Relevance of STAT3 in Ca2+ homeostasis and apoptotic response. MDA-MB-468 (A, B, E-H) or MDA-MB-453 cells (C, D, I-N), silenced or not for STAT3 (shS, shSTAT3; shC, sh control) were used as indicated. (A-D) ER Ca2+ content and release. To induce Ca2+ release from ER, the cells were challenged with ATP that evokes a rapid discharge from inositol 1,4,5-phosphate receptors (IP3Rs). (A, C) Representative traces are shown. ER calcium release (mean ± SEM) is quantified by the bars and expressed as μM/sec. (B, D) show the steady state Ca2+ content. Bars are mean± SEM of at least 8 traces from 3 independent experiments. (E, I) Apoptosis upon treatment with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), menadione (MEN) or etoposide (ETO), measured by cytofluorimetry of Annexin V/PI+ cells in the indicated cells. Bars represent the percentage of Annexin V/PI positive cells (mean±SEM from 5 independent experiments). (F-H, L-N) Cytoplasmic Ca2+ release was measured upon the indicated treatments. Bars are mean± SEM of 12 measurements from 3 independent experiments. The asterisks indicate statistically significant differences. *, p<0,05; **, p<0,005; ***, p<0,001.