The effect of intrathecal FA administration on high-intensity heat-evoked responses in IANX rats. A, B, PSTHs of Vc WDR neurons following 50°C stimulation of the maxillary whisker pad skin in sham-control rats (A) and IANX rats (B) at 30 and 60 min after start of FA perfusion and following washout (W). C–F, Response to 44°C (C), 46°C (D), 48°C (E), and 50°C (F) stimulation of the RF. Bars in A indicates the duration of 50°C stimulus of the maxillary whisker pad. Sham, Sham operation. *p < 0.05 (IANX rats vs sham-control rats); #p < 0.05, ##p < 0.01 (vs vehicle-administrated rats).