Plantae Rosales Rosaceae Boza EspinozaTatiana ErikaKesslerMichaelA monograph of the genus Polylepis (Rosaceae)PhytoKeys01082022203127410.3897/phytokeys.203.83529 3066FCFD-1F7B-5BE3-A0F1-5D808A688FD4 Polylepis subtusalbida (Bitter) M. Kessler & Schmidt-Leb. Organisms Diversity Evol. 6(1): 69. 2006.Figs 101, 102 Polylepis besseri subsp. subtusalbida (Bitter) M. Kessler, Candollea 50: 154. 1995. Type. based on Polylepissubtusalbida (Bitter) M. Kessler & Schmidt-Leb. Polylepis racemosa var. tomentosa Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 3(3): 77. 1898. Type. Bolivia. Cochabamba: between Challa and Tapacari, 3600–4000 m, 18 Mar 1892, Lorenz & Hieronymus s.n (holotype: B destroyed; isotypes: NY!, UC!, US!). Polylepis besseri var. abbreviata Bitter, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 45: 628. 1911. Nom. illeg. (based on the type of P.racemosavar.tomentosa Kuntze).Basionym.

Polylepisincanasubsp.subtusalbida Bitter, (1911:640).


Polylepissubtusalbida (Bitter) M. Kessler & Schmidt-Leb A fruiting branch B flowering branch C leaves D leaves. Scale bars: 2 cm (A, B); 1 cm (D). Photographs by M. Kessler.

Bolivia. Cuesta Duraznillos, 2400–2600 m, Dec 1907, Herzog 712 (holotype: Z!).


Polylepissubtusalbida (Bitter) M.Kessler & Schmidt-Leb A flowering branch B stipular sheaths C upper & lower leaf surfaces D fruits (A, DKessler 3414BKessler 3556CKessler 3648). Scale bars: 4 cm (A); 1.5 cm (C); 8 mm (D). Photographs by T. E. Boza E.

Trees 3–10 m tall. Leaves slightly congested at the branch tips, imparipinnate with 1(–2) pairs of leaflets, obtrullate in outline, 1.8–2.1(–2.9) × 1.6–2.2 cm; rachises densely tomentose, points of leaflet attachment with a tuft of long hairs; stipular sheaths apically truncate, sparsely to densely tomentose on the outer surfaces; leaflets obovate in outline, second pair from the terminal leaflet the largest, one of this pair 0.9–1.6 × 0.4–0.6 cm; margin serrate with 7–10 teeth, apically obtuse or emarginate, basally unequally attenuate; upper leaflet surfaces smooth to slightly rugose, glabrous to sparsely tomentose, lower leaflet surfaces densely tomentose hairs 0.5–1.2 mm long, mixed with a dense layer of very short, white pannose hairs. Inflorescences pendant, 1.8–3.7 cm long, bearing 3–4 flowers; floral bracts 3.9–4.8 mm long, narrowly triangular, densely tomentose on the outer surface; rachises densely tomentose. Flowers 7.7–8.2 mm diam.; sepals 4, ovate, green, densely tomentose outside; stamens 19–21, anthers orbicular, with a dense tuft of straight white hairs on the upper half; styles fimbriate, 2.8–3.4 mm long. Fruits turbinate, with 2–5 irregular flattened ridges with a series of spines, sparsely tomentose; 6.8–8.2 × 4.4–5.3 mm including spines. Tetraploid.

Distribution, habitat and ecology.

Polylepissubtusalbida is distributed along the northern and western margins of the Cochabamba Basin and adjacent Potosí in Bolivia (Fig. 103). The species occurs in relatively dry areas at 2650–4450 m elevation. The vegetation, ecology and conservation of these forests has been studied in detail by Hensen (1994, 1995, 2002). Hybrids between P.subtusalbida and P.incanoides, P.besseri and P.lanata have been reported in Cochabamba (Kessler 1995b).


Geographical distribution of the species of subsection Besseria.
Conservation status.

The EOO for Polylepissubtusalbida is estimated as 149,135 km2, the AOO is assessed at 164 km2 and it is known from 29 locations. It is represented by numerous stands varying in extent and structure on the mountainous slopes in Tunari National Park and stands surrounding Chayanta, Queñoani and Colcha, except for the Tiraque mountain range where these forests have been practically exterminated by the land use of the dense populations historically settled in the area (logging, crops, livestock and annual grasslands burns) and reduced to scattered remnants in the form of isolated individuals or small groups in very steep topography (Navarro et al. 2010). Polylepissubtusalbida is formally protected within Tunari National Park where large areas of Polylepis forest have been planted with Eucalyptusglobulus and Pinusradiata (Navarro et al. 2010). It was classified as VU (B1b(ii,iii)) in the Red List of Threatened Flora of Bolivia (Arrázola and Coronado 2012). We assess P.subtusalbida as Vulnerable (A1, B1a+B2a).


For morphological similarities, see under P.crista-galli, P.pallidistigma, and P.rugulosa.

Specimens examined.

Bolivia. Cochabamba: Arani, Cuenca a Infiernillos, 3800 m, 24 February 1991, Hensen 1012 (GOET!, LPB); Alalay, Cabecera de Valle, 3700 m, 28 March 1991, Hensen 2063 (GOET!, LPB); Mojon 1 km N Cochabamba-Sta Cruz road, 17°29'S, 065°25'W, 3000 m, 14 August 1991, Kessler 2941; 2942 (AAU!, GOET!, LPB). Arque, Quillacollo 59 km hacia Oruro, 3580 m, 31 March 1979, Beck 933 (LPB); 79 Km from Cochabamba on road to Oruro, 17°41'S, 066°29'W, 3750 m, 28 August 1991, Kessler 2999; 3000 (GOET!, LPB, MO!); km 68 on the road from Cochabamba to La Paz, 17°38'S, 066°27'W, 3500 m, 25 October 1985, Solomon 14353; 14535 (LPB, MO!). Carrasco, Rodeo Grande, at km 140 on road from Cochabamba to Santa Cruz., 3000 m, 09 February 1971, Hawkes 4400 (MO!); Zapata Rancho, 3300 m, 19 March 1991, Hensen 1918 (LPB); Incallajta ruins, 15 km S Monte Punco, 17°37'S, 065°25'W, 3000 m, 15 August 1991, Kessler 2981 (GOET!, LPB). Cercado, Sapanani Alto, 3600 m, 07 January 1991, Hensen 2332 (LPB); Sapanani Alto, 3800 m, 07 April 1991, Hensen 2333 (GOET!, LPB); Sapanani, 3600 m, 28 July 1990, Hensen 855 (LPB); Sacaba, steep slope above Río Hura Hura; ca. 1300 m beyond the junction with Quebrada Kuhlu, 3400 m, 17 March 1994, Ritter 645 (GH!); Quebrada Chaqui Mayu above the City of Cochabamba, 3600 m, 15 April 1994, Ritter 818 (GH!); Ladera Sur del Parque Nacional Tunari, 17°16'37"S, 066°19'09"W, 3400 m, Terán 4526 (BOLV). Chapare, Melgar 2 km hacia Punata, 17°24'S, 065°48'W, 3400 m, 14 January 1995, Beck 21712 (GOET!); Parque Tunari, 3700 m, 02 August 1990, Hensen 875 (LPB); Parque Tunari, 3400 m, 02 August 1990, Hensen 878 (GOET!, LPB); ca. 20 km above Sacaba on road to Palca, 17°19'S, 066°02'W, 3750 m, 13 August 1991, Kessler 2940 (GOET!). Mizque, Totora 35 kms hacia Cochabamba, 3000 m, 28 March 1979, Beck 861 (LPB, MO!). Morochata, P. N. Tunari, directly N of Cochabamba, 3650 m, 23 July 1989, Kessler 216A (GOET!, Z!). Punata, Camino Melga y Punata, 3500 m, 03 March 1991, Hensen 1232 (LPB); entee Melga y Punata, 3500 m, 03 March 1991, Hensen 1264 (GOET!, LPB); Abajo del cerro Tuti, 3800 m, 10 March 1991, Hensen 1509 (GOET!, LPB); Quillacollo, Cochabamba 24 kms. hacia Morochata, 3180 m, 28 November 1981, Beck 7395 (GOET!, LPB, MO!); Lampaya, 3600 m, 05 March 1991, Hensen 1270 (LPB); entre Lampaya y Llanke, 3700 m, 05 March 1991, Hensen 1315 (LPB); 1319 (GOET!); camino Tiquipaya-Titiri, 3500 m, 09 March 1991, Hensen 1431 (LPB); entre San Miguel y Titiri, 3600 m, 16 March 1991, Hensen 1686 (GOET!, LPB); Palca Pampar, 3600 m, 01 April 1991, Hensen 2150 (LPB); Wayra Loma, 3600 m, 01 April 1991, Hensen 2215 (LPB); Lapia, 3700 m, 04 April 1991, Hensen 2300 (LPB); San Miguel, 3600 m, 13 April 1991, Hensen 2400 (GOET!, LPB); Cerca de Wakaplaya, camino Sipe-Sipe-Kami, 3700 m, 13 October 1988, Hensen 247 (GOET!, LPB); Tiquipaya-Apote, 3500 m, 13 October 1988, Hensen 256 (GOET!, LPB); Lapia, camino Tiquipaya-Titiri, 3500 m, 06 December 1988, Hensen 290 (LPB); Sipe Sipe-Lipichi, 3800 m, 30 March 1989, Hensen 318 (LPB); Camino a Independencia, San Miguel, 3300 m, 01 August 1990, Hensen 874 (GOET!, LPB); P.N. Tunari, directly N of Cochabamba, 17°15'00"S, 066°23'00"W, 3650 m, 23 July 1989, Kessler 216 (AAU!, GOET!, MO!); 40 km after Cochabamba on the road to Morochata, 17°15'01"S, 066°30'59"W, 3390 m, 05 January 1968, Vuilleumier 468 (GH!, MO!, US!). Tapacari, 68 km hacia Oruro, 3450 m, 03 November 1982, Beck 9033 (LPB); 68 km hacia Oruro, 3450 m, 03 November 1982, Beck 9034 (LPB); 74 km before Cochabamba on the road from Oruro, 3600 m, 03 November 1982, Vuilleumier 474 (G, GH!, US!); Tapacarí, 84 km W of Cochabamba on the paved road La Paz-Cochabamba, 17°40'S, 068°45'W, 3800 m, 18 April 1987, Brandbyge 668 (AAU!); 72 km W of Cochabamba 0.5 km down a small road (the old Cochabamba road), 17°40'S, 066°40'W, 3730 m, 18 April 1987, Brandbyge 670 (AAU!); Tiraque, Quebrada alongside Río Talpasale, near to the junction with the road to Rancho Choto, 3680 m, 02 July 1994, Ritter 1196 (GH!, MO!); Totora, road between Cochabamba and Santa Cruz 107 km from Cochabamba Geviñapampa, 17°34'S, 065°18'W, 3100 m, 21 April 1987, Brandbyge 711a (AAU!); P. N. Tunari, directly N of Cochabamba, 3650 m, 23 July 1989, Kessler 216B; 216C; 216D; 216E (GOET!); 3600–4000 m, 18 March 1892, Lorentz s.n (B, NY, UC, US!); Cercado, Parque Tunari, 3500 m, 06 February 1986, Pedrotti s.n (GOET!, MO!). Potosí: Alonso de Ibanez, Pichata on Acasi-Uncia road, 18°06'S, 066°13'W, 3950 m, 23 August 1991, Kessler 3023 (AAU!, GOET!). Gral. Bilbao, 22 km SW Acacio on road to Sacaca and Uncia, 18°06'S, 066°08'W, 3400 m, 22 August 1991, Kessler 3021 (GOET!); 3412 (GOET!, LPB); 3413; 3414 (AAU!, GOET!); 3415 (GOET!); 3416 (AAU!, GOET!, LPB, MO!); 3418; 3419 (AAU!, GOET!); 3553; 3554; 3556; 3557; 3648; 3650; 3651 (GOET!); Cuesta de Duraznillos, 2400–2600 m, 01 December 1907, Herzog 712 (Z!).

HensenI (1994) Estudios ecológicos y fenológicos sobre Polylepisbesseri Hieron. en la cordillera oriental boliviana.Ecología en Bolivia23: 2132.HensenI (1995) Die Vegetation von Polylepis-Waldern der Ostkordillere Boliviens.Phyrocoenologia25(2): 235277. (2002) Impacts of anthropogenic activity on the vegetation of Polylepis woodlands in the region of Cochabamba, Bolivia.Ecotropica (Bonn)8: 183203. (1995b) The genus Polylepis (Rosaceae) in Bolivia.Candollea42: 131171.NavarroGArrázolaSBalderramaJAFerreiraWDe la BarraNAntezanaCGómezIMercadoM (2010) Diagnóstico del estado de conservación y caracterización de los bosques de Polylepis en Bolivia y su avifauna. Conservation state analysis and characterization of the Bolivian Polylepis forests and their avifauna.Revista Boliviana de Ecología y Conservación Ambiental28(1): 135.ArrázolaSCoronadoI (2012) Polylepispepei, Polylepisneglecta, Polylepislanata, Polylepisbesseri, Polylepiscrista-galli, Polylepissubtusalbida, Polylepistomentellasubsp.incanoides In: LIBRO ROJO de la Flora amenazada de Bolivia. Vol. I. Zona Andina, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Agua, La Paz.