Fig. 4.
Identification of two frame-shift mutations in the β2m gene in RCC52 cells. a The sequence chromatograms of the β2m gene ORFs derived from RCC98 (served as a wild type) and RCC52 cells are shown. The reading frame-shifts at codon 6 and the reading stops prematurely at codon 7 in RCC52 cells (bracket, lower panel), as a result of single G deletion. b Nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence of the β2m gene exon 1 (codon 1 to 7) from RCC98 and RCC52 cells are shown. The mis-sense codon-deduced amino acid is typed in bold. c The sequence chromatograms of the β2m gene ORFs derived from RCC98 and RCC52 cells are shown. The reading frame-shift at codon 13 to 15 (in circle) and the reading stops prematurely at codon 55 in RCC52 cells, as a result of deletion of a CT dinucleotide. d Nucleotide sequences of the β2m gene exon 1 (codon 1 to 16) from RCC98 and RCC52 cells are shown for comparison