Extended Data Fig. 8. Movements predict activity evoked by sounds in visual cortex and HPF, and by videos in HPF.
a-c. Cross-validated correlation of the visual responses and their predictions for all mice, comparing 3 different models: one with videos only (“Visual”), one with eye and body movements only (“Behavioral”), and one with all predictors (“Full”) (**: p = 0.0078, n = 8 mice). d-f. Same as a-c but for auditory responses for the HPF recordings (albeit the low number of animals did not allow for conclusions on significance). (n = 5 mice) g-i. Same as a-c but for visual responses for the HPF recordings. j-l. Same as a-c but for auditory responses for the transectomy experiment recordings (**: p = 0.00049, n = 12 recordings across 3 mice). m-o. Same as a-c but for visual responses for the transectomy experiment recordings. All tests are two-sided paired Wilcoxon sign rank test.