Representative sections of decidual tissue immunostained for TET2, PAR-1
and CD14 from women who were at term not-in-labor (TNL), women who were at term
in labor (TL), women who delivered spontaneously preterm with no clinical signs
of infection (sPTL) and women who delivered preterm with PPROM and clinical
signs of infection (iPTL). Specific antigen staining was highlighted in yellow
using the Measuring Images tool in the cellSens software. There was little
staining for TET2, PAR-1 or CD14 in women with TNL. Staining increased slightly
for TL but was markedly increased in sPTL and iPTL. The increasing pattern of
staining for TET2 and PAR-1 correlated with the macrophage marker, CD14.
Decidual cells did not expression TET2 or PAR-1. All pictures and analyses were
done with a 40X lens.