Fig. 4. Activation of p75 promotes phasic firing.
BDNF is a p75-specific ligand in sympathetic neurons and C2-ceramide mimics a second messenger generated by p75 activation. A. Plots of spike output versus stimulus amplitude show that bath application of 100 ng/ml BDNF (filled circles, n = 47) caused a significant decrease in spike output compared to saline (black line) or NGF alone (gray line; p < 0.001 Two Way ANOVA followed by the Tukey test). The p75 antagonist, REX, blocked this effect (open triangles, n = 10). C2-ceramide, 25 μM, also significantly decreased spike output compared to both saline and NGF alone (gray squares, n = 47; p < 0.01 Two Way ANOVA followed by the Tukey test). B. Bar plots of the percentage of spikes in the second half of the stimulus shows that both BDNF (dark gray bar) and C2-Ceramide (open bar) significantly induced phasic firing in sympathetic neurons (p < 0.05, Kruskall Wallace ANOVA on Ranks followed by Dunn's test). The p75 antagonist, REX, blocked this effect of BDNF (light gray bar).