Plantae Rosales Rosaceae Boza EspinozaTatiana ErikaKesslerMichaelA monograph of the genus Polylepis (Rosaceae)PhytoKeys01082022203127410.3897/phytokeys.203.83529 F3841197-5693-5848-9A56-F7F9D869953E Polylepis incana Kunth, Nov. Gen. Sp. (quarto ed.) 6: 227. 1824.Figs 106, 107 Polylepis incana subsp. villosistyla Bitter, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 45: 642. 1911. Type. Ecuador. Chimborazo: Volcán El Altar, 3900 m, Meyer 177 (holotype: B, destroyed).Type.

Colombia. Los Pastos: Guachucal along the Río Blanco, 3150 m, Dec, Bonpland 2191 (holotype: P!; isotypes: HAL!, P!; photo at F!).


Polylepisincana Humboldt, Bonpland, and Kunth A flowering branch B flowering branch C stipule sheaths D bark E leaves F lower leaf surface G upper leaf surface H flower. Scale bars: 1 cm (A, E–G); 2 cm (B); 5 mm (C); 2 mm (H). Photographs A, C–H E.G. Urquiaga F B J. Chambi.

Trees 2–15 m tall. Leaves slightly congested at the branch tips, imparipinnate with one pair of leaflets, obtrullate in outline, (1.9–)2.1–3.5(–4.4) × 1.8–2.9 cm; rachises glabrous to sparsely villous with resinous exudate, points of leaflet attachment with a tuft of long hairs; stipular sheaths apically acute, densely villous on the outer surfaces; leaflets elliptic to obovate in outline, second pair from the terminal leaflet the largest, one of this pair (1.4–)1.8–2.7 × 0.4–0.7 cm; margin crenate with 5–9 teeth, apically obtuse to emarginate, basally attenuate; upper leaflet surfaces glabrous; lower leaflet surfaces covered with very short, white pannose hairs and resinous exudate. Inflorescences pendant, (2.1–)2.7–7.1 cm long, bearing 5–11 flowers; floral bracts 3.8–4.9 mm long, narrowly triangular, densely villous on the outer surface; rachises villous. Flowers 5.4–8.8 mm diam.; sepals 4, ovate, green, densely villous outside; stamens 17–25, anthers orbicular, with a dense tuft of straight white hairs on the upper half; styles fimbriate, 2.1–3.0 mm long. Fruits turbinate, with 2–5 irregular flattened ridges with a series of spines, densely villous; 3.9–7.2 × 3.8–6.5 mm including spines. Diploid, hexaploid in cultivated plants.


Polylepisincana Humboldt, Bonpland & Kunth A flowering branch B stipular sheaths C upper leaf surface D lower leaf surface E fruits (ARomoleroux 1191BWeigend 8811CVargas 187DWeigend 5865EWeigend 7265). Scale bars: 4 cm (A); 2 cm (C, D); 7 mm (E). Photographs by T. E. Boza E.
Distribution, habitat and ecology.

Natural populations of P.incana are known from southernmost Colombia to Ecuador and in central to southern Peru at 2150–4700 m elevation (Fig. 116). In Ecuador, P.incana often is mixed with low densities of Gynoxysacostae in unburned forests, but G.acostae has better survival after fire (Cierjacks et al. 2008). Based on an AFLP study, genetic diversity of seedlings in isolated forest patches is lower than in the adults, suggesting that current fragmentation leads to a loss of genetic diversity (Hensen et al. 2012). The density of seedlings and saplings of P.incana decreases notably with increasing elevation, so that vegetative reproduction becomes important at high elevations (Cierjacks et al. 2007b). Modelling the potential distribution of P.incana in Colombia shows that its climatic niche is not only present in the current distributional area of the Chiles and Cumbal volcanoes (Nariño), but also in the Cordillera Central where there are no reports of the species (Fajardo-Gutierrez et al. 2018). The species has been widely planted throughout and outside of its range, so that the naturalness of many populations may be questioned. Mature forests harbor more diverse small mammal communities than successional ones (Ojala-Barbour et al. 2019).

Conservation status.

The EOO for Polylepisincana is estimated as 1,445,546 km2, the AOO is assessed at 612 km2 and it is known from 101 locations. It is protected within El Cajas National Park, Illinizas and El Angel Ecological Reserves in Ecuador and Huascarán National Park and Cordillera Huayhuash Reserve Zone in Peru. The species was categorized as VU (A1a,c,d) in the World List of Threatened Trees (Oldfield et al. 1998). Later, it was classified as CR (SERFOR 2006). At many of its locations, the species grows in habitats that are strongly affected by human activities including grazing and burning. In Ecuador, survival of adult trees after a fire event was only 6.2% suggesting that single fire events strongly decrease adult and seedling populations (Cierjacks et al. 2008). Based on its wide distribution and occurrence in various protected areas, we assess P.incana as Least Concern (A1, B1a+B2a).


As circumscribed here, Polylepisincana includes only those individuals with one lateral leaflet pair having the lower leaflet surfaces covered with very short, white pannose hairs and resinous exudate. Polylepisincana can be distinguished from the most similar species P.tomentella by it longer leaflets ((1.4–)1.8–2.7 cm vs. 1.3–2.1 cm), leaflet margins crenate versus serrate and numbers of flowers per inflorescence (5–11 versus 4–5). Individuals with 1–2 lateral leaflet pairs and tomentose hairs in the lower leaflet surface are referred to as P.racemosa. Simpson (1979) reported hybrids between these two species in central Peru, especially in the Pampa de Junín and from La Libertad. Romoleroux (1996) reported hybrids between P.incana and P.ochreata (as P.sericea), P.pauta and P.reticulata.

Specimens examined.

Ecuador. Azuay: Baños, P. N. de Las Cajas, along road Soldados-Angas aprox. 2 km above Soldados, 02°56'S, 079°12'W, 3300 m, 02 May 1992, Lægaard 102678 (AAU!, GOET!, QCA!). Chaucha, P. N. LasCajas, Páramo de Soldados, road Cuenca-San Joaquín-Soldados, above Soldados, off road within the Park, km 51.7, 3680–3870 m, 08 January 2000, Jørgensen 1711 (ILLS, MO!, QCNE); Páramo de Soldados, SW of Cuenca, 02°53'S, 079°18'W, 3000–3300 m, 03 March 1985, Lægaard 53796 (AAU!, MO!); Páramo de Soldados, 02°53'S, 079°18'W, 3700–4000 m, 28–29 August 1985, Lægaard 55098B (AAU!). Checa (Jidcay), Chiquintad-Chanlud-Tuni, km 26.9, 02°43'S, 079°06'W, 3400–3500 m, 29 December 1990, Jørgensen 92918 (AAU!). Coronel Lorenzo De Garaicoa (Pedregal), Area Nacional de Recreación Cajas, 40 km al w de Cuenca, 02°05'S, 079°20'W, 3450 m, 30 October 1986, Neill 7384 (AAU!, MO!). Cuenca, Area Nacional de Recreación Cajas, collection made along Río Patul from the Comunidad Baute/Lagnua Patul (watershed of Río Patul), 02°33'S, 079°21'W, 3500–4200 m, 05 February 2001, Clark 6228 (QCA!, QCNE, US!); Cuenca-Molleturo road. 45 k NW of Cuenca, 26 July 1982, Clemants 2177 (AAU!, NY, QCA!); Cajas near headquarters on Cuenca-Guayaquil road, 3900 m, 12 March 1991, Kessler 2745 (GOET!). Molleturo, Cuenca-Molleturo road ca. 5 km W of pass in Las Cajas, 02°49'S, 079°16'W, 3700 m, 01 May 1992, Lægaard 102647 (AAU!, GOET!); Páramo de las Cajas. W of pass, 02°46'S, 079°15'W, 3500 m, 27 August 1985, Lægaard 55043 (AAU!, MO!); 55046 (AAU!); Carretera Sayausí-Molleturo km 10–31, Parque Recreacional Las Cajas, 02°50'S, 079°15'W, 3750–3950 m, 28 November 1992, Romoleroux 1485 (AAU!, QCA!). San Antonio, 3–5 km W of pass at Las Cajas, W of Cuenca, 02°40'S, 079°14'W, 3800–4000 m, 22 October 1984, Lægaard 53197 (AAU!, MO!, QCA!); 53198 (AAU!, QCA!); 53203 (AAU!, MO!, QCA!). San Joaquín, San Joaquín-Soldados-Angas, km 33.1, 02°55'S, 079°15'W, 3470 m, 12 May 1990, Jørgensen 92856 (AAU!, MO!); road Cuenca-Soldados, 02°57'S, 079°10'W, 3200–3300 m, 23 October 1984, Lægaard 53232 (AAU!); Páramo de Soldados SW of Cuenca, 02°53'S, 079°17'W, 3700–3800 m, 24 October 1984, Lægaard 53235A; 53235C; 53235E; 53235G (AAU!); at Soldados, 02°57'S, 079°14'W, 3200–3400 m, 28 August 1985, Lægaard 55089 (AAU!, GOET!, MO!). Sayausi, Area Recreacional Las Cajas, 02°49'S, 079°07'W, 3740–4070 m, Romoleroux 1191 (AAU!). 3200–4000 m, Barclay 8932 (MO!, US!); 3700–4000 m, Boeke 638 (QCA!); Harling 24611 (GB, MO!, QCA!); 3140 m, 04 December 1990, Jørgensen 92856 (AAU!); 3400–3500 m, 29 December 1990, Jørgensen 92918 (AAU!, MO!); colección en ladera SO de la propiedad Dos Chorreras, 3995 m, 07 July 1995, León 3595 (AAU!); 3750 m, Molau 1477 (GB, QCA!); Romoleroux 402 (NY, QCA!); 3900 m, Steyermark 53038 (F!, NY); 3240 m, Valencia 409 (QCA!). Bolívar: Guaranda, W of Crus de Los Arenales along road to Guaranda, 01°28'S, 078°57'W, 3500 m, 02 October 1985, Lægaard 55372 (AAU!). Salinas, Km 5–10. Salinas-Guaranda, 01°27'S, 079°02'W, 2700 m, 01 October 1985, Lægaard 55314 (AAU!, MO!). San Juan, along road Guaranda-Riobamba, km 27 at pass, 01°38'S, 078°51'W, 4150 m, 24 August 1985, Lægaard 54997 (AAU!, MO!). Carchi: Chitan de Navarrete, Carretera antigua El Angel–Tulcán, desvío a La Esperanza, 00°40'N, 077°50'W, 3300 m, 03 September 1988, Romoleroux 602 (AAU!, MO!, QCA!). Espejo, Reserva Ecológica El Angel, La Libertad-Morán, 00°45'N, 077°54'W, 3500 m, 30 October 1993, Palacios 11615 (MO!, QCNE). La Libertad (Alizo), Hacienda La Esperanza, NE of El Angel, 00°39'N, 077°54'W, 3300 m, 08 October 1984, Lægaard 53120 (AAU!, MO!, QCA!); Páramo de El Ángel-La Libertad, 00°42'07"N, 077°59'37"W, 3490 m, 05 October 2012, Ulloa 2401 (MO!, QCA!). Tufiño, road Tulcan–Maldonado, near Volcán Chiles, 00°49'N, 077°56'W, 2000–3500 m, 16 August 1985, Lægaard 54985 (AAU!); near Tufiño, 00°48'N, 077°51'W, 3050–3150 m, 17 August 1985, Lægaard 54989 (AAU!, MO!). 3300–3800 m, Acosta-Solís 10547 (F!); Benoist 3623 (S); Páramo El Angel, colecciones entre El Angel, sector San jerónimo, 3500 m, 03 September 1988, Jaramillo 10401 (AAU!, QCA!); just below Páramo El Angel, 18 February 1995, Svenning 126 (AAU!). Chimborazo: Pablo Sexto, Collanes Valley, Páramo de los Altares, 01°40'S, 078°24'W, 3850 m, 03 September 1987, Ramsay 391 (QCNE). Riobamba, Parroquia Quimiag. Sector San Miguel de Chancay, 01°39'57"S, 078°30'56"W, 3575 m, 07 December 2004, Caranqui 1350 (CHEP), 3500 m, Jaramillo 9539 (NY, QCA!). Cotopaxi: El Chaupi, road El Chaupi-Illiniza, 00°37'S, 078°40'W, 3400 m, 16 June 1984, Lægaard 54541 (AAU!, QCA!); Illinizas, 3995–4103 m, 04 June 2011, Ulloa 2046 (MO!, QCA!). Machachi, Parque Nacional Cotopaxi, Limpio Punga, 00°37'S, 078°27'W, 3830 m, 10 May 1984, Lægaard 52103B (AAU!, QCA!). Mulalo, Pansachi, 00°45'S, 078°30'W, 2700 m, 01 April 1983, Brandbyge 42105 (AAU!, MO!, NY, QCA!); western part of Parque Nacional Cotopaxi, 00°41'S, 078°33'W, 3400 m, 16 June 1985, Lægaard 54528 (AAU!, MO!, QCA!). San Juan de Pastocalle, Illiniza Sur, Corralpampa, 6–8 km de Pastocalle, 00°40'S, 078°40'W, 3300–3600 m, 12 February 1991, Romoleroux 1226 (AAU!, MO!, QCA!); Illiniza Sur, Corralbamba, 6–8 km de Pastocalle, 00°40'S, 078°40'W, 3033–3600 m, 12 February 1991, Romoleroux 1231 (AAU!, MO!, QCA!). 3830 m, Argüello 453 (AAU!); 3400 m, Asplund 6476 (S, US!). Imbabura: El Quinche, Laguna Grande de Mojanda, 15 km S of Otavalo, around laguna Grande and Laguna Negra, 00°08'S, 078°16'W, 3750 m, 13 May 1985, Eriksen 59359 (AAU!). Gonzalez Suarez, Laguna Mojanda, at the southern part of Laguna Negra, 00°08'N, 078°15'W, 3700 m, 29 June 1983, Brandbyge 42207 (AAU!, MO!, NY, QCA!). Otavalo, at Laguna Grande de Mojanda, 00°08'N, 078°17'W, 3850 m, 18–19 November 1985, Lægaard 55661B (AAU!); Holmgren 913 (S). Loja: Manu, Río Negro, along side-road ca 8 km S of Manu-Saraguro road, from junction ca 8 km E of Manu, 03°34'S, 079°26'W, 3200 m, 13 September 1999, Lægaard 20551 (AAU!, MO!). Saraguro, Manú, Río Negro, La Playa, 26 June 1994, Vivar 4254 (AAU!). Napo: Papallacta, road Quito-Papallacta hot springs, 00°21'S, 078°10'W, 3500 m, 01 April 1998, Clark 4991 (MO!); Pifo-Papallacta, 3–5 km E of Paso de La Virgen, 00°21'S, 078°11'W, 3700–3900 m, 09 June 1992, Lægaard 103112 (AAU!); along río Pifo-Papallacta, E of Paso de la Virgen, 00°21'S, 078°11'W, 3750–3850 m, 21 June 1985, Lægaard 54559E (AAU!); Páramo de Guamaní alrededores de la laguna de Papallacta, 3900–4000 m, 06 December 1987, Romoleroux 488 (AAU!). Pichincha: along Volcán Illiniza, NE slope below the refugio, 00°32'S, 078°41'W, 4000 m, 13 August 1980, Holm-Nielsen 25019 (AAU!). Cayambe, Carretera Cayambe-Hda. Piamonte-Patapampa, 00°02'S, 078°04'W, 3700 m, 04 December 1993, Freire 2603 (AAU!); Cangahua, vía Quito-Cayambe, 00°02'S, 078°15'W, 3500–3900 m, 8–12 February 1995, Núñez 91 (MO!, QCNE). Checa (Chilpa), road Pifo-Papallacta, km 20, 00°10'S, 078°14'W, 3600 m, 30 September 1997, Klitgaard 639 (AAU!). El Chaupi, Volcán Illiniza, NE slope below the refugio, 00°38'S, 078°42'W, 4300 m, 14 August 1980, Holm-Nielsen 24968 (AAU!); Volcán Illiniza, N-side, 00°38'S, 078°41'W, 4200–4300 m, 20 June 1985, Lægaard 54553 (AAU!, QCA!); 54556 (AAU!, QCA!); Loma Pilongo, NE slope of Nevado Illiniza, 00°38'S, 078°42'W, 3900–4200 m, 28 December 1987, Molau 2241 (GB, MO!, QCA!). El Quinche, Laguna Grande de Mojanda, 00°08'S, 078°16'W, 3725–3750 m, 30 June 1988, Romoleroux 662 (AAU!, QCA!). Machachi, 00°35'S, 078°21'W, 3480 m, 01 June 1985, Nowak 162 (AAU!); camino Sangolquí a Limpiopungo cerca de dos y medio Km antes del cruce del río Pita para llegar a la estación de agua potable, 00°35'S, 078°21'W, 3480 m, 01 June 1985, Nowak 163A (AAU!); 162C (AAU!). Mejía, Páramo, ca. 3 km NE of the volcano Illiniza Sur, 00°24'S, 078°42'W, 4000–4600 m, 19 March 1995, Clark 479 (MO!, QCNE). Mulalo, Páramo at Hacienda Pauzacha south of Volcan Cotopaxi, 00°44'S, 078°29'W, 4000–4050 m, 28 November 1985, Lægaard 55731 (AAU!, MO!). Pifo, about 4 km from La Virgin on the road from Pifo to Papallacta, 00°17'S, 078°12'W, 3750 m, 21 May 1984, Brandbyge 42641 (AAU!, MO!); E of Papallacta pass, 00°18'S, 078°13'W, 3700–3800 m, 20 October 1984, Jørgensen 56199 (AAU!, MO!, QCA!); Pifo-Pintag, in valley 2 ½ hours horseride above Inga Monserat, 00°19'S, 078°17'W, 3625–3725 m, 11 April 1992, Lægaard 102261 (AAU!, GOET!, QCA!); Pifo-Pintag, in valley 2 ½ hours horseride above Inga Monserat, 00°19'S, 078°17'W, 3950 m, 12 April 1992, Lægaard 102274 (AAU!, GOET!); Pifo-Pintag, in valley 2 ½ hours horseride above Inga Monserat, 00°19'S, 078°17'W, 3600–3625 m, 12 April 1992, Lægaard 102282 (AAU!, GOET!, QCA!); Pifo (road to Ibarra)-Papallacta km 15 along new road, 00°16'S, 078°17'W, 2450 m, 16 April 1992, Lægaard 102309 (AAU!); Pifo (road to Ibarra)-Papallacta km 18 along new road, 00°16'S, 078°17'W, 3700 m, 16 April 1992, Lægaard 102319 (AAU!, QCA!); 102320 (AAU!, GOET!, QCA!); Páramo de Guamani, app. 5 km W of Paso de la Virgen, 00°19'S, 078°13'W, 3700–3800 m, 19–20 May 1984, Lægaard 52189 (AAU!, QCA!); 52190 (AAU!, MO!, QCA!); road Pifo-Papallacta, km 10, 00°18'S, 078°14'W, 2900 m, 17 January 1985, Lægaard 53487 (AAU!, MO!); Road Pifo-Papallacta, 3 km W of Paso de la Virgen, 00°18'S, 078°14'W, 3700–3900 m, 07 August 1985, Lægaard 54878; 54902A; 54902B; 54902C; 54902D; 54902E; 54902F; 54902G; 54902H; 54902I; 54902L; 54902N; 54902Q; 54902R; 54902T (AAU!); carretera Quito-Papallacta km 40–53, 00°16'S, 078°15'W, 3300–3500 m, 27 December 1992, Romoleroux 1501 (AAU!, QCA!); carretera Pifo-Papallacta, sector Cuchaico, 00°15'S, 078°20'W, 3200 m, 11 September 1987, Zak 3547 (AAU!, GB, MO!). Pintag, Cantón Mejía, Parroquia El Chaupi, faldas del Volcán El Corazón, 00°30'S, 078°25'W, 3300 m, 23 May 1988, Zak 3685 (AAU!, MO!). Quito, Parroquia de Tumbaco, area de influencia de la Reserva Ecológica Antisana, 00°19'S, 078°16'W, 3700 m, 08 March 1994, Alvarez 1344 (MO!, QCNE); 1389 (MO!, QCNE); Papallacta road, ca. 26.4 km E of Tumbaco, 00°13'N, 078°15'W, 3692 m, 07 November 1990, Luteyn 14069 (AAU!, MO!); Pifo. Hacienda Los Andes, 00°13'S, 078°16'W, 3500 m, 24 January 1991, Palacios 6907 (AAU!, MO!). Tocachi, at Laguna Grande de Mojanda, 00°08'N, 078°16'W, 3725–3750 m, 24–27 June 1984, Lægaard 52345 (AAU!, QCA!); 52349 (AAU!, MO!); 52357 (AAU!); 52365 (AAU!, QCA!); Páramo de Mojanda, at Laguna Grande, 00°08'N, 078°16'W, 3700–3800 m, 10 November 1984, Lægaard 53332; 53333 (AAU!); 53334 (AAU!, MO!); 53336 (AAU!, MO!, QCA!); Páramo de Mojanda, at Laguna Negra and S-side of Laguna Grande, 00°08'N, 078°16'W, 3800 m, 14 May 1985, Lægaard 54339 (AAU!, MO!); 54349 (AAU!, QCA!); Laguna Grande de Mojanda, 00°08'N, 078°16'W, 3725–3750 m, 30 June 1988, Romoleroux 651 (MO!); 663 (AAU!, QCA!). 3500 m, Acosta-Solís 8434 (F!); 3600–3800 m, Asplund 8747 (MO!, QCA!); Napo-Pastaza; Cordillera Oriental; entre Pifo y el boquerón de Cerro de Corrales; Páramo de Guamaní, 3350 m, 15–16 August 1959, Barclay 8932 (MO!); Fagerlind s.n (S); Freire 23 (QCA!); ruta Tumboco Papallacta, 3600 m, 19 January 1979, Halloy B-26 (AAU!); along the main road east of Quito towards Baeza, near Paso Guamaní, 3500 m, 17 April 1973, Humbles 6303 (AAU!, GB, MO!, QCA!); 5 km W pass on Quito-Papallacta road, 3500 m, 06 April 1991, Kessler 2756; 2757; 2758 (GOET!); Kieft 229 (NY, QCA!); road Pifo-Papallacta, 3 km W of Paso de la Virgen, 00°18'S, 074°18'W, 3700–3900 m, 07 August 1985, Lægaard 54902O (AAU!); 3625–3950 m, Luteyn 14457 (QCA!); 3480 m, Nowak 162 (AAU!, QCA!); 162b (QCA!); 163 (AAU!, QCA!); Romoleroux 352; 65 (QCA!); 3700 m, 12 January 1875, Sodiro s.n. (AAU!); Volcán Illiniza, northern slope, 4200 m, 19 April 1967, Sparre 15625 (S); El Chaupi, along the road to Illiniza, 3300 m, 19 April 1967, Sparre 15644 (AAU!, S). Quito: Pintag, road from Quito via Pifo to Papallacta, 00°29'S, 078°24'W, 3600 m, 04 July 2014, Kessler 14600; 14601 (Z!). Rumipamba, road from Quito via Pifo to Papallacta, 00°26'S, 078°25'W, 3450 m, 04 July 2014, Kessler 14598; 14599 (Z!). Tungurahua: San Fernando (Pasa San Fernando), near Calamaca, app. 20 km W of Ambato along old road Ambato-Guaranda, 01°16'S, 078°48'W, 3400–3900 m, 22 June 1985, Lægaard 54563 (AAU!, QCA!); Rose 22392 (NY); Tal Collanes, 3700 m, 09 August 1935, Heinrichs 921 (GOET!); Humboldt 2191 (MO!); 3700 m, Sodiro s.n. (QCA!); Illiniza, Wagner 77 (GOET!); Vulkane Copac Urao und Condorarto, Wagner s.n (GOET!).

Peru. Ancash: Bolognesi, entre Ticllos y Llaclla, 3400 m, 26 May 1962, Cerrate 4033 (USM!); Acas, 3700 m, 14 June 1979, Cerrate 7483 (USM!); road from Abra Janashalla down to Huallanca, below Huansalá, 09°52'S, 076°59'W, 3390 m, 08 October 2007, Weigend 8811 (USM!). Huaraz, Huascarán National Park, Quebrada Shallap, 09°30'S, 077°24'W, 3700–4000 m, 22 May 1985, Smith 10713 (MO!, USM!). Huaylas, Huascarán National Park, Quebrada Santa Cruz between Hatun-quiswar and Lago Santa Cruz Chico, 08°55'S, 077°40'W, 4000–4100 m, 16 January 1985, Smith 9270 (AAU!, F!, MO!, USM!). Independencia, Pitec, Cordillera Blanca, 09°30'S, 077°30'W, 3700 m, 11 August 1988, Frimer 11 (AAU!). Apurimac: Andahuaylas, Pampachiri, Santa Rosa, 3700 m, 01 January 2004, Vargas 187 (USM!). Aymaraes, Cotarusi, localidad de Sorak’asa rodal de titanka, 14°44'26"S, 073°33'43"W, 3944 m, 14 December 2006, Huamantupa 8375 (CUZ!, F!, MO!). Cotaruse, Río Cotaruse, 7 km SW of Cotaruse, 14°27'S, 073°14'W, 3500 m, 14 March 1987, Boertmann 115a; 116a (AAU!); Río Cotaruse, about 10 km above Cotaruse, 14°28'S, 073°14'W, 3550 m, 14 March 1987, Brandbyge 351 (AAU!); Río Cotaruse. 7 km above Cotaruse, 14°27'S, 073°14'W, 3550 m, 14 March 1987, Brandbyge 362 (AAU!). Ayacucho: Huamanga, Bosque de Ccenhuacucho, 3650 m, 01 November 2004, Barrientos 10 (USM!); Bosque de Ccenhuacucho, 3700 m, 01 January 2005, Barrientos 18 (USM!); Bosque de Ccenhuacucho, 3590 m, 01 November 2004, Barrientos 6 (USM!); Vinchos, 13°21'15"S, 074°24'16"W, 3435 m, 28 June 2015, Boza 3035; 3092; 3093; 3094; 3095 (USM!, Z!); Hatumpampa-Vinchos, a la margen derecha del Río Vinchos, en el km 270–281 de la carretera Liberadores, 13°20'55"S, 074°27'28"W, 3100–3600 m, 29 September 2003, Mendoza 992 (MO!). Leoncio Prado, ca. 80 km from Nazca, 14°41'S, 074°30'W, 3600 m, 10 March 1987, Brandbyge 270 (AAU!). Southern Peru aprox. 500 km S of Lima, near small lake Laguna de Parinacochas, 3800 m, 01 February 1986, Brondal s.n (AAU!). Cusco: Calca, rocky wayside on slopes east of Pisac, 3500–3600 m, 01 May 1925, Pennell 13731 (A!, F!). Cusco, road to Pisaq, ca. 1 km after ruins of Sacsayhuaman, 13°30'07"S, 071°58'50"W, 3700 m, 10 September 2002, Ackermann 261 (GOET!, USM!); Ccorca, 13°33'43"S, 072°01'41"W, 3990 m, 01 May 2003, Arce s.n (USM!); Huacoto, 13°30'46"S, 071°50'55"W, 3960 m, 01 May 2003, Arce s.n (CUZ!); K’enko ruins, above Cuzco, 3700 m, 20 August 1989, Kessler 390 (GOET!); Plaza de Armas, 3450 m, 21 August 1989, Kessler 392 (GOET!); Chucan S of Cusco, 13°29'S, 072°00'W, 3900 m, 10 February 2003, Lægaard 22353 (AAU!); Ccorca, 13°33'42"S, 072°01'38"W, 3940 m, 29 May 2006, Toivonen 102; 103 (CUZ!); alrededores de Cusco, 01 April 1936, Vargas 340 (CUZ!); Callachaca, 3400 m, 26 December 1945, Vargas 5502 (CUZ!, MO!). Paucartambo, Paucartambo Valley, Ccatcca, 3800 m, 01 August 1926, Herrera 1129 (F!, US!); Huancarani, carretera a Paucartambo, 3500 m, 20 July 1963, Vargas 14731 (CUZ!); 3 km east of Cusco; 3600 m, 01 October 1936, West 8053 (MO!). Huancavelica: Huancavelica, Huancavelica, localidad de Ranracancha, 12°48'22"S, 075°03'06"W, 3850 m, 06 August 2017, Quispe 73 (CUZ!, USM!, Z!); Cerro Santa Barbara, 3500–3600 m, 01 May 1958, Tovar 3037 (US!, USM!). Huánuco: Ambo, 100 km S of Huanuco, 3360 m, 03 August 1978, Aronson 601 (MO!). Chavinillo, Near Chavinillo, 48 km W of Huánuco towards La Union, 09°47'S, 076°35'W, 3800 m, 13 February 1987, Boertmann 43. Dos de Mayo, cerca de la mina de Huallanca, 3880 m, 20 March 1983, Tovar 9797 (USM!); Huallanca, alrededores, 3700 m, 23 March 1983, Tovar 9877 (USM!). Huallanca, Huansala, 10 km from Huallanca, 09°51'S, 076°56'W, 3700 m, 14 February 1987, Boertmann 47 (AAU!). Huánuco, Lauricocha, San Miguel de Cauri, Laguna Lauricocha, lado sur oeste a pocos metros de la laguna, 3845 m, 08 August 2002, Salvador 424 (USM!); Km 321 on Route 3 (north of Quinua), 11 January 1977, Simpson 8554d (A!, MO!, US!). Jacas Grande, 3 km south of Quivilla on road between Huánuco and La Union, 09°32'S, 076°41'W, 3900 m, 13 February 1987, Boertmann 44 (AAU!); on road from Huánuco to Cerro de Pasco at ca. km 370, 3621 m, 04 August 1977, Duncan 2700 (AAU!); along road from Huanuco to Cerro de Pasco at km 324, 3962 m, 05 August 1977, Duncan 2701 (MO!, USM!); Llata, 3133 m, 21 August 1922, Macbride 2249 (A!, US!); San Miguel de Cauri, Lauricocha, Jesus Río Lauricocha, 3326 m, 08 August 2003, Salvador 541b (USM!); Chiklin, 28 October 1927, Sawada P83 (F!). Junín: Concepcion, road from Huancayo to San Vicente de Cañete, in San Jose de Quero, 12°05'23"S, 075°32'09"W, 3974 m, 22 September 2001, Weigend 5865 (GOET!, USM!). La Libertad: Bolivar, Uchumarca, Shalca Pata, Uchumarca, 07°00'10"S, 077°47'29"W, 3360 m, 12 September 2010, Monigatti 283 (MO!). Sanchez Carrion, La Arena, 11 km lineales al SO de Huamachuco, 818432, 9126738, 3060 m, 21 March 2006, Roque 5042 (USM!); Santo Domingo y alrededores, 15 km lineales al SO de Huamachuco, 07°52'16"S, 078°08'36"W, 3150–3270 m, 05 July 2006, Roque 5352 (USM!). Santiago de Chuco, Santuario Nacional de Calipuy, 800385 9078342 UTM, 3600 m, 12 December 2011, Beltrán 7404 (USM!); 3100–3250 m, 08 June 1953, López 983 (US!). Lambayeque: Ferrenafe, road from Ullupampa (Syn Uyurpampa) towards Cañaris (syn Kañaris) upper reaches of eastern flank of Cerro Negro/Cerro Tembladera, 06°10'02"S, 079°22'10"W, 3698 m, 02 May 2006, Weigend 8566 (F!, USM!). Lima: Canta, Quebrada Minaquicche, en el distrito de Huaros, 10 October 1989, Arce 154 (MO!); 155 (MO!); Cullhuay, alrededores de la población, 3500 m, 25 February 1992, Vilcapoma 1590 (USM!). Huanuco, road from Junín to Huanuco, 9 km S of Chirtin near border with Pasco, 3660 m, 12 April 1977, Gentry 19224 (MO!). Huarochiri, Quebrada Cayula, 3100 m, 21 November 2006, Zapata s.n (USM!); Parte baja del cerro Potrero Grande, Quichas, 3900 m, Arce 191 (MO!); Chilcorral, Quichas, 3850 m, 13 January 1990, Arce 193 (MO!); Pueblo Quichas above Oyon, 10°36'S, 076°45'W, 4000 m, 07 February 1987, Boertmann 77; 78; 79 (AAU!); Oyon Laguna, 10°34'09"S, 076°45'29"W, 4048 m, 24 May 2015, Boza 3027; 3058; 3059; 3060; 3061; 3062; 3063 (USM!, Z!); Near Oyón, Río Huaura, 3800 m, 29 November 1964, Koepcke 1861bd (US!); 186bd (US!); carretera a Oyón, ladera del Río Quichas, a 1 km de Quichas, 3900–4000 m, 14 May 2004, Salvador 993 (USM!). Yauyos, road from Yauyos to Jauja, 12°16'35"S, 075°42'14"W, 3700 m, 07 October 2002, Weigend 7265 (GOET!). Pasco: Huariaca, 95 km S from Huanuco, on road to Cerro de Pasco, 10°25'S, 076°10'W, 3590 m, 15 July 1982, Gentry 37484 (MO!). Pasco, between Cerro de Pasco and La Quinua, 5 km along highway above La Quinua, 3600 m, 21 June 1940, Asplund 11847 (US!); Yarusyacán, La Quinua, 10°36'34"S, 076°10'47"W, 3600 m, 26 May 2015, Boza 3028; 3064; 3065; 3066; 3067; 3068; 3069 (USM!, Z!); Pariamarca, 3720 m, 05 November 1985, ONERN 106 (USM!); Pariamarca, 3720 m, 30 October 1985, ONERN 107 (USM!); Pariamarca, 3720 m, 05 November 1985, ONERN 108 (US!, USM!); La Quinua, 3540 m, 01 December 1986, Rivas s.n (USM!); Cerro de Pasco–Huanuco km 16, 10°39'12"S, 076°10'06"W, 4000 m, 22 August 2002, Schmidt-Lebuhn 521 (GOET!, USM!); below Cerro de Pasco road to Ambo, 24 November 1945, Shibert 2202 (US!); North of Quinua on route 3, 11 January 1977, Simpson 8554a (USM!); North of Quinua on Route 3, 11 January 1977, Simpson 8554b; 8554C (USM!). Yanacancha, upper Río Huallaga at Pariamarca, 10°40'S, 076°10'W, 3800 m, 07 February 1987, Boertmann 23; 24; 32; 33 (AAU!). Km 317, ca. 20 km NE of Cerro de Pasco on route 3. W side of upper Río Huallaga, Huallaga Canyon, 12400 ft, 06 November 1975, Davidson 3373 (MO!, US!); Cerro de Pasco, below Cerro de Pasco road to Ambo, 24 November 1945, Seibert 2202 (MO!).


Geographical distribution of the species of subsection Incanaee.
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