Plantae Rosales Rosaceae Boza EspinozaTatiana ErikaKesslerMichaelA monograph of the genus Polylepis (Rosaceae)PhytoKeys01082022203127410.3897/phytokeys.203.83529 575EC76B-E5AC-5847-A215-A34F4BD97BB0 Polylepis tomentella Wedd., Chlor. Andina 2: 237, pl. 78. 1857 [1861].Figs 114, 115 Polylepis tomentella Wedd. subsp. tomentella M.Kessler (1995b:162). Type: based on Polylepistomentella Wedd. Polylepis tomentella subsp. pentaphylla Bitter, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 45: 648. 1911. Type. Argentina. Jujuy, Laguna Tres Cruces, Dec 1900–Feb 1901, Clarin 11688 (holotype: S!). Polylepis tomentella subsp. tetragona Bitter, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 45: 649. 1911. Type. Argentina. Jujuy, Salina Grande nahe Jujuy, 3500 m, Hauthal 141 (holotype: B destroyed; isotype: GOET!). Polylepis tomentella subsp. dentatialata Bitter, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 45: 650. 1911. Type. Bolivia. Potosí, in valle inter Chorolque at Tacna (Quechisla-Kasni), 3600–3800 m, Hauthal 117 (holotype: B destroyed; isotype: GOET!). Polylepis tomentella var. pilosior Bitter, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 45: 647. 1911. Type. Bolivia. Chuquisaca, Cinti, Jan 1846, Weddell 3947 (holotype: P!).Type.

Bolivia. Chuquisaca, Cinti, Jan 1846, Weddell 3927 (lectotype, designated by Simpson 1979, pg. 46: P!; isolectotype: P!).


Polylepistomentella Wedd A, B flowering branches C, D leaves E, F habit. Scale bars: 3 cm (A); 2 cm (B–D). Photographs by M. Kessler.

Trees 1.5–5 m tall. Leaves slightly congested at the branch tips, imparipinnate with one pair of leaflets, obtrullate in outline, 1.2–2.9 × 1.3–2.1 cm; rachises densely villous, points of leaflet attachment with a tuft of long hairs; stipular sheaths apically truncate or slightly spurred, densely villous on the outer surfaces; leaflets obovate in outline, second pair from the terminal leaflet the largest, one of this pair 1.3–2.1 × 0.3–0.6 cm; margin serrate with 5–10 teeth, apically round or emarginate, basally unequally attenuate; upper leaflet surfaces glabrous to sparsely villous; lower leaflet surfaces with a dense layer of very short, white or yellowish pannose hairs. Inflorescences pendant, 2.8–5.3 cm long, bearing 4–5 flowers; floral bracts 3.9–5.1 mm long, narrowly triangular, densely villous on the outer surface; rachises villous. Flowers 5.9–6.8 mm diam.; sepals 3, ovate, green, sparsely villous outside; stamens 19–23, anthers orbicular, with a dense tuft of straight white hairs on the upper half; styles fimbriate, 2.4–2.5 mm long. Fruits turbinate, with 3–4 irregular flattened ridges with a series of spines, densely villous; 6.2–6.9 × 4.2–5.9 mm including spines. Tetraploid.


Polylepistomentella Wedd A flowering branch B stipular sheaths C fruit D lower leaf surface E upper leaf surface E fruits (A, DSchulte 22BKessler 3191CKessler 3366EKessler 3201). Scale bars: 2 cm (A, D, E); 6 mm (C). Photographs by T. E. Boza E.
Distribution, habitat and ecology.

Polylepistomentella is distributed in southern Bolivia and northwest Argentina at 2750–4950 m elevation (Fig. 116). The forests of this species are usually homogeneous, but are occasionally mixed with Dasyphyllumhystrix and Buddleiaaromatica (Navarro et al. 2005). Polylepistomentella flowers during the dry season (May–October) and fruits at the beginning of the wet season (August–December) (Domic et al. 2013). Trees produce three times more flowers (44.7 ± 6.4 flowers/branch) and fruits (24 ± 2.7 fruits/branch) than shrubs (15.86 ± 2.18 flowers/branch; 9.3 ± 1.3 fruits/branch) (Domic et al. 2013). Maternal tree size and seed mass have a positive effect of seed germination and survival (Domic et al. 2020). Populations of P.tomentella with different levels of human disturbance have also different percentage of saplings and seedings, with lower percentages in strongly disturbed than in moderately disturbed populations, even though reproductive individuals produce twice as many flowers and fruits. This suggests that fruit production does not limit regeneration and post-dispersal mechanisms may decrease seed germination and increase seedling mortality (Domic et al. 2014). Polylepistomentella has a high proportion of non-viable seed that are aborted due a variety of reasons, including a fungal infection that might reduce the fecundity of the host tree (Domic et al. 2017). Hybrids between P.tomentella and P.besseri have been reported in Bolivia (Kessler 1995b).


Geographical distribution of the species of subsection Incanaee.
Conservation status.

The EOO for Polylepistomentella is estimated as 94,183 km2, the AOO is assessed at 436 km2, and it is known from 75 locations. The species was categorized as NT in the World List of Threatened Trees (Oldfield et al. 1998). Based on its fragmented habitat affected by human disturbance, it was listed as EN (B2b(i,iii)) in the Red List of Bolivia (Arrázola et al. 2012). No conservation actionshave been taken to date. Specific threats are traditional use for extensive livestock grazing, firewood extraction and additionally in rainy areas, for Andean tuber crops, cereals and fodder. We assess P.tomentella as VU (A1, B1a+B2a, C2a).


Polylepistomentella can be distinguished from the most similar species P.incana by the leaflet margins (serrate versus crenate), lower leaflet surface (with resinous exudate versus without exudate) and inflorescences with fewer flowers (4–5 versus 5–11). For additional morphological similarities, see under P.fjeldsaoi, P.incanoides, P.nana and P.tarapacana.

Specimens examined.

Argentina. Jujuy: Cochinoca, Río Despensa, 4200 m, 19 January 1971, Boelcke 7133 (MO!); Humahuaca, Tres Cruces, Cerros, 17 February 1971, Cabrera 21424 (MO!); Hills 4 km N of Lagunilla on W side of Laguna Pozuelos, 3700 m, 20 November 1991, Kessler 3357 (AAU!, GOET!, MO!); Hills 4 km N Lagunilla on W side of Laguna Pozuelos, 3700 m, 20 November 1991, Kessler 3355 (AAU!); 3356 (GOET); 3358 (AAU!, GOET!). Bolivia. Chuquisaca: Nor Cinti, Muyuquiri 6 kms hacia Camargo, 3510 m, 23 March 1979, Beck 686 (LPB, MO!); 30 Km N Camargo on road to Potosí, 20°30'S, 065°10'W, 3200 m, 22 September 1991, Kessler 3177 (GOET!, MO!); 3178 (AAU!, GOET!, LPB); 3179 (AAU!, GOET!, LPB); 3184 (AAU!, GOET!, MO!); 3185 (GOET!); 32 km N Camargo on road to Potosí, 20°30'S, 065°10'W, 3200 m, 22 September 1991, Kessler 3186 (GOET!, LPB, MO!); 3187 (AAU!, GOET!, MO!); 3188 (AAU!, GOET!, LPB); Cerro Poqueñita, 4050 m, 10 November 1990, Serrano 5 (GOET!); Cerro Peticoya, 3500 m, 10 November 1990, Serrano 6 (GOET!, LPB); along the road between Camargo and San Lucas, 3300 m, 10 December 1967, Vuilleumier 427 (GH!, US!); Oropeza, Cajamarca ca. 30 km hacia Revelo, 3300 m, 09 October 1984, Beck 8827 (GOET!, LPB); Comunidad Punilla a 25 km. de la ciudad de Sucre, en la ladera superior del Río Kollpamayu, orientación SW, 18°57'00"S, 065°23'00"W, 3260 m, 29 April 2000, Gutiérrez 171 (MO!); ca. 35 km W Sucre on road to Macha, 18°53'S, 065°25'W, 3300 m, 26 September 1991, Kessler 3258 (GOET!); 3259 (AAU!). Tomina, Pass on San Pedro-Keluya road, 19°55'S, 065°11'W, 3450 m, 22 September 1991, Kessler 3189 (AAU!, GOET!); Pass on San Pedro-Keluya road, 19°55'S, 065°11'W, 3450 m, 22 September 1991, Kessler 3190 (AAU!, GOET!, LPB); 3191; 3192 (GOET!, MO!); 5 km W Tarabuco on road to Sucre, 19°09'S, 064°58'W, 3300 m, 22 September 1991, Kessler 3199 (GOET!, MO!); 3200 (GOET!, MO!); Yamparaez, Tarabuco unos 10 km hacia Surce, 3500 m, 13 October 1984, Beck 8858 (LPB, MO!); Tarabuco 10 km hacia Sucre, 19°10'S, 064°57'W, 3200 m, 29 October 1983, Beck 9859 (LPB, MO!); 5 km W Tarabuco on road to Sucre, 19°09'S, 064°58'W, 3300 m, 23 September 1991, Kessler 3201; 3202 (AAU!, GOET!); 20 km S Tarabuco on road to Lola, 19°09'S, 064°58'W, 3300 m, 23 September 1991, Kessler 3207 (AAU!, GOET!); Zudañez, 25 km S Icla on Tarabuco-Azurduy road, 19°27'S, 064°49'W, 3500 m, 24 September 1991, Kessler 3213 (AAU!, GOET!, LPB); Cinti, Puna, Weddell 3927 (P!). — Cochabamba: Aiquile, Lajamayu, 18°21'31"S, 065°18'29"W, 10 May 1995, De la Barra 419 (MO!); Carrasco, Siberia, 17°48'11"S, 064°46'12"W, 2900 m, 16 April 2005, Fernández 3594 (MO!); 3594 (BOLV); Siberia, 17°48'45"S, 064°45'59"W, 2950 m, 17 April 2005, Fernández 3604 (MO!); 3604 (BOLV); El Churo-Sunchal, ca. de 10 km hacia Pojo, lado del camino carretero Comarapa-Cochabamba, 17°47'51"S, 064°47'24"W, 2780 m, 08 November 2003, Vargas 7053 (MO!); Tiraque, El Ronco, 17°00'05"S, 065°39'20"W, 3470 m, 10 May 2005, Alcázar-Johansen 387 (MO!); Andes de Cochabamba, 1826–1833, Orbigny s.n (MO!, P!); Saravia 1154 (BOLV). — Oruro: Avaroa, Challapata, 4000 m, 01 April 1921, Asplund 6169 (US!); Challapata, 4000 m, 01 April 1921, Asplund 6170 (US!); a pocos km de Challapata, camino a Sevonuyo, 19°14'S, 066°04'W, 3790 m, 06 March 1991, Huanca 31 (LPB); ca. 70 km W Potosi on road to Oruro, 19°14'S, 066°04'W, 3800 m, 22 November 1991, Kessler 3366 (GOET!, LPB); 3367 (GOET!, LPB, MO!); 3368 (AAU!); 3369 (AAU!, GOET!, LPB); 3378 (AAU!, GOET!, LPB, MO!); 3379 (GOET!, LPB); 5 km S of Challapata, 18°57'S, 066°45'W, 3700 m, 22 November 1991, Kessler 3380 (GOET!, LPB, MO!); Challapata, Cordillera Azanaques, 18°56'02"S, 066°43'13"W, 4676 m, 04 March 2006, Torrico 378 (BOLV, MO!); Poopo, a 6 km de Challapata en dirección a Huari, 3750 m, 26 February 1991, Navarro 200 (LPB); Pazña, a 1 km este del balneario de Urmiri pasando la ex central eléctrica, 18°34'36"S, 066°51'59"W, 3729 m, 13 March 2006, Torrico 735 (BOLV, MO!). Sebastían Pagador, 1 km arriba de la tranca del pueblo de Huari, 18°59'S, 066°46'W, 3870 m, 13 December 2000, Michel 2844 (LPB); 5 mi S of Challapata on road toward Uyuni, 3620 m, 07 March 1993, Peterson 12723 (AAU!, GOET!); 4 mi E of Urmiri, 3770 m, 08 March 1993, Peterson 12788 (AAU!, GOET!). — Potosí: Chayanta, ca. 25 km E Ocuri on Sucre-Macha road, 18°45'S, 065°41'W, 3600 m, 27 September 1991, Kessler 3274 (GOET!, LPB); ca. 10 km Ocuri on road to Guadalupe, 18°46'S, 065°49'W, 3700 m, 27 September 1991, Kessler 3277 (AAU!, GOET!); 3278 (GOET!, MO!); 3279 (AAU!, GOET!, LPB); 3280 (AAU!, GOET!, MO!); 3282 (AAU!, GOET!); 3283 (GOET!, LPB); entre Macha y Yocalla, 3600 m, 27 September 1991, Torrico 216 (LPB); Nor Chichas, nr. Quechisla on road to Chorolque, 3600 m, 01 December 1931, Cárdenas 24 (GH!); camino Lique entre Yurtuy, Cancha a la Laguna, 3800 m, 19 November 1987, Schulte 22 (GOET!, LPB); cerca de Cotagaitilla, desde Cotagaita, al borde del río, 2800 m, 13 May 1993, Torrico 502 (LPB); Sta. Barbara, on road from Quechisla, 4200 m, 22 February 1936, West 6110 (GH!, MO!, UC); Quijarro, 32 km de Potosí en camino a Uyuni, 4100 m, s.d., Liberman 229 (LPB); 4 mi SW of Vilacota on E facing slope above Lago, 3850–4130 m elev., 27 March 1993, Peterson 13113 (AAU!, GOET!); 9 mi NE of Tica Tica on road towards Potosi, 3800 m elev., 29 March 1993, Peterson 13132 (AAU!); 6 mi NE of Paratoya on road towards Potosi, 3650 m, 30 March 1993, Peterson 13147 (AAU!, GOET!); zona W camino hacia Uyuni, Kilpani hacia Landara, 3850 m, 25 March 1993, Torrico 222, 223 (LPB); zona W camino hacia Uyuni, Colina antes de llegar a Calasaya, 4000 m, 25 March 1993, Torrico 233 (LPB); Calasaya, 4000 m, 25 March 1993, Torrico 234 (LPB); entre Cebadilla y Condoriri, 3860 m, 25 March 1993, Torrico 256 (LPB); Sud Chichas, Cerro Pabellon 3 km W Atocha, 20°59'S, 066°16'W, 4000 m, 16 September 1991, Kessler 3085 (AAU!, GOET!, LPB), 3086 (GOET!, MO!), 3087 (AAU!, GOET!, MO!), 3088, 3089 (AAU!, GOET!, LPB), 3621 (GOET!, MO!), 3622 (GOET!, MO!), 3623 (GOET!, MO!), 3624 (GOET!); ca. 10 km N Salo on Atocha-Tupiza road, 21°15'S, 065°50'W, 4000 m, 16 September 1991, Kessler 3107 (AAU!, GOET!, LPB); 10.5 mi N of San Vicente on road towards Atocha, 3930 m, 17 March 1993, Peterson 12972 (AAU!, GOET!); Vilquiza, a 13 km de Tupiza, 3320 m, 25 March 1993, Torrico 436 (LPB); Mina Isca-Isca above the village of La Torre north of Tupiza, 3875–3880 m, 02 December 1967, Vuilleumier 402 (GH!, MO!); Queñua Pampa, al Este-Sur-Este en linea recta de Suripa aprox. 12.45 km, 21°37'21"S, 065°24'26"W, 3765 m, 05 March 2012, Zenteno 11825 (LPB); arriba del Mirador de Boris al Oeste en linea recta de la ciudad de Tupiza approx. 14–15 km, 21°27'10"S, 065°51'29"W, 4009 m, 10 March 2012, Zenteno 11974 (LPB); Santa Rosa al sur-sur-oeste en línea recta de la ciudad de Tupiza aprox. 5.67 km, 21°29'02"S, 065°41'35"W, 3439 m, 11 March 2012, Zenteno 12043 (LPB); Tomas Frias, Challapata 124 km hacia Potosí, 4080 m, Beck 674 (LPB); cerca de Ventilla, 4030 m, 17 February 1979, Ceballos 255 (G); Orocoro, bajando hacia Yocalla, 3850 m, 17 February 1979, Ceballos 273 (G); Thunarumi, próximo a la localidad Paco-grande, 3650 m, 19 April 1991, Huanca 100 (GOET!, LPB); Thunarumi, próximo a la localidad Paco-grande, 3650 m, 19 April 1991, Huanca 98 (LPB); 23 mi SW of Potosi, 4220 m, 30 March 1993, Peterson 13150 (AAU!, GOET!); 27.7 km SE of Cruce Ventilla on road from Oruro to Potosi, 19°15'S, 066°22'W, 4000 m, 12 May 1983, Solomon 10651 (LPB, MO!); 39 km northwest of Potosí on the road to Challapata, 3750 m, 14 December 1967, Vuilleumier 450 (GH!, US!); 3500 m, 30 October 1983, Beck 9860 (CUZ!, GOET!, LPB, MO!, QAME, TEX). — Santa Cruz: Vallegrande, A 19.5 km de Vallegrande camino a Pucara, 18°35'23"S, 064°07'23"W, 2721 m, 25 September 2011, Arroyo 5821 (MO!, USZ). — Tarija: Avilez, Reserva Biológica Cordillera de Sama, Cordillera alta de Sama, 21°41'28"S, 065°08'56"W, 3900 m, 27 February 2007, Zárate 2429 (BOLV, MO!); Mendez, Iscayachi, 5 km S turnoff to Tarija from Villazon–Camargo road, 21°31'S, 065°01'W, 3600 m, 17 September 1991, Kessler 3094 (AAU!, GOET!); Iscayachi, 5 km S of turnoff to Tarija from Villazon-Camargo road, 21°31'S, 065°01'W, 3600 m, 17 September 1991, Kessler 3095 (GOET!, LPB, MO!), 3096 (AAU!, GOET!), 3097, 3098 (AAU!, GOET!, LPB). Chile.Besser s.n (MO!).

Hybrids<italic><tp:taxon-name><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="genus" reg="Polylepis">Polylepis</tp:taxon-name-part><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="species" reg="incana">incana</tp:taxon-name-part></tp:taxon-name></italic> × <italic><tp:taxon-name><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="genus" reg="Polylepis">P.</tp:taxon-name-part><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="species" reg="lanuginosa">lanuginosa</tp:taxon-name-part></tp:taxon-name></italic>

Ecuador. Azuay: área recreacional Cajas, 02°49'S, 79°07'W, 3740–4070 m, Romoleroux 1192 (QCA!); Páramo de las Cajas, W of pass, 02°46'S, 79°15'W, 3500 m, 27 August 1985, Lægaard 55043 (AAU!).

<italic><tp:taxon-name><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="genus" reg="Polylepis">Polylepis</tp:taxon-name-part><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="species" reg="incana">incana</tp:taxon-name-part></tp:taxon-name></italic> × <italic><tp:taxon-name><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="genus" reg="Polylepis">P.</tp:taxon-name-part><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="species" reg="pauta">pauta</tp:taxon-name-part></tp:taxon-name></italic>

Ecuador. Imbabura: Páramo de Mojanda, at Laguna Grande, 00°08'N, 78°16'W, 3700–3800 m, 10 November 1984, Lægaard 52349, 53333, 55661A (AAU!); same locality as preceeding, 00°08'N, 78°16'W, 3725–3750 m, 30 June 1988, Romoleroux 652, 661, 662, 670, 673 (QCA!); Tomauco, 3309 m, 05 June 2008, Salgado 427 (QCA!); Otovalo to Laguna Mojanda, 00°10'N, 78°20'W, 3770 m, 22 May 1989, Smith 1992 (QCA!). — Napo: road Pifo-Papallacta, 3 km W of Paso de la Virgen, 00°18'S, 78°14'W, 3700–3900 m, 7 August 1987, Lægaard 54877, 54900, 54902B, 54902C, 54902D, 54902I, 54902J, 54902L, 54902N, 54902O, 54902Q, 54902R, 54902T, 54902Z, 54903, 54904 (AAU!, QCA!); km 18 along the new road, 3700 m, Lægaard 102310, 102321 (QCA!); Quijos, Oyacachi, 19.5 km al SE Cangahua Páramo, 3800 m, 00°04'S, 78°09'W, 30 June 2003, Zambrano G147 (QCA!). — Pichincha: road El Chaupi-Illiniza, 3200–3700 m, 00°37'S, 78°40'W, 20 June 1985, Lægaard 54546 (QCA!).

<italic><tp:taxon-name><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="genus" reg="Polylepis">Polylepis</tp:taxon-name-part><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="species" reg="incana">incana</tp:taxon-name-part></tp:taxon-name></italic> × <italic><tp:taxon-name><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="genus" reg="Polylepis">P.</tp:taxon-name-part><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="species" reg="ochreata">ochreata</tp:taxon-name-part></tp:taxon-name></italic>

Ecuador. Imbabura: Páramo de Mojanda, at Laguna Grande, 3725–3750 m, Lægaard 52358, 53330, 53331, 53332, 53335, 53337, 54338, 54342, 54344, 54345, 54347, 54559, 54589, 55662 (AAU!, QCA!); Laguna Grande, 00°08'N, 78°16'W, 3725–3750 m, 30 June 1988, Romoleroux 655, 656, 660, 664, 665, 666, 668, 669, 671, 672, 673 (AAU!, QCA, 3500–3700 m, 2 November 1987, Romoleroux 478 (AAU!, NY, QCA!); road from Otovalo to Laguna Mojanda, 00°10'N, 078°20'W00°15'N, 078°20'W, 3700 m, 22 May 1989, Smith 1992 (MO!). — Napo: along road Pifo-Papallacta, E of El Paso de la Virgen, 3750–3850 m, Lægaard 54559E (AAU!); 3 km E of Paso de la Virgen, 3950–4050 m, 2 June 1985, Lægaard 54445 (QCA!), 3–5 km E of Paso de La Virgen, 00°21'S, 78°11'W, 3700–3900 m, 9 June 1992, Lægaard 103112 (QCA!).

<italic><tp:taxon-name><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="genus" reg="Polylepis">Polylepis</tp:taxon-name-part><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="species" reg="incana">incana</tp:taxon-name-part></tp:taxon-name></italic> × <italic><tp:taxon-name><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="genus" reg="Polylepis">P.</tp:taxon-name-part><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="species" reg="reticulata">reticulata</tp:taxon-name-part></tp:taxon-name></italic>

Ecuador. Azuay: Páramo de Soldados, 3700–4000 m, Lægaard 55098A (AAU!). — Pichincha: road El Chaupi-Illiniza, 3200–3700 m, Lægaard 54546, 54557 (AAU!, QCA!).

<italic><tp:taxon-name><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="genus" reg="Polylepis">Polylepis</tp:taxon-name-part><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="species" reg="incana">incana</tp:taxon-name-part></tp:taxon-name></italic> × <italic><tp:taxon-name><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="genus" reg="Polylepis">P.</tp:taxon-name-part><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="species" reg="racemosa">racemosa</tp:taxon-name-part></tp:taxon-name></italic>

Ecuador. Azuay: Área Recreacional Las Cajas, 02°49'S, 79°07'W, 3740–4070 m, Romoleroux 1192 (QCA!). — Imbabura: Laguna Grande de Mojanda, 00°08'N, 78°16'W, 3725–3750 m, 30 June 1988, Romoleroux 651, 653, 661, 663 (QCA!)

<italic><tp:taxon-name><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="genus" reg="Polylepis">Polylepis</tp:taxon-name-part><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="species" reg="laniginosa">laniginosa</tp:taxon-name-part></tp:taxon-name></italic> × <italic><tp:taxon-name><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="genus" reg="Polylepis">P.</tp:taxon-name-part><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="species" reg="reticulata">reticulata</tp:taxon-name-part></tp:taxon-name></italic>

Ecuador. Cañar: Oeste de Cañar, km 10.5, Cerro Caucay, 3450 m, 27 April 1988, Romolerous 588 (QCA!).

<italic><tp:taxon-name><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="genus" reg="Polylepis">Polylepis</tp:taxon-name-part><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="species" reg="pauta">pauta</tp:taxon-name-part></tp:taxon-name></italic> × <italic><tp:taxon-name><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="genus" reg="Polylepis">P.</tp:taxon-name-part><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="species" reg="ochreata">ochreata</tp:taxon-name-part></tp:taxon-name></italic>

Ecuador. Imbabura: Laguna Grande de Mojanda, 3725–3800 m, 14 May 1985, Lægaard 52360, 52367A, 54316, 54331, 54334, 54335, 54343, 54345 (AAU!, QCA!); 30 June 1988, Romoleroux 650, 657, 658, 659, 667 (AAU!, QCA!); Mojanda alrededores de Laguna Grande, 3700–3800 m, 24 May 1987, Romoleorux 339 (QCA!); camino hacia la laguna Mojanda, 3000–3500 m, 2 November 1987, Romoleroux 476 (AAU!, QCA!); Laguna Mojanda en los alrededores de la orilla, 3770 m, 21 September 2000, Lizarzaburu 21 (QCA!). — Pichincha: along drinking-water canal on W side of Cerro Atacazo, 3750 m, Lægaard 53261 (AAU!). — Napo: Páramo de Guamani, about 4 km E of the pass on road to Papallacta, 3900 m, Sparre 15029 (S); N of Cerro Puntas, 3850–3900 m, Lægaard 54756G, 54757, 54758, 54759 (AAU!).

<italic><tp:taxon-name><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="genus" reg="Polylepis">Polylepis</tp:taxon-name-part><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="species" reg="subsericans">subsericans</tp:taxon-name-part></tp:taxon-name></italic> × <italic><tp:taxon-name><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="genus" reg="Polylepis">P.</tp:taxon-name-part><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="species" reg="rodolfovasquezii">rodolfovasquezii</tp:taxon-name-part></tp:taxon-name></italic>

Peru. Cusco: Urubamba. ACP Mantanay 10 km in the valley from Yanahuara, by the side of Laguna Manalloqsa, in the small valley 3 km of Laguna Ipsacocha, 13°12'01"S, 072°08'47"W, 4627 m elev., 3 February 2011, Sylvester 556, 568, 595 (CUZ!, Z!).

<italic><tp:taxon-name><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="genus" reg="Polylepis">Polylepis</tp:taxon-name-part><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="species" reg="racemosa">racemosa</tp:taxon-name-part></tp:taxon-name></italic> × <italic><tp:taxon-name><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="genus" reg="Polylepis">P.</tp:taxon-name-part><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="species" reg="incana">incana</tp:taxon-name-part></tp:taxon-name></italic>

Peru. Ancash: Mariscal Luzuriaga, en vivero forestal de Yanama, procedencia: Casca, 15 December 1989, Arce 185 (MO!). — Cajamarca: Cajamarca to Bambamarca, side road to Chugur (95 km from Cajamarca), 20 March 1988, Renvoize 4847 (AAU!). — Cusco: Cusco, Chacan, 13°29.38'S, 071°59.32'W, 3782 m, 07 November 2004, Farfán 543 (CUZ!, F!, MO!, USM!); Acomayo, Rondocan, localidad Huacuy 13°46'21"S, 71°44'46"W, 3842 m, Pfuro 130 (Z!); Urubamba, Trail behind Chincheros centre, past Antasaka rock to spring called Parqo, first kilometre out of the populated area, 13°24'S, 072°03'W, 3810 m, 12 January 1982, Davis 1359 (A!, USM!); Chincheros, quebrada above Pojpoj waterfall, 13°23'S, 072°03'W, 3450–3550 m, 14 January 1982, Davis 1466 (A!, USM!). — La Libertad: above Cachicadan; in quebradas, forming a grove, only large tree in quebradas towards top of hills north of Cachicadan, 2900 m, 25 November 1938, Stork 9972 (F!). — Lima: Oyon, Laguna Guengue Grande, Quichas, 4215 m, 11 January 1990, Arce 189 (MO!).

<italic><tp:taxon-name><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="genus" reg="Polylepis">Polylepis</tp:taxon-name-part><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="species" reg="neglecta">neglecta</tp:taxon-name-part></tp:taxon-name></italic> × <italic><tp:taxon-name><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="genus" reg="Polylepis">P.</tp:taxon-name-part><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="species" reg="subtusalbida">subtusalbida</tp:taxon-name-part></tp:taxon-name></italic>

Bolivia. Potosi: Bilbao, antes de Sakani Khasa, 3400 m, 18 March 1993, Torrico 199 (LPB!); 31 km SW Acacio on road to Sacaca and Uncia, l8°06'S, 66°08'W, 3500 m, 22 August 1991, Kessler 3417 (AAU!, GOET!, LPB!, USM!), Kessler 3555 (GOET!).

<italic><tp:taxon-name><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="genus" reg="Polylepis">Polylepis</tp:taxon-name-part><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="species" reg="triacontandra">triacontandra</tp:taxon-name-part></tp:taxon-name></italic> × <italic><tp:taxon-name><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="genus" reg="Polylepis">P.</tp:taxon-name-part><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="species" reg="incarum">incarum</tp:taxon-name-part></tp:taxon-name></italic>

Bolivia. La Paz: Camacho, Puerto Acosta, 3680 m, 5 April 1982, Beck 7662 (GOET!, LPB!); Puerto Acosta, Estancia Kerojani, 3900 m, 26 January 1980, Jordan 51 (LPB!); Murillo, Palca 28.5 km hacia Cohoni, 3440 m, 14 October 1990, Beck 17832 (GOET!, LPB!), río Minasa, 1.5 km arriba del viejo puente del ferrocarril (ca. 3 km arriba de Villa Fatima), l6°27'S, 68°07'W, 4000 m, 18 January 1987, Solomon 15783 (LPB!, MO!, NY).

<italic><tp:taxon-name><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="genus" reg="Polylepis">Polylepis</tp:taxon-name-part><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="species" reg="triacontandra">triacontandra</tp:taxon-name-part></tp:taxon-name></italic> × <italic><tp:taxon-name><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="genus" reg="Polylepis">P.</tp:taxon-name-part><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="species" reg="lanata">lanata</tp:taxon-name-part></tp:taxon-name></italic>

Bolivia. Cochabamba: Ayopaya, 10 NW de Independencia, alredor de la Cima de la Loma, 3250 m, Beck 14528 (GOET!, LPB). — La Paz: 8 km W Quime on road to Caxata, 17°03'00"S, 067°17'00"W, 3350 m, 24 August 1991, Kessler 3028 (GOET!).

<italic><tp:taxon-name><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="genus" reg="Polylepis">Polylepis</tp:taxon-name-part><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="species" reg="lanata">lanata</tp:taxon-name-part></tp:taxon-name></italic> × <italic><tp:taxon-name><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="genus" reg="Polylepis">P.</tp:taxon-name-part><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="species" reg="subtusalbida">subtusalbida</tp:taxon-name-part></tp:taxon-name></italic>

Bolivia. Cochabamba: Ayopaya, cerca de Morochata, 3300 m, 1 August 1991, Hensen 872 (LPB!); Carrasco, Zapata Rancho, 3200 m, 22 November 1989, Hensen 945 (LPB!); Mojón, 3300 m, 19 March 1991, Hensen 1765 (GOET!, LPB!).

<italic><tp:taxon-name><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="genus" reg="Polylepis">Polylepis</tp:taxon-name-part><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="species" reg="besseri">besseri</tp:taxon-name-part></tp:taxon-name></italic> × <italic><tp:taxon-name><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="genus" reg="Polylepis">P.</tp:taxon-name-part><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="species" reg="tomentella">tomentella</tp:taxon-name-part></tp:taxon-name></italic>

Bolivia. Chuquisaca: Zudafiez, 25 km S Icla on Tarabuco-Azurduy road, l9°27'S, 64°49'W, 3500 m, 24 September 1991, Kessler 3209 (AAU!, GOET!, LPB!), 3211 (GOET!, LPB!).

<italic><tp:taxon-name><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="genus" reg="Polylepis">Polylepis</tp:taxon-name-part><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="species" reg="besseri">besseri</tp:taxon-name-part></tp:taxon-name></italic> × <italic><tp:taxon-name><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="genus" reg="Polylepis">P.</tp:taxon-name-part><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="species" reg="incanoides">incanoides</tp:taxon-name-part></tp:taxon-name></italic>

Bolivia. Cochabamba: Arani, 49.3 km E of bridge over the río Pucara (at Punata) on the road to Sta. Cruz, l7°26'S, 65°29'W, 3100–3300 m, 20 October 1985, Solomon 14452 (NY, LPB!); Vacas (village Rodeo W of Vacas?), 3650 m, 17 April 1987, Arctander s.n (AAU!).

<italic><tp:taxon-name><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="genus" reg="Polylepis">Polylepis</tp:taxon-name-part><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="species" reg="subtusalbida">subtusalbida</tp:taxon-name-part></tp:taxon-name></italic> × <italic><tp:taxon-name><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="genus" reg="Polylepis">P.</tp:taxon-name-part><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="species" reg="incaniodes">incaniodes</tp:taxon-name-part></tp:taxon-name></italic>

Bolivia. Cochabamba: Arani, 5 km E Mojón on Cochabamba–Comarapa road, l7°30'S, 65°24'W, 3000 m, 5 October 1991, Kessler 3287 (AAU!, GOET!, LPB!); Carrasco, 6.6 km by road NW of Lopez Mendoza, at km 198 from Cochabamba, Q. Majón, 3250 m, 15 May 1984, Schmitt 108 (MO!); Yana Qhara, 3300 m, 14 April 1991, Hensen 2463 (LPB); Llutu Pampa, 3300 m, 14 April 1991, Hensen 2489 (LPB!); 8 km E Epizana on Cochabamba–Comarapa road, 17°41'S, 65°04'W, 3000 m, 5 October 1991, Kessler 3291 (GOET!); Rodeo Grande, at km 140 on road from Cochabamba to Santa Cruz, 3000 m, 9 February 1971, Hawkes 4400 (MO!); a unos 97 km de la capital en dirección a Sta. Cruz, 3650 m, 25 December 1982, Casas 7746 (NY).

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