Surgical handling |
Easy for surgeons to add to defect |
3D-printing exact defect shape
Shapeable by surgeon (i.e. putty)
Trimmable material (i.e. sheet)
61, 90, 93–95
Stiffness |
Should not be stiffer than bone to avoid stress-shielding and not too soft to avoid material collapse |
Avoid stiff metal materials
Create composite structures to increase stiffness of soft materials
Cross-linking to add stiffness
78 and 91
Micromotion |
Limit to 28–150 μm of motion or else fibrosis will occur |
61, 79 and 93
Bacterial infection
Infection |
Killing bacteria or preventing bacterial adhesion to implant surface without antibiotics |
Nano-scale surface topography kills bacteria (i.e. pillars or unique patterns)
Compositional changes can kill bacteria or prevent attachment:
Antimicrobial peptides and enzymes
Hydrophobic coatings
Metal nanoparticles
Natural materials (i.e. honey, chitosan)
101–104, 113 and 115
Immune response
Macrophage phenotype |
M1 to M2 transition over weeks |
Porous material facilitates healing, >30 μm pore size to promote M2
Patterned surfaces or anisotropic pores promote macrophage elongation and M2 phenotype
121 and 123
Foreign body response (FBR) |
Avoid material causing FBR |
Degradation byproducts should not be cytotoxic or in high quantities
Particles sizes <2 μm can cause FBR and bone resorption
Avoid thick, hard to degrade materials
Avoid designing materials with points or sharp edges
Balancing multiple cell types
Mesenchymal stem cells, osteoblasts, and osteocytes |
Osteogenesis and differentiation to the bone lineage |
Metal particles such as zinc and magnesium can induce osteogenesis
Pore sizes > 50 μm can induce osteogenesis
Aligned fibers and pores promote bone formation over random orientations
Increasing stiffness increases osteogenesis
Mineral (Ca, P) promotes MSC differentiation and osteogenesis
Glycosaminoglycans (i.e. Chondroitin-6-sulfate, heparin sulfate) induce osteogenesis
75, 134, 138, 145 and 150
Osteoclasts |
Limit early resorptive activity of implant |
133 and 136
Pericytes and endothelial cells |
Promote angiogenesis and fully formed and functional vasculature |
Stiffer materials encourage angiogenesis and endothelial cell spreading
Aligned or channel-like pores can guide vessel formation
Larger pores are better at promoting angiogenesis
146, 148 and 149
Regenerative healing
Host bone regeneration |
New bone should form throughout the material without voids |
157 and 158
Material degradation |
Material degradation should match host bone regeneration |
Thinner materials allow for quicker degradation
Ideally a material should degrade within 3–6 months for CMF defect repair
Polymer chemistry can be modified to hasten degradation by pH changes, temperature, and hydrolysis
Mechanical stimuli can help to balance degradation and regeneration
6,155 and 156