a, b, Electron tomograms of prometaphase WT Hela cells, untreated (a) or treated with TSA (b). Magenta: chromatin surfaces; green: microtubules in cytoplasm; cyan: microtubules in chromatin; red circles: microtubule perforation sites at chromosome surface. Representative example regions for control prometaphase (n = 3), control metaphase (n = 7), TSA prometaphase (n = 5) and TSA metaphase (n = 5); example regions are from 10 tomograms per condition from 7 different cells each. c, Quantification of microtubule density in chromatin regions of prometaphase or metaphase cells in the absence or presence of TSA. Data shown in Fig.1e, f separated by mitotic stage, n = 10 tomograms from 7 different cells for each condition. Bars indicate mean. d, Correlative transmission electron microscopy and fluorescence microscopy of chromatin/H2B-mCherry in prometaphase WT Hela cells (related to a, control cell #1 and b, TSA cell #1). e, Mitotic progression analysis by time-lapse microscopy of HeLa cells expressing H2B-mRFP, in untreated control and TSA-treated cells. n = 44 for control from 5 biological replicates, n = 36 for TSA from 4 biological replicates. Time is relative to nuclear envelope disassembly (NEBD). f, Chromosome missegregation analysis by Airyscan imaging of live anaphase HeLa cells expressing H2B-mCherry and meGFP-CENP-A and stained with SiR-tubulin. Representative images of n = 64 control cells and n = 110 TSA-treated cells. Single Z-sections. g, Quantification of chromosome missegregation of cells as illustrated in f. Dots indicate biological replicates, bars indicate mean. n=64 cells for control, n = 110 for TSA. h, Quantification of number of lagging chromosomes in cells as illustrated in f. Fraction of cells with 1, 2, or 3 lagging chromosomes. n = 64 cells for control, n = 110 for TSA. Biological replicates: n = 2 (a–h). Scale bars, a,b, 250 nm section, 2 μm; tomogram slices and 3D model, 200 nm; d, 2 μm; f, 5 μm.