Figure 5. Relative fitness of clones from populations treated with neomycin.
Fitness (average ± s.e.m., n=6), compared to the ancestral PAO1, of (A) 9 plasmid-bearing clones (3 per population) after one step of selection with neomycin from day 8 to 9, and (B) 6 plasmid-bearing clones (2 per population) and (C) 9 plasmid free clones (3 per population) from the same populations at day 30. Note that, as predicted by the model, immediately after antibiotic exposure (day 10) the population is composed both of PAO1/pNUK73 clones with the compensation and with a relative fitness similar to that of the parental. At the end of the experiment, however, all the plasmid-bearing clones have had a fitness cost compensatory mutation. Note that one of the plasmid-bearing clones at day 30 is marked with a star (30S+_2_2). This clone was excluded from the statistical analyses due to discrepancies between the fitness measurements in tubes and 96-well-plates. The names of the clones are displayed in the x-axis and clones are arranged according to populations.