Plantae Rosales Rosaceae Boza EspinozaTatiana ErikaKesslerMichaelA monograph of the genus Polylepis (Rosaceae)PhytoKeys01082022203127410.3897/phytokeys.203.83529 FF850D94-AFD8-5172-823F-6CB08BF48C65 Polylepis simpsoniae T.Boza & M.Kesslersp. nov.Figs 57, 58Diagnosis.

The species differs from Polylepisweberbaueri Pilg. in the smaller, broadly ovate leaflets (0.9–1.6 × 0.4–1.1 cm) and shorter inflorescences (2.5–5.5 cm long) bearing 3–5 flowers, with each flower having 11–13 stamens.


Polylepissimpsoniae T.Boza & M.Kessler A leaves B upper leaf surface C leaves D habit E lower leaf surface. Scale bars: 1 cm (A–E). Photographs by T.E. Boza E.

Ecuador: Cañar: along Páramo-road to Manu W of Cañar, 02°33'S, 79°02'W, 3300–3700 m, 20 June 1988, S. Laegaard 71564 (holotype: QCA!; isotype: AAU!).


Polylepissimpsoniae T.Boza & M. Kessler A flowering branch B stipular sheaths C fruit D upper leaf surface E lower leaf surface (ARomoleroux 589BLaegaard 102679CLaegaard 55087D, ELaegaard 70084). Scale bars: 2 cm (A); 5 mm (C); 3 cm (D, E). Photographs by T. E. Boza E.

Trees 1–8 m tall. Leaves slightly congested at the branch tips, imparipinnate with 2–3 pairs of lateral leaflets, obtrullate in outline, (2.3–)2.8–5.8 × (1.5–)1.9–3.3 cm; rachises densely tomentose, points of leaflet attachment with a tuft of long, lanate hairs; stipular sheaths apically acute with spurs, densely lanate on the outer surfaces; leaflets elliptic in outline, second pair from the terminal leaflet the largest, one of this pair (0.9–)1.3–1.6 × (0.4–)0.7–1.1 cm; margin entire or slightly crenate with 2–4 teeth, apically emarginate, basally unequally cordate; upper leaflet surfaces glabrous; lower leaflet surfaces densely tomentose with whitish hairs 0.5–0.7 mm long. Inflorescences pendant, (2.5–)3.7–3.9(–5.5) cm long, bearing 3–5 flowers; floral bracts 3.3–6.1 mm long, narrowly triangular, densely lanate on the outer surface; rachises tomentose. Flowers (6.1–)6.7–9.1 mm diam.; sepals 4, ovate, green, densely tomentose outside; stamens 11–13, anthers orbicular, with a dense tuft of straight white hairs on the upper half; styles fimbriate, 2.8–3.3 mm long. Fruits turbinate, with variable numbers and placement of flattened spines, densely villous; 2.4–5.8 × 5.1–7.5 mm including spines. Diploid.

Distribution, habitat, and ecology.

Polylepissimpsoniae occurs in southern Ecuador (Cañar and Azuay) (Fig. 61). It grows on relatively dry slopes at 2500–3800 m elevation, where it often co-occurs with P.reticulata. When they co-occur, P.simpsoniae tends to occur at lower elevation (maximum probability of occurrence at 3300–3700 m) than P.reticulata (3800–4000 m) (Montalvo et al. 2018).


We name the species in honor of Beryl B. Simpson (1942–), professor emeritus in the Department of Integrative Biology at the University of Texas at Austin, who, apart from her important contributions to the knowledge of Polylepis (Simpson 1979, 1986), has conducted remarkable research on tropical angiosperms.

Conservation status.

Based on 15 collecting localities, the estimated EOO is 12,905 km2, and the AOO is 92 km2. It has been collected in Cajas National Park, but populations there are heavily fragmented and degraded. Indeed, many P.simpsoniae forests occur at low elevations outside of the protected area where they are subject to continuing fragmentation and habitat degradation from livestock grazing and firewood extraction. We assess P.simpsoniae as Endangered (A1, B1a+B2a, C2a).


Polylepissimpsoniae was treated as P.weberbaueri by previous authors (e.g. Simpson 1979; Romoleroux 1996), including within P.weberbaueri populations from central Ecuador and northern Peru. However, based on its distinct morphology and ecology, this taxon should be recognized as different from P.weberbaueri. Polylepissimpsoniae resembles P.weberbaueri in having 2–3 leaflet pairs and same type and density of hairs, but it has broadly ovate leaflets and smaller (0.9–1.6 × 0.4–1.1 cm) leaflets than P.weberbaueri, which has elliptic leaflets 1.6–2.1 × 0.6–0.9 cm. Further, P.simpsoniae has shorter inflorescences (2.5–5.5 cm) bearing 3–5 flowers, with each flower having 11–13 stamens, whereas P.weberbaueri has longer inflorescences (8.2–9.7 cm) bearing 9–11 flowers, with each flower having 19–21 stamens.

Specimens examined.

Ecuador. Azuay: Baños, Parque Nacional de Las Cajas, along road Soldados-Angas app. 2 km above Soldados, 02°56'S, 079°12'W, 3480 m, 02 May 1992, Lægaard 102679 (AAU!, QCA!). Cuenca, Area Nacional de Recreación Cajas, collection made along Río Patul from the Comunidad Baute/Laguna Patul (watershed of Río Patul), 02°33'S, 079°21'W, 3500–4200 m, s.d., Clark 6229 (QCA!, QCNE, US!). Jimbilla, along road Cuenca–Soldados, 03°50'S, 079°09'W, 3000–3300 m, 03 March 1985, Lægaard 53795 (AAU!, MO!). San Joaquin, from Soldados eastwards along the road until Hda. San Vicente (west of Cuenca), 02°56'S, 079°10'W, 3200–3300 m, 05 January 1981, Balslev 1546 (AAU!, NY, QCA!); Parque Nac. de Las Cajas, at entrance to the park at Soldados, 02°56'S, 079°13'W, 3900 m, 02 May 1992, Lægaard 102677 (AAU!, GOET!); Páramo de Soldados, SW of Cuenca, 02°57'S, 079°14'W, 3020 m, 24 October 1984, Lægaard 53234 (AAU!, MO!); between Cuenca and Soldados, 02°57'S, 079°10'W, 2800–3000 m, 28 August 1985, Lægaard 55082 (AAU!); at Soldados, 02°57'S, 079°14'W, 2800–3000 m, 28 August 1985, Lægaard 55083 (AAU!); 55087 (AAU!, GOET!, MO!); at bridge 2 km below Soldados, 02°56'S, 078°13'W, 3200 m, 14 February 1988, Lægaard 70082 (AAU!, QCNE); 70084; 70085 (AAU!, MO!); cerca al Río Yanuncay, carretera via San Joaquin-Soldados Angas, 02°56'S, 079°13'W, 3100 m, 07 April 2007, Romoleroux 4445 (CHEP, ECUAMZ, QCA!). Sayausi, Las Cajas National Park. Wet páramo near roadside, 02°50'S, 079°12'W, 3500 m, 19 September 1983, Brandbyge 42269 (AAU!, MO!, QCA!); from Soldados E along the road until Hcda. San Vicente (W of Cuenca), 3200–3300 m, 05 January 1981, Balslev 1546 (QCA!); Zurucucho, Cantón Cuenca, Valley bottom, along rivers, 3200 m, 11 August 1978, Boeke 2622 (QCA!); route de Cuenca à Angas, páramo de Cajas, peu au dessus du hameau de Soldados, 14 km en desous du col sur le versant intérieur, 3250 m, 05 October 1988, Huttel 1136 (QCA!); Páramo de Soldados, SW of Cuenca, 3320 m, 24 October 1984, Lægaard 53234 (QCA!); between Cuenca and Soldados, 2800–3000 m, 28 August 1985, Lægaard 55082 (QCA!); at Soldados, 3200–3400 m, 28 August 1985, Lægaard 55083 (QCA!); at Soldados, 3200 m, 28 August 1985, Lægaard 55087 (QCA!); at bridge 2 km below Soldados, 3200 m, 14 February 1988, Lægaard 70084 (QCA!); Parque Nacional Cajas, 3850–3900 m, 10 September 2001, Romoleroux 4028 (QCA!); Est. San Pedro near Canar on steep slopes, 02 January 1977, Simpson 8532 (US!, USM!); 8532a (USM!); Cajas, Río Blanco, 3620 m, 28 August 1999, Smeets 791 (QCA!). Cañar: Gualleturo, along Páramo–road to Manu W of Cañar, W of pass, 02°33'S, 079°02'W, 3700 m, 20 June 1988, Lægaard 71561; 71564 (AAU!, QCA!); 71567 (MO!). Ingapirca, Comunidad San Isidro de Vendeleche, 02°32'S, 078°50'W, 3200 m, 04 March 1983, Brandbyge 42085 (AAU!, MO!, NY); Ingapirca Parish, Silante, 02°29'S, 078°49'W, 3450 m, 01 January 1992, Kohn 1526 (MO!). Zhud, along road to Culebrillas ca. km 6–10, 02°26'S, 078°57'W, 3400–3500 m, 04 February 2000, Lægaard 21006 (AAU!, MO!); at the antennas of Culebrillas ca. 17 km from Panamericana, 02°26'S, 078°57'W, 4000 m, 04 February 2000, Lægaard 21031 (AAU!, MO!). Guapán, 3525 m, 28 November 2000, Endara 760 (QCA!); along páramo road to Manu W of CaÒar. W of pass, 3300–3700 m, 20 June 1988, Lægaard 71561 (QCA!); Pimo, entre Oyacshi y Zhud, 3250 m, 13 October 1987, Romoleroux 392 (AAU!, NY, QCA!); Desde Cañar, km 10.5, Cerro Caucay, 3450 m, s.d., Romoleroux 586 (AAU!, QCA!); Oeste de Cañar, Km 10.5, Cerro Cuacay, 3450 m, 27 April 1988, Romoleroux 587 (AAU!, MO!, QCA!); 589 (AAU!, QCA!); s.d., Rose 22722; 22733; 23792 (NY, US!); Cuenca del Río Dudas (Fund. Cordillera Tropical), 3230 m, 17 October 2006, Salgado 1292 (QCA!). Chimborazo: Chimborazo/Cañar: between Santa Rosa and Joyagshi, near Tipococha, 3500 m, s.d., Camp E-4088 (F!, NY, US!). Tungurahua: Bellavista, 3700 m, 05 December 2009, Caranqui 1907 (QCA!).


Geographical distribution of the species of section Reticulatae.
MontalvoJLMingaDVerdugoALópezJGuazhamboDPachecoDSiddonsDCrespoAZárateE (2018) Características morfológico-funcionales, diversidad arbórea, tasa de crecimiento y de secuestro de carbono en especies y ecosistemas de Polylepis del sur de Ecuador. Ecología Austral 28(1bis): 249–261. (1979) A revision of the genus Polylepis (Rosaceae: Sanguisorbeae).Smithsonian Contributions to Botany43(43): 162. (1986) Speciation and Specialization of Polylepis in the Andes. In: VulllemeireFMonasterioM (Eds) Tropical Biogeography.Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 304316.RomolerouxK (1996) Rosaceae 79. In: HarlingGAnderssonL (Eds) Flora of Ecuador. University of Gothenburg/ Riksmuseum/ Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador.Göteborg/Stockholm/Quito56: 1159.