(A) Representative ex vivo human TPEF RR color-coded images acquired from the healthy, LSIL, and HSIL cervical tissues shown in Figures 1 and 3. Optical sections are shown from various depths from the most superficial (top row) to the deepest layers (third column), along with corresponding 3D reconstructions of the full epithelial depth optical stacks. Scale bar, 50 μm for all 2D optical sections. Differences in color hues represent distinct metabolic RRs. Color bar is the same for all images. 3D reconstruction volumes correspond to healthy: 238 × 238 × 160 μm3/SIL: 238 × 238 × 120 μm3/HSIL: 238 × 238 × 60 μm3. See also Videos S1, S2, and S3.
(B–D) Mean overall RR outcomes (B), epithelial RR variability (C), and epithelial RR heterogeneity variability outcomes (D) for the healthy, LSIL and HSIL cervical tissues examined, as detailed in Figure 1. Healthy versus SIL comparisons are also presented. Exact p values shown; *significance at a = 0.05. Data are presented as quantile boxplots with median (white line) and 95% confidence diamond around the mean (gray diamond). Each point represents 1 optical image stack.