Figure 6. DCX+ cells in postnatal streams are interneurons.
a, c, e: P20 DCX+ cells in each stream express GAD67, Sp8 and SCGN respectively. b: Quantification of DCX/GAD67 co-localization in each stream. d: Quantification of DCX/Sp8 co-localization in each stream. f: Quantification of DCX/SCGN co-localization in each stream. g: Individual clusters express DCX, Sp8 and SCGN. h: Individual DCX+ cells express both Sp8 and SCGN. i, j, k, l: DCX+ cells do not co-localize with glial markers GFAP, OLIG2, SOX10 or IBA1. Scale bar a-l = 10μm. Scale bar g = 50um.