Figure 15.
A: Estimated rates of insulin secretion in the perfused mouse pancreas based on the experiment shown in Figure 14A and a total pancreatic insulin content of 50 µg (based on 0.008 g pancreas/g body weight, 0.25 μg insulin/g pancreas and a body weight of ≈25 g (69)). B: Rates of insulin secretion in vivo estimated by solving Eq. 1 using plasma insulin levels reported by (275) and a granule insulin content of 1.6 amol (294)(equivalent to ~8 fg of insulin). C: Pulsatile insulin secretion in humans. The red and black traces show a 3-min moving average of the plasma insulin and glucose concentrations of a normal subject upon glucose infusion (data modified from (363)). Note that increasing glucose by ~1 mM more than doubles plasma insulin levels during the first oscillation. D: Pulsatile insulin secretion measured using the perfused mouse pancreas preparation and a perfusion rate of ~0.3 ml/min. Data provided by Mr N Rorsman, Oxford.