Fig. 1.
A Study Diagram: Cross-sectional Study to determine the prevalence of cardiac pathology in consecutively recruited participants with PTB in Lusaka, Zambia. 250 consecutively recruited participants with PTB will be matched to comparator participants without PTB on a 2:1 basis. Participants and comparators will undergo a comprehensive clinical assessment; functional assessments including Bandim TB score, WHO Performance status and six-minute walk test; point-of-care echocardiography; and 2D-echocardiography. B Study Diagram: Natural history study where participants with PTB will be followed up at 2- and 6-months to a) evaluate TB outcomes and b) determine change in functional status over time and c) biomarkers of inflammation and cardiac pathology in those with PTB with and without echocardiographic evidence of cardiac pathology at diagnosis. Legend: 6MWT = 6-min walk test