Fig. 3.
(a–e) HRTEM images of Cs4PbBr6–CsPbBr3 heterostructures formed upon partial conversion of Cs4PbBr6 NCs with PMAO (scale bars are 2 nm). Cs4PbBr6 domains are shaded in blue, and CsPbBr3 domains are shaded in green; (f) a magnified view of (c) and (g) the corresponding FFT image; and (h) ball-and-stick atomic model of the epitaxial interface built using VESTA software (ver. 3.4.6, the atoms are depicted as spheres with radii corresponding to 40% of actual atomic radii).47 Cs atoms in the model are colored in two different colors for clarity: in cyan for Cs4PbBr6 and green for CsPbBr3.