MarchioroMatteoFaccoliMassimoDal CortivoMarialuisaBrancoManuelaRoquesAlainGarciaAndréRuzzierEnricoNew species and new records of exotic Scolytinae (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) in EuropeBiodivers Data J211020221010.3897/BDJ.10.e93995 2A42442F-3E75-528A-BCA1-6093B360B2B4 Phloeotribus liminaris (Harris, 1852)Materials

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: recordedBy: A. Galli; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; occurrenceID: EC8EEA63-30C8-56DC-8390-FA175BC61ADB; Taxon: scientificName: Phloeotribusliminaris (Harris, 1852); Location: continent: Europe; country: Italy; countryCode: IT; stateProvince: Lombardy; county: Varese; municipality: Linate Pozzolo; decimalLatitude: 45.604167; decimalLongitude: 8.729500; geodeticDatum: WGS84; Identification: identifiedBy: Enrico Ruzzier; Event: eventTime: 2021-05-03; Record Level: collectionID: ERPC


Species of Nearctic origin was recorded for the first time in Europe in Lombardy (North Italy) in 2003 (Pennacchio et al. 2004). The species seems to present a very limited dispersal capability, not having substantially expanded its distribution range in nearly 10 years. The establishment of P.liminaris in Italy is confirmed by the collection of this single male specimen (Fig. 2; Fig. 11). Phloeotribusliminaris has also been recently intercepted in France, where, however, it is not naturalised (Barnouin et al. 2020).


Phloeotribusliminaris was captured using bottle traps baited with red wine and placed at about 2.5 m from the ground (see Ruzzier et al. 2021a).


Despite the species being considered of potential phytosanitary interest for Mediterranean Prunus spp. (Rosaceae) (Pennacchio et al. 2004), to date, no ecological or economic impact caused by Phloeotribusliminaris has ever been recorded in Italy.


Distribution records of non-native scolytine species in Italy: Cnestusmutilatus (Blandford, 1894) [light green]; Dryoxylononoharaense (Murayama, 1934) [dark green]; Phloeotribusliminaris (Harris, 1852) [red]; Xyleborinusattenuatus (Blandford, 1894) [purple].

Phloeotribusliminaris (Harris, 1852), male specimen (2.08 mm) from Ticino Park (Lombardy, Italy); lateral view (top), dorsal habitus (bottom) (photocredit: Reparto Carabinieri Biodiversità Belluno).
PennacchioF.FaggiM.GattiE.CaronniF.ColomboM.RoversiP. F.2004First record of Phloeotribusliminaris (Harris) from Europe (Coleoptera Scolytidae)Redia878589BarnouinThomasSoldatiFabienRoquesAlainFaccoliMassimoKirkendallLawrence R.MouettetRaphaelleDaubreeJean-BaptisteNoblecourtThierry2020Bark beetles and pinhole borers recently or newly introduced to France (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae and Platypodinae)Zootaxa48771517410.11646/zootaxa.4877.1.2RuzzierEnricoGalliAndreaBaniLuciano2021Monitoring exotic beetles with inexpensive attractants: a case studyInsects12510.3390/insects12050462