Animalia Amphinomida Amphinomidae NealLenkaWiklundHelenaGuntonLaetitia M.RaboneMurielBribiesca-ContrerasGuadalupeDahlgrenThomas G.GloverAdrian G.Abyssal fauna of polymetallic nodule exploration areas, eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean: Amphinomidae and Euphrosinidae (Annelida, Amphinomida)Zookeys221220221137337410.3897/zookeys.1137.86150 0DD719E9-2EAA-57DD-9D76-B40B9D99A178 Paramphinome sp. NHM_6022EFigs 11A–C, 12A–IMaterial examined.

NHM_1167D, NHMUK ANEA 2022.638, coll. 26/02/2015, EBS, 12.11550, -117.16450, 4100 m, OMS,; NHM_4044, NHMUK ANEA 2022.639, coll. 06/03/2020, box core, 13.27406, -116.69997, 4185 m, UK-1,; NHM_6022E, NHMUK ANEA 2022.640, coll. 13/11/2020, box core, 10.35780, -117.15931, 4284 m, NORI-D,


(after Fauchald (1977)). All very small, poorly preserved and posteriorly incomplete specimens (Fig. 11A–C). Specimen NHMUK ANEA.2022.638, 1.65 mm long and 0.35 mm wide for ca. 7 discernible chaetigers. Prostomium broad, rounded, slightly longer than wide; with a pair of palps and lateral antennae and posteriorly with median antenna; all prostomial appendages tiny and globular to ovoid (Fig. 12A, B). Two pairs of tiny reddish eyes (Fig. 12A) in trapezoidal arrangement, plus a pair of tiny, pigmented spots present posteroventrally on prostomium (Fig. 12B). Caruncle as a low-lying lobe, reduced, difficult to observe.


Paramphinome sp. NHM_6022E A, B preserved specimen NHMUK ANEA.2022.638 in dorsolateral view, branchiae (br) of chaetigers 4 and 5 marked by arrows C preserved specimen, NHMUK ANEA.2022.639, in dorsal view. Scale bars: 500 µm.

Paramphinome sp. NHM_6022E (specimen, NHMUK ANEA.2022.638) A anterior end in lateral view, with eyes and median antenna B prostomium in ventral view with palps and pigmented spots C detail of branchiae from chaetiger 4 in dorsolateral view D branchiae and dorsal lobe from chaetiger 4 in lateral view E notopodial hook from chaetiger 1 F dorsal lobe from chaetiger 2 G protruding acicular spine (ac) H spinose bifurcate chaeta I long spinose neurochaeta. Scale bars: 100 µm (A-C); 50 µm (D–I). Abbreviations: e – eyes, ma – median antenna, p – palps, ps – pigmented spots, ac – acicular spines.

Parapodia biramous. Dorsal cirri small and ovoid (Fig. 12F), ventral cirri not observed. Two pairs of branchiae present on chaetiger 4 and 5, comb-shaped with two main stalks branching into 4 terminal lobes (Figs 11A, B, 12C, D). Stout, distally strongly curved hook present in each notopodium of chaetiger 1 (Fig. 12E). Other observable chaetae include stout spines, slightly subdistally swollen (Fig. 12G); slender bifurcate chaetae, their prongs significantly differing in length, the long prong marginally serrated (Fig. 12H) and slender, long, smooth chaetae (Fig. 12I). Posterior segments and pygidium not observed.

Molecular information.

Only one specimen, NHMUK ANEA.2022.640, was successfully sequenced for 16S and 18S (Table 1). There were no identical sequences for 16S on GenBank. In the phylogenetic tree this species falls as a sister taxon to Paramphinomejeffreysii and an unidentified specimen, Amphinomidae sp. RG-2014 (Fig. 5A).


Three very small posteriorly incomplete specimens were collected in CCZ samples. They differ from known species by its very small size and low number of branchial pairs (only two pairs) and undeveloped prostomial appendages, which are tiny and globular. While body size, number of segments and number of branchial pairs were previously linked to developmental stages (e.g., Kudenov 1993; Barroso and Paiva 2008), we believe that the three specimens presented here, collected during three different cruises up to eight years apart, represent a small-bodied species rather than juveniles.

Of the known deep-sea Paramphinome species, none were described from the abyssal depths. Paramphinomepacifica Fauchald & Hancock, 1981 has been described from NE Pacific Ocean: off central Oregon (USA), 1800–2900 m; (type locality: Cascadia Abyssal Plain, 2860 m). Paramphinomeaustralis Monro, 1930 has type locality off Signy Island, South Orkney Islands, Southern Ocean in depths between 244–344 m, although it has been widely reported from the Southern Ocean (Kudenov 1993) and also the abyssal Atlantic (Böggemann 2009). Paramphinomeposterobranchiata Barroso & Paiva, 2008 has type locality in South Atlantic, off Brazil at 1600 m depth. Finally, P.jeffreysii has type locality in St. Lawrence estuary (shallow depths), but has been widely reported, even from great depths (e.g., Gunton et al. 2015) and specimens ascribed to this taxon likely represents different species (see Fig. 5A).

It is likely that the CCZ-collected specimens represent a new species; however, their tiny size and poor morphological preservation prevent its formal description, therefore the specimens are assigned to morphospecies only.


Central Pacific Ocean, Eastern CCZ, the exploration contract areas UK-1, OMS, and NORI-D (Fig. 1).

List of taxa presented in this paper – family, DNA taxonomy ID (a species-level identification based on combined DNA and morphological evidence), cruise record number, GUID (Global Unique Identifier link to data record at, NHMUK registration number (NHMUK), Molecular Collection facility (MCf) sample ID number (MCF no.) and NCBI GenBank accession numbers (COI/16S/18S AK no.) for successfully sequenced genetic markers. GenBank numbers for phylogenetic analysis data downloaded from GenBank are presented in Suppl. material 1.

DNA taxonomy IDNHM no.GUIDReg no. NHMUKMCf no.COI AK no.16S AK no.18S AK no.
Family Amphinomidae
Bathychloeiacf.balloniformis NHM_2107c79b4600-e8e9-4484-b06a-e18330a1421dANEA 2022.6300118302190 ON903198 ON900088 ON905671
Bathychloeiacf.balloniformis NHM_2109ac3dd714-64ac-44ea-9168-22437dc3cfbaANEA 2022.6310118302189 ON900113
Bathychloeiacf.sibogae juvenileNHM_6880_HW0106f82805-e608-4715-af62-ab1d44df2a79ANEA 2022.6320118302159 ON903200 ON900089
Bathychloeiacf.sibogae NHM_082173a7200a-ae19-4c0c-8381-8d4509a318cfANEA 2022.6330118302202 ON903197 ON900100 ON905670
Bathychloeiacf.sibogae NHM_2906d3848fcf-4cb2-49fd-b49c-e09422419a70ANEA 2022.6340118302177 ON900116
Bathychloeiacf.sibogae juvenileNHM_21152cbc0d92-247c-4197-bd7a-4715adb5e8f4ANEA 2022.6350118302188 ON900114
Bathychloeiacf.sibogae NHM_3539083df63d-60e7-48ae-95c4-6a11a61b01e8ANEA 2022.6360118302158 ON903199 ON900118
Bathychloeiacf.sibogae NHM_8922805f34aa-ec4f-4318-b18b-46447350aa1eANEA 2022.6370118302156 ON903201
Paramphinome sp. NHM_6022ENHM_1167Dfd4902df-aef2-44cf-991f-31905434c2a1ANEA 2022.638
Paramphinome sp. NHM_6022ENHM_404456235559-3f2c-426e-b4cd-37462593a4baANEA 2022.6390118302160
Paramphinome sp. NHM_6022ENHM_6022Ebd4b405d-3e56-4671-909e-fdf9c3e7fbcfANEA 2022.6400118302162 ON900125 ON905673
Family Euphrosinidae
Euphrosinopsishalli sp. nov.NHM_07791a683870-d904-4c2c-bf1a-a34ead0a42fcANEA 2022.6410118302182 ON900099
Euphrosinopsishalli sp. nov.NHM_4339 (holotype)670dfd34-338d-4edc-8856-b0a9a728efc9ANEA 2022.6420118302157 ON900119 ON905672
Euphrosinopsishalli sp. nov.NHM_6018 (paratype)ab26e2ea-ab87-4013-8106-e817c0485cc9ANEA 2022.6430118302167 ON900124
Euphrosinopsisahearni sp. nov.NHM_0095a351cb41-736c-4390-8ad8-02c0358b73e0ANEA 2022.6440118302201 ON900092 ON905668
Euphrosinopsisahearni sp. nov.NHM_08884d76b4e2-569d-4a17-9276-3ce721cbdf72ANEA 2022.6450118302187 ON900101
Euphrosinopsisahearni sp. novNHM_0551 (paratype, SEM)241b828d-a574-47f2-995d-0bdef239c427ANEA 2022.6460118302186 ON900094
Euphrosinopsisahearni sp. novNHM_50421662fd8b-54a5-4f97-9083-02dbb2df7e39ANEA 2022.6470118302178 ON900121
Euphrosinopsisahearni sp. nov.NHM_1737A4f372c07-c466-4b6c-91a9-229cd7c7a17dANEA 2022.6480118302171 ON900107
Euphrosinopsisahearni sp. nov.NHM_18766ad5c2b3-ece8-4195-a19f-3913de511e71ANEA 2022.6490118302175 ON900112
Euphrosinopsisahearni sp. nov.NHM_055092791783-35c2-4fbf-80b0-2b074ef70828ANEA 2022.6500118302203 ON900093
Euphrosinopsisahearni sp. nov.NHM_13027aabe644-2ec6-4671-8c1a-f826eeeb0b46ANEA 2022.6510118302168 ON900105
Euphrosinopsisahearni sp. nov.NHM_1302A (holotype)479933d3-9943-4d87-a1b8-ea120bd8f4eeANEA 2022.6520118302169 ON900104
Euphrosinopsisahearni sp. nov.NHM_17372ca3e584-a68d-4ea5-98d2-75ce10515386ANEA 2022.6530118302173 ON900110
Euphrosinopsisahearni sp. nov.NHM_1737C (paratype)efe95a8c-fc88-4849-ad26-1df3d292ef20ANEA 2022.6540118302172 ON900109
Euphrosinopsisahearni sp. nov.NHM_ 06164758bf19-c6d0-42e0-b5ba-e83e203d2e18ANEA 2022.6550118302185 ON900096
Euphrosinopsisahearni sp. nov.NHM_0759b0f9162f-a861-4eb2-89a1-ce25c2bd09c4ANEA 2022.6560118302184 ON900097
Euphrosinopsisahearni sp. nov.NHM_183902a5ace7-841e-4f50-bf03-57ba21f02f7cANEA 2022.6570118302174 ON900111
Euphrosinellageorgievae sp. nov.NHM_0587b7a0bf33-0dc4-4f61-90de-35865647a99fANEA 2022.6580118302191 ON900095 ON905669
Euphrosinellageorgievae sp. nov.NHM_0777a8f0e776-d7b6-4ec6-a549-78f40f17d89bANEA 2022.6590118302183 ON900098
Euphrosinellageorgievae sp. nov.NHM_1737B2784df45-eec0-4151-b12d-11d955985faaANEA 2022.660 ON900108
Euphrosinellageorgievae sp. nov.NHM_091005dfb32c-fc3a-4028-bf09-3eb840175661ANEA 2022.6610118302181 ON900102
Euphrosinellageorgievae sp. nov.NHM_1134 (paratype)00590d2b-f952-4c69-8bc2-ac2a408da17aANEA 2022.6620118302180 ON900103
Euphrosinellageorgievae sp. nov.NHM_151496cb7b69-c0ea-4559-9b57-3abe6af4a4c7ANEA 2022.6630118302170 ON900106
Euphrosinellageorgievae sp. nov.NHM_2391 (holotype)1ce8325f-74de-47de-a776-2dc50b8d69aeANEA 2022.6640118302176 ON900115
Euphrosinellageorgievae sp. nov.NHM_4975677b7d67-d9cc-4ebd-8d79-cf5da5dc40daANEA 2022.6650118302165 ON900120
Euphrosinellageorgievae sp. nov.NHM_6087eebfaecd-5ee2-49d6-be73-51eb91678487ANEA 2022.6660118302166 ON900126
Euphrosinellageorgievae sp. nov.NHM_5802c0e408e3-91e7-408f-aaef-3be86507105aANEA 2022.6670118302164 ON900123
Euphrosinellageorgievae sp. nov.NHM_5057d92b1574-eccb-443c-a15d-b79357360b59ANEA 2022.6680118302179 ON900122
Euphrosinellageorgievae sp. nov.NHM_723555637dc0-f9b9-4586-9bfb-7a821c785279ANEA 2022.6690118302163 ON900127
Euphrosinellageorgievae sp. nov.NHM_2908fba3fab7-ae4b-4415-a73c-a2ba6cd44601ANEA 2022.6700118302161 ON900117

Majority-rule consensus trees from the Bayesian analyses with posterior probability values on nodes. Taxon names highlighted in blue are news species or new sequences for already known species. AAmphinomidae phylogenetic tree using a combined datasets for COI, 16S, and 18S with 26 terminal taxa of which Euphrosinefoliosa (Euphrosinidae) was used as a root BEuphrosinidae phylogenetic tree using a combined datasets for 16S and 18S with nine terminal taxa of which Paramphinomejeffreysii (Amphinomidae) was used as a root.

Map of CCZ of exploration areas and areas of particular interest, with targeted areas where samples of this study were collected highlighted in colours (see legend for explanation).
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