Figure 2.
A photomicrograph showing a CTb injection site into the raphe pallidus nucleus (RPa) and the overlying raphe magnus nucleus (RMg) (A), and a series of line drawings showing the maximal spread of CTb injections in all 17 cases used in our analysis, including three control cases that missed the medullary raphe (B-D). Light blue line indicates injection case RP1 (B), RP9 (C), RP15 (D); blue line: RP3 (B), RP10 (C), RP16 (D); pink line; RP4 (B), RP11 (C), RP17 (D); red line: RP5 (B), RP12 (C), RP19 (D); green line; RP7 (B), RP13 (C), RP20 (D); orange line: RP8 (B), RP14 (C). Scale bar = 500 μm. GiA: gigantocellular reticular nucleus, alpha part; LPGi: lateral paragigantocellular nucleus: py: pyramidal tract.