Plantae Fabales Fabaceae Vinicius Batista SoaresMarcosMathieu KoenenErik JozefRicardo Vieira IganciJoãoMorimMarli PiresA new generic circumscription of Hydrochorea (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae, mimosoid clade) with an amphi-Atlantic distributionPhytoKeys2208202220540143710.3897/phytokeys.205.82775 24CE013B-BE4C-5C34-9CDD-75A09762713F Hydrochorea gonggrijpii (Kleinhoonte) Barneby & J.W. Grimes, Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 74 (1): 25. 1996.Figs 2A, 5Basionym.

Pithecellobium [as Pithecolobium] gonggrijpii Kleinhoonte Recueil Trav. Bot. Néerl. 22: 414. 1926.

Type material.

Suriname, im Reservat der Zanderij I, die nummerierten Baume n. 102 (Herb. [Acad.Rhenotraiect.J n. 1529, im Dez. 1915, und n. 4350bl. im Juli 1919) und n. 141 (Herb. n. 4357, bl. Im Juli 1919.)” 141, 10/VII/1919”, Forest Bureau 4357 (lectotype, designated here from amongst the syntypes: IAN [IAN49436]!; isolectotypes: A [A00064017] digital image!, BR [BR0000005170067] digital image!, K [K000527996]!, K [K000527995]!, MO [MO954361] digital image!, NY [NY00334660] digital image!, NY [NY00334661] digital image!, NY [NY00334662] digital image!, P [P01818508] digital image!, U [U U0003385] digital image!, U [U0003384] digital image!, US [US00629380] digital image!).

Distribution and habitat.

Brazil, Colombia, Guyana, French Guiana, Suriname, Venezuela. Hydrochoreagonggrijpii occurs along riverbanks, gallery forest margins, and low-lying swamp forests, at 40–1400 m elevation (Barneby and Grimes 1996).


In the nomenclatural treatment of H.gonggrijpiiBarneby and Grimes (1996: p. 25) maintained the specimens “Surinam: im Reservat der Zanderij I, die nummerierten Baume n. 102 (Herb. [Acad. Rhenotraiect. J n. 1529, im Dec. 1915, und n. 4350 bl. im Juli 1919) und n. 141 (Herb. n. 4357, bl. im Juli 1919.)” as syntypes. In the present work, the specimen Forest Bureau 4357 (IAN49436) is designated as lectotype (Art. 9.3, Turland et al. 2018).


Hydrochoreagonggrijpii (Kleinhoonte) Barneby & J.W. Grimes A branch with inflorescences B, C extra-floral nectaries D peripheral flower bud E peripheral flower F terminal flower bud G terminal flower H leaflet. A–H from Fróes 28045. Illustration by Alex Pinheiro.
Selected specimens examined.

Brazil, Amazonas: Presidente Figueiredo, Cachoeira do boto, 21 September 2007, Carvalho-Sobrinho et al 1632 (RB). Colombia, Vaupés: Mitú and vicinity, lower Río Kubiyú, along river, 26 September 1976, J.L. Zarucchi s.n. (K). Suriname. Plantas de Tafelberg (Table Mountain), 10 August 1944, Maguire 24273 (RB). Venezuela, Bolivar: Distrito Piar, gallery forest bordering savana, vicinity of Guadequen (Buadequen), Río Acanán (affluent of Río Carrao), Cerros Los Hermanos, 20 May 1986, Lat 5°26'N, Long 62°17'W, alt 470 meters, J.A. Steyermark et al. 131865 (NY).


The genus Hydrochorea Barneby & J.W. Grimes A The amphi-atlantic geographic distribution of HydrochoreaBHydrochoreapedicellaris (DC.) M.V.B. Soares, Iganci & M.P. Morim foliage and fruits CHydrochoreacorymbosa (Rich.) Barneby & J.W. Grimes foliage and fruits DHydrochoreapanurensis (Spruce ex Benth.) M.V.B. Soares, M.P. Morim & Iganci foliage and fruits EHydrochoreauaupensis M.P. Morim, Iganci & E.J.M. Koenen in habitat, with foliage and fruits F Flowers of H.uaupensis after rain G mature fruits of H.uaupensis. B, C from M.V.B Soares D from D. Cardoso E–G from J.R.V. Iganci.
BarnebyRCGrimesJ (1996) Silk tree, guanacaste, monkey’s earring: A generic system of the synandrous Mimosaceae of the Americas. Part I. Abarema, Albizia, and allies. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 74(1).TurlandNJWiersemaJHBarrieFRGreuterWHawksworthDLHerendeenPSKnappSKusberWHLiD-ZMarholdKMayTWMcNeillJMonroAMPradoJPriceMJSmithGF [Eds] (2018) International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (ShenzhenCode) adopted by the Nineteenth International Botanical Congress Shenzhen, China, July 2017. Regnum Vegetabile 159. Koeltz Botanical Books, Glasshütten.