Figure 6:
Donor HLA specific antibodies positive (DSA+) LTxRs release lung self-antigens (SAgs) containing exosomes. Exosomes were isolated from plasma of LTxRs diagnosed with DSA (n=5) and from stable LTxRs (n=5) and were subjected to immunoblot. A) Western blot demonstrates that DSA+ LTxRs release exosomes with lung SAgs Col-V and Kα1T, but stable LTxRs do not. B) Densitometry analysis showed significant increase in Col-V (p=0.0286) and Kα1T (p=0.0159). CD9 was used as loading control marker. Data indicated as box-whisker graph (Col-V: median DSA+ve: 0.922 fold change, interquartile range 0.832-1.454, DSA−ve: median, 0.709 fold change, interquartile range 0.625-0.767; Kα1T: DSA+ve, median 1.005 fold change, interquartile range 0.844-1.185, DSA−ve, median 0.779 fold change, interquartile range 0.313-0.849). Experiment repeated two times. D: Donor specific antibodies (DSA); S: Stable