Figure 8. The extracellular and juxtamembrane domains of EphB1 are required for maximum efficiency in rerouting RGC axons ipsilaterally.
(A) Graph displaying the percentages of GFP+ ipsilateral projections for GFP, EphB1, EphB2, EphB1ΔSAM, and the chimeric EphB1-EphB2 receptors constructs. EphB1 regions are labeled blue, EphB2 regions are labeled red. *** labeled columns are statistically identical, with all of these mutants having significantly higher GFP+ ipsilateral projections compared to GFP alone (p < .0001) and compared to * labeled mutants (p < .05). (One exception is WT EphB1, which had a significantly higher percentage of GFP+ uncrossed projections compared to EphB1-B2T300 and EphB1-B2T6 mutants (p < .05)). * labeled mutants are statistically identical, with all of these columns having significantly higher GFP+ ipsilateral projections compared to GFP alone (p < .05, except for EphB2-B1T6, which is not significantly different from GFP) and a significantly lower GFP+ ipsilateral projections compared to *** labeled mutants (p < .05). Data represent mean ± s.e.m. ANOVA: F(9,121) = 13.59, p < .0001. All scale bars = 100 µm. (B) Summary of EphB1 and EphB2 chimeric constructs and their ability to convert crossed RGCs to an uncrossed fate. Both the juxtamembrane (JM) region and a portion of the extracellular domain (green domains on bottom bar) are required for maximal efficiency in giving rise to ipsilateral projections.