Plantae Fabales Leguminosae HughesColin E.RingelbergJens J.LewisGwilym P.CatalanoSantiago A.Disintegration of the genus Prosopis L. (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae, mimosoid clade)PhytoKeys2208202220514718910.3897/phytokeys.205.75379 1E3C1B5A-4269-5B40-9D80-65118733B0B2 Neltuma odorata (Torr. & Frém.) C.E. Hughes & G.P. Lewiscomb. nov. Strombocarpa odorata (Torr. & Frém.) A. Gray, U.S. Expl. Exped., Phan. 1: 475. 1854. Prosopis juliflora var. torreyana L.D. Benson, Amer. J. Bot. 28: 751. 1941. Prosopis glandulosa var. torreyana (L.D. Benson) M.C. Johnst., Brittonia 14: 82. 1962. Prosopis glandulosa subsp. torreyana (L.D. Benson) A.E. Murray, Kalmia 12: 23. 1982.Basionym.

Prosopisodorata Torr. & Frém., in J.C. Frémont, Rep. Exped. Rocky Mts.: 313. Pl. 1. 1845. Pro parte, excluding the fruits, fide L. D. Benson Madroño 15: 53. 1959.

Type material.

U.S.A. California, along Mohave and Virgin River, Fremont s.n. (lectotype designated Benson (1959): NY), excluding the fruits.

BensonL (1959) Typification of Prosopisodorata Torr & Frém. (Leguminosae).Madrono15: 5354.