Fig. 9. Phenotypes of the S. coelicolor harbouring the FtsZ wild-type gene (Ser-Ser), the FtsZ mutant mimicking duble phosphorylation (“Glu-Glu”) and the FtsZ mutant mimicking no phosphorylation (“Ala-Ala”).
A, macroscopic view of sporulated cultures 96-hours in SFM medium); the grey colour corresponds to spores. B, peptidoglycan staining (WGA staining) of vegetative hyphae (15-hours in GYM cultures). Arrows indicate septa. C, sucrose-free R5A liquid cultures; upper panel, growth curve (protein/ml); middle panel actinorhodin production; lower panel undecylprodigiosin production. D, macroscopic view of solid cultures; SFM and GYM at 72 h, MM at 96 h. Purple colour actinorhodin, red colour undecylprodigiosin (not visible at the time points shown).