Figure 1. NPNT is selectively expressed in normal adrenal ZG, ZG-like APAs and ACCs.
(a). Microarray analysis of NPNT, comparing 8 ZF-like adenomas with 5 ZG-like adenomas
(b). qRT-PCR validation of NPNT, on mRNA extracted from 11 ZF-like APAs and 10 ZG-like APAs differentiated based on their genotypic mutations, as well as 6 ACCs.
(c). Microarray analysis of NPNT, comparing 20 paired ZF and ZG (each pair from the same patient), isolated via laser capture microdissection.
(d). Representative immunohistochemistry of NPNT showing selective extracellular localization in the ZG of adrenal adjacent to a phaeochromocytoma (4x magnification) (inset: 20x magnification).
e). Representative immunohistochemistry of NPNT comparing staining between ZF-like APA and ZG-like APA mounted on the same slide (4x magnification).
In a-c, bars represent mean expression per group±s.e.m. Statistical analyses were conducted by Student's t-test (a,c) or one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey's post hoc test (b). *P<0.05; **P<0.005; ***P<0.0005; NS, not significant. M, medulla; ZG, zona glomerulosa; ZF, zona fasciculata.