Figure 4. Sequence homology between the FPR family members and their tissue distribution.
The predicted protein sequences of the 3 human (h) FPR genes, the 8 mouse (m) Fpr genes, and the rabbit (r) FPR1 gene, were compared (Boulay, 1990; Ye, 1993; Gao, 1998; Wang, 2002). Based on sequence homology, the hFPR1, mFpr1, and rFPR1 are in the same cluster. The mFpr-rs1, mFpr-rs2 (also termed mFpr2) and mFpr-rs8 are in another cluster closely related to hFPR2/ALX and hFPR3. The mFpr-rs3, mFpr-rs4, mFpr-rs6 and mFpr-rs7, and to a lesser extent, mFpr-rs5, are closely related based on their protein sequences (see Table 4 for sequence identity between the gene products). Note that some of these genes are not expressed in neutrophils and monocytes. The tissue expression profiles for mFpr-rs4, mFpr-rs5 and mFpr-rs8 have not been determined. Mo, monocytes; PMN, polymorphnuclear leukocytes; DC, dendritic cells; iDC, immature dendritic cells; astro, astrocytes; T, T lymphocytes.