(A) Schematic of the cross performed (top, strain PT1650xFY16897; see Table S1), maximum-intensity–projected images of bright-field channel (BF; top) and mitochondria labeled with Cox4-GFP (bottom) during the early stage (horsetail, left) and late stage (ascus, right) of meiosis represented in the intensity map to the right of the images. (B) Plot of mean normalized intensity of GFP (green lines) in the horsetail stage (HT; dashed lines, n = 20), ascus stage (Ascus; solid lines, n = 16), and the stages combined (All; thick solid line) across the length of the cell from the cross indicated in A (n = 36). Shaded regions represent SEM. (C) Representative maximum-intensity–projected image (left) and kymograph of a time-lapse movie of GFP channel (right) of meiotic cells resulting from the cross indicated in A, exhibiting the completely mixed phenotype. The intensity map is indicated to the bottom of the images. The numbers indicate the timestamp (hours:minutes). The white arrowhead points to the time when mitochondria start to mix. (D) Stacked bar plot of frequency of segregated, partially mixed, and completely mixed phenotypes observed in horsetail (light gray) and ascus (dark gray) stages from the data in B. In A and C, scale bars represent 2 µm and dashed lines represent cell outlines.