Figure 7. Relationship between Model Performance and Training Size/Records of Each Individual.
(A) The AUROCs achieved by our models as the training size increases from 0 to 1,500 individuals. The model reached satisfactory performance at around 500 individuals.
(B) The AUROCs achieved by our models as the training size increases from 0 to 19,000 records. The red line in (A) and (B) shows the lowest fit between AUROC and individuals/records in the training set.
(C) The distribution of records per individual in our dataset (both PD patients and healthy controls) and comparison of AUROCs when our model performs on groups of individuals with ≤2, 3–5, 5–10, and >10 total walking records (a walking record here denotes a full round of outbound, quiet standing, and return activities). The maximum of the x axis was cut to 100 for better display.