(A) Schematic of 2019-nCoV S primary structure, colored by domain. Domains that were excluded from the ectodomain expression construct or could not be visualized in the final map are colored white. SS= signal sequence, NTD= N-terminal domain, RBD= receptor-binding domain, SD1= subdomain 1, SD2= subdomain 2, S1/S2= S1/S2 protease cleavage site, S2′= S2′ protease cleavage site, FP= fusion peptide, HR1= heptad repeat 1, CH= central helix, CD= connector domain, HR2= heptad repeat 2, TM= transmembrane domain, CT= cytoplasmic tail. Arrows denote protease cleavage sites. (B) Side and top views of the prefusion structure of the 2019-nCoV S protein with a single RBD in the up conformation. The two RBD-down protomers are shown as cryo-EM density in either white or gray and the RBD-up protomer is shown in ribbons, colored corresponding to the schematic in Fig 1A.