Trends in self-reported sexual behavior among female sex workers
participating in the Senegal PrEP demonstration project. Error bars represent
95% confidence intervals. Relationship between outcome and month since
initiation estimated from adjusted regression models fit using generalized
estimating equations assuming an exchangeable working correlation structure. (A)
Percent of participants reporting inconsistent condom usage in the last month
with clients (grey circles) and main partners (black Xs). Inconsistent condom
use is defined as not reporting always using condoms. Clients: odds ratio = 0.94
(95% confidence interval: [0.89, 1.00], p = 0.053); Main Partner: odds ratio =
0.99 (95% confidence interval: [0.96, 1.02], p = 0.53). (B) Average number of
reported clients in the last seven days among participants. Beta = −0.04
(95% confidence interval: [−0.12, 0.044], p = 0.35).