Figure 3. Influence of SNP clusters on plasma TG, TRL/remnant-C, VLDL-C and LDL-C relative to change in apoB.
SNPs in the Tier 3 set were allocated to clusters according to the ratio of the effect on apoB relative to the effect on TRL/remnant-C. SNPs assigned to cluster 1 (n=553) are denoted by red circles; those assigned to cluster 2 (n=506) are denoted by blue circles. Unassigned SNPs (n=163) are indicated in grey. Effects are expressed as minor allele/major allele. Units for apoB are g/L and for TG, TRL/remnant-C, VLDL-C and LDL-C are mmol/L. SNPs in each cluster with the largest effect size for TRL/remnant-C, and their effect size ratios (apoB relative to TRL/remnant-C) are given in Supplementary Table 5.