(A-C) Images and quantification of presynaptic neurons (rabies and
fb double labelled) for Tlx3 brains in (A) S2 cortex ipsilateral,
in (B) motor cortices, and in (C) thalamus.
(D-F) Images and quantification of presynaptic neurons (rabies
and fb double labelled) for Sim1 brains, in (D) S2 cortex
ipsilateral, in (E) motor cortices ipsilateral, in (F)
thalamus. (G) Pie charts showing presynaptic input to S1 for both
IT neurons (left) and L1 projecting neurons that are
presynaptic to L5 neurons (right). (H) Pie charts
showing presynaptic input to S1 for both PT neurons (left) and
L1 projecting neurons that are presynaptic to L5 neurons
(right). Most input to IT and PT neurons was local. The
long-range input to S1 L1 was from S2, Visual (V1 and V2L), M1 and thalamus. For
IT neurons the bulk of the neurons presynaptic to these cells that also
projected to L1 were local neurons (89%). Presynaptic input to PT neurons in S1
was divided into 63% local and 37% long-range. The long-range input was from S2,
Visual (V1 and V2L), and M1. Presynaptic input to PT neurons that also targeted
L1 arose from local neurons (93% of the total input). Total number of neurons
counted in each mouse line, data from three brains each genotype, shown as mean
± S.E.M. Each dot in the graphs (in A-F) represents one
brain section. Abbreviations in A: i, ipsilateral; c, contralateral. Statistical
analysis with one-way ANOVA, Bonferroni post-hoc test, ****p>0.0001.
Analysis details in Tables 3A,
3B, 3D. Scale bar in A, B, D, E, 100 μm, in
C, F, 500 μm.