Fig. 2. Biosynthesis of defense saponins in sea cucumbers.
a, Antifungal activity, saponin profiles and OSC transcript levels for different sea cucumber tissues. Top, yeast growth (mean ± SD, Pp, n = 2; Aj, n = 3). Across all tissues 100 μg/ml crude extract was used with methanol (MeOH) as a control. Middle, presence (+) or absence (-) of saponins in P. parvimensis (Pp) and A. japonicus (Aj) based on LC-MS profiles (Extended Data Fig. 4a). Bottom, heatmap showing green (low) to red (high) OSC gene expression generated from RPKM values (Aj, n = 3). RPKM mean ± SD values are given in Source Data Fig. 2a. b, Comparison of sea cucumber (Sc) sterol biosynthetic genes with humans (Hu), sea urchins (Su), and sea stars (Ss). Presence or absence of sterol genes scored based on pairwise ortholog identity as shown in Supplementary Table 8.