Table 5.
DOMAIN I - Health Disparities (α = .872) | |
Learning Objectives | ri-t |
K-1. Define race, ethnicity and culture (DIK1c) | .507 |
K-2. Identify patterns of national data (D1K3) | .557 |
K-3. Describe patterns of health disparities (DIIIK5) | .593 |
K-4. Identify key areas of disparities (DIVK4) | .691 |
K-5. Discuss barriers to eliminating health disparities (DIVK6) | .690 |
S-1. Concretize epidemiology of disparities (DIS3) | .546 |
S-2. Gather and use data 2010 (DIIIS6) | .415 |
S-3. Critically appraise lit. on disparities (DIVS1) | .590 |
A-1. Recognize disparities amenable to intervention (DIVA1) | .667 |
A-2. Value eliminating disparities (DIVA3) | .653 |
DOMAIN II Community Strategies (α = .845) | |
Learning Objectives | |
K-1. Describe challenges in cross-cultural community (DIIK3) | .486 |
K-2. Understand population health variability (DIIK5) | .475 |
K-3. Describe community-based elements (DIVK5) | .645 |
K-4. Identify community beliefs and health practices (DVK1) | .607 |
S-1. Collaborate with communities (DIIS4) | .608 |
S-2. Describe methods to identify community leaders (DIVS2) | .605 |
S-3. Propose a community-based health intervention (DIVS3) | .647 |
A-1. Value and address social health determinants (DIIA3) | .607 |
DOMAIN III - Bias/Stereotyping (α = .827) | |
Learning Objectives | |
K-1. Identify how race and culture relate to health (DIK2) | .452 |
K-2. Identify physician bias and stereotyping (DIIIK2) | .577 |
S-1. Demonstrate strategies to address/reduce bias (DIIIS1) | .701 |
S-2. Describe strategies to reduce physician bias (DIIIS2) | .713 |
S-3. Show strategies to reduce bias in others (DIIIS3) | .615 |
A-1. Value historical impact of racism (DIVA2) | .529 |
DOMAIN IV - Communication skills specific to cross-cultural communication (α = .875) | |
Learning Objectives | |
K-1. Recognize patients’ healing traditions and beliefs (DIIK2) | .542 |
K-2. Describe cross-cultural communication models (DVK2) | .605 |
S-1. Discuss race and culture in the medical interview (DIS1) | .531 |
S-2. Elicit a culture, social and medical history (DVS1) | .660 |
S-3. Use physician assessment tools (DIS2) | .408 |
S-4. Elicit information in family-centered context (DIIS3) | .537 |
S-5. Use negotiating and problem-solving skills (DVS2) | .664 |
S-6. Assess and enhance adherence (DVS4) | .709 |
A-1. Respect patient’s cultural beliefs (DVA1) | .696 |
A-2. Nonjudgmental listening to health beliefs (DIIA2) | .610 |
DOMAIN V - Use of Interpreters (α = .857) | |
Learning Objectives | |
K-1. Describe functions of an interpreter (DVK4) | .767 |
K-2. List effective ways of working with interpreter (DVK5) | .735 |
S-1. Identify and collaborate with an interpreter (DVS3) | .685 |
DOMAIN VI - Self-reflection, culture of medicine (α = .803) | |
Learning Objectives | |
K-1. Describe the physician-patient power imbalance (DIIIK4) | .526 |
S-1. Recognize institutional cultural issues (DIISV) | .491 |
S-2. Engage in reflection about own beliefs (DIIIS4) | .641 |
S-3. Use reflective practices in patient care (DIIIS5) | .634 |
A-1. Value the need to address personal bias (DIIIA5) | .648 |
Cronbach’s α = .964 for the revised TACCT with 42 items |
Because the intraclass correlation coefficient = .905 between medical student and faculty responses on the new TACCT, item analysis statistics were computed using their combined, unweighed response data.
Correlations of each individual item within a domain and the sum score of the domain’s items, corrected by removing the contribution of the individual item from the total score.
For original 67-item TACCT domain (D) and knowledge/skill/attitude (K, S, A) learning objectives referenced in brackets [aren’t these technically parentheses?] in table 5, see