Figure 4: αv deletion from B cells increases autoantibody production:
(A) (A-B) Serum titers of anti-RNA and anti-snRNP antibodies from 7–8 week old wild-type control, control Tlr7.1 tg and αv-CD19.Tlr7.1 tg mice (n≥11/group) (C) HEp-2 cell staining patterns of serum antibodies from 7–8 week old control Tlr7.1 tg and αv-CD19.Tlr7.1 tg mice. Two representative images are shown per genotype. Pie charts show summary of patterns for 5–6 mice/ genotype. (D) Serum IgM and IgG autoantibodies from 7–8 week old control Tlr7.1 tg (n=4) and αv-CD19.Tlr7.1 tg (n=3) mice measured using an autoantibody array chip containing 88 specific autoantigens. Data are shown as a heat map of Z-scores. Autoantigen class is shown, along with control antibodies (anti-KLH and anti-LPS).