A) Engraftment of human hematopoietic cells in peripheral blood, bone marrow and spleen of NSGS recipient mice from first to fifth serial transplantation (number of analyzed mice is indicated in the figure, mean ± SEM).
B) Morphology from bone marrow smears of engrafted CMML#1-MN1 cells of NSGS recipient mice from first to fifth serial transplantation.
C) Differential blood count quantification of bone marrow smears from the patient (CMML#1) at diagnosis and engrafted CMML#1-MN1 cells in mice from first to fifth transplantation (n=3; mean ± SEM).
D) Spleen weight of primary CMML#1-EGFP recipient mice and CMML#1-MN1 recipient mice from first to fifth serial transplantation at the time of sacrifice (each dot represents one mouse; mean ± SEM).
E) Variant allele frequencies of mutated genes in bone marrow cells of the CMML#1 patient and corresponding CMML#1-MN1 cells engrafted in the bone marrow and spleen of NSGS recipient mice at sacrifice from first to fifth serial transplantation (n=3; mean ± SEM).
F) Graphical representation of clonal evolution of CMML#1 cells from the patient and its corresponding CMML#1-MN1 cells from first to fifth serial transplantation in NSGS recipient mice.