Figure 4.
Estimates for the reproductive number, and mean and variance of th serial interval. The results using the original data (solid line), imputed data (dashed e line) and augmented data (dotted line) are all shown using data with onset date no later than the value in the x axis. Augmented data estimates are not shown after Ap correspond, in part to those shown in Table 1. The fourth pane shows the contour ril 30, 2009 since less than 5% of the data is original data. These results correspond, in part to those shown in Table 1. The fourth pane shows the contour plot of the joint density estimate of the mean of the serial interval and the basic reproductive number for imputed data up thto and including April 27. The values of the contours correspond the estimated 25th, 50th, 75th and 97.5th percentiles of the joint density.