Figure 1. Method overview for synaptic partner prediction, application to the “full adult fly brain” (FAFB) dataset and usage of CircuitMap for circuit reconstruction and analysis in Catmaid.
a CNN predictions of post-synaptic sites (m) and direction vectors pointing to the pre-synaptic site (, 3D vectors shown as RGB-color) together with final detections after post-processing. Arrows show synaptic cleft (red), T-bar (white), and vesicles (black). b Sample section of the FAFB dataset with predicted synaptic partners (pre-synaptic site purple, post-synaptic site turquoise). c Using CircuitMap (left image), predicted synaptic partners are available in Catmaid to allow exploration of automatically reconstructed neural circuits. The example shows five automatically segmented neurons from [3] (middle image) together with their predicted number of synaptic connections (right image, node colors match the segmentation). See also Supplementary Video.