parenchyma - shows fibroadenosis and fibrocystic diseaseAll resected margins are free of tumorNipple and areola - unremarkableLymph nodes - 2 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 15 nodesPerinodal spread is presentIMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinomaMaximum dimension of tumor is 2.3x1.5x1cm.Nuclear grade - IIDuctal carcinoma in situ is present with comedonecrosisLymphovascular invasion is presentAll resected margins are free of tumorNipple and areola - unremarkableLymph nodes - 2 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 15 nodesPerinodal spread is present." 1001,MR160011466,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast thick walled cystic mass ? Carcinoma ?? Phylloides.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast complex cyst.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 greywhite linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 3. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 9(3+3+3)." 1002,MR160011474,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast/ Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 greywhite linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with an infiltrative lesion in tubules. Cells exhibit moderate nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Myoepithelial cell layer absent. Areas of hyalinisation cystic change noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast:suggestive of Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 1Mitotic figures : 1 ----------------- 4/9 -----------------" 1003,MR160011489,"CLINICAL HISTORY: Mass in left breast - Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 - 1.3 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with foci of infiltration by atypical cells arranged in cords and tubules. Cells exhibit mild to moderate nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of hyalinization and sclerosis noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast:Invasive carcinoma - Grade II (6/9)Modified BR (6/9)Tubular formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 --------- 6/9 --------" 1004,MR160011507,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left Breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.B) Left level III lymph nodes.C) Revised deep margin.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.Laterality : Left. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral--22cm. Superficial to Deep--5cm. Superior to Inferior--16cm. Skin ellipse : 14.5 x 10.5 cm. Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : SingleLocation of tumor : Upper inner quadrant. Tumour Size : 3 x 2.6 x 1.6 cm. Margins of tumor : ill defined. Deep margin : 0.8 cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 6.5 x 5.4 x 3 cm.Total number of nodes : 10Size of largest node : 1.6 x 1.2 x 1 cm,cut surface ; grey brown.Representative sections are submitted.B) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue altogether measuring 1.8 x 1 x 0.6 cm. Entire tissue is submitted.C) Received a tissue bit measuring 7 x 1.6 x 0.5 cm. Entire tissue is submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular or perineural invasion is not identified. Areas of necrosis are seen. Brisk mitotic activity is seen.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 3. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8(3+2+3) - Tumor is unifocal and is located in the upper inner quadrant. - Tumor measures 3 cm in greatest dimension. - Lymphovascular invasion is not seen. - Perineural invasion is not seen. - Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not seen. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and Areola are free of tumor.Lymph nodes:Twelve lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy(0/12) . B) Level 3 lymph nodes:Shows only fibrofatty tissue, no lymph nodes are identified.Negative for malignancy.C) Revised deep margin:Negative for malignancy.Pathological Stage : pT2N0Summary: Left MRM, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 3.Nodal metastases 0/12." 1005,MR160011516,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of left breast carcinoma (Post NACT).SPECIMEN :Left MRM.GROSS FINDINGS :Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Left modified mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Left.Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 17. Superficial to Deep : 6 Superior to Inferior : 16Skin ellipse : 15x14cm. Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect :Not seen.Tumor :Single.Tumour Size : 1.5x1.5x1cm. Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : ill defined. Deep margin : 1.5cm.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Axillary tail : 8x5x3cm.Total number of nodes : 8 nodes.Size of largest node : 2x2x1cm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy (Post NACT). Residual viable tumor present. Invasive dutcal carcinoma measures 1.5x1.5x1cm, Grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 1.5x1.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not present.Lymphovascular invasion not present.Perineural invasion not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 8 lymph nodes. No metastatic deposits off tumor (0/8).Pathological stage : pyT1N0.Summary :Left MRM (Post NACT) , Residual viable tumor present. Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade II.Nodal metastases 8 nodes. No deposit of tumor (0/8)." 1006,MR160011531,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of left breast lumpCarcinoma left breast SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -21cm Superficial - Deep -5cm Superior - Inferior - 18cmSkin ellipse : 12x10cm. Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : SingleTumour Size : 4x3.5x3cm. Location of tumor : upper inner quadrantMargins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 2cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 7x5x2cm.Total number of nodes : 15 lymph nodes Size of largest node : 2x1.5x1cm, cut surface shows fatty infiltrationIMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive ductal Carcinoma, Grade III. Modified BR score is 8/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 4X3.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper inner quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is present with comedonecrosisLymphovascular invasion is presentPerineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: one lymph node, show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 15nodes. Perinodal spread is present.SUMMARY:Left MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma ,Grade III.Nodal metastases 1 node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 15 nodes.Perinodal spread is present." 1007,MR160011542,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in right breast - carcinoma breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 - 1.3cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrofatty tissue with an infiltrative lesion arranged in cords, nests and in sheets. Cells exhibit moderate to marked nuclear pleomorphism, vesicular nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Areas of necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Right breast:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma - Grade II.Modified BR score (7/9).Tubular formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 ---------- 7/9 -----------Areas of necrosis seen." 1008,MR160011544,"CLINICAL HISTORY: Carcinoma breast - post OPSmall liver lesion - Metastasis.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from liver.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 7 grey yellow to grey white linear cores measuring 0.6 - 1.3 cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Metastatic carcinoma, Biopsy liver -in a known case of carcinoma breast." 1009,MR160011546,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in right breast - 3'0 clock.Positive - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 - 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrofatty tissue infiltrated by lymphocytes and few cores show scattered atypical cells with irregular, hyperchromatic nuclei. Areas of dense hyalinization and thickened blood vessels noted. At few foci. The atypical cells show pseudotraching and Indian file appearance.IMPRESSION:Right breast:Suggestive of invasive carcinoma with lobular features - nuclear grade II." 1010,MR160011570,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in right breast -? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 - 1 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged is sheets. Individual cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show fibrous tissue bland stromal cells and lymphocytic infiltrate. Congested and hyalinised blood vessels noted.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II.Modified BR score (3+3+2) 7Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 3Mitotic figures - 2 ---------- 7 ----------" 1011,MR160011582,CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast - post MRMSPECIMEN:Biopsy from liver lesionGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords trabeculae and nests. The cells are pleomorphic with round to oval vesicular nuclei prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are seen. Areas of hyalinisation seen. IMPRESSION:Liver lesion:Metastatic deposit in a known case of carcinoma breast. 1012,MR160011594,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:A) Left breast lumpectomyB) Left axillary clearanceGROSS FINDINGS:A) Left breast lumpectomy :Received fibrofatty tissue measures 7x4x2.9cm, skin ellipse measures 5.5X1.2 cm gritty to cut shows a grey white to grey yellow area measures 1.5x1.5x1cmLocated at the following distances from the respective margins:Superior margin -- 1.5cmInferior margin -- 0.8cmMedial margin -- 4.5cmLateral margin -- 2.5cmDeep margin -- 1.0cmAnother grey white circumscribed area measures 1x1x1cm present 3cm away from grey whitegritty areaB) Left axillary clearance:Received multiple fibrofatty tissue altogether measures 7x4x3cm, largest lymph node measures3.2x2x1.4cm, cut surface shows grey white, isolated 13 lymph nodesMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Left breast lumpectomy :Tumor bed:The section shows areas of fibrosis, necrosis and atrophic ducts with lymphocytes infiltration.There is no evidence of residual viable tumor presentResected margins : Superior margin - free of tumorInferior margin - free of tumorMedial margin - free of tumorLateral margin - free of tumorDeep margin - free of tumorAnother circumscribed nodule shows fibroadenomaB)Left axillary clearance :3 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 13 nodesPerinodal spread presentIMPRESSION:A) Left breast lumpectomy:No residual viable tumor presentAreas of fibrosis, necrosis presentAll resected margins are free of tumorB) Left axillary clearanceLymph nodes - 3 nodes show metastatic deposits of viable tumor out of 13 nodesPerinodal spread present" 1013,MR160011597,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 greywhite linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1015,MR160011617,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast lump ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple greywhite fragmented cores measuring 0.3 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy :Shows few clusters of atypical cells. No definite opinion is possible.Suggest repeat biopsy or excision of the lump for further confirmation." 1016,MR160011641,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in left breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged as cords clusters and tubules. The neoplastic cell exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclear conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy left breast.Grade 2(6/9).Tubular formationááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá - 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------" 1017,MR160011695,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in right breast - Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 linear grey white cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and defuse sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1019,MR160011720,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma right breast multicentric disease.SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received ináá ááá ááá ááá áá á á : Formalin. áTime of receipt at labáá áááá : 11:55PM. Time to formalináá ááá ááá ááá :Procedureáá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá : MR Mastectomy.Lateralityáá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á: Right. Total dimensionsáá ááá ááá á :á Medial to lateral--25cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep--5cm.ááá ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior--21cm. Skin ellipseáá ááá ááá ááá ááá á: 12x8cm.ááá áNippleáá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á áá á :á Normal.Scar/ Surgical defectáá áá : Not seen.Tumoráá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á áá : 2 lesions identified,cut surface Tumour Size :á Tumor measuring 2.5x1.5x1.5cm,Greywhite area measuring 2x1.5x1cm,áááááááááá Location of tumoráá ááá ááá á :á Tumor-Upper outer quadrant,Greywhite area--Upper inner quadrant.Distance between 2 lesions : 8cm.áá Margins of tumoráá ááá ááá áá : Infiltrative.áááááááá áDeep margináá ááá ááá ááá ááá á:from one tumor:2cm ,from grey white lesion:1.5cmMuscleáá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á áá : Present,4x2cm.Adjacent Breastáá ááá ááá áááá : Fibrofatty.ááááá áAxillary tailáá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á : 5x5x2cm.Total number of nodesáá ááá :12Size of largest nodeáá ááá áááá : 1x1x0.5cm,cut surface : fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from two tumors show breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged in tubular pattern and as cords.The neoplastic cells have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm.Extensive areas of high grade ductal carcinoma in situ solid,comedo,cribriform and papillary pattern are seen.Lymphovascular emboli seen.Deep margin: Free of tumor.Tissue between two tumors show foci of ductal carcinoma in situ and fibrocystic change.Section from nipple : Free of tumor.IMPRESSION: Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy:Multicentric tumor,Invasive Ductal Carcinoma,Grade 2.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation: 2.Nuclear pleomorphism : 2.Mitotic figures: 2.Tumor (located in the upper outer quadrant) measures 2.5 cm in greatest dimension . Deep margin is 2cm away from tumor.Tumor (located in upper inner quadrant) measures 2cm in greatest dimensioná .Deep margin is 1.5cm away from tumor.Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ present(high grade).Lymphovascular invasion seen.Perineural invasion not seen.Muscleá isá free of tumor.Nipple and areola isá free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 12 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0á (0/12) ." 1020,MR160011730,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in right breast - carcinoma breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 - 1 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue with a neoplastic arranged in cords and islands. Individual cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show hyalinisation and lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, nuclear Grade II." 1021,MR160011736,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Duct ectasia left breastSPECIMEN:Microdochectomy left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 9x2.5x1.5cm. On serial sectioning a small grey white lesion measures 1x0.3x0.3cm. Distance from nearest inked surface is 0.1cm. Also seen few dilated ducts measures 1x0.5x0.8cm. Distance from nearest inked surface is 0.2cm. Also received in the same container fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x1cm, cut surface shows grey white nodular area measures 1.2x0.4x0.5cm. Distance from nearest inked surface is 0.3cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show breast parenchyma with dilated ducts harboring a lesion where the cells are arranged in sheets and papillary growth pattern around fibrovascular cores. Cells are monomorphic, cohesive and filling the lumen. Individual cells have moderate amount of eosinophilic granular cytoplasm, round to oval vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Myoepithelial layer noted. Mitotic figures discerned : 2-3/hpf.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Microdochectomy : Shows Ductal carcinoma in situ, solid pattern with intermediate nuclear grade.Background shows features of Intraductal papilloma and suspicious foci of invasion.Suggest IHC for further confirmation." 1022,MR160011758,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast ?Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 greywhite linear cores measuring 1 to 1.3 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in cords and small nests . Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Core biopsy :Invasive Carcinoma with Lobular features, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1023,MR160011763,"CLINICAL HISTORY: Right breast lesion - Carcinoma.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast parenchyma shows multiple linear cores harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets, nests. The cells have abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm with pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Desmoplasia seen. Areas of necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Right breast, biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II (6/9)Modified BRTubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 1 ------- 6/9 ---------" 1025,MR160011782,"H16-8274SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast core.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented cores measured 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 1026,MR160011796,"CLINICAL HISTORY: Carcinoma left breast.SITE: Biopsy from left breast.Received 13 blocks labelled as 918/16MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple section from the breast parenchyma show a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests, cords and sheets. Cells exhibit moderate to marked nuclear pleomorphism, vesicular nuclei 1-2 prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedo necrosis noted. Stroma shows desmoplastic reaction. Twenty four lymph nodes identified show no tumor deposit (0/24).IMPRESSION:Left breast, left MRM:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade IIModified BR score (7/9)Tubular formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 -------- 7/9 ----------Nipple and aureola free of tumor.High grade DCIS with comedo necrosis noted.Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion not identified.Twenty four lymphnodes identified, all are negative for malignancy (0/24).They show reactive hyperplasia." 1027,MR160011808,"H16-8279SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 Grey white linear cores measured 0.9 to 1.2 cm .Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1028,MR160011812,"CLINICAL HISTORY: Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue exhibiting a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests and islands consisting of round to oval neoplastic cells demonstrating moderate nuclear pleomorphism and pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. There are areas of necrosis, lymphocytic infiltrate and prominent fibrocollagenous stroma.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion:Invasive ductal carcinoma Grade II with extensive Ductal carcinoma in situ.Tubular formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 ------- MBR Score 6/9" 1030,MR160011869,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of carcinoma breast.D3 extradural mass with cord compression.SPECIMEN:D2-D3 laminectomy and surgical decompression of tumor. GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple grey white soft tissue bits along with few bony fragments measures 2.5x2x0.4 cm, entire tissue processed.B) Received multiple grey white soft tissue bits along with few bony fragments measures 2.5x1.5x0.5 cm, entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from A and B show multiple bony bits with an infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules, cords and cribriform pattern consisting with neoplastic cells having round to oval pleomorphic vesicular nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Areas of fibrosis and hyalinization noted. IMPRESSION :D2-D3 laminectomy :Consistent with Metastatic deposits in a known case of carcinoma breast." 1031,MR160011870,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass/ Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite linear core measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion arranged in nests, clusters and cords comprising of atypical cells with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with scanty to moderate cytoplasm. Extracellular mucinous areas noted. Comedo ductal carcinoma in situ seen. Focal areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ (Solid and comedo type) along with mucinous differentiation." 1032,MR160011879,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Large right breast lump - ? CarcinomaSPECIMEN: Biopsy from right beastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 1 - 1.5 cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, Biopsy right breast:Grade 3(8/9)Tubular formationááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismá - 3Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá - 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------" 1033,MR160011881,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast mass - Carcinoma.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue with lesion arranged in cords and sheets with cells having pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount. Stroma show hyalinisation and dense lymphocytic infiltrate. Areas of necrosis and crush artefacts noted.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core biopsy:Poorly differentiated malignancy.Suggestive of invasive carcinoma, nuclear grade II.suggest work up." 1034,MR160011886,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion - Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear core of tissue showing liver parenchyma with a lesion arranged in nest. islands, pseudo papillary pattern. Individual cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate to scanty cytoplasm. Also seen are nest of large cells with similar nuclear features and abundant amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasma. Stroma shows fibrosis, hyalinisation. Areas of necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Right breast, core biopsy:Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade IIModified BR score (3+2+1) 6Ductal carcinoma in situ solid type seen." 1035,MR160011893,"CLINICAL HISTORY: Right breast lesion - Carcinoma.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast parenchyma shows multiple fragments harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets. The cells show pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis, fibrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Right breast, biopsy:Small focus of invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II (6/9)Modified BRTubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 1 ------- 6/9 --------" 1036,MR160011899,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN :A) Sentinel lymph node, Biopsy(Frozen Section).B) Left breast lump, Wide Excision(Frozen Section).C) Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.D) Left Axillary dissection.GROSS FINDINGS :A ) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3.2 x 2 x 1 cm. Isolated inked 2 lymph nodes ( sentinal nodes) largest lymph node measuring 1 x 1 x 0.9 cm. Entire tissue processed.B) Fresh tissue received : YesLaterality : LeftSpecimen orientation : Orientated Specimen size : 8 x 6.5 x 2.5 cm.Skin : PresentSkin dimensions : 6.5 x 0.5 cm.Lesion(s) : PresentNumber of macroscopically visible lesions : Single grey white lesion.Lesion dimensions : 1.8 x 1 x 1 cm.Distance of lesion from margins : Superior :1.8 cm. Inferior : 1.5 cm. Medial :1.0 cm. Lateral : 1.2 cm. Deep : 1.2 cm.C) Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy(Post lumpectomy).Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 21 cm. Superficial to Deep : 6 cm. Superior to Inferior : 20 cm.Skin ellipse : 18 x 12.5 cm.Nipple : Unremarkable.Surgical defect : Single defect seen. Location of tumor : Lumpectomy bed measuring 9 x 7.5 x 4.5 cm. Adjacent lumpectomy bed shows fibrotic areas. Representative sections are submitted.D) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue measuring 6 x 4 x 2 cm. Largest lymph node measuring 2 x 1.4 x 0.6 cm. Cut surface grey white to grey brown. 11 lymph nodes isolated.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :A) Section from lymph node shows features of reactive follicular hyperplasia with increase in number of follicles.B) Section studied from breast parenchyma shows a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets, lobules, cords and trabeculae. The cells have moderate amount of cytoplasm, pleomorphic vesicular nuclei and conspicuous nucleoli. Adjacent parenchyma shows ductal carcinoma in situ with comedo type of necrosis. Stroma shows desmoplasia.C) Section from lumpectomy bed shows epithelial hyperplasia of the ducts and stromal fibrosis.D) Section from lymph nodes shows features of reactive follicular hyperplasia.IMPRESSION :A) Sentinel lymph node, Biopsy(Frozen Section) :Two lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy(0/2).B) Left breast lump, Wide Excision(Frozen Section) :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2).- Tumour measures 1.8 cm in greatest dimension. - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. - Perineural invasion is not identified. - All margins of resection are free of tumour.C) Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy :No residual tumor seen. - Adjacent breast tissue shows fibrosis and inflammatory infiltrates. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumour. - Nipple and Areola are free of tumour.D) Left Axillary dissection :Nine lymph nodes identified, negative for malignancy(0/9)." 1037,MR160011902,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSITE:Left breast lumpectomy.Received 1 slide and 1 block and 1 specimen labelled as 7899/16.Received already grossed specimen of post lumpectomy in 4 bits altogether measures 3.5x3x1.5cm.Cut surface shows grey white lesion approximately measures 2x2.2x1.5cm. Distance from nearest inked surface is 0.1cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections demonstrate a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets, nests and tubular configuration consisting of cuboidal to oval cells demonstrating moderate nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm and prominent areas of necrosis. Slides of margins are not available for comment. Specimen received is already grossed,margins cannot be ascertained.IMPRESSION:Left breast lumpectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade IIIMBR Score - 8/9Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 3 ___________ 8/9 ___________" 1038,MR160011907,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - CarcinomaSPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear core measuring 0.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Fragmented linear cores of tissue exhibiting few dyscohesive clusters of round to oval cells with centrally placed nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm amidst extensive areas of fibrocollagenous stroma.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion:Shows occasional nests of atypical cells.Suggest repeat biopsy or excision of the lump for further confirmation. 1040,MR160011947,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:A) Left sentinel lymph nodeB) Left modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:A) Left sentinel lymph node:Received multiple fibrofatty tissue altogether measures 4x2.5x1cmIdentified 5 lymph nodeslargest measures 1.3x1x0.5cm, cut surface shows blue dyeB) Left modified radical mastectomy:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy -radical Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial-lateral : 22cm. Superficial - deep : 5cm. Superior-inferior : 17cm.Skin ellipse : 14x9cm.Nipple and areola : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumor : Grossly no obvious tumor seen, solid and cystic areas are present with papillary like projectionMuscle : Absent.Total number of nodes : 13 nodes.Size of largest node : 1x0.5x0.5cm. Cut surface show fatty infiltration.Axillary tail : 6x5x2cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections demonstrate papillary proliferation of round to cuboidal cells with vesicular nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. There is a rich intervening fibrovascular network.IMPRESSION:B) Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive ductal Carcinoma, Grade II. Modified BR score is 6.Tubule formation: 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 1.5x1cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not present , adjacent breast show intraductal papillomaLymphovascular invasion not presentPerineural invasion not presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 13 lymph nodes, isolated show no metastatic deposits of tumor. (0/13) . A) Sentinel lymph nodes - 5 nodes - no deposits of tumorAxillary lymph nodes - 13 nodes - no deposits of tumorSUMMARY:Left MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IILymph nodes: 13 lymph nodes, isolated show no metastatic deposits of tumor. (0/13) . Sentinel lymph nodes - 5 nodes - no deposits of tumorPathological stage :pT1 N0" 1041,MR160011949,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast mass - carcinomaSPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.0 cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Core biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). " 1042,MR160011962,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN:A) Sentinel lymph nodesB) Wide local excisionC) Revised lateral marginGROSS FINDINGS:A) Sentinel lymph nodes:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4x3x1cm, 3 lymph nodes identified with ink. Largest measures 2x1x0.8cm, cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Isolated -total 5 lymph nodesB) Wide local excision:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5.5x5x3cm, skin ellipse measures 2.2x0.5cm, cut surface shows grey white lesion measures 1.8x1.7x1cm,Located at the following distances from the respective margins:-Superior margin - 1.5cmInferior margin - 2.2cmMedial margin - 1.5cmLateral margin - 2cmDeep margin - 0.9cmC) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2.5x0.5cm, one surface inked blue.Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sentinel lymph nodes:5 nodes isolated show reactive hyperplasia - no deposits of tumorB) Wide local excision:Tumor - Multiple section shows pleomorphic oval to cuboidal cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade - Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 ____________ MBR score 6/9 ____________Ductal carcinoma in situ is not presentLymphovascular invasion is not presentResected margins - Superior margin - free of tumorInferior margin - free of tumorMedial margin - free of tumorLateral margin - free of tumorDeep margin - free of tumorIMPRESSION:Breast conservative surgery:Invasive ductal carcinomaMaximum dimension of tumor is 1.8x1.7x1cm. Nuclear grade - IILymphovascular invasion is not presentAll resected margins are free of tumorAxillary sentinel lymph nodes - 5 nodes - no deposits of tumorPathological stage -pT1N0" 1043,MR160011972,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Two left breast lumps - noted.Birads V lesions in left breast at 7 0' clock and 3 0' clock position.SPECIMEN: Biopsy form left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.5 cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy left breast.Grade 2(7/9).Tubular formationááááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9 áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------" 1044,MR160011975,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -16cm Superficial - Deep -2.5cm Superior - Inferior - 17cm Skin ellipse : 9x4.5cm. Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumour Size : 4x2.5x1.5cm. Location of tumor : upper outer quadrantMargins of tumor : well circumscribed Deep margin : 0.5cm Muscle : Present measures 2x2cm Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : 6.5x5x2cmTotal number of nodes : 14 lymph nodes Size of largest node : 2x1x0.5cm, cut surface shows grey whiteIMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive ductal Carcinoma with focal areas of ductal carcinoma in situ with solid and comedonecrosis, Grade II. Modified BR score is 6/9Tubule formation: 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 4x2.5x1.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper and outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ present with solid and comedonecrosis.Lymphovascular invasion presentPerineural invasion presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 2 lymph nodes, show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 14nodes.Perinodal spread is present.SUMMARY:Left MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma ,Grade II.Nodal metastases 2 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 14 nodes.Perinodal spread present.Pathological stage : pT2N1" 1045,MR160011984,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in right breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measuring 0.4 to 1 cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Core biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1046,MR160012034,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - ? CarcinomaSPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measuring 0.5 - 1 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by a lesion arranged in cords, nests and trabecular comprising of pleomorphic cells with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Nests of apocrine cells are also noted. Focal areas of necrosis noted. Stroma shows hyalinisation and areas of hemorrhage.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma nuclear grade 2" 1047,MR160012038,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Case of lump in left breast - ? Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1048,MR160012054,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.7 - 1 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows bones of tissue harboring a lesion arranged in nests, cords and sheets comprising of atypical cells with pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast biopsy:Invasive Ductal carcinoma, grade 2Modified BR score 7/9 (3+2+2)Tubular formationááááááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 1049,MR160012057,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS:Carcinoma right breast-Post lumpectomy.SPECIMEN:A) Sentinel lymph node(Frozen Section).B) Right Breast, Right Lumpectomy(Frozen Section).C) Left Oophorectomy.D) Revised lateral margins.E) Right axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue altogether measuring 4.5 x 2.5 x 1 cm, largest sentinel lymph node measuring 3 x 1 x 1 cm.Cut surface : shows greywhite area with ink.Identified 4 lymph nodes with blue ink. Representative sections are submitted.B) Fresh tissue received : YesNumber of specimens received : 1Laterality : RightProcedure : Breast conservative surgery(WLE+Sentinel lymph node biopsy)Specimen orientation : OrientatedSpecimen size : Medial-lateral length 6.5cm , Superficial-deep length 3 cm Superior-inferior length 5 cmSkin : Present Skin dimensions : 3x0.5cm Skin abnormalities : AbsentNipple : AbsentLesion(s) :PresentNumber of macroscopically visible lesions : 1For each lesion (if >1 designate accordingly):Lesion description : Irregular greywhite,?fibrotic area. Lesion dimensions : 1.5x1.2x0.5cm.Distance of lesion from margins : Superior 1.0 cm Inferior 2.2 cm Medial 1.5 cm Lateral 1.5 cm Deep 0.2 cmDistance of lesion to nearest margin : Deep 0.2 cm Other relevant macroscopic information : Lateral margin shows a nodular area measuring 1x1x0.8cm,cut surface : greywhite.Adjacent fibrotic noted measuring 2.5x1x1.5cm.Representative sections are submitted.C) Received single ovary measuring 6x6x3.5cm. External surface : Smooth.No capsular breach.Cut surface : Yielded brownish,black fluid, multilocular, cystic, hemorrhagic areas. Representative sections are submitted.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3.6 x 2 x 1 cm. Entire tissue is processed.E) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 6 x 5.5 x 1.5 cm, largest lymph node measuring 1.5 x 0.8 x 0.5 cm,cut surface : greybrown. Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from breast parenchyma shows no residual tumour. Adjacent breast tissue shows slit like compressed ducts lined by cuboidal to flattened epithelium with cells having round to oval bland nuclei and scant to moderate amount of cytoplasm. Adjacent breast show adenosis,ductal hyperplasia and fibrocystic change. Margins of resection are free of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Sentinel lymph node(Frozen Section) :Six lymph nodes isolated, negative for malignancy(0/6).B) Right Breast, Right Lumpectomy(Post Lumpectomy)(Frozen Section):No Residual Invasive tumour is seen. - Adjacent breast tissue shows features of Ductal hyperplasia and Fibroadenoma. - All margins of resection are free of tumor.C) Left ovary, Left Oophorectomy :Features suggestive of benign cystic lesion.Negative for malignancy.D) Revised lateral margin :Negative for malignancy.E) Right axillary dissection :Thirteen lymph nodes isolated, negative for malignancy(0/13)." 1050,MR160012061,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:Mastectomy with left axillary level 1 and 2 lymph nodesGROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : FormalinProcedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá :á Mastectomyá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá á Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : Leftá á Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medial - lateralá - 18cm ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá ááá Superficialá - Deepá - 3cm ááá ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á ááá ááá Superior - Inferioráá - 19cmSkin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá : 12x7.5cm áááá Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá : Normal áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá áá Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : Not seenTumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : SingleTumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá :á 4x2.5x2cm. ááááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá : lower inner quadrant áá Margins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á :á illdefined áááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá á á á á áá :á 0.5cmMuscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááá : Present measures 4x4cm Adjacent Breastááá ááá á á áá áá : fibrofatty áááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááá : 9x7.5x3cm.Size of largest nodeááááááááááá : 3x2x2cm, cut surface shows grey white, tumor depositsIMPRESSION:Left breast,á Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: áInvasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II. Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 4x2.5cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the lower innerá quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ present - in focal areas with solid and cribriform, comedonecrosisMaximum dimension measures 0.8cmáLymphovascular invasion is presentPerineural invasion is presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 1 lymph node, show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 17 nodes. Perinodal spread present.SUMMARY:Leftá MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade IINodal metastases 1 node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 17nodes. Perinodal spread present.Pathological stage : pT2N1" 1051,MR160012063,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma right breast-Post lumpectomy.SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin. Procedure : Post lumpectomy/Mastectomy.Laterality : Right. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral--24cm. Superficial to Deep--6cm. Superior to Inferior--16cm. Skin ellipse : 18x8cm. Nipple :Scar/ Surgical defect :Scare measuring 8.5cm is located just above the nipple areola complex extending from upper inner quadrant to upper outer quadrant.10'O CLOCK TO 10'O CLOCK position. Tumor : Not identified grossly,a cystic area measuring 5x2x1.5cm is located in the upper outer quadrant.Deep margin : 2.5cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty Axillary tail : 7x6x3cm.Total number of nodes : 12 nodes.Size of largest node : 2.5x2x1cm,cut surface : greywhite,tumor deposit.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in sheets,nests and cords comprising of atypical cells with round to oval vesicular pleomorphic nuclei and scanty and moderate cytoplasm.Mitotic figures 2-3/hpf.Stroma shows extensive fibrosis and giant cell aggregates.Lymphovascular invasion is identified.IMPRESSION:Histopathologic Examination:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation: 3.Nuclear pleomorphism: 2.Mitotic figures: 1.Tumor measures 5 cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not seen.Lymphovascular invasion is identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 13 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 03 (3/13) . Summary: Right MRM,Residual Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.Nodal metastases three out of thirteen lymph nodes show tumor deposits." 1052,MR160012079,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump (9'0 clock) - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 1 -1.5 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast shows cores of tissue infiltrated by a lesion arranged i nests, cores and trabecular comprising of cells with moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Adjacent areas shows hyalinisation and fibrosis focal areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast Biopsy:Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade 2 Modified BR score 3+2+1 (6/9)Tubular formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 1 ----------- 6/9 -----------" 1053,MR160012128,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - ? CarcinomaSPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast core.GROSS FINDINGS: Received 6 grey white linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1.5 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by tumour cells arranged in solid sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have moderate amount of cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures and discerned. Stroma shows fibrosis and inflammatory infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)" 1054,MR160012133,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast ulcerative mass - ? Carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1.5 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as tubules and nests. The cells are ovoid to cuboidal with hyperchromatic,pleomorphic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Atypical mitoses noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade IIMBR score is 6/9Tubular formationáááááá á á á á á á á á á ááá - 2 Nuclear pleomorphism á á á á á á á á áá - 2Mitotic figuresáá (4-5/10hpf) áááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á á á á á á --------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á á á á á á áá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á á á á á á --------" 1055,MR160012142,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Known case of carcinoma right breast - post MRM status now presented with right chest wall lesion - Suggestive of recurrence.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right chest wall swelling.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measuring 0.8 to 1 cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right chest wall swelling, Biopsy (In a known case of carcinoma breast - Post MRM) :Positive for malignancy.Suggest of Recurrent Carcinoma in a known and treated case of carcinoma breast." 1056,MR160012158,"CLINICAL HISTORY: Left breast lump - ? CarcinomaSPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue exhibiting a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests, sheets, islands and tubular configuration consisting of round to oval cells demonstrating moderate nuclear pleomorphism and pale eosinophilic cytoplasm amidst and desmoplastic stroma.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from let breast lesion:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II, score 6/9Tubule formation - 2 Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 ------- 6/9 ---------" 1057,MR160012161,"CLINICAL HISTORY: Left breast lump - ? CarcinomaSPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear core measuring 0.3 to 0.5 cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy:Suggestive of Benign proliferative breast disease.? Fibroadenoma?? Phyllodes tumor benign.Suggest excision of the lump for further confirmation." 1058,MR160012165,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast. Post NACT.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received iná :á Formalin.Procedureááá : Mastectomy.Lateralityáá : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateraláááááá :á 19cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deep : 4cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferiorá : 16cm.Skin ellipseááááááááá :á 16x8cm.Nippleááááááááááááááááá : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumorááááááááááááááááá :á Single.Tumor sizeáááááááááá :á 2x2x1.8cm.Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrant.Deep margináááááá : 1.5cm.Muscleááááááááááááááá : Present.Adjacent breastá : Fibrofatty.Axillary tailááááááááá : 6x6x3cm.Total number of nodes : 16 nodes.Size of largest nodeáááá : 1.5x1x0.8cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed : Residual viable tumor present.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Surrounding the tumor, areas of fibrosis, necrosis and lymphoplasmacytic infiltration is present.Modified BR score is 6/9, Grade II.Tubule formationááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------------Tumor measures 2x2cm in greatest dimension and is located in the lower outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 16 lymph nodes- No metastatic deposits of tumor.Pathological stage : pyT1N0..SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed : Residual viable tumor present.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Lymph nodes: 16 lymph nodes- No metastatic deposits of tumor." 1059,MR160012193,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast lump/ ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite linear core measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting distorted ducts with nests and islands of cuboidal cells with vesicular nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm amidst densely hyalinized stroma.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Small focus suggestive of invasive carcinoma against extensive hyalinized stroma,.Suggest IHC." 1060,MR160012205,"CLINICAL HISTORY: Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma left breast.Right breast small focal lesion in 10'0 clock.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Ductal carcinoma in situ (Intermediate to high grade), Biopsy left breast.Kindly correlate with mammography and clinical findings." 1061,MR160012209,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white tissue core measuring 1 to 1.1 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring in infiltrate lesion arranged in diffuse sheets and cords. Cells exhibit moderate to marked nuclear pleomorphism, round to oval vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Areas of necrosis noted. Stroma shows marked lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma. Grade IIIModified BR score (8/9)Tubular formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 3 ----------- 8/9 ---------" 1062,MR160012210,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in right breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white tissue core measuring 1.0 to 1.5 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows an infiltrate lesion arranged in tubules and cords. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows mild inflammatory infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma. Grade IModified BR score (5/9)Tubular formation - 1Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 ----------- 5/9 ---------" 1063,MR160012214,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as islands and nests. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is fibrous.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubular formationááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________" 1064,MR160012216,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:A)Left breast wide local excisionB) Left axillary lymph nodesC) Level III lymph nodesGROSS FINDINGS:A) Left breast wide local excision:Fresh tissue received : YesProcedure : Left breast - wide local excisionSpecimen orientation : OrientatedSpecimen size : 6.5x4.5x1.5cmSkin : PresentSkin dimension : 5x2cmSkin abnormalities : AbsentNipple : AbsentLesion : PresentNumber of macroscopically viable lesions : single grey white lesionLesion dimensions : 1x0.5x0.3cmLocated at the following distances from the respective margins:Superior margin - 3cmInferior margin - 2cmMedial margin - 2.8cmLateral margin - 1.2cmDeep margin - 1cmB) Left axillary lymph nodes:Received multiple fibrofatty tissue altogether measures 6.5x5.5x2cm, largest lymph node measures 1.6x1.4x0.6cm, cut surface shows grey brown. dissected 20 nodes.C) Level III lymph nodes:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1x1cm, dissected 2nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A)Left breast wide local excision:Tumor bed:- Multiple section shows clumps, groups, and sheets of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm.Invasive ductal carcinomaSurrounding tumor fibrosis and giant cells are seen.Grade - Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 _____________ 79 ______________Nuclear grade - IIDuctal carcinoma in situ present - low gradeLymphovascular invasion is presentPerineural invasion not seen.Resected margins -Superior margin - free of tumorInferior margin - free of tumorMedial margin - free of tumor.Lateral margin -free of tumorDeep margin - free of tumorB) Left axillary lymph nodes:1 node shows metastatic deposits of viable tumor out of 20 nodes.Perinodal spread is present.C) Level III lymph nodes:2 nodes - no deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast wide local excision :Invasive ductal carcinomaMaximum dimension of tumor is 1x0.5cmNuclear grade - IIDuctal carcinoma in situ is present - low grade(measuring 0.2cm)Lymphovascular invasion is present.All resected margins are free of tumorB) Left axillary lymph nodes:One node shows metastatic deposits of viable tumor out of 20 nodes.C) Level III lymph nodes:2 nodes - no deposits of tumor." 1065,MR160012237,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - ? phyllodes ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue infiltrated by a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets and tubules. The cells have hyperchromatic, pleomorphic round to oval nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Atypical mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breastInvasive ductal carcinoma, grade IIIMBR score - 8/9Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 3 _________ 8/9 _________" 1066,MR160012239,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast, Left Breast Conservative Surgery(Post lumpectomy and Post NACT).B) Left Axillary Clearance.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 6.5 x 3.5 x 2 cm.Skin ellipse measures 6x6.5cm. Skin shows a linear scar measuring 3 cm.Serial sectioning shows small firm fibrotic area measuring 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.2 cm, located at the following distance from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 1.5 cm.Inferior margin -- 1 cm.Medial margin -- 2 cm.Lateral margin -- 2.5 cm.Deep margin -- 0.5 cm.Representative sections are submitted.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 6 x 5 x 3 cm. Largest lymph node measuring 2 x 1.5 x 1 cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows no residual tumor cells. Treatment related changes are seen including lymphocyte and congested capillaries. Section from lymph nodes shows metastatic tumor deposit.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast, Left Breast Conservative Surgery(Post lumpectomy and Post NACT) :No Residual Tumor is seen.- Treatment related changes are seen.- All margins of resection are free of tumor.B) Left Axillary Clearance:One out of eleven lymph nodes shows metastatic tumor deposit(1/11). - Size of the tumor deposit measures 1.3 cm in greatest dimension. - No extranodal extension is seen.Pathological stage : ypT0N1a" 1067,MR160012253,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Sentinel lymph nodes.B) Left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 4.5x2.5x0.8cm.B) Received ináá ááá ááá ááá áá á áá : Formalin.Procedureáá ááá ááá ááá á á áá á áááá : Mastectomy.Lateralityáá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á áá ááá :ááá LeftTotal dimensionsáá ááá ááá ááá ááá á:á Medialá to lateral--15cm. ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá á Superficial to Deep--3.5cm.ááá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá áá Superior to Inferior--14cm. Skin ellipseáá ááá ááá ááá á á á á áá á :á 8.5x4.5cm.áá áNippleáá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á á áá á :á Normal.Scar/ Surgical defectáá ááá ááá á : Not seen.Tumoráá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á áá : Single,greywhite granular-ductal carcinoma in situ like(2x1x1cm).Tumour Sizeáá ááá ááá ááá á á á áá áá : 1x0.5x0.5cm(invasive component)áááááááááá Location of tumoráá ááá ááá ááá ááá á:á Central quadrant. Margins of tumoráá ááá ááá ááá ááá á:áá ill defined.áááááááá áDeep margináá ááá ááá ááá áá á á á á : 0.8cm.Muscleáá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á á : Absent Adjacent Breastáá ááá ááá ááá áá áá : Fibrofatty tissue.ááááááá áAxillary tailáá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á áá : Absent.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) 3 sentinel lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor.B) Multiple sections from breast show large areas of comedo and solid ductal carcinoma in situ.Small focus of atypical cells with moderate nuclear pleomorphism and moderate cytoplasm arranged as clusters are seen.No lymphovascular invasion seen.Moderate intertumoral lymphocytic response is seen.Deep margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Free of tumor.IMPRESSION:B) Invasive ductal carcinoma,left breast.Tumor size(invasive component) : 1x0.5x0.5cm.Extensive high grade ductal carcinoma in situ component comedo and solid pattern(size:2x1x1cm).No lymphovascular invasion seen.Uninvolved breast parenchyma shows fibrocystic change.Deep margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Free of tumor.A) 3 sentinel lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor." 1069,MR160012266,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - ? carcinomaSPECIMEN:Biopsy of right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged in nests and cords exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Areas of myxoid change seen. Stroma shows mild lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma with nuclear grade 2." 1071,MR160012295,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Mastectomy with right level 1 and 2 lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin/Fresh Procedure : MR Mastectomy.Laterality : Right. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral--21cm. Superficial to Deep--4cm. Superior to Inferior--16cm. Skin ellipse : 12 x 6.8 cm. Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumour Size : 3.3 x 2.5 x 2 cm,greywhite,firm. Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrant. Margins of tumor : ill defined. Deep margin : 1cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Axillary tail : 6 x 6 x 2.5 cm.Size of largest node : 2 x 1 x 1 cm,cut surface : fatty infiltration.Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual tumor cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular or perineural invasion is not identified.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy : INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1). - Tumor is unifocal and is located in the lower outer quadrant. - Tumor measures 3.3 cm in greatest dimension. - Lymphovascular invasion is not seen. - Perineural invasion is not seen. - Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not seen. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and Areola are free of tumor.Lymph nodes: Twenty seven lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy(0/27). Pathological stage : pT2N0Summary: Right MRM, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.Nodal metastases 0/27." 1072,MR160012301,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Two irregular right breast lesion in upper and outer quadrant.SPECIMEN: Biopsy form right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with cells arranged in tubules. Cells have moderate amount of cytoplasm, pleomorphic nuclei with fine granular chromatin and occasional nucleoli. Occasional mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows fibrosis and adjacent hemorrhagic areas.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Features are suggestive of Atypical Microglandular adenosis.However, a Low grade Ductal carcinoma cannot be ruled out.Suggest excision of the lump for further confirmation." 1073,MR160012305,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Left Sentinal lymph node biopsy.B) Left breast lumpectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue altogether measuring 3x2x1cm.Isolated 2 lymph nodes.Largest lymph node measuring 0.8x0.5x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.B) Left breast lumpectomy:Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 3.7x2.2x1cm.Skin ellipse measures 3x1cm. Cut surface shows an ill defined greyyellow area measuring 2.5x0.5x0.4cm.Distance from deep margin is 0.1cm, located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 0.6cm.Inferior margin -- 0.6cm.Medial margin -- 0.5cm.Lateral margin -- 0.8cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Left Sentinal lymph node biopsy:Two lymph nodes isolated show no deposits of tumor.B) Left breast lumpectomy.Multiple section shows granulation tissue with foreignbody giant cells, lymphocytes and histiocytes, areas of necrosis and fibrosis. Surrounding area shows fibrocystic disease and adenosis.There is no evidence of residual tumor present.All resected margins : Free of tumor.IMPRESSION:Left breast - Lumpectomy- wide excision-post lumpectomy:No residual tumor present.Granulation tissue with areas of fibrosis and necrosis.All resected margins are free of tumor.Axillary lymph nodes: Sentinel nodes:2 Nodes- No deposits of tumor." 1074,MR160012306,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma.Trucut biopsy.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied shows breast parenchyma harboring a cellular lesion arranged in sheets and lobules. Cells have moderate amount of cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows fibrosis and inflammatory infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1075,MR160012324,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - ? carcinomaSPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have moderate amount of cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows fibrosis and inflammatory infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Core biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score 6(3+2+1)." 1077,MR160012353,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in left breast - Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue exhibiting a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets, nests and islands consisting of round to oval cells demonstrating mild to moderate atypia and pole eosinophilic cytoplasm amidst desmoplastic stroma and mucinous areas.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass:Invasive carcinoma with mucinous and neuroendrocine differentiation. Grade 2á Tubular formationááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá - 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 1078,MR160012362,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in right breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged as cords and tubules. The lesional cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy right breast.Grade 2 (7/9)Tubular formationáááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá - 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------" 1079,MR160012405,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin/Fresh Time of receipt at lab : Time to formalin :Procedure : MR Mastectomy.Laterality : Left. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral--20cm. Superficial to Deep--5cm. Superior to Inferior--19cm. Skin ellipse : 15x13cm. Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : multiple Tumor I-Greywhite relatively well circumscribed lesion measuring 3x2.8x2.5cm located in the lower outer quadrant,deep margin is 2cm away.Tumor II-Relatively greywhite,relatively well circumscribed lesion in the upper quadrant measuring 2x2x1cm,deep margin is 1cm. Margins of tumor : Deep margin : Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Axillary tail : 5x4x4cm.Total number of nodes : 17nodes.Size of largest node : 2x1x1cm,cut surface : fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from tumor 1,2 show similar morphology. the tumour cells arranged in nests,cords,tubules and in sheets.The cells exhibit marked pleomorphism,with round to oval vesicular nuclei,prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm.Intervening stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrate,desmoplasia, fibrosis and necrosis.Congested blood vessels are noted.Mitotic figures noted.Intertumoral fat shows not tumor deposit.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 2.Nuclear pleomorphism: 3Mitotic figures: 2.Tumor I lower outer quadrant tumor II-Upper quadrant.measures largest dimension tumor I-3cm,tumor II-2cm,distance between two tumors 1.5cm.Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ with comedonecrosis seen.Lymphovascular invasion is seen.Perineural invasion is not seen.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: Seventeen lymph nodes, Metastasis: Nil (0/17) . The show reactive hyperplasia.Summary: Left MRM, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade II.Multifocal DCIS with comedonecrosis seen.Nodal metastases 0/17." 1081,MR160012416,"H16-8654SPECIMEN :Left breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received three grey white linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Sections shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets, cords and trabeculae. Cells have moderate amount of cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows fibrosis and inflammatory infiltrate.IMPRESSION :Left breast, biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1082,MR160012427,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN: Biopsy form right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measuring 0.4 to 0.7 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of neoplasm composed of variablyá cellular spindle cell stroma harboring few benign left like and tubular glandular elements lined by bilayered epithelium.IMPRESSION:Fibroepithelial lesion, Biopsy right breast.? Fibroadenoma.? Phyllodes.No evidence of malignancy in the cores submitted." 1083,MR160012430,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, core Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1084,MR160012454,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in right breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy form right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.5 cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy right breast.Grade 2(6/9)Tubular formationáááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááá -á 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá - 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------" 1085,MR160012455,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy form left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1.5 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cell in cords and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1086,MR160012466,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.5 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged in glandular pattern. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic. Lymphovascular emboli seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy right breast." 1087,MR160012468,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:A) Right Modified radical mastectomyB) Level III lymph nodesGROSS FINDINGS:A) Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -- 21cm Superficial - Deep -- 5cm Superior - Inferior -- 20cmSkin ellipse : 18x13cm Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : grossly no tumor, seen vague grey white area noted in upper quadrant measures 0.5x0.3x0.2cm Deep margin of vague grey white area : 2cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 5x4x2cm.Size of largest node : 2x1.5x1.5cm, cut surface shows fatty infiltrationB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 0.5x0.3x0.2cm. one node isolatedIMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:-No residual viable tumor present Areas of fibrosis, necrosis, atrophic ducts. Focal areas of lymphocyticinfiltration presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 18 lymph nodes, no deposits of tumor.Level III lymph nodes - one node - no deposits of tumorSummary : Right post NACT MRM, No residual viable tumor present, fibrotic areas are seenLymph nodes: 18 lymph nodes, no deposits of tumor.(0/18)Level III lymph nodes - one node - no deposits of tumor (0/1)" 1088,MR160012477,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in right breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets, cords and trabecular. Cells have moderate amount of cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Mitotic activity is discerned. Stroma shows fibrosis.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified BR score 6 (3+2+1)." 1089,MR160012488,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast carcinoma with axillary node.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right axillary lymphnode.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.4 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of lymphoid tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as islands and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have vesicular nuclear conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is fibrosis.IMPRESSION:Metastatic carcinoma, Biopsy right axillary lymphnode in a known case of carcinoma breast." 1090,MR160012501,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:A) Left breast conservative surgery - sentinel lymph nodesB) Left breast lumpectomyC) Revised base marginD) Revised inferior marginsGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 2 lymph nodes, largest lymph node measures 2x1x0.5cm, cut surface shows fatty infiltrationOther lymph node measures 1.5x1x0.5cmB) Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measures 5x3.5x2.5cm, skin ellipse measures 4x1cm.Cut surface shows grey white lesion measures 2.8x2x1.5cm Located at the following distances from the respective margins:Superior margin - 1.0cmInferior margin - 0.7cmMedial margin - 0.4cmLateral margin - 1.5cmDeep marginá -0.5cmC)Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x2.5x0.5cmD) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2.5x0.5cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Left breast conservative surgery - sentinel lymph nodes : 2 lymph nodes - show reactive hyperplasia - no metastatic deposits of tumorB) Left breast lumpectomy:The section from the tumor shows pleomorphic polyhedral cells with pleomorphic vesicular nucleus with eosinophilic cytoplasm present sheets, clumps and groups. Invasive ductal carcinomaGrade -Tubule formation á á á áá - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá - 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________MBR scoreáááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________Nuclear grade - IIDuctal carcinoma in situ not presentLymphovascular invasion not presentPerineural invasion not presentResected margin:Superior margin -á free of tumorInferior marginá - free of tumorMedial marginá -á free of tumorLateral margináá - free of tumorDeep margináá - 0.3cm from the tumorááááááááááááááá C) Revised base margin:shows fibrofatty tissue - free of tumorD) Revised inferior margins ;free of tumorIMPRESSION:A) Left breast conservative surgery - sentinel lymph nodes : 2 nodes - no deposits of tumorB) Left breast lumpectomy:Breast conservative surgery:Invasive ductal carcinomaNuclear grade - IIDuctal carcinoma in situ not presentLymphovascular invasion not presentPerineural invasion not presentAll resected margins are free of tumorC) Revised base margin:free of tumorD) Revised inferior margins :á free of tumor" 1091,MR160012536,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Wide Excision of the Lump.B) Sentinel lymph nodes.C) Revised deep margin.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 8x7x3cmSkin ellipse measuring 7x3cm.Tumor measuring 2.5x2x2cm.Cut surface : Greywhite.located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin--2cm.Inferior margin--4cm.Medial margin--1.8cm.Lateral margin--2cm.Deep margin--0.5cm.B) Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 2.5x1.5x1.2cm.Isolated 3 lymph nodes.Sentinel lymph nodeds measuring 1x0.5x0.5cm.C) Received soft tissue bit measuring 5.5x3x1cm,one side inked.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sections from tumor show breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters and islands.The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism,have vesicular nuclei,conspicuous ncucleoli and moderate cytoplasm.The intervening stroma shows dense lymphocytic inflammatory cell infiltrate.Nipple and areola : Free of tumor.B) 3 sentinel lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor.C) Section shows fibrofatty tissue which is free of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Invasive ductal carcinoma,left breast.Grade 2,MBR score 7/9,Tubule formation:3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2.Tumor size:2.5x2x2cm.No lymphovascular invasion seen.No perineural invasion seen.Moderate intratumoral lymphocytic response is seen.B) 3 sentinel lymph nodes isolated are negative for malignancy.C) Revised deep margin : Free of tumor." 1092,MR160012544,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast suspicious area under evaluationSPECIMEN:Left breast excision biopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Fresh tissue received : YesNumber of specimens received : 1 Laterality : Left Procedure :Specimen orientation : Superior (single white) Inferior (single black) Medial(double white) Lateral (double black) Deep - inked triple white - superficialSpecimen size : 3.5x2.5x1.5cm Skin : Absent Nipple : Absent Lesion(s) : PresentNumber of macroscopically visible lesions : 1 Lesion description : grey white Lesion dimensions : 1.8 x 1 x 0.9 cm Distance of lesion from margins : Superior - 0.4cm Inferior - 0.2cm Medial - 1.5 cm Lateral - 0.1 cm Deep - 0.2 cm superficial - 0.9cmDistance of lesion to nearest margin : 0.1cm - lateral margin MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple sections from the breast parenchyma show a lesion arranged in solid nests and papillary pattern lined by columnar cells with round to oval vesicular nuclei, dispersed fine chromatin and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Areas of ductal carcinoma in situ seen with solid and cribriform pattern. Adjacent breast shows cystic changeIMPRESSION:Left breast, Excision biopsy :Suggest of Ductal carcinoma in situ of solid and cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade. - Estimated size of the DCIS is 0.4 cm. - All resected margins are free of tumor. - Adjacent breast tissue shows papillary lesionSuggest IHC." 1093,MR160012548,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Multiple liver lesions - ? HCC? Mets.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from liver lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm.entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue exhibiting nests, islands and vague glandular configuration of round to cuboidal cells with vesicular nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm amidst desmoplastic stroma and extensive areas of necrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from liver lesion:Positive for malignancy.Suggestive of Metastatic carcinoma in know case of carcinoma breast." 1094,MR160012554,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma breastSITE:Right breast swelling Received 12 slides labelled as 415/16,A-E,856/16,A-E and 6 blocks labelled as 856/16,415/16.A-E.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple section show large necrotic areas and clumps, groups of pleomorphic cells are present. The cells show large polypoidal cells with synctial type of cytoplasm and prominent nucleus with nucleoli. Plenty of mitotic figures are present morethan 15/10hpf(3) and occasional giant cells. The cells show marked pleomorphism. Lymphovascular invasion is indetermined.IMPRESSION:Right breast swelling with invasive carcinoma - medullary carcinoma features.MBR Score :- Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 3Mitotic figures - 3 ________ 9/9 _________Nuclear grade - III." 1095,MR160012569,"H16-8755SPECIMEN :Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets. Individual cells have large pleomorphic, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+3+1)." 1096,MR160012583,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy of right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as cords, trabeculae and nests. The neoplastic cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplasticIMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma with lobular features, biopsy of right breastGrade - 2á 6/9Tubule formationáááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphism -2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá - 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________á áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 1097,MR160012598,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast - post lumpectomy status.SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : MRM, post lumpectomy.Laterality : Right.Total dimensions : Medial to lateral -- 14cm. Superficial to deep -- 3.5cm. Superior to inferior -- 13cm.Skin ellipse : 10x8cm.Nipple/areola : Normal.Scar measures 4cm, present 3cm above nipple in upper outer quadrant.Grey white lesion : Single.Grey white lesion : 1.5x1.2x1.2cm.Margins of tumor : Well circumscribed.Deep margin : 1.3cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : 8x5x3cm.An illdefined fibrocysic area noted behind 5 lack 1x0.5x0.5cm.Distance from deep - 2cm.Total number of nodes : 19.Size of largest node : 1.5x1.5x0.8cm. Cut surface show fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged in nests, sheets, lobules, comprising of round to oval moderately pleomorphic vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of solid DCIS and necrosis seen. Adjacent stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrate. Mitotic activity is brisk. IMPRESSION: Histopathologic Examination:Right breast,Invasive ductal Carcinoma, Grade II. Residual tumor status post lumpectomy.Modified BR score is :7/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism :2Mitotic figures :3Tumor measures 1.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the retroareolar quadrant.Ductal Carcinoma - In-Situ Present with comedonecrosis .Lymphovascular invasion identified.Perineural invasion not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes : 20, lymph nodes dissected , all are free of Metastasis: ( 0/ 20).Summary: Right MRM , invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade IIResidual tumor status post lumpectomy.Nodal metastases nil - 0/20." 1098,MR160012603,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast.? Phyllodes ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Phyllodes tumor, biopsy from right breast." 1099,MR160012608,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Bilateral breast massSPECIMEN:A) Biopsy of left breast massB) Biopsy of right breast massGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue is processedB) Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from both breast mass shows linear cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting nests and cords of round to oval neoplastic cells demonstrating moderate nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm amidst a desmoplastic stroma.IMPRESSION:A&B) Right and Left breast, Core Biopsy : Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score 7(3+2+2)." 1100,MR160012640,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in right breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.0 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a sheets. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphic have hyperchromatic to vesicular nuclei, conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy right breast.Grade 3(8/9)Tubule formationáááááááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááá - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááááá - 3áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------------" 1101,MR160012644,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1.1 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as cords and tubules and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Grade 2(7/9)Tubular formationáááááááááááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááááááá - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------" 1102,MR160012648,"CLINICAL DETAILS:C/o Right breast carcinoma,post lumpectomy,post NACT.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Time of receipt at lab : 12:50pm.Procedure : Modified radical Mastectomy.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 16cm. Superficial - deep : 3.5cm. Superior-inferior : 15cm.Skin ellipse : 12x7cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Linear scar in central quadrant measuring 3.5cm.Tumor : Not seen, areas of fibrosis and calcification noted.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Axillary tail : 6x3x2cm.Total number of nodes : 11 nodes.Size of largest node : 0.8x0.8x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy( Post lumpectomy, post NACT):Tumor bed : Shows fibrotic calcified and atrophic ducts and lymphocytic infiltration. There is no evidence of residual viable tumor present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 11 lymph nodes show no metastatic deposits of tumor.Pathological stage : pyT0N0.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy- Post lumpectomy and NACT:No residual viable tumor present.Nodal metastases : 11 Nodes- No deposits of tumor." 1103,MR160012652,CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast mass - carcinoma breast/ phyllodes.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented linear cores measuring 0.5á to 0.8 cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Fibroepithelial lesion - phyllodes tumor. 1104,MR160012654,CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in left breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma with adjacent granulomatous inflammation; Biopsy left breast.Grade 2(6/9).Tubule formationáááááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááá - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááá - 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------- 1105,MR160012660,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in right breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.3 cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy right breast.Grade 2(6/9)Tubular formationááááááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááá - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááááá - 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------" 1106,MR160012663,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast massCarcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy of right breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown cores measures 0.6 to 1cm. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Fragmented linear cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting papillary proliferation of cells lined by columnar cells with focal stratification and apocrine change admixed with few areas showing mucinous material.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass:Features are suggestive of papillary neoplasm.Suggest excision of lump and IHC for further confirmation. 1107,MR160012675,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Known case of carcinoma left breast (Post lumpectomy- Post NACT).SPECIMEN:A) Lumpectomy wide excsion- Frozen specimen.B) Left axillary clearance.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 8x5x5cm. Skin ellipse measures 6x2cm with scar measuring 3cm.Cut surface shows greywhite firm tumor area measuring 1x1x0.5cm, located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 1cm.Inferior margináá -- 1cm.Lateral marginááá -- 3cm.Medial marginááá -- 4cm.Deep marginááááá -- 1cm.B) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue altogether measuring 7x6x4cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1x0.5cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Lumpectomy wide excsion- Frozen specimen:Tumor bed : Residual viable tumor present.Tumor measuring 1x1x0.5cm with Invasive ductal carcinoma.Tubular formationááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 1Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------------Nuclear grade II.DCIS : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Resected margins:-Superior margin -- Free of tumor.Inferior margináá -- Free of tumor.Lateral marginááá -- Free of tumor.Medial marginááá -- Free of tumor.Deep marginááááá -- Free of tumor.Axillary clearance :12 nodes show metastatic deposits of viable tumor out of 17 nodes. Perinodal spread present.IMPRESSION:Lumpectomy wide excision:Residual viable tumor present measuring 1x1x0.5cm with-Invasive ductal carcinoma.Nuclear grade II.DCIS : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Left axillary clearance:12 nodes show metastatic deposits of viable tumor out of 17 nodes. Perinodal spread present." 1108,MR160012690,"H16-8903SPECIMEN :Right breast mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received four grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a cellular lesion arranged in cords and sheets. Cells have moderate amount of cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Stroma shows fib4rosis and hyalinization. Mitotic activity is discerned.IMPRESSION :Right breast mass, Core Biopsy.Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1110,MR160012715,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left lung nodule.Carcinoma lung / ? metastatic lesion carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left lung mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1.2cm. Issued to TATA MC: 2 linear cores of tissue measuring 1.5cm. Handed over to bearer name.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of lung parenchyma show invasive sheets and nests of dysplastic oval to polygonal cells with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. The cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphic. Intervening stroma is desmoplastic and shows moderate dense lymphoplasmic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Malignant lesion favor metastases in a known case of Carcinoma Breast . 1111,MR160012716,"CLINICAL HISTORY: Mass in left breast - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as sheets and cords. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Poorly differentiated malignancy favoring:Invasive carcinoma, Left breast.Grade 2(6/9)Tubule formationááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááá - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá - 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------" 1112,MR160012727,"CLINICAL HISTORY: Mass in right breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as tubule and clusters. The neoplastic cell exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy right breast.Grade 2(6/9).Tubule formationáááááááááááááá - 2Nuclear pleomorphismááááááá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááá - 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------" 1113,MR160012741,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Mass in left breast - carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy of left breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to linear cores measures 1 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied shows fibrocollagenous tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets and cords. Individual cells have moderate amount of cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Mitotic activity is discerned. Adjacent stroma shows fibrosis.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Core biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1114,MR160012750,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Lump in right breastSPECIMEN:A) Lumpectomy with right breast - breast conservative surgeryB) Axillary level I and II ymph nodesC) Level III lymph nodesGROSS FINDINGS:A) Lumpectomy with right breast - breast conservative surgery:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 6.5x5.5x2cm, skin ellipse measures 3x0.7cmCut surface shows illdefined grey white tumor measures 0.5x0.5x0.5cmLocated at the following distances from the respective margins:Superior marginááááá - 4cmInferior margináááááááá - 1.4cmMedial marginááááááááá - 3cmLateral margináááááááá - 1cmDeep margináááááááááá - 1cmB) Axillary level I and II lymph nodes:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 6x5.5x2.5cm, largest lymph node measures 2x1.5x1cmcut surface shows grey brown fatty infiltrationC) Level III lymph nodes:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1x1x0.5cm, identified oneá lymph nodeMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Lumpectomy with right breast - breast conservative surgery:Tumor bed:- Small focus of viable tumor present consisting of small clumps of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus with eosinophilic cytoplasm. Surrounding the tumor dense lymphocytic infiltration is present Tumor is measuring 0.5x0.5cm. Surrounding the tumor dense fibrosis, lymphocytic infiltration atrophic ducts and surrounding ducts show adenosis and epithelial hyperplasia.Lymphovascular invasion not presentResected margins : Superior margináá - free of tumorInferior margináááá - free of tumorMedial margináááá - free of tumorLateral margin áá - free of tumorDeep marginááááá - free of tumorB) Axillary level I and II lymph nodes:11 lymph nodes - no deposits of tumorC) Level III lymph nodes:one node - no deposits of tumorIMPRESSION:A) Lumpectomy with right breast - breast conservative surgery;LA small focus of viable tumor presentInvasive ductal carcinoma measures 0.5x0.5cmDense lymphocytic infiltration and fibrosis is present surrounding clumps of tumor cellsAll resected margins are free of tumorB) Axillary level I and II lymph nodes:11 nodes - no deposits of tumor presentC) Level III lymph nodes:one node - no deposits of tumor" 1115,MR160012770,"CLINICAL HISTORY: Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented linear cores measuring 0.4 to 0.8 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show fragments of tissue showing desmoplasia with few scattered cells. Loss pf crush artifact seen.IMPRESSION:Breast, trucut biopsy:Scattered atypical cells are seen.Inadequate for opinion.Suggest repeat biopsy." 1116,MR160012772,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast post lumpectomySPECIMEN:A) Left modified radical mastectomyB) Intramammary lymph nodeGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy Total dimensions : Medial - lateral - 22cm Superficial - Deep -5cm Superior - Inferior -18cm Nipple, areola : Absent Scar/ Surgical defect : a scar measures 15cm presentTumor : grossly no tumor seen. multiple tiny foci of necrosis(yellow areas noted) scattered in the whole breastLocation of tumor : cannot be assessed as nipple and areola is absentMuscle : Present measures 6x3.5cm.Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : 6x5x1cm.Total number of nodes : 17 lymph nodes Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.5cm, cut surface shows fatty infiltrationIMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- No residual tumor shows areas of necrosis, fibrosis, granulation tissue with lymphocytes, histiocytesPosterior resection margin is free from tumor Nipple and areola is absentLymph nodes: 17 lymph nodes, show no metastatic deposits of tumor . SUMMARY:Left post lumpectomy MRM, no residual tumorNodal metastases 17 nodes - no deposits of tumor." 1117,MR160012777,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Liver lesion - ? metastasis. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from liver lesion. GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white linear cores measures 2 to 2.5 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in tubules, acini and in cords. The cells have round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from liver lesion. Suggestive of Metastatic carcinoma in a known and treated case of carcinoma right breast. " 1118,MR160012778,"H16-8838SPECIMEN:Left breast, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cord, islands and sheets. Individual cells have pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show desmoplasia, hyalinisation with inflammatory cells consisting of lymphocytes few plasma cells eosinophils.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1119,MR160012794,"CLINICAL HISTORY: Left breast mass - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast mass, core biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1120,MR160012807,"CLINICAL HISTORY: Mass in left breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue with neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets. Individual cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show fibrosis. Large areas of necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1121,MR160012810,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Mass in left breast - carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy of left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests, sheets and cords in tubule formation. The cells are pleomorphic with round to oval vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Adjacent stroma shows desmoplasia and elastosis. Areas of necrosis seenIMPRESSION:Left breast biopsyInvasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2MBR score - Tubule formation -3nuclear pleomorphism -2mitotic figures- 2 Areas of necrosis seen" 1122,MR160012833,"H16-8855SPECIMEN:Left breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to .2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in vague tubular, cords and sheets. Individual cells have pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show desmoplasia and inflammatory cells.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1123,MR160012837,"CLINICAL HISTORY: Mass in right breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple tiny grey white soft tissue bits altogether measuring 0.3x0.2x0.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fragments of breast tissue infiltrated by a lesion arranged in nests oval cords of small cells with uniform round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and correlate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. admixed are mucinous areas. Stroma shows fibrocollagenous change.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy:Invasive carcinoma with mucinous features. Nuclear grade - 1." 1124,MR160012844,"CLINICAL HISTORY: Mass in left breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy form left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received three grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in trabecular nests and cords comprising of atypical cells with mild to moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and scanty to moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Stroma shows extensive fibrosis and hyalinisation.IMPRESSION:Left breast, biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade : 2.Modified BR score - 6/9.Tubular formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 1 -------- 6/9 ----------" 1125,MR160012846,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right buccal mucosaSPECIMEN:A) Right composite resectionB) Right neck dissectionGROSS FINDINGS:A) Laterality : RightMeasurements of Bone (length ) : 6cmMucosa :2.8x3.5cmSalivary gland : Absent Skin flap - shows nodular elevation: 5x4.3cmTeeth (number) : 5Site of tumor : right buccal mucosaTumor size : 2.7x1.7x3.2cmAppearance : ulcerativeResected margins orientated :YesDistance from margins :Anterior margin : 1cmPosterior margin : 1.2cmSuperior margin : 1cmInferior margin : 1.5cmDeep margin : 0.2cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5x4x3cm, skin ellipse measures 2.5x2x1cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sections show infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets, islands, nests, lobules pleomorphic vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Adjacent stroma shows desmoplasia. Area of necrosis and myxoid areas noted. Overlying skin appears to be normal.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion not identifiedAnterior, posterior, superior, inferior margins are free of tumor Skin margin is free of tumorOne node dissected shows tumorB) Identified 4 lymph nodes - free of tumorSalivary gland - free of tumorIMPRESSION:A) Moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma - right breast mucosaLarger tumor dimension measures 2.7cmLymphovascular invasion not identifiedPerineural invasion not identifiedOverlying skin is free of tumorAll resected margins are free of tumor.Identified one lymph node - involved by tumor(1/1)No perinodal spread seenB) Identified 4 lymph nodes - free of tumorThey show reactive hyperplasia (0/4)Salivary gland is free of tumor" 1126,MR160012847,CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast mass - to riule out carcinoma.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring a benign biphasicá tumor with epithelial and stromal components. Compressed glands lined by bilayered epithelium are seen. Foci of usual ductal hyperplasia noted.IMPRESSION:Fibroepithelial lesion - Fibroadenoma. 1127,MR160012854,"H16-8893SPECIMEN :Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received two grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Sections show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets,cords and trabeculae. Cells have moderate amount of cytoplasm and pleomorphic vesicular nuclei. Stroma shows fibrosis. Mitotic activity is discerned.IMPRESSION :Right breast mass, biopsy.Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1128,MR160012859,"H16-8898SPECIMEN :Left breast mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a cellular lesion arranged to sheets. Cells have abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Extensive areas of necrosis and inflammatory infiltrate is seen. Mitotic activity is seen.IMPRESSION :Left breast mass, Core Biopsy.Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 3.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8(3+3+2)." 1130,MR160012898,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from chest wall lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 skin covered soft tissue bits measures 2.5x1.5x0.4cm.Entire tissue processed.Smaller measures 2x0.4x0.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows skin with subcutaneous tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in the fibrosi and subcutaneousá tissue predominantly in nests, tubules and cords. The cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism increased mitosis and moderate eosinophilic vacuolated cytoplasm. The tumor involvesá the epidermis in form of pagetoid spread lymphatic emboli seen. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from chest wall lesion:Recurrent invasive carcinoma( NST) in a known case of carcinoma breast." 1131,MR160012912,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in left breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as sheets, cords and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei, conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy left breast.Grade 2(7/9).Tubular formationáááááááááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphicááááááááááááá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááááá - 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------" 1132,MR160012918,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in rightá breastá - carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as cords trabeculae and clusters. The neoplastic cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Crush artifacts seenIMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy of right breastGrade 2 (7/9)(Tubule formation=3, Nuclear pleomorphism=2, Mitotic figures=2) " 1133,MR160012922,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:A) Left sentinel lymph node biopsyB) Left breast lumpectomyC) Revised superior marginGROSS FINDINGS;A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5x3x2cm, isolated 3 lymph nodesLargest sentinel lymph node measures 2x1x1cm, cut surface shows fatty infiltrationB) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 5.5x4.5x3cm, skin ellipse measures 3x0.7cm.Located at the following distances from the respective margins:Medial marginá - 1cmLateral marginá - 2.5cmSuperior margin - " 1134,MR160012949,"CLINICAL HISTORY: Mass in left breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received three grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual tumor cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Core biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1135,MR160012976,"CLINICAL HISTORY: Left breast mass - ? Infection.? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 very ting linear fragmented cores measuring 0.2 to 0.3 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by inflammatory aggregates comprising of plasma cells, lymphocytes, neutrophils. Areas of hyalinisation sees along with scattered fibroblasts and histiocytes.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Biopsy:Acute on chronic inflammation.No evidence of malignancy in the sections studied." 1136,MR160012977,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in right breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of lowest parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as islands and nests. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm, Lymphovascular emboli seen.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy right breast:Grade 2(6/9).Tubular formationáááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá - 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------------" 1137,MR160012987,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in right breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets, cords and tubules. Cells have moderate amount of cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and inconspicuous nucleoli. Mitotic activity is seenIMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast:Grade 2 (7/9)Tubule formation -3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 " 1138,MR160013000,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast - post lumpectomy, chemo statusSPECIMEN:A) Left modified radical mastectomyB) Level 3 lymph nodesGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy post lumpectomy post NACTLaterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial -- lateral -- 22cm Superficial -- Deep -- 2.5cm Superior -- Inferior -- 25cmSkin ellipse : 13x7.5cm Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : grossly no tumor seen, grey white fibrotic area noted in the upper quadrant and periareoar region measuring 1.5x1.2x0.9cm. Deep margin : 2cmMuscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : 7x4.5x2cmSize of largest node : 3x1.5x1cm IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- No residual viable tumor presentAreas of fibrosis, necrosis, lymphocytes, histiocytes, foreign body giant cells with granulationtissue and atrophic glands. Posterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: Level I and II lymph nodes - 13 nodes show no deposits of tumorLevel III lymph nodes - 3 nodes - no deposits of tumorSummary : Left post NACT MRM, No residual viable tumor presentLymph nodes - level I and II lymph nodes - 13 nodes show no deposits of tumorLevel III lymph nodes - 3 nodes show no deposits of tumor " 1139,MR160013004,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received ináááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Formalin.Procedureááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Mastectomy Lateralityááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá :á Left MRM Total dimensionsááááááááááááááááá : Medial -- lateral : 15cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial -- Deep : 13cm.á ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-- Inferiorá : 3cm.Skin ellipseáááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 12x5.5cm.áá Nippleáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Unremarkable.Scar/ Surgical defectááááááááááá : Not seen.Tumour Sizeáááááááááááááááááááááááá : 2.5x2x1.5cm.ááááááá Location of tumorááááááááááááááá :á Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumoráááááááááááááááá :á Well defined. áá Deep margináááááááááááááááááááááá : 1.5cm.Muscleááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Absent.Adjacent Breastááááááááááááááááá : Fibrofatty.á Axillary tail á á á á á á á á á á á á á : 7x4x1.5cm. áá Total number of nodesááááááá : 12 nodes.Size of largest nodeááááááááááá : 2.2x2x1cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade IIModified BR score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá : 2Tumor measures 2.5x2cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the upper outer quadrant.Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is Free of tumor.Nipple and areola : 12 lymph nodes- No metastatic deposits of tumor.Pathological stage : pT2N0.SUMMARY:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade IINipple and areola : 12 lymph nodes- No metastatic deposits of tumor." 1140,MR160013027,"CLINICAL HISTORY : History of right breast lump - Post operative statusRight breast lump - ? Recurrence.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy right breast.Grade 2(6/9).Tubular formationááááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá - 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------Lymphovascular emboli seen." 1141,MR160013038,"CLINICAL HISTORY: Mass in left breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received three grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged in nests and sheets. Cells exhibit moderate to marked nuclear pleomorphism, vesicular nuclei with irregular nuclear membrance, prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Areas of necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma - Grade III.Modified BR score - 8/9.Tubular formationáááááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááá - 3Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááá - 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------" 1142,MR160013082,CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast Post Op?recurrenceSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measure 0.2 to 0.3 Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of fibrous and fatty tissueá harboring a few tiny capillaries.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Only fibrous tissue seen in the biopsy submitted. 1143,MR160013086,"H16-8988SPECIMEN :Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received five linear cores ranging from 0.5 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Right Breast, Cor Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1144,MR160013089,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Irregular spiculated mass in left breast (3'0 clock)á - ? Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN: A) Biopsy left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords, trabeculae and tubules. The cells have moderate amount of cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Mitotic activity is discerned. Stroma shows elastosis. Foci of calcification seen. IMPRESSION:A) Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy left breast.Grade 2(6/9).Tubule formationáááááááááááááá - 2Nuclear pleomorphismááááááá - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááá - 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------" 1145,MR160013092,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast mass - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1 cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy left breast.Grade 2 (6/9).Tubular formationáááááááááááá - 2Nuclear pleomorphismááááá - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá - 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------Lymphovascular emboli seen." 1146,MR160013100,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a cellular lesion arranged in sheets, cords and trabeculae. The cells have moderate amount of cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows elastosis.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast lump.Grade 2, Modified BR score 6.Tubular formationááááááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááá - 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------" 1147,MR160013111,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords and trabeculae. The cells have moderate amount of cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows fibrosis.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast lump.Modified BR score Grade 2(7/9).Tubular formationááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá - 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------" 1148,MR160013124,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biospy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 greybrown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of predominantly necrotic tissue harboring occasional atypical cells. One of the cores show fibroblastic proliferation and mixed inflammatory infiltrate composed of neutrophils, lymphocytes and plasma cells.IMPRESSION:Occasional atypical cells seen.In view of predominantly necrotic tissue, kindly repeat biopsy from viable tumor area." 1149,MR160013131,CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in right breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received three grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Benign breast tissue with focus of usual ductal hyperplasia.Suggest repeat biopsy from representative area in case of high index of clinical suspicion. 1150,MR160013136,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in 7'0 clock position of left breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: B) Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:B) Received three grey white linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1 cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:B) Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy left breast.Grade 2(6/9).Tubular formationáááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá - 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------" 1151,MR160013143,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received three grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1152,MR160013158,"H16-9031SPECIMEN:Right breast, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords and sheets. Individual cells have round to oval hyperchroamtic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows hyalinisation. Mitotic figures are discerned.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1153,MR160013166,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast solid cystic mass - ? carcinoma.Left supraclavicular multiple lymph nodes - ? metastasis.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.3cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue exhibiting a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets, nests and islands consisting of polygonal to oval cells demonstrating moderate nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm. There are small cores of keratinization. Intervening areas show desmoplastic stroma. Small fragment of skin is also noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion :High grade carcinoma.? Primary in breast." 1154,MR160013173,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast - post op.SPECIMEN:Sternal Lesion, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fibrocollagenous tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual tumor cells have round to oval nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Sternal Lesion, Biopsy :Suggestive of Recurrent deposit of carcinoma in known and treated case of carcinoma right breast." 1155,MR160013194,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue with a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords and sheets. Individual cells have pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show desmoplasia and hyalinisation ductal carcinoma in situ solid and comedo necrosis type is seen.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). - Ductal carcinoma in situ of solid and comedo pattern with intermediate nuclear grade." 1156,MR160013207,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast massSPECIMEN:Biopsy of left breast GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear trucut cores of breast parenchyma with sheets, clusters and cords of large atypical cells with hyperchromatic nuclei, few show prominent nucleoli, moderate to abundant cytoplasm. Frequent mitotic figures discerned. Stroma shows desmoplastic responseIMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, NOS, grade 3Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 3Mitotic figures - 2 __________ 8/9 ___________" 1159,MR160013250,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Time of receipt at lab : 4:30pm.Procedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Right MRM Total dimensions : Medial -- lateral : 19cm. Superficial -- Deep : 4cm. Superior--Inferior : 15cm.Skin ellipse : 14x9cm. Nipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : SingleTumour Size : Small focus of residual tumor present measuring 1x0.8x0.5cm.Location of tumor : Retroareolar.Margins of tumor : Ill defined. Deep margin : 1cm.Muscle : Present.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Axillary tail : 10x7x2.5cm. Total number of nodes : 17 nodes.Size of largest node : 2x2x1cm. Cut surface shows greybrown.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy:Tumor bed: Focus of residual tumor present measuring 1x0.8cm. Intraductal papillary carcinoma-in-situ with cribriform and solid pattern measuring 0.5cm.Invasive carcinoma is present.Surrounding the tumor areas of fibrosis, inflammatory cells, lymphocytes, histiocytes, plasma cells and foreignbody giant cells.Adjacent breast parenchyma shows intraductal papilloma, fibrocystic disease.Tumor measures 1cm with invasive carcinoma 0.5cm and ductal carcinoma-in-situ 0.5cm.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is Free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes : 17 lymph nodes- No metastatic deposits of tumor.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy:Tumor bed: Focus of residual tumor present. Intraductal papillary carcinoma-in-situ with cribriform and solid pattern.No invasive ductal carcinoma present.Lymph nodes : 17 lymph nodes- No metastatic deposits of tumor." 1161,MR160013273,CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - ? fibroadenoma ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received three grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Fibroadenoma with foci of usual ductal hyperplasia.No evidence of malignancy in the cores submitted.Kindly correlate with mammographic findings and suggest repeat biopsy if deemed necessary. 1162,MR160013285,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:A) Right breast lumpectomyB) Right axillary clearanceGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue with elliptical piece of skin measures 4.5x3.5x2.5cm, skinellipse measures 2x1cm, cut surface shows grossly no tumor seen shows fibrotic areameasures 1x1cm.located at the following distances from the respective margins:Superior margin --2cmInferior margin --1cmMedial margin --1cmLateral margin -- 2cmDeep margin -- 0.5cmB) Axillary lymph nodes:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 8x7x2cm, largest lymph node measures 2x1.8x0.8cm, cut surface shows grey whiteMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Right breast lumpectomy:Lumpectomy bed:The section shows fibrosis with atrophic ducts and lymphocytes and histiocytic cells.Surrounding breast parenchyma ducts show adenosisThere is no evidence of residual viable tumor presentResected margins:Superior margin - free of tumorInferior margin -free of tumorMedial margin -free of tumorLateral margin - free of tumorDeep margin -free of tumorB) Right axillary clearanceone node shows metastatic deposits of invasive ductal carcinoma out of 19 nodesPerinodal spread not presentThe biggest node is 2x1.8cmIMPRESSION:A) Right breast lumpectomy:Post lumpectomy , post NACTNo residual viable tumor presentAll resected margins are free of tumorB) Right axillary clearance:one node shows metastatic deposits of invasive ductal carcinoma out of 19 nodesPerinodal spread present" 1163,MR160013296,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN:A) Sentinel lymph node right axillaB) Right mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3.5x2x1cm,largest lymph node measures 1.5x1x0.5cm.Cut surface shows fatty infiltration. Total isolatedá 4B) Received in á á á áá áá :á Formalin.Lateralityá á á á á á á á á áá : Right Total dimensions : Medial-lateralááá á á á á áá : 20cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deep á á áá : 5cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá áSuperior-inferior á á á á : 19cm.Skin ellipseáááá á á á á á á á :á 14.5x5cm.Nippleááááááááááá á á á á á á áá : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defectááá : AbsentTumor á á á á á á á á á á á á á : Single Tumor size á á á á á á á á áá : 2 cm (largest dimension )áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 2x1.5cm.Location of tumorááááááááá : lower outer quadrantMargins of tumoráááááááááá :á ill defined.Deep margináááááááááááááááá :1.5cm.Muscleááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Absent.Adjacent breastááááááááááá : Fibrofatty.Axillary tail á á á á á á á á áá : AbsentMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:B) Multiple section shows breast parenchyma harboring a cellular neoplastic lesion arranged in tubules and sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Desmoplastic stroma shows areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. Mitotic figures are discerned. Ductal carcinoma in situ, solid and comedonecrosis is seen. Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.A) Sentinel node .right axilla -Four nodes isolated are free of tumor (0/4)IMPRESSION:B)Right breast,Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2Modified BR score isá 6/9Tubule formationáááááááááá - 2Nuclear pleomorphismá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá - 2Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosisá identified, solid type(constitiutes 40% of the total tumor volume)áInvasive component is approximately 1.2 cm Lymphovascular invasion is not identifiedPerineural invasion not identifiedPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkablePathological stage - pT1cA) Sentinel node .right axilla -Four nodes isolated are free of tumor (0/4)" 1164,MR160013301,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass ion right breast - ? carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.9 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue with a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets. Individual cells have pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia hyalinisation and inflammatory infiltrate consisting of lymphocytes, few plasma cells. Areas of necrosis noted. Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 3. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8(3+2+3)" 1165,MR160013304,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received tiny grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.4 cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue with necrosis and fibrosis with few sheets of atypical cells having round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Scattered inflammatory cells seen.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score 6(3+2+1)." 1166,MR160013306,"CLINICAL HISTORY: Mass in left breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received two grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from the linear cores submitted shows a lesion arranged in tubules, cords and aggregates. The neoplastic cells show vesicular nucleus with moderate amount of cytoplasm. Atypical mitotic figures discerned. No lymphovascular emboli or perineural invasion noted.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.MBR score 7/9" 1167,MR160013314,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Mass in left breast-Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.9 to 1.2cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating cellular neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets,cords and tubules.The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm,hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus with prominent nucleoli.Atypical mitotic figures are discerned.Stroma shows desmoplasia with areas of hemorrhage,necrosis and chronic inflammatory infiltrate.Ductal carcinoma in situ of solid and comedonecrosis type is noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass,biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma,grade 2MBR score is 7/9.Tubule formation:3Nuclear pleomorphism:2Mitoses:2Areas of necrosis seen." 1168,MR160013321,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast- post lumpectomy-post NACT status.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT.Laterality : Right MRM Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 17cm. Superficial to Deep : 2.5cm. Superior-Inferior : 16cm.Skin ellipse : 12x5.5cm. Nipple :NormalScar : Curvilinear in the outer quadrant.Tumor : Grossly tumor show fibrosis, necrosis and focal small focus of solid area is present measuring 1x0.5cm.Location of tumor : outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Fibrotic.Deep margin : From fibrotic area 0.3cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Axillary tail : 7.5x5x2cm.Total number of nodes : 14 nodes.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy post lupectomy and post NACT :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade IITumor bed : Small focus of viable tumor present measuring 1x0.5cm.Invasive ductal carcinoma measuring 0.5cm with Ductal carcinoma in situ 0.5cm with solid and papillary pattern.Modified BR score is 6/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures 1x0.8cm in greatest dimension and is located in the inner outer quadrant.Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is present- Solid and papillary.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is Free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes : One lymph node show metastatic deposits of viable invasive ductal carcinoma out of 14 nodes (1/14), perinodal spread present.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy- Post NACT:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade IILymph nodes : One lymph node show metastatic deposits of viable invasive ductal carcinoma out of 14 nodes (1/14)." 1169,MR160013327,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Mass in right breast - carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.7cm. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in tubules, sheets and cords. The cells have moderate amount of cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and inconspicuous nucleoli. Stroma shows fibrosis and congested blood vessels.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2, biopsy from right breast mass:MBR score 6 /9Tubule formationááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá - 1" 1170,MR160013329,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Metastatic carcinoma breast right with skin ulcerationSPECIMEN:Right toilet mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : FormalinProcedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : Mastectomyá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá á Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : Rightá á Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medialá - lateral áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficialáá - Deepáááá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior - Inferior Skin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá :áá 19x17cmá Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá : Retracted Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : skin ellipse shows a ulceration in the lower inner quadrant measures 6.5x3cm corresponding to áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á áá the underlying tumor located 0.5cm medial to the nipple and areola Tumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : Singleá Tumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá : 11x7x5cm. áááááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá : upper inner quadrant and lower innerá quadrant á Margins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á :á ill defined ááááááááá Deep marginááá ááá áá á á á á á á : 2cm Muscleááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á á áá : Present measures 2x1cm Adjacent Breastááá áá á á áá ááá :á fibrofatty áááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá á á á á á á áá : 8x6x3cmSize of largest nodeááááááááááá : largest matted lymph node measures 4x2x1cm, cut surface is grey white, tumor depositMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from tumor show breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as tubules, clusters and islands. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have vesicular nuclei, conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm.Lymphovascular emboli seen. Overlying skin is ulcerated and infiltrated by tumor.Nipple and areola -free of tumor. Deep marginá -á free of tumor. 5 out of 6 right axillary lymph nodes isolated show metastatic deposits of tumor. Perinodal spread is seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: áInvasive ductalá Carcinoma, Grade I. Modified BR score is 5/9.Tubule formation: 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 1Tumor measures 6.5 cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the lower inner quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ solid(small volume)áLymphovascular invasion seenPerineural invasion not seenPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is free of tumor. Perinodal spread is seen.Lymph nodes: 5/6 lymph nodes, Metastasis:á 5 lymph nodes(5/6) . Perinodal spread is seen.SUMMARY:Rightá MRM, Infiltrating ductal carcinoma,Grade INodal metastases 5/6Perinodal spread is seen." 1171,MR160013376,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN:Right breast with level I and II axillary nodesGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -24cm Superficial - Deep - 3cm Superior - Inferior - 22cmSkin ellipse : 16x8cm Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : SingleTumour Size : 3x3x2cm Location of tumor : upper outer quadrantMargins of tumor : relatively cirumscribed Deep margin : 1cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : received sepertely in same container 7.5x5x1.5cm.Total number of nodes : 14 lymph nodesSize of largest node : 1.5x1x0.5cm, cut surface shows fatty infiltrationIMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II. Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation: 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 3X3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not presentLymphovascular invasion presentPerineural invasion presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkable Lymph nodes: 1 lymph node, shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 14 nodes . Pathological stage : pT2N1Perinodal spread not presentSUMMARY:Right MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade II.Nodal metastases 1 node lymph node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 14nodesPerinodal spread is not present." 1172,MR160013379,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.4 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring a lesion with cells arranged in papillary ,cribriform pattern and also in sheets. Cells have scanty to moderate cytoplasm with round uniform hyperchromatic nuclei.Adjacent stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrationIMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass:Suggestive of papillary neoplasm.Requires into-to excision with margins for conclusive opinion" 1173,MR160013380,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast- carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm .Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the linear cores show tumor cells arranged in cords,nests and sheets. Occasional tubule formation noted. Cells are pleomorphic with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Sheets of lymphocytes seen infiltrating the adjacent stromaIMPRESSION:Left breast mass, biopsy:Suggestive of infiltrating ductal carcinoma with dense inflammationMBR Score 7" 1174,MR160013390,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - ? carcinomaSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS;Section from the linear cores shows cells arranged in papillary fronds and sheets. Cells have moderate cytoplasm with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and inconspicuous nucleoli. Brisk mitotic activity noted.Stroma shows lymphocytic infiltration. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, biopsy:Suggestive of Invasive carcinoma with papillary features, nuclear grade 2" 1175,MR160013391,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Dilated ducts with intraductal mass in left breast - ? papillary carcinoma of left breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear bits measures 0.3 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from the core biopsy from the left breast mass predominantly shows benign breast parenchyma with ducts and stroma. There is a solitary fragmentary focus showing cells with stratification, hyperchromasia and pleomorphism.IMPRESSION:Solitary fragmentary focus of atypical cells-Tissue inadequate for definitive opinionNeeds intoto excision for catergorization." 1176,MR160013395,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring a lesion with cells arranged in cribriform pattern. Cells have moderate to scanty cytoplasm with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and inconspicuous nucleoli. Foci of sheets of tumor cells seen. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis seen. Ductal carcinoma in situ component seen with comedonecrosis of intermediate nuclear gradeIMPRESSION:Left breast mass, biopsy;Fragmentaryáá biopsyá with ductal carcinoma in situ and comedonecrosis Nuclear grade 2Invasion cannot be commented upon due to fragmentary nature of the biopsy" 1177,MR160013404,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left neck node - FNAC -metastatic adenocarcinoma? primarySPECIMEN:Biopsy from neck nodeGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm.Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue infiltrated by a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets, nests and islands consisting ofround to oval cells demonstrating moderate nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm amidst a desmoplasticstromaIMPRESSION:Biopsy from neck node:Metastatic carcinomaSuggest IHCPlease look forá primary in breast/ lung/ ovary" 1178,MR160013409,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Lump in right breastSPECIMEN:Right breast lumpectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 nodular masses, largest measures 3.5x2.5x1.5cm, cut surface shows grey white are measures 2x1.3x0.7cm.Smaller measures 1.8x1.5x0.7cm, cut surface shows grey white area measures 0.5x0.5x0.3cm.Distance from the ink margin is 0.1cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections reveal breast parenchyma exhibiting a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords, nests and vague tubular configuration infiltrating in between normal ducts. The lesional cells harbor vesicular nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoliand moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right breast lumpectomy:2 nodulesInvasive ductal carcinoma, grade IITubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 1Nodule 1 - tumor measures 2x1.3x0.7, distance from the closest inked margin is 0.2cmNodule 2 - tumor measures 0.5x0.5x0.3cm, distance from the closest inked margin is 0.1cmLymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not identified" 1179,MR160013447,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Mass in right breast - carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear bits altogether measures 0.3x0.3x0.1cm. Entire tissue is processed.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 3. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8 (3+3+2)." 1180,MR160013461,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets and an papillary clusters cells having normal to oval pleomorphic, hyperchromatic nuclei with scant cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows dismoplasia. Few foci show in situ papillary type. Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, nuclear grade II.Suggestive of papillary differentiation .Foci of Ductal carcinoma in situ seen." 1181,MR160013464,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN :Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS :Received five grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Linear cores of tissue infiltrated by sheets and nests of round to oval neoplastic cells demonstrating moderate nuclear pleomorphism and brisk mitotic activity. Intervening fibrocollagenous stroma show aggregates lymphocytes.IMPRESSION :Biopsy from left breast lump :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade III.Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 _________ 8/9 _________" 1182,MR160013469,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN :Left breast mass, biopsy :GROSS FINDINGS :Received three grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets, clusters. The cells exhibit marked nuclear pleomorphism with hyperchromic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Adjacent area shows necrosis. Desmoplasa seen. Brisk mitotic activity seen. Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION :Left breast mass, biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified BR score is 8/9. grade -IIITubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 2 __________ 8/9 __________Areas of necrosis seen." 1183,MR160013474,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN :Biopsy -Left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS :Received four grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows lesion cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests, clusters and tubules. The cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism with hyperchromatic nuclei and scant cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Adjacent stroma shows desmoplasia and elastosis.IMPRESSION :Left breast mass :Suggestive of invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified BR score is 6/9. Grade II.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 _________ 6/9 _________" 1184,MR160013484,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Mass in left breast - carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue with neoplastic lesion arranged in cords and sheets. Individual cells have pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows hyalinisation. Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast core biopsyInvasive ductal carcinoma, grade IIMBR score - 6Tubule formation -3 nuclear pleomorphism --2mitotic activity -1Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis" 1185,MR160013546,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN :Left breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received three grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Sections shows linear cores of beast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets and cords. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with chronic inflammatory infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis seen.IMPRESSION :Left breast, biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified BR score isá 7/9Tubular formationáááááá : 3.Nuclear pleomorphism : 2.Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá : 2.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________" 1186,MR160013553,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Mass in left breast - carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion in small clusters, synctiatial sheets. The cells have round to oval pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Extensive areas of desmoplasia noted.IMPRESSION:Left breastInvasive ductal carcinoma - Grade - 2 MBR score - (6/9)Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pelomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 1 _________ 6/9 _______" 1187,MR160013562,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left completion mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Time of receipt at lab : 5:00pm.Procedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Left MRM Total dimensions : Medial -- lateral : 18cm. Superficial -- Deep : 3cm. Superior--Inferior : 11cm.Skin ellipse : 11x3cm. Nipple : Absent.Scar/ Surgical defect : Healed scar measuring 6cm.Tumour Size : Not identified.Deep margin : 0.8cm from fibrotic areas shows muscle bundle.Muscle : Present.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Axillary tail : 4x4x4cm. Total number of nodes : 17 nodes.Size of largest node : 1x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.IMPRESSION:Left completion mastectomy :Tumor bed shows normal epidermis with focal areas of fibrosis, subepithelial fibrosis and scattered lymphocytic infiltration and hyalinised stroma. There is no evidence of residual tumor present.Posterior resection margin shows muscle bundle- Free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Not present.Lymph nodes: 7 lymph nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor invasive ductal carcinoma out of 16 nodes. Perinodal spread present.SUMMARY:Left completion mastectomy :No residual tumor.Lymph nodes: 7 lymph nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor invasive ductal carcinoma out of 16 nodes. Perinodal spread present." 1188,MR160013570,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Small perialeolar (N13X10cm) lesion in left breast - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN :Left breast biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received four grey white to grey brown linear cores ranging in length from 0.5-1 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with periductal inflammatory infiltrate comprising predominantly of lymphocytes, histiocytes and macrophages. Stroma shows hyaline change. No evidence of malignancy noted.IMPRESSION :Left breast, biopsy :Lymphocytic mastitis.No definite evidence of malignancy in the material submitted.Kindly correlate clinically and suggest repeat if deemed necessary." 1189,MR160013578,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN :Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received four grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits altogether measuring 0.4 x 0.3 x 0.1 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION :Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1190,MR160013586,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN :Left breast lesion, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received four grey white to grey brown linear cores cores measuring 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in tubules and cords. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nucleus. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with areas of hemorrhage.IMPRESSION :Left breast lesion, biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubular formationááááááááááá : 2.Nuclear pleomorphismáááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______" 1191,MR160013596,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN :Right breast,biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received three grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows linear cores of fibrofatty tissue with extensive areas of necrosis. Occasional foci of atypical cellular clusters are seen. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Areas of hemorrhage noted.IMPRESSION :Right breast, biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formationááááááááá : 3.Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2.Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 2.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________Lymphovascular invasion seen.Large areas of necrosis seen." 1192,MR160013634,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion outside FNAC.SPECIMEN :Right breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received four grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows fragments of linear core demonstrating a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets. The cells show marked pleomorohism with hyperchromatic nuclei and few showing prominent nucleoli with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Areas of demoplasia seen.IMPRESSION :Right breast, biopsy :Invasive carcinoma - nuclear grade III.suggestive of Poorly differentiated origin." 1194,MR160013672,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN :Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores altogether measuring 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION :Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9. Grade 2.Tubular formationááááááááááááááá : 3.Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááá : 2.Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááá : 2.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 1195,MR160013686,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN :Left breast mass, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received three grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 0.9cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows breast parenchyma with an infiltrating neoplastic lesion arranged in cords and sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with chronic inflammatory infiltrate.IMPRESSION :Left breast mass, biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, grade 2.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubular formationáááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________" 1197,MR160013694,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Complex cyst in left breast - ? carcinomaá breast.SPECIMEN :Left breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received four grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section show multiple fragments of tissue harboring a lesion arranged in papillary pattern with fibrovascular core. The cells are columnar with basally located hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate to abundant cytoplasm. Few of the cells are arranged in glandular pattern. Foci of apocrine metoplasia seen.IMPRESSION :Left breast, biopsy :Suggestive of papillary neoplasm.Suggest excision biopsy to rule out malignancy." 1198,MR160013703,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast.Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a lesion arranged in vague tubules, nests and cords. Cells are medium to large sized with round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus exhibiting moderate pleomorphism and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Few cells show intranuclear inclusions. Adjacent stroma shows fibrosis. Focal areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast, biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubular formation : 3.Nuclear pleomorphism : 2.Mitotic figures : 1 ________ 6/9 ________" 1200,MR160013714,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.7 to 1cmEntire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring a lesion arranged in nests and cords. Cells are large with roundto oval pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei ,few showing prominent nucleoli and moderate to abundant fine granular eosinophilic cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows extensive fibrosis. Occasional mitotic figures discerned. Areas of necrosis seenIMPRESSION:Right breast lesion, biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2MBR score 6/9 -Tubule formation -3Nuclear pleomorphism -2Mitotic figures -1 _________ 6/9 _________Areas of necrosis seen." 1202,MR160013748,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma.SPECIMEN :Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION :Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma , Grade 2.á- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1203,MR160013757,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast -á carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN :Right breast mass, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received four grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1. 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating neoplastic lesion arranged in cords and nests. The cells are ovoid having moderate of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli . Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage seen.IMPRESSION :Right breast mass, biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, grade 2.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubular formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááá : 2.Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 1204,MR160013758,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Sentinel lymph node.B) Right mastectomy specimen.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Sentinel lymph node:Received two lymph nodes. Largest measuring 1x1x0.8cm. Cut surface shows greywhite. Smaller measuring 0.8x0.8x0.6cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.B) Right mastectomy specimen:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial - lateral : 17cm. Superficial - Deep : 8cm. Superior-Inferior : 16cm.Skin ellipse : Normal. Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumour Size : 2x2x1.5cm. Location of tumor : Central quadant. Margins of tumor : Infiltrative. Deep margin : 3.5cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Axillary tail : Absent.IMPRESSION:Right MRM, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified BR score is 6/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures 2x2cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Central quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion Is not present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: Two lymph nodes- No metasatic deposits of tumor (0/2).Pathological stage : pT1N0.SUMMARY:Right MRM, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Lymph nodes: Two lymph nodes- No metasatic deposits of tumor (0/2)." 1205,MR160013762,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN :Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS :Received two grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.4 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION :Invasive carcinoma with lobular pattern, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2.Tubular formationááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 1206,MR160013763,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - / carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN :Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Sections show linear cores of tissue with foci of dense collections of mixed inflammatory cells composed of polymorphic lymphocytes, plasma cells and tiny clusters of atypical cells with hyperchroamtic nuclei are seen.IMPRESSION :? Granulomatous inflammation with focus of atypical cells.Suggest excision of lump for proper histopathological evaluation." 1207,MR160013785,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN :Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as cords, clusters and sheets. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromtic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION :Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubular formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____" 1208,MR160013789,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN :Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 3 grey to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as cords and compresed tubules. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nuclioli and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION :Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score isá 6/9.Tubular formationáááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 1209,MR160013816,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Locally advanced right carcinoma breast,post NACT.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Modified radical mastectomy post NACT.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral :45cm. Superficial - deep : 4cm. Superior-inferior : 24cm.Skin ellipse : 13x9.5cm. Surface of the skin shows ulceration 4x3cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumor : SingleTumor size : 3.5x2.5x2.5cm.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 1cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 18 nodes.Axillary tail : 7.5x6.5x2cm.Size of largest node : 2.5x1.5x0.8cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy,Post NACT:Tumor bed : Viable tumor present.Invasive ductal carcinoma measuring 3.5x2.5cm, surrounding tumor areas of fibrosis, necrosis, lymphoplastic infiltration is present.Tumor is infiltrating into the epidermis of skin resultly in ulceration.Modified BR score : 8/9, grade III.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 -------------- 8/9 ---------------Tumor measures 3.5x2.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant.- Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not present.- Posterior resection margin : Free of tumor.- Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 4 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 18 Nodes(4/18).SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy,post NACT :Residual viable tumor present- Invasive ductal carcinoma,gradeIII.Nodal metastases : 4 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 18 Nodes(4/18)." 1210,MR160013851,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Wide local excision of left breast lump.B) Revised inferior margin (Inked inferiorly).C) Left axillary lymph node dissection (Level I & II).D) Level III axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 8.5x7.5x5cm.Skin ellipse measures 3x0.9cm, located at the following distance from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 2.5cm.Inferior margináá -- 2cm.Medial marginááá -- 1.5cm.Lateral marginááá -- 1.4cm.Deep marginááááá -- 0.4cm.Seral section shows a greywhite lesion measuring 3x2.5x2.4cm.B) Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 4x4x2cm. One surface inked.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 9x8x3cm.Largest lymph node measuring 2.8x2x2cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3x3x2.5cm.Largest lymph node measuring 2.8x2x1.5cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Wide local excision left breast.Tumor - Tumor is composed of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and eosinophilic cytoplasm. The clumps and groups of tumor cells are seperated by bands of fibrous tissue and shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltration.Invasive carcinoma with Medullary carcinoma features.Tubular formationááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------------Nuclear grade III.DCIS : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Present.Perineural invasion : Present.Resected margins:-Superior margin : Free of tumor.Inferior margin shows epithelioid hyperplasia.Medial margin : Free of tumor.Lateral margin : Free of tumor.Deep marginá : Free of tumor.B) Revised inferior margin (Inked inferiorly): Free of tumor.C) Left axillary lymph node dissection (Level I & II):6 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 17 nodes. Perinodal spread present.D) Level III axillary lymph nodes:4 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 17 nodes. Perinodal spread present.IMPRESSION:Wide excision- Breast conservative surgery:Invasive carcinoma with Medullary carcinoma features.Nuclear grade IIDCIS : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Present.Perineural invasion : Present.All resected margins are free of tumor.Level I, II axillary nodes: 6 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 17 nodes.Level III : 4 nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 4 nodes." 1211,MR160013860,"H16-9383SPECIMEN :Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 2 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION :Right Breast, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.á- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1212,MR160013888,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN :Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received two grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION :Right Breast, Core Biopsy ;Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.á- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1213,MR160013894,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast and Papillary neoplasm of right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left sentinel lymph node biopsy(Frozen Section).B) Left breast, Left Simple Mastectomy.C) Right lump, Wide local excision.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue measuring 3 x 2 x 1.5 cm. Largest lymph node measuring 2 x 1.5 x 1 cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration. Entire tissue is submitted.B) Left breast, Left Simple Mastectomy :Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Modified Radical MastectomyLaterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 20 cm. Superficial to Deep : 5 cm. Superior to Inferior : 16 cm.Skin ellipse : 14 x 8 cm. Nipple : Unremarkable.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumour : No obvious tumor identified, DCIS with fibrous tissue measuring 1.5 x 1.5 x 1 cm, Tumor Location : Upper outer quadrant 12'0' clock position. Margins of tumor : Ill defined. Deep margin : 1.5 cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Axillary tail : Absent.Representative sections are submitted.C) Right lump, wide local excision:Specimen size :Medial to lateral margin -- 4cm.Superficial to deep margin -- 4.5cm.Superior to inferior margin -- 4.5cm.Nipple : Absent.Number of macroscopically visible lesions: OneLesion description : Cyst with papillary areas.Lesion dimensions : 0.8 x 0.5 x 0.5 cm.Distance of lesion from margins:-Superior margin -- 1.5cm.Inferior margin -- 2cm.Medial margin -- 1.8cm.Lateral margin -- 1cm.Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show breast parenchyma with a arranged in papillary fronds lined by ductal and myoepithelial layer. Cells have round to oval nuclei, coarse chromatin and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show bland stromal cells.IMPRESSION:A) Lymph nodes, Sentinel lymph node biopsy( Frozen Section) :Four lymph nodes identified, negative for malignancy (0/4).B) Left breast, Left Simple Mastectomy :Shows Ductal Carcinoma-in-situ of solid, comedonecrosis, cribriform pattern with intermediate to high nuclear grade. - Estimated size of the DCIS is 4 cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant. - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. - Perineural invasion is not identified. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and areola is unremarkable.C) Right lump, Wide local excision:Features suggestive of Intraductal papilloma. - All margins of resection are free of tumor." 1214,MR160013895,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1.0 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplastic lesion arranged as tubules, sheets and micropapillary pattern. The neoplastic cells have hyperchroamtic round to oval nuclei exhibiting marked pleomorphism. Intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Biopsy :Suggestive of invasive carcinoma.Modified BR score is 4/9, grade 1.Tubular formationáááááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááááááá : 1Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 4/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________Kindly correlate with mammographic findings." 1215,MR160013896,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fibrocollagenous tissue with ductules lined by cuboidal to low columnar epithelium. Stroma shows lymphocytes and occasional congested capillaries. No atypia is seenIMPRESSION:Left breast, Core biopsy:Features are suggestive of chronic non-specific mastitis.Suggest repeat biopsy or excision of the lump if clinically indicated." 1216,MR160013900,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinomaSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue is processedIMPRESSION:Left breast, core biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)" 1217,MR160013918,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the linear cores shows breast parenchyma harboring neoplastic lesion with cells tubules, nests and trabecular pattern. Cells are pleomorphicá with scanty cytoplasm and round to hyperchroamtic nuceli with inconspicuous nucleoli. Stromal desmoplasia present with focal infiltration by lymphoplasmacytic infiltration. Ductal carcinoma in site component (of intermediate nuclear grade ) is present.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubular formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismáááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 1218,MR160013926,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN :Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received three grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION :Right Breast, Core Biopsy ;Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1219,MR160013937,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left modified radical mastectomy SITE;Left Breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.Received 13 blocks and 6slides and 1 specimen labelled as 692/16.A-G(unstained)Received already grossed specimen total measures 13 x 12 x 4 cm,skin ellipse measures 13 x 7 cm,Nipple and areola - unremarkable, skin surface is unremarkable, no scar /surgical seen ? axillary tail measures 4 x 2 x 2 cm. On serial slicing shows ill defined grey white lesion, solid firm single lesion measures 7 x 4 x 2.5 cm in the lower outer quadrant, lower inner and central quadrant. Deep margin is 0.2 cm away from the lesion. Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple small tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cell have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. Perineural invasion is not identified. Extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ are seen.IMPRESSION;Left Breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). - Tumor is located in the lower outer, inner and central quadrant. - Multiple tumour foci are seen, largest measuring 1.5 cm in greatest dimension. - Lymphovascular invasion is seen. - Perineural invasion is not seen. - Extensive areas of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ of solid, cribriform and comedo pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen. - Estimated size of ductal carcinoma in situ is 7.0 cm in greatest dimension. - Nipple and areola are free of tumor. - Posterior resection margins are free of tumor.Lymph nodes:One out of ten lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposits(1/10). - Size of the tumor deposits measures 1.0 cm in greatest dimension. - No Extranodal Extension is not seen." 1220,MR160013946,CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast post op abdominal wall lesion - ? deposits.SPECIMEN:Abdominal Wall lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Abdominal Wall Lesion :Positive for malignancy.Suggestive of Metastatic carcinoma - Most possible from breast. 1221,MR160013956,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? brain metastasis.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1223,MR160013972,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplastic lesion arranged as solid sheets, cords and trabecular pattern. The neoplastic cells have hyperchromatic nuclei marked pleomorphism noted. Adjacent stroma shows necrosis, fibrosis and hemorrhage. Congested blood vessels seen. Brisk mitosis noted. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, grade III.Tubular formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááá : 3áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 1224,MR160013976,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Large right breast lump - ? carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received three grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma demonstrating a neoplastic lesion arranged in trabeculae, sheets, cords exhibiting marked pleomorphism with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with abundant cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows necrosis, fibrosis, desmoplasia. Congested blood vessels noted. Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Left breast, biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, grade II.Modified BR score isááááááááá 6/9Tubular formationáááááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismáááááá : 3Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________" 1225,MR160013988,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received three grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as sheets, cords and in trabecular pattern. The neoplastic cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, biopsy.Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified BR score isáááááá 6/9.Tubular formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________" 1226,MR160014005,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Large right breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score isá 8/9, grade 3.Tubular formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááá : 3Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________" 1227,MR160014013,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring neoplasm arranged in papillary pattern. Foci suggestive of ductal carcinoma in situ noted. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Papillary neoplasm with foci suggestive of ductal carcinoma in situ, biopsy from left breast.In view of desmoplastic stroma presence of invasive component needs to be excluded on excision biopsy.Case discussed with Dr.Senthil Rajappa" 1228,MR160014027,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score isá 7/9, grade 2.Tubular formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________Foci of calcification seen." 1229,MR160014038,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma with lobular features, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score isá 6/9, grade 2.Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________Foci of calcification seen." 1230,MR160014058,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast mass, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white mucinous linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1231,MR160014063,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast leftSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma show extensive desmoplasia of the stroma. There are numerous cells arranged as cords exhibiting crush artifacts. Focally they are pleomorphic. No significant mitotic activity is noted.However numerous crush artifacts with few atypical cells seenIMPRESSION:Left breast, biopsy:The features are suspicious of malignancyNeeds IHC " 1232,MR160014066,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN:(A) Right Breast, Wide excision of the lump (B) Sentinel lymph nodes from right axilla.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 5 x 4.2 x 0.5 cm.Skin ellipse measuring 3 x 1 cm. Cut surface shows grey white lesion measuring 2 x 1 x 1.3 cm. Located at the following distances from the respective margins:Superior margin - 0.5cmInferior margin - 3cmMedial margin - 1cmLateral margin - 1.5cmDeep margin - 1cmOne nodular lesion measures 1 x 0.5 x 0.3 cm, located 1cm away from tumor (grey white lesion) cut surface is whorled.Representative sections are submitted. B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5 x 2 x 0.5 cm, one lymph node identified measures 1.5 x 0.5 x 0.3 cm, cut surface shows fatty infiltration. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests, cords and diffuse sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular or perineural invasion is not identified.IMPRESSION: A) Right Breast, Wide Excision :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6 (3+2+1). - Tumor measures 2.0 cm in greatest dimension. - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. - Perineural invasion is not identified. - Ductal carcinoma in situ of solid and cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade. - Adjacent breast shows features of fibroadenomatoid change. - All margins of resection are free of tumor. - Overlying skin is free of tumor. B) Sentinel lymph nodes, Right axilla :Six lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy (0/6)Pathological stage : pT1cN0" 1233,MR160014073,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Recurrent carcinoma right breast. cT2N1M0.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received ináááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Formalin.Procedureááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Mastectomy Lateralityááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá :á Right MRM Total dimensionsááááááááááááááááá : Medial to lateral : 22cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep : 5.5cm.á ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferiorá : 20cm.Skin ellipseáááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 14x6.5cm.áá Nippleáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá :NormalScar/ Surgical defectááááááááááá : Not seen.Tumour Sizeáááááááááááááááááááááááá : 2x1.5x1.5cm.ááááááá Location of tumorááááááááááááááá :á Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumoráááááááááááááááá : Ill defined.ááááááááááá Deep margináááááááááááááááááááááá : 1cm.Muscleááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Absent.Adjacent Breastááááááááááááááááá : Fibrofatty.ááááá Axillary tailáááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 5x4x4cm.Total number of nodesááááááá : 16 nodes.Size of largest nodeááááááááááá : 2x1x1cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade IIIModified BR score is 8/9Tubule formationááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá : 3Tumor measures 2x1.5x0.5cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the upper outer quadrant.Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is Free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes : 6 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 16 nodes.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade IIILymph nodes : 6 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 16 nodes." 1234,MR160014099,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast -á carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied shows linear cores of tissue harboring extensive necrosis and a small volume of lesion arranged in sheets. The neoplastic cells have moderate amount of cytoplasm,pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, biopsy:Small volume of invasive carcinomaKindly note tumor volume mayá notá be adequate for further work up Repeat biopsy is advisable" 1236,MR160014111,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of ductal carcinoma of left breastMultiple left axillary nodes with thickened cortex - metastatic nodesSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left axillary nodeGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left axillary nodes, biopsy:Positive for malignancy.Suggestive of metastatic tumor deposits in known case of ductal carcinoma left breast." 1237,MR160014116,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - ? fibroadenomaSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrate lesion arranged in diffuse sheets, cords and in papillary pattern with fibrovascular cores. Cells exhibit marked nuclear pleomorphism hyperchromatic to vesicular irregular nuclei, dispersed chromatin, moderate eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm. Mitotic figures brisk. Abundant areas of necrosis and karyorrhectic debris seenIMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core biopsy :Invasive Carcinoma, Grade 3.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 9(3+3+3).Suggest further confirmation of morphology on resection specimen." 1238,MR160014121,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast -á carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from linear cores of breast parenchyma shows a neoplastic lesion arranged in tubules, cords and solid pattern. The neoplastic cells have moderate amount of cytoplasm, pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei. Lymphovascular invasion is seenIMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast:Grade - 6/9Tubule formationáááááááááááá -á 2Nuclear pleomorphismááá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá - 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9 ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________Lymphovascular emboli seen" 1239,MR160014125,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 1.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1)." 1242,MR160014145,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.0cm.Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from the linear cores shows breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion with cells arranged in sheets and trabecule. Cells are highly pleomorphic with scanty to moderate cytoplasm and round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei. Areas of necrosis and hemorrhage presentIMPRESSION:Right breast mass, biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2MBR Scoreá - 7/9Tubule formationáááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphism á - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá - 2" 1243,MR160014148,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite to greyyellow linear core measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6 (3+2+1). - Ductal carcinoma-in-situ of solid and cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen." 1244,MR160014168,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Know case of carcinoma left breast- Post MRM.Now right breast lesion. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring tumor composed of round to oval cells with hyperchromatic enlarged nucleus and scant cytoplasm infiltrating as cords and small nests. Nuclear pleomorphism is moderate. Mitosis are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lesion(Know case of carcinoma left breast- Status Post OP) :Invasive carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). " 1245,MR160014183,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump/ ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged as islands and sheets. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.MBR score is 6/9,Grade 2 Tubule formation =3,Nuclear pleomorphism=2,mitoses=1." 1246,MR160014195,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinomaSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey liner cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Core biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1247,MR1700021,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump with necrotic areas / ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.áIMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 1248,MR1700024,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinomaSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasmIMPRESSION:Left breast, Core biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson scores 6(3+2+1)" 1249,MR1700026,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinomaSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue is processedIMPRESSION:Left breast, core biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma. grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)" 1250,MR1700057,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : MRM post NACTLaterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral :11.5cm. Superficial - deep : 3cm. Superior-inferior :11cm.Skin ellipse : 10x6cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Not seen; shows fibrotic and necrotic areas.Location of tumor : 9'o clock position, grey brown area measures 1.5X1x0.8cmDeep margin : 0.8cm.Muscle : Present.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 18 nodes.Axillary tail : 5x5x3 cm.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x1cm. Cut surface shows greybrown.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :Tumor bed : Multiple section shows fibrosis, focal necrosis, lymphoplasmacytIc infiltration and foreign body giant cells.There is no evidence of residual viable tumor.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 18 lymph nodes show no metastatic deposits of tumor.Pathological stage : pyT0N0.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy post lumpectomy post NACT :No residual viable tumor present.Nodal metastases : 18 Nodes- No deposits of tumor." 1251,MR1700094,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinomaSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion arranged as cords, tubules and sheets. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic , pleomorphic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and scanty to moderate cytoplasm. Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis seen. Stroma shows inflammatory infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2MBR score is 7/9Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures(6-7/10hpf) - 2Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis seen." 1252,MR1700095,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump / ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring scant volume of atypical cells arranged in cords. These cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and scant to moderate cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Scant volume of atypical cells seen.A repeat biopsy is available for confirmation and ancillary tests.Case discussed with Dr Sai Rajendra. 1253,MR1700116,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Oblong shaped lesion in right breast extending upto retroareolar regionSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1 cm. Entire tissue is processedIMPRESSION:Right breast, Core biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)" 1255,MR1700122,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast massSPECIMEN:Biopsy of left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Mass, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1256,MR1700134,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear soft tissue bits measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a cellular infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nucleus. The stroma is desmoplastic with numerous lymphocytic infiltrates. Mitotic figures are discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, NST.MBR score is 7 of 9 (grade 2).Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------------- 7/9 -------------" 1257,MR1700157,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast retroareolar mass - ? carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy of right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged as nests, cords and tubules. The cells have pleomorphic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasiaIMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lumpInvasive ductal carcinoma, grade 1Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures(4-5/10hpf) - 1 _______MBR score 5/9 ________" 1258,MR1700186,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear core measuring 0.6 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1259,MR1700190,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast massSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.6to 0.8cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged as tubules, cords and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic. Lymphovascular emboli seenIMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breastGrade 2 Tubule formationááááááááááá - 2Nuclear pleomorphismáá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9 ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________" 1260,MR1700193,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma , biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, Grade 2.Tubular formationáááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá : 2.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________" 1261,MR1700208,"CLINICAL HISTORY :History of carcinoma right breast -post MRM statusSPECIMEN:Biopsy of right MRMGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white cores soft tissue bits each measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue is processedIMPRESSION:Right Post MRM site chest nodule, biopsy:Suggestive of Recurrence of carcinoma in known and treated case of carcinoma breast." 1262,MR1700231,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast massSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion arranged as tubules, cords and sheets. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic moderately pleomorphic nuclei with moderate to scanty cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplastic reaction. Areas of necrosis noted. Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis presentIMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast massInvasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2MBR score 6/9Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 _______ 6/9 ________Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis present" 1263,MR1700259,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear core measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1264,MR1700264,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Small left breast lump - ? carcinomaSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 .1 to 1.4cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows invasive sheets of nests and dysplastic cells showing moderate anisonucleosis, hyperchromatic nuclei of prominent nucleoli, seen invading the dense desmoplastic stroma, few mononuclear infiltrates seenIMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II - left breastTubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 _________MBR score 7/9 __________" 1265,MR1700268,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue is processedIMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy of left breastGradeá 2Tubule formationááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá - 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________" 1266,MR1700272,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1267,MR1700283,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy of left breast GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring a lesion arranged as diffuse sheets. The cells are round to oval with hyperchromatic markedly pleomorphic nuclei and scanty to moderate cytoplasm. Few interspersed large cells with vesicular nucleus and prominent nucleoli noted. Intervening stroma shows inflammatory infiltrate. Areas of necrosis notedIMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lumpInvasive carcinoma. NOS probably of ductal originNuclear grade II Areas of necrosis seen 1268,MR1700287,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.7 to 0.9cm. Entire tissue is processedIMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breastGrade 1 Tubule formationáááááááááá -á 2Nuclear pleomorphismá -á 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá - 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________" 1269,MR1700294,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump- ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows interlacing fascicles of spindle cells. Individual cells have mild to moderate atypia. No ductules are seen.Mitosis is discerned.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Spindle Cell Lesion.? Phyllodes Tumour.Suggest excision of the lump for further confirmation." 1270,MR1700317,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma ovary/ Right breast mass.SPECIMEN:A) Biopsy fromá colon.B) Biopsy from right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple greywhite soft tissue bits altogether measuring 0.8x0.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.B) Received 3 greywhite to greybrown linear core measuring 0.8 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Multiple fragments of colonic mucosa exhibiting features of denudation, ulceration and focal hyperplasia with distorted glands. Few glands are dilated and filled with mucin. Mitotic figures are discerned. There areá foci of extravasated mucin anná mixed inflammatory infiltrate. Intervening fibrocollagen stroma demonstrate numerous vascular channels.B) Linear cores of tissue exhibiting a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests and tubular configuration consisting of round to cuboidal cells demonstrating moderate nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm amidst a desmoplastic stroma. Mitotic figures are discerned.IMPRESSION:A) Biopsy from colon:Superficial biopsy Rectal ulcer with reactive atypiaB) Biopsy from right breast lesion:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade II.Tubule formationáááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------------" 1271,MR1700322,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuceli and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1272,MR1700327,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast massSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm.Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged as tubules and cords. The cells have round tooval hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate pleomorphism and moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows focal inflammatory infiltrateIMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breastInvasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2MBR score is 6/9Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 _________ 6/9 __________" 1273,MR1700331,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast mass.SPECIMEN: Trucut biopsy of left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma.MBR score is 7/9,Grade 2.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism:2Mitotic figures : 2" 1274,MR1700340,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS:? Metastasis of unknown origin.? Primary in breast.SPECIMEN:Right axillary node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received single lymph node measures 2.5x1.5x1 cm. Cut surface : grey white to grey yellow.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows lymph node with an infiltrating lesion in parenchyma arranged in sheets, cords and tubules. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm, vesicular to hyperchromatic and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis seen. Extranodal extension is seen.IMPRESSION:Right axillary lymph node biopsy:Suggestive of Metastatic adenocarcinoma in one of the two isolated lymph nodes are involved by tumor(1/2).EXtranodal extension is seen.Suggest IHC.Please correlate clinically." 1276,MR1700350,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast, post op incisional biopsy, post chemo.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : MRM,post NACT, Post lumpectomy.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral :17.5cm. Superficial - deep : 5cm. Superior-inferior :16cm.Skin ellipse : 17x10cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Linear scar measuring 4cm seen, medial to nipple areola complex.Tumor : Single.Tumor size :Residual tumor present measuring 2.8x2x1.2cm.Location of tumor : Corresponding to scar, upper inner quadrant.Margins of tumor : ill defined.Deep margin : 1.4cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 11 nodes.Axillary tail : 7.5x5.5x2cm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Tumor bed : Residual viable tumor present.Invasive lobular carcinoma with few ducts showing lobular carcinoma-in-situ measures 0.5cm.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade IITubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 --------------- 7/9 ---------------Tumor measures 2.8x2cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Upper inner quadrant.Few ducts showing lobular carcinoma-in-situ measuring 0.5cm.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 2 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 11 nodes. Perinodal spread not seen.Pathological stage : pyT2N1.SUMMARY:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Residual viable tumor present, grade II.Invasive lobular carcinoma.Nodal metastases : 2 Nodes show Metastatic deposits of tumor out of 11 nodes." 1277,MR1700351,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast massSPECIMEN:Biopsy of left breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue is processedIMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1278,MR1700359,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right Breast lungs - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear core meassured 1 to1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section sows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion arranged as tubules, cores and nests. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic, pleomorphic nuclei, coarse chromatin and scanty to moderate cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Grade II.Modified BR score is 6/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures (6-8/10hpf : 2 __________ 6/9 ____________" 1279,MR1700374,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.á- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1280,MR1700375,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy of left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm.Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged as nests, tubules and cords. The cells have round to oval, hyperchromatic, markedly pleomorphic nuclei, scanty to moderate cytoplasm.Ductal carcinoma in situ(solid type) present. Stroma shows focal lymphocytic infiltrateIMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 3Mitotic figures (6-7/10hpf)- 2 __________ 7/9 _____________Ductal carcinoma in situ (solid type) present" 1281,MR1700396,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast massSPECIMEN:Biopsy of right breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear grey white cores each measures 0.8 to 1 cm.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 1. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1). - Ductal carcinoma in situ of solid and cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen." 1282,MR1700402,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast massSPECIMEN:Biopsy of left breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white cores soft tissue bits measures 0.8 - 1.1cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating cellular lesion arranged in tubules, cords and sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with inflammatory infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis seenIMPRESSION:Left breast mass, biiopsy:Invasive carcinoma, NST , Grade 2Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 ________ 6/9 _________Areas of necrosis seen" 1283,MR1700417,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast cTxN1M0.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Right sideTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral : 12cm. Superficial to Deep : 3cm. Superior to Inferior : 11.5cm.Skin ellipse : 13x7cm. Nipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect : Present, 3.5cm, below nipple areola.Tumour Size : Grossly no tumor seen, lumpectomy bed measuring 1.5x1.5x1cm.Location of tumor : Lower inner quadrant (Lumpectomy bed beneath the scar).Deep margin : 1cm.Axillary tail : 5x4x1.5cm.Size of largest node : 1x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.Greybrown necrotic cavity present measuring 3x3x1.5cm in the upper outer quadrant, grossly no tumor seen.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from the lumpectomy bed show breast parenchyma with desmoplasia, lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate and few cystically dilated ducts with pale eosinophilic secretions within adjacent breast shows usual ductal hyperplasia and focal apocrine metaplasia. No evidence of residual viable tumor. Deep margin is free of tumor. Nipple areola is unremarkable.Section from scar shows fibrosis.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy- Post lumpectomy status.Lumpectomy bed measures 1.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the lower inner quadrant.Tiny focus of viable tumor <0.5cm seen.Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not seen .Lymphovascular invasion is not indeterminate.Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is Free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes : Sixteen lymph nodes, metastasis : None (0/16).SUMMARY:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy- Post lumpectomy status.Tiny focus of viable tumor <0.5cm seen.Lymph nodes : Sixteen lymph nodes, metastasis : None (0/16)." 1284,MR1700435,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:A) Wide local excision B)Left Axillary nodesC) Level II lymph nodesGROSS FINDINGS:A) Wide local excision :Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measuring 6x6x5cmCut surface shows grey white area measures 1.5x1x1cm,skin ellipse measures 7.5x2cm.Distance of the lesion from the following margins are:Superior margin -- 1.5cmInferior margin -- 1.5cmMedial margin -- 2.0cnLateral margin -- 2.2cmDeep margin -- 1cmB) Axillary nodes:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 7x5.5x2cm, largest lymph node measures 2x2x1cm, cut surface shows grey brown, fatty infiltrationC) Level II lymph nodes:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4x2x1cm, isolated 5 nodes, entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Wide local excision :Tumor bed:-Residual tumor present measures 1.5x1x1cm with invasive ductal carcinoma Focal areas of fibrosis, necrosis and lymphocytic infiltration is presentMBR score 6/9 Tubule formation -- 3 Nuclear pleomorphism -- 1 Mitotic figures --2 _________ 6/9 _________Nuclear grade - IIDuctal carcinoma in situ not presentLymphovascular invasion not presentResected margin :-Superior margin -- free of tumorInferior margin -- free of tumorLateral margin -- free of tumorMedial margin -- free of tumor Deep margin -- free of tumorB) Axillary nodes:12 nodes - no deposits of tumorC) Level II lymph nodes:5nodes - no deposits of tumorIMPRESSION:A. Wide local excision, Left breast Post NACTResidual viable tumor presentInvasive ductal carcinoma, Grade IIMBR score 6/9 Tubule formation -- 3 Nuclear pleomorphism -- 1 Mitotic figures --2 _________ 6/9 _________Maximum dimension of tumor is 1.5cmNuclear grade - IIDuctal carcinoma in situ not presentLymphovascular invasion not presentAll resected margins - free of tumorAxillary lymph nodes - 12 nodes - no deposits of tumorLevel II nodes -5 Nodes - no deposits of tumor" 1285,MR1700456,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinomaSPECIMEN:Biopsy of right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores each measures 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processedIMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1286,MR1700460,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast, cT2N1M0.SPECIMEN:A) Wide excision of left breast lump.B) Left axillary dissection specimen.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 6.5x6x2.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 3x1cm. Cut surface shows greywhite lesion measuring 3x1.7x1.5cm.Distance from deep margin : 1cm, located at the following distance from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 1.5cm.Inferior margináá -- 2cm.Medial marginááá -- 1.5cm.Lateral margináá -- 1.2cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 8x4x2cm.Largest lymph node measuring 2x1.5x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Isolated 16 nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Tumor bed : Multiple section shows pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Maximum dimension of tumor is 3cm.Invasive ductal carcinoma measuring 2.2cm.Tubular formationááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------------Nuclear grade II.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ present, Solid and comedonecrosis measuring 0.8cm.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Resected margins:-Superior margin : Free of tumor.Inferior margináá : Free of tumor.Medial marginááá : Free of tumor.Lateral margináá : Free of tumor.Left axillary dissection:5 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 16 nodes. Perinodal spread present.IMPRESSION:Wide excision of left breast with Axillary clearance:Maximum dimension of tumor 3cm.Invasive ductal carcinoma is measuring 2.2cm, Nuclear grade II.DCIS is measuring 0.8cm with solid and comedonecrosis.Lymphovascular invasion : Present.Perineural invasion : Present.All resected margins are free of tumor.Left axillary dissection:5 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 16 nodes. Perinodal spread present." 1287,MR1700470,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast massSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm.Entire tissue is processedIMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breastGrade 2 (6/9)Tubule formationááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá - 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________" 1288,MR1700502,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast massSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltration by a lesion arranged as nests and tubules. The cells have hyperchromatic , pleomorphic nuclei and scanty to moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows inflammatory infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breastInvasive ductal carcinoma, grade IIMBR score is 6/9Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 ________ 6/9 ________" 1290,MR1700537,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast lumpectomy(Frozen section).B) Left sentinel lymph node biopsy(Frozen section).C) Lymph node biopsy(Frozen section).D) Left Breast, Left Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received unoriented skin covered specimen measuring 5 x 4 x 2 cm, Skin ellipse measuring 3 x 1 cm, surface smooth cut surface show illdefined grey white firm and granular area measuring 2.2 x 2 x 1.5 cm.Nearest ink margin is 0.1cm away. Representative sections are submitted.B) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue measuring 3 x 2 x 1.5 cm, largest lymph node measuring 1.5 x 1 x 0.5 cm, cut surface : fatty infiltration. Representative sections are submitted.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 0.8 x 0.8 x 0.5 cm. Entire tissue is submitted.D) Fresh tissue received : YesLaterality : Left Procedure : MastectomySpecimen orientation : Orientated : Medial-lateral 14 cm, Superficial-deep 5 cm,Superior-inferior 12 cm.Skin : Present Skin dimensions : 13 x 7 cm. Skin abnormalities : surgical defect measuring 5 cm seen.Nipple : Present, Location : Central quadrant. Lesion dimensions : 2 x 1.5 x 1 cm.Residual lesion seen present.Distance of lesion from margins : Deep margin--0.8cm.Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ with solid, cribriform and comedonecrosis pattern.The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm,hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Few foci of invasion are also seen. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis seen.IMPRESSION :A) Left Breast Lump, Left Breast Lumpectomy(Frozen Section) :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1). - Multiple small foci are seen, largest measuring 0.4 cm in greatest dimension. - Lymphovascular invasion is not seen. - Perineural invasion is not seen. - Extensive areas of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ of cribriform, solid and comedo pattern with intermediate nuclear grade are seen. - Estimated size of the DCIS is 2.2 cm in greatest dimension. - All margins of resections are free of tumour.B) Left Sentinel Lymph node(Frozen Section) :Five lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy(0/5).C) Sentinel lymph node biopsy(Frozen Section) :Four lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy(0/4).D) Left Mastectomy Specimen:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1). -Tumor is located in central quadrant. - Multiple tumour foci are seen, largest measuring 0.6 cm in greatest dimension. - Lymphovascular invasion is not seen. - Perineural invasion is not seen. - Extensive areas of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ of cribriform, solid and comedo pattern with intermediate nuclear grade are seen. - Estimated size of the DCIS is 2.0 cm in greatest dimension. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and areola are free of tumour." 1292,MR1700558,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, Grade 2.Tubule formation á á á á : 3.Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá :1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 1293,MR1700564,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma with lobular features, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, Grade 2.Tubular formationáááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá : 1.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________" 1294,MR1700565,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast massSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm.Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion arranged in nests, cords and trabeculae. Cells are large with pleomorphicá round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with irregular contour, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate to abundant eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm.Focal areas show linear arrangement of cells exhibiting indian file pattern. Extensive stromal desmoplasia noted. Areas of necrosis seenIMPRESSION:Left breast mass biopsy:Suggestive of ductal carcinomaNuclear grade 2" 1295,MR1700578,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion arranged in nests, cords and sheets of atypical cells with round to oval vesicular to hyperchromatic pleomorphic nuclei, inconspicious nucleoli, irregular nuclear borders and moderate amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. Interspersed are lymphocytes and plasma cells. Stroma shows fibrosis and areas of hemorrhage.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, grade 2.MBR score : (3+2+2) : 7/9." 1296,MR1700584,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breastá - carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of breast tissue harboring a lesion arranged in tubules, cords and trabeculae. Cells have scanty cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nuclei and inconspicuous nucleoli. Stroma shows desmoplasiaIMPRESSION:Left breast mass, biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2MBR score - 6/9Tubule formationáááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá - 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________" 1297,MR1700613,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.7 to 1cm.Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue with tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasmIMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1298,MR1700631,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores from breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests, trabeculae and focal tubular pattern. Neoplastic cells have moderate cytoplasm with hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Areas of necrosis present.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade II.Tubular formationáááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________Areas of necrosis seen." 1300,MR1700643,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast massSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue is processedIMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breastGrade 2 (7/9)Tubule formationááááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá - 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 1302,MR1700687,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left neck node - ? metastaticSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left neck nodeGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey whiteá linear cores measurs 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrofatty and fibromuscular tissue infiltrated by a lesion arranged in nests and cords comprising of atypical cells with pleomorphic round to oval to angulated hyperchromatic nuclei, few showing vesicular chromatin with prominent nucleoli with moderate to abundant pale granular to eosinophilic cytoplasm.Atypical mitotic figures discerned. Adjacent stroma shows extensive fibrosis. Areas of necrosis noted with lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Nodal tissue not identifiedIMPRESSION:Left neck node, biopsy:Suggestive of Metastatic carcinomaPlease look for primary in breast and lungSuggest IHC" 1303,MR1700730,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breastá - carcinomaá breast SPECIMEN:Biopsy from leftá breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear measures 1 to 1.5 cm entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged as cords, nests and tubules. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclear with moderate nuclear pleomorphism and scanty to moderate cytoplasm. stroma shows inflammatory infiltrate and desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from leftá breast massInvasive ductal carcinoma. Grade 2.Modified BR score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá - 2Nuclear pleomorphismá - 2Mitosis figures á á á áááááááá - 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________Areas of necrosis seen." 1304,MR1700733,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast massSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm.Entire tissue is processedIMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast massGrade 2 (7/9)Tubule formationáááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________" 1305,MR1700771,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue exhibiting dyscohesive sheets and nests of round to oval cells with eccentrically placed nuclei, demonstrating moderate nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Binucleated cells are also noted. Mitotic figures are discerned. Intervening areas show fibrocollagenous stroma and pale mucinous material.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion :Carcinoma breast with features suggestive of mucinous carcinoma, grade 2.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2.Mitotic figures : 1 _________ 6/9 ____________" 1306,MR1700773,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6 (3+2+1)." 1307,MR1700778,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in Left Breast - Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 Grey white to Grey brown linear cores 1 to 1.3 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson sore is 6(3+2+1). " 1308,MR1700789,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processedIMPRESSION:Right breast, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1309,MR1700800,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores 0.8 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processedIMPRESSION:Left breast, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1310,MR1700803,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Lymph node, sentnel lymph node biopsy.B) Left breast lump, wide local excision.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue altogether measuring 4x2.5x0.5cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows greywhite. Isolated 5 lymph nodes.B) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 8x6x3cm. Skin ellipse measuring 7x2.5cm.Serial sectioning shows greywhite lesion measuring 2.5x2x1.5cm, located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 1.5cm.Inferior margin -- 0.5cm.Medial margin -- 1.5cm.Lateral margin -- 2.5cm.Deep margin -- 1cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section show lymph nodes - 5 nodes - no deposits of tumorB) Section show breast parenchyma with a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords and sheets. Individual cells show round to oval vesicular nuclei, few having prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. Perineural invasion is present.IMPRESSION:A) Lymph node, sentnel lymph node biopsy:Five lymph nodes identified, negative for malignancy (0/5).B) Left breast lump, wide local excision:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 -------------- 6/9 ---------------- Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.- Perineural invasion is identified.- Ductal carcinoma in-situ not present.-All margins of resection including deep are free of tumor." 1311,MR1700807,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - carcinoma breast SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring a lesion arranged as tubules and cords comprising of cells with round to oval hyperchromatic pleomorphic nuclei and infiltrate and sclerosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast massInvasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified BR score is 6/9Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2 Mitosis figures - 2 ___________ 6/9 _________" 1312,MR1700816,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma left breast. SPECIMEN :Excision of the sinus tract, left breast, post BCS and RT. GROSS FINDINGS:Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measures 4.5x3x2cm skin measures 2.5x1cm. Surface show linear scar withsinnus tract measures 1cm. custsurface show a grey white to grey brown area measures 1.5x1x0.8cm. Distance from margins :Superior margin : 0.5cm.Inferior margin : 1cm.Medial margin : 0.5cm.Lateral margin : 1.5 cm.Deep margin : 1 cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section studied shows breast parenchyma with overlying skin showing focal ulceration. Sinus tract is identified lined by inflammatory granulation tissue comprising of lymphomononuclear cell infiltrate, and foreign body giant cells. Also seen is surrounding stromal edema and hyalinisation. No evidence of atypia or malignancy is noted in material submitted. IMPRESSION:Excision of the sinus tract, left breast, post BCS and RT. Sinus tract with chronic non specific inflammation.No evidence of malignancy noted in the material submitted. " 1313,MR1700821,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast -carcinoma breast.á SITE:Received 2 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.2 to 1.3cm.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy formá left breastModified Bloom Richardson ,grade2,score-6/9Tubule formation:3Nuclear pleomorphism:2Mitotic figures:1" 1314,MR1700851,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue with a neoplastic lesion arranged in vague islands and sheets.Individual cells pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows plump spindle cells. Areas of necrosis, hemorrhage and karyorrhectic debris noted.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core biopsy :Invasive Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1315,MR1700857,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Mass left breast carcinoma .SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core 0.5 to 1.0 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue infiltrated by a lesion arranged as tubules and nests. The cells have round to oval, hyperchromatic, pleomorphic nuclei with moderate to abundant eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm. Stroma shows inflammatory infiltrate and fibrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass.Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.Modified BR score in 7/9.Tubule formation - 2.Nuclear pleomorphism - 2.Mitosis (11 - 12/10 hpf) - 3. __________ 7/9 __________" 1316,MR1700859,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores with breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in nest and trabecular pattern. Neoplastic cells are hyperchromatic with scanty cytoplasm and round to oval nuclei. Occasional bizarre form noted. Stroma shows desmoplasia. á á á á á IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast mass.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2.Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááá : 2.Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 1318,MR1700894,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass at 3'0 clock position.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.4 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests, cords and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Ductal carcinoma in situ of cribriform pattern is seen.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1).- Ductal carcinoma in situ of cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen." 1319,MR1700916,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1.0 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by ductal carcinoma in situ. No definite evidence of invasive malignancy is seen.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Mass, Core biopsy :Shows Ductal carcinoma in situ of solid, cribriform and comedo pattern with intermediate nuclear grade.No definite evidence of invasive malignancy is seen.Suggest Excision of the the lump for further confirmation of invasive component." 1320,MR1700932,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring a lesion arranged as tubules and cords. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic, pleomorphic nuclei with moderate cytoplasm. stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass.Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation - 2.Nuclear pleomorphism - 2.Mitosis (6-7/10 hpf) - 2. ___________ 6/9 ___________" 1322,MR1700961,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Mass in right breastá carcinomaá breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from rightá breastá mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear core measuringá 0.8 to 1.0 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchymaáá harboring a lesion arranged as tubules, cords and sheets. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclear with moderateá atypia and moderate cytoplasm. Ductal carcinoma in situ (solid type present). Stroma shows inflammatory infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from rightá breastá mass.Invasive ductalá carcinoma, Grade 2.Modifiedá BR score is 6/9.Tubuleá formationááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________Ductal carcinoma in situ present." 1323,MR1701012,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1324,MR1701022,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a linear arranged as tubules, cords and sheets. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus with moderate atypia and scanty to moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows myxoid change.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 __________ 7/9 ___________" 1325,MR1701031,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuceli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Large areas of sclerosis are seen.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1326,MR1701046,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.4 to 0.8.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissueá harboringá neoplastic cells arranged in cords and tubules. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is fibrous.á á IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma with lobular features, biopsy from right breast Modified Bloom Richardson score-6/9, grade 2Tubule formationááááááááá :3Nuclear pleomorphismá :2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá :1á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á ______á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á 6/9á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á ______áá " 1327,MR1701056,CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump -? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Small focus suggestive ofá invasive carcinoma with surrounding extensive granulomatous inflammation.NOTE:Tumor volume is very scanty for further work up. 1328,MR1701062,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma with infiltrating sheets and nests of dysplastic ductal cells showing moderate pleomorphism, hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Foci of ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis seen. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade II.Tubular formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 _____________ 6/9 ___________Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis seen." 1329,MR1701066,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast- Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast mass, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.9 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the linear cores shows breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests, trabeculae and tubules cells are polymorphic with scanty cytoplasm, round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with prominent nucleoli. stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score 6( 2+2+2)." 1330,MR1701068,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast carcinomaSITE:Right modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS;Procedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : Mastectomy -post lumpectomyLateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá :áá Right Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medial - lateral á áá - 19.5cm áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficialá - Deepáá - 3cmá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior - Inferioráááá - 16cmSkin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá :á 15x6cm áá Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá : Absent Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : 7cmTumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : grossly no tumor seenTumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá : grey white to grey yellow area seen measures 6.5x2x1.5cm ááááááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá :á upper outer quadrant and upper inner quadrantáááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá áááááááááá : 1.2cm Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á á á á : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá ááááááááá : fibrofatty áááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : 6x5x1.5cm.Size of largest nodeááááááááááá : 2x1x0.5cm, cut surface shows fatty infiltrationIMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: áTumor bed:- No residual tumor present - shows fibrofatty tissue with inflammatory cells consisting of lymphocytes, histiocytes and foreign body giant cells and granulation tissuePosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 17 lymph nodes, no metastatic deposits of tumorSUMMARY:Right -post lumpectomy MRM, lumpectomy bed - no residual tumor presentNodal metastases 17nodes - no deposits of tumor." 1331,MR1701070,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score 6/9, grade 2.Tubular formationáááááááá : 2.Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______" 1332,MR1701107,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lung-?carcinoma right breast .SPECIMEN:Trucut biopsy of right breast lung for HPE. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 0.2.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma showing invasive nets and sheets of dysplastic ductal cells showing moderate anisonucleosis, hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Focus of ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis seen. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic and mononuclear intilrates. IMPRESSION:Invaise ductal carcinoma,Right breastModified BR score is 7/9, Grade 2.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 __________ 7/9 __________Focus of ductal carcinoma in situ seen. " 1333,MR1701108,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite to greybrown linear core measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting a neoplastic lesion arranged as nests, tubules, islands demonstrating moderate nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm amidst a desmoplastic stroma. Mitotic figures are discerned. Moderate to dense lymphocytic infiltrates interspersed in a desmoplastic stroma.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lesion:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade III.Tubule formation á á á áá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism :á 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá :á 3áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------------" 1334,MR1701118,CLINICAL HISTORY :Few hyperechoic right breast nodule-?carcinoma right breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows sheets of dysplastic ductal cells arranged in dyscohesive nest and sheets showing mild anisonuclosis and hyperchromatic nuclei. Pools of extracellular mucin seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma.Suggestive of mucinous carcinoma - right breast. 1335,MR1701119,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1336,MR1701129,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Mass, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.4 to 0.6 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchroamtic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1337,MR1701135,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets tubules nests consisting of round to oval cells demonstrating moderate nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm amidst fibrocollagenous stroma. There are aggregates of lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Area of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lesion :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Tubular formationááááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismáááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________" 1338,MR1701157,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Mass, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by ductal carcinoma in situ. No definite evidence of invasive malignancy is seen.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Shows Ductal Carcinoma in situ of cribriform and solid pattern with intermediate nuclear grade.Suggest repeat biopsy or excision of the lump for further confirmation of invasive component." 1340,MR1701202,"CLINICAL HISTORY :BIRADSáá IV Lesion in Right Breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy form Right Breast Mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores 0.3 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores ofá fibrocollagenousá tissue with small focus showing cords and tubules of atypical cells with hyperchromatic, pleomorphic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows focal inflammatory infiltrate. á á IMPRESSION: Biopsy from Right Breast:Small focus of invasive carcinoma.Please note :Tumor volume is scant to attempt further workup." 1341,MR1701207,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Recurrent carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy( Post Lumpectomy).GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Modified Radical MastectomyLaterality : Right MRM Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 17 cm. Superficial to Deep : 3.5 cm. Superior to Inferior : 14 cm.Skin ellipse : 12 x 8 cm. Linear scar noted in the upper quadrant measuring 4.5 cm. Nipple : NormalScar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumour bed : Grossly no tumor seen multiple tiny greyyellow area noted in the upper quadrant measuring 3 x 0.4 x 0.2 cm.Deep margin from greyyellow area : 1.5 cm.Muscle : Absent.Axillary tail : 8 x 5 x 1.5 cm.Size of largest node : 2 x 1.5 x 1 cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Representative sections are submitted. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from tumor bed shows no residual tumor cells. Treatment related changes including lymphocytes, multinucleated giant cells, foamy macrophages, fibrosis and pigment laden macrophages are seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy( Post Lumpectomy) :No Residual Tumor is seen.- Treatment related changes are seen.- Nipple and areola are free of tumor.- Overlying skin is free of tumor.- Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Lymph nodes:Four out of eleven lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposits with Extranodal extension (4/11). - Size of the largest tumor deposit measures 1.5 cm in greatest dimension.Pathological stage : pT0N2a" 1342,MR1701218,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy left breast.áGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed. á MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as tubules and clusters.The neoplastic cells exhibit moderateá nuclear pleomorphism, have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm.Foci ofá cribriform ductal carcinoma in situ seen. The intervening stroma is flbrous.á á á IMPRESSION:Invasiveá ductal carcinomaá ,biopsy from left breast Grade2(7/9)Tubule formationááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá - 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á áá _____áááááááááááááááááááááááááá áá áá ááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____Foci of cribriform ductal carcinoma in situ noted." 1343,MR1701231,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Cores biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma with neoplastic lesion arranged in cords and sheets. Individual cells have pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, and moderate amount of cytoplasm .Stroma show desmoplasia with inflammatory cells consisting of lymphocytes. Ductal carcinoma in situ solid pattern identified. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). - Ductal carcinoma in situ of solid pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen." 1344,MR1701248,"CLINICAL DETAILS : Carcinoma left breast T2N0.SPECIMEN:A) Left Sentinel lymph nodes (Frozen).B) Left Breast, Left Breast Conservation Surgery (Post lumpectomy).C) Left axillary dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 2 bits of fibrofatty tissue altogether measuring 3 x 2.5 x 1 cm, identified 3 lymph nodes, largest measuring 1.5 x 1 x 0.8 cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 8.5 x 8 x 2.5 cm.Skin ellipse measures 4.5 x 1.2 cm with scar measuring 3 cm. Cut surface shows irregular greyyellow area measuring 1 x 1 x 0.5 cm, located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 3.5 cm.Inferior margin -- 3.5 cm.Medial margin -- 2 cm.Lateral margin -- 2 cm.Deep margin -- 1.5 cm.Representative sections are submitted.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 7 x 6.5 x 1.5 cm. Largest lymph node measuring 1 x 0.5 x 0.5 cm. Cut surface shows greybrown.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from tumor bed shows no residual tumor. Treatment related changes are seen including lymphocytes, macrophages and fibrosis.IMPRESSION:A) Left Sentinel lymph nodes (Frozen) :Seven lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy (0/7).B) Left Breast, Left Breast Conservation Surgery (Post lumpectomy) :No Residual Tumor is seen.- Treatment related changes are seen.- All margins of resection including overlying skin are free of tumor.C) Left axillary dissection:Eighteen lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy (0/18).Pathological stage : pT0N0" 1345,MR1701335,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right nipple dischargeSPECIMEN:Right ductal system cone excision biopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Fresh tissue receivedááá áá á á : Formalin. á Lateralityááá ááá á á á á á á á á á á á : RightSpecimen orientation ááááááááá : OrientatedSuperior margin á á á á á á á á á : 0.4cmInferior margin á á á á á á á á á áá : 0.5cmMedial marginá á á á á á á á á á á : 0.8cmLateral margin á á á á á á á á á á : 0.4cmDeep margináá á á á á á á á á á á : 0.2cmSpecimen size á á á á á áá á áá á : 4.4x3.6x1.5cm, while serial sectioning , dilated ducts seen along withááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá grey white areas measures 1.2x1x1cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections reveal breast parenchyma demonstrating dilated ducts exhibiting diffuse proliferation of monotonous population of round to oval cells with centrally placed nuclei and moderate amount of pale eosinophiliccytoplasm. There are intervening vascular channels.IMPRESSION:Right ductal system cone excision biopsy:Suggestive of ductal carcinoma in situSuggest IHCLesion measures 1cm in the greatest dimension No lymphovascular or perineural invasion seenMargins:- Superior margin - free of tumorInferior marginá - free of tumorMedial marginá - free of tumorLateral margináá - free of tumorDeep margin isá close measures 0.2cm -however inked margin is free from tumor" 1346,MR1701339,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast mass.SPECIMEN:Right Breast mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast mass, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1347,MR1701345,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores 0.8 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ.Comedonecrosis identified. Stroma shows inflammatory infiltrate and myxoid change. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast mass:Invasive ductal carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ and comedonecrosis (nuclear grade 2) . 1348,MR1701348,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast Mass. SPECIMEN:Right Breast Mass, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores Measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Enter tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an filtrating cellular lesion arranged in tube nests and sheets.The cells are atypical ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with inflammatory infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Right Breast Mass, Biopsy;Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade : 2Tubule formation - 2Mitotic figures - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2 _____ 6/9 _____" 1349,MR1701372,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast- carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Right breast, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measured 0.5 to 1 cm . Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nest and papillary pattern. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Cores Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson scare 6(3+2+1)." 1350,MR1701386,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown liner cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the linear cores of tissue shows a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests, cords and tubules cells are pleomorphic with scanty cytoplasm round to oval hyper chromatic nuclei with inconspicuous nucleoli stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1). " 1351,MR1701388,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in Left Breast - Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Mass, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores Measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue Processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion, comprising of round to oval cells arranged in diffuse sheets and nests. Cells having highly pleomorphic , hyperchromatic nuclei, Few cells showing prominent nucleoli with Moderate to scant cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows desmoplasia. Areas of necrosis hemorrahge noted. Mitotic figures- 8-10/ HPE. IMPRESSION:Left Breast mass, biopsy: Invasive ductal carcinoma- grade- 3Tubule formation - Score-3Nuclear pleomorphism -3Mitotic figures -2 " 1352,MR1701402,CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in Right Breast- Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right Breast Mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuredá 0.5 to 1cm . Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear core of tissue harboring a lesion arranged as sheets and nest. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus with moderate atypia and moderate eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm . Stroma shows inflammatory infiltrate and focal myxoidá change.á IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right Breast.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade 7/9Tubule formation á á á á á = 3Nuclear pleomorphism = 2Mitotic figures á á á á á á á = 2 áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____ 1353,MR1701463,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Procedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial - lateral - 24cm Superficial - Deep - 4cm Superior- Inferior - 17cmSkin ellipse : 13x9cm Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : SingleTumour Size : 2.5x2x1.8cm Location of tumor : central quadrant Margins of tumor : illdefined Deep margin : 1.5cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 9x6x2cmSize of largest node : 2.5x1x0.5cm, cut surface is fatty infiltrationMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections reveal breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets, nestsand tubular configuration consisting of round to oval cells exhibiting moderate to marked nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Ductal carcinoma in situ high grade is also noted. Lymphovascular invasion is identifiedIMPRESSION:Right breast,Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive ductal Carcinoma, Grade III. Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 3 Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 2.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ presentLymphovascular invasion identifiedPerineural invasion not identifiedPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 14 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 2(2/14) . Summary : Right MRM,Invasive ductal Carcinoma, Grade III. Lymph nodes: 2 of 14 lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposits. (2/14) " 1354,MR1701483,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in Right Breast. Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Sore is 6(3+2+1).- Ductal Carcinoma in situ of solid and comedo pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen." 1355,MR1701499,"CLINICAL HISTORY :B) Solid cystic multilobulated mass lesion - in both breast ( < > R) - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:B) Left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:B) Received 7 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 0.7cm. Enter tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:B) Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring lesion arranged in papillary clusters lined with atypical cells that are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with chronic inflammatory infiltrates. IMPRESSION:B) Left breast mass:Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis and papillary neoplasm.Suggest excised biopsy." 1356,MR1701514,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from ulcerated wound rightá breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received single grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits altogether measures 1.2x0.7x0.3 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows skin with epidermis showing pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasiaá with underlying stromaá infiltrated by a cellular lesion arranged as diffuse sheets. The cells have round to oval vesicular nucleoli with moderate to marked atypia prominentá nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows dense inflammatory infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from ulcerated wound rightá breast.Invasive carcinoma, NOS, Grade 3.MBR score is 8/9.Tubule formation-3.Nuclear pleomorphism-3.Mitosis-2." 1357,MR1701529,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast (Post chemo).SPECIMEN:A) Right breast, Right breast conservation surgery (Post Chemo).B) Right Axillary lymph nodes (Level 1,2,3).GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received skin covered soft tissue mass measuring 7 x 5 x 5 cm.Skin ellipse measures 5 x 2 cm. Cut surface shows greywhite irregular mass measuring 4 x 2 x 1 cm, located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 0.8cm.Inferior margin -- 1.3cm.Medial margin -- 1.5cm.Lateral margin -- 0.7cm.Deep margin -- 2cm.Representative sections submitted.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 10x8x2cm.Largest lymph node measuring 3x2x1.5cm. Cut surface shows ? involved (Areas of necrosis along with greywhite areas.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows residual tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and isthmus. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Many bizarre forms are seen. Lymphovascular invasion is indeterminate. Perineural invasion is not identified.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast, Right breast conservation surgery (Post Chemo) :RESIDUAL INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+3+1). - Tumor measures 4 cm in greatest dimension. - Lymphovascular invasion is indeterminate. - Perineural invasion is not identified. - All margins of resection are free of tumor.B) Right Axillary lymph nodes (Level 1,2,3) :One out of fifteen lymph nodes shows metastatic tumor deposits (1/15). - Size of the tumor deposit measures 3 cm in greatest dimension. - No extranodal extension is seen.Pathological stage : ypT2N1a" 1358,MR1701539,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.5. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show cores of tissue with a lesion arranged is vague tubules and sheets. Individual cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm, stroma show desmoplasia and hyalinisation. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 1. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1)." 1359,MR1701580,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.8 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue infiltrated by a lesion arranged as diffuse sheets and tubules. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic , Pleomorphic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis present . Stroma shows focal inflammatory infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma , grade2.MBR Score in 7/9.Tubule formation - 3Nuclear atypia - 2Mitosis - 2Areas of necrosis seen. " 1360,MR1701588,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in Left Breast - Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 slide linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring an infiltrate lesion arranged as tubules, sheets and cords. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic markedly pleomorphic nucleus and scanty to moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows inflammatory infiltrate and areas of fibrosis.á á IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9Tubule formation á á á áá -á 2Nuclear pleomorphismá - 3.Mitosisáááááááááááááááááááááááááá -2. " 1361,MR1701593,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Mass in Right Breast - Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measured 0.2 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1362,MR1701606,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast Lump - ? Carcinoma Left BreastSPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measured 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue with few dilutes lined by cuboidal epithelial cells. Stroma shows spindle cells with few lymphocytes.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy:Suggestive of Proliferative Breast Disease.? Fibroadenoma?? Phyllodes TumorSuggest Excision of the lump for further confirmation." 1363,MR1701608,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Small Right breast Lump - ? Carcinoma Right Breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measured 1 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1364,MR1701616,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Complaint of right breast lumpSPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy post lumpectomy Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -10cm Superficial - Deep - 2cm Superior - Inferior - 8cmSkin ellipse : 8x5.5cm - shows sutured area measures 3.5cm in the upper outer quadrant Tumour Size : grossly no tumor areas grey white to grey brown noted underlying the scar in the upper outer quadrant measures 1.3x1x1cm, with focal solid area measures 0.6cm Deep margin : 0.5cmMuscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : 5x6x1.5cmLargest lymph node measures 1.8x1x0.5cm, cut surface shows grey white to grey brownIMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- A focus of residual tumor present measures 0.6cm with invasive ductal carcinoma Surrounding the tumor areas of fibrosis, necrosis,inflammatory cells and foreign bodygiant cells are present, Grade II. Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 1Tumor measures 0.6 cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not presentLymphovascular invasion not presentPerineural invasion not presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 15 lymph nodes, no metastatic deposits of tumor. Summary : Right post lumpectomy MRM, A small focus of residual tumor present measures 0.6cm,Grade IIInvasive ductal carcinomaNodal metastases 15 nodes - no deposits of tumor." 1365,MR1701618,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma Right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white liner cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGSSection shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring a lesion arranged as tubules and nests. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus and scanty to moderate cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis present. Stromal desmoplasia and inflammatory infiltrate present. Lymphovascular emboli seenIMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast.Invasive ductal carcinoma , grade 2.Modified bloom Richardson Score in 6/9.Tubule formation á á áááá -2.Nuclear pleomorphism - 2.Mitosis á á á á á á á á á á á áá - 2." 1366,MR1701631,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in Left breast - Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 grey white linear cores measured 1 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1367,MR1701632,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in Left breast - Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measured 0.3 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in tubules, cords and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 1. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1)." 1368,MR1701657,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Solid cystic lesion in Right breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting proliferation of glandular structures lined by inner layer of cuboid epithelium and outer myoepithelialá cell layer. Few glands shows eosinophilic secretions in the lumen and presence of apical snouting. Few cystically dilated ducts noted. Stroma shows areas of fibrosis, hyalinisation andá lymphocytic infiltrate.á IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast.Proliferative breast disease favoring adenosis.The tissue cores submitted showá no evidence of invasive malignancyKindly correlate with mamographic findings and suggest repeat biopsy if clinically deemed necessary." 1369,MR1701659,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast- Carcinoma, Breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left Breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.3 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue infiltrated by cords and nests of round to oval cells with hyperchromatic, pleomorphic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. Stroma shows areas of fibrosis, elastosis and hyalinisation. á IMPRESSION:Biopsy form left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified Bloom Richardson Score 6/9Tubule formation á á á á -3Nuclear pleomorphism -2Mitotic figures á á á á á á - 1 á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá ____á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á 6/9á " 1370,MR1701662,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN:A) Excisedá right axillary lymph nodes, sentinel lymph node biopsyB) Right breast lump, wide excisionC) Revised lateral marginD) Revised superior marginGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3.5x2x1cm, largest lymph node measures 1x0.5x0.5cm, cut surfaceis dye stainedB) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 8x6x4cm ,skin ellipse measures 3x0.8cm.Serial sectioning shows an ill defined grey white lesion measures 2x2x1.8cmLocated at the following distances from the respective margins:Superior margin - 1cmInferior margin á - 2cmMedial margin áá - 1.5cmLateral margin á - 1cmDeep margin ááá - 1cm C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 7.5x3x0.5cmD) Received fibrofatty tissue with fibrotic nodule measures 3.5x1.5x1cm, fibrotic nodule measures 1.5x1x0.5cmDistance of the fibrotic nodule from the ink margin - 0.7cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:B) Section shows breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion arranged in nests, cords and trabeculae comprising of pleomorphic cells with large round to oval vesicular to hyperchromatic nuclei with irregular contours, prominentnucleoli and scanty to moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Brisk mitotic activity noted 1-2/hpf. Ductal carcinoma in situ is identified with comedonecrosis. Stroma shows extensive desmoplasia and fibrosis. lymphovascular invasionis identified. Extensive areas of necrosis notedIMPRESSION:A) Excisedá right axillary lymph nodes, sentinel lymph node biopsy:5 lymph nodes isolated, all are free of tumor ( 0/5)B) Right breast lump, wide excision:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IIIMBR score 8/9Tubule formationááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá - 3Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá - 2Tumor is located in upper outer quadrantTumor measures 2cm in the greatest dimensionSuperior, Inferior, Medial and deep margins are free of tumorLateral margins is ? involved by tumorDuctal carcinoma in situ is identified, comedonecrosisLymphovascular and perineural invasion is not identifiedC) Revised lateral margin: free of tumorD) Revised superior margin: free of tumorPathological Staging:pT2N0" 1371,MR1701678,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast massSPECIMEN:Left breast mass, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 Grey white to grey brown linear cores measured 0.2 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests, trabeculae and focal tubular pattern. Cells are pleomorphic with scanty cytoplasm and round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1373,MR1701704,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast Mass- ? Carcinoma Right Breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuses sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Right Breast , Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6( 3+2+1) ." 1374,MR1701715,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in Left Breastá - Carcinomaá Breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left Breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboringá a lesion arranged as cords and nest of cells with round to oval hyperchromatic, pleomorphic nucleus, and scanty to moderate cytoplasm, Stroma shows fibrosis and hyalinisation. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade-2Tubule formation á á á áá = 3Nuclear pleomorphism = 2Mitotic figures á á á á á á á =1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____" 1375,MR1701727,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measured 5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring a lesion arranged as cords trabeculae and tubules. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus and scanty to moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows fibrosis. hyalinisation and lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breastInvasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitosis - 2 ______ 7/9 ______" 1376,MR1701733,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left Breast- ? Neoplastic SPECIMEN:Left Breast , Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey whit to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.3 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and cords, Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast , Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1377,MR1701736,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in Right breast - Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged as cords, tubules and nests. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus with moderate atypia and scanty cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis noted. Stroma shows focal inflammatory infiltrate and areas of fibrosis , Ductal carcinoma in situ High grade, solid type with comedonecrosis seen. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast.Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade -2 Modified Bloom Richardson Score -6/9Tubule formation -2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitosis - 2.Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis - present . " 1378,MR1701763,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : Formaliná Procedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : Mastectomyá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá áá Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá :ááá LeftTotal dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medialá - lateral ááá - 23cm ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá Superficialá - Deepáá - 4cm á áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á áá Superior - Inferiorááá - 20cmSkin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá :á 18x9cm áá Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá :á Normal áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá ááá Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : Not seenTumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : Single Tumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá :á 3x2x1.5cm ááááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá :ááá upper inner quadrantMargins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á :áá illdefined áááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá áááááááááá : 1.5cm Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááá : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá á á á ááá : fibrofattyá áááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá : 7x4x1.5cmSize of largest nodeááááááááááá : 2.5x1.5x0.5cm, cut surface shows fatty infiltrationIMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: áInvasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II. Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measuresá 3x2 cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the upper inner quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ present, few ducts shows ductal carcinoma and solid and comedonecrosis measuring 0.5cmáLymphovascular invasion presentPerineural invasion presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumor Nipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 2 lymph nodes,show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 14 nodes(2/14)Perinodal spread is not presentSummary : Leftá MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade IINodal metastases 2 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 14 nodesPerinodal spread is not presentPathological stage : pT2N1" 1379,MR1701785,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump -? Fibroadenoma -?? Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.2 to 0.6. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting abundant fibrocollagenous stroma and few glands lined by linear cuboidal epithelium and outer myoepithelial cell layer . Occasional cleft like glandular space noted. Keratin flakes noted. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from breast lump:Suggestive of Epidermoid cyst.No evidence of malignancy in the material submitted . 1380,MR1701804,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lumpá -? Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy of left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring a lesion arranged as cords, nests and sheets. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus, with moderate atypia and scanty cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis present. Stroma shows fibrosis and myxoid change.á IMPRESSION:Biopsy of left breast lump.Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score - 7/9Tubule formation - 3Nuclear atypiaá - 2Mitosisááááááááááááá - 2" 1381,MR1701821,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy of right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown cores measuring 0.6 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring a cellular lesion arranged as crowded tubules, cords and nests. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic, moderately pleomorphic nucleus and scanty to moderate cytoplasm, stroma shows inflammatory infiltrate. á IMPRESSION:Biopsy of right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score - 6/9.Tubule formation áá á áá -2Nuclear pleomorphism -2Mitosis á á á á á á á á á á á á - 2." 1382,MR1701842,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, sheets and tubules lesion comprising of round to oval cells having moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, desmoplasia, lymphocytic infiltrate. Mitotic figures 6-7/hpf. Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedo necrosis present. Areas of haemorrhage noted.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.tubule formation :2nuclear pleomorphism :2Mitotic figures :2 _____ 6/9 _____" 1383,MR1701851,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Carcinoma breast lung - ? Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 Grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.7 to 1.0 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows neoplastic lesion arranged in tubules, cords and sheets. Individual cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows ductal carcinoma in situ component. IMPRESSION:Left Breast Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma , Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is7(3+2+2). - Ducal carcinoma in situ of cribriform, comedo pattern with intermediate nuclear grade seen." 1384,MR1701887,"CLINICAL DETAILS:DCIS with focus of invasive carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right sentinel lymph node biopsy (Frozen section).B) Right breast, Total Mastectomy (Post lumpectomy).GROSS FINDINGS:A) Right sentinel lymph node biopsy (Frozen section):áReceived two bits of fibrofatty tissue altogether measuring 3 x 2.5 x 1.5 cm.Largest lymph node measuring 3 x 2 x 1 cm.Cut surface shows greybrown area with blue ink and fatty infiltration.2nd container:Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3 xá 1.5 x 0.8 cm. Two lymph nodes identified.B) Right breast, Total Mastectomy (Post lumpectomy):Received ináááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Formalin.Procedureááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Total Mastectomy (Post lumpectomy)Lateralityááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá :á Right MRM Total dimensionsááááááááááááááááá : Medial to lateral : 12.5 cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep : 5 cm.á ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferiorá : 12 cm.Skin ellipseáááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 13x9cm.áá Nippleáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá :NormalScar/ Surgical defectááááááááááá : Present measuring 4 cm. Located 4.5 cm above and lateral to nipple.Tumor bedááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Ill defined greywhite to greybrown area present in the upper outer quadrant measuring 3.2 x 1.5 x 2 cm with areas of necrosis and hemorrhage.Deep margináááááááááááááááááááá á á : 0.5cm.Muscleáááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áá á : Present. 2 x 1 x 0.5 cm.Adjacent Breastááááááááááááááá ááá : Fibrofatty.ááááá Axillary tailááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á : Absent.Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from tumor bed shows no residual tumor. Areas of necrosis are seen. Treatment related changes are seen. Adjacent breast tissue shows features of moderate to florid ductal hyperplasia with apocrine change.IMPRESSION:A) Right Sentinel lymph node biopsy (Frozen section) :Three lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy (0/3).B) Right breast, Total Mastectomy (Post lumpectomy) :No Residual Tumor is seen.á - Treatment related changes are seen.á - Nipple and areola are free of tumor.á - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor." 1385,MR1701921,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.5 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:'Section show linear of tissue with and lesion arranged in islands and sheets. Individual cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm stroma show hyalinisation and scattered stroma cells. Few dilated blood vessels seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast, core biopsy:Suggestive of Invasive carcinoma - nuclear grade- IFavoring papillary variant." 1386,MR1701928,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast BIRAD 4 C lesion.SPECIMEN:Right breast mass, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.6 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma with a neoplasm lesion arranged in vague tubules and sheets. Individual cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia, hyalinisation and inflammatory cells consisting of lymphocytes few plasma cells. Areas of necrosis seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, core biopsy.Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade- IIModified Bloom Richardson Score (3+2+2) 7/9.Ares of necrosis seen." 1387,MR1701932,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 7 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.7 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the linear cores shows a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets, cells are highly pleomorphic with scanty cytoplasm, round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with prominent nucleoli, brisk mitosis noted. stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltration.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, core biopsy:Poorly differentiated malignancy.The possibility of poorly differentiated carcinoma is considered.Suggest IHC for confirmation." 1388,MR1701944,"SR17-1749SITE:Left breast, MRM.Received 11 blocks labelled as 3779/17.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show breast parenchyma with a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests and cords. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism with hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows desmoplasia, lymphocytic infiltration and extensive DCIS with comedo necrosis.IMPRESSION:Left breast, MRM:Invasive ductal carcinoma (Grade 2) with extensive DCIS with comedo necrosis.- MBR score is 6 (3+2+1).- Deep margin of resection is free of tumor.- Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.- Lymphovascular invasion / Perineural invasion not seen.Fourteen lymph nodes identified are free of tumor (0/14).Kindly refer to the primary report for tumor dimensions." 1389,MR1701982,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Core biopsy - Ductal carcinoma in situ.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Wide excision of left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Wide excisionLaterality : Left breast.lumpSpecimen size:Medial - lateral :9cmSuperficial -deep : 6cmSuper - inferior : 4cmSkin dimensions : 8x4.5cm.skin abnormalities : AbsentLesion : Grey white area : approximately 1 cm in largest dimensioDistance of lesion from marginsSuperior margin : 1.5cmInferior margin : 2.0cmMedial margin : 1.6cmLateral margin : 2.5cmDeep margin : 0.5cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple section reveal breast parenchyma exhibiting neoplastic proliferation of ductal epithelial cells in solid cribriform and comedo patterns demonstrating moderate nuclear pleomorphism and foci of necrosis. Small islands of cells suspicious of microinvasion are seen.IMPRESSION:Wide excision of left breast lump:Ductal carcinoma in situ, high gradeSmall foci suggestive of invasion.Suggest IHCTumor size : 0.8x0.6x0.6cm.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion : Not identified.Margins:Superior margin : Free of tumorInferior margin : Free of tumorMedial margin : Free of tumorLateral margin : Free of tumorDeep margin : Free of tumorSkin : Free of tumor" 1390,MR1701986,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : FormalinProcedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : Mastectomyá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áááá Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : LeftTotal dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medialá - lateral áá - 24cm ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficialá - Deep - 4cm áá ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior - Inferior á - 19cm Skin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá :á 16x9cm áá Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá :Normal áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá ááá Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : Not seenTumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : Single Tumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá :á 3.8x3x2cm ááááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá :ááá lower outer quadrantMargins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á : illdefined ááááááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá áááááááááá : 1cm Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááá : Present measures 2x1cm Adjacent Breastááá ááá ááááááááá : fibrofatty áááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá áá á á á á áá : 9x6x2cmTotal number of nodesááááááá : 16 lymph nodesSize of largest nodeááááááááááá : 1.5x1cm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: áInvasive ductal Carcinoma, Grade II . Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism:á 2Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 3.8x3cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the lower outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situá not presentáLymphovascular invasion not presentPerineural invasion presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 16 lymph nodes, no metastatic deposits of tumor. Summary : Leftá MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade IINodal metastases 16 nodes - no deposits of tumorPathological stage : pT2N0" 1391,MR1701988,"CLINICAL HISTORYLeft Breast massSPECIMENLeft breast massGROSS FINDINGSReceived 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGSSection shows cores of breast tissue harboring a lesion arranged in nests and sheets comprising of markedly pleomorphic cells with large bizarre cells having hyperchromatic nuclei, prominent 2-3 nucleoli, irregular contours and moderate to abundant eosinophilicá to pale granular cytoplasm. Multinucleate tumor giant cells are seen. Brisk mitotic activity discerned. Stroma shows dense lymphoplamacytic infiltrates along with extensive areas of necrosis.IMPRESSION\Left breast mass, Biopsy:Invasive carcinoma grade 3Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+3+3) :9/9" 1392,MR1701995,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass.SPECIMEN:Right breast, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue with a focus showing cells arranged in cords. Individual cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows hyalinisation.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6 ( 3+2+1). " 1393,MR1702000,CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast Right post opSPECIMEN:Excision biopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received already grossed specimen in bit altogether measured 5x4x1.3cm. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple fragmented bits show tumor composed of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and eosinophilic cytoplasmTubular formation < 10 - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures 8/10 - 2 _______Modified Bloom Richardson 7/9 _______Lymphovascular invasion -Indeterminate IMPRESSION:Invasive Ductal carcinoma Nuclear grade IINote: Resected margins and size of the tumor cannot be commented as already the lump is grossed. 1394,MR1702022,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Lump right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast biopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 9 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.0Cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests, cords and trabeculae. Cells are pleomorphic with round to oval hyperchromatic to vesicular nucleus prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic to pale granular cytoplasm. Brisk mitotic activity noted. Stroma shows fibrosis and hyalinisation along with lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. Focal areas of calcification seen. Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, grade 3Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 8/9.Pleomorphism:2Mitosis:3Tubule formation:3" 1395,MR1702060,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5x to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules, nests, cords lesion comprising of round to oval cells having moderate pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and scant cytoplasm. adjacent stroma shows desmoplasia, lymphocytic infiltrate. Mitotic figures - 6-8/10hpf. Areas of hemorrhage noted.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2Tubule formation -2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2" 1396,MR1702066,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Left breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 Grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section sows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a lesion arranged in nests, islands and cords comprising of atypical cells with moderately pleomorphic round to oval elongated hyperchromatic nuclei inconspicuous nucleoli and moderateá to abundant eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm. Numerous signet ring cell are noted. Stromaá fibrosis and hyalinisation. Focal areas of necrosis seen . Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+2 = 7/9" 1397,MR1702068,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breast, post mastectomy.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from pectoral nodal mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring a lesion arranged as cords, nests and tubules. The cells have round to ovalá hyperchromatic nucleus with moderate atypia and moderate cytoplasm. Intervening stroma shows inflammatory infiltrate.á IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right pectoral mass.Invasive carcinoma of ductal origin -Suggestive of recurrenceá in a known case of carcinoma right breast." 1398,MR1702070,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Lump in right breast.SPECIMEN :Right Breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS :Procedure : Mastectomy MRM. Laterality : Right.Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 22cm. Superficial to Deep : 7cm. Superior-Inferior :22cm.Skin ellipse : 16 x 9 cm. Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect :Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumour Size : 4.5 x 3 x 2.5 cm. Location of tumor : Lower outer Quadrant.Margins of tumor : ill -defined. Deep margin : 2 cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Axillary tail : 5 x 5 x 4 cm.Total number of nodes : 17Size of largest node : 1.5 x 1 x 1 cm. Cut surface unremarkable.Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nest. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular invasion is identified. Perineural invasion is not identified.IMPRESSION :Right Breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1).- Tumor is unifocal and is located in the lower outer quadrant. - Tumor measures 4.5 cm in greatest dimension.- Lymphovascular invasion is identified.- Perineural invasion is not identified.- Ductal carcinoma in situ component is not seen.- Nipple and areolar are free of tumor.- Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Lymph nodes :Nineteen lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy (0/19).Pathological stage : pT2N0 " 1399,MR1702078,"CLINICAL HISTORYRight breast mass.SPECIMENRight breast massGROSS FINDINGSReceived 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGSSection shows cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion arranged in vague tubules, nests, cords and islands comprising of atypical cells with normal to oval moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and scanty to moderate cytoplasm. Ductal carcinoma in situ is identified( Solid and cribriform). Extensive stromal fibrosis and hyalinisation noted. Focal areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION\Right breast mass, Biopsy:Invasive carcinoma grade IModified Bloom Richardson score is (2+2+1) 5/9Pleomorphism- 2Mitosis - 1Tubules - 2" 1400,MR1702093,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:A) Left modified radical mastectomyB) Level 3 axillary lymph nodesGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial - lateral - 16cm Superficial - Deep - 3cm Superior - Inferior - 14cmSkin ellipse : 11.5x7cm Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : multiple Tumour Size : tumor 1 - 2.5x2x2cmtumor 2 - 1.8x1.5x1.5cm Location of tumor : tumor 1 - central quadranttumor 2 - upper outer quadrant Margins of tumor : illdefined Deep margin : tumor 1 - 1cmtumor 2 - 0.8cmMuscle : PresentAdjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : 9.5x8x2cmSize of largest node : 2x1x0.5cm, cut surface shows grey whiteB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x1cm. Entire tissue processedIMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- two tumors are present1st tumor at central quadrant measures 2.5cmInvasive ductal carcinoma measures 1cmExtensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ measures 1.5cm2nd tumor at upper outer quadrant measures 1.8cmInvasive ductal carcinoma measures 0.8cm, ductal carcinoma in situ measures 1cm, grade IIModified BR score is 6/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 1Tumor measures 1st tumor - 2.5cm, 2nd tumor -1.8cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central quadrant and upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ present, solid cribriform and comedonecrosis.Lymphovascular invasion not presentPerineural invasion not presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 14 lymph nodes, no metastatic deposits of tumor (0/14). Summary : Left MRM, 1st tumor at central quadrant measures 2cmInvasive ductal carcinoma measures 1cmExtensive areas of ductal carcinoma measures 1.5cm2nd tumor at upper outer quadrant measures 1.8cmInvasive ductal carcinoma measures 0.8cm, ductal carcinoma in situ measures 1cm,Grade II Nodal metastases 14 nodes - no deposits of tumor." 1401,MR1702097,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Complaint of lump in left breast from past 1 monthSPECIMEN:A) Modified radical mastectomyB) Interpectoral nodeGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received inááá ááááá á á á á á á : FormalinProcedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : Mastectomy áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá á Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá :á Left Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medialá - lateralááá -22cmáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficialá - Deepá -á 4cm áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior - Inferiorááá - 16cmSkin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá : 13x9cm ááá Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá : Normal áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá á Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : Not seenTumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : MultipleTumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá : Tumor 1: 3.2 x3 x2.3cmá á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá Tumor 2: 1 x0.3 x 0.2cm áá Distance between the two tumors is 4.5cm ááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá :á Tumor 1: upper outer quadrantááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Tumor 2: Intrapectoral regionMargins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á : Tumor 1: illdefined á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá Tumor 2: Well defined ááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá áá á á á á : 2.0cm Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á á á á : Present measures 3.5x3.5cm, Adjacent Breastááá ááá áá á á á : Fibrofattyáá á á á á á á á á á á á á á á Axillary tailááá ááá ááá áá á á á áá á : 8x6x3cmSize of largest nodeááááááááááá : 1.5 x0.7x0.3cm, cut surface shows fatty infiltrationB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5x2x1cm, No lymph nodes are identifiedIMPRESSION:A) Left breast,Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: áTumor:- Multifocal Invasive ductal carcinoma Tumor 1: Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II, located in the upper outer quadrant measures 3.2x3cmTumor 2:á located in the pectoralis muscle shows invasive ductal carcinoma measures 1x 0.3x0.2cm Distance between the two tumors is 4.5cmModified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 2Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ: á Present - few ducts show solid and comedonecrosis measures 0.5cmLymphovascular invasion: Not presentPerineural invasion: Not presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes:á 14 lymph nodes, are free of tumor. B) Interpectoral Tissue:shows fibrofatty tissueNo lymph nodes are identified.Summary : Leftá MRM, Multifocal Invasive ductal carcinoma Grade IITumor 1: Invasive ducatal carcinoma Grade II, Located in upper and outer quadrant and measures 3.2cm in the greatest dimensionTumor 2: Invasive ductal carcinoma Grade II,á Located in theá intrapectoral region (muscle) measures 1cm in the greatest dimensionDeep margin is free of tumorNo lymphovascular invasion or perineuralá invasion is identified.Lymph nodes - 14 left axillary lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor" 1402,MR1702103,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - ? carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Right breast, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.3 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show fragmented biopsy showing breast parenchyma with tumour cells in sheets and nests, lying in pools of mucin. Individual cells have round to oval basally placed dark nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm, with few showing cytoplasmic vacuole.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core biopsy:Invasive carcinoma with mucinous component, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). " 1404,MR1702118,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lumpSPECIMEN:Right breast core breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section linear cores showing a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords and sheets,. Individual cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows hyalinisation.IMPRESSION:Right breast, core biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score 6(3+2+1)." 1405,MR1702136,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast massSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows four linear cores showing a lesion arranged in cords, nests and aggregates.The neoplastic cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism with hyperchromatic nuclei and scant cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia and also seen are seperate fragments showing hyalinization. Areas of necrosis and calcification noted. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass:Invasive carcinoma, grade IITubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 _______MBR score 7/9" 1406,MR1702155,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Right breast mass GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 15cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets, nests lesion comprising of round to oval cells having markedly pleomorphism. Adjacent stroma shows desmoplasia, lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate mitotic figures 6-8/10hpf. Areas of necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass biopsy:invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 3Tubule formation 3Nuclear pleomorphism 3Mitosis 2Areas of necrosis seen." 1407,MR1702158,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump lesionSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring a lesion arranged as nests, tubules and sheets of cells with round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus with moderate atypia and scanty to moderate cytoplasm. Intervening lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate and areas of necrosis noted. á IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2Moderate bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation á á á á á -2 Nuclear pleomorphismá - 2Mitosisááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -2" 1408,MR1702191,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma, breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma with lesion arranged in tubules and sheets. Individual cells have pleomorphic round to oval nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show fibrosis, inflammatory cells consisting of mainly lymphocytes. Areas of necrosis noted. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(2+2+1)." 1409,MR1702199,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Lump in left breastSPECIMEN:A) Lumpectomy - wide excisionB) Sentinel lymph nodesC) Axillary clearanceGROSS FINDINGS:A) Lumpectomy - wide excision:Received unoriented fibrofatty tissue measures 6.2x5x2.8cm, skin ellipse measures 2x0.3cmSkin surface is unremarkable, on serial sectioning shows an illdefined relatively well circumscribedlesion measures 1.5x1.3x1.3cm.Located at the following distances from the respective margins:-Superior margin - 3cmInferior margin - 0.7cmMedial margin - 2.5cmLateral margin - 1cmDeep margin - 1cmB) Sentinel lymph nodes:Received single unoriented fibrofatty tissue measures 1.5x1x0.5cm. Isolated single lymph nodes measures 0.8x0.3x0.3cm.C) Axillary clearance:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 9x7x2cm, largest lymph node measures 2x1x0.7cm, isolated 15 nodesMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Lumpectomy - wide excision:Tumor bed:- Tumor is composed of pleomorphic oval to polyhedral cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scantyeosinophilic cytoplasm.Invasive ductal carcinomaGrade - Tubule formation - <10% - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 8/10 - 2Mitotic figures - 2 __________ MBR score 7/9 __________Nuclear grade - IIDuctal carcinoma in situ is not presentLymphovascular invasion not presentPerineural invasion not presentResected margins:-Superior margin - free of tumorInferior margin - free of tumorMedial margin - free of tumorLateral margin - free of tumorDeep margin - shows usual ductal hyperplasia - free of tumorB) Sentinel lymph nodes:One nodes shows reactive hyperplasia - no deposits of tumorC) Axillary clearance:15 nodes - no deposits of tumorIMPRESSION:A) Lumpectomy - wide excision, B) Sentinel lymph nodes & C) Axillary clearance : Invasive ductal carcinomaMaximum dimension of tumor is 1.5x1.3x1.3cmDuctal carcinoma in situ not presentLymphovascular invasion not presentAll resected margins are free of tumorSentinel lymph nodes - one node - no deposits of tumorAxillary lymph nodes - 15 nodes - no deposits of tumorPathological stage - pT1N0" 1410,MR1702209,CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown brown linear cores measuring 1 to .1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged as cords and tubules. the cells have round to oval hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus with scanty cytoplasm. Stroma shows inflammatory infiltrate and myxoid changeIMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma. Grade 2.Modified bloom richardson score is 7/9tubule formationááááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááá - 2Mitosisáááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -2 1412,MR1702240,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of left breast carcinomaSPECIMEN;A) Left sentinel lymph node biopsyB) Left mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 2 lymph nodes - larger measures 0.6x0.6x0.5cm, smaller measures 0.5x0.3x0.3cm, cut section - grey brownB)Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á : FormalinProcedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : Mastectomyá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá áá Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá :á Left Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medialá - lateral - 20cm áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á ááá Superficial - Deepá - 2.5cm áá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá Superior - Inferiorá - 14cmSkin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá :áá 11.5x10cm á Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá :Normal áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá áá Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : Not seenTumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá :áá 2.5x1.5x1.4cm. ááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá :áá upper inner quadrant Margins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á :á illdefined ááááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá áááááááááá : 1cm Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááá : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá á á á á á : fibrofatty áááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááá : absentIMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: áTumor bed:- Maximum dimension of tumor is 2.5cmInvasive ductal carcinoma measures 1cmDuctal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis is measuring 1.5cm, Grade II. Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism:á 2Mitotic figures: 1Tumor measures 2.5 cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the upper inner quadrant - superolateral and retroalveolar. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ present with solid, cribriform and comedonecrosis.áLymphovascular invasion not presentPerineural invasion is presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes:á sentinel lymph nodes - 2 lymph nodes - no deposits of tumor Summary :Leftá Mastectomy ,Invasive ductal carcinomaInvasive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ,Grade IINodal metastases -sentinel lymph nodesá - 2 lymph nodes - no deposits of tumor." 1413,MR1702260,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measured 1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1415,MR1702287,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a cellular infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules cords and sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus with prominent nucleoli in few, mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis.IMPRESSION:Right breast, biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 --------------- 6/9" 1416,MR1702303,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast post lumpectomy, post NACT.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Modified radical Mastectomy.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 19cm. Superficial - deep : 3cm. Superior-inferior : 14cm.Skin ellipse : 10.5x7cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : Tumor seen greywhite firm area with tiny foci of necrosis noted in the lower outer quadrant measuring 2x1x1cm.Deep margin : 1cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Axillary tail : 6x4x1.5cm.Total number of nodes : 12 nodes.Size of largest node : 2x1.3x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed : Residual viable tumor present.Invasive ductal carcinoma with focal areas of ductal carcinoma-in-situ.Areas of fibrosis, necrosis and lymphocytic infiltration is present.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade IITubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 --------------- 6/9 ----------------Tumor measures 2x1cm in greatest dimension and is located in the lower outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ is present with comedonecrosis.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 5 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of viable tumor out of 12 nodes.Pathological stage : pyT1N2.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy (Post lumpectomy and NACT):Residual viable tumor present, grade II.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Nodal metastases: 5 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of viable tumor out of 12 nodes." 1417,MR1702319,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measured 1.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Few large bizarre cells are seen. Occasional abnormal mitosis is seen.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, core biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+3+1)." 1419,MR1702360,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast carcinoma, post chemotherapySPECIMEN;Left modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -- 21cm Superficial - Deep --18cm Superior -Inferior --6cmSkin ellipse : 16x15.5cm Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : seen in the 11 o' clock position measures 0.6x0.2cmTumor : SingleTumour Size : 0.8x0.7x0.6cm Location of tumor : 11 o' clock position , upper inner quadrantMargins of tumor : well circumscribed Deep margin : 0.1cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 6x5x2cmTotal number of nodes : 16 nodesSize of largest node : 2x2x0.8cm, cut surface is unremarkableIMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:-Fibrotic and calcified areas presentNo residual viable tumor presentNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: one lymph node, shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 16 nodesNo perinodal spread presentPathological stage : pyT0N1Summary : Left MRMNo residual viable tumor present - fibrotic and calcified areasLymph nodes - One(1) node shows metastatic deposits of viable Invasive ductal carcinoma out of Sixteen(16) nodesNo perinodal spread present" 1420,MR1702371,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Lump in right breastSPECIMEN:LumpectomyGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received two separate fibrofatty tissue withá same container, larger one measures 3.5x2.5x1cmcut surface shows an illdefined grey white fibrotic area measures 3.0x2.5x1cm, few dilated areasLocated at the following distances from the respective margin:Superior margináááááááá - 0.2cmInferior margináááááááááá - 0.4cmMedial marginááááááááááá - 0.4cmLateral margináááááááááá - 0.8cmDeep marginááááááááááááá - 0.1cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1x0.3cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Large mass. multiple section shows dilated ducts are present lined with ductal epithelial cells with outer myoepithelial cells. In other areas ducts show proliferation of cells with stratification and multilayering, there is no atypia of cells. Scattered ducts are present showing adenosis. Stroma consists of spindle cells.There is no evidence of malignancy. Small mass shows adenosis with fibrocystic changes in the ducts.IMPRESSION:Lumpectomy:Epithelial hyperplasia.AdenosisFibrocystic diseaseNo evidence of invasive carcinoma" 1421,MR1702373,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 1. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1)." 1422,MR1702377,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.4 to 0.8. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma showing infiltrating lesion arranged in diffuse sheets and nests, comprising of round to oval cells having markedly pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and scant cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphocytic infiltrate. Brisk mitotic activity noted. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, biopsy;Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade III.MBR score á á á á á á á á á á á - 8/9.Tubule formation á á á áá á - 3.Nuclear pleomorphismááá - 3.Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá - 2." 1423,MR1702381,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump -? carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring a lesion composed of sheets and nest of ovoid cells with hyperchromatic nucleus, moderate atypia and moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows focal areas of necrosis and lymphocytic infiltrate. á IMPRESSION:Biopsy of left breast lump.Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 3.Modified bloom richardson score -7/9Tubule formation á á á á á á = 3Nuclear pleomorphism áá = 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá áá = 1Areas of necrosis. " 1424,MR1702383,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right carcinoma breast post NACT.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Time of receipt at lab : 2:10pm.Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 14cm. Superficial - deep : 4cm. Superior-inferior : 15cm.Skin ellipse : 10x7cm.Nipple : Normal.Lumpectomy bed measuring 8x8x3cm, grey white fibrotic area. No residual tumor mass present.Location of tumor : Central inner quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 0.8cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Axillary tail : 9.5x7x2cm.Total number of nodes : 13 nodes.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed : No residual viable tumor present. Dense fibrotic with atrophic glands present. Surrounding ducts show cystic dilatation.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 13 lymph nodes- No metastatic deposits of tumor.Pathological stage : pyT0N0.SUMMARY:Right breast post NACT, Right modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed : No residual viable tumor present. Fibrotic areas present. Surrounding ducts show cystic dilatation.Lymph nodes: 13 lymph nodes- No metastatic deposits of tumor." 1426,MR1702399,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 cm to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring lesion arranged in tubules, cords and nests. Cells are round to oval having moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows extensive areas of desmoplasia, sclerosis. Mitotic figures - 3-4/10 HPF.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.MBR scoreáááááááááááááááááááááá - 6/9.Tubule formationááááááááááááá - 3.Nuclear pleomorphismáááá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá - 1." 1427,MR1702408,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords, trabacular, tubules and in sheets. The cells are round to oval exhibiting nuclear pleomorphism with hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Desmoplastic hyalinised stroma seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast, biopsy;Features suggestive of invasive carcinoma.MBR score 6/9, Grade II.Tubule formation - 3.Pleomorphism - 2.Mitoti activity - 1. -------- 6/9 ---------" 1428,MR1702416,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Large right breast lump - ? Carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN:Right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring a lesion arranged as cords, nests and tubules. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus with moderate atypia and scanty to moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows focal fibrosis.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation á á áá á -2Nuclear pleoomorphism-2Mitosisáááááááááááááááááááááááááá -2" 1429,MR1702423,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 9 grey white to grey bro2wn linear cores measures 0.3 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion arranged in diffuse sheets, cores and islands. Cells are large with pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with irregular contours, some with prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm .Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphoplasmocytic infiltrate. Few large bizarre cells are also seen. Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, biopsy;Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 3.Modified bloom Richardson score (3+3+2)=8/9. " 1430,MR1702456,CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of carcinoma breast - multiple liver space occupy lesions SPECIMEN:Biopsy from liver lesionGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue exhibiting a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests and tubular configuration demonstrating mild to moderate nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm amidst fibrocollagenous stroma.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from liver lesion:Suggestive of metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast.Report on IHC to follow. 1431,MR1702463,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring a lesion arranged as sheets and nests of cells with round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus, moderate atypia and scanty cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Solid type ductal carcinoma in situ present. Areas of necrosis noted.á IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score -7/9Tubule formation -3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitosisááá - 2" 1432,MR1702483,"CLINICAL HISTORY :B) Left breast mass 12' clockSPECIMEN:B) Biopsy from left breast mass at 12'0 clock position. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:B) Biopsy shows linear cores of tissue harboring a lesion arranged as nests sheets of ovoid cells with hyperchromatic. Mitotic figures discerned. Stroma shows fibrosis and hyalinisation.IMPRESSION:B) Biopsy from left breast mass at 12'0 clock position.Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified bloom richardson score-6/9Tubule formatiion-2Nuclear pleomorphism -2Mitosisá - 2" 1433,MR1702503,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast massSPECIMEN:Right breast mass, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processing.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1434,MR1702507,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast, post lumpectomy, post NACT.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT, post lumpectomy.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 9cm. Superficial - deep : 2cm. Superior-inferior : 11cm.Skin ellipse : 9x6cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Lumpectomy scar present measuring 4cm in length in upper quadrant.Tumor : Grossly no tumor present, only fibrotic areas noted in retroareolar area.Deep margin : (From fibrotic area) 0.2cm.Muscle : Present. 3.5x3cm.Total number of nodes : 15 nodes.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x1cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Received fragment of fibrofatty tissue separately in the same container measuring 9x4.5x2cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple section from the breast parenchyma show no residual tumor. Treatment related changes seen including multinucleated giant cells, histiocytes, calcification.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:No residual tumor seen, status post lumpectomy, post NACT.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ is not seen.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 15 lymph nodes, Metastases 0 (0/15).Reactive hyperplasia.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:No residual tumor seen, status post lumpectomy, post NACT." 1435,MR1702529,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast massSPECIMEN:Right breast mass biopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey browná linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast shows linear cores of tissue showing extensive hyalinisation with scattered clusters of atypical cells. The cells exhibit marked pleomorphism with hyperchromatic nuclei and scant cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass biopsy:Suggestive of invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2 Modified bloom richardson score isá 6/9Tubule formationá : 3pleomorphismáááááá : 2Mitosisáááááááááááááááááá :1áááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá " 1436,MR1702542,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN :Left Modified Radical Mastectomy specimen.GROSS FINDINGS :Procedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : MRM Post lumpectomy.Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá :áá Left. Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medial to lateraláááá :14cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep : 5cm. áá ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-Inferioráá : 14cm.Skin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá : 10.5x6.5cm. ááá Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá :Normal Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : Present medial to nipple areolar region measuring 3.5cm in length.Tumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : No obvious tumor seen. An ill defined grey white fibrotic area measuring 6.5x3.5x2cm in the upper outer quadrant. Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá :áá Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á :á Fibrotic. áááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá ááá : 0.1cm.Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááá : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá ááá : Fibrofatty tissue. áááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá ááá : 4.5x4.5x1.5cm.Total number of nodesááááááá :á 13á Size of largest nodeááááááááááá : 1.6x1x1cm. Cut surface unremarkable.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Sections studied show normal breast parenchyma with fibroglandular tissue .The ducts are normal appearing, lined by inner epithelial and an outer myoepithelial layer. Few compressed ducts seen.á Extensive areas of stromal hyalinisation noted.IMPRESSION :Left Modified Radical Mastectomy specimen :No viable residual tumor identified.Therapy related changes seen.No lymphovascular invasion seen.Nipple and areola unremarkable.Fourteen lymph nodes identified " 1437,MR1702552,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast massSPECIMEN:Right breast mass, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1x1.2cm. Entire tissue processing.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, core biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1438,MR1702571,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast massSPECIMEN:Right breast mass, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.3 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests, cores and tubules . Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Core biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1439,MR1702586,"CLINICAL HISTORY :B) Bilateral breast lump (right > left ) - likely carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:B) Left breast, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast, core biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. - Modified bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1440,MR1702596,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast ulceration mass-? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Left breast, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1cm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1442,MR1702606,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass SPECIMEN:Right breast mass biopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.2 to 1.4 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion arranged in nests and cords comprising of large cells with pleomorphic round to oval vesicular to hyperchromatic nuclei few with prominent nucleoli and moderate to abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows extensive desmoplasia along with lymphocytic aggregates. Focally comedo necrosis type ductal carcinoma in situ seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, grade 2Modified bloom richardson score is 6/9 (3+2+2).Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedo necrosis noted." 1443,MR1702626,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, islands and tubules, cells are round to oval with moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphocytic infiltration. Mitotic figures 5-6 / 10hpfIMPRESSION:Left breast mass biopsy.Invasive ductal carcinoma grade II Modified bloom richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation :3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2" 1444,MR1702630,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores 1.6 to 1.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring a lesion arranged as nests, cords and tubules. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus, exhibiting moderate nuclear atypiaá and moderate eosinophilic to pale cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrate and hyalinisation Lymphovascular emboli present.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ducatal carcinoma, grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score - 7/9Tubule formation -3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitoticá - 2á " 1445,MR1702632,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Lump in right breastSPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial - lateral - 20cm Superficial - Deep - 3cm Superior - Inferior - 14cmSkin ellipse : 11.5x7.3cm Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : Single Tumour Size : 3.5x2.5x2.0cm Location of tumor : upper quadrant Margins of tumor : illdefined Deep margin : 0.7cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : 6.5x5.5x2.5cmTotal number of nodes : 15 lymph nodes Size of largest node : 1.2x1x1cm.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II. Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 3.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not presentLymphovascular invasion not presentPerineural invasion not presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 15 lymph nodes, show no metastatic deposits of tumor. Summary : Right MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade IILymph nodes: 15 lymph nodes, show no metastatic deposits of tumor. Pathological stage : pT2N0" 1446,MR1702638,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy post NACT.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 20cm. Superficial - deep : 5.5cm. Superior-inferior : 15cm.Skin ellipse : 14x9cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : Dense fibrotic area measuring 3x2x2 cm with solid tumor mass is present measuring 1cm.Location of tumor : Central quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 2.3cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Axillary tail : 8x5x4cm.Total number of nodes : 13 nodes.Size of largest node : 1x0.8x0.5cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed : Small foci of viable tumor present.Invasive Ductal Carcinoma measuring 1x0.5x0.5cm. Surrounding tumor dense fibrosis, plasma lymphocytic infiltration, and atrophic ducts and few dilated ducts are seen.Grade IIModified BR score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 --------------- 6/9 ----------------Tumor measures 1x0.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Central quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Intermediate (Small volume of tumor).Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 8 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of viable tumor -invasive ductal carcinoma,out of 13 nodes.SUMMARY:Right breast post NACT, Right modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed : Small foci of viable tumor present.Invasive Ductal Carcinoma measuring 1x0.5x0.5cm.Grade II Lymph nodes: 8 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of viable tumor -invasive ductal carcinoma, out of 13 nodes." 1447,MR1702649,"SR17-721SITE:A)Endocervical growth.áReceived one block labelled as 8328/17.B) Left Breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.áReceived 17 block labelled as 5758/17.MICROSCOPIC FINDING :A) Section from endocervical growth shows a polypoidal lesion with stratified squamous epithelium with full thickness dysplasia and mild nuclear atypia. Stroma shows few dilated cystic spaces lined by columnar epithelium and filled with pale eosinophilic material. No evidence of invasive malignancy is seen.B) Section from breast shows tumour cells arranged in nests, tubuleá and sheets. Individual cells have moderately pleomorphic vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli, cells have moderate to abundant cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:A) Endocervical Growth(Block labelled as 8328/17), Biopsy :Shows feature of Squamous carcinoma in situ.B) Left Breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy(Block labelled as 5758/17).INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2.á - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6 (3+2+1).á - Tumour measures 3 cm in greatest dimension( As per outside gross).áááááááááááááááááááááááááá á - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.á - Perineural invasion is not identified.á - DCIS component is not seen.á - Nipple and areola are free of tumour.á - Posterior resection margin is free of tumour.Lymph nodes :Twelve lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy(0/12).á " 1448,MR1702677,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters, nests and cords .The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei, conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm .Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast:Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9 Grade 2Tubule formationá á áá á : 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______" 1449,MR1702681,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion and round to oval having moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, scant cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows desmoplasia mitotic figures 6-7/hpfIMPRESSION:Right breast lump, biopsy:Invasive carcinoma with lobular differentiation - grade IIModified bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formation :3Nuclear pleomorphism :2Mitotic figures :2 _____ 7/9 _____" 1450,MR1702682,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, TRUCUT biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear fragment 0.3 to 0.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring lesion, arranged in tubules, nests and papillary fronds, lined by round to oval having moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows dense desmoplasia, lymphocytic infiltrate figures discerned. Areas of myxoid change seen IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, biopsy: Papillary lesion ?Atypical ductal hyperplasia with papillary configuration ?Papillary neoplasm Suggest repeat larger biopsy to rule out invasive carcinoma " 1451,MR1702687,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of left breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:A) Left breast lumpectomyB) Revised deep marginC) Left axillary dissectionGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measures 6.5x6x2.5cm, on serial sectioning grey white lesion notedmeasuring 1.6x1.5x1.5cm.Located at the following distances from the respective margins:Superior margin - 1cmInferior margin - 1cmMedial margin - 0.8cmLateral margin - 2.6cmSkin ellipse measures 5x1cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1.2x0.5x0.2cm.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 8x5x3cm. Largest lymph node measures 3x1.5x1cm. Cut surface show fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Breast conservative surgery - Wide excision.Tumor - Tumor consists of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus with eosinophilic cytoplasm.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade - Tubule formation - 3. Nuclear pleomorphism - 2. Mitotic figures - 2. ----------------- MBR grade 7/9. -----------------Nuclear grade - II.Ductal carcinoma is situ - Not present.Lymphovascular invasion - Not present.Perineural invasion - Not present.Resected margins:Superior margin - Free of tumor.Inferior margin - Free of tumor. Medial margin - Free of tumor. Lateral margin - Free of tumor.B) Deep margin shows muscle bundles - free of tumor.C) Axillary clearance:18 nodes - No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:Wide excision - Breast conservative surgery:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Maximum dimensions of tumor is 1.6x1.7cm.Nuclear grade - II.Ductal carcinoma is situ - Not present.Lymphovascular invasion - Not present.All resected margins are free from the tumor. Revised deep resected margin - free of tumor.Axillary lymph nodes 18 Nodes - No deposits of tumor.Pathological grade pT1N0." 1452,MR1702693,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:A) Sentinel lymph node biopsyB) Left modified radical mastectomy and axillary lymph node dissection(level 1,2)GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 3 bits fibrofatty tissue measures 2x2x1.5cm, largest lymph node measures 1x1x1cm,cut surface shows fatty infiltration. Isolated 12 lymph nodesB)Procedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á : Modified radical Mastectomyá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá áá Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : Leftá áá Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medialá - lateral - 22cm áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - Deep - 3cm áá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior - Inferior - 19cmSkin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá :áá 14x7cm á Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá :Normal ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áááá ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áááá Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : Not seenTumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : Single Tumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá : 2.2x2x1.5cm. áááááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá :á upper inner quadrant Margins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á :á illdefined ááááááááá Deep marginááá ááá á á á á áá ááá : 2cmMuscleááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á á á á : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá á á á á á : fibrofatty áááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá áá á á á á á á áá : 6x4x2.8cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sentinel lymph node biopsy:Sentinel lymph nodesá - 2 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 12 nodesB) Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: áInvasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II. Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measuresá 2.2cm in greatest dimension andá is located in theá upper inner quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ present -á low grade solid type measures 0.5cmáLymphovascular invasion presentPerineural invasion presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableMastectomy specimená - Lymph nodes: 13 lymph nodes, no metastatic deposits of tumor out of 13 nodes.IMPRESSION:Left breast MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma Residual tumor present,Gradeá IILymph nodes from mastectomy specimen - 13 nodes - no deposits of tumorSentinel lymph nodesá - 2 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 12 nodesTotal no. of positive nodesá - 2 nodes out of 25 nodes" 1453,MR1702699,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.4 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, sheets and comprising of round to oval cells having moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows desmoplasia, lymphocytic infiltrate. Mitotic figures 6-7/hpf. Areas of necrosis and calcification notedIMPRESSION:Right breast biopsy:Invasive carcinoma not otherwise specified - grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.tubule formation :3Nuclear pleomorphism :2Mitotic figures :1 _____ 6/9" 1454,MR1702703,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast, Left Breast Conservative Surgery (Post lumpectomy).B) Left Axillary clearance.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received single container skin covered fibrofatty tissue measuring 5x5x1.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 5x1.8cm, serial sectioning shows greywhite to greybrown ? fibrotic area measuring 1.2 x 0.8 x 0.5 cm, ? linear scar measuring 1cm, located at the following distance from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 1.3cm.Inferior margin -- 1cm.Medial margin -- 2cm.Lateral margin -- 2cm.Deep margin -- 1.5cm.Representative sections are submitted.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 8x5x2cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1.5x1.5x1.0cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows residual tumor cells in multiple foci. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular invasion is identified. Perineural invasion is not identified.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast, Left Breast Conservative Surgery(Post lumpectomy) :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6 (3+2+1). - Multiple (Two) tumor foci are seen, larger measuring 0.6 cm in greatest dimension. - Lymphovascular invasion is identified. - Perineural invasion is not identified. - DCIS component is not seen. - All margins of resection are free of tumor.B) Left Axillary clearance:Two out of sixteen lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposits with Extra nodal extension (2/16). - Size of the larger metastatic tumor deposit measures 1.9 cm in greatest dimension." 1455,MR1702709,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Left breast, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue with stroma showing extensive desmoplasia. Scattered neoplastic cells arranged in nest and cords seen with cells having pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, core biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score 6/9 (3+2+1)." 1456,MR1702725,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 grey white linear cores measures 0.1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processing.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Core Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). " 1457,MR1702727,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast, left breast level III lesion - ? DepositSPECIMEN:Left level III lesion node biopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to to grey brown linear cores measures 0.3 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue fragments demonstrating spindle cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm. Areas show rosettoid formation of cells with myxoid areas. Dilated blood vessels are seen.IMPRESSION:Left level III lesion node biopsy:Suggestive of Atypical proliferative lesion.Suggest Excision biopsy for further confirmation." 1459,MR1702742,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast post lumpectomySPECIMEN:A) Wide excision - lumpectomyB) Sentinel lymph nodesC) Revised margin - baseD) Left axillary dissectionGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received single skin covered fibrofatty tissue measures 9x7x4cm.skin ellipse measures 4x1.5cm. Surface shows a scar measures 2.5cm.On serial sectioning shows a illdefined grey white fibrotic and necrotic lesion measures 2x1.5x1.5cm. Located at the following distances from the respective margins:Superior margin -- 1.5cmInferior margin -- 2.5cmMedial margin -- 2.5cmLateral margin -- 1.5cmDeep margin -- 1.5cmB) Sentinel lymph nodes :Received single fibrofatty tissue altogether measures 4x2.5x2cm. largest lymph node measures 2.5x1.5x1cm. Cut surface show fatty infiltration. Isolated - 4 lymph nodesC) Revised margin from the base:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5x3x0.5cm, grossly unremarkableD) Left axillary dissectionReceived fibrofatty tissue measures 6x4x1.5cm, isolated - 8lymph nodesMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Wide excision - lumpectomy :The section shows fibrosis, necrosis, lymphocytic infiltration and foreign body giant cellsand granulation tissue.No evidence of residual tumor presentResected margin - from the fibrotic areaSuperior margin -- free of tumorInferior margin -- free of tumorMedial margin -- free of tumorLateral margin -- free of tumorDeep margin -- free of tumorB) Sentinel lymph nodes:4 nodes - no deposits of tumorC) Revised margin - base:fibrofatty tissue and muscle bundle - free of tumorD) Left axillary dissection:8 nodes - no deposits of tumorIMPRESSION:A) Wide excision - post lumpectomy:No residual tumor presentAreas of fibrosis, necrosis and granulation tissueAll resected margins are free of tumorB) Sentinel lymph nodes: - 4 nodes - no deposits of tumorC) Revised margin - base : free of tumorD) Left axillary dissection: 8 nodes - no deposits of tumor" 1460,MR1702756,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump- ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma showing focal infiltration by a lesion arranged in cores and nests comprising of atypical cells with round to oval, moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, some with prominent nucleoli, irregular nuclear contours and scanty to moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows extensive fibrosis and hyalinisation with focal areas of necrosis.á IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy;Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified bloom Richardsoná score (3+2+1)=6/9." 1461,MR1702761,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1462,MR1702766,CLINICAL HISTORY :Biopsy from left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma with extensive ductal carcinoma in situ (solid pattern).Modified bloom Richardson score is -6/9á Grade - 2Tubule fromation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 1463,MR1702780,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores 0.5 to 1cm. entire tissue processed MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as cords tubules and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei, conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is elastotic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9 Grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááááááá :3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááá :2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááááá :2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____" 1464,MR1702787,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : FormalinProcedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : Mastectomyá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá á Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : LeftTotal dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medialá - lateral - 23cm áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á Superficial - Deep - 4.8cm áá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior - Inferior - 18cmSkin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá : 13.5x7cm ááá Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá : Normaláááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá á Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : Not seenTumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : Single Tumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá : 2x1x1cm áááááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá :á upper outer quadrantá Margins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á :á illdefined, with fibrotic areas ááááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá áááááááááá :á 1cmAdjacent Breastááá áá á á áá ááá : fibrofatty áááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá áá á á á á áá : 7x6x3cm Total number of nodesááááááá : 20 lymph nodesSize of largest nodeááááááááááá : 1x0.8x0.8cm, cut surface shows greybrownáIMPRESSION:Left breast,á Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: áInvasive ductal carcinoma, Gradeá II. Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation: 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measuresá 2x1 cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not presentáLymphovascular invasion not presentPerineural invasion not presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes:á one lymph node, show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 19 nodes.Perinodal spread not presentáPathological stage : pT1N1Summary : Leftá MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade IILymph nodes - one lymph node, show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 19 nodes.Perinodal spread not present" 1465,MR1702806,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Lump in left breastSPECIMEN:A) Left breast, Lumpectomy(Frozen Section). B) Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 5 x 5 x 3 cm, skin ellipse measures 3.5 x 1.5 cm, cut surface shows a grey white lesion measuring 2.5 x 2.5 x 1.5 cm, distance from closest inked margin - 0.5 cmB)Procedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial - lateral - 19cm Superficial - Deep - 4.5cm Superior - Inferior - 15cmSkin ellipse : 15x9cm. Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : 5x2cm.Lumpectomy cavity : 6.5 x 6 x 3.5 cm Location of tumor bed : Upper outer quadrant Deep margin : 2.5cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : 8 x 7 x 3.5 cmSize of largest node : 2 x 1.5 x 1.0 cm, cut surface shows grey white.Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from tumour shows neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets, nests and in lobules. Individual tumour cells are round to oval highly pleomorphic with vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate to abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Brisk mitotic activity noted. Intervening stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.Areas of fibrosis, hyalinisation noted. Ductal carcinoma in situ area with central necrosis noted. Lymphovascular invasion is seen. Congested blood vessels seen.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast, Lumpectomy(Frozen Section) :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 3. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 8(3+2+3). - Tumor measures 2.5 cm in the greatest dimension - Lymphovascular invasion is present - Perineural invasion is present - Ductal carcinoma in situ of solid and comedo pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen. - Overlying Skin is free of tumorB) Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy(Post Lumpectomy): No Residual Tumor is seen. - Adjacent breast tissue is unremarkable. - Nipple and Areola are free of tumour. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumour.Lymph nodes :One out of twenty lymph nodes shows metastatic tumour deposit(1/20). - Size of the tumour deposit measures 2.0 cm in greatest dimension. - No extranodal Extension is seen.Pathological Stage : pT2N1a" 1466,MR1702829,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests, cords and diffuse sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right breast , Core biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1467,MR1702858,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 grey white toá grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma.Modified Bloom Richardson score 7/9, Grade = (7/9)Tubular formationááá á á : 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic á á á á á á á á á á ááááá :2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á áá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____" 1468,MR1702868,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass SPECIMEN:Right breast mass biopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show multiple fragments of tissue harboring neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets, cords . The cells are round to oval pleomorphic with vesicular nuclei, and few showing prominent nucleoli. Areas of desmoplasia is noted. There is presence of inflammatory infiltrate composed of lymphocytes, plasma cells intermixed with tumor cells. Mitosis noted. Fibrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, no special type, Grade II (7/9).Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures :1" 1469,MR1702876,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right retro areolar mass.SPECIMEN:Right breast mass, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.7 to 0.1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Core biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1470,MR1702894,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump -? Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in islands , nests with cords comprising of atypical cells with round to oval hyperchromaticáá pleomorphic nuclei, moderate to abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Focal areas of necrosis seen. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.á á IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson : 3+2+2á - 7/9 " 1471,MR1702908,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - Right breast carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast mass, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.4cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, core biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6( 3+2+1)." 1472,MR1702913,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.6 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, core biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1473,MR1702927,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast massSPECIMEN:Left breast mass biopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests cords and cribriform pattern. the cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned, stroma shows desmoplasia with chronic inflammatory infiltrates. areas of hemorrhage and necrosis seen. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma no special type Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score - 6/9Tubular formation :2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 _____ 6/9 _____" 1474,MR1702948,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast mass biopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white n linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests cords having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned, stroma shows desmoplasia with chronic inflammatory infiltrates. areas of hemorrhage and necrosis seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score 7/9Tubular formation :3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 _____ 7/9 _____" 1475,MR1702949,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Mass in right breast - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows hyperplastic ductules and stroma. Ductules are lined by cuboidal cells and few are compressed by stroma forming slit like spaces. Stroma shows fibrocollagenous tissue with myxoid change and spindle cells. No atypia or mitosis are seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Core biopsy :Features are suggestive of Proliferative breast disease. ? FibroadenomaSuggest excision of the lump for further confirmation." 1476,MR1702950,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - Right breast carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast mass, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Core biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6( 3+2+1)." 1477,MR1702992,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass.SPECIMEN:Right breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple fragments from breast parenchyma showing few clusters of atypical cells arranged in tubules, cords. The cells exhibits moderate pleomorphism with vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Extensive areas of fibrosis and desmoplasia are noted.IMPRESSION:Right breast, biopsy :Highly suspicious of Invasive carcinoma.Suggest repeat biopsy as the sample is sparsely cellular " 1481,MR1703041,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast S/P lumpectomy outsideSPECIMEN:A) Breast conservative surgery - post lumpectomyB) Axillary clearanceGROSS FINDINGS:A) Breast conservative surgery - post lumpectomy:Received oriented skin covered fibrofatty tissue altogether measures 6x5x4.5cm, skin ellipse measures2.2x1cm. Skin surface shows healed scar measures 2cm. On serial sections show illdefined grey white fibrotic lesion measures 1.5x1.5x1cm Located at the following distances from the respective margins:Superior margin -- 0.8cmInferior margin -- 2cmMedial margin -- 2cmLateral margin -- 1cmDeep margin -- 1cmB) Axillary clearance: Received fibrofatty tissue measures 6x5.5x1.5cm, largest lymph node measures 1.5x1x0.5cm, cut surface shows grey brown. dissected 14 nodes. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Breast conservative surgery - post lumpectomyLumpectomy bed: No residual tumor presentAreas of necrosis, fibrosis and inflammatory cellular infiltrates with foreign body giant cells and granulation tissue - post lumpectomy changesResected margins -Superior margin -- shows adenosis -- free of tumorInferior margin -- free of tumorMedial margin -- free of tumorLateral margin -- shows adenosis -- free of tumorDeep margin -- free of tumorB) Axillary clearance :14 nodes - no deposits of tumorIMPRESSION:A) Breast conservative surgery - post lumpectomy:No residual tumornecrosis, fibrosis - post lumpectomy changesAll resected margins - free of tumorB) Axillary clearance:14 nodes - no deposits of tumor" 1482,MR1703050,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump-? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Needle core biopsy from left breast lump shows sheets and clusters of pleomorphic cells. The cells show hyperchromatic nucleus, prominent nucleoli and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Background shows mucin at places.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, left breast.Moderate BR scores - 8/9, grade 3.Pleomorphismááááááááá - 2.Tubulesáááááááááááááááááá - 3.Mitosisááááááááááááááááááá - 3.á á á á á á á á á á á á á ----------------á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á 8/9á á á á á á á á á á á á á ---------------- " 1483,MR1703059,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Mass in right breast - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores 1.0 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right breast, core biopsy:Involve Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified bloom Richardson score 6(3+2+1)." 1484,MR1703082,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Large left breast lump - ? carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue with a lesion arranged is sheets having round to oval hyperchromatic nuclear and moderate amount of cytoplasm, also seen are giant cells having round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and abundant amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm, stroma show desmoplasia with scattered inflammatory cells.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, core biopsy:Invasive carcinomaof poorly differentiated - origin, nuclear grade II , " 1485,MR1703085,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite linear cores measuring 0.5 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast shows linear cores of tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords, tubules, trabaculae. The cells exhibit moderate pleomorphism with hyperchromatic nuclei and desmoplasia noted.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2.Tubule formation á á á á :á 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------------" 1486,MR1703108,CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of carcinoma breast post Rx on tamoxifen with increased ETTSPECIMEN:Uterus with bilateral adnexae.GROSS FINDINGS:Procedure : TAH+BSOUterus dimensions: Midline fundal-serosa to ectocervix : 10.5cmMaximum intercornual : 7.5cmMaximum anterior to posterior : 3mCervix Dimentions : 4.5x4cmVaginal cuff : PresentCervix shape : Normal.Right ovary : 3.4x2.5x1.2. Cut surface -- follicular cystLeft ovary : 5.5x4x2.5cm. Cut surface let out brown viscous fluidRight Fallopian tube : 4cm. fimbrial end identifiedLeft Fallopian tube : 4cm fimbrial end identifiedRight parametrium : 2x2.5x0.3cm.Left parametrium : 3x2x0.6cm.Endometrium descriptionEndometrial thickness : 0.5cm No definite abnormality identified.Myometrium descriptionMyometrial depth : Anteriorly 1.8cm.Left ovary Cut surface dark brown thick viscous fluid multilobulated cyst identifiedInner wall is smoothMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple sections from endometrium show benign endometrial glands and a few dilated glands lined by flattened to cuboidal epitheliumSection from cervix - UnremarkableSection from right ovary - UnremarkableSection from fallopian tube and fimbrial end - Free of tumorSection from parametrium - Free of tumor.IMPRESSION:Uterus with bilateral adnexae:Benign endometrial polyp with simple hyperplasia with no nuclear atypiaMyometrium : UnremarkableBilateral ovaries and fallopian tubes : UnremarkableBilateal parametrium : Unremarkable 1487,MR1703113,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 friable grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets, few in tubules. Individual cells have pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia, mitotic figures discerned. Area of necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass core biopsy:Invasive carcinoma - NST - grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9(3+2+2)." 1488,MR1703118,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast massSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3riable grey white to grey brown linear measures 1.2x1x0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue showing breast parenchyma with a lesion arranged in cords and sheets. Individual cells have pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show desmoplasia with inflammatory cells. Lympho vascular invasion seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass:Invasive carcinoma NST , grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9(3+2+2)Lymphovascular invasion is seen." 1489,MR1703121,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.B) Revised deep margin.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Left MRM Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 18cm. Superficial to Deep : 3.5cm. Superior to Inferior : 14cm.Skin ellipse : 13x7.5cm. Puckering of skin overlying the tumor. Nipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single. .Tumour Size : 4.8x3.5x3.2cm. Cut surface shows greywhite, necrotic. Location of tumor : Inner quadrant.Margins of tumor : Infiltrative. Deep margin(Muscle) : 0.5cm.Muscle : Present measuring 5x3cm.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Axillary tail : 6.5x6x1.5cm. Total number of nodes : 15 nodes.Size of largest node : 2x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.B) Revised deep margin:Received fibromuscular tissue with one surface inked measuring 2x2x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy:Tumor bed :Predominantly Invasive Papillary carcinoma predominantly with focal areas of invasion ductal carcinoma.Grade IIModified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures 4.8x3.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the inner quadrant.Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is Free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes:One lymph nodes shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 15 nodes. Perinodal spread present.PT2N1SUMMARY:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy:Tumor bed : Invasive Papillary carcinoma predominantly with focal areas of invasion ductal carcinoma.Grade IILymph nodes:One lymph nodes shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 15 nodes. Perinodal spread present. (1/15)" 1490,MR1703137,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.0 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear core of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as islands and nests. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphismá have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis seen.The intervening stroma is elastatic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast:Invasive Ductal carcinoma Modified bloom richardson score is 7/9, Grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______" 1491,MR1703141,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Procedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -20cm Superficial - Deep - 3cm Superior - Inferior - 14cmSkin ellipse : 17x7cm Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : Single Tumour Size : 2.5x2x2cm. Location of tumor : inner quadrantMargins of tumor : illdefined Deep margin : 1cmMuscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : 6x5x2cm.Total number of nodes : 13. Size of largest node : 1.5x1.2x1cm, cut surface shows fatty infiltrationIMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade III. Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 3 Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 2.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the inner quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ present with comedonecrosis measures 0.5cmLymphovascular invasion presentPerineural invasion presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 13 lymph nodes, one node show small focus of metastatic deposits of tumor out of 13nodesPerinodal spread present.Summary : Right MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade IIILymph nodes - one node shows metastatic deposit of tumor out of 13 nodesPerinodal spread is present" 1492,MR1703150,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Lump in right breastSPECIMEN:A) Right breast , lumpectomyB) Revised lateral marginGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 7x6x3cm, on serial sectioning grey white illdefined areas measures 2.5x2x1.8cm with foci of necrosis.Located at the following distances from the respective margins:Superior margin -- 0.3cmInferior margin -- 1cmMedial margin -- 0.5cmLateral margin -- 0.2cmDeep margin -- 0.1cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x1cm, one surface is inkedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma with neoplastic lesion arranged in cords, trabeculae andsheets. The cells are round to oval with vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli with eosinophiliccytoplasm. There are presence of extensive ductal carcinoma in situ arranged in solid, cribriform pattern and with comedonecrosis.Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 1 ________ 6/9 ________Resected margins :-Superior margin -- 0.3cm,inked margin is free of tumorInferior margin -- 0.2cm, inked margin is free of tumorLateral margin -- free of tumorDeep margin -- 0.1cm, inked margin is free of tumorIMPRESSION:A) Right breast , lumpectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II with extensive ductal carcinoma in situ.MBR score 6/9Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 1Invasive carcinoma measures 1cm in greatest dimensionDuctal carcinoma in situ measures 1.5cm in greatest dimensionPerineural invasion and lymphovascular invasion not identifiedResected margins :Superior-0.3cmlateral- 0.2cmDeep - 0.1cm away from tumorAll the resected ink margins are free of tumorB) Revised lateral margin:Few ducts shows ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosisInked margin is free from the tumorSUMMARY:A)Right breast wide local excision:Maximum dimension of tumor is 2.5cmExtensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis consisting 1.5cmInvasive ductal carcinoma constituting 1cm, grade IILymphovascular and perineural invasion not presentResected margins:-Superior margin -- 0.3cmLateral margin -- 0.2cmDeep margin -- 0.1cmAll the resected ink margins are free of tumorB) Revised lateral margin:Few ducts shows ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosisInked margin is free from the tumor. " 1493,MR1703151,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast post lumpectomySPECIMEN:Modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : FormalinProcedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá :á Mastectomy post NACT Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá :á Leftá Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medialá - lateralá -- 20cmááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficialá - Deep -- 5cm áá ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior - Inferior -- 12cm Skin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá :á 13x7cm ááá Scar á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á ááá : 5cmlesion lumpectomy bed á á á á : 3.5x3.5x3cm, cut surface shows grey white hemorrhagic, ááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á ááááááááááá cystic necrotic areas, no solid tumor presentá áááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá :áá upper inner quadrantMargins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á :á illdefined ááááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá áááááááááá : 1.5cm Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á áá áá : Present measures 8x4cm Adjacent Breastááá ááá á á á á á : fibrofattyá áááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááá : 7x5x3cmTotal number of nodesááááááá : 14 lymph nodes Size of largest nodeááááááááááá : 0.8x0.6x0.3cmIMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: áTumor bed:- No residual tumorAreas of fibrosis,necrosis, inflammatory cells,plenty of foreign body giant cells and granulation tissue.Posterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 15 lymph nodes, no deposits of tumor Summary : Left - post lumpectomy MRM, No residual tumor presentLymph nodesá - 15 nodes no deposits of tumoráPathological stage : pyT0N0" 1495,MR1703179,"CLINICAL HISTORY:? Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:A) Lumpectomy - left breastB) Post lumpectomy - frozen - MRMGROSS FINDINGS:A) Lumpectomy - left breast:(frozen specimen)Received single unoriented fibrofatty tissue measures 4x3x3cm, cut surface shows grey white illdefined firm lesion measures 1.5x1.2x1cm, nearest inked margin is 0.2cm away B)Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy post lumpectomyLaterality : left Total dimensions : Medial -- lateral -- 17cm Superficial --Deep -- 15cm Superior-- Inferior -- 5.5cmSkin ellipse : 15x10cm Nipple :Normal Surgical defect : measures 4.5cm, medial to nipple and areolalumpectomy bed : Single lumpectomy bed size : 4.5x4x3cm, grossly unremarkable Location of tumor : inner quadrant Deep margin : 2.5cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : 7x5x3cmTotal number of nodes : 15 lymph nodes Size of largest node : 1.5x1x1cm, cut surface is unremarkableIMPRESSION:A) Lumpectomy - frozen - Invasive ductal carcinomagrade - Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 ____________ 6/9 ____________Nuclear grade - IIDuctal carcinoma in situ - not presentLymphovascular invasion not presentPerineural invasion not presentB) Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Post lumpectomy - No residual tumor fibrofatty cavity Posterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 15 lymph nodes, no deposits of tumor. Summary : Lumpectomy with Invasive ductal carcinoma - frozen,Grade IIModified radical mastectomy - post lumpectomy - no residual tumorLymph nodes - 15 nodes - no deposits of tumor.Pathological stage : pT1N0" 1496,MR1703191,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump .SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring a lesion arranged as nests, tubules and cords. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus with moderate atypia and scanty to moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows fibrosis, lymphovascular invasion seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2Moderate Bloom Richardson score isá 6/9Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphismá - 2Mitosis - 2 " 1497,MR1703195,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:A) Left breast wide excisionB) Left axillary sentinel lymph nodeC) Revised deep marginD) Left axillary lymph nodeE) Excised drain bit for histopathologyGROSS FINDINGS:A) Left breast wide excision :Received lump specimen measures 12x6x3cm, skin ellipse measures 6.5x2cmcut surface shows grey brown tumor - lump is present measures 5x3x2cmLocated at the following distances from the respective margins :Upper margin -- 1.0cmLower margin -- 0.3cmMedium margin -- 3.5cmLateral margin -- 0.5cmDeep margin -- 0.2cmB) Left axillary sentinel lymph node:Received multiple fibrofatty tissue altogether measures 4x3x1.5cm, largest lymph node measures 1.4x0.8x0.6cm, cut surface shows grey whiteC) Revised deep margin:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4.5x3x0.5cmD) Left axillary lymph node:Received multiple fibrofatty tissue altogether measures 8x6x3cm, largest lymph node measures 3x1.5x1cm, cut surface shows grey white to grey brownE) Excised drain bit for histopathology:Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x2x1.2cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS;A) Left breast wide excision - breast conservative surgery:Tumor :-Multiple section taken from the tumor shows pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleusand eosinophilic cytoplasm.Invasive ductal carcinoma measures 3cm surrounding the tumorDuctal carcinoma in situ present with solid and cribriform pattern measures 2cmSurrounding breast parenchyma shows intraductal papillomatous adenosis and epithelialhyperplasiaGrading of invasive ductal carcinomaTubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 2 __________MBR score -- 7/9 __________Lymphovascular invasion is presentPerineural invasion is presentResected margins- upper margin -- free of tumorLower margin - 0.3cm - lower inked margin is free from tumorMedial margin - free of tumorLateral margin -- free of tumorDeep margin -- shows few atypical cells with epithelial hyperplasiaB) Left axillary sentinel lymph nodeSentinel lymph nodes - 4 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 5 nodesC) Revised deep margin:shows fibrofatty tissue - free from tumorD) Left axillary lymph node:2 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 13 nodesE) Excised drain bit for histopathology:shows squamous epithelium with subepithelium shows inflammatory cells consistingof polymorphic, lymphocytes and plasma cells. There is no evidence of malignancyIMPRESSION:A) Left breast wide excision :Tumor -Invasive ductal carcinoma Maximum dimension of tumor is 5cmInvasive carcinoma is 3cm with nuclear grade - IIDuctal carcinoma in situ is 2cm with solid, cribriform - intermediate gradeResected margins - free of tumorB) Left axillary sentinel lymph node4 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 5 nodesC) Revised deep margin:Revised deep margin - free of tumorD) Left axillary lymph node:2 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 13 nodesTotal no. of lymph nodes - positive 6 nodes out of 18 nodesE) Excised drain bit for histopathology:chronic non specific inflammatory lesion" 1498,MR1703199,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : FormalinProcedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : Mastectomy (MRM)áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá :áá Leftá Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medialá - lateralá - 16cmáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficialá - Deep - 4cm áá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior - Inferiorá - 20cmSkin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá :á 16.5x7cm áá Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá :Normal áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá áá Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : Not seenTumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : Single Tumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá : 3x1.8x2.2cm áááááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá :á upper outer quadrant á Margins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á :á infiltrativeá ááááááááá Deep marginááá ááá á á á á áá ááá : 0.2cmMuscleááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á á á á : Absent Adjacent Breast á á áá á ááá ááá : fibrofattyá áááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá á á á á á á á : 7x6x3cm.Total number of nodesááááááá :á 17 lymph nodes Size of largest nodeááááááááááá : 2.5x2x1cm, cut surface show grey white, necroticIMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade III. Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 2 Tumor measures 3x1.8cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ with comedonecrosis, small focus present measures 0.3cmáLymphovascular invasion presentPerineural invasion presentPosterior resection margin is 0.2cm, shows a small focus of ductal carcinoma in situ- solid type(lower grade) measures 0.1cm, however the inked posterior resected margin is free from tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 10 lymph nodes, show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 16 nodesSummary : Leftá MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma,Gradeá IIILymph nodes - 10 lymph nodes, show metastatic deposits of tumor out of .16nodesPathological stage : pT2N3a." 1499,MR1703202,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 Grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with numerous lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate found admixed with multinucleated giant cells and epitheloid cells. Interpersed are numerous histiocytes and congested blood vessels IMPRESSION:Right breast lump biopsy:Granulomatous mastitis with predominant plasma cells.No evidence of malignancy in the material submitted. 1500,MR1703223,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores 1.0 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear fragments of tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in tubules sheets. The cells are round to oval with pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic noted. There are also areas of ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis. Intervening stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Right breast, biopsy:Suggestive of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma with Ductal Carcinoma In Situ. ( Nuclear Grade 2)." 1501,MR1703224,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast post op - Left chest wall lesion - recurrence.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left chest wall lesionGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.4x0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating cellular lesion arranged in tubules and cords. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned . Stroma shows desmoplasia with chronic inflammatory infiltrate. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:biopsy from left chest wall lesion:Recurrent invasion carcinoma , NST grade 2 in a known case of carcinoma left breast status post opMBR scoreTubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 _______ 6/9 ______" 1502,MR1703235,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - ? carcinomaSPECIMEN:A)Left breast wide excisionB) Left sentinel lymph node biopsyC) Left axillary clearanceGROSS FINDINGS:A)Left breast wide excision:Received lumpectomy specimen measures 9x8x4cm, skin ellipse measures 7.5x3cm, cut surface shows illdefined grey white lesion measures 4.5x2.5x1.5cm. Located at the following distancesfrom the respective margins:Superior margin -- 1.2cmInferior margin -- 2cmMedial margin -- 0.5cmLateral margin -- 2cmDeep margin -- 1cmB) Left sentinel lymph node biopsy:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4x3.5x1.5cm, largest lymph node measures 3.3x1.4x1cmcut surface shows grey white to grey brownC) Left axillary clearanceReceived fibrofatty tissue measures 8x6x2cm, largest lymph node measures 2.5x1.5x0.7cm, cut surface shows grey white, total isolated - 17 lymph nodesMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A)Left breast wide excision:Tumor :- Tumor is composed of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. Invasive ductal carcinomaGrade - Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 2 _________ 7/9 _________Ductal carcinoma in situ not presentLymphovascular invasion presentPerineural invasion presentResected margins :-Superior margin -- free of tumorInferior margin -- free of tumorMedial margin -- free of tumorLateral margin -- free of tumorDeep margin -- free of tumorB) Left sentinel lymph node biopsy :2 nodes - show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 3 nodesC) Left axillary clearance16 nodes- no deposits of tumorIMPRESSION:A)Left breast wide excision:Invasive ductal carcinoma Maximum dimension of tumor is 4.5x2.5x1.5cmNuclear grade - IIDuctal carcinoma in situ not presentLymphovascular invasion - not presentPerineural invasion presentAll resected margin are free of tumorB) Left sentinel lymph node biopsy:2 nodes - shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 3 nodesC) Left axillary clearance:16 nodes - no deposits of tumorPathological stage : pT2N1" 1503,MR1703268,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinLaterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -22cm Superficial - Deep - 20cm Superior - Inferior -5cm,Skin ellipse : 18x12cm Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : Single Tumour Size : 3x2x1.5cm Location of tumor : retroareolarMargins of tumor : illdefined Deep margin : 1.5cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : 5x4x3cmTotal number of nodes : 18 lymph nodes Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.5cm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II. Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 3x2cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not presentLymphovascular invasion not presentPerineural invasion not presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 18 lymph nodes, no metastatic deposits of tumor out of 18 nodes. Pathological stage : pT2N0Summary : Left MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma ,Grade IILymph nodes - 18 nodes - no metastatic deposits of tumor." 1504,MR1703278,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Incisional biopsy Right breast.SPECIMEN:Incisional biopsy Right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits altogether measuring 1.2x0.9x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows skin with ulceration and underlying stroma harboringá a cellular lesion arranged as tubules, nests and cords. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus with moderate atypia and scanty cytoplasm. Intervening stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrate. Areas of calcification noted. Lymphovascular invasion is seen and overlying skin is ulcerated.á IMPRESSION:Incisional biopsy Right Breast:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade II.Moderate Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation á - 2Nuclear atypiaá - 2Mitosis á á á á á áá - 2. " 1505,MR1703290,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received ináááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Formalin.Time of receipt at labááááááááááá : 12:30pm.Procedureááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Modified Radical MastectomyLateralityááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá :á Left Total dimensionsááááááááááááááááá : Medial to lateralááááá : 18 cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep : 6 cm.á ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferiorá : 17 cm.Skin ellipseáááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 14 x 0.5 cm.áá Nippleáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : NormalScar/ Surgical defectááááááááááá : Not seen.Tumour Sizeáááááááááááááááááááááááá : 1.8 x 1.7 x 1.5 cm.ááááááá Location of tumorááááááááááááááá :á Central quadrant.Margins of tumoráááááááááááááááá :á Ill defined.ááááááááááá Deep margináááááááááááááááááááááá :á 1.5 cm.Muscleááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá :á Absent.Axillary tailáááááááááááááááááááááááááá :á 6 x 5 x 2 cm.Adjacent Breastááááááááááááááááá :á Fibrofatty.ááááá Total number of nodesááááááá : 16 nodesSize of largest nodeááááááááááá : 3 x 1.5 x 0. 8cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Adjacent fibrofatty area measuring 3 x 2 x 2 cm. Deep margin 1 cm.Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular or Perineural invasion is not identified.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2.á - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7( 3+2+2).á - Tumor is unifocal and is located in the central quadrant.á - Tumor measures 1.8 cm in greatest dimension. á - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.á - Perineural invasion is not identified.á - Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ of solid and cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade.á - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.á - Nipple and areola are free of tumor.Lymph nodes :Nineteen lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy (0/19).Pathological stage : pT1cN0" 1507,MR1703310,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump ? Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 Grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast parenchyma shows multiple linear cores harboring a neoplasm lesion arranged in trabeculae, cords andsheets exhibiting pleomorphism with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm.Mitotic figures seen. Areas of necrosis seen intervening stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy Right breast.Poorly differentiated malignancySuggestive of Invasive ductal carcinoma nuclear grade 2. " 1508,MR1703319,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Lump and ulceration over left breast.SPECIMEN:Incisional biopsy left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits altogether measuring 1.2x0.8x0.6cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows skin with ulceration and underlying stroma harboring a cellular lesion arranged as nests, islands and tubules. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus, moderate to marked atypia. Few with prominent nucleoli and scanty cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Incisional biopsy left breast:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9Tubule formation á -- 2 Nuclear á á á á á á á á --- 3 Mitosis á á á á á á á áá ---2á ááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------" 1510,MR1703327,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump ? carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast parenchyma shows multiple linear cores harboring a lesion arranged in cords sheets. The cells are noted to oval with hyperchromatic nuclei and scant cytoplasm. Extensive areas of desmoplasia noted. Areas of hemorrhage see.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Suggestive of Invasive ductal carcinomaModified bloom richardson score is 6/9 ,grade 2.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitosis :1 _____ 6/9 " 1511,MR1703349,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as tubules and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast:Invasive Ductal carcinoma Modified bloom richardson score is 7/9, Grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______" 1512,MR1703368,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right Breast MassGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1). " 1513,MR1703371,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast massSPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right Breast MassGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1514,MR1703373,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Post right MRM.Right chest nodules.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right chest wall nodule in a known case of carcinoma breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.4cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of fibrous tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged in tubular pattern. The lining epithelial cells are cubocolumnar exhibit nuclear hyperchromasia and pseudostratification.IMPRESSION:Metastatic carcinoma, Biopsy from right chest wall nodule in a known case of carcinoma breast." 1515,MR1703382,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 1. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1)." 1516,MR1703394,"CLINICAL HISTORY :In left breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass biopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 Grey white linear cores measures 1.2 to1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores breast parenchyma with extensive areas of selerosis and occasonal foci of infiltrating lesion arranged in cords and tubules. The cells are atypical ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis seen. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass biopsy:Invasive carcinoma with extensive areas of sclerosis , grade 1Tubule formation formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 _______ 5/9 _______" 1517,MR1703417,"CLINICAL HISTORY :ill defined Right breast lump ? Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, BiopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in islands and sheets intermixed with abundant inflammatory infiltrate comprising of lymphocytes and plasma cells. Cells are large with pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with irregular contours, some with prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows hyalinisation and fibrosis. Mitotic figures seen discerned.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified bloom richardson score is 3+2+2 = 7/9" 1518,MR1703425,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Birads V lesion in left breast.SPECIMEN:Left breastá lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests,tubules and cores. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount ofá cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few .Stroma shows extensive desmoplasia with chronic inflammatory infiltrates.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, NST , grade ITubule formation : 2 Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures : 1á á á á á á á á á áá ------------á á á á á á á á á á á áá 5/9á " 1519,MR1703426,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma left breast underwent MRM in 2013. Received adjuvant chemotherapy and presently on aromatase inhibitor. Now with left chest wall recurrence4 and lung metastatic.SPECIMEN:Left Chest Wall Nodule, Excision Biopsy, ( Carcinoma Left Breast Post Op/Chemo)GROSS FINDINGS:Received Fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5 x 2 x 1.5 cm. Cut surface shows an ill - defined lesion with mucinous areas measures 1x1x1cm.Distance from nearest inked surface is <0.1cm,MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in tubules and nests lying in pools of extracellular mucin and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Chest Wall Nodule, Excision Biopsy(Carcinoma Left Breast Post OP/Chemo) :Positive for malignancy.Suggestive of Mucinous Carcinoma in a known and treated case of carcinoma breast." 1520,MR1703430,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast - post lumpectomy statusSPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Post lumpectomy - Mastectomy Laterality : 14x10cm Total dimensions : Medial - lateral - 21cm Superficial - Deep - 7cm Superior - Inferior - 17cm Skin ellipse : 14x10cm Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : linear headed scar measures 4cmTumour Size : 5x3.5x3cm - shows fibrotic, necrotic areas, no solid tumor mass is present. Location of tumor : upper inner quadrant Deep margin : 1.5cmMuscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 4x4x4cm.Total number of nodes : 21 lymph nodes Size of largest node : 1.5x1x1cm, cut surface shows grey whiteIMPRESSION:Left breast - post lumpectomy, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- No residual tumor present,Necrosis, fibrosis inflammatory cellular infiltration consisting of lymphocytes and, histiocytes, foreign body, giant cells and granulation tissue Posterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 2 lymph nodes, show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 18 nodes.Perinodal spread is presentSummary : Left MRM post lumpectomy , No residual tumor, necrosis and granulation tissueLymph nodes - 2 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 18 nodesPerinodal spread present " 1521,MR1703441,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Mass in left breast - Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Few extracellular pools of mucin are seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1522,MR1703447,CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and acini. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm. hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with chronic inflammatory infiltrate. Areas of hemorrhage are seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Grade 1(5/9)Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 _____ 5/9 ______ 1524,MR1703461,CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Chest Wall Nodule. Excision (Post MRM - Right Breast.)GROSS FINDINGS:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2 x 2 x 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tissue covered with stratified squamous epithelium. Stroma shows fibrocollagenous tissue with lymphocytes and congested capillaries. No atypia is seen.IMPRESSION:Chest Wall Nodule. Excision (Post MRM - Right Breast):Shows features of Chronic non specific inflammation.Negative for malignancy. 1525,MR1703465,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:A) Left sentinel lymph node biopsyB) Left modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue altogether measures 3x3x2cmLargest lymph node measures 2x1.5x1cm. cut surface shows grey white. Isolated4 lymph nodes B)Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial - lateral --28cm Superficial - Deep -- 5cm Superior - Inferior -- 24cmSkin ellipse : 16x7cm Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : Single Tumour Size : 2x1.6x1.5cm Location of tumor : upper outer quadrantMargins of tumor : illdefined Deep margin : 0.8cm Muscle : Present measures 1.5x0.5cm Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 7x6x3cmTotal number of nodes : 17 lymph nodes Size of largest node : 1.3x1x0.8cmIMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II. Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 2x1.6cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ present , few ducts shows solid type (low grade) - measures 0.3cmLymphovascular invasion presentPerineural invasion presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: sentinel lymph node - one node show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 4 nodesPerinodal spread presentMRM - Lymph nodes - 17 nodes - no deposits of tumorTotal no. of lymph nodes - one node out of 21 nodesSummary :Left MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma ,Grade IISentinel lymph nodes - one lymph node show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 4 nodes,Perinodal spread presentMRM - Lymph nodes - 17 nodes - no deposits of tumor Pathological stage :pT1N1" 1527,MR1703480,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast mass, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in cords and sheets, the cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. Interspersed are lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 1528,MR1703483,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial- lateral --20cm Superficial - Deep -- 4.5cm Superior- Inferior -- 19cm Skin ellipse : 15x18cm Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : Single Tumour Size : 4x3.5x2cm Location of tumor : upper outer quadrant Margins of tumor : relatively circumscribed Deep margin : 1.2cm Muscle : Present measures 3.5x2cm Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 7.5x4x2.5cmSize of largest node : 1.5x1.2x0.5cm, cut surface show grey brownMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS;Section from tumor show neoplastic cells arranged in lobules and sheets. Cells aremarkedly pleomorphic with round to oval vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm, Intermixed eosinophilic material ? osteoid noted surrounded by tumor cells. Many osteoclastic type of giant cells and tumor giant cells seen. Large areas of necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive carcinoma favors metaplastic carcinoma, Grade III. Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 3Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 4 cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not identifiedLymphovascular invasion not identifiedPerineural invasion not identifiedPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 17 lymph nodes, identified show no metastatic deposits(0/17)Summary : Left MRM, Invasive carcinoma favors metaplastic carcinoma, Grade IIILymph nodes - 17 lymph nodes identified show no metastatic deposits ( 0/17)" 1529,MR1703486,CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - ? Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules and sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm. hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with chronic inflammatory infiltrate. Areas of hemorrhage are seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Grade II )Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 _____ 6/9 ______ 1530,MR1703487,CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma left breast - left axillary node - metastatic.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left axillary node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5á grey white to grey browná linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear core of lymphoid tissue infiltrated by neoplasm arranged as nests and islands. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Occasional mitosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left axillary node:Metastatic carcinoma of probable mammary origin.Suggest confirmation. 1531,MR1703496,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue with few dilated ducts showing atypical cells having moderate amount of cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nucleus.IMPRESSION:Right breast biopsy:Extensive fibrocollagenous stroma with tiny focus showing few atypical cells.- Inadequate for opinion.- Suggest repeat biopsy. 1532,MR1703502,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Mass in right breast - Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey browná linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections showáá breast tissue with tumor arranged in cores and sheets .Tumor cells showing pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Surrounding stroma shows elastosis and hyalinisation.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast.Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____" 1533,MR1703522,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.4 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in tubules, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 1. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 5(2+2+1)." 1534,MR1703525,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measuring 0.6 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections examined show linear cores of tissue with areas of necroinflammationá foci of lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:No viable tumor seen in the cores submittedOnly necroinflammatory debris with lymphoplasmacytic and histiocytic infiltration Kindly correlate with mammographic findings and suggest repeat if deemed necessary. 1537,MR1703621,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass- ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating cellular lesion arranged in tubules cords and nests. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with chronic inflammatory infiltrate. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis are seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 1Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ________ 5/9 _______" 1538,MR1703636,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, core biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2 - Modified bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1539,MR1703642,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast massSPECIMEN:Biopsy left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey browná linear cores measures0.5 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Stroma shows desmoplasia with hyperchromatic infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis are seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááá :á 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______" 1540,MR1703647,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lumpSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear coresá measures 0.5 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9,Grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááá :3Nuclear pleomorphism :2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá :1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______Lymphovascular emboli seen.Foci of solid and comedo Ductal carcinoma in situ seen." 1541,MR1703650,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : MRMLaterality : Right MRM Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 26cm. Superficial to Deep : 3cm. Superior to Inferior : 17cm.Skin ellipse : 15x11cm. Nipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Three tumors seen.Tumour Size : 1st tumor measuring 2.5x2x1.5cm, 2nd tumor measuring 3.5x1.8x1.7cm, 3rd tumor measuring 1x0.6x0.3cm.Distance between tumor 1st tumor and 2nd tumor measuring 0.5cm.Distance between 1st tumor and 2nd tumor measuring 0.5cm.Location of tumor : 1st tumor- Lower central quadrant. 2nd tumor- Lower inner quadrant. 3rd tumor- Lower quadrant.Margins of tumor : Circumscribed. Deep margin : 1st tumor: 1.5cm, 2nd tumor: 0.2cm, 3rd tumor : 0.2cm.Muscle : Present measuring 3x1.5cm.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 9x6x2cm.Total number of nodes : 18 nodes.Size of largest node : 1x1x0.6cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple tumor foci consisting of tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. Perineural invasion is identified.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2). - Tumour is multifocal(Three) and is located in the lower, central and inner quadrant. - Largest tumor foci measures 3.5 cm in greatest dimension. - Other two tumor foci measures 2.5 cm and 1 cm (Respectively) in greatest dimension. - Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present. - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. - Perineural invasion is identified. - Posterior resection margin is Free of tumor. - Nipple and areola are free of tumor.Lymph nodes : Eighteen lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy (0/18).Pathological stage : pT2(m)N0SUMMARY :Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade II" 1542,MR1703716,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump- c/o carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Right Breast, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented linear cores 0.4 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules and cords. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis are seen.IMPRESSION:Right lump breast, biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, NST grade. IITubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------------ 7/9" 1543,MR1703740,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring a lesion arranged as nests, tubules and cores. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus, moderate atyipa and scanty cytoplasm. Intervening stroma shows hyalinisation and myxoid change. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitoses - 2" 1544,MR1703746,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma with lobular features.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9, Grade 2Tubule formationááááá áá :3Nuclear pleomorphism :2Mitotic figures á á á á á ááá :2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____" 1545,MR1703754,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Right breast, BiopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 3. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8(3+2+3)." 1546,MR1703755,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring a lesion arranged in nests and tubules. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus with moderate atypia and moderate amount eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm. Intervening stroma shows inflammatory infiltrate and areas of fibrosis. Ductal carcinoma in site with comedonecrosis noted. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2Modified bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic - 2DCIS with comedonecrosis seen. " 1548,MR1703796,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast retroareolar lesion ? carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast retroareolar lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1.0 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as tubules and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have hyperchromatic to vesicular nuclear and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is elastotic.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast retroareolar lesion.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9, Grade 2.Tubular formationááá á á á á - 3.Nuclear pleomorphismáááá - 2.Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------- " 1549,MR1703808,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy , left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Received shows linear cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells arranged as diffuse sheets, nests and tubules. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows hyalinisation.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). " 1550,MR1703817,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast - Post NACT YT2NX.SPECIMEN:A) Wide excision lumpectomy- Post NACT.B) Sentinel lymph node.C) Axillary clearance.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 8x6x3.2cm.Cut surface shows greywhite lesion measuring 2x1.8x1.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 5x4.5cm, located at the following distance from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 2cm.Inferior margin -- 1cm.Medial margin -- 2cm.Lateral margin -- 1.5cm.Deep margin -- 1cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3x2x1cm.Isolated 3 lymph nodes. Largest lymph node measures 1x0.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 6x5x2cm.Isolated 3 lymph nodes. Entire fatty tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Wide excision lumpectomy- Post NACT:Tumor bed :Residual viable tumor is present.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Focal areas of necrosis and fibrosis is present.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 -------------- 6/9 --------------MBR score : 6/9, Nuclear grade IIDCIS : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Present.Perineural invasion : Present.Resected margins:-Superior margin -- Free of tumor.Inferior margin -- Free of tumor.Medial margin -- Free of tumor.Lateral margin -- Free of tumor.Deep margin -- Free of tumor.B) Sentinel lymph node:3 Nodes isolated- No metastatic deposits of tumor.C) Axillary clearance:One node shows metastatic deposits of tumor in the sinusoidal area and in the perinodal fibrofatty tissue out of 3 nodes (Confirmed by IHC markers- Pancytokeratin).IMPRESSION:A) Wide excision lumpectomy- Post NACT:Residual viable tumor present.Invasive ductal carcinoma, nuclear grade II.DCIS : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Present.Perineural invasion : Present.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Sentinel lymph node:3 Nodes isolated- No metastatic deposits of tumor.C) Axillary clearance:One node shows metastatic deposits of tumor in the sinusoidal area and in the perinodal fibrofatty tissue out of 3 nodes (Note: The deposits are confirmed by IHC marker- Pancytokeratin)." 1551,MR1703821,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast (Post chemo).SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : MRM- post NACT.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 22cm. Superficial - deep : 5cm. Superior-inferior :19cm.Skin ellipse : 15x11cm.Nipple : Puckering seen.Tumor : No obvious tumor seen, greywhite fibrotic area seen measuring 5.5x4x3cm seen from slice measuring 2 to 5 (medial to lateral).Deep margin : 2cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 19 nodes.Axillary tail : 6x4x3cm.Size of largest node : 1.2x1x0.8cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :Residual Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade I.Modified BR score is 4/9.Tubular formation : 1Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 --------------- 4/9 ---------------Tumor measures 5.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Present.Lymphovascular invasion: Present.Perineural invasion : Not seen.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola shows infiltration and ulceration.Lymph nodes: nineteen lymph nodes dissected , Metastasis noted in 4 (4/19). No perinodal spread is seen.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :Residual Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade I.Nodal metastases :Four of nineteen lymph nodes show Metastasis : (4/19). No perinodal spread is seen." 1552,MR1703825,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring a lesion arranged as tubules and cords. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus with moderate atypia and moderate cytoplasm. Ductal carcinoma in site ( cribriform type) and comedonecrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 1. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1). " 1553,MR1703832,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue infiltrated by a lesion arranged in diffuse sheets. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic, moderately polymorphic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis noted. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2). " 1554,MR1703833,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right lower chest wall lesion - known case of carcinoma breastá - post operationSPECIMEN:Biopsy from rightá lower chest wall lesionGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from the linear core submitted as right lower chest wall lesion shows infiltrating cords, sheetsand aggregates of neoplastic cells with vesicular nucleus and small nucleoli. Cytoplasm is scant tomoderate is scant in amount. At places the cells show clearing. Amidst are mitotic figures and karyorrhectic debrisIMPRESSION:Poorly differentiated malignancy,possibly metastatic carcinoma in a known and treated case of carcinoma breastSuggest IHC" 1555,MR1703849,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast poorly defined mass with calcification. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified Bloom Richardsoná Score is 7/9, Grade 2.Tubule formation á á á á : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá : 2 áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______" 1556,MR1703850,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast Lump - Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1557,MR1703868,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lesion, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 1. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+ 2+1)." 1558,MR1703873,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma Right Breast - Right Breast LumpSPECIMEN:Right breast lump, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified bloom Richardson score is 6(3+ 2+1). - Lymphovascular invasion is identified. - Perineural invasion is not identified. " 1559,MR1703874,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Lesion in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9, Grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______á" 1560,MR1703879,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion - possibility of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Left breast, core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 - 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1561,MR1703909,CLINICAL HISTORY :Lump in right breast - Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting few ducts showing proliferation of round to oval cells with irregular slit like spaces. Occasional cells show vesicular nuclei and rare mitotic figures is seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lesion:Small focus of atypical ductal hyperplasiaKindly correlate with mammographic findings and suggest repeat biopsy or excision if deemed necessary. 1562,MR1703914,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion - mufti focal ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, core biopsy:GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue with a lesion arranged in glandular, cribriform pattern and sheets. Individual cells have polymorphic , round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm, stroma show desmoplasia. Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Right breast, core biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, nucleus grade IITubule formation á á á áá - 2Nuclear pleomorphismá - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá - 2ááááááááááááááááááá á á á á áá á -----------áááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á á áá 6/9" 1564,MR1703921,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast ? carcinomaSPECIMEN:Left breast lumpectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Fresh tissue received : NoLaterality : LeftSpecimen orientation : OrientatedSpecimen size : 7x4.5x3cmSkin : PresentSkin dimensions : 4.5x0.9cmSkin abnormalities : Lesion ; Present, cut surface shows yielded pultaceous, cystic, fibrotic area well circumscribedLesion dimensions : 2.8x2.5x2.5cm, cyst measures 1.5x1x1cm, solid area measures 2.7x2.0x1.5cmDistance of lesion from margins :Superior margin -- 2cmInferior margin -- 0.6cmMedial margin -- 1.5cmLateral margin -- 2.5cmDeep margin -- 0.1cmDistance of lesion to nearest margin : 0.1cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGSSection show breast parenchyma with focal proliferation of ducts lined epithelial cells having round to oval nuclei,dispersed chromatin and moderate amount of cytoplasm and outer myoepithelial cells. Cystic spaces containing secretions seen with walls showing foamy macrophages, lymphocytes and plasma cells. Stroma show extensive sclerosis and hyalinisation. No atypia is discerned. Resected margins are free of tumorIMPRESSION:Left breast lumpectomy:Suggestive of sclerosing adenosis with cystic changeNo evidence of malignancy in the material submittedAll margins are free of lesion" 1565,MR1703926,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core ranging measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma with a neoplastic lesion arranged is cords and sheets. Individual cells have pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate to scant amount of cytoplasm . Stroma show desmoplasia and hyalinisation adjacent breast show usual ductal hyperplasia. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, core biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, NST nuclear grade II.Peri neural invasion seen." 1566,MR1703936,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass -á carcinoma breast SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple cores from breast shows tumor arranged in nests and cords. The cells have abundant cytoplasm with vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli. There is moderate amount of nuclearápleomorphism. Mitotic figures areá 5/10hpf. Stroma is showing dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.Lymphovascular invasion notedIMPRESSION:Left breast, Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II(6/9)MBR Scoreá - 6/9Tubule formationáááááááááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphismá á -- 2Mitotic figures á á á á á á á á -- 2á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á __________á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá 6/9 á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á ___________Lymphovascular invasion seená" 1567,MR1703953,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN:A) Right breast lump, wide local excisionB) Sentinel lymph nodesC) Right axillary lymph node dissectionGROSS FINDINGS:A) Right breast lump, wide local excision:Received lumpectomy specimen measures 5.5x4x2.5cm, skin ellipse measures 4.5x1.3cm.Cut surface shows illdefined grey white lesion measures 2x1x1cm.Located at the following distancefrom the respective margins :Superior margin -- 1cmInferior margin -- 2cmMedial margin -- 0.6cmLateral margin -- 1.5cmDeep margin -- 0.8cmB) Sentinel lymph nodes:Received 2 fibrofatty tissue altogether measures 4x3x0.8cmLargest lymph nodes measures 2.5x0.6x0.4cm. Cut surface shows grey whiteEntire tissue is processedC) Right axillary lymph node dissection:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 8x6x3cm, largest lymph node measures 2x1.2x1cm, cut surfaceshows grey brownMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections reveal breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in tubular configuration consisting of low columnar to oval cells demonstrating moderate nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophiliccytoplasm amidst a desmoplastic stromaIMPRESSION:A) Right breast lump, wide local excision:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade ITubule formation -- 2Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 1 __________ 5/9 ___________Tumor measures 2 cm in the greatest dimensionLymphovascular invasion presentPerineural invasion not presentAll resected margins are free of tumorSuperior margin -- free of tumorInferior margin -- free of tumorMedial margin -- free of tumorLateral margin -- free of tumorDeep margin -- free of tumorB) Sentinel lymph nodes:2 sentinel lymph nodes (frozen section) show metastatic deposits.No perinodal spread seenC) Right axillary lymph node dissection:22 lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor(0/22)" 1568,MR1703973,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Left breast, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core ranging from measuring 0.6 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in nest, cords and sheets. Individual cells have pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show desmoplasia with lymphocytic and plasmacytic infiltrate. lymphovascular invasive is identified.IMPRESSION:Left breast , core biopsyInvasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score 6( 3+2+1)Lymphovascular invasion is identified ." 1569,MR1703974,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Multicentric left breast lesion.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite linear cores measuring 1 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests and diffuse sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, core biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified BR score is 6 (3+2+1)." 1571,MR1703989,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast .GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged as nests and islands. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9, Grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____" 1572,MR1703993,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left lump lesion - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lesion, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey linear core ranging from measuring 0.4 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast lesion, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1). " 1573,MR1704010,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Bilateral breast lumpLeft breast lump with ulcerationSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in sheets and cords. Cells are moderately pleomorphic with hyperchromatic nuclei and scant cytoplasm. Stromal hyalinisation noted. Dense inflammatory infiltrate seen. Mitotic figures discerned. IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1574,MR1704053,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core of breast parenchyma with a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests, sheets. Individual cells have pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei inconspicious nucleoli and moderate amount of pale eosinophilic granular cytoplasm. Stroma show desmoplastic with lymphocytic aggregates crush artifacts and congested hyalinized blood vessels.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core Breast:Invasive Carcinoma Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is (3+2+1)." 1575,MR1704057,CLINICAL HISTORY :K/C Carcinoma right breast now with right lung mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right lung lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 8 grey white to grey block linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Fragmented linear cores of tissue exhibiting sheets and nests of fesiform to round cells demonstrating dark staining nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm with brisk mitotic activity and prominent areas of necrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right lung lesion:The features are suggestive of metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast? Primary lung? Neuroendocrine neoplasm 1576,MR1704063,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump.? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear core measuring 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). " 1577,MR1704081,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Birads V lesion in right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in trabeculae, cords and sheets. The cells are round to oval with vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli. Mitoses seen. Areas of fibrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9. Grade 2.Tubular formationáááááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá " 1580,MR1704124,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating cellular lesion arranged in nests. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with chronic inflammatory infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis seen. Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis and calcification noted. IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, NST grade 2Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ---------- 6/9 -----------Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis seenfoci of Calcification seen." 1582,MR1704145,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Birads V lesion in right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section linear cores of tissue with a lesion arranged in nest, cords and sheets. Individual cells have pleomorphic, round to oval hyperchroamticá nuclei and, moderate amount of cytoplasm. Few aporcine metaplastic cells seen. Stroma show desmoplasia and inflammatory cells. Mitotic figures discerned IMPRESSION:Right breast, core biopsy:Invasive carcinoma,NSTá grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score 6 (3+2+1) á " 1583,MR1704163,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue with and lesion arranged is nest, cores and sheets. Individual cells have pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show desmoplasiaá with lymphoplasmacyticá infiltrate. Mitotic figures discerned.á IMPRESSION:Left breast, core biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score 7(3+2+2)á " 1584,MR1704178,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Lump in the right breastSPECIMEN:A) Sentinel lymph node biopsyB) Right mastectomy specimenGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4.5x3.5x1.5cm, largest lymph node measures 2x1.5x1cm, cut surface shows fatty infiltration. No lymph node shows ink. Isolated 8 lymph nodesB) Right mastectomy specimenReceived in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy Total dimensions : Medial -- Lateral -- 26cm Superficial - Deep -- 6cm Superior - Inferior -- 17cmSkin ellipse : 17x10cm Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : Single Tumour Size : 3x2x1.8cm Location of tumor : lower outer quadrantMargins of tumor : illdefined Deep margin : 1.2cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : absentIMPRESSION:A) Sentinel lymph nodes:8 nodes - no deposits of tumorB) Right breast, Right Mastectomy: Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II. Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation: 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2 Tumor measures 3x2cm in greatest dimension and is located in the lower outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ - present , show solid type (low grade) measures 0.8cmLymphovascular invasion not presentPerineural invasion not present Posterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkablePathological stage -pT2N0Sentinel lymph nodes - 8 nodes no deposits of tumor Summary :A) Right Mastectomy , Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade IIB) Sentinel lymph nodes - 8 nodes - no deposits of tumor Pathological stage : pT2N0" 1586,MR1704193,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy with level I axillary lymph node dissectionGROSS FINDINGS:Total dimensions : Medial -- lateral -- 22cm Superficial -- Deep -- 4cm Superior -- Inferior -- 20cmSkin ellipse : 15x10cm. Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : Single Tumour Size : 2.5x2x1.2cm with mucinous areas Location of tumor : inner quadrantMargins of tumor : illdefined Deep margin : 2cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 3x3x1.5cm.Total number of nodes : 10 lymph nodes Size of largest node : 1x1cm IMPRESSION:Left breast, left modified radical mastectomyMucinous carcinoma, Grade I. Modified BR score is 5/9.Tubule formation: 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 1Invasive component is measuring 1.0cmMaximum dimension of tumor is 2.5cm Ductal carcinoma in situ with measures 1.5cm,. Tumor measures 2.5 cm in greatest dimension and is located in the inner quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ present with cribriform, papillary and comedonecrosis measures 1.5cmLymphovascular invasion not presentPerineural invasion not presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 9 lymph nodes, no metastatic deposits of tumor. Summary :Left MRM, Mucinous carcinoma with extensive areas of ductal carcinoma insitu,Grade ILymph nodes - 9 nodes - no deposits of tumor" 1587,MR1704197,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.7 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubular formationááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________" 1588,MR1704209,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1.2cm. Enter tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring a lesion arranged as cords and tubules. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and with moderate atypia and scanty to moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows hyalinisation. Lymphovascular invasioná identified IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive duatal carcinoma grade IModified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9Tubule formationáááááááááááááááá - 2Nuclear pleomorphismááááááá -á 2Mitosis figuresáááááááááááááááááááá -1 1589,MR1704216,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump .FNAC - Ductal carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast;Invasive ducatal carcinoma.Modified BR score is 6/9,Grade 2.Tubule formationáááááááá = 2Nuclear pleomorphism áá =2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá = 2á á áááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______________" 1590,MR1704246,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass- ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.3 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section showsá linear cores of tissue harboring a lesion arranged as nests, tubules and cores. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus with mild to moderate atypia and moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows hyalinisation, lymphocytic infiltrate and histiocytes IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation - 2Nucleará pleomorphismá -2Mitoses - 2" 1593,MR1704293,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Suggestive of small 21x12cm. Hypoechoic lesion with calcification left breast multicantive BIRADS 5 lesion.SPECIMEN:Left breast, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.3 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue with a lesion arranged in nest, cord and sheets. Individual cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia and focal areas of necrosis. Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Left breast, core biopsy:Invasive carcinoma NST grade II.MBR score 6(3+2+1)." 1594,MR1704297,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue show extensive desmoplasia with intermixed sheets of scattered cells having round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm . Mitotic figures discerned. Areas of necrosis and karyorrhectic debris seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast, core biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, NST grade II." 1595,MR1704298,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN:Right breast, Right lumpectomy specimenGROSS FINDINGS:Received lumpectomy specimen measures 8x5.5x2cm, skin ellipse with nipple areola measures3.5 x 3.5. Nipple areola complex - unremarkable. Cut section shows grey white lesion with cystic and solid lesion measuring 2.5 x 2 x 2 cm. Located at the following distances from the respective margins:12 o' clock -- 0.5cm3 o'clock -- 2.0cm9 o' clock -- 2.5cm6 o' clock -- 2.5cmDeep margin -- 1.5cmRepresentative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in sheets, cystic and papillarypattern. Cells are closely packed with vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amountof cytoplasm. Myoepithelial layer is not seen. Stromal hyalinisation noted. Mitotic figures discernedIMPRESSION:Right breast, Right lumpectomy :Suggestive of Invasive Papillary Carcinoma. - Tumour measures 2.5 cm in greatest dimension. - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. - Perineural invasion is not identified. - DCIS component is not identified. - All margins of resection are free of tumour.IHC done shows tumour cells to be positive for Cytokeratin 7 and to be negative for Calponin and p63, supporting the above impression." 1596,MR1704300,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump extending into retro areola carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lesion, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented grey white linear cores measures 0.3 to 0.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lesion, Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 1 with mucinous features. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1). " 1597,MR1704328,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Birads V lesion in left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as islands and sheets. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nucleará pleomorpism , have vesicular á nuclei, conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis seen. á IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified bloom Richardson score grade 3Tubule formationá = 3Nuclear pleomorpism = 2Mitoticááááááááááááááááááááááá = 3" 1598,MR1704329,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified Bloom Richardson score grade 2(7/9)Tubule formationá = 3Nuclear pleomorpism = 2Mitoticááááááááááááááááááááááá = 2 1599,MR1704335,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.3 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1600,MR1704358,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast - BIRADS SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in cords, nests and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1) " 1601,MR1704360,"CLINICAL HISTORY;Left breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy. Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -- 29 cm Superficial - Deep -- 5 cm Superior - Inferior --21 cmSkin ellipse : 14 x 10.5 cm Nipple : Normal Scar : 2.5 x 3 cm in lengthLumpectomy bed : shows firm area measures 3 x 2 x 1.5 cm, cut surface shows cystic hemorrhagic area Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrantMargins of tumor : illdefined Deep margin : 2.5 cm Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : 7 x 6.5 x 3 cmTotal number of nodes : 28 lymph nodes Size of largest node : 2 x 1.5 x 1.3 cm, cut surface shows fatty infiltrationRepresentative sections are submitted.IMPRESSION :Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy : INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). - Tumour is unifocal and is located in the upper outer quadrant. - Tumor measures 1.0 cm in greatest dimension. - Lymphovascular invasion is not seen. - Perineural invasion is not seen. - Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ of solid, cribriform and comedo pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes : One out of twenty eight lymph nodes shows metastatic tumour deposits(1/28). - Size of the metastatic tumour deposit measures 0.4 cm in greatest dimension. - No extranodal extension is seen.Summary :Left MRM post lumpectomy, Residual invasive ductal carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ,Grade II.Tumor deposit measures 0.4cm. No extranodal spread. Lymph nodes - 1/28 Note : This is an amended report as on 03/5/2017.This report supersedes the earlier report." 1602,MR1704368,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Lump left breast - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in tubules, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 1.á- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1)." 1603,MR1704369,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Lump in Right breast - fungating and surrounded by skin nodules.?Carcinoma Right Breast.SPECIMEN:Skin nodules, Incision Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 bits one skin covered soft tissue bits measures 1x1x0.8cm, skin measures 1x1cm, other soft tissue bits measures 0.8x0.8x0.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Skin nodules, Incision Biopsy( Lump in Right Breast - Fungating):Positive for malignancy.Suggestive of metastatic tumor deposits in a known case of carcinoma breast. - Tumor is reaching upto the overlying skin (Dermis), no ulceration is seen." 1604,MR1704376,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma with a neoplastic lesion arranged in nest, cords and sheets. Individual cells have pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show desmoplasia with scattered inflammatory cells and hyalinised blood vessels. Mitotic figures and area of calcification seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast, core biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score (3+2+1) " 1605,MR1704378,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue exhibiting sheets of round to oval neoplastic cells harboring vesicular nuclei demonstrating moderate nuclear pleomorphic and eosinophilic cytoplasm amidst desmoplastic stroma. There are foci of necrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lesion:Invasive carcinoma, grade IIIModified Bloom Richardson Score :8/9Tubule formation ; 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ------------------ 8/9 -------------------" 1606,MR1704379,CLINICAL HISTORY:Ill defined hypochoci heterogeneous mass with calcification foci at peciareolar lesion at 2'0 clock left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrofatty tissue with neoplastic cells arranged in strands and cords cells exhibits moderate nuclear pleomorphism with hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows sparse lymphocytic infiltration and marked desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma - nuclear grade II. with lobular differentiation. 1607,MR1704395,CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in cores and lobules cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism with hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Peritumoral lymphocytic infiltration and tiny focus of DCIS with comedonecrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma - Grade II.MBR score 6/9.Tubular formation - 2.Nuclear pleomorphism - 2.Mitotic figures - 2.Tiny focus of DCIS with comedonecrosis seen. 1608,MR1704403,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass- ?carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue harboring a lesion arranged in nest and sheets. Individual cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show desmoplastic and congested blood vessel. IMPRESSION:Left beast, core biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score 6( 3+2+1)" 1611,MR1704420,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.4 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue show solid aggregates and sheets of neoplastic cells. The cells are round to oval demonstrating moderate nuclear pleomorphism, eosinophilic cytoplasm and brisk mitotic activity amidst prominent mixed inflammatory infiltrate. Few cells show prominent nucleoliIMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lesion:Poorly differentiated malignancy.Suggest IHC." 1613,MR1704438,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ?carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left Breast Lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Moderate Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1). " 1614,MR1704463,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion arranged in tubules, cords and nests. Cells are larged with round to oval pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of granular eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm. Also seen ductal carcinoma in situ, cribriform and comedonecrosis type. Stroma shows extensive hyalinisation with few areas showing apocrine metaplasia. Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2 With ductal carcinoma in situ ( comedonecrosis and cribriform type).Modified Bloom Richardson scoreTubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2--------------------------------------- 7/9." 1615,MR1704464,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Lump in right breast SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue is processedIMPRESSION:Right breast lump, core biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)" 1616,MR1704472,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left Breast Lump ? Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.3 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1). " 1617,MR1704479,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left Breast Lump ? Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests, cords and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Occasional foci of calcification are seen.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score 6(3+2+1). " 1618,MR1704489,"H17-2469SPECIMEN:Biopsy from liver lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue exhibiting a neoplastic lesion arranged in tubular configuration and nests consisting of round to oval cells demonstrating moderate nuclear pleomorphism, vesicular nuclei and moderate amount of pale eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm amidst a desmoplastic stroma. No native tissue is identified.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from liver lesion:Metastatic carcinoma ? from breast.Suggest IHC." 1619,MR1704500,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - BIRAD- IV CSPECIMEN:Left breast, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring a lesion arranged in papillary and sheets. Individual cells show mild to moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic to granular cytoplasm. Stroma adeno and fibrosis noted. Congested blood vessels and areas of hemorrhage noted. IMPRESSION:Left breast, core biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, nuclear grade II with papillary features." 1621,MR1704536,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast, cT2 (2)N1.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast, Wide Local Excision.B) Revised Lateral Margin.C) Revised Posterior Margin.D) Axillary Clearance.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 9.5 x 6.5 x 2.5 cm.Skin ellipse measuring 8 x 5 x 0.5 cm.Cut surface shows 2 lesions.One near medial margin measuring 3.5 x 2 x 2 cm (Well circumscribed).Tumor near lateral margin measuring 2 x 2 x 1.8 cm (Well circumscribed).Distance between 2 tumor : 2 cm.Tumor 1:-Distance from margins:Superior margin -- 3 cm.Inferior margináá -- 2 cm.Medial margináá -- 1 cm.Lateral marginá -- 5 cm.Deep margináááá -- 0.5 cm.Tumor 2:-Distance from margins:Superior margin -- 3 cm.Inferior margináá -- 1.5 cm.Medial margináá -- 5 cm.Lateral marginá -- 1.5 cm.Deep margináááá -- 0.5 cm.Representative sections are submitted.B) Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 5 x 1.5 x 0.6 cm.One surface is inked.C) Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 6 x 5 x 1 cm.One surface is inked.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 6 x 3 x 1.5 cm.Largest lymph node measuring 2.5 x 1.5 x 0.9 cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular or perineural invasion is not seen.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast, Wide Local Excision :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2).- Tumor is multifocal (Two), larger tumor foci measures 3.5 cm and smaller measures 2 cm (respectively) in greatest dimension.- Lymphovascular invasion is not seen.- Perineural invasion is not seen.- DCIS component is not seen.- Adjacent breast shows features of moderate to florid ductal hyperplasia with fibrocystic and apocrine change.- All margins of resection are free of tumor.B) Revised Lateral Margin :Negative for malignancy.C) Revised Posterior Margin :Negative for malignancy.D) Axillary Clearance :Fourteen lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy (0/14).Pathological stage : pT2(m)N0" 1622,MR1704540,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast,SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measuring 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of necrosis inflammatory tissue algorithm few islands showing diffuse sheets of atypical round to ovoid cells hyperchromatic,moderately pleomorphic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast;Invasive carcinoma No specificá type, grade 2Modified bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation á - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitosis á á á á á á á - 2Large areas of necrosis seen. " 1623,MR1704542,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast, post NACT.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Time of receipt at lab : 1:40pm.Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral :11.5cm. Superficial - deep : 3.5cm. Superior-inferior :13cm.Skin ellipse : 9x7cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Grossly no tumor identified, tiny foci of necrosis seen in the upper outer quadrant measures 1.5x1x0.5cm.Deep margin : 0.4cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 19 nodes.Axillary tail : 9x6x2.5cm.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface is greybrown.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show breast parenchyma showing lobules with proliferation of ductules. Each duct is lined by luminal cuboidal epithelium and abluminal myoepithelial cells. Intervening stroma shows sclerosis, congested vessels, foamy macrophages and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :No residual tumor.Areas of tubular adenosis, sclerosis and post therapy changes present.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not present.Posterior resection margin is unremarkable.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 19 lymph nodes, free of tumor (0/19).SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :No residual tumor present.Nodal metastases : 19 lymph nodes, free of tumor (0/19)." 1624,MR1704548,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented grey white linear cores measuring 0.3 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests and cores. The neoplastic cells are moderately pleomorphic with hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stromal hyalinisation noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2 (6/9)Tubule formationááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá -2Mitotic figures á á á á á á á - 1 " 1625,MR1704601,CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented grey white linear cores measures 0.3 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma showing normal ductules lined by inner epithelial and outer myoepithelial layer. Few dilated and hyperplastic ducts are noted. Stroma shows fibrosis and hyalinized blood vessels. One focus shows degenerated cells debris admixed with hemorrhage. Also seen 2 ducts showing apocrine metaplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:No evidence of malignancy in the smears studied.Suggest repeat biopsy if clinically warranted. 1626,MR1704602,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma breast post OP.SPECIMEN:Endometrial Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white soft tissue bits altogether measures 1.5x0.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows occasional endometrial glands lined by tall columnar epithelium. Stroma shows plump cells, spindle cells, congested capillaries and areas of hemorrhage. No atypia is seen.IMPRESSION:Endometrial Biopsy:Shows benign endometrial tissue.Negative for malignancy." 1627,MR1704611,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests, cores and trabeculae comprisingá ofá mediumá sized cells with round to oval pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, few showing intracellulará inclusionsá and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Foci of necrosis noted. Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Areas of hemorrhage seen.á IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardsoná score (3+2+1) =6/9" 1628,MR1704623,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:Right sentinel lymph node biopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5.5x3x1.5cm, largest lymph node measures 2x1x1cm. cut surface shows fatty infiltration and dye. Total isolated 3 lymph nodesMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:3 Nodes - no deposits of tumor (0/3)" 1629,MR1704643,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - p/o Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesionGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented linear cores measures 0.3 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue is processedIMPRESSION:Right breast lump, biopsy:Shows fibrocollagenous tissue with few lymphocytes and congested capillaries.No malignant cells are seen.Suggest repeat biopsy or excision of the lump for further confirmation." 1630,MR1704665,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN:A) Sentinel lymph node biopsyB) Right mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue measures 6x2x1cm, 2 lymph nodes - inkedLargest lymph nodes measures 1x1x0.5 cm cut surface grey white.B) Procedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial -- lateral -- 25cm Superficial -- Deep -- 3.5cm Superior -- Inferior -- 21cmSkin ellipse : 17x9.5cm Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : Single Tumour Size : 2.5x2x1.2cm. Location of tumor : lower quadrantMargins of tumor : illdefined Deep margin : 1cm Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : No nodes are presentIMPRESSION:A) Sentinel lymph node biopsy:2 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 10nodesPerinodal spread presentB) Right mastectomyRight breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II . Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation: 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 2 Tumor measures 2.5x2x2cm in greatest dimension and is located in the lower quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ occasional ducts showing ductal carcinoma in situ - solid type Lymphovascular invasion presentPerineural invasion presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableSummary : Right MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade IISentinel lymph nodes: 2 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 10nodesPerinodal spread present.Pathological stage : pT2N1" 1631,MR1704672,CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast retro areolar mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measures 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows invasive sheets and nests of atypical ductal cells showing mild anisonucleosis and hyperchromatic nuclei. There cells are seen invading the dense desmoplastic stroma. Sparse lymphocytic infiltrates are seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma NST - grade I.MBR score (2+1+1). 1632,MR1704682,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast -á carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastá massGROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion arranged in nests, cords and trabeculae. Cells are large with round to oval pleomorphicá hyperchromatic nuclei, few showing prominentnucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Few bizzare looking cells and multinucleate giantcells seen. Brisk mitoses along with atypical mitotic figures noted. Stroma shows fibrosis, lymphoplasmacyticinfiltrates and areas of fibrosis.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 3MBR scoreá - 3+3+2 - 8/9Tubule formationáááááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphsimáááá - 3Mitotic figures á á á á á á á á á - 2á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá _________á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á 8/9á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá _________ " 1633,MR1704702,"SR17-1080SITE:Right breast lesion .Received 16 stained slides and 6 blocks labelled as 4 slides 139117, 12 slides and 6 blocks BP17-46, ABCDE.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:H & E:Multiple sections from the lesion shows breast parenchyma harboring a cellular lesion predominantly consisting of fibrocystic change. Extensive areas of ductal carcinoma insitu with solid,comedo necrosis and cribriform pattern are noted. Mucinous secretions are noted within the ducts. Foci of invasion is noted by atypical cells having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphocytic infiltrates.Cytology:Smears show moderately cellular yield of cohesive clusters of atypical ductal cells having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Background is hemorrhagic with scattered lymphocytes and bare nuclei.IMPRESSION:Right breast lesion:Status post lumpectomy.Invasive ductal carcinoma with mucinous component and areas of DCIS (Solid, cribriform type)Suggest IHC" 1636,MR1704719,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified Bloom Richardson score 7/9, grade 2Tubule formation á á á á áá =3Nuclear pleomorphismáá = 2á Mitotic figuresá á á á á á á áá =2 " 1637,MR1704737,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple linear cores from breast shows tumor arranged in sheets cords nest and as individual scattered cells. The cells are plasmacytoid with eccentric nuclei showing moderate amount of pleomorphism, and hyperchromatic nuclei and cytoplasm showing vacuolation. M.F = 1-2/10HPF.IMPRESSION: Biopsy from right breast:Suggestive of invasive carcinoma with lobular differentiation and signet ring pattern- nuclear grade II." 1638,MR1704751,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters and tubules and nests. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphic have vesicular nuclei, conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Lymp vesicular invasive seen. The intervening stroma is scant. á á á IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ducatal carcinoma.modified Bloom Richardson -Grade 2 (7/9)Tubule formationáá = 3Nuclear pleomorphism á = 2Mitotic figuresá á á á á á á áá = 2á " 1639,MR1704752,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast mass ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion arranged in cords and nests. Cells are pleomorphic with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows extensive desmoplasia and lymphocytic infiltrates. Also seen ductal carcinoma in situ, papillary and solid type loss of crush artifact seen. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass:DCIS with few foci showing invasive carcinoma.In view of lots of crush artifact and desmoplasia suggest repeat biopsy for further testing. " 1640,MR1704754,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received three grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores from shows tumor arranged in cords, trabecule and nests. The cells are having moderate to abundant cytoplasm with hyperchomatic nuclei. There is moderate to marked nuclear pleomorphism. Areas of DCIS present. Mitotic Figures - 3/10 HPF. Intervening stroma showing lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II (6/9).MBR score 2+2+2 =6/9.Focus of DCIS seen" 1641,MR1704758,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented grey white linear coresá measuring 0.3 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.á MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring extensive areas of ductal - carcinoma in situ. Cribriformá pattern and ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ, Nuclear grade 2" 1642,MR1704784,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma left breast, status post MRM.SPECIMEN:Parasternal lesion, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 0.4 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue show collagenous tissue with infiltrating sheets and nest of dysplastic oval cells with hyperchromatic nuclei and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, moderate to marked nuclear pleomorphism. Few cells show prominent nucleoli. Occasional mitotic figure is seen. The stroma shows lymphomononuclear infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Parasternal lesion, core biopsy:Morphology favours recurrent ductal carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast." 1643,MR1704827,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion arranged in vague tubules, cords and nests. Cells are large with round to oval hyperchromatic pleomorphic nuclei, conspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia and hyalanised blood vessels.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson scoreTubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism:2Mitotic figures: 2--------------------------------------- 7/9." 1644,MR1704833,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Lump right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma showing ductal carcinoma in situ , comedonecrosis pattern. One foci shows suspicious breach in the myoepithelial layer. Adjacent stroma shows fibrosis , lymphocytic aggregates, necrosis and hemorrhage . IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy:Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ with a focus suspicious of micro invasion.Suggest IHC. " 1646,MR1704848,"H17-2595SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lesion, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lesion, Core Biopsy:Shows Ductal Carcinoma in situ of comedo and cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade.Suggest excision of the lump for further confirmation of the invasive component. " 1647,MR1704886,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear corers measuring 0.8x1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple fragments harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in fascicles and in sheets. The cells are spindle shaped with wavy nuclei and eosinophilic cytoplasm. There are focal area showing chondromyxoid background with cells having vacuolated cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei . Areas of hyalinisation and fibrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Biopsy :Suggestive of Spindle cell neoplasm.? Phyllodes Tumor.?? Sarcoma.Suggest excision of the lump for further confirmation." 1648,MR1704892,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump SPECIMEN:Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey whiteá linear core measuring 0.4x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION: Biopsy from right breast:Small focus of invasive ductal carcinoma,Modified Bloom Richardsoná score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 1649,MR1704914,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with extensive areas of desmoplasia. Occasional foci of an infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules, nests and singly scattered atypical ovoid cells having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli are seen. Stroma shows scattered lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates are seen. Adjacent breast shows fibro adenosis. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy:Small focus suggestive of Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade, II.See commentModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 __________ 6/9 ____________Comment:Tissue might get exhausted for the receptor studies, as the representative tissue is scant." 1650,MR1704919,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests, tubules and cords. Cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stromal desmoplasia noted. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified Bloom Richardsoná score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 1651,MR1704928,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 17cm. Superficial - deep : 4cm. Superior-inferior : 16cm.Skin ellipse : 12x9cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Grossly tumor is seen in small focus of solid areas measuring 0.4x0.3X0.3cm in upper outer quadrant. Rest of the mass shows irregular grey white areas noted measuring 1x0.8x0.8cm.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 3cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Axillary tail : 6x6x3cm.Total number of nodes : 21 nodes.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x1cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed : Small focus of Residual tumor present measuring 0.3x0.3x0.2cm- Invasive ductal carcinoma. Surrounding the tumor, fibrosis, necrosis, lymphocytic infiltration, foreign body giant cells and granulation tissue is present.Tumor measures 0.3x0.3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 21 lymph nodes- No metastatic deposits of tumor.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed : Small focus of Residual tumor present measuring 0.3x0.3x0.2cm.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Lymph nodes: 21 lymph nodes- No metastatic deposits of tumor." 1652,MR1704940,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast/ Left pleural nodule- Metastatic.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from pleural nodule.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue show invasive sheets and vague acinar aggregates of dysplastic oval cells with hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate nuclear pleomorphism and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma favor metastatic deposits in a known case of carcinoma breast.Please await report on IHC." 1654,MR1704987,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Received breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma, harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in targetoid manner, cores and nests. The cell are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Intervening stroma is desmoplasic lymphoplasmacticá and vistiocytic infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage are seen. Adjacent breast shows fibroadenosis .IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 2 Modified bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1áááááááááááááááááááááá ----------ááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9." 1655,MR1704994,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2.Tubular formationááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________" 1656,MR1705022,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast pareachyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as glands and nests. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic to vesicular nuclei with conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm .Foci of necrosis with comedo pattern seen. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.á á á IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Modified Bloom Richardsoná score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 1657,MR1705029,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN:A) Sentinel lymph node biopsyB) Wide local excision - Right breastGROSS FINDINGS;A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4x1.5x1cm, largest lymph node measures 1.5x1x1cmcut surface shows fatty infiltration ,3 lymph nodes isolated.B) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 8x4.6x4cm, skin ellipse measures 2.8x1.5cm. Cut section shows grey white lesion measures 2x1.8x1.5cm. located at the following distances from the respective margins:Superior margin -- 0.9cmInferior margin -- 2.8cm Medial margin -- 2.5cmLateral margin -- 2.5cmDeep margin -- 0.2cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sections shows 3 lymph nodes which are free of tumorB) Section from tumor shows breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as sheets and clusters. The neoplastic cells have vesicular nuclei inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis seen. Lymphovascular invasion seen. Sections from superior,inferior, medial, lateral and deep margins are free of tumorIMPRESSION:B) Wide local excision - Right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade 3-right breast.Tumor size : 2x1.8x1.5cmMBR score : 8/9Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures --3 _______ 8/9 ________Lymphovascular invasion seen.All resected margins are free of tumor.Overlying skin - free of tumorA) Sentinel lymph node biopsy:3 lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor" 1658,MR1705044,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules, and cords. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lyphoplasmacytic infiltrates. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 1Tubule formationááá -: 2Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9" 1659,MR1705052,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring to cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arraigned in islands and nests cells are large with hyperchromatic irregular nucleus exhibiting moderate pleomorphism and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Few cells have prominent eosinophilic nucleoli. Stroma shows fibrosis and lymphoplasmacytic infltrates. Areas of necorsis noted. Few hyalinesid blood vessels seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score - 3+2+1 = 6/9DCIS with comedonecrosis seen." 1660,MR1705060,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - BIRADS V lesion.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as islands and tubules. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei, conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is elastotic. Areas of necrosis seen. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 __________ 7/9 ____________" 1661,MR1705071,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Sentinel lymph nodes (Frozen section).B) Superior margin (Frozen section).C) Inferior margin (Frozen section).D) Medial margin (Frozen section).E) Lateral margin (Frozen section).F) Right Breast, Right Breast Conservative surgery.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3.5 x 2 x 1.5 cm. 2 Lymph nodes isolated.Larger lymph node measuring 2 x 1 x 1 cm. B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 2.5x1x0.5cm.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3x1.2x0.5cm.One surface inked.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 2.5x1x0.5cm.One surface inked.E) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 2.5x1x0.5cm.One surface inked.F) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 7.5 x 4 x 2.8 cm.Skin ellipse measures 2 x 0.9 cm.Cut surface shows cystic lesion measuring 2 x 1.5 x 1 cm. Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular invasion is not seen. Perineural invasion is seen. Brisk mitotic activity is seen.IMPRESSION :A) Sentinel lymph nodes (Frozen section) :Two lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy (0/2).B) Superior margin (Frozen section) :Negative for malignancy.C) Inferior margin (Frozen section) :Negative for malignancy.D) Medial margin (Frozen section) :Negative for malignancy.E) Lateral margin (Frozen section) :Negative for malignancy.F) Right Breast, Right Breast Conservative surgery :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 3.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score 8(3+2+3).- Tumor measures 2.0 cm in greatest dimension.- Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.- Perineural invasion is identified.- Ductal carcinoma in situ component is not seen.Pathological stage : pT1cN0" 1662,MR1705076,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from breast-a) 3""0 clock and b) retro areolar 12'0 clock lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown lower cores measuring 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from both sites show similar morphologySection shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion arranged in nests tubules cords and trabecular cells have round to oval vesicular nucleoli, prominent nucleoli and scanty to moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows chondroid element and myxoid change. Focal areas of necrosis noted. Small branching vascular proliferation noted. Extensive areas of squamous metaplasia is noted with floating tumor cells. IMPRESSION:a,b)Biopsy from breast 3'0 clock and 12'0 clock lesion :Metaplastic carcinoma with cartilagenous and squamous differentiated." 1663,MR1705086,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - P/O carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show cores of breast parenchyma showing in infiltrate lesion arranged in nests and cords cells are large with pleomorphic round to oval vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Ex--- ductal carcinoma in situ noted with comedo necrosis pattern. Stoma shows fibrosis and abundant lymphoplemocytic infiltrates.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, gradeá 2Modified Bloom Richardson score : 3+2+2á = 7/9With ductal carcinoma in situ(Comedonecrosis type) " 1664,MR1705105,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Procedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -- 18cm Superficial - Deep --5cm Superior- Inferior -- 18cmSkin ellipse : 14x9.5cm Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : 3cm, present lateral to the nippleTumor : grey white illdefined areas altogether measures 3x1x0.8cmLocation of tumor : inner quadrantMargins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 0.8cm Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 8x5.5x2.5cmSize of largest node : 4x2.5x1.5cm, cut surface shows grey white involveIMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Infiltrating ductal Carcinoma, Grade II. Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation: 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 2 Tumor measures 1 cm in greatest dimension and is located in the inner quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is seenLymphovascular invasion seenPerineural invasion not seenPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 12 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 5( 5/12) . Summary :Left Modified Radical Mastectomy, Infiltrating ductal Carcinoma, Grade II. Lymph nodes - Five out of twelve lymph nodes show tumor depositLargest measures 1.7cm in greatest dimension Extranodal extension present" 1665,MR1705108,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Right breast mass, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.4 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating cellular lesion arranged in sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphocytes and plasmacells and necrosis are seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 2.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ________ 7/9 __________" 1666,MR1705117,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass -á BIRADS V lesionSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cmEntire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion arranged in nests, cordsof trabeculae. Cells have round to oval pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate amountof eosinophilic to pale granular cytoplasm. Stroma shows extensive hyalinisation and fibrosis.Mitoticfigures are discerned. Focal areas show myxoid change and areas of hemorrhageIMPRESSION:Right breast mass, biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2MBR score - Tubule formationááááááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá -- 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 1667,MR1705119,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores of measures 0.3 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1668,MR1705121,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast Mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left Breast Mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left Breast Mass:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1). " 1669,MR1705132,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.3cm.Entiretissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion arranged in cords and nests. Cells have moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm and pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Stroma shows extensivedesmoplasia and lymphocytic infiltrate. No areas of necrosis seenIMPRESSION:Right breast mass, biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2MBR score - 7/9Tubule formationáááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááá -- 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 1671,MR1705153,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm.Entiretissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests and cords. Cells have abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm and large pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei,ffew having prominent nucleoli.Stroma shows hyalinisation. Focal areas of necrosis seenIMPRESSION:Right breast mass, biopsy:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, grade 2MBR scores - Tubule formationááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismá -- 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá -- 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------------ áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------------Focal areas of necrosis seen" 1674,MR1705188,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass / ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from the lnear core submitted from left breast shows an infiltrating lesion. The neoplastic cells are arranged as tubules, cords and sheets of cell against the desmoplastic stroma. The neoplastic cells show moderate pleomorphism. Cytoplasm is moderate in amount. Mitotic figures discerned. Foci of DCIS noted.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, NST with DCIS ( MBR score 6, Grade II).Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------------------ 6/9 ------------------" 1675,MR1705190,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast solid / cystic mass.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white linear cores measuring 0.4 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma with a lesion arranged in papillary pattern nest and sheets. The neoplastic cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows bland spindle cells and desmoplasia .Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast, core biopsy :Invasive carcinoma.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2.Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______________" 1676,MR1705203,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey yellow linear core measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as islands and nests and tubules. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is elastotic.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubuleformationááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á" 1677,MR1705206,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lesion - BIRADS IV C lesion.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score 6(3+2+1)." 1678,MR1705218,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral :17cm. Superficial - deep : 3.5cm. Superior-inferior :16cm.Skin ellipse : 13x9cm.Nipple and area : Normal.Scar : Seen measuring 2cm in the upper outer quadrant.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 3x3x2.5cm.Location of tumor : Corresponding to scar in upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Infiltrative.Deep margin : 1cm.Muscle : Absent.Total number of nodes : 16 nodes.Axillary tail : 8x7.5x1.5cm.Size of largest node : 2x1.4x0.5cm. Cut surface shows greybrown.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma with areas of necrosis present surrounding the tumor, grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 --------------- 7/9 ---------------Tumor measures 3x3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 16 lymph nodes show no metastatic deposits of tumor.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :Residual tumor present with Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Nodal metastases : 16 lymph nodes show no metastatic deposits of tumor." 1679,MR1705233,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma infiltrating by cords and islands of atypical ce4lls having round to oval pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicious nucleoli and scanty cytoplasm. Extensive areas of hyalinisation seen. Stroma shows scattered fibroblasts and lymphocytes. focal areas of necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right Breast:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Grade -2Modified Bloom Richardson Score is (3+2+1)6/9.Areas of necrosis seen." 1680,MR1705240,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 to 1.4cm.Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in islands and cords. Cells have ovoid vesicular pleomorphic nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophiliccytoplasm. Stroma shows extensive hyalinisation and focal myxoid change. Hyalinised blood vessels noted.No areas of necrosis seenIMPRESSION:Right breast mass, biopsy:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, grade 2MBR scoreá - 6/9Tubule formationáááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá -- 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________" 1681,MR1705241,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast large lobulated.SPECIMEN:Right breast mass, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring an infiltrating cellular lesion arranged in sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with chronic inflammatory infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis are seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST , grade 2.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 __________ 7/9 _______" 1683,MR1705261,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma left breast post ? mastetomy /BCSLeft breast lump with ulceration.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from A&B Breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received Right side - 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.4 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A&B ) Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma cords by a lesion arranged in nests, tubules cords and trabecular , cords have normalá to oval pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with irregular nuclear contours , few with prominent nucleoli and moderate to scanty eosinophilic cytoplasm. Few cells show clearing of cytoplasm. Stroma sows extensive desmoplasia and hyalinised blood vessels.*(Section from both breasts show similar morphology)IMPRESSION:Biopsy from A&B Breast lump:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9(3+2+1)." 1684,MR1705272,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by cords and islands of atypical cells having round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, few with prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows extensive fibrosis, focal areas of necrosis and few dilated blood vessels.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast mass:Invasive carcinoma NOS , Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score is (3+2+2 7/9.focal areas of necrosis seen" 1685,MR1705293,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump- Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1687,MR1705335,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast Mass - Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.7 to 0.9cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1688,MR1705353,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast (Post lumpectomy + NACT).SPECIMEN:A) Wide excision of previousLumpectomy site.B) Revised deep margin.C) Right Axillary lymph dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 11x6x4cm.Skin ellipse measures 10x1.4cm with a scar measuring 0.8cm.Cut surface shows lumpectomy cavity with fibrotic and hemorrhage area measuring 4.5x3x1.4cm, located at the following distance from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 1.5cm.Inferior margin -- 1cm.Medial margin -- 2cm.Lateral margin -- 2.5cm.Deep margin -- 1cm.B) Received single fibrofatty tissue muscle bundle measuring 6x4x1cm with one surface inked. Entire tissue processed.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 7x5x2cm. Largest lymph node measuring 2x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Wide excision- Lumpectomy:Tumor bed : Multiple sections studied shows dense fibrosis, focal necrosis, degenerated cells, lymphoplasmacytic infiltration foreign body giant cells, atrophic and dilated glands. Post therapy induced changes.No evidence of residual viable tumor present.Resected margins:-Superior margin -- Free of tumor.Inferior margin -- Free of tumor.Medial margin -- Free of tumor.Lateral margin -- Free of tumor.Deep margin -- Free of tumor.B) Revised deep margin:Shows muscle bundles- Free of tumor.C) Right Axillary lymph dissection:17 Nodes- No metastatic deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:A)Wide excision- Lumpectomy:No residual viable tumor.Tumor bed shows features of post therapy changes.All resected margins- Free of tumor.B) Revised deep margin : Muscle bundle- free of tumor.C) Axillary lymph node:17 Nodes- No deposits of tumor." 1689,MR1705364,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Known case of carcinoma left breast (post lumpectomy).SPECIMEN:A)Left breast- Wide excision (Post lumpectomy).B)Axillary dissection specimenGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 9x7.5x4cm.Skin ellipse measures 5.5x3.5cm in length. Cut surface shows grey white ill defined lesion measuring 2x2x1.5cm.Distance from margins:-Superior margin -- 1cmInferior margin -- 2cm.Medial margin -- 0.8cm.Lateral margin -- 2.5cm.Deep margin -- 1cm.B) Received axillary tail measuring 10x8x3cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Left breast- Wide excision (Post lumpectomy):Tumor : Residual tumor present.Tumor is showing clumps, groups of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus with eosinophilic cytoplasm.Tubular formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 -------------- 6/9 --------------Nuclear grade IILymphovascular invasion : Not present.Perineural invasion : Not present.Resected margin :-Superior margin : Free of tumor.Inferior margin : Free of tumor.Medial margin : Free of tumor.Lateral margin : Free of tumor.Deep margin : Free of tumor.Lymph nodes : 15 nodes. No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:Left breas- Wide excision (Post lumpectomy):Residual tumor present.Invasive ductal carcinomaMaximum dimensions of tumor 2x2cm.Nuclear grade II.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.Perineural invasion : Not present.All resected margins are free of tumor.Lymph nodes : 15 nodes. No deposits of tumor.Pathological stage : pyT1N0." 1690,MR1705365,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - mammogram - BIRADS IV.SPECIMEN:Right breast mass, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion arranged in islands, cords and --- file pattern comprising of atypical cells with hyperchromatic irregular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Few cells show cytoplasmic cleaving. Background show extensive hyalinisation, scattered lymphocytes and plasma cells. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, biopsy :Invasive lobular carcinoma.Nuclear grade 2." 1691,MR1705369,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast- post NACTSPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral :18cm. Superficial - deep : 4cm. Superior-inferior : 19cm.Skin ellipse : 10x7cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Linear scar in upper outer quadrant measuring 4.5cm.Tumor : No obvious tumor seen. Grey white, fibrotic areas noted altogether measuring 2.5x2.5x2cm in upper outer quadrant, corresponding to the scar.Deep margin (Distance from fibrotic area) : 0.3cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 12 nodes.Axillary tail : 5x4x2cm.Size of largest node : 2.5x1.5x1cm. Cut surface is grey brown.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Tumor bed : No residual viable tumor present.Section shows areas of fibrosis, necrosis and foreign body giant cells with cystically dilated glands.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 12 lymph nodes show no deposits of tumor.Pathological stage : pyT0N0.SUMMARY:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :No residual viable tumor.Nodal metastases : 12 lymph nodes show no deposits of tumor." 1692,MR1705374,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.4 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests, cords and vague tubules. Cells are large with pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, few with prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Ductal carcinoma in situ is identified with comedonecrosis. Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubular formationáááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________Ductal carcinoma in situ identified with comedonecrosis." 1694,MR1705400,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast with abdominal metastatic / ? lymphoma / ? granulomatous.SPECIMEN:Retroperitoneal node, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harbouring epitheloid cell clusters, lymphocytes, transforming histiocytes and laghans giant cells. Stromal hyalinization noted.IMPRESSION:Retroperitoneal node, biopsy :Chronic granulomatous inflammation. Probability of Koch's etiology is considered." 1695,MR1705404,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score isá 6/9, grade 2.Tubule formation á á á á á áá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism á á : 2Mitotic figures á á á á á á á á á : 1á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á ___________á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá 6/9á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá ____________ " 1696,MR1705409,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump/ P/O Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite to greybrown linear core measuring 0.3 to 1cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma dilated and bronchial ductules arranged in papillary pattern. Cells lining the ductules have hyperchromatic bland appearing nuclei with nuclear stratification and crowding few clusters show outer myoepithelial layer . Adjacent stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrates.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, biopsy:Papillary neoplasm.Suggest larger biopsy to look for invasion.please correlate clinically" 1697,MR1705435,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the left breast lump shows cells arranged in clusters showing round hyperchromatic nucleus, prominent nucleoli at placed and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma.Modified BR score : 8/9, grade III.Tubule formation á á á á : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá : 3áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------------" 1699,MR1705444,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast mass.FNAC lobular carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white, grey brown linear core measures 1.2 to 1.4cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma arranged in lobular nests islands and cords. Tumor cells are small with round to oval nuclei exhibiting hyperchromasia and mild pleomorphism and incorpicious nucleoli. Predominantly signet ring cells are seen with hyperchromatic dark eccentric nuclei and vacuolated cytoplasm. Dense fibrotic stroma is noted with periductal elastosis. Extracellular mucin is noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma NST, nuclear grade 2 with few foci showing mucinous differentiation." 1701,MR1705473,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ?carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and tubules. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphocytic infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis are seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST grade 2.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubular formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2mitotic activity : 2 __________ 6/9 ___________Ductal carcinoma in situ cribriform solid and comedonecrosis seen." 1702,MR1705484,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass/ Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Needle core biopsy from right breast mass shows clusters of cells in mucinous background. One of the core shows cells in clusters and cords showing invasion into stroma. The cells show round nucleus and eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma.MBR score 6/9, grade II.Tubule formation á á á á : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------------Extracellular mucin pools noted." 1703,MR1705497,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Recurrent Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Breast, Edge Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits altogether measures 1.2x1x0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Breast, Edge Biopsy:Suggestive of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1704,MR1705500,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right Breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy:Suggestive of Invasive Carcinoma,Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1705,MR1705556,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass.Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear ores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating cellular lesion arranged in tubules and cords. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Stroma is desmoplastic with chronic inflammatory infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast, biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST Grade 3.Tubule formationáááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________" 1706,MR1705560,"CLINICAL HISTORY:? Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:A) Left breast lump-wide excisionB) Sentinel lymph node biopsyGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 8x5x2cm, cut surface shows grey white area measures 2.5x1.2x1.0cm, lateral and medial margin shows fibrotic areaLocated at the following distances from the respective margins;Superior margin -- 0.4cmInferior margin -- 1.0cmMedial margin -- 2.0cmLateral margin -- 0.3cmRetroareolar margin -- 0.4cmDeep margin -- 1.0cmB) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue altogether measures 4.5x2x1.2cm, largest lymph node measures 2x1x1cm,cut surface shows fatty infiltrationMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show sheets of neoplastic cells having markedly pleomorphic round to oval vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Many multinucleated pleomorphictumor giant cells seen. Pink eosinophilic material ? osteoid seen with intermixed tumor cells. Calcification noted ductal carcinoma in situ seen of solid, cribriform and comedonecrosis type seenIMPRESSION:Left lumpectomyundifferentiated carcinoma ? metaplastic carcinoma with extensive ductal carcinoma in situ. Suggest further confirmation by IHCTumor measures 3.0cm in greatest dimensionInvasive component measures 1.2cm, ductal carcinoma in situ measures 1.8cmLymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion not identifiedDuctal carcinoma in situ component solid, cribriform and comedonecrosis of high grade seenAll margins of resection are free of tumorSuperior margin -- free of tumorInferior margin -- free of tumorMedial margin -- free of tumorLateral margin -- free of tumorB) Sentinel lymph node biopsy:5 lymph nodes identified, no deposits seen(0/5)Summary:Left lumpectomy:Undifferentiated carcinoma ? metaplastic carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situFive nodes - no deposits of tumor (0/5)" 1708,MR1705565,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast wide excision, Breast conservative surgeryB) Left Axillary nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 6x54cm.Skin ellipse measures 4.5x0.5cm, c/s shows a grey white lesion m/s 2.5x21.5cmlocated at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 2.5cm.Inferior margin -- 2cm.Medial margin -- 1cm.Lateral margin -- 2.5cm.Deep margin -- 1.5cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 8x5x3cm.Largest lymph node measuring 3x2x2cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Multiple sections from breast parenchyma show an infiltrative lesion arranged in nests and cords. Cells are pleomorphic with round to oval vesicular nuclei, 1-2 prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Lymphovascular invasion not identified.All margins of resection are free of tumor.B) Fifteen lymph nodes isolated, negative for malignancy.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast wide excision, Breast conservative surgery):Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade II.Modified BR score : 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ----------------- 7/9 -----------------Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.All margins of resection are free of tumor.B) Left Axillary nodes:Fifteen lymph nodes isolated, negative for malignancy (0/15)." 1709,MR1705590,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Lump left breast - BIRADS III C lesion.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 7 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1710,MR1705591,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and cords. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphocytic infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis are seen. Foci of calcification seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 2.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ____________ 6/9 ___________" 1711,MR1705607,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.3 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue with extensive areas of necrosis. An infiltrating lesion with ductal / pattern and in nests seen. Cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Areas of ductal carcinoma in situ seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, biopsy :Suggestive of invasive carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ and comedonecrosis." 1712,MR1705609,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast irregular likely malignant.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear ores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules and sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with chronic inflammatory infiltrates.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST Grade 2.Tubule formationáááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________" 1713,MR1705610,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in cords, tubules and sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphocytic infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis are seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 2.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubular formationááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________" 1714,MR1705612,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Paget's nipple Entire nipple involved - right breastSPECIMEN:Excision biopsy of right nippleGROSS FINDINGS:Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measures 2x2x2cm, excoriation seen in the nipple regioncut surface shows grey white area measures 1.8x1.8x1.8cm.Located at the following distances from the respective margins:Superior margin -- 0.2cmInferior margin -- 0.2cmMedial margin -- 0.2cmLateral margin -- 0.2cmDeep margin -- 0.2cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple sections demonstrates stratified squamous epithelium with underlying proliferation of ductulesand tubules consisting of cuboidal to oval cells harboring vesicular nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm.Many ductules are bilayered. Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. Perineuralinvasion is noted. Intervening areas show fibrocollagenous stroma. Infiltrating into the overlying epidermis is also evident.IMPRESSION:Excision biopsy of right nipple:? Infiltrating syringomatous adenoma? Invasive ductal carcinomaSuggest IHCLesion measures 1.8cm in the greatest dimensionLymphovascular invasion not identifiedPerineural invasion identifiedMargins:Superior margin -- free of tumorMedial margin -- involvedLateral margin -- free of tumorDeep margin -- free of tumorReport on inferior margin to follow" 1715,MR1705620,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass.Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Mass, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and tubules. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with chronic inflammatory infiltrates.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Mass, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST Grade 2.Tubule formationááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________" 1716,MR1705640,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of carcinoma right breast post lumpectomy,post chemotherapy.SPECIMEN:A) Wide local excision of previous lumpectomy site.B) Right axillary lymph node.C) Level 3 lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received wide local excision specimen with skin measures 9.5x5x3.5cm. Skin ellipse measures 7x0.9cm. Cut surface - shows fibrotic area measures 4x3x2cm. No gross tumor is seen.Distance from margins:Superior margin : 1cmInferior margin : 2cmMedial margin : 0.5cmLateral margin : 3.5cmDeep margin : 0.7cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 9x6x2cm. Largest lymph node measures 1.5x1x0.4cm. Cut surface show fatty infiltration.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4x3.5x1cm. Largest lymph node measures 1x0.5x0.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :A)Lumpectomy - wide excision :Lumpectomy bed : The section shows few ducts are seen showing residual ductal carcinoma in situ with surrounding parenahyma shows degenerated cells,lymphocytes, plenty of giant cells. There in no evidence of residual viable invasive ductal carcinoma. Lymphovascular invasion not present, Perinerual invasion not present.Resected margins :Superior margin : Free of tumor.Inferior margin : Free of tumor.Medial margin : Shows are vessel with tumor emboli close to margin. However not present at inked margin.Lateral margin : Free of tumor.Deep margin : Free of tumor.Lymph nodes axillary :B)Right axillary lymphnodes; Level - I, II : 14 nodes no deposits of tumor.C) Level - III lymph nodes : 4 nodes - No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION :A)Lumpectomy bed :Few ducts are seen showing residual ductal carcinoma in situ. Surrounding parenchyma show post treatment changes. No evidence of viable invasive carcinoma.Lymphovascular invasion not presentPerineural invasion is not presentResected margins :Superior margin : Free of tumor.Inferior margin : Free of tumor.Lateral margin : Free of tumorDeep margin :Free of tumorMedial margin : One vessel show tumor emboli close to margin. However inked margin margin is free of tumor.Advised IHC markers CD34 and Ki67Axillary lymph node :B)Right axillary Level I, II lymph nodes : 14 Nodes - No deposits of tumor.C)Level III lymph nodes : 4 Nodes - No deposits of tumor. " 1718,MR1705661,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast/ spiculated mass/ ?Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple greywhite linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules and cords. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphocytic infiltrates.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 1.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 --------------- 5/9 ----------------" 1720,MR1705673,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast lumpectomy.B) Right sentinel lymph nodes.C) Right sentinel lymph nodes.D) Right mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 6.5x4.5x4cm.Skin ellipse measures 3x1.2cm.Cut surface shows a greywhite, glistening lesion measuring 2.1x1.3x1.2cm.Distance from nearest inked margin is 1.5cm.B) Received two lymph nodes.Largest one measuring 1.8x1x0.5cm.Smaller one measuring 1x0.9x0.7cm.Cut surface of larger lymph node stained blue ? involved.C) Received single lymph node measuring 1x1x0.6cm. Cut surface is greybrown.D) Right mastectomy:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 27cm. Superficial - deep : 18cm. Superior-inferior : 4cm.Skin ellipse : 18x14cm. Surgical scar present in the 8 '0' clock position in inferolateral quadrant.Tumor bed : 7x5x4cm.Deep margin : 1.5cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : Not present.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sections show breast parenchyma harboring infiltrative lesion arranged in clusters, tubules. The lesion comprising of round to oval cells, mild to moderately pleomorphic vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Adjacent breast parenchyma show usual ductal hyperplasia.-Mitotic figures 1-2/10 HPF.- Tumor cells are suspended in pools of mucin.- Intercellular mucin also noted.- Moderate peritumoral lymphocytic infiltrate noted.- Overlying skin is free of tumor.- Lymphovascular invasion, Perineural invasion not identified.B) Right sentinel lymph nodes:Identified 2 lymph node is free of tumor.C) Right sentinel lymph nodes:Identified 1 lymph node is free of tumor.D) Right mastectomy:Tumor bed is showing areas of usual ductal hyperplasia and cribriform DCIS.Nipple and areola are free of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast lumpectomy:Mucinous carcinoma, grade I.MBR score : 5/9.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitosis : 1 -------------- 5/9 ---------------- Tumor measures 2.1 cm in greatest dimension.- Lymphovascular invasion and Perineural invasion not identified.- Deep margin is free of tumor.- Overlying skin is free of tumor.B) Right sentinel lymph nodes:Identified 2 lymph nodes are free of tumor.C) Right sentinel lymph nodes:Identified 1 lymph node is free of tumor.D) Right mastectomy:-Solid and cribriform ductal carcinoma-in-situ, tumor bed.-Deep margin is free of tumor.- Nipple and areola is free of tumor." 1721,MR1705682,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - multifocal BIRADS 4C.SPECIMEN:Right breast mass, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented grey white linear cores measuring 0.3 to 0.1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged iná and tubules. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Few foci show pseudo traching of tumor cells.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST grade 2.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubular formationáááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2mitotic activityáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________" 1722,MR1705688,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass/ Narmo BIRADS IIIc.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple greywhite linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules and sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphocytic infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis are seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 2.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------------- 6/9 -------------Ductal carcinoma in situ - solid and cribriform pattern noted." 1723,MR1705690,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma.USGá -BIRADS IV.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.3 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast paranchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as islands and sheets. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Atypical mitosis seen.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 8/9, grade 3.Tubule formationááááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááááá : 3áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______________" 1724,MR1705712,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma with a lesion arranged in tubules, nests and cords. Cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Mitosis is discerned.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score - 6 (3+2+1)." 1725,MR1705724,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast massá - ? carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue is processedIMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast massGrade 2á - 7/9Tubule formationáááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá -- 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá -- 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________" 1726,MR1705727,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - P/O carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0. 8 to 1cm.Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests, cordsand islands comprising of large atypical cells with pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei,prominent nucleoli and scanty to moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Brisk mitotic activity is discerned.Ductal carcinoma in situ is noted with comedonecrosis. Stroma shows extensive lymphoproliferative infiltrate, areas of necrosis and hemorrhageIMPRESSION:Right breast biopsy:Invasive carcinoma NST , grade 3MBR score - 8/9Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 3 ________ 8/9 _________Ductal carcinoma in situ is identified with comedonecrosis." 1727,MR1705734,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented grey white linear cores measuring 0.4 to 0.1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Tissue is suboptimally processed.Section shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue with a lesion arranged in sheets and vague tubules. The cells are ovoid with inconspicuous cellular margins granular eosinophilic cytoplasm and ovoid nucleus. Extensive inflammatory infiltrate and multinucleate giant cells and epitheloid clusters are seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, biopsy :Suggestive of invasive carcinoma NST.Nuclear grade - I.Note : Tissue is suboptimally processed It is preferable to repeat biopsy for special investigation" 1728,MR1705741,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast massá - heterogenous echoic mass -á BIRADS 4bSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear fragments measures 0.5 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue is processedIMPRESSION:Left breast mass biopsy:Focus suggestive of invasive carcinoma with adjacent papillary neoplasmKindly correlate clinically and with imageological findings 1729,MR1705755,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN :A) Right breast lumpectomy.B) Revised inferior margin.C) Axillary lymphnode dissection.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5.5x3.5x2.8cm. Skin ellipse measures 2.5x1cm. Cut surface show grey yellow lesion measures 1.8x1.5x1cm.Distance from margins :Superior : 1cm.Inferior : 0.8cm.Medial : 0.4cm.Lateral : 1.5cm.Deep : 0.4cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4.5x3.5x1cm. Entire tissue processed.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 9x6x2.5cm. Largest lymph node measures 1.8x1.5x1cm. Isolated 20 nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :A) Right breast lumpectomy.Tumor bed : The sections show fibrotic area focal necrosis with plenty of giant cells, inflammatory cells consisting of lymphocytes, plasma cells histocytes and granulation tissue - Post treatment changes. There is no evidence of residual viable tumor .Resected margins :Superior margin : Free of tumor.Inferior margin : Free of tumor.Medial margin : Free of tumor.Lateral margin : Free of tumor.Deep margin : Free of tumor.B) Revised inferior margin : Free of tumor.C) Right axillary lymph node dissection :20 nodes - No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION :Right Breast conservative surgery :No residual viable tumor.All resected margins are free of tumor.Revised inferior margin is free of tumor. Lymph nodes :20 nodes - No deposits of tumor." 1730,MR1705757,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue showing adipocyte lobules and hyalinisation with a lesion arranged asinfiltrating cords, sheets, nests with retraction of stroma around the nests. The cells have mild to moderatelypleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show desmoplasia and scatteredstromal cells and congested hyalinised blood vessels Native breast parenchyma is not seen IMPRESSION:Left breast core biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IIMBR score 6/9Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleormorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 1 __________ 6/9 ___________" 1732,MR1705794,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy fromá Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey browná linear cores measures 0.5-0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fragmented linear cores of tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in nests and clusters with areas of mucin pools . Ductal carcinoma in situ component is noted-cribriform and solid pattern. The tumor cells have round nucleus dispersed chromatin and moderate cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Rightá breast lump:Suggestive of invasive carcinoma with mucinous areas. 1733,MR1705800,CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast SITE:Received one specimen labelled as E116/17.Received multiple soft tissue bits altogether measures 6x3x1cm.IMPRESSION:Lumpectomyá already grossed:-Invasive ductal carcinomaNuclear grade -IILymphovascular invasion is indeterminatePerineural invasion not present 1734,MR1705803,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white linear core measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubular formationááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________" 1735,MR1705805,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast , suspicious lesion - BIRADS 4bSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuresá 0.8 to 1cm. Entiretissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a lesion arranged in nests, cords and trabeculae.Cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and scanty cytoplasm. Mitotic figures 2-3 /hpf. Stroma shows extensive fibrosis and lympholplasmacytic infiltrates. Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis is seen. Thickened hyalinised blood vessels are noted. Large areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump biopsy:Invasiveá carcinoma -á NST , grade 3MBR scores - 8/9Tubule formationááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá -- 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá -- 3áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9 áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______" 1736,MR1705808,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast S/P lumpectomy.SPECIMEN:A) Lumpectomy specimen.B) Lymph nodes- Level I, IIGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 6.5x5.5x3cm.Cut surface shows fibrotic areas measuring 3x2x1.5cmn.Distance from margins:-Superior margin -- 0.9cm.Inferior marginá -- 0.8cm.Medial margináá -- 1cm.Lateral margináá -- 1.2cm.Deep margináááá -- Abutting.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 8x6.5x2.5cm.Dissected 13 nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Breast conservative surgery- wide lumpectomy:Tumor bed : Multiple sections show areas of fibrosis, necrosis, inflammatory cells consisting of lymphocytes, histiocytes and plasma cells. There is no evidence of residual tumor present.All resected margins:-Superior margin -- Free of tumor.Inferior marginá -- Free of tumor.Medial margináá -- Free of tumor.Lateral margináá -- Free of tumor.Deep margináááá -- Free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 13 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:Breast conservative surgery- wide lumpectomy:No Residual tumor present.All resected margins are free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 13 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.Pathological stage : pyT0N0." 1737,MR1705891,"SR17-1372SITE: Left breast lump.Received 2 slides and 5 blocks and 1 specimen labelled as 1626/17.Received already grossed 3 greywhite to greybrown soft tissue mass with attached altogether measuring 8 x 4.5 x 3 cm.Larger mass (fibrotic) measuring 8 x 3.3 x 3 cm. Smaller greybrown mass measuring 3.5 x 1.5 x 0.8 cm.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2). - Size and margins cannot be assessed." 1738,MR1705894,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump-? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion arranged in nests, cords and islands consisting of atypical cells with round to oval pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm. Stroma shows extensive fibrosis and lymphocytic infiltrate. Lymphovascular invasion is identified.IMPRESSION:Left breast, biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.MBR score (3+2+2) : 7/9." 1739,MR1705898,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast Trucut.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a cellular lesion arranged in sheets comprising of polygonal cells with round to oval pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, few with prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures 13/10hpf. Stroma shows fibrosis and hyalinised blood vessels.IMPRESSION:Trucut Biopsy from right breast Invasive carcinoma NST grade 3.MBR score 3+2+3 = 8/9." 1740,MR1705900,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received six grey white linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests, cords and tubular pattern. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1741,MR1705923,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - BIRADS 4 C.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received three grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1742,MR1705928,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast post NACT post lumpectomy.SPECIMEN :A) Left breast wide excision.B) Axillary clearance specimen.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 7x7x3cm. Skin ellipse measures 4x1.5cm. Cut surface shows tissue grey white fibrotic measures 0.5x0.3x0.3cm.Distance from margin :Superior : 2cm.Inferior : 1.8cm.Medial : 1.6cm.Lateral : 2cm.Deep : 1cm.Grossly no tumor seen.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 6x5x4cm. Largest lymph node measures 2.4x2cm. Cut surface fatty infiltration P/E.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section show breast parenchyma with small residual lesion arranged in tubules and nest. The cells are markedly pleomorphic with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Therapy related changes seen. Adjacent breast show fibrosis and adenosis.IMPRESSION :A) Left breast wide excision :Residual invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II ( in frozen section remains).Tumor size : 0.5x0.3x0.3cm.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not identified.All margins of resection are free of tumor.Skin is free of tumor.B) Axillary clearance specimen :Eighteen lymph nodes identified, free of tumor (0/18)." 1743,MR1705937,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left MRM with axillary lymph nodesSITE:Left modified radical mastectomyReceived 6 slides and 11 blocks labelled as 146/17.Received 6 slides unstained, 11 blocks labelled as 146/17 A,C,D,E,F,G,H,J,K,L and one specimen labelled as 146/17.Received already grossed mastectomy bits altogether measures 15x13x3.5cm, skin ellipse attached bits altogether measures 12x4.5cm, nipple areola identified and is unremarkable, 3 bits- 1 bit attached with nipple areola shows already grossed grey white lesion altogether measures3x2.5x1.5cm, closest deep margin to one bit is 1cm. Also received wrapped in cotton lymph nodes with fibrofatty tissue 3 lymph nodes - largest measures 2.5x2x1cm, cut surface shows grey white.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section reveal breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in tubular configuration and sheets consisting of round to oval neoplastic cells exhibiting moderate nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm amidst a desmoplastic stroma.IMPRESSION:Left modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade IINodal metastases : 6 out of 12 lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposits Perinodal spread present (6/12)Histopathologic examination:-Left MRM : Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IIModified BR score : 6/9Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2Lymphovascular invasion : identifiedPosterior resection margin ; free of tumorNipple and areola : unreamrkableOverlying skin : epidermis is involved by tumorPlease refer to the primary pathology report for tumor size and margin status" 1744,MR1705938,CLINICAL HISTORY :PET CT- Omentum/ Peritoneal nodules present.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from omental lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Fragmented linear cores of tissue exhibiting nests and islands and glandular configuration of round to oval neoplastic cells demonstrating moderate nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm amidst a fibrocollagenous stroma.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from omental lesion:Metastatic adenocarcinoma.Possible primaries include: Stomach/ Lung/ breast.Suggest IHC. 1745,MR1705939,CLINICAL HISTORY :Multiple lung nodules metastatic.Known case of carcinoma breast post MRM (2005).SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left lung lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.4 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of lung parenchyma infiltrating by neoplastic glands lined by cuboidal to columnar cells exhibiting moderate nuclear pleomorphic and eosinophilic cytoplasm amidst areas of necrosis and fibrocollagenous stroma. Foci of metaplastic ossification noted IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left lung lesion :Invasive adenocarcinoma.?Primary .? Metastasis from breastSuggest IHC. 1746,MR1705951,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast carcinoma with suspicious right breast lumpSPECIMEN:A) Right breast lumpectomyB) Left sentinel lymph node biopsyC) Left mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 2 bits of fibrofatty tissue altogether measures 6x5x2.5cm, cut surface shows of larger fatty tissue grey white circumscribed nodular areas measures 1x0.7x0.6cm, adjacent breast is fibrosis. other small fibrofatty tissue show fibrosisB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4.5x2x1cm,isolated 2 lymph nodes. larger lymph node measures 1.5x1x0.8cmReceived seperately 1 lymph node measures 2x0.8x0.6cmC) Procedure : Mastectomy Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial - lateral -- 17cm Superficial - Deep -- 3.5cm Superior - Inferior -- 14cm Skin ellipse : 12x11cm Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : not seenTumor : Single Tumour Size : 3.5x2x2cm, cut surface shows grey white Location of tumor : lower inner quadrant Margins of tumor : illdefined Deep margin : 1.5cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : absentIMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive ductal Carcinoma, Grade II. Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 3Tumor measures 3.5 cm in greatest dimension and is located in the lower inner quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ present . high gradeLymphovascular invasion identifiedPerineural invasion not identifiedPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: A) Right breast lumpectomy: Benign proliferative disease favor sclerosing adenosisB) Sentinel lymph nodes - 1 out of 6 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor (1/6)Summary;B&C)Left Mastectomy, invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade IIA) Right breast lumpectomy: Benign proliferative disease favor sclerosing adenosisB) Sentinel lymph nodes - 1 out of 6 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor (1/6) No perinodal spread is seen" 1747,MR1705961,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump with axillary nodule - carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 1749,MR1705976,"H17-3201SPECIMEN:Right breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion in loose sheets, cords and islands comprising of atypical cells with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows extensive demonsplasia and areas of necrosis.IMPRESSION:Right breast, biopsy.Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified BR score isá 6/9.Tubular formationáááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________Large areas of necrosis seen." 1750,MR1705995,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white linear cores measuring 1.0 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma with proliferation of glands having both myoepithelial and epithelial layers. There are also presence of nests and cords of cells which are large with clear cytoplasm and peripheral placed hyperchromatic nuclei. Areas of hyalinisation seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast, biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma.MBR score:7/9 (Grade II)" 1751,MR1706010,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion arranged in nests, cords and islands comprising of atypical cells with round to oval pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows extension fibrosis.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubular formationáááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________" 1752,MR1706082,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Carcinoma breast ( post chemo).SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 1 linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma shows large areas of sclerosis harboring neoplastic cells arranged as islands and focal clusters. The lesional cells have abundant amount of cytoplasm, moderate pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Mitosis are discerned. Areas of hemorrhage noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma, NST Residual disease in a known case of carcinoma breast - post chemo." 1753,MR1706093,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lesion.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows ores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests and cords consisting of atypical cells with round to oval pleomorphic dark nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures 7-8/10hpf. Stroma shows fibrosis, hyalinised blood vessels and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion:Invasive carcinoma NST grade 2.MBR score 3+2+2 - 7/9." 1754,MR1706096,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lung - carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fragments of tissue demonstrating an infiltration lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells have pleomorphic round to oval with hyperchromatic nuclei inconspicuous nucleoli and scant to moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic activity is discerned.IMPRESSION:Left breast, biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 1755,MR1706106,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - ? Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows core of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests, sheets and tubules . Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1756,MR1706111,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast, post chemo.SPECIMEN:Wide excision - Lumpectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 10x6x3cm.Cut surface shows a greywhite lesion measuring 3x1.5x1.5cm.Distance from margins:-Superior margin -- 3cm.Inferior margin -- 1.5cm.Medial margin -- 2.8cm.Lateral margin -- 2cm.Deep margin -- 1cm.2 calcified nodular areas noted, one near superior margin and other near inferior margin gritty to cut.Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 5.5x4.5x0.6cm.Isolated 5 lymph nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Tumor bed : The tumor shows monotonous appearance of cells consisting oval to round with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. The tumor cells are present in sheets and single file pattern.Lymphoplasmacytic infiltration is present.Areas of fibrosis and necrosis noted.Tubular formation : 3, Nuclear pleomorphism 1, Mitotic figures 2MBR score 6/9.DCIS : Not present.Perineural invasion : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.Resected margins:-Superior margin -- Free of tumor.Inferior margin -- Free of tumor.Medial margin -- Free of tumor.Lateral margin -- Free of tumor.Deep margin -- Free of tumor.Lymph nodes :5 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:Wide excision- Lumpectomy:Invasive lobular carcinoma.Nuclear grade II.Maximum dimension of tumor : 3x1.5x1.5cm.DCIS : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.All resected margins are free of tumor.Lymph nodes : 5 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.Pathological stage : pyT2N0." 1757,MR1706115,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breast.Left breast lump - ? carcinoma / ? complex fibroadenoma.SPECIMEN :Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS :Received four grey white linear cores measuring 0.6 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Linear cores of breast tissue harboring foci of adenosis. The ducts are benign lined by bilayered epithelium.IMPRESSION :Fibroadenosis, biopsy from left breast lump.No evidence of malignancy." 1758,MR1706168,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 0.8cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged as clusters and islands. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Foci of high grade comedo ductal carcinoma in situ seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism áááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________________Foci of high grade ductal carcinoma in situ." 1759,MR1706184,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lumpectomySPECIMEN:A) Right Breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.B) Revised superior skin marginGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -- 19cm Superficial - Deep -- 4cm Superior - Inferior --19cmSkin ellipse : 11x7cm Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : not seenTumor : Single Tumour Size : 1.8 x 1.3 x 1 cm Location of tumor : upper inner quadrant Margins of tumor : illdefined Deep margin : 0.2 cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 8 x 7 x 2.5 cmSize of largest node : 1 x 1 x 0.6 cm, cut surface shows fatty infiltrationRepresentative sections are submitted.B) Received single skin covered linear soft tissue bits measures 8 cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromaticnuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular invasion or perineural invasionis not seen.IMPRESSION:A) Right Breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy (Post lumpectomy) :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). - Tumour is unifocal and is located in the upper inner quadrant. - Tumor measures 1.8 cm in greatest dimension - Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not seen. - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. - Perineural invasion is not identified. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes : Twenty three lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy(0/23). Pathological stage : pT1cN0" 1760,MR1706189,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Known case of carcinoma right breast cT2N2M0.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy.Laterality : Right.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 13 cm. Superficial - deep : 3 cm. Superior-inferior : 11 cm.Skin ellipse : 10 x 6 cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 3.5 x 3 x 2 cm.Location of tumor : Central quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 0.6 cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Axillary tail : 6 x 5 x 3 cm.Size of largest node : 2.5 x 2 x 1 cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular and Perineural invasion is seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). - Tumor measures 3.5 cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central quadrant. - Ductal carcinoma-in-situ is not seen. - Lymphovascular invasion is seen. - Perineural invasion is seen. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes : Four out of eighteen lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposit with Extranodal extension(4/18). - Size of the largest tumor deposit measures 1.3 cm in greatest dimension.Pathological stage : pT2N2a" 1761,MR1706194,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white linear cores measuring 0.4 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, Grade 2.Tubule formationáááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism áááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______________" 1762,MR1706201,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump -carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism ááááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________" 1764,MR1706228,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast- post lumpectomy- post CT ytxN1.SPECIMEN:Skin sparing mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Laterality : Left Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 15cm. Superficial - deep : 6.5cm. Superior-inferior :14cm.Skin ellipse : 13x4cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar : 5cm.Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrant, Retrospectively, scar area shows a grey-white nodule measuring 1x0.5x0.5cm.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 1.5cm.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Total number of nodes : 17 nodes.Axillary tail : 3x2x2cm.Size of largest node : 1.6x1.5x1cm. Cut surface shows grey-brown.IMPRESSION:Skin sparing mastectomy :Residual viable tumor present Invasive carcinoma, grade II.Tumor bed : Retros scar area shows few ducts exhibiting DCIS with cribriform abd comedonecrosis pattern and few clumps of cells showing invasive carcinoma 0.7cm. DCIS 0.3cm.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 --------------- 6/9 ---------------Invasive Tumor measures 0.7cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central upper quadrant and DCIS measuring 0.3cm.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ seen with cribriform and comedonecrosis.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 15 lymph nodes, Metastases : Zero (0/15).Pathological stage : ypT1N0.SUMMARY:Skin sparing mastectomy :Residual viable tumor present. Invasive carcinoma, grade II.Nodal metastases : 15 lymph nodes, Metastases : Zero (0/15)." 1765,MR1706230,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lumpá - possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 2cm.Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue exhibiting neoplastic lesion arranged in cords and nests consisting of round to oval cells harboring vesicular nuclei showing moderate nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm with intervening fibrocollagenous stroma. Mitotic figure are discerned. There are focaláaggregates of lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IITubule formationááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá - 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______MBRáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______" 1768,MR1706250,"CLINICAL HISTORY;Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : FormalinProcedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá :á Mastectomyá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá ááá Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá :áá LeftTotal dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medial - lateralá - 18cmáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áá ááá Superficial - Deep - 4cm áá ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá Superior - Inferior - 14cmSkin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá :á 17x8cm áá Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá : retracted áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áá Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : not seenTumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá : 1.5x1x1cm áááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá : central quadrant , illdefined grey white á Margins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á : illdefined ááááááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá áááááááááá : 3cmá Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááá : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá á á á á á : fibrofatty tissue áááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááá : 5x5x4cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS;Sections from tumor show breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged as islands,clusters. The neoplastic cell exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have vesicular nuclei, conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Lymphovascular emboli seenSections from nipple(epidermis) free of tumor, underlying dermis shows presence of tumorSections from deep margin - free of tumor12 left axillary lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive ductal Carcinoma, Grade II. Modified BR score isá 7/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 2 Tumor measures 1.5 cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the central quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ seen.Lymphovascular invasion not seen.Perineural invasion not seen.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor Nipple and areola is free of tumorLymph nodes: 12 lymph nodes, Metastasis:á 0(0/12) . Summary : Left MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade IILymph nodes: 12 lymph nodes, Metastasis:á 0(0/12) . " 1769,MR1706252,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast post lumpectomy post NACT.SPECIMEN:A) Left mastectomy.B)Left axillary dissectionGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin. Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 12cm Superficial - deep:1cm Superior-inferior: 15cmSkin ellipse : 14x7cmNipple : Skin excoriation seen in nipple. Scar/ Surgical defect : Linear scar in inner quadrant seen measures 3cm.Tumor : Single. Tumor size : 3x2x1.5cm. Firm grey white lesion notedLocation of tumour : Inner quadrant corresponding to scar. Margins of tumor : ill-defined.Deep margin : 0.5cm. Muscle : Absent. Adjacent breast : Fibro fatty tumor. Axillary tail : 6x4x2cm. Total number of nodes: 7nodes. B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 6x5x2cm.Largest lymphnode measures 1.2x1x1cm. Cut surface - grey white. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy post lumpectomy post NACT :Residual tumor is present congesting of clumps, groups of pleomorphic cells with vesicular nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. The section from the nipple and areola -part of the epithelium is replaced by pleomorphic cells with clear cytoplasm and vesicular nucleus. Basement membrane is intact. Histological type : Invasive ductal carcinoma. Grade : 2Tumor measures maximum dimension 3x2x1.5cm. Invasive component measures 3x2cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures : Not identified. Modified BR score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1Lymphovascular invasion : Present.Perineural invasion : Not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. Nipple and areola : Shows Paget's disease of nipple and areola. Lymph nodes : 3 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits out of 6 nodes(3/6) perinodal spread present. SUMMARY:Left Invasive ductal carcinoma with Pagets disease of nipple and areola. Tumor grade : 2Lymphnode Status : 3 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 6nodes(3/6), perinodal spread present." 1770,MR1706263,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Lump in left breastSPECIMEN:A) Left sentinel lymph node biopsyB) Left breast conservative surgery - wide local excisionC) Revised superior marginD) Revised deep marginGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 2.5x2x0.5cm, largest lymph node measures 1.5x1x0.5cmcut surface shows grey white with fatty infiltrationB) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 5.5x4x3.5cm, cut surface show grey white mucinous areameasures 2x1.5x1.2cm, located at the following distances from the respective margins:-Superior margin -- 1.3cmInferior margin -- 1.8cmMedial margin -- 1cmLateral margin -- 3cmDeep margin -- 0.8cmC) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 5x3x2cm, one surface inkedD) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x2cm, one surface inkedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections reveal breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in tubular configuration floating in pools of mucin. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism and pale eosinophilic cytoplasmIMPRESSION:A) Left sentinel lymph node biopsy:2 lymph nodes are negative for malignancy(0/2)B) Left breast conservative surgery - wide local excision:Mucinous carcinoma, grade ITubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 1 ________ 5/9 ________Tumor measures 2cm in the greatest dimensionLymphovascular and perineural invasion are not identifiedMargins : -Superior margin - Usual ductal hyperplasiaInferior margin - free of tumorMedial margin - free of tumorLateral margin - free of tumorDeep margin - Usual ductal hyperplasiaC) Revised superior margin : free of tumorD) Revised deep margin; free of tumor" 1771,MR1706271,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN :Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear fragments altogether measuring 0.5 to 0.8 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1774,MR1706346,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : MastectomyLaterality : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 20cm. Superficial - deep :3.5cm. Superior-inferior : 19cm.Skin ellipse : 13x11cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 1.7x1.5x1cm.Location of tumor : Central quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 2.5cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Axillary tail : 15x6x2cm.Total number of nodes : 19 nodes.Size of largest node : 1.2x1x1cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ----------------- 6/9 -----------------Tumor measures 1.7cm in greatest dimension and is greatest dimension and located in the central quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ seen solid type with intermediate nuclear grade.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: Twenty two lymph nodes identified, negative for malignancy (0/22).Pathological stage : pT1N0.Adjacent breast show features of tubular adenosis.SUMMARY:Section show breast parenchyma with neoplastic lesion arranged in nests, sheets and infiltrating cords. Individual cells have round to oval vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show fibrosis and desmoplasia. DCIS component solid type is identified. Adjacent breast show features of tubular adenosis. " 1776,MR1706367,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lumpoutside biopsy - poorly differentiated malignant tumorSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 1.2cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows lineará cores breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in bundles and fascicles. Cells have oval elongated to bizarre hyperchromatic nuclei with scant to moderate cytoplasm with tapering ends. Fragment atypical mitoses seen. No ductal cells are seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, biopsy:Poorly differentiated malignancyThe possibilities considered are1. Metaplastic carcinoma2. Malignant mesenchymal lesion(sarcoma)" 1777,MR1706375,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Wide local excision of right breast- Post NACT, Post lumpectomy.B) Revised deep margin.C) Right Axillary lymph node dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Wide local excision of right breast- Post NACT, Post lumpectomy:Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 9.5x8x5cm.Skin ellipse measures 7x4.2cm, shows a scar measuring 5.5cm in length. Cut surface shows calcified and fibrotic areas seen measuring 1x1x0.8cm, located at the following distance from respective margins:-Superior margin : 3.5cm.Inferior margináá : 1cm.Medial marginááá : 3cm.Lateral marginááá : 3.5cm.Deep marginááááá : 1.5cm.B) Revised deep margin:Received single tissue fragment with one side inked measuring 6x3.5cm. Entire tissue processed.C) Right Axillary lymph node dissection:Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 7x6x3cm.Largest lymph node measuring 2.5x2x1.2cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section shows breast parenchyma with therapy related changes composed of histiocytes, foamy macrophages, multinucleated giant cells. Areas of hyalinisation and granulation tissue formation composed of small congested blood vessels and fibroblasts. Areas of fibrosis are also seen.Skin shows epidermis with dermis showing collagenisation.All resected margins including deep are free of tumor.B) Revised deep margin- Sections show muscle and adipose tissue - Free of tumor.C) Right Axillary lymph node dissection: One out of seventeen lymph nodes show tumor deposit. The tumor cells are arranged in acinar pattern which has round to oval pleomorphic vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis noted.IMPRESSION:C) Right Axillary lymph node dissection: One out of seventeen lymph nodes shows tumor deposit (1/17). No perinodal spread seen.Largest tumor dimension measures 0.4cm. Uninvolved nodes show reactive hyperplasia.A) Wide local excision of right breast- Post NACT, Post lumpectomy:No residual tumor seen- therapy related changes seen.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Revised deep margin:Free of tumor." 1778,MR1706404,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -- 13cm Superficial - Deep -- 3.5cm Superior - Inferior -- 16cm Skin ellipse : 12x8cm Nipple : show retractionScar/ Surgical defect : not seenTumor : Single Grey white areas : 3.8x2x2cm Location : central quadrant Deep margin : 0.6cm Muscle : Present measures 2x1cm Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : 12x6x2cmTotal number of nodes : 20lymph nodesSize of largest node : 1x0.8x0.5cm, cut surface shows grey whiteMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma with tiny foci of atypical ovoid cellular clustershaving moderate amount of cytoplasm, vesicular nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Stroma shows extensive areas of desmoplasia with lymphocytes, plasma cells, histiocytes and giant cells. Emperiopoiesis and fat necrosis is notedIMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Residual intraductal Carcinoma. Tumor measures 0.2cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central quadrant. Lymphovascular invasion not seenPerineural invasion not seenPosterior resected margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 20 lymph nodes, Metastasis: one (01/20). Summary :Left MRM, residual focus of intraductal carcinoma status post excision biopsyNodal metastases 1 /20.No perinodal spread seen." 1779,MR1706413,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass- BIRADS 4cSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm.Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in sheets, nestsand cords. Cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stromal desmoplasia is noted with moderate lymphomonocytic infiltrateIMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2MBR scoreá - 6(3+2+1)Tubule formationáááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá - 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______" 1780,MR1706421,CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of carcinoma breast with pleural lesion.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from pleural lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores of measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibroconnective tissue harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in acinar glandular and micropapillary pattern with central necrosis. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm and hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus Brisk mitotic activity is noted. Stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from pleural lesion:Metastatic adenocarcinoma.? Primary in lung.Suggest IHC. 1781,MR1706427,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.0cm.Entire tissueis processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests, sheets and cords. Cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stromalhyalinisation notedIMPRESSION:Right breast lump, biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, NST , grade 2MBR score 7/9 (3+2+2)Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 ____________ 7/9 _____________ " 1782,MR1706428,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion - likely carcinomaSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesionGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm.IMPRESSION:Left breast lesion, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6 (3+2+1). - Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ is seen of cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen." 1783,MR1706446,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass FNAC - duct cell carcinomaSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with a lesion arranged in nests, sheets and islands. Cells have hyperchromatic to vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm.Brisk mitoses noted. Stromal hyalinisation and lymphocytic aggregates seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, biopsy:Invasive carcinoma - NST - grade IIMBR score - 7/9Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 ___________ 7/9 _____________" 1784,MR1706449,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast lump since 3 months.SPECIMEN:A) Right Axillary sentinel nodes.B) Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Right Axillary sentinel nodes:Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 1.8x1.2x0.5cm.? 2 lymph nodes dissected.1st measures 0.8x0.6x0.4cm.2nd measures 1x0.8x0.2cm.B) Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral :16cm. Superficial - deep : 3cm. Superior-inferior :19cm.Skin ellipse : 12x7cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 2x1.7x1cm.Location of tumor : Lower quadrant.Margins of tumor : Infiltrative.Deep margin : 0.3cm.Muscle : Present. 3x2.5cm.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Total number of nodes : MRM-15 nodes. Sentinel nodes : 2 nodes.Axillary tail : 8.5x8x2cm.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:A) Right Axillary sentinel nodes: Isolated two lymph nodes.No deposits.MRM specimen lymph nodes : 15 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.B) Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed :Residual viable tumor present measuring 2x1.7cm with Invasive ductal carcinoma.Areas of fibrosis and lymphoplasmatic infiltration is present.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 --------------- 7/9 ---------------Tumor measures 2x1.7cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Lower quadrant at 6 to 7 '0' clock position.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin : Tumor is infiltrating into the muscle bundle , resected margin is 0.3 cm away , free from tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: Sentinel lymph nodes : 2 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.MRM lymph nodes : 15 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma. Grade IINodal metastases :Sentinel lymph nodes : 2 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.MRM lymph nodes : 15 Nodes- No deposits of tumor." 1785,MR1706468,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A)Blue nodeB)Blue node + hot nodeC)Non Blue node non hot nodeD)Right mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received single lymph node measures 0.8x0.5x0.2cm, surface is inked blueB) Received 4 lymph nodes largest measures 1x1x0.5cm, 2nd measures 0.6x0.4x0.3cm, other 2 lymphnodes area 0.2cm in diameter eachC) Received single lymph node measures 0.4cm in diameterD) Received in : Formalin.Procedure : MastectomyLaterality : Right MRM.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 20cm. Superficial - deep : 5cm. Superior-inferior : 16cm.Skin ellipse : 15X12cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumor : single.Tumor size : 3.7x2x1.5cmLocation of tumor : upper inner quadrantMargins of tumor : ill defined.Deep margin : 0.5cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from breast shows few nests, tubules and islands of atypical cells infiltrating the stroma.Neoplastic cells are large with round to oval vesicular pleomorphic nuclei, prominentnucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Adjacent areas shows extensive ductal carcinoma insitu - papillary and comedonecrosis pattern. Surrounding the tumor, areas of fibrosis and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate is notedIMPRESSION;A) One node identified, free of tumor(0/1)B) Six nodes identified, free of tumor(0/6)C) One node identified, free of tumor(0/1)D) Right breast , Right mastectomyInvasive ductal carcinoma, grade 1Modified bloom richardson score is 5/9Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 1Maximum size of tumor is 3.7cmInvasive ductal carcinoma measures 1.2cm Extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ present with papillary and comedonecrosis measuring 2.5 cmTumor measures 3.7cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper inner quadrantLymphovascular invasion is not identifiedPerineural invasion is not identifiedPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableSummary : Right mastectomy , Invasive ductal carcinoma ,Grade 1Lymph nodes - 8 nodes - no deposits of tumor." 1786,MR1706501,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast, post lumpectomy, post chemo.SPECIMEN :Left breast, left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : FormalinProcedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : Mastectomyá Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : LeftTotal dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medial to lateralááááá : 25cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deepá : 6cm. á ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferiorá : 22cm.Skin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá :á 17x9cm. áá Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá :Normal Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : 2cms seen in the central quadrant above nipple and areolaTumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá : A grey white fibrotic area ? tumor measures 2.5x2x1cm. ááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá :á Central quadrant.Margins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á : iIldefine. áááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá ááá : 2.5cm.Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááá : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá ááá : Fibrofatty tissue. ááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá ááá :6x5x2cm.Size of largest nodeááááááááááá : 1x1x1cm. Cut surface grey brown.IMPRESSION:Left breast, left modified radical mastectomy :Post lumpectomy, post NACT.No residual tumor seen.Foci of usual ductal hyperplasia noted surrounded by areas showing post therapy changes.Lymphovascular invasion is identified.Perineural invasioná is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: Thirteen lymph node, metastasis one (1/13).SUMMARY:Leftá MRM,á no residual invasive tumor seen.Foci of usual ductal hyperplasia noted Nodal metastases one out ofá thirteen lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor (1/13)." 1787,MR1706503,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Lump in right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Lymph nodes, sentinel lymph node biopsy.B) Right breast lump, lumpectomy.C) Revised margin of base.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue altogether measuring 5.5x5x2cm.Largest lymph node measuring 3.5x1.5x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Other lymph node measuring 2x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration, stained blue.B) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 6x5x2.5cm. Skin ellipse measures 3.5x1cm.Cut surface shows a greywhite ill defined lesion measuring 0.6x0.2x0.2cm, which is located at the following distances from the respective margins:-Superior margin -- 1.5cm.Inferior margináá -- 4.5cm.Medial margináá -- 2.3cm.Lateral marginá -- 2.3cm.Deep marginááá -- 0.6cm.C) Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 4.5x2x1cm with one surface inked blue (away from tumor).MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sections studied from multiple lymph nodes show only reactive hyperplasia. No atypical cells are seen.B) Sections reveal breast parenchyma exhibiting features of ductal carcinoma-in-situ with proliferation of ductal cells in solid, papillary and cribriform configuration consisting of round to oval cells and harboring vesicular nuclei, demonstrating mild to moderate nuclear pleomorphism and pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. Occasional ducts show comedonecrosis. Mitotic figures and microcalcification is discerned. Intervening areas show fibrocollagenous stroma. focus of foreignbody giant cell reaction is also noted in the adjacent fibrofatty stroma.C) Revised margin of base : Negative for malignancy.IMPRESSION:B) Right breast lump, lumpectomy:Residual Ductal carcinoma -in-situ,á measuring 0.6cm in the greatest dimension.Margins:-Superior margin -- Free of tumor.Inferior margináá -- Free of tumor.Medial margináá -- Free of tumor. Lateral margináá -- Free of tumor.Baseááá á á á á á á áá --small focus of DCIS.C) Revised margin of base:Revised base shows a solitary focus of DCIS measuring 0.3 cm at a distance of 0.1cm from the inked margin A) Lymph nodes, (sentinel lymph node) biopsy:Eight right sentinel lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor (0/8)." 1788,MR1706526,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion - carcinoma SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesionGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm.Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion arranged in nests, islands and cords of atypical cells with round to oval pleomorphic dark nuclei prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Brisk mitosis noted. Stroma shows fibrosis, focal areas of necrosis, lymphoplasmacytic infiltrateIMPRESSION:Right breast, biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, NST, grade 2MBR Score - 7/9Tubular formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 _______ 7/9 ________" 1789,MR1706538,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests, islands and vague tubules comprising of markedly pleomorphic cells with large bizarre hyperchromatic nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Multinucleate giant cells are seen. Stroma shows fibrosis and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrateIMPRESSION:Right breast lesion biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, NST , grade 3MBR score 2+3+3 - 8/9Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 3Mitotic figures - 3 __________ 8/9 ___________" 1790,MR1706570,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN :Right MRM.GROSS FINDINGS :Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 12cm. Superficial to Deep :4cm. Superior to Inferior :14cm.Skin ellipse :12.5x8.5cm. Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect :Scar measures 4cm in upper outer quadrant.Tumour Size : In upper outer quadrant a post lumpectomy site measures 2.8x1x0.6cm is noted which shows 2 cystic cavities, one measures 1x0.6x0.6cm and the outer measures 1.1x1x0.6cm. Distance b/w 2 cavities is 0.7cm. No gross tumor identified.Deep margin :1st cystic cavity: 1.2cm., 2nd cystic cavity: 1.5cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : grey white rubbery areas Axillary tail : 11x5x1.5cm.Total number of nodes : 16Size of largest node :1.8x1.5x1cm, cut surface grey white.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed :Multiple sections shows surrounding lumpectomy, areas of fibrosis, necrosis, inflammatory cellular infiltration and foreign body giant cells . There is no evidence of residual viable tumor present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 5 nodes show granulomas with Langhans and foregin body giant cells (Note: Kindly rule out Koch's Lesion) Summary : Right MRM ( post NACT with post lumpectomy), No residual viable tumor present.Five nodes show granulomas with necrosis surrounded with Langhans giant cells and foreign body giant cells.Pathological stage :ypT0N0." 1791,MR1706582,"CLINICAL DETAILS:K/C/O Carcinoma right breast post -OP MRM in 2008 with local chest wall recurrence.SPECIMEN:A) Chest wall lesion, Wide Excision (Post OP/ Chemo carcinoma right breast).B) Revised superior margin.C) Revised Inferior margin.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy measuring 9x7x5cm.Skin ellipse measures 7x2.5cm.Nipple : Absent.Cut surface show greywhite lesion measuring 3.5 x 3 x 2.5 cm, located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 2cm.Inferior margin -- 0.8cm.Medial margin -- 2cm.Lateral margin -- 2cm.Deep margin -- 0.5cm.Representative sections are submitted.B) Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measuring 10 x 2 x 1.5 cm. Skin measures 10 x 1.5 cm.C) Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measuring 10 x 2 x1.5 cm.Skin measures 10 x 1 .5 cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows recurrent tumor with cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Brisk mitotic activity is seen.IMPRESSION:A) Chest wall lesion, Wide Excision (Post OP/ Chemo carcinoma right breast) :Suggestive of Recurrence of Ductal Carcinoma of breast in a known treated case. - Size of the tumor measures 3.5 cm in greatest dimension. - All margins of resection including overlying skin are free of tumor.B) Revised superior margin :Negative for malignancy.C) Revised Inferior margin :Negative for malignancy." 1793,MR1706601,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass-á ill defined hypoechoic areasá in ductal distribution with calcific fociSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processedIMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breastGradeá 2 Tubule formationááááááááááá -2Nuclear pleomorphismáá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________" 1795,MR1706608,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left carcinoma breastSPECIMEN;A) Sentinel lymph node B) Wide local excision of breast lump -lumpectomyGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received bottle labelled 2 fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x1cm, largest measures 1.2x1x0.5cmcut surface shows stained blueB) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 7x6x4.5cm, cut surface shows grey white lesion measures2.5x0.7cm.skin ellipse measures 2.5x0.7cm located at the following distances from the respective margins:-Superior margin -- 1.5cmInferior margin -- 1.3cmMedial margin -- 2.5cmLateral margin -- 2.0cmDeep margin -- 0.8cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sentinel lymph node :4 nodes - no deposits of tumorB) Wide local excision of breast lump -lumpectomyType :-Invasive ductal carcinoma , grade IIGrade - Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 2 __________ 7/9 __________Nuclear grade - IIDuctal carcinoma in situ not presentLymphovascular invasion not presentPerineural invasion not presentResected margins:-Superior margin -- free of tumorInferior margin -- free of tumorMedial margin -- free of tumorLateral margin -- free of tumorDeep margin -- free of tumorIMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinomaMaximum dimension of tumor is 3cmNuclear grade - IIDuctal carcinoma in situ not presentLymphovascular invasion not presentPerineural invasion not presentAll resected margins are free of tumorSentinel lymph nodes:-4 nodes - no deposits of tumorPathological stage:- pT2N0" 1796,MR1706615,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left carcinoma breast( Post NACT).SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Modified radical mastectomy post NACT.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 19cm. Superficial - deep : 4cm. Superior-inferior : 15cm.Skin ellipse : 13x10cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 3.5x3.5x2.5cm.Location of tumor : Inner central quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 0.8cm.Muscle : Present measuring 6x4.5cm.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Axillary tail : 8x5.5x2cm.Total number of nodes : 17 nodes.Size of largest node : 2x1.5x1cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy( Post NACT):Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IIIModified BR score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 --------------- 8/9 ----------------Tumor measures 3.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the inner central quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 7 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 17 nodes.Pathological stage : pT2N2.SUMMARY:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified BR score is 8/9, grade IIINodal metastases : 7 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 17 nodes." 1797,MR1706616,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesionGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processedIMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast lesionGrade 2 Tubule formationáááááááá - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________" 1798,MR1706625,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - carcinomaSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1 cm. Entire tissue is processedIMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1799,MR1706671,"SR17-1555SITE:Left lumpectomy.Received 22 blocks labelled as 1145/17.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections reveal breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in tubular configuration, nests and sheets consisting of round to oval neoplastic cells harboring vesicular nuclei exhibiting moderate nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Intervening areas show desmoplastic stroma.6'0' clock margin -- Free of tumor . Shows papilloma.Deep margin -- Free of tumor .Shows papilloma.IMPRESSION:Left lumpectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ---------------- 6/9 -----------------MBR score : 6/9.Tumor measures 1.2cm in the greatest dimension.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not identified.Adjacent breast shows features of papilloma, atypical ductal hyperplasia, usual ductal hyperplasia and apocrine metaplasia.Resected margins are free of tumor Lymph nodes :3 lymph nodes are negative for malignancy (0/3)." 1800,MR1706683,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - BIRADS 4b.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 1801,MR1706695,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received seven grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in tubules, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 1.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1)." 1802,MR1706725,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.6 to 1.2cm.Entire tissueis processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue exhibiting nests and cords of cells with round to oval hyperchromatic, moderately pleomorphic nucleus, prominent nucleoli and scanty cytoplasm. Atypical mitotic figures discerned.Stroma shows inflammatory infiltrate, areas of fibrosis and desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Grade 2 - 7/9Tubule formationááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismá -- 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________" 1803,MR1706738,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right Breast Lump.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 to 1.3 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1805,MR1706757,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:A) Sentinel lymph nodesB) Wide excision lumpGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x1cm.largest lymph node measures 1.1x0.8x0.5cm.Lymph nodes stained blue measures 0.6x0.6x0.5cm, isolated 5 nodesB) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 6x5x3.5cm, skin ellipse measures 3x1cm, cut surfaceshows grey white lesion measures 1.5x1.5x1.2cm, Located at the following distance from the respectivemargins:Superior margin -- 1cmInferior margin -- 1cmMedial margin -- 0.8cmLateral margin -- 2.3cmDeep margin -- 1.5cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sentinel lymph nodes:5 Nodes - no deposits of tumorB) Wide excision lumpTumor;-Invasive ductal carcinomaGrade - Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 2 _________ 7/9 _________Ductal carcinoma insitu - few ducts show ductal carcinoma in situ - solid type measures 0.5cm(low grade)Lymphovascular invasion not presentPerineural invasion not presentResected margins:-Superior margin -- free of tumorInferior margin -- free of tumorMedial margin -- free of tumorLateral margin -- free of tumorDeep margin -- free of tumorIMPRESSION:A) Sentinel lymph nodes:5 nodes - no deposits of tumorB) Wide excision lump:Invasive ductal carcinomaMaximum dimension of tumor is 1.5cmNuclear grade -IIDuctal carcinoma in situ few ducts show ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.5cm - low gradeLymphovascular invasion not presentAll resected margin - free of tumorPathological stage: pT1N0" 1806,MR1706776,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -- 19cm Superficial - Deep-- 5.5cm Superior - Inferior -- 18cmSkin ellipse : 17x7.5cm Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : not seenTumor : SingleTumour Size : 5x4.8x4.5cm Location of tumor : upper outer quadrant Margins of tumor : well circumscribed Deep margin : 0.7cm Muscle : Present Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 7x5x3cmSize of largest node :1.5x1x0.8cm,cut surface us unremarkableIMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive Ductal Carcinoma with areas of necrosis present, Grade II. Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures 5x4.8 cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not presentLymphovascular invasion not presentPerineural invasion presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 15 lymph nodes, show no metastatic deposits of tumor. Summary : Left MRM, Invasive Ductal carcinoma ,Grade IILymph nodes - 15 nodes - no deposits of tumor.Pathological stage : pT2N0" 1807,MR1706777,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass with calcification - BIRADS 5 lesion.SPECIMEN:Left breast mas, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received six grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion arranged in nests and cords. Cells are pleomorphic with round to oval dark nuclei, few with prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia, lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate and focal areas of comedonecrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, biopsy :Invasive carcinoma No special type (NST) grade 2.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2 Mitotic figures : 1 _________ 6/9 ___________" 1808,MR1706790,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast.SITE :Left breast.Received one slide and one block and one specimen labelled as 177/17.Received already grossed specimen altogether measuring 5x4x2cm. Cut surface shows grey white solid area measuring 3.5x1.5x1.0cm. Cystic area also seen measuring 1x1x0.8cm. P/E.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section demonstrates breast parenchyma exhibiting a neoplastic lesion arranged in tubular configuration, nests and sheets consisting of oval to cuboidal cells demonstrating moderate nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm with notable mitotic activity and intervening desmoplastic stroma. Lymphovascular is identified. High grade ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis is evident. Areas of calcification is noted.IMPRESSION :Left breast :Invasive ductal carcinoma , grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubular formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ______________ 7/9 __________Lymphovascular invasion is identified.High grade ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis is present.Please refer to the primary pathology report for tumor size, site and margin status." 1809,MR1706812,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN :A) Left breast lumpectomy.B) Left axillary lymph node dissection.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 9x6x1.5cm. Skin ellipse measures 6x1cm. Cut surface shows no obvious lesion ,only ill defined fibrotic areas noted measures 1.5x1x0.5cm. Distance from margins :Superior : 0.5cm.Inferior : 3cm.Medial : 3cm.Lateral : 4cm.Deep : 1.5cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 15x12x4cm. Largest lymph node measures 2x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltrate.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :A) Left breast lumpectomy :Multiple section examined shows no residual viable tumor. Few atropic ducts are seen. Post chemotherapy changes in form of histiocytic and lymphocytic inflammation with presence of few giant cells are noted. Deep margin is free of tumor. Resected superior, inferior, medial and lateral margin are free of tumor. B) Left axillaryy lymph node dissection :Five out of thirteen lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of viable invasive ductal carcinoma. Perinodal spread present.IMPRESSION :A) Left breast lumpectomy :No residual viable tumor.Resected margin are free of tumor.B) Left axillary lymph node dissection :Five out of thirteen lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of viable invasive ductal carcinoma." 1810,MR1706817,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - BIRADS five lesion.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in cords and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1811,MR1706818,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast retro nodal hard mass.SPECIMEN:Left breast , biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white to grey yellow linear core measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast parenchyma shows linear cores o tissue fragments demonstrating a neoplastic lesion arranged in trabeculae, sheets. The cells have round to oval pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic activity are seen. Areas of hyalinisation noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast, biopsy :Suggestive of invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubular formationááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 1812,MR1706819,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast ulcerated mass.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white linear cores measuring 1.0 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast infiltrated by a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests, cords and sheets comprising of round to oval cells with pleomorphic dark nuclei, few with prominent nucleoli and moderate to abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia, lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate and areas of necrosis.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubular formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________Area of necrosis seen." 1813,MR1706840,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm.Entire tissue isprocessedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in tubules, nests, papillae, islands consisting of dark nuclei and abundant eosinophilic to vacuolated cytoplasm. Binucleate and multinucleate cells are seen. Also seen homogenous eosinophilic secretions in the lumen of tubules. Occasional mitosis is noted. Stroma shows hyalinisationIMPRESSION:Left breast biopsy:Invasive carcinoma probably secretory carcinomaNuclear grade 2" 1814,MR1706845,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Left breast lesion, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue with an infiltrating cellular lesion arranged in sheets and cords. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus with prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphocytes, plasma cells and foamy macrophages. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis seen. Numerous crush artifacts are noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast lesion, biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, no special type, grade 2.Tubular formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________Areas of necrosis seen." 1815,MR1706848,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received iná :á Formalin.Procedureááá : Left modified radical mastectomyLateralityáá : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateraláááá : 23cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deep : 5cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferioráá : 17cm.Skin ellipseááááá :á 17x13cm.Nippleááááááááááááá : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumorá :á Single.Tumor sizeá : 3x3x2.5cm.Location of tumor : Left lower outer quadrant.Margins of tumor :á Well defined.Deep margináááááá : 2cm.Muscle á á á á á á áá : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Axillary tail : 8x5x3cm.Total number of nodesáá : 13 nodes.Size of largest nodeáááááá : 1x1x0.5cm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Invasive carcinoma with Medullary carcinoma features with areas of necrosis.Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formation á á á áá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá : 3Tumor measures 3x3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the lower outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 13 lymph nodes, all are free of tumor.Pathological stage : pT2N0.Summary:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Invasive carcinoma with Medullary carcinoma features .Lymph nodes: 13 lymph nodes,á all are free of tumor." 1816,MR1706857,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received inááááááááááááááá :á Formalin.Procedureááááááááááááááááá : MRM.Lateralityáááááááááááááááááá : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateralááááááá : 22cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deepá : 5cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferioráá :22cm.Skin ellipseááá á áá :á 11.5x5.5cm.Nippleááááááááááá á áá : Retracted.Scar/ Surgical defect : Linear scar measuring 6cm, the nipple at a distance of 0.5cm from nipple areolar complex and extending into the inner quadrant.Deep marginá from scar tissueá á áá : 2cm.Muscleááááááááááááá áá : 2.5x2cm.Adjacent breastáá : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tailááááááááááá : 6x6x3cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show fibrofatty tissue showing extensive foreign body granulomatous reaction surrounded by extensive fibrocollagenous connective tissue. No residual tumor identified. The overlying skin appears unremarkable.The deep margin is free of tumor.13 Lymph nodes dissected are free of tumor and show reactive change.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :No residual tumor.Extensive foreign body granulomatous reaction seen.No lymphovascular emboli seen .Nipple areola unremarkable.Deep margin:free of tumor.13 Lymph nodes dissected are free of tumor." 1817,MR1706861,CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast (2012.)SPECIMEN:Biopsy from abdominal well lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received six grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue demonstrating irregular and confluent neoplastic glands lined by low columnar cells exhibiting moderate nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm with many lumina showing areas of necrosis. Intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from abdominal well lesion :Metastatic deposits of adenocarcinoma.? GIT ? Gall bladder.Suggest IHC. 1818,MR1706882,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.6 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests and islands consisting of pleomorphic cells with round to oval dark nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ seen cribriform and comedonecrosis pattern. Stroma shows extensive necrosis and desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma no specific type, grade 2 with extensive Ductal carcinoma in situ, cribriform and comedonecrosis pattern.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubular formation áááááááá -- 3.Nuclear pleomorphism á -- 2.Mitotic figures á á á á á á áá -- 2.á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá -------------á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá 7/9á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá ------------- " 1819,MR1706906,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast carcinoma - Post LumpectomySPECIMEN:Left Breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : FormalinProcedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá :á Modified Radical Mastectomy.Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá :á Left á Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medial - lateral -- 23cm áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á Superficialá -Deep -- 5cm áá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior - Inferior --18cmSkin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá :á 15x10cm áá Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá : unremarkable ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áááá Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : presentá in upper outer quadrant measures 3.5 cm in length Tumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : Single Tumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá : 4.5 x 3 x 1.5 cm, illdefined with ductal carcinoma in situ like areas áááááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá : upper outer quadrant, beneath the scar á Margins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á : illdefined ááááááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá áááááááááá : " 1820,MR1706916,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion.SPECIMEN:Left breast , biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white linear core measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores ofá breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords, trabeculae and in sheets. The cells have round to oval pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate cytoplasm. There are areas of ductal carcinoma in situ noted. Adjacent stroma shows hyalnisation.IMPRESSION:Left breast, biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ, grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubular formationááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 3Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 1821,MR1706933,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Lumpectomy- wide excision.B) Axillary lymph nodes level I and IIGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 7.5x6.5x3.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 4.5x2cm.Surface of skin - Unremarkable.Cut surface shows a vague greywhite calcified area measuring 0.8x0.5x0.5cm.Distance from margins:-Superior marginá : 1cm.Inferior marginááá : 1.5cm.Medial margináááá : 2cm.Lateral margináááá : 2cm.Deep margináááááá : 1.4cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 8x6x3cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1.6x1.5x1cm. Cut surface shows greybrown.Dissected 21 nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Lumpectomy- wide excision- post lumpectomy:Tumor bed : Multiple section show small clump of tumor cells with pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Surrounding the tumor cells foreign body giant cells, lymphocytes, plasma cells and histiocytes. Areas of fibrosis, necrosis present.Lymphovascular invasion - Indeterminate. Perineural invasion : Not present.Resected margins:-Superior marginá : Free of tumor.Inferior marginááá : Free of tumor.Medial margináááá : Free of tumor.Lateral margináááá : Free of tumor.Deep margináááááá : Free of tumor.B) Axillary lymph nodes level I and II:Two nodes show foci of viable tumor cells are present. Invasive ductal carcinoma with surrounding area shows fibrosis out of 21 nodes.No perinodal spread present.IMPRESSION:A) Lumpectomy- wide excision:A small foci of tumor- Invasive ductal carcinoma measuring 0.8x0.5cm.Surrounding areas show foreign body giant cells.Lymphoplasmatic and histocytic infiltration.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Axillary lymph nodes level I and II:Two nodes show foci of viable tumor cells are present. Invasive ductal carcinoma with surrounding area shows fibrosis out of 21 nodes.No perinodal spread present." 1822,MR1706958,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of carcinoma breast - treated.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from abdominal mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrofatty tissue infiltrated by islands, cords, occasional tubules and trabeculae of neoplastic cells exhibiting moderate to marked nuclear pleomorphism, round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, irregular nuclear contours and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm.Mitotic figures 2-3/10hpf is discerned.Few cells show binucleation and multinucleation. Stroma shows areas of necrosis, desmoplastia and hyalinized blood vessels.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from abdominal mass:Metastatic deposits.? Breast? From elsewhere.Report on IHC to follow." 1823,MR1706972,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white to grey yellow linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2.Tubule formationáááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______________" 1824,MR1706977,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast wide excision.B) Left sentinel lymph node biopsy.C) Revised deep margin.D) Nodule from the inferior surface of left breast.E) Revised inferior margin GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received left lumpectomy specimen measuring 9x6.5x3.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 5x1.6cm.Cut surface shows greywhite measuring 1.5x1x1cm, located at the following distances from respective margin:-Superior margin -- 2cm.Inferior margináá -- 4cm.Medial marginááá -- 2cm.Lateral marginááá -- 2cm.Deep marginááááá -- 1.5cm.B) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue measuring 3x2.5x1.5cm.Largest lymph node measuring 2x1.5x1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.C) Revised deep margin-Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 6x4x1cm with one inked. Entire tissue processed.D) Nodule from the inferior surface of left breast.-Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 1.5x1.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.E) Revised inferior margin -Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 8x3.5x1cm with inked on one surface. Cut surface is unremarkable.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows breast parenchyma showing invasive ductal carcinoma measuring 1cm arranged in nests, islands of eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic vesicular nuclei. Mitoses are seen. Lymphovascular invasion and Perineural invasion are not seen.á DCIS measures 1cm seen in cribriform, solid type and comedo necrosis pattern.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast wide excision:ááá Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IIáá Tumor measures 1cm in greatest dimensionááá MBR score is 6/9.ááá Tubular formationáááááá áá : 2ááá Nuclear pleomorphism : 2ááá Mitotic figuresááááááááááá áá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á ááááá --------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á áá 6/9á áá ááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á áá --------------á.ááá DCIS is present measuring 1cm- Cribriform, solid type and Comedonecrosis.ááá Lymphovascular and perineural invasion is not seen.áá Resected margins:-áá Superior inferior,lateral and medial margins are free of tumor.áá Deep marginááááá -- Shows one duct with DCIS. The resected inked margin is 1.5cm from DCIS.D) Nodule from the inferior surface of left breast:áááá Shows small focus of DCIS.E) &C) Revised inferior and revised deep margins are free of tumor B) Left sentinel lymph node biopsy:áááá Four lymph nodes isolated,all are negative for malignancy (0/4)." 1825,MR1706987,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received seven grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets and island. The lesional cells have moderate amount of clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm, high N:C ratio, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Few large cells with bizarre nuclei are also seen. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows lymphocytic infiltration.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, core biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade II.Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubular formationááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 1826,MR1707011,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white to grey yellow linear core measuring 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords. trabeculae and in islands. The lesional cells have high N:C ratio, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows marked desmoplastic reaction. Areas of hemorrhage are seen. Mitotic figures are discerned. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, core biopsy :Features suggestive of invasive ductal carcinoma, nuclear grade II." 1827,MR1707013,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1828,MR1707018,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - P/O carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION :Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1829,MR1707029,"SR17-1671SITE :Right breast, lumpectomy.Received five blocks and one specimen labelled a s3290/17.Received already grossed and oriented lumpectomy specimen measuring 5x4.5x4cm. Skin ellipse measuring 3x1.5cm. Cut surface shows grey white lesions measuring 3.2x2.2x2cm. Distance from nearest resected margins - 0.1cm. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section from breast shows an infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules, nests and round comprising of neoplastic vesicular nuclei prominent nucleoli and moderate activity pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. Brisk mitotic activity discerned. Ductal carcinoma in situ identified papillary and comedonecrosis desmoplasia. Lymhovascular invasion seen.IMPRESSION :Right breast, lumpectomy :Invasive carcinoma, NST , grade 2.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubular formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ________ 7/9 ___________Ductal carcinoma in situ comedonecrosis and papillary pattern. Lymphovascular invasion seen. Margin status cannot be commented upon as the sections are not labelled." 1830,MR1707040,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast mass.Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear core measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in tubular pattern, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 1. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 5(2+2+1)." 1831,MR1707041,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump/ P/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear core measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring lesion arranged in cords, tubules and nests, lesion comprising of round to oval, moderately pleomorphic, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Adjacent parenchyma shows dsemoplasia.Areas of ductal carcinoma-in-situ noted.Mitosis 3-4/10 HPF.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump biopsy:Suggestive of Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade I.MBR score is 5/9.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic activity : 1 ------------- 5/9 ------------" 1832,MR1707047,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white linear core measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring lesion arranged in nest, tubules, comprising of round to oval moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma show desmoplasia, lymphocytic infiltrate. Mitotic figures 3-4/10hpf. Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion not identified. Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump biopsy :Suggestive of invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade II.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ________ 6/9 __________Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis seen." 1833,MR1707048,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Lump in left breastSPECIMEN:A) Left lumpectomyB) Left modified radical mastectomyC) Left level III axillary nodesGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy measures 6x5x3cm, cut surface shows grey white lesion measures 2x2x1.5cm, distancefrom nearest inked margin is 0.5cmB) Received in : FormalinProcedure : Left modified radical mastectomy post lumpectomy Laterality : left Total dimensions : Medial - lateral --20cm Superficial - Deep -- 5cm Superior - Inferior -- 21cmSkin ellipse : 14x11cm Nipple and areola : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : below nipple and areola measures 6.5x5clumpectomy bed : 6.5x5x4.5cm ,tumor not identified .However few grey white areas seen Location of tumor : lower quadrant Deep margin : 1.5cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 7x6x3cmSize of largest node : 1.8x1.5x1.5cm, cut surface shows grey whiteC) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x2x1cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple sections show a cellular infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets. The cells are pleomorphic havingmoderate amount of cytoplasm, vesicular pleomorphic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures arediscerned. Few bizarre forms with multilobated nuclei are noted. occasional tumor giant cells are noted. Stroma shows desmoplasia with myxoid change and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhageand necrosis are seen. Adjacent breast shows atypical ductal hyperplasia, solid ductal carcinoma in situfibroadenosis and dilated ductsIMPRESSION:Left breast, left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Sarcomatoid /metaplastic Carcinoma, Grade III. Modified BR score is 9/9.Tubule formation: 3 Nuclear pleomorphism: 3Mitotic figures: 3Tumor measures 6 cm in greatest dimension and is located in the lower quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is seen - solid and cribriformLymphovascular invasion identifiedPerineural invasion indeterminatePosterior resection margin is free of tumorLymph nodes: 14 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 2(2/14) . Size of the largest tumor foci is 1.2cmExtranodal extension is seenSummary : Left MRM, Metaplastic carcinoma ,Grade IIILymph nodes - 2/14" 1834,MR1707067,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:A) Sentinel lymphnodesB) Left mastectomyC) Level III nodesD) Post SLNB axillary clearanceGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue measures 4x4x1cm, larger lymph node measures 2x1x1cm,cut surface shows grey white, stained blueB) Received in : Formalin Procedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -- 20cm Superficial - Deep -- 4.5cm Superior - Inferior --19cm Skin ellipse : 13.5x9cm Nipple : retractedScar/ Surgical defect : not seenTumor : Single Tumour Size : 4.5x3x2.5cm Location of tumor : central quadrant , retroareolar Margins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 1cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : absentC) Level III lymph nodes:-Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x2x1cmD) Post sentinel lymph node biopsy axillary clearance:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 7x7x4cm, largest lymph node measures 0.8x0.8x0.5cm, cut surface is unremarkableMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A)Sentinel lymph nodes - 3 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 7 nodesB)Left breast, Left Mastectomy: Tumor:-Maximum dimension of tumor is 4.5cmInvasive ductal carcinoma measure 3cm,, Grade IIDuctal carcinoma in situ -solid type - low grade measures 1.5cm Modified BR score is 7/9 .Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Tumor is located in the central quadrant - retroareolar region. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ present - low grade measures 1.5cmLymphovascular invasion is presentPerineural invasion is presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 7 lymph nodes, no metastatic deposits of tumorLevel III - 1 node , no metastatic deposits of tumorIMPRESSION:Left modified radical mastectomy - Invasive ductal carcinoma , Grade IIMaximum dimension of tumor is 4.5cmInvasive ductal carcinoma - 3 cm Ductal carcinoma in situ - 1.5cm Lymphovascular invasion presentPerineural invasion presentUndersurface resected margin - free of tumorNipple and areola - unremarkableSentinel lymph nodes:-3 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 7 nodesAxillary lymph nodes - 7 nodes - no deposits of tumorLevel III lymph nodes - one node - no deposits of tumorTotal 3 out of 15 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumorPathological stage : pT2N1" 1836,MR1707085,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1 to 1.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords, trabeculae and sheets. The lesional cells have high N:C ratio, markedly pleomorphic hyperchromatic to vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli in some and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows marked sclerosis. Frequent mitotic figures noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, core biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST.Grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ___________ 7/9 __________" 1837,MR1707103,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump / Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 greywhite linear core measuring 1 to 1.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in sheets, nests, trabeculae and cribriform pattern. Cells have moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, few with prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate and fibrosis. Areas of necrosis noted. Mitoses discerned.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 2.MBR score 6 (3+2+1).Areas of necrosis seen." 1838,MR1707108,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords, trabeculae and nests admixed with areas of hemorrhage. The lesional cells have high N:C ratio, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and scant amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows fibrosis. Mitotic figures are discerned. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, NST Grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ___________ 7/9 __________" 1839,MR1707112,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Lump in left breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received seven grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.3 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in diffuse sheets and nests admixed with mixed inflammatory infiltrate. The lesional cells have high N:C ratio, markedly pleomorphic hyperchromatic to vesiculae nuclei with prominent nucleoli in some and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows marked sclerosis. Frequent mitotic figures noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, core biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST with medullary like areas. Grade III.Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ___________ 8/9 __________" 1840,MR1707151,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion arranged in tubules, nests, islands and cords of atypical cells with pleomorphic round to oval dark nuclei, irregular nuclear contours, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Brisk mitosis discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia. No necrosis identified.á IMPRESSION:Left breast, biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 3.Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubular formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááá : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________" 1842,MR1707166,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump/ P/o Carcinoma breast).SPECIMEN:Left breast lesion, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite to greyyellow linear core measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests, sheets, trabeculae and infiltrating into adjacent stroma. Cells have moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Adjacnet stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Atypical mitoses noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast lesion, biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 2. MBR score : 6 (3+2+1).suggestive of recurrence in an operated case of carcinoma breast" 1843,MR1707181,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received seven fragmented linear cores measuring 0.3 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with few benign glandular tissue and fibrosis.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :No evidence of malignancy in the material submitted." 1844,MR1707189,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests, cords and sheets consisting of atypical cells with round to oval dark nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic to pale granular cytoplasm. Mitotic figures 4-5/10hpf. Stroma shows numerous plasma cells.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma no specific type nuclear grade 2." 1845,MR1707227,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSITE:Left modified radical mastectomyReceived 10 blocks and 11 slides labelled as 448/17.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Suboptimally processed slides - A,C,D-K, Section A:-Section from breast shows a neoplastic lesion arranged in tubules, nests and trabeculae consisting of pleomorphic cells with round to oval vesicular to hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Adjacent breast shows extensive areas of hyalinisation. Ductal carcinoma in situ is identified, comedonecrosis pattern. Numerous dilated hyalinized blood vessels seen. Lymphovascular invasion is identifiedSection C:-shows stratified squamous epithelium with subepithelial adnexal structuresNipple areola - free of tumorSection D:-shows fibrofatty tissue with muscle ? deep margin -free of tumorSection E -K:-6 lymph nodes show deposits of tumor out of 23 lymph nodes ( 6/23 )Extranodal spread identifiedIMPRESSION:Left Modified radical mastectomySuboptimally processed slidesInvasive carcinoma NST, grade IIMBR score 2+2+3 - 7/9Ductal carcinoma in situ present - comedonecrosis patternLymphovascular invasion is identifiedPerineural invasion is not identifiedMargin status cannot be commented upon as slides submitted are not labelled Lymph nodes:-6 nodes out of 23 lymph nodes show deposits of tumor(6/23)Extranodal extension is identifiedNote:-Please correspond to primary pathology report for tumor size and margin status" 1846,MR1707243,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast shows an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and sheets consisting of atypical cells with round to oval dark nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows fibrosis and lymphocytic infiltrate MF : 8-9/10hpf. DCIS with necrosis infiltrated.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lesion:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score 7/9.Tubular formationááááááááá -- 3.Nuclear pleomorphismáá -- 2.Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá -- 2.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------- áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------------Focus of DCIS with necrosis seen." 1847,MR1707256,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white linear core measuring 1 to 1.2m. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from multiple cores show tumor arranged in sheets, cords and nests. Individual cells have increase N:C ratio hyperchromatic and moderate pleomorphism. Intervening fibrocollagenous stroma show lymphoplasmacytic infiltration.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump.Infiltrating ductal carcinoma ,biopsy left breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic activity : 1 __________ 6/9 ____________" 1848,MR1707267,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of right breast carcinoma .Leftá breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received six grey white linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show cores of breast parenchyma harboring cellular lesion arranged in sheets, tubules. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, exhibiting marked pleomorphism, few showing prominent nucleoli and scant cytoplasm .Bizarre cells present. Intervening stroma is elastotic. Mitotic figures 10-12/10hpf. Areas of hemorrhage noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 3.Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 3Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá : 3áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________" 1849,MR1707296,"CLINICAL HISTORY: Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.6 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in tubules, cords, and trabecular. Neoplastic cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and scant to moderate cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma - No special type - grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score - 5/9.Tubular formation -- 2.Nuclear pleomorphic -- 2.Mitotic figures -- 1. ------------- 5/9 --------------" 1851,MR1707334,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received ix grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1852,MR1707341,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast wide excision of scar.B) Right axillary clearance.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 5x3x2cm.Overlying skin measures 5x1.5cm.On cut surface, greywhite firm lesion seen. No solid area measuring 1.5x1x1cm, located at the following distance from margins:-Superior margin -- 1cm.Inferior margin -- 1cm.Medial margin -- 0.2cm.Lateral margin -- 0.5cm.Deep margin -- 0.2cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 6.5x5x3.5cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows greybrown.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Tumor bed : Multiple section shows ducts are shows epithelial hyperplasia, atypical hyperplasia and few degenerated cells are present. Inflammatory cells with foreign body giant and dense sections and hyalinised areas are seen. There is no evidence of atypical cells present. No residual viable tumor present.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.Perineural invasion : Not present.Resected margins:-Superior margin : Free of tumor.Inferior margin : Free of tumor.Medial margin : Free of tumor.Lateral margin : Free of tumor.Deep margin : Free of tumor.Lymph nodes:One small clump of viable tumor cell deposits- Invasive ductal carcinoma present One node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 19 nodes.No perinodal spread present.IMPRESSION:Breast conservative surgery- Wide excision:Tumor bed : Dense fibrosis with atypical epithelial hyperplasia.Degenerated tumor cells, foreign body giant cells.No evidence of residual tumor.All resected margins are free of tumor.Lymph nodes: One node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 19 nodes.No perinodal spread present." 1853,MR1707352,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white to grey yellow linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests lying in pools of extracellular mucin. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma with mucinous features, grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1854,MR1707375,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Right breast.Medial-lateral : 17cm. Superficial - deep : 6cm. Superior-inferior : 16cm.Skin ellipse : 14x10cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 3 x 2.5 x 2 cm.Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 2.5cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Axillary tail : 11x6x2cm.Total number of nodes : 16 nodes.Size of largest node : 1x0.8x0.8cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Representative sections are seen.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section showing infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets, lobules and nests. The cells are round to oval nuclei with abundant cytoplasm, vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Fibrocollagenous area shows inflammatory cells composed of lymphocytes, plasma cells and neutrophils. Mitosis 4-5/10 hpf. Lymphovascular invasion is presentIMPRESSION :Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7( 3+2+2). - Tumor is unifocal and is located in the lower outer quadrant. - Tumor measures 4 cm in greatest dimension. - Ductal carcinoma-in-situ of solid, cribriform and comedo pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen. - Lymphovascular invasion is present. - Perineural invasion is not present. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: Three out of nineteen lymph nodes shows metastatic tumor deposits with extranodal extension(3/19). - Size of the largest tumor deposit measures 0.8 cm in greatest dimension.Pathological stage : pT2N1aSUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Lymph nodes: 19 lymph nodes, Metastasis : 3 (3/19)." 1855,MR1707377,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left beast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Receivedá 7 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords, nests and sheets. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate amount of cytoplasm. Intervening stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Intervening stroma shows fibrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma nuclear grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score 6/9.Tubular formationááá á á -- 3.Nuclear pleomorphicáá -- 2.Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá -- 1.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------" 1856,MR1707380,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received seven grey white to grey yellow linear cores measuring 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, grade 2.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubular formationáááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 1857,MR1707382,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump -p/o carcinoma right breast.Right axillary node.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right axillary node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received three grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue showing anasomosing bands and nests of round to oval cells demonstrating moderate nuclear pleomorphism amidst fibrocollagenous stroma.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right axillary node :Metastatic carcinoma. 1858,MR1707403,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received seven grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Fragmented linear cores of tissue exhibiting discreet nest and islands of round to ovalcells demonstrating vesicular nuclei, moderate nuclear pleomorphism eosinophilic cytoplasm and notable mitotic activity surrounded by dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lesion :Ductal carcinoma in situ with suspicious areas of invasion.Needs confirmation on IHC." 1859,MR1707405,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white to grey yellow linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cord, tubules and in sheets. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate cytoplasm. Areas of fibrosis and hyalinization noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast, biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 _________ 6/9 _____________" 1860,MR1707407,CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue demonstrating a neoplastic lesion arranged is sheets and tubular configuration consisting of round to oval cells exhibiting moderate nuclear pleomorphic and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Intervening areas show fibrovascular stroma.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lesion.Invasive ductal carcinoma grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score 6/9.Tubular formation á á á á áá -- 2.Nuclear pleomorphism á á -- 2.Mitotic figures á á á á á á á áá -- 2.á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá -------------á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á 6/9á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá ------------- 1861,MR1707413,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by nests, islands and cords of neoplastic cells with round to oval pleomorphic vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Foci of necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast, biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubular formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________Foci of necrosis seen." 1863,MR1707429,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma with extensive area of fibrosis and focal area shows ductal cells which are lined by myoepithelial layer. The cells have round to oval moderately pleomorphic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lobular cancerization seen. Few ducts shows adenosis.IMPRESSION:Right breast, biopsy :Ductal carcinoma in situ with occasional foci of lobular cancerization." 1864,MR1707436,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - carcinoma breast / ? papillary carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrative lesion arranged in cords and tubules. Lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, marked nuclear pleomorphism and scant cytoplasm. Intervening stroma shows desmoplasia. Mitotic figures 3-4/10hpf. Focal necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, grade 2.Modified BR scoreáá : 6/9.Tubule formationááááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 3Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 1867,MR1707484,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:H and E stained section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma showing an infiltrative lesion arranged in nests, islands and sheets. The lesional cells are large with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Few nuclei show hyperchromatic nuclei. Stroma shows inflammatory infiltrate. Adjacent breast shows features of florid adenosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass:Invasive ductal carcinoma. Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score 7(3+2+2)." 1868,MR1707496,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast post lumpectomy post NACTSPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received inááááááááááááááá :á Formalin.Procedureááááááááááááááááá : Mastectomy post NACT.Lateralityáááááááááááááááááá : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateralááááááá :16cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deepá : 6.5cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferioráá :13cm.Skin ellipseáááá á á áá : 12x8.5cm.Nippleááááááááááá á á á á : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumorááááááá á á á á ááá :á Single.Tumor sizeáááá á á á á : 2.5x1x1cm.Location of tumorá : Central inner quadrant.Margins of tumor á : Ill defined.Deep marginááááá áá : 0.8cm.Muscleááááááááááááá á á : Absent.Adjacent breastááá : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 12 nodes.Axillary tailááááááááááááááááááá : 6.5x6x2.5cm.Size of largest nodeáááá : 2.5x2x0.8cm. Cut surface shows greybrown with fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationáááááááá :á 3Nuclear pleomorphismá :á 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá :á 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------------Tumor measures 2.5x1x1cm.Lymphovascular emboli seen.Deep margin : Free of tumor.Nippleááááááááááá : Free of tumor.Lymph nodes:6/16 right axillary lymph nodes isolated show metastatic deposits of tumor. Perinodal spread is seen." 1869,MR1707520,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue exhibiting a neoplastic lesion arranged in tubular configuration ( anguleted is native) and nests consisting of cuboidal to oval ells demonstrating mild nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm. There are -- areas shows nests of tumor hyperchromatic nuclei.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lesion :Invasive carcinoma.? Tubular.? Neuroendocrine carcinoma ? Invasive carcinoma, NOS." 1870,MR1707523,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right chest wall lesion.SPECIMEN:Right breast lesion, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring an infiltrating cellular lesion arranged in sheets. The cells are ovoid plasmacytoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Stroma shows desmoplasia with interspersed areas exhibiting lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. Occasional mitotic figures are discerned.IMPRESSION:Right breast lesion, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma , NST, Grade 2.Modified BR score 6/9.Tubular formationááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá :1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 1871,MR1707553,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules, sheets and cords. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphocytic infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, no special type, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score 8/9.Tubular formation -- 3.Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2.Mitotic figures -- 3 ------------- 8/9 -------------Areas of necrosis seen." 1872,MR1707633,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump possibility carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in cords and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score 6(3+2+1). " 1873,MR1707654,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - possibility carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1874,MR1707668,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple gray white to gray black linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.8 cm. Entire tissue processed MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue harboring a lesion arranged in islands, nests and sheets of typical cells with normal to oval pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Few cells show centrally plaual dark nuclei and abundant clear cytoplasm. Intervening the tumor islands fibrocollaginous bonds are noted. Mitotic figures 10 -12 /10 hpf. Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphoplasmaplastic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast. Invasive carcinoma nuclear Grade 2Probably papillary variant." 1875,MR1707675,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.4 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion arranged in tubules cords and islands case of plasmacytoid cells with angulated dark peripherally pushed nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophili cytoplasm. Mitotic figures 2-3/10hpf. Stroma shows extensive desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Right breast, biopsy :Invasive carcinoma no special type, grade 1.Modified BR score is 5/9.Tubular formationááááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismáááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________" 1876,MR1707706,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump -possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white linear core measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from right breast lump shows sheets of pleomorphic cells showing hyperchromatic nucleus, prominent nucleoli and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis seen. Brisk mitosis noted.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma NST - Grade III, right breast.Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 2 ______ 8/9 _______" 1877,MR1707710,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in á á á á á á áá : Formalin.Time of receipt at lab : 12:30pm.Lateralityááááááá : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateraláááááá :á 23cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deep : 6cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferiorá : 22cm.Skin ellipseááááááááá :á 16x11cm.Nippleááááááááááááááááá : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumorááááááááááááááááá :á Single.Tumor sizeáááááááááá :á 4x2.5x2cm.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margináááááá : 1cm.Muscleááááááááááááááá : Absent.Adjacent breastá : Fibrofatty.Axillary tailááááááááá : 8x8x4cm.Total number of nodes : 13 nodes.Size of largest nodeáááá : 2x1x1cm. Cut surface shows greywhite involved.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IIModified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formationááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------------Tumor measures 4X2.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: One node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 13 nodes (1/13).Pathological stage : pT2N1.SUMMARY:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IIModified BR score is 7/9.Lymph nodes: One node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 13 nodes (1/13)." 1878,MR1707761,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.4cm.Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in cords and nests. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with chronic inflammatory infiltrate. Ductal carcinoma in situ areas are notedIMPRESSION:Right breast lump, biopsy:Invasive carcinoma , NST grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá - 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________Ductal carcinoma in situ -á papillary and cribriform pattern noted" 1880,MR1707768,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - possibly carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1 cm. Entire tissue is submitted.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1881,MR1707771,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple cores studied show tumor cells arranged in cords, sheets and tubules. Individual cells show mild to moderate amount of cytoplasm. Intervening fibrocollagenous stroma show lymphocytic infiltrates. Lymphovascular invasion seen. IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismáááááá : 2Mitotic activityáááááááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________" 1882,MR1707778,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast, post chemo.SPECIMEN :Right Modified Radical Mastectomy, post chemotherapy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received in : FormalinTime of receipt at lab : 12.00pm.Procedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Right MRM. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 25cm. Superficial to Deep: 4.5cm. Superior to Inferior : 18cm.Skin ellipse : Shows nodule measures 3x2cm corresponding to tumor location present below skin, no ulceration is seen. Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumour Size : 3.8x3.5x3cm. Location of tumor : Lower inner quadrant. Margins of tumor : Infiltrative. Deep margin : 0.6cm.Muscle : present, 3x3cm.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 7.5x5.5x3cm.Total number of nodes : 13 nodes.Size of largest node : 2x1.5x1cm. Cut surface shows greybrown.IMPRESSION:Right Modified Radical Mastectomy, post chemotherapy:Tumor bed : Residual viable tumor present, Grade II.Focal areas of fibrosis present.Tumor is present below the skin, epidermis is free from tumor.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures : 2 ---------------- 7/9 ----------------Tumor measures 3.8cm in greatest dimension and is located in the lower inner quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.Perineural invasion : Not present.Posterior resection margin : Free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 13 lymph nodes- No metastatic deposits of tumor.Pathological stage : pyT2N0.SUMMARY:Right Modified Radical Mastectomy, post chemotherapy- Post chemotherapy:Residual viable tumor present, grade II.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Nodal metastases : 13 Nodes- No deposits of tumor present." 1883,MR1707785,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:A) Lumpectomy - Left breast conservative surgeryB) Axillary clearance specimenGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 9x6.5x6cm, skin ellipse measures 6.5x3.5cm, nipple- present and unremarkable, cut surface shows a mucinous lesion measures 3x2x2cm and is located at the following distances from the respective margins:-Superior margin -- 0.8cmInferior margin -- 5cmMedial margin -- 4.5cmLateral margin -- 2cmDeep margin -- 3cmB) Axillary clearance:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4.5x3.5x1.5cm, largest lymph node measures 1x0.8x0.5cm, cut surface shows grey whiteMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Lumpectomy - Left breast conservative surgery:Tumor :Tumor is composed of pleomorphic oval to polyhedral cells with eccentric to central hyperchromaticnucleus and intracellular mucinSurrounding the tumor mucinous areas are presentMucinous carcinomaGrade - Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 __________ 7/9 __________Nuclear grade - IILymphovascular invasion is not presentDuctal carcinoma in situ not presentPerineural invasion not presentResected margins:-Superior margins -- free of tumorInferior margin -- free of tumorMedial margin -- free of tumorLateral margin -- free of tumorDeep margin -- free of tumorLymph nodes - 12 nodes - no deposits of tumorIMPRESSION:A) Lumpectomy - Left breast conservative surgery:Mucinous carcinomaMaximum dimension of the tumor is 3x2x2cmNuclear grade -IIDuctal carcinoma not presentLymphovascular invasion not presentPerineural invasion not presentAll resected margins are free of tumorB) Axillary clearance;12 Nodes - no deposits of tumor Pathological stage :pT2N0" 1884,MR1707786,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump.Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1885,MR1707798,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump -á possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.3 - 1.2cm.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2MBR score : 6/9Tubule formation á á á á á - 3Nuclear pleomorphismá - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá - 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 1887,MR1707810,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating cellular lesion arranged in cords and tubules. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Extensive areas of desmoplasia with chronic inflammatory infiltrate are seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, no specific type, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score 7/9.Tubular formationááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphicááááá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááá ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------" 1888,MR1707818,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.3 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show breast parenchyma harboring a spindle cell neoplasm composed of cells arranged in fascicles. The cells show moderate amount of cytoplasm, oval to spindle shaped vesicular nuclei. Interspersed vascular channels are seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, core biopsy :Features suggestive of spindle cell lesion favoring benign phyllodes tumor.Suggest excision of the lump for further confirmation." 1889,MR1707834,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.5 to 1m. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating cellular lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are pleomorphic having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus with prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with chronic inflammatory infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis are seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass:Invasive carcinoma, no specific type, Grade 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score 8/9.Tubular formation á á á á á á á -- 3Nuclear pleomorphic á á á áá -- 2Mitotic figures á á á á á á á á á á -- 3á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á ------------á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á 8/9á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á ------------Areas of necrosis seen. " 1890,MR1707836,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords indianfile trabecular and islands consistent of atypical cells with round to oval dark nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Some cells shows eccentrically placed round to oval nuclei and vacuolated cytoplasm (signet ring). Stroma shows extensive areas of fibrosis and hyalinisation along with few areas showing targetoid appearance of neoplastic cells loosely arranged around ducts.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma - no special type- nuclear grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score 7/9.Tubular formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 2 ------------- 7/9 -------------" 1891,MR1707837,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring an infiltrating cellular lesion arranged in cords and sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with inflammatory infiltrates.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, NST- no specific type, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score 6/9.Tubular formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphic -- 2Mitotic figures -- 1 ------------- 6/9 -------------" 1893,MR1707845,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Sentinel lymph node biopsy.B) Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Sentinel lymph node biopsy:Received 2 fibrofatty tissues.Larger measuring 1.5x1.5x0.5cm.Smaller measuring 1.5x1.2x0.5cm.2 lymph nodes isolated.Larger lymph node measuring 0.8x0.5x0.5cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.Smaller lymph node measuring 0.5x0.3x0.2cm. Cut surface shows stained blue.B) Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Received iná :á Formalin.Procedureááá : Mastectomy.Laterality á áá : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateraláááááá :á 17cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deep : 4cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferiorá : 16cm.Skin ellipseááááááááá :á 12x9cm.Nippleááááááááááááááááá : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumorááááááááááááááááá :á Single.Tumor sizeáááááááááá :á 2x2x1.3cm.Location of tumor : Central quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margináááááá : 1cm.Muscleááááááááááááááá : Absent.Adjacent breastá : Fibrofatty.Axillary tailááááááááá : 6x5x3cm.Total number of nodes : 11 nodes.Size of largest nodeáááá : 1.8x1.5x1.5cm. Cut surface shows Fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:A) Sentinel lymph node biopsy:2 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.B) Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Maximum size of tumor 2cm.Invasive ductal carcinoma is measuring 1.2cm.DCIS : 0.8cm with solid and cribriform pattern.Modified BR score is 5/9.Tubule formationááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------------Tumor measures 2cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ is present measuring 0.8cm (Low grade).Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: Sentinel lymph nodes : 2 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.Level I lymph nodes : 11 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.Pathological stage : pT1N0.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma with DCIS, Grade I.Lymph nodes: Sentinel lymph nodes : 2 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.Level I lymph nodes : 11 Nodes- No deposits of tumor." 1894,MR1707878,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by islands and cords of atypical cells showing round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned 1-2/hpf. Ductal carcinoma in situ identified. Comedonecrosis pattern. Stroma shows extensive desmoplasia and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 3.Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubular formationáááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááááá ; 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______________Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis seen." 1896,MR1707905,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.8cm.Entire tissue isprocessed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with proliferation ducts lined by luminal ovoid cells having moderate amount of cytoplasm and bland appearing nucleus. An abluminal intactmyoepithelial layer. Stroma shows desmoplasia with scattered lymphocytes.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, biopsy:Suggestive of Sclerosing adenosis.No evidence of malignancy in the material submitted." 1897,MR1707908,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast with ? ductal carcinoma in situ.SPECIMEN :Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Fragmented linear cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting few ducts lined by round to oval neoplastic cells demonstrating moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Mitotic figures and areas of necrosis are noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion :Ductal carcinoma in situ, high grade.Please correlate with mammographic findings." 1898,MR1707911,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast speculated mass - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from needle core biopsy of breast shows clusters and single file arrangement of cells. The cells show hyperchromatic nucleus and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Background show extensive sclerosis.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, no special type.Right breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade II.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitosis figures : 1 ___________ 6/9 __________" 1899,MR1707922,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white to grey yellow linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. -Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1900,MR1707943,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tumor infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as sheets, islands and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score 7/9.Tubule formationááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------" 1901,MR1707971,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - P/O Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left Breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast shows tubules, cords and islandsá of atypical cells with round to oval pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Tumor island are seen with surrounding retraction spaces. Occasional mitosis discerned. Focal ares of necrosis seen. Stroma shows desmoplastic changes.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left Breast.Invasive Ductal Carcinoma , Grade 2Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9.Tubular formationá á á á áá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá á :1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____" 1902,MR1707984,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four linear cores measuring 1 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets nests and papillary pattern. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis are seen.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1903,MR1707995,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.3 cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section showing multiple linear fragments of breast tissue showing lesion arranged in glands and tubules.Cells showing the lesion are round to oval with hyperchromatic nuclei and abundant cytoplasm. The fibrocollagenous tissue shows inflammatory cells composed of lymphocytes. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 1904,MR1707997,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast ( post NACT).SPECIMEN :A) Right Breast conservative surgery.B) Solitary thyroid nodule - right lobeC) Left lobe of thyroid.D) Right axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 8.8x7.5x3cm. Skin ellipse measures 5x2.5cm, shows a linear scar measuring 2.5cm in length. Section shows a grey white lesion measuring 2.5x2x2cm. Distance from margins :Superior : 2cm.Inferior : 2.5cm.Medial : 1.8cm.Lateral : 2.5cm.Deep : 0.8cm.B) Received single lobe of thyroid with attached isthmus altogether measures 4.5x3.5x2cm. Lobe measures 4.5x2.5x2.0cm, isthmus measures 2.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows single well defined grey white lesion with granular areas measuring 1.8x1.5x1.5cm, no areas of calcification / necrosis. Adjacent thyroid shows colloid filled cystic areas. Nearest inked margin is 0.1cm away.C) Received single lobe of thyroid measures 4x2.4x2cm. Outer surface is nodular and irregular. Cut surface is unremarkable.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 8x7x3cm. Largest lymph node measures 1.5x1x0.8cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :A) Right Breast conservative surgery :Wide local excision :Tumor bed : Residual viable tumor present. The sections show highly pleomorphic tumor consisting of large polyhederal cells with pleomorphic, hyperchromatic nucleus, plenty of mitotic figures and marked degree of anisocytosis.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 3 ---------------- 9/9 ----------------Nuclear grade IIILymphovascular invasion : Present.Ductal carcinoma in situ : Not present.Resected margins:-Superior margin -- Free of tumor.Inferior margin -- Free of tumor.Medial margin -- Free of tumor.Lateral margin -- Free of tumor.Deep margin -- Free of tumor.B) Solitary thyroid nodule - right lobeTumor : Multiple section from the tumor show pleomorphic cells with ground glass appearance of the nucleus and nuclear groove. The cells are arranged in papillary pattern and follicular pattern.Capsular invasion is present.Vascular invasion is indeterminate.The inked surface is 0.1cm from the tumor.Extrathyroid extension is not present.C) Left lobe of thyroid:The sections show normal thyroid follicles. There is no evidence of malignancy.D) Right axillary lymph nodes:One node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 13 nodes.Perinodal spread not present.IMPRESSION:A) Right Breast wide excision (Post NACT):Residual viable tumor present.Poorly differentiated carcinoma, High grade.Nuclear grade III.Lymphovascular invasion : Present.Perineural invasion : Present.Ductal carcinoma in situ : Not seen.All resected margins are free of tumor.D) Right axillary lymph node:One node shows metastatic deposit of tumor out of 13 nodes. Perinodal spread is not present.B) Solitary thyroid nodule - right lobe of thyroid:Papillary carcinoma.Moderately differentiated.Capsular invasion is present.Lymphovascular invasion : Indeterminate.C) Left lobe of thyroid : Normal thyroid follicles." 1905,MR1708019,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fibrocollagenous tissue harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Occasional mitotic figures noted. Stroma shows desmoplasia with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast.Infiltrating ductal carcinoma.Modified Bloom Richardson grade 2.Tubular formationááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphicáááá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------" 1906,MR1708060,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Known case of carcinoma left breast (Post lumpectomy).SPECIMEN:A) Left breast, Left Breast Conservation Surgery (Post lumpectomy).B) Left Sentinel Lymph node biopsy.C) Lymph node Axillary tail.D) Left Axillary dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy measuring 12 x 10 x 6.5 cm.Skin ellipse measures 9.5 x 3.2 cm. Skin surface shows linear scar measuring 5.5cm.Cut surface shows greywhite measuring 4.5 x 2.5 x 1.5 cm, located at the following distance from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 2.5cm.Inferior margin -- 4cm.Medial margin -- 2cm.Lateral margin -- 4cm.Deep margin -- 2cm.Representative sections are submitted.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3.5 x 3 x 2 cm.Largest lymph node measuring 2.5 x 2 x 1.5 cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.C) Received small lymph node measuring 0.3 x 0.3 x 0.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 6 x 6 x 5 cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1.5 x 1 x 0.8 cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from tumor bed shows no residual tumor cells. Treatment related changes are seen including lymphocytes, multinucleated giant cells, foamy macrophages and congested capillaries.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast, Left Breast Conservation Surgery (Post lumpectomy) :No Residual Tumor is seen. - Treatment related changes are seen. - All margins of resection are free of tumor.B) Left Sentinel Lymph node biopsy :One out of four lymph nodes shows metastatic tumor deposit(1/4). - Size of the tumor deposit measures 0.3 cm in greatest dimension. - No extranodal extension is seen.C) Lymph node Axillary tail :Negative for malignancy.D) Left Axillary dissection :Twenty one lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy (0/21).Pathological stage : pT0N1a" 1908,MR1708096,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breastá - carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion arranged in nests,islands áwith intervening areas of mucin. Neoplastic cells are round to oval, hyperchromatic with moderatepleomorphism and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures 2-3/10hpf.áNo necrosis identifiedIMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma with mucinous areas, biopsy from right breastGrade 2Tubule formationááááááá á á -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 1910,MR1708109,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump- possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating cellular lesion arrangedin sheets and vague tubules. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromaticnucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with chronicinflammatory infiltrate. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis are seenIMPRESSION:Left breast lump biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, NST - grade 2Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 __________ 6/9 __________Areas of necrosis seen" 1911,MR1708159,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast S/P Lumpectomy outside.SPECIMEN :Left breast, left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Left MRM.Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 17cm. Superficial to Deep : 3.5cm. Superior to Inferior : 13cm.Skin ellipse : 12x5cm. Nipple :Normal Scar measures 11cm is seen in the upper outer quadrant 1cm away from the N/A extending complex. Tumor : grossly no palpable lesion is seen grey white fibro--- measures 4x4cm are seen.Tumour Size :under lining scar in upper outer quadrant. Deep margin : From grey white fibrotic area measures 1cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 9x7x3cm.Total number of nodes : 10.Size of largest node : 2x2x1cm, cut surface fat infiltration.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :No residual tumor Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes :4 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 10 nodes.Perinodal spread present.Summary : Left MRM, Post lumpectomy :No residual tumor present.Nodal metastases 4 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 10 nodes." 1912,MR1708167,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast post lumpectomy post NACT.SPECIMEN:A) Wide excision for breast conservative surgery.B) Left axillary lymph node dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Wide excision for breast conservative surgery:Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 6x4.5x2cm.Skin measures 3x1.5cm. Surface shows a linear scar measures 2.5cm.Cut surface shows greywhite ill defined fibrotic areas measuring 1.4x0.8x0.6cm.Distance from margins:-Superior margin -- 1.3cm.Inferior margináá -- 1cm.Rightáááááááááááááááá -- 2.5cm.Leftáááááááááááááááááá -- 0.6cm.Deep marginááá --á 0.8cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 7x6x4.5cm.Largest lymph node measuring 2.2x1.8x1.2cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Isolated 15 Nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Wide excision of breast conservative surgery:Tumor bed : Small foci of viable tumor cells present measuring 0.4cm showing Invasive ductal carcinoma with surrounding degenerated tumor cells with pyknotic nucleus and vacuolated cytoplasm. Areas of fibrosis, necrosis, lymphoplasmacytic cells and giant cells are present. Surrounding ducts show epithelial hyperplasia and atypical hyperplasia.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.Ductal carcinoma-in-situá : Not present.Resected margins:-Superior marginá --á Free of tumor.Inferior marginááá --á Free of tumor.Medial margináááá --á Free of tumor.Lateral marginááá --á Free of tumor.Deep marginááááá -- Free of tumor.Lymph nodes:15 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:Wide excision of breast:A small focus of residual viable tumor present.Invasive ductal carcinoma with Fibrotic, necrotic and lymphoplasmacytic cells present.All resected margins are free of tumor.Lymph nodes:15 Nodes- No deposits of tumor." 1913,MR1708173,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left sentinel lymph node, biopsy.B) Left sentinel lymph node, biopsy.C) Left breast, Left mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3x2x1cm.Largest lymph node measuring 2x1.5x1cm.Other lymph node measuring 1x0.8x0.8cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.B) Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 1.5x1x0.5cm.1 lymph node measuring 0.6x0.3x0.2cm.C) Left breast, Left mastectomy:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 15.5cm. Superficial - deep : 6cm. Superior-inferior : 19cm.Skin ellipse : 14.5x10cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Greywhite ill defined fibrotic areas noted measuring 3.5x2.5x2cm occupying slice 3,4,5,6.Deep margin : Greywhite fibrotic areas 3.5cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Axillary tail : Absent.IMPRESSION:A) Left sentinel lymph node, biopsy:2 lymph nodes isolated, shows no metastatic tumor deposits (0/2).B) Left sentinel lymph node, biopsy:1 lymph node isolated, shows no metastatic tumor deposits (0/1).C) Left breast, Left mastectomy:No residual viable tumor present. Extensive areas of fibrosis and atrophic ducts are seen. Post excision/ core biopsy changes are seen.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.SUMMARY:Left breast, Left mastectomy:No residual viable tumor present. Extensive areas of fibrosis seen. Left sentinel lymph node, biopsy:3 lymph nodes isolated, shows no metastatic tumor deposits (0/3)" 1914,MR1708188,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Fibroadenoma right breast,.SPECIMEN:LumpectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received already grossed nodular mass measures 3x2.5x2cm, outer surface is nodularon cut section well circumscribed grey white distance from nearest ink margin <=0.1cm.Received 2 slides labelled as B-427/17.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Lumpectomy cut sections, show focal areas invasive ductal carcinoma is present.Nuclear grade -II and in other areas ductal carcinoma in situ present. Surrounding ducts show periductal lymphocytic infiltration.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma ,Nuclear grade -II with Ductal carcinoma in situThe margin cannot be commented with grossing done irregularly." 1915,MR1708214,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy fromá right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring a cellular lesion arranged in sheets and islands consisting of atypical cells with round to oval dark nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderateamount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Brisk mitosis noted. Intervening stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Areas of necrosis seenIMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breastGradeá 2 Tubule formationááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismá -- 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 1916,MR1708263,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma breast left, post lumpectomy, SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 20cm. Superficial - deep : 3.5cm. Superior-inferior : 20.5cm.Skin ellipse : 15x7.5cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar : 5.5cm, periareolar region at 2 'o' clock position.Tumor : Grossly no tumor identified greywhite fibrotic areas seen measuring 3x3x2cm in slice 6 to 7 corresponding to linear scar.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Deep margin : 1.5cm.Muscle : Present. 2.5x2cm.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 12 nodes.Axillary tail : 7.5x6.5x1.5cm.Size of largest node : 2.5x1.5x0.6cm. Cut surface shows greybrown and fatty infiltration.Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple small residual foci of tumor in nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular or Perineural invasion is not seen.IMPRESSION :Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy (Post lumpectomy/ Post chemo) :RESIDUAL INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). - Tumor is located in the upper outer quadrant. - Multiple small foci are seen, largest measures 0.3 cm in greatest dimension. - Ductal carcinoma-in-situ is not seen. - Lymphovascular invasion is not seen. - Perineural invasion is not seen. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes : One out fifteen lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposit(1/15). - Size of the tumor deposit measures 1.2 cm in greatest dimension. - No Extranodal extension is seen.Pathological Stage : ypT1aN1a" 1918,MR1708285,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measuresá 0.5 to 1cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating cellular lesion arrangedin nests and vague tubular pattern. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with chronic inflammatory infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, NST grade II.Tubule formationáááááááááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphismáá -- 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________" 1919,MR1708292,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Papillary carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:A) Total thyroidectomy (nodule on left lobe).B) Left lateral neck dissection (Level II to IV).C) Left central compartment dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Total thyroidectomy (nodule on left lobe):Received inááá : Formalin.Procedureááááá : Total thyroidectomy.áááááááááááááááááááááááááá Specimen lateralityá : Rightá Specimen dimensions:ááááááááá Right lobe :6x2.2x2cmLeft lobe : 5x2.5x2cm.Isthmus á :1.5x0.8x0.3cm.Tumor focality : Unifocal.Tumor size : 2.3x1.5x1.5cm.Tumor type : Well circumscribed greywhite.Tumor location : Superior pole.Appearanceá : Solid.External surface of involved lobe : Nodular.Distance from nearest excision margin : 0.1cmAppearance of other portioná of thyroid : Unremarkable.áááááá Describe thenon-lesional thyroid tissue : Unremarkable.áááááá Lymph nodes : Absent.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3x2x2cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1x1x0.8cm. Cut surface greywhite ? involved. Entire tissue processed.C) Received 4 lymph nodes each measuring 0.5x0.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Left lobe : Section shows thyroid tissue with ill defined lesion arranged in papillary fronds with central fibrovascular core. Papillae are lined by single layer of cuboidal cells with oval to round vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Nuclear clearing, crowding and overlapping seen. Few cells show nuclear grooving. Mitotic figures discerned 5-6/10 hpf. Adjacent thyroid shows follicles of varying sizes interspersed with lymphoid aggregates.Isthmus shows follicles of varying sizes interspersed with lymphoid glands with germinal centers.Right lobe : Shows follicles of varying sizes with a focus showing colloid nodule.IMPRESSION:A) Total thyroidectomy (nodule on left lobe):Left lobe :Papillary carcinoma thyroid, classic variant.- Tumor is unifocal and located in the superior pole of left lobe of thyroid.- Tumor measures 2.3cm in greatest dimension.- Lymphovascular invasion is identified.- Perineural invasion is identified.- Capsular invasion is not identified.- Extrathyroid extension is not identified.Right lobe : Unremarkable.Isthmus : Unremarkable.B) Left lateral neck dissection (Level II to IV):Three out of eighteen lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor (3/18). Perinodal spread is noted.C) Left central compartment dissection:Four out of five lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor (4/5)." 1920,MR1708315,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating cellular lesion arranged in nests and sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with chronic inflammatory infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosisare seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, biopsy:Invasive carcinoma , NST , Grade - 3Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 2 ____________ 8/9 _____________ Areas of necrosis seen." 1922,MR1708363,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 to 1.4cm.Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating cellular lesion arrangedin nests and sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasiawith chronic inflammatory infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis are seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, NST grade 2Tubule formationááááá á áá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismá - 2Mitotic activityááááááááá áá áá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á áá _________ ááááááááááááááááááááááááá á áá ááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á áá __________" 1923,MR1708376,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump- possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 to 1.3cm.Entire tissue is processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breastGradeá 2Tubule formation á á á á á á -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá -- 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá -- 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________" 1924,MR1708383,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received six grey white linear cores measuring 0.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests, trabeculae and cords. Lesional cells show moderate pleomorphism with hyperchromatic nuclei, few with prominent nucleoli. Cells have moderate amount of eosinophilic to vacuolated cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows hyalinization areas of necrosis hemorrhage, few dilated branchial ducts with hyperplastic epithelium.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified BR score isááá 6/9.Tubular formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______________Areas of necrosis seen." 1925,MR1708425,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by cords and islandsá of atypical cellswith pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate to abundant pale eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm. Mitotic figuresá are discerned. Stroma shows hyalinisation and fibrosis. Numerous crush artefacts are noted.IMPRESSION:Right breast, biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade - 2Tubule formationááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá -- 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________" 1926,MR1708427,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by linear strands of atypical cells exhibitingnuclear pleomorphism, vesicular nuclei and irregular nuclear membrane, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Few ring like cells seen. Stroma shows mild inflammatoryinfiltrate.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma with lobular features- nuclear grade -1" 1928,MR1708471,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Lump in right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Lumpectomy-local Wide excision(Frozen specimen).B) Sentinel lymph node biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 7x6x3cm.Cut surface shows greywhite lesion measuring 2.5x2x2.8cm.No skin ellipse seen.Distances from margin:-Superior margin -- 1.5cm.Inferior margin -- 1.3cm.Medial margin -- 1cm.Lateral margin -- 1.5cm.Deep margin -- 0.3cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 2x1x1cm. 1 lymph node measuring 1x0.8x0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Wide local lumpectomy (Frozen specimen):Tumor consists of pleomorphic cuboidal epithelial cells with pleomorphic nucleus and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Invasive ductal carcinoma.Tubular formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 -------------- 6/9 ---------------MBR score : 6/9, Nuclear grade IILymphovascular invasion : Not present.Perineural invasion : Not present.Resected margins:-Superior margin -- Free of tumor.Inferior margin -- Free of tumor.Medial margin -- Free of tumor.Lateral margin -- Free of tumor.Deep margin -- Free of tumor.B) Sentinel lymph node biopsy:3 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Wide local lumpectomy (Frozen specimen):Invasive ductal carcinoma.Maximum dimension of tumor 2.5x2cm.Nuclear grade IILymphovascular invasion : Not present.Perineural invasion : Not present.All resected margin : Free of tumor.B) Sentinel lymph node biopsy:3 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.Pathologist stage : pT2N0." 1929,MR1708492,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Left Breast Post RX.SPECIMEN:Uterus, Cervix and Bilateral Adnexa, Hysterectomy with Bilateral Salpingo-Oophorectomy.GROSS FINDINGS: Uterus dimensions: Midline fundal-serosa to ectocervix : 12cmMaximum intercornual :6cmMaximum anterior to posterior : 3cmCervix Dimensions : 2.5x2cm Vaginal cuff : AbsentCervix Shape : Normal Right Ovary : 3x2x1.5cm. cut surface - cyst measures 0.5x0.5x0.5cmLeft Ovary : 3x2x2cm. Cut surface - Cyst measures 1x1x1cmRight Fallopian tube : 4cmLeft Fallopian tube : 5cmRight parametrium : 1x0.5x0.5cmLeft parametrium : 1x0.5x0.5cmEndometrium description:Endometrial thickness : 2cmMyometrium description:Myometrial depth : Anteriorly 2.5 cm Posterior 2cmLeiomyoma : NoRepresentative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show endometrium with glands of varying size of few of which are cystically dilated lined by low columnar cells having basally place nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Gland to stromal ratio is maintained. Endometrial glands and stroma are seen in myometrium.IMPRESSION:Uterus, Cervix and Bilateral Adnexa, Hysterectomy with Bilateral Salpingo-Oophorectomy :Endometrium : Non secretory phase.Myometrium : Superficial adenomyosis.Cervix : Chronic non specific cervicitis.Lower uterus segment : Unremarkable.Right ovary : Corpus albicanti.Left Ovary : Unremarkable.Right and Left fallopian tubes: Unremarkable.Right and Left parametria : Unremarkable." 1930,MR1708493,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5x1cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section showing infiltrative lesion arranged in lobules and glands. The cells are round to oval with abundanteosinophilic cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nuclei and vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Surrounding fibrocollagenous stroma showing abundant inflammatory cells composed lymphocytes and plasma cells.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1931,MR1708494,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuresá 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9.Tubule formationááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____" 1932,MR1708531,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8cm to 1.1cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section showing infiltrative lesion arranged in glands, lobules and cribriform pattern. The cells are round to oval cells with abundant cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nuclei,fibrocollagenous stroma shows inflammation. Cells composed of lymphocytes.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 1.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1)." 1933,MR1708533,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuresá 1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9.Tubule formationááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____" 1934,MR1708534,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section sows linear cores of fibroconnective tissue harboring on infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules and nests . The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and inconspicuous nucleoli. Stroma shows extensive areas of desmoplasia with chronic inflammatory infiltrates.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma , NST Grade IModified Bloom Richardson Score isá 5/9Tubular formationáá á á áá : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááá áá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á áá ---------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á áá 5/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áááá ---------" 1935,MR1708595,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left mastectomy with left axillary level I and II lymph nodes.B) Level III lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy with left axillary level I and II lymph nodes:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 20cm. Superficial - deep : 5cm. Superior-inferior : 17cm.Skin ellipse : 13x6cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 6.5x4.5x3.5cm,extensive areas of necrosis are seenLocation of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Deep margin : 0.3cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Axillary tail : 6x5x2cm.Total number of nodes : 15 nodes.Size of largest node : 3x2x2cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Level III : 4 Nodes.B) Level III lymph nodes:Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 1x1x0.5cm. Largest lymph node measuring 0.5x0.5x0.5cm.Dissected 4 nodes.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Tumor bed : Invasive ductal carcinoma with extensive areas of necrosis is present.Modified BR score is 8/9, grade IIITubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 --------------- 8/9 ----------------Tumor measures 6.5x4.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is 0.3cm from the tumor, however the inked margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: Level I - II : 4 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 15 nodes. Perinodal spread present.Level III : 4 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.SUMMARY:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Tumor bed : Invasive ductal carcinoma with extensive areas of necrosis is present, grade IIILymph nodes: Level I - II : 4 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 15 nodes. Perinodal spread present.Level III : 4 Nodes- No deposits of tumor." 1938,MR1708649,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8x1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets, nests and focal papillary pattern. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm. hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Brisk mitotic activity is seen. Stroma shows desmoplasia with areas of hemorrhage.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma of no special type, Grade 3.Needs IHC.Note : Invasive carcinoma of no special type (NST) commonly known as ductal carcinoma NST" 1939,MR1708661,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast..SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left Breast..GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 1940,MR1708674,"CLINICAL HISTORY:USG Located lesion right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump excision.GROSS FINDINGS:Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x1.5cm, skin ellipse measures 1x1cm.cut surface shows fibrotic area. closest ink margin 0.2cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple sections studied shows ducts lined with cuboidal epithelial cells with some of themshowing adenosis, epithelial hyperplasia and intra ductal papillomatosis. The ducts are lined with outer myoepithelial cells. There is no evidence of ductal carcinoma in situ or invasivecarcinoma.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump:Adenosis.Epithelial hyperplasia.Intraductal papillomatosis.Note:Advised to follow." 1941,MR1708675,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma dispersed extensive areas of ductal cell in situe with cells exchibiting nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Adjacent breast tissue shows adenosis myoepithelial hyperplasia usual ductal hypoplasia fibrocystic change and ? lobular cercenizationIMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ( solid type) Focus of invasion cannot be ruled out.Suggest repeat biopsy." 1942,MR1708686,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion in cords and strands. Cells arepleomorphic with vesicular nuclei, irregular nuclear membrane, prominent nucleolus and moderateeosinophilic to clear cytoplasm. Stroma shows mild lymphocytic infiltration.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast;Invasive carcinoma,á NST -no special type-grade-2MBR score is 7/9Tubule formationáááááá á á á -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism á -- 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááá á á á --2áááááááááááááááááá á á ááááááááááááá _________áááááááááááááááá á á áá á áá áááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________" 1943,MR1708689,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 linear coresá measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy fromá Right breast lump:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score isá 7/9.Tubule formation á á á á á : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2á Mitotic figuresááá á á á á áá : 2á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á _____á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá 7/9á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á _____ á " 1944,MR1708704,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from the breast parenchyma show an infiltrative lesion arranged in tubules and cords.The cells exhibit mild nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate eosinophiliccytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left breast:Suggestive of invasive ductal carcinoma - nuclear grade II." 1945,MR1708789,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrofatty tissue infiltrated by a lesion arranged in nests, cords and tubules. Cells aremoderately pleomorphic with irregular vesicular nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate eosinophiliccytoplasm. Interspersed are pools of mucin. Stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Left breast :Invasive carcinoma with extracellular mucin pools.Nuclear grade I." 1946,MR1708810,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as nests, cords andsheets. The cells demonstrate moderate nuclear pleomorphism and moderate cytoplasm. Stromashows hyalinisation.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.MBR score is 7/9Tubule formationáááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismá -- 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 1948,MR1708832,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast .GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fragmented linear cores of tissue with extensive areas of necrosis harboring few foci of nests and sheets of cells . The cells have round to oval hyperchromtic pleomorphic nucleus with scanty cytoplasm. Keryorrhectic and few mitotic figures noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma, Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9Tubule formationáá á áá á : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitosisááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______Large areas of necrosis seen." 1949,MR1708837,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue exhibiting diffuse sheets of cells with round to oval hyperchromaticmoderately pleomorphic nucleus, prominent nucleoli and scanty cytoplasm.Mitotic figures are discerned.Areas of necrosis present.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Gradeá 2 - 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá --3Nuclear pleomorphismááá --2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________Areas of necrosis." 1950,MR1708843,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a cellular lesion arranged as cores and tubules. the cells have round to oval hyperchromatic , moderately pleomorphic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. Stroma shows hyalinisation and desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma , Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitosis : 2 ______ 6/9 _______" 1951,MR1708850,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma breast with liver mets.SPECIMEN:Uterus with both ovaries.GROSS FINDINGS:Uterus dimensions: Midline fundal-serosa to ectocervix : 10cmMaximum intercornual : 6.5cmMaximum anterior to posterior : 4cmCervix Dimensions : 3.5x2.5cm.Vaginal cuff (Posterior) : 2.5x1cm.Cervix shape : Normal.Right Ovary : 4x2.5x2cm. Cut surface shows ? follicular cysts.Left Ovary : 4x2.5x2cm. Cut surface shows ? follicular cysts.Right Fallopian tube : 6cm.Left Fallopian tube : 5cm.Right parametrium : 2x1x0.5cm.Left parametrium : 3x2x0.3cm.Endometrium description:Endometrial thickness : 0.4cm.Myometrium description:Myometrial depth : 1.7cm.Leiomyoma : NoLower uterine segment : Unremarkable.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Cervix : The sections from the cervix shows normal squamous epithelium and normal endocervical junction. Subepithelium shows scattered macronuclear cells. There is no evidence of dysplasia or malignancy.Lower uterine segment : Shows normal glands and stroma, no abnormality present.Vaginal cuff, right and left parametrium are unremarkable.Endometrium : The section shows tubular endometrial glands lined with cuboidal epithelial cells with stratification of the cells with compact and cellular stroma. There is no evidence of hyperplasia or malignancy.Myometrium : Unremarkable.Right ovary : Shows normal structure with corpus albicantis and follicular cysts. No abnormality present.Right fallopian tube : Normal fimbria with tubes with cuboidal columnar epithelium and fibrocollagenous wall. No abnormality shows normal structure with corpus albicanti.Left ovary : Shows normal structure with corpus albicanti and follicular cysts. No abnormality present.Left fallopian tube : Shows normal fimbria with tubes lined ciliated columnar epithelium. No abnormality present.IMPRESSION:TAH with BSO with Cervix : Unremarkable.Lower uterine segment, Right and left parametrium : No abnormality present.Endometrium : Proliferative phaseMyometrium : Unremarkable.Right and left ovary : Corpus albicanti and follicular cystRight fallopian tube : Normal epithelium with fibrocollagenous wall and fimbrial mucosa.Left fallopian tube: Normal epithelium with fibrocollagenous wall and fimbrial mucosa." 1952,MR1708858,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast .GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue infiltrated by nests and sheets of cells with round to oval hyperchromatic moderately pleomorphic nucleus and moderate amount of eosinophilic to vacuolated cytoplasm. Intervening stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrate and areas of fibrosis and necrosis. DCIS with comedonecrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitosis : 2 ______ 7/9 ______Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis seen." 1953,MR1708873,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:A) Excised left breast lumpB) Revised deep margin.C) Sentinel lymph nodesGROSS FINDINGS:A) Excised left breast lump:Received wide local excision, specimen measures 11x7.5x5cm, cut surface of lesion measures 2x1.8x1.5cm.Located at the following distances from the respective margins :-Superior margin -- 0.3cmInferior margin -- 4.5cmMedial margin -- 4cmLateral margin -- 5cmDeep margin -- 1cm B) Revised deep margin:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 9x5x1cm, with one surface lined with tied with thread.C) Sentinel lymph nodes from left axilla:Received multiple fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x2cm, largest lymph node measures 1.5x1x0.8cm, cut surface shows grey white.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Excised left breast lump:Tumor :- Tumor is composed of pleomorphic oval to cuboidal cells with hyperchromatic nucleusInvasive ductal carcinoma measures 1.5 cm with focal areas of ductal carcinoma in situ.Solid and cribriform measures 0.5cmGrade :-Tubule formation -- 2Nuclear pleomorphism --2Mitotic figures -- 2 __________ 6/9 __________Nuclear grade - IILymphovascular invasion not presentPerineural invasion is not presentResected margins ;-Superior margin -- free of tumorInferior margin -- free of tumorMedial margin -- free of tumorLateral margin -- free of tumorDeep margin -- free of tumorB) Revised deep margin:shows fibrofatty tissue - free of tumorC) Sentinel lymph nodes:4 nodes - no deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Excised left breast lump:Maximum dimension of tumor is 2x1.8x1.5cm.Invasive ductal carcinoma measures 1.5cmDuctal carcinoma in situ measures 0.5cm (low grade)Lymphovascular invasion not presentPerineural invasion not presentAll resected margin are free of tumorAxillary lymph nodes - 4 nodes - no metastatic deposits of tumorPathological stage :- pT1N0." 1954,MR1708883,"CLINICAL HISTORY;Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right sentinel lymph node biopsy.B) Right mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 10x3x1.5cm, largest lymph nodes measures 1.5x0.8x0.8cm.cut surface shows grey white.Identified total nine lymph nodesB) Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -- 22cm Superficial - Deep -- 2.5cm Superior - Inferior -- 15cmSkin ellipse :13x5.5cm Nipple :Pagets disease, ulceration noted limited to nipple measures 2x2cm. Tumor : Single,Tumour Size : 2x1.5x1cm Location of tumor : retroareolar region Margins of tumor : illdefined Deep margin : 1cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : absentTotal number of nodes : 9 lymph nodesSize of largest node : 1.5x0.8x0.5cm.Cut surface is unremarkableIMPRESSION:B)Right breast, Right Mastectomy: Maximum dimension of tumor is 2cm.Invasive ductal Carcinoma is 1.2cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ - solid type - 0.8cm. Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 1Tumor measures 2x1.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the retroareolar region. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ present - solid type - low grade measures 0.8cm.Lymphovascular invasion not presentPerineural invasion is not presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola -The epithelium of nipple is replaced by pleomorphic polyhedral cellswith hyperchromatic nucleus and eosinophilic cytoplasm.A)Lymph nodes: sentinel lymph nodes -Identified 9 nodes show no deposits of tumorSummary : Right MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ and paget's disease of the nipple ,Grade IISentinel lymph nodes - Identified 9 nodes , all show no deposits of tumor.Pathological stage : pT1N0. " 1955,MR1708889,"SR17-2112SITE:Right modified radical mastectomy.Received 16 blocks labelled as 3439/17. IA,ID,II,III,IV,V,VIA -VIF,VII,VIII.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:IA.ID Sections from the breast parenchyma show an infiltrative lesion arranged in cords, tubules and nests. Cells are moderately pleomorphic with vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. vascular invasion identified. perineural invasion not seen. Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis seen.II,III - Nipple and areola unremarkable, V. - Adjacent breast shows usual ductal hyperplasia.IV -- Resected margin is free of tumor.VI to VIII -- twenty two lymph nodes isolated, negative for malignancy.IMPRESSION:Right Modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II, MBR score is 6/9Tubule formation -- 2Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 2 _______________ 6/9 ________________Ductal carcinoma insitu with comedonecrosis seenVascular invasion identifiedPerineural invasion not identified.Deep resected margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola unremarkable.Adjacent breast shows usual ductal hyperplasia.Lymphnodes:-Twenty two lymph nodes isolated, all are negative for malignancy(0/22).They show reactive hyperplasia." 1956,MR1708891,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast .GROSS FINDINGS:Received 7 linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores ofá breast parenchymaá infiltrated by a lesion arranged as cords and diffuse sheets. the cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus, moderately pleomorphic nucleoli and scanty cytoplasm. Intervening stroma shows fibrosis and hyalinisation.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9Tubule formationáá á áá á : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitosisááááááááááááááááááááááááá :á 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______" 1957,MR1708933,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formationáááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______ 1958,MR1708949,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets,nests, tubules. The lesional cells are normal to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei,prominent nucleoliand scant cytoplasm.Occasional bizarre cells noted. Intervening stroma shows lympho-plasmacytic infiltrate. Mitoses 12-15/10hpf is seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 3 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 9(3+3+3)." 1959,MR1708955,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump -??carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows benign breast tissue and fibrous stroma.IMPRESSION:Benign breast tissueNo evidence of malignancy in the sections studied. 1961,MR1709003,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Mastectomy with right level I and II lymph nodesGROSS FINDINGS:Received in :FormalinProcedure : Modified radical Mastectomy Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -- 24cm Superficial - Deep --4cm Superior -Inferior --17cmSkin ellipse :12x6cm Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor :Single Tumour Size : 4x4x3cm Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant Margins of tumor : Circumscribed Deep margin : 0.8cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty Axillary tail : 5.5x5x2cm.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy with right level I and II lymph nodes: Invasive ductal Carcinoma, Grade II. Modified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 4X4cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not presentLymphovascular invasion not presentPerineural invasion presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 18 lymph nodes, show no metastatic deposits of tumor. Pathological stage : pT2 N0.Summary : Right MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade IILymph nodes - 18 nodes - no metastatic deposits of tumor." 1963,MR1709025,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN:A) Right modified radical mastectomy.B) Level III lymph nodesGROSS FINDINGS:Received :FormillinProcedure :Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality :RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :15cm Superficial to Deep :5cm Superior to Inferior :13cmSkin ellipse :17x12cm,show multiple grey brown ulcertion with cauliflowers like growth measures 5x4cm and ulceration measures 3x2cmNipple : NormalScar/ Surgical defect :Multiple ulceration seenTumor : SingleTumor Size : 13x6x3 Margins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 0.4cmMuscle : present measures 2x2x2cmAdjacent Breast : Fibrotic areas seen. Axillary tail : 7x5x3cmSize of largest node : 1x0.3x0.7cm ,cut surface fatty infiltrationB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1.5x1x0.8cm Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right modified radical mastectomy.Tumor bed:Residual viable tumor present.Invasive ductal carcinoma and ductal carcinoma in situ with comedo necrosisSurrounding tumor areas shows necrosis, fibrosis and lymphoplasmacytic infiltration .Tumor is infiltrating with skin resulting in ulceration.Right modified radical mastectomy, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma grade IIIModified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3Tumor measures 13x6 in greatest dimension located in the quadrantDuctal carcinoma in situ present .Lymphovascular invasion present.Perineural invasion presentPosterior resection margin is muscle bundle which is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Level I&II : 15 nodes - No tumor depositB)Level III : one node shows metastatic deposit of viable tumor SUMMARY:Right post NACT residual viable tumor present, Grade IIIInvasive Ductal carcinoma Grade III with ductal carcinoma in situNodal metastasis 15 nodes no deposit of tumor Level III one nodule shows metastatic deposit of tumor out of one node" 1964,MR1709027,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast carcinoma/ Left breast / Intraductal lesion / ? Inflammatory ? Papillary.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented greywhite lesion cores measuring 0.2 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Needle core biopsy from left breast shows normal breast parenchyma. Two cores show papillary lesion lined by cuboidal cells. The cells are monomorphic with round regular nuclear outline, small nucleoli and eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Suggestive of papillary neoplasm.Needs confirmation on larger biopsy." 1965,MR1709028,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left axillary lesion -- ? axillary tail mass.SPECIMEN:Left axillary node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow bits measures 1 - 1.4cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrofatty tissue with an infiltrative lesion arranged in cords and tubules. Cellsexhibit mild nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm.Stroma shows mild inflammatory infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left axillary node:Metastatic carcinoma probably from breast primaryPlease correlate clinically." 1966,MR1709044,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Breast lump? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey whiteá linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring neoplasm arranged as clusters and sheets. The neoplasticcells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm.Areas with mucin secretion are noted.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma with mucinous areas, biopsy from left breastGrade 2 - 7/9Tubule formationáááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________" 1967,MR1709048,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.4x0.5cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with pericanalicular growth pattern exhibiting fociof slit like ducts lined by inner epithelial and outer myoepithelial layer. Few dilated ducts also noted. Stroma is mild hypercellular with bland spindle cells and occasional mitotic figures.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Biphasic epithelial neoplasm.The possibilities considered are1) phyllodes tumor probably benign.2) Cellular fibroadenoma, Suggest wide excision and close follow up." 1968,MR1709050,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four linear cores measures 1-1.2cm.Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion arranged in diffuse sheets. Cells arepleomorphic with round to oval vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows marked inflammatory infiltrate and necrosis. Mucinous areas seen.Ductal carcinoma in situ solid type noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, NST grade IIMBR score - 7/9Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures --2 _______ 7/9 ________Mucinous areas are seenDuctal carcinoma in situ - solid type noted." 1969,MR1709059,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast -metastatic SPECIMEN :A) TLH+BSO.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Uterus dimensions: Midlineá fundal-serosaá to ectocervix :á 8cmMaximum intercornualáááááááááááááááááááááá :á 5.5cmMaximum anterior to posterioráááááááááá : 3cmCervix Dimensionsáááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 2.5x1.5cm.Right ovaryáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 2.5x2x0.5cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.Left ovaryáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 2.8x1.5x0.5cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.Rightá Fallopian tubeáá á á á á á á á á á áá : 5cm,Grossly unremarkable.Leftáá Fallopian tubeáá á á á á á á á á á á á : 5cm. Grossly unremarkable.Rightá parametriumá á á á á á á á á á á á á : 0.5x0.5x0.5cm.Leftá parametrium á á á á á á á á á á áá ááá : 0.5x0.5x0.5cm.Endometrium descriptionEndometrial thickness :á 0.3cm. Grossly no tumor seen.Myometrium descriptionMyometrial depthá á á á áá : Anteriorly 1cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :A) Section from endometrium shows glands in non secretory phase.Section from cervix : unremarkable.Section from bilateral ovaries : unremarkable.Section from fallopian tubes : unremarkable.Section from bilateral parametrium : unremarkable.IMPRESSION :A) Endometrium : Non secretory phase.Cervix : Non specific chronic cervicitis.Bilateral ovaries : unremarkable.Bilateral fallopian tubesá : unremarkable.Bilateral parametrium : unremarkable." 1970,MR1709072,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:A) Lumpectomy wide excision.B) Revised inferior margin.C) Revised lateral margin.D) Lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 5x4.5x1.5 cm .cut surface show grey white lesion measures 2.5x2.2x1.2cm.Located at the following distance from the respective margin:-Superior margin -- 1.2cm. Inferior margin -- 0.6cm.Medial margin -- 1.2cm.Lateral margin -- 2 cm.Deep margin -- 0.4 cm. Lateral margin show - grey white areas.B) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x1.5x0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x2.5x1.5cm.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5.5x3.5x1cm. Largest lymph node measures 1.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface show grey white.10 Nodes dissection.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Lumpectomy wide excision:Tumor is composed of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus with eosinophilic cytoplasm. -Invasive Ductal carcinoma. Maximum dimension of tumor is 2.5cm. Invasive carcinoma is 2cm. Ductal carcinoma in situ-solid low grade measures 0.5cm.Lymphovascular invasion not present.Perineural invasion not present.Modified Bloom Richardson grade 2.Tubular formation - 3.Nuclear pleomorphic - 2.Mitotic figures - 2 --------- 7/9 ---------Resected margins:Medial margin -- Free of tumor.Lateral margin -- Atypical epithelial hyperplasia.Superior margin -- Free of tumor.Inferior margin -- Atypical hyperplasia with adenosis.Deep margin -- Free of tumor.B) Revised inferior margin:The section shows adenosis and fibrofatty tissue. Free of tumor.C) Revised lateral margin:The section shows adenosis and fibrofatty tissue. Free of tumor.D) Lymph nodes:10 Nodes. No deposits of tumor present.IMPRESSION:Wide excision lumpectomy:Invasive Ductal carcinoma, nuclear grade IIMargin dissection of is 2.5cm.Invasive carcinoma measures 2cm.DCIS - 0.5cm- Low grade.Lymphovascular invasion not present.Resected margins:Medial margin - free of tumor.Lateral margin- Revised margin free of tumor.Superior margin- free of tumor.Revised inferior margin- free of tumor.Deep margin- free of tumor.Lymph nodes 10 nodes. No deposits of tumor." 1971,MR1709073,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 - 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma with an infiltrative lesion arranged in cords. Cells are small roundto oval with hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm.Adjacent breast shows areas of ductal carcinoma in situ and usual ductal hyperplasia. Stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Right breast:Invasive carcinoma NST nuclear grade II. 1972,MR1709094,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass -á carcinoma SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section showsá linear cores of tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged in linear cords and nests and tubular pattern. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic , moderately pleomorphicnucleus and scanty cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows fibrosis and hyalinization.Necrosis is seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2MBR score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphismááá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________" 1973,MR1709102,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.B) Revised deep margin.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Modified radical mastectomyLaterality : Left breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 20.5 cm. Superficial - deep : 3 cm. Superior-inferior : 16.5 cm.Skin ellipse : 14 x 8.5 cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : A linear scar measuring 2cm is seen on the skin surface corresponding to the underlying tumor, located 3cm lateral to the nipple areola complex.Tumor size : 3 x 3 x 2.5 cm. Cut surface shows greywhite, cystic, solid areas seen.Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 1.5cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Axillary tail : 8 x7 x 5 cm.Size of largest node : 2 x 1 x 1 cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from tumor shows cells in papillary pattern, nests and diffuse sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular or Perineural invasion is not identified.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy :INVASIVE PAPILLARY CARCINOMA, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). - Tumor measures 3 cm in greatest dimension and is located in the lower outer quadrant. - Ductal carcinoma-in-situ of solid and cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen. - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. - Perineural invasion is not identified. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and areola are free of tumor.Lymph nodes : Nine lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy (0/9).Pathological stage : pT2N0" 1974,MR1709117,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump with ulceration - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets with tubular and in cords. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic to vesicular nuclei few showing prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Mitotic activity are noted. Areas of hyalinisation are seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubular formationááááááá -- 3.Nuclear pleomorphicáá -- 2.Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá -- 1.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------" 1975,MR1709119,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump -á possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, biopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show multiple cores of breast parenchyma occasional ducts are showing epithelial hyperplasiacomprising of oval to columnar cells showing stratification. No nuclear atypia. Bridging is noted with nuclei are parallel to bridging occasional ducts are showing myoepithelial hyperplasia.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, biopsy:No evidence of malignancy.Suggestive of gynaectomastia with micropapillary ductal hyperplasia." 1976,MR1709125,CLINICAL HISTORY:Known patient of carcinoma breast on chemotherapy.SPECIMEN:Debrided tissue from left hand dorsum.GROSS FINDINGS:Received skin with eschar measures 4.5x4.2x0.3cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple sections examined show a partially ulcerated epidermis with overlying acute inflammatory exudate. The dermis shows extensive hyalinisation. The underlying subcutaneous tissue shows panniculitis with acute inflammatory infiltrate and necrosis. No atypical cells are seen.IMPRESSION:Debrided tissue from left hand dorsum:Necrosed and hyalinised skin tissue with panniculitis.No evidence of malignancy in the sections studied.Report on fungal stain to follow. 1977,MR1709147,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section showing infiltrative lesion arranged in glands, sheets and nests. Cells are round to oval withmoderate to abundant cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus, fibrocollagenous stroma showing inflammatory cells composed of lymphocytes, neutrophils and macrophages. Mitoses 3-4/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1978,MR1709148,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores measures 0.6to 0.8cm.Entire tissue is processed.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1979,MR1709162,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - P/O carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue fragment demonstrating a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets and cords. The cells have round to oval vesicular nuclei, few showing prominent nucleoli and abundant cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are rare. Areas of hyalinization and fibrosis seen. Areas of DCIS are seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade I.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9.Tubular formation -- 3.Nuclear pleomorphism -- 1.Mitotic figures -- 1. ------- 5/9 -------" 1980,MR1709186,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 - 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast:Modified Bloom Richardson score grade 2.Tubule formationááááááá -- 3.Nuclear pleomorphism á -- 2.Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá -- 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------" 1981,MR1709191,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump -á possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 1.4cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring a few neoplastic cells arranged as cords, trabeculae and clusters.The cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Invasiveá carcinoma, left breast.Grade 2Tubule formationááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá -- 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________áááááááááá " 1982,MR1709209,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion -á carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.5 - 1.5cm.Entire tissue isprocessed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Needle core biopsy from left breast lesion shows few cores showing neoplastic lesion and few showing extensive hyalinization. The cells are arranged in sheets, small nucleoli and clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm. Extracellular mucin pools seen. Few cells show cytoplasmic mucin.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion:Invasive carcinoma, NOS, Grade IIMBR score - 6/9Tubule formationáááááááá --á 3Nuclear pleomorphism --2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá -- 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________" 1984,MR1709348,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Lump in left breast for evaluation.SPECIMEN:S) Lump in left breast, lumpectpmy.B) Revised Medial and Deep margin.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 9.5x4.5x3cm. Cut surface shows lesion near medial margin measuring 2.5x2x2cm.Smaller lesion located 2.5cm from lateral margin measuring 1.8x1.5x0.9cm.Distance from margins:-Superior margin -- 1cm.Inferior margináá -- 1cm.Medial marginááá -- 0.5cm.Lateral margináá --á 4cm.Deep margináááá --á 0.8cm.Smaller lesion- Distance from margins:-Superior margin -- 0.5cm.Inferior margináá --á 3.5cm.Medial marginááá -- 4cm.Lateral margináá -- 1.5cm.Deep margináááá -- 0.4cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 9x3x1.8cm with one surface inked.Medial surface show fibrosis as oriented by surgeon shows in the fibrofatty tissue.Shaved margin of medial and deep entirely submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion present in a dilated duct arranged in papillary pattern with fibrovascular core and in sheets. The cells are columnar to ovoid having moderate amount of eosinophilic to vacuolated cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Adjacent breast shows fibroadenosis, cystically dilated glands filled with eosinophilic secretions, usual ductal hyperplasia and atypical ductal hyperplasia. Stroma shows demsoplasia and sclerosis. Areas of hemorrhage, congested blood vessels and foamy macrophages are seen.IMPRESSION:A) Lump in left breast, lumpectpmy:Invasive Papillary Carcinoma, Grade 2.Tubule formation á á á á :á 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------------- Tumor measures 2cm in greatest dimension.- Lymphovascular and Perineural invasion is not seen.- Adjacent breast shows fibroadenosis, fibroadenoma, usual ductal hyperplasia and atypical ductal hyperplasa.B) Revised Medial and Deep margin:Revised medial margin shows papillary DCIS.Revised deep margin shows atypical ductal hyperplasia." 1986,MR1709364,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:Right breast biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.3 - 1cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from right breast needle core biopsy shows sheets of neoplastic cells. The cells show large vesicular nucleus, conspicuous nucleoli and eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, NOS.MBR scoreá - 7/9, grade IITubule formationáááááááááááááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááá -- 3Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 1987,MR1709375,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 - 1.5cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of lymphoid tissue exhibiting follicles with germinal centers. Focal areas show diffuse sheets of polymorphic population of cells comprising of plasma cells, eosinophils, few histiocytes and intermixed small to medium sized cells with hyperchromatic nucleus, dispersed chromatin and scanty cytoplasm. Occasional mitosis noted. No breast tissue identified.No granulomas or RS cells identified.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Dense plasmacytic and eosinophilic infiltrate ? nature.Needs correlation with clinical findings.Suggested in-toto excision if clinically deemed necessary" 1988,MR1709403,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.5 - 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged in diffuse sheets. Cells are pleomorphic with vesicular nuclei,prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis, karyorrhectic debris and desmoplasia noted.IMPRESSION:Right breast:Infiltrating carcinoma, NST , grade IIIMBR score - 8/9Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 3Mitotic figures -- 2 _______ 8/9 ________Areas of necrosis seen." 1990,MR1709421,CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast post lumpectomy.SPECIMEN :Left breast conserving surgery.A) Sentinel LND biopsy.B) Wide local excision.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received fibrofatty tissue altogether measures 3x2x1cm. 4 lymph nodes largest measures 1.5xx1cm. Cut surface fatty infiltration see isolated 4 lymph nodes. Entire tissue processed.B) Received a lumpectomy specimen measures 7x4x3cm. Skin flap measures 5x2xcm. On serial slicing no tumor identified.Distance from margins : not applicable.IMPRESSION :Specimen : Left breast.Procedure : Post lumpectomy breast conservative surgery.Tumor : No residual tumor Multiple sections examined show normal pharenchyma with focal inflammatory cell and histiocyte aggregates with foriegn giant cell reaction.Lymphovascular invasion - Absent.Perineural invasion - Absent.Skin - Unremarkable.Lymph nodes :Sentinel lymph nodes dissection : (0/4).Number examined : 4Number involved : 0 Margins : free of tumor 1992,MR1709433,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma with an infiltrative lesion arranged in cords. Cells are pleomorphic with dark nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. ductal cell in situ with comedo necrosis seen. Stroma shows marked lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma NST Nuclear grade - IIDuctal cell in situ with comedo necrosis seen. 1993,MR1709438,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breastá - post MRMSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right chest wall lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 - 1.5cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue and muscle bundles harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in acinar pattern and in cords. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasmand hyperchromatic , pleomorphic nucleus. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphovascular infiltrates.Perineural invasion is seen.IMPRESSION:Right chest wall lesion, biopsy:Recurrent invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 2MBR scoreá - 6/9Tubule formationáááááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá -- 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________Perineural invasion is seen." 1994,MR1709450,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section sows cores of breast tissue with an infiltrative lesion arranged in cords and nests . Cells are pleomorphic with vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate clear cytoplasm. Ductal carcinoma in situ solid with comedo necrosis and cribriform type noted. Stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Infiltrating carcinoma NST- Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 _____ 7/9 ______Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedo necrosis seen" 1995,MR1709458,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Post lumpectomy - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Modified radical mastectomy, Post lumpectomy.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral :14cm. Superficial - deep : 3cm. Superior-inferior :14cm.Skin ellipse : 11x5.5cm.Nipple : Unremarkable.Scar/ Surgical defect : Lumpectomy scar present, lateral to nipple areola (Outer side) measures 3cm.Tumor : Grossly no tumor seen only fibrotic area seen in central and inner quadrant measuring 4x3x2.5cm. Deep margin : 0.3cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 17 nodes.Axillary tail : 10x3x2cm.Size of largest node : 1x0.5x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy(Post lumpectomy) :Tumor bed : No residual viable tumor.Fibrosis, necrosis and plasmalymphatic infiltration is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 17 lymph nodes. No metastatic deposits of tumor (0/17).Pathological grade : pyT0N0.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy (Post lumpectomy):No Residual viable tumor presentFibrosis, necrosis and plasmalymphocytic infiltration is present." 1996,MR1709471,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5grey white to grey brown linear cores measuresá 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged as tubules, cores and nests. The cells are cuboidal to ovoid with hyperchromatic, pleomorphic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphomononuclear infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lumpInvasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubule formationááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á _____ááááááááááááááááááááááááá á ááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áá á _____" 1997,MR1709473,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast- post lumpectomy.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy (Post lumpectomy).GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Modified Radical MastectomyLaterality : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 11cm. Superficial - deep : 3.5cm. Superior-inferior : 11cm.Skin ellipse : 13 x 5.5 cm, ulceration noted in upper areolar region measuring 2 cm in length.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Lumpectomy bed measuring 3 x 2.5 x 2 cm, greywhite, fibrotic and cystic areas.Location of lumpectomy bed : Upper outer quadrant.Deep margin : 1cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 17 nodes.Axillary tail : 12 x 4.5 x 2.5 cm.Size of largest node : 2.5 x 1 x 1 cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltrate.Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows no residual tumor. Treatment related changes are seen including lymphocytes, multinucleated giant cells and congested capillaries. IMPRESSION :Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy (Post lumpectomy) :No Residual Tumor is seen.- Treatment related changes are seen.- Nipple and Areola are free of tumor.- Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.- Overlying skin is free of tumor.Lymph nodes : Seventeen lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy (0/17).Pathological stage : pT0N0" 1998,MR1709479,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump Known case of carcinoma ovary - Post OP.Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.5 -1 cm. Entire tissue isprocessed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 1999,MR1709490,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Metastatic carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy of left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.5cm - 1cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibroadipose tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged as linearcords and discretely scattered cells. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic, pleomorphicnucleus and scanty cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are 6-7/10hpf. Ductal carcinoma in situ (cribriformpattern) noted. Stroma shows inflammatory infiltrate and hyalinisation.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breastInvasive carcinoma, NST, grade 2MBR scoreá - 6/9Tubule formationáááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá --2Mitosisáááááááááááááááááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________" 2000,MR1709496,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5- 0.8cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting proliferation of acinar and tubularstructures lined by a luminal epithelial layer and an abluminal myoepithelial layer.Stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Benign proliferative breast disease.Suggestive of fibroadenoma.No evidence of malignancy in the tissue submitted. 2002,MR1709547,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump- possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.8 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2003,MR1709554,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.6 - 0.8cm.Entire tissue isprocessed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast.Grade 2 - 7/9Tubule formationáááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________" 2004,MR1709573,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast-cT2N0.SPECIMEN:A) Wide local excision of left breast lumpB) Sentinel lymph node biopsy left axilla.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy measuring 5.5x5x3.5cm.Cut surface shows a grey yellow lesion measuring 3x2.5x2cmIt is located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 1.5cm.Inferior margin -- 2cm.Medial margin -- 2cm.Lateral margin -- 2.5cm.Deep margin -- 1cm.B) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue measuring 3x2x1cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1.3x1x0.3cm.5 lymph nodes isolated. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Tumor: The examination shows clumps, groups of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 -------------- 7/9 --------------DCIS : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.Perineural invasion : Not present.Resected margins:-Superior margin -- Free of tumor.Inferior margin -- Free of tumor.Medial margin -- Free of tumor.Lateral margin -- Free of tumor.Deep margin -- Free of tumor.5 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Wide local excision of left breast-lumpectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Maximum dimension of tumor 3x2.5cm.Nuclear grade IIDCIS : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Sentinel lymph node biopsy:5 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.Pathological stage : pT2N0." 2006,MR1709595,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump- possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.2cm. entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting proliferation of ductular structures lined by inner epithelial and other myoepithelial layer. Few dilated ducts with luminal eosinophilic secretion noted. Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphomononuclear infiltrate. Few atypical are seen at a solitary focus showing ? stroma infiltrationIMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Few atypical cells suspicious of malignancySuggest repeat biopsy. 2008,MR1709600,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Lumpectomy specimen.B) Sentinel lymph nodes.C) Axillary clearance.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 7x5.5x3cm.Skin ellipse measures 4x0.5cm.Cut surface shows greywhite mucinous lesion measuring 2x1.5x1.5cm, located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 2.5cm.Inferior margin -- 1.5cm.Medial margin -- 1.5cm.Lateral margin -- 2.3cm.Deep margin -- 1cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 2x0.7x0.7cm. Largest lymph node measuring 0.7x0.6x0.4cm. Entire tissue processed.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 10x5.5x1cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1x0.5x0.4cm.Cut surface shows fatty infiltration. Isolated 13 Nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Lumpectomy specimen:The section shows clumps, groups of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. Pools of mucin are present in between the clumps of tumor cells.Mucinous carcinoma.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 -------------- 7/9 --------------Nuclear grade II.Focal area shows duct cell carcinoma- Solid type- Low grade measuring 0.5cm.Resected margins:-Superior margin -- Free of tumor.Inferior margin -- Free of tumor.Medial margin -- Free of tumor.Lateral margin -- Free of tumor.Deep margin -- Free of tumor.B) Sentinel lymph node:One node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 4 nodes. Perinodal spread not present.C) Axillary clearance: 13 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:Lumpectomy specimen:Maximum dimension of tumor 2x1.5cm.Mucinous carcinoma measuring 1.5cm.Ductal carcinoma-inpsitu (Low grade) is measuring 0.5cm.Nuclear grade II.Lymphovascular invasion : Present.Perineural invasion : Not present.All resected margins are free of tumor.Sentinel lymph nodes:One node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 4 nodes. Perinodal spread not present.Axillary clearance : 13 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.Total No of positive node is one out of 17 nodes.Pathological stage : pT1N1." 2009,MR1709615,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy fromá left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show fibrofatty tissue withá an infiltrate lesion arranged in cords and tubules. Cells show pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Infiltrating carcinoma, NST, Grade II.Tubular formationá á á - 2Nuclear pleomorphic - 2Mitotic figuresááááááá á á - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______" 2010,MR1709627,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast ulcerated lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast , core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores altogether measures 1-1. cm.Entire tissue is processed.IMPRESSION:Right breast , core biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)" 2012,MR1709667,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Birads IV lesion in right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 - 0.8cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged astubules, nests and linear cords. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic, pleomorphic nucleusand scanty to moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned.Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphomononulcear infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma, NST, grade II.MBR score is 6/9Tubule formationááááá á áá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphismá -- 2Mitotic figures(5-6/0hpf)-- 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________á áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 2013,MR1709678,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump under evaluation.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, right breast lumpectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received lumpectomy specimen measures 6.5x6x3cm, cut surface shows a grey white lesion measures 3x2x1.5cm. Located at the following distances from the respective margins;Superior margin -- 2cmInferior margin -- 1.5cmMedial margin -- 0.5cmLateral margin -- 0.1cmDeep margin -- 0.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma with an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and papillary pattern.The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominentnucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with areas of hemorrhageand necrosis.Medial margin of resection shows ductal carcinoma in situ.Lateral margin of resection is involved by invasive carcinoma.All other margins of resection (superior, inferior and deep )are free of tumor.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, right breast lumpectomy:Invasive papillary carcinoma.Ductal carcinoma in situ, papillary and -solid pattern are seen.Lymphovascular and perineural invasion are not seen.Medial margin of resection shows ductal carcinoma in situ.Lateral margin of resection is involved by invasive carcinoma.All other margins of resection (superior, inferior and deep )are free of tumor." 2014,MR1709715,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump- P/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite linear core measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Core biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6 (3+2+1)." 2015,MR1709718,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast/ Ill defined lesion in left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 linear core measuring 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules and cords. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Occasional mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with areas of hemorrhage.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, NST Grade ITubule formationááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------------" 2016,MR1709719,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right lumpectomy statusUSG- Residual carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.0cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show cores of fibrofatty tissue with a neoplastic lesion arranged in papillary and cribriform pattern. Cells show mild to moderate pleomorphism with vesicular nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Peritumoral and perivascular lymphocyticinfiltration seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast:Suggestive of ductal carcinoma in situ -papillary and cribriform patternInvasion could not be made out.Suggest excision biopsy." 2017,MR1709725,CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.5cm - 1cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fibrofatty tissue with an infiltrative lesion arranged in cords and strands. Cells show oval to elongated irregular hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm.Stroma shows mild lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Left breast :Invasive carcinoma with papillary features. 2018,MR1709730,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast .GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting few foci of an infiltrative lesion arranged as tubules and cords. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus, dispersed chromatin and moderate pale to vacuolated cytoplasm. Foci of ductal carcinoma in situ(papillary type) and usual ductal hyperpasia noted. Focal areas show apocrine metaplasia. Stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Suggestive of invasive carcinoma NST, nuclear grade II with ductal carcinoma in situ- papillary type." 2019,MR1709752,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.7x1.3cm.Entiretissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests, cords and diffuse sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nucleiand moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 3. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8(3+2=3)." 2020,MR1709761,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.0 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast :Invasive ductal carcinoma Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1). 2022,MR1709783,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left sentinel lymph node biopsy.B) Left Mastectomy.C) Left Axillary dissection specimen.GROSS FINDINGS:B) Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 22cm. Superficial - deep 3cm. Superior-inferior : 20cm.Skin ellipse :12x6.5cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 2.7x2x2cm.Location of tumor : Central quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 1.5cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes :A) Sentinel node : 4 Nodes. C) Level I, III : 8 Nodes.IMPRESSION:B)Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade IIModified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ---------------- 7/9 ----------------Tumor measures 2.7x2cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Few ducts showing ductal carcinoma-in-situ- Solid type- Low grade.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.A)Sentinel Lymph nodes: 4 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 4 nodes.C)Level I, II Nodes : 8 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.SUMMARY:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Nodal metastases :Sentinel Lymph nodes: 4 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 4 nodes.Level I, II Nodes : 8 Nodes- No deposits of tumor." 2023,MR1709789,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN :A) Left MRM.GROSS FINDINGS :Received in : FormalinProcedure :Mastectomy Laterality :LeftTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral 17cm. Superficial to Deep : 7cm. Superior to nferior : 17cm.Skin ellipse : 12x9cm. Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect :not seen.Tumor : grey white rubbery fibrotic areas Tumour Size : measures 3x2x2cm. Location of tumor : Right upper quadrant. Margins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 3cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail :7x7x3cm.Size of largest node :1x0.8x0.7cm. Cut surface fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Left breast, post NACT:Tumor bed : shows areas of fibrosis adenosis and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.No residual viable tumor noted.Posterior resection margin is uninvolved.Nipple and areola is uninvolved.Lymph nodes: 10 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 2 (2/10).Summary : Left breast post NACT MRM.No residual viable tumor.Nodal metastases 2/10. Two nodes out of 10 nodes show tumor deposits of invasive ductal carcinoma with perinodal spread.Pathological stage : ypT0N1." 2025,MR1709807,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 - 1cm.Entire tissue isprocessed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged ascords and nests. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic, pleomorphic nucleus and scantyto moderate cytoplasm. Few dilated ducts with luminal secretions noted. Stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast.Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.MBR score is 7/9Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 2 __________ 7/9 ___________" 2026,MR1709809,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 - 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1). 2027,MR1709812,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:Left Modified radical mastectomy, post NACTGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure : left Modified Radical Mastectomy, post NACT Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :14cm Superficial to Deep :6cm Superior to inferior : 18cmSkin ellipse :15x10cmNipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : Cystic lesion surrounded desmplatic tissue, small areas of calcification measuring 0.6cm Tumor Size : 0.6x0.5x0.4cmLocation of tumor : Upper outer quadrant Margins of tumor : Infiltrative Deep margin : 1.5cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : DesmoplasticAxillary tail : 11x4x3cmIMPRESSION:Left modified radical mastectomy , post NACT:Tumor Bed:Small focus of residual viable tumor cells Invasive ductal carcinoma measuring 0.6x0.5x0.4cmSurrounding the tumor areas of fibrosis, hyalinisation and lymphoplasmacytic infiltration is present.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 1Mitotic figures : 1Tumor measures0.6x0.5x0.4cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ not seenLymphovascular invasion indeterminatePerineural invasion not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola are unremarkable.7 nodes shows metastatic deposit of tumor out of 18 nodesPathological state ypT1N2SUMMARY:Left modified radical mastectomy, post NACTResidual viable tumor presentInvasive ductal carcinoma , Grade 1Nodal metastases: 7 nodes show metastatic deposit of viable invasive ductal carcinoma out of 18 nodes (7/18) Perinodal spread present." 2028,MR1709814,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Tiny papillary lesion in left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy of left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.6 - 1cm.Entire tissueis processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged as sheets and papillary pattern. The cells are columnar to oval with hyperchromatic, pleomorphic nucleus and moderate eosinophilic to vacuolated cytoplasm. Few cells show vesicular nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Stroma shows inflammatory infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast.Invasive papillary carcinoma, grade 2MBR scoreá - 7/9Tubule formation á á á áá ááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphism á á -- 2Mitosis á á á á á á á á á á á á á á -- 3á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá _________á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á 7/9á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá _________á" 2029,MR1709819,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump -á possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.8-1cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged as cords, nests and tubules. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic, moderately pleomorphicnucleus and moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.MBR scoreá - 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphismá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá -- 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________" 2030,MR1709823,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrous tissue exhibiting an infiltrative lesion arranged as cords and nests.The cells have hyperchromatic, moderately pleomorphic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. Stroma showsdesmoplasia and lymphomononuclear infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.MBR score isá 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá - 2Mitosisáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________" 2031,MR1709897,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy.Laterality : Right.Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 14cm. Superficial to deep : 4 cm. Superior to inferior :13 cm.Skin ellipse : 11x8cm.Nipple : Retracted.Scar/ Surgical defect : present around nipple areolar complex Tumor : Grossly fibrotic and grey brown areas seen in the inferior quadrant, measures 0.5 x0.4x0.4 cm.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 1.5 cm.Muscle : Present measuring 3x2.5cm.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Axillary tail : 4.5x4x3.5cm.Size of largest node : Measures 3.2x2x1.5cm. Cut surface is grey white MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple sections from lumpectomy bed show extensive lymphocytic inflammatory cell infiltrate foamy macrophages, multinucleated foreign body giant cells. Small focus of DCIS seen.No residual invasive tumor cells seen. Section from deep margin and nipple are unremarkable. 10/21 lymph nodes from right axilla show metastatic deposits of tumor..Perinodal spread seen. IMPRESSION:10/21 lymph nodes isolated from right axillary dissection show metastatic deposits of tumor. Perinodal spread seen. Lumpectomy bed shows a focus of DCIS.Deep margin free of tumor.Nipple free of tumor." 2032,MR1709906,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Large right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged as sheets, nests and cords. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic, moderately pleomorphic nucleus prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are 10-11/10 hpf. Extensive areas of necrosis noted. Few multinucleatedá cells seenIMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast:áInvasive carcinoma NST, Grade 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/8Tubule formationá á á á - 3Nuclear pleomorphicá - 2Mitosisááááááááááááááááááá áá -á 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------" 2034,MR1709928,"CLINICAL HISTORY;Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast wide excisionB) Left axillary clearanceGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 5x3x2cm, skin ellipse measures 4x1.2cm, show a linearscar measures 3cm.Serial sections show illdefined grey white fibrotic area 1x0.8x0.4cm. Located atthe following distances from the respective margins: -Superior margin -- 2cmInferior margin -- 1.5cmMedial margin -- 1.5cmLateral margin -- 2cmDeep margin -- 0.6cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 8x5.5x3cm, largest lymph node measures 2x1.2x1cm, cut surface shows grey white.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Left breast - wide excision:-Tumor bed - Multiple sections show fibrosis, necrosis,inflammatory cells consisting of lymphocytes, plasma cells and foreign body giant cells. There is no evidence of residual tumor present. All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Left axillary clearance2 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor - invasive ductal carcinoma out of 16 nodes.Perinodal spread present.IMPRESSION:Wide excision - lumpectomy.(post lumpectomy).No residual tumor presentAll resected margins are free of tumor,Lymph nodes - 2 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 16 nodes.Perinodal spread is present." 2035,MR1709931,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast carcinomaoutside FNAC - duct carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.6- 0.8cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fibrocollagenous tissue harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in cords and sheets.The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic and prominent nucleoli.Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphomononuclear infiltrates. Areas of calcification, hemorrhage and necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump biopsy:Invasive carcinoma,NST, grade 2Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 2 _______MBR score 7/9 _______" 2037,MR1709967,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white - grey yellow linear cores measuresá 1 - 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring neoplasm arranged as islands and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Comedopattern ductal carcinoma in situ noted.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Grade 2 - 6/9Tubule formationááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismá -- 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá -- 1 ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________" 2038,MR1709969,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN :Left MRM.GROSS FINDINGS :Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified radical mastectomy(post NACT)Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral : 17cm. Superficial to Deep :4.5cm. Superior to Inferior :17cm.Skin ellipse : 14x10cm. Nipple :Retracted.Scar/ Surgical defect :not seen.Tumor : SingleTumour Size : 4x3x2.5cm. Location of tumor : Retroareolar Margins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 1.5cm.Muscle : Present measures 2x1x1cm.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 7x3x2cm.Total number of nodes : 16.Size of largest node :2x2x1.5cm, cut surface grey white.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy(post NACT): Tumor bed : Residual viable tumor present showing invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Areas of fibrosis are present surrounding the tumor.Modified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation:3Nuclear pleomorphism:2Mitotic figures:2Tumor measures 4x3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the retroareolar quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not present.Lymphovascular invasion present.Perineural invasion present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Tumor is extending to the nipple and areolar region, however epidermis is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 4 out of 16 lymph nodes isolated show metastatic deposits of tumor.Summary : Left Modified Radical Mastectomy(post NACT):Residual viable tumor present showing Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade II.Nodal metastases :4 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 16 nodes.Pathological stage : ypT2N2." 2039,MR1709973,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Lump left breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : MRMastectomy.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral :18cm. Superficial - deep : 4cm. Superior-inferior :18cm.Skin ellipse : 12x8.5cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Multiple.Tumor size : Ist tumor : 2.5x2.5x2cm. IInd tumor : 0.7x0.5x0.5cm, greywhite nodule.Location of tumor : Ist Upper outer quadrant. 2nd Inner quadrant- Inner quadrant-9 '0' clock. Distance between 1 & 2 lesions : 3.5cm.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : Ist (muscle) : 1.2cm, 2nd -1cm.Muscle : 2.5x2.5cm.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 19 nodes.Axillary tail : 7x5x2cm.Size of largest node : 2.5x2x1.5cm. Cut surface shows greywhite, involved.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Infiltrating carcinoma, NST, grade II.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubular formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 --------------- 6/9 ---------------Tumor measures 2.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Upper outer quadrant.There is a tumor nodule <1cm located 3.5cm away from the tumor-satellite nodule Ductal carcinoma-in-situ seen with comedonecrosis.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 9 lymph nodes, Metastasis : Three (3/9). Perinodal spread seen.SUMMARY:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Infiltrating carcinoma with DCIS with comedonecrosis seen, NST, grade II.Satellite nodule <1cm seen.Nodal metastases : Three out of nine lymph nodes show tumor deposit, largest measuring 1cm in greatest dimension. Perinodal spread seen." 2040,MR1709986,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.6 - 1cm. Entire tissue isprocessed.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, grade 2 - 7/9Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 ______ 7/9 _______High grade ductal carcinoma in situ (comedo pattern) seen." 2041,MR1709989,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast cT2N0 stage IIa.SPECIMEN:A) Sentinel lymph node.B) Left breast, Left mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Sentinel lymph node:Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 4.5x3x2cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1.5x1x1cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.Isolated 3 lymph nodes.B) Left breast, Left mastectomy:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral :18cm. Superficial - deep : 5.5cm. Superior-inferior :16cm.Skin ellipse : 13.5x9.5cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 3x1.5x1cm.Location of tumor : Upper central quadrant.Deep margin : 2cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 3 nodes- Sentinel nodes.Axillary tail : Absent.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x1cm. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Tumor bed : Maximum dimension of tumor is 3cm.Invasive carcinoma is 1.2cm.Extensive areas of ductal carcinoma-in-situ, - cribriform, papillaryDuctal carcinoma-in-situ measuring 1.8cm.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubular formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 --------------- 6/9 ---------------Tumor measures 3x1.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Upper quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Present- Cribriform, papillary and comedonecrosis.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Sentinel lymph nodes: 3 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.SUMMARY:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma with medullary carcinoma features, grade II.Extensive areas of ductal carcinoma-in-situ.Sentinel lymph nodes: 3 Nodes- No deposits of tumor." 2042,MR1709991,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast (Post chemotherapy).SPECIMEN:A) Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.B) Level III lymph nodes.C) Revised deep margin.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Modified radical mastectomyLaterality : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 27cm. Superficial - deep : 6cm. Superior-inferior : 18.5cm.Skin ellipse : 16x11.5cm.Nipple : Retracted and excoriated.Scar/ Surgical defect : Absent.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 4.5x3.5x3.5cm.Location of tumor : Central quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 2cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Axillary tail : 8x6.5x3cm.Total number of nodes : Level I, II : 14 nodes.Size of largeat node- 1.5x1.5x1 cm, cut surface grey whiteB) Level III lymph nodes : 3 Nodes.Size of largest node : 1.5x1.5x1cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.C)Received fibromuscular tissue measuring 11.5x6.5x1cm with one surface inked.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy (Post chemotherapy):Tumor bed : Residual viable tumor present.Invasive ductal carcinoma (GradeIII)Invasive ductal carcinoma-in-situ- Solid type (Low grade).Surrounding tumor areas of fibrosis and lymphoplasmatic infiltration is present.Modified BR score is 8/9, grade III.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ---------------- 8/9 ----------------Ductal carcinoma-in-situ is present- Few ducts show DCIS- Low grade.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Tumor is infiltrating into the epidermis of Nipple and areola resulting ulceration.Lymph nodes: Level I, II : 10 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 14 Nodes.B) Level III : 3 Nodes - No deposits of tumor.C) Revised deep margin: is Free of tumor." 2043,MR1709993,"CLINICAL HISTORY:K/c carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Bilateral salpingoopherectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received bilateral salpingoopherectomy larger ovary measures 3.5x2x0.5cm. Cut surface cystic measures 1.5x1cm, attached tube measures 2.5cm. Cut surface show unremarkable. Fimbrial end is identified, paratubal cyst noted measures 1x1cm. Smaller ovary measures 3x2x1.2cm. Cut surface is unremarkable. Attached tube measures 2.2cm. Cut surface show unremarkable fimbrial end identified.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from both ovaries shows ovarion parenchyma with interspersed thick blood vessels and cystic lesion lined by stratified lueteal cells with no atypia. Stroma shows desmoplasia with areas of hemorrhage.Paratubal cyst lined by cuboidal epithelium with no atypia No evidence of malignancy in the material submitted IMPRESSION:Bilateral salpingoopherectomy:Both ovaries show luteal cysts.Both tubes are unremarkable.No significant pathology noted." 2044,MR1710000,CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left sentinel lymph node dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 5x2.5x1.5cm.Three lymph nodes isolated.Largest lymph node measuring 2x1.2x1cm. Cut surface of largest lymph node shows greywhite areas MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from one of three sentinel lymph node dissected show a tumor arranged in tubules lined by columnar cells with hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm.The other nodes show reactive hyperplasia IMPRESSION:Left sentinel lymph node dissection:One of three lymph nodes show metastatic ductal carcinoma measuring 0.3cm in greatest dimension (1/3).Perinodal spread is absent . 2045,MR1710003,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump -á carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy of left breastá lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores ranging in size fromá 0.5- 2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged as clusters and nests. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is elastotic.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Gradeá 2 MBR score isá 6/9Tubule formationááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismá -- 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________" 2046,MR1710015,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast,post MRM, post CT/RT with axillary recurrence.SPECIMEN:Right axillary dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 8x6x3.5cm. Largest lymph node measures 2x2x1.5cm. Cut surface iss grey white. Isolated total 11 nodes.IMPRESSION:One node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 11 nodes (1/11). Size of the largest node is 2x2cm. Perinodal spread is not present" 2047,MR1710043,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Receivedá 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores altogetherá measures 0.9 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear core of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged as cords, nests and sheets. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic moderately pleomorphic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are 7-8/hpf. Stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma NST , Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9Tubule formation á á á á - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------" 2048,MR1710056,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma thyroid Bethesda V.SPECIMEN:A) Total thyroidectomy specimen.B) Cone excision and Lumpectomy right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Total thyroidectomy specimen:Received inááá : Formalin.Procedureááááá : Total thyroidectomyááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Specimen dimensions:ááááááááá Right lobe : 5x4x3cmLeft lobe : 4x2x1.2cm.Isthmus : 2.2x1.2x0.6cm.Tumor focality : Unifocal.Tumor location :á Right lobe : Superior pole, inferior pole, central.áááááááááááááááááááááááááá Left lobe: Tiny greywhite area measuring 0.5x0.5cm.Appearanceá : Solid.External surface of involved lobe : Smooth, unremarkable.Distance from nearest excision margin : " 2049,MR1710079,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast- post NACT.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral :16cm. Superficial - deep : 5cm. Superior-inferior :14cm.Skin ellipse : 13x8cm.Nipple : Unremarkable.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : No definite lump identified shows a small ill defined greywhite fibrotic area measuring 0.8 x 0.7 x 0.7 cm.Location of lesion : Central quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 4cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 13 nodes.Axillary tail : 10x6x4cm.Size of largest node : 0.8x0.7x0.6cm. Cut surface shows greybrown.Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple sections examined show no residual tumor cells. Treatment related changes are seen including lymphocytes, fibrosis and sclerosis.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy( Post NACT) :No residual tumor is seen. - Treatment related changes are seen. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and areola are unremarkable.Lymph nodes: Fourteen lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy(0/14).Pathological stage : ypT0N0" 2050,MR1710095,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.2 - 1cm.Entire tissue is processed.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, core biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 2052,MR1710104,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump- possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey brown to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.2 - 0.5cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma over the cores showing an infiltrative lesion arrangedas cords and tubules. The cells have hyperchromatic, moderately pleomorphic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. Occasional mitosis noted. Stroma shows extensive desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma, NST ,Nuclear grade I." 2053,MR1710111,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.5-0.7cm. Entire tissue isprocessed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged as nests, tubulesand cords. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic moderately pleomorphic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are 6-7/10hpf. Intervening stroma shows inflammation.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma, No special type, grade 2.MBR scoreá - 6/9Tubule formationáááááááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphismá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá -- 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 2054,MR1710117,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 - 1.2 cm. Entire tissueis processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderateamount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 2055,MR1710129,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue exhibiting a lesion arranged as nests and sheets. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic, moderately pleomorphic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are 7-8/10hpf. Intervening stroma shows extensive areas of necrosis and desmoplasia. Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubular formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 2 ------------- 7/9 -------------DCIS with comedonecrosis seen." 2056,MR1710130,"SR17-2339SITE: Left Mastectomy with Axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 3 blocks labelled as 270/17 A&B & 270/2017.Received 1 stained slide labelled as 270 A/17.B) Received 11 blocks labelled as 294/17 (A-J & 294/2017).Received 5 coated unstained slides labelled as 294/17 A-J.C)Received 1 Mastetectomy specimen-Received already grossed mastectomy specimen in bits altogether measuring 16x10x5cm.Skin ellipse measures 12x4.5cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defects : Not seen.Cut surface shows an ill defined Grey brown area already grossed measuring 5x2.5x2cm. Distance from deep is 1cm.Adjacent breast is fibrofatty.Muscle : Absent.Also received seperately fibrofatty tissue measuring 6.5x4.5x0.5cm.C)Received already grossed 4 bits of fibrofatty tissue altogether measuring 7x3.5x1cm.IMPRESSION:Lumpectomy :Section from the remaining tumor mass (already grossed specimen) and are block with SR. No 270/17 show-Invasive ductal carcinoma consisting of sheets, clumps, groups of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 -------------- 6/9 ---------------Nuclear grade II.Extensive areas of ductal carcinoma is present- Solid, cribriform and comedonecrosis present.Lymphovascular invasion : Present.Perineural invasion : Present.NOTE:Exact size of the tumor can not be mentioned as the specimen is regrossed to mention the extension of invasive carcinoma and ductal carcinoma sizes.Mastectomy specimen: Regrossed along with review slides.No residual tumor present with post lumpectomy specimen.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Undersurface resected margin : Free of tumor.Lymph nodes : 6 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 12 nodes. Perinodal spread present." 2057,MR1710141,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 7 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9, Grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááá -á 3Nuclear pleomorphismá - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá - 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------" 2058,MR1710172,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN :Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received in : FormalinTime of receipt at lab : 4.30pm. Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Right MRM.Total dimensions : Medial to Lateral : 15cm. Superficial to Deep :4cm. Superior to Inferior : 14cm.Skin ellipse : 14x8cm. Nipple :Unremarkable.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumour Size : ill defined grey white cystic a mucinous areas measures 4x4x3cm. Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : ill defined. Deep margin : 1cm.Muscle : Present measures 4x3cm.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 6x4x2cm.Total number of nodes : 10 Size of largest node : 2x1.5x0.8cm, cut surface fat infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Tumor bed :Invasive papillary carcinoma with mucinous carcinoma.Maximum dimension of tumor 4cm.Invasive carcinoma measures 2.2cm. Ductal papillary carcinoma in situ is measures 1.8cm.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy :Invasive papillary carcinoma with mucinous carcinoma. Grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 4cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ present with intra ductal papillary carcinoma in situ.Lymphovascular invasion not present.Perineural invasion not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 10 lymph nodes show no metastatic deposits of tumor.(0/10)Summary :Right MRM, Papillary mucinous carcinoma with extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ, Grade II.Nodal metastases 10 nodes - No deposits of tumor. (0/10)Pathological stage : pT2N0." 2059,MR1710176,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Breast lump for evaluation - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN :Biopsy from Right Breast lump- Trucut Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged in cores and nests. Lesional cells are pleomorphic with round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus , inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate to abundant amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Surrounding stroma shows desmoplasia. Mitosis is discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right Breast lump,Trucut Biopsy :Invasive duct carcinoma Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2060,MR1710209,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey brown to grey yellow measures 0.6 - 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with a cellular lesion arranged in sheets. The cells are round to ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm and centrally to peripherally placed hyperchromatic nucleus. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphomononuclear infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis are seen. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:The possibilities considered are,1) Lobular carcinoma.2) Plasma cell neoplasm.Suggest IHC." 2061,MR1710217,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast - post lumpectomy, Post NACT status.SPECIMEN :A) Left mastectomy + level 1,2 nodes.B) Level 3 nodes.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 17cm. Superficial to Deep : 6cm. Superior to Inferior : 17cm.Skin ellipse : 12x7cm. Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : seen measures 0.5cm.Margins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 1.4cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail :8x7x3cm.Size of largest node : 0.9x0.8x0.7cm. Cut surface grey white fatty infiltration.B) Received one fibrofatty tissue measures 0.8x0.7x0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast, post NACT Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed shows areas of fibrosis adenosis, foreign body giant cells and histiocytes with hemosiderin laden macrophage collection. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not identified.Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion not identified.Posterior resection margin is uninvolved.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 18 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0 (0/18).Summary : Left breast, Left MRM,post NACT :No residual viable tumor present.Nodal metastases 0/18.Pathological stage : YPToNo." 2062,MR1710230,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast/ Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 greywhite to greyyellow linear cores measuring 0.3 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibroadipose tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged as nests, sheets and cords. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic, moderately pleomorphic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Stroma shows focal lympho-mononuclear infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 2.MBR score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 -------------------- 7/9 --------------------" 2063,MR1710233,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 - 1.3cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged as tubules , nests andcords. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic, moderately pleomorphic nucleus, prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic figures areá 6-7/10hpf. Stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast.Invasive carcinoma, no special type, grade 2.MBR scoreá isá 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphismáááá -- 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá -- 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________á áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááá ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 2064,MR1710235,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white grey yellow linear cores measures 1-1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged , cords and singly dispersed cells. Cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Adjacent stroma shows desmoplasia, hemorrhage and lymphocytic infiltration. Brisk mitotic activity noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, nuclear grade 2." 2065,MR1710254,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast(post NACT).SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure :Modified Radical Mastectomy(post NACT)Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral :14cm. Superficial - deep :4.5 cm. Superior-inferior :15cm.Skin ellipse : 9x7cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single. Tumor size : 5x3x3cm grey white rubbery area is seen with a focal mucinous area measuring 0.8x0.7cm.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 1.5cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 13 nodes.Axillary tail : 5x4x2cm.Size of largest node : 0.8x0.7x0.6cm. Cut surface Is greywhite.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy -Post NACT:Tumor bed: Small focus of residual viable tumor present measuring 0.8x0.7cm with features of mucinous carcinoma.Dense fibrous tissue and atrophic ducts are present, surrounding the tumor.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not seen.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.Perineural invasion : Not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 13 lymph nodes- No metastatic deposits of tumor.Pathological stage : ypT1N0.SUMMARY:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy -Post NACT:Small focus of residual viable tumor present with features of mucinous carcinoma.Nodal metastases :13 lymph nodes- No metastatic deposits of tumor." 2067,MR1710286,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump- carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy of right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 - 1 cm. Entire tissue is processed.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 2068,MR1710299,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breastá -á post OPLiver SOL - Metastatic.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from liver lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measuresá 1 - 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged as nests and cords.The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic, moderately pleomorphic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm.Stroma shows focal myxoid change and hyalinisation.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from liver lesion:Metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma left breast." 2069,MR1710306,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Lump in right breast since 3 yrs.SPECIMEN :Right breast, Post NACT.GROSS FINDINGS :Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Right. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 19cm. Superficial to Deep : 6cm. Superior to inferior : 22cm.Skin ellipse : 15x14cm. Nipple :Retracted.Scar/ Surgical defect :4cm lateral to the nipple areola complex, identified retracted healed ulcer scar measures 1.5x1cm.Tumor : Single : 3.8x3x2cm, location at 10'0 clock positive corresponding to the overlying scar.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant. Deep margin : 3cm.Muscle :Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail :10x9x2.5cm.IMPRESSION:Right breast, post NACT Modified Radical Mastectomy: Residual invasive ductal Carcinoma, Grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 3Tumor measures 3.8cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ present, comedo type, high grade.Lymphovascular invasion present.Perineural invasion not identified.Posterior resection margin is uninvolved. Nipple and areola is unremarkable / skin shows dermal involvement without no ulceration and no epidermis involvement. Lymph nodes: 16 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 2 (2/16).Size of deposits 1.2cm perinodal spread not present.Summary : Right MRM, Residual invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade II.Nodal metastases 2/16.Pathological stage : pT2PN1." 2070,MR1710326,"CLINICAL HISTROY :Known case of carcinoma right breast ( post NACT).SPECIMEN :A) Wide local excision.B) Right axillary lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures skin measures7x4.5x4cm. Skin ellipse measures 5x1.5cm. Cut surface grey white 1.5x1x1cm from grey white.Distance from the margins :Superior : 2cm.Inferior : 4cm.Medial : 1.5cm.Lateral : 0.3cm.Deep : 1.5cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5x4x3cm. Largest lymph node measures 0.8x0.6x0.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :A) Sections show tumor arranged in nests lobules and cords of cells exhibiting increased nucleocytoplasmic ratio slightly hyperchromatic and pleomorphic nuclei inconspicuous nucleoli and variable amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. Focal cribriform and micropapillary pattern. Ductal carcinoma in situ is noted.The intervening stroma shows desmoplastic response. All the margins are free of tumor.B) Two of 15 lymph nodes dissected show metastatic tumor deposits.IMPRESSION :A) Wide local excision :Residual invasion carcinoma present.Ductal carcinoma in situ present.Lymphovascular emboli seen.Perinerual invasion not seen.All margins are free of tumor.Tumor measures 1.5cm in maximum dimension.Modified BR score is 5/9, grade I.Tubular formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ______________ 5/9 ____________B) Right axillary lymph node : 2/15 lymph nodes show case of metastatic deposits uninvolved nodes show reactive hyperplasia" 2071,MR1710329,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast- post OP recurrent.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple greywhite soft tissue bits altogether measuring 1.5x1x0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple fragments of tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged as nests and sheets. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic, markedly pleomorphic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. Few interspersed large cells with vesicular nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Intervening stroma shows areas of necrosis and sheets of foamy histiocytes.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lesion:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 3.Suggestive of Recurrence, in a known case of carcinoma right breast, post OP.MBR score is 8/9.Tubule formation á á á áá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 3Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------------" 2072,MR1710381,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breastá - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white grey yellow linear cores measuresá 1 - 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in sheets. The cells have moderately pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show fibrosis and few congested blood vessels seen. Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass:Invasive carcinoma, grade II.Tubule formationááááá á áá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________MBR score á á á á á áááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 2073,MR1710385,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white - grey yellow linear cores measures 0.8 - 1.2cm.Entire tissue isprocessed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in sheets, nests, cordspattern. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromatic to vesicularnuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows desmoplasiaand dense lymphocytic infiltration. Mitotic figures discerned. Lymphovascular invasion seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump. biopsy:Invasive carcinoma,, No Special Type Grade 3.MBR score - 8/9Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 3 __________ 8/9 ___________Lymphovascular invasion seen" 2074,MR1710401,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey yellowá linear cores measures 02. to 1cm Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged as islands and sheets. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory cell infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2 .Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9.Tubule formationááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá - 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 2075,MR1710424,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified radical Mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial -- lateral -- 20cm Superficial -- Deep --2.5cm Superior -- Inferior -- 17cm. Skin ellipse : 12x5cm with puckering of areola noted Nipple : retractedScar/ Surgical defect : not seenTumor : Single Tumour Size : 3x2.5x1.5cm. Location of tumor : central quadrant Margins of tumor : illdefined Deep margin : 1.5cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 7x6x2cm.Total number of nodes : 16 lymph nodesSize of largest node : 2x1x0.5cm, cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive carcinoma with lobular carcinoma features, Grade II. Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 3x2.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not presentLymphovascular invasion presentPerineural invasion presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is tumor is extending upto the nipple and areola,epidermisis free from the tumor.Lymph nodes: 2 lymph nodes, show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 16 nodes. Summary :Left MRM,Invasive carcinoma with lobular carcinoma features, Grade II.Lymph nodes - 2 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 16 nodes.Pathological stage : pT2N1." 2076,MR1710425,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.2 - 1cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests and cordsand singly scattered cells. Cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.Other cores shows presence of pleomorphic cells in desmoplastic stroma. Atypical mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, biopsy:Poorly differentiated malignancy.Possibility of Metaplastic carcinoma is considered." 2077,MR1710454,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lumpSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion, arranged as linear cords and nests. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic, moderately pleomorphic nucleus andá scanty cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are 6-7/10hpf. Stroma shows extensive desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá á - 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááá -á 2Mitosisáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9" 2078,MR1710463,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast (post NACT).SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral :17cm. Superficial - deep : 6cm. Superior-inferior :17cm.Skin ellipse : 16x10cm.Nipple : Shows excoriation.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : greywhite firm lesion noted.Tumor size : 2x1.5x1.5cm.cm.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 3cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 21 nodes.Axillary tail : 10x5x2.5cm.Size of largest node : 1x0.8x0.5cm. Cut surface is greywhite.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Tumor bed : Total size of the tumor is 2cm.Invasive carcinoma is 50% - 1cm.DCIS with comedonecrosis 1cm.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubular formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 --------------- 6/9 ---------------Tumor measures 2cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Upper outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Present.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 21 lymph nodes - No metastatic deposits of tumor.Pathological stage : ypT1N0.SUMMARY:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Residual viable tumor present, grade II.Invasive ductal carcinoma with DCIS.Nodal metastases :21 Nodes- No deposits of tumor." 2079,MR1710478,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 - 1.5cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show fibrocollagenous tissue with atypical cells in strands and scattered singles infiltrating the stroma. Cells are pleomorphic with irregular , hyperchromatic nuclei. Stromashows lymphocytic infiltrate. Marked areas of hyalinisation seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump:Scattered atypical cells, suspicious of malignancy.Suggest repeat biopsy." 2080,MR1710481,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump -á possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.6 - 1cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests and cords. Cells are pleomorphicwith vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned.Large areas of ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump:Infiltrating carcinoma , no special type,grade III with focus of papillary differentiation.MBR scoreá 8/9Tubule formationááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá -- 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá -- 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis seen." 2082,MR1710522,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.4 - 1cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion consisting of duct with neoplastic arranged in cribriform and solid pattern. The cells having round to oval hyperchromaticnuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Ducts have outer myoepithelial cell layer. Stroma showfibrosis.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump - core biopsy;Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ (intermediate to high grade) cribriform, solid pattern.NOTE:Adjacent invasive focus needs to be excluded on larger tissue." 2083,MR1710525,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump -á possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measuresá 0.5 - 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Grade 2 - 7/9Tubule formationáááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9 áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________Areas of necrosis seen." 2085,MR1710575,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lumpá - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 - 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Grade 2 - 7/9Tubule formationááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________" 2086,MR1710593,"CLINICAL HISTORY:B) Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:B) Left breast lump biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:B) Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 - 1 cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:B) Left breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6( 3+2+1)." 2087,MR1710610,SR17-2461SITE:Breast tissueReceived already grossed specimen in 6 bits altogether measures 6.5x5x2.5cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied show fibroglandular tissue with a circumscribed lesion arranged in diffuse sheets with intervening sparse stroma showing dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltration.Lesional cells have highly pleomorphic vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli andabundant cytoplasm with indistinct cell borders. Brisk mitotic activity noted. Adjacent breast shows fibroadenosis.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma with medullary features.Grade2 2088,MR1710625,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SITE:Right modified radical mastectomy.Received 14 slides labelled as 1964/17. A-N.IMPRESSION:Tumor :- Invasive ductal carcinomaNuclear grade - III.Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2 Mitotic figures -- 3 _________ 8/9 _________Ductal carcinoma in situ is present - The section from the tumor shows 20% of tumor show ductal carcinoma in situ - solid, cribriform and comedonecrosis.Nipple and areola -- unremarkable.Undersurface resected margin - free of tumor Lymphovascular invasion presentPerineural invasion present.Lymph nodes - 20 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 22 nodes.Perinodal spread present.Pathological stage - pT3N3." 2089,MR1710632,"CLINICAL HISTORY :A) Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:A) Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 - 1cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged as nests and lobules.The cells are oval with round hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. Few cells showplasmacytoid appearance. Mitotic figures are 3-4/10 hpf. Stroma shows hyalinization. Areas ofhemorrhage noted.IMPRESSION:A) Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma with papillary differentiation, nuclear grade 1." 2091,MR1710650,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received in :10% Formalin.Procedure : Modified radical mastectomy post NACT.Laterality : Left.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral :19 cm. Superficial - deep : 5cm. Superior-inferior :17 cm.Skin ellipse : 12x10 cm.Nipple : NormalScar/ Surgical defect : Curvilinear scar measures 6.5 cm. is noted around the areolaTumor : No obvious tumor seen.Tumor size : Fibrotic areas measures 0.8x0.6x0.5 cm. noted below the scar.Deep margin : 1 cm from the fibrotic areas.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast :Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail :4x3x2 cm.Total number of nodes : 10 nodesSize of largest node : 1.5x1x1 cm. cut surface shows fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPYTumor Bed: No Residual viable tumor seen Fibrotic and necrosis areas present with lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates . Surrounding duct show epithelial hyperplasia and adenosis.IMPRESSION:Left breast, post lumpectomy, post NACT, modified radical mastectomy: No Residual viable tumor seen Posterior resection margin is: free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 10 lymph nodes No metastatic deposit tumor. Pathological stage : ypT0N0SUMMARY:Left Post NACT Post lumpectomy. Modified radical mastectomy. No residual viable tumor fibrotic areas present.Lymph nodes: 10 lymph nodes No metastatic deposit tumor. " 2092,MR1710656,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Case of left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral :18cm. Superficial - deep :16cm. Superior-inferior : 5cm.Skin ellipse : 13.5x12cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 4x2x1.5cm.Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrant.Deep margin : 2cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 16 nodes.Axillary tail : 6.5x5.5x1.5cm.Size of largest node : 2x1x0.5cm. Cut surface is grey brown.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubular formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 --------------- 6/9 ---------------Tumor measures 4x2x1.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper inner quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin : Free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: One lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 16 nodes. Perinodal spread is not present. Intramammary node : One node- No deposits of tumor.Pathological stage : pT2N1.SUMMARY:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Nodal metastases : One lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 16 nodes.Inter mammary node : One node- No deposits of tumor." 2093,MR1710665,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump -á carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.8 - 1cm.Entire tissue is processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá -- 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________" 2094,MR1710678,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.3 - 1cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests.Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 2095,MR1710683,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump -á possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 - 1.2cm.Entire tissue isprocessed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibroadipose tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged asnests and sheets. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. Few cells show cytoplasmic vacuolation. Mitotic figuresá are 4-5/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma , no special type, grade2.Tubule formationáááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááá MBR scoreááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________" 2096,MR1710686,"SR17-2520SITE:Modified radical mastectomy, right breast.A) Received 10 block labelled as 4324 A,B,C,D,E,F,H,I,J,K.B) Received 13 stained slides labelled as 4324 A,B,C,D,E,F,H,I,J,K,L,M,N.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged as nests and tubules. The cells have round to oval vesicular nucleus, with moderate pleomorphism, prominent nucleoli and scanty pale to vacuoalated cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are 3-4/10hpf. Focus of solid pattern of DICS noted. Intervening stroma shows desmoplasia. Adjacent breast shows fibrocystic change. Nipple areola is unremarkable. One of fourteen lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposits. Perinodal spread not seen. All margins of resection are free of tumor.IMPRESSION:Modified radical mastectomy, right breast.Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 1.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 5/9.Tubular formation -- 2Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 1 ---------- 5/9 ----------DICS (solid pattern) present.Lymphovascular invasion indeterminate.Perineural invasion not identified.Nipple areola is unremarkable.Lateral, medial, superior, inferior and posterior margins are free of tumor.One out of fourteen lymph nodes, shows metastatic tumor deposits (1/14). Perinodal spread not present. " 2097,MR1710687,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lumpectomy.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received unoriented lumpectomy specimen measures 6x5.5x2cm, outer surface irregular , cutsurface show solid and a cystic cavity measures 5x2x1cm. distance from the nearest inkedmargin 0.3cm.Slit like spaces noted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from the lump show breast parenchyma with preserved lobular architecture , few ductsshow cystic dilatation with intraluminal secretions. There is focal ductal hyperplasia. Stromashows increased collagen and fibrosis. Foci of periductal inflammation predominantly composed of neutrophils also noted. No evidence of in situ or invasion carcinoma noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump:Features are suggestive of fibrocystic disease." 2098,MR1710692,"SR17-2495SITE:Modified radical mastectomy of right breast.Received 20 blocks and 20 stained slides labelled as 4685/17 A-T.IMPRESSION:Tumor :-Invasive ductal carcinomaTubule formation -- 2Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 2 ________ 7/9 ________Nuclear grade - II.Ductal carcinoma in situ present , cribriform and comedonecrosis.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.All resected margins are free of tumor.Lymph nodes :-17 nodes - shows deposits of tumor out of 21nodes.Perinodal spread present" 2099,MR1710695,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Known case of left carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left level I axillary lymph nodes(Frozen Section).B) Left level I axillary lymph nodes(Frozen Section).C) Left Breast, Left Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 5 x 4 x 1 cm.One lymph node isolated measuring 0.8 x 0.5 x 0.5 cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 5 x 4 x 3 cm.4 lymph nodes isolated. Largest measuring 1 x 1 x 0.7 cm.C) Left Breast, Left mastectomy:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Left breast.Medial-lateral : 21 cm. Superficial - deep : 4 cm. Superior-inferior : 20 cm.Skin ellipse : 15 x 7.5 cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Linear scar measuring 2.5 m around the areola.Tumor site : Grossly no definite tumor identified. Corresponding to scar area, there is a greywhite lesion measuring 1.5 x 0.8 x 0.1 cm.Deep margin : 3.2 cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Axillary tail : Absent.Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows residual small foci of ductal carcinoma in situ of solid pattern with intermediate nuclear grade. No evidence of invasive malignancy is seen.IMPRESSION:A) Left level I axillary lymph nodes(Frozen Section) :Three lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy (0/3).B) Left level I axillary lymph nodes(Frozen Section) :Three lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy (0/3).C) Left Breast, Left Mastectomy :Shows Ductal carcinoma-in-situ of solid pattern with intermediate nuclear grade. - No evidence of invasive malignancy is seen. - Size of the DCIS measures 0.3 cm in greatest dimension. - Lymphovascular invasion is not seen. - Perineural invasion is not seen. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and areola are unremarkable. - Overlying skin is free of tumor." 2100,MR1710708,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2101,MR1710717,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of right breast carcinoma with left breast lump.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast modified radical mastectomy.B) Left breast wide excision.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received in : Formalin Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :22cm Superficial to Deep :7cm Superior to inferior : 17cmSkin ellipse :15x10.5cmNipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Scar seen in upper central quadrant. measures 2cm in length.Tumor : Single Tumor Size : 2x1.5x1cmLocation of tumor : Upper central quadrantMargins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 3cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail :7x6x3cmSize of largest node : 1.8x0.8x0.5cm, Cut surface - grey white to grey brown.B) Received Lumpectomy specimen measures 6.0x5.5x1.5cmSkin ellipse measures 2x1.5cmCut surface shows small grey white ill defined lesion measures 1x0.8x0.6cm.Distance from margins:Superior margin : 0.5cmInferior margin :0.6cmMedial margin :2.5cmLateral margin :0.5cmDeep margin :2.5cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:b) Section shows intraductal lesion with increased cellularity moderate atypia with vesicular nucleus eosinophilic cytoplasm tumor is surrounding by outer myoepithelial cells . In focal areas and invasion into the stroma present. IMPRESSION:A)Right Post NACT modified radical mastectomy:Tumor Bed:Tumor bed shows invasive carcinoma with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm with vesicular pyknotic nuclei. Surrounding area of show fibrosis, necrosis and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrationRight modified radical mastectomy.Residual Invasive Ductal Carcinoma grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1Tumor measures 2cm in greatest dimension and located in the central regionDuctal carcinoma in situ present solid type intermediate gradeLymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes 13lymph nodes metastasis 0, 0/13B) Suggestive of papillary neoplasm with papillary ductal carcinoma in situ with suspicious foci of invasionSuggest IHC for defintive opinionSummary:Right post NACT modified radical mastectomy residual invasive ductal carcinoma grade 2" 2102,MR1710730,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left axillary sentinel node.B) Left Mastectomy specimen.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3x2.5x1.5cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1x1x0.5cm. Isolated 3 lymph nodes.B) Left Mastectomy specimen:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Left Total dimensions :Medial-lateral :15cm. Superficial - deep : 5.5cm. Superior-inferior :16cm.Skin ellipse :14x10cm.Nipple : Unremarkable.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 2.5x2x2cm.Location of tumor : upper inner quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 2cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Total number of nodes : Sentinel lymph node : 3 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.Axillary tail : Absent.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 --------------- 7/9 ---------------Tumor measures 2.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Upper inner quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: Sentinel node : 3 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.Pathological stage : pT2N0.SUMMARY:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Nodal metastases : Sentinel node : 3 Nodes- No deposits of tumor." 2103,MR1710749,"CLINICAL HISTORY :áLiver mets in a known case of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from liverá mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multipleá grey white linear cores measures1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in cordsá and sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitoticá figures are discerned stroma shows desmoplasiaá with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from liver mass:Metastatic carcinoma, probably from breast." 2104,MR1710757,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.3- 1cm. Entire tissue is processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast.Grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______" 2105,MR1710790,CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 - 1.2cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma with an invasive neoplasm composed of cells arranged in tubularfashion with moderate pleomorphism and atypical pleomorphic nuclei. Adjacent ductal carcinoma insitu component( solid and cribriform) also noted. Modified BR score is 6/9Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 ________ 6/9 _______Grade - 2.IMPRESSION:Features are that of invasive ductal carcinoma no specific type - grade 2. 2106,MR1710798,CLINICAL HISTORY :Follow up case of carcinoma right breast.Multiple liver lesion - ? metastases. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from liver lesion. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of liver parenchyma infiltrated by neoplasm arranged in trabecular and glandular pattern. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are see. IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma. ? Metastatic. Suggest IHC. 2107,MR1710801,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.3 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with an infiltrative lesion arranged in diffuse sheets, nests and cords, cells are pleomorphic with vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Stroma shows marked desmoplastic reactive, necrosis in fibrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Infiltrating carcinoma, with papillary features grade III.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9.Tubular formationáááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphicááááááá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá -- 3áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------Areas of necrosis seen." 2108,MR1710806,"CLINICAL HISTORY;Lump in left breast.SPECIMEN:Wide excision - lumpectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received lumpectomy specimen measures 4x3.5x1.5cm, cut surface shows grey white lesionmeasures 1x0.8x0.6cm.Located at the following distances from the respective margins:Superior margin -- 0.5cmInferior margin -- 1cmMedial margin -- 2cmLateral margin -- 1.5cmDeep margin -- 0.3cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Wide excision - lumpectomy:Tumor bed:-Multiple sections from the tumor shows ducts comprising of papillary pattern with fibrovascularcore lined with pleomorphic cells with vesicular nucleus. In focal areas cells are present in glandular pattern.The ducts are lined with outer myoepithelial cells. some ducts show micro-invasion of tumor cells into stroma and few clumps of cells are present. There is no evidence of vascular invasion.Resected margins are, superior margin - free of tumor.Inferior margin -- free of tumor.Medial margin -- free of tumor.Lateral margin -- free of tumorDeep margin -- 0.3cm from the tumor - however inked margin is free of tumor.IMPRESSION:Intraductal papillary carcinoma in situ with ductal carcinomaFocal areas of microinvasion? invasive carcinoma small clumps present in stroma.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Resected superior, inferior, medial and lateral margins are free of tumor.Deep margin is 0.3cm from tumor, however inked margin is free of tumor.Note:-Advised IHC markers - myoepithelial cells and p63, calponin and pancytokeratin.AMENDMENT AS ON 24/8/17:Intraductal Papillary Carcinoma with few foci suspicious of microinvasion.Lymphovascular invasion is not seen.Deep margin is 0.3cm from the tumor. However inked margin is free of tumor.Advised IHC markers.This report supersedes the earlier report dated 21/8/17." 2109,MR1710815,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast wide excision for margins.B) Right breast sentinel lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 7x7x5cm.Skin ellipse measures 3.5cm.Cut surface shows a greywhite lesion measures 3x2.5x2.5cm and is located at a distance from the following margins:-Superior margin -- 2cm.Inferior margin -- 1.5cm.Right -- 2.5cm.Left -- 1.2cm.Deep -- 1.5cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 4.5x2.5x1cm.Identified four lymph nodes. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:a) Procedure : Right lumpectomy, Sentinel lymph dissection.b) Tumor size : 3cm in greatest dimension.c) Histological type : Invasive carcinoma ductal (NOS).d) Histological grade : Modified Bloom Richardson score : 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3Total side : 8, Grade III.e) Tumor focality : Unifocal.f) DCIS : Present, comedo type, nuclear grade II.g) Margins : Resected margins uninvolved.h) Skin nipple areola : Skin uninvolved.i) Regional lymph nodes :No examined : 4Number involved : 0j) Lympovascular invasion : Not identified.k) Pathological staging : pT2pN0CM0.IMPRESSION:Lumpectomy with sentinel node dissectionInvasive carcinoma ductal type (NOS). with pT2pN0M0, Grade III." 2110,MR1710820,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast- carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey whiteá linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in tubular nests. Cells exhibit pleomorphic vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm. Stroma shows mild lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Left breast:Infiltrating carcinoma, NST - Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubule formationá á á áá á :2Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9" 2111,MR1710852,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast ( post NACT).SPECIMEN :A) Wide local excision breast lump.B) Revised medial margin.C) Right axillary lymph node dissection.D)TAH+BSO Specimen.E) Fibroid.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 6.5x6.0x3cm. Skin ellipse measures 4x0.9cm. On serial sectioning a grey white ill defined lesion measures 3x2.5x2cm with a focal solid area is present measures 0.8x0.5cm is seen at respective distances from margins :Superior : 1.5cm.Inferior : 1.0cm.Medial : 2cm.Lateral : 1.8cm.Deep : 0.5cmB) Received a fibrofatty tissue with one surface inked measures 6.5x4x1cm.on cut section grossly no lesion identified.C) Received axillary pad of fat measures 5x4x3.5cm. isolated 16 lymph nodes. Largest measures 2x1x1cm. Cut surface grey white. Entire tissue processed.D)TAH+BSO Specimen:Uterus dimensions: Midline fundal-serosa to ectocervix : 10.5cmMaximum intercornual : 7cmMaximum anterior to posterior : 3.5cmCervix Dimensions : 3x2cm.Vaginal cuff : Right inferior, left inferior.Cervix shape : Normal.Right ovary : 3x2x1cm.Left ovary : 4x2x1.5cm.Right Fallopian tube : 5cm.Left Fallopian tube : 6cm.Endometrium descriptionEndometrial thickness : 0.6cm. A focal mild irregularity is noted in endometrial lining on posterior aspect of fundus.Myometrium descriptionMyometrial depth : 2cm.Grossly unremarkable.Cervix shows slightly irregular mucosa in right and left inferior quadrants measuring 1x1cm.E) Received separately a encapsulated globular mass measures 8x6x4.9cm. Cut surface shows a whorled appearance.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :A)Wide local excision of left breast lumpectomy(post NACT) :Small focus of viable tumor present.Invasive ductal carcinoma with focal areas of ductal carcinoma in situ(low grade).Tumor measures 0.8x0.6cm.Lymphovascular invasion not present.Perineural invasion not present.Resected margins :Superior free of tumor.Inferior : Free of tumorMedial margin show ductal carcinoma in situ.(Revised medial margin: free of tumor.)Lateral margin :free of tumorDeep margin: free of tumor.B)Revised medial margin : shows fibrofatty tissue which is free of tumor.C)Axillary lymph node :One node shows metastatic deposits of viable tumor (invasive ductal carcinoma) out of 16 nodes( 1/16). Perinodal spread is not present.D)Hysterectomy with BSO:Cervix shows normal squamous epithelium with presence of squamocolumnar junction and dilated endocervical glands. Subepithelium shows mononuclear inflammatory cells consisting of lymphocytes and plasma cells.Endometrium : Proliferative glands.No evidence of dysplasia or malignancy.Myometrium : Shows endometrial glands and stroma.Adenomyosis.Right ovary and left ovary : unremarkable.Bilateral fallopian Tubes : unremarkable.E)Fibroid:The section from fibroid shows spindle shaped cells arranged in palisading pattern with whorling of cells. The cells show vesicular nucleus. There is no evidence of malignancy.Leiomyoma.IMPRESSION:Summary:A)Wide local excision of Left breast lumpectomy(post NACT):Viable tumor present measuring 0.8x0.5cm showing Invasive ductal carcinoma with Ductal carcinoma -in-situ.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.Perineural invasion : Not present.Resected margin :-Superior, inferior, lateral, deep margin : Free of tumor.B)Revised medial margin: Free of tumorC)Right Axillary Lymph node dissection:One node shows metastatic deposits of viable tumor out of 16 nodes(1/16).Perinodal spread : Not present.D)TAH with BSO:Cervix : Non specific cervicitis.Endometrium : Proliferative glands.Myometrium : Adenomyosis.Right and left ovary : unremarkable.Bilateral fallopian tubes :unremarkable.E)Fibroid- Leiomyoma. No evidence of malignancy." 2112,MR1710861,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 - 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma with an infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets having round to oval moderately pleomorphic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Bizarre forms and mitotic figures discerned. Stroma is elastotic with scattered stromal cells.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, core biopsy;Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.MBR scoreá - 6/9Tubule formationááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______" 2113,MR1710863,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast - post nact.SPECIMEN :Right mastectomy with axillary clearance(level1 to 3).GROSS FINDINGS :Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral : 19cm. Superficial to Deep : 5cm Superior to Inferior :15cm.Skin ellipse : 11x7.5cm. Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect :not seen.Tumor : singleTumour Size : 1.5x1.2x1cm.Location of tumor : upper inner quadrant.Margins of tumor : Infiltrative.Deep margin : 2.5cm.Muscle : Present, measures 5x5x4cm.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Axillary tail :6x5x1.5cm.Total number of nodes:16Size of largest node :2.5x2x1 cm, cut surface grey brown.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Mastectomy with axillary clearance(level1 to 3),post NACRT Specimen :Tumor bed : Residual viable tumor present. Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade II measuring 1.5cm in greatest dimension Surrounding tumor bed dense fibrosis and hyalinization is present with atrophic ducts.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubular formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 3Tumor measures 1.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper inner quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not seen.Lymphovascular invasion is not seen.Perineural invasion is not seen.Posterior resection margins is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 16 lymph nodes, Metastasis 0 (0/16).Summary : Right breast, , Right Mastectomy with axillary clearance(level1 to 3),post NACRT Specimen:Residual viable tumor present.Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II.Nodal metastases not present. Sixteen lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor(0/16)Pathological stage :y pT1N0." 2114,MR1710869,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - p/o Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2115,MR1710873,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Right supraclavicular lymph node, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processing.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissueá showing large areas of necrosis and hyalinisation. Vague granuloma formation and multinucleated giant cells noted.Aggregates of foamy macrophages and lymphocytes noted.IMPRESSION:Right supraclavicular lymph node, core biopsy:Granulomatous lymphadenitis" 2116,MR1710891,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2117,MR1710907,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.3 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cores. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2118,MR1710924,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right neck node in case of carcinoma right breast buccal mucosa post OP, post RT.SPECIMEN:Right neck node along with skin.GROSS FINDINGS:Received single skin covered soft tissue bit measuring 1x1x0.5 cm, cut surface shows grey white area measures 0.2 cm in diameter.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows stratified epithelium with subepithelium shows inflammation infiltrates composed of lymphocytes, neutrophils and eosinophils. Admixed periappendageal lymphocyte infiltration seen.IMPRESSION:Right neck node along with skin : - Chronic non specific inflammation. - Treatment related changes seen." 2119,MR1710935,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast UOQ T2N0.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : MastectomyLaterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral :16cm. Superficial - deep : 14cm. Superior-inferior : 4.5cm.Skin ellipse : 14x9cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 3x2.5x2cm.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Infiltrative.Deep margin : 1.2cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 10 nodes.Axillary tail : 8x6x3cm.Size of largest node : 2.5x1.5x1cm. Cut surface shows grey brown.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 --------------- 7/9 ---------------Tumor measures 3x2.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Upper outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Few ducts showing DCIS with comedo necrosis measuring 0.5cm.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 10 lymph nodes- No metastatic deposits of tumor.Pathological stage : pT2N0.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Nodal metastases :10 lymph nodes- No metastatic deposits of tumor." 2120,MR1710939,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump- carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section sows linear cores of tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged as linear cords and sheets . The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. Mitosis 6-7 /10hpf. Areas of necrosis identified.IMPRESSION:Biopsy right breast:Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationá á á á -á 3Nuclear pleomorphism -2Mitosisááááááááááááááááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------Large areas of necrosis noted." 2121,MR1710960,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump- possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sectionm shows linear cores of tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged as nests and sheets. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus with moderate pleomorphism, few with prominent nucleoli with indistinct cell border and moderate to abundant granular cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are 3-4/10hpf. Stroma shows desmoplasia and inflammation. areas of necrosis noted..IMPRESSION:Biopsy left breast:Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade 2 with focal areas showing apocrine featuresModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism -2Mitosis -1 ---------- 6/9 ----------Areas of necrosis seen." 2122,MR1710973,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to linear cores measures 0.3 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast tissue with an infiltrating neoplasm composed of cells in nests and glandular pattern the cells show moderate atypia with pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei.One of the cores shows dense hyalinised areas IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinomaModified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9, Grade 2Tubule formationáááááá á : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááá áá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------" 2123,MR1710984,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - BIRADsIV BSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section section linear cores of breast tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged as clusters and tubules . The neoplastic cells are round to polygonal have vesicular nucleus conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is elastotic ..IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma , grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation :3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 _____ 6/9" 2124,MR1711004,"SR17-2596SITE:Left MRM.Received 9 Slides amd 9 blocks labelled as 1198/17B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged am nests tubules and sheets. The cells have pleomorphic vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Few cells have hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are 6-7/10hpf. Stroma shows extensive denoplasia . Adjacent breast shows few cystically dilated ducts with luminal secretion. Lymphovascular invasion present. Perineural invasion is not identified. Four out of five lymph nodes shows metaplastic tumor deposits.IMPRESSION:Left MRM:Invasive carcinoma , NST Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphic : 3Mitosis : 2 ------ 7/9 ------Lymphovascular invasion identified Perineural invasion not identified.Four out of five lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposit (4/5). Perinodal spread not seen.Please refer to primary report for tumor size and margin status." 2125,MR1711030,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of left breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy, post NACTGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : MRM Mastectomy ,post NACT Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 20cm Superficial to Deep : 7cm Superior to Inferior : 7cmSkin ellipse :14x10cmNipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : surgical scar measures 5cm in length in upper inner quadrant.Tumor : No gross lesion identified . : Deep margin : 2cmMuscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibro fatty Axillary tail : 7x6x0.5cmTiny fibrotic area measures : 1.2x1x0.5cm in the upper inner quadrant under the scar.Total number of nodes : 13 nodes.Size of largest node :2x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy:Tumor Bed:The section shows fibrosis and atrophic ducts. Surrounding ducts shows intraductal papillae and epithelial hyperplasia.There is no evidence of residual viable tumor present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 13 lymph nodes, no deposits of tumor.Pathological state: YpT0N0SUMMARY:Left post lumpectomy , Post NACT- MRM,No residual viable tumor presentNodal metastases 13 nodes, no deposits tumor present" 2126,MR1711086,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 linear cores of soft tissue bits measures 0.2 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with an infiltrative lesion arranged in papillae with fibrovascular cores and in nests cells show ovoid vesicular nuclei and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Also seen cytic glanular and foamy histiocytes.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma with focal papillary features - nuclear grade II. 2127,MR1711088,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores soft tissue bits each measures 0.5 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma with an infiltrative lesion arranged in glandular and tubular pattern, cells show vesicular nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned . Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedo necrosis seen. Stromaá shows mild lymphocytic infiltration.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast:Infiltrating carcinoma, nucleará grade IIModified Bloom Richardson Score 6/9.Tubule formationááááááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphism --2Mitotic figures á áá á á á á -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______Ductal Carcinoma in situá with comedo necrosis seen." 2128,MR1711097,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump- possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown and mucoid linear cores measures 0.6- 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cell in nests and sheets lying in pools of mucin. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Carcinoma with mucinous features, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)" 2129,MR1711124,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Swelling at the scar area.SPECIMEN :Left breast, left completion mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received in : FormalinProcedure : Completion MRM Mastectomy Laterality : Left.Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 16cm. Superficial to Deep : 3.5cm. Superior to Inferior : 14cmSkin ellipse : 15x2cm. Nipple :Absent.Scar : 14cm.Tumor : Multiple :1) measures 3x2x2cm, outer central quadrant.2) measures 2.8x1.5x1cm , outer lower quadrant Distance to nearest separate tumor foci (when multiple ): 3.8cm.Margins of tumor : Infiltrative. Deep margin : 1) 1cm. 2) 0.9cm.Muscle : Present measures 3x2x1cm.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 6x3x2.5cm.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.6cm, cut surface necrotic area.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left completion MRM.Invasive ductal Carcinoma multifocal , Grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Tumor is multifocal.Two tumors present , largest tumor m/s 3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central quadrant. Second tumor measures 2.8cm and located in outer quadrant.Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not seen.Lymphovascular invasion identified.Perineural invasion identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is absent.Lymph nodes: Fourteen lymph nodes, metastasis : nine ( 9/14).Summary :Left completion MRM , Invasive ductal carcinoma ,multifocal Grade II.Nodal metastases : Nine out of fourteen lymph nodes show tumor deposit. perinodal spread seen." 2130,MR1711145,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 - 1.5cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests, Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, core biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 2131,MR1711155,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple greywhite linear core measuring 0.3 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 2132,MR1711164,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma left breastLeft chest wall lesion - possibility of recurrence.SPECIMEN:Left chest wall lesion biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 - 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear tissue cores showing sheets and glandular arrangement of neoplastic cells showing moderate amount of nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromatic and eosinophilic cytoplasm.These are surrounded by fibrocollagenous connective tissue.IMPRESSION:Known case of carcinoma left breastLeft chest wall lesion biopsy.:Invasive carcinoma ? recurrence.Modified Bloom Richardson score - 7/9Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 2 __________ 7/9 __________Grade - 2." 2133,MR1711175,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Ductectasia with lump left breast.SPECIMEN:Breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received unoriented unmarked lumpectomy specimen measures 7.5x7x3cm, serial sectioningshows ill defined grey white granular areas altogether measures 5x3x2.4cm.Distance from the nearest inked margin - 0.1cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple sections show extensive ducts show ductal carcinoma in situ with solid and cribriformpatterns and occasional ducts show comedonecrosis. In focal areas suspicious of micro- invasionpresent. Resected margin - close margin - 0.1cm ,free from the tumor.IMPRESSION:Breast lump:Extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situsolid cribriform and occasional ducts with comedonecrosis.Suspicious of ? microinvasionAdvised IHC markers - myoepithelial markers." 2134,MR1711193,CLINICAL HISTORY :Liver lesion - ? MetastasesSPECIMEN:Biopsy from liver lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received fragmented grey white to grey browná linear cores measures 0.8x1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of liver parenchyma with a lesioná arranged in sheets and nests. The cells have round to oval hyperchromaticá nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Frequent mitotic figures (2-3/hpf) noted. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from liver lesion:Metastatic carcinomatous deposits in a known case of carcinoma breast. 2135,MR1711195,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? mastitis/ ? carcinoma breastBirads IV.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.6 - 1cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in sheets,tufts and tubulesLesional cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus with inconspicuous nucleus and moderateamount of eosinophilic cytoplasm, epithelial ductal hyperplasia noted with myoepithelial lining. Backgroundshows dense inflammation and necrosis.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Core biopsy :Features are suggestive of Atypical ductal hyperplasia in a background of inflammation.No definite evidence of invasive malignancy is seen.Suggest excision of lump for further confirmation." 2137,MR1711221,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast wide excision.B) Left Axillary lymph node dissection.C) Level III lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 12x11x4.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 5.5x2.5cm.Serial section show an ill defined greywhite lesion measuring 2.5x1.8x0.8cm, located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 4cm.Inferior margináá -- 3cm.Medial marginááá -- 3.5cm.Lateral marginááá -- 4.5cm.Deep marginááááá -- 1.5cm.B) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue altogether measuring 10x5x3cm. Largest lymph node measuring 3x2x1.5cm.Cut surface shows fatty infiltration. Isolated 16 lymph nodes.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3x2x1cm. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show breast parenchyma with an infiltrative lesion arranged in cords and strands. Cells are markedly pleomorphic with vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleus and eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm.Some are sigment type cells seen with eccentrically placed hyperchromatic nuclei. Mitotic figures discerned. Lymphovascular invasion identified. Perineural invasion not identified.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast wide excision:Invasive carcinoma with lobular features, Nuclear grade 2.- Tumor measures 2.5cm in greatest dimension.- Lymphovascular invasion identified.- Perineural invasion not identified.- All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Left Axillary lymph node dissection:Two out of fourteen lymph nodes show tumor deposit largest measuring 1cm in greatest dimension. Perinodal spread seen (2/14).C) Level III lymph nodes:Nine lymph nodes isolated, negative for malignancy." 2138,MR1711232,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast, T2N0.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : MRM.Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 14cm. Superficial to Deep : 3.5cm. Superior to Inferior : 13cm.Skin ellipse : 13x12.5cm.Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumour Size : 3x2x2cm. Location of tumor : Outer lower quadrant.Deep margin : 1cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Axillary tail : 6x5x2.5cm.Total number of nodes : 21 nodes.Size of largest node : 1.8x1x0.8cm. Cut surface is grey brown.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied show breast parenchyma with an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, tubules, sheets and cords. Cells have hyperchromatic to vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Intervening stroma shows hyalinisation, areas of fibroadenosis and lymphocytic infiltration. Areas of ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis are noted. Lymphovascular invasion seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures 3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Outer lower quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ with comedonecrosis present constituting 0.4cm.Invasive component constituting 2.6cm.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: Twenty one lymph nodes, Metastasis: Four (4/21). Pathological stage : pT2N2." 2139,MR1711238,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump.SPECIMEN :A) Left breast conserving surgery.B)Left axillary nodes.GROSS FINDINGS :Received a skin covered fibrofatty tissue measures 6.5x5x2cm. Skin ellipse measures 6x1.8cm. Surface shows a linear scar measures 2cm. Cut surface shows grey white ill defined firm areas measuring 1x1x0.6cm. Underlying the scar, grey yellow tiny nodules noted measuring 0.7x0.6cm. Distance from margins :Superior : 0.9cm.Inferior : 2cm.Medial : 3.5cm.Lateral : 2cm.Deep : 2cm.Received one fibrofatty tissue measures 5x3x2cm. Largest lymph node measures 2x1.5x0.8cm. Cut surface fatty infiltration.P/EMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Lumpectomy - wide excision - post lumpectomy and NACT :Tumor bed :Small focus of residual tumor present ,measures 1x1cm with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.Modified BR score 5/9,Tubular formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 1Mitotic figures : 2 __________ 5/9 ____________Nuclear grade : ILymphovascular invasion not present.Perineural invasion not identified.Ductal carcinoma in situ not present.All resected margins are free of tumor.Axillary lymph nodes : 12 nodes - no deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION :Residual viable tumor present, measures 1x1cm with Invasive ductal carcinoma.Nuclear grade I.Ductal carcinoma in situ not present.Lymphovascular invasion not present.All resected margins free of tumor.Axillary lymphnodes - 12 nodes - no deposits of tumor.Pathological grade :pT1N0." 2140,MR1711265,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.7 - 0.9 cm.Entire tissue is processed.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 2141,MR1711266,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear fragment measures 0.8 - 1cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show cores of breast tissue with an infiltrating neoplasm predominantly composed of cells in sheets and tubules with a desmoplastic stroma. The cells are highly ploemorphic have abundantto moderate eosinophilic granular cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleoli, few show prominent nucleoli. MBR Score -á 7Tubule formation á á á á áá á -- 2Nuclear pleomorphismáááá -- 3Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma with apocrine features MBR scoreá - 7, grade -II.." 2142,MR1711273,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy of right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 - 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue harboring a lesion arranged in tubules and nests. The cellshave round to oval dark nuclei and inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount. Stroma show sclerosis.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma , grade I.MBR scoreá -áááá 5/9Tubule formationáááááááááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphismáááá -- 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá -- 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________" 2143,MR1711275,CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS;Received multiple fibrofatty tissue altogether measures 3x2.4x1cmIdentified 4 lymph nodes Largest lymph node measures 1.4x1x0.8cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:4 nodes show reactive hyperplasia.No metastatic deposits of tumor. 2144,MR1711316,CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma testisRight iliac node - possibility of metastatic.SPECIMEN:Iliac node biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.6 - 0.8cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue with a lesion arranged in diffuse sheets. Individual cells havehyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows lymphoplasmacyticinfiltration and areas of necrosis. Crush artefacts noted.IMPRESSION:Iliac node biopsy:Small focus of atypical cells.Possibility of Metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma testis. 2145,MR1711341,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Wedge Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits measures 1 x 0.8 x 0.7 cm. Entire tissue processed/.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show stratified squamous epithelium with a infiltrating neoplasm arranged in nests and sheets. The cells forms the lesion are round to oval vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Areas of necrosis. Mitosis 5-6/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Wedge Biopsy :Positive for malignancy.Suggestive of Recurrent Carcinoma in a known and treated case of carcinoma breast." 2146,MR1711362,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast - post NACT.SPECIMEN:A) Right modified radical mastectomy B)Pectoralis muscleGROSS FINDINGS:B) Received fibro muscular tissue measures 4.5x3x1cmOne surface is inked.B)Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy post NACT Laterality :RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :18cm Superficial to deep: 4cm Superior to Inferior :15cmSkin ellipse :13x10cm Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect :Upper outer quadrant shows un ulceration measures 2x2cmTumor : SingleTumor Size : 3.5x3x1.5 Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant to skin ulceration . Margins of tumor : Circumscribed Deep margin : 0.5cmMuscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 6x6x2cmSize of largest node :1.5x1x0.6cm. Cut surface - grey white.IMPRESSION:Tumor bed:Surrounding tumor shows ares of fibrosis, hemorrhage lymphoplasmacytic infiltration seen. Areas of necrosis seen.Right breast right modified radical mastectomy Viable invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures3.5 in greatest dimension id located in the upper outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ is not present .Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes - 19 lymph nodes, metastasis0/19Pathological state yT2N0.B)Pectoralis muscle : Free of tumor.SUMMARY:Right breast modified radical mastectomy invasive ductal carcinoma. Grade IINodal metastasis 0/19." 2147,MR1711385,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump,core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.6- 1.2 cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nucleiand moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump,core biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 2148,MR1711415,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast T1N1.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Modified radical mastectomy.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral :23cm. Superficial - deep : 4cm. Superior-inferior :19cm.Skin ellipse : 17x9.5cm.Nipple : Normal, grey white firm tumor seen measuring 2x2x1cm.Scar/ Surgical defect : Absent.Tumor : Grey white lesion seen in the nipple, areola extending into the retroareolar region measuring 2x2x1cm.Deep margin : 6cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 14 nodes.Axillary tail : 4x4x1cm.Size of largest node : 2x1.5cm.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :Tumor bed : Maximum dimension of tumor is 2x2cm.Invasive ductal carcinoma is 1.4cm.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade IITubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 --------------- 7/9 ---------------Tumor measures 2x2cm in greatest dimension and is located in the nipple and areola quadrant.Tumor infiltrates into epidermis of nipple and areola.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Present, solid type and with comedonecrosis measuring 0.6cm.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 12 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 14 nodes (12/14). Perinodal spread present.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma with Ductal carcinoma-in-situ, grade II.Nodal metastases : 12 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 14 nodes (12/14).Perinodal spread present." 2149,MR1711416,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast intraclavicular lesion - birads IVC.SPECIMEN:Left breast, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 - 1.2 cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests, cords and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nucleiand moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. - Modified Blood Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 2150,MR1711419,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 - 1cm.Entire tissue is processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma,biopsy from right breast.Grade 2 (6/9)Tubule formationáááá á á á á áá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááá -- 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________ áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________Focus of high grade comedo ductal carcinoma in situ noted." 2152,MR1711442,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Lump in right breast.SPECIMEN:Wide excision of the lump GROSS FINDINGS;Received single fibrofatty tissue specimen measures 7.5x6x3cm, cut surface shows grey white granular area altogether measures 6x2x2.5cm.Located at the following distancesfrom the respective margins;-Superior margináááááááááá -- 0.3cmInferior marginááááááááááááá -- 0.8cmMedial marginááááááááááááááá -- 0.3cmLateral marginááááááááááááááá -- 0.7cmDeep margináááááááááááááááááá -- 0.8cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Tumor:-Multiple sections from the tumor shows extensive areas of ducts show ductal carcinoma in situ,ácribriform, papillary and comedonecrosis. In focal areas ? microinvasion is present a few clumps of tumor cells in the stroma. Surrounding breast parenchyma shows adenosis and epithelial hyperplasia.Lymphovascular invasioná - not present.Resected marginsá :-Superior margin -- free of tumor.Inferior margináá -- free of tumor.Medial marginááá -- free of tumor- shows ductal carcinoma in situá - 0.3cm from the tumor,ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá however inked margin is free of tumor.IMPRESSION:Extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ with papillary and comedonecrosis? focal areas of micro - invasion.? stromal invasionLymphovascular invasion not present.Resected margins - superior, inferior, lateral and deep margin - free of tumor.Medial marginááááá shows ductal carcinoma in situ - 0.3cm from the resected margins.However inked margin is free of tumor.NOTE:Advised IHC markersá - myoepithelial markers - p63 , calponin pancytokeratin." 2153,MR1711447,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump -- possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 - 1.2cm.Entire tissueis processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Grade 2 Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitoses -- 2 ________ 7/9 _______" 2154,MR1711453,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 - 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast grade 2 Tubule formation á á á á -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2áMitotic figuresááááááááááá -- 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________" 2155,MR1711462,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.FNAC - duct cell carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 - 1.2 cm. Entire tissue is processedIMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 2156,MR1711463,CLINICAL HISTORY :Birads 4'c lesion in left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 - 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from the breast biopsy show multiple cores of breast tissue with an infiltrating neoplasmin tubules. The cells have moderate cytoplasm and show moderate nuclear pleomorphism and hyperchromatism.Tubule formationááááááááááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphismáááá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá -- 3áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______MBR scoreá - 7Adjacent ductal carcinoma in situ also seen - solid type.IMPRESSION:Features are suggestive of invasive carcinoma ductal type(NOS) grade II. 2157,MR1711482,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast.Carcinoma right breast - local recurrence.SPECIMEN:Right breast lesion, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.2 - 1.4cm.Entire tissue is processed.IMPRESSION:Right breast lesion, core biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 2158,MR1711504,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breastá -á carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 - 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with a lesion arranged in tubules and nests. Cellshave hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows ductal proliferationand hyperplasia.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2MBR Scoreá - 5Tubule formationááááááááá --2Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2 Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______" 2159,MR1711517,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of right breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Mastectomy post NACt Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :18.5cm Superficial to Deep:4cm Superior to Inferior :16cmSkin ellipse : 12x8.5cm Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Linear scar noted measuring 3.5cm, in upper inner quadrant.Tumor : No definite tumor seen.Corresponding to scar , ill defined grey white fibrotic areas measuring 1x0.8x0.5cm. A small cyst seen measuring 0.5x0.2cm in adjacent breast. Deep margin : 0.5cm.Muscle :Absent Adjacent Breast :Fibrofatty Axillary tail : Measures 10x3.5x2cmTotal number of nodes : 18 Size of largest node : 1.6x1x0.3cmHistopathologic Examination:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Posterior resection margin is : Free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 18 lymph nodes, No deposit of tumor.Pathological stage : ypt0N0IMPRESSION:Right modified radical mastectomy:Tumor Bed:Multiple section shows a fibrosis, necrotic areas, lymphocytes, plasma cells and histiocytes with foreign body giant cells.No evidence of Residual viable tumor.SUMMARY:Right modified Radical Mastectomy Post lumpectomy , Post chemotherapy. No residual viable tumor present.Nodal Metastases: 18 nodes; No deposits of tumor." 2160,MR1711540,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 - 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords, trabeculae , sheets and tubules. The cells are moderately pleomorphic with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderatecytoplasm. Mitotic figures are seen. Areas of fibrosis noted. Intervening stroma show lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Suggestive of Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson ScoreTubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism --2Mitotic figures -- 1 ________ 6/9 ________" 2161,MR1711553,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : MRMLaterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral :19cm. Superficial - deep : 4cm. Superior-inferior :18cm.Skin ellipse : 15x8cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 2.5x2x2cm.Location of tumor : 3 '0' clock position.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 0.4cm.Muscle : Present. 1x1x0.5cm.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 16 nodes.Axillary tail : 8x7.5x1.5cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1.5x1x0.6cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Maximum dimension of tumor is 2.5cm.Invasive carcinoma measures 1.5cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 1cm Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 --------------- 7/9 ---------------Ductal carcinoma-in-situ with comedonecrosis and solid type present.Lymphovascular invasion is identified.Perineural invasion is identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 16 lymph nodes, Metastasis : Two (2/16).Perinodal spread seen.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Nodal metastases : Two out of sixteen lymph nodes show tumor deposit (2/16)." 2162,MR1711570,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.2- 1.4cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast parenchyma show a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords, trabeculae and sheets, The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic to vesicular nuclei with few showing prominentnucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of hyalinisation and necrosis seen. Mitosis are seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma , grade II.Areas of necrosis seen.Modified Bloom RichardsonTubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism --3Mitotic figures -- 1 __________ 7/9 __________" 2163,MR1711582,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass- carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 - 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show cores of breast tissue with an infiltrating neoplasm predominantly in tubular and nestedpattern. The cells show moderate cellular atypia with nuclear pleomorphism and hyperchromatism. Mitosis is increased.Nollingham score - Tubule formation -- 2Nuclear pleomorphism--2Mitotic figures -- 3 ________ 7/9 __________IMPRESSION:Features are suggestive of invasive carcinoma ductal type (NOS) Grade IIMBR score 7. 2164,MR1711586,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.8 - 1cm.Entire tissue is processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Grade 2.Tubule formationáááááááááááááá --á 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 2165,MR1711619,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received a skin covered fibrofatty tissue measures 4.5x4x2.5cm, on serial section identifieda well circumscribed, whorled grey white firm lesion measures 1.5x1x1cm. distance from deep margin - 0.6cm.Distance from skin - 2cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple sections show ducts and stroma. Ducts are lined with cuboidal epithelial cells and arecompressed lined with outer myoepithelial cells. The stroma shows spindle cells with myxomatousareas. There is no evidence of malignancy.IMPRESSION:Breast lump:Consistent with Fibro- adenoma." 2166,MR1711621,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast massá - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented linear bits measures 0.4 - 0.6cm.Entire tissue is processed.IMPRESSION:Suggestive of invasive carcinoma with mucinous areas, biopsy from left breastGradeá 2Tubule formationáááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism-- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________" 2167,MR1711631,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 - 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from the biopsy show cores of breast tissue with an invasive neoplasm predominantlyin glands, tubules and nests. The cells show moderate cellular atypia with moderatelypleomorphic nuclei showing hyperchromatism. The stroma appears desmoplastic. The tumorinvades the adipose tissue.Nollingham score -Tubule formation --2Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 2 ________ 6/9 __________Nuclear grade - II.IMPRESSION:Features are suggestive of invasive carcinoma ductal type (NOS), Grade IIMBR score - 6." 2168,MR1711633,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 - 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show cores of breast tissue with glands and ducts showing extensive insitu carcinomawith focal apocrine and clear cell changes. Few ducts show flat epithelial atypia. There are few foci showingdysplastic glands without myoepithelial layer.IMPRESSION:Extensive ductal carcinoma with foci suspicious for invasion.A repeat biopsy is suggested to rule out invasive malignancy. 2169,MR1711635,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast mass , biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 - 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in sheets, nests andcords. Cells have round to oval and bizarre hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stromal desmoplasia and lymphocytic infiltration noted.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass , biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 3.MBR scoreá - 8/9Tubule formationááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá -- 3Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______" 2170,MR1711644,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral :16cm. Superficial - deep : 5.5cm. Superior-inferior :16cm.Skin ellipse : 12x10cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 3x2x1.5cm with mucinous areas.Location of tumor : Central quadrant.Margins of tumor : ill definedDeep margin : 2cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 18 nodes.Axillary tail : 9x8.5x2cm.Size of largest node : 3x2x1cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :Mucinous carcinoma, grade II.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubular formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 --------------- 7/9 ---------------Tumor measures 3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.Perineural invasion : Not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: Eighteen lymph nodes, Metastases : Zero (0/18).SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :Mucinous carcinoma, grade II.Nodal metastases : Eighteen lymph nodes isolated, no deposits of tumor seen." 2171,MR1711646,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breast (post mastectomy status).Right chest wall lesion - possibility of deposit.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right chest wall lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 - 1.2cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of biopsy showing cords, trabeculae and occasional glandular structurescomposed of cells showing increased nucleo- cytoplasmic ratio, nuclear hyperchromasia, pleomorphism and variable amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. Abundant fibrocollagenous stroma with focal myxoid change is seen. Desmoplasia is noted.MBR score is 6/9Tubule formationáááá áá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism-- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right chest wall lesion.:Deposits of invasive carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast." 2172,MR1711651,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of right breast lump.SPECIMEN :Right breast lump, Right sonolocalised excision biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received lumpectomy specimen measures 4 x 3.5 x 3 cm. Skin ellipse measures 2.5 x 0.5 cm. Section shows a grey white illdefined lesion with granular areas measures 3 x 2.5 x 2.3 cm.Distance from margins :Superior : 0.5cm.Inferior : 0.5cm.Medial : 0.4cm.Lateral : < 0.1cm.Deep : 0.8cm.Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section studied shows breast parenchyma showing a cellular lesion located intraductally. The ducts show lesional cells arranged in solid sheets cribriform pattern and in few ducts papillary arrangement of cells is seen. The lesional cells have moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm, round to oval pleomorphic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Few ducts show comedonecrosis pattern. Few ducts show lesion arranged in papillary arrangement with lesional cells arranged around fibrovascular core. Occasional mitoses are seen. Adjacent breast shows fibrosis. Lymphovascular invasion is not seen.IMPRESSION :Right breast lump, Right sonolocalised excision biopsy :Shows Ductal Carcinoma in situ of solid, comedo and cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade. - Size of the DCIS measures 3 cm in greatest dimension. - Adjacent breast shows features of intraductal papilloma and adenosis. - Superior, medial, lateral and deep margins of resection shows ductal carcinoma in situ. - Inferior margin of resection is free of tumor.Suggest to do IHC to rule out invasive component." 2174,MR1711671,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma breast right.SPECIMEN:A)Right axilla sentinel node biopsy.B) Wide excision of right breast lump.C) Revised inferior margin - inked surface away from the tumorGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 3.5x1.5x0.8cm. Isolated 2 lymph nodes one with dye:Largest lymph nodes measures 2x1x0.8cmCut surface - grey white( node with dye measures 1.5x0.5x0.4cm) Entire tissue processed.B) Received lumpetomy specimen measures 6x5x3.4cm.Skin ellipse measures 2.5x0.5cm.Cut surface shows grey white lesion measures 2.5x1.5x1cm. C) Received single fibrofatty tissue meausres 4.5x3x1.5cm with one surface inkedDistance from marginSuperior :1.2cmInferior : 0.9cm.Medial : 0.9cmLateral : 1cmDeep : 0.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Isolated 2 lymph nodes show no metastatic tumor deposits.B) Section show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged as tubules, nests sheets and cords. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus with moderate atypia , prominent nucleoli and moderate to abundant cytoplasm. ductal carcinoma in situ present. Lymphovascular invasion not identified perineural invasion not identified.Inferior margin shows fibroadenosis. Other resected margins are unremarkable.Overlying skin is unremarkable.C) Revised inferior margin shows adenosis.IMPRESSION:A) Right sentinel lymph node:Two lymph nodes - No deposits of tumor (0/2).B) Wide excision right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma , Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubule formation 2Nuclear pleomorphism 2Mitosis 2 _______ 6/9 _______Tumor measures 2.5cm in greatest dimension solid ductal carcinoma in situ present. Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion not identified..Inferior margin shows fibroadenosis.Superior medial, lateral and deep resected margins are free of tumor.Overlying skin is unremarkable.C) Revised inferior margins- Shows fibroadenosis free of tumor." 2175,MR1711672,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Lump in right breast.SPECIMEN :Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy ( Post chemo).GROSS FINDINGS :Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Right.Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 19cm. Superficial to Deep : 5cm. Superior to Inferior : 17cm.Skin ellipse : 11x7cm. Nipple :RetractedScar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumour Size : 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.2 cm. Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrant. Margins of tumor : infiltrative. Deep margin : 1.5cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : 5 x 3 x 1.5 cm.Size of largest node :1.5 x 1 x 0.8 cm, cut surface grey white.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows residual tumor cells in nested and tubular pattern. Individual cells have hyperchromatic cells and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular invasion is seen. Perineural invasion is not seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy(Post chemo) :RESIDUAL INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). - Tumor measures 1.5 cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper inner quadrant. - Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not seen. - Lymphovascular invasion is seen. - Perineural invasion is not seen. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: Two out of fifteen lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposits with extranodal extension(2/15). - Size of the larger tumor deposit measures 0.4 cm in greatest dimension.Pathological stage : ypT1cN1a" 2176,MR1711694,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast post lumpectomy pTx/T1 Nx (margin positive for IDC & DCIS).SPECIMEN:A) Wide local excision.B) Revised lateral margin.C) Axillary clearance.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 6x6x3.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 6x2cm, shows a linear scar measures 3.5cm.Cut surface shows small greywhite tumor measuring 0.5x0.4cm.Distance from margins:-Superior margin -- 3cm.Inferior margin -- 2cm.Medial margin -- 4cm.Lateral margin -- 0.4cm.Deep margin -- 1.5cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3.5x2x0.8cm. One surface ink.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 6x4.5x2.5cm.Largest lymph node measuring 2x1x0.8cm. Cut surface shows greywhite infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Wide local excision:Tumor : Residual viable tumor present measuring 0.5x0.4cm withInvasive ductal carcinoma.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------------ 6/9 -------------Nuclear grade : IIDuctal Carcinoma In Situ : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Present.Perineural invasion : Not identified.Resected margins:-Superior margin -- Free of tumor.Inferior margin -- Free of tumor.Medial margin -- Free of tumor.Lateral margin -- Free of tumor.Deep margin -- Free of tumor.B) Revised lateral margin: Free of tumor.C) Axillary clearance:7 Nodes show metastatic deposits of viable tumor- Invasive ductal carcinoma out of 17 nodes.Perinodal spread present.IMPRESSION:Wide local excision with Axillary clearance:Residual viable tumor present.Invasive ductal carcinoma, Nuclear grade II.Lymphovascular invasion : Present.All resected margins are free of tumor.Resected lateral margin : Free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 7 Nodes show metastatic deposits of viable tumor out of 17 nodes. Perinodal spread present.Pathological stage : pT1N2." 2177,MR1711699,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear fragments measures 0.3 - 0.7cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibroconnective tissue harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and vague tubules. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures arediscerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphomononuclear infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, NST, gradeá 3.Tubule formationáááááááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphismáá -- 3Mitotic activityááááááááááááááá -- 3 ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________" 2179,MR1711712,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast T4B.SPECIMEN:Incision biopsy, left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown softá tissue bits altogether measures 1x0.8x0.3cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows skin with epidermis displaying orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis, dermis shows a cellular lesionarranged in nests and lobules separated by thin fibrous septae. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism with vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Peritumorallymphocytic infiltration seen.Pagetoid spread in the epidermis noted.IMPRESSION:Incision biopsy, left breast:Invasive carcinoma, NST ,grade 2 (3+3+1) - 7/9Tubule formation á á á á á á -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismá -- 3Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá -- 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________Pagetoid spread to the epidermis noted." 2181,MR1711732,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump ? - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown fragmented cores measures 0.3 to 0.5cm.áEntire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchymaá with areas of fibrosis.IMPRESSION:Fibrotic cords.Suggest repeat biopsy to confirm malignancy. 2182,MR1711745,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump -áá Birads V lesion.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.2 - 1.4cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as tubules and clusters. The neoplastic cells are cuboidal have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is fibrous.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from stomach Grade 1Tubule formationááááááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphismá -- 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá -- 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 2183,MR1711750,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 - 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as cords, clusters and nests.The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have hyperchromatic nucleiand moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is fibrous.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, right breast.Grade 2Tubule formationááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá -- 2Mitoticá figuresááááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 2186,MR1711793,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 - 1.2cm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9Tubule formation á á á áá :3Nuclear pleomorphism :2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá :2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------" 2187,MR1711801,CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of carcinoma breast multiple bone metastasis.SPECIMEN:Right iliac bone - CT guided biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 bone fragment measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows lameller bone with intertrabecular spaces marrow spaces are replaced by dense fibrosis tissue containing atypical cells. These cells are arranged in cords tubules and small clusters having round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus with moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right iliac bone - CT guided biopsy:Features are suggestive of metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast. 2188,MR1711819,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.2 - 1.4cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as cords, clusters and tubules. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have hyperchromaticnuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Grade 2 Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures --2 __________ 7/9 ___________Report originally issued by Dr Daphne Fonseca and Dr Ravindranath Tagore Amendment done on 16/8/17 carried out by Dr Sudha Laterality reads as right breast Request generated and amendment endorsed by Dr Pradeep ,RadiologistThis report supersedes the earlier report Amended report : Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast.Grade 2 Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures --2 _____ _____ 7/9 ___________" 2190,MR1711826,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma breast stage IV.SPECIMEN:Right breast.Received 4 blocks and 4 slides labelled as 784/17.Received 1 specimen measuring 784/17.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy(specimen is already grossed)Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 15cm. Superficial - deep : 4 cm. Superior-inferior : 12 cm.Skin ellipse : 10x9cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Skin shows a greybrown pigmented areas measuring 5x4cm.Tumor : Greywhite fibrotic rubbery areas measuring 6x4x3cm.Margins of lesion : Ill defined.Deep margin : 2.5cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Axillary tail : Absent.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section from the four slides and blocks(labeled 784/17 B-E) show tissue with suboptimal processing and fixation.The section shows skin with normal epidermis with pigmentation and dense fibrotic areas with lymphoplasmacytic infiltration and occasional giant cells.There is no evidence of residual viable tumor.4 Blocks and slides- No residual tumor present.IMPRESSION:Right breast specimen :Tumor bed : Below the skin dense fibrosis is present with atrophic ducts. In focal areas, few clumps of pleomorphic cells are seen with hyperchromatic and degenerated cells, surrounded with pigmentation, this area measures 0.6x0.5cm and shows cells arranged in ductular pattern- Invasive ductal carcinoma.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.Perineural invasion : Not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: Not present.SUMMARY:Right breast Mastectomy specimen :Small foci of residual tumor present in focal area measuring 0.6x0.5cm.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Nodal metastases :Lymph nodes not present in submitted specimen" 2191,MR1711841,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 - 1cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibroadipose tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged astubules, nests, trabeculae and focal cribriform pattern. The cells have round to oval , hyperchromatic,pleomorphic nucleus and scanty to moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast.:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade I.MBR score is 5/9Tubule formation -- 2Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 1 _________ 5/9 ___________" 2192,MR1711863,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.2 - 1.4cm.Entire tissue isprocessed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrous tissue with an infiltrative lesion arranged in cords and strands. Cells show pleomorphic vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and abundant eosinophiliccytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Stroma shows mild lymphocytic response.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma with papillary featuresá - nuclear grade - 2." 2193,MR1711864,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged as tubules, nests and cords. The cells have round to oval, hyperchromatic, pleomorphic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. Few cells show cytoplasmic vacuolation. Intervening stroma shows focal lymphomononuclear infiltrate. Mitotic figures are 6-7/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Biopsy left breast:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitosis : 2 _____ 6/9 _____" 2194,MR1711871,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged as linear cores and nests. The cells have round to oval hyperchromaticá pleomorphic nucleus and moderate eosinophilic to vacuolated cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Few cells show intracytoplasmic lumina.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma , Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9Tubule formationáááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitosisáááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----" 2195,MR1711878,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ?carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 - 1.2cm.Entire tissue is process 2197,MR1711904,"CLINICAL HISTORY :A) Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.B) Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:A) Biopsy from right breast.B) Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1á - 1.2cmB) Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear core measures 1.2 - 1.4cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section shows cores of tissue with diffuse infiltration of atypical small cells with hyperchromaticnuclei and scant cytoplasm. Interspersed are many congested blood vessels. Crush artefacts noted.B) Section shows cores of fibrous tissue infiltrated by diffuse sheets of small cells with dark nuclei and scant cytoplasm. Interspersed are thin walled, congested blood vessels. Crush artefacts noted.IMPRESSION:A) Biopsy from right breast:Malignant lesionThe possibility of hematolymphoid malignancy is consideredSuggest IHC.B) Biopsy from left breast:Malignant lesion.áThe possibility of hematolymphoid malignancy(lymphoid / leukemia).Suggest IHC." 2198,MR1711933,"CLINICAL HISTORY:? Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits measures 1.5x1x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show fragmented tissue lets showing sheets and nests of malignant epithelial cells showing increased nuclei cytoplasm ratio, hyperchromatic pleomorphic nuclei and abundant pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. There is abundant necroinflammatory infiltrate, areas of necrosis and hemorrhage.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubular formation -- 3Mitotic activity -- 1 Nuclear pleomorphic -- 2 -------- 6/9 --------Large areas of necrosis seen." 2199,MR1711941,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Leftá breast lump -á possibilityá of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 - 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with an infiltrative lesion arranged in cords, nests and sheets. Cellsare pleomorphic with vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitoticfigures discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia, necrosis and hemorrhage.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma NST grade III.MBR score -á 8/9Tubule formationááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá -- 3áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________" 2200,MR1711943,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 12 cm Superficial - deep : 5 cm Superior-inferior : 16 cmSkin ellipse : 16x12cmNipple : NormalTumor : SingleTumor size : 7x4x3.5cmLocation of tumor : Lower outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 2cm.Muscle : 3x2cm.Adjacent breast : FibrofattyAxillary tail : 15x8x3 cm.Total number of nodes : 13 nodes.Size of largest node : 2.5x2x1cm Cut surface shows greybrown.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in nest and sheets. The cells have moderately pleomorphic vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Large areas of necrosis noted. Stroma show desmoplasia with lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures 7 cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Lower outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion is identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: Twelve lymph nodes, Metastasis: 3 (3/12).SUMMARY:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade II.Nodal metastases : Twelve lymph nodes, Metastasis: 3 (3/12)." 2201,MR1711945,CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with an infiltrative lesion arranged in glandular pattern. Cells show ovoid hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows mild lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Right breast:Invasive carcinoma NSTNuclear grade II. 2202,MR1711972,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores mesures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma with an infiltrative lesion arranged in cords.Cells show hyperchromatic eccentrically placed nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma with lobular features nuclear grade 1 2203,MR1711979,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump.? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits each measures 1.2 to 1.4cm, in length. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows nests, trabeculae and cords of neoplastic epithelial cells showing increased nucleo cytoplasmic ratio, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and variable amount of clear to pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. These are surrounded by dense fibrocollagenous connective tissue. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9.Tubular formation -- 3 Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 2 -------------- 7/9 --------------" 2204,MR1711990,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - BIRADS- 4c lesionSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 - 1.2cm.Entire tissue isprocessed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with an infiltrative lesion arranged in cords and tubules.Cells are moderately pleomorphic with vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophiliccytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis seen. Stroma shows lymphocytic infiltration and hemorrhage.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade II.MBR score - 6/9Tubule formation -- 2Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 2 ________ 6/9 ________Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis seen." 2205,MR1712019,"CLINICAL HISTORY :A)Carcinoma right breastRight axillary node - metastatic.SPECIMEN:A) Biopsy from right axillary node.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 - 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section shows multiple linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring a neoplasm arrangedin cords and nests and sheets. Lesional cells highly pleomorphic round to irregular hyperchromatic nucleus, some showing prominent nucleoli with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:A) Biopsy from right axillary node;Features are suggestive of Metastatic carcinoma." 2206,MR1712057,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast T4B N3SPECIMEN:Right breast incision biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits measures 1.5x1x0.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma with an infiltrative lesion arranged in cords and islands. Cells exhibit mild to moderate nuclear pleomorphism with vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows lymphocytic infiltration thickened blood vessels and necrosis.IMPRESSION:Right breast incision Biopsy:Invasive carcinoma NST nuclear grade2Areas of necrosis seen." 2207,MR1712061,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 - 1.4cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show fragmented tissue cores showing nests, sheets, fibroglandular structures trabeculae and cords of neoplastic epithelial cells showing increased nucleo - cytoplasmic ratio, hyperchromatic vesicular nuclei with scant cytoplasm. There is dense fibrocollagenous connective tissue along with abundantlymphoplasmacytic inflammation.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive ductal adenocarcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score 7/9Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 2 _______ 7/9 ________ " 2208,MR1712109,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Pools of extracellular mucin are seen. Individual tumor cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Few signet ring cells are also seen.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Carcinoma with Mucinous features, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2209,MR1712129,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.4 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and fused glandular pattern. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2210,MR1712140,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests, cords and tubules. Cells have hyperchromatic moderately pleomorphic nuclei and moderate and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows fibrosis noted. Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score 6(3+2+1)." 2211,MR1712142,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast.Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN :Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received ,multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue is submitted.IMPRESSION :Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1) - Ductal Carcinoma in situ of solid pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen." 2212,MR1712155,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 - 1.4cm.Entire tissue isprocessed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrous tissue with an infiltrative lesion arranged in cords and tubules. Cells exhibit moderately pleomorphic, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm.Mitotic figures discerned. Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Infiltrating carcinoma NST, grade II.MBR score isá 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá -- 2áMitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis seen." 2213,MR1712156,"SR17-2848SITE : Breast.Received one specimen labelled as 5122/17.Received already cut open cystic mass measures 8x5x1cm. Solid areas measures 2x2x2cm. Solid areas or grey white and greanular with papillary projections.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Sections show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in papillary pattern and in tubules. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm. Vascular nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with areas of hemorrhage. Interspersed are few dilated ducts with eosinophilic secretions. Areas of calcification noted.IMPRESSION :Breast :Invasive papillary carcinoma, Grade 2.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubular formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ____________ 6/9 ___________Tumor measures 2cm in greatest dimension.Lymphovascular and perineural invasion are not seen.Margin status cannot be commented upon.Please refer to primary pathology report for tumor size, extent and margin status. " 2214,MR1712212,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 - 1cm.Entire tissue is processed.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, core biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6.Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 1 _____ 6/9 _____" 2215,MR1712225,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast massá - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.2 - 1.4cm.Entire tissue isprocessed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged in cords, trabeculae and acini. The cells have round to oval vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Adjacent areas shows fibrosis and hyalinisation, Mitosisare seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma - grade II.Tubule formationááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________" 2216,MR1712226,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Case of left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast wide excision.B) Left axillary clearance.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Left breast wide excision:Received a lumpectomy specimen measuring 3x2x1.2cm.Overlying skin measures 2x1.2cm.Scar seen measuring 0.9cm in length.Section shows fibrous tissue measuring 1.9x1x0.8cm with solid area measuring 1x0.8x0.5cm, located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 0.9cm.Inferior margin -- 0.9cm.Medial margin -- 0.5cm.Lateral margin -- 0.7cm.Deep margin -- 0.4cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 6.5x3.5x1.5cm.Largest measuring 1.8x1.5x0.8cm. Cut surface shows greywhite, fatty infiltration.12 Nodes identified.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Wide excision- Lumpectomy:Tumor bed : Residual viable tumor is present measuring 1x0.8cm with-Invasive ductal carcinoma.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------------- 6/9 --------------MBR score : 6/9, Grade IIFew ducts shows duct cell carcinoma- Solid type.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.Perineural invasion : Not present.Resected margins:Superior margin -- Free of tumor.Inferior margin -- Free of tumor.Medial margin -- Free of tumor.Lateral margin -- Free of tumor.Deep margin -- 3 Ducts show ductal carcinoma in situ.However inked resected margin is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 12 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:Breast wide local excision:Tumor bed : Residual tumor present measuring 1x0.8cm with-Invasive ductal carcinoma with few ducts show ductal carcinoma-in-situ.Resected margins:Superior margin, inferior, lateral and medial margins are free of tumor.Deep margins : Few ducts show DCIS- However inked margin is free of tumor." 2217,MR1712227,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 - 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, core biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 1 _________ 6/9 __________" 2218,MR1712233,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast u/s guided biopsyRight breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 - 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrous tissue with an infiltrative lesion arranged in tubular and glandular pattern.Cells are low columnar with ovoid dark nuclei with stratification and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm.Areas of ductal carcinoma in situ seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump.:Invasive carcinoma, NST with cribriformá - Ductal carcinoma insituGrade I.Tubule formationáááááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphism--1Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________ áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 4/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________" 2219,MR1712244,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measureá 0.8 - 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show cores of breast tissue with an infiltrating neoplasm predominantly in sheets.The cells have moderate cytoplasm pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and few showing prominent nucleoli. There is a myxoid desmoplastic stroma.Tubule formationáááááá á áá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9 áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________Total score - 7Grade - 2IMPRESSION:Features are suggestive of invasive carcinoma ductal type MBR scoreá - 7. 2220,MR1712245,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 - 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, core biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6.Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 1 ______ 6/9 ________" 2221,MR1712252,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuresá 1 - 1.4cm.Entire tissue isprocessed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderateamount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, core biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6Tubule formationáááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 2222,MR1712280,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.1 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrocollagenous tissueá with an infiltrating neoplasm in a desmoplastic stroma. The tumor cells show vague tubular pattern. The cells show moderate cellular atypia and nuclear pleomorphism and hyperchromatic scattered mitotic figures noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, No Special type, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation á áá -á 3Nuclear pleomorphic - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááá - 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____" 2224,MR1712311,CLINICAL HISTORY :Ulcer left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Multiple grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits altogether measures 1.5x1x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows epidermoid with ulceration an extensive neutrophilic excudate layer with karyorrehectic debris. The underlying denses shows scattered and clusters of atypical cells with hyperchromatic bizarre nuclei and scant cytoplasm. Atypical mitosis are seen. intervening stroma shows dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Left breast biopsy:Suggestive of invasive carcinoma - NST -nuclear grade II. 2226,MR1712325,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump -á possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.6 - 0.8cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from the biopsy show cores of breast tissue with an invasive neoplasm composed of cells in sheets and acini showing moderate cellular atypia increased N/C ratio and hyperchromatic nuclei.IMPRESSION:Features are suggestive of invasive carcinoma ductal typeNottingham score - 7Grade - II. 2227,MR1712350,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump- carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Receivedá 6 grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits measures 0.6 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast parenchyma shows lesion arranged in papillary pattern with fibrovascular core in centre. The papillae consists of columnar cells with round to oval nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The nuclei of the cells show nuclear stratification. Areas of fibrosis and hemorrhage seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump.Suggestive of papillary neoplasm. 2228,MR1712381,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.Out side FNACá -á Ductal carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measure 0.8- 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from the biopsy show cores of breast tissue with an infiltrating neoplasm in a desmoplasticstroma. The neoplastic cells show poorly formed tubules and nests. The cells show moderate cellularatypia with increased N:C ratio and hyperchromatic nuclei, few show prominent nucleoli. Mitosisis discerned. Nottingham scoreá - 6/9Tubule formationááááááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphismá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________ áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________Grade - IIIMPRESSION:Features are suggestive of invasive carcinoma ductal typeNottingham score isá 6Gradeá II." 2231,MR1712422,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Lump in left breast.SPECIMEN :A) Left sentinel lymph node, biopsy.B) Left breast lump, left breast conserving surgery.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received 3 lymph nodes one is inked blue and largest measures 1x0.8x0.6cm. Other lymph node measures 1x0.8x0.5cm, another measures 1x0.5x0.5cm. Isolated 3 lymph nodes.B) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 6x4x3.5cm. Skin measures 2.5x0.5cm. No scar seen cut surface grey white from lesion tumor measures 3.0x2x1cm. ? one lymph node measures 0.5x0.3x0.3cm seen -- abutting the tumor ? lymph node ? part of tumor.Distance from margins :Superior á á á á á á : 1.6cm.Inferior á á á á á á á : 0.5cm.Medial á á á á á á áá : 0.5cm.Lateral á á á á á áá : 1.5cm.Deep á á á á á á áá : 0.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section studied shows breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in solid sheets, cords and trabeculae. The lesional cells are highly pleomorphic with moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic round to oval vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Few multinucleated giant cells are seen. Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion is not seen. Brisk mitotic activity is seen. Adjacent stroma shows desmoplasia. Foci of necrosis and karyorrhectic debris are seen.IMPRESSION :A) Left sentinel lymph node, biopsy :Six lymph nodes isolated. Negative for malignancy (0/6).B) Left breast lump, left breast conserving surgery.á :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 3.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 8(3+3+2).Ductal carcinom ain situ is not seen.Lymphovascular invasion is not seen.Perineural invasion is not seen.All margins of resection are free of tumor. " 2232,MR1712433,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN;Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral : 15cm. Superficial to Deep: 3.5cm Superior to Inferior : 14cmSkin ellipse :15x7cmNipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : An ulcerated area noted measuring 3.2x2cm in the central outer quadrantTumor : SingleTumour Size : 3x2x2cm Location of tumor : Central outer quadrant (corresponding to surface ulceration)Margins of tumor : Ill defined Deep margin :0.5cmMuscle : Present, measures 2x2x1cmAdjacent Breast : Fibrotic areas Axillary tail : 4x3x1.5cmTotal number nodes : 5 nodes ( One intramammary lymph node)Size of largest nodes : 1.5 x 1 x 0.1cm.IMPRESSION:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy:Tumor bed:Residual viable tumor present Invasive ductal carcinoma.Dense fibrotic areas is present with focal necrosis ,lymphoplasmacytic infiltration and histiocytes. Tumor extending and infiltrating into epidermis of overlying skin.Left breast Left Modified Radical Mastectomy Invasive Carcinoma Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9.Tubule formation :3Nuclear pleomorphism :2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures 3 x 2cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central outer quadrant.Ductal carcnoma in situ not present Lymphovascular invasion presentPerineural invasion presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes :5 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 5 nodesSUMMARY:Left ,post NACT Modified radical mastectomyResidual viable tumor present Grade 2Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Nodal metastasis: 5 nodes shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 5 nodes ." 2233,MR1712435,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 - 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the biopsy show multiple cores of tumor tissue showing tubules, glandular and nested pattern. The cells show moderate atypia nuclear hyperchromatic and polymorphism. Mitosis is increased with atypical forms.Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism --2Mitotic figures - 3 _______ 7/9 _______Grade - II.Nottingham score - 7IMPRESSION:Features are suggestive invasive carcinoma ductal type.(Nottingham score - 7)grade - II." 2234,MR1712453,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast - post OPLeft lung mass - ? carcinoma lung? metastases.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left lung mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.6 - 1cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear tissue cores showing glandular arrangement, micropapillae, nestsand cords of neoplastic cells showing increased nucleo cytoplasmic ratio, hyperchromasia, pleomorphic nuclei with inconspicuous nucleoli and scant amount of cytoplasm. These are surrounded by fibrocollagenous connective tissue, lymphocytes, plasma cells and few neutrophils.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left lung mass:Non small cell lung cancer favor adenocarcinoma." 2235,MR1712459,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters and in cords. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is elastotic.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9. grade -2 Tubule formationáááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________" 2236,MR1712465,"CLINICAL HISTORY :UQ left breast swelling 3x4cm cT2N1M0SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left axillary swelling,GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and sheets. the cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. Ductal carcinoma in situ solid and comedo necrosis pattern noted . Areas of calcification noted. there are lymphoid aggregated amidst the neoplastic cells.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left axillary swelling:Invasive carcinoma, NST Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 ------ 7/9 -------Ductal carcinoma in situ - solid and comedonecrosis noted." 2237,MR1712476,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear core measures 0.6 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in cords and occasional nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2238,MR1712519,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump -á possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 - 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with an infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets and nests.Cells are pleomorphic with hyperchromatic nuclei,and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Stroma shows mild mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate. Ductal carcinoma in situá - solid type noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Infiltrating carcinoma, NST grade - II.MBR scoreá -- 7/9Tubule formationáááááááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááá - 2áMitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________" 2239,MR1712525,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 - 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from the submitted shows linear cores of fibrohyalinised tissue infiltrated by cordsand aggregates of neoplastic cells. The cells show mild nuclear pleomorphism and has scant to moderate amount of cytoplasm. The neoplastic cells are seen infiltrating the adipocytes. There are foci showing crush artefacts. Foci of elastosis seen.IMPRESSION:Suggestive of invasive carcinoma (nuclear grade2). 2240,MR1712533,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.4 - 0.6cm.Entire tissue isprocessed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from the linear cores biopsy submitted show infiltrative islands, aggregates and tubulesof neoplastic cells.The nuclei show moderate pleomorphism, cytoplasm is moderate in amount.,Mitotic figures discerned. Foci of crush artefacts noted. Ductal carcinoma in situ and comedonecrosis not identified.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, MBR score 7/9 Grade -II." 2241,MR1712536,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump.Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6 (3+2+1)." 2242,MR1712539,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.2 - 1.4cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from the biopsy show multiple cores of breast tissue with an infiltrating neoplasm in in tubules/ glandular pattern. The cells show moderate atypia with nuclear pleomorphismand hyperchromasia, Mitosis is increased. Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ withcomedonecrosis also seen.Nottingham score - 6/9Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2Grade - IIIMPRESSION:Features are suggestive of invasive carcinoma ductal typeNottingham score is 6Grade II." 2243,MR1712549,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 - 1.2 cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma with an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, cords and singly scattered atypical cells. Cells have hyperchromatic to vesicular nuclei. Cells exhibit focal marked pleomorphism. Stroma shows dense inflammatory infiltrate.Brisk mitotic including atypical mitotic figures noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 3. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 8(3+3+2)." 2244,MR1712553,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lesion, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lesion, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2245,MR1712557,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left Breast, Left Breast Conservative surgery ( Post Lumpectomy / Post Chemo).B) Left Axillary Lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 5.8x5x2.5cm. Skin ellipse measures 4x1cm. Cut surface shows grey white illdefined firm fibrotic areas measures 1x0.5x0.5cm. Distance form the margins:Superior margin -- 1.5cm. Inferior margin -- 1.5cm.Medial margin -- 1cm.Lateral margin -- 3cm.Deep margin -- 1cm.Representative sections are submitted.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 6 x 4 x 0.5 cm. Eight lymph node isolated largest lymph node measures 0.8 x 0.7 x 0.5 cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows no residual tumor cells are seen. Treatment related changes are seen including foamy macrophages, lymphocytes and sclerosis. Adjacent stroma shows atypical ductal hyperplasia.IMPRESSION :A) Left Breast, Left Breast Conservative surgery ( Post Lumpectomy / Post Chemo) :No Residual Tumor is seen. - Treatment related changes are seen. - Adjacent stroma features of atypical ductal hyperplasia. - All margins of resection are free of tumor.B) Left Axillary Lymph nodes :Eight Lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy (0/8)" 2246,MR1712563,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN :A) Right breast, wide local excision.B) Right sentinel lymph node biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 7x5.5x4cm. Serial section shows grey white lesion measures 2.5x1.8x1.5cm.Distance from margins :Superior : 2.4cm.Inferior : 1.5cm.Medial : 1.2cm.Lateral : 2cm.Deep is muscle : 0.9cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3.5x2x1cm. Largest lymph node measures 2x1.5x0.6cm. Cut surface fat impe----MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :A) Right breast, wide local excision :Tumor bed : Invasive ductal carcinoma - Grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ___________ 7/9 ___________Few ducts show ductal carcinoma in situ solid type measures 0.5cm. Lymphovascular invasion not present.Perinerual invasion present.All resected margins free of tumorsuperior free of tumor.Inferior margin is free of tumor.Medial margin is free of tumor.Lateral margin is free of tumor.Deep margin is free of tumor.B) Right sentinel lymph node biopsy :Isolated five lymph nodes, negative for malignancy (0/5).IMPRESSION :A) Right breast, wide local excision :Invasive ductal carcinoma - grade II.Maximum dimension of tumor is 2.5cm.Invasive carcinoma is 2cm.Ductal carcinoma is 0.5cm.Lymphovascular invasion not present.Perinerual invaion present.All resected margins are free of tumor.B)Sentinel lymph nodes :Five lymph nodes - no deposits of tumor." 2247,MR1712577,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows linear cores of tissue fragment harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged in nests cords, lobules and trabeculae. The cells have moderately pleomorphic vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate to abundant cytoplasm. Intervening stroma shows fibrosis and hyalinisation.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubule formation - 3Pleomorphism - 2Mitosis - 1 --------- 6/9 ----------" 2248,MR1712580,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump Out side FNAC - Benign breast lesion.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragment linear cores measures 0.6 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows linear tissue cores showing cords, trabeculae and glandular arrangement of neoplastic cells showing increased nucleo cytoplasmic ratio, nuclear pleomorphism and hyperchromasia and variable amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. These are surrounded by fibrocollagenous connective tissue with myxoid areas.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump:Infiltrating duct carcinoma Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2" 2249,MR1712583,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - P/O Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.2 To 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the biopsy show cores of fibrocollagenous tissue with an infiltrative neoplasm showing sheets and nests of highly pleomorphic cells and poorly forming glands. There is moderate nuclear pleomorphism and hyperchromatic. There is increased mitosis. No insitu component seen. There is desmoplasia and myxoid change in stroma. Tumor appears to infiltrate the fatIMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive Carcinoma Ductal type Grade III.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 8/9Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 3 ------ 8/9 ------- 2250,MR1712603,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump with nipple retraction ? malignant.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2252,MR1712626,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 - 1cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 2253,MR1712628,CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN :A) Left breast.B) Sentinel lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received two fibrofatty tissue altogether measures 4x3x2cm. Isolated three lymph nodes inked one node.Largest lymph node measures 1x0.8x0.6cm. Cut surface grey brown. Isolated 3 lymph nodes. P/E.B) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 6x4.5x2.2cm. Skin ellipse measures 4.5x1.5cm. Surface shows a linear cores measures 3cm. Cut surface shows grey white to grey yellow granular areas measures 1.5x1x1cm. Distance from margins :Superior : 1cm.Inferior : 0.7cm.Medial : 1.2cm.Lateral : 2cm.Deep : 0.3cm.IMPRESSION :A) Left breast.Tumor bed :Shows necrosis fibrous inflammatory cellular infiltration with foreign body giant cells and granulation tumor. No evidence of residual tumor.Resected margins : Superior : Free of tumor.Inferior :Free of tumor.Medial :Free of tumor.Lateral :Free of tumor.Deep :Free of tumor.B) Sentinel lymph node :Three nodes : No deposits of tumor. 2254,MR1712631,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragment linear cores measures 0.3 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show fragmented tissue bits showing sheets and occasional papillae of neoplastic cells showing increased nucleocytoplasmic ratio, nuclear hyperchromatic , pleomorphism and variable amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. These are surrounded by dense fibrocollagenous connective tissue infiltrated by dense mild inflammatory infiltrate composed of neutrophils, lympjhocytes, plasma cells and eosinophils. Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Infiltrating duct carcinoma Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2Areas of necrosis seen." 2255,MR1712649,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Breast - Post OP.Liver Space Occupying Lesion - Metastatic.SPECIMEN:Liver - Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores ranging from 0.4 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows 4 linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring a lesion arranged in cords and nests. Lesional cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus with moderate cytoplasm. Moderate to marked nuclear pleomorphism noted.IMPRESSION:Liver, Core biopsy :Feature are suggestive of Metastatic tumor deposits in a known and treated case of carcinoma breast." 2256,MR1712653,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measure 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the biopsy show cores of breast tissue with an infiltrating neoplasm in a desmoplastic stroma. The cells show vague tubular arrangement .The cells show high N/C ratio, hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Mitosis is increased with many atypical forms. Necrosis present.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, No special type.left breastModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9, Grade 2Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitosis - 2 ------ 7/9 -------" 2257,MR1712667,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast, post OP left BCS.SPECIMEN:Left Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 19cm. Superficial - deep : 5cm. Superior-inferior : 17cm.Skin ellipse : 14x11cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar : 6.5cm.Tumor : Underlying the scar area surgical defect seen with area showing greywhite, haemorrhagic measuring 3x2x1.8cm (Lumpectomy bed) with focal solid area measuring 0.5x0.5cm.Deep margin : 1.4cm (Lumpectomy bed).Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Axillary tail : Absent.IMPRESSION:Left Mastectomy- Left breast, post OP, left BCS, Residual tumor present Invasive ductal carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ and comedo necrosis.Areas of necrosis, foamy histiocytes and mononuclear cells are present.Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade I.Modified BR score is 4/9.Tubular formation : 1Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 --------------- 7/9 ---------------Tumor measures 1cm in greatest dimension.Invasive carcinoma measuring 0.5cm.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Present measuring 0.5cm. DCIS with comedonecrosis present.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.Perineural invasion : Not present.Posterior resection margin : Free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable." 2259,MR1712677,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Lump left breast.SPECIMEN:Lump left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 fibrofatty tissue altogether measuring 5x3.5x2.5cm.Unoriented specimen, cut surface shows greywhite to greyyellow granular areas, measuring 2x1.8x1.4cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple sections shows large areas of necrosis, with inflammatory cell consisting of polymorphs, lymphocytes, plasma cells, plenty of giant cells. The ducts are dilated lined with cuboidal epithelium and other ducts show epithelial proliferation of the cells with stratification, epithelial hyperplasia and occasional ducts show atypical hyperplasia. There is no evidence of invasive carcinoma.IMPRESSION:lumpectomy, Left breastEpithelial hyperplasia.Atypical hyperplasia.Cystically dilated ducts.Necrosis.Inflammatory cellular infiltration (? Absess).Granulomatous reaction." 2260,MR1712701,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass- carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 tiny grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the biopsy show cores of breast tissue with glands and ducts showing extensive ductal carcinoma in situ in cribriform and comedo pattern. Few cores show an invasive neoplasm in sheets and nests.The cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Mitosis is increased. There is lymphoplasmacytic infiltration around the tumor.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9 (3+2+2).With ductal carcinoma in situ and comedonecrosis." 2261,MR1712719,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Right hemithyroidectomy specimen.B) Left Modified Radical Mastectomy specimen.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Right hemithyroidectomy specimen:Received a lobe of thyroid with part of isthmus measuring 4x2.5x1.5cm. Cut surface shows circumscribed.greywhite to grey yellow lesion measuring 1.5x0.8x0.6cm.Distance from nearest inked margin measuring 0.5cm.Areas of calcification noted.B) Left Modified Radical Mastectomy specimen:Received inááááááááááááááá :á Formalin.Procedureááááááááááááááááá : Mastectomy.Lateralityáááááááááááááááááá : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateralááááááá :18cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deepá : 4cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferiorá á :17cm.Skin ellipseááááá :á 12 x 7 cm. Puckering noted lateral to nipple areola complex.Nippleááááááááááááá :á NormalScar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumoráááááááááááá :á Single.Tumor sizeááááá : 1.5x1x1cm.Location of tumor : Corresponding to skin puckering : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margináááááá : 2cm.Muscleááááááááááááááá : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrotic areas noted.Total number of nodes : 8nodes.Axillary tailááááááááááááááááááá : 5x5x2cm.Size of largest nodeáááá : 1.8x1x0.8cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:A) Colloid nodular hyperplasia with an adenomatoid nodule,right hemithyroidectomy.B) No residual invasive tumor, Left MRM, status post NACT.Foreign body multinucleated giant cell reaction seen in lumpectomy bed.Skin- Nipple areola : Free of tumor.Posterior resection margin : Free of tumor.8 left axillary lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor." 2262,MR1712735,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1.2 -1.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from the biopsy show fibroadipose tissue with an invasive neoplasm predominantly in nests and sheets. The cells have abundant to moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm well definedcell borders, round to oval nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Mitosis is increased. comedonecrosis is also seen.MBR scoreá - 6/9Tubule formationáááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism-- 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________Gradeá - II.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma with apocrine features MBR Scoreáá - 6/9Gradeá - II." 2263,MR1712737,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast ( Post lumpectomy +NACT).SPECIMEN :A) Wide local excision of previous lumpectomy siteB) Revised inferior margin.C) Level III lymph nodes, right.D) Right axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS :A)Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 8x5.5x2.5cm. Skin ellipse measures 5x1.5cm. Cut surface shows grey white firm ill defined area measuring 2.5x2x0.6cm. Distance from respective margins :Superior : 2cm.Inferior : 0.3cm.Medial : 2.5cm.Lateral : 2.5cm.Deep : 0.3cm.B) Received grey white flap like tissue measuring 5x2x0.5cm.Entire tissue processed.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.D) Received one fibrofatty tissue measuring 6x 5x2 cm. Largest lymph node measures 2.5x1x0.6cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Wide local excision right breast(post lumpectomy and NACT) :Lumpectomy bed : The section shows fibrotic, necrotic areas and atrophic ducts. Surrounding breast parenchyma shows adenosis and epithelial hyperplasia. There is no evidence of residual viable tumor present.Superior margin : Free of tumor.Inferior margin : Shows adenosis and epithelial hyperplasia, there is no evidence of malignancy.Medial margin : Free of tumor.Lateral margin : Free of tumor.Deep margin : Free of tumor.B) Revised inferior margin : Shows fibrofatty tissue which is free of tumor.C) Level III - nodes right side : 6 nodes :show no metastatic deposits of tumor.D) Right axillary lymph nodes : 14 nodes - show no metastatic deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION :Wide local excision right breast(post lumpectomy and NACT) : :No residual viable tumor present.Resected margins : Superior, medial, lateral and deep are free of tumor.Revised inferior margin : free of tumor.Level III nodes right side : 6 nodes :show no metastatic deposits of tumor.Right Axillary lymphnode : 14 nodes - show no metastatic deposits of tumor." 2264,MR1712739,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast, post neoadjuvant chemotherapy.SPECIMEN :Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy (Post NACT).GROSS FINDINGS :Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical MastectomyLaterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 21 cm. Superficial to Deep : 3.5 cm. Superior to Inferior : 20 cm.Skin ellipse : 17 x 10 cm. Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : SingleTumour Size : 1.2 x 0.8 x 0.8 cm. Location of tumor : Lower central quadrant. Margins of tumor : illdefined. Deep margin : 1.5 cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 4 x 3 x 2 cm.Size of largest node : 2 x1 x 0.8 cm. Cut surface grey white.Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section show residual tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual tumor cells have hyperchroamtic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular invasion is seen. Perinerual invasion is not seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy (Post NACT) :RESIDUAL INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1). - Tumor measures 1.2 cm in greatest dimension and is located in the lower central quadrant. - Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ of solid and comedo pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen. - Lymphovascular invasion is identified. - Perineural invasion is not identified. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor - Nipple and areola are free of tumor.Lymph nodes : One out of twelve lymph nodes shows metastatic tumor deposits (1/12). - Size of the tumor deposits measures 0.8 cm in greatest dimension. - No extranodal extension is seen.Pathological stage : ypT1cN1a" 2266,MR1712753,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the biopsy show cores breast tissue with an infiltratingá neoplasm. Predominantly in sheets nests and vague tubular /glandular pattern. The cells show moderate cellular atypia, nuclear pleomorphism and hyperchromatism. Few show cytoplasmic clearingá and vacuolation. There is Ductal carcinoma in situ component with comedo necrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma ductal typeModified Bloom Richardson score 6/9, Grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismá - 2Mitosisááááááááááááááááááááááááá - 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áá 6/9" 2267,MR1712760,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Malignant.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the biopsy show cores of fibro adipose tissue with an infiltrating neoplasm composed of cells in sheets,nests and tubules. The cells the highly pleomorphic with moderate cytoplasm. Increased N/C ratio, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Mitosis is increased with atypical forms.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma ductal typeModified Bloom Richardson score 8/9, Grade 3.Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 3Mitosis - 3 ------ 8/9 ------" 2268,MR1712772,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Recurrent papillary carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN :A) Right breast, right lumpectomy.B) Right sentinel lymph node biopsy.C) Right nodule beneath serratus muscle.D) Right breast mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received in : Formalin.Laterality : Right MRM Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 18cm. Superficial to Deep : 4.5cm. Superior to Inferior : 14cm.Skin ellipse : 12x6.5cm. Nipple : Normal Skin surface shows surgical depect : 4.5x2cm.Lumpectomy bed : 10x8x4cm. Deep margin : 4.5cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Axillary tail : Absent.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in lobules separated by fibrocollagenous bands within the lobules the cells are arranged in sheets and focal papillary pattern. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphomononuclear infiltrates. Mitotic figures are discerned.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast, right lumpectomy :Known case of carcinoma right breast underwent excision biopsy.Recurrent invasive papillary carcinoma.Modified BR score is 7/9Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic activity : 2 ______ 7/9 __________Tumor measures 2.2cm in greatest dimension.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural spread is not identified.Ductal carcinoma in situ is not seen.B) Right sentinel lymph node biopsy :Isolated ten lymph nodes are free of tumor (0/10).C) Right nodule beneath serratus muscle :Isolated one lymphnode shows tumor deposits (1/1).Tumor deposit measures 0.9cm in greatest dimension.Extranodal extension is not seen.Inked surface is 0.2cm away from tumor.D) Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy- Post lumpectomy :`No residual tumor.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.Perineural invasion : Not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.SUMMARY :Right lumpectomy shows recurrent invasive papillary carcinoma grade 2 .Tumor measures 2.2cm in greatest dimension. However completion mastectomy specimen done shows no evidence of residual tumor and its deep margin is free of tumor. One of eleven isolated lymphnodes show metastatic tumor deposits (1/11).Extranodal extension is not seen." 2269,MR1712778,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right sentinel lymph nodes.B) Right lumpectomy, Right Breast conservative surgery (Post NACT).C) Right Axillary lymph node dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 6.5x5.2x1.3cm.3 Lymph nodes identified.B) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 10x8x6.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 3.2x3.5x1.5cm.Cut surface shows ill defined lesion measures 5.4 x 3.6 x 3.5 cm, solid greywhite firm, located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 2.3cm.Inferior margin -- 2.2cm.Medial margin -- 2.3cm.Lateral margin -- 3.2cm.Deep margin -- 2.5cm.Representative sections are submitted.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 9x5.5x2.5cm.Largest lymph node measures 2x1.5x0.5cm.Cut surface shows greywhite, fat infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast shows residual tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual tumor cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular or Perineural invasion is not seen.IMPRESSION:A) Right sentinel lymph nodes:Four lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy(0/4).B) Right lumpectomy, Right Breast conservative surgery (Post NACT):RESIDUAL INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 3.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8 (3+2+3).- Tumor measures 5.4 cm in greatest dimension.- Lymphovascular invasion is not seen.- Perineural invasion is not seen.- All margins of resection are free of tumor.C) Right Axillary lymph node dissection:Eight lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy(0/8)." 2270,MR1712810,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - suspicious lesion.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests cords and tubules. Cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stromal desmoplasia noted. Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2271,MR1712834,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the biopsy show cores of breast tissue with an infiltrative neoplasm is sheets nests the cells show moderate cellular atypiai, increased N/C ratio nuclear hyperchromatism and pleomorphism. Mitosis is increased. In situ component with comedo necrosis also noted. There is focal lymphoplasmacytic infiltration.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma ductal typeModified Bloom Richardson score 7/9, Grade III.Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitosis - 3 ------ 8/9 ------" 2272,MR1712843,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast, cT2N0M0.SPECIMEN:A) Right axillary sentinel node.B) Wide excision of right breast lump.C) Right Axillary dissection, level I & IID) Level III nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 1 container labelled.Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 4x2x1.5cm.Largest lymph node measuring 2x1.5x1cm.Cut surface shows greybrown, fatty infiltration.Isolated 4 lymph nodes.B) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 9x6x5cm.Skin ellipse measures 2x0.6cm.Cut surface shows a greywhite lesion measuring 2.2x2x1.5cm, located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 2.4cm.Inferior margin -- 2cm.Medial margin -- 2cm.Lateral margin -- 1.9cm.Base margin -- 1cm.C) Right Axillary dissection, level I & II:Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 5x4x2.5cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1.8x1x0.9cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.D) Level III nodes:Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3x2x0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Right axillary sentinel node:One node shows metastatic deposits of invasive ductal carcinoma out of 4 nodes.Perinodal spread present.B) Wide excision of right breast lump:Tumor- Invasive ductal carcinoma.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------------------ 7/9 ------------------MBR score : 7/9, Nuclear grade II.DCIS : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Present.Perineural invasion : Present.Resected margins:-Superior margin -- Free of tumor.Inferior margin -- Free of tumor.Medial margin -- Free of tumor.Lateral margin -- Free of tumor.Deep margin -- Free of tumor.C) Right Axillary dissection, level I & II:6 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 11 nodes. Perinodal spread present.D) Level III nodes:3 Nodes show metastatic deposits of nodes out of 3 nodes. Perinodal spread present.IMPRESSION:B) Wide excision of right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Nuclear grade II.Maximum dimension of the tumor is 2.2x2x1.5cm.DCIS : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Present.Perineural invasion : Present.All resected margins are free of tumor.A) Right axillary sentinel node:One node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 4 nodes.C) Right Axillary dissection, level I & II:6 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 11 nodes. Perinodal spread present.D) Level III nodes:3 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 3 nodes.Total No. of positive nodes: 10 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 18 nodes." 2273,MR1712863,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.2 - 1.4cm.Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple linear cores showing infiltrative lesion arranged in nests, cribriform, islands the background of mucin. The cells forming the lesion are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, scantmoderate cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows mild inflammatory infiltrates composed oflymphocyets. Mitosesá 3-4/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma with mucinous features." 2274,MR1712889,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 - 1.2cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show multiple fragments of breast parenchyma with infiltrative lesion arranged innests, tubules. The cells forming the lesion are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Adjacent shows inflammatory cells composed of lymphocytes and plasma cells.Mitoses 3-4/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Right breast biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade 2.MBR scoreá - 6/9Tubule formation á á á á -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism --2Mitotic figures á á á á á áá -- 1á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá _______á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á 6/9á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá ______ " 2275,MR1712900,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 - 1cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple fragments of breast parenchyma showing infiltrative neoplasm arranged in tubules and nests. The cells forming the lesion are round to oval nuclei, abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm,prominent nucleoli, hyperchromatic nuclei seen. Adjacent stroma showing inflammatory infiltrates composed of lymphocytes and neutrophils. Mitosesá 5-6/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump biopsy;Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.MBR scor e - 7/9Tubule formationáááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá -- 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 2276,MR1712905,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.7 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in tubules, cords and sheets. Cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 1- Modified Bloom Richardson Score 5(2+2+1)." 2277,MR1712918,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Left breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests, islands and sheets. The cells have round to oval pleomorphic hyperchromatic to vesicular nuclei and abundant cytoplasm, few of the cells show clear cytoplasm. Intervening stroma shows fibrosis and lymphocytic infiltrate. Mitotic activity are seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast massInvasive carcinoma NST Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitosis - 2 ------ 7/9 --------" 2278,MR1712931,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the biopsy show breast tissue with an invasive neoplasm showing papillary features. The cells show moderate pleomorphism, moderate amount of cytoplasm, round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei. Stroma shows extensive hyalinization.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Features are highly suspicious of papillary carcinoma.Repeat biopsy is suggested for confirmation and receptor status as the tumor is minimal . " 2279,MR1712933,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right supraclavicular lymph node.SPECIMEN:Right supraclavicular lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.3 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrous tissue with an infiltrative lesion arranged in glands and in micro papillae.The cells exhibit pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Few cells show intranuclear inclusions. Mitotic figures discerned. Stroma shows lymphocytic infiltration.IMPRESSION:Right supraclavicular lymph node:Metastatic adenocarcinoma Please look for primary lung, genital tract and breast." 2281,MR1712966,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests sheets tubules and cords. Cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Stroma fibrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score 6(3+2+1)." 2282,MR1712973,CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the biopsy shows cores of fibrocollagenous tissue with an invasive neoplasm arranged in sheets and nests. The cells show moderate pleomorphism and hyperchromatic nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Mitosis is increased with many atypical forms.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma NOS. Grade lll.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 8/9.Tubular formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 3 ------------ 8/9 ------------ 2284,MR1712991,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of right breast mass - Suspicious of malignancy.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2286,MR1713003,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Ovrian mass - Carcinoma ovary.SPECIMEN:Biopsy fromá ovarian mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear coresá measures 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets, clusters and discretely signet sing cells. The cells are ovoid havingá moderate amount of cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nucleus. Mitotic figures are discerned. stroma shows desmoplasia with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from mass:Signet sing cells fragment possibility considered are 1. Metastasis from stomach /breast ( Lobular signet ring cell type).2. Signet ring stromal tumor.Suggest IHC and clinical correlation." 2287,MR1713029,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2288,MR1713047,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast lumpectomy.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast lump.B) Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy measuring 4x3.8x2cm.On serial section, grey-white ill defined area measuring 3x1.8x1.8cm.Distance from nearest inked margin is 0.2cm.B) Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy- Lumpectomy sent for frozen.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 20cm. Superficial - deep : 3.5cm. Superior-inferior :19cm.Skin ellipse : 14x8cm. Staples seen in skin ellipse.Nipple : Normal.Post lumpectomy defect in upper quadrant measuring 4.5x4x3cm.Deep margin : Absent.Muscle : Fibrofatty tissue.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 11 nodes.Axillary tail : 5x4x3.5cm.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.8cm. Cut surface shows greywhite to greybrown.MICROSCOPIC APPEARANCE OF LUMPECTOMY SPECIMEN:Tumor - Invasive ductal carcinoma- sent for frozen.MBR score 7/9, grade IITubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 -------------- 7/9 --------------DCIS : Not present.Maximum dimension of tumor 3x1.8x1.8cm.LEFT BREAST MODIFIED RADICAL MASTECTOMY SPECIMEN:No Residual tumor present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 11 lymph nodes- No metastatic deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:LUMPECTOMY SPECIMEN:Tumor - Invasive ductal carcinoma- sent for frozen.MBR score 7/9, grade IILEFT BREAST MODIFIED RADICAL MASTECTOMY SPECIMEN :No Residual tumor present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 11 lymph nodes- No metastatic deposits of tumor.Pathological stage- pT2N0" 2289,MR1713060,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast wide excision.B) Left Sentinel lymph node biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measuring 14.5x10x7.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 9.5x3.5cm. Cut surface shows greywhite infiltrated lesion measuring 4.5x3.5x3.5cm, located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 2.8cm.Inferior margin -- 3.5cm.Medial margin -- 1cm.Lateral margin -- 3.5cm.Deep margin -- 1.5cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 5x2x1cm.Largest lymph node measures 2.5x1.2x0.5cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.3 Lymph nodes isolated.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show breast parenchyma with an infiltrating neoplasm with cells in nests, sheets and cords and vague glands, surrounding by a desmoplastic stroma. The cells show severe columnar atypia with pleomorphic vesicular nuclei with coarse granular chromatin and prominent nucleoli. Extensive necrosis noted about 40%.IMPRESSION:a) Procedure : Breast conservative surgery with sentinel lymph node excision.b) Lymph node sampling : Axillary sentinel node dissection.c) Laterality : Left.d) Tumor site : Left upper outer quadrant.e) Tumor size : 4.5cm in greatest dimension.f) Histological type : Invasive carcinoma ductal type (NOS).g) Histological grade : Tubular differentiation : 3 Nuclear plemorphism : 2 Mitotic figures : 3 ---------------- 8/9 ----------------Overall score 8, Grade IIIh) Focality : Unifocal.i) DCIS : Not identified.j) Margins : Uninvolved by tumor.Closest margin is medial : 1cm. Skin : Uninvolved.k) Lymphovascular invasion : Not identified.l) Staging : pT0cM0.m) Additional findings : Extensive necrosis seen (40%).Left Sentinel lymph node biopsy:No. of lymph nodes identified : 4 (0/4).No. of lymph nodes involved : 0SUMMARY:Left breast conservative surgery with Sentinel lymph node dissection with pT2pN0cM0, Grade 3.Invasive carcinoma, NOS.Lymph nodes (0/4), Necrosis 40%" 2290,MR1713073,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? Malignancy.SPECIMEN:Right Breast mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2291,MR1713079,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Malignant mass left breast.SITE:Left Breast , Core Biopsy.Received 1 block labelled as 7378/SR17.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 1 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 5(2+2+1)" 2293,MR1713083,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received three grey white to grey brown linear core measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______" 2296,MR1713105,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white to grey brown linear core measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______" 2297,MR1713120,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - possibility of malignancySPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2298,MR1713124,CLINICAL HISTORY :Not provided.SPECIMEN :Left breast lump.Received seven blocks and 3 stained slides labelled as 3413/17IMPRESSION :Left breast lump :Multiple section shows extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ.Ductal papillary carcinoma in situ.Camedoductal carcinoma in situ.There is no evidence of invasive carcinoma. Surrounding ducts show adenosis and fibrocystic disease.NOTE : Advised IHC markers to rule out invasive carcinoma. 2299,MR1713140,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma with an infiltrative lesion arranged in cords tubules. Cells show pleomorphic vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedo necrosis seen. Stroma shows hyalinisation and lymphocytic infiltration.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9.Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitosis - 2 ------ 6/9 -------Ductal carcinoma in situ comedonecrosis seen" 2300,MR1713179,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Areas of comedo necrosis is seen.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)," 2301,MR1713193,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)," 2302,MR1713244,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump- carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.4 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2303,MR1713247,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump- carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2304,MR1713250,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast..SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show multiple cores of breast tissue with an infiltrating neoplasm predominantly in sheets, nests ,cords and vague glandular pattern. The cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromatism and increased mitosis. Adjacent ductal carcinoma in situ with solid pattern seen. Extensive intra and peritumoral inflammation noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Features suggestive of invasive carcinoma ductal (NST)Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). Grade 2.Focus of ductal carcinoma in situ in solid pattern seen." 2305,MR1713258,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump- carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2306,MR1713264,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2307,MR1713267,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast post NACT.SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :21cm Superficial to Deep : 3.5cm Superior to Inferior :14cmSkin ellipse :16x9cm Nipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : SingleTumor Size : 4.8x4x2.5cmcm Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrantMargins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 1cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail :9x5x3.5 cmSize of largest node :2.5x1.5x1.5cm cut surface -grey whiteMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple section studied show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative neoplasm arranged as cores and tubules of neoplastic cells exhibiting increased N/C ratio, pleomorphic vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and scanty to moderate amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. There is brisk mitotic activity with numerous atypical mitotic figures. Necrotic foci are noted. Intervening stroma shows dense fibrocollagenous connective tissue . The deep margin is uninvolved by tumor. The nipple and areola are free of tumor. Lymphovascular embolus is seen.Perineural invasion not identified. 15 lymph nodes identified, 12 shows evidence of metastatic tumor deposit. Largest measures 2.5cm in greatest dimension. Perinodal spread noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast left modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, NST grade IIIModified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9,Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3Tumor measures 4.8cm in greatest dimension is located in the upper outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ not seenLymphovascular invasion identifiedPerineural invasion not identifiedPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is free of tumorLymph nodes - 15 lymph nodes few metastatic 12 (12/15)Pathological state ypT2N3.SUMMARY: Left modified radical mastectomy Post NACT invasive carcinoma NST, Grade III.Nodal metastases 12/15." 2308,MR1713269,CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from rib lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received single bone linear core measures 1.6cm in each kept for decal.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from rib lesion:Metastatic carcinoma. (in a treated case of carcinoma breast)Please note:Tumor volume is scant for attempting IHC. 2310,MR1713273,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measured 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2311,MR1713301,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures1.2 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged in islands and nests . The neoplastic cells are round to polygonalá have hyperchromatic to vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinomaModified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9, Grade 2Tubule formationááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitosisáááááááááááááááááááááááá - 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------" 2312,MR1713308,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests, cords and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2313,MR1713318,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:A) Breast conservative surgery - wide excision.B) Left axillary sentinel lymph node.C) Revised medial marginD)Left axillary nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 5x4.5x3cmSkin measures 5x2.1cmSection shows grey white lesion measures 1.7x1.6x0.9cmDistance from margins:Superior margin : 1.5cmInferior margin : 1cmMedial margin : 0.2cmLateral margin : 1.5cmDeep margin : 0.7cmB) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue altogether measures 2x1.5x1cm isolated 3 lymph nodesLargest lymph node measures 1x0.8x0.5cm.C) Received single fibrofatty tisue measures 4x1.8x1cmOne surface inked.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5.5x4.5x2.5cm.Dissected node 11 lymph nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Tumor: The section shows diffuse sheets, clumps of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. Tubular formation lessthan 10% =3, mitotic figures 8/10=2, nuclear pleomorphism =2. MBR score is 7/9, nuclear grade 2. IMPRESSION:A)Breast conservative surgery - wide excisionInvasive ductal carcinoma, Nuclear grade IIMaximum dimension of tumor measures 1.7x1.6cmDuctal carcinoma - in -situ not identified.Lymphovascular invasion not identifiedPerineural invasion not identified.Resected margin :Superior margin, inferior margin, lateral and deep margin : Free of tumorRevised medial margin : Free of tuor.B)Left Sentinel lymph nodes:3 Nodes - No deposits of tumorC)Resected medial margins:Fibrofatty tissue - Free of tumorD)Left Axillary lymph nodes: 11 Nodes - No deposits of tumor.Pathological Stage: pT1N0" 2314,MR1713339,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - p/o malignancy.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear core measures 1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests. sheets, cords and tubules. Cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and shows moderate pleomorphism . Stromal shows fibromyoxiod change and lymphocytic infiltration. Few ducts show ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score 7 (3+2+2)." 2315,MR1713364,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2316,MR1713370,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.7 to 1.1 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2317,MR1713396,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump H/O mother died of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrocollagenous tissue with occasional ductules lined by columnar cells. No atypia is seen.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy :Shows Benign breast tissue.Negative for malignancy." 2318,MR1713397,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump/ Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 greywhite linear core ranging from 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as cords, tubules and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Foci of high grade DCIS noted.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast.Modified BR scoreá : 6/9, grade 2.Tubule formation á á á á :á 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá :á 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------------" 2319,MR1713398,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.B) Left level 3 axillary nodes.C) Right breast wide local excision.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Received in : Formalin.Time of receipt at lab : 6:30pm.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 20cm. Superficial - deep : 4cm. Superior-inferior :17cm.Skin ellipse : 13x7cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 2.8x1.5x1cm.Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Infiltrative.Deep margin : 0.4cm.Muscle : 3x2.3cm.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 20 nodes.Axillary tail : 6x4.5x3.5cm.Size of largest node : 2.5x1.5x1cm. Cut surface shows grey-white involved.B) Left level 3 axillary nodes:Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 1x1x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.C) Right breast wide local excision:Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 5.5x5x2cm.On serial slicing greywhite fibrotic area measuring 3x2x1cm, located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 0.1cm.Inferior margin -- 1.5cm.Medial margin -- 0.2cm.Lateral margin -- 1cm.Deep margin -- 0.5cm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 --------------- 7/9 ---------------Tumor measures 2.8cm in greatest dimension and is located in the lower outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Plenty of tumor emboli present.Perineural invasion : Present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 20 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 20 nodes.B) Left level 3 axillary nodes from fibrofatty tissue. No lymph nodes are present.C) Right breast wide local excision:Section from the mass shows epithelial hyperplasia.Atypical hyperplasia.Intraductal papilloma.Fibrocystic disease with Apocrine metaplasia.No evidence of invasive carcinoma.All resected margins show fibrocollagenous tissue.SUMMARY:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Nodal metastases :20 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor in 20 nodes. Perinodal spread present." 2321,MR1713418,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy fromá left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as tubules cords and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is elastotic. IMPRESSION:Biopsy fromá left breast lump:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9, Grade 2.Tubule formationáááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá -1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------" 2322,MR1713431,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits linear coresá measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:invasive ductal carcinoma. Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formationáááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------- 2323,MR1713465,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2324,MR1713482,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.á - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2326,MR1713548,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2327,MR1713607,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:A) Biopsy from Left breast lump.B) Left axillary GROSS FINDINGS:Received lumpectomy specimen measures 7x5x1.5cm. skin ellips measures 5x3cm. Cut surface shows an illdefined fibrosis areas measures 1.5x1x1cmDISTANCE FROM MARGIN:Superior Margin :1.5cmInferior Margin : 0.6cmMedial margin : 5cmLateral Margin : 0.5cmDeep margin : 0.1cmcut surface few grey yellow nodule ? calcification.B) Received fibrofatty measures 11x9x3cm largest lymph nodes measures 2x1.5x0.5cm. Cut surface - grey brown.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:No residual viable tumor present . section show benign breast tissue , areas of hyalinsation , foreign body giant cell reaction and scattered histocytic aggregates.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast post lumpectomy + NACT lobr focal excision o residual massNo residual viable tumor presentAll resected margins are free of tumor.No evidence of Lymphovascular or perineural invasion.B) Left axillary :ten lymph nodes isolated all are free of tumor Pathological stage : ypT0N0" 2328,MR1713630,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass/ P/O Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrous tissue with an infiltrative lesion arranged in cords and diffuse sheets. Cells are markedly pleomorphic with vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Adjacent focus show multinucleated giant cells and aggregates of histiocytes. Marked peritumoral lymphocytic infiltration noted.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass:Invasive carcinoma with medullary features, nuclear grade 3.Granulomatous inflammation also noted." 2329,MR1713631,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 7 greywhite linear core ranging from 1 to 1.4 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in cords and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). - Ductal carcinoma-in-situ of cribriform and comedo pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen." 2331,MR1713637,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast limp - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores ranging from 1.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show breast tissue with an invasive neoplasm amonged in cords and glandular pattern surrounded by desmoplastic stroma. The cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism and prominent nucleoli. Mitosis is increased.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, biopsy:Suggestive of invasive carcinoma NOS, grade III.Modified Bloom Richardson score 8.Tubular formationááááááááááááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphismááááááá -- 3Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááá -- 3áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------." 2332,MR1713638,CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - P/O carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade 2 2333,MR1713648,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump/ P/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrous tissue with an infiltrative lesion arranged in tubules and cords. Cells are moderately pleomorphic with hyperchromatic ovoid nuclei and moderate eosinophilic to clear vacuolated cytoplasm. Stroma shows lymphocytic infiltration.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma,Nuclear grade 2 (Patchy intraluminal mucin production)." 2335,MR1713669,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN :Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy(Post lumpectomy).GROSS FINDINGS :Received in : Formalin.Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 18 cm. Superficial to Deep : 4 cm. Superior to Inferior : 17 cm.Skin ellipse : 16 x 12 cm. Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Seen measuring 3 cm in the lower outer quadrant at 4.5 cm away from nipple areola complex.Lesion Size : 2 x 1.8 x 1.5 cm.Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrant. Margins of tumor : Ill defined. Deep margin : 0.1cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 7 x 6 x 2.5 cm.Size of largest node : 2 x 2 x 1 cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular or perineural invasion is not seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy( Post lumpectomy) :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2). - Tumor is located in the lower outer quadrant. - Multiple (Two) tumor foci are seen, larger measuring 1.8 cm in greatest dimension. - Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not seen. - Lymphovascular invasion is not seen. - Perineural invasion is not seen. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: Fifteen lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy (0/15).Pathological stage : pT1cN0" 2336,MR1713696,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? malignantSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue with an infiltrating neoplasm predominantly in sheets cords and glandular pattern. The cells show moderate nuclear atypia with prominent nucleoli and clean to eosinophilic vacuolated cytoplasm. Stroma is decresly hyalinisedá and desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Left breast:Invasive carcinoma ductal type (NOS)Nuclear grade II. 2337,MR1713714,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of fibro adipose tissue with an infiltrative neoplasm predominantly in sheets and nests. The cells have moderate cellular atypia and nuclear pleomorphism. Few show squamoid differentiation with keratinisation. Mitosis is increased.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from breast:Invasive high grade carcinoma Favoring metaplastic carcinoma with squamoid differentiation.Nuclear grade - III. 2338,MR1713799,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of left breast. Post MRM and treatment. Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy known case of Carcinoma Left Breast Post OP.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear core measures 1.2 to 1.4 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION: Right Breast, Core Biopsy(Known case of Carcinoma Left Breast- Post OP) :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2339,MR1713808,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma Left breast post NACT. SPECIMEN :A)Left modified radical mastectomy post NACTB)Left breast with axillary lymphatics. GROSS FINDINGS:A) Left Modified Radical Mastectomy post NACT : Received in : FormalinProcedure : Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.post NACT Laterality : Left. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :17cm. Superficial to Deep : 5 cm. Superior to Inferior : 19 cm.Skin ellipse : 18x9cm. shows hypopigmented area measures 5x4.7cm. hipopigmented area with puckering. Nipple . : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Present.Tumor Size : 1.5x1x0.8cm. Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumour : Well defined Deep margin : 0.3 cm.Muscle : Present.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 5x3x1cm.B) Received fibrofatty measures 1x0.6x0.3cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:A) Left Modified Radical Mastectomy post NACT:Section studied shows breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and cords. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm. hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with moderately dense lymphomononuclear cell infiltrate. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis are seen. Grade :II.Histological type : Residual Invasive ductal carcinoma. Tumor measures maximum dimension 1.5 cm.Invasive component measures 1.5cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.Modified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3 Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ............ 7/9 .............Lymphovascular invasion identified. Perineural invasion identified. Posterior resection margin is free from tumor. Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: Level -I, II- 6 lymph nodes, show Metastasis deposits of tumor.out of 6 nodes(6/6)B) Left level III nodes : Isolated three lymph node showing tumor deposits (3/3)Total nodes which are positive: 9 nodes out of 9nodes.(9/9) Pathological stage: ypT1N2Summary:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy post NACT:Residual Invasive ductal carcinoma. :Tumor Grade: II.Lymph node Status: Level I,II and III = 9nodes show metastatic deposits o tumor out of 9nodes(9/9). " 2340,MR1713812,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump.Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9, grade 2.Tubular formationáááááááá : 3Nuclear pleororphism á : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______________" 2341,MR1713832,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right Breast Mass - Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right Breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores ranging 0.4 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in cords and sheets. Lesional cells are pleomorphic having round to irregular, hyperchromatic nucleus, moderate cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right Breast :Invasive Duct Carcinoma Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 2343,MR1713871,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show multiple cores of breast tissue with an invasive neoplasm predominantly an sheets, nests and cords. The cells show marked nuclear pleomorphism moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm and increased mitosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma ductal type (NOS)Modified Bloom Richardson score is 9/9, Grade 3Tubule formation 3 Nuclear pleomorphism - 3Mitotic figures - 3 ------ 9/9 ------" 2344,MR1713873,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy fromá right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibro adipose tissue with an infiltrative neoplasm predominantly in sheets and cords. The cells show moderate nucleará pleomorphicá with eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm and prominent nucleoli. Mitosis is increasedá micro calcification seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy fromá right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma ductal type (NOS)Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9, Grade 3Tubule formationááááááááá Nuclear pleomorphism - 3Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá - 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------" 2345,MR1713876,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast - post lumpectomy.SPECIMEN :A) Right MRM specimen.B) Left level 2 nodes.GROSS FINDINGS :Received in : FormalinProcedure :Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : Right.Total dimensions : Medial to lateral 11cm. Superficial to Deep : 6cm Superior to inferior : 12cm.Skin ellipse :11x6cm. Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect :not seen.A grey white lesion measuring 0.5x0.5 cm is seen in the outer lower quadrant.Margins of lesion : ill defined. Deep margin : 2cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Axillary tail :8x5x4cm.Total number of nodes : 15Size of largest node :1.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface is grey white.IMPRESSION:Right breast, right modified radical mastectomy(Post lumpectomy).Tumor bed :A small focus of residual adenoid cystic carcinoma is present measuring 0.5x0.5cm. Surrounding the tumor inflammatory cells are present, with foci of necrosis and granulation tissue.Surrounding duct shows intraductal papilloma. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 15 lymph nodes - no metastatic deposits of tumor(0/15).Left level 2 lymph nodes - shows fibrofatty tissue and blood clot. No lymph nodes are seen.Summary : Right breast, modified radical mastectomy(post lumpectomy) :A small focus of residual tumor, adenoid cystic carcinoma is present measuring 0.5x0.5cm.15 lymph nodes isolated show no metastatic deposits of tumor(0/15)Left level 2 lymph nodes - shows fibrofatty tissue and blood clot. No lymph nodes are seen" 2346,MR1713881,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left Carcinoma Breast - Post NACT.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy. Laterality : Left. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :18cm. Superficial to Deep :3cm. Superior to Inferior :17cm.Skin ellipse :15x11cm. Nipple :Cut surface shows nodule measures 2x2x1cm. Scar/ Surgical defect :Absent.Tumor bed : Single.Tumour bed Size : 2.5x2x1.5cm. Location of tumor bed : Retroareolar extending to nipple areola. Margin of tumor bed : illdefined.Deep margin : 3.5 cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 8.5x4x3cm. Size of largest node : 3x2x1.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows no residual tumor cells. Treatment related changes are seen including necrosis, Sclerosis pigmented macrophages, cholesterol clefts, lymphocytes and congested capillaries.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy( Post NACT):No residual tumor is seen. - Treatment related changes are seen. - Nipple and areola are free of tumor. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Lymph nodes:Seventeen lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy( 0/17).Pathological Stage: ypT0N0" 2347,MR1713886,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and diffuse sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2348,MR1713889,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breast. SPECIMEN :A) Right axillary lymph node.B) Right axillary lymph node dissection.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measures 10x6x4cm. Skin ellipse measures 7x3cm. Surface show healed scar measures 3cm. Cut surface grey white ill defined lesion measures 1.5x1x1cm. Distance from margins : Superior margin : 1.0 cm.Inferior margin : 1.5 cm.Medial margin : 1.0 cm.Lateral margin : 1.5 cm.Deep margin : 2.0 cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 10x6x2cm. Largest lymphnode measures 2x1x1cm. Cutsurface fatty infiltrate. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section show breast parenchyma harboring lesion arranged in sheets and cords. The lesional cells are round to oval having vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate nuclear pleomorphism.Stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION :A) Right breast conservative surgery, post lumpectomy, Post + NACT. Invasive carcinoma, NST grade - 3. Lumpectomy site. Modified BR score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ................. 8/9 ..................- Tumor measures 1.5cm in greatest dimension. - Lymphovascular invasion identified.- Perineural invasion not identified.- All resected margins including deep margin are free of tumor. B) Right axillary lymph node dissection:One out of nine lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposit measures 0.8cm in greatest dimension (1/3)- No extra nodal spread seen. " 2349,MR1713894,CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lesion ? malignancy.SPECIMEN:Right breast biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.9x1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of fibroadipose tissue with an infiltrating neoplasm composed of cells in diffuse sheets and cords. The cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism and increased mitosis.IMPRESSION:Right breast biopsy:Features are suggestive of invasive carcinoma ductal type (NOS) Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubular formationáááááááá -- 3.Nuclear pleomorphismá -- 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá -- 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------ 2350,MR1713902,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? Malignant.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear coresá measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchymaá harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords, trabeculae. The cells are pleomorphicá with round to ovaláá hyperchromatic to vesicular nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Interveningá stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrate and hyalinisation.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast mass:Invasive carcinoma.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9, Grade 2.Tubular formationááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá - 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------" 2351,MR1713930,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast - lobular carcinoma.Right breast lump - right supero lateral quadrant lump suspicious.Multiple papillary lesions noted.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores ranging from 0.6 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests cords, and sheets. The cells have round to oval vesicular nuclei, few showing prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic seen, areas of hyalinisation seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9.Tubule formationááááááááááááááá -- 3.Nuclear formationááááááááááááááá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááá -- 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------" 2352,MR1713944,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey browná linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of fibroadipose tissue with an invasive neoplasm in sheets. There isá moderate nuclear atypia with increasedá mitotic figures. There is moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. There is intra and peritumoral inflammationáIMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Suggestive of invasive carcinoma ductal type (NOS)Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 8/9, Grade II.Tubule formationááá á á áá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá - 3áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------" 2353,MR1713952,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - p/o Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear core measures 0.8 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2354,MR1713959,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left Lung mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown i linear cores measures 1.0 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of lung parenchyma and cartilage harboring an infiltrating lesion present predominantly in stroma arranged in sheets. The cells are polygonal having moderate amount of pale eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with areas of hemorrhage.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left lung mass:Poorly differentiated carcinoma. ? Metastatic ? Primary.Suggest IHC." 2355,MR1713981,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Lump left breast 6 months bloody dishcarge from nipple.Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:Left modified radical masectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure :Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :16cm Superficial to Deep :17cm Superior to inferior : 6cmSkin ellipse :14x7cmNipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : skin surface shows as ulceration measures 3x2cmTumor : single Tumor Size : 3x2x2cm Location of tumor : Lower inner quadrantMargins of tumor : ill define Deep margin : 2cmMuscle :PresentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 8x7x6cmSize of largest node :10.9x0.8x0.7cm cut surface - grey brownIMPRESSION:Left breast left modified radical mastectomy Post NACTResidual invasive ductal carcinoma grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures 3cm in greatest dimension is isolated in the upper inner quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ present cribriform type ( intermediate grade )Lymphovascular invasion presentPerineural invasion presentPosterior resection margin un involved. skin shows ulceration with tumor involves the epidermisNipple and areola is un involved.Lymph nodes - 13 lymph nodes, metastasis (2/13)Extra nodal extension present Maximum tumor deposit size measures 1 cmSUMMARY:Left breast left modified radical mastectomy Post NACT residual invasive ductal carcinoma grade lINodal metastasis 2/13." 2356,MR1713985,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right Breast Lump - p/o Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2358,MR1714014,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibro adipose tissue with an invasive neoplasm composed of cells in sheets nests and glands. The cells show marked nuclear pleomorphism with eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm. Microcalcification seen . Ductal carcinoma in situ comedo type presentIMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma ductal type (NOS)Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9, Grade 2Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 3Mitotic figures - 2 ---------- 7/9 -----------Tiny focus of ductal carcinoma in situ with comedo necrosis seen." 2359,MR1714017,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast tissue with an invasive neoplasm is nests and glands. The cells show moderate cytoplasm moderate nuclear pleomorphism and increased mitosis extensive intra and peritumoral inflammation seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Suggestive of invasive carcinoma ductal (NOS)Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9, Grade II.Tubule formationááá á á áá - 2Nuclear pleomorphismáá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá - 3áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------" 2360,MR1714030,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show multiple cores of breast tissue along with skin with few cores showing foci of an invasive neoplasm in nests and glands and cords showing moderate nuclear pleomorphic clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm and prominent nucleoli.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Suggestive of Invasive carcinoma- NOSNuclear grade -2Note: In view of excessive desmoplasia and paucity of tumour cells repeat biopsy is suggested for ERPR/HER2Neu study 2361,MR1714034,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast, right breast lump.SPECIMEN :A) Sentinel lymph node.B) Right breast, Right Breast Conservation Surgery.C) Revised superior margin.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received three lymph nodes largest lymph node measures 1 x 1 x 1 cm fatty infiltration. Entire tissue processed.B) Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measures 9 x 7 x 4.5 cm. Skin ellipse measures 4.5 x 3 cm, surface unremarkable serial slicing shows grey white firm ill defined lesion seen measures .8 x 1.5 x 1.2 cm located at following distance.Superior : 1 cm.Inferior : 2 cm.Medial : 2 cm.Lateral : 1.5 cm.Deep : 1.5 cm.Representative sections are submitted.C) Received skin covered single fibrofatty tissue measures 7 x 6 x 2 cm. Skin ellipse measures 7 x 0.5 cm. Surface unremarkable.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section show fibroglandular tissue infiltrated by tumor cells arranged predominantly in cords and nest. The cells have hyperchromatic round to irregular nucleus moderate cytoplasm. Moderate nuclear pleomorphism noted.IMPRESSION :A) Sentinel lymph node( Frozen Section) :Seven lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy (0/7).B) Right breast, Right Breast Conservation Surgery :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). - Tumor measures 1.8 cm in greatest dimension. - Ductal carcinoma in situ component is not seen. - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. - Perineural invasion is not identified. - Inferior, Medial, lateral and deep margins of resection are free of tumor.C) Revised superior margin :Free of tumor.Pathological stage : pT1cN0" 2362,MR1714071,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey white linear cores measuresá 1 to 1.2cm. Entireiá tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from breast harbours tumor arrnaged in sheets and syncytial pattern.The cells are round to oval with scant cytoplasm with pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. The tumor is cuffedá by dense lymphocytic infiltrate. Occasional bizarre cells and mitotic activity is noted. Invasion into stroma is noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast:Invasive carcinoma , Grade 3Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 8/9.Tubule formationáá á á :á 3Nuclear pleomorphism :á 3Mitotic figuresááááááááááá :á 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 2363,MR1714090,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.3 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2364,MR1714091,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast T4BN2SPECIMEN:Wedge biopsy ulcer breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white skin covered soft tissue bits altogether measures 1.5x1x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple fragments of tissue showing extensive necrosis and foci of sheets, nests and cords of neoplastic tissue. The cells show moderate vacuolated cytoplasm highly pleomorphic nuclei with prominent nucleoli. There is dermal involvement of tumor seen . large area of necrosis seen in the ulcerated areas..IMPRESSION:Wedge biopsy ulcer breast:Suggestive of invasive carcinoma ( NOS)Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9 Grade IIITubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ------ 8/9 -----Dermal involvement by tumor seenLarge Areas of necrosis noted." 2365,MR1714101,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of left breast carcinomaSPECIMENA) Let MRMB) left axillary lymph nodesC) Level III lymph nodesGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :17cm Superficial to deep :5cm Superior to inferior :19cmSkin ellipse :16.5x7cm Nipple :inverted .? tumor reaching upto the nippleScar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor :SingleTumor Size :3 x 2.5 x 2.5 cm cut surface - grey white Location of tumor :upper inner quadrant. Margins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 2.5cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast :Fibrofatty Axillary tail :9 x 9 x 1.5mSize of largest node : 2 x 1.5 x 0.5cm Cut surface - grey brownB) Received fibro fatty tissue measures 5.5x3.5x0.5cmIsolated 3 lymph nodes largest measures 1x0.5x0.5 cm cut surface - grey brownC) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x1.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast:Tumor Bed :Residual viable tumor present Invasive ductal carcinoma measures 2.5cmFocal areas of ductal carcinoma in situ present ,Solid type measures 0.5cm. Focal areas of fibrosis and degenerated tumor cells are present.Tumor is present below Nipple and areas Epidermis is free of tumor.A) Left Modified Radical Mastectomy Invasive ductal carcinoma grade llModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures 3 cm in greatest dimension located in the upper inner quadrantDuctal carcinoma in situ present ,solid type measures 0.5cmLymphovascular invasion present.Perineural invasion not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Epidermis is free of tumor3 nodes shows metastatic deposits of viable tumor out of 10 nodes, Perinodal spread seenPathological state ypT2N2B) Axillary Nodes : 3 nodes isolated none shows tumor deposit .C) Level III - one nodes isolated, shows metastatic deposit of viable tumor.SUMMARY:A) Left post NACT modified radical masectomy Residual viable tumor Invasive ductal carcinoma ,Grade ll3 nodes shows metastatic deposits of viable tumor out of 10 nodes, Perinodal spread seen B) Axillary Nodes 3 nodes no deposit of tumor.C) Level III - one node shows metastatic deposit of tumor" 2367,MR1714126,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinomaá left breast SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left chest wall.GROSS FINDINGS:Receivedá 6 grey white linear cores measures 1 -1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in cords, nestsá and vague tubules. The cells are ovoidá having moderate amount of cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nucleus. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with areas of hemorrhage.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left chest wall:Invasive carcinoma ( in a known case of carcinoma breast)." 2368,MR1714133,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast .SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuresá 1 to 1.5cm. Entireá tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast tissue cores harbours tumor cells arranged in sheets are round with moderate cytoplasm pleomorphicá hyperchromatic nuclei. There is invasion into stromaá and few areas show necrosis. Occasional mitotic activity is noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast:Invasive carcinoma , Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9.Tubule formationáá á á :á 3Nuclear pleomorphic :á 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááá :á 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 2369,MR1714163,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump- carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received single grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richard Son Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2370,MR1714165,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Left wide local excisionB) Axillary dissection.GROSS FINDINGS: A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 6x5d3.5cmShows elipse measures 4.5x1cmA cystic lesion seen measures 3x2x1.5cm filled with serous fluid.Distance from margins: Superior margin:1.5cmInferior margin : 1cmMedial margin :1cmLateral margin : 2cmDeep margin : 2cmB)Received fibrofatty tissue measures 8x7.5x2cm.Largest lymph node measures 1.5x1x1cm shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:A) Left wide local excision:- Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2- Tumor measures 3cm in greatest dimension- Invasive ductal carcinoma is 2.5cm- Focal ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.5cm- Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion is not identified.- All margins are free of tumor.B) Axillary dissection:- 19 lymph nodes identified- No tumor deposit(0/19)Pathological stage : ypT2N0.SUMMARY:A) Invasive ductal carcinoma grade 2- Focal ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.5cmB) 19 lymph nodes identified, all free of tumor." 2371,MR1714169,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Sentinel nodes.B) Right Mastectomy with level I & II Axillary nodes.C) Level III Axillary nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 4x3x3cm.3 Lymph nodes isolated.Largest measuring 2x2x1.5cm. Cut surface shows greywhite. Entire tissue processed.B) Right Mastectomy with level I & II Axillary nodes:Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : Formalin.Procedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : MRM.Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá :ááá Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medial to lateralá á á : 21cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep : 4.5cm. áá ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior : 22cm.Skin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá : 12x7.5cm.Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá : Normal Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : Not seen.Tumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : Single.Tumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá : 4x4x2.5cm.áááááááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá : Upper outer quadrant.áá Margins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á : Infiltrative. áááááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá á á á á áá : 2.5cm.Muscleááá ááá ááá á á á á á á ááá ááá : Absent Adjacent Breastááá á á á á á ááá : Fibrofatty tissue. áááááá Axillary tailááá ááá á á á á á á á ááá : 8x8x2cm.Total number of nodesááááááá :á Sentinel nodes : 3 Nodes.Size of largest nodeááááááááááá : 2x2x0.8cm. Cut surface shows greywhite (? involved).áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Level I, IIá : 25 Nodes.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Level IIIááá : 8 Nodes.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3x2.5x0.5cm.Largest lymph node measuring 0.5x0.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Mastectomy with level I & II Axillary nodes: Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade IIIModified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formationááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá : 3áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------------Tumor measuresá 4x4cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the Upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Plenty of tumor emboli present.Perineural invasioná :á Present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes:á Sentinel lymph nodes : 3 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 3 nodes.Level I, II : 12 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 25 nodes.Level IIIáá : 5 Node show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 8 nodes.SUMMARY:Right Mastectomy with level I & II Axillary nodes: Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade IIINodal metastases : Sentinel lymph nodes : 3 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 3 nodes.Level I, II : 12 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 25 nodes.Level IIIáá : 5 Node show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 8 nodes." 2372,MR1714175,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - ? MalignantSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from linear cores of breast parenchyma show tumor arranged in tubules. Cells are round to oval with moderate to scant cytoplasm with pleomorphic nucleus and hyperchromatic nuclei . The tumor cells are infiltrating stroma. Occasional mitotic activity is noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast:Invasive ductal cell carcinoma , Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphic : 2Mitotic figures : 1 --------- 6/9 --------" 2373,MR1714176,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Prostatomegaly - possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Prostate, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 8 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in fused and poorly formed glands. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Prostate, Core Biopsy :ADENOCARCINOMA(Acinar, NOS). - Gleason score is 8(4+4), Prognostic Grade Group 4. - Carcinoma involves 70% of the tissue submitted. - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. - Perineural invasion is not identified." 2374,MR1714184,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right modified radical mastectomy specimen.B) Apical nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received : Formalin.Procedure : Modified radical mastectomy.Laterality : Right.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 18 cm Superficial - deep : 3 cm Superior-inferior : 15 cmSkin ellipse : 13x7.5 cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Grossly grey white firm, fibrotic focal solid area noted in the lower at 4-5 'o' clock position measures 1.5x1x1 cm.Deep margin : 2 cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : 13x6x3 cm Total number of nodes : 13 nodesSize of largest node: 2.5x1.5x1 cm. cut surface shows grey white. B) Apical nodes :Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1.5x1x0.5 cm. Entire tissue processed. 2 nodes identified.IMPRESSION:A)Right breast Right modified radical mastectomy:Tumor Bed: Residual viable tumor presentInvasive ductal carcinoma measures 1x0.8cm.Areas of necrosis and lymphoplasmacytic infiltration present.Right breast Right modified radical mastectomy:Modified Bloom Richardson score is :5/9 Tubule formation :3Nuclear pleomorphism:1Mitotic figures :1Tumor is located in the (4o clock ) lower inner quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not identified.Lymphovascular invasion : Present.Perineural invasion : Not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 2 lymph nodes, show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 13 nodes Perinodal spread not present B) Apical nodes 2 nodes - No deposit of tumor.Summary:Right modified radical mastectomy residual viable tumor present Invasive ductal carcinoma measures 1x0.8cm. Nodal metastasis: 2 nodes out of 13 nodes isolated in the mastectomy specimen show metastasisApical nodes 2 nodes show no deposit of tumor." 2375,MR1714191,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump likely carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right, Breast, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received5 grey whit linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrofatty tissue harboring lesion arranged in sheets cords and nests. The cells have round to irregular hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. Moderate nuclear pleomorphism is noted.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Biopsy :Infiltrating Duct Carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 --------- 7/9 ---------" 2376,MR1714194,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Left Breast mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received single grey white soft tissue bits measures 1 x 1 x 0.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Areas of keratinisation are seen.IMPRESSION:Left Breast mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richard Son Score is 7(3+2+2)." 2377,MR1714199,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from fibroglandular tissue harboring a lesion arranged in cores and nests. The neoplastic cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. Moderate nuclear pleomorphism noted.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9.Tubule formation :3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 --------- 7/9 --------" 2378,MR1714202,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma left breast ? multifocal.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast - wide local excision.GROSS FINDINGS:Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 7x5x2.5cm.Section shows lesion relatively well circumscribed grey white tumor which measures 1x0.9x0.8cmDistance from margin:-Superior margin : 0.2cm.Inferior margin : 0.3cm.Medial margin : 0.2cmLateral margin : 0.5cmDeep Margin : 0.1cmAnother lesion measures 0.5x0.5x0.5cm which is 0.8cm away from larger tumor focus.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast shows tumor arranged in sheets and nests. The tumor is having round to oval cells with scant cytoplasm, with pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei . The tumor is seen invading into stroma and adjacent fat . There are focal areas showing Ductal carcinoma in situ component comedo and solid typeIMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast - wide local excision:Invasive Ductal cell carcinoma Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------ 6/9 ------Tumor is multifocal .Tumor size : 1x0.9x0.8cm( Larger focus) 0.5x0.5x0.5cm (smaller focus).High grade ductal carcinoma in situ present ( Comedo and solid type)Lymphovascular invasion seen.Perineural invasion not seen.Superior , medial, and deep margin shows presence of tumor .Inferior and lateral margin are free of tumor." 2379,MR1714203,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right Modified radical mastectomy.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure :Modified radical mastectomy.Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral -17 cm Superficial to Deep -7 cm Superior to Inferior -16cmSkin ellipse : 15x 18 cm Nipple unremarkable :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : SingleTumour Size : A grey white from measures 1x1x0.6 cm, rest of the breast shows fibrotic changes. Location of tumor : Retroareolar region. Margin of tumor :circumscribed Deep margin : 1.5 cmMuscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibro fatty tissue. Axillary tail :7x6x3 cmTotal number of nodes : 17 Nodes Size of largest node :0.8x0.6x0.5 cm. cut surface is grey brown.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed :Focus of Invasive ductal carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ present , low grade, solid type. Surrounding parenchyma shows fibrosis, necrosis and inflammatory cellular infiltrate.Modified Boom Richardson score is 6/9, Grade II. .Tubule formation: 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 1X 1cm in greatest dimension and is located in the retroareolar region. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ present, low grade.Lymphovascular invasion: present.Perineural invasion: not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola are unremarkableLymph nodes: 3 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 17 nodes(3/17) Pathological stage : ypT1N1.Summary :Right Breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy, post NACT statusResidual viable tumor present, Invasive ductal carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ, Grade II.Nodal metastases 3 Nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor art of 17 nodes (3/17). Perinodal spread present.. " 2380,MR1714210,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear core of tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords a trabeculae and nest . The cells are round to oval with hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Intervening stroma shows elastosis and lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive Ductal carcinoma , Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubule formation :3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 -------" 2381,MR1714231,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast mass - Malignant.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibroglandular tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged in sheets, cords and nests. The lesional cells have round to irregular hyperchromatic nucleus with moderate cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism :2Mitotic figures : 2 -------- 7/9 -------." 2382,MR1714235,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast SPECIMEN:Right, Breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received5 grey whit grey brown linear cores measures 0.6 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed..MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests, cords and tubular. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2383,MR1714241,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of left breast carcinoma Post NACTSPECIMEN:A) Left breast wide excision.B) Left axillary dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Lumpectomy specimen measures 5.5x5.5x3cm Skin ellipse measures 4x1cm cut surface grey white lesion measures 2.0x2.0x5cm.B) Received fibrofatty mass measures 10x6x3cm Largest lymph nodes measures 1.5x1x0.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Residual viable tumor presentInvasive ductal carcinoma Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9, grade IITubule formation 3, Mitotic figures 1 nuclear pleomorphism 2.Areas of fibrosis is present surrounding the tumor Tumor measures 2.0x2.0x5cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ- Not identifiedLymphovascular invasion - Not identified.Perineural invasion - Not identifiedResected margins :-Superior margin: Free of tumorInferior margin :Free of tumorMedial margin :Free of tumorLateral margin :Free of tumorDeep margin :Free of tumorAxillary lymph nodes:8 nodes - No deposit of tumor.IMPRESSION:Left Breast conservative surgery - Post NACT.Residual viable tumor present.Maximum dimension of tumor measures 2x2cmInvasive ductal carcinoma.Ductal carcinoma in situ- Not identified.Lymphovascular invasion - Not identified.Perineural invasion - Not identified.All resected margins are free of tumor.Lymph nodes - 8 nodes. No deposit of tumor.Pathological stage : ypT1N0.." 2384,MR1714291,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN :Right MRM.GROSS FINDINGS :Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Right.Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 19.5cm. Superficial to Deep : 5cm. Superior to Inferior : 15cmSkin ellipse :12x7cm. Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect :6cm length in upper inner quadrant. Tumor : Grey white from fibrotic area measures 2.5x1x1.5cm in upper inner quadrant. Deep margin : 1cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail :7x5x1cm.Total number of nodes : 21Size of largest node :1.5x1x1cm. cut surface grey white.Level III - 02 nodes.IMPRESSION:Right breast, post lumpectomy status completion mastectomy :No residual viable tumor identified.Section show adenosis areas of fibrosis lymphoplasmacytic infiltration ductal hyperplasia. Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.Lymphovascular invasion not present.Perineural invasion not present.Posterior resection margin is uninvolved.Nipple and areola is uninvolved.Lymph nodes: 21 lymph nodes metastasis 0(0/21).Summary : Right post lumpectomy, completion mastectomy :No residual viable tumor.Nodal metastases : 0/21.Pathological stage :ypT0N0." 2385,MR1714313,CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN :A) Lumpectomy wide excision - breast Conservative surgery ( frozen specimen ).B) Revised deep margin.C) Sentinel lymph node( frozen and specimen ).GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 5x4.5x3.9cm. Skin ellipse measures 5.1x0.8cm. Cut surface shows an illdefined lesion measures 2.x1x1.8cm.Distance from margins :Superior : 1.8cm.Inferior : 1.1cm.Medial : 1.4cm.Lateral : 2.4cm.Deep : 1.5cm.B) Received single Fibromuscluar tissue measures 2x2x0.8cm with one surface stitched. Entire tissue processed.C) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue measures 2.1x2x1cm. Largest lymph node measures 1.5x1x1cm. Cut surface grey brown.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :A) Lumpectomy wide excision - breast Conservative surgery ( frozen specimen ) :Tumor bed :Shows invasive ductal carcinoma with focal areas of ductal carcinoma in situ is present measures 0.5cm.Low grade solid typeInvasive carcinoma is 1.5cm.Lymphovascular invasion present.Perineural invasion not seen.Resected margins :Superior : Free of tumor.Inferior : Free of tumor.Medial : Free of tumor.Lateral : Free of tumor.Deep : Free of tumor.B) Revised deep margin :Shows muscle bundles : Free of tumor.C) Sentinel lymph node( frozen and specimen ) :One node shows metastatic of tumor is the subcapsular space out of 3 nodes ( further paraffin slide ).Perinodal spread not present.IMPRESSION :Breast conservative surgery - wide excision:Maximum dimension of tumor is 2cm.Invasive ductal carcinoma measures 1.5cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ - low grade solid type is measures 0.5cm.Lymphovascular invasion present.Perineural invasion present.All resected margins are free of tumor.Revised deep resected margin is free of tumor.Lymph nodes :One node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 13 nodes ( deposits present with paraffin section ).Perinodal spread not present.Stage : pT1N1. 2386,MR1714343,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast mass - ? Malignant.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.0 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 2387,MR1714348,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Sentinel lymph node dissection.B) Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy (Post NACT).C) Axillary clearance.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 2 fibrofatty tissue bits each measuring 3x2x1.5cm.Isolated 3 lymph nodes.Largest measures 1.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration. Entire tissue processed.B) Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy (Post NACT):Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral :16cm. Superficial - deep : 6cm. Superior-inferior :15cm.Skin ellipse : 12x7cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 3x2x2.2cm.Location of tumor : Central quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 1cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3x2x2cm.Largest measures 0.5x0.4x0.3cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:B) Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy (Post NACT):Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 --------------- 7/9 ---------------Tumor measures 3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Seen - solid, cribriform pattern.Lymphovascular invasion is identified.Perineural invasion is not seen.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.A) Sentinel lymph node dissection:3 lymph nodes identified, all show no metastatic tumor deposits.C) Axillary clearance:9 lymph nodes identified, all shows no metastatic tumor deposits.SUMMARY:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Nodal metastases :Axillary lymph nodes : 9 lymph nodes identified, no tumor deposits seen.Sentinel lymph nodes : 3 lymph nodes identified, no tumor deposits seen." 2388,MR1714350,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Prostatomegaly - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Prostate, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Prostate, Biopsy :ADENOCARCINOMA(Acinar, NOS). - Gleason score is 8(4+4), Prognostic Grade Group 4. - Carcinoma involves 70% of the tissue submitted. - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. - Perineural invasion is not identified." 2390,MR1714357,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2391,MR1714377,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of carcinoma left breast ( Post NACT) SPECIMEN:A) Left BCSB) Axillary clearanceGROSS FINDINGS:A) Lumpectomy specimen 9.5x6x5cm2 skin flaps noted 1st measures 5x1.5cm2nd measures 6x1cm. No obvious lesion identified. However soft -firm greyish white area ? fibrosis seen at a -------------------Distance from margins:Superior margin: 2cmInferior margin : 3cmMedial margin : 1cmLateral margin : 5cmDeep margin : 3cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 8x4x2cm largest lymph node measures 1x0.8x0.6cm cut surface fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section shows breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating neoplasm arranged as cords, small nests poorly formed glandular structures composed of cells exhibiting increased N/c ratio, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, occasional conspicuous nucleoli and scanty cytoplasm. The intervening stroma shows dense fibrocollagenous connective tissue infiltrated by lymphoid aggregates . All resected margins ( superior, inferior, medial, lateral and deep ) are free of tumor. One intramammary lymph node identified, free of tumorThe overlying skin is free of tumor.B) 22 Lymph nodes identified : Free of tumor (0/22)IMPRESSION:A) Left BCS:Invasive carcinoma breast, NST Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score 6/9.Tubule formation 3Nuclear pleomorphism -2Mitotic activity - 1Tumor measures 0.8cm in greatest dimension No evidence of ductal carcinoma in situLymphovascular emboli not identifiedPerineural invasion not identified.All resected margins are free of tumor Skin is free of tumor.B) Axillary clearance:22 lymph nodes identified are free of tumor ( 0/22)" 2393,MR1714399,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast .SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.6 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show cores of breast tissue with an invasive neoplasm in sheets and nests showing moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, moderate nuclear pleomorphism and hyperchromatism. Prominent nucleoli and increased mitosis seen. Extensive peri tumoral inflammation noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Suggestive of invasive carcinoma ductal (NOS)Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 8/9, Grade III.Tubule formation :3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic activity : 3 ----- 8/9 -------" 2394,MR1714422,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? MalignantSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue with foci of ductalcarcinoma in situ (solid type) and suspicious foci of invasive carcinoma in nests and sheets. The cells show moderate cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Increased mitosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Ductal cell carcinoma in situ with suspicious foci of invasionSuggest repeat biopsy.As the material submitted show large areas of desmoplasia and scanty epithelial elements." 2395,MR1714425,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump- carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.áGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4á grey white to grey brown linear coresá measures 1 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processedIMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9, Grade 2Tubule formationááááááááá :3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9" 2396,MR1714427,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Possibility of Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2397,MR1714433,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy leftá breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy left breast lump:Infiltrating ductal carcinomaModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9, Grade 2Tubule formationááááááááá :3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá :á 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9" 2398,MR1714442,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINIDNGS:Section shows fragments of fibrocollagenous tissue lined by skin harboring a lesion arranged in nests tubules and cribriform pattern cells lining these structure seen floating in large extracellular pools of aucin. Cells have moderately pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Areas of hemorrhage noted. No mitotic figures noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma with extracellular mucinous component.Modified Bloom Richardson Score 4/9, grade 1Tubule formationáááááááááááááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphicáááááááááááá -- 1Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááááá -- 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 4/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------" 2399,MR1714443,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump- Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPY FINDINGS:Sections form breast harbor tumor arranged in sheets, trabecular pattern. The tumor cells have round to oval cells, with moderate cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei are seen, The tumor cells are seen invading stroma and fat .Occasional foci of myxoid area is seen. An area of calcification is seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááááááá -- 3.Nuclear pleomorphismááááááá -- 2Mitotic figures á á á á á á á á á á -- 1ááááááááááááááááá á á á á á á á á á á áá á --------ááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á á á á á á á á 6/9áááááááááááááááááá á á á á á á á á á á á á ---------" 2400,MR1714482,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast .SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.6 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue with an invasive neoplasm in nests and glands. The cells show moderate eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm, moderate nuclear pleomorphism and hyperchromatism with prominent nucleoli. Adjacent Ductal carcinoma in situ (comedo type) noted. Scattered peritumoral inflammation seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast:Suggestive of invasive carcinoma ductal (NOS)Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9, Grade II.Tubule formation :2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic activity : 2 ----- 6/9 -------" 2401,MR1714483,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Central lymph node.B) Right Complete mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3.5x2.5x1cm.Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.4 lymph node isolated.B) Right Complete mastectomy:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral : 12cm. Superficial to Deep : 5cm. Superior to Inferior : 15cm.Skin ellipse : 10x5cm. Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Grey white fibrotic lesion measuring 4x3x2cm.Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined. Deep margin : 1cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : Absent.IMPRESSION:Right Completion mastectomy:No residual viable tumor identified.Sections from fibrotic area shows dense fibrosis and atrophic ducts.Posterior resection margin is uninvolved.Nipple and areola is uninvolved.Lymph nodes: 5 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0 (0/5).Pathological stage : pT0N0.SUMMARY:Right Completion mastectomy:No residual viable tumor identified.Nodal metastases : 5 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0 (0/5)." 2402,MR1714494,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from breast harbor tumor, arranged in sheets and tubules. The tumor is having round to oval cells, with moderate cytoplasm, with pleomorphic, hyperchromatic nuclei. The tumor is seen invading stroma and fat. Component of ductal carcinoma in situ (comedo) pattern is seen. The intervening stroma is hyalinized.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9Tubular formationáá á á á á á á á á á á á -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism á á á á á á á áá -- 2Mitotic figures á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á -- 1á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá ------------á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á 6/9á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá ------------ á " 2403,MR1714500,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Sentinel lymph node biopsy.B) Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 4x3x2cm.4 lymph nodes identified.Largest lymph node measuring 1x1x0.5cm.Cut surface shows fatty infiltration seen. Entire tissue processed.B) Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral :19cm. Superficial - deep : 2.5cm. Superior-inferior : 11cm.Skin ellipse : 12.5x5cm.Nipple : Normal.Distance of tumor from skin : 1.5cm. Cut surface shows grey white solid.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor size : 2x1.5x1.5cm.Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin (Muscle) : 1cm.Muscle : Present. 2.5x2cm.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty. Adjacent breast shows grey white rubbery areas at 4 '0' clock.Total number of nodes : Sentinel nodes : 4 Nodes.Axillary tail : 8x7x3cm.Size of largest node : 1x1cm. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IIModified BR score is 6/9.Tubular formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 --------------- 6/9 ---------------Tumor measures 2X1.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Upper inner quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not Present.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: Sentinel lymph nodes : 4 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.Pathological stage : pT1N0.SUMMARY:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IINodal metastases :Sentinel lymph nodes : 4 Nodes- No deposits of tumor." 2404,MR1714504,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right breast.SPECIMEN:Completed axillary dissectionGROSS FINDINGSReceived fibrofatty tissue measures 4x3.5x2cmNo lymph nodes identified entire tissue submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGSMultiple section from the axillary lymph node Complete tissue is submitted for the histopathological procedureSection shows only fibrocollagenous stromaNo lymph nodes identified in the tissue submittedIMPRESSIONFibrocollagenous tissue , no lymph nodes identified." 2405,MR1714514,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Carcinoma right breast post NACT.SPECIMEN:A. Right sentinel nodes.B) Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy(Post NACT).GROSS FINDINGS:A) Fibrofatty tissue measures 4.5x4x1.5 cmLargest lymph node measures 2x1x0.4 cm cut surface show dye noted.B) Procedure : Modified Radical MastectomyLaterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 23 cm Superficial - deep: 6 cm Superior-inferior : 21 cmSkin ellipse : 16x10 cmNipple : NormalScar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : SingleTumor size : 4.5 x 4 x 2 cmLocation of tumor : Upper Outer quadrantMargins of tumor : Ill definedDeep margin : 2 cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissueAxillary tail : 6.5x5x2 cmSize of largest node : 1.5x1x0.5 cm, cut surface shows grey white.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast shows an invasive lesion arranged in islands, nests and cords consisting of neoplastic cells having round to oval pleomorphic vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of clear cytoplasm. Mitotic figure is 7/10 hpf. Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ seen solid and comedonecrosis type. Stroma shows plasmacytic infiltrates and areas of hyalinisation and necrosis.IMPRESSION:A) Right sentinel nodes: Five lymph nodes identified, all are free of tumor(0/5).B) Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy(Post NACT) :RESIDUAL INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7( 3+2+2). - Tumor measures 4.5 cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant. - Ductal carcinoma-in-situ of solid and comedo pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen. - Lymphovascular invasion is not defined. - Perineural invasion is not defined. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and areola are unremarkable.Lymph nodes: Seventeen lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy(0/17)." 2406,MR1714525,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of right breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure :Modified radical Mastectomy Laterality :RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :17cm Superficial to Deep :5cm Superior to inferior : 15cmSkin ellipse :10x10cmNipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : Not seen Muscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 5x4x3cmSize of largest node :0.8x0.7x0.6cm - cut surface - grey brownIMPRESSION:Right modified radical mastectomy:No viable tumorDuctal carcinoma in situ not seenLymphovascular invasion not seenPerineural invasion Not seen .Posterior resection margin is free to tumorNipple and areola is unremarkablelymph nodes -8 nodes metastasis 1, 1/8 perinodal spread not seen1 lymph node shows Metastatic deposits of viable tumor cells of invasive ductal carcinomaPathological state: ypT0N1.SUMMARY:Right modified radical mastectomy no viable tumor cells of invasive ductal carcinoma lymph nodes -8 nodes metastasis 1, 1/8 perinodal spread not seen1 lymph node shows Metastatic deposits of viable tumor cells of invasive ductal carcinoma" 2407,MR1714529,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left Breast lump likely carcinoma.SPECIMENBiopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGSReceived 5grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGSSection shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in cords, tubules and nests. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphocytic infiltrates, areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. Areas of calcification notedIMPRESSIONBiopsy from left breast lump:Invasive Carcinoma NST, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ---------- 6/9" 2408,MR1714555,CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Right breast biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received fragmented multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.2 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from breast parenchyma shows fragments of tissue with and collagenous stroma. There are scattered clusters of dysplastic oval cells with oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right breast biopsy:Scattered clusters of neoplastic cells favor ductal carcinoma.However tissue is too sparse for appropriate grading. 2409,MR1714558,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple fragments of breast parenchyma with a infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets, vague glandular pattern. The cells forming the lesion are round to oval with hyperchromatic nuclei and scant to moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis 4-5/10 hpf. Inflammatory infiltrate composed. lymphocytes neutrophils.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 2410,MR1714583,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Paget's right breast.SPECIMEN:Lumpectomy - Wide excision.GROSS FINDINGS:Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 6x5x4cm.Skin ellipse measures 4x3.5cm.Skin surface shows a nodular ulcerated lesion measuring 2.5x2x0.5cm. Cut surface shows small focal solid areas measuring 0.5x0.5cm, located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin : 2.5cm.Inferior margin : 2cm.Medial margin : 2.5cm.Lateral margin : 3cm.Deep margin : 3cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple section from the epidermis shows part of the epithelium replaced by pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and vacuolated cytoplasm. Below the nipple and areolar complex, two ducts show ductal carcinoma-in-situ (Solid and cribriform type) measuring 0.5x0.5cm.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.Perineural invasion : Not present.Resected margins:-Superior margin: shows foci of ductal carcinoma-in-situ with suspicious foci of invasive carcinoma.The resected margin is 0.2cm away from the tumor, however the inked margin is free from the tumor.Inferior margin : Free of tumor.Medial margin : Free of tumor.Lateral margin : Free of tumor.Deep margin : Free of tumor.IMPRESSION:Excision of Nipple areolar complex along with central compartment:Paget's disease of the nipple. Two ducts show Ductal carcinoma-in-situ (Low grade.)Superior margin : Foci of ductal carcinoma in situ.Resected inked margin is 0.2cm away from the tumor,however inked margin is free of tumor.Inferior, medial, lateral margin and deep margin : Free of tumor." 2411,MR1714593,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of fibrocollagenous tissue with an infiltrative neoplasm in nests and glands. The cells show moderate clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm increased N:C ratio, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Many mitotic figures noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma ductal type (NOS).MBR score 8, grade 3.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 3 --------------- 8/9 ---------------" 2412,MR1714611,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :21cm Superficial to Deep :4cm Superior to inferior : 18cmSkin ellipse :17x14cmNipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : Single Tumor Size : Small grey white lesion measures 1x0.8x0.7cm Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrant( 2'0 clock position)Margins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 3cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 8.5x7.5x2cmSize of largest node : measures 1.5x1x0.5cm cut surface - grey white necroticNOTE: Axillary tail has been extensively grossed for lymph nodesIMPRESSION:Right modified radical mastectomy:Tumor Bed:Invasive carcinoma measuring 1cmFibrosis lymphoplasmacytic infiltration.Right breast left modified radical mastectomy.Invasive Ductal Carcinoma grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures 1cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper inner quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ not present Lymphovascular invasion is identified.Perineural invasion not seenPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes -1 nodes metastatic 1( 1/4) deposit of viable tumor - perinodal extension seen Regrossed for more lymph node yielded no lymph node.SUMMARY:Right modified radical mastectomy invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II" 2413,MR1714645,"H17-7425SPECIMEN :Breast lump excision biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received grey white nodular mass measures 3.4x4x2cm. Cut surface grey white and firm ( specimen is already cut open).MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section examined show a circumscribed lesion with pushing borders. The cells are in sheets nests and glands with moderate cytoplasm round to oval large nuclei with powdery chromatin increased mitosis noted. Extensive peritumoral inflammation noted. Lymphovascular invasion not identified.MBR score : 7/9, grade II.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitosis : 3 --------------------- 7/9 ---------------------IMPRESSION:Breast lump excision biopsy:Features suggestive of invasive ductal carcinoma (NST).MBR score : 7/9, grade II. " 2414,MR1714665,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.6 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2415,MR1714671,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy fromá left breast .GROSS FINDINGS:Receivedá 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring a lesion arranged in irregular islands and sheets. The cells are moderately pleomorphic largeá nest of cells showing abundant cytoplasm. Occasional bizarre nuclei seen. Stroma is desmoplastic. Areas of necrosis noted. Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Left breast, core biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, Grade 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9,Tubule formationááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 3Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá :á 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------" 2416,MR1714674,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Lump left breast since 1 month.SPECIMEN :A) Left axillary sentinel nodes.B) Total mastectomy.C) Left sentinel lymph node biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1x0.8cm. 4 lymph nodes identified. Cut surface grey white fatty infiltrated.B) Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Left.Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 18m. Superficial to Deep : 5cm. Superior to Inferior : 16cmSkin ellipse :11x7.5cm.Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect :Not seen.Tumor : single.Tumor size : 3.2x3.2x2.5cm.Location of tumor : upper outer quadrant.Deep margin : 1cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue. Total number of nodes : Sentinel lymph node : 4nodes. :Mastectomy specimen : 3 nodes.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x1cm. One lymph node measures 0.6x0.5x0.4cm fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified BR score : 6/9.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures 3.2cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.Lymphovascular invasion not present.Perineural invasion not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: Sentinel node : 4nodes - no deposits of tumor.Mastectomy specimen node - 3 nodes - no deposits of tumor.Specimen C : 1 node shows no deposits of tumorSummary : Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Nodal metastases : Sentinel lymph node - 4 nodes - no deposits of tumor.Mastectomy 3 nodes - no deposits of tumor.Specimen C : 1 node no deposits of tumorPathological stage :ypT2N0." 2417,MR1714683,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2418,MR1714688,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - BIRADS IVc lesion.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.4 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show cores of breast tissue with invasive neoplasm in glandular and cribriform architecture with cyst like areas showing eosinophilic material . The cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism and hyperchromatic. Mitosis is increased. ductal cell carcinoma in situ cribriform and solid type noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive Carcinoma with cribriform features.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9, Grade 2Tubule formation :2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------ 6/9" 2419,MR1714690,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show multiple linear cores with an infiltrative neoplasm arranged in glands, small nests and cords. The tumor cells show mild to moderate pleomorphism with round to oval nuclei fine chromatin, inconspicuous to small nucleoli and scant to moderate amount of eosinophilic to vacuolated cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 1.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 5(2+2+1)." 2420,MR1714699,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white soft tissue bits measures 0.4 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules. The lesional cells are round to oval cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Mitosis 3-4/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9.Tubule formationáááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------" 2421,MR1714701,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy fromá left breast .GROSS FINDINGS:Receivedá 7 grey white linear cores measuresá 0.2 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section sows linear cores of tissue harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in vague nest and sheets. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuousá nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Left breast, core biopsy:Poorly differentiated malignancy." 2422,MR1714705,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Birads 4C lesion.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 1. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 5(2+2+1)." 2423,MR1714706,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right axillary tail breast mass - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right axillary tail breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white soft tissue bits measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fibrous tissue harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules, coresá and nests. The lesional cells are round to oval with hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli in few and scant cytoplasm. Stroma shows hyalinisation, lymphocytic infiltrate. Areas of necrosis noted. Mitosis 6-8/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right axillary tail breast mass:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9.Tubule formationáááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------" 2424,MR1714717,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fibro adipose tissue with an invasive neoplasm in sheets and nests. The cells are polygonal with moderate eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm. Moderate nuclear pleomorphism and hyperchromatic with prominent nucleoli seen. Extensive free tumoral inflammation noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma ductal type- NSTModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9, Grade 2Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------ 7/9 -------" 2425,MR1714751,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with a lesion arranged in sheets, tubules and cores . Cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Large areas of necrosis noted. Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9(3+2+1)" 2426,MR1714756,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion - BIRADS lib.SPECIMEN:Biopsy fromá Right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.2cm.á Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue with an invasive neoplasm composed of cells iná sheets, trabecular and glandular pattern. The cells showá moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm moderate nuclear pleomorphism with hyperchromatism and increased mitosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lesionInvasive Ductal carcinoma ( NOS):Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9, Grade 2Tubule formationááááááááá :2Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá :á 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9" 2427,MR1714775,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast mass carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy form right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets having pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Intermixed lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate noted. Stroma show desmoplasia . Areas of necrosis noted. Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy form right breast:Invasive carcinoma,No special type grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 1 -------------- 6/9 ---------------" 2428,MR1714792,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Malignant.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged predominantly in glandular pattern, focal nests and sheets. Few glands show micropapillae, comedo necrosis and cribriform appearance . The individual cells show increased nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio nuclear hyperchromasia pleomorphism and variable amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is dense fibrocollagenous and shows infiltration by lymphocytic and few plasma cells. Foci of Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis seen. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right right breast:Invasive Carcinoma Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9, Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------ 6/9 -------Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis seen." 2429,MR1714794,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast Post NACT.SPECIMEN:A)Left modified radical mastectomyB) Revised deep marginGROSS FINDINGS:A)Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Post NACT Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :13cm Superficial to Deep : 4.5cm Superior to Inferior :13cmSkin ellipse :11x8.5cm ( Tumor reaching the surface of skin and ulceration (6x3.5cm)Nipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : SingleTumor Size : 7x5x4cm Location of tumor :Involving all quadrant Margins of tumor : iil defined Deep margin : Grossly involving ( tumor reaching the muscle)Muscle : 6x6x0.5cmAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail :8x5x2.5 cmSize of largest node :3.5x2x1cm cut surface -grey white. cystic areas seen .B) Received skin cover skin tissue measures 3x2x0.5cm entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast Post NACT modified radical mastectomy:Residual invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade III.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3Tumor measures 7cm in greatest dimension is located in the all quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.Lymphovascular invasion present.Perineural invasion not identifiedPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkableEpidermis and dermis of skin is involved by tumor with ulcerationLymph nodes - 9 lymph nodes, metastatic 1 (1/9).nodal deposit measures 1.3cm extranodal extension not identified.Pathological stage:yT4bN1.SUMMARY:Left breast Post NACT modified radical mastectomy:Residual invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade III.Nodal metastases 1/19." 2430,MR1714804,CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast on follow upSPECIMEN:Lung biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white to grey black linear core measures 0.4 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show multiple linear cores with an infiltrating neoplasm arranged in the form of glands. The neoplastic cyt--- are lined by columnar epithelium with round to oval nuclei inconspicuous to small nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. The surrounding stroma shows fibrosis and focal anthroastic pigment dissection.IMPRESSION:Lung biopsy :Adenocarcinoma.? Primary.? Metastatic. 2431,MR1714821,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass ? malignant.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows linear tissue cores harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets nests trabecular, focal glandular and individual cells pattern. The neoplastic cells show increased nucleo cytoplasmic ratio, nuclear hyperchromasia, pleomorphism and scant cytoplasm. There is presence of dense fibrocollagenous connective tissue infiltrated by lymphocytic infiltrative. Areas of hemorrhage necrosis and congested blood vessels are noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass:Invasive carcinoma grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score 7/9.Tubular formationááááááá áá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá -- 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 2432,MR1714824,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear tissue cores harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged in nests, sheets and focal glandular pattern. The individual tumor cells show increased nucleo -á cytoplasmic ratio, nuclear hyperchromasia occasional prominent nucleoli and pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. Intervening stroma is composed of dense fibrocollaginous connective tissue adipose tissue infiltrated by lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubular formationááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------" 2433,MR1714826,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear measures 0.8 to 1.3cm in length. Entire tissue processed. 0.2cm thickness.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear tissue cores harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in cords, trabecular and few small nests . The individual tumor cells show increasedá nucleo cytoplasmic ratio pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and focal nucleoli are noted. The intervening stroma dense fibrocollagenous and is infiltrated by lymphocytes..IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9, Grade 2Tubule formationááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá :á 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9" 2434,MR1714866,CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast mass - ? malignant.SPECIMEN:Biopsy fro right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue with an invasive neoplasm composed of cells in sheets and nests. The cells shows moderate eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm. Moderate nuclear pleomorphism and hyperchromatism. Increase mitotic figures noted stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy fro right breast:Invasive carcinoma ductal type NOS grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9Tubular formationáááááááááááááááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááááá -- 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááááááá -- 3áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------- 2435,MR1714869,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast wide excision.B) Right Axillary dissection.C) Right intramammary node.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received breast conservative surgery specimen measuring 5x4x 3cm.Skin ellipse measures 4x2cm.Cut surface shows illdefinedgreywhite areas measuring 2.1x1.9x1.5cm, out of which a firm grey white area noted measuring 1.5x1 cm.Distance from the margins:-Superior margin : 1cm.Inferior margin : 0.5cm.Medial margin : 1.6cm.Lateral margin : 3cm.Deep margin : 1.5cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 10x5x2.5cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1x0.8x0.4cm. Cut surface is greywhite.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3x1.5x1cm.1 lymph node isolated measuring 1.5x1x1cm. Cut surface is greywhite (involved).MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Right breast wide excision(BCS),post lumpectomy:Sections show a tumor arranged in nests and sheets showing moderate pleomorphism with round to oval vesicular nuclei, eosinophilic nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are seen (8/10HPF). Surrounding breast shows few dense lymphoplasmacytic and histiocytic inflammation with occasional foreign body giant cells. Lymphovascular invasion is seen.Perineural invasion is presentDuctal carcinoma in situ is not seen.Overlying skin is free of tumor.Resected margins are free of tumor.B) Right Axillary dissection:Four out of twenty three lymph nodes shows metastatic deposits (4/23). Perinodal extension is seen.C) Right intramammary node:One lymph node isolated shows metastatic deposits (1/1). Perinodal extension is not seen.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast wide excision(BCS),post lumpectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 --------------- 7/9 ---------------MBR score : 7/9.Tumor size : 1.5x1cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ is not seen.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Deep resection margin is free of tumor.Overlying skin is unremarkable.B) Right Axillary dissection:Four out of twenty three lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor (4/23).Perinodal spread is present.C) Right intramammary node:One lymph node isolated shows metastatic deposits of tumor (1/1).Perinodal spread is not seen." 2436,MR1714887,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measuresá 0.3 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast.Invasive ductal carcinomaModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9, Grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá :á 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------" 2437,MR1714889,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Rightá breast lump SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.3 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue with an invasive neoplasm in nests and glands. The cells have increased N/C ratio hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Stroma is desmoplastic . Ductal carcinoma in situ solid and comedo type present. Peritumoral inflammatory cell infiltrate also seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast:Invasive Carcinoma ductal type.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9, Grade 2Tubule formationááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá :á 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9Note: Scant volume of tumorá present.Tissue may not be adequate for IHC." 2438,MR1714897,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white to grey yellow linear coresá measures0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9, Grade 2Tubule formationááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá :á 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------" 2439,MR1714907,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibroadipose tissue with an invasive neoplasm composed of sheets, trabeculae and nests of cells. The cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism and hyperchromatism. Mitosis is increased. Stromal desmoplasia present. Intratumoral lymphocytic infiltration noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma NOS grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubular formationáááááááááááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááááááááá -- 2 Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -- 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------áá " 2440,MR1714912,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2441,MR1714931,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white soft tissue bits altogether measures 0.6 x 0.5 x 0.3 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in tubules and sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 1 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 5(2+2+1)." 2442,MR1714932,CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - ? malignancy.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.6 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue with an invasive neoplasm in nests and trabecular. The cells show increased N:C ratio moderate nuclear pleomorphism and hyperchromatism prominent nucleoli with increased mitosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubular formationááááááááááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááááááááá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -- 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------- 2443,MR1714933,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast mass - ? malignantSPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.8. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in sheets , nests and cords. Cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows desmoplasia and areas of hemorrhage. Karyorrhectic debris noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast mass, Biopsy:Invasive ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9(3+2+2)." 2445,MR1714969,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - ? Malignancy.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma with ducts showing cells arranged in complex branching pattern with irregular sieve like spaces. . The cells have round to oval bland nuclei. Few cells show apocrine change. Stroma show hyalinisation.occasional foci shows infiltrating tubules and cords with hyperchromatic nuclei and scant to moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, core biopsy:Suggestive of Invasive carcinoma( no specific type) with Cribriform DCIS pattern seenMBR SCORE 6/9" 2446,MR1715016,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast post lumpectomy Post NACT.SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy post lumpectomy and Post NACT. Laterality :right Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :16cm Superficial to Deep : 3.5cm Superior to Inferior :15cmSkin ellipse 12x6:cm Nipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect :Present 3cm in lengthTumor : SingleTumor Size : 4x1.6x1.5. Fibrotic and necrotic areas., No tumor mass seen grossly. Location of tumor : Central and upper quadrant below the scar.Margins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 0.5cmMuscle : 2x1x0.5Axillary tail : 10x6x2cmcmLymph nodes : 10Size of largest node :2.5x1.5x0.5cm cut surface -grey whiteIMPRESSION:Modified Radical Mastectomy post lumpectomy and Post NACT. Tumor bed :Multiple section show fibrotic and necrotic areas with inflammatory cells lymphoplasmacytic cells histiocytes and giant cells are present No evidence of residual viable tumor present.fibrotic area measures 4x1.6cm in greatest dimension is located in the Central and upper outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identifiedPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes - 2 lymph nodes show metastatic deposit of viable tumor present Invasive ductal carcinoma out of 10 nodes Perinodal spread not present.SUMMARY:Right post lumpectomy and Post NACT.Modified Radical Mastectomy. No residual viable tumor present Lymph nodes - 2 lymph nodes show metastatic deposit of viable tumor Invasive ductal carcinoma out of 10 nodes Perinodal spread not present." 2447,MR1715019,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules nests and cords. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm, hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with areas of hemorrhage and focal areas of necrosis.IMPRESSION:Left breast, biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, NOS, Grade 2Tubular formationááááááááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphismáááá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------" 2449,MR1715025,CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section cores of breast tissue with extensive necrosis and attempted granulomas and lymphocytic infiltration. No evidence of atypia or increased mitoses noted. Adjacent breast show hyperplastic ducts.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Suggestive of granulomatous mastitis with necrosis.No evidence of malignancy in the smears studied.Suggest repeat biopsy if clinically radiologically warranted.. 2450,MR1715037,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2451,MR1715046,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - ? malignant.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to linear cores measures 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules, nests and cords. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nuclei. mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphomononuclear infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis are seen. Ductal carcinoma in situ, solid and comedonecrosis pattern noted.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, NOS, grade 2Tubular formation -- 2Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 2 ---------- 6/9 ----------Ductal carcinoma in -situ solid and comedonecrosis pattern seen." 2452,MR1715048,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left chest wall local recurrence in an old case of left MRM in 2012.SPECIMEN:Left Chest wall wide excision of local recurrenceGROSS FINDINGS:Received single skin covered fibrofatty tissue measuring 5x3x2cm.Skin ellipse measures 4x1.5cm.Skin is unremarkable.Cut surface shows an ill defined lesion measuring 2.2x1.5x1.2cm, located at the following distance from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 0.9cm.Inferior margin -- 1.2cm.Medial margin -- 1cm.Lateral margin -- 1.5cm.Deep margin -- 0.3cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from the tumor shows clumps, groups of pleomorphic cells with vesicular to hyperchromatic nucleus and eosinophilic cytoplasm.Nuclear grade IILymphovascular invasion : Not present.Perineural invasion : Present.Resected margins:-Superior margin : Free of tumor.Inferior margin : Free of tumor.Medial margin : Free of tumor.Lateral margin : Free of tumor.Deep margin : Free of tumor.IMPRESSION:Left chest wall wide excision:Invasive ductal carcinoma- Recurrence, in a known case of carcinoma breast." 2454,MR1715062,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma and a fragment of skin. Breast tissue harbors a lesion arranged in aggregate cords and singly dispersed cells. The neoplastic cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Mitosis noted. Adjacent few glands are dilated and show hyperplasia. Stroma shows fibrosis.IMPRESSION: Biopsy from right breast lump:Suggestive of invasive carcinoma, grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score 6/9.Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 1 --------- 6/9 ---------" 2455,MR1715068,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN :A) Left sentinel lymph node.B) Left mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received two fibrofatty tissue altogether measures 2.5x2.5x1cm. Largest lymph node measures 1.5x1x1cm. Entire tissue processed.B) Received in : Formaln.Procedure : Mastectomy Laterality : left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :16cm. Superficial to Deep :8cm. Superior to Inferior : 14cm.Skin ellipse : 14x8cm. Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : not seen.Tumor : SingleTumour Size : 2x2x1cm. Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrant. Margins of tumor :well circumscribed. Deep margin : 2cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty . Axillary tail :Absent.Total number of nodes : Sentinel lymph nodes 3 nodes.Size of largest node :1.5x1x1cm.IMPRESSION::Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade II.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 1Tumor measures 2x2cm in greatest dimension and is located in the lower outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not present.Lymphovascular invasion not present.Perineural invasion not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: Sentinel lymph node 3 nodes - no deposits of tumor.Summary : Left MRM :Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade II.Nodal metastases 3 nodes - no deposits of tumor.Pathological stage : pT1N0." 2458,MR1715087,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN :A) Right axillary sentinel nodeB) Right mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x2x1cm. 2 lymph nodes identified. Largest lymph node measures 1.5x1x1cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration. Entire tissue processed.B) Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral : 19cm. Superficial to Deep : 4.5cm. Superior to Inferior : 17cm.Skin ellipse : 13x8.5cm. Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single, Well circumscribed, solid, cystic with grey white glistening areas.Tumour Size : 3x2.5x2cm. Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrant. 9'0 clock position. Margins of tumor : well defined. Deep margin : 0.4cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail :absent.Total number of nodes : 4 IMPRESSION:A) Right axillary sentinel nodes : Two lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor (0/2).B) Right breast, Right Mastectomy: Mucinous Carcinoma, Grade II.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism:2Mitotic figures: 1Tumor measures 3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the lower outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not seen.Lymphovascular invasion absent.Perineural invasion absent.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 4 lymph nodes, no metastatic deposits of tumor seen(0/4).Summary : Right mastectomy,Mucinous carcinoma ,Grade II.Nodal metastases : Four lymph nodes from mastectomy specimen show no metastatic deposits of tumor(0/4).Right axillary sentinel nodes: Two lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor(0/2)" 2459,MR1715111,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast incision biopsy.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received single grey white soft tissue bitsá measures 0.4x0.3x0.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows skin with underlyingá invasive neoplasm in predominating glands nests in cell shows mild nuclei plemorphism and hyperchromatism. Few show prominent nucleoli mild nuclear pleomorphism .Perineural invasion noted .Foci show cribriform pattern. Dermal involvement present. Adjacent parenchyma shows lymphocytic infiltrate.Mitosis 3-4/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive Ductal carcinoma.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9, Grade 2Tubule formationááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá :á 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9" 2460,MR1715114,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tumor cells with lymphocytes, plasma cells, epitheloid cells and few multivacuolated giant cells. No atypical cells are seen.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Features are suggestive of granulomatous inflammation.No evidence of malignancy is seen in the tissue submitted." 2461,MR1715115,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 8 fragmented linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 2462,MR1715122,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast mass , Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows few ductules lined by columnar epithelium. Stroma shows spindle cells. No atypical cells is seen.IMPRESSION:Left Breast mass, Core Biopsy :Shows features of Benign Proliferative breast disease. No definite evidence of malignancy is seen.Suggest repeat biopsy / excision of the lump for further confirmation." 2463,MR1715128,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of carcinoma right breast post lumpectomy.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear tissue cores of breast tissue with infiltrative lesion arranged as cords, and individually dispersed atypical cells showing increased nucleo cytoplasmic ratio and slight hyperchromasia. Few thick walled blood vessels also noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lesion:Invasive carcinoma , grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubuleformationáááááááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááááá -- 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááááááá -- 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------" 2464,MR1715138,CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubular formationááááááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááááá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------- 2465,MR1715147,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - ? neoplastic.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left Breast Lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma shows a infiltrative neoplasm arranged in sheets, glands and vague lobules. The cells forming the lesion are round to oval with hyperchromatic nuclei and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows inflammatory infiltrates composed at lymphocytes. Mitosis 5-6/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left Breast Lump :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score 7(3+2+2)." 2466,MR1715162,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast ( post lumpectomy ).SPECIMEN :Wide local excision GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received wide local excision specimen measuring 9.5x6.5x5.4cm. Skin ellipse measures 6.5x2.5cm Skin shows surgical scar.Cut surface shows grey white firm fibrotic lesion measures 1.6x1.5x1.2cm. No solid tumor mass present.Distance from margins :Superior : 2.8cm.Inferior : 2.1cm.Medial : 1cm.Lateral : 2.4cm.Deep : 4cm.B) Received two fibrofatty tissue 2 lymph nodes identified largest measures 2x1x1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION :A)Right Breast Wide local excision ( post lumpectomy).The section shows dense fibrotic areas with focal areas of necrosis, inflammatory cellular infiltration of lymphocytes, histocytes, plasma cells and plenty of giant cells. There is no evidence of residual viable tumor present.Resected margins are :Superior : free of tumorInferior : free of tumorMedial : free of tumorLateral : free of tumorDeep : free of tumorB)Lymph nodes : sentinel lymph node :2 nodes show reactive hyperplasia - no deposit of tumor seen.(0/2)" 2467,MR1715177,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump. SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 1 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma showing ductal carcinoma in situ solid, cribriform and papillary pattern with round cells, moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, intermediate nuclear grade. Stroma shows hyalinisation. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy. Shows features of ductal carcinoma in situ of solid and cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade. " 2468,MR1715186,CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast mass - ? malignant.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrocollagenous tissue with an invasive neoplasm predominantly in sheets nests and glands. The cells show moderate cellular atypia eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm and pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Extensive peritumoral eosinophilic infiltration noted. Stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass.Invasive carcinoma ductal type (NOS) grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubular formationááááááááááááááááááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááááááá -- 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------- 2469,MR1715217,CLINICAL HISTORY:Lump in left breast - ? malignant.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue with an invasive neoplasm composed of sheets and nests of cells with moderate eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm moderate nuclear pleomorphism hyperchromatism with prominent nucleoli and increased mitosis infiltration into fat noted. Stroma appears dismoplastic. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma ductal type NOS grade III.Modified Bloom Richardson score 8/9.Tubular formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 3 ------------ 8/9 ------------ 2470,MR1715238,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast mass - ? malignant.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show multiple cores of breast tissue showing extensive ductal carcinoma in situ features. Solid type and comodo necrosis. Few foci specious of invasion noted with cells infiltrating into fat. The cells show abundant to moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, moderate nuclear pleomorphism with hyperchromatism and prominent nucleoli atypical mitotic figures noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Extensive comodo and solid type ductal carcinoma in situ.Nuclear grade III with suspicious foci of invasion.Suggest repeat biopsy to look for invasion and for ancillary studies. " 2471,MR1715240,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast.SPECIMEN :Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.2 to 0.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows tumor cells in nests, cords and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2472,MR1715242,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue with an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, tubules . The cells have round to oval moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show desmoplasia . Areas of calcification and necrosis noted. Fotal areas show few multinucleated foreign body giant cells. Mitotic figures discerned. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, nuclear grade IIModified Bloom Richardson Score is ( 3+2+1)6." 2473,MR1715263,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.4 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue with an invasive neoplasm in sheets and nests the cells show moderate eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm, moderate nuclear atypia with hyperchromatism. Stroma appears desmoplastic infiltration into fat noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma ductal type (NOS) Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9.Tubular formationááááááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááááá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááááá -- 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------" 2474,MR1715274,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breastSPECIMEN :Left breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.2 to 0.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION :Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 2475,MR1715276,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breastá solid cystic massCarcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma with lesion arranged in sheets, having harboring plasmacytic round to ovalá hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate . Intermixed dilated blood vessels seen. Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma grade IIIModified Bloom Richardson Score is (3+3+2)8." 2476,MR1715283,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ?MalignancySPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white to grey yellow linear cores altogether measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets, cords with cells having pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm .Stroma show desmoplasia. Mitotic figures noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma. Grade IIIModified Bloom Richardson Score is (3+2+3)8." 2477,MR1715315,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast fungating mass.Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue harboring an infiltrating lesion in sheets with cells background to oval moderate pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicious nucleoli and moderate amount od cytoplasm. Stroma show desmoplasia mitotic figures discsrned.IMPRESSION:Left breast, core biopsy:Invasvie ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubular formationáááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------" 2478,MR1715322,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.2 to 0.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show cores of breast tissue with invasive neoplasm composed of cells in nests, glands, sheets and cords. The cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism with increased mitotic figures. Adjacent dactal carcinoma in situ cribriform and solid type.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma NOS grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubular formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 2 ------------- 7/9 -------------" 2479,MR1715323,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast mass.Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.5 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests and sheets lying in extracellular pools of mucin. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy:Suggestive of Mucinous Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2480,MR1715332,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass.SPECIMEN :Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Right Breast, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 2482,MR1715357,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump- possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy fromá leftá breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Receivedá 6 grey white linear cores measures 0.3 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue with a lesion arranged in nest, cords and sheets. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicious nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia . Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy fromá leftá breast lump:Invasive Carcinoma Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is (3+2+1)6." 2483,MR1715360,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.2 to 0.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear to fragmented tissue cores showing a lesion arranged in sheets. The individual tumor cells show increased nucleo cytoplasmic ratio hyperchromatic and pleomorphic nuclei and inconspicuous nucleoli. There is dense fibrocollagenous connective tissue infiltrated by lymphocytes, plasma cells and few eosinophils.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump biopsy:Invasive ducal carcinoma NOS grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubular formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 2 ------------ 7/9 ------------" 2484,MR1715368,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - ? malignant.SPECIMEN:Trucut biopsy - left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.2 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows 4 linear cores of fibroglandular tissue harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets tubular and cords. The lesional cells have moderate cytoplasm, pleomorphic round to irregular hyperchromatic nucleus and inconspicuous nucleoli. Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Trucut biopsy - left breast lump.Invasive ductal carcinoma Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubular formationááááááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááááá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------" 2485,MR1715370,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - ? Malignant.SPECIMEN:Biopsy form left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.6 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue with an infiltrating neoplasm composed of cells in sheets and nests.. The cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromatism and prominent nucleoli. Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ, cribriform and solid type noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy form left breast lump:Invasive Ductal carcinoma NOS with ductal carcinoma in situ Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9.Tubular formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic activity -- 2 ------------ 7/9 ------------Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ-cribriform and solid type.Foci of necrosis seen." 2486,MR1715371,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion - ? malignant.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue procesed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationáááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________________Areas of necrosis seen." 2487,MR1715396,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 23cm. Superficial - deep : 4.5cm. Superior-inferior :19cm.Skin ellipse : 11x9cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Scar seen in sub areolar region measuring 1.2cm. No gross tumor present below the scar. A fibrotic firm greywhite, necrotic area total measuring 1.5x1x0.9 cm noted in retroareolar region.Deep margin : 1.7cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Axillary tail : 7x6x5cm.Total number of nodes : 13 nodes.Size of largest node : 1.6x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy - Post lumpectomy:Tumor bed : Areas of fibrosis, necrosis, lymphoplasmacytic cells, foreign body giant cells and granulation tissue are present.There is no evidence of residual tumor.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Pathological stage ypT0N0Lymph nodes: 13 lymph nodes- No deposits of tumor.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy (Post lumpectomy):No residual tumor present.Post lumpectomy area shows fibrosis, necrosis and granulation tissue.Nodal metastases :13 lymph nodes isolated show no metastatic deposits of tumor.(0/13)" 2488,MR1715406,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast mass.Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows 5 linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue of which 4 linear cores shows are infiltrating lesion arranged in cords, nests and tubules. The lesional cells have moderate cytoplasm, pleomorphic irregular hyperchromatic nucleus.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubular formationáááááááááááááááááááááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááááááááááá -- 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -- 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á ááááááááá -------------" 2489,MR1715408,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast post NACTSPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy Post NACTGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Post NACT Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral : 20cm Superficial to Deep :6cm Superior to inferior : 16cmSkin ellipse :15x9cmNipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : Single Tumor Size : 3x2x2cm Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrantMargins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 2cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 6x4x3Size of largest node :0.8x0.7x0.6cm. Cut surface - unremarkableIMPRESSION:Left modified radical mastectomy PosT NACTTumor Bed:Viable tumor present Invasive ductal carcinoma measures 3cmOccasional ducts show Ductal carcinoma in situ cribriform and papillary measures 0.5cmFocal area of fibrosis and necrosis.Left breast left modified radical mastectomyResidual invasive ductal Carcinoma grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures 3m in greatest dimension is located the upper inner quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ identifiedLymphovascular invasion not seenPerineural invasion not seenPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes - 16 lymph nodes :metastasis 0, 0/16Pathological stage: pyT2N0All lymph nodes shows granulomas epithelial cells, giant cells, no caseating granulomas Suggest clinical correlation for confirmation of tuberculosisSUMMARY: Left modified radical mastectomy left invasive ductal carcinoma grade II.Lymph nodes - 16 lymph nodes metastasis 0, 0/16" 2490,MR1715431,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left lung mass/ Carcinoma lung.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left lung mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of lung parenchyma with a neoplasm arranged in solid, nests and islands. The tumor cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei moderate amount of eosinophilic to vacuolated cytoplasm. Few nests of tumor cells are seen in background of abundant extracellular mucin. Foci of necrosis are seen with peripheral arrangement of tumor cell nests around necrotic foci.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left lung mass:Feature favor mucinous adenocarcinoma.? Primary in lung.However IHC suggested to rule out possibility of metastasis from breast." 2491,MR1715435,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast T1N1.SPECIMEN :A) Wide excision lump.B)Axillary clearance.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue mass measures skin measures 2.1x1.5cm. Unremarkable. Cut surface shows single grey white firm lesion measures 1.5x1.3x1.1cm.As is located at a distance of following from resected margins:Deepá marginááááááááááá : 1.5cm.Medial margináááááááááá : 1cm.Lateraláááááááááááááááááááááá : 1.5cm.Superiorááááááááááááááááááá : 1cm.Inferioráááááááááááááááááááá : 1.5cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x1cm. 6 lymph nodes identified largest lymph node measures 1x0.7x0.5cm. Cut surface unremarkable.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Right Breast Conservative surgery :Tumor bedááááááááááá : Invasive ductal carcinoma.Maximum dimension of tumor 1.5cm.Invasive carcinoma is 1cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ - cribriform and comedonecrosis measures 0.5cm.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade II.Tubular formationááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________Nuclear grade II.Lymphovascular invasion present.Perineural invasion not present.Resected margin :Superior marginááá : Free of tumor.Inferior marginsáááá : Free of tumor.Medial marginsááááá : Free of tumor.Lateral marginsáááá : Free of tumor.Deep marginsáááááá : Free of tumor.Axillary lymph node : Two nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 10 nodes.Perinodal spread is present.IMPRESSION :Breast conservative surgery :Invasive ductal carcinoma.Maximum dimension of tumor 1.5cm.Invasive carcinoma is 1cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ is cribriform and comedonecrosis is 0.5cm.Nuclear grade II.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion not present.All resected margins are free of tumor.Pathological grade : pT1N1.á" 2493,MR1715460,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubular formationáááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá -- 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá -- 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------- 2494,MR1715464,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast ( Post NACT).SPECIMEN:Modified radical mastectomy Post NACTGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :19cm Superficial to Deep :6cm Superior to inferior : 17cmSkin ellipse :15x8cmNipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : Single Tumor Size : 2x1.5x1cm Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : ill define Deep margin : 1cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrotic areas Axillary tail : 6x5x4cmcmSize of largest node :0.8x0.7x0.6cm. Cut surface - grey brown.IMPRESSION:Modified radical mastectomy Post NACTTumor Bed:Invasive ductal carcinoma measures 1.5cmDuctal carcinoma in situ component 0.5cmAreas of hemorrhage fibrosis seenLeft breast left modified radical mastectomy.Viable Invasive Ductal Carcinoma grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures 2 cm in greatest dimension is located in the lower outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ seen solid cribriform and measuring 0.8cmLymphovascular invasion identified.Perineural invasion present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes -16 lymph nodes metastasis 13 , 13/16 with extra nodal extension.Pathological state: ypT2N3SUMMARY:Left modified radical mastectomy viable invasive ductal carcinoma grade IINodal metastasis 13/16 ,13 lymph nodes show metastatic from viable tumor. " 2495,MR1715472,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN :Left MRM.GROSS FINDINGS :Received in : FormalinLaterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral : 18cm. Superficial to Deep : 4cm Superior to Inferior : 16cm.Skin ellipse : 13x9cm. Nipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect :not seen.Tumor : SingleTumour Size : 2x2x1cm. Location of tumor : upper center regionMargins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 0.4cm.Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail :9x5x1cm.Sepermatic muscle ill defined measures 2x1.5x0.5cm.Distance from tumor skin measures 1.5cm.Largest lymph node measures 1.2x0.5x0.5cm. Cut surface unremarkable.Total number of nodes : 18Size of largest node : 1.2x0.5x0.5cm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, left Modified Radical Mastectomy:Tumor bed : Maximum dimension of tumor is 2cm.Invasive ductal carcinoma is measures 0.8cm.Extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ solid cribriform and comedonecrosis measures 1.2cm.Modified BR score is 5/9Tubule formation: 2Nuclear pleomorphism:2Mitotic figures:1Tumor measures 2x2cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper central regionDuctal Carcinoma-In-Situ extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ present.Lymphovascular invasion not present.Perineural invasion not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 18 nodes - no deposits of tumor.Summary : Left MRM, invasive ductal carcinoma with extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ.,Grade I.Nodal metastases 18 nodes - no deposits of tumor.Pathological stage : pT1N0." 2496,MR1715475,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right axillary tail mas- possibility of primary malignant breast mass..SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right axillary node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 linear cores 0.8 to 0.9cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrocollagenous tissue with an invasive neoplasm in cords and singly scattered cells showing marked nuclear pleomorphism , hyperchromasia with moderate eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm. Fat infiltration and perineural invasion noted. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right axillary node:Invasive ductal carcinoma (NOS), Grade 3Modified Bloom Richardson Score is (3+3+2)=8/9" 2497,MR1715476,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast mass - ? malignant.SPECIMEN:Trucut biopsy - Right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows 4 linear cores of fibroglandular tissue harboring an infiltrating lesion with foci of comedo necrosis. The lesional cells are arranged in nests, and sheets having pleomorphic round to irregular hyperchromatic nucleus few with prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Dense lymphocytic infiltrate noted.IMPRESSION:Trucut biopsy - Right breast mass:Invasive ductal carcinoma Grade 2 Ductal Carcinoma in situ (cribriform and solid type) notedModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubular formationáááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááá -- 2Mitotic activityáááááááááááááááááááá -- 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------" 2498,MR1715480,CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast - post wide excision biopsy.SPECIMEN :A) Right axillary level 1 lymphnodes.B) Right axillary level 2 lymphnodes.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3.5x2.5x2cm. Largest lymph node measures 2x1x1cm. Cut surface grey white. P/E. Dissected 5 lymph nodesB) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue measures 2x2x1cm.Dissected 9 nodes. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION :A) Right axillary level I lymph nodes : One lymph node shows metastatic deposits of invasive ductal carcinoma out of 5 nodes. (1/5)Perinodal spread present.B) Right axillary level - II lymph nodes : 9 nodes isolated show no metastatic deposits of tumor.(0/9) 2499,MR1715490,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma left breast post op.Left breast lesion.SPECIMEN:Left breast biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.4 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibroadopose tissue with an invasive neoplasm in papillary pattern with thick fibrovascular cores. The cells show eosinophilic cytoplasm moderate nuclear pleomorphism and hyperchromatic stroma shows desmoplasia,hyalinization and calcification.IMPRESSION:Left breast biopsy :Invasive papillary carcinoma ." 2500,MR1715494,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of right breast, post lumpectomy.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 2501,MR1715503,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Wide local excision specimen- Left breast.B) Left sentinel lymph node biopsy.C) Revised medial margin.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measuring 7.5x6.5x3.5cm.Skin measures 7.5x3.5cm.Cut surface shows firm, globular tumor seen measuring 2.5x2x2cm.Distance from margins:-Superior marginá -- 4cm.Inferior marginááá -- 2cm.Medial margináááá -- 1cm.Lateral marginááá -- 5cm.Deep marginááááá -- 1cm.Skin marginááááááá -- 2.4cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 4x3x2cm.Isolated 3 lymph nodes, largest measuring 2x1x1cm.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 6x2x1cm.One surface inked.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sections show sheets and nests of neoplastic cells showing increased nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio, slightly hyperchromatic nuclei with occasional prominent nucleoli. Extensive necrosis is seen. There is intense desmoplastic response. The intervening fibrocollagenous connective tissue is infiltrated by lymphocytes at places forming lymphoid aggregates and plasma cells.All the resection margins are free of tumor.No evidence of lymphovascular emboli or Perineural invasion.DCIS is not seen.B) 9 Lymph nodes dissected are free of tumor (0/9). They show reactive hyperplasia.C) Section shows breast parenchyma which is free of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Wide local excision specimen- Left breast:Invasive carcinoma breaast, grade II.MBR score : 7/9Tubule formation á á á á áá :á 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá :á 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá :á 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------------Lymphovascular emboli : Not seen.Perineural invasionáááááá : Not seen.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) 9 Lymph nodes dissected are free of tumor (0/9). They show reactive hyperplasia.C) Section shows breast parenchyma which is free of tumor." 2502,MR1715535,CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - ? malignant.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score 6/9.Tubule formationááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------- 2503,MR1715551,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - ? malignant.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score 6/9.Tubule formationááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------" 2505,MR1715585,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right Breast Mass - ? Malignancy.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 x 0.7 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show multiple fragment of breast parenchyma with infiltrative neoplasm arranged in sheets, nests and vague glandular pattern. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Inflammatory infiltrative composed of lymphoplasmacytic and multinucleated giant cells. Mitosis 5-6/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Mass, Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 2506,MR1715605,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.3 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show cores of fibroadipose tissue with an invasive neoplasm composed of cells in sheets and glands. The cells show increased N:C ratio, pleomorphic nucleus with eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm. There is moderate intra tumoral lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma NOS grade 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9.Tubular formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic activity -- 3 ------------ 8/9 ------------" 2507,MR1715606,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? malignant.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets and islands. The cells have pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show desmoplasia. Mitotic figures are discerned. Bizzare giant forms noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, core biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, grade III.Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubular formationáááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 3Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____" 2508,MR1715616,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Left breast.SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Modified radical mastectomyLaterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :-Medial-lateral : 17 cm Superficial - deep : 5 cm Superior-inferior : 16 cmSkin ellipse : 12x6 cmNipple : NormalScar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : SingleTumor size : 3x3x2 cmLocation of tumor : Lower outer quadrantMargins of tumor : Ill definedDeep margin : 1 cmMuscle : Absent Adjacent breast : FibrofattyAxillary tail : 5x4x3 cmSize of largest node: 08x0.7x0.7 cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple sections studied from the breast parenchyma show an infiltrative neoplasm arranged in cords, sheets and nests of neoplastic cells exhibiting increased N/C ratio, pleomorphic vesicular nuclei with occasional prominent nucleoli. The surrounding stroma shows dense desmoplastic response. Lymphovascular invasion is identified.Perineural invasion is not seen. Areas of lobular carcinoma in situ noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Invasion Carcinoma with Lobular features, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6( 3+2+1). - Tumor measures 3 cm in greatest dimension and is located in the lower outer quadrant. - Lobular carcinoma-in-situ : Seen. - Lymphovascular invasion is identified. - Perineural invasion is not seen. - Posterior resection margin is uninvolved by tumor. - Nipple and areola are uninvolved by tumor.Lymph nodes: Four out of ten lymph nodes shows metastatic tumor deposit(4/10). - Size of the largest tumor deposit measures 0.7 cm in greatest dimension. - No extranodal extension is seen." 2509,MR1715617,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - ? Inflammatory carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue with an invasive neoplasm composed of cells in sheets, nests and singly scattered forms. The cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism ,clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm. Extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ, comedo type and solid type noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive Ductal carcinoma NOS with comedo ductal carcinoma in situ.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubular formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 2 ----------- 7/9 ------------" 2510,MR1715620,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? malignant.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue with an infiltrating neoplastic lesion arranged in infiltrating cords and islands and sheets. The cells have round to oval slightly eccentically placed hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of pale eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm. Stroma show desmoplasia. Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma.Nuclear grade II." 2511,MR1715626,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right Breast Lump - ? Malignant.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey linear cores measures 1 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma shows a infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are round to oval nuclei with hyperchromatic nuclei, few with prominent nucleoli scant cytoplasm. Mitosis 4-5/10hpf. Stroma shows lymphoplasmcytic infiltrates.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 2512,MR1715644,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral :18cm. Superficial - deep : 11.5cm. Superior-inferior : 6cm.Skin ellipse : 12.5x5.5cm.Nipple : Retracted.Tumor : Single. Greywhite and ill defined.Tumor size : 2.5x2x2cm.Location of tumor : Upper outer Quadrant extending into Upper inner quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 1cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : Sentinel nodes : 2 nodes.Axillary tail : Absent.Skin : 1cm.Size of largest node : 1x0.5x0.5cm. B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3x2x1cm.2 lymph nodes, largest measuring 1x0.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubular formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 --------------- 6/9 ---------------Tumor measures 2.5x2cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Upper outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Sentinel lymph nodes : 2 Nodes isolated show no deposits of tumor.Pathological stage : pT2N0.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Nodal metastases :Sentinel lymph nodes : 2 Nodes- No deposits of tumor." 2513,MR1715645,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - ? Malignant.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma with infiltrative neoplasm arranged in sheets, and nests. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows lymphocytes infiltrative. Mitosis 5-6/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 2516,MR1715660,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast mass carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááááá -- 2Mitotic activityááááááááááááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------" 2518,MR1715675,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 7 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show tissue cores harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged in cords tubules and nests of neoplastic cells exhibitingá increasedá nucleo-cytoplasm ratio nuclear hyperchromasiaá pleomorphism, plasmacytoid appearance variable amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breastInvasive Carcinoma breast, NOS Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 2519,MR1715676,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Multifocal liver space occupying lesion.SPECIMEN:Core needle biopsy of liver lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear core measures 0.8 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear tissue cores of liver parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets and cords. The individual tumor cells show increased nucleo cytoplasm ratio, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and focally prominent nucleoli with variable amount of pale to clear cytoplasm. There is increase number of mitotic figures (3-4/hpf). The adjacent liver parenchyma is showing diffuse parenchymal disease.IMPRESSION:Core needle biopsy of liver lesion:Malignant lesion of poorly differentiated origin.The possibilities considered are,1) Metastatic carcinoma of glandular origin.Please look for lesion in breast, GIT and lung.2) Poorly differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma.Suggest IHC." 2520,MR1715682,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast T4B.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Incision biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits altogether measures 0.8 x 0.7 x 0.3 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Incision Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 2521,MR1715683,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear tissue cores harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged in nests, cords and individually dispersed cells. The individual tumor cells show increased nucleo cytoplasm ratio hyperchromatic pleomorphic nuclei and variable amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. The stroma is dense fibrocollagenous.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump biopsy;Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score score 7/9.Tubule formationááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááá -- 2Mitotic activityááááááááááááááááá -- 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------" 2522,MR1715691,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of carcinoma right breast SPECIMEN:Right Modified Radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure : post lumpectomy MRM Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :10cm Superficial to Deep :91cm Superior to Inferior :9.5cmSkin ellipse :9.5x4.5cm shows a curvilinear scar -- nipple measures 2cm Nipple :Normal, Tumor : No definite tumor identified corresponding to the scar, a vague firm fibrotic area noted. Tumor Size : 1x1x1cm Deep margin : 2cmMuscle : Present measures1x0.5x0.5cmAdjacent Breast : FibrosisAxillary tail : 10x7x2cm Lymph nodes : 14 (Specify if Sentinel nodes sent )Size of largest node : 2.5x1.5x1cmMicroscopy:Tumor bed:Focus of viable tumor present below the scar ductal carcinoma in situ cribriform and comedo necrosis IMPRESSION:Right breast right modified radical mastectomy:Residual viable tumor present Ductal carcinoma in situ - cribriform and comedonecrosisTumor measures1x1cm in greatest dimension and is located below the scar Lymphovascular invasion Not identified.Perineural invasion not identifiedPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes - 2 lymph nodes show metastatic deposit of viable tumor out of 14 nodes 2/14 Perinodal spread not present..SUMMARY:Right post lumpectomy post chemotherapy MRMFocus of residual viable ductal carcinoma in situ comedonecrosis type. No invasive carcinoma seenNodal metastasis : 2 nodes show metastatic deposit of viable tumor 2/14 Perinodal spread not present." 2523,MR1715695,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Mass right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right breast biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast tissue with an invasive neoplasm showing glandular and nested pattern. The cells show moderate to abundant clear to vacuolated cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleoli with moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Mitosis is increased.IMPRESSION:Right breast biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma (NOS). Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubular formation -- 2Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 2 ------------ 6/9 ------------" 2525,MR1715724,CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast mass carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score 7/9Tubule formationáááááááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááááá -- 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááááááá -- 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------ 2526,MR1715729,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast tissue with an invasive neoplasm with cells in nests and glands.The cells show moderate to abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, moderate nuclear pleomorphism and hyperchromatism with prominent nucleoli. Adjacent ductal carcinoma in situ,cribriform and comedo type present. Perineural invasion present.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma NOS grade 2 with ductal carcinoma in situ and perineural invasion.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubular formation -- 2Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 2 ------------- 6/9 -------------" 2527,MR1715732,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows infiltrative neoplasm arranged in sheets and nests. The neoplasm cells shows round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei abundant cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltration. Mitotic figures are 5-5/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.- Modified BR score is 7(3+2+2)." 2528,MR1715737,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast.Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formationááááááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááááá -- 2Mitotic activityááááááááááááááááááááááá -- 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------" 2530,MR1715756,CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 0.9cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááá -- 2Mitotic activityááááááááááááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------ 2531,MR1715757,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - ? malignant.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 2532,MR1715764,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN :Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral : 13cm. Superficial to Deep : 6.5 cm. Superior to Inferior : 16 cm.Skin ellipse : 16x8cm. Nipple :shows erosion and focal ulceration.Scar/ Surgical defect :not seen.Tumor : Single. Tumor size :4x2x2cm.Location of tumor : Central and upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : ill defined. Deep margin : 1.5cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast :Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail :7x6x2cm.Total number of nodes :14Size of largest node : 0.9x0.8x0.7cm. Cut surface grey white.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed : Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade II.Maximum dimension of tumor is 4cm.Invasive carcinoma is 3cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ -solid type (low grade) present below nipple and areola measures 1cm.Nipple and areola show pagets disease.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation: 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Tumor is located in the central and upper and outer quadrant. Lymphovascular invasion present.Perineural invasion present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola -the epithelium of nipple and areola is replaced by the pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus with eosinophilic cytoplasm. Lymph nodes: 7 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 14 nodes. Perinodal spread present.Summary : Left MRM, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Grade II with pagets disease of nipple and areolaNodal metastases :7 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 14 nodes. Perinodal spread present.Pathological stage : pT2N2." 2533,MR1715774,SR17-3737SITE :Left breast - MRM specimen.Received 2 blocks labelled as 922.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Suboptimally processed tissue.Section from breast shows an infiltrating lesion arranged in cords and sheets. The lesional cells have pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus with moderate cytoplasm. Intratumoral inflammatory infiltration is seen.Adjacent breast tissue shows areas of fibrosis and adenosis.IMPRESSION :Left breast - MRM specimen :( Suboptimally processed).Invasive ductal carcinoma (NOS) Nuclear Grade II. 2535,MR1715785,"CLINICAL HISTORY: Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á áá : FormalinProcedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : Mastectomy Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : Leftáá Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medial to lateraláááááá : 20 cmááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep : 3.8 cmááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferiorá : 16 cmSkin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá : 14x8.5 cm ááá Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá : Normal Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : Not seenTumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : SingleTumor Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááá á á á : 2.5x2x2 cm ááááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááááá áá : Central regioná Margins of tumorááá ááá áá á áá á : ill defined ááááááááá Deep marginááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : 1.5 cmMuscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á áá :á Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá á á á á áá : Free of tumor ááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá á á á á á á á á ááá : 6.5x4x1.5 cmSize of largest nodeáááááááááá á : 1x0.4x0.3cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma shows an infiltrating neoplasm arranged in tubules, nests and sheets. The cells are round to oval with vesicular nucleai with abundant eosinophlic cytoplasm. Few with prominent nucleoli, lymphoplasmacytic infiltration is seen. Brisk mitotic activity seen. Area of DCIS component seen with solid and cribriform pattern are seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive ductal Carcinoma, Grade II. Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formationááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------------Tumor measures 2.5 cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the central quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ identified, Solid and cribriform pattern seen, measures 0.5 cmLymphovascular invasion not identified.Perinural invasion not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 12 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0 (0/12). SUMMARY:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive ductal Carcinoma, Grade II. " 2536,MR1715823,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma breast post RT.Right lung mass - ? carcinoma lung.? Metastasis.SPECIMEN:Right lung mass biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.4 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores with a tumor arranged in nests and sheets. The tumor cells show moderate to marked pleomorphism with increased nuclear cytoplasmic ratio, occasional small nucleoli and dense eosinophilic to foamy cytoplasm. Focal keratinisation with keratin pears are noted. Few mitotic figures are discerned. Focal necrosis is seen.IMPRESSION:Right lung mass biopsy:Poorly differentiated carcinoma favor squamous carcinoma." 2537,MR1715830,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Malignant.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.2 to 0.4 cm. entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2538,MR1715833,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:A) Lumpectomy:B) Axillary lumpectomy:GROSS FINDINGS:A)Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 6x5x3.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 5.5x.cm.Skin show healed scar measures 2cm.Serial section shows grey white fibrotic areas measuring 1x1x0.5cm.Distance from margins:Superior margin : 1.3cmInferior margin :2.3cmLateral margin :1.4cmMedial margin : 3cmDeep margin : 2.5cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 8.5x6.5x4cmLargest lymph node measures 1.8x1x0.5cm. Cut surface -grey white.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Lumpectomy : Multiple section studied shows fibrosis, necrosis, lymphoplasmacytic infiltration and foreign body giant cells -Post lumpectomy changes . There is no evidence of residual viable tumor present.Resected margin:Superior margin : Free of tumorInferior margin : Free of tumorMedial margin : Free of tumorLateral margin : Free of tumorDeep margin : Free of tumorAll resected margins are free of tumor.B) Axillary lumpectomy : 14 lymph nodes - No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:Lumpectomy- Wide excision:No residual viable tumor presentFibrosis, necrosis and lymphoplasmacytic infiltration and foreign body giant cells.All resected margins are free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 14 Lymph nodes- No deposits of tumor.Pathological Grade : ypT0N0." 2539,MR1715834,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast ( Post NACT)SPECIMEN:Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified radical mastectomy Post NACT Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :20cm Superficial to Deep : 5cm Superior to Inferior :19cmSkin ellipse :14.5x10.5cmNipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : SingleTumor Size :4.5x3.5x3.5cm Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrantMargins of tumor : ill definedDeep margin :1 cmMuscle :1.5x0.8cmAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail :8x6x3cmTotal number of nodes :15 nodesSize of largest node : 2x1x0.5cm. Cut surface is grey white.IMPRESSION:Right modified radical mastectomy:Tumor :Maximum dimension of tumor is 4.5cmInvasive ductal carcinoma is 2.5cmDuctal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis 2.0cmAreas of fibrosis and necrosis present.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9, Grade III.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3Tumor measures 4.5cm in greatest dimension is located in the upper inner and central quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ present measures 2cm with comedo necrosisLymphovascular invasion presentPerineural invasion presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumor, muscle bundle free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes 11 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 15 nodes (11/15).Pathological stage : pT2N3SUMMARY:Right modified radical mastectomy post NACTResidual Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade III.Nodal metastasis 11 nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 15nodes.(11/15)" 2540,MR1715840,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Lump in right breast.SPECIMEN :Right MRM.GROSS FINDINGS :Received in : FormalinProcedure :Modified radical Mastectomy Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 16cm. Superficial to Deep: 3cm. Superior to Inferior : 14cm.Skin ellipse : 12x7cm. Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : not seen.Tumor : SingleTumour Size : 4.5x2.5x1.5cm. Location of tumor : Retroareolar and lower outer quadrant. Margins of tumor : ill defined. Deep margin : 0.7cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail :9x4x2cm.Size of largest node : 1.8x1x1cm.Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive ductal Carcinoma, Grade III.Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 3Tumor measures 4.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the retroareolar and lower outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not seen.Lymphovascular invasion not seen.Perineural invasion not seen.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 26 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0 (0/26).Summary : Right Modified Radical Mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade III.Nodal metastases :Twenty size lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor(0/26).Pathological stage : pT2N0" 2541,MR1715856,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass/ Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 greywhite cores measuring 0.8 to 0.9cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrocollagenous tissue with an invasive neoplasm in nests and cords. The cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism and hyperchromatism and eosinophilic vacuolated cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy Left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma (NOS) Grade IIMBR score (3+2+2) is 7/9. 2543,MR1715867,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass/ ? Carcinoma breast/ Papillary carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 7 greywhite linear cores measuring 0.4 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue with neoplasm in glands and papillae showing clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm, moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Occasional mitotic figures noted and focal collection of foam cells seen in papillary stroma.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass:Invasive carcinoma with papillary features.MBR score (2+2+2) is 6/9, grade II" 2544,MR1715898,CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.3 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9.Tubuleformationááááááááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááááááá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------- 2545,MR1715899,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows a infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, adjacent stroma show lymphoplasmacytic infiltration. Mitosis 5-6/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 2546,MR1715925,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lesion - ? Malignant.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue with an infiltrating neoplasm composed of cells in glands, acini and nests. The cells show clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm moderate nuclear pleomorphism and increased mitotic figures. Stroma is desmoplastic with scattered infiltration.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma of ductal origin - NST Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9.Tubular formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphic -- 2Mitotic figures -- 2 ------------- 7/9 --------------" 2549,MR1715933,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged in clusters and cords. The neoplastic cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is elastotic.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________" 2550,MR1715943,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubular formationááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________" 2552,MR1715949,CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue with preserved lobular architecture with glands showing preserved epithelial and myoepithelial cells.Few cells show clear cells change. Few glands show ductal hyperplasia.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump biopsy:Benign breast disease.No evidence of malignancy in the material provided. 2553,MR1715979,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass.Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear core measures 0.4 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma(mucinous), biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________" 2554,MR1715984,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump- ? malignantSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.3 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in islands, trabecular and diffuse sheets comprising of atypical cells with pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figure discerned 2-3 /hpf . Interspersed lympocytes and plasma cells are noted. Adjacent areas show desmoplastic change. No areas of necrosis identified. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 3Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 3+2+2=8/9." 2555,MR1715994,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast NACTSPECIMEN:A) Left breast.B) Left axillary lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received wide local excision left breast measures 8x7x3.2cm on serial section firm grey white lesion measures 1.5x1.3x1.2cm. Distance from margins:Superior margins :0.6cmnInferior margin : 2cmMedial margin : 3cmLateral margin : 2.5cmDeep margin : 0.5cmB) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 5x4x2cmLargest lymph node measures 0.8x0.5x0.4cm. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Residual viable tumor presentinvasive ductal carcinoma focal areas of ductal carcinoma in situ present measure 0.3cm low grade Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9, Nuclear grade Tubule formation 2Nuclear pleomorphism 2Mitotic activity 2lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion si not presentResectedl margin superior is free of tumor.Inferior margin shows epithelial hyperplasia and atypical hyperplasia. There is no ductal carcinoma in situinked margin is free of tumor.Medial margins is free of tumorLateral margin is free of tumorDeep margin is free of tumor.B) 8 nodes - No deposit of tumor.0/8IMPRESSION:A) Viable tumor present Invasive ductal carcinomaNuclear grade IILymphovascular invasion not present.Resected margin - superior, medial , lateral and deep margin : Free of tumor.Inferior margin shows atypical hyperplasia.Inked margin is free of tumor.B)Axillary lymph node:8 lymph nodes - No deposit of tumor.0/8" 2557,MR1716037,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 2558,MR1716055,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.4 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue with an invasive neoplasm composed cells in nests and glands with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm,pleomorphic nucleoli with moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Stroma is desmoplastic and hyalinized.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma (NOS) Grade IModified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9.Tubule formation -- 2Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic activity -- 1 ----------- 5/9 -----------" 2560,MR1716069,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left Breast Lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores measures 0.6x0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma show a infiltrative lesion arranged in nests and vague glandular pattern. The cells foamy the lesion are round to oval vascular nuclei abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm with areas of necrosis. Mitosis 2-3/10hpf, adjacent stroma show lymphocytes. Areas of ducal carcinoma in situ with comedo pattern.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left Breast Lump :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1), - Ductal carcinoma in situ of comedo pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen." 2561,MR1716084,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.6x0.9cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma shows a infiltrating neoplasm arranged in tubules and nests. The cells forming the lesion are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with abundant cytoplasm, adjacent stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltration. Mitosis 3-3/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump , Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2562,MR1716086,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump -p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 x 0.6 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma shows the infiltrative neoplasm arranged in sheets and nest. The cells forming the neoplasm are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitosis 6-7/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 3. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 8(3+2+3) " 2563,MR1716089,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Large exophytic left breast mass ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits altogether measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear tissue cores harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The individual tumor cells show increased nucleo- cytoplasmic ratio hyperchromatic nuclei with inconspicuous nucleoli and indistinct cytoplasmic border .The intervening stroma shows dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate with numerous foamy histiocytes. Focal necrosis is present.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass:Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade IIIModified Bloom Richardson Score is 8/9Tubule formation 3Nuclear pleomorphism 2Mitotic figures 3 ------- 8/9 --------Focal necrosis is present." 2564,MR1716096,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged in glandular pattern, nests and cords.The individual tumor cells show increased nucleo -cytoplasmic ratio hyperchromatic pleomorphic nuclei with variable amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. The intervening stroma shows dense fibrocollagenous eosinophilic connective tissue and mature adipose tissue extensive hemorrhage is seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump:Iinvasive ductal carcinoma, Grade IModified Bloom Richardson Score is 5/9Tubule formation 2Nuclear pleomorphism 2Mitotic figures 1 ------ 5/9 -------" 2565,MR1716103,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.3 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores showing infiltrative neoplasm, arranged in cords, sheets nests and focus of ducal carcinoma in situ, neoplastic cells are round to oval, hyperchromatic nuclei with abundant cytoplasm, adjacent stroma shows focal collection of lymphocytes, mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Infiltrative ductal carcinoma grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9.Ductal carcinoma in situ (solid type).Tubular formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic activity -- 2 ----------- 7/9 -----------" 2567,MR1716119,CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 0.9cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Smear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged in nest lobules and cords. The neoplastic cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. The involving stroma is elastotic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasiveá carcinomaSuggest IHCNote:Case discussed with Dr.Senthil Rajappa 2568,MR1716126,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear tissue cores harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets, nests and cords. The individual tumor cells show increased nucleo cytoplasmic ratio, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with only focally prominent nucleoli. The surrounding stroma is dense fibrocollagenous. There is lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate in the stroma.IMPRESSION:Right breast biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score 7/9.Tubule formationááááááááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááááááá -- 2Mitotic activityááááááááááááááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------" 2570,MR1716163,CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - ? Malignant.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 0.9cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibro adipose tissue with an invasive neoplasm composed of cells in sheets and nests with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and increased mitotic figures.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma NOS grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubular formationááááááááááááááááááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphicáááááááááááááááá -- 2Mitotic activityááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -- 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------------- 2571,MR1716164,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of carcinoma breast.Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests, tubules and cords. The cells round to oval pleomorphic nuclei with few showing prominent nucleoli and abundant cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are seen. Areas of hemorrhage seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9.Tubulae formation -- 2Nuclear pleomorphism -- 3Mitotic activity -- 1 ------------ 6/9 ------------" 2572,MR1716182,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue with an infiltrating neoplastic lesion arranged in cords and sheets. the cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, core biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score 6/9.Tubular formationááááááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááááá -- 2Mitotic activityááááááááááááááááááááááá -- 1á ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------" 2573,MR1716186,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic, pleomorphic nuclei, variable prominent nucleoli and moderate to abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma is showing lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Carcinoma with Medullary features, Grade 3. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 8(3+3+2)." 2574,MR1716188,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION: Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2575,MR1716199,CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibro adipose tissue with an invasive neoplasm in cords and nests having moderate eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Stroma is desmoplastic and hyalinizied.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma NOS grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9.Tubule formation -- 2Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic Activity -- 2 ----------- 6/9 ----------- 2576,MR1716208,CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy form right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.9cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating neoplasm arranged in cords. The lesional cells have pleomorphic round to irregular hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. Ducal carcinoma in situ component with comedo necrosis is present.IMPRESSION:Biopsy form right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma (NOS) with ductal carcinoma in situ Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubular formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 2 ------------- 7/9 --------------Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedo necrosis seen. 2577,MR1716233,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2578,MR1716234,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Trucut biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear tissue cores harboring a lesion arranged in sheets and nests. the individual tumor cells shows increased nucleo cytoplasmic ratio, hyperchromatic nuclei with occasional prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Focal cribriform pattern is noted. The intervening stroma is fibrocollagenous shows focal myxoid ahanges and infiltrated by lymphocytes. Perineural invasion is seen.IMPRESSION:Trucut biopsy from left breast lump.Invasive ductal carcinoma , NOS Grade 1.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 5/9.Tubular formationáááááááááááááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááá -- 2Mitotic activityáááááááááááááááááááááá -- 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------" 2579,MR1716248,CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast..GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring neoplasm composed of extensive ductal carcinoma in situ solid and comedo type with areas of invasion in nested and glandular pattern. The cells of invasive carcinoma show moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Areas of microcalcification noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Ductal carcinoma in situ (comedo).Extensive Ductal carcinoma in situ (comedo pattern ) with Foci of Invasive ductal carcinoma NOS grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9.Tubular formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic activity -- 2 ----------- 7/9 ----------- 2580,MR1716253,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast lump post lumpectomy.SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure : Modified radical mastectomy.Laterality : Left modified radical mastectomy.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral :29 cm Superficial - deep:6 cm Superior-inferior :25 cmSkin ellipse :19.5x13.5 cmNipple : NormalScar/ Surgical defect :Observed in the just below the areola from 5 O'clock - 7 O'cock position.Lesion : Single, Retro areola quadrantGrey white areas : 0.7x0.5x0.4 cm in retro areola quadrantMargins of tumor : ill definedDeep margin : 5 cm Muscle : AbsentAdjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissueAxillary tail : 3.5x3.5x2 cmSize of largest node: 2.5x1x1 cm, Cut surface shows grey brown.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the lesion show circumscribed areas composed of compressed ductal and myoepithelial cells with abundant fibrous stroma with hyalinization. No evidence of intsitu and invasive carcinomas noted. No residual viable tumor noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast, left modified radical mastectomy.No residual viable tumor noted.Lymphovascular invasion indeterminate.Perineural invasion Not identified.Posterior resected margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 12 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0, (0/12).Adjacent breast shows features of fibroadenoma." 2581,MR1716271,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Wide excision- Lumpectomy- Breast conservative surgery.B) Revised superior margin.C) Axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 5.5x5.5x3.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 3.5x1cm.Cut surface shows greywhite lesion measuring 2.5x1.5x2cm, located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 1cm.Inferior margin -- 1.6cm.Medial margin -- 1.5cm.Lateral margin -- 1.5cm.Deep margin -- 0.3cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 4x3.5x0.5cm.One surface inked.C) Received 1 fibrofatty tissue measuring 8.5x8x2cm.Largest lymph node measuring 2.5x1.5x0.5cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Wide excision- Lumpectomy- Breast conservative surgery:Tumor bed: Tumor consists of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. Surrounding the tumor lymphocytic infiltration is present.Tubular formation : 3, Nuclear pleomorphism : 2, Mitotic figures: 2.MBR Score : 7/9, Nuclear grade IIDCIS : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Present.Perineural invasion : Present.Resected margins :-Superior margin : Free of tumor.Inferior margin : Free of tumor.Medial margin : Free of tumor.Lateral margin : Free of tumor.Deep margin : Free of tumor. B) Revised superior margin:Free of tumor.C) Axillary lymph nodes:One node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 15 nodes. Perinodal spread not present.IMPRESSION:Wide excision:Maximum dimension of tumor is 2.5cm.Invasive ductal carcinoma, Nuclear grade IILymphovascular invasion :Present.Perineural invasion : Present.All resected margins are free of tumor.Lymph nodes:One node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 15 nodes. Perinodal spread not present.Pathological stage : pT2N1." 2582,MR1716272,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN :Left Modified Radical Mastectomy specimen.GROSS FINDINGS :Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Left. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 17cm. Superficial to Deep : 5.5cm. Superior to Inferior : 15cm.Skin ellipse : 12x9.5cm. Scar/ Surgical defect :measures 3cm in upper inner quadrant.Tumor : SingleLocation of tumor : Lower outer quadrant. Margins of tumor : ill defined Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast :Fibrotic, rubbery Axillary tail :10x8x1cm.Post lumpectomy cavity noted in upper inner quadrant measures 3x2x1.5cm. A small solid grey white area measures 1x0.6x0.6cm is noted at are edge of the cavity. Distance of the solid are from deep margin is 0.5cm.Size of largest node : 3.5x0.5x0.5cm. Cut surface identified area.IMPRESSION:Left breast, ( post lumpectomy)Tumor bed :Lumpectomy bed is noted in upper inner quadrant measures 3x2x1.5cm. No residual tumor is identified.Tumor bed shows numerous foamy histocytes and foreign body type multinucleated giant cells.No residual tumor seen.Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not seen.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 14 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0 (0/14).Few nodes show granulomatous reaction,posibly of Koch's etiologySummary : Left MRM, No residual tumor." 2583,MR1716283,CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores measures 0.4 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrocollagenous tissue with an invasive neoplasm composed of cells in sheets and ribbon the cells shows moderate eosinophilic to vacuolated cytoplasm pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. These brisk mitosis peritumoral lymphocytic infiltrate noted. Areas of necrosis present.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma ductal NOS grade 3.Modified Bloom Richardson Scores 8/9.Tubular formationáááááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááá -- 2Mitotic activityáááááááááááááááááááááá -- 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------- 2584,MR1716307,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN :A) Sentinel lymph node.B) Wide local excision,Right breast.C) Circumferential margin.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x3x0.5cm Three lymph nodes isolated. Largest lymph node measures 1.5x1.5x1cm. Entire tissue processed.B) Received Right breast lumpectomy specimen measuring 6.5x6x4cm .Skin ellipse measures 3x1cm.Cut surface shows tumor measuring 2x1.5x1cm.Distance from the margins :Superior : 1.5cm.Inferior : 0.5cm.Medial : 0.5cm.Lateral : 1.5cm.Deep : 0.1cm.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 5.5x2x2cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :A)Sentinel lymph node :3 nodes - No metastatic deposits of tumor.B) Wide local excision,(lumpectomy),Right breast :Tumor : Tumor in composed of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus with eosinophilic cytoplasm. Maximum dimension of tumor is 2cm.Invasive ductal carcinoma is 1.5cm MBR score(6/9)Tubular formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphic : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ____________ 6/9 ___________Nuclear grade = II.Ductal carcinoma in situ present measures 0.5cm with cribriform pattern and comedonecrosis.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not present.Resected margins-Superior margin is free of tumorInferior, medial and lateral margins show adenosis and are free of tumor.Deep margin is free of tumor.C) Circumferential margins : All margins (12'0 clock, 3'0 clock, 6'0 clock, 9 clock ) :are free of tumor.IMPRESSION :Sentinel lymph node : 3 nodes - no deposits of tumor.Wide local excision(lumpectomy), Right breast :Maximum dimension of tumor is 2cm.Invasive ductal carcinoma - 1.5cmDuctal carcinoma in situ - 0.5cm.Nuclear grade II.Lymphovascular invasion not present.Perineural invasion not present.All resected margins and circumferential margins are free of tumor." 2585,MR1716312,CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast complex cystic lesion. - BIRADS 5 - ? Malignant.SPECIMEN:Right breast biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Section shows fibro adipose tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in sheets and nests composed of highly pleomorphic cells with moderate cytoplasm hyperchromatic nucleoli with brisk mitosis. There are areas suggestive of chondroid differentiation. Areas of necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Right breast biopsy:Invasive carcinoma - High grade- grade 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 9/9.Tubular formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 3Mitotic activity -- 3 ----------- 9/9 ------------Areas of necrosis noted.note; the possibility of metaplastic carcinoma is considered. 2586,MR1716332,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 0.9 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2587,MR1716337,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Shows ductal carcinoma in situ of solid pattern with intermediate nuclear grade.No definite evidence of invasion is seen.Suggest excision of the lump for further confirmation on invasion." 2588,MR1716345,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged in cords and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei, conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is elastotic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9.Tubule formationáááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááá -- 2Mitotic activityáááááááááááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------------" 2589,MR1716359,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast post treatmentSPECIMEN:Liver lesion, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear tissue cores harboring of liver parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in sheets, nests and occasional vague acini. The tumor cells exhibit polygonal with increased nucleo- cytoplasmic ratio, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with prominent nucleoli and abundant vacuolated cytoplasm. The adjacent liver parenchyma is non cirrhotic.IMPRESSION:Liver lesion biopsy :Poorly differentiated carcinoma favor metastatic adenocarcinoma.Suggest IHC." 2590,MR1716363,CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from chest wall lesionGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in cords and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from chest wall lesion:Invasive carcinoma suggestive ofá recurrent carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast. 2592,MR1716383,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? malignant SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey whiteá to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from linear breast cores harbor tumor tissueá arranged in tubules, sheets and clusters. The tumor cells are round to oval withá moderateá cytoplasm , with pleomorphic hyperchromaticá nucleiá . The tumor cells are seen invading stroma.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive duct cell carcinoma, Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9,.Tubule formationáááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá :2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------" 2593,MR1716393,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma Right Breast.SPECIMEN:A) Biopsy from right BCS:B) Axillary clearance.GROSS FINDINGS:A)Received wide local excision specimen measures 6x4x3cm .Overlying skin flap measures 4x1.5cm .On cut surface grey white lesion is seen measures 1.5x1x1cm.Distance from margin:Superior margin : 1.5cmMedial margin : 2cmInferior margin : 0.2cmLateral margin :0.2cmDeep margin :1.5cm.B) Fibrofatty tissue measures 5x4x3cm largest lymph node 1.5x0.2x0.7cm. cut surface grey white.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast parenchyma shows an infiltrating lesion arranged in cords and sheets. The tumor cells have pleomorphic round to irregular nucleus coarse chromatin few with prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Brisk mitoses are noted IMPRESSION:A) Biopsy from right BCS:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphic - 2Mitotic figures - 2Tumor measures 1.5cm in greatest dimensionDuctal carcinoma in situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is presentPerineural invasion is not identified Lateral margin shows lymphovascular emboli 0.2cm away from inked margin.All margins of resection including deep are free of tumor.B) Axillary clearance:Six lymph nodes out of thirteen lymph nodes show metastatic deposit largest tumor deposit measures 1.5cm in greatest dimension.Perinodal spread present." 2594,MR1716394,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN :A) Left breast conservative surgery.B) Left sentinel lymph node biopsy(blue + hot node).C) Left sentinel lymph node biopsy(nonblue + nonhot node).D) Revised lateral margin GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 7x5.5x4cm. Skin ellipse is measures 3x0.5cm.On serial sectioning a grey white illdefined lesion measures 2x1.5x1.0cm is seen at respective distances :Distance from margins :Superior : 2.3cm.Inferior : 2cm.Medial : 2.4cm.Lateral : 2.5cm.Deep : 1cm.B) Received two fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1x0.8cm. Both are inked blue.larger fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1x0.5cm, smaller fibrofatty tissue measures 0.5x0.5x0.5cm. Isolated 3 lymph nodes. Largest measures 0.9x0.5x0.4cm. Cut surface fatty infiltration, inked blue.C) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 1.5x1x0.8cm. Isolated one lymph node measures 0.8x0.8x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4x2.5x1cm, one surface shows attached thread (stitch away from tumor.)MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :A) Left breast conservative surgery :Tumor :The section shows clumps, groups of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus. Invasive ductal carcinoma.Maximum dimension of tumor is 2cm.Invasive ductal carcinoma component measures 1.2cm.Tubular formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphic : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ________________ 6/9 __________________Nuclear grade II.Ductal carcinoma in situ present,and measures 0.8 cm(Cribriform pattern and comedonecrosis present)Lymphovascular invasion not present.Perineural invasion not present.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Left sentinel lymph node(blue+hot node) 3 nodes-show no metastatic deposits of tumor.(0/3)C) Non - blue non hot node : One node shows no metastatic deposit of tumor.(0/1)D) Revised margin : Shows Fibrofatty tissue : Free of tumor.IMPRESSION :A) Left breast conservative surgery :Maximum dimension of tumor is 2cm.Invasive ductal carcinoma measures 1.2cm.Nuclear grade II.Ductal carcinoma in situ in measures 0.8cm with cribriform pattern and comedonecrosis.Lymphovascular invasion not present.Perineural invasion not present.B) Left sentinel lymph node(blue+hot node) : 3 nodes - no metastatic deposits of tumor(0/3).C) Non - blue non hot node : One node - no metastatic deposits of tumor (0/1).D) Revised margin : Fibrofatty tissue - free of tumor" 2595,MR1716416,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right breastá wide excision specimen.B) Right axillary sentinel nodes.C) Right level I, ll axillary nodes.D) Right level 3 lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received wide excision right breast lump measures 5x4.5x3cm. Skin ellipse 3.5cm. x 1cm. on serial section, grey white, firm area seen measures 1.5x1x1cm.which isá located at followingá distance from respective margins:Superior margin-1cm.Interior margin- 1.5cm.Medial margin- 1.5cm.Lateral margin- 2cm.Deep margin- 1.5cm.B) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1x0.8cm.Isolated 2 lymph nodes. Largest lymph node measures 1.2x1x0.8cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltrate.C)á Received fibrofatty tissue measures 6x4.5x2 cm. Largest lymphá node measures 7/3 1x1x0.5.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1x1 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast conservation specimen:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardsoná sccore: 6/9.Tubule formation : 2.Nuclear pleomorphism : 02.Mitotic activity : 02.Tumor measures 1.5cm. in greatest dimension.DCIS is not present.Lymphovasculará and Perineural invasion are not present.All resected margins including deep margin are free of tumor.B) Right axillary sentinel nodes:Two lymph nodes identified, negative for malignancy (0/2).C) Right level I, ll axillary nodes:Eleven lymph nodes isolated all negative for malignancy (0/11)D) Right level 3 lymph nodes:Four lymph nodes isolated, negative for malignancy (0/4)." 2596,MR1716432,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Lump left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Sentinel lymph nodes.B) Left breast conservative surgery.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received two fibrofatty tissue altogether measuring 4x3x0.5cm.isolated 5 lymph nodes.Largest lymph node measuring 1.5x1x0.5cm.No further lymph nodes identified.Isolated 5 nodes.B) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 7.5x7x3.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 2x0.5cm.Cut surface shows greywhite lesion measuring 2x1.5x1.5cm, located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin : 2cm.Inferior margin : 2.5cm.Medial margin : 1.5cm.Lateral margin : 4cm.Deep margin : 1.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sentinel lymph nodes:5 Nodes isolated show no metastatic deposits of tumor.B) Left breast conservative surgery:Tumor is composed of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus with eosinophilic cytoplasm.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 --------------- 7/9 ----------------MBR Score : 7/9, Nuclear grade IIDCIS : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.Perineural invasion : Not present.Resected margins:-Superior margin : Free of tumor.Inferior margin : Free of tumor.Medial margin : Free of tumor.Lateral margin : Free of tumor.Deep margin : Free of tumor.IMPRESSION:A)Sentinel lymph nodes : 5 lymph nodes isolated show no metastatic deposits of tumor(0/5).B)Left Breast conservative surgery:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II.Maximum dimension of tumor 2x1.5cm.DCIS : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.Perineural invasion:not presentAll resected margins are free of tumor.Pathological stage : pT1N0." 2597,MR1716433,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Lump in outer quadrant of right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lesion biopsy Upper outer quadrant (UOQ).GROSS FINDINGS:Received three linear cores thatá measure 0.3 to 1.1cm . Entire tissue isá processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear tissue cores harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged as tubules, cords and small nests of cells exhibiting increased nucleocytoplasmic ratio hyperchromatic pleomorphic nuclei with inconspicuous nucleoli. The intervening stroma showsá dense fibrocollagenous infiltrated by lymphocytes and plasma cells. Occasional tubules show presence of acellular eosinophilic material.IMPRESSION:Right breast lesion biopsy(UOQ)á :Invasive carcinoma, NST.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade II.Tubular formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismáááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________" 2598,MR1716436,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A)Right breast wide excision.B) Right axillary dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 7.5x4x4cm. Skin ellipse measures 4.3x0.8cm on Serial sections show grey white firm ill defined lesion measures 2x1.5x1.4cm.Distance from margins:Superior margin: 1.8cmInferior margin :1cmMedial margin : 2.5cmLateral margin :1.7cmDeep Margin : 2cmB) Single fibrofatty tissue measures 11x7x2cmLargest node measures 1.8x1.5x0.8cm. Cut surface grey brown.Dissected 19 nodesMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A)Residual viable tumor present measuring 2x1.5x1.4cmMost the tumor shows ductal carcinoma in situ solid and cribriform measures 1.5cm.Focus of invasive carcinoma measures 0.5 cm.Surrounding areas shows dense fibrosis, lymphoplasmacytic infiltration and ducts show epithelial hyperplasia and adenosis. Lymphovascular invasion not identifiedPerineural invasion not identified.B) Right axillary dissection: 16 nodes - No deposit of tumor.IMPRESSION:A)Right breast post NACT wide excision: Residual viable tumor present measures 2x1.5x1.4cm Invasive ductal carcinoma measures 0.5cmDuctal carcinoma in situ (low grade) measures 1.5cm.Lymphovascular invasion not identifiedPerineural invasion not identified.All resected margins free of tumor.B) Right axillary dissection:16 lymph nodes. No deposit of tumor.Pathological stage: ypT1No" 2599,MR1716445,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump/ P/O Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 0.3 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue with an invasive neoplasm predominantly in cords and nests. The cells show moderate nuclear atypia with eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm. Focal peritumoral inflammatory infiltrate noted. Stroma is desmoplastic and hyalinized.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma (NOS).MBR score (3+2+2) is 7/9, grade II." 2600,MR1716467,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast mass - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast carcinoma, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores measures 0.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma with an infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets, nests and cords. Cells have moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. High mitotic activity noted. Stromal desmoplasia and lymphocytic infiltration is seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast carcinoma, Biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, No special type, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9.Tubular formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic activity -- 2 --------------- 7/9 ---------------" 2601,MR1716472,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from left breast lump shows sheets, clusters and singly scattered cells. The cells show round nucleus, conspicuous nucleoli and scanty cytoplasm. Few lymphoid aggregates seen.IMPRESSION: Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma NOS, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubular formation á á á á á á á á á á -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism á á á á á áá -- 2Mitotic activity á á á á á á á á á á á á á -- 1á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á -----------á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá 6/9á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á ----------- " 2602,MR1716481,"CLINICAL HISTORY:RIGHT BREAST MASS (7'O CLOCK) - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from right breast shows clusters of mildly pleomorphic cells showing vesicular nucleus, conspicuous nucleoli and eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass:Invasive carcinoma, NOS grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubular formationááááááááááááááááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááááááá -- 3Mitotic activityááááááááááááááááááááááááá -- 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------" 2603,MR1716499,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.4 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ducal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2605,MR1716507,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma left breast ( Post op).SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left axillary lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.3 to 0.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show multiple linear cores harboring a infiltrative neoplasm arranged in sheets, glands and nests. The cells forming the lesion are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with scant to moderate cytoplasm inflammatory infiltrates composed of neutrophils, macrophages and focal collection of lymphocytes.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left axillary lesion:Metastasis carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast.(The neoplastic cells show more of apocrine/myoepithelial features).Kindly refer to the primary diagnosis for histopathologic categoization." 2606,MR1716508,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.8 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in tubules, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 1. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 5(2+2+1)." 2608,MR1716537,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast Post NACTSPECIMEN;A, B, C) Left sentinel lymph nodes.D)Left mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 2 fibrofatty measures 1.9x1x0.5cmLargest lymph node measures 0.8x0.5cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2.5x1cm. Entire tissue No lymph node identified.C) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue bits measures 4.5x3.5x5.5cmIdentified 2 lymph node.D)Received in : Formalin Procedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :15cm Superficial to Deep :5 cm Superior to Inferior :14cmSkin ellipse :14x7cm Nipple : NormalScar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : SingleTumor Size :2x1.5x1cm cystic with grey brown and grey yellow areas. No solid tumor present.Location of tumor : Central quadrant Margins of tumor : Infiltrative Deep margin : 1cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : AbsentSentinel nodes : 2 nodes. No deposit of tumor.IMPRESSION:Left breast left modified radical mastectomy.Tumor bed : No residual viable tumor presentTumor shows fibrosis, necrosis foreign body giant cells lymphoplasmacytic infiltration.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Sentinel lymph nodes - 2 lymph nodes - No deposit of tumor .Pathological state ypT0N0.SUMMARY:Left Post NACT Post lumpectomy modified radical mastectomy.No residual viable tumor presentSentinel lymph nodes 2 sentinel nodes - No deposit of tumor.0/2" 2609,MR1716548,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear tissue cores harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets, nests and rare vague tubules composed of neoplastic cells showing increased nucleo cytoplasmic ratio pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with occasional prominent nucleoli and scanty eosinophilic cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is dense fibrocollagenous and shows hemorrhage and hemosiderin pigment deposition.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, NOS grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9.Tubular formationááááááááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááááááá -- 2Mitotic activityááááááááááááááááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------" 2610,MR1716562,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breast ( Post MRM)SPECIMEN:Right Chest wall swelling, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.2-1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Chest wall swelling, Core Biopsy:Positive for malignancy.Suggestive of recurrent carcinoma in a known and treated case of carcinoma right breast." 2611,MR1716582,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion - Birad's 4c SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.3 -0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion confined to ducts, predominantly, solid pattern, cribriform and micropapillary pattern. Central comedo necrosis noted. Cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Few bizarre forms noted. Brisk mitotic activity noted. Adjacent breast shows hyperplastic ducts and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion:Suggestive of Ductal Carcinoma In situ (DCIS) high grade (solid and comedo types) In view of extensive desmoplasia of stroma,the the possibility of adjacent focus of invasion cannot be ruled out.." 2612,MR1716603,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump -Birads IV and ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white grey yellow linear cores measures 1 to 1.3. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in cords and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Few signet ring cells are seen.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Carcinoma with lobular feature, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+3+1)." 2613,MR1716640,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.4 -0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 2614,MR1716652,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left Axillary sentinel node biopsy.B) Wide excision of left breast lump.C) Left axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 3 fibrofatty tissue pieces altogether measuring 3.5x2.5x0.5cm.Largest lymph node measuring 2.5x1.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.B) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 5.5x5x3.6cm.Overline skin ellipse measures 1cm. A greywhite lesion measuring 3x2x2cm, located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 1.5cm.Inferior margin -- 1.5cm.Medial margin -- 0.5cm.Lateral margin -- 1cm.Deep margin -- 1cm.C) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue altogether measuring 6x4x2cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1x0.8x0.6cm. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section shows 1/4 lymph nodes with metastatic deposits of ductal carcinoma.No perinodal spread seen.B) Sections from tumor show breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged as ducts and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have vesicular nuclei, conspicious nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm.Lymphovascular emboli seen.All resected margins including deep are free of tumor.C) Sections show 18 lymph nodes which are free of tumor.IMPRESSION:B) Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, left breast.Modified BR score : 5/9, grade 1.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 -------------- 5/9 ---------------Tumor size : 3x2x2cm.Lymphovascular emboli seen.All resected margins including deep are free of tumor.A) 2/4 Lymph nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor. No perinodal spread seen.C) 18 Left axillary lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor." 2615,MR1716655,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Breast Lump.SITE:Breast Lump (laterality not mentioned).Received 10 blocks and 10 stained slides labelled as 14015/17.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Breast Lump (laterality not mentioned):Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 2616,MR1716677,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - Birads 4.SPECIMEN:Right breast, core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 -0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in sheets and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma , Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 2617,MR1716678,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump- possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show breast tissue with abundant areas of fibromyxoid and fibrous areas harboring few foci of atypical cells. The cells are round to oval to with moderate cytoplasm with pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. One of the ducts is fragmented and shows foci of necrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Focus suspiciousá of Ductal carcinoma in situ noted.Needs clinical and imagiological correlation and repeat biopsy to exclude invasive focus. 2618,MR1716682,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump- possibility carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 2619,MR1716702,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score 6(3+2+1)." 2620,MR1716709,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2621,MR1716718,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.4- 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows 3 linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules and cords with large areas of fibrous . The lesional cells have mildly pleomorphic round hyperchromatic nucleus with moderate cytoplasm. Areas of calcification seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive Duct Carcinoma (NOS) Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 2+2+2=6/9. 2622,MR1716724,CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.3 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast shows a infiltration neoplasm arranged in sheets and nest. The cells forming the lesion are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with scant to moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis 3-4/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump:Infiltrating Ductal carcinoma Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9.Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic activity -- 1 ----------- 6/9 ----------- 2623,MR1716731,CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey yellow to grey brown linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows infiltrate lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with scant to moderate cytoplasm abundant stroma inflammatory infiltrate composed of lymphocytes. Mitosis -3-4/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubular formationáááááááááááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááááááááá -- 2Mitotic activityáááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------ 2624,MR1716740,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections showslinear breast coresá harboring tumor arranged in diffuseá sheets . Theá tumor cells are round to oval with scant cytoplasm, hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus. The tumorá cells are seen invading stroma. Along with this lymphocytic infiltrate is seen,admixed in fibromyxoid stroma.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive duct cell carcinoma-Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9, Grade 2.Tubule formationáááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá :1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------" 2625,MR1716745,CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast. SPECIMEN:A) Right Wide local excision specimen:B) Right level I II II axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Wide local excision specimen right breast measures 6x6x3.5cmSkin ellips measures 4x1.5cm.On serial section firm fibrotic areas measures 3x2.5x2.5cm.Distance from margin:Superior margin: 3cmInferior margin :2cmMedial margin :1.5cmLateral margin :2cmDeep Margin : 0.2cmReceived fibrofatty tissue measures 6.5x6x1.5cmLeft lymphn ode measures 1.2x1x0.7 cut surface grey white.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Post NACT and Post lumpectomy.Multiple section from the tumor shows extensive dense fibrosis with sclerosing adenosis and atrophic ducts. Surrounding ducts show adenosis and atypical hyperplasia. There is no evidence of residual ductal carcinoma in situ or Invasive carcinomaAll resected margins are free of tumorLymph nodes :15 nodes . No deposit of tumorIMPRESSION:Lumpectomy dense fibrosis and atrophic ducts No evidence of residual viable tumor (ductal carcinoma in situ/invasive) All resected margin are free ot tumor.Lymph nodes : 15 nodes - No deposit of tumor present.0/15 2626,MR1716777,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Malignant.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.3-1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is7(3+2+2)." 2627,MR1716778,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests, cords and tubules. Individual tumor cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal carcinoma , Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2628,MR1716811,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Metastatic Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right and Left Ovaries and Fallopian tubes, Bilateral Salpingo-Oophorectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 ovaries with attached fatty tissue in the same container, large measures 3x2.5x2 cm, cut surface show folicular cyst measures 0.5 cm diameter.Fatty tissue measures 2.5 cm, cut surface shows cystic measures 1.5x1x0.5 cm.Smaller measures 2.5x2.5x2 cm, cut shows cyst measures 1x1x1 cm, fatty tissue measures 2.5x2.5x2 cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from both ovaries shows normal ovarian paranchyma showing follicular cyst, corpus albicans and congested blood vessel. Both fallopian tubes and fimbrial ends are unremarkable. Negative for malignancy.IMPRESSION:Right and Left Ovaries and Fallopian tubes, Bilateral Salpingo-Oophorectomy :Shows benign ovarian tissue. - Negative for malignancy." 2629,MR1716829,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast mas, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left breast mas, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)," 2630,MR1716839,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Mass, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in cords and tubules. The lesional cells are round to oval having moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Stroma is elastic. Mitosis 6-7/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Mass, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 2631,MR1716841,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump - Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual tumor cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 2633,MR1716846,CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows infiltrative neoplasm arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with eosinophilic cytoplasm .Adjacent stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Mitosis 7-8/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9.Tubular formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic activity -- 3 --------------- 8/9 --------------- 2634,MR1716860,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:A) Left sentinel lymph node.B) Left mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple tissue bits measures 3.5x2.5x1cm.Isolated 6 lymph nodes. Largest measures 1.6x1x0.5cm cut surface greyish white.B)Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :13cm Superficial to Deep : 3.5cm Superior to Inferior :11.5cmSkin ellipse :13x6cm Nipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : Single, well circumscribed grey white with punctuate hemorrhageTumor Size : 3x2.5x2.2cm Location of tumor : Inner quadrant 9'0' clock positionMargins of tumor : Well Circumscribed Deep margin : 0.6cmMuscle : Present measures 1.5x1cmAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : AbsentSentinel lymph nodes : 6 nodesSize of largest node :1.6x1x0.8cm.IMPRESSION:Left breast left modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed :Maximum dimension tumor is 3cmMucinous carcinoma- invasive component is 2.5cmDuctal carcinoma in situ - low grade is 0.5cm.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9, Grade II.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures 3x2.5cm in greatest dimension is located in the inner quadrant 9'0' clock position. Ductal carcinoma in situ - Present low gradeLymphovascular invasion Not identified.Perineural invasion Not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes - 6 lymph nodes No metastatic deposit of tumor.Pathological state pT2N0.SUMMARY: Left modified radical mastectomy mucinous carcinoma.Sentinel nodes 6 nodes - No deposit of tumor." 2635,MR1716863,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:FNAC from left axillary node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1.0 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores with a neoplasm arranged in sheets showing polygonal cells with round to oval nuclei, increased nuclear cytoplasmic ratio, occasional eosinophilic nucleoli and moderate amount of clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:FNAC from left axillary node-Poorly differentiated malignancy.The possibilities considered are:1) Malignant lymphoproliferative disorder.2) Poorly differentiated metastasis.Report on IHC to follow." 2636,MR1716871,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump/ P/O Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows inflammatory infiltrates composed lymphocytes and epitheloid cells forming? granuloma. Mitosis 4-5/hpf.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, grade 2.MBR score (3+2+1) : 6/9." 2637,MR1716879,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Mass left breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Mass, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets, cords and tubules. the lesional cells are round to oval cells having high pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and scant cytoplasm. Intervening stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphoplasmacytic infiltration. Mitosis 6-7/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Mass, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 2640,MR1716905,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast mass - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right Breast Mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 1 fragmented grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion composed of spindle to oval cells. Cells exhibit mild to moderate nuclear pleomorphism, having dispersed chromatin and moderate cytoplasm lesion is showing many capillaries lined by plump endothelial cells large areas of hemorrhage noted. Mitosis 4-5/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right Breast Mass:Atypical cells seen in tubules and sheets, highly suspicious of malignancy.Suggest excision of the lump for further confirmation." 2641,MR1716949,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented grey yellow to grey brown linear cores measures 0.3 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section sows tumor cells in nests, cords and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6( 3+2+1)." 2642,MR1716951,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from tissue cores of breast show tumor arranged in diffuse sheets. The tumor cells are round to oval with moderate cytoplasm, and pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus. The tumor cells are invading into adjacent fibrous stroma. Mitotic activity is seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formationááááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááá -- 2Mitotic activityááááááááááááááááááááá -- 2 áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------------" 2643,MR1716979,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from linear cores of breast shows tumor arranged diffuse sheets. The tumor cells are round to oval with moderate cytoplasm with pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, few showing intranuclear inclusion. Admixed with these tumor cells areas of mucin are seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma with mucinous areas.Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9.Tubule formationááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphicááááááááá -- 2Mitotic activityáááááááááááááááááááá -- 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------" 2644,MR1716987,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Wide local excision- Breast conservative surgery.B) Sentinel lymph node biopsy.C) Right Axillary lymph node dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measuring 7.5x7x2cm.Skin ellipse measures 5x2.5cm. Cut surface shows greywhite measuring 1x1x1cm.Distance from margins:-Superior margin : 2.5cm.Inferior margin : 3cm.Medial margin : 2.5cm.Lateral margin : 2cm.Deep margin : 2cm.B) Received 4 lymph nodes. Largest measuring 1.5x1x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.C) Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 15x11x3cm.Largest lymph node measuring 0.5x0.4x0.2cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Wide local excision- Breast conservative surgery:Tumor bed : Multiple sections from the tumor shows clumps, groups of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm.Tubular formation 3, Nuclear pleomorphism 1, Mitotic figures 2 (MBR Score 6/9).Nuclear grade II.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ present measuring 0.4cm.Lymphovascular invasion : Indeterminate. Perineural invasion : Not identified.Resected margins:Superior margin : Free of tumor.Inferior margin : Free of tumor.Medial margin : Free of tumor.Lateral margin : Free of tumor.Deep margin : Free of tumor.Axillary lymph nodes:One node shows metastatic deposits of tumor on the capsule, the tumor cells are 50 cells (Less than 20%). Micro metastatic deposits of tumor out of 4 nodes isolated.Right axillary lymph node:13 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:Wide local excision- BCSMaximum dimension of tumor is 1cm.Invasive carcinoma is 0.6cm.Nuclear grade IILymphovascular invasion : Indeterminate.Perineural invasion : Not identified.DCIS : Low grade- cribriform pattern measuring 0.4cm.All resected margins are free of tumor.Sentinel lymph node biopsy:One node shows micro metastatic deposit of tumor out of 4 nodes.Perinodal spread not present.Axillary lymph nodes: 13 Nodes- No deposits of tumor." 2647,MR1717008,CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of breast with left level IV cervical lymphadenopathy.SPECIMENBiopsy from left cervical lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 lymph node larger lymph node measures 2.3x1.2x0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the specimen submitted show the nodal parenchyma replaced by islands and lobules of neoplastic cells charecterized by vesicular pleomorphic nuclei showing moderate to abundant cytoplasm. Atypical mitotic figures discerned . Large areas of necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left cervical lymph node:Metastatic carcinoma deposits in 3/3 level IV lymph nodes - known case of carcinoma breast. 2648,MR1717009,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.á SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.2-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. á MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from breast linear cores show tumor arranged in diffuse sheets. The tumor cells are spindle cells with scant to moderate cytoplasm, with pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus.á Few pleomorphic bizarre atypical cells are seen. Mitotic activity is seen.á IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump :Spindle cell neoplasm (intermediate to high grade )" 2650,MR1717034,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left sided breast lump - ? Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy fromá Left sided breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Receivedá grey white to grey yellowá linear cores measures 1.5 to 1.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged as tubules and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclear conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy fromá Leftá breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9, Grade 2Tubule formationááááááá :á 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------" 2652,MR1717059,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Lump in Right breast. SPECIMEN:A) Right Breast, Right breast conservation surgery (post chemo).B) Right axillary lymph node dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 4.5x3.5x1.5 cmSkin measures 2.5 x 0.2 cm, Cut surface shows no diffuse tumor. Firm grey white fibrotic area noted, measures 2.5 x 2 x 1.4 cmWhich are located at different margins :Superior margin : 0.5 cmInferior marginá : 1 cmMedial margináá : 2.5 cmLateral marginá : 1 cmDeep Margináááá : 0.5 cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 8x7x1.5 cm, Largest lymph node measures 2x1.5x0.8 cm. Cut surface shows grey white.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows residual tumor cells in diffuse sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular invasion is indeterminate. Perineural invasion is not identified.IMPRESSION:A) Right Breast, Right Breast conservation surgery (Post Chemo):á á RESIDUAL INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2.ááá - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)ááá - Tumor measures 1.2 cm in greatest dimension (microscopically).ááá - Lymphovascular invasion is indeterminate. ááá - Perineural invasion is not identified.ááá - All margins of resection are free of tumor.B) Right axillary lymph node dissection:áOne out of nine lymph nodes shows metastatic tumor deposit (1/9).ááá - Size of the tumor deposit measures 0.4 cm in greatest dimension.ááá - No extranodal extension is seen.Pathological Stage : pT1cN1a" 2653,MR1717062,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion - ? Malignant.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5á linear coresá measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lesion:Invasive carcinoma with mucinous areas Grade IModified Bloom Richardson Score is 4/9Tubule formationáááááááá :2Nuclear pleomorphism :1Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá :1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 4/9áááááá 2654,MR1717070,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 3. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 8(3+3+2)." 2655,MR1717072,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.1 - 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9Tubule formationáááááááá :3Nuclear pleomorphism :2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá :1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------- 2656,MR1717101,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump -possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, core Biopsy:GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic, moderate to marked pleomorphic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Brisk mitosis is seen.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 3. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 9(3+3+3)." 2657,MR1717120,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN :A) Left breast conserving surgery.B) Left axillary dissection.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 4.5x4.5x3cm.Skin ellipse measures 4x0.8. Cut surface shows a grey white areas measures 3x2x1cm.Distance from margins :Superior : 0.6cm.Inferior : 1.5cm.Medial : 0.5cm.Lateral : 1cm.Deep : Abutting; 0.2cm.B) Received one fibrofatty tissue measuring 9x7x1cm. Largest lymph node measures 1x0.5x0.5cm. Cut surface fatty infiltration.P/E.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Wide excision - post lumpectomy.Tumor bed :Maximum section shows fibrous, necrosis, focal collection of lymphoplasmacytic cells. No evidence of residual viable tumor present.Surrounding breast parenchyma shows adenosis and fibrocystic disease.All resected margins are free of tumor.Axillary lymph nodes - 17 nodes ,no deposits of tumor present.IMPRESSION :Wide excision lumpectomy ; Post lumpectomyNo residual viable tumor present.Post lumpectomy changes present with fibrosis and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.All resected margins are free of tumor.Lymph nodes :17 nodes - no deposits of tumor." 2658,MR1717126,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast, wide excision, specimen.B) Right breast inferior wall fibroadenoma.C) Right sentinel lymph node.D) Revised inferior margin away from tumor.E) Right Axillary dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Skin covered mass measures 9x8x6cm. Skin ellipse measures 7x3cm. Cut surface showed a cystic and solid lesion measures 3x2x1.9cm cyst measures 3x3cm,. Distance from the following margins.Superior margináááááá -- 2cm.Inferior margináááááááá -- 3cm.Medial marginááááááááá -- 3cm.Lateral margináááááááá -- 3.2cm.Deep marginááááááááááá -- 5cm.Cyst wall is 0.5cm from inferior margin.B) Inferior wall fibroadenoma.Received fibrotfatty tissue measures 2.5x2x1cm, cut surface shows grey white, circumscribedá mass measures 1.5x1x0.5cm. Lesion is solid firm consistency, distance from closest resection margin 0.2cm.C) Single fibrofatty tissue measures 4x3x1.5cm, identified 4lymph nodes, largest measures 2x1x1cm. Cut surface shows grey white necrotic. Entire tissue processed.D) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 4x3x2cm.E) Received 1 fibrofatty tissue measures 12x11x2cm. 17 lymphnodes isolated ,largest lymphnode measures 1.5x1x0.5cm. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied harbors tumor arranged in isolated sheets papillary, and in cystic component .Tumor cells are round to oval with moderate cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus, invading the stroma. Focal areas show ductal carcinoma in situ in comedo papillary and solid pattern. Focal areas of lymphoid aggregates, admixed with tumor cells. All resected margins are free of tumor. No parineural invasion seen. Lymphovascular invasion is seen.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast, wide excision, specimen:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, grade III.Modified Blood Richardson score is 8/9.Tubular formationáááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá -- 3Mitotic activityáááááááááááááááááá -- 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------Tumor measures 3cm in greatest dimension in upper outer quadrant.Lymphovascular invasion present.Perineural invasion not seen.Ductal carcinoma in situ present in comedo, solid, papillary pattern 40%.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Right breast inferior wall fibroadenoma:Shows fibroadenoma.C) Right sentinel lymph node:Isolated 4 lymph nodes, of which 2 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits. No perinodal spread seen (2/4).D) Revised inferior margin away from tumor:Revised inferior margin is free of tumor.E) Right Axillary dissection:Isolated 17 lymph nodes, of which 5 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits, with perinodal spread seen." 2659,MR1717130,CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast - post lumpectomy status.SPECIMEN :Right Modified Radical Mastectomy Specimen.GROSS FINDINGS :Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : FormalinProcedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá :á Mastectomyá Post Lumpectomy.Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá :á Right. á Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medial to lateralááá : 22cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deepá : 5cm. á ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferiorá : 19cm.Skin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá :á 13x8.1cm. áá Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá :Normal Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá :scar measures 3.5cm in length in upper inner and central quadrant.Well circumscribed cystic cavity measures 2.5x2.5x2cm in upper inner and central quadrant margins of the cavity are grey white yellow.Deep marginááá ááá ááá ááá : 2cm.Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááá : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá ááá :áá fibrofatty. ááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá ááá : 7.5x6.5x0.5cm. Size of largest nodeááááááááááá :2x1.5x1cmIMPRESSION:No residual invasive component seen.Foci of atypical ductal hyperplasia and intermediate grade ductal carcinoma in situ seen.Lumpectomy bed show foreign body multinucleated giant cell reaction.Deep resected margin :free of tumor.Nipple / areola : free of tumor.23 right axillary lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor. 2660,MR1717152,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.áSPECIMEN:Left breast lump biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 gray white to gray brown linear cores measure 0.8-1.2cm. Entire tissue process. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and cords. Cells have and moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei andá amount of cytoplasm. Areas of hemorrhage noted. Stromal desmoplasia noted.á IMPRESSION:áLeft breast lump, biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.áModified Bloom Richardson score 6/9 (3+2+1)." 2663,MR1717183,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 gray white to gray brown linear cores measure 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue process. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with an infiltrating lesion arranged & sheets, nests and glands. Cells lining these structures have moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate to abundant cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma show desmoplasia and dense lymphocytic infiltration. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy. Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score 7/9. (3+2+2)" 2664,MR1717184,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fibrocollagenous stroma with ducts lined by single layer. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei moderate cytoplasm, few vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Similar individual cells scattered with intracytoplasmic vacuolations.Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Infiltrating ductal carcinomaModified Bloom Richardson score is 6(2+2+2)." 2665,MR1717185,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump -carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 gray white to gray brown linear cores measure 1.2-1.4cm. Entire tissue process. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from linear breast cores harbor tumor arranged in diffuse sheets. The tumor cells round to oval, moderate cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus, invading stroma, focal area shows comedo pattern ductal carcinoma in situ. Stroma shows mild inflammatory infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II Ductal carcinoma in situ component seen. Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 .......... 7/9 .........." 2666,MR1717186,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast carcinoma, post lumpectomy.SPECIMEN:Right Axillary dissection specimen.GROSS FINDINGS:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 9.5x7x3 cm. Largest lymph node measures 1.5x1x1 cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows reactive lymph nodes. No atypical cells are seen. IMPRESSION :Right Axillary dissection (Post Right breast lumpectomy):Twenty one lymph nodes identified, negative for malignancy (0/21)." 2667,MR1717204,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Left Breast.SPECIMEN:A)Biopsy from Left modified radical mastectomy.B) Apical nodesGROSS FINDINGS:A)Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy Laterality :LeftTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :17cm Superficial to Deep :5.5cm Superior to Inferior : 16cmSkin ellipse : 13x8cmNipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : SingleTumour Size : 1.8x1.6x1.0cm Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrant Margins of tumor : Relatively circumscribedDeep margin : 3.0cmMuscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 7x5x2.0cm.Total number of nodes : Level I, II : 12 lymph nodes . Level III 2 nodes.Size of largest node :2x1x0.8cm. Cut surface -grey white to grey brownB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left modified radical mastectomy:Left Breast Left modified radical mastectomyInvasive Ductal carcinoma grade IIModified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism :2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures 1.8x1.6cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper inner quadrant Ductal carcinoma in situ not presentLymphovascular invasion Not presentPerineural invasion Not presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLevel I, II nodes : 12 nodes - No deposit of tumorLevel III nodes : 2 Nodes - No deposit of tumor .SUMMARY:Left modified radical mastectomy :Residual viable tumor present ;Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade II Level I, II nodes : 12 nodes - No deposit of tumorLevel III nodes : 2 Nodes - No deposit of tumor .Pathological stages : pT1N0." 2668,MR1717207,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast SPECIMEN: Biopsy from Left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 gray white to gray brown linear cores measure 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue process. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from linear breast cores, harbor tumor arranged in sheets. The tumor cells are round to oval, with moderate cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus. Tumor cells invading stroma, along with inflammatory infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade 2. Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9.Tubule for formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ......... 6/9 .........." 2669,MR1717209,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Sentinel lymph nodes.B) Left mastectomy.C) Completion axillary clearance.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Sentinel lymph nodes:Received two fibrofatty tissue altogether measuring 3x2x1cm.Isolated 2 lymph nodes.Largest lymph node measuring 2x1x0.4cm.Received another bottle containing fibrofatty tissue measuring 1.5x1x0.5cm.Isolated 1 lymph node measuring 1x0.6x0.4cm.B) Left mastectomy.Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral :19cm. Superficial - deep : 5cm. Superior-inferior :18cm.Skin ellipse : 11x7cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 3.5x3x2.2cm.Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrant.Margins of tumor : Infiltrative.Deep margin : 1.5cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Sentinel Lymph node : 3 nodesMRM Axillary lymph node : 11 NodesAxillary tail : Absent.Received separate fibrofatty tissue in same container measuring 5x3x2cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1.8x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma with few ducts show DCIS measuring 0.5cm.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubular formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 --------------- 6/9 ---------------Tumor measures 3.5x3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Upper inner quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Present- Cribriform pattern measuring 0.5cm.Lymphovascular invasion : Present.Perineural invasion : Present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: Sentinel lymph node: One node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 3 nodes.Perinodal spread present.Axillary lymph nodes : 11 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.Pathological stage : pT2N1.SUMMARY:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Nodal metastases :Sentinel lymph nodes : One node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 3 nodes." 2670,MR1717219,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast, wide local excision.B) Sentinel lymph node biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty mass measuring 6 x 4 x 2.5 cm.Cut surface shows infiltrating lesion measuring 1.4 x 1.3 x 1.2 cm.The lesion at the following distance from the margins:-Superior margin -- 2cm.Inferior margin -- 2cm.Medial margin -- 0.6cm.Lateral margin -- 1.2cm.Deep margin -- 0.9cm.Representative sections are submitted.B) Received fibrofatty tissue total measuring 3x3x1cm.Largest lymph node measuring 2x0.8x0.5cm.Cut surface shows fatty infiltration. Isolated 3 lymph nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma with an infiltrating tumor arranged in nests and tubules. The tumor cells show moderate pleomorphism with oval nuclei, small nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Focal necrosis is seen. Surrounding stroma shows desmoplasia. No lymphovascular invasion noted. Perineural invasion is seen. Ductal carcinoma in situ is noted (Solid type, intermediate grade). Resected margins are free of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast, wide local excision:INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(2+2+3).- Tumor measures 1.4cm in greatest dimension.- Lymphovascular invasion is not seen.- Perineural invasion is present.- Ductal carcinoma-in-situ is present (Solid type, intermediate nuclear grade).- Resected margins (Superior, medial, lateral, inferior and deep) are free of tumor.B) Sentinel lymph node biopsy:Three lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor (0/3)." 2672,MR1717233,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast post NACTSPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Post NACT Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :17cm Superficial to Deep :7 cm Superior to Inferior :14cmSkin ellipse :13.5x9.5cm Nipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : grossly no tumor identified Tumor Size : Grey white firm area ? desmoplasia measuring 5x3x3cm identified in the upper inner quadrant Deep margin : 2cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 9x7.5x2cmTotal of larges nodes : 12 (Specify if Sentinel nodes sent )Size of largest node : 2x1.2x1cm . Cut surface : grey white.IMPRESSION:Left breast , left modified radical mastectomy:Tumor Bed:The Section shows dense fibrosis, atrophic ducts and lymphoplasmacytic infiltration ( Post chemotherapy changes)No evidence of residual tumor.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable Lymph nodes - 12 lymph nodes - No deposit of tumor .Pathological state ypT0N0.SUMMARY:Left breast , left modified Radical Mastectomy:No Residual viable tumor present.Nodal metastasis 12 nodes - No deposit of tumor." 2674,MR1717243,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section section shows linear breast cores harbors tumor arranged in sheets .The tumor cells are round toá oval with pleomorphicá hyperchromatic nucleus, invading stroma and adjacent adipose tissue. Admixed inflammatory cells are seen, along with areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9.Tubule formationá á á áá :3Nuclear pleomorphism :2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá :1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----" 2677,MR1717331,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.8x1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast parenchytma shows a lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells forming the lesion are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate amount of cytoplasm. Adjacentá stroma shows mild inflammatory infiltrates composed of lymphocytes and plasma cells. Mitosis 2-3/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score (3+3+1)-7/9. 2678,MR1717342,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast - post op right chest wall mass recurrence.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right chest wall mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple gray white linear cores measures 0.2-0.6cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibromuscular tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in nests, glands and cords. The cells show moderate cytoplasm round to oval moderately pleomorphic nuclei with hyperchromasia. stroma appears desmoplastic and fibrous. IMPRESSION : Biopsy from right chest wall mass:Features Favorr Recurrent Carcinoma in Known case of carcinoma breast. " 2680,MR1717397,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case ofá carcinoma cervixSPECIMEN:Biopsy fromá left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.7-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear coresá of fibrocollagenous tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in nests and sheets. Cells are large round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus, with prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis is noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma ? Metastatic? Primary." 2681,MR1717407,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump with liver & skeletal metastasisSPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 gray white linear cores measure 0.8-1 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests & tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 2682,MR1717411,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN :A) Wide local excision - breast conservative surgery.B) Left breast axillary dissection.C) Level III lymph nodes.GROSS FINDING :A) Received lumpectomy specimen 13x9x6cm. Skin ellipse measures 8x3cm. Section shows single grey white firm lesion measures 3.5x2.7x2.3cm. Distance from margins :Superior : 5cm.Inferior : 4cm.Medial : 4cm.Lateral : 3.7cm.Deep : 2cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 7.5x6.5x3cm. 20 lymph node identified. Largest lymph node measures 2x1x1cm. Cut surface grey white.P/EC) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4x3x1cm isolated five lymph node. Largest lymph node measures 0.5x0.4x0.1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :A) Wide local excision - breast conservative surgery :Maximum dimension of tumor is 3.5cm.Invasive ductal carcinoma is 2.8cmDuctal carcinoma in situ is 0.7cm (solid and cribriform type)Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 __________ 8/9 _________Nuclear grade - IIILymphovascular invasion present.Perinerual invasion present.Resected margins :Superior margins is free of tumor.Inferior margin is free of tumor.Medial margin is free of tumorLateral margins if free of tumorDeep margin is free of tumorAxillary lymph node I,II : 9 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 20 nodes.Level III 5 nodes show metastatic deposits out of 5 nodes.IMPRESSION :A) Wide local excision - breast conservative surgery : Maximum dimension of tumor is 3.5cm.Invasive ductal carcinoma is 2.8cm.Nuclear grade III.Ductal carcinoma in situ is 0.7cm ( low grade).Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perinerual invasion is present.All resected margins are free of tumor.Level I, II : 9 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 20 nodes.Level III : 5 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 5 nodes.Pathological stage : pT2N3." 2683,MR1717417,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy:Individual Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2684,MR1717466,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Trucut biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 gray white to gray yellow linear cores measure 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows 4 linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and cords with areas of necrosis. The lesional cells have highly pleomorphic round to irregular hyperchromatic nucleus, few with prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Trucut biopsy from left breast lump. Invasive ductal carcinoma (NOS) Grade III Modified Bloom Richardson Score = 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 2 .............. 8/9 .............." 2685,MR1717494,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast lump post NACT.SPECIMEN:A) Right axillary sentinel nodes.B) Right breast lumpectomy.C) Right breast lumpectomy.D) Revised superior margin.E) Revised medial margin.F) Revised inferior margin.G) Completion Mastectomy.H) Right Axillary dissection specimen.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received single lymph node measures 1.4x1x0.6cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.B) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 6x5x2cm.Skin ellipse measures 3.2x0.6cm.Cut surface shows greywhite lesion measures 2.2x1.5x1.2cm.Distance from margins:-Superior margin : 1.2cm.Inferior margin : 1.5cm.Medial margin : 2cm.Lateral margin : 1cm.Deep margin : 1.2cm.C) Received lumpectomy measures 3x3x1.5cm with one surface inked.Cut surface shows greywhite ill defined areas measures 1x0.6x0.6cm.Distance from nearest inked margin : 0.1cm.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5.5x3.5x2.5cm. One surface inked.E) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5x4x2cm with one surface inked.F) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5.5x4.5x2cm with one surface inked.G) Completion Mastectomy:Received in : 10% Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Right Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 20cm Superficial - deep : 4cm Superior-inferior : 17cmSkin ellipse : 14x9cm.Nipple : NormalScar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor not seen lumpectomy bed measures 3x3cm.Deep margin : 0.5cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : Absent.H) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5.5x4x2cm.Largest lymph node measures 2.5x2x1cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:A) Right axillary sentinel nodes:1 Lymph node isolated is free of tumor (0/1).B) Right breast lumpectomy:Predominantly hyalinization, calcification, few ducts with comedo DCIS and small focus of invasive carcinoma.No lymphovascular invasion. No perineural invasion.Deep margin shows DCIS.Other resected margins are free of tumor.C) Right breast lumpectomy:Residual invasive carcinoma ductal.MBR Score : 3+3+2= 8/9, Grade IIITumor measures 0.6cm.DCIS, Cribriform and comedo type, Intermediate grade present.Lymphovascular invasion : Intermediate.Perineural invasion not present.D) Revised superior margin: Free of tumor.E) Revised medial margin shows papillary and micropapillary hyperplasia.F) Revised inferior margin: Free of tumor.G) Completion Mastectomy:Show focal areas of cribriform and papillary DCIS.Deep resected margin is free of tumor.Lymphovascular invasion or Perineural invasion not seen.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.H) Right Axillary dissection specimen:6 Lymph nodes isolated, 1 node show tumor deposit measures 0.2cm. No extranodal extension seen.SUMMARY:Right Completion Mastectomy(Post NACT):Residual Invasive carcinoma measures 0.6cm, Grade III with DCIS Cribriform and comedo type- Intermediate grade.Lymph nodes: One lymph node isolated in frozen section is free of tumor.One out six nodes shows metastasis in mastectomy (1/6)." 2686,MR1717517,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma harboring a infiltrating neoplasm arranged in islands and nests. The cells forming the lesion are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with abundant cytoplasm, abundant stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltration . Mitotic figures discernedIMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive Carcinoma ,Nuclear grade 2 (Papillary features)" 2687,MR1717531,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma left Breast..SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from, the breast parenchyma harbouring a infiltrating neoplasm arranged in sheets nests. The cells are pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei few with prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score (3+3+1)7/9" 2688,MR1717544,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section sows core of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords . Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2689,MR1717557,CLINICAL HISTORY :Lump right breast -? Carcinoma right breast. SPECIMEN: 2690,MR1717558,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion - ? MalignantSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of fibrofatty tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged in cords and trabeculae. The neoplastic cells are round to polygonal have eccentrically placed hyperchromatic nucleai and moderate cytoplasm. Crush artefact noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lesion:Poorly differentiated malignancy.? Invasive carcinoma with lobular features.? Plasma cell neoplasm.Suggest IHC. 2691,MR1717562,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass- carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy form Left breast mass .GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 gray white to gray yellow linear cores measures 0.4-0.6cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged as cords and clusters. The neoplastic cells are round to polygonal have vesicular nucleus, conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is fibrous. IMPRESSION:Biopsy form Left breast mass .Invasive ductal carcinoma,Modified Bloom Richardson Score 6/9 .Grade2Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism :2Mitotic figures :1 ----- 6/9 -----" 2692,MR1717568,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast ? fibroadenoma ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.6 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is (3+2+1)." 2693,MR1717573,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left axillary tail mass- Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Left axillary tail mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3grey white linear cores measures 0.2 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left axillary mass:Invasive carcinoma suggestive of ductal origin. 2694,MR1717582,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast mass - ? Fibroadenoma ? Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores 0.3 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue with hyperplastic ductules lined by tall columnar epithelium and myoepithelial cells. Stroma shows fibrocollagenous tissue and few lymphocytes. No atypia is seen.IMPRESSION:Right Breast mass, Core Biopsy:Features suggestive of Benign Proliferative breast disease.Negative for invasive malignancy." 2695,MR1717583,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right Breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.3 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring proliferating capillaries and mixed inflammatory cell infiltrate with predominanceá of plasmaá cells. A few ducts are noted surrounded by plasmacyticá inflammatory cell infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right Breast:áInflammatory lesion with predominance ofá plasma cellsKindly follow up and suggest repeat biopsy if deemed necessary.Needs correlation with imageology. 2696,MR1717591,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey whiteá soft tissue bits measures 0.8x0.5x0.4cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass:Invasive carcinoma with lobular features.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9, Grade 2Tubule formationááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------" 2697,MR1717596,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast speculated lesion - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section sows core of tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2698,MR1717608,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin. Procedure : MRM.Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral : 19cm. Superficial to Deep : 5cm. Superior to Inferior : 18cm. Skin ellipse : 15x10cm. Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumour Size : 4x2x2cm. Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrant. Margins of tumor : Infiltrative Deep margin : 2.5cmMuscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 7x6x2cm.Total number of nodes : 12 nodes.Size of largest node : 3x2.5x2cm. Cut surface is greywhite; involved.IMPRESSION:Histopathological examination:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy:Tumor bed:Tumor measures 4 cm in greatest dimension.Invasive Ductal Carcinoma measures 3 cm and DCIS measures 1cm.Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures 4cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Upper inner quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ present Lymphovascular invasion not present.Perineural invasion not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 1 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out 11 nodes (1/11). Perinodal spread present.Pathological stage : pT2N1SUMMARY : Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy:Invasive Ductal carcinoma Grade IINodal metastases : 1 lymph node show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 11 nodes (1/11). Perinodal spread present." 2699,MR1717621,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Lump in left breast - ? Carcinoma breast..SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures measures 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2700,MR1717623,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Lump in Right breast -? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received three grey white linear cores measures 0.3-1 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in differentiated sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1). " 2701,MR1717659,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma left breast, post MRM.Left chest wall lesion - ? Recurrence.SPECIMEN:Left Chest Wall Lesion, Core Biopsy (Post OP- Left breast carcinoma).GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Chest Wall Lesion, Core Biopsy (Post OP- Left breast carcinoma) :Suggestive of Recurrent Carcinoma in known and treated case of carcinoma Left Breast. " 2702,MR1717666,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - ?phyllodes ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.3 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass:Invasive Carcinoma? Metaplastic carcinoma.Suggest confirmation. 2703,MR1717718,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores 0.4 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests . Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2704,MR1717722,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified radical Mastectomy Laterality :LeftTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :19cm Superficial to Deep :4.5 cm Superior to Inferior : 15cmSkin ellipse : 14x8.5cmNipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : SingleTumour Size : 2.7x2x1.5cm Location of tumor : Outer central Margins of tumor : Infiltrating Deep margin : 0.5cmMuscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 6x5x2.5cm.Total number of nodes : 15 Size of largest node : 3x1.5x1cm. Cut surface -grey whiteIMPRESSION:Left modified radical mastectomy:Tumor Bed:Maximum Dimension of tumor is 2.7cmInvasive Ductal Carcinoma is 2.2cmDuctal carcinoma in situ is 0.5cm with cribriform and comedonecrosis.Histophathological Examination:Left Breast left modified radical mastectomy Invasive Ductal Carcinoma in situ carcinoma grade IIModified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism :2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures 2.7cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ present measures 0.5cm with cribriform and comedo necrosis.Lymphovascular invasion presentPerineural invasion presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes : 6 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 15 nodes.Perinodal spread present.SUMMARY:Left modified radical mastectomy invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade IINodal metastates: 6 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 15 nodes. Perinodal spread present.Pathological stage: pT2N2" 2705,MR1717731,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Lump right breast.SPECIMEN:Lumpectomy with wide excision.GROSS FINDINGS:Received lumpectomy specimen measures 5.5x5x3cmCut surface cystic hemorrhagic lesion papillary excrescences measures 1.5x1.5x1.3cm.DISTANCE FROM MARGIN:Superior margin : 1.5cmInferior margin : 1cmMedial margin : 2.3cmLateral margin : 1.5cmDeep margin : 0.9cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows pleomorphic cells with pleomorphic vesicular nucleus and eosinophilic cytoplasm. The tumor is arranged in papillary configuration with fibrovascular core. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 4/9, Nuclear grade 1.Tubule formation : 2 Nuclear pleomorphism : 1Mitotic activity : 1Lymphovascular invasion : Not PresentDuctal carcinoma in situ : Not presentPerineural invasion : Not presentResected margins Superior margin : Free of tumorInferior margin : Free of tumorMedial : Free of tumorLateral margin : Free of tumorIMPRESSION:Lumpectomy with wide excision:Papillary CarcinomaNuclear grade ILymphovascular invasion : Not PresentDuctal carcinoma in situ : Not presentAll resected margins are free of tumor" 2706,MR1717778,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast mass - ? Fibrocystic disease ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey yellow linear cores of measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue with few dilated ducts atypical hyperplasia. There are markedly desmoplastic strom round clusters of atypical cells . The cells are pleomorphic to spindled amount with moderate cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate pleomorphism. scattered lymphocytic infiltration noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Suspicious of malignancy against a background of fibrocystic disease Suggest repeat biopsy. 2707,MR1717781,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? Malignant.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey yellow measures 00.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Bloom Richardson Score is 4/9, Grade 1.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 1Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 4/9" 2708,MR1717785,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right axillary - ? malignant breast.SPECIMEN:Trucut biopsy right breast /axillary mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:H&E section shows linear cores of fibrotic tissue harboring an infiltrating neoplasm arranged in cords and nests. The lesional cell have pleomorphic round to irregular hyperchromatic nucleus, and moderate cytoplasm. Bizarre nuclear forms noted with brisk mitoses and karyorrhectic debris. No definite breast parenchyma noted.IMPRESSION:Trucut biopsy right breast/ axillary mass:Invasive carcinoma (nuclear grade 2)" 2709,MR1717792,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Mass, Core BiopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast mass, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2710,MR1717805,CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast mass - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibro adepose tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm cells in sheets and nests. The cells show moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm pleomorphilic hyperchromatic nuclei. Stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass:Invasive ductal carcinoma NOS. Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9.Tubular formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic activity -- 2 ----------- 7/9 ----------- 2711,MR1717821,CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast - post op.SPECIMEN:Right chest wall lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:.Sectionsfrom the linear core submitted shows infarctioná with occasional atypical cellIMPRESSION:Infarction-Status post operative:Right chest wall lesion 2712,MR1717826,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast - 3-4'o clock position.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion 3-4'o clock position.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with a lesion showing ductal carcinoma in situ of cribriform type and with comedonecrosis.Cells have oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of mucin noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion 3-4'o clock position:Intermediate to high grade ductal carcinoma in situ and focal mucinous areas.NOTE:Larger tissue may be needed to exclude invasive focus. 2713,MR1717832,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows 4 linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating neoplasm arranged in cords and singly scattered forms along with occasional foci of ductal carcinoma in situ. Dense mononuclear infiltrate is noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass:Features are suggestive of Invasive Ductal carcinoma ( Nuclear grade 2). 2714,MR1717835,CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 gray white to gray yellow linear cores measures 0.9-1.9cm. Entire tissue processed.á MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibro Adipose tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in sheets and nests with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Stroma is dismoplastic with necrosis. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast. Invasive ductal carcinoma (NOS) Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is = 7/9Tubular formationáááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá -- 2Mitotic activityááááááááááááááááá -- 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------- 2715,MR1717873,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed,IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive Ductal carcinoma." 2716,MR1717899,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Complex cyst in right breast suspicious of carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right Breast mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented grey white to grey yellow cores measures 0.2 to 0.3 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cell in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 2717,MR1717903,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Left Breast mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and tubules . Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma , Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2718,MR1717908,CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast mass - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1.1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fibro adepose tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in sheets and nests with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Moderate nuclear pleomorphism and prominent nucleoli. Stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma NOS grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9.Tubular formationááááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááá -- 2Mitotic activityáááááááááááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááá ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------- 2719,MR1717915,CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Sentinel lymph node.B) MastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 lymph nodes attached fibrofatty tissue altogether measures 1.5x1x1cm.Largest lymph nodes measuresá 1x0.5x0.5cmSmaller lymph nodes mesures 0.5x0.5x0.5cmReceived inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : FormalinProcedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : Mastectomyá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá ááá Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá :á Rightá Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medialá to lateraláá 17cmááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep 3cmááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior 12cmSkin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá :14x7cm. Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá :Normal áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá á Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááááááá :Linear scar measures 4.7cm adjacent to the nipple areolaáááá complexTumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : SingleTumor Sizeááá ááá ááá á á ááááá áá áá :áá 2x2x1.5cm áááááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááá áá áá : Upper inner quadrantMargins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á á :á Relatively circumscribed ááááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá á á á áá á á : 0.8cmMuscleááá ááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á á á : Present measures 5x3.5cmAdjacent Breastááá ááá á á á á áá á :á Fibrofatty á Axillary tailááá ááá ááá á á á á á áá á áá :AbsentSentinel lymph nodes á á á áá á : 2 nodes Size of largest lymph nodes á : 1x0.5x0.5cmIMPRESSION:Right Mastectomy:Tumor BedMaximum dimension of tumor is 2cmInvasive ductal carcinoma measures 0.8cmExtensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ measures 1.2cmComedo necrosis and papillaryá pattern.Invasive ductal carcinoma gradeá IIModified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9Tubule formationáááááá 2Nuclear pleomorphism 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá 2Tumor measures 2cm in greatest dimensioná located in the upper and inner quadrantDuctal carcinoma in situ present with comedonecrosisLymphovascular invasion not identifiedPerineural invasion not identified.Posterior resection margin is muscle bundle- free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableSentinel nodes 2 Nodes - No deposit of tumor.Pathological state: pT1N0SUMMARY:right modified radical mastectomy invasive ductal carcinomaá with grade IIInvasive Ductal carcinoma in situ.Nodal metastases : Sentinel nodes 2 Nodes - No deposit of tumor. 2720,MR1717941,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN;Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral : 15cm. Superficial to Deep: 3.5cm Superior to Inferior : 14cmSkin ellipse :11.5x7.5cmNipple : Retracted Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : SingleTumour Size : 2x1.5x1cm Location of tumor : Retroareolar Margins of tumor : Infiltrating Deep margin :2cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty Axillary tail : 7x7x2cmTotal number nodes : 22Size of largest nodes : 2 x 1.5 x 1cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltrationIMPRESSION:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy:Tumor bed:Maximum dimension of the tumor is 2cmInvasive ductal carcinoma measures 1.5cmDuctal carcinoma in situ ( solid, low grade) measures 0.5cmTumor is infiltrating into epidermis of nipple and areolaLeft breast left Modified radical mastectomy Invasive Carcinoma grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9.Tubule formation :3Nuclear pleomorphism :2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures 2cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Retroareolar region.Ductal carcnoma in situ present ( Low grade)Lymphovascular invasion presentPerineural invasion not identifiedPosterior resection margin is free of tumorTumor is seen infiltrating into epidermis of nipple and areolaLymph nodes: One lymph node show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 22 nodes.Perinodal spread not present.SUMMARY:Left modified radical mastectomy residual tumor presnt i grade 2Invasive Ductal Carcinoma infiltrating into the nipple and areolaNodal metastasis:One node shows metastatic deposit of tumor out of 22 nodes.Perinodal spread not present." 2721,MR1717949,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast Post NACT.SPECIMEN:A) Sentinel lymph nodes.B) Breast conservative surgery.C) Axillary nodal clearance.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1x0.8cmisolated 2 lymph nodes, largest measures 0.9x0.8x0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4x5x3cmSkin ellipse measures 2x0.8xcmCut surface shows a grey white firm lesion measures 1x1x0.8cm.Distance from margins:-Superior margins : 1cmInferior margins : 1cmRight lateral margin: 2cmLeft lateral margin :1.5cmDeep margin : 2cm.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4x3x2cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sentinel lymph nodes:Two nodes isolated One node in frozen section shows micro metastatic deposits of tumor Invasive ductal carcinoma viable tumor at the capsule out of 2 nodes. No perinodal spread present.B) Breast conservative surgery:The section show fibrotic areas atrophic ducts. No residual viable tumor present.Post therapy changes. Surrounding ducts show adenosisResected margins :-Superior margin: Free of tumor.Inferior margin :Free of tumor.Medial margin :Free of tumor.Lateral margin :Free of tumor.Deep margin :Free of tumorC) Axillary nodal clearance:9 nodes . No deposit of tumor.IMPRESSION:B) Breast conservative surgery:No residual viable tumor All resected margins are free of tumorA)Sentinel lymph nodes:0ne node in frozen section shows micro metastasis of invasive ductal carcinoma of 2 nodes 1/2Perinodal spread not present.C)Axillary lymph node dissection:9 nodes - No metastatic deposit of tumor.0/9" 2722,MR1717985,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Left Breast mass, Core BiopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1.1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast mass, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma , Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6 (3+2+1)." 2723,MR1717987,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast mass - carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Left Breast mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast mass, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2724,MR1717990,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass- carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN :Left breast mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received three grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION :Left breast mass, core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 2725,MR1718002,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear tissue cores showing presence of ducts and acini,showing focal lobular arrangement. There is luminal layer of low columnar to cuboidal epithelial cells and abluminal myoepithelial layer. Few acini are dilated. Focal apocrine metaplasia and micropapillary patterns are noted. There is dense intervening fibrocollagenous connective tissue stroma. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass:Features are suggestive of benign proliferative breast disease.No evidence of malignancy in the sections studied." 2726,MR1718052,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2728,MR1718077,"SR17-4141SITE :Left Breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.Left Apical lymph nodes.Left interpectoral nodes.Received 20 blocks labelled as 8937/17.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from the breast mass show infiltrating neoplasm in sheets, cords and nests. Individual tumor cells showing moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic vesicular nuclei and few showing prominent nucleoli. There is focal peritumor lymphoid aggregates. Lymphovascular invasion is identified. Perineural invasion is not identified.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2.á - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2).á - Tumor measures 4.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in central and inner quadrant(as per outside gross).á - Ductal carcinoma in situ of solid type with intermediate nuclear grade is seen.á - Lymphovascular invasion is seen.á - Perineural invasion is not seen.á - Nipple and areola are unremarkable.á - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Axillary lymph nodes:Five out of fifteen lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposits(5/15).á - Size of the largest tumor deposit measures 1.4 cm in greatest dimension.á - No extranodal extension is seen.Apical nodes: Nine lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy(0/9).Interpectoral lymph nodes :One lymph node is identified, shows metastatic tumor deposit with extranodal extension(1/1).á - Size of the tumor deposit measures 0.4 cm in greatest dimension." 2729,MR1718104,CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast post lumpectomy.SPECIMEN:A)Wide excision of lumpectomy.B) Right axillary lymph node dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Wide local excision of right breast measures 5x4x2cm.Skin ellips measures 3x0.8 cm on serial sectioning vague grey yellow areas noted altogether 0.8x0.5x0.5cm.Distance from margins.Superior margin: 0.8cmInferior margin :2cmMedial margin :2.5cmLateral margin :1.5cmDeep margin :2.5cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5x4x2cm. Large lymph node measures 1.5x0.8x0.6cm. Cut surface - grey brown.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Wide local excision- Post lumpectomyResidual tumor is present; Invasive ductal carcinoma are measuring 0.8x0.5x0.5cmTubule formation- 2Mitotic figures -2Anaplasia - 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Nuclear grade IILymphovascular invasion - Not presentPerineural invasion - Not presentRevised marginsSuperior margin: Free of tumorInferior margin :Free of tumorMedial margin :Free of tumorLateral margin : Free of tumorDeep margins : Free of tumor B) Right axillary lymph node. 8 nodes - No deposit of tumor.IMPRESSION:A)Wide excision of lumpectomy:Residual tumor present measures 0.8x0.7x0.5cm.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Nuclear grade II.Lymphovascular invasion - Not present.Perineural invasion - Not present.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Right axillary lymph node dissection:8 nodes. No deposit of tumor. 2730,MR1718110,CLINICAL DETAILS:Lump right breast.SPECIMEN:Lump in right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 4x4x2cm.On serial sectioning a greywhite lesion measuring 1x1x0.5cm.Distance from margins:-Superior margin : 2cm.Inferior margin : 1.5cm.Medial margin : 1cm.Lateral margin : 2cm.Deep margin : 0.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast parenchyma shows a lesion arranged in papillary architecture in the lumen of ductal system. The papillae are lined by columnar cells exhibiting stratification of nuclei and with scant to moderate cytoplasm. Occasional mitosis seen. Adjacent breast show atypical ductal hyperplasia.IMPRESSION:Lump in right breast:Features are suspicious of intraductal papillary carcinoma.Needs IHC for confirmation.- Lesion measures 1cm in greatest dimension.- Resected margins are free of tumor.- Adjacent breast change-Atypical ductal hyperplasia. 2731,MR1718111,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:A) Sentinel Lymph node biopsyB)Left mastectectomy with Level 1 axillary nodesGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 2 lymph nodes, one measures 0.4x0.4x0.3cm,other measures 0.3 x 0.3x0.2cm. Entire tissue processed.B)Received in : Formalin Procedure : Modified radical mastectomyLaterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 16cm Superficial 5to Deep :4cm Superior to Inferior : 17cmSkin ellipse :12x7.5cm Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect :6cm scar notedTumor : No gross tumor identified Tumour Size : Multiple fibrotic areas noted in the retroareolar and upper outer quadrant Deep margin : 2cm from the fibrotic area.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty Axillary tail : 8x7x6cmSentinel node (Frozen lymph node) 2 nodes Modified radical mastectomy axyllary node : 10Nodes.IMPRESSION:Tumor Bed:Post lumpectomy bed shows fibrosis, necrosis, lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate and occasional giant cells and granulation tissue. No residual tumor presentPosterior resection margn : Free of tumor.Nipple and areola is : Unremarkable.Sentinel lymph node - 2 nodes - No deposits of tumor.Modified Radical Mastectomy Axillary lymph node : 10 nodes -No deposit of tumor.Pathological state: yPT0No.SUMMARY:Left post lumpectomy modified radical mastectomyNo residual tumor present ,Sentinel lymph nodes : 2 nodes - No deposits of tumor - Modified Radical Mastectomy axillary lymph nodes : 10 nodes -No deposit of tumor." 2732,MR1718116,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ?Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Right Breast lump,Core BiopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in tubules, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 1. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is (2+2+1)." 2734,MR1718139,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SITE:Right Breast, Wide Excision.Received 8 slide and 7 block labelled as 1653/17 A E F G H I J K.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Wide Excision:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)Lymph nodes:Sixteen lymph nodes identified, negative for malignancy (0/16)." 2736,MR1718171,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump- ? Carcinoma breast/fibrocystic changes.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1 -1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores with fibrocollagenous tissue and few ductules lined by epithelial and myoepithelial cells. No atypia is seen.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy :Shows benign breast tissue.Negative for malignancy." 2737,MR1718174,CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left chest wall mass lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue with chronic inflammatory infiltrate. Focal hyalinisation is noted. Focal aggregates of plasma cells are seen. No atypical cells are noted.IMPRESSION:Left chest wall mass lesion:Features are suggestive of chronic inflammatory lesion.No evidence of malignancy. 2738,MR1718200,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast carcinoma with left breast benign lump.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast lumpectomy.B) Right breast (with part of underlying muscle).GROSS FINDINGS:A) Left breast lumpectomy:Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measures 4x3.5x3.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 3.5x0.5x0.5cm.Cut surface shows ill defined firm greywhite lesion measures 2x1.5x0.6cm, located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin : 1cm.Inferior margináá : 0.5cm.Medial marginááá : 0.9cm.Lateral marginááá : 2.4cm.Deep margináááááá : 0.2cm.B) Right breast (with part of underlying muscle):Received inááááááááááááááá :á Formalin.Procedureááááááááááááááááá : Mastectomy.Lateralityáááááááááááááááááá : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateralááááááá : 16cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deepá : 3.5cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferioráá : 12cm.Skin ellipseááááá :á 10x6cm.Nippleááááááááááááá : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Noted in the periareolar region measures 2cm.Tumor sizeááááá : Firm area noted below the scar in the central quadrant measures 2x1.5x1cm.Location of tumor : central quadrant.Deep margináááááá : 1.5cm.Muscleááááááááááááááá : Present. 3x1.5cm.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Axillary tailááááááááááááááááááá : 7x5x1.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from left breast lump show breast parenchyma harboring a lesion showing multiple foci of haphazardly arranged ducts lined by cuboidal to columnar cells having bland looking round to oval vesicular nuclei, conspicuous nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm and surrounded by layer of myoepithelial cells. Lumen of few dilated glands show eosinophilic granular secretions. Stroma shows hyalinization and fibrosis. Mitotic figures are not identified.Right breast:Tumor bed : Shows predominantly cords and occasional irregular clusters and tubules of infiltrating cells having pleomorphic round to oval vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows few signet ring like cells, extensive hyalinization and fibrosis along with dilated ducts filled with eosinophilic secretions.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast lumpectomy:Adenomyoepithelial Adenosis.No evidence of malignancy seen.B) Right breast (with part of underlying muscle):Invasive ductal carcinoma with lobular features, grade 2.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formationáááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism :á 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááá :áá 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------------Tumor measures 2cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not identified.Lymphovascular invasion isá present.Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Muscle :unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 23 lymph nodes, Metastasis (1/23). No extranodal extension seen." 2739,MR1718217,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy fromá right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.7 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------Areas of necrosis seen." 2740,MR1718235,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.2 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores with an infiltrative neoplasm arranged in sheets. The cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism with round to oval nuclei occasional conspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm, mitotic figures are discerned. Surrounding stroma shows dense plasmacytic inflammation.IHC ; pck -positive in tumour cellsIMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Suggestive of poorly differentiated carcinoma against a background of plasma cell mastitis.." 2741,MR1718240,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma shows infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets nests. The cells forming the lesion are round to oval with hyperchromatic nuclei abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Few cells show vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Adjacent stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltration.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9.Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 1 ------------- 6/9 ------------- 2742,MR1718300,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue fragments harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets. The cells have high N:C ratio with round to oval pleomorphic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Intervening area shows hyalinisation and fibrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9.Tubular formationáááááááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááááá -- 3Mitotic activityáááááááááááááááááááááááá -- 1 áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------" 2743,MR1718326,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lumpSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harbouring an invasive neoplasm in sheets and nests. The cells show moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate pleomorphism and prominent nucleoli. Extensive peritumoral lymphocytes noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma( NST)Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 3+2+2=7/9. 2745,MR1718346,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibro adipose tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm seen in nests and tubules .The cells show abundant eosinophilic granular cytoplasm ,nuclei with moderate pleomorphiism.The stroma is desmoplastic with foci of inflammation.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma (NST) with apocrine features, Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 2+2+2=6/9." 2746,MR1718357,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores with a tumor arranged in the form of nests cords and glands . The tumor cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism with conspicuous nucleoli. Many mitotic figures are seen. Perineural invasion is noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9 (2+2+3)." 2747,MR1718374,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast lump.SPECIMEN:Right side chest wall lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear grey white cores measures 1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in sheets and cords composed of cells with moderate eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm pleomorphic nuclei with moderate eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm pleomorphic a nuclei with moderate atypia and prominent nucleoli stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Right side chest wall lesion, Biopsy :Suggestive of Recurrence carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast." 2748,MR1718395,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right lung mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.7 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged in cords and vague nests along with extensive areas of necrosis. The tumor cells have irregular hyperchromatic nucleus, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Marked nuclear pleomorphism is noted. Surrounding stroma shows karyorrhectic debris. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right lung mass:Features are suggestive of poorly differentiated carcinoma probably metastatic from breast." 2750,MR1718408,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right Breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harbouring an invasive neoplasm in sheets and tubules . The cells show moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate pleomorphism and increased mitosis . Areas of necrosis present.Solid type Ductal carcinoma in situ noted. Stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma (NST)Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 3+2+3=8/9 2751,MR1718410,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Lump in the left breast - ? malignancy.SPECIMEN:Biopsy form left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy form left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9.Tubule formationáááááááááááááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááá -- 2Mitotic activityáááááááááááááááááááááá -- 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------" 2752,MR1718431,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords, trabecular and in sheets. The cells have round to oval pleomorphic nuclei with moderate amount of cytoplasm. Mitosis are seen. Areas of hyalinisation are noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump;Invasive ductal carcinoma grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9.Tubular formationáááááááááááááááááááá -- 3 Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááááááá -- 2Mitotic activity á á á á á á á á á á á á á -- 2 áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------áá " 2753,MR1718462,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast, Right Lumpectomy(Post NACT).B) Right axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 8.5 x 6 x 2.5 cm.Serial section identified grey white lesion measures 2.5x2x1.5 cmDistances from different margins:Superior margin : 1.5 cmInferior margin : 2 cmMedial margin : 3 cmLateral margin : 1.5 cmRepresentative sections are submitted.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 9x5x3 cmMultiple lymph nodes identified,Largest lymph node measures 2x2x1 cm, cut surface shows grey brown.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows residual tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular or perineural invasion is not seen.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast, Right Lumpectomy(Post NACT) :RESIDUAL INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2. - Tumor measures 2.5 cm in greatest dimension. - Lymphovascular invasion is not seen. - Perineural invasion is not seen. - All margins of resection are free of tumor.B) Right axillary lymph nodes:Fourteen lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy (0/14)." 2754,MR1718465,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast post lumpectomy.SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified radical mastectomyLaterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 18cm Superficial to Deep : 5cm Superior to Inferior : 17cmSkin ellipse :14x8cm Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect :Healed scar measures 2.5cm in upper outer quadrant.Tumor : Single Tumour Size : 2.1x1.9x1.2cm shows fibrotic and necrotic areas. No solid tumor present. Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant Margins of tumor : Infitrative Deep margin : 2cmMuscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : FibrofattyAxillary tail : 7x6x3cmTotal number of nodes : 18 Size of largest node :1.8x1.5x1cmIMPRESSION:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy:Tumor bed:Multiple section shows fibrotic,necrotic and inflammatory cells consisting of lymphoplasmacytic cells,foreign body giant cells.There is no evidence of residual tumor present.Left breast,Left modified radical mastectomyPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable Lymph nodes 2 lymph nodes shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 18 nodes. Perinodal spread not presentPathological stage : ypT0N1SUMMARY:Left post lumpectomy modified radical mastectomyNo residual tumor presentNodal metastases: 2 nodes show metastatic deposits of invasion ductal carcinoma out of 18 nodes.Perinodal spread not present" 2755,MR1718470,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.3 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section sows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2756,MR1718471,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white to grey brown linear measures 1 x 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in tubules and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 1 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 5(2+2+1)." 2757,MR1718484,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast SPECIMEN:A)Right breast axillary sentinel lymph nodeB) Right Breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue measures3.5x2x0.5cm. Largest lymph nodes measures 2.5x1.5x0.5cm. Cut surace faty infiltrating isolated 3 lymph nodes.B) Received in : Formalin Procedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :21cm Superficial to Deep :4cm Superior to inferior : 14cmSkin ellipse :11.5x7cmNipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenGrey white lesion : Single Grey white lesion measures : 3x3x2.5cm cystic areas measures 0.2 to 0.4cm. Location grey white lesion : Upper outer quadrant : Margins of tumor : Circumscribed Deep margin : 2cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:section from the breast parenchyma with a lesion arranged in papillae in solid sheets and cribriform. The cells are moderate cytoplasm and prominent nucleoli comedo necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:A)Right breast axillary sentinel lymph node:3 lymph nodes identified : one shows tumor deposit in sub capsular regionB) Right Breast lump:Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ Papillary, solid and cribriform patternFoci of invasion measures 0.5cmDuctal carcinoma in situ measures 2.5cmLymphovascular invasion is presentPerineural invasion not identifiedPosterior margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkable." 2758,MR1718485,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast biopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue infiltrated by sheets and irregular nests comprising of atypical oval cells with round to oval pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and scanty cytoplasm. Stroma show extensive lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate and hyalinisation. Mitotic figures 4-5/10 hpf.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------ 6/9with extensive lymphocytic infiltrate.The possibility of intramammary node harbouring tumor deposits cannot be ruled out.Please correlate with mammographic findings." 2759,MR1718487,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast lump, post lumpectomy.B) Right axillary sentinal node.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 6x5x3.5cm.Overlying skin ellipse measures 3.2x1.5cm with solid measures 2cm.Cut surface shows a greywhite lesion measuring 2.5x2x1.5cm.Distance from margins:-Superior margin -- 1.5cm.Inferior margin -- 0.8cm.Lateral margin -- 1cm.Medial margin -- 1.5cm.Deep margin -- 2cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue altogether measuring 2x2x0.6cm.Three lymph nodes identified.Largest lymph node measures 1.2x1x0.5cm. Cut surface is inked.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast parenchyma shows neoplastic cells arranged in tubules, cords and in sheets. The cells are pleomorphic with round o oval vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Intervening stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrate and areas of hemorrhage. Extensive areas of DCIS is seen.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast lump, post lumpectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II with extensive DCIS.Invasive component measures 1.2cm.MBR Score : 6/9.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 1 -------------- 6/9 --------------All resected margins are free of tumor.Deep margin is free of tumor.Perineural invasion, Lymphovascular invasion not seen.B) Right axillary sentinal node:Isolated 4 lymph nodes, all are free of tumor (0/4)." 2760,MR1718489,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast lump- status post NACT.B) Left axillary sentinel lymph nodes.C) Left axillary node dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 6.5x5x3cm.Cut surface shows grey yellow lesion. No definite tumor identified grossly.Distance of lesion from respective margins:-Superior margin : 1.5cm.Inferior margin : 1.3cm.Medial margin : 2.5cm.Lateral margin : 2.5cm.Deep (uninked) : 2cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x1x0.8cm.Largest lymph node measures 0.8x0.6x0.5cm. Cut surface is unremarkable, isolated 3 lymph nodes.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4x4x3cm.Largest lymph node measures 1x0.8x0.5cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast lump- status post NACT:No residual viable tumor present.Chronic inflammation with xantho granulomatous change.No lymphovascular or No perineural invasion present.Adjacent breast shows fibroadenosis.All resected margins including deep margin are free of tumor.B) Left axillary sentinel lymph nodes:Isolated five lymph nodes, are free of tumor (0/5).C) Left axillary node dissection:Isolated eleven lymph nodes are free of tumor (0/11). They show reactive hyperplasia.SUMMARY: No residual tumor status post Post NACT.Resected margin is free of tumor.Left axillary nodes: 16 of 16 free of tumor (0/16)." 2761,MR1718498,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2762,MR1718509,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords. The cells have pleomorphic round to oval nuclei with scant cytoplasm. Areas of hyalinization seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubular formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 3Mitotic activity -- 1 ------------ 7/9 ------------" 2763,MR1718511,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6 (3+2+1)." 2764,MR1718512,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump -á Possibility of Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section sh9ows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords, trabecular and in sheets. The cells are pleomorphic with round to oval vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis and hyalinisation.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump , Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade II Modified Bloom Richardson scoreá is 7/9Tubule formationáááááá : 3Nuclear Pleomorphic: 3Mitotic figuresááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9Ductal carcinoma in situ comedonecrosis seen.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------" 2767,MR1718555,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.2x1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harbouring a neoplastic lesioná arranged in cords, trabecular and singly scattered. The cells are pleomorphicá with round to oval vesicular nuclei prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of hyalinisation seen. Areas of hemorrhagic seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump , Biopsy:Invasive Carcinoma, Grade III 8/9.Tubule formationáááááá : 3Nuclear Pleomorphic: 3Mitotic figuresááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------" 2768,MR1718557,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump/ P/O carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue with infiltration lesion in the fibrofatty tissue. The cells are arranged in sheets with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicious nucleoli and scant amount of cytoplasm.Mitotic figures discerned. Crush artefacts noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Hematolymphoid malignancy.Suggest IHC." 2769,MR1718568,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received three grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by ductal carcinoma in situ.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Shows ductal carcinoma in situ of solid pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen. Invasive carcinoma cannot be ruled out.Suggest repeat biopsy of excision of the lump for further confirmation of invasive component." 2770,MR1718581,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast, post lumpectomy.SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :21cm Superficial to Deep :3cm Superior to Inferior :15cmSkin ellipse :13x6cm Nipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor Size : Grey white firm area measures 0.4x0.4x0.3. No solid tumor present Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant Deep margin : 0.5cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 6x4.5x1cmLargest lymph nodes : 2.5x1x1xcm. Cut surface-fatty infiltrationLymphl nodes : 12Size of largest node : 2.5x1x1cmIMPRESSION:Right breast, right modified radical mastectomy, post lumpectomyLumpectomy bed: shows fibrosis, necrosis and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates.No evidence of residual tumor present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Sentinel lymph nodes - 1 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of ductal carcinoma out of 12 nodes .Perinodal spread presentPathological state ypT0N1.SUMMARY:Right breast, modified radical mastectomy, post lumpectomy :Post lumpectomy changes with fibrosis, necrosis and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates .No evidence of residual tumor.Nodal metastasis: 1 lymph node show metastatic deposits of ductal carcinoma out of 12 nodes." 2771,MR1718584,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Let axillary node - ? deposit.SPECIMEN:Left Axillary node, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Axillary node, Core Biopsy:Positive for malignancy.Suggestive of Metastatic Carcinoma - Most possible from breast." 2772,MR1718592,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6 (3+2+1)." 2773,MR1718608,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 mucinous cores measures 0.4 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section tissue showing few tumor cells in small nests lying in pools of extracellular mucin. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy:Suggestive of Mucinous Carcinoma." 2774,MR1718615,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast wide excision lumpectomyB) Blue + hot nodeC) Non blue non hot nodeD) Wide excision of skin lesion GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measuring 5.5x3x2.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 4x1.2cmSurface shows scar measuring 1cmSection shows ? grey white lesion measures 1x0.8x0.8cm. No obvious tumor is noted.Distance from margins:Superior margin : 0.5cmInferior margin : 0.3cmMedial margin : 1cmLateral margin : 1.2cmDeep margin :1.5cmSuperior and inferior margins show fibrosisB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x2x1cm. Isolated 2 lymph nodes.Largest node measures 0.4x0.4x0.4cm. C) Received singly fibrofatty tissue measures 1x1x0.5cmIsolated lymph node.D) Received skin covered fibrofatty measures 7x4x2.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 6.5x3.5cmSurface shows shows slightly discolored elevated area measuring 3.5x2.5x0.5cmDistance from margin:Superior margin : 1.5cmInferior margin : 2cmMedial margin : 0.8cmLateral margin : 0.9cmDeep margin :2cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A)Section studied show breast parenchyma with adenosis, stromal fibrosis, focal necrosis and inflammatory infiltrates . Multinucleated giant cells seen. No residual tumor seen.D )Section studied show skin with a lesion in reticular dermis arranged in small nests sheets, predominantly around pilosebaceous units . Lesion shows variable cellularity and pigmentation. Cells have round to oval vesicular nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. No cellular atypia or mitosis noted . Lesion is seen extending into subcutancous adipose tissue.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast wide excision lumpectomy, Post lumpectomyNo residual tumor seen, only adenosisAll resected margins including deep are free of tumor.B) Blue + hot node :Four lymph nodes isolated, all are free of tumor (0/4)C) Non blue non hot node : Single lymph node isolated, free of tumor (0/1).D) Wide excision of skin lesion of right arm dorsal aspect :Intradermal nevus Lesion measures 3.5x2.5x0.5cmAll resected margin including deep are free." 2775,MR1718620,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Residual Invasive ductal carcinoma left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral : 22 cm Superficial to Deep : 4.5 cm Superior to Inferior : 19 cmSkin ellipse : 14x10 cm Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : Grey white firm areaTumor Size : Noted in Upper outer quadrant measures 2x1.8x1.3 cm Distance from deep margin : 1 cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast :Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 6x4x2 cmSize of largest node : 2.5x0.8x0.5 cmGrossed by (Not to be typed) : Cut surface show fatty infiltrationMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show breast parenchyma with lesion composed of extensive DCIS of solid, comedonecrosis type. Invasive components seen in nest. The cells have moderately pleomorphic round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm around ducts lymphocytic infiltrate and foamymachrophage noted.IMPRESSION:Histopathologic Examination:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Residual invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.Modified BR score is 6.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 1Tumor measures 0.5 cm and measures DCIS 1 cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant.Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ present comedonecrosis and solid type.Lymphovascular invasion indeterminate.Perineural invasion Not present.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 17 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 1, (1/17) . Pathological stage : yPT1N1Summary : Left MRM (Post NACT status), Extensive DCIS with comedonecrosis and foci of invasive carcinoma residual tumor, Grade 2.Nodal metastasis present." 2776,MR1718672,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of carcinoma breast.Cerebral metastasis. SPECIMEN:Right fronto-parietal craniotomy and surgical decompression of tumor.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2.5x2.5x2.5 cm globular grey white mass, cut surface shows grey white.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows glial tissue exhibiting extensive necrosis and infiltration by clusters and islands of atypical cells having enlarged pleomorphic round to oval nuclei granular chromatin prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Pervascular arrangement of cells is noted in some areas. Mitotic figures discerned 1-2/hpf. Occasional large bizarre multi nucleate cells are noted. IMPRESSION :Right fronto-parietalá region :Consistent with Metastatic deposit in a known case of carcinoma breast." 2777,MR1718674,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrocollagenous tissue with an invasive neoplasm in sheets and nests. The cells show moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Areas of necrosis present. Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedo necrosis noted. Stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma NST.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubular formationááááááááááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphismáááááá -- 2Mitotic activityááááááááááááááááááá -- 3áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------Ductal carcinoma in situ comedo type seen. 2778,MR1718696,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.7 to 1.1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2779,MR1718703,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue with invasive neoplasm in sheets and linear cords and nests. The cells show moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm and eccentric placed nuclei. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis present. Stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 2781,MR1718724,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SITE:Left MRM and Apical node.Received 12 blocks labelled as 1710/17 A,C -M.Received 13 slides labelled as 1710/17 A-M.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the tumor show invasive neoplasm in nests and sheets. The cells show moderate cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate pleomorphism. Stroma is desmoplastic. Ductal carcinoma in situ solid type noted.IMPRESSION:Left MRM and Apical node:Invasive ductal carcinoma (NOS).Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubular formation -- 2Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic activity -- 2 ------------ 6/9 -------------Tumor measures 4.2cm (previous report) in greatest dimension.Ductal carcinoma in situ present solid type high grade.Nipple areola are unremarkable.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion not identified.Resected margins are free of tumor.One out of 21 nodes show tumor deposit( 1/21).Size of the deposit 0.2cm.No extranodal extension." 2782,MR1718730,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords, trabecular and in sheets. The cells are pleomorphic with round to oval vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and abundant cytoplasm. Intervening stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrate. Areas of hyalinisation and fibrosis seen. Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, NST grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubular formationáááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá -- 2mitotic activityáááááááááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------Areas of necrosis seen." 2783,MR1718733,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm lesion arranged in sheets . The cells have abundant cytoplasm with oval pleomorphic vesicular nuclei prominent nucleoli. Brisk mitotic activity are seen. Intervening stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrate . Areas of hemorrhage seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, NST, Grade IIIModified Bloom Richardson Score is 8/9Tubule formationááá á á á : á 3Nuclear pleomorphism :áá 3Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá á :ááá 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9" 2784,MR1718734,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma Right breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords and trabeculae. The cells are moderately pleomorphic with round to oval vesicular nuclei ,prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of hyalinisation seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast lesion biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma , Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson Score 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures :1 -------- 6/9" 2785,MR1718740,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast - post opSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left lung mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue infiltrated by islands, cords and nests of atypical cells with pleomorphic ovoid dark nuclei, irregular nuclear margins and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm few cells have round to oval dark nuclei and abundant pale granular eosinophilic cytoplasm. Areasá of necrosisá seen. Mitosis 5-6 /10hpf . Stroma is fibrotic and shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from lung mass:Suggestive of metastatic deposits in a known case of carcinoma breast." 2786,MR1718746,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? male breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)" 2787,MR1718748,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast T2N1.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast, Wide local excision.B) Received deep margin.C) Axillary dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 8.5 x 6.5 x 3 cm.Cut surface shows a greywhite lesion measuring 3 x 2.8 x 1.8 cm.Distance from margins:-Superior margin : 3 cm.Inferior margin : 2 cm.Medial margin : 2 cm.Lateral margin : 2 cm.Deep margin : 0.5 cm.Representative sections are submitted.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3.5 x 2 x 1 cm.One surface inked. Entire tissue processed.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 6 x 5 x 4 cm.Largest lymph node measuring 2 x 1.8 x 1.5 cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple sections examined show a tumor arranged in sheets, nests and focally in cords. The tumor cells show small round to oval nuclei with conspicuous nucleoli and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Few mitotic figures are discerned. No lymphovascular or Perineural invasion is seen.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast, Wide local excision :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score 7(3+2+2). - Tumor measures 3 cm in greatest dimension. - No lymphovascular or Perineural invasion is seen. - Ductal carcinoma -in-situ of solid and cribriform pattern with intermediate grade nuclei). - All resected margins (Superior, inferior, medial, lateral) are free of tumor.B) Received deep margin:Free of tumor.C) Right Axillary dissection :One out of fifteen lymph nodes identified shows metastatic tumor deposit(1/15). - Size of the tumor deposit measures 1 cm in greatest dimension. - Extranodal extension is not seen.Pathological Stage : pT2N1a" 2788,MR1718757,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - ? MalignantSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma.Modified Bloom Richardson score 8/9, Grade 3Tubule formationáááááááá :3Nuclear pleomorphism:3Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9" 2789,MR1718767,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast wide excision.B) Blue node.C) Blue + hot nodeD) Non blue non hot node.E) Left axillary clearance.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 6x4.5x4cm.Skin ellipse measures 5x0.8cm.Cut surface shows a greywhite lesion measuring 2x1.6x1cm.Distance from margins:-Superior margin -- 0.8cm.Inferior margin -- 0.7cm.Medial margin -- 1.5cm.Lateral margin -- 1cm.Deep margin(inked) -- 0.5cm.B) Received 1 lymph node measuring 0.5x0.5x0.4cm. Entire tissue processed.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 2x1.5x1cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1.1x1x0.8cm.Cut surface shows greywhite to greybrown. Entire tissue processed.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 1.5x1x0.5cm. Largest lymph node measuring 0.6x0.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.E) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3.5x2.5x1.5cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1.2x1x0.6cm. Cut surface appears greybrown.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords, trabeculae and tubules. The cells are pleomorphic with round to oval vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis is noted. Adjacent stroma show DCIS areas. Intervening stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast wide excision:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II (7/9) with DCIS (Comedo necrosis, cribriform).MBR score : 7/9, grade IITubule formation : 3Pleomorphism : 3Mitosis : 1 ------------ 7/9 ------------Tumor measures 2cm in greatest dimension.Deep margin is 0.4cm away from tumor.Inked deep margin is free of tumor.All resected margins are free of tumor.Lymphovascular invasion is indeterminate.Perineural invasion is not identified.B to D ) Left Sentinel NodeTwo out of eight lymph nodes show tumor deposit.(2/8)Largest tumor deposit measures 0.6cmPerinodal extension is seen E) Left axillary clearance:Isolated 10 lymph nodes ,are free of tumor (0/10).SUMMARY: In total, isolated eighteen lymph nodes, out of which two shows tumor deposits (2/18).Perinodal spread present.Pathological stage : pT1N1." 2790,MR1718788,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged to cords, sheets. The cells are pleomorphic with round to oval vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and scant cytoplasm. Intervening stroma shows hemorrhage, hyalinisation and fibrosis.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, NST.Nuclear grade II." 2791,MR1718795,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? MalignantSPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords , trabeculae. The cells are pleomorphic with round to oval vesicular nuclei prominent nucleoli and scant cytoplasm. Ductal carcinoma in situ component is seen. Areas of hyalinisation and fibrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right Breast:Invasive Ductal carcinoma , NST , Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9Tubule formation :3Nuclear pleomorphic : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 ---------Ductal carcinoma in situ (Cribriform type) with comedonecrosis." 2792,MR1718813,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Lump right breast - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Trucut biopsy right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1x0x2cm Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores tissue cores harboring an inflltrative lesion arranged in cords tubules and discretelyá scattered cells exhibitingá increased N/C ratio nuclear hyperchromasia pleomorphism and variable amount of cytoplasm. the intervening stroma is dense fibrocollagenous . Extensive necrosis is seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Trucut biopsy right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma breast, Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson Score (2+2+2)." 2793,MR1718823,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMENA) Left breast lumpB)Left sentinel lymph nodeGROSS FINDINGSA) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 5.5x5x2.5cmSkin ellipse measures 2.5x0.5cmCut surface area measures 2x1.5x1.5cm.Distance from margins:Superior margin: 2cmInferior margin : 1.5cmMedial margin :1.5cmCentral margin : 0.8cmDeep margin : 0.5cmB) Received fibrofatty altogether measures 2.5x2x0.5cm. 3 lymph nodes identifiedLargest lymph nodes measures 1x1x0.5cmCut surface grey white to grey brown.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGSSection sows breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in lobules seperated by fibrocollagenous septa. Cells having round to oval pleomorphic vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Brisk mitosis is discerned . Interspersed lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate is noted. Areas of necrosis. IMPRESSIONA) Left breast lump : Wide excision:Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade 3Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9(3+2+3)- Tumor measures 2cm in greatest dimension- Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not identified- All margins of tumor including deep margin are free of tumor.B) Sentinel lymph node, left axillaIsolated 5 lymph nodes all are free of tumor (0/5)" 2794,MR1718829,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast post lumpectomySPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastecmoy. Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral : 15cm Superficial to Deep : 4cm Superior to -Inferior : 15cmSkin ellipse : 10x6cmNipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : Single Lesion measuring : 2.5x2x2cm cut surface shows grey white scar with no definite lesion identified Location of tumor : Right upper outer quadrant Margins of tumor : ill definite Deep margin : 1.5cmMuscle : Present measures 3x2cm.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : Measures 6x5x3cmTotal number of nodes : 14 (Specify if Sentinel nodes sent )Size of largest node :1x0.9x0.7cm Cut surface grey white.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma shows inflammation infiltrates composed of lymphocytic epithelial cells multi nucleate giant ells foamy macrophages. Areas of necrosis. No evidence of malignancy identified.IMPRESSION:Tumor bed:No residual tumor present and tumor bed shows fibrosis, necrosis hemorrhage ares lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate and foreign body giant cells.Right breast right modified radical mastectomyNo residual tumor carcinoma.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes 14 lymph nodes metastasis 6 (6/14)perinodal spread presentPathological state: yT0N2.SUMMARY:Right modified radical mastectomy no residual tumor Nodal metastasis 6/14 6 out of 14 shows nodal metastatic with perinodal extension" 2796,MR1718871,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lesion - ? MalignantSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive Ductal carcinoma Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9, Grade 2Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism:2Mitotic figures :2 ------ 6/9 --------" 2797,MR1718872,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged in tubular pattern and in clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis and hemorrhage seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubule formationáááááááááááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááááááááá -- 2Mitotic activityáááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -- 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9 ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------- 2798,MR1718881,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:Sacrum lesionGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.7-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores with infiltrating neoplasm arranged in glands and diffuse scattered cells. The cells forming the lesion are round to oval with hyperchromatic nuclei with scant to moderate cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates.IMPRESSION:Sacrum lesion,biopsy:Metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast." 2799,MR1718885,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Cerebellar tumor ? metastasis. SPECIMEN :Cerebellar tumor :GROSS FINDINGS :Received multiple grey white soft tissue bits measures 3.5x3x2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section studied shows tissue fragments harboring a predominantly necrotic lesion surrounding by congested vessels and areas of hemorrhage. The viable tumor cells are arranged is scattered clusters, large nests and sheets of round to oval cells with moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm and oval vesicular to hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are 2-3/10hpf. IMPRESSION :Cerebellar tumor :Metastatic carcinomatous deposits in known case of breast cancer. " 2800,MR1718886,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast mass - ? MalignantSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white to grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive Ductal carcinoma Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9, Grade 2Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism:2Mitotic figures :2 ------ 6/9 --------" 2801,MR1718903,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast, Wide excision.B) Revised deep margin.C) Left Axillary dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 6x5x2.5cm.Skin flap measuring 5x1.5cm. Cut surface shows a greywhite lesion measuring 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 cm, located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 2.5cm.Inferior margin -- 2cm.Medial margin -- 1.5cm.Lateral margin -- 1cm.Deep margin -- 1cm.Representative sections are submitted.B) Received single soft tissue bits measuring 1.5x1x1cm. Entire tissue processed.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 5x4x3cm.Largest lymph node measuring 0.9x0.8x0.7cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast parenchyma shows a lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells forming the lesion are round to oval vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli, moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic 4-5/10 hpf. Lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates are seen.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast, Wide excision:INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2.- Modified Boom Richardson Score is 7 (3+2+2).- Tumor measures 1.5cm in greatest dimension.- Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.- Perineural invasion is not identified.- DCIS component is not seen.- All margins of resection are free of tumor.B) Revised deep margin: Free of tumor.C) Left Axillary dissection:Fifteen lymph nodes are identified, all are free of tumor (0/15).Pathological stage : pT1cN0" 2802,MR1718918,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 t- 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores with an infiltrating tumor arranged in nests sheets and cords. The tumor cells show moderate to marked pleomorphism with round to oval nuclei prominent eosinophilic nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Few multi nucleated and bizarre forms and seen. Focally few nests of cells are noted having abundant dense eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, ductal NST, Grade III.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+3+3 =9/9" 2804,MR1718931,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump -possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. entire tissue processed MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in islands and cords . The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia . Lymphovascular invasion is identified.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade IIModified Bloom Richardson Score is (3+2+1)6 2805,MR1718944,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. entire tissue processed MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with areas of ductal carcinoma in situ the cells having pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows fibrosis . Areas of adenosis and occasional aggregates,? single scattered neoplastic cells in the stroma seen. Lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate noted . Lymphovascular emboli noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Predominant component of ductal carcinoma in situ with occasional suspicious focus of invasion.Definitive invasion cannot be commented upon and requires a repeat biopsy for receptor status" 2806,MR1718945,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast post NACT.SPECIMEN:A) Left modified radical mastectomyB) Level III lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy NACT Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :21cm Superficial to Deep :7cm Superior to Inferior :17cmSkin ellipse :15x11cm Nipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : SingleTumor Size : 2.2x2x2cm Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrant Margins of tumor : Infiltrative Deep margin : 2cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 11x9x3cmcmLymph nodes level I& II : 19 Size of largest node :1 cm in maximum dimension cut surface grey brownLevel III lymph node : 7 nodes. B) Received 1 fibrofatty tissue bit measures 3.5x3x1cm.Largest lymph node measures 0.9cm in maximum dimension.IMPRESSION:Left breast left modified radical mastectomyModified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9, Grade IIITubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3Tumor measures 2.7 cm in greatest dimension is located in the upper inner quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.Lymphovascular invasion present.Perineural invasion presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Level I& II lymph nodes - 2 lymph nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 19 nodesPerinodal spread present.Level III - 7 nodes - No deposit of tumorPathological state ypT2N1.SUMMARY:Left Post NACT modified radical mastectomy residual viable tumor Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade IIILevel I& II lymph nodes - 2 lymph nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 19 nodesPerinodal spread not present.Level III - 7 nodes - No deposit of tumor" 2807,MR1718946,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a cellular lesion arranged in nests and sheets consisting of atypical cells with round to oval dark nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitoses: 5-6/10hpf discerned. Stroma shows fibrosis and scattered lymphocytes.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive Carcinoma, NOS,grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic activity -- 2 -------------- 7/9 --------------" 2808,MR1718950,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast, post NACT 8 cycles.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 18cm Superficial - deep : 5.5cm Superior-inferior : 16cmSkin ellipse : 18x11cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : 2.5cm in supero lateral quadrant. Beneath that another linear scar measures 2cm.Tumor : No obvious tumor is seen. An ill defined greywhite fibrotic areas measures 1.5x1x0.5cm.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Deep margin : 0.5cm.Muscle : 4x3x2cm.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : 5.5x4x2cm.Size of largest node : 1x0.8x0.8cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from multiple tissue sections composed of invasive neoplasm arranged in sheets, nests and cords. The cells are pleomorphic with scant cytoplasm and large hyperchromatic irregular nuclei with prominent 1-2 nucleoli. Occasional multinucleated tumor giant cells are seen. Brisk atypical mitosis (8-10/hpf) present. Foci of comedo solid and cribriform DCIS present. Stroma shows dense desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Residual Invasive carcinoma of ductal origin, NOS.Modified BR score is 8/9. Grade IIITubular formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 3Tumor measures maximum dimension 2.5cm.Invasive component measures 2cm.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Comedo and solid.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 10 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 9,(9/10).Pathological stage : ypT2ypN2.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Residual Invasive carcinoma, grade IIINodal metastases : 10 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 9,(9/10)." 2809,MR1718953,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 -1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged n tubules cords . The lesional cells are round to oval having vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Mitosis 6-7/10hpfIMPRESSION:Left breast lumpInvasive ductal carcinoma grade IIModified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(2+2+2)" 2810,MR1718975,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by diffuse sheets, islands and cords of neoplastic cells with round to oval pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, irregular nuclear borders and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Also seen group of bizarre looking cells with markedly pleomorphic nuclei. Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. Mitotic figures 10-12/10hpf are discerned.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, NST, grade 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 9/9.Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 3Mitotic activity -- 3 ----------- 9/9 ------------" 2811,MR1718978,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of infiltrative lesion arranged in in cords trabecular and in sheets. The cells are pleomorphic with round to oval vesicular nuclei prominent nucleoli and abundant cytoplasm. Areas of hyalinisation and fibrosis are seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, NOS, Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9Tubule formation=3Nuclear pleomorphism=2Mitotic figures=2 ." 2812,MR1718981,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive Ductal CarcinomaModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------ 6/9 ------- 2813,MR1718995,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Malignant.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast parenchyma shows neoplastic cells arranged in cords, singly scattered. The cells are pleomorphic with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Extensive areas of hyalinisation and desmoplasia are noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump.Invasive carcinoma,Nuclear grade II. " 2814,MR1718997,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Firm irregular nodule at upper quadrant of left breast adjoing areolar border since 1 monthSITE: Left breastReceived 19 block as 3148 A, B , 3148 L1A - L1 K, 3148 L2A -2C, 3148 L3A - L3CReceived 20 slides labelled as 3148 A-D, L1A-L1K, 3148 L2A -2C, 3148 L3A - L3CMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma showing an infiltrative lesion arranged in nests, islands, cords and trabeculae consistent of atypical cells with round to oval vesicular pleomorphic nuclei and prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. multinucleate tumor giant cells are noted. mitotic figures -1-2/hpf. Interpressed lymphocytes and plasma cells are seen. Areas of necrosis noted. Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis identified.Section from lymph nodes shows extensive granulomas consistent of epitheloid cells, histiocytes, lymphocytes and miltinucleated giant cells. IMPRESSION:Left breast, left mastectomy with axillary clearance :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 3Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedo necrosis is seen.Tumor measures 3.5x3.0x3.5cm is unifocal and is present in the lower quadrant.Nipple and areola are unremarkable.Posterior resected margin is free of tumor.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not identified.Lymph nodes : All Lymph nodes show granulomatous inflammation ? Koch's etiology Level I : 24 lymph nodes are free of tumor ( 0/24)Level 2 : 06 lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor (0/6)Level 3 : 07 lymph nodes isolated, all are free of tumor Total 42 lymphnodes isolated, all are free of tumor(0/42) and shows granulomatous inflammation, probably of Koch's etiology.Suggest further workup." 2816,MR1719031,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump:Extensive necrosis with foci suggestive of Invasive carcinoma Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9 Grade 2Tubule formationáááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9 2817,MR1719035,CLINICAL HISTORY:? Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Wide local excision right breast lump.B)Revised superior margin GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 5x4x1.5cmCut surface shows a grey white ill defined areas measures 3x2.5x2.5cm. Distance from margins:Superior marginá : 0.2cmInferior margináá : 0.6cmMedial marginááá : 0.9cmLateral marginááá : 1.5cmDeep marginááááá : 0.8cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4x3x2cm one surface is inked.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show numerous ducts compressed and dilated lined by epithelial and myoepithelial cells with surrounding hypercellular stroma. Few of foci shows increase in number of ducts. No periductal stromal condensation is noted. Mitosisá 2-3/10hpf.IMPRESSION:A) Wide local excision right breast lump:áá Cellular fibroadenomaáá Tumor measures 3cm in greatest dimension áá All resected margins are unremarkable B)Revised superior marginá Is free ot tumor. 2818,MR1719040,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 linear cores measures 0.7-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules and cords. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and scant cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphocytic infiltrate. Mitosis 4-5/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade IIModified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1) 2819,MR1719087,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.8 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue with few foci of tumor cells in diffuse sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2820,MR1719091,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast cT2N0.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast lumpectomy.B) Sentinel lymph node dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 5x4x3.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 3x1cm.Cut surface shows greywhite lesion measuring 3.5x2x2cm, located at the following distance from respective margins:-Superior margin : 1cm.Inferior margin : 1cm.Medial margin : 0.5cm.Lateral margin : 0.8cm.Deep margin : 0.6cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3x3x1cm.3 lymph nodes isolated.Largest lymph node measuring 1.5x0.6x0.5cm.Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harbouring an invasive neoplasm in sheets and nests with occasional glandular pattern. The cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism and increased mitosis with abundant to moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Comedo necrosis seen. Stroma is desmoplastic DCIS, Solid aand comedo type (high grade) present. Lymphovascular invasion is identified. Perineural invasion identified.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast lumpectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II.MBR Score is 6/9 (2+2+2).DCIS solid and comedo type High grade present.Tumor measures 3.5cm in greatest dimension.Lymphovascular invasion is identified.Perineural invasion is identified.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Sentinel lymph node dissection:3 Lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor." 2822,MR1719114,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Lump in left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left axillary sentinel lymph node biopsy.B) Left breast, Left mastectomy.C) Left axillary lymph node dissection.D) Level III lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Left axillary sentinel lymph node biopsy:Received 4 fibrofatty tissue measuring 2x1.5x1cm.Largest lymph node measuring 0.9x0.8x0.8cm.5 lymph nodes isolated.B) Left breast, Left mastectomy:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral :10cm. Superficial - deep : 4cm. Superior-inferior : 8cm.Skin ellipse : 6x3cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 2x1.5x1cm.Location of tumor : Lower inner quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 3cm.Muscle : Present. 2x1x0.8cm.Adjacent breast : 2x1x0.8cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section examined from breast parenchyma show an infiltrating tumor arranged in cors and nests showing cells with increased nuclear cytoplasmic ratio, small round nuclei with occasional small nuclei. Surrounding breast parenchyma shows lymphocytic inflammation. Many vessels show calcification.IMPRESSION:A) Left axillary sentinel lymph node biopsy:Three out of five lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposits(3/5). - Size of the largest tumor deposit measures 0.9 cm in greatest dimension. - Extranodal extension is not identified.B) Left breast, Left mastectomy :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2). - Tumor measures 2 cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Lower inner quadrant. - Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not seen. - Lymphovascular invasion is seen. - Perineural invasion is not present. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and areola : Free of tumor.C) Left axillary lymph node dissection:One out of twelve lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposits(1/12). - Size of the tumor deposit measures 0.2 cm in greatest dimension. - Extranodal extension is not identified.D) Level III lymph nodes:One lymph node isolated is free of tumor (0/1)." 2823,MR1719119,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast- post NACT.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Laterality : Left breast.Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 13cm Superficial - deep : 3.8cm Superior-inferior : 15cm.Skin ellipse : 14.5x8.5cm. Skin shows nodular lesion in upper inner quadrant measures 3x3cm.Nipple : Normal.Tumor : SingleTumor size : 5x4x2.5cm. Grossly tumor is reaching upto the overlying skin.Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrant.Deep margin : 0.6cm.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : 6.5x6x3cm.Size of largest node : 2.3x1.8x1.5cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show breast parenchyma harboring residual infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets, nests. The lesional cells are round to oval having vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Brisk mitotic activity noted. Lymphocytic infiltrate seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade III.Modified BR score is 8/9.Tumor measures 5cm in greatest dimension.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not identified.Lymphovascular invasion is identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Free of tumor, tumor is reaching upto overlying skin but epidermis is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 19 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 8,(8/19).Largest tumor deposit measures 1cm in greatest dimension. Extranodal spread seen.SUMMARY:Residual invasive ductal carcinoma.Tumor grade : IIILymph node status : 8/19." 2825,MR1719153,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Trucut biopsy left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 gray white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear tissue cores harboring an infiltrate tumor cells show increased nucleo cytoplasm ratio, nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromasia, occasional prominent nucleoli and variable amount of cytoplasm. The surrounding stroma is fibro collagenous conclusive tissue infiltrated by lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory infiltrate. Focal myxoid areas seen. Scanty necrosis is noted. IMPRESSION:Trucut biopsy left breast lump :Invasive carcinoma breast, Grade II,Modified Bloom Richardson Score 6/9.Tubule formation = 2Nuclear pleomorphism = 2Mitotic figures = 2 ........... 6/9 ..........." 2826,MR1719154,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lump biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 gray white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show multiple linear cores with an infiltrating tumor arranged in the form of nests and sheets. The tumor cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism oval hyperchromatic nuclei with occasional nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Focal necrosis is seen. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lump :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson Score = 7/9Tubule formation = 3Nuclear pleomorphism = 2Mitotic figures = 2 ........... 7/9 ............" 2827,MR1719160,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in cordsá and nests . The individual tumor cells exhibit increased nucleocytoplasmicá ratio, nuclear hyperchromasia, pleomorphism and variable amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Comedo necrosis is seen The stroma shows desmplasia, is infiltrated by lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate and shows focal myxoid changeIMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breastInvasive Carcinoma breast, Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 2828,MR1719177,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump-possible of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four gray white mucoid linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show fragmented tissue bits harboring an infiltration lesion arrange as clusters of uniform small cells exhibiting nuclear hyperchromasia, pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm in abundant pools of extracellular mucin. The stroma is d fibrocollagenous. IMPRESSION:Biopsy left breast lump.Mucinous carcinoma.(Nuclear Grade - 1)" 2829,MR1719187,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion - BIRADS SPECIMEN:Left breast, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures0.4 -0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma shows a infiltrating neoplasm arranged in sheets. The neoplastic cells are round to oval with hyperchromatic nuclei scanty cytoplasm, lymphoplasmacytic infiltrating seen. Mitotic figures 5-6/hpf.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7( 3+2+2)." 2830,MR1719189,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received4 grey white linear coresá measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sectionfrom left breast lump shows clusters of neoplastic cells . The cells round to oval nucleus moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive Ductal carcinoma , NST, Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation á á á á áá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá :2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá :2" 2831,MR1719203,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show tissue cores harboring in infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets and nests of neoplastic cells exhibiting increased nucleo cytoplasmic ratio, nuclear hyperchromasia, pleomorphism, and prominent nucleoli and variable amount of pale eosinophilic to vacuolated cytoplasm. The stroma is infiltrated by lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breastInvasive carcinoma breast, NOS Grade IIIModified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 8/9 --------" 2832,MR1719206,CLINICAL HISTORY :Bilateral carcinoma breast post op & CT. SPECIMEN :? Endometrial lesion/endocervical . GROSS FINDINGS :Received multiple grey white soft tissue bits altogether measures 2.5x1.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section show fragments of neoplastic tissue arranged in a papillary configuration with fibrovascular core. Extensive areas of necrosis are seen. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. IMPRESSION :Endometrial lesion. :Well to moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma. ? Endometrial origin. ?Endocervical origin. Suggest IHC. á 2833,MR1719214,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Needle core biopsy form right breast shows cells arranged in clusters . The cells show hyperchromatic nucleus, conspicious nucleoli and eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right beast :Invasive carcinoma, NST.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9, Nuclear grade IItubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures :1 --------- 6/9" 2834,MR1719216,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion - likely malignantSPECIMEN:Left breast lesion, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear of tissue infiltrated by islands, cords and trabeculae consistent of atypical cells having round to oval pleomorphic nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic to pale granular cytoplasm. Brisk mitosis discerned. Stroma shows fibrosis and hyalinisation. Areas of necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast lesion, Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 3. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8(3+2+3)." 2835,MR1719218,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 1 -1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma showing few proliferative glands with cystic change and few areas showing apocrine change. Focal areas shows mild epithelial hyperplasia with adenosis. Stroma shows extensive hyalinisation and focal myxoid areas.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy:Features are suggestive of benign proliferative breast disease.Kindly correlate with clinical and radiological findings." 2836,MR1719229,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:A) Breast lump.B) Axillary sentinel nodes.C) Revised inferior margin.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 4x3x3cm.Overlying skin ellipse measures 3x2cm.Cut surface show a greywhite lesion measuring 1.3x1x1cm.Distance from margins:-Superior margin : 0.8cm.Inferior margin : 0.4cm.Medial margin : 1cm.Lateral margin : 0.6cm.Deep margin : 1cm.B) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue measuring 3.5x2.5x1.5cm.Largest matted lymph node measuring 2.5x1.5x1cm. Cut surface shows greywhite areas.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3.5x3x2cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from lumpectomy shows breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm composed of cells in diffuse sheets. The cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism, prominent nucleoli and increased mitosis. Peritumoral and intratumoral lymphocytic response present. Necrosis present.IMPRESSION:A) Breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma (NOS).-MBR score is 8/9 (3+2+3)., Grade III-Tumor measures 1.3cm in the greatest dimension.-DCIS not identified.-Lymphovascular invasion indeterminate.-Perineural invasion not identified.-Inferior margin : Involved by tumor.-All other margins are free of tumor.B) Axillary sentinel nodes:6 Sentinel lymph nodes are free of tumor. 0/6C) Revised inferior margin: Free of tumor." 2837,MR1719230,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multipleá grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of fibrocollagenousá tissue with an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and sheets. The cells have moderately pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Intratumoralá lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate noted. Stroma show desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 3Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8(3+3+2)." 2838,MR1719231,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 00.6 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy fro, left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9.Tubule formationááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9" 2839,MR1719237,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ?carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear coresá measures 0.5-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sectionfrom right breast lump shows cells arranged in nests and cords. The cells are mildly pleomorphic show hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma , NST, Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation á á á á áá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá :2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá :1" 2840,MR1719255,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Left Breast lump. Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown liner cores measures 1.2 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump. Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1).." 2841,MR1719278,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast carcinoma (Post NACT).SPECIMEN:A) Right breast, Breast conservation surgery.B) Revised lateral margin.C) Right axillary lymph node dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 6x5x3.5 cmSkin ellipse measures 4.5x1.2 cm. On serial sectioning, a grey white illdefined fibrotic area measures 2x1.5x0.6 cmDistance from different margins:Superior margin : 1 cmInferior margin : 1 cmMedial margin : 1 cmLateral margin : 0.5 cmDeep margin : 2 cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 6x2.5x1 cm with one surface inked.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 14x10x2.5 cm, largest lymph node measures 1.8x1.3x1 cm, cut surface shows fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A)Right breast wide local excision of residual lump( Post NACT):Tumor bed:Sections shows breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative neoplasm arranged in cords and small nests. The neoplastic cells have increased N/C ratio, nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromasia and scanty cytoplasm. The intervening stroma shows dense fibrocollagenous connective tissue. Infiltrated by lymphomononuclear infiltrate.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.Perineural invasion Not identified.The lateral margin is involved by the tumorThe superior, inferior, medial, and deep margins are free of tumor.B) The revised lateral margin: Paraffin section of tissue submitted as revised lateral margins show tumor. However inked surface is free of tumor.C) Right Axillary lymph node dissection:Twenty lymph nodes identified. One shows evidence of metastatic tumor deposit measuring is 0.5cm in greatest dimension. No perinodal spread noted.A solitary soft tissue deposit 0.4cm in greatest dimension is noted in the axillary fat.Lymphovascular embolus seen.IMPRESSION:A)Right breast wide local excision of residual lump( Post NACT):Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 1Tumor measures 2cm in greatest dimension.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.Perineural invasion Not identified.The lateral margin is involved by the tumorThe superior, inferior, medial, and deep margins are free of tumor.B) The revised lateral margin: Paraffin section of tissue submitted as revised lateral margins show tumor. However inked surface is away of tumor.C) Right Axillary lymph node dissection:One out of twenty lymph nodes shows evidence of metastatic tumor deposit measuring is 0.5cm in greatest dimension. No perinodal spread noted.A solitary soft tissue deposit 0.4cm in greatest dimension is noted in the axillary fat.Lymphovascular embolus seen.Pathological stage : ypT1N1.SUMMARY:Wide local excision right breast lump ( Post NACT).Residual Invasive carcinoma." 2842,MR1719280,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section section tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 2843,MR1719284,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear coresá measures 0.5 to 1cmcm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with an infiltratingá lesion arranged in nests tubules and cords. Cells have oval hyperchromatic nucleiá and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stromal desmoplasia noted. Lymphoplasmacytic infiltrationá noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9Tubule formationáááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismL:2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá :2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 2844,MR1719285,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Receivedá multiple grey white linear coresá measures 1-1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma with an infiltratingá lesion arranged in sheets,nests and cords . Cells have moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Frequent mitoses noted. Angioinvasion is seen. Areas of necrosis noted. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 2845,MR1719287,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with an infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets, nestsá and cords. Cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm.Frequentá mitosis noted . IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9Tubule formationáááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá :2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 2846,MR1719315,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). - Ductal carcinoma in situ of solid pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen." 2847,MR1719345,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right nipple discharge.SPECIMEN:Cone excision of right ductal systemGROSS FINDINGS:Received fibrofatty tissue altogether measures 6x4.5x2.5cmCut surface grey white soft tissue to firm area measuring 1.5x1.5x1.3cm3 small cystic structures identifiedá measuring 0.1-0.3cm diameter.Distance from the nearest margin is 1.3cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple sections studied from the breast parenchyma show ducts filled with slender branchingá fibrovascular cores covered by uniform appearing columnar epithelial cells. Also there isá solid arrangement of cells with round to ovalá nuclei, fine nuclear chromatin, occasional conspicuous nucleoli and scant to moderate pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. .No evidence of lymphovascular invasion . The interveningá stroma has fibrocollagenous connective tissue.IMPRESSIONCone excision of right ductal system:Papillary ductal carcinoma in situ with small focus suspicious of invasionImmunohistochemistry done on the suspicious focus :IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY:*Calponin and *p63áá -- Highlights myoepithelial cells*Keratin 5ááááááááááááááá á -- Highlights basal cells*ER 75%áá positive in the DCIS component *PR 90%áá positive in the DCIS component ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá IMPRESSION:No invasion seen Papillary DCIS in a background of papillary hyperplasia á" 2848,MR1719359,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left axillary node - ? DepositsSPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left axillary lymph nodeGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented linear cores measures 0.3-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in nested pattern with cells having moderate cytoplasm pleomorphic lymphocytic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. The tumor appears to occupying the surrounded spaces. Interspersed are lymphoid follicles. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left axillary lymph node:Metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast. 2849,MR1719366,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump 9 LUQ) possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed,MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast tissue harboring invasive neoplasm in sheets cords and nests . The cells show increased N/C ratio moderate eosinophilicá to clear cytoplasm hyperchromatic nucleiá with moderate pleomorphism and prominence nucleoli. There is focal peritumoral lymphocytic infiltration. tumor appears to infiltrating to the fat.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richards son score 6(3+2+1)" 2850,MR1719378,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast lump biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 gray white to gray brown linear cores measures 1-1.3cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring invasive neoplasm in sheets, nests and glands showing moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. There is increased mitosis stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lump :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 3. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score 8(2+3+3)." 2852,MR1719411,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump- likely malignant.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma , Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score 7/9Tubule formationááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá :2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9" 2853,MR1719430,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received inááááááááááááááá :á Formalin.Procedureááááááááááááááááá : Mastectomy.Lateralityáááááááááááááááááá : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateralááááááá : 22cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deepá : 5cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferioráá :18cm.Skin ellipseááááá :á 19x13cm.Nippleááááááááááááá : Unremarkable.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumoráááááááááááá :á Single.Tumor sizeááááá : 3x2x2cm.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margináááááá : 1.2cm.Muscleááááááááááááááá : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 16 nodes.Axillary tailááááááááááááááááááá : 5x4x4cm.Size of largest nodeáááá : 2x2x1cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular or Perineural invasion is not seen." 2854,MR1719444,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores with an infiltrating neoplasm arranged in nests cords and focally in tubules the neoplastic cells show moderate nucleará pleomorphism round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and scant to moderate cytoplasm few cells show cytoplasmic vacuolation of epithelial cells with central necrosis surrounding stroma showsá hyalinisation.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationáááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphic : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9" 2855,MR1719457,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast lump/ Suggestive of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 greywhite linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring a lesion arranged in vague tubules, islands, cords and trabeculae comprising of cells with round to oval pleomorphic dark nuclei with irregular borders, some with prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic to pale granular cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplastia and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. Mitotic figures 5-6/10 hpf. Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Letf breast lump, biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade IIIMBR Score (3+3+2) : 8/9." 2856,MR1719486,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed,MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores at breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm composed of atypical cell in nests and tubules. The cells have increased N/C ratio moderate eosinophilic vacuolated cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate pleomorphism. Stroma is desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal Carcinoma, Grade 3. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8(2+3+3)." 2857,MR1719490,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breastá lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive Ductal CarcinomaModified Bloom Richardson score is7/9Tubule formationáááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááá á á á : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á áá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------- 2859,MR1719500,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in tubule and nests. The cells show moderate eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm, moderate nuclear pleomorphism with hyperchromatism stroma is desmoplastic and hyalinised. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(2+2+2)." 2860,MR1719505,"CLINICAL HISTORY:History of lump right breast since 2 monthsSITE:Right breast lumpReceived 17 Block labelled asá 10230 A1-A5 B, C, D1- D2, E1- E5 MS I, II, III.Received 16 slides labelled as A1-A5 B, C, E1-d2, E1-E5 AS I, IIIIMPRESSION:A- A5 :Section shows ductal carcinoma in situCribriform papillary and micropapillaryá and high grade - comedonecrosisThere is no evidence of is viable carcinomaLymphovascular invasion -Not presentB) Posterior resected margin - Free of tumorC)) Nipple and areola - UnremarkableD) Duct showá fibrocysts changeE1-E5 - 15 nodes - No deposit of tumor" 2861,MR1719507,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 7 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section sows linear core of fibrocollagenous tissue infiltrated by irregular islands cores and trabecular of pleomorphic cells having oval moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Intersperse lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates are noted. Stroma shows extensive desmoplasia. Mitosis 3/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal invasion, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson 6(3+2+1)." 2862,MR1719512,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - likely malignancy.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.2 to 0.5 cm. Entire tissue processed,MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple core of breast tissue harboring predominantly in linear cores or scattered tubules. Individual tumor cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromatism and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive carcinoma (NST), Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score 6(3+2+1)." 2863,MR1719531,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ?Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear coresá measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores with an infiltrating tumorá arranged in nests and cords. The tumor cells showá moderate nuclear pleomorphism with oval nuclei coarse chromatiná and scant to moderate cytoplasm. Many mitotic figures are seen. Surrounding stroma showsáá hyalinisation and chronic inflammation.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Nuclear Grade 3Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tuble formationáááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphic : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááá : 2 áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------" 2864,MR1719533,"CLINICAL HISTORY :K/C/O Ca breast-post MRMRight axillary mass - possibility of ? Recurrence / ?mets. SPECIMEN: Right axillary mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 gray white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores with an infiltrating neoplasm arranged in nests and cords. The tumor cells show moderate pleomorphism with round to oval nuclei, fine chromatin, small nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Focal necrosis is seen, surrounding stroma shows desmoplasia, Many mitotic figures are discerned. IMPRESSION:Right axillary mass.Features are suggestive of invasive ductal carcinoma-recurrence in known case of carcinoma breast. " 2865,MR1719544,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ?Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented linear cores measures 0.2 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores with an infiltrating neoplasm arranged in sheets. The neoplastic cells show moderate to marked nuclear pleomorphism with round to oval nuclei and occasional small nucleoli. Many mitotic figures are seen. Surrounding breast shows focal hyalinisation and lymphoplasmacytic inflammation focal necrosis.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive Carcinoma, NOS - Nuclear Grade 3" 2866,MR1719564,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Liver lesion, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.7 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in tubular pattern nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Liver lesion, Biopsy:Suggestive of Metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast." 2867,MR1719575,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma. SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS: Received 3 gray white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm composed of sheets glands and nests of neoplasm composed of sheets glands and nests of pleomorphic cells with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli there is increased mitosis. Areas of comedo necrosis noted. IMPRESSION:Left breast Biopsy, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(2+2+2). " 2868,MR1719614,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.8x1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue with scant volume of atypical cells floating in lakes of mucinIMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Suggestive of mucinous neoplasm favour mucinous carcinoma, Grade 1Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 1Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------NOTE: Tumor volume is scant for further workup." 2869,MR1719622,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from Right breast lump GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 gray white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear areas with infiltrating tumor arranged in nests, sheets and cords. The tumor cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism, central nuclei and scant to moderate cytoplasm. Many mitotic figures are discerned. Focal necrosis is seen. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade III.Modified Bloom Richardson Score = 8/10.Tubule formation = 3Nuclear pleomorphism = 2Mitotic figures = 3 ......... 8/10 .........Areas and necrosis seen. " 2870,MR1719628,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Sentinel lymph nodeB) Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1.8x1.2x0.8cm isolated 1 lymph node measures 1.5x1x0.8cm. Cut surface fatty infiltration.B)Received ináááááááááááááááááááááá : FormalinProcedureááááááááááááááááááááááááááá :á Modified Radical Mastectomyáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Lateralityááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : RightTotal dimensionsááááááááááááááááá : Medial to lateralááááá :21cmáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deepá :4.5cmáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferioráá :18cmSkin ellipseáááááááááááááááááááááááááá :13x8cmNippleáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá :NormalScar/ Surgical defectááááááááááá :Not seenTumoráááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : SingleTumor Sizeááááááááááááááááááááááááááá :2x1.5x1.2cm. A small grey white noduleá measures 2x1.5x1cm is noted. Adjacent to the tum9orá ? fibroadenoma. Distance betweená tumor are nodular mass 1cm. ááááááá Location of tumoráááááááááááááááááá : Retro areolaMargins of tumorááááááááááááááááá :á Ill defined ááááá Deep marginááááááááááááááááááááááá : 2.5cmMuscleáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : AbsentAdjacent Breastááááááááááááááááááá : Fibrofatty tissueáá Axillary tailááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 4x3x2cmSentinel lymph nodesáááááááááá :á 1 nodeAxillary nodesáááááááááááááááááááááá : 13 nodesIMPRESSION:Right breast right modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed: Residual viable tumor present Invasive ductal carcinoma. Surroundingá the tumor areas of fibrosis and dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltration is present. Adjacent nodular lesion shows fibroadenomaInvasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9, Grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2Tumor measures 2x2cm in greatest dimension is located in the retro areolaá quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.Lymphovascular invasion Not identified.Perineural invasion Not identifiedPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkableSentinel lymph nodes - 1 lymph node. No deposit of tumorAxillary lymph node : 13 nodes; no deposit of tumor.Pathological state ypT1N0.SUMMARY:Right breast right modified radical mastectomy residual viable tumor Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade IISentinel lymph node - one node. No deposit of tumor.Axillary lymph node : 13 nodes no deposit of tumor." 2871,MR1719630,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 --------" 2872,MR1719650,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Large lump Left breast ? Border line phylloides carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Left sentinel lymph nodes.B) Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibro fatty tissue measures 6 x 3.8 x 0.8 cmLargest measures 3 x 1 x 0 .8 cm cut surface shows fatty infiltration.B) Received in : Formalin.Procedure : MastectomyLaterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 25 cm. Superficial - deep : 9.5 cm. Superior-inferior : 18 cm.Skin ellipse : 23x15 cm.Nipple : Normal, Hypo pigmentation noted measures 2.5x1 cm in the lower quadrant.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 15x13x9.5 cm well circumscribed lobulated with cleft like spaces and granular areas.Location of tumor : All quadrants.Margins of tumor : well circumscribedDeep margin : 0.5 cm.Muscle : Absent, 5x5 cm.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Axillary tail : 4x2x1 cmRepresentative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple sections studied show a well circumscribed lesion in breast parenchyma exhibiting an enhanced intracanalicular growth pattern with leaf-like projections into dilated lumen. The stroma is hypercellular and composed of spindle cells showing mild to moderately pleomorphic nuclei. Stromal hyalinization is noted. Mitotic activity is discerned [5-6 MF/10 HPF]. Few atypical mitotic figures are seen. IMPRESSION:A) Left sentinel lymph nodes :Four lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy(0/4).B) Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Features are suggestive of Phylloides tumor - Borderline. - Tumor measures 15 cm in maximum dimension. - Deep margin is free of tumor. - Nipple areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes:Four lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy(0/4)." 2873,MR1719658,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.7-1 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Large areas of sclerosis are seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 2874,MR1719660,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:A) Right Axillary sentinel lymph nodes.B) Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Right Axillary sentinel lymph nodes:Received fibrofatty tissue pieces together measuring 2 x 2 x 1 cm.Isolated 3 lymph nodes, largest lymph node measuring 0.8 x 0.5 x 0.3 cm. Cut surface is greybrown.B) Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 15 cm. Superficial - deep : 5 cm. Superior-inferior : 14 cm.Skin ellipse : 12 x 7 cm.Nipple : Unremarkable.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor size : 2 x 2 x 1 cm.Location of tumor : Outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 2 cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Skin shows a greywhite nodule measuring 1 x 1 x 0.3 cm.Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows extensive ductal carcinoma in situ. No definite evidence of invasion is seen.IMPRESSION:A) Right Axillary sentinel lymph nodes:Four lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy (0/4).B) Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Shows Ductal Carcinoma in situ of solid and cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade. - Size of the DCIS measures 2 cm in greatest dimension. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and Areola are free of tumor." 2875,MR1800002,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of left breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:A) Left sentinel lymph ndoeB) Left intramammary nodeC) Left mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue altogether measures 3x2x1cm isolated 9 lymph nodesCut surface shows fatty infiltrationB) Received lymph nodes measures 0.5x0.3x0.4cm, along with fibrofatty tissue.C) Received in : Formalin Procedure : Mastectomy Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :19.5cm Superficial to Deep :3cm Superior to inferior : 16cmSkin ellipse :12.5 x 9.5 shows scar measures 2.5cmNipple : Normal Tumor : Multiple Tumor Size : No lump seen , A grey white to grey yellow area measures 3x2x2cm. Seen in retroareolar Location of tumor :retroareolar RegionDeep margin : 3cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : AbsentMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma shows multiple dilated ducts of varying size lined by luminal and adlumenal cells with ductal carcinoma in situ components seen. Adjacent stroma shows inflammatory infiltrate composed of lymphoplasmacytic epitheloid cells foreign body giant cell reaction most cells eosinophils.IMPRESSION:A) Left sentinel lymph node:10 lymph nodes isolated : None shows tumor metastasis(0/10)B) Left intramammary node:1 Lymph node identified : Shows no metastatic tumor (0/1).C) Left mastectomy:Tumor Bed:Shows chronic inflammatory infiltrates composed of lymphoplasmacytic multinucleated giant cellsNo residual tumor seen.Left mastectomy No residual Ductal carcinoma in situ not identifiedLymphovascular invasion not seenPerineural invasion not seenPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkable Lymph nodes sentinel lymph nodes -10 nodes : No depsoit of tumor Intramammary lymph node - one node:No deposit of tumorPathological state: ypT0N0Summary:Left mastectomy no residual tumor.Lymph nodes sentinel lymph nodes -10 nodes : No depsoit of tumor Intramammary lymph node - one node:No deposit of tumor" 2876,MR1800010,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion - likely malignantSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesionGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue infiltrated by a lesion arranged in tubules and cords. Tumor cells have irregular hyperchromatic nucleus , moderate cytoplasm. Surrounding stroma shows desmoplasia . Mitosis descernedIMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic activity áá ááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 2877,MR1800016,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Post lumpectomy left breast carcinoma post NACT.SPECIMEN:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy, Post lumpectomy Post NACT Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :12cm Superficial to Deep : 2cm Superior to Inferior :11cmSkin ellipse :11x3.5cm Nipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect :5cmTumor : SingleTumor Size :Grey white to grey brown lesion measures 1x1x1cm cm Location of tumor : Behind the scar Inner central quadrantMargins of tumor : Well circumscribed Deep margin : 0.5cmMuscle : Present 3cmAdjacent Breast : FibroticAxillary tail : 9.5x4.5x1.5cmTotal number of node : 12 nodesSize of largest node :1x0.5x0.5cmIMPRESSION:Modified Radical Mastectomy, Post lumpectomy Post NACT:Residual viable tumor present.Invasive ductal carcinoma with areas of necrosis and fibrosis present.Surrounding the tumor.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9, Grade IIITubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3Tumor measures1x1cm in greatest dimension is located in the inner central quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.Lymphovascular invasion not identifiedPerineural invasion not identifiedPosterior resection margin is muscle- free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes - 12 lymph nodes No deposit of tumor.0/12Pathological stage:ypT1N0.SUMMARY:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy, Residual viable tumor present.Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade IIINodal metastasis 12 nodes. No deposit of tumor. 0/12." 2878,MR1800031,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Post NACT with post lumpectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :19cm Superficial to Deep : 15cm Superior to Inferior :6cmSkin ellipse :16x9cm Nipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect : Seen in the lower outer quadrant cut surface show fibrotic. Beneath the surgical scar small focus of residual lump present measures 0.5x0.5cmTumor : No Location of tumor : 0.3cmMargins of tumor : infiltrative Deep margin : cmMuscle : Present measures Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 14x7x2.5cm.cmLymph nodes : 17 nodesIMPRESSION:Left breast left modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed :Small foci of residual lump of tumor cells are present.having eosinophilic cytoplasm and enlarged nucleus and surrounding area consisting of spindle cells, fibrotic area and lymphoplasmacytic infiltration and foreign body giant cells.Left breast left modified radical mastectomy:Small focus of tumor - Score can not determined Tumor measures 0.5x0.5cm in greatest dimension is located in the lower outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion not identifiedPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes - 17 lymph nodes. No metastatic deposits of tumor.SUMMARY: Left modified radical mastectomy. post lumpectomy post NACTSmall foci of residual lump of tumor cells present with metaplastic carcinoma.Nodal metastases 17 nodes - No metastatic deposit of tumor." 2881,MR1800079,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast solid cystic lesion.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.3x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tiny fragments of breast parenchyma infiltrated by atypical cells arranged in sheets and cords . These cells have moderately pleomorphic nucleus few with prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast.Features favor papillary neoplasm possibility of papillary carcinoma consideredKindly correlate with clinical and imangeological findings. 2883,MR1800128,CLINICAL HISTORY :Lump right breast. ? Papillary neoplasm.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Lump right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received single nodular grey white massá with fibrofatty tissueá measures 6x5.5x4cmMass measures 4x3x2cm cut surfaceá well encapsulated grey white areasá tumor is 0.2cm away from the ink surface Fibrofattyá show a grey white ? Lymph node depositá measures 0.9x0.8x0.7cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast show encapsulated papillary lesion with closelyá packed papillary lined by ductal cells with moderateá cytoplasm elongated oval nuclei with granular chromatin. There is panty of myoepithelial cells. Focal areas showá few clumps of cells present in stroma ? Microinvasion.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Lump right breast:Papillary neoplasm ( capsulated papillary carcinoma).? MicroinvasionSuggest IHC for further confirmation. 2885,MR1800154,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.6á to 0.1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breastInvasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------Areas of necrosis seen." 2886,MR1800156,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 0.9 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2887,MR1800161,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right breast post NACT.SPECIMEN:Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received iná : FormalinProcedureááá : Mastectomy post NACT.Lateralityááááá : Right MRM.Total dimensions:-ááááá Medial to lateraláá : 18 cmááááá Superficial to deep : 7 cmááááá Superior to inferior : 18 cmSkin ellipse : 17x11 cm .Nipple á á á á : Normal.Scar/surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor á á á á á á á á á áá :2 grey white area .Oneá lesion is seen in the retroareolar region measures 2.5x1x1cm. Other lesion in inner upper quadrant measures 1x1x0.5 cm.Margins of tumorá : ill definedDeep marginááááááá : Lesion I.3 cmMuscleáááááááááááááááá : AbsentAdjacent breastáá :á Fibrofatty tissueAxillary tailáááááááá á : 15x10x5 cmáDistance between two lesions - 4 cm.Total number of nodes á : 18Size of the largest node : 1x0.8x0.3 cm, cut surface shows fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections showsá breast parenchyma with two lesions (multi centric) arranged in sheets, cords and nests. The lesional cells are round to oval having vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. The cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Stroma shows hyalinization lymphocytic infiltrate. Mitoses - 4-5/10 hpf.IMPRESION:A) Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy post NACT :Residual multicentric invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II.Modified BR score is 06/09.Tubule formationááááááááá : 03Nuclear pleomorphismá : 02Mitotic figures á á á á á á á : 01áááá Two tumor foci are seen. áááá Tumor measures 2.5 cm in greatest dimension andá is located in retroaerolar quadrant, otherá focus measures 1 cm in greatest dimension and is located in upper inner quadrant.á Distance between two lesions is 4 cm.Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: ááá 18 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 02á (2/18) .áááááá - Largest metastatic tumor deposit measures 0.5 cm. in greatest dimension .áááááá - Extranodal spread is seen.Summary :á Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy, Residual multicentric invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II.Nodal metastases 02/18.ypT2N1" 2888,MR1800164,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast, Wide local excision.B) Right Axillary lymph node dissection.C) Level III lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 5.5 x 5 x 3.5 cm.Cut surface shows a greywhite lesion measuring 1 x 1 x 1 cm.Distance from margins:-Superior margin -- 0.8 cm.Inferior margin -- 1.8 cm.Medial margin -- 1.5 cm.Lateral margin -- 3 cm.Deep margin -- 1.2 cm.Representative sections are submitted.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 8 x 5 x 4 cm.Largest lymph node measuring 2.3 x 2 x 1.5 cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 2 x 2 x 1.8 cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1.8 x 1.5 x 1 cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections examined show a tumor arranged in sheets, nests and cords. The tumor cells show moderate to marked pleomorphism, round to oval nuclei with coarse chromatin, conspicious nucleoli and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Many mitotic figures are discerned. Lymphovascular invasion is identified. Surrounding breast shows lymphoplasmacytic inflammation.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast, Wide local excision:INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 3. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 9( 3+3+3). - Tumor measures 1 cm in maximum dimension. - Ductal carcinoma in situ of solid, cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen. - Lymphovascular invasion is identified. - Perineural invasion is not seen. - All resected margins (Superior, inferior, medial, lateral and deep are free of tumor).B) Right Axillary lymph node dissection :Five out of twenty five lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposits with Extranodal extension(5/25). - Size of largest metastatic tumour deposit measures 2.3 cm in greatest dimension.C) Level III lymph nodes :Five out of six lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposits with Extranodal extension(5/6). - Size of largest metastatic tumour deposit measures 1.8 cm in greatest dimension." 2889,MR1800190,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lesion - likely malignant. SPECIMEN: biopsy right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue with extensive Dcas solid, cobrifrom and comedo type few foci show invasive carcinoma in nested and sheet like pattern with moderate nuclear pleomorphism and desmoplastic stroma. Scattered peritumeral lympho plasmacell aggregates noted. LVI present. IMPRESSION:Biopsy right breast;Invasive carcinoma NSTModified Bloom Richardson Score is = 6/9Tubule Formation = 3Nuclear Pleomorphism = 2Mitotic figures = 1 ......... 6/9 .........With extensive DCIS- (high grade)Lymphovascular invasion present. " 2890,MR1800211,CLINICAL HISTORY :Lump left breast SPECIMEN:Left breast lumpectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received lumpectomy specimen measures 8x7x4cm .Cut surface shows ill defined grey white area noted measures 3x3x2cm.Distance from margin:Superior margin : 2.5cmMedial margin áá : 0.5mInferior margin á : 0.2cmLateral margináá :0.1cmDeep margináááá :0.9cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast shows extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situá ( comedonecrosisá and cribriform pattern) with a focus of invasive carcinoma .The tumor cells are arrangedá in an acinar pattern havingá pleomorphic vesicular nucleus prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Dense mononuclear infiltrate is noted. IMPRESSION:Left breast lumpectomy:Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ with foci of invasion.Ductal carcinoma in situ component measuresá 2.6cmInvasive component measures 0.4cm in its greatest dimension.Lymphovascular invasion is not identifiedPerineural invasion is not identified Lateral marginá is 0.1cm away from the focus of DCIS.Allá other margins of resection are free of tumor.Deep margin isá free of tumor. 2891,MR1800222,CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy form Left breast growth biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows comes of fibro adipose tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in sheets and nests with abundant to moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm pleomorphism nuclei. with hyperchromatism pleomorphism nuclei stroma appears desmoplastic.IMPRESSION: Biopsy form Left breast growth biopsy.Invasive carcinoma ductal (NOS) -Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9.Tubule formation = 3Nuclear pleomorphism = 2Mitotic figures = 1 .......... 6/9 .......... 2895,MR1800261,"CLINICAL HISTORY :áLeft breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harbouring a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets, cords and trabeculae. The cells are pleomorphic with moderate cytoplasm, round to oval vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli, extensive areas of hyalinisation seen. Areas of necrosis noted. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast.Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - II,Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9.Tubule Formationáááááááá :á 2Nuclear pleomorphismá :á 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá :á 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ...........ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ............." 2896,MR1800278,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump.:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 --------" 2897,MR1800281,CLINICAL HISTORY:Post lumpectomy carcinoma breast. Margins were positiveSPECIMEN:A) Right BreastB) Axillary lymph node dissectionGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received wide excision specimen with skin ellipse measures 7x2.5x1.5cmSkin ellipse measures 7cm. Surface shows linear scar.Serial sections show an identified grey white area measures 1.5x1x0.6cmDistance from margins:Superior margin: 1.5cmInferior margin : 1.5cmMedial margin : 5.0cmLateral margin : 2.5cmDeep : Reaching upto deep margin.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 8x6x2cm Largest lymph node measures 2x1x1cm. Cut surface - grey white.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from tumor bed show inflammatory granulation tissue and foreign body giant cell reaction. No evidence of in situ or invasive carcinoma in the sections examined.IMPRESSION:A) Right Breast - post lumpectomy wide excision of tumor bedNo residual viable tumor presentNo lymphovascular invasion /perineural invasion No ductal carcinoma in situThe resected margins are freeB) Axillary lymph node:Fifteen lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor (0/15). 2898,MR1800284,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma shows a infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets nests and cystic dilated glands with eosinophilic secretion. The neoplastic cells are round to hyperchromatic nuclei , scant to moderate cytoplasm. A intermixed lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 2900,MR1800328,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left axillary sentinel lymph node biopsy.B) Left Mastectomy.C) Left axillary lymph node dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Left axillary sentinel lymph node biopsy:Received 2 fibrofatty tissue together measuring 4.5x2.5x1.5cm.Isolated 2 lymph nodes, larger one measuring 4x0.8x0.4cm. Cut surface is greywhite with fatty infiltration.B) Left Mastectomy.Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral :16cm. Superficial - deep : 5cm. Superior-inferior :16cm.Skin ellipse : 15x8cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 2.5x1.5x1cm.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 0.9cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.C) Left axillary lymph node dissection:Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 4x3.5x3cm.Largest lymph node measuring 0.8x0.7x0.6cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show lymph node with partially effaced architecture and replaced by metastatic carcinomatous deposit.Section shows breast parenchyma with an infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets, nests and cords. Cells have enlarged hyperchromatic nuclei with few foci showing prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Stromal desmoplasia noted. Hyalinized blood vessels seen. Lymphovascular invasion is noted.IMPRESSION:A) Left axillary sentinel lymph node biopsy:Two lymph nodes isolated, one show metastatic tumor deposit (1/2).B) Left mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 --------------- 6/9 ---------------Tumor measures 2.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Upper outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ is not seen.Lymphovascular invasion is not seen.Perineural invasion is not seen.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.C) Left axillary lymph node dissection:Lymph nodes: 4 lymph nodes, Metastasis : 3 (3/4).SUMMARY:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Nodal metastasis : 4/6" 2901,MR1800361,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lesion, Biopsy..GROSS FINDINGS:áReceived 6 grey white linear cores of 0.3 to 0.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show small fragments of fibrocollagenous tissue with a lesion arranged in papillary pattern .The lesional cells have round hyperchromatic nucleus inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Minimal atypia is noted.IMPRESSION:Right breast lesion, Biopsy:Papillary neoplasmNeeds largerá tissue for further categorisation." 2902,MR1800379,CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Right breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue with ducts showing extensive DCIS- papillary and comedo type (High grade)Adjacent foci show invasive carcinoma with moderate nuclear pleomorphism and present nucleoli. Calcification noted in Dccs component. IMPRESSION:Right breast.Invasive carcinoma - ductal (NOS)Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9Tubule formation = 3Nuclear pleomorphism = 2Mitotic figures = 1 .......... 6/9 ..........With extensive DCIS - comedo and papillary type 2903,MR1800410,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of Breast tissue are invasive neoplasm in nests and sheets with moderate nuclear atypia and increased mitosis. Ductal carcinoma in situ, solid type (High grade) present. Stroma is desmoplastic.. IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal Carcinoma.NOS Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9Tubule formation = 3Nuclear pleomorphism = 2Mitotic figures = 2 ........ 7/9 ........With ductal carcinoma in situ solid type and lymphovesicular invasion " 2904,MR1800421,CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in sheets and nests. The cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism eosinophilic cytoplasm and increased mitosis. Areas of ductal carcinoma in situ comedo type (High grade) present. Necrosis seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump biopsy. Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule function = 3Nuclear pleomorphism = 2Mitotic figures = 2 ......... 7/9 ..........Nuclear Grade - IIWith comedo type ductal carcinoma in situ. 2906,MR1800434,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lesion - BIRADS carcinoma- ? MalignantSPECIMEN:Right breast lesion, BiopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 8 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrating by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right breast lesion, Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 2907,MR1800461,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 x 0.1 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple lesion cores with an infiltrating tumor arranged in nests and occasionally in tubules. The tumor cells show mild to moderate nuclear pleomorphic with hyperchromatic nuclei. Occasional mitotic figures are seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 1. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1)." 2908,MR1800475,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Not provided. SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibro adipose tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in sheets and nests composed of cells with moderate nuclear pleomorphism, moderate eosinophilic vacuolated cytoplasm and increased mitosis. Stroma is desmoplastic and hyalinized.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast.Invasive ductal carcinoma (NOS)Modified bloom Richardson Score is 7/9.Tubule formation = 3Nuclear pleomorphism = 2Mitotic figures = 2 ......... 7/9 .........Grade - II." 2909,MR1800485,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Birads 3 lesion.SPECIMEN:A) Right breastB) Left breastGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 4 grey white linear cores of 0.8 to 0.9cm. Entire tissue processed,B) Received 6 grey white linear cores of 0.7 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fibrocollagenous tissue with ducts lined by epithelial and myoepithelialáá cells .Ducts show epithelial hyperplasia .The stroma shows fibromyxoid focal areas of hyalinisation. Focal adenosis noted. No definite evidence of malignancyá in the section studied.B) Section shows linear cores of an infiltrative neoplasm arranged in sheets. The tumor cells have pleomorphic round hyperchromatic nucleus, and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of ductal carcinoma in situ with comedo necrosis is seen. Mitosis discerned.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast:Benign proliferative breast diseaseá suggestive of fibroadenomaB) Left breast:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 2910,MR1800488,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Biopsy from Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS: Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in sheets, nests and focal tubular pattern. The cells show moderate nuclear atypia, increased mitosis and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis present. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast :Invasive ductal carcinoma (NOS)Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 8/9.Tubule formation = 3Nuclear pleomorphism = 2Mitotic figures = 3 ........ 8/9 ........Grade - III. " 2911,MR1800496,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left MRM specimen.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in :Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT.Laterality : Left.Total dimensions :- Medial-lateral :19 cm. Superficial - deep : 3.5 cm. Superior-inferior :16 cm.Skin ellipse : 14x7.5 cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 1.2x1x1.9 cm. cut surface is grey whiteLocation of tumor : Upper outer quadrantMargins of tumor : ill defined.Deep margin : 0.9 cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary breast : 6x5x2 cm.Total number nodes :10 nodes.Size of largest node : 15x1.2 cm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, left modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed :-Residual viable tumor presentInvasive Ductal carcinomaModified Bloom Richardson score is : 8/9, Grade III.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3Tumor measures 1.2x1X0.9 cm.greatest dimension and located the upper outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Present.Perineural invasion : Present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes:4 lymph nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 10 nodes.Perinodal spread present.Pathological Stage : ypT1 N2SUMMARY: Left breat Post NACT modified radical mastectomy, Residual viable tumor present. Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade III Nodal metastases 4 lymph nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 10 nodes. Perinodal spread present." 2912,MR1800500,CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy of left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 1.8cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in nests and cords. Few areas show Indian file pattern of cells. There is moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma with lobular features.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9Tubule formation =3Nuclear pleomorphism = 2Mitotic figures = 1 ....... 6/9 .......Grade II. 2914,MR1800519,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right cervical lymph node. SPECIMEN:Right cervical lymph node, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS :Received multiple grey white soft tissue bits measures 1x1x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fibrofatty tissue harboring atypical cells in nests and sheets. The lesional cells are having hyperchromatic nuclei, scant cytoplasm crush artifacts noted. foamy histiocytes, congested blood vessels seen. IMPRESSION:Right cervical lymph node, Biopsy :Poorly differentiated malignancy possibly metastatic deposit in known and treated case of carcinoma breast. " 2915,MR1800545,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump- possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in sheets, cords. The cells are pleomorphic with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Extensive areas of hyalinisation seen. Occasional mitotic activity seen.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score 6/9.tubule formation - 3nuclear pleomorphism - 2mitotic activity - 1" 2916,MR1800571,CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - likely malignant.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from Right breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in sheets and nests the cells show moderate anuclear pleomorphism with scattered peritumoral inflammation. IMPRESSION:Biopsy Right breast.Invasive carcinoma ductal (NOS) - Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formation = 3Nuclear pleomorphism = 2Mitotic figures = 2 .......... 7/9 .......... 2917,MR1800576,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.B) Left interpectoral tissue.C) Revised inferior margin.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Lateralityáááááááááááá : Left breast.Procedureáááááááááá : MRM - Post lumpectomy.Lateralityáááááááááááá : LeftTotal dimensions :Medial-lateraláááááááááá :á 14cmááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deepááá :á 6cmááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferiorááááá : 15cmSkin ellipseááááááááááááá : 11x7cmNippleáááááááááááááááááááá : Unremarkable.Scar/ Surgical defect :á Lower quadrant shows lumpectomy defect measures 4x4x3cm.Margins of tumoráááá : Ill defined.Deep marginááááááááááá : 1.5cm.Muscleááááááááááááááááááá : Absent.Adjacent breastááááááá : Fibrofatty tissue.Location of tumoráá :á Lower central quadrant shows cystic cavity with greybrown irregularity with yellow specs (? tumor).Margins of tumorááá : Well defined.Muscleáááááááááááááááááá : Absent.Adjacent breastááááá : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tailáááááááááááá : 12x6.5cm.Size of largest node : 1.2x1x0.8cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.B) Left interpectoral tissue:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1.5x1x1cm. Entire tissue processed.C) Revised inferior margin:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1x1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple section studied shows aggregation of foamy macrophages, lymphocytes, plasma cells, foreignbody giant cells, mucin production, areas of hemorrhage and fibrosis.No definite evidence of residual invasive malignancy or DCIS seen.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :No residual tumor.Deep marginá : Free of tumor.Nipple/areola : Free of tumor.Lymph nodes:One lymph node out of 11 lymph nodes shows tumor deposits (1/11) measures 0.2cm in greatest dimension.No extranodal spread seen.B) Left interpectoral tissue: Free of tumor.C) Revised inferior margin: Free of tumor." 2920,MR1800615,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lesion - Possibilities of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast , biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS: Received 10 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in glandular pattern and nests. Tumor cells are pleomorphic round to oval with pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are 8-10/ 10hpf. Stroma is desmoplastic with dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Areas of necrosis and hemorrhage seen and ill defined granuloma formation seen. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma grade 2, with associated granulomatous inflammation. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 --------" 2921,MR1800620,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Left breast.SPECIMEN:A)Left breast, wide local excision.B)Sentinel lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 5.5x5x3 cmSkin ellipse 2.8x2 cmCut surface shows ill defined 1.2x1x0.9 cmDistance from margin:-Superior margin - 1.6 cmInferior margin - 1.7 cmMedial margin - 2 cmLateral margin - 2.1 cmDeep margin - 2.4 cmB) Sentinel lymph nodes :- Received 3 nodes, largest measures 1.1x0.8x0.6 cm cut surface shows fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast shows an infiltrating lesion arranged in tubular, small nests and cords consisting of neoplastic cells having round to oval pleomorphic vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate eosiniphilic cytoplasm. Interspersed lymphocytic and plasma cells are noted. Ductal carcinoma in situ identified solid and comedonecrosis type. Stroma shows extensive desmoplasia and fibrosis.Mitotic figures - 12-15/10 hpf discerned.IMPRESSION:A)Left breast, wide local excision:Invasive ductal carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), solid and comedonecrosis type, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score:7/9.Tubular formation -- 2Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2 Mitotic figures -- 3 -------------- 7/9 ---------------Invasive component measures measures 1 cm.All margins of resection(superior, inferior, medial and lateral) including deep margin are free of tumor.Lymphovascular invasion and Perineural invasion are not identified.B) Sentinel nodes:None of the four lymph nodes shows tumor deposits (0/4)." 2922,MR1800636,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear coresá measures 0.8 to 1cmcm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections hows cores of breast parenchyma with infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets nests and cords cells have moderately pleomorphicá hyperchromatic and moderate amount of cytoplasm. stroma desmoplasia is noted. Frequent mitosis noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9(2+2+2) 2923,MR1800642,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Right breast lump, BiopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear tissue cores harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged in cords small nests and discretely scattered neoplastic cells. Tthe individual cells exhibiting increased N/C ratio pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei conspicuous nucleoli scanty cytoplasm. The intervening stroma shows is dense fibrocollagenous connective tissue IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, no special type, Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9 ( 3+2+1)" 2924,MR1800649,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion ? Fibroadenoma. Left beast lesion ? Carcinoma breast SPECIMEN:A) Right breast lesion B)Left breast lesionGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple cores measures 0.8x1.2cm, Entire tissue processed.B) Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section shows linear trucut cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by tubules cords and singly scattered atypical cells with irregular hyperchromatic nuclei and inconspicuous nucleoli. Ductal carcinoma in situ noted. Stroma shows desmoplasia.B) Section shows linear trucut cores of fibrocollagenous tissue infiltrated by few atypical cells having hyperchromatic nuclei and inconspicuous nucleoli with focal mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate. Extensive crush artifacts is noted hindering morphological evaluation difficult. IMPRESSION:A) Right breast lesion:Invasive ductal carcinoma, No special type. Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9 (3+2+1).B) Left breast lesionFeatures are suspicious of malignancyHowever in view of extensive crush artefact, a repeat biopsy is strongly suggested for conclusive opinion. " 2925,MR1800650,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.4 to 0.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells are showing moderate to marked pleomorphism with hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Large areas of necrosis are seen. Areas of keratinization are seen.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:invasive Carcinoma with Squamous Differentiation, Grade 3- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8(3+3+2)." 2926,MR1800656,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - carcinoma breastSPECIMENBiopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white to grey yellow linear coresá measures 1 to 1.2cmcm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections hows cores of breast parenchyma with a lesion arranged in sheets nests and cords cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Extensive stroma hyalinisation noted. Frequent mitosis are noted..IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9(3+2+2) 2927,MR1800666,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections hows cores of breast parenchyma with large areas of necrosis and a lesion arranged in sheets and nests . Few nests show central comedo necrosis and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate cells have moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Few large bizarre cells noted. Frequent mitoses are seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Suggestive of Invasive ductal carcinoma grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2) 2928,MR1800674,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Left breast lump, BiopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures0.8-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear tissue cores harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets, nests cords and occasional glandular pattern. The individual tumor cells exhibit increased nucleocytoplasmic ratio, nuclear hyperchromasia pleomorphism and variable amount of cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is dense fibrocollagenous.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, no special type, grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9 ( 3+2+2)" 2930,MR1800686,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion - likely malignantSPECIMENBiopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear coresá measures 1 to 1.5cmcm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections hows cores of breast parenchyma with infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets nests and trabecular cells have moderately pleomorphicá hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm.frequent mitosis noted. Stromal desmoplasia noted. Lymphocytic infiltrtion is noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9(3+2+1) 2932,MR1800691,CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Biopsy from Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in glands and nests with moderate nuclear pleomorphism and increased mitosis with clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma is desmoplastic. Adjacent ducts show atypical ductal hyperplasia.IMPRESSION: Left breast lump Biopsy Invasive ductal carcinoma. (NOS)Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation =2Nuclear pleomorphism = 2Mitotic figures = 2 ...... 6/9 ....... 2933,MR1800693,CLINICAL HISTORY : Post MRM Left breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy of right breast lesion. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 7 grey white linear cores measures 0.2 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show cores of fibro adipose tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in nests and cords with moderate nuclear pleomorphism and increased mitosis in a desmoplastic stroma.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast. Invasive ductal carcinoma Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9Tubule formationáááááááááá = 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá = 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá = 1 ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ......ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........Grade - II 2934,MR1800734,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white lineará cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections hows linear cores of tissue harboring a lesion arranged in islands cords and trabecular comprising of neoplastic cells havingá ovoidá pleomorphicá dark nuclei with prominentá nucleoli and moderateá eosinophilicá cytoplasm. Also seen fewá large bizarre looking infiltrates are noted. Stroma lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates are noted. Stroma shows hyalinisation.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 3Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9 (3+3+2)." 2935,MR1800744,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump- ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.6-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2936,MR1800749,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 - 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests, sheets . The cells are pleomorphic with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate cytoplasm. Occasional mitotic activity seen. Areas of hyalinisation seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma - grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+2) = 7/9." 2937,MR1800763,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.B) Level III nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral :17cm. Superficial - deep : 6cm. Superior-inferior :17cm.Skin ellipse : 18x10cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Greywhite size : 3x2.5x2.5cm.Location of greywhite lesion : Upper inner quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 2.5cm.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Axillary tail : 11x10x1.5cm.Size of largest node : 2x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows greybrown.There is small nodular area in adjacent breast at central quadrant.B) Level III nodes:Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 2x1x0.5cm.1 lymph node identified measuring 1x0.5x0.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied show breast parenchyma with extensive ductal carcinoma-in-situ of solid, papillary and comedotype. Lesion i also seen invading the stroma. Lesional cells are large with round to oval vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate vacuolated cytoplasm. Adjacent karyorrhectis and extensive hemorrhagic areas noted. Frequent mitoses noted. Stromal hyalinization is noted.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 --------------- 6/9 ---------------Tumor measures 3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Upper inner quadrant.Extensive Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Present showing papillary, solid and comedo patterns.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola showing areas of DCIS in the subepithelium.Lymph nodes: 13 lymph nodes, Metastasis : One lymph node (1/13).B) Level III nodes: One lymph node identified, free of tumor (0/1).SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma with extensive DCIS, grade II.Nodal metastases : 1/14, No perinodal spread is noted." 2938,MR1800777,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear coresá measures 0.4 -0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibroglandular tissue with numerous dialted ducts lined by epithelial and myoepithelial cells. Minimal atypia is noted. Increase stromal component noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump:Proliferative breast diseaseFavor phyllodes tumorá? Benign á? BorderlineNOTE: For further categorization larger tissue required. 2940,MR1800792,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left axillary nodal mass - ? deposit.SPECIMEN:A)Left axillary nodal massB) Left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.B) Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.6-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section shows linear cores tissue cores harboring a lesion arranged as sheets, nests , glandular structures the individual neoplastic cells exhibiting increased N/C ratio, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei,scanty amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Extensive necrosis is seen. Intervening stroma is compressed of fibrocollagenous connective tissue.B) Section shows 5 linear cores harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged in cords, nests focal cribriform pattern and few tubules . The individual tumor cells show increased N/C ratio, nuclear hyperchromasia, pleomorphism, inconspicuous nucleoli and scanty cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is composed of fibrocollagenous connective tissue.IMPRESSION:A)Left axillary nodal mas:Metastatic carcinomatous deposits.B) Left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma breast NOS, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 -------" 2941,MR1800796,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - likely malignant.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGSReceived 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.:MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests, tubules and diffuse sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6( 3+2+1). - Ductal carcinoma in situ of solid cribriform and comedo pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen." 2942,MR1800834,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 2943,MR1800838,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures0.8 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 2944,MR1800840,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.8cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged as cords, clusters and tubules. the neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nucleus, conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is elastotic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive Ductal carcinoma.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 2945,MR1800870,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2946,MR1800875,"H18-606SPECIMEN:Liver lesion, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 linear cores measures 0.7 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets, nests. The cells are pleomorphic with round to oval hyperchromatic to vesicular nuclei, few showing prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Extensive areas of hyalinisation seen. Areas of necrosis and haemorrhage noted.IMPRESSION:Liver lesion, biopsy:? Metastatic deposits in a known case of carcinoma breast.Suggest IHC." 2947,MR1800903,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Known case of carcinoma Right breast - post MRM.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from Left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.2 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion composed of neoplastic cells arranged in islands, tubules and sheets. The lesional cells have moderate amount of cytoplasm, pleomorphic nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Mitosis are 4-5/10 HPE. Stroma shows inflammatory cells.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lump : Invasive carcinoma (NST), nuclear grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9Tubule formation = 3Nuclear pleomorphism = 2Mitotic figures = 1 .......... 6/9 .........." 2948,MR1800908,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left sentinel nodes.B) Left breast, Left Total mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Left sentinel nodes:Received multiple fibrofatty tissue measuring 3x2x1cm.Largest lymph node measures 1x0.8x0.4cm. Cut surface shows dye .B) Left breast, Left total mastectomy.Received inááááááááááááááá :á Formalin.Procedureááááááááááááááááá : Mastectomy.Lateralityáááááááááááááááááá : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateralááááááá :22cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deepá : 3cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferiorá áá :14cm.Skin ellipseááá á á áá :á 12.5x6.5cm.Nippleáááááááááá á á á á : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumorááááááááá á á áá á :á Single.Tumor sizeáááá á á áá : 2.2x2x1.5cm.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margináááááá : 1cm.Muscleáááááááááááá á : Absent.Adjacent breastá : Fibrofatty.Axillary tailááááááá : Absent.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Left sentinel nodes:10 lymph nodes isolated, all are free of tumor (0/10).B) Left breast, Left total mastectomy:Section from breast shows an infiltrating lesion arranged in loose sheets, cords and indian file pattern consisting of neoplastic cells having round to oval nucleus, granular chromatin, prominent nucleoli and abundant pale eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm. Scattered signet ring cells are also noted with cytoplasmic mucin. Mitotic figures 7-8/10 hpf. Stroma shows hyalinization and fibrosis along with lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Hyalinized blood vessels are noted , with some showing calcification in the vessel wall. Periductal elastosis is seen.IMPRESSION:B) Left breast, Left total mastectomy :Invasive Lobular carcinoma, grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubular formationáááááááá :á 3Nuclear pleomorphism :á 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá :á 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------------Tumor measures 2.2cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant.Lobular carcinoma-in-situ : Absent.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.A) Left sentinel nodes:Lymph nodes: 10 lymph nodes, Metastases: 0 (0/10).SUMMARY:Left breast, Left total mastectomy , with left sentinel lymph node dissection :Invasive Lobular carcinoma, grade II.Nodal metastases :10 lymph nodesá , negative for malignancy (0/10)" 2949,MR1800911,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump- carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white - brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2951,MR1800948,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, BiopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma with numerous ducts showing epithelial proliferation in solid and focal cribriform pattern. The cells show round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with occasional small nucleoli and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Foci of invasion are seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy:Shows Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ component of solid and cribriform pattern( intermediate nuclear grade) with foci of invasion." 2952,MR1800967,CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 -1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows linear cores of fibrofatty tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in sheets with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. The cells have round hyperchromatic nucleus with moderate cytoplasm. Background stroma shows desmoplasia .Lymphovascular invasion is seen. Mitosis discerned IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Suggestive of invasive carcinoma Note: Tumor volume in the block Is not adequate Suggest repeat biopsy for further work up . 2955,MR1800987,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump -á Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey browná linear core measures0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue showingá focal usual ductal hyperplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Benigná Breast tissue No evidence of malignancy in in the cores submitted. 2957,MR1801006,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump -Possibility of Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey whiteá linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationáááááááááá áá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áá --------" 2959,MR1801014,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey whiteá linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processedIMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationáá á áá á - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááá áá - 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áá áááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------" 2960,MR1801021,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Possibility of Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear core measures 0.8 to 1cmcm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationáááá á á - 3Nuclear pleomorphismá - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááá á á - 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------" 2961,MR1801028,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Post NACT -Carcinoma of right breastSPECIMEN:A) Right breast lumpectomy ( Post NACT)B) Right axillary lymph node dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 5.5x4.3x3cm cut surface ill defined grey white lesion measures 1x0.8x0.8cmDistance from marginsSuperior margin:1.2 cmInferior margin : 1.5cmMedial margin : 2cmLateral margin : 1.4cmDeep margin : 1.5cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 6x4.5x2cmLargest lymph node measures 2.3x1x1cm Cut surface Fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sections show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative neoplasm arranged in nests, cords, trabeculae and poorly formed glands lined by neoplastic cells exhibiting increased N/C ratio pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, prominent nucleoli and scant to moderate of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. The intervening stroma shows fibrocollagenous connective tissue with lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory infiltrate. Focal ductal carcinoma in situ component in noted. No evidence of lymphovascular embolus. perineural invasion is seen. The paraffin section of inferior margin shows presence of tumor. However the frozen section of inked margins is free of tumor.Rest margins ( superior , medial, lateral and deep ) are free of tumor.Focal Presence of well formed granulomas with epithelioid cells and lymphocytic rimming is noted. No necrosis is observed.B) Lymph node:10 lymph nodes identified : one shows evidence of metastatic tumor deposits One lymph node shows presence of non necrotising granuloma with epitheloid and langhans giant cellsIMPRESSION: A) Right breast lumpectomy ( Post NACT):Residual invasive ductal carcinoma, NST, Grade IIIModified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 2With non necrotising granulomatous inflammation.Tumor measures 1cm in greatest dimension.Ductal carcinoma in situ is seen; Solid pattern measuring 0.3cm greatest dimension.Perineural invasion is seen.No evidence of of lymphovascular emboliB) Right axillary lymph node dissection:1/10 lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposit One lymph node show non necrotiging granulomatous inflammation." 2962,MR1801030,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast - Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white t linear coresá measures1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion in sheets cords The cells are Pleomorphic with round to oval vesicular nuclei prominent nucleoli and abundant cytoplasm. Keryorrhectic debris seen. Mitosis noted . Areas of hyalinisation noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breastInvasive ductal carcinoma grade 2 Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7( 3+3+1) 2964,MR1801047,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear core measures 1.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationáááááá á á - 3Nuclear pleomorphismá - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááá á áá - 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------" 2965,MR1801078,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, BiopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 1.2cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma shows a infiltrative lesion arranged in nests vague glands and individual scattered cells. The cells are round to oval vesicular nuclei moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitosis 4-5/10hpf, lymphoplasmacytic infiltration seen.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, grade 2 - Modified Boom Richardson Score is 7 (3+2+2)." 2966,MR1801079,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Lump in right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Excision biopsy of right breast lump.B) Blue and hot nodes.C) Non blue and non hot node.D) Completion mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Excision biopsy of right breast lump:Received lumpectomy measures 4x3.6x1.2cm.Over lying skin measures 1.5x0.2cm.Cut surface shows a lump measures 1.5x1.2x1cm. Cut surface shows greywhite firm.Distance from closest margin is 0.2cm.B) Blue and hot nodes:Received 2 lymph nodes. Largest measures 2.5x1.3x0.8cm.Other measures 1.5x0.8x0.5cm.Surface of both lymph nodes are inked. Entire tissue processed.C) Non blue and non hot node:Received 1 lymph node measures 1.7x1.7x0.5cm.D) Completion mastectomy:Received inááááááááááááááá :á Formalin.Procedureááááááááááááááááá : Mastectomy.Total dimensions :Medial-lateralááááááá : 11cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deepá : 3cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferioráá :10cm.Skin ellipseááááá :á 8.5x5.5cm.Nippleááááááááááááá : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Cavity is inked margin measures 1.5cm in diameter is noted at distance of 1cm proximal resected margin. .MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section from tumor shows breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged as tubules, clusters and cords. The neoplastic cells have vesicular nuclei, conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm.B) Section shows 2 lymph nodes which are free of tumor.C) Section shows 1 lymph node which is free of tumor.D) Section from lumpectomy bed shows no residual tumor.Section from deep margin : Free of tumor.Section from nipple / areola : Free of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Invasive ductal carcinoma, right breast.Modified BR score : 7/9, grade IITumor sizeá : 1.5x1.2x1cm.No lymphovascular emboli seen.Moderate amount of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes seen.B) 2 blue + hot nodes isolated are free of tumor.C) 1 Non blue non hot node isolated is free of tumor.D) Completion mastectomy:Lumpectomy bed shows no residual tumor.Deep margin : Free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Free of tumor." 2967,MR1801110,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left sentinel lymph node1 Blue node2 hot node3 Blue+hot node(A)4 Non blue non not node(B)C) Left mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Left sentinel lymph node(Blue+hot node ):Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3.5x3x1cm3 lymph nodes isolatedLargest lymph nodes measures 2.0x1.5x0.5cm, cut surface shows fatty infiltrationB) Left sentinel lymph node( Non blue non hot node)Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4x3x1cm, isolated single lymph node measuring 0.5x0.4x0.3cmC)Left mastectomy.Received in : Formalin Procedure : Mastectomy Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :19cm Superficial to Deep :3.5m Superior to inferior : 18cmSkin ellipse :12x9.5cmNipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Linear scar noted near the nipple areola complex measuring 2.5cmTumor : ? grey white firm lesion noted near the nipple areola underlying the scar .Tumor Size :Near the N/C under line the scar measures 2.5x1.5x1cm Cut surface is grey white, hemorrhagic Margins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 3.5cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissueAxillary tail : AbsentIMPRESSION:C) Left mastectomy:Tumor Bed:No residual tumor present, tumor bed shows fibrosis, necrosis, foamy histiocytes, lymphoplasmacytic cells, foreign body giant cells and granulation tissue.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.A and B)Sentinel lymph nodes: 5 nodes - No deposit of tumor.Pathological stage: ypT0N0.SUMMARY:Left mastectomy, Post lumpectomyNo residual tumor present, tumor bed shows granulation tissue with foreign body giant cells Sentinel lymph nodes: 5 nodes - No deposits of tumor." 2968,MR1801119,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Biopsy from Left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:H & E Stained section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion composed of neoplastic cells arranged in islands and sheets. The lesional cells have moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Mitosis are 6-7/10 HPF .. Many inflammatory cells are seen. Stroma shows hyalinization. One focus shows ductal carcinoma in situ. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lump :Invasive carcinoma (NOS), Nuclear grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9Tubule formation = 3Nuclear pleomorphism =2Mitotic figures = 1 .......... 6/9 ..........Focus of Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis seen." 2969,MR1801122,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Birads IV lesion.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 0.8-0.9m. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in papillae and in sheets . The lesional cells have abundant amount of cytoplasm, mild nuclear pleomorphism and oval dark nuclei. Areas of hemorrhage noted. Inflammatory cells composed of lymphocytes seen. Foci of necrosis seen. Tumor is infiltrating the stroma. Mitosis are noted (6-8/10 hpf)IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump.Invasive carcinoma with papillary features, nuclear grade II." 2970,MR1801131,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion - ? MalignantSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey whit linear cores measures 0.8-1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in ribbons, cords and sheets composed of cells showing marked nuclear pleomorphism, round to oval vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Mitosis are 6-8/10 hpf. Stroma shows chronic inflammatory infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma breast (NST) ,Grade IIModified Bloom Richard son score is 7/9 (3+2+2)" 2971,MR1801138,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right breast Post lumpectomy post NACT.SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received in :FormalinProcedure :Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality :RightTotal dimensions :Medial to lateral :15cm Superficial to Deep : 3cm Superior to Inferior :11cmSkin ellipse :12x5cm Nipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect :AbsentTumor :SingleTumor Size : Cut surface - grey white to grey brown fibrotic and cystic spaces measures 2.5x1.5x1cm. No solid tumor mass Location of tumor :Upper outer quadrantMargins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin :1cm ( muscle)Muscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue ( More fibrous) Axillary tail : 11x6x1cmTotal lymph nodes :15 nodesSize of largest node :1.2x1x0.5 cm.IMPRESSION:Right Modified Radical MastectomyTumor bed:Multiple section show fibrotic areas, cystic spaces and lined with degenerated tumor cells. The cells show pyknotic to degenerated vacuolated nucleus. The cytoplasm is vacuolated to granular. Fibrotic, necrotic and lymphoplasmacytic infiltration and foreign body giant cells. No evidence of residual viable tumor present. Surrounding ducts show fibrotic changes adenosis ( post therapy changes) Posterior resection margin is free of tumor, muscle bundle free of tumor Nipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes:15 lymph nodes, No metastatic deposit of tumor (0/15)Pathological stage: pyTxN0Summary:No Residual viable tumor present, Right breastLymph nodes:15 lymph nodes, No metastatic deposit of tumor " 2972,MR1801153,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump- possibility of Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white fragmented linear cores measures0.2-0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple fragments of tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets. The cells are markedly pleomorphic with round to oval vesicular nuclei, few showing prominent nucleoli ,abundant cytoplasm. Mitotic figures seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma , nuclear grade 3Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9 ( 3+3+2)" 2973,MR1801156,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.7 -0.1m. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion composed of neoplastic cells arranged in islands and sheets. The lesional cells are pleomorphic with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate to abundant amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic are 6-8/10 hpf. Background shows myxoid material. One focus show features of ductal carcinoma in situ.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma, (NST), nuclear grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9 (3+2+2)Focus of ductal carcinoma in situ- solid type seen." 2974,MR1801181,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey whit linear cores measures 0.6-1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm an invasive neoplasm arranged in ribbons, cords and sheets composed of cells showing moderate nuclear pleomorphism round to oval vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. . Few show vesicular nucleI .Mitosis are 6-7/10 hpf. Stroma shows hyalinilisationIMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma breast (NST) Grade IIModified Bloom Richard son score is7/9 (3+2+2)" 2975,MR1801189,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump- possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.7 to 1cm. entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in islands ,cords and sheets composed of cells showing moderate nuclear pleomorphism round to oval vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. . Few cells show hyperchromatic nuclei. Stroma shows dense desmoplasia and sclerosis. Mitosis are 3-4/10 hpf. No necrosis and lymphovascular invasion seen.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, biopsy:Invasive carcinoma breast ( NST) ,Nuclear Grade II." 2976,MR1801199,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Lump right breast - ? Papillary neoplasm right breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, excision of ductal system.GROSS FINDINGS:Received fibrofatty tissue measures5x5x3cm .Cut surface shows cystic areas( 1 cm) that show papillary excrescences Another cyst measures 0.6cm .MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in papilla lined by epithelial and myoepithelial cells. Few dilated ducts filled with neoplastic cells in papillary pattern seen lined by outer myoepithelial layer .Few ducts show eosinophilic section. foci of suspicious of invasion with surrounding desmoplastic stroma seen. Adjacent breast show aggregates of foamy macrophages, cholesterol clefts, lymphocytes and foreign body giant cells. Stroma shows fibrosis. IMPRESSION:Right Breast, excision of ductal system:Papillary neoplasmSuggestive of papillary ductal carcinoma in situ with suspicious foci of invasion.Suggest IHC." 2977,MR1801222,"CLINICAL HISTORY :A)Right breast - ? Carcinoma breast.B)Left breast - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:A)Biopsy from Right breast.B) Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:A)Received 3 grey whit linear cores measures 1.2-1.5cm.Entire tissue processed.B)Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A)Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in islands ,cords and ribbons composed of cells showing moderate nuclear pleomorphism round to oval vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Mitosis are 6-7/10 hpf. Perineural invasion is seen.B) Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in islands, cords sheets composed of cells showing moderate nuclear pleomorphism round to oval vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis are 4-5/10 hpf.IMPRESSION:A)Biopsy from Right breast:Invasive carcinoma breast (NST) Grade IIModified Bloom Richard son score is 7/9 (3+2+2)B) Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma breast (NST) Grade IIModified Bloom Richard son score is 6/9(3+2+1)" 2978,MR1801234,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core BiopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Shows features of ductal carcinoma in situ of cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade.Suggest excision of the lump for further confirmation on invasive component." 2980,MR1801280,"CLINICAL HISTORY :A)Right breast lump- ? Carcinoma breast.B)Left breast lump- ? Infective/? malignantSPECIMEN:A)Right breast lump, Biopsy.B) Left breast lump, BiopsyGROSS FINDINGS:A)Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.B) Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.6cm . Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section studied show breast parenchyma shows an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and sheets. The cells forming the lesion are round to oval with hyperchromatic nuclei with scant to moderate cytoplasm. Abundant lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate seen. Crush artifacts are seen.B) Section shows scant tissue with few dilated ducts and fibrous tissue stroma.IMPRESSION:A)Right breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma NOS, Grade IIB) Left Breast , biopsy :No evidence of malignancy seen in the sections studied." 2982,MR1801290,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :16cm Superficial to Deep : 5cm Superior to Inferior :17cmSkin ellipse :15x8cm Nipple :Slightly retracted nippleScar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : SingleTumor Size : 3.5x5x3cm Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrantMargins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 2cmMuscle : Present measures 2.5x2.5cmAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 8.5x7x3cmLymph nodes : 17Size of largest node :3.5x1.5x1cm cut surface fatty infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Left Modified Radical MastectomyTumor bed:Section show breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in glandular pattern, solid nests and sheets. Tumor cells are pleomorphic with high N/C ratio, large pleomorphic vesicular nucleus with prominent nucleoli,moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. mitotic figures are >20 /10 hpf. Areas of necrosis seen. Surrounding breast shows ductal carcinoma in situ( solid &comedo pattern). Stroma is desmoplastic and infiltrated byinflammatory cells composed of lymphocytes and plasma cells.Grade :IIIHistological type:Invasive ductal carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ.Grade:IIITumor measures maximum dimension3.5 cmInvasive component measures 3cmDuctal carcinoma in situ measures 0.5cmModified BR score is 8/9Tubule formation: 3 Nuclear pleomorphism:2Mitotic figures:3Ductal carcinoma in situ- 0.5 cm ( Solid and comedo)Lymphovascular invasion -present.Perineural invasion- Present Posterior resection margin is free of tumor Nipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 20 lymph nodes, Metastasis:0 (0/20).Pathological stage: pT2N0Summary: Invasive ductal carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ, left breast.Tumor Grade:IIILymph node Status: Identified 20 lymph nodes. No metastatic deposits of tumor seen (0/20)." 2983,MR1801312,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of right breast carcinoma. Post NACT.SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Post NACT Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :22cm Superficial to Deep :5 cm Superior to Inferior :20cmSkin ellipse 18x13:cmNipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : Multifiocal 2 lesions seen Grey white firm lesion in in upper outer quadrant measures 2x1.4x1.3cm. Another firm grey white nodular lesion measures 1x1.8x0.6cm seen 2cm from the first lesion. Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrantMargins of tumor : ill definedDeep margin : 3cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 10x9x3cmTotal number of nodes : 11 nodesSize of largest node : 2x1x1cm cut surface fatty infiltrate.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Residual viable tumor present.Maximum dimension of tumor 2cmInvasive ductal carcinoma measures 1.2cm. Ductal carcinoma in situ ( cribriform and comedo pattern.) 0.8cm.Surrounding the tumor, areas of necrosis fibrosis and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate is present.Another tumor nodule is present 2cm away from the first tumor measures 1x0.5cm with invasive ductal carcinoma (0.5cm) and ductal carcinoma in situLymphovascular invasion present, Perineural invasion not identifiedAreas of necrosis seen in surrounding breast along with lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Right breast right modified radical mastectomy:Residual multifocal Invasive ductal carcinomaModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9, Grade II.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1Largest tumor focus measures 2cm in greatest dimension is located in the upper outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ 0.8cmLymphovascular invasion presentPerineural invasion Not identifiedPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable, no paget's disease.Lymph nodes -11 lymph nodes.metastasis 811 Lymph nodes show metastatic deposit of invasive duct cell carcinoma.Perinodal spread present.SUMMARY:Right breast right modified radical mastectomy.Residual viable tumor presentTwo tumor nodules show invasive ductal carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ, Grade II.Nodal metastasis: 8 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor Perinodal spread of tumor is seen." 2984,MR1801333,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right breast. (Post lumpectomy)SPECIMEN:A) Right Sentinal Lymph Node Biopsy.B) Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A)Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1.5x1 cmLargest measures :1.5x1x1 cm, cut surface is unremarkable.B) Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Modified radical Mastectomy.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :-Medial-lateral : 17 cm Superficial - deep : 5 cm Superior-inferior : 16 cmSkin ellipse : 15x9 cmNipple : NormalScar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor(Residual tumor) : SingleTumor size : 2x2x1 cmLocation of tumor : Upper inner quadrantMargins of tumor : Ill definedDeep margin : 0.5cmMuscle : Present, 3x2 cmAdjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Axillary tail : AbsentIMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy : Residual Invasive ductal carcinoma measuring 0.5 cm present with extensive DCIS.DCIS : Cribriform, comedo necrosis and solid pattern seen.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Nuclear grade II.Lymphovascular invasion is not seen.Perineural invasion is not seen.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 2 lymph nodes, Metastasis : 0 (0/2).Summary:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy, status post lumpectomy:Residual Invasive ductal carcinoma measuring 0.5 cm present with extensive DCIS.Nodal metastases (0/2)." 2986,MR1801338,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump- ? MalignantSPECIMEN:Right breast lump GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 -1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma shows a lesion arranged in nests and sheets. The cells forming the lesion are round to oval with hyperchromatic nuclei and scant to moderate cytoplasm. Adjacent breast parenchyma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Mitosis 3-4/10 hpf.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump,biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma ,Grade -IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9(3+2+1) " 2987,MR1801344,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous with an infiltrating lesion arranged in cords, islands and sheets . The cells have round to oval markedly pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and abundant amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Few lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate .Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IIIModified Bloom Richardson ( 3+3+2)8" 2988,MR1801349,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented linear cores measures 0.2 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Few cells with bizarre nuclei are seenIMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 3. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 8(3+3+2)." 2990,MR1801362,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2991,MR1801379,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of carcinoma right breast, post chemotherapy status. Now for right modified Radical radical mastectomy.SPECIMEN:A) Sentinel blue nodesB) Right Mastectomy.C) Right Axillary node.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue measures 4x2x1cm. Largest lymph node measures 1x0.5x0.3cm. Number of lymph nodes isolated : 4 nodesB)Received in : Formalin Procedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Rigth Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :23cm Superficial to Deep :3 cm Superior to Inferior :15cmSkin ellipse :11.x8cm Nipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : SingleTumor Size : 3.8x2.5x2.5m Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrant Margins of tumor : Infiltrative Deep margin : 1.3cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue . Axillary tail : 4.5x3.5x1.5Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.3 cut surface grey brown Total number of LNs (level I and II) : 11 nodesC)Received 1 lymph node measuring 0.5x0.5x0.3cmIMPRESSION:B) Right breast mastectomy:Residual viable tumor present Maximum dimension of tumor is 3.8 cmsInvasive ductal carcinoma, Grade III measures 2.3 cmsDuctal carcinoma in situ measures 1.5 cms - solid, cribriform and comedonecrosis Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9, grade 2Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3Tumor measures 3.8 in greatest dimension iand is located in the upper inner quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ is present measuring 1.5cm with solid, cribriform and comedo necrosis typeLymphovascular invasion PresentPerineural invasion PresentPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkableLevel 1& II : 4 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 11 nodes.Pathological stage: ypT2N2A) Sentinel blue nodes: 3 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 4 nodesC) Right Axillary node: 1 lymph node , no metasatic depositsSUMMARY:Right breast, modified radical mastectomy, post chemotherapy status:Residual viable tumor present Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade III , with ductal carcinoma in situ.Sentinel lymph nodes : 3 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 4 nodesLevel I & II lymph nodes: 4 nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 11 nodesLevel III lymph nodes : 1 lymph node , no deposits of tumor." 2992,MR1801399,"CLINICAL HISTORY: Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right Sentinel lymph node.B)Right Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS: A) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3x2x1cmIsolated 3 lymph nodesLargest lymph nodes measures 1x0.5x0.5cm. Cut surface is grey brown.B)Received in : Formalin Procedure : Mastectomy. Laterality : Right.Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :19 cm Superficial to Deep: 3 cm Superior to Inferior :11 cm Skin ellipse : 13x 8 cm Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : AbsentTumor : Single Tumour Size : 1.3x0.9x0.7 cm Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant Margins of tumor : Infiltrating Deep margin : 1.2 cmMuscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissueAxillary tail : AbsentSentinel lymph nodes : 3 lymph nodesIMPRESSION:B) Right breast, Right Mastectomy:Invasive ductal Carcinoma, Grade II.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation: 2.Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 1.3X0.9cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ :Not present..Lymphovascular invasion : Not identifiedPerineural invasion : Not identifiedPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola are unremarkable.A) Right Sentinel lymph node.biopsyLymph nodes: 3 lymph nodes, show no deposit of tumor .Pathological stage : pT1N0.Summary : Right Modified Radical MastectomyInvasive ductal carcinoma,Grade IINodal metastases 3 Nodes. No deposits of tumor." 2993,MR1801400,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Beast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, BiopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets and islands. The cells lesional cells have abundant amount of cytoplasm, pleomorphic vesicular to hyperchromatic nuclei showing prominent nucleoli. Areas of necrosis seen. Stroma shows fibrosis.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 2994,MR1801449,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast cT2N0M0SPECIMEN:A) Wide excisionB) Right sentinel lymph nodeC) Right axillary lymph node dissectionGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received wide excision specimen measures 6x4.5x3.5cm skin ellipse measures 2x0.3cmCut surfaceá shows a grey white lesion measures 3x2.5x2cmDistance from marginsSuperior margin: 0.8cmInferior marginá :1cmMedial margináá :2cmLateral marginá :1.2cmDeep margin áááááá :1.5cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x1x1cm isolated 3 lymph nodes Largest lymph node measures 1.2x1x1cm cut surfaceá grey white . gritty to cut.C) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue altogether measures 5x3.5x2cm largest lymph node measures 1x0.8x0.5cm. Cut surface grey white.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Wide excision:The section shows clumps, groups and sheets of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus with eosinophilic cytoplasm. Tubule formation less than 10 % (3) mitosis (2) Anaplasia (2),Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9, Grade II.Ductal carcinoma in situ- Not present.Lymphovascular invasion -Present.Perineural invasion - PresentResected marginsáá :Superior margin: Free of tumorInferior marginá : Free of tumorMedial margináá :Free of tumorLateral marginá :Free of tumorDeepá marginááá :Free of tumorSentinel lymph node:One node shows metastatic deposit of tumor out of 3 nodesPerinodal spread present.Right axillary lymph node: 19 nodes . No deposit of tumorIMPRESSION:Breast wide excision:Invasive ductal carcinomaá measuring 3x2.5x2cm, Grade II.Lymphovascular invasion - Present.Perineural invasion -á Present.Ductal carcinoma in situ- Not identified.Sentinel lymph node:One node shows metastatic deposit of tumor out of 3 nodes..Right axillary lymph node: 19 nodes . No deposit of tumor.Pathological stage: pT2N1." 2995,MR1801453,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of left breast carcinoma, post lumpectomySPECIMEN:A)Left Modified Radical mastectomy.B) Level 3 lymph nodesGROSS FINDINGS:A)Received in : Formalin Procedure :Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :21cm Superficial to Deep :3 cm Superior to Inferior : 16cmSkin ellipse :17x6cm , scar seen in the lower central to lower outer quadrant measuring 4.5cm Nipple : shows ulceration of the epitheliumTumor : SingleTumor Size : 2x2x1.5cm Location of tumor : upper outer quadrant Margins of tumor : Circumbribed Deep margin : 1.5cmMuscle : 6x4cmAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 9x5x3cmLevel I- II Lymph nodes : 13 nodesSize of largest node : largest matted lymph nodes measures 3.5x2.5x2cm , cut surface shows tumor deposit measuring 3cms in greatest dimension.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x1.5x1cm.Level III lymph nodes :3 nodesIMPRESSION:A) Left breast, left modified radical mastectomy.Residual tumor present, Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade IIIModified Bloom Richardson score is 9/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 3Tumor measures 2x2cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identifiedLymphovascular invasion present.Perineural invasion present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Adjacent to nipple areola ulceration of the epithelium is seen along with inflammatory cell infiltrates.Level I- II -3 lymph nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor out of13 nodes , perinodal spread present B) Level III lymph nodes:5 nodes , No deposit of tumor.Pathological stage: ypT1N1SUMMARY: Left breast, left modified radical mastectomy, Post lumpectomy Residual viable tumor present , Invasive ductal carcinoma , Grade IIILevel I- II : 3 lymph nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 13 nodes, perinodal spread present .Level III : 5 nodes, No deposit of tumor" 2996,MR1801461,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 7 grey white linear cores measures 0.2 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy.:Invasiveá carcinoma, Grade 1Modified Bloom Richardson score is 4/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 1Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 4/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 2997,MR1801464,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Pools of extracellular mucin are seen.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Suggestive of Invasive Carcinoma with mucinous features, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 2998,MR1801477,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump Biopsy. SPECIMEN: Biopsy from Right breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma showing sclerosis and benign ducts. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :No evidence of malignancy in the smears studied.Suggest repeat biopsy if clinically indicated. H18-794 (B)CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump Biopsy.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.7 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets. The lesional cells are highly pleomorphic with enlarged nuclei and prominent nucleoli with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, Admixed lymphocytes seen. Brisk mitosis are seen. Stromal shows sclerosis and crush artifacts. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma breast (NST), Nuclear grade IIIModified Bloom Richardson Score is 9/9Tubule formation = 3Nuclear pleomorphism = 3Mitotic figures = 3 ........ 9/9 ........." 2999,MR1801487,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast .GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear coresá of parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasmá arranged in clusters and cords . The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromaticá nuclei and moderate cytoplasm . The intervening stroma is hyalinised.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast .Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3000,MR1801499,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump biopsy.SPECIMEN: Right breast lump, Biopsy :GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in islands and nests. the lesional cells are pleomorphic with hyperchromatic cytoplasm, Mitosis are 6-7/10 HPF. Stroma shows sclerosis and crush artifacts. Extensive foci of ductal carcinoma in situ noted.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump - biopsy.Suggestive of invasive carcinoma breast (NST), nuclear grade I,Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 5/9Tubule Formation = 3Nuclear pleomorphism = 1Mitotic figures = 1 ......... 5/9 ........Foci of Ductal carcinoma in situ - solid and cribriform type noted. " 3001,MR1801528,"CLINICAL HISTORY : left breast lump.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to mucoidal linear cores measures 0.7 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue showing extensive pools of mucin and scattered acini and clusters of neoplastic cells showing moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, enlarged pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Mitosis are discerned. Few show prominent nucleoli. IMPRESSION:Left breast lesion, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma with mucinous areas, nuclear grade I. Modified Bloom Richardson score is =5/9Tubule formation = 3Nuclear pleomorphism = 1Mitotic figures = 1 ........... 5/9 ,,,,,,,,,," 3002,MR1801530,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast/ metastasisSPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core BiopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). " 3003,MR1801533,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in islands and sheets. The lesional cells are moderately pleomorphic, enlarged hyperchromatic nuclei and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitosis are 7-8/10 HPF. Crush artifacts are noted. One focus of ductal carcinoma in the situ noted. Stroma shows sclerosis. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma breast (NST) nuclear grade II Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9Tubule formation = 3Nuclear Pleomorphism = 2Mitosis figures = 1 ............ 6/9 ............One focus shows Ductal carcinoma in situ - solid type. " 3004,MR1801542,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core BiopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.0-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3005,MR1801543,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma shows a infiltrating neoplasm arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with scant to moderate cytoplasm adjacent stroma shows inflammatory infiltrates . Composed of lymphocytes . Brisk mitotic figures IMPRESSION:Right Breast Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 3006,MR1801545,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - MalignantSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 -1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores breast parenchyma showing presence of an infiltrative lesion arranged in cords, nests occasional tubules and discretely scattered . The individual neoplastic cells show increased nucleo cytoplasmic ratio, nuclear hyperchromasia, pleomorphic and scanty pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. The intervening dense fibrocollagenous connective tissue is infiltrated by lymphocytes. Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ is noted. Mitotic figures are discerned.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump :Invasive Ductal NOS, Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9*( 3+2+2)" 3007,MR1801546,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump- ? Carcinoma breast SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed,MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue showing focal areas with islands of atypical cells having round to oval dark nuclei, irregular margin prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows extensive desmoplasia and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Mitotic figures are rare. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9" 3008,MR1801581,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast, post chemo.SPECIMEN:A) Left wide excision.B) Left axillary dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Left wide excision.Received lumpectomy specimen measures 6x5x3.5cm. Skin ellipse measures 3.5cm. Cut surface greywhite, fibrotic areasá (DCIS)measures 3.5x3x2cm. Also identified tiny grey white nodule measures 0.5x0.3x0.3cm. Distance from margins :Superior margin : 0.4cm. Interior margin á : 0.5cm. Medial margináá : 2cm. Lateral marginá : 1.5cm. Deep margináááá : 0.5cm. B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 7x6x2cm. Largest lymphnodes measures 1.5x1x0.8cm. Cut surface fatty infiltrate. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section from tumor show breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged as clusters and lobules. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have vesicular nuclear conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Foci of solid and comedo DCIS seen. Moderate peritoneal lymphocytes response seen. Superior margin shows a focus of ductal carcinoma in situ with is 0.4cm. away from inked margin. Inferior, medial, lateral and deep margin are free of tumor. B) Section shows 16 lymphnodes which are free of Tumor. IMPRESSION : A) Left wide excision :Invasive ductal carcinoma, left breast Residual tumor present post chemo, grade -2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááá á á á : 2áááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á áá áá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á á --------Tumor size : 0.5 x 0.4x 0.4cm.DCIS component :3.5x3x2cm. No lympho vascular invasion seen. No perineural invasion seen. All resected margins including deep are free of tumor. B) Left axillary dissection :16 left axillary lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor. " 3009,MR1801586,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? malignant.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core BiopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3010,MR1801637,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 0.5-0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating neoplasm arranged in cords and acini. The tumor cells are highly pleomorphic having round to irregular hyperchromatic nucleus.Few cells show prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma with lobular features Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9(3+3+2). 3011,MR1801647,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Malignant.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.6 -0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3012,MR1801649,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Procedure : Left modified radical mastectomy.Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions :Medial-lateral : 25 cm Superficial - deep : 5 cm Superior-inferior : 22 cmSkin ellipse : 12x6 cmScar /surgical defect : Not seenNipple : NormalTumor size : 3.5x2.5x2 cmLocation of tumor : Lower inner quadrantDeep margin : 4.5 cmAdjacent breast : FibrofattyAxillary tail : 8x6x3 cm Size of largest node: 4x1.5x1 cm Cut surface shows grey brown.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets, nests and singly scattered. The cells are round to oval, large, having vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphocytic infiltrate. Brisk mitotic activity noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Invasive carcinoma, No special type grade III.Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3Tumor measures 3.5 cm in greatest dimension and is located in the lower inner quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ is seen in comedonecrosis type.Lymphovascular invasion is seen.Perineural invasion is not seen.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 20 lymph nodes, Metastasis:01 (01/20).Size of the largest node is 4x1.5 cm is occupying the whole node.Perinodal spread not seen.Pathological stage : pT2N1Summary:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.Invasive carcinoma NST, grade III.Nodal metastases: 1/20" 3013,MR1801668,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Malignant.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 -1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3015,MR1801679,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast post NACT.SPECIMEN:A)Left modified radical mastectomyB) Level III lymph nodesGROSS FINDINGS:A)Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Post NACT Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :20cm Superficial to Deep : 3.5cm Superior to Inferior :1.8cmSkin ellipse : 13x9cm Nipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : Grossly no tumor identifiedAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 99x7x2.8cmSize of largest node :1.5x1x0.5cm cut surface -grey brown.B) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast left modified radical mastectomy:No residual viable tumor Tumor bed shows fibrotic areas and atrophic ductsPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable, remarkableLymph nodes - 13 lymph nodes, metastatic no deposit of tumor.Pathological stage: pTxN0.SUMMARY:Left Post NACT modified radical mastectomy. No residual viable tumor 13 lymphnodes isolated are free of tumor . 0/13" 3016,MR1801681,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Invasive ductal carcinoma left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 5 lymph nodes, largest measures 1.3x1x0.4 cm cut surface show grey white B) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 5x4x3 cm Cut surface shows tumor measures 2x1.5x1 cm,, located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin : 1.5 cmInferior margin : 1 cmMedial margin : 1 cmLateral margin : 2 cmDeep Margin : 0.4 cm Skin ellipse measures 3x2 cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section shows 5 lymph nodes which are free of tumor.B)Section from tumor shows breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged as tubules, clusters and cords. The neoplastic cells have vesicular nuclei, conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm.Lymphovascular emboli seen.Section from skin is unremarkable.IMPRESSION:B) Invasive ductal carcinoma, left breast:Modified BR score is 6/9, grade IITubule formationááááááááá =3Nuclear pleomorphism = 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá = 1 ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------Tumor size : 2x1.5x1 cmLymphovascular emboli indeterminate.Moderate intratumoral lymphocytic response seen.All margins of resection are free of tumor.Overlying skin is free of tumor.A) 5 left sentinel lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor.ááá " 3017,MR1801703,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lumpInvasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3018,MR1801708,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:Left Breast, Incisional Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received single soft tissue bits altogether measures 0.6 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells arranged in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Incisional Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3019,MR1801720,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - BIRADS V lesion.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1- 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrofatty tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cellsá cells arranged in sheets and nests. The tumor cells have pleomorphic round hyperchromatic nucleus , inconspicuous nucleoliá and moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis is discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9( 3+2+2)" 3021,MR1801735,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral :26 cm. Superficial - deep : 5 cm. Superior-inferior : 24 cm.Skin ellipse : 16x11 cmNipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor size : 2.5x2x2cm.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : ill defined.Deep margin : 2 cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Axillary tail : 7x4x1 cmSize of largest node: 2.5x1x0.8 cm, Cut surface shows infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from tumor show infiltrating neoplasm in glandular pattern. The cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism and increased mitosis. DCIS solid and cribriform type noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 --------------- 6/9 ---------------Tumor measures 2.5 cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Upper outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Present cribriform and solid type Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 18 lymph nodes, Metastasis :0, (0/18)." 3022,MR1801759,CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump -? Carcinoma Breast. SPECIMEN: Biopsy from Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 0.9cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores fibro adipose tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in nests cords and poorly formed tubular. The cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm and increased mitosis. Stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Biopsy left breast.Invasive carcinoma ductal carcinoma (NOS) - Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is = 7/9Tubular formation = 3Nuclear pleomorphism = 2Mitotic figures = 2 ....... 7/9 ........ 3023,MR1801765,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.B) Apical nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Lateralityáááááááááááá : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateraláááááááááá :áá 12cmááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deepááá :áááá 3cmááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferiorááááá :ááá 9cmSkin ellipseááááááááááááá : 12x6.5cmNippleáááááááááááááááááááá : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : 2 scar measures 1x1cm in upper outer quadrant.Tumoráááááááááááááááááááá : SingleTumor sizeááááááááááááá : 9x5x2cm, extending from upper outer quadrant, underlying scar to central and outer lower quadrant.Margins of tumorááá : Ill defined.Deep margináááááááááá : 0.2cm.Muscleáááááááááááááááááá : 4.5x3.5x1cm.Adjacent breastááááá : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tailáááááááááááá : 6x5x3cm B) Apical nodes:Received 2 fibrofatty tissues measures 2x1.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows infiltrating neoplasm arranged in sheets, nests. The cells are round to oval vesicular nuclei, abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma areas of necrosis and hyalinization. Mitosis 3-4/10 hpf.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :Residual Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubular formationááááááá :á 3Nuclear pleomorphism :á 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá :á 1Tumor measures maximum dimension 1.6cm(Microscopic).Invasive component measures 1.6cm.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not identified.Lymphovascular invasion : Not identified.Perineural invasion : Not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 11 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 3,(3/11). Extranodal extension seen.Largest tumor deposit measures 0.6cm.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :Residual Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Nodal metastases : 11 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 3,(3/11). Extranodal extension seen." 3024,MR1801767,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? malignantSPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma shows infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and scattered individual cells. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrates. Brisk mitotic figures are seen. Crush artifacts are identified.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lumpInvasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3025,MR1801779,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lesion -? Malignant. SPECIMEN: Biopsy from Right breast lesion. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.6 x 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fragments of fibroadipose tissue harboring an infiltrate neoplasm in sheets and nests composed of atypical cells with well defined cell borders, moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. pleomorphic nuclei with hyperchromatism.There is extensive peritumoral lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast. Invasive ductal carcinoma,grade IIModified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9Tubule formation =3Nuclear pleomorphism =2Mitotic figures =1 ...... 6/9 ....... " 3026,MR1801809,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right Modified Radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure :Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :16cm Superficial to Deep :5cm Superior to Inferior : 13cmSkin ellipse :16x10cm, shows nodule measuring 3x2 cm. The tumor is seen extending upto the skin.Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : SingleTumor Size : 3.5x2x1cm Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant Margins of tumor : Well circumscribed Deep margin : 1cmMuscle : present measures 1x0.6cmAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 5x4x1cmTotal lymph nodes : 13 (Specify if Sentinel nodes sent )Size of largest node : 0.8x0.7x0.5cm. cut surface -grey brownIMPRESSION:Right breast , Right modified radical mastectomy.Tumor : Total size of tumor measures 3.5cmInvasive ductal carcinoma 2.3cmDuctal carcinoma in situ measures 1.2cm with cribriform and comedonecrosis.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9, Grade II.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures 3.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ present , cribriform and comedonecrosis measuring 1.2cmLymphovascular invasion not present.Perineural invasion present.Posterior resection margin (muscle bundle) is free of tumor.Nipple and areola are unremarkable.Skin nodule shows nodular tumor, Invasive ducal carcinoma, present below the epidermis in the dermis. Epidermis is free from the tumor .lymph nodes -13 lymph nodes. No deposit of tumor Pathological stage : pT2N0SUMMARY:Right modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ, Grade II.Nodal metastasis: 13 nodes - No deposit of tumor." 3027,MR1801813,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 06-0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3028,MR1801818,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump- ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 7 grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.7cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma with an infiltrating neoplasm arranged in nests and occasional glands. The cells are round to oval with hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 --------" 3029,MR1801824,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump- possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 cores measures 0.6-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords, ribbons and islands composed of pleomorphic cells with moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm, irregular hyperchromatic nuclei and vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Mitosis are 4-5/10 hpf. Stroma shows sclerosis..IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma ,No special type Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9 ( 3+2+1)." 3031,MR1801840,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump- possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 cores measures 0.6-0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords, islands and tubules. The lesional cells are moderately pleomorphic with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei. Mitosis are 4-5/10 hpf. Stroma shows elastosis and chronic inflammatory infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, No special type Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9( 3+2+1)." 3032,MR1801895,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast indeterminate lesion.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 0.8-1cm. entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue showing ducts with preserved lobular architecture the ducts shows focal epithelial hyperplasia . No evidence of ductal carcinoma in situ or invasive carcinoma in sections studied. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion:Benign breast tissueNo evidence of malignancy in the material submitted. 3033,MR1801919,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 0.8-1 cm. Entire tissue processedIMPRESSION :Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1).- Ductal carcinoma in situ of solid, cribriform and comedo pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen." 3034,MR1801921,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Biopsy from Right breast.GROSS FINDINGS: Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.7cm, Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in thick bands and sheets. The cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm and increased mitosis. Stroma is desmoplastic, comedo necrosis noted. DCIS component present. comedo type focal areas show papillary features. IMPRESSION:Right breast biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma with focal papillary features with high grade DCIS and Comedo necrosis. Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9Tubule formation = 3Nuclear pleomorphism =2Mitotic figures = 2 ...... 7/9 .......Grade II." 3035,MR1801952,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast..SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures0.3 to 0.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3036,MR1801958,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 linear cores measures 06-0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3037,MR1801975,"CLINICAL HISTORYLeft breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:A)Left sentinel lymph nodeB) Left Sentinel lymph nodeC)Left mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1x0.8x0.7cm1 lymph node isolated measures 0.9x0.5x0.3cm.B)Received another bottle container fibrofatty tissue meausres 2x1x0.5cm1 lymph node isolated.C)Received in : Formalin Procedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :21cm Superficial to Deep :4cm Superior to Inferior 14cmSkin ellipse :15x10cm Nipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : SingleTumor Size : 2.3x2.5x1.8 Location of tumor : Lower inner quadrant Margins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 1.5cmMuscle : Present measures 3x2.5cmAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : AbsentDistance from the skin : 0.3cmIMPRESSION:C) Left breast , left mastectomy.Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures 2.8x2.5in greatest dimension and is located in the lower inner quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identifiedLymphovascular invasion not presentPerineural invasion presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.A and B) Left Sentinel lymph nodes - 2 nodes , No deposits of tumor (0/2)Pathological stage : pT2N0.SUMMARY:Left breast , left mastectomy with left Sentinel lymph nodes :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II.Nodal metastasis 2 nodes - No deposit of tumor (0/2)" 3038,MR1801983,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left axilla lump - ? Malignant.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left axilla lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white lineará cores measures 0.8-0.9cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores with an infiltratingá tumor arranged in nests and cords . The cells show round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with occasional nuclei and scant to moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Surrounding stroma shows chronic inflammatory infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left axilla lump:Poorly differentiated carcinomaKindly exclude primary in breast. 3039,MR1802007,CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Biopsy from Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS: Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.7cm. Soft tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibro adipose tissue harboring cell invasive neoplasm in cords and nests the cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism eosinophilic cytoplasm and increased mitosis. Areas of calcification noted. Stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Right breast biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma (NOS)Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9 - Grade II.Tubule Formation = 3Nuclear pleomorphism = 2Mitosis figures =2 .......... 7/9 .......... 3040,MR1802016,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - BIRADS V.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey whit linear cores measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3041,MR1802062,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Carcinoma breast post opSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left chest wall lesionGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of collagenous tissue with foci of neoplastic lesion arranged in small islands, cores and sheets. The cells have markedly pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left chest wall lesion:Suggestive of recurrence in a known case of carcinoma breast. " 3042,MR1802081,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lesion. - intermediate ? Metastatic.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lesion, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 linear cores measures 0.4-0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear tissue cores harboring a lesion arranged in cored of neoplastic cells exhibiting increased N/C ratio pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus with variable amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic . Occasional lymphoid aggregate is noted.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lesion, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 3043,MR1802086,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast carcinoma. SPECIMEN:A)Left breast wide excision. B) Left axillary clearance. GROSS FINDINGS:A)Left breast wide excision:Received wide local excision specimen of breast measures 6x4x2cm. Skin ellipse 4x1cm. Cut surface grey white fibrotic areas identified measures 1x1cm. Superior margin : 0.8cm.Inferior margin : 0.8cm. Medial margin : 0.9cm.Lateral margin : 1cm.Deep margin : 0.2cm.B) Left axillary clearance :Received fibrofatty tissue measures 8x7x5cm. Largest lymph node 2x1x1cm. Cut surface fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Left breast wide excision:Multiple section show fibrotic areas with atrophic ducts and focal lymphoplasmacytic infiltration, post treatment changes. No residual viable tumor present. Surrounding ducts show adenosis and fibrocystic change. Resected margins:-Superior margin : Free of tumor.Inferior margin : Free of tumor.Medial margin : Free of tumor.Lateral margin : Free of tumor.Deep margin : Free of tumor.Left axillary clearance. 21 Nodes, No deposits of tumor. IMPRESSION:Wide excision- Breast conservative surgery:Post NACT, Post lumpectomy:No residual viable tumor. All resected margins free of Tumor. Axillary lymphnodes :21 nodes, No deposits of Tumor. " 3044,MR1802088,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? malignantSPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.6-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3045,MR1802096,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - likely malignantSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring a lesion arranged in nests, cords and sheets. The cells have moderately pleomorphic round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Few nests of cells have abundant amount of clear cytoplasm. Stroma is desmoplastic. Mitotic figures discernedIMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion:Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 3046,MR1802118,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma Breast - Post OpSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right adrenal lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.6-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests and sheets . The neoplastic cells have marked pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and abundant amount of eosinophilic to vacuolated cytoplasm. Bizarre tumor giant cells noted. Stroma show sclerosis, mitotic figures discerned. Vascular emboli presentIMPRESSION:Biopsy from right adrenal lesion:Poorly differentiated carcinoma ? Primary.? SecondarySuggest IHC.." 3047,MR1802135,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 0.9 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3048,MR1802150,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - ? MalignantSPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.9 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6( 3+2+1)." 3049,MR1802168,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast post lumpectomy statusSPECIMEN:A) Left breast post lumpectomy status; Right lumpectomyB) Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3.8x2x0.5cmCut surface tiny cystic grey white lesion measures 0.8x0.6x0.4cm, Distance from closest margin measure 0.3cm.B)Received in : Formalin Procedure :Modified radical Mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :30cm Superficial to Deep :3 cm Superior to Inferior :22cmSkin ellipse :16x7.5cm. linear sutured wound located in the central quadrant Nipple :normalScar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : No gross tumor identifiedTumor Size : defect with grey white areas measures 4.5x3x2.5cm Location of tumor : Central quadrant Margins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 2cm from the defect Muscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 7x4.5x3cmSize of largest node : 1.5x1x0.5cm, Cut surface - grey brown fat infiltrationMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A)Section shows and encapsulated papillary lesion composed of complex papillae lined by cells with mild atypia . adjacent areas show papillary DCIS and intra ductal papilloma. no evidence of invasion noted.B) Sections from fibrotic areas show adenosis, Usual ductal hyperplasia, papillary hyperplasia, apocrine change and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast lumpectomy:Intracystic papillary carcinoma(Encapsulated Papillary carcinoma) associated with papillary ductal carcinoma in situ and intra ductal papilloma The tumor measures 0.8cm in greatest dimension.Ductal carcinoma in situ papillary type present.Circumferential margins are free of tumor.No lymphovascular invasion or perineural invasion identified. B) Left post lumpectomy status left modified radical mastectomy:No residual tumor present.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion not identified.Deep margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes - 9 lymph nodes examined no metastasis (0/9).SUMMARY:A) Right lumpectomy :Intracystic papillary carcinoma(encapsulated papillary carcinoma) associated with papillary ductal carcinoma in situ and intra ductal papilloma. Resected margins are free of tumor.B) Left modified radical mastectomy : No residual tumor present. No lymphnodal metastasis (0/9). Deep margin is free of tumor" 3050,MR1802180,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lesion - BIRADS V.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lesion, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear core 0.7-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows extensive ductal carcinoma in situ component with few foci of invasion.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lesion, Core Biopsy :Shows Ductal carcinoma in situ of solid pattern with intermediate nuclear Grade.Foci of invasion are also seen." 3051,MR1802185,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right buccal lesion- ? Malignant.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lesion, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 0.8 to 0.9cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lesion, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3053,MR1802191,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - ? Malignant.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:received 4á grey white to grey brown linear coresá measures 0.9-1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasiveá carcinoma with lobular features , Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3054,MR1802205,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Know case of Carcinoma right breast - Post OP/ CT/RT.Now Liver lesion - ? Metastasis.SPECIMEN:Liver, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures0.6 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of liver tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Liver, Core Biopsy( Know case of Carcinoma right breast - Post OP/ CT/RT) :Positive for malignancy.Suggestive of Metastatic carcinoma in know and treated case of carcinoma right breast.Kindly correlate with clinical and radiological findings." 3055,MR1802214,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Laterality :Right Skin ellipse : 13x8 cmNipple : UnremarkableScar : Not seen.Tumor : SingleTumor size :4.5x3x3 cm, Location of tumor : Extending from central to 9 o'clock position-Margin of tumor : Infiltrative Deep margin :1.5 cmMuscle : Present, 2.5x2x1.5 cmAdjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : 6x5x2 cmSize of largest node: 2x1x1 cm, cut surface grey brown..IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Modified Radical Mastectomy :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA,Grade III. - Modified BR score is 8/9. - Tubule formation : 3 - Nuclear pleomorphism : 2 - Mitotic figures : 3 - Tumor measures 4.5 cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Retro areolar and lower outer quadrant. - Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Present solid and comedo type. - Lymphovascular invasion : Present. - Perineural invasion : Not identified. - Posterior resection margin is : Free of tumor. - Nipple and areola : Unremarkable. - Lymph nodes: 22 lymph nodes, metastatic: 9 (9,22), - Largest deposit measures 1.2 cm, Extra nodal extension present." 3056,MR1802253,CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast residual lumpSPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure : Mastectomy Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :20cm Superficial to Deep :0.2 cm Superior to Inferior 117cmSkin ellipse :11x3cm Nipple :Not seenScar/ Surgical defect :10cmTumor : corresponding to scar wake grey white form area noted measures 1x1x1cm ? Fibrotic ? Tumor Deep margin : 0.1cmMuscle : 5x2cmAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 5x4x2Microscopy:Tumor bed: Residual viable tumor presentDuctal carcinoma in situ cribriform and comedonecrosis type.No evidence of invasive of carcinoma.IMPRESSION:Right breast post mastectomy status. Right modified radical mastectomy:Residual Ductal carcinoma insitu. high gradeTumor measures 1x1 in greatest dimension .Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion not presentPosterior resection margin is 0.1cm from tumor inked margin in free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes - 1 lymph node metastatic deposit the invasive ductal carcinoma out of 11 nodes 1/11Perinodal spread present.Pathological state ypTisN1.SUMMARY:Right post mastectomy modified radical mastectomy residual viable tumor presentDuctal carcinoma in situ high grade . measures 1x1cmNo evidence of invasive carcinoma.lymphnodes 1/11 perinodal spread present. 3057,MR1802258,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3058,MR1802282,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - BIRADS V.SPECIMEN:á Biopsy from left breast .GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords, trabecular. The cells are pleomorphic with ovoid hyperchromatic nuclei and scant cytoplasm. Areas of hyalinisation seen.á IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade I.Modified Bloom Richardson Score isá 5/9Tubule formationáááááááááá = 2Nuclear pleomorphism á = 2Mitotic figures á á á á á á á á =1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ......áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........" 3059,MR1802320,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast Lump - ? Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.7-0.9cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3060,MR1802354,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Malignant.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lesion, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 linear cores grey white bits measures 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows core of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Few cells with bizarre nuclei are seen.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lesion, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 3061,MR1802366,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right Breast lump - ? Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 0.6-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple section show studied show linear cores harboring an infiltrative tumor arranged in nests, cords and trabecular of neoplasm cells exhibiting increased N/C ratio, vesicular hyperchromasia, pleomorphism and scanty cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic and shows dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrative.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6( 3+2+1)." 3062,MR1802381,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast.Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3063,MR1802391,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left lumpectomy- Left breast lump with uptake on PET - ? Recurrence SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-0.9cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3064,MR1802396,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.6-1.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from needle core biopsy from left breast shows cells arranged in clusters and severe tubular pattern. The cells are pleomorphic show round vesicular nucleus, conspicuous nucleoli and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Areas of infarction seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasiveá carcinoma, NOS Grade 3Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 3Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9" 3065,MR1802402,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump- ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures0.5-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Core biopsy section from needle core biopsy from right breast shows cells arranged in clusters and glandular pattern. The cells moderate pleomorphism with cells showing vesicular nucleus small nucleoli and eosinophilic to clear cytoplasmIMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump:Invasiveá carcinoma, NST Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9" 3066,MR1802410,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - Possibility of Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 Linear cores measures 0.6-0.7cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Linear cores ofá fibrofatty tissue with benign ductsNo evidence of neoplasm seenNOTE:Kindly correlate with clinical and immagiological findings and suggest repeat from representative area o f deemed necessary. 3067,MR1802412,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Birads 4SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters and cords. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei, conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Theá intervening stroma is elastotic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3068,MR1802416,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump-á Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 linear cores measures 1.0-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the left breast shows sheets and clusters of neoplastic cells with fibrous tissue . The cells show moderate pleomorphism round nucleus and eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lump:Invasiveá carcinoma, NST Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9" 3069,MR1802442,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ?Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear coresá measures 1-1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3070,MR1802455,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right Breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lumpá Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey whiteá linear coresá measures 0.8 -1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lumpá Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3072,MR1802507,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast lump (4 0 clock)- P/o carcinoma breast-ILeft breast lump (2 0 clock position)- P/o satellite lesion/ Intramammary node.SPECIMEN:Left breast lumps A) 4 0 clock and B) 2 0 clock position, trucut biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 3 greywhite linear cores measures 0.4 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.B) Received 4 greywhite linear cores measures 0.4 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A)Section from left breast lump 4 0 clock and 2 0clock position shows a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests and diffuse sheets consisting of pleomorphic cells having round to oval vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Interspersed dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate noted. Mitotic figures seen 15-16/10 hpf with atypical mitosis. Stroma shows hyalinization and fibrosis. Scattered large bizarre cells noted.B) Section shows dysplastic cells arranged in tubules surrounded with dense mononuclear infiltrates.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump 4 0 clock and 2 0 clock position, trucut biopsy.A) Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade III.MBR Score (3+2+3) : 8/9B) Invasive carcinoma with dense lymphocytic infiltrates.? Tumor? Node.please correlate radiologically" 3073,MR1802542,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A)Left breast lumpectomy.B)Sentinel lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received a lumpectomy specimen measures 4x5.5x1.5cmNo skin ellipseOn cut section, tumor measures 1x1x0.8cm, greyish whiteDistance from margins:Superior margin :0.6cmInferior margin :0.7cmMedial margin :1cmLateral margin :1.5cmInked Deep Margin :0.3cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4x3x1cm. 3 Lymph nodes isolatedLargest lymph nodes measures 2x1x0.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the lesion shows invasive neoplasm in sheets , nests and cords . The cells show moderate pleomorphism and increased mitosis.IMPRESSION:A)Left breast lumpectomy:Invasive carcinoma ductal NOS, grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 2+2+3- 7/9Tumor measures 1.1cm in greatest dimension with invasive carcinoma measuring 0.8cmDuctal carcinoma in situ , solid type , intermediate nuclear grade present measuring 0.3cmLymphovascular invasion is indeterminate Perineural invasion is not identified.Lateral margin shows ductal carcinoma in situ , however the inked margin is free from tumorAll other margins are free of tumor.B)Sentinel lymph node:4 Lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor (0/4)" 3074,MR1802557,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Right breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords,nests, and in sheets. The cells have oval pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate cytoplasm. Intervening stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrate. Mitosis seen. Areas of fibrosis seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9Tubule formation = 3Nuclear pleomorphism = 2Mitotic figures =1 ........ 6/9 ..........." 3075,MR1802570,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Carcinoma breast..SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.0-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged as cords tubules and clusters. The neoplastic cells haveá hyperchromaticá nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stromaá is elastotic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2 Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationáááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3076,MR1802577,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast Lump - ? Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 06-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3077,MR1802592,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast Lump - ? Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3078,MR1802601,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast post chemoSPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy Post NACTGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure : Right modified radical mastectomy Post NACT Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :16cm Superficial to Deep : 5cm Superior to inferior : 12cmSkin ellipse :11.5x7cmNipple :Puckering present Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor :Single Tumor Size :3x2.5x1.7cm Location of tumor : Central quadrantMargins of tumor : IIl defined Deep margin : 1.5cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail :12x8x1cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and cords. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis.IMPRESSION:Right modified radical mastectomy Post NACT:Histological type:Residual Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade :2Tumor component maximum dimension 3cm.Invasive component measures 3cm.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Ductal carcinoma in situ is not seen.Lymphovascular invasion is seen.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes 16 lymph nodes metastasis, 6(6/16).Perinodal spread is presentPathological stage ypT2N2Summary:Residual Invasive ductal carcinoma right breastTumor grade 2Lymph nodes status 6/16 perinodal spread is seen." 3079,MR1802625,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear tissue cores harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged in cords and nests of neoplastic epithelial cells exhibiting increased N/C ratio, nuclear hyperchromasia, pleomorphism, occasional prominent nucleolus and pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. The intervening stroma shows presence of fibrocollagenous connective tissue.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast:Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6( 3+2+1)" 3081,MR1802656,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures measures 0.4-0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibroadipose tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged in cores and trabecular . The individual neoplastic cells show increased N/C ratio, nuclear hyperchromasia and pleomorphism , moderate amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm.The intervening stroma shows desmoplasia and in infiltrated by lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)" 3082,MR1802661,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures0.6-0.7cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple fragments of breast parenchyma shows a lesion with increased cellularity. The cells are spindle cells int the background of myxomatous stroma . Also seen ducts lined by luminal and abluminal cells. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Fibroepithelial lesion -Possibility of phyllodes considered.Needs larger tissue for grading and confirmation. 3083,MR1802672,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - possibility of Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear tissue cores infiltrated by cords of neoplastic cells exhibiting increased nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio, hyperchromatic pleomorphic nuclei with occasional prominent nucleoli and scanty eosinophilic cytoplasm. The intervening stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 3084,MR1802685,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.6-0.7 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3085,MR1802690,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy fromá right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 linear cores measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy fromá right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is7/9.Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3086,MR1802692,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy fromá right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 00.6-0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy fromá right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3087,MR1802693,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear coresá measures 0.6 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores breast parenchyma with focal aggregates of glands lined by epithelial cells with bland nuclear features . Stroma shows dense sclerosis.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy:Benign ductal elements? RepresentativePlease repeat if clinically indicated." 3088,MR1802704,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy fromá left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy fromá left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá á á : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3089,MR1802707,CLINICAL HISTORY :Prostatomegaly - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Trucut Biopsy ProstateGROSS FINDINGS:Received 7 linear cores measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of prostatic tissue exhibiting acini lined by columnar epithelium interspersed in fibromuscular stroma. No evidence of malignancy.IMPRESSION:Trucut Biopsy Prostate :Shows Benign Prostatic Tissue.No evidence of malignancy is seen. 3090,MR1802719,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump- Possibility of Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3091,MR1802742,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast cT3N2aM0SPECIMEN:A) Left Breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.B) Left Level 3.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :22cm Superficial to Deep :6 cm Superior to Inferior :16cmSkin ellipse :12x6cm Nipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : SingleTumor Size : 5.5x4x2.5cm Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant Margins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 0.5cm (MuscleMuscle : PresentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 7x7x3cmSize of largest node : 2.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface grey brown.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section sows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular or perineural invasion is not identified.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). - Tumor measures 5.5 in greatest dimension id located in the upper outer quadrant. - Ductal carcinoma in situ not seen. - Lymphovascular invasion is not seen. - Perineural invasion is not seen. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes :Fifteen lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy(0/15).B) Left level 3 lymph nodes : Six lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy(0/6)." 3092,MR1802749,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma Right breast post NACT. SPECIMEN:B)Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy post NACT.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin. Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 19 cm Superficial - deep : 5 cm Superior-inferior : 15 cmSkin ellipse : 13x4.5 cmNipple : RetractedScar/Surgical defect: Not seen. Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 4x2.5x1.3 cmLocation of tumor : Retroreolar lesion abutting overlying alveolar skin. Margins of tumor : ill defined. Deep margin : 0.9cm. Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 7x6x3 cm Sentinel lymphnodes: 2 nodes dissected.Sixe of largest node- 0.9x0.8x0.7cm . . Total no of nodes resected 14 nodeA) Isolated 2 sentinel lymphnodes largest, measures 0.9x0.8x0.7cm. IMPRESSION:A)Sentinel lymphnodes - 2 Nodes. one node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 2 nodes perinodal spread present.B) Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy post NACT :Residual viable tumor present is the retro areolar regianTumor infiltrating up to the epidermis of the nipple and areola. Viable tumor presentInvasive ductal carcinoma.Grade II. Tumor measures maximum dimension 4cm. Invasive component measures 3 cm. Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 1 cm. Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 .......... 7/9 ...........Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Present, Low grade solid type.Lymphovascular invasion Present. Perineural invasion present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Tumor is infiltrating upto the epidermis of the nipple and areola. Lymph nodes: Sentinel node - one node shows Metastasis deposit of tumor out of 2 nodes(1/2). Peri nodal spread present. M.M. Axillary lymphnode = 13 nodes - No deposits of tumor. (0/13)Tumor Grade : IIPathological stage : ypT2N1SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy post NACT :Residual viable tumor right breast.Invasive ductal carcinoma Tumor Grade - IILymphnode Status :Sentinel lymphnode = One node shows metastatic deposit of tumor out of 2 nodes.(1/2) Peri nodal spread present. Axillary lymphnodes markedly specimen = 13 nodes - No deposits of total no of node (0/13)One shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 15 nodes(1/15). " 3093,MR1802798,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-0.9cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3094,MR1802799,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast post NACT.SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy, post NACT.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : 10% NBF.Procedure : Right modified radical mastectomy, post NACT.Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral -- 16cm Superficial to Deep -- 6cm Superior to Inferior -- 17cmSkin ellipse :13x9.5cm.Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Absent.Residual Tumor : Present (Single)Tumour Size : 3.6x2.4x1.5cm.Location of tumor : Retroareolar.Margins of tumor : Infiltrative. Deep margin : 2cm.Muscle : Present (deep) measures 4.5x2.5x2cmAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty.Axillary tail : 9.5x7.5x3cm.IMPRESSION:Right modified radical mastectomy, post NACT:Tumor:Shows nests of viable tumor cells with well defined cell border moderate cytoplasm pleomorphic vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Adjacent solid ductal carcinoma in situ also noted. Stroma is hyalinised and desmoplastic. Histological type: Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade:IITumor measures maximum dimension 3.6cmInvasive component measures 3cmDuctal carcinoma in situ measures 0.6cmModified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ present. Solid type (intermediate grade).Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is muscle which is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 26 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 12 (12/26). Largest nodal metastasis measures 1.2cm. Extranodal extension not identified.Pathological stage: ypT2N3SUMMARY:Residual invasive ductal carcinoma, right breast.Tumor Grade: IILymphnode Status: 12/26Perinodal spread absent." 3095,MR1802813,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Lump right breastSPECIMEN:Right breast lumpectomy.Received 1 block 2 slides labelled as B/102/18Received already grossed specimen in multiple grey to grey brown soft tissue bits altogether measures 3x2x1cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGSSection shows breast parenchyma with a lesion comprising neoplastic cells in papillary and solid pattern with an outer myoepithelial layer and focus showing nests of cells with desmoplastic nucleoli. The cells have round vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows fibrosis with inflammatory cells.IMPRESSIONRight breast lumpectomy:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+1)6 with extensive ductal carcinoma insitu, papillary and comedonecrosis solid type." 3096,MR1802830,CLINICAL HISTORY :Sternal lesion - ? Malignant.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Sternal lesionGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8-0.1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue with infiltrating lesion arranged in nests & islands . The cells have round hyperchromatic nucleii with prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm . Foci of necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Sternal lesion:Suggestive of Recurrence in a known case of carcinoma breast. 3097,MR1802832,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion- BIRADS V.SPECIMEN:Right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received: 4 linear cores measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.á á MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple fragments of breast parenchyma showing infiltrating neoplasm arrangedin nests. The neoplastic cells are round oval with hyperchromatic nuclei, scant to moderate cytoplasm. Few cells show intracytoplasmic vacuolation .Areas ofá hyalinization, calcification noted. Crush artifacts seen.á á IMPRESSION:Right breast lesion.Invasive carcinoma with lobular featuresModified bloom Richardson score is=6/9.á Tubule formationááááááá :3.Nuclear pleomorphism:2.Mitotic figuresááá á á á á á :1 á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á --------á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá 6/9á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á -------- áááá " 3098,MR1802842,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 0.9cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 693+2+1)." 3099,MR1802860,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast ? fibroadenoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left Breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with lesion arranged composed of variable sized ducts lined by epithelial and myoepithelial cells.The epithelium shows stratification of epithelial cells and convulation. . Stroma shows fibrosis with bland stroma cells. Few ducts show inspissated secretionsIMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left Breast lump:Benign breast disease.Suggestive of usual ductal hyperplasia. 3100,MR1802868,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Lump in left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Lumpectomy, left breast.B) Revised deep margin.C) Revised superior margin.D) Left sentinel lymphnode.GROSS FINDINGS: A) Received lumpectomy measures 7X3.5Xcm cut surface shows gilatoms measures 1X1X0.7cm Which is located at the following distances from respected margins:Superior -29 cmInferior -2.5 cmMedial -2.8 cmLateral -2 cmDeep -0.8B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5.5X3.5X0.5 cm, single block thrad identified.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5X2X0.5 cm inked surface is grossly negtive for tumar. Inked surface submit.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5X3.5X1.5 cm 1 lymph node identified measures 1X0.9X0.8 cm, cut surface shows grey white.MICROSCOPIC FINDING: Section shows breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion demonstrating pools of mucin with tumor cells floating in it. The tumor cells are singly scattered and arranged in tubules and sheets. The cells have round to ovoid nuclei with scant cytoplasm and inconspicuous nucleoli. Also seen are DCIS like areas. Areas of hyalinisation with lymphocytic infiltrate seen.IMPRESSION:A) Lumpectomy, left breast:Invasive carcinoma - Mucinous.DCIS is present.Tumor measures 1.2cm in greatest dimension.Superior, inferior, medial, lateral are free of tumor.Perineural invasion not seen. Lymphovascular invasion seen.B) Revised deep margin: Free of tumor.C) Revised superior margin: Free of tumor.D) Left sentinel lymphnode: One lymphnode isolated, free of tumor (0/1)." 3101,MR1802869,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - BIRADS-5-? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left Breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 linear grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits each measures 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of parenchyma with lesion arranged in sheets and nests.The cells have round hyperchromatic nuclei slightly eccentrically placed hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show desmoplasia. Ductal carcinoma in situ noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left Breast lump:Invasive carcinoma NST Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+1) - 6/9DCIS - seen 3102,MR1802878,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Rightá carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast lumpectomy.B) Right axillary sentinel node biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 6.5x5.5x2 cm Cut section shows grey white tumor measures 1.8x1.3x1 cmwhich is located at the following distances from the respective margins:Superior margin : 1 cmInterior margin : 1.5 cmMedial marginá : 1.3 cmLateral margin : 1.5 cmDeep margin : 0.4 cmB) Received 2 fibrofatty tissue measures 2X1X0.8c.m. Largest measures 1X0.5X0.3 c.m.Cut surface shows grey white to grey brown Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchayma harbouring an infiltrating lesion arranged in acinar pattern and in cords. The tumor cells have moderately pleomorphic round nucleus, dispersed chromatin, prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast lumpectomy.Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade ll.Modified Bloom Richardson scoreá 6/9.Tubule formation: 2Nuclear pleomorphism :2.Mitotic figures : 2.Tumor measures 1.8 cm in greatest dimension.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.All margins of resection are free of tumor.B) Right axillary sentinelá lymph node biopsy:Four lymph nodes identified, negative for malignancy. (0/4)." 3103,MR1802879,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 0.8-1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma with few compressed ducts and an infiltrating neoplasm arranged in nests and sheets, The neoplastic cells are round to oval with vesicular nuclei scant to moderate clear cytoplasm, prominent nucleoli. Adjacent stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltration.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lump:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9" 3104,MR1802892,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion- ? malignantSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 0.8-0.1cm. entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm compressed sheets, nests, cords of atypical cells with moderate nuclear pleomorphism and increased mitosis . Ductal carcinoma in situ. Solid and comedo type noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion:Invasive ductal carcinoma ( NOS) with ductal carcinoma in situ,comedo type. Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+2)7/9" 3105,MR1802895,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Malignant SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core BiopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue showing fibrocollagenous tissue with few foci of tumor cells in nests and cords . Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Suggestive of Invasive Ductal CarcinomaComment: In view of small foci of tumor cells , repeat biopsy is suggest for further hormonal studies." 3106,MR1802899,"CLINICAL HISTORY :áLeft breast lesion - ? Malignant.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear coresá measures 0.6-0.8cm. entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in poorly formed tubular and nestedá pattern. The cells show moderate pleomorphism and increasedá mitotic figures. Large areas of desmoplasia seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion:Invasive carcinoma ductal ( NOS), Grade 1.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (2+2+1(5/9)." 3108,MR1802905,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lesion, Core Biopsy GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 0.6-0.8 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue cells in nests, sheets and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left breast lesion, Core Biopsy:Suggestive of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 1.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1). " 3109,MR1802906,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lesion - ? Malignant.SPECIMEN:Right breast, lesion, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lesion, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3110,MR1802915,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : 10% formalin.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 22cm Superficial - deep :5cm Superior-inferior : 17 cmSkin ellipse : 12x7 cmNipple : Ulceration measures 0.5x0.5x0.5cm.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : SingleTumor size : 3x3x2.8cm.Location of tumor : Central quadrant.Deep margin : 1.8cm.Muscle : Absent.Axillary tail : 8x8x4cm.Total number of nodes : 17 Nodes.Size of largest node: 3x1x1cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma with dense lymphocytic infiltration surrounding the tumor, grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 -------------- 7/9 ---------------Tumor measures 3x3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Central quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not identified.Lymphovascular invasion : Plenty of tumor emboli.Perineural invasion : Present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 7 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 17 nodes.7/17Pathological stage : pT2N2.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Nodal metastases :7 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 17 nodes.7/17" 3111,MR1802919,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets. Individual cells haveá round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and scant to moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Suggestive of Poorly differentiated malignancy.Suggest IHC for further confirmation.Note : This an amended report which supersedes the earlier report. " 3112,MR1802924,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Specimen of right mastectomy with axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:Lateralityááááááááá : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateraláááá áá : 17 cmááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deep : 5 cmááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferioráá : 12 cmSkin ellipseááááá á áá : 10x7 cmNippleááááááááááá á á áá : NormalScaráááááááááááááááááááá : Absent.Tumorááááááááááááá á á : SingleTumor sizeáááááááá á : 3.5x3x2 cmLocation of tumor : Upper outer quadrantMargins of tumorá : ill-defined.Deep margin : 1.5cm.Adjacent breast :External FibrosisAxillary tailááááá á : 6x6x2 cm Size of largest node: 3x2.5x2cm. Cut surface grey white.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade III.áá áá - Modified BR score isá 8/9.áá - Tubule formationááá :á 3áá - Nuclear pleomorphism :á 2áá - Mitotic figuresááááá :á 3áá - Tumor measures 2.5 cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Upper outer quadrant quadrant.áá - Ductal carcinoma-in-situ á : Present, Solid type.áá - Lymphovascular invasion : Indeterminate.áá - Perineural invasion: Not identified.áá - Posterior resection margin is : Free of tumor.áá - Nipple and areola : Uninvolved.Lymph nodes: 19 lymph nodes, Metastasis:2, (2/19).Largest deposit measures 2.1 cm. Extra nodal spread present.Pathological stage : pT2N1SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade III.Nodal metastases 2/19." 3113,MR1802947,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma with lesion arranged in islands, sheets. The cells have moderately pleomorphic round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breastInvasive carcinoma Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is(3+2+1) - 6/9" 3114,MR1802953,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breastretroareolar lesion - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 linear cores measures 0.4-0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion:Invasive Ductalá carcinoma, grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3115,MR1802964,CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right beast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in glands nests and cords . The cells show moderate pleomorphism and increased mitosis crush artefacts noted. Stroma is dense and demoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right beast lump.Invasive carcinoma ( NST)Nuclear grade - II 3116,MR1803031,CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of left breast lump under evaluation.SPECIMEN:Left breast wide excision.GROSS FINDINGS:Wide local excision specimen of left breast measures 5x5x3cmSkin ellips measures 4x1cmOn serial section shows grey white firm circumscribed lesion measures 1.5x1x1cmDistance from margins:Superior margin :2cmInferior margin : 2cmMedial margin :1.5cmLateral margin : 1.5cmDeep margin : 1cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast tissue with fairly circumscribed lesion composed of compressed ducts with preserved epithelial and myoepithelial layers . Stroma show no atypia. few ducts show UDH.sections from the inferior margin show intraductal papillomaSection from lateral margin show papillary hyperplasia of ducts.No evidence of in situ or invasive carcinoma.IMPRESSION:Left breast wide excision:Fibroadenoma with inferior margin showing intraductal papilloma 3117,MR1803042,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast with left ovarian mass ? DermoidSPECIMEN:B) hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo -ooperectomy C) Right pelvic peritoneal biopsyD) Left pelvic peritoneal biopsyE) Right paracolic peritoneal biopsyF) Left paracolic peritoneal biopsyG) Omental biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:B)Uterus dimensions : Midline fundal-serosa to ectocervix : 7cmMaximum intercornual : 4.5cmMaximum anterior to posterior : 3cmCervix Dimensions : 1.5x1.5cm ( Anterior-posterior x transverse) Vaginal cuff : AbsentRight Ovary : Present 4.5x4x3.5m Description. Uni loculated Cut surface cystic & solid measures 4x4x3.5 composed of pultaceous material with hair & cartilageLeft Ovary : Present 3.5x2.8x1.5cm Description. Cut surface unremarkableRight Fallopian tube : Present 3cm Description. cut surface dilated and hemorrhagicLeft Fallopian tube unremarkable : Present 3.3 cm Description. Right parametrium : 1x0.8x0.5cmLeft parametrium : 0.9x0.8x0.4 cmEndometrial thickness :0.8cmMyometrium depth : Anterior 1.5cm Posterior1.6cmLeiomyoma :NoLower uterine segment :UnremarkableC) Received soft tissue bits measures 0.5x0.5x0.3cm. Entire tissue processed.D) Received single soft tissue bits measures 0.3x0.2x0.1cm. Entire tissue processed.E) Received single soft tissue bits measures 0.4x0.3x0.2cm. Entire tissue processed.F) Received soft tissue bits measures 0.4x0.3x0.2cm. Entire tissue processed.G) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x3x1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.No deposit of seen.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:B) hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo -ooperectomy :Left ovarian tumor: Multiple section show keratinised cyst wall lined with ectodermal tissue consisting of squamous epithelium subepithelium shows normal adnexae, sebaceaus glands, hair follicles and in few areas mature mucus glands are seen.There is no inmature germ cells tissue present ovarian stroma shows spindle cells. There is no evidence of malignancy. Mature cystic teratoma. Right ovary: Shows normal ovarian architecture with corpus albicans and spindle cell stroma. No evidence of malignancy.Right and left Fallopian tube: Normal epitheliumCervix: Normal squamous epithelium - No dysplasia or malignancy.Endocervix: Normal endocervical glands.Endometrium : Tubular glands lined with cuboidal epithelial cells with compact stroma.Myometrium :unremarkable.C) Right pelvic peritoneal biopsy :Fibrocollagenous and fibrofatty tissue. No evidence of malignancyD) Left pelvic peritoneal biopsy:Fibrofatty tissue - No evidence of malignancyE) Right paracolic peritoneal biopsy:Fibrofatty tissue - No evidence of malignancy.F) Left paracolic peritoneal biopsy:Fibrofatty tissue - No evidence of malignancyG) Omental biopsy.Fibrofatty tissue - No evidence of malignancyIMPRESSION:B) Hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo -ooperectomy with multiple:Left ovarian tumor: Mature cystic teratomaRight ovary: No evidence of malignancyBoth fallopian tube: Normal epitheliumCervix : UnremarkableEndocervix: Normal endocervixEndometrium: Proliferative phaseMyometrium: UnremarkableC) Right pelvic peritoneal biopsy:No evidence of malignancyD) Left pelvic peritoneal biopsyNo evidence of malignancyE) Right paracolic peritoneal biopsy:No evidence of malignancyF) Left paracolic peritoneal biopsy:No evidence of malignancyG) Omental biopsy:No evidence of malignancy " 3118,MR1803052,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left beast lump - ? Malignant.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 linear cores soft tissue bits measures each 0.5-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as ducts and tubules and cords. Theá neoplastic cells have hyperchromaticá nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is elastatic..IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3119,MR1803086,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Breast lump. SITE : Biopsy from Breast lumpectomy. Received 2 slides 2 blocks labelled as 18-031801 medium specimen.Received multiple Grey white soft tissue (already grossed.)Measures 6 x 5 x 3 cm. one of the soft tissue show cyst with papillary areas measures 0.8 x 0.8 x 0.5 cm. Rest of soft tissue are grey white. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :A) Section from the slides and block submitted show circumcised cystic lesion composed of numerous papillae with fibrovasicular cores the cells lining papillae are columnar to cuboidal with focal stratification and mild atypia few show apocrine changes myoepithelial cells are decreased focally peripheral of the cyst lined by single cuboidal to flatened epithelium. No evidence of invasive carcinoma noted in the sections examined surrounding breast tissue shows lymphocytic mastitis.B) Sections from breast Specimen received also show similar features. IMPRESSION :Excision biopsy breast lump. Laterality not mentionedPapillary neoplasm ,adenosis papillary, hyperplasia, and myoepithelial proliferation. Suggest IHC. " 3120,MR1803090,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump .GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white soft tissue bits measures0.6-0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in nests cords and poorly formed tubules. The cells shows moderate nuclear pleomorphism and increased mitosis. Stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Biopsy left breast.Invasive ductal carcinomas (NOS), Grade IIModified bloom Richardson (3+2+2)7/9" 3121,MR1803107,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump -? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white soft tissue bites measures 0.6-0.7 c.m. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged in acini and cords with areas of comedonecrosis. Adjacent stroma areas of hyalinization. Tumor cell are large having pleomorphic round nucleus, dispersed chromatin, prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Ductal carcinoma in situ component is present. [solid pattern] IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, No special type, Grade ll.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(2+2+2).DCIS presentLVI not seeen" 3122,MR1803118,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 00.4-0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section cores of fibro adipose tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in nests sheets and cords. The cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism with increased mitosis. Necrotic areas present solid type . Ductal carcinoma high grade seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma ductal( NOS)Modified Bloom Richardson score is( 3+2+2)7/9 3123,MR1803126,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump- Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 0.5-0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests, islands and cords. The lesional cells are pleomorphic with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitosis are 6-10 hpf . stroma shows sclerosis.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7( 3+2+2)." 3124,MR1803135,CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :18cm Superficial to Deep :2.5 cm Superior to Inferior :14cmSkin ellipse : Ulcero proliferative lesion 2cm away from the NAC measures 7x6cm. Skin ellips measures 13.5x1cmNipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : SingleTumor Size : 6x4.5x4cm Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrant Margins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin :0.2cmMuscle : Present measures 8x2cmAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 7x6x2cmSentinel nodes : 14 (Specify if Sentinel nodes sent )Size of largest node :3x2x1.5cm Cut surface grey whiteIMPRESSION:Left breast left modified radical mastectomy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma tumor is infiltrative into the epidermis of the skin.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 9/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 3Tumor measures 56x4.1cm in greatest dimension id located in the lower outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identifiedLymphovascular invasion presentPerineural invasion presentPosterior resection margin 0.2 muscle bundle is free of tumor inked margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes - 5 lymph nodes metastasis deposit of tumor out of 14 nodes Perinodal spread present..SUMMARY:Left breast modified radical mastectomy invasive ductal carcinoma grade III (pT4N2)5 lymph nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 14 nodes Perinodal spread present. 3125,MR1803149,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:A) Left breast wide excisionB) Revised medial marginC) Level I, II, III axillary clearance GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received left breast measures 7x5x5cm skin ellips measures 4x2cm.On small section grey white lesion measures 2.1x1.5x1cm. Entire tissue processedDistance from marginsSuperior margin: 1cmInferior margin : 1.3cmMedial margin : 0.1cmlateral margin :3cmDeep margin : 1.5cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3.5x3x1cm one surface inked .C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 7x5x4cm.Largest lymph nodes measures 1.5x1x1cm. Cut surface grey white.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast lesion show invasive ductal carcinoma with foci of ductal carcinoma comedo type.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast wide excision:Invasive ductal carcinomaModified Bloom Richardson score is 2+2+2-6/9, grade IITotal size of the tumor is 2.1cminvasive carcinoma measures 1.2cm in greatest dimension.Ductal carcinoma in situ - solid cribriform and comedo type seen measures 0.9cm.Lymphovascular invasion indeterminatePerineural invasion not identified.Superior inferior and lateral margins are free of tumorB) tissue labelled as revised medial marginShows invasive carcinoma however the inked surface is free of tumorC) Lymph nodes : i8 nodes isolated 7 nodes show tumor depositLargest deposit measuring 0.5cm .Extranodal spread not seen.SUMMARY:Left breast wide excision and axillary dissection Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II7 out of 18 nodes show tumor deposit.Resected margins are free of tumor." 3126,MR1803157,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:A)Left breast -wide excision of lump.B)Left axillary sentinel nodesGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received left breast lumpectomy measures 5.5x4x2.8cm.Skin ellipse measures 3x0.9cm. Cut surface grey whiteá firm lesion identifiedá measures 1.2x1x0.6cm Distance of the tumor from respective margins:Superior margin: 1.8cmInferior margináá : 1cmMedial margin:áá : 1.5cmLateral margináá : 2.5cmDeep margináááááá :2.5cmB)Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4x3x1cm.Entire tissue processed.Isolated 2 lymph nodesLargest lymph nodes measures 2.3x1x0.8cm( inked) Cut surface unremarkable.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple section studied showá breast parenchyma harboringá a lesion arranged in nests, cords, and occasional tubules of neoplasticá epithelial cells exhibitingá increased nucleo cytoplasmic ratio, pleomorphic vesiculará nuclei, prominentá nucleoli and moderate to abundant amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. The intervening stroma shows presence of dense fibrocollagenous connective tissue. Extensiveá ductal carcinoma in situ(DCIS) component is noted. Lymphovascular emboli is seen. Perineural invasion is seen. The overlying skin is uninvolved by tumor. All the margins that is superior, inferior, medial, lateral and deep are uninvolved by the tumor.B)Three lymph nodes identified are freeá of tumor.IMPRESSION:A)Left breast wide excision of lump:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, NOS Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2Tumor measures 1.2cm in maximum dimension.High grade Ductal carcinoma in situ (comedo pattern) is seen. Ductal carcinoma in situ componentá measures 0.5cm in maximum dimension.Lymphovascular emboli and perineural invasion -á identified.All margins of resection including deep are free of tumor.B)Left axillary sentinel nodes:Three lymph nodes identified, free of tumor(0/3)" 3127,MR1803175,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right brest lump- ?carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measure 0.7 -1 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in cords,few tubules and singly scattered.The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and scant to moderate cytoplasm. Few showing vacuolated cytoplasm. Stroma shows hyalinization cells exhibit moderate nucleate pleomorphism mitoses discerned. Crush artifacts noted. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump,biopsy.Invasive carcinoma,No special type Grade-IIModified Bloom Richardson score-6(3+2+1)DCIS not seen.LVI not seen" 3129,MR1803234,"CLINICAL HISTORY :known case of carcinoma breast left SPECIMEN:A) Skin nodule at left side of neck.B) Biopsy from Right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received four grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.4-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.B) Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section snows linear cores harboring an infiltration lesion arranged in cords of neoplastic cells exhibiting increased nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and scant cytoplasm. The intervening stroma shows presence of dense fibrocollagenous connective tissue.B) Section snows linear cores harboring an infiltration lesion arranged in cords of neoplastic cells exhibiting increased N/C ratio pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and scant cytoplasm. The intervening stroma shows presence of dense fibrocollagenous connective tissue.IMPRESSION:A) Left skin nodular nodule at neck:Poorly differentiated malignancy, favor metastatic deposit in a known case of carcinoma breast.B)Biopsy from Right breast:Invasive carcinoma breast , ?lobular, Grade 2Suggest IHC" 3130,MR1803245,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm in nests and poorly formed glands. The cells show moderate to abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm moderate nuclear pleomorphism and prominent nucleoli. Stroma is desmoplasticIMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma NST grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+1)6/9 3131,MR1803247,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processedIMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formationááá á á á : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááá á á áá :2 ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3132,MR1803249,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear score 0.5 - 0.8 cm entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in nest and sheets. The cells are moderately pleomorphic with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, Few having prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Few multi nucleate tumor giant cells seen. Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, core biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, NST - grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score (3+2+1).Areas of necrosis seen." 3133,MR1803252,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump- Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, BiopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show linear cores of breast parenchyma showing scattered tubules, cords and islands of neoplastic cells with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Stroma shows elastosis. Mitosis are discerned.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 1. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(3+2+1)." 3134,MR1803262,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, BiopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and islands. The lesional cells are large with abundant amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Areas of necrosis seen. Stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3135,MR1803273,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Biopsy:GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords, tubules and islands . The lesional cells have moderate amount of cytoplasm oval to spindle hyperchromatic nuclei. Mitosis are discerned. Focus of Ductal carcinoma in situ seen- Solid type.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 3136,MR1803294,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.7-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section sows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in vague tubules, cords and nests comprising of atypical cells having pleomorphic ovoid dark nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned 15-16/10 hpf. Stroma shows fibrosis and focal lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade III.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+3-8/9" 3137,MR1803310,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left Breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear grey white soft tissue bits each measures 0.5-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests, small aggregates with reaction spaces. The cells have round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphocytic infiltrates.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left Breast lump:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score is (3+2+1)6/9." 3138,MR1803319,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.4-0.6 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma. with lesion arranged in islands and sheets. The cells have moderately pleomorphicá roundá vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show desmoplasia with lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate perineuralá invasion noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breastInvasive ductal carcinoma Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is(3+2+2)7/9." 3139,MR1803348,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Known case of right breast. Right breast lesion - Residual lesion. SPECIMEN: Right breast lesion biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received three grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in sheets and abortive glandular pattern. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, Grade - 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(2+3+1)." 3140,MR1803360,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue with lesion arranged in nest and sheets. The cells have moderately pleomorphic round hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrate and desmoplasia mitotic figures discerned. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breastInvasive carcinoma NST Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is(3+2+1)6/9. 3141,MR1803365,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast, wide excision.B) Right sentinel lymph node biopsy.C) Revised medial margin.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received wide local excision of right breast lump measures 8.5x6.5x5.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 4.5x3cm,cut section revealed tumor measuring 1.8x1.6x1.2 cm located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin : 2.5cm.Inferior margin : 3.5cm.Medial margin : 0.5cm.Lateral margin : 5cm.Deep margin : 1.5cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3.5x2x1cm.C) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 6.5x5x2cm.One surface inked .Grossly no grey white areas identified.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the lesion show tumor arranged in nests cords and tubules. The cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism and increased mitosis. Stroma is desmoplastic.Foci of DCIS solid, cribriform and comedo type present.Lymphovascular invasion and Perineural invasion seen.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast, wide excision:Invasive ductal carcinoma.MBR Score (3+2+3) = 8/,9, grade IIl.Tumor measures 1.8cm in greatest dimension.DCIS solid, comedo and cribriform type noted (High grade).Lymphovascular invasion : Present.Perineural invasion : Present.Medial margin shows Usual ductal hyperplasia.All other margins are free of tumor.One lymph node (Intramammary) : Shows tumor deposit (1/1).B) One out of 7 nodes show tumor deposit measures 0.2cm. (1/7)Lymphovascular invasion is present.C) Revised medial margin: Free of tumor." 3142,MR1803375,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 19cm. Superficial - deep : 5cm. Superior-inferior : 20cm.Skin ellipse : 15x10cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 3x1.5x1cm.Location of tumor : Central outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 1.5cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : 16x5cm.Size of largest node : 2x1x0.6cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, left breast. Modified BR score is 6/9, grade II.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 --------------- 6/9 ---------------Tumor size 3x1.5x1cm.Lymphovascular invasion seen.No perineural invasion is present.Deep margin : Free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 4/10 left axillary lymph nodes isolated show metastatic deposits of tumor. No perinodal spread seen." 3143,MR1803383,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.6-1cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section sows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in cords nests and poorly formed tubules . The cells show moderate pleomorphism and hyperchromatic nuclei. Stroma is desmoplastic .Small focus of ductal carcinoma (Solid type noted).IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+3+2-8/9" 3144,MR1803395,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.Left axillary lymph nodeGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processedB)Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in diffuse sheets of atypical cells with moderate cytoplasm pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with prominent nucleoli admixed with extensive lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate foci of lymphovascular invasion present in section from left breastIMPRESSION:A&B) Biopsy from left breast lump and left axillary lymph node:Poorly differentiated malignancy high grade.-Biopsy from breast and axillary lymph nodeSuggest IHC. 3145,MR1803412,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lesion ( 1-2 '0' clock position) SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.5-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 --------" 3146,MR1803415,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump,Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets, cords and islands. The lesional cells have moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Mitoses are discerned. Stroma shows fibrosis. Lymphovascular invasion not seen.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump,Core Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 3147,MR1803416,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue parenchyma lesion arranged in small nest and cords. The cells have moderate pleomorphic round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows large areas of desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breastInvasive carcinoma - Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is(3+2+1) - 6/9. 3148,MR1803440,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - Possibility of malignant lesionSPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right Breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in tubules and cores. The lesion cells have round to irregular nucleus, dispersed chromatin, prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Ductal carcinoma in situ ( Solid type) is present. Mitosis is discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right Breast lump:Invasive carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score : 2+2+2-6/9." 3149,MR1803455,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.7-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section sows linear cores of tissue arranged in cribriform pattern. nest and sheets. The cells have round dark nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm . The nest are lying in the pale mucinous background . stroma shows fibrosis with lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma with mucinous component 30% Nuclear grade II 3150,MR1803461,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section sows linear cores of tissue harboring a lesion arranged in nests and cords comprising of neoplastic cells having round to oval pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, conspicuous nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. some cells have clear cytoplasm with distinct borders. Mitotic figures discerned 12-15/10 hpf along with few atypical mitosis. Stroma shows hyalinisation and fibrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade III.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+3-8/9" 3151,MR1803475,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma with lesion composed extensive are areas of ductal carcinoma in situ with increased foci composed of nest of neoplastic having vesicular nuclei prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. stroma sows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrated around the ducts and granulomataIMPRESSION:Left breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+1) 6Ductal carcinoma in situ solid high nuclear grade seen." 3152,MR1803479,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue composed of infiltrating neoplastic lesion arranged in nest islands. The cells have moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Mitotic figures noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma NST grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+2)7/9 3153,MR1803480,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right Breast lump- possibility of carcinoma breast..SPECIMEN:Right breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5-0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue composed of neoplastic lesion arranged in papillae with fibrovascular core nest and sheets. The cells have moderate pleomorphic round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis seen. Mitotic figures discerned IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive carcinoma of ductal type, Grade IIIModified Bloom Richardson score is8 (3+2+3).Large areas of necrosis seen." 3154,MR1803481,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.4-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section sows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrating by nests and cords of neoplastic cells having pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures 8-10/10 hpf and stroma show extensive fibrosis scattered lymphocytes and plasma cells .IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma , Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson Score is (3+2+2)7/9 ." 3155,MR1803519,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.7-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section sows linear cores of breast tissue parenchyma a lesion arranged islands and sheets comprising of neoplastic cells having pleomorphic ovoid dark nuclei prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are 7-8/10 hpf. Adjacent breast parenchyma shows fibrosis and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma , Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson Score is 3+2+2-7/9 ." 3156,MR1803550,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast post NACT.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast, Left Breast Conservation Surgery.B) Left axillary lymph node dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received specimen measures 8 x 6.5 x 5 cm. Skin ellipse measures 2 x 0.5 cm. On serial section no mass lesion identified. Few identified grey white areas noted measures 2 x 1 x 0.5 cm.Distance from different margins :Superior margin : 1.2 cmInferior margin : 2 cmMedial margin : 2 cmLateral margin : 3 cmDeep margin : 1.8 cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 8x8x2 cm. largest lymph node measures 1.2x1x1 cm. Cut surface shows grey brown.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows breast parenchyma with maintained luminal and tubular ductal with lined by luminal and abluminal cells. Adjacent stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates and no evidence of malignancy seen.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast, Left Breast Conservation Surgery : No residual tumor seen. - Treatment related changes are seen. - All margins of resection are free of tumor.B) Left axillary lymph node dissection : Ten lymph nodes identified, are free of tumor (0/10).Pathological Stage : ypT0N0" 3157,MR1803561,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast post NACTSPECIMEN:Left Modified Radical mastectomy,GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy NACT Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :20cm Superficial to Deep : 8cm Superior to Inferior :18cmSkin ellipse :18.5x13cm Nipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect :AbsentTumor : SingleTumor Size : 3x2x2cm ( grey white - grey yellow) area Location of tumor : upper outer quadrant grey white - grey yellow fibrotic area identified measures 3x2x2cm with focal solid areasMargins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 2cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty Axillary tail : 10x9x2.5cmLymph nodes : 15 nodesSize of largest node :2x1x1cm cut surface -grey brownIMPRESSION:Left breast left modified radical mastectomy NACT:Tumor bed :Small foci of viable tumor Invasive ductal carcinoma present. Dense fibrosis and focal necrosis areas are present surrounding the tumor.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes - 15 lymph node. No deposit of tumor SUMMARY:Left Post NACT modified radical mastectomySmall foci of viable tumor invasive ductal carcinoma measuring 0.5x0.5Nodal metastasis - 15 lymph node. No deposit of tumor SUMMARY:" 3158,MR1803567,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass- Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast mass, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section sows linear cores of tissue with lesion arranged in infiltrating cords and small nest. The cells have moderately pleomorphic round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia with scattered inflammatory cells.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Biopsy:Invasive carcinoma NST grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score ( 3+2+1) 6/9." 3159,MR1803577,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Birads 4 with lesion in Right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.7-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of lesion arranged in sheets nest and vague papillary pattern. The cells have round moderate pleomorphic round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Interspersed lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate noted. Brisk mitotic activity noted. .IMPRESSION:Right breast core, Biopsy:Invasive carcinoma NST grade IIIModified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+3) 8/9." 3160,MR1803583,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump- ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with lesion composed of spindle cells arranged in interlacing fascicles . The cells have oval dark nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Interspersed dilated few congested blood vessels seen. Focal myxoid change noted. No atypia is seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump core Biopsy.Spindle cell lesionThe possibility considered are 1) Cellular fibroadenoma / phyllodes tumor.Suggest wide excision 3161,MR1803585,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Wide excision B) Revised deep margin.C) Deep and Lateral margins GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received wide local excision lumpectomy specimen measures 6x4.2x12.5cmSkin ellips measures 6x4cm. On solid section grey white from to hard lesion measures 2.5x2x1.5cm.Distance from marginsSuperior margins : 0.5cmInferior margin :1.7cmMedial margin ; 2cmLateral margin : 1.5cmDeep margin : 1cmB) Received -- tissue measures 7x4x1.5cmC) Received single tissue bits measures 3x2x1cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Tumor is composed of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. The tumor cells are present in diffuse sheets and clumps surrounded by fibrous stroma . Tubular formation less than 10% (3) mitotic figures 8/10(2) , nuclear pleomorphism 2Lymphovascular invasion indeterminate.Superior margins : Free of tumorInferior margin :Free of tumorMedial margin ;Free of tumorLateral margin : Free of tumorDeep margin : Close to the resected marginB) Surrounding tumor cells are present how ever the inked margins away from the tumor.C) Shows muscle bundle free from the tumor.IMPRESSION:Wide local extension:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Nuclear grade IItumor measures 2.5 cm Lymphovascular invasion - indeterminateSuperior , inferior, lateral medial margins are free of the tumorResected deep and lateral margins are free of the tumor." 3163,MR1803605,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right central and outer quadrant - breast lesion Birads 4SPECIMEN:Right Breast , Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 7 grey white linear cores measures 0.7-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows hyperchromatic ductules having solid and papillary pattern lined by cells with hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast , Core Biopsy :Shows Ductal Carcinoma in situ of solid and papillary pattern with intermediate nuclear grade. No definite evidence of invasive malignancy seen in the tissue submitted.Suggest excision of lump or repeat biopsy for further confirmation in invasive component." 3164,MR1803617,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of Right breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:A) Right modified radical mastectomyB) Revised baseGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :18cm Superficial to Deep :5 cm Superior to Inferior :17cmSkin ellipse :14x9cm Nipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : SingleTumor Size : 5x2.5x2x2cm Location of tumor :Lower outer quadrant Margins of tumor : infiltrative Deep margin : 1cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 5x3x2cmSentinel nodes : 18Size of largest node : 2x0.5x0.2cm. Cut surface fatty infiltrationB)Received 1 fibromuscular bit measures 1.5x1.2x0.4cm. one surface is stitch.IMPRESSION:Right breast right modified radical mastectomyInvasive Ductal Carcinoma.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1Tumor measures 2.5x2in greatest dimension id located in the lower outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified .Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes - 18 lymph nodes - No metastatic deposit of tumor .Pathological state pT2N0.SUMMARY:Right modified radical mastectomy invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II.Nodal metastatic 18 nodes. No deposit of tumor." 3165,MR1803619,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - possibility of Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue scattered ducts with epithelial and myoepithelial hyperplasia.Stroma is edematous shows extensive hyalinisation. No evidence of in situ or invasive carcinoma in the section examined.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Scattered ducts with hyperplasiaNo evidence of malignancy in sections studied, please repeat biopsy if clinically indicated." 3166,MR1803642,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue with lesion arranged in nest, islands sheets. The cells have moderately pleomorphic round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show desmoplasia with inflammatory infiltrate. Areas of necrosis and karyorrhectic noted mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+1) 6/9" 3167,MR1803643,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion 12-1á '0'clock.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged in tubules cords and nests. The lesional cells haveá hyperchromatic round to irregular nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis id discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast:Invasiveá carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá :2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á ááá 7/9á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá -------- á " 3168,MR1803645,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:A) Right axillary sentinel nodeB) Right mastectomyC) Level 1 and 2 nodesD) Level 3 nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4x3x1.5cm single large lymph node isolated measures 3x2x1.5cm cut surface involved.B) Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :14cm Superficial to Deep : 3.5cm Superior to Inferior :14cmSkin ellipse :13x4.5cmNipple :Slightly retractedScar/ Surgical defect : 2.5cm length in upper inner quadrantTumor : Grossly only fibrotic area noted Tumor Size : corresponding to surgical scar with focal solid tumor measuring 1.5x1cmDeep margin :0.8 cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : AbsentSentinel lymph nodes : One large node measuring 3x2x1.5cmLevel I&II nodes : 11 nodesLevel III nodes : 4 nodesTotal no of nodes :16 nodes isolated.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 6.5x4x2cm largest lymph nodes measures 1x0.8x0.6cm cut surface grey white.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x1cm.IMPRESSION:Right breast right modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed: Small residual tumor present measuring 1.5x1cm with invasive ductal carcinoma.Surrounding the tumor areas of fibrosis, necrosis and lymphoplasmacytic infiltration is present.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9, Grade 2.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures 1.5x1cm in greatest dimension is located in the upper inner quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.Lymphovascular invasion present.Perineural invasion Not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes:Sentinel node: One node shows metastatic deposit of tumor out of one node.Level I &II nodes: 2 Nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 11 nodes.Level III nodes : 4 nodes - No deposit of tumor.Total no of positive nodes :3 nodes out of 16 nodes.Perinodal spread present.SUMMARY:Right post lumpectomy. Modified Radical Mastectomy. Residual tumor presentInvasive ductal carcinoma, Grade IISentinel node: One node shows metastatic deposit of tumor out of one node.Level I &II nodes: 2 Nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 11 nodes.Level III nodes : 4 nodes - No deposit of tumor.Total no of positive nodes :3 nodes out of 16 nodes.Perinodal spread present." 3169,MR1803653,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left Breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump,Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis are seen.IMPRESSION :Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3170,MR1803660,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear coresá measures 0.7-1cm. Entire tissue processedIMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3172,MR1803685,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged as islands and nests. Theá neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphismá have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Adjacentá breast shows fibrocystic changeIMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2" 3173,MR1803689,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma Right breast.SPECIMEN :A) Wide local excision of right breast lump.B) Revised inferior margin.C) 3 right sentinel lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor. D) Left breast lump 3O' clock. E) Left breast lump 4 O'clock.F) Revised deep margin.GROSS FINDINGS:A)Received lumpectomy right breast measures 7x5.5x4 cm.Skin ellipse measure 4.5x1 cmOn serial section, lesion measures 2.5x2x2 cmDistance from margins Superior margin - 2.8 cmInferior margin - 2 cmMedial margin - 1 cmLateral margin - 1.5 cmDeep margin - 1.8 cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5x4x0.5 cm, one surface inked.C) Received 2 fibrofatty tissue all together measures 3x1.5x1 cm Largest lymph node measures 1.5x1x1 cm,Cut surface infiltration. Smaller lymph node measures 0.8x0.5x0.5 cmD) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue measures 4x4x3 single grey white well circumscribed nodule measures 1.5x1x1 cm Entire tissue processed nearest ink margin 0.1 cm away.E) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 4x2.5x1 cm, Cut surface shows well circumscribed nodule measures 3x2x1.5 cm, Nearest ink margin is 0.1 cmF) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 4x2.5x1 cm, inked one surface, cut surface unremarkable.MICROSCOPY FINDINGS:A)Section from tumor show breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged as tubules, clusters. Lymphovascular emboli seen. Foci of high grade comedo DCIS noted. Resected margins superior, medial,lateral and deep are free of tumor.B) Section shows fibrofatty tissue with foci of DCIS and atypical ductal hyperplasia with inked margin 0.3 cm away.C) Section shows 3 lymph nodes which are free of tumor.D) Section shows breast parenchyma harboring foci of adenosis. A few dilated ducts with secretion in lumen and apocrine metaplasia are noted.E) Section shows neoplasm composed of compressed benign ducts in a fibrous stroma.F) Section shows fragments of fibromuscular tumor.IMPRESSION :A) Invasive ductal carcinoma, Right breast. - Grade 2 ; (7/9) (T = 3 ,N=2, M=2) - Tumor size (invasive component) : 2.5x2x2 cm - Foci of high grade comedo ductal carcinoma in situ seen. - Lymphovascular emboli noted. - No Perineural invasion seen. - Superior, medial, lateral and deep margin are free of tumor.B) Revised inferior margin : Inked surface free of tumor.C) 3 right sentinel lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor. D) Left breast lump : 3 o' clock - fibrocystic change.E) Left breast lump : 4 o' clock - fibroadenoma.F) Revised deep margin : free of tumor." 3174,MR1803709,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left Breast lump - Possibility of Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests, cords and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3175,MR1803719,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump- Possibility of carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8-1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 3176,MR1803727,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump- Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.7-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cell in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3177,MR1803737,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received ináááááááááááááááááááááá : Formalin Procedureááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Mastectomyáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Lateralityááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá :RightTotal dimensionsááááááááááááááááá : Medial to lateralááááá :19cmáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deepá :3.5cmáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferioráá :13cmSkin ellipseáááááááááááááááááááááááááá :16x7.5cmá Nippleáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá :NormalScar/ Surgical defectááááááááááá :Not seenTumoráááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : SingleTumor Sizeááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 3.5x2.5x2.5cmááááááááááá Location of tumoráááááááááááááááááá : retroareolar ááááá Deep marginááááááááááááááááááááááá : 1.2cmMuscleáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : AbsentAdjacent Breastááááááááááááááááááá : Fibrofatty tissueáááá Axillary tailááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 12x5x1.5total number of nodesááááááááá :á 16á (Specify if Sentinel nodes sent )Size of largest nodeáááááááááááá : 1.6x0.6x0.4cm. Grey white.IMPRESSION:Right breast right modified radical mastectomy.Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, grade IIIModified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 3Tumor measures 3.5x2.5x2 in greatest dimension id located in the retroareolar quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Lymph nodes - 16 lymph nodes - No metastatic deposit of tumor .0/16Pathological state pT2N0.SUMMARY:Right breast right modified radical mastectomy invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IIINodal metastasis 16 nodes - No deposit of tumor.0/16" 3178,MR1803738,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast cT2N0M0SPECIMEN:A) Right sentinel lymph nodeB) Wide local excision right breast lumpC) Revised deep marginGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x1cm isolated 2 lymph node.Largest lymph node measures 0.8x0.7x0.6cmB) Received wide local excision specimen measures 8x5x5cmSkin ellipse measures 7x1.5cm cut surface cyst measures 4x4x3.5cmDistance from marginsSuperior margin: 2cmInferior marginá :2.5cmMedial margináá :2.5cmLateral marginá :3cmDeepááááááááááááááá :0.2cmC) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1.5x1cmShows muscle bundle.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Right sentinel lymph node: 2 Nodes - No deposit of tumor.B)Tumor composed of pleomorphicá cells with hyperchromatic nucleusá with syncitial cytoplasm. Dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltration is present surrounding the tumor .The tubule formation less than 10 % (3) mitosis (2) Anaplasia (2),Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9, grade II.Ductal carcinoma in situ- Not present.Lymphovascular invasion - Not present.Perineural invasion - PresentAll resected margins are free of tumorC)Revised deep margin - Muscle bundle free of tumor.IMPRESSION:Wide excision breast :Maximum dimensioná of tumor is 4x4cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ- Not present.Lymphovascular invasion - Not present.Perineural invasion -á presentResected marginá - Superior, inferior, medial, lateral margins are free of tumor.Revised deep margin is free of tumorSentinel lymph nodes: 2 nodes - No deposit of tumor.Pathological stage: pT2N0." 3179,MR1803754,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast. Post NACT.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 17cm Superficial - deep : 4cm Superior-inferior : 13cm.Skin ellipse : 14x10cmNipple : Unremarkable.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : SingleTumor size : 5x5x3.5cm. Extensive areas of fibrosis noted. No definite tumor identified grossly.Location of tumor : Central quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 2.5cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : 7x7x2cm.Size of largest node : 2.5x2x1cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Occasional clusters and discretely scattered atypical cells with abundant cytoplasm, large vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli; surrounded by dense fibrosis and adenosis and scattered inflammatory cells.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not identified.Lymphovascular invasion : Not identified.Perineural invasion : Not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 7 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0; (0/7).SUMMARY:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Atypical cells suspicious of small volume of residual tumor.Suggest IHC for confirmation.Nodal metastases : 7 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0 (0/7)." 3181,MR1803803,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with a lesion arranged in islands, nest and sheets. The cells have moderately pleomorphic round hyperchromaticá nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphocytic infiltrate mitotic figuresá discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+1)6/9." 3182,MR1803837,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast - Post lumpectomy - Post NACT. SPECIMEN:A) Left modified Radical Mastectomy. B) Apical nodes. GROSS FINDINGS:A) Left modified Radical Mastectomy.:Received in : Formalin. Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 20 cm Superficial - deep : 5cm Superior-inferior : 17 cmSkin ellipse : 14 x 7 cmNipple : NormalHealed scar : Present measuring 5cm in outer quadrant.Tumor : Tumor identified lesion measures 1.0 x 1.0 x 0.5cm in central quadrant. Location of tumor : Central quadrant and below the scar.Adjacent breast : FibrofattyAxillary tail : 6x5x3cm Size of largest node: 1x0.5x0.5cm Cut surface is unremarkable.B) Apical nodes:Received multiple fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x1cm.Largest lymph node measures 0.8x0.5x0.5cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Residual viable tumor present consisting of clumps, groups of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. Tumor is surrounded with fibrosis and duct shows adenosis. Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Tumor measures maximum dimension : 1 x 1 cm. Modified BR score is : 6/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------------- 6/9 -------------Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not identified. Lymphovascular invasion present.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: Level I, II, = 13 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out 15 nodes.(13/15)Apical nodes : One node shows metastatic deposit Tumor.(1/1)Perinodal spread seen.Pathological stage : YpT1N3SUMMARY:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Residual viable tumor. Tumor grade - II.Lymphnode Status : Level I,II, 13 nodes shows metastatic deposits Tumor out of 15 nodes. (13/15)Apical nodes - One node shows metastatic deposits Tumor.(1/1)" 3183,MR1803842,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.7-1m. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue with lesion arranged in nests with retraction spaces . The cells have moderately pleomorphic round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows extensive desmoplasia. Mitotic figures seen.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Carcinoma NST Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+1)6/9." 3184,MR1803857,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.7-1cm. Cut surface grey white.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibro adipose tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in sheets and nests the cells show moderate cytoplasm. Moderate nuclear pleomorphism and increasedá mitosis. Stroma is desmoplastic.áIMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma(NST)Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+2)-7/9, Grade 2." 3185,MR1803880,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - possibility of Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.7-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores with a lesion arranged in nests, sheets and individual s cells. The cells are round to oval scant to moderate cytoplasm few with prominent nucleoli, adjacent stroma shows few inflammatory infiltrates composed of lymphocytes. Mitotic figures discerned. Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy Right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma NST, Modified Bloom Richardson score is (2+3+1)6/9" 3186,MR1803905,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Swelling left breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Excision Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received globular fibrofatty tissue measures 4.5x4x2.8cm grey white lobulated cut surface shows distance infiltrative soft to firm lesion measuring 2 x 1 x 0.5 cm. Distance from closest nearest margin is 0.1cm. Entire tissue is submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and cords in lying in pools of mucin. The cells are round to oval having vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Mitoses discerned. Intervening stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Excision Biopsy:Suggestive of Mucinous Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1). - Tumor measures 1.5 cm in greatest dimension( Microscopically). - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. - Perineural invasion is not identified. - Margins of resection are free of tumor." 3187,MR1803907,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.7-1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score 6( 3+2+1)." 3188,MR1803909,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right Breast conservative surgery.B) Axillary level 1& 2 lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received wide excision specimen measures 12x8x3cm.Skin ellipse measures 7x2.5cm.Skin surface shows a linear scar measures 4cm.On serial sectioning, grey white to grey yellow glandular areas noted altogether measures 1.5x1.2x1cm Distance from margins:-Superior margin : 3.5cm.Inferior margin : 1.5cm.Medial margin : 3cm.Lateral margin : 4cm.Deep margin : 0.5cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 10x5.5x3cm.Largest lymph node measures 1.3x1x1cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltrate.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Multiple sections studied from the breast parenchyma show areas of fibrosis, focal adenosis and multinucleated giant cell collection. Focal ducts show presence of epithelial hyperplasia. Single focus of intraductal papilloma is noted. No definite evidence of malignancy is noted.All the margins (Superior, inferior, medial, lateral and deep are uninvolved by tumor.The overlying skin is free of tumor.B) 4 Lymph nodes identified, show no evidence of metastatic tumor deposits (0/4).IMPRESSION:A) Right Breast conservative surgery:No viable residual tumor identified.All the resection margins are free of tumor.B) Axillary level 1& 2 lymph nodes:4 Lymph nodes identified, free of tumor (0/4)." 3189,MR1803920,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of right breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:A) Blue - hot nodeB) Non blue non not node.C)Right mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1x1x0.5cm1 lymph node identified measures 0.5x0.5x0.5cm Entire tissue processed.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x1.8x1cmLargest lymph node measures 0.8x0.6x0.6cm. Cut surface fatty infiltrated.C) Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy ( Post lumpectomy). Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :14cm Superficial to Deep :4cm Superior to Inferior :12cmSkin ellipse :13x9cmNipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect : Present in lower outer quadrant measures 3.5cmTumor : Grey white fibrotic area measures 2.5x2x2cmLocation of tumor :Lower outer quadrantMargins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 0.2cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : AbsentMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma shows a lesion arranged in sheets. The cells shows a lesion arranged in sheets. The cells foaming the lesion are round to oval nuclei abundant granular cytoplasm, prominent nucleoli lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates are seen. Mitotic figures are seen. Areas of necrosis with foreign body giant cell reaction.IMPRESSION:A) Blue - hot node- Right axillary sentinel lymph node:Isolated 1 lymph node shows no metastatic deposit B) Non blue non not node- Right axillary lymph node:Isolated 5 lymph node shows no metastatic deposit.C)Right breast right mastectomy:Residual Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures 2.5cm in greatest dimension is located in the lower outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ not seen.Lymphovascular invasion Not identified.Perineural invasion Not identifiedPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes - 6 lymph nodes, metastasis. Nil (0/6).Right sentinel 6 nodes isolated all are free of tumor.SUMMARY:Right Mastectomy Residual infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Grade II." 3191,MR1803927,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.6-1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3192,MR1803950,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast SPECIMEN:A) Right modified radical mastectomyB) Right level 3GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received ináááááááááááááááááááááá : Formalin Procedureááááááááááááááááááááááááááá :Modified Radical Mastectomyáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Lateralityááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Right á Total dimensionsááááááááááááááááá : Medial to lateralááááá :23cmáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deepá :5 cmáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferioráá :3cmSkin ellipseáááááááááááááááááááááááááá :12x10cmá Nippleáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá :NormalScar/ Surgical defectááááááááááá :Not seenTumoráááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : SingleTumor Sizeááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 2.0x2.0x2cmááááááááááá Location of tumoráááááááááááááááááá : Outer upper quadrantá Margins of tumorááááááááááááááááá :á ill definedááááááááá Deep marginááááááááááááááááááááááá : 2cmMuscleáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Not identifiedAdjacent Breastááááááááááááááááááá : Fibrofatty tissueáááá Axillary tailááááááááááááááááááááááááááá :5x3x2cmLevel I& II lymph nodes áááááááá : 11 nodesLevelá III nodes á á á á á á á á ááá :7 nodesSize of largest nodeáááááááááááá : 2.5x1x2cm,. Cut surfaceá grey white.B) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 3x3x2cm.isolated 7 nodes .largerá lymph node measures 0.5x0.5x0.5cm MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Tumor bed:Total size of the tumor is 2cmInvasive ductal carcinoma is 1.5cmductal carcinoma in situ is 0.5cm, comedo type, high gradeIMPRESSION:Rightá breast Right modified radical mastectomy.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9, Grade II.Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2Tumor measures 2x2cm in greatest dimension is located in the outer upperá quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ present with comedonecrosis measuring 0.5cm.Lymphovascular invasion Present.Perineural invasion not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkableLevel I& II lymph nodesá 3 nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 11 nodes (3/11).Perinodal spread presentLevelá III nodesá 7 nodes- No deposit of tumorPathological state pT1N1SUMMARY:Right modified radical mastectomy Invasive ductal carcinoma , Grade IILevel I& II lymph nodesá 3 nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 11 nodes (3/11).Perinodal spread presentLevelá III nodesá 7 nodes- No deposit of tumor" 3193,MR1803980,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.7-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cell in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3194,MR1804000,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.7-1cm. Cut surface grey white.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm composed of cells in cords and nests and vague tubules with moderate nuclear pleomorphism and hyperchromatism. There is increased mitosisIMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive Carcinoma(NST)Modified Bloom Richardson score is (2+2+1)-5/9, Grade I." 3195,MR1804021,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : 10% formalin.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 20cm Superficial - deep :4cm Superior-inferior : 17 cmSkin ellipse : 12.5x8.5 cmNipple : NormalScar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : SingleTumor size : 3x2x2cm.Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrant.Deep margin : 1cm.Muscle : Present.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : 10x6cm.Total number of nodes : 12 Nodes.Size of largest node: 2.5x2x1.5cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show breast parenchyma with an infiltrating neoplastic lesion arranged in nests, islands with retraction spaces. The cells have pleomorphic round vesicular few having prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show desmoplasia. Mitotic figures seen. Lymphovascular invasion and Perineural invasion is identified.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 -------------- 6/9 ---------------Tumor measures 3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Lower outer quadrant.Foci of Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Present- Solid typeLymphovascular invasion : Not identified.Perineural invasion is identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 12 lymph nodes- Metastases: Two (2/12). No perinodal spread seen.Pathological stage : T2N1SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Nodal metastases : 12 lymph nodes- Metastases: Two (2/12). No perinodal spread seen." 3196,MR1804025,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right Breast, core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores cores measures 1to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue with an infiltrating neoplastic lesion arranged in nest, Cords and sheets. The cells have moderately pleomorphic round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows extensive desmoplasia with few lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right Breast, core Biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, NST, grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+1) 6/9." 3197,MR1804040,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from interscapular nodule.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrocollagenousá tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in cords and tubules. The cells have pleomorphic round to irregular hyperchromatic nucleus, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from interscapular nodule:Metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast.Suggest further work up" 3198,MR1804058,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump- possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma shows a lesion arranged in tubules and abortive papillary pattern.The lesionoal cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with nuclei showing prominent nucleoli, abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrates. Brisk mitotic figures are seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma NST, grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is (2+2+2)6/9" 3199,MR1804072,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5-0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma show a lesion arranged in nests. The glands are lined by inner luminal cells and outer abluminal cells . Few ducts show hyperplasia with myxoid cellular stroma shows inflammatory infiltrate composed of lymphocytes .No evidence of malignancy seen IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Benign breast disease Suggest intoto excision to rule out biphasic neoplasm 3200,MR1804158,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left sentinel lymph node biopsyB) Left breast lumpá wide excision.C) Re excised suspicious area.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue measures 4x2x1.5cm.4 Lymph nodes identified, larger measures 0.8x0.6x0.5cm. Cut surface shows grey white.B) Received lumpectomy measures 6x6x4cm.Grey white lesion measures 3x3x2.5cm.Distance from margins:-Superior margin : 1.5cm.Inferior marginááá : 1.5cm.Medial margináááá : 1.5cm.Lateral margináááá : 1cm.Deep margináááááá : 0.8cm.Close to inferior margins thread is tied. Distance of thread from tumor 0.3cm.C Re excised suspicious area-áReceived fibrofatty tissue measures 4x3x0.5cm.áá Thread tied on one surface.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Left sentinel lymph node biopsy with breast conservation surgery:4 Nodes- No deposits of tumor (0/4)B) Wide excision:Tumor- The sections from the tumor shows sheets of pleomorphic polyhederal cells with vesicular nucleus and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm.Tubular formation is less than 10%á : 3Mitotic figuresáá 8/10áááááááááááááááááááá á á : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááá áá á á áááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áá áá áá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------------MBR Scoreá : 7/9,á grade IIDCIS with comedonecrosisá : Identified.Lymphovascular invasion : Not identified.Perineural invasion : Not identified.Resected margins:-Superior margin :á Free of tumor.Inferior marginááá : Free of tumor.Medial margináááá : Free of tumor.Lateral margináááá : Free of tumor.Deep margináááááá : Free of tumor.C)Suspicious area : Adenosis and surrounding fibrosis. There is no evidence ofá tumorá in this tissue *IHC for Androgen receptor positive in 80% tumor cells IMPRESSION:B) Left breast lump wide excision :Invasiveá carcinoma with apocrine differentiation , nuclear grade IIMaximum dimension of tumor 3x3cm.DCIS : Present.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.All resected margin : Free of tumor.A)Left breast sentinel node: 4 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.C) Reexcisedá suspicious area : Fibrofatty tissue- No evidence of malignancy/atypia in the re excised tissue Grade : pT2N0." 3202,MR1804186,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Birads and lesion.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.4-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplastic foci arranged in islands having pleomorphic cells with irregular round to oval dark nuclei, conspicuous nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned 6-8/10 hpf. Adjacent breast parenchyma shows ductal hyperplasia and stroma fibrosis.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Biopsy:Shows extensive areas of Ductal Carcinoma in situ of solid and cribriform pattern( Intermediate nuclear grade) with foci of invasion." 3203,MR1804201,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Possibility of Carcinoma breast SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring irregular islands of neoplastic cells having pleomorphicá ovoid dark irregular nuclei prominent nucleoli andá moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic figures fobrosis and extensive inflammatory infiltrate comprisingá of lymphocytes and plasma cells. Hyalinised blood vessels noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááá :3Nuclear pleomorphism:2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------" 3204,MR1804210,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump ? MalignantSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Receivedá 5 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboringá an infiltrating lesion arranged in cords, sheets and nests. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of pale eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nucleus. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stromaá shows desmoplasia with lymphomononuclear infiltrates. congested blood vessels and aras of hemorrhage seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass:Invasive carcinoma, NST ,grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubule formationáááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------" 3205,MR1804232,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - Possibility of Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1.2-1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in cords and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3207,MR1804243,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Possibility of Carcinoma breast SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplastic lesion arranged in vague tubules, cords and comprising of cells havingá round to oval dark pleomorphic nuclei and moderate pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows extensive hyalinisation and scattered lymphocytes..IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+1)6/9." 3208,MR1804246,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Left breast Post NACT.SPECIMEN:A)Left modified radical mastectomyB) Level 3 Lymph nodesGROSS FINDINGSáReceived inááááááááááááááááááááá : Formalinááá Procedureááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Modified Radical Mastectomyáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Lateralityáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : LeftTotal dimensionsááááááááááááááááá : Medialá to lateralá :19cmááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deepá : 6cmááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to inferiorá : 17cmSkin ellipseáááááááááááááááááááááááááá :15x9cmNippleááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá :Retraced ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Scar/ Surgical defectááááááááááá : NoTumoráááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Singleááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Tumor Sizeáááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 4x3.2x3cmá Location of tumorááááááááááááááááá : Ratro areolarMargins of tumoráááááááááááááááááá :á Ildefinedáááááááá Deep margináááááááááááááááááááááááá : 1cmMuscleáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : AbsentAdjacent Breastáááááááááááááááááááá : Fibrofatty tissueáááá Axillary tailááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 7x5x2.5cmSize of largest nodeááááááááááááá :1x0.8x0.6cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied showsá breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, tubules and cords. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and inconspicuous nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned.Stroma is desmoplastic with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis and fibrosis are presentIMPRESSION:A)Left modified radical mastectomy:Histologicalá type: Residual Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade :1Tumor component maximum dimension 4cm.Invasive component measures 2.4cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 1.6cm.Modified Bloom Richardson scoreáá is 5/9.Tubule formationáá : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1Ductal carcinoma in situ cribriform and comedonecrosis pattern seen.Lymphovascular invasion is identified.Perineural invasion is not seen.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes 12 lymph nodes metastasis, 3(3/12).B) Level 3 nodes:Isolated two lymph nodes are free of tumor (0/2).Pathological stage ypT2N1Summary:Residual Invasive ductal carcinomaá left breastTumor grade 1Lymph nodes status 3/14 perinodal spread present." 3209,MR1804253,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump- possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.4-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrous adipose tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in tubules, nests and cords the cells show moderate pleomorphic and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma is desmoplasticIMPRESSION:Left breast Biopsy:Invasive carcinoma NSTModified Bloom Richardson score (3+2+1)6/9.Grade ll" 3210,MR1804266,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump- possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm composed of cells in tubules cords and nests. The cells show moderate pleomorphism and clear to eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm. Small focus of ductal cribriform type noted. Foci of lymphovascular invasion present.IMPRESSION:Left breast Biopsy:Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score (3+2+2)7/9." 3211,MR1804273,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Possibility of fibroadenoma ?? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.5-0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fibrocollagenous tissue with few ductules lined by luminal and abluminal cells. No atypia is seen.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Shows Benign Breast tissue.Negative for malignancy." 3213,MR1804309,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump- ? CarcinomaSPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3214,MR1804313,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion - ? Malignant SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey yellow linear cores of 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibro adipose harboringá an invasive neoplasm composed ofá clusters of cells floatingá in pools of mucin. The cells shows moderate to mildá pleomorphism round to oval hyperchromatic nuclie and eosinophilic granular cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma with mucinous featuresNuclear grade - II 3215,MR1804337,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 Grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in cords,nests of cells that show moderate nuclear pleomorphism and increased mitosis .Stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma NSTModified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+1)6/9, Grade II." 3217,MR1804364,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump, ? Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lesion, Core Biopsy.áá áGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 0.7-1 cm, entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue with lesion arranged in nests, cords and sheets. The cells have round moderately pleomorphic nuclei and moderately pleomorphic round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplastic mitotic figures discerned. IMPRESSION:Right breast lesion, Core Biopsy:INVASIVE CARCINOMA, NST, Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score (3+2+1) 6/9." 3218,MR1804388,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Cas4e of left breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:A) Left breast wide excision.B) Left axillary dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 8.5x6x3cmSkin ellipse measures 6.5x1cmCut surface - grey white soft lesion measures 3.5x2.5x2.5cm Distance from marginsSuperior margin: 2.5cmInferior margin :1 cmMedial margin :2 cmLateral margin : 1cmDeep margin : 1.5cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 6.5x6x2cm.Largest lymph nodes measures 1.5x1x0.4cm. Cut surface - grey white.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Residual viable tumor presentInvasive ductal carcinoma. Surrounding the tumor areas of fibrosis ---cellular infiltration present.Tubule formation 2, Mitotic figures 2, nuclear pleomorphism 2Modified Bloom Richardson score 6/9, grade 2Ductal carcinoma in situ not identifiedLymphovascular invasion not presentPerineural invasion presentResected margins:Superior margin: Free of tumor.Inferior margin :Free of tumor.Medial margin :Free of tumor.Lateral margin :Free of tumor.Deep margin :Free of tumor.Axillary lymph nodes:15 nodes no deposit of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast wide excision:Maximum dimension tumor 3.5x2.1Residual viable tumor presentInvasive ductal carcinoma, nuclear grade IILymphovascular invasion not presentAll resected margins are free of tumorB) Axillary Lymph nodes: 15 nodes - No deposit of tumorPathological stage: ypT2N0B) Left axillary dissection." 3219,MR1804400,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :14cm Superficial to Deep :2 cm Superior to Inferior :13cmSkin ellipse :11x7.5cm Nipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : SingleTumor Size : 3.0x2x2cm Location of tumor : lower inner quadrant Margins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 2cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 11x6x1.5cmLymph nodes : 14 (Specify if Sentinel nodes sent )Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.5 cm cut surface -grey whiteIMPRESSION:Left breast left modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed :Maximum dimension of tumor measuring 3 cm,Invasive carcinoma is measuring 2.5cm with surrounding dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltration is present. Ductal carcinoma in situ is present measuring 0.5cm with few ducts showing comedo-necrosis.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9, Grade II.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures 3x2cm in greatest dimension is located in the lower inner quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ present with comedonecrosis.Lymphovascular invasion Not identifiedPerineural invasion presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes - 14 lymph nodes. No metastatic deposit of tumorPathological state pT2N0.SUMMARY:Left modified radical mastectomy; invasive carcinoma with medullary carcinoma features, Grade II.Nodal metastasis 14 nodes - No deposit of tumor." 3220,MR1804411,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right infraclavicular lesion - ? Malignant.SPECIMEN:A) Right infraclavicular lesion.B) Right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.5-1cm. Entire tissue processed.B)Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.7-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section shows cores of fibro adipose tissue along with skeletal muscle harboring an invasive neoplasm is nested pattern with cells showing eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm ,pleomorphic nuclei and prominent nucleoli admixed with lymphocytes also seen.B) Section shows fibro adipose tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in cords ,nest and tubular pattern. The cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism and increased mitosis. Areas of necrosis present. Stroma is desmoplastic with dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:A) Right supraclavicular lesion:Metastatic carcinomatous depositB) Right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, NSTModified Bloom Richardson score is (2+2+3)-7/9.Grade 2" 3221,MR1804412,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left supraclavicular node - ? Deposit.SPECIMENA) Left supraclaviculará nodeB) Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fragmentedá grey white linear coresá measures 0.2-0.6cm. Entire tissue processedB) Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.5-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section shows form of fibroadipose tissue withá lymphoidá aggregates harboring a neoplasm in nests with moderate nuclear pleomorphism, increased mitosis.B) Section shows cores of breast tissue with extensive crush artifacts and multiple ducts showing ductal carcinoma in situ. Solid and comedo type. Stroma showsá crushed outá atypical cells in cords iná a desmoplastic stroma with moderate lymphocyticá infiltrate.IMPRESSION:A) Left supraclaviculará node:Suggestive of metastatic deposit.B) Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma NST, nuclear grade II" 3222,MR1804415,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast post NACT.SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy post NACTGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Post NACT Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :21cm Superficial to Deep : 5cm Superior to Inferior :15cmSkin ellipse :14x10cmNipple : UnremarkableScar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : SingleTumor Size : 3x3x2.8cm, Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrantMargins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 2cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : FibrosisAxillary tail : 7x6x2cmSize of largest node : 2x1x1 cmIMPRESSION:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy Post NACTTumor bed:Residual viable tumor present.Grade :IIIHistological type:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Surrounding the tumor ares of fibrosis and necrosis is presentTumor measures maximum dimension3x3 cmInvasive component measures 3x3cmDuctal carcinoma in situ measures not identified.Modified BR score is 8/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism:2Mitotic figures:3Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.Lymphovascular invasion present.Perineural invasion Present Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: One lymph node metastatic deposit of tumor out of 11 nodes(1/11). Perinodal spread not present.Pathological stage: ypT2N1Summary: Residual tumor - Invasive ductal carcinoma, Left breast .Tumor Grade:IIILymph node Status: One lymph node metastatic deposit of tumor out of 11 nodes(1/11).Perinodal spread not present." 3223,MR1804462,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.7-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of lesion arranged in islands sheets. The cells have markedly pleomorphic round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Interspersed and aggregates of neutrophils lymphocytes and plasma cells seen. Stroma shows desmoplasia mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade III.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+3+2).8/9" 3224,MR1804468,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, lump, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.7-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue with an infiltratingá lesion arranged in islands, nest with reaction of stroma . The cells have moderately pleomorphic round hyperchromaticá nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma showsá desmoplasia. Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Right breast, lump, core biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, NST grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+1)6/9." 3226,MR1804492,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Right Modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : 10% formalin.Procedure : Modified radical mastectomy.Total dimensions : RightMedial-lateral : 13 cm Superficial - deep : 3 cm Superior-inferior : 11 cmSkin ellipse : 10.5x4 cmNipple : Retracted with shows surface excoriation.Scar: : Not seen.Tumour : SingleTumour size : 2.6x2.4x2.2 cmLocation of tumor : Retroaerolar Margins of tumor : ill defineDeep margin : 2 cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent breast :Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : 10.5x9x2 cmSize of largest node : 1.8x2x1 cm, cut surface fatty infiltrating.Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPY FINDINGS:Section from breast paranchyma shows are invasive neoplasm arranged in tubules and cords tumor cells have round to oval nucleus with coarse powdery chromatin, prominent nucleoli.and moderate cytoplasm. Surrounding stroma shows desmoplastic changes. Mitosis is discerned.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(2+2+2). - Tumor measures 2.6 cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Retroaerolar region. - Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : is not seen. - Lymphovascular invasion :is identified. - Perineural invasion : is not identified. - Posterior resection margin is: free of tumor. - Nipple and areola : Free of tumor.Lymph nodes :One out of twenty three lymph nodes shows metastatic tumor deposit(1/23). - Tumor deposit measures 1.8 cm in greatest dimension. - Perinodal spread is not seen.Summary : Right breast, modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Nodal metastases :1/23 lymph nodes isolated show, metastatic tumor deposit (1/23).Pathological stage : pT2N1a" 3227,MR1804494,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue with an infiltratingá lesion arranged in irregular nest, islands. The cells have moderately pleomorphicá round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia with scattered inflammatory infiltrate. Mitotic figures seen. Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson Score is (3+2+1)6/9.Areas of necrosis seen." 3228,MR1804503,"CLINICAL HISTORY:PET detected left breast lesion Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Wide excision of left breastB) Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Wide local excision measures 2x337x1cm cut surface grossly identified lesion is noted measures 1.8x1x0.6cm,Distance from marginsSuperior margin: 0.8cmInferior margin :1.5cmMedial margin :0.8cmLateral margin :1.5cmDeep margin :0.3cmB)Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :22cm Superficial to Deep :5 cm Superior to Inferior :22cmSkin ellipse :14x7cmNipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : Single, grey white fibroticTumor Size : 2.7x1.7x1.7cm Location of tumor : Upper quadrant 12 '0' position.Margins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 1cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 7x6.5x2cmSize of largest node : 1.8x1.4x1cm cut surface infiltrative.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Multiple section studied show breast parenchyma showing presence of few focal ducts exhibiting presence of ductal carcinoma in situ component arranged in solid pattern of monomorphic cells exhibiting finely dispersed chromatin, occasional conspicuous nucleoli and scanty to moderate amount of pale -eosinophilic cytoplasm. The adjacent breast parenchyma shows presence of intraductal papilloma and adenosis. Calcification is noted. Collection of foamy histiocytes is seen. All margins are free of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast wide excision of left breast lesion:Focal low grade solid type ductal carcinoma in situ measuring 0.8cm in greatest dimension with adjacent breast showing intraductal papilloma and adenosis.All margins are free of tumor.B) Right breast right modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed:Section from breast show an infiltrative neoplasm arranged in nest, cords tubules of neoplastic cells exhibiting increased N/c ratio pleomorphic nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and scanty cytoplasm. Calcification is noted. The intervening stroma shows fibrocollagenous connective tissue. Lymphocytes, plasma cells, and collection of foamy histiocytes are noted.Invasive Ductal carcinoma, NST Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures 2.7cm in greatest dimension is located in the upper inner and central quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ is present in solid , papillary, focal micropapillary and cribriform pattern. Ductal carcinoma in situ component measures 0.6cm in maximum dimension.Lymphovascular invasion Not identified.Perineural invasion Not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes - 16 lymph nodes, metastasis : None (0/16).Pathological state pT2N0.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast wide excision of left breast lesion:Focal low grade solid type ductal carcinoma in situ measuring 0.8cm in greatest dimension with adjacent breast showing intraductal papilloma and adenosis.All margins are free of tumor.B) Right modified radical mastectomy invasive carcinoma, NST grade II.Nodal metastasis 0/16.Pathological state pT2N0." 3229,MR1804510,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breastá lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.7-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchymaá infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in tubules and cords. The neoplastic cells round to irregular moderately pleomorphic hyperchromaticá nucleus , inconspicuous nucleoli and moderateá cytoplasm. Mitosis is discerned. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3230,MR1804528,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.7x1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrating by neoplastic cells arranged in tubules and cords. The lesional cells have moderately pleomorphic round to irregular nucleus dispersed chromatiná prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Surroundingá stroma shows hyalinisation.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lump:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma , Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9" 3231,MR1804529,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5-1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3232,MR1804543,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast - post partial mastectomy and NACT (4cycles).SPECIMEN:A) Left Breast, Left Completion Mastectomy with left axillary lymph node dissection(Level 1 & 2)(Post NACT).B) Level 3 nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Procedure : Completion mastectomy post NACT post partial mastectomyLaterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral :14cm Superficial - deep : 4cm Superior-inferior : 19cmSkin ellipse : 15x2.5cmNipple : Unremarkable.Scar/ Surgical defect : Linear serous noted measures 15cm in length.Tumor bed : shows grey brown fibro tissue measures 2.1 x 1 x 1 cm noted.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : 10x6.5cm.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.8Representative sections are submitted.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4.5x2x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast paranchyma show ducts lined by monotonous round cells having round nucleoli, diffuse fine chromatin, indistinct nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. These ducts show hyperplasia in a sheets like pattern with central necroses.IMPRESSION:A) Left Breast, Left Completion Mastectomy with left axillary lymph node dissection(Level 1 & 2)(Post NACT):Shows DUCTAL CARCINOMA IN SITU of solid, cribriform and comedo pattern with intermediate nuclear grade. - Tumor measures 0.5 cm in greatest dimension(microscopically). - No definite evidence of residual invasive malignancy is seen. - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. - Perineural invasion is not identified. - All resected margins are free of tumor.Lymph nodes :Nine out of twenty one lymph nodes show metastatic deposits with Extranodal extension(9/21). - Size of the largest tumor deposit measures 5 cm in greatest dimension.B) Level 3 nodes:Twelve lymph nodes isolated, negative for malignancy (0/12)." 3234,MR1804568,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cell in nests and diffuse sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3235,MR1804570,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by nests and cords of atypical cells having round to oval nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Few cells, clusters have clear cytoplasm . Stroma shows extensive desmoplasia and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Crush artefacts are noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+2)-7/9." 3236,MR1804573,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Sentinel lymph nodeB) Breast wide excision biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x2x1.5cm. Identified 3 lymph nodes Largest measures 1.8x1.4x1cm. Cut surface fatty infiltration2nd lymph node measures 0.8x0.5x0.5cm. Cut surface grey white3rd lymph node measures 0.8x0.5x0.5cm. Cut surface - unremarkable.B) Wide local excision breast measures 7x7x2.3cm Cut surface illdefined lesion with yellow areas measures 1.5x0.8x0.8cm.Distance from margins Superior margin: 2cmInferior margin :2.3cmMedial margin :2.3cmLateral margin :1.8cmDeep :1.5cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sentinel lymph nodes:3 nodes - No deposit of tumor.B) Breast wide local excision:Tumor is composed of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. Tubular formation (40%)(2), mitotic figures 6-8/10 hpf(2), anaplasia (2)Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Lymphovascular invasion - Not identifiedPerineural invasion - Not identified.Resected margin:Superior margin: Free of tumorInferior margin :Free of tumorMedial margin :Free of tumorLateral margin :Free of tumorDeep margins :Free of tumorIMPRESSION:A) Sentinel lymph node:3 nodes - no deposit of tumor.B) Breast wide excision biopsy.:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IIMaximum dimension of tumor is 1.5cmLymphovascular invasion - Not presentPerineural invasion - Not presentAll resected margins free of tumor.Pathological stage : pT1N0" 3237,MR1804576,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.7-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by cords and small irregular nests of atypical cells having pleomorphic dark irregular nuclei. Some with prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Interspersed lymphocytes and plasma cells noted. Stroma shows hyalinisation and dilated blood vessels.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+2)7/9" 3238,MR1804585,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented grey white linear cores measures 0.2-0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fragmented tissue with neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets having markedly pleomorphic round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Few nest of cells having round nuclei and abundant amount of pale eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm. Few signet ring cells are also seen. Stroma shows sclerosis and myxoid change with a cellular eosinophilic material noted. Multinucleated tumor giant cells seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Poorly differentiated malignancy? High grade carcinoma ? Metaplastic carcinoma 3240,MR1804592,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINGERINGS:Received ináááááááááááááááááááááá : Formalin Procedureááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Modified Radical Mastectomyáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Lateralityááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Rightá Total dimensionsááááááááááááááááá : Medial to lateralááááá :20cmáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deepá :3.5cmáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferioráá :16cmSkin ellipseáááááááááááááááááááááááááá :14x9cmá Nippleáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá :NormalScar/ Surgical defectááááááááááá :Not seenTumoráááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : SingleTumor Sizeááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 4x4x3cm áááááá Location of tumorááááááááááááááááá : Upper Outer quadrantá Margins of tumorááááááááááááááááá :á ill definedááááááááá Deep marginááááááááááááááááááááááá : 1.5cmMuscleáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : AbsentAdjacent Breastááááááááááááááááááá : Fibrofatty tissueáááá Axillary tailááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 14x7.5x3cmLymph nodesááááááááááááááááááááá :15 á (Specify if Sentinel nodes sent )Size of largest nodeáááááááááááá : 2x1x1cmcut surface grey brownIMPRESSION:Right breast right modified radical mastectomy.Invasive ductal carcinoma with large necrosis areas of large activity ------ free from the tumorModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9, Grade IITubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2Tumor measures 4x4cm in greatest dimension id located in the outer centralá quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.Lymphovascular invasion Not identified.Perineural invasion presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes -15 lymph nodes No deposit of tumorPathological state pT2N0.SUMMARY:Right modified radical mastectomy invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II.Lymph metastasisá -15 lymph nodes No deposit of tumor." 3241,MR1804604,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Biopsy from Right breast mass. SPECIMEN: Right breast mass biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibroadipose tissue harboring an infiltrate neoplasm in cords, nest and tubules. The neoplastic cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism, eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm and increased mitosis. Stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast. :Invasive carcinoma NST.Grade - IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 --------" 3242,MR1804622,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Sentinel lymph node.B) Right Modified Radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Receivedá fibrofatty tissue bits measures 3x3x1.5cm 2 lymph modes identified Largest measuresá 1.7x1.4x0.6cm cut surfaceá grey brown to grey white.B)Received ináááááááááááááááááááááá : FormalinProcedureááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Modified Radical Mastectomyááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Lateralityááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : RightTotal dimensionsááááááááááááááááá : Medial to lateralááááá :21cmáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deepá :4.5 cmáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferioráá :11.5cmSkin ellipseáááááááááááááááááááááááááá :13.5x7cm Nippleááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : UnremarkableScar/ Surgical defectááááááááááá :Not seenTumoráááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : SingleTumor Sizeááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 2.5x2.2x1.5cmáááááááááá Location of tumoráááááááááááááááááá : Upper inner quadrant Margins of tumorááááááááááááááááá :á infiltrativeááááááá Deep marginááááááááááááááááááááááá : 1cmMuscleáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá :AbsentAdjacent Breastááááááááááááááááááá : Fibrofatty tissueááá Axillary tailááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 8x5x2.5cmSentinel Lymph nodesááááááááá :á 4 nodes, no deposit of tumor Size of largest nodeáááááááááááá :1.2x1x0.8cn cut surface grey whiteLevel III nodesááááááááááááááááááááá : 11 nodesIMPRESSION:Right breast right modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma with dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrationá surrounding the tumor, grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2Tumor measures 2.5x2.2cm in greatest dimension is located in the upper innerá quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.Lymphovascular invasion indeterminatePerineural invasioná not presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkableSentinel lymph nodes 4 nodes; no deposit of tumorAxillary level II nodes: 11 nodes identified, free of tumorSummary:Rightá modified radical mastectomy invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade IILevel II : 11 nodes identified, free of tumor" 3243,MR1804655,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2 cm, entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrate by neoplastic cells arranged in tubules and cords. The tumor cells have moderately pleomorphic round hyperchromatic nucleus with moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis is discerned.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Core Biopsy :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 3245,MR1804673,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white lineal cores measures 0.8 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells is nest and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Core Biopsy :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6 (3+2+1)." 3246,MR1804687,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :18cm Superficial to Deep :4 cm Superior to Inferior :17cmSkin ellipse :13x6cm Nipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect :One linear scar measuring 5cm noted above the nipple areola complex Grossly no tumor seen, Single firm area measuring around 0.5cms noted at lumpectomy bedTumor : lumpectomy bed noted measures 4.5x4x2cm Deep margin from lumpectomy bed : 0.3cmMuscle :AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 5x3.5x2cmcmSize of largest node :1.5x1x1cm cut surface -grey brownIMPRESSION:Left breast left modified radical mastectomy:Residual invasive carcinoma, NST.Tumor bed :Multiple section studied from the lumpectomy bed show only focal presence of a single nest of residual tumor cells exhibiting increased N/C ratio, pleomorphic vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and scant cytoplasm with presence of mitotic figures. There is extensive granulation tissue with numerous foreign body giant cells and fibrotic areas. Tumor measures 0.3 cm in greatest dimension is located in the quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ not seen.Lymphovascular invasion not seen.Perineural invasion not seen.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes -23 lymph nodes, metastasis - None (0/23).SUMMARY:Left modified radical mastectomy : Small focus of residual invasive carcinoma, NST." 3247,MR1804697,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, BiopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm . Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue with scattered compressed ducts with preserved epithelial and myoepithelial layers. Surrounded by abundant stroma with bland fibroblast and collagen. No evidence of invasion or invasive carcinoma in the section examined IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy:Benign breast lesion.Suggestive of fibroadenoma." 3248,MR1804711,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Right breast lump,biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white lineal cores measures 0.8 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in cells and tubules. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and scant cytoplasm. The cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Mitoses are 5-6 / 10 hpf.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy.INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade II.MBR score - 7/9" 3251,MR1804741,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.7 to 1 cm, entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows linear cores of tissue with irregular islands infiltrating into stroma. The cells have moderately pleomorphic round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows extensive desmoplasia. Dilated blood vessels seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Core biopsy :INVASIVE CARCINOMA, NST Grade 2.MBR score : (3+2+1) 6/9" 3252,MR1804770,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Not provided. SITE :Received 10 blocks and 10 slides labelled as 3290, 3290 A-I/17MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section from breast paranchyma shows a infiltrating lesion arranged in nests tubules and sheets. The cells are round to oval nuclei with moderate to abundant cytoplasm. Vesicular nuclei prominent nucleoli, adjacent stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltration. Mitosis 4-5/10hpfIMPRESSION :Infiltratory ductal carcinoma NST Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 6/9 --------- No Lymphovasicular invasion, perineural invasion identified.- Nipple , areola are unremarkable. - Eleven Lymph nodes identified , tumor metastatis not seen. . Comment on margin ,Please refer to original report" 3253,MR1804771,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of left breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:A) Wide local excisionB) Left axillary lymph nodesGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 10x9x5cm skin ellipse measures 6.5x4cm cut surface shows a grey white lesion measures 3.5x3x2cm.Entire tissue processed.Distance from marginsSuperior margin: 1.5cmInferior margin : 2cmMedial margin : .5cmLateral margin : 1cmDeep margin : 2cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 9x8x4cm largest lymph node measures 2x2x1cm cut surface grey white.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Tumor is composed of ducts clumps groups and cells with pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus and scant cytoplasm. Tubular formation less than 10% (3), Mitotic figures (1) nuclear pleomorphism(2).Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9, Grade IIDuctal carcinoma in situ - Not present.Lymphovascular invasion - Not present.Perineural invasion - Present.Resected margins:Superior margin: Free of tumor.Inferior margin :Free of tumor.Medial margin :Free of tumor.Lateral margin :Free of tumor.Deep margin :Free of tumor.Axillary lymph nodes:15 nodes - No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast Wide local excision:Wide local excision Invasive Ductal carcinoma , grade IIMaximum dimension of tumor 3.5x3x2cmLymphovascular invasion not present.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Left axillary lymph nodes:15 nodes . No deposit of tumor." 3254,MR1804786,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump, core biopsy.SPECIMEN : Right breast lump, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS : Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue with infiltrating lesion arranged islands, nest and sheets. The cells have round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Mitotic figures seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, core biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST Grade - IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 --------" 3255,MR1804795,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Wide excision left breast.B) Left axillary sentinel node.C) Left axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received wide local excision specimen measures 6.5x5x2.6cmCut surface a grey white firm lesion measures 1.8x1x1cmDistance from margins12 '0' clock :1cm6 '0' clock :2cm3 '0' clock :2cm9 '0' clock :3cmdeep margin : 0.5cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x2 cm identified 4 lymph nodes largest lymph nodes measures 1.4x1x1cm cut surface grey white.C) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue measures 6x4.5x2cm.Largest lymph nodes measures 1.5x1x1cm cut surface grey whiteDissected 12 nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Tumor is composed of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic and scanty cytoplasm. Surrounding the tumor dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltration is present.Tubule formation 3; anaplasia 2; mitotic figures 1Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9, Nuclear grade IILymphovascular invasion - presentPerineural invasion - Not identifiedResected margins Superior margin: Free of tumorInferior margin : Free of tumorMedial margin : Free of tumorLateral margin : Free of tumorDeep margins : Free of tumorB) Sentinel lymph node:2 nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor are out of 4 nodes Perinodal spread present.C) Axilary lymph node:One node shows metastatic deposit of tumor out of 12 nodes IMPRESSION:A) Wide excision left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Maximum dimension of tumor is 1.8 cmLymphovascular invasion - presentPerineural invasion is - Not identifiedDuctal carcinoma - Not identified.All resected margins are free of tumorB) Left axillary sentinel node:2 nodes show deposit of tumor out of 4 nodes.C) Left axillary lymph nodes:One node shows metastatic deposit of tumor out of 12 nodes total no of positive nodes - 3 nodes out of 16 nodes Perinodal spread present.Pathological stage : pT1No" 3256,MR1804812,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastá lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4á grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged in cords and tubules.á The neoplastic cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is elastotic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breastá lump:Invasiveá carcinoma,á NST,Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3257,MR1804815,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump - biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white liner color measures 0.5 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast paranchyma showing infitrative lesion. The cells are round to oval with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, and pleomorphic nuclei with inconspicuous nucleoli. Adjacent stroma showing fibrosis. No areas of necrosis seen. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Core biopsy.Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score 6 (3+2+1)." 3258,MR1804824,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - possibility of ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2 cm, entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows linear cores of breast parenchyma showing extensive sclerosis and periductal inflammatory infiltrates consisting of histiocytes, lymphocytes, plasma cells and eosinophils. Stroma shows hyalinised blood vessels. Focal areas of necrosis seen. No definite granulomas are seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, biopsy :Feature suggestive of chronic non- specific mastitis.No evidence of malignancy or granulomas is seen." 3259,MR1804844,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1 cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core biopsy :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7 (3+2+2)." 3260,MR1804845,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Residual carcinoma right breast post NACT,post lumpectomy. SPECIMEN :A)Right breast conservative surgeryB)Right axillary lymphatics. GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy measures 9x9x4.5cm. Cut surface - Grey yellow central necrosis measures 1.5x1.2x1cm. Distance from margins :Superior margin : 1.5cm.Inferior margin : 2 cm.Medial margin : 3.2 cm.Lateral margin : 4 cm.Deep margin : 1.5 cm.B) Received fibrofattty tissue measures 7x5x1.5cm. Largest lymphnodes measures 2x1x1cm. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :A) Section studied shows breast parenchyma with areas of hyalinisation and fibrosis.Also seen are dense lymphomononuclear cells with interspersed histiocytes and congested blood vessels. Cytomegaly Multi nucleation and intracytoplastic inclusions are noted. No evidence of atypia or malignancy noted. IMPRESSION:A) Right breast conservative surgery. No residual viable tumor seen. Chemotherapy related changes noted. All margins of resection are free of tumor.B) Right Axillary lymph nodes dissection. Isolated eleven lymphnodes are free of tumor. (0/11)" 3261,MR1804851,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1 cm, entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows linear cores of tissue with an infiltrating lesion arranged in small nest, islands and sheets. The cells have moderately pleomorphic round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplastic mitotic figures seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Core biopsy :INVASIVE CARCINOMA, NST Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3262,MR1804880,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast..SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear tissue cores harboring an infiltrative neoplasm arranged in cords and nests of neoplastic cells exhibiting increased N/C ratio, pleomorphic hypechromatic nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate to scanty pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. The intervening stroma shows presence of desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma breast, NST, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 --------" 3263,MR1804895,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion -BIRADS 4SPECIMEN:Biopsy form right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received six grey white linear cores measures 0.2 to 0.6 cm.Entire tissues processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma with dilated ducts showing atypical cells.The cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. All the ducts are lined by myoepthelial cells peripherally. Stroma is hyalinized. Mitosis discerned.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lesion, Biopsy :Shows Ductal carcinoma in situ of cribriform type with intermediate nuclear grade.No definite evidence of invasive malignancy is seen.Suggest further confirmation for invasive component on larger specimen. " 3264,MR1804908,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump carcinoma biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.7 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Core Biopsy :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 1. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5 (2+2+1)." 3266,MR1804915,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right axillary mass - Possibility of neoplastic etiology.SPECIMEN:Right axillary mass of breast BiopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.7-1cm . Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows linear cores of breast parenchyma composed of invasive nests and sheets of dysplastic cells showing moderate anisonucleosis and hyperchromatic nuclei with prominent nucleoli. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic and shows scanty inflammatory infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Right axillary mass of breast Biopsy:Invasive carcinoma of ductal origin - NSTModified Bloom Richardson score is 2+2+2-6/9, Grade II." 3267,MR1804916,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - Possibility ofá carcinoma breast. áááááááááááááááááááááááá SPECIMEN:Right breast, BiopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear coresá measures 0.8-1.0cm . Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma composed of invasive nest and sheets of dysplastic ductal cells showing moderate pleomorphism and hyperchromatic nuclei. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy:Invasive Carcinoma of ductal origin - NST Modified Bloom Richardson score is 2+2+2-6/9." 3268,MR1804946,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Lump in Right breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Total dimensions :-Medial-lateral : 22 cm Superficial - deep : 6 cm Superior-inferior : 13 cmSkin ellipse : 14x9 cmTumor : (? tumor ? DCIS)Tumor size : 5 x 4 x 2 cm.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant, Central quadrantMargins of tumor : ill definedDeep margin : 2.5 cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissueAxillary tail : 6 x 5 x 4 cmSize of largest node: 2.5 x 2 x 2 cmRepresentative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast parenchyma showing dilated ducts comprising of atypical cells in luminal side. The cells are round to oval having vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Invasive component is not identified. All the ducts are lined by myopithelial cells abluminally. Stroma shows hyalinization. No definite evidence of invasive malignancy is seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy :Shows Ductal carcinoma in situ of cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade. - Estimated size of the DCIS is 5 cm in greatest dimension. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: Fifteen lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy(0/15)." 3269,MR1804954,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast post RT.Left adrenal mass- ? Metastatic.SPECIMEN:Left Adrenal lesion, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to linear cores measures 1-1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrates by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Adrenal lesion, Core Biopsy:Positive for Malignancy.Possibly Metastasis.Suggest further workup." 3270,MR1804969,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Breast lesion 12 '0' clock - ? NeoplasticSPECIMEN:A) Breast 12 '0' clock position ( laterality not mentioned)B) Right breast 1 - 2 '0' clock positionGROSS FINDINGS:A)Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 -1 cm, Entire tissue processed.B) Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processedIMPRESSION:B) Right breast 1 - 2 '0' clock position, Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 --------A) Breast 12 '0' clock position ( laterality not mentioned):Benign breast disease.Suggestive of fibrocystic change" 3271,MR1804982,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast massSPECIMEN:Left Breast mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.6to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and tubules. Individual tumor cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast mass, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3272,MR1804985,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN:Right breast mass, BiopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1cm . Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple fragments of infiltrating neoplasm arranged in nests and sheets. The cells having the lesion are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with scant to moderate cytoplasm. Atypical mitotic figures are seen. Area of necrosis and hemorrhage seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Biopsy:Invasive carcinoma with papillary features. Nuclear grade II" 3273,MR1804988,"CLINICAL HISTORYCarcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :19cm Superficial to Deep :2.5 cm Superior to Inferior :19cmSkin ellipse :17x10cm Nipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : Single, tumor is cystic. Granular areas seen.Tumor Size : 2x2x1.5m Location of tumor : Upper center quadrant Margins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 0.6cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 13x.5x1.5cmLymph nodes : 6Size of largest node : 2.5x1.5x1cm grey whiteIMPRESSION:Left breast left modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed:The section shows clumps, groups and sheets and pleomorphic cells with vesicular to hyperchromatic nucleus with eosinophilic cytoplasm.Surrounding the tumor lymphoplasmacytic infiltration is presentModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9, Grade IITubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures 2x2cm in greatest dimension is located in the upper center quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.Lymphovascular invasion Not identified.Perineural invasion Not identifiedPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes - 6 lymph nodes. No metastatic deposit of tumor.Pathological state pT1N0.SUMMARY:Left breast left modified radical mastectomy Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Nodal metastasis -6 lymph nodes. No deposit of tumor Note: Addendum will be submitted on futher lymph nodes, if any" 3274,MR1805019,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.3-1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple infiltrating neoplasm arranged in sheets and nests. The cells forming the lesions are round to oval nuclei, scant to moderate cytoplasm. Inflammatory infiltrate composed of lymphoplasmacytes. Few mitotic figures seen. Areas of hyalinisation seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass:nfiltrating ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+2)7/9" 3275,MR1805029,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast mass - ? Phylloides ? Carcinoma SPECIMEN:Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1-1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets. Individual tumor cells are in spindle shape with elongated, pleomorphic, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Few cells with bizzre nuclei and few with multinucleated giant cells are seen. Mitosis is discerned.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy:Suggestive of Spindle Cell Neoplasm.? Phylloides Tumor?? SarcomaNeeds further confirmation on larger specimen with IHC." 3276,MR1805039,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast tissue with ducts showing solid type ductal carcinoma in situ. There is periductal focal inflammatory infiltrate. No evidence of invasive carcinoma in the section examinedIMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Ductal carcinoma in situ ,solid type (intermediate grade)." 3277,MR1805066,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast - ycT0N+.SPECIMEN :A) Specimen of left Modified Radical Mastectomy. B) Specimen of Level 3 Lymphnodes. C) Specimen of nodal tissue over the Axillary vein. GROSS FINDINGS :A) Specimen of Left Modified Radical Mastectomy, Post NACT, Post lumpectomy Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Left Modified Radical Mastectomy, Post NACT, Post lumpectomy Laterality : Left breast. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 17 cm. Superficial to Deep : 4 cm. Superior to Inferior :16 cm.Skin ellipse :12x10cm.Nipple : Normal. Scar : Lower inner quadrant measures 2.5cm. Tumor corresponding to scar measures 2x2x1.5cm in the lower inner quadrant. Also seen are grey brown irregular around the defect. Margins of tumor : Well defined. Deep margin : 2 cm. Muscle : Present. 4x3x0.6cm.Axillary breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 5x5x2cm. Size of largest node : 2 x1.5x1.5cm. grey white. B) Specimen of Level 3 Lymphnodes. Received single soft tissue bit measures 1.5x1x0.5cm. C) Specimen of nodal tissue over the Axillary vein. Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1x10.5cm. IMPRESSION:A) Specimen of left Modified Radical Mastectomy :Tumor bed : Sections studied show breast parenchyma with a tiny focus of neoplastic ovoid cells having moderate amount of pade eosinophilic cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and inconspicuous nucleoli. Adjacent breast parenchyma shows fibrocystic change and foreign body giant cell reaction. Histological type : Invasive ductal carcinoma. Grade : 2.Invasive component measures 0.3cm. Modified BR score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ................. 6/9 ..................Ductal carcinoma in situ not seen. Lymphovascular invasion identified.Perineural invasion identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes : 5 lymph nodes, Metastasis : 2 (2/5).B) Specimen of Level 3 Lymphnodes : One of the two isolated lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposits (1/2).C) Specimen of nodal tissue over the Axillary vein : Isolated two lymphnodes show metastatic tumor deposits (2/2)." 3278,MR1805098,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma left breast SPECIMEN:Biopsy from ulcerated lesion in left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Skin covered soft tissue bits measures 1.3x0.9x0.6cmSkin surface shows discolourationMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows a tissue lined by squamous epithelium harbours an invasive neoplasm arranged in sheets and nests and tubules. The lesional cells are large having round to irregular nucleus with coarse chromatin, prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from ulcerated lesion in left breast:Features are suggestive of invasive carcinoma ( NST) Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is7/9 ( 3+2+2)." 3279,MR1805102,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast Post NACT.SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy, Post NACT.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified radical mastectomy Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions :Medial to lateral :17cm Superficial to Deep :6cm Superior to Inferior:13cmSkin ellipse : 13x8cmNipple : Edematous Tumor :SingleTumor size :1.5x1x1cm Scar/ Surgical defect :5cm Location of tumor : 12 -0 clock positionMargin of tumor : Ill definedDeep margin : 2.5cmMuscle : 8x8cmAdjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissueAxillary tail :13x6x2cmSize of largest node :1.5x1x0.5cm cut surface - grey white - grey brownMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Show residual viable tumor with few foci of invasive carcinoma with extensive ductal carcinoma in situ solid and comedo type high grade.IMPRESSION:Left Modified radical mastectomy:Histological type: Invasive ductal carcinoma, NST.Grade:2Tumor measures maximum dimension1.5 cmInvasive component measures 0.5 cmDuctal carcinoma in situ measures 1cmModified BR score is6/9Tubule formation: 2 Nuclear pleomorphism:2 Mitotic figures: 2Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is extensive solid and comedo type high grade.Lymphovascular invasion is presentPerineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 8 lymph nodes, Metastasis:1(1/8)Largest tumor deposit measures 0.5cm.No extranodal extension.Pathological stage: ypT1N1. SUMMARY: Invasive ductal carcinoma left modified radical mastectomy, Post NACTTumor Grade: 2.Lymphnode Status: 1 out of 8 nodes show viable metastatic deposit tumor measures 0.5cm.No extranodal extension." 3280,MR1805117,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Hot nodeB) Blue +hot node.C) Non blue non hot node.D)Left breast wide excision.E) Revised deep margin.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received single lymph node measures 0.6x0.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1.5x0.8x0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.Identified 1 lymph nodeCut surface fatty infiltrate.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1x0.6x0.5cmEntire tissue processed.Identified 1 lymph node measures 0.4x0.4x0.3cm. Entire tissue processed.D) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 4.5x3.5x2.3cm.Cut surface ill defined grey white lesion.Skin ellipse 2x1.5cm.Distance from marginsSuperior margin: 1.5cmInferior margin : 1cmMedial margin : 1.5cmLateral margin : 0.5cmDeep margin : 0.5cmE)Fibrofatty tissue measures 1.5x1.2x0.8cm. One surface stiched noted. Stiched surface inked.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sentinel lymph nodes: 4 Nodes. No deposit of tumor.Wide excision:The section shows defuse ducts of tumor cells arranged in a linear single line pattern. The cells show pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus with scanty cytoplasm.Tubule formation -3Mitotic figures - 2Anaplasia - 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9, Grade II.Lymphovascular invasion - Not present.Perineural invasion - Not presentResected margins :Superior margin: Free of tumor.Inferior margin :Free of tumor.Medial margin :Free of tumor.Lateral margin :Free of tumor.Deep margin adenosis :Free of tumor.Resected deep margin - Free of tumor.IMPRESSION:Wide local excision:Maximum dimension tumor is 1.8cmInvasive carcinoma with lobular featuresductal carcinoma in situ - Not identified.Perineural invasion - Not identifiedLymphovascular invasion - Not present.All resected margins are free of tumor.Resected deep margins - Free of tumorSentinel lymph node - 4 Nodes. No deposit of tumor.Pathological stage: pT1N0" 3281,MR1805138,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged in glandular pattern and an clusters . The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have vesicular nuclei conspicuous and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is elastotic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9Tubule formation ;3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures : 2 -------- 7/9 --------" 3282,MR1805143,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast - post lumpectomy.SPECIMEN:A) Right modified Radical mastectomy.B) Skin at previous drain site.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :15.5cm Superficial to Deep :4 cm Superior to Inferior :12cmSkin ellipse :10x5cmNipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect : Scar is noted at upper outer quadrant measures 3cm in lengthTumor : Grossly no tumor identified only fibrotic areas identified underneath the scar.Fibrotic area measures 2x2x2cm. Deep margin : 0.8cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue .Axillary tail : 6x4x2cm.Total number of nodes :16 nodes.Size of largest nodes : 0.6x0.6x0.6cm. cut surface - unremarkable.B) Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1x1cm, grossly unremarkableIMPRESSION:A)Right breast right modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed: No residual tumor.Fibrotic areas, necrotic areas and inflammatory infiltrates comprising of lymphoplasmacytic cells with foreign body giant cells.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes - 16 lymph nodes. No metastatic deposit of tumor.Pathological stage : ypT0N0.B) Skin at previous drain site:The section shows stratified squamous epithelium with fibrocollagenous tissue. No abnormality seen.SUMMARY:Right Post lumpectomy modified radical mastectomy. No residual tumor.Identified 16 nodes,no deposits of tumor. " 3284,MR1805150,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump,Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 gray white linear cores measures 0.3 to 0.6 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules and cords.The lesion cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Mitosis 5-6/hpf IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Biopsy.Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Sore 6(2+2+2)." 3285,MR1805175,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Birads VSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.4-0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma shows a infiltration lesion arranged in sheets nests and areas of necrosis. The cells areá round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei. Scant to moderate cytoplasm. Mild pleomorphic nuclei seen. Atypical mitotic figuresá are seen. Areas of necrosis seen. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lump:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9(3+2+2).Areas of necrosis seen." 3286,MR1805182,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged as islands and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm .Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 --------" 3287,MR1805192,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump- Possibility of Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.2-0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with are focus shows atypical cells having round to oval pleomorphic nucleus, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Extensive hyalinisation noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast:Solitary focus of atypical cells with crush artifactsPossibility of malignancy needs to be ruled out on a repeat biopsy." 3288,MR1805193,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy, post NACT.GROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááá áááááááá : 10% NBF.Procedureááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á : Right modified radical mastectomy, post NACT.Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá : Right.Total dimensionsááá áá á á á : Medial to lateral -- 10cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áá Superficial to Deep --á 4cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior -- 10cm.Skin ellipseááá ááá ááá ááá ááá : 8x6cm. Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá : Retracted.Scar/ Surgical defectááá á : Absent.Tumorááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá : Single.Location of tumorááá ááá á á : 2.4x2.4x2cm.Margins of tumorááá ááá áá á : Illdefined. ááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá áááááá : 1cm.Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá : 1x0.6cm.Axillary tailááá ááá ááá ááá áááá á : 4x4x3cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show breast parenchyma harboring a lesion with cells in sheets, cords, trabeculae and nests. The cells have scant to moderate cytoplasm with some having abundant clear cytoplasm, round to oval pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with some having prominent nucleoli. Atypical mitosis discerned (1-2/hpf). Numerous sclerosed blood vessels seen interspersed throughout the tumor. Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Right modified radical mastectomy, post NACT.Tumor Bed: 2.4x2.4x2cm.Histological type: Residual viable invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade: IIITumor measures maximum dimension 2.4cmInvasive component measures 2.4cmModified BR score is 8/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 3Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is absent.Lymphovascular invasion is absent.Perineural invasion is absent.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 15 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0 (0/15).No metastatic deposit of tumor out of 15 nodes. Pathological stage: ypT2N0SUMMARY:Residual viable invasive ductal carcinoma, Right breast.Tumor Grade: IIILymphnode Status:0/15" 3289,MR1805202,CLINICAL HISTORY:Left thigh mass - possibility of depositSPECIMEN:A) Left thigh mass B) Retroperitoneal nodeGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1.2x1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.B) Received multiple grey brown linear cores measures 0.2-0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A&B) Section from the thigh mass and lymph node show similar morphology. Linear cores of tissue show closely packed tubules and micropapillary structures lined by dysplastic columnar cells that exhibit hyperchromatic nuclei moderate nuclear pleomorphism and mitotic activity. Stroma is fibrotic Biopsy of node shows near total replacement by tumorIMPRESSION:A) Left thigh mass & B) Retroperitoneal node:Metastatic adenocarcinoma? Serous carcinoma from ovary? Adenocarcinoma from lung /Breast/ GIT.Suggest IHC and clinical correlation 3290,MR1805207,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.5-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections showsá invasive sheets and nestsá of dysplastic ductal cells showing moderate anisonucleosis, hyperchromatic nuclei seen invading the fibrous stroma mild mononuclear infiltrates are seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast:Invasive carcinoma of ductal origin, NST, Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 2+2+2-6/9." 3291,MR1805209,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Case of right breast carcinoma. Post lumpectomy.áSPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received :10%á Formalin.Procedure : Modified radical mastectomy post lumpectomy.Lateralityááááááááá : Rightá breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateralááááá : 21 cmááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deepá : 4.5 cmááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferioráá : 18 cmSkin ellipseááááááá : 17x10 cm.Nippleááááááááááááá : Normal.Scar/surgical defect : A linear scar measures 4 cm. is noted in the upper outer quadrantTumoráá : No obvious mass lesion seen. ill defined fibrotic areas measure 1x1x0.8 cm.Deep margin : 1 cm.Muscleááááá : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tailáááááá : 3x3x2 cm Total number of nodes : 12 nodesSize of largest node: 1.5x1.2x1 cm Cut surface grey white.IMPRESSION:Rightá breast Right modified radical mastectomy:Tumor Bed:Post Lumpectomy bed shows fibrosis, necrosis, inflammatory cellular infiltration with foreign body giant cells and granulation tissueNo evidence of residual tumor present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: One lymph node shows metastatic deposit of tumor out of 12 nodes isolated.Perinodal spread present.SUMMARY:Right breast modified radical mastectomy. No residual tumor status post Lumpectomy Nodal metastasesá : One nodeá shows metastatic deposit of invasive ductal carcinoma out of 12 nodesPerinodal spread present." 3292,MR1805210,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.3-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in cords. The tumor cells have moderately p[leomorphic nucleus, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis is discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma (NST) Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+2-7/9." 3294,MR1805212,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to linear cores measuresá 0.6-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in cords and sheets. The lesional cells are largeá with round nucleus, dispersed chromatin and moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis is discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma ( NST) Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+2-7/9" 3295,MR1805234,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.8-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrofatty infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in cords . The neoplastic cells have moderately pleomorphic round hyperchromaticá nucleus inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma ( NST) nuclear grade II 3296,MR1805239,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from liver lesionGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of liver parenchyma infiltrating by neoplastic cells arranged in tubulesá and glandular pattern. The lesional cells have moderatelyá pleomorphicá round to oval hyperchromaticá nucleus, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Areasá of necrosis and myxoid changes noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from liver lesion:Metastaticá adenocarcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast." 3297,MR1805282,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right modified radical mastectomy.B) Right level 3 node.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :24cm Superficial to Deep :8 cm Superior to Inferior :17cmSkin ellipse :15x7cmNipple :Retracted Scar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : Single Tumor Size : 5.5x5x5cm Location of tumor : Retro areolarMargins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : AbsentMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 7x2x2cmSize of largest lymph node : 5x3x3cm; Cut surface grey white.Level II : 15 nodesLevel III : 3 nodesB) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue measures 2x2x2cm.Largest lymph nodes measures 2x1.5x1cm . Cut surface grey white.IMPRESSION:Right breast; right modified radical mastectomyTumor bed :Invasive Ductal carcinomaFocal areas of necrosis are presentTumor is infiltrating into the epidermis of nipple and areola.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9, Grade III.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3Tumor measures 5.5 cm in greatest dimension is located in the retro areolar quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.Lymphovascular invasion Present.Perineural invasion Present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola tumor is infiltrating in to the epidermis of the nipple and areolaLevel I& II - 4 nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 15 nodes Perinodal spread presentLevel III - 1 Node show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 3 nodes.SUMMARY:Right modified radical mastectomy invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade IIILevel I& II - 4 nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 15 nodes Perinodal spread present.Level III - 1 Node show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 3 nodes." 3298,MR1805314,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast. SPECIMEN :A) Breast conservative surgery.B) Left axillary lymphatics. GROSS FINDINGS :A) Breast conservative surgery.Received lumpectomy specimen measures 5.5x4x3cm. Cutsurface - small, grey brown area with ? calcification measures 0.8x0.5x0.5cm. Skin ellipse measures 3.5x1cm. Distance from margins : Superior margin : 1cm.Inferior margin : 1.5 cm.Medial margin : 2 cm.Lateral margin : 2 cm. Deep margin : 1.2cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 7x6x2cm. Largest lymphnode measures 1.2x1x1cm. Cutsurface grey white. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section show atypical epithelial hyperplasia, adenosis and fibrocytic dilated ducts with apocrine metaplasia. There is no evidence of residual viable invasive carcinoma or ductal carcinoma in situ present. Resected margin. : Superior, inferior, medial, lateral and deep margin. Inked margin are free of tumor. B) Left axillary lymphocytes :11 nodes - No deposits of tumor. IMPRESSION :Breast conservative surgery :No residual viable tumor.All resected margins are free from the tumor. Lymphnodes : 11 nodes - No deposits of tumor(0/11). " 3300,MR1805341,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump- possibility of Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed..IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3302,MR1805372,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump- ? Metastatic /? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 7 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.3 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by breast tissue by tumor cells in cords and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3303,MR1805376,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.6-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores with infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, tubules and cords. The lesion cells are round to oval with hyperchromatic nuclei and have moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Core biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3304,MR1805418,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump- carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores the breast parenchyma shows infiltrating neoplasm arranged in acini and nests. The cells foaming. The lesion are round to oval nucleus with scant cytoplasm hyperchromaticá nuclei in the background desmoplastic stroma. Fewá mitotic figures are identified.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is (2+2+1)5/9" 3305,MR1805427,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measure 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 3.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 8(3+3+2)." 3306,MR1805429,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy, post NACT, Post lumpectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááááááá ááá áá : Formalin/Freshá Procedureááá ááá ááá ááá áááá : MRM, post NACT, Post lumpectomy.Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá : Right.á Total dimensionsááá áááááá : Medial to lateral -- 20cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep -- 6cm.á áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior -- 17cm.Skin ellipseááá ááá ááá ááá ááá : 15x10.5á Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá : Unremarkable.Scar/ Surgical defectáá á : 7.5cm.Tumour Size á á á á á á á áá : Multiple fibrotic grey white areas seen. No solid tumor present.Location of tumorááá ááá á : Upper central quadrant.Margins of tumorááá ááá áá : Illdefined.áááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá áááá : 2.5cm.Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááá : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá ááá : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tailááá ááá ááá ááá ááá : 11x8x2cm.Size of largest nodeáááá : 1.5x1x1cm.IMPRESSION:Right modified radical mastectomy, post NACT, Post lumpectomy:Tumor Bed:The section show fibrotic, necrotic and atropic ducts. Surrounded ducts show adenosis. epithelial hyperplasia.No evidence of residual viable tumor present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 19 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 19 nodes. No deposit of tumor.Pathological stage:á ypTxN0SUMMARY:No residual viable tumor, right breast Lymphnode Status: 19 nodes. No metaplastic deposit of tumor." 3307,MR1805432,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma left breast. SPECIMEN:Left breast, core biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 0.5 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows few ductules lined by atypical cells with hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Left breast, core biopsy. (Post chemo) :Few ductules are seen with moderate to marked atypia.Suggest excision of the lump for further confirmation. " 3308,MR1805442,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8-1.2cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrating by neoplastic cells arranged in cords and tubules. The lesional cells have round hyperchromatic nucleus, few with inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9(2+2+2)." 3309,MR1805458,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of Right Breast lump.SPECIMEN:A) Right sentinel lymph node (Blue node).B) Right sentinel lymph node (Non blue non hot node).C) Right sentinel lymph node (Intramammary node).D) Right breast, Right Breast Conservative Surgery.E) Right Breast, Right mastectomy(Post BCS).GROSS FINDINGS:Hot nodes:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1x0.8 cm. Largest lymph node measures 0.7x0.5x0.5 cm, cut surface shows unremarkable.Non blue non hot nodes:B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3.5x2.5x1.5 cm. 2 lymph nodes identified, Largest lymph node measures 1.5x0.8x0.6 cm, cut surface shows unremarkable.C) Received 2 fibrofatty tissue bits larger measures 2.5x2x0.8 cm. Smaller measures 0.6x0.4 cm.Yields 2 nodes. Largest measures 1.5 cm in greatest dimension.D) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 6.5x6x4 cm. Cut surface shows grey white firm lesion measures 3x2.7x2.8 cm. Distance from margins :Superior margin : 1.5 cmInferior margin : 1.7 cmMedial margináá : 1.7 cmLateral margináá : 1.7 cmDeep margináááá : 1.3 cmE) Received in : FormalinProcedureááááá : Mastectomylateralityáááá : RightTotal dimensions :- áááá Medial ?lateraláá : 17 cmáááá Superficial ?Deep : 5 cmáááá Superior-Inferior : 23 cmSkin ellipseá : 17x11 cm, Upper central areas shows surgical defects measures 6 cm.Tumor bed measures 8x6 cm, grossly no tumor.Deep margináááááá : 1 cmMuscleááááááááááá : AbsentAdjacent Breastáá : Fibrofattyáááááá áAxillary tailáááá : Absent MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules and cords. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, prominent nucleoli in few and moderate cytoplasm. The cells exhibit moderate neoplasm. Stroma is desmoplastic and showing lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Mitoses 6-8/10 hpf. Extensive areas of DCIS, comedo type noted.áSection from mastectomy shows breast parenchyma with no residual tumor. Usual ductal hyperplasia noted.IMPRESSION:A) Right sentinel Lymph node (Hot nodes):áá Identified three lymph nodes, are free of tumor (0/3).B) Right sentinel lymph node (Non blue non hot node):áá Identified two lymph nodes, are free of tumor (0/2).C) Right sentinel lymph node (Intramammary node):á No lymph nodes identified, shows breast parenchyma with atypical ductal hyperplasia. D) Right breast, Right Breast Conservative Surgery :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2.á - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(2+2+2).á - Tumor measures 3 cm in greatest dimension.á - Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ present, comedo type, intermediate nuclear grade.á - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.á - Perineural invasion is not identified.á - Inferior margin show usual ductal hyperplasia. Medial margin shows atypical ductal hyperplasia.á - Rest all margins including deep margin are free of tumor.E) Right breast, Right Mastectomy(Post BCS):áá No residual tumor is seen.á á - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.á á - Nipple and aerola are unremarkable." 3310,MR1805465,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Biopsy GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, cords and vague tubules. The lesion cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows hyalinisation.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3311,MR1805466,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.0 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged in clusters and tubules. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is elastotic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9 .Tubule formationááááááá 3Nuclear pleomorphism 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9" 3312,MR1805478,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - possibility of Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Trucut Left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Trucut Left breast :Section shows breast parenchyma with invasive sheets of nests of dysplastic ductal cells showing moderate pleomorphism, hyperchromatic nuclei. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Trucut biopsy Left breast:Invasive Carcinoma of ductal origin NST- Grade II.MBR score (2+2+3=7/9)" 3313,MR1805480,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump:The section shows five core biopsies with invasive ductal carcinomaTubular formation 2Mitotic figures 2Analplasia 2Nottingham grade II. 3314,MR1805482,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A)Left Breast wide excision.B) Sentinel lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received lumpectomy specimen measures 7.2x5.2x2cmSkin flap; measures 6.5x2.9cm.Cut surface shows grey white firm lesion measures 2.2x2x1cmDistance from marginsSuperior margin: 1.9cm.Inferior margin : 1.4cm.Medial margin : 3cm.Lateral margin : 3cm.Deep margin : 0.4cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x2x1cm. Identified 5 lymph nodes.Largest measures 0.7x0.5x0.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Wide lumpectomy.Tumor is composed of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic and scanty cytoplasm. Tumor formation is less than 10% -(3)Mitotic figures are 8/10 hpf - (2)Anaplasia - (2)Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9, Grade II.Ductal Carcinoma in situ - Not present.Perineural invasion - Not present.Lymphovascular invasion - Not present.Resected margins:Superior margin: Free of tumorInferior margin : Free of tumorMedial margin : Free of tumorLateral margin : Free of tumorDeep margin : Free of tumorSentinel lymph node: 5 nodes no deposit of tumor.IMPRESSION:A)Left Breast wide excision:Invasive ductal carcinoma - Maximum dimension tumor measures 2.2x2x1cm. Grade IILymphovascular invaison - No Present.Ductal carcinoma in situ - Not present.All resected margins are free of tumor.Sentinel lymph node - 5 nodes . No deposit of tumor.B) Sentinel lymph node." 3315,MR1805529,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 0.5-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores ofá fibrocollagenous tissue harboring a cellular infiltratingá lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3316,MR1805553,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of carcinoma left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy post lumpectomy Laterality : Left BreastTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :16cm Superficial to Deep : 2.2cm Superior to Inferior :16cmSkin ellipse :13x9.5cm Nipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect :Seen in 3cm in length around areolaTumor : Grossly tumor not identified fibrotic necrotic and cystic areas noted in upper outer quadrant measuring 3.5x2x2cmDeep margin : 0.6cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 11x9x2.5cmLymph nodes : 17 nodesSize of largest node : 2x1.5x1cm cm cut surface -grey whiteMICROSCOPYLumpectomy bed:No residual tumor present.Areas of fibrosis , necrosis lymphoplasmacytic infiltration and giant cells are present.IMPRESSIONLeft breast left modified radical mastectomy:No residual tumor present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes - 2 lymph nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 17 nodes.Perinodal spread present.SUMMARY:Left Post lumpectomy modified radical mastectomy . No residual tumor Tumor bed : fibrosis, necrosis and granulation tissue.Lymph nodes - 2 lymph nodes, show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 17 nodes.Perinodal spread present." 3317,MR1805561,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1.0-1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3318,MR1805562,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richard Son Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3319,MR1805575,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Possibility of Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3320,MR1805578,CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from liver GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.6-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from liver :Invasive carcinoma -Suggestive of Metastasis in a known case of carcinoma breast. 3321,MR1805595,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.2-0.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests, cords and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular invasion is identified.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). - Lymphovascular invasion is seen. - Ductal Carcinoma in situ of cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen." 3322,MR1805606,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - Possibility of Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, tubules and cords. The lesional cells are round to oval having moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3323,MR1805613,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Complaint of lump in the right breast for the past 2 months.SPECIMEN:A) Sentinel lymph nodeB) Wide local excisionC) Revised inferior marginsD) Re excised deep margin tagged outer.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x1cm. Entire tissue processedIsolated 3 lymph nodesLargest measures 1.5x1x0.6cm. Cut surface infiltrating.B) Received wide local excision right breast measures 5x3.5x3cm cut surface grey white ill defined lesion measures 2.2x1.4x1.4cmDistance from margins:Superior margin :2cmInferior margins :1cmMedial margin :0.3cmLateral margin :2cmDeep margin : 0.3C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x1.5x0.6cm are surfaced inked other surface striched.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2.5x1cm. One surface is threaded.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sentinel lymph node: 3 nodes - No deposit of tumor.B) Wide local excision :The section sows sheets of pleomorphic cells with vesicular nucleus and prominent nuclei and syncitial cytoplasm. Intratumoral and peritumor lymphocytic infiltration in presentTubular formation -3Mitotic figures - 3Anaplasia - 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score 8/9, Grade IIIDuctal carcinoma in situ - Not presentLymphovascular invasion - Not PresentPerineural invasion - Not PresentResected margins:Superior margin : Free of tumorInferior margins : Shows epithelial hyperplasia - Free of tumorMedial margin : Free of tumorLateral margin : Free of tumorDeep margin : Free of tumorC) Revised inferior margins is free of tumorD) Re excised deep margin is free of tumorIMPRESSION:Wide local excision:Invasive carcinoma with medullary carcinoma like features, grade IIILymphovascular invasion not presentAll resected margins are free from tumor.Sentinel lymph nodes - 3 nodes. No deposit of tumor.Pathological stage : pT2N0" 3324,MR1805619,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast, breast conservative surgery.B) Left sentinel lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 11x7x3.5 cmOn serial section identified a grey white illdefined lesion measures 1.5x1x0.8 cm (tumor 1), another satellite lesion measures 0.8 x 0.6 x 0.5 cm is noted 0.4 cm away from the tumor 1.Distance from different margins:Superior margin : 2.5 cmInferior margin : 2 cmMedial margin : 2 cmLateral margin : 2.5 cmDeep margin : 2 cmB) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue bits altogether measures 2.5x1.8x1 cm. Largest measures 1.8x0.8x0.8 cm, entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules and cords. The lesional cells are round to oval having vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate neoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Mitoses 2-3/10hpf. Areas of DCIS (cribriform and solid type) noted.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast, breast conservative surgery :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 1. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1). - Tumor measures 1.5 cm in greatest dimension. - Lymphovascular invasion is not indeterminate. - Perineural invasion is identified. - Ductal carcinoma in situ of cribriform and solid pattern with intermediate nuclear grade. - All resected margins are free of tumor. - Overlying skin is free of tumor.Lymph nodes : Identified one intramammary lymph node, show tumor deposit, measuring 0.7 cm in greatest dimension (1/1). - No perinodal spread is seen.B) Left sentinel lymph nodes : One out of seven lymph nodes identified, show tumor deposit, measuring 0.2 cm in greatest dimension (1/7). - No perinodal spread is seen." 3325,MR1805620,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast carcinoma. Post lumpectomy. SPECIMEN :Right breast with axillary lymphatics. GROSS FINDINGS :Right Modified Radical Mastectomy :Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Right Modified Radical Mastectomy post NACT. Laterality : Right breast. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 17 cm. Superficial to Deep : 4 cm. Superior to Inferior :16 cm.Skin ellipse :11x8cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/Surgical defect : Seen - upper outer quadrant measures 2cm. Tumor : No definite tumor seen grossly. Tumor size : 3x2x1cm in upper outer quadrant. Location of tumor : ill defined. Deep margin : 2 cm. Muscle : Absent.Axillary breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 7x6x2cm. IMPRESSION:Right Modified Radical Mastectomy Post lumpectomy, post NACT :Tumor bed : Section studied show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating cellular lesion arranged in nests and cords. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with lymphomononuclear cell infiltrate. Histological type : Residual invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. Maximum dimension of tumor is 3x2 cm.Invasive component measures 2.3cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.7cm. Modified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ............ 7/9 ............Lymphovascular invasion not identified. Ductal carcinoma in situ cribriform, solid pattern seen. Perineural invasion not identified. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 12 lymph nodes, Metastasis : 4 (4/12)Pathological stage: ypT2N2Summary : Residual invasive ductal carcinoma. Post NACT, post lumpectomy. Grade - 2Lymphnode status : 4/12 perinodal spread present. " 3326,MR1805656,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in tubules and cords. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 1. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 5(2+2+1)." 3327,MR1805670,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Metastatic carcinoma right breast post NACT.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Lateralityáááááááááááááááá : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateralááááááááá :á 16cmááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deepááá :áá 6cmááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferioráááá :áá 14cmSkin ellipseááááááááááááá : 13x9cmNippleáááááááááááááááááááá : Shows fungating mass .Scar/ Surgical defect : Absent.Tumoráááááááááááááááááááá : SingleTumor sizeááááááááááááá : 6x3.5x2.5cmLocation of tumoráá : Retroareolar.Margins of tumorááá : ill defined.Deep margináááááááááá : 2.3cm.Muscleáááááááááááááááááá : Absent.Adjacent breastááááá : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tailáááááááááááá : 12x10cm Received seperately sent fibrofatty tissue measures 8x7x4cm in the same bottle.Isolated 14 lymph nodes.Largest one measures 2x1x1cm. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The sections show breast parenchyma harboring tumor arranged in large circumscribed nodular masses with intervening fibrous septae. The large nodules show tumor cells arranged in nests and trabecular pattern and focal solid papillae with fibrovascular cores, The tumor cells are round to polygonal with increased N:C ratio with round to ovoid speckled nuclei and moderate clear cytoplasm.Intervening mucin is seen. Central areas show necrosis. Deep margin is free of tumor.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :Invasive carcinoma with neuroendocrine differentiation, grade II.Suggest IHC.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formationááááááá :á 3Nuclear pleomorphism :á 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá :á 2Tumor measures maximum dimension 4.5cm.Invasive component measures 4.5cm.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not seen.Lymphovascular invasion : Not seen.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola :Overlying skin shows ulceration and tumor.Lymph nodes: 14 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 3,(3/14).Largest tumor deposit measures 1.4cm. Extranodal extension seen." 3328,MR1805706,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump (12 '0' clock ) possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.2-0.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells lying in sheets and nests in pools of extracelluar mucin. individual tumor cells have abundant mucinous to clear cytoplasm and hyperchromatic eccentrically placed nuclei.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Carcinoma with many signet ring cells." 3329,MR1805715,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Rightá breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.6-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows invasive sheetsá of dysplasticá ductal cells showing moderate pleomorphism hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic activity is discerned. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic. Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast:Invasive carcinoma of ductal origin - NST, grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9(2+2+2)." 3331,MR1805734,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.5-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows invasive sheets and nests of round to oval cells arranged as dyscohesive ductal cells showing mild pleomorphism and hyperchromatic nuclei. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma NOS, grade IModified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9.(2+2+1)" 3332,MR1805737,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.5-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show breast parenchyma with invasive sheets and nests of dysplastic ductal cells showing moderate pleomorphism hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma of ductal origin NST , Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is (2+2+2) - 6/9." 3333,MR1805748,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma of Left Breast SPECIMEN:A) Sentinel nodesB)Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x1.5 cm. largest lymph node measures 1.2x1.8x0.6 cm. cut surface shows fatty infiltration. B) GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Modified radical mastectomy .Leterality : left.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral :10cm. Superficial - deep : 3 cm. Superior-inferior :10 cm.Skin ellipse : 12x1.5 cm. surface shows indurated discolorated areas measures 1.5x1x0.5 cm. medical to N/A complex.Tumor : No obivious mass seen . An ill-defined grey white grey brown areas noted in the lower inner quadrant corresponding to the skin induration consisting of cystic and dilated spacesDeep margin : 0.8 cm.Muscle : Present measures 4x1.5 cm.Adjacent breast :Fibrofatty.Axillary tail :2.5x2x1cm.Sentinel lymph nodes :6 nodes.Size of largest node : 1.2x0.8x0.6cm.IMPRESSION:A) Right Breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Tumor Bed: Few ducts show ductal carcinoma in situ cribriform and solid present ( low grade) most of the show ducts show fibrocystic change with apocrine metaplasia capsule shows in present.filled with hemorrhage filled with surrounding inflammatory cells foreign body giant and granulation cells. No residual in viable carcinoma carcinoma present.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ: Present (Low grade)Lymphovascular invasion : Not seen.Perineural invasion : Not seen.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 6 nodes, No metastatic deposit of tumor .SUMMARY:Right breast Post Lumpectomy. Modified radical mastectomy small focus of ductal carcinoma in situNo residual invasive carcinoma presentSentinel nodes -6 nodes - No deposit of tumor." 3334,MR1805750,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Hot node 3.B) Non blue non hot node 2.C) Left mastectomyD) Left axillary clearence.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue 3x2x1 cm. isolated 3 lymph nodesLargest lymph node measures 1.2x1x0.8 cm. cut surface shows grey white.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5x4x2 cm. no lymph node identified.C) Received in :Formalin.Procedure : Left Mastectomy.Laterality : Left.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral :21 cm. Superficial - deep :5 cm. Superior-inferior :20 cm.Skin ellipse : 16x14 cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/surgical defect : Absent.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 1.9x1.5x1.2 cm.Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrantMargins of tumor : InfiltrativeDeep margin : 1 cm.Muscle :Absent.Adjacent breast :Fibrofatty tissueLeft sentinel lymph nodes :3 nodes dissection. Weight larger tumor measures 2x1cm.Axillary lymph nodes :10nodes .Total nodes 13 nodes.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 12x8xl3cm. Largest lymph node measures 1.2x1x0.5 cm. cut surface shows grey tanDissected 10 nodes..IMPRESSION:Left breast, left mastectomyInvasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is : 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2.Mitotic figures :2.Tumor measures 1.9x1.5 cm.greatest dimension and located the lower outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ: Not identified.Lymphovascular invasion is :Present.Perineural invasion is: Present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes :A & BSentinel nodes :2 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor of 3 nodes Perinodal spread presentAxillary nodes: 10 nodes isolated. No deposit of tumor Total nodes : 2 nodes sow metastatic deposit of tumor out of 13 nodes.Pathological stage : pT1N1.SUMMARY: Left mastectomyInvasive ductal carcinoma, grade IISentinel nodes :2 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 3 nodes Perinodal spread presentAxillar nodes 10 nodes. No deposit of tumor Total nodes :2 nodes sow metastatic deposit of tumor out of 13 nodes." 3335,MR1805754,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.5-1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3336,MR1805755,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Possibility of Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.5-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3337,MR1805756,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - / Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.5-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged as sheets and clusters. The neoplastic cells are round to polygonal have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is elastotic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3338,MR1805768,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of left breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:Left Modified Radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :18cm Superficial to Deep : 3cm Superior to Inferior :14cmSkin ellipse :14x9cm Nipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : SingleTumor Size : 4x3.5x3cm Location of tumor : Outer upper quadrant and centralMargins of tumor : Well defined Deep margin :0.2cmMuscle : 4x3cm.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 10x7x2cmLymph nodes : 13 nodesSize of largest node :1.8x1x0.8cm grey white to grey brownIMPRESSION:Left breast left modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9..Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures 4x3.5x3cm in greatest dimension is located in the outer upper and central quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.Lymphovascular invasion not identifiedPerineural invasion not identifiedPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes - 13 lymph nodes . No deposit of tumor.0/13Pathological stage : pT2No.Summary:Left modified radical mastectomy invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II.Lymph nodes - 13 lymph nodes . No deposit of tumor.0/13" 3339,MR1805780,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast SPECIMEN :Right modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS :Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Right Modified Radical Mastectomy. Laterality : Right breast. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :16cm. Superficial to Deep : 4.5 cm. Superior to Inferior :14.5cm.Skin ellipse :10x7.5.Nipple : Normal. Tumor : Scar present in peri-areolar region measures 1.5cm in length in lower quadrant. Tumor Size : Grossly no tumor is identified only firm fibrotic area noted in retro areolar region measures 3x2cm. Deep margin : 1.5cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 8x6x3cm. IMPRESSION:Right Modified Radical Mastectomy :Tumor bed : Shows dense fibrotic areas, atrophy ducts, focal of calcification - No residual viable tumor present. Surrounding ducts show fibrocystic change. Histological type : No residual viable tumor present. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 14 Lymph nodes, Metastasis : 0 No metastatic deposits of tumor(0/14). Pathological stage: pT0N0.Summary: No residual viable tumor present post NACT. Lymphnode Status : 14 Nodes isolated. No deposits of tumor(0/14). " 3340,MR1805789,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Recurrent lump right breastSPECIMEN :Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received wide excision specimen of right breast lump that measures 10x8x6cm.Skin ellipse measures 6x1.5cm.On serial section ,single grey white, fleshy mass lesion that measures 5.2x5.1x3.7cm Distance from margins.Superior margin: 2.5cmInferior margin : 2cmMedial margin : 1.3cmLateral margin : 2.5cmDeep margin : 1.2cmMargins are ill defined, slit like spaces present.Few myxoid areas also noted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from lesion show numerous hyperplastic, compressed ducts with few cystically dilated ductulolobular units that exhibit obliteration of lumen by atypical oval cells with vesicular nuclei and modertae amounts of cytoplasm . The stroma is cellular composed of predominantly short fascicles of spindle cells. Adjacent breast shows apocrine and adenomyoepithelial adenosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Proliferative breast disease with focal ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) approximately measures 1.2cm. All margins of resection are free of tumor." 3341,MR1805799,"SR18-1323SITE : Left breast lump with axillary lymph node dissection. Received 24 blocks with labelled as 10402 IA, IB, II-VIII, IXA-H,J-N, FSI, II/17MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section from breast shows extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ - solid, cribriform along with focal areas showing invasive carcinoma arranged in nests, islands and cords comprising of cells with round to oval nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows extensive desmoplasia and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis noted. á IMPRESSION :Left breast lump with axillary lymphnode dissection. :suggestive of Invasive carcinoma, No special type Grade -1 with extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ solid, intermediate gradeModified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismá á : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá á : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9áBlock labelled as VI shows presence of tumor cells; however ink is not seen to comment upon the margin status.áSections from other blocks labelled as margin blocks free of tumor. - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. - Perineural invasion is not identified.- Lymphnode : All the lymph nodes examined are free of tumor.áá Please refer to primary report for size of the tumor, number of lymph nodes and margin status " 3342,MR1805832,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma Right breast post NACT.SPECIMEN:A) Right Modified radical mastectomy post NACT. B) Level 2,3 lymphnodes.C) Interpectoral lymphnodes. GROSS FINDINGS:A) Right Modified radical mastectomy post NACT :Received in : Formalin. Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy post NACTLaterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 17 cm. Superficial - deep : 7 cm. Superior-inferior : 16 cm.Skin ellipse : 17x10 cm.Nipple : Unremarkable.Tumor : Single.Scar/Surgical defect: Linear scar seen with puckering at 11 0clock measures 2cm. Tumor size : 2x1.5x1cm Location of tumor : Seen corresponding to scar greywhite to greyyellow firm areas measures 2x1.5x1cm.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 8x7x2cm. Margins of tumor : ill defined. Deep marign : 2.5cm.Muscle : Absent. Size of largest node: 2.5x2x2cm. Cutsurface fatty infiltrate.B). Level 2,3 lymphnodes. :Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5 x 2 x 1cm. Entire tissue processed. Dissected 2 nodes. C). Interpectoral lymphnodes. :Received fibrofatty measures 4x3.5x1.5cm. No nodes identified.IMPRESSION:Right modified radical mastectomy post NACT.Tumour bed :Residual viable tumor present invasive ductal carcinoma surrounding tumor areas of fibrosis, necrosis and dense lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory cells are present. Surrounding ducts show adenosis and fibrocystic change. Grade : IITumor measures maximum dimension : 2x1.5cm. Invasive component measures : 2x1.5 cmDuctal carcinoma in situ measures Not identified. Modified BR score is 6/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ...... 6/9 ......Ductal carcinoma in situ Not identified. Lymphovascular invasion Present. Perineural invasion Not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 3 lymph nodes, show metastasis deposits of tumor out of 14 nodes(3/14). Level 2,3= 2 nodes. No deposits tumor infiltration nodes = No nodes identified. Interpectoral lymphnodes.: No nodes identified.Pathological stage : ypT1N1SUMMARY:Right modified radical mastectomy post NACT:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Right. breast Tumor grade - IILymphnodes Status : 3 Nodes show metastatic deposits of viable Tumor out of 14Nodes.(3/14)Level 2,3 = 2 Nodes - No deposits of tumor. (0/2)" 3343,MR1805855,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of Left Breast Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.B) Revised Base- Underlying Pectoralis Muscle.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy . Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :21cm. Superficial to Deep:7cm. Superior to Inferior :19cm.Skin ellipse : 19x13.5cm. Nipple : Normal. Scar/ Surgical defect :Absent.Tumor : Single.Tumor Size : 8x7x7cm. Location of tumor : Central quadrant cut surface grey white firm nodular tumor. Margin of tumor : Well defined. Deep margin : 0.5cm.Muscle : Absent .Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 19x13cm.Total number of nodes :15 nodes . Size of largest node: Largest lymph nodes measures 4x4x3cm cut surface - fatty infiltration seen. :Representative sections are submitted.IMPRESSION:A) Left Breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy ( Post NACT):RESIDUAL INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2). - Tumor is located in the central quadrant. - Tumor measures 8 cm in greatest dimension. - Ductal carcinoma - in- situ of solid and cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen. - Lymphovascular invasion is identified. - Perineural invasion is not identified. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and areola are free of tumor.Lymph nodes : Six out of twelve lymph node show metastatic tumor deposit with extranodal extension(6/12). - Size of the largest tumor deposit measures 1.6 cm in greatest dimension.B) Revised Base- Underlying Pectoralis Muscle: - Tumor infiltrates into the pectoralis muscle, however (inked) margin of resection is free of tumor." 3345,MR1805881,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests, cribriform and comedo necrosis pattern. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Brest lump, Core Biopsy :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3347,MR1805896,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey whiteá linear cores measures 0.2-0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fragmented coresá of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrative lesioná arranged in cords, nests and islands. The neoplastic cells are roundá to oval with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, with moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Few are showing prominent nucleoli. Mitotic activity discerned. Stroma shows areas of necrosis, hemorrhage and desmoplastic change.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3349,MR1805924,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis are seen.IMPRESSION:Right Brest lump, Core Biopsy :INVASIVE CARCINOMA, Grade 2.á - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3350,MR1805936,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the beast parenchyma shows a lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are round to oval hyperchromaticá nuclei, abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows inflammatory infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Grade IIIModified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9(3+2+3)." 3352,MR1805963,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility ofá carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuresá 1-1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear coresá of breast parenchyma with an infiltrating lesioná arranged in nests, cores and sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. In few mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphomononuclear infiltrates. Ductal carcinoma in situ solid pattern noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump.Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3353,MR1805975,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.6-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores with infiltrating by neoplasm arranged in sheets nests and necrotic areas. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei. Scant to moderate cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows lymphocyticá infiltrates. Mitotic figures are noted. Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9(3+2+2).Areas of necrosis seen." 3354,MR1806005,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.6-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma shows a infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and sheets. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, Scant to moderate cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic and mitotic figures seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lumpsuggestive of Infiltrating ductal carcinoma NST, nuclear grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+2) 7/9.Repeat biopsy suggested to study hormonal status" 3355,MR1806010,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump- Possibility of Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3356,MR1806023,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma with foci atypical clusters of ducts epithelial cells. Adjacent stroma shows inflammatory infiltrates composed of lymphocytes and desmoplasiaIMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Atypical ductal clusters seenNo definite evidence of malignancy Suggest repeat. 3357,MR1806027,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white soft tissue bits measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from the breast parenchyma with infiltrating neoplasm arranged in sheets and nest. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei few with prominent nucleoli. Adjacent stroma shows inflammatory infiltrates. Composed of lymphocytes. Atypical mitotic figures are seen. Lymphovascular invasion seen. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9 (3+2+2)." 3358,MR1806037,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.1-1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows infiltrating neoplasm arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei. Scant cytoplasm. Adjacent areas show lymphocytic and necrotic areas . Mitotic figures are seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma grade IIModified Bloom Richardson son score is (3+2+2).Ductal carcinoma in situ and areas of necrosis seenPerineural invasion noted. 3359,MR1806046,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? MalignantSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastá lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchymaá shows a lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei. Scant to moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Adjacent breast shows lymphocytes and plasma cells. Mitotic figuresá are noted. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breastá lump:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma NST, Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9(3+2+2)." 3360,MR1806049,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - Possibility of Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.2-0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3361,MR1806084,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Possibility of Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastá lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchymaá shows a lesion arranged in nests. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic mild pleomorphism abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Areas shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breastá lump:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma NST, Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9(3+2+2)." 3362,MR1806085,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores from the breast parenchyma shows a lesion arranged in nests. The cells are round to oval nuclei with scant to moderate clear cytoplasm, prominent nucleoli. Adjacent stroma shows dilated ducts lined by luminal and adluminal cells only with inflammatory infiltrates, composed of lymphocytes, plasma cells and neutrophils. Areas of necrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Suggestive of infiltrating carcinoma NST, Grade II.In view large areas of necrosis and desmoplasia it is advisable to repeat biopsy for studying hormonal status." 3363,MR1806086,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast mass - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores bits measures 0.3-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast mass, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3364,MR1806088,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast, wide local excision, post lumpectomy, Post NACT.B) Revised deep margin.C) Revised superior margin.D) Re-revised superior margin.E) Re-Re-revised superior margin.F) Re-Re-Re-revised superior margin.G) Left axillary dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received skin covered soft tissue measures 6.5x3x2.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 4.5x0.5cm. Skin surface shows scar measures 2.5cm.Cut surface is no obvious tumor seen, grey white fibrotic area measures 1.3x1x1cm.Distance from the margin.Superior margin -- 1cm.Inferior margin -- 1cm.Medial margin -- 1.5cm.Lateral margin -- 3cm.Deep margin -- 0.8cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x2x1cm. Suture and ink seen. Entire tissue processed.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2.5x0.5cm. One surface is sutured surface is inked green. Entire tissue processed.D) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 2x2x1cm with string on one side. Entire tissue processed.E) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.F) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x1cm. Entire tissue processed.G) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 8x6x4cm.Largest lymph node measures 1.8x1x1cm.Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied show breast parenchyma with an infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets, nests and small clusters. The cells are large oval having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stromal is desmoplastic with scattered lymphomononuclear infiltrate.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast, wide local excision, post lumpectomy, Post NACT:Residual invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 3.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 8/9.Tubular formation -- 3.Nuclear pleomorphism -- 3.Mitotic activity -- 2 ------------ 8/9 ------------Ductal carcinoma in situ solid pattern is seen.Tumor measures 2.0cm in greatest dimension.Invasive component measures 1.5cm in greatest dimension.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.5cm in greatest dimension.Lymphovascular invasion is noted.Perineural invasion is not seen.Superior, inferior medial and deep margins show tumor deposits lateral margin is free of tumor.B) Revised deep margin:Show tumor deposits.C) Revised superior margin:Show tumor deposits.D) Re-revised superior margin:Show tumor deposits.E) Re-re-revised superior margin:Show tumor deposits.F) Re-re-re- revised superior margin:Show tumor deposits.G) Left axillary dissection:Three of the isolated sixteen lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposits (3/16).Perinodal spread is seen." 3366,MR1806110,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Retroareola ill defined right breast ( BIRDS -5)SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores bits measures 0.5-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from the breast parenchyma shows a lesion arranged in cluster and scattered atypical cells. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, scant to moderate cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis. -- show ductal carcinoma in situ.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lesion:Infiltrating carcinoma NST nuclear grade II with ductal carcinoma in situ ,solid type present." 3367,MR1806116,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.Left breast lump- ? Atypical fibroadenomaSPECIMEN:A) Right BreastlumpB) Left Breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.B) Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sections from the breast parenchyma shows a lesion arranged in nests and sheets . The cells are round to oval vesicular with prominentá nucleoli, moderate cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows lymphocytes and plasma cells. Few mitotic figures are seenB) Sections from breast parenchyma with few dilated ducts lined by luminal and adluminal cells. Adjacent stroma show hyalinization and inflammatory cells.IMPRESSION:A) Right Breast lump:Invasive carcinoma of ductal origin grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is ( 2+2+2)6/9B) Left Breast lump :Benign breast disease favoring fibroadenoma" 3368,MR1806134,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.3-1cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma shows a lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are round to oval eosinophilic cytoplasm hyperchromatic nuclei. Adjacent stroma shows inflammatory infiltrates. Areas of necrosis and mitosis2-3/10 hpf.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma.Grade-2Modified Bloom Richardson Score is (3+2+2) 7/9. 3369,MR1806158,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Liver SOL- metastasis. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from liver SOL. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows fragments of fibrous lesion arranged in cords and nests. The cells are oval, have moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei inconspicuous nucleoli and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotis is discerned. Stroma shows foci of necrosis.á IMPRESSION:Liver biopsy :Metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast. " 3370,MR1806170,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring a few dilated ducts lined by cuboidal cells Lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory cell infiltrate noted. Occasional large cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm and binucleation (apocrine metaplasia) noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:No definite evidence of malignancy in the section studied.***Suggest repeat biopsy from representative area for confirmation of malignancy if clinically deemed necessary. 3371,MR1806206,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - ? Malignant phylloides.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.2-0.4cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Mitosis 6-8/10 hpf.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 3372,MR1806210,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Few cells showing clear cytoplasm. Cells exhibit marked nuclear pleomorphism. Mitosis is 5-6/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade 3. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 8(3+3+2)." 3373,MR1806212,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right Breast lump - Possibility of Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules and cords. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibiting moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Stroma is desmoplastic. Mitosis is 5-6/10 hpf.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy:invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 3374,MR1806230,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Receivedá 4 grey white to grey browná linear coresá measuresá 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast.Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3375,MR1806253,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility o f carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 8 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3376,MR1806257,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white - grey yellow linear cores linear cores measures 0.5-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3377,MR1806260,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right cervical node - Possibility of metastasis.SPECIMEN:Biopsy right cervical node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue infiltrated by cords nests, trabecular of neoplastic cells having round to oval mildly pleomorphic dark nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Few cells show intranuclear inclusion. Mitotic figures- 5-6/10 hpf. Interspersed lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy right cervical node:Metastatic carcinomatous depositsPlease rule out primary from breast and lungSuggest IHC if clinically indicated." 3379,MR1806286,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A)Left sentinel nodes.B)Left mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A)Received soft tissue bits measures 6.8x3x1.7cm.Isolated 2 lymph nodes.Largest lymph nodes 1.5x1.4x0.6cm.B)Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions :Medial to lateral :30cm Superficial to Deep :8cm Superior to Inferior:23cmSkin ellipse : 20X15cm Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : absentTumor : SingleTumour Size : 6x4.5x4cm. Grey white Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrantMargin of tumor : Irregular ulceration Deep margin :0.3cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty Axillary tail :4x3x2cmSize of largest node : Isolated 4 lymph nodesMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from breast parenchyma harbours invasive neoplasm arranged in glandular tubules and focally sheets. The cells are pleomorphic with scant cytoplasm vesicular nuclei with 1-2 prominent nucleoli. Atypical mitosis 8-9/10hpf present. Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ- comedo solid cribriform and focal papillary pattern. Areas of necrosis present. Stroma shows dense sclerosis with lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates.IMPRESSION:Left Mastectomy:Histological type:Invasive carcinoma NOS with extensive ductal carcinoma in situ.Grade:3Tumor measures maximum dimension 6 cm.Invasive component measures2.2 cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 3.8cm.Modified BR score is 8/9Tubule formation: 2 Nuclear pleomorphism:3 Mitotic figures:3 Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ solid cribriform comedo papillary. Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is Free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: Sentinel lymph nodes 2 lymph nodes, metastasis 0 (0/2).Axillary lymph node 2 lymph nodes, metastasis 1 (1/2).Total nodes : 4 lymph nodes, metastasis 1(1/4).Perinodal extension not present.Pathological stage: ypT2snpN1 SUMMARY: Invasive carcinoma, left mastectomy.Tumor Grade:3Lymphnode Status:Sentinel lymph nodes :0/2.Axillary lymph nodes :1/2.Perinodal extension not present.Total lymph nodes :1/4" 3380,MR1806304,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white multiple linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with a lesion arranged in nests, cords and cribriform pattern. The lesional cells show moderate nuclear atypia, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Extracellular mucinous areas present. Areas of ductal carcinoma in situ present. Areas of adenosis are seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Residual invasive carcinoma." 3381,MR1806310,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast lump-P/O Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite to greybrown linear cores 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear tissue cores harboring an infiltrative neoplasm arranged in sheets, nests and occasional abortive glandular structures composed of neoplastic cells exhibiting increased N:C ratio, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, occasional conspicious nucleoli and scanty to moderate amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. Necrotic foci noted. DCIS with comedonecrosis is noted. Intervening stroma shows presence of dense fibrocollagenous connective tissue with occasional lymphoid aggregates.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma breast, NST, Grade II.MBR Score 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 -------------- 7/9 --------------" 3382,MR1806321,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 fragmented grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.3-0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple fragments of breast parenchyma harboring lesion arranged in papillae with fibrovascular core and sheets. The lesional cells are oval to elongated with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. The nuclei are round to oval hyperchromatic, few foci showing invasive component. The stroma showing dismoplastic changes and lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Papillary neoplasm.*** Needs larger tissue for further categorization." 3383,MR1806338,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 fragmented linear cores measures 0.2-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Benign fibroepithelial lesion No evidence of malignancy in the cores submitted.Kindly correlate with clinical and imageological findings. 3385,MR1806360,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast - post lumpectomy. SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Right Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : Right breast. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 15cm. Superficial to Deep : 5 cm. Superior to Inferior : 18 cm.Skin ellipse : 11.5x7.5xcm. Nipple : NormalScar/ Surgical defect : Noted measuring 5cm. Tumor Size : Fibrotic area ? tumor. Margins of tumor : Ill defined Deep margin : 2 cm from fibrotic area.Muscle : Absent. Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 6x3.5cm.Size of largest node :2x0.8x0.5cm. Cut surface grey white.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section studied shows breast parenchyma with tiny focus of residual invasive lesion arranged in sheets and vague tubules. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm and central to peripherally placed hyperchromatic nucleus. Stroma shows desmoplasia with focal areas of foreign body giant cells and lymphomononuclear cell infiltrates. Adjacent breast shows features of adenosis. IMPRESSION:Right breast modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed : Shows residual invasive carcinoma with lobular features. Surrounding breast parenchyma is fibrous with lymphoplasmacytic infiltration. Histological type : Residual Invasive carcinoma with lobular features, Grade II. Tumor measures maximum dimension 0.3cm.Invasive component measures 0.3cm. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9, Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 .............. 6/9 ................Lymphovasuclar invasion is not seen. Perineural invasion is not seen. Posterior resected margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes : 15 lymph nodes, Metastasis : 0. (0/15)SUMMARY :Residual Invasive carcinoma with lobular features, Tumor Grade : 2Lymph node Status : 0/15" 3386,MR1806369,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast parenchyma show a lesion arranged in nests and glandular pattern. The cells are round to ovalá irregular hyperchromaticá nuclei, scant to moderateá cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows inflammatory infiltrates. Atypicalá mitotic figuresá are noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma NST Nuclear grade IIIModified Bloom Richardson Score is (3+2+3)8/9" 3387,MR1806447,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump- possibilities of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Right breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3388,MR1806457,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - possibilities of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Right breast core Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown fragments of linear cores measures 0.3 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows small foci of tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy : Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). - Ductal carcinoma in situ of cribriform and comedo pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen. " 3389,MR1806459,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast post NACTSPECIMEN:A) Left breast lumpB) Left axillary sentinel lymph nodesC) Left axillary nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received wide excision specimen measures 8x6x5cmSkin ellipse measures 2.1x0.5cm.Serial sections revealed well defined grey white area measures 2x1.5x1cm. No obvious lesion identified. Distance from marginsSuperior margin: 1cmInferior margin : 1cmMedial margin : 2.5cmLateral margin : 2cmDeep margin : 1.6cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4x3x1cm, isolated 4 lymph nodes Largest lymph nodes measures 2x1x1cm. Cut surface fatty infiltrate.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2.5x2cmLargest lymph nodes measures 1x0.8x0.7cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGSA) Breast conservation surgery Post NACT:Tumor bed: Residual Invasive ductal carcinoma Remarks :Frozen section show adenosis epithelial hyperplasia with areas of fibrosis ( Post therapy changes)Further Section shows small foci of residual viable tumor. Tumor measures 0.5x0.5xcm Ductal carcinoma in situ - Not identifiedLymphovascular invasion - Not identified.Perineural invasion - Not identifiedResected margins:Superior margin: Free of tumor.Inferior margin :Free of tumor.Medial margin :Free of tumor.Lateral margin :Free of tumor.Deep margin :Free of tumor.B) Sentinel lymph nodes : 4 nodes- No deposit of tumorC) Left axillary nodes : 10 nodes - No deposit of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast conservative surgery Post NACT:Small focus of residual Invasive ductal carcinoma measures 0.5x0.5cm All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Sentinel lymph nodes : 4 nodes- No deposit of tumor 0/4C) Left axillary nodes : 10 nodes - No deposit of tumor.0/10" 3390,MR1806471,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of right axillary lump since 2 years - ? metastasisSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right axillary node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of tissue harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets, nests. The cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis are seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right axillary node:Metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast." 3391,MR1806474,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuresá 1.5-1.8cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3393,MR1806492,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:A) Left breast wide local excisionB) Deep marginC) Sentinel nodesGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 8.5x8x4cm Skin ellipse measures 6.5x3.2cmCut surface : ill defined lesion measures 4.2x3.22.5cm.Distance from marginsSuperior margin: 3cmInferior margin : 3.3cmMedial margin : 2.7cmLateral margin : 3cmDeep margin : 0.3cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1.5x0.8cmLargest lymph nodes measures 1.3x1.2x0.7cmC) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x2x1cmInked surface - Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the lesion show breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm composed of cells in glandular and papillary architecture floating in pools of mucin. The cells show moderate pleomorphism. round vesicular nuclei with coarse chromatin. Surrounding parenchyma shows papillary and solid type ductal carcinoma in situ.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast conservative surgery:Invasive mucinous carcinoma with cystic papillary features Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9, Grade II.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2The tumor measures 4.2cm greatest dimensionInvasive carcinoma measures 3.5cmDuctal carcinoma in situ : solid and papillary type. measures 0.7cmLymphovascular invasion : indeterminatePerineural invasion not identifiedAll resected margins are free of tumorB) Deep margin is free of tumor.C) Sentinel nodes: 2 nodes examined are free of tumor 0/2." 3394,MR1806568,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left sentinel lymph node.B) Breast conservative surgery wide excision.C) Revised deep margin.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue altogether measures 5x3x0.5cm. Largest lymph node measures 1x0.8x0.4cm. Entire tissue processed.Cut surface grey white to grey brown.B) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 7x4.5x2.5cm skin ellipse measures 2.8x1cmCut surface - grey white lesion measures 2.6x2.3x1.5cm.Distance from margins:-Superior margin:1.8 cmInferior margin : 1.3cmMedial margin : 1.2cmLateral margin : 2.2cmDeep margin : 0.3cmC) Received Fibrofatty tissue measures 5x2.5x0.9cmOwe Cut surface inked.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sentinel lymph node:2 nodes no deposit of tumor.B) Left Breast conservative surgery, wide excision:Tumor is composed of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Tumor cells are arranged in clumps and groupsTubular formation less than 10% -3Mitotic figures - 2nuclear pleomorphism - 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Ductal carcinoma in situ present ( low grade) measuring 0.4cmLymphovascular invasion not presentPerineural invasion present.Resected margins:-Superior margin: Free of tumor.Inferior margin :Free of tumor.Medial margin :Free of tumor.Lateral margin :Free of tumor.Deep margin : inked margin is free from the tumor.C) Resected inferior margin:The section shows fibrofatty tissue Free from the tumor.IMPRESSION:Left Breast conservative surgery, wide excision:Maximum dimension of tumor is 2.6cmInvasive ductal carcinoma measuring 2.2cmDuctal carcinoma in situ - low grade measuring 0.4cm,Resected margins- Superior, inferior, medial, lateral margins are free from the tumor.Revised deep margin free from the tumorSentinel lymph nodes :2 lymph nodes - No deposits of tumor." 3395,MR1806583,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.3-0.9cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by cords and trabeculae of neoplastic cells having pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures 5-6/10hpf .Stroma shows hyalinisation and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+2-7/9" 3396,MR1806585,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - Possibility ofá carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrating by a neoplastic lesion arranged in islands trabecular and cords composed of atypical cells having inconspicuous ovoid irregular dark nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Focal area of ductal carcinoma n situ seen. Comedonecrosis type. Mitotic figures 8-9/10 hpf . Stroma shows desmoplasia and areas of necrosis.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Biopsy.Invasive ductal carcinoma grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+2-7/9" 3397,MR1806591,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.6-0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows invasive nests and sheets of round to oval cells arranged in ductal pattern showing moderate anisonucleosis, hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic activity is discerned. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma of ductal origin NST, grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is( 3+2+2) 7/9, " 3398,MR1806615,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast cystic lesion SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesionGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 tiny grey white linear cores measures 0.2-0.4cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma one of the cores showing invasive nests and sheets of round to oval cells arranged in ductal pattern showing moderate anisonucleosis, hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. The adjacent cores show desmoplasia and mononuclear infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lesion:Suggestive of invasive carcinoma of ductal origin - NST, Nuclear grade - IINOTE: Tumor fragment is very small Suggest repeat biopsy for assessing ERPR status." 3399,MR1806617,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Lump right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, lumpectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received lumpectomy specimen measures 8.5 x 5 x 3.5 cm.Cut surface shows ill defined greywhite to greybrown lesion measures 7.6 x 4.4 x 3 cm.Distance from margins:-Medial margin : 0.8cm.Lateral margin : 0.2cm.Superior margin: 0.8cm.Inferior margin : 0.6cm.Deep margin : 0.4cm.Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show breast parenchyma showing dilated ducts lined by round to oval cells luminally, filling oval cells having vesicular nuclei, prominent nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism.All ducts are lined by myoepithelial cells abluminally. No definite evidence of invasive malignancy is seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Lumpectomy :Shows Ductal carcinoma -in-situ of solid, cribriform and papillary pattern with intermediate nuclear grade. - Size of DCIS is 7.6 cm in greatest dimension. - Superior, inferior, medial and deep margins are involved by DCIS. - Lateral margin is free of tumor." 3400,MR1806625,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast carcinoma post NACT.SPECIMEN:A) Left modified radical mastectomy. post N ACTB) Revised base (muscle) - stitch away from tumor. GROSS FINDINGS:A) Left modified radical mastectomy post NACT :Received in : Formalin. Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 14 cm Superficial - deep : 5.5 cm Superior-inferior : 17 cmSkin ellipse : 14x12 cmNipple : Retracted.Tumor : single.Tumor size : 3.5x2x2cm. Location of tumor : Retro areolar. Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Margins of tumor : ill defined. Deep margin : 3cm. Muscle : Absent. Axillary tail : 5x4x2.5cm. B) Received fibromuscular tissue measures 1x0.8x0.7cm. IMPRESSION:Left modified radical mastectomy Post NACT. The section show extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ cribriform and solid pattern.Focal areas of invasive carcinoma present.Surrounding parenchyma shows fibrotic and necrotic areas. Tumor measures maximum dimension 3.5cm. Invasive component measures 1cm. Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 2.5cm. Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 .......... 6/9 ..........Ductal carcinoma in situ Present cribriform and solid.Lymphovascular invasion Present.Perineural invasion Not identified. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 2 lymph nodes, show Metastasis deposits of tumor out of 10nodes(2/10). Perinodal spread present. SUMMARY:Residual viable tumor present Left breast .Extensive of areas of ductal carcinoma in situ, focal areas of invasive carcinoma. Tumor grade : IILymphnode Status : 2 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 10nodes (2/10)perinodal spread present. " 3401,MR1806644,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3402,MR1806652,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:A) Wide local excision.B) Left axillary sentinel node.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Lumpectomy specimen measures 7.5x4.5x3cm. section shows ill defined lesion measures 3.2x20.6x1.9cm. Distance from margins:-Superior margins: 1.2cmInferior margin : 2.0cmMedial margin : 2.0cmLateral margin : 3.5cmDeep margin : 0.5cmB)Received multiple fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x1cm .Largest lymph nodes measures 0.9x0.5x0.5cm. cut surface grey brown.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Left breast conservative surgery:Invasive ductal carcinoma ( NOS)Modified bloom Richardson score is 7/9, Grade II.Tubule formation 3, mitotic pigures 2, pleomorphism 2Ductal carcinoma in situ - Not identifiedLymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion - Not identifiedResected margins :-Superior margins: Free of tumorInferior margin : Free of tumorMedial margin : Free of tumorLateral margin : Free of tumorDeep margin : Free of tumorSentinel nodes: Sentinel lymph nodes : 5 nodes - No metastatic deposit of tumor.(0/5)IMPRESSION:Left Breast wide local excision Invasive ductal carcinoma ( NOS)maximum dimension of tumor is 3.2x2.6x1.9cm, Grade IITubule formation 3, mitotic pigures 2, pleomorphism 2Ductal carcinoma in situ - Not identifiedLymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion - Not identifiedAll resected margins are free of tumorSentinel lymph nodes :5 nodes. No metastatic deposits tumor.Grade : pT2N0." 3403,MR1806654,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump. SPECIMEN :Left Modified Radical Mastectomy. GROSS FINDINGS :Left Modified Radical Mastectomy post NACTReceived inááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Formalin.Procedureááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Left Modified Radical Mastectomy post NACTLateralityááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Left breast. Total dimensionsááááááááááááááááá : Medial to lateraláááááá : 12 cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deepá : 3 cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferiorá : 14 cm.Skin ellipseááááááááááááááááááááááááá :11x6cm.Nodule identified (overlying the tumor)Nippleááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Normal. Scar/Surgical defectááááááááááá : No. Tumorááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Single.Grey white cystic area noted. Tumor sizeáááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 4x3x1.5cm. áLocation of tumorááááááááááááááá :á Lower outer quadrant extending into upper quadrant. Deep marginááááááááááááááááááááááá : 0.5 cmMuscleááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Absent. Axillary breastáááááááááááááááááááá : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tailáááááááááááááááááááááááá á : 7x5cm.Size of largest nodeááááááááááá : 1.5x1x0.6cm. Cutsurface- grey white.á áIMPRESSION:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy :Tumor bed : áThe sections examined from breast parenchyma show presence of tumor infiltrating in nests and sheets. The tumor cells are pleomorphic with high N:C ratio, hyperchromatic enlarged ovoid nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are seen. Areas of necrosis are seen. Tumor is seen to infiltrate up to dermis in sections from skin nodule, however epidermis is free from tumor.Tumor is close to the deep resection margin (0.1 cm) , however inked margin is free from tumor.Nipple and areola is free of tumor. 2 of 7 lymph nodes show tumor deposits. Histological type : Infiltrating ductal carcinoma (NST)- Grade - 3-Tumor measures maximum dimension 4x3x1.5 cm. -Invasive component measures 4x3cm. -Modified BR score is 8/9-Tubule formationáááááááááá :á 3-Nuclear pleomorphismá :á 3-Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá á :á 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á áá .........áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á áá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á áááá ..........-Lymphovascular invasion identified. -Perineural invasion not identified. -Posterior resection margin : tumor is 0.1 cm away from posterior margin.However,inked margin is free from tumor -Nipple and areola is unremarkable.-Lymph nodes: 7 lymph nodes, Metastasis : 2 (2/7).Pathological stage : ypT2N1Summary : Invasive ductal carcinoma breast. Tumor Grade : 3Lymphnode Status : 2/7 lymph nodes show tumor deposits. Perinodal spread present. " 3404,MR1806706,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.'SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.3-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma cores harboring an invasive neoplasm in sheets with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, marked nuclear pleomorphism and increased mitosis. Stroma is desmoplastic with scattered inflammatory infiltrate. Few ducts show comedo type ductal carcinoma in situ.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, NST, grade III.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 3+3+3-9/9." 3406,MR1806712,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1.2cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows sheets of dysplastic ductal cells invading the fibrous stroma showing moderate pleomorphism and hyperchromatic nuclei with prominent nucleoli. The intervening stroma shows mononuclear infiltrates. Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma of ductal origin NST Modified Bloom Richardson score is 2+2+3-7/9, Grade IIDuctal carcinoma in situ with comedo necrosis seen." 3407,MR1806715,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - ? Carcinoma BbreastSPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-0.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fibrocollagenous tissue with few lymphoctes. No ductules are seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Core Biopsy:Shows only fibrocollagenous tissue with lymphocytes.No ductules are seen.Repeat Biopsy on 9/11/18SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores grey white measures 0.5-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows breast parenchyma with ducts of varying sizes showing mild epithelial layer. Stroma shows fibrocollagenous tissue and mild inflammatory cells. No evidence of malignancy.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy:Shows benign breast tissue.Negative for malignancy." 3408,MR1806729,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.7-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple fragmented cores of breast parenchyma harboring lesion arranged in sheets, cords and islands. The lesion cells are round to oval with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. The nuclei showing mild to moderate pleomorphism. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis seen. Mitotic activity discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3409,MR1806736,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast lump, Core Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Left breast lump, core Biopsy. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Core Biopsy. :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3410,MR1806739,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.5-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in tubules and cords. The neoplastic cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. extensive areas of hyalinisation noted. Mitosis is discerned.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 1Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9Tubule formation : 1Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 5/9 --------" 3411,MR1806756,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right breast.SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :21cm Superficial to Deep : 4cm Superior to Inferior :15cmSkin ellipse :12x6.5cmNipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : SingleTumor Size : 4x3.3x2cm Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrantMargins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 1.5cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 6x5x2cmTotal number of nodes : 13 nodesSize of largest node : 1.8x1.5x1cm.IMPRESSION:Right breast right modified radical mastectomy:Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures 4x3.3cm in greatest dimension is located in the upper outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.Lymphovascular invasion Present.Perineural invasion presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes - 5 lymph nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 13 nodes Perinodal spread present.Pathological stage :pT2N2.SUMMARY:Right modified radical mastectomy. Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade IINodal metastases - 5 lymph nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 13 nodes.Perinodal spread present." 3412,MR1806757,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast. SPECIMEN :A) Left Modified Radical Mastectomy post NACT.B) Left level II and III axillary lymphnode. GROSS FINDINGS:A) Left breast with axillary lymphatics :Received in : FormalinProcedure : Left Modified Radical Mastectomy post NACT. Laterality : Left. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 18 cm. Superficial to Deep : 7 cm. Superior to Inferior : 17 cm.Skin ellipse : 13x9cm.Nipple : Normal.Tumor size : grossly no tumor seen only grey yellow areas. Deep margin : 2cm.Muscle : Absent. Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 5x3x2cm. Size of largest node : 1.2x0.6x0.4cm. Cutsurface grey brown. B) Left level II and III. axillary lymphnode : Fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x0.5cm. IMPRESSION:A) Left Modified Radical Mastectomy post NACT :Tumor bed : Section studied show breast parenchyma with extensive areas of fat necrosis inflammatory granulation tissue comprising of lymphomononuclear cells infiltrates, transforming histiocytes, giant cells and proliferating congested thin walled blood vessels. Focal area shows features of atypical ductal hyperplasia. No evidence of malignancy noted in the material submitted. Histological type : Atypical ductal hyperplasia measures 0.4cm. No evidence of residual viable tumor / malignancy noted. Ductal carcinoma in situ not seen. Lymphovascular invasion not seen. Perineural invasion not seen. Posterior resection margin is free from tumor. Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 8 lymph nodes, Metastasis : 0 (0/8)B) Left level II and III axillary lymphatics : Isolated three lymphnodes are free of tumor (0/3).Pathological stage : ypTxN0.Summary: No evidence of residual viable tumor notedLymph node Status: 0/11." 3413,MR1806773,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey whiteá to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast linear cores shows a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords and islands composed of pleomorphicá cells havingá round to oval dark nuclei, prominentá nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic nucleoli. Mitotic figures seen 6-7 /10 hpf along with atypical mitosis. Stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates and few dilated ducts. Focal areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9(3+2+2)." 3414,MR1806784,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.5-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma showing dilated ducts lined by columnar cells. Few sheets show hyperplasia. Stroma is cellular and shows plump spindle cells having ovoid dark nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Nuclear atypia is noted. Mitotic figures 1-2/10 hpf.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Biphasic neoplasmPossibility considered are -Benign /borderline phyllodes tumorRequire excision biopsy." 3415,MR1806790,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as islands and nests. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is scant.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma, NST.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9, Grade 2;Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 --------" 3416,MR1806827,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast axilla lump- / Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.7-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple areas of breast tissue harboring invasive neoplasm in cords nests and poorly formed glands cells show moderate pleomorphism increased mitosis eosinophilicá cytoplasm. Stroma is desmoplastic. Foci of microcalcification also seen. Perineural invasion seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive Carcinoma - NST, Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9(2+2+2).Perineural invasion present." 3417,MR1806833,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1.2cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple cores of fibrocollagenous tissue with infiltrative neoplasm in sheets and nests. The cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism and hyperchromasia and increased mitosis. Stroma is deoplastic and shows inflammatory cell infiltration.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma -NST, Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson Score is 2+2+3 =7/9." 3418,MR1806846,CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma left breast - post chemo.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.3 -0.8cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue seen with a few entrapped benign ducts.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion:No evidence of neoplasia in the tissue submitted. 3419,MR1806850,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - Possibility of Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.4-1.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma showing infiltrating lesion arrange in tubules, cords and nests. The lesion cells are round to oval with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic activity discerned. Stroma stroma showing lymphocytic infiltrate and desmoplastic change.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score 7(3+2+2)." 3420,MR1806862,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white liner cores measures 0.8-1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm nests and cords composed of atypical cells withá moderate pleomorphism. Numerous cyst like dilated spaces with neoplastic tumor cells seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma NST.Modified Bloom Richardson score is -2+2+3-7/9, Grade II." 3421,MR1806879,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white soft tissue bits measures 0.4-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in nests and glands showing moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Areas show solid and cribriform type Ductal carcinoma in situ and calcification. Stroma shows desmoplasia with areas of necrosis and crush artifacts. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ.Grade I,Modified Bloom Richardson score is 2+2+1-5/9." 3422,MR1806893,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma of right breast.SPECIMEN:A)Right modified radical mastectomyB)Apical nodesC) Interpectoral nodesGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :21cm Superficial to Deep : 7cm Superior to Inferior :14cmSkin ellipse : 12x11cm Nipple :Puckered nipple Scar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : SingleTumor Size : 4.6x4x3.5 cm Location of tumor : Central quadrant( retro areolar extending to upper outer quadrant)Margins of tumor : ill definedDeep margin : 2.5cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 12x8x4cmSmall grey white firm lesion ? lymph node seen 4cm below the primary lesion measures 0.5x0.4x0.3cm.MRM nodes level I &II : 22 nodesApical nodes : 7 nodesInterpectoral nodes : 4 nodesSize of largest node :1.8x1.3x1cm Right Modified radical mastectomy lymph nodes:Largest lymph node measures 3.5x3x2cmCut surface grey white deposits seen measures 1.8x1.3x1cm.Revised margin: Shows muscle bundle and fibro collagenous tissue. No evidence of tumor.B) Apical nodes:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4x3x2cmLymph nodes identified 7 nodes Largest measures 1x0.5x0.5cmCut surface grey white ? involvedC) Interpectoral nodes:Received fibromuscular tissue measures 6.5x6x5cmLargest lymph node measures 1.2x1x0.5cmCut surface - grey white.? involved3IMPRESSION:Right breast modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures 4.6x4cm in greatest dimension is located in the central quadrant extending to upper outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.Lymphovascular invasion plenty of tumor emboli Perineural invasion presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: Level I &II nodes : 6 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 22 nodes (6/22).Apical node: 3 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 7 nodes (3/7).Interpectoral nodes : 8 Nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 8 nodes (8/8).SUMMARY:Right modified radical mastectomy.Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II.Lymph nodes:-Level I &II nodes : 6 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 22 nodes (6/22).Apical node: 3 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 7 nodes (3/7).Interpectoral nodes : 8 Nodes sow metastatic deposit of tumor out of 8 nodes metastatic deposits present in the muscle bundle.(8/8)" 3423,MR1806947,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and islands. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Mitosis 4-5/10 hpf.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinomaá , Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9" 3424,MR1806949,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Right breast, Core Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in nest, cords, sheets. With reaction of stroma surrounding the cells have moderately pleomorphic round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show desmoplasia with scattered inflammatory cells. IMPRESSION:Right breast, core Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3425,MR1806950,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8-1.3cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in nests and tubules. The cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism eosinophilic vacuolated cytoplasm and increased mitosis stroma is desmoplastic. Tumor infiltrates the fat areas of hemorrhage seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma of ductal origin NST.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 2+2+3 --7/9. 3426,MR1806953,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast lumpSPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :16cm Superficial to Deep : 3.5cm Superior to Inferior :15cmSkin ellipse :9.5x6.5cmNipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : SingleTumor Size : 3.3x2.6x2.2 cm. Cut surface shows solid and granular areas. Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrantMargins of tumor : ill definedDeep margin : 1.5cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 8x6x2cmtotal number of nodes :17 nodes Size of largest nodes : 2.5x1.5x1cm cut cystic granular.IMPRESSION:Right breast right modified radical mastectomy:Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade IIIModified Bloom Richardson score is 9/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 3Tumor measures 3.3x2.6x2.2cm in greatest dimension is located in the upper inner quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.Lymphovascular invasion plenty of tumor emboli presentPerineural invasion presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes - 4 lymph nodes. Show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 17 nodes.Perinodal spread present.Pathological stage :pT2N2.SUMMARY:RRight breast modified radical mastectomy:Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade III.Lymph nodes - 4 lymph nodes. Show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 17 nodes.Perinodal spread present." 3427,MR1806961,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm is nests and cords composed of atypical cells with moderate nuclear pleomorphism and increased mitosis. Stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma of ductal origin -NSTModified Bloom Richardson Score is 3+2+1-6/9, Grade II" 3428,MR1807006,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right beast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section showsá linear cores of fibrofatty tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cores and sheets . The cells have pleomorphic round hyperchromaticá nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show desmoplasia. Mitotic figures are 2-3/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma with lobular features NST, Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3430,MR1807016,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Carcinoma breast post MRM SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 7 grey white to grey brown linear core measures 0.3-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breastá parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in cords and nests. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Stroma is desmoplastic .Mitosis 2-3/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------" 3431,MR1807028,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores ( fragmented) measures 0.6-1cm. Entire tissue processedIMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast.Predominantly high grade ductal carcinoma in situ( comedo and solid pattern).*** Note: Adjacent invasive focus needs to be excluded on larger tissue. 3432,MR1807041,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast post NACT. SPECIMEN :Right Modified Radical Mastectomy post NACT. GROSS FINDINGS :Right Modified Radical Mastectomy. Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Right Modified Radical Mastectomy post NACT. Laterality : Right breast. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 19 cm. Superficial to Deep : 5 cm. Superior to Inferior : 17 cm.Skin ellipse :12.5x11.5cm.Nipple : Erosion present. Scar/Surgical defect : Nil. Tumor : Single. Tumor size : 3.5x1.8x0.8cm. Location of tumor : Retroareolar. Margins of tumor : infiltrative. Deep margin : 3cm. Axillary breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : Present 14x14x3cm. Size of largest node : 1.5x1.2x1cm. Also identified a separate circumscribed grey white nodular (? fibroadenoma) lesion measures 1.4x1.2x1cm. IMPRESSION:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.Tumor bed : Viable tumor from the retro areolar region shows sheets of pleomorphic cells present diffuse and linear pattern and infiltrating margin. The cells show pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. Extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ present with comedonecrosis. Areas of fibrosis are present multiple nodules are present showing fibroadenoma.Histological type : Invasive ductal carcinoma. Grade - 2. Tumor measures maximum dimension 3.5cm. Invasive component measures 2.2cm. Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 1.3cm. Modified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ............ 7/9 ..............Lymphovascular invasion is present. Perineural invasion present.Posterior resection margin is shows invasive ductal carcinoma and is 0.4cm away however inked margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola 'shows paget's disease. Lymph nodes: 17 lymph nodes,17 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 17 nodes. Summary : invasive ductal carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ and fibroadenoma. Pagets disease of nipple and areola present. Tumor Grade : 2.Lymphnode Status : 17 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 17nodes. " 3433,MR1807056,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - To rule out malignancy.SPECIMEN:Biopsy fromá Right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear ores measures 0.3-0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue with one of the core showing sheets and aggregatesá of atypical cells surrounded by dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. The cells show moderate pleomorphism increased N/C ratio and hyperchromatic nuclei. Areas of crush artifacts present.IMPRESSION:Biopsy fromá Right breast lump:Vary tiny clusters of malignantá cells ? Poorly differentiatedá carcinoma.Tissue may be inadequate for further workup. 3434,MR1807071,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragments cores measures 0.3-0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with a lesion arrangedá in sheets and nests. The cells show moderatelyá pleomorphic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Intervening stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrates.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade IIModified Richardson score is 6/9(32+2+1)." 3435,MR1807072,CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast wide excisionB) Revised baseC) Right axillary dissection.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received Breast conservative surgery specimen measures 9.5x5x4cmSkin ellipse measures 7x4.5cm surface shows scar measures 4.9cmOn serial section single grey white to grey yellow fine lesion measures 2.5x2x2cm.Distance from margins:Superior margin : 4.5cmInferior margins : 0.7cmMedial margins : 2.5cmLateral margin : 2cmDeep margin : 1.2cm B) Received soft tissue flap measures 1.5x1x0.5cmC) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 10x7x2.5cm. Largest lymph nodes measures 2x1x1cm Cut surface fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDING:A) Tumor is harboring clumps and groups of cells present is trabecular pattern and cystic pattern. The cells show pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus. mitotic figures are discerned. desmoplasia is present surrounding the tumor.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubule formation - 40% - 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures : 2Lymphovascular invasion presentPerineural invasion not identified.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.Resected margins Superior margin : Free of tumorInferior margins : Free of tumorMedial margins : Free of tumorLateral margin : Free of tumorDeep margin : Free of tumorB) Revised base:The section shows muscle bundle free of tumorC) Right axillary lymph nodes:4 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 27 nodes.Perinodal spread present.IMPRESSION:A) Breast conservative surgery wide excision:Maximum dimension of tumor 2.5x2x2Invasive ductal carcinoma 2.5cmNuclear grade IIDuctal carcinoma in situ not identified.Perineural invasion not identified.Lymphovascular invasion presentAll resected margins are free of tumor Deep margins - Free of tumorB) Revised base:The section shows muscle bundles-free of tumorC)Right axillary dissection:4 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 27nodes.Perinodal spread present.Pathological stage: ypT2N2. 3436,MR1807099,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN: A) Left breast sentinel lymph nodeB) Wide excisionGROSS FINDINGS:A)Received Fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1.7x0.8cm. largest lymph node measures 1.4x1.2x0.8cm cut surface fatty infiltration.B) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 5.2x4.5x3.4cmCut surface shows grey white ill defined lesion measures 1.9x1.6x1.4cm. Skin ellipse measures 3x0.5cmDistance from marginsSuperior margin: 2cmInferior margin :1.8cmMedial margin :1.6cmLateral margin :1.9cmDeep :0.3cmintramammary nodes - 3 nodes The nodes varying from 0.3 to 8cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sentinel lymph node : 3 nodes - No metastatic deposit of tumor.B)Wide excision:Invasive ductal carcinoma Maximum dimension of the tumor is 1.9x1.6x1.4cm.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Lymphovascular invasion presentPerineural invasion not identifiedDuctal carcinoma in situ not identifiedIntra mammary nodes - 2 nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 3 nodes Perinodal spread present.IMPRESSION:Wide excision:Maximum dimension of tumor is 1.9x1.6x1.4Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade IILymphovascular invasion is presentALL resected margins are free of tumorIntramammary nodes 2 nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 3 nodes Perinodal spread presentSentinel nodes:3 nodes no deposit of tumor." 3437,MR1807100,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Right breast, core biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords, sheets and islands. The cells have moderately pleomorphic round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show desmoplasia with few inflammatory cells.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 6/9 --------" 3438,MR1807108,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.5-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue showing foci of solid ductal carcinoma in situ. The interveningá stroma is fibromyxoid.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lump:Ductal carcinoma in situ( Intermediate grade) 3439,MR1807131,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 --------" 3440,MR1807136,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma breast ycT4bN1M0.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy. post NACTGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin. Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 19cm Superficial - deep : 5cm Superior-inferior : 16cm.Skin ellipse : 17x8cm. Skin shows ulcer measures 3x2cm. Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Absent.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 4x2.5x2cm.Location of tumor : Lower outer quardrant. Margins of tumor : ill - defined.Deep margin : 0.6cm. Muscle : Muscle is deep.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : 7x5x4cm.Size of largest node: 1.5x1x0.8 cm IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy post NACT:The section show viable tumor present.Invasive ductal carcinoma with focal areas of fibrosis and necrosis present. Tumor infiltrating with the epidermis of the skin. Grade - III.Tumor measures maximum dimension 4x2.5cm. Invasive component measures : 4x2.5cm. Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified. Modified BR score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ......... 8/9 .........Lymphovascular invasion Present.Peri neural invasion is Present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable. Tumor infiltrating into the epidermis of the skin. Lymph nodes : 7 Nodes are show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 18nodes.(7/18)Perinodal spread present. Pathological stage : ypT4bN2SUMMARY :Residual viable tumor present. Invasive ductal carcinoma. Tumor is infiltrating with epidermis of the skin. Tumor Grade : III.Lymphnode Status : 7 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 18 nodes.(7/18)Perinodal spread present. " 3441,MR1807141,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast - Post MRM.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8-1.2cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in cords and nests. The lesional cell are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Few cells showing eccentrically placed nuclei and moderate vacuolatedá cytoplasm. Stroma is desmoplastic .Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism.. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasiveá carcinoma with lobular features, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3443,MR1807169,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump. SPECIMEN: Left breast lesion core biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 3 grey white grey brown linear cores measures 0.6 - 0.7 cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Left breast lesion, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3444,MR1807170,">right breast, right mastectomy(post nact) >residual invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 3. > - modified bloom richardson score is 8(3+2+3). > - tumor measures 23 cm in greatest dimension. > - ductal carcinoma in situ is not seen. > - lymphovascular invasion is not seen > - perineural invasion is not seen > - posterior resection margin is free of tumor > - overlying skin is involved. >" 3445,MR1807172,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump. SPECIMEN: Left breast, core biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show cores of tissue with a neoplastic lesion arranged in nest and sheets. The cells have moderately pleomorphic round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show desmoplasia. Areas of necrosis noted. IMPRESSION:Left breast, core biopsy :Suggestive of Invasive carcinoma NST. Grade IModified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 1Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 5/9 --------" 3446,MR1807188,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Left breast, core biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 5 grey white core measures 0.8 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue arranged in sheets and cords, The cells have moderately pleomorphic round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show desmoplasia with scattered inflammatory cells. Mitotic figures seen. IMPRESSION: Left breast, core biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST grade - IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 --------" 3447,MR1807189,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lesion - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 3 cores of tissue measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. length. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION: Left breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 3448,MR1807259,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left breast,left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received inááááááá : FormalinProcedureááááááááá : Left modified radical mastectomy.Lateralityáááááááá : Left breastTotal dimensions :ááá Medial-lateraláá áá á : 20 cmáááááááááááááááááááááááá áááá Superficial - deepá : 3.5 cmááááááááááááááááááááááá áááá Superior-inferiorááá : 16 cmSkin ellipseááááá áá : 13x6 cmNippleáááááááááááá á á : NormalScar/ Surgical defect : Upper inner quadrant, 7.5 cm in length.No obvious tumor grey white firm area seen measuring :3x1x1 cmDeep margináááááá áá : 0.3 cmMuscleááááááááááá á á á á : Present. 9x7 cmAdjacent breastáá áá : Fibrofatty tissueAxillary tailááááá á á á áá : NoMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple sections from lesion show breast parenchyma harboring foci of multinucleated giant cell reaction. Perductal lymphocytic inflammatory cell infiltrate seen.Section from deep margin shows fragment of fibrovascular tissue with no specificant patholoy. Section from nipple areola is free of tumor. IMPRESSION:No residual tumor, status post lumpectomy, left breastá (vide reference no:SR18-1652)Foreign body giant cell reaction seen.No lymphovascular invasion is seen. No perineural invasion is seen. Deep margin is free of tumor. Nipple areola is free of tumor. " 3449,MR1807296,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion - suspicious. SPECIMEN: Right breast Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.4 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma showing ducts with epithelial proliferation, The cells are round to oval with moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Nuclear are round to oval hyperchromatic and showing moderate nuclear pleomorphism, nucleoli are inconspicuous. All ducts are lined by myoepithelial cells. Stroma shows desmoplastic change and few lympho plasmacytic infiltrated. No definite evidence of invasive malignancy is seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy :Shows Ductal carcinoma in situ of comedo, solid and cribriform type with intermediate nuclear grade. No definite evidence of invasive malignancy is seen." 3450,MR1807304,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Right breast lump Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 3 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.3 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating neoplasm arranged in cords. The lesional cells have round to irregular nucleus, prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic activity noted. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3451,MR1807322,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast carcinoma (Post NACT).SPECIMEN:A) Lumpectomy specimen.B) Revised medial margin.C) Right axillary dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received skin cover soft tissue mass measures 4.5x3.5x3cm. Skin ellipse measures 2.5x0.5cm. Surface of skin unremarkable.Cut surface shows firm, ill defined lesion measures 2.5x2x1cm.Distance from margins:-Superior margin : 0.5cm.Inferior margin : 1cm.Medial margin : 0.3cm.Deep (inked) : 0.8cm.B) Received single soft tissue bit measures 3x1x0.5cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 7x7x2cm.Largest lymph node measures 1.5x1x0.8cm. Cut surface shows tumor deposit.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show breast parenchyma showing infiltration by tumor in cords, singles and nests. The tumor cells are pleomorphic with increased N:C ratio, hyperchromatin nuclei and moderate to scant cytoplasm. Intervening stroma is desmoplastic.Extensive high grade DCIS is seen in solid, cribriform and comedopattern. The luminal cells show N:C ratio and markedly pleomorphic and bizarre nuclei (Nuclear grade II). Numerous discerned ducts show presence of intratumoral foamy macrophages and cholesterol clefts and surrounding lymphomononuclear infiltrate.Stroma shows focal myxoid changes.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, NST Grade II -Residual tumour status post NACTMBR score : 7/9 (2+2+3).Tumor measures maximum dimension 2.8cm.Invasive component measures 2x1.2cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.8x1.2cm.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Extensive DCIS seen- Solid.Lymphovascular invasion is identified.Perineural invasion not identified.Posterior resection margin is free from tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes : 19 lymph nodes, Metastasis : 03 (3/19). No perinodal spread seen." 3452,MR1807328,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white - grey yellow linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as cords, clusters and tubules. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is elastotic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3453,MR1807362,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SITE : Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS : Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged as tubules and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclear conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Foci of high grade comedo ductal carcinoma in situ seen. Moderate peritumoral lymphocytic response seen. Areas of necrosis present.á á IMPRESSION :Right breast lump :Invasive breast carcinoma, NST, Gradeá - 2,Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3454,MR1807370,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Right breast lump, core biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.3 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show tumor cells in sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Few cells are showing bizarre nuclei. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 3. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8(3+3+2)." 3455,MR1807372,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump possibilities of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets. The cells are moderately pleomorphic round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show desmoplasia. Areas of necrosis seen. Mitotic figures are 8-10/10hpf. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade IIIModified Bloom Richardson score is 9/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 3 ------- 9/9 --------Area of necrosis seen. " 3456,MR1807391,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast lump conservative surgery.B) Revised deep margin.C) Revised medial margin.D) Lymph nodes.E) Left breast lumpectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 8x6.5x4 cm. Skin is absent. Cut surface shiows grey white lesion measures 3.5x3x2 cm.Distance from different margins :Superior margin : 1.4 cmInferior margináá : 2 cmMedial marginááá : 0.5 cmá ? fibrotic area.Lateral marginááá : 1.3 cmDeep marginááááá : 0.5 cmB) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 5x4x1 cm, entire tissue processed.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x1.5 cm, entire tissue processed.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 7x5x2 cm, Largest lymph node measures 1x1x1 cm, cut surface is grey white.E) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 1x1x0.5 cm, entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from the breast showsinvasive neoplasm with cells arranged in linear cords and indian file pattern. The cells show moderate pleomorphism, hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Stroma is desmoplastic.á foci show lobular carcinoma in situ measures 0.5 cm.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast lump conservative surgeryá :Invasive carcinoma with lobular carcinoma features.Modified BR score is 3+2+1 = 6/9, Grade II.Tumor measures 3.5 cm.Invasive component measures 3 cm. In situ component measures 0.5 cm.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion not identified.Lobular carcinoma in situ present, measures 0.5 cm.Medial margin shows atypical cells. However inked margin is free of tumor.Superior margin shows features of invasive lobular carcinoma. However inked margin is free of tumor.B) Revised deep margin :áá Is free of tumor and shows epithelial hyperplasia.C) Revised medial margin :áá A small focus of atypical cells away from the inked margin.However all inked margins are free of tumor.D) Lymph nodes :áá 3 out of 10 nodes shows tumor deposits. Largest measures 0.4 cm. Extranodal extension is not identified.E) Left breast lumpectomy.áá Sections from left breast lump show secretory changes. No insitu or invasive carcinoma seen. summary: Total dimension of carcinoma is 3.5 cm.Invasive lobular carcinoma is 3 cm. Lobular carcinoma insitu is 0.5 cm.Lateral margin is free of tumor. Superior, medial and deep margins shows atypical cells. However inked margins are free of tumor.Revised deep margin and medial margin are free of tumor. 3 lymph nodes out of 10 shows metastatic deposits of tumor.Pathological stage : pT2N1" 3457,MR1807393,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Right breast, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in cords, tubules and nests. The individual neoplastic cells consists of round to oval, moderately pleomorphic, hyperchromatic nuclei with inconspicuous nucleoli mitotic activity discerned. Adjacent stroma shows desmoplastic change and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3458,MR1807412,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in nest, cords, sheets. The cells have moderately pleomorphic round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show desmoplasia with scattered inflammatory cells. Mitotic figures seen. IMPRESSION: Right breast lump core biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade - II,Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3459,MR1807413,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS: Received grey white to grey brown 4 linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets. The cells have moderately pleomorphic round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm stroma show desmoplasia. Mitotic figures seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 --------" 3460,MR1807421,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Leftá breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Leftá breast lump - GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets having markedly pleomorphic round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show dense lymphocytic infiltrate. Mitotic figures discerned. IMPRESSION: Leftá breast lump - Invasive carcinoma, NSt, Grade - II,Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 3Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3462,MR1807456,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Right sentinel lymph node ( Blue node)B) Blue +Hot nodeC) Right breast wide excision.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x1x0.8cmIsolated 2 lymph nodes Largest lymph nodes measures 1.5x0.8x0.6cm. Cut surface grey white.B) Received 2 lymph nodes Largest lymph nodes measures 1x0.8x0.5cm. Cut surface grey white.C) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 7.5x5.5x3cm.Skin ellipse measures 7.5x5.5x3cm.Skin ellipse measures 4.5x1.5cm.On serial section grey white lesion identified measures 2x1.5x1cm..Distance from margins:-Superior margin:1 cmInferior margin :2.2 cmMedial margin : 1.5cmLateral margin : 4cmDeep margin : 1.6cm MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sentinel lymph nodes: blue nodeTwo nodes - 2 nodes. No deposit of tumor.B) Sentinel nodes : Blue and hot node:2 nodes - No deposit of tumor.C) Right breast wide excision:Multiple section show tumor composed of pleomorphic cells with vesicular to hyperchromatic nucleus with --- eosinophilic cytoplasm. Clumps of tumor cells are surrounded by pools mucin.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9, grade II.Tubule formation - 3Nuclear Pleomorphism-2Mitotic figures - 1Ductal carcinoma in situ- Not present.Lymphovascular invasion - Not presentPerineural invasion - Not presentAll resected margins are free of tumor.IMPRESSION:Breast conservation surgery:Mucinous carcinoma - maximum size of tumor measures 2x1.5cm, Grade IIDuctal carcinoma in situ- Not identified.Lymphovascular invasion - Not identified.All resected margins are free of tumorSentinel lymph nodes:4 nodes - No deposit of tumorPathological stage:pT1N0" 3463,MR1807493,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump.SPECIMEN: Left breast, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 3 grey white linear core measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplastic lesion arranged in islands and sheets of cells having pleomorphic ovoid hyperchromatic nuclei some with prominent nucleoli moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Admixed are seen few cells arranged in nests abundant vacuolated cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are frequent. Stroma shows desmoplasia and hyalinisation.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ------- 8/9 --------" 3464,MR1807497,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Left breast, core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 3. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8(3+2+3)." 3465,MR1807510,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lesion - ? Malignancy. SPECIMEN :áRight breast lesion, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received multiple grey white fragments cores 0.2 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with a lesion arranged in tubules and cords. The cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Ductal carcinoma in situ, solid and cribriform pattern is noted. Intervening stroma shows extensive hyalinization. Frequent mitotic figures noted. IMPRESSION:Right breast lesion, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma with component of Ductal carcinoma in situ. Grade - 2,Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3466,MR1807533,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in cords and nests. The individual cells consisting of round to oval pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic activity discerned. Intervening stroma shows desmoplastic change and congested blood vessels. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump Biopsy :Invasive ductal cell carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3467,MR1807534,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma. SPECIMEN: Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS: Received multiple fragmented grey white to grey brown measures 0.2 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma with a lesion arranged in sheets, nests and cords. The cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Frequent mitotic figures noted. Adjacent stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, NST- grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 --------Area of necrosis seen. " 3468,MR1807544,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 5 grey white fragments cores measures 0.2 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show cores of breast parenchyma with extensive necrosis and one core showing a lesion arranged in nests and cords. The cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Frequent mitosis noted. Foci of calcification noted. IMPRESSION:Left breast lesion, Biopsy :Suggestive of invasive carcinoma, NST. -Grade - 2 Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 --------With extensive necrosis.Note; As the tissue is scanty in the present block it would be difficult to study hormonal statusSuggest repeat biopsy" 3469,MR1807565,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with a lesion arranged in tubules, nests. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 5 grey white linear cores 0.8 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with a lesion arranged in tubules, nests, and cords. The cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Ductal carcinoma in situ with papillary and comedo necrosis noted. Stromal desmoplasia is noted. IMPRESSION:Left breast lesion, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------Ductal carcinoma with comedo necrosis seen. " 3470,MR1807573,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Carcinoma right breast. (Central quadrant) (retro areolar region)SITE : Right modified radical mastectomy. Received 15 blocks labelled as 1 - A-D, II - VII - A - F. IMPRESSION :Tumor Invasive ductal carcinoma (NST)Nuclear grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 --------Ductal carcinoma in situ - not identified. Lymphovascular invasion - Present. Perineural invasion - not identified. Nipple and areola unremarkable - No paget's disease.Resected margin and under surface margin free of of tumor.Lymphnodes - Two nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 19nodes. perinodal spread is present. Lymph node. - pT2N1a" 3471,MR1807587,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left supraclavicular node - ? metastases. SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left supraclavicular node. GROSS FINDINGS: Received multiple fragmented cores. 0.4 to 0.3cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibro collagenous tissue harboring lesion arranged in diffuse sheets. The individual neoplastic cells consisting of round to oval hyperchromatic, cells moderately pleomorphic nuclei few with nucleoli and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic activity discerned intervening stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Left supraclavicular lymph node, Biopsy :Positive for malignancy.Suggestive of metastatic deposits in known case of carcinoma breast. " 3472,MR1807601,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Right breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white brown linear cores - 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, trabecular and tubules,the individual neoplastic cells consists of round to oval markedly pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic activity discerned. Adjacent stroma shows desmoplastic change and lymphocytic. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal cell carcinoma, Grade - 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3473,MR1807614,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :20cm Superficial to Deep :5 cm Superior to Inferior :18cmSkin ellipse :13.5x10.5cmNipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : SingleTumor Size : 6x6x4.5cm Location of tumor : Central and outer quadrantMargins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin :1.2cmMuscle : 3x1.5x0.5Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 10x10x3cmTotal number of nodes : 16 nodesSize of largest : 2.5x2x1.5cm cut surface grey white.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show pleomorphic picture predominantly spindle shaped cells with vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli, moderate cytoplasm. Few round to oval cells are seen. Interspersed are plenty of osteoclast type of giant cells with 15-30 nucleoli.The spindle shaped cells show high mitotic rate of 15-20 /hpf. In few areas spindle cells are arranged in fascicles and whorled pattern. Areas of necrosis and hemorrhage present in the tumor. No glandular epithelium seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast right modified radical mastectomy:Suggestive of an Undifferentiated Malignancy, High Grade Mitotic figures : 15-20/hpf Tumor measures 6x6cm in greatest dimension is located in the central outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.Lymphovascular invasion indeterminatePerineural invasion presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable, Lymph nodes 1 Lymph node shows benign ductal epithelial cells out of 16 lymph nodes.Report on IHC to follow " 3474,MR1807619,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Right breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS: Received 5 grey white brown linear cores - 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in cords, nests and sheets. The individual neoplastic cells consists of round to oval moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with inconspicuous nucleoli and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic activity discerned. Adjacent stroma shows desmoplastic change and lymphocytic. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal cell carcinoma, Grade - 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3476,MR1807640,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Right breast lump Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with a lesion arranged in sheets, nests and cords.á The cells have moderate anisonucleosis, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Intervening stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ..........." 3477,MR1807675,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast - possibilities of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Left breast lump biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Core Biopsy : Invasive ductal cell carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3478,MR1807676,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibilities of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Right breast lump, Core Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3479,MR1807683,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Left breast lump Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white to grey brown fragment cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with a lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Frequent mitotic figures noted. Intervening stroma shows dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage noted. Areas of necrosis seen. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST Grade - 3, Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ------- 8/9 ...........Areas of necrosis seen. " 3480,MR1807698,"CLINICAL HISTORY : left breast lump - Possibilities of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: left breast lump Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma with a lesion arranged in nests and cords. The cells showá moderate nuclear pleomorphismá hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump biopsy :Suggestive of Invasive carcinomaá - NST, Grade - IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3481,MR1807699,"CLINICAL HISTORY : left breast lump - possibilities of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast lump biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 3 grey whiteá linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS: Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in a glandular pattern. The neoplastic cells have round to irregular pleomorphic,á hyperchromatic nucleus inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic is discerned. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump biopsy :Invasiveá ductal carcinoma, á Grade - IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3482,MR1807706,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast, core Biopsy. SPECIMEN: Left breast, core Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 3 grey white linear cores. 1 to 1.3 cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION: Left breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3483,MR1807708,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump, Biopsy. SPECIMEN: Right breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules and nests. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Stroma shows desmoplasia mitosis 6 - 7 / 10HPF. Areas of ductal carcinoma in situ (cribriform) type noted. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, biopsy :Suggestive of invasive ductal carcinoma grade - 2.Foci of ductal carcinoma in situ noted. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 6/9 ..........." 3484,MR1807720,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - possibilities of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 5 grey white linear core measures 0.8 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma showing infiltrated by small nests and sheets of neoplastic cells having pleomorphic ovoid dark nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Bi nucleate and multinucleated tumor giant cells seen. Mitotic figures are frequent. Stroma shows extensive fibrosis and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. IMPRESSION:Left lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ------- 8/9 --------" 3485,MR1807728,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS: Section show linear cores of breast tissue showing a lesion infiltrating the stroma composed of nests and sheets of dysplastic ductal cells showing moderate anisonucleosis, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic activity is discerned. The intervening stroma show desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump :Invasive carcinoma of ductal origin - NST. - Grade - IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 6/9 --------" 3486,MR1807734,"CLINICAL HISTORY : left breast lump - possibilities of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast lump biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received fragmented grey whiteá cores measures 0.4 to 6cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS: Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma with a lesion showing invasiveá sheets and nests oof dysplastic ductal cells showing moderate pleomorphismá hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent moderate nucleoli. Mitotic activity increased. Areas of necrosis seen. Focal ductal carcinoma in situ with comedo necrosis seen. The intervening stroma show moderate desmoplasia withá mononuclear infiltrates. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump biopsy :Invasive carcinoma of ductal origin - NST, Grade - IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------Areas of necrosis and ductal carcinoma in situ seen. " 3487,MR1807737,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Right breast lump biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received multiple fragmented cores grey white to grey brown measures 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in sheets, lubules and nests. The lesional cells have round nucleus, coarse chromatic and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis is seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma grade - II. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3488,MR1807744,CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma showing bundles of plump stromal cells exhibiting moderate pleomorphism and elongated nuclei against a myxoid background. There is paucity of ductal structures. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast :Suggestive of fibroepithelial lesion.Suggest excision biopsy for definite opinion. 3489,MR1807745,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS: Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma showing invasive nests and sheets of dysplastic ductal cells showing moderate pleomorphismá hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent moderate nucleoli. The intervening stroma show moderate desmoplasiaá and mononuclear infiltrates. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump biopsy :Invasive carcinoma of ductal origin - NST, Grade - IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3490,MR1807754,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3491,MR1807785,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Rightá breast lump biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 3 grey whiteá linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS: Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma showing an infiltrative lesion composed of nests and sheets round to oval ductal cells showing moderate pleomorphismá hyperchromatic nuclei with prominentá nucleoli. Mitotic activity is discerned. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump biopsy :Invasive carcinoma of ductal origin - NST, Grade - IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3492,MR1807798,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast lump Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores of breast parenchyma with extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ (comedo and solid pattern) with suspicous foci of invasive neoplasm.The lesional cells have pleomorphic round to irregular hyperchromatic nucleus, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump Biopsy :Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis and small suspicious focus of invasion. Suggest repeat biopsy to rule out invasion. " 3495,MR1807838,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :14cm Superficial to Deep :4.5cm Superior to Inferior :18cmSkin ellipse :14.5x7cm Nipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect :Present in upper center quadrant measure 2cmTumor : SingleTumor Size : 2.6x1.5x1.5cm. Location of tumor : Upper central quadrantMargins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin :1.5 cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail :7.5x6x3 cmSize of largest node :2x1xcm cut surface - unremarkableIMPRESSION:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy:Histological type:Invasive ductal carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ.Grade:ITumor measures maximum dimension 2.5cm .Invasive component measures 2.2cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.3cm.Modified BR score is 5/9Tubule formation: 2Nuclear pleomorphism:2 Mitotic figures: 1 Ductal carcinoma in situ 0.3cm ( low grade).Lymphovascular invasion present.Perineural invasion present. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor .Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 13 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0(0/13).Pathological stage: pT2N0.Summary:Invasive ductal carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ, left breast.Tumor Grade: ILymph node Status: Identified 13 lymph nodes.No metastatic deposits of tumor seen. " 3496,MR1807876,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits measures 0.5 - 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fragments of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The individual cells are consisting of round to oval, moderately hyperchromatic nuclei with inconspicuous nucleoli and abundant amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic activity discerned. Intervening stroma showing areas of hemorrhagic and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3497,MR1807898,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast Biopsy. SPECIMEN: Right breast lump Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white core measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords small cluster consisting of cells having round to elongated dark nuclei, inconspicuous cytoplasm. Few cells show intranuclear inclusion. Mitotic figures 8-9/10hpf. Stroma show desmoplastic changes. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 --------" 3498,MR1807911,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma. SPECIMEN: Right breast lump Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received multiple linear core measures 0.5 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests and trabecular consisting of cells having round to oval dark nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic figures 2-3/Hpf. Stroma shows extensive hyalinisation. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 --------" 3499,MR1807914,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast. SPECIMEN :A) Wide local excision of the left breast lump. B) Left sentinel biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received a wild lesion excision specimen 8.2x6x3.1cm.Skin ellipse measures 5x4cm. No scar. Tumor - 1.2x1.5x1.4cm. Resected margins:Superior margin : 3.5cm.Inferior margin : 2cm. Medial margin : 0.7cm.Lateral margin : 3.7cm.Deep margin : 1.1cm.B) Received 3 fibrofatty tissue :1) Blue + Hot node measures 3x1.6x1.2cm. Cut surface shows a lymphnodes 1.6x0.7cm. Cut surface fibro invasion. 2) Fibrofatty tissue measures 1.1x0.9x0.6cm. Single lymphnode measures 0.9x0.2 cmCut surface grey brown. 3) Fibrofatty tissue measures 3.5x2.5x0.1. Cut surface 1 lymphnodes measures 2.5x2cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :A) Breast conservative surgery left sidetumor is composed of pleomorphic cells with pleomorphic vesicular nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. These clumps and groups of cells are surrounded by mucinous areas. There is no evidence of ductal carcinoma in situ. Modified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 .............. 7/9 ...............Nuclear grade - 2.Lymphovascular invasion not identified. Perineural invasion not identified. Resected margins : Superior margin : Free of tumor. Inferior margin : Free of tumor. Medial margin : Free of tumor. Lateral margin : Free of tumor. Deep margin : Free of tumor. Lymph nodes :Sentinel lymph nodes (Frozen) : 3 nodes. No deposits of tumor (0/3)Further lymph node on paraffin section : 2 nodes. No deposits of tumor (0/2)SUMMARY : Left breast conservative surgery, wide local excision. Histological type : Mucinous carcinoma. Tumor maximum dimension measures 1.5x1.4x1.2cm. Invasive component measures 1.5cm. Ductal carcinoma in situ - Not identified.Lymphovascular invasion - Not identified. Perineural invasion not identified. Resected margins - All are free of tumor. Lymph nodes : Sentinel lymph nodes (Frozen) :3 Nodes. No deposits of tumor (0/3) Routine paraffin section : 2 nodes. No deposits of tumor (0/2)Total nodes : 5. All are free of tumor. (0/5)Pathological Grade : pT1N0.IMPRESSION :Left breast conservative surgery wide local excisionMucinous carcinomaGrade 2All lymph nodes are free of tumour" 3500,MR1807954,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump. SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS: Received grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast tissue showing invasive sheets and nests of dysplastic ductal cells showing moderate anisonucleosis, hyperchromatin nuclei and prominent nuclei. The intervening stroma show moderate dysplasia. Occasional focus show comedo necrosis. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma of ductal origin - NST - Left breast. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 --------" 3502,MR1807989,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Lump left breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.2 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative neoplasm arranged in nests, sheets, trabecular and acini of neoplastic cells exhibiting increased N/C ratio, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. Extensive areas of necrosis present. Few lymphoid aggregates present in the intervening dense fibrocollagenous connective tissue. IMPRESSION:Left breast biopsy :Invasive carcinoma breast, NST Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 --------" 3503,MR1807998,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Right breast lump Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 3 grey white grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast tissue, one of them showing tiny focus of dysplastic ductal cells arranged in nests showing moderate anisonucleosis hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. The intervening stroma i desmoplastic and foci of necrosis seen. Adjacent cores show benign cluster cells. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump Biopsy :Suggestive of ductal carcinoma in situ with suspicious focus of invasion. Suggest repeat biopsy to look for invasion. " 3504,MR1808021,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump. SPECIMEN: Right breast lump Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 3 linear cores each measures 0.1 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative neoplasm arranged in nests, and cords of cells exbiting increased N/C ratio, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, occasional prominent nucleoli and scant to moderate amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. Few bizzare cells noted. The intervening stroma shows presence of dense fibrocollagenous correlative tissue. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma breast, NST Grade - 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 8/9 --------" 3505,MR1808029,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Left sentinel lymph node biopsy.B) Hot node.C) Blue + Hot node.D) Left Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 1 lymphnode measures 0.9 x 0.8 x 0.7cm. B) Received isolated 2 lymphnodes, largest measures 0.8 x 0.7 x 0.6.cmC) Received 1 lymphnode measures 0.6x0.5x0.4cm. D) Left Mastectomy:Received in : Formalin.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 15 cm Superficial - deep : 4 cm Superior-inferior : 13 cmSkin ellipse : 14x11 cmNipple : NormalScar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : SingleTumor size : 1.5x1.5x1 cmLocation of tumor : Upper inner quadrant.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Margins of tumor : Well circumscribed.Deep margin : 2cm. \Muscle ; AbsentIMPRESSION :Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Tumour bed;The Tumor is composed of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm.Histologic type ;Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade I.Modified BR score is 5/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 1Mitotic figures : 1 ........... 5/9 .............Tumor measures maximum dimension : 1.5 x 1.5cm. Invasive component measures 1cm.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ measures : 0.5cm (Low grade).Lymphovascular invasion Not identified. Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable. Lymph nodes: Sentinel lymphnodes: 3 Nodes - No deposits of tumor. Pathologic stage ; pT1N0Summary ; Invasive Ductal Carcinoma with Ductal Carcinoma InSitu of Left breast Grade 1Lymph Node status; 3 Sentinel lymph nodes with no tumour deposits." 3506,MR1808032,CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 linear cores grey white soft tissue bits measures 1.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue bits. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast tissue composed of neoplastic lesion showing invasive sheets and nests of round to oval cells showing moderate pleomorphism hyperchromatic nuclei mitotc activity is brisk. Focus of comedo necrosis seen. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Left breast Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma of ductal origin.NST -Grade - III.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 6/9 --------Focus of necrosis seen. 3507,MR1808050,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast, cT1N0M0.SPECIMEN:A) Wide excision of left breast lump.(Breast Conserving Surgery)B) Left axillary sentinel nodes.C) Left breast conserving surgery with axillary lymph node dissection.D) Left axillary nodal dissection specimen.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Wide excision of left breast lump:Received wide local excision of left breast measures 7x6x5cm.Skin measures 3.5x1.5cm.Cut surface shows greywhite lesion measures 1x1x1cm.Distance from margins:-Superior margin -- 4cm.Inferior margin -- 2.5cm.Medial margin -- 2.5cm.Lateral margin -- 3cm.Deep margin -- 2.5cm.B) Left axillary sentinel nodes:Received 2 lymph nodes each measures 0.5x0.4x0.3cm. Entire tissue processed.C) Left breast conserving surgery with axillary lymph node dissection:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5x4x2cm.Largest lymph node measures 0.9x0.8x0.7cm.D) Left axillary nodal dissection specimen:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x2x1cm.Inked on one surface. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sections show breast parenchyma with extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ in solid and cribriform pattern.All the resected margins- Superior, inferior, medial, lateral and deep are free of tumor.B) Left axillary sentinel lymph nodes:Identified two lymph nodes, both are free of tumor (0/2).C) Left breast conserving surgery with axillary lymph node dissection:Identified 8 lymph nodes, All are free of tumor (0/8).D) Left axillary nodal dissection specimen:Revised deep margin shows muscle and fibroadipose tissue. No evidence of malignancy.IMPRESSION:Left breast conservation surgery:Ductal carcinoma in situ- Solid and cribriform.No evidence of invasive carcinoma.IHCCalponin- positive in myoepithelial cells surrounding ducts.SMA- positive in myoepithelial cells surrounding ducts.p63- positive in myoepithelial cells surrounding ducts.IHC favour Ductal Carcinoma In situThere is no evidence of carcinoma." 3508,MR1808080,CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lesion. SPECIMEN: Left breast Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in cords nests and few tubules. The cells show moderate granular eosinophilic cytoplasm hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate pleomorphism and prominent nucleoli. Mitosis is increased stroma is desmoplastic. Areas necrosis present. IMPRESSION:Left breast core Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma (NST) - Grade - II Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 -------- 3509,MR1808096,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast lump biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received grey white linear cores measures 0.2 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in sheets and nests. The cells show moderate cytoplasm and increased mitotic cores of ductal carcinoma in situ prominent stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Left breast biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST,á Grade - IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3510,MR1808102,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast lump biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 3 linear cores grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in nests and cords. The cells show moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate pleomorphism and increased mitosis. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3511,MR1808105,CLINICAL HISTORY:Left Carcinoma BreastSPECIMEN:A) Left axillary sentinel lymph node biopsyB) Wide local excision breast lump.C) Left axillary dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue measures 4x3x3cmLargest lymph nodes measures 1.5x1x1cmCut surface fatty infiltration.B) Received skin covered mass measures 6.5x5x3cmSkin ellipse measures 3x0.5cmCut surface ill defined grey white measures 1.5x1x1cmDistance from margins:Superior margin : 1cmInferior margin : 0.8cmMedial margins : 1.5cmLateral margins : 1.2cmDeep margins : 1.3cmC) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 7x6x4cmLargest lymph node measures 0.7x0.6x0.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Left axillary sentinel lymph node3 nodes - No metastatic deposits of tumorB) Wide local excision breast lump:The tumor is harboring viable tumor consisting of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nuclei and eosinophilic cytoplasmModified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 3Nuclear grade IIIInvasive ductal carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis and solid type.Lymphovascular invasion not identifiedPerineural invasion not identified.All resected margins are free of tumor.C) Left axillary dissection.10 nodes - No deposit of tumorIMPRESSION:Wide local excision - Left breast lumpectomy:Maximum dimension of tumor measures 1.5x1x1cm.Viable invasive carcinoma measures 1cm. Nuclear grade III.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.5cm with comedonecrosis.Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Resected margins free of tumor.Lymph nodes:Sentinel lymph nodes 3 lymph nodes-No deposit of tumor.Axillary lymph nodes - 10 nodes - No deposit of tumor.Total nodes 13 nodes - No deposits of tumor.Pathological grade : ypT1No. 3512,MR1808113,CLINICAL HISTORY : left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast lump biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 linear core grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits measures 1.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in sheets and nests with moderate cytoplasm hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate pleomorphism and increased mitosis. Few ducts show comedo type ductal carcinoma in situ. Areas necrosis noted stroma is desmoplastic with moderate lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate ductal carcinoma in situ with comedo necrosis seen. IMPRESSION:Left breast core Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST - Grade - III.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ------- 8/9 -------- 3513,MR1808156,CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast lump Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS: Received 2 linear cores grey white measures 0.5 and 1cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION: Left breast lump Biopsy :An occasional focus of atypical duct with central necrosis seen. Suggest repeat biopsy to confirm malignancy. 3514,MR1808168,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast lesion Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received grey white to grey yellow 4 linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma showing lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate, histiocytes and epithelioid like cells. Focal area of necrosis seen. A few atypical cells seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast lesion Biopsy :Granulomatous inflammation .In view of few atypical cells suggest follow up/repeat biopsy" 3515,MR1808177,CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast lump biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS: Received grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------- 3516,MR1808181,"CLINICAL HISTORY : left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast lump Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 5 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump Biopsy. :Invasive carcinoma with adjacent papillary areas, Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3517,MR1808194,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast Post NACTSPECIMEN:A) Left axillary lymph nodes dissection.B) Left modified radical masectomy Post NACT.GROSS FINDINGS:A) received multiple fibrofatty tissue measures 5x4x3cm.Largest lymphnode measures 2x1x1cm. cut section shows fatty infiltration.B) Received in : Formalin Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Post NACT. Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :16cm Superficial to Deep :4cm Superior to inferior : 11cmSkin ellipse :13x6.5cm skin shows scar measures 3cmNipple :Unremarkable Scar/ Surgical defect : NoTumor : Total lumpectomy bed measures 5.5x3.6cm Tumor Size : 1.6x1.5x1cmm Location of tumor :Upper outer quadrantMargins of tumor : Ill defined Deep margin : 1.2cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 8x3x3cmSize of largest node : 1x1x0.5cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:B) Section studied shows breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Stroma is desmoplastic with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis.IMPRESSION:A) Left axillary lymph nodes dissection:Two of the isolated eight lymph nodes are show metastatic deposits of tumor out of eight nodes (2/8)Extranodal extension is seenB) Left modified radical mastectomy Post NACT:Histological type:Residual viable invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade :2Tumor component maximum dimension 1.6cm.Invasive component measures 1.0cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.6cm.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Ductal carcinoma in situ Solid and comedonecrosis pattern is seenLymphovascular invasion is identified.Perineural invasion is not seen.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes 6 lymph nodes metastasis, 0(0/6)Pathological stage ypT1N1Summary:Residual viable invasive ductal carcinoma, Left breastTumor grade 2Lymph nodes status 2/14.(Sentinel lymph nodes 2 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 8 nodesAxillary nodes 6 nodes shows no metastatic deposit of tumor.)Total nodes 2 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 14 nodes Perinodal spread present." 3518,MR1808203,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion - ? Residual. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lesion. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 7 grey white linear core measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in solid nests, vague glandular pattern. The lesional cells are polygonal with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, round hyperchromatic nucleus, few showing prominent nucleoli and intranuclear inclusion. Moderate nuclear pleomorphism noted. Stroma show extensive desmoplasia and show lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. Area of calcification and necrosis noted. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lesion. Invasive carcinoma - ductal origin, NST. Nuclear grade - III. " 3519,MR1808222,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - possibilities of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Right breast lump biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 linear grey core each measures 0.4 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple fragments of breast parenchyma with a infiltratory neoplasm arranged in sheets, nest and few tubules. The cells are round to oval nuclei, scant to moderate clear cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nuclei, mild pleomorphism is seen. Background shows desmoplasia intervening stroma shows lymphoplasmacytes. Mitotic seen 4-5/10hpf. Foci of ductal carcinoma in situ with solid pattern and comedo necrosis seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 3Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------With ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis solid pattern. " 3520,MR1808228,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Right breast lump biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white firm soft tissue cores 0.2 to 0.4cm. Entire tissue bits. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in cords and tubules. The cells have round nucleus, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Extensive areas of hyalinisation.á IMPRESSION:Right breast lump Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3521,MR1808230,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast lump Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS : Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in lobules and cords. The tumor cells are large with round to irregular pleomorphic nucleus, dispersed chromatin, prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Surrounding stroma shows scattered lymphocytes and plasma cells. IMPRESSION: Left breast lump Biopsy. :Invasive carcinoma, NOS nuclear grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3522,MR1808239,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Cerebellar metastasis? in known case of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Cerebellar lesion. GROSS FINDINGS: Received grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits altogether measures 5.5 x 3.5 x 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Sections from cerebellar SOL shows tumor tissue arranged in diffuse sheets, cords and trabecular, vague acinar pattern. Tumor cells show high N/C ratio, moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic round to oval vesicular to hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Few nuclei show intranuclear inclusions. Areas of necrosis and congested blood vessels noted. Normal cerebellar tissue not seen. IMPRESSION:Cerebellar lesion biopsy. :Suggestive of metastatic deposits of Invasive Ductal lobular carcinoma. Suggest IHC. " 3523,MR1808244,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left carcinoma breast. áSPECIMEN :A) Left Modified Radical Mastectomy with level 1 and 2 nodes.á áB) Level 3 nodes. C) Interpectoral nodes. GROSS FINDINGS :A) Left Modified Radical Mastectomy post NACTReceived inááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Formalin.Procedureááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Left Modified Radical Mastectomy post NACTLateralityááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Left breast. Total dimensionsááááááááááááááááá : Medial to lateralááááá : 25 cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deepá : 5 cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferiorá : 18 cm.Skin ellipseáááááááááááááááááááááááááá :17x12cm.Nippleááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Normal. Scar/Surgical defectáááááááááá : No. Tumoráááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : No obvious tumor identified.á áTumor sizeáááááááááááááááááááááááá : Fibrosis noted in the lower outer quadrant measuring 2.5x2x2cm. Deep marginááááááááááááááááááááá : 2cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áMuscleáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Present 3.5x2cm. Axillary breastááááááááááááááááááá : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tailááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 5x4x4cm. áSize of largest nodeáááááááááá : 1x1x1cm. Cutsurface- unremarkable. B) Level 3 nodes. áááá Received multiple fibrofatty tissue pieces measuring 4x3x3cm. C) Interpectoral nodes. áááá Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 5x4x4cm. IMPRESSION:A) Left Modified Radical Mastectomy post NACTTumor bed : áSections studied show breast parenchyma with extensive areas of hyalinisation, fibrosis and edematous change. Focal areas exhibit features of fibroadenosis. No evidence of residual malignancy in the material submitted. Histological type : No residual viable tumor seen. -Lymphovascular invasion not seen. -Perineural invasion not seen. -Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.-Nipple and areola is unremarkable.-Lymph nodes: 13 lymph nodes, Metastasis : 0 (0/13).B)Level 3 nodes-3 lymph nodes isolated, are free from tumor (0/3)C) Interpectoral nodesNo lymph nodes isolated. No tumor deposits seenSummary :-No residual viable tumor seen, left breast post NACT-Lymphnode Status :á (0/16) - 16 nodes - No deposits of tumor. " 3524,MR1808252,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left carcinoma breast, post lumpectomySPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy, post lumpectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin. Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 16 cm. Superficial - deep : 4 cm. Superior-inferior : 14 cm.Skin ellipse : 13x9cm.Nipple : Unremarkable.Scar/ Surgical defect : 4cm linear scar in upper inner quadrant.Tumor : Corresponding to the scar, fibrotic areas measures 3x3x2cm, Also noted, tiny cystic area with yellow specs (1x1x0.8cm).Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrant.Deep margin : 1.5cm. Muscle : 3x2x1cm. Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : 7x5x2.5 cm Size of largest node: 2x1.5x1 cm. Cut surface shows grey white. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Tumor bed:No Residual tumor present. Lumpectomy bed shows fibrotic, necrotic areas with foamy histiocytes, lymphoplasmacytic cells and foreign body giant cells. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 1 lymph node shows metastatic deposits tumor out of 13 nodes. Perinodal spread present.Pathological Staging: pT0N1SUMMARY:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy, post lumpectomy :No Residual tumor present.Lymph node Status : One node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 13 nodes (1/13). Perinodal spread present. " 3525,MR1808262,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMENLeft modified radical mastectomy:GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral 19:cm Superficial to Deep : 4.5cm Superior to Inferior :12cmSkin ellipse :12.4x5cm Nipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : SingleTumor Size : 4.3x3.3x2.7cm Location of tumor : Retro areolarMargins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 0.9cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail :6x5x4 cmLargest lymph nodes : 1.5x1x0.5cm. cut surface fatty infiltrate.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring a invasive neoplasm arranged in lobules, solid nests separated by fibrocollagenous septa. Individual cells are large with increased N/C ratio, polygonal to round cells with moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm, with round to oval vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are 6-8/10 hpf . Intervening stroma and adjacent breast is desmoplastic with foci of Ductal Carcinoma in situ. Areas of necrosis and hemorrhage seen.Lymphovascular invasion - Indetererminate.Perineural invasion - Present.Nipple and areola - Unremarkable.Lymph nodes - Identified 10 lymph nodes. All are free of tumor.IMPRESSION:Left breast left modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ, Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9, Grade II.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1Tumor measures 4cm in greatest dimension is located in the retro areolar region.Ductal carcinoma in situ -0.8cmLymphovascular invasion- IndeterminatePerineural invasion -presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes - 10 lymph nodes, No metastatic deposit of tumor (0/10).Pathological stage : pT2N0.SUMMARY:Left breast modified radical mastectomy.Invasive ductal carcinoma with Ductal carcinoma insitu grade II.Nodal metastasis 10 noes identified . No evidence of metastasis noted." 3526,MR1808286,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 2 to 2.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged in abortive tubules and cords. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus, and moderate cytoplasm. The stroma is desmoplastic with myxohyaline change. Mitoses is discerned. Lymphovascular invasion is seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubule formationááááá á áá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphismááá -- 2Mitotic activityááááááááááááááá -- 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------" 3527,MR1808296,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast lump biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The lesiona, cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Stroma is desmoplastic. Areas of necrosis seen. Mitosis 4-5/10Hpf. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasion ductal carcinoma, grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 --------" 3528,MR1808304,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - possibilities of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast lump Biospy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, cords and few tubules. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Mitotic 3-4/10Hpf. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma grade - 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 --------" 3529,MR1808307,CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast mass - carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 cores grey white soft tissue bits each measures 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating neoplasm arranged in cords and inclusion file pattern. The cells have round to angulated hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass Biopsy :Suggestive of invasive lobular carcinoma nuclear grade - 2 3530,MR1808308,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast Post NACTSPECIMEN:Left Modified Radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGSReceived in : Formalin Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality :LeftTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral 17cm Superficial to Deep : 4cm Superior to inferior : 16cmSkin ellipse :11.5x7.5cmNipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Present measure 4cm in upper central quadrant.Tumor : Grey white firm tumor measures 2x2x1.8cm under the scar Location of tumor : Upper Central quadrantMargins of tumor : IIl defined Deep margin : 1.8cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 8x6x2.5cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Tumor bed :Residual viable tumor present consisting of clumps , groups of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and areas of fibrosis, necrosis and lymphoplasmacytic infiltration is presentIMPRESSION:Left modified radical mastectomy, Post NACT:Histological type: Residual Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade :3Tumor component maximum dimension 2cm.Invasive component measures 2cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures not identified.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3Ductal carcinoma in situ not identifiedLymphovascular invasion presentPerineural invasion not identifiedPosterior resection margin is is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes 19 lymph nodes metastasis, 1 node shows metastatic deposit of tumor out of 19 nodes Perinodal spread present.Pathological stage: ypT1N1.SUMMARY:Left breast Post NACTResidual viable tumor present, invasive ductal carcinoma Grade III.Lymph node status: 1 node shows metastatic deposit of tumor out of 19 nodes Perinodal spread present." 3531,MR1808310,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - possibilities of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Right breast lump biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS: received 4 linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm., Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, sheets of tubules. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3532,MR1808323,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast SPECIMEN:A)Right sentinel lymph nodesB)Right mastectomy GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x2x1.8cm4 nodes identified Largest measures 1x0.8x0.6cm. Cut surface grey brown.No deposit grossly seen.B)Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :15cm Superficial to Deep :4 cm Superior to Inferior :15cmSkin ellipse :12x6.5cmNipple :UnremarkableScar/ Surgical defect :AbsentTumor : Multiple Tumor Size : lesions1) lesion 5 '0' clock position measures 1.8x1.5cm2) lesion clock 4' clock position( ? tumor ? lymph node ) measures 0.5x0.4x0.4cm 3) lesion clock 7 clock position 0.4x0.4x0.3cm. Location of tumor : ill definedMargins of tumor : illdefinedDeep margin : lesion one - 0.5cm lesion two - 1 cm lesion three- 3cmDistance between lesion one and lesion two -1cmDistance between lesion one and lesion three -1.5cmIMPRESSION:Right Mastectomy:Tumor bed: multicentric tumor shows two tumors at 7 o clock and 5 o clock position. Intramammary node at 4o clock position shows invasive ductal carcinoma.Section shows breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in solid nests, glandular pattern. Neoplastic cells are large with increased N/C ratio, polygonal to pleomorphic , moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic round to oval vesicular nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are 12-15/10 hpf. Surrounding breast parenchyma shows dense lymphocytic infiltrates with congested blood vessels. Area between lesion 1&2 shows normal breast parenchyma. Area between leison 1&3 shows breast parenchyma with giant cell reactionHistological type :Invasive ductal carcinomaGrade:IITumor measures maximum dimension 1.8cmInvasive component measures1.8cmDuctal carcinoma in situ -Not presentModified BR score is7/9 Tubule formation: 3 Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2 Ductal carcinoma in situ- not presentLymphovascular invasion -not identified.Perineural invasion - not identified Posterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableSentinel Lymph nodes: 4 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0/4Intramammary lymph node shows invasive ductal carcinoma.Summary:Invasive ductal carcinoma Right breast( multiple tumor) Tumor Grade: IILymph node Status:identified 4 nodes sentinel lymph nodes . None show metastatic deposit of tumor," 3533,MR1808326,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - possibilities of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Left breast lump biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1.5cm to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump biopsy. Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade - 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3534,MR1808339,"CLINICAL DETAILS:DCIS with ? invasion right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Sentinel node.B) Right mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Sentinel node:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1.5x1x1cm.Identified two lymph nodes.Largest lymph node measures 0.7x0.6x0.6cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.B) Right mastectomy:Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 19cm Superficial - deep : 5cm Superior-inferior : 17cmSkin ellipse : 15x8cmNipple : NormalTumor : ill defined, greywhite, friable area.Tumor size (DCIS) : 1.8x1.6x1cmLocation of tumor : Upper outer quadrant (4 '0' clock).Adjacent breast : Well circumscribed seen in upper outer quadrant 3cm from primary lesion ? fibroadenoma, calcification present.Axillary tail : Absent.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:B) Sections show breast parenchyma with many ducts showing solid and comedo type of ductal carcinoma in situ. The epithelial cells show moderate cytoplasm, pleomorphic vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Stroma focally shows desmoplastic reaction. Adjacent breast shows fibroadenoma.A) Sentinel nodes:1 node isolated is free of tumor (0/1).IMPRESSION:B) Right mastectomy:Ductal carcinoma-in-situ.Solid and comedo type, High grade.DCIS measures 1.8cm in greatest dimension and is located in upper outer quadrant.No lymphovascular invasion.No perineural invasion seen.Posterior resected margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola are unremarkable.Adjacent breast shows fibroadenoma.A) Sentinel node:1 node isolated is free of tumor (0/1).Note:Advised myoepithelial markers to rule out invasive focus" 3535,MR1808365,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast post NACT. SPECIMEN :Left breast with axillary lymphatics. GROSS FINDINGS :Left breast with axillary lymphatics : Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Left Modified Radical Mastectomy. Laterality : Left breast. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 17 cm. Superficial to Deep : 3.5cm. Superior to Inferior :15 cm.Skin ellipse :12x7cm.Nipple : Normal. Scar/Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumor : ? Tumor in 12 '0' clock measures 1x1x1cm. Margins of tumor : ill defined. Deep margin : 1cm. Muscle : Absent. Axillary breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 15x10x3.5cm. Total number of nodes : 18IMPRESSION:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy :Tumor bed : Section studied show breast parenchyma with a tiny foucs of atypical ovoid cells having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Stroma shows extensive areas of fibrosis and hyalinisation. Areas of calicification and lymphoid aggregates are seen. Tiny foci of neoplastic cells are seen measures measures 0.2cm. Histological type : Residual invasive ductal carcinoma. Tumor measures maximum dimension 0.4cm. Invasive component measures 0.2cm. Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.2cm. Ductal carcinoma in situ comedonecrosis with central calcification noted. Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. Perineural invasion not identified. Posterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 20 lymph nodes, Metastasis : 0 (0/20).Pathological stage: ypT1N0Summary : Residual invasive ductal carcinoma left breast, post NACT. Lymphnode Status : 0/20" 3536,MR1808382,CLINICAL HISTORY : Lump in left breast - ? carcinoma left breast SPECIMEN: Left breast lump biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received multiple soft tissue bits altogether measures 1x0.8 x 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS: Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating neoplasm arranged in sheets and cords. The cells have pleomorphic round cytoplasm. Bizarre nuclear forms noted. Also seen is a fragment of tissue lined by hyperplastic squamous epithelium with no atypia. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump biopsy : Invasive carcinoma (NST) Grade - 3Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 8/9 -------- 3537,MR1808385,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - possibilities of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast lump biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 3 grey white to grey yellow soft tissue bits cores measures 0.5 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrofatty tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in cords, nests and tubules. The neoplastic cells are, large harboring round nucleus, dispersed chromatin, and moderate cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 6/9 --------" 3538,MR1808387,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast mass - carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 5 linear cores grey white soft tissue bits 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrofatty tissue infiltrates by neoplastic cells arranged in sheets and nests. Lesional cells are large, round hyperchromatic nucleus, porminent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of focal necrosis seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass biopsy :Invasive carcinoma with focal papillary features.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 --------" 3539,MR1808404,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast post lumpectomy. SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 15cm. Superficial - deep : 3cm. Superior-inferior : 17cm.Skin ellipse : 10x4cmNipple : NormalScar/Surgical defect: Healed scar 3cm in length in outer quadrant. Tumor : SingleTumor size : Central and outer quadrant, 2x1.5x1.5cm.Location of tumor : Central and outer quadrant.Deep margin : 1.5cm. Muscle : 4x4cm.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 6x5x4cm. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy / Post lumpectomy :Residual tumor present measures 2 x 1.5cm consisting of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. The section from scar, below shows foreignbody giant cells, lymphoplasmacytic cells and fibrotic areas.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ...... 7/9 ......Tumor measures maximum dimension 2x1.5cm. Invasive component measures 2x 1.5cm. Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not identified. Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 13 lymph nodes, Metastasis: No metastatic deposits of tumor. SUMMARY:Left lumpectomy - Residual tumor present. Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II.Lymhpnode Status : 13nodes - No metastatic deposits of tumor. " 3540,MR1808423,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.6-0.8 cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear areas of breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in cords and sheets. The cells have round nucleus, dispersed chromatin, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------" 3541,MR1808435,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast lump biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white linear cores 0.8 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast parenchyma showing infiltrative lesion arranged in nest, sheets and tubules. The lesion cells are consisting of round to oval, moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic activity discerned.Mild lymphocytic infiltrate seen. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 --------" 3542,MR1808439,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.5-0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows tumor composed of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus. In some areas cells are arranged in clumps and sheets and in other areas in papillary structures with fibrovascular cores lined with pleomorphism cells. Marked degree of nuclear pleomorphism is present and mitotic figures are 8-10/hpf, Nuclear grade II. Necrotic areas re present.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, biopsy.Invasive carcinoma with papillary carcinoma." 3543,MR1808440,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left chest wall lesion - Post Modifiedá Radical Mastectomyá 2 years agoCarcinoma left breast recurrent.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left chest wall lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.3-0.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Tiny fragments of collagenous tissue with extensive necrosis and few small aggregates of round cells with dense nuclei. Numerous crush artifacts seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left chest wall lesion:Necroticá tissue with focal small aggregatesá of round cells.Tissue inadequate for conclusive opinion. 3544,MR1808442,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma Right breast. SPECIMEN:A) Right sentinel lymph nodes.B) Lateral vaginal wall. (Cyst wall)C) Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.D) Vaginal cyst wallGROSS FINDINGS:A) Right sentinel lymph nodes:Received 5 lymph node, largest lymph node measures 2x1x1cm. Cut surface fat infiltration seen. Entire tissue processed. B) Lateral vaginal wall:Received 1 small flap like tissue measures 1x1x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed. C) Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Received in : Formalin. Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 17 cm Superficial - deep : 4 cm Superior-inferior : 18 cmSkin ellipse : 17x9cm.Nipple : NormalScar / Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : SingleTumor size : 3x2.5x2.5cm.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : Absent. Margins of tumor : ill defined. Deep margin : 0.3cm. Muscle : 2x1cm. D) Vaginal cyst wall:Received 3 mucosal bits measures 1x0.8x0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:A) Right sentinel lymph nodes:5 Nodes isolated- No deposits of tumor.B) Lateral vaginal wall:Fibrocollagenous cyst wall squamous mucosal lining.No invasive malignancy.C) Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.Tumor bed:Tumor is composed of pleomorphic cells with vesicular nucleus and eosinophilic cytoplasm with syncitial margins. In between clumps of tumor cells, dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltration is present.Histological type:Invasive ductal carcinoma with features of Medullary carcinoma.Grade III.Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 2 ....... 8/9 .......Tumor measures maximum dimension 3x2.5x2.5cm. Invasive component measures : 3x2.5cm.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not identified.Lymphovascular invasion not identified. Perineural invasion is present. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: Sentinel lymph nodes: 5 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.Pathological stage : pT2N0D) Vaginal cyst wall:Microscopic examination-The section studied shows cyst wall lined with squamous epithelium with fibrocollagenous wall.There is no evidence of malignancy.Vaginal cyst wall: Consistent with Bartholin gland cyst.SUMMARY: Invasive carcinoma with features of medullary carcinoma, Right breast.Tumor grade : III. Lymph nodes Status : Sentinel node- 5 nodes. No deposits of Tumor. " 3546,MR1808465,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.3-0.9cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows tumor composed of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. Tubular formation less than 10% score3, Nuclear Pleomorphism score2,Mitotic figures score2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9, grade II.Few ducts show ductal carcinoma in situ.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Few ducts show ductal carcinoma in situ." 3547,MR1808543,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast - post lumpectomy.SPECIMEN:Left Modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 21cm Superficial - deep : 5cm Superior-inferior : 14cmSkin ellipse : 16x8cmNipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : 4cm from lateral to nipple areola.Tumor : Not identified.Tumor size : Firm area ? desmoplasia measures 3x1x1cm identified.Deep margin : 0.8cmMuscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : 8x8x2cm MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows fibrocollagenous tissue with extensive areas of desmoplasia and inflammatory granulation tissue comprising of lymphomononuclear cell infiltrates, histiocytes, macrophages and proliferating blood vessels.No evidence of atypia noted.IMPRESSION:Left modified radical mastectomy / Post lumpectomy.Tumor bed : No residual viable tumor.Posterior resection margin is unremarkable.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 17 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0(0/17)Pathological stage :ypTxN0SUMMARY:No evidence of malignancy Left breastLymphnode status 0/17." 3549,MR1808563,"CLINICAL HISTORY : A) Left breast lump - carcinoma breast. B) Liver lesion - metastatic. SPECIMEN: A) Left breast lump, Biopsy. B) Liver lesion Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: A) Received five linear core of soft tissue bits measures 1 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed. B) Received six linear cores measures 1.5 to 2 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in cords, nests and tubules. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Stroma is sclerotic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Mitosis 2-3 / 10hpf. B) Section show multiple cores of linear parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets, cords and tubules. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. intervening stroma shows sclerosis. IMPRESSION:A) Left breast lump, Biopsy : Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - II. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9 Tubule formation : 3 Nuclear pleomorphism : 2 Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 --------B) Liver, Biopsy : Suggestive of metastatic carcinoma most probably from breast. " 3550,MR1808567,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Possibility of Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures each 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion, arranged in nests, cords and vague tubules. Individual cells are round to oval with hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, mitosis 3-4/10 hpf.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy:INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3551,MR1808584,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - possibilities of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Right breast lump biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in sheets, nests, cords and tubules. The cells have round nucleus, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis is discerned. Focal areas of necrosis is noted. á IMPRESSION:Right breast lump biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 2. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------Areas of necrosis seen. " 3552,MR1808595,"CLINICAL HISTORY :BIRADS in lesion right breast. SPECIMEN :A) Right breast, wide local excision. B) Left breast post lumpectomy. C) Revised deep margin of right breast lump D) Left axillary dissection. GROSS FINDINGS :A) Right breast, wide local excision : Received soft tissue mass measures 6x4.5x2cm. Cutsurface shows cystic lesion measures 1.2cm in diameter. grossly no solid area identified. Distance from margins :Superior margin : 1 cm.Inferior margin : 1.2 cm.Medial margin : 1 cm.Lateral margin : 1 cm.Deep margin : 1 cm.B) Left breast post lumpectomy : Received singly soft tissue mass measures 7x5x2cm. Cutsurface identified firm grey white lesion measuring 1.3x1x1cm. Distance from margins :Superior margin : 1 cm.Inferior margin : 1.5 cm.Medial margin : 1 cm.Lateral margin : 1 cm.Deep margin : 1 cm.C) Revised deep margin of right lump (inked surface away from lump) : Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1.2x0.6cm one surface inked. D) Left axillary dissection : Received fibrofatty tissue 5.5x4.5x3.5cm. Largest lymphnode measures 0.8x0.6x0.4cm. Cutsurface grey white. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :A) Right breast, wide local excision : Section studied show breast parenchyma with dilated ducts of varying size, few having secretions in the lumen. They are lined by inner outer myoepithelial layer. The stroma shows hyalinisation and occasional lymphomononuclear cell infiltrates. B) left breast, post lumpectomy : Sections studied show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, tubules and sheets, The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucloli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with areas of hemorrhage, necrosis and focal fibrosis. IMPRESSION : A) Right breast, wide local excision :Atypical ductal hyperplasia, with few foci exhibiting flat epithelial atypia and usual ductal hyperplasia. No evidence of malignancy in the material submitted. Deep margin shows features of ADH.All other margins (Superior, inferior, medial and lateral) are free of tumor. B) Left breast, wide local excision, post chemotherapy. Residual invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade. Modified BR score is 6/9Tubule formation : 2 Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ............ 6/9 .............Tumor measures 1.3 cm in greatest dimension. Invasive component measures 1.0cm. Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.3cm. solid and cribriform pattern, low grade. Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not seen. All margins of resection (Superior, inferior, medial, lateral and deep) are free of tumor. C) Revised deep margin of right breast lump : Free of tumor. D) Left axillary dissection. Isolated all eleven lymphnodes are free of tumor. 0/11.SUMMARY : Left breast : Post chemotherapy. Residual invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Tumor measuring 1.3cm in greatest dimension. Lymphnodes : 0/11, All resected margin are free of tumor. Pathological grade : ypT1pN0.Right breast :Atypical ductal hyperplasia.All margins including revised deep margins are unremarkable. " 3553,MR1808603,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 11 Blocks labelled as S. 807 A-E/18, S 807 F-I, S 807 K, L /18Received 8 slides labelled as S8.7 - A, B, E, F, G, H, I, E.Received one specimen labelled as sandya rani.Procedure : Received already grossed in multiple bits.Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :16cm Superficial to Deep : 4.5cm Superior to Inferior :13cmSkin ellipse :10x3cm Nipple, unremarkable :NormalScar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : SingleTumor Size : 2.5x2x2cm Location of tumor : Lower inner quadrantMargins of tumor : Ill defined Deep margin : 1 cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail :Multiple bits measures 6x4x3 cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows breast parenchyma harboring foci of invasive neoplasm with extensive ductal carcinoma in situ (cribriform, comedo and micropapillary pattern). The cells show moderate pleomorphism with moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic ovoid nucleus, coarse chromatin and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are 8-10/hpf. Stroma shows many congested blood vessels and inflammatory infiltrated comprising of lymphocytes and plasma cells. Foci of microcalcification noted.Deep resected margin - Free of tumor.Nipple and areola - Unremarkable and free of tumor.Lymph nodes:Slides labelled as s.807/18 G, H show 14 lymph nodesLymph nodes none of these show metastatic deposits of tumor (0/4).Grossed specimen shows 4 lymph nodes.None show metastatic deposits of tumor (0/4).IMPRESSION:Modified Radical MastectomyHistologic type:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma with extensive ductal carcinoma in situ.Grade:IITumor measures 3cm in maximum dimension Invasive component measures 0.5cm. (Small multiple foci of invasion seen).Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 90% of tumorModified BR score is 5/9Tubule formation: 2 Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 1Ductal carcinoma in situ 2.5cm.Lymphovascular invasion Not seen.Perineural invasion Not seen. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. Nipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 18 lymph nodes, metastatic deposits : 0 (0/18).Summary:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma with extensive ductal carcinoma in situ, left breastTumor Grade:IILymph node Status: No metastatic deposits of tumor seen." 3554,MR1808620,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Right breast lump biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 5 grey whit linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged in tubules, cords of sheets. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic is discerned. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump biopsy :Invasive carcinoma of ductal origin- NST Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 --------" 3556,MR1808655,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast mass.SPECIMEN: Left breast mass biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 5 grey linear core measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in cords. The lesional cells have pleomorphic round to angulated hyperchromatic nucleus, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm .Mitotis is discerned. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass biopsy :Suggestive of invasive ductal carcinoma Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 7 ------- 7/9 --------" 3557,MR1808665,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - possibilities of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Right breast lump biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 linear core of grey white to grey yellow soft tissue bits measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in lobules, nests tubules, with area of necrosis. The lesional cells are large with round nucleus, dispersed chromatin, prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis discerned. IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma NST - Grade 2 .Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 6/9 --------" 3558,MR1808676,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 6 linear cores of grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma, NST Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------Foci of comedo ductal carcinoma in situ seen. " 3559,MR1808678,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast lump biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 3 linear core of grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits measures 0.5 to 1cm. entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in tubules and cords. The lesional cells have round nucleus, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Surrounding stroma show hyalinization. Mitotis is discerned. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 6/9 --------" 3560,MR1808710,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - Possibilities of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Right breast lump biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 3 grey linear core measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in cords. The cells and have round to angulated hyperchromatic nucleus, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm, Mitotic is discerned.á IMPRESSION:Right breast lump - Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma with lobular features, Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3562,MR1808730,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of Right Breast CarcinomaSPECIMEN:A) Right Breast Wide Local Excision, Biopsy.B) Revised Medial MarginsC) Right Sentinel Lymph node - Blue nodeD) Right Sentinel Lymph node - Blue +Hot nodeE) Right Axillary lymph nodeGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 5x4x3cmSkin ellipse measures 3x2cmCut surface - grey white measures 3.5x1.5x1cm. Entire tissue processed.Distance from margins:-Superior margináá : 1.3cmnInferior marginááááá : 1.5cmMedial margináááááá : 0.8cmLateral marginááááá : 2cmDeep margináááááááá : 1cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x2x1cm. Entire tissue processed.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 0.8x0.7x0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.D) Received 7 isolated 1 lymph node measures 1.3x1x0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.E) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5x4x3cm.IMPRESSION:A) Right Breast Wide Local Excision, Biopsy:INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2.áááá - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2).áááá - Tumor measure 3.5 cm in greatest dimension.áááá - All resected margins are free of tumor.áááá - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.áááá - Perineural invasion is not identified.B) Revised Medial Margins: Free of tumor.C) Right Sentinel Lymph node - Blue node: Free of tumor.D) Right Sentinel Lymph node - Blue +Hot node: One lymph node isolated - Positive for malignancy.ááá - Largest tumor depositá measure 0.9cm.ááá - Extranodal extension is seen.E) Right Axillary lymph node:Isolated three lymph nodes show tumor metastatic deposit.áá - Largest tumor foci measure 1cm in greatest dimension.áá - Extranodal extension seen." 3563,MR1808734,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right axillary node. SPECIMEN: Right axillary node biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast tissue harboring a lesion arranged in islands, cords and ducts case of neoplastic cells having round to oval pleomorphic dark nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Also seen areas with ductal carcinoma in situ - cribriform and comedonecrosis pattern.Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. IMPRESSION:Right Axillary node, Biopsy :No lymphoid tissue identified. Breast tissue seen. Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 2.(With ductal carcinoma in situ - cribriform, solid pattern and comedonecrosis). Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 --------" 3564,MR1808762,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Wide excision of left breast lump.B) Left axillary dissection specimen.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 7x6.8x3.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 3x1cm.Cut surface shows greywhite lesion measures 1.3x1x1cm.Margins:-Superior margin -- 2cm.Inferior margináá -- 2.7cm.Medial marginááá -- 1cm.Lateral margináá -- 3cm.Deep margináááá -- 2.5cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 8x5.5x3cm.Largest lymph node measures 2x1.5x1cm.Cut surface shows fatty infiltrate.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section shows breast tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged as tubules clusters and cords. The neoplastic cells are round to polygonal have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is elastotic.Foci of solid and comedo pattern DCIS seen.B) 8 Left axillary lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Invasive ductal carcinoma, left breast.Modified BR score 6/9, grade 2.Tumor size : 1.3x1x1cm.Foci of high grade solid and comedo DCIS seen.No lymphovascular emboli seen.No perineural invasion seen.All resected margins including deep are free of tumor.B) 8 lymph nodes from left axillary dissection are free of tumor." 3565,MR1808778,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast lump biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump biopsy. :Invasive carcinoma NST, grade - II. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3566,MR1808779,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump. SPECIMEN: Right breast lump biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores of measures 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in cords and sheets. The tumor cells have round to oval nucleus, dispersed chromatin, inauspicious nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Lots of crush artifact and desmoplasia. á IMPRESSION:Right breast lump Biopsy :Suggestive of ductal carcinoma nuclear grade - 2.Note : As there is lots of desmoplasia and crush artifact if is advisable to repeat biopsy for immunohistiochemistry." 3567,MR1808792,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lumpectomy. SITE : Right breast lumpectomy biopsy. Received 1 block and 3 slides labelled as 0634 / 18Received 1 specimen labelled as 0634 /18MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Multiple section examined show breast parenchyma with ducts showing usual ductal hyperplasia cystic dilation and columnar cell change. The proliferating epithelial cells show indistinct cell borders, variable nuclear size, nuclear crowding and overlapping. Many ducts show epithelial cells with apical snouts and micropapillary tufting. Few occasional glands show flat epithelial atypia. No evidence of ductal carcinoma in situ or invasive carcinoma in the sections examined. IMPRESSION :Right breast lumpectomy Biopsy :Usual ductal hyperplasia with columnar cell change and occasional foci of flat epithelial atypia. No ductal carcinoma in situ seen. Please Note:Comment on margins cannot be made as tissue is received in multiple fragments." 3568,MR1808799,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast carcinoma. SPECIMEN :A) Left breast wide excision. B) Left axillary clearance. GROSS FINDINGS:A) Left breast wide excision : Received wild local excision of breast measures 9x5x3cm. Skin ellipse measures 5x1.5xcm. on cut open identified fibrotic areas measures 1.8x1.5x1cm. Distance from margins : Superior margin : 2cm.Inferior margin : 1 cm.Medial margin : 3 cm.Lateral margin : 5 cm.Deep margin : 1.1 cm.B) Left axillary clearance : Received fibrofatty tissue 7x6x3cm 12 isolated. largest lymphnode 0.5x0.5x0.5cm. IMPRESSION:A) Left wide local excision. Tumor bed : Section studied show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in short tubules and nests. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm hyperchromatic nucleus stroma is desmoplastic with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. Ductal carcinoma in situ present. Histological type : Residual invasive ductal carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ. Grade :I. Tumor measures maximum dimension 2.2 cm.Invasive component measures 1cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 1.2cm. Modified BR score is 5/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ........... 5/9 .............Ductal carcinoma in situ solid cribriform pattern is seen. Lymphovascular invasion not seen. Perineural invasion not seen. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.B) Left axillary lymphnode dissection : One of the seven lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposits (1/7). Perinodal spread is not seen. Summary: Residual invasive ductal carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ left breast, post NACT. Tumor Grade : 1 Lymph node Status: 1/7" 3570,MR1808809,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast (left).SPECIMEN:A) Left breast, wide local excision.B) Revised medial margin.C) Revised deep margin.D) Fibroadenoma. lateral marginE,F,G) Left sentinel lymph nodes.H) Revised lateral margin.I)Nodular mass.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 7x6.5x3.8cm.Skin ellipse measures 4.5x2.8cm.Cut surface shows greywhite to greybrown firm area measures 3x2.5x2cm.Distance from margins:-Superior margin : 2cm.Inferior margin : 1cm.Medial margin : 2cm.Lateral margin : 1.3cm.Deep margin : 0.2cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 7.5x3.5x1.5cm with 1 surface inked.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x0.8cm with 1 surface inked.Entire tissue processed.D) Received single greywhite nodule measures 0.7x0.6x0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.E) Received single node measures 0.6x0.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.F) Received 1 lymph node measures 0.9x0.8x0.7cm.G) Received 2 lymph nodes each measures 1x0.8x0.7cm.H)Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue.Skin measures 2x1 cm.Other tissue measures 2.5x2x1 cm.I) Received nodule measures 1x0.9x0.8cm. Cut surface shows greywhite nodule.It is 0.1cm away from the inked surface.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Left breast, wide local excision:Multiple section shows breast parenchyma with invasive neoplasm and extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ. Invasive component is arranged in glandular pattern and nests with cells which are large pleomorphic with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, oval hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Extensive areas of DCIS seen in solid, comedo and cribriform pattern.Lymphovascular invasion and Perineural invasion not identified.Tumor cells are surrounded by dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. Stroma is desmoplastic. Surrounding breast shows fibroadenoma with fibrocystic changes.Superior margin : Free of tumor.Inferior margin : Shows atypical hyperplasia.Medial margin : Shows DCIS- comedoLateral margin : Free of tumor.Deep margin : Shows epithelial hyperplasia.B) Revised medial margin: Free of tumor.C) Revised deep margin: Free of tumor.D) Section shows breast parenchyma with adenosis and usual ductal hyperplasia.E,F,G) Left sentinel lymph nodes:Identified 4 lymph nodes. None show metastatic deposit of tumor.(0/4)H) Revised lateral margin: Free of tumor.I) Specimen sent for greywhite nodule shows ducts of varying sizes showing adenosis, Few showing epithelial hyperplasia- Fibroadenoma.IMPRESSION:Left breast, wide local excision:Maximum dimension of tumor : 3cm.Invasive component 1.5cm, Nuclear grade IIDCIS with comedo necrosis- 1.5cm.Lymphovascular invasion : Not seen.Perineural invasion : Not present.Superior margin : Free of tumor.Revised inferior margin : Free of tumor.Revised medial margin : Free of tumor.Revised deep margin : Free of tumor.Separate nodule sent as Fibroadenoma shows fibroadenoma.Sentinel lymph node- Identified 4 lymph nodes. None show metastatic deposits of tumor (0/4)." 3571,MR1808823,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma Right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5-1 cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows cores of tissue showing extensive necrosis with no viable cells are seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, biopsy :Shows only extensive necrosis. No viable cells are seen.Suggest repeat biopsy if clinically indicated." 3572,MR1808849,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - possibilities of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast, Core biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.2 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and sheets. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Intervening stroma sheets lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Mitosis 5-6/10hpf. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 3573,MR1808869,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast lump biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white to linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in nests and cords composed of cells with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate pleomorphism .Stroma is desmoplastic with hyalinization.á IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump. :Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade - II. Modified Bloom Richardson score is7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3574,MR1808917,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of right breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:A) Right breast wide excisionB) Revised base(muscle)C)Hot nodeD) Blue + hot nodeE) Right axillary dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 7x6x5.5cmskin ellipse measures 4.5x1.5cm On serial section lesion identified ( Infiltrative grey white lesion) measures 3.2x2.6x1.9cmDistance from margins:-Superior margin : 1.3cmInferior margin : 1.5cmMedial margin : 2.5cmLateral margin : 1.6cmDeep margin : 1.8cmB) Received small soft tissue bits with thickening on one side. grossly no tumor seenStitched surface is inked.C)Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1.3x2.8cm. Largest measures 1.4x1x0.7cm. Cut surface- unremarkable.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x1x0.8cm largest lymph node measures 1.3x1x0.6cmCut surface - fatty infiltrate.E) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 8.5x8x3cm.Largest lymph node measures 2.5x2x1cmCut surface grey white (involved).MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Right breast wide excision:Tumor is composed of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus with scanty cytoplasm. The tumor present in clumps , groups and sheets of cells tubular formation less than 10% (3) mitotic figures(2) Nuclear pleomorphism (2)Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9, grade IIDuctal carcinoma in situ not presentLymphovascular invasion is presentPerineural invasion is presentResected margins:-Superior margin: Free of tumor.Inferior margin :Free of tumor.Medial margin :Free of tumor.Lateral margin :Free of tumor.All resected margins are free of tumorB) Deep margin:The section muscle bundle - Free of tumor.C) Hot node : Sentinel node dissected 2 nodes One node shows metastatic deposit of tumor out of 2 nodes in paraffin section.(1/2)D) Blue and Hot Node: Sentinel node two nodes detected One node shows metastatic deposit of tumor out of 2 nodes.(1/2)E) Right Axillary dissection:7 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 17 nodes.(7/17)Perinodal spread present..IMPRESSION:Conservative breast surgery Wide local excision:Invasive ductal carcinomaMaximum dimension of tumor is measures 3.2x2.6x1.9cm.Grade IIDuctal carcinoma in situ not present.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.All resected margins are free of tumor.Deep resected margin - Muscle bundle free of tumor.Lymph nodes:Sentinel lymph node and Axillary lymph nodes 9 nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 21 nodes(9/21)Pathological stage : pT2N2." 3576,MR1808949,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Hot and blue node.B) Not hot and not blue node.C) Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) 2 Lymph nodes largest measures 1.8x1x1cm. Cut surface is unremarkable, fatty infiltration.B) Received 1 lymph node measures 1.2x1x1cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.C) Received in : 10% NBF.Procedure : Left modified radical mastectomy.Laterality : Left.Total dimensions : Medial to lateral --16cm Superficial to Deep -- 6cm Superior to Inferior -- 15cm.Skin ellipse : 12x7cm. Nipple : Unremarkable. Scar/ Surgical defect : Absent.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 2.5x1.5x1.5cm.Location of tumor : Retroareolar.Margins of tumor : Illdefined.Deep margin : 1.5cm. Muscle : Absent.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 12x4x2cm.Size of largest node : 1.8x1.5x0.5cm. Cut surface ? involved.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show tumor infiltrating breast parenchyma in the form of sheets, nests and cords composed of polygonal cells with marked pleomorphism, high N:C ratio, vesicular nucleus with prominent nucleolus and scant cytoplasm. Mitosis are 10-12/10hpf. Necrosis is seen. Small focus of ductal carcinoma in situ with cribriform and comedo pattern seen.IMPRESSION:A) Hot and blue node:2 Lymph nodes isolated and are free of tumor.(0/2)B) Not hot and not blue node:1 lymph nodes isolated and is free of tumor.(0/1)C) Left modified radical mastectomy.Histological type: Invasive ductal carcinoma NST.Grade: 3Tumor measures maximum dimension 2.5cm.Invasive component measures 2.3cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.2cm.Modified BR score is 8/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 3Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is comedo and cribriform type.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes 10 lymph nodes, metastasis 0 (0/10).Pathological stage: pT2N0SUMMARY:Invasive ductal carcinoma NST, Left breast.Tumor Grade: 3Lymph nodes : 0/13Sentinel lymph nodes 3 nodes. No deposits of tumor.Modified radical mastectomy specimen 10 nodes.No metastatic deposit of tumor." 3577,MR1808950,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast lump biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey whiteá linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump biopsy. :Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade - 1Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3578,MR1808957,CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - possibilities of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 2 grey white - linear cores 1cm. Each. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tiny linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring ductal carcinoma in situ (solid pattern) . Foci of invasion is not seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump : Suggestive of ductal carcinoma in situ - low grade. No invasive is seen. 3579,MR1808975,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - possibilities of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast lump biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION: Left breast, Core biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3580,MR1809028,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of right breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy, Post NACT.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Post NACT Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :17cm Superficial to Deep : 6cm Superior to inferior : 17cmSkin ellipse :13x10.5cmNipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : Single Tumor Size : 1x1x0.5cm Location of tumor : Upper central quadrantMargins of tumor : IlI defined with extensive desmoplasia Deep margin : 1.5cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 14x7cmSize of largest node :1x1x0.5cm, cut surface grey brownMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Tumor bed:Multiple section show dense hyalinisation with atrophic ducts. Surrounding ducts show adenosis and fibrocystic diseaseIMPRESSION:Right modified radical mastectomy Post NACT:Histological type: No evidence of residual viable tumor present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes 10 lymph nodes No metastatic deposits of tumor.Pathological state : ypTxN0No residual viable tumor , right breastLymph node status :10 nodes No metastatic deposit of tumor. " 3581,MR1809036,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast post lumpectomy post NACT.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : MRM- Post lumpectomy.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 13cm Superficial - deep : 3cm Superior-inferior : 12cmSkin ellipse : 11x9cmNipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Present 2cm, upper inner quadrant.Tumor : Cystic area measuring 1.5x0.8x0.5cm seen in the retroareolar region and lower inner quadrant.Location of tumor : Retroareolar, lower inner quadrant.Deep margin : 0.6cm.Muscle : 4x1x0.5cm.Total number of nodes: 11 Nodes.Size of largest node : 2x1x1cm.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :Tumor bed: No residual viable tumor present.The section show cystic areas surrounded with fibrosis, focal necrosis, lymphoplasmacytic cellular infiltration and foreign body giant cells.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable. Lymph nodes: 11 lymph nodes,Metastasis: 2; 2 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 11 nodes. Perinodal spread not present.Pathological stage : ypTxN1.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :No residual viable tumor present.Nodal metastases : 2 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 11 nodes. Perinodal spread not present." 3582,MR1809054,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left axillary lymph node - deposit. SPECIMEN: Left axillary lymph node. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue infiltrated by a neoplastic lesion arranged in islands, nests and cords of atypical cells having round to oval pleomorphic dark nuclei, some with prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures noted. Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Left axillary lymphnode, Biopsy :Metastatic carcinoma possibly from breast." 3583,MR1809056,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - Birods IV B. SPECIMEN: Left breast lump biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 5 linear core measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS: Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in cords and tubules. The cells have round nucleus, dispersed chromatin inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Surrounding stroma shows desmoplasia. Mitosis is discerned. á IMPRESSION:Left breast lump Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma,á Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9" 3584,MR1809075,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - possibilities of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Right breast lump biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in lobules and acini with large areas of mucin pools. The tumor cells have round nucleus, hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump biopsy. :Invasive carcinoma with mucinous features. Nuclear grade - 1.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 1Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3586,MR1809103,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores each measures 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual tumor cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3587,MR1809121,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Hard lump in Right carcinoma right breast. FNAC suggestive of ductal cell carcinoma. SPECIMEN: Right breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores of grey white to grey brown measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cords of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, tubules, cords and sheets. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism mitosis 3-4 / 10hpf. Intervening stroma sheets lymphocytic infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3588,MR1809152,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN :A) Right sentinel lymph node biopsy. B) Right mastectomy.C) Axillary dissection. GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3.5x2.5x1.5cm.Largest lymph node measures 2x1.5x1.0cm. Cut surface shows infiltrates of dye.B) Right mastectomy:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Right Modified Radical Mastectomy. Laterality : Right breast. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 18cm. Superficial to Deep : 5 cm. Superior to Inferior :17cm.Skin ellipse :15x10cm.Nipple : Retracted. Scar/Surgical defect : No. Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 2.5x2.2x1.5cm. Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrant. (1-2 '0' clock position)Margins of tumor : Identified. Deep margin : 2 cm. Muscle : Absent. Axillary tail : absentC) Axillary dissection:Receives fibrofatty tissue measures 8.5x5x2.5cmIMPRESSION:B) Right Mastectomy :Tumor bed : Tumor is harboring pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. Focal areas show ductal carcinoma in situ. Histological type : Invasive ductal carcinoma. Grade : II. Tumor measures maximum dimension 2.5 cm.Invasive component measures 2.2 cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.3cm. Low grade, Solid pattern. Modified BR score is 6/9Tubule formation : 2 Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ................. 6/9 .................Lymphovascular invasion Present.Perineural invasion not identified. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.A)Right Sentinel lymphnodes : 3 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 6 nodes(3/6) perinodal spread present. C) Axillary lymph nodes. 12 nodes dissected. No deposits of tumor(0/12). Pathological stage: pT2N1Summary : Invasive ductal carcinoma right breast, Grade IINodes - 3 nodes out of 18 nodes show metastatic tumor deposits with perinodal spread (Sentinel + axillary) (3/18)" 3589,MR1809156,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - Birods IV lesion.SPECIMEN: Right breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white - linear cores each measures 1.5 x 0.3 x 0.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged in glandular pattern. The lining epithelial cells are cuboidal have vesicular nucleai conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is elastotic. á IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3591,MR1809179,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast Carcinoma with post lumpectomy.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy(Post lumpectomy).GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : left modified radical mastectomy post lumpectomy.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 17 cm Superficial - deep : 3 cm Superior-inferior : 13 cmSkin ellipse : 13x6 cm, shows an ulceration measures 2x1.5 cmNipple : UnremarkableTumor : SingleScar/surgical defect : Surgical defect in lower outer quadrant (post lumpectomy).Tumor size : Grey white ill defined lesion measures 0.9x0.6x0.2 cm in lower outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 1.5 cmAdjacent breast : 1.5x1 cmAxillary tail : 4x3x2 cm MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows infiltrating neoplasm arranged in sheets. The cells are round to oval vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are seen 5-6/10 hpf. Mild pleomorphism noted.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy(Post lumpectomy). :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). - Tumor is located in the lower outer quadrant. - Tumor measures 0.9 cm in greatest dimension. - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. - Perineural invasion is not identified. - Ductal carcinoma in situ of solid and cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and aerola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes :Two out of sixteen lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposit with extranodal extension(2/16). - Size of the larger tumor deposit measures 0.5 cm in greatest dimension." 3592,MR1809180,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Right breast lump, biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 2 cm. Each. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in cords and tubules. The cells have pleomorphic round hyperchromatic nucleus, prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic is discerned. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 3593,MR1809200,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Sentinel lymph node biopsy.B) Left mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Sentinel lymph node biopsy:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4x3x2cm.Largest lymph node measures 1x0.8x0.2cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration seen.B) Left mastectomy.Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Left Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 19cm. Superficial - deep : 15cm. Superior-inferior : 6cm.Skin ellipse : 14x9cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 2.4x2x2cm.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 1.4cm.Muscle : Present.Adjacent breast : Fibrosis.Axillary tail : Absent.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Left sentinel lymph node biopsy: Identified 4 lymph nodes: All are free of tumor (0/4).B) Sections show breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in glandular pattern, solid, nests, trabeculae and cords. Tumor cells are large pleomorphic with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic round to oval vesicular nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are 3-4/10 hpf. Stroma is desmoplastic and adjacent breast parenchyma shows ductal carcinoma in situ solid, cribriform and comedo pattern.Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion not identified.IMPRESSION:A) Sentinel lymph node biopsy:Identified 4 lymph nodes, none show metastatic deposits of tumor (0/4).B) Left mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade I.Tumor measures 2.4cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central upper quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : 0.4cm.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 4 lymph nodes, Metastases : 0" 3594,MR1809207,"CLINICAL HISTORY :á Right breast lump - carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Right breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received four grey white linear core each measuresá 1.5cm, Entire tissue processed.á MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests, cords and sheets.á Individual cells haveá hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 3595,MR1809208,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Birads IVbSPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast parenchyma shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring neoplasm which is arranged in diffusely scattered sheets clusters and glandular patternTumor cells are large round to oval with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, mild pleomorphic hyperchromaticá nucleus. Adjacent stroma showing desmoplasticá changeá and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast:Invasive Carcinoma, NSTModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9, Grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9" 3596,MR1809213,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white linear cores each measures 1 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in sheets cords and tubules. The cells have pleomorphic round nucleus, dispersed chromatin, prominent, nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis is discerned. Ductal carcinoma in situ ( cribriform ,solid pattern) is seen. IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade - IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 .........Focus of ductal carcinoma in situ - cribriform and solid pattern seen.. " 3597,MR1809240,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Right breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received four grey white linear cores each measures 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores breast parenchyma harboring infiltration lesion arranged in sheets, and nests, cord and sheets. Individual cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism.Mitosis 4-5/10hpf. stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core Biopsy : Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3598,MR1809278,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey browná linear coresá measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Tubular formationááááá áá 3Nuclear pleomorphismá 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------Foci of necrosis and calcification seen." 3599,MR1809283,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received three grey brown to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores breast parenchyma harboring infiltration lesion arranged in sheets, and nests, tubules individual cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Intervening stroma is desmoplastic. Mitosis 6-8/10hpf. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy : Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2). " 3600,MR1809291,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS: Received four grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast paranchyma harboring a invasive neoplasm arranged in sheets, cords and few tubules. Individual cells are round to oval, moderately pleomorphic, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Few bizarre cells noted. Mitosis is 5-6 / 10hpf. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 3601,MR1809301,"CLINICAL HISTORY :á Right breast lump -? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Right breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS: Received four linear coreá measuresá 1.5cm, Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in tubules and cords. The cells have round hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. Surrounding stroma shows focal areas of myxoid change mitosis is discerned.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 3602,MR1809306,CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Biopsy fromáLeft breast lump :GROSS FINDINGS:á Received 3 grey white linear cores each measures 1.5 x 0.2 x 0.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma shows inflammatory infiltrate composed of lymphocytes and histiocytes. No evidence of malignancy in the specimen sent. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lump : Chronic lymphocytic infiltrate with foci of calcification. Kindly correlate with imageology and suggest repeat biopsy if deemed necessary.á 3603,MR1809308,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Carcinoma breast. SITE : Right breast and right axillary lympnode, Biopsy. Received 20 blocks labelled as : A - SReceived 2 slides labelled as 171 / 18 B, LIMPRESSION :Right breast and right axillary lympnode, Biopsy. :Section show the tumor shows.Invasive ductal carcinoma. Tumor is present in the dermis extending and infiltrating with the epidermis of nipple and areola and resulting in ulceration. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 8/9 --------Grade - III.lymphovascular invasion - present. Perineural invasion - present. Resected margins are not marked (However other section show fibrofatty tissue and is free from the tumor) Lymph node. : One node shows metastatic deposits of Tumor out of 20 nodes. Peri nodal spread not present. Cytology :One smear with 2060 - BShows Invasive ductal carcinoma.One section with No. 2060 - LTumor cells present scattered lymphocytes. Metastatic deposits of. Tumor (Ductal carcinoma.) " 3604,MR1809320,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast Lump - Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores each measures 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3605,MR1809321,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Right breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white linear cores each measures 1.5cm, Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump core biopsy :Invasive carcinoma (NST)Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3606,MR1809325,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received of 4 grey whiteá to grey brown linear cores measures 1.5x0.3x0.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrating by neoplasm cells arranged in sheets . The cells have pleomorphic round to irregular hyperchromatic nucleus, inconspicuousá nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Bizarre nuclear forms are seen. Ductal carcinoma in situ componentá is noted( comedo pattern).IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+2-7/9.Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis." 3607,MR1809334,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Right breast lump, biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue harboring a cellular lesion composed of fascicles andá bundles of spindle cells with moderate pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and few occasional mitotic figures .Stroma is myxoid and hyalinged . IMPRESSION:Right breast lump biopsy :Spindle cell lesion. Suggest clinical correlation/escision for further confirmation. " 3608,MR1809337,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump o- possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores each measures 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in sheets and cords. The lesion cells have round to irregular nucleus, coarse chromatin, prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Surrounding stroma shows desmoplasia. Mitosis is discerned. Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade 3Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+3+2 = 8/9.Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis." 3609,MR1809359,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores each measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fragmented tiny linear cores of fibrofatty tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells in cords and sheets and abortiveá glandular pattern. The lesional cells have pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis is noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump, Scanty tissue.Suggestive of invasive carcinoma nuclear grade IINOTE:Tissue is scanty suggest repeat biopsy to do immunohistochemistry." 3610,MR1809363,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Left breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received four grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fibrocollagenous tissue with focal areas of necrosis. No atypical cells seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast, core Biopsy :Shows fibrocollagenous tissue with focal areas of necrosis. Suggest repeat biopsy or excision of the lump for further conformation. " 3611,MR1809364,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - post chemotherapy. SPECIMEN :A) Right breast conservative surgery specimen :B) Axillary lymphatics. C) Revised deep margin. GROSS FINDINGS:A) Right breast conservative surgery specimen : Received skin covered soft tissue mass measures 5x4x2cm. Skin 2x0.6cm surface unremarkable.Distance from margins : Superior margin : 1cm.Inferior margin : 0.9cm.Medial margin : 0.8cm.Lateral margin : 1 cm.Deep margin : 0.1cm.B) Axillary lymphatics : Received multiple fibrofatty tissue altogether measures 7x6x3cm. Largest lymphnode 2x1.5x1cm. Cutsurface unremarkable.C) Revised deep margin: Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x1x1cm. Cutsurface - unremarkable. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS : A) Sections studied show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Few large cells with bizarre nucleus are seen. Stroma is desmoplastic with lymphomononuclear cell infiltrates. IMPRESSION:A) Right breast, breast conservative surgery, Post chemotherapy.Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade -3.Modified BR score is 9/9Tubule formation : 3 Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 3 ............ 9/9 .............Tumor measures 1cm in maximum dimension .Viable tumor Invasive component measures 1.0 cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ is not seen. Lymphovascular invasion is identified.Perineural invasion is not seen. Deep margin is close, however inked margin is free of tumor. All other margins of resection (Superior, inferior, medial and lateral) are free of tumor. B) Right axillary lymphnode : Two of the thirteen isolated lymphnodes show metastatic tumor deposits (2/13) Perinodal spread is not seen. C) Revised deep margin : Free of tumor.Pathological stage : ypT1N1. " 3613,MR1809382,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast with axillary lymphatics.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : 10% NBFProcedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 16cm Superficial - deep : 7cm Superior-inferior : 16cmSkin ellipse : 13x8cmNipple : Unremarkable.Scar/ Surgical defect : Absent.Tumor : SingleTumor size : 6.8x5.5x5.4cmLocation of tumor : Upper outer quadrant and Retroareolar.Margins of tumor : Infiltrative.Deep margin : 0.8cm.Muscle : 2x1x1cm. Grossly uninvolved by tumor.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : 11x9x4.5cm.Size of largest node : 2.5x2x1cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple sections from breast parenchyma show a well circumcribed tumor with a pushing margin and is composed of atypical cells in syncitial sheets and nests. The cells are round to polygonal with high N:C ratio with enlarged vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Peripheral scant rim of lymphomononuclear infiltrate is seen with occasional lymphocytes infiltrating tumor. Large areas of necrosis and mitotic figures are seen. Occasional large binucleate cells are seen with vesicular nuclei, prominent nuclear membrane and prominent eosinophilic nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm.Adjacent breast parenchyma shows sclerosing adenosis.IMPRESSION:Right breast with axillary lymphatics :Invasive carcinoma with Medullary features.Modified BR score is 8/9. Grade IIITubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures maximum dimension 6.8cm.Invasive component measures 6.8cm.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not identified.Lymphovascular invasion is identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 9 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 1,(1/9). Tumor deposit measures 0.8cm. Extranodal extension is not seen.Pathological stage : ypT3N1.SUMMARY:Right breast with axillary lymphatics :Invasive carcinoma with Medullary features.Modified BR score is 8/9. Grade IIINodal metastases : One of nine lymph nodes isolated show tumor deposits. Tumor deposit measures 0.8cm. No extranodal extension seen." 3614,MR1809387,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Biopsy formá Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS: Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION: Biopsy from Right breast lump :Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3615,MR1809396,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump. SPECIMEN: Right breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white linear cores each measures 1 to 1.5cm. entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion arranged in sheets and nests with areas of pools of mucin. The cells have round to angulated hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. Few cells show signet ring like morphology. Mitosis is discerned. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump - Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma with mucinous features nuclear grade - I.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 4/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 1Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 4/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ......... " 3616,MR1809404,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast. SPECIMEN :A) Right sentinel node biopsy.B) Right axillary dissection. C) Right mastectomy. GROSS FINDINGS :A) Right sentinel node biopsy :ááá Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3.5x3x1.5cm ááá Isolated 6 lymph nodes, largest lymph node measuresááá 2.5x1.5x1cm. B) Right axillary dissection :áááá Received fibrofatty 9x7x2.5cm. áááá Largest lymph node 0.8x0.8x0.6cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.C) Right mastectomy : Received inááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Formalin.Procedureááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áLateralityááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Right breast. Total dimensionsááááááááááááááááá : Medial to lateraláááááá : 16cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á Superficial to Deepá : 5 cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á Superior to Inferiorá :15cm.Skin ellipseáááááááááááááááááááááááááá :16x9cm.Nippleááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áá : Normal. áScar/Surgical defectáááááááááááá : Linear healed scar seen in inner quadrant measures 4.5cm length. áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Area under scar show only fibrosis. Tumorááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : two in numberTumor sizeáááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Largestá :1.7x1.7x0.8cm. ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Smallerá : 1.4x1x0.8cm.Location of tumorááááááááááááááá :á Well circumscribed grey white lesions located at lower outer quadrant at 6-9 '0' clock position. áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Distance between two tumors is 0.7cm. Margins of tumoráááááááááááááááá : ill definedDeep margináááááááááááááááááááááá : 1 cm for both lesions. Muscleááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá :á Absent. Adjacent breastááááááááááááááááá :á Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tailááááááááááááááááááááááááá :á Absent. Microscopy:Section studied shows breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets, lobules separated by fibrous septa. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, Intervening nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Intervening stroma is desmoplastic with dense lympho mononuclear cell infiltrates with focal lymphoid aggregates. Adjacent breast shows ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis and adenosis. IMPRESSION:A) Right Sentinel lymph node biopsy : One of the Isolated six lymph nodes show tumor (1/6)deposits. B) Right axillary dissection : Isolated fifteen lymph nodes are free of tumor (0/15) C) Right Mastectomy. Histological type :Invasiveá carcinoma with medullary features. Grade : II. Tumor measures maximum dimension 4.0 cm.Invasive component measures 3.7 cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.3 cm. Modified BR score is 7/9Tubule formationáááááááááá : 3 Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá .................áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá .................Lymphovascular invasion not identified. Perineural invasion not identified.áá áPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 21 Lymph nodes, Metastasis : 1 (1/21). No extra nodal extension present. áPathological stage: pT2N1Summary : Invasive carcinoma with medullary features. áTumor Grade - IILymph node Status : 1/21, No extra nodal extension present. " 3617,MR1809411,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma Right breast post lumpectomy.SPECIMEN:A) Wide local excision of previous lumpectomy site- Post lumpectomy.B)Excised Lump at 12 '0' clock position.C) Revised lateral margin.D) Revised sentinel lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS:A)Received lumpectomy specimen measures 5x4x2.5cm. Lesion measures 2x1x0.8cm. Skin ellipse measures 5x1.5cm. Distance from margins.Superior - 2.1cm. Inferior - 2cm.Lateral - 1.8cm. Medial - 1cm. Deep - 1.1cm. B) Lump 12 0'clock position. Received 2 fibrofatty tissue measures 3.5x3x1cm. Cut surface solid grey white firm to soft. C) Revised lateral margin:-Free of tumourD) Sentinel lymphnode.Received 2 lymph nodesLargest lymphnodes measures 1x0.8x0.7cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS : A) Wide local excision of previous lumpectomy site post lumpectomy. :Tumor bed : The section show fibrosis, necrosis and lymphoplasmacytic cells and giant cells. Small foci of residual tumor is present measuring 0.5x0.3cm. with ductal carcinoma in situ with small focus of invasive carcinoma. Resected margins:-Superior margin - Free of tumor. Inferior margin - Free of tumor.Medial margin - Free of tumor. Lateral margin - Show small focus of atypical cells are present. Received lateral margin is free of tumor. Deep margin - Free of tumor. B) Lump at 12 0'clock position. :The section shows fibroadenoma with fibro cystic disease.No evidence of malignancy.C) Resected lateral margin - Free of tumor.D) Resected sentinel lymphnode =3 Nodes - No deposits of tumor(0/3). IMPRESSION :Wide local excision of previous lumpectomy scarsmall focus of residual tumor present. Ductal carcinoma in situ (Low grade) with a focus of invasive carcinoma measuring 0.5 x 0.3cm. Lymphovascular invasion - Not identified. Perineural invasion invasion - Not identified. Resected margin superior, inferior, medial, deep margin are free of tumor. Revised lateral margin is free of tumor. B)Excised lump at 12 0'clock -fibro adenoma with fibroadenosis - No evidence of malignancy. D)Sentinel lymphnodes - 3 Nodes - No deposits of tumor. (0/3)" 3618,MR1809447,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma left breast, post chemo residual lesion. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows tiny linear cores of tissue harboring residual carcinoma arranged in nests and vague glandular pattern. The lesional cells have moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm and round hyperchromatic nuclei. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass (Post chemo) :Shows small foci of residual ductal carcinoma in known and treated case. " 3620,MR1809466,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lesionSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 0.6-0.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma with dilated ducts with stratified lining of round to oval cells having hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm . These ducts are lined by myoepithelial cells abluminally. Few ducts showing comedonecrosis. stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ ( Cribriform and comedo type)Intermediate nuclear grade No invasive component seen. 3621,MR1809472,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast lump. ?carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 greywhite linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma show extensive DCIS with comedonecrosis with focal invasion. The cells are oval with dark nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. These are seen as cords and sheets. Stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump.Extensive DCIS with focal invasive carcinoma, NST.Suggest IHC." 3623,MR1809482,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lesion - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Biopsy from Right breast lesion. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged as cords and tubules. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is elastotic. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast. :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3624,MR1809483,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast post NACT.SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy post NACT.GROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áááá : Formalin.Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááá á á : Right MRM.Total dimensionsááá ááá ááá ááá áááá : Medial to lateral --21cmá á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá á Superficial to Deep -- 5.5cmáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá Superior to Inferior -- 20cmSkin ellipseááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááá :15x8.5cmNippleááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááá : Normal Scar/ Surgical measuresá ááá áá : 3cm.Tumorá grey white ááá ááá ááá áá á á : Single.Tumour Sizeááááááááááááááááááááááá á á : 4.5x4.3x3cm, ovarly skin is nodular grossly skin is free of tumor.Location of tumorááá ááá ááá ááá ááá : Upper and lower inner quardent.Margins of tumorááá ááá ááá ááá áá á : Illdefined. ááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áááááá : 0.9cm.Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá : 4x2.5cm.Adjacent Breastááá ááá ááá ááá ááááá : Fibrofatty tissue. áá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá á á áá : 7x5x3cm.Size of largest nodeááá ááá áá á á : 1.4x1x0.5cm, infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show breast parenchyma with a tumor displaying cells arranged in sheets and clusters. The cells have moderate amount of eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm pleomorphic vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli mitotic activity discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with lymphomononuclear infiltrate. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis noted. Extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ seen (comedo and solid type). Lymphovascular invasion noted.IMPRESSION:Right modified radical mastectomy post NACT:Histological type:Invasive carcinoma of ductal origin NST.Grade:3Tumor measures maximum dimension 4.5cmInvasive component measures 4.5cmModified BR score is 9/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 3Mitotic figures: 3Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ present with comedonecrosis.Lymphovascular invasion present.Perineural invasion Absent.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes:á 20 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0(0/20).Summary:Invasive ductal carcinoma right breast.Tumor Grade: 3.Lymphnode Status: 0/20" 3626,MR1809495,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of left breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical mastectomy Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :18cm Superficial to Deep :4cm Superior to Inferior :13cmSkin ellipse : 15x9cm Scar/ Surgical defect : No obvious lesion identified. Areas of fibrosis noted. Deep margin :1cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail :9x4x2cm IMPRESSION:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy, Post NACT/ Post Lumpectomy:Tumor Bed : Shows extensive hyalinization, lymphoplasmacytic aggregates, histiocytes and few atrophic ducts.No residual viable tumor seen.Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not identified. Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion not identified . Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 6 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 1 (1/6) measures 0.3cm. No extranodal extension seen.Pathological stage: ypTxN1. SUMMARY: Left breast MRM and post lumpectomy/ Post NACT.No residual viable tumor Lymphnode Status: 1 out of 3 nodes show metastatic carcinoma measuring 0.3cmNo extranodal extension seen." 3627,MR1809497,CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Biopsy from Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast. Invasive carcinoma. Grade -2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------- 3628,MR1809522,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast, Post NACT.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 20cm Superficial - deep : 9cm Superior-inferior : 17cmSkin ellipse : 14x13cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect in 2 '0' clock,Tumor : SingleTumor size : 2.9x2.4x1.5cmLocation of tumor : 6 '0' clock position.Margins of tumor : ill defined.Deep margin : 3cm.Muscle : 3x2x1cm.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : 7x6x5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from breast parenchyma harbors tumor cells arranged in sheets. The cells are pleomorphic with scant cytoplasm and irregular hyperchromatic nuclei with 1-2 prominent nucleoli. Brisk atypical mitosis 6-8/hpf. Large areas of necrosis seen. Stroma shows dense fibrocollagenous tissue. DCIS comedo pattern focally seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Residual Invasive carcinoma, NSTModified BR score is 8/9, Grade IIITubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3Tumor measures maximum dimension 2.9cm.Invasive component measures 2.5cm.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : 0.4cm. High grade with comedonecrosis.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 12 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0,(0/12).Pathological stage : ypT2ypN0SUMMARY:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Residual Invasive carcinoma of ductal origin, NSTTumor grade : Grade IILymph node status : 0/12.Nodal metastases : 12 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0,(0/12)." 3629,MR1809529,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast carcinoma post NACT. SPECIMEN:Left Modified radical mastectomy post NACT. GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin. Laterality : Left breastProcedure :Modified Radical Mastectomy post NACT.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 20cm Superficial - deep : 5cm Superior-inferior : 18cmSkin ellipse : 14x10cm.Nipple : Unremarkable.Tumor : SingleScar/Surgical defect: Absent. Tumor size : 2.5x1.5x1.5cm.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 1cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 7x5x3 cm. Size of largest node: 1x0.5x0.5 cm, Cut surface fatty infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy/Post NACT.Tumour bed : Small focus of residual viable tumor present and shows small clumps of tumor with pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus measures 0.5x1cm scattered in the fibrotic areas. Necrotic areas with foamy histiocytes are present. Tumor measures maximum dimension 0.5x0.5cm. Invasive component measures 0.5cm. Ductal carcinoma in situ measures Not Identified. Modified BR score is Tumor is small focus can not be scored. Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not identified. Lymphovascular invasion small focus of viable tissue. Not identified. Perineural invasion not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 5 lymph nodes:show metastatic deposits of invasive ductal carcinoma out of 11nodes(5/11).Perinodal spread present. Pathological stage : pT1N2SUMMARY :Small focus of residual viable tumor presentInvasive ductal carcinoma. Lymph node status: 5 Nodes show metastatic deposits of viable invasive ductal carcinoma out of 11 nodes.(5/11) Perinodal spread present. " 3630,MR1809543,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast mass - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 5 grey linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in glands, nests and trabecula., Individual tumor cells are round to cuboidal with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, mitotic figures are 4-6/10hpf .Stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast mass. :Invasive ductal carcinoma, (NST), grade - II. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 --------" 3631,MR1809547,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Right breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 8 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in glandular pattern, trabecular and nests. Individual tumor cells are round to cuboidal, mildly pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm, Stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump. :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 --------" 3632,MR1809592,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1cm each. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrating by neoplastic cells arranged in sheets and tubules.The cells have round to angulated hyperchromatic nucleus, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Surrounding stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive Carcinoma,NST nuclear grade II" 3633,MR1809593,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.5-1 Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in tubules and cords. The cells lesion cells have round hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 2+2+2 = 6/9. 3634,MR1809604,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right illiac region subcutaneous plane lesion - ? Deposit. SPECIMEN: Biopsy from illiac region subcutaneous plane. GROSS FINDINGS: Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm . Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores harboring a neoplasm arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, Scant to moderate amount of cytoplasm. Few atypical mitotic figures identified. Adjacent stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from illiac region subcutaneous plane. :Metastatic deposits in a known case of carcinoma breast. " 3635,MR1809615,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Biopsy from Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS: Received four grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Left breast, core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3636,MR1809631,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores 0.5-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in cords, nests and tubules. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Intervening stroma shows desmoplasia. Mitosis 4-5/10 hpf.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy:INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3637,MR1809632,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Biopsy fromá Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged as cluster cells have hyperchromatic nuclear and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is elastatic. IMPRESSION:Biopsy fromá Right breast lump. :Invasive carcinoma, Grade - IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3638,MR1809634,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :19cm Superficial to Deep : 5cm Superior to Inferior :16cmSkin ellipse :15x9cmNipple : UnremarkableScar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : SingleTumor Size : 3x2x2.8cm, Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrantMargins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 2.5cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissueAxillary tail : 9x8x2cmSize of largest lymph node : 1x1x0.5cm. Cut surface - grey brownIMPRESSION:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.Tumor bed: The tumor is composed of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. Focal areas of necrosis is presentGrade :IIHistological type:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Tumor measures maximum dimension3x2 cmInvasive component measures 2.5cmDuctal carcinoma in situ measures 0.5cm. with comedonecrosisModified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism:2Mitotic figures:2Ductal carcinoma in situ present with comedonecrosisLymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion not identified Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 12 lymph nodes metastasis. No metastatic deposit of tumor(0/12).Pathological stage: pT2N0Summary: Invasive ductal carcinoma, Left breast .Tumor Grade:IILymph nodes status: 12 lymph nodes. No deposit of tumor.(0/12)" 3639,MR1809676,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast, right wide local excision.B) Underlying pectoralis.C) Right axillary dissection.D) Level III nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 9x7.5x6cm. Cut surface show grey white tumor measures 2x1.5x1cm.Distance from the margins:Superior marginááááááááááááá -- 4.5cm.Inferior marginááááááááááááááá -- 4cm.Medial margináááááááááááááááá -- 2.5cm.Lateral margináááááááááááááááá -- 2cm.Deep margináááááááááááááááááá -- 1cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1.5x0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 6.5x4.5x3cm. Largest lymph node measures 2x1.2x0.8cm. Cut surface is grey white.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x0.2x0.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in sheets nests and clusters. The cells have scant to moderate clear cytoplasm, pleomorphic round to oval nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Atypical mitosis discerned (3-4/10hpf). Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic with focal areas showing mucin pools.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast, right wide local excision:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified bloom richardson score is 3+2+1=6/9.Tumor measures 2cm in greatest dimension.Lymphovascular invasion seen.All margins (superior, inferior, medial, lateral deep) free of tumor.B) Underlying pectoralis:Free of tumor.C) Right axillary dissection:One out of fifteen lymph nodes shows metastatic tumor deposit measures 1.2cm in greatest dimension.Extranodal extension seen. (1/15)D) Level III nodes:Ten nodes - no deposits of tumor. (0/10)Pathological grade : ypT1N1." 3640,MR1809678,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrating by neoplastic cells arranged in tubules and sheets with areas of necrosis. The cells have round hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. Atypical Mitotic figures are noted. Foreign body giant cells seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump:Invasive Carcinoma NST, Grade III.? Metastatic carcinomaModified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+3 = 8/9." 3641,MR1809679,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores each measures 1.5cm. in length. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrating by neoplastic cells arranged in sheets, cords and tubules with areas of necrosis and hyalinization. The cells have pleomorphic round hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis is discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade III.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+3-8/9.Areas of necrosis noted." 3642,MR1809682,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive Carcinoma with mucinous features Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9, grade 1.Tubule formationáááááááááá á : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 1Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------" 3643,MR1809684,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with extensive areas of hyalinisation with few benign ductal clusters and occasional focus shows hyperplastic stroma with compressed ducts. No atypia is seen. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Suggestive of Fibroepithelial lesion.No evidence of malignancy.Suggest repeat if clinically correlated. 3644,MR1809712,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrous tissue with few foci showing ductal carcinoma in situ (comedo type). Some fragments display desmoplastic stroma.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Foci of ductal carcinoma in situ seen - High grade with comedo necrosis.No evidence of invasive component.Suggest repeat biopsy from more representative areas for confirmation of invasion and hormone status evaluation. 3645,MR1809713,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast massSPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1.2-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrating by neoplastic cells arranged in sheets and cords . The cells have round to pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis is discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast mass:Invasive Carcinoma with lobular features Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 2+2+2 = 6/9. 3646,MR1809720,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Biopsy from Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma showing extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ with focus of invasion. The lesional cells have round hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. Mucin pools are noted focally. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump - Biopsy :Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ - ( solid and mucinous) with focus of invasion -. nuclear grade -2, " 3647,MR1809724,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1cm in length. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in cords and tubules. The lesional cells have round hyperchromatic nucleus, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis is discerned. Marked desmoplasia noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 2+2+2 = 6/9." 3648,MR1809744,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrating by neoplastic cells arranged in cords and tubules. The lesional cells have round to angulated hyperchromatic nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis is discerned. Surrounding stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade I.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 2+2+1 = 5/9." 3649,MR1809757,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast masSPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.5cm each. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with ductal carcinoma in situ component ( solid pattern) with focus of invasion. The cells have round hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. Marked desmoplasia seenIMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast mass:Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ with focus of invasion.Suggest repeat biopsy for IHC. 3650,MR1809763,CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case ofá carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left supraclavicular nodeGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1.5cm Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue infiltrated by tumor cells arranged in tubules and cordsá with areas of necrosis. The lesional cells have round pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. Surrounding stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left supraclavicular nodeFeatures are suggestive of Metastatic adenocarcinoma. 3651,MR1809794,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Left BreastSPECIMEN:Sternum, Lytic lesion, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received Single bony linear cores measures 1.5cmin length. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fibrocollagenous stroma with a bony trabeculae showing infiltrative neoplasm arranged in sheets, nests and cribriform pattern. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate to abundant cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis and atypical mitotic figures are noted.IMPRESSION:Sternum, Lytic lesion, Biopsy:Suggestive of Metastatic Carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma left breast." 3652,MR1809798,"CLINICAL DETAILS:BIRADS V lesion in RB.SPECIMEN:Right breast biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received greywhite linear cores each measures 1.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in cords and nests. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nucleus. Mitotic figures are discerned. DCIS with solid and comedonecrosis is noted. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphomononuclear cell infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Right breast biopsy:Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade 2.MBR Score 6/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic activity : 1DCIS : Solid pattern ; comedonecrosis seen." 3653,MR1809810,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Breast conservative surgery - Wide excision.B) Axillary lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 6x3x3cm. Skin measures 6x1cm. Cut surface- No tumor identified, grey white granular areas seen measuring 1.5x0.5x0.5cm near inferior margin.B) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue measures 7x5.4cm.Largest lymph node measures 2x1.5x1cm. Cut surface shows fat infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Tumor bed:The section show fibrotic areas, collagenous tissue, focal lymphoplasmacytic infiltration and atropic ducts. There is no evidence of residual viable tumor . All resected margins are free from the tumor.B) 13 nodes. No metastatic depsoits of tumor present.IMPRESSION:A) Breast conservative surgery - Wide excision:No residual viable tumor.Fibrotic and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate seen.All resected margins are free from the tumor.B) Axillary lymph node:13 nodes. No metastatic depsoits of tumor present. 0/13" 3654,MR1809823,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy / post NACT / Post lumpectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : MRM, Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial to lateral -- 23cm. Superficial to Deep -- 6cm. Superior to Inferior -- 18cm.Skin ellipse : 14x9cm, small nodule below the nipple areola black in color ? mole measures 0.5x0.4x0.4cm.Nipple : Unremarkable.Scar/ Surgical defect : Absent.Tumor Bed : Single, measures 3.2x1.8x1.6cm.Location : Upper outer quadrant.Margins : Infiltrative. Deep margin : 1.6cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 6x2.5x2cm.Size of largest node : 2.5x2x1cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration seen.MICROSCOPY :Tumor Bed:Shows residual viable tumor. Invasive ductal carcinoma with few ducts showing ductal carcinoma in situ.IMPRESSION:Right modified radical mastectomy / post NACT / Post lumpectomy:Histological type: Residual Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade: IIITumor measures maximum dimension 3.2cmInvasive component measures 2.7cmDuctal carcinoma in situ measures 0.5cmModified BR score is 8/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 3Mitotic figures: 2Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ present, solid and comedo type (high grade).Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 5 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0 (0/5).Pathological stage: ypT2N0SUMMARY:Residual invasive ductal carcinoma, right breast.Tumor Grade: IIILymphnode Status: 0/5 five nodes are free of tumor." 3656,MR1809834,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 cm in length. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in tubules. The cells have round to angulated hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm.Mitosis is discerned. Stroma show desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 2+2+2 = 6/9. 3657,MR1809873,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear tissue cores harboring an infiltrative neoplasm arranged in cords, nests and trabeculae. The individual tumor cells show increased N/C ratio pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with conspicuous nucleoli and moderate to abundant amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. Numerous atypical mitotic figures are noted. The intervening stroma shows presence of dense fibrocollagenous connective tissue. Infiltrated by few lymphocytes. Focal areas of necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast breast:Invasive carcinoma breast NOS, Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9 ( 3+2+2)" 3659,MR1809883,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Possibility of Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged as tubules and cords. The neoplastic cells are cuboidal have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm.. The intervening stroma is elastotic. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma , NSTModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9, Grade 2.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------ 6/9" 3660,MR1809886,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Brest lump - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy:INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7( 3+2+2)." 3661,MR1809898,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Brest lump - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy:INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6( 3+2+1)." 3663,MR1809907,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear tissue cores harboring an infiltrating neoplasm arranged in irregular glandular architecture and cordsá of neoplastic cells exhibiting. Increasedá N/C ratio, pleomorphicá hyperchromatic nuclei occasional conspicuous nucleoli and scantyá cytoplasm. The intervening stroma showsá presence of dense fibrocollagenous connectiveá tissue and focalá adipose tissue.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump:Invasive Carcinoma, NOS grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9(2+2+2)." 3664,MR1809918,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lesion- ? Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows from the breast parenchyma sows a lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are round to oval with hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. atypical mitotic figures are noted. Ductal carcinoma in situ component seen. Adjacent stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Right Breast , Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1). - Ductal carcinoma in situ seen, solid cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade." 3666,MR1809950,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of Left Breast Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy ( Post Lumpectomy).GROSS FINDINGS:Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy ( Post Lumpectomy). Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :13cm. Superficial to Deep :4cm. Superior to Inferior :11cm.Skin ellipse : 13x7cm. Surface of skin - Nodule with ulceration measures 4 x 3 cm present 1.5 cm lateral to nipple and areola. Nipple : Normal. Scar/ Surgical defect : Absent.Tumor : Single.Tumor Size : 4 x 3 x 2.5 cm. Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrant. Margins of tumor : Ill-defined. Deep margin : 1cm.Muscle : 1x1cm. Axillary tail : 4x4x3cm. Size of largest node ; 1.5x1x1cm. cut surface fatty infiltration ? tumor deposit.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy ( Post Lumpectomy):INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). - Tumor is located in the lower outer quadrant. - Tumor measures 4 cm in greatest dimension. - Tumor is invading the overlying skin with ulceration. - Ductal carcinoma in situ is not seen. - Lymphovascular invasion is identified. - Perineural invasion is not identified. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and areola is free of tumor. Lymph nodes: Five of twenty two lymph nodes shows metastatic tumor deposit with extranodal extension (5/22). - Size of the largest tumor deposit measures 1.5 cm in greatest dimension." 3667,MR1809958,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, BiopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures0.5-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma shows a lesion arranged in cords and occasional nests. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and scant to moderate amount of cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma show lymphocytic infiltrates. Mitotic figures are seen.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Biopsy:Shows atypical cells in cords and occasional nests- highly suspicious of malignancy.NOTE: Marked crushing artifacts are identified, which limits the microscopic evaluation.Suggest repeat biopsy or excision of the lump for further confirmation. " 3669,MR1809981,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Lump Right Breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma with infiltrating neoplasm arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei. Scant to moderate cytoplasm. Atypical mitotic figures seen. Adjacent stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 3670,MR1809985,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring scant volume of neoplasm arranged in ductal nested pattern. Neoplastic cells are round to ovalá with clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm and mild pleomorphic hyperchromaticá nuclei abundant . Stroma shows desmoplastic change and inflammatory infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Scant volume of atypical cells suggestive of invasive carcinoma.Note: Tumor volume may not be adequate for IHC . 3673,MR1810072,CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and islands. The individual lesion cells are consisting of round to oval moderately hyperchromatic nuclei with inconspicuous nucleoli and abundant eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm. Mitotic activity discerned. Intervening stroma showing desmoplastic change and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma.(Nuclear grade2) 3674,MR1810089,CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 linear cores measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules and sheets. The individual lesion cell are consisting of round to oval markedly pleomorphic nuclei with inconspicuous nucleoli and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic activity is discerned. The intervening stroma showing inflammatory infiltrate consisting of lymphocytes and histiocytes.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast.Invasive ductal cell carcinomaModified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9(1+3+2) 3675,MR1810108,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - ? RecurrentSPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right Breast biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 0.6-0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and nests, The cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Stroma is desmoplastic mitosis 6-7/10 hpf. Focal necrosis seenIMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right Breast biopsy:Invasive carcinoma grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9(3+2+2)." 3676,MR1810109,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast lump/ P/O carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 0.8 to 0.9cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit mild nuclear pleomorphism. Mitosis 1-2/10 hpf. Stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IModified Bloom Richardson Score 5/9 (3+1+1)." 3677,MR1810122,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Known case of carcinoma left breast post 4 cycles of neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Initially cT4bN1.SPECIMEN:Left MRMGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin 10% NBF.Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral :16cm Superficial - deep : 5cm Superior-inferior : 3cmSkin ellipse : 13x9cmNipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Absent.Tumor : SingleTumor size : 2x1.5x1cmLocation of tumor : Lower outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : ill defined.Deep margin : 0.2cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : 0.8x0.5x0.5cm MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Residual viable tumor seen.Section studied shows infiltrating neoplasm arranged in glandular pattern, nests. The lesional cells are round to polygonal with scant to moderate pleomorphic nucleus with prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic and shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. Areas of calcification noted. Also seen are areas of necrosis and thin congested blood vessels. Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are identified.Deep margin is 0.2cm away from the tumor.IMPRESSION:Left breast,Biopsy- Post NACT:Residual Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not seen.Tumor measures maximum dimension :2cm.Invasive component measures :2cm.Lymphovascular invasion is identified.Perineural invasion is identified.Posterior resection margin shows tumor focus which is 0.2cm away from the inked margin.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 12 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 2 show metastatic deposits of tumor with extranodal extension (2/12).SUMMARY:Left breast,Biopsy- Post NACT:Residual Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Nodal metastases : Two out of twelve lymph nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor with extranodal extension (2/12).Tumor deposit measures 0.5 cm in its greatest dimension." 3678,MR1810174,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 0.4-0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged iná cords, sheets cells exhibit moderate cytoplasm. hyperchromatic nuclei. Mitosis 2-3/10 hpf.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion:Invasive Carcinoma, Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9(3+2+1)." 3679,MR1810176,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesionGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 0.8-0.9cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets, cords, nests and tubules. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit nuclear pleomorphism. Stroma is desmoplastic mitosis 3-4/10 hpf.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9(3+2+1)." 3680,MR1810177,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 linear cores measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in cords, nests . The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit nuclear pleomorphism. Mitosis 2-3/10 hpf.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9 - (3+2+1)." 3681,MR1810180,">a) right supraclavicular lymph node. > metastatic carcinoma. > kindly look for primary in thyroid. > >b) right breast wide local excision. > ductal carcinoma in situ, high grade (solid and comedo type) > no evidence of invasive carcinoma. > ductal carcinoma in situ measures 1.5cm in maximum dimension. > all the margins are free of tumor. > >c) revised deep margin. > free of tumor. > >d) axillary dissection > isolated 14 lymph nodes, all are free of tumor (014)" 3682,MR1810194,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN :Endometrial tissue - Features suggestive of proliferative phase endometrium. GROSS FINDINGS :Received multiple grey brown soft tissue bits altogether measures 3.5x2x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Sections show fragments of endometrium composed of short trabecular to elongated glands lined by columnar epithelium with nuclear stratification. Stroma shows plump, spindle to oval cells. Areas of edema and hemorrhage noted. Occasional lymphoid aggregate is noted. IMPRESSION :Endometrial tissue, Biopsy :Features are suggestive of proliferative endometrium.No evidence of malignancy is seen. " 3683,MR1810242,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:invasive carcinoma, NSTModified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9, Grade 2.Tubule formationá á áá áá - 3Nuclear pleomorphism -2Mitotic activityáááááááááááááá - 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9" 3684,MR1810252,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN:A) Right breast wide excisionB) Revised superior marginC) Axillary lymph node dissectionGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received wide local excision specimen measures 9x6x4.5cmSkin ellipse measure 4.5cmCut surface of the tumor measures 1x0.5x0.5cmDistance from marginsSuperior margin : 1.0cmInferior margin :3.6cmMedial margin : 4.5cmLateral margin : 1.6cmDeep margin : 2.3cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.2x0.5x0.5cmC) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 6.5x5.5x4cmLargest lymph node measures 1.6x1x0.5cmCut surface shows grey white deposit measures 0.5x0.5x0.4cm.,MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section studied show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and focal tubules. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is demsoplastic with moderately dense lymphomononuclear infiltrate.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast wide excision:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation :3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2tumor measures 1cm in greatest dimension.Invasive component measures 0.8cm in greatest dimension.Ductal carcinoma measures 0.2cm - solid pattern.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not seen.All margins of resection ( Superior, inferior medial lateral and deep) are free of tumor.B) Revised superior margin:Free of tumorC) Axillary lymph node dissection:One of the four isolated lymph nodes sow metastatic tumor deposit 1/4 Perinodal spread is not seenPathological grade : pT1N1." 3686,MR1810261,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - Possibility of Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 linear cores grey white measures 1.8-0.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules, nests. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nucleus. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with areas of hemorrhage and lymphomononuclear cell infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive Carcinoma NST, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9(2+2+2)." 3687,MR1810300,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy with axillary lymphatics.GROSS FINDINGS:Lateralityáááááááááááá : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateraláááááá :á 15cmááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deepá :á 2cmááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferioráá :áá 13cmSkin ellipseáááááááááá : 9x5cmNippleááááááááááááááááá : NormalScar/ Surgical defect : 2.5cm, linear scar on lower outer quadrant.Tumorááááááááááááááááá : Cut surface shows only areas of fibrosis, corresponding to scar site. No definite tumor seen grossly measures 5x4x2cm.Muscleáááááááááááááááá : Absent.Adjacent breastáááá : FibrofattyAxillary tailááááááááááá : 7.5x3cm Size of largest node: 1.2x0.8x0.4cm. Cut surface is greybrown.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :Very small focus of ductal carcinoma in situ comedo type.Adjacent breast shows fibrosis, adenosis and few ducts showing cystic dilatationLymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 5 lymph nodes, Metastasis:1 (1/5).Extranodal spread not seen.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :Small focus of residual DCIS comedo type measuring 0.1cm. Nodal metastases : 5 lymph nodes, Metastasis:1 (1/5).Metastatic focus measures 0.2 cm in its greatest dimension." 3688,MR1810301,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear tissue bits measures 2-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and cords. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nucleus with prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned. Intervening stroma shows dense lymphomononuclear cell infiltrate. Areas of hemorrhage noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, NST ,Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9(3+2+2)." 3689,MR1810309,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast. Post NACT.SPECIMEN:A) Right sentinel node dissection.B) Right modified radical mastectomy, Post NACT.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue measures 2x2x2cm.Isolated 2 lymph nodes.Largest measures 1x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.B) Received in : 10% NBF.Procedure : Right modified radical mastectomy, Post NACT.Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial to lateral -- 17cm. Superficial to Deep -- 4cm. Superior to Inferior -- 12cm.Skin ellipse : 11x6.5cm. Nipple : Skin puckering noted. Scar/ Surgical defect : Absent.Tumor : Single.Tumour Size : 2.5x2x2cm. Location of tumor : Central quadrant.Margins of tumor : Illdefined. Deep margin : 2cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 7.5x5x2.5cm.IMPRESSION:A) Right sentinel node dissection:2 out of 2 nodes show tumor deposit. (2/2)Perinodal spread present.B) Right modified radical mastectomy, Post NACT:Tumor Bed:Shows scattered viable tubules and nests of tumor cells with moderate cytoplasm round hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate pleomorphism. There is extensive hyalinisation, myxoid changes and focal necrosis.Histological type: Invasive ductal carcinoma (NST).Grade: IITumor measures maximum dimension 2.5cmInvasive component measures 1cmDuctal carcinoma in situ measures 0.5cmModified BR score is 6/9Tubule formation: 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Few ducts show solid ductal carcinoma in situ. Intermediate grade.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Tumor is seen in the dermis. However epidermis is free of tumor with no ulceration.Lymph nodes:5 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 2 (2/5).2 out of 5 nodes show tumor deposits largest deposit measures 0.3cm.Pathological stage: ypT1N2SUMMARY:Residual invasive ductal carcinoma, Right breast.Tumor Grade: II.Lymph node Status:Sentinel nodes : 2 nodes show tumor deposit with perinodal spread. 2/2Axillary dissection : 2 out of 5 nodes show metastasis largest deposit measures 0.3cm.Total: 4 out of 7 nodes show tumor deposits with perinodal spread.4/7" 3690,MR1810314,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast. SPECIMEN :Left Breast consisting surgery. GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received wide local excision specimen measures 6x6x4cm. skin ellipse measures 2.5 x 1 cm. Cut surface shows grey white firm lesion measures 2.5x2x2cm. Distance from margins :Superior margin : 2.5cm.Inferior margin : 5cm.Medial margin : 2.0 cm.Lateral margin : 2.5 cm.Deep margin : 1.5 cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2.5x2cm. Largest lymph node measures 1.2x1.1x1.0cm. MICROSCOPY:Section studied shows breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating neoplasm arranged in cords and nests. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned (6-7/10hpf). Stroma shows desmoplasia with dense lymphomononuclear cell infiltrates and focal lymphoid aggregates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis are seen. IMPRESSION:A) Left breast, conservative surgery :Histological type: Invasive carcinoma with medullary features, Grade - 3. Tumor measures 2.5cm in greatest dimension.Modified BR score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3 Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ..................... 8/9 ......................Ductal carcinoma in situ is not identified. Lymphovascular invasion is not seen. Perineural invasion is not seen. All margins of resection (Superior, inferior, right lateral, left lateral and deep margin) are free of tumor. Overlying skin is unremarkable. B) Sentinel lymph nodes : Isolated three lymphnodes are free of tumor (0/3). Pathological stage: pT2N0" 3691,MR1810321,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 2-2.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged as islandsá and clusters. The neoplastic cells are cuboidal have hyperchromaticá nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Foci of comedo and solid noted Ductal carcinoma in situ seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma, NST. Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphism- 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------" 3692,MR1810338,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear coresá measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchymaá harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and tubules. The individual lesion cells are consistingá of round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with inconspicuous nucleoli and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm mitotic activity is discerned. Adjacent stroma showing lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate and desmoplastic changes.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 2+2+3-7/9." 3693,MR1810372,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Possibility of carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Mitosis 3-4/10hpIMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9(3+2+1).Areas of mucin seen." 3694,MR1810374,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in cords and nests. The individual lesion cells are consisting of round to oval markedly pleomorphic eccentrically placed hyperchromatic nuclei with inconspicuous nucleoli and abundant amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic activity is discerned. Stroma showing desmoplasia and and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma ( nuclear grade 2) 3695,MR1810400,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Lobulated left breast lesion - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3696,MR1810401,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump -á possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 grey white linear cores measures 0.7-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááá á áá - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá - 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9" 3697,MR1810404,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - To rule out carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 7 grey white linear cores measures 0.6-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from linear core of breast parenchyma show ducts of varying size which are lined by inner oval cell having hyperchromatic nuclei and intact outer myoepithelial layer. Ductal epithelial also show focal areas of stratification, apical snouting columnar cell change as well as apocrine change. Few focus show focal ductal hyperplasia ,stroma is edematous mildly cellular with myxoid change and thin walled dilated and congested blood vessels.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Proliferative breast disease.? Fibroadenoma. ? Phyllodes" 3698,MR1810433,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma BreastSPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrating by neoplastic ells arranged in cords and tubules. The neoplastic cells have round hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 3699,MR1810463,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - Birads IV lesion.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections hows cores breast tissue infiltrated by ductal carcinoma in situ of solid, cribriform and comedo pattern. No definite evidence of invasion is seen.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Shows Ductal Carcinoma in situ of solid, cribriform and comedo pattern with intermediate nuclear grade.No definite evidence of invasion is seen." 3700,MR1810478,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - Possibility of Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores with infiltrating neoplasm arranged in sheets, nests and occasional tubules. Cells foaming lesion are round to oval with hyperchromatic nuclei and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. Mitotic figures noted.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 3701,MR1810484,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A)Right Breast conservative surgery.B)Right Axillary lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Right Breast conservative surgery.Received breast conservative surgery specimen measures 9x7.5x3.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 7.5cm. An area of puckering noted measures 1x1cm. Cut surface shows grey white lesion measures 2.5x2x1.5cm.Lesion found close to skin. Located at the following distance from margins.Superior margin - 2cm.Interior margin - 1.8cm.Medial margin - 1.5cm.Lateral margin - 2cm.Deep margin - 1.8cm.B) Axillary lymph node.Received two fibrofatty tissue measures 5x5x2.2cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A)Right Breast conservative surgery:The tumor is composed of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus with scanty cytoplasm. The cells are present in clumps, groups and sheets.The tumor is present in skin, epidermis is free from the tumor.Tubular formation is less than 10% = 3Anaplasia = 2Mitotic figures are 8/10 hpf = 2Modified Bloom Richardson score 7/9. Nuclear grade = ll. Ductal Carcinoma in situ - Not identified.Lymphovascular invasion - Not identified.Perineural invasion - Not identified.Resected margins are,Superior margin - Free of tumor.Inferior margin - Free of tumor.Radial margin - Free of tumor.Lateral margin - Free of tumor.Deep margin - Free of tumor.B) Axillary lymph node:7 nodes : No Deposits of tumor.(0/7)IMPRESSION:A) Right Breast conservative surgery:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma maximum dimension of tumor is 2.5x2x1.5cm.Nuclear grade llThe tumor is present below the skin, epidermis is free from the tumor.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.Lymphovasicular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion not identified.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Axillary lymph node:7 Nodes. No deposits of Tumor.(0/7)Pathological grade = pT2N0." 3702,MR1810486,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy fromá right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Receivedá 3 greyá white linear cores measures 0.8-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy fromá right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma with mucinous features.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9, Grade 1Tubule formationáááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismá - 1Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá - 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9" 3703,MR1810487,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 greyá whiteáá linear cores measures 1.5-2cm.cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lump:Invasive Carcinoma with lobular pattern. 3704,MR1810497,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast carcinoma. SPECIMEN :A),B)Left sentinel lymph node biopsyC)Left MastectomyD)Left axillary clearance GROSS FINDINGS:C)Left Modified Radical Mastectomy :Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Left Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 20cm. Superficial to Deep : 5cm. Superior to Inferior :17cm.Skin ellipse : 17x11cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : No.Tumor : Single. Tumor Size : 2.5x2x1.5cm.Location of tumor : Central quadrant.Margins of tumor : ill defined. Deep margin : 2.5cm. Muscle : Absent. Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : Absent.Distance from margins : Superior margin : 5cm.Inferior margin : 6 cm.Medial margin : 6 cm.Lateral margin : 6.5cm.A) Blue node : Sentinel node. Isolated 1 lymphnode measures 1x1x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed. B) Blue + hot node = Sentinel node. Isolated 2 lymphnodes. Largest measures 0.8x0.7x0.6cm. Entire tissue processedD) Axillary clearance : Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 6x5x5cm. Largest lymphnode measures 1x1x0.5cm - Cutsurface grey brown. IMPRESSION:Left Mastectomy :Tumor bed : Tumor is composed of pleomorphic cells present in clumps groups with pleomorphic vesicular nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are 6/10Hpe. Focal ducts show ductal carcinoma in situ low grade. Histological type: Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade - II.Tumor measures maximum dimension 2.5cm. Invasive component measures : 2.2cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures : 0.3 cm. Low gradeModified BR score is 6/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ............ 6/9 ............Lymphovascular invasion present.Perineural invasion not identified. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: Axillary lymphnodes - 15nodes - No deposits of tumor.(0/15) Pathological stage : pT2N1.Summary: Invasive ductal carcinoma left breast. Grade - II. Lymphnode Status :Sentinel lymphnodes one node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 3nodes(1/3). Axillary lymphnodes = 15nodes. No deposits of tumor.(0/15) Total positive node = One node out of 18nodes(1/18). Perinodal spread not present. " 3705,MR1810502,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma BreastSPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma shows infiltrating neoplasm arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are round to oval vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Adjacent lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Atypical mitotic figures.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 3706,MR1810511,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3á grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9, Grade 2Tubule formationááá á á á - 3Nuclear pleomorphsimá -2Mitotic figuresááááááá á á áá - 2á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á ------á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá 7/9á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá --------á " 3707,MR1810525,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma showing infiltrating neoplasm arranged in sheets and nests. Cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei moderate nuclear pleomorphism seen. Adjacent stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. Areas of necrosis seen . Mitotic figure noted.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy :invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 3708,MR1810530,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lumpá -? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei. Scant cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Stroma shows desmoplasia mitosis -10-12/10 hpf.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, grade IIIModified Bloom Richardson 8/9 (3+2+3)." 3709,MR1810539,CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma right buccal mucosaSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right buccal mucosa.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 1 grey white soft tissue measures 0.9x0.5x0.1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fragments of breast mucosa exhibiting mild acanthosis. Subjacent stroma show band of lymphocytic inflammatory cell infiltrate with associated crush artifacts. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right buccal mucosa:No evidence of malignancy in submitted tissue bits. 3710,MR1810546,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, BiopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple fragments of breast parenchyma shows infiltrative neoplasm arranged in nests and occasional tubules. Cells forming the lesion are round to oval with vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Mitotic figures seen. Lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 3712,MR1810554,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 7 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Intervening stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Cells exhibit marked nuclear pleomorphism. Mitosis 6-8/10 hpf.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive CarcinomaSuggestive of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 3.Modified Bloom Richardson Score- 8/9(3+3+2)" 3713,MR1810560,CLINICAL HISTORY:Right Breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Trucut biopsy - Right Breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring lesion arranged in sheets nests and cords. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Stroma shows sclerosis . Focus of mucin seen. Ductal carcinoma in situ seen. Mitosis 4-5/10 hpf.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump -biopsyInvasive ductal carcinoma - grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9 (3+2+1). 3714,MR1810564,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastá lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breastá lump:Invasive carcinoma, NST.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9, Grade 2.Tubule formationáááááááá -á 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá - 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á --------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9" 3715,MR1810584,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN :Cone excision of the ductal system, Left breast. GROSS FINDINGS :Received fibrofatty tissue measures 6x6x2.5cm. Cut surface shows dilated duct with granular grey white lesion in lumen measures 2x1.5x1cm. Distance of lesion from respective margins :Superior margin : 0.5 cm.Inferior margin : 0.6 cm.Medial margin : 0.2 cm.Lateral margin : 2.3 cm.Deep margin : 1 cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section studied show breast parenchyma with dilated ducts of varying site, few of which are lined by cellular, branching papillae. The cells lining the papillae show epithelial cells with focal stratification. The cells are ovoid to low columnar having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Occasional mitotic figures are seen. No frank invasion is noted. Adjacent breast parenchyma shows areas of hyalinisation and adenosis. IMPRESSION :Cone excision of the ductal system, Left breast. Intraductal papilloma. No invasive carcinoma. lesion measures 2cm in greatest dimension. Superior and medial margins show intraductal papilloma. Inferior and lateral margins are free of tumor. " 3716,MR1810598,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - Birads IV.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Mitosis 5-6/10 hpf.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9(3+2+2)." 3717,MR1810601,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules, nests, cribriform pattern. The cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The cells exhibit mild nuclear pleomorphism mucin seen. Lymphocytic infiltrate seen in stroma. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Biopsy :Invasiveá carcinoma with mucinous features, grade - I. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 4/9Tubule formationááááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 1Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 4/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 3718,MR1810617,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left sentinel lymph node biopsy.B) Left MastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:A) Left sentinel lymph node biopsy:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x2.5x1cm.Largest lymph node measures 1.2x1x1cm. Cut surface shows dyes stamel.B) Left Mastectomy:Lateralityáááááááááááá : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateraláááááááááá : 13cmááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deepááá :á 5cmááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferiorááááá : 19cm.Skin ellipseááááááááááááá : 11.5x6.5cm.Nippleáááááááááááááááááááá : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumoráááááááááááááááááááá : SingleTumor sizeááááááááááááá : 2x1.5x1.4cmLocation of tumoráá : Upper central quadrant.Margins of tumorááá : Ill defined.Deep margináááááááááá : 1.4cm.Muscleáááááááááááááááááá : Absent.Adjacent breastááááá : Fibrofatty tissue.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section shows 6 lymph nodes which are free of tumor.B) Section from tumor shows breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged as cords trabeculae. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have vesicular nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is elastotic.IMPRESSION:B) Left Mastectomy:Invasive carcinoma with lobular features, grade II.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubular formationááááááá :á 3Nuclear pleomorphism :á 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá :á 1Tumor measures maximum dimension 2.2cm.Invasive component measures 2.2cm.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Free of tumor.A) Left sentinel lymph node biopsy:6 left sentinel nodes isolated are free of tumor." 3719,MR1810632,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast carcinoma. SPECIMEN :A) Hot node, Right sentinel node biopsy. B) Blue + Hot node, Right sentinel node biopsy. C) Non blue and Non hot node, Right sentinel node biopsy. D) Right mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1.5x1x1cm. Largest lymphnode measures 1x1x0.8cm. B) Blue + Hot node : Received 1 lymphnode measures 1.2x1.1x1.0cm. Cutsurface dye stained. C) Non blue and Non hot node : Received 1 lymph node measures 1.5x1x0.6cm. Cutsurface grey white. D) Right mastectomyReceived in : Formalin.Procedure : Right Modified Radical Mastectomy. Laterality : Right breast. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :16cm. Superficial to Deep : 4cm. Superior to Inferior :15cm.Skin ellipse : 14x10cm.Nipple : Normal. Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : SingleTumor Size : 2x1.5x1.5cm. Location of tumor : 6 '0'clock. Margins of tumor : ill defined. Deep margin : 1.5cm.Muscle : Absent. Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : Absent.IMPRESSION:A) Hot node : Isolated two lymphnodes are free of tumor (0/2)B) Blue + not node : Isolated one lymphnode is free of tumor (0/1)C) Non blue not hot node : Isolated one lymphnode is free of tumor (0/1)D) Right Mastectomy.Tumor bed: Section studied shows breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating cellular neoplasm arranged in nests and vague tubules. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and few cells show prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned (12-13/10hpf). Stroma shows extensive desmoplasia with moderately dense lymphomononuclear cell infiltrate. Histological type:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade :II. Tumor measures maximum dimension 2.0cm.Invasive component measures 2.0cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ is not identified Modified BR score is 6/9Tubule formation : 2 Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ................ 6/9 .................Lymphovascular invasion is not seen. Perineural invasion is not seen. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.(A,B,C) Lymph nodes: 4 lymph nodes, Metastasis : 0 (0/4)Pathological stage: pT1N0Summary: Invasive ductal carcinoma right breast. Tumor Grade: 2.Lymph node Status: 0/4." 3720,MR1810647,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 2-2.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section showsá multiple linear cores from breast parenchymaá harboring a neoplasm arranged in sheets nests acini. The cells are round to oval vesicular nuclei. Adjacent lymphoplasmacytic infiltrateá seen. Mitosis 5-6/10 hpf . Extensive areas of necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááá á á - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá - 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9" 3721,MR1810650,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma Left breast cT2N1M0. SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Left modified radical mastectomy :Received in : Formalin. Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 12 cm. Superficial - deep : 5 cm. Superior-inferior : 16 cm.Skin ellipse : 11x7 cm.Nipple : Normal.Tumor : SingleTumor size : 2x2x1.5 cm.Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrant.Margins of tumor : ill difined.Deep margin : 1.5cm. Muscle : Absent. Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 8x7x1.5 cm. Size of largest node: 2x1.4x1 cm. Cut surface grey white.IMPRESSION:Left modified radical mastectomy.:Section studied shows breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and nodules. The cells are oval having nodulate amount of cytoplasm. hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned (12-13/10hpf). lymphovasuclar invasion is identified.Ductal carcinoma in situ solid and comedonecrosis pattern is identified.Stroma shows desmoplasia with mild lymphomononuclear cell infiltrate. Areas of hemophage and necrosis is seen.Histological type : Invasive ductal carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ solid and comedonecrosis pattern noted.Grade : III. Tumor measures maximum dimension 2cm. Invasive component measures 1.7cm. Ductal carcinoma-in-situ measures :0.3cm. Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ...... 8/9 ......Lymphovascular invasion identified. Perineural invasion not seen. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 16 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 4 (4/16).Pathological stage : pT1N2SUMMARY:Invasive ductal carcinoma with Ductal carcinoma in situ left breast. Tumor Grade : 3.Lymphnode Status : (4/16.)Extranodal extension present" 3722,MR1810672,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma Right breast.SPECIMEN :Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS :Right modified radical mastectomy.:Received in : Formalin. Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 11cm. Superficial - deep : 3cm. Superior-inferior : 9cm.Skin ellipse : 10x5cm.Nipple : Shows an exophytic mass measures 3x3cm.Scar/ Surgical defect : Absent.Tumor : Single. Tumor size : 5x4.5x2.2cm. . (Mammographically multiple nodules are described. Grossly all nodules are continuous).Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant extending into central and inner quadrant. Deep margin : 0.3cm. Muscle : Absent. Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : 8x4x2cm. Size of largest node : 2x1x1cm, cut surface fat infiltration seen.IMPRESSION:Right t breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :The section from the tumor shows pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleous and scanty cytoplasm.In focal areas ducts shows ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis. Histological type : Invasive ductal carcinoma. Grade - II. Residual viable tumor present focal areas of fiborsis and calcification is present. Histological type : Invasive ductal carcinoma. Grade - II.Tumor measures maximum dimension 5x4.5cm.Invasive component measures : 4cm. Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 1cm. Modified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorhism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ......... 7/9 .........Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis present. Lymphovascular invasion Not Present.Perineural invasion Present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable. Lymph nodes: 18 lymph Nodes, No metastatic deposits of tumor(0/18). Pathological stage : pT2N0SUMMARY :Right modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma right. Tumor Grade : II.Lymphnode Status : 18 lymph Nodes, No metastatic deposits of tumor. (0/18)" 3723,MR1810687,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 2-2.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma with lobular features Modified Bloom Richardsoná score is 6/9, grade 2.Tubule formationááá á áá 3Nuclear pleomorphism 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááá á 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------" 3724,MR1810723,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma with infiltrating neoplasm arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei scant to moderate clear cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. Mitosis 4-5/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6 (3+2+1)." 3725,MR1810753,"CLINICAL HISTORY :ill defined suspicuous lesion in right breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast 7-8 '0' clock positionGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 2-2.5cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in cords and sheets. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis 3-4/10 hpf.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast 7-8 '0' clock position:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9 (3+2+1)" 3726,MR1810756,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets, cores, tubules. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Mitosis 4-5/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9( 3+2+1).Ductal carcinoma in situ ( comedo type) noted with intermediate nuclear grade." 3727,MR1810767,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Bilateral carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left sentinel lymph node biopsy.B) Left wide local excision.C) Right modified radical mastectomy.D) Right level III node.E) Right ovary + tubeF) Left ovary + tube.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1.5x0.5cm.Isolated 1 lymph node measures 2x1x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.B) Received wide local excision of left breast measures 4.3x3.6x1.4cm.Grossly no tumor is identified. on cut surface shows fibrotic area measures 0.7x0.6x0.5cm.Distance from margins:-Superior margin : 0.7cm.Inferior margin : 1cm.Medial margin : 1cm.Lateral margin : 1.2cm.Deep margin : 1.6cm.C) Right modified radical mastectomy:Received in : Formalin.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 18cm Superficial - deep : 6cm Superior-inferior : 15cm.Skin ellipse : 10x6cmNipple : Puckering.Scar/ Surgical defect : Absent.Tumor : SingleTumor size : 2.5x1x0.5cmLocation of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : ill defined.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : 14x8cm.Size of largest node : 1x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows greybrown.D) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 0.5x0.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.Dissected one node.E) Received right fallopian tube measures 4.5cm in length. Cut surface shows lumen identified. Ovary measures 2.5x2x1cm. Cut surface shows follicular cyst measures 1cm.F) Received left fallopian tube measures 4.5cm. Cut surface shows lumen identified.Ovary measures 2.5x2x1.5cm. Cut surface shows cyst measures 1x0.5x0.5cm.IMPRESSION:A) Left sentinel lymph node No metastatic deposits of tumor.B) Left breast conservative surgery:The sections from the fibrotic area shows clumps of ducts showing adenosis surrounded with outer intact myoepithelial cells and some show microglandular adenosis. In focal areas dense sclerosis is present with ductal epithelial cells. There is no evidence of atypia of cells or malignancy.Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion not identified.All resected margins show normal ducts and stroma.Left breast wide local excision:Adenosis, microglandular adenosis, sclerosing adenosis.No evidence of malignancy.All resected margin show normal ducts and stroma.C) Right modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ, grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures maximum dimension 2.5cm.Invasive component measures 1.5cm.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Present- Solid, cribriform and comedonecrosis.Lymphovascular invasion : Plenty of tumor emboli present.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 10 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 14 nodes (10/14). Perinodal spread present.D) Right level III node:One node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of one node.E) Right ovary + tube: Shows normal ovarian structure with corpus albicanti and tubes- Normal.F) Left ovary + tube:The section shows normal structure with follicular cysts with normal tubes." 3729,MR1810797,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump. SPECIMEN :A) Specimen of right Sentinel node biopsy. B) Right breast wide excision (lumpectomy). GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received 2 lymphnodes largest measures 1.6x1.5x0.4cm. Smaller measures 0.8x1x0.3cm. B) Received lumpectomy measures 5.5x4.5x1.5cm. Skin measures 5.5x2cm. Cut surface shows grey white tumor measures 1.5x1x0.8cm.Distance from margins :Superior margin : 1.2cm.Inferior margin : 2 cm.Medial margin : 1.8 cm.Lateral margin : 2.5 cm.Deep margin : 1.5 cm.Skin ellipse - 1.7cm. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied shows breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in cords and vague nests. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Extensive ductal carcinoma is situ solid pattern is noted. Stroma shows desmoplasia with moderately dense lymphomononuclear cell infiltrate. IMPRESSION : A) Right sentinel lymphnode biopsy. Isolated two lymphnodes are free of tumor (0/2)B) Lumpectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade - 2Modified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ................. 7/9 ..................Maximum dimension of the tumor is 1.5x1x0.8cm. Ductal carcinoma in situ with solid pattern is noted. Measuring 0.3cm. Lymphovascular invasion and Perineural invasion are not identified.All margins of resection (Superior, inferior, medial, lateral and deep) are free of tumor. Pathological stage : pT1N0." 3730,MR1810804,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 2-2.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets, nests and cords. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphocytic infiltrate. Mitosis 8-9/10 hpf. Ductal carcinoma (solid type )noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9(3+2+2).Ductal carcinoma in situ solid type, intermediate nuclear grade." 3731,MR1810827,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast carcinoma. SPECIMEN :A)Left wide local excisionB)Left sentinel lymph node biopsyC)Revised deep marginD) Revised lateral marginE)Revised superior marginF)Left axillary dissection GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received single skin cover fibrofatty tissue measures 8x7x4cm. Skin ellipse measures 6x3cm. Surface of skin unremarkable. Distance from margins : Superior margin : 0.5cm.Inferior margin : 1.0 cm.Medial margin : 1.5 cm.Lateral margin : 0.3cm.Cutsurface shows ill defined lesion measures 2x1.5x1.0cm. Deep margin 0.4cm. B) Sentinel nodes : Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1.5x1cm. Isolated 2 lymphnodes. Largest lymph node measures 1x1x0.5cm. Cutsurface fatty infiltration. C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5x3x1.5cm. Inked away from tumor. D) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 7x3x1.5cm. Inked away from tumor. E) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 6x3x2cm. Inked away from tumor. F) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5x5x4cm. Largest lymphnode measures 2x1x1cm. Cutsurface fatty infiltrate. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :A) Left breast conservative surgery, wide local excision tumor is harboring pleomorphic cells with pleomorphic vesicular nucleus and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Tumor maximum dimension measures 2x1.5cm. Invasive component measures 1.5cm. Ductal carcinoma in situ seen in solid and cribriform pattern. MBR score - 6/9Tubular formation : 2Mitotic figures : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2 ........... 6/9 ............Lymphovascular invasion - present. Perineural invasion - Not identified. Resected margins :A) Superior and lateral margins are involved by tumor and shows invasive ductal carcinoma. - Deep margin shows ductal carcinoma in situ cribriform pattern. - Inferior and medial margins are free from tumor. B) Sentinel lymphnodes. One node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 2 nodes (1/2)C) Revised deep margins.Free from tumor.D) Revised lateral margin. Free from tumor. E) Revised superior margin : In focal few ducts show ductal carcinoma in situ cribriform pattern. However inked margin is free from the tumor. F) Axillary lymph nodes. :2 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 15nodes (2/15)Perinodal spread present. IMPRESSION:A) Left breast wide local excision :Invasive ductal carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situTumor maximum dimension measures 2x1.5cm. Invasive component measures 1.5cm. Nuclear grade - II.Ductal carcinoma in situ (Solid and cribriform pattern) measures 0.5cm. Lymphovascular invasion present.Perineural invasion absent. Revised superior margin - Inked margin in free from the tumor. Revised lateral margin - Free of tumor.Revised deep margin - Free of tumor. Lymphnodes :Sentinel lymphnodes : 1 node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 2 nodes (1/2)Axillary lymph nodes : 2 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 15nodes (2/15)Total no. of nodes : 3 Nodes positive out of 17 nodes (3/17)Perinodal spread present. " 3732,MR1810849,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast. SPECIMEN :A) Sentinel lymph node biopsyB) Specimen of left mastectomy. GROSS FINDINGS :A) Left sentinel lymphnode biopsy. Isolated three lymphnodes are free of tumor.(0/3)B)Left Mastectomy. Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Left Mastectomy. Laterality : Left breast. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 13 cm. Superficial to Deep : 4 cm. Superior to Inferior : 15 cm.Skin ellipse : 9.5x8cm. Nipple : Normal. Scar/Surgical defect : AbsentTumor : Single. Tumor size : 3x2.5x2cm. Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrant (9 '0' clock position) Margins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 0.5cm. Muscle : Absent. MICROSCOPYB) Sections studied show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, separated by fibrous septa. The cells are round to ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with moderately dense lymphomononuclear cell infiltrate. Ductal carcinoma in situ with solid and comedonecrosis are seen. IMPRESSION:A) Sentinel lymph node biopsy:Isolated three lymph nodes are free tumor(0/3)B) Left Mastectomy. Histological type : Invasive ductal carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ. -Grade - 2-Tumor measures maximum dimension :3 cm. -Invasive component measures :2.2 cm. -Ductal carcinoma in situ measures : 0.8cm. -Modified BR score is :6/9-Tubule formation : 3-Nuclear pleomorphism : 2-Mitotic figures : 1 ......... 6/9 ..........-Ductal carcinoma in situ : solid and comedonecrosis is seen. -Lymphovascular invasion : not seen. -Perineural invasion : not seen. -Posterior resection margin is : free of tumor. -Nipple and areola is :unremarkable.-Pathologic satge : pT2N0 Summary : -Invasive ductal carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ, left breast. -Tumor Grade : 2-Lymphnode Status : Sentinel lymph nodes 0/3. " 3733,MR1810852,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast. SPECIMEN :A) Wide local excision, Right breast. :B) Right axillary level, I and II lymphnodes. :GROSS FINDINGS : A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 8x5x3.5cm.Skin flap .measures 3x0.5cm . Serial section shows circumscribed lesion measures 3.3x2.9x2.5cm. Solid grey white firm. Distance from margins:Superior margin : 1.5cmInferior margin : 2 cm.Medial margin : 2 cm.Lateral margin : 2.3cm.Deep margin : 0.3 cm.B) Received fibro fatty tissue measures 3x2x1cm. Largest lymphnode measures 1.5x1x0.8cm. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :A) Section studied shows breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and nodules separated by fibrocollagenous tissue. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm,vesicular nucleus and prominent nucleoli.Mitotic figures are discerned (6-7/10hpf). Interspersed are numerous lymphomononuclear cell infiltrates. Stroma mild desmoplasia with areas of hemorrhage. Ductal carcinoma in situ is not present. IMPRESSION :A) Wide local excision, Right breast. :Invasive carcinoma with medullary features, Grade -2.Modified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 .......... 7/9 ...........Tumor measures 3.3cm in greatest dimension.ductal carcinoma in situ not identified. Lymphovascular invasion and perinodal invasion are not identified. All margins of resection (superior, inferior, medial ,lateral and deep) are free of tumor. B) Right axillary level I and II lymphnodes. :Isolated twelve lymphnodes.All are free of tumor. (0/12)Pathological grade : pT2N0." 3735,MR1810881,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma cervix and carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Left lung mass, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fibrocollagenous tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells in sheets with intervening fibrous septa.The lesional cells are larger round to irregular with hyperchromatic nucleus, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma show lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Left lung mass, Biopsy:Metastatic carcinoma ?from cervix.Suggest IHC." 3736,MR1810884,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - To rule out carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:A)Biopsy from Right breastB) Biopsy from Left breastGROSS FINDINGS:A)Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-2.0cm. Entire tissue processed.B)Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-2.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A)Section shows cores of tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in sheets and nests composed of cells with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei . Stroma is desmoplastic. Areas of necrosis seen.B) Section shows cores of fibroadipose tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in sheets and nests composed of cells with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:A)Biopsy from Right breast:Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade 2;Modified Bloom Richardson Score is (3+2+1)6/9B) Biopsy from Left breast:Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade 2;Modified Bloom Richardson Score is (3+2+1)6/9." 3737,MR1810893,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast. SPECIMEN :Right Modified Radical Mastectomy. GROSS FINDINGS :Right Modified Radical Mastectomy. Received inááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Formalin.Procedureááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Right Modified Radical Mastectomy. Lateralityááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Right breast. Total dimensionsááááááááááááááááá : Medial to lateraláááááá : 17 cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á Superficial to Deepá : 4cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á Superior to Inferiorá : 17 cm.Skin ellipseááááááááááááááááááááááááá :13x8cm.Nippleááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Normal. Scar/Surgical defectááááááááááá : Scar with induration at upper inner quadrant measuring 1.5x0.2cm. Tumorááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Single.á Tumor sizeáááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 2.8x1.0x0.8cm. Location of tumorááááááááááááááá : Upper inner quadrant at 2 '0' clock extending to central quadrant. Margin of tumoráááááááááááááááááá : ill definedDeep marginááááááááááááááááááááááá :1.5 cmáMuscleáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Absent. Axillary breastáááááááááááááááááááá : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tailááááááááááááááááááááááá áá : 13x10x2cm. Size of largest nodeááááááááááá : 3.5x1.5x0.8cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration. IMPRESSION:Right Modified Radical Mastectomy Post lumpectomy:Tumor bed : áSections examined from breast parenchyma show areas of infiltration by tumor. Tumor is arranged in nests. Tumor cells are round to cuboidal with increased N:C ratio, ovoid mildly pleomorphic vesicular nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of low grade ductal carcinoma in situ are seen in solid pattern, focal cribriform, comedo pattern and mixed pattern. Focal invasion in micropapillary pattern showing nests of tumor cells surrounded by retraction spaces is seen. Intervening desmoplastic stroma is identified. One area shows hyalinized nodule with entrapped irregular tubular structures, suggestive of fibroadenoma.Nipple and areola is free from tumor.Deep resection margin is free from tumor. 11 lymph nodes isolated, are all free of tumor. Histological type : Invasive ductal carcinoma NST. -Grade - 2. -Tumor measures maximum dimension :2.2 cm-Invasive component measures:1.4x0.8cm. -Ductal carcinoma in situ measures : 0.8x0.4cm. -Modified BR score is 6/9Tubule formationáááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ............áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ..............Ductal carcinoma in situ : present in solid, cribriform and comedo patternLymphovascular invasion: is identified. áPerineural invasionááááááááá : not identified. Posterior resection margin: free of tumor.Nipple and areola á á á á á áá : unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 10 lymph nodes, Metastasis : 0 (0/10).Pathological stage: yT1N0.Summary : Invasive ductal carcinoma right breast post lumpectomy. Tumor Grade : 2Lymphnode Status : Lymph nodes are free from tumor (0/10)" 3738,MR1810899,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measure 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores measures tissue predominantly composed of cells withá moderate eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm hyperchromatic nuclei withá moderate pleomorphism and increased mitosis. Stroma is desmoplasticá extensiveáá peritumoralá inflammatory infiltrate noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade IIIModified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+3-8/9" 3739,MR1810901,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - ? Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received4 grey white linear cores measures 1.2-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with mild mild lymphomononuclear cell infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9(3+2+2)" 3740,MR1810914,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - ? Carcinoma BreastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores breast parenchyma harboring an high grade ductal carcinoma in situ with occasional suspicious foci of invasion. Stroma is dense and hyalinized. Areas of comedonecrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Highly suspicious for invasive carcinoma with predominant foci showing in-situ component.See commentComment:There are occasional foci which are suspicious of invasion with predominant in-situ component.Receptor status evaluation may be difficult in the present biopsy 3741,MR1810919,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received three grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma shows infiltrating neoplasm arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Admixed lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. Mitotic figures 4-5/10 hpf.Few cells are showing bizarre nuclei.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma , Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+3+1)." 3742,MR1810922,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Lobulated lesion in left breast - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lesion, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1-2cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma shows infiltrating arranged in nests and sheets. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei. Scant to moderate cytoplasm. Admixed lymphocytic infiltrate seen. Mitosis 4-5/10 hpf. IMPRESSION:Left Breast lesion, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3743,MR1810934,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuresáá 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma many ducts showing ductal carcinoma in situ comedoá and solid type with few foci ofá invasive carcinoma in sheets and nests. The cellsá show increasedá N/C ratio moderate cytoplasm. Pleomorphic hyperchromaticá nuclei. Mitosis is increased.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive Carcinomaá with extensive ductal carcinoma in situModified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9, Grade 3.Tubule formationáááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá : 3áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9" 3744,MR1810935,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN :Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Left Modified Radical Mastectomy post NACT :Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Left Modified Radical Mastectomy post NACT. Laterality : Left breast. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 15 cm. Superficial to Deep : 4 cm. Superior to Inferior :16 cm.Skin ellipse :15x12cm.Nipple : Normal. Scar/Surgical defect : Absent. Tumor : Single. Tumor size : 2x2x1.5cm. Location of tumor : 12 '0' clock. Margins of tumor : ill defined. Deep margin : 2 cm. Muscle : Absent. Axillary breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 7x6x1.5cm. Size of largest node : 0.8x0.5x0.5cm. IMPRESSION:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy :Tumor bed : Sections studied show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and cords. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned, stroma is desmoplastic with extensive areas of necrosis and moderately dense lymphomononuclear cell infiltrates. Histological type : Invasive ductal carcinoma. Grade : 2.Tumor measures 2cm in greatest dimension. Modified BR score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ................. 8/9 ..................Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified. Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes : 11 lymph nodes, Metastasis : 0 (0/11).Pathological stage : pT1N0Summary : Invasive ductal carcinoma left breast. Tumor grade : 3Lymphnode Status : 0/11" 3745,MR1810956,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Right Breast wide excisionB) Right axillary clearanceC) Left breast lumpectomyGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen 8x8x3.8cm.Skin ellipse measures 6.5x1.5cmOn serial section fibrotic area measures 1x0.5x0.5cmDistance from margins:Superior margin : 2.5cmInferior margin : 1.2cmMedial margin : 2.3cmLateral margin : 4.5cmDeep margin : 3.7cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 8x6x5cmLargest lymph node measures 2x1x1cmCut surface fatty infiltration.C) Received globular mass measures 3x2x1cmExternal surface irregularCut surface solid grey white slit like spaces seen.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section studied shows breast parenchyma with ducts of varying sizes lined by inner epithelial layer and an outer intact myoepithelial layer. the stroma shows areas of hyalinisation, edema and periductal inflammatory aggregates. No evidence of atypia /malignancy noted in the material submittedC) Section studied show breast parenchyma with a well circumscribed lesion comprising of proliferating glandular and stromal elements which distorts and compreses the ducts in the centre. The ductules towards the pariphery are dilated. They are lined by inner ephithelial and an outer intact myoepithelial layer. Stroma are few scattered lymphomononuclear cell infiltrate. No atypia /malignancy is noted.IMPRESSION:A) Right Breast wide excision Post NACT:Small focus of periductal atypical cells are seen in frozen section However no evidence residual viable tumor seen in the deeper paraffin sectionsNo ductal carcinoma in situ is seenAll margins ( Superior inferior medial lateral and deep ) are free of tumorB) Right axillary clearance:Isolated all fourteen lymph nodes are free of tumor (0/14)C) Left breast lumpectomy:Feature favor selerosing adenosis No evidence of atypia /malignancy noted in the material submitted." 3746,MR1810968,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:A) Left modified radical mastectomyB) Level 3 nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A)Received in : Formalin Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Post NACT Laterality :LeftTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :19cm Superficial to Deep : 7cm Superior to inferior : 14cmSkin ellipse :14.5x9cmNipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor :Single Tumor Size : 3.2x1.5x1.5cm Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrantMargins of tumor : IrregularDeep margin : 1.0cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 14x6.5x1mSize of largest node :3x2x1cm cut surface - grey brown.B) Received Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3.5x2.5x1cm.Largest measures 0.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Tumor bed :Residual viable tumor present consisting of clumps, groups and ducts of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus, focal areas of calcification and fibrosis presentIMPRESSION:A) Left modified radical mastectomy Post NACTHistological type: Residual viable invasive ductal carcinomaGrade :3Tumor component maximum dimension 3.2cm.Invasive component measures 2.2cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 1cm.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3Ductal carcinoma in situ present-cribriform and comedonecrosisLymphovascular invasion presentPerineural invasion presentPosterior resection margin is is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Level I and II nodes - 2 nodes show metastatic deposits of the out of 11 nodes Perinodal spread present.B) Level III - 5 nodes - No deposit of tumorPathological stage ypT2N1Summary:Residual viable tumor present, Left breast Grade :3.Level I and II nodes - 2 nodes show metastatic deposits of the out of 11 nodes Perinodal spread present.Level III - 5 nodes - No deposit of tumor" 3747,MR1810969,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - / FibroadenomaSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 8 grey white linear cores measures 0.5-1.3cm. Entire tissue prominence.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows case of breast with few composed and elongated ducts with presenced epithelial and myoepithelial layers surrounded by abundant stroma with variable cellularity composed of spindle cells with luminal atypial and hyalinisation. No evidence of in situ or invasive carcinoma in section examined. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Suggestive of Fibroadenoma with cellular stroma 3748,MR1810991,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast cT4b N1.SPECIMEN :Right Modified Radical Mastectomy specimen. GROSS FINDINGS :Right Modified Radical Mastectomy. Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Right Modified Radical Mastectomy. Laterality : Right breast. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 15cm. Superficial to Deep : 3 cm. Superior to Inferior : 17 cm.Skin ellipse :13x9cm.Nipple : Normal. Tumor : Single. Tumor size : 6x4.5x3cm. Location of tumor : Inner outer quadrant. 2 '0' clock position. Margin of tumor : Infiltrative.Deep margin : 0.4cm. Muscle : Absent. Axillary breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 10x06x02cm. Size of largest node : 3x1.5x1cm. Cutsurface grey brown. IMPRESSION:Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.Tumor bed : The sections show breast parenchyma showing infiltrating by tumor in large shuts and nests. The tumor cells are pleomorphic round to ovoid with high N:C ratio moderate amount of cytoplasm. The nuclei are pleomorphic hyperchromatic and round to ovoid with occasional prominent nucleoli. Numerous mitotic figures are seen mitotic figures /hpf. Large areas of necrosis are seen. Tumor reaches upto the dermis of overlying skin. however epidermis of skin is free of tumor and no tumor deposits are seen in dermal lymphatics.Histological type : Infiltrating ductal carcinoma - NST. Grade - 2. Tumor measures maximum dimension 6 cm. Invasive component measures 6 cm. Ductal carcinoma in situ measures not identified. Modified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ............ 7/9 ..............Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified. Lymphovascular invasion is identified. Perineural invasion not seen. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 16 lymph nodes, Metastasis : 1 (1/16)Summary : Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, right breast. Tumor is extending upto dermis epidermis is free of tumor. Tumor Grade : 2Lymphnode Status : 1/16. Perinodal spread not present. " 3749,MR1810995,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - ? Carcinoma BreastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.2-1.5cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in nests cords and tubules with cells showing moderate cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate pleomorphism and increased mitosis. Stroma is desmoplastic. Areas of ductal carcinoma in situ also noted. Areas of necrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma (NST)Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+2)7/9." 3750,MR1811000,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple fragments of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets. The cells are oval to spindle with hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Multinucleated cells,Tumor tumor giant cells noted. Stroma is myxoid. Lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate seen. Mitosis are seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:High grade malignancy.Possibiltiy considered are 1. Malignancy phylloides.2. Metastatic carcinoma." 3751,MR1811006,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - ? Carcinoma BreastSPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, BiopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of infiltrative neoplasm arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and scant to moderate amount of cytoplasm. Admixed lymphocytes infiltrates seen. Areas of necrosis noted. Mitosis 5-6/10 hpf.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 3752,MR1811011,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast post excision biopsy. SPECIMEN :Right Modified Radical Mastectomy specimen. GROSS FINDINGS:Right Modified Radical Mastectomy specimen. Received in : FormalinProcedure : Right Modified Radical Mastectomy. Laterality : Right. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 17 cm. Superficial to Deep : 2.5 cm. Superior to Inferior : 15 cm.Skin ellipse : 12x6cm.Nipple retracted. : Normal.Scar/surgical defect : NoTumor : Grossly no tumor is identified firm fibrotic areas noted in central quadrant measures 1.2x0.8x0.5cm. Margin of tumor : ill defined.Deep margin : 2 cm.Muscle : 1.5x1.5cm. Axillary tail : 9.5x6.5x3.5cm. Size of largest node : 2x1.5x1cm. cells grey white. IMPRESSION:Right Modified Radical Mastectomy. Tumor bed : Sections studied show breast parenchyma with ducts of varying size lined by inner epithelial and an outer intact myoepithelial layer. Stroma shows areas of hyalinisation edema fibrosis with scattered lymphomononuclear cell infiltrates. and foreign body giant cells. No evidence of residual tumor present. Histological type : No viable residual tumor seen in breast, however three lymphnodes show metastatic tumor deposits. Perinodal spread present. Posterior resection margin is free from tumor. Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 10 lymph nodes, Metastasis : 3 (3/10)Summary: No viable residual tumor seen in breast, however three lymphnodes show metastatic tumor deposits, right breast. Lymph node Status: 3/10. Perinodal spread seen. " 3753,MR1811036,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Brestá lump - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 2-2.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesioná arranged in sheets and nests. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei moderate cytoplasm cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Mitosis are 5-6/10 hpf.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+2-7/9.Ductal carcinoma in situ ( cribriform type ) with intermediate nuclear grade. 3754,MR1811066,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma Right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :A) Right modified radical mastectomy. B) Right axillary level III nodes. GROSS FINDINGS:A) Right modified radical mastectomy :Received in : Formalin. Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 17cm Superficial - deep : 5cm Superior-inferior : 13cmSkin ellipse : 10x6cmNipple : Retracted.Scar/ Surgical defect : Absent.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 3x2x2cm..Location of tumor : Central quadrant.Margins of tumor : ill-defined.Deep margin : 0.5cm.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : 5x4x3cm. Size of largest node : 1x1x1cm. Cut surface grey white. B) Received single fibrofatty measures 2.5x1x0.8cm. Isolated 1 lymphnode measures 1x1x1cm. Cut surface grey white. IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :The section shows clumps, groups and sheets of pleomorphic cells with vesicular pleomorphic nucleus with eosinophilic cytoplasm. Tumor is present below the nipple and areola - Epidermis is free of tumor. Histological type : Invasive ductal carcinoma. Grade III.Tumor measures maximum dimension 3x2x2cm. Invasive component measures 3cm. Ductal carcinoma-in-situ measures : Not identified. Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ......... 8/9 .........Lymphovascular invasion present.Perineural invasion present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is : Tumor is present below nipple and areola Epidermis is free from tumor. Lymph nodes: Level -I- II = 9 Nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 18nodes(9/18). Level -III, 2Nodes show metastatic deposit of 2nodes positive nodes (2/2)Total : 11 nodes positive for malignancy out of 20nodes(11/20). Pathological stage : pT2N3SUMMARY:A) Right modified radical mastectomy. B) Right axillary level III nodes. Invasive ductal carcinoma right breast. Tumor grade - IIILymphnode Status : Level -I,II, & III=11Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 20nodes(11//20). " 3755,MR1811082,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3756,MR1811099,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - ? Recurrent carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The sections shows linear cores of breast parenchyma showing infiltration by tumor arranged in nests, cores and focal tubules. The tumor cells are pleomorphic round to ovoid with high N:C ratio, hyperchromatic round to ovoid nuclei and moderate to scant cytoplasm. Intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 3757,MR1811100,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey whiteá linear cores 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged predominantly in nests. The cells are large having abundant amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Stromaá shows desmoplasia. Occasional mitotic figuresá are discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma NST Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score 6/9( 3+21). 3758,MR1811108,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - ? Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 8 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a few atypical cell clusters with hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The lesional cells are floating in lakes of mucin.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive Carcinoma with mucinous areas. 3759,MR1811113,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1-2.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrating cellular lesion arranged in nests, Cores and vague tubules. The cells are ovoid having abundantá amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominence nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast:Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9( 3+2+2)." 3760,MR1811126,"CLINICAL HISTORY :MUO of unknown origin? Primary breast? Primary lung.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Cervical lymph nodeGROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 lymph nodes largest lymph node measures 2x0.8x0.6cm. Entire tissue processedCut surface - grey white.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from lymph node shows completely effaced architecture and replaced by a lesion arranged in lobules separated by thick and thin fibrous septa. Within the lobules are seen neoplastic cells arranged in closely packed nests. The cells are large with distinct cell borders , pleomorphic round vesicular nucleus, prominent 1-2 nucleoli an abundant clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm. Interspersed hyaline globules are noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Cervical lymph node:Metastatic adenocarcinoma most likely from lung." 3761,MR1811154,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Blue + HotB) Hot node.C) Neither Blue Nor Hot.D) Left mastectomy specimen.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Blue + Hot:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1x1cm.Isolated single lymph node measures 2x1x1cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.B) Hot node:Received ? single lymph node measures 0.6x0.5x0.4cm.C) Neither Blue Nor Hot:Received 1 lymph node measures 1.5x1x1cm. Cut surface shows greybrown.D) Left mastectomy specimen.Lateralityáááááááááááá : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateralááááá :ááá 16cmááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deepááá :á 3cmááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferiorááááá : 18cm.Skin ellipseááááááááááááá : 14x9cmNippleáááááááááááááááááááá : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect :á Not seen.Tumoráááááááááááááááááááá : SingleTumor sizeááááááááááááá :á 2x2x1.5cm.Location of tumoráá : 8 to 9 '0' clock position.Deep margináááááááááá : 2.5cm.Margins of tumorááá : Ill defined.Deep margináááááááááá : 3cm.Muscleáááááááááááááááááá : Absent.Adjacent breastááááá : Fibrofatty tissue.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from mastectomy specimen sjow tumor infiltrating the breast parenchyma. The tumor cells are round to polygonal arranged in nests and tubules in a desmoplastic stroma. Mitoses are 1-2/hpf and small foci of comedo necrosis is seen. Lymphovascular invasion/ Perineural invasion, areas of DCIS are not seen.Adjacent parenchyma shows fibrosis and lymphomononuclear infiltrate.All the 3 lymph nodes isolated from sentinel lymph node biopsy specimen are free of tumor.IMPRESSION:Left mastectomy specimen :Invasive carcinoma (No special type).Grade 2, MBR score 7/9Tumor measures maximum dimension 2cm.Tubule formationáááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá : 3Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 3 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0,(0/3).Pathological stage : pT1cSUMMARY:Left mastectomy specimen :Invasive carcinoma (No special type).Nodal metastases : 3 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0,(0/3)." 3764,MR1811181,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures -1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma with lobular features, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 --------" 3765,MR1811186,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right carcinomaSPECIMEN:A)Right Breast conservation surgery, Post NACTB) Right Sentinel lymph node, BiopsyC) Completion axillary dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 6x4x0.6cm Skin ellipse measures 2.5x0.8cmCut surface identified a grey white fibrotic area measures 0.6x0.6x0.5cm. Distance from margins:Super margins : 0.4cmInferior margin : 0.6cmMedial margin : 0.6cmLateral margin : 1cmDeep margin : 3cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x1cm.Largest measures 0.8x0.7x0.6cm. Cut surface grey white.C) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 10x6x0.5cmLargest lymph nodes measures 0.5x0.5x0.3cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show breast parenchyma with stromal edema, hyalinisation and fibrosis. Interspersed are congested blood vessels with lymphomononuclear infiltrate.IMPRESSION:A)Right Breast conservation surgery, Post NACT:No Residual viable tumor seen.B) Right Sentinel lymph node, Biopsy:Isolated three lymphnodes are free of tumor (0/3)C) Completion axillary dissection:Isolated nine lymph nodes are free of tumor (0/9)," 3766,MR1811205,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma BreastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left beast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey brown linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are ovoid having abundant pale eosinophilic cytoplasm, hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus with prominent nucleoli in few .Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplasia with dense lymphomononuclear cell infiltrate. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left beast:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9(3+2+1)." 3767,MR1811215,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast. SPECIMEN :A) Specimen of sentinel node biopsy -2 lymphnodes. Neither Blue Nor Hot. B) Specimen of sentinel node biopsy - 2 lymph nodes. Blue and HOT.C) Specimen of sentinel node biopsy - 1 lymph node received. GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 2 lymph node largest measures 1x1x0.5cm. Cut surface grey brownB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x2.0x1cm. Largest lymph node measures 1.5x1.5x1.0cm. Cut surface grey white.C) Received 1 lymph node measures 0.5x0.5x0.3cm. D) Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Left Mastectomy. Laterality : Left breast. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :18cm. Superficial to Deep : 4 cm. Superior to Inferior :16cm.Skin ellipse :16x13cm.Nipple : Normal. Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumor Size : 3.8x2.5x2cm. Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Fairly circumscribed. Deep margin : 2cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. IMPRESSION:A) Sentinel lymph node biopsy: Isolated two lymph nodes are free of tumor (0/2).B) Sentinel lymph node biopsy : Isolated four lymph nodes are free of tumor (0/4).C) Sentinel lymph node biopsy : Isolated single lymph node is free of tumor (0/1).D) Left Mastectomy.Tumor bed : Section studied show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and sheets with interspersed large areas of necrosis. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned (9-10/10hpf). Stroma is desmoplastic with scattered lymphomononuclear cell infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis are seen. Histological type : Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade: 3Tumor is located in lower outer quadrant. Tumor measures 3.8 cm in maximum dimension .Invasive component measures 3.8 cm.Modified BR score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3 Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ................. 8/9 ...................Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. Perineural invasion is not identified. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.(Sentinel node A,B,C) Lymph nodes: 7 Lymph nodes, Metastasis : 0 (0/7).Pathological stage: pT2N0.Summary : Invasive ductal carcinoma, left breast. Tumor Grade : 3.Lymph node Status : 0/7. " 3769,MR1811259,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - ? Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear core measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring large dilated ducts lined by stratified round to oval cells overlying entire duct luminally. The cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Few ducts are showing clear punched out spaces. Few showing comedo necrosis. All The ducts are lined by myoepithelial cells abluminally. stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Ductal carcinoma in situ ( Cribriform and comedo type) Intermediate nuclear grade.No invasive component seen. 3770,MR1811260,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast BIRADS IV b lesion.Right Axillary node - metastatic deposits probably from breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1.2 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy:INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2.á - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3771,MR1811261,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1-2.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Mitosis 3-4/10 hpf.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma NOS, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9(3+2+1)" 3772,MR1811285,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Lump right breast.Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplastic arranged in sheets. The cells have round hyperchromatic nucleus, and moderate cytoplasm. Also noted are ductal carcinoma in situ component (solid pattern). Moderate nuclear pleomorphism noted. Mitoses discerned.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Core biopsy : Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 3773,MR1811310,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma Left breast. SPECIMEN :Left Modified Radical Mastectomy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Left, Modified Radical Mastectomy. Laterality : Left breast. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :15cm. Superficial to Deep : 3cm. Superior to Inferior :17cm.Skin ellipse : 14x7cm.Nipple : Normal. Scar/ Surgical defect : Lower outer quadrant shows skin puckering however epidermis is free. Tumor : Single.Tumor Size : 3x2.5x2.2xcm. Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : ill defined. Deep margin : Tumor is infiltrating in to the muscle bundle. Deep margin is close margin 0.3cm and is free of tumor. Muscle : Present measures 2.5x1.5x1cm.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 7x6x1.5cm.Lymph nodes : 7Size of largest node :1.5x1.2x1cm. IMPRESSION:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy : Tumor bed: The tumor is harboring pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and eosinophilic cytoplasm. The tumor is present in diffuse sheets and infiltrating the underlying muscle bundle. The epidermis of skin is free from the tumor. Histological type: Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II.Tumor measures maximum dimension 3x2.5 cm.Invasive component measures 3x2.5cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ is not identified. Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 .................. 7/9 ....................Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. Perineural invasion is present. Posterior resection margin shows tumor infiltrating the muscle bundle however the marked resected margin is free from the tumor. Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes : 7 lymph nodes, Metastasis : No metastatic deposits (0/7).Summary: Invasive ductal carcinoma, left breast. Tumor Grade: II.Lymph node Status: 7 Nodes - No deposits of tumor." 3774,MR1811340,CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear core measures 2 to 2.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma NST ; grade 1.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is (5/9).Tubule formation -- 2.Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic activity -- 1 ----------- 5/9 ----------- 3775,MR1811392,CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lesion ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy form left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 - 1.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma showing extensive lesion with neoplastic lesion in sheets. The cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate seen. Mitoses 2-3/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Biopsy form left breast:Extensive necrosis with clusters of dysplastic ductal cells.No invasion is discerned.Suggest repeat biopsy. 3776,MR1811399,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - ? Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores linear cores 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma showing few benign ducts and cellular stromal lesion comprising of spindle cells having hyperchromatic nuclei nuclei, moderate cytoplasm. Stroma is myxoid. Mitosis are 3-4/10 hpf.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Fibroepithelial biphasic neoplasm.Favoring phyllodes tumor? Borderline categorySuggest wide excision for further confirmation. " 3777,MR1811401,CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinomaá Right breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 2-2.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast:Invasiveá carcinoma with lobulará features Modified Bloom Richardson score is ( 3+2+2).Grade 2á (7/9) 3778,MR1811419,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of left neck swellingSPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left supraclavicular lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.3-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fragments of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in nests composed of cells with moderate cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with crush artifacts.IMPRESSION:Metastatic carcinomatous deposit:Possible primary1. Breast2. Aero-digestive tract." 3779,MR1811420,"CLINICAL HISTORY:? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 2 - 2.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets, nests and cords. The cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Mitoses 10-12/10hpf. Stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lesion:Invasive carcinoma, NST, grade lll.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9 (3+2+3)" 3780,MR1811426,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump- ? Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 Grey white linear cores 2-2.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma shows infiltrating neoplasm arranged in sheets and nests. The neoplastic cells are round to oval hyperchromatic cell are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Cells are lying in the pools of extracellular mucin. Admixed lymphocytes noted. Mitosis 3-4/10 hpf.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Carcinoma with mucinous features. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3781,MR1811433,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast conservative surgery, post NACT.B) Axillary lymph node dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received skin fibrofatty tissue measures 7.5x7x3.5cm. Skin ellipse measures 2.5x1cm. Cut surface shows illdefined grey white firm area with clip in situ measures 1x0.8x0.5cm.Distance from the margins:Superior margin -- 2cm.Inferior margin -- 1.5cm.Medial margin -- 3cm.Lateral margin -- 4cm.Deep margin -- 1.5cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 9x7x4cm.largest lymph node measures 2.5x1.5x1cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The sections show breast parenchyma showing marked areas of hyalinisation and fibrosis. No residual tumor identified.Adjacent breast shows adenosis.Margins are free of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast conservative surgery, post NACT:No viable residual tumor identified, Post NACT status.Superior, inferior, medial, lateral and deep margins are free of tumor.B) Axillary lymph node dissection.Lymph nodes : 18 lymph nodes, metastasis 0 (0/18).Show treatment related changes.Pathological grade : ypT0N0.SUMMARY:No viable residual tumor. Right breast" 3782,MR1811480,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 2-2.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged as islands and clusters. The neoplasm cells exhibit nuclear hyperchromasia and moderate cytoplasm. Crush artifacts noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive Carcinoma, NST.Modified Bloom Richardson score 7/9, Grade 2Tubule formationááá á áá - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------" 3783,MR1811481,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast conservative surgery , Post NACTB) Revised deep margin.C) Left axillary clearance.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Wide excision specimen measures 6.3x6x4cm.Skin ellipse measures 3x0.4cmSmall fibrotic area measures 0.5x0.5x0.4cm.No obvious tumor identifiedDistance from margins:Superior margin :2.1cmInferior margin :2cmMedial margin : 1.8cmLateral margin : 2.2cmDeep margin :2.1cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue bits measures 3x3x0.5cm.C) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue measures MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section studied shows breast parenchyma with tiny focus showing solid and comedonecrosis pattern of ductal carcinoma in situ. No obvious invasionis seen. Focal areas of lymphomononuclear infiltrate are seen.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast conservative surgery , Post NACT:Residual viable tumor showing ductal carcinoma in situ - Solid and comedonecrosis pattern.No invasion identified.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.8cm in greatest dimension.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not seen.Deep margin shows ductal carcinoma in situ. All margins of resection ( Superior, inferior , medial and lateral ) are free of tumor.B) Revised deep margin: Free of tumorC) Left axillary clearance:Isolated all thirteen lymph nodes are free of tumor." 3784,MR1811486,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive Carcinoma, NST, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score 7/9 (3+2+2)." 3786,MR1811512,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast carcinoma. post lumpectomy post NACTSPECIMEN:Left breast, modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 14cm Superficial - deep : 5cm Superior-inferior : 14cmSkin ellipse : 13x8cmNipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : SingleTumor size : 1.5x1x1cmLocation of tumor : Upper inner quadrant.Margins of tumor : ill defined.Deep margin : 1.3cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty .Axillary tail : 5x4x3cm.Size of largest node : 1.3x1x1cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Left breast, modified radical mastectomy (post lumpectomy, post NACT):Tumor : Shows extensive areas of DCIS. Solid and comedo type, High grade. Areas of calcification noted. No residual invasive carcinoma seen.Tumor measures maximum dimension 1.5cm.Histological type: Residual viable ductal carcinoma in situ, solid and comedo type, High grade.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 10 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0 , (0/10).SUMMARY:Left breast, modified radical mastectomy (post lumpectomy, post NACT):Residual Ductal carcinoma insitu,Tumor grade : Nuclear grade IIINo residual invasive carcinoma seen.Nodal metastases : 10 lymph nodes, no metastasis: (0/10)." 3787,MR1811583,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast carcinoma. SPECIMEN :1. Right Modified Radical Mastectomy (with part of underlying muscle).GROSS FINDINGS :Right Modified Radical Mastectomy. Received inááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Formalin.Procedureááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Right Modified Radical Mastectomy post NACT. Lateralityááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Right breast. Total dimensionsáááááááááááááááá á : Medial to lateraláááááá : 10 cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deepá : 3cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferiorá :15 cm.Skin ellipseáááááááááááááááááááááááááá :11x6cm.Nippleááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Normal.á áScar/Surgical defectáááááááááááá : Linear scar measures 8cm in outer quadrant show an ulceration measuring 1x0.6cm adjacent to scar. Tumorááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : SingleTumor sizeáááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Corresponding to skin ulcer in upper outer quadrant measuring 1.1x1x1cm. Location of tumoráááááááááááááá á : 10-11 '0' clock position - Ductal carcinoma in situ like areas noted. Margins of tumorááááááááááááááááá : ill- defined. áDeep margináááááááááááááááááááááá : 0.5cm.Muscleááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Present- measuring 4x3x0.6cm. Adjacent breastááááááááááááááááááá : Extensive fibrosis. Axillary tailáááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 7x6.5x1cm. áIMPRESSION:Modified Radical mastectomy, Post LumpectomyMICROSCOPY:The section from right breast show areas of foreign body giant cell reaction.Occasional giant cells are seen to have intracytoplasmic foreign body material. Foci showing expanded ducts distended by atypical cuboidal cells with increased N:C ratio, nuclei and moderate cytoplasm are seen in cribriform and solid pattern suggestive of ductal carcinoma in situ. Areas of ductal carcinoma is situ are surrounded by dense lymphomononuclear infiltrate - No areas of invasive component seen.- Deep resection margin, and nipple areola are free from tumor. - 19 lymph nodes isolated, are free from tumor. TUMOR BED:No invasive tumor identified. Sections show predominantly foreign body giant cell reaction.Foci of ductal carcinoma in situ are seen. -Ductal carcinoma in situ present and measuresá 1x0.8cm.-Lymphovascular invasion not identified. -Perineural invasion is not identified. -Posterior resection margin is free of tumor-Nipple and areola is free from tumor. -Lymph nodes: 19 lymph nodes, Metastasis : Not seen. (0/19).Pathological stage : ypTis pN0.SUMMARY :Ductal carcinoma in situ seen. No obvious invasive component noted, right breast. Lymphnode Status : 19 nodes - No deposits of tumor. " 3788,MR1811614,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, cords and tubules. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia, mitosis 4-5/10 hpf.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive Carcinoma, NST, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9(3+2+1)." 3789,MR1811642,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast. SPECIMEN :A) Wide local excision biopsy left breast. B) Sentinel lymphnode biopsy.C) Sentinel lymph node biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:A) Wide local excision biopsy left breast : Received lumpectomy measures 6x6x3cm. Skin measures 4.5x2cm. Cutsurface show grey white tumor measures 1.3x1.2x1cm. Distance from margins : Superior margin : 1 cm.Inferior margin : 2 cm.Medial margin : 1 cm.Lateral margin : 1.5 cm.Deep margin : 0.1 cm.B) Sentinel lymphnode biopsy : Received single lymph node measures 1.5x1x1cm. Cutsurface fatty infiltration. C) Sentinel lymph node biopsy : Received isolated lymphnode measures 1x0.5x0.5cm. Cutsurface - unremarkable. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS : A) Section studied shows breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and cords. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with dense lymphomononuclear cell infiltrate. IMPRESSION:A) Wide local excision, left breast. Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade -2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 2 .............. 7/9 ...............Tumor measures 1.3cm in greatest dimension.Invasive component measures 1.3cm. Ductal carcinoma in situ not seen. Lymphovascular invasion / perineural invasion are not identified. All margins of resection (superior, inferior medial, lateral and deep) are free of tumor. B) Sentinel lymph node biopsy : Isolated single lymphnode is free of tumor (0/1)C) Sentinel lymph node biopsy : Isolated two lymphnode are free of tumor (0/2).Pathological stage : pT1pNo." 3790,MR1811652,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters and tubules. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Tumor cells are seen floating in lakes of mucin.á IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast. Invasive carcinoma with mucinous areas.Grade - 2. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááá á á á : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááá á á á á á á : 2ááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á á á á áá -------ááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á á á á á 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........... 3791,MR1811660,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Large ill defined hypoechoic lesion with skin ulceration left breast SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white soft tissue bits measures 0.8x0.5x0.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets, nests and singly scattered. The cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia and hyalinisation. Occasional mitosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion:Suggestive of Invasive Carcinoma, nuclear grade 2" 3792,MR1811676,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of left breast carcinoma. SPECIMEN :A) Blue node, Left sentinel node biopsy. .B) Hot node, Left sentinel node biopsy. C) Left breast wide excision.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 1.5x1.0x0.5. isolated one lymph node measures 1x0.8x0.5cm. B) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue measures 1.5x1.5x1.0cm. Largest lymph node measures 1x0.5x0.5cm. Isolated two lymphnode. C) Received single skin covered fibrofatty tissue measures 7.5x6x3cm. Cut surface shows ill defined grey white lesion measures 2.2x1.8x1.5cm. Distance from margins :Superior margin : 1cm.Inferior margin : 1.5 cm.Medial margin : 1.5 cm.Lateral margin : 1.2 cm.Deep margin : 0.4 cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Sections studied show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, sheets and cords. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. Interspersed lymphomononuclear cell infiltrates are seen. IMPRESSION:A) Blue node, left sentinel lymphnode biopsy : Isolated single lymphnode is free of tumor (0/1)B) Hot node, left sentinel node biopsy : isolated two lymphnode are free of tumor (0/2)C) Left breast, Wild local excision :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade -2. tumor measures 2.2cm in maximum dimension Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ................. 7/9 .................Lymphovascular invasion / Perineural invasion are not identified.All margins (superior, inferior, medial, laterality and deep) are free of tumor. Pathological grade : pT2No." 3793,MR1811694,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast - ? MalignantSPECIMEN:Right Breast, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received six grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show multiple fragments of breast tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are round to oval vesicular nuclei, abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Adjacent lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate noted. Mitotic 5-6/10 hpf.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 3794,MR1811742,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lesion - Birads ISPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in cords and nests. The ells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Occasional mitosis are seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, NST nuclear grade -2." 3795,MR1811756,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast retroareola lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 2-2.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchymaá harboring lesion arranged in cords, nests and sheets. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and moderateá cytoplasm mitosis 5-6/10 hpf. Stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma, NST grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9(3+2+2)." 3796,MR1811759,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltratingá lesion arranged in nests an cords. The cells lesional cell are round to ovalá having hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Stroma showsá desmoplasia . Occasional mitosis seen. Solid ductal carcinoma in situ seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, NST grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9(3+2+1)." 3797,MR1811762,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast ycT4bN2m0.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.B) Level 3 axillary node.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Received in : Formalin.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 23cm Superficial - deep : 9cm Superior-inferior : 19cmSkin ellipse : 18x13cm. A vague nodularity beside.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : SingleTumor size : 1.6x1x1cmMargins of tumor : ill defined.Location of tumor : Central outer quadrant,Retroareolar.Deep margin : 5cm.Axillary tail : 11x6x6cm.Size of largest node: 2.5cm.B) Level 3 axillary node:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3.5x3x1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :Tumor bed : Shows residual viable tumor, well circumscribed neoplasm composed of sheets and nests of pleomorphic cells with large vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli. There is moderate intra and peritumoral lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.Grade IIIModified BR score is 8/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures maximum dimension 1.6cm (Microscopic).Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Absent.Lymphovascular invasion : Indeterminate.Perineural invasion : Absent.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 16 lymph nodes, Metastasis: No viable tumor deposits. Only necrosis seen (0/16).Pathological stage : ypT1N0.B) Level 3 axillary node:6 Nodes are free of tumor (0/6).Total nodes : 0/22SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :Residual viable medullary carcinoma.Tumor grade: IIILymph node status: 0/22" 3799,MR1811775,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass. SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received three grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells, arranged in tubules, cords, and nests. The cells have round hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3800,MR1811777,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white linear cored measures 1.5 to 2 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3801,MR1811778,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right modified radical mastectomy, Post NACT.B) Level 3 nodes.C) Revised superior margin.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received in : 10% NBF.Procedure : Right modified radical mastectomy, Post NACT.Laterality : Right.Total dimensions : Medial to lateral --17cm Superficial to Deep -- 5cm Superior to Inferior -- 15cm.Skin ellipse : 13x11cm. Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Absent.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 3x3x2.5cm. Cut surface is cystic and hemorrhagic, also seen granular and papillary areas.Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrant.Margins of tumor : Illdefined.Deep margin : 2.5cm. Muscle : 4.5x3.5cm.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 10x8x3cm.cm.Size of largest node : 2.5x2x2cm. Cut surface fatty infiltration seen.B) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 2x2x1cm. Entire tissue processed.C) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 4.5x0.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The sections from breast parenchyma show tumor infiltrating in sheets, nests and islands showing large areas of necrosis. The tumor cells are round to polygonal with increased N:C ratio, enlarged highly pleomorphic nuclei prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Numerous tumor giant cells are identified. Areas of tumor nests having central vascular cores are seen. Suggestive of papillary pattern. Focal comedo type ductal carcinoma in situ is seen.IMPRESSION:A) Right modified radical mastectomy, Post NACT.Histological type: Viable invasive ductal carcinoma NST. Possibility of solid papillary carcinoma to be ruled out. Grade: 3Tumor measures maximum dimension 3cm.Invasive component measures 2.8cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.2cm.Modified BR score is 8/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 3Mitotic figures: 2Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is comedo type.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 21 lymph nodes, metastasis 0 (0/21).B) Level 3 nodes:3 lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor (0/3).C) Revised superior margin:Free of malignancy.Pathological stage: pT2N0SUMMARY: Viable invasive ductal carcinoma NST, Right breast.Tumor Grade: 3Lymph nodes : 24 lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor (0/24)." 3802,MR1811781,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - ? malignant. SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received - 5 grey white linear core measures 1-2cm. Entire tissue processed, MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show multiple cores of breast parenchyma showing normal ducts lined by cuboidal cells luminally and myoepithelial cells abluminally with interspersed lymphocytes and plasma cells in stroma. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Suggestive of invasive carcinoma with lobular features. " 3803,MR1811793,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast. SPECIMEN :A) Lumpectomy B) Left modified radical mastectomy, post lumpectomy specimen. GROSS FINDINGS :A) Lumpectomy:Received unoriented fibrofatty tissue measures 6x4.5x3cm. Cut surface shows retractive well defined grey white firm lesion measures 3x2.5x2.5cm.Nearest inked margin is 1.5cm away. B) Modified radical mastectomy :Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Left Modified Radical Mastectomy. Laterality : Left breast. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 18cm. Superficial to Deep : 5 cm. Superior to Inferior :18cm.Skin ellipse :15x7cm.Nipple : Retracted. Surgical defect : Seen measures 6cm. 0.5cm medial from Nipple areola. Tumor : Lumpectomy bed measures 6x4.5x3cm. Location of lumpectomy bed : Upper inner quadrant, Lower inner quadrant. Deep margin from lumpectomy bed : 1 cm. Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty. Axillary tail : 6.5x5x3cm. Size of largest node : 2x1.5x1cm. Cutsurface grey white.IMPRESSION: A)Lumpectomy specimen,Left Breast:Tumor bed: Tumor is harboring pleomorphic oval to polygonal cells present in diffuse sheets and clumps. The cells show vesicular to hyperchromatic nucleus, scanty cytoplasm. Between the clumps of cells, focal areas of necrosis is present.Histological type: Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade II.Tumor measures 3cm in maximum dimension,Invasive component measures 3cm.Ductal carcinoma insitu is not identified.Modified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation:3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic activity:2Lymphovascular and perineural invasion is not identified.B)Left modified radical mastectomy post lumpectomy specimen :Tumor bed : Shows fibrofatty tissue with focal hemorrhagic areas. No evidence of residual tumor present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes : 14 lymph nodes, Metastasis : 0Pathological stage: pT2N0 (As tumor is measuring 3cm in lumpectomy specimen) Summary : lumpectomy shows invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - II. Lymphnode Status : Modified Radical mastectomy specimen shows 14nodes.No deposits of tumor (0/14)" 3804,MR1811797,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear core measures 2 to 2.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma, NST , grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9.Tubular formationáááááááááááá -- 3.Nuclear pleomorphismááááá -- 2Mitotic activityáááááááááááááááááá -- 2.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------" 3805,MR1811802,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump.SITE:Biopsy from right breast.Received 10 blocks and 10 slides labelled as 448 GHCBJCAF.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections reveal breast parenchyma with infiltrative lesion showing nests, cords and diffuse sheets of round to polygonal cells with high N/C ratio, vesicular nucleus and scant to moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. these is moderate pleomorphism, mitoses 1-2/10hpf and few foci of necrosis. Stroma shows marked desmoplasia. Adjacent breast parenchyma shows few solid ductal carcinoma in situ .Foci and areas of fibrocystic change.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9.Tubular formationááá á á á -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá -- 2Mitotic activityááááááááááááááá -- 1.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------Please note:Comment on adequacy of excision cannot be made in the slides/blocks provided." 3806,MR1811811,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Known case of carcinoma breast- Post Left MRM with headache.SPECIMEN:Right occipital mass.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received mulitple greywhite to greybrown soft tissue bits measures 2x1x0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.B) Received multiple measures 2.5x1.5x1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show lesion composed of spindle cells arranged in intersecting fascicles, stroriform and whorling pattern in a fibrous stroma. These cells show moderate cytoplasm and elongated nucleus. Foci of calcification, psammoma bodies and ossification is noted. Mitosis is inconspicuous.IMPRESSION:Right occipital mass:Transitional Meningioma Grade I/IIReport on IHC with Ki 67 to follow for confirmation of grade." 3807,MR1811844,"CLINICAL HISTORY:BIRAD V lesion in right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey brown linear core measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma shows infiltrating neoplasm arranged in tubules sheets and nests. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Admixed lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Intratubular mucin filled. Mitotic figures are noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma with mucinous features Grade 1.Modified Bloom Richardson Score (2+1+1) 4/9" 3808,MR1811845,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast - residual lump. SPECIMEN :Specimen of left Modified Radical Mastectomy. GROSS FINDINGS :Received inááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Formalin.Procedureááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áLateralityááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Left breast. Total dimensionsááááááááááááááááá : Medial to lateraláááááá : 19 cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deepá : 5 cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áá Superior to Inferiorá :16 cm.Skin ellipseáááááááááááááááááááááááááá :12x9cm.Nippleááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Normal.Scaráááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 3cm in lower inner quadrant. áTumorááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Single.Tumor sizeáááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 1.5x1.5x1.5cm. Location of tumorááááááááááááááá : Lower inner quadrant. Margins of tumoráááááááááááááááá : ill defined. Deep marginááááááááááááááááááááááá : 1.2 cm. Muscleááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Present measures 1.5x1cm. Axillary breastáááááááááááááááááááá : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tailááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 5x4x3cm. Size of largest nodeááááááááááá : 1.5x1x1cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration. IMPRESSION:A) Left Modified Radical Mastectomy. Lumpectomyá bed : Sections studied show breast parenchyma with foci exhibiting granulation tissue with inflammatory cells comprising of lymphocytes, plasma cells and giant cells. Stroma shows areas of hyalinisation and edema. Few ducts show ductal carcinoma in situ, solid and cribriform patterns. No evidence of invasive carcinoma. Histological type: A residual tiny focus shows ductal carcinoma in situ: solid and cribriform pattern. Ductal carcinoma in situ measures á :á 0.3cm. Lymphovascular invasion á á á á á á á áá : not seen. Perineural invasion á á á á á á á á á á á á á : not seen. Posterior resection margin isáááááááááááá :unremarkable. Nipple and areola is á á á á á á á á á á á áá : unremarkableLymph nodes : 11 lymph nodes, Metastasis : 0 (0/11)Pathological Stages : ypTisN0. SUMMARY :Few ducts show ductal carcinoma in situ:á solid and cribriform pattern seen. No invasive component noted- Left Breast ,Post lumpectomyLymphnode Status : 0/11. " 3809,MR1811864,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast, post lumpectomy. SPECIMEN :A) Left Modified Radical Mastectomy, Post lumpectomyGROSS FINDINGS :Left Modified Radical Mastectomy, Post lumpectomyReceived in : Formalin.Procedure : Left Modified Radical Mastectomy, Post lumpectomyLaterality : Left breast. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 16cm. Superficial to Deep : 2.5cm. Superior to Inferior : 20 cm.Skin ellipse :13x6cm.Nipple : Normal. Scar/Surgical defect : Linear scar seen, measuring 3.5cm length. Tumor : Single. Margins of tumor : ill defined. Deep margin : 0.5cm. Muscle : Present. 3.5x1cm. Axillary breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 9.5x6x1.5cm. Size of largest node : 3x1x0.8cm. IMPRESSION:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.Tumor bed : The section from the tumor show residual tumor present composed of clumps groups and sheets of cells. The cells show pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. few ducts show ductal carcinoma - in situ. Histological type : Residual tumor present invasive ductal carcinoma with carcinoma in situ, Grade - 2. Residual tumor measures 2.5x2x2cm( refer to previous report for total size of tumor). Invasive component measures 2 cm. Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.5cm, low grade solid type. Modified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ............ 7/9 ..............Lymphovascular invasion is present. Perineural invasion not identified. Posterior resection margin is 0.2 cm away from tumor. However inked margin is free of tumor. Nipple and areola is shows paget's disease. Lymph nodes: 14 lymph nodes, Metastasis : 1 node shows metastatic deposits of tumor, perinodal spread present. Summary : Residual invasive ductal carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ. Tumor Grade : 2Lymphnode Status : 1 node shows metastatic deposit of tumor out of 14 nodes, perineural spread present. " 3810,MR1811868,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy form left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from breast parenchyma with infiltrating neoplasm arranged in sheets and nests. The cells forming the lesion are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, scant to moderate cytoplasm. Admixed lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Mitotic figures are noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy form left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma of ductal origin NST nuclear grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score (3+2+2) 7/9." 3811,MR1811881,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Right Breast, Right Breast Conservation Surgery.B) Right sentinel lymph node(Hot node).C) Right sentinel lymph node(Blue and Hot node).D) Revised inferior margin.E) Right axillary clearance.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received skin covered soft tissue bits measures 9x5x3cm. Skin ellipse measures 6.5x1.0cm. Surface of skin is unremarkable. Cut surface shows grey white firm tumor measures 2.5x2x2cm. Distance from the margins:Superior margin -- 1.2cm.Inferior margin -- 0.8cm.Medial margin -- 1.0cm.Lateral margin -- 1.5cm.Deep margin -- 1.0cm.B) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x2x1.5cm. Largest lymph nodes measures 2x1x1cm. Cut surface shows grey white deposit.C) Received single lymph node measures 0.5x0.5x0.5cm.D) Received single fibrofatty tissue tissue measures 4x2.5x1cm. Cut surface shows unremarkable.E) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 8x5x1.5cm. Largest lymph node measures 1.5x1x0.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast paranchyma harboring an infiltrating neoplasm arranged in sheets, cords nests with intervening fibrous septa and tubules. The cells have round vesicular nucleus, prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Ductal carcinoma in situ is present. (Solid, comedo pattern).IMPRESSION:A) Right Breast, Right Breast Conservation Surgery:INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9.Tubular formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic activity -- 2 - Tumor measures 2.5 cm in greatest dimension. - Ductal carcinoma in situ of solid, comedo pattern with intermediate nuclear grade. - Lymphovascular invasion is identified. - Perineural invasion is not identified. - All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Right sentinel lymph node(Hot node):One out of two lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposit(1/2). - Size of the tumor deposit measures 0.6 cm in greatest dimension. - Extranodal extension is not seen.C) Right sentinel lymph node(Blue and Hot node):One lymph node isolated, negative for malignancy (0/1).D) Revised inferior margin: - Free of tumor.E) Right axillary clearance:Seventeen lymph nodes isolated, negative for malignancy(0/17)." 3812,MR1811924,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows infiltrating neoplasm arranged in sheets and nest. The cells are large pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, scant cytoplasm. Admixed lymphocytic infiltrates. Atypical mitotic figures noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma NST nuclear grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is (3+2+2) 7/9." 3813,MR1811926,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breast Post MRMSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left Breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma show atypical epitheial cells which are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, clear cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows hyalinisation , adenosis and fibrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left Breast:Features highly suspicious of invasive carcinomaAs the tissue is scanty Suggest repeat biopsy for conclusive opinion and IHC." 3814,MR1811963,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 0.3x0.2x0.1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy:INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3815,MR1812017,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - Birads V.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lesion, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrating by neoplastic cells arranged in sheets and nests. The cells have pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Mitosis is discerned.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lesion, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 3818,MR1812054,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion - Biradds V. - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy fromá right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy fromá right breast lesion:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9, Grade 2.Tubule formationá á áá á - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9" 3819,MR1812058,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - Birads V lesion cyst breastSPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating neoplasm arranged in nests, tubules and sheets. The cells have pleomorphic round hyperchromatic nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis is discerned. Occasional bizarre nuclear forms are noted.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. -Modified Bloom Richardson Score 7(3+2+2)." 3820,MR1812064,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Biradsá V - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive Ductal CarcinomaModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9, Grade 2.Tubule formation á á áááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismá -2Mitotic figuresáááááá á ááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá " 3821,MR1812070,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lesion - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGSSection from breast parenchyma with infiltrating neoplasm arranged in sheets. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic, abundant clear cytoplasm. Admixed lymphocytic infiltrate are noted. Mitotic notedIMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lesion:Invasive ductal carcinoma, NST grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+2)7/9" 3822,MR1812077,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Hot node.B) Blue+ Hot node.C) Non blue non hot node.D) Right mastectomy SLNB.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1.5x1x0.8cm.Identified 1 lymph node measures 1.4x1x0.7cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x1.5x1cm.Largest lymph node measures 0.6x0.6x0.5cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.C) Received 1 lymph node measures 0.9x0.5x0.5cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.D) Right mastectomy SLNB:Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 24cm Superficial - deep : 5cm Superior-inferior : 21cmSkin ellipse : 19x12cmNipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Absent.Tumor : SingleTumor size : 3x3x3cm, Solid and cystic.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Circumscribed.Deep margin : 2cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : 2x2x2cm. 2 nodes disected apart from 4 sentinel nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sectons studied show a well circumscribed lesion showing tumor cells arranged in solid nests. The nests are seperated by congested thin fibrovascular septae. At places the tumor cells are arranged in ribbons and trabeculae. The tumor cells are round to ovoid having round to ovoid vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Occasional mitotic figures are seen.Deep resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.2 lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor (0/2).IMPRESSION:A,B,C) 4 of 4 sentinel nodes show reactive hyperplasia (0/4).D) Right mastectomy SLNB:Invasive carcinoma of ductal origin- NST Grade III.Modified BR score is 8/9.Tumor measures maximum dimension 3cm.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Seen- Solid and comedo type.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 2 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0(0/2) (Including sentinel nodes).6 of 6(4+2) nodes are free of tumor (0/6).Pathological stage : pT2N0SUMMARY:Right mastectomy SLNB:Invasive ductal carcinoma- NST, grade III.Nodal metastases : 6 of 6 nodes are free of tumor (0/6)." 3823,MR1812095,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast mass - ? Carcinoma Right Breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast mass, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey brown linear cores measures 1.5-2cmn. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in sheets and cords. The cells have round hyperchromatic nucleus inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitosis is discerned.IMPRESSION:Right Breast mass, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3824,MR1812118,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white 4 linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibro adipose tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in nested pattern composed of cells with moderate to abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nuclei with marked pleomorphism and increased mitosis. Intra and peritumoral lymphoplasmacytic aggregates are noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma NOS.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9 (2+3+2), Grade II." 3825,MR1812128,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lesion ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesionGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters and tubules. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. the intervening stroma shows areas of necrosisIMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lesion:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade 2 3826,MR1812146,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump with distribution nipple carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue with extensive hyalinisation. No viable tumor cells seen.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Biopsy:Shows extensive hyalinisation.No viable tumor cells seen.Comment : Deeper sections have been studied." 3827,MR1812150,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma with infiltrating neoplasm arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are large round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei. Scant to moderate cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate noted. Mitosis 3/10 hpf.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma NST, nuclear grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+1)6/9." 3828,MR1812156,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump -á ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrating cellular lesion arranged in nests, cords and vague tubules. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount ofá cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned ( 7-8/10 hpf ) Stroma is desmoplastic with moderately dense lymphomononuclear cell infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, NST grade2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9(3+2+2). " 3829,MR1812168,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by lesion arranged in nests, cord, trabecular pattern, Lesional cells are large with marked pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli, moderate amount of granular eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures (3-4/10hpf) are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with mild lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubular formationáááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------" 3830,MR1812183,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Suspected hypo echoic lim in right breast at 10-11 '0' clock position - ? Neoplastic.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lesion, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 0.4-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in cords and tubules. Cells have pleomorphic round, hyperchromatic nucleiá with moderate cytoplasm. Surrounding stroma shows desmoplasia. Mitosis is discerned.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lesion, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.áá - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3831,MR1812185,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear core measures 0.5 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3832,MR1812191,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy, post NACT, post lumpectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : 10%NBF.Procedure : Right modified radical mastectomy, post NACT, post lumpectomy.Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral -- 18cm Superficial to Deep -- 6cm. Superior to Inferior -- 15cm.Skin ellipse : 14x10cm.Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : 6cm.Tumor : No obvious lesion identified only fibrotic areas.Margins of tumor : Illdefined. Deep margin : 1cm.Muscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 11x9x4cm.IMPRESSION:Right modified radical mastectomy, post NACT, post lumpectomy:No residual viable tumor seen. Status post lumpectomy and post NACT.Foreign body type giant cell reaction present.Tumor bed: Shows extensive areas of hyalinisation, fibrosis and lymphohistiocytes aggregates. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not identified.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes:16 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0 (0/16)Pathological stage: ypT0N0SUMMARY:No residual viable tumor seen, Right BreastLymphnode Status: 16 nodes isolated all are free of tumor (0/16)." 3833,MR1812206,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast mass - Birads IV lesion -- ?? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.3x0.2x0.1cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The lesional cells are round to oval having darká nucleiá and moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit mild nuclear pleomorphism. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Occasional mitosisá are seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass:Invasive Carcinoma , NSTModified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9Tubule formation á á áá - 3Nuclear pleomorpism - 1Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá - 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------- áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá " 3834,MR1812236,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Bronchial biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits altogether measures 0.5x0.4x0.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show fibrous tissue with a tiny bit of bronchial epithelium harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis.IMPRESSION:Bronchial biopsy:Adenocaricnoma.? Secondary from breast.? Primary.Suggest IHC." 3836,MR1812257,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma Left Breast massSPECIMEN:Left Breast, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 1-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in cordsá and nests. The cells have round nucleus, dispersed chromatin and moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis is discerned.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Biopsy:Invasive Carcinoma, Grade2.ááá - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3837,MR1812259,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Malignant left breast lump.SPECIMEN :A) Specimen of left hand nevus. B) Specimen of left shoulder nevus. C) Specimen of left breast wide local excision. GROSS FINDINGS :A) Specimen of left hand nevus : Received single skin covered soft tissue measures 1x0.8x0.6cm. Skin surface shows nodule measures 0.5x0.5x0.4cm. Cutsurface grey brown nodule and is 0.1cm. from distal resected margin. B) Specimen of left shoulder nevus : Received single skin covered soft tissue bits measures 2x0.6x0.4cm. Skin surface shows black nodule in 0.6x0.6x0.1cm. Nodule is 0.4cm away from distal resected margin. C) Specimen of left breast wide local excision : Received fibrofatty tissue with skin ellipse measures 8.5x6x6xcm. Skin ellipse measures 6.5x2cm. Cutsurface shows tumor measures 5.5x2.5x2cm. Tumor is grey brown shows granular areas and ? hemorrhagic areas.Distance from margins :Superior margin : 1.5cm.Inferior margin : 1 cm.Medial margin : 0.1 cm.Lateral margin : 1.5 cm.Deep margin : 0.5 cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :A) Specimen of left hand nevus : Sections studied from lesional tissue shows thinned out epidermis and dermis that harbors small nests of round to oval cells having eosinophilic cytoplasm, vesicular nuclei, There is abundant extracellular and intracellular melanin noted. Stroma shows sclerosis around pilosebacuous glands B) Specimen of left shoulder nevus :Section studied from lesional tissue harbors stratified squamous epithelium with acanthosis and keratin cysts. Lesion extends into the dermis. Dermis and sub epithelium shows lymphomononuclear infiltrates and shows dense sclerosis. C) Specimen of left breast wide local excision :Section studied from lesional tissue harbors well circumscribed neoplasm surrounded by thick fibrous capsule with tumor cells forming lobules of varying sizes. The tumor cells are arranged in papillae and cribriform pattern. The cells are pleomorphic have scant cytoplasm and vesicular nuclei. Foci of comedonecrosis and dystrophic calcification seen. The tumor cells infiltrate across the capsule in few foci. stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphomononuclear infiltrates.IMPRESSION :A) Left hand nevus Biopsy : Intradermal nevus.B) Biopsy from left shoulder nevus. Seborrheic keratosis. C) Specimen of left breast wide local excision Invasive papillary carcinoma. Tumor measures 5.5cms in greatest dimension. Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion not identified. Medial and deep margin involved. Superior, inferior and lateral margins are free of tumor. " 3838,MR1812260,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white liner cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets, nests. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate cytoplasm cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism stroma shows desmoplasia mitosis 5-6/18IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9, Grade 2Tubule formation á á á á - 3Nuclear pleomorphism- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9" 3839,MR1812262,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast. SPECIMEN :Left modified radical mastectomy. GROSS FINDINGS :Right Modified Radical Mastectomy :Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Left Modified Radical Mastectomy. Laterality : Left breast. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 18 cm. Superficial to Deep : 3.5 cm. Superior to Inferior :19 cm.Skin ellipse :12x9.5cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/Surgical defect : Absent.Tumor : Cutsurface grey white. Tumor size : 2.8x1.5x1cm. Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant. Margins of tumor. : ill defined. Deep margin : 2 cm. Axillary tail : 7.5x6.5x2.5cm. Size of largest node : 3x2.5x1cm. Cutsurface fatty infiltration. IMPRESSION:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy post NACT :Tumor bed : Section studied show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and sheets. The cells are polygonal to ovoid having moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm, vesicular nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis is seen. Stroma is desmoplastic with moderately dense lymphomononuclear cell infiltrate. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis are seen. Histological type : Invasive ductal carcinoma. Grade : 3Maximum dimension of tumor is 2.8x1.5 cm.Tumor Invasive component measures 2.3cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.5cm. Modified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ............ 7/9 ............Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis is seen. Lymphovascular invasion identified. Perineural invasion not identified. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 19 lymph nodes, Metastasis : 01 (1/19) perineural spread not present. Pathological stage: pT2N1Summary : Invasive ductal carcinoma left breast. Grade - 3Lymphnode status : 1/19 perinodal spread present. " 3840,MR1812287,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Wide local excision, post NACT.B) Sentinel lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received wide local excision skin covered measures 12x4x8cm. Skin ellipse measures 8x2.5cm. Surgical defect cut section shows grey white illdefined lesion with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis measures 3x2.2x2cm. Distance from the margins.Superior margin -- 1.5cm.Inferior margin -- 1.8cm.Medial margin -- 1.5cm.Lateral margin -- 1.8cm.Deep margin -- 1.3cm.B) Received 2 lymph nodes.Largest measures 1.5x1x0.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Residual viable tumor is present.Showing extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ cribriform and comedo necrosis.Focal areas of invasive ductal carcinoma in situ present.Maximum dimension of tumor is 3cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 2.2cm.Invasive ductal carcinoma measures 0.8cm.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubular formation -- 3.Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2.Mitotic activity -- 2.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Resected margins : Superior, inferior, medial, lateral and deep margins are free of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Wide local excision, post NACT:Maximum dimension of tumor is 3cm.Residual viable tumor present.Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ present measures 2.2cm with comedo necrosisInvasive ductal carcinoma measures 0.8cm.Nuclear grade II.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.All resected margins are free from the tumor.B) Sentinel lymph nodes:2 nodes. No deposit of tumor." 3842,MR1812299,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.3-0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring ductal epithelial cells predominantly forming multi layering papillae, nests and cribriforming. The cells have scant cytoplasm increased N/C ratio overlapping nucleus coarse chromatin and inconspicuous nucleoli. Stroma shows mixed inflammatory infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast mass:Papillary neoplasm ( nuclear grade 2)Requires wide excision of the specimen." 3843,MR1812304,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast. SPECIMEN :A) Wide local excision of right breast lumpB) Right sentinel node biopsy. C) Revised superior marginD) revised lateral marginE) Completion mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS :A) Wide local excision of right breast lump:-Received skin covered soft tissue mass measuring 7.5x6x3.5cm. -Skin ellipse measures 5.5x2.5cm. -Surface of skin unremarkable. -Cutsurfaceá shows a grey white firm lesion measuring 1.8x1.5x1.3cm. Distance from margins :Superior margin : 1.2 cm.Inferior margináá : 1.2 cm.Medial marginááá : 1 cm.Lateral marginááá : 1.3 cm.Deep marginááááá : 1 cm.B) Right sentinel lymphnode biopsy :ááá Received multiple fibrofatty tissue all together measuring 2.5x2x1cm. Isolated 3 lymphnodes. ááá Largest lymphnode measures 1.2x1x1cm. Cut surface - grey brown. C) :Revised superior margin:áááá Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 6.5x5x1.5cm. Cut surface shows fibrous area measuringáá 1.5x1x1cm. D) Revised lateral margin :Received fibrofatty measuring 8.5x3.5x2cm. Cut surface - grey white firm fibrous areas measuring 1.5x1x1cm. Entire tissue processed. E) Completion mastectomy: Received multiple unoriented fibrofatty bits altogether measuring 12x8.0x3cm. Largest bit measures 11x4x3.5.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Sections studied show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and cords. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ. Interspersed are few lymphomononuclear cell infiltrate. Adjacent breast parenchyma shows fibroadenosis and usual ductal hyperplasia. IMPRESSION :A) Wide local excision of right breast lump :- Invasive ductal carcinoma, - Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9ááá Tubule formationááááááááá : 3ááá Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2ááá Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá .........áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á áá áá áá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á áá á ..........-Tumor measures maximum dimensioná : 1.8 cm. -Invasive component measuresáááááááááááá : 0.8 cm in greatest dimension. -Ductal carcinoma in situ measuresáááááá :1cm in greatest dimension. -Extension ductal carcinoma in situááááááá :solid, cribriform and comedonecrosis pattern are identified. -Superior and lateral margins show ductal carcinoma in situ. -All other margins (inferior, medial and deep) are free of tumor. B) Right sentinel lymph nodes. ááá Isolated three lymphnodes are free of tumor (0/3)C) Revised superior margin : ááá Shows fibroadenosis and usual ductal hyperplasia. D) Revised lateral margin. ááá Shows fibroadenosis and usual ductal hyperplasia. E) Completion mastectomy- Nipple sparing.ááá Shows fibroadenosis. ááá Margin status cannot be ascertained. SUMMARY:Breast conservative surgery :Wide local excision of the right breast. -Total dimension of the tumor isáááááááá :1.8x1.5x1.3cm. -Invasive ductal carcinoma measures :0.8cm. Nuclear grade II-Ductal carcinoma in situ measuresááá :1cm. with comedonecrosis. - lymphovascular invasion - not identified-Revised superior, revised lateral margin , all other margins- inferior, medial and deep are free of tumor. -Right sentinel node - 3 nodes - No deposits of tumor. Completion mastectomy :Nipple sparing.-No residual tumor present. -Shows breast parenchyma.-Margins cannot be ascertained. " 3844,MR1812331,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN :Right Modified Radical Mastectomy. GROSS FINDINGS :Right Modified Radical Mastectomy. Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Right Modified Radical Mastectomy. Laterality : Right breast. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 19cm. Superficial to Deep : 5.5cm. Superior to Inferior : 17 cm.Skin ellipse :15x12cm.Nipple : Normal. Scar/Surgical defect : Absent. Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 1.5x1.5x1.5cm. Location of tumor : Lower inner quadrant. Margins of tumor : ill defined. Deep margin : 0.3cm. Muscle : Absent. Axillary breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 8.5x6x3cm. Size of largest node : 3x1x0.8cm. cut surface fatty infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.Tumor bed : Section studied shows breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules and nests. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. Interspersed are moderately dense lymphomononuclear cell infiltrate. Few ducts show ductal carcinoma in situ (low grade).Histological type : Invasive ductal carcinoma. Grade - 2. Tumor measures maximum dimension 1.5cm. Invasive component measures 1.2 cm. Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.3cm, low grade.Modified BR score is 6/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ............ 6/9 ..............Lymphovascular invasion is not seen. Perineural invasion not seen. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. Nipple and areola is unremarkable. Lymph nodes: 28 lymph nodes, Metastasis : 0 (0/28). Pathological Stage : pT1N0Summary : Invasive ductal carcinoma. Tumor Grade : 2Lymphnode Status : 0/28." 3845,MR1812405,CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma breast on tamoxifen.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from endometrium.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey brown soft tissue bits measures 2x1x1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show multiple fragments of endometrial tissue with normal gland to stromal ratio. The glands appear to be in early secretory proliferative phase with stroma showing focal edematous areas. Areas of hemorrhage seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from endometrium:Simple endometrial polyp with tamoxifen related changes.No evidence of malignancy in the material submitted. 3846,MR1812424,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Left Breast ( post lumpectomy).SPECIMEN:Left Modified Radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified radical mastectomy, Post lumpectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :20cm Superficial to Deep :7cm Superior to Inferior :20cmSkin ellipse : 20x10cm Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect :Seen in skin ellipse measuring 4cm length.Tumour Size : Tumor bed identified measures 8x7x4cm. Solid areas seen measure 3.5x1.5x1.5cm. grossly well defined tumor not identified Deep margin :4cmMuscle : Absent Axillary tail :10x11x5cm Size of largest node : 2.2x1x0.5cmIMPRESSION:Left Modified Radical mastectomy, post lumpectomy:Tumor bed shows breast parenchyma with extensive inflammation& foreign body giant cell reaction.No residual tumor identified.Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not identified.Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola are unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 11 lymph nodes, Metastasis-0 (0/11): . Pathological stage: yTxN0. SUMMARY: Left breast modified radical mastectomy.No residual tumor seen Lymphnode Status: 11 nodes are free of tumor 0/11." 3847,MR1812457,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast - ? FibroadenomaSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.5-1cm. Entire tissue processed.B) Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section shows from the breast parenchyma shows a lesion with multiple dilated duct and composed by hyelinising stroma. Ducts are lined by luminal and adluminal cells. Adjacent stroma shows lymphocytes.B) Section from the breast parenchyma shows a infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets The cells round to oval nuclei with scant cytoplasm. .Adjacent stroma shows normal epithelial ductal cells lined by luminal and adluminal cells. The shows shows myxoid changes. Admixed lymphocytic infiltrate noted.IMPRESSION:A)Biopsy from left breast:Suggestive of Fibroadenoma.No evidence of malignancy.B) Left Breast lesion on 9 clock position:Suggestive of Invasive Carcinoma with lobular features nuclear grade 2. 3848,MR1812469,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Speculated hypochronic in outer quadrant of RB - ? Neoplastic/SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cored measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma shows infiltrating neoplasm arranged in sheetsá tubule and nests. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei . Scant to moderate cytoplasm. Few with intranuclear inclusions noted. Adjacent breast parenchyma shows. Lymphocytic infiltrates. Mitotic figures noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lesion:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is (2+3+2)." 3849,MR1812500,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left Sentinel Lymph node.B) Left Breast, Left Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 1 lymph nodes measures 0.8 x 0.5 x 0.5 cm.B) Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Left.Total dimensions : Medial to lateral 13cm. : Superficial to deep 3cm. : Superior to inferior 17cm.Skin ellipse : 10x6cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/Surgical defect : Absent.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 2.5 x 2.2 x 2 cm.Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrantMargins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 0.2cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : Absent.Received multiple fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5 x 2 x 2 cm. Isolated 2 lymph nodes. Largest lymph nodes measures 1.5x1x1cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma shows an invasive neoplasm arranged in sheets and cords with extensive ductal carcinoma in situ component (solid, cribriform) pattern of intermediate grade.IMPRESSION:A) Left Sentinel Lymph node:Three lymph nodes isolated, negative for malignancy (0/3)B) Left Breast, Left Mastectomy:INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA GRADE 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score 7/9.Tubular formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 2 ---------- 7/9 ---------- - Tumor measures 2.5cm in greatest dimension. - Ductal carcinoma in situ component is present of intermediate, nuclear grade. (Solid, cribriform pattern). - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. - Perineural invasion is not identified. - Posterior resected margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and aerola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes:One lymph node identified, negative for malignancy (0/1)." 3850,MR1812505,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from the breast parenchyma shows infiltrating neoplasm arranged in sheets indian file pattren and nest. The cells are large hyperchromatic nuclei, scant cytoplasm. Few with prominent nucleoli. Adjacent breast show hyalinization and inflammatory cells. Atypical mitotic figures are seenIMPRESSION: Left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma NST with lobular features.Nuclear grade 2." 3851,MR1812507,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast ,lump - Possibility of Carcinoma BreastSPECIMEN:Right Breast, core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section sows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in sheets. The cells have pleomorphic, round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate cytoplasm. Surrounding stroma shows mononuclear infiltrate and desmoplasia. Mitosis is discerned.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 3852,MR1812519,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - Possibility of Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1-2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules, sheets and cords. Cells have pleomorphic round to oval irregular, hyperchromatic nuclei few with prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Surrounding stroma shows desmoplasia. Mitosis is discerned. Atypical mitotic figures noted.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson, Score is 7(3+2+2)." 3853,MR1812536,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1.5cm. Entire tissueá processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma shows infiltrating neoplasm arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are round to oval vesiculará nuclei, prominent nucleoli, Scant to moderate cytoplasm. Admixed lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. Occasional mitotic noted. Areas of of hyalinisation seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy fromá right breast lumpInvasive Carcinoma (NST), Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9(3+2+2)" 3854,MR1812581,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received three grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score 6(3+2+1)." 3855,MR1812583,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in cords and tubules with large areas of hyalinisation. The individual cells have round, hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis is discerned.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump:INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score 7/9.Tubular formation á á á á á á -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism á áá -- 2Mitotic activity á á á á á á á á á -- 2á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá -----------á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á 7/9á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á ------------- ááá " 3856,MR1812588,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast mass. - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast mass, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear core measures 1-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphic. Mitoses brisk. Stroma shows desmoplasia with mixed inflammatory infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 3.Modified Bloom Richardson Score 8/9(3+2+3)." 3857,MR1812590,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and cords. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorpism. Brisk mitotic activity noted. Stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right mass:Invasive carcinoma, grade 3Modified Bloom Richardson score 8/9,Tubular formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 3 -------- 8/9 -------" 3858,MR1812592,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 3. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 8(3+3+2)" 3859,MR1812609,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - ? Carcinoma BreastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.7-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring a neoplasmá arranged as clusters and tubules. The neoplastic cells are round to oval have vesicular nuclei cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is elastotic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive Carcinoma, NST, grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubular formationááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá - 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3860,MR1812610,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 linear cores grey white measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma shows infiltrating neoplasm arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, scant to moderate cytoplasm. Admixed lymphocytic infiltrates. Atypical mitotic figures are noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma NST Grade 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+3) 8/9." 3861,MR1812624,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 2.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 3862,MR1812647,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast mass. ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lesion, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 2.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and few tubules. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphic. Mitoses 6-8/10hpf. Stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Left breast lesion, biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9 (2+2+2).Ductal Carcinoma in situ solid type noted. (Intermediate nuclear grade)." 3863,MR1812671,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast mass. Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast mass, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.5.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Mitoses 5-6/10hpf. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Focal necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, NST, ductal origin, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9 (3+2+2).Focal necrosis seen." 3864,MR1812672,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lesion, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma showing irregular dilated ducts lined by stratified, round to oval cells, occupying entire ducts luminary. The cells have small nuclei, mild nuclear pleomorphism moderate cytoplasm. All these ducts are lined by myoepithelial cells abluminally.IMPRESSION:Left breast lesion, Biopsy:Low grade ductal carcinoma in situ (solid and cribriform type).No invasive component seen in the biopsy submitted." 3865,MR1812678,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN :A) Excised sentinel lymph nodes from right axilla. B) Excised lump, right breast. C) Received superior margin (Inked surface away from tumor). GROSS FINDINGS :A) Excised sentinel lymph nodes from right axilla : Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x1cm. largest lymphnode measures1.5x1.2cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltrate. Entire tissue processed. B) Excised lump right breast : Received skin with multiple areola with wide local excision measures 6x4.8x4cm. Cut surface shows granular cystic tumor measures 3x2.5x2cm. Skin ellipse measures 3.5x3cm. Nipple areola is unremarkable. Distance from margins :Superior margin : 2.7 cm.Inferior margin : 1.5cm.Medial margin : 2 cm.Lateral margin : 0.5 cm.Deep margin : 1.8 cm.C) Received superior margin (Inked surface away from tumor) :Received single fibrofatty measures 6x5x1.5cm. Cut surface unremarkable. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Sections studied shows breast parenchyma harboring a partially encapsulated, infiltrating cellular lesion arranged predominantly in nests, sheets and vague papillary pattern. The cells are relatively monotonous having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and coarse chromatin occasional mitotic figures are seen. Stroma is desmoplastic with dense lymphomononuclear cell infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis are seen. IMPRESSION:A) Right sentinel lymph node biopsy : Isolated two lymphnodes are free of tumor(0/2). B) Right breast lump, wide local excision :Solid papillary carcinoma. Grade - 1.Modified BR score is 5/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism :1Mitotic figures :1 ............ 5/9 .............Tumor measures 3cm in greatest dimension. Lymphovascular invasion not present. Perineural invasion is identified. All margins of resection (Superior, inferior, medial, lateral and deep) are free of tumor. Pathological Stage : pT2N0" 3866,MR1812688,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast (post lumpectomy). SPECIMEN :A) Right Mastectomy/ post lumpectomy. B) Right sentinel node biopsy. C) Right completion mastectomy. GROSS FINDINGS:A) Right Mastectomy/ post lumpectomy : Received skin cover lumpectomy specimen 7.6x6.5x4.8cm skin ellipse measures 3.8cmx1.7cm. Scar measures 1.2cm. on serial sectioning tumor margin measures 1.7x1.5x1cm. Distance from margins :Superior margin : 2.1cm.Inferior margin : 0.7 cm.Medial margin : 2.1cm.Lateral margin : 3 cm.Deep margin : 3.3 cm.B) Right sentinel node biopsy : Received single lymphnode measures 2.5x1.5x0.5cm Cutsurface fatty infiltration. C) Right completion mastectomy. Right Modified Radical Mastectomy/post lumpectomy : Received in : FormalinProcedure : Right Modified Radical Mastectomy/ post lumpectomy. Laterality : Right. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :17cm. Superficial to Deep : 3cm. Superior to Inferior : 12 cm.Skin ellipse : 19x4cm.Nipple retracted. : Normal.Scar/surgical defect : 4cm. Tumor size : Tumor bed measures 6cm. Deep margin : Absent. Total number of nodes : Fibrofatty tissue. MICROSCOPY:A) Section studied show breast parenchyma with an occasional focus showing invasion lesion arranged in cords and cribriform pattern. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few occasional mitotic figures are discerned. stroma is desmoplatic with ductal carcinoma in situ and scattered lymphomononuclear cell infiltrate. Focal giant cell reaction and hemorsiderin laden macrophages are seen. IMPRESSION:A) Right breast wide local excision, post lumpectomy. Residual invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 1Modified BR score is 5/9Tubule formation : 2 Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ............ 5/9 .............ductal carcinoma in situ- solid and cribriform pattern noted. Tumor measures : 1.5cm. Invasive component : 1cm. Ductal carcinoma in situ - 0.5cm. Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion not identified. Interior margin show Ductal carcinoma in situ. Lateral margin is involved by tumor. All other margins (Superior, medial and deep) are free of tumor. B) Right sentinel node biopsy : Isolated one lymphnode is free of tumor (0/1).C) Right completion mastectomy : Right completion mastectomy/post lumpectomy. Histological type : Ductal carcinoma in situ noted. Tumor measures maximum dimension 0.8cm. Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.8cm. ductal carcinoma in situ solid variant low grade.Lymphovascular invasion not seen. Perineural invasion not seen. Posterior resection margin is free from tumor. Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Summary: Residual invasion ductal carcinoma right breast. Tumor Grade: I. Lymph node Status: 0/1. " 3867,MR1812694,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Left breast lesion, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets, nests and few tubules. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Mitoses 10-12/10hpf. Stroma shows desmoplasia, ductal carcinoma in situ (comedo type)seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast lesion, biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9 (2+2+3).Ductal carcinoma in situ is seen (comedo type) with intermediate nuclear grade." 3868,MR1812728,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show multiple cores of breast parenchyma showing dilated ducts lined by stratified large of round to oval cells having mild atypia, occupying entire ducts luminary and lined by myoepithelial cells abuluminary with few ducts are showing epithelial with section mid calcification seen, tiny focus of invasive carcinoma seen amidst dense areas of hyalinisation.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass:Extensive ductal caricnoma in situ( Cribriform and solid type ) - Lower grade with tiny focus of invasive carcinoma." 3871,MR1812741,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast - Post lumpectomy (Margin positive). SPECIMEN :A) Left Modified Radical Mastectomy specimen. B) Apical nodes. GROSS FINDINGS:A) Left Modified Radical Mastectomy/post lumpectomy. Received in : FormalinProcedure : Left Modified Radical Mastectomy/post lumpectomy. Laterality : Left. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :13cm. Superficial to Deep : 3cm. Superior to Inferior : 15 cm.Skin ellipse : 16x4cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/surgical defect : Noted measures 7.5cm. Location of tumor : No residual tumor. Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 5x3x1cm. Size of largest node : 2.5x1.5x1cm. B) Apical nodes :Received multiple grey brown soft tissue bits measures 2x1.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:A) Left Modified Radical Mastectomy/post lumpectomy :Tumor bed : Section studied show breast parenchyma with ducts of varying size few of which are composed. They are lined by inner epithelial layer and an outer intact myoepithelial layer. Stroma is desmoplastic with areas of fibrosis, hyalinisation and giant cell reaction and fibrosis. Histological type : No residual viable tumor seen, however nodes show metastatic tumor deposits. Ductal carcinoma in situ not seen. Lymphovascular invasion not seen. Perineural invasion not seen. Posterior resection margin is free from tumor. Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 12 lymph nodes, Metastasis : 4 (4/12).B) Apical nodes : Isolated three lymphnodes are free of tumor (0/4) perinodal spread present. Summary: Left Modified Radical Mastectomy/post lumpectomy : No residual viable tumor left breast, post lumpectomy. Lymph node Status: 4/16. perinodal spread present. " 3872,MR1812755,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1-2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma , grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááá á á - 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá - 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9" 3873,MR1812778,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast Mass, Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6 (3+2+1)." 3874,MR1812787,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Sentinel lymph nodes:A) Blue node.B) Hot and blue node.C) Right modified radical mastectomy, Post NACT.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received single lymph nodes measures 0.5x0.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.B) Received 2 lymph node. Largest measures 1.5x1x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.C) Received in : 10% NBF.Procedure : Right modified radical mastectomy, Post NACT.Laterality : Right.Total dimensions : Medial to lateral --21cm Superficial to Deep -- 5cm Superior to Inferior -- 18cm.Skin ellipse : 18x5cm. Surface of skin shows puckering measures 1.5x1cm which is present 2cm below and medial to nipple areola. Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Absent.Tumor : Single.Tumor size :2.3x2x1.8cm.Location of tumor : Lower inner quadrant.Margins of tumor : Illdefined.Deep margin : 2cm. Muscle : Present.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 6x5x5cm.Size of largest node : 1.3x1x1cm. Cut surface is ? deposit.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma with lesion infiltrating in the form of nests and micropapillary pattern. The cells are polygonal pleomorphic with vesicular nucleus and prominent nucleolus. The tumor is seen infiltrating into the dermis. Perineural invasion seen. Mitosis are sparse. Areas of ductal carcinoma in situ necrosis seen. Stroma show fibrosis. Sections from nipple and areola shows small foci of ossification in the dermis.IMPRESSION:C) Right modified radical mastectomy, Post NACT.Histological type: Invasive ductal carcinoma NST with focal micropapillary pattern.Grade: 2Tumor measures maximum dimension 2.3cm.Invasive component measures 2.1cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.2cm.Modified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 3Mitotic figures: 1Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is solid type.Lymphovascular invasion is identified.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable. (Small focus of ossification seen).Lymph nodes: 13 lymph nodes, metastasis 0 (0/13).Sentinel lymph nodes:A) Blue node:2 lymph nodes isolated is free of tumor (0/2).B) Hot and blue node:1 out of 4 lymph nodes isolated show metastatic deposit. (1/4)MRM Specimen : 13 nodes - No deposits of tumor.Total nodes (Sentinel + MRM):One node show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 19 nodes.Perinodal spread not present.Pathological stage: ypT2N1a.SUMMARY: Invasive ductal carcinoma NST with focal micropapillary pattern, Right breast.Tumor Grade: 2Lymph nodes : 1/19" 3875,MR1812791,>sclerotic lesion in right iliac bone >metastatic carcinoma in known case of carcinoma breast. 3876,MR1812821,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy, post NACT.GROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááá áááá : 10% NBF.Procedureááá ááá ááá ááááá : Right modified radical mastectomy, post NACT.Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááá áááá : Right Total dimensionsááá ááááá : Medial to lateral -- 14cmááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep -- 4cm á ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior -- 13cm.Skin ellipseááá ááá ááá á á á : 9x5cm. á Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áááá : normal Tumorááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áááá : Singleáááááá Location of tumorááá ááá : Central upper quadrant. Margins of tumorááá áááá : Ildefined. ááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááááá : 1.3cm.Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááááá : Fibrofatty tissue. á Axillary tailááá ááá ááá á áá : 6x6x2cm.Size of largest nodeááá : 2x1x1cm.IMPRESSION:Right modified radical mastectomy, post NACT.Tumor :Shows sheets nests and trabecular pattern of polygonal cells with moderate cytoplasm pleomorphic vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli.Histological type: Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade: IIITumor measures maximum dimension 2.5cmInvasive component measures 2cmDuctal carcinoma in situ measures 0.5cmModified BR score is 9/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism:3Mitotic figures: 3Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is present. Comedo type high grade.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 9 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 1 (1/9).Extranodal spread not identified.Pathological stage: ypT2N1SUMMARY:Residual invasive ducal carcinoma, Right breast.Tumor Grade: IIILymphnode Status: 1 out of 9 nodes show metastatic 1/9.No extranodal spread seen." 3877,MR1812830,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy.Laterality : RightTotal dimensions:Medial to lateral : 24 cmSuperficial to deep : 6 cmSuperior to inferior : 19 cmSkin ellipse : NormalTumor : SingleDistance to nearest separate tumor foci : 2x1.5x1.5 cmLocation of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : ill definedDeep margin : 1 cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent breast : Fibrofatty Axillary tail : 5x5x1.5 cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :The sections examined shows breast parenchyma with infiltration by tumor in cords, tubules, nests and sheets. Intervening desmoplastic stroma is seen. Focal areas shows micropapillary pattern in the form of nests of tumor cells surrounded by retraction space. Tumor cells are cuboidal to polygonal with high N:C ratio, enlarged vesicular irregular nuclei with occasional showing prominent nucleoli. Perineural invasion is identified. Section from nipple and areola is unremarkable (free from malignancy). Focal DCIS is noted- cribriform pattern. One of ten lymph nodes isolated shows tumor deposits (1/10). Perinodal spread present. Deep margin is free of tumor. IMPRESSION :Right breast, right modified radical mastectomy :Infiltrating Ductal carcinoma, NST, Grade 2. - Tumor measures 2.5 cm in the greatest dimension. - Invasive component 2.5cm. - Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 2.0cm. - Modified score is 6/9. - Tubule formation : 3 - Nuclear pleomorphism :2 - Mitotic figures : 1 - Lymphovascular invasion is identified. - Perineural invasion is identified. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes : 10 lymph nodes, metastases : seen in single lymph node (1/10). - Perinodal spread is not present.Pathological stage : PT2N1aSummary : Infiltrating Ductal carcinoma, NST. Grade 2.Tumor grade : Grade 2.Lymph nodes : 10 lymph nodes, metastases : seen in single lymph node (1/10).Perinodal spread is not present." 3878,MR1812852,CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast mass.Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubular formation á á á áá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism á -- 2Mitotic activity á á á á á á áá -- 2.á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá -----------á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá 7/9á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá ----------- 3879,MR1812861,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma showing dilated ducts lined by stratified layer of round to oval cell occupying entire ducts luminary with mild atypia. all these ducts are lined by myoepithelial cells abluminally. Focal calcification noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Low grade Carcinoma in situ( Solid type)Invasion could not be made out in the section provided. 3880,MR1812866,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast mass - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring malignant epithelial cells arranged in micropapillary and tubular pattern.The cells have scant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Large irregular nucleus and prominent eosinophilic nucleoli Stroma shows inflammatory infiltrate and isolated tumor cells.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass:Invasive carcinoma ( micropapillary and mucinous features), Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is ( 2+2+2)6/9" 3881,MR1812879,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast mass - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in cords and nests. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Mitotic 5-6/10hpf lymphocytic infiltrate seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9 (3+2+2)." 3882,MR1812886,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 0.5-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section reveal linear cores tumor infiltrating breast parenchyma. The tumor is composed of large polygonal to oval cells with high N/C ratio, hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm arranged as nests and trabecular mitosis are 8-10/10 hpf. Intervening stroma shows desmoplasia lymphomononuclear infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma ( grade 3).Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9(3+3+2)." 3883,MR1812897,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Lump, left breast. SPECIMEN :Wild local excision of lump left breast GROSS FINDINGS :Received single skin covered soft tissue measures 8.5x8x6.5cm. Skin ellipse measures 8.5x1cm, Surface of the skin unremarkable. Cut surface solid and cystic mass, solid area measures 5.5x3.5x3cm. Distance from margins : Superior margin : 01.cm.Inferior margináá : 0.1cm.Medial marginááá : 1 cm.Lateral marginááá : 1 cm.Deep marginááááá : 0.1 cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Sections studied show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets. The cells are pleomorphic having abundant amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm, vesicular nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Brisk mitotic activity is noted. Stroma is desmoplastic with extensive areas of necrosis. Interspersed are lymphomononuclear cell infiltrates. Superior, inferior and deep margins are close, 0.1cm awayá from tumorHowever ,all the inked margins are free of tumor IMPRESSION : Left breast wide local excision :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade -3.Modified BR score is 9/9Tubule formationááááááá á : 3 Nuclear pleomorphismá : 3Mitotic figuresááááááááááá áá : 3áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ............ááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áá ááááá 9/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá .............Tumor measures 5.5cm in greatest dimension. Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not seen. All the inked margins are free of tumor " 3884,MR1812900,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast mass. ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:USG guided trucut biopsy of left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast hyperplastic ductal epithelial cells which are monotonus population with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, eccentric nucleus, coarse chromatin. There is prominent myoepithelial layers around these cells. Stroma shows hyalinisation.IMPRESSION:USG guided trucut biopsy of left breast mass:Ductal carcinoma in situ with suspicious focus of invasion. solid papillary / Neuro endocrine features.Suggest IHC. " 3885,MR1812904,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.2 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from multiple linear biopsy from lesional tissue shows, hyperplastic stroma with mild increased stromal cellularity ductal epithelium shows mild hyperplasia ,cuboidal cells with scant eosinophilic cytoplasm, bland nucleus. Scant mitotic figures seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Biphasic tumor - Possibility of Benign Phylloides tumor is considered." 3886,MR1812914,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast mass - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in cords, and sheets. The tumor cells have round nucleus, dispersed chromatin, prominent nucleoli and moderate infiltrate and desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3887,MR1812924,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged in nests, sheets and cords. The neoplastic cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma,á grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9.Tubular formationáááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá -- 2Mitotic activityáááááááááááááááááá -- 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------" 3888,MR1812939,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast mass - Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.5-1.2cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from multiple linear cores of lesional tissue shows maligant breast ductal epithelial cells arranged predominantly in sheets, nests and in singles. These cells have scantá cytoplasm, large irregulará overlapping nucleus coarse chromatin and inconspicuous nucleoli, plenty of atypical mitosis and necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma, NST.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9(3+2+3)." 3889,MR1812940,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass- carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white liner cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiople cores breast parenchyma harboring infiltratingá lesion arranged in nests and sheets. Theá lesional cells are roundá to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Mitosis 5-6/10 hpf. Stroma shows desmoplasia lymphocytic infiltrate seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9(3+2+2).Ductal carcinoma in situ ( comedo type) Intermediate nuclear grade." 3890,MR1812944,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy Post lumpectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :18cm Superficial to Deep : 6cm Superior to inferior : 14cmSkin ellipse :13x7cmNipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : AbsentTumor : Single Tumor Size :2x2x1cmLocation of tumor : Central quadrantMargins of tumor : Illdefined grey white firm Deep margin : 1cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofattytissue Axillary tail :13x8cmSize of largest node : 2x1x1cm cut surface grey brown hemorrhagic.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows breast parenchyma with ducts of varying sizes few of which are dilated. Stroma shows areas of hyalinisation, edema and focal areas of necrosis lymphocytes foamy histiocytes and foreign body giant cells are present.IMPRESSION:Left modified radical mastectomy Post lumpectomyTumor bed : No residual tumor present however the lymph node shows metastatic tumor deposits.Histological type:No residual tumor focal necrosis areas and granulation tissue surrounding ducts show adenosis and fibrocystic change.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes 20 lymph nodes, metastasis 1 (1/20) Perinodal spread is present.Summary:No residual tumor seen. However lymph node shows metastatic tumor depositsLymph node status 1/20 perinodal spread is present." 3891,MR1812948,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey whit linear cores 0.6-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from multiple linear cores of lesional tissue shows malignant ductal epithelial cells in nests. singles and forming vague illdefined ducts. These cells have scant eosinophilic cytoplasm irregular nuclear margin coarse nucleus and prominent eosinophilic nucleolus. Plenty of atypical mitosis seen. Stroma show dense desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma , NSTModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9(2+2+2)." 3892,MR1812955,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast mass.? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in sheets. The cells have round hyperchromatic nucleus, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. IMPRESSION: Left Breast Lesion, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3893,MR1812965,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3894,MR1812967,"CLINICAL HISTORY:? Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from multiple skin nodule over breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 grey white soft tissue bits measures 1.5x1x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows stratified squamous epithelium with focal ulceration. Subepithelium shows sheets of malignant epithelial cells forming vague. Illdefined lobules composed of cells with scant eosinophilic cytoplasm, irregular nuclear margin vesicular chromatin prominent nucleoli. Abundant mitotic figures are seen. Dense lymphoplasmnacytic infiltrate present. These focus of pagetoid spread into epithelium. IMPRESSION: Biopsy from multiple skin nodule over breast:Invasive carcinoma NST .Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 9/9.Tubular formation -- 3.Nuclear pleomorphism -- 3Mitotic activity -- 3 ------------ 9/9 -------------" 3895,MR1812973,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast mass- carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue showingá infiltrationá by tumor is arrangedá in sheets coresá and shows areas of micropapillaryá pattern in the form of nest of cells showing peripheral palisadingá and . Surrounded clear retration space. Focally tubular are seen. Tumor cells are cuboidalá to polygonal with increased N:C ratio enlarged round to oval nuclei, occasional prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass:Invasive carcinoma with focal micropapillary pattern, grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score 6/9Tubule formationáááá á á á - 2Nuclear pleomorphismá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9" 3896,MR1812987,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Metastatic carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right palliative mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received inááááááááá : Formalin.Lateralityááááááááááááá : RightTotal dimensions :Medial-lateralááááááááá :áá 12.5cmááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deepááá :ááá 4.5cmááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferiorááááá :ááá 13cm.Skin ellipseááááááááááááá : 14x9cm. Skin ellipse nodular and discolour. Nippleáááááááááááááááááááá : Retracted shows excoriation.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor sizeááááááááááááá : 6x5.5x4.5cm. Greywhite to greyyellow with necrotic area.Location of tumoráá : Involving all quadrants.Deep margináááááááááá : 0.2cm.Margins of tumorááá : Well defined.Muscleáááááááááááááááááá : 5x3.5cm.Adjacent breastááááá : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tailáááááááááááá : Absent.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from tumor show breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged as clusters and nests. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei, conspicious nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Foci of calcification, multinucleated giant cell reaction noted. Foci of solid and comedoo high grade DCIS present.Tumor is abutting the overlying skin and is present in the dermis. Epidermis is free of tumor.Deep margin is 0.2cm away from tumor.IMPRESSION:Right palliative mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, NST.Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubular formationááááááá :á 3Nuclear pleomorphism :á 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá :á 3Tumor measures maximum dimension :6cm.Invasive component measures 5.5cm.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ component measuresá : 0.5cm.Lymphovascular invasion is identified.Perineural invasion is identified.Posterior resection margin is 0.2cm away from tumor.Nipple and areola : Shows tumor in dermis. Epidermis is free of tumor." 3897,MR1813066,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of Carcinoma Left BreastSPECIMEN:A) Revised Medial Margin.B) Left Breast lump, Wide excision ( Post Lumpectomy/ NACT).C) Left Axillary dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 7x9x3cm.One surface shows (suture away from tumor).Cut surface fibrosis.B) Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measures 8x7.5x4cm.Skin ellipse measures 5x4.5xcm. A part of nipple areola measures 2.5x0.5cmCut surface shows grey white tumor measures 1.8x1.2x1cmDistance from margins:Superior margin : 2.5cminferior margin : 4cmMedial margin :4.5cmLateral margin : 2.5cmDeep margin :2cmRepresentative sections are submitted.C) Received Fibrofatty tissue measures 10x6x3cm.Largest lymph node measures 2x1x1cm cut surface - UnremarkableMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows no residual tumor. Section shows breast parenchyma with a lesion having intralobular stroma enclosing glandular spaces. The stroma has benign looking spindle cells and gland are lined by low cuboidal epithelium. No atypia /malignancy cells seen.IMPRESSION:B) Left Breast lump, Wide excision ( Post Lumpectomy/NACT):No residual tumor is seen. - Adjacent breast shows features consistent with fibroadenoma. - All margins of resection are free of tumor.A) Revised Medial Margin: Free of tumor.C) Left Axillary Dissection: Sixteen lymph nodes are identified, are free of tumor( 0/16).Pathological Stage : ypT0N0" 3898,MR1813081,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multipleá grey white linear cores measures 0.5-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrocollagenousá tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in nests, vague acinar pattern and trabecular lesional cells show increasedá N/C ratio, moderate eosinophilicá cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus, few showing prominent nucleoli . Stroma is desmoplastic with mild inflammatory infiltrates. Mitotic activity discernedIMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, No special type NOS Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+2-7/9" 3899,MR1813082,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breastá lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from multiple linear cores shows malignant ductal epithelial cells in predominantly in sheets, small nests and individual cells. Plenty of mitosis seen. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breastá lump:Invasive carcinoma, No Special Type grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9(2+3+2)." 3900,MR1813084,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 8 grey white linear cores measures 0.5-0.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue showing infiltratingá tumor in nests and cords. Focal cribriform spaces are seen. The tumor cells are pleomorphic cuboidal to polypoidal with increasedá N/C ratio hyperchromatic pleomorphicá nuclei with moderate cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis are seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:invasive Carcinoma NST, grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9" 3901,MR1813099,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast - ? Neoplastic.SPECIMEN:Biopsy fromá right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from the multiple linear cores of lesional tissue shows malignant ductal epithelial cells formingá vague illdefined tubules, and cords. The cells have scant eosinophilic cytoplasm, irregular nucleus, coarse chromatin inconspicuous nucleoli. Stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy fromá right breast lesion:Invasive carcinoma, No Special Type, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9( 2+3+2)." 3902,MR1813103,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast mass.? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma with extensive hyalinization. Few foci show atypical cells having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Biopsy:Small focus of atypical cells clusters seen highly suspicious of invasive carcinoma.Note:A repeat biopsy is suggested for IHC as tumor volume is very scant." 3903,MR1813141,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left axillary tail post excision post chemotherapy.SPECIMEN:Left breast wide excision with axillary clearance, post NACT.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : 10% NBF.Procedure : Wide local excisionLaterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral -- 17cm. Superficial to Deep -- 4cm. Superior to Inferior -- 11cm.Skin ellipse : 4.5x1cm.Nipple : No.Scar/ Surgical defect : 1.5cm in length.Tumor : No tumor.Tumour bed : 0.8x0.8x0.8cm, grey white areas seen. Adjacent area is soft and hemorrhagic.No obvious tumor identified.Deep margin : 1.5cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 7x4x1.5cm.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.5cm.IMPRESSION:Left breast wide excision, post NACT.Tumor Bed: No residual viable tumor present.Areas of fibrosis, necrosis and lymphoplasmacytic infiltration is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 13 lymph nodes, Metastasis: No metastatic deposits of tumor (0/13).Pathological stage: ypTxN0SUMMARY:No residual viable tumor, left breast.Lymphnode Status: 13 nodes. No deposits of tumor present." 3904,MR1813164,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast mass - Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section reveal linear core of breast parenchyma with multiple foci ducts distended with atypical cells showing high N/C ratio, moderately pleomorphic vesicular nucleus conspicuous nucleoli and moderate clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm. Few of these ducts show central necrosis. The tumor cells are seen also seen infiltrating as nests and cords in a desmoplastic stroma mitosis are 7/10hpf. Stroma shows lymphomononuclear infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma( NST) with ductal carcinoma in situ, grade2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9(3+2+2)." 3905,MR1813168,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass; FNAC - Ductal cell carcinoma SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass:Invasive carcinoma, NST.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 1 ------- 6/9" 3906,MR1813201,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lesion - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 2 to 2.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged in cords and clusters. The neoplastic cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is fibrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9.Tubular formationááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááá -- 2Mitotic activityááááááááááááááááááá -- 2.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------------" 3907,MR1813234,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3908,MR1813239,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from rightá breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey brown multiple soft tissue bits measures 0.2x0.1x0.1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows scant tissue with predominantly hemorrhage and occasional fragments of tumor. The tumor is arranged in sheets and cords with round to polygonal cells showing increased N:C ratio, hyperchromatic mildly pleomorphic ovoid nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Fragments of fibrous tissue are also seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from rightá breast lump:Scanty tissue.Dysplastic ductal cells are seen in clusters.Highly suspicious of invasive carcinoma.Suggest repeat biopsy." 3909,MR1813258,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast. SPECIMEN :A) Blue + Hot nodes.B) Hot nodes. C) Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.á GROSS FINDINGS : A) Blue + Hot nodes.áááá Received 3 lymph nodes 1 largest measures 1.5x1x1cm. Cutsurface fatty infiltration. Entire tissue processed. B) Hot nodes. ááá Received 2 lymph nodes. largest measures 2.5x1x1cm. Cutsurface fatty infiltration. Entire tissue processed. C) Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.á áReceived inááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Formalin. Procedureááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áLateralityááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Right. Total dimensionsááááááááááááááááá : Medial to lateraláááááá : 20 cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deepá : 5 cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferiorá : 19 cm.Skin ellipseááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 18x9cm.Nippleáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Normal. Scar/Surgical defectáááááááááááá : Not seen. Tumor Sizeáááááááááááááááááááááááá :á 4x3.5x2.5cm. Location of tumoráááááááááááááá : Upper inner quadrant. áMargins of tumorááááááááááááááá : ill identified. Deep margináááááááááááááááááááááá : 1.5 cm.Muscleáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Absent. Adjacent breastááááááááááááááááá : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tailáááááááááááááááááááááááá : 4x4x3cm. Size of largest nodeááááááááááá : 1.2x1x1cm. Cutsurface - Unremarkable. MICROSCOPY:C) Sections studied show breast parenchyma harboring lesion arranged in nests and tubules. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. IMPRESSION:A) Right sentinel lymph node biopsy. ááá Two of three isolated lymphnodes show metastatic tumor deposits on frozen section. (2/3). ááá However in deeper paraffin sections the tumor tissue is depleted. B) Right sentinel lymphnode biopsy, Hot nodes.ááá Isolated two lymph nodes show granulomatous inflammation. (0/2).C) Right Modified Radical Mastectomy :Histological type : Invasive ductal carcinoma. Grade - II. Tumor measures maximum dimension 4 cm.Invasive component measures 4 cm.Modified BR score is 6/9Tubule formationáááááááá : 2 Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááá áá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ............áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá .............Ductal carcinoma in situ not seen. áLymphovascular invasion identified. Perineural invasion is not seen.Posterior resection margin is free from tumor. Nipple and areola is unremarkable.MRM Specimen: Lymphnodes : 9 lymph nodes, Metastasis : 2 (2/9) Perinodal spread seen. (Frozen section- 2 Nodes- positive out of 5 nodes.Paraffin routine section: 2 Nodes positive out of 9 nodes.Total. No. nodes : 4 out of 14 nodes)Summary : Invasive carcinoma right breast. Tumor Grade: II.Lymph node Status: 4/14, Perinodal nodal spread seen." 3910,MR1813269,"H18-7987SPECIMEN :Right breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS :Received 5 grey white linear core measures 0.5 to 1.5cm. Entire tisseu processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section studied shows linear cores of tumor tissue arranged in glandular pattern, nests, The lesional cells are pleomorphic with high N:C ratio, moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, marked pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus. Intranuclear inclusions are seen in some cells. Many mitotic figures are seen. Few large bizzare cells noted. Stroma is desmoplastic and shows dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates, along with hyalinised blood vessels. Areas of necrosis and hemorrhage. IMPRESSION :Right breast lump, biopsy :Invasive carcinoma , NST.Grade - III.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 3 ------- 8/9 --------" 3911,MR1813286,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast post lumpectomy. SPECIMEN :A) Left breast, Left beast conservative surgery(Post lumpectomy).B) Re excised lateral margin. C) Left breast axillary clearance. GROSS FINDINGS :A) Breast conservative surgery.Received wide local excision measures 8x8x5cm. Skin 6.5x1cm. ill defined fibrous area measures 7x 6 x 4 cm. No definite tumor seen. Distance from margins : Superior margin : 0.4 cmInferior margin : 0.6 cmMedial margin : 0.5 cmLateral margin : 0.5 cmDeep margin : 0.6 cmB) Re excised lateral margin : Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3.5x2.5x1.5cm. Inked surface identified. C) Left breast axillary clearance. Received fibrofatty tissue measures 6x4x3cm. Largest lymph node 0.8x0.7x0.6cm. Cut surface grey white. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Sections show no residual tumor cells. Breast parenchyma with fibrosis, adenosis, cystic change lymphomononuclear, inflammatory infiltrates collections is seen. All the margins of resection are free of tumor. IMPRESSION :A) Left breast, Left beast conservative surgery(Post lumpectomy) :No residual tumor is seen. - Treatment related changes are seen. - All the margins are free of tumor. B) Revised lateral margin : Free of tumor. C) Left axillary clearance : Thirteen lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy(0/13). " 3912,MR1813316,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast SPECIMEN:A) Blue node - hotB) Right sentinel lymph node.C) Right mastectomy specimenGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 1.7x0.8x0.5cmIsolated measures 0.3x0.2x0.2cmB) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 0.8x0.5x0.3cmReceived in : FormalinProcedure : Right modified radical mastectomy Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :15cm Superficial to Deep :5cm Superior to Inferior:10cmSkin ellipse : 13x5.5cm Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect :Not see4nTumor : No tumor identified grossly, lumpectomy bed measuring 2.5x2x1cm. Deep margin : 0.3cmAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue with dense fibrosisMuscle : Absent MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show breast parenchyma with focal proliferating ductules of varying sizes lined by inner epithelial cells and an outer intact myoepithelial layer.stroma shows areas of hyalinisation, edema and elastosis. Interspersed are scattered lymphomononuclear cell infiltrate.IMPRESSION:A) Right sentinel lymph node blue +hot node:Isolated single lymph node is free of tumor(0/1)B) Right sentinel lymph node,Suspicious nodes:Isolated single lymph node is free of tumor (0/1)C)Right mastectomy post lumpectomy:Histological type : No residual tumor seen.Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not seenLymphovascular invasion is not seen.Perineural invasion is not seenPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkable SUMMARY: No residual tumor seen, right breast.Lymph node status : 0/2( Blue +hot node 0/1 ; suspicious node (0/1)." 3913,MR1813326,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis are seen.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3914,MR1813333,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Bilateral breast carcinoma. SPECIMEN :A) Right breast lumpectomy. B) Left breast wide excision. C) Left sentinel lymphnode biopsy, Blue nodeD) Left sentinel lymphnode biopsy, Blue + hot nodeE) Left sentinel lymphnode biopsy, Non blue non hot nodeF) Right sentinel lymphnode biopsy. G) Revised Medial margin. H) Revised Lateral margin. I) Right mastectomy.J) Right side revised baseGROSS FINDINGS:A) Right breast lumpectomy : Received unoriented skin covered soft tissue mass measures 7x5.5x3.5cm. Skin measures 6.5x4.5cm. Surface skin stretched out. cutsurface show firm grey white solid relatively well circumscribed lesion measures 3.5x2x2cm. Entire tissue processed. B) Left breast wide excision : Received skin covered soft tissue mass 7x5x2.5cm skin measures 6x1cm, surface of skin unremarkable cutsurface ill defined firm grey white lesion measures 1.5x1x1cm. Distance from margins : Superior margin : 1.5 cm.Inferior margin : 1.5 cm.Medial margin : 0.8 cm.Lateral margin : 1.0 cm.Deep margin : 1 cm.C) Left sentinel lymphnode biopsy, Blue node Received 2 nodes largest measures 1x1x1cm Cutsurface - unremarkable. other measures 1x0.8x0.5cm. D) Left sentinel lymphnode biopsy, Blue + hot node Received 1 lymph node measures 1x1x1cm. Entire tissue processed. E) Left sentinel lymphnode biopsy, Non blue non hot node Received 1 lymph node measures 0.8x0.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed. F) Right sentinel lymphnode biopsy. Received 3 lymphnodes measures 1.5x1x1cm. Cutsurface grey white. Entire tissue processed. G) Revised Medial margin. Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed. H) Revised Lateral margin. Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1x1cm. Entire tissue processed. I) Right mastectomy.Received in : FormalinProcedure : Right Mastectomy. Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 17cm. Superficial to Deep : 3 cm. Superior to Inferior : 16 cm.Skin ellipse : 15x8cm.Nipple : Retracted. Tumor size : 5.5x1.5cm. No residual tumor present. Axillary tail : Absent. Size of largest node : 3x2x1cm. Cutsurface fatty infiltration with ? grey white deposit measures 0.5cm is greatest dimension. J) Right side revised base - stitch away from tumor. Received soft tissue bits measures 1x0.8x0.7cm. IMPRESSION:A) Right breast lumpectomy :The section show tumor in diffuse sheets and clumps of tumor cells separated by bands of fibrosis. The cells show pleomorphic cells hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. Histological type: Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - II.Modified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ........... 7/9 ...........Lymphovascular invasion - Not identified. Perineural invasion - Not identified. Ductal carcinoma in situ - Not identified. B) Left breast wide excision. The section show tumor in diffuse sheets and clumps of tumor cells separated by bands of fibrosis. The cells show pleomorphic cells hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. Histological type: Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - II.Modified BR score is 5/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 1Mitotic figures : 2 ........... 5/9 ...........Lymphovascular invasion - Not identified. Perineural invasion - Not identified. Medial and lateral margins are involved by tumorAll other margins(superior, inferior and deep) are free of tumor.C, D, E) Left sentinel lymphnode biopsyLymph nodes: Sentinel lymphnodes 3 nodes - No deposits of tumor. F) Right sentinel lymphnode biopsy. Lymph nodes: Sentinel lymphnodes 3 nodes - No deposits of tumor. G) Revised Medial margin. Free of tumorH) Revised Lateral margin. Free of tumorI) Right mastectomy, Post lumpectomyTumor bed :No residual tumor present. Fibrotic area with hemorrhagic areas present. Posterior resection margin is free from tumor. Nipple and areola is unremarkable.J) Right side revised baseFree of tumor" 3915,MR1813334,"CLINICAL HISTORY:? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cored of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3916,MR1813360,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right modified radical mastectomy, post NACT.B) Revised deep margin of pectoralis major muscle.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received inááá ááá áááá : 10% NBF.Procedureááá ááá ááá ááá áá : Right modified radical mastectomy, post NACT.Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááá áááá : Right.Total dimensionsááá ááá á : Medial to lateral -- 19cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep -- 3.5cm. áá ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior -- 14cm.Skin ellipseááá ááá ááá ááááá : 13x9cm.Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áááá : Normal Scar/ Surgical defectáá : Absent.Tumorááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áááá : Single.Tumour Size á á á á á á áá : 2.5x1.2x1cm. áááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá : 9 o'clock, illdefined grey white to yellowish, a cyst measures 1.5x1x1cm seen adjacent to tumor distance between tumor a cyst is 0.5cm.Deep marginááá ááá ááá áá : 1cm.Adjacent Breastááá ááá áá : 10x8x4cm. áááá Size of largest nodeáááá : 2.5x1.5x1cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5x3.5x0.6cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show breast parenchyma with extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ (solid, cribriform, comedo, papillary) of low nuclear grade. A tiny focus of invasive component seen measures 0.3cm in greatest dimension. Rest of the areas show fibrosis, cholesterol and clefts lymphomononuclear infiltrates.Adjacent breast parenchyma shows fibrocystic change.IMPRESSION:A) Right modified radical mastectomy, post NACT.Histological type:Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ (solid, cribriform, comedo, papillary) with foci of residual invasive carcinoma.Tumor measures maximum dimension 2.5cmInvasive component measures 0.3cmDuctal carcinoma in situ measures 2.2cmDuctal Carcinoma-In-Situ is present.Lymphovascular invasion is absent.Perineural invasion is absent.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 10 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0 (0/10).B) Revised deep margin of pectoralis major muscle:Free of tumor.SUMMARY:Right modified radical mastectomy, post NACT.Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ with foci of residual invasive carcinoma.Lymphnode Status: 0/10." 3917,MR1813400,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear trucut cores comprisingá nests and sheets of atypical withá moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Small focus of necrosis seen. Stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast mass:invasive carcinoma, No special type, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+2-7/9." 3918,MR1813417,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - Birads IVSPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right Breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 2-2.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear trucutá cores comprising ofá sheets, clusters and singly scattered highly pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus dispersed in a desmoplastic stroma showingá moderate mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right Breast lump:Invasiveá carcinoma No Special type, Grade 3Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+3+2-8/9" 3919,MR1813430,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast Mass - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast mass, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast mass, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3920,MR1813435,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear core measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as solid nests. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis seen. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast mass. :Invasive carcinoma, NST.á Grade - 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3921,MR1813451,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast carcinoma. SPECIMEN :A) Left Modified Radical Mastectomy. B) Revised base.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Left Modified Radical Mastectomy : Received in : FormalinProcedure : Left Modified Radical Mastectomy. Laterality : Left. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :24cm. Superficial to Deep : 5 cm. Superior to Inferior : 18 cm.Skin ellipse : 17.5x11cm.Nipple retracted. : Normal.Scar/surgical defect : No seen. Tumor size : 3.5x3.5x3cm. Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : ill defined. Deep margin : 1cm. Muscle : Absent. Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 8x4.5x3cm. Size of largest node : 3x2x1cm. Cut surface fatty infiltration with grey white deposit measures 0.5cm.B) Revised base : Received single soft tissue bits measures 2x1x1cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:A) Left Modified Radical Mastectomy :Tumor bed :Tumor is composed of cribriform sheets of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Histological type : Invasive ductal carcinoma. Grade :II.Tumor measures maximum dimension 3.5x3.5cm.Invasive component measures 3.5cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ is not identified.Modified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ............ 7/9 ............Lymphovascular invasion present. Perineural invasion present. Posterior resection margin is free from tumor. Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 16 lymph nodes, Metastasis : 6 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 16nodes(6/16). perinodal spread not present. B) Revised base :Deep margin shows muscle bundle but free from tumor. Pathological stage : pT2N2. Summary: Invasive ductal carcinoma left breast. Tumor Grade: II.Lymph node Status: 6 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 16nodes(6/16). Perinodal spread present. " 3922,MR1813466,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast mass - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 2-2.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows infiltrating neoplasm arranged in sheet and nests. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, abundant cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows desmoplasia. Atypical mitotic figures and necrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass:infiltratingá ductal carcinoma grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9(3+2+2).Areas of necrosis seen." 3923,MR1813493,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast retroareolar lesion - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy form left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows infiltrating neoplasm arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrates. Atypical mitotic figures are seen. Mitosis 4-5/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Biopsy form left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+2)7/9." 3924,MR1813494,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN :Left Modified Radical Mastectomy. GROSS FINDINGS :Left Modified Radical Mastectomy. Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Left Modified Radical Mastectomy. Laterality : Left breast. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 18cm. Superficial to Deep : 6.5cm. Superior to Inferior : 15 cm.Skin ellipse :10x8cm.Nipple : Normal. Scar/Surgical defect : No. Tumor size : 5.5x2.5x1.5cm. Location of tumor : Outer inner quadrant 11 '0'clock. Margins of tumor : irregular. Deep margin : 0.2cm. Axillary breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 12x4x2cm. Size of largest node : 2.5x1x0.5cm. Cutsurface grey white. IMPRESSION:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.Tumor bed : The section from the tumor show diffuse sheets of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. Area necrosis is present tumor is invading up to the skin epidermis is free from the tumor. Histological type : Invasive ductal carcinoma. Grade - 3. Tumor measures maximum dimension 5x5x2.5cm. Invasive component measures 5cm. Ductal carcinoma in situ measures not identified.Modified BR score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ............ 8/9 ..............Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified. Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. Perineural invasion present.Posterior resection margin is close margin 0.2cm. from tumor. However inked margin is free of tumor. Nipple and areola is unremarkable. Lymph nodes: 10 lymph nodes, Metastasis : no deposits. (0/10). Pathological Stage : pT2N0Summary : Invasive ductal carcinoma left breast. Tumor Grade : Lymphnode Status : 10nodes - No deposits of tumor. " 3925,MR1813502,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast carcinoma. SPECIMEN :A) Right breast, wide local excision. B) Right axillary clearance. GROSS FINDINGS:A) Right breast, wide local excision : Received wide local excision of breast measures 8x5x4cm. Skin ellipse 3x1cm. Cut section shows tumor measures 1.8x1.1x1cm. Distance from margins : Superior margin : 2 cm.Inferior margin : 1 cm.Medial margin : 1 cm.Lateral margin : 3 cm.Deep margin : 2 cmB) Right axillary clearance : Received fibrofatty tissue measures 10x6x5cm. Largest measures 2x2x1cm. Cutsurface - grey brown. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :A) Section studied show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. IMPRESSION:A) Right breast, wide local excision : Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade -3.Modified BR score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ............ 6/9 .............Tumor measures maximum dimension 1.8cm.Invasive component measures 1.0 cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.8cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ solid, cribriform and comedonecrosis pattern noted. Lymphovascular invasion /Perineural invasion are not seen.All margins of resection (Superior, inferior, medial and lateral) are free of tumor.B) Right axillary clearance : Isolated all six lymphnodes are free of tumor(0/6). Pathological stage : ypT1N0." 3926,MR1813503,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast mass - carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy fromá left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchymaá with infiltrating neoplasm arranged in sheets, nests. The cells are round to ovalá hyperchromatic nuclei, scant to moderate cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows lymphoplasmacyticá infiltrates. Few atypical mitotic figures noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy fromá left breast mass.Invasive carcinoma NST, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+2)-7/9." 3927,MR1813539,CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple fragments of breast parenchyma with a lesion arranged in nests and sheets. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Extensive areas of necrosis is noted. Atypical and brisk mitotic figures are noted. Ductal carcinoma in situ component with comedonecrosis is noted. Adjacent stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma with ducal carcinoma in situ comedonecrosis grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score is (3+2+2)7/9.Ductal carcinoma in situ noted. 3929,MR1813552,CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump. Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows infiltrating neoplasm arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are large hyperchromatic nuclei abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Adjacent dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. Admixed desmoplastic stroma. Atypical mitotic figures noted. Mitotic figures 4-5/10hpf. Areas of necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade 3.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is (3+3+2)8/9. 3930,MR1813573,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arrangedá in nests, cords tubules. The lesional cells are round to oval havingá hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderateá nuclear pleomorphism. Mitosis 5-6/10 hpf. Stroma shows hyalinisation, lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubule formationááá á á á - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 3931,MR1813604,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3932,MR1813606,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:A) Blue + hot nodes.B) Hot nodesC) Left Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Hot +blue nodes isolated 4 lymph nodes largest measures 1x0.8x0.7cm.B) Received hot nodes isolated 1 lymph nodes measures 0.3x0.2x0.1cm.C) Received in : Formalin Procedure : l Mastectomy Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :17cm Superficial to Deep :3.8cm Superior to inferior : 14cmSkin ellipse :13.5x10cmNipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not identifiedTumor : Single Tumor Size : 3.5x3x3.2cm Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrantMargins of tumor : IIldefined Deep margin : 1cmMuscle : 3x2cmAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : Not submitted.Size of largest node :1x1x0.5cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:C) Section from tumor show cells arranged in tubules nests and sheets cells have moderate amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic round to oval vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli,mitotic figures discerned. Surrounding stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphomononuclear infiltratesSection from deep with muscle are free of tumorSection from nipple and area are free of tumor.IMPRESSION:Left mastectomy:Histological type: Invasive ductal carcinoma- NACTGrade :1Tumor component maximum dimension 3.5cm.Invasive component measures 3cm.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Ductal carcinoma in situ -area of necrosis seenLymphovascular invasion presentPerineural invasion presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is free of tumorLymph nodes 8 lymph nodes,No metastasis (0/8).Left sentinel lymph node : 6 lymph nodes isolated- No metastases (0/6).Pathological stage pT2N0MxSummary:Invasive ductal carcinoma left breastTumor grade moderately differentiated Lymph nodes status 0/8 lymph nodes isolated no metastasisLeft Sentinel lymph nodes (0/6) isolated no metastasis" 3933,MR1813609,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubular formationááááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááá - 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------á " 3934,MR1813617,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - ? Neoplastic.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in sheets and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3935,MR1813620,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump mass - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 0.5-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump mass:High grade ductal carcinoma in situ.Note: Invasion needs to be excluded on larger tissue. 3936,MR1813621,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, NST, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formationáááá á á á - 3Nuclear pleomorphismá - 2Mitotic figures á á á á á á áá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------" 3937,MR1813641,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right axillary lymph node (Blue & Hot node)B) Right axillary lymph node (Hot node).C) Right breast, Right mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Right axillary lymph node (Blue & Hot node):Received single lymph node measures 2x1x1cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.B) Right axillary lymph node (Hot node):Received single lymph node measures 1x0.5x0.5cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.C) Right breast, Right mastectomy:Received in : Formalin.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 14cm Superficial - deep : 7cm Superior-inferior : 16cmSkin ellipse : 15x8cmNipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : No.Tumor : SingleTumor size : 4x3.2x2cm.Location of tumor : Central region.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 2cm.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show tumor infiltrating breast parenchyma composed of large polygonal cells arranged as nests, cords, sheets and tubular pattern,marked pleomorphism with high N:C ratio, vesicular nucleus, prominent nucleolus and scant to moderate cytoplasm. Mitoses are 6-8/hpf. Areas of necrosis and perineural invasion is seen. Lymphovascular invasion is not identified, solid and comedo type of DCIS foci are seen within and adjacent to the tumor. Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphomononuclear infiltrate.Sectioms from nipple and areola are unremarkable.Posterior resected margin is free of tumor.All the three lymph nodes isolated from sentinel biopsy specimen are free of tumor.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma (NST), grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubular formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures maximum dimension 4cm.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Present.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : NormalLymph nodes: 3 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0,(0/3).SUMMARY:Right breast, Right mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma(NST), grade II.Nodal metastases : 3 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0,(0/3)." 3938,MR1813713,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lesion - ? Neoplastic.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged as clusters, cords and nests. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have hyperchromatic nuclear and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION: Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma, NST, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9.Tubular formationááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááá -- 2Mitotic activityááááááááááááááááááá -- 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------" 3939,MR1813753,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show fibrocollagenous tissue harboring lesion arranged in tubular, solid sheets, nested, cords pattern. Lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei moderate eosinophilic cytopalsm. Few mitotic figures also discerned. Adjacent stroma shows pools of mucin and desmoplastic change.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma NST with mucinous differentiation (grade 1).Modified Bloom Richardson score is 4/9.Tubular formationááááááááááááááááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááááááá -- 1Mitotic activityááááááááááááááááááááááááá -- 1 ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 4/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------------" 3940,MR1813756,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 5-1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 ------- 7/9" 3941,MR1813759,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section reveal linear core biopsies of infiltrative tumor composed of round to polygonal cells arranged in nests and trabecular pattern. The cells show high N/C ratio, and hyperchromatic nucleus with moderate pleomorphism .Mitosis are 3-4/10 hpf. Intervening stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9(3+1+2)." 3942,MR1813773,CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump carcinomaSPECIMEN:Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS: Received in : Formalin Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :18cm Superficial to Deep : 4.8cm Superior to inferior : 14.5cmSkin ellipse :15x12cmNipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : Single Tumor Size : 2.8x2.3x1.8 overlying skin is retracted Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : IIl defined Deep margin : 1.8cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 8x6x4cmSize of largest node :3.5x3x2.5xcm. Cut surface mucinousMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple section show clumps and groups of cells with areas calcification having pleomorphic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm surrounded with pools of mucin ( mucinous carcinoma). in focal areas of clumps of solid cells are seen with pleomorphic nucleus with hyperchromatic nucleus ( focal areas of invasive ductal carcinoma )IMPRESSION:Right modified radical mastectomy:Histological type: Mucinous carcinoma with focal areas of invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade :2Tumor component maximum dimension 2.8cm.Invasive component measures2.8cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures not identified.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Lymphovascular invasion presentPerineural invasion not identifiedPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes 15 lymph nodes metastasis 3 nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 15 nodesPathological stage: pT2N1.SUMMARY:Mucinous carcinoma with focal areas of invasive ductal carcinomaGrade :2Lymph nodes3 nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 15 nodesPerinodal spread present. 3943,MR1813802,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Well definedá lobulated hypoechoic lesion in right breast - Birads IVSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump near nipple.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrating by a neoplasm arranged as nests and islands. Theá neoplastic cells exhibitá moderate nuclear plemorphism have vesicular nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is scant.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump, near nipple:Invasive carcinoma , Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationáááááá á á - 3Nuclear pleomorphismá - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá - 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9" 3945,MR1813815,"CLINICAL HISTORY:? Carcinoma left breast.SITE:Modified Radical Mastectomy specimen (Left breast).Received 16 slides and 16 blocks labelled as 9280/18. A -1, B-1, D-2, E-4, F-8.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple section studied show breast parenchyma with infiltrating lesion arranged in lobules with comedonecrosis and few places arranged in papillary pattern with fibrovascular core. Lesional cells have pleomorphic vesicular nuclei with dispersed chromatin prominent nucleoli scanty to moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma show lymphocytic infiltration. Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion not seen.IMPRESSION:Modified Radical Mastectomy specimen (Left breast):Invasive ductal cell carcinoma (Grade 3)Tubular formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic activity -- 3 ----------- 8/9 ------------Lymphovascular invasion not seen.Perineural invasion not seen.Adjacent breast show papillary hyperplasia. Focus of ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis seen.21 lymph nodes identified one lymph node shows metastatic deposit of tumor (1/21).No perinodal spread." 3946,MR1813840,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show fibrocollagenous tissue harboring lesion arranged nest, cord, pattern. Lesional cells have round to polygonal having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures also discerned. Adjacent stroma show desmopalstic change. Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedo necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal cell carcinoma (grade 2).Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubular formation á á á á á á -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá -- 2Mitotic activityáááááááááááááááááá -- 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------Ducal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis seen." 3947,MR1813844,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast solid cystic lesion - Birads V.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 linear cores grey white grey brown cores measures 0.8-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged as clustersá and islands floatingá in lakes of mucin. The neoplastic cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and scant cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma with mucinous areas, grade 1Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9Tubule formationááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismá - 1Mitotic figuresááááááááááá áá - 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9" 3949,MR1813852,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show fibrocollagenous tissue harboring lesion arranged in tubular, nest, cord pattern. Lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate eosinophilic cytopalsm. Mitotic figures also discerned. Adjacent stroma show desmopalstic change.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal cell carcinoma grade 1.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9.Tubular formationááááááááááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphismáááááá -- 2Mitotic activityááááááááááááááááááá -- 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------" 3950,MR1813856,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Complaints of left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 1-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show fibrocollagenous tissue harboring lesion arranged in tubular, nested pattern and few focal cribriform pattern also seen. Lesional cells are round to polygonal having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures also discerned. Adjacent stroma show desmoplastic change . Perineural invasion not seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma with lobular features grade 1Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9 (2+2+1)" 3951,MR1813857,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy form left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy form left breast:Invasive carcinoma, NST grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9.Tubular formationáááááááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááááá -- 2Mitotic activityáááááááááááááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------" 3952,MR1813873,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast - BIRADS with lesion.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from lesional tissue harbor an invasive neoplasm composed of cells arranged in sheets. The cells have scant eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm, irregular hyperchromatic nuclei and coarse chromatin. Numerous atypical mitosis seen. Stroma shows desmoplastic reaction and lymphomononuclear infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma of ductal origin NST breast grade III.Tubular formation -- 3 Nuclear pleomorphism -- 3Mitotic activity -- 2 ------------- 8/9 -------------" 3953,MR1813912,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast SPECIMEN:A) Left breast conservative surgery. Post lumpectomyB) Left sentinel lymph node - Blue + hot nodeC) Left sentinel lymph node - Hot node.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received wide local excision of left breast measures 15x11x5cmSkin ellipse measures 9.5x5.5cmSurface shows surgical scar measures 1.5cm in lengthTwo nodules over surface of skin larger nodule measures 0.6x0.5x0.2cmOn cut opening cystic lesion drained hemorrhage greenish fluid measures 4x1.5x1.5cmDistance from margins:Superior margin -3cmInferior margin - 3cmMedial margin - 4cmLateral margin - 2cmDeep margin - 2cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 6x3.5x1cm identified 3 lymph nodesLargest measures 1.8x1x1cm cut surface fatty infiltrate.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2.5x1.5cm Identified 1 lymph nodes measures 2x1x0.5cm cut surface fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section studied shows breast parenchyma with extensive areas of fibrosis and hyalinisation. There is extensive areas of fat necrosis. Lymphomononuclear.aggregates, transforming histiocytes, hemosiderin alden macrophages and giant cells. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis is seen. No evidence of atypical /malignancy seen in the material submitted.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast conservative surgery. Post lumpectomy:No residual tumor is seen.Ductal carcinoma in situ is not seenLymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion not seen.All margins of resection ( Superior, inferior, medial, lateral and deep) are free of tumor.Overlying skin is unremarkable.B) Left sentinel lymph node - Blue + hot node:Isolated three lymph nodes are free of tumor (0/3)C) Left sentinel lymph node - Hot node:Isolated single lymph nodes is free of tumor (0/1)." 3954,MR1813922,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from multiple linear cores harbor an invasive neoplasm composed of tumor cells arranged in tubules, and nests. The tubules are lined cuboidal epithelium.,scant eosinophilic cytoplasm,Irregular round hyperchromatic nuclei. Stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates and desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump.Invasive carcinoma grade I.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 2+1+1(4/9)." 3955,MR1813925,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - ? Neoplastic.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma showing infiltration by tumor cells in nests and focally in tubules. The tumor cells are round to polygonal with round to ovoid hyperchromatic pleomorphic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Occasional prominent nucleoli are seen. Intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3956,MR1813948,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Core Biopsy - Left Breast Lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The sections show linear cores of breast parenchyma showing infiltration by tumor cells in cords and nests, focal tubular and cribriform pattern. The tumor cells are round to cuboidal with increased N:C ratio, hyperchromatic nuclei show prominent nucleoli. Intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Core Biopsy - Left Breast Lump:Features are suggestive of invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score 7/9.Tubular formationáááááááááááááááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááááááááááááá -- 2Mitotic activityáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------------" 3958,MR1813976,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast post NACT, post lumpectomy.SPECIMEN:Left breast, post NACT, post lumpectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : 10%NBF.Procedure : modified radical mastectomy, post NACT, post lumpectomy.Laterality : Left.Total dimensions : Medial to lateral -- 17cm. Superficial to Deep -- 4cm. Superior to Inferior -- 16cm.Skin ellipse : 17.5x5.5cm.Nipple : retracted. Scar/ Surgical defect : 4cm in upper outer quadrant.Tumor : No gross lesion identified fibrotic grey white areas measures 4x3x3cm noted in retroareolar region. Deep margin : 3cm.Muscle : 3x2x1cm.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 6x5x4cm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Modified radical mastectomy post NACT, post lumpectomy:Tumor bed :Sections show areas of necrosis, adenosis and sclerosis. Few ducts show cystic change. Scattered lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate noted.No residual viable tumor seem.Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not identified.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 12 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0 (0/12)Pathological stage: yPxN0SUMMARY: left breast, post NACT, post lumpectomy Modified radical mastectomy.No residual viable tumor, Lymphnode Status:12 lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor.0/12" 3959,MR1814035,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3960,MR1814039,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast, post 4 cycles of NACT.SPECIMEN:A) Uterus, cervix and Right adnexal, Hysterectomy with right salpingo oophorectomy.B) Left adnexa, Left salpingo-oophorectomy.C) Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy (Post NACT).D) Revised base.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Uterus, cervix and Right adnexal, Hysterectomy with right salpingo oophorectomy:Uterus dimensions: Midline fundal-serosa to ectocervix : 9cm.Maximum intercornual : 3cm.Maximum anterior to posterior : 2cm.Cervix Dimensions : 3x2cm.Vaginal cuff : Posterior cuff measures 1x0.8cm. Grossly unremarkable.Cervix shape : Normal.Right ovary : 2.5x1.5cm.Left ovary : 5x4.5x4cm. No capsular breach. Cut surface shows pultaceous material with hair. No papillary extension identified.Right Fallopian tube : 4cm.Left Fallopian tube : 2cm.Endometrial abnormality : Polyp for each 2x1.5cm.Endometrium descriptionEndometrial thickness : 0.6cm.Myometrium descriptionMyometrial depth : Anteriorly 1cm, Posterior 0.9cm.B) Received separately left ovary measures 5x4.5x4cm.Cut surface shows proteinaceous material with hair. No papillary areas seen.C) Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy (Post NACT):Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 19cm Superficial - deep : 6cm Superior-inferior : 17cmSkin ellipse : 18x13cmNipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Absent.Tumor : MultipleTumor size : Tumor 1 measures 3x2x2cm. Tumor 2 measures 1.3x1.3x1.1cm.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Distance between two tumor 2cm.Margins of tumor : ill defined.Deep margin : Tumor 1 measures 2cm, Tumor 2 measures 2.5cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : 12x6x5cm.Size of largest node : 2.5x1.5x1cm.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sections from hysterectomy with right salpingo-oophorectomy specimen shows endometrial polyp composed dilated glands lined by columnar epithelium in fibrous stroma with thick vessels. Adjacent endometrium show simple hyperplasia. Sections from cervix show s nabothian cyst with superficial lymphomononuclear infiltrate.B) Sections from left adnexal mass show ovarian parenchyma with tumor showing variable morphology. The tumor show cystic areas lined by keratinized stratified squamous epithelium with underlying sebaceous glands. Areas of adipose tissue, cartilage, smooth muscle bundles, thyroid tissue and glands lined by columnar epithelium.There is no evidence of malignancy in the sections studied.C) Right breast:Sections show tumors cells arranged as nests and tubules infiltrating into the desmoplastic stroma. The tumor cells show vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Mitoses are sparse. Solid and cribriform. DCIS is noted. D) Revised base : Free of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Uterus, cervix and Right adnexal, Hysterectomy with right salpingo oophorectomy:- Endometrium shows benign endometrial polyp.- Cervix : Nabothian cyst, Chronic non specific cervicitis.- Right ovary : Free of tumor.- Right Fallopian tube : Free of tumor.- Right and left parametria : Free of tumor.- Vaginal cuff margin : Free of tumor.B) Left adnexa, Left salpingo-oophorectomy:Shows features of Mature Cystic Teratoma.- Tumor measures 5cm in greatest dimension.C) Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy (Post NACT):RESIDUAL INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade I. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 5(2+2+1). - Tumor is multifocal (Two) and is located in the upper outer quadrant. - Larger tumor foci measures 3 cm in greatest dimension. - Smaller tumor foci measures 1.3 cm in greatest dimension. - Ductal carcinoma in situ : Present, Solid, cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen. - Lymphovascular invasion is present. - Perineural invasion is not identified. - Posterior resection margin : Free of tumor. - Nipple areola are unremarkable.Lymph nodes:Thirteen out of seventeen lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposits with Extranodal extension (13/17). - Size of the largest tumor deposit measures 2.5cm in greatest dimension.D) Revised base : Free of tumor.Pathological stage : ypT2(m)N3a" 3961,MR1814076,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass highly suggestive of malignancy Birads 5SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right beast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white soft tissue bits measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in glandular pattern, trabecular cords and solid nests. lesional cells are round to polygonal with increased N/C ratio ratio moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, round hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli moderate nuclear -pleomorphism is seen. Mitotic figures are seen occasionally. Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right beast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma NST, grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+1+2-6/9." 3962,MR1814123,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4grey white linear cores measures 0.5-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with dense lymphomononuclear cell infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9(3+2+3)." 3963,MR1814149,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from sternal nodule / mammary fold lesion right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented linear cores measures 0.3 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibroadipose tissue with infiltrating neoplasm arranged in glandular pattern, tubules and nests, lesional cells are round to polygonal with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Intranuclear inclusions are seen in few. Mitotic figures are 4-6/10hpf. Stroma is desmoplastic with myxoid areas. Area of necrosis and hemorrhage seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from sternal nodule / mammary fold lesion right breast:Invasive carcinoma probably ductal origin ? primary ? metastatic breast." 3964,MR1814150,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy form left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2m. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy form left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, NST grade 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9.Tubular formationáááááááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááááá -- 3Mitotic activityáááááááááááááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------" 3965,MR1814164,CLINICAL HISTORY:Prostetomegaly - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Core Biopsy - Prostate.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The sections shows linear cores showing benign prostatic tissue. No evidence of malignancy is seen.IMPRESSION:Core Biopsy - Prostate:Benign prostatic tissue. 3966,MR1814180,CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tumor composed of large polygonal cells with high N:C ratio hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm arranged in nests. These cells show moderate pleomorphism and mitosis 1-2/hpf. Stroma desmoplasia and lymphomononuclear infiltrate with focal of foreign body giant cells collection.IMPRESSION: Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma NST grade 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9.Tubular formationááááááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááááá -- 2Mitotic activityááááááááááááááááááááááá -- 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------- 3968,MR1814192,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast lump, Right Breast conservation surgery.B) Right sentinel lymph nodes- Blue and hot lymph node.C) Right sentinel lymph nodes- Hot node.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received soft tissue mass measures 6 x 5 x 3 cm. Skin ellipse measures 4 x 1.5 cmSurface unremarkable. Cut surface shows irregular grey white form lesion measures 1.5 x 1.3 x 1.3 cm.Distance from different margins :Superior margin : 1 cmInferior margin : 1.5 cmMedial margin : 1.5 cmlateral margin : 1 cmDeep margin : 1 cmB) Right sentinel lymph nodes- Blue and hot lymph node : Received single lymph node with attached fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x1.5x0.5 cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration. Entire tissue processed.C) Right sentinel lymph nodes- Hot node :Received single lymph node with attached fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1.5x1 cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Multiple sections studied shows infiltrating lesion arranged in solid nests, alveolar and few tubules. The individual lesion cells are having round to oval nucleus with stripped chromatin and mild to moderate amount of pale eosinophilic granular cytoplasm. Mitotic activity is discerned. Intervening stroma shows congested blood vessels and hyalinisation.IMPRESSION :A) Right breast lump, Right Breast conservation surgery : INVASIVE CARCINOMA, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6 (3+2+1). - Tumor measures 1.5 cm in greatest dimension. - Lymphovascular invasion is not seen. - Perineural invasion is not seen. - All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Right sentinel lymph nodes- Blue and hot lymph node : One lymph node is identified, free of tumor (0/1).C) Right sentinel lymph nodes- Hot node : One lymph node is identified, free of tumor (0/1).NOTE : In view of few tumor cells showing neuroendocrine like features, suggest IHC for further confirmation." 3969,MR1814227,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Wide excision left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááá ááá : 10% NBF.Procedureááá ááá ááá ááá á : Wide local excisionTotal dimensionsááá áá áá : Medial to lateral -- 10cmááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep -- 6cmááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior -- 4.5cm.Skin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááá : 8x4cm. Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá á : Normal ááááááááááááááááááááááá áá Scar/ Surgical defectáá : Absent.Tumorááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áááá : Single.Tumour Sizeáááááááá áá : 4.5x4.5x4cm. Illdefined grey white with areas of haemorrhageá and necrosis. Deep marginááá ááá ááá : 0.2cm.Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááá : Present.Adjacent Breastáááááá : Absent. áááá Axillary tailááá ááá á á á : Absent.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show breast parenchyma harboring infiltrative neoplasm arranged in nests, cord, trabecular pattern. Lesional cells are polygonal with large pleomorphic round to oval vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli, moderate amount of clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows dense lymphomononuclear infiltrate. Area of hemorrhage and necrosis and hyalinization also seen.IMPRESSION:Wide excision left breast lump:Histological type: Invasive carcinoma (NST).Grade: IITumor measures maximum dimension 4.5cmInvasive component measures 4.2cmDuctal carcinoma in situ measures 0.3cmModified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is present.Lymphovascular invasion is not seen.Perineural invasion is not seen.Posterior resection margin is 0.1cm away from tumor.Elliptical skin / soft tissue excised margin are free of tumor." 3970,MR1814260,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of left breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:A) Left breast wide excisionB) Left sentinel node - Hot nodeC) Left sentinel node - blue, hot nodeD) Left sentinel node - Non blue, non hot node.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 4x3.5x1.5cmSkin ellipse measures 4x0.8cm. Cut surface shows tumor measures 1.5x1.4x1.3cmDistance from margin:Superior margin : 2cmInferior margin : 0.2cmMedial margin : 1cmLateral margin : 2cmDeep margin ;0.6cmB) Received one lymph node measures 1x0.8x0.6cm. Cut surface- grey brown.C) Received 1 lymph node measures 0.8x0.6x0.4cmCut surface grey brown blue dye noted.D) Received 1 lymph node measures 0.5x0.3x0.3cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section studied shows breast parenchyma with an infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm with peripherally pushed hyperchromatic nucelus ( signet ring cell morphology) mitotic figures are discerned stroma is desmoplastic with occasional scattered lymphomononuclear cell infiltrate. No extracellular mucin is present.IMPRESSION:A)Left breast conservative surgery:Histological type: Carcinoma with signet ring cell differentiation.Grade :3Tumor component maximum dimension 1.5cm.Invasive component measures 1.5cm.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3Lymphovascular invasion not seen.Perineural invasion not seen.Posterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkable.All inked margins ( Superior, inferior, medial, lateral and deep ) are free of tumor.B) Left sentinel node - Hot node:Isolated single lymph is free of tumor (0/1)C) Left sentinel node - blue, hot node:Isolated four lymph nodes are free of tumor (0/4)D) Left sentinel node - Non blue, non hot node:Isolated single lymph node is free of tumor (0/1)Pathological stage pT2N0Summary:Carcinoma with signet ring cell differentiation.Tumor grade 3Lymph nodes status 0/6.Note:Primary breast composed predominantly or exclusively of signet sing cells are rareAdvised IHC ER-PR HER2, ki67 GCDFP-15, CD2 CK7 E-cadherin and MUC -1 ( for confirmation, kindly rule out primary from GIT)" 3971,MR1814263,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right modified radical mastectomy.B) Apical nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received in : FormalinTime to formalin : 4.40pmLaterality : Right MRM. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral -- 18cm Superficial to Deep -- 5cm Superior to Inferior -- 13cmSkin ellipse : 13x7cm.Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumour Size : 4.5x3.5x3cm Location of tumor : Upper outer quardent.Margins of tumor : Illdefind. Deep margin : 0.5cm.Muscle : 3x2x0.5cm.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : 11x7x3cm.Size of largest node : 1.2x1x1cm.Cut surface shows grey brown.B) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 1x1x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sections show breast parenchyma with tumor infiltrating in the form of tubules and nests composed of round to polygonal cells with high N:C ratio, pleomorphic vesicular nucleus prominent nucleolus and scant cytoplasm.Mitosis are 1-2/hpf and areas of necrosis are seen.B) Sections from apical lymph nodes show 7 lymph nodes free of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Right modified radical mastectomy:Invasive papillary carcinoma nuclear, Grade 2.Nodal metastases 0/16.Histopathologic Examination:Right Modified Radical MastectomyHistological type:Invasive papillary carcinoma with few foci showing micropapillary features.Nuclear Grade:2Tumor measures maximum dimension 4.5cmLocation of tumor UOQ.Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ Not identified.Lymphovascular invasion Not identified.Perineural invasion Not identified.Posterior resection margin is fibrofatty tissue.Nipple and areola is fibrofatty tissue.Lymph nodes: 16 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0 (0/16) . Pathological stage: pT2N0B) Apical nodes:Isolated 7 lymph nodes .All are free of tumor (0/7)." 3972,MR1814264,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 1.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in solid nests, glandular pattern& trabecular. The cells are round with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, round hyperchromatic nucleus. Mitotic figures are seen occasionally stroma is desmoplastic with extensive areas of hemorrhage and sparse mononuclear infiltrates.IMPRESSION:Right breast biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma NST, grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9.Tubular formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 1Mitotic activity -- 2. ---------- 5/9 ---------- " 3973,MR1814266,"CLINICAL HISTORY:? Carcinoma lung.SPECIMEN:Biopsy form lung lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied show lung parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and sheets. The cells are polygonal having abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus with prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with moderately dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates.IMPRESSION:Biopsy form lung lesion:Poorly differentiated carcinoma.? Squamous cell carcinoma.? Metastatic from breast.Suggest IHC.Please correlate with clinical and radiological findings." 3974,MR1814268,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.8cm . Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied show fibrous tissue, infiltrating lesion arranged in vague tubules and cords. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubular formationááááááááááááááááááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááááááááá -- 2Mitotic activityááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------" 3975,MR1814270,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue involved by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Few Extracellular pools of mucin are seen.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 3977,MR1814303,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - BIRADS, Highly suspicious of malignancy. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white measures 0.5-1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma showing infiltrating by tumor arranged in nests, cords and focally in tubules. The tumor cells are round to ovoid with increased N:C ratio, hyperchromatic ovoid nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Intervening stroma in desmoplastic and shows hyalinization. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score 7(3+2+2)." 3978,MR1814304,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - Carcinoma - BiradsSPECIMENRight Brest lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma showing infiltration by tumor cells in cords and nests. The tumor cells are round to ovoid with high N/C ratio and hyperchromatic ovoid nuclei cytoplasm is moderate pale to clear. IMPRESSION:Right Brest lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is7 (3+2+2)." 3979,MR1814337,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :19cm Superficial to Deep : 6cm Superior to inferior : 16cmSkin ellipse :12x9cmNipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor :Single Tumor Size : 3x3x2cm Location of tumor : Lower central quadrantMargins of tumor : IIl defined Deep margin : 0.5cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 17x9cmTotal number of nodes : 15Size of largest node :1.5x1x1cm cut surface - grey brown.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets, nests and cords. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with mild lymphomononuclear cell infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis are seen.IMPRESSION:Left modified radical mastectomy:Histological type: Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade :2Tumor component maximum dimension 3cm.Invasive component measures 3cm.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Lymphovascular invasion is not seenPerineural invasion is not seen.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes 10 lymph nodes metastasis, 0 (0/10).Pathological stage pT2N0Summary:Invasive ductal carcinoma left breastTumor grade 2Lymph nodes status 0/10." 3980,MR1814362,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast mass, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tumor composed of round to polygonal cells arranged in nests and tubules. These cells show moderate pleomorphic high N/C ratio, vesicular nucleus, prominent nucleolus and mitosis 6-8/10 hpf. Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphomononuclear infiltrate IMPRESSION:Left Breast mm, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richard Son Score is 7(3+2+2)." 3982,MR1814372,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy, Post NACT.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : 10% NBF.Procedure : Right modified radical mastectomy, Post NACT.Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial to lateral --18cm Superficial to Deep -- 6cm Superior to Inferior -- 12cm.Skin ellipse : 12x6cm. Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Absent.Tumor : Single.Tumour Size : 1.2x1x1cm. Location of tumor : Lower inner quadrant.Margins of tumor : Illdefined. Deep margin : 1.3cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 5x5x5cm.Size of largest node : 1.2x1x1cm. Cut surface shows depositMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show tumor infiltrating breast parenchyma composed of sheets, nests and cords of polygonal cells with pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleolus. Areas of necrosis seen. Stroma shows fibrosis and hyalinisation and focal areas of calcification present.IMPRESSION:Right modified radical mastectomy, Post NACT.Histological type: Invasive ductal carcinoma NST.Grade: 2Tumor measures maximum dimension 1.2cmModified BR score is 6/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 1Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not identified.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 11 lymph nodes, Metastasis:4 (4/11).Perinodal extension present.Pathological stage: ypT1N2a.SUMMARY:Invasive ductal carcinoma NST, Right breast.Tumor Grade: 2Lymphnode Status:4/11" 3983,MR1814387,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lobulated mass. SPECIMEN :Right Modified Radical Mastectomy specimenGROSS FINDINGS :Received 23 blocks labelled as 414/18 A-W and 23 - Slides labelled as 414/18 A-W. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows from breast parenchyma shows extensive fibrosis of stroma with focal aggregates of oval cells with hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate nuclear pleomorphism and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. frequent mitotic figures are seen. There are few chondroid areas with pleomorphic spindle cells, interspersed vascular channels and giant cells are noted. Deep margin is involved. However additional deep margin (V) is free of tumor. All other margins of resection (Superior, inferior, medial and lateral) are free of tumor.Twenty lymph nodes all are free of metastasis (0/20)IMPRESSION : The possibilities considered are 1. Metaplastic carcinoma. 2. Malignant Phylloides tumor. *IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY:*Pancytokeratin : Focal positivity is seen in the cells which are seen as necrotic tumor cells on H&E sections. The peripheral viable spindle shaped cells are however negative. IMPRESSION:Malignant lesion.The possibility of metaplastic carcinoma cannot be ruled out in view of pancytokeratin immunostaining.However, resampling and restaining from the specimen is suggested to conclusively differentiate between metaplastic carcinoma and malignant phylloides. Please provide specimen if available. " 3984,MR1814408,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 3985,MR1814423,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy Post NACT, Post lumpectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure :Modified Radical mastectomy Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :21cm Superficial to Deep :4.5cm Superior to Inferior :18cmSkin ellipse : 18x10cm Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect :Linear scar 10cm noted lateral to the Nipple /areolaTumor : No obvious tumor seen. ill defined fibrotic areas measures 2x1x1cm in the outer quadrant corresponding to the overlying scar Deep margin :2cmMuscle : 2.5x1.5cmAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail :4x3x2cm IMPRESSION:Left modified radical mastectomy, Post NACT+ Post lumpectomyTumor bed:Section shows fibrotic area with foci of chronic inflammatory cells composed of multinucleated giant cells and lymphoplasmacytesHistological type:No residual viable tumor seen.Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not seen. Lymphovascular invasion is not seen.Perineural invasion is not seen.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 8 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0(0/8).Pathological stage:pTxN0. SUMMARY: Left modified radical mastectomy, Post NACT+ Post lumpectomy.No residual viable tumor seen.Lymph node Status:0/8." 3986,MR1814429,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue composed of nests and cords of large polygonal with moderate pleomorphism. These cells show high N/C ratio, hyperchromatic irregular nucleus and scant to moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis are 2-3/10hpf. Stroma shows desmoplasia and mild lymphomononuclear infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma (NST), grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9(3+1+2)." 3987,MR1814430,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Wide excision : Conservative breast surgery.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x1cm. Isolated 3 lymph nodes.Largest measures 1.2x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration. Entire tissue processed.B) Received wide local excision specimen measures 8x6x4.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 4x1cm.Serial sections reveal ill defined lesion measures 4.0x3.4x3.1cm.Distance from the margins:Superior margin - 1cm.Inferior margin - 0.4cm.Medial margin - 1cm.Lateral margin - 1.2cm.Deep margin - 1cm.C) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1x1cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Tumor :Multiple sections from the tumor shows pleomorphic cells with hyperchroamtic nucleus with scanty cytoplasm. The cells are arranged diffusely in clumps and glands. Tubular formation less than 10% (3)Mitotic figures 6/10 (2).Nuclear pleomorphism (2).Modified bloom richardson score 7/9.Nuclear grade II.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Ductal carcinoma in situ.Residual margin - superior - few ducts show epithelial hyperplasia close to margin.Inferior margin -- Free of tumor.Medial margin -- Free of tumor.Lateral margin -- Free of tumor.Deep margin -- Free of tumor.Revised superior margin -- Free of tumor..Sentinel lymph nodes:3 nodes - No deposit of tumor.IMPRESSION:Wide excision : Conservative breast surgery:Invasive ductal carcinomaNuclear grade II.Maximum dimension of tumor 4x3.4x3.1cm.Invasive carcinoma measures 4cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ - Not identified.Lymphovascular invasion - Not identified.Perineural invasion - Not identified.Resected margins : Inferior, medial, lateral, deep margins are free of tumor.Sentinel lymphnodes: 3 nodes isolated are free of tumor 0/3.Pathological stage : pT2N0" 3988,MR1814431,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - Carcinoma breast SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with lesion infiltratingá in the form of nests and cords composed ofá polygonal cells with high N/C ratio hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. There is moderate pleomorphic and mitosis 1-2/hpf . Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphomononuclear infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma (NST), grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9(3+1+2)." 3990,MR1814470,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Complaint of left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white soft tissue bits measures 0.4x0.3x0.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows fragmentary of bits of tumor tissue arranged in glandular pattern and sheets. The cells are round with clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm, round hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli, moderate nuclear pleomorphism noted.Occasional mitotic figures seen. Stroma is desmoplastic and infiltrated by dense lymphocytes and plasma cells. Areas of necrosis seen. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass:Invasive carcinoma, NST- Ductal originModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9(3+2+2),grade 2Large areas of necrosis see." 3991,MR1814482,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast - Birads - 5SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear core studied show breast parenchyma harboring lesion arranged in sheets, trabecular. lesional cells have pleomorphic vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli, high N/C ratio, scanty eosinophilic cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma show desmoplastic change and extensive area of necrosis also noted. Brisk mitotic activity discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma of ductal origin, NST, Grade 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9 (3+3+2)." 3992,MR1814483,CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right sentinel lymph node biopsy.B) Right breast conservative surgery.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3.8x3.5x2cmlymph nodes measures 1x0.8x0.5cm.B) Received wile local excision right breast measures 12.7x21.7x2.5cm on cut section identified a single firm mass measures 1.8x1.5x1.5cm margins are ill definedSkin ellipse measures 11x3.5cmPuckering over nipple areola is seenDistance from margins:Superior margins 1.5cmInferior margin 2cmMedial margin 2.5cmLateral margin 9cmDeep margin 5.5cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sentinel lymph node : 2 lymph nodes - no metastatic deposit of tumor.B) Tumor is composed pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus with eosinophilic cytoplasm tumor formation is less than 10%-3Mitotic figures 2 anaplasia 2Ductal carcinoma in situ -solid cystModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Nuclear grade IILymphovascular invasion not identifiedPerineural invasion not identifiedThe section show from the nipple and areola shows Pagets disease of nipple and areolaAll resected margins are free the tumor.IMPRESSION:B) Wide local excision - Right Breast conservative surgery:Maximum dimension tumor is 1.8x1.5x1.5cm.Invasive ductal carcinoma measures 1.5cm.Nuclear grade IIDuctal carcinoma in situ 0.3cm low grade Lymphovascular invasion not identifiedNipple and areola - pagets disease presentAll Resected margins are free of tumor. A) Right Sentinel lymph node : 2 lymph nodes - no metastatic deposit of tumor. 3993,MR1814501,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lesion - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show linear cores fibrocollagenous tissue harboring an invasiveá neoplasm arranged in glandular, trabecuclar pattern. The lesional cells are polygonal with vacuolated to eosinophilic cytoplasm round nucleus with prominent nucleoli, mid nucleará pleomorphism and infiltrated by lymphocytes plasma cells and histiocytes. Areas of hemorrhage.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lesion:Invasive carcinoma, NST, ductal origin.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 2+1+2-5/9, Grade II." 3994,MR1814509,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Possibility carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.5-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma fibroadipose tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in glandular pattern, trabecular and cords. Lesional cells are round with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus. Mitotic figures are seen. Occasionally. Stroma is demosplastic and infiltrated by dense lymphocytes and plasma cellsIMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, no special type.Modified Bloom, Richardson score is 3+2+1-6/9, grade II." 3995,MR1814513,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast massá - Suggestive of malignancySPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-1.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma with lesion composed of nests and cords of round to oval cells withá hyperchromatic nucleusá and scant to moderate cytoplasm, foci of solid and cribriform ductal carcinoma in situ are noted. Mitosis are 3-4/10 hpfá with foci of necrosis stroma shows lymphomononuclear infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass:Invasive ductal carcinoma (NST) withá ductal carcinoma in situ, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9(3+1+2)." 3996,MR1814517,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast, post NACT.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast, wide local excision, post NACT.B) Right axillary sentinel lymph node. (Hot and blue node).C) Right axillary sentinel lymph node. (Hot node).D) Revised superior margin.E) Revised deep margin.GROSS FINDINGS:Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 5.5x4x3.5cmA) Grossly no tumor identified.Only fibrotic areas seen.Distance from margins:Superior margin -- 1cm.Inferior margin -- 1cm.Medial margin -- 2cm.Lateral margin -- 2.5cm.Deep margin -- 1cm.B) Received 1 lymph node measures 3x2x2cm. Cut surface is fatty infiltration. Entire tissue processed.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x2cm.Largest lymph node measures 1.5x0.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 6x3x1.5cm. Inked surface identified away from tumor.E) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1x0.5cm. Inked surface identified measures 1x0.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sections from right breast wide local excision, post NACT shows no residual viable tumor. Extensive fibrosis hyalinisation, adenosis with epithelial hyperplasia. No atypia seen. Stromal shows mild inflammatory infiltrates composed of lymphocytes, histiocytes and plasma cells. All the resected margins are free of tumor. (Superior, inferior, medial, lateral and deep). Revised superior and revised deep are free of tumor.B) Identified one lymph node. It is free of tumor (0/1).C) Identified five lymph nodes (frozen+paraffin). All are free of tumor (0/5).D) Section shows fibroadipose tissue. It is free of tumor.E) Section shows fibrocollagenous tissue, adipose tissue. It is free of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast, wide local excision, post NACT:No residual viable tumor seen.Therapy related changes only.All the resected margins (Superior, inferior, medial, lateral and deep) are free of tumor.B) Right axillary sentinel lymph node. (Hot and blue node):Identified one lymph node. It is free of tumor (0/1).C) Right axillary sentinel lymph node. (Hot node):Identified five lymph nodes (frozen+paraffin). All are free of tumor (0/5).D) Revised superior margin:Free if tumor.E) Revised deep margin:Free of tumor." 3998,MR1814533,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right breast Post NACT.SPECIMEN:Right Modified Radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical mestectomy, Post NACT Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :19cm Superficial to Deep : 6cm Superior to Inferior :15cmSkin ellipse : 11x6cm Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect :NoTumor : SingleTumour Size : 3x2.8x2cm Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant 10 clock position. Deep margin :0.8cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : fibrofattyAxillary tail :11x7x2cm Size of largest node :1.2x1.2x1cm. Cut surface fatty infiltration.Well circumscribed lesion measures 1.5x1.5x1.5cm seen.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows residual viable tumor . Tumor tissue is arranged in glandular pattern, nests and trabeculae. The lesional cells are round to polygonal with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm round moderately pleomorphic nucleus, prominent nucleoli. Adjacent breast shows ductal carcinoma in situ in solid, cribriform and comedo pattern. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia, hyalinisation, inflammatory infiltrate. Areas of necrosis identified. Lymphovascular and perineural invasion identified.Section studied from another mass shows well circumscribed lesion shows glands and stroma glands of varying sizes, composed slit like with stromal proliferation, glands are lined by epithelial and myoepithelial layers. Few showing epithelial hyperplasia. No atypia is seen. Stroma shows dense fibrocollagenous tissue. Suggestive of intracanalicular tibroadenoma.IMPRESSION:Right modified radical mastectomy, Post NACT.Histological type:Residual viable tumor present, invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade:2Tumor measures maximum dimension 3cmInvasive component measures 2cmDuctal carcinoma in situ measures 1cmModified BR score is7/9Tubule formation: 3 Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures:2 Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ seen in comedo solid and cribriform pattern nuclear grade 3 Lymphovascular invasion identified Perineural invasion identifiedPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkable and free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 16 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0(0/16). Pathological stage:ypT2N0 SUMMARY: Invasive ductal carcinoma, Right breast Post NACT.Tumor Grade:2Lymph node Status: Identified 16 lymph nodes, none show metastatic deposit of tumor.(0/16)Also seen well circumscribed lesion in lower inner quadrant measures 1.5cm in greatest dimension suggestive of fibroadenoma." 3999,MR1814556,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast mass - ? Carcinoma BreastSPECIMEN:Right Breast mass, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.2-1.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma showing tumor infiltrating in cords and nests . The tumor cells are round to ovoid with high N/C ratio hyperchromatic ovoid nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Intervening stroma shows dense desmoplastic reaction.IMPRESSION:Right Breast mass, Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score7(3+2+2)." 4001,MR1814591,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast lump wide local excision.B) Right sentinel lymph node biopsy, Blue + hot nodeC) Right sentinel lymph node biopsy, hot nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received skin covered soft tissue measures 8x7.5x3.5cmSkin ellipse measures 8x7.5x3.5cmSkin surface unremarkableOn cut opening identified ill defined firm grey white lesion measures 2x1x1cm Distance from margins:Superior margin: 2cmInferior margin : 1.5cmMedial margin : 1.5cmLateral margin : 0.8cmDeep margin : 1.5cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1x8x0.7cmLargest lymph node measures 1x0.5x0.4cmC) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1x0.8x0.7cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and tubules. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with mild lymphomononuclear cell infiltrate. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis are seen.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast lump wide local excision:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2Tubule formation :2Nuclear pleomorphism :2Mitotic figures :2 -------MBR score is 6/9Tumor measures 2cm in greatest dimensionInvasive component measures 2cm in greatest dimensionLymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not seenDuctal carcinoma in situ is not identified.All margins of resection ( superior, inferior medial lateral and deep ) margin are free of tumor.B) Right sentinel lymph node biopsy, Blue + hot node:Isolated single lymph node is free of tumor(0/1)C) Right sentinel lymph node biopsy, hot nodes:Isolated two lymph nodes are free of tumor (0/2)Pathological stage : pT1N0." 4002,MR1814603,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Left modified radical mastectomy Post NACT.B) Revised base C) Interpectoral tissue.GROSS FINDINGS:A)Received in : Formalin Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :23cm Superficial to Deep : 7cm Superior to inferior : 17cmSkin ellipse :19x3cmNipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : NoTumor : Single Tumor Size : 2.5x2x1cm Location of tumor :Upper outer quadrant Deep margin : 2cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 6x4x2cmSize of largest node :2.5x2x1cm. cut surface- grey white deposit seenB) Received single fibromuscular measures 2x1x1cmC) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 2x2x1cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section studied shows breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, sheets and tubules. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is demsoplastic with areas of fibrosis hemorrhage and necrosis. Lympoplasmacytic infiltratre is present surrounding the tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Left modified radical mastectomy Post NACT.Histological type: Residual invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade :2Tumor component maximum dimension2.5cm.Invasive component measures 1.5cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 1.0cm.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Ductal carcinoma in situ solid and comedonecrosis pattern.Lymphovascular invasion is seenPerineural invasion is seen.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes 12 lymph nodes metastasis, 1(1/12). Perinodal spread is not seen.B) Revised base : Free of tumor.C) Interpectoral tissue : Free of tumor.Pathological stage YpT1N1Summary:Residual invasive ductal carcinoma left breast post NACT.Tumor grade 2Lymph nodes status 1/12 perinodal spread is not seen." 4003,MR1814607,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of right breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:A) Right sentinel Hot nodeB) Right sentinel Blue + Hot nodeC) Right sentinel node - Non blue and Non hot nodesD) Right mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1.8x1.2x0.5cm lymph nodes measures 0.4x0.4x0.4cm cut surface fatty infiltrate.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x1.5cmlymph nodes measures 2x1.1x0.5cm Cut surface fatty infiltrateC) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.7x1.4x1.1cm.Isolated 1 lymph nodes measures 2.7x1.3x0.6cmCut surface fatty iinfiltration.D) Received in : Formalin Procedure :Mastectomy Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :13.5cm Superficial to Deep : 3.5cm Superior to inferior : 18cmSkin ellipse :11.5x8cmNipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Identified measures 2.5cm in lengthTumor : Grossly no tumor identified fibrosis is seen ? Lesion identified measures 1.2x1x1cm Location of tumor :Lower medial quadrantMargins of tumor : IIldefined Deep margin : 0.6cmMuscle : 1x1x0.3cmAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : AbsentMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:D) Section studied shows breast parenchyma with extensive areas of desmoplasia, hyalinisation with lymphomononuclear cells, foamy macrophages and foreign body giant cells.IMPRESSION:A) Right sentinel Hot node:Isolated single lymph node is free of tumor (0/1)B) Right sentinel Blue + Hot node:Isolated single lymph node is free of tumor (0/1)C) Right sentinel node - Non blue and Non hot nodes:Isolated single lymph nodes is free of tumor (0/1).D)Right mastectomy, Post lumpectomy:Histological type: No residual tumor seen with post lumpectomy changes.Ductal carcinoma in situ is not seen.Lymphovascular invasion is not seenPerineural invasion is not seen.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Pathological stage ypTxN0Summary:No residual tumor seen, Right breast.Lymph nodes status 0/3. " 4004,MR1814637,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Complaintá of lump in right features highly suggestive of case breast Birads V.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented core measures 0.3-0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets. the cells are ovoid having moderate hyperchromatic nucleusá and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned (7-8//10 hpf). Stroma is desmoplastic with areas of hemorrhage and extensive necrosisIMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade 3Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+3-8/9" 4005,MR1814642,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast mass- Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue with invasive neoplasm arranged in glandular pattern and nests, trabecular pattern. The lesional cells are polygonal with moderate eosinophilic to vacuolated cytoplasm, round vesicular nucleus and prominent nucleoli stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass:Invasive carcinoma NST, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+1+1-5/9" 4008,MR1814695,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tumor composed of nests and occasional tubules lined by cuboidal to polygonal cells with pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis are 3-4/10hpf. intervening stroma is desmoplastic. Modified BR score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 1Mitotic figures : 2 ........... 6/9 ............IMPRESSION:Left breast lump biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma (NST), Grade - 2. " 4009,MR1814700,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion - Carcinoma breast SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows fibrocollagenous tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in lobular glandular pattern, nests, trabecular. The lesional cells are polygonal with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Focus of squamous differentiation is seen. Many tumor infiltrating lymphocytes are seen. Surrounding the tumor tissue. Extensive crush artifacts are noted. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis seen. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma - NST.Nuclear grade III" 4010,MR1814702,CLINICAL HISTORY :Advanced carcinoma right breast with suspected left SCLN mets. SPECIMEN:Right supraclavicular lymphnode. GROSS FINDINGS:Received single lymphnode measures 0.8 x 0.5x 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows lymphnode parenchyma with effaced architecture replaced by tumor cells arranged as nests and sheets. The tumor cells are round to polygonal with hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus and scant to moderate cytoplasm.There is no evidence of extra nodal extension. IMPRESSION:Left supraclavicular lymphnode :Metastasis in a known case of carcinoma breast. 4011,MR1814705,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast solid cystic lesion predominantly systic - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibro adipose tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in granulation pattern, nests. The lesional cells are round with high N/C ratio scant eosinophilic cytoplasmic round hyperchromatic nucleus showing marked nuclear pleomorphism . Mitotic figures are 2-4/10hpf. Stroma is desmoplastic and infiltrated by lymphocytes and plasma cells.IMPRESSION:Right breast massInvasive carcinoma, NST- Ductal origin, Grade III.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+3- 8/9." 4012,MR1814781,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - Birads IV lesionSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows breast parenchyma with infiltrating neoplasm arranged in glands, trabecular cords, indian file pattern. The lesional cells are small round scant eosinophilic cytoplasm round hyperchromatic nucleus , mild nucleará pleomorphism noted. Stroma is desmoplastic infiltrated by lymphocytes and plasma cells.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass:Invasive carcinoma, NST with lobular features.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+1+1-5/9,grade 1." 4013,MR1814796,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Large mas in right breast SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right Breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.6-0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows invasive neoplasm in desmoplastic stroma. Neoplasm arranged in trabecular and cords. The cells are polygonal to round with scant eosinophilic cytoplasm, ovoid to elongated hyperchromatic nucleus, moderate nuclear pleomorphism noted . Few mitotic figures seen loss of crush artifacts are seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right Breast mass:Invasive carcinoma , NST ductal origin.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+2=7/9." 4014,MR1814821,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast wide local excisionB) Right sentinel lymph nodes , Blue +hot nodeC) Right sentinel lymph nodes hot nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received wide local excision specimen measures 6x5x3cm serial section illdefined lesion measures 4.2x3.5x2.6cm.Distance from margins:Superior margin :4cmInferior margin :2cmMedial margin : 3.6cmLateral margin : 3.1cmDeep margin : 1.2cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue single lymph nodes measures 2x1x1cmCut surface fatty infiltration seenC) Received 4 lymph nodesLargest lymph nodes measures 1x1x0.5cmCut surface fatty infiltration .MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section studied show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, sheets and cords. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Stroma is desmoplastic with mild lymphomononuclear cell infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis are seen.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast wide local excision:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 ------ 6/9 ------tumor measures 4.2cm in greatest dimensionInvasive component measures 4.2cm in greatest dimensionDuctal carcinoma in situ is not seenLymphovascular invasion/perineural invasion are not seenAll margins of resection ( Superior, inferior, medial lateral and deed) are free of tumor.Overlying skin is unremarkable.B) Right sentinel lymph nodes , Blue +hot node:Isolated single lymph node is free of tumor (0/1).C) Right sentinel lymph nodes hot nodes:Isolated four lymph node is free of tumor (0/4).Pathological stage : pT2N0." 4015,MR1814824,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Possibility carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.6-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear core biopsy of tumor composed of nests and tubules lined by cuboidal to columnar cells with high N/C ratio hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus and scant to moderate cytopplasm. Interveningá stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphomononuclear infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma (NST) grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9(2+2+3). 4016,MR1814836,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast massSPECIMEN:Left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tumor composed of nests of polygonal cells with high N/C ratio hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus and scant to moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis are 1-2/hpf areas of necrosis and desmoplastic stroma is seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma (NST) Grade 3Modified Bloom Richardson score 9/9. 4017,MR1814841,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass:Invasive ductal carcinoma, NST. Nuclear grade 2Modified Bloom Richardsoná score 7/9.Tubular formationáá á á á - 3Nuclear pleomorphismá - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áá 7/9 ááááááá " 4018,MR1814845,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.6-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of invasive neoplasm arranged in glandular pattern, nests. The cells are polygonal with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Stroma is desmoplastic with lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma ductal origin, NSTModified Bloom Richardson scores is 3+2+3=8/9, Grade 3" 4019,MR1814860,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.3-0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboringá an invasive neoplasm arranged in glandular pattern, trabecular . The cells are polygonal with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm round hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Stroma is desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, NST and ductal origin.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 2+2+2-6/9." 4021,MR1814868,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast papillary neoplasm under evaluation.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Lumpectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received single skin covered soft tissue mass measures 9x5x4cm.Skin ellipse measures 5x1cm. Surface skin- unremarkable.Cut surface show dilated cyst filled with granular areas measures 4.5x3x2cm.Nearest inked margin 0.1cm away.Distance from overlying skin 1cm away.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows breast parenchyma with dilated ducts with thick fibrous walls. Ducts are lined by stratified later of round to oval cells in papillae and solid pattern. The cells have vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Mitoses are seen. Few foci are suspcious of invasion. Stroma shows lymphocytic aggregates.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Lumpectomy:Solid papillary carcinoma.Suggest IHC for confirmation.Tumor measures 4.5cm in greatest dimension.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Nearest inked margin is free of tumor and is 0.3cm away." 4022,MR1814881,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white mucinous cores measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with a lesion arranged as nests and islands of cells floating in pools of mucin. The lesional cells haveá round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Intervening stroma shows fibrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma with mucinous feature. nuclear grade 1Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9Tubule formationá á á á - 3Nuclear pleomorphism -1Mitotic figures áááááááááááá - 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9 4023,MR1814885,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast mass - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.5-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in sheets, nests, cords and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast mass, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.ááááá - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4024,MR1814886,CLINICAL DETAILS:Lump in left breast.SPECIMEN:Wide local excision.GROSS FINDINGS:Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 5x3x2.5cm.Cut surface shows dilated duct with granular areas measures 2.8x2x1.5cm.Distance from margins:-Superior margin : 1cm.Inferior margin : 1cm.Medial marginá : 1cm.Lateral marginá : 2.1cm.Deep marginááá : 0.3cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring solid circumscribed nodules without apparent papillary architecture. Also noted are circumscribed nodular masses with papillary architecture withiná a cystically dilated duct. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism and have moderate cytoplasm.Multinucleated foreign body giant cell reaction seen.IMPRESSION:Papillary neoplasm Possibility considered:Composite encapsulated papillary carcinoma and solid papillary carcinoma.Suggest IHC for confirmation.Tumor size : 2.8x2x1.5cm.No lymphovascular invasion seen.No perineural invasion seen.All resected margins including deep are free of tumor. 4026,MR1814901,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast mass. SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of infiltrating neoplasm arranged in glandular tubular, nests . Teh lesional cells are polygonal with abundant clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic nucleus with prominent nucleoli. Few cells showing intranuclear inclusion. Stroma is desmoplastic and show dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. Area of comedonecrosis seen. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass. Biopsy : Invasive carcinoma NST, ductal origin. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------Grade - III. " 4027,MR1814911,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right breast.SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :20cm Superficial to Deep : 6cm Superior to inferior : 15cmSkin ellipse :12x10cmNipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : Single Tumor Size : 3x2.5x2cm Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrantMargins of tumor : Ill defined Deep margin : 1.5cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 13x8cmSize of largest node :1x0.5x0.5cm. Cut surface grey brown.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, islands and sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows extensive areas of desmoplasia with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis.IMPRESSION:Right modified radical mastectomy:Histological type: Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade :2Tumor component maximum dimension 3cm.Invasive component measures 3cm.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Ductal carcinoma in situ not seen.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion not seen.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes 14 lymph nodes metastasis, 1(1/14). Perinodal spread is not seen.Pathological stage pT2N1Summary:Invasive ductal carcinoma, right breastTumor grade 2Lymph nodes status 1/14. perinodal spread not seen." 4028,MR1814912,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Birads 5 lesion on mamography- ductal carcinomaSPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast massGROSS FINDINGS: Received 6 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in glandular pattern, nests and trabecular. The cells show moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm round hyperchromatic nucleus, mild nuclear pleomorphism and prominent nucleoli. Stroma is desmoplastic and shows dense aggregates of lymphocytes and plasma cells. Foci of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast mass:Invasive carcinoma NST - Ductal originModified Bloom Richardson score is 2+2+2+-6/9.Foci of necrosis seen." 4029,MR1814914,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1.2-1.4cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of invasive neoplasm arranged in sheets, lobules and glandular pattern. The cells are round to polygonal with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm few showing vacuolation moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleusá and prominent nucleoli. Stroma is desmoplastic shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, NST ductal origin.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+2-7/9, grade II" 4030,MR1814918,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast mass - Birads 5SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows extensive areas of necrosis with invasion neoplasm in desmoplastic stroma. The neoplastic cells are round to polygonal with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Occasional mitotic figures seen. Pools of mucin seen. foci of necrosis present.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass:Invasive carcinoma with mucinous differentiation Modified Bloom Richardson score 2+2+2-6/9, Grade II." 4031,MR1814922,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy post lumpectomy. Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :22cm Superficial to Deep : 4cm Superior to inferior : 16cmSkin ellipse :12x10cmNipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Upper outer quadrantTumor : Single Tumor Size : 4x4x3cm Location of tumor : Central quadrantMargins of tumor : IIldefined Deep margin : 3cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 13x6x3Total number of nodes : 17 nodesSize of largest node : 2x1x0.5cm cut surface - grey white.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Tumor bed shows fibrotic and necrotic areas and foreign body giant cells.IMPRESSION:Right modified radical mastectomy:No residual viable tumor presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes 17 lymph nodes metastasis, 17 nodes no metastatic deposit of tumor. 0/17Pathological stage pTxN0.Summary:Right modified radical mastectomy post lumpectomy.No residual viable tumor - fibrotic and necrotic areasNodal metastasis - 17 nodes show no metastatic deposit of tumor 0/17." 4034,MR1814993,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: Left breast mass, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores 1 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring a tumor arranged as tubules, cluster and cords. The lining epithelial cells are cuboidal exhibits moderate pleomorphism, hyperchromatic nucleus, moderate amount of cytoplasm. Intervening stroma is scant. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4036,MR1815017,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass. SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.2 to 0.8 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in desmoplastic stroma. The cells are round with moderate clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm, round moderately pleomorphic nucleus, prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures seen. There is dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates stroma. Areas of necrosis. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Biopsy : Invasive carcinoma, NST. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------Grade - II." 4037,MR1815020,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast lesion(upper inner quadrant.)B) Right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. B) Received grey white linear cores measures 0.3 to 0.4cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with a lesion arranged in sheets, papillary and tubular pattern. The lining cells are columnar with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Frequent mitosis noted. Extracellular mucin is noted. Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphocytic infiltrate. B) Section shows a single small core of sclerotic tissue. No ductal elements noted. IMPRESSION:A) Right breast lesion(upper inner quadrant.)Suggestive of invasive carcinoma, Grade - 2. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 6/9 --------B) Right breast (5-8 '0' clock)Only scant volume of sclerotic tissue seen. Not adequate for conclusive opinion. " 4039,MR1815030,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey linear cores 0.8 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple linear cores of breast tissue harboring a tumor arranged in sheets, nest, and cords. The cells are round to oval with hyperchromatic nuclei, abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Intervening stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST grade - 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4040,MR1815037,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass. SPECIMEN:Right breast mass, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey linear core measures 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Right breast mass :Section studied show linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in sheets, glandular pattern, trabecular. The cells have moderate cytoplasm, round hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Marked nuclear inclusions. Few multinucleated cells are seen. Mitotic figures are seen. Stroma is desmoplastic with inflammatory infiltrates and thin walled blood vessel. Areas of necrosis and hemorrhage seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma - ductal origin, NST. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 9/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 3Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 9/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------Grade - III. " 4041,MR1815044,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass.SITE : Biopsy from left breast. Received blocks leaner cores measures 0.3 to 0.5cm. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Left breast mass, Biopsy :Section studied shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in nests, lobules, vague glandular pattern of ductal epithelial cells. The cells are round with scant eosinophilic cytoplasm, round hyperchromatic nucleus. Moderate nuclear pleomorphism noted. Mitotic figures are occasionally seen. Stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION :Left breast mass, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST . Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 5/9 --------Grade - 1. " 4043,MR1815057,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, Biopsy.á GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of invasive neoplasm arranged in lobules separated by fibrous septae, nests, the lesional cells are polygonal with abundant vacuolated to eosinophilic cytoplasm, round to oval nucleus, prominent nucleoli. marked nuclear pleomorphism noted. Mitotic figures are seen with few atypical forms. Stroma is desmoplastic. Areas of necrosis seen. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4044,MR1815058,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:A)Left breast Wide local excision, Post lumpectomy.B) Left axillary dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received skin covered soft tissue mass measures 7x5x4cmSkin ellipse measures 5x1cm, surface of skin is unremarkable.Cut surface grey white ill defined lesion measures 1.5x1.5x1cmDistance from respective margins:Superior margin : 1.5cmInferior margin : 1.5cmMedial margin : 1.5cmLateral margin : 2cmDeep margin : 2.5cmSkin :2.5cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 7x4x3cmLargest measures 0.7x0.5x0.4cmCut surface - grey brown.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section studied show breast parenchyma with extensive areas of hyalinisation and firosis interspersed are ducts of varying size lined by inner epithelial and an outer myoepithelial layer with no atypia. Stroma shows proliferating blood vessels with moderately dense lymphomononuclear cell infiltrate. Very tiny foci of atypical cells seen in the frozen section . However FFPE section do not show tumor focus.IMPRESSION:A)Left breast Wide local excision, Post lumpectomy:Very small focus of residual tumor accounting to less than 2mm seen in frozen sectionLymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not seen.Ductal carcinoma in situ is not seen.All margins ( Superior, inferior medial lateral and deep ) are free of tumorB) Left axillary dissection:All isolated ten lymph nodes are free of tumor (0/10)Note: IHC for hormonal status may not be possible as tumor is lost in the representative block." 4046,MR1815067,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast mass. SPECIMEN:Right breast mass, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey whit linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged in tubules and cords. The cells are round to oval with hyperchromatic nuclei, abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows mild lymphocyte infiltrate. Mitotic figures noted. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Biopsy :Suggestive of invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 1.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 4/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 1Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 4/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4047,MR1815093,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in left breast - Highly suggestive of malignancy - BIRADS 5. SPECIMEN:Left breast, Core biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4049,MR1815112,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of left breast carcinoma( Lumpectomy done out side and Post NACT)SPECIMEN:A) Left breast wide local excisionB) Revised inferior margin.C)Left axillary resection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Lumpectomy specimen measures 7x6x1.5cm skin ellipse measures 7x1.5xcm surface shows scar measure 1.5cm.Cut surface shows ill defined grey white fibrotic areas measures 1x1x0.5cmDistance from margins:Superior margin :1cmInterior margin :0.8cmMedial margin :2cmLateral margin :2cmDeep margin :0.5cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1.5x1x0.8cm.Inked away from the surface.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 7x4x2cm.Largest measures 1x0.8x0.7cm .IMPRESSION:A) Left breast wide local excision:No residual tumor seen.Areas of necrosis , lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate and plenty of foreign body giant cell reaction seen.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Revised inferior margin:Negative for malignancy.C) Left axillary resection: 10 lymph nodes isolated, negative for malignancy (0/10)Pathological stage: ypTxN0." 4050,MR1815136,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left axillary sentinel lymph node.B) Left mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5x4x2.5cmLargest lymph nodes measures 2.7x1.6x1cmCut surface fatty infiltration seen.B) Left mastectomy.Received in : Formalin Procedure : Mastectomy Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :17cm Superficial to Deep : 5cm Superior to inferior : 18cmSkin ellipse :16x10cmNipple Retroareolar Scar/ Surgical defect : NoTumor : Tumor present measures measures 2.0x2x1.5cm. Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrantMargins of tumor : IIl defined Deep margin : 3cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail :AbsentIMPRESSION:A) Left axillary sentinel lymph node:Isolated two lymph nodes are free of tumor(0/2)B)Left mastectomy:Histological type: Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade :2Tumor component maximum dimension 2x2x1.5cm.Invasive component measures 0.8cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 1.2cm.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Ductal carcinoma in situ Solid and comedonecrosis, pattern is seen.Lymphovascular invasion is not seenPerineural invasion is not seen.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Pathological stage pT1N0Summary:Invasive ductal carcinoma left breastTumor grade 2Lymph nodes status 0/2." 4051,MR1815147,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass. SPECIMEN :Biopsy from Right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS :Received 5 grey white linear core measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma with invasive tumor composed of nests and cords of round to polygonal cells with high N:C ratio, hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus and scant to moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic are seen 2-3/10hpf. Stroma shows desmoplastic and dense lymphomononuclear infiltrate. IMPRESSION : Invasive carcinoma with lobular features. Grade - 2. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4052,MR1815174,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass. SPECIMEN:Right breast mass, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 0.6 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4053,MR1815177,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast ( Post lumpectory)SPECIMEN:A) Wide local excision left breastB) Left sentinel nodes - Blue+ hot node C) Hot nodeGROSS FINDINGS:A) Lumpectomy left breast with skin measures 11.4x6.5x3.6cmSkin ellipse measures 8.6x2.2 cmSurface of skin shows scar measure 3.5cm on serial cut grey white ill defined single lesion measures 0.7x0.7x0.5cmDistance from margins:Superior margins :1.4cmInferior margins : 2.5cmMedial margin : 3.6cmLateral margin : 5.5cmDeep margin : 1cmB) Blue +hot node:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3.7x1.6x1.2cmisolated 3 lymph nodes largest lymph node measures 1.3x1.3x1cm.Cut surface fatty infiltrated.C)Hot node:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1x1x0.5cm isolated 1 lymph node measures 0.5x0.5x0.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show breast parenchyma harboring a tumor with cells arranged in sheets and occasional tubules. The cells have moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic round to oval vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Brisk mitotic activity noted. (3-5/hpf). Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic with lymphomononuclear infiltration. Adjacent breast parenchyma shows ductal carcinoma in situ - High grade( Solid and comedo type).IMPRESSION:A) Wide local excision left breast: Status post lumpectomyInvasive ductal carcinoma - NSTResidual tumor status post lumpectomyModified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9,grade III(3+3+2=8)Tumor measuring <1 cm in greatest dimensionDuctal carcinoma in situ - High grade with comedonecrosis seen.Resected margin are free of tumor.B) Left sentinel nodes - left axilla:Blue +hot node (0/5)C) Hot nodes (0/2)7 of 7 nodes are free of tumorPathological stage. : pT1N0mx(R2)" 4054,MR1815187,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass-carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast mass, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in glandular pattern, nests, trabecula. The cells are polygonal with clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm, round hyperchromatic nucleus. Moderate nuclear pleomorphism noted. Stroma is desmoplastic and shows inflammatory infiltrates. Areas of necrosis noted. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass :Invasive carcinoma - ductal origin, NST.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 --------Areas of necrosis seen." 4055,MR1815191,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey linear core measures 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of tumor tissue arranged in glandular pattern, trabecular cords, nests. The celsl are round with scant eosinophilic cytoplasm, round hyperchromatic nucleus, mild nuclear pleomorphism noted. Mitotic figures are sparse. Stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump :Invasive carcinoma - ductal origin, NST, grade - 1Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 5/9 --------" 4056,MR1815200,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass. SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white liner core measures 0.3 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows fibroadipose tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in sheets, glandular, trabecular and cords. The cells are round to with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus. Mitotic figures are 10-12/10hpf. Stroma is desmoplastic and shows inflammatory infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis noted. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass :Invasive carcinoma - ductal origin, NST.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 3Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4057,MR1815204,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Swelling right breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast, core biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear core measures 0.6 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4058,MR1815219,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 0.8 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged as tubules and clusters. The neoplastic cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast. Invasive carcinomaModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------Grade - 2. 4059,MR1815241,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of right breast carcinoma ( Post lumpectomy +Post NACT).SPECIMEN:A) Right breast wide excision( Post lumpectomy+Post NACT).B)Right axillary clearance.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Right breast wide excision measures 6.5x4.8x2cmSkin ellipse measures 6x1cm no score seenSmall grey white nodule measure 0.8x0.4x0.4cmDistance from margin :Superior margin :3cmInterior margin :1.5cmMedial margin :3.5cmLateral margin :3cmDeep margin :0.6cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4.5x3.5x1.5cmIMPRESSION:A) Right breast wide excision( Post lumpectomy+Post NACT):Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ with foci of residual viable invasive ductal carcinoma.Tumor measure 0.8cm in greatest dimension.Ductal carcinoma in situ component measures 0.5cm.Invasive component measures 0.3cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ component solid and comedonecrosis.Lymphovascular invasion intermediate.Perineural invasion is not seen.All resected margins are free of tumor.B)Right axillary clearance:Fourteen lymph nodes isolated, 12 lymph node (12/14).Largest deposit measure 0.8cm.Extranodal extension noted." 4060,MR1815266,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 0.8 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4061,MR1815279,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of right breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:A) Right breast conservative surgery post lumpectomyB) Revised baseC) Revised inferior marginD) Revised superior marginE) Right axillary dissectionGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received Lumpectomy with skin covered tissue measures 7.5x2.7x2.5cmSkin ellipse measures 7x0.8cmCut surface cystic measures 4x1.5x0.2cmDistance from margins:Superior margin: 0.65cmInferior margináá : 0.7cmMedial marginááá : 0.7cmLateral margináá : 0.7cmDeep margináááá :0.8cmB) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 2.1x1.5x0.5cm.C) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 4.5x2.5x2cm.D) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 3x1.8x1.5cmE)á Received multiple fibrofatty tissue measures 7.5x4x2cmLargest lymph node measures 1.7x1.7x0.5cm. Cut surface unremarkable.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows breast parenchyma with stromal edema, fibrosis and aggregates of lymphocytes plasma cells, histiocytes and giant cells. No evidence of atypia/malignancy noted in the material submitted.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast conservative surgery post lumpectomy:No evidence of residual tumor seen,Ductal carcinoma in situ not seen.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not seenAll margins (superior, inferior medial, lateral and deep) are free of tumor.B) Revised base: Free of tumorC) Revised inferior margin: Free of tumorD) Revised superior margin: Free of tumorE) Right axillary dissection:Isolated sixteen lymph nodes are free of tumor.Conclusion:Breast conservationá surgery:No residual tumor presentAll resected margin are free of tumor Includingá revised base inferior superior margins are free of tumorLymph nodes 16 nodes no deposit of tumor." 4062,MR1815306,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of right breast lump. SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, core biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear core measures 0.3 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). " 4063,MR1815312,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass. SPECIMEN :Biopsy from Right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS :Received 5 grey white linear core measures 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section show fibroadipose tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in nests and cords composed of round to polygonal cells with marked pleomorphism. These cells show high N:C ratio, vesicular nucleus, prominent nucleus, and scant to moderate eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm. Mitosis are 5-6/hpf. Foci of necrosis are seen. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphomononuclear and neutrophilic infiltrate. IMPRESSION : Invasive carcinoma ductal origin, (NST) grade - 3. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 8/9 --------" 4064,MR1815336,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right breast mass. SPECIMENá :Biopsy from Right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS : Received 4 lining core grey white measures 1.4 x 0.2 x 0.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as islands and nests. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclear, conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is elastiotic. IMPRESSION :Right breast mass, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade -2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4065,MR1815366,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of Right breast lump. SPECIMEN :Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS :Received 5 grey white linear core measures 0.3 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section studied shows breast parenchyma harboring invasive neoplasm arranged in glandular pattern, nests, trabecular. The cells are round with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, round hyperchromatic nucleus and few showing prominent nucleoli. Stroma is desmoplastic. Interspersed are dense collection of lymphocytes and plasma cells. Areas of necrosis seen. IMPRESSION : Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma - ductal origin, NST, grade - II. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4066,MR1815371,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump. SPECIMEN :Right breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS : Received 4 grey white linear core measures 0.8 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows linear core of breast parenchyma harboring an invasive lesion. The lesion shows round to polygonal cells with hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus and scant moderate cytoplasm arranged as nests, trabecular and tubules. Multinucleated and bizarre tumor cells are seen. Mitotis are 2-3/hpf. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION : Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, ductal origin, NST. Grade - 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 9/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 3 ------- 9/9 --------" 4067,MR1815375,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast mass. SPECIMENá :Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS : Received 4 lining core measures 1.7 x 0.2 x 0.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Linear cores of breast tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged as cords and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphic have vesicular nuclear, conspicuous nuclear and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis seen. IMPRESSION :Left breast mass, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade -2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4068,MR1815376,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of right breast lump. SPECIMEN:Right breast lesion from biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey brown to grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of infiltrating lesion arranged in glandular, sheets, nests, trabecular. The lesional cells are round to oval with scant eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus, few showing prominent nucleoli. Intranuclear inclusions are seen in some cells. Mitotic figures are 10-12/10hpf. Stroma shows dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates and desmoplasia. Area of necrosis seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast lesion. Invasive carcinoma - ductal, NST. Grade - III. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 8/9 --------" 4069,MR1815381,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Lump right breastSPECIMEN:Right breast wide local excision.GROSS FINDINGS:Received lumpectomy specimen measures 6.5x5.5x4cmCut surface shows grey white ill defined mass measures 3x2.5x1cmCut surface shows areas of desmoplasia.Distance from margins:Superior margins 1.8cmInferior margin :1.5cmMedial margin : 0.2cmLateral margin : 0.2cmDeep margin : 0.2cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Tumor is composed of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus with eosinophilic cytoplasm. Tumor cells are present in diffuse pattern with pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus with eosinophilic cytoplasm. Tubular formation - 3, mitotic figures 2 anaplasia 2Ductal carcinoma in situ present cribriform and comedonecrosis.Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion not identified.Resected margins:Superior margin - Free of tumorInferior margin - Free of tumorMedial and lateral margins are close (0.2cm) from tumor however the inked margins are free of tumorDeep margin shows a small clump of ductal carcinoma, however the inked margin is free of tumorIMPRESSION:Right breast wide local excision :Maximum dimension of tumor is 3x2.5cmInvasive ductal carcinoma measuring 2.2cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measure 0.8cm.Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Resected margins :All the inked margins are free of tumor.Pathological stage: pT2." 4071,MR1815400,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Left Breast Post NACT.SPECIMEN:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy, Post NACT.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure :Modified Radical Mastectomy, Post NACTLaterality :Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :21cm Superficial to Deep :4.5cm Superior to Inferior :15cmSkin ellipse :18.5x8 Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect :AbsentTumor : No abviou tumor identified, small fibrous areas measures 1.5x1x0.5seen Location of tumor : Lower upper quadrant Axillary tail :11x6x3cmSize of largest node :1x1x0.8cmIMPRESSION:Left modified radical mastectomy, Post NACT:Histological type: No residual viable tumor seen.Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not seen. Lymphovascular invasion is not seen.Perineural invasion is not seen.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 24 lymph nodes, Metastasis: one node shows deposit of tumor with degenerates changes out of 24 nodes (1/24) . SUMMARY: Left Modified Radical Mastectomy, Post NACTNo residual viable tumor seenLymph node Status:One node shows deposit of tumor with degenerates changes of tumor out of 24 nodes(1/24) . " 4072,MR1815448,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast SPECIMEN:Right Modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Right modified radical mastectomy Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :21cm Superficial to Deep :5cm Superior to Inferior:19cmSkin ellipse : 16x12cm Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect :Not see4nTumor : SingleTumour Size : 2.6x2x2cm Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant Margins of tumor : Ill definedDeep margin :0.5cmMuscle :AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissueAxillay tail : 8x6x2.5cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests islands and sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis.IMPRESSION:Right modified radical mastectomy:Histological type:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade:3Tumor measures maximum dimension 2.6cmInvasive component measures 2.1 cmDuctal carcinoma in situ measures 0.5 cmModified BR score is 8/9Tubule formation: 3 Nuclear pleomorphism: 3Mitotic figures: 3 Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ solid and cribriform pattern seen.Lymphovascular invasion is seen.Perineural invasion is not seenPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 25 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 5(5/25)Extranodal extension is seen . Pathological stage: pT2N2. SUMMARY: Invasive ductal carcinoma, Right breast.Tumor Grade:3Lymphnode Status:5 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 25 nodes extranodal extension is seen." 4073,MR1815451,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 grey white linear core measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows ductal carcinoma in situ in solid and cribriform pattern. The luminal cells are round with moderate. Clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Areas of necrosis seen. Suspicious foci of invasion are seen showing nests of atypical cells and singly lying cells with surrounding extracellular mucin. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy. :Predominantly ductal carcinoma in situ with suspicious foci of invasion. Note : Invasion needs to be confirmed on repeat biopsy. " 4074,MR1815457,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of left breast lump. SPECIMEN :Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section studied shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in nests, trabecular, cords and glandular pattern. The lesional cells are polygonal with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, round moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Occasional mitotic figures seen. Stroma is desmoplastic and shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. Areas of necrosis seen. Ductal carcinoma in situ is identified (Solid type) with apocrine change. IMPRESSION : Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST with ductal carcinoma in situ.Grade - II. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 --------" 4075,MR1815460,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN :Biopsy from Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS : Received 4 grey white linear core measures 0.3 x 0.1 cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION : Biopsy from Left breast lump. :Invasive carcinoma ,NST. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4076,MR1815466,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump. SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 0.8 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in sheets composed of cells with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm pleomorphic nuclei with marked atypia and increased mitosis. Extensive intra and peritumoral lymphoplasmacytic noted. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy. Invasive carcinoma, NST. Grade - III.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 3Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4077,MR1815467,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of left breast lump. SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear core measures 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma showing infiltration by tumor arranged in sheets and nests. The tumor cells are round to ovoid with high N:C ratio, hyperchromatic ovoid to irregular pleomorphic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Numerous nuclei show prominent nucleoli. Large areas of necrosis and mitotic figures are seen. Stroma is desmoplastic single focus shows adenosis with myoepithelial hyperplasia. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, core Biopsy : Infiltrating carcinoma NST, grade - 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ------- 8/9 --------" 4078,MR1815470,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass.SPECIMEN :Left breast biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS :Received 3 grey white linear core measures 0.4 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows cores of fibrous adipose tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in sheets and nests. The cells show moderate pleomorphism hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli .Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ with comedo necrosis noted. IMPRESSION : Left breast biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------- 4079,MR1815480,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:A) Left sentinel lymph node biopsyB) Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 3 lymph nodes largest are measures 0.8x0.6x0.5cmCut surface fatty infiltration.B)Received in : Formalin Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :13cm Superficial to Deep : 6cm Superior to inferior : 11cmSkin ellipse :5x5cmNipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : Single Tumor Size :2.0x1x0.5cm Location of tumor : Central quadrantMargins of tumor : IIldefined Deep margin : 1cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail :AbsentMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:B)Section studied shows breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and cords. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with mild lymphomononuclear cell infiltrate.IMPRESSION:A) Left sentinel lymph node, Biopsy:Isolated three lymph nodes are free of tumor (0/3).B)Right modified radical mastectomy:Histological type: Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade :2Tumor component maximum dimension 2.0cm.Invasive component measures 1.2cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.8cm.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Ductal carcinoma in situ solid cribriform and comedonecrosis pattern is seen.Lymphovascular invasion not seenPerineural invasion not seen.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Sentinel lymph nodes 3 nodes - No deposit of tumorPathological stage pT1N0Summary:Invasive ductal carcinoma left breastTumor grade 2Lymph nodes status 0/3." 4080,MR1815500,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measures 0.5/1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an invasive lesion comprised of nests of polygonal cells with high N:C ratio, vesicular nucleus, prominent nucleus with moderate eosinophilic to vacuolated cytoplasm. Mitotis discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphomononuclear infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy. :Invasive carcinoma, No Special Type Grade - 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 --------" 4081,MR1815524,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump.SPECIMEN :Right breast lump - core biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white linear core measures 0.5 to 1cm Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :The section show linear cores of breast parenchyma showing tumor infiltrating in tubules, nests and cords. The tumor cells are round to polygonal with high N:C ritio, hyperchromatic ovoid nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Occasional prominent nucleoli are seen. Intervening stroma is desmoplastic occasional lymphoid aggregates is seen. IMPRESSION :Features suggestive of invasive carcinoma NST, Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 --------" 4082,MR1815526,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of Carcinoma Rectum +Carcinoma BreastSPECIMEN:A) Right Breast, Right Breast Conservative Surgery.B) Right Sentinel Lymph node ( Hot node)C) Right Sentinel lymph node ( Blue+ Hot node).D) Rectum, Abdomino-Perineual Resection( Post NACRT).E) Uterus, Cervix with Bilateral Adnexa, Hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oopherectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 6.5 x 4.7 x 2.7 cm.Tumor measures 1 x 1 x 1 cm.Skin ellipse -4cmDistance from margins:Superior margin :1.6 cmInferior margin : 1.5 cmMedial margin : 2.4 cmLateral margin : 3 cmdeep Margin : 2.3 cmRepresentative section are submitted.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1.6 x 1.5 x 0.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.Isolated 1 lymph node measures 1 x 0.6 x 0.4 cm.C) Received single lymph node measures 1 x 0.7 x 0.3 cm. Entire tissue processed.D) Procedure : Abdomino-Perineual ResectionSpecimen : Rectum 16cm.Laterality ( if colon )Tumor bed location : Lower 1/3 rectum.Tumor bed dimension : No obvious tumor seen small ulcer measures 2.1 x 2 x 0.4 cm noted in the anterior wall.Proximal margin : 11 cm.Distal margin : 4 cm.Non peritonealized circumferential margin: uninvolved.Anterior : 1cm. Any other polyps in adjacent mucosa:Nil.Perforation/obstruction : Absent.Mesorectum ( For APR & AR): Intact, Complete.Total lymph node dimension : Very few lymph node could be isolated.E) Uterus dimensions : Hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oopherectomy. Midline fundal-serosa to ectocervix : 16cm.Maximum intercornual : 14cm.Maximum anterior to posterior : 7cm.Cervix Dimensions : 2x2cm. Vaginal cuff : Absent. Cervix Shape : Normal.Right Ovary : 2x1x1cm. Cut surface - Unremarkable.Left Ovary : 2x1x1cm. Cut surface - Unremarkable.Right Fallopian tube : 4cm. Cut surface - Unremarkable.Left Fallopian tube : 4.2cm. Cut surface - Unremarkable.Endometrial thickness :0.2cm.Endometrial abnormalities : Obtained by giant intramural fibroid.Myometrium description:Myometrial depth : Anteriorly 3cm Posterior3.4cm.Leiomyoma : Yes Number 2 Location (of each)intramural. Size of largest 9x7x5cm. Smaller measures 2.7x2.5x2cm.Lower uterine segment : Could not be made out.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast shows tumor cells in sheets cords and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular or perineural invasion is not seen.Section from rectum shows no residual tumor. Treatment related changes are seen.IMPRESSION:A) Right Breast, Right Breast Conservative Surgery:INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1). - Tumor measure 1.0 cm in greatest dimension. - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. - Perineural invasion is not identified. - Ductal Carcinoma in situ of solid pattern with low nuclear grade is seen. - All margins of resection are free of tumor.B) Right Sentinel Lymph node ( Hot node):One lymph node is identified, negative for malignancy(0/1).C) Right Sentinel lymph node ( Blue+ Hot node):One lymph node is identified, negative for malignancy(0/1).D) Rectum, Abdomino-Perineual Resection(Post NACRT):No Residual Tumor seen. - Treatment related changes are seen. - Proximal, Distal and Radial margins of resection are free of tumor.Lymph nodes:Four lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy ( 0/4).E) Uterus, Cervix with Bilateral Adnexa, Hysterectomy with Bilateral Salpingo - Oopherectomy:Cervix : Chronic Non Specific Cervicitis.Endometrium : Proliferative Endometrium.Myometrium : Multiple Leiomyomas.Right Ovaries and Fallopian tubes :Negative for malignancy.Right and Left Parametrium : Negative for malignancy." 4083,MR1815529,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast lumpectomy (post lumpectomy status).B) Hot node.C) Blue + Hot node.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy measures 6x4x3cm. Skin measures 4x4x0.6cm show linear scar measures 3.8cm.Serial section revealed illdefined, grey white fibrotic areas measures 0.2x1x0.5cm.Distance from the margins:Superior margin -- 1cm.Inferior margin -- 1cm.Medial margin -- 2cm.Lateral margin -- 2cm.Deep margin -- 1.1cm.B) Received single node measures 0.5x0.4x0.4cm. Entire tissue processed.C) Received single node measures 1x0.5x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltrate seen.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple sections from the fibrotic areas shows extensive fat necrosis, lymphohistiocytic aggregates and foreign body giant cells reaction. Adjacent breast show atropic ducts. No evidence of residual tumor seen.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast lumpectomy (post lumpectomy status):No residual tumor seen.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion not identified.All resected margins are free of tumor.Sentinel lymph node dissection.B) Hot node:1 node isolated is free of tumor (0/1).C) Blue + Hot node:1 node isolated is free of tumor (0/1).Total: 2 nodes are free of tumor (0/2)." 4085,MR1815539,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lesion. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast (10 '0' clock position) :Invasive carcinoma, Grade - II. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4086,MR1815552,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump. SPECIMEN:Left breast, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear core measure 0.3 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in nests and tubules. The neoplastic cells show moderate cytoplasm pleomorphic nuclei with moderate hyperchromasia, stroma is hyalinized and desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST. Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ------- 7/9 --------" 4087,MR1815554,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of left breast lump. SPECIMEN:Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear core measures 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma showing infiltration by tumor arranged in tubules and nests, The tumor cells are round to polygonal, with increased N:C ratio, ovoid pleomorphic nuclear nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic to vacuolated cytoplasm. Intervening stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Features suggestive of invasive carcinoma NST, Grade - II. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 --------" 4088,MR1815564,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 7 grey white linear core measures 0.3 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an cords, nests and singly scattered invasive neoplasm composed highly pleomorphic cells with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm marked pleomorphic nuclei and increased mitosis. Adjacent breast shows lymphocytic mastitis. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST.Grade - III. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 8/9 --------" 4090,MR1815573,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass. SPECIMEN:Right breast mass, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in cords and greats composed of atypical ductal cells with increased N:C ratio moderate nuclear pleomorphism and increased mitosis. Foci of High grade ductal carcinoma in situ present lymphovascular invasion seen.á IMPRESSION:Right breast lump biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST. Grade - III.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4091,MR1815590,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of left breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:A) Hot nodeB) Blue +hot nodeC) Non blue non hot nodeD) Left mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 1x0.9x0.5cmB) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 10.6x1.2x1cmC) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 1.7x1.2x1cmáá á lymph node measures 0.5x0.3x0.2cm.D) Received inááááááááááááááááááááá : Formalináááá Procedureááááááááááááááááááááááááááá :á Mastectomyááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Lateralityáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá :á LeftTotal dimensionsááááááááááááááááá : Medialá to lateralá :17cmááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep :5cmááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to inferiorá : 16cmSkin ellipseáááááááááááááááááááááááááá :16x12cmNippleááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Normaláááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Scar/ Surgical defectááááááááááá : Not identifiedTumoráááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Singleáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Tumor Sizeáááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 4.5x3x2cm á Location of tumorááááááááááááááááá : Upper central Margins of tumoráááááááááááááááááá :á Ill defined ááááááááá Deep margináááááááááááááááááááááááá : 2.5cmMuscleáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : present measures 2x1x0.5Adjacent Breastáááááááááááááááááááá : Fibrofatty tissueááááá Axillary tailááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : AbsentSentinel lymph nodes MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Tumor bed : The section from the tumor shows pleomorphic cells with hyperchromaticá nucleus with scanty cytoplasmIMPRESSION:A) Hot nodeáááá - 2 nodes isolated. No tumor deposits seen.B) Blue node +hot node - 1 nodeá isolated. No tumor deposits seen.C) Non blue non hot node - 1 node isolated. No tumor deposits seen.Total no of sentinel nodes - 4 nodes. No tumor deposits seen. D) Left mastectomy:Histological type:á invasive ductal carcinoma with focal areas of ductal carcinoma in situ-comedonecrosis present.Tumor measures 4.5cm.Grade : IIInvasive component measures is 4cm.ductal carcinoma in situ is 0.5cm.Location of tumor upper central quadrant.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2Ductal carcinoma in situ present - solid and comedonecrosis measures 0.5cmLymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion not identified Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Pathological stage: pT2N0Summary:Leftá mastectomy invasive ductal carcinoma , grade II.Nodal metastasis sentinel nodes - 4 lymph nodes- No deposit of tumor." 4092,MR1815601,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump. SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows invasive neoplasm in extensive desmoplastic stroma. The cells are arranged in trabecular, cords, nests. The cells are round with scant eosinophilic cytoplasm, round hyperchromatic nucleus. Intranuclear inclusions are seen. Stroma shows hyalinisation, elastosis mild inflammatory infiltrates. Area of necrosis seen. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST.Grade - II. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4093,MR1815602,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast post NACT.SPECIMEN:A)Right breast wide local excision post NACT.B) Revised deep margin.C) Left axillary lymph nodeGROSS FINDINGS:A)Received wide local specimen measures 5.5x4x2cm skin flap measures 1x0.5cm.Cut section shows grey white lesion measuring 1x 0.6x 0.6 cmDistance from margins:Superior margin - 2.2cmInferior margin - 2cmMedial margin - 3.5cmLateral margin -3cmDeep margin - 0.6cm B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1x0.8x0.7cm. Inked away from margin.C) Received axillary mass measures 6x5x4cm.IMPRESSION:A)Right breast wide local excision post NACT:Residual viable invasive carcinoma seen.Tumor measures 0.8cm in greatest dimension.All resected margin are free of tumor.Lymphovascular invasion intermediate.Perineural invasion is not seen.Invasive component measures 0.8cm.B) Revised deep margin: Negative for malignancy.C) Left axillary lymph node:Thirteen lymph nodes isolated, one lymph node shows tumor deposit (1/13).No perinodal extension seen.Tumor deposit measures 0.9cm." 4094,MR1815613,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right Breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy . Laterality : Right.Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :9cm. Superficial to Deep :2.5cm. Superior to Inferior :4cm.Skin ellipse : 8x2.5cm . Nipple : Normal - Cut surface shows grey white nodule measures 1.5x1.5x1.5cm(? tumor). Scar/ Surgical defect : Absent.Tumor : Single.Tumour Size : 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 ( Nipple / areola). Location of tumor : Sub- areolar.Margin of tumor : Ill defined. Deep margin : 0.1cm.Muscle : Absent Axillary tail :12x7x2cm.Representative sections are submitted. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show tumor cells arranged in glandular pattern, trabecular, nests and lobules separated by fibrous septa. The lesional cells have high N/C ratio, round vesicular nucleus, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are 8-10 /10 hpf. Lymphovascular and perineural invasion are identified. Microcalcification seen.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy:INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2. - Tumor is located in the sub areolar region. - Tumor measures maximum dimension 1.5 cm. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2). - Ductal carcinoma in situ is not identified. - Lymphovascular invasion is is identified. - Perineural invasion is identified. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor and is 0.1 cm away from the tumor. - Nipple and areola shows tumor reaching upto the dermis, however no skin ulceration is seen.Lymph nodes: Five out of eighteen lymph nodes shows metastatic tumor deposit with extranodal extension(5/18). - Size of the largest tumor of deposit measures 0.5 cm in the greatest dimension.Pathological stage: pT1cN2a" 4095,MR1815633,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump. SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of tumor tissue arranged in sheets, trabecular, cords and vague glandular pattern. The lesional cells are round to ovoid with scant, eosinophilic cytoplasm, round hyperchromatic nucleus,moderate nuclear pleomorphism is seen. Stroma is desmoplastic and shows many thick walled hyalinised blood vessels. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma - NST.Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 --------" 4096,MR1815639,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump. SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear core measures 0.5 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in cords and nests. The neoplastic ductal cells show moderate cytoplasm increased N:C ratio hyperchromatic nuclei and increased mitoses. Areas of necrosis present.Tumor infiltrate into the fat. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy. :Invasive carcinoma NST.Grade - III. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4097,MR1815642,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump. SPECIMEN :Right breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS :Received 5 grey white linear core measures 0.8 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section studied show linear cores of fibroadipose tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in nests, trabecular, glandular pattern. The lesional cells are round to polygonal with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus. Few cells are showing intranuclear inclusions. Stroma is desmoplastic and shows congested blood vessels and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. IMPRESSION : Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma - ductal origin, NST.Grade - II. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4099,MR1815650,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast post Lumpectomy SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified radical mastectomy Post Lumpectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :22cm Superficial to Deep :6cm Superior to Inferior :20cmSkin ellipse : 15x7cm Nipple : Unremarkable Scar/ Surgical defect : Noted healed scar 7cm is seen, 2cm above nipple areola.Tumor : No tumor seen. lumpectomy bed noted in upper inner quadrant measures 2.5x2.5x1.5cm Deep margin : 1cmMuscle : Not seen Axillary tail : 4x4x3cm Size of largest node : 1.2x1x1cm cut surface - unremarkable.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show breast parenchyma with ducts of varying size stroma shows areas of hyalinisation, lymphomononuclear infiltrate and multinucleated giant cells. No evidence of atypia/malignancy in the material submitted.IMPRESSION:Left modified radical mastectomy.Histological type:No residual tumor seenDuctal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not seenLymphovascular invasion is not seenPerineural invasion is not seenPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes:20 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0(0/20) . Pathological stage: ypTxN0 SUMMARY: No residual tumor seen left post lumpectomyLymphnode Status:0/20." 4102,MR1815695,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast, wide local excision.B) Right sentinel lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received single skin covered soft tissue mass measures 8.5x7x3.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 5.5x2.5cm.Cut surface shows defect measures 2x1.5cm.Grossly no obvious tumor seen, fibrosis areas noted.Distance from respective margins:-Superior margin : 4cm.Inferior margin : 2.5cm.Medial margin : 3cm.Lateral margin : 2.5cm.Deep margin : 1cm.B) Received multiple soft tissue bits altogether measures 3x3x2cm.Isolated 4 lymph nodes.Largest lymph node measures 1.5x1x0.8cm. Cut surface shows unremarkable.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Right breast, wide local excision:Section studied shows breast parenchyma with no tumor. Breast parenchyma shows adenosis, epithelial hyperplasia and foreign body giant cell reaction. Areas of fibrosis, sclerosis and necrosis noted. All resected margins (Superior, inferior, medial and lateral margins and deep) are free of tumor.B) Right sentinel lymph node:Isolated 4 lymph nodes. None show metastatic deposits (0/4).IMPRESSION:Right breast, Breast conservative surgery:No residual tumor Resected margins free of tumor.No lymphovascular emboli/ Perineural invasion.0/4 sentinel node show reactive hyperplasia. No metastases." 4103,MR1815715,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of left breast lump. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores of tissueá ranging in length fromá 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast :Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4104,MR1815723,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass. SPECIMEN:Right breast mass - Trucut biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from linear core of lesional tissue harbors an invasive neoplasm composed of tumor cells arranged in sheets, tubules and trabecular pattern. The cells are mildly pleomorphic, with hyperchromatic nuclei and inconspicuous nucleoli with scant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Occasional atypical mitosis and comedo necrosis seen. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass,Trucut biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 4107,MR1815744,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast mass - Trucut biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from linear cores of breast tissue harbors invasive neoplasm arranged in sheets, tubules and trabecular pattern. The cells are large, have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Atypical mitosis seen. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass,Trucut biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 3. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8(3+2+3)." 4108,MR1815760,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Hot node.B) Blue+Hot node.C) Right mastectomy.D) Revised posterior resected margin.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1.6x1.6x0.5cm. Isolated one lymph node measures 0.9x0.3x0.3cm. B) Received single lymph node measures 0.6x0.4x0.3cm. Entire tissue processed.C) Received in : FormalinProcedure : Right Mastectomy.Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral -- 13.5cm Superficial to Deep -- 3.5cm Superior to Inferior -- 10cmSkin ellipse : 11x6cm. Nipple : Normal, Absent Tumor : SingleTumour Size : 2.5x1.8x1cm. Location of tumor : Central quadrant.Margins of tumor : Illdefined. Deep margin : 1cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : Absent.D) Received single fibrous tissue measures 1.5x1x1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Right sentinel lymph node:A) Sections from Hot node show 2 lymph node, free of tumor.B) Sections from Blue + hot node shows 3 lymph node, free of tumor.C) Sections shows breast parenchyma harboring an invasive tumor. The tumor shows sheets, nests and cribriform pattern. The tumor cells are polygonal to columnar with enlarged vesicular nucleus prominent nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. There is moderate pleomorphism and sparse mitosis. Foci of atypical ductal hyperplasia and low grade cribriform in situ carcinoma are present. There is no evidence of lymphovascular invasion, perineural invasion. Stroma shows hyalinisation and desmoplasia. Section from deep margin are free of tumor.D) Sections from revised deep margin are free of tumor.IMPRESSION:Right sentinel lymph node biopsy.A) Hot node:All 2 lymph nodes received are free of tumor (0/2).B) Blue+Hot node:All 3 lymph node submitted are free of tumor (0/3).C) Right mastectomy:Histological type:Invasive ductal carcinoma (NST).Grade: 1Tumor measures maximum dimension 2.5cmModified BR score is 5/9Tubule formation: 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 1Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ PresentLymphovascular invasion Not identified.Perineural invasion Not identified.Posterior resection margin is Free of tumor.Nipple and areola is absent.Lymph nodes: 5 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0 (0/5)Pathological stage: pT2N0Summary:Right breast, mastectomy, invasive ductal carcinoma (NST).Tumor Grade: 1Lymphnode Status: 0/5 (Hot node 0/2, Blue + hot node 0/3).D) Revised posterior resected margin:Free of tumor." 4109,MR1815768,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of left breast lump. SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 0.3 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring invasive neoplasm arranged in glandular trabecular, nests. The lesional cells are round with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, round moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus. few cells are showing prominent nucleoli and intranuclear inclusion periductal hyalinisation is seen. Stroma is desmoplastic and shows myxoid changes. Stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma ductal origin, NST. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4110,MR1815782,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.0 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged predominantly in glandular pattern, small nests, lobules separated by desmoplastic stroma. The lesional cells are round to polygonal with moderate cytoplasm, round nucleus, prominent nucleoli. Intranuclear inclusions are seen in some stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltration. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass :Invasive carcinoma - ductal origin, NST.Grade - I.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 5/9 --------" 4111,MR1815795,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast axillary tail mass - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear core measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Right breast biopsy :Invasive carcinoma ,NST.Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4112,MR1815841,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass. SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear core measures 0.4 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm composed of sheets, nests, poorly formed tubules and discretely scattered pleomorphic cells with abundant cytoplasm & pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Biopsy. :Invasive carcinoma, NST. Grade - 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 3Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4113,MR1815846,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of left breast lump. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey brown to grey white linear core measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in glandular patter, trabecular and small nests. The lesional cells are large polygonal with increase N:C ratio, moderate to abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, markedly pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus, prominent nucleoli. Many cells are showing intra nuclear inclusions. Stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy ;Invasive carcinoma ductal origin, NST.Grade - III.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 3Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4115,MR1815859,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass. SPECIMEN:Right breast mass, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in glandular pattern, trabecular, cords and nests. The lesional cells are round with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus. Some showing prominent nucleoli and intranuclear inclusions. Stroma is desmoplastic and shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. Areas of necrosis and hemorrhage seen. Myxoid areas noted. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma ductal origin, NST. Grade - 2. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4116,MR1815888,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast Post NACTSPECIMEN:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy, Post NACT.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure :Modified radical mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions :Medial to lateral : 19cm Superficial to Deep :4cm Superior to Inferior:16cmSkin ellipse : 13x5cm Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Length 4cm Tumor :Grossly no tumor identified , fibrotic areas measures 7x5x3cm. Location of tumor : Central quadrantDeep margin :2cmMuscle :AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail :11x8x2cmSize of largest node : 1x1x1cmIMPRESSION:Left modified radical mastectomy, Post NACT:Histological type:No residual viable tumor seen- Post chemotherapy changes with fibrosis and atrophic ductsDuctal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not seen. Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 18 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0(0/18). Pathological stage: ypT0N0. SUMMARY: Left modified radical mastectomy, Post NACT.No residual viable tumor seen.Lymphnode Status:0/18." 4117,MR1815905,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump. SPECIMEN:Right beast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measures 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of tumor tissue arranged in sheets, nests, vague glandular pattern The cells are round with scant eosinophilic cytoplasm, moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus. Some showing prominent nucleoli and intra nuclear inclusions. Stroma shows extensive desmoplasia and minimal inflammatory infiltrates. Areas of necrosis noted. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump :Invasive carcinoma,NSTGrade - III.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 8/9 --------" 4118,MR1815941,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma left breast. SPECIMEN :Right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS :Received 3 grey white linear core measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section studied shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in papillary pattern. Vague glandular pattern nests, trabecular. The lesional cells are round with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus, some showing intranuclear inclusion. Also seen area of squamoid differentiation. Occasional mitotic figures seen. Stroma is desmoplastic and shows thin walled blood vessels, inflammatory cells composed of lymphocytes and plasma cells. IMPRESSION : Right breast mass, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST. " 4119,MR1815969,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump. SPECIMEN:Left breast lump Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear core measures 0.3 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show multiple fragments of fibrofatty tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells having scant eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with inconspicuous nucleoli. Surrounding stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphomononuclear infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 6/9 --------" 4120,MR1815995,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast, wide excision.B) Right axillary lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received wide excision measures 8x6x5cm. Skin ellipse measures 6x3cm.Cut surface shows grey white to grey brown hemorrhagic lesion measures 3.5x3x2cm with grey white area measuring 1cm Distance from the margins:Superior margin -- 2cm.Inferior margin -- 2cm.Medial margin -- 2cm.Lateral margin -- 3cm.Deep margin -- 2.5cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5x4x2cm.Largest lymph node measures 2x1x1cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Tumor bed:Focus of residual tumor present.Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Nuclear grade II.Tubular formation - 3.Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic activity - 2.Surrounding the tumor there are areas of necrosis and dense inflammatory cellular infiltration consisting of lymphocytes plasma cells and giant cells.Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.All resected margins are free from the tumor.B) 14 node - no deposit of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast, wide excision:Residual tumor present.Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.Nuclear grade II.Maximum dimension of tumor is 1x1x0.8cm (microscopic).Ductal carcinoma insitu not present.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not present.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Right axillary lymph node:14 node - No metastatic deposit of tumor." 4121,MR1815996,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Known case of carcinoma right breast/ ? Skeletal mets post NACT.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 15cm Superficial - deep : 4.5cm Superior-inferior : 13cmSkin ellipse : 11x9cmNipple : Unremarkable.Scar/ Surgical defect : Absent.Tumor : SingleTumor size : 2.8x2.2x2cmLocation of tumor : Central region (Subareolar region).Deep margin : 2.5cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : 6x5x2cm.Size of largest node : 2x1x1cm. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in sheets, nests and clusters. The cells have abundant pale eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Atypical mitoses are discerned. Surrounding stroma shows extensive elastosis and fibrosis with moderate lymphomononuclear infiltrate and scattered haemosiderin laden macrophages .IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :Residual Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Tumor measures maximum dimension 2.8cm.Invasive component measures 2.8cm.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Absent.Lymphovascular invasion is identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Free of tumor.Lymph nodes: Twenty-five lymph nodes, Metastasis: Twelve,(12/25). Extranodal extension seen. Tumor deposit measures 1.2cm in greatest dimension.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :Residual Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Nodal metastases : Twenty-five lymph nodes, Metastasis: Twelve,(12/25). Extranodal extension seen." 4122,MR1815999,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Blue + Hot node.B) Hot node.C) Right mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x1cm.Isolated 4 lymph nodes largest lymph node measures 1x0.5x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1.5x1x1cm.2 Lymph nodes each measure 0.5x0.4x0.4cm.C) Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral -- 22cm. Superficial to Deep -- 7cm. Superior to Inferior -- 18cm.Skin ellipse : 13x8cm. Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumour Size : 2x1.5x1.5cm.Location of tumor : 12 'o' clock ----------------------Margins of tumor : Ill defined. Deep margin : 1.8cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : No.IMPRESSION:C) Right mastectomy.Tumor Bed:Shows nests and tubules of neoplastic cells with moderate pleomorphism vesicular nuclei and coarse granular chromatin. Adjacent breast shows solid and papillary type ductal carcinoma is situ. Stroma is desmoplastic.Histological type: Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade: II.Tumor measures maximum dimension 2cmInvasive component measures 1.5cmDuctal carcinoma in situ measures 0.5cmModified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism:2Mitotic figures: 2Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is present, solid and papillary type.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Sentinel lymph nodesA) blue + hot node : 4 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0 (0/4)B) hot node: 2 lymph nodes, metastasis: 0 (0/2)Total 6 nodes are free of tumor 0/6Pathological stage: pT1N0SUMMARY:Residual invasive ductal carcinoma, Right breast.Tumor Grade: IILymphnode Status: sentinel lymph nodes. 6 nodes are free of tumor (0/6)." 4123,MR1816002,"CLINICAL HISTORY :A) Left breast lump12 o' Clock. B) Left breast lump. (3'0'clock) - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN :A) Biopsy from left breast lump 12 O' clock.B) Biopsy from left breast lump 3 O' clock.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received 5 grey brown to grey white linear core measures 0.6 to 1cm Entire tissue processed. B) Received 4á grey white linear core measures 0.2 to 0.8cm Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :A) Sections studied from breast parenchyma harbors invasive carcinoma forming tubules, cords and isolated tumor cells in a mucinous background. The cells have scant eosinophilic cytoplasm with hyperchromatic pleomorphic nuclei. Occasional atypical mitosis seen. Stroma shows desmoplasia with scant inflammatory infiltrates. B) Sections studied from lesional tissue composed tumor cells arranged in sheets, tubules and cords. The cells are mildly pleomorphic with hyperchromatic nuclei and scant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Occasional atypical mitosis seen. Stroma shows dense desmoplasia. IMPRESSION : A)á Left breast lump 12 O' clock - Biopsy :Mucinous carcinoma, Grade 2á - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(2+2+2).B) Left breast lump 3 O' clock - Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 1.á- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1)." 4124,MR1816020,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged is glandular pattern, nests and trabecular. The lesional cells are round to polygonal with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus. Some showing prominent nucleoli and intranuclear inclusions. Stroma is desmoplastic and shows mild inflammatory infiltrates. Areas of necrosis noted. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma - ductal origin, NST. Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 3Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4126,MR1816044,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right Breast, NACTSPECIMEN:A)Right modified radical mastectomy.B)Level 3 nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A)Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified radical mastectomy Laterality : Right Total dimensions :Medial to lateral :23cm Superficial to Deep :5cm Superior to Inferior:14cmSkin ellipse : 15x8cm Nipple : Unremarkable Scar/ Surgical defect :AbsentTumour Size : No tumor identified few irregular species of calcification noted Deep margin :2cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail :11cmSize of largest node :1.5x1x1cmB) Received Single fibrofatty tissue measures 3.6x2.5x1cmIsolated 1 lymph nodes measures 0.5x0.5x0.3cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from breast parenchyma composed of comedo ductal carcinoma in situ and focal atypical ductal hyperplasia usual ductal hyperplasia. Foci of fibroadenoma seen. No residual invasive carcinoma. Stroma shows sclerosis with cholesterol clefts Axillary lymph node shows pericapsular tumor deposit IMPRESSION:Right modified radical mastectomy:Histological type:Focal ductal carcinoma in situ(comedo) ductal carcinoma in situ grade 3Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.3cm.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes :Axillary lymph node - Isolated 10 nodes metastasis 1(1/10).Extranodal extension absent.Level 3 nodes : Isolated 6 nodes metastasis 0 (0/6). SUMMARY: Focal ductal carcinoma situ, Right modified radical mastectomy.Axillary lymph node - Isolated 10 nodes metastasis 1(1/10)Extracapsular extension absent.Level 3 nodes : Isolated 6 nodes metastasis 0 (0/6)." 4127,MR1816059,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump. :Invasive carcinoma, NST. Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4128,MR1816073,CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of right breast lump SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.4 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibroadipose tissue harboring invasive tumor composed of nests and cords of pleomorphic cells with high N:C ratio and scant to moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis are 1-2 / hpf. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma of ductal origin. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Grade - III. Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ------- 8/9 -------- 4129,MR1816111,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left Breast, Core Biopsy.B) Left Breast near nipple, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.B) Received multiple grey white linear core measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from both biopsies shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:A) Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1).B) Left Breast near nipple, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 4130,MR1816125,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast. : Invasive carcinoma, NSTGrade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 3Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4131,MR1816126,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white soft tissue bits linear core measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump. :Invasive carcinoma.Grade - 2. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------- 4132,MR1816136,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast mass.Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right Breast Mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear core measures 0.3 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from lesional tissue harbors tumor cells arranged in single file, nests and isolated tumor cells. Cells are arranged concentrically around the duct. The cells have mildly pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with scant cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right Breast Mass:Invasive carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 4133,MR1816141,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesion. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white to linear core measures 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast. Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4134,MR1816145,CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of right breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:A) Right breast carcinoma.B) Revised base.C)Blue +Hot nodeD)Non blue non hot nodeGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received skin covered mass measures 7.5x7x4.5cmCut surface shows grey white nodular lesion measures 1.8x1.5x1.5cm.Distance from margins:Superior margin : 1.5cmInferior margin : 2.5cmMedial margin : 0.6cmLateral margin : 3.3cmDeep margin : 1.2cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1.7x1.7x0.5cm.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1x0.7x0.5cmlargest lymph node measures 1x0.5x0.5cmD) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1x0.5cm.lymph node measures 1x0.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Tumor is composed of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Tubular formation - less than 10% - 3.Mitotic figures - 2Anaplasia - 2Modified Bloom Richardson Score 7/9Nuclear grade IIFocal areas of ductal carcinoma in situ present. cribriform and comedonecrosis measure 0.5cm.Lymphovascular invasion present.Perineural invasion not identified.Resected margins :Superior margin:Free of tumor.Inferior margin:Free of tumor.Medial margin:Free of tumor.Lateral margin:Free of tumor.Deep margin :Free of tumor.Sentinel lymph nodes:2 nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 3 node in paraffin section (2/3).Perinodal spread not present.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Wide excision:Maximum dimension of tumor measures 1.8x1.1cm.Invasive ductal carcinoma measures 1.3cm.Nuclear grade IIDuctal carcinoma in situ - cruciform and comedonecrosis measure 0.5cm.Lymphovascular invasion present.All resected margin are free of tumor.Sentinel lymph nodes:2 nodes show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 3 nodes (2/3).Perinodal spread not present. 4135,MR1816177,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left Breast Lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from linear cores of breast parenchyma harbors tumor cells arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are pleomorphic with scant cytoplasm hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent eosinophilic nucleoli atypical mitosis seen. Stroma shows dense desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left Breast Lump:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 4136,MR1816178,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast with ulceration. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown measures 1x1x0.8cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast. :Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4137,MR1816179,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section reveal breast parenchyma harboring lesion composed of epithelial and stromal component. The lesion shows glands and cleft like spaces lined by bilayered epithelium. Foci of ductal hyperplasia is seen. Hypocellular myxoid stroma with spindle to stellate cells is seen surrounding and also compressing the ducts. There is no evidence of malignancy in the sections studied.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump.Benign fibroepithelial lesion.The possibilities considered are,1) Fibroedenoma.2) Benign phyllodes." 4138,MR1816180,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass. SPECIMEN :Biopsy from Right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS :Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section studied shows cores of breast parenchyma harbors infiltrative lesion arranged in tubules and trabecular. The cells are oval , have pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic activity is 2-3/10hpf. Ductal carcinoma in situ component is seen. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION :Biopsy from Right breast mass. :Invasive carcinoma NST, grade - 1 with extensive ductal carcinoma in situ. Modified BR score is 5/9.Tubular formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ...... 5/9 ......Ductal carcinoma in situ cribriform and comedonecrosis is seen. " 4139,MR1816182,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Breast Post Lumpectomy, Post chemo.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast lumpectomy Post chemotherapy wide excision.B) Right axillary nodesGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received wide local excision measures 12x4.5x2.5cmSkin flap measure 11.5x4.3cmLinear scar measures 7cmCut surface areas of fibrosis measures 4x2.5x2.5cmDistance from margins :Superior margins :0.5cmInferior margin :0.5cmMedial margin :0.5cmLateral margin :4cmDeep margin :0.1cmB) Received Fibrofatty tissue measures 5x3x2cmLargest lymph node measures 1x0.8x0.5cmCut surface deposits seenMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from the fibrotic areas show extensive hyalinization atrophic lobules with ducts showing cystic change. No evidence of residual viable tumor in the sections examined.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast lumpectomy Post chemotherapy, wide excision:No residual viable tumor noted.Chemotherapy related changes seen.No residual viable ductal carcinoma in situ.No lymphovascular invasion.No perineural invasion.Resected margins are uninvolved.Scar is unremarkable.B) Right axillary nodes:16 lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor (0/16)." 4140,MR1816196,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5-0.2 cm . Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section reveal linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring in situ and invasive tumor. The in situ componentá show solid, cribriform and comedo pattern. Invasive component shows tubules, nests and cords composed of round to oval cells with hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus and scant cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9(2+3+2), Grade 2" 4141,MR1816204,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue pressed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section reveal linear cores of tumor composed of acini and nests. The tumor cells are cuboidal to polygonal with high N:C ratio, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus, prominent nucleus and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Intervening stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphomononuclear infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma of ductal origin. Grade - II. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ------- 7/9 --------" 4142,MR1816213,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SITE:Right breast, post chemotherapy.Received 19 block labelled as 2441/18 A-S.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied shows breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets with foci of mesenchymal differentiation. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, vesicular nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Few large polygonal cells with abundant eosinophilic cytopalsm and hyperchromatic nucleus. Foci of chondroid differentiation with multiple dysplastic chondrocytes having moderate cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nucleus.in lacunae Stroma is desmoplastic with extensive areas of hemorrhage and necrosis.IMPRESSION:Right breast, post chemotherapy:The features are suggestive of residual disease in a treated case of carcinosarcoma.Majority of sections shows viable tumor.Nipple areola is unremarkable.Deep margin is free of tumor.Lymphnodes : Submitted all eighteen lymph nodes are free of tumor.Note:Please refer to primary pathology report for tumor size and extent." 4143,MR1816215,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Suspected case of vertebral metastasis for evaluation - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section reveal linear cores of fibroadipose tissue with tumor infiltrating in the form of sheets and cords of round to oval cells high N/C ratio, hyperchromatic nucleus and scant cytoplasm. Atypical mitotic figures are seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma with lobular features.Nuclear grade II." 4144,MR1816216,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast mass - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in sheets, nests, cords and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.á - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 4145,MR1816221,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 linear cores grey white tissue measures 1 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.á - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 4146,MR1816230,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right Breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white core measures 1.7 to 1.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from linear cores of breast parenchyma harbors on invasive neoplasm composed of tumor cells arranged in tubules, nests and in solid sheets. The cells are mildly pleomorphic with scant cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei. Occasional atypical mitosis seen stroma shows mucin with desmoplastic reaction.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right Breast:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1). " 4147,MR1816235,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast, wide local excision.B) Sentinel lymphnode biopsy, Blue - Hot nodes. C) Sentinel lymphnode biopsy, Hot nodes. D) Revised medial margin. GROSS FINDINGS:A) Left breast, wide local excision. Lumpectomy specimen measures 9x5x4.5cm. On cut open, single grey white to grey brown ill difined tumor measures 2.2x2x1.5cm, Adjacent breast shows desmoplastic reaction skin ellipse measures 5.4x1.6cm. Distance from margins :Anterior margin : 1.8 cm.Medial margin : 1.4 cm.Superior margin : 2.5 cm.Lateral margin : 3.5 cm.Deep margin : 2.6 cm.B) Sentinel lymphnode biopsy, Blue - Hot nodes. Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.8 x2.5x0.9cm. Isolated three lymphnode. Largest measures 2.5x0.8x0.7cm. Cut surface fatty infiltrated. Entire tissue processed.C) Sentinel lymphnode biopsy, Hot nodes. Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1.3x0.7x0.3cm. Isolated Two lymphnode largest measures 0.7x0.6x0.4cm. Cut surface fatty infiltrated. Entire tissue processed. D) Specimen of revised medial margin (Thread away from lesion). Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5.5x4x0.7cm with one surface inked. Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4.5x3x1.5cm. No lesion Identified. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm vesicular nuclei, prominent nuclei, some cells have multiple nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with mild lymphomononuclear cells infiltration. Area of hemorrhage and extravasted mucin pools also noted. IMPRESSION:A) Left breast, wide local excision. Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 .........Tumor measures 2.2cm in greatest dimension.Depth of tumor 1.5 cm in greatest dimension. Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion not seen. Ductal carcinoma in situ seen.- All margins of resections (Superior, interior, lateral, deep). Margin are free of tumor.Medial margin ductal hyperplasia.B) Sentinel lymphnode biopsy, Blue - Hot nodes. Isolated 3 lymphnodes free of tumor (0/3).C) Sentinel lymphnode biopsy, Hot nodes. Isolated 2 lymph nodes are free of tumor (0/2)D) Revised medial margin shows ductal hyperplasia. " 4148,MR1816279,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast mass.? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from linear cores of breast parenchyma harbors tumor cells arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are pleomorphic with scant eosinophilic cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei. Stroma shows osteoid matrix with focal calcification and mucin.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Mass, Core biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 4149,MR1816288,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.3 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.á MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with extensive areas of desmoplasia. harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules and focal nests. The cells are oval having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Stroma shows extensive areas of desmoplasia. Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis is seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST Grade - 1. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------Ductal carcinoma in situ comedonecrosis is seen. " 4150,MR1816291,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left Breast Lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1.8 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from linear cores of breast parenchyma harbors tumor cells arranged in sheets and nest. The cells are pleomorphic with scant cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei and occasional cells shows prominent nucleoli. Occasional atypical mitosis seen. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphomononuclear infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left Breast Lump:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 4151,MR1816298,CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left axillary sentinel lymph node biopsy.B) Left mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4x3x2cm. Three lymph nodes isolated.Largest lymph nodes measures 2x1.5x1cm. Entire tissue processed.B) Received in : 10% NBFProcedure : Left mastectomy.Laterality : Left.Total dimensions : Medial to lateral -- 11cm Superficial to Deep -- 5cm Superior to Inferior -- 11cm.Skin ellipse : 11x6.5cm. Nipple : Retracted.Scar/ Surgical defect : Absent.Tumor : Single (multiple granular areas)Tumour Size : 1.5x1.4x1cm.Location of tumor : Lower inner quadrant.Margins of tumor : Illdefined Deep margin : 2cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : Not included.IMPRESSION:A) Left axillary sentinel lymph node biopsy:3 lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor.B) Left mastectomy:Tumor:Shows extensive ductal carcinoma in situ and small focus of invasive carcinoma. Ductal carcinoma in situ is of high grade solid and comedo type. Invasive component shows nests of tumor cells with moderate cytoplasm vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli. There is dense peritumoral and periductal lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.Histological type: Invasive ductal carcinoma (NOS)Grade: IITumor measures maximum dimension 1.5cmInvasive component measures 0.5cmDuctal carcinoma in situ measures 1cmModified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is present. Solid and comedo type high grade.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is shows pagets disease.Pathological stage: pT1snN0SUMMARY:Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ and small focus of invasive ductal carcinoma measures 0.5cm.Tumor Grade: IILymphnode Status:Sentinel lymph nodes 3 nodes are free of tumor 0/3. 4152,MR1816318,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump.SPECIMEN :Biopsy from Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS : Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS : Sections studied from linear cores of breast parenchyma shows ductal epithelial cells, arranged in solid, and cribriform pattern showing mild pleomorphic nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Few showing eccentrically placed nuclei. No invasion of ductal cells into the stroma seen. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION :Right breast lump - Biopsy :Suggestive of atypical ductal hyperplasia with foci suspicious of ductal carcinoma in situ. Suggest myoepithelial panel for further confirmation of ductal carcinoma in situ. " 4153,MR1816320,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast mass.Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left Breast Lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear core measures 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from linear cores of breast parenchyma harbors tumor cells arranged in sheets. The cells are highly pleomorphic with scant cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nuclei. Stroma shows dense lymphocytic response.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left Breast Lump:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 3. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 8(3+3+2)." 4154,MR1816344,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores each measures 1.0 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular invasion is seen. Perineural invasion is not seen. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1).- Lymphovascular invasion is seen. - Perineural invasion is not seen. - Ductal carcinoma in situ of solid pattern with intermediate nuclear grade. " 4155,MR1816345,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores grey white tissue measures 0.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrocollagenous tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in sheets and lying singly. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.á - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 4156,MR1816351,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of carcinoma right breast post NACT.SPECIMEN:A) Right conservative surgery. post NACT.B) Right axillary level 1 &2.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received wide local excision of breast measures 6x4.5x3.5cmCut surface shows grey white ill defined fibrotic areas altogether measures 1x1x0.6cm.Distance from margins:Superior margin :1.5cmInferior margin :0.8cmMedial margin :1cmLateral margin :1.5cmDeep margin :1.5cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue axillary tail measures 4x3x2cm.IMPRESSION:A) Right conservative surgery. post NACT:Right Breast:Focus of residual viable invasive ductal carcinoma with post chemotherapy changes.Tumor measures 0.5cm in greatest dimension.Lymphovascular invasion not seen.Perineural invasion is not seenPosterior resected margins is 1.5 cm away from the tumor All resected margins are free of tumorB) Right axillary (level 1 & 2):Ten lymph nodes isolated, negative for malignancy." 4157,MR1816359,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lesion. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm composed of nests, cords and tubules. The neoplastic cells display abundant cytoplasm highly pleomorphic nuclei showing hyperchromasia. Stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lesion. :Invasive carcinoma, NST. Grade - III.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 8/9 --------" 4158,MR1816378,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump -/ Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.á - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1).á - Perineural invasion is seen.á - Lymphovascular invasion is not seen." 4159,MR1816391,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores each measures 0.5 to 1.0cm;. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4162,MR1816417,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Sentinel lymph node, Biopsy.B) Right breast wide local excisionC) Revised inferior margin.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty measures 2x2x1cm isolated 3 lymph nodes.Largest one measures 1.2x1x1cmB) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 8.8x6.5x5cmSkin ellipse measures 5.8x2cm surface of skin shows stitches.cut surface tumor identified measures 3x2.5x2.5cmCut surface tumor shows grey white- grey yellow granular areas, margins irregular Distance from the margin:Superior margin 1.8cmInferior margins 1.8cmLateral margins 2.3cmMedial margin 2.2cmDeep margin 0.8cmC) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 6.5x3.5x3cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:B) Section studied show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, islands and sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned . Stroma is desmoplastic with areas hemorrhage and necrosis.IMPRESSION:A) Sentinel lymph node, Biopsy:Isolated three lymph nodes are free of tumorB) Right breast wide local excision:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic activity : 2 -------- 7/9 --------Tumor measure 3.0cmInvasive carcinoma measure 2.7cmDuctal carcinoma in situ measure 0.3cmDuctal carcinoma in situ - solid pattern is seenLymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not seenAll margins ( Superior, inferior mediate lateral and deep margins) are free of tumor.C) Revised inferior margin:Free of tumorPathological stage : pT2No" 4163,MR1816428,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores 1.0 x 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules, cords and sheets. The cells are having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate cytoplasm. The cells exhibit mitosis 5-6/10hpf. Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphocytic infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 --------Ductal carcinoma in situ (Cribriform and solid type) " 4165,MR1816440,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and islands. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm. hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Occasional mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with mild lymphomononuclear cell infiltrate. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis is seen. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy ;Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4167,MR1816464,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an invasive tumor. The tumor shows nests trabeculae and cords of polygonal cells with high N/C ratio, hyperchromatic nucleus and scant to moderate cytoplasm. There is marked pleomorphism and brisk mitotic activity. Intervening stroma shows desmoplasia and mild lymphomononuclear infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Right breast mass :Invasive carcinoma (NST) of ductal origin.Grade - 3Modified Bloom Richardson score is 9/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 3 ------- 9/9 --------" 4169,MR1816484,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast (Post lumpectomy).SPECIMEN:A) Right breast, wide local excision, post lumpectomy.B) Blue+ hot nodes.C) Hot nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 10.5x6.5x4cm.Skin ellipse measures 6x2.2cm. Cut surface shows previous lumpectomy defect measures 2x2x1cm.Distance from margins:-Superior margin : 2.5cm.Inferior margináá : 2.6cm.Medial marginááá : 1.8cm.Lateral marginááá : 4.5cm.Deep marginááááá : 1cm.B) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x1x0.5cm.Isolated 2 lymph nodes.Largest one measures 1x1x0.5cm.C) Received two fibrofatty tissue, largest measures 2.2x2x1.5cm.Isolated 3 lymph nodes, largest measures 1.5x1x1cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from lumpectomy bed show breast parenchyma with scattered lymphomononuclear infiltrate, foamy macrophages, multinucleated giant cells and transforming histiocytes. Stroma shows areas of fibrosis and hemorrhage.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast, wide local excision, post lumpectomy:Predominantly giant cell reaction admixed with histiocytes and few reactive atypical cells compatible with post lumpectomy changes.Lymphovascular invasion and Perineural invasion are not seen.All margins of resection (Superior, inferior, medial, lateral and deep ) are free of tumor.B) Blue+ hot nodes:Isolated two lymph nodes are free of tumor (0/2).C) Hot nodes:Isolated three lymph nodes are free of tumor (0/3)." 4170,MR1816499,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear core measures 0.5 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in islands and nests. The cells are large pleomorphic with moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with moderately dense lymphomononuclear infiltrates. IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4171,MR1816508,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion - BIRADS IV A. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lesion. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear core measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section reveal linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring tumor infiltrating in the forms of nests cords and scant cytoplasm.Tumor cells show high N:C ratio,hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus and scant cytoplasm Mitosis are sparse stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma (NST) of ductal origin. Grade - I. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 5/9 --------" 4172,MR1816509,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy, Post lumpectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Right modified radical mastectomy, Post lumpectomy.Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial to lateral -- 18cm. Superficial to Deep -- 4cm. Superior to Inferior -- 11cm.Skin ellipse : 13x5.5cm. Nipple : Peri areolar skin thickening is noted.Scar/ Surgical defect : 4cm scar in Upper outer quadrantTumor Size : 1x1x1cm.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant, below this scar.Margins of tumor : IlldefinedDeep margin : 0.5cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : 4x4x4cm.Size of largest node : 2.5x1x1cm. Cuts surface is grey white deposit.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast parenchyma shows small foci of residual viable tumor along with chronic inflammatory infiltrates composed of multinucleated giant cells, neutrophils, eosinophils and lymphocytes.IMPRESSION:Right modified radical mastectomy, Post lumpectomy.Histological type: Small foci of residual tumor seen at the margin of post lumpectomy.Tumor measures maximum dimension 0.5cmDuctal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not identified.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes:Nine out of seventeen lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposits with extranodal extension seen(9/17).Largest tumor deposit measures 2cm in greatest dimension.Pathological stage: pT1N2SUMMARY:Right modified radical mastectomy, Post lumpectomy.Small foci of residual viable tumor .Lymph nodes:Nine out of seventeen lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposits (9/17)Extranodal extension seen." 4173,MR1816524,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). " 4174,MR1816539,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast mass - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section reveals linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring invasive tumor in the form of nests, cords, tubules composed of round to polygonal cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scant cytoplasm. Nuclear pleomorphism is moderate and mitosis are 6to7/10hpf. Large areas of necrosis are seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma (NST) of ductal origin, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is (2+2+2) 6/9.Areas of necrosis seen." 4175,MR1816595,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump. SPECIMEN :Biopsy from Right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS :A) Received unoriented fibrofatty tissue measures 9x7x3cm. Cut surface firm, ill defined, grey white lesion measures 2x1.5x1.5cm. Nearest margin 0.2cm. awayB) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 6x4x4cm, largest measures 2.5x1x1cm. fatty infiltration seen. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :A) Sections shows breast parenchyma harboring foci of comedo ductal carcinoma in situ and a few solid nests with myoepithelial layer intact.No lymphovascular invasion seen. B) Section shows 12 lymphnodes with are unremarkable.IMPRESSION :A) Biopsy from Right breast lump. áá High grade ductal carcinoma in situ (comedo pattern)áá No lymphovascular invasion seen.áá No perinodal invasion seen. áá Margin is 0.2cm. away from theá lesion.B) 12 right axillary lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor.á " 4176,MR1816606,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right Breast post Lumpectomy.SPECIMEN:A)Right Breast, Wide Local Excision ( Post lumpectomy).B) Right Sentinel lymph node( Blue node)C) Right Sentinel lymph node ( Suspicious node)GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measures 6x4x2cm.Skin nipple areola measures 3x0.6cm.Cut surface shows cystic specimen measures 1.5x1x0.5cm.Distance from margins:Superior margin : 1cmInferior margin : 1cmMedial margin : 1.5cmLateral margin : 3.5cmDeep margin : 0.5cmB) Received single lymph node measures 1x0.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.C) Received single lymph node measures 0.5x0.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows features of ductal carcinoma in situ with intermediate nuclear grade. No definite evidence of invasion is seen.IMPRESSION:A)Right Breast, Wide Local Excision ( Post lumpectomy):DUCTAL CARCINOMA IN SITU OF SOLID, CRIBRIFORM AND COMEDO PATTERN WITH INTERMEDIATE NULCEAR GRADE. - Multiple foci are seen, largest measuring 0.5 cm in greatest dimension. - Inferior margin shows foci of Ductal Carcinoma In situ. - Superior, Medial, Lateral and Deep margins of resection are free of tumor. - Overlying skin is free of tumor.B) Right Sentinel lymph node( Blue node):One lymph node is identified, negative for malignancy(0/1).C) Right Sentinel lymph node ( Suspicious node):One lymph node is identified, negative for malignancy(0/1)." 4177,MR1816666,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey yellow linear core measures 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of invasive neoplasm arranged in nests, glandular pattern, trabecular. The lesional cells are polygonal, abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, round hyperchromatic nucleus, prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are seen occasionally, stroma is desmoplastic and shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates and histiocytes. Myxoid areas are seen. Areas of necrosis noted.á IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass. :Invasive carcinoma, NSTGrade - II. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4178,MR1816670,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Right Modified radical mastectomy / Post lumpectomy.A) Breast B) Axillary lymphatics.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified radical mastectomy ( post lumpectomy) .Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial to lateral -- 19cm. Superficial to Deep -- 7cm. Superior to Inferior -- 10cm.Skin ellipse : 8x5x0.5cm. Nipple : Shows nodule measures 2x2x2cm. Cut surface is grey white.Scar/ Surgical defect : Fibrouos scar seen (previous lumpectomy) measures 3.5x1.5x1.5cm.Tumor : Multiple foci (3)Tumour Size : 1) 2x2x2cm . 2) 3x2x2cm. 3) 2x2x2cm.Location of tumor : 1) Retro areolar. 2) Central quadrant 3) Upper outer quadrant.Distance between,Tumor 1 & 2 is 2.5cm. between tumor 2 & 3 is 1.5cm and 1 & 3 is 7cm.Margins of tumor : Infiltrative.Deep margin : 1) 5cm from tumor 1. 2) 0.4cm from tumor 2 3) 0.5cm from tumor 3Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : absent.B) Axillary lymphatic dissection :Received fibrofatty tissue measures 8x7x6cm. Largest lymph node measures 4x2x2cm.IMPRESSION:Right modified radical mastectomy / Post lumpectomy:A) Breast specimen Tumor Bed:Multifocal tumor2 Tumor foci seen larger conglomerate focus in upper outer quadrant measures 6cm and other near nipple areola measures 2cm (microscopic). Histological type: Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade: IITumor measures: Larger focus measures 6cm and smaller focus measures 2cm.Invasive component measures 5cm in larger focus and 1.0cm in smaller focus Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 1.3cm in larger focus and 0.3cm in smaller focus.Modified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism:2Mitotic figures: 2Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ present - solid and comedo type.Lymphovascular invasion present.Perineural invasion not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable. Tumor extends up to dermis with no ulceration.B) Axillary lymphatics:Lymph nodes: 10 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 1 (1/10).Largest metastatic focus measures 3.1cm.Extranodal extension present.A) SUMMARY: Residual invasive ductal carcinoma Right Breast (Multifocal).Tumor Grade: IIB) Lymphnode Status: 1/10nodes show metastasis with extranodal extension." 4179,MR1816677,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right Breast Post chemoSPECIMEN:Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy. Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :19cm. Superficial to Deep :4.5cm. Superior to Inferior :14cm.Skin ellipse :13x9cm. Nipple :Normal. Scar/ Surgical defect : 3cm at 7-8 clock positionTumor : Single.Tumour Size : 0.5x0.3x0.3cm. Cut surface yellow ? necrotic Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrant. Margin of tumor : Illdentified . Deep margin :3.5cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent Breast :Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail :13x7.5x2.5cm. Size of largest node :2.5x2x0.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from tumor shows neoplasm arranged in glandular pattern and nests. The lesional cells are round with high N/C ratio moderately pleomorphic vesicular nuclear prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are 4-6/10 hpf with occasional atypical mitotic figures. Also seen are therapy related changes. Extensive hyalinistion, dense lymphoid aggregates foci of necrosis and foreign body giant cells reaction. Deep is free of tumor IMPRESSION:Right Modified Radical Mastectomy:(post NACT)Invasive carcinoma , NST -Residual tumor present,Grade:2.Invasive component measures 0.5cm.Modified BR score is7/9.Tubule formation:3 . Nuclear pleomorphism:2 .Mitotic figures: 2.Lymphovascular invasion identified.Perineural invasion indeterminate . Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable and free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 29 lymph nodes, Metastasis:0(0/29). SUMMARY: Residual invasive carcinoma. Right breast.Tumor Grade:2Lymph node Status: Isolated twenty nine lymph nodes. None show metastatic deposits of tumor (0/29)." 4180,MR1816680,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast, post lumpectomy, post chemo.SPECIMEN:A) Left Breast, Wide Excision of Left Lumpectomy site (Post chemo).B) Left Axillary Dissection Specimen.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received wide local excision measures 8x5.5x3.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 5.5x2cm.Scar identified over skin cut surface is grey white lesion with infiltrative margin measures 2.4x1.7x1.5cm.Distance from the margins:Superior margin -- 0.5cm.Inferior margin -- 1cm.Medial margin -- 2.5cm.Lateral margin -- 3cm.Deep margin -- 0.8cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 12x6.5x2cm.Largest lymph node measures 1x1x1cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section from breast shows an invasive neoplasm arranged in abortive tubules, nests, cords. The cells have round to angulated hyperchromatic nuclei, and moderate cytoplasm. Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic. Mitosis is discerned.B) Section studied shows lymph nodal tissue with preserved architecture. No tumor deposits are noted.IMPRESSION:A) Left Breast, Wide Excision of Left Lumpectomy site (Post chemo):RESIDUAL INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(2+2+2). - Tumor measures 2.4 cm in greatest dimension. - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. - Perineural invasion is not identified. - All margins of resection are free of tumor.B) Left Axillary Dissection Specimen:Fifteen lymph nodes isolated, negative for malignancy (0/15).Pathological Stage : ypT2N0" 4181,MR1816715,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN :Left breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS :Received 3 grey white linear core measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Sections reveal linear core of breast parenchyma with tumor infiltrating in the form of nests, cords and occasional acini composed of round to oval cells with high N:C ratio, hyperchromatic nucleus and scant cytoplasm nuclear pleomorphism is moderate, and mitosis are 6/10hpf. Stroma shows marked desmoplasia and lymphomononuclear infiltrate. IMPRESSION :Left breast lump :Invasive carcinoma (NST) of ductal origin, nuclear grade - 2. Note : Scanty tumor foci seen. " 4182,MR1816723,CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast lumpectomy.B) Sentinel lymph node dissection.C) Axillary dissection (left).GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measures 14x9x6cm.Skin ellipse measures 5x4cm. Cut surface shows tumor measures 5x4x3cm.Distance from the tumor.Superior margin - 2.5cm.Inferior margin - 4cm.Medial margin - 2cm.Lateral margin - 6cm.Deep margin - 1.5cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4x3x2cm. 2 lymph nodes.Largest measures 4x2x1cm.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 12x10x8cm.Largest lymph node measures 2x1x1cm. Cut surface is grey brown homogeneous.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the lesion shows a partially circumscribed neoplasm composed of syncitial sheets of pleomorphic cells with vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Brisk mitosis is seen. There is moderate intratumoral lymphocytic infiltrate and peritumoral lymphoid infiltrate noted. Areas of geographic necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast lumpectomy:Invasive carcinoma with medullary features .Modified Bloom Richardson score is 9/9 (3+3+3) Grade III.Tumor measures 5cm in greatest dimension.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.Lymphovascular invasion indeterminate.Perineural invasion not identified.Deep margin shows tumor cells however inked margin is free of tumor.All other resected margins are free of tumor.B) Sentinel lymph node dissection:2 lymph nodes isolated show tumor deposits largest measures 1.2cm.Perinodal spread present.C) Axillary dissection (left): 15 lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor.Total 2 out of 17 nodes shows tumor deposits (2/17).Pathological stage pT2N1 4183,MR1816728,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast wide local excision.B) Left sentinel node dissection : Blue + Hot nodes.C) Left sentinel node dissection : Hot nodes.D) Revised deep margin.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received wide local excision specimen measures 11x7x2cm. Skin ellipse measures 5x2cm. Cut surface shows grey white lesion measures 1x0.8x0.5cm.Distance from the margins:Superior margin - 2.5cm.Inferior margin - 3cm.Medial margin - 2cm.Lateral margin - 2.2cm.B) Received two nodes. Largest measures 2.5x2x0.5cm. Smaller measures 1x0.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.C) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 1x0.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3.5x2.5x1.5cm. One surface inked.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the lesion shows breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm in sheets cords and nests. The cells show moderate cytoplasm, round nuclei with coarse chromatin and prominent nucleoli. There is extensive intra and peritumoral lympho plasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast wide local excision:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified Bloom Richardson score (3+2+2) = 7/9 Grade II.Tumor measures 1cm in greatest dimension.Invasive carcinoma measures 1cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.Lymphovascular invasion not seen.Perineural invasion not seen.Resected margins are free tumor.B) Left sentinel node dissection : Blue + Hot nodes. (Frozen):2 nodes are free of tumor 0/2.C) Left sentinel node dissection : Hot nodes. ( Frozen).1 node is free of tumor 0/1.Total 3 nodes are free of tumor 0/3D) Revised deep margin.Free of tumor .Pathological Grade pT1N0." 4184,MR1816755,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from linear cores harbors tumor cells arranged in sheets and as few scattered single cells. The cells have scant eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with occasional cells show prominent eosinophilic nucleoli stroma shows dense desmoplasia with scattered lymphocytes. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4185,MR1816758,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump with ulceration. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with invasive tumor. The tumor shows sheets and nests of round to oval cells with high N:C ratio, hyperchromatic nucleus and scant cytoplasm. Nuclear pleomorphism is marked and mitosis are 6-8/10hpf. Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphomononuclear infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump :Invasive carcinoma (NST) of ductal origin.Grade 3 Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 8/9 --------" 4186,MR1816761,CLINICAL HISTORY :A) Right breast. B) Left breast. SPECIMEN:A) Biopsy from Right breast mass. B) Biopsy from Left breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits measures 0.3x0.2x0.1cm. Entire tissue processed. B) Received multiple grey white to grey brown fragmented cores measures 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from lesional tissue composed of multiple layers of tumor cells radially arranged around central fibrovascular core. The cells are mildly pleomorphic with eosinophilic cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nucleus. Stroma is hyalinised with scattered lymphocytes. B) Section studied from lesional tissue composed of tumor cells arranged in tubules sheets and nests. The cells have eosinophilic cytoplasm and pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus. Extracellular mucin pools are seen around tumor cells. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:A) Right breast - Biopsy :Suggestive of Papillary neoplasm.Suggest excision of lump for further confirmation.B) Left breast - Biopsy ;Suggestive of Papillary neoplasm highly suspicious of invasive papillary carcinoma.Need further confirmation on larger specimen. 4187,MR1816767,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS :Received multiple grey white to grey brown measures 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section reveal breast parenchyma harboring tumor infiltrating as nests and sheets composed of polygonal cells with high N:C ratio hyperchromatic nucleus and scant to moderate cytoplasm. Atypical mitosis and foci of necrosis are seen. Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphomononuclear infiltrate One fragment show skin with adnexal stroma. IMPRESSION :Biopsy from Left breast lump. :Invasive carcinoma of ductal origin, (NST).Grade - II. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 -------- " 4190,MR1816799,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast wide excision.B) Right axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received wide excision of breast specimen measures 11x7x5cm. Skin ellipse measures 9x2cm. Unremarkable.Nipple areola -- Unremarkable.Cut surface shows solid grey white tumor measures 2x1x1cm. Tumor extends upto subcutaneous tissue Distance from the margins.Superior margin - 2.5cm.Inferior margin - 3cm.Medial margin - 4cm.Lateral margin - 7cm.Deep margin - 1.5cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 7x6x5cm.Largest lymph node measures 2.5x2x1cm cut surface shows fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Tumor consists of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus with scanty cytoplasm. The cells are arranged in clumps, groups ad sheets with tubular formation less than 10% (3).Mitotic figures 2.Nuclear pleomorphism 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/10.Nuclear grade II.Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion not identified.All resected margins are free from tumor.B) 8 Nodes - No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast wide excision:Invasive Ductal carcinoma Maximum size of the tumor is 2cm.Invasive carcinoma measures 2cm.Nuclear grade II.Ductal carcinoma in situ not present.Lymphovascular invasion not identified.All resected margins free of tumor.B) Right axillary lymph nodes:8 Nodes - No deposits of tumor.0/8Pathological grade : pT1N0." 4192,MR1816806,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white to grey yellow linear core measures 0.6 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear core of breast parenchyma showing a cystic space with epithelium showing papillary in folding and foccal glandular architecture. The papillae and glands are lined by columnar to cuboidal cells having enlarged vesicular nuclei and nuclear stratification and moderate cytoplasm. Lesion shows areas of infarct . Adjacent breast shows ?ductal carcinoma in situ. IMPRESSION: Right breast lump. Features suggestive of Papillary lesion with infarction and few atypical cellsSuggest frozen confirmation/excision biopsy. 4193,MR1816824,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lumpá - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.á MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear core of breast parenchyma with tumor infiltrating in the from of nests and cords composed of round to oval cells with high N:C ratio, hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm. Nuclear pleomorphism is moderate and mitosis are brisk stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lump.Invasive carcinoma (NST) of ductal origin. Grade - III. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4194,MR1816826,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump (5 '0' clock) - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear core measures 0.2 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump. :Invasive carcinoma NST. Grade - III.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------- 4195,MR1816831,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast post lumpectomy wide excision.B) Sentinel node (Blue+Hot node)C) Sentinel node (Hot node)D) Axillary dissection (left).GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received skin covered soft tissue bits measures 10x7x5cm. Skin flap measures 8.5x1.6cm.Cut surface shows tumor measures 4x1x1cm.Distance from the margins:Superior margin - 1.5cm.Inferior margin - 2.5cm.Medial margin - 2.5cm.Lateral margin - 2.5cm.Deep margin - 2cm.B) Single lymph node measures 2x1.5x0.5cm.C) Received largest 2 lymph nodes measures 0.8x0.5x0.5cm, Smallest measures 0.5x0.5x0.5cm.D) Received fibrofatty tissue 11x9x4cm. Largest lymph node measures 1x1x1cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the fibrotic areas show extensive fibrosis histiocytic and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. Few ducts showing ductal adenosis. No evidence of residual tumor seen.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast post lumpectomy wide excision:No residual tumor seen.No lymphovascular invasion.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Sentinel node (Blue+Hot node):1 node isolated shows deposits of invasive carcinoma (1/1) measures 0.4cm.No extranodal extension seen.C) Sentinel node (Hot node):2 nodes are free of tumor (0/2).D) Axillary dissection (left):10nodes are free of tumor (0/10).Pathological Stage : ypTxN1" 4196,MR1816860,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey yellow linear core measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring invasive lesion in the form of nests, cords and tubules composed of round to oval cells with enlarged pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm. Foci of perineural invasion is seen. Stroma shows desmoplasia and calcification. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump.Invasive carcinoma (NST) of ductal originGrade 2. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 --------Perineural invasion is seen. " 4197,MR1816871,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left axillary nodes - ? metastasis. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left axillary node. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1-2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tumor composed of nests of round to oval cells floating in extracellular pools of mucin. Thee cells show hyperchromatic nucleus ,scant to moderate cytoplasm.There is mild pleomorphism,stroma shows desmoplasia and few lymphoid aggregates. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left axillary node. :Metastatic carcinoma. (Mucinous component) in a known case of carcinoma left breast. " 4198,MR1816877,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast( post lumpectomy)SPECIMEN:A) Left Modified Radical MastectomyB) Left level 3 nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A)Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical mastectomy Laterality :LeftTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :22cm Superficial to Deep :8cm Superior to Inferior :22cmSkin ellipse : 17x10 Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect :Identified 9cm from upper outer quadrant to lower outer quadrantTumor : SingleTumour Size :4x4x4cm Location of tumor : Upper outer - lower outer quadrant Margin of tumor : ill defined Deep margin :0.4cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail :13x6x4cmSize of largest node : 3x1x0.5cm cut surface - grey white fatty infiltration.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.8x2x2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor infiltrating breast parenchyma in the from of sheets composed of pleomorphic round to oval cells with high N/C ratio, vesicular nucleus prominent nucleolus and moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis 2-3/hpf and large areas of necrosis seen. The tumor is seen infiltrating the dermis . Epidermis is free of tumor. Focal foamy histiocytes and foreign body giant cells collection are seen.IMPRESSION:A) Left modified radical mastectomy:Histological type:Residual invasive ductal carcinoma NSTGrade:3Tumor measures maximum dimension 4cm.Invasive component measures 4cm.Modified BR score is9/9.Tubule formation:3. Nuclear pleomorphism: 3.Mitotic figures: 3.Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ Nil.Lymphovascular invasion not identified,Perineural invasion not identified, Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable, tumor infiltrating dermis .Epidermis is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 22 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0(0/22) . B) Left level 3 lymph nodes:All the 3 lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor (0/3).Pathological stage: 9T2N0 SUMMARY: Residual invasive ductal carcinoma NST.Tumor Grade:3Lymph node Status:0/25 ( Left MRM -0/22. left level 3 lymph nodes 0-3)" 4199,MR1816884,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast wide excision, post lumpectomy.B) Revised inferior margin.C) Right axillary nodal tissue.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received wide excision specimen measures 7x4x2cm. Skin ellipse measures 5.3x1.4cm. Serial sections revealed no obvioius lesion. Gray yellow areas measures 0.8x0.6x0.5cm noted close to the inferior margin.Distance from the margin.Superior margin -- 2.2cm.inferior margin -- 0.1cm.Medial margin -- 1.5cm.Lateral margin -- 3.5cm.Deep margin -- 1.8cm.B) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x1cm. One surface inked.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 11x5x1.5cm.Largest measures 1x0.5x0.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show breast parenchyma with areas of fat necrosis, hyalinisation, histiocytic, lymphoid aggregates and foreign body giant cells. Occasional ducts with comedo type necrosis with degenerated tumor cells. No viable tumor cells seen.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast wide excision, post lumpectomy:Very tiny focus showing and ducts with comedo type ductal carcinoma in situ with degenerated tumor cells.No residual invasive carcinoma.No lymphovascular invasion, no perineural invasion.All resected margins including deep margin are free of tumor.B) Revised inferior margin:Free of tumor.C) Right axillary nodal tissue:14 nodes isolated are free of tumor (0/14)." 4200,MR1816886,"CLINICAL HISTORY :A) Right breast lump.B) Left breast lump. SPECIMEN:A) Biopsy from Right breast lump. B) Biopsy from Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.0 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. B) Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section studied from linear cores harbors invasive neoplasm composed of tumor cells arranged in nests and vague acini. The cells have eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm and pleomorphic nuclei with prominent nucleoli occasional cells show prominent nucleoli stroma shows desmoplasia. B) Section studied form linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring tumor cells are arranged in nests in the syncitial like growth pattern. The cells are cuboidal with clear eosinophilic cytoplasm and pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:A) Right breast lump - Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)B) Left breast lump - Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)" 4201,MR1816925,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section reveal breast parenchyma harboring invasive tumor composed of small round to oval cells with high N:c ratio and scant cytoplasm arranged in cords and small nests. These cells show moderate pleomorphism and atypical mitosis. Few cells show intracytoplasmic lumina. Stroma shows hyalinisation desmoplasia and myxoid change. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lump. :Poorly differentiated malignancy.Suggestive of invasive carcinoma with lobular features.Suggest IHC. 4202,MR1816932,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measures 1 to 1.4cm Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring tumor infiltrating in the form of nests and sheets composed of round to oval cells with high N:C ratio hyperchromatic nucleus and scant cytoplasm. Storms shows desmoplasia and myxoid changed IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump. :Invasive carcinoma of ductal origin. Grade-2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 1Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 6/9 -------- 4203,MR1816938,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section reveal linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring invasive tumor in the form of nests and cords of polygonal cells with pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm small foci of necrosis are seen. Stroma shows marked desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump :Invasive carcinoma of ductal origin (NST).Grade - 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 7/9 --------foci of necrosis seen. 4204,MR1816946,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section reveal linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring tumor infiltrating in the form of tubules and nests composed of polygonal cells with high N:C ratio, scant to moderate eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm and moderate pleomorphism stroma shows marked desmoplasia necrotic foci are seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump. :Invasive carcinoma (NST) of ductal origin.Grade 1Modified BR score is 5/9.Tubular formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ...... 5/9 ......" 4205,MR1816949,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast post excision.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast wide excision post lumpectomy.B) Revised lateral margin.C) Hot nodes.D) Hot + Blue node.E) Re revised lateral margins.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 8x6x2cm, skin ellipse measures 5x1cm. Serial sections reveal defect measures 2.5x2.1x1cm. Adjacent areas are fibrotic measures 2x1x1cm.Distance from margins.Superior margin -- 2cm.Inferior margin -- 3cm.Medial margin -- 0.2cm.Lateral margin -- 2.1cm.Deep margin -- 3cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue one surface is inked. Total measures 4x2.5x0.5cm. No lesion identified.C) Received 2 lymph nodes largest measures 1x0.5x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.D) Received 2 lymph nodes largest measures 2.1x2x0.5cm.E) Received flap of fibrofatty tissue measures 4.2x3.2x0.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from the lumpectomy bed show ducts showing solid and cribriform type ductal carcinoma in situ (intermediate grade) and extensive areas of histiocytic aggregates, granuloma and foreign body type giant cells. No residual invasive carcinoma noted.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast post lumpectomy wide excision:Residual Ductal carcinoma in situ solid and comedo type measures 2cm intermediate grade.No residual invasive carcinoma seen.No lymphovascular invasion or perineural invasion noted.Superior, inferior and medial margin is free of tumor.Lateral margins shows ductal carcinoma in situ.B) Revised lateral margin:Shows ductal carcinoma in situ.Sentinel lymph node biopsy (frozen).C) Hot nodes:1 node is free of tumor 0/1.D) Hot + Blue node:2 nodes are free of tumor 0/2.Total 3 nodes free of tumor (0/3).E) Re revised lateral margin:Inked margin is free of tumor." 4206,MR1816954,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN :Biopsy from right breast. GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows linear cores of tumor composed of nests and cords. The tumor cells are round to oval with mild pleomorphism high N:C ratio, hyperchromatic nucleus and scant cytoplasm. Mitosis are sparse. Stroma shows marked desmoplasia. IMPRESSION : Right breast Lump.Invasive carcinoma (NST) ductal origin. Grade - 1. Modified BR score is 5/9.Tubular formationááááááááá :á 3Nuclear pleomorphismá :á 1Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá :á 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á á ......ááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á á 5/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á á ......" 4207,MR1816956,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section reveal linear cores of breast parenchyma with tumor infiltrating as tubules, nests and cords composed of polygonal cells with enlarged hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus and scant to moderate cytoplasm. Atypical mitosis are seen. FOci of solid insitu carcinoma is seen. Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphomononuclear infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump. Invasive carcinoma (NST) of ductal origin.Grade 1 Modified BR score is 5/9.Tubular formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ...... 5/9 ......" 4208,MR1816957,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section reveal linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring tumor infiltrating in the form of nests and cords composed of polygonal cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scant to moderate eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm cells show moderate pleomorphism. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST, of ductal origin. Grade - 2. Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ...... 6/9 ......" 4209,MR1816966,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - BIRADS IV. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show breast parenchyma with focal areas displaying features of useval and atypical ductal hyperplasia. The cells have moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with mild pleomorphic with focal areas showing loss of polarity. No foci of invasive carcinoma seen.á IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :The possibility considered are :1. Usual ductal hyperplasia (UDH) 2. Papillary lesion. áSuggest IHC. " 4210,MR1816968,CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left sentinel lymph node dissection.B) Left mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2.5x1.4cm. Isolated 5 lymph nodes.Largest lymph node measures 1.2x0.8x0.6cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.B) Received in : 10% NBFProcedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral -- 15cm Superficial to Deep -- 7cm Superior to Inferior -- 17cmSkin ellipse : 13x8cm. Unremarkable.Nipple areola : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Absent.Number of tumors : Single.Tumour Size : 1.5x1.3x1cm Location of tumor : Central (Retroareolar)Margins of tumor : infiltrative. Deep margin : 4.5cm from tumor.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Axillary tail : Absent.IMPRESSION:A) Left sentinel lymph node:5 nodes isolated are free of tumor (0/5).B) Left mastectomy:Tumor Bed:Shows tubules and nests of neoplastic cells with moderate cytoplasm vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Areas of necrosis present. Stromal shows necrosis and hyaline change.Histological type:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade: IITumor measures (maximum dimension) 1.5cmInvasive component measures 1.5cmModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation: 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not identified.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Pathological stage: pT1N0.SUMMARY:Invasive ductal carcinoma left breast.Tumor Grade: IILymphnode Status: Sentinel lymph node biopsy(frozen): 5 nodes are free of tumor (0/5). 4211,MR1816992,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in :10% NBF.Procedure : Modified radical mastectomy.Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial to lateral -- 18cm. Superficial to Deep -- 6.5cm. Superior to Inferior -- 18cm.Skin ellipse : 11x6cm. Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Absent.Tumor : Single. Tumour Size : 2.8x2x1cm.Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Illdefined. Deep margin : 3cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Shows areas of fibrosis. Size of largest node : 4.5x2.5x1cm.IMPRESSION:Right modified radical mastectomy:Tumor:Shows sheets, aggregates tubules and nests of tumor cells with moderate cytoplasm, round nuclei with moderate atypia and increased mitosis. Few ducts show solid type ductal carcinoma in situ. There is moderate peritumoral lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.Histological type: Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade: II.Tumor measures 2.8cm in maximum dimension.Invasive component measures 2.3cmDuctal carcinoma in situ measures 0.5cmModified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is present, solid type (intermediate grade).Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 17 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 1 (1/17).Tumor deposit measures 1.2cm. No perinodal spread noted.Pathological stage: pT2N1SUMMARY:Invasive ductal carcinoma, right breast.Tumor Grade: IILymph node Status: 1/17" 4212,MR1816995,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast 2 '0' clock lesion. SPECIMEN :Biopsy from left breast 2 '0' clock lesion.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows tumor cells in cords, tubules and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Large areas of sclerosis seen. IMPRESSION :Biopsy from left breast 2 '0' clock lesion :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4213,MR1817013,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : 10%NBF.Procedure : Left modified radical mastectomy.Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral -- 16cm Superficial to Deep -- 4.5cm. Superior to Inferior -- 20cm.Skin ellipse : 10x6cm.Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Absent.Tumor : Single.Tumor Size : 1.6x1.5x1.4cm.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined. Deep margin : 1.3cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Axillary tail : 8x7x4cm.Size of largest node : 2x1x1cm. Cut surface is grey white.IMPRESSION:Left modified radical mastectomy.Tumor microscopy:Shows nests and tubules of neoplastic cells with moderate eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm vesicular nuclei with moderate pleomorphism. occasional ducts show solid type ductal carcinoma in situ.Histological type: Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade: ITumor measures maximum dimension 1.6cmInvasive component measures 1.3cmDuctal carcinoma in situ measures 0.2cm solid type (Low grade).Modified BR score is 5/9Tubule formation: 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 1Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 14 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 1 node out of 14 nodes. (1/14). Deposit measures 1.3cm.No extranodal spread seen.Pathological stage: pT1N1.SUMMARY:Invasive ductal carcinoma, left breast.Tumor Grade: ILymphnode Status:1 out of 14 nodes isolated show tumor deposit measures 1.3cm.Extranodal spread absent." 4214,MR1817022,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump. SPECIMEN :Biopsy from left breast. GROSS FINDINGS :Received 7 grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Sections studied form linear cores harbors tumor cells arranged in nests, acini and vague tubules. The cells have mildly pleomorphic nuclei with scant eosinophilic vacuolated cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia focal mucin with scattered inflammatory infiltrate.IMPRESSION :Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4215,MR1817026,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump. SPECIMEN :Biopsy from Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS :Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section studied show breast parenchyma harboring invasive neoplasm arranged in glandular pattern, trabecular and cords. The lesional cells are round moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, round hyperchromatic nucleus. Few cells showing prominent nucleoli and intranuclear inclusion. Stroma is desmoplastic and shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltration. Foci of necrosis and hemorrhage noted. IMPRESSION :Biopsy from right lump.Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4216,MR1817064,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as cords and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is elastotic. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump. Invasive carcinoma. Grade - 2.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ...... 7/9 ......" 4217,MR1817070,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from linear cores of breast parenchyma harbors tumor cells arranged in sheets, tubules and nests. The cells have eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm and pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Mitosis is occasional. Adjacent breast parenchyma shows solid ductal carcinoma in situ. Stroma shows desmoplasia with scattered lymphocytes. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lump.Invasive carcinoma - NOS Grade - II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ...... 7/9 ......" 4218,MR1817072,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2 cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump :Shows areas of sclerosis and fibrosis with occasional ductules. No atypia is seen. Suggest repeat biopsy or excision of the lump if clinically indicated.Comment: Deeper sections have been studied. 4219,MR1817076,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show cores of breast tissue harboring invasive neoplasm in sheets, nests and poorly formed glands. The cells show moderate cytoplasm and moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Stroma is hyalinized with focal desmoplastic reaction. IMPRESSION:Left breast biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade - II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ...... 7/9 ......" 4220,MR1817090,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lump :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4221,MR1817121,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Breast conservative surgery wide excision of left breast lump.B) Left sentinel lymph node biopsy.C) Revised lateral margin.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received skin covered soft tissue bits measures 7x6x3cm.Skin ellipse measures 4.5x0.5cm.Distance from the margin:Superior margin -- 1cm.Inferior margin -- 1.2cm.Medial margin -- 1.5cm.Lateral margin -- 0.3cm.Deep margin -- 1cm.Cut surface shows grey white firm illdefined lesion measures 2.5x2x1cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x2cm.Isolated 3 lymph nodes. Largest measures 1.5x1x1cm. Entire tissue processed.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4x2.5x2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the lesion show sheets nests and aggregates of tumor cells with moderate cytoplasm vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli. There is brisk mitosis. Adjacent breast shows solid and comedo type high grade ductal carcinoma in situ. Moderate intra and peritumoral lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate present.IMPRESSION:A) Breast conservative surgery wide excision of left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma (NST).Modified bloom richardson score is 3+2+2=7/9Grade II.Tumor measures 2.5cm in greatest dimension.Invasive component measures 2.1cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ present , high grade, comedo type measures 0.4cm.Lymphovascular invasion is indeterminate.Perineural invasion not identified.All resected margins including deep margin are free of tumor.B) Left sentinel lymph node biopsy:3 nodes isolated are free of tumor 0/3C) Revised lateral margin:Free of tumor.1 lymph node present which is free of tumor 0/1." 4222,MR1817150,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump. SPECIMEN :Biopsy from Left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS :Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :The section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with infiltration of tumor arranged in nests, sheets and tubules. The tumor cells are round to ovoid with high N:C ratio with hyperchromatic ovoid nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Intervening stroma is desmoplastic and elastotic. Dense surrounding lymphocytic infiltrate is seen Foci of necrosis are seen. Comedo type of ductal carcinoma in situ is seen. IMPRESSION :Biopsy form Left breast lump.Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, NST, Grade - 2. Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubular formationá á á á á :á 3Nuclear pleomorphismá :á 2Mitotic figuresáááá á á á á áá :á 2áááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á á á áá ......ááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á á á á á 7/9áááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á á á á á á ......" 4223,MR1817157,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: 4224,MR1817168,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma showing infiltration by tumor arranged in sheets and nests. The tumor cells are round to ovoid with high N:C ratio, hyperchromatic ovoid nuclei with moderate to scant pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. Tumor surrounded recurrent benign ducts. Large areas of necrosis are seen. Intervening desmoplastic stroma is seen. IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade - III.Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubular formationáá á á áá :á 3Nuclear pleomorphism á :á 3Mitotic figuresááá á á á á á á :á 2ááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á á á á áá ......ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9áááááááááááááááááá á á á á á á á á á á ......ááá " 4225,MR1817201,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left Breast Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Hot nodeB) Blue +Hot nodeC) Non Blue Non Hot node.D) Left Mastectomy.E) Revised base GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received single node measures 1x0.5x0.5cm.Cut surface fat infarction seen.B) Received single lymph node measures 1.7x1x0.5cm.Cut surface - grey white homogeneousC) Received fibrofatty tissue ? lymph node measures 0.5x0.4x0.4cm.D)Received in : FormalinProcedure :Mastectomy Laterality :LeftTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral :17cm Superficial to Deep :4.5cm Superior to Inferior :17cmSkin ellipse :17x10cm Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect :AbsentTumor : SingleTumour Size :3x3x2.5cm. Location of tumor :Upper outer quadrant Margin of tumor :Ill defined. Deep margin :0.5cmMuscle : Absent Axillary tail :Entry small part of axillary tail measures 2cm in length. E) Received Single grey brown soft tissue bits measures 1.1x1cm.Suture tight away from tumor.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast lesion show sheets of tumor cells with moderate cytoplasm, pleomorphic vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli n a desmoplastic stroma. The ducts show comedo type . Ductal carcinoma in situ. Adjacent breast show periductal lymphoid infiltrate. Moderate intra and peritumoral lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate noted.IMPRESSION:A) Left sentinel Hot node:One node identified is free of tumor (0/1)B)Left sentinel Blue +Hot node:One node identified is free of tumor (0/1).C) Left Sentinel Non Blue Non Hot node:No node seen only fibrofatty tissue.D)Left Mastectomy:Histological type: Invasive ductal carcinoma Grade:IIITumor measures maximum dimension 3cmInvasive component measures 2.8cmDuctal carcinoma in situ measures 0.2cmModified BR score is 8/9Tubule formation: 3 Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 3Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ Present comedo type ( High grade)Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion not seen Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Sentinel Lymph nodes: 2 lymph nodes, metastasis :0(0/2).E) Revised base muscle : Is free of tumor.Pathological stage: pT2snN0Summary:Invasive ductal carcinoma, left breast. Grade : IIILymph node status : Sentinel nodes biopsy 2 nodes are free of tumor." 4226,MR1817206,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lesion. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1.5 to 0.2cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lesion. :Invasive carcinoma, NST. Grade - 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ------- 8/9 ........." 4227,MR1817220,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear core studied show breast parenchyma harboring lesion arranged in single file growth pattern. Lesion cells have pleomorphic round to oval nucleus with smudgy chromatin, prominent large nucleoli, moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma show desmoplastic change. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lump.Invasive carcinoma. (Grade - II)." 4228,MR1817223,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right sentinel lymph nodes.B) Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3.8x2x1cm.Isolated 2 lymph nodes largest lymph node measures 2x1.5x1cm. Entire tissue processed.B) Received inááá ááá áááá : Formalin.Procedureááá ááá ááá ááá ááá : Mastectomyá áááááááááááá ááá ááá ááá áá Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááá á á á : RightTotal dimensionsááá ááá áá : Medial to lateral -- 25cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep -- 6cm.á áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior -- 21cm.Skin ellipseááá ááá ááá ááá ááá : 13x10cm áá Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á :á Normal ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá ááá ááá Scar/ Surgical defectáááá : NoTumorááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá : SingleTumour Sizeááááááááááááááááá : 2.2x1.5x1cm. á Location of tumorááá ááááá : Upper outer quadrant.Deep marginááá ááá ááá á áá : 2cm.Adjacent Breastááá ááá ááá : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tailááá ááá ááá á á á áá : 9x4x3cm.Size of largest nodeááá á : 2x1.5x1cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltrate.IMPRESSION:A) Right sentinel lymph nodes:One node shows metastatic deposit of tumor out of 2 nodes. 1/2Perinodal spread not present.B) Right modified radical mastectomy.Tumor Bed:The tumor is composed of predominantly ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis.In focal areas invasive ductal carcinoma is present.Histological type: Invasive ductal carcinomaGrade: I.Tumor measures maximum dimension 2.2cmInvasive component measures 1cmDuctal carcinoma in situ measures 1.2cmModified BR score is 5/9Tubule formation: 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 1Mitotic figures: 2Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ Present with comedonecrosis.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 10 lymph nodes, Metastasis: No metastatic deposit of tumor (0/10).Pathological stage: pT1N1.SUMMARY:Invasive ductal carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ comedonecrosis. Right breast.Tumor Grade: I.Lymphnode Status:Sentinel lymph node - One node shows metastatic deposit of tumor out of 2 nodes.Perinodal spread not present.Modified radical mastectomyá = 10nodes.No deposit of tumor.Total number of nodes = one node show metastatic deposit of tumor out of 12 nodes." 4229,MR1817233,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast, core biopsy :GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 0.8 x0.1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests, cords and cribriform pattern. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Large pools of intracellular mucin are seen. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast, core biopsy :Invasive carcinoma with mucinous features, Grade - 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4230,MR1817248,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN :Biopsy from Right breast. GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section studied shows linear cores of fibroadipose tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in nests, trabecular pattern. Lesional cells are round to polygonal with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus. Few are showing intranuclear inclusions. Stroma is desmoplastic and shows congested blood vessels and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. IMPRESSION : Biopsy from Right breast. Invasive carcinoma , NSTModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 ........." 4231,MR1817274,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast, Core biopsy :GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 x 1 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in definite sheets, and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4232,MR1817283,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section show linear cores of breast parenchyma showing infiltration by tumor arranged predominantly in nests and cords. Focaly in tubules .The tumor cells are round to ovoid with enlarged ovoid hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm. Intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump. :Invasive carcinoma with lobular features. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ......... 4233,MR1817285,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast mass - ? Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4234,MR1817298,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear core measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrous tissue with an infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules and focal nests. The cells are oval having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Occasional mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with moderately dense lymphomononuclear infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma,á NST, Grade - 1.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 1Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4235,MR1817304,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white to grey brown linear core measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass. Mucinous neoplasm favor mucinous carcinoma.nuclear grade - 2.áPlease correlate with clinical and imageological findings. 4236,MR1817308,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Neoplastic. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm in cords and nests. The lesional cells are round with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm and moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus. Few cells showing intranuclear inclusion. Stroma is desmoplastic and shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lump :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4237,MR1817320,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 x 0.5 x 0.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma,Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4238,MR1817330,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump :Invading ductal carcinoma, Grade - 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4239,MR1817348,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tumor composed of nests of round to oval cells with high N:C ratio, hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm. Nuclear pleomorphism is marked and mitosis discerned . Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump biopsy :Invasive carcinoma. No Special Type Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 ........." 4241,MR1817368,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows few atypical cells in sheets and tubular pattern. These cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Rest of the tissue shows hyperplastic benign ductules.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy:Shows few atypical cells.Suggest repeat biopsy or excision of the lump for further confirmation." 4242,MR1817377,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from linear cores composed of tumor cells arranged in sheets,trabecular and occasional cells arranged in single file. The cells are mildly pleomorphic, hyperchromatic nucleus with scant cytoplasm. Stroma is desmoplastic with few foci shows hemorrhage and necrosis. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump :Invasive carcinoma NST with lobular features, Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 ........." 4243,MR1817389,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Neoplastic. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4244,MR1817396,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast lump under evaluation ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Right lumpectomy (sent as Frozen).B) Right sentinel Hot node.C) Right sentinel Blue + Hot node.D) Right sentinel Non blue+ Non hot node.E) Right breast lumpectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received wide excision specimen measures 7.2x4.6x3cm.Skin ellipse measures 5x0.7cm.Margins not oriented.Serial section sliced; ill defined greywhite lesion measures 1.5x1.2x1cm.Distance from the closest margin is 1cm.Adjacent breast shows multiple firm to hard areas ? calcications.B) Received single node measures 0.3x0.4x0.9cm. Entire tissue processed.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3.5x3x2cm. No nodes made out. Entire tissue processed.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1x0.5cm. 1 lymph node measures 0.4x0.3x0.3cm. E) MastectomyReceived in : Formalin, 10% NBFProcedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 20cm Superficial - deep : 8cm Superior-inferior : 16cmSkin ellipse : 17x12cmNipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : 6cm.Tumor : No gross tumor seen, lumpectomy bed measures 7x5x4cm.Deep margin : 1.5cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : Absent.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from the lesion show nests, sheets, tubules of tumor cells with abundant to moderate cytoplasm, vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Extensive DCIS, solid and comedo type (High grade) seen in the adjacent breast.IMPRESSION:A) Right lumpectomy (sent as Frozen):Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade IIMBR Score 6/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------------- 6/9 --------------Ductal carcinoma in situ present, solid and comedo type, high grade.Total tumor measures 1.5cm .Invasive component measures 1cm.DCIS measures 0.5cm.Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion not identified.B) Right sentinel Hot node:1 Node is free of tumor (0/1).C) Right sentinel Blue + Hot node: No nodes identified. Only fibrofatty tissue seen.D) Right sentinel Non blue+ Non hot node: 1 node is free of tumor (0/1).Total 2 nodes- Free of tumor (0/2).E) Right breast lumpectomy- Post lumpectomy (Lumpectomy sent as frozen).Small residual tumor measures 0.5cm.Posterior resected margin is free of tumor.Nipple areola is unremarkable.SUMMARY:Right breast, lumpectomy, sentinel node dissection, completion mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IISentinel nodes: 2 Nodes isolated are free of tumor (0/2).Pathological stage : pT1snN0" 4245,MR1817402,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of bilateral breast lumps under evaluation.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast 10 'o' clock lesionB)Left breast 12 'o' clock lesion ,C)Left breast 3 'o' clock lesion.D) Right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received wide excision specimen measures 7x5x3.5cm.Cut surface shows illdefined and solid lesion measures 1.7x1.5x1.3cm.Distance from the margin:Superior margin -- 2cm.Inferior margin -- 0.3cm.Medial margin -- 1.5cm.Lateral margin -- 1cm.Deep margin -- 1cm.B) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1x1cm. External surface is irregular, cut surface is grey yellow. No gross lesion seen.C) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1.8x1cm. External surface is irregular, cut surface is grey yellow. No gross lesion seen.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5x3x2.5cm. External surface is irregular margins are executed.Small cystic areas noted measures 0.6x0.5x0.5cm.Distance from the margins:Superior margin -- 1.2cm.Inferior margin -- 0.6cm.Medial margin -- 1.3cm.Lateral margin -- 2.2cm.Anterior margin -- 0.8cm.Posterior (deep) margin -- 1cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section from the 10 'o' clock lesion show breast parenchyma with multiple ducts showing dilatation, adenosis papillary projections into the lumen with fibrovascular cores. The cells show moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm vesicular nuclei with mild pleomorphism. There is focal paucity `of myoepithelial cells. Apocrine change also noted. Many ducts show luminal secretions. Few foci suspicious of ductal carcinoma in situ and invasion noted.B) Sections from the 12 'o' clock lesion shows breast parenchyma with similar findings described above.C) Sections from the 3 'o' clock lesion also show cystically dilated ducts with papillae. Few ducts show solid type usual ductal hyperplasia.D) Sections from right breast lesion also show extensive fibrocytic disease with few ducts showing papillary hyperplasia and intraductal papilloma.IMPRESSION:A&B&C) Left breast 10 'o' clock, 12 'o' clock, 3 'o' clock lesion:Papillary neoplasm with adjacent fibrocystic changes.Suspicious foci of ductal carcinoma in situ and invasive carcinoma present.Suggest IHC.All resected margins are free of tumor.D) Right breast lesion:Fibrocystic disease with few ducts showing intraductal papilloma.Resected margins are free of tumor.Suggest IHC." 4246,MR1817403,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring neoplasm arranged in solid sheets. A few cell clusters are seen floating in lakes of mucin. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism and have moderate cytoplasm . IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lump. Invasive carcinoma with mucinous features.Grade - 1.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 1Mitotic figuresááááááááááá á áá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á á -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9áááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á áá ......... 4247,MR1817419,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump. :Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á á -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á áá ........." 4248,MR1817471,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast mass :Invasive carcinoma.Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 ......... 4249,MR1817491,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass. SPECIMEN:Right breast lesion, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged predominantly in sheets. The cells are oval having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with moderately dense lymphomononuclear cell infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast lesion, Biopsy. :Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade - 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4251,MR1817527,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrous with an infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and islands. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with moderately dense lymphomononuclear infiltrates and lymphoid aggregates . Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis are seen.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Biopsy:INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 4253,MR1817535,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The sections show linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue with infiltrating tumor arranged in nests and sheets. The tumor cells are round to ovoid with enlarged ovoid hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. Intervening stroma is desmoplastic.á IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Core biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4254,MR1817536,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The sections shows linear cores of breast parenchyma showing tumor infiltrating in follicles, nests and singly lying cells. The tumor cells are round to polygonal with increased N:C ratio, hyperchromatic pleomorphic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Intervening stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade - 1. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 4/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 1Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 4/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4255,MR1817537,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast, wide excision.B) Sentinel hot node.C) Sentinel blue + not node.D) Extrafascial hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo oopherectomy.E) Cystic lesion attached to rectum.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received single skin covered soft tissue bits measures 5.5x5x3cm.Skin ellipse 4.5x1cm. Cut surface grey white firm, ill defined lesion measures 1.5x1.3x1cm.Distance from the margin.Superior margin -- 1cm.Inferior margin -- 1cm.Medial margin -- 1.2cm.Lateral margin -- 0.8cm.Deep margin -- 1cm.B) Received single lymph node measures 1.5x1x1cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltrates. Entire tissue processed.C) Received single lymph node measures 1.6x1x1cm. Cut surface is unremarkable. Entire tissue processed.D) Uterus dimensions: Midline fundal-serosa to ectocervix : 8.5cm.Maximum intercornual : 5cm.Maximum anterior to posterior : 3cm.Cervix Dimentions : 3.0x4cm.Vaginal cuff : Absent.Cervix shape : Normal Right ovary : 1.5x1x0.5cm, unremarkable.Left ovary : 1.5x1x0.5cm, unremarkable.Right fallopian cyst : 1.5x1x0.5cm.Right fallopian tube : 4cm, unremarkable.Left Fallopian tube : 4cm, unremarkable.Right parametrium : 3.5x2x0.5cm.Left parametrium : 3x2x0.5cm.Endometrium description Endometrial thickness : thickened 1cm.Endometrial abnormalities : Polyp measures 3x2x2cm.Myometrium descriptionMyometrial depth : Anterior 1.5cm, Posterior 1.5cm.Lower uterine segment : shows stenosis.E) Received cystic structure with attached fat measures 3x1.5x1cm. Cut surface shows multi loculated cyst wall measures 0.1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sections from the breast lesion show an invasive neoplasm in nests, sheet like and tubular pattern. The cells show moderate cytoplasm vesicular nuclei with moderate pleomorphism and increased mitosis. There is adjacent comedo type ductal carcinoma in situ.B) Sections from hot lymph nodes show reactive hyperplasia.C) Section from blue + hot node show reactive hyperplasia.D) Section from the endometrial polyp show complex glands of varying shapes and sizes with columnar cells showing loss of polarity, nuclear atypia, vesicular chromatin and prominent nucleoli. Adjacent endometrium shows similar features. Cervix and lower uterine segment are unremarkable. Isolated tubules and ovaries show physiological changesE) Shows fibrocollagenous tissue with cystically dilated ducts lined by ciliated columnar cells with ovarian like stroma. No atypia seen. IMPRESSION:A) Right breast, wide excision:Invasive ductal carcinoma (NST).Modified bloom richardson score is 3+2+2 = 7/9, grade II.Tumor measures 1.5cm in greatest dimension.Invasive carcinoma measures 1cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ present. Comedo type high grade measuring 0.5cm.Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion not identified.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Sentinel hot node:1 node is free of tumor 0/1.C) Sentinel blue + not node:1 node is free of tumor 0/1.D) Extrafascial hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo oopherectomy:Suggestive of endometrial polyp showing atypical hyperplasia (Suggest IHC).No evidence of invasion.Cervix and lower uterine segment are unremarkable Bilateral tubes and ovaries are unremarkable.E) Cystic lesion attached to rectum:Suggestive of paratubal cyst. No evidence of malignancy." 4256,MR1817555,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from linear cores of lesional tissue harbors tumor cells arranged predominantly in sheets, nests and vague tubules. The cells are pleomorphic with increased N:C ratio, large, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and scant cytoplasm. Occasional cells show prominent nucleoli. Brisk atypical mitosis and comedonecrosis seen. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphomononuclear infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast mass. Invasive carcinoma NOS (Grade - III)Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 8/9Areas of comedonecrosis seen. ........." 4257,MR1817573,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4258,MR1817591,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast, Post NACT.SPECIMEN:Left Modified Radical Masectomy, Post NACT.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions :Medial to lateral :18cm Superficial to Deep :4cm Superior to Inferior:16cmSkin ellipse : 15x10.5cmNipple : Excoreated nipple Scar/ Surgical defect :IdentifiedTumor : Grossly tumor identified . Larger ill defined fibrotic areas seen measures 1x0.8x0.5cm, superior lateral measures 6.5cmDeep margin :2cmMuscle : 2x1x0.5cmAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 11x4x2.5cmSize of largest node :1x1x1cm cut surface - grey brownIMPRESSION:Left modified radical mastectomy Post NACT:Tumor bed:Section shows infilt4rating neoplasm arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei. Scant cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates and fibrosis. Admixed ductal carcinoma in situ solid type noted.Histological type: Focus of 'Residual viable invasive ductal carcinoma with surrounding tissue shows fibrosis, lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate and adenosis.Tumor measures maximum dimension 1 cm.Invasive component measures0.6 cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.4 cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ is solid pattern.Lymphovascular invasion is not seen.Perineural invasion is not identified. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 12 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0(0/12) . SUMMARY: Left modified radical mastectomy Post NACT.Residual viable invasive ductal carcinoma.Lymphnode Status:0/12.Pathological stage : yPT1N0" 4259,MR1817621,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from lesional tissue compose of tumor cells arranged in sheets. Vague trabecular and nests. The cells are large hyperchromatic nucleoli and scant cytoplasm. Brisk atypical mitosis and focal necrosis seen. Stroma shows myxoid change. Lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates with desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass.Invasive carcinoma NOS, Grade - III.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 8/9 ........." 4260,MR1817623,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Left breast Post NACTSPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy, Post NACTGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified radical mastectomy Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions :Medial to lateral :27cm Superficial to Deep :10cm Superior to Inferior:23cmSkin ellipse : 21x16cm Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect :AbsentTumor : No obvious identified grossly.Fibrotic area measures 1.6x1.3x1cm noted in 1 clock position Deep margin :5cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 12x6x4cmSize of largest node :1.2x1x0.5cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show breast parenchyma with sheets and aggregates of foamy histiocytes, dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate against a fibrotic background.IMPRESSION:Left modified radical mastectomy, Post NACT:No residual tumor identified.Therapy related changes seen.Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not seenLymphovascular emboli are not identified Perineural invasion is not identified Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 13 lymph nodes, Metastasis:0(0/13) . SUMMARY: Left modified radical mastectomy, post NACT.(ypT0N0)No residual tumor identified.Lymphnode Status:0/13." 4261,MR1817634,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN :Biopsy from left breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS :Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION : Left breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4262,MR1817645,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring invasive neoplasm arranged in glandular pattern, trabecular and cords. The lesional cells are round to polygonal with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, round hyperchromatic nucleus some cells showing intranuclear inclusions. Mitotic figures are noted. Stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4263,MR1817679,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy, post NACT.GROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááááá : 10% NBF.Procedureááá ááá ááá ááá : Right modified radical mastectomy, post NACT.Lateralityááá ááá ááá áá áá : Right.Total dimensionsáááááá : Medial to lateral -- 18cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep -- 6cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á Superior to Inferior -- 12cm.Skin ellipseááá ááá ááá áá :12x5cm.Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá ááááá : Normal áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá ááá ááá Scar/ Surgical defect : Absent.Tumorááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá : Single.Tumor Size á á á á á á : 1x0.8x0.6cm. ááááá Location of tumorááá á : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumorááá áá : Illdefined. ááááá Deep marginááá ááá áááá : 1.5cm.Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááááá : Absent Adjacent Breastááá áááá : Fibrofatty tissue. áááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá ááá : 7x7x3cm.Size of largest nodeáá : 2x1.2x1cm. Cut surface is deposit seen.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show breast parenchyma with an infiltrating lesion having cells in sheets. Cells have moderate cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic to vesicular nuclei with prominent macronucleoli. Atypical mitosis discerned (2-3/hpf). Stroma is desmoplastic with moderate lymphomononuclear infiltrate and hemosiderin laden macrophages.IMPRESSION:Right modified radical mastectomy, post NACT:Histological type: Residual viable tumor present, invasive carcinoma, NST.Grade:IIITumor measures maximum dimension 1cmInvasive component measures 1cmModified BR score is 8/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 3Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is absent.Lymphovascular invasion is absent.Perineural invasion is absent.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 20 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0 (0/20).Pathological stage: ypT1N0SUMMARY:Residual viable tumor present, invasive carcinoma, NST.Tumor Grade: IIILymphnode Status: 20nodes. No metastatic deposit of tumor." 4264,MR1817681,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in glands, trabecular and nests. The lesional cells are round with moderate eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm and pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Some cells are showing intranuclear inclusion. Mitotic figures are discernible stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass Biopsy :Invasion ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2). " 4265,MR1817697,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.3 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm, arranged in lobules, trabecular and cords. The lesion cells are round to ovoid with scant eosinophilic cytoplasm and moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus. Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. Extensive areas of hyalinisation and myxoid areas noted. IMPRESSION:Right breast Biopsy :Invasion carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). " 4266,MR1817708,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear core measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma nodule showing adenosis with intervening myxoid stroma. Occasional ducts show multi laying and intraluminal micro papillary resections. The nuclei are enlarged, pleomorphic hyperchromasia with moderate amount of cytoplasm. Few ducts are distended with lumen filled with atypical ductal epithelial cells. Occasional such ducts show central comedo necrosis. A few atypical cells are seen in cords. á IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lump. Small focus of high grade ductal carcinoma in situ. Needs larger tissue to exclude definite invasive component. " 4267,MR1817723,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Lumpectomy.B) Sentinel node.C) Sentinel node.D) Right mastectomy.E) Axillary clearance.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received single skin covered fibrofatty tissue measures 4x3x2cm.Skin ellipse measures 3x1.5cm.Cut surface show lesion measures 0.5x0.4cm.B) Received single lymph node measures 0.6x0.5x0.5cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4x3.5x1.5cm.4 lymph nodes isolated.Largest measures 1.5x0.6x0.5cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.D) Received inááá ááá áááá : 10% NBF.Procedureááá ááá ááá ááá áá : Right mastectomy.Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááá áááá : Right.Total dimensionsááá ááá á : Medial to lateral -- 24cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep -- 19cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior -- 5cm.Skin ellipseááá ááá ááá áá áá : 15x10cm show defect measures 4x2.5cm. Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á : Normal ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá ááá áááá Scar/ Surgical defectáá : Lympectomy bed present measures 4x4x3cm.Tumorááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áááá : Single.Tumour Sizeááááááááááááááá : Well circumscribed nodules seen subcutaneosly in nipple areolar region measures 0.5x0.5x0.5cm. Cut surface of nodules grey white to yellowish. Distance between two nodules - 0.2 cmááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá áá : 4cm.Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á : Absent Adjacent Breastááá á á áá : Fibrofatty tissue. ááá E) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 10x7x5cm.Largest measures 1.5x0.8x0.5cm. Cut surface is grey white.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show breast parenchyma with an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in cords and trabecular. Cells have scant to moderate cytoplasm with pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Atypical mitotic figures are discerned (3-4/hpf). Intensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ (solid, comedo) with intermediate nuclear grade noted.IMPRESSION:A) Lumpectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma with extensive ducal carcinoma in situ (solid, comedo).B,C) Sentinel node:One out of three shows metastatic deposit (1/3).D) Right mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 1.8cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central quadrant. Invasive carcinoma measures 0.8cm. Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 1cm.Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is present (solid, comedo, cribriform, papillary) intermediate nuclear grade.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Total Lymph nodes: 15 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 1 (1/15). 3 sentinel nodes. - one of them shows metastatic deposit (1/3).E) Axillary clearance:All 12 nodes isolated are free of tumor (0/12).Pathological stage: pT1N1" 4268,MR1817735,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left sentinel node dissection.B) Left modified radical mastectomy, Post lumpectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4x3x2cm.3 lymph nodes isolated largest measures 1x0.5x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration seen. Entire tissue processed B) Received in : 10%NBFProcedure : modified radical mastectomy, Post lumpectomy.Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral -- 28cm. Superficial to Deep -- 6cm. Superior to Inferior -- 26cm.Skin ellipse : 13x8.5cm. (skin retraction in lower outer quadrant). Nipple : Normal Tumor : Single.Tumour Size : 3.9x2.5x2.4cm(solid grey white firm with cystic change).Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Infiltration. Deep margin : 1.3cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 5x4x2cm.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows grey brown homogeneous.IMPRESSION:A) Left sentinel node dissection:3 nodes are free of tumor.B) Left modified radical mastectomy, Post lumpectomy:Tumor Bed:Shows fat necrosis, lymphohistiocytic infiltrate and giant cell reaction. No residual tumor seen.Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not identified.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 11 lymph nodes, Metastasis: no metastasis (0/11).SUMMARY: Left modified radical mastectomy, Post lumpectomy:No residual tumor seen, Lymph node Status: Sentinel node dissection - 3 nodes are free of tumor 0/3. Axillary dissection - 11 nodes are free of tumor 0/11.Total 14 nodes are free of tumor." 4269,MR1817747,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear core measures 0.8 to 0.1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.á - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6 (3+2+1)." 4270,MR1817765,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear core measures 0.5 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring an neoplasm arranged in glandular pattern, nests, trabecular. The lesional cells are round with abundant pale eosinophilic cytoplasm, round to ovoid nucleus. Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. Perineural invasion is identified. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass Biopsy :Invasion ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2). - Perineural invasion is identified. - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified." 4271,MR1817784,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey yellow linear core measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in clumps and nests the neoplastic cells shows moderate cytoplasm pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Few cells show apocrine change. Tumor infiltrates adipose tissue. Stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade - 2. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4272,MR1817795,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4273,MR1817798,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 multiple grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass :Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 1Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á ........." 4274,MR1817802,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring invasive neoplasm arranged in solid nests and vague glandular pattern. Individual cells have moderate eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm, round hyperchromatic nucleus and few cells showing prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are noted. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass: Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 4275,MR1817804,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring invasive neoplasm arranged in diffuse sheets, glandular pattern. The cells are polygonal with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic central to eccentrically placed hyperchromatic nucleus. Mitotic figures are seen. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 4277,MR1817814,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left wide local excision.B) Sentinel lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received in : 10% NBF.Procedure : Left wide local excision.Laterality : Left.Total dimensions : 7x5.5x5cm.Skin ellipse : 5x1cm. Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Absent.Tumor : SingleTumor size : 1.5x1x1cm.Deep margin : 0.5cm. Muscle : Absent.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Total number of nodes : 2 Sentinel nodes.Size of largest node : 1.5x0.5x0.5cm.Distance from the margin :Superior margin : 2cm.Inferior margin : 2.5cm.Medial margin : 3cm.Lateral margin : 3.5cm.Deep margin : 0.5cm.B) Received 2 lymph nodes.Largest measures 1.5x0.5x0.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show breast parenchyma with tumor infiltrating in the form of tubules, nests and cords composed of polygonal cells with moderate pleomorphism high N:C ratio, vesicular nucleus and prominent nucleolus. Mitosis are sparse. Necrosis is not seen. Stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Left breast, wide local excision.Histological type: Invasive ductal carcinoma NST.Grade: 1Tumor measures maximum dimension 1.5cm.Invasive component measures 1.2cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures0.3cm.Modified BR score is 5/9Tubule formation: 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 1Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is solid type.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Superior, inferior, medial and lateral margins are free from the tumor.Pathological stage: pT1snN0SUMMARY:Invasive ductal carcinoma NST, Left breast.All resected margins are free from the tumor.Tumor Grade: 1Sentinel lymph nodes : 0/2B) Sentinel lymph nodes:2 lymph nodes are isolated and free of tumor." 4279,MR1817835,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Neoplastic. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1x1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of congest parenchyma harboring in invasive neoplasm in nests and trabecular the neoplastic cells show eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm round hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate pleomorphism and prominent nucleoli stroma is desmoplastic there is mild peritumoral lymphocytic infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump.Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 ........." 4280,MR1817839,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measures 0.5 to 1cm Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section cores of fibro adipose tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in sheets trabecular. The neoplastic cells shows with defined cell borders moderate cytoplasm round hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Few cells show plasmacytoid appearance.á IMPRESSION:Left breast lump Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma (NST)Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ......... 4281,MR1817855,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Known case of carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast wide excision, post lumpectomy status.B) Revised inferior margin.C) Left level I,II nodes.D) Left level III axillary GROSS FINDINGS:A) Left breast wide excision, post lumpectomy status:Received globular mass measures 7.5x7.3x4cm.Vague ill defined measures 0.8x0.5x0.2cm. Grey white nodule.Distance from margins:-Superior margin : 2.5cm.Inferior margin : 1cm.Medial margin : 2cm.Lateral margin : 3cm.Deep margin : 1.5cm.B) Revised inferior margin:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4x2.5x2cm.One is inked surface.C) Left level I,II nodes:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 8x6x2cm.D) Left level III axillary:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1.5x1x0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from the lesion show residual invasive carcinoma in nests and cords composed of cells with moderate cytoplasm round hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Adjacent breast shows solid, papillary and cribriform type high grade DCIS.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast wide excision, post lumpectomy status:Residual Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified BR score (3+2+2)= 7/9. Grade IITumor measures 0.8cm in greatest dimension.DCIS is of solid, cribriform and papillary type0.5cm, high grade.Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion is identified.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Revised inferior margin: Free of tumor.C) Left level I,II nodes:12 nodes are free of tumor (0/12).D) Left level III axillary:2 nodes are free of tumor (0/2)." 4282,MR1817887,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump -? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring invasive tumor in the form of nests and focal cribriform pattern. The cells are round to plasmacytoid with moderate pale to dense eosinophilic cytoplasm and enlarged hyperchromatic nucleus. Nuclear pleomorphic is mild and mitosis are space. Stroma shows desmoplasia occasional duct shows cystic change. Foci of ductal carcinoma in situ are seen. IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma. MBR score (3+1+1)=5/9. Grade - II. " 4284,MR1817909,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:A) Right modified radical mastectomy.B) Rotters lymph nodes.C) Level III lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received in : 10% NBF.Procedure : Right modified radical mastectomy.Laterality : Right.Total dimensions : Medial to lateral -- 19cm. Superficial to Deep -- 5cm. Superior to Inferior -- 17cm.Skin ellipse : 10x7cm. Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Absent.Tumor : Single.Tumour Size : 4x2x2cm. Location of tumor : Upper lower quadrant to upper outer quadrant. Margins of tumor : Irregular. Deep margin : 0.6cm.Muscle : Present.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 12x7x2.5cmSize of largest node : 2.8x2x1cm. Cut surface show grey white.B) Received 2 lymph nodes.Largest measures 1.5x0.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1.2x0.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:A) Right modified radical mastectomy.Tumor Bed:Shows nests cords and tubules of pleomorphic cells with abundant cytoplasm large vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Few ducts show cribriform and comedo ductal carcinoma in situ high grade.Histological type: Invasive ductal carcinoma, NST.Tumor measures maximum dimension 4cmInvasive component measures 3.5cmDuctal carcinoma in situ measures 0.5cmModified BR score is 8/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 3Mitotic figures: 2Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is present, cribriform and comedo type high grade.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 26 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 10 (10/26).Largest deposit measures 1.2cm.Perinodal spread present.B) Rotters lymph nodes:Shows skeletal muscle with involvement by tumor.No nodes identified.C) Level III lymph nodes:No nodes seen. Only fibrofatty tissue.Pathological stage: pT2N3SUMMARY:Invasive ductal carcinoma, NST. Right breast.Tumor Grade: IIILymphnode Status: 10/26 with perinodal spread present." 4285,MR1817912,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of lesional tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm composed of tumor cells arranged in tubules, nests and scattered individual cells. The cells have scant cytoplasm and hyperchromatic irregular nucleus. Foci of solid ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis seen. Stroma shows focal myxoid change with dense desmoplasia with lot of crush artifacts. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump.Invasive carcinoma NOS with slid ductal carcinoma in situ Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 6/9 ........." 4286,MR1817915,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied form linear cores of lesional tissue compose of tumor cells arranged in vague tubules, nests and scattered isolated cells. The cells have scant cytoplasm large pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Brisk atypical mitosis noted.Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump :Invasive carcinoma NOS Grade - III. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 3Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4287,MR1817922,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion. SPECIMEN:Left breast biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear core measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in nests trabecular and focal tubules. The cells show moderate cytoplasm pleomorphic nucleoli with moderate atypia and increased mitosis.stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Left breast biopsy :Invasive carcinoma (NST)Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 ......... 4288,MR1817943,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Possibility of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from linear core of lesional tissue composed atypical cells composed of variably dilated ducts. The cells are arranged in sheets having scant eosinophilic cytoplasm and round to oval hyperchromatic mildly pleomorphic nucleus. The ducts are lined by myoepithelial cells. Foci of invasive carcinoma is also seen. Composed of nests of atypical cells having scant cytoplasm and hyperchromatic irregular nucleus. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump - Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NOS grade II With solid ductal carcinoma in situ.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 ......... 4289,MR1817993,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from linear ores of lesional tisue harbors an invasive neoplasm with cells arranged predominantly in sheets and in nests. The cells are have increase N:C ratio, pleomorphic with moderate amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm and large, irregular overlapping hyperchromatic nucleus. Brisk atypical mitosis noted. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast mass.Invasive carcinoma - NOS, Grade - II. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4290,MR1818002,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from linear cores of lesional tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm composed of tiny foci of tumor cells arranged in nests and scattered isolated cells. The cells are irregular with scant cytoplasm and large hyperchromatic nuclei stroma shows large areas dense desmoplasia with scattered lymphocytes .IMPRESSION:Left breast mass - Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma nuclear grade - II.In view of tiny foci of tumor tissue.Suggest repeat biopsy to do IHC. 4291,MR1818025,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast, wide local excision.Left sentinel lymph node biopsy.B) Blue + Hot node.C) Hot node.D) Additional sentinel nodeGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measures 9x6x6cm.Skin ellipse 6x2cm.Cut surface shows grey white to grey yellow well circumscribed tumor 2x1x1cm.B) Isolated 2 lymph nodes, largest measures 2x1.5x1cm.Distance from the margins:Superior margin -- 2cm.Inferior margin -- 4cm.medial margin -- 3cm.Lateral margin -- 2.5cm.Deep margin -- 1cm.C) Received 2 lymph nodes. Largest measures 0.8x0.5x0.5cm.Cut surface is unremarkable. Entire tissue processed.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3.5x2x0.5cm.Isolated ? lymph node single largest measures 0.5x0.2x0.2cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from the lesion show partially circumscribed neoplasm in diffuse sheets and trabeculae. The cells show illdefined cell borders moderate cytoplasm and prominent nucleoli. There is moderate peritumoral lymphocytic infiltrate. Adjacent breast show small foci of solid type ductal carcinoma in situ.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast, wide local excision:Invasive carcinoma with medullary features.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+3+3=9/9. Grade III.Tumor measures 2cm in greatest dimension.Small focus of ductal carcinoma in situ solid type high grade noted measures 0.3cm.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is not identified.All resected margins are free of tumor.Left sentinel lymph node biopsy.B) Blue + Hot node:1 out of 2 nodes show metastasis measures 0.2cm. No perinodal spread (1/2).C) Hot node:2 nodes are free of tumor (0/2).D) Additional sentinel node:1 node isolated is free of tumor (0/1)." 4292,MR1818028,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrous tissue with an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and islands. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few.Mitotic figures are (9-10/10hpf) discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass :Invasive carcinoma, NST Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9, Grade II.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 .............. 7/9 ................" 4293,MR1818050,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass. SPECIMEN :Biopsy from right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS :Received 6 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section reveal linear core of breast parenchyma harboring an invasive tumor composed of tubules lined by cuboidal to columnar cells with high N:C ratio and moderate cytoplasm. Focal cribriform pattern is seen. Foci of ? ductal carcinoma in situ is seen. Mitosis are sparse nuclear pleomorphism is mild. Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphomononuclear infiltrate. IMPRESSION :Biopsy from right breast mass.Invasive ductal carcinoma (NST). Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3/9, Grade I.Tubule formation : 1Nuclear pleomorphism : 1Mitotic figures : 1 ........... 3/9 ............" 4294,MR1818054,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring invasive tumor in the nests. Composed of round to oval cells with pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus and scant to moderate cytoplasm. Atypical mitosis and foci of necrosis seen. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast mass.Invasive ductal carcinoma (NST). Grade - 3. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááá á á á : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á áá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á áá 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á ááá ........ 4295,MR1818055,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? neoplastic. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section reveal linear core of breast parenchyma harboring invasive tumor composed of sheets, cords, and occasional nests composed of round to oval cells with high N:C ratio, scant to moderate cytoplasm. The cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism and mitosis 8-10/hpf. Foci of solid ductal carcinoma in situ are seen. Stroma shows lymphomononuclear infiltrate and lymphoid aggregates. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump biopsy :Invasive carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ. Grade - 2. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááá á áá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á ááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á á 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á áá .........Suggest IHC. " 4296,MR1818056,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass. SPECIMEN :Biopsy from left breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section reveal linear core of breast parenchyma harboring invasive tumor in the form of nests sheets and focal micropapillary pattern. The cells are round to oval with hyperchromatic nucleus and scant to moderate cytoplasm. Nuclear plemorphism is mild and mitosis are 2-3/10hpf. Large foci of necrosis are seen. Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphomononuclear infiltrate. IMPRESSION :Biopsy from Left breast mass.Invasive ductal carcinoma (NST). Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9, Grade II.Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ............ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááá ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ............." 4297,MR1818071,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Right breast with axillary lymphatics.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : 10% NBFProcedure : MRMLaterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :-Medial-lateral : 15cm Superficial - deep : 3cm Superior-inferior : 11.5cmSkin ellipse : 11.5x7.5cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Scar measures 3cm in upper outer quadrant.Tumor : SingleTumor size : 2x1x1cm.Location of tumor : Retro areolar region measures.Deep margin : 0.5cm.Muscle : Absent.Axillary tail : 5x4x2cm.Size of largest node : 1x0.5x0.5cm.IMPRESSION:Right breast with axillary lymphatics :Sections from the tumor shows clumps, groups of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. Ductal carcinoma in situ present.Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Tumor measures maximum dimension 2.0cm.Invasive component measures 1.2cm.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : 0.8cm.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubular formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Present with comedonecrosis.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin : Free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 12 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0, (0/12).Pathological stage : pT1N0.SUMMARY:Right breast with axillary lymphatics Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Lymph node status: 12 Nodes - No deposits of tumor 0/12." 4298,MR1818097,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN :Left breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 0.8 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied show from linear cores of lesional tissue harbors an invasive neoplasm arranged in sheets. The cells have scant eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm and large irregular vesicular nucleus with eosinophilic prominent nucleoli. Brisk atypia. mitosis noted stroma shows extensive desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Left breast lump. Invasive carcinoma NOS Grade - II. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism á : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááá á á á : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4299,MR1818106,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1x1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from linear cores of lesional tissue composed of tumor cells arranged in sheets, nests and scattered isolated cells. The cells are large irregular with scant cytoplasm and large hyperchromatic irregular nuclei. Brisk atypical mitosis noted. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphocytic infiltrates. Foci of solid ductal carcinoma is also noted. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass. Invasive carcinoma - NOS, Grade - 3With solid ductal carcinoma in situ. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 8/9 ........." 4300,MR1818129,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast, biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. :MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrous tissue with an infiltrating lesion arranged predominantly in sheets and islands. The cells are large pleomorphic having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus and inconspicuous nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade - 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 3Mitotic figuresááááááááááá á áá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á áá á 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á áá ........." 4301,MR1818137,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast, wide local excision.B) Sentinel node dissection.C) Hot node.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received skin covered soft tissue mass measures 12x7x5cm.Skin ellipse 7x2.5cm. Surface shows shows grey white ill defined nodule measures 2.5x2x1.8cm.Distance from the margin:Superior margináááááááá -- 1.5cm.Inferior margináááááááááá -- 1.8cm.Medial marginááááááááááá -- 2cm.Lateral marginááááááááááá -- 1.5cm.Deep marginááááááááááááá -- 0.3cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x2x1cm.Isolated 2 lymph nodes, largest measures 1.2x1x1cm. Cut surface is unremarkable. Entire tissue processed.C) Received 2 lymph nodes, largest measures 2x1x1cm.Cut surface shows fatty infiltration. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the lesion show viable tumor arranged in nests and tubules in a myxoid and mucoid stroma. The tubules are lined by cuboidal to columnar cells with moderate cytoplasm vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli. These are areas of calcification and necrosis noted. Occasional ducts shows solid type intermediate grade ductal carcinoma in situ. Focal areas show tumor cells floating in pools of mucin.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast, wide local excision:Invasive ductal carcinoma with mucinous carcinoma features (60%).Tumor measures 2.5cm.Modified bloom richardson score is 3+2+1 =6/6. Grade II.Invasive component measures 2.2cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ present low grade measures 0.3cm.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Sentinel node dissection:Blue + hot node.2 nodes are free of tumor (0/2).C) Hot node:2 nodes are free of tumor (0/2).Total 4 nodes are free of tumor (0/4)." 4303,MR1818199,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN :A) Left breast wide excision. B,C) Left breast carcinoma. GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received skin increased fibro fatty measures 6x4x3cm. Skin ellipse measures 5x1cm. Cutsurface grey white tumor measures 2x1.5x1cm. Entire tissue processed. Distance from margins :Superior margin : 0.8cmInferior margin : 1.5cmMedial margin : 3.5cmLateral margin : 4cmDeep margin :1.5cmB) Received single lymph node 2.5x1x0.5cm. Cutsurface fatty infiltration. Entire tissue processed. C) Received single lymph node measures 1.2x0.8x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Sections from the breast lesion show tumor cells in nests, trabeculae and cribriform tubules in a desmoplastic stroma. The cells are columnar showing moderate cytoplasm round nuclei with moderate pleomorphism and increased mitosis. Few occasional ducts show ductal carcinoma in situ, solid (Intermediate grade).IMPRESSION :A) Left breast wide local excision. Invasive ductal carcinoma (NST), Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+2)=7/9Tumor measures 2cm in greatest dimensionDuctal carcinoma insitu is seen, solid type intermediate grade. All resected margins including deep margin are free of tumor. Lymphovascular invasion not identified. Perineural invasion is not identified. Left sentinel node decision. B)Hot nodes isolated is free of tumor 0/1C) Blue + Hot note : 1 node isolated is free of tumor 0/1. " 4304,MR1818204,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 linear core measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.á MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of lesional tissue harboring invasive neoplasm arranged in sheets and forming vague tubules and nests. The cells are pleomorphic with scant cytoplasm and large irregular hyperchromatic nucleus. Occasional cells show prominent eosinophilic nucleoli. Brisk atypical mitosis noted. Stroma shows scattered lymphocytic infiltration with desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump - Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma - NOS, Grade - III.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 3Mitotic figuresááááááááááá á áá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á á -------áááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á áá á 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á áá á ........." 4305,MR1818211,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast lump, wide local excision.B) Re excised deep margin.C) Right sentinel lymph node dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 6x4x2cm.Cut surface shows illdefined grey white lesion measures 1.5x1x1cm.Distance from the margin:Superior margináá -- 0.8cm.Inferior margináááá -- 1cm.Medial marginááááá -- 1.3cm.Lateral marginááááá -- 1.3cm.Deep marginááááááá -- 0.3cm.B) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x1cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.C) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue altogether measures 3x2x2cm.Largest lymph node measures 2x1.5x1cm.Cut surface fatty infiltration seen. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section studied shows breast parenchyma showing extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ arranged in papillary solid, cribriform and comedo pattern. The cells are round with moderate cytoplasm, and moderately pleomorphic nucleus. Stroma shows mild inflammatory infiltrates and congested blood vessels. All the resected margins are free of tumor.B) Revised deep margin is free of tumor.C) Sections from right sentinel lymph nodes show 6 lymph nodes. None show metastatic deposits of tumor (0/6).IMPRESSION:A) Right breast lump, wide local excision:High grade ductal carcinoma in situ papillary, solid, cribriform and comedo pattern.Nuclear grade III.The lesion measures 1.5cm in greatest dimension.No lymphovascular invasion seen.No perineural invasion seen.All the resected margins are free of tumor.Adjacent breast shows intraductal papilloma.B) Re excised deep margin:Free of tumor.C) Right sentinel lymph node dissection:Identified six lymph nodes. None show metastatic deposits of tumor (0/6)." 4306,MR1818252,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 0.5 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from linear cores of lesional tissue harbors an invasive neoplasm arranged in sheets and clusters. The cells are large pleomorphic with abundant pale eosinophilic clear cytoplasm and large irregular hyperchromatic clear cytoplasm and large irregular hyperchromatic nuclei. Brisk atypical mitosis seen. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump - Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma - NOS, Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 ........." 4307,MR1818277,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of carcinoma right breast - post MRM.SPECIMEN:Right parasternal subcutaneous nodule, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear core measures 1.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows tumor cells in sheets, nests and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right parasternal subcutaneous nodule, Biopsy:Suggestive of metastatic tumor deposit in known and treated case of carcinoma right breast. " 4308,MR1818287,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 0.1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows tumor cells in sheets, nests and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 4309,MR1818306,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma showing marked hyalinization and scant tumor infiltrating in nests, cords and tubules. The tumor cells are round to ovoid with enlarged hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate to scant cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Right breast linear core biopsy. Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade - 1.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 4/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 1Mitotic figuresááááááááááá á áá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á áá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 4/9ááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á ááá ........." 4310,MR1818307,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Gastric Growth.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white mucosa bits altogether measures 1x0.6x0.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show fragments of gastric mucosa with tumor cell arranged as diffuse sheets and focal glandular pattern. The tumor cells are polygonal with vesicular pleomorphic nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Atypical mitosis are seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Gastric Growth:Positive for malignancy.Suggestive of Poorly differentiated carcinoma.? Primary.?? Metastasis.Suggest further workup." 4311,MR1818309,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey linear core measures 1.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring neoplasm arranged in cords and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm Foci of high grade ductal carcinoma in situ (comedo pattern) seen. IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, Right breast grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á á -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4312,MR1818324,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1x1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump. High grade ductal carcinoma in situ with small focus suspicious of invasion. 4313,MR1818340,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right Breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right Breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.B) Intramammary lymph node/? satellite lesion adjacent to primary.GROSS FINDINGS:A)Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy. Laterality : Right. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :21cm. Superficial to Deep :5.5cm. Superior to Inferior :19cm.Skin ellipse : 14 x 9 cm. Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Absent.Tumor : Single.Tumour Size : 3.5 x 3 x 2 cm. Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrant. Margin of tumor : Illdentified. Deep margin : 2 cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail :10 x 6 x 2 cm.Size of largest node : 2 x 1.5 x 1 cm cut surface deposit seen.Representative sections are submitted. B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1.5 x 1 x 0.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.Cut surface grey white MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells sheets, nests and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm, lymphovascular invasion is identified perineural invasion is indeterminate IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Right modified Radical Mastectomy:INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). - Tumor is located in the lower outer quadrant. - Tumor measures 3.5 cm in greatest dimension. - Lymphovascular invasion is identified. - Perineural invasion is indeterminate. - Posterior resection margins is free of tumor. - Nipple and areola are free tumor.Lymph nodes:Sixteen out of twenty are lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposits with extranodal extension(16/21). - Size of the largest tumor deposit measures 1.4cm in greatest dimension.B) Intramammary lymph node/? satellite lesion adjacent to primary:Shows tumor deposit measuring 0.6 cm in greatest dimension." 4314,MR1818377,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Left breast biopsy. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, tubules and cords. The cells are oval having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows extensive desmoplasia with dense lymphomononuclear infiltrates. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lump. Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade - 1.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 5/9 ........." 4315,MR1818382,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 linear core measures 1 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of poorly processed tissue with marked crushing artifacts. No definite opinion possible in view of marked crushing artifact.á IMPRESSION:Right breast lump :Inadequate for evaluation with extensive crush artifact. Suggest repeat biopsy. 4317,MR1818392,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left infraclavicular mass - ? deposit. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left infraclavicular mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear core measures 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left infraclavicular mass :Invasive carcinoma suggestive of ductal origin in a known case of carcinoma breast. 4318,MR1818398,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Possibility of Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Left breast, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 linear core measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, islands and sheets of atypical oval cells pleomorphic nucleus and prominent nucleoli is few. Stroma is desmoplastic with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade - 2. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááá á áá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á áá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á á á 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á áá ........." 4319,MR1818407,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Left breast lump - Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear core of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrative lesion composed of nests and tubules lined by cuboidal to polygonal cells with marked pleomorphism, high N:C ratio, vesicular nucleus, prominent nucleolus and moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis are 12-14/hpf. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump Biopsy.Invasive ductal carcinoma (NST) Grade 3Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 3 ------- 8/9 ........." 4320,MR1818416,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 linear core measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump core biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST, grade - 1.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 4/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 1Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á ááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á áá 4/9ááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á á á á ........." 4321,MR1818438,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrating lesions arranged in nests and islands. The cells are oval having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with moderately dense lymphomononuclear infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, NST Grade 2.Tubular formation - 3.Mitotic activity - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2 -------------- 7/9 --------------" 4322,MR1818449,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast lump- ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received greywhite linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm in nested pattern composed of cells with moderate cytoplasm, round hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Many cells show cytoplasmic clearing. Stroma is desmoplastic with eosinophilic and lymphocytic infiltrate. Areas of necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma (NST).MBR Score (3+2+1)= 6/9, grade II." 4323,MR1818492,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast lump- ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from linear cores of lesional tissue harbors invasive neoplasm arranged in sheets. The cells are large pleomorphic with scant cytoplasm and hyperchromatic irregular nucleus. Also seen are brisk mitotic activity and occasional cells show prominent eosinophilic nucleoli. Tumor cells infiltration into adjacent fat seen. Stroma shows myxoid changes with desmoplasia and scattered lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma- Ductal origin, NST.MBR Score (3+2+2)= 7/9, grade II." 4324,MR1818496,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left axillary mass - Neoplastic. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from axillary mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The sections show linear cores showing large areas of necrosis and atypical cells in nests and sheets. The cells are cuboidal to polygonal with enlarged hyperchromatic pleomorphic nuclei and moderate to scant cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Left axillary mass, Core Biopsy :Suggestive of Poorly differentiated carcinoma- Most possible from breast. " 4325,MR1818503,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast lump - Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from linear cores of lesional tissue harbors an invasive neoplasm composed of tumor cells arranged in a single file and focally forming acini and tubules. The cells are pleomorphic having scant clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm is irregular hyperchromatic nuclei. Brisk atypical mitosis noted. Stroma shows focal myxoid change with dense desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump - Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma - NOS with lobular features MBR Score (2+2+2)=6/9 .grade - II. 4326,MR1818537,CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right Breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1x-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows sheets of malignant cells. The cells are pleomorphic having scant pale eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm and large irregular hyperchromatic nuclei. Brisk atypical mitosis and eosinophilic prominent nucleoli seen. Stroma shows scattered lymphocytic infiltrate with desmoplasia. Focal calcified areas are noted. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right Breast mass:Invasive carcinoma - NST Grade III.Modified Bloom Richardson score 3+3+2=8/9. 4328,MR1818565,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion. SPECIMEN:Right breast, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white linear core measures 1.5 to 1.8 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in islands and nests. The cells are oval having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with mild lymphomononuclear infiltrates. IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 4329,MR1818570,CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of Right Breast CarcinomaSPECIMEN:A) Sentinel Blue nodeB) Sentinel Hot node.C) Sentinel Blue + Hot nodeD) Right MastectomyE) Revised BaseGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received sentinel lymph node measures 1x0.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processedB) Received sentinel lymph node measures 1.5x1x0.5cm Cut surface fatty infiltration.C) Received single lymph node measures 3x1x0.5cmCut surface fatty infiltration.D) Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :23cm Superficial to Deep :7cm Superior to Inferior :16cmSkin ellipse : 17x12cm Nipple : Unremarkable Scar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : SingleTumour Size : 3.8x3x2.5cm Location of tumor : Central quadrabtMargin of tumor : Ill defined Deep margin :2cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast :Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : Absent E) Received fibromuscular tissue bit measures 1.3x1x1cm.IMPRESSION:A+B+C) Sentinel lymph node ( Frozen section)3Nodes - No metastatic deposit of tumor. 0/3D)Right Mastectomy:Tumor : The tumor is composed of pleomorphic cells with pleomorphic vesicular nucleus prominent nuclei and scanty cytoplasm. Extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ present with cribriform and comedonecrosisHistological type: Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade:IITumor measures 3.8cm in maximum dimensionInvasive component measures2.2 cmDuctal carcinoma in situ measures 1.6cmModified BR score is7/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 3Mitotic figures: 3Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ present with cribriform and comedonecrosis Lymphovascular invasion not identifiedPerineural invasion not identified Posterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableE) Revised Base : The section shows muscle bundle - Free of tumor.Pathological Stage : pT2snN0Summary:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Right Breast.Tumor grade:IILymph node status : Sentinel lymph nodes - 3 nodes - No deposit of tuor 4330,MR1818608,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Right breast lump, Biopsy. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show multiple linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in clusters, cords trabecular and singles. The cells have scant to moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with prominent nucleoli, mitotic figures are discerned. Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic with mild lymphomononuclear infiltrate. No lymphovascular /perineural invasion seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4331,MR1818616,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast . GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring invasive tumor composed of round to oval cells arranged in nests, cords sheets and few tubules. These cells show enlarged hyperchromatic nucleus, conspicuous nucleolus and moderate pale to eosinophilic cytoplasm nuclear pleomorphism is mild. Mitosis are sparse. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, NST.MBR score (2+1+1) = 4/9, Grade - I. " 4332,MR1818676,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump. SPECIMEN:Left breast, biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show linear cores of fibrous tissue with an infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are oval having moderate amount of cytoplasm, and hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus. Mitotic figures are discerned (8-9/10hpf). Stroma is desmoplastic with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy : Poorly differentiated malignancy.? Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 ........." 4333,MR1818718,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in sheets and nests. Individual tumor cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Few cells with bizarre nuclei and multinucleated giant cells are seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 3. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8(3+3+2)." 4334,MR1818720,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 0.4 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows tumor cores of breast parenchyma showing dilated cystic spaces with lining epithelium showing composed papillary unfolding cribriforming and areas showing multi layering . Papillae are lined by atypical cuboidal to columnar epithelium with high N:C ratio, hyperchromatic ovoid nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Surrounding stroma is densely sclerotic and show occasional nests and tubules of atypical cells. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump :Papillary neoplasm. Suggest wide excision. " 4335,MR1818749,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Bilateral carcinoma breast/ FNAC- Suggestive of duct cell carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Left Sentinel lymph nodes.B) Right breast lumpectomy.C) Right sentinel lymph nodes.D) Right total mastectomy.E) Left total mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Left Sentinel lymph nodes:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4x3x2cm.Isolated 2 nodes grossly .Largest measures 2x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.B) Right breast lumpectomy:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5x4.5x1.5cm.Cut surface shows grey brown nodule measures 1x0.6x0.5cm.Distance from deep margin (Inked) : 1.2cm.C) Right sentinel lymph nodes:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4x2x2cm.Isolated 3 lymph nodes grossly.Largest measures 1.5x0.5x0.5cm. Cut surface is unremarkable. Entire tissue processed.D) Right total mastectomy:Lateralityááááááááááááááááá : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateralááááááááá :áá 21cmááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deepááá :ááá 6cmááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferiorááááá :áá 21cmSkin ellipseááááááááááááá : 15x11cmNippleáááááááááááááááááááá : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : 3.5cm.Tumoráááááááááááááááááááá : Grossly no tumor identified.Lumpectomy bedáááá : 5x6x4cm.Deep margináááááááááá : 3.5cm.Muscleáááááááááááááááááá : Absent.Adjacent breastááááá : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tailáááááááááááá : 9x7x3cm.Size of largest node : 3.5x2x2cm.E) Left total mastectomy:Lateralityááááááááááááááááá : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateralááááááááá :áá 18cmááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deepááá :ááá 6cmááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferiorááááá :áá 18cmSkin ellipseááááááááááááá : 14x9cmNippleáááááááááááááááááááá : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : absentTumoráááááááááááááááááááá : Single.Tumor sizeááááááááááááá : 3.5x2x2cm.Tumor locationááááááá : Retroareolar 12'0' clock.Margins of tumoráááá : Ill defined.Deep margináááááááááá : 2cm.Muscleáááááááááááááááááá : Absent.Adjacent breastááááá : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tailáááááááááááá : 8x7x2cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:B) Right breast lumpectomy:Section shows tumor infiltrating breast parenchyma as sheets and nests of round to oval cells with high N:C ratio, vesicular nucleus, prominent nucleous and scant cytoplasm. Areas of abundant extracellular mucinous pools with floating nests and tubules of tumor cells are seen. Areas of solid pattern DCIS are seen.D) Right mastectomy:Sections from right mastectomy specimen shows breast parenchyma with congested vessels and fibrosis. There is no evidence of residual tumor in the sections studied. Sections from nipple and areola are unremarkable. E) Left mastectomy:Section show breast parenchyma with lesion infiltrating as sheets, cribriform pattern. Tumor cells are round to oval with high N:C ratio, vesicular nucleus and prominent nucleolus. Mitoses are 6-8/10hpf. Nuclear pleomorphism is moderate. Foci of necrosis, calcification and solid DCIS is seen. Focal extracellular mucin is noted. One focus show intraductal papilloma.IMPRESSION:A) Left sentinel lymph node (blue node):8 lymph nodes isolated and is free of tumor.B) Right breast lumpectomy:Mucinous carcinoma, grade IITumor measures maximum dimension 1cm.Invasive component measures 0.6cm.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : 0.4cm.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubular formationááááááá :á 3Nuclear pleomorphism :á 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá :á 1Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Solid type.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Pathological stage : pT1b N0SUMMARY:Right breast lumpectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Nodal metastases : 0/4 (Right sentinel lymph nodes 0/4).C) Right sentinel nodes (Blue node):4 lymph nodes isolated and free of tumor.(0/4)D) Right total mastectomy:No residual tumor.Posterior margin is free of tumor.E) Left total mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, NST.Grade IITumor measures maximum dimension 3.5cm.Invasive component measures 3.2cm.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : 0.3cm.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubular formationááááááá :á 3Nuclear pleomorphism :á 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá :á 2Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Solid pattern.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 1 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0Pathological stage : pT2N0.SUMMARY:Invasive ductal carcinoma, NST.Tumor grade: 2Lymph node status: 0/9Sentinel lymph node: 8 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.Left mastectomy : 1 node- No deposits of tumor.Total 9 nodes- No deposits of tumor." 4336,MR1818754,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 linear cores measures 2.5 to 1.6cm. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma showing tumor infiltrating in nests and cord. The tumor cells are round to ovoid with high N:C ratio, hyperchromatic pleomorphic ovoid nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophi8lic cytoplasm. The tumor cells infiltrate in targetoid pattern surrounding benign ducts focally. Intervening stroma shows hyalinization. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lump :Features suggestive of carcinoma NST of ductal origin Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9 grade -2.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 ........." 4337,MR1818807,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from linear cores of lesional tissue harbors an invasive neoplasm arranged in tubular trabecular and in nests against a desmoplastic stroma. The cells are pleomorphic with scant cytoplasm and large hyperchromatic irregular nuclei. Occasional cells show prominent eosinophilic nucleoli. Also seen are few dilated glands with mucoid secretions. lymphocytic and myxoid degeneration in stroma. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump - Biopsy. Invasive carcinoma - NST. (Grade - II)Modified Bloom Richardson score is (2+2+2)=6/9. 4340,MR1818822,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Light breast lump. SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear core measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrous tissue with an infiltrating lesion arranged in focal tubules, cords and islands. The cells are oval having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with scattered lymphomononuclear infiltrates. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6 (2+2+2)." 4341,MR1818826,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 linear core measures 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrous tissue with extensive areas of desmoplasia and hyalinisation harboring tiny clusters and cords of atypical oval cells having moderate amount of cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nucleus. Stroma shows scattered lymphomononuclear cell infiltrates. IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade - 2. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 3Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á áá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á ........." 4343,MR1818861,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast, Core Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear core measures 0.8 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrous tissue with focus of infiltrating lesion arranged in islands and cords. The cells are oval having moderate amount of cytoplasm.hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with areas of hemorrhage. IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4344,MR1818882,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear core measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast mass. Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+2)= 7/9" 4346,MR1818908,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left sentinel lymph nodes:A) Blue + hot node.B) Hot node.C) Left mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 5 lymph node.Largest measures 2.5x1.5x0.5cm.Cut surface grey white ? involved. Entire tissue processed.B) Received single lymph node measures 1x0.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.C) Received in : 10% NBF.Procedure : Left mastectomy.Laterality : Left.Total dimensions : Medial to lateral -- 20cm Superficial to Deep -- 4cm Superior to Inferior -- 20cm.Skin ellipse : 15x7.5cm.Nipple : Unremarkable. Scar/ Surgical defect : AbsentTumor : Single.Tumour Size : 3x2.5x2cm. Location of tumor : Lower inner quadrant to central quadrant.Margins of tumor : Illdefined.Deep margin : 1.5cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : Absent.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma with invasive tumor arranged as diffuse sheets and nests, composed of round to oval cells with high N:C ratio vesicular nucleus, conspicuous nucleolus and scant cytoplasm. Focal extracellular mucin is seen. Nuclear pleomorphism is mild and mitosis are sparse. Foci of necrosis and solid type ductal carcinoma in situ are seen. IMPRESSION:C) Left mastectomy.Histological type: Invasive ductal carcinoma with focal mucinous carcinoma present.Grade: ITumor measures maximum dimension 3cmInvasive component measures 2.7cmDuctal carcinoma in situ measures 0.3cmModified BR score is 5/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 1Mitotic figures: 1Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is solid type.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 0 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0 (0/0).Left sentinel lymph nodes:A) Blue + hot node:All the 5 lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor (0/5).B) Hot node:1 lymph node isolated and is free of tumor (0/1).Pathological stage: pT2 snN0SUMMARY:Invasive ductal carcinoma with focal mucinous carcinoma present, left breast.Tumor Grade: ILymphnode Status: 0/6 (Sentinel nodes 0/6)." 4347,MR1818914,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Breast lump. SITE :Breast lump :A) Received 2 blocks and 1 slides labelled as : 509/18, AB) Received 1 slide in stained labelled as - 509/18. C) Received 1 specimen labelled as : 509/18.Received already grossed specimen in multiple bits altogether measures 3x2x2cm. Cutsurface - ? Grey white lesion in multiple bits ascertained (? 2x2x1cm)Margins cannot be assessed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :The section from grossed specimen shows tumor composed of diffuse sheets of pleomorphic cords. With syncytial cytoplasm and pleomorphic vesicular nucleus. The tumor is surrounded by dense lymph plasmacytic infiltrate and focal areas of necrosis. MBR score 9/9. Nuclear grade - IIITubular formation less than 10%-(3). Mitotic figures 12/10 (3) Anaplasia (3)DCIS not identified.Lymphovascular invasion not present. Margins cannot be asserted, as to specimen is already cut and not oriented. IMPRESSION :Breast lump :Invasive carcinoma with medullary carcinoma like features. Nuclear grade - III. " 4348,MR1818933,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast .SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 linear grey white soft tissue bits each measures 0.6 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from linear cores of lesional tissue harbors an invasive neoplasm arranged in tubules, cords and sheets. The cells have scant cytoplasm and irregular, overlapping hyperchromatic nuclei, Brisk atypical mitosis and eosinophilic prominent nucleoli seen in few cells. Stroma is desmoplastic. Focal myxoid change. Necrosis and scattered inflammatory cells. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump - Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma - NOS, Grade - III.MBR score - 8 (3+3+2)=8/9." 4349,MR1818941,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast. SPECIMEN :Breast Wide local excision.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received 8 blocks labelled as : 3442/18, B) Received 3 blocks labelled as : 3476/18. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section studied from lesional tissue harbors an invasive neoplasm arranged in sheets and syncitial pattern. The cells are highly pleomorphic with scant cytoplasm and overlapping hyperchromatic irregular vascular nuclei. Brisk atypical mitosis noted sheets of peritumoral lymphotic response present. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Few foci shows micropapillary and cribriform pattern of ductal carcinoma in situ. IMPRESSION :Breast - Wide local excision Invasive carcinoma.of ductal origin NST. Grade -IIIModified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+3)=8/9Micro papillary and cribriform pattern - ductal carcinoma in situ presentComedonecrosis seen. Perineural invasion absent. Tumor measures 1.1cm. in its greatest dimension.Four of thirteen nodes isolated lymph nodes (4/13) show metastatic tumor deposits. Extra nodal extension - present. " 4350,MR1818948,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear core measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show multiple linear cores of fibrofatty tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets, nests, clusters and occasional tubules, the cells have moderate pale eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm pleomorphic hyperchromatic round to oval nuceli with some showing prominent mitotic nucleoli areas discerned (7-8/10hpf) Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic with mild lymphomononuclear infiltrate. Focal areas of hemorrhage seen. No lymphovascular / perineural invasion seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+2)=7/9" 4351,MR1818954,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrofatty tissue with an infiltrating cellular lesion arranged in nests, and cords. The cells are oval having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with moderate dense lymphomononuclear infiltrates. IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+2)=7/9" 4352,MR1819012,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.B) Level III nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Received in : Formalin.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 24cm Superficial - deep : 8cm Superior-inferior : 18cmSkin ellipse : 16x11cmNipple : Ulcerated and Retracted.Scar/ Surgical defect : Absent.Tumor : SingleTumor size : 7x5x3cm seen as ill defined fibrous area studded with multiple form to gritty nodules, largest nodule measures 1.8x1x0.6cm.Location of tumor : Upper inner and central quadrant.Margins of tumor : Infiltrative.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : 14x9x3cm.Size of largest node : 2x1.5x1cm. Cut surface shows deposit measures 1x0.8cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x1.5cm.one lymph node measures 1x0.5x0.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied shows multiple foci of infiltrating neoplasm arranged in solid nests, tubules. The cells are round to polygonal with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, round hyperchromatic nuclei, prominent nucleoli. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Adjacent breast shows extensive areas opf DCIS in comedo, cribriform, papillary and solid patterns with high nuclear grade.Nipple areola- Epidermis shows ulceration, spongiosis and small nests of tumor cells which are polygonal with moderate pale eosinophilic cytoplasm, round vesicular nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Underlying parenchyma shows DCIS in comedo pattern and solid pattern and foci of invasion.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Tumor bed : Tumor is located upper inner and central quadrant.Invasive ductal carcinoma with extensive areas of DCIS, grade I.Modified BR score is 4/9.Tubular formation : 1Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1Tumor measures maximum dimension 3.2cm.Invasive component measures 2.2cm.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : 1cm. Comedo, cribriform, papillary and solid with high nuclear grade.Lymphovascular invasion is identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola shows paget's disease.Lymph nodes: Isolated fifteen lymph nodes, Metastasis: Four lymph nodes with extranodal invasion(4/15).B) Level III nodes: Identified four lymph nodes, one show metastatic deposit of tumor (1/4).SUMMARY:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma with DCIS and Paget's disease of nipple.Nodal metastases : Five out of ninteen lymph nodes shows metastatic deposit of tumor with extranodal extension (5/19)." 4353,MR1819024,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion composed of cells arranged in sheets, nests and trabecules. The cells have scant cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic round to oval nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic with mild lymphomononuclear infiltrate. Mitotic figures are disorder (5-6/10hpf) No lymphovascular invasion / perineural invasion seen.á IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy.Invasion ductal carcinoma, Grade -2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (2+2+2)=6/9" 4354,MR1819031,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Left breast lesion. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion with cells arranged predominantly in lobular pattern along with cells in sheets and cords. The cells have moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, mildly pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with inconspicuous nucleoli. Surrounding stroma shows extensive desmoplasia. Occasional mitotic figures are discerned. IMPRESSION:Left breast lesion, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade -1. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1)." 4356,MR1819071,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump. SPECIMEN:Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm.Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Left breast lump biopsy. Section studied shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring invasive neoplasm arranged in glandular pattern, sheets and nests. The lesional cells are round with hyperchromatic nucleus prominent nucleoli. Few cells showing intranuclear inclusion. Mitotic figures are discerned. Areas of necrosis noted. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á áá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4357,MR1819084,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibro adipose tissue harboring in invasive neoplasm in sheets and cords. The neoplastic cells have moderate cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate pleomorphism and increased mitosis. There are areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade - II. Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+2)=7/9." 4358,MR1819137,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from linear cores of lesional tissue invasive carcinoma arranged in tubules, nests and scattered isolated cells. The cells have scant to clear cytoplasm and hyperchromatic irregular nuclei. The few ducts are dilated with ductal carcinoma in situ cribriform and comedo type. Occasional ducts are showing mild epithelial hyperplasia and calcification. Stroma shows desmoplasia with focal myxoid change. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump - Biopsy :Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ with focus of invasive carcinoma mucinous features - Grade - II.MBR Score - (2+2+2)=6/9" 4359,MR1819144,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Multiple liver lesion - Suggestive of metastasis. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from liver lesion. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue showing sheets and nests of pleomorphic cells in a myxoid, hyalinized and focally edemotus stroma. The cells have eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm moderately pleomorphic nuclei. With hyperchromatism. No native liver tissue seen. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Liver. Suggestive of metastatic carcinomatous deposit in a known case of carcinoma breast" 4360,MR1819148,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast, wide local excision.B) Right sentinel lymph node (hot node).C) Right sentinel lymph node (blue+hot node).GROSS FINDINGS:A) Wide local excision specimen measures 8x7x4.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 4.5x1.6cm.Cut surface shows lesion- firm grey white to grey brown 1.8x1.6x1.6cm with irregular margins.Distance from the margins:Superior margin -- 2.5cm.Inferior margin -- 1.5cm.Medial margin -- 3cm.Lateral margin -- 2.4cm.Deep margin -- 3.5cm.B) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue with 2 lymph nodes altogether measures 3x2x1cm.Largest lymph node measures 1.5x1x0.5cm, cut surface is fatty infiltration.C) Received single lymph node measures 0.5x0.5x0.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section shows tumor infiltrating breast parenchyma compose of tubules, nests and cords. The tumor cells are round to oval with marked pleomorphism, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleolus. Mitosis are 6-8/hpf. Necrosis is seen. Solid and cribriform ductal carcinoma in situ is seen with in the lesion. Stroma shows desmoplasia and dense peritumoral lymphomononuclear infiltrate.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast, wide local excision:Histological type: Invasive ductal carcinoma NST .Grade 2,Tumor measures 1.8cm in maximum dimension.Invasive component measures 1.4cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.4cm.Modified bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubular formation -- 2.Nuclear pleomorphism -- 3.Mitotic figures -- 2Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.B) Right sentinel lymph node (blue node):2 lymph node isolated are free of tumor (0/2).C) Right sentinel lymph node (blue+hot node):1 lymph node isolated is free of tumor.Pathological stage - pT1cpN0.SUMMARY:Invasive ductal carcinoma NST, Right breast.Tumor grade 2.Lymph node 0/3 (Sentinel lymph node)." 4361,MR1819168,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white core measures 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring a lesion with cells arranged predominating in tubules, nests and clusters. The cells have moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are occasional surrounding stroma is desmoplastic. Areas of hemorrhage seen. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 1. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1)." 4362,MR1819169,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 0.5 to 1cm . Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis perineural invasion is seen. IMPRESSION:Left breast biopsy :Invasion ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 4363,MR1819172,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from linear cores of harbors invasive neoplasm arranged in tubules, nests and sheets. The cells are pleomorphic having scant to clear cytoplasm and irregular hyperchromatic nucleus. Occasional atypical mitosis seen. Stroma is desmoplastic, focal myxoid changes with scattered lymphocytic infiltrates and focal area of necrosis. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump - Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma - NOS grade - II.MBR score - (2+3+2)=7/9." 4364,MR1819187,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump -? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Right breast biopsy. Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 6/9 ........." 4365,MR1819194,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left Breast, Left Breast Conservation Surgery.B) Level 1 & 2, Axillary Lymph node Dissection.C) Level 3 Lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received wide local excision measures 6.5x6x5cm.Skin flap measures 3x1.2cm. Cut surface shows grey white forms lesion measures 3x2x2cm.Distance from the margins:Superior margin -- 1cm.Inferior margin -- 1.5cm.Medial margin -- 1.5cm.Lateral margin -- 1cm.Deep margin -- 1cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 8x6x4cm. Largest lymph node measures 2x1x1cm.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from tumor shows cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular or perineural invasion is not seen.IMPRESSION:A) Left Breast, Left Breast Conservation Surgery:INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2). - Tumor measures 3.0 cm in greatest dimension. - Lymphovascular invasion is not seen. - Perineural invasion is not seen. - All margins of resection are free of tumor.B) Level 1 & 2, Axillary Lymph node Dissection:Fifteen lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy (0/15).C) Level 3 Lymph nodes:Four lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy (0/4).Pathological Stage : pT2N0" 4366,MR1819196,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of bilateral breast lumpRight breast lump - ? NeoplasticSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section reveal linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring invasive tumor in the from of nests and cords composed of polygonal cells with marked pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Foci of solid pattern of ductal carcinoma in situ is seen. Mitosis are sparse . Stroma shows dense lymphomononuclear infiltrate and desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 2 with ductal carcinoma in situ.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7Tubule formation:3Nuclear pleomorphism :3Mitotic activity: 1" 4367,MR1819204,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left axillary lymph node mets in case of absent breast primary. SPECIMEN :A) Left axillary dissection. B) Revised scar. GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 7 x 4 x 2 cm. Largest lymph node measures 2.5 x 1.2 x 1 cm. Cut surface grey white. B) Received a revised scar tissue measuring 2.5 x 2 x 1 cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :A) Sections studied shows two out of seventeen lymph nodes shows metastatic deposit of tumor tissue arranged in sheets and nests. The lesional cells are polygonal with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, round vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. No extra nodal extension is seen. B) Section shows fibroadipose tissue small aggregates of mononuclear cells, congested blood vessels. No evidence of malignancy. IMPRESSION :A) Left axillary lymph node dissection : Metastatic deposits of invasive carcinoma identified in two out of seventeen lymph nodes(2/17). - Size of the larger tumor deposit of measures 1.5cm in grated dimension. - Extranodal extension is not identified. B) Revised scar : Free of tumor. " 4368,MR1819217,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1.5 to 1.8cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion with cells arranged in nests, clusters and in cords. The cells have moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, round to oval hyperchromatic pleomorphic nuclei with inconspicuous nucleoli. Occasional mitotic figures are discerned. surrounding stroma sis desmoplasia with mild lymphomononuclear infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump. Invasive carcinoma, NST Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+1)=6/9." 4370,MR1819228,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Lump left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast, lumpectomy.B) Revised medial margin.C) Revised inferior margin.D) Revised superior margin.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5x2.5x2.5cm.Cut surface shows firm greywhite lesion measures 1.5x1.2x1cm.Distance from respective margins:-Superior margin : 0.5cm.Inferior margin : 1cm.Medial margin : 1.5cm.Lateral margin : 1cm.Deep margin : 0.3cm.B) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x1.2x1cm.C) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 2x2x1cm. Entire tissue processed.D) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 1.5x0.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied show breast parenchyma with dilated and hyperplastic ducts of varying size lined by ovoid cells having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. An intact outer myoepithelial layer is seen. Cribriform, solid and papillary DCIS is noted. Focal areas suspicious of invasion is seen. Stroma is hyalinised with areas of hemorrhage.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast, lumpectomy:Ductal carcinoma in situ - solid, cribriform and papillary pattern, High nuclear grade.No evidence of invasion the material submitted.DCIS measures 1.5cm in greatest dimension.Superior and inferior margins shows DCIS.Medial, lateral and deep margins are free of tumor.B) Revised medial margin: Free of tumor.C) Revised inferior margin: Free of tumor.D) Revised superior margin : Free of tumor." 4371,MR1819232,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast .SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear core measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear core of breast tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged as cords and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is elastotic.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade - 2. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 ........." 4372,MR1819269,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump :Invasive carcinoma, NST.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 ........." 4373,MR1819315,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white liner cores measures 0.3 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged in cords and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclear conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is elastotic. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast :Invasive carcinoma, NST; Grade - 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 ........." 4374,MR1819335,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear core measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump :Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade - 2. (6/9)Tubule formation=3Nuclear pleomorphism=2Mitotic figures=1" 4375,MR1819336,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast lump biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in clusters, nests and vague trabecular pattern. The cells have moderate eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm, pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with many having prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic. Areas of calcification are seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+1)=6/9" 4376,MR1819337,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrous tissue fragments harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in nests, clusters and sheets. The cells have moderate pale eosinophilic cytoplasm, round to oval pleomorphic nuclei. Mitotic figures are discerned. Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+1)=6/9. " 4377,MR1819347,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring invasive neoplasm arranged in glandular, trabecular, nests. The lesional cells are round with moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm, round markedá pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei inconspicuous nucleoli. Periductal hyalinization is seen. Stroma is desmoplastic and shows myxoid changes and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates.á IMPRESSION:Right breast lump :Invasive carcinoma ductal origin, NST, Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+3+1)=7/9" 4378,MR1819353,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in sheets, nests and clusters. The cells have moderate eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm, pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic with moderate lymphomononuclear infiltrates. Focal areas show ductal carcinoma in situ comedo and solid pattern. Intermediate grade. Areas of necrosis seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2). - Ductal carcinoma in situ (comedo, solid) Intermediate grade noted. " 4379,MR1819381,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an cribriform tubules invasive neoplasm in nests find sheets. The cells show abundant cytoplasm, moderately pleomorphic vesicular nuclei and predominant nucleoli. Stroma is desmoplastic. Few cells shows foamy and clear cytoplasm.á IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump. Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade - II. Modified Bloom Richardson score is (2+3+2)= 7/9" 4380,MR1819407,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Multiple enlarged left axillary node - ? metastatic nodes. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left axillary nodal mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey multiple 6 linear cores measures 1x1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section show linear cores of tissue showing tumor cells infiltrating in sheets, cords and nests. The tumor cells are round to ovoid with increased N:C ratio, enlarged ovoid hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate tumor cells have eccentric nuclei and show pale vacuolated cytoplasm. Interspersed stroma is desmoplastic, peripherally scant lymphoid infiltrate and fibroadipose tissue is noted. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left axillary nodal mass.Metastatic carcinoma ? Primary in the breast. Suggest IHC. " 4382,MR1819464,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm in sheets and cords. The cells show moderate to abundant cytoplasm pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. There is dense intra and peritumaral lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade - III. Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+3+2)= 8/9" 4384,MR1819512,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in nests and trabeculae. The cells show moderate cytoplasm, round to oval hyperchromatic eccentric nuclei with moderate pleomorphism. Stroma is desmoplastic. Areas show solid type low grade ductal carcinoma in situ. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump.Invasive carcinoma NST.Grade - II. Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+1)= 6/9" 4385,MR1819514,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm composed of cords and nests of pleomorphic cells with moderate cytopalsm round hyperchromatic nuceli. There is brisk mitosis with areas of necrosis. IMPRESSION:Right breast biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade - III.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+3)=8/9" 4386,MR1819528,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm composed nests and cords of pleomorphic cells with moderate cytoplasm pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. IMPRESSION:Right breast biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade - III. Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+3)=8/9" 4387,MR1819532,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Lump left breast. SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, wedge biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received skin covered soft tissue bits measures 2x1x1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Wedge biopsy : Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4388,MR1819539,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy, post lumpectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Left modified radical mastectomy, post lumpectomy.Laterality : Left.Total dimensions : Medial to lateral -- 15cm. Superficial to Deep -- 6cm. Superior to Inferior -- 15cm.Skin ellipse : 14x11cm.Nipple : Retracted.Surgical defect : Lower outer quadrant measures 4cm in length. Lumpectomy defect noted in lower outer quadrant with grey white areas 2.5x1.3x1cm. Area around the defect shows grey white lesion.Tumor 2 ( 1 o'clock) measures 1x0.5x0.5cm.Distance between the 2 lesion is 3.2cm.Tumor : Multiple Margins of tumor : Illdefined (tumor 1 & 2). Deep margin : Tumor 1 -3, Tumor 2-2cm.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : 13x6x2.5cm.Size of largest node : 2.2x1.2x1cm. Cut surface is fatty infiltrated.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show breast parenchyma with residual invasive lesion arranged in indian file pattern and sheets. The sheets are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Also cells with eccentrically placed nuclei, vacuolated cytoplasm. Lobular carcinoma in situ present. Intervening stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrate. Adjacent areas shows foreign body type giant cells, sheets of histiocytes.IMPRESSION:Left modified radical mastectomy, post lumpectomy:Histological type: Invasive carcinoma with lobular features.Nuclear grade: 2Tumor measures maximum dimension 1cmNuclear pleomorphism: 2Lobular Carcinoma-In-Situ is present.Lymphovascular invasion is indeterminate.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 14 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 1 (1/14).Size of metastatic deposit is 0.2cm.No extranodal spread is seen.SUMMARY:Invasive carcinoma with lobular features.Nuclear Grade : 2Lymphnode Status: 1/14" 4389,MR1819556,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast lump, Left breast conservative surgery.B) Blue + hot node.C) Hot node.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 9.5x6.5x6cm. Cut surface shows grey white lesion measures 2.5x2.5x2cm. Distance from the margin:Superior margináááááááááááááá -- 1.5cm.Inferior margináááááááááááááááá -- 2cm.Medial marginááááááááááááááááá -- 3cm.Lateral marginááááááááááááááááá -- 1.5cm.Deep marginááááááááááááááááááá -- 3cm.B) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 3x1.5x1cm.Single lymph node isolated measures 1.5x1x1cm.Cut surface is deposits seen.C) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 1.5x1x1cm.Single lymph node measures 1x0.8x0.8cm.Cut surface is fatty infiltrate.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in tubules, cribriform pattern, cords and trabeculae. The cells have moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm with some having clear cytoplasm, hyperchroamtic to vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Atypical mitotic figures are discerned. Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast lump, Left breast conservative surgery:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Tumor measures 2.5cm in greatest dimension.Invasive carcinoma is 2.5cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ is not identified.Modified Bloom Richardson score 6/9.Tubular formationáááá á áá - 2.Nuclear pleomorphismáá - 2.Mitotic activityáááááááááááááá - 2.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------No lymphovascular invasion / perineural invasion seen.B) Blue + hot node:One lymph node isolated free of tumor (0/1).C) Hot node:One lymph node isolated free of tumor (0/1).Pathological gradeá : pT2pN0." 4390,MR1819565,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lobulated mass - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN :Biopsy from left breast. GROSS FINDINGS :Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Left breast lump, Biopsy. Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with occasional foci of cells in nests and clusters. Rest of the areas show extensive ductal carcinoma in situ of solid and cribriform pattern. Stroma shows myxoid change with desmoplasia and mild lymphomononuclear infiltrates. IMPRESSION :Biopsy from left breast : Extensive areas of Ductal carcinoma in situ of solid and cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade are seen. Small foci of invasion is also seen. " 4393,MR1819570,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump. Invasive ductal carcinoma, NST, Grade - 2. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4394,MR1819576,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump. Invasive carcinoma, NST.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 ........." 4395,MR1819590,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in nests, clusters, cords and trabecular. The cells have scant to moderate cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with inconspicuous nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic with moderate lymphomononuclear infiltrates. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 4396,MR1819601,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white 4 linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion :Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade - 2. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4397,MR1819635,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white lined cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion with cells in nests and clusters. The cells have round cytoplasm, round to oval mildly pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuceli. Adjacent area shows extracellular mucin pools. Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic. Mitotic figures are few. Rest of the areas show ductal carcinoma in situ in solid and cribriform pattern with low nuclear grade. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma with mucinous component grade - 2 with DCISModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 .........Ductal carcinoma in situ (Solid, cribriform) low nuclear grade is noted. " 4399,MR1819669,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show linear core of breast parenchyma harboring neoplasm arranged in nest, cords, and trabeculae and inconspicuous nucleoli, moderate amount of eosinophilic cytopalsm. Stroma show desmoplastic and myxoid change. Mitotic figures also discerned. Lymphomonocytic infiltrates also seen.á IMPRESSION:Left breast lesion. Invasive carcinoma, ductal origin (NST), Grade - II. MBR Score is (3+2+1)=6/9." 4400,MR1819674,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to soft tissue bits linear core measures 0.5 to 1.2cm Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in sheets. The cells have moderate eosinophilic to vacuolated cytoplasm, pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with few having prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic. Wide areas of necrosis noted extensive ductal carcinoma in situ seen. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, biopsy. Invasive carcinoma, NST, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 .........Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ seen. (solid). " 4401,MR1819680,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy, post lumpectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá áááááá : 10% NBF.Procedureááá ááá ááá áááá : Left modified radical mastectomy, post lumpectomy.Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááá áá : Left.Total dimensionsááááááá : Medial to lateral -- 18cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á Superficial to Deep -- 4.5cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior -- 16cm.Skin ellipseááá ááá ááá ááá : 12x9cm. á Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá : Normal Scar/ Surgical defectá : 12 o'clock.Tumorááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá : Single. Defect measures 3x2.5x1.5cm wall of defect small grey white well nodule measures 0.5x0.5x0.5cm.Deep marginááá ááá ááááá : 1cm.Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááááá : Absent Axillary tailááá ááá ááá á áá : 9x6x4cm.Size of largest nodeááá : 19x1.5x1.0cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesions with cells in sheets and cords. The cells have moderate amount cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Atypical mitotic figures (1-2/hpf). Surrounding areas show multinucleate giant cells.IMPRESSION:Left modified radical mastectomy, post lumpectomy:Histological type: Residual invasive carcinoma, NST.Grade: IIITumor measures maximum dimension 0.5cmInvasive component measures 0.5cmModified BR score is 8/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 3Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is absent.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 13 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 5 (5/13).Extranodal extension seen.Pathological stage: ypT1aN2SUMMARY:Residual invasive carcinoma, NST.Tumor Grade: IIILymphnode Status: 5/13 with extranodal extension." 4402,MR1819693,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white 4 linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Cores of breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm in cords and nests in a desmoplastic stroma. The neoplastic cells have moderate cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and increased mitosis. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump :Invasive carcinoma NST.MBR Score is (3+2+2) = 7/9. Grade -II." 4404,MR1819713,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Right sentinel lymph node biopsy.B) Right mastectomy, Post lumpectomy.C) Right axillary dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 2 lymph node.Largest measures 1x0.8x0.5cm.Smallest measures 0.6x0.3x0.3cm. Entire tissue processed.B) Received inááááá : 10% NBF.Procedureááá ááá áááá : Right mastectomy.Lateralityááá á á á á áá : Right.Total dimensionsááá : Medial to lateral -- 14cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep -- 3cm.á ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior -- 12cm.Skin ellipseááá ááá ááá : 12x7cm.Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá ááá : Normal áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá áááá Scar 9 o'clockááááááá : 2x0.5cm.No obvious tumor identified.Location of tumor bed- 9 o'clock : Grey white areas m/s 2.5x2x1.5cm.ááá Deep marginááá ááááá : 0.6 cm.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 7x2x2cm.Largest lymph node measures 1.8x1.5x1cm.Cut surface - fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells in sheets having scant cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic to vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Atypical mitosis discerned (1-2/10 hpf). Stroma is desmoplastic with moderate lymphomononuclear infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Right mastectomy, Post lumpectomy.Histological type: Residual invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade: II.Tumor measures maximum dimension 0.6cmInvasive component measures 0.6cm.Modified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is absent.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is absent.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 18 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 1 (1/18).Pathological stage: ypT1N1.SUMMARY:Residual invasive ductal carcinoma, right breast (post lumpectomy).Tumor Grade: IILymphnode Status: 1/18.One of two sentinel nodes shows metastasis (frozen). Extranodal extension seen.Right axillary clearance : Sixteen nodes isolated, all are free of tumor." 4406,MR1819731,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right retroareolar lesion - ? Carcinoma. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesion. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white 4 linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in cords. The cells show increased N:C ratio, moderately pleomorphic nuclei with coarse chromatin and irregular nuclear membrane. IMPRESSION:Right breast biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade - II. MBR score is (3+2+2)=7/9." 4407,MR1819743,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesion. GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white 4 linear cores measures 1.1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sectioná studied shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in glandular pattern pattern, trabecular, cords. The lesional cells round scant to moderate eosinophilic cytopalsm, round to ovoid hyperchromatic nucleus. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia and mild inflammatory infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Biopsy right breast mass.Invasive ductal carcinoma, NST.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4408,MR1819762,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump. SPECIMEN:Left breast lump.á GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white 4 linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in nests, clusters, cords, trabecular and vague acinar pattern. The cells a have scant cytoplasm, pleomorphism hyperchromatic nuceli with prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic with lymphomononuclear infiltration. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump. Invasive duct carcinoma, Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+2)= 7/9" 4409,MR1819765,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 unlabelled container.A container - Single soft tissue bits measures 0.5x0.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.B Container - Received single soft tissue bits measures 1x0.8x0.5cm.C) Received inááááááá : 10% NBF.Procedureááá ááá ááááá : Right mastectomy.Lateralityááá ááá ááááá á : Right.Total dimensionsáááá : Medial to lateral --18cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep -- 4cm.á áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior -- 13cm.Skin ellipseááá áááááááá : 12x6cm.Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááá : Normal áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá ááá ááá Tumorááá ááá ááá ááá áááá : Single. Cut surface - Grey white with mucoid areas Tumour Size á á á á áá : 3x2x0.8cm. ááááá Location of tumoráááá : 7 o' clock. áááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá : 0.8cm.Muscleááá ááá ááá á á ááá : Absent D) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 7x6x2cm. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show breast parenchyma with extensive areas of extracellular mucin pools with cells arranged in nests and clusters. The cells have scant cytoplasm, pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Atypical mitotic figures are discerned. Adjacent ducal carcinoma in situ (solid, cribriform) intermediate nuclear grade noted.IMPRESSION:Right mastectomy:Histological type: Mucinous carcinoma.Grade: II.Tumor measures maximum dimension 3cmInvasive component measures 2.2cmDuctal carcinoma in situ measures 0.8cmModified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is present, with cribriform and comedonecrosis.Lymphovascular invasion is intermediate.Perineural invasion is absent.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: Sentinel nodes - One out of two isolated show metastasis (1/2)Axillary clearance - Fifteen nodes isolated - Free of tumour (0/15)Total - One out of seventeen nodes shows metastsis (1/17)Pathological stage: pT2N1Mx.SUMMARY:Mucinous carcinoma, Right breast.Tumor Grade: 2Lymphnode Status: 1/17.Lymph nodes: Sentinel nodes - One out of two isolated show metastasis (1/2)Axillary clearance - Fifteen nodes isolated - Free of tumour (0/15)Total - One out of seventeen nodes shows metastsis (1/17)No extranodal extension." 4410,MR1819780,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right Breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in islands, cords and singly scattered. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Stroma is desmoplastic with moderately dense lymphomononuclear infiltrates.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right Breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, NST, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 4411,MR1819792,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white 4 linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Right breast lesion biopsy :Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in glandular pattern, trabecular. The lesional cells polygonal with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, round hyperchromatic nucleus some showing prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are 6-3/10hpf with atypical forms. Areas of necrosis and hemorrhage noted. IMPRESSION:Right breast lesion biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 ........." 4412,MR1819804,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Neoplasm. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white 5 linear core measures 1.2 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump.Invasive carcinoma, NST. MBR Score - 6/9Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 6/9 ........." 4413,MR1819809,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Suggestive of breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white multiple 4 linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged predominantly in tubules, nests and cords. The cells have scant cytoplasm, round to oval hyperchromatic nucleoli. Mitotic figures are few. Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4416,MR1819845,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááá ááááááá : 10% NBF.Procedureááá ááá ááá ááá áááá : Right modified radical mastectomy.Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá : Right.Total dimensionsááá ááá ááá : Medial to lateral -- 18cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep -- 5cm. ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior -- 15cm.Skin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááá : 10x6cm. áá Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá : Normal Scar/ Surgical defectáááá : Not seen.Tumorááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áááááá : Single.Tumour Size á á á á á á áá á : 2.2x1.6x1.5cm.Location of tumorááá áá á á : Upper inner quadrant.Margins of tumorááá ááá ááá : Illdefined. á Deep marginááá ááá ááá ááááá : 0.3cm.Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áááááá : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá ááá á : Fibrofatty tissue. ááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá ááá áá áá : 9x4x2.5cm.Size of largest nodeááá ááá : 1.2x0.6x0.4cm. Cut surface fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from breast parenchyma show extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ (solid, comedo type) of intermediate nuclear grade with few scattered foci of invasive carcinoma. Areas of calcification noted. Section from nipple areola show intraductal papilloma.IMPRESSION:Right modified radical mastectomy.Histological type: Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ with few foci of invasive carcinoma.Tumor measures maximum dimension 2.2cmInvasive component measures 0.6 cmDuctal carcinoma in situ measures 1.6 cmDuctal Carcinoma-In-Situ is present.Lymphovascular invasion is absent.Perineural invasion is absent.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 11 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0 (0/11).Pathological stage: pT1N0SUMMARY:Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ with few foci of invasive carcinoma, right breast.Lymphnode Status: 0/11" 4418,MR1819869,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast Post NACT.SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy, Post NACTGROSS FINDINGSReceived in : FormalinProcedure : Modified radical mastectomy Laterality : RightTotal dimensions :Medial to lateral :20cm Superficial to Deep :4.5cm Superior to Inferior:10cmSkin ellipse : 10x6.5cmNipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect :AbsentTumor : SingleTumour Size : 2.1x1.5x1cm Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrantMargin of tumor : IrregularDeep margin : 2cmMuscle : AbsentMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from breast parenchyma harbours residual tumor arranged in sheets, tubules and acinar pattern. Scant clear cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei. Occasional atypical mitosis seen. Foci of solid ductal carcinoma in situ seen. Stroma shows therapy related changes with extensive desmoplasia and scattered lymphomononuclear infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Right modified radical mastectomy Post NACT:Histological type: Residual invasive carcinoma - NOS.Grade:2Tumor measures maximum dimension 1.2cm.Invasive component measures 0.7cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.5cm.Modified BR score is 6/9Tubule formation: 2 Nuclear pleomorphism:2 Mitotic figures: 2Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is solid .Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 11 lymph nodes, Metastasis:0 (0/11) . Pathological stage: ypT1pN0 SUMMARY:Residual Invasive carcinoma - NOS with solid ductal carcinoma in situ, Right modified radical mastectomy.Tumor Grade:2Lymph node status:0/11." 4419,MR1819877,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass.? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma with an infiltrating lesion arranged in diffuse sheets and nests. The lesional cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate eosinophilic to vacuolated cytoplasm. Frequent mitotic figures noted. Areas of necrosis are seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 3.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 8/9 (3+2+3)." 4420,MR1819912,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple fragmented cores of breast parenchyma with a lesion arranged in sheets, nests and cords. The lesional cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Few cells show prominent eosinophilic nucleoli. Brisk mitotic activity is noted. Atypical mitotic figures are noted. Areas of necrosis are seen. Areas of calcification are seen. Perineural invasion is noted. Intervening stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphocytic iinfiltrates.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 3.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 8/9 (3+2+3)." 4421,MR1819940,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast post NACT.SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy, Post NACT.GROSS FINDINGS:Received ináááááááááááááááááá : FormalinProcedureáááááááááááááááááááá : Modified radical mastectomy ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Lateralityáááááááááááááááááááááá : LeftTotal dimensionsáááááááááá :Medial to lateraláá : 18cmááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep :14cmááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior:5cmSkin ellipseááááááááááááááááá :á 15.5x9cmá Nippleááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Normalááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Scar/ Surgical defectáá : AbsentTumorááááááááááááááááááááááááá : No tumor identifidMuscleááááááááááááááááááááááááá : AbsentAdjacent Breastááááááááááá :Fibrofatty tissue ááá Axillary tailááááááááááááááááááá :14x10x3cmSize of largest nodeááááá :3x2x1.5cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from breast parenchyma shows only post treatmentá changes with dense sclerosis and compressed benign ducts. No atypical cells seen.IMPRESSION:Left modified radical mastectomy, post NACT:Histological type: No residual viable tumor present.Nipple and areolaá is unremarkable.Lymph nodes 7 lymph nodes, metastasis 0(0/7)Pathological stage : ypT0N0Summary:No residual viable tumor Left modified radical mastectomy.Lymph node status: 0/7." 4422,MR1819944,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast multicentric lesion SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast 4 clock lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section sows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring tumor infiltrating as cords and small nests of polygonal cells with high N/C ratio, hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus and scant cytoplasm. Mitosis are discerned. Stroma shows marked desmoplasia and lymphomononuclear infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast 4 clock position:Invasive carcinoma, grade 3Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8Tubule formation:3Nuclear pleomorphism :3Mitotic activity: 2" 4423,MR1819967,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets, nests. The lesional cells are round to oval with moderate cytoplasm. Few cells show prominent nucleoli. The cells exhibit marked nuclear pleomorphism. Intervening stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrate. Extensive necrosis seen. Mitosis 8-10/hpf. IMPRESSION:Left breast, biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade -3. MBR score is (3+3+2)=8/9 " 4424,MR1819981,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibroadipose tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in sheets and cords composed of neoplastic cells with moderate to abundant cytoplasm, hyperchromatic round nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, NST.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 3+2+2 =7/9.Grade II." 4425,MR1820021,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white 5 linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Cores of tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in sheets and thick ribbons. The cells show moderate cytoplasm ill defined cell borders, large pleomorphic nuclei with prominent eosinophilic nucleoli. There is dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate in the peritumoral areas. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass :Invasive carcinoma (NST) MBR score is (3+3+2)=8/9Grade - III. " 4426,MR1820036,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in nests and cords and tubules. The tumor cells show moderate cytoplasm pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleoli. Stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump :Invasive carcinoma (NST)MBR score is (3+3+2)=8/9Grade - II. 4427,MR1820037,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring are invasive neoplasm in nests cords and tubules and hyperchromatic pleomorphic nuclei. The stroma in desmoplastic. IMPRESSION :Left breast lump biopsy. Invasive carcinoma (NST) MBR score is (2+3+2)=7/9. Grade - II. " 4428,MR1820044,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in sheets. The cells show moderate cytoplasm. Moderately pleomorphic nucleoli and prominent nucleoli. Stroma is desmoplastic with extensive crush artifact. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump.Invasive carcinoma NST.MBR score is (3+3+2)=8/9Grade - III 4430,MR1820105,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tiny fragments of tissue composed of sheets of highly pleomorphic cells with moderate cytoplasm round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei. Mitosis is brisk foci show lymphocytic aggregates. Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, NST.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 3+2+3 = 8/9, Grade III.Areas of necrosis seen." 4431,MR1820114,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump :Invasive carcinoma, NST. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4432,MR1820116,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast cancer.SPECIMEN:A) Left sentinel directed axillary dissection.B) Left breast: Wide excision.C) Revised base.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 2 lymph nodes largest measures 2.2x1.5x0.5cm. Cut surface is fatty infiltration. Entire tissue processed.B) Received wide local excision measures 8x7x4cm. Skin flap measures 7x3cm. Cut surface show tumor measuring 3x2.3x2cm.Distance from the margin:Superior marginááááááááá -- 4cm.Inferior marginááááááááááá -- 2cm.Medial margináááááááááááá -- 3cm.Lateral margináááááááááááá -- 3cm.Deep margináááááááááááááá -- 0.6cm.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1.5x1x0.5cm.Inked surface in the deep margin.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets, nests, cords and trabecular. The cells have moderate cytoplasm, pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Atypical mitoses are discerned (3-4/10HPF). Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:A) Left sentinel directed axillary dissection:Three nodes isolated - Free of tumor (0/3).B) Left breast: wide excision:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+2=7/9.Tumor measures 3cm in greatest dimension.Invasive component 3cm.No ductal carcinoma in situ seen.No lymphovascular invasion / perineural invasion seen.All margins (superior, inferior, medial, lateral and deep) are free of tumor.C) Revised base:Free of tumor.Pathological stage : pT2Nsn (0)" 4433,MR1820117,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show linear core of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules, cords and trabecular pattern. Lesional cells are polygonal with round pleomorphic nuclei some cells are showing intra nuclear inclusion. Moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma show desmoplastic change and myxoid degeneration along with lymphoplasmacytic infiltration. Mitotic figures discerned. Foci of ? ductal carcinoma in situ seen. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump. Suggestive of Invasive ductal carcinoma . MBR score is (3+2+1) =6/9. Grade - II. " 4434,MR1820150,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion. SPECIMEN:Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets, cords, nests, The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate cytoplasm, cells exhibit moderate Nuclear pleomorphism. Intervening stroma shows scattered lymphocytic infiltrate. Mitosis 6-7/10hpd. Necrosis seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma , Grade - III.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 ........." 4435,MR1820159,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring an invasive neopalsm in cords and tubules. The cells show moderate to abundant cytoplasm round to oval hyperchromatic nucleoli with moderate pleomorphism. Stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump biopsy :Invasive carcinoma.MBR score is (3+2+2)=7/9. Grade - II. 4436,MR1820192,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in sheets and cords. The cells show moderate cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate pleomorphism. Stroma is desmoplastic. Occasional ducts show solid type ductal carcinoma in situ. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST.MBR score is (3+2+2)-7/9.Grade - II. " 4437,MR1820214,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast retroareolar lesion - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma showing areas of atypical ductal hyperplasia showing round cells with abundant cytoplasm, round hyperchromatic nucleus exhibiting minimal atypia. Also seen are foci of ductal carcinoma in situ in solid, cribriform pattern showing intermediate to high grade nuclear features. Stroma shows hyalinisation with mild inflammatory cells.á IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump. Predominantly atypical ductal hyperplasia with foci of ductal carcinoma in situ (Intermediate to high grade).á " 4438,MR1820230,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Neoplastic.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white multiple linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The sections shows linear cores of tissue exhibiting tumor infiltrating in nests and occasional tubules. The tumor cells are round to ovoid with high N:C ratio, ovoid hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis are seen. Intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump.Invasive ductal carcinoma, NST, Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson Score 7/9.Tubular formationááááááá -- 3.Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic activityáááááááááááá -- 2.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------" 4439,MR1820237,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lesion. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear core measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4440,MR1820264,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Pools of extracellular mucin are seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Core Biopsy:Invasive carcinoma with mucinous features, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). " 4441,MR1820274,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white multiple linear cores measures 0.8 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The sections shows linear cores of tissue exhibiting dense sclerosis and tumor infiltrating in cords and nests. Tumor cells are round to ovoid with high N:C ratio, enlarged ovoid hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Intervening stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, NST, Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson Score 6/9.Tubular formationááááááá -- 3.Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic activityáááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------" 4442,MR1820283,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studiedá showsá multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma .One areas showing infiltratingá lesion arranged in small nest, trabeculae .Lesional cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nuclei, moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Multiple foci of ductal carcinoma in situ with comedo necrosis also noted. Stroma show lymphomononuclear infiltrate and desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast mass:Small focus of invasive carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ ( high grade)." 4443,MR1820285,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááá áá áá : 10% NBF.Procedureááá ááá ááá ááá ááá : Left modified radical mastectomy.Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááá ááááá : Left.Total dimensionsááá ááá á á : Medial to lateral -- 16cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep -- 6.5cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior -- 14cm.Skin ellipseááá ááá ááá ááá áá : 11x6cm.Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá : Retracted.á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á Scar/ Surgical defectáááá : Absent Tumorááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá : Single.Tumour Size á á á á á á á áá : 4x4x3.5cm. ááááááááááá Location of tumorááá á á á : Retroareolar / central quadrant.Margins of tumorááá áá á á : Illdefined. ááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá áááá : 3.5cm.Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááá : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá áááá : Fibrofatty tissue. ááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá ááá áááá : 10x8x2cm.Size of largest nodeááá áá : 1.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface - Deposit seen.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in tubules, sheets, nests and cords. The cells have scant to moderate cytoplasm, pleomorphic round to oval nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Atypical mitoses are discerned (3-4/10hpf). Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic with moderate lymphomononuclear infiltrates.IMPRESSION:Left modified radical mastectomy.Histological type: Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade: II.Tumor measures maximum dimension 4cmInvasive component measures 4cm.Modified BR score is 6/9Tubule formation: 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is absent.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is absent.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 17 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 2/17.No extranodal extension seen.Tumor is seen infiltrating the dermis. However the epidermis is free of tumor.Pathological stage: pT2N1SUMMARY:Invasive ductal carcinoma, left breast.Tumor Grade: II.Lymphnode Status: 2/17. No extranodal extension." 4444,MR1820287,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white multiple linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The sections shows linear cores of tissue exhibiting tumor infiltrating in cords and nests. The tumor cells are round to ovoid with high N:C ratio, enlarged hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump.Invasive ductal carcinoma, NST, Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson Score 6/9.Tubular formation -- 3.Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic activity -- 1 --------- 6/9 ---------" 4445,MR1820294,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white multiple linear cores measures 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The sections show linear cores of tissue exhibiting dense sclerosis and tumor infiltrating in the form of irregular tubules. The tubules are lined by atypical cuboidal cells having high N:C ratio, Ovoid hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Focally cribriform ductal carcinoma in situ is noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, NST, grade I.Modified Bloom Richardson score 4/9.Tubular formationáááááááááá -- 1.Nuclear pleomorphismááá -- 2.Mitotic activityááááááááááááááá -- 1.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 4/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------" 4446,MR1820319,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast 6 o'clock lesion.B) Right breast upper outer quadrant primary.C) Revised base.D&E) Right sentinel node biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received wide local excision specimen measures 6x5.5x2.5cm.Skin flap measures 2.5x1cm, Cut surface show subcutaneous, solid cystic lesion measuring 1.5x1x1cm.with friable material which is pultaceousDistance from the margins:Superior margin -- 1.5cm.Inferior margin -- 3cm.Medial margin -- 3cm.Lateral margin -- 2cm.Deep margin -- 2.5cm.B) Received soft tissue bits measures 8x5x4.5cm.Skin flap measures 5x8cm.Cut surface show grey white tumor with infiltrative margins measures 1.6x1.5x1.2cm.Distance from the margin :Superior margin - 1cm.Inferior margin - 1cm.Medial margin - 6cm.Lateral margin - 0.8cm.Deep margin - 0.7cm.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1.5x1x1cm. D) Received 2 lymph nodes largest measures 1.5x1.2x0.8cm, other measures 1.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface is fatty infiltration.E) Received fibrofatty tissue with 1 lymph node measures 0.4x0.3x0.3cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in sheets, cords and trabeculae. Cells have moderate amount of cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Atypical mitotic figures are discerned (3-4/10hpf). Stroma is desmoplastic with lymphomononuclear infiltrates. Foci of ductal carcinoma in situ (solid, cribriform, comedo type) of intermediate nuclear grade noted.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast 6 o'clock lesion:Epidermoid cyst.All margins (superior, inferior, medial, lateral, deep) free of tumor.B) Right breast upper outer quadrant primary:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Tumor measures 1.6cm in greatest dimension.Invasive component 1cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.6cm.Modified bloom richardson score is (3+2+2) 7/9.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is absent.Ductal carcinoma in situ (solid, comedo, cribriform type) Intermediate nuclear grade seen.All margins (superior, inferior, medial, lateral, deep) free of tumor.C) Revised base:Free of tumor.D&E) Right sentinel node biopsy:Three nodes isolated free of tumor.Pathological stage : pT1N0." 4447,MR1820325,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump under evaluation. SPECIMEN :A) Left breast wide excision. B) Revised base stitch away from tumor. C) Nipple papilloma. D) Revised superior margin.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Left breast wide excision. Received wide excision specimen measures 11x9x5cm. Skin flap measures 7x1.5cm. Cutsurface well circumscribed, grey white from tumor measures 5.5x5x4cm. Distance from margins :Superior margin: 0.5cmInferior margin : 0.5cmMedial margin : 1 cmLateral margin : 2 cmDeep margin : 0.5 cmB) Revised base stitch away from tumor. Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x2x1cm. Stitch surface identified and inked.C) Nipple papilloma. Received fibrofatty tissue measures 0.5x0.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed. D) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x1.5cm. Cutsurface unremarkable. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Sections studied show breast parenchyma with an infiltrating lesion comprising of atypical ducts and fascicles of spindle cells over chondioid stroma. The atypical glands are lined by ovoid cells having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. The spindle cells have moderate amount of cytoplasm and hyperchromatic elongated nucleus. Mitotic figures (5-6/10hpf) are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with focal chondroid areas. IMPRESSION :A) Left breast wide excision. Meta plastic carcinoma with mesenchymal differentiation (chondromatous areas), Grade - 2. Tumor measures 5.5cm in greatest dimension. Tumor is located in upper central quadrant.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 .........Ductal carcinoma in situ is not seen. Lymphovascular invasion are not identified. Perineural invasion are not identified. All margins (superior, medial, lateral and deep) are free of tumor. B) Revised base : Free of tumor. C) Nipple papilloma : Free of tumor. D) Revised superior margin : Free of tumor. " 4448,MR1820338,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules nest, cords, trabeculae. Lesional cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli, moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows lympho mononulcear infiltrates desmoplastic change and myxoid degeneration.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast mass:Invasive carcinoma,NST; Grade II.Tubule formation -3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 1 ----------- 6/9 ------------" 4449,MR1820393,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1.3-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show lineará core of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules cords, nest and trabeculae.Lesional cells have pleomorphic round to oval vesicular to hyperchromatic nuclei. Some cells are showingá prominent nucleoli, moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm.Ductal carcinoma in situ foci of comedo necrosis seen. Stroma shows desmoplasticá change along with mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Small focus of invasive carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ (high grade)Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9. grade 2Tubule formationááááááááááááááá :2Nuclear pleomorphismááááááá :2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9" 4450,MR1900006,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN :Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS :Received grey white linear core measures 0.5 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows linear cores of tumor composed of nests and sheets of round to oval cells with marked pleomorphism, hyperchromatic nucleus prominent nucleus and clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic are 10-12/hpf and necrotic foci are seen. Stroma shows desmoplastic. IMPRESSION :Right breast lump, biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, Grade 3. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 9(3+3+3). " 4451,MR1900019,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right axillary sentinel lymph node biopsy.B) Right mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4x2x1cm.4 Lymph nodes identified.Largest measures 1.2x1x0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.B) Received inááá ááááááá : 10% NBF.Procedureááá ááá ááá ááááá : Right mastectomy.Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááá ááá : Right.Total dimensionsáááááááá : Medial to lateral -- 15cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep -- 4cm. áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior -- 14cm.Skin ellipseááá ááá áááááááá : 12x7.5cm.Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áááá : Normal áááááááááááááááááááá ááá ááá ááá Scar/ Surgical defectáá : Absent.Tumorááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áááá : Single.Tumour Sizeááááááááááááááá : 3x2.5x2cm.Margins of tumorááá ááááá : Illdefined. ááááááááá Deep marginááá ááá áá ááá : 0.8cm.Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááá : Present.Adjacent Breastáá á á ááá : Fibrofatty tissue. áááá Axillary tailááá ááá á áá á áá : NoMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in sheets. The cells have moderate amount of cytoplasm, pleomorphic round to oval nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Atypical mitoses are discerned (2-3/10hpf). Areas of necrosis seen. Stroma is desmoplastic. A small focus of ductal carcinoma in situ of low nuclear grade seen (solid type)IMPRESSION:B) Right mastectomy:Histological type: Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade: II.Tumor measures maximum dimension 3cmInvasive component measures 2.8cmDuctal carcinoma in situ measures 0.2cmModified BR score is 6/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 1Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is present. Low grade.Lymphovascular invasion is absent.Perineural invasion is absent.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. Posterior margin is close (0.8cm) however inked margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is free of tumor.A) Sentinel lymph nodes: 8 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0 (0/8).Pathological stage: pT2Nsn (0).SUMMARY:Invasive ductal carcinoma, right breast.Tumor Grade: IILymphnode Status: Sentinel nodes: 8 nodes isolated. All are free of tumor (0/8)." 4452,MR1900055,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right sentinel lymph nodes.B) Right mastectomy.C) Revised base.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1x0.5cm.3 lymph nodes seen measures 6x0.4cm.B) Received inááá ááá ááá : 10%NBF.Procedureááá ááá ááá ááááá : Right mastectomy.Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááá á á : Right. Total dimensionsááá ááááá : Medial to lateral -- 10cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep -- 4cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior -- 16cm.Skin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááá : 16x10cm. á Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áááá : Retracted.Scar/ Surgical defectáá : Absent.Tumorááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áááá : Single.Tumour Sizeááááááááááááááá : 4x3x2cm. Location of tumorááá á áá : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumorááá ááááá : Illdefined. áááá Deep marginááá ááá áááááá : 0.4cm.C) Received single grey white soft tissue bits measures 1.5x1x0.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show breast parenchyma with an infiltrative lesion composed of cells arranged in sheets, cords and trabeculae. The cells have scant cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Atypical mitosis discerned (1-2/10hpf). Stroma shows extensive areas of fibrosis with sclerosed blood vessels.IMPRESSION:A) Right sentinel lymph nodes:Three nodes isolated free of tumor (0/3).B) Right mastectomy:Histological type: Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade: IITumor measures maximum dimension 4cmInvasive component measures 4cmModified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is absent.Lymphovascular invasion is absent.Perineural invasion is absent.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is free of tumor.C) Revised base:Free of tumor.Pathological stage: pT2Nsn(0).SUMMARY:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Right breast.Tumor Grade: IILymphnode Status: 3 sentinel nodes identified free of tumor (0/3)." 4453,MR1900059,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with tumor cells infiltrating in nests, cords and sheets. The tumor cells are round to ovoid with a high N:C ratio, enlarged ovoid hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Intervening stroma is desmoplastic. Foci of ductal carcinoma in situ are seen (cribriform and solid type).IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass:Invasive carcinoma, NST, grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score 7/9.Tubular formation -- 3.Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2.Mitotic figures -- 2. ----------- 7/9 -----------" 4454,MR1900075,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear core of breast parenchyma harboring tumor infiltrating as nests and cords in background of abundant of extracellular mucin. The tumor cells show mild pleomorphism and sparse mitosis is seen. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump :Invasive carcinoma with mucinous features, Grade2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). " 4455,MR1900093,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma with tumor infiltrating as nests composed of polygonal cells with marked pleomorphism hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows dense lymphomononuclear infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump : Invasive carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+3+1). " 4456,MR1900101,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass. Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows linear cores of tissue exhibiting scant tumor infiltrating in nests, cords and occasional tubules. The tumor cells are round to ovoid with a high N:C ratio, enlarged ovoid hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Intervening stroma shows prominent desmoplastic reaction.IMPRESSION:Right breast biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, NST grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (6/9).Tubular formation -- 3.Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2.Mitotic activity -- 1. ---------- 6/9 ----------NOTE:Tumor volume is scant to attempt IHC.Suggest repeat biopsy for purpose of IHC." 4458,MR1900236,">right breast, modified radial mastectomy, post nact >residual viable invasive ductal carcinoma. >tumor measures 2.4cm in greatest dimension. >invasive carcinoma measures 2cm. >carcinoma in situ measures 0.4cm. >ductal carcinoma in situ is of solid and comedo type high grade. >nipple areola is unremarkable. >deep margin is free of tumor. >lymphovascular invasion is not identified. >perineural invasion is not identified. >7 lymph nodes examined are free of tumor (07). > normal 0 false false false en-us x-none x-none ypt2n0" 4459,MR1900267,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast mass - ? Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tumor composed of round to oval cells arranged as sheets and cords. These cells show moderate pleomorphism, hyperchromatic enlarged nucleus and scant cytoplasm. Mitosis are 6-8/hpf stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Left Breast mass, Core Biopsy:Invasive Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 4460,MR1900274,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Left breast mass biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an invasion neoplasm arranged in glandular pattern, nests, trabecule. The cells are round to polygonal with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, round moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, round moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus. Some cells show intranuclear inclusions. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 4461,MR1900323,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma of left breast.SITE:Left modified radical mastectomy (Post lumpectomy).Received 13 blocks labelled as 1518 I A to IC, IIA, IIB, III, IV, VA to VE, VI.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from blocks labelled IA, B, C show breast parenchyma with areas of fibrosis, lymphomononuclear infiltrates, foreign body giant cells and focal areas with isolated of squamous inclusions. Areas of calcification seen. No residual tumor seen in the blocks submitted.IMPRESSION:Left modified radical mastectomy (Post lumpectomy):Blocks labelled IA, B, C - No residual tumor.Blocks labelled II A,B - Nipple + Score - free of tumor.Block labelled III - Base of resection - Free of tumor.Block labelled IV - Adjacent breast - Unremarkable.Blocks labelled V A to E - Axillary lymph nodes - Nineteen out of twenty four show metastasis with extranodal extension (19/24)Block labelled VI - Atypical lymph node - Two lymph nodes identified show metastasis (2/2)" 4463,MR1900340,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass.? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass:Invasive carcinoma, NST grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubular formationááááááááá -- 3.Nuclear pleomorphismá -- 2Mitotic activityáááááááááááááá -- 1.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------" 4464,MR1900366,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 0.1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma (NST), Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4465,MR1900377,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump- ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring tumor infiltrating as cords and trabecular composed of polygonal cells with hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 1. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1). " 4466,MR1900397,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast lumpectomy.B) Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5.5x5x3cm. (unoriented).Cut surface show grey white ? fibrotic areas measures 2.5x2x1cm.B) Received inááá ááá ááá : 10% NBF.Procedureááá ááá ááá ááááá : Left modified radical mastectomy.Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááá á á : LeftTotal dimensionsááá á á á : Medial to lateral -- 22cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep -- 8cm. áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior -- 20cm.Skin ellipseááá ááá ááá áá á : 12x9cm.Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áááá : RetractedScar/ Surgical defectáá : 3cm.Tumorááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áááá : Lumpectomy bed.Tumour Sizeááááááááááááááá : 7x6x5cm. ááá Location of tumorááá áááá : Upper outer quadrant. Margins of tumorááá ááá á : Illdefined. Deep marginááá ááá ááá á á : 1.5cm.Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áááá : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááááááá : Fibrofatty tissue. ááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá ááá ááá : 13x10x2.5cm.Size of largest nodeáááááá : 2x1.5x1cm. Cut surface is grey white.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from breast parenchyma show an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in clusters and nests with some of them suspended in extensive extracellular mucin pools. The cells have scant to moderate cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Atypical mitoses are discerned (3-4/10HPF). Mucinous carcinoma represents 70% of tumor. Focal areas of invasive carcinoma present and represents 30% of the tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast lumpectomy.Histological type:Mucinous carcinoma component 70% and invasive ductal carcinoma 30% of tumor.Grade: II.Tumor measures maximum dimension 2.5cmInvasive component measures 2.5cmModified BR score is 6/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 1Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is absent.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is absent.B) Left modified radical mastectomy.Lumpectomy bed is free of tumour.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 17 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 3 (3/17).Extranodal extension seen.Pathological stage: pT2N1SUMMARY:Mucinous carcinoma component 70% and invasive ductal carcinoma 30% of tumor, Left breast.Tumor Grade: IILymphnode Status: 3/17.Extranodal extension seen." 4467,MR1900411,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right BreastSPECIMEN:Right Breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral : 16 cm. Superficial to Deep : 4 cm. Superior to Inferior : 15 cm.Skin ellipse :14 x 7 cm. Nipple : Retracted Tumor : SingleTumour Size : 3 x 2.2 x 1 cm Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant. Margin of tumor : Ill defined. Deep margin : 1.5cm.Muscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissueAxillary tail :12 x 10 x 2 cm. Size of largest node : 3.5 x 2.5 x 2 cm. Cut surface deposit seen measures 3 x 2.2 x 2 cm. Representative section are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast parenchyma display a lesion arranged in sheets, cords and trabecular with occasional tubule formation. The cells have scant cytoplasm, pleomorphic vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Atypical mitosis are discerned(1-2/10hpf). Intervening stroma shows abundant lymphomononuclear infiltration with desmoplasia and focal areas of calcification. Focal areas of Ductal carcinoma in situ( Solid papillary type) of low nuclear grade noted.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2 - Tumor measures 3 cm in greatest dimension. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). - Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ of solid and papillary pattern with low nuclear grade are is seen. - Lymphovascular invasion is identified. - Perineural invasion is identified. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: One out of seventeen lymph nodes shows metastatic tumor deposit withExtranodal extension(1/17). - Size of the tumor deposit measure 3 cm in greatest dimension.Pathological stage: pT2N1a" 4468,MR1900417,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy, post NACT.GROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááá ááá áááááá : Formalin/Freshá Procedureááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áááá : Right modified radical mastectomy, post NACT.Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áááááá : Right.Total dimensionsááá ááá ááá ááá : Medial to lateral -- 20cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep -- 7cm.á ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior -- 20cm.Skin ellipseááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá : 14x9cm ulcero nodular lesion seen measures 1.5x1.5cm.Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áááááá : Normal áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá ááá áááá Scar/ Surgical defectááá á áá : Absent Tumorááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá á á : SingleTumour Size á á á á á á á á áá á : 4x3.5x3.5cm. Location of tumorááá ááá ááá áá : Lower inner quadrant.Margins of tumorááá ááá ááá ááá : Illdefined. ááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá ááá ááááá : 0.2cm.Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááá : 8x4cm.Adjacent Breastááá ááá ááá áááá : Fibrofatty tissue. ááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áááá : 10x8x2cm.Size of largest nodeááá ááá áá : 2.5x2x1.5cm. Cut surface is deposit seen.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in sheets, cords and trabeculae, The cells have moderate cytoplasm, round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Atypical mitosis discerned (3-4/hpf). Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic. Tumor cells are seen infiltrating skin with ulceration of epidermis and muscle bundles. However, posterior resected margin is free of tumor.IMPRESSION:Right modified radical mastectomy, post NACT.Tumor Bed: 4x3.5x3.5cm.Histological type:Residual invasive ductal carcinoma. The tumor is infiltrating skin with ulceration of epidermis. Muscle bundles are also infiltrated by tumor, however, posterior resected margin is free of tumor.Grade: III.Tumor measures maximum dimension 4cmInvasive component measures 4cmModified BR score is 8/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 3Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is absent.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is absent.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 8 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 1 (1/8).Extranodal extension seen.Pathological stage: ypT4bN1SUMMARY:Residual invasive ductal carcinoma, Right breast, post NACT.Tumor infiltrating into epidermis along with ulceration of skin.Tumor Grade: IIILymphnode Status: 1/8 with extranodal extension." 4469,MR1900422,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white line cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring tumor infiltrating as nests composed of polygonal cells with pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus and scant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Left breast lesion biopsy. Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade -2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). " 4470,MR1900444,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast mass, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 7 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of tumor tissue arranged in glandular pattern, trabecular and cords. The lesional cells are round to polygonal with moderate clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm, moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus. Mitotic figures are discerned. stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 4471,MR1900460,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast mass, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in sheets, nests and vague glandular pattern. The lesional cells round with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus. Some showing intranuclear inclusions. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 4472,MR1900461,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass :Invasive carcinoma (NST), Grade - II. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4473,MR1900469,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear core measures 0.5 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass :Invasive breast carcinoma (NST), Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 ........." 4474,MR1900500,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Left Breast.SPECIMEN:A) Blue +Hot nodeB) Hot nodeC) Left MastectomyD) Left axillary lymph nodeGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received blue +hot node isolated 3 lymph nodes.Largest lymph node measures 1x0.8x0.5cm. Cut surface deposit seenB) Received hot node isolated 2 lymphá nodes.Largest lymph node measures 3x2x1cm. Cut surface - grey white.Received inááááááááááááááááááá : FormalinProcedureááááááááááááááááááááá :á Modified Radical Mastectomy ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Lateralityááááááááááááááááááááááá :á LeftTotal dimensionsááááááááááá :á Medial to lateralááááá :18cmáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep :5cm áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferiorá :15cmSkin ellipseáááááááááááááááááááá : 15x8cm áá Nippleáááááááááááááááááááááááááááá :á Normal ááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Scar/ Surgical defectááááá :AbsentTumorááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : SingleTumour Sizeáááááááááááááááááá : 2.5x2x2cm áááááááá Location of tumoráááááááááá :lower outer quadrantDeep margináááááááááááááááááá :2cmMuscleááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : AbsentAdjacent Breastááááááááááááá : Fibrofatty tissue áááááá D) Received axilary fibrofatty tissue measures 4x4x1cm.IMPRESSION:A) Blue +Hot node:3 lymph nodes isolated, one lymph node show tumor deposit (1/3)No extra nodal extension seen Deposit measures 0.6cmB) Hot node:One lymph nodeá isolated, negative for malignancy (0/1).C) Left Mastectomy:Tumor bed:Section shows infiltration neoplasm arranged in sheets, nests, papillae and acini. The cells are round to oval vesicular nuclei abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm.lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates noted.Histological type:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade:2Tumor measures maximum dimension 2.5cm.Invasive component measures 2.1cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.4cm.Modified BR score is7/9Tubule formation:á 3á Nuclear pleomorphism:2 Mitotic figures:2Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situá solid and comedonecrosis . Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 9 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0(0/9) . D) Left axillary lymph node:Nine lymph node isolated , negative for malignancy.Total number of nodes : One node shows metastaticá deposit of tumor out of 13 nodes (1/13).Perinodal spread not present.Pathological stage:pT2N1ááááááááááááááá SUMMARY: Left mastectomy, left breastInvasive ductal carcinoma.Tumor Grade:IILymphnode Status:Axillary node (0/9)Sentinel node (1/4).No extranodal extension." 4476,MR1900536,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast, left breast conservative surgery.B) Left sentinel node.C) Revised deep margin.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received breast conservative surgery specimen measures 6.5x5.5x3.5cm.Skin flap measures 4x1.5cm.Cut surface show grey white firm well circumscribed lesion measures 3x2.5x2.5cm.Distance from the margins:Superior margináááááááá -- 0.7cm.Inferior margináááááááááá -- 0.6cm.Medial margináááááááááááá -- 0.5cm.Lateral marginááááááááááá -- 1.5cm.Deep marginááááááááááááá -- 0.5cm.B) Received 2 lymph nodes.Largest measures 1.8x1.2x1cm. Cut surface show fatty infiltration.Other measures 1.5x1x1cm. Cut surface show fatty infiltration.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1.5x0.3cm.Stitch surface is inked.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in sheets. The cells have scant cytoplasm, pleomorphic vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Atypical mitoses are discerned (2-3/hpf). Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast, left breast conservative surgery:Invasive carcinoma, NST grade III.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+3+3) = 9/9.Tumor measures 3cm in greatest dimension.No ductal carcinoma in situ seen.No lymphovascular invasion or perineural invasion seen.All margins (superior, inferior, medial, lateral, deep) free of tumor.B) Left sentinel node:Three nodes isolated all are free of tumor (0/3).C) Revised deep margin:Free of tumor.Pathological stage : pT2Nsn (o)." 4477,MR1900552,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1m. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of tumor tissue arranged in sheets, nests. The lesional cells round to polygonal with moderate clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm, round hyperchromatic nucleus, prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are 10-12/10hpf with atypical forms. Stroma shows desmoplasia and mild inflammatory infiltrates. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass. Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 4478,MR1900570,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breast post MRM, Post chemo+RT. SPECIMEN:Skin nodule biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received skin covered soft tissue bits measures 1.4x0.5x0.3cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows skin with tumor infiltrating dermis in the form of nests and acini composed of round to oval cells with high N:C ratio hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus and scant cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Skin nodule. Invasive carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast. " 4479,MR1900649,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.9cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma extrabiting tumor infiltrating in nests, cords and sheets. The tumor cells are round to ovoid with enlarged ovoid pleomorphic nuclei, occasional prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Mitotic figures and foci of necrosis are seen. IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma NST - Grade - III.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4480,MR1900650,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of tumor tissue arranged in sheets, nests and trabecule. The lesional cells have moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm and round hyperchromatic nuclei. Some showing intranuclear inclusion. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia and areas of necrosis. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 3. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8(3+3+2)." 4481,MR1900652,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.9cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4482,MR1900658,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received five linear cores measures 0.8x1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 4483,MR1900662,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast solid cystic lesion - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast solid cystic lesion. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 8 grey white linear cores measures 0.2 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in small nest, cords, trabecular pattern. Lesional cells are large, polygonal with pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic to vesicular nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli, some are showing intranuclear inclusion and prominent nucleoli,á moderate amount of clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma show desmoplasia, neutrophilic infiltrate and area of calcification. IMPRESSION:Left breast lesion, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma (NST), grade - IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4484,MR1900698,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 linear core measures 0.4 to 0.9cm Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting tumor infiltrating in cores. The tumor cells are round to ovoid having ovoid hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Intervening dense desmoplastic reaction is noted. Large areas of necrosis are seen. IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma with lobular features, grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4485,MR1900702,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 0.8 to 0.9cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows tumor cores of breast parenchyma with tumor infiltrating in nests, cords and are tubules. The tumor cells are round to ovoid with enlarged hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Intervening stroma is desmoplastic. Foci of necrosis are seen. IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma NST, grade - IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4486,MR1900713,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast, left breast conservative surgery.B) Left axillary dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received wide local excision specimen measures 7.5x6x4cm. Skin flap measures 4x0.5cm.Cut surface show grey white, firm infiltrating lesion measures 2.2x1.8x1.5cm.Distance from the margin:Superior margináááááááá -- 2cm.Inferior margináááááááááá -- 1.5cm.Medial marginááááááááááá -- 2cm.Lateral marginááááááááááá -- 2.5cm.Deep marginááááááááááááá -- 2.0cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 10x8x2.5cm.Largest lymph node measures 1.2x1x0.8cm. Cut surface is fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC Sections show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in sheets. The cells have scant cytoplasm, vesicular to hyperchromatic nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Atypical mitoses are discerned (4-5/hpf). Foci of ductal carcinoma in situ (cribriform, comedo) of intermediate nuclear grade seen.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast, left breast conservative surgery:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson Score - 7/9Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic activity - 2 Tumor measures 2.2cm in greatest dimension.Invasive component measures 1.4cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.8cm.No lymphovascular invasion / perineural invasion seen.B) Left axillary dissection:Sixteen nodes isolated - All are free of tumor (0/16)." 4487,MR1900726,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented grey white linear cores measuring 0.2 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting tumor infiltrating in sheets and nests. The tumor cells are round to ovoid with enlarged ovoid, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are seen. Intervening stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast :Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade - 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ------- 8/9 ........." 4488,MR1900731,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting tumor infiltrating in cords and nests. the tumor cells are round to ovoid with enlarged ovoid hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Intervening stroma shows dense desmoplasia and lymphomononuclear infiltrate. Adjacent breast shows apocrine change. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass :Invasive carcinoma NST, grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 ........." 4489,MR1900744,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting tumor infiltrating in nests, cords sheets and rare tubules. The tumor cells are round to cuboidal with enlarged ovoid, pleomorphic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Intervening stroma shows desmoplasia. Apoptosis is seen. Cribriform, solid and comode type ductal carcinoma in situ is noted. Foci of necrosis are seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Core biopsy-Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade - 2. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 ........." 4490,MR1900761,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measuing 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting tumor infiltrating in nests and sheets. The tumor cells are round to polygonal with enlarged pleomorphic, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Intervening stroma shows dense desmoplasia and lymphomononuclear infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass biopsyInvasive carcinoma NST, Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 ........." 4491,MR1900805,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring tumor infiltrating tubules and nests composed of to oval cells with pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate to scant cytoplasm. Mitotic activity is discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia and myxoid change. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade -2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(2+3+2)." 4492,MR1900810,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting tumor infiltrating in nests, cords and cribriform pattern. The tumor cells are round to cuboidal with enlarged pleomorphic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm, intervening stroma shows dense desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade - II. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 ........." 4494,MR1900828,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of right breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:A) Right Breast conservatory surgery.B)Blue nodeC)Hot nodeD)non blue , non hot nodeE) Revised superior marginGROSS FINDING:A) Received wide local excision measures 5.5x4x4cm skin flap measures 3.5x0.8cmCut surface shows grey white firm tumor measures 1.3x1x1cmDistance from margins:Superior margin :0.4cmInferior margin :0.7cmMedial margin :0.8cmLateral margin :2.8cmDeep margins :2.5cmB) Received 1 lymph node measures 1.6x1x1cm. Cut surface ? invoked.C) Received 1 Lymph node measures 3.4x0.8x0.6cm. Cut surface involved.D) Received 1 lymph node measures 2x1.5x1cm. Cut surface involved.E) Received fibrofatty measures 1.2x1.8x0.5cmIMPRESSION:A) Right Breast conservatory surgery, Right breast wide local excisionInvasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score 7/9(3+2+2)Tumor measures 1.3cm in maximum dimension.Invasive component measure 1.3cmLymphovascular invasion is not presentPerineural invasion is not seen.Inferior,medial and lateral resected margins are free of tumor.B)Blue node:One lymph node isolated, negative for malignancy(0/1)C)Hot node:One lymph node isolated, negative for malignancy(0/1).D)non blue , non hot node:One lymph node isolated, negative for malignancy.E) Revised superior margin: Negative for malignancyPathological stage:pT1N0" 4495,MR1900839,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring tumor infiltrating as sheets, nests and tubules composed of round to oval cells with pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus and scant cytoplasm. Mitosis are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphomononuclear infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4496,MR1900863,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN :Biopsy from right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS :Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged in tubules and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is elastotic. IMPRESSION :Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ......... 4497,MR1900889,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass.Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting tumor infiltrating in nests, cords and occasional tubules. The tumor cells are round to cuboidal with a high N:C ratio, enlarged ovoid nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Intervening stroma shows dense sclerosis. Foci of necrosis are seen. Comedo type ductal carcinoma in situ is seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass:Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubular formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphic -- 2Mitotic activity -- 2 --------- 7/9 ---------" 4498,MR1900899,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN :Biopsy from left breast. GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white linear cores measure 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section studied shows linear cores of tumor tissue arranged in glandular pattern, nests and trabeculae. The cells are round with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei. Few showing intranuclear inclusions. Mitotic figures are 8-10/10hpf. Stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION :Left breast mass :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4500,MR1900903,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show linear core of breast parenchyma harboring lesion arranged in trabecular and small clusters. Lesional cells are polygonal with pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli, moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma show desmoplasia and lymphatic infiltrate. Foci of ductal carcinoma in situ cribriform pattern also noted. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast :Invasive ductal carcinoma (NST) Grade -IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4501,MR1900922,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Left breast :Invasive carcinoma (NST), Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4503,MR1900957,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting tumor infiltrating in nests and cords and forming rare tubular structures. The tumor cells are round to ovoid with ovoid hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Occasional cells show eccentrically placed nuclei and vacuolated cytoplasm. Focally tumor cells infiltrate in a targetoid pattern surrounding ducts. Intervening stroma is desmoplastic. Solid type ductal carcinoma in situ is noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass:Invasive carcinoma NST, grade IIModified bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubular formation -- 3.Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2.Mitotic activity -- 1. ------------ 6/9 -------------" 4504,MR1900958,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass.SPECIMEN:Right breast lesion. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show linear core of breast parenchyma harboring lesion arranged in acinar, trabecular and sheets. Lesional cells are polygonal with pleomorphic round to oval pleomorphic vesicular nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli, moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma show desmoplasia and lymphocytic infiltrate .Foci of ductal carcinoma in situ also noted.á IMPRESSION:Right breast lesion. Invasive carcinoma (NST) grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4505,MR1900978,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear core of breast parenchyma harboring tumor infiltrating as diffuse sheets of round to oval cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scant cytoplasm. There is marked pleomorphism and foci of necrosis. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass.Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4506,MR1900996,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting tumor infiltrating in cords, nests and sheets. The tumor cells are round to cuboidal and show enlarged ovoid hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Intervening stroma is desmoplastic. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis are seen. Mitotic figures are seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass :Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 ........." 4507,MR1901017,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section show linear cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting dense sclerosis and tumor infiltrating in nests, cords and sheets. The tumor cells are round to cuboidal with enlarged ovoid nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Perineural invasion is seen. Intervening stroma is desmoplastic and shows myxoid areas. Comedo type ductal carcinoma in situ is seen. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 ........." 4508,MR1901047,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast, Wide local excision.B) Hot nodes.C) Blue and Hot node.D) Revised lateral margin.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Left breast, Wide local excision:Specimen size : 10x8x6cm.Skin:-Skin dimension : 7.5x1cm.Largest lesion dimension : 5.5x2.5x2.5cm.Distance of lesion from margins:-Superior margin : 1.5cm.Inferior margin : 0.7cm.Medial margin : 0.8cm.Lateral margin : 0.5cm.Deep margin : 1.5cm.Also seen nodule lateral to the main tumor measures 0.5x0.5x0.5cm.B) Received 1 lymph node measures 1x0.6x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltrate. Entire tissue processed.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4x2x1.5cm.Isolated 2 lymph nodes.Largest measures 3x1.5x0.5cm. Cut surface shows greywhite to greybrown. Entire tissue processed.D) Received fibrofatty measures 3x2.5x1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied shows breast parenchyma harbours infiltrative lesion, arranged in diffuse sheets, nests, trabeculae and cords. The cells are oval, have moderately pleomorphic vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate to abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia, large areas of necrosis, karyorrhectic debris. Mitotic figures are discerned. Lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate is seen. IMPRESSION:A) Left breast, Wide local excision:Invasive carcinoma, grade 2Modified BR score 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------------- 6/9 -------------Multiple tumor foci are seen, largest measures 5.5cm in greatest dimension.Smallest focus measures 0.5x0.5x0.5cm.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.DCIS component is not identified.Skin is free of tumor.Areas of necrosis seen.Lateral margin showing few atypical cells.All other resected margins (Superior, inferior, medial, deep margins) are free of tumor.Left sentinel nodes:B) Hot nodes:One lymph node is identified, is free of tumor (0/1).C) Blue and Hot node:Two lymph nodes are identified, all are free of tumor (0/2).D) Revised lateral margin : Free of tumor." 4509,MR1901064,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring tumor infiltrating as nests composed polygonal cells with marked pleomorphism. These cells show high N:C ratio, hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis are (1-2/hpf. Stroma shows marked desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 3. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8(3+2+3)." 4510,MR1901073,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass. SPECIMEN :Biopsy from right breast. GROSS FINDINGS :Received multiple grey white fragmented linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION :Right breast biopsy :Small volume of Invasive carcinoma (NST) Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ......... 4511,MR1901076,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast retroareolar mass - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1c. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion composing of nests of cells in extracellular pools of mucin. The lesional cells are round to oval with bland nuclei and moderate cytoplasm, mild atypia seen. No mitosis seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma with mucinous features. " 4512,MR1901091,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass.? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple tiny grey white linear cores measures 0.2 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass:Fibroepithelial lesion favour Phyllodes. 4513,MR1901092,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests, sheets and vague acini. The cells are round to oval with hyperchromatic nuclei abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, eccentrically placed nuclei floating in pools of mucin. Adjacent fibrocollagenous stroma shows hyalinisation. Occasional l mitotic figures seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma with mucinous features. (grade 1 )" 4514,MR1901120,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left axillary node - metastasis. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left axillary node. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of invasive neoplasm with extensive areas of necrosis. Tumor arranged in glandular pattern, nests, sheets. The cells are polygonal with moderate clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm, round hyperchromatic nucleus, some cells show intranuclear inclusion. Mitotic figures are discerned. IMPRESSION:Left axillary lymph node.Suggestive of Metastatic tumour deposit in known case of carcinoma breast. " 4515,MR1901121,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Left blue nodeB) Non blue non hot node.C)Left breast wide excision A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1.5x1cm.1 lymph nodes measures 1.8x1.3x0.8cm.Cut surface fatty infiltrate.B) Received fibrofatty measures 1x1x0.8cm.1 lymph node measures 0.6x0.5x0.4cm.C) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 6.6x5.5x3.5cmSkin elipse measures 4x1.5cm.Distance from margins:Superior margin :1cmInferior margin :1cmMedial margin :2cmLateral margin :2.5cmDeep margin : 1cmIMPRESSION:A) Left blue node:One lymph node, negative for malignancy.(0/1)B) Non blue non hot node : one lymph node, negative for malignancy.(0/1)C)Left breast wide excision:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+2-7/9Tumor measure 2.5cm in greatest dimension.Invasive component measures 2.5cmDuctal carcinoma in situ is not identified.Lymphovascular invasion not seen.Perineural invasion is not seen.All resected margins free of tumor.Pathological stage: pT2pN0." 4516,MR1901125,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast. Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade -2." 4517,MR1901127,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass.? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma, NST grade 2.Modified bloom richardson score is 6/9.Tubule formationááááááááá -- 3.Nuclear pleomorphicáááá -- 2Mitotic activityáááááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4518,MR1901128,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 7 grey white linear cores measures 6.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Left breast biopsy :Invasive carcinoma (NST), Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4519,MR1901132,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast :Invasive carcinoma, Grade - 2. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áá ........." 4520,MR1901137,">a)left breast, left modified radical mastectomy >tumor bed no evidence of residual tumor. >remarks therapy related changes seen. > >ductal carcinoma in situ not identified. >lymphovascular invasion not identified. >perineural invasion not identified. >posterior resection margin is free of tumor. >nipple and areola is unremarkable. >lymph nodes -19 lymph nodes, metastasis 0 >(019) (016 - left modified radical mastectomy. >(03) left level 3 axillary node. > >summary >left breast. left modified radical mastectomy >no evidence of residual tumor. >lymph node status 019. > >b) left level iii axillary node. > isolated 3 lymph nodes, free of tumor (03)" 4521,MR1901140,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 2. Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+1)=6/9" 4522,MR1901146,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 1.8cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplasm arranged in cords and abortive tubules. The cells have round to irregular hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic figures is discerned.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump :Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade - IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4523,MR1901148,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right Breast Mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 0.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tumor arranged as nests tubules and sheets composed of round to oval cells with hyperchromatic eccentric nucleus and vacuolated cytoplasm (Signet ring cell). Stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right Breast Mass:Invasive carcinoma with signet ring cell morphology - Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1) 4525,MR1901174,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in sheets, nests and occasional vague tubules. The cells have scant cytoplasm, pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei. Atypical mitosis are discerned. (3-4/10hpf). Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic foci of ductal carcinoma in situ (solid, cribriform, comedo type) of intermediate nuclear grade seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma with lobular features grade -2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 ........." 4526,MR1901190,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right Breast Mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white soft tissue bits measures 0.2 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fragments of breast parenchyma harboring tumor infiltrating as nests and sheets of polygonal cells with enlarged hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate dense eosinophilic cytoplasm. mitosis are discerned. Areas of necrosis seen. Stroma shows dense lymphomononuclear infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right Breast Mass:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 4527,MR1901192,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left Breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 1.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of breast parenchyma harbors an infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets and islands. The cells are oval, have markedly pleomorphic hyperchroamtic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and abundant amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic activity is discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Foci of necrosis is seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left Breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 4528,MR1901195,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma (NST) Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4529,MR1901206,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.3to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.á MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with an infiltrating lesion arranged as cords, nests and tubules. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows extensive hyalinisation. IMPRESSION:Left breast lesion, Biopsy :Invasion ductal carcinoma, grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4530,MR1901224,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white linear core measures 1 to 2 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear core of breast parenchyma harboring tumor arranged as sheets and focal tubular pattern. The tumor cells are polygonal with high N:C ratio, hyperchromatic pleomorphic nuclei and scant to moderate amount of cytoplasm. Mitosis are discerned. Stroma shows marked desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Right breast lesion, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(2+2+2)." 4531,MR1901225,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left retroareolar mass - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Retroareolar mass, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear covers measures 0.8 to 1.8 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of breast parenchyma, shows few ducts lined by oval to columnar cells, have pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm myoepithelium prominent abluminally. Stroma shows fibrosis and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Retroareolar mass, Biopsy :Features suggestive of Atypical ductal hyperplasia with foci of atypical tubules. Suggest excision of lump for further confirmation. " 4532,MR1901229,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesioná - ? Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, biopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 2 to 2.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show linear core of breast parenchyma harboring lesion arranged in trabeculae, cord and sheets. Lesional cells are polygonal with pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli, moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma show desmoplasia and lymphocytic infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Left breast, biopsy.Invasive carcinoma (NST), grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááá áá - 2Mitotic figures áááááááááááááááááá - 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------" 4533,MR1901233,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4534,MR1901257,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass -Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 7.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged as clusters and sheets. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is elastotic. Foci of high grade ductal carcinoma in situ seen.IMPRESSION:Left Breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma , grade II Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubular formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic activity - 1 ----------- 6/9 -----------" 4535,MR1901268,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear core measures 1.8 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting tumor infiltrating in nests and sheets. The tumor cells are round to polygonal having a high N:C ratio, enlarged pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. numerous mitotic figures are seen. Solid cribriform and comedo type ductal carcinoma in situ is noted. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade - 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4536,MR1901296,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast post NACT.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast wide excision post NACTB) Revised medial margin.C) Left axillary dissectionGROSS FINDINGS:A)Fresh tissue received : YesLaterality : Left Specimen orientation : Orientated Specimen size : 5.5x5x2.5cm Skin : PresentSkin dimensions : 5x0.5mLesion dimensions :1.2x1x0.5cmDistance of lesion from margins:-Superior margin :1.5cmInferior margin :2.0cmMedial margin :0.1cmLateral margin :3.0cmDeep margin :1.5cm B)Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x1x0.5cmOne side inkedB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 7x6x4cmLargest lymph node measures 1x0.5x0.5cm Cut surface fatty infiltration seen. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the lesion show residual viable invasive neoplasm in sheets composed of pleomorphic cells with vacuolated cytoplasm moderate nuclear atypia and increased mitosis. There is dense lymphohistocytic infiltration in and around the tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast wide excision post NACT:Residual invasive ductal carcinoma NST.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+3-8/9, grade 3.Tumor measures 1.2cm in greatest dimension.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion not identified.Medial margin is close to tumor 0.2cm.All other margins including deep margin are free of tumor.B) Revised medial margin: Free of tumor.C) Left axillary dissection11 nodes isolated are free of tumor (0/11).Pathological stage :ypT1N0." 4537,MR1901297,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, biopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring lesion arranged in nest, cords, trabecular pattern. Lesional cells are polygonal with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei inconspicuous nucleoli moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma show desmoplasia and lymphocytic infiltrate. Foci of solid ductal carcinoma in situ seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass ,biopsy.Invasive carcinoma (NST), grade IModified Bloom Richardson Score isááá 5/9Tubular formation á áá ááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismá áá - 1Mitosisáááááááááááááááááááááááááá - 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á ááá ______ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______" 4538,MR1901331,CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left axillary node swelling.GROSS FINDINGS:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4x3x2cm.Largest lymph nodes measures 1.3x1x0.5cm.Cut surface shows multiple tissue tiny grey white areas ? deposits.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the nodes show extensive areas of fibrosis and foreign body type giant cell reaction. No evidence of viable metastatic deposit in the nodes examined.IMPRESSION:Left axillary node swelling:7 nodes examined are negative for malignancy ( 0/7). 4539,MR1901346,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump suggestive of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores of measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma, harboring a lesion arranged in cords, abortive tubules and clusters composed of cells with pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus stroma is desmoplastic with areas of necrosis and hemorrhage. A focus of ductal carcinoma in situ comedo pattern also seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - II. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4540,MR1901373,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma left breast high grade ductal carcinoma in-situ.Right breast suspicious lesion.SPECIMEN:Right breast biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white fragmented linear core measuring 0.2 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrous tissue with extensive areas of necrosis admixed with blood and showing infiltration by mixed inflammatory cells , few scattered hemosiderin laden macrophages and cholesterol clefts. No evidence of malignancy seen in the section studied.IMPRESSION:Right breast, biopsy:- No evidence of malignancy seen in the section studied and received sample..-Suggest repeat representative biopsy if clinically deemed necessary." 4541,MR1901392,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged on linear cords. The cells have moderate hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lump :Invasive carcinoma ,NST,Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4543,MR1901415,">a) left breast, wide local excision(post chemo) >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 3. > - modified bloom richardson score is 8(3+2+3). > - tumor measures 3.5 cm in greatest dimension. > - lymphovascular invasion is not seen. > - perineural invasion is not seen. > - posterior resection margin is free of tumor. > - nipple and areola are free of tumor. > >b) left axillary dissection >eighteen lymph nodes identified, negative for malignancy(018). > >pathological stage ypt2n0 > normal 0 false false false en-in x-none x-none" 4544,MR1901429,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white cores measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting tumor cells infiltrating in nests, sheets and cords. The tumor cells are round to ovoid with enlarged ovoid nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Intervening stroma shows dense sclerosis. Areas of necrosis are seen. IMPRESSION:Biopsy left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma NST, grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4545,MR1901449,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrous tissue fragments harboring an infiltrative lesion composed of cells arranged in cords trabeculae and clusters. The cells have scant cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma, NST grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is (3+2+1) = 6/9." 4547,MR1901476,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.8 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of breast parenchyma, harbors infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets, cords and nests. The cells are oval, have nodules pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and abundant amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic activities is discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Few foci of necrosis and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 4548,MR1901479,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump- ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5x1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrous tissue with an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, islands with central necrosis. The cells are ovoid having abundant cytoplasm, and hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 2 Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism --2Mitotic activity -- 2MBR score -- 7/9" 4549,MR1901525,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass. SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show cores of breast parenchyma with a lesion arranged in sheets, nests and cords. The lesional cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Frequent mitotic figures noted. Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphocytic infiltrates. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 ........." 4550,MR1901542,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrofatty tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets, cords and trabecular. The cells have scant cytoplasm with some having clear cytoplasm pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Atypical mitosis are discerned (5-6/10hpf) Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic with lymphomononuclear infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4552,MR1901626,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 2 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows, cores of breast parenchyma, harbors infiltrative lesion arranged in nests and sheets. The cells are oval, have pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic activities is discerned. Stroma shows desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4553,MR1901628,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrating lesion with cells in sheets. The cells have moderate cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with prominent nucleoli in some. Atypical mitosis are discerned (1-2/hpf) Extensive lymphomononuclear infiltrate seen around the tumor aggregates. IMPRESSION:Right breast, biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, grade - 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 9/9Tubule formationáááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 3Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 9/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4554,MR1901631,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass. SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrous tissue with islands and nests of atypical ovoid cells having moderate amount of cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nucleus. Mitotic figures are discerned (8-9/10hpf). Stroma is desmoplastic with extensive areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Biopsy :Poorly differentiated carcinoma with extensive necrosis. Suggest IHC. " 4555,MR1901640,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in nests, clusters and vague tubules. The cells have scant to moderate cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Atypical mitosis are discerned. Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy.Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4557,MR1901660,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in cords, trabecular and clusters. The cells have scant to moderate pale eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm. Atypical mitoses discerned. (2-3/10hpf). Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic with moderate lymphomononuclear infiltrate . Calcification noted in few areas. Foci of ductal carcinoma in situ (solid type) of intermediate nuclear grade seen. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4558,MR1901671,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrofatty tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in sheets, cords, trabecular and vague tubular pattern. The cells have scant to moderate clear cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Atypical mitoses are discerned (3-4/10hpf). Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic. Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+1) 6/9." 4559,MR1901676,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows, cores of breast parenchyma harbors infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are oval, have pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic activity is discerned. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4560,MR1901679,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast mass, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets, nests and cords. The cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate cytoplasm cell exhibit marked nuclear pleomorphism. Intervening stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphocytic infiltrate. Area of necrosis seen. Mitosis 6-7/10hpf. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 3Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4562,MR1901692,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 1 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.á MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show multiple lined cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and cords. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism intervening stroma shows desmoplasia, myxoid change. Mitosis 3-4/10hpf. Ductal carcinoma in situ solid and cribriform type seen. Fibrocystic change seen. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass :Right breast mass, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade -2. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4563,MR1901693,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragment cores measures 0.3 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring a lesion arranged predominantly in papillary pattern. The cells have moderate cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Foci of invasion also noted. Stroma shows moderate lymphomononuclear infiltrates. Ductal carcinoma in situ (cribriform type) of intermediate nuclear grade seen. Areas of hemorrhage noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Suggestive of invasive carcinoma with papillary features." 4564,MR1901695,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Left breast, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of breast paranchyma with ducts and lobules. Ducts are lined by luminal epithelium without atypia and abluminally myoepithelial layer. Stroma shows fibrosis. No evidence of malignancy seen. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy :Shows benign breast parenchyma.No evidence of malignancy seen. " 4565,MR1901733,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Right sentinel lymph nodes:A) Hot node.B) Blue + hot node.C) Non blue non hot node.D) Right mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1x1x0.6cm.Isolated 1 lymph node measures 0.7x0.5x0.4cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.8x1.5x0.8cm.Isolated 1 lymph node measures 1.5x1.2x0.8cm.Cut surface show fatty infiltration ink noted.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1x1x0.3cm.Grossly no lymph node identified.D) Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Right mastectomy.Laterality : Right.Total dimensions : Medial to lateral -- 15cm. Superficial to Deep -- 4cm. Superior to Inferior -- 15cm.Skin ellipse : 13x9cm. Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumor Size : 2.3x2x2cm. Location of tumor : 2-3 o'clock position.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 1.2cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : Absent.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section studied show one lymph node with normal architecture. No tumor deposits.B) Sections studied show one lymph node with normal architecture. No tumor deposits.C) Section shows fibrofatty with cautery artifact.D) Section from breast shows an invasive neoplasm arranged in a glands, cords and nests. The cells have round nucleus, dispersed chromatin, prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Ductal carcinoma in situ is also noted (comedo, cribriform and solid pattern). IMPRESSION:D) Right mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IITumor measures maximum dimension 2.3cmInvasive component measures 1.8cmDuctal carcinoma in situ measures 0.5cmModified BR score is 6/9Tubule formation: 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ identified (solid, cribriform comedo pattern)Lymphovascular invasion is not identitified.Perineural invasion is identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Right sentinel lymph nodes:A) Hot node:One lymph node isolated, negative for malignancy (0/1).B) Blue + hot node:One lymph node isolated, negative for malignancy (0/1).C) Non blue non hot node:Only fibrofatty tissue. No lymph node isolated." 4567,MR1901761,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied shows cores of breast parenchyma harbors infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are large oval, have markedly pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic activities is discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia, necrosis and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 3- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8(3+3+2)." 4569,MR1901776,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion composed of cells arranged in sheets cords and nests. The cells have moderate pale eosinophilic to vacuolated cytoplasm and pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Atypical mitoses are discerned (1-2/hpf). Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+3) 8/9." 4570,MR1901779,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring invasive neoplasm arranged in glandular pattern, trabeculae and nests. The cells are polygonal with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus, few showing prominent nucleoli and intranuclear inclusion. Stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubular formationááááááááááá -- 3.Nuclear pleomorphismáááá -- 2Mitotic activityáááááááááááááááá -- 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------------" 4571,MR1901788,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented cores measures 0.3x0.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show fragmented cores of fibrous tissue with foci of ductal carcinoma in situ (cribriform type) and abundant extracellular mucin with some cell clusters floating in them. The cells have scant cytoplasm and round to oval dark nuclei. No frank invasive foci seen. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump :Ductal carcinoma in situ (cribriform type) with abundant extracellular mucin. Suggest excision biopsy. 4572,MR1901791,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma right breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrosis tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets, nests cords and trabeculae. The cells have moderate pale eosinophilic cytoplasm, round to oval pleomorphic nuclei. Atypical mitosis are seen (1-2/10hpf). Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade - 2. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4573,MR1901803,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right axillary node - metastasis. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right axillary. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 x 0.3 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores from lymph node harbors infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are oval have pleomorphic abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Right axillary lymph node, Biopsy :Features suggestive of metastatic deposits in known case of carcinoma breast." 4575,MR1901813,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN :Right breast lump, biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Sections studied from multiple linear cores harbors invasive neoplasm arranged glandular and nests like pattern. The cells are marked pleomorphic with scant eosinophilic cytoplasm and large irregular hyperchromatic nucleoli. Occasional tumor giant cells are seen. Focally spindle cells arranged in sheets are seen, having hyperchromatic irregular nuclei and scant cytoplasm. Stroma shows myxoid change. Areas of solid ductal carcinoma in situ are also seen. IMPRESSION :Right breast lump - Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST with nuclear grade - 3. " 4577,MR1901831,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast retroareloar lesion. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast tissue showing infiltrating lesion composed of sheets of dysplastic cells invading the desmoplastic stroma. Sparse mononuclear infiltrates seen. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy. :Invasive carcinoma - NST, Grade - IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4578,MR1901841,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump. SPECIMEN:Right breast mass, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received more linear core grey white measures 0.1 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.á MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and sheets. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nucleus, moderate cytoplasm. The cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism stroma shows desmoplasia, lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate and focal aggregates of foamy macrophages necrosis seen.á Brisk mitotic activity noted. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Biopsy. Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade -3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4579,MR1901854,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast (post lumpectomy). SITE : Right breast (post lumpectomy). Right modified radical mastectomy. Received 16 blocks labelled as : 641/18MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Sections from blocks labelled as 641 IA, IB, IIB, IIIA, IIIB show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in cords, trabeculae, nests and vague tubular pattern. The cells have scant cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ (Solid, cribriform, comedo type) of intermediate nuclear grade seen. Rest of the areas show foamy macrophages and chronic granulation tissue. IMPRESSION :Right breast (post lumpectomy). Right modified radical mastectomy. Residual invasive ductal carcinoma NST grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá .........Lymphovascular invasion seen. Perineural invasion not seen. Ductal carcinoma in situ (solid, comedo, cribriform type) seen. Base (inked) : Free of tumor. Skin and nipple areola - Free of tumor. Eight out of eighteen lymph nodes identifiedá shows metastasis with extranodal extension. (8/18)Note : Refer primary report for tumor size, and location. " 4580,MR1901857,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma showing an infiltrative lesion composed of sheets and nests of dysplastic ductal cells showing moderate pleomorphism, hyperchromasia prominent nucleoli. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic and show moderate lymphomononuclear infiltrates. An occasional focus shows ductal carcinoma in situ with comedo necrosis. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy. Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------Foci of ductal carcinoma in situ with comedo necrosis seen." 4581,MR1901863,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion. GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white soft tissue bits measures 0.1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with dilated ducts of varying size. Few ducts shows ductal carcinoma in situ in solid, cribriform and comedonecrosis pattern. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nucleus. There is an intact outer myoepithelial layer. Stroma is fibrous with focal lymphoid aggregates. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion :Extensive, ductal carcinoma in situ - solid cribriform and comedonecrosis. The possibility of an adjacent focus of invasion cannot be ruled out. Please correlate with clinical and radio logical findings. " 4582,MR1901892,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast- Lobular carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Sentinel lymph node biopsy (Blue node).B) Right breast mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Sentinel lymph node biopsy (Blue node):Received 3 lymph nodes, largest lymph node measures 1.2x1x0.6cm.Cut surface shows grey brown and dye stained. Entire tissue processed.B) Right breast mastectomy:Received in : Formalin.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 20cm Superficial - deep : 5.5cm Superior-inferior : 20cmSkin ellipse : 12.5x6cmNipple : Retracted, ulcerated.Scar/ Surgical defect : Absent.Tumor : SingleTumor size : 3.8x3.5x2.4cm. Greywhite, irregular margins.Location of tumor : Central quadrant.Margins of tumor : Irregular.Deep margin : 2cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : Absent.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows breast parenchyma harbors infiltrative lesion shows neoplastic cells arranged in indian file pattern, few areas shows tumor arranged in targetoid fashion arround the ducts. The cells are round to oval, have mild pleomorphic vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic activity is discerned. Stroma shows fibrosis and elastosis around the ducts and vessels. Perineural or lymphovascular invasion is not identified.IMPRESSION:B) Right breast mastectomy :Invasive carcinoma with lobular features ,grade IModified BR score is 5/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 1Mitotic figures : 1Tumor located in central quadrant.Tumor measures 3.8cm in greatest dimension.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.LCIS component is noted.Deep margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is ulcerated and shows tumor in the dermis.A) Sentinel lymph node biospy (Blue node):Four lymph nodes are identified, all are free of tumor (0/4).SUMMARY:Right breast mastectomy:Invasive lobular carcinoma.Nodal metastases : Four lymph nodes are identified, all are free of tumor (0/4)." 4583,MR1901893,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 linear cores measures 0.4 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, cords. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate cytoplasm. The cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4584,MR1901899,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrous tissue with an infiltrating lesion arranged in islands and sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic to vesicular. nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. (7-8/10hpf). Stroma is desmoplastic with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis.á IMPRESSION:Right breast biopsy. :Invasive carcinoma, NST, grade - 2. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4585,MR1901912,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lung - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in nests, cords and pleomophic round to oval nuclei. Stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Right breast, biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4586,MR1901940,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of Carcinoma Right Breast.SPECIMEN:Liver Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows liver parenchyma, harbours infiltrative lesion arranged in nests and tubules. The cells are oval have pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and abundant pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows area of necrosis and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Liver Biopsy:Features are suggestive of Metastatic Carcinoma in a known case of Carcinoma Right Breast." 4587,MR1901944,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrofatty tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in tubules, cords and trabeculae. The cells have scant to moderate cytoplasm, pleomorphic round to oval nuclei. Atypical mitoses discerned (1-2/10hpf). Stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 1.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (2+2+1) 5/9" 4588,MR1901950,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma right breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in sheets, nests and trabeculae. The cells have scant atypical mitosis are discerned. Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic. Foci of ductal carcinoma in situ (solid and comedo type) of intermediate nuclear grade seen. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump :Invasive carcinoma, NST grade -2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá .........Foci of ductal carcinoma in situ (solid and comedo type) seen. á" 4589,MR1901954,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast. SITE :Left breast Modified Radical Mastectomy. Received 12 slides, 12 blocks labelled as : 2500/19MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Two tumor measures are present with further morphology. Section shows infiltrating neoplasm arranged in sheets, nests and tubules. The cells are round to oval vesicular nuclei, abundant eosinophilic, abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates ductal carcinoma in situ component is noted. IMPRESSION :Left breast Modified Radical Mastectomy. Multicentric invasive ductal carcinoma grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 .........- Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.- Perineural invasion not identified.- Ductal carcinoma in situ is solid type and comedonecrosis. - Nipple and areola are free of tumor.- Deep margin free of tumor. - Sixteen lymph node isolated, Negative for malignancy. Kindly refer to primary pathology report for tumor dimension and pathological staging" 4590,MR1901958,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Blue nodes.B) Left mastectomy.C) Revised deep margin.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x2x1.5cm.Isolated 4 lymph nodes (3 blue, 1 enlarged lymph node)Largest blue lymph node measures 1.7x1x0.6cm. Cut surface dye stained.Enlarged lymph node measures 2x1.2x0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.B) Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Left mastectomy.Laterality : Left.Total dimensions : Medial to lateral -- 21cm. Superficial to Deep -- 4.5cm. Superior to Inferior -- 18cm.Skin ellipse : 12x9cm.Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : No identified.Tumor : Single.Tumor Size : 3.5x3.5x2cm. Cut surface is grey white.Location of tumor : Lower inner quadrant.Margins of tumor : Illdefined. Deep margin : 2.5cm.Muscle : 3.5x1.5x0.5cm.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue.C) Received fibro muscular tissue measures 5x3.5x1cm.IMPRESSION:A) Blue nodes:Four lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy. (0/4).B) Left mastectomy:Histological type: Invasive ductal carcinoma with focal areas of ductal carcinoma in situ present.Grade: IITumor measures maximum dimension 3.5cmInvasive component measures 2.8cmDuctal carcinoma in situ measures 0.7cmModified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is solid and comedonecrosis.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 6 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0 (0/6). C) Revised deep margin: Negative of malignancy.Pathological stage: pT2N0SUMMARY:Left mastectomy.Tumor Grade: II, Invasive ductal carcinoma with focal areas of ductal carcinoma in situ present.Lymphnode Status: Sentinel node (0/4), Axillary node (0/6) Total (0/10)." 4591,MR1901988,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of right breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:A)Right breast wide local excisionB)Hot nodeC) Blue node+hot node.GROSS FINDINGS:A)Received skin covered soft tissue bits mass measures 6x5x4.5cmSkin ellipse measures 6X2 cmcut surface shows grey white lesion measures 1.5x1x1cm.Distance from margins:Superior margin :1.1cmInferior margin :L2.1cmMedial margin :2cmLateral margin :2.5cmDeep margins :2cm.B) Received single node measures 0.8x0.6x0.6cm.Cut surface - grey brownC) Received single node measures 1.2x1x0.8cmCut surface -blue ink - fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast parenchyma shows infiltrating neoplasm arranged in sheets, nests and vague acini. The cells are round to oval vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli. Scant to moderate cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma show fibrosis lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates noted.IMPRESSION:A)Right breast wide local excision:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9(3+2+2).Tumor measures 1.5 cm in greatest dimension.Invasive component measures 1 cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ component measures 0.5cm solid type.Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion not identified.Deep margin is 2 cm away from the tumor.All resected margin free of tumor.B)Hot node: One lymph node, Negative for malignancy (0/1).C) Blue node+hot node: One lymph node, Negative for malignancy (0/1).Pathological stage:pT1sN0" 4593,MR1902045,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are oval, have pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic activity is discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 4594,MR1902061,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in sheets, nests, cords and trabecular. The cells have moderate cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with prominent nucleoli in many. Atypical mitosis are discerned (2-3/10hpf).á Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic with moderate lymphomononuclear infiltration. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST grade -2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4596,MR1902125,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Left breast lump biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.5cm.Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied shows cores of breast parenchyma harbors infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are oval, have pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic activity is discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia and mucin pools. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma with mucinous features, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4597,MR1902162,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of recurrent carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left sentinel lymph node dissection.Hot node..B) Left Mastectomy, Post CRTGROSS FINDINGSA)Received 2 lymph nodes largest measures 1.5x0.6x0.5cm.Other measures 0.7x0.6x0.5mlCut surface shows fatty infiltrate.B)Received ináááááááááááááá : FormalinProcedureáááááááááááááááááááá :Completion Mastectomy post BCS, post CRT ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Lateralityáááááááááááááááááááááá :á LeftTotal dimensionsáááááááááá :Medial to lateraláá :20cmááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep :7cmááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior:19cmSkin ellipseááááááááááááááááá :á 14x9.5cmá Nippleááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Normalááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Scar/ Surgical defectáá :AbsentTumorááááááááááááááááááááááááá : SingleTumour Sizeáááááááááááááááá : 2.5x2.1x1.9cm ááááááá Location of tumoráááááááá :Upper inner quadrant (11 o clock )Margins of tumorááááááááááá : infiltrative á Deep margináááááááááááááááá :0.6cmMuscleááááááááááááááááááááááááá : AbsentAdjacent Breastááááááááááá : Fibrofattyá áááá Axillary tailááááááááááááááááááá :Not identifiedMICROSCOPY:Tumor bed: Shows residual viable tumor composed of nests and tubules of neoplastic cells in a desmoplastic stroma. The cells show moderate cytoplasm and moderate pleomorphic vesicular nuclei.IMPRESSION:A) Left sentinel dissection:Hot node: 2 nodes examined are free of tumor (0/2).B) Left mastectomy Post NACT:Histological type: Invasive ductal carcinoma, NST.Grade:2Tumor measures (maximum dimension) 2.5cmInvasive component measures 2.2 cmDuctal carcinoma in situ measuresá 0.3 cmModified BR score is 6/9Tubule formation:á 2á Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures:á 2Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ: Few ducts show low grade solid type ductal carcinoma in situ.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Pathological stage: ypT2N0(sn). áá áááááááááááááá SUMMARY: Residual invasive carcinoma, left mastectomy Postá BCS, post CRT .Tumor Grade:2Lymphnode Status:Sentinel nodes :2 nodes are free of tumor (0/2)" 4598,MR1902164,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of Left Breast lump.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows infiltrative lesion arranged in nests and sheets. The cells are oval, have pleomorphic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Mitotic activity is discerned.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 4600,MR1902183,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1to1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied shows cores of breast parenchyma harbors infiltrative lesion arranged in diffuse sheets and nests. The cells are oval have pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 4602,MR1902197,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Lump Left breastSPECIMEN:A) Sentinel node biopsy.B) Left breast conservative surgery.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 2 lymph nodes largest measures 1x0.5x0.5cmCut surface dye stained2 lymph nodes measures 0.3x0.2x0.2cm.B)Fresh tissue receivedáááááááááá á :á YesLateralityááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : á Leftááá Procedureááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : BCSáSpecimen orientationáááááááááááááááá : Orientatedáááááá Specimen sizeááááááááááááááááááááááááááá :7x6x6 cm ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Skináááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : PresentSkin abnormalitiesááááááááááááááá á á áá Absentááááá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Nippleááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá :á Absentááááá Visible lesionsááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 01, grey white firm lesioná Lesion dimensionsááááááááá á á á á á : 2.5x2.5x2cmDistance from margins:Superior margin : 0.5cmInferior marginááá :1cmMedial marginááá :0.9cmLateral margináá :0.8cmDeep margináááá :0.5cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from the lesion show invasive carcinoma composed of monomorphic cells in cords and indian file pattern. The cells show moderate cytoplasm, round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei. Many cells show plasmacytoid appearance. There are foci of inflammatory infiltrate.IMPRESSION:A) Sentinelá node biopsy:Section submitted for paraffin processing in one node show microscopic focus of metastatic deposit measures 0.2cm.(1/2).B) Left breast Conservative surgery:Invasive carcinoma with lobular features Tumor measures 2.5cm in greatest dimension.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+1-6/9, grade 2.Carcinoma in situ is not identified.Lymphovascular invasion id not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.All resected margins including deep margin are free of tumor.Pathological stage: pT2N1(sn)mi" 4603,MR1902203,CLINICAL HISTORY:Left nipple discharge duct ectasiaSPECIMEN:Left breast core biopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received cone excision specimen measuring 8x5x0.5cm On opening revealed a fibrotic lesion measuring 0.7x0.6x0.5cm.Distance from margins:Superior margin :2.2cmInferior margin :3.1cmMedial margin :0.6cmLateral margin : 1cmDeep margin :1.2cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the lesion shows few dilated ducts showing intraductal papillary lesion composed of both epithelial and myoepithelial cells with a fribrovascular core. The cells show crowded nuclei with minimal atypia. Adjacent breast shows fibrocytic changes.All resected margins show normal ductal parenchyma and fibrofatty tissue.IMPRESSION:Left breast cone excision:Intraductal papilloma.No evidence of in situ or invasive carcinoma in the material submitted. 4604,MR1902219,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in nests, cords and trabecular. the cells have scant cytoplasm and pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Atypical mitoses are discerned (1-2/10hpf). Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic. Foci of ductal carcinoma in situ (solid, cribriform type) of intermediate nuclear grade noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+1) 6/9.Foci of ductal carcinoma in situ (solid, cribriform) noted." 4605,MR1902224,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple, grey white linear cores measures 0.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion composed of cells arranged in cords and trabeculae. The cells have highly pleomorphic nuclei with numerous mitoses (3-4/hpf). Stroma is desmoplastic with moderate lymphomononuclear infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma, NST, grade 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+3+3) 9/9." 4606,MR1902228,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of breast parenchyma harbors. Lesion arranged in tubules and nests. The cells are oval have pleomorphic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic activities is discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4607,MR1902230,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied shows multiple linear cores harboring a neoplasm arranged as nests and sheets composed of cells with moderate granular to eosinophilic cytoplasm with hyperchromatic nucleus showing moderate pleomorphism .Intervening stroma shows hyalinisation. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump :Invasive ductal carcinoma grade - 2. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ......... 4608,MR1902231,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring a lesion composed of cells arranged in sheets and nests. The cells have moderate amount of cytoplasm and pleomorphic round to oval nuclei. Stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma, NST, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+1) 6/9." 4609,MR1902233,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right lumpectomy specimen. SITE :Right breast, Right lumpectomy specimen. Received 8 slides and 8 blocks labelled as : 44/19. Received already grossed specimen measures 10.5x5x3.5cm. Cut surface shows solid and cystic area. Cystic area measures 5.5 x 3.5 x 3 cm. Grey white granular areas noted. Adherent to cyst wall. Solid grey white areas measures 2.5 x 1.5 x 1 cm. Representative sections are submitted. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Sections from breast parenchyma shows an invasive neoplasm with cells arranged in a papillary configuration with central fibrovascular core. The cells have round to oval nuclei, with dispersed chromatin and moderate cytoplasm. Also seen are foci of mucinous areas surrounding stroma shows cystically dilated ducts with eosinophilic section. IMPRESSION :Right breast, Right lumpectomy specimen :Slides and sections from block labelled as : 44/19.Invasive papillary carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3=2+1). - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. - Perineural invasion is not identified. - Tumor size and margin status cannot be assessed. " 4610,MR1902251,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests composed of cells with moderate clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm with moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Mitotic figures noted. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump. :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationáááááááááá á : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áá ........." 4611,MR1902267,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Sentinel lymph node biopsy.B) Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Sentinel lymph node biopsy:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x1cm.Largest lymph node measures 1.4x1x0.8cm. Cut surface shows ink noted.B) Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Received in : Formalin.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 19cm Superficial - deep : 7cm Superior-inferior : 22cmSkin ellipse : 16x9cmNipple : Unremarkable.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor size : 2.3x2.1x2cmLocation of tumor : Lower outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : ill defined.Muscle : 2cm (Muscle).Adjacent breast : Fibrotic.Axillary tail : 5x5x4cm.Size of largest node : 1x0.8x0.7cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows circumscribed neoplasm composed of tumor cells in syncytial sheets and thick trabeculae showing moderate cytoplasm, round vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Areas of geographic necrosis present.IMPRESSION:A) Sentinel lymph node biopsy:2 lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor (0/2).B) Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Invasive carcinoma with medullary features, Grade IIITumor measures maximum dimension 2.3cm.Invasive component measures 2.3cm.Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 2Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.Perineural invasion : Not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 6 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0,(0/6).SUMMARY:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Invasive carcinoma with Medullary features, Grade IIINodal metastases : 6 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0,(0/6)." 4612,MR1902274,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores fragment measures 0.8 to 1.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear core4s of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion composed of cells arranged in sheets and nests. The cells have scant to moderate pale eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with some having large bizarre nuclei. Atypical mitoses are discerned (1-2/hpf). Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, NST grade 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+3 = 8/9." 4613,MR1902277,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of right breast carcinoma with peritoneal lesion.SPECIMEN:A)Blue + hot node.B)Non blue non not node.C)Peritoneal mass excisionD)Right mastectomyE)Revised base.GROSS FINDINGS:A)Received 1 lymph node measures 1.7x1x0.9cm. Entire tissue processed.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x1cm2 lymph nodes isolated largest measures 0.9x0.8x0.6cm.C) Received nodular mass measures 2.5x1.5x1.5cm.Cut surface grey white lobulated.Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy Laterality : RightTotal dimensions :Medial to lateral :21cm Superficial to Deep :4.5cm Superior to Inferior:16cmSkin ellipse :13x10cm Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : SingleTumour Size : 3x2.2x2cm Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrantMargin of tumor : Infiltrative Deep margin :0.3cmMuscle :3x1cmAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty Axillary tail :AbsentE) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1x0.8cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Blue +hot node 1 node examined is free of tumor (0/1).B) Non blue non hot node:2 nodes examined are free of tumor (0/2)C)Section from the peritoneal mass show circumscribed spindle cell neoplasm with cells arranged in short fascicles . There are hypo and hypercellular areas. The cells show moderate cytoplasm, elongated wavy nuclei with minimal pleomorphism.D)Section from the mastectomy shows invasive neoplasm in tubules cords and aggregates of tumor cells with moderate pleomorphism in a desmoplastic stroma.E) Revised base shows skeletal muscle that is free of tumor.IMPRESSION:A)Blue + hot node:1 node is free of tumor (0/1).B) Non blue non not node:2 nodes are free of tumor (0/2).C)Peritoneal mass excision:Benign spindle cell neoplasm Suggest IHC.D)Right mastectomyHistological type: Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade:2Tumor measures 3 cm in maximum dimension.Invasive component measures 2.5 cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.5cm.Modified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation:2 Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ present comedo type Lymphovascular invasion is not identified .Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Sentinel lymph nodes :3 lymph nodes - No metastatic deposit of tumor. E) Revised base :Shows skeletal muscle is free of tumor." 4614,MR1902290,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrofatty tissue infiltrated by neoplasm cells arranged in sheets, abortive tubules and clusters. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm .Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lump.Invasive carcinoma NST grade - II. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4615,MR1902313,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied shows cores of breast parenchyma, harbors infiltrative lesion arranged in nests and trabeculae. The cells are oval, hyperchromatic pleomorphic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic activities in discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+1)=6/9" 4617,MR1902326,">left breast, left modified radical mastectomy >histological type residual invasive carcinoma, nst. >grade 3 > - tumor measures maximum dimension 0.9cm > - invasive component measures 0.9cm > - modified br score is 99 > - tubule formation 3 > - nuclear pleomorphism 3 > - mitotic figures 3 > - ductal carcinoma-in-situ - nil > - lymphovascular invasion is present. > - perineural invasion is not identified. > - posterior resection margin is free of tumor. > - nipple and areola is unremarkable. > >lymph nodes 16 lymph nodes, metastasis 2 (216) > - largest tumor deposit measures 0.7cm in greatest dimension. > - extranodal extension seen. > >pathological stage ypt1bn1 > >summary >left breast, left modified radical mastectomy. >residual invasive carcinoma, nst. >tumor grade 3 >lymphnode status 216" 4619,MR1902334,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in tubular pattern, clusters and cords. The cells have moderate cytoplasm, round to oval nuclei. Atypical mitoses are occasional. Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 1.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 2+2+1 =5/9" 4620,MR1902335,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast retroareolar lesion - To R/o Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of breast parenchyma, harbors infiltrative lesion arranged in cords and nests. The cells are oval have pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic activities is discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Right breast, biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+1)=6/9" 4621,MR1902338,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in sheets, nests, clusters, cords and trabeculae. The cells have moderate pale eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with some having prominent nucleoli. Atypical mitoses are discerned (1-2/hpf). Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, NST grade 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+3 = 8/9.Focus of comedo necrosis seen." 4622,MR1902354,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1.5x2cm Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of breast parenchyma harbors infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are oval have pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic activity in discerned stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lump.Invasive ductal carcinoma grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6 (3+2+1)." 4623,MR1902372,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows linear cores of fibrofatty tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in clusters, cords and nests. The cells have round nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Surrounding stroma shows mucin lakes. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump.Invasive carcinoma with mucinous features, Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4624,MR1902378,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged cribriform pattern, cords and trabeculae. The cells have scant to moderate cytoplasm. Round to oval nuclei. Atypical mitoses are discerned (1-2/10hpf). Surrounding stroma shows sclerosis and desmoplasia. Also there are few foreign body giant cells. Foci of ductal carcinoma in situ (cribriform, solid type) of low grade seen. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade - 1Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 5/9 ........." 4625,MR1902384,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in sheets and nests. The cells have moderate cytoplasm and pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei. Abundant extracellular mucin seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma with mucinous features, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 3+2+1 = 6/9" 4626,MR1902385,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of left breast carcinoma- Post lumpectomy done outside.SPECIMEN:Left sentinel lymph nodes:áA) Hot Node.áB) Blue + Hot Node.áC) Non Blue Non Hot Node.D) Left Breast, Left Mastectomy.E) Revised Base.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1.5 x 1 x 0.5 cm.One lymph node isolated measures 1.3 x 0.8 x 0.5 cm.B) Received single node measures 0.8 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm. Cut surface is grey brown.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 0.6 x 0.4 x 0.3 cm.Single tiny node measures 0.3 x 0.3 x 0.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.D) Received ináááááááááá : Formalin.Procedureáááááááááááááááá : Left Mastectomy.Lateralityááááááááááááááááááá : Left.Total dimensionsáááááááá : Medial to lateral -- 17 cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á Superficial to Deep -- 4 cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á áá Superior to Inferior -- 17 cm.Skin ellipseááááááááááááááá : 14 x 9 cm.Nippleááááááááááááááááááá á á : Retracted and puckering seen.Scar/ Surgical defect : 2 cm, corresponding to the underlying.Tumoráááááááááááááááááááá áá : Single.Location of tumoráááááá : Retroareolar and Central quadrant.Tumor Sizeááááááááááááááá : 3 x 2.5 x 2 cm.ááá Margins of tumorááááááá : Illdefined.Deep marginááááááááááááá : 2cm.Muscleáááááááááááááááááááá á : AbsentAdjacent Breastáááááááá : Fibrofatty tissue.áááá Axillary tailáááááááááááá áá á : NoDistance from the margins:Superior margináááááááá -- 4 cm.Inferior margináááááááááá -- 5 cm.Medial marginááááááááááá -- 6 cm.Lateral marginááááááááááá -- 4 cm.Representative sections are submitted.E) Received muscle measures 2 x 1.5 x 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section studied shows one lymph node with preserved architecture. No tumor deposit is noted.B) Section studied shows one lymph node with preserved architecture. No tumor deposit is noted.C) Section studied shows one lymph node with preserved architecture. No neoplastic cells are noted.D) Section from breast shows an invasive neoplasm arranged in tubules, nests and cords. The cells have round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Extracellular mucin lakes are noted. Surrounding stroma shows desmoplasia.E) Section shows fibromuscular tissue with extensive cautery artifact. No viable tumor cells seen.IMPRESSION:D) Left Breast, Left Mastectomy :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2.á - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(2+2+2).á - Tumor is located in the retroareolar area and the central quadrant.á - Tumor measures 3 cm in greatest dimension.á - Tumor is reaching upto the skin(dermis) of the nipple and areola with ulceration.á - Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not seen.á - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.á - Perineural invasion is not identified.á - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Left sentinel lymph nodes:A) Hot Node:One lymph node identified, negative for malignancy (0/1).B) Blue + Hot Node:One lymph node identified, negative for malignancy (0/1).C) Non Blue Non Hot Node:One lymph node identified, negative for malignancy (0/1).E) Revised Base:Free of tumor.Pathological Stage : pT2N0" 4627,MR1902400,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Multiple lesion right breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesion. GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white linear cores measures 0.5x1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows, cores of breast parenchyma, harbors infiltrative lesion arranged in diffuse sheets and nests. The cells are oval, have pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic activity is discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lesion :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4629,MR1902455,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in cords and trabeculae. The cells have scant cytoplasm and pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Atypical mitoses discerned (5-6/10hpf). Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+3+2 = 8/9." 4630,MR1902482,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 1.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion composed of cells arranged in cords and trabeculae. The cells have scant cytoplasm and hyperchromatic round to oval nuclei. Atypical mitoses discerned (2-3/10hpf) Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 3+2+1 =6/9" 4631,MR1902508,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right axillary node.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right axillary node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white soft tissue bits measures 0.5 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells have scant to moderate cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with some having prominent nucleoli. Surrounding areas show fibrosis. No lymphoid elements seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right axillary node:Metastatic carcinoma in a known and treated case of carcinoma breast.Please correlate clinically." 4632,MR1902510,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received three grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of breast parenchyma, harbors infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets and nests, and tubules. The cells are oval, have pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm mitotic activity is discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4633,MR1902588,CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma right breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with ducts having proliferation of monomorphic population of cells arranged in a solid and vague cribriform pattern. No evidence of invasive component is noted. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump biopsy :Small focus of Ductal carcinoma in situ. ( Low to intermediate grade). 4634,MR1902591,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.4 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of breast parenchyma harbors infiltrative lesion arranged in diffuse sheets and nests. The cells are oval, have pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic activities is discerned. Stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4635,MR1902602,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of breast parenchyma harbors infiltrative lesion arranged in nests and cords. The cells are oval have, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Mitotic activities is discerned. IMPRESSION:Right breast, Breast :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4636,MR1902603,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells in cords and trabeculae. The cells have scant cytoplasm and pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Atypical mitoses discerned. Foci of ductal in situ (solid, cribriform type) of intermediate nuclear grade seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast, biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 1Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+1+1)=5/9Ductal carcinoma in situ (solid, cribriform) Intermediate nuclear grade. " 4637,MR1902626,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? Carcinoma breast.áSPECIMEN:Right breast mass, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with a infiltrating lesion arranged as nests and cords. Also seen are exclusive ductal carcinoma in situ with solid and cribriform pattern. The lesional cells have round to oval nuclei with moderate nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Intervening stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma with extensive ductal carcinoma tin situ, grade -1.á Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4638,MR1902661,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in cords. The lesional cells have moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm and pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus.Surrounding stroma shows desmoplastic reaction.Mitotic figures are discerned.á IMPRESSION:Right breast mass :Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4639,MR1902665,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast. SPECIMEN :C) Nipple sparing mastectomy specimen (left side)D) Revised anterior marginB) Tissue below nipple areola complex.A) Left axillary sentinel lymphnodes E) Axillary lymph node dissectionGROSS FINDINGS :C) Nipple sparing mastectomy specimen (left side)Single fibrofatty tissue measures 21x15x4.5cm. Cut surface shows irregular grey white measures 6.2x5x2cm. Distance from margins :Anterior margin : 0.1 cmPosterior margin : 2.5 cmD) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1.5x1x0.3cm. Entire tissue processedB) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 3.2x1.8x0.2cm. Entire tissue processed. A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x2x1cm. Isolated two lymphnodes.Largest lymphnode measures 1.3x1x0.8cm. E) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 8x6x3.5cm. largest lymphnode measures 2.5x1.5x0.5cm. cut section unremarkable MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :C) Sections studied shows breast parenchyma with extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ in cribriform, papillary, solid and comedo pattern with high nuclear grade. The cells are round with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, round hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Lymphomononuclear invasion is not identified. IMPRESSION :C) Nipple sparing mastectomy specimen (left side)Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ(solid, comedonecrosis pattern- 1.5 cm) with multiple small foci of invasion Largest focus measuring measuring 0.5cm(nuclear grade 2)Anterior margin shows DCIS Posterior margin are free of tumour D) Revised anterior margin. Free of tumor B) Tissue below nipple areolar complex. Shows normal breast parenchyma.A) Left axillary sentinel node biopsy : One of two lymphnodes isolated shows metastatic deposit of tumor (1/2). E) Axillary lymph node dissection. Isolated 12 lymph nodes, all are free of tumor(0/12). " 4640,MR1902674,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.3 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied shows cores of breast paranchyma, harbors lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are oval, have pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei inconspicuous cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia and hemorrhage. IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4641,MR1902676,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast 9 '0' clock lesion - multicentric carcinoma breast, ? metastases from RCC.SPECIMEN :Biopsy from right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section studied cores of breast parenchyma, harbors infiltrative lesion arranged in nests and sheets. The cells are oval, have pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma desmoplasia, and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Mitotic activity is discerned.IMPRESSION :Right breast, Biopsy.Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson scores 6(3+2+1)." 4642,MR1902688,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in cords predominantly. The cells have round to angulated hyperchromatic nucleus, and moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis is discerned.á IMPRESSION:Right breast lump :Invasive carcinoma with lobular features grade - II. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá á : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá á : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4643,MR1902702,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A)Left breast wide excision.B) Sentinel Hot node.B) Sentinel Blue +hot node.GROSS FINDINGS:A)Fresh tissue received : YesLaterality : Left Specimen orientation : Orientated Specimen size : 4.8x4.6x3cm Skin : Present Skin dimensions : 3x0.5cm Skin abnormalities : Absent Nipple : Absent Lesion(s) : PresentLesion dimensions : 1.7x1.4x1.2cmDistance of lesion from margins :Superior margin :1.1cmInferior margin :1.1cmMedial margin :1.4cmLateral margin :1.6cmDeep margin :0.3cm B) Received 2 lymph nodes Largest measures 0.5x0.5x0.5cm.Other measures 0.4x0.3x0.2cm. C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1.5x1cm.Isolated 1 lymph node measures 0.8x0.6x0.5cm. Cut surface - grey brown.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the beast lesion show nests of tumor cells with moderate cytoplasm cribriform round nuclei with stapled chromatin. There are areas of low grade ductal carcinoma in situ solid type.IMPRESSION:A)Left breast wide excision:Invasive ductal carcinoma, NST.Invasive component measures 4cmDuctal carcinoma in situ measures 0.8cmModified Bloom Richardson score is 3+1+2-6/9Ductal carcinoma in situ is solid type low grade.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.B) Sentinel Hot node: 2 noes is free of tumor (0/2).B) Sentinel Blue +hot node: 1 node is free of tumor (0/1)" 4644,MR1902703,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right BreastSPECIMEN:A) Right breast Sentinel lymph node.B) Right Breast wide excision specimen.GROSS FINDINGS:A)Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1.5x1x0.5cm1 lymph node identified measures 0.8x0.5x0.3cm.B) Received lumpectomy measures 6x5x3cm.Skin ellipse measures 3.5x2cmCut surface grey white ill defined lesion measures 2.5x2x1cm.Distance from the margins:Superior margin :1.5cmInferior margin :0.8cmMedial margin :0.5cmLateral margin :1cmDeep margin :1.2cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the tumor shows breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm in linear cords clumps and aggregates in a hyalinised stroma. The cells show mild pleomorphism round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of perineural invasion noted.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast Sentinel lymph node:1 Node isolated in free of tumor (0/1).B) Right Breast wide excision specimen:Invasive carcinoma with lobular features.Grade 2.Invasive tumor measures 2.5cm in greatest dimension.Modified Bloom Richardson score - 6/9, Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 1 Mitosis : 2In situ carcinoma is not identified.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion present.Nipple and areola unremarkable.All resected margins including deep margin are free of tumor.Pathological stage :pT2snN0.Suggest IHC." 4645,MR1902705,">a) left breast wide local excision, post lumpectomy status >no evidence of residual tumor. >therapy related changes seen. > >b) left axillary lymph nodes >four out of ten lymph nodes isolated shows metastatic deposits (410). >largest tumor deposit measures 1.5cm in maximum dimension. >extranodal extension is seen. > >summary >left breast wide local excision, post lumpectomy status. >no evidence of residual carcinoma. >four out of ten lymph nodes isolated shows metastatic deposits. (410). >extranodal extension is seen. > >pathological stage -- ypt0n2" 4646,MR1902734,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma left breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in abortive tubules clusters and cords. The cells have round hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. Marked desmoplastic stroma is noted. Mitotis is discerned. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump :Invasive carcinoma, NOS, grade - IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4647,MR1902744,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with an invasive neoplasm arranged in tubules, cords, and nests. The cells have round hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma is desmoplastic. Mitoses is discerned. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4648,MR1902780,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion - BIRADS IV SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows, cores of breast parenchyma, harbors infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are oval, have markedly pleomorphic, hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic activity is discerned. Stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate and desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 3. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8(3+3+2)." 4649,MR1902789,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma right breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast, biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in sheets and cords. The cells have moderate cytoplasm and pleomophic hyperchromatic nuclei. Atypical mitoses discerned (1-2/10hpf). Stroma is desmoplastic with moderate lymphomononuclear infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Right breast, biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST, grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+1)=6/9" 4650,MR1902796,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right breast lump under evaluation.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast, wide excision.B) Revised base.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received wide local excision specimen measures 13x10x7cm.Skin flap measures 8x1.5cm.Cut surface shows circumscribed solid cystic firm to gritty tumor measures 5x5x4cm.Solid areas measures 4x3x3cm.Cystic areas show haemorrhage.Distance from margins:-Superior margin : 1.5cm.Inferior margin : 3.5cm.Medial margin : 1.5cm.Lateral margin : 3cm.Deep margin : 0.8cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1.5x1.5x1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show breast parenchyma harboring partially circumscribed tumor arranged as diffuse sheets composed of polygonal to plump spindle cells with marked pleomorphism, high N:C ratio, vesicular nucleus, prominent nucleolus and moderate cytoplasm. Multinucleated giant cells. Brisk mitotic activity, atypical mitosis, necrosis are seen. Large areas of chondroid differentiation and focal eosinophilic matrix is noted. Areas of calcification noted.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast, wide excision:High grade malignancy with osteoid and chondroid differentiation.Morphology favors metaplastic carcinoma Suggest IHC.Tumor measures 5cm (invasive component) in greatest dimension.Modified BR score : 8/9, Grade IIITubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitosis : 2 ------------- 8/9 -------------Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identifiedAll the resected margins are free of tumor.B) Revised base: Free of tumor." 4651,MR1902803,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma right breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrofatty tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in cords and trabeculae. The cells have scant cytoplasm and pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Atypical mitosis are discerned (3-4/10hpf). Stroma is desmoplastic with mild lymphomononuclear infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+1)=6/9" 4652,MR1902807,"CLINICAL HISTORY :- ? Carcinoma right breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in cords, trabeculae and vague acinar pattern. The cells have scant cytoplasm and pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Atypical mitosis are discerned (1-2/10HPF). Stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST, grade -2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9" 4653,MR1902814,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma left breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, trabeculae, cords and sheets. The lesional cells are round to oval, small having hyperchromatic nuclei and scant cytoplasm ,stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade - 1.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+1+1)=5/9" 4654,MR1902824,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast, cT2N1M0SPECIMEN:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified radical mastectomy Laterality : LeftTotal dimensions :Medial to lateral :23cm Superficial to Deep :7cm Superior to Inferior:20cmSkin ellipse : 11x7cm Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect :AbsentTumor : SingleTumour Size : 3.2x1.9x1.6cmLocation of tumor : Upper outer quadrantMargin of tumor : InfiltrativeDeep margin :2cm from tumorMuscle : 2x1x1cmAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty Axillary tail :9x5x2cmSize of largest node :2.2x2x1cm /cut surface - grey whiteMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Tumor : Shows invasive neoplasm composed of nests tubules and aggregates of tumor cells with moderate cytoplasm, round nuclei with granular coarse chromatin.IMPRESSION:Left modified radical mastectomy:Histological type: Invasive Carcinoma NSTGrade:2Tumor measures (maximum dimension) 3.2 cm.Invasive component measures 3cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.2 cm.Modified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation: 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 3Mitotic figures: 2Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is occasionally present, solid type, intermediate grade. Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 13 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 1(1/13) measures 1.2cm with extranodal extension.Pathological stage: pT2N1. SUMMARY:Invasive ductal carcinoma NST, Left modified radical mastectomy.Tumor Grade:IILymphnode Status:1 out of 13 nodes show tumor deposit measuring 1.2cm. Extranodal extension present." 4655,MR1902831,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of breast parenchyma, harbors infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are oval have pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, prominent nucleoli and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic activity is discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia, lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate and foci of necrosis. IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma , Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4656,MR1902838,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma right breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells in sheets and nests. The cells have scant cytoplasm, highly pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Atypical mitoses discerned (5-6/10HPF) Stroma is desmoplastic with moderate lymphomononuclear infiltrate. Few bizarre giant cells are seen. Foci of ductal carcinoma in situ (solid, cribriform type) of intermediate nuclear grade seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST grade - 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+3+2)=8/9" 4657,MR1902850,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores grey white to grey brown measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in linear cords and sheets. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm.á IMPRESSION:Right breast lump :Invasive carcinoma, NOS, Grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4658,MR1902887,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple 1 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, sheets and tubules. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Mitosis 6-7/10hpf. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (2+2+2)= 6/9" 4659,MR1902891,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma right breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in cords, tubules, nests. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit marked nuclear pleomorphism. Mitosis 3-4/10hpf. Stroma shows desmoplasia.á IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (2+3+1)=6/9" 4660,MR1902906,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear core measures 0.8 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma with foci of extracellular pools of mucin with nests of cells floating in it. The cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Mucinous carcinoma, nuclear grade - II. " 4661,MR1902920,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma right breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and cords. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Mitosis 6-7/10hpf. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+2)=7/9" 4662,MR1902958,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received specimen of breast lump measures 9x5.5x3cm.Cut section shows circumscribed grey white areas measuring 1x0.8x0.5cm.adjacent parenchyma shows small cysts.Overlying skin ellipse measures 4.5x1cm.Distance of the lesion from the margins:Superior margin -- 2cm.Inferior margin -- 2.2cm.Medial margin -- 4.5cm.Lateral margin -- 3cm.Deep margin -- 1cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows well circumscribed/encapsulated lesion arranged in papillary pattern with fibrovascular core, tubules and solid sheets. The cells are round to polygonal with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, round nucleus with coarse chromatin, prominent nucleoli moderate nuclear pleomorphism noted. Periphery of the lesion shows preserved myoepithelial layer. Adjacent breast shows ductal carcinoma in situ in papillary, cribriform and solid pattern with bland nuclei. Areas of calcification and hemorrhage seen. All the resected margins are free of tumor ( superior, inferior, medial, lateral, deep and skin).*IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY:*Calponin -- Positive at periphery and around papillary fronds.*Cytokeratin5/6 -- Positive at periphery and around papillary fronds.*p63 -- Positive at periphery and focally lost around few papillary fronds.*Cytokeratin7 -- Positive in epithelial cells.*ER -- Positive in ductal carcinoma in situ foci.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump:Morphology in correlation with IHC favor intraductal papilloma with DCIS( low grade ductal carcinoma in situ).Lesion measures 1cm in its greatest dimensionAll the resected margins are free of tumor ( superior, inferior, medial, lateral, deep).Overlying skin is unremarkable ." 4663,MR1902984,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma left breast lump. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of breast parenchyma, harbors infiltrative lesion arranged in nests, Cords and tubules. The cells are oval, have pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic activity is discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy :Invasive ductalá carcinoma, grade - 2 Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4664,MR1902997,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right Breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right sentinel lymph nodeB)Right sentinel lymph nodeC) Right mastectomyD)Right Axillary dissectionGROSS FINDINGS:A)Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3.5x1.5x1cm. Isolated 4 lymph nodes.Largest measures 2x1.2x0.4cm cut surface fatty infiltration.B) Received single lymph node measures 0.3x0.3x0.3cm. Entire tissue processedC)Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy Laterality :RightTotal dimensions :Medial to lateral : 15cm Superficial to Deep :5cm Superior to Inferior:14cmSkin ellipse : 12x6cm Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : AbsentTumor : SingleTumour Size : 1.6x1.5x1.2cm Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrantMargin of tumor : Ill defined Deep margin :1.5cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissueAxillary tail :AbsentD)Fibrofatty tissue measures 8x6x4cm.Largest nodes measures 0.6x0.5x0.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:C)Section studied from breast parenchyma harbours extensive ductal carcinoma in situ of solid, cribriform papillary and focal comedo pattern with foci showing invasive carcinoma arranged in predominantly sheets and tubules. The cells are large with increased ratio with scant cytoplasm and hyperchromatic irregular nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Stroma shows extensive desmoplasia. Foci showing atypical ductal hyperplasia is also seen.IMPRESSION: (ABCD)Right Mastectomy:Histological type:Invasive carcinoma NOS with extensive ductal carcinoma in situ.Grade:2Tumor measures maximum dimension 1.6 cm.Invasive component measures 0.5 cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 1.1 cm.Modified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation: 3 Nuclear pleomorphism:2 Mitotic figures: 2Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ: solid, cribriform. Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 15 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 1(1/15) . Pathological stage: pT1pN1 SUMMARY: Invasive carcinoma NST, Right mastectomy.Tumor Grade:2.Lymph node Status: 1/15." 4666,MR1903005,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrofatty tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in sheets and clusters, focal necrosis is noted. The cells have round hyperchromatic, with moderate cytoplasm. Surrounding stroma shows scattered inflammatory cells. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 4667,MR1903046,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Neoplastic. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in tubules of sheets. The cells have round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic. Mitotic is discerned. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump. Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(2+2+2)." 4668,MR1903053,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Nodular lesion in the left breast - ? Carcinoma left breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received three grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue infiltrated by neoplasm cells arranged in abortive tubules and cords. The cells have round hyperchromatic nucleus, dispersed chromatic and moderate cytoplasm. Surrounding stroma shows areas of hyalinization. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lump :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(2+2+2)." 4669,MR1903056,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Left carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of breast parenchyma, harbors lesion arranged in nests, cords and sheets. The cells are oval have moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia, congested capillaries and lymphocytic infiltrate.á IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áá áá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4670,MR1903062,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma right breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of breast parenchyma harbors infiltrative arranged nests, cords and sheets. The cells are oval, have moderate pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei inconspicuous nucleoli and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic activity is discerned. Stroma shows dismoplasia lymphovascular invasion is identified. á IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á áá ........." 4671,MR1903099,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from linear cores of lesional tissue composed of tumor cells arranged in tubules nests and acinar pattern. The cells are round to oval with scant cytoplasm and large hyperchromatic irregular nucleus with occasional atypical mitotic present. Prominent eosinophilic nucleoli. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump :Invasive carcinoma NST, grade - II. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 6/9 ........." 4672,MR1903104,">right modified radical mastecytomy, post nact. > >histological type ]no evidence of residual tumor status post nact. >therapy related changes seen. >ductal carcinoma in situ not seen. >lymphovascular invasion not seen. >posterior resection margin is free of tumor. >nipple and areola is free of tumor. >lymph nodes 0 lymph nodes, metastasis 10 >(010) > >pathological stage ypt0n0 > >summary >right breast modified radical mastectomy, post nact. >no evidence of residual tumor. >lymph node status 010" 4673,MR1903111,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5acm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows, cores of breast parenchyma, harbors infiltrative lesion arranged in nests and cords. The cells are oval, have moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, conspicuous nucleoli and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic activity is discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy. :Suggestive of invasive carcinoma, NOS grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4674,MR1903112,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from linear cores of lesional tissue composed of an invasive neoplasm arranged in tubules, nests and scattered isolated tumor cells. The cells are round to oval with scant cytoplasm and irregular hyperchromatic nucleus atypical mitosis 1-2/hpf. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Right breast biopsy :Invasive carcinoma - NST, grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 6/9 ........." 4675,MR1903114,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Sentinel lymph node (Hot node).B) Sentinel lymph node (Hot and blue node).C) Right breast, wide excision.D) Right axillary dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 4 lymph nodes.Largest lymph node measures 1.3x1x1cm.Cut surface shows greywhite deposit seen. Entire tissue processed.B) Received single large lymph node measures 2x1.5x1.5cm.Cut surface shows greywhite deposit seen. Entire tissue processed.C) Received single skib covered soft tissue bits measures 8x5x4.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 3.5x2cm.Cut surface shows greywhite ill defined lesion measures 2x1.5x1.5cm.Distance from margins:-Superior margin : 1.5cm.Inferior margin : <0.2cm.Medial margin : 1cm.Lateral margin : 1.2cm.Deep margin : 2cm.D) Received axillary tail measures 8.5x7.5x2.5cm.Largest lymph node measures 1x0.5x0.2cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast lesion show invasive neoplasm in nests and cords. The tumor cells show increased N:C ratio round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and increased mitosis. Few ducts show solid and comedo type high grade DCIS.IMPRESSION:A) Sentinel lymph node (Hot node):3 out of 4 nodes show metastatic deposit.Largest measures 0.4cm. No extranodal extension (3/4).B) Sentinel lymph node (Hot and blue node):1 node isolated shows metastasis measures 0.4cm (1/1). No extranodal extension.C) Right breast, wide excision:Invasive ductal carcinoma, NST.MBR Score (3+2+2)= 7/9, grade IITumor measures 2cm in greatest dimension.DCIS is present. Solid and comedo type, High grade.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is not identified.All resected margins are free of tumor.D) Right axillary dissection:2 out of 20 nodes show metastatic deposits (2/20).Largest deposit measures 0.5cm. No extranodal extension.Total nodes including sentinel nodes (6/25)." 4676,MR1903128,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of Left Breast Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left sentinel lymph node :A) Non blue and Non Hot node.B) Hot node.C) Left Breast, Left Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5 x 2 x 1 cm.Isolated 1 lymph node measures 2 x 1.5 x 1 cm. B) Received 2 fibrofatty tissue altogether measures 3 x 2 x 1 cm.Isolated 2 lymph n odes largest measures 1.2 x 1 x 1 cm.C)Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy. Laterality : Left.Total dimensions :Medial to lateral : 23 cm Superficial to Deep : 5 cm Superior to Inferior :19 cmSkin ellipse : 16.5 x 13 cmNipple : Shows grey white lesion measures 0.5x0.4x0.2cm underlying it Scar/ Surgical defect : AbsentTumor : SingleTumour Size : 2.5 x 2 x 2 cm Location of tumor :Upper central quadrant Margin of tumor : ill definedDeep margin :3 cm awayMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissueAxillary tail : AbsentRepresentative sections are submitted.IMPRESSION:Left sentinel lymph node :A) Non blue with Non Hot node:Isolated single lymph node free of tumor (0/1).B) Hot node:Isolated two lymph nodes, free of tumor (0/2).C) Left breast, Left Mastectomy.INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+3+1). - Tumor is located in the upper central quadrant. - Tumor measures 2.5 cm in maximum dimension. - Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ of papillary and solid type with intermediate nuclear grade. - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. - Perineural invasion is not identified. - Adjacent breast shows features of intraductal papilloma. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and areola are free of tumor." 4677,MR1903129,"CLINICAL DETAILS:C/o right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of tissue harboring an invasive lesion arranged in cords and nests. The cells are having moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm and pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus. Surrounding stroma shows desmoplastic reaction.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump:Invasive Ductal carcinoma, No special type Grade 2MBR Score 7/9Tubule formationáááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------------" 4678,MR1903166,CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma left breast. SPECIMEN: 4679,MR1903182,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white soft tissue bits measures 0.5 to 0.1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with ducts and fibromyxoid stroma. Ducts of varying sizes, lined by epithelial and myoepithelial layer. Epitheliosis, cystic dilatation of ducts are noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass:No evidence of malignancy in the material submitted.? Representative tissue.Suggest repeat biopsy if clinically indicated." 4680,MR1903187,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma right breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in sheets, abortive tubules and in cords. The cells have round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The stroma shows desmoplastic changes. Mitotic is discerned. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast. Invasive ductal carcinoma. Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 4681,MR1903206,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with an infiltrating lesion arranged as sheets, nests and cords against a desmoplastic stroma. The cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lump.Invasive carcinoma, NOS.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4682,MR1903211,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma left breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, cords. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphocytic infiltrate. Mitosis 6-7/10hpf. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4683,MR1903212,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast wide excision.B)Left axillary dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A)Received wide local excision specimen measures 8.5x6.5x4cmCut surface show grey white lesion measures 3x2.5x1.5cm.Distance from margins :Superior margin :1.2cmInferior margin :0.6cmMedial margin :1cmLateral margin :2cmDeep margin :0.9cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 12xx8x4cm.Largest lymph node measures 1.5x0.5x0.5cm.Cut surface ? deposit.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the lesion show invasive neoplasm composed of sheets and aggregates of tumor cells in a desmoplastic stroma. Adjacent solid and cribriform type ductal carcinoma in situ noted.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast wide excision:Invasive ductal carcinoma, NST.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+2 = 7/9, grade2.Tumor measures 3cm in greatest dimension.Invasive component measures 2.5cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.5cm and is solid and cribriform type.Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion not identified.All resected margins including deep margin are free of tumor.B)Left axillary dissection:Extensive gross examination done Only 4 nodes dissected which are free of tumor. 0/4" 4684,MR1903218,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from linear cores of lesional tissue harbors invasive neoplasm arranged in sheets. The cells are large with increase N:C ratio, having scant cytoplasm and large irregular hyperchromatic nucleus having prominent eosinophilic nucleoli. Mitoses 6-7/10hpf. Stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass:Invasive carcinoma, NST, grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+2) 7/9. " 4685,MR1903268,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from linear cores of breast parenchyma harbors invasive neoplasm arranged predominantly in sheets and trabecular pattern . The cells are large, scant cytoplasm and large hyperchromatic nucleus, mitosis - 1-2/hpf. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump - Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma - NSTModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 ........." 4686,MR1903287,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma left breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received six grey white linear cores measures 0.3 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in tubules and cords. The cells have round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic is discerned. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lump :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(2+2+2). " 4687,MR1903296,CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:A)Right breast wide excision.B) Revised base.GROSS FINDINGS:A)Fresh tissue received : Yes : Laterality : Right Specimen orientation :Orientated Specimen size :5.5x4.5x2.5cm Skin : PresentSkin dimensions : 3.0x1cmNipple : Absent Lesion(s) : PresentNumber of macroscopically visible lesions : 01 Circumscribed grey white fibrotic lesion with slit like spacesLesion dimensions :2x1.8x1.5cDistance of lesion from margins :Superior margin : 1.5cmInferior margin :1.8cmMedial margin :2cmLateral margin :2.5cmDeep margin :0.2cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1.5x1cmOne surface is striched. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show circumscribed neoplasm composed of compressed ducts with preserved epithelial and myoepithelial layers in a sclerotic stroma. The cells show clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm with no atypia. Few ducts show intra luminal sections. There are scattered lymphocytic aggregates. No evidence of in situ or invasive carcinoma seen.IMPRESSION:A)Right breast wide excision:FibroadenomaAll resected margins are free of tumor.B) Revised base: Is free of tumor. 4688,MR1903297,">a) left breast, left modified radical mastectomy (post chemo) >residual invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2 > - modified bloom richardson score is 6(3+2+1). > - tumor is located in the upper outer quadrant. > - tumor measures 4.5 cm in greatest dimension. > - lymphovascular invasion is indeterminate. > - perineural invasion is not seen. > - nipple and areolar are unremarkable. > - posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - tumour is reaching upto the dermis of overlying skin, however no ulceration is seen. > >lymph nodes >two out of eleven lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposit with extranodal extension (211). > - size of the largest tumor deposit measures 1.1 cm in greatest dimension. > >b) apical lymph nodes >four lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy (04). > normal 0 false false false en-us x-none x-none" 4689,MR1903300,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma right breast SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied shows cores of breast parenchyma harbors infiltrative lesion arranged in nests, cords and sheets. The cells are oval have, moderate pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitoticá activity is discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphocytic infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Right breast biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4690,MR1903302,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right BreastSPECIMEN:A) Right sentinel nodes.B) Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 2 lymph nodes Largest lymph node measures 0.5x0.5x0.5cmSmaller lymph node measures 0.4x0.3x0.2cmB) Received in : FormalinProcedure : Right modified radical mastectomy Laterality : RightTotal dimensions :Medial to lateral :12cm Superficial to Deep :5cm Superior to Inferior:14cmSkin ellipse : 12x5.5 Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : SingleTumour Size :2.2x1.5x1cm Location of tumor :Upper outer quadrantDeep margin : 1.5cmMuscle : Absent Axillary tail :Not presentMICROSCOPY:Tumor :Shows linear cords and nests of tumor cells diffusely infiltrating the breast parenchyma . The cells show mild to moderate atypia with few showing plasmacytoid appearance. Adjacent lobular carcinoma in situ also notedIMPRESSION:A) Right sentinel node:2 lymph nodes are free of tumor. (0/2)Right Modified Radical Mastectomy:Histological type:Invasive carcinoma with lobular features Grade: 2Tumor measures maximum dimension 2.3 cmInvasive component measures 2 cmDuctal carcinoma in situ measures 0.3cmModified BR score is 6/9Tubule formation:3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 1 Lobular Carcinoma-In-Situ is present ( low grade) Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion is presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.. Pathological stage: pT1N0(sn). SUMMARY: Invasive carcinoma with lobular features, Right modified radical mastectomy.Tumor Grade:2 Lymphnode Status: Sentinel nodes 2 nodes examined on free of tumor (0/2)." 4691,MR1903307,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma right breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and islands. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and scant cytoplasm. Cells exhibit marked nuclear pleomorphism. Mitosis 6-7/10hpf. Stroma shows desmoplasia, mixed inflammation, necrosis. IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 8/9 .........Ductal carcinoma in situ - comedo type and cribriform type seen. " 4692,MR1903327,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from linear cores with of breast parenchyma harboring invasive neoplasm arranged in sheets, and trabecular pattern. The cells are large with scant cytoplasm and large hyperchromatic irregular nucleus atypical mitosis >10/10hpf seen. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST, grade - III. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 9/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 3Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 9/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4693,MR1903347,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Receive 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion, arranged in sheets, nests and cords . The cells are oval, have moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, prominent nucleoli and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrate and foci of necrosis.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score 7/9.Tubule formationá á áá á :3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitosisáááááááááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------" 4694,MR1903357,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right Breast Lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in tubules, acini and cribriform pattern. The cells have round hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitosis is discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right Breast Lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(2+2+2)." 4695,MR1903359,"CLINICAL DETAILS:C/o right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Right sentinel lymph node biopsy ( Blue+hot node).B) Right sentinel lymph node biopsy ( Non Blue+Non hot node).C) Right mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Right sentinel lymph node biopsy ( Blue+hot node):Received 2 lymph nodes.Largest measures 0.5x0.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.B) Right sentinel lymph node biopsy ( Non Blue+Non hot node):Received 2 lymph nodes.Largest measures 1x0.8x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.C) Right mastectomy.Received inááááááááááá : Formalin.Lateralityááááááááááááááá : Right Total dimensions :Medial-lateraláááááááááá :á 21cmááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deepááá :ááá 6cmááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferiorááááá :áá 18cmSkin ellipseááááááááááááá : 16x9.5cm.Nippleáááááááááááááááááááá : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : 4x3.5cm.Tumor sizeááááááááááááá : 1.8x1.5x1cmLocation of tumoráá : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumorááá : Irregular.Deep margináááááááááá : 2cm.Muscleáááááááááááááááááá : Absent.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from breast parenchyma harbors invasive neoplasm arranged in tubules, nests and cords. The cells are having scant clear cytoplasm and vesicular nuclei. Mitosis 3-4/ hpf. Stroma shows extensive sclerosing mucin with dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Focal comedo pattern and solid DCIS present.IMPRESSION:Right mastectomy- Post lumpectomy status:Residual Invasive carcinoma of ductal origin, grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubular formationááááááá :á 2Nuclear pleomorphism :á 3Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá :á 2Tumor measures maximum dimension 1.8cm.Invasive component measures 1cm.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Comedo and solid.Lymphovascular invasion is identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 4 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0,(0/4).Pathological stage : ypT1sn N0.SUMMARY:Right mastectomy- Post lumpectomy status:Invasive carcinoma.Tumor grade : Grade IINodal metastases : 4 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0,(0/4)." 4696,MR1903372,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump. SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and sheets. The cells are round to oval having markedly pleomorphic, hyperchromatic nuclei and scant cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia, lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate, histiocytes ,mitosis 8-10/hpf. Areas of necrosis seen. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST, grade - 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 8/9 .........Areas of necrosis seen. " 4697,MR1903388,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast mass.? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from linear cores of breast parenchymal harboring invasive neoplasm arranged in sheets and trabecular pattern. The cells are large having increase N:C ratio with scant cytoplasm and hyperchromatic irregular nuclei. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+2)7/9" 4698,MR1903391,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma showing ducts. Periductal stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Focal necrosis seen. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Chronic mastitis with suppuration. No evidence of malignancy in the smears studied. " 4700,MR1903437,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of fibrous tissue harbors infiltrative lesion, arranged in diffuse sheets. The cells are oval, have moderate pleomorphic dark nuclei, prominent nucleoli and abundant eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows areas of necrosis.á IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4701,MR1903439,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in acini, fused papillae, cords. The cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate cytoplasm. Few plasmacytoid cells seen. Cells exhibit mild nuclear pleomorphism. Mitosis 5-6/10hpf. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, grade - 1.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 1Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4702,MR1903458,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right sentinel hot node.B)Right sentinel Blue +hot node .C) Right sentinel Non blue non hot node.D) Right mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 0.8x0.5x0.5cmIsolated 1 lymph node.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4x3x2cmIsolated 4 lymph nodesLargest measures 2.2x1.7x0.6cmCut surface -fatty infiltration.C) Received 5 lymph nodes measures 0.6x0.5x0.5cmCut surface fatty infiltration.D)Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy Laterality : RightTotal dimensions :Medial to lateral :25cm Superficial to Deep :7.5cm Superior to Inferior:15cmSkin ellipse : 15x9cm, Ulcer measures 1.4x0.8cmNipple : UnremarkableScar/ Surgical defect : AbsentTumor : SingleTumour Size : 10.4x9.5x6.4cmLocation of tumor : Upper inner quadrantMargin of tumor :Circumscribed solid grey white fleshy with areas of hemorrhage and slite like spacesDeep margin :0.1cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissueAxillary tail :AbsentMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the lesion show partially circumscribed neoplasm composed of sheets and short fascicles of spindle to pleomorphic cells with marked atypia in a hyalinised stroma. There is diffuse infiltration of numerous osteoclast like giant cells within the tumor . Focal ? osteoid like areas seen. Extensive necrosis present. Mitosis is brisk.IMPRESSION:A) Right sentinel hot node:1 lymph node is free of tumor (0/1)B)Right sentinel Blue +hot node :4 lymph nodes are free of tumor free of tumor (0/4)C) Right sentinel Non blue non hot node:5 nodes are free of tumor (0/5).D) Right mastectomy:Poorly differentiated malignancy. Possibilities are1. High grade sarcoma2. Metaplastic carcinoma with osteoclast giant cells.Suggest IHCTumor measures maximum dimension 10.4cmDuctal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not identified. Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion Not identified. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor,Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Summary:Poorly differentiated malignancy Possibilities are1. High grade sarcoma2. Metastatic carcinoma with osteoclast giant cellsLymph node status : 10 sentinel nodes isolated are free of tumor (0/10).Suggest IHC." 4703,MR1903466,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Left breast, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of fibrous tissue, shows dilated ducts, showing proliferative of epithelium inconspicuous nucleoli. Ducts are lined by myoepithelium layer. á IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy :Ductal carcinoma in situ, low to intermediate nuclear grade. NOTE:Case discussed with Dr.Senthil" 4704,MR1903492,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left Breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in cords, nests and tubules. The cells have round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis is discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left Breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 4705,MR1903502,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear ares of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules, cords and nests. The cells have round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Surrounding stroma shows hyalinization. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(2+2+2+)." 4706,MR1903542,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast wide excision.B) Sentinel blue+hot node.C) Sentinel hot node.GROSS FINDINGS:A)Fresh tissue received : YesLaterality : Left Specimen orientation : Orientated Specimen size : 8.5x7x5cm Skin : PresentSkin dimension : 5.5x2cmLesion(s) : PresentLesion dimensions : 2.5x2.0x2.0cmDistance from margin:Superior margin :2.5cmInferior margin :1cmMedial margin :2cmLateral margin :1.5cmDeep margin : 4cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1x0.6cm.No lymph nodes found.C)Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4x2.5x1.5cm.Largest node measures 3.5x2x1.4cm.Cut surface fatty infiltrative isolated 3 nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the lesion shows an invasive neoplasm in sheets and nests. The tumor cells show moderate pleomorphism hyperchromatic nuclei and brisk mitosis. Extensive geographic necrosis seen. Adjacent breast show usual ductal hyperplasia with columnar cell and apocrine changes.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast wide excision:Invasive ductal carcinoma NST.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+3 -8/9, Grade 3.Tumor measures 2.5cm in greatest dimension.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Sentinel blue+hot node:No nodes isolated, only adipose tissue seen.C) Sentinel hot node:2 nodes examined are free of tumor (0/2).Pathological stage : pT2N0(sn)." 4707,MR1903573,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrofatty tissue infiltrated by tumor cells arranged in sheets and singly scattered with large areas of necrosis. The cells have round hyperchromatic nuclei inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)" 4708,MR1903583,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of tumor composed of round to oval cells arranged as nests. These cells show moderate pleomorphism, enlarged hyperchromatic nucleus, and moderate cytoplasm, mitosis are discerned. Necrosis is seen. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST - grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 ........." 4709,MR1903590,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right Breast Lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrofatty tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in cords, tubules. Also seen are ducts lined by monotonous population of cells forming cribriform and comedo pattern. Mitosis is discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right Breast Lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(2+2+2). - Ductal carcinoma in situ present of cribriform, comedo pattern with intermediate nuclear grade." 4710,MR1903609,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left Breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white multiple linear cores measures 1 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring neoplastic cells arranged in tubules, nests. The cells are pleomorphic having scant to clear cytoplasm and pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus. Occasional atypical mitosis seen. Stroma shows desmoplasia with mucinous change and scattered lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left Breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4711,MR1903612,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in cords and nests. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, scant cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia, mitosis 5-6/10hpf. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma with lobular features, grade - 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 ........." 4712,MR1903627,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma right breast lump. SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of fibrous tissueá harbours infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets, nests and cords. The cells are oval, have moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleoli, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia and areas of necrosis.á IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4713,MR1903628,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and islands. The lesional cells are round to oval having moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis 5-6/10hpf. Stroma shows desmoplasia, lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate and histiocytes. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST, grade - 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 8/9 ........." 4714,MR1903630,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left Breast Lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fragmented linear cores of fibrofatty tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in nests and sheets with large areas of necrosis. The lesional cells have round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Few cells with bizarre nuclei are also seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left Breast Lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 3. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 8(3+3+2)." 4715,MR1903636,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring invasive neoplasm arranged in sheets, nests and glandular pattern. The cells are polygonal with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, round moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus, prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are 8-10/10hpf with atypical forms. Stroma shows dense lymphomononuclear infiltrates. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4716,MR1903641,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast wide excision.B) Hot node.C) Blue +hot node.D) Revised medial margin.E) Re-revised medial margin.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received skin covered globular mass measures 7.5x7x5cm. Skin ellipse measures 5.5x5cmGrey white firm to hard mas measures 5x4x3cmDistance from margins:Superior margin :1.7cmInferior margins :2cmMedial margin :5cmLateral margin :2cmDeep margin :1.5cmB) Received two fibrofatty tissue largest measures 2x1x1cm.Isolated 2 lymph nodes.Largest measures 1x1x0.5cm.C) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 1x1x1cm.Isolated 1 lymph node measures 1x1x0.5cm.D) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 3.8x3x1cm.E)Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1.8x1x1cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from breast parenchyma harbours invasive neoplasm arranged in cords nests and sheets. The cells are mildly pleomorphic with scant cytoplasm and hyperchromatic irregular nuclei cribriform and solid ductal carcinoma in situ present. Stroma shows sclerosis with mucinous change. Few benign ducts in between show fibrocystic change.IMPRESSION:Left breast wide excision:Invasive ductal carcinoma, NOS.Maximum size of tumor 5cm .Invasive tumor measures 4cm in greatest dimension.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+2-7/9.Ductal carcinoma in situ -solid and cribriform measures 1cm.Lateral and superior, inferior margins are free of tumor.medial and revised medial margin are involved by tumour. Re- revised medial margin is free of tumor.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Sentinel lymph nodes - isolated 3 nodes all are free of tumor.stage : pT2pN0" 4717,MR1903675,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 2 cm. Each entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring invasive neoplasm arranged in nests, sheets, trabeculae. The cells are round to polygonal with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, round hyperchromatic nucleus, prominent nucleoli Some showing intranuclear inclusions Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(2+2+2)." 4718,MR1903699,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules, cords and cribriform pattern. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and scant cytoplasm. Stroma shows hyalinisation. Occasional mitosis seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast lesion, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - IModified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 5/9 ........." 4719,MR1903713,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast - ? malignancy. SPECIMEN:Right breast, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of breast parenchyma, harbors infiltrative lesion, arranged in sheets, cords and nests. The cells are oval, have moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, few shows conspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Foci of necrosis and lymphocytic infiltrate seen. á IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4720,MR1903725,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Left BreastSPECIMEN:A)Left breast Best conservative surgery.B)Blue +Hot nodes.C) Hot nodesD)Revised lateral marginE) Revised inferior marginF) Left axillary dissection.G) Left level III nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A)Fresh tissue received : Yes Laterality : Left Specimen orientation : Orientated Specimen size : 6.5x5x4.5cm Skin : Present Skin dimensions : 3x1.5cm Skin abnormalities : Absent Number of macroscopically visible lesions : 22nd lesion is lateral and superior to 1st lesion the distance between 2 lesions is 0.6cm1st lesion measures 2.3x1.5x1.5cm.2nd lesion measures 0.7x0.5x0.5cm.Distance from margins:1st lesion :Superior margin :2cmInferior margin :0.4cmMedial margin :1cmLateral margin :1cmDeep margin :0.6cm2nd lesion:Superior margin :1cmInferior margin :1cmMedial margin :3.5cmLateral margin :0.1cmDeep margin :1.5cmB)Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1x1x0.6cm Isolated 1 lymph node measures 0.9x0.6x0.5cm.Cut surface - grey white.C)Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1.5x1x1cm 3 lymph nodes isolated largest lymph node measures 0.5x0.5x0.5cm.D)Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5x2.5x0.5cmsuture side identified.E) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5x3.5x0.5cmSuture side identified.F) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 11x7x6cmLargest lymph node measures 2.3x1x1cmCut surface - fatty infiltration.G) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1x0.5.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm in nests and sheet like pattern. The cells show moderate cytoplasm round nuclei hyperchromatic with coarse chromatin.IMPRESSION:A)Left breast Best conservative surgery:Invasive ductal carcinoma NST.Unifocal tumor (microscopic).(see comment)Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9-3+2+2, grade 2.Tumor measures 3cm Invasive component measures 2cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 1cm and is solid and cribriform type.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion not identified. Inferior and lateral margin are involved by tumor.All other margins are free of tumor.B)Blue +Hot nodes:1 out of 2 nodes show tumor deposit measures 0.3cm.(1/2).Extranodal extension not identified.C) Hot nodes: 1 out of 3 nodes show tumor deposit show tumor deposit measures 0.2cm (1/3).Extranodal extension not identified.D)Revised lateral margin: Is free of tumor.E)Revised inferior margin : is free of tumor.F) Left axillary dissection: 18 nodes are free of tumor (0/18)G) Left III nodes 3 nodes examined are free of tumor(0/3)Total 26 nodes -2 show metastatic deposits (2/26).Pathological staging: pT2N1.Comment : Grossly tumor appears as 2 lesions. However tumor is unifocal on microscopy" 4721,MR1903742,">right breast, modified radical mastectomy >invasive carcinoma with medullary like features. >modified bloom richardson score is 99, grade 3 >tubule formation -- 3 >nuclear pleomorphism -- 3 >mitotic figures -- 3 > ----------- > 99 > ----------- >lymphovascular invasion is not seen. >perineural invasion is not seen. > >please refer to primary pathology report for tumor dimensions, margins and lymphnode status." 4722,MR1903754,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Neoplastic. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, scant cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Brisk mitotic activity noted. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade -3Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ------- 8/9 ........." 4723,MR1903757,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump - Carcinoma breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring invasive neoplasm arranged in glandular, nests. The cells are polygonal with abundant eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm, round hyperchromatic nucleus. Some showing intranuclear inclusions. Mitotic figures are 10-12/10hpf. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4725,MR1903764,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm.á Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show cores of breast parenchyma with an infiltrating lesion arranged as sheets and cords. The lesional cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Crush artifacts noted. Intervening stroma shows desmoplasia.á IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma with lobular features. Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ......... 4726,MR1903789,">right modified radical mastectomy, post nact. > >histological type residual invasive carcinoma with micro papillary features. >grade - 3 >tumor measures maximum dimension 4.5cm. >invasive component measures 4.5cm. >modified bloom richardson score is 89 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 3 >mitotic figures 2 > ------- > 89 > ......... >ductal carcinoma in situ not identified. >lymphovascular invasion present. >perineural invasion not identified. >posterior resection margin is free of tumor. >nipple and areola is free of tumor. >lymph nodes 21 lymph nodes, metastasis 5 >(521) > >pathological stage pt2n2 > >summary >right breast. >modified radical mastectomy, post nact. >residual invasive carcinoma with micro papillary features. >tumor grade 3 >lymph node status 521 with extranodal extension." 4727,MR1903805,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, sheets and tubules. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, scant cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Mitosis 2-3/10hpf. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 ........." 4728,MR1903808,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of breast parenchyma shows multiple dilated ducts shows, luminal epithelial proliferation. The cells are oval, have moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Foci of necrosis is seen. Myoepithelium is intact. Stroma shows fibrosis and lymphocytic infiltration. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy :Ductal carcinoma in situ (high grade)Solid and comedo pattern. " 4729,MR1903812,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with an infiltrating lesion arranged as sheets and nests. The lesional cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis noted. Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphocytic infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast. Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áá á 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áá .........áá " 4730,MR1903817,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast, post mastectomy.SPECIMEN:A) Right completion mastectomy.B) Right level II lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received in : FormalinProcedure : Completion mastectomy with right axillary dissection.Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral -- 14cm. Superficial to Deep -- 2cm. Superior to Inferior -- 6cm.Skin ellipse : 14x5cm.Nipple : Absent.Scar/ Surgical defect : present measures 13cm, grey white area noted beneath the scar measures 0.4x0.2x0.1cm. Deep margin : 1cm.Muscle : 3cm.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 7x5x0.8cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1.5x1x0.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast parenchyma shows areas of fibrosis, necrosis and foreign body granulomas. No residual viable tumor is seen.IMPRESSION:A) Right completion mastectomy:No residual tumor seen.Areas of fibrosis, necrosis, foreign body granulomas present.Post lumpectomy changes.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 13 lymph nodes, negative for malignancy (0/13).B) Right level II lymph nodes:Three lymph nodes identified, negative for malignancy (0/3).Pathological stage: ypT0 ypN0SUMMARY:No residual viable tumor.Lymphnode Status: 0/16 (Axillary Lymphnodes: 0/13, Level II Lymphnodes: 0/3)" 4731,MR1903839,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show cores of breast parenchyma with an infiltrating lesion arranged as sheets, nests and cords, The lesional cells have moderate nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphocytic infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4732,MR1903871,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with an infiltrating lesion cords, islands and vague tubules. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with mild lymphomononuclear infiltrate.áIMPRESSION:Left breast biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST grade - 2. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4733,MR1903874,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with an infiltrating lesion arranged in islands and cords. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with areas of hemorrhage and mild lymphomononuclear infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Right breast Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST, grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4734,MR1903880,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Modified right radical mastectomy specimen. SITE :Right Breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy. Received 13 blocks labelled as 343 A-N (I. NO blocks). MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section studied show breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplasm arranged in tubules, nests and cords. The cells have round hyperchromatic nuclei, and moderate cytoplasm. Also seen ductal carcinoma in situ component of comedo pattern with intermediate nuclear grade. IMPRESSION :Right Breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(2+2+2). - Lymphovascular invasion is indeterminate. - Perineural invasion is not identified. - Nipple and aerola is unremarkable. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. Lymph nodes : Two out of nine lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposit(2/9). - Size of the larger tumour deposit measures 0.8 cm in greatest dimension. - Extra nodal extension is not seen. " 4735,MR1903907,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion. SPECIMEN:Left breast lesion, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with an infiltrating lesion arranged as sheets, nests and cords. The lesional cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows inflammatory infiltrate and areas of necrosis. IMPRESSION:Left breast lesion, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4736,MR1903926,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 linear cores soft tissue bits measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by tumor cells arranged in cords and abortive tubules. The cells have round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Ductal carcinoma in situ component is also note of solid pattern.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast mass :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4737,MR1903930,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Case of left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast conservative surgery.B) Sentinel node (Hot node).C) Sentinel node (Non blue non hot node).GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received globular mass measures 7.5x7x5cm.Greywhite ill defined measures 0.7x0.5x0.5cm.Distance from margins:-Superior margin : 2.8cm.Inferior margin : 1.2cm.Medial margin : 2.8cm.Lateral margin : 2cm.Deep margin : 1cm.B) Received sentinel node(Hot node). Isolated 2 lymph nodes, largest measures 1.2x1x1cm.C) Received sentinel node (Non blue non hot node). Isolated 1 lymph node measures 2.2x2x1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast parenchyma shows infiltrating neoplasm arranged in nests, sheets and acinar pattern. The cells are round to oval vesicular nuclei, abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitosis 3-4/10 HPF. Foci of cribriform DCIS is noted.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast conservative surgery:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Grade IITubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------------- 6/9 -------------Tumor measures 0.7cm in maximum dimension.Lymphovascular invasion is identified.Perineural invasion not identified.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Sentinel node (Hot node):2 lymph nodes, All are free of tumor (0/2).C) Sentinel node (Non blue non hot node):1 lymph node, All are free of tumor (0/1)" 4738,MR1903947,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in linear cords, nests and abortive tubules. The cells have round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lump. Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+1)=6/9" 4739,MR1903970,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump. SPECIMEN:Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ, solid type of intermediate nuclear grade. Focus of invasive carcinoma infiltrating tumor cells in the sections studied. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy :Small focus of invasive carcinoma with extensive ductal carcinoma in situ (solid type), intermediate grade" 4740,MR1903972,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right Breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right Sentinel lymph nodes.B) Right breast lump, Wide Local Excision.C) Revised superior margin.D) Revised medial margin.GROSS FINDINGS:A)Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1.5 x 1 x 1 cm.Isolated 1 lymph nodes. Entire tissue is submitted.B) Received single globular mass measures 6.5 x 7 x 3.5 cm.Tumor measures 4 x 3 x 2 cm.Cut surface shows grey white irregular firm mass.Distance from margins:Superior margin :1.2 cmInferior margin :1.2 cmMedial margin :0.3 cmLateral margin :2.5 cmDeep margin :1 cmRepresentative sections are submitted.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4 x 3 x 2 cm. Representative sections are submitted.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 5 x 4 x 2 cm. Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast shows an invasive neoplasm arranged in cords, clusters and tubules. The lesional cells have round nuclei coarse chromatin inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Surrounding stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:A) Right sentinel lymph nodes:One lymph node identified, negative for malignancy.B) Right breast lump, Wide Local Excision:INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score 7(3+2+2). - Tumor measures 4 cm in greatest dimension. - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. - Perineural invasion is not identified. - All margins of resection are free of tumor.C) Revised superior margin: Free of tumor.D) Revised medial margin: Free of tumor." 4741,MR1904013,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast wide excision of lumpectomy.B) Blue node.C) Blue + hot node.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received skin covered globular mass measuring 4x2.3x2.2cm. Skin ellipse measures 3.3x0.7cm. Cut surface show ill defined, firm mass measuring 0.5cm.Distance from the margins:Superior margin -- 1.7cm.Inferior margin -- 1cm.Medial margin -- 1.5cm.Lateral margin -- 1cm.Deep margin -- 0.5cm.B) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x1cm.Isolated 2 lymph nodes largest measures 1x1x0.5cm.C) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1.5x1cm.Isolated 1 lymph nodes largest measures 1x1x0.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast parenchyma shows suture material surrounded foreign body giant cell reaction.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast wide excision of lumpectomy cavity:No residual viable tumor seen. - Foreign body giant cell reaction. - All resected margins including deep are free of tumor.B) Blue node:Two lymph nodes identified, negative for malignancy (0/2).C) Blue + hot node:One lymph node identified, negative for malignancy (0/1)." 4743,MR1904016,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of right breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows tumor cores of breast parenchyma showing expanded ducts. The ducts show round to ovoid luminal cells and enlarged round to ovoid nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Luminal cells show cribriform and papillary pattern. Intervening sclerosis is noted. IMPRESSION:Right breast biopsy :Shows features of Ductal carcinoma in situ - solid, cribriform and papillary pattern with intermediate nuclear grade. - No definite evidence of invasive malignancy is seen.Suggest excision of the lump for further confirmation of the invasive component. " 4744,MR1904032,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast, post lumpectomy.SPECIMEN:Sentinel nodes:A) Hot node.B) Blue + Hot node.C) Non Blue - Non Hot node.D) Left Breast, Wide Excision of Post Lumpectomy Cavity.E) Revised Deep Margin.F) Left Completion Axillary Dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 1.5x1x1cm. Isolated 1 node measures 1.5x1x1cm.B) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 1x1x1cm. Isolated 1 node 1x0.5x0.5cm.C) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 1.5x1x1cm. Isolated 1 node measures 1x0.5x0.5cm.D) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 4x3x2cms. Cut surface shows gross no lesion identified. Only form fibrous tissue present.E) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1x1cm. Entire tissue processed.F) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 7x5x1cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from lesional areas show areas of fibrosis and sclerosis with entrapped benign ductules. No evidence of invasive carcinoma in sections studied.IMPRESSION:Sentinel nodes:A) Hot node:One lymph node isolated, free of tumor (0/1).B) Blue + Hot node:One lymph node isolated shows metastatic deposit measures 0.3 cm with extranodal extension(1/1).C) Non Blue - Non Hot node:One lymph nodes isolated, free of tumor (0/1).D) Left Breast, Wide Excision of Post Lumpectomy Cavity:No residual tumor is seen. - Superior, medial, inferior, lateral and deep margins of resection are free of tumor.E) Revised Deep Margin:Free of tumor.F) Left Completion Axillary Dissection:Four lymph node isolated, free of tumor (0/4)." 4745,MR1904037,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in cords, nests. The cells have round hyperchromatic nucleus, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Also seen are extracellular mucin pools. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Core BiopsyInvasive carcinoma with mucinous features, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4746,MR1904040,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump- Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from cores of tract parenchyma shows extensive areas of desmoplasia and fibrosis with a foci showing invasive neoplasm arranged in nests and cords. The cells are pleomorphic with scant eosinophilic cytoplasm and pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Occasional cells show prominent nucleoli. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump :Invasive neoplasm NST, grade - 2. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 6/9 ........." 4747,MR1904041,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores 3 measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in cords and abortive tubules. The cells have round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4748,MR1904042,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in cords and clusters. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei scant cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Mitoses- 5-6/10 hpfIMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 6/9 .........Ductal carcinoma in situ- cribriform and comedo type seen. " 4749,MR1904047,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue shows scattered small lymphocytes with histiocytes with tiny foci showing clusters of atypical cells. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump :Solitary focus of atypical cells .Tissue not representative.Kindly repeat the biopsy. 4750,MR1904077,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.á MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows linear cores of tissue showing large cores of hyalinisation with tumor cells infiltrating in nests, sheets and cords. The tumor cells are round to ovoid to plasmacytoid with enlarged ovoid nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump. Invasive carcinoma NST, Nuclear grade - 2. " 4751,MR1904080,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in tubules, nests and cords. The cells have round hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4752,MR1904105,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows tiny fragments of fibrous tissue harboring a small lesion arranged in papillae with fibrovascular core. The papillae are lined by columnar cells with basally placedá dark nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm.á Stroma shows fibrosis. IMPRESSION:Right breast, biopsy :Scant volume of fibrous tissueá showing features of papillary lesion. Needs larger tissue to ascertain nature of the lesion. " 4753,MR1904107,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Local recurrence. SPECIMEN:Left breast, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of fibrous tissue, shows infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets and cords. The cells are oval, have moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia, areas of necrosis and inflammatory infiltrate composed of neutrophils and lymphocytes.á IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy : Invasive carcinoma, grade - 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4754,MR1904110,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Left breast lesion, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 linear cores measures 1to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in cords and nests. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, scant cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Mitosis 5-6/10hpf. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Left breast lesion, Biopsy. Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 2 Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4755,MR1904127,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast lump - Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Receive grey white 4 linear cores measures 1to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows linear cores of tumor composed of round to polygonal cells arranged as nests and trabeculae. The tumor cells show moderate pleomorphism with high N:C ratio, hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia and inflammatory infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump - Biopsy. Invasive carcinoma NST - Grade - 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ------- 8/9 ........." 4756,MR1904130,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Intermediate lesion. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received three grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fibrofatty tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in small clusters, abortive tubules and nests. The cells have round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(2+2+2)." 4757,MR1904140,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear core of tumor composed of polygonal cells arranged as nests and sheets. These cells show high N:C ratio, vesicular nucleus, prominent nucleolus with moderate pleomorphism. Mitosis are 6-8/hpf. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy. Invasive carcinoma NST, grade - 2. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 ........." 4758,MR1904153,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass. SPECIMEN:Left breast mass Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring invasive neoplasm arranged in nests and glandular pattern. The cells are round to polygonal with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, round hyperchromatic nucleus, prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia and inflammatory cells. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass Biopsy. :Invasive carcinoma, NST, grade - 3. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á áá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á áá 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á áá á .........á" 4759,MR1904155,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in tubules, nests and cords. The cells have round hyperchromatic nuclei, and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(2+2+2)." 4760,MR1904159,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump, biopsy. SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of tissue harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and cords. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, scant cytoplasm. The cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Stroma sheets desmoplasia, lymphocytic infiltrate mitosis 5-6/10hpf. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 ........." 4761,MR1904165,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A)Left Breast Wide local excision B)Blue +hot nodeC)Hot nodeGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received skin cover soft tissue bits measures 9x7x3.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 5x2.5cm.Cut surface shows grey white ill defined forms lesion measures 2x1.5x1.5cm.Distance from marginsSuperior margin :1.5cmInferior margin :1cmMedial margin :1.5cmLateral margin :1.5cmDeep margin :0.8cmB)Received multiple fibrofatty tissue bits tissue altogether measures 5x4x3cm,6 nodes identified.C)Received 2 lymph nodes largest measures 1x0.5x0.5cm. Cut surface fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from breast parenchyma harbours invasive carcinoma arranged in tubules, cords and nests. The cells are markedly pleomorphic with scant cytoplasm and hyperchromatic irregular nuclei. Brisk atypical mitosis seen. Extensive solid cribriform comedo type. Ductal carcinoma in situ present. Stroma shows sclerosis with lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:A)Left Breast Wide local excision :Invasive carcinoma NOS.Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7-3+2+2.Tumor measures 1.5cm.Invasive carcinoma measure 1cm.Ductal component measure 0.5cm.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Sentinel lymph nodes:Lymph node 6 identified metastasis 0(0/6).Pathological stage :ypT1snN0." 4764,MR1904198,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of right breast carcinoma. post lumpectomySPECIMEN:A) Right Breast Post lumpectomy wide excision.B) Sentinel Hot node.C) Sentinel blue+hot node.D) Revised inferior margin.GROSS FINDINGS:A)Fresh tissue received : YesLaterality : Right Specimen orientation : Orientated Specimen size : 5.5x5.5x5cm Skin dimensions : 3x1cm Scar measures :1.5x0.5cm.Cut surface -ill defined lesion measures 1.8x1.4x1.4cm.Distance from margins:Superior margin :1.5cmInferior margin : 0.1cmMedial margin : 2.0cmLateral margin : 1.0cmDeep margin :1.0cmB) Received 1 lymph node measures 0.5x0.5x0.5cm.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1.5x1x1cm. Isolated 1 lymph node measures 0.4x0.3x0.3cm.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x1x1cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Tumor bed: Residual invasive carcinoma composed of tubules and nests of pleomorphic cells with moderate atypia in a desmoplastic stroma. Adjacent areas show solid, cribriform and comedo type high grade ductal carcinoma in situ.IMPRESSION:A) Right Breast Post lumpectomy wide excision:Residual invasive carcinoma, NST.Tumor measures 1.8cm in greatest dimensionInvasive carcinoma measures 1cm.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+3-8/9, grade 3.High grade Ductal carcinoma in situ(DCIS) that measures 0.5cm and is of solid cribriform and comedo type Lymphovascular invasion not present.Perineural invasion not identifiedAll resected margins are free of tumor.B) Sentinel (Hot ) node : 1 node is free of tumor (0/1).C) Sentinel blue+hot node: 1 node is free of tumor (0/1).D) Revised inferior margin : Is free of tumor " 4765,MR1904199,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump. SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets, nests, cords. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, scant cytoplasm. The cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, mitosis 10-12/10hpf. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade -3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ------- 8/9 ........." 4766,MR1904206,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump. SPECIMEN:Right breast mass, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 1to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show multiple linear of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in cords and nests. The cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuceli, moderate cytoplasm. The cells exhibit mild nuclear pleomorphism. Mitosis 5-6/10hpf, stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma with lobular features, grade - 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 1Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 6/9 ........." 4767,MR1904216,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm in nests and loosely arranged cords. The cells show moderate eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Adjacent ducts shows extensive solid and comedo type ,high grade ductal carcinoma in situ. There is dense intratumoral lymphocytic infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST with high grade ductal carcinoma in situ., grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 ........." 4768,MR1904221,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma left breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in sheets, nests and clusters. The cells have scant to moderate cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with some having prominent NUCLEOLI. Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic. Areas of hemorrhage seen.á IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy :Invasive Carcinoma, Grade - 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4769,MR1904223,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump . SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 1to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm composed of nests and secularist of tumor cells with moderate cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Adjacent ducts show solid type ductal carcinoma in situ (Intermediate grade). IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST with ductal carcinoma in situ. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 ........." 4770,MR1904243,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Left breast lump biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section cores of fibroadepose tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in nests and sheets. The tumor cells show moderate eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm, pleomorphic nuclei with prominent nucleoli.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST, grade3Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ------- 8/9 ........." 4771,MR1904309,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Neoplastic. SPECIMEN:Right breast lump,Core biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows fragmented linear cores of tissue exhibiting tumor infiltrating in sheets and vague papillae. The tumor cells are round to ovoid with high N:C ratio, enlarged ovoid nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Intervening stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4772,MR1904320,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass. SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section show linear cores of tissue exhibiting tumor infiltrating in nests and sheets. The cells have moderate cytoplasm, round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with inconspicuous nuclei. Atypical mitosis discerned (5-6/10hpf) Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic. á IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade - 2. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4774,MR1904324,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump. SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in cords and nests. The cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and scant cytoplasm. The cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Mitosis 2-3/10hpf ,stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Right breast biopsy :Invasive carcinoma with lobular features, grade- 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 ........." 4775,MR1904366,">left breast, left modified radical mastectomy >invasive carcinoma, nst. grade ii >modified br score is 69. >tubular formation 2 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 2 >tumor measures maximum dimension 0.8cm. >invasive component measures 0.8cm. >ductal carcinoma-in-situ absent. >lymphovascular invasion is not identified. >perineural invasion is not identified. >posterior resection margin is free of tumor. >nipple and areola normal. >lymph nodes 13 lymph nodes, metastasis 0,(013). > > >summary >left breast, left modified radical mastectomy >invasive carcinoma, nst. grade ii >tumor grade ii >lymph node status 013. > normal 0 false false false en-in x-none x-none ypt1n0" 4777,MR1904391,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows breast parenchyma harboring lesion arranged in nests, trabeculae and few papillary fronds also. Lesional cells are large with pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli, moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures (4-5/10hpf) are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, biopsy.Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 1.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9.Tubular formationáááááááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphismááá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------" 4778,MR1904398,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump. SPECIMEN :Right breast lump-wide local excision. GROSS FINDINGS :Received 1 specimen, 8 slides, 8 blocks labelled as : B/94/19. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Sections studied from breast parenchyma harbors an invasive neoplasm arranged predominantly in thin cords in Indian file arrangement along with lobular carcinoma in situ. Low grade solid type. The cells are mildly pleomorphic with scant cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei stroma shows extensive sclerosis. Lobular carcinoma in situ represents 50% of the tumor in to sections submitted. One of the resected margins show tumor infiltration. IMPRESSION :Right breast lump-wide local excision. Invasive carcinoma with lobular features, grade - 1.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 1Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 5/9 .........Lobular carcinoma in situ represent 50% low grade.Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion - Not identified. " 4779,MR1904427,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and cords. The cells have hyperchromatic nuclei, scant cytoplasm. The cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Mitosis 5-6/10hpf. Stroma shows hyalinisation. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma grade -2. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 ........." 4780,MR1904437,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN :Biopsy from Right breast lesion. GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows fibrocollagenous tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in abortive tubules, nests and cords. The cells have round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis is discerned. IMPRESSION :Biopsy from Right breast lesion :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4781,MR1904442,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from linear cores of lesional tissue composed of tumor cells arranged in cords, trabeculae and nests. The cells are mildly pleomorphic having scant cytoplasm and large hyperchromatic nuclei and atypical mitosis seen. Stroma shows dense desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump - biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST. grade - IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 6/9 ........." 4782,MR1904444,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump. SPECIMEN:Left breast lesion, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged nests and sheets. The cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and scant cytoplasm, mitosis seen. Stroma shows hylinization. IMPRESSION:Left breast lesion, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma with papillary fragments, grade - 1Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 1Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 5/9 .........Solid ductal carcinoma in situ present." 4783,MR1904445,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from linear cores of lesional tissue composed of neoplastic cells seen in sheets and indian file pattern. The cells are pleomorphic with scant cytoplasm and irregular hyperchromatic nuclei. Stroma shows dense desmoplasia with lymphomononuclear infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass:Invasive carcinoma, NST.Modified Bloom Richardson sore is (3+3+2) 8/9" 4784,MR1904457,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from linear cores of breast parenchyma harbors invasive neoplasm arranged in tubules, nests and cords. The cells are pleomorphic with scant cytoplasm and irregular hyperchromatic nuclei. Occasional atypical mitosis seen. Stroma shows extensive desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma - NOS, Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubular formationááááááááááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphismáááááá -- 3Mitotic activityáááááááááááááááááá -- 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------" 4785,MR1904467,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast SPECIMEN:A)Right sentinel lymph nodes.B)Right mastectomyC)Right level 1,2D)Right level 3GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received Single fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1x0.5cmIsolated 1 lymph node measures 1.5x1x0.5cmB)Received ináááááááááááááááááá : FormalinProcedureáááááááááááááááááááááá :Mastectomyááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Lateralityáááááááááááááááááááááá :á RightTotal dimensionsáááááááááá :Medial to lateraláá :15cmááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep :5cmááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior:15cmSkin ellipseááááááááááááááááá : 13x8cmáá Nippleááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Unremarkableáááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Scar/ Surgical defectáá :Not seen Tumorááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Grossly no tumor identified specs of calcification in the 3 clock position measures 1x0.5x0.5cmMargin of tumorááááááááááá : ill definedááá Deep margináááááááááááááááá :1cmMuscleááááááááááááááááááááááááá : AbsentAdjacent Breastáááááááááá : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tailááááááááááááááááááá :10x8cmC) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue measures 8x8x3cm.Largest lymph node measures 3z1.5z1cm.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x1cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sectioná studied from breast parenchyma shows only dense fibrous stroma with sclerosisá amidst benign ductalá tissue. No residual invasive neoplasm present.IMPRESSION:B)Right mastectomy.Histological type:No residual invasive neoplasm/ductal carcinoma in situ. áááááá Posterior resection margin is unremarkable.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.A) Right sentinel lymph node1/1 lymph node isolated and metastasis is seen 1 (1/1).Extranodal extension identified.C)Right level 1,2 lymph nodes :7 metastasis is seen in 0(0/7).D) Right level 3 lymph node :3 metastasis is seen in 0(0/3)Pathological stage : ypT0SnN1ááááááááááááááááá SUMMARY:No residual viable invasive neoplasm right mastectomy Lymphnode Status:A) Right sentinel nodes :1/1.C) Right level 1,2 lymph node :0/7.D) Right level 3 lymph node :0/3.Total lymph node:1/11Extranodal extension identified." 4786,MR1904474,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump. SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 7 linear cores measures 1to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied shows cores of breast parenchyma harbors infiltrative lesion arranged in cords and clusters. The cells are oval, have moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, few showing prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Foci of ductal carcinoma in situ with comedo necrosis is seen. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy : Invasive carcinoma, NST, grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4787,MR1904475,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The sections shows linear cores of tissue showing areas of sclerosis and tumor infiltrating in nests and islands. The tumor cells are round to ovoid having enlarged hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Intervening desmoplasia is seen. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.á - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 4788,MR1904482,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of fibrous tissue harbors infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets nests and cords. The cells are oval have pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei conspicious nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic activitiesá is discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, Biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9(3+2+2)." 4789,MR1904483,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma Left breast, post lumpectomy elsewhere.SPECIMEN:A) Left sentinel node (Blue+Hot node).B) Left sentinel node (Hot node).C) Suspicious node.D) Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 0.5x0.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1x1cm. Entire tissue processed.Isolated 1 lymph node measures 1.5x1x1cm.C) Received 2 fibrofatty tissue measures 1.5x1x1cm.Isolated 1 lymph node measures 1x1x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.D) Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Received in : Formalin.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 20cm Superficial - deep : 3cm Superior-inferior : 18cmSkin ellipse : 18cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Noted 3cm.Tumor : No tumor identified, indurated area noted under scar measures 2x1.8x0.5cm.Deep margin : 3cm.Muscle : 2cm.Adjacent breast : Absent.Axillary tail : Absent.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fibrofatty tissue, show chronic inflammatory infiltrates composed of foamy macrophages, lymphoplasmacytes, multinucleated giant cells, hemorsiderin laden macrophages. No malignant cells seen.IMPRESSION:A) Left sentinel node (Blue+Hot node):One lymph node, negative for malignancy (0/1).B) Left sentinel node (Hot node):One lymph node, negative for malignancy (0/1).C) Suspicious node:One lymph node, negative for malignancy (0/1).D) Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:No residual tumor seen status post lumpectomy.Adjacent breast shows post operative changes.Deep margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.No lymphovascular invasion / Perineural invasion seen." 4790,MR1904504,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breast .Left supraclavicular node. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left supraclavicular node. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of fibrous tissue harbors tumor arranged in nests, and sheets. The cells are oval have moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei inconspicuous nucleoli. Few shows prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Left supraclavicular node, Biopsy :Metastatic carcinoma in known case of carcinoma breast. " 4791,MR1904525,CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma right breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast lump - Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.5to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from multiple bits of lesional tissue harbors tumor cells arranged in nests and trabecular in pools of mucin. The cells are round to oval with scant cytoplasm and hyperchromatic irregular nuclei. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump :Mucinous carcinoma. Nuclear grade - 2. 4792,MR1904526,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of breast parenchyma shows infiltrative arranged in sheets, nests, cords and occasional tubules. The cells have moderately pleomorphic hyperchroamtic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Intervening stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphocytic aggregates.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubule formationáááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá -- 2Mitotic activityááááááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------" 4794,MR1904601,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast 1-2 '0' clock position - BIRADS IV lesion - for Biopsy.á SPECIMEN:Right breast, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.á MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of breast parenchyma harbours infiltrative lesion arranged in nests, sheets and trabeculae. The cells are oval, have mild to moderately pleomorphic nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia. á IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST, grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4795,MR1904620,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast wide excision.B)Sentinel Blue node.C)Sentinelá Blue+hot node.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Skin covered ;globular mass measures 7.4x5x3cmSkin measures 4.3x0.4cm tumor measures 1.5x1.2x0.9cm.Distance fromá margin:Superior marginááá :1.5cmInferior margináááááá :1.6cmMedial marginááááááá :2.2cmLateral marginááááááá :3.2cmDeep margináááááááááá :1cmB)Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1x1cm isolated 2 nodes.Largest oneá measures 0.5x0.5x0.5cm.áC)Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x2x1cm isolated 1 node measures 0.7x0.5x0.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from breast parenchyma harborsá invasiveá neoplasm arranged in cords and nests. The cells are mildly pleomorphic having scant cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei mitosis3-4/hpf. Stromaá shows lymphoplasmacyticá infiltrate with sclerosis and myxoid change. Foci showing compressedá benign ductal epithelial cells seen.Ductal carcinoma in situ component cribriforom and solid ductal carcinomaá in situ.IMPRESSION:Left breast wide local excision:Invasive carcinoma -NOSModified Bloom Richardson scoreá 2+1+1-4 grade 1.Tumor measures 1.5cm in greatest dimension.Ductal carcinoma in situ measure 0.5cm.All margins are free of tumor.Lymphovascular invasion nor identified.sentinel lymph nodes 2 lymph nodes, metastasis 0(0/3)Pathological stage:pT1pN0." 4796,MR1904621,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right Breast.SPECIMEN:Right Modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received ináááááááááááááááááá : FormalinProcedureáááááááááááááááááááá : Modified radical mastectomy áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Lateralityáááááááááááááááááááááá :RightTotal dimensionsáááááááááá :Medial to lateraláá :17cmááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep :4.5cmááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior:19cm Nippleááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Normalááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Scar/ Surgical defectáá :AbsentTumorááááááááááááááááááááááááá : SingleTumour Sizeáááááááááááááááá :3x2.5x2cm Location of tumoráááááááá : Upper outer quadrantMargin of tumorááááááááááá : ill defined áá Deep margináááááááááááááááá : 1.5cmMuscleááááááááááááááááááááááááá : AbsentAdjacent Breastááááááááááá : Fibrofatty tissueAxillary tailááááááááááááááááááá : 10x7x2cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from breast parenchyma harborsá invasive neoplasm arranged in tubules sheets and nests. The cells are pleomorphicá with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei atypical mitosis 7-8/10hpf . Stroma shows dense sclerosis. Foci showing cribriform ductal carcinoma in situ and solid ductal carcinoma in situ present.IMPRESSION:Right modified radical mastectomy:Histological type:Invasive carcinoma, NOS.Grade:2Tumor measures maximum dimension 3 cm.Invasive component measures 2 cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ measures 1 cm.Modified BR score is 6/9Tubule formation:á 2á Nuclear pleomorphism:2 Mitotic figures:2á Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ cribriform solid.á Lymphovascular invasion is identified.Perineural invasion not identified. ááááááááá Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes:á 10á lymph nodes, Metastasis: 1(1/10).Pathological stage:pT1pN1SUMMARY:Invasive carcinoma, Right modified radical mastectomy.Grade :2.Lymph node status :1/10 perinodal spread spread absent." 4797,MR1904658,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from linear cores ofbreast parenchyma harbors invasive neoplasm arranged in tubules, nests, cords and scattered isolated cells. The cells are pleomorphic with s scant cytoplasm and large hyperchromatic irregular nuclei. Brisk atypical mitosis present. Stroma shows extensive desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma - NOS, Grade IIIModified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubular formationááááááááá -- 3.Nuclear pleomorphismáá -- 3Mitotic activityáááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------" 4798,MR1904671,">a) right breast, wide local excision >residual tumor presentinvasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2 >modified bloom richardson score is 79( 3+2+2). >lymphovascular invasion is identified. >perineural invasion is not identified. >ductal carcinoma in situ ( comedo, nested type) seen. >all resected margins are free of tumor. >nipple areola is free of tumor. > >b) right axillary lymph node >seven lymph nodes out of twenty one nodes shows metastasis with extranodal extension( 721). >largest deposit measures 1.2cm in greatest dimension. > > > normal 0 false false false en-in x-none x-none" 4799,MR1904699,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from linear cores of breast parenchyma composed of malignant glands arranged in cords, nests and vague illdefined tubules lined by cells which cuboidal to oval with scant cytoplasm and hyperchromatic irregular nuclei. Stroma shows focal myxoid areas with desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, NOS, Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubular formationáááááááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphismááá -- 3Mitotic activityááááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------" 4800,MR1904720,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion - Birads III b. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows 2 cores of breast tissue with ducts showing solid and cribriform type ductal carcinoma insitu intermediate grade. Few hemorrhagic fragments show nests of tumor cells embedded. Stroma shows focal desmoplastic myxoid change. IMPRESSION:Left breast lesion.Suggestive of ductal carcinoma in situ (Intermediate grade).Note : Suggest repeat biopsy if clinically deemed necessary. 4801,MR1904739,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Neoplastic. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of breast parenchyma, harbors infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are oval have moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia. á IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4802,MR1904741,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Neoplastic. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of breast parenchyma harbors infiltrative lesion arranged in diffuse sheets,nests and tubules. The tumor is composed of oval cells have moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei inconspicuous nucleoli and moderately amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia, areas of necrosis. Stroma dense lymphocytic infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------- 7/9 ........." 4803,MR1904755,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN: 4804,MR1904759,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump -? Neoplastic. SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from cores of breast parenchyma harbors infiltrative lesion arranged in tubules, nests, cords and single scattered. The cells are oval have moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma show desmoplasia. Ductal carcinoma in situ component is noted.á IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST, grade - 1Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4806,MR1904781,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows linear cores of tissue exhibiting tumor infiltrating in nests. Cords and trabecular pattern. The tumor cells are round to cuboidal with enlarged ovoid nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Surrounding desmoplastic reactive is seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+1)=6/9" 4807,MR1904806,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in nests. The cells show moderate pleomorphism hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Few ducts show solid type ductal carcinoma in situ. Stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST, grade - IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4808,MR1904816,">left breast lump, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. > - modified bloom richardson score 6(3+2+1)." 4809,MR1904823,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows tumor cores of tissue exhibiting scant tumor infiltrating in cords and nests. The tumor cells are round to polygonal with increased N:C ratio, enlarged hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Surrounding desmoplasia is seen. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass. Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+1)=6/9." 4810,MR1904846,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of fibrous tissue, harbors infiltrative lesion arranged in nests, trabeculae and cords. The cells are oval have moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Right breast biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 ........." 4811,MR1904863,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma showing tumor infiltrating in nests and occasional tubules. Micropapillary pattern of invasion is noted. The tumor cells are round to ovoid with enlarged ovoid hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Intervening desmoplasia is noted. IMPRESSION:Right breast biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4812,MR1904864,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass- ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from linear cores of breast parenchyma harbors invasive neoplasm arranged in sheets, trabecular and cords. The cells are pleomorphic with scant cytoplasm and hyperchromatic irregular nuclei. Brisk atypical mitotic seen. Stroma shows sclerosis with lymphomononuclear infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass - TRUCUT biopsy. Invasive carcinoma - NOS, grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4813,MR1904865,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast solid mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left Breast Mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma showing tumor infiltrating into sheets and nests. The tumor cells are round to ovoid having high N:C ratio, hyperchromatic, pleomorphic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Numerous mitotic figures are seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left Breast Mass:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 3 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8(3+2+3)." 4814,MR1904866,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragment grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from linear cores of breast parenchyma harbors invasive neoplasm arranged in cords and trabecular. The cells are mildly pleomorphic with scant vacuolated cytoplasm and hyperchromatic irregular nuclei. Stroma shows extracellular mucin with few focal areas showing sclerosis. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass - Trucut biopsy :Mucinous carcinoma.Grade - I. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 4/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 1Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 4/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ......... 4815,MR1904873,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass.SPECIMEN:Right breast mass, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibro adipose tissue harboring an invasion neoplasm in nests and cords composed of tumor cells with moderate cytoplasm increased N:C ratio pleomorphic nuclei with hyperchromasia .Focus of calcification noted. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass biopsy :Invasive carcinoma ,NST.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4816,MR1904918,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows linear cores of tissue exhibiting large areas of necrosis with scant tumor infiltrating in nests and occasional tubules. The tumor cells are round to cuboidal with increased N:C ratio enlarged ovoid nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm with intervening desmoplasia. IMPRESSION :Right breast mass, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4818,MR1904963,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from linear cores of breast parenchyma harbors invasive neoplasm arranged in tubules nests and scattered isolated cells. The cells are scant cytoplasm with irregular hyperchromatic nuclei. Occasional cells show prominent eosinophilic nucleoli. stroma shows desmoplasia with focal mucin and scattered lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, biopsy :Invasive carcinoma - NOS, grade - IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4819,MR1904984,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass. SPECIMEN :Right breast mass, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Received linear cores of tissue exhibiting tumor infiltrating in tubules and nests. Individual cells are round to cuboidal having enlarged hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Intervening desmoplastic stroma seen. IMPRESSION :Right breast mass, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 1.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1)." 4821,MR1904988,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Left Breast, cT4bN1M0SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received ináááááááááááááááááá : FormalinProcedureáááááááááááááááááááá : Modified radical mastectomy áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Lateralityáááááááááááááááááááááá :á LeftTotal dimensionsáááááááááá :Medial to lateraláá : 14cmááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep :3.5cmááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior:8cmSkin ellipseááááááááááááááááá : 9.5 x 6 cm Shows nodular lesion measures 2 x 1.5 cm cut surface- tumor reaching upto the skin. ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá No ulceration is seen. áá Nippleááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Unremarkable áááááááááááááááááá Tumorááááááááááááááááááááááááá : SingleTumour Sizeáááááááááááááááá : 2.5 x 2 x 2 cm Location of tumoráááááááá : Upper outer quadrantMargin of tumorááááááááááá : ill defined áá Deep margináááááááááááááááá :1cmMuscleááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 4.5x4cmAdjacent Breastááááááááááá : Fibrofatty tissueAxillary tailááááááááááááááááááá :7.5x6x2cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast shows an invasive neoplasm arranged in tubules, clusters and cords. The cells have round vesicular nuclei, prominentá vesicular nucleoli moderate cytoplasm. Ductal carcinoma in situ is seen.( Solid, cribriform and comedo pattern).IMPRESSION:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy:INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2.á áá -á Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2).áááá - Tumor is located in upper outer quadrant.á áá - Tumor measures maximum dimension 2.5 cm.áááá - Tumor extends upto the dermis without ulceration.áááá - Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is seen, solid, cribriform, comedo pattern with intermediate nuclear grade.áááá -á Lymphovascular invasioná is identified.áááá -á Perineural invasion is not seen.áááá -á Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.á áá -á Nipple and areola is free of tumor. Lymph nodes: Eighteen out of twenty two lymph nodes shows metastatic tumor deposits with Extranodal extension(18/22).áááá -á Size of the largest tumor deposit measures 1.2 cm in greatest dimensionPathological stage:á pT2N3aááááááááááááááá " 4822,MR1905034,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Neoplastic.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrous tissue harbors infiltrative lesion arranged in diffuse sheets. The cells are oval have pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubular formationáááááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááá -- 2Mitotic activityááááááááááááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------" 4823,MR1905036,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey yellow linear core measures 1 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm composed of nests and aggregates of pleomorphic cells with increased N:C ratio hyperchromatic nuclei moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. There is peritumoral inflammatory cell infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass :Invasive carcinoma NST.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ......... 4824,MR1905038,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right Breast.SPECIMEN:A) Sentinel Blue nodes.B)Right breast wide local excision.C)Revised superior margin.D)Axillary lymphá node dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A)Received 3 fibrofatty tissue largest measures 3.5x3x1cm.Isolated 3 lymph nodes.B)Received globular mass measures 5.5x4.5x2.6cm.Skin ellipseá measures 3.2x1.6x6cm. Cut surface tumor measures 1.8x1.5x1cm.Distance from margins:Superior margináá :0.7cmInferior margináááá :1.5cmMedial margináááá :1.5cmLateral margináá :1.6cmDeep marginááááá :1.5cmC)Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.2x1x0.5cm.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 10x9x2cm.Largest lymph node measures 3x2x1cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from breast parenchyma harbors invasive neoplasm arranged in trabecular nests and cords. The cells are mildlyá pleomorphic having scant cytoplasm and vesiculará nuclei. Occasional cells show prominent nucleoli. Stroma shows dense sclerosis. Few ducts are showing mild hyperplasia and fibrosis cystic change.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Wide local excision:Invasive caricnoma - NOS.Modified Bloom Richardson scoreá 6(2+2+2), Grade 2.Tumor measures 1.8cm in its greatest dimension.Inferior, medial lateral margin are free of tumor,Superior margin is 0.2cm away from tumor.Revised superior margin:á free of tumor.Sentinel lymph nodes :3 nodes metastasis 3(3/3).Axillary lymph node :20 nodes metastasis 0(0/20).Summary:Right breast - wide local excision:Invasive carcinoma - NOS.Grade -2Lymph node status:Sentinel lymph nodes :3/3.Axillary lymph node :0/20.Total lymph nodes :3/23." 4825,MR1905051,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3-4 grey brown linear cores measures 0.2 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows cores of breast tissue harboring a malignant neoplasm in sheets and nests. The cells show moderate cytoplasm pleomorphic nucleoli with hyperchromasia. There is extensive necrosis. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST, grade - III. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4826,MR1905053,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right Breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.2 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue exhibiting tumor infiltrating in nests and cores and cribriform pattern. The tumor cells are round to cuboidal, having enlarged hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Intervening desmoplasia is noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right Breast mass:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4827,MR1905058,">a) left modified radical mastectomy, post nact. >histological type no residual tumor seen status post nact. > - ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.6cm > - ductal carcinoma-in-situ solid and cribriform type is noted. > - lymphovascular invasion is not seen. > - perineural invasion is not seen. > - posterior resection margin is free of tumor. > - nipple and areola is unremarkable. > >lymph nodes 10 lymph nodes, metastasis 0 (010) > >b) level iii lymph nodes >isolated three lymph nodes are free of tumor (03). > >summary >no residual tumor seen, left breast, status post nact. >ductal carcinoma in situ is solid and cribriform type is noted. >lymphnode status 013 > normal 0 false false false en-us x-none x-none" 4829,MR1905073,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast -modified radical mastectomy done in 1994.SPECIMEN:Scar site ulcer wide excision.GROSS FINDINGS:Received excision specimen measurinf 7.9x6.5x1cm showing skin with an ulcer .Ulcer measures 2.9x2.6x0.5cm, the ulcer is punched out with over hanging margins and shallow edges.The floor of ulcer is grey white and edematous surrounding skin is unremarkable.Distance of the ulcer from the margins:Superior margin -- 1.3cm.Inferior margin -- 0.3cm.Medial margin -- 0.4cm.Lateral margin -- 2.9cm.Deep margin -- 0.4cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the ulcer show extensive necrosis inflammatory infiltrate, granulation tissue with plump endothelial cells and fibrosis. Adjacent skin shows suture material in the subjacent stroma.IMPRESSION:Scar site ulcer wide excision:Chronic ulcer with inflammation and fibrosis.No evidence of neoplasia .All resected margins are unremarkable.Overlying skin is unremarkable." 4831,MR1905110,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in sheets composed of pleomorphic cells with increased N:C ratio moderate cytoplasm hyperchromatic nuclei and increased mitosis. Areas of necrosis and calcification also noted. There is dense inflammatory cell infiltrate around the tumor.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma NST, grade III.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+3 = 8/9." 4834,MR1905137,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of breast parenchyma harbours lesion arranged in cords, trabeculae and nests. The cells are oval, have pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma with lobular features nuclear grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+1) 6/9." 4835,MR1905140,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Lump, right breast.SITE:Right breast - excision biopsy.Received 12 blocks labelled as 3925/8460 A-M.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from breast parenchyma harbors invasive neoplasm arranged in sheets trabeculae, syncitial pattern. The cells are markedly pleomorphic with scant cytoplasm and large irregular vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli atypical mitosis 10-15/hpf present. Stroma shows dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Right breast - excision biopsy:Invasive carcinoma with medullary grade III.Invasive carcinoma representative features 70% of tumor.Ductal carcinoma in situ is solid, cribriform type present.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+3+2.Tumor is extending upto all margins and are involved." 4836,MR1905162,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Neoplastic.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5x1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged in clusters and nests. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei, conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubule formationáááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá - 2Mitotic activityááááááááááááááá - 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------ ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------" 4837,MR1905250,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrofatty tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in tubules, cords and clusters. The lesional cells have round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(2+2+2)." 4838,MR1905292,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Suspicious.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right Breast Lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrofatty tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in clusters, cords and sheets. The cells have round hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Surrounding stroma shows desmoplasia. Focal areas of necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right Breast Lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 4839,MR1905293,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? Neoplastic.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right Breast Lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in tubules, cords and dusters. The cells have round nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Ductal carcinoma in situ is seen (solid, comedo pattern).IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right Breast Lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4840,MR1905324,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Neoplastic.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows a lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, scant cytoplasm. Few cells with abundant clear cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis. Few atypical mitotic figures noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+2 = 7/9.Foci of ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis seen." 4842,MR1905374,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, biopsy (11'o clock position)GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrofatty tissue infiltrated by lesion, arranged in sheets trabeculae, cord and nested pattern. Lesional cells are large with marked pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, conspicuous nucleoli, moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures (3-4/hpf) are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with mild lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Right breast, biopsy (11'o clock position):Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 9/9.Tubular formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 3Mitotic figures -- 3 ----------- 9/9 -----------" 4843,MR1905389,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - neoplastic.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in sheets and large nests. The cells show moderate cytoplasm hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate atypia and increased mitosis. Areas of comedo type necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+2=7/9Areas of comedo necrosis seen." 4844,MR1905395,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with an infiltrating lesion arranged as nests. Few nests show oval having pale to clear cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Few nests and cords show oval cells having moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned (6-7/10hpf). Stroma is desmoplastic with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubular formationáááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá -- 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------" 4845,MR1905396,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue with few cores harboring an invasive neoplasm in linear cores, nests and aggregates. The cells show moderate pleomorphism, hyperchromatic nuclei and increased mitosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast mass:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+2 = 7/9" 4846,MR1905399,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion with cells arranged in cords and trabeculae. The cells have scant to moderate amount of cytoplasm and pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Atypical mitosis discerned . Surrounding stroma shows desmoplasia with mild lymphomononuclear infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive duct carcinoma, grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+1 = 6/9." 4847,MR1905430,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibro adipose tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in sheets and large nests the cells show moderate cytoplasm round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate pleomorphism and increased mitosis. Stroma is desmoplastic with peritumoral inflammation and retraction artifacts.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, NST grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+2 = 7/9" 4848,MR1905436,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibroadipose tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm composed of linear cores and aggregates of tumor cells with moderate cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate pleomorphism and increased mitosis stroma appears desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade III.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+3 = 8/9" 4849,MR1905469,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass, post lumpectomy.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white multiple linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast tissue harboring a neoplasm in solid and papillary pattern composed of moderately pleomorphic cells with increased N:C ratio moderate cytoplasm hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. The intervening stroma is scant.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Residual carcinoma, grade 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9.Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 3 ----------- 8/9 ------------(Note:Morphology favors solid papillary carcinoma)." 4850,MR1905473,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by lesion arranged in nests, cord, trabeculae. Lesional cells are large with pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, conspicuous nucleoli moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures (5-6/10hpf) are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with mild lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubular formationáááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá -- 2Mitotic activityááááááááááááááá -- 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------" 4851,MR1905496,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrous tissue with an infiltrating lesion arranged as islands, cords, and tubules. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned (12-13/10hpf). Stroma is desmoplastic with mild lymphomononuclear infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 9/9Tubular formationááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááá -- 3Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá -- 3áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 9/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------" 4852,MR1905505,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast:GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with an infiltrating variable cellular lesion arranged predominantly as cords, focal nests and vague tubules. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm and hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus. Mitotic figures are 2-3/10hpf. Stroma shows desmoplasia and interspersed thin walled dilated blood vessels.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubular formationááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááá -- 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------" 4853,MR1905516,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with an infiltrating lesion arranged as sheets and cords. The cells are monotonous medium sized with hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate amount of cytoplasm. Frequent mitotic figures and apoptotic bodies noted. Admixed lymphocytes and plasma cells are seen. Areas of necrosis noted. Few cells with large and bizarre nuclei noted.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, biopsy:Poorly differentiated malignancy.Suggest IHC." 4854,MR1905559,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with an infiltrating lesion arranged as sheets, nests and cords. The lesional cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Intervening stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubular formationááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá -- 2Mitotic activityáááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 4855,MR1905581,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump/ Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple greywhite linear cores measures 0.3 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from linear cores of breast parenchyma shows tumor cells arranged in sheets.and cords The cells have moderate amount of cytoplasm and mildly pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Mitosis 2-3/10 HPF. Stroma shows intense desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, NOS (Grade II)? Poorly differentiated ductal carcinoma.? Lobular carcinoma.MBR Score (3+2+2)= 7/9." 4856,MR1905584,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with an infiltrating lesion arranged as nests, sheets and cords. The cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Crush artifacts noted. Intervening stroma show fibrosis and lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma, NST grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic activity -- 1 -------- 6/9 --------" 4857,MR1905585,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrocollagenous tissue along with skin fragments harboring an invasive neoplasm composed of nests, aggregates and cords of tumor cells with abundant to moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. One of the fragment is necrotic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 2 ----------- 7/9 ------------" 4859,MR1905619,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump.SPECIMEN :Right breast lump, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures cores 0.7 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows cores of breast tissue with many flatted ducts showing papillary and cribriform type ductal carcinoma in situ (High grade) and on edematous stroma. No evidence of invasive carcinoma. IMPRESSION :Right breast lump, Biopsy :High grade ductal carcinoma in situ (Papillary and cribriform type) No evidence of invasion in thin biopsy. " 4860,MR1905626,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass. SPECIMEN:Right breast mass, Trucut biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in cords composed of cells with hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate. Tumor appears to infiltrative the fat. IMPRESSION:Right breast mass. Trucut biopsy :Invasive carcinoma with lobular features, grade - II. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 4862,MR1905704,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? neoplastic.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating neoplasm arranged in tubules, nests and sheets. The lesional cells have round nuclei, dispersed chromatin and moderate cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2á - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(2+2+2)." 4863,MR1905715,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump.SITE:Right breast, Biopsy.Received 11 blocks and 10 slides labelled as B 229/ A,B,C,D,E,G,H, R1-R4.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied shows breast parenchyma with a cellular lesion comprising of ducts of varying sizes. The ducts show comedonecrosis and solid pattern of arrangement epithelial cells having moderate amount of cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nucleus. Stroma is fibrotic with moderately dense lymphomononuclear infiltrates. Multiple tiny foci of atypical cellular clusters are seen in stroma which exhibit exhibit desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy:Suboptimally processed tissue.Invasive carcinoma (multiple tiny foci ) with extensiveá in situ component - solid and comedonecrosis pattern.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9, grade 3.Tubular formationáááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá -- 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------All submitted margins are free of tumor.Please submit specimen if available" 4865,MR1905722,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? neoplastic.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrofatty tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in sheets and clusters. The lesional cells have round nuclei, dispersed chromatin and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis is seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.á - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 4866,MR1905744,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in nested pattern composed of cells with abundant cytoplasm round to oval nuclei with moderate pleomorphism and increased mitosis. Stroma appears hyalinized .IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 1 ----------- 6/9 ------------" 4867,MR1905746,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in sheets cords and tubules. The neoplastic cells have ill defined cell border moderate cytoplasm hyperchromatic nuclei with a desmoplastic hyalinised stroma. Few tubules show luminal secretions.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubular formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 2 ----------- 7/9 ------------" 4869,MR1905781,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - ? carcinoma breast.Post lumpectomy.SPECIMEN:Left breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in nests and sheets composed of tumor cells with increased N:C ratio moderate cytoplasm hyperchromatic nuclei and increased mitosis.IMPRESSION:Left breast, biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, NST, grade III.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9.Tubuleformation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 3 ----------- 8/9 ------------" 4870,MR1905795,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in nests, aggregates. The tumor cells have abundant to moderate cytoplasm, moderately pleomorphic nuclei and increased mitosis.IMPRESSION:Left breast mass, biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 2 ----------- 7/9 ------------" 4872,MR1905806,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm composed of nests and aggregates of tumor cells with moderate cytoplasm hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate pleomorphism in a stroma showing inflammatory with infiltrate. Adjacent ducts show ductal carcinoma in situ comedo type.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 2 ----------- 7/9 ------------" 4873,MR1905830,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with infiltrating neoplasm arranged in sheets nests and areas of necrosis. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei. Scant cytoplasm.Mitosis 3-4/10hpf . Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Biopsy.Invasive carcinoma, NST grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9(3+2+2)." 4874,MR1905891,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 grey white linear cores measures 0.2 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast tissue with hyalinised stroma and few scattered ducts with periductal inflammatory infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Benign breast tissue.Suggest repeat biopsy from representative area if clinically warranted. 4875,MR1905915,">right breast, core biopsy >invasive ducal carcinoma, grade 3. > - modified bloom richardson score is 8(3+2+3)." 4877,MR1906142,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left Breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white multiple linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrofatty tissue infiltrating lesional cells arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are round to oval with pleomorphic nucleus showing hyperchromasia and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia and inflammatory infiltrate. Foci of solid ductal carcinoma in situ seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left Breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4878,MR1907103,">left breast, core biopsy >invasive carcinoma, grade 2. > - modified bloom richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4879,MR1907158,>left breast mass biopsy >extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ with high nuclear grade. 4880,MR1907160,">right breast mass >invasive ductal carcinoma nos, grade 3. >modified bloom richardson score is 89. >tubule formation -- 3 >nuclear pleomorphism -- 2 >mitotic figures -- 3 > ----------- > 89 > ----------- >focus of high grade ductal carcinoma in situ, comedo and solid type. >lymphovascular invasion indeterminate. >perineural invasion not identified. >for tumor size please refer to primary pathology report. >margins are not labelled to comment up on." 4881,MR1907213,">post cervical node, excision biopsy(in a know case of carcinoma breast- post opctrt) >positive for malignancy. >suggestive of metastatic tumor deposit of carcinoma in three out of four lymph nodes in a known case of carcinoma breast(34). >- size of largest tumor deposit 0.6 cm in greatest dimension.- extranodal extension is not seen." 4882,MR1907256,">slide labelled as h19-6060, left breast lump, biopsy >invasive carcinoma with mucinous features, grade 1. >modified bloom richardson score is 59. >tubule formation -- 3 >nuclear pleomorphism -- 1 >mitotic figures -- 1 > ----------- > 59 > ----------- > >slides labelled as c19-3705, supraclavicular node, fnac >metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast." 4883,MR1907264,">right breast, biopsy >invasive duct carcinoma, grade 3. >modified bloom richardson score is 89. >tubule formation -- 3 >nuclear pleomorphism -- 3 >mitotic figures -- 2 > ----------- > 89 > -----------" 4884,MR1907304,">biopsy from right breast lump >invasive carcinoma, nst, grade 2. >modified bloom richardson score is 69. >tubule formation -- 2 >nuclear pleomorphism -- 2 >mitotic figures -- 2 > ----------- > 69 > -----------" 4886,MR1907678,">a) right breast, fnac >suggestive of duct cell carcinoma. > >b) left breast, fnac >paucicellular smears.no definite opinion possible. > >c) right breast, core biopsy. >invasive duct carcinoma, grade ii. >modified bloom richardson score is 69. >tubule formation -- 3 >nuclear pleomorphism -- 2 >mitotic figures -- 1 > ----------- > 69 > ----------- > >please noted >tumor volume is very scant in the block received hence ancillary testing many not be feasible." 4887,MR1907731,">a) right breast mass, biopsy >invasive carcinoma with papillary features. >nuclear grade 2. >no lymphovascular invasion seen in sections studied. >kindly provide all blocks to comment on margins. > >b) right breast mass, fnac >suggestive of papillary neoplasm." 4888,MR1907734,">left breast, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. >modified bloom richardson score is 69. >tubule formation -- 2 >nuclear pleomorphism -- 2 >mitotic figures -- 2 > ----------- > 69 > -----------" 4890,MR1907813,">right breast, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade ii, >modified bloom richardson score 69 >tubule formation - 3 >nuclear pleomorphism - 2 >mitotic activity -1 > --------- > 69 > ------------" 4891,MR1907896,>right breast lump. >invasive carcinoma nst. >modified bloom richardson score is 69 >tubule formation 2 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 2 > ------- > 69 > ......... 4892,MR1907920,">breast, core biopsy (laterality not mentioned) >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. > - modified bloom richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4893,MR1908165,">right breast biopsy. >invasive carcinoma nst, grade - iii. >modified bloom richardson score 89 >tubule pleomorphism - 3 >nuclear pleomorphism - 2 >mitotic activity -3 > --------- > 89 > ------------" 4894,MR1908200,">left breast lesion biopsy >invasive carcinoma nst, grade - ii. >modified bloom richardson score 79 >tubule pleomorphism - 3 >nuclear pleomorphism - 2 >mitotic activity -2 > --------- > 79 > ---------" 4895,MR1908241,">left breast mass, biopsy >invasive carcinoma with lobular features, nuclear grade 2." 4896,MR1908278,">right breast , biopsy >scantly tissue. >invasive carcinoma nuclear grade ii. >lots of crush artifacts seen." 4897,MR1908290,">carcinoma left breast >invasive carcinoma nst, grade - ii >modified bloom richardson score 69 >tubule pleomorphism - 2 >nuclear pleomorphism - 2 >mitotic activity -2 > --------- > 69 > ------------" 4898,MR1908305,">left breast mass, biopsy. >invasive ductal carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ with comedo necrosis. >modified bloom richardson score is 69, grade -2. >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 1 > ------- > 69 > ......... >" 4899,MR1908324,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump lumpectomy.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast lumpectomyB) Right sentinel lymph node dissectionC) Right axillary dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 8x5x4cmCut surface show firm ill defined firm lesion measures 2x2x1.8cm.Distance from margins :Medial margin : 1.2cmLateral margin :1.4cmSuperior margin :1.5cmInferior margin :1cmDeep margin : 0.8cmB) Received 3 lymph nodes largest measures 2.5x2x1cm.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 7x6x5cm.Largest lymph node measures 2.2x1.5x1.3cm Cut surface infiltration seen.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the lesion show breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm composed of pools of mucin with floating tumor cells in nests and tubules. The cells show mild pleomorphism and hyperchromasia.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast lumpectomy:Mucinous carcinoma.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 2+2+1-5/9, grade 1.Tumor measures 2cm in greatest dimension.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Right sentinel lymph node dissection:1 out of 3 nodes show metastasis measures 0.4cm.No extranodal extension.C) Right axillary dissection:10 lymph nodes examined are free of tumor (0/10).Total 1 out of 13 nodes show metastasis 1/13)." 4900,MR1908393,">left breast lump, biopsy >invasive carcinoma nst, grade ii. >modified bloom richardson score (3+2+2) 79 >lymphovasicular invasion not identified. >perineural invasion not identified. >for tumor size and margin status, please refer to the primary report." 4901,MR1908511,">invasive ductal carcinoma, left breast, grade ii. >modified bloom richardson score 69 >tubule formation - 3 >nuclear pleomorphism - 2 >mitotic activity -1 > ---------- > 69 > ---------" 4903,MR1908615,>breast mass. >invasive carcinoma nos.grade iii >modified bloom richardson score is 89 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 3 >mitotic figures 2 > ------- > 89 > ......... >received only slides for opinion. >please refer to original specimen for margin. 4904,MR1908633,">breast lump( left) >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 2. >- modified bloom richardson score is (3+2+2)=79." 4905,MR1908699,">right breast lump, biopsy >ductal carcinoma in situ - comedo and cribriform type with intermediate nuclear grade.few atypical cells in stroma are seen. >suggest excision of lump for further confirmation on invasive component." 4906,MR1908704,">lump in right breast >invasive carcinoma, nst. grade ii, 79 >tubule formation - 3 >nuclear pleomorphism - 2 >mitotic activity - 2 > --------- > 79 > ----------" 4907,MR1908743,">left axillary lymphnode, fnac. >suggestive of metastatic carcinoma. >please look for primary in breast and lung" 4909,MR1908808,">a) left breast, biopsy (slide labelled as 2024 a,b) > invasive carcinoma with lobular features, grade - 2. > - modified bloom richardson score is 6(3+2+1). > >b) left axillary lymph node, fnac (slide labelled as cy 41319) > positive for malignant cell. > suggestive of metastatic carcinoma - from breast." 4910,MR1908828,">right breast >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. > - modified bloom richardson score is 7(3+2+2). > - ductal carcinoma in situ solid and comedonecrosis pattern is noted. > - lymphovascular invasion is seen. >lymph nodesthree out of four lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposits(34). > - size of the largest metastatic deposits measures 1.5 cm in greatest dimension. > - extra nodal extension is seen. > > >note >please refer to primary pathology report for tumor size, extent margin status." 4911,MR1908833,">slides and blocks labelled as 6419 breast, laterality not specified, biopsyinvasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. > - modified bloom richardson score is 6(3+2+1). > >slides labelled as 16-6-19 right breast, fnac >- hemorrhagic smears. >- no evidence of malignancy in the material submitted. * style definitions * table.msonormaltable{mso-style-name""table normal""mso-tstyle-rowband-size0mso-tstyle-colband-size0mso-style-noshowyesmso-style-priority99mso-style-qformatyesmso-style-parent""""mso-padding-alt0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4ptmso-para-margin-top0inmso-para-margin-right0inmso-para-margin-bottom10.0ptmso-para-margin-left0inline-height115%mso-paginationwidow-orphanfont-size11.0ptfont-family""calibri"",""sans-serif""mso-ascii-font-familycalibrimso-ascii-theme-fontminor-latinmso-fareast-font-family""times new roman""mso-fareast-theme-fontminor-fareastmso-hansi-font-familycalibrimso-hansi-theme-fontminor-latinmso-bidi-font-family""times new roman""mso-bidi-theme-fontminor-bidi}" 4913,MR1908850,">left breast, biopsy >invasive carcinoma, grade iii >modified bloom richardson score is 89 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 3 > ------- > 89 > ........." 4915,MR1908871,">right breast lump, biopsy >focus of ductal carcinoma in situ, intermediate to high nuclear grade, solid pattern." 4916,MR1908886,">left breast, biopsy >invasive carcinoma, nst, grade ii >modified bloom richardson score is 69 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 1 > ------- > 69" 4917,MR1908903,">right breast, excision biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. >- modified bloom richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4918,MR1908952,">right breast lesion, biopsy >invasive carcinoma, grade iii, > metaplastic carcinoma. >modified bloom richardson score is 99 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 3 >mitotic figures 3 > ------- > 69 > ........." 4919,MR1908980,">right breast, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. > - modified bloom richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 4920,MR1909030,">right breast axillary tail lesion, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. > - modified bloom richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4921,MR1909046,">right breast lump, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. > - modified bloom richardson score 6(3+2+1)." 4922,MR1909068,">left breast lump, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. > - modified bloom richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4923,MR1909069,">left breast lump, excision biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. > - modified bloom richardson score is 6(3+2+1). > > > >" 4924,MR1909070,">right breast lump, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade ii, >modified bloom richardson score is 69 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 1 > ------- > 69 > ........." 4925,MR1909071,">right breast lump, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade ii, >modified bloom richardson score is 79 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 2 > ------- > 79 > ........." 4927,MR1909074,">left breast lump biopsy >invasive carcinoma, with lobular like features, nst, grade - 2 >modified bloom richardson score is 69 >tubule formation 2 >nuclear pleomorphism 3 >mitotic figures 1 > ------- > 69 > ......... >" 4928,MR1909076,">right breast lump, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade ii. >modified bloom richardson score is 69 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 1 > ------- > 69 > ........." 4929,MR1909082,">right breast lump, biopsy >invasion carcinoma with mucinous features, grade 2. >- modified bloom richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4930,MR1909086,">left breast, biopsy >invasive carcinoma, nst, grade ii. >modified bloom richardson score is 79 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 2 > ------- > 79 > ........." 4931,MR1909087,">section from block slide labelled as s-191531, left breast biopsy >invasive carcinoma, ns, grade ii, left breast. >modified bloom richardson score is 69 >tubule formation 2 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 2 > ------- > 69 > ........ > >ductal carcinoma in situ solid cribrifoam and comedonecrosis pattern is noted. >section from block and slide labelled as s-19530, right breast , biopsy. >extensive dcutal carcinoma in situ is solid, cribriform and comedonecrosis pattern is noted with tiny foci of invasion, (right breast biopsy)." 4932,MR1909094,">right breast lump, biopsy >invasive carcinoma, nst grade ii, >modified bloom richardson score is 69 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 1 > ------- > 69 > ......... >" 4934,MR1909097,">right breast lump, biopsy >invasive carcinoma, nst, grade ii. >modified bloom richardson score is 69 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 1 > ------- > 69 > ........." 4936,MR1909113,">left breast lump, biopsy >invasive carcinoma, with lobular features , grade ii, >modified bloom richardson score is 69 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 1 > ------- > 69 > ........." 4937,MR1909121,>left breast lump excision. >poorly processed tissue showing features of invasion ductal carcinoma. >grade - iii >modified bloom richardson score is 99 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 3 >mitotic figures 3 > ------- > 99 > ......... >ductal carcinoma in situ not identified. >lymphovascular invasion not identified. >perineural invasion not identified. >please refer to original report for tumor size and margin status. 4938,MR1909125,">left breast core biopsy nst, >invasive carcinoma grade ii, >modified bloom richardson score 3+2+1=69. >" 4939,MR1909140,">lump right breast. >suboptimally processed tissue with features suggestive of invasive ductal carcinoma, grade -2 >modified bloom richardson score is 79 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 2 > ------- > 79 > ......... > > >" 4940,MR1909145,">right breast lump, core biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. > - modified bloom richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4941,MR1909161,">left breast lump >invasive carcinoma nst, grade ii, >modified bloom richardson score is 89 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 3 > ------- > 89" 4942,MR1909169,">right breast lump, biopsy >sub optimally processed. >suggestive of invasive ductal carcinoma, nuclear grade ii." 4943,MR1909190,">left breast lump, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. >modified bloom richardson scoreis 2+3+2-79." 4944,MR1909196,">left breast lump >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. > - modified bloom richardson score 6(3+2+1)." 4945,MR1909226,">a) left breast axillary tail lesion biopsy >invasive carcinoma, nst, grade ii, >modified bloom richardson score 3+2+2= 79. > >b) left breast , biopsy >invasive carcinoma, nst, grade ii, >modified bloom richardson score 3+2+2= 79. >" 4948,MR1909241,">left breast,biopsy >small foci of ductal carcinoma in situ seen and extensive necrosis >an adjacent form of invasion (which is not evident in the slide submitted needs to be ruled out). >please correlate with clinical findings." 4949,MR1909254,">right breast lump, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, nst grade ii, >modified bloom richardson score is 79 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 2 > ------- > 79 > ........." 4950,MR1909258,">right breast lump, core biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 3. > - modified bloom richardson score is 8(3+2+3)." 4951,MR1909280,">right breast biopsy >invasive carcinoma nst, grade ii, >modified bloom richardson score (2+2+2) = 69." 4952,MR1909283,">left breast lump, core biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. > - modified bloom richardson score is 6(3+2+1). >" 4953,MR1909299,">left breast >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 1 >modified bloom richardson score is 59. >tubule formation -- 2 >nuclear pleomorphism -- 2 >mitotic figures -- 1 > ----------- > 59 > ----------- >immunohistochemistry (slides processed elsewhere) > >material received received 5 slides labelled as f19 - 04865 er, pr, her2 & 4b5, ki67, h&e. >received 1 block labelled f19-04865 >duration of fixation details not available (received slides processed elsewhere). >microscopy invasive ductal carcinoma. > > antibodies to result >estrogen receptor (er) 90% >progesterone receptor (pr) 90% > >interpretation >er positive. >pr positive. >ki67 8% > >her-2neu oncoprotein > >material received received 5 slides labelled as f19 - 04865 er, pr, her2 & 4b5, ki67, h&e. >received 1 block labelled f19-04865 >microscopy invasive ductal carcinoma >intensity score 1+ >" 4954,MR1909307,">left breast lesion, biopsy >ductal carcinoma in situ - high grade ( cribriform and comedo pattern). >nuclear grade -2 >no definite evidence of invasion in the section studied." 4955,MR1909311,">right breast. >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2 >modified bloom richardson score is 79. >tubule formation -- 3 >nuclear pleomorphism -- 2 >mitotic figures -- 2 > ----------- > 79 > ----------- >lymphovascular invasion seen. >for comment on tumor size and margins please refer to primary pathology report." 4957,MR1909331,">left breast >invasive carcinoma, nst, grade 2 >modified bloom richardson score is 79. >tubule formation -- 3 >nuclear pleomorphism -- 2 >mitotic figures -- 2 > ----------- > 79 > -----------" 4958,MR1909333,">right breast total mastectomy with nact >slides labelled as 41619 b-f. >residual tumor present. >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. >modified bloom richardson score is 6(3+2+1). >ductal carcinoma in situ component is not seen. >lymphovascular is identified. >perineural invasion is not identified. >for tumor size and gross findings please refer primary report. >deep margin is free of tumor . > >slide labelled as 416a19 >nipple areola - free of tumor > >slides labelled as 41619 g-l >lymph nodes >twenty lymph nodes are identified all are free of tumor ( 020)." 4959,MR1909343,">slides and blocks labelled as 721219, c,d,e,g,h,j >left breast lump,excision. >invasive ductal carcinoma,grade ii, >modified bloom richardson score 69, >tubule formation = 3 >nuclear pleomorphism = 2 >mitotic figures = 1 >lymphovascular invasion seen. >kindly refer to primary pathology report for details on tumor dimension and margins. >slides and blocks labeled as 721219a,b,f free of tumor." 4960,MR1909350,">right breast lump >invasive carcinoma, nst, grade ii, >modified bloom richardson score is 69 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 1 > ------- > 69 > ........." 4961,MR1909353,">left breast mass, resection >invasive carcinoma nst, grade iii, >modified bloom richardson score is 89 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 3 > ------- > 89 > ........." 4962,MR1909357,">right breast lump, biopsy >invasive carcinoma, nst. >modified bloom richardson score 89( 3+3+2). >" 4963,MR1909358,">smears labelled as c11319. >fnac, right breast lump- carcinoma breast of poorly differentiated origin. > >slide labelled as 34019, right breast lump, biopsy. >invasive carcinoma, grade ii, >modified bloom richardson score is 79 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 2 > ------- > 79 > >no evidence of lymphovascular invasion >no evidence of perineural invasion >no evidence of ductal carcinoma in situ" 4964,MR1909369,">right breast lump, biopsy. >invasive carcinoma with lobular features, nst , grade ii. >modified bloom richardson score is 69 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 1 > ------- > 69" 4965,MR1909375,>left breast lump biopsy. >invasive carcinoma with lobular like features. >modified bloom richardson score is 69(3+2+1). >perineural invasion noted. 4966,MR1909388,>right breast lump biopsy >invasive carcinoma with lobular cancerization. >modified bloom richardson score 89(3+3+2). 4967,MR1909389,">left breast lump, biopsy >invasive carcinoma, grade iii, >modified br score - 3+3+2 (89)." 4968,MR1909409,">left breast lump, biopsy >invasive carcinoma, grade iii, >modefied br score- 3+3+2 (89)." 4969,MR1909415,">left breast lump, core biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2 > - modified bloom richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4971,MR1909425,">right breast, core biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. > - modified bloom richardson score 6(3+2+1)." 4972,MR1909478,">left breast lump, core biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. > - modified bloom richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4973,MR1909483,">left breast, biopsy >invasive carcinoma, nst, grade ii. >modified bloom richardson score is 69 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 1 > ------- > 69 > ........." 4974,MR1909491,">left breast lump, core biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2 > - modified bloom richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4975,MR1909521,">right breast, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. > - modified bloom richardson score 6(3+2+1)." 4976,MR1909529,">left breast, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade ii. >modified bloom richardson score is 69 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 1 > ------- > 69 > ........." 4977,MR1909534,">left breast mass, biopsy >invasive carcinoma with lobular signet ring cell features. >nuclear grade iii. >suggest ihc." 4978,MR1909540,">left breast , biopsy >invasive carcinoma with lobular features, grade 2. >- modified bloom richardson 6(3+2+1). > >comment >in view of ihc done outside showing e- cadherin loss in tumor cells, the above morphological" 4979,MR1909541,">right breast >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade ii. >modified bloom richardson score 3+2+1= 69." 4980,MR1909545,">left breast lump, biopsy >invasive carcinoma, nos. >modified bloom richardson score is 69 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 1 > ------- > 69 > ........." 4981,MR1909547,">left breast mass, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. > - modified bloom richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 4982,MR1909554,">left breast mass, biopsy >invasive carcinoma, nos. >modified bloom richardson score is 69 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 1 > ------- > 69 > ........." 4983,MR1909564,">left breast, biopsy >invasive carcinoma with apocrine features. >modified bloom richardson (3+2+2) - 79." 4984,MR1909585,">left breast, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. > - modified bloom richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 4985,MR1909589,">right breast lump biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade ii, >modified bloom richardson score is 69 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 1 > ------- > 69 > ......... >focally ductal carcinoma in situ noted. ." 4986,MR1909592,>a) cell block ( site not mentioned) >positive for malignancy. > >b) left breast core biopsy >suboptimally processed tissue with very scant foci of viable tumor. >suggestive of invasive carcinoma. >suggest repeat biopsy for harmonal evaluation. 4987,MR1909606,">left breast mass, biopsy >invasive carcinoma, nst grade ii, >modified bloom richardson score is 79 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 2 > ------- > 79" 4988,MR1909613,">right breast mass, biopsy >poorly differentiated carcinoma. >suggest ihc." 4989,MR1909655,">left breast lump, biopsy >ductal carcinoma in situ with foci of invasive carcinoma. >nuclear grade ii." 4990,MR1909679,">left breast lump, biopsy >invasive carcinoma with lobular features, grade ii, >modified bloom richardson score is 69 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 1 > ------- > 69 > ........." 4991,MR1909690,">right breast mass, biopsy >extensive ductal carcinoma in situ ( solid and comedo cribriform pattern). >nuclear grade 2 >invasive focus needs to be excluded on larger tissue." 4992,MR1909706,">right breast mass, biopsy. >- ductal carcinoma in situ, intermediate grade." 4993,MR1909714,">left breast , biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 3. >- modified bloom richardson score 8(3+2+3)." 4994,MR1909730,">right breast mass, biopsy >invasive carcinoma with ductal carcinoma in situ. >modified bloom richardson score - 3+2+2 = 79 , grade ii." 4995,MR1909740,">biopsy from right breast >invasive carcinoma, nst., grade 1 >modified bloom richardson score is (1+1+1) - 39" 4996,MR1909756,">breast, biopsy (laterality not specified) >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade ii >modified bloom richardson 3+2+2 = 79. >ductal carcinoma in situ ( solid, cribriform, comedo type) with intermediate nuclear grade." 4998,MR1909762,">left breast, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2, >- modified bloom richardson 7(3+2+2)." 4999,MR1909788,">left breast lesion, biopsy >invasive carcinoma with extracellular mucinous areas, grade ii. >modified bloom richardson score 3+2+1= 69." 5000,MR1909802,">right breast lump , biopsy >invasive carcinoma nst, grade iii, >modified bloom richardson score 3+2+3 = 89." 5001,MR1909803,">right breast, biopsy >ductal carcinoma in situ (solid, comedo type) - high nuclear grade. >no definite invasive component seen.comment deeper sections have been studied.suggest repeat biopsy excision of the lump for further confirmation of the invasive component." 5002,MR1909819,">left breast, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. >- modified bloom richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 5004,MR1909853,">left breast, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. >- modified bloom richardson 6(3+2+1)." 5005,MR1909864,">left breast lesion, biopsy >high grade ductal carcinoma in situ with foci suspicious of invasion. >needs larger tissue to confirm invasion." 5006,MR1909885,">left breast mass >papillary ductal carcinoma in situ , nuclear grade ii, > >note >invasive focus needs to be excluded on larger tissue." 5007,MR1909912,">left breast, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. >- modified bloom richardson 6(3+2+1)." 5008,MR1909936,">breast lump, biopsy >invasive carcinoma, grade iii, >modified bloom richardson score is 99 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 3 >mitotic figures 3 > ------- > 99 > ........." 5009,MR1909951,">left breast, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade ii, >modified bloom richardson score is 69 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 1 > ------- > 69 > ........." 5010,MR1909956,">left breast , biopsy >invasive carcinoma nst, grade ii, >modified bloom richardson score is 69 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 1 > ------- > 69 > ........." 5011,MR1909966,">left breast , biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade ii, >modified bloom richardson 3+2+1=69." 5013,MR1909971,">left breast, biopsy >invasive carcinoma , grade iii, >modified bloom richardson score is 89 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 3 > ------- > 89 > ........." 5014,MR1909980,">right breast, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma grade ii, >modified bloom richardson score = 3+2+1= 69. >ductal carcinoma in situ (solid, cribriform pattern) - intermediate nuclear grade." 5015,MR1909982,">left breast, biopsy. >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade iii. >modified bloom richardson score is 89 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 3 >mitotic figures 2 > ------- > 89 > ........." 5016,MR1910018,">left breast, biopsy >invasive carcinoma nst, grade 2 >modified bloom richardson score is 79. >tubule formation -- 3 >nuclear pleomorphism -- 2 >mitotic figures -- 2 > ----------- > 79 > -----------" 5017,MR1910030,">a) left sentinel lymph node isolated five lymph nodes are free of tumor. (05) > >b) left breast wide local excision. >invasive carcinoma - nos >modified bloom richardson score is 69, grade -3 >tubule formation 2 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 2 > ------- > 69 > ......... >tumor measures 4cms in its greatest dimension. >ductal carcinoma in situ - comedo pattern measures 0.5cm. >lymphovascular invasion - identified. >perineural invasion - not identified. >all margins are free of tumor." 5019,MR1910071,">left breast, biopsy. >invasive carcinoma with medullary features, grade ii. >modified bloom richardson score is 79 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitoticfigures 3 >------- >79 >......... >tumor size - please refer primary report. >lymphovascular invasion is seen. >pernural invasion is not seen. >areas of necrosis seen. >deep margin in free of tumor. >nipple areola in free of tumor. > >lymphnodes >thirteen lymphnodes are identified, all are free of tumor. > > * style definitions * table.msonormaltable{mso-style-name""table normal""mso-tstyle-rowband-size0mso-tstyle-colband-size0mso-style-noshowyesmso-style-priority99mso-style-qformatyesmso-style-parent""""mso-padding-alt0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4ptmso-para-margin-top0inmso-para-margin-right0inmso-para-margin-bottom10.0ptmso-para-margin-left0inline-height115%mso-paginationwidow-orphanfont-size11.0ptfont-family""calibri"",""sans-serif""mso-ascii-font-familycalibrimso-ascii-theme-fontminor-latinmso-fareast-font-family""times new roman""mso-fareast-theme-fontminor-fareastmso-hansi-font-familycalibrimso-hansi-theme-fontminor-latinmso-bidi-font-family""times new roman""mso-bidi-theme-fontminor-bidi}" 5020,MR1910092,">right breast mass, biopsy >invasive carcinoma, nst, grade 3 >modified bloom richardson score is 99. >tubule formation -- 3 >nuclear pleomorphism -- 3 >mitotic figures -- 3 > ----------- > 99 > -----------" 5022,MR1910112,">right breast mass biopsy >invasive carcinoma, nst grade ii. >modified bloom richardson score is 79 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 2 > ------- > 79 > ........." 5023,MR1910133,">right breast lump., biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma. >modified bloom richardson score is 79 >tubule formation 2 >nuclear pleomorphism 3 >mitotic figures 2 > ------- > 79 > ......... >" 5024,MR1910141,">left breast mass, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade ii. >modified bloom richardson score is 79 >tubule formation 2 >nuclear pleomorphism 3 >mitotic figures 2 > ------- > 79 > ........." 5025,MR1910145,">biopsy from right breast >invasive carcinoma, nst. >nuclear grade 2 > >note >tumor tissue is depleted in the block provided. >suggest repeat biopsy for ihc" 5026,MR1910146,">right breast,biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade ii. >modified bloom richardson score is 79 >tubule formation 2 >nuclear pleomorphism 3 >mitotic figures 2 > ------- > 79 > ......... > >ductal carcinoma in situ seen" 5027,MR1910147,">right breast lump, biopsy >invasive carcinoma , grade i. >modified bloom richardson score is 59 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 1 >mitotic figures 1 > ------- > 59 > ......... > >morphologically possibilites considered are >1. low grade carcinoma with neuroendocrine differentiation. >2) lobular carcinoma." 5028,MR1910163,">right breast trucut , biopsy. >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 3, > - modified bloom richardson score is 8(3+2+3). >" 5029,MR1910173,">right breast lump., biopsy >invasive carcinoma nst, grade ii. >modified bloom richardson sore - 79tubule formation = 3nuclear pleomorphism = 2mitosis = 2" 5030,MR1910204,">left breast, biopsy >poorly differentiated carcinoma." 5031,MR1910205,">left breast mass, biopsy >invasive carcinoma nst, grade 2 . >modified bloom richardson score is 69 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 1 > -------- > 69" 5032,MR1910209,">right breast, biopsy >invasive duct carcinoma, grade 2. >- modified bloom richardson score is 6(3+2=1)." 5033,MR1910218,">a) sentinel lymph node (hot nodes) > isolated 1 lymph node , free of tumor (01) > >b) sentinel lymph node (hot +blue lymph node) > isolated 1 lymph node, free of tumor. (01) > >c) sentinel lymph node (neither hot) nor blue > isolated 1 lymph node, free of tumor. (01) > >d) left breast wide excision. >mucionous carcinoma with signet ring cells. >tumor measures 2.5cm. in maximum dimension. >invasive carcinoma measures 2.4cm. >ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.1cm. >ductal carcinoma in situ present (cribriform and solid type), low grade . >grade- 2 >modified bloom richardson score is 69 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 1 > ------- > 69 > ......... >lymphovascular invasion not identified. >perineural invasion not identified. >all the margins including deep margin are free of tumor. >sentinel lymph node - 03 >pathological staging pt2 n0(sn)" 5035,MR1910243,>right breast biopsy >invasive carcinoma with lobular like features nucleus grade i. 5036,MR1910245,">right breast lump, biopsy >small foci suggestive of invasive carcinoma, grade ii, with high grade ductal carcinoma in situ (comedo pattern). >modified bloom richardson score is 79 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 2 > ------- > 79 > ........." 5037,MR1910253,">left breast lump, biopsy >invasive carcinoma , nst, grade iii, >modified bloom richardson score is 89 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 3 >mitotic figures 2 > ------- > 89 > ........." 5038,MR1910254,">left breast , biopsy >invasive duct carcinoma , grade ii. >modified bloom richardson score is 69 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 1 > ------- > 69 > ......... >" 5039,MR1910255,">left breast mass >invasive carcinoma nst, grade ii. >modified bloom richardson score is 69 >tubule formation 2 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 2 > ------- > 69" 5040,MR1910260,">lump in right breast >invasive carcinoma nst, grade ii. >modified bloom richardson score is 69 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 1 > ------- > 69 > ......... >focus of comedo type ductal carcinoma type." 5041,MR1910272,">left breast lump, core biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. >- modified bloom richardson sore is 6 (3+2+1)." 5042,MR1910290,">a) right breast , biopsy >chronic non- specific inflammation. > >b) left breast , biopsy >invasive carcinoma nst, grade ii. >modified bloom richardson score 6 (3+2+1). >" 5043,MR1910351,">right breast lump, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade ii. >modified bloom richardson score is 69 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 1 > ------- > 69 > ........." 5044,MR1910360,">received 1 slide and 1 block labelled as 423419 -right breast, lumpectomy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. > - modified bloom richardson score 7(3+2+2). >" 5045,MR1910402,">right breast, core biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. > - modified bloom richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 5046,MR1910405,">right breast, biopsy >invasive carcinoma, nst, grade ii. >tubule formation - 3 >nuclear pleomorphism - 3 >mitotic figures - 1 > ------------ > 79 > --------------- >ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis is seen." 5047,MR1910419,">left breast, biopsy >invasive duct carcinoma, grade 2. > - modified bloom richardson score 6( 3+2+1)." 5048,MR1910448,">left breast lump, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade ii, >modified bloom richardson score 79. >tubule formation - 3 >nuclear pleomorphism - 2 >mitotic figures - 2 > --------- > 79 > ----------" 5049,MR1910450,">left breast biopsy >invasive carcinoma, nst , grade ii. >modified bloom richardson score 69. >tubule formation - 3 >nuclear pleomorphism - 2 >mitotic activity - 1 > > -------- > 69 > ---------" 5050,MR1910452,">left breast lump, biopsy > normal 0 false false false en-us x-none x-none * style definitions * table.msonormaltable{mso-style-name""table normal""mso-tstyle-rowband-size0mso-tstyle-colband-size0mso-style-noshowyesmso-style-priority99mso-style-qformatyesmso-style-parent""""mso-padding-alt0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4ptmso-para-margin-top0inmso-para-margin-right0inmso-para-margin-bottom10.0ptmso-para-margin-left0inline-height115%mso-paginationwidow-orphanfont-size11.0ptfont-family""calibri"",""sans-serif""mso-ascii-font-familycalibrimso-ascii-theme-fontminor-latinmso-fareast-font-family""times new roman""mso-fareast-theme-fontminor-fareastmso-hansi-font-familycalibrimso-hansi-theme-fontminor-latin}invasive carcinoma, nst , grade ii. >modified bloom richardson score 69. >tubule formation - 3 >nuclear pleomorphism - 2 >mitoticactivity- 1 > >-------- >69 >---------" 5051,MR1910454,">left breast mass, biopsy >invasive carcinoma nst, grade 2. >modified bloom richardson score 3+2+1-69." 5052,MR1910457,">left breast , biopsy > normal 0 false false false en-us x-none x-none microsoftinternetexplorer4 * style definitions * table.msonormaltable{mso-style-name""table normal""mso-tstyle-rowband-size0mso-tstyle-colband-size0mso-style-noshowyesmso-style-priority99mso-style-qformatyesmso-style-parent""""mso-padding-alt0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4ptmso-para-margin-top0inmso-para-margin-right0inmso-para-margin-bottom10.0ptmso-para-margin-left0inline-height115%mso-paginationwidow-orphanfont-size11.0ptfont-family""calibri"",""sans-serif""mso-ascii-font-familycalibrimso-ascii-theme-fontminor-latinmso-fareast-font-family""times new roman""mso-fareast-theme-fontminor-fareastmso-hansi-font-familycalibrimso-hansi-theme-fontminor-latin}invasive carcinoma, nst , grade ii. >modified bloom richardson score 69. >tubule formation - 3 >nuclear pleomorphism - 2 >mitoticactivity- 1 > >-------- >69 >---------" 5054,MR1910483,">right breast mass, biopsy > normal 0 false false false en-us x-none x-none * style definitions * table.msonormaltable{mso-style-name""table normal""mso-tstyle-rowband-size0mso-tstyle-colband-size0mso-style-noshowyesmso-style-priority99mso-style-qformatyesmso-style-parent""""mso-padding-alt0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4ptmso-para-margin-top0inmso-para-margin-right0inmso-para-margin-bottom10.0ptmso-para-margin-left0inline-height115%mso-paginationwidow-orphanfont-size11.0ptfont-family""calibri"",""sans-serif""mso-ascii-font-familycalibrimso-ascii-theme-fontminor-latinmso-fareast-font-family""times new roman""mso-fareast-theme-fontminor-fareastmso-hansi-font-familycalibrimso-hansi-theme-fontminor-latin}invasive carcinoma, nst , grade ii. >modified bloom richardson score 79. >tubule formation - 3 >nuclear pleomorphism - 2 >mitoticactivity- 2 > >-------- > 79 >---------" 5055,MR1910502,">block labelled as 191916 - right axillary lymph node >metastatic carcinoma, in a known case of right breast lump. > >block labelled as 288716 - right modified radical mastectomy (post nact) >- 288716 b to f and n to q - grey white areas. no residual tumor. >- 288716 a - nipple and areola is free of tumor. >- 288716 g - deep margin is free of tumor. >- 288716 h to m - right axillary nodes >one out of four lymph nodes shows metastatic tumor deposit (14) with extranodal extension. >size of the largest tumor deposit measures 0.7cm in its greatest dimension. > >summary >right modified radical mastectomy, post nact. >no residual tumor in the blocks submitted. >deep posterior margin free of tumor. >one of four noted show metastatic deposits with perinodal spread. > >please note >primary pathology report shows 12 nodes with 2 being involved. >please correlate with the findings. > normal 0 false false false en-us x-none x-none microsoftinternetexplorer4" 5056,MR1910504,">left breast lump, biopsy > normal 0 false false false en-us x-none x-none * style definitions * table.msonormaltable{mso-style-name""table normal""mso-tstyle-rowband-size0mso-tstyle-colband-size0mso-style-noshowyesmso-style-priority99mso-style-qformatyesmso-style-parent""""mso-padding-alt0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4ptmso-para-margin-top0inmso-para-margin-right0inmso-para-margin-bottom10.0ptmso-para-margin-left0inline-height115%mso-paginationwidow-orphanfont-size11.0ptfont-family""calibri"",""sans-serif""mso-ascii-font-familycalibrimso-ascii-theme-fontminor-latinmso-fareast-font-family""times new roman""mso-fareast-theme-fontminor-fareastmso-hansi-font-familycalibrimso-hansi-theme-fontminor-latin}invasive carcinoma, nst , grade ii. >modified bloom richardson score 69. >tubule formation - 3 >nuclear pleomorphism - 2 >mitotic activity- 1 > >-------- >69 >---------" 5057,MR1910530,">left breast lump >suggestive of invasive carcinoma with mucinous features, grade 1. >modified bloom richardson score is 59. >tubule formation -- 3 >nuclear pleomorphism -- 1 >mitotic figures -- 1 > ----------- > 59 > -----------" 5058,MR1910561,">trucut, biopsyslide labelled as 7614419-b, left breast, >suspicious of malignancy. > carcinoma in a desmoplastic stroma. >slides labelled as 7614419-a, right breast benign breast tissue." 5059,MR1910570,">left breast, excision and axillary clearance >invasive carcinoma with lobular features. >- modified bloom richardson score 59 (2+2+1) grade 1 >- foci of low grade carcinoma in situ present. >- lymphovascular and perineural invasion not identified. >- all resected margins are free of tumor. >- 25 lymphnodes examined are free of tumor. >for tumor size please refer to primary pathologist report." 5060,MR1910573,">left breast , biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade ii >modified bloom richardson score 69 >tubule formation - 3 >nuclear pleomorphism - 2 >mitotic figures - 1" 5061,MR1910598,">right breast, biopsy >invasive carcinoma , nst, grade ii. >modified bloom richardson score (3+2+1) = 69." 5063,MR1910612,">left breast trucut biopsy >invasive carcinoma nst, grade 2. >modified bloom richardson score is 3+2+2-79." 5064,MR1910613,">trucut, biopsy left breast lump. >invasive ductal carcinoma - nos, grade ii, >modified bloom richardson score - 2+3+1 = 6. >" 5065,MR1910623,">right breast, biopsy >invasive carcinoma, nst, grade - 2 >modified bloom richardson score is 79 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 2 > ------- > 79 > ......... >" 5066,MR1910624,">left breast, biopsy > normal 0 false false false en-us x-none x-none invasive carcinoma, nst , grade ii. >modified bloom richardson score 69. >tubule formation - 3 >nuclear pleomorphism - 2 >mitotic activity- 1 >-------- >69 >--------- * style definitions * table.msonormaltable{mso-style-name""table normal""mso-tstyle-rowband-size0mso-tstyle-colband-size0mso-style-noshowyesmso-style-priority99mso-style-qformatyesmso-style-parent""""mso-padding-alt0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4ptmso-para-margin-top0inmso-para-margin-right0inmso-para-margin-bottom10.0ptmso-para-margin-left0inline-height115%mso-paginationwidow-orphanfont-size11.0ptfont-family""calibri"",""sans-serif""mso-ascii-font-familycalibrimso-ascii-theme-fontminor-latinmso-fareast-font-family""times new roman""mso-fareast-theme-fontminor-fareastmso-hansi-font-familycalibrimso-hansi-theme-fontminor-latin}" 5067,MR1910661,">left breast, biopsy >invasive duct carcinoma, grade 2, > - modified bloom richardson score 6 (3+2+1). >" 5068,MR1910669,">usg guided trucut biopsy right breast lump. >invasive ductal carcinoma , nos type, grade ii. >modified bloom richardson score (3+2+1) = 7" 5069,MR1910686,">trucut , biopsy right breast mass. >invasive carcinoma , nos, type >modified bloom richardson score 6 (3+2+1), grade ii." 5070,MR1910687,">left breast , biopsy >invasive carcinoma nst with lobular features , grade ii, >modified bloom richardson score (3+2+2) = 79." 5071,MR1910692,">left breast, biopsy >extensive ductal carcinoma in situ of solid, cribriform and papillary pattern with intermediate nuclear grade. >invasive carcinoma cannot be ruled out. >suggest excision of the lump repeat biopsy for further confirmation of invasive component." 5072,MR1910706,">right breast mass, fnac >positive for malignancy. >favoring ductal carcinoma." 5073,MR1910731,">a) wedge biopsy from nipple, areola >suggestive of pagets disease. > >b) wedge biopsy, breast >invasive carcinoma, nst. >nuclear grade 2 >viable tumor tissue is scant. >ihc may be attempted." 5074,MR1910739,">right breast lump, biopsy >invasive carcinoma , nst, with ductal carcinoma in situ. >modified bloom richardson score 2+2+3= 79, grade ii, >solid and comedo type ductal carcinoma in situ is seen." 5075,MR1910745,">trucut biopsy of right breast mass. >invasive carcinoma , nst. >modified bloom richrdson score (3+2+2) 79 grade ii." 5076,MR1910752,">left breast mass, biopsy >invasive carcinoma , nst with small foci of ductal carcinoma in situ, >modified bloom richardson score (3+2+2) = 79, grade ii." 5077,MR1910756,">right breast, biopsy >invasive carcinoma with mucinous features grade i." 5079,MR1910770,">blocks labelled as 25802 a,b 19. >left breast, biopsy >invasive carcinoma , nst, grade ii. >modified bloom richardson score = 3+2+1 = 69slide and block labelled as 25802c19 - fibrofatty tissue." 5082,MR1910816,">a) left breast lump biopsy >invasive carcinoma, nst. >nuclear grade ii. > >b) fnac from left axillary lymph node >atypical cells seen. >suggest biopsy." 5083,MR1910819,">left breast lesion , wedge, biopsy >invasive carcinoma grade 3 >modified bloom richardson score (3+2+3) = 89. > normal 0 false false false en-us x-none x-none microsoftinternetexplorer4" 5084,MR1910835,">right breast core biopsy >invasive carcinoma nst, grade 2 >modified bloom richardson score is 3+2+1-69 >focus of ductal carcinoma in situ seen." 5085,MR1910836,">left breast mass, biopsy >invasive carcinoma nst, >modified bloom richardson score (3+2+2) = 79 , grade ii." 5086,MR1910845,">left breast mass, biopsy >invasive carcinoma nst, grade 2 >modified bloom richardson score is 3+2+2-79." 5087,MR1910852,">left breast mass >invasive carcinoma, nst, grade 2. >modified bloom richardson score is 69. >tubule formation -- 3 >nuclear pleomorphism -- 2 >mitotic figures -- 1 > ----------- > 69 > -----------" 5088,MR1910859,">right breast, biopsy. >invasive carcinoma , nst. >modified bloom richardson score (3+2+1) = 69 , grade ii." 5090,MR1910909,">right breast, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma , grade 2. > - modified bloom richardson score 6(3+2+1)." 5091,MR1910918,">left breast lump , biopsy >invasive carcinoma , nst. >modified bloom richardson score 2+2+2 = 69 , grade ii." 5092,MR1910927,>left breast trucut biopsy >invasive carcinoma with apocrine features. >modified bloom richardson score grade (2+2+1) = 59.grade i 5093,MR1910931,">left breast, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma , grade 2. > - modified bloom richardson score 7(3+2+2)." 5094,MR1910932,">left breast biopsy >invasive carcinoma , nst, grade ii , >modified bloom richardson score is 79 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 2 > ------- > 79 > ........." 5095,MR1910942,">left breast, biopsy >invasive carcinoma of no special type. >modified bloom richardson score (3+3+2) = 89 . grade 3." 5096,MR1910959,">left breast mass, biopsy >invasive carcinoma nst. >modified bloom richardson score (3+2+2) = 79 , grade ii." 5097,MR1910974,">left breast, biopsy >ductal carcinoma in situ - solid and comedonecrosis seen.in view of desmoplastic stroma, the possibility of adjacent focus of invasion cannot be ruled out." 5098,MR1910989,">left breast, biopsy, block labelled as 232619 a &c. >invasive ductal carcinoma , grade 2, > - modified bloom richardson score 6 (3+2+1). > - ductal carcinoma in situ (solid, comedo, cribriform type) of intermediate nuclear grade noted. > >block labelled as 232619 b - shows benign breast tissue." 5099,MR1910993,">breast lump, biopsy >infiltrating ductal carcinoma. >modified bloom richardson score (3+2+2) = 79 grade ii." 5100,MR1911008,">left breast lesion, biopsy >cribriform and comedo type ductal carcinoma insitu intermediate grade. >adjacent focus of invasion can't be rule out, please correlate clinically." 5102,MR1911032,">right breast trucut biopsy. >invasive carcinoma - nst, >modified bloom richardson score (3+2+1) 6, grade 2" 5103,MR1911038,">left breast, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. > - modified bloom richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 5104,MR1911073,">left breast, core biopsy >invasive duct carcinoma, grade 2. >- modified bloom richardson score is 6(3+2+1)," 5105,MR1911085,">right breast mass, biopsy >invasive carcinoma nst. >modified bloom richrdson score (3+2+2) = 79, grade ii. >ductal carcinoma in situ high grade is seen." 5106,MR1911098,">right chest wall, biopsy >invasive carcinoma, suggestive of recurrence in a known case of carcinoma breast." 5107,MR1911122,">breast, biopsy >invasive carcinoma nst, >modified bloom richardson score (3+2+3) = 89 , grade iii." 5108,MR1911126,">left breast lump, biopsy >invasive carcinoma nst, grade 2. >modified bloom richardson score is 79 >tubule formation - 3 >nuclear pleomorphism - 2 >mitotic figures - 2 > ---------- > 79 > -----------" 5109,MR1911131,">right breast mass, biopsy >invasive carcinoma nst, >modified bloom richardson score (2+2+3) 79, grade ii." 5110,MR1911134,">right breast mass, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2 >- modified bloom richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 5112,MR1911165,>right supraclavicular node >metastatic adenocarcinoma from breast. 5113,MR1911167,">right breast mass, biopsy >invasive carcinoma, nst, grade 2. >modified bloom richardson score is 69 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 1 > ------- > 69 > ........." 5114,MR1911179,">right breast, biopsy >shows predominantly ductal carcinoma in situ of solid, cribriform and comedo pattern with intermediate nuclear grade. >no definite invasive component seen." 5115,MR1911191,">right breast, biopsy >invasive carcinoma with lobular features, grade 2 >modified bloom richardson score is 69. >tubule formation -- 3 >nuclear pleomorphism -- 2 >mitotic figures -- 1 > ----------- > 69 > -----------" 5116,MR1911199,">right breast lump, biopsy >invasive carcinoma with lobular features. >modified bloom richardson score is 69 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 1 > ------- > 69 > ........." 5117,MR1911219,">right breast, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. > - modified bloom richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 5118,MR1911286,">right breast mass trucut biopsy >invasive carcinoma, nst, grade ii. >modified bloom richardson score is 79. >tubule formation -- 3 >nuclear pleomorphism -- 2 >mitotic figures -- 2 > ----------- > 79 > -----------" 5120,MR1911414,">left breast, biopsy >invasive carcinoma, nst, grade 2. >modified bloom richardson score is 69. >tubule formation -- 2 >nuclear pleomorphism -- 2 >mitotic figures -- 2 > ----------- > 69 > -----------" 5121,MR1911415,">right breast, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. > - modified bloom richardson score is 6(3+2+1)" 5122,MR1911444,">right breast lump, biopsy >invasive carcinoma, nst, grade 3. >modified bloom richardson score is 89. >tubule formation -- 3 >nuclear pleomorphism -- 2 >mitotic figures -- 3 > ----------- > 89 > -----------" 5123,MR1911460,">right breast lump, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2 > - modified bloom richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 5124,MR1911486,">right breast, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade ii. >modified bloom richardson score is 79. >tubule formation -- 3 >nuclear pleomorphism -- 2 >mitotic figures -- 2 > ----------- > 79 > -----------" 5125,MR1911500,">right breast lump, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade ii. >modified bloom richardson score is 69. >tubule formation -- 3 >nuclear pleomorphism -- 2 >mitotic figures -- 1 > ----------- > 69 > -----------" 5127,MR1911527,">left breast lesion, biopsy >shows ductal carcinoma in situ of cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade. >invasive carcinoma cannot be ruled out. >suggest repeat biopsy or excision of lump. > >comment >deeper sections are studied." 5128,MR1911563,">left breast lump >invasive carcinoma, nst. >grade ii >mbr score 79 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic activity 2 > ------------ > 79 > ------------" 5130,MR1911598,">left breast, biopsy >invasive carcinoma , nst, grade 1 >tubule formation -2 >nuclear pleomorphism -2 >mitotic activity -1 , 59." 5131,MR1911599,">breast tumor excision >invasive carcinoma, grade 2. >modified bloom richardson score 79. >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 2 > > >possibility of solid papillary carcinoma considered." 5132,MR1911607,">biopsy left breast lesion >invasive carcinoma nst, grade 1 >modified bloom richardson score 59, >tubule formation -2 >nuclear pleomorphism -2 >mitosis -1" 5133,MR1911608,>left breast biopsy >invasive carcinoma nst grade 2 >modified bloom richardson score 69 >tubule formation -2 >nuclear pleomorphism -2 >mitosis -2 5134,MR1911611,">right breast, biopsy >invasive carcinoma , nst , grade 2 >tubule formation -3 >nuclear pleomorphism - 2 >mitotic activity -1 ---------- 69 -----------" 5135,MR1911649,">right breast biopsy >invasive carcinoma nst, grade 2 >tubule formation -3 >nuclear pleomorphism -2 >mitotic activity -1 , 69." 5136,MR1911653,">left breast lump, biopsy >invasive carcinoma , nst , grade 3 >tubule formation -3 >nuclear pleomorphism -2 >mitotic activity -3 - 89" 5138,MRA101148,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump. SPECIMEN :Biopsy from Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS : Received 4 grey brown to grey white linear core measures 0.3 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows multiple cores of fibroadipose tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in diffuse sheets and nests .The cells show marked pleomorphism with hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Extensive inflammatory infiltrate and areas of hemorrhage noted. IMPRESSION : Right breast biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade - III.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 5139,MRA101489,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Post Right mastectomy Right chest wall mass. SPECIMEN:Right Chest Well Mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Receive 4 Grey white to Grey brown linear cores Measuring 1.2 to 1.4cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the linear cores of tissue shows a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests, cords and tubules. Cells are pleomorphic with high nuclei cytoplasmic ratio and hyperchromatic nuclei. Atypical mitotic figures are discerned. Focal clearing of cytoplasm noted. IMPRESSION:Right chest well mass, Biopsy( Post Right Mastectomy) :Suggestive of Recurrent Carcinoma in a known and treated case of carcinoma breast." 5140,MRA102335,CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from liver.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows linear cores of liver parenchyma exhibiting areas of sclerosis and infiltration by tumor arranged in nests and cords. The tumor cells are round to cuboidal with enlarged ovoid hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Adjacent liver parenchyma shows mild portal inflammation.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from liver:Metastasis in a known case of carcinoma breast.. 5141,MRA102876,CLINICAL HISTORY:Papilloma left breastSPECIMEN:Wide excision of papillomaGROSS FINDINGS:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3.3x2.5x1.5cm.On serial sectioning a grey white granular areanoted measures 1.3x1.2x1.2cm. Located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin - 1cmInferior margin - 0.9cmMedial margin - 1.5cmLateral margin - 0.2cmDeep margin - 0.1cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple section shows multiple dilated ducts and consists of papillary projection with fibrovascular core lined with cuboidal ductal epithelial cells. The ducts are lined with outer myoepithelial cells. There is no evidence of atypia of cells or invasion carcinoma.The resected margins - superior margin - fibrofatty tissue - no ducts are seen - margins are free of tumor.Inferior margin - fibrofatty tissue - no ductal epithelium are seen - margins are free of tumor.Medial margin - one duct is seen with ductal papilloma - margins are free of tumor.Deep margin - free from the tumor - Inked margin is free.IMPRESSION:Wide excision with intraductal papillomatousNo evidence of invasive carcinoma 5142,MRA103267,CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast - post OPBulky left ovary - ? metastatic? carcinoma ovarySPECIMEN:Biopsy from left ovarian massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.6 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS;Linear cores of tissue infiltrated by cords and sheets of round to oval neoplastic cells harboring hyperchromatic nuclei demonstrating moderate nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm amidst foci of desmoplastic stroma.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left ovarian lesion;Favor metastatic poorly differentiated carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breastSuggest IHC 5143,MRA105574,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right chest wall lesion (posterior)GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.5-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of fibrous tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as cords, tubules and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is hyalinisedIMPRESSION:Biopsy from right chest wall lesion (posterior):Invasive carcinoma favor metastatic carcinoma of ductal origin in a known case of carcinoma right breast." 5144,MRA105943,CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma left breast ( Post op ).SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores measure s0.3 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue with occasional ducts lined by epithelial cells having bland nuclear feartures surroundings lymphocytes are seen.IMPRESSION:No evidence of malignancy in the section studied. 5145,MRA106696,"H16-3667SPECIMEN :Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 5146,MRA107360,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Known and treated case of carcinoma breast on hormonal therapy with endometrial thickening ? endometrial hyperplasia/ carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Uterus, Cervix with both ovaries and tubes, Hysterectomy with Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy :GROSS FINDINGS:Uterus dimensions: Midline fundal-serosa to ectocervix : 13cmMaximum intercornual : 14cmMaximum anterior to posterior : 7cmCervix Dimentions : 4x3cm.Right ovary : 2.8x1.8x0.6cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.Left ovary : 2.5x1.5x0.5cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.Right Fallopian tube : 4.5cm. Left Fallopian tube : 5cm.Right parametrium : 2x1x0.3cm.Left parametrium : 2.5x1x0.4cm.Fundus shows polyp measures 5x2.2x1.5cm.Endometrium descriptionEndometrial thickness : 0.5cm.Myometrium descriptionMyometrial depth : 3cm.Myometrial appearance : Describe adenomyosis or caesarean scar if present.Leiomyoma : Yes Number multiple. Size of largest 5x5cm. Cut surface shows whorled gritty to cut.Lower uterine segment : Unremarkable.Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied show endometrial tissue with hyperplastic cystically dilated glandular structures lined by cells with bland nuclear features. Stroma shows spindled fibroblast like cells. Large thickened blood vessels noted. No nuclear atypia noted. No necrosis seen. Myometrium shows multiple circumscribed lesions with fascicles and bundles of cells with elongated nuclei and fibrillary cytoplasm. Areas of hyalinization. Cystic change and calcification noted.IMPRESSION:Uterus, Cervix with both ovaries and tubes, Hysterectomy with Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (Known and treated case of carcinoma breast) :Endometrial polyp : Hyperplastic polyp.Endometrium : Simple Hyperplasia.Myometrium : Leiomyoma.Cervix shows Nabothian cysts.Lower uterine segment is unremarkable.Right and left ovaries show corpus albicanti.Right and left fallopian tubes are unremarkable.Right and left parametria : Negative for malignancy." 5148,MRA108604,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Now left breast lesion - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tumor composed of round to oval cells arranged in diffuse sheets and nests. These cells show high N:C ratio, Pleomorphic nucleus and scant to moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis are discerned. IMPRESSION:Left breast lesion, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+2)=7/9" 5149,MRA108969,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of right chest wall recurrence in an operated case of right breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN :A) Right Chest Wall lesion, Wide Excision.B) Revised medial margins.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received wide excision specimen measures 5.5x4x1.5cm. Skin ellipse measures 5.5x2.9cm. Skin surface shows puckering on cut surface single grey white from lesion seen measures 1.9x1.8x1.5cm. Distance from margins :Superior : 1 cm.Inferior : 1.5 cm.Medial : 0.5 cm.Lateral : 0.6 cm.Deep : 1 cm.Skin : 0.2 cm.Representative sections are submitted.B) Received medial margin : Single grey brown soft tissue measures 1.5 x 1 x 0.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nets and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :A) Right Chest Wall lesion, Wide Excision :Suggestive of Recurrent Invasive Carcinoma in a known and treated case of carcinoma breast.- Tumor measures 1.9 cm in greatest dimension.- Tumor is reacting upto the dermis of the overlying skin without ulceration.- All margins of resection are free of tumor.B) Revised medial margins :Negative for malignancy." 5150,MRA108990,CLINICAL HISTORY :Solid cystic lesion in left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.3cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue demonstrate proliferation of spindle and stelate cells in a myxoid stroma. There are prominent areas of fibrocollagenous stroma. One of the cores exhibit scattered islands of squamous epithelium with notable keratization.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion :? Phyllodes tumor.? Metaplastic carcinoma.Needs further confirmation on excised tissue. 5151,MRA109903,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Lump right breast.SPECIMEN :Wide local excision - lumpectomy, right breastGROSS FINDINGS :Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measuring 7x6x5cm. Skin ellipse measures 6x0.5cm. Tumor measures 2x2x2cm. Cut surface grey white.Distance from margins :Superior : 1cm.Inferior : 2cm.Medial : 3cm.Lateral : 1.5cm.Deep : 2.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Tumor :Multiple section from the tumor shows clumps and groups of pleomorphic polyhedral cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and eosinophilic cytoplasm.Modified BR score is 7/9, nuclear grade II.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 _________________ 7/9 _____________Nuclear grade II.Lymphovascular invasion indeterminate.Perineural invasion present.Ductal carcinoma in situ not present.Resected margins are :Superior - free of tumor.Inferior - free of tumor.Medial - free of tumor.Lateral - free of tumor.Deep - free of tumor.IMPRESSION :Wide local excision, Right breast :Invasive ductal carcinoma, nuclear grade II.Lymphovascular invasion not present.Perineural invasion present.Ductal carcinoma in situ not present.All resected margins are free of tumor. " 5153,MRA110056,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast - post op.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from chest wall.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules and cords. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from chest wall:The features are suggestive of metastatic deposits from breast in a known and treated case ." 5154,MRA110139,"H16-5158SPECIMEN :Right Anterior chest wall lesion, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear Core measuring 1.2 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION :Right Anterior chest wall lesion, Biopsy (In known and operated case of carcinoma right breast ) :Positive for malignancy Suggestive of Recurrent Carcinoma in a known and treated case of carcinoma breast. " 5156,MRA110728,"CLINICAL HISTORY: Case of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:A) Biopsy from endometrium.B) Biopsy from cervix.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits altogether measuring 1x0.5x0.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.B) Received two grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits altogether measuring 0.5x0.5x0.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section show fragment of endocervical glands lined by cells having bland nuclear features and mucin vacuoles. Stroma show is cellular with plump spindle stromal cells. Areas of eosinophilic secretion and hemorrhage noted.B) Section show endocervical gland and cellular stroma with plump spindle stromal cells. Congested blood vessels. No atypical cells seen.IMPRESSION:A) Endometrial, Biopsy:Shows endocervical glands.Negative for malignancy.B) Cervix, Biopsy:Shows chronic endocervicitis.Negative for malignancy." 5157,MRA110794,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Post MRM status of left breast for carcinoma left breast.Heterogenous nodule in right breast(12 o'clock).SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast nodule.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as tubules,cords and sheets of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic round to oval nuclei and moderate cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lesion.Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.MBR score is 7/9.Tubule formationááááááááááááááá - 2Nuclear pleomorphism á á á - 3Mitotic figures(6-7/10hpf) á - 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ______ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________" 5158,MRA111305,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left lung lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue demonstrating a cellular lesion arranged in sheets of round to oval neoplastic cells with ovoid dark nucleus with irregular contours exhibiting marked nuclear pleomorphic and pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. There are areas of necrosis, bizarre giant cells and hyperchromatic pleomorphic cells with atypical mitotic figures and interspersed vascular channels. Focal areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left lung lesion:High grade malignancy? Metastases in a known case of carcinoma breast.Suggest IHC. " 5159,MRA111817,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Liver lesion - possibility of metastasis.SPECIMEN:Liver lesion, Core Biopsy (Post Op - left breast carcinoma).GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey brown linear cores measures 1.2x1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Liver lesion, Core Biopsy (Post OP - left breast carcinoma):Suggestive of Metastatic carcinoma - Most possible breast." 5160,MRA111946,"H16-3775SPECIMEN:á Right cervical neck excision biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits altogether measuring 1.5x0.6x0.3cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:á Section from right cervical lymph node reveals completely effaced lymph node architecture .Large areas of necrosis seen with clusters of cells showing large vesicular nucleus, conspicuous nucleoli and scanty cytoplasm.Perinodal extension noted.IMPRESSION:Metastatic carcinoma, in a diagnosed and treated case of carcinoma breast." 5161,MRA112162,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Abdominal nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 linear cores of 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets, in focal areas it is arranged in tubules and nests. The cells are markedly pleomorphic with hyperchromatic nuclei, few demonstrating prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis seen. Intervening areas show lymphocytic infiltrates. Areas of hyalinisation and necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Abdominal nodes:Metastatic deposits probably from breast." 5162,MRA113080,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left axillary lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of lymph node parenchyma with tumor infiltrating in the form of nests, sheets and trabecular composed of polygonal cells with high N/C ratio, hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm,intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left axillary lymph node:Metastatic deposits in a known case of carcinoma breast." 5163,MRA113529,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Right axillary node - ? deposit. SPECIMEN: Right axillary node, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received eight grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores ofá tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Right axillary node, Biopsyá :Positive for malignancy.Suggest of metastatic carcinoma in known case of carcinoma breast. " 5164,MRA113804,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:A) &B) D5-D6 extradural massGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits measures 2x1x1cm. B) Received multiple greywhite to grey brown soft tissue bits altogether measures 1x0.5x0.5cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple sections studied from the submitted specimen show fragments of fibroadipose tissue infiltrated by sheetsof large cell with vesicular chromatin, prominent nucleoli and irregular nuclear borders. Abundant nuclear debris noted. Extensive crush artifacts notedIMPRESSION:Poorly differentiated malignancy - known and treated case of carcinoma breast.Report on IHC to follow" 5165,MRA114819,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma left breast.Liver lesion.SPECIMEN:Liver lesion biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores measures 0.4 to 1.4cm Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores of liver parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged as sheets, nests, glandular pattern, few cords and underlying dispersed cells. The individual cells show increased nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with occasional prominent nucleoli. Occasional mitotic figures are discerned. Intervening stroma is fibrocollagenous and infiltrated by lymphocytes, few plasma cells. The adjacent liver parenchyma is non cirrhotic.IMPRESSION:Liver lesion biopsy :Features an suggestive of metastasis in a known case of carcinoma left breast.Suggest IHC for GATA3." 5166,MRA115705,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast carcinoma post MRM 2013.Multiple liver lesion - ? metastatic.SPECIMEN:Liver, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of liver tissue harboring in infiltration lesion arranged in nests, cords and vague tubules comprising of polygonal cells with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Brisk mitosis noted. Adjacent areas shows hepatocytes arranged in trabeculae stroma shows extension hyalinisation and focal areas of necrosis.IMPRESSION:Liver, Biopsy :Metastatic ductal carcinoma in a known and treated cases of carcinoma right breast." 5167,MRA116011,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey browná linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of fibroadipose tissue with an invasive neoplasm in sheets nests and cords the cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism and increased mitosis.náIMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Suggestive of invasive carcinoma ductal type (NOS)Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7/9, Grade II.Tubule formationááá á á áá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------" 5168,MRA117001,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy form left lung.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied show fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy form left lung:Metastatic deposits in a known and treated case of carcinoma breast." 5169,MRA118372,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast with lung mets.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from lung lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied reveal fragments of linear core biopsy bits of tumor arranged predominantly in sheets, nest and occasional vague glandular pattern. Lesional cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma show lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from lung lesion:Poorly differentiated malignancythe possibilities considered are 1. Neuroendocrine neoplasm ? Primary 2. Metastatic deposits in a known case of carcinoma breast.Suggest IHC." 5170,MRA118386,CLINICAL HISTORY :á Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN: Right breast lump biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast tissue showing invasive sheets of dysplastic ductal cell showing moderate pleomorphism hyperchromatic nuclei. The intervening stroma show desmoplasia and mild mononuclear infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump biopsy :Invasive carcinoma of ductal origin NST grade - 1.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 1Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------- 5171,MRA118488,"H16-6661SPECIMEN:Liver, Core Biopsy(In a known case of carcinoma breast- Post OP).GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear core measuring 0.6 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Liver, Core Biopsy(In a known case of carcinoma breast- Post OP) :Positive for malignancy.Possibly metastatic carcinoma in a known and treated case of carcinoma breast.Suggest IHC for further confirmation." 5172,MRA118854,CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast post MRM.Left breast lump cystic with thick wall and solid component - likely malignant.SPECIMEN:Biopsy of left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear fragments altogether measures 0.3 - 0.4cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue with an infiltrating neoplasm predominantly in sheets. The cells have moderate hyperchromatic nucleoli. One of the cores show sheets of spindle cells showing moderate atypia and increased mitosis with atypical mitotic figures.MBR Score - 7/9Grade -IITubule formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 3 __________ 8/9 __________IMPRESSION:Features are suggestive of recurrence - possibilities considered area) Invasive ductal carcinoma (poorly differentiated)b) Metaplastic carcinomaSuggest IHC. 5174,MRA119143,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue infiltrate by neoplastic cells arranged in sheets. The cells have round to irregular hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Bizarre nuclear forms are noted. Areas of necrosis is noted. IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Biopsy :Suggestive of high grade malignant spindle cell neoplasm. ? Metaplastic carcinoma. ?? Malignant phyllodes tumor. Needs further confirmation on larger specimen. " 5176,MRA119875,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Liver lesion - ? metastasis. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from liver lesion. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Cores of tumor tissue composed of linear cords and nests of cells with increased N:C ratio, moderate cytoplasm and pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei in a desmoplastic stroma. One of the fragments show liver parenchyma. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from liver lesion :Metastatic carcinoma probably from breast. " 5177,MRA119878,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast - s/p surgery and CT.Now F18 bone scan - suggestive of multiple skeletal metastases.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right iliac bone lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received soft 8 bony tissue fragments altogether measuring1x1x0.5cm. Entire tissue is processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Fragments of bony trabeculae with intervening marrow harboring neoplasm arranged in acinar pattern and as cords. The neoplastic cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Also noted is hemorrhage.IMPRESSION:Metastatic carcinoma, biopsy from right iliac bone in a known case of carcinoma breast." 5179,MRA120269,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast relapse.SPECIMEN:Lung lesion, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 8 greywhite to greybrown linear core measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of lung parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in acinar and cribriform pattern. The cells are columnar having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmopla with sheets of neoplastic cells having moderate amount of cytoplasm, vesicular nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Lung lesion, biopsy:Glandular malignancy ? metastatic from breast.Suggest IHC." 5180,MRA120555,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lumpá - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.5-2cm Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores harboring an infiltrating neoplasm increasedá in trabecular and cords of cells exhibiting increased N/C ratio hyperchromatic pleomorphic nuclei moderate amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. The intervening stroma shows presence of fibrocollagenous connective tissue.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma breast, No special type, Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9( 3+2+2)" 5181,MRA120653,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring a lesion arranged in islands with loosely scattered atypical cells with dark irregular nuclei, some with prominent nucleoli and moderate to abundant pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. scattered tumor giant cells are noted . Mitotic figures are rare. Stroma shows extensive hyalinisation and fibrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast.Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9" 5182,MRA121179,CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast - post OPNow mediastinal lesion with chest wall invasion with nodesSPECIMEN:Biopsy from anterior mediastinal lesionGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Linear cores of tissue exhibiting a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests and islands consisting of round to oval neoplastic cells demonstrating moderate to marked nuclear pleomorphism brisk mitotic activity amidst prominent areas of necrosis and fibrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from anterior mediastinal lesion:Poorly differentiated carcinoma ? metastatic in a known case of carcinoma breastNeeds IHC. 5183,MRA121783,CLINICAL HISTORY : Carcinoma right breast post op. Right chest wall lesion - metastasisSPECIMEN: Biopsy from right chest wall lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown soft linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue infiltrated by cords and sheets of round to oval neoplastic cells demonstrating moderate nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm amidst a dismoplastic stroma. atypical mitotic figures are discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right chest wall lesion:Metastatic carcinomatous deposits in known case of carcinoma breast. 5184,MRA121882,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS : Carcinoma breast Post MRM with chest wall recurrence.SPECIMEN :Chest Wall Swelling, Excision Biopsy(Post MRM-Carcinoma Right Breast).GROSS FINDINGS :Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measuring 2 x 1.8 x 1 cm, salivary gland measuring 1.3 x 0.6 cm,Cut surface show a greywhite lesion measuring 1.2 x 1 x 0.5 cm.Distance from margins:Medial margin--0.3cm.Lateral margin--0.3cm.Deep margin--0.1cm.Representative sections submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Chest Wall Swelling, Excision Biopsy(Post MRM-Carcinoma Right Breast) :Suggestive of Recurrent Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 3. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8(3+2+3). - Margins of resection are free of tumor." 5185,MRA122989,CLINICAL HISTORY:Left hilar lung masstreated case of Carcinoma breastCarcinoma lung / ? mets from carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left lung mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits measures 0.4 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of lung parenchyma demonstrating small islands of round to cuboidal cells with centrally placed nuclei and moderate amount of pale staining cytoplasm floating in pools of mucin.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left lung mass:Invasive mucinous carcinoma? Metastatic ? PrimaryáPlease correlate with histopathologic details of breast lesion. 5186,MRA123033,"CLINICAL HISTORY:History of carcinoma breast post MRM.Complaints of post menopausal bleeding.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from cervical polyp.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey brown tissue masses.Largest polypoidal mass.Other two fragments altogether measuring 2x1.5x1 cm.Case of grey brown.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows unencapsulated neoplasm composed of occasional irregularly shaped benign endocervical type glands admixed with smooth muscle component composed of variably sized and shapedá fascicles embedded in collagenous background.IMPRESSION:Adenomyoma, cervix polyp." 5187,MRA123103,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 10 linear core grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and islands. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Occasional mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with mild lymphomononuclear cells infiltrates and areas of hemorrhage and calcification. IMPRESSION:Right breast, biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade - 2.Modified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorhism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ......... 7/9 .........Ductal carcinoma in situ solid pattern is seen. " 5188,MRA123180,CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast post op.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from endometrial lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received single grey brown fibrofatty measures 3.5x1.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows a polygonal lesion showing surface cellular lining epithelium. The stroma shows endometrial glands with many showing marked cystic dilatation. Intervening stroma is fibrotic and congested. Thick walled vessels are seen.No atypia is discernedIMPRESSION:Biopsy from endometrial lesion:Simple endometrial polyp.No evidence of malignancy in the section studied. 5189,MRA123324,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Biopsy from Liver lesion. SPECIMEN: Liver lesion biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey brown linear cores measures 0.8cm. Enter tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows linear cores of hepatic parenchyma harboring an infiltrative neoplasm arranged in nests. The neoplastic cells shows increased N:C ratio, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleiand moderate amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm IMPRESSION:Liver lesion biopsy :Possible for malignancy.Favour metastasis in a known case of carcinoma breast. Suggest IHC " 5192,MRA124833,"SPECIMEN:Biopsy from lesion in right acetabulum.GROSS FINDINGS:Received single grey white bone linear core measuring 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of bony trabeculae with interspersed marrow elements. Focal areas shows cluster of atypical ovoid cells with hyper chromatic pleomorphic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Few cells noted in fibrous stroma. Focal area of necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from lesion in right acetabulum.Suggestive of Metastatic carcinoma, in a known case of carcinoma breast." 5193,MRA124979,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS : Left nipple discharge in a known case of Carcinoma Right breast (Post MRM).SPECIMEN :Left Breast, Left Cone Excision with part of inverted nipple. GROSS FINDINGS :Received single fibrofatty measuring 6 x 4.5 x 1.8 cm. On serial sectioning dilated duct is seen measuring 0.2 cm in diameter. Also seen in continuation with the duct, ill defined on greywhite area measuring 3 x 2.8 x 1.5 cm. Specimen is serially sliced and submitted entirely.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section show breast parenchyma showing hyperplastic ductules with papillary pattern with fibrovascular core. Individual cells having round to oval vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma is fibrous with stromal cells and congested blood vessels.IMPRESSION :Left Breast, Left Cone Excision with part of inverted nipple :Ductal carcinoma in situ of solid and cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade. - Estimated size of DCIS is 2.8 cm in greatest dimension. - Adjacent breast tissue shows Intraductal Papilloma. - Nipple is free of tumour. - Margins of resection are free of tumor." 5194,MRA125121,CLINICAL HISTORY : Known case of carcinoma left breast with brain metastasis - Post op status.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left anterior axillary lesion.GROSS FINDINGS: Received 6 grey white linear cores measuring 0.8 - 1 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of myxoid tissue with a few RBCs interspersed.IMPRESSION:No viable tumor seen.Further work up cannot be attempted on this tissue.Suggest repeat biopsy if clinically deemed necessary 5195,MRA125269,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion - BIRADS IV. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in cords and abortive tubules. The cells have round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Surrounding stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Left breast lesion :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+2)=7/9" 5198,MRA126260,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion - BIRADS IV.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey whiteá linear core measuring 1 to 1.1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters cords and trabeculae. These cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationáá á á áá :á 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________" 5199,MRA126622,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.7 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma showing few dilated glands lined by two to tissue layer of cells having avoid hyperchromatic nuclei and scanty cytoplasm. Stroma shows extensive desmoplasia and scattered atypical cells having hyperchromatic nuclei seen..IMPRESSION:Right breast, biopsy :Atypical cells seen against a dense desmoplastic stroma.Highly suspicious of malignancy.Suggest repeat biopsy." 5200,MRA126824,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right lung nodule - ? Metastatic. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right lung nodule. GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied show linear cores of lung parenchyma with an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and islands. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with scattered lymphomononuclear cell infiltrates. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right lung nodule :The features are Suggestive of Metastatic poorly differentiated carcinomatous deposit in a known case of carcinoma breast. Suggest IHC. " 5202,MRA127500,CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast - Post opSPECIMEN:Biopsy from lung.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from lung:Suggestive of metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast. 5203,MRA129138,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Metastasis/ Meningioma.SPECIMEN:A)&B) Left parieto-occipital craniotomy and surgical decompression of tumor.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received single greywhite soft tissue bits measures 0.9x0.7x0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.B) Received multipe greywhite to greybrown soft tissue bits altogether measures 3.5x3x1.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple fragments of brain tissue harboring an infiltrative neoplasm in large nests and sheets with well defined cell borders. Moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and increased mitoses. Extensive areas of necrosis, hemorrhage and crush artefact noted.IMPRESSION:Left parasagittal mass:Poorly differentiated carcinoma favour metastatic deposit in a known case of carcinoma breast." 5205,MRA129531,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of breast parenchyma shows lesion arranged in fascicles and bundles. The cells are spindly to oval, have pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Brisk mitotic activity is noted. Few compressed ducts and seen. Stroma is scanty. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump. Suggestive of Phylloides Tumor ? Border line ? ? MalignantNeeds further conformation on larger / excision specimen. " 5206,MRA129651,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Know case of carcinoma breast- Post OP -Now multiple nodes supraclavicular, axillary. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from supraclavicular node. GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white linear cores measures 0.3 to 0.5 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of fibrous tissue, harbors infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are oval have pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia. IMPRESSION:Supraclavicular node, Biopsy :Suggestive of metastatic tumor deposits of carcinoma in known case of carcinoma breast. " 5207,MRA130479,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Follow up case of left carcinoma/ Breast post MRM (2 years ago). Post adjuvant chemotherapy and chest wall RT.SPECIMEN:Skin ellipse biopsy from left chest wall and Axilla (In a known case of carcinoma breast, post OP, CT/RT).GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 skin covered soft tissue bits measuring 1.5x1x0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from both skin ellipse shows stratified squamous epithelium. No loss of polarity is seen. Stroma shows fibrocollagenous tissue with few lymphocytes. No atypia is seen.IMPRESSION:Skin ellipse biopsy from left chest wall and Axilla (In a known case of carcinoma breast, Post OP, CT/RT) :Features are suggestive of chronic non specific inflammation.Negative for malignancy." 5208,MRA130500,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast, Post MRMSPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right Pubic bone.GROSS FINDINGS:Received blood clot measures 0.5x0.5x0.3cm. Entire tissue processed No bony bits identified,MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows multiple hemorrhagic cores and few bony bits with a lesion arranged in sheets, nests and acinar pattern. Cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Frequent mitosis noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right Pubic bone:Metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast.Suggest IHC for GATA3" 5210,MRA131263,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.3 to 1 cm. Entire tissueis processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section showing infiltrative lesion arranged in glands, sheets and nests. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate to abundant cytoplasm. Inflammatory infiltrate composed of lymphocytes and neutrophils. Hemosiderin laden pigments are seen around the nucleus.IMPRESSION:Right breast biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 5211,MRA131313,">right breast lump >invasive carcinoma, nst, grade 2. >mbr score 69. >tubule formation 2 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 2 > -------------- > 69 > --------------" 5212,MRA132174,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Known case of carcinoma breast/ Few liver SOL ? Metastasis.SPECIMEN:Liver, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 greywhite to grey brown linear core measuring 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Liver, Core biopsy :Positive for malignancy.Suggestive of Metastatic deposits in a known case of carcinoma breast." 5213,MRA132318,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of right breast lump under evaluation.SPECIMEN:Right breast, wide excision.GROSS FINDINGS:Received skin covered soft tissue mass measures 9x6x6cm. Skin ellipse measures 5x1.5cm. Surface of the skin unremarkable. Cut surface no obvious tumor seen. Single grey white ill defined fibrotic area measures 1.5x1x1cm.Distance from the margin:Superior margin -- 1cm.Inferior margin -- 1.2cm.Medial margin -- 1.2cm.Lateral margin -- 1.2cm.Deep margin -- 1.3cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows lesion composed of multiple dilated ducts of varying size with intervening fibrous stroma. The ducts are lined by inner hyperplastic epithelial layer arranged as papillae focally and outer intact myoepithelial layer. The epithelium is columnar and show stratification. There is moderate nuclear pleomorphism and occasional mitosis. Cribriform type of ductal carcinoma in situ is also noted. One of the ducts is markedly dilated and show complex branching papillae. Lumen shows secretions, pigment laden macrophages and calcifications. All the margins are free of tumor.IMPRESSION:Right breast, wide excision.Papillary neoplasm.Morphology favors papillary ductal carcinoma in situ with intraductal papilloma.Suggest IHC to rule out or confirm invasive component." 5214,MRA13263,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters and tubules. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic .Foci of calcification seen.áIMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 5215,MRA132708,">liver, biopsy >metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast." 5216,MRA132821,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Paget's nipple right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Excision of the NAC.B) Sentinel lymph node biopsy.C) Right breast mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Excision of the NAC:Received fibrofatty tissue with nipple areola complex altogether measuring 7x6.5x3.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 3.5x3cm.Nipple excoriated with ulceration.On serial slicing shows graywhite ill defined lesion altogether measuring 2x1x0.8cm,protruding through the nipple.Nearest inked margin is 2.5cm away.B) Sentinel lymph node biopsy:Received multiple fibrofatty tissue altogether measuring 3.5x3x2cm.Largest lymph node measures 2.5x1x1cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.Isolated 4 lymph nodes.C) Right breast mastectomy.Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : RightTotal dimensions :Medial-lateral : 24cm. Superficial - deep : 2cm. Superior-inferior :19cm.Skin ellipse : 13x7cm, excoriated lesion measuring 3.5x0.5cm.Nipple : Absent.Scar/ Surgical defect : Noted in the nipple area measuring 5x1.5cm.Tumor : Grossly no tumor seen, lumpectomy cavity in the central quadrant measuring 6x4x2cm.Location of tumor : Central quadrant.Deep margin : of lumpectomy Cavity is 6.5cm.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Axillary tail : Absent.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show breast parenchyma with a lesion consisting of ducts with neoplastic cells having intact myoepithelial cells. The cells have round to oval pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Few ducts show comedonecrosis. Few foci suspicious of invasion into stroma. Stroma show fibrosis. Infiltration into epithelium with areas of necrosis.IMPRESSION:A) Excision of the NAC :Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ. Solid and comedonecrosis type of high grade with small foci of invasion.- Tumor measures 2cm in greatest dimesnion with DCIS measures 1.8cm, focus of invasion measuring 0.2cm.- Tumor infiltrate skin and extends into epidermis with ulceration.- Nipple areola show ulceration involved by tumor.B) Sentinel lymph node biopsy:Four lymph nodes identified, free of tumor.C) Right breast mastectomy (Lumpectomy status):No residual tumor seen.Nipple and areola : Absent." 5217,MRA132873,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Complaint of Right carcinoma breast with (Diagnosis done,old case) Now presenting with recurrence.SPECIMEN:Right chest wall lesion,wide local excision.GROSS FINDINGS:Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measuring 7.5x6x2.5cm.Skin ellipse measuring 7x3.5cm shows an ulcerated greywhite lesion measuring 2.5x1x0.7cm.located at the following ditances from respective margin:-Superior margin--3cm.Inferior margin--2.5cm.Medial margin--2.3cm.Lateral margin--2.2cm.Deep margin--1.1cm.Distance from skin margins:Superior margin--2.5cm.Inferior margin--1.8cm.Medial margin--0.6cm.Lateral margin--1cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections reveal ulcerated skin with underlying neoplastic lesion arranged in glandular configuration and sheets consisting of cuboidal cells with vesicular nuclei, moderate atypia and pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are discerned. All resected margins are free of tumor.IMPRESSION: Right chest wall lesion, wide local excision:Suggestive of metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma right breast.Suggest IHC.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are identified.All resected margins are free of tumor." 5220,MRA134169,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Right carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right axillary sentinel nodes.B) Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Right axillary sentinel nodes:Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 2.5x1.5x1cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1.5x1x0.6. Cut surface shows greywhite.Isolated 4 lymph nodes.B) Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral :15cm. Superficial - deep : 4cm. Superior-inferior :13cm.Skin ellipse : 11x6.5cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 2.5 x 2 x 2 cm.Location of tumor : Retroareolar, greywhite firm.Margins of tumor : Circumscribed.Deep margin : 3cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Axillary tail : Absent.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma with an infiltrating tumor arranged in sheets showing polygonal cells with central round vesicular nuclei, conspicuous nucleoli. Many mitotic figures are seen. Ductal carcinoma in situ is seen (Solid and comedonecrosis type). Focal necrosis is seen. Lymphovascular invasion is present.IMPRESSION:A) Right axillary sentinel nodes:Four lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor (0/4).B) Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IIIModified BR score is 8/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3Tumor measures 2.5 cm in greatest dimension and is located in the retroareolar region.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Present (Solid and Comedo pattern, intermediate type).Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Free of tumor.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade III." 5221,MRA134182,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Known case of left breast - Post Modified Radical Mastectomy. Right breast lump - Birads IV. SPECIMEN: Rightá breast lump, Core biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received four grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by ductal carcinoma in situ. No definite evidence of invasion is seen. IMPRESSION:Rightá breast lump, Core biopsy (Post OP- Carcinoma left breast ) :Shows features of ductal carcinoma in situ of solid, cribriform and comedo pattern with intermediate nuclear grade. No definite evidence of invasion is seen. " 5222,MRA134349,"SPECIMENLeft side chest wall swelling, Biopsy (Know Case of Carcinoma Breast - Post OP /Chemo).GROSS FINDINGSA) Received greywhite soft tissue bits measuring 1x0.5x0.3cm. Entire tissue processed.B) Received single greywhite soft tissue bits measuring 1x0.5x0.3cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left side chest wall swelling, Biopsy (Know Case of Carcinoma Breast -Post OP/ Chemo):Suggestive of Recurrent Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 5223,MRA134525,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma Left Breast - post OPRight Axillary node - ? metastatic.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right Axillary node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1.3 to 1.6cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of lymphoid tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as islands and clusters.The neoplastic cells have vesicular nucleoli conspicuous nucleoli and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Metastatic carcinoma, Biopsy right axillary lymph nodes in a known case of carcinoma left breast.Suggest confirmation." 5224,MRA134535,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast wide excision.B) Blue+ hot node.C) Non blue non hot node.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received wide local excision of breast measures 8x6x4cm.Serial sectioning show greywhite infiltrating lesion measures 2.3x2x1.5cm.Also noted is a cyst which measures 1.5x1x1cm.Inner wall smooth, cyst is 1cm away from medial resected marginsDistance of lesion from margins :Superior margin : 1.2cm.Inferior margináá : 0.8cm.Medial marginááá : 2.5cm.Lateral marginááá : 2cm.Deep marginááááá : 1.2cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x1.5x0.8cm.Identified single lymph node measures 2.2x1.2x0.8 cm. Entire tissue processed.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2x0.5cm.Isolated 2 lymph nodes.Larger lymph node measures 1.2x0.8x0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section from tumor shows breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged as cords and islands. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Moderate peritumoral lymphocytic response seen.The intervening stroma is elastotic..Small foci of solid and cribriform DCIS seen.Section from resected margins are free of tumor.Sections from cystic areas shows features compatible with fibrocystic change.B) Section shows 1 lymph node which is free of tumor.C) Section show 2 lymph nodes which are free of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Invasive carcinoma, NST, Left breast.Tumor size : 2.3x2x1.5cm (Invasive component).Foci of solid DCIS seen (0.5cm).No lymphovascular invasion seen.No perineural invasion seen.Overlying skin : Free of tumor.All resected margins including deep margin are free of tumor.Cyst shows features compatible with fibrocystic change.B) 1 blue + hot node isolated is free of tumor(0/1).C) 2 non blue non hot nodes isolated are free of tumor.(0/2)" 5225,MRA134639,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right Breast Lump - ? Malignant.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.6 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDING:Section from the breast parenchyma show a infiltrating neoplasm arranged in glands, sheets and nests. The cells forming the lesion are round to oval nuclei hyperchromatic nuclei, few with vesicular nuclei prominent nucleoli, abundant. Stroma shows with lymphocytic infiltration seen. Mitosis 4-5/10hpf. Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(2+2+2)." 5226,MRA134763,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right axillary nodeSPECIMEN:Biopsy from axillary nodeGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white fragments each measures 0.3 - 0.4cm.Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from right axillary node show sheets of cells. The cells show round nucleus, conspicuous nucleoli and scanty cytoplasm.Native nodal tissue not seenIMPRESSION:Metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma left breast." 5227,MRA134975,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Recurrent carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+3+1)." 5228,MRA135152,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast (post lumpectomy)SPECIMEN :A) Right Sentinel node biopsy. B) Right mastectomy. GROSS FINDINGS:A) Right Sentinel node biopsy. Received multiple fibrofatty tissue measures 3x3x2cm. Largest lymphnode measures 3x1.5x1cm. cutsurface fatty infiltration. B) Right mastectomyReceived in : FormalinProcedure : Right Modified Radical Mastectomy. Laterality : Right. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :18cm. Superficial to Deep : 5 cm. Superior to Inferior : 18 cm.Skin ellipse : 17x12cm.Nipple retracted. : Normal.Deep margin : 1.5cm.Muscle : Present. measures 2x1cm. Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : No.IMPRESSION:A) Right sentinel lymphnode biopsy : Isolated three lymphnodes are free of tumor. B) Right mastectomy. /Post lumpectomy. Tumor bed :Sections studied show breast parenchyma with extensive areas of hyalinisation and fibrosis. Tiny foci shows ductal carcinoma in situ solid pattern and papillary pattern noted. stroma shows dense foamy macrophages and occasional foreign body giant cells. Histological type : Tiny foci of ductal carcinoma in situ - solid pattern and papillary pattern measures 0.3cm is seen. No evidence of residual invasive carcinoma. Ductal carcinoma in situ solid pattern and papillary pattern measures 0.3cm Lymphovascular invasion not seen. Perineural invasion not seen. Posterior resection margin is free from tumor. Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Summary: Tiny focus of ductal carcinoma in situ measures 0.3cm is seen. rigth breast, post lumpectomy.Lymph node Status: 0/3" 5229,MRA135739,CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast post op.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from endometrial tissue.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey brown to grey black mucinous soft tissue bits measures 1.5x1x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show tissue cores showing only fibrocollagenous conclusive tissue. No evidence of malignancy.IMPRESSION:Endometrial biopsy :Shows only fibrocollagenous tissue. No viable cells are seen.Kindly repeat biopsy if clinically indicated. 5230,MRA135757,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of Carcinoma left breast.Left breast lump - ? recurrence.SPECIMEN:Core biopsy, Left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrofatty tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in diffuse sheets and cords.Cells are pleomorphic with hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm.Mitotic figures are discerned.IMPRESSION:Core biopsy, left breast : Invasive carcinoma - Recurrence." 5231,MRA135918,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right mastectomy with right axillary level I and II lymph nodes.B) Level III lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received ináá ááá ááá ááá áá á áá : Formalin.Procedureáá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á : Mastectomy with right axillary lymph nodes Level I,II.Lateralityáá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá á á á áá :á Right. áTotal dimensionsáá ááá ááá ááá ááá á:á Medialá to lateral-- 18cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áááá Superficial to Deep-- 4cm.áá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áááá Superior to Inferior-- 16cm.Skin ellipseáá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á áá : 15.5x8cm.ááá áNippleáá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá :á Normal.Scar/ Surgical defectáá ááá ááá á : Not seen.Tumoráá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á á : Single.Tumour Sizeáá ááá ááá ááá áá á á áá : 4.3x3.3x3.2cm.ááááááááá áLocation of tumoráá ááá ááá áááá :á Retro areolar.áá áDeep margináá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á :á 0.3cm.Muscleáá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á áá ááá :á Present,measures 3cmx2.5cm.Adjacent Breastáá ááá ááá ááá áá :á Fibrofatty.áááááá áAxillary tailáá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á áá :á 9x5.5x3cm.Total number of nodesáá ááá :á 15áá (Specify if Sentinel nodes sent )Size of largest nodeáá ááá ááá :á 3x2x2cm,cut surface : Greywhite ? matted.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 2x0.7x0.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Multiple sections from breast parenchyma show a neoplastic lesion arranged in lobules,nests,cords and in diffuse sheets separated by fibrous septae.Tumor cells show irregular vesicular nuclei,dispersed chromatin,moderate eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm.Mitotic figures discerned.Peritumoral lymphocytic infiltration seen.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion identified.Ductal carcinoma in situ is not seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast,á Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive poorly differentiated carcinoma probably of ductal origin.Grade III.Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formation:áááááááááá 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 3Mitotic figures: á á á á á á á 2Tumor measures 4.3 cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the retroareolar region quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not seen.Lymphovascular invasion is identified.Perineural invasion is identified.Posterior resection margin is 0.3cm away and free of tumor.Nipple and areola is dermal infiltrates present,epidermis is free of tumor.Lymph nodes:á 16 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 16á (16/16).Largest tumor deposit measures 1.8cm.Perinodal spread seen.Summary: Right MRM, Invasive poorly differentiated carcinoma probably of ductal origin.Grade III.Nodal metastases present (16/16).Perinodal spread seen." 5232,MRA135961,"H17-330SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right chest wall nodule.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 greywhite to greybrown linear core measuring 1.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue demonstrating sheets, nests, cords of round to oval neoplastic cells exhibiting moderate nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm with numerous mitotic figures (2-3/ HPF focally), Intervening stroma shows desmoplasia. There are interspersed vascular channels and scattered lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate within fibrocollagenous stroma.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right chest wall nodule:Metastatic carcinoma suggestive of deposits in a known case of carcinoma breast.Suggest IHC if clinically discordant." 5233,MRA13605,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Multiple liver lesion - ? metastasis. SPECIMEN :Biopsy from liver lesion. GROSS FINDINGS :Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section studied shows linear cores of liver parenchyma harboring invasive neoplasm arranged in nests and sheets occasional glandular pattern. The lesional cells are polygonal with abundant vacuolated to pale eosinophilic cytoplasm, round hyperchromatic nucleus. Some cells show intranuclear inclusion. Stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION :Liver biopsy :Positive for malignancy.Suggestive of Metastatic deposits in known case of carcinoma breast. " 5234,MRA136235,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breast.Post right MRM.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 0.1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters and tubules. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is fibrous.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubuleformation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ___________ 7/9 ____________" 5236,MRA136578,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast - post OP, post chemotherapyMultiple liver lesionsSPECIMEN:Biopsy from liver lesionGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 1.8cm.Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of liver parenchyma showing highly cellular infiltrative lesionarranged in cords, nests and tubules. The cells are oval with hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate to abundant amount of cytoplasm and exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Foci of myxoid stroma seenIMPRESSION:Biopsy from liver lesion:Metastatic carcinoma ? from breast in a treated caseSuggest IHC" 5237,MRA136762,CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of carcinoma right breast status post MRM.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from sternal lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear core measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Fragmented linear cores of tissue exhibiting dyscohesive clusters and sheets of round to oval neoplastic cells demonstrating moderate to marked nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm with notable mitotic activity. Large bizzare and multinucleated cells are also noted. Intervening areas show fibrocollegenous stroma.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from sternal lesion :Suggestive of the features are deposits of poorly differentiated carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast.Suggest IHC for GATA3. 5238,MRA137083,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Post BCS right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right retroareolar regionGROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as tubules and cords. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is elastotic.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism ááááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 5239,MRA137111,CLINICAL HISTORY :Multiple liver lesion - ? metastasis. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from liver lesion. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from liver lesion. :Invasive carcinoma - Suggestive of metastasis in a known case of carcinoma breast. 5240,MRA137681,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of carcinoma left breast post treatment.Now with right gingivo buccal sulcus lesion.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right gingivo buccal sulcus ulcer.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey brown soft tissue bit measures 0.3x0.2x0.1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show dysplastic squamous epithelium with underlying subepithelium harboring neoplasm arranged in nest and cords which is composed of cell having round to oval vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli, moderate amount of eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm. Intracellular keratinization also seen. Adjacent stroma show lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right gingivo buccal sulcus ulcer:Moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma." 5241,MRA138128,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right chest wall lesion - ? deposits. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right chest wall lesion. GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrous tissue with an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and tubules. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus. Stroma is desmoplastic with lymphocytes, histiocytes and regenerating muscle bundles. IMPRESSION:Right chest wall lesion, Biopsy :Recurrent poorly differentiated carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma right breast. " 5242,MRA138247,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Case of carcinoma breast multiple liver lesion - ? Liver metastasis.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from liver.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Liver, Core biopsy:Positive for malignancy.Suggestive of ? Metastatic carcinoma - Most possible for breast.Suggest IHC for further confirmation." 5244,MRA138691,CLINICAL HISTORY: Case of right MRM in 2014.Now - non healing.Ulcer over the right MRM scar (Medially).SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right chest wall.GROSS FINDINGS: Received single skin covered soft tissue bits measuring 0.5x0.5x0.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show fragments of fibrocollagenous tissue with neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets. Individual cells have pleomorphic round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Intermixed inflammatory cells. consisting of chiefly lymphocytes and few plasma cells noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right chest wall :Positive for malignancy.Suggestive of recurrence of carcinoma in known and treated cease of carcinoma breast. 5245,MRA138868,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right axillary node - ? DepositsSPECIMEN:Biopsy fromá right axillary node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows multiple cores lymph nodes parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm with admixed lymphocytes mitosis are seen.Focal necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy fromá right axillary node:Metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breastFocal necrosis seen. 5246,MRA138933,CLINICAL DETAILS:Known case of Right breast carcinoma. Bilateral nodal recurrence. SPECIMEN:A- Left axillary lymphaticsB- Right axillary node. GROSS FINDINGS:A- Received fibrofatty tissue 5.5x4x1.5cm. Largest lymph node measures 2.5x1.5x1cm. Cutsurface - Unremarkable. Isolated 4 lymph nodes. Entire specimen processedB- Received one lymph node measuring 1 x 0.8x 0.5 cm Entire specimen has been processedIMPRESSION:Bilateral lymphadenectomy.:Left Axillary clearance.4 Nodes show reactive hyperplasia - No deposits of tumor. Right Axillary clearance :One nodule shows dense fibrotic area. No deposits of tumor seen. 5247,MRA138940,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma breast post OP .Now liver space occupying lesion - metastatic.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from liver lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of liver parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged as diffuse sheets and tubules. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Metastatic carcinoma, Biopsy from liver lesion in a known case of carcinoma breast." 5248,MRA139572,"H16-5610SPECIMEN:Right breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1.1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and diffuse sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 5249,MRA140239,CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right lung noduleGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores measures 0.8-0.9cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of lung parenchyma infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in lobular aggregates with areas of necrosis. The tumor cells have round hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis is discerned.. Adjacent stroma shows anthracotic pigment.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right lung nodule:Malignant lesionFeatures are suggestive of metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast. 5250,MRA140264,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast - post OPliver space occupying lesion - metastasesSPECIMEN:Biopsy from liver space occupying lesionGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of liver tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged in trabecular pattern and in cluster. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is scant.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma suggestive of metastasis in a known case of carcinoma breast, biopsy of liver" 5251,MRA140485,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast lesion. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show linear cores ares of breast parenchyma with aggregates of lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate and few tumor cells in glandular pattern and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Right breast lesion, Core biopsy(known case of carcinoma sigmoid colon) : Positive for malignancy.Shows tumor foci of adenocarcinoma.? Primary.?? Metastasis. Suggest IHC for further confirmation. " 5252,MRA140721,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast-Post op/ Multiple liver lesion.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from liver lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear core measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue infiltrated by sheets, nests, tubules and cords of neoplastic cells demonstrating moderate nuclear pleomorphism and pale eosinophilic cytoplasm amidst a desmoplastic stroma.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from liver lesion:Metastatic carcinoma in known case of carcinoma breast post surgery." 5253,MRA140869,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma left breastright retroareolar massSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged as cords. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic, pleomorphic nuclei and moderate to scanty cytoplasm. Ductal carcinoma in situ, solid type seen. Stroma shows inflammatory infiltrate and areas of fibrosisIMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast Invasive carcinoma with lobular features , nuclear grade 2Ductal carcinoma in situ present" 5254,MRA140910,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right lung lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of lung parenchyma infiltrated by nests, islands, micro papillary configuration of neoplastic cells demonstrating moderate nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Intervening fibrocollagenous stroma show mixed inflammatory infiltrate . There are areas of hemorrhage. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right lung lesion:Invasive carcinoma.? primary? secondarySuggest IHC. " 5255,MRA140973,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of breast.Right adnexal lesion - possibility of carcinoma ovary.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right adnexal lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.6 - 1.2cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear tissue cores showing nests and sheets of neoplastic cells showing nuclearhyperchromasia, moderate nuclear pleomorphism and valuable amount of pale eosinophiliccytoplasm. Mitotic figures 4-5/hpf. The intervening fibrocollagenous connective tissue shows lymphoplasmacytic inflammation with focal myxoid appearance.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right adnexal lesion:High grade carcinoma favor serous carcinoma ? ovarian.Suggest IHC and clinical correlation." 5256,MRA141088,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Metastatic carcinoma breast, oophorectomy for hormonal manipulation.SPECIMEN:Uterus with both tubes and ovaries, Hysterectomy with Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Procedure : Hysterectomy with Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy.Uterus dimensions: Midline fundal-serosa to ectocervix : 9 cmMaximum intercornual : 6.5 cmMaximum anterior to posterior : 4 cmDimensions: 3 x 2.5 cm.Vaginal cuff : Present.Posterior : 2.5 x 1 cmRight Ovary : 3 x 2 x 1.5 cm. Cut surface shows solid and cystic areas. Solid area measuring 1.5 x 1 x 0.8 cm. Cystic area measuring 1.7 x 1.5 x 1 cm.Left Ovary : 2 x 1.5 x 1 cm. Cut surface shows cystic.Right Fallopian tube : 4.5 cm.Left Fallopian tube : 5 cm.Right parametrium : 3.5 x 1 x 0.2 cm.Left parametrium : 4 x 1 x 0.2 cm.Endometrium descriptionEndometrial thickness : 0.3 cm.Lower uterine segment : Unremarkable.Uterus shows multiple subserosal and intramural fibroids. Largest measuring 1.5 x 1 x 1 cm. Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from right ovary shows cystic spaces lined by flattened to round, oval cells. Areas of haemorrhage and congested blood vessels noted. No atypia is seen.Left ovary show normal parenchyma with scattered foamy macrophages, congested vessels and haemosiderin pigment noted.IMPRESSION:Uterus with Bilateral fallopian tubes and ovaries, Hysterectomy with Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy :Right ovary : Simple follicular cyst. Left ovary and Bilateral fallopian tubes : are unremarkable.Endometrium : Proliferative endometrium.Myometrium shows leiomyoma.Lower uterine segment is unremarkable.Cervix : Show chronic non specific cervicitis.Right and left parametria : are unremarkable.Posterior vaginal cuff : are unremarkable." 5257,MRA141427,">liver, biopsy >metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast." 5258,MRA141745,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Lump right breast.SPECIMEN:Lumpectomy right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 9.5x6.5x3cm.Cut surface shows multiple dilated ducts with adjacent fibrotic areas measuring 8x5.5x3cm.Distance from the closest inked margin is 0.1cm.The ducts yielded cheesy grey brown material measuring 0.6x0.5x0.2cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple section shows dilated ducts lined with cuboidal epithelial cells lined with outer myoepithelial cells.Surrounding ducts show epithelial hyperplasia, microadenosis, occasional ducts show atypical hyperplasia.There is no evidence of invasive ductal carcinoma.IMPRESSION:Lumpectomy breast with-Fibrocystic disease with Epithelial hyperplasia.Microglandular adenosis." 5259,MRA141893,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breast SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received single skin covered soft tissue bits measures 0.4x0.3x0.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows an infiltrative neoplasm with presence of overlying dermis. There is sheet like arrangement of neoplastic cells exhibiting abundant eosinophilic granular cytoplasm, pleomorphic large vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Surrounding stroma shows presence of fibrocollagenous connective tissue infiltrated by lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma with apocrine differentiation." 5260,MRA142037,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left supraclavicular node - ? metastasis. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left supraclavicular node. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 very tiny linear cores measures 0.3 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in glandular pattern, trabeculae, cords. The lesional cells are polygonal with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nucleus, Few cells showing prominent nucleoli and intranuclear inclusion. Interspersed are lymphocytes, plasma cells, histiocytes, thickened blood vessels. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left supraclavicular node. :Metastatic deposit of ductal origin in a known case of carcinoma left breast. " 5261,MRA142099,CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast (2014).SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right clavicular massGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores fibrocollagenous tissue showing lesion in sheets. The cells are oval to spindle having hyperchromatic pleomorphic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Tumor giant cells and multinucleated giant cells seen. Foci of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right clavicular mass:Poorly differentiated malignancy.please correlate clinically 5262,MRA142249,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Multiple prelytic bone lesion - metastasesKnown case of carcinoma breast post OP.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left iliac lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received single brown core measures 3cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cells which are in sheets, clusters and singly scattered . The cells are polygonal with plasmacytoid nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of hemorrhage are seen.IMPRESSION:Left iliac lesion, biopsy:1)Metastatic deposits from breast primary2)Plasma cell neoplasm.Suggest further evaluation." 5263,MRA142714,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma breast with ?? Peritoneal Mets.SPECIMEN:Omental biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 1 greywhite soft tissue bits measures 2.5x1x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows adipose tissue infiltrated by a neoplastic lesion arranged in islands and sheets consisting of pleomorphic cells having round to oval dark nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm. Brisk mitosis noted. Multinucleate tumor giant cells seen along with areas with signet ring cells.IMPRESSION:Omental biopsy:Features suggestive of Metastatic carcinoma.? from Lower GIT.? from Breast.Suggest IHC." 5265,MRA142843,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Known case of right breast. Multiple liver lesion - metastasis. SPECIMEN: Biopsy from liver lesion. GROSS FINDINGS: Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores each measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show cores of liver parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm in nested and cord like architecture. The neoplastic cells have well defined cell borders, moderate eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm pleomorphic change. Adjacent liver parenchyma shows mild fatty change liver biopsy. IMPRESSION:Liver, Biopsy : Metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast. " 5266,MRA142884,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right infraclavicular mass - ? deposit.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from infraclavicular mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1.2-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue infiltrated by cords, islands and nests of neoplastic cells having round to oval pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Few cells show clear to pale granular cytoplasm. Mitotic figures 8-9/10hpf. Stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from infraclavicular mass:Suggestive of metastatic carcinoma.Please look for primary in breast ,lung and GIT." 5267,MRA142951,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast - Post MRMSPECIMEN:Lateral end of lesion breast, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores 0.3-0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fragments of fibromuscular tissue with congested vessels, hyalinised stroma and areas of hemorrhage noted.IMPRESSION:Lateral end of scar lesion breast, Biopsy:No evidence of malignancy in the material submitted." 5268,MRA143046,CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma left breast - post op.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.2 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores with few glands and fibrocollagenous tissue along with focal areas of hyalinisation. Few fibroblasts are noted. No atypical cells are seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion:No evidence of malignancy in the section studied. 5270,MRA143269,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from liver lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.7 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of hepatic parenchyma infiltrated by a lesion arranged as tubules and cords. The cells have round to oval, hyperchromatic nucleus with moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia and focal myxoid change.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from liver lesion:Metastatic adenocarcinoma in known case of carcinoma left breast." 5271,MRA143592,CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast carcinoma - post MRM and follow up.Multiple bone lesion - metastasis.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from iliac bone.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 grey white linear cores measures 0.3 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fragments of bone and fibrocollagenous tissue with an invasive neoplasm in sheets nests and vague glandular appearance with clear (moderate) cytoplasm round to oval nuclei with moderate pleomorphic and hyperchromatism. There are areas of hemorrhage and necrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from iliac bone.Suggestive of metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast. 5272,MRA143643,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known carcinoma left breast post MRM.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast parenchyma shows neoplastic lesion arranged in cords trabecular and in sheets. The cells have abundant cytoplasm with hyperchromatic nuclei, few of the cells show intranuclear inclusions. Areas of hyalinisation seen. Mitosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast Invasive Carcinoma NST, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 3Mitotic figures - 1 --------- 7/9 ----------" 5273,MRA144113,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:Left chest wall lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows 3 linear cores showing nests, trabeculae, cords and dispersed individual tumor cells showing increased nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio, pleomorphism, hyperchromasia and variable amount of pale clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm . Numerous signet ring cells seen. Abundant fibrocollagenous stroma ( suggestive of desmoplastic response) seen. There are few congested blood vessels and lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Left chest wall lesion:Metastatic adenocarcinoma.Suggestive IHC and clinical correlation to ascertain site of primary." 5274,MRA144596,CLINICAL HISTORY :Follow up case of Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right middle lobeGROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of lung parenchyma infiltrated by nests and islands of round to oval neoplastic cells exhibiting moderate to marked nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm with notable mitotic activity. Intervening areas show fibrocollagenous and fibrovascular tumor.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right middle lobe:Positive for malignancy.Favor metastatic carcinoma from breast.Suggest IHC. 5275,MRA144694,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast - post op Now USG - two target lesions in liver -liver metastasis.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from liver GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.3cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of liver parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as islands. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Metastatic carcinoma, Biopsy from liverSuggestive of metastasis from breast in a known case of carcinoma breast." 5276,MRA145716,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left chest wall lesion/ Known case of left carcinoma breast, Post OP.SPECIMEN:Left chest wall lesion, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple greywhite linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left chest wall lesion, biopsy (Post OP- Carcinoma left breast) :Suggestive of Recurrence of ductal carcinoma in a known and treated case of carcinoma left breast." 5277,MRA145807,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Head ache, incoherent.SPECIMENLeft fronto - parietal lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple grey white soft bits altogether measuring 1.2x1x0.3cm. Entire tissue processed.B) Received multiple grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits altogether measuring 7x3x1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets and glandular pattern WITH extensive areas of necrosis. The neoplastic cells are large with indistinctá cell borders, moderate to abundant amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm, highly pleomorphic round to oval vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Brisk mitotic activityá with atypical mitotic figures are seen.IMPRESSION:Left fronto - parietal lesion:Features are suggestive of Metastatic carcinoma in a known care of carcinoma breast. Report on IHC to follow." 5278,MRA146003,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right lung mass - Known case of carcinoma breast, Post MRM.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right lung massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.7-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of lung parenchyma harboring an infiltrating neoplasm arranged in nests, occasional glandular pattern and cords of neoplastic cells exhibiting increased N/C ratio, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, occasional conspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. Necrotic foci are noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right lung mass:Poorly differentiated malignancy ? Metastatic in a treated case of carcinoma breast Suggest IHC." 5279,MRA146659,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast , post surgerySPECIMEN:Bronchial biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 very tiny grey white soft tissue bits measures 0.2x0.1x0.1cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows bronchial epithelium with areas of hemorrhage and crush artefacts.IMPRESSION:Bronchial biopsy:No evidence of malignancy or any specific pathology noted." 5280,MRA146752,"CLINICAL DETAILS:A 43year old patient with H/o carcinoma breast with brain metastases.SPECIMEN:A) Cystic metastases.B) Tumor capsule.C) Tumor fluid for cytology.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits altogether measuring 1.5x1x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.B) Received multiple grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits altogether measuring 4.5x2.8x1cm. Entire tissue processed.C) Received 1.0 ml yellowish clear fluid.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A & B) Section show brain parenchyma with a cellular lesion comprised of sheets clusters as well as acinar pattern of cells with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, oval to spindled nuclei, dispersed chromatin and distinct nucleoli. Frequent mitotic activity including atypical forms noted.C) Smears studied from fluid submitted for cytology show blood elements, foamy histiocytes few lymphocytes and neutrophils. No tumor cells noted.IMPRESSION:A) &B) Consistent with Metastasis in a known and treated case of Breast Carcinoma.C) Negative for malignant cells." 5281,MRA146933,CLINICAL HISTORY:Solid cystic lesion in left chest wall - ? metastasis.SPECIMEN:Biopsy for left chest wall lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores with a tumor arranged in nests and sheets. The tumor cells are oval to polygonal with moderate nuclear pleomorphism hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate to abundant amount of eosinophilic to vacuolated cytoplasm. Many mitotic figures are seen. Focal areas show necrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy for left chest wall lesion:Poorly differentiated carcinoma.Favor metastasis in a known case of carcinoma breast. 5282,MRA147010,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Liver lesion - possibility of metastasesSPECIMEN:Liver lesion ,core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores measures 0.8-1 cm. Entire tissue possessedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows liver parenchyma with an infiltrating neoplastic lesion arranged in glandular pattern and nest.The cells have moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows fibrosis. Fragment of skeletal muscle seen.IMPRESSION:Liver lesion ,core biopsy:Metastatic carcinoma probably from breast.Suggest IHC." 5283,MRA147713,"H18-2094SPECIMEN:D4 Spinous process and canal.GROSS FINDINGS:Received greybrown to greywhite multiple fibrofatty tissue measures 6x5x2cm.Soft tissue measures 3x3x1cm. Multiple bony bit measures 4x4x2cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show skeletal muscle, adipose tissue and bony fragments with focus of atypical cells. The cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and scant cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:D4 Spinous process and canal:Suggestive of Metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast.Report on decal sections to follow and will be released as addendum.Please refer to IHC to report" 5284,MRA147864,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Metastatic breast cancer with fungating primary(left breast)SPECIMEN:Left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -15cm Superficial - Deep - 10cm Superior- Inferior - 13cm Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : skin surface shows large fungating polypoidal lesion measures 10x7.5x4cm.Tumor : SingleTumour Size : 8x8x5cm. Location of tumor : central quadrant Margins of tumor : infiltrative Deep margin : 3cm Muscle : Present measures 7x4cm Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : received separately in the same container measures 12x7x3.5cm.Total number of nodes : 14 lymph nodes Size of largest node : 2.5x1x1cm, cut surface shows grey whiteIMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- Residual viable tumor presentInvasive ductal CarcinomaLarge areas of necrosis, degenerative cells present, tumor is infiltrating into the epidermis of skin, Grade III. Modified BR score is 8/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 3Tumor measures 8x5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not presentLymphovascular invasion is presentPerineural invasion is presentPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 1 lymph node, show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 15 nodes. SUMMARY:Left MRM post chemotherapy, Residual viable tumor.Invasive ductal carcinoma - large areas of necrosis present,Grade III.Nodal metastases 1 node show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 15nodes.Perinodal spread is present." 5285,MRA147932,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma esophagus with lump left breast. SPECIMEN:Left breast lumpectomy.á GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fibrofatty tissue all together measures 4x3x3cm. Cut surface show illdefined grey white cystic lesion measures 1.5x1x1cm, nearest inked margin is " 5286,MRA148016,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Now liver lesion - metastasis. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from liver lesion. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied show linear cores of liver parenchyma harboring lesion arranged in trabeculae cords acinar pattern. Lesional cells are polygonal with pleomorphic large round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli, some cells are showing prominentá nucleoli and nuclear inclusion and moderate amount of clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows myxoid degeneration and desmoplasia. Lympho plasmacytic infiltrate also seen. IMPRESSION:Liver lesion, Biopsy :Metastatic deposit in known case of carcinoma breast. " 5287,MRA148332,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast carcinomaSPECIMEN:A) Left sentinel lymph node.B) Left breast lump, wide excision.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Fibrofatty tissue measures 2x0.6cm. Largest lymph node measures 1x0.5x0.4cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 4.5x2x1.5cm, tiny grey white area measures 0.8x0.8x0.2cm ? tumor.Distance from margins:Superior margin : 1.2cmInferior margin : 1.5cmMedial margin : 1.3cmLateral margin : 1.4cmDeep Margim :1.8cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Left sentinel lymph nodes:5 Lymph nodes identified , all are free of tumor(0/5)B) Left breast, wide excision:Section from breast shows an infiltrating lesion arranged in cords, indian file pattern and in irregular islands comprising of neoplastic cells having round to oval hyperchromatic eccentric nuclei and vacuolated cytoplasm( signet ring cells). Some cells show dark irregular nuclei and scant cytoplasm. Stroma shows fibrosis and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates.IMPRESSION.B) Left breast lump, wide excision:Invasive Lobular carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)Tumor measures 0.8x0.8cm in greatest dimensionDuctal carcinoma in situ - Not identified.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is identified.All margins of resection including deep margin are free of tumor.A) Left sentinel lymph node:5 lymph nodes identified, all are free of tumor(0/5)Pathological stage: pT1N0" 5288,MRA148546,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma left breastLeft cervical node - possibility of metastasis.SPECIMEN:Left Cervical Node, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures0.4-0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Cervical Node, Core biopsy:Suggestive of metastatic carcinoma in known and treated case of carcinoma left breast." 5289,MRA148836,"SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 3 grey white linear core measuring 1.5 to 1.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumour cells in predominantly cords and diffuse sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Suggestive of Invasive Lobular Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). " 5290,MRA148848,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of right breast. SPECIMEN:Right iliac bone lesion, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey brown soft tissue bits measures 0.4x0.4x0.2cm. Entire tissue processed. IMPRESSION:Right iliac bone lesion, Biopsy :Metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma right breast. " 5291,MRA149077,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Old case ofá right carcinoma breastá in 2015. Now presented with skin nodules.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right chest wall.GROSS FINDINGS:Received single grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits altogether measuring 1x0.6x0.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged as cords , trabeculae and tubules. The cells have high N/C ratio, exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy fromá right chest wall :Invasive CarcinomaSuggestive of recurrence in a known case of carcinoma breast." 5292,MRA149293,"CLINICAL HISTORY: History of carcinoma left breast - Post MRM status.áRight breast lump - ? Carcinoma /?? Fibroadenoma.SPECIMEN: Biopsy form right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measuring 0.3 to 0.6 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue showing fragments of stroma in a leaf life architecture lined by scattered epithelium. Occasional compressed benign glandular and tubular elements are seen.IMPRESSION: Fibroepithelial lesion- fibroadenoma, Right breast.No evidence of mailgnancy in the cores submitted." 5293,MRA149435,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Old case of carcinoma right breast - MRM status.Now mass in left breast ?second primary.Sternal lesion? recurrence.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from sternal lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of fibrous tissue and bony trabeculae with intervening neoplastic tissue arranged as clusters and islands. The neoplastic cells exhibiting moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Metastatic carcinoma, Biopsy from sternal lesion ,in known post op case of carcinoma right breast." 5294,MRA149585,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma Cervix post op April 2015 and carcinoma breast post op in July 2015SPECIMEN:Biopsy Vault.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits altogether measuring 1x0.5x0.3cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Fragments of a neoplasm arranged as nests and in vague papillary and glandular pattern.The lining epithelial cells are cubocolumnar exhibit nuclear hyperchromasia and pseudostratification.Increased mitoses seen.IMPRESSION:Poorly differentiated carcinoma, Biopsy vault." 5295,MRA149916,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right ovary.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.7 to 1.0cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords, nests papillae . The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic pleomorphic nuclei with moderate cytoplasm. Intervening stroma shows scattered lymphocytic infiltrate..IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right ovary.Invasive carcinoma? metastaticNeeds confirmation" 5296,MRA149959,CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma left breast. SPECIMEN:Axillary lymph node biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 8 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows fragmented linear cores of lymphoid tissue showing enlarged lymphoid follicles. No evidence of malignancy is seen. IMPRESSION:Axillary lymph node biopsy :Features are suggestive of reactive lymphoid hyperplasia. 5297,MRA149983,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of fibrocystic disease both breasts on follow upSPECIMEN:A) Left adnexal massB) Right adnexal massC) AppendixD) Ascitic fluidGROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multilocuated cyst measures 8.5x5x5cm, cut surface shows nocapsular breach yielded serosanguinous fluid and hemorrhagic ? tube measures 5.5cm, no fimbrial end identifiedB) Received cystic mass measures 5.5x4x2.5cm, cut surface shows cystic and solid areameasures 3.0x2.5x2.5cmC) Received single appendix with attached fibrofatty tissue measures 4x2x1.5cm, appendixmeasures 3.5cm, cut surface is unremarkableD) Received 5 ml yellowish slightly turbid fluidMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sectio0n shows ovarian parenchyma with cystic lesion lined by luteinized granulosa cells having abundant amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm and bland appearing nucleus. Interspersedperipheral theca cells and corpus albicantes are noted. Numerous hemosiderin laden macrophagesare seenB) Section shows ovarian parenchyma with a fallopian tube lined by stratified epithelium. The stratification columnar having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus andinconspicuous nucleoli . C) Appendix shows unremarkable histology. No evidence of malignancy seen.D) Ascitic fluid:smears show moderate cellular yield of loose aggregates and singly scattered reactive mesoothelialcells, neutrophils and lymphohistiocytes over a hemorrhagic backgroundIMPRESSION:A) Left adnexal mass:Corpus luteal cystB) Right adnexal mass:Hydrosalpinx with focal proliferative changes ;Serous tubal intraepithelial lesion (STIL)Suggest: IHC to rule out Serous Intraepithelai carcinoma (STIC)C) Appendix:unremarkable histiologyNo evidence of malignancy in the material submittedD) Ascitic fluid:No evidence of malignancy in the material submitted" 5298,MRA150230,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left MRM for carcinoma breast with CT chest - Pleural nodule ?metastases.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left pleural base nodule.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits measuring 0.3 - 0.5 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of lung parenchyma with an adjacent neoplasm arranged as islands and nests. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is scant.IMPRESSION:Metastatic carcinoma, Biopsy left pleural base nodule in a known case of carcinoma breast." 5299,MRA150328,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN :Wide local excision.GROSS FINDINGS :Received lumpectomy specimen measures 4.5x4x2.5cm. Skin ellipse measures 4.5x1.8cm. Cut surface grey white soft lesion measuring 0.8x0.8x0.5cm.Distance from margins :Superior : 1cm.Inferior : 1cm.Medial : 4cm.Lateral : 0.9cm.Deep : 0.6cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Tumor : The section from the tumor shows pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 _________ 6/9 __________Nuclear grade II.Lymphovascular invasion :not present.Ductal carcinoma in situ not present.Perineural invasion :not present.All resected margins are free of tumor.IMPRESSION :Wide local excision specimen, Left breast -Invasive ductal carcinoma.Nuclear grade II.Maximum dimension of tumor : 0.8x0.8cm. Lymphovascular invasion not present.Ductal carcinoma insitu is not present.All resected margins are free of tumor..Pathological stage : pT1N0." 5300,MRA150385,CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breast. Post chemo.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right Breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.5-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by neoplasm arranged in clusters and nests. The neoplastic cells haveá vesicular to hyperchromatic nuclei and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right Breast:Invasive Carcinoma NST. 5301,MRA150567,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump. SPECIMEN:Right breast, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 linear cores measures 0.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show linear cores of fibrous tissue with an infiltrating lesion arranged predominantly in sheets. Nests and focal papillary pattern. The cells are oval having moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Brisk mitotic activity is seen. Stroma is desmoplastic with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade - 3.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááá á áá á : 3áááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á á -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á á á 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á á áá ........." 5303,MRA151050,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of rt beast - Post MRMSPECIMEN:Right infraclavicular node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 0.2-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of tissue harboring lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate nuclear pleomorphism and moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis are discerned.IMPRESSION:Right infraclavicular node, Core biopsy :Suggestive of Metastatic Carcinoma in a known case of Carcinoma Breast." 5304,MRA151193,"H16-6253SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right lung middle lobe lesion .GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6 to 0.8cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue shows extensive necrosis and focal aggregates of oval cells with hyperchromatic nuclei exhibiting moderate nuclear pleomorphism. The cells cytoplasm, mitotic activity is seen. Intervening stroma is fibrotic.IMPRESSION:Poorly differentiated carcinoma, lung biopsy.? Metastatic from breast.? Primary.Suggest IHC " 5305,MRA151231,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma breast left, post neoadjuant chemotherapy.SPECIMENS:Left modified radical mastectomy specimen.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin. Procedure : Mastectomy post NACTLaterality : LeftTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral : 14.5cm. Superficial to Deep : 2.5cm. Superior to Inferior :13cm.Skin ellipse : 9.5x7cm.Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumour Size : 3.5x3x2cm. Location of tumor : 4 central quadrant and 4 upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 0.8cmMuscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty.Size of largest node : 3x2.5x1.cm, Cut surface shows greywhite area measuring 2.8cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets, nests, islands and tubules lesion comprising of round to oval cells with moderately pleomorphic vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli with moderate cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphocytic infiltrate. Mitotic figures 12-15/ 10 hpf. Areas of solid DCIS and DCIS with comedonecrosis noted.Lymphovascular invasion identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.IMPRESSION:Left modified radical mastectomy specimen:Residual invasive ductal carcinoma, grade III, Status post NACT.Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3Tumor measures 3.5cm in greatest dimension.Deep margin : Free of tumor.DCIS Present with comedonecrosis.Lymphovascular invasion seen Perineural spread is not seen.Matted nodes are seen.4 of 4 nodal masses show tumor (4/4). Extranodal spread is seen.Larger measuring 3x2.5cm." 5306,MRA151255,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left axillary sentinal lymph nodes.B) Left upper outer quadrant lump.C) Left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 2 lymph nodes measures 3x2.5x1.5cm.B) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 3.5x2x1.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 2.5x2cm.Cut surface shows lesion greywhite measures 2x1x1cm.Margins:-Superior marginá :á 0.9cm.Inferior marginááá :á 0.5cm.Medial margináááá : 2.5cm.Lateral margináááá : 0.6cm.Deep margináááááá : 1.1cm.C) Received excision specimen measures 3x2.5x1cm.Cut surface showsá greywhite nodular mass measures 1x0.6x0.6cm.Distance from margins:-Superior margin : 0.6cm.Inferior margináá : 1cm.Medial marginááá : 2.1cm.Lateal margináááá : 1cm.Deep marginááááá : 1cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section shows 2 lymph nodes which are free of tumor.B) Section from tumor shows breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged as tubules and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism and moderate cytoplasm.C) Section show breast parenchyma with extensive inflammatory infiltrate composed of lymphocytes, histiocyte aggregates and giant cells.IMPRESSION:B) Invasive carcinoma, left breast.MBR score 7/9, grade 2.Tumor size : 2x1x1cm.No lymphovascular invasion seen.No perineural invasion seen.All resected margins are free of tumor.Skin : Free of tumor.A) 2 Lymph node from left axillary sentinel lymph nodes are free of tumor.C) All resected margins are free of tumor." 5307,MRA151445,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Chest wall lesion, core biopsy.SPECIMEN:Right chest wall lesion, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores with cells arranged in nests and trabeculae. Cells are pleomorphic with scanty cytoplasm and round to oval for hyperchromatic nuclei. with prominent nuclei. Prominent retraction space present around tumor nests.IMPRESSION:Right chest wall lesion, core biopsy:Features are consistent with Reurrence - known case of carcinoma breast." 5308,MRA151550,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey yellow linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed,MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tumor infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as tubules and cords. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei, Conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma shows scattered lymphocytic inflammatory cell infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast.Invasive ductal carcinoma grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score 7/9.Tubule formation á á á á á á áá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism á á á á -- 2Mitotic figures á á á á á á á á á áá -- 2á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá ----------á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá á áá 7/9á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá ---------- áá " 5309,MRA151743,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Liver Lesion, Core Biopsy (Post OP/CT/RT-Carcinoma Breast).GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Liver Lesion, Core Biopsy (Post OP/CT/RT-Carcinoma Breast):Positive for malignancy.Suggestive of metastatic carcinoma in known and treated case of carcinoma breast." 5310,MRA151780,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast.Post BCS (4 years back).Now new lesion in left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma showing infiltration by tumor arranged in sheets, nests and cords and tubules.The tumor cells are round to polygonal with increased N:C ratio, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Intervening stroma is desmoplastic .Marked crush artifact is noted. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lesion:Invasive carcinoma,NSTModified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ...... 7/9 ......" 5311,MRA151902,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Chest wall recurrence in carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:A) Wide local excision.B) Nodule over sternum.GROSS FINDINGS;A) Wide local excision:Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measures 5x4.5x2.5cm, cut surface shows grey whitelesion measures 2.3x1.8x1.5cm, skin ellipse measures 4.5x4cm.Located at the following distances from the respective margins:-Superior margin -- 1.2cmInferior margin -- 1cmMedial margin -- 1.1cmLateral margin -- 0.8cmDeep margin -- 1.2cmB) Nodule over sternum:Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measures 1.5x1.3x1cm, skin ellipse measures 1.5x1cm, cut surface shows grey white nodule measures 1.5x1.3x1cm, distance from inked margin <=0.1cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Wide local excision:Multiple sections from the tumor shows pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus, eosinophiliccytoplasm, arranged inTubular pattern (30) - 2Mitotic figures - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2 __________ 6/9 ___________Nuclear grade - IILymphovascular invasion is seen.Resected margins - Superior margin -- free of tumorInferior margin -- free of tumorMedial margin -- free of tumorLateral margin -- free of tumorDeep margin -- free of tumorB) Nodule over sternum:The section shows pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus arranged in glandular patternTubule formation -- 2Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic figures -- 2 ____________ 6/9 ____________Inked margin free from the tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Wide local excision - Chest wall tumor:Recurrence of invasive ductal carcinomaNuclear grade - IIAll resected margins are free of tumor.B) Nodule over sternum:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Nuclear grade - IIDeep inked margin - free of tumor." 5312,MRA15196,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast, post chemo,Radio, ? Metastatic ? Carcinoma lung.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left lung mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show tiny tissue cores harboring a lesion arranged in nests composed of monomorphic neoplastic cells exhibiting round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and scanty cytoplasm. The intervening stroma shows presence of extracellular mucin.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left lung mass:The features are suggestive of metastatic deposits in a known case of carcinoma breast.Possibility of associated neuroendocrine component cannot be ruled out.Tissue sparse for work up.However GATA 3 and hormone receptor status is being attempted " 5313,MRA152058,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breast post treatment. SPECIMEN:Excision, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received single skin covered soft tissue bits with polypidal lesion measures 1x0.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed. Skin measures 1.3x0.5x0.5cm. Edge ended Anogiokeratoma lymph angioma circumscriptions. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows skin covered tissue pieces with a papillary lesion covered with thinned out epidermis. Focal acanthosis is seen .The surface shows hyperkeratosis. Stroma shows markedly dilated and ectaticá thin walled vascular lymphangiectatic spaces containing proteinaceous material and lymphomononuclear cells. Intervening stroma is fibrotic. The thin walled vessels extend to superficial dermis. IMPRESSIONExcision, Biopsy. :Benign vascular lymphatic tumor favor lymphangioma circumscriptum" 5314,MRA152126,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Back pain. Known case of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN :D8-D10 laminectomy and spinal fixation.doneGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white soft tissue bits altogether measures 1.5x1x0.6 cm, entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple fragments of bony tissue with infiltrating neoplasm arranged in nests. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, scant to moderate cytoplasm, few with prominent nucleoli. Intervening trabecular spaces shows . osteoclastic giant cells. Atypical mitotic figures are noted.IMPRESSION:D8-D10 laminectomy :Metastatic deposits in known case of carcinoma breast." 5315,MRA152161,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast post op with endometrial hyperplasia. SPECIMEN:Endometrial biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple tiny grey white bits measures 0.5 x 0.3 x 0.2 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fragment of endometrial tissue with benign endometrial glands, few with intraluminal secretions. Stroma shows plump cells, spindle cells and congested vessels. No atypia is seen. IMPRESSION:Endometrial biopsy :Features suggestive of simple hyperplasia. " 5316,MRA152252,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast massá - ? Carcinoma breastá ? Fibroadenoma..SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Leftá breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from linear breast cores harborsá infiltrative tumor arranged in diffuse sheets and tubules . The tumor cells are round to ovalá with hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus. Few areas shows ductal carcinoma in situá with central comedo necrosis. Mitotic figures are seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left Breast :Invasive carcinoma.Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedo necrosis.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9. Grade IITubule formationáááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphism:á 2Mitosis figuresáááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----- 5317,MRA152274,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from L5 spinous process.GROSS FINDINGS:Received a linear bony fragment with blood clot that measures 00.5 -0.6 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue with extensive areas of hemorrhage and a lesion arranged in tubules, sheets and loose clusters of cells. Cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of vacuolated cytoplasm occasional mitotic figures noted. Admixed inflammatory cells noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from L5 spinous process:Features are suggestive of metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast.Decalcified bone section shows tumor with similar morphology." 5318,MRA152403,CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast post RT with complex adnexal mass post TAH.SPECIMEN :A) Right adnexal mass.B)Left adnexal mass.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received right adnexal mass-Specimen of ovary measuring 3.8x2.5x2cm. Attached fallopian tube measures 0.5cm.Cut surface shows hemorrhagicá cyst.Weight 15gms.B) Received left adnexal mass-Specimen of ovary measuring 5x3x1.5cm.Externally lobulated capsule is intact.Leftá fallopian tube 0.2cm. Cut surface yielded serousanguinous fluid.Weight 10 gms.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :A) Section shows ovarian parenchyma harboring cystic lesion filled with hemorrhage and necrotic debris. Fallopian tubeá shows refractive material surrounded by macrophages and multinucleated giant cells.B) Section shows normal ovarian parenchyma and fallopian tube.IMPRESSION :A) Right adnexal mass :Hemorrhagic cyst No evidence of malignancy.B)Left adnexal mass :No evidence of malignancy.á 5319,MRA152472,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from liver lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of hepatic parenchyma exhibiting a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets an nests, cords and tubular configuration demonstrating moderate to marked nuclear pleomorphism, eosinophilic cytoplasm and brisk mitotic activity. Adjacent liver parenchyma shows features of steatohepatitis IMPRESSION:Biopsy from liver lesion:The features are suggestive of metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breastSuggest IHC for confirmation." 5320,MRA152601,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump .SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast excision.GROSS FINDINGS:Received skin ellipse measures 2.5x1cmSurface unremarkable frank tumor not seenGrey white ill defined measures 1.5x1x1cm.Distance from the following margins:Superior margin: 1.5cmInferior margin:1.5Medial margin:1cmLateral margin :1cmDeep margin :1.8cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma with few ducts exhibiting proliferating ducts fibroadenosis ductal carcinoma in situ solid and and cribriform pattern noted. Stroma shows desmoplasia with scattered lymphomononuclear infiltrates.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Excision biopsy:Ductal carcinoma in situ - Solid and cribriform pattern nuclear grade 3 with comedonecrosis Invasion not identifiedLesion measures 1.5cm. in greatest dimension.All margins of section (superior, inferior medial, lateral and deep) are free of tumor." 5321,MRA152647,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breast .SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white soft tissue bits measures 0.5-1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma with tumor infiltrating in sheets and nests. The tumor cells are round to oval with high N/C ratio, hyperchromatic markedly pleomorphic and moderate moderate cytoplasm. Tumor giant cells are seen. Intervening desmoplastic stroma is seen.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 3. - Modified Bloom Richardson score 8(3+3+2)." 5322,MRA153087,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breast Post BCSSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear linear cores measured 0.3 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections shows breast tissue with hyperplastic ductules lined by cuboidal epithelial cells. Stroma shows fibrocollagenous tissue. No atypia is seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast , Core biopsy :Features suggestive of Benign proliferative breast disease - Adenosis.No evidence of malignancy is seen." 5324,MRA153510,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast.Liver SOL - ? Metastatic.SPECIMEN:Liver, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received seven grey white liner core measures 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchroamtic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Liver, Core Biopsy :Suggestive of Metastatic carcinoma in known case of carcinoma breast." 5325,MRA153601,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast, now right breast lump.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast wide local excision.B) Sentinel lymph node dissection.C)Revised deep margin.GROSS FINDINGSA)Fresh tissue received : YesLaterality : Right Specimen orientation : Orientated Specimen size :5x3x1cm Lesion dimensions : 1.5x1x1cmDistance of lesion from margins :Superior margin :2.5cmInferior margin :1cmMedial margin :0.3cmLateral margin :1.2cmDeep margin :0.1cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1x0.5x0.5cm.Isolated lymph nodes 2 nodes.Largest lymph node measures 0.8x0.5x0.5cm.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1.2x1x0.3cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast lesion show invasive carcinoma composed of nests and aggregates of tumor cells with moderate pleomorphism in a desmoplastic stroma.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast wide local excision:Invasive ductal carcinoma, NST.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 3+2+2-7/9, Grade 2.Tumor measures 1.5cm in greatest dimension.Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.All resected margins including deep margin are free of tumor.B) Sentinel lymph node dissection:2 lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor(0/2).C) Revised deep margin : Shows skeletal muscle are free of tumor.Pathological stage : pT1pN0." 5326,MRA153874,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma lungHistory of carcinoma left breastá in 2015.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right lungGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of lung parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged in acinar and trabecular pattern. The lining epithelial cells are cubocolumnar have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm.The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, biopsy from right lung? Primary? MetastaticSuggest IHC." 5327,MRA154232,CLINICAL HISTORY :Multiple lung nodule-likely metastases/ Known case of carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from lung nodule.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 greywhite to grey black linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of lung parenchyma exhibiting sheets and nests of round to oval neoplastic cells demonstrating moderate nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Intervening fibrocollagenous stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from lung nodule:Metastatic ductal carcinoma in known case of carcinoma breast.Suggest IHC. 5328,MRA154306,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast.Multiple liver lesion - p/o metastasis.SPECIMEN :Liver,Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows cores of liver tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests, cords and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Liver, Core Biopsy :Positive for malignancy.Suggestive of Metastatic Carcinoma- most possible from breast." 5329,MRA154379,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Nodular lesion in both lungsK/C/O carcinoma left breast with brain metastasis. SPECIMEN :Lung, lateral not specified, biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS : Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear core measures 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section studied shows multiple fragments of lung parenchyma and focal respiratory epithelium with an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests cords and vague glandular pattern. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli, Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with areas of hemorrhage. IMPRESSION :Lung, lateralilty not specified, biopsy :The features favor metastatic deposits in a known case of carcinoma breast. Please await report on IHC to rule out primary." 5330,MRA154906,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast ( Post OP).SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey browná linear core measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show cores of breast tissue with on invasive neoplasm composed of sheets and nests, glands and cords ofá cells having A/C ratioá moderate eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm. There moderate nuclear atypia and increased mitosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Suggestive of invasive carcinoma ductal type (NOS)Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 8/9, Grade IIITubule formationáááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitosisááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------" 5331,MRA155633,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast on Hormonal therapy.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left wide excision.GROSS FINDINGS:Received wide excision specimen of left breast lump measures 5.5x5x4 cmSkin ellipse measures 3x1 cm. Serial section identified a grey white firm lesion measures 3.5x2.5x2.5 cmWhich are located at different margins respectively :Superior margin : 0.8 cmInferior margináá : 0.6 cmMedial marginááá : 0.8 cmLateral margin á : 2 cmDeep margináááá : 1 cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in sheets, nests and tubules.Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular or Perineural invasion is not seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left wide excision :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2.ááá - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1).ááá - Tumor measures 3.5 cm in greatest dimension.ááá - Lymphovascular invasion is not seen.ááá - Perineural invasion is not seen.ááá - Ductal carcinoma in situ component is not seen.ááá - All margins of resection are free of tumor." 5332,MRA155768,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast - post op.SPECIMEN:Liver SOL, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Eire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear cores harboring liver parenchyma. Focal atypia present with mild alteration of nucliocytoplasmic ratio and hyperchromasia in few of the hepatocytes.IMPRESSION:Liver SOL, Biopsy :No definite evidence of malignancy in the section studied." 5333,MRA156139,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast Post CT/Surgery /RT.SPECIMEN:Left chest wall skin nodule.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 2 skin covered soft tissue bits larger bits measuring 1.5 x 1.4x 0.6cm. Entire tissueáá processed.Smaller bitá measuring 1.4x1x0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fragments of fibroadipose tissue harboring a lesion arranged as nests, tubules and cords of round to oval cells with vesicular nucleus, prominent nucleoli and scanty to moderate cytoplasm. Few cells shows hyperchromatic, pleomorphic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left chest wall skin nodule:Invasive carcinoma.Suggestive of recurrence in a known case of carcinoma breast, Post MRM." 5334,MRA15637,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Chest wall recurrence post Modified radical mastectomy and C7/R7.SPECIMEN: Left chest wall mass, wedge biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS: Received single grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits measures 1.5 x 0.8 x 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show ulcerated skin with infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets, cords and vague acini. The lesional cells are hyperchromatic with moderate cytoplasm. Intervening stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Left chest wall mass, wedge Biopsy :Suggestive of recurrence of carcinoma in known and treated case of carcinoma breast. " 5335,MRA156835,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma.Breast, post op, liver lesions- metastasis.SPECIMEN:Left lung , biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragments linear core measures 0.2-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show linear areas of fibrous tissue with an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and islands. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and inconspicuous nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with extensive areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. IMPRESSION:Left lung , biopsy:poorly differentiated carcinoma case of carcinoma breast." 5336,MRA156844,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast.Multiple small liver space occupying lesions - ? metastasis.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from liver.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.3cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of liver parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters and islands. The lesional cells exhibit nuclear hyperchromasia and have moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Lymphovascular emboli seen.IMPRESSION:Metastatic carcinoma, Biopsy from liver in a known case of carcinoma breast." 5339,MRA157219,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received iná :á Formalin.Procedureááá : Mastectomy NACT.Lateralityáá : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateraláááá : 25cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deep : 5cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferioráá : 18cm.Skin ellipseááááá :á 17X11cm.Nippleááááááááááááá : Normal ? retracted.Scar/ Surgical defect : Healed scar measuring 10cm, 2.5 lateral to nipple.Tumorá :á No obvious tumor seen.Tumor size : Fibrous, cystic area measuring 5x3x3cm is seen.Location of tumor : Central quadrant, outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Fibrotic.Deep margin : 2cm.Muscle : Present measuring 8x2.5x1cm.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : No lymph nodes seen.Size of largest node : 1x0.5x0.5cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.IMPRESSION:Right breast, right modified radical mastectomy:Multiple section show dense fibrosis with myxomatous areas and in focal areas foreignbody giant cells, lymphocytes and histiocytes are present and atrophic glands.Surrounding fibrotic area, ducts show fibrocystic change with adenosis.There is no evidence of residual viable tumor present in multiple sections studied.Nipple and areola-Unremarkable.Posterior resected margin shows muscle bundle- Free of tumor." 5340,MRA157338,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right chest wall lesion. SPECIMEN:Right chest wall, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in cords and nests. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. IMPRESSION:Right chest wall, biopsy :Recurrence of disease in a known case of carcinoma breast. " 5343,MRA157760,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Completion mastectomy left.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Completion Mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -20cm Superficial - Deep - 3cm Superior - Inferior - 19cmSkin ellipse : 16x8.5cm, a longitudinal scar seen measures 7cm Nipple : unremarkable in the 7-9 o'clock.Tumor : Multiple -focal - two tumors are present in upper quadrant Tumour Size : 1) one tumor measures 1.5x1.3x1.2cm 2) second tumor measures 0.8x0.8x0.7cm Location of tumor : 1) upper outer quadrant 2)upper outer quadrantMinimum margin clearance from all tumor (when multiple)Specify which margin from which tumor : distance between two tumors is 2cmMargins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 1) 1cm , 2) 1cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : AbsentAnother small grey white area measures 0.8x0.8x0.7cm is seen in upper outer quadrant above the tumor.Distance from tumor - 2cmDistance from deep margin - 1cmIMPRESSION:Left breast, Completion mastectomy: Tumor bed:-Two tumors are present in the upper quadrant.Invasive ductal Carcinoma.The distance between the two tumors is 2cm, Grade II. Modified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 1st tumor - 1.5x1.3, 2nd tumor - 0.8x0.8cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.SUMMARY:Completion mastectomy, multifocal tumor- two tumors are present with upper quadrant ,Grade II.Invasive ductal carcinomaThe distance between the two tumors is 2cm." 5344,MRA157807,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast multiple liver lesion.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from liver.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.4 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Haemangioma, Biopsy from liverNo evidence of malignancy in the cores submitted." 5345,MRA157809,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from cerebellar lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received fragments of grey white tissue measures 2x1x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show cerebellar parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets, islands composed of cells showing moderate pleomorphism, round to ovalá vesicular nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Few cells show prominentá nucleoli. Areas of hemorrhage and hyalinisatuion. Noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from cerebellar lesion:Metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast." 5346,MRA157947,CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast.Right axillary node.SPECIMEN:Right axillary lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four linear cores measures 0.3x0.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple fragments showing a lesion arranged in sheets. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei. Scant cytoplasm inflammatory infiltrates composed of lymphocytes and histocytosis. Tingible body macrophages are seen.IMPRESSION:Right axillary lymph node :No metastases seen in the core biopsy.Suggest intoto excision of the lymph node for further confirmation or to rule out lymphoproliferative disorder if clinically deemed necessary. 5347,MRA157968,CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breast -post mastectomy now anterior mediastinal mass.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from anterior mediastinal sternal massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Fragmented linear cores of tissue exhibiting diffuse proliferation of round to oval cells demonstrating moderate to marked nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Intervening areas shows desmoplastic stroma with lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from anterior mediastinal sternal mass:Suggestive of deposits of poorly differentiated carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast. 5348,MRA158337,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast carcinoma with boneá metastatsis diagnosed in August 2015.SPECIMEN :Left modified radical mastectomy post NACT.GROSS FINDINGS :Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : FormalinProcedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : Mastectomy post NACT Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : LeftTotal dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medial to lateralá -19cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deepá - 5.5cm. á ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior -16cm.Skin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá :14x10cm. á Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá :Normal áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : Not seen.Tumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : SingleTumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá : 6.5x6.5x4cm. áááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá :áá upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á : ill-defined. áááááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá ááá : 1cm.Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááá : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá ááá :á Fibrofatty tissue. áááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá ááá :7x5x3cm.Size of largest nodeááááááááááá :3x3x2cm cut surface deposit.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from tumor shows breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplasm arranged as islands and nests. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis seen. Lymphovascular emboli seen.Sections from nipple and areola : Free of tumor.Sections from deep margin : Free of tumor.7/22 lymph nodes from left axillary dissection show metastatic deposits of tumor .Perinodal spread is seen.áá IMPRESSION:Left breast, left modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 3.Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formationáá : 3.Nuclear pleomorphism : 3.Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá : 2.Tumor measures 6.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma in situ seen ( high grade - comedo pattern).Lymphovascular invasion seen.Perineural invasion not seen.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes :22 Lymph nodes, metastasis : 7 ( 7/22).Perinodal spread seen.Summary :Left MRM, Invasive , grade 3.22 Lymph nodes, metastasis : 7 ( 7/22).Perinodal spread seen." 5349,MRA158410,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right Lung lesion, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.0 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of lung parenchyma with a lesion arranged in nests and sheets. The cells have hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate amount of nuclear pleomorphism and moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows lymphocytic infiltrates.IMPRESSION:Right Lung lesion, Biopsy:The features favor metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma right breast.Suggest IHC for GATA3." 5350,MRA158655,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast - post op lung nodule metastasisSPECIMEN:Right lung Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brow linear cores measures 0.6-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests, tubules. The cells have moderately pleomorphic round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. Large areas of necrosis noted. Mitotic figures discerned. Stroma shows fibrosis..IMPRESSION:Right lung Biopsy:Metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast." 5351,MRA158715,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast - MRM- 2012Post operative CT and RT had chest wall recurrence sep- 2015FDG-PET-CT- Sep 2016 Now nodule chest wall.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from chest wall noduleGROSS FINDINGS:Received single grey white skin covered soft tissue measures 1x1x0.8cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Fragment of skin with underlying dermal collagen harboring occasional islands of atypical cells with hyperchromatic to vesicular nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and vacuolated cytoplasm. Surrounding lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory cell infiltrate seen.IMPRESSION:Atypical cell clusters, biopsy from chest wall nodule." 5352,MRA158916,"CLINICAL DETAILS PROVIDED: Carcinoma right breast- Post NACT.SPECIMEN:A) Lumpectomy- wide excision- Post NACT.B)Revised lateral margin away from tumor.C) Right Axillary lympadenectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 5.5x4.5x3cm.Skin ellipse measures 4x0.4cm. Cut surface shows ill defined greywhite area measuring 1.5x1x1cm, located at the following distance from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 1.5cm.Inferior margináá -- 2cm.Medial marginááá -- 0.8cm.Lateral margináá --á 0.8cm.Deep margináááá --á 1cm.B) Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 4x2.5x1cm. Entire tissue processed.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 8x5x3cm.Largest lymph node measuring 2x1x1cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Dissected 16 nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Lumpectomy- wide excision- Post NACT.Carcinoma right breast- Post NACT.Viable tumor present.Maximum dimension measuring 1.5x1x1cm.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Tubular formationá " 5353,MRA158932,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Lump left breast since march 2015.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 18cm. Superficial - deep : 3.5cm. Superior-inferior : 16cm.Skin ellipse : 11X7.5cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : Grossly large necrotic, fibrotic areas. solid area present in central upper quadrant measuring 1.2x0.5x0.3cm.Location of tumor : Central upper quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 1.5cm.Muscle : Present.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 12 nodes.Size of largest node : 1.7x1x0.5cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.Axillary tail : 5x4x2cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy- Post NACT:Tumor bed : Small foci of Residual Viable tumor present measuring 1.2x0.5x0.3cm with large areas of necrosis abd fibrosis present.Modified BR score : 7 (3+2+2). Nuclear grade II.Tumor measures 1.2cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Central upper quadrant.Focal Ductal carcinoma-in-situ not present.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not present.Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 12 lymph nodes- No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy- Post NACT:Tumor bed : Small foci of Residual Viable tumor present measuring 1.2x0.5x0.3cm with large areas of necrosis abd fibrosis present.Modified BR score : 7 (3+2+2).Nuclear grade II.Tumor measures 1.2cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Central upper quadrant.Focal Ductal carcinoma-in-situ not present.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not present.Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 12 lymph nodes- No deposits of tumor." 5354,MRA159076,"SPECIMEN:A)Right MRM with level I, II lymph nodes- Post NACT.B) Level III nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A)Right MRM with level I, II lymph nodes- Post NACT:Received iná :á Formalin.Procedureááá : Mastectomy post NACT.Lateralityáá : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateraláááá : 17cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deep :6cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá áSuperior-inferioráá : 13cm.Skin ellipseááááá :á 16x10cm.Nippleááááááááááááá : Tumor extending upto nipple areola.Paget's disease : Not present.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Skin surface shows nodular area measuring 2.5x2.5cm.Tumorá : Single.Tumor size : 6.5x4.5x5.5cm.Viable tumor present- Invasive ductal carcinoma. Areas of necrosis, fibrosis, degenerated tumor cells with pyknotic nucleus and granular cytoplasm and occasional giant cells are present. MBR score : 8/9, Nuclear grade III.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Infiltrative.Deep margináááááá : 1.5cm.Muscleáááááááááááááá : Present.Adjacent breastáá : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes (Level I, II) : 13 Nodes.Size of largest node :á 3x2x1cm. Cut surface shows greywhite, necrotic, grossly appears involved.Axillary tailááááááááááááá : 8x6x4cm. Multiple large matted lymph node present.B) Level III nodes:Receivedfibrofatty tissue measuring 1.5x1x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.A)Right MRM with level I, II lymph nodes- Post NACT.:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma- Modified BR score 7(3+2+2). Grade III.-Tumor measures 6.5cm ingreatest dimension and is located in the central upper outer quadrant.- DuctalCarcinoma-In-Situ : Not present.- Lymphovascular invasion is identified.- Perineural invasion is identified.- Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.- Nipple and areola : Tumor is extending upto the epidermis of nipple and areola.Lymph nodes ( Level I,II) : 10 Nodes show metastatic deposits of viable invasive ductal carcinoma is present out of 13 nodes.Level III : One node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of one node.IMPRESSION:Right breast (Right Modified Radical Mastectomy) with Post NACT :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.Nuclear grade : IIIViable tumor present- Invasive ductal carcinoma.Maximum dimension of tumor 6.5cm.Post chemotherapy changes are present.Necrosis and degenerative cells.Tumor is infiltrating epidermis of nipple and areala.Undersurface resected margin - Free of tumor.Lymph nodes (Level I,II : 10 Nodes show metastatic deposits of viable invasive ductal carcinoma is present out of 13 nodes. Perinodal spread present.Level III nodes: One node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of one node." 5355,MRA159108,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast - post chemotherapySclerotic right iliac bone lesion - metastasisSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right iliac bone lesionGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple bony fragments measures 0.6 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue is processeMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple sclerotic bony bits and occasional bony trabeculae with bony osteocytesIMPRESSION:Right iliac bone lesion, biopsy:No cellular elements seenNo opinion possible" 5356,MRA159212,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast. SPECIMEN:Chest wall nodule, biopsy.-left MRM siteGROSS FINDINGS:Received skin covered nodule measuring 1.5x1x0.6cm.Cut surface grey white nodule measuring 0.8x0.4x0.4cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show epidermis and dermis with a cellular infiltrating into the epidermis. The cells are arranged in cords and clusters having ovoid cells with moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic to vesicular nucleus with prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with ares of hemorrhage. IMPRESSION:Chest wall nodule, biopsy :Recurrent ductal carcinoma infiltrating the overlying skin in a known case of carcinoma left breast." 5357,MRA159223,"CLINICAL DETAILS: Carcinoma right breast- cyT1N0M0.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Right MRM. Total dimensions : Medial ?lateral : 18.5cm. Superficial ?Deep : 2.5cm. Superior-Inferior : 16cm.Skin ellipse : 11x6.5cm. Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : : Single.Tumour Size : Grossly no tumor seen greywhite, fibrotic area measuring 4.5x3.5x3cm in the reetro areolar region with focal solid areas are present.Margins of tumor : Fibrotic. Deep margin : 2cm.Muscle :Absent Adjacent Breast :Fibrofatty. Total number of nodes :15 Nodes.Size of largest node : 2x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Axillary tail : 9x5x2cm.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Modified Radical Mastectomy- Post NACT: Focal areas of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.Viable tumor present measuring 0.8x0.5cm.Tumor measures 0.8x0.5cm in greatest dimension.Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not seen.Lymphovascular invasion is indeterminate.Perineural invasion is not identifiedPosterior resection margin is free of tumor Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: One lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of viable invasive ductal carcinoma out of 15 nodes (1/15). Perinodal spread not present.SUMMARY:Right breast, Modified Radical Mastectomy- Post NACT: Small viable tumor present measuring 0.8x0.5cm-Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.Lymph nodes: One lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of viable tumor out of 15 nodes (1/15). Perinodal spread not present.Size of the largest lymph node is 2x1cm." 5358,MRA159265,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Lump right breast- Post NACT.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy MRM.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 13cm. Superficial - deep : 3.5cm. Superior-inferior : 13cm.Skin ellipse : 13x6cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 2x1.7x1cm.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Infiltrative.Deep margin : 1cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 16 nodes.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.Axillary tail : 5x3x2cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Right breast, right modified radical mastectomy- Post NACT:Tumor bed : Residual viable tumor present. Invasive ductal carcinoma with mucinous areas, areas of necrosis, fibrosis and degenerated tumor cells are present.Modified BR score : 7 (3+2+2).Tumor measures 2cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Central upper quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ not present.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not present.Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 16 lymph nodes- No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:Right breast, right modified radical mastectomy- Post NACT:Tumor bed : Viable tumor present with Invasive ductal carcinoma with mucinous areas, areas of necrosis, fibrosis and degenerated tumor cells are present.Maximum dimension of tumor is 2cm.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ not present.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not present.Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.No paget's disease.Lymph nodes: 16 lymph nodes- No deposits of tumor." 5359,MRA159308,"CLINICAL HISTORY :History of Left breast carcinoma(Post MRM status).Multiple lesions in right breast - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right breast (retroareolar), Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show cores of breast parenchyma harboring neoplastic lesion arranged in cords and sheets. Individual cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma is fibrous with inflammatory cells. Crush artefacts seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma ,Right breastModified BR score is 7/9, grade IIITubule formationááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________" 5360,MRA159413,CLINICAL HISTORY :Hypoechoic lesion in left breast-suspicious. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 7 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.4 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Fragmented linear cores of breast parenchyma demonstrating focal dysplasia aggregates of round to oval neoplastic cells exhibiting moderate nuclear pleomorphism and paleá eosinophilic cytoplasm . There are foci of necrosis. Intervening areas show fibrocollagenous stroma.á á á á IMPRESSION: Biopsy from left breast lesion.á High grade Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis.No invasive component seen in the cores submitted. 5361,MRA159436,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast - modified radical mastectomy.SPECIMEN;Chest wall nodule.GROSS FINDINGS:Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x1x0.6cm.Skin measures 2.1x1cm, surface of skin is unremarkable.Cut surface shows a tiny firm fibrotic area measures 0.5x0.4x0.3cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS;Sections show skin with underlying dermis and subcutaneous tissueshowing areas of hyalinisation , focal fat necrosis and histiocyte collection. No evidence of malignancy in the sectionsexamined.IMPRESSION:Features are suggestive of therapy related changes.No evidence of malignancy in the material submitted." 5362,MRA159608,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS : Carcinoma right breast Post NACT.SPECIMEN :A) Right Breast, Wide local Excison.B) Right Axillary level I and II lymph node dissection.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Fresh tissue received : YesNumber of specimens received : 1Laterality : RightProcedure : Wide local excision.Specimen orientation : Not orientated Orientated Superior (Single white) Inferior (Double white) Medial(Single black) Lateral (Double black)Specimen size : 5.5x4.5x4 cm Skin : Present Skin dimensions : 2.8x0.7 cm Skin abnormalities : Absent Nipple : Absent Lesion(s) : AbsentNumber of macroscopically visible lesions : Areas of necrosis identified measuring 1x0.6x0.5cm.Distance of lesion from margins : Superior 0.5 cm Inferior 3.0 cm Medial 2.0cm Lateral 0.5cm Deep 3.0cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 8x7x3cm,largest lymph node measuring 2x0.8x0.7cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows small focus of residual tumor cells. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular or perineural invasion are not seen.Treatment related changes including necrosis, foamy macrophages and lymphocytes are seen.IMPRESSION:A) Right Breast, Wide Local Excision(Post NACT) :RESIDUAL INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA Definite response to presurgical therapy is seen.- Small tumor focus is seen measuring 0.3 cm in greatest dimension.- Treatment related changes are seen.- Lymphovascular or perineural invasion are not seen.- All margins of resection are free of tumor.B) Right Axillary level I and II lymph node Dissection :Nine lymph nodes are identified,negative for malignancy(0/9).Pathological Stage: ypT1aN0" 5363,MRA159774,CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast post RT - Liver lesion - metastasis.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from liver.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.7-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of liver parenchyma infiltrated by neoplasm arranged in cords and nests. The cells have pleomorphic round to irregular nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. Mitosis is discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from liver:Metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast. 5364,MRA159788,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of bilateral carcinoma breast.Left breast nodule - residual carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left breast core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 - 1.2 cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left breast core biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 5365,MRA159793,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy MRM.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 20cm. Superficial - deep : 3cm. Superior-inferior : 22cm.Skin ellipse : 14x10cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumor size : Grossly no tumor identified. Section submitted from greywhite, fibrotic areas seen in upper outer quadrant measuring 2x1x1cm, no solid tumor seen.Margins of tumor : Fibrotic.Deep margin : 2cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 14 nodes.Size of largest node : 2x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Axillary tail : 2x1x0.5cm.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed : Fibrosis, myxomatous areas, necrosis, degenerated cells, lymphocytic and foamy histiocytes collection of cells and atrophic glands. There is no evidence of Residual viable tumor.Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: One node shows fibrotic areas with foamy histiocytes, No evidence of viable tumor cells out of 14 nodes.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed : Fibrosis, myxomatous areas, necrosis, degenerated cells, lymphocytic and foamy histiocytes collection of cells and atrophic glands. There is no evidence of Residual viable tumor." 5366,MRA160119,"CLINICAL DETAILS: Carcinoma left breast- Post NACT.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received iná :á Formalin.Time of receipt at lab : 12:50pm.Procedureááá : Mastectomy.Lateralityáá : Left breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateraláááá : 15cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deep : 4.5cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferioráá : 13cm.Skin ellipseááááá :á 14X7cm.Nippleááááááááááááá : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : 2x1cm, 2cm lateral to nipple areola.Tumor size : No obvious tumor seen shows fibrosis, necrosis. No solid areas seen.Margins of tumor : Fibrotic.Deep margin : 1cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 15 nodes.Size of largest node : 1x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Axillary tail : 4x4x3cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy- Post NACT:No residual viable tumor present.Tumor bed : Fibrosis, necrosis and inflammatory cellular infiltration.Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 2 lymph nodes shows fibrotic and necrotic areas, no viable residual deposits are seen out of 15 nodes.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy- Post NACT:No residual viable tumor present.Tumor bed : Fibrosis, necrosis and inflammatory cellular infiltration.Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 2 lymph nodes shows fibrotic and necrotic areas, no viable residual deposits are seen out of 15 nodes." 5368,MRA160347,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received iná :á Formalin.Procedureááá : Mastectomy MRMLateralityáá : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateraláááá : 16cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deep : 2.5cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferioráá : 10cm.Skin ellipseááááá :á 12x4.5cm.Nippleááááááááááááá : Unremarkable.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumor size : Greywhite areas present measuring 2x2x1.5cm. No obvious tumor seen.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Deep margin : 1cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 17 nodes.Size of largest node : 3x2.5x2cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Axillary tail : 4x3x1.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple sections reveal breast parenchyma with no evidence of residual tumor.Deep margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola are unremarkable.16 right axillary lymph nodes isolated show no viable deposits of tumor.5 lymph nodes shows dense aggragtes of foamy macrophages.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:No residual tumor status post Nact.Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: Sixteen lymph nodes, no viable deposits of tumor.SUMMARY : Right MRM- No viable residual tumor seen." 5369,MRA160355,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast- Post NACT.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received iná :á Formalin.Procedureááá : Mastectomy post NACT.Lateralityáá : Left breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateraláááá : 18cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deep : 3cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferioráá : 20cm.Skin ellipseááááá :á 15.5x8cm shows dimpling of skin located at 8cm from nipple and areola. Distance between skin dimpling and tumor is 1cm.Nippleááááááááááááá : Normal.Tumorá :á Single.Tumor size : 6.5x4.5x1.5cm. Cut surface shows solid and DCIS like areas. Solid area measuring 3x2.5x1.5cm.Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 1.5cm. Muscle bundle.Muscle : Present measuring 2.5x2cm.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 17 nodes.Size of largest node : 2x1.3x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Axillary tail : 10x9x2cm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Viable invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.MBR score is 7 (3+2+2).Tumor measures 6.5cm in greatest dimension.Invasive ductal carcinoma measuring 3cm.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ present measuring 3.5cm with solid and comedonecrosis.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is free of tumor, skin over the tumor is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 5 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 17 nodes. Perinodal spread present.Size of the largest node is 2.5x2cm.SUMMARY:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Viable invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Lymph nodes: 5 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 17 nodes. Perinodal spread present.Size of the largest node is 2.5x2cm." 5370,MRA160531,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of carcinoma breast, Post left MRM.Now liver lesion - ? Metastatic.SPECIMEN:Liver lesion biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey brown linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied from the linear core biopsy bits show tumor arranged as nests, sheets composed of round to polygonal cells with scant to moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nucleus. Atypical mitosis and foci of necrosis are seen. Stroma shows fibrosis and lymphomononuclear infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Liver lesion biopsy.Metastatic deposits in a known case of carcinoma breast.Report on IHC to follow." 5371,MRA160533,"CLINICal DETAILS PROVIDED: Carcinoma of right breast- Post NACT.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy MRM Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial -lateral : 19cm. Superficial -Deep : 3cm. Superior-Inferior : 14.5cm.Skin ellipse : 15x8cm. Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : : Single. Tumour Size : Large mass is measuring 11.5x8.5x7.5cm. On sectioning revealed focal solid areas measuring 5cm, most of the tumor shows necrosis.Location of tumor : Occupying all quadrants of the breast. Margins of tumor : Well defined. Deep margin : 0.3cm.Muscle : Present, 3x3x1cm. Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Total number of nodes : 16 nodes.Size of largest node : 2.5x2x0.8cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Axillary tail : 6x4.5x2cm.Grossed by : Dr. Barsha.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Right breast, Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 3. Modified BR score 8 (3+3+2). Large areas of necrosis are present surrounding the tumor.Tumor measures 5cm in greatest dimensionand is located in the upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not present.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin 0.3cm from the tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: (Level I, III) : 16 Nodes0 No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Modified Radical Mastectomy: Viable tumor is present.Maximum dimension of the tumor viable tumor is 5cm.Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Nuclear Grade 3. Modified BR score 8 (3+3+2). Large areas of necrosis are present surrounding the tumor.Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not present.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin 0.3cm from the tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: (Level I, III) : 16 Nodes0 No deposits of tumor." 5372,MRA160546,"H16-4471SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lesion, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lesion, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2á- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 5373,MRA160547,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Complaint of left carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : FormalinProcedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá :á Modified radical Mastectomy post NACT Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá :á Leftá Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medial - lateral á áá -14cm ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á Superficial - Deepá -á 3cm áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior - Inferiorá -11cmSkin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá : 13x8.5cm,skin puckering seen lateral to nipple and areola. áá Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá : UnremarkableTumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : Single, tumor is adherent to skin Tumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá : 4.5x4x3cm áááááááááá Distance to nearest separate tumor foci (when multiple ):Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá :áá superior and central quadrant. ááááááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá áá á á á á : 0.2cmMuscleááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á á á á : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá ááááááááá : fibrofatty tissue áááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááá : 8x6x1.5cm.Total number of nodesááááááá :24 lymph nodesSize of largest nodeááááááááááá : 4x2.8x0.5cmIMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Residual poorly differentiated malignancy.Suggest IHC.Tumor measures 4.5cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the superior and central quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not identified.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 24 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 3 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 24 nodes.Perinodal spread is present.SUMMARY:Left MRM, Residual poorly differentiated malignancy - postá NACT,Grade III.Nodal metastases 3 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 24 nodes.Perinodal spread is present.Suggest IHC." 5374,MRA160578,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Known case of carcinoma breast, PO breast conservative surgery.SPECIMEN:Uterus, Cervix and Bilateral Adnexa, Hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Fresh tissue received : Yes. Procedure : Total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. Uterus dimensions: Midline fundal-serosa to ectocervix : 7.5 cmMaximum intercornual : 7 cmMaximum anterior to posterior: 5 cmCervix Dimensions : 3 x 3 cm ( Anterior-posterior x transverse)Vaginal cuff : Absent.Cervix Shape : Unremarkable.Right Ovary : Present, 3x2.5x1cm,cut surface : Unremarkable.Left Ovary : Present, 3x2x1cm,cut surface : Unremarkable.Right Fallopian tube : Present,5cm,fimbrial end identified.Left Fallopian tube : Present,5cm.Right parametrium : 1x0.5x0.5cmLeft parametrium : 0.8x0.5x0.5 cmEndometrium description:Endometrial thickness : 0.3 cmMyometrium description:Myometrial depth : 1.5cm.Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Sections from cervix show chronic papillary endocervicitis.Section from endometrium shows non secretory phase.Bilateral ovary and bilateral fallopian tubes shows unremarkable histology.IMPRESSION :Uterus Cervix and Bilateral Adnexa, Hysterectomy with Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy :Cervix : Chronic papillary endocervicitis.Endometrium : Proliferative endometrium.Right and left ovary: Unremarkable.Right and left fallopian tubes: Unremarkable.Right and left parametrium : Negative for malignancy." 5375,MRA160606,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 16cm. Superficial - deep :2.5cm. Superior-inferior : 14cm.Skin ellipse : 14.5x5cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumor : Grossly no tumor identified, no solid tumor (Representative fibrotic areas submitted from each slice).Margins of tumor : Fibrotic.Deep margin : 0.5cm (from nearest fibrotic area).Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 12 nodes.Size of largest node : 1x1x1cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.Axillary tail : 7x5x2cm.Grossed by : Dr Nidhi.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed shows fibrotic, necrotic and myxomatous areas with lymphocytic and atrophic glands. No evidence of residual viable tumor.- Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.- Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: One lymph node show fibrotic areas, no viable tumor seen out of 12 nodes.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed shows fibrotic, necrotic and myxomatous areas with lymphocytic and atrophic glands. No evidence of residual viable tumor.- Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.- Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: One lymph node show fibrotic areas, no viable tumor seen out of 12 nodes." 5376,MRA160823,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast (Post NACT).SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 19cm. Superficial - deep : 6cm. Superior-inferior : 19cm.Skin ellipse : 18x12cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumor : Single.Tumor size : Greywhite fibrotic area measuring 5x5x3cm seen in retroareolar region with focal solid area present measuring 1x0.5cm.Deep margin : 2cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 6 nodes.Axillary tail : 5x5x2cm.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Small focal areas of viable tumor cells are present invasive ductal carcinoma with ductal carcinoma-in-situ measuring 1x0.5cm.Most of the tumor shows fibrosis, necrosis, myxomatous areas and degenerated and apoptic tumor cells.Viable tumor measures 1 to 0.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Central quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ - Focal areas show ductal carcinoma-in-situ.Lymphovascular invasion is Indeterminate.Perineural invasion is Indeterminate.Posterior resectionmargin 0.3cm from the tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: One lymph nodes show fibrotic non viable area out of 6 nodes." 5377,MRA160968,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma right breast(Post NACT).SPECIMEN: Right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 6x5.5x2cm. On serial sectioning greywhite irregular mass seen measuring 2x2x1.5cm.which is located at the following distnaces from the respective margins:-Superior margin--1.5cm.Inferior margin--2cmMedial margin--2cmLateral margin--2.2cmInked margin--0.8cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 9x7x2cm .Size of largest lymph node measuring 2x1x0.5cm.Cut surface is greywhite.IMPRESSION:A) Invasive ductal carcinoma,right breastGrade 1,MBR score is 4/9Tubule formation:1Nuclear pleomorphism=2Mitotic figures:1Tumor size:2x2x1.5cm.No lymphovascular emboli seen.No perineural invasion seen.Superior,inferior,medial,lateral and deep margins are free of tumor.B) One out of 8 right axillary lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor.Perinodal spread seen.Size of the largest lymph node is 2 cms." 5378,MRA161000,CLINICAL DETAILS PROVIDED: Known case of carcinoma breast with sclerotic skeletal metastasis.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right iliac bone.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 greywhite to greybrown linear cores altogether measuring 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Predominantly necrotic and haemorrhagic tissue and an occasional fragment of fibromuscular tissue.IMPRESSION:Necrohemorrhagic tissue fragments only. No viable tumor. 5379,MRA161011,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma right breast-Post NACT.SPECIMEN: Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Right. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral:19cm. Superficial to Deep:5cm. Superior to Inferior:18cm.Skin ellipse : 12x7cm. Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.? Tumor : Single,small focus of solid area. Tumour Size : 1x1x0.8cm. Distance to nearest separate tumor foci (when multiple ): Most of the tumor shows fibrosis and necrosis, focal small solid area present.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant. Margins of tumor : Infiltrative. Deep margin : 1cm. Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Axillary tail : 5x5x4cm.Size of largest node : 1x1x0.5cm,Cut surface is greywhite.IMPRESSION:Histopathologic Examination: Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:Most of the tumor shows fibrosis,necrosis,inflammatory cells consisting of lymphocytes and histiocytes, degenerated and atrophic cells.Small focus of viable ductal carcinoma in situ present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 2 lymph nodes shows fibrotic areas,no viable tumor cells are seen out of 12 nodes.Summary: Right MRM-Post NACT, Most of the tumor shows fibrosis necrosis degenerated and atrophic cells.Small focus of viable ductal carcinoma in situ present.Nodal metastases 2 nodes shows fibrotic area,no viable tumor cells seen out of 12 nodes." 5380,MRA161127,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma Left breast post MRMSPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right axillary tailGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measure 1-1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue showingá infiltration by tumor . Tumor cells are arrangedá in cords , occasional nests, sheetsá and rare tubules . The tumor cells are cuboidal to polygonal with high N/C ratio, hyperchromaticá pleomorphic nucleiá and moderateá amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis is seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right axillary tail:Invasive carcinomaá favor ductal origin.Modified Bloom Richardson score Tubule formationá á áá á - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá - 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9Grade 2" 5381,MRA161239,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breast status post surgery.Now complaining of lump at the surgical site.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right side of anterior chest wall.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear fragments measuring 0.4 to 0.5cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of fibrous tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters and islands. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei, conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm.Lymphovascular emboli seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma suggestive ofá recurrence in a known case of carcinoma right breast, Biopsy from right side of anterior chest wall. " 5382,MRA161279,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN: A) Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.B) Radical Adnexal mass.C) Left adnexal mass.D) Trachelectomy-pelvic peritonectomy.E) Total Omentectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Time of receipt at lab : 5:30PM.Procedure : Mastectomy MRM. Laterality : Left breast. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral:14cm Superficial to Deep:2.5cm. Superior to Inferior:11cm.Skin ellipse : 13x8.5cm. Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : : SingleTumour Size : 0.6x0.5x0.5cm.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant. Margins of tumor : Ill defined. Deep margin : 2cm.Muscle : Present. Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Total number of nodes : 14 Size of largest node : 1x0.5x0.5cm,Cut surface is greywhite.Axillary tail : 6x4x1.5cm.B) Received Adnexal mass 7.5x4.5x3.5cm.Suface is nodular,no capsular breach seen,cut surface:solid greywhite area measuring 4x3.5x2cm.Cystic area yielded yellowish fluid. Fallopian tube see attached measuring 5cm,Cut surface shows obliteration of the lumen.C) Received left adnexal mass measuring 9.5x4.5x2cm.Suface nodular no capsular breach seen.Cut surface shows solid area measuring 5x3x2.5cm.Fallopian tube not identified.Cystic area yielded yellowish fluid.D) Received cervical stump measuring 3.5x3x2.5cm.Attached segment of peritoneum measuring 4x2x1cm shows cystic area measuring 2x1.5x1cm,yielded clear fluid. Cervix is grossly:Unremarkable.E) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 40x10x1cm.Multiple greybrown to greyblack nodular areas present.Larger one measuring 2x1.5x1cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Left Modified Radical Mastectomy:Multiple sections reveal breast parenchyma demonstrating small nodular deposit of neoplastic cells exhibiting round to ovoid cells with moderate to marked nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm.There are also myxoid areas.Surrounding areas show prominent lymphocytic infiltrate.Adjacent breast parenchyma is unremarkable.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion is not identified.Deep margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.14 left axillary lymph nodes are negative for malignancy.B) Right adnexal mass:Multiple sections reveal ovarian parenchyma exhibiting small foci of residual neoplastic cells consisting of ovoid cells demonstrating vesicular nuclei and eosinophilic cytoplasm.Fallopian tube also shows small focal deposits of neoplastic cells.There is extensive areas of therapy related changes with necrosis,aggregates of foamy macrophages,fibrosis and hemosiderin laden macrophages.C) Left adnexal mass:Multiple sections exhibit small foci of residual neoplastic cells consisting of nests of ovoid cells demonstrating moderate to marked atypia.There are extensive areas of necrosis,fibrosis,aggregates of foamy macrophages,hemosiderin laden macrophages.Fallopian tube is not identified.D) Tachelectomy with pelvic peritonectomy:Sections from the cervix show features of chronic cervicitis.Sections from pelvic peritoneum show fibrocollagenous tissue with areas of hemorrhage and congested vascular channels.E) Total omentectomy: Sections reveal fibrofatty tissue with small deposit of ovoid neoplastic cells.3 lymph nodes isolated are negative for malignancy(0/3).IMPRESSION:Histopathologic Examination:Left breast, Modified Radical Mastectomy: Deposit of poorly differentiated malignancy. Suggest IHC.Tumor measures 0.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant. Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not identifiedPosterior resection margin is free of tumor Nipple and areola are free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 14 lymph nodes, negative for malignancy (0/14).Summary : Left MRM , No nodal metastasis (0/14).Poorly differentiated malignancy.Suggest IHC." 5383,MRA161295,CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Left Supraclavicular lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclear and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Supraclavicular lymph node:Metastatic Carcinoma - Most possible from breast. 5384,MRA161350,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma GE junction.SPECIMEN :A) Lump left upper outer quadrant.B) Lumpectomy leftá 9 O' clockGROSS FINDINGS :A) Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 4.5x3.5x2.5cm.Cut surface shows two well circumscribed firm grey white nodules with slit like spaces. Larger one measuring 1.3x0.8x0.8cm.Distance from nearest inked margin is 0.3cm.Smaller one measuring 0.8x0.5x0.5cm.Distance from nearest inked margin is 0.1cm.Distance between nodules is 1.2cm.B) Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 5x2.5x1.5cmCut surface shows a circumscribed lesion measuring 1.3x1.5x1.2cm. gritty to cut.Distance from nearset inked margin is 0.1cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :A) Sections from both nodulesá show breast parenchyma incorporating a fairly circumicribed lesion composed of variably cellular spindle cell stroma in which benign cleft like and tubular glandular elements are present. These glandular elements are composed of single basal cell and single luminal cell large.B) Section show breast parenchyma incorporating a well circumsubed hyalinised nodule.IMPRESSION:A) Fibroadenoma, lump left upper outer quadrant.B) Fibroadenoma with extensive hyaline change, lump 9 0' clock." 5385,MRA161408,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Know case of carcinoma right breast. Discharging Sinus from chest wall wound.SPECIMEN:Sinus Tract, Excision.GROSS FINDINGS:Received skinn covered fibrofatty tissue measures 4x2.5x2 cmSkin measures 3x1.5 cm surface shows - depression measures 0.5 x0.5 cm. Sinus vaguly identified. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows stratified squamous epithelium with ulceration. Subepithelium shows tumor cells in nests and cords. á Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Background shows marked lymphocytic infiltration and congested capillaries.IMPRESSION:Sinus Tract, Excision: Suggestive of tumor deposit is a known and treated case of carcinoma breast." 5386,MRA161506,CLINICAL HISTORY :Skin nodule in a case of carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy of the skin noduleGROSS FINDINGS:Received single skin covered fibrofatty tissue measures 1x0.8x0.6cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows skin with unremarkable epidermis. The dermis shows extensive fibrosis and hyalinisationIMPRESSION:No evidence of malignancy in the material submitted 5387,MRA161577,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma Left Breast .SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy MRM.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 20cm. Superficial - deep : 4cm. Superior-inferior : 16cm.Skin ellipse : 11x5.5cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumor : Single.Tumor size : Fibrotin areas present in Upper outer quadrant measuring 1.5x1x1cm. Areas of fibrosis - No solid tumor is presentMargins of tumor : InfiltrateDeep margin : 0.5cm.Adjacent breast : Areas of fibrosis.Total number of nodes : 12 nodes.Size of largest node : 0.5x0.5x0.5cm. Axillary tail : 5x5x4cm.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Tumor:-Multiple section shows fibrotic myxomatous areas, atrophic ducts. No viable Residual tumor present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 12 lymph nodes, No metastatic deposits of tumor present .SUMMARY:Right MRM, fibrotic areas present. Mo viable Residual tumor present.Nodal metastases 12 nodes - No deposits of tumor." 5388,MRA161700,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma bilateral breast-Post NACT.SPECIMEN:B) Left MRM.GROSS FINDINGS:B) Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Left. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral:18cm. Superficial to Deep:5cm. Superior to Inferior:17cmSkin ellipse : 10.5x7.5cm. Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumour Size : 0.2x0.2x0.1cm.Distance to nearest separate tumor foci (when multiple ) : 2cm.Location of tumor : Lower inner quadrant.Margins of tumor : Infiltrating Deep margin : 1.5cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 5x3x2cm.Total number of nodes : 12 nodes.Size of largest node : 2.5x1x1cm.Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Another tiny nodule in lower central quadrant 0.8x0.4x0.3cm.(?satellite nodule).IMPRESSION:B) Histopathologic Examination:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Residual invasive carcinoma, Grade 1, status post NACT.Modified BR score is 5/9.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures : 1Tumor 1 measures 0.2cm in greatest dimension and is located in the lower inner quadrant. Tumor 2 satellite nodule measuring 0.8cm in the greatest dimension and is located in the lower central quadrant.Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ: Present.Lymphovascular invasion: Not identified.Perineural invasion: Not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 12 lymph nodes, Metastasis: Nil (0/12).Summary: Left MRM, Residual invasive carcinoma, Grade I status Post NACT.Tumor 1 measuring 0.2cm in greatest dimension.Satellite nodule tumor 2 measuring 0.8cm in the greatest dimension.Nodal metastases : Nil(0/12)." 5389,MRA161736,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN :Wide local excision,breast.GROSS FINDINGS :Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 6.5x6x2.5cm. Skin ellipse measures 3.5x1.5cm. Surface shows a linear scar measuring 1.5cm. Cut surface shows few cystic spaces with cheezy , oozing material altogether measuring 2x1.5x1.5cm.Distance from margins :Superior : 0.6Inferior : 2cm.Medial : 2.5cm.Lateral : 1.2cm.Deep : 1cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Multiple section shows dense fibrous tissue with cystic spaces showing inflammatory cells consisting of lymphocytes, plasma cells and histiocytes in proteinaceous material. There is no evidence of atypical cells or malignant cells. All resected margins show fibrocollagenous tissue and are free of tumor.IMPRESSION :Wide local excision,breast(nodule underneath scar) :Fibrosis and inflammatory cells.No evidence of malignancy Resected margins show fibrocollagenous tissue and are free of tumor." 5390,MRA161756,"H16-6445SPECIMEN: Left frontal lobe.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple greywhite to greybrown soft tissue bits altogether measuring 1.5x0.8x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.B) Received multiple greywhite to greybrown soft tissue bits measuring 2x1.5x1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show fragments of glial tissue alongwith a cellular lesion consisting of sheets of pleomorphic cells with moderate amount of pale eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm. Vague glandular pattern is identified. Nuclei show hyperchromasia, irregular contours, inconspicuous to prominent nucleoli. Brisk mitotic activity including atypical forms discerned. Foci of necrosis noted. Surrounding tissue show reactive gliosis and vascular proliferation.IMPRESSION:Histiological features are suggestive of Metastasis- Known and treated case of carcinoma breast." 5391,MRA161899,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breast post BCS.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received six grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue exhibiting sheets, cords, nests of round to oval neoplastic cells showing moderate to marked nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm with intervening desmoplastic stroma and areas of necrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lesion :Invasive carcinoma in known case of carcinoma breastModified BR score is 8/9, Grade III.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ___________ 8/9 _____________" 5392,MRA162022,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Left Breast - post NACT.SPECIMEN:Left MRM.GROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : Formaliná Procedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá :á Mastectomy post NACT Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : Left á Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medial to lateral á á -18cm áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep -á 3cmá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior - 17cmSkin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá : 12x9cm ááá Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá :Normaláááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá á Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : Not seenTumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : Single Tumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá : 2x1.8x1cm áááááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá áááááááá : Upper outer quadrant áá Margins of tumorááá ááá áá á á áá : ill defined ááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá ááááááááááá : 0.8cm Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááá : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá áááááááááá : fibrofatty tissue áááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá : 6x5x2.5cmTotal number of nodesááááááá : 15 lymph nodesSize of largest nodeááááááááááá : 2.5x1.5x1cm,cut surface shows grey white.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- Residual viable tumor present.Invasive ductal carcinoma with areas of fibrosis and necrosis. Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation: 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 2x1.5cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is present with solid and cribriform patterns.áLymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes:á 13 lymph nodes, show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 13nodes.Perinodal spread is present.Size of the biggest node is 2.5x1.5cm.SUMMARY:Left - post chemotherapy MRM, Residual viable tumor present.Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade II.Nodal metastases 13 nodes - show metastatic deposits of viable invasive ductal carcinoma out of 13 nodes. " 5393,MRA162458,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS : Carcinoma left breast(Post NACT).SPECIMEN : Left Breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinTime of receipt at lab : 5PM,28/06/16.Procedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Left. Total dimensions : Medial ?lateral : 20cm. Superficial ?Deep : 5cm Superior-Inferior: 17.5cm Skin ellipse : 18x18.5cm. Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Surface of skin shows nodularity and ulceration in the upper outer quadrant measuring 11x10.5cmTumor : SingleLocation of tumor : Upper outer quadrant. Tumour Size : 10.5 x 10 x 7 cm. Cut surface lobulated greywhite with areas of necrosis. Margins of tumor : Circumscribed Deep margin : 0.4 cm.Muscle : 9 x 5 cm.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Axillary tail : 7 x 4.5 x 2 cm.Size of largest node : 3 x 2 x 1 cm.Cut surface is greywhite.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests.Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Left Breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy(Post NACT) :RESIDUAL INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2). - Tumour is located in the upper outer quadrant. - Tumor measures 10.5 cm in greatest dimension. - Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ component is not identified. - Lymphovascular invasion is indeterminate. - Perineural invasion is not identified. - Overlying skin is involved by tumour with ulceration. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes : Two out of Seventeen lymph nodes shows metastatic tumour deposits(02/17). - Size of the larger tumour deposit measures 0.4 cm in greatest dimension. - No Extranodal Extension is identified.Pathological stage : ypT4bN1a" 5394,MRA162474,CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma left breast (post MRM)SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right axillary lesion : GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented grey white to grey brown cores messieurs 0.2-0.4Cm. Entire tissue process.á á IMPRESSION:Metastatic poorly differentiated carcinoma with clear cells.á 5395,MRA162535,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast mass.SPECIMEN: Core biopsy of left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores 0.8 to 1.0cm,Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as cords,clusters and tubules.The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic to vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm.Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma,MBR score is 6/9,Grade 2.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures:1" 5396,MRA162622,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Known case of right breast. SPECIMENá :Left axillary node, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS : Received multiple grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.8cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section studied shows linear cores of lymph nodal tissue with an infiltrating lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nucleus. Stroma is desmoplastic with areas of hemorrhage. IMPRESSION :Left axillary node, biopsy :Features favor metastatic deposits in a known case of carcinoma breast. Suggest IHC." 5397,MRA162680,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of left carcinoma breast, ? relapsed. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in trabeculae and nests. The neoplastic cells. Show increased N:C ratio, moderate nuclear pleomorphism and increased N:C ratio. Stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION:Breast biopsy (left)Invasive carcinoma NST.Suggestive of recurrence.MBR Score (3+2+2)=7/9. " 5398,MRA162774,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.4 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear core of tissue with a lesion arranged in papillary pattern, cords and sheets. Individual cells have round to oval eccentrically placed round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate to abundant amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma show fibrosis with scattered inflammatory cells.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lump:Apocrine neoplasm.Suggest larger biopsy to look for invasion." 5402,MRA163293,"CLINICAL DETAILS PROVIDED: Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMENA) Left breast (Left Modified Radical Mastectomy)B) Level III lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGSA) Laterality : Left breast Total dimensions : 17x16x4.5cm Skin ellipse : 13.5x8cm Nipple and areola : Unremarkable Scar/ Surgical defect : 3.5cm is present measuring 1cm below and medial to nipple areola. Grossly no tumor identified. Areas of fibrosis and necrosis noted in the lower inner quadrant underneath the scar measuring 3.5x1.5x3cm. Deep margin : 0.8cm, muscle identified.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Total number of nodes : 14 nodes.Size of nodes : 0.5cm to 2cm in diameter.Axillary tail : 7x5x3.5cm.Size of the largest node : 2x1x0.7cm. B) Level III lymph nodes:Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 2.5x2x1.5cm.Dissected 2 nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGSAmended on 27/08/2016Left breast (Left Modified Radical Mastectomy):Tumor bed shows fibrotic, necrotic, elastosis, inflammatory cells consisting of lymphocytes foamy histiocytes and giant cells. Atrophic ducts with degenerated cells.There is no evidence of viable residual tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Paget's disease : Absent.Deep margin : Free of tumor.Adjacent breast : Fibrocystic disease.Lymph nodes (Level I, II) : 14 Nodes.Level III lymph nodes : 2 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSIONLeft breast (Left Modified Radical Mastectomy):Tumor bed shows fibrotic, necrotic, elastosis, inflammatory cells consisting of lymphocytes foamy histiocytes and giant cells. Atrophic ducts with degenerated cells.There is no evidence of viable residual tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Paget's disease : Absent.Deep margin : Free of tumor.Adjacent breast : Fibrocystic disease.Undersurface resected margin : Free of tumor.Lymph nodes:No. of lymph nodes isolated (Level I, II) : 14 Nodes (0/14).No. of lymph nodes involved : 2 nodes- No deposits of tumor(0/2).Level III lymph nodes : 2 Nodes- No deposits of tumor(0/2)." 5405,MRA163323,"CLINICAL DETAILS PROVIDED: Carcinoma right breast (Post NACT).SPECIMENRight breast (Right Modified Radical Mastectomy)GROSS FINDINGSLaterality : Right breast Total dimensions : 17x16x3cm Skin ellipse : 12x7cm Nipple and areola : Unremarkable Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor Size : Greywhite, fibrotic and necrotic areas measuring 3x2x2cm.Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrant.Deep margin : 1cmAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 16 Nodes.Size of nodes : 0.5cm to 2cm in diameterAxillary tail : 5x4x2.5cm.Size of the largest node : 2x1.5x1cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Right breast (Right Modified Radical Mastectomy)Tumor bed shows fibrotic, necrotic, myxomatous areas, inflammatory cells consisting of lymphocytes and histiocytes, foreignbody giant cells and atrophic ducts.No residual viable tumor present.Surrounding ducts show fibrocystic changes.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Paget's disease : Absent.Deep margin : Free of tumor.Adjacent breast : Fibrotic.Lymph nodes isolated : 14 Nodes. Lymph nodes Involved : No deposits of tumor.Size of largest lymph node : 2x1cm." 5406,MRA163328,"H16-4445SPECIMEN :A) Right Breast, Right Breast Conservation Surgery(Post lumpectomy/NACT).B) Right Axillary lymph node dissection.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received breast specimen measuring 8 x 6.5 x 3.5 cm.Overlying skin ellipse measuring 4.5x1cm with linear scar measuring 4cm, cut surface shows fibrotic area measuring 2.5 x 2 x 1 cm.Distance from fibrotic areaSuperior -- 2cmInferior -- 1cmMedial -- 1cmLateral -- 1.5cmDeep -- 1cmRepresentative sections are submitted.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 9 x 8 x 4.5 cm, largest measuring 2 x 2 x 1 cm.Cut surface fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows breast parenchyma showing residual tumor cells arranged in cords and trabeculae. Individual cells are pleomorphic with scanty cytoplasm. Ductal carcinoma in situ component is seen. Adjacent areas shows fibrosis and desmoplasia. Areas of myxoid change intermixed with tumor.IMPRESSION :A) Right Breast, Right Breast Conservation Surgery(Post lumpectomy/NACT) :RESIDUAL INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). - Multiple(two) tumour foci are seen, larger foci measures 0.6 cm in greatest dimension. - Lymphovascular invasion is indeterminate. - Perineural invasion not identified. - Ductal carcinoma in situ component of cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen. - Treatment related changes are seen. - All margins of reaction are free of tumor.B) Right Axillary lymph node dissection :One out of fourteen lymph nodes shows metastatic tumour deposits(1/14). - Size of the tumour focus measures 0.3 cm in greatest dimension. - No Extranodal Extension is seen.Pathological Stage : ypT1bN1a" 5407,MRA163337,"CLINICAL DETAILS PROVIDED: Diagnosed of carcinoma right breast in DEC 2015.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin/Fresh Procedure : Mastectomy MRM. Laterality : Right. Total dimensions : Medial -lateral : 17cm. Superficial -Deep : 4.5cm. Superior-Inferior : 15cm.Skin ellipse : 13.5x8cm. Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : : Single.Tumour Size : 4.2x3x3cm.Location of tumor : Central and upper quadrant.Margins of tumor : Infiltrative. Deep margin : 0.3cm.Muscle : Present. Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Total number of nodes : 15 Nodes.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.Axillary tail : 8x5x3cm.Grossed by : Dr. Nidhi.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Right breast, Modified Radical Mastectomy: Viable tumor present.Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. Modified BR score 7 (3+2+2). Tumor measures 4.2cm in greatest dimensionand is located in the Central and upper outer quadrant. Areas of necrosis present.Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor Nipple and areola : Nilremarkable.Undersurface resected margin - Free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 13 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Modified Radical Mastectomy- Post NACT: Viable tumor present.Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Nuclear Grade 2. Areas of fibrosis and necrosis present.DCIS : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.Nipple and areola : Nilremarkable.Undersurface resected margin - Free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 13 Nodes- No deposits of tumor." 5408,MRA163344,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Small right breast lesion - ? carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear core measuring 0.4 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows extensive areas of hyperinflation, with areas of necrosis. There is also presence of multinucleated giant cell at a focal area. IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy:No evidence of malignancy in the cores submitted.á " 5409,MRA163484,CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left pelvic lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores measures 0.6 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of fibrous tissue harboring spindle cells with relatively bland nuclei and scant cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Spindle cell neoplasm ? fibroma. 5410,MRA163500,"CLINICAL DETAILS PROVIDED: Carcinoma left breast (Post lumpectomy).SPECIMENA) Left breast, Breast conservative surgery (Post lumpectomy).B) Revised superior margin.C) Left Axillary dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measuring 8x5x2.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 6.5x2.5cm. Surface shows linear scar mneasuring 4cm. Cut surface shows ill defined greywhite firm area measuring 1.5x0.8x0.5cm, located at the following distance from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 0.3cm.Inferior margin -- 1cm.Medial margin -- 1cm.Lateral margin -- 0.8cm.Deep margin -- 1.7cm.Representative sections submitted.B) Received 2 bits of fibrofatty tissues.One with attached skin measuring 4x2x0.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 4x0.5cm.Another measuring 3.5x0.5x0.5cm. C) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 6.5x4.5x2cm.Largest lymph node measuring 2.2x1.2x0.8cm. Cut surface shows greywhite areas.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section from breast shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular invasion is identified. Perineural invasion is not identified.IMPRESSION :A) Left breast, Breast conservative surgery (Post lumpectomy):INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2).- Tumor measures 1.5 cm in greatest dimension.- Lymphovascular invasion is identified.- Perineural invasion is not identified.- DCIS component is not identified.- Inferior, medial, lateral, deep margins and Overlying skin are free of tumor.B) Revised superior margin :Negative for malignancy.C) Left Axillary dissection:Five out of Seventeen lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposits with Extranodal extension(5/17).- Size of the largest tumor foci measures 1.3 cm in greatest dimension.Pathological stage : pT1cN2a." 5412,MRA163576,"CLINICAL HISTORY : A) Carcinoma left breast - post op right axillary node - ? Mets.B) Carcinoma left breast - Post op left chest wall lesion - deposit.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from right axillary and left chest wall lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 3 grey white linear core measuring 0.8 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.B) Received 3 grey white to grey yellow linear core measuring 1 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows from the right axillary lymphnode and the left chest wall lesion shows cores of tissue infiltrated by nest, cords and sheets of tumor cells. The neoplastic cells show hyperchromatic nuclei depicting moderate pleomorphism. Cytoplasm is moderate in amount. Mitotic figures discerned .Occasional foci shows necrosis.IMPRESSION:Metastatic deposit in a known case of carcinoma breast- right axillary and left chest wall lesion." 5413,MRA163601,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 19cm. Superficial - deep : 2cm. Superior-inferior : 17cm.Skin ellipse : 16X10cm.Nipple : Unremarkable.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 2.8x2x2cm.Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrant.Margins of tumor : Irregular.Deep margin : 0.5cm, muscle attached measuring 3x2.5cm.Muscle : Present.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 18 nodes.Axillary tail : 5.5x3x2cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed : Viable tumor present. Invasive ductal carcinoma with focal areas of necrosis and fibrosis present with focal mucinous areas.Modified BR score : 7 (3+2+2).Tumor measures 2.8cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper inner quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ not present.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not present.Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 18 lymph nodes- No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed : Viable tumor present. Invasive ductal carcinoma with focal areas of necrosis and fibrosis present with focal mucinous areas.Modified BR score : 7 (3+2+2).Tumor measures 2.8cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper inner quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ not present.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not present.Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 18 lymph nodes- No deposits of tumor." 5414,MRA163656,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Recurrent carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN:Wide local excision - nodule on right chest wallGROSS FINDINGS:Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measures 4x3x1.3cm, cut surface shows a firm grey white area measures 1.2x1x1cm, skin ellipse measures 4x2.7cm.Located at the following distances from the respective margins:-Superior marginááááááá - 0.5cmInferior marginááááááááá - 0.9cmMedial margináááááááááá - 1cmLateral margináááááááááá - 1cmDeep marginááááááááááááá - 0.3cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS;Tumor- Multiple and deeper section shows residual viable tumor is present showing features of invasive ductal carcinomaTubule formation " 5416,MRA163891,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right breast (post NACT).SPECIMEN:Right Modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Right. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral - 20cm Superficial to Deep - 2.5cm Superior to Inferior - 16.5cmSkin ellipse : 15.5x9cm Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : Single. Tumour Size : 5.0x4x3cm,Cutsurface shows grey white necrotic with focal solid tumor mass. Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant. Deep margin : Distance from deep margin - 0.4cmMuscle : Present -2x2cm. Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : 6x4x1.5cm.Total number of nodes : 10Size of largest node : 2.5x1.3x0.5cm.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed :- Invasive ductal carcinoma,viable tumor present.Surrounding the tumor area of necrosis, fibrosis and degenerated cells are seen, Grade II. Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3.Nuclear pleomorphism:2Mitotic figures: 2.Tumor measures 5cm with focal solid tumor is present with necrosis and fibrosis and is located in the upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ - extensive areas of ductal carcinoma insitu present with comedonecrosis.Lymphovascular invasion present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: one lymph node show metastatic deposits of viable tumor invasive ductal carcinoma out of 10 nodes(1/10).SUMMARY:Right post NACT MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma,viable tumor present with areas of necrosis and fibrosis. Grade II.Nodal metastases one node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 10 nodes.Perinodal spread is not present." 5417,MRA163905,"CLINICAL DETAILS PROVIDED: Right breast lump- 2 weeks. Dignosed as carcinoma breast. Revised NACT.SPECIMEN: Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.BREASTReceived in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Right breast. Total dimensions : Medial ?lateral : 20cm. Superficial ?Deep : 4.5cm. Superior-Inferior : 19cm.Skin ellipse : 16x5.5cm. Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : : Single.Tumour Size : 3.5x3.5x2.5cm (DCIS like area seen).Location of tumor : Inner upper quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined. Deep margin : 1.5cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Total number of nodes : 15 nodes.Size of largest node : 2x1.5x1cm.Axillary tail : 6x5x2cm.MICROSCOPIC FINFINGS:Right breast, Modified Radical Mastectomy: Viable residual tumor present.Extensive areas of ductal carcinoma-in-situ present, predominantly comedonecrosis, papillary carcinoma-in-situ and cribriform pattern.No evidence of invasive carcinoma.Tumor measures 3cm in greatest dimensionand is located in the Inner upper quadrant. Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 15 Nodes- No deposits of tumor seen (0/15).IMPRESSION:Right breast, Modified Radical Mastectomy: Viable residual tumor present.Extensive areas of ductal carcinoma-in-situ present, predominantly comedonecrosis, papillary carcinoma-in-situ (High grade) and cribriform pattern.No evidence of invasive carcinoma.Tumor measures 3cm in greatest dimensionand is located in the Inner upper quadrant. Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 15 Nodes- No deposits of tumor seen (0/15).NOTE: IHC markers to follow to rule out any micro-invasion is present." 5418,MRA163955,CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma bilateral breast post op on hormonal therapy now with right neck nodes.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right cervical lymphadenectomyGROSS FINDINGS:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows lymph nodal tissue showing infiltration by sheets and nests of atypical cells with moderate cytoplasm large vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Extra nodal spread present.IMPRESSION:Metastatic carcinomatous deposits in a known case of breast 3 out of 7 nodes shows deposits largest deposit measures 0.7cmExtranodal spread present. 5419,MRA164148,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast cancer (metachronouos contralateral).SPECIMEN:A) Left breast conservative surgery, wide local excision.Left sentinel lymph node biopsy.B) Hot node.C) Blue + hot node.D) Non blue non hot node.E) Left revised deep margin.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measures 9x7x5cm. Skin ellipse 4.5x0.5cm. Cut surface grey white lesion measures 2.5x2x1.5cm.Distance fro the margins:Superior margin -- 1cm.Inferior margin -- 1.5cm.Medial margin -- 4.5cm.Lateral margin -- 4.5cm.Deep margin -- 2cm.B) Received single lymph node measures 0.4x0.4cm. Entire tissue processed.C) Received single lymph node measures 1x0.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1x0.5cm. No definite lymph node isolated.E) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 3x0.5x0.5cm. Stitch identified. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sections from left breast conservative surgery shows tumor tissue arranged in lobules separated by fibrous septa. Lobules show glands and nests of neoplastic cells with abundant clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm, round nucleus, prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with inflammatory infiltrate composed of lymphocytes and plasma cells. Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not identified. All the resected margins (superior, inferior, medial, lateral and revised deep margin) are free of tumor.B) Section from left sentinel lymph node biopsy (hot node) shows two lymph nodes. Both are free of tumor (0/2).C) Section from sentinel lymph node biopsy (blue + hot node) shows one lymph node and it is free of tumor (0/1).D) Section from left sentinel lymph node biopsy (Non blue non hot node) shows only mature adipose tissue and fibrocollagenous tissue. No lymph node identified.E) Section from left revised deep margin shows adipose tissue. Negative for malignancy.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast conservative surgery, wide local excision:Left breast invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade 2.Invasive component measures 2.5cm in greatest dimension.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubular formation -- 3.Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2.mitotic activity -- 2. --------------- 7/9 ---------------Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.All the resected margin (superior, inferior, medial and lateral) free of tumor.Revised deep margin is free of tumor.Left sentinel lymph node biopsy.B) Hot node:Identified two lymph nodes, none show metastatic deposit of tumor (0/2).C) Blue + hot node:Identified one lymph nodes. It is free of tumor (0/1).D) Non blue non hot node:No lymph nodes identified. Only fibroadipose tissue free of tumor.E) Left revised deep margin:Negative for malignancy.SUMMARY:Left breast, invasive ductal carcinoma Grade 2." 5420,MRA164209,"H16-6209SPECIMEN:Left chest wall lesion, biopsy (In a known case of carcinoma left breast post op).GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fibrocollagenous tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Left chest wall lesion, biopsy (In a known case of carcinoma left breast post op) :Suggestive of Recurrent invasive ductal carcinoma in known and treated case of carcinoma breast. " 5423,MRA164362,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left MRM.GROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : FormalinProcedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á á : Mastectomy post NACT Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : Left á Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medialá - lateral áá - 19cmááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - Deep -á 5.5cmá ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior - Inferiorá - 14cmSkin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá : 15x10cm, skin ellipse shows a nodular growth due to underlying tumor. áááá Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá : unremarkable ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá áá Scar á á á á á á á á á á á á á áá ááá ááá : measures 3cm in lengthTumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : SingleTumor Sizeááá ááá ááá ááá á ááááááá :á 7x5.5x3cm with focal necrosis areas and solid areas are present, fibrotic and grey white. ááááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá :á central, outer and inner quadrant á Margins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á : ill defined ááááááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá ááááááááááá : 0.2cm Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á á á áá : Present, measures 2.5x1cm Adjacent Breastááá ááá áááááááááá : fibrofatty tissue áááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá : 6x5x3cm.Total number of nodesááááááá : 14 lymph nodesSize of largest nodeááááááááááá : 1.5x1x1cm, cut surface shows grey white.IMPRESSION:Left breast, left Modified Radical Mastectomy: áTumor bed:- Residual viable tumor present.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Surrounding tumor areas of necrosis, fibrosis and lymphocytic infiltration is present,Grade III. Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 3Tumor measures 7x5.5cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the central and outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not seen.áLymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is 0.2cm from the tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable, tumor is extending up to skin and infiltrating the epidermis of skin.Lymph nodes: 9 lymph nodes, show metastatic deposits of viable tumor - invasive ductal carcinoma out of 14nodes.SUMMARY:Leftá MRM post NACT, Residual viable tumor present - invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade III.Nodal metastases 9 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 14 nodes." 5424,MRA164394,"SPECIMENRight breast (Right Modified Radical Mastectomy)GROSS FINDINGSReceived in : Formalin.Time of receipt at lab : 12:42pm.Procedure : Mastectomy MRM.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 20cm. Superficial - deep : 6cm. Superior-inferior : 18cm.Skin ellipse : 13X7cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 2.5x2x2cm.Location of tumor : Central quadrant, Upper quadrant.Margins of tumor : Infiltrative.Deep margin : 1cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 16 Nodes.Size of largest node : 2.5x2x1cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Axillary tail : 5x5x4cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Right breast (Right Modified Radical Mastectomy)Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified BR score 6 (2+2+2). -Tumor measures 2.5cm with central quadrant and upper quadrant. Invasive ductal carcinoma measuring 1.5cm.- Extensive areas of Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ measuring 1cm with cribriform and papillary carcinoma-in-situ- Intermediate grade. - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. - Perineural invasion is not identified. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and areola : Unremarkable. Lymph nodes: Sixteen lymph nodes, negative for malignancy (0/16).IMPRESSION :Right breast (Right Modified Radical Mastectomy)-Maximum dimension of the tumor is 2.5cm.Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified BR score 6 (2+2+2). Invasive ductal carcinoma measuring 1.5cm.Nuclear grade II.- Extensive areas of Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ measuring 1cm with cribriform and papillary carcinoma-in-situ- Intermediate grade. - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. - Perineural invasion is not identified. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and areola : Unremarkable. Lymph nodes: Sixteen lymph nodes, negative for malignancy (0/16)." 5427,MRA164524,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast - Post BCS - post CT/RT with metastatic skin deposits.SPECIMEN:Skin nodule back, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received one skin covered soft tissue bit measures 1 x 0.8 x 0.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Skin nodule back, Biopsy :Suggestive of metastatic carcinoma in known and treated case of right breast." 5428,MRA164537,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 15cm. Superficial - deep : 3cm. Superior-inferior : 14cm.Skin ellipse : 12x10cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 3x2.5x3cm.Solid tumor mass with focal necrotic areas.Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrant.Margins of tumor : Infiltrative.Deep margin : 0.5cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 19 nodes.Size of largest node : 3x1.5x1cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Axillary tail : 5x4x2cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy Post NACT:Tumor bed : Viable tumor present. Invasive ductal carcinoma with focal areas of necrosis.Modified BR score : 8 (3+3+2).Tumor measures 3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper inner quadrant.Focal Ductal carcinoma-in-situ not seen.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are present.Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 16 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of viable tumor- Invasive ductal carcinoma out of 19 nodes.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy Post NACT:Tumor bed : Viable tumor present. Invasive ductal carcinoma with focal areas of necrosis.Modified BR score : 8 (3+3+2).Tumor measures 3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper inner quadrant.Focal Ductal carcinoma-in-situ not seen.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are present.Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 16 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of viable tumor- Invasive ductal carcinoma out of 19 nodes.Perinodal spread present.Size of the largest node is 3x1.5cm." 5429,MRA164552,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Lump left breast 4 months with lung metastases.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received iná :á Formalin.Procedureááá : Mastectomy.Lateralityáá : Left breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateraláááá : 24cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deep : 5cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferioráá : 20cm.Skin ellipseááááá :á 18x13cm. Indurated measuring 2x2cm, 2cm above nipple and areola.Nippleááááááááááááá : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumorá :á Single, solid, cystic with necrotic areas.Tumor size : 5.5x5x4cm.Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrant.Margins of tumor :á Well defined.Deep margin : 2cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 17 nodes.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x1cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.Axillary tail : 5x5x4cm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II. Areas of necrosis present surrounding the tumor.Modified BR score is 7 (3+2+2).Tumor measures 5.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper inner quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ is not seen.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 17 lymph nodes- No metastatic deposits of tumor.Pathological stage : T3N0." 5430,MRA164578,"CLINICAL DETAILS: Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN: A) Left breast (Left Modified Radical Mastectomy)- Post NACT.B) Revised lateral margin specimen of skin.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Left breast (Left Modified Radical Mastectomy):Received in : Formalin.Time of receipt at lab : 4:00PM.Procedure : Mastectomy MRM- Post NACT.Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial ?lateral : 25cm. Superficial ?Deep : 7cm. Superior-Inferior : 22cm.Skin ellipse : 18x12cm. Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen ? puckering noted.Tumor : : Single. Tumour Size : 2x2x1.5cm. Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrant. Margins of tumor : Infiltrative. Deep margin : 2cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Total number of nodes : 17 Nodes.Size of largest node : 2x1.5x1.5cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.Axillary tail : 6x6x4cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Left breast (Left Modified Radical Mastectomy): Residual viable tumor present.Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. Modified BR score 7 (3+2+2). Tumor measures 2cm in greatest dimensionand is located in the upper outer quadrant. Areas necrosis, fibrosis and degenerated tumor cells are present. Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Posterior resected margin : Free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 11 Nodes show metastatic deposits of viable tumor out of 17 nodes. Perinodal spread present.IMPRESSION:Left MRM withResidual viable tumor present.Nuclear grade II.Tumor measures 2cm in greatest dimensionand is located in the upper outer quadrant. Areas necrosis, fibrosis and degenerated tumor cells are present. Focal Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Posterior resected margin : Free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 11 Nodes show metastatic deposits of viable tumor out of 17 nodes. Perinodal spread present." 5431,MRA164658,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN :A) Wide excision of the scar. B) ? Granulation tissue in the cystic cavity. GROSS FINDINGS :A) - Received fibrofatty mass with skin flap.- Altogether measures 18x8x5cm. Skin flap measures 17x5cm. Skin flap measures 17x5cm. Skin surface shows a scar measures 12x0.3cm. (?surgical defect)Cutsurface 10 regular fibrotic well with goity areas breast and 3 nodules noted an scar.Distance from margins : Superior margin: 0.8cmInferior margin : 0.3cmMedial margin :10.5cmLateral margin : 2.5cmDeep margin : 0.2cmB) ? Granulation tissue in the cystic cavity. Received multiple grey white soft tissue bits with high and goitty areas altogether measures 3x2x1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Sections from nodules at scar site show a lesion in subepidermal region with cells in clusters, cords and trabecule. The cells have scant cytoplasm, pleomorphism, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with prominent nucleoli in few. Atypical mitosis discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic. Epidermis is free of tumor. IMPRESSION :A) Wide excision of scar with excision of cyst in lateral end of scar. Nodule at scar site - Recurrence in a known case of carcinoma right breast. Largest nodule measures 1cm. Lymphovascular invasion seen. Cyst : Giant cell reaction with chronic granulation tissue. B) Granulation tissue in cyst cavity fibrocollagenous tissue. No evidence of malignancy. " 5432,MRA164733,"CLINICAL DETAILS: Lump left breast 6 months.SPECIMEN:A) Wide excision post lumpectomy left breast.B) Left axillary clearance.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measuring 6.5x5.5x1.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 6x1cm shows a linear scar measuring 4cm.Cut surface shows ill defined greywhite fibrotic area measuring 1x1x0.8cm, located at the following distance from respective margins:-12 '0' clock margin -- 1.2cm.6 '0' clock marginá -- 1.5cm.3 '0' clock marginá -- 0.4cm.9 '0' clock marginá -- 4.5cm.Deep inked margin -- 1cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 5.5x4x3cm. Largest lymph node measuring 2x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration, greywhite deposit.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple sections reveal breast parenchyma harboring harboring a small focus of residual neoplastic cells arranged in tubules and nests consisting of ovoid to round cells demonstrating moderate nuclear atypia and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Adjacent areas show dense aggregates of foamy macrophages and fibrosis.Resected margins:-12 '0' clock margin -- Free of tumor.6 '0' clock marginá -- Free of tumor.3 '0' clock marginá -- Free of tumor.9 '0' clock marginá -- Free of tumor.Deep inked margin -- Free of tumor.10 lymph nodes isolated show no viable metastatic tumor deposits. 2 lymph nodes show aggregates of foamy macrophages.IMPRESSION:A) Wide excision post lumpectomy left breast:Small focus of viable invasive ductal carcinoma status post NACT.Residual tumor measures 0.5cm in the greatest dimension.Tubule formation á á ááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------------MBR score : 5/9, grade I.No lymphovascular invasion or perineural invasion seen.Overlying skin is free of tumor.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Left axillary clearance:10 lymph nodes isolated show no viable metastatic tumor deposits. 2 lymph nodes show aggregates of foamy macrophages." 5434,MRA164889,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast mass - carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Left Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 5435,MRA164898,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma right breast(Post NACT).SPECIMEN: Right MRM.GROSS FINDINGS:Received ináááááááááááááááááááááááá : Formalin.á Procedureáááááááááááááááááááááá á á :á MODIFIED RADICAL MASTECTOMR (MRM.) áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Lateralityáááááááááá ááá á ááá ááááá áá : Right.Total dimensionsáá á ááá ááááááá : Medial -lateral á á : 21cm áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial -Deep: 6cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-Inferiorá : 19cm.Skin ellipseáá ááá á ááá áááááááááááá : 14x7cm.Nipple áá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á : Nipple areola retracted.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Skin shows puckeringááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá (Peau de Orange) with ulceration measuring1x0.5cm.which is 1.5cm lateral to nipple ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá areola complex.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Scar/ Surgical defect áá áááááá : Not seen.Tumor :áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áá : Single.Tumour Size ááá ááá ááá ááááááááá áá : 3.5x2.5x2cm.Location of tumorááááááááááááááá :á Central quadrant,Outer quadrant,extending onto skin surface.Margins of tumor áá á ááá ááá á : Infiltrative. á áááá Deep margin áá ááá ááááááááááááá á : 2cm.Muscle áá áááááááááááááááááááááááááá á : Present. Adjacent Breastáá á ááá áááááááá : Fibrofatty.Size of largest node áá á áááá : 1x1x1cm,Cut surface: Fatty infiltration.Axillary tailáááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 5x5x4cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:H& E Section shows breastá parenchyma with skin with a cellular lesion arranged in nests,cords trabeculae and sheets.Cells are pleomorphic with hyperchromatic to vesicular nucleus with irregular nuclear contours.Stroma with prominent nucleoli and moderate to scanty eosinophilic to granular cytoplasm. Extracellular mucin is noted.Mitotic figures discerned 2-3/hpf.Stroma shows desmoplasia and myxoid change congested blood vessels seen along with foci of necrosis.Lymphovascular invasion is noted.Perinodal invasion is not identified.Tumor is seen eroding the skin.IMPRESSION:Right Breast with Axillary lymph node Right MRM(Post NACT):Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma,grade 3.MBR score is 3+2+3(8/9).Tumor measures 3.5cm in greatest dimension.Ductal carcinoma in situ: Present (Comedonecrosis).Lymphovascular invasion: Identified.Deep margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola: Unremarkable.Skin is involved by the tumor.Lymph nodes: 11 nodes identified.Four out of eleven lymph nodes show tumor deposits(4/11).Perinodal spread is identified." 5436,MRA164900,CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast (post NACT)SPECIMEN: Left axillary lymph node dissectionGROSS FINDINGS:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 8x7x3cm. Largest lymph node measures 1.5x1x0.8cm. Cut surface shows grey brown appearance. Isolated 8nodes.(Note: less number of lymph nodes dissected)MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:2 nodes shows fibrotic areas - Non viable tumor areas out of 8 nodes dissected. 5437,MRA165044,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma breast with spinal metastases.SPECIMEN:D8 to D10 laminectomy and epidural mass.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received single tiny soft tissue bits measuring 0.9x0.5x0.2cm. Entire tissue processed.B) Received multiple greywhite and cortilagenous tissue fragments altogether measuring 0.8x0.8x0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.C) Received multiple greywhite to greybrown soft tissue bits altogether measuring 0.8x0.7x0.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) The section show fibrofatty and fibrocollagenous tissue and muscular tissue. There is no evidence of malignancy.B) The section shows fibrocollagenous and cartilagenous tissue. No tumor is seen.C) The section show fibrocollagenous and cartilagenous tissue. No tumor cells seen.IMPRESSION:The section from the 3 tissues show fibrocollagenous, fibrofatty and Muscle tissue. No tumor seen." 5438,MRA165118,"CLINICAL DETAILS: Carcinoma of Left breast Post NACT. SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received inááááááááááá á á á áá :á Formalin.Time of receipt at laá á á á : 1:30pm,2-6-2016Procedureá á á á á á á á á á áá : Mastectomy post NACT.Lateralityáááááááááááááááááááááááá : Left breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateralááááááááááááááááá : 18.5cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial-deepááááááááááááá : 6cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferiorááááááááááááá : 19cm.Skin ellipseááááááááááááááááááááá :á surface shows irregularity overlying the tumor skins measuring 19X5cm.Nippleááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defectáááááá : Not seen. Tumorááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Single.Tumor sizeáááááááááááááááááááááá : 8x7.5x5cm.Location of tumoráááááááááááá : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumorááááááááááááá : illdefined.Deep margin á á á á á á á á áá :1cm.Muscleááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Present measuring 10x8cm.Adjacent breastááááááááááááááá : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodesááááá : 18 nodes.Size of largest nodeááááááááá : 2.5x1.5x1.5cm. Cut surface shows tumor deposit.Axillary tailáááááááááááááááááááááááá : 6.5x6x2.5cm.Distance between tumor and skin - " 5439,MRA165130,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast conserving surgery with Adjuvant chemo.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Wide Excision (Post OP & Chemo).GROSS FINDINGS:Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measuring 5 x 4.5 x 2 cm.Skin measures 4 x 5 cm.Cut section shows grey yellow area measuring 1x0.7x0.5cm, located at the following distance from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 1.5cm.Inferior margin -- 2cm.Medial margin -- 1.6cm.Lateral margin -- 2.2cm.Deep margin -- 0.6cm.Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows no residual tumor cells. Treatment related changes are seen including lymphocytes, macrophages and congested capillaries.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Wide Excision (Post OP & Chemo):No Residual Tumor is seen.- Treatment related changes are seen.- All margins of resection are free of tumor." 5440,MRA165132,"CLINICAL DETAILS: Carcinoma left breast- Post NACT.SPECIMEN:A) Wide local excision- Lumpectomy.B) Revised inferior margin.C) Left axillary lymph node dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measuring 6x4x2cm.Skin ellipse measures 3x0.3cm. Cut surface shows greywhite lesion with areas of hemorrhage measuring 1.5x1.5x1.5cm. Areas of fibrosis noted in the medial and lateral margins:-Superior margin -- 1cm.Inferior margin -- 0.8cm.Medial margin -- 1.2cm.Lateral margin -- 1.5cm.Deep margin -- 1cm.Entire greywhite area submitted.B) Revised superior margin- Inked away from tumor:Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 3.5x2x1cm. Cut surface shows grossly no tumor. Entire tissue processed.C) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue altogether measuring 8x5x2cm.Largest lymph node measuring 2x1.5x1cm. Cut surface shows greywhite to greybrown.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Wide local excision- Lumpectomy:Tumor bed : Invasive ductal carcinoma- Viable tumor present.The section shows clumps and groups of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus with eosinophilic cytoplasm. Areas of fibrosis and necrosis are present.Tubular formation <10% : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------------------ 7/9 ------------------Grade II.DCIS : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Present.Perineural invasion : Present.Resected margins:-Superior margin -- Involved by the tumor.Inferior margin -- Free of tumor.Medial margin -- Free of tumor.Lateral margin -- Free of tumor.Deep margin -- Free of tumor.B) Revised superior margin:The section shows ducts wit adenosis and fibrofatty and fibrocollagenous tissue. There is no evidence of malignancy.C) Left axillary lymph node dissection:One node shows metastatic deposits of viable invasive ductal carcinoma out of 13 nodes.IMPRESSION:Wide local excision- Lumpectomy with Invasive ductal carcinoma, viable tumor present.Maximum dimension of tumor is 1.5x1.5cm.DCIS : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Present.Resected margins:-Superior margin -- Involved by the tumor.Inferior margin -- Free of tumor.Medial margin -- Free of tumor.Lateral margin -- Free of tumor.Deep margin -- Free of tumor.Revised superior margin- Free of tumor.Lymph nodes:One node shows metastatic deposits of viable invasive ductal carcinoma out of 13 nodes.Perinodal spread present.Size of the biggest node is 2x1.5cm." 5441,MRA165166,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Case of right carcinoma breast-Post NACT.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin/Fresh Procedure : MR Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Right. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral-- 17cm. Superficial to Deep--4cm. Superior to Inferior-- 17cm.Skin ellipse : 15x11cm. Nipple and areolar : Unremarkable.Tumor : Single/multiple Tumour Size : 1.5 x 0.8 x 0.7 cm,surrounded by dense greywhite fibrotic areas. Location of tumor : Retroareolar. Margins of tumor : Ill defined. Deep margin : 1.5cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofattty tissue. Axillary tail : 7x6x3cm.Total number of nodes : 17 (Specify if Sentinel nodes sent )Size of largest node : 2.5x1.5x1cm,cut surface: greywhite.IMPRESSION: Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy : INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2). - Tumor is unifocal and is located in the retroareolar area. - Tumor measures 1.5 cm in greatest dimension. - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. - Perineural invasion is not identified. - Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ of solid, cribriform and comedo pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and Areola are free of tumor.Lymph nodes : Nine out of Seventeen lymph nodes shows metastatic tumour deposits with Extranodal Extension(09/17). - Size of the largest tumour deposit measures 1.4 cm in greatest dimension.Pathological stage : ypT1cN2aSummary: Right MRM, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.Nodal metastases 9/17." 5443,MRA165299,"CLINICAL DETAILS : Carcinoma left breast- Post NACT.SPECIMEN :Left Breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 20cm. Superficial - deep : 7cm. Superior-inferior : 16cm.Skin ellipse : 17 X 10 cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 4 x 3 x 2 cm.Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Infiltrative.Deep margin : 2 cm.Muscle : Present measuring 5 x 2 cm.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 16 nodes.Size of largest node : 2 x 1 x 1 cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.Axillary tail : 5 x 5 x 4 cm.IMPRESSION :Left Breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy(Post NACT) :RESIDUAL INVASIVE DUSCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2). - Tumour is unifocal and is located in the lower outer quadrant. -Tumor measures 4 cm in greatest dimension. - Lymphovascular invasion is identified. - Perineural invasion is indeterminate. - Ductal carcinoma-in-situ of solid, cribriform and comedo pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor and is 2 cm away from the tumor. - Nipple and Areola is INVOLVED BY CARCINOMA.Lymph nodes : Twelve out of twelve lymph nodes show metastatic tumour deposits with extra nodal extension(12/12). - Size of the largest tumour deposit measures 0.8 cm in greatest dimension.Pathological stage : ypT4bN3a" 5444,MRA165313,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Known case of carcinoma rectum - Post surgery and chemotherapy.Now complaining of lump in right breast. Mammo/USG - ? fibroadenoma in right breastSPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 tiny grey white tissue fragments altogether measuring 0.3 x 0.2 x 0.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:section shows occasional ductules lined by cuboidal epithelium in a fibrocollageous stroma. No atypia seen.IMPRESSION:Right breast Lump, Biopsy :Shows few ductules suggestive of benign breast tissue.No definite evidence of invasive malignancy.Suggest excision of the lump for further confirmation." 5446,MRA165364,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Time of receipt at lab : 5:00pm.Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 23cm. Superficial - deep : 6cm. Superior-inferior : 21cm.Skin ellipse : 14x8cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumor : Single.Tumor size : Residual tumor present measuring 1.5x1x0.8cm.Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrant, Central quadrant.Margins of tumor : Infiltrative.Deep margin : 2cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 18 nodes.Size of largest node : 3.5x2.5x1.5cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.Axillary tail : 5x5x3cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed : Residual viable tumor present.Invasive ductal carcinoma with areas of fibrosis and necrosis.Tumor measures 1.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper inner quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ, comedo pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are present.Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 13 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of viable tumor deposits- Invasive ductal carcinoma are present out of 18 nodes.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed : Residual viable tumor present measuring 1.5cm with.Invasive ductal carcinoma with areas of fibrosis and necrosis.Nuclear grade II.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ, comedo pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are present.Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 13 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of viable tumor deposits- Invasive ductal carcinoma are present out of 18 nodes.Perinodal spread present.Size of the largest node is 3.5x2.5cm." 5447,MRA165444,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Lump right breast - Post NACT.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received iná :á Formalin.Procedureááá : Mastectomy MRM.Lateralityáá : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateraláááá : 17.5cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deep : 3cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferioráá : 15cm.Skin ellipseááááá :á 13.5x8cm.Nippleááááááááááááá : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumorá :á Single.Tumor size : 3x2.5x2cm with areas of necrosis and fibrosis, focal areas of solid tumor seen.Location of tumor : Central outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Well defined.Deep margin : 0.5cm.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 16 nodes.Size of largest node : 3x2.5x2cm. Cut surface shows greywhite, greyyellow.Axillary tail : 6x5x3cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Right breast, right modified radical mastectomy- Post NACT:Tumor bed shows focal areas of viable invasive ductal carcinoma present with areas of necrosis and fibrosis.Modified BR score : 7 (3+2+2).Tumor measures 3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Lower outer quadrant.Focal Ductal carcinoma-in-situ not present.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not present.Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 16 lymph nodes- No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:Right breast, right modified radical mastectomy- Post NACT:Tumor bed shows focal areas of viable invasive ductal carcinoma present with areas of necrosis and fibrosis.Modified BR score : 7 (3+2+2).Maximum dimension of tumor 3cm.Focal Ductal carcinoma-in-situ not present.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not present.Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable. Paget's disease not seen.Lymph nodes: 16 lymph nodes- No deposits of tumor." 5448,MRA165447,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma left breast Post NACT.SPECIMEN: A) Left modified radical mastectomy.B) Level III axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received in : Formalin Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Left MRM.Total dimensions : Medial ?lateral:29cm. Superficial ?Deep:3cm. Superior-Inferior:21cm.Skin ellipse : 18x14cm. Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Puckring,scerring seen on skin near areola measuring 2.5cm.Tumor : : Single.Tumour Size : Grossly no tumor seen cystic fibrotic area seen measuring 6x4.2x3cm.Location of tumor : Lower inner quadrant. Margins of tumor : Fibrotic Deep margin : 2cm,muscle measuring 2.5x1cm.Muscle : Present/Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty Total number of nodes : 14.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.8cm.Cut surface: Fatty infiltration.Axillary tail : 10x8x2cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3x2x1cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1.2x0.7x0.5cm. Cut surface shows greywhite to greybrown. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed: Fibrotic, myxomatous, necrosis and inflammary cellular infiltration count of lymphocytes, histiocytes and plasma cell and atrophilic glands. Surrounding breast shows fibrocystic change and adenoma.No residual viable tumor.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 14 lymph nodes- No deposits of tumor.Summary:Right breast,Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.Tumor bed: No residual viable tumor present.Nodal metastases : 14 Nodes-No deposits of tumor." 5449,MRA165498,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of Carcinoma BreastSPECIMEN:Liver lesion, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of liver parenchyma harboring tumor infiltrating as nests and sheets composed of polygonal cells with hyperchromatic, pleomorphic nucleus, marked pleomorphism and moderate eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm. Foci of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Liver lesion, Biopsy:Suggestive of Metastatic deposit in a known case of Carcinoma Breast." 5450,MRA165500,"CLINICAL DETAILS: Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received iná :á Formalin.Procedureááá : Mastectomy MRM.Lateralityáá : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateraláááá : 16cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deep : 5cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá áSuperior-inferioráá : 16cm.Skin ellipseááááá :á 15.5x6cm.Nippleááááááááááááá : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumorá :á Single.Tumor size : 2.3x2.2x1.5cm.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Infiltrative.Deep margin : 1.3cm.Muscle : AbsentAdjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 7 nodes.Size of largest node : 1x0.5x0.5cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.Axillary tail : 5x3x2cm.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Residual Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IIModified BR scoreá : 7 /9 (Mitoses:2 ,Tubule formation:2 , Nuclear pleomorphism 3)Tumor measures 2.3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the lower outer quadrant.Extensive Ductal carcinoma-in-situ with comedonecrosis present (High grade).Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor and is 2cm away from the tumor.Nipple and areola : UnremarkableLymph nodes: 8 lymph nodes, Metastasis 0 (0/8)." 5451,MRA165539,"CLINICAL DETAILS: Carcinoma left breast (Post NACT).SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Time of receipt at lab : 5:10pm.Procedure : Mastectomy Post NACT.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 11cm. Superficial - deep : 2cm. Superior-inferior : 8cm.Skin ellipse : 9x5cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumor size : 1.5x1.5x1cm.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Illdefined.Deep margin : 0.5cm.Muscle : Present - 2.5x2cm.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 17 nodes.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows grey white.Axillary tail : 3.5x3x1.5cm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed: Invasive ductal carcinoma,viable tumor present with areas of fibrosisand necrosis, Grade IIModified BR score : 7/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 1.5x1.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : present shows solid, cribriform and few ducts with camedonecrosis.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are present.- Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.- Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 3 lymph nodes,show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 17nodes.SUMMARY:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed: Invasive ductal carcinoma,viable tumor present with areas of fibrosisand necrosis, Grade II.Lymph nodes: 3 lymph nodes,show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 17nodes." 5452,MRA165611,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -24cm Superficial - Deep - 6cm Superior - Inferior -16cm Skin ellipse :19x14cm, thickening of overlying skin around nipple and areola -shows focal ulceration. Nipple : firmScar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : showing grey white area Location of tumor : upper central quadrant measures 4x3.5x3x2.5cm Margins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 2.5cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 5x3x2cmTotal number of nodes : 12 lymph nodesSize of largest node : 0.5x0.5x0.3cmIMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- Focal areas of viable tumor present.Invasive ductal carcinoma with areas of fibrosis,necrosis and inflammation cells. Tumor is extending up to areola and skin, in focal areas resulty in ulceration, grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 3.5x3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is tumor is overlying to and infiltrating the epidermis of areola of skin.Lymph nodes: 5 lymph nodes, show focal areas of metastatic deposits of viable tumor cells with fibrotic areas out of 13 nodes. SUMMARY:Right - post NACT MRM, focal areas of viable tumor present - invasive ductal carcinoma.Areas of fibrotic,necrotic and degenerated cells present.Nodal metastases 5 nodes show focal areas of viable tumor deposits are present out of 13nodes." 5453,MRA165753,CLINICAL DETAILS: Carcinoma right breast (post NACT). 5454,MRA165754,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast- Post NACT.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 18cm. Superficial - deep : 4.5cm. Superior-inferior : 16cm.Skin ellipse : 14x10.5cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 3x2.5x3cm.Location of tumor : Central quadrant.Margins of tumor : Infiltrative.Deep margin : 2cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 14 nodes.Size of largest node : 2.2x1.5x1cm. Cut surface shows greywhite, necrotic area.Axillary tail : 5x4x3cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy- Post NACT:Tumor bed : Viable tumor present. Invasive ductal carcinoma with focal areas of necrosis and fibrosis is present.Modified BR score : 7 (3+2+2).Tumor measures 3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central quadrant.DCIS is not present.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are present.Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 4 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of viable tumor- Invasive ductal carcinoma out of 14 nodes. Perinodal spread present.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy- Post NACT:Tumor bed : Viable tumor present. Invasive ductal carcinoma with focal areas of necrosis and fibrosis is present.Tumor measures 3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central quadrant.Modified BR score : 7 (3+2+2).nuclear grade IIAreas of fibrosis and necrosis present surrounding the tumor.Lower inner quadrant- Fibrotic area seen- No tumor present.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are present.Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable, No paget's disease.Lymph nodes: 4 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of viable tumor- Invasive ductal carcinoma out of 14 nodes. Perinodal spread present.Size of the largest node is 2.2x1.5cm." 5455,MRA165776,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma Right breast.SPECIMEN: A) Right breast lump wide local excision.B) Right axillary lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 6x4.5x4cm.Skin ellipse measuring 4.5x1.5cm,on serially section shows an illdefined yellowish area measuirng 0.5x0.5x0.5cm.Adjacent breast shows elastotic greywhite area.Located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin--2cm.Inferior margin--0.8cm.Medial margin--2cm.Lateral margin--2cm.Deep margin--0.9cm.Grossly no tumor seen.Greywhite fibrotic area seen.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 11x6.5x1.5cm.Largest lymph node measuring 2x1x0.5cm.Cut surface:Fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Multiple sections reveal tiny focus of ductal carcinoma-in-situ amidst foamy macrophages.There are also areas of hyalinization and scattered lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not identified.The superior,inferior,medial,lateral and deep margins are free of tumor.B) Right axillary lymph nodes:Total no. of lymph nodes isolated:14.Total no. of lymph nodes involved:00.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast lump wide local excision:Small focus of residual DCIS measuring 0.4cm states Post-NACT.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not identified.Resected margins: Superior margin--Free of tumor. Inferior margin--Free of tumor. Medial margin--Free of tumor. Lateral margin--Free of tumor. Deep margin--Free of tumor.B) Right axillary lymph node:Total no. of lymph nodes isolated:14.Total no. of lymph nodes involved:00." 5456,MRA165867,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast carcinoma recurrence in axilla. SPECIMEN :Right axillary lymphaticsGROSS FINDINGS :Fibrofatty tissue measures 5x5x2cm. Resected only few lymphnodes cells fibrotic areas and small cystic spaces are present. All the margins show fibrofatty tissue.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Multiple sections shows three lymphnodes showing fibrotic areas with histocytes and hemosiderin pigment. Cystic spaces with foamy macrophages are present. There is no evidence of tumor present. All the margins show fibrofatty tissue. IMPRESSION:Wide local occasion of Right Axilla:Three fibrotic nodes with cystic areas are noted.No evidence of residual viable tumor present. 5457,MRA165935,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Complaint of right locally advanced carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial -lateral - 19cm Superficial -Deep - 5cm Superior-Inferior - 16cmSkin ellipse : 16x9.5cm Nipple : Normal Tumor : SingleTumour Size : 6x4x4cm Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant Margins of tumor : Illdefined,infiltrative Deep margin : 1cm Muscle : Present measuring 4x2cm Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : 12x9x3.5cm.Total number of nodes : 25 lymph nodes Size of largest node : 2x2x1.8cmIMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed :- Invasive ductal Carcinoma,viable tumor present,focal areas of fibrosis and necrosis is present,Grade III. Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 3Tumor measures 6x4cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is present- low grade - solid type.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 4lymph nodes, Metastasis:deposits of tumor out of 25 nodes.Perinodal spread is present.Size of the biggest node is 2x2cm. SUMMARY:Right - post chemotherapy MRM,Invasive ductal carcinoma- viable tumor present,Grade III.Nodal metastases 4 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 5 nodes." 5458,MRA165946,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right Breast - post lumpectomy.Post chemotherapy.SPECIMEN:Right MRM.GROSS FINDINGS:Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy, post simple mastectomy status.Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -11cm Superficial - Deep - 4cm Superior - Inferior - 10.5cmSkin ellipse : 10.5x8cm Nipple and areoala : AbsentScar - linear : 3.5cm, in central quadrantTumor : grossly no tumor identified, only fibrotic and fibrofatty tissue.Location of tumor : central quadrant Margins of tumor : fibrofatty Deep margin : free of tumor Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 5x4x1.5cmTotal number of nodes : 15 lymph nodesSize of largest node : 4x2x1.5cm, cut surface shows cystic,necrotic appearance.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- fibrotic,necrosis,atrophic ducts.No evidence of residual tumor.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 1 node shows metastatic deposits of tumor- Viable tumor - Invasive ductal carcinoma out of 15 nodes. Perinodal spread is present.Size of the biggest node is 4x2cm.SUMMARY:Right MRM post lumpectomy - post chemotherapy, No residual viable tumor present.Nodal metastases 1 node shows metastatic deposits of viable tumor- Invasive ductal carcinoma out of 15 nodes.Perinodal spread is present." 5460,MRA165977,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Lump right breast- recently noticed clinically / Carcinoma right breast T3N1Mx- Post NACT.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Time of receipt at lab : 3:30pm.Procedure : Mastectomy MRM.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 16cm. Superficial - deep : 3cm. Superior-inferior : 12cm.Skin ellipse : 11x5.5cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 4x2.8x2.5cm. Cut surface of tumor greywhite with focal fibrotic and necrotic areas.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 0.5cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 18 nodes.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.Axillary tail : 9x6x1.5cm.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma- viable tumor present, grade III.Tumor measures 4x2.8cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are present.Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 2 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of viable invasive ductal cacinoma out of 18 nodes.Perinodal spread present.Size of the largest node is 1.5x1cm.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma- viable tumor present, grade III.Lymph nodes: 2 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of viable invasive ductal cacinoma out of 18 nodes.Perinodal spread present.Size of the largest node is 1.5x1cm." 5461,MRA165978,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Patient is a known case of carcinoma left breast, post OP ,post RT with a suspicious left cervical lymph node.SPECIMEN:Left cervical lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fibrofatty tissueá altogether measuring 1.3x1x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section reveals twoá lymph nodes infiltrated by nests, islands and tubular configuration of round to oval neoplastic cells harboring vesicular nuclei exhibiting moderate nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm amidst a desmoplastic stroma. Perinodal spread is noted.IMPRESSIONLeft cervical lymph node:The features are suggestive of Metastatic carcinoma iná known and treated case of carcinoma breastSuggest IHC" 5462,MRA165980,"CLINICAL DETAILS : Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN : A) Left Breast, Breast Conservation surgery (Post Lumpectomy and Post NACT).B) Left Axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 9.5 x 7 x 2.5 cm.Skin ellipse measures 5x1cm.Scar measuring 2.5 cm, cut surface shows ill-defined greywhite area measuring 1 x 0.8 x 0.5 cm, located at the following distance from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 2cm.Inferior margin -- 1.5cm.Medial margin -- 4cm.Lateral margin -- 1.5cm.Deep margin -- 2cm.B) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue altogether measuring 10x8x2cm.Isolated 6 lymph nodes, largest lymph node measuring 1.5x1x0.2cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows residual tumor cells in cords and singly scattered pattern. Individual tumor cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular or perineural invasion are not identified. Treatment related changes are seen including fibrosis, multinucleated giant cells, pigmented macrophages and lymphocytes.IMPRESSION :A) Left Breast, Breast Conservation Surgery (Post Lumpectomy and Post NACT) :RESIDUAL INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2.Definite response to presurgical therapy is seen.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1).- Tumor measures 1.0 cm in greatest dimension.- Treatment related changes are seen.- Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.- Perineural invasion is not identified.- All margins of resection are free of tumor.B) Left Axillary lymph nodes :Ten lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy (0/10).Pathological stage : ypT1bN0" 5463,MRA166040,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Endometrial lesion, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey brown fibrofatty tissue measures 0.2x0.2x0.1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows strips of stratified squamous epithelium with minimal subepithelial. No definite evidence of malignancy is seen.IMPRESSION:Endometrial lesion, Biopsy:Shows only strips of squamous epithelium.No atypia is seen." 5464,MRA166062,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Complaint of Right carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Procedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : Modified Radical Mastectomyá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá ááá Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medial - lateral á á - 17cm ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - Deepá - 6cmá ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior - Inferiorá - 15cmSkin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá : 13 x 10 cm,3 cm scar seen in outer quadrant situated 4cm from nipple areola. ááá Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá : Unremarkable Tumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá : 4 x 3 x 2 cm áááááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá áááááááá :á upper outer quadrantááááá Margins of tumor á á á á á á á áá : ill defined áá Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á á á áá : Present measures 3 x 2 cm ááááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááá : 8 x 7 x 3 cmTotal number of nodesááááááá : 26 lymph nodes á Size of largest nodeááááááááááá : 1.5 x 1 x 0.8 cmRepresentative sections are submitted.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy(Post NACT) :RESIDUAL INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 3. No definite response to treatment is seen.á - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8(3+2+3).á - Tumor is unifocal and located in the upper outer quadrant. á - Tumor measures 4 cm in greatest dimension.á - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.á - Perineural invasion is not identified.á - Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not seen.á - Nipple and Areola are free of tumor.á - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: áTwenty six lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy(0/26). Pathological stage : ypT2N0SUMMARY:Right Breast MRM, Residual invasive ductal carcinoma,Gradeá III.ááááááááááááááááá " 5466,MRA166192,"H16-3415SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with neoplastic cells as diffusely scattered and few in tubules displaying round to oval dak nuclei moderate cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Suggestive of Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 5/9, grade 1Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 __________ 5/9 ____________Ductal carcinoma in situ not seen.Lymphovascular invasion not seen.Perineural invasion not seen." 5467,MRA166195,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma right breast,Post CT.SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin/Fresh Procedure : MR Mastectomy.Laterality : Right. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral-- 15cm. Superficial to Deep-- 9cm. Superior to Inferior-- 4cm.Skin ellipse : 12x7cm. Nipple : NormalScar/ Surgical defect : Not present.Tumor : Single/multiple Tumour Size : Location of tumor : Nodular greywhite area seen in inner upper quadrant. Margins of tumor : Larger measuring 2.5x1.3x1cm.cut surface : greywhite. Deep margin : 0.9cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 9x5x2cm.Total number of nodes : 17 nodes.Size of largest node : 1.4x1x0.9cm,cut surface : greybrown.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections reveal breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in tubules,nests,sheets consisting of oval to cuboidal cells demonstrating moderate atypia and eosinophilic cytoplasm.There are prominent areas of necrosis,fibrosis,therapy related changes and mixed inflmmatory infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Right breast,Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Residual invasive carcinoma status post NACT, Grade II.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation: 2.Nuclear pleomorphism: 2.Mitotic figures: 2.Tumor measures 2.5cm in greatest dimension. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is present.Lymphovascular invasion is identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 17 lymph nodes- No metastatic deposits of tumor (0/17). Summary: Right MRM,Residual invasive carcinoma,status post NACT.Lymph nodes: 17 lymph nodes- No metastatic deposits of tumor (0/17). " 5468,MRA166197,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma right breast-Post NACT.SPECIMEN: A) Right breast wide excision.B) Right axillary lymph node dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 9x6.5x3cm.Skin ellipse measuring 6.5x3cm.On serial sectioning,identified a greywhite area measuring 2x1.5x0.8cm.located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin-0.7cm.Inferior margin-3cm.Medial margin-3cm.Lateral margin-2cm.Deep margin-1cm.Muscle measures 3x2x0.8cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 9x7x3cm.Largest lymph node measuring 2x1x0.8cm.Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sections from tumor shows breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as tubules,clusters and cords.The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate to marked nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei,conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm.Lymphovascular emboli seen.B) 14 lymph nodes from right axillary lymph node dissection are free of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Invasive ductal carcinoma,right breast wide excisionMBR score is 7/9,Grade 2.Tumor size:2x1.5x0.8cm.Tubule formation:3Nuclear pleomorphism:2Mitotic figures:2Tumor size:2x1.5x0.8cm.All resected margins including deep are free of tumor.B) 14 lymph nodes from right axillary lymph node dissection are free of tumor." 5469,MRA166213,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast- Post excision.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 14cm. Superficial - deep : 3cm. Superior-inferior : 18cm.Skin ellipse : 11x6.5cm. Scar present below nipple and areola.Nipple : Normal.Healed Scar : Present measuring 3.5cm is seen 3cm below nipple and areola.Tumor : No tumor identified shows fibrotic areas, no solid tumor is seen.Deep margin : 2cm from fibrosis.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 19 nodes.Size of largest node : 2.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.Axillary tail : 7x7x3cm.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy- Post excision:Tumor bed : No Residual viable tumor present.Areas of fibrosis, necrosis and myxomatous areas and inflammatory cells seen.Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: One lymph nodes shows metastatic deposits of tumor deposits out of 19 nodes.SUMMARY: Right MRM- Post excision- No residual tumor present.Nodal metastases : One node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 19 nodes.Perinodal spread present.Size of the biggest node is 2.5x1cm." 5470,MRA166369,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received ináá ááá ááá ááá áá á áá : Formalin.Procedureáá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá áá : MR Mastectomy-Post CT.Lateralityáá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á :á Right.á áTotal dimensionsáá ááá ááá ááá :á Medialá to lateral--17cm. ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep--4cm.áá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior--12cm. Skin ellipseáá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á : Ulceration and hypopigmented area in outer quadrant,15x5cm,áá áNippleáá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á áá áá :á Unremarkable.Scar/ Surgical defectáá áááá : Not seen.Tumour Sizeáá ááá ááá ááá áá áá : Small focus of solid tumor mass is present measuring 0.5x0.5cm. áááááááá Distance to nearest separate tumor foci (when multiple ): Fibrotic areas with focal small solid areas are seen measuring 0.5x0.5cm.Location of tumoráá ááá ááá á : Lower outer quadrant.á áMargins of tumoráá ááá ááá áá :á Fibrotic.ááááááááá áDeep margináá ááá ááá ááá ááá á: 0.5cm from fibrotic area.Muscleáá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á áá áá : Absent Adjacent Breastáá ááá ááá ááá :á Fibrofattyáááááá áAxillary tailáá ááá ááá ááá ááá á áá : 7x5x3cm.Size of largest nodeáá ááá á : 1.3x1x1cm,cut surface : Greywhite.IMPRESSION:Right breast,á Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor Bed:Small focus of viable tumor cells present,Invasive ductal carcinoma measures 0.5x0.5cm.Most of the tumor shows fibrotic and necrotic areas,inflammatory cells foreign body giant cells are seen.Tumor measures 0.5cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the lower outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 2 nodes show fibrotic areas,non viable tumor out of 17 nodes.Summary: Right MRM-Post NACT. Small foci of invasive ductal carcinoma is present measures 0.5x0.5cm Most oo the tumor shows fibrosis and necrosis.Nodal metastases 2 nodes show fibrotic areas with non viable tumor cells are seen out of 17 nodes." 5471,MRA166388,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breastNow presented with right chest wall mass ? recurrence.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right chest wall mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue is processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores from chest wall shows sheets of atypical cells with abundant cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nucle . Foci of immature and mature osteoid formation Lobules of cartilage are seen These cells are admixed with multinucleated giant cells and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Mitotic activity is discerned.IMPRESSION:Right chest wall mass, known case of carcinoma breast.Features are suggestive recurrence of disease in a treated case of metaplastic carcinoma." 5472,MRA166676,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breast - post Breast conservative surgerySPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.0cm.Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous and adipose tissue harboring an infiltrating cellularlesion arranged in sheets. The cells are polygonal having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromaticnucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with areas ofhemorrhage and necrosisIMPRESSION:Right breast lump biopsy:Recurrent Invasive carcinoma, NST , grade II - status post Breast conservative surgery and NACTTubule formation - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2 _________ 7/9 __________Areas of necrosis seen" 5473,MRA166699,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast-Post NACT.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin/Fresh Procedure : Mastectomy Mastectomy post NACTLaterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial ?lateral : 18cm Superficial ?Deep : 6cm Superior-Inferior : 14.6cmSkin ellipse : 14.5x7.5cm Nipple : Normal, excoriation of nipple seen.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : SingleTumour Size : 4.5x3.5x2.5cm. Location of tumor : centralMargins of tumor : Illdefined. Deep margin : 2cmMuscle : PresentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 6.2x4x2cmSize of largest node : 2x2x1cm, cut surface shows fatty infiltration. 15 lymph nodes isolated.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy:Tumor bed shows invasive ductal carcinoma - viable tumor presentTumor is infiltrating the epidermis of nipple and aerola.Area of necrosis and fibrosis is present, Grade II.Modified BR score is 6/9.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 _____ 6/9 ______Tumor measures 5x4cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central quadrant.Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ present (low grade solid and cribriform type).Lymphovascular invasion present.Perineural invasion present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola - Tumor is infiltrating into the nipple and areola.Lymph nodes: 2 lymph nodes, Metastasis: deposits of viable tumor out of 15 nodes.SUMMARY: Right MRM,Invasive ductal carcinoma - viable tumor present, Grade II.Nodal metastases 2nodes show metastatic deposits of viable tumor present out of 15nodes." 5474,MRA166767,"CLINICAL DETAILS: Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN: A) Wide local excision.B) Left axillary dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue altogether measuring 14x11x6cm.Skin ellipse measures 11x7cm.Surface shows healed linear scar measuring 5cm.Attached muscle measuring 6x4cm. Cut surface shows a greywhite firm, cystic lesion measuring 7x7x5cm.Distance from margins:-12'0' clock margin -- 1cm.6 '0' clock marginá -- 1cm.3 '0' clock marginá -- 1.5cm.9 '0' clock marginá -- 1.5cm.B) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue altogether measuring 8x6x4.5cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface is greywhite.Isolated 11 lymph nodes.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, left breast.Modified BR score 6/9, grade 2.Tubule formationá á á á á : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------------Tumor size : 7x7x5cm.Extensive areas of necrosis are seen admixed with viable tumor.No lymphovascular invasion seen.All resected margins are free of tumor.Overlying skin is free of tumor.B) 11 Lymph nodes from left axillary dissection are negative for malignancy." 5475,MRA166773,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 18cm. Superficial - deep : 7cm. Superior-inferior : 17cm.Skin ellipse : 17.5x10cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 3x2x1.5cm.Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrant.Margins of tumor : Infiltrative.Deep margin : 0.3cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 13 nodes.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.8cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Axillary tail : 9x6x3cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified BR score is 7 (3+2+2).Tumor measures 3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper inner quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ not present.Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are present.Posterior resectionmargin 0.3cm from the tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: One lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor deposits out of 13 nodes (1/13).Perinodal spread not present.SUMMARY: Right MRM-Invasive ductal carcinoma.Maximum dimension of tumor is 3cm.One node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 13 nodes (11/13).Perinodal spread present.Pathological stage : pT2N1." 5476,MRA166800,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : LeftSkin ellipse : 13.5cm Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : AbsentTumor : diffuse grey white fibrotic areas seen. Tumour Size : 12x8cm with focal solid areas are present with fibrotic and necrotic areas. Location of tumor : All quadrants. Margins of tumor : Infiltrate Deep margin : from nearest grey white fibrotic area is 1cm. Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty Axillary tail : 5x4x2cm.Total number of nodes : 17 lymph nodesSize of largest node : 2x1x0.8cm,Cut surface shows grey white to grey black.IMPRESSION:Left breast, left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed shows invasive ductal carcinoma 50% viable tumor is present with surrounding tumor areas of fibrosis, necrosis are present and inflammatory cells are present.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures 15/10 : 2 _________MBR score 8/9 __________ Nuclear grade - III.Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion tumor emboli is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 7 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 18 nodes(7/18). Perinodal spread is present.Size of the biggest node is 2x1cm.SUMMARY:Left- post NACT Modified Radical Mastectomy,Invasive ductal carcinoma,viable tumor present,Grade III.Nodal metastases 7 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 18 nodes.Perinodal spread is present." 5477,MRA166891,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Time of receipt at lab : 5:00pm.Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 23cm. Superficial - deep : 4cm. Superior-inferior : 22cm.Skin ellipse : 14.5x9cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : 12x1cm is seen extending from the upper inner quadrant to lower outer quadrant.Tumor : Greywhite, fibrotic area measuring 2.2x2x1.3cm is seen in the central quadrant (6 '0' clock position).Tumor size : Residual tumor present measuring 1.5x1x0.8cm.Deep margin : 1.5cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 10 nodes.Size of largest node : 2x1x1cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Axillary tail : 5x5x2cm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Fibrotic, myxomatous areas, necrotic, inflammatory cellular infiltration with atrophic ducts are present. No viable tumor seen. Surrounding adjacent parenchyma shows epithelial hyperplasia, fibrocystic disease.Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: One lymph node show metastatic deposits of viable invasive ductal carcinoma out of 10 nodes. Perinodal spread present.Size of the biggest node is 2x1cm.SUMMARY:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Fibrotic, necrotic and degenerated cells. No viable tumor cells present. Lymph nodes: One lymph node show metastatic deposits of viable invasive ductal carcinoma out of 10 nodes. Perinodal spread present." 5478,MRA166908,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma right breast-Post NACT.SPECIMEN: Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Right MRM. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral--22cm. Superficial to Deep--5cm. Superior to Inferior--19cm.Skin ellipse : 20x9.5cm. Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Hyperpigmented area measuring 2x1cm is seen located 8cm from the nipple areola complex.Tumor : Single.Tumour Size : 4x4x3cm,shows fibrotic and focal necrotic areas.No solid tumor is seen. Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant. Margins of tumor : Illdefined. Deep margin : 2.5cm.Muscle : 4.2cm.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Axillary tail : 3x3x2.5cm.Total number of nodes : 10 nodes.Size of largest node : 2x1x1cm,Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Histopathologic Examination:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed: Fibrotic, myxomatous focal areas of lymphocytic collection.No Residual viable tumor.Posterior resection margin is present and free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 10 lymph nodes- No deposits of tumor.Summary: Right MRM-Post NACT,Fibrotic, myxomatous focal areas of lymphocytic collection.No Residual viable tumor.Nodal metastases 10 nodes- No deposits of tumor." 5479,MRA166940,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Carcinoma breast - post op.Liver space occupying lesion - ? Metastasis.? HCC.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from liverGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measuring 1.3 to 1.6 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Liver, Core biopsy:Positive for malignancy.Suggestive of metastatic carcinoma in known and treated case of carcinoma breast.Suggest IHC." 5480,MRA167030,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white to grey brown linear core measures 1.2 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in cords and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6 (3+2+1)." 5482,MRA167060,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Left Breast -Post NACT.SPECIMEN:A) Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.B) Left Sentinel lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in :Formalin.Procedure :Mastectomy post NACT.Laterality :Left.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 21cm. Superficial - deep :6.5cm. Superior-inferior :18cm.Skin ellipse :13.5x12.5cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumor : Grossly no tumor deposits seen.Tumor size : Illdefined grey white fibrotic area measuring 4.5x4x4cm.Margins of tumor : Fibrotic.Deep margin : 2.5cm.Muscle : Present measuring 1.5x1cm.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Size of largest node : 2.1x1x1cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Axillary tail : 7x6x3cm.B)Received multiple fibrofatty tissues altogether measuring 5x4x2cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1.5x1x0.8cm.Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Left Breast,Left Modified Radical Matectomy:Tumor bed:--Small focus of residual viable tumor present measuring 0.8x0.5cm with invasive ductal carcinoma and ductal carcinoma Insitu -low grade-(Solid type).-Lymphovascular invasion is not present.-Perineural invasion is not present.-Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.-Nipple and areola is unremarkable.-Lymph nodes: 10lymph nodes,Metastasis : No deposits of tumor.SUMMARY:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy,Small focus of residual viable tumor present measuring 0.8x0.5cm with invasive ductal carcinoma and ductal carcinoma In-situ -Low grade(Solid type)." 5483,MRA167088,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Small left breast lump - ? carcinoma.SITE :Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 6 grey white to grey brown linear coreS measuring 0.3 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters, tubules and cords. These cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Infiltrated ductal carcinoma , biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationááááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________" 5484,MRA167108,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast- Post operative.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right chest wall.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 greywhite linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of fibrous tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as cords and clusters. The neoplastic cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is scant. Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, biopsy from right chest wall.Suggestive of recurrence/ metastasis in a known case of carcinoma breast." 5485,MRA167216,CLINICAL HISTORY:Lump in left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.3 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue demonstrating cellular dyscohesive sheets of round to oval neoplastic cells harboring pleomorphic vesicular nuclei and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm amidst areas of necrosis and hemorrhage. There are numerous multinucleated cells. Mitotic activity is seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Poorly differentiated malignancy? Metastatic carcinoma from thyroid.Suggest IHC 5486,MRA167218,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with an infiltrating lesion arranged as sheets, nests and cords. The lesional cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia and lymphocytic infiltrate. IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 5487,MRA167256,"CLINICAL DETAILS : Carcinoma left breast with post NACT.SPECIMEN:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Fresh Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral - 19.5cm Superficial to Deep - 7cm Superior to Inferior - 16cmSkin ellipse : 13.5x7cm Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : AbsentTumor : Single Tumour Size : 3x3.0x2.5cm Location of tumor : upper outer quadrant Margins of tumor : illdefined Deep margin : apart of muscle bundle - free of tumor. Muscle : Present measuring 2x1.8cmAdjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 7x4x2cm.Total number of nodes : 15 lymph nodesSize of largest node : 1.5x1x0.8cmIMPRESSION:Left breast, left Modified Radical Mastectomy: No residual viable tumor- fibrotic and myxomatous.Tumor measures 3x3cm fibrotic areas in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant. Posterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 2 lymph nodes, show fibrotic and degenerated tumor cells,no evidence of viable deposits of tumor cells are seen out of 14 nodes.SUMMARY:Left -post NACT MRM, fibrotic,myxomatous tumor with atropic glands.No evidence of viable tumor is present.Nodal metastases : 2 nodes show fibrotic and degenerated tumor cells.No evidence of viable tumor cells are seen out of 14 nodes." 5489,MRA167314,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast - liver lesion ? metastases SPECIMEN:Biopsy from liver lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple tiny grey white linear cores measures1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue demonstrating a neoplastic lesion arranged in tubules, cords and nests consisting of round to oval cells exhibiting moderate nuclear pleomorphism and pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. There is brisk mitotic activity and areas of necrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from liver lesion:The features are suggestive of metastatic deposits in a known case of carcinoma breast." 5491,MRA167407,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Complaint of Left locally advanced Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:A) Breast wide local excision.B) Left axillary lymph nodes.C) Level III lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 13x11x4.5cm.skin ellipse measuring 11x6cm.Cut surface shows grey white,relatively well circumscribed lesion seen measuring 4.2x3.5x3cm.Located at the following distances from the respective margins:-Superior margin - 3.5cmInferior margin - 4cmMedial margin - 4cmLateral margin - 3cmDeep margin - 1.5cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 8x5.5x1.5cm.largest lymph node measuring 2x1x0.5cm.Cut surface shows grey white.Dissected 12 nodes.C) Level III lymph nodes sow fibrofatty tissue measuring 2x1x0.3cm.Dissected 2 nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Breast wide local excision :-Tumor bed- Invasive ductal carcinoma.Viable tumor is present.Surrounding the large necrotic areas are present morethan 50%Grade :-Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2 Mitotic figures : 3 ________ 8/9 __________Nuclear grade - III.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Ductal carcinoma insitu is not seen.Resected margins areSuperior margin - free of tumor.Inferior margin - free of tumorMedial margin - free of tumor.Lateral margin - free of tumor.Deep margin - free of tumor.B) Axillary lymph nodes:One node show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 12 nodes.Perinodal spread is present.C) Level III lymph nodes:2 nodes - no deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Breast wide local excision :-Invasive ductal carcinomaViable tumor is present.Large areas of necrosis is present more than 50%Ductal carcinoma insitu is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Axillary lymph nodes: One node show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 12 nodes.Perinodal spread is present.Size of the biggest node is 2x1cm.C) Level III lymph nodes:2 nodes - No deposits of tumor." 5492,MRA167450,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast (post NACT).SPECIMEN:Right Modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á á : FormalinProcedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : Modified radicalá Mastectomy post NACT Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá :ááá RightTotal dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medial - lateral á -14cm ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - Deepá -áá 5cm ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior - Inferioráá - 14cmSkin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá :á 11x8cm áá Nippleá and areolaááááááááááááááá : unremarkableScar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : Not seenTumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : Single, grey white lesion Tumour Sizeááá ááá ááá áááááááááááá :á fibrotic area measures 3x2.4x2cm. ááááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá :á upper inner quadrant Margins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á :áá illdefined áááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá áááááááááá : 1cm Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááá : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá áá á á áá : fibrofatty tissue áááááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááá : 6x4x2cmTotal number of nodesááááááá :á 15 nodesSize of largest nodeááááááááááá : 1.8x1x1cm, cut surface shows fatty infiltrationIMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- Most of the tumor shows fibrotic areas with small foci of viable tumor cells are present.Invasive ductal Carcinoma measuring less than 1x0.5cm. Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 1x0.5cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the upper inner quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present.áLymphovascular invasion is not presentPerineural invasion is not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkableLymph nodes: 15 lymph nodes, show no metastatic deposits of tumor. SUMMARY:Right post NACT MRM, Mostly fibrotic area is present with small foci of viable tumor cells are present measuring less than 1cm.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Nodal metastases 15 nodes show no deposits of tumor." 5493,MRA167456,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Patient is a known case of carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left Modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified radical Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -21cm Superficial - Deep - 5.5cm Superior - Inferior - 13cmSkin ellipse : 20x12cm Nipple and areola : unremarkableScar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : Single- grey white, papillary areas, cystic areas.Tumour Size : 10x9x7.5cm Location of tumor : all quadrantsMargins of tumor : illdefined Deep margin : 0.5cm Muscle : Present measures 9x3cm Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 6x5x3cmTotal number of nodes : 23 lymph nodesSize of largest node : 2.1x1.3x1cm, cut surface shows grey brown appearanceIMPRESSION:Left breast, left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive papillary Carcinoma with nuclear grade III.Residual tumour status post NACT.Large areas of necrosis and post therapy changes are seen.Tumor measures 10cm in greatest dimension. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not seen.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 23 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0(0/23) . SUMMARY:Left MRM, residual tumor status post NACT.High grade invasive carcinoma with papillary differentiation." 5495,MRA167501,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores measures 1.1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tumor composed of nests and cords of round to oval cells with enlarged hyperchromatic nucleus and scant to moderate cytoplasm. Nuclear pleomorphism is mild and mitosis are sparse. IMPRESSION:Right breast lump - Biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, NST. Grade - II. MBR score (3+1+1)=5/9" 5496,MRA167558,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma right breast-Post NACT.SPECIMEN:A) Right Breast,WLE-Post NACT.B) Right side axillary node dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Fresh tissue received : YesNumber of specimens received : 1Laterality : RightProcedure : Lumpectomy-Post NACT.Specimen orientation : 6 o clock-1.0cm. 12 o clock-0.3cm 3 o clock-1.5cm 9 o clock-0.5cmSpecimen size : 8x5x2.5cm Skin : Present Skin dimensions : 7.5x3cm. Skin abnormalities : Absent.Nipple : AbsentLesion(s) : PresentNumber of macroscopically visible lesions : Single.For each lesion (if >1 designate accordingly): Lesion description :Well circumscribed greywhite lobulated. Lesion dimensions :3.2x3x3cm.B) Multiple fibrofatty tissue altogether measuring 6.5x6.5x2cm.Largest lymph node measuring 2x1x0.8cm.Cut surface is fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in sheets.The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm,hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli.Stroma shows desmoplasia with inflammatory infiltrates areas of hemorrhage and necrosis are seen.Atypical mitotic figures are discerned.No lymphovascular invasion seen.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast,Wide local excision-Post NACT.Residual invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade 3.MBR score is 8/9 (3+2+3).Tumor measures 3.2cm in greatest dimension.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.All margins of resection(12 o clock, 6 o clock,3 o clock and 9 o clock) are free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.B) Right side axillary node dissection:21 out of 21 lymph nodes are free of tumor(0/21).They show Reactive hyperplasia." 5497,MRA167559,"CLINICAL DETAILS: Carcinoma of right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received ináááááááááááááááááááááááá : Formalin/Fresh áTime of receipt at labááááááááá : 8:00pmProcedureááááááááááááááááááááááááá á : Mastectomyááááááááááá áLateralityááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á : Right áTotal dimensionsáááááááááááááááá : Medial lateraláá : 15cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á á áá Superficial Deep : 5.5cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-Inferior: 15cm.Skin ellipseáááááááááááááááááááááá á : 13.5x8cm.ááá áNippleáááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á á : Normalááááááááááááááááááááááá áScar/ Surgical defectááááááá : Not seen.Tumor :ááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á á : Single.Tumour Sizeááááááááááááááááááááááá : 3x3x2.2cm.Location of tumoráááááááááááááá : Lower central quadrant.á áMargins of tumorááááááááááááááá : Ill defined.áááááááááá áDeep marginááááááááááááááááááááááá : 1cm.Muscleáááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á áá : Absent Adjacent Breastáááááááááááááááááá : Fibrofatty.ááááááá áTotal number of nodesááááááá : 14 Nodes.Size of largest nodeáááááááááááá : 4.5x2.5x1.3cm. Cut surface greywhite.Axillary tailááááááááááááááááááááá á á áá : Received seperately measuring 8x7.5x3.5cm.Grossed byááááááááááááááááááááááá á á : Dr. Nidhi.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Right breast, Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. Modified BR score 7 (3+2+2). Tumor measures 3cm in greatest dimensionandá is located in the lower central quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 14 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.13 Nodes show granulomas- non caseating with epithelioid cells and langhan's giant cells.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. Maximum dimension of 3cm.Nuclear grade IIIDuctal Carcinoma-In-Situ not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 14 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.13 Nodes show granulomas- non caseating with epithelioid cells and langhan's giant cells.Possibly to confirm granulomatous lesion- Tuberculosis." 5498,MRA167560,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast locally advanced post NACT.SPECIMEN:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -17cm Superficial - Deep - 3cm Superior - Inferior - 13cmSkin ellipse : 13x8cm Nipple and areola : unremarkableScar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : Single, grey white, necrotic and mucoid areas.Tumour Size : 3.5x3x2.2cm, cut section shows no solid tumor.Location of tumor : upper outer quadrantMargins of tumor : ill defined Deep margin : 0.8cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 6x5x2.5cm.Total number of nodes : 12 lymph nodesSize of largest node : 2.5x1.5x0.5cm, cut surface shows grey brown.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- Mucinous and necrotic areas with focal areas of calcification and degenerated cells.No viable tumor present. Lesion measures mucinous areas measuring 3.5x3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 12 lymph nodes, show no metastatic deposits of tumor.SUMMARY:Left post NACT MRM, Mucinous and necrotic areas with focal areas of calcification and degenerated cells seen.No viable tumor seen.Nodal metastases 12 nodes - no deposits of tumor." 5499,MRA167580,"CLINICAL DETAILS: Carcinoma left breast Post NACT.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in á á á á á á á á :á Formalin.Time of receipt at labáá : 5:30pm.Procedureáááááááááááááááááá : Mastectomy MRM.Lateralityáááááááááááááááááááá : Left breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateralááááááááááááá : 18.5cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deepááááááá : 3.5cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferiorááááááááá : 18m.Skin ellipseááááááááááááááááá :á 16.5X7cm.Nippleááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defectáá :Not seen.Tumorááááááááááááááááááááááááá : Single.Tumor sizeáááááááááááááááááá : 3x2.5x2cm.Location of tumorááááááá : Upper outer quadrant,Ductal carcinoma In-Situá á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á like area seenMargins of tumoráááááááá : illdefined.Deep margináááááááááááááá : 1.5cm.Adjacent breastáááááááááá : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 14 nodes.Size of largest nodeáááá : 2.5x2x1.8cm. Cut surface shows grey white.Axillary tailááááááááááááááááááá : 6x5x3cm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed : Invasive Ductal carcinoma with focal areas of mucinous carcinomasurrounding tumor areas of fibrosis and necrosis present, Grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures 3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Upper outer quadrant.Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ present- cribriform and comdenecrosis.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.- Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.- Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 6 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 14 nodes.SUMMARY: Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy:Tumor bed : Invasive Ductal carcinoma with focal areas of mucinous carcinomasurrounding tumor areas of fibrosis and necrosis present, Grade II.Lymph nodes: 6 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 14 nodes." 5500,MRA167581,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Wide excision- Frozen specimen- Post NACT.B) Revised medial margin.C) Left axillary lymph node dissection (Level I,II,III).GROSS FINDINGS:A) Wide excision- Frozen specimen- Post NACT:Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 8x6.5x5cm. Skin ellipse measuring 5.5x2.7cm. Cut surface shows ill defined greywhite lesion measuring 2.5x1.2x1cm. Distance from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 1.5cm.Inferior margin -- 2cm.Medial margin -- 2cm.Lateral margin -- 2.4cm.Deep margin -- 1.7cm.B) Revised medial margin:Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 5.5x3.2x0.8cm. Cut surface shows no obvious tumor seen. Entire tissue processed.C) Left axillary lymph node dissection (Level I,II,III):Received multiple fibrofatty tissue altogether measuring 8.5x7x2.5cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1.5x1x0.6cm. Dissected 14 nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Wide excision- Frozen specimen- Post NACT:Tumor bed : Invasive ductal carcinoma.Viable tumor is present.Maximum dimension of tumor is 2.5cm.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ----------------- 7/9 ------------------Nuclear grade II.DCIS : Present- Comedonecrosis.Lymphovascular invasion : Present.Perineural invasion : Present.Resected margins:-Superior margin -- Free of tumor.Inferior margin -- Free of tumor.Medial margin -- Margin is involved.Lateral margin -- Free of tumor.Deep margin -- Free of tumor.B) Revised medial margin:Shows fibrofatty tissue and Normal ducts. Margins are free of tumor.C) Left axillary lymph node dissection (Level I,II,III):3 Nodes show metastatic deposits of viable tumor out of 14 nodes.IMPRESSION:Wide excision with axillay clearance:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Viable tumor present.Maximum dimension of tumor 2.5cm.DCIS : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Present.Resected margin : Superior, inferior, lateral, deep margin : Free of tumor.Axillary lymph nodes:3 Nodes show metastatic deposits of viable tumor out of 14 nodes (3/14)." 5501,MRA167613,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of carcinoma left breast- post Breast conservative surgery.SPECIMEN:A) Lesion at 10 o'""clock positionB) Lesion at breast conservative surgery scar site(retroareolar).GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2x1.5x1cm. Entire tissue is processed, cut surface is unremarkable.B) Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measures 2x2x1cm, skin ellipse measures 1.5x1.5cm.cut surface shows a grey white area measures 1.2x1x1cm, distance from closest inked margin " 5502,MRA167668,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast carcinoma (Post chemotherapy).SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified radical mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -- 20cm Superficial - Deep -- 7cm Superior - Inferior -- 20cmSkin ellipse : 18x13cm. Nipple : Ulcerated lesion involving skin, nipple and areola, in inner upper quadrant measures 6x5cm.Scar/ Surgical defect : not seenTumor : SingleTumour Size : 5x5x3.5cm. Location of tumor : upper inner and central quadrantMargins of tumor : illdefined Deep margin : 2cm Muscle : Present measures 3x1.5.Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 9.5x8x3cm.Total number of nodes : 13 lymph nodes Size of largest node : 2.5x2x2cm, cut surface shows grey white.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy (Post chemotherapy): Tumor bed:-Residual viable tumor Invasive ductal Carcinoma with large areas of necrosis is present surrounding the tumor, Grade III. Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 3Tumor measures 5x5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not presentLymphovascular invasion present.Perineural invasion present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola - tumor is infiltrating in to the epidermis of nipple and areola.Lymph nodes: 9 lymph nodes, show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 13 nodesPerinodal spread is present. Summary : Left MRM - post chemotherapy, residual viable tumor presentInvasive ductal carcinoma ,Grade IIILymph node s - 9 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 13 nodes." 5503,MRA167689,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breast. SPECIMEN:Right breast lesion core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received six grey white to grey yellow linear cores measure 0.3 - 0.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets & nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis are seen. IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lesion, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 5504,MRA167716,"CLINICAL DETAILS PROVIDED: Carcinoma of right breast.SPECIMENA) Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.B) Level III lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGSA) " 5505,MRA167717,"SPECIMENLeft breast (Left Modified Radical Mastectomy)GROSS FINDINGSLaterality : Left breast Total dimensions : 16x13x4cm Skin ellipse : 14x5cm Nipple and areola : Retracted, surface -ulcerated. Scar/ Surgical defect : Npt seen.Tumor Size : 4x3.5x3cm. Cut surface shows solid and greywhite.Location of tumor : Retroareolar, central quadrant.Margins of tumor : InfiltrativeDeep margin : 0.1cmAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 15 nodes.Size of nodes : 0.5cm to 2cm in diameterAxillary tail : 7x4x2cm.Size of the largest node : 2x1x1cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGSHistologic type : Invasive ductal carcinoma, left breast.Maximum dimension of tumor is 4x3.5x3cm.Tumor has modified BR score of 7 of 9 (Grade II).Tubule formation <10% 3 Nuclear pleomorphism 2 Mitotic activity 2 ----------- 7 ------------Other findingsSize of tumor : 4x3.5x3cm.In-situ component : Present.Type : Solid, cribriform (Low grade).Lymphovascular emboli : Absent.Nipple and areola : Tumor is infiltrating into the epidermis of nipple and areola.Paget's disease : Absent.Deep margin : 0.1cm from the tumor.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Lymph nodes isolated : 15 Nodes Involved : No deposits of tumor IMPRESSIONHistologic type : Invasive ductal carcinoma, left breast.Maximum dimension of tumor is 4x3.5x3cm.DCIS : Present- Low grade.Lymphovascular emboli : Absent.Nipple and areola : Tumor is infiltrating into the epidermis of nipple and areola.Undersurface resected margin : 0.1cm from the tumor.Lymph nodes isolated : 15 Nodes Involved : No deposits of tumor." 5506,MRA167770,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right axillary tail breast massSPECIMEN: Right axillary tail mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white liner cores measuring 0.5 to 0.7 cm. Entire tissue is processed.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy right axillary tail mass.Modified BR score is 6/9, Gradeá - 2Tubule formationááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphism- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá - 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____" 5507,MRA167889,"SPECIMENRight breast (Right Modified Radical Mastectomy)GROSS FINDINGSA) Laterality : Right breast Total dimensions : 21x20x2cm Skin ellipse : 16x7cm Nipple and areola : Unremarkable Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor Size : 3x2x1.5cmLocation of tumor : Lower inner quadrant.Margins of tumor : Illdefined.Deep margin : 0.5cmAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Total number of nodes : 19Size of nodes : 0.5cm to 2cm in diameterAxillary tail : 5x4x1.5cm.Size of the largest node : 2x1x0.5cm,Cut section is greywhite areas.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGSSection shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets,nests and cords.Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.Lymphovacascular or perineural invasion is not identified.IMPRESSIONRight Breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA,GRADE 2.- Modified BR score is 6(3+2+1).- Tumor is unifocal and is located in the lower inner quadrant.- Tumor measures 3 cm in greatest dimension.- Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.- Perineural invasion is not identified.- Ductal carcinoma in situ of solid and cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen.- Nipple and areola are free of tumor.- Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Lymph nodes:Twenty lymph nodes are identified,negative for malignancy(0/20).Pathological stage: pT2N0." 5508,MRA168006,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Time of receipt at lab : 3:30pm.Procedure : Mastectomy MRM.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 17cm. Superficial - deep : 3cm. Superior-inferior : 14cm.Skin ellipse : 14x8.5cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 2.7x2.5x1.5cm.Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrant.Margins of tumor : Infiltrative.Deep margin(Muscle) : 0.2cm.Muscle : Present.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 15 nodes.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Axillary tail : 4x3x2.5cm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IIIDuctal carcinoma-in-situ is not identified.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is identified.Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 15 lymph nodes,Metastasis : Nil (0/15).SUMMARY:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IIILymph nodes: 15 lymph nodes,Metastasis : Nil (0/15)" 5509,MRA168062,"SPECIMENLeft breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Lateralityááááááááááááááááá á áá ááá : Left breastááá Total dimensionsááá á á á á ááá : 17x16x3cm ááá Skin ellipseááá á á á á á á á á áááá : 14x7cmá á ááá Nipple and areola á á á á á ááá : Unremarkableáá á ááá Scar/ Surgical defectááááááááá : Not seen.Tumor Sizeáááááááááááááááááááááááá : 4.5x3.5x3cm. Cut surface shows greyish mucinous areas.Location of tumorááááááááááááááá : In central quadrant.Margins of tumorááááááááááááááá : InfiltrativeDeep marginááááááááááááááááááááá : 0.8cmAdjacent Breastáááááááááááááááá : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodesáááááá : 20 nodes.Size of nodesáááááááááááááááááááá : 0.3cm to 2cm in diameter.Axillary tailáááááááááááááááááááááááá : 6x5x2cm.Size of largest nodeááááááááááá : 2x1x1cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGSSection shows breast tissue with clusters of small uniform cells floating in lakes of extracellular mucin. Individual round to oval with oval hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm with few intracytoplasmic mucin. Stroma shows nests, cords and diffuse sheets of large tumor cells with round to oval vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Lymphocytic infiltrate is seen in the peritumoral region. Brisk mitotic activity is noted. DCIS component is noted.IMPRESSION : Left Breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy :INVASIVE MUCINOUS CARCINOMA, GRADE 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2).- Tumor is unifocal and is located in the Central quadrant (Retroareolar).- Tumor measures 4.5 cm in greatest dimension.- Lymphovascular invasion is identified.- Perineural invasion is indeterminate.- Ductal Carcinoma In Situ component of cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is identified.- Nipple and Areola are free of tumor.- Posterior resection margin is free of tumor and is 0.8 cm away from the tumor.Lymph nodes :Seventeen out of Twenty five lymph nodes shows metastatic deposits with Extranodal extensioná (17/25).áá - Size of the largest tumour deposit measures 1.1 cm in greatest dimension.Two Separate tumor deposits are seen, larger measuring 0.8cm in greatest dimension.Pathological stage : pT2N3a" 5510,MRA168072,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Complaint of Left Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left MRM.B) Mambrium sternum.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy MRM post NACT Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral -19cm Superficial to Deep - 3.5cm Superior to Inferior - 15cmSkin ellipse : 13x9.5cm Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : Grossly no tumor seen fibrotic areas noted with specks of calcification in the upper inner quadrant.Tumour Size : measuring 4x3x2cm. Deep margin : 1.5cm Muscle : Present measuring 5x2.5cm. Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : 7x5x2.5cmTotal number of nodes : 11Size of largest node : 1.2x0.8x0.5cmB) Received segment of bone measuring 5x4x2cm,cut surface is unremarkable.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- Small focus of few ducts are seen measuring 0.3cm with ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis.Most the tumor shows fibrosis,necrosis,areas of calcification and giant cells.No evidence of viable invasive carcinoma present. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is present.Lymphovascular invasion is not seen.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 11 lymph nodes, No deposits of tumor. B) Sections from the Manubrium Sternum to follow.SUMMARY:Left MRM- post NACT MRM, Small focus of ducts showing ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis.No invasive carcinoma seen.Most of tumor show fibrosis,necrosis and calcification.Nodal metastases 11 nodes -No deposits of tumor." 5511,MRA168167,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS : Carcinoma left breast(Post Chemo).SPECIMEN :Left Breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received inááá ááá ááá áá á á á á áá : FormalinProcedureááá ááá ááá áá á á á á á áá : Mastectomy post NACT Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : Left. Total dimensionsááá ááá áá á á áá : Medial ?lateral : 15cmáááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á Superficial ?Deep: 3cm á áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá á Superior-Inferior : 12cm.Skin ellipseááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá : 14x9cm. á Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááááááá : Unremarkable.Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá ááá : Not seen.Tumor ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááááá : Multiple(3)Tumour Sizeááá ááá ááá ááááááááá á á :á 1) 2.5 x 2 x 2 cm. 2) 1.5 x 1.5 x 1 cm. 3) 3 x 1.5 x 1.5 cm ááááááááá Distance to nearest separate tumor foci (when multiple ):1) to 2) distance is 3.5cm,1) to 3) distance is 1.1cm,3) to 2) distance is 3.5cm.Location of tumorááá ááá ááááááá :áá Upper outer and lower outer quadrant. Minimum margin clearance from all tumor deposits (when multiple)Specify which margin from which tumor Eg Nodule 1,nodule 2 etc)Margins of tumorááá ááá áá á á á :áá Infiltrative. ááááááá Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááááááááááá : Absent Adjacent Breastááá ááá á á á á á :á Fibrofattyá áááááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá á á á á á á áá : 5x5x1.5cm.Total number of nodesááááááá :á 20á (Specify if Sentinel nodes sent )Size of largest nodeááááááááááá : 1.5x1x1cm.Cut surface is greywhite.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and cords. Few lying in pools of extracellular mucin. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular invasion is identified.IMPRESSION :Left Breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy(Post Chemo) : RESIDUAL INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 3á - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 8(3+3+2).á - Multiple tumor foci are seen in the upper and lower outer quadrant of the breast.á - Largest tumor foci measures 3 cm in greatest dimension.á - Lymphovascular invasion is identified.á - Perineural invasion is not identified.á - Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ of solid and cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen.á - Nipple and Areola is free of tumor.á - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Lymph nodes : Fifteen out of Eighteen lymph nodes show metastatic tumour deposits with Extranodal Extension(15/18). á - Size of the largest tumour deposit measures 1.6 cm in greatest dimension.Pathological stage : ypT2(m)N3aSummary : Left MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade 3.ááááááááááááááááá Nodal metastases 15/18." 5512,MRA168203,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy with axillary clearance.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin. Time of receipt at lab : 1:25pm Time to formalin : 10:00amProcedure : Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Left. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral--24cm. Superficial to Deep--5cm. Superior to Inferior--20cm. Skin ellipse : 12x12cm. Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Grossly irregular grey white firm mass is measuring 3x3x1.5cm is seen in the upper outer quadrant at 10'o clock with focal solid tumor are present measuring 1x1x0.8cm.Tumour Size : 1x1x0.8cm. Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant. Margins of tumor : Fibrotic.Deep margin : 2cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 7x6x3cm.Total number of nodes : 15nodes.Size of largest node : 2x2x1cm,cut surface : grey white deposits.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy,Grade II.Tumor bed:Residual viable tumor present measuring 1x1x0.8cm with invasive ductal carcinoma,most of the tumor shows fibrotic,necrosis and degenerated cells.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation:3.Nuclear pleomorphism: 2.Mitotic figures: 2.Tumor measures 1x1x0.8cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central and upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not present.Lymphovascular invasion present.Perineural invasion not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 4 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of viable tumor out of 15 nodes.Perinodal spread present.Summary: Left-Post NACT, Residual viable tumor is present measuring 1x1x0.8cm-Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade II.Nodal metastases 4 nodes show metastatic deposits of viable residual tumor out of 15 nodes." 5513,MRA168206,"CLINICAL DETAILS: Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast, left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin. Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 18cm Superficial to Deep : 6cm Superior to Inferior : 17.5cmLaterality : LeftSkin ellipse : 18x9cm.Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumour Size : 2.5x2.5x2.5cm. Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrant. Margins of tumor : Ifiltrative. Deep margin : 2cm.Muscle : Present measuring 2x1x0.5cm. Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : 4x3x2cm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, left modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Viable tumor present, areas of necrosis, fibrosis and focal areas of calcification are present.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism:2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures 2.5x2.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the lower outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is present with comedonecrosis.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 3 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 15 nodes (3/15).SUMMARY:Left breast, left modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Lymph nodes: 3 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 15 nodes (3/15)." 5514,MRA168231,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast (Post NACT).SPECIMEN :Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy, Post NACT.GROSS FINDINGS :Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified radical Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 14cm. Superficial to Deep : 5cm. Superior to Inferior : 13cm.Skin ellipse : 12.5x10cm. Nipple / areala : Ulcerated. Ulceration measuring 6x5cm.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor -grey white, necrotic lesion : Single.Tumour Size : 5.5x5x4cm. Location of tumor : Central and inner quadrant. Margins of tumor : illdefined. Deep margin : 1cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail :7x6x3cm.Size of largest node :4x3.6x3cm. Cut surface - necrotic - grey white involved ? matted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Multiple sections from the lesion shows breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating ill defined neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets and cords. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm. Vesicular pleomorphic nucleus with prominent nucleoli. Brisk mitotic activity noted. Stroma shows desmoplasia with chronic inflammatory infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis seen. Tumor seen infiltrating overlying nipple and areola leading to ulcer formation. Lymphovascular noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy Post NACT: Residual invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 3.Modified BR score is 3+2+2=8/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2 Mitotic figures: 3Tumor measures 5.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central and inner quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ seen with comedonecrosis.Lymphovascular invasion identified.Perineural invasion not identified.Posterior resection margin is Unremarkable.Nipple and areola is involved by tumor.Lymph nodes: Isolated eleven lymph nodes, Metastasis: two shows metastasis (2/11).Largest tumor foci measures 2.2cmExtra Nodal Extension present.Summary :Left MRM, Residual invasive ductal ,Grade 3.Nodal metastases 2/11 with ductal carcinoma in situ and comedonecrosis." 5515,MRA168246,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast post NACT.SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified radical Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial - lateral - 18cm Superficial - Deep - 6cm Superior - Inferior -16cm Skin ellipse : 13x7cm Nipple and areola : unremarkableScar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : Single, shows grey white with tumor Tumour Size : 1.5x1x1cm. Location of tumor : inferolateral quadrant Margins of tumor : illdefined Deep margin : 0.9cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 7x4x2cm.Total number of nodes : 10 nodesSize of largest node : 3.5x3x2.4cm, cut surface shows grey white appearanceIMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- Viable residual tumor present.Invasive ductal Carcinoma.Areas of fibrosis and necrosis present surrounding the tumor. Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2 Tumor measures residual tumor measuring 2cm in greatest dimension and is located in the inferolateral quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 8 lymph nodes,show metastatic deposits of viable tumor out of 10 nodes. SUMMARY:Left post NACT MRM, residual viable tumor present.Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade III.Nodal metastases 8 nodes show metastatic deposit of viable tumor out of 10 nodes." 5517,MRA168287,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS : Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDNGS:Received inááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á: Formaliná Procedureááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá á á : Mastectomyá Lateralityááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á áá : Leftáá Total dimensionsááá ááá ááá áááá :á Medial to lateral:21cmááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficialá to Deep:6cmáááá ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-Inferior:17cmSkin ellipseááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á :á 14x9cmááá Nippleááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á :á Normal Scar/ Surgical defectááá ááá áá : Not seen.No residual tumor.Greywhite firm area seen measuring 2.4x2.3x1.5cm.ááááááá Location of tumorááá ááá ááá áááá : Upper inner quadrant.ááááááá Deep marginááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á : 2cm.Muscleááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á áá : Present,3x2cm.Adjacent Breastááá ááá ááá ááá ááá :á Fibrofatty.áááá Axillary tailááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á : 6x4x2.5cm.Size of largest nodeááá ááá áááá : 2x1.2x1cm.Cut surface is greywhite.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows areas of collagenisation and hyalinisation.No residual viable tumor seen.Section from deep margin: Free of tumor.Section fromá nipple and areola : Free of tumor.Section from 15 left axillary lymph nodes isolated are negative for malignancy.IMPRESSION:No residualá tumor, left breast.Therapy related changes seen.Deep margin : Free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Free of tumor.15 Left axillary lymph nodes isolated are free of tumor." 5518,MRA168304,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A)Right breast, right modified radical mastectomy.B) Level III nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A)Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy MRM.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 22cm. Superficial - deep : 4cm. Superior-inferior : 21cm.Skin ellipse : 14x10.5cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 2.5x2x1.5cm.Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 1.5cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 20 nodes.Size of largest node : 3x2x1.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Axillary tail : 6.5x5x2.5cm.B) Level III nodes:Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3x2x1cm.Size of lymph nodes 0.2 to 0.4cm. 2 lymph nodes isolated.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Right breast, right modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified BR score : 7 (3+2+2).Nuclear grade II.Tumor measures 2.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the lower outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ not present.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 1 lymph node show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 20 nodes (1/20).Level III nodes: 2 Nodes- No deposit of tumor.IMPRESSION:Right breast, right modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified BR score : 7 (3+2+2).Nuclear grade II.Tumor measures 2.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the lower outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ not present.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 1 lymph node show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 20 nodes (1/20).Perinodal spread present.Size of the largest node is 3x2cm.Level III nodes: 2 Nodes- No deposit of tumor." 5519,MRA168322,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of carcinoma left breast cT4bN1M0 post NACT.SPECIMEN:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -17cm Superficial - Deep - 3cm Superior - Inferior -12cmSkin ellipse : 15x8cm Nipple and areola : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : scarring of overlying skin due to underlying tumor Tumor firm, fibrotic area measures 3x3x2.6cm Location of tumor : upper outer quadrant Deep margin : 0.6cmMuscle : Present measures 7x3x1cmAdjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 5x4x2.1cm.Total number of nodes : 12 lymph nodesSize of largest node : 0.8x0.5x0.3cm. Cut surface shows grey white to grey brown.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- Viable tumor present.Invasive ductal Carcinoma.Areas of fibrosis,,necrosis and lymphocytic infiltration is present. Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 3x3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 2 lymph nodes, show metastatic deposits of viable tumor out of 12nodes.(2/12).Perinodal spread is present.SUMMARY:Left MRM - post NACT, Invasive ductal carcinoma - viable residual tumor present,Grade II.Nodal metastases 2 lymph nodes, show metastatic deposits of viable tumor out of 12nodes.(2/12)." 5520,MRA168325,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Swelling Right breast - 2weeks.Carcinoma Right Breast .SPECIMEN:Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial ?lateral - 20cm Superficial ?Deep - 5cm Superior-Inferior - 15.5cmSkin ellipse : 13x9.5cm with skin showing ulceration measuring 2.5x1cm overlying tumor. Nipple :Normal Tumour Size : 3.5x2.5x2.8cm. Location of tumor : upper outer quadrant Deep margin : illdefined Muscle : Present measuring 4x2cm. Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 6x4x2cm.Size of largest node : 2x1x0.8cm.cut surface shows grey white.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- Residual viable tumor ,Invasive ductal Carcinoma,areas of fibrosis,necrosis and inflammatory cells and degenerative cells Grade II. Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 3.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is present - low grade -solid type.Lymphovascular invasion is indeterminate.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is 0.3cm free from the tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: The tumor is extending upto the epidermis of skin, resulting in ulceration. 5 lymph nodes show fibrotic and necrotic areas, No viable tumor cells are seen out of 10 nodes.SUMMARY:Right -post chemotherapy MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma- residual viable tumor present,Grade II.Nodal metastases 5nodes - show fibrotic areas,no viable tumor cells out of 10 nodes." 5521,MRA168337,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received iná :á Formalin.Time of receipt at lab : 4:10pm.Procedureááá : Mastectomy.Lateralityáá : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateraláááá : 20cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deep : 4cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferioráá : 14cm.Skin ellipseááááá :á 12x9cm.Nippleááááááááááááá : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumorá :á Single.Tumor size : Residual tumor present measuring 3x3x2.5cm.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Circumscribed.Deep margin : 1.2cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 31 nodes.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Axillary tail : 6x4x3cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Invasive carcinoma with Medullary features, grade II.Tumor measures 3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ not present.Lymphovascular invasion not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 31 lymph nodes- No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Invasive carcinoma with Medullary features, Nuclear grade II.Maximum dimension of the tumor is 3cm and located in upper outer quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ not present.Lymphovascular invasion not present.Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.No paget's disease.Lymph nodes: 31 lymph nodes- No deposits of tumor." 5522,MRA168363,"CLINICAL DETAILS: Carcinoma left breast (Post NACT).SPECIMEN:A) Breast conservative surgery.B) Revised deep margin.C) Adjacent lump to superior margin.D) Left axillary lymph node dissection.E) Level III lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Breast conservative surgery:Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 9.5x6.5x3cm.Skin ellipse measures 7x1cm. Cut surface shows ill defined greywhite fibrocystic lesion with necrosis measuring 4x3x2.8cm with small focus of solid area is present measuring 0.5x0.5cm, located at the following distance from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 0.6cm.Inferior margináá -- 1cm.Medial margináá --á 0.3cm.Lateral margináá -- 1cm.Deep margináááá -- 0.3cm.B) Revised deep margin:Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 7x2.5x0.8cm.On sectioning muscle bundles are present.One surface inked. Entire tissue processed.C) Adjacent lump to superior margin:Received single globular mass with attached fibrofatty tissue measuring 3x2x1.4cm. Cut surface shows cystic, yielded, necrotic material/ pustaceous material ?? sebaceous cyst.D) Left axillary lymph node dissection:Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 14x12x4cm.Largest lymph node measuring 2x1x1cm. Cut surface is unremarkable. Dissected 19 nodes.E) Level III lymph nodes:Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 3x3x2cm.Dissected 4 nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Breast conservative surgery (Post NACT):Tumor bed shows small focus of residual viable tumor present measuring 0.5x0.5cm with features of invasive ductal carcinoma with Nuclear grade II (3+2+2 = 7/9).Most of the tumor shows fibrosis, myxomatous areas, collection of lymphocytes, histiocytes and atrophic glands.Surrounding ducts show fibrocystic change.B) Revised deep margin:Shows muscle bundles and fibrofatty tissue- Free of tumor.C) Adjacent lump to superior margin:Shows cystic mass filled with pustaceous material- There is no evidence of malignancy--- sebaceous cyst.D) Left axillary lymph node dissection:19 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.E) Level III lymph nodes: 4 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:Wide excision-Breast conservative surgery with small focus of Residual viable tumor present measuring 0.5x1cm.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Most of the tumor shows fibrosis, necrosis and inflammatory cells.All resected margins are free from tumor.Revised deep margin is free of tumor.Adjacent lump to superior margin : Sebaceous cyst.Axillary lymph nodes (Level I, II) : 19 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.Level III lymph nodes: 4 Nodes- No deposits of tumor." 5523,MRA168377,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Left Breast post NACT with RT.SPECIMEN:Left MRM.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : MRM post NACT Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -20cm Superficial - Deep - 4cm Superior - Inferior - 17cm Skin ellipse : 18x10cm. Nipple : Ulcerated measuring 5x5cm,nipple appears retracted. Tumor Size : 13x10x6cm,fibotic mass shows cystic,necrotic areas.No solid tumor present. Location of tumor : all quadrants Deep margin : 0.8cm. Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : 7x6x2cmSize of largest node : 2x1x0.8cmIMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- Fibrotic areas with necrosis,myxomatous areas,foaming histiocytes,lymphocytes and atrophic ducts.There is no evidence of residual viable tumor present. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 3 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of viable invasive ductal carcinoma out of 11nodes. SUMMARY:Left - post NACT and RT MRM, No residual viable tumor seen- fibrotic,necrotic areas.Nodal metastases 3 nodes show metastatic deposits of viable invasive ductal carcinoma out of 11 nodes.Perinodal spread is present." 5524,MRA168386,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN: Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Time of receipt at lab : 12:40pmProcedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Right MRM.Total dimensions : Medial to lateral--19cm. Superficial to Deep--6.5cm. Superior to Inferior--18cm. Skin ellipse : 16.5X10cm. Nipple : Normal,shows small eosion measuring 0.2x0.1cm.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single. Tumour Size : 3x2.7x2.5cm. Distance to nearest separate tumor foci (when multiple ): Location of tumor : Lower inner quadrant.Margins of tumor : Infiltrative. Deep margin : 2cm.Muscle : Present,measuring 2x2cm.Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty. Axillary tail : 9x5x4cm.Total number of nodes : 20 nodes.Size of largest node : 2x1.5x0.5cm,cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Histopathologic Examination:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Viable tumor present,Invasive Ductal Carcinoma with areas of fibrosis, necrosis and lymphocytic collection, Grade IIModified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the lower inner quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 20 lymph nodes,No deposits of tumor.Summary: Right MRM,Viable tumor Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade II.Nodal metastases 20 nodes.No metastatic deposits of tumor." 5525,MRA168410,CLINICAL DETAILS PROVIDED: Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMENA) Left breast (Left Modified Radical Mastectomy)B) Level III- Left axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS 5526,MRA168428,"CLINICAL DETAILS : Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN: Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy specimen.BREASTReceived in : Formalin.Time of receipt at lab : 4:00pm.Procedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Right breast. Total dimensions : Medial -lateral : 16.5cm. Superficial -Deep : 3cm. Superior-Inferior : 15.5cm.Skin ellipse : 12x7cm. Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumour Size : 2x2x1cm.Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrant. Margins of tumor : Ill defined. Deep margin : 0.5cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : 0.5cm. Total number of nodes : 24 nodes.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Axillary tail : 6x5x1.5cm.Grossed by : Dr. Barasha.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Right breast, Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. Modified BR score 7 (3+2+2). Tumor measures 2cm in greatest dimensionand is located in the upper inner quadrant. Focal Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ- Low grade- Solid type. Lymphovascular invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor Nipple and areola : Unremarkable, No Paget's disease.Lymph nodes: 2 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 24 nodes (2/24). Perinodal spread present.Size of the largest node is 1.5x1cm.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Nuclear Grade 2. Maximum dimension of the tumor 2x2cm.Tumor measures 2cm in greatest dimensionand is located in the upper inner quadrant. Focal Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ- Low grade- Solid type. Lymphovascular invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor Nipple and areola : Unremarkable, No Paget's disease.Lymph nodes: 2 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 24 nodes (2/24). Perinodal spread present.Size of the largest node is 1.5x1cm.Pathological stage : pT1N1." 5527,MRA168439,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified radical Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial - lateral -9cm Superficial - Deep - 2cm Superior - Inferior - 8cmSkin ellipse : 9.5x5cm Nipple and areola : unremarkableScar/ Surgical defect : post lumpectomy fibrosed scar seen.Tumor : grossly no tumor identified, diffuse areas of fibrosis noted. Tumour Size : 7x6cm Location of tumor : present in all quadrants - diffuse fibrotic mass.Margins of tumor : fibrotic Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 4x3x2cm.Total number of nodes : 10 lymph nodes Size of largest node : 1.5x1x1cm, cut surface shows grey whiteIMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: )post lumpectom -post NACT)Tumor bed:- Multiple sections from complete mass shows fibrotic,necrotic,lymphocytic infiltration and foreign body giant cells.No evidence of residual viable tumor present surrounding breast parenchyma shows fibrocytic disease, adenosis.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 3 lymph nodes, show metastatic deposits of viable invasive ductal carcinoma present. Perinodal spread is presentSUMMARY:Right post lumpectomy, post NACT MRM, no residual viable tumor present - fibrotic and necrotic areas.Nodal metastases 3 nodes lymph nodes, show metastatic deposits of viable invasive ductal carcinoma present. Perinodal spread is present." 5528,MRA168441,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast - Post NACT.SPECIMEN:Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Time of receipt at lab : 1:05pm,27.6.16.Procedure : Mastectomy post NACT.Laterality : Right.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 21cm. Superficial - deep :4.5cm. Superior-inferior : 19cm.Skin ellipse : 17x10cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen,skin overlying tumor shows thickening and induration measuring 2x1cm. Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 3.0x2.5x2.5cm.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of Tumor : Infiltrate.Deep margin : 1.5cm.Muscle : Present,measuring 1x1.5cmAdjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x1cm. Cut surface shows grey white,firm.Axillary tail : 6x5x3cm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy:Tumor bed:--Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade II.-Viable residual tumor present with areas of fibrosis and necrosis.-Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ______ 7/9 ______-Tumor measures 3x2.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant.-Ductal carcinoma Insitu is not present.-Lymphovascular invasion is present.-Perineural invasion is present.-Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.-Nipple and areola is unremarkable.-Lymph nodes : 3lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor of 12nodes.-Perinodal spread is present.-Pathological stage: pyT2N1." 5529,MRA168467,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right Breast -post NACT.SPECIMEN:Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 18cm Superficial to Deep : 4cm Superior to Inferior : 16cmSkin ellipse : 14x10cm Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : --Tumor : SingleTumour Size : 1.8x1.5x1.2cm(discordance noted with mammographic findings) Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Irregular Deep margin : 2.5cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty Axillary tail : 10x7x3cmTotal number of nodes : 15lymph nodes Size of largest node : 2.8x2x1.8cm,cut surface shows tumor deposits grossly.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive ductal carcninoma, Grade II. Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 1.8x1.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is present.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 6 lymph nodes, Metastatic deposits of tumor out of 15 nodes.Perinodal spread is present.Size of the biggest node is 2.8x2cm.Pathological stage : pT1N2.SUMMARY:Right MRM,Invasive ductal carcinoma,Grade II.Nodal metastases 6 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 15 nodes.Perinodal spread is present." 5530,MRA168504,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Complaint of Right Carcinoma Breast with left breast benign lump.SPECIMEN:A) Right MRM.B) Left lumpectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received in : Formalin Procedure : Mastectomy MRM Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial to lateral -12.5cm Superficial to Deep - 2.5cm Superior to Inferior - 12cmSkin ellipse : 10x6cm Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single Tumour Size : Tumor bed- fibrotic with small cystic cells measuring 1.8x1.5x1cm No solid tumor areas seen. Location of tumor : 11o' clock position. Margins of tumor : ill-defined. Deep margin : 1cm Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty tissue(grey white fibrotic areas diffusely present) Axillary tail : 5x4x2cmTotal number of nodes : 18Size of largest node : 2x1.5x1cm,cut surface shows fatty infiltration.B) Received single grey white soft tissue mass measuring 3x2.5x1.cm.Cut surface shows cyst yielding clear serous fluid.Solid area measuring 1.5x1.5x0.8cm.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- Fibrotic areas,myxomatous areas, dilated ducts and atrophic ducts.No residual viable tumor present. Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 18 lymph nodes, No Metastatic deposits of tumor. B) Left breast lump :Multiple sections studied show dilated ducts lined with simple layer of cuboidal epithelial cells with outer myoepithelial cells.Surrounding ducts show adenosis with cellular stroma.There is no evidence of ductal carcinoma insitu or invasive ductal carcinoma.SUMMARY:Right Breast - post chemotherapy MRM, Tumor bed:- fibrotic dilated ducts and atrophic ducts - No residual viable tumor present. Nodal metastases 18nodes - No deposits of tumor.Left Breast Lump : Fibrocytic Disease with Adenosis." 5531,MRA168510,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breast - Post MRMRight chest lesion- Malignancy.SPECIMEN:Right Chest Wall Lesion, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Receive very tiny grey white - grey brown soft tissue bits altogether measures 0.2 x 0.1 x 0.1 cm. Entire tissue processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fragments of fibrocollagenous tissue showing lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. No atypical cells are seen.IMPRESSION:Right Chest Wall Lesion, Biopsy:Shows features of chronic non - specific inflammation.No evidence of malignancy seen. " 5532,MRA168530,"CLINICAL DETAILS: Carcinoma right breast- Post NACT.SPECIMEN:A) Lumpectomy- wide local excision- Post NACT.B) Right axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 5x3x3cm.Skin ellipse measures 2.5x0.5cm.Cut surface shows irregular greywhite tumor measuring 1.8x1.5x1cm, located at the following distance from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 1.5cm.Inferior margin -- 1cm.Medial margin -- 1.2cm.Lateral margin -- 1.4cm.Deep margin -- 0.8cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 7x5x3cm.Largest lymph node measuring 4x3x2.4cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.Dissected 18 nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows clumps, groups and sheets of cells with high nuclear cytoplasmic ratio, plenty of mitotic figures, occasional giant cells, areas of necrosis and fibrosis present surrounding tumor cells.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Tubular formation 0% : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic figures : 3 -------------- 9/9 ---------------MBR score is 9/9, Nuclear grade III.Lymphovascular invasion : Present.Perineural invasion : Present.Resected margins:-Superior margin -- Free of tumor.Inferior margin -- Free of tumor.Medial margin -- Free of tumor.Lateral margin -- Free of tumor.Deep margin -- Free of tumor.Right axillary lymph nodes:2 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 18 nodes.IMPRESSION:A) Lumpectomy- wide local excision- Post NACT:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Maximum dimension of residual viable tumor measuring 1.8x1.5x1cm.Nuclear grade III.DCIS : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Present, Perineural invasion : Present.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Right Axillary lymph nodes:2 Nodes show metastatic deposits of viable tumor out of 18 nodes (2/18)." 5534,MRA168654,CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma left breast-Post NACT.SPECIMEN:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received ináá ááá ááá ááá áá á á : Formalin. Procedureáá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á:á Mastectomy post NACT Lateralityáá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá á á : Left. Total dimensionsáá ááá ááá áá :á Medialá to lateral-- 13.5cmááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial to Deep-- 2cm.áá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior to Inferior-- 11.5cmSkin ellipseáá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá : 11.5x5cm.Nippleáá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á áá :á Normal Scar/ Surgical defectáá ááá : Not seen.Tumoráá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá á á áá : No obvious tumor seen. áTumour Sizeáá ááá ááá ááá ááá á: Only fibrosisá seen over aná measuring 6x4x2cm.áááááá ááááá Deep margináá ááá ááá ááá ááá á: 0.5cm.Muscleáá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá á á á á : Absent Adjacent Breastáá ááá ááá ááá á :á Fibrofatty tissue.áááááá áAxillary tailáá ááá ááá ááá áá á á á á : 5x4x1.5cm.Total number of nodesáá ááá : 13Size of largest nodeáá ááá ááá : 1x1x0.4cm.cut surface:grey whiteIMPRESSION:4 out of 13 left axillary lymph nodes isolated show metastatic deposits of ductal carcinoma.No perinodal spread seen.No residual viable tumor in the mastectomy specimen.No lymphovascular invasion seen.No perinodal invasion seen.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Deep margin : Free of tumor. 5535,MRA168657,"CLINICAL DETAILS: Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN: Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin. Time of receipt at lab : 3:30pm.Procedure : Mastectomy MRM. Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial -lateral : 20cm. Superficial -Deep : 6cm. Superior-Inferior : 13cm.Skin ellipse : 19x12cm. Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : : Single.Tumour Size : 2.5x2.5x2cm.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant. Margins of tumor : Infiltrative. Deep margin : 0.8cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Total number of nodes : 17 Nodes.Size of largest node : 2x1x1cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Axillary tail : 6x5x4cm.Grossed by : Dr. Sahithi.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Right breast, Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive Carcinoma with medullary features with areas of necrosis present. Modified BR score : 8 (3+3+2).Tumor measures 2.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not present.Lymphovascular invasion not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor Nipple and areola are free of tumor.Lymph nodes: Seventeen lymph nodes- No deposits of tumor (0/17.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive Carcinoma with medullary features with areas of necrosis present. Maximum dimension of tumor 2.5cm.Nuclear grade III.Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not present.Lymphovascular invasion not present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor Nipple and areola are free of tumor.Lymph nodes: Seventeen lymph nodes- No deposits of tumor (0/17)." 5536,MRA168673,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Complaint of Right Carcinoma Breast.(LABC)- Post NACT.SPECIMEN:Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial ?lateral - 19cm Superficial ?Deep - 5cm Superior-Inferior - 17cm. Skin ellipse : 13x10.5cm Nipple :Normal Tumor : Single Tumour Size : 6x5.5x4cm Distance to nearest separate tumor foci (when multiple ): Location of tumor : Central & outer quadrant. Margins of tumor : ill defined. Deep margin : 3.5cm Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail : 6x5x3cm.Total number of nodes : 19cmSize of largest node : 1.5x1x0.8cm,cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed:- Invasive ductal carcinoma,viable tumor present with focal areas of necrosis,fibrosis,Grade III. Modified BR score is 8/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 6X5.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central and outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 6 lymph nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 19 nodes.Perinodal spread is present.Size of the biggest node is 1.5x1cm.SUMMARY:Right MRM- Viable invasive ductal carcinoma present,Grade III.Nodal metastases 6 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 19 nodes." 5537,MRA168731,CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast post NACT.SPECIMEN:A) Wide local excision for frozen.B) Axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received skin covered fibrofatty tissue measures 6x5x3cm.Skin ellipse measures 1.8x0.6cm.Cut surface shows ill defined grey white lesion measures 1.5x1x0.8cm.Distance from deep margin - 1.3cm.Located at the following distances from the respective margins;-Superior margin - 2.2cmInferior margin - 1.3cmLateral margin - 0.8cmMedial margin - 0.8cmDeep margin - 1.3cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 7x6x2cm.Largest lymph node measures 3.3x2x1cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Dissected 15 nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Wide local excision fro frozen :Tumor bed:- The sections from the frozen shows fibrotic and necrotic areas. No viable tumor cells are seen. Further sections from the remaining tissue shows small clumps of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Degenerated and necrotic areas are present.Small focus shows viable tumor.Invasive ductal carcinoma measures 0.5x0.5cm in further sections.Resected margins -Superior margin - free of tumor.Inferior margin - free of tumor.Lateral margin - free of tumor.Medial margin - free of tumor.Deep margin - free of tumor.B) Axillary lymph nodes :15 nodes show no deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Wide local excision for frozen :Frozen section - there is no evidence of viable tumor.In remaining specimen shows small focus of invasive ductal carcinoma. Lymphovascular invasion is not present.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Axillary lymph nodes :15 nodes show no deposits of tumor. 5538,MRA168734,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Sentinal node.B)Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Sentinal node:Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3.2x1.5x0.7cm. Isolated 2 lymph nodes.Largest lymph node measuring 0.6x0.4x0.3cm. Dissected 2 nodes.B)Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Received iná :á Formalin.Procedureááá : Mastectomy.Lateralityáá : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateraláááá : 19cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deep : 3.5cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferioráá : 18cm.Skin ellipseááááá :á 13x7.5cm.Nippleááááááááááááá : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumorá :á Single.Tumor size : 1.6x1.5x1.4cm.Location of tumor :á Central quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 2cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Size of largest node : 1x0.6x0.3cm. Axillary tail : 6x4x2cm.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IModified BR score is 5/9.Tumor measures 1.6x1.5cm in greatest dimension and is located in the retroareolar quadrant.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is not present.Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: Sentneal 2 nodes- No paget's of tumor.Axillary nodes : 8 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.SUMMARY:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade ILymph nodes: Sentneal 2 nodes- No paget's of tumor.Axillary nodes : 8 Nodes- No deposits of tumor." 5539,MRA168768,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Local skin recurrence - nodulesSPECIMEN:Skin nodule for biopsyGROSS FINDINGS:Received single skin covered soft tissue bits measures 4x2x1.5cm, skin ellipse measures 4x2cm, Multiple ill defined nodules largest measuring 0.3 cm noted . Nearest inked margin is 1cm away from nodulesMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section demonstrates skin with underlying neoplastic lesion in the subcutis consisting of round to oval cells arranged in sheets and nests exhibiting moderate to marked nuclear pleomorphism and pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. There is brisk mitotic activityIMPRESSION:Tumor deposits suggestive of recurrence in a known case of carcinoma breast" 5544,MRA168811,"CLINICAL DETAILS : Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN: Right breast (Right Modified Radical Mastectomy).GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial ?lateral : 15cm. Superficial ?Deep : 4cm. Superior-Inferior : 14cm.Skin ellipse : 13.5x7cm. Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : : Single.Tumour Size : 3.5x2.5x2cm.Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Infiltrative. Deep margin : 0.8cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Total number of nodes : 21 Nodes.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.8cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Axillary tail : 8x5x2.5cm.Grossed by : Dr. NidhiMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Right breast, Modified Radical Mastectomy: Maximum dimension of the tumor is 3.5cm.Invasive ductal carcinoma is measuring 2.3cm.MBR score : 6/9), Nuclear grade : II.Extensive Ductal carcinoma-in-situ with comedonecrosis measuring 1.2cm.Lymphovascular invasion not present.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable- No Paget's disease.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Lymph nodes : 21 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Modified Radical Mastectomy: Maximum dimension of the tumor is 3.5cm.Invasive ductal carcinoma is measuring 2.3cm.MBR score : 6/9), Nuclear grade : II.Extensive Ductal carcinoma-in-situ with comedonecrosis measuring 1.2cm.Lymphovascular invasion not present.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable- No Paget's disease.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Lymph nodes : 21 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.Pathological grade : pT2N0." 5545,MRA168832,"CLINICAL DETAILS PROVIDED: Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast (Right Modified Radical Mastectomy)GROSS FINDINGS:Receivedin : Formalin.Timeof receipt at lab :Procedure : Mastectomy MRM.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 16.5cm. Superficial - deep :4cm. Superior-inferior : 15.5cm.Skin ellipse : 14x9cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 3.0x2.5x2cm.Location of tumor : Upper inner quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 1.7cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 11 Nodes.Size of largest node : 2.2x1.5x0.7cm.Cut surface shows greywhite area and fatty infiltration.Axillarytail : 6x5x2.5cm.IMPRESSION:Right breast (Right Modified Radical Mastectomy)Invasive Ductal Carcinoma,Grade 2.- Modified BR score 7(3+2+2).-Tumor measures 3cm ingreatest dimension and is located in the upper inner quadrant.- Focal DuctalCarcinoma-In-Situ with comedo pattern with High grade.- Lymphovascular invasion is identified.- Perineural invasion is identified.- Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.- Nipple and areola are free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 2 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 11 nodes. Perinodal spread present.Pathological stage : pT2N1.SUMMARY: Right MRM- Viabletumor present- IDC Grade 2, 2 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 11 nodes. Perinodal spread present." 5546,MRA168847,"CLINICAL DETAILS: Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMENA) Left breast (Left Modified Radical Mastectomy).B) Level III Axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGSA) Laterality : Left breast Total dimensions : 22x17x2.5cm Skin ellipse : 15x9cm Nipple and areola : Retracted. Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor Size : 3.5x3x2cm.Location of tumor : Central quadrant and lower inner quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ildefined.Deep margin : 1.5cmAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 15 Nodes.Size of nodes : 0.5cm to 1.5cm in diameter.Axillary tail : 6x5x2cm.Size of the largest node : 1.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.B) Level III Axillary lymph nodes : Received fibrofatty bits measuring 2.5x2x0.5cm. Size ranging from 0.5 to 2.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGSHistologic type : Invasive ductal carcinoma, left breastTumor has modified BR score of 7 of 9 (Grade II).Size of tumor : 3.5x3x2cm.In-situ component : Absent.Lymphovascular emboli : Present.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Paget's disease : Absent.Deep margin : Free of tumor.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.No. of lymph nodes isolated : 15 Nodes.No. of lymph nodes involved :One node shows deposits of invasive ductal carcinoma in the perinodal area.Level III : 3 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION: Left breast (Left Modified Radical Mastectomy).Invasive ductal carcinoma.Maximum dimension of tumor 3.5x3x2cm.DCIS : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Present.Nipple and areola : Nilremarkable, No Paget's disease.Undersurface resected margin : Free of tumor.Lymph nodes:No. of lymph nodes isolated : 15 Nodes.No. of lymph nodes involved :One node shows deposits of invasive ductal carcinoma in the perinodal area.Level III : 3 Nodes- No deposits of tumor." 5547,MRA168848,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast conservation surgeryB) Right sentinel lymph nodes.C) Righ axillary lymph nodes.D) Revised deep margin.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 3.5x3x1.5cm.Skin ellipse measuring 2x0.8cm.On serial sectioning greywhite mass measuring 1.5x1.1x1cm.seen which is located at following distances from the respective margins:-Superior margin--1cm.Inferior margin--0.7cm.Medial margin--0.8cm.Lateral margin--1cm.Deep margin--0.3cm.B) Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 1.5x1x0.5cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1x0.5x0.5cm.Entire tissue is processed.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 16x6x2cm.Size of largest lymph node measuring 2x1x1cm.Cut surface is greywhite.D) Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 2x1x0.8cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from tumor show breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as tubules and islands.The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm.No lymphovascular emboli seen.Foci of calcification seen.Areas of solid and cribriform intermediate to high grade ductal carcinoma in situ seen.Sections from superior,inferior,medial,lateral and deep margins are free of tumor.Overlying skin are unremarkable.B) 2 lymph nodes isolated are negative for malignancy.C) Section shows 5 lymph nodes which are negative for malignancy.D) Section shows fragment of fibromuscular tissue which is unremarkable.IMPRESSION:A) Invasive ductal carcinoma,Right breast.MBR score is 7/9,Grade 2.Tubule formation:3Nuclear pleomorphism:2Mitotic figures:2Tumor size:1.5x1.1x1cm.No lymphovascular emboli seen.Superior,inferior,medial and lateral margins are free of tumor.Overlying skin is unremarkable.B) 2 right sentinel lymph nodes isolated are negative for malignancy.C) 5 right axillary lymph nodes isolated are negative for malignancy.D) Revised deep margin: Negative for malignancy." 5549,MRA168890,"CLINICAL DETAILS: Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Breast conservative surgery- Wide local excision- done for frozen specimen.B) Right axillary lymph node dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received single skin covered soft tissue bits measuring 7x4.5x3cm.Skin polyp measures 4x2cm. Skin surface is unremarkable.Cut surface shows greywhite tumor nodules measuring 2.2x1.5x1cm. Adjacent to the larger tumor, another greywhite nodule seen measuring 0.5x0.5x0.3cm, located at the following distance from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 0.5cm.Inferior margin -- 2cm.Medial margin -- 0.5cm.Lateral margin -- 1.5cm.Deep margin -- 1cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 7x6x2cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1x0.5x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration. Dissected 21 nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Breast conservative surgery- Wide local excision- done for frozen specimen:Tumor- Two tumor masses are present.One tumor mass measuring 2.2x1.5x1cm.Another tumor mass measures- Small nodule mass 0.5x0.5x0.3cm.Two tumor masses show Invasive ductal carcinoma.Tubular formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ------------------- 6/9 -------------------MBR score : 6/9, Nuclear grade II.DCIS : Present- Solid and cribriform (Low grade).Resected margins:-Superior margin -- Free of tumor.Inferior margin -- Free of tumor.Medial margin -- Free of tumor.Lateral margin -- Free of tumor.Dee margin -- Free of tumor.B) Right axillary lymph node dissection:21 Nodes- No deposits of tumor (0/21).IMPRESSION:A) Breast conservative surgery- Wide local excision- done for frozen specimen:Two tumor masses.1st tumor measuring 2.2x1.5x1cm.2nd tumor measuring 0.5x0.5x0.3cm.Invasive ductal carcinoma.Nuclear grade II.DCIS: Present- Low grade.Lymphovascular invasion not present.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Right axillary lymph node dissection: 21 Nodes- No deposits of tumor (0/21)." 5550,MRA168949,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS : Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN : A) Right Breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.B) Level III Right Axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received in : Formalin. Time of receipt at lab : 5:30pm Procedure : Mastectomy MRM. Laterality : Right.Total dimensions : Medial -lateral : 22 cm. Superficial - Deep : 7 cm. Superior-Inferior : 18cm.Skin ellipse : 20 x 9.5 cm.Skin surface shows nodular swelling measuring 3.5 x 3.5 cm corresponding with the tumor underneath and 4 cm lateral to nipple/areola complex.Nipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : : Single. Tumour Size : 4.5 x 4 x 4 cm.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Infiltrative. Deep margin : 1 cm.Muscle : Present, measuring 3.5 x 2 cm. Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty Total number of nodes : 20 Size of largest node : 2.5 x 1.5 x 1 cm,cut surface is greywhite.Axillary tail : 5 x 5 x 4 cm.B) Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 2 x 2 x 1 cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular invasion is identified. Perineural invasion is not identified.IMPRESSION :A) Right Breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 3.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8(3+2+3)- Tumor is unifocal and is located in the upper outer quadrant.- Tumor measures 4.5cm in greatest dimension.- Lymphovascular invasion is identified.- Perineural invasion is not identified.- Ductal carcinoma in situ component is not identified.- Overlying skin is free of tumor.- Nipple and Areola are free of tumor.- Posterior resection margin is free of tumor and is 1.0 cm away from the tumor.Lymph nodes :Three out of twenty lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposits with Extranodal extension(3/20).- Size of the largest tumor foci measures 1.0 cm in greatest dimension.Pathological stage : pT2N1a" 5551,MRA168968,"SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast.Gross:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score : 6/9, grade 2.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 -------------- 6/9 --------------" 5552,MRA168970,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN :Right axillary mass, excision biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received encapsulated cystic mass measuring 6.5x4.5x3.5cm. Cut surface yielded yellowish fluid no solid area seen.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section show thick fibrous cystic wall with lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Few fibroblast and congested dilated vessels.IMPRESSION :Right axillary mass, excision biopsy :Benign cystic lesion.No evidence of malignancy." 5553,MRA168978,"SPECIMENA) Left breast (Left Modified Radical Mastectomy)B) Level III left axillary lymph nodes.C) Left ureteric stone fragmentsGROSS FINDINGSA) Laterality : Left breast Total dimensions : 20x17x3cm Skin ellipse : 15x10cm Nipple and areola : Unremarkable Scar/ Surgical defect : NilTumor Size : 4x3x2.5cm.Location of tumor : Lower outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 0.5cmAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 15 nodes.Size of nodes : 0.5cm to 1.5cm in diameterAxillary tail : 5x4x2cm.Size of the largest node : 1.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.B) Level III left axillary lymph nodes : Received fibrofatty bits measuring 3x2x2cm. Size of lymph node ranging from 0.2 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.C) Left ureteric stone fragments:Received fragments of stone altogether measuring 0.3x0.3x0.2cm. Cut surface shows greywhite to greybrown. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGSHistologic type : Invasive ductal carcinoma, left breastTumor has modified BR score of 6 of 9 (Grade II).Tubule formation 30% 2 Nuclear pleomorphism 2 Mitotic activity 6/10HPF 2 ----------- 6 ------------Size of tumor : 4x3x2.5cm.In-situ component : Absent.Lymphovascular emboli : Absent.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Paget's disease : Absent.Deep margin : Free of tumor.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Level I,II lymph nodes: 15 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.Level III lymph nodes : 4 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSIONHistologic type : Invasive ductal carcinoma, left breastTumor has modified BR score of 6 of 9 (Grade II).Maximum dimension of tumor 4x3cm.Nuclear grade II.DCIS : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.Nipple and areola : Nil remarkable, No Pagets disease.Undersurface resected margin : Free of tumor.Lymph nodes:Level I,II lymph nodes: 15 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.Level III lymph nodes : 4 Nodes- No deposits of tumor." 5554,MRA168985,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right Breast - post NACT.SPECIMEN:Right MRM.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Mastectomy post NACT Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial to lateral - 20cm Superficial to Deep - 4cm Superior to Inferior - 19cmSkin ellipse : 15cm Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : AbsentTumor : Single;diffuse fibrotic grey white areas seen along with the tumor.Tumour Size : 4x3x1.5cm Location of tumor : Inner quadrant. Margins of tumor : Illdefined Deep margin : 0.5cm. Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 7x5x2cm.Total number of nodes : 13 lymph nodes Size of largest node : 1.7x1.5x1cm.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy: Tumor bed :- Invasive ductal carcinoma, viable tumor present,Grade II.Surrounding the areas of necrosis,fibrosis and inflammatory cellular infiltration is present. Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism:2Mitotic figures: 2Tumor measures 4x3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the inner quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not present.Lymphovascular invasion is present.Perineural invasion is present.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 3 lymph nodes, Metastasis: out of 13 nodes. Perinodal spread is present.Size of the biggest node is 1.7x1.5cm.SUMMARY:Right MRM, Invasive ductal carcinoma - viable tumor present,Grade II.Nodal metastases 3 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 13 nodes.Perinodal spread is present." 5555,MRA169018,"H16-3255SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.5 to 1.1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords, tubules and in diffuse pattern. Cells show round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Stroma shows mild lymphocytic infiltration.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 __________ 6/9 ____________Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified.Lymphovascular invasion and Perineural invasion not identified." 5556,MRA169021,"SPECIMENA) Left breast (Left Modified Radical Mastectomy)B) Revised deep margin.C) Level III lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Left breast (Left Modified Radical Mastectomy):Lateralityáááááááááááááááááááááá : Left breastááá Total dimensionsááá á á á á ááá : 15x14x4cm ááá Skin ellipseááá á á á á á á á á áááá : 12.5x7cmá á ááá Nipple and areola á á á á á ááá : Unremarkableáá á ááá Scar/ Surgical defectááááááááá : NilTumor Sizeáááááááááááááááááááááááá : 3.7x2.5x2.5cm.Location of tumoráááááááááááááá : Central quadrant.Margins of tumorááááááááááááááá : Fairly well circumscribed.Deep marginááááááááááááááááááááá : 1cmAdjacent Breastáááááááááááááááá : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodesáááááá : 12 Nodes.Size of nodesáááááááááááááááááááá : 0.5cm to 1.5cm in diameter.Axillary tailááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 7.5x5.5x2.5cm.Size of the largest nodeáááá : 1.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.B) Revised deep margin:Received strip of fibrofatty tissue measuring 8.5x2x0.3cm.One surface inked. Cut surface shows muscle bundle.C) Level III nodes:Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3x2.5x1cm.Dissected 2 nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGSLeft breast (Left Modified Radical Mastectomy):Histologic type : Invasive ductal carcinoma, left breast.Maximum dimension of tumor 3.7x2.5x2.5cm.Nuclear grade II.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable, No Paget's disease.Deep resected margin : Free of tumor.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Lymph nodes :Level I,II : 12 Nodes.Level III : 2 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSIONLeft breast (Left Modified Radical Mastectomy):Histologic type : Invasive ductal carcinoma, left breast.Maximum dimension of tumor 3.7x2.5x2.5cm.Nuclear grade II.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable, No Paget's disease.Deep resected margin : Free of tumor.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Lymph nodes :Level I,II : 12 Nodes.Level III : 2 Nodes- No deposits of tumor." 5557,MRA169055,CLINICAL DETAILS PROVIDED : Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN : A) Left Modified Radical Mastectomy specimen.B) Level III left axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Lateralityá : LeftTotal dimensions : 20x16x4cm.Skin ellipseáááááááá : 13x8.5cm.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Scar / Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor size : 4.5x3.5x3cm.Location of tumor : Central quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep marginááááááá : 0.5cm.Adjacent breastáá : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 18 Nodes.Size of nodesáááááá : 6x5x2cm.Size of largest node : 2.5x2x0.5cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 4x3x2cm.Size of lymph node measuring 0.2 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS.Left Modified Radical Mastectomy specimen:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Tubular formation 5558,MRA169123,"CLINICAL DETAILS: Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right Modified Radical Mastectomy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Time of receipt at lab : 1:55pm.Procedure : Mastectomy MRM.Laterality : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateral : 17.5cm. Superficial - deep : 4cm. Superior-inferior : 14.5cm.Skin ellipse : 13X6.5cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 3x2.8x2.5cm.Location of tumor : Central quadrant.Margins of tumor : Ill defined.Deep margin : 0.8cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 15 Nodes.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Axillary tail : 7x6x1.5cm. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Right Modified Radical Mastectomy:Invasive Ductal CarcinomaMucinous carcinoma, Grade 2.MBR score : 6 (2+2+2).-Tumor measures 3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central quadrant.- Mucinous carcinoma measuring 2cm.- Extensive DuctalCarcinoma-In-Situ, comedo pattern with solid and cribriform pattern measuring 1cm.- Lymphovascular invasion is identified.- Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.- Nipple and areola : Unremarkable, No Paget's disease.Lymph nodes: One node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 15 nodes (1/15). Perinodal spread present.IMPRESSION:Right Modified Radical Mastectomy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.- Maximum dimension of tumor is 3cm.- Nuclear grade II.- Ductal carcinoma-in-situ present measuring 1cm with solid, cribriform and comedonecrosis.- Lymphovascular invasion is identified.- Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.- Nipple and areola : Unremarkable, No Paget's disease.Lymph nodes: One node shows metastatic deposits of tumor out of 15 nodes (1/15). Perinodal spread present.Size of the largest node is 1.5x1cm." 5559,MRA169152,"CLINICAL DETAILS PROVIDED: Lump left breast.SPECIMEN: Breast lump excision.GROSS FINDINGS:Received single skin covered fibrofatty tissue measuring 1.5x1x1cm.Skin ellipse measures 1.5x0.5cm. Surface is unremarkable, located at the following distance from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 0.3cm.Inferior margináá -- 0.3cm.Lateral margináá -- 0.2cm.Medial margináá -- 0.2cm.Deep margináááá -- 0.3cm.Cut surface shows circumscribed greywhite lesion measuring 0.7x0.6x0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple section shows encyst mass consisting of papillary process with vascular core lined with cuboidal epithelial cells with pleomorphic vesicular nucleus. In other areas tumor cells are present in the ductular pattern 30% (2), Mitotic figures 6/10 (2) and moderate degree of anaplasia.Foci of tumor cells are present infiltrating into the stroma.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Resected margin : Close to the tumor 0.1cm to 0.2cm.IMPRESSION:Right lump excision:Encysted intracystic papillary carcinoma with invasive ductal carcinoma.Nuclear grade II.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Resected margin : Close to the tumor 0.1cm to 0.2cm." 5560,MRA169185,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy.B) Level III axillary lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received iná :á Formalin.Procedureááá : Mastectomy.Lateralityáá : Right breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateraláááá : 18cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deep :5.5cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferioráá : 17cm.Skin ellipseááááá :á 14x8cm.Nippleááááááááááááá : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Puckering seen in the upper outer quadrant.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 3x2.5x1.5cm with surrounding fibrotic area present.Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : Infiltrative.Deep margin : 2.5cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 16 nodes.Size of largest node : 1.8x1.5x1cm. Cut surface shows greywhite firm.Axillary tail : 8x6x2cm.Grossed by : Dr Nidhi.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade III.Modified BR score is 8 (3+3+2).Tumor measures 3cm in greatest dimension and is located in the upper outer quadrant.Focal Ductal carcinoma-in-situ present.Lymphovascular invasion and Perineural invasion are present.Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Tumor is present below the skin, epidermis is free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 9 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 16 nodes.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Right modified radical mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade III.Maximum dimension of tumor is 3cm with Upper outer quadrant.Nuclear grade III.DCIS : Focal present solid (Low grade).Lymphovascular invasion and Perineural invasion are present.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable. No paget's disease.Lymph nodes : Level II : 9 nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 16 nodes.Level III : 2 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 2 nodes.Perinodal spread present.Size of the biggest node is 1.8x1.5cm." 5562,MRA169216,"CLINICAL DETAILS: Left breast lump ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 0.3 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in tubules, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.á- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 5563,MRA169232,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Irregular discrete lymph nodal mass in the left supraclavicular region. Known case of carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN : Biopsy from left supraclavicular lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS : Received five grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5 cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Left supraclavicular lymph node, Core biopsy : Positive for malignancy. Suggestive of Metastatic Ductal Carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma left breast." 5564,MRA169251,"CLINICAL DETAILS PROVIDED: Left breast lump/ ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast lump.Received 3 grey-white linear core measuring 0.6 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests, sheets and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 5565,MRA169259,"CLINICAL DETAILS PROVIDED: Left breast lump ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN: Left breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 0.3 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests, cords and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION: Left breast lump, Core Biopsy:INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). " 5566,MRA169267,"CLINICAL DETAILS PROVIDED: Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin. Procedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Right Total dimensions : Medial ?lateral : 18cm. Superficial ?Deep : 5cm. Superior-Inferior : 18cm.Skin ellipse :15x8cm. Nipple : Retracted.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : : Single.Tumour Size : 3.5x3x2cm.Location of tumor : Central quadrant. Margins of tumor : Infiltrative. Deep margin : 2cm.Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Total number of nodes : 18 Nodes.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.Axillary tail : 8x6x3cm.Grossed by (Not to be typed) : Dr. Nidhi.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Right breast, Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. Modified BR score 7 (3+2+2). Tumor measures 3.5cm in greatest dimensionand is located in the central quadrant. Focal lobular Carcinoma-In-Situ present with intermediate nuclear grade is seen. Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not identifiedPosterior resection margin is free of tumor Nipple and areola are free of tumor.Lymph nodes: Six nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 18 nodes (6/18).IMPRESSION:Right breast, Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. Modified BR score 7 (3+2+2). Tumor measures 3.5cm in greatest dimensionand is located in the central quadrant. Focal lobular Carcinoma-In-Situ present with intermediate nuclear grade is seen. Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are not identifiedPosterior resection margin is free of tumor Nipple and areola are free of tumor.Lymph nodes: Six nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 18 nodes (6/18)." 5567,MRA169276,SPECIMEN:A) Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.B) Level III nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Left Modified Radical Mastectomy:Received iná :á Formalin.Procedureááá : Mastectomy MRM.Lateralityáá : Left breast.Total dimensions : Medial-lateralááá áá : 20cm.áááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superficial - deep : 6cm.ááááááááááááááááááááááááá Superior-inferioráá : 19cm.Skin ellipseááááá :á 15x8.5cm.Nippleááááááááááááá : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen. Tumorá : Single.Tumor size : 3x3x2.5cm.Location of tumor : Central quadrant.Margins of tumor : Well defined.Deep margináááááá : 1cm.Muscleáááááááááááááá : Absent.Adjacent breastáá : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 16 Nodes.Size of largest node :á 2x2x1cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.Axillary tailááááááááááááá : 5x5x4cm.B) Level III nodes:Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 2x1.5x1cm. Entire tissue processed.Dissected one node (0/1).IMPRESSION:áLeft Modified Radical Mastectomy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma- Modified BR score 7(3+2+2). Grade II.-Tumor measures 3cm ingreatest dimension and is located in the central quadrant.- DuctalCarcinoma-In-Situ : Not present.- Lymphovascular invasion is identified.- Perineural invasion is identified.- Posterior resectionmargin is free of tumor.- Nipple and areola : Free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 4 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 16 nodes (4/16).Perinodal spread present.Level III nodes : One node- No deposits of tumor.SUMMARY: Left MRM- IDC Grade 2-4 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 16 nodes (4/16).Perinodal spread present.Level III nodes : One node- No deposits of tumor. 5568,MRA169279,"CLINICAL DETAILS: Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.BREASTReceived in : Formalin. Procedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Left breast. Total dimensions : Medial ?lateral : 17cm. Superficial ?Deep : 3.5cm. Superior-Inferior : 12cm.Skin ellipse : 18.5x6.5cm. Nipple :Not seen.Scar : 9cm-Upper and outer quadrant.Tumour Size : Grossly cavity is present- Post lumpectomy. No solid tumor area seen. Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrant. Deep margin : 1cm (from fibrotic area).Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Total number of nodes : 14 nodes.Size of largest node : 1.5x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.Axillary tail : 5x3x3cm.Representative section submitted from fibrotic area.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Left breast, Modified Radical Mastectomy- Post excision: Tumor bed shows fibrotic, necrosis and inflammatory cells consisting of lymphocytes and histiocytes and foreignbody granulation tissue. No evidence of residual tumor seen.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor Nipple and areola are unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 14 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Modified Radical Mastectomy- Post excision: Tumor bed shows fibrotic, necrosis and inflammatory cells consisting of lymphocytes and histiocytes and foreignbody granulation tissue. No evidence of residual tumor seen.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor Nipple and areola are unremarkable.No paget's disease.Lymph nodes: 14 Nodes- No deposits of tumor." 5569,MRA169292,"CLINICAL DETAILS: Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN: A) Wide local excision- NACT.B) Left axillary lymph node dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 6x5x2.5cm.On serial slicing shows firm greywhite ill defined lesion measuring 2x2x2cm, located at the following distance from respective margins:-12 '0' clock margin -- 1.2cm.6 '0'clock margin -- 0.8cm.3 '0'clock margin -- 1cm.9 '0'clock margin -- 1cm.Deep margin -- 0.8cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 9x5x1.5cm.Largest lymph nodes measuring 2.5x1.2x0.6cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration. Dissected 16 nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Wide local excision- NACT:Tumor : Viable tumor is composed of pleomorphic oval to cuboidal cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. Surrounding tumor areas of fibrosis and focal necrosis and lymphocytic infiltration is present.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ----------------- 7/9 -----------------MBR score : 7/9, Nuclear grade II.DCIS : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present.Reseccted margns:12'0'' clock margin -- Free of tumor.6'0'clock margin -- Free of tumor.3 '0'clock margin -- Free of tumor.9 '0'clock margin -- Free of tumor.Deep margin -- Free of tumor.B) Left axillary lymph node dissection:16 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:Wide local excision with Axillary clearance:Viable tumor present- Invasive ductal carcinoma.Maximum dimenson of tumor 2x2cm. Nuclea grade II.DCIS : Not seen.Lymph nodes : 16 Nodes- No deposits of tumor." 5570,MRA169296,"SPECIMEN :Biopsy from right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS :Received multiple tiny grey white linear core measuring 0.2 to 0.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Multiple fragments cores of breast parenchyma exhibiting.á Papillary proliferation of low columnar to ovoid cells harboring vesicular nucleus, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. There are foci of stratification and cribriform like configuration. Apical snouts are seen in few areas. Rich fibrovascular case is plasent. Intervening areas show fibrocollagenous stroma.IMPRESSION :Biopsy from right breast lesion :Papillary neoplasm ? Intraductal papillary carcinoma.? Duct papilloma Needs confirmation on excised specimen " 5571,MRA169331,"CLINICAL DETAILS: Left breast lump ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey-white to grey-brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in diffuse sheets, nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Core Biopsy:INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, GRADE 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 5572,MRA169332,"CLINICAL DETAILS PROVIDED: Mass in left breast ? Carcinoma breast ? lymphoma.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast mass.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as diffuse sheets. The lesional cells have vesicular nuclei with prominent eosinophilic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. A few cells have vacuolated cytoplasm.Intervening lymphoid infiltrate noted.There are separate smaller core of tissue, where the neoplastic large cells are seen in sheets.IMPRESSION: Lymphoproliferative disorder, biopsy from left breast." 5573,MRA169371,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - Possibility of Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right Breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and cords. the lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Mitosis 1-2/10 hpf. Necrosis. Ductal carcinoma in situ. Slid type seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right Breast lump:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9( 3+2+1).Ductal carcinoma in situ solid type - Intermediate nuclear grade.Note: Tumor tissue is scant to do IHC.Suggest repeat biopsy." 5574,MRA169372,"SPECIMEN:A) Breast conservative surgery.B) Left Axillary lymph nodes.C) Level III lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGSA) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 7x6.5x3.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 5x1.7cm.Cut surface shows ill defined greywhite lesion measuring 2.5x2.3x1.7cm, located at the following distance from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 1.5cm.Inferior margin -- 1.5cm.Medial margin -- 2cm.Lateral margin -- 1.7cm.Deep margin -- 1.2cm.B) Left Axillary lymph nodes:Received fibrofatty bits measuring 9x8x3cm. Largest lymph node measuring 2x1.5x1cm.Dissection reveals 21 lymph nodes. Cut surface shows greywhite.Perinodal spread present.C) Level III lymph nodes:Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3x2x1cm.Dissected 8 lymph nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGSA) Breast conservative surgery:Maximum dimension of the tumor 2.5x2.3x1.7cm.Tumor is composed of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm.Tubule formation <10% : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ----------------- 7/9 -----------------MBR score : 7/9, Nuclear grade : II.DCIS : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Present.Resected margins:-Superior margin -- Free of tumor.Inferior margin -- Free of tumor.Medial margin -- Free of tumor.Lateral margin -- Free of tumor.B) Left Axillary lymph nodes:2 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 21 nodes (2/21).Perinodal spread present.Size of the biggest node is 2x1.5cm.C) Level III lymph nodes:8 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Breast conservative surgery:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Maximum dimension of the tumor 2.5x2.3x1.7cm.Nuclear grade II.DCIS : Not present.Lymphovascular invasion : Present.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Left Axillary lymph nodes:2 Nodes show metastatic deposits of tumor out of 21 nodes (2/21).Perinodal spread present.Size of the biggest node is 2x1.5cmC) Level III lymph nodes:8 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.Patholgical grade : pT2N1." 5575,MRA19141,CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 0.9cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue shows extensive areas of solid cribriform and comedonecrosis type of ducal carcinoma in situá with apocrine change. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show fibrosis and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass:Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis.There is aá small focus suggestive of invasion 5576,MRA19400,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breastá - post OPNow right breast lump - ? Malignant.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.3cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as sheets and cords of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate atypia and moderate cytoplasm.Atypical mitosis discerned. Extensive Ductal Carcinoma In-situ noted. Areas of necrosis present.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast -Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II with extensive ductal carcinoma in-situ (solid type).MBR Score is 7/9Tubule formationááááááááááá á - 3Nuclear pleomorphismá á - 3 Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá á á - 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________Lymphovascular invasion is not seen." 5577,MRA24414,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of left breast.Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Right breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests, sheets and islands case of large polygonal cells with markedly pleomorphic round to oval dark nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of clear to pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. Ductal carcinoma in situ present. Comedonecrosis pattern. Brisk mitosis and atypical mitotic figures discerned. Extensive areas of necrosis noted. IMPRESSION:Right breast, biopsy :Invasive carcinoma with medullary like areas , grade 3.Areas of necrosis seen." 5578,MRA26775,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast, post lumpectomySPECIMEN:Right modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : FormalinProcedure : Modified Radical mastectomy Laterality : RightTotal dimensions :Medial to lateral :10cm Superficial to Deep :9cm Superior to Inferior:16cmSkin ellipse :14x8cm Nipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Present 4cm ( post lumpectomy)Tumour bed : Post operative collection measures 5x5x4cm in right breast under the surgical suture No definite grey white areas noted. Areas of hemorrhage seen. Location of tumor : RetroareolarDeep margin :2.5cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail :8x5x4cmSize of largest node : 2.5x2x1cmMICROSCOPY:Tumor bed: Lumpectomy bed shows extensive foreign body giant cell reaction, inflammatory granulation tissue and hemorrhage. No evidence of residual in situ or invasive carcinoma noted.IMPRESSION:Right modified radical mastectomy:No residual tumor.Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not identified.Lymphovascular invasion is identified.Perineural invasion not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 14 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 12(12/14) .Extranodal extension present.Largest deposit measures 0.6cm . Pathological stage: pTxN3. SUMMARY: Right breast post lumpectomy statusNo residual viable tumor .Lymphnode:12 out of 14 lymph nodes show metastatic deposit of ductal carcinoma (12/14)Extranodal extension present." 5580,MRA31169,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Old case of right breast carcinoma. SPECIMEN:Left breast excision, Biopsy:GROSS FINDINGS:Received single fibrofatty tissue measuring 5x4x3cm, Cut surface no gross lesion identified.Small fibrotic area noted measuring 1 x 0.5 x 0.5cm.Distance from margins:Superior margin : 0.9cmInferior margin :0.8cmMedial margin :1cmLateral margin :1.2cmDeep Margin :1.1cmMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple section show one clump of cells showing papillary processes with fibrovascular core lined with cuboidal epithelial cells. The cells are irregularly arranged with atypia of the nucleus is present with eosinophilic cytoplasm. No mitotic figures are present. The ducts are lined with outer myeoepithelial cells . Some of the ducts shows fibrocystic change and sclerosing adenosis with surrounding lymphocytic infiltration.There is no evidence of invasive malignancy.IMPRESSION:Left breast excision, Biopsy:Intraductal papillomaAtypical ductal hyperplasiaFibrocystic diseaseNOTE: Advised IHC markers .Myoepitelial markers for confirmation of Intraductal papilloma" 5581,MRA32135,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right anterior chest wall lesion - ? Recurrence - Carcinoma breast Post CT/RT.SPECIMEN:Right Chest wall lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 8 grey white linear cores measures 2.5-3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma shows a lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are round to oval with hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. Mitotic figures are seen.IMPRESSION:Right Chest wall lesion:Suggestive of Recurrent tumor deposit of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma in known and treated case of Carcinoma Breast. 5582,MRA32898,CLINICAL HISTORY :A) Left breast lump - possibility of ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 0.8cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from breast shows fibrocollagenous tissue with ducts lined by 2 layer of cells. The cellsare round to oval nuclei with scant to moderate cytoplasm and abluminal cells and have round to oval cells with abundant cytoplasm. No atypia seen.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast biopsy:Shows Benign breast tissue.Negative for malignancy. 5583,MRA37031,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lesion ? MalignantSPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section showsá linear cores of breast parenchyma harbouring infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules and cords . The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic,á moderately pleomorphic nuclei and scant cytoplasm. Intervening stroma shows desmoplasia. Mitosis 3-4/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast lesion:Invasive Ductal CarcinomaModified Bloom Richardson Score 6/9, Grade II.Tubule formationáááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 5584,MRA40385,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma left breast.Right breast lump -á possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.5 - 1.2cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring few small foci of an infiltrative lesionarranged as nests and sheets. The cells have round to oval hyperchromatic, pleomorphic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. Ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis noted. Stroma shows dense lymphomononuclear infiltrate. Occasional mitosis noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma, NST grade 2.MBR scoreáá - 6/9Tubule formation á á á á áá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá -- 2Mitosisáááááááááááááááááááááááááá -- 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________" 5585,MRA41318,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - Possibility o f carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.2-0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests, lying in pools of extracellular mucin. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Carcinoma with Mucinous features, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 5586,MRA41764,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring neoplasm arranged as cords and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytopalsm. The intervening stroma is elastotic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma with lobular features grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9.Tubular formationáááááááááááááá -- 3.Nuclear pleomorphismááááááá -- 2Mitotic activityáááááááááááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------" 5587,MRA42003,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Metachronous left breast carcinoma (In a known case of right breast carcinoma in 2008).SPECIMEN:A) Left breast conservative surgery.B) Blue node.C) Hot node.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received skin covered soft tissue mass measures 8.9x8x5cm.Skin ellipse measures 6x1.5cm.Cut surface shows greywhite firm tumor measures 5x2.5x2cm.Distance from margins:-Superior margin : 3cm.Inferior margin : 3cm.Lateral margin : 0.5cm.Medial margin : 0.5cm.Deep margin : 1.2cm.B) Received single lymph node measures 0.8x0.5x0.3cm. Entire tissue processed.C) Received single lymph node measures 0.5x0.4x0.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows a lesion arranged in lobules, nests and sheets, cribriform papillae. The lobules are seperated by fibrocollagenous stroma in the lobules. The cells are cribriform round to oval vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli, abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, comedonecrosis seen in the lumen. Adjacent stroma shows invasive component. Atypical mitotic figure noted. Desmoplasia seen.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast conservative surgery:Left breast: Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ with focus of invasion carcinoma.Tumor measures 5cm in greatest dimension.Invasive component measures 1cm.DCIS component measures 4cm.Lymphovascular invasion not seen.Perineural invasion not seen.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Blue node:One lymph node isolated, Negative for malignancy.(0/1)C) Hot node:One lymph node isolated, Negative for malignancy.(0/1)" 5588,MRA43094,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right lung nodule.GROSS FINDINGS:Received single grey brown linear cores measure 0.5cm in length. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of lung parenchyma with occasional nests and a single three dimensional cluster round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Known case of carcinoma left breast, Biopsy right lung nodule:Few aggregates of monomorphic round cells ? Atypical.Needs IHC to conclusively rule out malignancy." 5589,MRA43197,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast with levels I,IIB) Level III nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Left breast with levels I,II:Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions:Medial-lateral : 17cm Superficial - deep : 4.5cm Superior-inferior : 15cmSkin ellipse : 12x7.5cmNipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : SingleTumor size : 2.5x2.5x2cmLocation of tumor : Upper outer quadrant.Margins of tumor : ill defined.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.Axillary tail : 8x7x2.5cm. .B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x2x1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied shows invasive neoplasm arranged in lobules seperated by fibrous septa, lobules show tumor tissue in glands and solid nests, comedo pattern. The lesional cells are polygonal with moderate eosinophilic to granular cytoplasm, moderately pleomorphic vesicular chromatin and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are seen with occasional atypical mitosis. Stroma is desmoplastic and necrosis noted. Lymphovascular invasion identified. Adjacent breast shows fibrosis and foci of DCIS as solid and cribriform pattern.Deep resected margin is free of tumor.Nipple areola is free of tumor.IMPRESSION:Left breast with levels I,II :Invasive ductal carcinoma, NST, Grade IIModified BR score is 6/9.Tubular formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2Tumor measures maximum dimension 2.5cm.Invasive component measures 2.3cm.Ductal carcinoma-in-situ : Identified, solid and comedo pattern.Lymphovascular invasion is identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 18 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 6,(6/18).SUMMARY:Left breast with levels I,II :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Nodal metastases : 18 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 6,(6/18)." 5590,MRA43561,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of right breast, post op now cervical nodes.SPECIMEN :Biopsy from left cervical node. GROSS FINDINGS :Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Sections studied from linear cores from cervical lymph nodes harbors tumor tissue replacing the lymphoid cells. The cells are pleomorphic with scant eosinophilic cytoplasm and hyperchromatic irregular nuclei. Occasional cells show prominent eosinophilic nucleoli 3-4 atypical mitosis / 10hpf seen adjacent normal lymphoid tissue with fibrosis seen. IMPRESSION :Left cervical node - Biopsy :Suggestive of metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast. " 5591,MRA43847,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump.Thick wall cystic mass.Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.4 - 1cm. Entire tissue is processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Core biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 5592,MRA44535,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Known case of carcinoma breast post surgery and post chemotherapy, now left parotid swelling.SPECIMEN :A)Left level 2 and 3 nodes áááááááááááááááááááááá B)Left parotid specimen.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 2 soft tissue bits altogether measuring 4x3.5x1.5cm.Largest lymph node measuring 1.5x0.6x0.6cm.B) Received salivary gland measuring 4.5x2x2cm.Cut surface shows grey white nodular mass measuring 0.7x0.6x0.6cm.Distance from closest margin - 0.5cm.Grey white area completely submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :A) Section shows 9 lymph nodes which are negative for malignancy.B) Section shows salivary gland incorporating a neoplasm composed of cords sheets and clusters of squamous intermediate and clear cells. Cystic component with intervening mucinous areas seen. No necrosis. No increased mitoses.No lymphovascular invasion .No perineural invasion - closest margin is 0.5cm away from tumor.IMPRESSION ;B) Mucoepidermoid carcinoma, left parotidTumor sizeáá : 0.7x0.6x0.6cmNo perineural invasion No lymphovascular invasion Closest margin 0.5cm away from tumor.A) 9 lymph nodes (Left level 2 and 3 neck dissection) : free of tumor." 5593,MRA44875,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Left infraclavicular mass, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrocollagenous tissue with a lesion arranged in sheets, nests and cords. Cells have pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. interspersed stroma shows lymphocytic aggregation. Atypical mitosis noted.IMPRESSION:Left intraclavicular mass, biopsy:Suggestive of Recurrence in a known case of carcinoma breast." 5594,MRA48475,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast.Multiple liver lesion.SPECIMEN:Liver lesion, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchroamtic nuceli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Liver lesion, core biopsy :Positive for malignancy.Suggestive of metastatic carcinoma - Most possible from breast." 5595,MRA49744,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breast - Breast MRM.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lesionGROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores harboring an infiltrative neoplasm arranged in cords and occasional tubules. The individual neoplastic cells exhibit increased N/C ratio, mild to moderate nuclear pleomorphism inconspicuous nucleoli and scanty cytoplasm. The intervening stroma shows presence of fibrocollagenous connective tissue infiltrated by lymphocytes.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lesion:Invasive carcinoma breast NOS Grade 1Modified Bloom Richardson score is 4/9(2+1+1)." 5596,MRA49796,"CLINICAL DETAILS: Known case of carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from chest wall mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite linear core measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of fibrous and necrotic tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as islands and nests. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate to abudant cytoplasm.IMPRESSION: Invasive carcinoma suggestive of recurrence in a known case of carcinoma breast, biopsy from chest wall." 5597,MRA50928,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma left breast, post BCS.Now right breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show cores of fibroadipose tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm in sheets and nests with moderate cytoplasm and hyperchromatic moderate to markedly pleomorphic nuclei. There is dense inflammatory cells infiltrate in the stroma.IMPRESSION:Right breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade III. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8(3+3+2)." 5598,MRA51808,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump with nipple discharge. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma showing dense sclerosis and exhibiting tumor cells infiltrating in clusters and cords. The tumor cells are round to ovoid with hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate to scant pale to vacuolated cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Right breast biopsy :Invasive carcinoma NST, grade -2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 ........." 5599,MRA53173,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass.Carcinoma breast with ? Ductal carcinoma in situ component.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 5600,MRA53659,CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma breast in 2009.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left iliac bone.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 linear cores of bony tissue measures 0.6 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section examined shows multiple fragments of bony trabecular and fibrocollagenous tissue. The intertrabecular spaces show loose fibrous stroma with focal chronic inflammatory infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left iliac bone:No evidence of malignancy in section examined.? Representative.Please report biopsy if clinically indicated. 5601,MRA54317,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of right breast.SPECIMEN:Liver, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received six grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Liver, Core Biopsy :Positive for malignancy.Suggestive of metastatic carcinoma in know case of carcinoma breast." 5602,MRA56148,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Case of right breast carcinoma in 2009SPECIMEN:A) Right chest wall wide excision.B)Revised base.GROSS FINDINGS:A)Received chest wide excision measures 4x3.5x2.5cm skin ellipse measures 3.5x2xcm,Cut surface show grey white lesion measures 2.5x2.5x1.5cm.Distance from margin:Superior margin :1cmInferior margin :0.8cmMedial margin :1cmLateral margin :0.9cmDeep margin :0.2cmB) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 1.5x1x1cm.IMPRESSION:A) Right chest wall wide excision:Recurrent Invasive ductal carcinoma in a known case of right breast carcinoma.Tumor measures 2.5cm in greatest dimension.Lymphovascular invasion is not seenPerineural invasion is not seen.All resected margins are free of tumor.B)Revised base: Negative for malignancy." 5603,MRA56621,"CLINICAL HISTORY :? Carcinoma right breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows, cores of breast parenchyma harbors infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets, nests and cords. The cells are oval have, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia and extensive lymphocytic infiltrate amounting to follicle formation, Mitotic activity is discerned.á IMPRESSION:Right breast, Biopsy :Invasive ductal cell carcinoma, Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ........." 5604,MRA63101,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma endometrium/ Carcinoma breast/ Pre/ Paravertebral lesion ? deposit.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from paravertebral lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 7 linear cores measuring 0.9 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of tissue harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords and trabeculae. The cells have spindle shaped hyperchromatic nuclei and scant cytoplasm. Mitoses are seen. Areas of hyalinisation and haemorrhage seen.IMPRESSION:Paravertebral lesion, biopsy:Favors Metastatic deposit.Suggest IHC." 5606,MRA65434,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Metachronous left breast cancer.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast lumpectomy (Frozen specimen).B) Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Left breast lumpectomy (Frozen specimen):Received single unoriented lumpectomy specimen measuring 3.5x4x2.5cm. Skin ellipse measures 3.5x1cm.Cut surface shows a relatively circumscribed greywhite lesion measuring 1.5x1.4x1cm.Distance from clostest ink margin is 0.5cm.B) Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy Laterality : Left MRM Total dimensions : Medial -- lateral : 13cm. Superficial -- Deep : 3cm. Superior--Inferior : 14cm.Skin ellipse : 13x11cm. Nipple :NormalScar/ Surgical defect : Surgical defect noted measuring 3x3x2.5cm in upper inner quadrant. Lumpectomy cavity : 3x2x2cm. No residual tumor cells.Deep margin from lumpectomy bed : 2cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty. Axillary tail : 5x4x3cm. Total number of nodes : 18 nodes.Size of largest node : 2x1x1cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltration.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy:Tumor bed shows fibrofatty tissue. No residual tumor.Posterior resection margin is Free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes : 18 lymph nodes- No metastatic deposits of tumor.Pathological stage : pT1N0.Lumpectomy (Frozen specimen):Tumor : Invasive ductal carcinoma.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 1Mitotic figures : 2 ---------------- 6/9 ----------------MBR score is 6/9, Nuclear grade II.Lymphovascular invasion : Not present. Perineural invasion : Not present.The closest resected margin is 0.5cm away from the tumor.SUMMARY:Left lumpectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade IITumor bed shows fibrofatty tissue. No residual tumor.Lymph nodes : 18 lymph nodes- No metastatic deposits of tumor." 5607,MRA66714,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:Left breast wide excision, post BCS+RTGROSS FINDINGS:Received wide excision left breast measures 5x2.5x2.3cmon serial section no obvious tumor is identified fibrotic areas measures 0.6x0.5x0.5cm.Distance from margins:Superior margin : 0.4cmMedial margin : 1cmInferior margin : 0.4cmLateral margin :1cmDeep margin : 0.6cm MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show breast parenchyma with a small focus showing ductal carcinoma in situ solid and cribriform pattern. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nucleus. Stroma shows areas of hyalinisation and fibrosis. A single duct shows intraductal papilloma.IMPRESSION:Left breast wide excision, post BCS+RT:Ductal carcinoma in situ solid and cribriform with one duct showing intraductal papillomaNo invasion is identifiedDuctal carcinoma in situ measures 0.5cm in largest dimension.All margins ( Superior , inferior medial lateral and deep) are free of tumor" 5608,MRA67052,CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case ofá carcinoma left breast. Mammo/USG:right breast lesions atá 10 O' clock and 1 O 5609,MRA67087,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass - ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right Breast Mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in abortive tubules, cords and nests. The cells have round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right Breast Mass:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.á - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 5611,MRA69728,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed,MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section sow cores of breast parenchyma with lesion arranged in nests, sheets and cords of cells in a background of mucin. Cells have round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Adjacent stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Suggestive of Invasive carcinoma (Cellular mucinous varant)" 5612,MRA70463,H16-4670SPECIMEN :Biopsy from left lung lesion.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.0cm.Entire tissue isá processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Linear cores of lung parenchyma exhibiting a neoplastic lesion arranged in sheets and nests consisting of round to ovoid cells demonstrating moderate nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned.There are prominent areas of necrosis.IMPRESSION :Biopsy from left lung lesion :Metastatic depositsá in a known case of carcinoma breast.Suggest IHC. 5613,MRA73245,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast.Liver SOL - ? Metastasis.SPECIMEN :Liver SOL, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows linear cores of hepatic parenchyma with features of steatosis and harboring a lesion arranged in tubules and cords. Individual cells are moderately pleomorphic with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION :Positive for malignancySuggestive of metastatic carcinoma in known case of carcinoma breast , biopsy liver ." 5614,MRA73515,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Post left mastectomy. Right BIRADS 4c.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged in island and nests. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have vesicular nuclei, conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast.Infiltrating ductal carcinoma.Modifiedá BRá score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _____________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________" 5615,MRA73807,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass.SPECIMEN:Left breast mass -trucut biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fragments of tissue harboring lesion arranged in cribriform, nests, and cords , comprising of round to oval cells with pleomorphic, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. mucin present in spaces and extracellular. Ares of hemorrhage and necrosis noted. IMPRESSION:Left breast mass trucut Biopsy:Mucinous Carcinoma." 5616,MRA73853,CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from chest wallGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue infiltrated by neoplastic glands and nests lined by cuboidal cells exhibiting moderate atypia and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Muscle bundles are also noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from chest wall lesion:Metastatic carcinoma in known case of carcinoma breast 5617,MRA74111,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left lung mass - ? neoplastic / ?? metastatic. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left lung mass. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 8 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied show cores of a lesion arranged as sheets and nests. The cells have moderate pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Few cells with peripherally pushed dark nuclei and vacuolated cytoplasm noted. Frequent mitotic figures noted. IMPRESSION:Left lung mass, Biopsy :Poorly differentiated malignancy favor metastatic deposits in known case of carcinoma breast. " 5618,MRA74441,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greybrown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue showing diffuse infiltration of plasma cells, few of them show plasmablast like morphology. Many binucleate cells also noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core biopsy(Known case of Multiple Myeloma- Post Treatment) :Suggestive of plasma cell neoplasm with Plasmablastic morphology.Please correlate with clinical and biochemical findings." 5619,MRA75167,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma endometrium (Carcinoma left breast- Post MRM).SPECIMEN:A) Left pelvic sentinel lymph node.B) Right pelvic sentinel lymph node.C) TAH with BSO specimen.D) Left pelvic lymph node dissection.E) Right pelvic lymph node dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 1.5x1x0.3cm.? Single tiny lymph node identified measuring 0.3x0.2x0.1cm.Entire tissue processed.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3x2x1cm.Isolated ? 2 lymph nodes.Largest measuring 0.6x0.5x0.4cm.C) TAH with BSO specimen:Procedure : TAH+ BSOUterus dimensions: Midline fundal-serosa to ectocervix : 6cm.Maximum intercornual : 4.5cm.Maximum anterior to posterior : 4cm.Cervix Dimentions : 1.5x1.8cm. Unremarkable.Cervix shape : Normal.Right ovary : 1.5x1x1cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.Left ovary : 1.5x1.3x1cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.Right Fallopian tube : 5cm. Unremarkable.Left Fallopian tube : 4.5cm.Unremarkable.Right parametrium : 3.8x1.8x0.2cm.Left parametrium : 3x2x0.2cm.Tumor dimensions : 2x2x0.8cm.Involvement of myometrium by tumor : <50%Leiomyoma : NoLower uterine segment : Unremarkable.Other abnormalities : Absent.D) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3x2.5x1cm. Entire tissue processed.E) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 4x2.5x1cm.Largest lymph node measuring 2x1x0.5cm. Cut surface shows greywhite. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from endometrium shows a polyp shows dilated glands lined by single layer of cuboidal to columnar epithelium with focal areas showing glands with papillary configuration lined by pleomorphic cells with round to oval vesicular nuclei, few with prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Small detached tumor buds are noted in the lumen along with hobbnail cells. Apoptotic bodies are seen. Stromal hypercellularity noted with focal stromal edema. Adjacent endometrium shows atrophic glands.Lower uterine segment : Unremarkable, No evidence of malignancy in the material submitted.Cervix : Few dilated endocervical glands are noted. Nabothian cysts identified, No evidence of malignancy in the material submitted.IMPRESSION:C) Uterus with bilateral ovaries and fallopian tubes, total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy:Endometrium: Adenocarcinoma.- Tumor measures 2cm in greatest dimension.- Tumor invades <50% of myometrium.- Lower uterine segment : Free of tumor.- Cervix : Free of tumor.- Right and left ovaries and fallopian tubes : Unremarkable.- Right and left parametrium : Unremarkable.A) Left pelvic sentinel lymph node: One lymph node isolated, free of tumor (0/1).B) Right pelvic sentinel lymph node:Seven lymph nodes isolated, free of tumor (0/7).D) Left pelvic lymph node dissection:One lymph node isolated, free of tumor (0/1).E) Right pelvic lymph node dissection:Four lymph nodes isolated, free of tumor (0/4)." 5620,MRA75384,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Lumpectomy specimen.B) Sentinel lymph node.C) Cervix biopsy.D) Endocervical tissue.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 8x7.8x4cm.Overlying skin measures 6x2cm. No scar seen.Cut surface shows greywhite tumor measures 1x1x0.8cm, located at the following distances from respective margins:-Superior margin -- 2.8cm.Inferior margináá -- 2.3cm.Medial marginááá -- 0.5cm.Lateral marginááá --á 3.5cm.Deep marginááááá -- 4cm.B) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue bits altogether measures 3.5x2.4x1cm.2 lymph nodes identified. Largest lymph node measures 1.3x0.8x0.6cm.C) Received very scanty mucinous material measures 0.1x0.1x0.1cm. Entire tissue processed.D) Received 2 greywhite tissue bits measures 0.7x0.7x0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Lumpectomy specimen:Invasive ductal carcinoma with focal mucinous areas.Tubule formationá : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresááááá : 2MBR score : 6/9, Nuclear grade II.Lymphovascular invasion : Not identified.Perineural invasion : Not identified.DCIS : Not seen.Resected margin : All are free from the tumor.B) Sentinel lymph node:2 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.C) Cervix biopsy:The section shows stratified squamous epithelium and subepithelium shows scattered paranuclear cells. There is no evidence of dysplasia or malignancy.D) Endocervical tissue:Scanty tissue- No opinion is possible.IMPRESSION:A) Lumpectomy specimen:Invasive ductal carcinoma with focal mucinous cells.Nuclear grade IILymphovascular invasion : Not present.All resected margins are free of tumor.B) Sentinel lymph node:2 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.C) Cervix biopsy:Normal cervical epidermis with mild inflammation.D) Endocervical tissue:Scanty tissue- No opinioná possible." 5621,MRA75789,"H17-3899SPECIMEN:Chest Wall Nodule, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received single skin covered tissue with underlying fat measuring 1.2 x 1 x 0.8 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests, cords and tubules. Individual cells have hyperchroamtic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Chest Wall Nodule, Biopsy :Positive for malignancy.Suggestive of Recurrence of carcinoma in a known and treated case of carcinoma left breast." 5622,MRA75870,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast .Right iliac bone lytic lesion SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right iliac bone lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measuring 0.3 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of fibromuscular tissue demonstrating islands and nests of cuboidal to ovoid cells arranged in glandular, papillary like and large tubular configuration exhibiting mild to moderate atypia and eosinophilic cytoplasm. There is a rich vascular network with aggregates of hemosiderin laden macrophages and lymphocytes.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right iliac bone lesion :Metastatic poorly differentiated malignancy? Metastatic carcinoma breastCould we please have the details of the primary histopathology report." 5624,MRA76849,"CLINICAL HISTORY:H/O Carcinoma breast 2010,post CTRT, now with suspicious uptake in post cricoid region.SPECIMEN:Post cricoid region.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white soft tissue bits altogether measures 0.6x0.5x0.3 cm, entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows fragments of a neoplasm arranged as islands and nests. The neoplastic cells are polypoidal have vesicualr nuclei, conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Keratin pearl formation seen.IMPRESSION:Well Differentiated Squamous cell carcinoma, Biopsy post cricoid region." 5625,MRA77037,CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma breast- post OP CT and on tamoxifen with bleeding PV.SPECIMEN:Total abdominal hysterectomy with Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Fresh tissue received : Yes.Uterus dimensions: Midline fundal-serosa to ectocervix : 10cmMaximum intercornual : 3.5cmMaximum anterior to posterior : 2.5cmCervix : 2x1.5cm.Right Ovary : 3x1.8x1.5cm. Outer surface smooth ; cut surface is unremarkable.Left Ovary : 3.5x1.5x0.8cm.Outer surface smooth ; cut surface is unremarkable.Right Fallopian tube : 5cm. Fimbrial end identified.Left Fallopian tube : 5cm. Fimbrial end identified.Right parametrium : 2.5x1.5x0.4cm.Left parametrium : 2.5x1.5x0.4cm.Polyp in endometrium dimensions : 4.5x2x2cm.Myometrium descriptionMyometrial depth : Anteriorly- 2.2cm.Myometrial appearance : Unremarkable.Lower uterine segment : Normal.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Cervix : Unremarkable. No evidence of dysplasia or malignancy.Lower uterine segment :UnremarkableEndometrium- Endometrial polyp.The polyp is lined with flattened cuboidal epithelium and stroma shows cystically dilated glands lined withSingle layer of cuboidal epithelial cells. Few tubular glands are present lined with cuboidal epithelial cells. The stroma is loose and edematous. There is no evidence of hyperplasia or malignancy.Endometrial glands : Tubular glands lined with cuboidal epithelial cells.Myometrium : Unremarkable.Right and left tubes shows normal structure.Right and left ovaries show normal structure with corpus albicans.IMPRESSION:Total abdominal hysterectomy with Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy:Endometrial polyp- Cystically dilated glands.No evidence of hyperplasia or malignancy. 5626,MRA77696,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN Left breast lump wide excision.GROSS FINDINGS :A) Received lumpectomy specimen measuring 5x4x2cm. Cut surface shows an identified grey white to grey brown fibrotic lesion on the inferior margin measuring 3x2x1.2cm.Distance from the margins :Superior : 2cm.Medial : 1.2cm.Lateral : 1.5cm.Inferior : 1cmDeep : 1.0cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue with one surface inked measuring 4.5x1.5x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Multiple sections reveal breast parenchyma demonstrating ductal and stromal elements. Focal areas exhibit features of usual ductal hyperplasia, surrounded by prominent areas of fibrocollagenous stroma. All resected margins are free of lesion..IMPRESSION :A and B ) Left breast lump wide excision :Small focus of usual ductal hyperplasia.No evidence of malignancy.All resected margins are free of lesion." 5627,MRA81047,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast, cT1N0M0.SPECIMEN:A) Right axillary sentinel lymph node.B) Right breast conservative specimen.C) Revised deep margin.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received 3 blue nodes, largest measures 0.6x0.4x0.3cm. Cut surface shows dye stained.Received 1 enlarged lymph node measures 1x0.8x0.5cm. Cut surface shows fatty infiltrate.B) Received breast conservative surgery specimen measures 4x3.5x2.2cm.Skin ellipse measures 1.8x0.5cm.Cut surface shows nodular greywhite mass measures 1.5x1.5x1.2cm.Distance of tumor from margins:-Superior margin : 0.5cm.Inferior margin : 0.6cm.Medial margin : 1.2cm.Lateral margin : 1.3cm.Deep margin : 0.2cm.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 2.5x1x0.5cm. One surface inked.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows fibroadipose tissue harboring an invasive lesion arranged in lobules separated by fibrous septae. The lobules shows loss of abluminal myoepithelial cells and luminal cells which are having moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic vesicular nucleus with prominent nucleolus. Brisk mitotic activity noted.IMPRESSION:B) Right breast conservative specimen:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade IIITumor Size:1.5x1.5x1.2cmMBR Score 8/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 3Mitotic activity : 2 -------- 8/9 --------DCIS is not seen.Lymphovascular invasion is not seen.Perineural is not identified.All margins of resection are free of tumor.A) Right axillary sentinel lymph node:Four lymph nodes isolated, all are negative for malignancy (0/4).C) Revised deep margin: Free of tumor." 5628,MRA81082,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast post op.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from cervix biopsy.áGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits altogether 1.5x1x0.5cm.Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Fragments of cervical mucosa exhibiting full thickness dysplasia amounting to cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CINIII) . A few dysplastic islands with evidence of keratin pearl formation are seen invading subjacent stroma.IMPRESSION :Well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma, biopsy from cervix. " 5629,MRA81210,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS : Carcinoma endometrium in a P.O Carcinoma left breast in 2011SPECIMEN :A) Uterus, Cervix with Bilateral Adnexa, Hysterectomy with Bilateral Salpingo-Oophorectomy.B) Right pelvic lymph node clearance.C) Left pelvic lymph node clearance.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Fresh tissue received : Yes. Procedure : Extrafascial hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. Uterus dimensions: Midline fundal-serosa to ectocervix : 9 cmMaximum intercornual : 5.5cmMaximum anterior to posterior : 2.5cmCervix Dimensions : 2x2cm ( Anterior-posterior x transverse);ulceration noted in post lip.Vaginal cuff : Absent.Right Ovary : Present,2x1x0.5cm,cut surface:unremarkable.Left Ovary : Present,2.5x1.3x0.5cm,cut surface:unremarkable.Right Fallopian tube : Present,4.5cm,cut surface:unremarkable.Left Fallopian tube : Present,5 cm,cut surface:unremarkable.Right parametrium : 2x0.5x0.5 cmLeft parametrium : 2x1x0.5 cmEndometrium description : Endometrium shows greywhite,friable polypoidal lesion measuring 3x1.5x1cm.Myometrium description:Involvement of myometrium by tumor : Less than 50% Lower uterine segment : Well circumscribed lesion in myometrium measuring 0.2cm in diameter ? fibroid.Representative sections are submitted.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 4x3x1.5cm,largest lymph node measuring 2.5x1x0.5cm.Cut surface : Fatty greybrown infiltration.C) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3.5x2.5x1cm,largest lymph node measuring 2.7x1x0.5cm.Cut surface: Greybrown.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows tumor cells in confluent glandular pattern. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.IMPRESSION:A) Uterus, Cervix with Bilateral Adnexa, Hysterectomy with Bilateral Salpingo-Oophorectomy :Endometrium :ENDOMETRIOID ADENOCARCINOMA, FIGO Grade 1. - Tumor measures 3 cm in greatest dimension. - Tumor invades less than half (<50%) of the myometrial thickness. - Lymphovascular invasion is not identified. - Lower Uterine segment is free of tumor. - Myometrium shows leiomyoma.Cervix :Negative for malignancy.Right and left Parametria :Negative for malignancy.Right and left Ovaries and Fallopian Tubes :Negative for malignancy.B) Right Pelvic lymph node clearance :Ten lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy(0/10).C) Left Pelvic lymph node clearance :Three lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy(0/3).Pathological Stage : pT1aN0" 5630,MRA81549,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.3 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma with an infiltrative lesion arranged in cords, nests and in sheets cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromatic nuclei, and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Areas of necrosis and hemorrhage seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast mass:Infiltrating carcinoma, NST grade III.Modified Bloom Richardson score 8/9.Tubular formationááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphicáááááá -- 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá -- 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------Areas of necrosis seen." 5631,MRA81704,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lesion.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lesion Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 1.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in sheets and cords. The cells have round hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate cytoplasm. Surrounding stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lesion, Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 7(3+2+2)." 5632,MRA82127,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - - Birads 4 lesion.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown slender linear cores measures 0.6-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed..MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows fragments of tissue consisting pleomorphic ductal cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Intra luminal micin and extracellular mucin is present. MBR score is 6/9. Nottingham grade IIIMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Mucinous carcinoma, nuclear grade II." 5633,MRA82262,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast - post lumpectomy cystic lesion at incision site ? recurrenceSPECIMEN:Biopsy from cystic lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.4 to 0.5cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear fragmented cores of fibrous tissue seen.IMPRESSION:No evidence of malignancy at biopsy from cystic lesion at incision site, ." 5634,MRA83056,CLINICAL HISTORY :Multiple lung nodule - ? Metastasis. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right lung nodule. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white to linear core measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The sections show linear cores of densely sclerotic tissue showing tumor cells infiltrating in nests and cords. The tumor cells are round to ovoid with enlarged pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate to scant pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. Large areas of necrosis are seen. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right lung nodule :Poorly differentiated carcinoma ? Metastatic in known case of carcinoma breast. Suggest IHC. 5635,MRA83708,CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of carcinoma right breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from liver lesioná GROSS FINDINGS:Received 10 grey white white linear cores measures 1.5-2.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of liver tissue infiltrating by a neoplasm arranged as cords and clusters. The neoplastic cells haveá hyperchromatic nuclei and have moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is fibrotic IMPRESSION:Biopsy from liver lesion :Metastatic carcinoma of ductal origin. 5637,MRA83843,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left infraclavicular lesionSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left infraclavicular lesionGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue infiltrated by sheets, cords, nests of round to oval neoplastic cells exhibiting moderate nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm amidst a desmoplastic stroma.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left infraclavicular lesion:Invasive carcinoma? Metastasis from breast.? Local recurrence.Please correlate with clinical findings." 5638,MRA84244,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Lump chest wall in a previously treated and case of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Chest wall lesion, wide local excision(Post MRM).GROSS FINDINGS:Received unoriented skin covered fibrofatty tissue measures 9.5 x 7.5 x 5 cm, skin ellipse measures7.4 x 7 cm, shows dimpling serial section shows a grey white firm lesion measures 5 x 4.5 x 3 cm.Distance from the nearest deep margin - 0.2 cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS;Section shows tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Chest wall lesion, Wide local excision(Post MRM) :Suggestive of Recurrent Ductal Carcinoma in a known and treated case of carcinoma breast. - All margins of resection are free of tumor." 5639,MRA86273,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Carcinoma breast multiple liver lesion.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from liver.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 7 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests, cords and abortive glands. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Liver, Core biopsy:Positive for malignancy.Suggestive of Metastatic carcinoma - Most possible from breast." 5640,MRA86743,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of bilateral carcinoma breast - post MRM / post CT.SPECIMEN:Uterus with bilateral ovaries and fallopian tubes, hysterectomy with BSO.GROSS FINDINGS:Uterus dimensions: Midline fundal-serosa to ectocervix : 7.5 cmMaximum intercornual : 6 cmMaximum anterior to posterior : 3.5 cmDimentions : 2.5x2.5 cmVaginal cuff : Present.Anterior : 2x0.6 cmPosterior : 2x0.5 cmRight ovary : Present, 2.5x1x1 cmLeft ovary : 2x1x0.8 cm Right Fallopian tube : 6 cm Left Fallopian tube : 6 cm.Right parametrium : 3x2x0.3 cmLeft paramentrium : 3x1x0.3 cmEndometrium descriptionEndometrial thickness : 0.3 cm cavity shows a polyp measures 1.5x1x0.5 cm (poly was entirely sub in frozen section).Myometrial depth : 1.5 cm .Lower uterine segment : Unremarkable.MICROSCOPY FINDINGS:Section from endometrium shows increased no of endometrial glands, lined by oval to columnar cells having dispersed chromatin and moderate cytoplasm. Few are dilated cyst like glands filled with eosinophilic material.IMPRESSION:Uterus with bilateral ovaries and fallopian tubes, hysterectomy with BSO : Endometrium : Shows Hyperplastic polyp. Myometrium : Unremarkable Lower Uterine Segment : Unremarkable Cervix : Chronic non-specific cervicitis. Right and Left ovaries and Fallopian tubes are negative for malignancy. Right and left parametria are negative for malignancy. Anterior and posterior marginal cuffs are negative for malignancy." 5641,MRA88105,CLINICAL HISTORY :Previously treated carcinoma breast with left supraclavicular lymph nodeSPECIMEN:Left supraclavicular lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received single lymph node measures 1x0.8x0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.Cut surface - Grey white to grey brown.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from supraclavicular lymph node shows effaced architecture with rim of mature lymphocytes. The atypical cells are arranged in clusters show round nucleus. conspicuous nucleoli and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Extracellular mucin seen.IMPRESSION:Metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast. 5642,MRA88866,">right chest wall nodule, biopsy >invasive carcinoma suggestive of recurrence in a known case of carcinoma right breast." 5643,MRA88880,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast with multiple liver lesions - ? metastasis.SPECIMEN: Liver lesion, biopsy GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of liver tissue with an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, sheets. The cells have moderately pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show desmoplasia and areas of necrosis seen. Mitotic figures are 2-3/10 hpf.IMPRESSION:Liver lesion, biopsy:Metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast .Report on ER PR to follow." 5644,MRA89461,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received grey white linear core measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue with composed elongated ducts lined by epithelial and myoepithelial cells few showing ductal hyperplasia. Stroma is cellular composed of spindle cells and a myxoid background. Mitosis is occasional.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Fibroepithelial neoplasm.Possibility of cellular fibroadenoma is considered.Suggest biopsy. 5645,MRA90309,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Post OP, post CT Carcinoma breast with Multinodular goiter.SPECIMEN:Total thyroidectomy specimen.GROSS FINDINGS:Procedure : Total thyroidectomySpecimen dimensions: Right lobe : 4x2x2cm. Lesion measures 3.2x2x2cm, greybrown, poorly defined, capsule thin, distance from inked margin 0.3cm. Degenerative charged cystic, hemorrhagic.Left lobe : 7x4x3cm Isthmus : 1.5x1.5x0.5cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.Tumor focality : Multifocal Gross:Tumor location/size : Right lobe: Superior pole/ Central, external surface is nodular.Left lobe: Inferior pole 2x1.5x1cm, greywhite, well defined.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from right and left lobe of thyroid show a lesion with closely packed follicles of varying sizes lined by columnar cells with bland nuclear features. PTC like nuclear features is not seen.IMPRESSION:Adenomatous hyperplasia, Right lobe and left lobeIsthmus is unremarkable." 5646,MRA90733,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right Breast - post operative.Right chest wall lesion - deposit.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right chest wall lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1.8 to 2 cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue infiltrated by nests, cords, tubules of round to oval neoplastic cells exhibiting moderate nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm with brisk mitotic activity amidst a desmoplastic stroma.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right chest wall lesion:Recurrent carcinoma (high grade)?metastases in a known case of carcinoma breast.Please correlate with clinical findings ." 5647,MRA91358,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast post MRMSPECIMEN:Cervix, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 grey white soft tissue bits measures 1 x 0.8 x 0.3 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows ectocervix lined by stratified squamous epithelium. No loss of polarity is seen. Stroma shows fibrocollagenous tissue with lymphocytes and congest capillaries. No atypia is seen. Focal ulceration is also seen.IMPRESSION:Cervix, Biopsy:Features are suggestive of Chronic non specific inflammation with focal ulceration." 5648,MRA91597,">right breast mass, biopsy >invasive carcinoma primary metastatic carcinoma. >suggest ihc. >" 5649,MRA918,"H17-4026Clinical History : Carcinoma Right Breast- Post OP/CT/RT with left cervical lymph nodes.SPECIMEN :Left cervical lymph node, excision biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received two lymph nodes largest measuring 1x0.5x0.5cm. Cut surface grey white other lymph node 0.8x0.5x0.5cm. Cut surface fatty infiltration.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section from lymph nodes shows metastatic tumor deposit from breast.IMPRESSION :Left cervical lymph node, Excision biopsy :Two lymph nodes identified, both shows metastatic tumor deposits from breast with extranodal extension (2/2). - Size of the larger tumor deposit measures 0.8 cm in greatest dimension." 5650,MRA92213,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left lump mass in a known case of carcinoma breast Post MRMSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left lump mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white fragmented linear cores measures 0.2-0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fragmented tissue bits showing fibrofatty connective tissue with abundant intracellular mucin. Few bits show neoplastic cells arranged in nests exhibiting increased N/C ratio, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and occasional conspicuous nucleoli and scant to moderate amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left lump mass:Mucinous carcinoma.? Primary? Metastatic." 5651,MRA93134,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast diffuse mass with pendi orange skin.SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.6x1cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 5652,MRA93981,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesionGROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.3-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring foci of ductal carcinoma in situ comedo pattern. An occasional focus suspicuous of invasion seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion:High grade ductal carcinoma in situ ( comedo pattern).Definite invasive focus needs to be ascertained on larger tissue. 5653,MRA94192,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left chest wall.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 greywhite to greybrown linea cores measuring 0.5 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue fragments harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in vague tubular formation, nests, sheets and trabeculae. The cells are highly pleomorphic with round to ova , vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and scant cytoplasm. Areas of fibrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Metastatic carcinoma, biopsy from left chest wall in a known case of carcinoma breast." 5654,MRA94198,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left axillary node - metastatic. SPECIMEN:Left axillary node. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 tiny grey white linear cores measures 0.2 to 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrofatty tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in lobules and nest. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Left axillary node, Core biopsy :Suggestive of metastatic carcinoma in a known case of carcinoma breast. " 5656,MRA94731,"CLINICAL FINDINGS:History of Carcinoma left breastLeft axillary node - metastasisSPECIMEN: Biopsy from left axillary node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measuresá 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of lymphoid tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged as cords and trabeculae and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism haveá vesicular nuclei.Minimal crush artefact seen.IMPRESSION:Metastatic carcinoma, biopsy of left axillary node - in a known case of carcinoma breast" 5657,MRA94967,"SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear soft tissue bits each measuring 0.4 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged as nests, cords and tubules. Individual tumor cells are oval to round with hyper chromatic moderately pleomorphic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned. Ductal carcinoma in situ present . Lymphovascular invasion not identified.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion :Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2Modified BR score is 6(2+2+2).Ductal carcinoma in situ present.Lymphovascular invasion not identified." 5659,MRA95266,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breastá mass - Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 1.5-2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied show fibrous tissue with extensive areas of hyalinisation and an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and vague tubules. The cells are ovoid havingá moderate amount of cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nucleus. Stroma is desmoplastic, edematous with areas of hemorrhage. Mitotic figures are discerned. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade 3.Modified Bloom Richardson son score is 7(3+2+2)." 5660,MRA96240,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinomaSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple mucinous grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm.Entire tissue is processed.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma with mucinous features, biopsy of right breastGrade - 1 MBR score -5/9Tubule formationáááááááááá - 2Nuclear pleomorphismá - 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá - 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 5/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______" 5661,MRA96527,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast with multiple bone metastasisSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left iliumGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests, diffuse sheets and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left ilium, Biopsy(known case of carcinoma breast):Positive for malignancySuggestive of metastatic carcinoma in known case of carcinoma breast." 5662,MRA96751,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of carcinoma breast treated 6 yrs back on follow up no with complex ovarian cyst.SPECIMEN:Left and Right ovaries.GROSS FINDINGS:Received two ovaries;á larger left ovary is cystic that measures 5x5x3.3cm and weighs 50gm. Fallopian tube is absent.External surface - capsule intact, cut surface shows multiloculated cysts filled with chocolate brown creamyá material. No solid areas seen.Right ovary measures 3.5x2x1.5cmFallopian tube measures 5.5cmCut surface cystic spacesNo solid areas seen.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from left ovary shows ovarian parenchyma consisting of spindle cells with thick hyalinised blood vesselsá with sheets of foamy macrophages and hemosiderin laden macrophages. Cysts are lined by flattened epithelial cells. No atypia/malignancy is noted in the material submitted.Section from right ovary shows ovarian parenchyma with corpus albicanti and thick walled blood vessels. Focal cystically dilated spaces lined by flattened epihteliumá is seen. No atypical /malignancy is noted in material submitted.IMPRESSION:Left and Right ovaries:Hemorrhagic benign cysts and corpus albicantiNo evidence if malignancy in the material submitted.Left and right fallopian tubes- Unremarkable." 5664,MRA96934,CLINICAL HISTORY :Known case of carcinoma breast with PMB. SPECIMEN:Endometrial biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 grey to grey brown soft tissue bits measures 0.2 x 0.2x0.1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows fragments of endometrial tissue harboring a few tubular endometrial glands lined by cuboidal cell. These cells exhibit moderate cytoplasm. The stroma is compact. IMPRESSION:Endometrial biopsy. Scant volume of endometrial tissue with non secretory glands.NOTE:Kindly correlate with clinical and imageological findings and suggest follow up. 5665,MRA97865,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of carcinoma breast.Right neck nodes - p/o deposit.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right neck node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear core measures 0.3 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of lymphoid tissue with epitheloid cell clusters, transforming histiocytes, multinucleated giant cells and immunoblasts. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis are noted.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right neck node:Granulomatous inflammation of probable Koch's etiology." 5666,MRA98425,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN :Endometrial tissue and polyp, biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS :Received grey white to grey brown soft tissue bits measures 3.5x2x1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Sections show multiple fragments of endometrial tissue with a polypoidal lesion having cytstically dilated glands lined by low columnar epithelium. Surrounding stroma shows infiltration by lymphocytes and plasma cells. Areas of hemorrhage seen. No atypical cells /malignancy seen in the sections studied. IMPRESSION :Endometrial tissue and polyp, biopsy :Features are suggestive of Inflammatory polyp. " 5668,MRA98775,"H16-8272SPECIMEN: Left supraclavicular lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 Grey whit linear cores measured 1 to 1.4 cm. Entire tissue processedIMPRESSION:Left Supraclavicular Lymph Node, Biopsy:Positive for Malignancy.Suggestive of Metastatic Carcinoma in known case of Carcinoma Breast." 5669,MRA99802,CLINICAL HISTORY : Carcinoma breast.Omental lesion-deposit.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from omental lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 0.3 to 0.5cm.Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Fragmented linear cores of fibrofatty and fibromuscular tissue exhibiting small nests and islands of ovoid cells harboring dark staining nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm.There are foci of hemorrhage and scattered lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from omental lesion:Metastatic carcinoma ? Adenocarcinoma .Please provide clinical & radiologic findingsSuggest IHC. 5670,MRA99996,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Case of carcinoma thyroid and carcinoma right breast post treatment.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left level V cervical lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 lymph nodes fibrofatty tissue largest measuring 1x0.7x0.3cm.Cut surface - grey white.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show lymph nodes infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as islands and sheets and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. No perinodal spread seen.IMPRESSION:Metastatic carcinomatous deposit, Biopsy from left level V cervical lymph node.? BreastNeeds further work up." 5671,TM16000344,"SPECIMEN:Trucut biopsy of left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite to greybrown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and diffuse sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Ductal carcinoma in situ component is seen.IMPRESSION :Left Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal carcinoma,Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1).- Ductal carcinoma in situ of solid and cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen." 5672,TM16000933,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass.? Carcinoma breast (BIRADS IV).SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few cells. Stroma shows desmoplasia with dense inflammatory infiltrate. Atypical mitotic figures are discerned. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma , Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 5674,TM16001530,"CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN: Right breast(MRM)GROSS FINDINGS:Received ináá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á : Formalin áProcedureáá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááááááá : Mastectomyá áLateralityáá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á :á Right. áTotal dimensionsáá ááá ááá ááá ááá á :á Medial - lateral: 19cmááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá áá Superficial - Deep:7cmá áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááá áá Superior-Inferior:23cm.Skin ellipseáá ááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááá : 18x8.5 cm.áááá áNippleáá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááááááááá :á Normal Scar/ Surgical defectáá ááá ááá ááá : Not seen.Tumour Sizeááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 4.5x4x3.5cm.ááááááááááá áLocation of tumoráá ááá ááá ááá ááá á: Upper outer quadrant.áá Margins of tumoráá ááá ááá ááá ááá á : Infiltrative.áááááááááá áDeep margináá ááá ááá ááá ááá áááááááá : 0.1cm.Muscleáá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á á á : Absent Adjacent Breastáá ááá ááá ááá ááá ááá : Fibrofatty.ááááááá áAxillary tailáá ááá ááá ááá ááá á á á á á á : 5x4x2cm.Size of largest nodeáá ááá ááá áááá : 1.5x1x0.5cm,Cut surface is greywhite,firm.MICROSCOPY :áRight breast( Right Modified Radical Mastectomy)Residual invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade III.Status Post NACT.Modified BR score is 8/9.Tubule formation:ááááááá 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 3Tumor measures 4.5cm in greatest dimension andá is located in the upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is present.Lymphovascular invasion is identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor,however close measuring 0.1cm.Nipple and areola isá Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 14 lymph nodes, Metastases: 2á lymph nodesá á (2/14).Perinodal spread present.Summary: Right MRM, Residual invasive ductal carcinoma statusá Grade III.Tumor measures 4.5cm in greatest dimensionDuctal Carcinoma-In-Situ is present.Lymphovascular invasion is identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Nodal metastases present(2/14)." 5675,TM16002036,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma.SPECIMEN :Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS :Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arrranged as tubules, cords and islands. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION :Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Biopsy from left breast.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationááááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________" 5678,TM16002681,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Right breast biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores from breast tissue shows a neoplastic lesion arranged in trabeculae and tubular pattern. The tumor cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. The intervening stroma is elastotic.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma,right breast biopsy.Modified BR score is 6/9, grade 2.Tubule formationáááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________" 5679,TM16002704,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast with skin infiltration.SPECIMEN :Left breast, biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received skin covered soft tissue bits measuring 0.8 to 0.8 x 0.7 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION :Left breast, Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 3. - Modified BR score is 8(3+3+2). - Tumor is reaching upto the skin. - Perineural invasion is identified. - Lymphovascular invasion is indeterminate." 5680,TM16002774,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of carcinoma breast. Multiple liver space occupying lesion - ? Metastatic.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from liver.GROSS FINDINGS: 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of liver tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged in tubules, trabeculae and nests. Neoplastic cells exhibit moderately pleomorphic nuclei with moderate to abundant cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is scant.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from liver :Metastatic carcinoma in a known case ofá carcinoma breast ." 5681,TM16002798,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - ? carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.5 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma showing neoplasm arranged as islands and nests. The neoplastic cells have hyperchromatic nuclei exhibiting moderate nuclear pleomorphism and moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Afew of the islands have central fibrovascular cores.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, Biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 8/9, grade 3.Tubule formationáááááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááá :2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááááááááá : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________" 5686,TM16003502,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Not provided.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is fibrous .Lymphovascuar emboli seen.IMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast.Modified BR score is 7/9, grade 2.Tubule formationáááááááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááááááá : 2.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________" 5687,TM16003758,SR16-3253SITE: Right breast tissue and left axillary lymph nodes.Received 15 blocks labelled as 718/16.IMPRESSION:Section from the tumor show invasive ductal carcinoma with-Tubular formationáá 5688,TM16004140,"CLINICAL HISTORY: Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN: Biopsy From Left Breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue is processesed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion infiltrating the stroma. Cells are arranged in nests, tubules and in sheets exhibiting moderate nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic figures discerned.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 5689,TM16004342,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Hypoechoic area in left breast - ? Mastitis ?? Benign breast diseaseSPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS: Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear trucut cores of fibrocollagenous tissue infiltrated by pleomorphic cells arranged in cords and singly scattered cells. Cells have high N:C ratio, hyperchromatic nuclei and inconspicuous nucleoli. Some of the cells show eccentric nuclei with vacuolated cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows extensive desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Left breastSuggestive of Invasive carcinoma with lobular features, Grade 2.Tubular formationááááááááááá - 3Nuclear pleomorphismáááá - 3Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááááá - 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------" 5690,TM16004380,CLINICAL HISTORY :Lump in left breast? Carcinoma breast.? FibroadenomaSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of tissue demonstrating paucicellular and cellular diffuse proliferation of spindle cells with elongated nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. There are interspersed vascular channels.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:The features are suggestive of benign spindle cell proliferationPossibilities considered are: 1) Phyllodes tumor2) FibromatosisPlease correlate with radiologic findings.Needs confirmation on excised specimen 5692,TM16005014,"SR16-3897SITE: Biopsy from right breast.Received 2 slides, 2 blocks 1 specimen labelled as 1417/16MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in papillary with fibrovascular cores exhibit round to oval vesicular nuclei inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Stroma shows marked lymphocytic infiltrate. adjacent breast shows apocrine change.IMPRESSION:Right breast:Invasive papillary carcinoma." 5693,TM16005145,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump/ Carcinoma breast/ ? DCIS.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 greywhite to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.8 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from the specimen submitted as linear core biopsy from left breast lump shows breast parenchyma with predominant areas of DCIS with comedonecrosis and foci of lobular cancerization. There are suspicious foci showing small aggregates and nodules of neoplastic cells ? infiltrating the stroma. The neoplastic cells have vesicular nuclei with small prominent nucleoli.IMPRESSION:Extensive DCIS with comedonecrosis and ? small suspicious focus of invasion.Suggest IHC for confirmation 5694,TM16005240,"H16-8520SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 grey white linear cores measuring 1.3 to 1.5 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring a neoplasm arranged as cords and clusters. The neoplastic cells have hyperchromatic nuclei relatively eccentrically placed and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma with lobular features, Biopsy left breast.Grade 2 (Tubule formation=3,Nuclear pleomorphism=2,Mitotic count=1)" 5695,TM16005262,"H16-8554SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measuring 1.5 to 2 cm.Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core biopsy:Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 5696,TM16005264,"CLINICAL HISTORY: Right breast lump - ? CarcinomaSPECIMEN: Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2 cm.Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 5697,TM16005349,"SR16-4094SPECIMEN:Left modified radical mastectomyReceived 1 specimen labelled as B.sharadhaReceived multiple fragments of already grossed specimen of mastectomy altogether measures 17x16x4cm.Axillary tail measures 6x4.5x2cm, segment of skin ellipse measures 9x1.8cm, a grey white lesion noted underlying the nipple- areola measures 2.2x2x1.4cmDistance from deep margin is 0.2cm. Largest matted lymph node measures 3x1x1cm, cut surface shows grey whiteB)Received multiple fibrofatty altogether measures 2x1x0.5cm.Received in : Formalin., already grossed specimenProcedure : Mastectomy Laterality : leftTotal dimensions : Medial-lateral : 17cm. Superficial - deep :4cm. Superior-inferior : 16cm.Skin ellipse : 9x1.8cm..Nipple : Normal.Tumor size : 2.2x2x1.4cm.Location of tumor : beneath the nipple and areola.Margins of tumor : illdefinedDeep margin : 0.2cm Adjacent breast : unremarkable.Size of largest node : 6x4.5x2cm. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections reveal breast parenchyma exhibiting a neoplastic lesion arranged in tubules, sheets, cords consisting of round to oval cells demonstrating moderate nuclear pleomorphism and eosinophilic cytoplasm amidst desmoplastic stroma. Mitotic figures are discerned. Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are identified.IMPRESSION:Left breast, left modified radical mastectomyInvasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified BR score is 6/9Tubule formation - 2Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figures - 2Lymphovascular invasion is identifiedPerineural invasion identified.Nipple and areola is unremarkableNodal metastasis : metastases in 6 nodes (6/6).SUMMARY:Left MRM:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Nodal metastases 6 lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposits (6/6)Perinodal spread is present." 5698,TM16005913,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Mass in right breast- Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white to grey brown linear cores measuring 0.7 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as sheets and in tubular pattern.The neoplastic cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm.The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast.Modified MR score : 6/9, grade 2Tubule formationááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááá : 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------------" 5699,TM16006031,CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast-post OP/ Left chest wall lesion.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left chest wall mass.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 2 greywhite linear cores measuring 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the linear cores shows a neoplastic lesion with cells arranged in sheets and cords. Cells have moderate to scanty cytoplasm with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Few cell clusters are showing moderate amount of clear cytoplasm with centrally placed hyperchromatic nuclei. Stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltration. Thickened and congested bood vessels are present.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left chest wall mass:Metastatic deposit of invasive carcinoma -known and treated case of Carcinoma breast. 5700,TM1700147,"SR17-68SITE:Right breast.Received 17 blocks labelled as 980/16.IMPRESSION:Right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 1. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5 (2+2+1). - Lymphovascular or Perineural invasion is not identified. - Ductal carcinoma-in-situ of solid and cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen.Lymph nodes:Seven lymph nodes are identified, negative for malignancy (0/7)." 5701,TM1700349,"H17-895SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white to grey brown linear cores measured 0.2 to 0.8 cm. Entire tissue processed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 5703,TM1700975,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Micro calcification and in Left breast - BIRAD - 4 SPECIMEN:Left breast lesion, core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear core measuring 0.4 to 0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the linear cores shows breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in nests, sheets and tubular pattern. cells are pleomorphic with scanty to moderate cytoplasm and round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Extensive areas of DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ) complaisant is seen with comedo necrosis. Few areas are also showing clear cell change Stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltration. IMPRESSION:Left breast lesion, core Biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade-II with extensive Ductal carcinoma in situ and comedo necrosis.Modified Bloom Richardson- Score 7/9(3+2+2) " 5704,TM1701100,CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breastSITE:LumpectomyReceived 9 slides and 9 blocks labelled as 82A-I/17. - Right breastMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple sections studied showed some of the ducts show intraductal papilloma and otherintraductal papillary carcinoma in situ. In focal areas ? micro-invasion cannot be ruled outIMPRESSION:Lumpectomy:Duct papilloma with Intraductal papillary carcinoma in situ ? microinvasionNOTE:Advised IHC markers for confirmation 5705,TM1701154,"SR17-549SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.A) Received 12 blocks and 12 slides labelledá as 112/17 A-LB) Received 4 block and 4 slides labelled as 113/17 A-D.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from tumor show breast parenchyma infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as clusters of sheetsá of syncytial cells. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism, have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate to abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Foci of necrosis seen. Extensive lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory cellá infiltrate is noted. Section from nipple / areola : free of tumorIMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Carcinoma with medullary features, grade 3Tubule formationáááááááááááááá : 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ____________Superior margin is involved by tumor.Nipple / areola : Free of tumor.Other resected margins are free of tumor.For comment on tumor size and margins please refer to primary pathology report.No lymph nodes are submitted in the slides /blocks" 5706,TM1701268,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - p/o ? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear grey white to grey brown cores measures 1.2 to 1.4cm in length. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from the linear core biopsy from breast lump submitted shows normal breast parenchyma along with an infiltative lesion seen in sheets and islands . The cells are large with hyperchromatic nuclei depicting moderate pleomorphism .Mitotic figures discerned. There are occasional foci shows admixed lymphomononuclear infiltrate. Areas of crush artifacts seen. IMPRESSION:Invasive ductal carcinoma.Modified BR score is 8/9, grade III.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ___________ 8/9 _________" 5707,TM1701659,"H17-1868SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.3 to 11.0 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 5708,TM1701882,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right breast lump - upper inner quadrant, 2x2cm.SITE:Right Breast lump, wide excision.Received 14 stained slides and 14 blocks labelled as 1859/17 A1 - A14.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring a lesion infiltrating into the stroma and focally into the adjacent adipose tissue cells are arranged in well formed, angular and avascular papillary clusters and islands surrounded by clear spaces . Abundant eosinophilic granular cytoplasm and round to oval vescular nucleus with prominent nucleol seen. Few cells show intranuclear inclusion and grooving. Occasional mitotic noted. Lymphovascular invasion is identified. Extensive ductal carcinoma invasion is seen with solid, papillary and comedonecrosis patterns. Intraductal papillomatosis is also noted. Stroma is fibrocollagenous with few cystically dilated ducts.IMPRESSION:Right Breast lump, wide excision.Suggestive of focal invasive micropapillary carcinoma with extensive low to intermediate grade ductal carcinoma in situ (solid, papillary and comedonecrosis)and intraductal papillomatosis.Tumor is located in right upper quadrant.Invasive tumor measures 0.7cm in greatest dimension.Lymphovascular invasion is identified.Perinuclear invasion is not identified." 5709,TM1701983,SR17-985SITE:Biopsy from left breast.Received one specimen labelled as - gajalaxmiReceived multiple fragmented linear cores measuring 0.3 to 0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast tissue harboring a lesion composed of sheets and nests of cells and round to oval hyperchromatic nucleus and moderate pleomorphism and scanty to moderateá cytoplasm. Few cells shows plasmacytoid appearanceá with stippled chromatin. Interspersed.Fibro collagenous tissues and adipose tissueá identified.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma.Modified Bloom Richardson score 2Gradeá (6/9)Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphismáá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 1 5710,TM1702323,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma breastSITE:Right breast, mastectomy specimenReceived 12 slides and 8 blocks labelled as 244/17.12 slides A-L, 8 blocks B-HReceived 5 slides and 4 blocks labelled as 250/17., 5 slides A-E 4 blocks A,C,D,G.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in nests, trabeculae and ductsfilled with tumor cells. Cells are small polygonal with pleomorphic round to oval vesicular nucleiand moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are discerned. Ductal carcinomain situ is identified(solid type). Focal areas of necrosis noted. Adjacent stroma shows desmoplasticchange and extensive fibrosisIMPRESSION:Right breast , mastectomy specimen:Invasive carcinoma with lobular differentiation, nuclear grade 2Tumor measures 1.8cm in greatest dimensionAll surgical margins are free of tumorDuctal carcinoma in situ is identified (solid type)Lymphovascular invasion is not identifiedPerineural invasion is not identified3 lymph nodes isolated, all are free of tumor(0/3)" 5711,TM1702481,"CLINICAL DETAILS:P/H/O Carcinoma breast 1 year back taken chemo + Radiation.GROSS FINDINGS: Uterus dimensions: Midline fundal-serosa to ectocervix : 10.5cmMaximum intercornual : 5cmMaximum anterior to posterior : 2.5cmCervix Dimensions : 3.5x3.5cm, shows erosion in all quadrants.Vaginal cuff : Absent.Cervix Shape : Bulky.Right Ovary : Present, 3x3x1cm. Cut surface shows cystic hemorrhagic area measuring 2x1x0.8cm.Left Ovary : Present, 3x2.8x1.5cm. Cut surface shows cystic.Right Fallopian tube : Present, 5.5cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.Left Fallopian tube : Present, 5cm. Cut surface is unremarkable.Right parametrium : 1x0.5x0.2cmLeft parametrium : 1.2x0.5x0.5cmEndometrium description:Endometrial thickness : 0.8cmMyometrium description:Myometrial depth : 1.2cm.Lower uterine segment : Unremarkable.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections from cervix show features of chronic non specific cervicitis with squamous metaplasia.Sectins from endometrium shows glands in non secretory phase with partial autolytic change. Sections from the myometrium show superficial adenomyosis.Section from right ovary shows haemorrhagic corpus luteum.Section from left ovary shows haemorrhagic corpus luteal cyst.Sections from both fallopian tubes : Unremarkable.Sections from bilataral parametria are unremarkable.IMPRESSION:Cervix : Non specific chronic cervicitis.Endometrium : Non secretory phase.Myometrium: Superficial adenomyosis.Bilateral ovaries : Haemorrhagic corpus luteum.Bilateral fallopian tubes : Unremarkable.Bilateral parametria : Unremarkable." 5713,TM1702814,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of tissue harboring a lesion arranged in nests, islands and cords comprising of atypical cells with round to oval pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures 7-8/10hpf. Stroma shows fibrosis and extensive lymphocytic infiltrates. No necrosis identified.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson's score ( 3+2+2) 7/9." 5714,TM1702874,CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2m. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of fibrofatty tissue demonstrating sheets of neutrophils and foci of hemorrhage.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from breast lesion:Only inflammatory cells seen. 5716,TM1702936,"SR17-1507SITE:Left breast with Axillary nodes- Post lumpectomy.A) Received 3 blocks and 3 slides labelled as 391/17.B) Received 1 slide and 1 block labelled as 2787/17.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) The slides with No 391/17 show one section from nipple areola with normal squamous epithelium and subepithelium shows dilated lymphatic channels. The other section from breast parenchyma consisting of cystically dilated ducts and few ducts show epithelial hyperplasia and adenosis. There is no evidence of residual tumor present.Lymph nodes: 3 Nodes- No deposits of tumor.B) Received slides with No 2787/17:The section shows diffuse cords and sheets of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. The tumor cells are separated and surrounded with dense fibrosis.Tubular formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------------------ 5/9 ------------------MBR score : 5/9, Nuclear grade : ILymphovascular invasion : Not present.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast with Axillary nodes- Post lumpectomy:No Residual Tumor seen.Fibrotic disease and adenosis is present.B) Invasive ductal carcinoma.Nuclear grade I." 5717,TM1702960,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass- BIRADS V lesionSPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast massGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.3cm. Entire tissue is processedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged as nests, islands and sheets. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism and have moderate cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis seenIMPRESSION:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, biopsy from right breast massGrade 2Tubule formationáááááá áá - 3Nuclear pleomorphism - 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááá - 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _________ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ________" 5720,TM1703378,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - p/o carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left breast lump, core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received four grey white linear cores measuring 1.2 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:H and E stained section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplastic lesion arranged in cords, nests and occasional tubules. The lesional cells are pleomorphic with moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm and pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei. Few cells have clear cytoplasm. Lymphocyte aggregates are also seen.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 5721,TM1703437,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left invasive duct cell carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast conservation surgeryB) Deep resected margin.C) Left level I & II lymph node.D) Level III lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 10x9x3.5cm. Skin ellipseá measures 8x3.5cm. Cut surface show a grey white lesion measuring 3x2.3x1.5cm located at the following distances from respective margin:-Superior margináááááááááá -- 4.5cm.Inferior margináááááááááááá -- 2.5cm.Medial marginááááááááááááá -- 1.5cm. Lateral margináááááááááááá -- 5.5cm.Deep marginááááááááááááááá -- 1.5cmB) Revised deep margin:Received single muscle bit measures 3x2.5x0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.C) Received multiple bits of fibrofatty tissue all together measures 10x8x4cm. Largest lymph node 2x1x1cm. Cut surface show grey white.D) Received multiple fibrofatty tissue all together measures 1x1x0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Sections from tumor show breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged as islands and cords. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have vesicular nuclei conspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Extensive peritumoral and intratumoral lymphocytic response seen.Lymphovascular invasion seen.All resected margins including deep are free of tumor.B) Section shows muscle which is free of tumor.C) Section shows 2/15 lymph nodes from level I & II axillary dissection shows metastatic deposits of tumor. No perinodal spread seen.D) Section shows 1 lymph node which is free of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Invasive ductal carcinoma, left breast.Grade 3 Modified Bloom Richardson score (8/9)Tubule formation =3Nuclear pleomorphism =3Mitotic figures =2Tumor size : 3x2.3x1.5cm.Lymphovascular emboli seen.All resected margins are free of tumor.Overlying skin is unremarkable.B) Deep resected margin is free of tumor.C) 2/15 lymph nodes from left level I & II axillary dissection are free of tumor.D) 1 lymph node from level III dissection is free of tumor." 5722,TM1703528,CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measuringá 0.6 to 1.4cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue infiltrated by a neoplasm arranged as cords tubules and clusters. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm .IMPRESSION: Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score 7/9.Tubule formationáááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááá -- 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááá -- 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------- 5724,TM1703972,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast mass, for evaluation.SPECIMEN :Left breast, left modified radical mastecomy.GROSS FINDINGS :Received in : Formalin.Laterality : Left MRM.Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 20cm. Superficial to Deep :4cm. Superior to Inferior : 17cm.Skin ellipse : 17x5cm. Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumor : Single.Tumour Size : 2x1.3x1.2cm. Location of tumor : infero lateral quadrantMargins of tumor : Irregular. Deep margin : 1cm. Muscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 6x5x3cm.Total number of nodes : 14Size of largest node :1x1x0.8cm. cut surface grey white.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Sections show breast parenchyma harboring a lesion arranged in tubules and nests. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, vesicular nucleus and prominent nucleoli in few. Stroma shows desmoplasia with lymphomononuclear infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage with necrosis are noted.IMPRESSION:Left breast, left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive ductal carcinoma Carcinoma, Grade 1.Modified BR score is 5/9.Tubule formation :2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1Tumor measures 2cm in greatest dimension and is located in the inferior lateral quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not identified.Lymphovascular invasion identified.Perineural invasion not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: Fourteen lymph nodes, Metastasis: zero (0/14).Summary : Left MRM, Left invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 1 measuring 2cm in greatest dimension with lymphovascular invasion.Lymph nodes: Fourteen lymph nodes, Metastasis: zero (0/14).Pathological stage :pT1cN0." 5725,TM1704118,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 greywhite to grey yellow linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from right breast show multiple cores of tissue showing extensive hyalinisation harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in cords and tubules. The lesional cells are round to oval with hyperchromatic nuclei and scant cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Areas of necrosis and hemorrhage noted.IMPRESSION:Right breast lump, biopsy:Suggestive of invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.Modified BR score : 6/9.Tubule formation : 2Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ---------------- 6/9 ----------------" 5726,TM1704706,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump -á possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.2 - 0.8cm. Entire tissue is processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibroadipose tissue harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged astubules and nests. The cells have moderately pleomoprhic, hyperchromatic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm.Stroma shows desmoplasia and focal myxoid change.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast :Invasive carcinoma, no special type , grade 2Tubule formationáá á á á á á á á á á ááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphismáááááááááááááááááá -- 2Mitotic figures (7-8/10hpf) áááááááááááá -- 2 ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá __________áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ___________" 5728,TM1705343,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Left Mastectomy with level I axillary nodes.B) Level II, III axillary nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Mastectomy with level I axillary nodes:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy.Laterality : LeftMedial-lateral : 15.5 cm. Superficial - deep : 5 cm. Superior-inferior : 19 cm.Skin ellipse : 16 x 7.5 cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Linear scar measuring 2.8cm in upper inner quadrant.Tumor size : An ill defined grey white to grey yellow fibrotic and necrotic area noted in upper inner quadrant underlying the scar measuring 4.5x1.3x3cm.Deep margin : 0.8 cm.Muscle : Present. 2.5x1.5cm.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Axillary tail : 7.5x4x2 cm.Total number of nodes : Level I : 18 Nodes. Level II, III : 8 Nodes.Size of largest node : 2.2x1.4x0.5 cm. Cut surface show grey white.Representative sections are submitted.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 3.5x3x1cm. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left Modified Radical Mastectomy(? Post lumpectomy) :Tumor bed :Shows dense inflammatory cell infiltrate composed of polymorphs, lymphocytes, histiocytes and multinucleated giant cells. Areas of fibrosis, necrosis and granulation tissue noted. No evidence of residual tumor. - Location : Upper inner quadrant. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and areola : Unremarkable.Lymph nodes: Level I : 18 Lymph nodes- No deposits of tumor.Level II, III : 8 Lymph nodes- No deposits of tumor.SUMMARY: Left Mastectomy with level I axillary nodes:No residual tumor present.Nodal metastases :Level I : 18 Lymph nodes- No deposits of tumor.Level II, III : 8 Lymph nodes- No deposits of tumor." 5729,TM1705625,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma left breast.SITE:--------------a) Received 16 blocks and 13 slides labelled as 615/17 A-P.B) Received 10 blocks and 9 slides labelled as 614/17,A,B,C,D,E,F,H,B1-B4/17.Suboptimally processed sections and blocks.Please provide specimen for conclusive opinion." 5730,TM1705697,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinomaá breastSPECIMEN:Left supraclavicular node, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received Single lymph node measures 2x1.5x1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows lymph node with a lesion arranged in islandsá and nest with retraction spaces around . The cells haveá round nuclei, dispersedá chromatic few having prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows desmoplasia. Mitotic figures discerned . Foci of necrosis seen.IMPRESSION:Left supraclavicular node, Biopsy:Metastatic carcinoma- In a known case of carcinoma breast." 5731,TM1705747,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Lumpectomy specimen from lower upper quadrant of right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in normal saline one bottle.Received lumpectomy specimen measures 9.5xc7x4.5cm.Skin ellipse measures 5.5x2cm.Surface shows a scar measures 0.8cm.Cut surface shows an ill defined grey white firm lesion measures 1.4x1x1cm.located at the following distances from the respective margins:Superior margin -- 3cmInferior margin -- 2.5cmMedial margin -- 4cmLateral margin -- 3cmDeep margin -- 1.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show parenchymal tissue infiltrated by glandular structures nests, cordsand trabeculae of malignant epithelial cells showing increased nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio, pleomorphic vesicular nuclei cytoplasm. At places cribriform and micropapillary pattern is appreciated. These are surrounded by fibrocollagenousconnective tissue and dense aggregates are noted. Lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate, lymphoid myxoid appearance is present in stroma.Lymphovascular emboli not seen.Perineural invasion not seen.Ductal carcinoma in situ is seen in adjacent parenchyma.The resection margins are free of tumor(superior/inferior/medial/lateral/deep) IMPRESSION:Lump ,right breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2.MBR score - 6/9Tubule formation -- 2Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2.Mitotic figures -- 2 ______ 6/9 ______Tumor measures 1.4x1x1cm.DCIS seen NO LVI/PNI seen All resection margins are free of tumor." 5734,TM1706181,"H17-6844SITE:Left breast, Mastectomy (Given in already grossed report).GROSS FINDINGS:Received already grossed specimen of breast.Specimen measuring 16x11x4cm.Skin ellipse measures 10x8cm, No attached axillary tail found.Cut surface shows an infiltrative greywhite lesion measuring 2.4x1.5x1.2cm, adjacent area shows greywhite fibrotic tissue.Distance from the closest margin : 0.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from breast parenchyma shows a neoplastic lesion arranged in lobules, nests separated by fibrous septae. The cells round to oval vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Intervening area shows few scattered lymphocytic infiltrate. Areas of hyalinisation seen. There are also areas showing papillary DCIS, with ductal adenosis and apocrine changes. Nipple and areola appears unremarkable.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Mastectomy:Invasive ductal carcinomaMBR score : 6/9, grade II.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 -------------- 6/9 ---------------- Tumor measures 2.4cm in greatest dimension.- No lymphovascular invasion- No Perineural invasion.- Papillary DCIS is seen.- Nipple and areola - Unremarkable.- Margins cannot be commented as the specimen is previously grossed.Lymph nodes are not present, when specimen was submitted." 5735,TM1706542,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - likely carcinoma.SPECIMENLeft Breast,Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGSReceived 5 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGSSection shows tumor cells in lobules, diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSIONLeft Breast,Core Biopsy :Invasive Carcinoma, Grade 2- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 5736,TM1706556,"H17-7358SPECIMEN:Right breast biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received fibrofatty tissue measuring 8x7x3cm.On cut opening, greywhite lesion seen measuring 3x2x1.5cm. Distance from the nearest inked margin is <0.1cm.(Specimen is not oriented). Adjacent breast shows greywhite fibrotic areas.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple sections examined show an infiltrative lesion composed of cells arranged in the form of nests, trabecular and tubules. The tumor cells show moderate pleomorphism, with round to oval nuclei, fine chromatin, and conspicious nucleoli. No significant mitois is noted (1-2/10 hpf). No lymphovascular or perineural invasion is evident. Extensive DCIS is seen. Also noted are areas of calcification. The surrounding stroma shows desmplasia and chronic inflammatory infiltrate. Adjacent breast also shows focal atypical ductal hyperplasia.The tumor reaches the closest resected inked margin.IMPRESSION:Invasive carcinoma, NOS (Invasive ductal carcinoma ) MBR score 5 of 9(grade 1)Tubule formation 2 Nuclear pleomorphim 2Miitotic activity 1 ----- 5 -------" 5737,TM1706766,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - possibility of Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received seven grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in nests, cords and diffuse sheets. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Areas of Ductal carcinoma in situ are seen.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1) - Ductal Carcinoma in situ of solid, cribriform and comedo pattern with intermediate nuclear grade." 5739,TM1706885,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast mass- carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.2 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in nests and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Mass, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 5741,TM1706953,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 greywhite linear cores measuring 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show linear tissue cores harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged in nests and sheets. The individual tumor cells show increased nucleocytoplasmic ratio , focal prominent nucleoli and variable amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. The tumor infiltrates the adipose tissue and fibrocollagenous connective tissue. Focal calcification is noted.IMPRESSION:USG Guided biopsy of right breast mass:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified BR score is 7/9.Tubule formation á á á áá :á 3Nuclear pleomorphism :á 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááá :á 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ---------------" 5742,TM1707336,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left Breast Lump - ? Malignant.SPECIMEN:Left Breast Lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma shows infiltrating neoplasm arranged in glands, sheets. The cells are round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei with abundant cytoplasm. The adjacent stroma shows lymphocytic infiltration. Mitosis 3-4/0hpf.IMPRESSION:Left Breast Lump, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1)." 5744,TM1707604,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump - ? Malignant.SPECIMEN:Biopsy form left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white to grey brown linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring a neoplasm arranged as sheets, ducts and islands. The neoplastic cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. The intervening stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy form left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9.Tubule formationáááá á á á á á -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismááááááá -- 2Mitotic activityáááááááááááááááááááá -- 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 7/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ------------" 5745,TM1708121,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump - possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 7 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.8 -1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in tubules and nests . Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy :Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Grade 1.- Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 5(2+2+1). " 5746,TM1708200,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple bits of fat altogether measures 1x0.8x0.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from linear cores show abundant hyalinisation of stroma along withá mature adipocytes . Few atypical cells are seen which are round to oval with scant cytoplasm, pleomorphic nucleus. These atypical cells admixedá within the stroma along with lymphocytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Incisional breast:Scant volume of atypical cells suspicious of invasive carcinoma.Note:Tumor volume inadequate for IHC .Case discussed with Dr.Vipin." 5747,TM1708391,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breast.SPECIMEN :A) Left breast.B) Axillary lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS :A)Received in : Formalin.Procedure :Mastectomy Laterality : Left Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :14cm. Superficial to Deep : 6cm. Superior to Inferior : 15cm.Skin ellipse : 10x6.5cm. Scar/ Surgical defect : A surgical sutured area measures 1cm is noted over the skin 1cm away from the N/A complex.Tumour Size : 5x4x4cm. Location of tumor : lower outer and lower inner quadrantMargins of tumor : circumscribed Deep margin : 0.7cm.Muscle :Absent Adjacent Breast : fibrofatty Axillary tail :absent.IMPRESSION:Summary : Left mastectomy, Invasive carcinoma with medullary features,Grade III.Nodal metastases 0/26.Left breast :Invasive carcinoma with medullary features, Grade IIIModified BR score is 8/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic figures: 3Tumor measures 5.2cm in greatest dimension and is located in the lower outer and lower inner quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ not identified.Lymphovascular invasion not identified.Perineural invasion not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes: 25 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0(0/25).Pathological stage :pT3N0." 5748,TM1708541,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast + level I,II lymph nodes.B) Sections from level I & II lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 19cm. Superficial to deep : 4cm. Superior to inferior : 14cm.Skin ellipse : 17x6cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seen.Tumors : Two in number Tumor size :Larger tumor measures 2.5x1.8x1.5cm. Smaller tumor measures 0.7x0.5x0.5cm.The two tumors are 1.2 cm apartMuscle : 1st - 0.3cm, 2nd - 0.5cm.B) Received 1 fibrofatty tissue measures 7x3x2cm.Dissection reveals 12 nodes Largest matted lymph node measures 3x2x1.8cm. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from larger tumor (2.5x1.8x1.5cm ) shows sheets of tumor cells exhibiting moderate nuclear pleomorphism and brisk mitotic activity . Smaller tumor (0.7 cm ) harbors tumor arranged in nests,sheets in papillary pattern, with fibrovascular cores, arranged in lobules,.The neoplastic cells are round to oval scant cytoplasm, with pleomorphic vesicular nucleus. Mitotic activity is seen. Abundant ductal carcinoma in situ (solid type) are seen. Focal areas of adenosis is seen in adjacent stroma . Nipple areola unremarkable. Stroma shows shows intense lymphocytic infiltrate. Tissue sections between both tumors is unremarkable.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast + level I,II lymph nodes:Right breast, Modified radical mastectomy.Multifocal carcinoma 2 lesions ( 2.5cm and 0.7 cm ) They are 1.2 cm apart Lesion 1 : Invasive ductal carcinoma NOS grade III.Modified Bloom Richardson scores is 8/9.Tubular formation -- 3Nuclear pleomorphism -- 2Mitotic activity -- 3 ----------------- 8/9 -----------------Lesion 2 : Invasive ductal carcinoma with papillary features (high nuclear grade).Tumor measures 2.5cm in greatest dimension.Sections between both tumors are free and measures 1.2cm.Ductal carcinoma in situ present (solid, 50%)Lymphovascular invasion not seen.Perineural invasion not seen.Nipple aerola unremarkable.Posterior margin is free of tumor.B) Sections from level I & II lymph nodes:Isolated 12 lymph nodes, 2 show tumor deposits (2/12). No perinodal spread noted." 5749,TM1708550,CLINICAL HISTORY :Mass in right breast - Carcinoma breast .SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey browná linear cores measures 0.6 - 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Linear cores of breast tissue harboring atypical cells with hyperchromasia in cords .These cells exhibit crush artifacts . The intervening stroma is elastotic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Atypical cells with extensive crush artefact seen suggestive of invasive carcinoma.Needs confirmation. 5750,TM1708579,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Recurrent right breast SOL in chest wall.SPECIMEN:Chest wall lesion biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 greywhite linear cores measuring 0.6 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue with an invasive neoplasm in acinar, glands nests and cords. The cells show moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Mitosis is increased. Stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Chest wall lesion biopsy:Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade II.MBR score = 9Tubule formatio: 2Nuclear pleomorphism: 2Mitotic activity: 2 ------ 6/9 ------" 5752,TM1708873,"SR17-4214SITE:Right breast, lumpectomy.A) Received 5 blocks labelled as B 509/17 A - E.Received 4 slides labelled as B509/17 B - E.B) Received already grossed fragments of fibrofatty tissue with grey white firm areas altogether measures 4x3.5x0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show breast parenchyma with lesion arranged in island irregular nest. The cells have round to oval vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma show extensive desmoplasia and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.IMPRESSION:Right breast, lumpectomy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubular formationááááááááááááááá -- 3Nuclear pleomorphicááááááááááá -- 2Mitotic activityááááááááááááááááááááá -- 1áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion not identified.Ductal carcinoma in situ is not identified." 5753,TM1708966,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma left breastSPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.7 to 0.9cm in largest . Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in tubules and cords. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Stroma showsá elastosis. Mitosis - 3-4/10hpf.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma, No special type Grade IIModified Bloom Richardson Score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá :3Nuclear pleomorphismá : 2Mitoticááááááááááááááááááááááááááá : 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------" 5754,TM1709131,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Not provide. SPECIMEN:Left breast biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received five gray white linear cores measures 0.2 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows multiple linear cores with a tumor arranged in nests and focally in cords. The tumor cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism, increased nuclear cytoplasmic ratio ,occasional nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast :Invasive ductal carcinoma,grade II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 7/9Tubule formation=3Nuclear pleomorphism=2Mitosis=2." 5755,TM1709252,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left axillary node- possibility of metastatic.SPECIMEN:Left axillary node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.2 to 1.4 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of lymph nodal tissue harboring a infiltrating neoplasm with cells in sheets and nests. The neoplastic cells shows eosinophilic to vacuolated cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nuclei with moderate pleomorphism and increased mitosis. Areas of comedo type necrosis noted.IMPRESSION:Left axillary node, Core biopsy :Positive for malignancy.Suggestive of Metastatic carcinoma deposits- Most possible from breast." 5756,TM1709282,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Core biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm predominantly composed of spindle cells in sheets and fascicles. The cells show moderate atypia with nuclear hyperchromatic . There is increased mitosis. Foci show entrapped duct showing atypical hyperplasia.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Core Biopsy:Spindle cell neoplasmPossibilities include1) Malignant phyllodes2)Metaplastic carcinoma.Comment : Larger tissue will be required for further evaluation and typing of the tumor." 5758,TM1800056,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right axillary tail lump - possibility of ? Axillary tail mass ? metastasis.SPECIMEN:Right axillary tail lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 grey white linear cores measures 0.8-0.1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores with an infiltrating tumor arranged in sheets. The tumor cells show moderate to marked pleomorphism with round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Interspersed lymphocytes are noted in between the tumor cells. IMPRESSION:Right axillary tail lump, Biopsy:Features suggestive of metastatic Carcinoma- Most possible from breastCOMMENT : IHC done shows tumor cells to be positive for pancytokeratin and negative for LCA, supporting the above morphological impression. " 5759,TM1800153,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lesion - BIRADS- IV lesion.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1 to 1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrocollagenous clusters harboring an invasive neoplasm in the cords, nests and glandular pattern. The cells show moderate nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromatism and increased mitotic figures. Stroma shows is desmoplasia with scattered inflammation and areas of hyalinisation.IMPRESSION:Left breast lesion:Invasive carcinoma - ductal ( NOS) Modified Bloom Richardson score is) 3+2+1)6/9, grade II" 5760,TM1800197,CLINICAL HISTORY :Suspicious of malignancy lesion.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma infiltrated by islands and nests of neoplastic cells consistent of round to ovalá dark nuclei few with prominent nucleoli and moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures 7-8/10hpf . Stroma shows extensive hyalinisation and fibrosis along with lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate and focal areas of necrosis.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast lump:Invasive carcinoma NOS grade 2Modified Bloom Score is (3+2+2)7/9 5761,TM1800254,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast carcinoma.SPECIMEN:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Mastectomy.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral :18cm. Superficial - deep : 2.5cm. Superior-inferior :14cm.Skin ellipse : 15x2cm.Nipple : Normal.Scar/ Surgical defect : Absent.Tumor : Single.Tumor size : 2x1x1cm, greywhite areas with specks of calcification.Location of tumor : Central quadrant.Margins of tumor : ill defined.Deep margin : 1cm.Muscle : Absent.Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty.Total number of nodes : 7 nodes.Axillary tail : Absent.Separately received fibrofatty tissue in same bottle measuring 4x3.5x1.5cm. Largest lymph node measuring 1.5x1x0.5cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple sections studied show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged as nests, sheets, tubules, cords and small clusters of neoplastic cells exhibiting increased N:C ratio, mild to moderate nuclear pleomorphism, inconspicous nucleoli and variable amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic activity is low. Lobular carcinoma in situ seen. Few ducts show intraluminal eosinophilic secretions. Focal apocrine metaplasia is noted. The intervening stroma shows dense desmoplasia.Lymphovascular emboli not seen.Perineural invasion is not seen.The nipple and areola are free of tumor.The deep resection margin is free of tumor.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Invasive carcinoma with lobular like features, grade I.Modified BR score is 5/9.Tubular formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 1Mitotic figures : 1 --------------- 5/9 ---------------Tumor measures 2cm in greatest dimension and is located in the central quadrant.Lobular carcinoma-in-situ : Seen.Lymphovascular invasion is not present.Perineural invasion is absent.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor.Nipple and areola : Free of tumor.Lymph nodes: 7 lymph nodes, Metastasis : None (0/7).Pathological stage : rpT1c N0.SUMMARY:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :Invasive carcinoma,favouring lobular carcinoma, grade I.Nodal metastases :7 lymph nodes isolated, Metastasis : None (0/7)." 5762,TM1800706,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left carcinoma breastSPECIMEN:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy:GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure : Modified radical Mastectomy Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :23cm Superficial to Deep :2.5cm Superior to Inferior :15cmSkin ellipse : 15x5.5 cm Nipple :Normal Scar/ Surgical defect :Not seenTumor : SingleTumour Size : 3.4x3x2.5 cm Location of tumor : Upper outer quadrantMargins of tumor : Well circumscribed Deep margin : 0.2 cmMuscle : Absent Adjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissueAxillary tail :5.5x4x1.5 cmSize of largest node :1.2x1x0.5 cm cut surface unremarkableMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from the breast parenchyma shows a infiltrating neoplasm arranged in tubules sheets nests and diffuse scattered cells supported by fibrovascular stroma. The neoplastic cells are round to oval vascular nuclei with prominent nucleoli and few with stippled chromatin. Abundant eosinophilic granular cytoplasm mild pleomorphic nuclei is seen. Areas of desmoplasia. Atypical mitotic figures are identified.IMPRESSION:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy: Invasive Carcinoma, Grade III. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 8/9Tubule formation: 3Nuclear pleomorphism:2Mitotic figures:03Tumor measures 3.4 cm in greatest dimension and is located in the Upper outer quadrant. Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ is not identifiedLymphovascular invasion is identifiedPerineural invasion not seenPosterior resection margin is free of tumorNipple and areola is unremarkable Lymph nodes: 10 lymph nodes, Metastasis: 0(0/10) . B) Level II & III :one lymph node isolated; shows no tumor deposits. " 5763,TM1800884,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right breast lump -? carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 gray white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear tissue cores infiltrated by few neoplastic cells in nests and cords. Individual cells show hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus with scanty cytoplasm. Ductal carcinoma in situ is noted.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump, Biopsy :Small Focus of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma with Ductal Carcinoma In Situ is seen.COMMENT:In view of small focus repeat biopsy may be required for prognostic marker studies." 5764,TM1801031,CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump- Possibility of carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right breastGROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1-1.2cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Lineará cores of necrotic tissue. No viable tumor includedá in the biopsy.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right breast:Only necrotic tissue seen.Suggest repeat biopsy from viable areas 5765,TM1801065,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump BIRADS 5- ? Malignant.SPECIMEN:Right Breast Lump,Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in diffuse sheets and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast Lump,Core Biopsy:Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 5766,TM1801170,"H18-1248SPECIMEN:Left Breast, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 3 grey white linear cores measures 0.4 x 0.6 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple studied show linear tissue cores harboring an infiltrative neoplasm arranged in small tubules and cords of neoplastic cells exhibiting increased N/C ratio nuclear, hyperchromasia, pleomorphism and variable amount of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm . The intervening stroma is composed of fibrocollagenous connective tissue focal myxoid areas are observed.IMPRESSION:Left Breast, Core Biopsy:Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Grade 1. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 5(2+2+1)." 5770,TM1802402,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast - irregular lesion.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lesion.GROSS FINDINGS:Receive multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.5-0.8cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative neoplasm arranged as nests, sheets, cords, tubules and papillae of neoplastic cells exhibiting increased N/C ratio, occasional conspicuous nucleoli and scant to moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lesion:Invasive carcinoma, breast with papillary ductal carcinoma in situ.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9(3+2+1).Needs confirmation on larger tissue." 5771,TM1802584,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma Right Breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast mass, Core Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white fragment linear cores measures 0.2-0.3cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of beast tumor cells in tubules, nests and cords. Individual tumor cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Right Breast mass, Core Biopsy:Suggestive of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 1. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 5(2+2+1)." 5772,TM1802927,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - rule out carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 6 grey white to grey yellow linear cores measures 0.3-0.7cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrative lesion arranged in nests and sheets. The neoplastic cells are round to oval with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, nuclei are hyperchromatic round to oval with moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Mitotic activity discerned. Stroma showing desmoplastic change.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 --------" 5773,TM1802931,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received very tiny grey white linear cores measures 0.1 to 0.2 cm, Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of fibrofatty tissue with a lesion arranged in tubules and nests. The cells have moderately pleomorphic nuclei and abundant clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm. Areas of necrosis noted. Lymphocytic infiltrates noted.IMPRESSION:Carcinoma left breast space occupying lesion, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 2.MBR score 6/9 (3+2+1)Please correlate with clinical findings." 5774,TM1803344,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Left breast lumpGROSS FINDINGS:Received lumpectomy with attached skin ellipse measures 8x6x5cmSkin ellipse measures 4.2x3cmMargins are not labelled External surface is irregular inked in green on serial section ill defined fibrotic areas measures 5x4.2x4cm with focal necrotic and cystic changes present. Distance of the closest resected margin is 0.3cm from the lesion.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple section show necrotic areas with acute inflammatory cells consisting of polymorphonuclear leucocytes. In other areas ducts are surrounded by periductal chronic inflammatory cells composed of lymphocytes, plasma cells and foamy histiocytes with dilatation of some ducts and foreign body giant are seen. There is no evidence of ductal carcinoma in situ or malignancy. The skin and subcutaneous tissue appear normal. The closest resected margin is 0.3 from the lesion.IMPRESSION:Left breast lump:Abscess with duct ectasia." 5775,TM1803396,CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right beastGROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8-1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of tissue with ductal elements showing extensive crush artifacts . Surrounded by lymphoplasmacytic infiltration. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right beast:The features are suspicious for malignancy However ER/PR is not feasible due to extensive crush artifactSuggest repeat biopsy if clinically indicated. 5776,TM1803421,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Lump left breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received single fibrofatty tissue measures 3x2.5x1cm. Sutured surface inked.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in tubules and cords.The lesional cells have round hyperchromatic nucleus inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Ductal carcinoma in situ component is seen and is solid and also comedonecrosis pattern seen .IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive ductal carcinoma,with DCIS Grade 2Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 --------" 5778,TM1804283,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right Breast Lump, Wide ExcisionB) Right Axillary Clearance.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received excision specimen measures 10 x 5 x 3.5 cm. Cut surface grey white circumscribed margin measures 2.5 x 2.1 x 2 cm. Distance from margins:-Closest margin - 1.5cmOther -- margin - 2.5cmDeep margin - 0.3cmRepresentative sections are submitted.B) Axillary tail measures 5 x 4 x 3 cm.Largest lymph node measures 1 x 0.8 x 0.7cm. Cut section grey white.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cell in diffuse sheets, nests and tubular pattern. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Lymphovascular invasion is identified. Perineural invasion is not identified.IMPRESSION:A) Right Breast Lump, Wide Excision:INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 6(3+2+1). - Tumor measure 2.5 cm in greatest dimension. - Lymphovascular invasion is identified. - Perineural invasion is not identified. - Ductal carcinoma in situ component is not seen. - All margins of resection are free of tumor.B) Right Axillary Clearance: Five out of eleven lymph nodes show metastatic tumor deposits with extranodal extension(5/11). - Size of the largest tumor deposit measure 0.6 cm in greatest dimension.Pathological Stage : pT2N2a" 5779,TM1804288,"CLINICAL HISTORY : Left breast lump.SPECIMEN: Biopsy from left breast lump.GROSS FINDINGS: Received 5 grey linear cores measures each 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrocollagenous tissue harboring an invasive neoplasm arranged in glandular pattern, solid nests, trabecular, papillary pattern. Individual tumor cells are round to cuboidal with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, and prominent nucleoli. Occasional mitotic figures seen. Stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lump. :Invasive carcinoma with papillary features. grade - II.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 --------" 5781,TM1804539,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Right Breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Right Breast biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 5 linear cores measures 0.5-0.6cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows multiple cores of breast parenchyma harboring infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, cords,tubules. The lesional cells are round to oval having hyperchromatic nuclei, moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibitá moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Stroma is desmoplastic mitosis 2-3/10 hpf.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Right Breast biopsy:Invasive Ductal carcinoma grade I.Modified Bloom Richardson Score is 5/9(2+2+1)." 5782,TM1804651,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Carcinoma right breast. SPECIMEN:Mastectomy specimen. GROSS FINDINGS:Laterality : Left breast mastectomy specimen. Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 20cm. Superficial - deep : 10 cm. Superior-inferior : 12 cm.Skin ellipse : 19x11cm.Nipple : Retracted. Scar/ Surgical defect :Suture scar at a distance of 1cm from nipple - areola. Tumor : SingleTumor size : 8x6x5cm. Grey white, firm to viable with slit like spaces. Location of tumor : All quadrants. Margins of tumor : Well definedDeep margin : 0.7cm. Muscle : Present. Adjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissue.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Multiple sections studied from the breast parenchyma show a well circumscribed neoplasm with biphasic pattern. There is expansion and increased cellularity of the stromal component and stromal overgrowth. Leaf like fronds of stroma lined by epithelial lining are noted. Focally there is presence of an invasive neoplasm composed of epithelial cells arranged in tubules, focal cribriform and micropapillary pattern, focally lining the stromal component. The neoplastic epithelial cells depict increased nuclei cytoplasmic ratio, pleomorphic vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. The stroma surrounding the neoplastic glands shows dense desmoplasia. Few tubules are cystically dilated and their lumen shows necrosis. Cribriform ductal carcinoma in situ noted. The stromal component shows 3-4mf/10hpf. No evidence of lymphovascular emboli or perineural invasion. IMPRESSION:Mastectomy specimen :Invasive ductal carcinoma arising in a background of benign phyllodes tumor.Tumor is located in all the quadrants. Invasive ductal carcinoma component measures approximately 3 cm in greatest dimension. Phyllodes tumor measures 8cm in greatest dimension. No evidence of perineural invasion or lymphovascular emboli Ductal carcinoma in situ seen - cribriform, micropapillary and solid pattern. Measures approximately 0.8cm in greatest dimension. " 5783,TM1804680,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast Carcinoma.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast, left modified radical mastectomy.B) Level I and III Lymph nodes.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received in : FormalinProcedure : left modified radical mastectomy.Laterality : Left breast.Total dimensions :Medial-lateral : 9 cm Superficial - deep : 2.5 cm Superior-inferior : 8.5 cmSkin ellipse : 8x5 cmNipple : UnremarkableTumor : SingleTumor size : 2.5 x 2 x 1.7 cmLocation of tumor : 6 O'clockMuscle : 3x2x1 cmAdjacent breast : Fibrofatty tissueAxillary tail : 4x3x2 cm B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 6x5x2 cm, largest lymph node measures 2x1x1 cm.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section from the shows breast parenchyma showing infiltrating neoplasm arranged in sheets, nests and tubules. The cells are round to oval vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli, abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Adjacent parenchyma show lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. Mitoses 4-5/10 hpf. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Left modified radical mastectomy :INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 2. - Tumor measures 2.5 cm in greatest dimension. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1). - Ductal carcinoma in situ of solid and cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade is seen. - Lymphovascular invasion is not seen. - Perineural invasion is not seen. - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and aerola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes : Fifteen lymph nodes are identified, all are free of tumor (0/15).Pathological Stage : pT2N0" 5784,TM1804946,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left Breast lump - Possibility of Carcinoma Breast.SPECIMEN:Left Breast lump, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white linear cores measures 1-2.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows larger areas of hemorrhage with few atypical cells showing focal spindle cell differentiated.IMPRESSION:Left Breast lump, Biopsy:Large areas of hemorrhage with few atypical cells showing focal spindle cell differentiation.No definite opinion is possible.Suggest repeat biopsy or excision of the lump for further confirmation." 5786,TM1805500,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast. SPECIMEN :Right Modified Radical MastectomyGROSS FINDINGS :Received in : Formalin.Procedure : Right Modified Radical Mastectomy. Laterality : Right breast. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral : 14 cm. Superficial to Deep : 5.5 cm. Superior to Inferior :12 cm.Skin ellipse :12x10cm.Nipple : Normal. Scar/Surgical defect : Absent. Tumor : singleTumor size : 6x3xcmLocation of tumor :sub areolar and lower outer quadrantMargins of tumor : ill definedDeep margin :1.2cmMuscle : Absent. Axillary breast : Fibrofatty tissue. Axillary tail : 6x5x2cm. Size of largest node : 1.2x1x1cm. IMPRESSION:Right Modified Radical Mastectomy : Tumor bed : Microscopically single lesion is identified after examining multiple sections. Tumor measures 6cm with extensive component measures 2cm. Histological type : Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 2. Modified BR score is 7/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 2 ................. 7/9 ..................Ductal carcinoma in situ with solid pattern is identified. Lymphovascular invasion is identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. Nipple and areola is unremarkable.Lymph nodes : 15 lymph nodes, Metastasis : 1 (1/15) perineural spread present. Summary : Extensive ductal carcinoma is situ with invasive component right breast. Tumor grade : 2Lymphnode Status : 1/15 Perinodal spread present. " 5788,TM1806253,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Left breast lump.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple fragmented linear cores measures 0.5 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections studied show fibrous tissue harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and vague tubules. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli and prominent nucleoli in few. Stroma is desmoplastic with dense lymphomononuclear cells infiltrate. Areas of hemorrhage, necrosis and crush artifacts are seen.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast:Invasive carcinoma NST, Grade 3.Tubular formationáááááááááááááááááá -- 2Nuclear pleomorphismááááááááááá -- 3Mitotic activityáááááááááááááááááááááááá -- 3ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 8/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------------" 5789,TM1806313,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN :Left Modified Radical Mastectomy. GROSS FINDINGS:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy : Received in : FormalinProcedure : Left Modified Radical Mastectomy. Laterality : Left. Total dimensions : Medial to lateral :22cm. Superficial to Deep : 8 cm. Superior to Inferior : 19 cm.Skin ellipse : 13x9cm.Nipple retracted. : Normal.Tumor : Single. Tumor size : 6x4x3cmLocation of tumor : central. Muscle : Absent. IMPRESSION:Left Modified Radical Mastectomy :Tumor bed : Sections studied show breast parenchyma harboring an infiltrating lesion arranged in large separated by thin fibrous septa. Among the septae, the cells are arranged in sheets. The cells are ovoid having moderate of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with mild lymphomononuclear cell infiltrate. Histological type : Invasive ductal carcinoma.Grade :III.Modified BR score is 8/9Tubule formation : 3 Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 3 ............ 8/9 .............Tumor measures 6cm in greatest dimension. Invasive component measures 6cm.Lymphovascular invasion is identified. Perineural invasion is not seen. Ductal carcinoma in situ is not seen. Deep margin is free of tumor. Nipple and areola is unremarkable. Lymph nodes: All isolated thirteen lymphnodes show metastatic tumor deposits(13/13). Extra nodal extension is seen. " 5791,TM1806947,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Carcinoma Right Breast.SPECIMEN:Right Breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received in : Formalin Procedure : Modified Radical Mastectomy Laterality : RightTotal dimensions : Medial to lateral : 11 cm. Superficial to Deep : 3 cm. Superior to inferior : 7 cm.Skin ellipse : 9 x 6 cmNipple : Normal Scar/ Surgical defect : Not seenTumor : Single Tumor Size : 2 x 1.5 x 1 cm Location of tumor : Central quadrantMargins of tumor : Irregular Deep margin : 0.3cmMuscle : AbsentAdjacent Breast : Fibrofatty tissue Axillary tail : 6 x 4 x 3 cm.Total number of nodes : 12 nodes.Size of largest node : 1.5 x 1 x 0.8 cm. Cut surface - grey brown.Representative sections are submitted.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied from breast parenchyma composed tumor cells arranged in tubules of varying sizes. The tumor cells are cuboidal with scant eosinophilic cytoplasm vesicular nuclei and inconspicuous nucleoli. Adjacent ducts shows cystic change with few ducts showing duct carcinoma in situ. Occasional mitosis necrosis seen. Stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION:Right Breast, Right Modified Radical Mastectomy:INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA, Grade 1. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 5(2+2+1). - Tumour is unifocal and is located in the central quadrant. - Tumor measures 2.0 cm in greatest dimension. - Ductal carcinoma in situ not identified - Lymphovascular invasion not identified. - Perineural invasion not identified - Posterior resection margin is free of tumor. - Nipple and areola is free of tumor.Lymph nodes:Twelve lymph nodes are identified, free of tumor(0/12).Pathological stage pT1cN0" 5792,TM1806960,"CLINICAL DETAILS:Left breast lumpectomy with left axillary dissection.SPECIMEN:A) Left breast, Lumpectomy.B) Left axillary dissection.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received lumpectomy specimen measures 6x4.8x3cm.Skin ellipse measures 4.5x0.9cm.Cut surface shows greywhite lesion measures 2.3x2.2x1.4cm.Resected margins :-Superior margin : 1cm.Inferior margin : 0.3cm.Medial margin : 1.5cm.Lateral margin : 2.5cm.Deep margin : 0.5cm.B) Received fibrofatty tissue measures 7.5x5x2cm.Largest lymph node measures 1.8x1x0.8cm. Cut surface shows greywhite.Dissection reveals eighteen nodes.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Sections show breast parenchyma with infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and tubules. The cells are round to oval having vesicular nuclei, prominent 1-2 nucleoli and moderate cytoplasm. Cells exhibit moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Intervening stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Mitoses 6-7/10 HPF.No lymphovascular invasion / Perineural invasion seen.Resected margins are free of tumor.IMPRESSION:A) Left breast, Lumpectomy:Invasive carcinoma, NST, grade 2.MBR Score 7/9 (3+2+2).Tumor measures 2.3cm in greatest dimension.Ductal carcinoma in situ is not identified.Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.Perineural invasion is not identified.All resected margins including deep margin are free of tumor.B) Left axillary dissection:Identified eighteen lymph nodes are free of tumor (0/18)." 5796,TM1808009,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump- ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 2cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows cores of breast tissue infiltrated by tumor cells in cords and nests. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lump :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 5797,TM1808277,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma bilateral breast. SPECIMEN :A) Breast biopsy, Laterality not specified. B) Site not specified, Biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS :A) Breast biopsy, Laterality not specified. Received 3 grey white linear core measures 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed. B) Site not specified, Biopsy. Received 3 grey white linear core measures 0.5 to 0.8cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :A) Section studied shows breast parenchyma with an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, islands and cords. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures are discerned with mild lymphomononuclear cell infiltrates. Areas of hemorrhage seen. B) Section studied shows linear cores of fibrous tissue with an infiltrating lesion arranged in cords and singly scattered cells. The cells are oval having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic pleomorphic nucleus with prominent nucleoli in few. Mitotic figures are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic. IMPRESSION : A) Breast biopsy, laterality not specified. Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 .........B) Site not specified, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade - 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation : 3Nuclear pleomorphism : 2Mitotic figures : 1 ------- 6/9 .........Please correlate clinically. " 5798,TM1808487,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - BIRADS 4C. SPECIMEN:Left breast, Core biopsy. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear core measures 1 to 1.5 cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows tumor cells in sheets and cords. Individual cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate amount of cytoplasm.IMPRESSION:Left breast, Core biopsy :Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade - 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1)." 5799,TM1808637,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Ca breast trucut biopsy -IDC -grade 1 H-18-8669SPECIMEN :Left breast modified radical mastectomyGROSS FINDINGS :Received already grossed breast specimen measures 19x16x7cm. Skin ellipse 13x8cm. N/A retracted surgical defect not seen. Axillary tail not seen attached to the specimenCur surface tumor in retroreolar region measures 2.3x1x0.8cm. Margins are ill defined. Deep margin - 1.5cm. On dissection of fat 3 nodes isolatedMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Sections from the breast lesion show an invasive neoplasm in tubules linear cords nests and singly scattered forms. The cells have moderate cytoplasm round nuclei with mild to moderate atypia. Few lymphoid aggregates noted in the adjacent breast. Stroma is hyalinized. IMPRESSION :Left breast modified radical mastectomy ( already grossed) Invasive carcinoma NSTIHC - E cadherin - positive. In view of E cadherin positivity it is invasive ductal carcinoma NST, Grade - 1Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+1+1)=4/9Lymphovascular invasion or perineural invasion identified Skin nipple and areola are unremarkable On further dissection 3 nodes isolated one of three nodes shows tumour deposits For exact tumor size, total lymph nodes involved and status of margins please refer to original report. " 5800,TM1809297,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast. SITE :Biopsy from Right breast. A) Received 3 blocks labelled as : 2257/18. B) 1 slide and 1 block labelled as : 17/9674. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section from the slide and blocks labelled as 9674/17. cores show breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm in linear cords and singled out cells. The cells show pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate nucleoli. Stroma is hyalinized. Section from the block and slide labelled as 2257/18 show breast parenchyma with small foci of residual tumor with few scattered singled out cells with moderate atypia and hyperchromatic nuclei. Stroma show areas of hyalinization and sclerosis. Focal lymphoid aggregates also noted. IMPRESSION :Biopsy from right breast. ( block and slide labelled 9674/17)Invasive carcinoma with lobular features. Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+3+2)= 8/9Grade - III.Mastectomy right breast. ( blocks and slides labelled 2257/18) Residual foci of invasive carcinoma. Ductal carcinoma in situ not seen.Perineural invasion not seen. Note: For margin, tumor size and lymph node status,refer to original report.Suggest IHC. " 5801,TM1809463,CLINICAL HISTORY:Left axillary dissection.SPECIMEN:Left axillary lymph node.GROSS FINDINGS:Received fibrofatty tissue measures 15x9x5cm largest lymph nodes measures 3x2.5x2.5cm cut surface homogenous grey whiteMICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Multiple sections examined show eleven lymph nodes three of which show infiltration by tumor in clusters and nests. The tumor cells are round to polygonal with high N/C ratio enlarged vesicular nuclei and moderate to abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Perinodal spread is NOT seen.IMPRESSION:Left axillary lymph node:Metastatic poorly differentiated carcinoma favor breastSuggest IHC Three of eleven lymph nodes isolated show tumor deposits(3/11)Please correlate with clinical findings 5802,TM1809556,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump. SITE:Biopsy from left breast lump. Received 17 blocks labelled as : 934/18. A- 2 Blocks. B - 2 Blocks. C - 2 Blocks. D - 2 Blocks. E - 2 Blocks. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Section from the tumor blocks labelled as 934/18 show breast parenchyma harboring an invasive neoplasm in sheets and trabeculae. The cells show moderate cytoplasm. Focal areas show solid type ductal carcinoma in situ (high grade) and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. IMPRESSION :Left mastectomy specimen (Received blocks) Invasive ductal carcinoma (NST)MBR score is (3+2+2)=7/9, Grade - III.Occasional ducts show solid type high grade ductal carcinoma in situ.No lymphovascular invasion seen. No perineural invasion seen. Margins one free of tumor. 6 lymphnodes examined are free of tumor (0/6)Note :For tumor size, please refer to original report. " 5803,TM1900002,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Lump right breast.SPECIMEN:Right breast lump biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple linear core biopsy bits measures 0.5 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma harboring tumor infiltrating as nests and tubules composed of round to oval cells with high N:C ratio, vesicular nucleus conspicuous nucleolus and moderate cytoplasm. Nuclear pleomorphism is mild and occasional mitosis is seen. Stroma shows desmoplasia.IMPRESSION: Right breast lump biopsy:Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+1)." 5804,TM1900411,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Right and left breast.SPECIMEN:A) Right breast.B) Left breast.GROSS FINDINGS:A) Received single grey white linear soft tissue bits measures 0.5cm. Entire tissue processed.B) Received two grey white linear cores measures 0.2 to 0.05 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:A) Section from bottle labelled as right shows linear cores of fibrous tissue with an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests and singly scattered cells. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Stroma is desmoplastic with scattered lymphomononuclear infiltrates. B) Section from bottle labelled as left shows linear cores of fibrous tissue with cellular lesion arrangedá in papillary pattern.The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nucleus . Stroma is desmoplastic.IMPRESSION:A) Right breast : Invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formation á á á á á á á : 2Nuclear pleomorphismáááááá : 2Mitotic figuresáááááááááááááááááá : 2áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá _______ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááá áá ááá _______ááááááá B) Left breast:Papillary neoplasm.Suggest IHC. áááááááááááááááááááááááá " 5805,TM1900779,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast. SITE :Right breast, Right modified mastectomy.A) Received 11 blocks labelled as : 1236/A-KB) Received 17 blocks labelled as : 33/19.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Multiple sections studied shows breast parenchyma shows dilated ducts, shows epithelial proliferation in micro papillary, solid papillary and nested with pancreatitis of myoepithelial cells. The cells are oval, have vesicular nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Small invasive foci with nests of cells in desmoplastic stroma is seen. IMPRESSION :Right breast, Right modified mastectomy :Ductal carcinoma in situ, solid papillary type with small foci of invasion. - Tumor located in upper inner quadrant and central quadrant.- DCIS component measures 5 cm in greatest dimension (As per outside gross). - Size of the invasive foci measures 0.1 cm in greatest dimension(Microscopically).- All margins of resections are free of tumor. Lymph nodes :Six lymph nodes are identified, all are free of tumor(0/6). " 5806,TM1900780,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast lump. GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 linear cores grey white measures 1 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section show linear cores of breast parenchyma showing an infiltrating lesion composed of sheets and nests of dysplastic ductal cells showing moderate anisonucleosis, hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. The intervening stroma shows moderate lymphomononuclear infiltrates and desmoplasia.á IMPRESSION:Biopsy from left breast lump. :Invasive carcinoma NST, Left breast. Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9Tubule formationááááááááááá : 2Nuclear pleomorphismááá : 2Mitotic figuresááááááááááááááá : 2ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -------ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá --------" 5807,TM1900970,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma breast. SITE :Right modified radial mastectomy. Received 11 blocks labelled as : B-12-23/19. Right modified radical mastectomy block labelled as 12-23/19. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS :Block B12-14Section from the breast parenchyma shows lesion composed of lobules, solid cribriform and micro papillary pattern. The cells have uniform round nuclei .A few of the ducts show central necrosis . Stroma shows fibroblastic proliferation and inflammation. Block (B-15) Skin and nipple areola, free of tumor.Block (B-16-20) Superior, inferior ,medial, lateral and deep margin are free of tumor. Block (B-21-23) Axillary lymph node : Five lymph nodes isolated. Negative for malignancy IMPRESSION :Right modified radial mastectomy.- Ductal carcinoma in situ (high grade)- Tumor (in situ component )measures 4cm. - Lymphovascular invasion not seen. - Perineural invasion not seen. Skin and nipple areola, free of tumor.Superior interior medial, lateral and deep margin are free of tumor. Axillary lymph node : Five lymph nodes isolated. Negative for malignancy (0/15)Note : This report pertains to the suboptimally fixed and processed tissue. Small focus suspicious of invasion noted but histomorphology is not optimal to confirm. " 5808,TM1901125,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Left breast, Biopsy.GROSS FINDINGS:Received 4 grey white linear cores measures 1.5 to 1.8cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows cores of breast parenchyma harbors infiltrative lesion arranged in sheets and nests. The cells are oval, have pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Mitotic activity is discerned. Few areas shows fascicles and bundles of spindle cells, have pleomorphic hyperchromatic elongated nuclei,inconspicuous nuclear and moderate amount of cytoplasm. Stroma shows lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate and area of necrosis. IMPRESSION:Left breast, Biopsy :Invasive carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is (3+2+2)." 5809,TM1901467,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Carcinoma breast. SPECIMEN:Biopsy from left breast. GROSS FINDINGS:Received five grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1.5cm. Entire tissue processed. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section studied shows fibrocollagenous tissue infiltrated by neoplastic cells arranged in cords and nests. The cells have round hyperchromatic nuclei and moderate cytoplasm. Mitotic activity is discerned. IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left breast lump :Invasive carcinoma, Grade 2. - Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6(3+2+1).Comment : In view of tumor cells in cords and nests, suggest further confirmation of lobular differentiation on larger specimen." 5810,TM1902230,"CLINICAL HISTORY :Carcinoma right breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from right breast.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 0.8 to 1cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section shows linear cores of fibrous tissue with an infiltrating lesion arranged in nests, cords and focal tubular pattern. The cells are ovoid having moderate amount of cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures (4-5/10hpf) are discerned. Stroma is desmoplastic with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. Focal interspersed mild lymphomononuclear infiltrates.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from right breast:Invasive carcinoma, NST, Grade 2.Modified Bloom Richardson score is 6/9.Tubular formationááá áá á -- 3Nuclear pleomorphismá -- 2Mitotic activityááááááááááááá -- 1ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá 6/9ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá -----------" 5811,TM1902281,"CLINICAL HISTORY:Known case of ductal carcinoma in situ with micro-invasion.SITE:Breast lump (laterality not mention), biopsy.Received 9 blocks labelled as 153/19/164 and 1 block labelled as 99/H/19.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:Section from block labelled as 99/H/19, show breast parenchyma with extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ of cribriform, micropapillary and solid type - intermediate nuclear grade.Suboptimally processed tissue sections -However myoepithelial markers were attempted on the tumor sections which pointed towards DCIS No invasion could be demonstrated in the material submitted Section from block labelled as 153/19/164 B to J:Twenty three lymph nodes identified showing reactive hyperplasia and were free of tumor deposits (0/23).IMPRESSION:Breast lump (laterality not mentioned), biopsy:Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ (solid, cribriform, papillary) intermediate nuclear grade.Twenty three nodes identified, free of tumor (0/23).Note:A single paraffin block of the tumor was submitted on which preliminary immunostains were done The results may be interpreted in correlation with primary pathology report and clinical findings " 5812,TM1902591,CLINICAL HISTORY :Left breast lump - ? Fibroadenoma ? Carcinoma breast.SPECIMEN:Biopsy from Left Breast Lump.GROSS FINDINGS:Received multiple grey white linear cores measures 2 to 2.5 cm. Entire tissue processed.MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:The section shows cores of breast tissue exhibiting benign bilayered ducts showing round to elongated luminal profiles with increased intervening stroma. Focal sclerosing adenosis is seen. Occasional ducts show lamina filled with cells showing mild to moderate nuclear enlargement.IMPRESSION:Biopsy from Left Breast Lump:Proliferative breast disease with features are suggestive of atypical ductal hyperplasia and adenosis.COMMENT:Suggest excision of the lump if clinically indicative of invasive malignancy. 5813,TM1903251,"right breast, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. >modified br score 79 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 2 > --------------- > 79 > --------------- >" 5815,TM1903340,">breast lumpectomy specimen, laterality not specified >invasive carcinoma, grade 3. >modified br score 89 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 3 >mitotic figures 2 > --------------- > 89 > --------------- >areas of necrosis seen. >no lymphovascular invasion seen. >no perineural invasion seen. >note for tumor size and marginal status please refer to primary pathology report." 5817,TM1903523,">right breast modified radical mastectomy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade iii. >modified bloom richardson score is 89. >tubule formation -- 3 >nuclear pleomorphism -- 2 >mitotic figures -- 3 > ----------- > 89 > ----------- >ductal carcinoma in situ present in comedo and solid pattern with high nuclear grade. >lymphovascular invasion is identified. >perineural invasion is identified. > >lymph nodes >eleven lymph nodes identified and show metastatic deposits of tumor (1111). >extranodal extension is seen." 5818,TM1903575,>left breast >shows features of ductal carcinoma in situ of solid and cribriform pattern with intermediate nuclear grade.few foci suspicious of invasion are seen. > >comment >suggest submission of more tumor sections for further evaluation. 5819,TM1903674,">left breast, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. > - modified bloom richardson score is 6(2+2+2)." 5820,TM1903682,">right breast, right modified radical mastectomy >section labelled as sr19-1836 ic. >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. > - modified bloom richardson score is 6(3+2+1). > - timor is located in lower central quadrant and measures 2.5 cm in greatest dimension(as per the primary pathology report). > - lymphovascular invasion is identified. - perineural invasion is indeterminate. > >section labelled as sr19-1836 iiic shows nipple and areolar skin, which is negative for malignancy. > >section labelled as sr19-1836 iv shows fibrofatty tissue (posterior resected margin), negative for malignancy. > >section labelled as sr19-1836 vi show eight lymph nodes, all are negative for malignancy (08)." 5821,TM1903968,"left breast lump, biopsy >invasive carcinoma, nst, grade i >tubule formation - 2 >nuclear pleomorphism - 2 >mitotic activity - 1 > ------ > 59 > ------" 5822,TM1904218,">left breast lump, biopsy >invasive carcinoma, nst. >modified bloom richardson score is 69 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 1 > ------- > 69 > ........." 5823,TM1904220,">left breast, modified radical mastectomy. >sections labelled as 1a19 - id19 >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade - iii. >modified bloom richardson score is 89 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figures 3 > ------- > 89 > ......... >-for tumor size and location please refer primary report. >- lymphovascular invasion is not identified. >- perineural invasion in not identified. >- ductal carcinoma in situ with comedonecrosis seen. > >section labelled as - iii19 >skin free of tumor. > >section labelled as iv19 >deep margin free of tumor. > >sections labelled as vi a, b, c, d, e, f,g >lymphnodes thirty one lymph nodes are identified all are free of tumor (031) > > > >" 5824,TM1904221,">left breast, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2. > - modified bloom richardson score is 7(3+2+2)." 5825,TM1904723,">right breast lesion, right modified radical mastectomy >invasive carcinoma, nst, grade 2. >modified bloom richardson score is 69. >tubule formation -- 3 >nuclear pleomorphism -- 2 >mitotic figures -- 1 > ----------- > 69 > ----------- >lymphovascular invasion is not identified. >perineural invasion is not seen. > >kindly refer to primary pathology report of tumor size, pathological staging and margin status." 5826,TM1904771,">left breast lump, biopsy >invasive ductal carcinoma, nst, grade i. >modified bloom richardson score is 59 >tubule formation 2 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitoticfigures 1 >------- >59 >......... * style definitions * table.msonormaltable{mso-style-name""table normal""mso-tstyle-rowband-size0mso-tstyle-colband-size0mso-style-noshowyesmso-style-priority99mso-style-qformatyesmso-style-parent""""mso-padding-alt0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4ptmso-para-margin-top0inmso-para-margin-right0inmso-para-margin-bottom10.0ptmso-para-margin-left0inline-height115%mso-paginationwidow-orphanfont-size11.0ptfont-family""calibri"",""sans-serif""mso-ascii-font-familycalibrimso-ascii-theme-fontminor-latinmso-fareast-font-family""times new roman""mso-fareast-theme-fontminor-fareastmso-hansi-font-familycalibrimso-hansi-theme-fontminor-latinmso-bidi-font-family""times new roman""mso-bidi-theme-fontminor-bidi}" 5828,TM1904848,">right breast lump., biopsy. >morphology is suggestive of tubular adenoma. >no evidence of in situ or invasive carcinoma in the section studied." 5830,TM1904952,">breast laterality not specified >invasive carcinoma nst, grade ii, >modified bloom richardson score is 69 >tubule formation 3 >nuclear pleomorphism 2 >mitotic figure 1 > ------- > 69 > ......... >ductal carcinoma in situ solid, comedonecrosis pattern is seen." 5831,TM1905048,">left breast left modified radical mastectomy. >slide labelled as 437619 f >invasive carcinoma nst, grade ii, >modified bloom richardson score 79, >tubule formation - 3 >nuclear pleomorphism -2 >mitotic figures - 2 >lymphovascular invasion is indeterminate. > >slides labelled as 437619 d,o >each of the slide shows one lymphnode with metastatic tumor deposit.note kindly refer to primary pathology report for details on tumor dimensions and margin status and lymphnode deposit size." 5833,TM1905268,">a) right breast, right mastectomy ( blocks labelled as b, d, e) >invasive duct carcinoma, grade 3 > - modified bloom richardson score is 8(3+2+3). > - tumor measures 1.5cm in greatest dimension(as per out side report). > - lymphovascular or perineural invasion is not seen.. > >blocks labelled as 32619 i, j, k margins- superior, inferior, and medial respectively free of tumor. > >b) right axillary lymph nodes(blocks labelled as 32719 a to e >eleven out of twenty lymph nodes show metastatic deposits with extranodal extension(1113). > - largest deposit measures 1.8cm in greatest dimension.note refer to primary report for tumor location posterior and lateral margin status. > > normal 0 false false false en-in x-none x-none"