Table 1. Participant characteristics.
Characteristic | Controls N=22,320 N (%) | Cases N=22,301 N (%) | p valuea |
Age at diagnosis/interview mean± SD | 60.6±10.7 | 64.8± 8.0 | <.0001 |
Family history of prostate cancer No Yes |
10992(86.1) 1779(13.9) |
10300(77.9) 2918(22.1) |
<.0001 |
Gleason score 2-6 7 8-10 |
N/A |
8863(52.6) 5548(32.9) 2437(14.5) |
SEER Stage Local Distant Regional Unknown |
N/A |
13246(72.8) 883(4.9) 3555(19.6) 503(2.8) |
PSA at diagnosis (ng/ml) <100 ≥100 |
N/A |
12692(95.7) 565(4.3) |
Aggressive diseaseb No Yes |
N/A |
17504(82.1) 3812(17.9) |
Vital status Alive Prostate-specific death Other death |
4738(72.2) 0 1822(27.8) |
13794(85.4) 1233(7.6) 1134(7.0) |
<.0001 |
t-test for a continuous variable and chi-square test for a categorical variable
Aggressive disease is defined as a Gleason score of 8-10, PSA at diagnosis ≥100 ng/ml, distant stage or prostate cancer-specific death.