Table 1:
Participant | Age, sex | Who is cared for | Who is the main caregiver | Duration of caregiving | Living arrangement | Formal help or services |
T1 | Female, 38 | Father | Brother of T1 | X | Father is living with brother of T1 | No |
T2 | Female, 52 | Father | T2 | 1 year | Multigenerational house | No |
T3 | Female, 57 | Father & mother | T3 | 13,5 years (3,5 years at T3’s home) | Father lived with T3 Mother is living with T3 |
Yes |
T4 | Female, 52 | Mother | T4 | 8 years | Mother is living with T4 | Not anymore |
T5 | Female, 31 | Grandmother | Mother of T5 | X | Grandmother is living with daughter (T4) | Not anymore |
T6 | Female, 36 | Mother | Brother of T6 | X | Mother is living with brother of T6 | Yes |
T7 | Female, 56 | Mother | Son of T7 | X | Mother is living on her own | Yes |
T8 | Male, 49 | Mother | Wife of T8 | 4 years | Mother is living on her own | Yes |